#because emailing people about them being bitches is scary
phantomskeep · 1 year
anyone else feel like a raging karen whenever you have to send emails reminding people of policies they agreed on but then broke for special “exception” people? cause i do and i feel bad and i now have to get some “you wrote a scary email and you didnt die” support boba
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salted-caramel-tea · 7 months
the world has seen the gaza strip flattened . murdered civilians . murdered children . murdered babies . bitch i just saw a picture of the remains of a little girl plastered to a wall without the lower half of her body in rafah . a video of a palestinian doctor realising that the injured patient they were carrying past her was her daughter . we watched as people prayed to find hinde and we watched the israeli defence forces killed her family, hinde and the two red crescent workers who were given permission from the idf to help her . we watched palestinians starve, because the idf have been strategically bombing any source of food processing and have blocked paths of trucks carrying aid for palestinians and that public officials in israel have said that their AIM was to deprive the people of gaza of food water and fuel . not hamas, the people living and working on the gaza strip . civilians . which is a literal war crime by the way. we have watched israel take hostages and ‘release them’ only to recapture them as they try to pass back into palestine. we can see that israel have damaged every hospital in gaza so that none of them work at full capacity and use their propaganda machines (women with too much filler on tiktok) to push that THEY have working hospitals for EVERYONE who is injured . as if they’re not the ones causing mass injury and death and denying them humanitarian aid . and we watch people have surgeries amputations without painkillers because they’re not being given humanitarian aid and they don’t have fully functioning hospitals . we watch online as palestinians document what happens around them as they lose their families their homes and their livelihoods and express the immense fear and trauma of living in palestine and we watch as brainwashed israelis post swing like a metronome between posting about just how scary everything is right now to be living in israel and disproving their own narrative by posting about how safe they feel walking through tel aviv at 2am whilst palestinians can’t sleep through the fear of another air strike . we’ve seen the idf push civilians into rafah with the promise that they’d be safe there. it’s a haven for refugees . only to begin carpet bombing the most densely populated areas of palestinians right now . the place they promised they’d be fucking safe from gunfire and airstrikes . we’re not seeing defence we’re not seeing a country looking to save itself from terrorism we are seeing fucking genocide and ethnic cleansing they are TRYING to starve and kill and hurt palestinians and they’ve said as much . they’re trying to push them further south into egyptian territory so they can claim the remains of gaza for themselves and achieve israeli domination of palestine . don’t let your leaders fucking ignore it . don’t let rishi sunak say we as the u.k. stand with israel as children are lost and orphaned finding their parents bodies in rubble . pressure them directly write to them email them stand outside government buildings in protest . you should be fucking angry im fucking angry
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imstraight · 2 years
well ig since i walked out i can spill the real tea at my last job
extreme racism
extreme sexism/misogyny
extreme homophobia/transphobia (a supervisor targeted this trans girl who was so sweet)
sexual harassment on a daily basis. i reported it often and was laughed at. didnt really help that the worst of it was coming from managers/supervisors. so many incidents including getting groped by an 80 something year old dishwasher over the summer
cut hours with a promise we’d be back to full time (never happened the salaried bitches got a 1k bonus for sending 20 people home daily) none of us were approved for partial unemployment and couldn’t eat or pay bills
dishwashers got paid meals. cooks did not. we were threatened with termination if we ate uhhh it was called stealing. but we got a free shift beer which no normal person took! we were hungry and most people weren’t even 21
call out sick? no that’s a write up. you were expected to come in still and have a manager send you home. (this is why i walked out i just came back after 2 viral infections that almost killed me and my dr sent a note and i had medical paperwork as proof) any absence would be held over your head including covid, not coming in during a travel ban, etc…
begged for a raise. i did not get a raise. i was the only person with a soup talent. i can make a mean soup. i was told “i didn’t give enough back to the company”
do you care about your family? not allowed. your life was supposed to be just work
13 hour shifts at times no recognition no nothing
phones were not allowed to be even in your pocket (new rule riiight before i left) scary shit bc i watched my friend have an extreme family emergency and i had to step in and take her home
managers got fired for sexual harassment ONLY if they were caught with multiple minors. no adult accusations were believed
sick time that you would get in trouble for using
filthy work environment
expired ass moldy food
someone sent out a blade in salsa a customer actually found it idk how we weren’t shut down and no he didn’t get in trouble he just blamed someone else
food was sent out either overcooked or extremely undercooked
gas leak (i almost got fired for calling osha over the summer cause everyone was getting sick anyways it was still a problem when i left)
we had a fire one day on a GAS STOVE and my coworker was screamed at for grabbing a fire extinguisher. it was rusty and he couldn’t pull the pin. they got it out with corn starch 😺
drinking on the job (im not a buzzkill but it was extreme and these people would drive home hammered)
you want a raise? you have to fuck a higher up for that. this girl was fucking a supervisor and they got caught on the property multiple times. she got a raise. a girl who busted her ass working did not get a raise and she quit after she found out (she was very nice)
need flexibility because you have personal obligations? no you’re not giving enough back to the company
unpaid vacation that rarely got approved. over the summer i needed 2 days off for getting my college shit set up and my bf’s bday. i let this manager know over 5 times with notice. eventually i was tired of being ignored and went around her and sent a mass email to everyone else reminding them i would not be there. it was not a request i was NOT going to be there. they didnt like that too much
managers would regularly come in 30+ mins late. i had to step in and get shit set up for the day write out lists and get a good idea of what we had stocked (which was not my job)
FAVORITISM if you were a white man you were golden. all minorities were treated like absolute shit
good employees were threatened with termination over everything. they did not need a reason to fire you. they just did
harassment in general i almost got into full on fist fights trying to defend myself after people came at me
hr cared about the company. owners cared about the company. management cared about the company. they did not give a fuck about employees at all
no one had manners this bitch almost knocked me out with a door she dropped a box on my head. she never said “behind, sharp” yk all the common kitchen etiquette. i was advised by a manager to stab her?
benefits? nonexistent. i did get covid relief for 40hrs which they didn’t want anyone to know about. i told everyone (we were encouraged to come in with covid just wear masks)
annoying ass rude ass people that wanted to mansplain everything even if they were in different departments LOL. i cussed out people on a daily basis. it got to the point grown ass men were afraid of me because they didn’t expect me to fight back
good workers were threatened the shitty ones were promoted
and much more!
honestly fuck that place with everything in me. i have been debating on blowing them in for labor laws and sooo much illegal shit. they would get shut down for many incidents i didn’t get into
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erectedingold · 11 days
Life Update
Writing this on my phone, think i might rn getting a little sick 😓
but lots going on rn, started school & tbh as i get older i realize school ain’t that bad bro! im so thankful for my classes & i dropped a science class cause fuck science i hate that shit SO MUCH. but when i was doing that i mentioned in my email to my guidance counselor the college im wanting to go to & she says to me “you probably won’t get in your gpa isn’t there & your SAT scores aren’t there as well, maybe check out *college*”
first of don’t talk to me like that. i know academically i am far from great but my talent & ambition outweighs ALL of that. never tell an artist they can’t go to an art school they deadass don’t even have math classes there dude like who tf do you think you are? i know my talent & what i can & cannot do so don’t doubt me ever again bitch LMAO. second don’t tell me where YOU think i should go. like please. i am being so fr don’t ever tell me where i belong because ill go where i want. so watch yourself the next time you talk to me.
that whole interaction ruined my day. my whole life i’ve been doubted but i know who i am & what i can do.
but i wrote my essay & it’s amazing, & now im gonna get 2 letters of recommendation from my teachers. one from my english teacher & the other from my business teacher. then i got 2 open responses i need to write for & then i can send my applications. if i don’t get into this school im applying for in boston idk what ima do tbh, im applying to one in NY & one in NYC but like fuck bro i’d rather one here in boston especially when i have friends here. also applying to one in california 😴
but back to school, i think the older i get the more i realize how EASY shit is, my math is easy, my english is easy, intro to psychology easy, history is a joke, & my related class is easy. it’s just managing time in the class room like damn it makes me annoyed that my senior year of high school i don’t have anxiety with school anymore 😭 is what it is though that just makes this year easier for me 🙏
my new film is dropping tomorrow i’m really nervous for it i’ll be honest idk why, im afraid of it getting NO views but also it doesn’t matter it’s my art & im proud of it 😴 it don’t matter what anyone thinks because i do it for me 🤷 i make art because creating makes me feel alive. that’s what i do it for, i make because its second nature to me, it’s like breathing i don’t think about to at all it comes so naturally to me & im truly blessed to have my brain this way.
i hope everyone who views it can feel the passion though 🙏
I’m also not taking any disrespect anymore, i’ve been on my journaling shit & some more self development. i’m going to start reading more because i want to be a better writer & also expose myself to more challenging material. i’ve been watching more international films which has been on my list for a while, subtitles aren’t that scary guys! enjoy the art made around the world never let a language barrier stop you from that.
but also finally just more self discovery on my end & solidifying my boundaries whether people like it or not because i will NOT allow myself to be disrespected in my one life. idgaf if it’s just “jokes” because my perception is my reality & if your joke is disrespectful then shut the fuck up 🤷 i also won’t be giving my energy to people who don’t match or or appreciate me. you don’t deserve me. there some people who i show nothing but kindness & give the biggest helping hand to when needed & i don’t get that energy back so guess what im not trying anymore because you’re not worth my time. simple as that.
i’m not going to give pieces of myself to people who no longer deserve it. i know that i always have good intentions & share my kindness always & i will no longer allow myself to be a doormat. people have mistaken my kindness for weakness & i won’t let them mistake it anymore.
i don’t have to have everyone like me or respect me so boom if you don’t get out of my life i don’t need you because when i look in the mirror i love myself & respect myself & that’s all i need. as long as you have yourself you have somebody.
i’m also cutting out some bad habits that i started that have been damaging to myself. i deserve better because i love me.
i am proud of me & who i’m becoming. ive been making big changes this year & im telling you 2025 will be the year of diego. im manifesting it.
but yeah i’ve been getting closer with my dawg nathan much respect & love to him always. amazing & talented filmmaker who is my best friend dude & im happy me & him have gotten closer recently. we both got broken up with around the same time & we’ve talked like everyday since dude, the universe has plans for us. we’re gonna be great i can feel it.
&& speaking of universe that’s another thing. the universe has a plan for everyone including you reading 🙏 if you feel lost something will happen to bring you onto the right track of self discovery & self love. keep going even when it’s hard because the reward will be great. i have full trust that everything i manifest will come to life & i’ll reach all my goals.
thank you for reading this blog post, lots of changes in my life & i am human & experiencing & living & breathing & feeling emotions. thankful for my mind.
- Diego Muñoz
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hospitalterrorizer · 9 months
here's a photo i found in a magazine on internet archive today that feels too apt to not put on tumblr dot com:
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anyway i emailed me resume to that kbbq place.. i can't wait to wash dishes and think about killing myself every day. i already do that but it's less, i dunno, meaningful, it's just like, yeah that's something that happens sometimes. maybe it'll just be that when i wash dishes again. it probably will be. i'm just a stupid dramatic bitch.
anyway that picture is really funny, it's too much, it's probably been posted like a million times, it's such perfect fodder for what people put up here usually.
anyway here's some other stuff i was finding from old gyaru fashion mags (looking for references for cover art):
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a very young girl thing of me to do, stare at fashion mags to absorb their ways of expressing / presenting reality, graphical means and so on. but i guess everybody is like that in their own ways. guys staring at old mde videos for inspiration are more young girls than me, at least i know these are kind of psycho. this is a vapid way to think but it's funny, which is why i am doing it.
mde is on the mind because my gf started watching fishtank recently. it seems mostly insane and evil, but that's fascinating to see so i get her watching it. it's the next generation of jerry springer, i think, or other shit like that. drama youtube and fishtank, that's the next generation of trashy reality tv. it's scary to me that this stuff just won't disappear, an evil impulse in spectacular societies, to not ever look away from these kinds of systems that make people behave certain ways, and to goad people into being insane to feel like you see the evil parts of culture or whatever. or not just evil, the ugly degenerate stuff, to feel like you can always sense that. fishtank really seems to love that for its 2nd season.
anyway sam hyde is such a piece of shit, too much breath here has been wasted on that freak pedophile.
anyway today, since i got to every song re: mixing finally, i decided to listen to the album as i have it rn, at first i was a little over an hour but i cut songs, now it's 48 minutes. i'll say there's room for +/- 1 min (really like 1 min 30 w/ short songs). but idk. i should see if i can shorten some of the songs here naturally, like if they have parts that repeat too much, take too long to get to their points, whatever. there's one song that's a maybe, it depends on if i can get it to sound right and find the right place for it. i love the song, so i want to keep it in the album. i should see if there's any short song rn that i don't want to keep, but i feel really attached to them all. actually there's another maybe too, both need to be placed right i think. they both kind of stick funny in the album. they need to fit in a bit better, idk how to do that w/ the second one but i like it a lot, there's just a part that's not right yet i think, in terms of how it sounds, it could be a bit crazier, louder, noisier maybe.
when i listened i took notes on some of the songs that needed special attention at the front of the record, i got through 6 of those, the list is of 8, so 2 more tomorrow and then i go through and listen again and try to see what else needs to change.
there's like 33 songs, so there's still a lot to get through but if i can maintain this pace/something like this pace, i'll be very happy.
right now i am just thinking about how my misanthropy comes in waves, but for a long time now, it's been given no reason to recede. something about pessimism is basically addictive but i don't think i'm in some mental-opiate haze, where i am, about people, at least some of them. it feels solidly under my feet, i know something totally pyrrhic, so many people i know, i have to keep asterisks on my relationships with them, because they just say awful things or reveal things. communist friends, even, maybe them especially. it's not about my feeling that i'm better even, it's just this overwhelming being used to finding out someone you know says "i'm glad (x) is transphobic too", to someone you know, a closer friend meeting someone from online. it's like, i knew he felt that way, i knew the person he was talking about felt that way too, my friend probably knew too, he is frustrated because it's stupid that anyone would decide to confide this in you. when pushed on it, this person who i guess is still basically something like a friend said "well it's because of andrea dworkin. it's feminist," which is so stupid and gross. i hate what radical feminism means now, or in the hands of people like that, i also hate that i basically know and expect this kind of thing from people who are close friends w/ this other friend (with asterisks) because she sort of becomes their whole moral/political compass because she's the kind of person who you want to agree w/ you or tell you that you're fine and whatever.
beyond this, other insane social failures that have left my friends, my closer ones who i don't have to put asterisks on, miserable and paranoid. not a terrible sort of paranoid, like this other guy i knew, who believed the satanic panic was real and all kinds of other shit. he also was vaguely transphobic, worried about the biopolitical consequences of hrt. seeing that problem and not questioning the broader circumstance that put us here, and instead accepting the reactionary assumption that this kind of thing is wasteful and dangerous from the jump, and feeding a fantasy or whatever. messing with your body is too far. he accepted people otherwise though, the paranoid guy, he was very catholic and maybe just not sure of things entirely. transphobic is ultimately only half right for these people, he really did accept people, when i told him about diy hrt, he was shocked and it seemed to change his mind on something, i couldn't tell what. but his obsession with child abuse cults and conspiracies broadly made him impossible to really talk to. he was also a communist. i am not complaining about communism, just expressing that these are not fascists.
i don't really know what i'm talking about. a lot of these people are just so frustrating. i don't know why they are like this.
i am getting tired now, so
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delmege · 1 year
BECAUSE I feel like I am constantly in a 'deciding what to do with my life' position and that I keep making the wrong decisions. because if I made the right ones, surely I wouldn't still be trying to decide?
it might be a grass is always greener thing. because that's a depression thing, too, in that i can tell myself if I do X, then I'll be happpier when actually, I will still be depressed. I am going to look into therapy; I really am. I want to. but it's hard to give a shit when you don't actually give a shit about yourself, y'know?
i think i've been trying to tell myself that I want to quit my job and do this degree because it will give me clarity for four years. for four years, i won't have to face this problem again because I'll be doing the degree. but then the degree will end and I'll be having to make a decision and it will possibly be an even harder one because I'll have been out of the workforce for four years, because I'll be that much older, because I won't have a house anymore and will have that much less money and yes, I know that that's a situatio plenty of 36-year-olds are in but it scares the shit out of me
and I know, I know, do it scared, do it anyway, blah blah blah but everything scares me so it doesn't actually help me make a decision. none of the options appeal because I just straight up want a different life -- even though, no, of course I'm not doing the things I should be in order to get to that different life!
I don't have to move! I could probably get it right here! I just have to DO things! I have to START stuff, join clubs, GO to the fucking office when I'm supposed to and see people. horror of horrors do the fucking dating apps again -- or, realistically, like, at all because when have I ever used them properly?
I remember being 21 and writing about I felt like I was decaying because my life was just going on and I was doing nothing about it but sitting in my parents' house and staying up too late and being depressed and now here I am, 31 and in my own house this tim ebut staying up too late and being depressed and not having a clue what to do and feeling like I'm wasting my life because I'm not making the most of it because i'm TOO FUCKING SCARED
I didn't used to be. Bitch, I flew to Australia by myself, after the worst year of my life, to try to live there for a year. I moved to Wolverhampton to do an apprenticeship in baking even though I didn't know anyone there. I dropped out of university twice to try to find the thing I wanted to do. I've done scary stuff
the problem is that none of that shit worked out for me. I was so scarred and so mentally ill that despite getting TWO jobs in Australia, I couldn't do either of them and I went home after two months, admitting complete defeat. the apprenticeship turned into the worst year of my life when my disordered eating completely took hold and i started self-harming. dropping out of uni, well, that was mental health shit too, I just didn't understand it.
every decision I have made has felt wrong. I have NO idea how to find direction in my life because all the directions I want to go in require me to have a gazillion pounds already OR to live life in poverty and I can't do that.
constantly coming back to the quetsion of like... how the fuck do people live? no, seriously.
I mean, I do actually know. because if I had a full life outside of work, I probably wouldn't be this miserable; I probably wouldn't be this desperate to make a drastic change. I'm just lonely and alone and I spend too much time by myself because I don't have friends here anymore (and let's not get onto THAT topic because I am feeling INCREDIBLY sensitive atm about being left out and friends not talking to me etc).
I know I have to make changes. I know I have to do that. I started exercising and then that went to hell because my back is still fucked. I have emailed a woman about piano lessons. I'm going to find that therapist I emailed months ago and actually reply to her. I know I can fix some stuff, if not all of it. I know that I have to be the one to do it. I know that. I do. Nothing is going to come along and just fix my life, not even really if I won the lottery; it would make shit a HELL of a lot easier but I'd still have work to do
I know it's never too late and I'm still young and there's still time but every day there is a little LESS time and I dread being 40 and looking back on my thirties in the same way that I look back on my twenties now.
I should probably start doing morning pages again. maybe I will. that will give me something to do in the morning to get out of bed for that isn't my job. it would be a good place to put all of this shit.
I know I should go to bed. absolutely. objectively. idk i probably wont though, not tonight. i'm sick of being in bed. i'm sick of having to force myself to get OUT of bed. I start my day, every single day, doing the thing I hate the most. every day starts badly because it starts with getting out of bed. and boy what a sad, pathetic sentence.
anyway i'm off to cry now
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kombuuuu · 1 year
sophomore year is the second year of american high school! i actually just finished that and am going into my junior year, @ anon i promise it's not scary.
be confident but not cocky, ykwim? enjoy yourself, hold that chin up high, because i promise [ and i mean this in the kindest way possible ] no one cares about your appearance as much as you think they do. just don't come with your ass hanging out and you'll be fine :) unless you have a uniform, wear literally whatever you want. go in with pajamas and a hoodie or doll yourself up, you may get a compliment or two, but literally just dress however you feel the happiest
don't feed into any big drama. at all. you can listen, you can gossip, but do not do anything to involve yourself. THAT'S when people start looking at you funny and THAT'S when you start to hear your name in other people's mouth. if someone's tells you something juicy take it in and leave it be, do not spread anything without permission [ unless you're telling your mom, which is what i do if my friends tell me a secret i'm not supposed to tell any of my other peers lmao ], and you'll be fine.
also, biggest thing? grades. even if you don't plan on going to college, start preparing for your junior year because that's the year that colleges, jobs, etc. focus on. everything matters, but ESPECIALLY junior year. make yourself look good, if you can't get straight A's then fuck it, shoot for B's. do the best you can and show that you're doing the best you can. try to form some kind of nice relationship with your teachers because, even if it's not a letter of recommendation for college, you will want them to be on your side and vouch for you if you ever need it. try some extracurriculars if you have time and energy because those always look good on a brag sheet, but don't overwork yourself. sports, clubs, even just volunteer work!
and speaking of, DO NOT OVERWORK YOURSELF. literally just don't. i know it's hard but try to maintain a decent sleep schedule ( at least five hours if you can't get nine ) get your work in on time, download all the apps and stuff you use to cheat ( work smarter not harder, photomath and mathpapa and quizlet will be your bestest friend ), if you need help with work? having trouble with a problem, didn't understand the lesson, need extra time? ask for help. please. i know it's hard, i know it's scary, but you have to get good at speaking to people and asking for help. if you don't want to go up to your teachers in person, a formal email saying "hey mx. xyz, can i stay during lunch so i can get help with this worksheet?" will do you wonders.
and most importantly: have fun!! because junior year will be very hard on you. it's not like you're being sent to toil away in the mines, but be ready for a lot of stuff to be dumped on you because junior year is when they start harassing you about college, your future, your resume, jobs, etc etc and it's a LOT. so enjoy your sophomore year, make friends, participate in school events, better yourself! look in the mirror and let yourself know that you're good looking and ready to face the day- even if you're not, fake it till you make it, right? gaslight yourself until you believe that you ARE that bitch
and lastly because this is way too long, speaking of school events, this is the biggest tip for sophomore year: no one is too cool to take part. if there's a pep rally, spirit week, a dance, a party, whatever? participate if you can/want to and have fun. in my school, we bully the people who try and make fun of everyone participating in spirit week, because they're quite literally the odd one out when everyone else is walking the halls in costumes for character day and they look like average joe. bullying is necessary sometimes. that is one of those times.
SORRY FOR PUTTING AN ESSAY IN YOUR INBOX KOMBU! but this is for all of my rising sophomores: it will be okay. i promise. from the bottom of my heart, you'll find your people and make it out of high school and you will be okay. i know you can do it!!!
anon i’m literally in tafe and i just read this entire thing.
everything about this was perfect
don’t even apologise this was the most accurate piece you could’ve written
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x3 thoughts
Brendan Hunt confirmed on Twitter that the writers wrote the first three episodes of the season with the intention of releasing them on the same day, just as they dropped the first three episodes of season one on the same day. Having finally watched the first three over three different weeks, I really wish they’d been able to launch all three on the same day. I really liked the first two episodes of the season, but the third episode really puts a lot of things into context. Between the political storyline, the return of Sassy (and a bit of a level-setting conversation between Sassy, Rebecca, and Ted) and Rebecca’s navigation of her professional life as an all-in club owner and her experience reconnecting to Nora...all of that feels like we’re done setting up the season now. Exposition complete—and to the writers’ credit, all three of these episodes are far more than exposition. A lot of story has happened.
So much so that this week’s installment has categories.
Sassy and Ted and Rebecca
No, seriously though, I love that they are mature adults about this and I also love that Ted is Uncomfortable and, to be perfectly honest, I like that Sassy’s aggressive unfilteredness becomes an opportunity for the show to venture into more sexual references and humor about characters other than Keeley and Roy. It was a lot of information!
I’ve seen a couple of people express disappointment that Ted seems weirded out by Sassy discussing Nora’s impending first period, but I didn’t get the impression that he was grossed out by periods. There is a lot going on! Nora is right outside the room with the door open and Sassy has run through a lot of very personal topics! I felt like his reaction was more about the proximity issue in specific and the personal nature of the conversation in general more than anything else.
So many thoughts about the intersection between the biscuits and this conversation that it had to go in its own post.
I LOVE Nora. I want every episode of this show to be about her. I want this sitcom to be called Nora Collins.
I love that Nora’s a little bit sassy (pun on her mother’s nickname only lazily intended) in the way a thirteen-year-old can be, but also enthusiastic about spending time with Rebecca and genuinely interested in meeting everyone her godmother knows. Rebecca genuinely hurt Nora, but Nora can clearly see that Rebecca is all-in on their mended relationship, and that gives her the space to be a bit teasing. She knows Rebecca’s weaknesses and has a little fun (the cooking joke when Rebecca offers to make popcorn?!) but also isn’t going to manipulate her or take advantage.
The British doll company and all the riffs on American Girl dolls, OMG. So good.
Like literally everyone, I am extremely into Rebecca and Roy actually being friends and exchanging words with each other this season. Now everyone in the group of four mains have had some great conversational moments with each other this season (I count Ted and Keeley being into Sharon’s bike as a great conversational moment, OK?!), with the exception of Roy and Ted. Cannot wait for that.
During the photo op with the team, Sassy and Rebecca remark on how Nora is loving and hating having her picture taken with Sam and the rest of the players, and that is THE experience of being thirteen years old, and Kiki May does an incredible job infusing all of Nora’s moments with the right proportions of enthusiasm to cringe. Thirteen years olds are constantly cringing but still full of spirit and life, and at constantly changing ratios, and Nora is the perfect embodiment of that.
My heart melted during the email-writing scene. Rebecca’s writing the email on Nora’s computer! In the guest room where her goddaughter is staying! They’re wearing pajamas! And Rebecca’s smile is so genuinely huge and delighted when she signs it “boss ass bitch.”
Led Tasso and Jamie’s Redemption
This was so stupid and I loved it so much. I love that Ted’s angry alter ego is absurd rather than scary, kind of like a parody of how worked up some men get over sports. I wonder if Led Tasso’s appearance in some way foreshadows a more uncontrolled, genuine anger from Ted in a later episode, because this Led Tasso dude is ridiculous.
Tentative kudos to Led Tasso for being able to point out the, ahem, clit of the soccer ball even from within a fugue state.
The entire Chuck E. Cheese exchange with Sharon was so hilarious and wonderful.
When Ted has the idea to bring out Led Tasso, Nate assumes he’s going to suggest that Jamie talk to Sharon. I absolutely adore the implication that Jamie’s growth over this episode is attributable to both Led Tasso and Sharon Fieldstone. Because while some players are still unmoved by Jamie’s willingness to stand up to Led, it didn’t go unnoticed! And then I was so proud of Keeley for refusing to take on the emotional labor of listening to Jamie when she was too busy with her actual job, and I felt that Jamie’s pretty immediate willingness to see what the therapy thing was all about was extremely in line with his character. He’s always seeking out Keeley to talk, and sometimes he actually means “talking” when he asks to talk with her! Jamie feels like someone who’s standing at a wall of doors, knocking on each one, trying to see what sticks. He really lacks foundation. I’m curious to know what he and Sharon spoke about in their session, but I like that the writers left the session private. The knowledge that he’s started seeing a psychologist is valuable information in and of itself, and Jamie’s decision to act in solidarity with Sam and the other Nigerian players is the perfect evidence that he’s thinking in new ways.
Sam and Dubai Air
Toheeb Jimoh is always great, but he’s so great in this episode. It’s cool to see his demeanor, pacing, and confidence shift as he becomes more at home with the team—and it’s also lovely to see that he, unlike Jamie, very much has a strong foundation in his home country, his supportive parents, his own moral center.
I like that Sam didn’t spend a bunch of time and emotional labor on teaching Jamie why caring about other people (and the environment!) matters, because that would’ve undercut the other political messages in this episode. Sam’s leading by example and everyone can either catch up or stay out, and it’s really great.
I really like the way they handled the press conference with Ted and Sam. I like that Ted gave the floor to Sam but prefaced that with very brief (for once!) remarks of his own. And I appreciated that Ted acknowledged his position of privilege, and that the angle isn’t that bad things never happen to white dudes but rather that when bad things do happen to people like Ted, it gets attention with so much less effort than when bad things happen to people who aren’t white men. Because that’s how privilege works—it’s not a shield that prevents bad things from happening to you, but it’s a safety net that ensures people will notice and address and even pitch in to take care of your bad things, often at the expense of the people who lack that privilege.
There’s probably lots of other stuff I could talk about, like the hilariously and realistically bad usernames on Bantr and Keeley brushing her snacks off the desk and into her purse and how things between Beard and Jane are clearly very, very bad and I’m worried about Beard and how it was soooo fun and lovely to see Shannon teasing Ted again (little coffee and football rituals before work are the kinds of details I absolutely live for) and HIGGINS PRETENDING REBECCA SENT HIM A BRILLIANT AND HEROIC EMAIL (which she does for real with Nora’s help just a couple scenes later!) and how delighted I was to feel that by this episode this season has really hit its stride and feels like a fully lived-in portrayal of the energized, loving, imperfect, busy, full place that is the whole AFC Richmond community. Honestly, Higgins pretending Rebecca sent that email because he wants to make her look good in front of her granddaughter is kind of the perfect encapsulation of what this episode felt like. This is a show about a bunch of imperfect people who want each other to succeed.
Edited to add: I was delighted to find out Ashley Nicole Black was writing for the show and the writing here did the opposite of disappoint! ❤️
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nelliebrookstone · 3 years
( BRIANNE HOWEY, 29, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER ) * hey, i’m looking for the office of ELEANOR ‘NELL’ BROOKSTONE. they’re the EMPLOYEE who’s known around the office as THE BURN BOOK, if that helps ? not to be a gossip, but i’ve heard that they’re SUPPORTIVE but PETTY, is that true ? i also heard that they’re the one who CRIED IN THE BATHROOM BECAUSE SOMEONE TOOK HER YOGURT. anyways, here’s the coffee they ordered.
Greetings Earthlings, my name is Asha I am simply a fellow human from planet earth looking to hang out with my cool friends at the Build-A-Bear. I’m excited to be here! I have more information on Eleanor (nellie if you know here, nell if you don’t) below the cut! If you give this a lil like I’ll slide into your exclusive tumblr DMs to plot! 
So, who is Nell? Well let me tell you. As far as most people know, Nell is a former Masters Model turned Head of Talent Management for models. She’s a mix of sweet Alabama charm and scary dead smile energy, and she always has a compact for you to borrow in her purse. Most people know she always has a perfect french manicure and knows most people by first name. You might also know she recently divorced Parker and is no longer using his last name, please do not call her Mrs. Carson she’ll cry in the bathroom and then leave you a bad yelp review. You’re not even on yelp, you say? She’ll make one for you and then leave a bad review. 
But like a curated Insta, this ain’t it folks. So buckle up. (I say this dramatically but tbh she has had a pretty stable life)
Nellie grew up in a smallish town in Alabama. If you ask her, it wasn’t small at all. But it certainly was compared to large city centers, and definitely compared to New York. It was the kind of town where everyone knew your business, and Nellie had a lot of business. 
She was a teen queen! Head cheerleader, student president, shining volunteer of the county and Lady Alabama of 2010 (not to be confused with Miss Alabama, but if you ask her it’s basically the same thing). She was very involved in her community and her parents were well known in the area for their construction company. Everyone loved her that she was like the golden child of the town.
It was a great, privileged life! Her parents got married young, had a bunch of kids, and had the means to care for them! Her parents also have a very genuine love story, still passionate about each other years later. She and her sisters (all five of them) have always wanted a life like their parents’. 
The one difference between her and her parents remained her desire to roam and see the world. She wanted to travel, or at least live in a place where she could meet new people from new places. Moving to New York seemed like a great place to get some experience, though if you ask her mother she probably got the idea from some dumb TV show. She did. It was a lot of shows. And a lot of movies. There were a ton of romantic comedies that TRULY shaped this desire. 
she started sending in applications to various schools in New York. She was an honor list student with a lot of extra-circulars and passion to be at these places that shown through on all her apps. She got many a rejection, the one from Columbia was the hardest. It was the worst thing that ever happened to her at the time, so you can imagine how her life must have been. 
She DID get accepted to NYU for Public Relations! CHEERS ALL AROUND! She was so excited. She was gonna see the world and be a big city bitch 10/10. In college, she was quickly involved in everything from various clubs, to sorority, to trying to get involved with the community. It didn’t work out as well. New York was just such a different town...in that it was...big. And she wasn’t used to that. 
But she did meet a funky guy named Parker Carson! And they fell in love! And here is a short synopsis of their relationship: 
they met at a department store. Parker looked a little lost in the dress shirt area so she helped him pick out an outfit and the rest was, as they say, history. 
they had a great relationship at first, full of love and passion and fun times. he had a pokemon tattoo, she used to play pokemon snap. what a team! 
but really, they had a great time together...which led them to get married real early. In fact, for Nell, this was even a little late. She thought she’d be married with kids by 23. 
a lot of little things led to their downfall, but it can be boiled down to not fully understanding what it takes to live with another person who doesn’t mesh with your lifestyle. A big issue for Nell was kids. She wanted them, right then and there. He didn’t! No one’s fault, but it seemed to be a block they couldn’t get over. 
they’re divorced now. it’s fresh. she’s got a lot of conflicts about it. She cannot believe she is divorced before 30. she cannot believe she doesn’t have kids by now. She is under the impression she’s run out of time for everything, which is not true at all but it’s how she feels. She’s none too fond of the man at the moment. 
But listen! Nellie is a fun girl! She’s got a lot of ~zest~ for life and likes to do new things and try new places. She’s also just as comfortable spending the day at home on the couch with everything she needs within arms reach. She seems like someone who would be into partying but that’s really not her scene. She’s a brunch girl, a drive-thru movie theater girl, and an all-day 90 day fiance girl. She has an addiction to cherry cokes and always misses her stop on the subway because she gets distracted listening to her music and zoning out. She cries a lot during sad AND happy movies and can’t eat pork because she once knew a pig named Babe (no relation to the famous babe). Her favorite animal is the octopus and she volunteers with the homeless shelter every weekend. 
All of this doesn’t really come across in her work persona. She always seems like she’s extremely put together and very good at what she does. She’s quick, snappy, and not afraid to speak her mind. She’s a master at the backhanded compliment and is the master of the delayed burn (you won’t know you’ve been roasted until she’s down the hallway). She has a very charming way of speaking with a thick southern accent and tons of sayings that no one knows the meaning of, but sometimes that Nice Southern Girl smile comes out and you know she would be stabbing you if such an act were socially acceptable. Despite this, Nellie doesn’t think she’s a mean person. 
But I’m sure there are MANY people who think she is. Because...sometimes she is! No one is perfect, and she definitely has a reputation of being a major pain in the ass if you’re on her bad side. Nell remembers EVERY slight against her. Oh, she remembers when you commented on the amount of emails she sends. She remembers when you mentioned that you thought her font type was a little too bold. She remembers it all...and stores it in her mental burn book. 
This also happens often because she is...pretty sensitive. And because she’s going through a divorce, which is NOT what she had planned for in life, she’s like a stubbed toe away from a full cry every day. She’s started to invest in waterproof mascara but it’s not working out. She really DID cry in the bathroom over her yogurt. She also came back the next day and wrote a VERY angry letter on the fridge titled ‘to the person who likes to take things that don’t belong to them, I hope your mother knows she raised a THIEF.’
As petty as she can be, she’s also a great person to have in your corner. If you’re a friend, she will fight for you to the end. She’s very loyal and will often drop whatever she’s doing if you need her. She can be very generous, no expenses spared to lift up someone she loves. If you’re a friend of hers, she’s a great friend. The kind you can call at 2 am when she’s dead asleep and she’ll still come help you move out of your shitty ex’s apartment. 
Basically, Nell is a whole lot of things. Not all of them are great. But she likes to think of herself as a good person that cares about other people. She generally is! She’s also fairly good at having heart to heart conversations, and isn’t afraid to own her mistakes if she’s not still upset about the issue. But she’ll also try to ruin your career if you steal her yogurt. Fun! 
I’ll add more as I think of it, but for now I’m here for all the plots. Best friends, enemies, the person who caught her crying in the bathroom, the person who caught her angrily scribbling her name on all her yogurt, you name it! 
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
saint.|| soobin.🌪 (6)
Tumblr media
🖤┊𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔱 . ೄྀ࿐ 𝖕𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖌: 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊: 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙/𝖆𝖚 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙; 3636
“we know that failing a test is bad news but refusing to take one is extremely unacceptable”. sister Agatha commented with her lips going into a thin line. you sat in the empty classroom with your eyes bulging out of their sockets.
“sister you have to understand that i took that test”. you try to explain.
“I’m sorry, our records show that you didn’t. And because of this I’m going to have to give you an F for your test grade”. 
“an F? that’s going to bring my grade down to a C!”. you whine, you couldn’t help it, you always felt strongly about your grades even without your parents’ pressure. she raised her lips in that fine line again and shook her head with disappointment. 
“I’m sorry but that’s school policy. Next time you have to make sure you’re doing your work and teacher is receiving it”. you huffed your breath in defeat, pulling your bag over your shoulder. 
“you may go to your next period class. i’ll be sure to email your instructor about the reason for your tardiness”. 
“thank you”. you mumble pushing the door open. I mean that was the least she could do after practically failing you. You knew you turned your quiz in you just knew it. but where did it go? 
“let’s go guys! change into your clothes and immediately do three laps!”. 
your gym instructor screeches while clapping his hands. you rush to the girl’s locker room to change into your gym clothes. you normally hated gym because it was a time where everyone socialized and gossiped with their friends as they ran laps. You never had anyone to do that with. People would stay away from you in fact, they thought you were way too much of a church girl to be interested in anything.
but to some extent you did. yes you were a church girl but you were also a teenager. gossip was intriguing just as it is for the next person. and you always didn’t mind opening yourself up to new things I mean, take you and soobin for example. 
“yeah and he even bought us a hotel for the night”. you heard outside of your stall. you looked through it’s cracks to see Mia, Olivia, and the rest of the schools gossip girls. Olivia squealed. “no way!”. mia fake smiled. “I told you”. mia responded with the sassiest grin. One of the other girls which you knew to be Ava replied, “and what did you guys do?”. she smirks. Mia laughs as if there was too much to even explain. “We fucked like there was no tomorrow”. she said in a low whisper that had the rest of them go into an uproar. 
you thought quickly to yourself, was she talking about soobin?
“I knew soobin was rich but i didn’t know he’d be booking hotels and shit”. olivia stated. “girl when i say filthy rich? the choi’s are loaded you must know that”. Mia responded. you felt your blood boiling. so they were talking about soobin.
“Girls! Out of the locker rooms and onto the track lets go”. the gym instructor yelled from the door. They quickly pack up and make their exit as do you when the coast is clear. you tie your hair up quickly and get to running. you were never the best athlete and you knew that but you always tried your hardest in gym class. especially since you’d already have to be spending your time trying to make up for the C you were about to receive. 
“ugh look at that bitch”. mia scoffed glaring over at you while she was halfway around the track already. athlete of the year award goes to the track star mia howard. she already didn’t like you because of soobin but reminiscing on last night, she couldn’t help but to hate you even more. you probably put soobin up to setting her up. you were the mastermind because you wanted him just that much. and no one could make up Mia’s mind, saints weren’t always saints. especially you.
running past you she couldn’t pass up her opportunity to put her leg out while you weren’t paying attention, leaving you a stumbling mess as you tripped and landed straight on your face. she was the first one to laugh loudly with her friends to quickly follow. soon though, everyone in the gym was running past you and either giving you a sorrowful look or straight up laugh in your face. you didn’t know which to feel first, the pain that sprouted in your knees and face or the embarrassment of your entire gym class.
“hey guys enough! the next person to laugh at this poor girl is getting detention and i mean it!”. he rushes over to you while the class finishes their laps around the track. “Are you alright?”. you try your best to get up, your knee was practically throbbing and your face wasn’t calming down either. you shake your head no. 
“I’m going to write you a pass to the nurse alright?”. he assures, grabbing a pen and quickly filling out the slip before handing it to you. you mutter a soft thank you as he helps you to your feet. luckily the nurse’s office was only down the hall so you wouldn’t be limping too far. 
“grab him soobin hurry up!”.
Michael urged while they were in the bathroom. soobin grabbed ahold of the cowardly boys’ collar and threw him to the floor. 
“you were the same guy talking shit about me on your ‘anonymous’ twitter account right?”.
the boy began squirming on the floor trying to escape soobin’s grip but fails horribly. 
“no it wasn’t me i swear man!”. 
michael reaches down and punches him in his jaw. 
“don’t fucking lie i know a lot of people and they told me about you”. 
he held his jaw in pain, blood leaking onto the disgusting floor that was inches from his face.
“don’t worry though. since they told me about you, I’d like to personally tell you about myself”. michael snarls while unzipping the front of his pants. Soobin holds his ankles so that he wasn’t able to go anywhere while michael pisses on his face. Soobin laughs at the boy squirming because of the stinging sensation. He thought it was funny how frantic he was about it. when michael was finished he kicks the boy in his stomach. 
“i dare you to say some shit about me again”. he snarls again. soobin grins following him out of the bathroom door. “That kid is going to smell like piss all damn day”. soobin jokes and michael laughs. “That’s his fucking fault. no one told him to be such a pussy and talk shit on social media rather than my face”. 
“so? how was she last night?”.  soobin asked smirking. “ridiculous. she did everything we told her to do. it was fucking amazing. best night of my life”. soobin shakes his head and laughs. 
“hey soobin I dm’ed you on instagram, did you see it?”. 
some random brunette girl walking passed them both had asked. and to be honest soobin never saw her before in his life. And he was barely on his socials unless drama was occurring. 
“what makes you think I’d respond to anyone who looks like you?”. soobin counter, leaving michael to playfully push him in full fledge laughter. The girl frowns and continues her journey down the hall. 
“hey man that was fucked up”. 
“oh really? didn’t you just pee on someone?”. 
michael was set to reply until he saw you turning into the nurses office down the hall. 
“hey isn’t that the religious bitch you be talking to?”. 
soobin met his gaze and saw you through the nurses’ office windows. oh shit. he thought. 
“i’ll be right back”. michael was smirking hard but soobin was too focused to care. 
“yeah right. I’ll catch you next period man”. and with that they both parted ways. the nurse advised you to sit down to keep you from putting so much pressure on your knee while she went to get you some knee wraps. 
soobin knocks on her open door catching your attention easily. and yes, he had that stupid grin on his face. he slid into the chair beside you. 
“what are you doing in here?”. he asks, was it scary that he looked genuinely concerned? 
“I tripped and fell in gym class today. My knee hurts bad. And my face aches”. 
Soobin reaches over and touches your knee re-sprouting your pain. you slap his hand. 
“ouch soobin! why would you touch it?”. you wince. The nurse sashays her way back into the room and peers over her glasses at soobin. 
“Excuse me Choi soobin? Do you have a reason for being here?”.
“Because I want to be here”. soobin snaps with attitude in his tone. 
you nudge him. 
“you don’t have to be rude about it soobin”. you mumble. he rolls his eyes. 
“I meant-- i’m just making sure she’s okay. Im not going to be in the way. I’ll bring her back to class when she’s finished”. 
“that was more like it”. she conceded before pulling a stool over to assist you. He wanted to tell her to go fuck herself, but he wouldn’t take it that far since you were around.
you wince as she lifts your skirt a bit more to wrap the bandage around your knee. 
“what are you checking on me for anyways?”.
“because why not?”.
“because you tried to act like you didn’t like mia. I heard you guys had a good time last night”. soobin glanced at her with a confused expression. 
“I took her out to eat. we didn’t do anything if that’s what you think”.
“that sure isn’t what she was telling her friends in the locker room today”. 
soobin thought to himself, mia was a filthy liar. 
“she’s lying. we didn’t do anything”. 
you hum as the nurse finishes your bandage. you had to say when it was wrapped it felt way better, you thanked her gratefully. “there you go honey, and here”. she reaches back and grabs a small baggie with two tablet pills on the inside. “I recommend you take these for your face okay?”. “yes thank you”.  you stand to your feet. Your knee wasn’t totally healed but you could definitely walk better than you did before. Soobin just watches you limp your way to the hallway, he grins. “Are you sure you can walk the whole way?”. 
“yes soobin I got it”. he gives you a head nod and walks beside you before he got tired of your limping. He stooped to your level and turned around. He pats his back. “come on, hop up”. 
“soobin I got it”. he shakes his head. “no you don’t”. “yes I do”. 
he turns around at you and sighs. “stop being a baby come on”. “I’m not being a baby”. “just let me carry you”. “why would I let you carry me when I have legs?’. 
soobin playfully rolls his eyes before he wraps your arms around his neck himself and stands up. He curls your legs around his body. it made you feel like a child again, you haven’t had a piggy back ride since you were much younger. 
“soobin i don’t know why you’re doing this”. you complain. 
“Shh. doesn’t it feel much better?”. he asks turning his head to look back at you with that dumb grin again. You roll your eyes and laugh. he was such a doofus. 
“you’re annoying”. you reply. He starts heading towards your calculus classroom.
“I’m annoying? you’re getting better with these compliments”. you playfully smack his head and he laughs of course like he always did.
“I mean at first I was a prissy little jerk but I’ll take annoying any day”. you hit his head again and laughs. You were finally there and he lands you carefully, making sure not to put any pressure on your knee. you swing your bag over your shoulder with an eyeroll, he folds his arms. 
“thank you soobin”. you roll your eyes pretending to be annoyed. 
“you’re welcome. work hard”. he calls out after you. And you did of course, still trying to account for the C that you were going to have. You weren’t the best math student but you were determined and that’s what really mattered. Having courage in the face of hardship always made you feel good about yourself. 
but you know what else made you feel good for some odd reason?
soobin waiting by the door for you at dismissal. It was weird, you just walked out of the room and he was just standing there like a valet or something.
“can I help you?”. you inquired raising an eyebrow. he gives you a side smile before squatting down again, patting his back. 
“soobin I can walk I swear”. he sighs again before taking things upon himself and putting you on his back anyways. secretly you were kind of grateful though. the hallways were always hectic during this time and it was kind of interesting seeing things from this height.
he cut through the crowd easily and went into the school parking lot heading towards his car. “where are you going?”. you ask only to get no response. He opens his passenger seat door and positions you there before closing the door behind you and sliding into the driver’s seat. 
“tell your mom you’re signing up for a club or something”. he suggests and sticks his key in the ignition. 
“because you’re not going home right now”.
“why not?”. you coax again. And soobin is just silently driving like you weren’t speaking to him. He was being a jerk so you slapped him on his wrists.
“why not soobin?”. 
“hey hey calm down. i’m going to take you somewhere”. 
he gives you a few glances noticing your mood wasn’t exactly up to par. 
“what’s the matter? why are you upset?”.
you fold your arms watching the scenery that sped past your car window. Soobin laughs. 
“so now you’re going to ignore me?”. 
you finally breathe, “I’m not ignoring you soobin”.
“then what’s the matter? you can tell me”. you take a glimpse at him and give up trying to hold it in. 
“I’m just... stressed because sister agatha is saying that I didn’t turn in my history exam when yesterday I literally worked so hard on it and turned it in I just--and then she didn’t even feel sorry that she was about to give me an F. She was just going to give it not even caring that my grade will drop. My parents will kill me if I have a grade lower than a B. And then I fell in gym class today and my knee hurts and i got embarrassed by the whole class. literally everyone laughed at me. the only person who tried to help me up was our instructor. It was so humiliating soobin”. 
“damn. that’s a pretty stressful day”.
“well you wouldn’t know. it’s not like you care about your grades and everyone in the school either loves you or is scared of you so they’d never laugh at you for anything embarrassing so I don’t know why I’m expecting you to understand”. 
“none of that means that I’m not sorry that those things happened to you today”. 
“i’m not some charity case soobin you don’t have to feel sorry for me”. 
soobin listened and nodded. you seemed pretty upset about your day so he didn’t want to bother you any further. he parked his car next to a place that was shaped sort of like a barn. you had no idea where you were, you just had soobin opening the passenger seat door for you convincing you to take another piggy back ride. 
“soobin, I can walk”. you attempted to step a foot out the car but soobin grabs it instead and squats down, bringing your arms around his neck again and your legs around his body. venting to soobin made you realize what a messed up day you had so you were too upset to fight back. he carries you to the front of the building and you noticed it happened to be a parlor built into the shape of a barn.
“what kind of ice cream do you want?”. soobin questions trying to get a good glance at the menu from his position in line. 
“soobin you don’t have to do this. it’s fine”. 
“i’ll just order you something to try”. he assures before it’s his turn in line. He orders strawberry ice cream for himself and rocky road ice cream for you. The guy hands him two waffle cones with spoons stuck in both. soobin decides to make good use of the colorful benches outside. Plus it was too beautiful and sunny of a day for the both of you to sit in his car. He parks you on the bench before he sits down himself. He slides you on his lap, making sure your legs were propped up properly with his knee. With his ice cream in one hand and yours in the other he takes a spoonful of your ice cream. 
“here comes the plane! wooooshh!”. soobin baby talks and flies it near your mouth. you sat with folded arms trying your hardest not to smile. 
“soobin I’m not that injured”. soobin stares at you before he goes into the biggest smile as if you told him the greatest news ever. he pushes air through his teeth trying to mock the sound of a plane engine. he jiggles the spoon lightly to make it seem as though the plane was patiently waiting. 
“say ah”.he coos like you were six months old. you roll your eyes opening your mouth so he could he stop being so cute. The ice cream was creamy and the chocolate was rich. The nuts and marsh mellows inside of it made it even tastier. you hum in satisfaction.
“is it good?”. he asks while taking a napkin and wiping the corners of your mouth. “I’ve never had rocky road before”. he comments again before licking his own ice cream. You watched his hair tousle over in the breeze. His doughy cheeks and eyes always looked cuter up close. 
“so you didn’t take me home because you wanted to eat ice cream?”. you say, while soobin prepares to feed you again. you let him because in all honesty, it was the cutest watching him do it.
“but why?”. 
“choo choo!!”. soobin whistles and drives the spoon in your mouth again. You laughed because it actually looked like he was having fun making the noises. 
“why? because your knee hurts and you’re having a bad day today”. you make a confused expression to which soobin replied,
“is it bad?’
“I’m wondering why you’re not being a prissy little jerk”. soobin licks the ice cream off his top lip. 
“hey today you called me annoying. you’ve upgraded me so i’ll no longer be responding to prissy little jerk anymore”. the both of you laugh in unison. he starts to rub your knee. which reminded you, 
“hey how’s your back?”. 
soobin shrugs and preps your spoon again. 
“It’s still sore I guess but it’s alright. I’m not used to getting beat but I’m used to the wounds”. 
“you’re not used to it?”. 
“well no because that shit hurts. it always does. It’s like 15 whips going across your back at once”. 
“how come you’ve never told anyone?”. 
“my parents are one of the richest people in this stupid ass town. they fund everything here. try telling everyone that the two people the town loves the most is abusing their son. they will all just call me spoiled and then my parents would beat me to death probably”. you wince at the image. 
“yeah, ouch”. he makes a small beeping noise while landing the spoon in your mouth again. 
“but what about your parents? they seem way nicer than mine”.
“really? how so?”. 
“well for starters they’re home waiting for you right now”.
“well i guess in that aspect but they’re just as religious and strict as yours. only thing is we don’t have one billion dollars to our name or something”. 
“i’d rather take that route”. 
“yeah. having people around that constantly shows you love; I think I’d give up most of the things I own for that”.
“is that why you’re such a menace? because you want love?”. 
soobin stays silent and eats the rest of the ice cream off his spoon. he could’ve been silent all he wanted, but you knew the answer to that question. you rested your hand at the top of his head and lifted it so that his eyes were now on yours. Like you always predicted the stare was far more intense this time around. his brown eyes always comfortably made themselves at home in yours. And it was never an unwanted visit, you gladly accepted them each time, which made the stay better. 
you couldn’t feel his heart rate but you knew it was synchronizing with yours. you were more in tune with him this way than any other way. and slowly but surely you landed one right on his strawberry ice cream flavored lips. it made them much sweeter and tastier which resulted in swiping over his lips with your tongue as you kissed him. He was quite surprised to see your growth. you pulled away though, not wanting it to lead any further with your knee being hazardous. 
“thank you for kissing me”. soobin addresses. 
and you had no idea what it meant. of course he was saying thank you. but why?
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curly-bangtan · 5 years
Heatwave Drabble #4: like a best friend
[Heatwave // Godless // Heatwave Drabbles] <- have to read first
Pairing: Taehyung x reader
Summary: You and Taehyung run into his infamous cheating ex, only for him to introduce you as his current girlfriend. As you play along with his narrative, you can’t help but feel insecure and jealous.
Genre: drabble, very fluffy, angst, f2l, bit of fake dating
Warnings: typical emotional constipation from these two, jealous!oc, heartbreakingly boyfriend!taehyung, indirect confession that they’re both unaware of lol
Word count: 5.8k
A/N: Oh look, more jealousy? Are we even surprised at this point?? Requested by my little muffin @taexxxiiaa. Sorry to all the Heatwave fans for this constant torture of unresolved feelings. 
Taehyung has a habit of stuffing his face with too much food and consequently eating in pout. As he is doing right now. You watch him merrily wolf down another soy sauce-dipped slice of raw salmon and stack the miniature plate with the rest of his conquests. It’s his sixth plate.
When he’d first shown you the email he received for ‘all you can eat' sushi, your response was a firm “No.” You’re not even a fan of seafood in general, let alone raw fish. But Taehyung was persistent, insisting on what a bargain it is and how it’s sushi season right now. Sushi season, what bullshit. Another “No.” Yet when Taehyung has his eyes set on something, especially when it comes to food, there’s little that can stop him. He knows how to use his assets - batting is lashes, huffing like a baby, nuzzling into your neck - until you finally let out a defeated sigh.
So here you are, plotting how best to sneak in some wasabi into his food. This wimp has a full on breakdown at the slightest taste of spice, you can just envision his face when the wasabi burns up his nostrils and through to his ears.
That will teach him not to drag you out to sushi again.
“Why aren’t you eating your udon?” Taehyung’s eyes are wide and innocent, unsuspecting of your mischievou scheme. “Too hot?”
“Yeah, don’t want to burn my tongue.” You stir your steaming noodles, smiling to yourself.
The two of you had managed to secure a four-person booth due to his non-stop nagging to come early to avoid the queue. The restaurant is now bustling with customers and stressed waiters, the smell of Japanese food infused in the warm air. You’re both sat on one couch, while sat across you is another couple who are just finishing with their lunch. This arrangement is due to the busy demand of the restaurant, squeezing in however many impatient hungry people as they can. Though you didn’t have a problem with sharing a booth with strangers at first, Taehyung’s ravenous gorging of sushi after sushi has made you particularly self conscious.
As soon as the couple leave after paying their bill, you turn to hiss at Taehyung. “Why are you eating like that?”
“Like what?” His words are barely audible with his mouth full. “Are you gonna eat your udon or not? I can help you out if you can’t finish the whole thing.”
Ah, there it is, his infamous line - I can help you out if you can’t finish the whole thing.
Honestly, his appetite is abominable.
“Order your own udon!” You begin eating your noodles to prove that you are hungry, and you will finish the whole thing.
Taehyung tucks his hair behind his ear (you’ve recently noticed that his ears are abnormally big, which you guess explains the massive dick). Just a few days ago, you had managed to convince him to get a perm. The main selling point was: ‘all the bitches will go crazy for it, trust me’. Bitches being you.  And indeed, all the bitches are crazy for it. In the timespan at which you’ve been in this restaurant alone, you’ve caught almost every single girl checking him out, eyes flickering too often towards your booth for it to be coincidental.
When their eyes fell onto you, you would smile at them politely, yet to your surprise, they’d wear a sour expression and ignore your courtesy. You soon realised that they think you’re Taehyung’s girlfriend. Girlfriend! The thought had made you shudder and scoot further away from him.
“Nah, I need to save room for the sushi, baby.” He pats his stomach that remains annoyingly flat despite his feasting. “I need to pee, I’ll be right back. Can you order some more California Rolls and the Dragon Roll please? Oh, actually, and one more Soft Shell Crab Roll and a Tempura Shrimp as well please?”
You glare hard at his back as he scuttles out the booth and hurries to the toilet. Stupid dork. It’s only noon and he has already eaten a whole day’s worth of food. He’s going to end up vomiting his guts out if he keeps at this rate.
Still, you wave the waiter over and place his order for him. The waiter’s kind of cute, he’s got that soft wholesome look, the kind of boy you bring home to your parents. You wonder why he’s avoiding your eye and not slipping you his number. You hope it’s not because he thinks you’re with Taehyung.
A new pair of customers are being ushered to your booth across from you to replace the departed couple; it’s two pleasant looking girls this time, chatting away in blithe. This time, they reciprocate your smile with nods of their own.
Taehyung returns from the bathroom shortly, yet as he approaches your booth, he halts in his step so abruptly that you spin to face him.
“Ryujin?” The shock in his voice is unmistakable. His eyes are locked on one of the girls that’s just arrived opposite you. Static.
“Taehyung?” She gasps, returning the same surprise, pupils widening.
Ryujin? Taehyung’s never mentioned a Ryujin to you before? Who is she?
Taehyung’s face is stoic, completely stripped of its normal cheeriness. Lips pressed in a thin line, jaw screwed firmly shut. Shit… You turn to assess the girl, digging through your memory for a Ryujin, yet failing. Who the hell is she to have Taehyung react in such a way? If she were just a friend, he’d be rushing over to greet her. If she were someone he slept with, he’d subtly acknowledge her but make no big deal out of it.
Instead, he’s clenching his fists, feet planted an arm’s length away from your table.
You clear your throat, snapping him out of his trance. “You know each other?”
Finally, he glances over at you for the first time in what feels like ages. And right away, you see the disorientation in his eyes. Taehyung slowly makes his way back into the booth, sliding in beside you until your legs touch.
“Yeah, she’s my ex girlfriend.”
That cheating bitch.
If it weren’t for the firm hand placed quickly on your thigh as if he’d known you’d react in such manner, you would have leapt up and started screaming at her. The anger is rushing to your head all at once. You’re struggling not to chuck the stack of plates at her face.
So this is the girl who had broken Taehyung’s heart. This is the girl who gave Taehyung trust issues. But also, this is the girl who lead to you and Taehyung meeting. In every way you look at it, she is the reason why you’re in each other’s lives in the first place. So you guess you owe her a thank you after you throw a drink at her.
Taehyung doesn’t speak much about her, or at all. It’s been years since their relationship anyway, and since all his ties to her have been cut, it makes perfect sense that he’s forgotten about her. Even at the beginning, he was adamant about not thinking about her, he said it had hurt too much to even say her name. And so you were always careful about not bringing the topic up in conversation; it was none of your business anyway, it wasn’t relevant to his life anymore. There were occasional jokes here and there, but only ever made by him, and even still, you could sense the underlying hurt.
“Taehyung, it’s been so long…” Her attention was utterly transfixed on Taehyung. You might as well have been a cardboard cutout for all that matters, she wouldn’t have noticed anyway. But it must be bewildering to run into your ex who you cheated on like this. Anyone would be thrown off.
What are the chances that, not only did you come to the same all-you-can-eat-sushi place, but have also been sat on the same booth? Just your luck.
Your eyes wander back to Taehyung, fearing for his current state of mind. Your roommate is an emotional guy, as much as he likes to mask it in ridiculous humour. It would not surprise you if he just stands up and leave right now, even with his food on its way. Yet his features are calm, unbothered, his initial surprise melting away to neutrality.
“Hm… Yeah.” He doesn’t ask how she fares as she’d expected, you can see the disappointed drop in her face at his apathetic souciance. Then he turns to you. “Did you order the stuff?”
Unsure of how to interpret his sudden maturity, you just nod slowly. Quiet Taehyung is scary…
Disregarding her friend’s apparent discomfort, Ryujin presses on. “It must have been, what, more than two years now? How are you?”
Why can’t this bitch take a hint? Just shut the fuck up and order your fucking sushi. Leave him alone.
But Taehyung remains unmoved. While you are the one quietly fuming in the corner. Sensing your aggravation, he brushes his thumb on your thigh soothingly. When you lock eyes again, you’re stunned to find him completely at ease, the corner of his mouth even perking up to reassure you that he’s fine.
“I’m doing well actually.” Ryujin frowns again at his short answer. You think she’s going to give up now, but then she continues.
“You look good.” You tense. Oh don’t she dare... “I’m not doing too bad myself, I-”
Just then, the waiter cuts off the monologue she was headed towards as he brings over the plates of food you’d ordered for Taehyung. His eyes immediately flash in excitement, resuming his usual childish manner as he peels his hand from your leg and snatches his chopsticks.
“Can I get anything for you two ladies?” The waiter asks Ryujin and her companion, whose face appears flushed from the awkwardness of this situation. Ryujin, evidently annoyed by the interruption, proceeds to order.
While her attention is diverted, you quickly take this opportunity to mouth to Taehyung, “you okay?”
Striking you with an honest smile as he swallows his sushi, he nods. “Yeah, don’t worry, completely fine. Eat your udon, or it’ll get cold.” His voice is hushed, and you don’t know why you get startled when he leans closer to whisper to you.
Not entirely convinced, it’s your turn to pat his leg, almost subconsciously, as if to make sure that this really is Taehyung, your Taehyung. How is he this calm right now? Well, he’s always been a silent sulker when he’s mad, but… He doesn’t even seem one bit troubled by the sudden appearance of his ex. Not even that eyebrow twitch he gets when he’s annoyed. And in the meantime, you’re silently plotting how to magically get wasabi in this bitch’s eye.
When the waiter leaves, Ryujin turns back to Taehyung once again, scanning his ethereal features and beautifully curled long hair. No doubt regretting her shitty decision of infidelity when they were together. Finally, her eyes flicker over to you, for the first time since Taehyung’s arrival. “So who’s thi-”
“Y/N, my girlfriend.”
You choke so hard on the fat noodle you are slurping that some of the savoury broth goes up your nose. Wheezing and spluttering for air like a cat choking on a hairball, you feel all your blood rush to your reddening face, both from the lack of air and the embarrassment. Taehyung’s careless whacks between your shoulder blades isn’t helping at all. Only after downing the whole cup of green tea does your coughing finally subside.
“You okay, babe?” Taehyung realises his smacks on your back are too harsh to be boyfriend-like, so he eases it into gentle rubs. But the concern in his large brown irises are genuine nonetheless.
You glare at him. Long, hard. Before nodding and flashing him a sickly-sweet smile. Oh boy, is he going to get kicked in the ass later for putting you up to this. He seems to see the dangerous flare of your nostrils, a warning sign that he has really, most fucking definitely, made the wrong move. He gulps and smiles back nervously.
Girlfriend? Girlfriend?!
What the fuck is he playing at right now? Why did he have to lie to her like that? Is he trying to make her jealous? Or just act like he’s moved on just fine without her? You clamp your mouth shut to prevent any angry words from tumbling out. There’s nothing to do but to play along right now - there’s an enemy to face.
“Oh right, girlfriend…” Ryujin says so softly that you almost feel bad for her before remembering that this is her own doing. “I guess that must be why you haven’t replied to my text asking you to meet up then… Right?”
At that, your entire body goes rigid.
She- Does that mean- Wh-
You look over at Taehyung, mouth hanging open in utter disbelief. Ryujin has been texting Taehyung. And he hasn’t mentioned a word about it to you. Although it really shouldn’t affect you so much, it feels like a stab of betrayal.
His lips are pursed again, as he gazes up at her reluctantly. “Yeah, that’s right.”
Then his arm circles around your back and pulls you into him, fingers gripping your waist in a display of possession. At the unforeseen momentum, and still in your state of shock, your frame falls feebly into his chest. Your heart leaps to your throat. You don’t understand why but… your cheeks feel hot.
His arm, around you. His hand, holding your side. His neck, pressed on your forehead.
You’re hyper aware of everywhere he is touching you. Why, all of a sudden?
“Oh okay, um, I really wish you all the best…” Ryujin mumbles, no longer looking at you and Taehyung anymore, not sounding one bit like she means what she’s saying. Her friend beside her has resorted to scrolling through her phone at this point, cringing from this awkward exchange.
“Thanks, Ryujin. I’m really happy - never been happier in my life, in fact.” The vibration of Taehyung’s Adam’s apple reverberates into you as he tugs you even closer, arm fastened around your middle. You struggle for room, bending your neck to peer up at him from your squished position.
He’s grinning radiantly at you, and at your wide-eyed confused expression, he can’t help but lean down to press his lush warm lips onto your forehead.
You blink.
Truly, you think your brain has stopped functioning. What is going on?
He’s definitely doing this to make Ryujin jealous. That is the only plausible explanation. It makes your chest clench in bitterness. Why does he still care what she thinks? This is completely unnecessary. Does he still care about her?
And why didn’t he tell you that she was texting him?
What has she been telling him?
All this doubt, this uncertainty, manifests into a suffocating lump in your throat. You have always been completely open and honest with each other about every aspect of your lives - family, friends, work, grades, relationships, sex. Not that he owes it to you to tell you everything, but you’d just thought that it was how things worked between you. What else is he hiding from you?
But at the same time, your focus can’t stray from the way he is holding you, and the confidence in his tone. How certain and sincere he sounded. And how he pecked you so casually in public, in front of everyone. Your stomach feels funny.
As you resume your eating, you stay quiet, thinking. On the other hand, Taehyung is quiet due to fact that he has no room to speak in between engulfing California Roll after California Roll. Happily humming under his breath as he chews. The waiter returns with a tray of food Ryujin and her friend had ordered. “Here you go, would you like some green tea?”
“Oo, can you fill mine up too please.” You hastily pass him your empty ceramic cup.
“Of course. Be careful, the tea is very ho-” Just as he warns you while he refills your cup, he over-tips the pot and sends scalding tea all over your hand.
“Ow!” Quickly drawing back your boiled hand out of instinct, you yelp out in pain. Fumbling over his sorry, I’m so so sorry’s, the waiter bows his deeply apologetically, scurrying to clean up the steaming spilled liquid in a panic.
“Mate, watch out!” Taehyung sits up immediately, scrambling to wipe your soaked hand with tissues. The glare he throws the waiter could cut through glass. “Are you okay?” The concern clouding his eyes when he faces you floods your veins with a security.
“Yeah… Don’t worry, it’s just a burn.” You watch him examine your hand intently as if it’s some ancient priceless artefact that could shatter from a poke; you’ve noticed lately that he tends to do this when you’re injured. With his fringe frizzed over his forehead, lips puckered in concentration as he caress over your pink tender skin, you are helpless and unmoving. Staring at him.
“Are you sure? It’s getting kind of red…” He refuses to let your hand go. Your fingers scorch under his touch and it’s not from the tea.
“Yeah, baby, I’m fine.” Taehyung’s head whips up instantly at the way you address him. Confused for a good second, before realising that it is to play along with the fake girlfriend narrative.
Reluctantly, he lets you pull your hand out of his clutch, and only when you pick up your chopsticks to prove to him that it’s only a minor injury does he resign in his coddling and return to his food. As you glance up, you notice Ryujin’s blazing glower at your direction. You quickly look away.
In the presence of his cheating ex-girlfriend, you two no longer feel at ease to banter away as normal. You aren’t even at the liberation to have a regular conversation without her listening in on everything. So the meal passes rather wordlessly.
However, the silence births a different kind of interaction between you and Taehyung. You can’t tell if it’s just for show, or due to his innate affectionate nature, but he suddenly feels the need to display his love for skinship. Under the table, his hand once again strays to the land of your thighs, gently stroking. When you shoot him a warning glare, lest he gets any vulgar ideas, you find that he possesses no lustful intent at all. Just pure fondness for you.
Something inside you softens. You’re starting to think that he isn’t acting out of spite against Ryujin, but rather simply enjoying your company as usual.
But you know what? Screw that bitch. Not once, to your knowledge, did she apologise to Taehyung when she’s had two years to own up to her mistakes. Not until now, of all times. She deserves to get riled up.
“Taehyung-ie, can I have a bite of your shrimp?” You smile at your pretend-boyfriend sweetly. He gives you a perplexed look that says: But I thought you hate shrimp? before he clocks on with your intention.
“Of course, baby.” And without fail, just like a scene straight from a drama, he picks up the tempura shrimp and feeds it to you, eyes crescent in mirth as you open up and take a mouthful like a hungry little child. You feel a crumb flake away onto your chin, yet before you can wipe it away, Taehyung reaches it first. Chuckling, he sweeps the small speck into your mouth. But not without the slightest, most fleeting, brush of his thumb against your tongue.
The action feels… intimate. Like weirdly intimate, even for you and Taehyung’s dynamic.
Why does your breath keep hitching?
Perhaps after a second too long, you conjure a giggle in response, attentive of Ryujin’s gawk in your periphery. “Thanks, love.” The syrup in your voice is sickly sweet. God, even you want to barf.
“You’re too adorable, honey buns.” Taehyung cups your face in one hand, fingers digging into your squishy cheeks as he shakes you. Your smile drops. Adorable? Honey buns? HoNEy bUnS? Kim Taehyung is so dead.
But before you could kick him in the shin under the table, he leans in and plants his lips on yours. Soft, supple.
Just as you think it’s only meant to be a peck, he deepens the kiss, his plump pink mouth gliding over yours smoothly. Anyone who sees would know that you’re accustomed to such action with each other from the natural comfortable manner of your kiss. Anyone could tell that you’re used to each other’s lips.
You pull away abruptly when you become conscious of many’s attention on you. With your face so near his, all you can see is how his lips draw into a smirk.
It’s unusual for you two to kiss outside of a sexual context. Because why would you? Friends don’t kiss each other unless they’re: A) dating, or B) banging. And especially in the past few weeks, you’ve been progressively kissing each other less, even during sex. Almost as if you’ve both realised how intimate it is, and all the romantic connotations that come with it.
Yet here he is, kissing you so openly in public.
Yeah, it’s just for show for his ex. But it’s still…
You don’t know.
After Taehyung had finally eaten to his heart’s content, the two of you had gone to study in the library. Ryujin wore a sour face in the entire duration of the meal, and you would hear low grunts of irritation from her direction. You practically felt her venomous glare on the back of your head as you were leaving the restaurant. Acting has never been your strong suit, but even you’ll admit that the two of you are putting on an Oscar-worthy performance.
You’ve been quiet, you know. It’s because of that bitter taste in the back of your throat that you still can’t get rid of at the thought that Taehyung might still care about Ryujin. Why else would he lie to her and say that you’re his girlfriend if not to get a reaction out of her?
But more so, why does it bother you so much? You wish you don’t care this much for this stupid sushi-demolisher who doesn’t deserve your time and efforts. He’s probably thinking about his next meal again while you’re here lamenting over your weird feelings.
So you keep your mouth shut throughout your study session, brewing in your acrid thoughts.
Taehyung watches you nibble at the end of your pen. How is he supposed to focus on his coursework when you’ve got that pouty expression? And since when did you not take every chance you get to take the piss out of him? He wonders what’s going on in your head.
Seeing Ryujin had been a shock, a blast from the past. It hadn’t bothered him too much to be honest, he simply doesn’t care about her anymore. A few days ago, she had sent him a message out of the blue. Out of politeness, he’d responded but kept his replies brief; it was difficult to decipher her intention at first, but it soon revealed itself. Apparently, her and Jimin went on to date for a while - good on them, Taehyung truly could not give fewer shits anymore. But their relationship deteriorated due to their incompatibility, which was predictable knowing them both. It was when she started showing interest in Taehyung, apologising and kissing his ass about how good he was to her that he decided to stop answering.
The thought of getting back with her gave him shivers.
Your reaction to Ryujin back there wasn’t unexpected at all, of course you weren’t going to react mildly to his ex. Taehyung is lucky you didn’t ‘accidentally’ spill soy sauce onto her, or start yelling at her about faithfulness and morality. Your wrath towards her actually kind of warms his heart…
You aren’t one to talk about your feelings openly, but your actions definitely speak volumes about how much you care about him.
Taehyung smiles to himself.
There is so much loyalty between the two of you, complete trust and devotion. At the end of the day, no matter what goes on between you when you’re horny fuckers, you’re best friends above all else. Fighters for each other.
Your journey back home was also rather mute, consisting of him prodding you with jokes and teases, and you putting on a half-hearted smile. Maybe you’re annoyed at him for putting you on the spot and leaving you with no choice but to cooperate as his pretend girlfriend. All this relationship-y commitment-y crap repels the shit out of you. Basically the bane of your existence.
He probably shouldn’t have kissed and coddled you that much in front of Ryujin. You detest PDA like it’s some scandalous taboo, despite being the freakiest girl he knows in the sheets. But hey, you guys had to make it convincing and believable...
Yup, the more Taehyung thinks about it, the more he’s sure you’re annoyed (or even scared off) about the fake dating thing.
“You’re quiet for someone who just met her supposed archnemesis. I thought you’d be going on and on about what a bitch she is.” He glances at your sullen side profile for the hundredth time during your commute home.
“I don’t know, not it a great mood I guess? Probably just tired.” You mumble, searching for your keys in your coat pocket. The weather is getting cold these days; Taehyung knows your fingers are very prone to freezing, especially with your refusal of wearing gloves because ‘they’re ugly’ nor would you keep your hands in your pockets because ‘it’s a safety hazard incase you trip over’.
He gets a strangely overwhelming urge to hold your hands every time he sees you wiggling your fingers to warm them up. Hmm.
Wordlessly, you enter the house with him trailing behind you. He watches your moody steps from behind as you remove your shoes and head inside. Why can’t you just tell him what you’re thinking?
With a great sigh, Taehyung slumps onto the couch, focus still on you hanging your coat on the rack and tossing your keys into the holder on the shelf. “Hey.”
You turn, regarding his wide manspread with piqued interest. “What?”
“Come here, baby, sit on my lap.” He pats the top of his thighs in beckoning. Sometimes it’s like trying to get a stray cat to come to him.
Your eyes widen at his request. But very reluctantly, you stroll towards him until you’re standing between his extended legs. “Why are you calling me baby, we’re not pretending to be dating anymore.”
Taehyung stiffens as he senses the acrimony in your tone. So this is about the girlfriend thing? It’s a risky move but he sits up and pulls you in by the back of your thighs until you have no choice but to succumb to falling onto his hips. Lips still in a tight line, your limbs come around him to hold yourself upright. In order to prevent you from escaping, Taehyung encloses his arms around your waist, trapping you in his embrace. He tries not to think about how your crotch is directly on his right now.
“Why you sad?” He looks up at you, your eyes unreadable as always. Heat from your exhale fans his forehead.
“I don’t know. Nan molla.” You shrug and do that face scrunch thing you do whenever you’re unsure that he loves. It makes you look so cute.
“Hey…” Taehyung nudges your cheek with his nose in an attempt to get you to look at him. You have a habit of avoiding eye contact, and he knows it’s stems from the intimacy issue. “What’s up, honey buns?”
“Honey buns again? Seriously?” You jerk away from him like he insulted your mother or something.
“Well, since I can’t call you baby, honey buns it is.” His chest vibrates with his deep rumbling laughter, pleased with himself to see the slightest hint of a smile finally beginning to appear on you.
“Oh my god, Taehyung. Fine, just stick with baby, I swear…” You thump him on the back, yet your stone cold exterior now being invaded by a spark of humour.
“Good. Now tell me what’s wrong, baby.”
You’re quiet for a good few seconds, contemplating. Your legs around his torso tense, you bite your lip hesitantly. Come on, just talk to me, he wishes.
“Do you still… care about her?” Voice so soft that even he struggles to hear you this close.
“What? Ryujin?” Oh, so this is about her. Taehyung knew you hated her, but never thought that you would feel… insecure? Jealous, even? “Of course not. I don’t give a single fuck about her.” At his answer, you let out the breath you’ve been holding. A breath of relief? “But you clearly seem to care too much about her.”
“I- I do not!” In a tone of disbelief, you scorn. “I just- She’s not the one I care about.”
Fuck, you’re being too cute right now.
Taehyung pecks at your chin, unable to contain his affection anymore. You continue, “Plus, why didn’t you tell me she was talking to you again? Friends tell each other this sort of thing. I always tell you everything…”
The worry on your face is truly so endearing, he feels his chest constrict.
“I didn’t mention it because that’s how little I care. She is honestly so insignificant to me right now, I could not even be bothered to waste my breath bringing it up. Yes, she meant a lot to me for a period of my life. But. That was a long time ago. I’ve moved on, no thanks to you, remember?” Your eyes gradually dare loiter up his face. “You silly sausage.”
“But-” You’re pouting again. You need to stop pouting or he won’t be able to control himself, dammit. “Why did you lie and say I’m your girlfriend then, if you weren’t doing it to make her jealous.”
Taehyung blinks. Well… Um, about that... He didn’t want to have to explain it to you but...
“It just slipped out.”
Your turn to blink vacantly. Taehyung feels blood tinting his cheeks under your gaze. Even he doesn’t know why he said it back then. It just kind of… rolled off his tongue. Should he be worried? Yeah, he should definitely be worried.
When you still fail to say anything, he hurriedly asks, “Are you mad?”
“N-No. Why would I be mad?” The way your arm slides down his neck to brush pass his chest leaves his skin tingling. He pulls your legs closer around him, hand unintentionally trailing to your rear.
“I don’t know, you just hate that kind of lovey-dovey stuff. Just figured that you’d be annoyed that I forced you to act like my girlfriend.”
“Well, I was a bit annoyed… It’s not just me, you hate that kind of lovey-dovey stuff too!” Well, not exactly accurate, but Taehyung decides not to correct you. “But did you see her face?” Your tone begins to lighten. Remembering the acerbity tainting Ryujin’s features brings you amusement.
“She looked like she was going to murder someone.” You both laugh.
“She was thirsting over you like a hound, Jesus Christ. It’s because of your perm, trust me.” Grinning, you twirl his curly fringe around your fingers. You seem to do that quite often since he got the new hairstyle.
“Wow, you really like my perm that much?” He fishes, failing to control his forming smirk. You like to give him shit about his ego, yet no one strokes it more than you do.
“No comment.” You can’t contain your radiant smile either. Taehyung makes a mental note to keep the perm.
Seeing your mood lifted makes Taehyung feel much better, safer. His arms run up your back, and he feels you shudder under his touch. You fit into his embrace so well; it’s difficult to not hug you close to him every chance he gets nowadays. There’s a dull ache in the back of his neck from craning up to look at you for too long, but he doesn’t mind it. Your fingers fall from his hair, tracing his jaw frivolously, mindlessly. It leaves an unwarranted tremble within him.
“Look, there’s absolutely nothing for you to mull about in that overthinking head of yours. I don’t even remember Ryujin’s last name if I’m being honest with you. She lost me the moment she broke my heart, and I’ll never even remotely consider getting back with her. Ever. I promise.
“So don’t act all jealous and sulky just ‘cause you misunderstood. You’re my best girl. You’ll always be my best, favourite and only girl, understand? I, Kim Taehyung, belong to you, Y/N Y/L/N. Period.” The smile of satisfaction tells him everything. You’re not as hard to please as you appear to be. “I’m yours, happy?”
“Happy.” Fuck, Taehyung’s heart is going to explode from the joyous beam growing at your lips.
“Good, because she means nothing to me at all. But you, Ms. Needy-But-I-Won’t-Admit-It? You mean everything to me. Everything.” He bounces you on his lap for emphasis, eliciting another buoyant giggle from you.
Then you do something that you don’t normally do.
You kiss him - passionately and ardently. Fingers surfing the waves of his hair, you readjust your straddling position on top of him to minimise the distance. Taehyung feels all reason in his head incrementally ebbing away. You shouldn’t be kissing, you really shouldn’t. It’s not normal to make out with your best friend. But fuck the rules. Taehyung doesn’t want to stop kissing you right now, his silly adorable honey buns.
“Just admit it. You love me.” He taunts between breaths. You freeze at Taehyung’s words. Completely freeze on his lap, hand dangling from his face, as if you’ve been shot. “Like a best friend.” You deflate, evident relief at the joke.
Taehyung has to restrain from laughing out loud. God, you’re such an easy target. The second anything one step further from platonism is suggested, you act like you’re going to pack your bags and run for the hills. But here you are, kissing him and acting all possessive. He enjoys the irony.
“Yeah I love you. Like a best friend.” You flick the tip of his nose in reprimand for his teasing.
“Good because I love you too. Like a best friend.” He holds you tight against him, proceeding to blow raspberries in your neck.
Maybe even more, he wonders.
© Copyright 2019
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The Moon Transit the Signs
My thoughts on the Moon in Astrology through the 12 Zodiac signs. I've mentioned things to be mindful of during the transit, as well as how to work best with the energy.
Moon transiting Aries
When the Moon transits Aries, collectively we feel more confident in ourselves and are more inclined to put ourselves out there in life in the hopes of propelling us forward. The world is viewed with childlike wonder and inner faith is our guiding star. We feel more passionate and encouraged to go after our goals. During this transit, we are more apt to be assertive and say what we feel; sometimes with a directness that lacks tact. You are the creator of your life, and during Aries Moon transits, use the cardinal energy to get things going.
What to be mindful of:
- Impatience
Aries energy is very dynamic, full of energy with a preference to be on the go. Aries wants what it wants, and it wanted it yesterday. During this transit, you will have incredible force behind your actions but might find yourself getting frustrated if things don’t come to fruition as fast as you like. This impatience could veer off into a domineering attitude to those around you. Breathe. Inhale, exhale, repeat. Let things run their natural course.
- Acting selfish
Aries is the baby of the zodiac and concerned with the self. Nothing bad about a lil self-awareness but make sure the actions and decisions you carry out don’t have negative repercussions for those around you. Try to be aware of other people around you. Think things through. Its no good furthering your place in life if you’re stepping on other’s people toes unnecessarily to do so. When faced with decisions, try and look for one that can be made which benefits everyone.
How to work with this energy:
- Be your own hype man
The Fire element in Astrology is connected with our life force. The very fibre of our being. One thing you can’t deny about Aries energy is the unwavering confidence. During an Aries Moon Transit, find a mantra or create a mantra, and repeat it to yourself throughout the day. Cultivate an inner faith in yourself. Big yourself up.
- Say yes more
Aries energy is pretty much up for anything. Let’s use this daring energy to apply it to situations in our life that we feel uncertain about it. Tune in to the gut. During this transit can you take a risk in your life somehow? It can be big or small. What area of your life can you be brave in? I bet you’re still be breathing after you do it.
Moon transiting Taurus
As the Moon passes through Taurus, our feelings become more grounded and stable. We’re more conscious of what makes us feel emotionally secure. Collectively, we’re more inclined to see beauty or the lack of it, around us; taking stock of the material things in our life. Taurus energy is all connecting deeply with the self and its comforts. Emotions take on a practical and more steady approach. That being said, there is also danger of uncomfortable emotions being pushed down or past hurts being ruminated over incessantly. Let whatever comes up flow freely through you. During a Taurus Moon transit, make sure to smell the roses and appreciate the simple but essential things you have in your life.
What to be mindful of:
- Indulging too much in the wrong things
Taurus rules pleasure - especially connecting to the body - so during this transit, your relationship to food, sex, money and your possession may be highlighted. Be mindful of your consumption of these things and whether or not they are used as a tool to fill a hole in your life. Take a moment to tune in the body and its needs. Are the habits you have have with these things hindering or helping you to affirm yourself and your self worth?
- Stubbornness 
Taurus energy can be very stubborn and clinging tightly to their views. During this Moon transit, be mindful of ways in which you tightly cling to a narrative or a belief system. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. Do you take into account other people’s viewpoints? Or do you shut people down before giving them a change? The great thing about life is that we have the freedom of expression. Be open to change in your life. 
How to work with this energy:
- Come back home to self
The Moon is exalted in fixed earth sign Taurus, meaning that the highest vibration of nurturing and care can be expressed here. Show your body some TLC. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Go on Pinterest for DIY beauty treatments; some of the ingredients needed may be in your kitchen cupboard. Connect with your body. If issues surrounding your body come up, try and dig deeper into where they stem from. Think about your body’s ability to get you where are today.
- See abundance
Gratitude is a powerful tool in improving one’s life and during this transit, it is a good time to take stock of what you have to be grateful for you in your life.  Write down 3 things you can be grateful, big or small, detailed or not, and remind yourself of these things when you feel a sense of lack. Taurus is a very fertile energy and by noticing the good in your life, you are sure to attract more of it.
Moon Transiting Gemini
When the Moon transits Gemini, collectively we may feel more light-hearted about life as feelings become more curious and playful. We feel mischievous and delight in pushing people’s buttons. Socially inclined, we gain emotional stability by connecting with people or exploring our immediate environment.  There is a possibility that we find ourselves doing multiple things at once so be mindful to try and finish things as you go. Gemini energy can be quite restless so there is a danger of spreading yourself too thin. During this mutable airy transit, try and approach things from an inquisitive manner and not taking this too seriously.
What to be mindful of:
- How you spend your energy
Be careful of just engaging in pointless things. Gemini energy needs constant stimulation and movement which may lead you to giving out your energy carelessly, in hope of finding a release. You may find yourself in conversations that really add no value to your life but in order to feel accepted by your peers, you keep yourself plugged in. There could be a possibility that the mind can go off on a reoccuring ramble so it’s important to catch yourself if you fall into that pattern.
- How you’re using your voice
Gemini energy is connected to the throat chakra so it’s rightly so, during this transit we feel more talkative and want to connect with people. Gemini energy is all about connecting with people. However, Gemini is not adverse stir the pot to spice things up. Be mindful of the words coming out from your mouth. Are you bitching about people? Maybe you’re complaining a lot. When the Moon transits this mutable air sign, it is a good time to take stock of your communication style. How you use your words and how you think dictates how you life looks around you.
How to work with this energy:
- Communicate
Got an idea racing around the walls of your mind? Spit it out! When the Moon transits Gemini we may feel mentally overstimulated so it’s best to find a method of transferring all that energy outside our mental dome. Write it down, paint it, express it one way or another. Gemini energy is highly creative as the mental plane runs a million miles a second. Allow yourself to discuss what’s on your mind!
- Connect with people
Gemini energy is all about sharing information and ideas with people around them. When the Moon visits the social air sign, connecting with like-minded individuals will make you feel good.. It can be through conversation, text, email, letters, video call, the list is endless. Practice active listening so you can really engage with the people you care about. If you’re feeling daring, use this Moon Transit to flow in a flirty comment here and there. 
Moon in Cancer
When the Moon transits cardinal water sign Cancer, you can bet your bottom dollar we’ll all be in our feels. On the bright side, this placement is where the Moon is in its rulership, so this transit offers us an advantage to really connect with our feelings if we’re willing to see the opportunity for what it is. Emotions can be highly nostalgic at this time and we may find ourselves reminiscing over the past or over our family. Collectively we may want to stay close to ‘home’, feeling tentative about putting ourselves out there. We may be more sensitive to criticism.. We need to be mindful over not letting our emotions dictate our actions and thoughts so strongly. When the Moon transits Cancer, our true feelings can be articulated more clearly as we feel them intensely at a core level.
What to be mindful of:
- Your feelings
Feelings are felt quite strongly during this transit and so we have the opportunity to tune in to them deeply. However, with this transit, we may feel more protective over our emotions. There could be a tendency to act out in an emotional manner that we hope the people around us, can identify our reasons for doing so. Not everyone is a mind-reader. Be mindful of any triggers that present themselves and the way in which you deal with them. Just because you’re feeling sorry for yourself, it doesn’t mean everybody wants to be invited to your pity party. 
- Emotional manipulation
During this transit, be mindful of the people/places/things that you may be holding on to with a vicious grip, too scared to let go. Don’t turn to using emotional manipulation to get people to stick around. If that’s the method you take, you’ve already lost them. Change can be a scary thing but its inevitable in life. If all else fails, you will have always have yourself to count on. 
How to work with this energy:
- Revisit your childhood
Give your inner child some love and attention. What did you do as a child that made you feel good? Was it making necklaces out of Pasta shapes? Or maybe it was watching that one film you had on video. Look back into bringing that into your present life. Home is where the heart is and you can always recreate that feeling of safety in your life.
- Connect with your family
It doesn’t have to be your biological family. It could be your soul family. Maybe a friendship group that feels like it’s your inherited family. Maybe online you’re part of a community that feels like home. Whoever it is, make an effort to reach and solidify your bonds. Cancer energy is all about connecting to your tribe. 
Moon transiting Leo
When the moon transits this dramatic and eye-catching fixed fire sign, our emotions desire to be released creatively and in a dramatic fashion. Collectively, we aspire to be centre of attention and revel in praise from those around us. Romance is a driving force for us emotionally and we gain pleasure from flirting and connecting with love interests. We can be a little pouty when things don’t go our way. I die a little everyday when I realise the world doesn’t revolved around me. When the Moon transits Leo, take up space proudly knowing how amazing it is to be the unique individual that is yourself.
What to be mindful of:
- Your ego
Take some time to be mindful of being too self-centred and focused solely on yourself. Everything in life works on give and take. Are there areas of your life when you’ve been hogging up all the attention? Or thinking about only how things can benefit yourself? Praise someone else’s achievements. It’s great to be successful but isn’t even better when you have people around you to share that with?
- Dramatics
Be mindful not to act up in a way to to stir up attention from people around you. During this transit, we may be inclined to extravagance in our behaviour which can have the effect of repelling people away from you. We may feel slighted or take a hit to our self-worth when we don’t receive the adoration we think we deserve. What we crave from others, we can give to ourselves.
How to work with this energy:
Get creative
What talent of yours deserves to see the light? Leo energy is all about creative expression coming from the heart. Take this time to get stuck in to something you enjoy - being a fixed sign it will give you staying power -  and just allow yourself to have pleasure. Try not to get swept into comparing your art with other people’s. Just accept it for what is. A beautiful creative piece of work, coming from you.
Work on your confidence
What have you accomplished in your life that looking back on you weren’t so sure you would make it? Fire energy is all about the self, and Leo is its own biggest fan. Use this Moon transit to tap into your inner confidence. What qualities about yourself do you need to give recognition? What makes you shine?
Moon transiting Virgo
Collectively, our feelings become more concerned with the details of our every day life, as our emotions are filtered through this analytical mutable earth sign. We have more discernment over what is working and what is not. We are more willing to make changes to improve the quality of our life. Virgo energy is all about refinement, so when the Moon transits this sign, we are more emotionally inclined to make changes in our lifestyle. We should be conscious of being too critical of ourselves and other people. When the Moon transits Virgo, remember that what you see in others, you see in yourself; the good, the bad and the ugly.
What to be mindful of:
- Being too hard on yourself
Virgo is notorious for being too damn hard on themselves. Perfection is the enemy of good. Not everything can be perfect. Sometimes, just showing up is more than enough. Under this transit, if you find yourself feeling hyper-sensitive to faults in your life, in your body, whatever the case may be, try and commend yourself for getting this far. Life is full of problems, so try and change your mindset into a solution focused mindset as opposed to a problem focused mindset. 
- Worrying
Worries may be heightened under this transit, as does a feeling of rigidness and a desire to control the outcome. Worrying about something you cannot control is pointless and does no good for the mind, body or soul. Lean into not knowing everything or being able to account for everything. It’s okay to just flow with life and not know what’s around the corner. Sometimes you just have to let go and let God, Universe, whoever/whatever you believe in, take the wheel.
How to work with this energy
- Get back on your habits
Do you have some some goals in your life that you want to achieve? This Moon transit is a perfect time to outline necessary steps that will get you there. Anything you want in life is possible, you just need to prepare for its accordingly. Feel free to mix it up with spreadsheets, vision boards, or just write our the steps you need to take. Virgo energy favours diligence and organising your life, to be the best version of yourself possible.
- Declutter
This Moon transit will have you looking at your current lifestyle with a magnifying glass with things that are not working, standing out loud and clear. Virgo is all about efficiency so this transit is a good time to ‘Marie-Kondo’ your life. Holding on to excess mental, physical and emotional baggage can slow you down in life. Use this energy to get back on track.
Moon transiting Libra
When the Moon transits Libra, collectively we aspire to implement more harmony in our life, through our ability to relate to others. We are more apt to compromise for the sake of others. We gain great emotional satisfaction in our one-to-one relationships. Sometimes things just feel better when you have someone to share it with. There is a danger though, of conceding too much for the other party in hope of keeping the balance. Libran energy is very good at social etiquette but there’s no point in acting like everything is okay in front of people, only to feel the stark opposite when alone. When the Moon moves through the sign of Libra, balance must be sought out within, not just in external situations.
What to be mindful of:
- passive aggressiveness
Libran energy is very much tied up in their relationships with other people and sometimes this becomes a safety blanket. When the Moon is in Libra, we are very driven to maintain harmony in our life and so may not bring up issues that we feel like are unfair. This creates resentment in ourselves which isn’t healthy for us or in maintaining healthy relationships. Do yourself a favour and speak up about any imbalances in a relationship you may feel. There is a tendency to avoid confrontations of fear of losing approval in someone’s else eyes.
- Idealising people/situations
Libran energy is very attuned to seeing beauty in things. Be mindful of only allowing yourself to see what you deem is beautiful and acceptable. See the good but also see the ugly, in all its entirety. Use this insightful energy to weigh up situations for what they truly are. Not just for what you imagine or hope them to be. Give yourself the reality check. 
How to work with this energy:
- Bring balance into your life
Where can you take back your power? Where you can honour your own needs and say no? There is a danger of being a pushover during this transit.Use the cardinal energy of air sign Libra to assert yourself.  As a result, you will gain respect and attract the right people around you. Libran energy is good at playing the mediator so under this transit, you will be more inclined to see relationships from a detached point of view.
- Extend the olive branch
During this transit, the energy is diplomatic and favours seeing situations from someone else shoes. I’m not saying that you have to be beg for someone else’s forgiveness during this transit, but rather, use this Libran moon to your advantage and reach out to another. You don’t lose anything when you admit you were in the wrong. Try and mend any relationships in your life that you hold dear to your heart.
Moon transiting Scorpio
When the Moon in in Scorpio, it is said to be in fall. Vulnerability and emotional expression do not come as easily in this sign. Collectively we may feel more deep, intense, intuitive but also paranoid and suspicious. Unconscious childhood behaviour pattens may come up to resurface. We’re more inclined to want to appease our sexual desires or desires for power. Feelings of jealously or possessiveness may run strong and we may be more stubborn. When the Moon transits Scorpio, it’s a good time to get real with yourself and the nitty gritty of a situation.
What to be mindful of: 
- Your shadow:
During a Scorpio moon transit, things that you have buried down within you are apt to say hello. Try not to ignore them. They’re coming up for a reason. Use this transit to be a A1 detective on yourself. Why do you behave the way that you do in situations like this? Why does that one thing trigger you so much? Opportunity is being presented for you to to heal yourself on a soul level. It may feel very uncomfortable but the rewards on the other side are priceless.
- Your bite
This fixed water sign can be quite ruthless when scorned so be mindful that you don’t act out on people around you in a way that you might regret lately. Try not feed into negative thought patterns. You can run yourself wild seeing everyone as a suspect or an enemy. Just because you’re feeling a type of way, doesn’t mean other people deserve to be treated in a horrible way.
How to work with this energy:
- Purge your feelings
Be honest with yourself. Be honest with someone else. Scorpio energy is all about the raw truth. Use this Moon transit to do just that and release any emotional turmoil within. This is a good time for releasing your frustrations out in a journal entry. Scorpio energy is linked to a phoenix rising from the ashes to be reborn. What’s weighing you down?
- Research
This Moon transit gives you the drive to dig a lil deeper. Find a topic that interests the hell out of your and go to town. Whatever it is, during this transit you have the motivation and drive to really get to the bottom of whatever you set your mind to. You more likely to understand and see the intentions behind other people’s motives too.
Moon transiting Sagittarius
When the Moon transits the fiery mutable sign of Sagittarius, collectively we feel optimistic and inspired about our place in life. Feelings are expansive and desires are juuuuust over the horizon. We feel restless, wanting to explore all that life has to offer. But be careful, you may over do yourself. There is a tendency to overdo things. This energy is all about grandeur and doing things bigger and better than what’s been done before, so be mindful that your actions aren’t unnecessarily aren’t over the top. When the Moon transits Sagittarius, you’re more likely to see the bigger picture in life, with an innate knowing that everything is interconnected. Everything happens for a reason.
What to be mindful of:
- Your risks
Sagittarius is in general a very lucky sign but sometimes their risks don’t pan out they way they had envisioned. Be careful not to put your foot in your mouth by overestimating a situation on your abilities. For what it’s worth, you had good intentions right? Be humble. Passion is essential in life, but sometimes you need to temper that fire with some realism. 
- Running away
Sagittarius energy can be known for just running away to escape situations they would rather not deal with. Not dealign with something is not dealing with something. When the Moon sign transits Sagittarius, be mindful of just tapping out to daydream in order to avoid the harsh realities of life. Life has its various ups and downs. It’s all in your perspective. Feel confident in your ability to handle whatever life throws at you.
How to work with this energy:
- Immerse yourself in something different
Sagittarian energy is far reaching, with a connection to foreign places, spirituality and higher learning. When the Moon is in Sagittarius, try to connect with something different that what you already know. Perhaps you try your hand at learning a new language. Maybe it’s a new recipe. Perhaps you watch a film in a different language. Open your eyes to the beauty that exists outside your own culture and in this thing called life.
- Get inspired
This Moon transit is a good time to spend some time watching or listen to someone motivating. Dare to dream big. Look at the bright side of things. A lot of the luck linked with Sagittarius is really down to their ability to take risks and go for opportunities that other may pass up. What can you do to create space for abundance in your life? 
Moon transiting Capricorn
When the Moon transits Capricorn, our feelings turn to our achievements and long-term goals in life. Our emotions are linked to our productivity. Collectively, we’re more inclined to want to get things in order and create structure in our life. Be mindful not to be so pessimistic about your current position in life or in our society. Moreover, pay attention to any tendencies to be dismissive of your own feelings and that of others around you. You may feel as if time is of the essence, and don’t want to be bogged down by people, places or things you don’t place significance on. The Moon is in detriment when it is in the sign of  Capricorn, so extra care needs to put into actually feeling our feelings and not busying ourselves with work. You are enough.
What to be mindful of:
- Being too hard on yourself.
You may find yourself comparing to other people and feeling frustrated at where you are compared to them. Use this energy to motivate you instead of making you feel sad. Get clear on your long term goals that are crucial for your success in life and work towards them. What you want in life you can achieve, dedication and work is all that required to go the distance.
- Focusing too much on work
Ambition is heightened during this transit. Be mindful of focusing too much on work that you neglect the key relationships around you. Try and cultivate balance in priorities in your life. When the Moon transits Capricorn, there is a higher likelihood of feeling lonely so its crucial to have solid relationships to fall back on. 
How to work with this energy:
- Network
Who can you email or reach out to to help get you where you want to be in life? Reach out to someone you admire. This transit can deliver some reality checks on your long-term vision. Revisit and revise your plans. A this cardinal earth sign will give you the steady confidence and practical vision to cement your way in the world. Capricorn energy is good at seeing the potential in things, so look for opportunity around you to strengthen your position in life.
- Respect your duties
Take some time to look over other areas of your life which require responsibility such as your bills, your savings, food shopping and any other obligations that may be present. Capricorn is often linked to being the breadwinner in a family and that is because this sign often has their ducks in order. Find a sense of peace in dealign with the little things that set up to be great. 
Moon transiting Aquarius
When the Moon transits Aquarius, collectively we may feel emotionally detached as our focus turns towards society and our involvement in the wider world. We may be thinking of ways to improve the planet and the lives of those around us. in addition, during this fixed air sign transit, we may feel more connected to organisations or groups that share our common goals. The internet may be a ground upon which we connect with like-minded individuals. There is a danger though of feeling alienated or taking a stance of my way is right for all, though. When the Moon transits Aquarius, emotionally we feel secure in thinking of ways to advance humanity somehow.
What to be mindful of:
- Feeling close-minded
During this transit, you may be struck with sudden ideas on how to improve society but find that other people are not as open minded to it as you had hoped. Or perhaps, you yourself are resistant to others ideas. Be mindful not to be too attached to your ideals. There is no one size fits all. Not all opinions are gospel. Be open to other people’s points of views.
- Losing yourself in the group
It's great to be apart of something bigger but make sure that you are not losing your sense of individuality in the process. Take a moment to look at your motivations for aligning with a particular group. Make sure it truly reflects your values and there isn’t fear or shame behind your involvement. Be conscious of your ability to firmly identify with yourself in and out of a group.
How to work with this energy:
- Shake things up!
This Moon transit is the perfect time to deviate from your normal routine and try something new. Be rebellious and test boundaries (where applicable). Aquarius energy is all about the unexpected so who knows how great the results could be if you dare to be different. It could be something simple as switching the hand that you brush your teeth with, in your fashion choices or perhaps something quirky in your appearance. Whatever it is, try something bold!
- Think of your mark in the world
When the Moon transits Aquarius we may be subject to sudden insight about contribution to society. How are you fitting into the wider world? What can you do today that guarantees a better tomorrow? Perhaps you think about investing in more eco-friendly brands or donating to a cause that resonates with you. Aquarius energy is altruistic in nature, forgoing one’s individual needs for the betterment of society
Moon transiting Pisces
When the Moon transits mutable water sign Pisces, collectively we feel more liable to go with the flow, prone to daydreaming and engaging in our fantasies. We cringe away from the harsh realities of life by secluding into the comforts of our minds. Emotionally however, we may not be all that present. Emotions can feel confusing and subject to disillusionment. Profound insights about our life can be gained if we’re open to the subtle guidances. When the Moon transits Pisces, it is a time to be mindful of the level of your vibrations as you are more impressionable during this time.
What to be mindful of:
- Your secret vices
Everything in moderation, yes? When the moon is in Pisces, any addictive behaviours we have may rear their head. Addictive behaviours in all forms, be it through food, sex and people. Addictions are usually created to mask a feeling that we don’t want to feel. Use this transit to really dig deep into your feelings. There is a danger to wallow in self-pity during this transit but that approach won’t help solve your problems. Be real with yourself.
- Accountability
Pisces energy can be very much in the clouds, not wanting to deal with reality. Be mindful of telling little white lies or stretching the truth so that it fits in the with the version of reality in your head. Take ownership over your mistakes and where you have played a part in the demise of situations. Transparency is key in life. Not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings is not valid reason to not tell the truth.
How to work with this energy:
- Meditate
When the Moon transits Pisces, our intuition is heightened. However, we may find it difficult to separate fact from fiction. Pisces energy is great for getting silent and letting your higher guidance speak to you. You can start off small with just 5 minute guided mediations or practice being mindful in simple things such as having a cup of tea. Open up space for your intuitive wisdom to speak with you.
- Protect your energy
When the Moon transits Pisces, collectively we all are a little more in tune with each other. Boundaries could get blurred and what’s mine vs what’s yours could get a little confusing. Take some time to remove yourself from people, places or things that just don’t sit right with you. You’re more impressionable at this time so why spend it around low-vibrational people/places/things? Energy levels are subject to being low during this transit so its crucial that you surround yourself with what makes you feel good and nourishes your soul.
/pt 1 - cancer placements sun - saturn
/pt 2 - thoughts on the moon in astrology
/pt 3 - twelve questions for cancer placements
/pt 4 - thoughts on cancer decans
/pt 6 - more thoughts on cancer placements
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artificialqueens · 4 years
When We Went From Friends to This, Chapter 2: Week 2 (Branjie) - Writworm42
A/N: Part 2 of Ortega’s very very very belated Christmas gift. Last chapter, a game of truth or dare disrupted new roommates Brooke and Vanessa’s budding friendship. This chapter, things return to normal and then some.
Thank you thank you thank you Holtz for beta-ing <3 <3 <3
Day 7
It’s 12:30 AM and Vanessa’s eyes are starting to fall closed, their fifth episode of The Bachelor that night still playing on Brooke’s screen, when Brooke’s voice jerks her back awake.
“Hey, V?”
“Mm?” Vanessa sits up a little, rubbing the clouds of almost-sleep from her eyes and stifling a yawn.
For her part, Brooke looks nervous, doubtful, back to her shy self as if it’s the first time they’re meeting all over again.
“So about that offer to talk…”
It doesn’t take a genius to know what’s coming next. Brooke clears her throat, looking down at the sheets underneath her, takes a deep breath in. Vanessa can’t help but feel a little sorry for her; she herself has been in this position before, with people she’s known far longer, and frankly? Even then, it had sucked. So who can blame Vanessa for inching her hand forward, laying it gently on top of Brooke’s and smiling when the blonde looks up in surprise?
“It’s okay.” Vanessa keeps her voice as soft as her touch, and even though she knows Brooke probably doesn’t believe her, at least the girl’s breathing seems to even out just a little. “Go ahead, I’m listening.”
“I just…”
Brooke pauses, squeezing her eyes shut, and that previous near-calm is thrown out the window as fast as it came. But this isn’t Vanessa’s first rodeo; she’s been there, and she’s been with plenty of other friends who have been there, too. Besides, this is all her fault, so listening and understanding is the least she can do right now.
“Were you trying to get me to call my ex so you could figure out if I’m gay?” Brooke finally chokes out, and Vanessa has to admit, being called out directly is a bit of a sock to the chest. She was expecting a confession, not a question, and it almost makes her feel guilty that Brooke seems to be giving her a chance to deny it, a trial before the sentence. It’s more than she deserves, really, but nonetheless, she’s grateful.
“It was just a joke, honestly, like I wasn’t–I didn’t–” Vanessa stops and forces herself to take in a deep breath, closing her eyes in turn before opening them again, her heart sinking when she sees how attentive, yet afraid Brooke’s face is. “If I had known it was such a sore spot, I wouldn’t have done it. Promise.”
She doesn’t really know what to expect in the moment that comes next. Hell, she doesn’t even know how she’d react, much less someone as closed off as Brooke can be. But what she does know is she certainly doesn’t expect Brooke to roll over, crashing down on her mattress and putting her hands over her face.
“Look…” Vanessa starts, but then Brooke cracks her fingers apart, peering at Vanessa through the space between them.
“What’s it like to have it all figured out?” Brooke brings her hands away, and it breaks Vanessa’s heart to see tears pricking at the corners of the girl’s eyes, her cheeks flushed with a faint red.
“Like… the whole pan thing, you mean?” Vanessa frowns, but Brooke says nothing, just rolls flat on her back and brings her hands to her face again.
“I didn’t mean to freak out.” Brooke’s voice is muffled when it finally comes out, swallowed by the way she’s pressing into herself. “Really. It just… I haven’t dated girls ye—well, at all. I’m not sure about a ‘yet,’ honestly.”
Vanessa knows the feeling; trying to weigh dating history against possibilities, doing math on what you’ve had divided by what you want, wondering where the other variables fit, if they do at all. It’s a sticky place, and one that Vanessa certainly wouldn’t want anyone seeing if she were still there.
“It’s not that I minded the question, it’s just… the fact that you asked it at all meant you saw through me. And like, I don’t even know for sure that there is something to see through. Or at least, what it is. What it means for me. Y’know?”
Vanessa nods, grunting in agreement, because she does. She remembers that too–the paranoia, the caught feeling of having everything to expose yeah nothing to show for it. She remembers the confusion, all the questions as to what she was allowed to feel and what it all meant; if it meant anything at all.
“I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that. ‘’ Vanessa shakes her head, sighing deeply. '’ I should’ve known better. It’s none of my business, right? You would think I know that by now. '’
Brooke just shrugs, but then she squeezes Vanessa’s hand back, and a small bubble of hope rises in Vanessa’s chest.
“‘S’okay.” Brooke whispers quietly, a small smile showing on her face.
They don’t say much else—To be honest, Vanessa doesn’t really remember what was said at all. What she does know is that around nine o’clock that morning, she wakes up tucked in snug in her own bed, Brooke just returning from their breakfast slot and tossing her a pre-packaged cheese Danish with a warm smile on her face.
Day 8
“Truth or dare?”
Vanessa’s head whips up at the question, her heart stopping in its tracks and all her breath leaving her lungs at once. “What?”
“Let’s try it again,” Brooke shrugs. “Truth or dare? And you gotta make last time up to me, so no cop-outs of the dares.” she winks.
“You—you want to play truth or dare again. With me. After all that.” Vanessa repeats slowly, the shock still not allowing the proposal to quite register in her brain.
Brooke rolls her eyes. “Yes, bitch, even after all that. I’m bored as shit, and the last time was a bust ‘cause I freaked out. So I want a chance to redo it, to make it right, y’know?”
Vanessa most certainly does not, a fact that must register in her face because Brooke huffs, crossing her arms over her chest in frustration.
“Look, we were getting along really well until this whole thing happened, right? So maybe if we do it again, we can get over it. Create a new memory. If we have a do-over, we get a chance to come full circle, and then we can just forget the whole thing.”
When she puts it that way, it actually does kind of make sense. Things had gone pretty much back to normal, so why not cement it for sure?
“Okay.” Vanessa nods, smiling a little. “I’ll pick dare.”
She just really hopes Brooke isn’t going to make her go anywhere naked or lick anything.
“I dare you to ask the dude at the front desk his name. And also for some weed.”
“That’s two things!”
“Well,  you can’t just walk up to someone and ask them for weed without asking their name first!” Brooke argues. “That’s so gauche.”
“Because asking someone we hardly know for illicit drugs isn’t gauche.” Vanessa snorts, but she’s already heaving herself up off her bed and grabbing her mask before beckoning Brooke towards the door.
When they get out to the front lobby, sure enough, stoned-guy is manning the front desk, this time wearing glasses that reflect a game of chess from the computer monitor in front of him.
“Oi!” Vanessa cruises easily up to the desk, stopping at the ‘ keep six feet!’ stickers on the floor as he looks up lazily and eyes her up and down.
“I don’t have cash on me, can I e-transfer?” He asks, and that’s how Vanessa knows she has an in for the dare.
“Actually, my roomie and I were thinking of another way of paying it off.” Vanessa grins, only to drop the expression and roll her eyes when the boy visibly recoils.
“My arsehole is worth more than a Marlboro.”
“Your arse—Oh my God.” She pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs deeply, cursing Brooke inwardly as the blonde cracks up beside her. “ Weed , you idiot, we wanted you to spot us some weed, then we’d call it even!”
“Oh.” The guy says blankly. “Sure, yeah. Room 96, right? I’ll text my mate to bring some squares for you, just listen for the knock and he’ll leave it outside your door.”
“Sure.” Vanessa rolls her eyes, grabbing a still-cackling Brooke by the wrist and dragging her away.
“You happy now?” She grumbles as they get back into their room, collapsing on their respective beds, but Brooke just smirks smugly, shaking her head.
“You didn’t ask his name.” Brooke grins, only to squeal when Vanessa nails her with a pillow in response. “Sore loser.” She sticks out her tongue, and this time, Vanessa laughs.
“Whatever. Your turn—truth or dare?”
Day 9
Vanessa is awoken by the feeling of something poking her face, once, twice, three times, followed by Brooke’s voice.
“Vanessa? Vanjie? Vanj?”
“Stop—hey, stop that!” Vanessa’s eyes snap open, and she shields her face before another poke can land on her cheek.
“Sorry.” Brooke drops her hand, a guilty, sheepish look on her face as Vanessa yawns, sitting up and stretching before turning to look up at Brooke.
“What time is it?” Vanessa frowns, rubbing her eyes to try and get the sleep out of them. “And what’s so urgent, anyway?”
“Nine forty-five.” Brooke sighs, “And the syllabi are all up.”
“Like the ones for our classes?” Vanessa tries to clarify. “Where? Since when?”
She doesn’t really see what all the fuss is, but that doesn’t change how Brooke looks like she’s going to explode any minute.
“Our portal, and since nine this morning. They sent us a note about it in our school emails at nine forty-three.”
Vanessa stares at Brooke blankly for a moment, the full weight of that information failing to sink in because of one glaring detail. “You been checking your school emails?”
Brooke’s mouth drops open, the blonde looking at Vanessa like she’s just slapped her clean across the face. “You haven’t been checking your school emails?”
“School ain’t started yet!” Vanessa protests. So she has a sense of school-life balance; sue her. She still doesn’t get what all the fuss is about. They’re dance majors, after all. What can the syllabi possibly hold, choreography? Bun-tying instructions? She’s sure whatever’s in those things, they’re not as heavy or scary as Brooke is making them out to be.
“I’m afraid to look, Vanj. I’m afraid to look.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll look so you don’t have to.” Vanessa waves away the anxious edge in Brooke’s voice. “Hand over your laptop, let’s see, what’s our first course…”
She almost drops the computer when she sees Anatomy 100 on the screen. Oh, God. She’d completely forgotten that anatomy was one of the program requirements. And looking through the syllabus, the dread sinking into her chest only gets heavier, more urgent, as she looks up at the page count.
Fifty. The syllabus alone for one course is fifty pages.
“The lab manual’s another eighty-seven.” Brooke frets behind Vanessa, who suddenly feels like she can’t breathe.
“Are we supposed to read this before Monday?” Vanessa starts to scroll through the document quickly, watching words and diagrams speed by as if they’re little more than streaks on a screen.
“No, anatomy’s on Wednesday. We’re supposed to read intro to music theory’s syllabus and complete the first chapter of coursework by Monday.”
“ Fuck.” Vanessa whistles. They really are in uni now. Guess she should’ve taken those horror stories about workload more seriously.
But hey–they’re only on day nine of their quarantine, and there’s twenty-four hours in a day. That’s like…well, Vanessa’s not sure how many hours exactly that amounts to, but it’s probably in the hundreds. And when she thinks about it like that? Suddenly, all that paper doesn’t seem so scary.
Unfortunately, Brooke doesn’t seem to see it in quite the same way.
“We only have five days, Ness. Five days. That’s only a hundred and twenty hours, and that’s before you subtract time for eating and sleeping and pooping and peeing and showering—“
“—and also personal time, God, who am I kidding, we won’t have time for personal time, might as well get used to it—”
“ Brooke—”
“—we’re gonna be dead by October, Ness. Dead. I just know it. If this is what it’s like before school begins, then we’ll be cooked within a month—”
Brooke stops spiralling to look at Vanessa in shock, her mouth hanging open as if it’s still waiting to push more words out. Unfortunately, Vanessa doesn’t really allow that to happen; instead, she walks towards Brooke, grabs her hands and gives them a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s just reading.” Vanessa says slowly, watching Brooke’s face to make sure she’s getting the message. “I’ve seen you read—you’re pretty fast. And we haven’t even looked at the music book yet; for all we know, the first chapter is just some easy-peasy intro about how to read music. You know how to do that, right?”
“Yeah.” Brooke’s face smooths out as she sighs. “Yeah, I know how to do that.”
“We got plenty of time.” Vanessa states, and blessedly, Brooke nods.
“Plenty of time.” She smiles, and suddenly, somehow, things feel different.
Because Vanessa is holding Brooke’s hands and they’re soft and warm and their grip is firm, and Brooke’s smile is gentle and comfortable and God, was it always that pretty? And Brooke is thanking Vanessa, calling her that name again, the one she hasn’t  really been called before but can’t help but like.
It feels special, somehow. This feels special.
But just like that, it’s gone, and they’re both blushing, and their hands fall away.
“So, wanna read? We can do it in blocks of ten pages.” Vanessa suggests, suddenly desperate to fill the air again.
As for Brooke, she has an unreadable expression in her eyes, and Vanessa dreads what that might mean as much as she has hopes for it. She’s got to do better at putting that shit out of her mind.
“Yeah, let’s.” Brooke finally says, grabbing her computer again, “C’mon, I’ll put music on for us while we look.”
Day 10  
Vanessa wakes up gasping and disoriented, head spinning, thoughts flying, and hands down her pajama pants. She looks over at Brooke, still sleeping soundly, and lets out a shaky breath, trying to keep it silent as she can.
Just a second ago, Brooke was in Vanessa’s head, licking and touching and kissing her in a way that felt too real. Making Vanessa ache too much, want her in a way that Vanessa can feel even now that she’s awake. And that can’t happen. It just can’t.
She eases herself up, heart still pounding and head still spinning, trying her best to ignore the feeling in her belly, the one she’s refusing to acknowledge or name. It’s fine; it’s fine. It was just a one-off, a random coincidence. She hasn’t had privacy in ten days; it’s no wonder that she’s dreaming about the only person she’s been seeing. That’s all. Nothing more.
Casting a glance at the clock, she lets out another sigh, relief lifting a weight from her chest. Eight-fifteen. Her shower slot.
She gets ready quickly, trying to stay as quiet as she can as she changes into her robe, dashes into the washroom to grab her shower caddy. If she hurries, Brooke won’t wake, and she can take care of this, wash it all away.
She’s halfway through the door when she hears Brooke stir.
“Ness?” Brooke croaks, shifting up on her elbows. “What time is it?”
“Eight-fifteen. Go back to sleep, you look like you need it.” Vanessa smiles queasily, then rushes out the door. She shouldn’t be feeling like this; her heart shouldn’t be going this fast, and she shouldn’t be feeling so guilty. So excited, somehow.
Think about someone else. Think about someone else. She hangs up her robe, shuts the shower curtain. Makes the water as cold as she can.
It doesn’t work.
Shawn Mendes is pretty hot. I can think about him instead. Her hands wander between her legs, and she forces the singer’s face into the front of her mind. Her breath hitches, and her legs clench, and then suddenly, he’s blonde, and his eyes are green, and his ass is amazing, and she can’t stop, she can’t stop, she’s gonna—
She tears her hand away from herself, but it’s too late. She’s already shaking, and everything else is falling away as her orgasm washes through her. Her other hand finds its way to the wall, and she braces against it as images of Brooke continue to swirl in her head until finally she’s come fully down, and she can open her eyes and finally clear her mind.
She turns off the water, leaves the shower as fast as she can, not caring that as far as showering, she feels much dirtier than when she came in.
This can’t be happening. She can’t have just come thinking of Brooke. She can’t.
Only she just did, and Brooke is in their room at the end of the hall, unaware.
Day 11
As far as Vanessa is concerned, this is just a crush, so she makes sure she doesn’t let it show whatsoever. She talks normally, acts normally, refuses to acknowledge the way her heart beats so hard and how tough it is to breathe whenever she thinks about her slip up in the shower yesterday. She balls her hands into fists to keep them from shaking when Brooke walks by, and forces herself to look up to the ceiling when Brooke changes into her workout clothes. They stretch and exercise together like normal, chat like normal, watch The Bachelorette like normal.
But it’s not normal—because Vanessa can’t completely ignore what’s going on. When Brooke speaks, Vanessa can’t help but watch her lips and how they move. And when Brooke laughs, Vanessa can’t help but feel warm inside. And when Brooke’s shoulder brushes up against her, she can’t help but feel a shiver run down her spine. Worst of all, there’s something in her that feels as though Brooke is off, and Vanessa can’t really tell what it is. Delusion, probably. Paranoia or wishful thinking, depending what she guesses is going on in Brooke’s mind. But Brooke seems to be looking over at Vanessa a lot, and seems to blush a lot when she’s speaking, and seems to hover just a little closer to her when they’re sitting or laying or stretching next to each other.
It can’t mean anything, though. Brooke doesn’t even know if she’s actually queer; what are the chances that she’d fall for Vanessa, given that? At best, it’s some kind of cabin fever, and Vanessa’s not sure how she feels about that. Because on the one hand, she doesn’t just want to be a whim to Brooke. On the other hand, though, if her own whims don’t get met soon?
Honestly, she just might explode.
“I’m going for a run, wanna come?” Brooke gets up from her desk, stretching widely and yawning a little. It’s supposed to be their study time right now, a habit they’re establishing before the term actually starts so that they don’t fail to start it later. Of course, without the incentive of grades or falling behind right now, most of that time is spent goofing off anyway, but neither of them would admit to that. Especially not now, when Brooke doesn’t seem to know just how much mental space Vanessa knows she should be taking right now. So she just shakes her head, keeps up the facade of pretending to be reading even though they both know damn well she’s thinking about something else. Brooke doesn’t ask what it is, though, so Vanessa doesn’t feel a need to share.
The door is barely closed when Vanessa’s phone buzzes, and surprise, surprise, it’s a text from Silky.
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: how’s miss thing doing
Vanjie: Idk what ur talkin bout
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: yes u do
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: u gon make me say it
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: cause I will
Vanjie: don’t u dare
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: brookiepoo
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: brookalicious
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: booty-booty brooke
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: Brooke Lynn “shower thoughts” Hytes
Vanjie: that was ONE TIME
Vanjie: and she’s fine
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: yeah we know u think she’s fine I asked how she is
Vanjie: I s2g u askin for the block button bitch
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: nah u would miss me too much
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: seriously tho how u doing w the big crush
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: I know you, once you go horndog u never go back
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: you must be dying keeping it in
Vanjie: yeah well imma have to cause I’m living w her for the rest of the year
She closes her phone and tosses it, ignoring the way it lights up and buzzes every few seconds the minute she does. She’ll read Silky’s lecture later; right now, she needs to clear her mind.
It’s not an impossibility, really. The idea that Brooke might like her back. But Vanessa doesn’t really know her like that; sexuality aside, there’s so much more to it that Vanessa just can’t fit the pieces into. Like personality, and physique, and considerations of lifestyle and preferences for age and such. Plus, Silky’s right–Vanessa falls fast and hard, picking a person and clinging to them for dear life until life forces them apart. But that doesn’t mean Brooke is like that; if the way Brooke makes friends is any indication, then she’s most likely the opposite–she probably takes a long time to come out of her shell, let people in.
Then again, Vanessa broke through those guards in less than two weeks, so maybe she’s misjudging even that–she doesn’t know that Brooke isn’t someone else entirely under what she has discovered so far. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to find out, of course, but that’s beside the point–you can’t discover everything about a person if they don’t want you to. And at this point, she can’t be sure Brooke wants her to. Besides, it’s only been eleven days; there’s no such thing as unshakeable trust yet, even Vanessa isn’t that delusional. So how can Vanessa unshakably trust the feeling she has, however small, that there just might be something there with Brooke after all?
She lets her hand wander between her legs and shuts her eyes, resigned to the way the blonde pops up immediately in her head.
If she can’t forget about Brooke, she might as well try and get her out of her system.
Day 12
Vanessa can’t keep still, and from the way Brooke is continuing to tease her, it seems like the blonde doesn’t particularly want her to. Brooke’s mouth is relentless against Vanessa’s neck, her hands hungrily roaming the smaller girl’s body, pulling her closer to close the distance between their bodies. Not that there’s much of that to overcome in the first place—Brooke is straddling Vanessa’s lap and grinding against her, turning her chair away from the homework on her desk to focus on the way the blonde’s hips rut against hers and how her fingers are feather-light as they splay over Vanessa’s waist.
“I’ve wanted to do this since the day we met, you know that?” Vanessa’s surprised by the way her own voice sounds, how breathless she’s already become. But if Brooke notices, then she takes it in stride, using the opportunity to bring her hand from Vanessa’s waist to her chin, guide it up gently to bring her in for a kiss.
“Is it everything you’ve dreamed of?” Brooke traces over Vanessa’s collarbone until she reaches the buttons of her shirt, slowly beginning to undo each button one by one with a confident smirk. “Or do you need to see more?”
Vanessa opens her mouth to reply, but only a whine comes out as Brooke finally pushes her shirt open, smiles widely as she brings delicate hands to Vanessa’s chest.
“There, there, don’t worry. I’m going to take care of you now, okay?”
Vanessa gives a meek nod, then cranes up to meet Brooke’s lips for another kiss before–
“Ness, Ness, wake up, wake up!”
Vanessa’s eyes snap open suddenly to see Brooke bent down over her, shaking her shoulder.
“What–what time is it?” Vanessa frowns, still trying to get her bearings as she shifts herself up onto her elbows.
“2 AM. You were moaning in your sleep.”
Oh no. Vanessa feels her heart stop, a blush rising on her cheeks that she just hopes Brooke can’t see in the dark. If she was moaning in her sleep, then who knows what else she was doing? Fuck, if she said anything, Heaven forbid Brooke’s name…
There’s only one option: she has to cover this up, and fast.
“I was just having a nightmare.” Vanessa shrugs, suddenly acutely aware of how Brooke is looking at her, scanning her face intently as if she’s trying to find something in Vanessa’s expression. How close they are together, and how Brooke’s hand is still lingering on her shoulder.
Fall for it, fall for it, please fall for it…  
“No you weren’t.” Brooke keeps looking, keeps staring , and is it just Vanessa, or is she leaning in closer, her voice getting lower? “Those weren’t those kinds of moans.”
It’s all over. She’s done for. Brooke has called her bluff, and now Vanessa’s cornered, nowhere to escape but–
She gasps when suddenly, one hand on her shoulders becomes two, and then she’s being pulled forward, straight into Brooke. Her eyes flutter closed as their lips meet, and the kiss gets deeper, slower, as if they’re both trying to savour it as long as they can.
Brooke’s lips are dry from sleep, her tongue still tasting like toothpaste, but it doesn’t matter–because every time Vanessa nips at Brooke’s lower lip, runs her tongue over the area to soothe the bruises, the blonde’s breath hitches in her throat and she lets out the smallest gasp, a barely-audible whimper that Vanessa wants to hear again. And when Vanessa moves her hands to Brooke’s waist to pull her close, Brooke melts into the movement, her own grip on Vanessa’s shoulders loosening and light fingers tracing down the shorter girl’s back.
“I haven’t done this before.” Brooke pulls apart suddenly, breathless and blushing and looking more beautiful than Vanessa’s ever seen her.
“What, kiss?” Vanessa pulls Brooke in again, unwilling to let what’s happening go just yet, but Brooke just shakes her head, though not pulling away this time, rather leaning in close as if she can’t help herself but stay in Vanessa’s arms.
“You know what I mean.” Her hands move down to Vanessa’s ass with a tentative, yet hungry touch, and it’s almost enough to draw a moan from Vanessa right then and there. Instead, though, it’s Vanessa’s turn to separate them, cupping Brooke’s face tenderly and offering her a reassuring smile as she shakes her head.
“Neither have I.”
Brooke’s face relaxes instantly, eyes tender as they are excited, and Vanessa feels an anxiety she didn’t even know was weighing on her lift, too. They don’t talk anymore; they don’t have to. Brooke lets Vanessa pull her up onto her bed, lets her kneel over her and bend down to keep kissing her. She wastes no time in kissing down Brooke’s body, listening to every sigh and feeling for every squirm as she trails her mouth over the blonde’s neck, her collarbone, her chest, pushing the fabric of her shirt aside to give herself more room. Brooke’s skin smells like lilac and shea butter, and it marks up easy when Vanessa nips at it, just once, because she can’t help it–she can’t stop wanting to hear Brooke moan, can’t stop staring at the blooming bruise she left there.
“Lift your arms?” Vanessa taps at Brooke’s side, and she’s a little disappointed, she has to admit, when Brooke goes a step further and takes her shirt off herself, rather than letting Vanessa pull it off her body. Still, it’s a disappointment that’s short-lived, melting into awe when she finally looks up to see Brooke waiting for her, chewing her lip as if she’s waiting for Vanessa to say something.
It’s all Vanessa can muster, because… wow. They’ve seen each other naked before, or, well, almost. They’ve changed in front of each other plenty of times, and there’s been the occasional accidental eyeful, but none of that ever felt like this before. Those times were casual, split-seconds, times where there were other things to focus on and each other’s bodies were the least interesting things going on.
Now, though, it’s different–there’s nothing else to think about, nothing else to do, and Vanessa has all the time in the world to look at every detail of Brooke’s body, laid out half-bare and waiting for her. And God, is Brooke beautiful; even as she clutches at her sides insecurely, goosebumps rising on her arms in the night’s chill, Vanessa can’t help but want to trail her hands down the curve of Brooke’s waist, cup her tits, kiss against the heat of the blush staining Brooke’s cheeks.
So she does.
“How come you’re still dressed?” Brooke pants out the words over the sounds of Vanessa’s sucking and nipping at her neck, not bothering to be gentle because who’ll see the hickeys, anyway? It doesn’t seem like Brooke minds, either; rather, she bucks her hips into Vanessa a little harder with every bite, little whimpers and gasps escaping her lips.
“Sorry.” Vanessa pulls away sheepishly, immediately missing the feeling of Brooke’s nails digging into her hips, pulling her closer. She’s about to start pulling off her shirt when Brooke grabs her wrist, shakes her head.
“I wanna do it.”
Vanessa arches a brow, a smile creeping onto her face before she can stop it. “Well, look who’s getting bold.”
“Shut up and c’mere.” Brooke rolls her eyes, but there’s a smile on her face too, one that Vanessa’s seen a thousand times but nonetheless has never looked as radiant as it does now.
Brooke takes her time undressing Vanessa, using each garment she removes as an opportunity to touch Vanessa in different places, explore her body and rile her up a little more with each graze of her fingers. It’s so effective that it’s actually kind of hard to believe Brooke hasn’t done this before; the way she’s touching Vanessa right now has the smaller woman melting, becoming putty in Brooke’s hands without even meaning to, but certainly not regretting it. Brooke’s hands reach down to Vanessa’s waist, then her hips, trace along the waistband of her pajama pants, and then…
“You can take them off, it’s okay.” Vanessa murmurs kindly against Brooke’s lips, but the blonde pulls away, her hands falling away from Vanessa’s body and leaving her feeling cold.
“I’m just…”
Vanessa stops Brooke’s hand in the air before she can move it to her ear.
“It’s okay.” She brings Brooke’s hands to her lips, kisses it gently. “We can stop if you want.”
There’s a pause, and Vanessa hardly thinks she can stand it–it feels like forever, and by the time Brooke seems ready to respond, Vanessa’s ready to explode from all the worry, dread, openness, and care mixing together and practically bursting out of her heart.
“I’m sorry.” Brooke’s voice is so small that it wipes any disappointment that Vanessa might have otherwise felt out of her mind. “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just…”
“Don’t worry about it.” Vanessa shakes her head, waving the explanation away before Brooke can put the look into her eyes into words.
Truth is, even though Vanessa wants to hear what’s going through Brooke’s mind more than anything, there’s also something in her that’s afraid of what the blonde has to say. Terrified, in fact. But it’s two in the morning, and Brooke looks like she’s going to cry, and right now, all Vanessa wants is to scoop her roommate up into her arms, hold her, and kiss her again before cuddling her to sleep.
So that’s exactly what she does, and thankfully, Brooke lets her.
Day 13
Brooke doesn’t make eye contact with Vanessa for the next day and a half, and it’s enough to kill her. Truth be told, she doesn’t even really get it–what could Brooke possibly be gaining, or protecting herself from, by avoiding Vanessa? Not that she really is, either–it’s a half-baked kind of avoidance, one that only someone who’s spent every waking (and non-waking) moment for the last thirteen days with you could catch.
Brooke and Vanessa get on fine; they chat, they study, they stretch, they watch reality TV. But Brooke’s laugh dies a second too early now, and she chews her lip almost constantly. She seems tense every time Vanessa’s shoulder bumps into hers. Something about the way she blushes when she catches herself getting over-excited is different–almost like instead of being self-conscious, she’s internally reprimanding herself. And worst of all, she just won’t fucking look Vanessa in the eyes.
“I don’t know what I’ve done wrong, guys.” Vanessa frets between gasps for air, her earbuds barely staying in her ears as she tries to keep up a good pace on her morning jog.
Silky and A’keria, her other best friend, listen intently on the other line, both of them making mmm noises as they think of how to respond.
“I don’t think you did anything wrong, honestly.” A’keria’s the first to jump in, voice level and thoughtful as she advises, “Gut feeling to me is the bitch got scared, that’s all.”
“Scared of what ?” Vanessa huffs, coming to a stop to catch her breath. She doesn’t know whether it’s the conversation, the run, or the mask that’s making it hard to breathe, but she feels like she might keel over before she has the chance to figure it out. “Of me?”
“Of vaginas, sounds like.” Silky snorts.
“Hey, you’re being unfair.” Vanessa scolds. “Don’t make me remind you how long you spent googling average penis size and worrying about whether it was gonna hurt the first time what’s-his-dick asked you to fuck last year.”
“This ain’t about me or Brad, may his cheating ass rest in pieces!” Silky objects, sniffing indignantly. “This is about Brooke. Seriously, you said she was questioning, right? So either she spooked because of the sex, or maybe…”
Silky doesn’t have to finish the sentence; none of them have to talk for the meaning of Silky’s unsaid words to be understood.
It could be that Brooke wasn’t ready to lose her virginity, that her original burst of courage had faded before she could follow through. Or it could be that Brooke had realized halfway through that maybe she didn’t want to lose her virginity to a girl.
Both are valid, Vanessa knows that in her mind. In her heart, though…
Thinking about that latter option really hurts.
“So she really hasn’t said anything to you about it?” A’keria breaks the silence finally, and Vanessa can’t say she’s not grateful for that.
“Not a word. It’s like she’s trying to pretend it didn’t happen at all.”
“Okay, so what did she say when you brought it up?” Vanessa can practically hear A’keria raising her eyebrows on the other line.
Jesus fuck. Vanessa hadn’t thought of that.
“Vanessa Isabela Vanjie Mateo, do you mean to tell me you’ve gotten all up in your feelings about this poor girl and you left it all on her over-thinking, introverted, anxiety-prone ass to make sense of?” A’keria sounds like a mom scolding a wayward daughter, equal parts disappointment and exasperation, and honestly, Vanessa can’t blame her.
“Well, when you put it like that …”
“Go jog your ass back to your dorm and talk to her, then you can tell us about it later.” Even Silky takes on A’keria’s matter-of-fact tone, and even though normally, Vanessa would bite back at that from her, this time, she just sighs, because her friends are right.
“Fine, I will, but if I get my heart broke, it’s on you bitches.” Vanessa huffs, only to be greeted with a snort from A’keria and a whoop from Silky.
“Go hash it out, drama queen. We’ll be waiting to hear how it goes down.”
With A’keria’s words replaying in her head, Vanessa heads back, her chest so tight and feet so suddenly heavy that jogging just isn’t a possibility anymore. Not that it matters–it’s so cloudy today that no one is around to see her walking like she’s headed to her own funeral, and even once rain flecks of rain start to dot the sidewalk and wet her clothes, she can’t help but feel like getting soaked is a better alternative to the conversation she’s about to have.
Unfortunately, Brooke seems to see things a little differently when Vanessa does finally slide back into their room looking like a drowned rat. It’s what she gets for taking the long route around campus in the middle of a downpour, she supposes, but to Brooke, the sheer amount of rain they get here is still a bit of a big deal–so maybe she shouldn’t be surprised when the blonde immediately jumps to fussing over her.
“Oh my God, you’re soaked ! C’mere, shit, let me get you a towel. No, hey! Take your shoes off, they’re all muddy.” Brooke rushes around, directing Vanessa before darting out of the room to grab a towel from the bathroom.
“There you go, that’s better.” Brooke musses up Vanessa’s hair as she rubs it dry, and Vanessa has to admit, it feels nice to be doted on again. Come to think of it, this is the most attention Brooke has paid to Vanessa in a day and a half, the most she’s said, the first time she’s looked her in the eyes…
Their eyes snap away from each others’ as they apparently realize what’s going on at the same time, the easy tenderness between them replaced once again by a pointed awkwardness that makes it hard to breathe. Right. Things aren’t that simple, and this moment can’t be that sweet, because there’s too much left unsaid, too much they’re avoiding. For now, at least.
“We need to talk about it, don’t we?” Brooke’s voice is quiet but resolute, because they both know that the question isn’t really a question at all. For a split second, though, Vanessa can’t help but wonder what would happen if she shook her head, told Brooke that actually, talking wouldn’t be necessary. That they could just put the issue to bed and let time smooth it over, for better or worse. But that’s not what she wants, she knows it deep down, so it’s time to rip the bandaid off.
“Yeah,” Vanessa sighs, running a hand through her hair. “Yeah, we do.”
Brooke nods, biting down on her lip for a moment before letting out a sigh of her own and gesturing for Vanessa to come further inside their room. It’s a welcome invitation; especially after her run, all Vanessa wants to do is flop down on her bed, and given what’s about to happen, curling up and having something soft to burrow into definitely sounds appealing. Brooke, though, seems to have other ideas—before Vanessa can get to her bed, Brooke beats her to her own, then taps the mattress beside her, signaling for Vanessa to climb on.
“It’s okay,” Brooke offers kindly, “I wanna be close to you. If you want to, too.”
Vanessa hates that she wants to, but pushes her nerves aside and comes to sit next to Brooke, drawing up her knees to pull them close to her body. Brooke mirrors her position, and there’s that silence again, a stalemate as to who should go first. It’s unbearable for someone as talkative and as sure of herself as Vanessa, of course it is, but how could Brooke expect her to know where to start?
Luckily, once again, Brooke seems to have ideas of her own.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you.” To Vanessa’s surprise, Brooke’s voice is steady, calm, a little bit matter-of-fact. “I didn’t really mean to, I just… I wanted to give us both space, you know?”
Vanessa doesn’t, not really, but she nods her head anyway, because she knows Brooke well enough by now to know the blonde will wind up explaining what she means, anyway. “It wasn’t just you, I didn’t exactly jump at the opportunity to say anything, either.”  
“That’s why I held back, yeah.” Brooke admits, “I figured we both needed space to calm down and think a little. I was kind of afraid of what you’d have to say, honestly.”
“Same here.” Vanessa gives a little laugh. “I thought maybe you were gonna say you decided you didn’t like me after all.”
“Like you, or like girls?” Brooke raises an eyebrow, and Vanessa curses inwardly. She deserves the callout, and she should have known Brooke would follow through with it, but she was hoping to avoid it. Still, it’s out in the air now, and there’s no going back.
“Both, I guess.”
“See, that’s why I stopped, though.” Brooke’s voice becomes a little more urgent, her eyes widening as she explains, “Because it’s not like that. It’s not. I… I like you, Vanessa. I like you a lot. And I wanted you so fucking bad. That’s what made it hard. ‘Cause like, it just all got so real, you know? I couldn’t handle that it was real. I needed time to process it.”
“I get it.” Vanessa nods, and this time, it’s true–because when she thinks about it, she remembers, and the feelings she went through just a year ago come crashing back into her mind. How confused she was. How liking girls was something she knew about herself, deep down, but only sort of. How she listened to songs about it over and over again, but it all seemed so abstract at the same time, a fantasy she wasn’t sure would ever actually be reality. How suddenly, it did, courtesy of the shy blonde in her English class and the shelter of the school library’s reference section. How plainly overwhelming that was, and how she skipped English class for a week after that, only to wind up back behind the same shelf in the library with her hands on the same girl’s waist again.
“So you didn’t just automatically know, either?” Brooke shuffles a little closer, and Vanessa lets her, the closing space between them suddenly just a little less intimidating.
“Nah.” This time, when Vanessa shakes her head, she can’t help but smile a little despite herself. “I was in your shoes too, and not even that long ago, honestly. I guess I just… forgot what it felt like to be there.”
“Well, now that you remember, how do you feel?” Brooke scootches closer again, sending butterflies loose in Vanessa’s stomach. Brooke is close enough to touch now, if Vanessa were brave enough to reach out, and her eyes are gaining intensity, yet somehow softness at the same time, a faint blush on her cheeks.
Looking at that, Vanessa knows exactly how she feels, and what she wants to do about it.
“Like I wanna kiss you again.” She breathes, scooting a little closer again.
“Are you sure?” Brooke wavers suddenly, licking her lips.
“Yeah.” Vanessa reaches out, resting a hand on Brooke’s shoulder at last, the closing of distance feeling relieving and terrifying all at once. “Yeah, I am.”
Brooke doesn’t protest, doesn’t talk again. She just brings her lips to Vanessa’s, and everything finally feels like it’ll be okay.
Day 14
Vanessa wakes up in Brooke’s bed again, snuggled up against the taller girl and nestled in her arms. The blonde snores softly as she continues to sleep, her eyes flickering behind a curtain of eyelashes every so often. It’s funny; they’ve spent countless hours during their quarantine laying on Brooke’s bed together, sometimes dozing off next to each other, and yet for all the times Vanessa’s glanced over at her roommate, let herself stare too long, she hadn’t realized there was so much about Brooke that she hadn’t noticed before. Like how the slightly-pink blush that’s always on her cheeks doesn’t disappear when she’s sleeping. How her mouth is parted just a little, with warm, soft breaths that tickle at Vanessa’s cheek. How in the emerging sunlight behind their curtains, the stray hairs tangled and resting against Brooke’s face are so fine, so golden that they become almost translucent before Vanessa’s very eyes.
She gives into temptation at that last detail, so transfixed that she doesn’t stop herself from reaching out and brushing the hair from Brooke’s face, tucking it gently behind her ear.
“Morning, sleepy-head.” Vanessa smiles as Brooke stirs at the feeling of fingers against her skin, eyes blinking open and smile tender as she returns the gesture, tracing a warm hand over Vanessa’s cheek and making the shorter woman melt into her touch.
“How long’ve you been awake?” Brooke’s voice is still hoarse with sleep, but she keeps her hand against Vanessa’s face, clearly content to continue stroking her as long as Vanessa keeps enjoying her touch. Vanessa shuffles a little closer, planting a chaste kiss on Brooke’s lips before burrowing into her chest again.
“Not long,” Vanessa shrugs as she shuffles a little closer, planting a chaste kiss on Brooke’s lips before burrowing into her chest again. “I just couldn’t resist waking you up, honestly.”
“Rude.” Brooke giggles, giving Vanessa a playful shove on the shoulder.
“What, you’d rather I just stared at you for an hour?” Vanessa teases, sticking her tongue out at Brooke, who rolls her eyes, but nonetheless brings her face down to meet Vanessa’s, answering the question by kissing the mockery off her mouth. They giggle together for a few more moments before settling back into a peaceful silence, watching each other as they enjoy the calm.
“This is nice.” Brooke finally sighs, pulling Vanessa flush against her and holding onto her tight. And Vanessa doesn’t say anything, she doesn’t need to; she only needs to kiss against Brooke’s collarbone, squeeze her back, to feel completely content.
The next time she opens her eyes, she’s still in Brooke’s arms and the blonde’s eyes are shut again, and they’ve definitely missed breakfast, but it doesn’t matter. Not when they’re like this, so comfortable, so content.
Of course, then her phone buzzes five times in quick succession from the other side of the room, and their little bubble is popped, Brooke’s eyes snapping open as Vanessa realizes with a jolt that she hasn’t checked her phone since yesterday.
She hops off of Brooke’s bed and is greeted by the notification of no less than twenty missed calls and seventy-five text messages–no, make that seventy-six, no, seventy-seven, seventy-eight…
Kiki without the kaikai: BITCH ARE U ALIVE
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: it’s been over 12 hours if they still shagging im done
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: either that or one or both have gone missing
Kiki without the kaikai: ok so she’s dead
Dr Silk w the Good Milk: bitch if u really are dead can i have ur coach bag i got a date Fri night
Jesus Christ. Vanessa chuckles to herself, shaking her head as she types out a quick message to let her friends know she’s okay.
Vanjie: that bag cost me $300 it’s going in the casket with me
Another flurry of messages, and this time, Vanessa can’t just keep the laughter to herself, especially not when Brooke comes up behind her and peeks over her shoulder.
“‘Did you get any bru–Oh my God .” Brooke reads out loud, but she laughs too. “Your friends are something else.”
“You can say that again.” Vanessa snorts, staring at the word ‘brussy’ and wishing she could be surprised that A’keria actually wrote that, but not actually being shocked in the slightest. “I’m sorry you had to see that, by the way.”
Much to Vanessa’s surprise, this time, Brooke doesn’t blush or stammer, or even swipe a strand of hair behind her ear–she just laughs again, then pulls Vanessa close from behind, wrapping her up in her arms.
“I’m sure my friends are saying equally weird things about you now.” Brooke teases, giving Vanessa a quick kiss on the curve of her neck.
“You’re not gonna text them?” Vanessa raises an eyebrow, but her eyes quickly close and face smooths over when Brooke kisses her again, a little higher this time.
“Nah.” Brooke keeps travelling up Vanessa’s neck, until she’s finally kissing at Vanessa’s earlobe. “They can wait.”
Unfortunately, Vanessa can’t–she’s never been good at that, never good with her patience past a certain point. So instead, she turns around in Brooke’s arms, cranes up to grab her face and pull her in for a deep kiss.
“Good,” Vanessa murmurs when they separate, Brooke letting off a barely-audible whine of protest as she pulls away. “‘Cause we’ve got some unfinished business, don’t we?”
Vanessa trails a hand down Brooke’s side, splays her hands over the blonde’s waist as she plants a teasing kiss on her neck.
“Yeah,” Brooke breathes, swallowing hard, and the way she shivers under Vanessa’s touch, under her mouth makes more than Vanessa’s heart flutter. “We do.”
“Wanna take care of it?”
There’s a pause, and Vanessa realizes with a jolt what she’s doing, where they’re at. How two days ago Brooke was spooked out of her mind, and now Vanessa’s trying to get her to do exactly what made her overwhelmed in the first place. Thick, thick Vanessa, what a mistake to make, she’s probably freaked Brooke out again–
“Yeah,” Brooke repeats, grabbing at Vanessa’s hips roughly and pulling her close to keep her from pulling away. “Yeah, I do.”
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Forty-Six
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
“Hallelujah!” Harry hears you from the bathroom Thursday morning and he chuckles. “She gone.” You say coming out, dressed for work.
“Good, so I won’t need to use a condom tonight?” He asks pulling his pants on.
“Thank god.” He wraps his arms around you. “Missed really feelin’ ya.”
“Me too.” You kiss him. “I gotta go.”
“Party’s this Saturday right?”
“Yup, hotel is all taken care of. I’m so excited!”
“It’ll be nice to get away for a night.”
“Mhm.” You kiss him again. “Hey, why don’t I come visit you at lunch today?”
“But I like comin’ to your office, we have way more privacy there.”
“You don’t have a break room?”
“We do…”
“So we’ll eat in there.” You shrug. “I like seeing you at work. You’re like in action.” Harry looks you up and down. You had a light grey pencil skirt on and a navy long sleeve blouse. You’d turn heads for sure.
“Alright, sure. Come see me.” You kiss him one last time, and head out.
You can’t wait to see Harry at lunch. Your morning was full of meetings, and your class was just about to start. You got emailed your syllabus and you were already feeling a little overwhelmed. You get up to the studio with your lunchbox and you’re greeted by the young man, Isaac.
“Hello, may I help- oh! It’s you.” He smiles. “What’s your name again?”
“Y/N.” You smile.
“Right! You’re Harry’s girlfriend.”
“That I am.”
“They’re just finishing a quick staff meeting if you wanna have a seat.” There were a few lounge chairs near the reception desk.
“I can’t go wait for him in his office? He does it to me all the time.”
“Well…normally I’d say yes, but these staff meetings can get kind of heated.”
“Who knew there was so much drama at a magazine that’s so tranquil?”
“Oh honey, you have no idea.”
“Because I think you’re a fuckin’ moron, that’s why.” You whip your head around to see Harry being followed by someone.
“I’m the moron?! Really? First you stick me with some little-“
“Stop! She’ll hear you.”
“I don’t care, let her hear me!”
“You’re such a bitch sometimes Mykenzie, fuck.” Your jaw drops. You had never really heard Harry talk like that before, especially not to another woman.
“My work load has essentially piled up because I’ve had to work with her. Same goes for Paige. I think you and Mariah could handle having some extra hands next week so we can have a break.”
“That wouldn’t make any sense! Neither of those girls are interested in the work Mariah and I do. Julia wants to write, and Dana wants to cobble the magazine itself. I don’t know how to use Illustrator, Paige does, so she can keep Dana. By the way, I haven’t heard a fuckin’ peep outa Paige, so I think you’re the only one with the problem. But I’m not surprised. You’re always, always the one to challenge any idea I have.”
“Because you’re ideas are shit, just like your pictures.” His jaw tenses.
“Get the fuck away from me now.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” She fake pouts. “Did I upset you, daddy?”
This is when you feel the need to step in. Isaac tries to stop you, but you keep walking.
“Hey.” You say. Harry’s eyes soften completely when he sees you.
“Hi!” He kisses you on the cheek. “I just need to heat my food up, we can go down and eat in my car.” He looks back at Mykenzie. “Afraid I’ll lose my appetite if I stay here any longer.” He grabs your hand and pulls you into his office. “Need to heat yours up?”
“No, I did before I left.”
“Alright, back in a tick.”
The girl looks you up and down and scoffs. You sigh and try to ignore her, but you can’t get what she said out of your mind.
“So, you’re the girlfriend?” She finally asks you, standing in the doorway.
“That’d be me, yeah.”
“How nice for you. Sure he’s a real pleasure to have around.” She says sarcastically.
“Actually he is. He’s the sweetest guy I know.”
“Rather short fuse, don’t you think?”
“Don’t see that side of him really. He’s pretty calm around me.” You cross your arms over your chest. “You were fighting over your interns?” She rolls her eyes. “I have an intern at my job too, he’s actually a really big help from time to time. It’s less annoying if you actually try to make the best of it.”
“They’re just so annoying. And all she wants to do is talk about him. Bad enough I have to see him every day, don’t really wanna talk about him.”
Julia was walking towards Harry’s office to ask him about lunch. She stops short when she sees you, but continues walking because she knows she has to ask Mykenzie about lunch too.
“Mykenzie? I’m taking the lunch orders.”
“Greek salad with shredded chicken, dressing on the side.”
“Right…um, hi.”
“Hello.” You smile at her. Harry walks back over cautiously, but furious.
“What the fuck are you doin’ hangin’ around my office for? Leave her alone.”
“We were just chatting, H. Chill.” He takes a deep breath. “Julia, didja need somethin’?”
“No, I can see you don’t need takeout today.”
“Nope.” He smiles and grabs your hand. “Be back later.” He says to Isaac. “I work in a fuckin’ looney bin!” He says once you’re in the elevator.
His car was parked in the garage, but it was still a little chilly so he turns it on. He cracks open his container and starts eating.
“You’re not eatin’ love…” You look down then back at him.
“Did she…did she call you daddy? Did I hear that right?” He nearly chokes on his food, and swallows harshly. “Sort of hard not to hear. You could hear a pin drop up there.”
“Then you know the answer to your question.” He was sweating. This is why he always came to your office.
“Mhm, so let me rephrase. Why did she call you daddy?”
“I don’t wanna talk about this right now, you’re just gonna get mad at me.”
“Harry…” You sigh. “Look, I don’t really care about what you did in your past, but…you work with this woman every day and she’s pretty…”
“Please don’t be jealous, I really can’t fuckin’ stand her.”
“Then why’d she call you that? Is it like an inside joke or something? Are you like the daddy of the office?”
“I wish that’s what it was. When I first started here we hooked up…on more than one occasion.”
“How does that even happen?”
“I don’t know, we went out for drinks, showin’ the new guy around that sorta thing. Went back to her place and so it goes.”
“Okay, but-“
“She liked using that word. I never asked her to use it.” You furrow your eyebrows at him. “You don’t believe me?”
“It’s not that I don’t believe you…I just know you can be kind of…well, you like to be the one in charge, so, I mean you must’ve liked it. And how often does she throw that in your face?”
“First time she’s done it in a while. She does it to get under my skin because she’s a fuckin’ bitch. I think she was hopin’ I’d quit or somethin’ early on.” He sighs. “I’m sorry you had to hear all that.”
“It’s okay. So…I have nothing to worry about then?”
“God no! I have absolutely zero feelings for her. It was literally just sex like…years ago.”
“Seems like she’s not over it…you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, I could just tell by her body language.” You shrug, finally eating some food. “Lotta body language up there. I quite literally think everyone I’ve come into contact with up there has a crush on you. You work in an extremely feral environment.” You laugh.
“I think it’s because I’m so mysterious. I don’t talk much to the majority of them.”
“And when you do, are you like that?”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know…scary?”
“I scared you?” His face falls.
“Not necessarily, you just seemed so angry.”
“I’m fuckin’ furious. They’re makin’ such a big deal out of nothin’. Why bother hiring interns if you’re not going to use them to the fullest potential. Makes absolutely no fuckin’ sense.”
“You can’t blame them when even you don’t want to work with them.”
“I have no reason to. I prefer to stick to myself to get my work done. Besides the work they wanna do doesn’t even pertain to me, it would be a waste of time. Also, I really don’t need two little girls starin’ at me for eight hours a day.”
“Maybe you could do somethin’ to make yourself less attractive.” You joke.
“But my personality is also just so charmin’.” You both laugh. “So, you’re really not mad.”
“No, how could I be? It was way before we met, and you’re telling me I have nothing to worry about, so I’m not worried about it.” You finish up your food. “I know where I stand with you, I’m not threatened.”
“None of the people up there even come close to you. If anythin’ they should feel threatened.”
“I think that girl Julia does. She stopped short when she saw me, and cautiously approached. Very interesting.”
“Want some gum?”
“Please.” He hands you a piece and you pop it in your mouth.
He looks at you and smiles, leaning in for a kiss. He sees the clock on the dash.
“Feel like a walk, still got thirty minutes.”
“I don’t have my sneakers otherwise I would.”
“Wanna come back up? I can show ya what I’m workin’ on.”
“Okay.” You smile and follow him back up.
Everyone was off eating their lunches so it was quiet. Harry closes the door behind him and tells you all about the project he’s been working on. You’re very impressed with his work.
“You’re so talented baby.”
“Thanks.” You look down at your watch.
“I should probably get going.”
“I’ll walk you down to your car.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I want to. How else can I get a kiss in private?”
“Ohhh, I see.” You wink at him and put your jacket on. He holds your hand for everyone to see as folks roam back to their desks.
Julia and Dana are chatting with Isaac.
“I’ll be right back, just walkin’ my girl to her car.”
“Sure thing, H.” Isaac says. “Can you believe that woman did that to his neck the other day? She doesn’t look like the type.”
“Did you see how mad Mykenzie was after they left for lunch? Thought she was going to tear me to pieces.”
“I’ve never seen H like this before. He’s had girlfriends here and there, but none that he would ever let come here. Probably in fear of them running into Mykenzie. She really held her own though, I was impressed.”
“She’s super intimidating, did you see how she was dressed? So fancy.”
“She must work at a nicer office than this.” Isaac shrugs.
Harry gives you what feels like a million kisses before letting you drive off. He tells you how much he loves you and waves. He comes back upstairs and sees the same three people chatting.
“Did you have a nice lunch, H?”
“I did, thanks. How bout yourselves?”
“Can I ask the three of you somethin’, and be honest. Am I scary?”
“You’re intimidating.” Isaac says bluntly. “But not scary.”
“Do you all get frightened we start yellin’ about?”
“No…you all make it look so normal.” Dana says.
“Your girlfriend is really pretty.” Julia blurts out. Both of Harry’s eyebrows raise.
“Um…yeah she is, isn’t she?”
“Where does she work?”
“At a marketing agency.”
“Ohhh, so that’s why she dresses like that.”
“Like what?” He scoffs.
“All fancy. We walk around here in raggedy jeans and t-shirts.”
“We’re not really seen by the public, so it doesn’t matter. She’s constantly meetin’ with clients and what not. So she has to dress a little nicer.”
“Makes sense.”
“Now look, I know there’s been a bit of drama over the two of you this week, but stand your grounds. You’re both here for a reason and I won’t let those idiots ruin it. Has Myk taught ya anythin’ yet?”
“Sure, lots of stuff. She just has a sour attitude.”
“And what about Paige?”
“She’s been really nice actually.”
“Good. Ask for Myk, that’s just her. She’s a miserable cu-“
“Harry.” Isaac nods his head towards her.
“Thanks mate.”
“What are we all gossiping about? Lunch is over ladies, let’s get back to work, hm?” They both nod at her and disperse. “Have a nice break?” She asks smugly.
“Can I speak to you privately for a moment?” He gestures towards his office. They both go inside but he leaves the door open. He crosses his arms over his chest. “I just had to have a very uncomfortable conversation with my girlfriend because you felt the need to call me a certain name.”
“What? Da-“ He puts his hand up.
“Don’t say it again, to me, ever. All that happened a very long time ago, I don’t want it bein’ brought up again.”
“Why, it make her upset?” She says with fake concern.
“No, she was actually pretty unbothered. It made me uncomfortable though, so it’s enough.”
“Yeah, it’s called trust, look it up.” He sighs. “Look, I get you’re annoyed right now, but let’s play nice, alright?”
“Don’t think your boyfriend would very much like it if he knew you were talkin’ like that to someone else.”
“No, suppose he’d have to teach me a lesson wouldn’t he?” She turns and walks out.
“Close the door f’me!” She yanks it shut. “Cunt.” He says under his breath.
Harry can’t wait to get home to you. You were fixing up dinner when he walked in. Your smile always took away any stress he might have carried home with him. Suddenly all of the times he’s come home annoyed made sense to you. You weren’t sure how he was able to get anything done with all those distractions.
“Hi.” Kisses you on the cheek. “Mm, somethin’ smells good.”
“Roasted veggies tonight with some rice. Only needs another thirty minutes in the oven.”
“Thanks for cookin’.”
“I asked to work from home tomorrow, this has been the longest fuckin’ week. He groans. “So I’m not gonna get up with ya tomorrow, I need to sleep in a bit.”
“Alright.” You push a few curls that fell onto his forehead back. “So…what would you like to do for the next 30 minutes?”
He grins at you and cups your cheeks in his hands, pulling you in for a kiss. You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer to you.
“Bring me to the sofa.” You say against his lips. Without hesitation he lifts you up and does as you say.
He sits down, keeping you on top of him. You tug at the hem of his shirt and lift it up over your head. You attack his chest with kisses and reach for to unbutton his pants. He lifts up so you can tug his pants his boxers down to his knees. You hike up your skirt. (You took your nylons off when you got home.) His hand grazes your center, and rubs at your already swollen clit through your panties.
“You’re already soaked, were ya thinkin’ bout me?”
“Yes, been thinking about you all day.” You kiss on his neck as he continues to rub you.
He smirks and tugs your panties to the side. You lift up and he guides himself in. You both moan at the contact.
“Feel so fuckin’ good, angel.” He says into your ear, sending a shiver up your spine. He nips at the skin just below your earlobe as you move up and down on him.
“Fuck, Harry.” One hand tugs at his hair while the other his clutching at his shoulder. His hand moves back to rub at your clit. He pinches it at first and then rubs down hard on it with his thumb. “Shit!” You groan.
“Like when I do that?”
“F, faster.”
Your mouth finds his as he rubs your clit faster. He swallows all of your moans until you have to detach yourself from him just to catch some air. He thrusts up and your back arches. He hit bottom just as you came.
“Harryyyyyy.” You moan out and tuck your face in the crook of his neck. “Fuck.”
He continues to thrust up into you, slowly, knowing that you were no sensitive. He just wanted to bend you over the sofa he could come, but you two still hadn’t gotten there yet. You had been so open and willing to a lot these last couple of weeks, but that was still uncharted territory.
“Can I come in your mouth?” You scrunch your face. You didn’t want to taste yourself on him. “Please, baby? Wanna feel those pretty lips wrapped around me.” You tighten around him, feeling aroused by his dirty words.
“But I…don’t you like the way I’m wrapped around you now?” You start to move up and down on him again. “Doesn’t this feel good?”
“Feeels amazing.” He looks at you. “But I really wanna come in your mouth.”
“But I wanna feel you fill me up.” You whine. “Won’t you do that for me?”
“Who said this was the only time this was going to happen tonight?” You bite your bottom lip and smile.
“So if I, shit, if I do this for you now, you’ll fill me up later?”
“Yes, I promise.”
In a swift motion you get off of him, and get on your knees. You don’t think much about the taste as you follow your cheeks around him.
“That’s it, takin’ me so well.” ­­­­His head rolls back as bob up and down on him. “M’gonna come baby.”
His hot come shoots out into your mouth, and you swallow every last drop. You dab the corners of your mouth for anything that might have spilled over. You stand up and pull your skirt down. The time goes off and you pad over to the oven. Harry pulls his boxer and pants back up and goes into the kitchen, grabbing you both a couple of bowls for your dinner. He kisses you on the cheek.
“Love you.” He says sitting down at the island.
“Love you too.”
Later in the evening, after watching a little TV, you both decide to go into the bedroom. You both do your nightly routines and get settled in bed. Harry moves to hover over you and starts kissing your soft lips.
“Yeah babe?”
“Should we try, um, what Dr. Mara said?” He gets off of you and you both sit up.
“What exactly do you wanna try?”
“Well… like she said, we could just get into the position. I have underwear on and so do you. Maybe you could just like…press up against me or something?”
“Are you sure you wanna do that now?”
“Gotta start some time, right.”
You shift and flip over and get on your elbows and knees. Harry gets behind you, and you look over your shoulder so you can see him clearly. His hands grip your hips lightly and pulls your butt up more.
“Okay so far?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“I’m gonna press against you now.”
“Okay.” You face forward and brace yourself.
Harry lightly presses against you. You shift a little, but you feel fine. You feel him start to harden against you and he presses harder.
“Okay!” You inch forward. “That’s enough.” He backs up. You turn over and sit cross-legged in front of him. You take a deep breath. “Good start.” He sits the same way you do.
“What scared you?”
“I don’t know I got nervous…”
“I’m going to suggest something, just keep an open mind.”
“So, like, you get scared because you can’t see who’s behind you, right? And you’re picturin’ him?” You nod your head yes. “And obviously it would hurt your neck too much to keep lookin’ back at me. So, what if we tried some of these things in the bathroom where we have that large mirror. I’m not even talkin’ fuckin’. We can literally do what we just did, but at least you’d be able to see me.”
“That’s actually a really good idea. Maybe we could try that tomorrow?”
“Sure, anythin’ ya want.”
He caresses your cheek with his hand, and you turn to kiss his palm.
“Thank you for always being so wonderful to me, I love you so much.”
“I love you too. We’re in this together after all.”
“Would you like to fill me up now?” You ask shyly. He nods and you lay back down.
Harry hovers over you and discards you of your panties and shirt. He gets rids of his boxers and his hands move all over you. His fingers run up and down your slit before going up inside. You moan at the way his fingers feel as they curl up. Harry should really write a book on how to have sex, he was just so good at it.
“Want you now.” You whine.
“Yeah? Want me cock babe?”
“Please, need it so bad.” He smirks and parts your legs further as he pushes inside of you. “Wasn’t enough earlier.”
“No, it was too quick. I like when we take our time.”
“Got all the time in the world for you, angel.”
Harry pumps in and out of you slowly while his thumb works your clit. He always knew exactly how to make you squirm beneath him.  You couldn’t get enough of him.
“Yeah, fuck me Harry.” He plants kisses to your neck. “Your cock is so big, feels so good.”
“Love it when you talk to me like that, keep goin’.” He says into your ear.
“Love the way your hard muscles feel against me, you’re so strong.”
Harry’s dick hits your g-spot repeatedly while he rubs your clit. You start panting and wrap your legs around him tightly.
“That’s right, say my name baby.”
“Harry! Fuck, fuck, fuck, nghhhhhhh.” Your nails claw down his back as you reach your climax.
“Shit, that feels good.” He says against you. You run your nails down his back again and goosebumps raise on his skin.
“You wanna come baby?”
“Mhm.” He nips at your collar bone. He moves his pelvis round in a circle and you gasp.
“Harry.” You start panting again. “Harry, please. Want it so bad.”
He thrusts in and out of you sloppily until you feel him press his hardest, and you feel the warm liquid shoot inside you. Harry pulls out slowly, and before his come and leak out of you, he presses two fingers back inside you. You gasp from being overly sensitive. Your eyes nearly pop out as you watch him.
“What, ngh, what are you doing?”
“You keep sayin’ how you wanna be filled up, figured you’d wanna stay full of me for as long as possible.” Your jaw drops and your eyes dart to his fingers plugging up his come inside you.
“That’s…so hot.” You make eye contact with him and he leans in to kiss you. He slowly takes his fingers out of you. He looks at you for a second. “What?” You bat your eyelashes at him.
All he does is hold his fingers that were just inside you up. They were covered in the mixture of the two of you, but mostly him. Your eyes dart to his fingers then back to his eyes. You look at him as if asking, you want me to? He nods his head yes. You lick your lips and part them. He sticks his fingers inside your mouth and you suck on them. He groans watching you lick them clean. You try not to focus on the taste, just the pure intimate thing you were doing. Something that would remain between the two of you.
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
Young Just us college au
Rent a room, Dick said. It’ll be a nice experience. Don’t just buy a flat, that’s boring and lonely.
Tim had tried to tell his brother that maybe he prefered lonely to crazy, but Dick had insisted. And everyone knew just how difficult dealing with that could be, so he knew better than to resist.
At least, he had tried to comfort himself, he knew the people he’d be rooming with. They were all his friends, an odd assortment of assholes he’d picked up on school, summer camps, vacation trips, scientific events, even comic cons, and just… fell platonically in love with them.
Maybe, as Dick said, it would be fine.
No, it wasn’t fine.
-Jay -he whispered into the phone, hoping he wouldn't be heard by the others on the other side of the door- Jay, they are crazy. I need extraction asap. We could fake my death and I can go to University somewhere else.
The older man laughed in the other end of the receiver, the sound of pages rustling indicating Tim had caught him during his daily grading paper sesion. That was the sound of crying students dying over carefully demolished arguments.
-They are all your friends, Timbo. If you fake your death, you’ll need to start over again and meet new people.
Tim hissed.
-Exactly, babybird. Also, this is day one of sharing a house, how bad can it possibly be?
-Jay, they left the kitchen lights on. It’s daytime! Why the hell do they need the lights on? Aren’t they aware of how big the bill is gonna be if they are like this?
-...Timmy, you… you are a billionaire. I think that should be the last of your concerns.
-That’s not the only thing. It’s so noisy, Jay. I choose the attic room hoping it’ll be nice and quiet. It’s not. I can hear everything. What do I do if some of them pair up? I’ll be stuck here listening to them having sex forever!
-...I don’t know where to begin.
-You can start by contacting B for me. He was right when he said it wasn’t a good idea for me to live with other people. But I can’t call him to help me out of this, because I think Dick blocked my number in his phone, and my emails don’t seem to be reaching him.
-He said it because you are the purest of his children, and he knew college was corruptive enough without adding dorm sharing to it; that was his version of helicopter parenting. But Timbo, it’s moving day. You’ve been there for less than five hours. And you already emailed B?
-The first thing Slobo did when he came in was to fart. In the middle of the living room. I can’t live with them, they are animals!
-They are your best friends, you’ve known them forever.
-But I never had to deal with them in a closed space for an unlimited amount of time!!! I’m trapped here.
-...Are you hiding in a closet?
-...no. That would be stupid, in a three story house where I have my own/
-You are, ain’tcha?
-I am. Please help me?
Long sigh- I’ll meet you for coffee on the place near the Economics building so you have an excuse to be out for the evening while the others finish their moving. You’re done with your part, right?
-Yes! Thank you!
-You owe me.
-Next time Dick wants bonding time, I’ll sacrifice myself volunteering so you can run.
-And this is why you’re my favorite. Be there in ten.
-Tim? Tim! Here you are!
Blinking was a thing Tim suddenly remembered he needed to do, and he did it a few times as his eyes were dragged away from his book by a pair of hands on his cheeks.
-Kon? What are you doing in the library?
The other boy was panting slightly, flushed from what Tim guessed was a desperate run there.
-I was looking for you! You never came back after classes were done for the day, and you didn’t pick up your phone. We were very worried, dude. 
-I was just studying, chill.
-It’s almost midnight.
No, it couldn’t be.
-No, it isn’t.  I haven’t been here that long.
Serious and slightly worried, Conner thrusted his own phone in Tim’s face and… uh. Look at that. It was nearly midnight.
-Oh. Got distracted with research, sorry.
-It’s been barely two weeks, how much can you possibly need to study?
Unprompted, Kon started to help him pack his books and papers. He seemed utterly amazed by the almost illegible graphs and charts.
-No, this isn’t homework. I’m working on a thing for WE…
The rest of the way home was spent with Tim talking Conner’s ear off about shit he had absolutely no idea about, but didn’t complain, just holding Tim’s backpack with one hand while steering his sleep deprived friend back home with the other.
-Bart? -Tim yawned, getting into the kitchen and raising a confused eyebrow at his friend- It’s… three am. What are you doing awake?
-Stress baking -the smaller boy replied, never stopping stirring the bowl- You?
-Papers and presentations.
-Classes or WE?
-Bit of both. What are you making?
-Cupcakes. Want some?
-They’ll go great with coffee, thanks.
They spent the next half hour waiting for the oven to do its magic talking about video games, classes and evil teachers.
-Your brother is the worst. TA. Ever. He always grades my papers and he’s a bitch about them.
-He relishes in the pain. It’s what keeps him young. I swear he never grew  past fifteen.
-It’s scary, and honestly so annoying. Like, I get pointing out mistakes, but he doesn’t need to be a passive aggressive ass about it.
-I’ll let him know what you think.
-Please don’t. I’m afraid of him, and the power he holds in his hands. The power to make me fail Creative Writing.
-Why are you even taking that class? Actually, what even is your major?
A shrug, and before Bart could open his mouth to reply, the timer let them know the cupcakes where done.
-You can have one before bedtime, dude. The circles under your eyes look like make up at this point. 
-You are one to talk, mister Stress Baking at Three in the Morning.
-But unlike you, I don’t have to be up at the ass of dawn. C’mon, have one of these and back up you go.
-Bite me.
-I’d rather bite this peanut butter miracle, but if you insist…
-No! Bart, get away from me!
-Then go to bed!
-Go to hell!
-I AM in hell! I have Jason Fucking Todd as my TA!
-IF YOU DON’T GO BACK TO BED RIGHT NOW, I’LL KICK YOU BOTH ALL THE WAY THERE! -Cassie’s voice echoed in the walls, and they both blanched at the reminder that her room was, in fact, in ground floor.
A part of college Tim had never considered, let alone readied himself for, was the… party bit. 
-What do you mean, of course you’re coming -laughed Anita, clutches firm on Tim’s sleeve as she dragged him into hers and Cassie’s room.
-No, I have to study for…
-You don’t have any midterm or final this week. I know, because I checked. No papers due either. This is literally the perfect time for you to party. 
-I can’t, I…
-Suck at socializing? Yeah, cher, I’m aware. That’s why awesome me is taking you as my plus one for this party. No need to thank me, glad to be your social buffer whenever you need me.
Tim started to resist in earnest when they got into the room and he caught a glimpse of the clothing Anita had apparently chosen for him.
-There’s no way I’m fitting into those pants! Let me go!
-I’ve seen you squeezing your butt into the vent that one time when Kon threw the key to the coffee maker cabinet inside it. If you could get in there, these pants are a piece of cake.
-Don’t make me hurt you, Drake.
-Ugh! -she stopped, dropping Tim on her bed and crossing her arms. She averted her eyes- My ex is gonna be at the party. I might have been exaggerating a bit when I said I was over him, but I already promised my friends I was gonna be there. I… could really use your help here. I know it’s not your scene, but Kon and Bart have midterms, Slobo would straight up punch my ex with his astounding lack of subtlety, Miguel is away dealing with family stuff, and the girls are awesome but not really what I need right now.
A pause.
-Okay, but I’m absolutely not putting on that crop top. And we better not end up wasted, I have a reputation to uphold.
Spoiler alert: he did put on the crop top. And they had to call Conner to walk them home after the third time Tim walked into a lamp post and Anita fell into the campus’ pond.
They were walking back home late on a Friday when they were approached by a group of stupid, drunk dudebros. Tim was already dreading the moments to come before they even spoke, just by the way they kept eyeing Cassie’s legs and Anita’s rack. Cissie herself was wearing loose pants and a sweater, so she was safe from their disgusting examination. Not that it kept her from crossing her arms and looking down at the assholes.
-Heyyyyy, ladies. Wanna go clubbing with us?
Tim shrugged- He’s talking to you, girls. I’m out. Have fun.
Cassie caught him by his hoodie before he could take a single step. He heard her warning clear as day and sighed, defeated.
-Yess, you can go -slurred Dudebro number two, waving him away- There’ three of us, and three of those pretty things. You can get lost. 
-See, Cass? Hear the gentlemen. You don’t need me here.
Anita kicked him in the shin.
-No. We just got our nails done. You either solve this peacefully, or take care of it if it turns dirty. Why do you even walk us home if not to protect us from creepers like these?
A loud ‘hey’ came from the dudebros, but Tim ignored them. Silently, he pointed at Cassie’s legs (he had seen her crushing a watermelon between them once), Cissie’s arms (a thing of beauty that made multiple lesbians all around campus cry) and Anita’s katana (that she wasn’t supposed to keep on her person around other students, but who was gonna enforce any rules on the girl with the giant knife?).
-Excuse me? You three should be protecting me. I’m a rich, sheltered boy.
Apparently done being ignored, the three idiots decided this was a good time to throw the first punch. Which Tim dodged, without breaking eye contact with Cassie. She raised her eyebrow, not moving an inch. Cissie was examining her nails. Anita’s eyes promised hell.
He sighed, turned around, caught the second coming punch, and used the hand under his palm to force the dudebro to his knees. A knee to the face and then he turned to the other two. 
Next time, Slobo was walking with them.
Flip side:  the attic room had its own bathroom. Significantly smaller than the ones on the other two floors, but hey, no sharing. 
The downside: apparently, the bathroom vents all connected with one another, and because of their aligning schedules, he often took showers at the same time Miguel did.
Flip side: Miguel had the singing voice of an angel, and the acoustic was fantastic. Showers were rarely boring now.
Downside again: Tim often forgot himself and sang along, but his voice… wasn’t as pretty.
Flip side again: at least, judging by Miguel’s smile, he found it adorable rather than pathetic.
Downside number three: Greta and Cissie’s room, by some unsolved mystery, also had connecting vents to the bathroom, and the archer girl was… less charitable about Tim’s inability to sing.
Flip side: Greta liked him better than most of their house mates, and she had more than enough dirt on Cissie to keep her from sharing the secret of Tim’s awful voice. 
-Hey, baby bird. Sorry I’m calling just now, it’s been a while.
-Hey Jay. Don’t worry, you’re busy grading papers.
-How do you know?
-Bart was crying in the tub this morning. Completely clothed and eating nachos with whipped cream, I might add.
-What is that boy even studying? I know he has Chem classes, Roy is his TA, and Kory saw him in the designer’s building. 
-That is an unsolved mystery for the ages. 
-Hey, speaking of your housemates, how’s it going?
Tim stopped on his way out of the kitchen, eyes growing fond as he examined the group on the living room. They were fighting over that night’s movie choice. He didn’t know why they tried, Greta was gonna win. Nobody could resist her and Miguel’s puppy eyes. 
-It’s… it’s been great, actually.
-Uh huh.
-But don’t tell Dick. He’ll be unbearably smug.
-Of course I won’t. You still have that time I crashed B’s favorite car on me.
-Oh, Oh fuck! -came Slobo’s voice- TIM, BRING THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER!
A loud crash. Tim winced, eyes leaving his friend in favor of the wall. If he didn’t see it, it wasn’t happening.
-...what was that, Timbo?
-Don’t tell B.
-Gotcha. Going to save their lives?
-More like hiding in my room until they sort themselves out or die. Good luck on those papers.
-Good luck on surviving.
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se7enforse7en · 4 years
NBTM | One — Nothing Like This
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☾ synopsis : Love and tragedy has always had a way of being connected, that connection usually held by the red string of fate. A red string that destined two soulmates to be bound for eternity. No matter the circumstances, fate would tie two individuals to meet, to not disrupt their long awaited destiny. In the world of more than five billion people, the red string had made it’s mark plenty of times, going back to perhaps the start of it. The folktale disappeared into obscurity & into believer’s hearts. In the lives of fourteen individuals in the 21st century, their lives seem to be an unfinished puzzle. Some strangers, some friends. Some blissful, others tragic. All unaware of the soon-to-be outcome years in the making. They’ll find it to be entrancingly painful. The red string of fate wasn’t just pretty.
☾ pairing : jinyoung x fem!oc
☾ genre : drama, romance, angst ??
☾ warnings : strong language, rambling from an ass author (I had to), kinda ooc jinyoung, very much angst ur honor, e2l
☾ parts : one / two / three / four / five
HWAN JIHYE HAS NEVER FULLY LOVED COFFEE. She’s always detested the bitterness that came with the caffeine overload. However, she did favor the caramel that awaited her at the bottom. They blended almost perfectly. Yes, almost, and in the case of today, it’s an even truer statement. The barista that had continued to stare at her barely put in any caramel, much to her distaste. She’s not sure if he was that distracted or found her tip not plentiful enough. She had given him a short glare in annoyance but took the drink gladly. She was agitated about her specific taste and felt like continuing her day, rather than demand another drink be made. She wasn’t that petty. At least not today.
And now, she’s hesitantly drinking a barely sweet coffee whilst considering her schedule for the day.
Jihye barely ever has an uneventful day. As a long standing painter of Hwan Studios, she’s their resident artist. Her schedule consists of tactful meetings and whatnot, her stern demeanor present in every single one of them. Her hands are her tools, not her face. She begins to recount it in her head, her hand reaching for her phone in her expensive purse. It’s black exterior is soft as it’s insides are of smooth velvet. She finds it within seconds. There’s already dozens of notifications blowing up her phone, most of them being from numerous emails and a semi regrettable group chat. She also disliked and liked it. She didn’t like the constant messaging and nagging of her phone but it’s nice to text everyone for most. They’re part of a previous project’s team. She had essentially saved their project, which earned them all a bit of credit. She put a message or two amongst the hellhole of a cluttered group chat.
She figured she’d entertain the idea of being in their chat, seeing as they all could use some improvement on their own. She is conveniently too busy for trivial things they converse about, anyways. The initial project was introduced to her by a certain auburn haired stunt man. While not not extraordinary in it’s fruit, it has it’s beneficial product elsewhere.
Clearing it away, she goes directly to her calendar, a cumulative meeting of everything she’ll ever do. She’s punctual in her timing. Her brain is refreshed, suddenly noting that CEO Min wanted her to attend some meeting with an entertainment company. She remembers how she previously brushed it off with indifference, having been warned that they were no good. ‘Don’t work with them’ this and ‘They’re amateurs’ that. Both being from the head of the company, no less. She sighs, leaving it to be nothing else than a confusing statement. She sips on the not-so-sweet liquid. She savors the tiny bits of caramel her mouth musters from the flimsy straw. .
Next, would be the aggravating dinner she’d have with a CEO she could only describe as ‘crusty’. A friend of the blasted CEO, he is. She despises the usual ones. Y’know, the disgusting creeps who just happen to be greedy sons of bitches. But that would be a lesson she could eloquently describe to the higher ups when they actually give a damn about decency. “Damned pig” she huffs under her breath.
As she walks, her eyes become stuck to the screen. Her focus is completely on the very necessary schedule. It’s what completes her day and dictates it, but also what limits it. As a result, she barely looks ahead of herself, only a glance or two deemed possible for her mud-like eyes. She pays no attention to the pavement in front of her.
Opposite to her, his actions aren’t so different. His well done hair and expertly stylized outfit express his cleanliness, his position, even. He holds his phone in one hand and a blazing coffee in the other. His eyes are enraptured with the online conversation his screen displays. The fervent caffeinated liquid distracts him from the fair weather outside. If it were any other day, perhaps he’d pay more attention to it, the temperature usually more balanced than usual.
And as chance would have it, they both screech in shock at a certain feeling of wetness. Jihye drops her phone at the contact of a coffee, a scalding one at that. She seethes at the heat. It seeps through her once pristine, white blouse. It’s intensity practically burns part of her chest and stomach. Her body recoils as a reaction.
He groans at the glacial feeling, his skin suddenly cold. He had worn a blazer for his meeting, a black one. He looks down to see the dripping of coffee, colder coffee, that is. He finds it gross. He doesn’t want to waste a fairly nice blazer. Not being wet in the middle of the sidewalk is great, too. He meets the glare of the woman who he hears screech, an angry looking one at that. He groans at the look of things.
They’re both aggravated. Jihye can see the annoyance on his face, just as she’s sure he can detect hers. She sighs as her mind is ready to curse out an idiot who almost burned her. It would be nice, considering her day was subpar already. Alas, her basic manners kick in, reminding her that she hadn’t been looking where she was going. She admits how ironic it is whilst it’s just as irritating. She squints at his expression. She knows she had a good amount of responsibility in the situation, but she figures he’d at least try to apologize as a courtesy. He doesn’t.
She curses under her breath. People quickly looked at the sight of the scene, realizing an accident occurred. She wonders if people recognize her or him, thinking he has some kind of air about him. She waves it off as she bends down to pick up her now shattered phone. Her ears grasp the sounds of clicking cameras. “Tch.” She deeply breathes in, ready to sacrifice a percentage of her personal pride for the sake of manners and what will soon be on the internet. Her eyes study his face for a second.
She notes how he has a, well, raging bitch face. Perhaps it’s an angry expression his face takes on in the face of agitation, but she wouldn’t know that. She thinks of how his face is rather unique, looking more like a computer generated thing than someone’s face. She’s not sure if she means it as a compliment or not. He’s dressed expensively, too. His body is adorned of mostly black, his grey t-shirt serving as a contrast. His hair is nothing too special, despite it looking nice. Besides his looks seeming familiar and admittedly, good-looking, she still frowns with her irritation intact.
“Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going. My mistake” she forces it out. She knows how robotic it sounds. It’s natural for it to seem like she’s a child who thinks they’re in the right.
“Mhm, me too. I’d be careful next time.” He sounds just as robotic, perhaps even more so than her. He keeps his consistent glare on his face before attaching his gaze upon the space behind Jihye, his feet moving faster than his face. He’s already past her as the anger bubbles within her. She didn’t expect him to sound sincere, but something just hit the nerve. Perhaps it being her own medicine is enough to snap something in her. Perhaps she hates the guy who seemed familiar. With the thought fresh in her mind, she clears her throat and does as he did. She urges her legs to continue their road to Hwan Studios. Begrudgingly so.
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Jihye’s sure she’s giving the press even more reason to call her a stone cold bitch. Nothing says negativity like everyone giving her an annoyed look and she’s positive it’s because of her unchaining expression. She can control what she looks like and yet, she’s not about to appease the image of what idols have to maintain.
She steps into the large building, employees all around the fancy desks and elevators. She feels their gaze on her, mostly upon her tainted clothing. She’s almost impressed they’re not all giving her fearful gazes as usual. Being the scary looking just above them was something she’s finally accustomed to. However, within a moment’s notice, they all give a worrying look towards her expression. She wonders if she looks like some demon. Perhaps.
One of the clerks, Minhyung, nods towards her. He’s nervous as per usual, but finds it pertinent to alarm her of an announcement. “U-Uh, CEO Min is having t-the meeting on floor five today, M-Ms. Hwan.” He nearly shakes saying it. The others look at him in amazement and even bewilderment. His glasses cover the fear in his eyes.
“Thank you.” She doesn’t bother looking at him, knowing how jittery the poor boy is. He’s younger than her, a fact she’s reminded of, daily. He lets out a sigh of relief, letting his head fall back to his moniter’s gaze. Jihye continues her journey to what is now floor five. She ventures into one of the many sleek elevators, pressing the now illuminated button. The metallic walls remind her of her somewhat disheveled appearance. A stained blouse and angry expression are the first to come to mind. Her expensive clothing is second. The black pants and midnight-like blazer make her think of a certain...loneliness. It seems to suck her up, like a black hole of sorts. Even her black hair looks cold, no color to invite personality. “Hm,” she hums. She knows how bitchy she looks in black. She smirks for a moment, before letting it fall. An indifferent face replaces it, just in time for the elevator doors to open.
She walks out as the glamorously stale walls surround her. She’s seen them a million times. They exude the same sensation her closet usually brings, but with even more professionalism. Her heeled boots clack against the marble floor. The white tiles mix with the black walls, reminding the young Korean just how lifeless the decorations feel. She grabs the clear handles to the board room. She can't see through the clear doors all too well, the sun peeking through the windows. She squints as a result.
“Jihye! Finally, we can begin this meeting.” CEO Min, an older and fairly petit woman, greets her. Her hands are clasped together. A forced and albeit sweetly sickening smile sits on her face as she motions her hand for Jihye to sit.
Her eyes instantly widen in unison with the supposed guest, a familiar and rage inducing face. She frowns even more, if that was possible. His face scrunches up in slight disgust. Her eyes dance between the CEO and the young man. She mentally scoffs, curious of why god suddenly decided to make her day the worst with a pinch of shit. She warily saunters toward the leather chair, directly across from him. She glares at him. As does he, with even more hints of vexation. They both look to the very woman who arranged such a meeting.
“Jihye, I’d like to introduce who we’ll be doing our collaboration with. This is Park Jinyoung—“
“JYP Entertainment.” The words slide off her tongue with venom. She remembers quite clearly now. The exact company she had been warned of and directed to stay away from, none other by the woman sitting a few feet away from her. “Yes, you eloquently warned me of them, Mrs. Min.”
“‘Warned is a bit exaggerated’. I simply informed you of them.” She sweetly smiles at him, not exactly convincing him. “And this is Hwan Jihye, my—a beloved artist at Hwan Studios. She’s one of our best and oldest.”
She slightly winces at the last part, thinking it not at all pertinent. “You know, it would have been very insightful if you informed me of who I’d be working with, ma’am. Why a sudden collaboration when you can’t even notify your senior artist?” The hate in her voice made the older woman sigh. It even extends to the man, Jinyoung.
“Why keep two perfectly capable artists in the dark, Mrs. Min? Afraid one can’t compensate?” His tone is just as cold.
She can tell it’s a slight jab at her own abilities, despite not knowing the other. She rolls her eyes before focusing her attention on the target. “Of course not,” she laughs, in an obvious corner. “We just found it to be more of a lax way of telling you two about it.” Jihye finds it to be bullshit.
“And just what kind of collaboration is this? I won’t waste my time on something so trivial.”
“For a music video, er, album.”
“A what now?” She stuck her neck out a bit, shock written over her face. She’s no musical artist, nor is she about to be one.
“You cannot be serious. We never even ask—“
“Yes, you didn’t, but your company did. We reached a mutual decision. It would be quite beneficial if we had Jihye create art for the music video and perhaps some performances.” She says it so casually, it makes the two wonder why they’re even there.
“No.” Her words make CEO Min sigh, causing Jinyoung to raise an eyebrow. Even when agreeing, he found the tone a bit offensive. “I work with who I want and when I want. You didn’t do your job of presenting a tolerable client and what’s more, you expect me to join a project I don’t know anything about? Shall I do your job for you?” She spits anger out from her words as she stands up, her veins filled with agitation. “Mr. Park, we will not be collaborating on your group’s next album or music video, whatever it may be.” She gives a glare back to the supposed CEO, turning on her heels to get back to the elevator. She doesn't look back at their apologetic actions nor does she listen to their yelps of ‘Wait!’.
As Jihye disappears from his sight, Jinyoung whispers a little, “Tch” before rising in his own seat. He picks up his stained blazer from the table and turns to face the older woman. “Next time, pick a patient artist, Mrs. Min. Wouldn’t want your reputation to sink like this meeting.” He leaves the room, a flabbergasted woman paying him just about all the mind. He quickly takes the next elevator, his fingers massaging his own temple.
He’s had enough of shitty events one after the other. He’s not sure if he’s thankful for Hwan Jihye’s refusal or offended she’s so unable to work with him. It’s both insulting and interesting, for sure. He’d even admit that she initially caught some of his eye at first. He couldn’t deny that she has beautiful features, her style somewhat similar to his. Although, the appeal rapidly disappeared as reality hit him like a truck. His displeasure was fair, at least in his eyes. Her cold demeanor did nothing to her looks except diminish their entreaty. The apology had no sincerity and yes, he’s aware that the he’s a pot calling the kettle black.
He hurries home, wanting to simply wind down with a book he still needs to finish. Exquisite literature with a cup of tea has always been his saving grace when needed. He readily places his blazer in the laundry, meaning to do it later. He sits upon his bed and places his already made tea on his nightstand. He looks for the book, having remembered the cover was a bright green. His eyes can’t find it. He grows confused but his eyes do land on an unfamiliar one in the meantime.
He finds it to be like a storybook. Long in height and extravagant in looks. It has a black cover, one resembling the night sky. Gold letters spell out a phrase he can vaguely recognize.
“Not By The Moon?”
hi, if you read or checked this out, tysm !! sorry for lowkey ooc jinyoung 🙇🏽‍♀️ I’d rlly appreciate it if you could reblog or like this post. I’d love to hear what ppl think so a comment is awesome too. This is also a work of fiction and for entertainment purposes.
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