#and literally the two times ive gone for a small thing ended up being two chronic conditions i needed loads more for
k0kichiimagines · 2 years
oh my God?? theres actually medicine and shit you can do what the fuck no one told me this
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kyeomofhearts · 3 months
Back For More | J.WW
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+ summary: while adjusting to your new life in college, you couldn't help but attract the attention of wonwoo, someone you happened to share a history with.
+ pairing: badboy!wonwoo x fem!reader
+ word count: 4.5k
+ content: badboy!wonwoo, college au, mature language, jealousy, angst, suggestive, possessive wonwoo (yum), teasing, a lot of dialogue for sure, fluff?, please lmk if i missed anything tyyyy!
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
[ᝰ.ᐟ] glad you guys enjoyed part one!!! 🥹 i really appreciate the lovely comments you all left <333 i know this took forever for me to post but i swear i didn't mean to. currently writing part three as we speak so it will definitely come out within these following months or so... anyways, this wasn't proofread so please excuse any mistakes i may have made! as always, don't be scared to comment because i quite literally thrive on your guys' comments and reblogs! :)
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Two weeks. Two full weeks of your torture.
Wonwoo was pretty shocked, to say the least. He wasn’t aware of the lengths you would take to ignore him. Sure, it was his fault for going off on you but he was sorry. He knew what he had said to you that day upset you, but he didn't know it was going to end up like this. And now he was at a loss, he wasn’t sure on how to navigate this 'predicament' between the two of you.
Wonwoo obviously knew that he had to apologize to you but he also knew that you needed space. Which is exactly what he did for those first few days after the ‘fight’ had occurred. He gave you space for a day or two but then, those two days turned into five... and before he knew it, two weeks had passed.
Of course, it’s not like Wonwoo didn’t try to talk to you but it was kind of difficult when you would run away at the mere sight of him. It also didn't help that any of his attempts for forgiveness were typically greeted with your indifference, it was as if you had walled yourself off completely.
To make matters worse, anytime that Wonwoo was able to see you, Hyunwoo was right by your side. It was troubling, to say the least. He couldn't quite put his finger on why the sight of you with Hyunwoo stirred such unease within him but it did and he hated it.
Out of everyone on this campus, you were giving Hyunwoo your time and attention? It just didn't make sense to Wonwoo. You barely knew the guy!
Not that he was jealous or anything but… there was something about Hyunwoo that he didn't trust. His easy 'charm' and 'magnetic' personality seemed almost too good to be true, and Wonwoo couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye. He was definitely hiding something.
And so, Wonwoo found himself in limbo, caught between the regret of his past actions and the uncertainty of what would happen between him and you. He hoped for the chance to set things right, to close the gap that had formed between the two of you, but he couldn't help but wonder if it was already too late.
Until then, all he could do was wait for another opportunity.
To say that you were bored was an understatement. Ignoring Wonwoo for two weeks was beginning to take its toll on you. Life had suddenly become only about your job and classes which was... exhausting.
Granted, you did make it your life mission to ignore him any chance you were given but there was no point in dwelling on that. It was quite easy going no-contact with him considering that you didn't share any socials with him. A small part of you did occasionally miss when you would get randomly bothered by Wonwoo, it was a nice distraction from whatever you were thinking about at that moment.
Other than that...
Life was pretty uneventful if you were being honest with yourself. Your days were usually filled with school assignments and work so there wasn't anything that could help you keep your mind away from Wonwoo. And it didn't help that your friends had gone radio silent on you either.
Some might say that you were taking your pettiness too far but you couldn't help yourself! Sure, you and Wonwoo were not at the level where you could practically share everything with each other but how else were you supposed to react to his obvious injuries? Like... did he want you to just ignore his bruised face and act like everything was fine and dandy? You despised how much this whole situation still bothered you even after a few weeks had passed since it occurred.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to hear Wonwoo out-
"Hellooo? Yn!"
Your head snapped towards the direction where you heard your name come from. Of course, it was Hyunwoo.
"I've been calling your name like crazy! Are you deaf or something?" His voice was laced with annoyance but you could tell that he was trying to play it cool.
You don't know if it was because you were always sleep-deprived but recently, Hyunwoo had been getting on your nerves. Hyunwoo was just too clingy for your liking, always feeling the need to be around you any chance he could. It was bothersome if anything.
“Sorry I was distracted, what did you need?” You tried to sound nice but couldn't help the irritation from slipping into your tone.
Hyunwoo scoffed. "Well, I just wanted to invite you to this party on Friday." He stepped closer to you, there was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
He continued, "I know parties aren't really your thing but... please think about it at least?"
You hesitated, your mind automatically going through your schedule. You were definitely open on Friday, but the thought of going to a party wasn't exactly appealing to you. Especially not with the current state of your social life.
You mulled over his proposition for a few seconds.
"Uh, thanks for the invite, but I think I'll pass," you replied, trying to sound casual.
Hyunwoo raised an eyebrow, his playful demeanor turning into one of disbelief. "Pass? Come on, yn, when was the last time you actually went out and had some fun?"
Ugh. His words hit a little too close to home. You knew he was right, but the idea of going out without knowing anyone felt daunting. You knew that there was surely something better you could do on a Friday night but a small part of you was curious about the party. Maybe you should at least check it out, that wouldn't hurt, right?
You looked at Hyunwoo and exhaled.
"Okay fine, I'll go with you," you playfully nudged his arm before continuing, "under the condition that I can leave whenever I want."
Hyunwoo couldn't help but roll his eyes and scoff at your 'terms and conditions', but he accepted it either way.
"Sure, oh and trust me, you won't want to leave, I'll make sure of that," Hyunwoo said as he looked at the time on his phone noting that he had a few minutes left. He patted your back before bidding you goodbye to attend his next class.
You weren't sure if it was you but there was something off about his reply. But before you could dwell on it further, your phone suddenly buzzed with a notification, forcing you back to reality.
[www.onwoo requested to follow you.]
Okay, now you have a lot of questions. How did he even find you? Was it through one of your friends? Why now? God you knew this was going to eat you up for the next few hours or maybe even days.
Nevertheless, you accepted his friend request and even went as far as to add him as a friend. That should be okay, right?
You slipped your phone back into your pocket as you got closer to your class. Surely your lecture would at least help you take him off your mind.
When you entered the classroom you noticed that the seating arrangement had been changed. There were a few students still standing at the front who looked just as confused as you. After a few more students came to the class the professor eventually got up to address the situation.
"For those that are coming in, I have changed your assigned seats for the rest of the semester! If you look at the board you will also see that I have grouped you into pairs, and to make it convenient I have sat you with your partner so you do not have to struggle with finding them. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me!"
Okay, this was different but not necessarily bad. You looked towards the board to see who you had been paired with and you felt your stomach drop down to the pits of Hell.
[yn | wonwoo]
If you were going to be honest you completely forgot Wonwoo was even in this class in the first place.
If there was a God out there, then they for sure failed you today. This was very unfortunate for you, but there wasn't anything that could be done about it. So you begrudgingly made your way to your assigned seat, right next to Wonwoo.
You took a quick glance over his figure noting his dark attire. There wasn't anything special about it but just seeing him in a simple black shirt and sweats was doing a lot of things to you. Why was the room hot all of a sudden?
After getting yourself situated in your seat, you felt his eyes surveying your figure. Part of you wanted to turn to see if he was actually looking at you but that would just be another win for him so you decided to keep your gaze on the board. Just focus on the lecture.
"yn." Wonwoo said in a somewhat muted tone, tapping a finger on your arm.
Well, that didn't last long.
You hated how much of an effect his voice still had on you, that deep tone always giving you goosebumps. Surprisingly, you still managed to keep your eyes on the lecture, you wanted to see how far he would go to get your attention.
Though your silence didn't amuse Wonwoo, in fact, it annoyed him. He hated not being able to annoy you, maybe even going as far as to say that he missed talking to you. Of course, he wouldn't have been in this situation had he not snapped at you that day but he was really trying to earn your forgiveness. He was willing to do anything at this point. So he leaned towards you, his cologne invading your senses. God, why did he have to smell so good?
"Can you stop ignoring me? I gave you enough space already," he said in a hushed, irritated tone.
You looked at him, trying your best to not laugh at how desperate he was beginning to sound. His usually calm and collected persona was beginning to crumble down into a hopeless mess. Feeling playful, you decided to torture him just a little bit.
"I don't think I want to, it's been kind of fun not having you around," You whispered back, turning your gaze at the board so you wouldn't have to see his reaction. Just for the fun of it, you decided to egg him on a little further, "Maybe try again later."
As you focused on the board, you could practically feel the tension radiating from Wonwoo beside you. His irritation was palpable, his patience wearing thin as he struggled to contain his frustration.
But despite your playful defiance, a small part of you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Maybe you were being too harsh on him, too stubborn to admit that you missed whatever you had going on with him. Deep down, you knew that ignoring Wonwoo wasn't going to solve anything, that it was only prolonging the inevitable confrontation you both needed to have.
As the lecture droned on in the background, the weight of Wonwoo's presence beside you grew heavier with each passing minute. You could sense him fidgeting in his seat, his frustration simmering beneath the surface as he grappled with your stubborn silence.
Maybe it was time that you stopped pushing him away.
Finally unable to bear the tension any longer, you cleared your throat.
"Okay fine, I'll stop ignoring you but don't think that I have forgiven you yet." Your eyes lingered on his face, his cuts and bruises had noticeably healed but they were still evident.
Wonwoo's tense figure visibly relaxed at your words. Even though it was only a small step, Wonwoo felt as if he had already won the lottery.
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After another hour had passed, the lecture had finally come to an end. You didn't have any plans after this so you were excited to just spend the day doing whatever. But just as you were about to slip out of your seat, Wonwoo's voice stopped you in your tracks.
"Wait for me," he said, his voice softer than before.
Seeing Wonwoo like this was quite... weird. His demeanor towards you was a complete contrast to his usual confident self. It was kind of unnerving.
After that, Wonwoo began to gather his belongings, even going as far as gently taking your bag from your hand. He slid the bag onto his shoulder, not caring about the fact that he looked ridiculous wearing his regular backpack with your tote.
"I can carry my bag," you said as you tried reaching for it.
Wonwoo quickly moved away before you could even land a finger on your tote. "Let me carry it for you, please." His tone was sincere this time, almost pleading if anything.
With a reluctant sigh, you began to make your way out of the classroom, allowing Wonwoo to fall into step beside you as you made your way out of the lecture hall. The hallway was relatively quiet, the sounds of footsteps echoing against the tiled floor as you passed by other students.
As you walked side by side with Wonwoo, you couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of your thoughts.
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the silence stretching between you like a physical barrier. As you rounded the corner, you stole a glance at Wonwoo, taking in the uncertainty etched into his features. It was strange to see him like this, vulnerable and unsure, but there was also something oddly endearing about it.
"What's going on? You're acting really weird right now," you finally blurted out, unable to contain your curiosity any longer.
Wonwoo's steps faltered slightly at your question, his gaze flickering away before returning to meet yours. "Can't I do something nice for my friend?" he replied, his voice tinged with a tiny hint of defensiveness.
You blinked, taken aback by Wonwoo's response. "Friend?" you echoed, the word feeling foreign on your tongue. It had been weeks since you and Wonwoo had exchanged more than a few words with each other, but even before that, you weren't necessarily sure you could call him a friend. Sure you've known him for the majority of your life but that was really it, growing up your friend groups rarely interacted so it's not like you actually knew anything about him. He just always happened to be there.
Did he seriously consider you as a friend?
Wonwoo's steps came to an abrupt stop, he shifted uncomfortably beside you, his gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to meet yours. "Well, yeah. I mean, aren't we?" he asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.
The question hung in the air between you, heavy with unspoken implications and unresolved tension. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, searching for the right words to express the swirling thoughts and emotions that churned within you.
"I don't know, Wonwoo," you finally admitted, your voice quiet but resolute. "I get that we've known each other for a long time but... I wouldn't exactly call us friends."
His face flashed a hint of hurt before he looked away from you. The silence following between the two of you was almost suffocating.
"That's fair I guess." His voice returned to that stoic tone that you had grown accustomed to.
Wonwoo's response hung in the air for a second, thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. You could feel the weight of his disappointment pressing down on you, mingling with your own sense of unease.
"I didn't mean it like that," you interjected hastily, the words tumbling out in a rush. "It's just... weird you know? We've been around each other for so long but I don't know anything about you and you don't know anything about me."
His gaze remained fixed on the ground, his expression unreadable. "I know," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the footsteps of the people passing by. "But we can always change that." Wonwoo was now completely looking at you, his gaze filled with something you couldn't quite pinpoint.
He continued, "Look, I'm sorry I spoke to you that way. I was really irritated by what had happened but I figured that being with you would put me in a better mood," he paused for a second, "I know that it was unfair of me to do that to you and I'll make sure that it won't happen again." Wonwoo's eyes were soft and sincere as he spoke to you.
It was shocking in a way, seeing how vulnerable he was being with you. For someone who usually displayed himself on the 'cooler' side, he really did know how to be genuine with you.
It was also overwhelming. Everything about this felt too intimate for you. From the way Wonwoo was looking at you to the way he voiced out his apology; it was just too much for you.
You had to do something.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to accept his apology, it was about time anyway.
"Okay, fine. I get it, we all have our off days," turning to face his side, you made a playful jab into his ribs, "but if you ever do anything like that again I will kill you." You tried your best to maintain a somewhat serious face but couldn't help but let out a giggle as soon as you saw Wonwoo squirm from your touch.
And just like that, the tension that had once felt suffocating was now gone, as if it had never been there in the first place; or at least so you thought.
What you didn't know was that Wonwoo was completely aware of your little diversion tactic. He noticed the subtle shift in your eyes while he was apologizing to you, he just chose not to say anything. But he'll play along at least for now.
“So…are we officially back to being besties?” Wonwoo decided to say teasingly, his eyes looking at you expectantly.
You stare at him momentarily with an unimpressed look before breaking into a smile. Although you've known Wonwoo for a while, you would have never thought he could joke around like this, especially with you.
And well... it wouldn't hurt if you played with him a little more.
“I’ll say yes if you buy me a smoothie from the stand over there.” You pointed toward the barely visible smoothie stand that was parked a bit farther from the window where you and Wonwoo stood.
It was the same smoothie spot from a few weeks ago only this time they were in a small cart. Although they did have their own shop near the area, the owners would occasionally bring a little cart around the campus to help bring more people in.
Wonwoo let out a low chuckle before asking you, "Do you want the same thing from last time?”
Last time? There was absolutely no way that he was talking about your order from two weeks ago.
You quirked your eyebrow up at him, "…And just how sure are you that you remember my order?"
Okay, to be fair, it's not like you had a complicated order, but it would be surprising if Wonwoo was able to remember it considering that he only heard you order that smoothie once.
Wonwoo looked over to you once again, a small smirk taking over his features. "I'll have you know that it also happens to be my favorite so don't get too excited now," he said in a provocative tone.
Ugh, he was so annoying.
Before you could give his response any more thought Wonwoo had wordlessly started walking toward the smoothie stand, effectively leaving you behind. But rather than following him all the way to the stand you decided to find seating, preferably under the shade. It's been getting hot, you noticed it's especially true when Wonwoo is around.
After finding a spot under the shade you begin to mindlessly scroll on your phone. It wasn't too long after you sat down that a notification got a hold of your attention.
[www.onwoo wants to send you a message.]
Oh god. What did he possibly want now?
[www.onwoo] why didn't you come with me? :(
Before accepting his message request you glanced over to the smoothie stand, the line was pretty long now but Wonwoo had made it just in time to get his order in before the rush. As you were looking at him, he turned his gaze toward you making you immediately look back down on your phone.
[you] it's only a one-man job. also you look ridiculous with my bag.
Wonwoo softly scoffed at your message and looked in your direction. You weren't looking at him anymore but he was still able to see a small smile on your face.
[www.onwoo] i'll have you know that i already had 3 girls compliment me on the bag 😼
You rolled your eyes before shooting back a reply.
[you] i have immaculate taste that's why.
A few chat bubbles popped in and out before they eventually disappeared altogether. It wasn't long after that you heard footsteps quickly making their way toward you.
Just as you lifted your head upwards you heard Wonwoo's confident voice announce his arrival.
“One large smoothie for my little birdy.” He smiled as he spoke, knowing that you absolutely despised that nickname.
You squinted at him in disapproval, “And here I thought that nickname was officially gone for good.”
Wonwoo chuckled at that. He then proceeded to take a sip of your smoothie before officially handing it off to you.
You stayed frozen for a second before grabbing the smoothie and wiping the straw with your shirt.
Absolutely no indirect kisses will be occurring today.
Getting up from your spot, you begin to mindlessly walk toward the closest pathway near you, the weather is pretty nice today. After a few steps, you turned around to see a rather puzzled Wonwoo looking back at you but he still followed nonetheless.
“You’re a little too chirpy today… what happened to the oh-so-serious biker? Hmm?” You playfully poked at him as you said it, enjoying the sweet flavor of the smoothie he had gotten for you.
Wonwoo scoffed softly, holding back his laugh, “He’s still here, he just happens to be in a good mood now that his little birdy is talking to him again.”
But before you can even think of a snarky response Wonwoo continued.
“But if that’s what you’re into then I can always play the part for you,” he said with a smirk, his words smothered in arrogance.
You scoffed, amused by the implication he made. “Ew it’s definitely not like that.”
“Oh, but it can be.” Wonwoo moved closer to you, effectively closing the space between you both. His cologne invaded your senses once again; this time, it was proving much more difficult for you to escape from his grasp. His gaze was unwavering as he looked at your face or to be more exact, your lips.
After what felt like an eternity, Wonwoo finally pulled himself away from you. He smirked at the very flustered state that he had just left you in. It was clear that there was a mutual attraction between the two of you, an attraction you were trying to reject.
It was a challenge that Wonwoo was more than ready to handle.
You cleared your throat, "As fun as it was hanging out after class... I think that it's about time for me to head back home," you said as you recomposed yourself.
Technically speaking, there wasn't anything waiting for you back at your place but you felt that if you stayed a second longer things would definitely escalate between the two of you.
And again, your little stunt didn't go unnoticed by Wonwoo but he also wasn't surprised, if anything, he expected you to pull away like this. That was one of the first things he had noticed when he initially started talking to you, always leaving before things could really develop. It was cute in a way, but he was eventually going to get you out of your shell, it was only a matter of when.
Wonwoo faintly smiled to himself, “Okay but before I let you go, we should come up with a day to start our project together.”
Fuck. You forgot about that.
He continued, “How about this Friday? I have nothing going on that day.” Wonwoo's eyes landed on your figure as you went on your phone to check your work schedule for the upcoming week.
“Ugh, I have to go out with Hyunwoo that day,” you said just as your eyes landed on Sunday, it was completely open.
“…but how about this Sunday? I don’t work that day.” You looked up toward Wonwoo's eyes, hopeful that it could work out.
A million thoughts raced through Wonwoo's head. You're going out with Hyunwoo? Like as in a date or...? No, he has to stay composed.
“That works for me,” he mumbled, his gaze went toward the ground, kicking a few pebbles before looking at you once again, “but what’s going on with you and Hyunwoo?”
You couldn't help but laugh at Wonwoo's question which earned you a scowl from him. God, you were going to have so much fun with this.
“Why do you ask?” This was the perfect opportunity to get back at Wonwoo for teasing you earlier so like the tease that you are, you decided to play dumb with him. “Are you perhaps… jealous?” You said with a loud gasp as a way to rile him up, your hands flying to your mouth for dramatic effect.
You continued, "Don't worry Hyunwoo is just a boy who also happens to be my friend." Wonwoo's face physically hardened at the idea of Hyunwoo being your boyfriend. He knew that you saw him on a regular basis but he had yet to see any real signs that you were actually dating him.
Patting his back in a comforting manner you then explained, "Relax, don't get your panties in a twist. If you have to know, Hyunwoo is just a friend." While it was fun teasing him you most certainly did not want him to get the wrong idea about you and Hyunwoo.
"But if I'm being honest it was kind of fun bullying you, I should do that more often." It couldn't be helped! You just had to add that last part.
Wonwoo rolled his eyes. “Oh wow, who knew you were a sadist.” His tone was playful, an evil grin tugging at the corner of his lips as he played along with your banter.
Your jaw dropped at his comment, huffing out a loud, “Wonwoo!”
He raised his hands up in a surrender, “I'm kidding! I'm kidding… or maybe not.” Which then earned him a slap on his bicep.
“You truly are shameless,” you muttered out loud for him to hear.
By this point, Wonwoo had taken the lead as the two of you walked away from the courtyard. It was only until you were at the school's parking lot that you realized that he had purposely taken you here.
There was a beat of silence before Wonwoo let out a soft sigh. "Would you look at that... my bike happens to be over there..." He nudged you in the direction of where he had parked his bike a few hours prior.
Wonwoo let out another pathetic sigh, "It would be rude of me to just let you walk back home you know?" This time he grabbed a hold of your hand as he led you directly in front of his bike.
Your eyes almost bulged out of your head at the implication that he just made. There's absolutely no way that you are getting on his bike.
"Uh... I'm not so sure this is a good idea Won-"
Wonwoo shushes you and hands you a spare helmet, a shit-eating grin plastered over his stupidly handsome face.
"Just trust me," he says as he slides your tote inside his backpack, "that should hold everything in place." Wonwoo then handed the backpack to you, waiting for you to put it on, his eyes landing on your terrified figure.
This was going to be fun.
Part Three: Coming Soon…
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braxlrose · 6 months
I miss ur writings sm :(
I am so sorry that I've been gone for so long, I haven't posted any fan fiction in so many months and honestly I lost motivation 😭 so many ppl who were in this fandom and I created a community with, were slowly getting over this "phase" and it definitely affected me. But I'm going to try and get back into writing. I hope this will do good for now! Ive had a lot of ppl recently ask for 2005 bill hcs, and I've done that before so if this is repetitive for something else I've written, sorry!
content warnings: none
a/n: I'll be updating my tag list since it hasn't been updated since like August of last year and I don't want to be tagging people who don't care or want to see these posts anymore. So if you wanna be tagged, let me know!
2005!bill kaulitz x f!reader
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- I'm an alternative person so whenever I write for bill, I always imagine him with an alternative girl 😞 even though from what I've seen he's never really been w/ an alternative one, BUT LETS PRETEND OKAY 🙏🙏
• he absolutely loves doing hair together, I think he enjoys helping you do your hair in the morning and your make up. And he's even more greatful if you do his makeup. Then he can just relax while you help him.
• pookie has crunchy ass hair at the end of the day when he has to wash it out, don't make fun of him 😞
• getting piercings together is something he LOVES doing with you. Mainly early piercings because he only has a tongue and eyebrow piercing on his face.
• if you made music too, he would always go to your concerts and basically scream the entire time. Hopefully, you'd do the same for him.
• if you have longer nails, head scratches are always a must and he will lay in your lap for literal hours while you pamper him.
- I personally think he would love to learn words in your language if you keep something different than German. And despite what anybody thinks, he finds it hilarious to learn the dirty words.
• if you cook him something from your culture, he will literally die. He basically thinks everything about you is so cool, and learning about a culture different from his is so exciting
• but if you two really want to date, you'll have to both try to learn English or each other language because there is going to be a hard language barrier between you two.
- I think one of the reasons he would've fallen in love with you is because you were upfront with him. He's not the type of guy to just go up and kiss someone so if you confess first, that would make things so much easier.
- obviously, you'd have to get along with Tom, Georg and Gustav. So if you don't, there's no way he'll go out with you, especially if you can't get along or hate Tom.
-Dates together consist of stuff you guys bought somewhere, or if you guys went to a fastfood restaurant.
• He doesn't have a lot of money yet so dates wouldn't exactly be high class, hopefully you don't mind 😉
-Since this is around the time Tokio Hotel is getting increasingly famous, there are fangirls around trying to flirt and ask out bill all the time and he has to shoo them off. He reminds you every night about how much he loves you and that those fan girls shouldn't bother you.
-he likes to spoon you a lot, and you two switch back n forth between him being the big spoon and the small spoon.
• I think he also really likes it when you lay on top of him, with your face in his neck and your legs wrapped around him. (This also works sitting upwards).
• cuddling with him is so nice too because he actually smells really good 😱
- I think he still gets very insecure sometimes because of the haters and people who harass the band because they don't like them and you reassure him a lot.
a/n pt 2: sorry this wasn't too long! I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing so if this is terrible I'm sorry 😞
taglist: none right now
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crazystargirl · 1 year
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halley's comet ☄✰
pairing ★ - ethan landry x reader
word count ★ - 0.4k
a/n ★ - since ive literally gotten 0 requests and i have no clue whether to continue to smau or not i just decided to write smth small, i rlly love billie and this is one of my favorite songs from her
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"i don't want it ✰"
you loved ethan, it really wasn't that big of a secret
ever since you had moved to new york and joined tara's friend group, the certain brunette had caught your eye
 the thing is though, your last relationship had gone terribly and the guy you were dated was a jerk but you were too blind to see it until he had started hurting you, physically and verbally 
so naturally you wanted absolutely nothing to do with a relationship
"and i don't want to want you ✰"
tara had convinced you to go to some frat party in order to "get you out there" whatever that meant all you knew was that you desperately wanted to get out of there
after a few minutes she had ran off somewhere, probably to get more beer or whatever it was that she was drinking, which left you all alone
you couldn't help but spot ethan and chad in the corner, chad presumably playing wingman for ethan again but that really wasn't your main focus
you just thought it was really cute that ethan had made his own costume from that movie murder party
he seemed so happy, getting to be there with his best friend and having the time of your life and honestly you just wanted to go up to him and kiss him
but of course you vowed that you wouldn't be in a relationship as of now to y'know, heal from the the "scars" of your ex
"but in my dreams i seem to be more honest ✰"
thank god you didn't get too drunk cause there's no telling what you might've done
when you got home you ended up just crying since you just felt so unhappy with your life
why did your first boyfriend have to be abusive? it's that asshole's fault that you were so traumatized with being in a relationship now
after an hour or two or god knows how long, you stopped crying and ended up passing out on the floor from exhaustion 
in your dream, you were perfectly fine and had gotten over your trauma. you were happier than ever (see what i did there? 🤭) and you couldn't ask for anything more
"and i must admit you've been in quite a few ✰"
and to complete your picture perfect life, ethan was boyfriend in those dreams
of course you sometimes had terrible dreams but ethan was always in them, there to comfort you and wipe your tears while you rant to him
too bad it was all fake
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taglist ♥︎ - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @abodyhasbeenfound
lmk if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!
©insidethepalemoonlight || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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just-orbiting-you · 26 days
I’m confused why V decided to join this trip? He looked bored and kinda done with everything in episodes 4-5, he was on his phone A LOT and distracted most of the time. He barely participated in anything and even went to do something somewhere alone (or with other ppl idk) without jikook. So why did he come? Kudos for jikook though for having fun and doing their own thing despite the grumpy guest lol
seriously what was the reason? when tae was gone in the morning i really thought he left early before they clarified. and the kicker is during the short interview at the end that they showed in ep 3 and 5, he literally begins to look small and a little ashamed. and jikook do the “it was fun you were here, i played around like i was a kid again.” because they’re nice.
honestly it really might have been the namjoon comment when jimin says “you know this show is for the two of us” and even if he used not feeling well as the excuse, he still took a large step out of the spotlight in ep 4 and 5. despite kind of making it a vmin ep 3.
i think it goes back to “why am i being left out” because again as ive said before, tae is very haphazard and that often comes at other’s expense. i also think he doesn’t quite think things through. its giving a dash of narcissism, “if im not apart of it im making it about me” and he had no regard for jikook’s plans, it literally took them talking to him twice about it for it to really sink in that this is for jikook.
i think tae forgot who his friends are, what their relationship looks like outside of him and maybe realized halfway through why this show was created for them.
i also think its a one to one with that jungkook suchwita ep, because tae shows up on his own accord. sits to have a meal but adds absolutely nothing to jungkook’s discussion with yoongi. he did the exact thing: “awe let me in it will be fun,” but doesnt follow through on becoming a third member of the show. both times you’re left with “what is he doing here?” hard to figure out if he disengaged because was bored or just realized he shouldn’t have come, so found other places to be. either way not doing good for his character in my book.
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kafus · 8 months
my friend who passed away was the friend who got me that event pichu exclusive to IRL movie theaters in south korea that i mentioned a while back. his name was Riku
he passed away in the early morning of the 22nd (21st in my timezone). he was in his early 20s and had just moved out on his own and it was way too soon for him to go. just a week or two ago i was watching the kaika and vwp gensho concerts with him at 4 in the morning. he was around literally everyday - me and my friends found out about his death so soon because we were concerned that he was gone for just one day, and on the second day we reached out to one of his IRL friends to find out where he was. he was often in the hospital so i was hoping he was just afk for a particularly long time in the hospital and he would send a picture of his iv drip and the ceiling like he always did. i could not have imagined this would be the time he didn't make it. it is going to be weird not hearing from him literally everyday like i have been for the past 2-3 years. i am really struggling with this, i have had friends pass away but never any this close to me. i'm trying to keep myself together for his sake
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leave it to me to process strong emotions through pokemon i guess but i loaded up SV to give the pichu the best friends ribbon so it says "the Great Friend" when sent out. i can't nickname it due to the fateful encounter flag but i've given him the name Anemo in my mind at least since our main shared interest that we met over was Kamitsubaki, and his favorite singer was Isekaijoucho, and the flower things in her hair are called Anemos (short for Anemones) and i thought naming him in a small way after something he loved and an interest we shared would benice
i also did a nuzlocke a while back where i had some special rulings to do with naming all my encounters after my friends from the friend group me and riku were in - the pokemon everyone got assigned were random and decided by spinning a wheel, and riku ended up being my flygon that came to the E4 and everything
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i wasn't planning on ribbon mastering any pokemon from that playthrough, but now i really want to RM this flygon specifically. transfer him up and take him with me yknow
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riku was not a pokemon fan in particular, but it was something we shared/bonded over - he used to ping me whenever he saw art of any kamitsubaki character with pokemon, and he went out of his way to celebrate that interest with me, even thru our language barrier
his favorite musician of all time was Kanzaki Iori, and some months ago he put out a call for fans to send him pictures he could use in the youtube videos for some cover songs he was doing. riku submitted photos, and on two occasions his photos were actually included - we didn't share pictures of ourselves or our real life often, so these were some of his rare photos of his real life presence
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i can't stop listening to these. i cannot imagine how many times he listened to them himself. he was so happy about his photos being in these videos
i'll make a more proper memorial post at a later time (i want to draw something dedicated to him) but i just sort of wanted to ramble about this to get some thoughts out of my head in a public space. riku didn't have a ton of people in his IRL life and we were just friends over the internet but i want him to be remembered and i want my feelings today to be saved somewhere. eventually it'll get easier but for now it's still really raw
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con-clavi-con-jae · 9 months
The awaited Polyvessels winter solstice celebration fic no one wanted.
This ended up just being me throwing every thought I've had recently about them into a fic, but I see nothing wrong with that. It's kinda inspired by a post @ghxstly-death made.
Warnings? Kinda? Basically there's like a small bit where Ves and III get caught doing some not holy activities but it's literally just two not at all explicit lines, idk. (Also III is trans bc I can)
21st of December, 4:30 in the morning.
Vessel was already up, which isn't surprising for him. Except this time, it wasn't for any kind of nightmare or suffering. He was excited, extatic even, to start the celebration. Today was the first day of winter. Tonight would be the longest night of the year, the one night where Sleep is at Her highest power, and can reach out to them the most.
Vessel ran down to the living room with the candle he'd made for Sleep, and sat down on the couch, thinking up his first offering. It had to be something special, since it was the most important day of the year. He felt Her hands on his shoulders, whispering to him about how grateful She was to have such devoted followers. With a wide grin under his mask, Vessel looked out the window. It's still snowing, a perfect day to rest, give out offerings, and show how grateful they were to their Lady of Dreams for the year that had passed.
Vessel lit the candle and looked intently at the flame, taking deep breaths. Then, he started the prayer. It was quiet, he always preferred to pray in silence when he was alone. He then set everything up for his offerings of the day, and took a short nap on the couch.
A few hours later, II woke up and went down to the living room, waking Vessel up with a kiss and blowing the candle out, "Good morning, sweet thing. Did you sleep well?" He sat down next to his partner, petting his hair as he wakes up, "I hope She didn't keep you up too long."
Vessel sat up, holding II close to his body and feeling the warmth of his partner's body, it was all he wanted to concentrate in, but he had his duties, and II had theirs. It's not fair to keep them occupied... but II's hair was soft and smelled good, Vessel just wanted to keep his face buried in it and forget about all his troubles. Still, Sleep needed his devotion, he loved serving Her, and he would do so as needed. Vessel kissed II's lips quickly and went to the altar room, mixing up the dried herbs for their first ritual of the day.
II, meanwhile, decided to cook up a nice, elaborate breakfast for his boys, as well as the first offering of the day. The presence of Sleep could be felt, everywhere. As II started up the cooking, he lit the candle he kept in the kitchen and thanked Her for everything She did for all of them. IV and Vessel had gone to buy some groceries that week, so II had a wide array of ingredients for his cooking, another thing they were grateful of. They decided to make some French toast, orange juice and scrambled eggs, something special for this special occasion. As he tossed the ingredients on the pan, making quick work of it all, they murmured intentions and incantations only loud enough for Sleep to hear them, expressing gratefulness and asking for a safe winter.
As the rest woke up, III made his way to the altar room, and IV to the kitchen.
III walked up behind Vessel, his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders taking the man out of his work. As Vessel turned around, he was entranced by the way the candles lit all around the room made III's dark skin look as golden as the small lip ring he wore, his now short red hair tied up in a bun. III was always so enticing, Vessel could gaze at him for hours and never get tired. "You're staring again, love," the taller man giggled, resting his chin on Vessel's shoulder, "what are you doing anyway?"
"Just making some incense... they're drying, actually," Vessel responded in a calm manner, trying to focus on the offering. They were six small cones and four bigger ones, and contained orange peel, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and sandalwood, among other things. "When they're dry after breakfast, we can light one."
The sparkle in Vessel's eyes when he worked on his offerings always filled III's heart with love, just needing to get it out by kissing all over his boyfriend's mask and holding him tight.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, IV tiredly made his way in and dropped his head onto II's shoulder, groaning at the amount of light and all the noise outside.
"Good morning, Ivy. Slept well?" II asked softly, getting another groan he assumed was a yes from IV, "good. Wanna help me set the table?" IV shook his head no at II's question, burying his face into his partner's neck. "Alright then. Call the boys, will you?"
IV sighed, kissing his way down II's neck, humming tiredly as II set the table, still unable to speak and not wanting to let go of his love.
"Ivy, go look for Vessel and III, and maybe I'll make you some coffee, okay?" II asked, sweet but stern, and IV finally let go of him to go look for the others.
IV made his way up to the altar room, slamming the door open and finding a rather enticing view. III sat on Vessel's desk, his thigh over the other man's shoulder as he kneeled on the floor. "Ahem, guys, II wants you to go down, but not in that way..." IV teased, blushing and looking away with a playful smile.
When they noticed their boyfriend standing at the doorway, Vessel and III pulled away and got themselves fixed up, walking out the door looking at the floor in attempt to avoid IV's eyes.
In the kitchen, II had set up a table full of all the things he knew his boys loved, a red candle in the middle lighting up the room.
"You really didn't have to, II... you're so sweet, come here~" III grabbed the shorter vessel by the hand and kissed him in between soft laughs, meanwhile Vessel sat down and started the prayer.
"Our sweet Lady of Dreams, bless us in this cold day, as the dark nights start and Your power reaches farther than ever, we thank You for Your protection, and hope You can get us through the darkness." Vessel recited, his voice full of hope and devotion as he held on to the others' hands.
"And the night comes down like heaven," the rest responded, before excitedly digging into their food while they chatted about their plans for the day.
"So, what's everyone thankful for this year?" II started, taking a long sip of the juice in his glass, "I, for one, am grateful for getting nominated four times for drummer of the year."
"Self-centered much?" III teased, kicking him lightly under the table and getting into a little war with II, stepping and kicking at each other's feet, "well I am grateful for how the band's been growing. All of us."
Vessel and IV shared a look, rolling their eyes at their partners' childish antics. "I'm just happy that we get to spend the solstice together at home, at the very least. With all the tours, it's a miracle we even get alone time anymore." IV sighed contently as he ate his sweet food, the strong taste of cinnamon weirdly reminiscent of all the years they've done this together. "What about you, Ves?"
Vessel froze. What is he thankful for? What did he do this year that the others hadn't mentioned? The band was his only big accomplishment, and he didn't know what exactly could count as his anyway. He spoke up quieter than the rest, "I'm just glad to have you guys... I'm not... entirely sure if I've done anything worth it besides writing and all..." his hand grabbed the fork tightly, stabbing at the eggs on his plate absentmindedly. Then, he felt III and IV grab his hands, and II shot him a worrying look.
"Love, you've done so much more than that... you're just such a beautiful human, I wish you could see that." II's voice was stern yet dripping with love, their eyes looking into Vessel's as the others held him. Vessel heard Sleep's encouraging whispers all around him, and it all combined made him smile as he thought back on his year again.
"I'm grateful that I have you and our fans to support me through my healing. It's been a hard year, and I couldn't have done it without you." Vessel finally got slightly louder, his voice more secure and his posture straighter. They were all happy for this, seeing Vessel get better, all of them getting better, it was all they could ever ask for.
Rituals went by, the morning was peaceful, and in the evening, they all sat in the living room together. Incense brunt as IV sat next to the coffee table, stabbing cloves into slices of dried orange to make them look like little suns and tying thread around it. He wore a hoodie that was probably stolen from Vessel, as it was tight around the chest but reached around his mid-thigh, and was bundled up in a cozy blanket he shared with II. The shorter Vessel, in turn, sat on the couch right behind him and wrote down all his intentions for the next year. Their hair was tied and they had his tongue out, a soft sight that made all the boys instantly warm inside.
Meanwhile, III and Vessel sat on the couch together. Vessel strummed on his guitar and III hummed some of their older songs, memories of the beginning of the band flooding his mind and making him nostalgic. He'd been having thoughts about his life, what he wanted to do with it, and the future of his relationship with his partners, and it just all came out of him without a warning. "Do you guys think we should get a child?" He suddenly spoke up, not knowing where that comment had come from.
"And how exactly would we procure this child?" Vessel softly asked, not fully against the idea but not sure if he'd do a good job at caring for a kid, "we practically don't exist, so we can't adopt, and you're the only one with the right 'equipment' for it..." IV laughed loudly at the comment as he stood up to hang the decorations he'd made.
"Well I, for one, think that's a beautiful idea if you'd be all up for it." II mused as he passed III the notepad with his intentions, "you could write that for next year, if we all agree?" They looked at IV, who nodded excitedly, and then back at Vessel.
After a bit of thinking, Vessel agreed. "If that's the will of our Lady, then I don't see how it's a bad idea." He assured calmly as he watched III write it down with his messy handwriting.
The notepad got passed around, stories from their past dreams were shared, and it all was shaping up to be a beautiful celebration.
"Wait but what does it mean to dream that some guy I never met dies to save me?" IV groaned as he laid on the floor, his dark hair splayed out, "like, do I just... feel helpless perhaps?"
Vessel wrote all that down on IV's dream journal, thinking about all the possible meanings that could have, "that's a good one. Or maybe you sacrifice parts of yourself for others?" He wondered while his hand stayed buried in III's curly hair, all three of them relaxing when II came in with cups of hot chocolate. "Thanks, honey... sit here, please?"
II rolled his eyes, laying on Vessel's lap as the four of them kept chatting and finishing up their dream journals for tonight's most special ritual.
II finished first, as usual, so he went outside to the garden to start up the fire to cook the food. They'd made sure to get the highest quality ingredients for tonight, since his cooking was an offering, and this night, Sleep deserved the best of the best. The fire rose and II cooked up a nice stew for himself and his lovers, to keep them warm during the cold winter night.
When Vessel finished, he got out to sit by II, wrapped up in a blanket, his head on his partner's shoulder as he hummed softly, letting the fire and II's soft touch warm him up.
"You look tired, love. You sure you wanna stay up tonight?" II whispered lovingly as he pet Vessel's hair. The taller man nodded, quiet and probably asleep by now. II laughed at this and covered his love in the blanket as he kept checking the stew. It'd be done in one more hour.
Meanwhile inside, III and IV laid together on the couch, a quiet conversation going on between them before IV broke the comfortable silence. "I have a question, my flower... why did you ask that now? About the kid, I mean." III's eyes widened at this, but he looked away, uncomfortably avoiding the topic, so IV decided to explain himself first, "I promise I'm not mad, it's just... it's a weird time to ask that, y'know?"
III sighed, burying his face into IV's chest and kissing him softly, "I suppose this last tour just gave me a lot to think about, my life, our future together..." III blushed as he explained this, not really knowing how to.
IV cut him off with a kiss, caressing his hair lovingly, "well, I believe we'd make gorgeous kids, and you'd be a great parent. So we're good." III grinned widely, getting on top of IV and kissing all over his face. They were both just insanely happy to be back together, alone, after all this time.
Their sudden kiss assault was interrupted by II calling out to them, the food was ready. They both ran outside, holding their dream journals and putting on warm matching sweaters, which Vessel and II also had on. The boys were already sitting by the fire under a blanket, so III and IV joined them and grabbed their plates as Vessel started another prayer.
"Lady of Dreams, protector of the night, we offer You our thoughts and all that we are, and You save us from the dangers of this mortal realm. All we dream, it is for You, and all You give us is sacred." With that, Vessel collected all their journals, as well as the page with all their intentions for the year to come, and tossed it all into the fire.
"The night comes down like heaven," they all said together and sat back on the floor, wrapped in the warm blanket and feeling each other's bodies pressed against their own. It was a special night, and the thing they were all the most grateful for, is being together at last.
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shadowstarion · 8 months
okay but what if astarion shadowheart karlach gale wyll poly. i never get laezel or minthara so idk enough about them to analyze so imma just focus on my Main Camp Team. this gets very nsfw toward the end because i’m ill and i want them all to fuck!
the insane potential for an incredible number of love triangles. it starts with astarion and shadowheart, because he assumes the amnesiac will be the most naive/easy to influence. they pick up gale and astarion finds him annoying while shadowheart finds him sweet and useful to the mission. of course astarion starts trying to compete with and outsmart gale, which just creates an insane amount of sexual tension.
then karlach joins in and shadowheart is immediately smitten with her, leaving gale and astarion to let that sexual tension come to a climax or two. shadowheart, literally conditioned to be non-monogamous is all for it and pouts about not being invited until gale realizes that Oh. Oh. This is a thing that was happening…? well, he can’t blame astarion for liking her, and she’s much sweeter and substantially less threatening than the Girl He Has Feelings For that gale brings to the table.
karlach is a hard one because she is actually insanely monogamous and would be happiest only with shadowheart, trying to ignore the fact that her girl had other partners because she’d never deny her happiness like that. then i think once astarion and gale opened up a bit about their experiences and conditions karlach would really start developing a connection with them that would eventually bleed over into something a little more. she’s used to warming shadowheart up at night, what difference does one more shivering elf at her side make? gale is her fucking bomb bro till the end and he’s super smart and explains stuff to her she doesn’t understand without making her feel stupid.
then we add wyll to the mix. the literal actual genuine knight in shining armor of astarion and shadowheart’s dreams, so kind and honorable and hot they’re down bad. the way wyll suffers under mizora but doesn’t regret his pact with her wins over gale’s sympathy immediately and of course, wyll’s sacrifice to protect karlach gets her right in the infernal engine too.
as for specific small group dynamics ive already gone crazy about shadowheart astarion and karlach so we’ll skip over them for now.
gale -> astarion <- wyll is simultaneously “i want that twink obliterated” and “oh my god you poor injured little stray cat let me nurse you back to health”. very big on the unpacking trauma and having Man Therapy Time that leads to astarion and gale both crying into wyll’s very muscular shoulders
wyll -> shadowheart <- karlach is the knight x princess trapped in a tower x dragon dynamic but the princess and dragon are in love and the knight is an awkward blushing mess who is super into this. i know karlach and shadowheart have some freaky sex so anything with with them would be be BDSM Bootcamp for wyll
shadowheart -> gale <- karlach is fuck your ugly ex you didn’t deserve that, that is NOT love, let us show you how it’s done. they’d also recognize and encourage that little spark of femininity that pops up in gale from time to time and definitely indulge him in it. he’s also an extremely perceptive chatterbox, so honestly i think he’d be the third member of the gossip girl trio over astarion who isn’t quite so analytical
astarion -> shadowheart <- gale is soooo much jealousy competition for shadowheart’s attention but gale is completely oblivious to it. shadowheart adores the concept of being bickered over and feeds into it just a little bit to see astarion squirm. i am a shadowheart fujoshi truther and watching astarion and gale go at it is definitely her cup of tea.
wyll -> astarion <- shadowheart is purely “if anything happens to me, i know you’ll be here to take care of him”. now, put shadowheart in the middle and it’s herding dog x lamb x wolf dynamic all the way. very much the angel and devil on shadowheart’s shoulder when it comes to everything
a really fun one is wyll and karlach + shadowheart and astarion. this i feel would be mostly sexual because what says masc/butch best bros solidarity like topping your respective pretty twink/femme partners together? especially with shadowstar sandwiched between them and kissing like their lives depend on it.
also, there is absolutely some gangbangery happening but they’re very specific about it. if shadowheart is in the middle it’s insanely rough and degrading and pushing her to and sometimes past all her limits with her prior consent of course. she’s definitely into eroticizing her memory loss and getting fucked completely brainless, letting go of all her worries, having everything replaced with love and pleasure and pain that feels sooo so good…
very rarely astarion is in the middle but it’s the complete opposite. they’re all there to love on him, to make him feel good, to make him feel safe and secure. very slow and gentle and at his pace, taking turns touching him and getting him off and completely overstimulating him. someone’s got him held in their arms the entire time, usually karlach or wyll, shadowheart running concentration on his thoughts in case something goes too far and he can’t communicate it. praising him, telling him how good he is, how much he deserves all this love and adoration, etc, helping him completely rewrite the thousands of degrading and harmful sexual encounters he’s had little by little
idk what the opposite of a gangbang is but karlach is just an absolute stamina monster and will sometimes do a bit of circulating because she just can’t fall asleep or she’s too wound up or shadowheart knocked out immediately and she’s sexually frustrated. no one can resist her puppy dog eyes and so she ends up riding wyll into the ground, swapping head with astarion, and having some freaky wizard sex with gale that keeps her going until she’s too exhausted to move
im like chemically addicted to group poly at this point and i will forever be sad you can’t really even do a throuple in-game. however, a girl can dream!
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moonsidesong · 11 months
Have you played PuyoPuyo 7? If so, what do you think about it?
good timing anon, i actually replayed it pretty recently with a friend of mine (wanted to play the recent re-translation, very much recommend it, its much better than Nexus's halfhearted mess) so my opinions on it are fresh!!
the short answer is. Its so jank. and probably objectively not a very good game, and there are definitely things i would change about it if i could. But i still really like it for what it is. It's got a unique identity in the series and I love that about it!
im gonna talk a lot now so under the readmore this goes ^_^
i love that transformation mode is just if fever rules were an insane mess. why does it go up to 99 seconds. why does mega mode send SO much damage. god bless it<3 they should bring it back. wanna see what hellfire comet festivals shibakazu would cook up in it.
and like the story is.... not. well paced. but ive learned to laugh about it at least. and like suuuuuure ecolo shows up at the end and then hypes up how unstoppably powerful they are and how ringo could NEVER BEAT THEM and then gets defeated in 10 seconds because the final boss is a joke. its fine<3 at least its actually fun to play and doesnt take a million years to trudge through so the bad pacing doesnt feel nearly as awful. (puyo chronicle i am giving you a little glare)
ive grown to love the jank art style but i will say, i wish they redrew everyone. ringo standing next to characters clearly just with sprites edited from 15th anniversary or fever 2 make her stick out quite a bit. it makes me wonder if the game's art was really rushed or something? it just feels a bit off.
another thing, i dont think this game is a Bad introduction to ecolo at all (i Love their design in this game and i think it perfectly introduces how intensely powerful and unhinged they can be), BUT!!! their chain animations are really... disappointing. idk. i Like that they shapeshift into other characters i think thats fun (i actually think its kind of a shame its a trait of theirs rarely brought up anymore) but the fact its mostly just the others' animations recolored black with some extra particle effects is really lame. minor differences like a more ecolo-like facial expression (get silly!! get mischievous!!!) couldve gone a long way to giving them more personality in their chains.
also relating to the past two notes, its really no secret that transformation mode is... Missing. Quite a bit of assets it really should have. considering a decent handful of characters only go through very minor changes (darkle is literally just a clothing color swap) and honestly Ecolo (since all of their chains are borrowed) still only changing to feli for mini and klug for mega is SUCKS i think and it makes me the most upset out of the cast.. ecolo's already transforming when they're not in fever!!!!! lets do something else!!!!!
this is just a reaaally quick mockup scribble of an idea i had that id been discussing with my friend, but i think it'd be really fun if instead of doing a simple character shapeshift, they got real small and silly looking for their mini form and HUGE AND OVERBEARING AND INTIMIDATING for mega. the core would stay the same size, for scale! pp7 is the game that leans the hardest into ecolo being someone who can switch from silly little thang to terrifying cosmic being of sheer force on a dime, and i think itd be fun if their transformations reflected that.
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like idk ecolo is the Debut final boss and (imo) one of the coolest characters in the series so i think it sucks that they got the short end of the stick in the battle animations area in this game.
like ive been saying I've grown to love many of Puyo 7's problems but this is one thing i would definitely change if i could.
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serendipitous-mage · 9 months
not that ive had anything near a 'normal' year in well over a decade but thinkin about how proper fukt and hectic thiis one has been
beginning of year was working for one of the most insane managers/companys i ever have
middle of march i put in my two weeks, because in addition to a Lot of other reasons that i had already been struggling to not leave over, my manager straight up DOXXED a coworker(/their family member) on linkedin--and on the company linkedin as well no less--and some other drama that was just the last straw and i wanted some scrap of sanity back and to avoid that happening to me
end of march, hear that its not just possible but likely current roommate is moving, and while i *couldlve* gone with, it was an area i didnt want to go to
uncertainty from march-august, and not much progress made on job apps in that time because that is Such a huge/panic inducing process for me anyway without being unsure of living situation on top of it
roommate moving confirmed, i try and find someone who could take their spot where i already was but a lot of my friends had literally *just* moved in the last few months, so missed my chances
move in with some friends who already have so little space and money and now they have to share with me
finally hear about a job in like november
the job changes .. many times. first its a call center gig for this company, then they call back with 'the same thing but for a slightly different thing under the same parent company', and it actually does sound a little less hellish, so i go with that. all of the paperwork/emails i receive have the name of the first company on them, but when i asked about it they said it was just because of the parent company thing it was all good. they have me pick a schedule... all of the options are 40 hours, i had not asked too many specifics because i dont have the luxury of being picky rn, but i have never worked full time and am already always exhausted and cant stay awake all day, so this is going to be absolute hell. also there are 12 days where additional hours are Required, 4 of which i wouldve otherwise had off
i pick a schedule. they write back that some things changed here are some other schedules to pick from, i pick a new schedule. when we had initially talked on the phone for the first company i was told a setup day end of november and starting in december, but because of returning people/potentially from moving to the other, now im not starting until the end of january, which fucking sucks because ive been at $0 and owing friends for covering me for months. get a call saying some people dropped out, do i want to start a week earlier? yes ofc i do i need the money. get a call again saying the same thing, so now im starting the beginning of january instead.
equipment arrives: it is.....one small box......with the tiniest dinkiest little laptop with a whole entire one USB port and one USB-C port...great, perfect, this will work so well considering my monitor is VGA, and all three of my headset, mouse, and keyboard are USB connections. i do happen to have a USB to USB-C adapter for other things, but thats still only 2 of the 4 things i need plugged in. i tell them this, they through a series of CC'ing other people into the email find someone who knows where my Other equipment is. theyve sent me another monitor that has a USB-C connection and a (extremely chintzy) USB splitter. ok, technically everything can be plugged in now, whatever
we have a setup teams meeting: the lady running it mentions they just wana make sure our mics/cam work and then we can have them off for the meeting, 'because youre going to need both of them right? :)'. no. no i had bETTER not need both of them you are NOT having me ON FUCKING CAMERA for 40+HOURS A WEEK i will SCREAM.
but then. oh, oh boy howdy, and then...
the meeting was for both of the roles id been offered because the initial setup for both is the same, people for both the assignments are present. last i knew, i was on company B. i already have 15 pages of notes for company B from things i could find on the website and in manuals because i am an anxious bitch and wanted to make the first few weeks as painless as possible for me, im not confident, but i do have a fairly decent start and a basis understanding of the software already, so im a little less nervous about it
then the lady mentions...that....if youre with company A, you were sent one monitor, and if youre with company B...you were sent 2...
......i look up at my Singular monitor
and type in chat like 'hiiii um, so im with company B but was only sent the one monitor ?'
lady has someone else present double check my assignment
and they send
"youre with company A :)" legitimately with a smiley face
and when i tell you i am losing my shit-
15 pages of notes useless. company A is going to be higher call volumes and for a more generalized people which means more stupid questions and more confused customers. from what i can find on the website, their only support option seems to be phones, so there isnt even the possibility of having emails or chats which i Greatly prefer to phone calls, the other one had email at least. NONE of the emails they sent me said ANYTHING about the change, i can only assume it was one of the phone calls where they asked if i wanted to move up a week in the schedule, but it was NOT made clear i was changing anything other than the start date, just "theres an opening in the other class", and in the follow-up emails each time they only said "Thanks for your quick move to this new schedule" and "I'm excited for your earlier start date!", which does NOT imply i have been switched assignments
yall..im devastated lmao. i can never just Find A Job it always has to be some fucking batshit insane garbage like this
i start next week and im ......not excited to say the least ;w;
it only goes until april...but its going to be 40+ hour weeks (and i *doubt* any overtime pay, its technically a contractor role), on exclusively phone support (i fucking hate phones they make me mad anxious), i still havent been able to get solid notes for this one because their website is fucking unhinged and its taking me Forever to dig through it all, the laptop is tiny asf and there is no space in the shared room ive got rn to set it up in a way thats good at a desk or something im probably going to be sitting on the edge of the bed and using my shelf as a table which i Know from experience is going to kill my back and neck esp with the longer hours, they potentially want my camera on while working which is Not happening i might get fired for that even if i can keep up with the hours, and if i do get fired or quit? this job came through a recruiting agency which had got me one of my last remote jobs, and i dont think theyd be too quick to help me find something else if this one ends badly, so im really kind of forced to continue even if i didnt have such a pressing need for income asap
and all of this.. for a whole entire $16/hr :'D
happy fucking new years ;_;
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progenytm · 1 year
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hey, listen! did you see ICARIAN VOHL ? i heard the  ELYSIAN has been in vokania for HER ENTIRE LIFE. the ADVENTURER hails from ERDENIA and is known to be VIVACIOUS and CLEVER. word has it that they can also be ENVIOUS and STUBBORN. their loyalties lie with THEIR FAMILY, but you didn’t hear all of that from me. they’re often associated with CRADLING A SCRAPED KNEE WITH HICCOUGHING SOBS, HITTING THE END OF YOUR FREE FALL, GRIPPING THREADBARE SHEETS IN YOUR NIGHTMARES AND WAKING UP ON FEATHERED PILLOWS. only time will tell what fate has in store for them.
full name: icarian vohl nickname: rian age: two-hundred and twenty-one species: elysian gender + pronouns: cisfemale + she/her sexuality: bisexual, but would be open to exploring beyond that label marital status: single and unmarried kingdom + allegiance: erdenia, to their family
height: 5'2" build: petite hair: dark hair with an eclectic array of shimmering stones woven into whatever up-do she’s sporting eyes: brown honeyed eyes complexion: shimmering tan skin that reflects a nearly golden , iridescent sparkle about her elysian: small, yet perfectly maintained wings that are a unique pearlescent charcoal, the grey scales giving almost a blue sheen. the wings are uncharacteristically weak in comparison to other elysians, likely due to the lack of proper care in her developing years, but they've never been able to verify the incident of her birth. they've wondered if her poor elysian physique is due to the possibility that she may be a halfling.
i. most stories begin at birth but as far as rian cares to say, she’s an orphan. who cares for a pair of people who did not care for her ?  they place their dragon blooded child in the arms of a destitute human orphanage and leave, knowing that no one would want a horn-headed baby. but, knowing that there must be a life beyond threadbare sheets and knocking elbows at an over-crowded dinner table full of whining children, she’s gone before she’s even lost all of her baby teeth. when rian spends her nights laying in tall grass, ignoring her rumbling tummy, she imagines herself a loose feather dancing along the skies, never to land in one spot. this is where she lives comfortably: THE IN-BETWEEN.
ii. she doesn’t know where she starts, and she doesn’t know where she ends up, but rian knows that when she looks up one day and sees him, she thinks that elias vohl is her guardian angel. her takes her under his wing. literally. she’s a frail little thing — already the runt of the orphanage with her chicken-sized wings, she’s even weaker after travelling alone and on foot for what feels like months. it takes some time, but with his gentle care, rian sheds the the hurt and stops running — no longer afraid that she’ll be left behind again. she opens up like a flower, blossoming in the sea salt breeze and dazzling summer heat. 
iii. one day, rian wakes up and decides that she wants to spread her wings. she bids her dear papa goodbye with a kiss to each of his tear-stained cheeks and sets out on her second great journey. she travels to each of the kingdoms, looking for home but nothing feels as right as the days in the erdenia. but, never one to return with her tail between her legs, she travels on. she's never quite made peace with the solitude of journeying, seeking companionship on her travels. rian is coming to learn that she very much like exploring with friends in pursuit of the next great adventure. papa vohl was great company, but unlike her travelling party, she was sure that he would pop a blood vessel if she suggested exploring the churon forests for fun.
iv. in analyzing rian's personality, her abandonment issues are the loudest thing about her ( and that's saying something ). she's clingy but will do everything she can to hide it, her fragile heart being poorly guarded. she makes friends easily, perhaps too easily, growing fond off them and immediately fearing they'll leave. rian has a nasty green eye, greedy little fingers like a magpie. she's a bit like a child, thanks to elias' coddling but she's well-meaning all in all !
tdlr ; little dragon runaway never stops running
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eurovision-del · 1 year
36. Ireland – We Are One   
I was so sure this was going to be my least favourite song of the year. The only reason it didn’t end up that way is because Poland managed to select an entry I like even less – I still dislike this song just as much as when I first heard it. We Are One is painfully basic – so painting-by-numbers that you can still see the black outlines. The lyrics are a string of meaningless cliches about unity and it’s so uninspired it actually annoys me. The chorus is the worst part: ‘when we rise we rise like the sun’ is the most obvious simile they could have gone for, followed by ‘we go down’ repeated three times – it’s like they completely ran out of ideas. Then the title itself is literally a Eurovision slogan from a decade ago! The music is no better – the piano grates on me with its thumping chords, and the I-IV-VI-V chord sequence stays the same throughout the entire track. There's no bridge to speak of, after two stilted verses it pads out its runtime with the chorus over and over. It shakes things up a little by having a stomp clap backing on the final chorus, which as ideas go, is only one small step above just replacing all the lyrics with ‘na na na’.
Despite my feelings on the song itself, I must say I have enjoyed Wild Youth on the pre-party tour. I really wasn’t impressed with Conor’s vocals on The Late Late Show, but he’s sounded better as the season has gone on. It’s clear that the band have a lot of passion about the contest, and I really respect them for being one of only five acts to attend all six preparties! However, that doesn’t change that I don’t like We Are One as a song. There’s nothing about it that I enjoy, and that absence of anything good combined with the lack of anything even slightly experimental or risky makes me really hate this one.
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rqgnarok · 1 year
The thing about nates redemption is that I expected it to be a big focal point of this season and i was looking forward to it given how well they tackled rebecca’s and jamie’s but….ive been disappointed in the way its played out. There are things ive liked, like the way they show nate gradually becoming more self-confident and hating himself less, and how this causes him to treat other people more kindly, too. And maybe if this wasnt the last season then that would be enough. But i think the fact that nate hasn’t actually taken any strides to make amends (with ted, at least) is what’s making the whole arc feel a little incomplete. And i know it’s coming, i know he’ll obviously apologize to ted and maybe even beard. and I think the apology he gave to will was great. But it just doesn’t feel like enough. Idk for me maybe its less of a Nate specific problem and more of a ‘this season a whole has felt directionless.’ They wasted so much time on zava and shandy and didn’t spend nearly enough time actually like. Really focusing on Nate and Ted and the specific pain of that betrayal and their relationship as a whole. And I guess I also dont like how jade plays into it all either. Idk sorry for rambling on in your inbox but i guess my point is its ridiculous for people to be upset that nate is getting a redemption arc, something that was always going to happen given the kind of story this is. But I understand people’s frustrations with how the show has actually gone about it.
i do agree they wasted a lot of time in the zava/shandy storylines- zava i understand his purpose, making the team come to terms about their bond and getting to play the way they are now- shandy i do think was completely useless lol.
every time one of the main characters breaks from the group, in this case, nate, i'm always afraid that the show won't do them justice when trying to divide the time between the main characters now that they aren't in one same place or environment. most of what we've seen of nate has been pretty meh, him being an asshole and having small and rare moments of "huh, maybe i'm being an asshole" but him saying no to rupert and then suddenly quitting with no explanation did feel like going from a 0 to a 100. i would've liked seeing abetter build up to that and not waste time with shandy like we did (literally, what was the point of her at all?).
also, the roykeeley break up not being brought up until this week's episode and seeing roy getting "unstuck" from whatever was bothering him when we hardly talked about it (other than the speech he did about enjoying himself instead of leaving chelsea) didn't sit right with me. the lack of sharon also makes me a little sad tbh, i feel like she could've been of great help around ted and michelle's storyline (like, she was there but not really? and suddenly hanging up on ted like she does feels a little out of character tbh), along with colin and isaac's, sam's, roy's...... we have what, two episodes left? i hope they tie all these loose ends and have many many important conversations we haven't had yet.
i completely understand not liking how they're doing nate's redemption arc, but people who are mad he's getting one is like ???? you do know what show we're watching, right?
and don't worry about rambling! it's always nice to talk ted lasso with someone who understands!
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curestardust · 1 year
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Dust Watched: Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka IV: Shin Shou - Meikyuu-hen | Fuka Shou - Yakusai-hen
Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Non-Isekai with Isekai rules // 22 episodes //  S01 (x) | S02 (x) | S03 (x) | Alt (x) | M01 (x)
Well. colour me surprised (a bit)!
✧  story  ✧
Danmachi Season 4 got split into 2 but as they’re all just one long story I’ll be reviewing it as one and instead focus on the arcs. Also spoilers.
The first arc is pretty run of the mill boring stuff I usually expect. Bell, his Familia and some others form a party to go to the lower floors for the first time. Their first mishap is some odd moss monster aka Moss Huge. Bell gets split off from the group, meets the Waifu-of-the-Season who’s a mermaid Xenos with super-effective healing blood. He then trots his way back to his party who’re in a desperate battle agaisnt the Moss Huge, unlocks a new power and sends it to the shadow realm. 
Most annoying of all, besides the forced waifu introduction, was the powercreep. They have Aisha with them, her and Bell being the only Level 4s in the party. Well, while Bell is gone, Haruhime casts her level-up spell on Aisha, making her a Level 5... which is completely ignored by the plot. Lame.
Anyway, onto Arc 2 where things get a bit spicier. Ryuu makes an appearance as she is chasing after the last remaining member of the Evilus (yes, EVILus) Familia who slaughtered her Familia. This dude, Jura, with the help of his lackies manages to summon the monster that was the actual cause of it. An almost undefeatable, insanely deadly Irregular spawned by the Dungeon itself when it feels threatened, the Juggernaut. THIS thing was a TREAT. The very first monster that actually managed to pose a threat to the protagonist!! Insane!! It actually slices off Bell’s arm and almost snaps his neck in half but alas, this is where our mermaid waifu makes her appearance once again and literally just fuses back his arm. FUCK! We were *this* close to perfection. Khm, anyway. Bell comes back, him and Ryuu fight the bitch then when all seems lost they get swallowed by a Lambton which is just a giant snake.
This is where season 1 ends. It was... meh. Standard fair in the beginning, shows some promise near the end. I was almost enjoying it but then Bell got his arm back which was lame. Ryuu’s past and actions also got completely flipped on its head when Jura reveals how her Familia *actually* died (more in that in the character section). Thankfully this gets addressed in the 2nd season, though.
Onto Arc 3, which is by far the best in probably the entirety of Danmachi in my opinion. Now, considering that I hated all previous seasons that doesn’t say much but for real, it was pretty good.
The focus is split into 2. The Lambton barrels down all the way to the Deep Floors (10 levels down) where Bell and Ryuu finally get out of it. Meanwhile, the rest of Bell’s party is back on Floor 25 where they have no idea what’s going on as they never saw the Juggernaut, only know that the Dungeon is freaking out. 
Here comes the accidentally best part of the anime; Bell’s harem has been left alone without him coming to help them thus giving them screentime and finally letting them show that they ARE badass even without the plot-armoured main character. The Floor Boss actually spawns ahead of time and as all exists are blocked off, the small team has to fight for their lives against it. In the episodes where this is going on we occasionally get glimpses at Bell and Ryuu in the Deep Floors but those are usually only a few minutes before we get back to the Action. Similarly, as things quiet down with this group we slowly switch focus to the other two and soon stick to only following them.
This part was honestly... great? The side-characters finally getting screentime, Bell actually shitting his pants for once and Ryuu keeping him from falling apart while not only having to deal with the Juggernaut itself but Floor 37′s monsters.
Story-wise, keeping everything inside the dungeon was a 10/10 decision.
✧  characters  ✧
Again, seeing Bell actually losing it was good to see. As was seeing his harem fight without him, although they kept talking or thinking about Bell constantly which was a bit annoying. “Do NOT let the viewers forget for a second who the most important character in this anime is, even when he is not on screen!!!!” is what I imagine the writer thought.
Delving into Ryuu’s backstory more, I was initially a bit scared. What we have been told all this time was that another Familia killed hers, the Astraea Familia, and thus she went on a “righteous” rampage and murdered them in revenge.
However, we have now been told that in fact.... it was an accident? The Astraea Familia and the Evilus Familia have been constantly fighting for a long time and during one of these encounters in the Dungeon, the Evilus blow up so much of the place that they ACCIDENTALLY summon the Juggernaut. The existence of this creature is a Top Secret, so no, it wasn’t planned. The Juggernaut then proceeds to not only murder the Astraea Familia but the OTHER ONE AS WELL with only Ryuu and Jura escaping from it.
?????????? Well, this certainly changes things. However... However! Despite me thinking that the writer was gonna brush off the implications of the truth, how much this can alter the viewers’ perception of Ryuu, they didn’t. Through her, we get acknowledgment that she really is not righteous who slaughtered the Evilus Familia for justice. She... wanted to die. And was hoping to bring as many people who had even the slightest bit to do with her misery with her to the grave. But she survived. And this whole time she thought she has lost who she was, that she didn’t deserve to live, and deep down was hoping to meet her end defending someone because she couldn’t defend her Familia.
Ryuu would’ve been great of course, and was for the majority of the Season but it was like the writer remembered at the last second that each season needed a waifu for Bell and as these 2 were the only ones together... sigh. Well, now she also wants to ride his dick. *eye roll* 
Small things I wanted to mention but don’t feel like getting too deep into: Cassandra’s God is an asshole for not telling everyone that her visions are actually true and making not only them but Cassandra herself doubt everything.
Jura was the most run-of-the-mill, screeching, evil-laughing, basic-ass villain I’ve seen in a while. Good thing the monster took him out. Juggernaut my beloved <3.
Lack of Hestia was great, I really can’t put up with her jealous antics. Lili is plenty by herself, jesus christ. 
New mermaid waifu got shifted, she was literally introcuded as a deus-ex-machina. The Xenos are still insanely boring btw.
✧  art  ✧
Fight scenes get big focus (especially the ones involving Bell, but 2nd season puts effort into his team’s too). The environment design was pretty nice but the monsters quite cliché. It’s a bit hard to see much in the Deep Floors but it adds to the atmosphere so *shrug*.
✧  sound ✧
OP’s immediately went on my Spotify playlist. The VA’s (especially Ryuu’s) were great (but Bell had a very funny scream when his arm got cut off hahahaha).
✧  overview ✧
Ryuu is great, please let Bell actually lose a limb or smth next time, and I’m forver missing the Juggernaut who made my dreams come true (actually posed a threat to MC).
My Rating: 5/10 | 7/10
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keravnous · 3 years
wanna enjoy the luxury of not knowing each other for real?; rodrick heffley x reader (smut, minors dni)
read pt. I here | read pt. III here | read pt. IV here
word count: 3,7k
It's literally just a quick and filthy blowjob between classes and Rodrick teasing you a little bit, I-
warnings: all characters are 18+, she/her pronouns, semi-public sex, oral (male receiving), teasing/toying with the reader (fingering, groping), undernegotiated kinks: spanking, spit kink, cum play, face fucking, humiliation (rod's trying to cope with the shift in your dynamic), edging (reader)
thank you v for letting me blame this on you sksksks
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It's been two weeks. Two weeks of longing gazes and your panties dampening when he was too close, looking at you from across the class room or hallway.
It was like hell on earth and you found yourself laying awake at night (not only due to the indian summer that struck Plainview late in autumn), flicking your fingers across your clit, trying to mimick the way Rodrick did it all those nights ago. It's not the same.
You definitely wanted to see him again, wanted his hands and tongue all over you again and it made you fucking restless. You were hardly able to focus on your homework the past weeks, let alone the matter of the classes you shared with him. You didn't know how to address it, nor how to approach him. What made the situation even worse was that the two of you didn't even return to your usual bickering and bitching. He had stopped completely.
No names, no snarky or rude remarks just - nothing.
Thus, you settled on watching him from afar and letting off steam by fucking yourself late at night.
And today wasn't any different. You found yourself staring, longing and it was eating you alive, subtly wriggling on your chair and pressing your thighs together.
"-so I already assigned each one of you a partner!", your head snaps up, looking at your teacher in disbelief, someone behind you groans loudly in annoyance, "I tried to create fair pairs, so you will all have a chance to learn something!"
You stare, blinking. No one in class looks exactly happy with her decision and you don't, either. Even though your best friend isn't in your course (usually the two of you will always work together, no matter how small the task) you'd still prefer to pick your partner for the upcoming literature project on your own.
Your gaze flickers to Rodrick. He doesn't look amused either and for a second your eyes meet. You flush and hastily look away, back onto your table. It's something in his eyes, most of the time when you exchange gazes, that looks a lot like an unspoken promise. But you don't want to get your hopes up so you decide to ignore it, convincing yourself that it's nothing.
Your teacher proceeds to read out the list of study partners and you snap back from your daydreams as you hear her read out yours.
"Miss Y/LN?", you look up, reciprocating her smile like you're on autopilot. She always liked you, being the focussed and motivated student and constantly writing good grades. "I paired you up with Mister Heffley", your heart drops and you're suddendly very hot, "I think the both of you will really profit from working together."
You take your time packing your things after your teacher has ended the lesson early. You're supposed to discuss your project with your partner in the remaining time but you hope that he just went home, not caring more about this class than he usually does.
You leave the room, assuming you're safe as you can't see him in the classroom anymore but you really should've known better.
"Hey", you hear his voice next to you and nearly jump. He's leaning against a row of lockers, right next to the classroom's door. The hallway's all empty, your teacher and the other students already gone.
"Shit, Heffley!", you exhale and he chuckles.
You look at each other, silently and you don't know what to say. Luckily, he decides it's his turn.
"So", he stretches the o and your smirk involuntarily, "Partners, huh?"
"Partners", you nod, gazes still holding each other. He clears his throat, seemingly unsure what to say next.
"I-", you start without actually knowing what to say. I want you to fuck me again? I think of you all the time? I really liked it, thank you?
Instead of saying anything you cough, in a very bad attempt to cover up your insecurity. It doesn't go unnoticed and he turns his head to the side in an equally bad attempt to hide the grin that blooms on his face.
You barely dare to meet his eyes again but when you do, Rodrick's fucking smiling. And it's kind, too, only a little mischievous.
He takes a step forward, closing in on you.
"Yeah, me too", he rasps and it dawns on you that he may became quite good on reading you in all these years of teasing, fighting and picking on you.
It sends waves of warmth down your spine and you inhale deeply. You need him. "Are you free after school?"
He tsks at that, lips curling into a smile that looks a lot like Y'heard what she just said?, playfully rolling his eyes a little.
"I'm free now, sugar."
You freeze. "Now?", you blurt out.
"Yeah, now", he huffs, one hand coming to a halt on your waist and it ignites something in you, "If you want to."
Fuck yes, you do. And yet you hiss - "Are you insane, we're at school!"
"I know a place", he's so close and you can smell both, the menthol from his gums and the smoke of cigarettes on his breath.
"You know a place?"
"I do. Wanna come with me?", the hand lets go of your waist and Rodrick offers you to take it instead.
You look at it for a second. You really shouldn't, it's a bad idea. A really bad idea, it's too risky. What if you'll get caught? Even worse, what if you'll get caught by a fucking teacher? The muscles in your abdomen clench at that.
This is insane. You're insane. He's insane.
You take his hand.
The air in the empty restroom is cool and your footsteps echo from the white tiles. He's right behind you and reaching over your shoulder, pushing a stall's door open before throwing a charming smile at you and guiding you in with his body. As expected, it's a small and untidy place and you make a mental note to touch as little as necessary. Rodrick's slamming the door shut behind him, turning the lock.
"There we are, princess", his bag falls to the floor with a loud thud. Your stomach fucking flutters and you want to rip it out with your bare hands, picking the butterflies and their larvae out of it. The tingles in your stomach reach your abdomen and your crotch, wetness already pooling in your panties. Your bag hits the floor as well. You simultaneously love and hate the effect he has on you.
He leans back against the door, lips pulling up in a cocky smile. "C'mere", and you do, like you're a fucking lapdog or something, crushing into his body, pressing against him. His hardening dick pokes into your hip and you hum against his lips as he pulls you into a kiss. It's as heated and quick, sloppy even, and just as you expected - as you desired. His teeth pull at your lower lip and you need more, hands darting out and roaming over his chest. You didn't really touch him the last time, with his attention mostly on your pleasure and it suddendly reminds you of something.
Your mind conjures up the image of him kneeling between your legs and stroking himself, hoisting you up to finally fuck you. You remember the sudden urge you had felt to taste him.
"'Been meaning to call you", he mumbles against your lips and the hair on your arms rises at that, "Noticed I didn't even have your number and wasn't sure if you wanted me to ask."
Rodrick's tongue pushes back into your mouth, making an answer obsolete. Your tongue is darting out and crashes into his. He groans and you come to realization that you love that noise. That you want to hear more of it.
His hand comes to a rest on your ass, gripping it, your skirt hoisting up a little in the process of it as he kneads the warm flesh. It makes you hungry for more, hungry for him and your hand wanders across his chest, down to his crotch. He's hard and so so warm even through the thick denim of his jeans and you close your hand around it, palming him through his trousers. He leans forward a little, deepening the kiss and your stomach flutters.
You don't know what time it is and how much you'll have left until the bell rings, but desire burns deep in your stomach and it spurrs you on to make a move now.
You break the kiss, panting and cheeks flushed, eyes wandering over his face. His eyes are dark, blown with lust and his lips are slightly swollen already.
"What is it, pretty girl?", he hums, fingers ghosting over your cheek.
"Wanna suck you off", you whisper and his gaze turns blank at that. It's not the reaction you expected and thus, thinking you may have said something wrong, start rambling. That is, until he throws his head back, the door rattling and barks out a laugh that is thick with disbelief. You shut your mouth. "Fuck", he breathes out, chest rising and falling heavily once or twice, shaking his head and then nodding slowly, "Yeah, fuck."
Rodrick's gaze drops down, focuses on you under heavy eyelids, nodding again. "Yeah, baby. Fuck, suck my dick." He gives your ass an encouraging and light squeeze and you bite your lip, nodding eagerly - you don't need to hear more than that.
Your hands fly down to his belt, opening it quickly and pulling down his zipper. There's a wet spot on his checkered boxers and you feel your lips tilt upwards, knowing it's you who caused his visible arousal.
You pull his boxers down a little and his dick out and swallow at the sight. It's larger than you remember, delightfully curved and cut and you can't wait to wrap your lips around it. You sink down on your knees, licking your lips and give it a few quick strokes, until he's fully hard and groaning quietly.
Your mouth waters and your tongue darts out, licking over his head, making him hum, burying a hand in your hair. "There you go", Rodrick mumbles, fingers brushing a few loose strands of hair from your forehead, subtly pressing you closer to his crotch.
You look up at that, eyes meeting his and his expression makes your stomach flutter, giving his head another lick, slower this time. He tastes salty and of musk on your tongue and your eyelids flutter.
Rodrick moans somewhere deep in his throat as you wrap your lips around the head of his dick, throwing his head back making the door rattle. "Yeah, fuck", he breathes, hand caressing your scalp, "Keep going, girl."
That you do, slowly sucking and occassionally flicking your tongue over the hot, thick head while you wrap your hand around the base of his cock, jerking him in a similar rhythm for a while.
It doesn't take long for him to strengthen the hold he has of your hair and forcing you forward a little and you are happy to oblige, letting him slide deeper into your mouth. He's heavy on your tongue and you can feel the vein on the bottom of his dick. You rub your tongue against it and Rodrick groans, chest rising and stretching, shoving himself deeper into you as his hips jerk forward. It makes you sputter a little.
"Fuuuck", his voice is so so deep and he looks at you, the way saliva pools around his dick and between your lips and then he just snaps. He growls and thrusts deep into your throat.
You choke as the head of his cock makes contact with the back of your throat and spit swells at the corners of your mouth. He pulls away a little and you take a few quick breaths through your nose. He looks at you and it makes your heart drop. He looks anxious, but it fades right away as you nod around his dick, relaxing your throat for him. You want it. You want him to use you.
He seems to catch onto that, fingers gripping your hair and pushing you closer closer closer, until your nose is buried in his pubes. Breathing is difficult and you choke around his cock again but this time it makes him moan and then chuckle a little. Your hands come to rest on his thighs.
"Atta girl", he hums and your closed eyes tear up, feeling him pressing snuggly at your throat, his musky, masculine scent fogging up your mind.
Your breath eventually slows and he notices that, too, slowly starting to fuck into your mouth after warming him for a few moments. He groans as he keeps your face pressed close to his crotch, effortlessly sliding in and out between your lips. You can taste the salt of his precum, while he keeps pushing saliva out of your mouth with every thrust. The sounds it makes are obsence, wet and squelching, interrupted by his groans and moans and accompanied by your appreciative humming.
Rodrick picks up a faster rhythm and tilts your head up a little, forcing your gaze to meet his. His cheeks are flushed and he's panting heavily.
"Shit, princess, I'm so close", he groans, as he fucks deeper into you. Your fingers clench around his thighs and he gets the memo, lets you pull your head back, spluttering, drool dripping down your chin as the head of his dick hits your lower lip.
"Want it in my mouth", you mumble against it, throat coarse and he grins at that, eyes sparkling. You dart your tongue out, invitingly and thus, he's stuffing his cock back into your mouth. He holds your head in place as he fucks deep into your relaxed throat, jaw slack and eyelids fluttering, tearing up at the rapid thrust intruding your mouth.
"Gonna-", a throaty moan interrupts him, "Gonna give you every little drop, princess." And with that he pulls away and his dick out of your mouth, starts to stroke himself to completion, tip of his dick mere inches away from your lips. "Open up, sugar", he hums and you do, tongue and lips wet with spit, mascara stains underneath your eyes and that's the thing, the view that sends him toppling over the edge, orgasm rolling over him. He has to force himself to not throw his head back in pleasure, keeps his eyes trained on you.
"'S all f'you", he strokes your hair, hand closed around his dick as he shoots heavy ropes of salty cum onto your tongue, "Good girl, just don't swallow yet, alright?"
You nod - mind in a hazy state, gladly following his orders - and hum around the head of his cock, locking gazes with him until he's fully spent, gasping heavily. He's pretty, you think, with his flushed cheeks and swollen lips, dark eyes looking down at you with blown pupils. He stuffs himself back into his shorts and pulls his zipper up while you remain infront of him, still on your knees and mouth opened, cum and saliva pooling on your tongue. You think that a little might have hit your cheek, but you can't be sure.
Rodrick closes his belt and then his attention is back on you, a hand on your chin, thumb stroking your lower lip. "Fuck, you're pretty", he grins and it's that grin, mischievous and it goes straight to your core. He slowly pushes two fingers into your mouth, liquids pooling around them as he presses down, your jaw going slack.
You mewl and he grins as a few droplets run down your chin. "Open up, pretty girl", he rasps and leans over, his lanky figure hovering over you as he's putting his lips together and spits into your mouth. His saliva drips down slowly and then lands on your tongue, warm and wet.
It mingles with his cum and your own spit and you taste him differently now, less salt and musk. Instead it's rather bitter, tastes like the smoke of his cigarettes. His fingers start to fuck into your mouth and you obediently close your lips around them, pressing your thighs together. You feel the mixture of his cum and saliva pool at the corners of your mouth and you moan around his fingers at the sensation, the taste. He flicks his digits in and out of your mouth until he seems satisfied with the way the liquid spreads around and on your lips.
"Now you may swallow", he breathes, eyed fixed on your mouth, "Be a good girl and swallow, hm."
You do as you're told, gulping around the fingers between your lips until he's satisfied and pulls them out. You look up at him, gaze hazy, lips parted and gasping for air, rubbing your thighs together. "Picture perfect, ain't ya?", he hums and dries his fingers off on your cheek, spreading his juices all over your skin, giving you a slight pat on the cheek once he's done.
You slowly get up, knees all wobbly and turn around, wiping your mouth with your hand. As you reach for your bag in an attempt to grab your water bottle, his hand grip your upper arm. "Ah, ah, ah", he says scoldingly, stopping you in your movements, "Let me see first."
His foot shuffles between yours and pushes them apart, his hands running over your back. They wander down and over your ass, the material of your skirt rustling. It's pale and pretty and your favourite and the way it pools under his fingers makes you dizzy. Rodrick tugs at it, sliding his fingers underneath it and finally pulling it up. It slides over your backside, resting at your hips and you're all exposed, the cold air of the restroom hitting your warm skin.
His hand splays out, rubbing over the soft skin of your left cheek. You sway a little with it, hands darting out and finding the stall's walls, pressing the palms flat against them for support.
"Ain't you just pretty?", he hums, voice still deep and rough from coming down your throat, while he gives your buttcheek a little squeeze, before letting his hand come down on it. You jolt and gasp, the latter fading to a quiet moan in the back of your throat. The slight sting goes straight to your core.
"Would've fucked you right here", he mumbles, hand stroking the reddening skin, fingers now dancing at the side of your panties, "but we ain't got much time left, I'm afraid."
"Rodrick, fuck", you gasp and he chuckles behind you.
"Yeah, I got you, angel. We'll have time for a little touch, I guess", two of his fingers stroke your pussy through your dampened panties, rubbing back and forth. You mewl and wiggle your hips a little, to add both, friction and speed to his slow movements. His other hand comes down sharp on you butt and you moan, letting your head fall forward. "You're so fucking wet", he rasps and you nod nod nod, like you're possessed.
"Want you so bad", you mumble and he laughs at that.
"Yeah, I can feel that", one of his fingers finds your clit, circling it slowly but with force, the wet patch pressing coolly against your warm skin. It makes you whine and you feel your pussy tense up, hole clenching around nothing.
"Rodrick, please", you gasp, rocking against his fingers and making him slap your ass twice, one blow landing on your left cheek, the other on your right. Your fingers scrape the wooden wall, moans falling off your lips. There's still some of his cum sticking at the corners of your mouth and you feel dirty, but it's the good kind of dirty. It's knowing that he loves you that way.
His fingers finally slip underneath your panties, gliding along your wet folds, obsence sounds filling the air. His middle finger sinks into you, hot walls welcoming it home. He hums and his other arm wraps around your body, hand sneaking under your shirt, slipping in the cup of your bra and groping your tits.
He begins to fuck you very slowly, fingers toying with your nipple, thumb occassionally flicking over your clit. You're hot all over, walls clenching and pumping around him, silently begging for more, moans and gasps errupting from your throat as you relish in the feeling of an approaching orgasm as -
Rodrick stills, and then -
"Oh, play time's over already", he sing-songs, voice deep and coarse and you shake your head violently at that, but he is already carefully pulling his finger out of you, hand slipping out of your shirt. He puts your panties back in place as you try to recover your breath, legs shaking and pussy aching from a denied orgasm.
"Please", you whine, looking over your shoulder, "Don't-"
But he cuts you off, giving you a soft peck on the lips. "Are you free tonight?"
Well, technically you aren't, an assignment still waiting for you to finish it, while you're still waiting on your friend's reply, whether she can make some time for you later or if she's preoccupied by her boyfriend. But you nod anyways, eyes a little teary due to the denied release and lust still pulsating thickly through your veins.
"I'll swing by your place later and make it up to you", he whispers against your lips, loud footsteps already filling the hallway outside, "Better clean yourself up a little now, hm, princess?"
"Yeah", you whisper, stealing a quick kiss from him, that has his tongue darting out and licking away the rest of his cum sticking to the corners of your mouth. It shouldn't be that hot but it makes fresh wetness pool between your legs. You don't know what to make out of that gesture, it's a little too fond, like he's breaking his own rules.
"Great", his hand brushes over your forearm, while he unlocks the door, already out of the stall as he turns around once more, "I'll throw my number into your locker, so you can text me your address, 'that sound cool?"
And that, that just feels like he's thrown the whole fucking rulebook out. "Yeah sure", you hear yourself say, sounding dull and far away with the thundering of your heartbeat.
It's only half an hour later and in your next class that you notice the stain his cum and spit left on your skirt.
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Can you please do reader meeting Octavia for the first time after reader and Stolas officially dating? You know, after the divorce with Stella 🌟
Octavia meeting Stolas' S/O for the first time after his divorce.
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You were hunched over the bathroom sink, having a borderline panic attack.
You were only able to keep your composure thanks to the warm embrace of your loving boyfriend, his arms wrapped around your stomach.
"What if she doesn't like me?" You asked breathlessly, staring at yourself in the mirror.
Stolas rubbed his hands up and down your arm, planting a few gentle kisses on your shoulder, "You'll do fine, sweetheart. Octavia will love you, you Just need to be yourself."
You took several deep breaths, running some water you splashed some in your face.
Wiping your face, you took one last deep breath and gave a nod. "Alright... lets do this." You told him.
Puffing out your chest, you turned, holding his hand and walked out of the bathroom.
You found Octavia sitting in one of the palace's tea rooms, staring down at your phone. Your breathing hitched when she saw you, the young girl getting to her feet.
She stood before you, before lazily looking you up and down with an unimpressed expression.
Extending your hand you told her, "You must be Octavia, ive really been looking forwards to meeting you."
Octavia looked at Stolas for a second, before sighing, reaching out and shaking your hand. "Yeah. Nice to meet you to." She said clearly unhappy to be there.
You just took it in stride, 'That's alright. She doesn't need to like you straight away. Baby steps (Y/N), baby steps.'
You all sat down, Stolas pouring us some tea.
Stolas tried his best, he really did.
He tried sparking up a conversation, talking about what Octavia liked, bringing up any of your shared interests.
All that usual first meeting stuff.
But no matter what he said or tried, it was clear Octavia wasn't having any of it.
There was a few more minutes of this slow grind, the conversation dying out several times.
You just sat there for a minute before one of the staff came in.
Aparently something had come up that required his immediate attention. And so with a brief apology to you both he got up and left.
You of course you were freaking out, this is literally the last thing you needed. You couldn't handle Octavia alone.
You could barely handle angst alone. How were you expected to handle it from the most vicious creatures of the social world.
The teenage girl.
The moment Stolas was out of sight, Octavia whipped out her phone. The two of you sat in silence for few minutes, the young owl staring at her phone.
"Sooooo..." you began.
Octavia glanced up at you before going back to her phone "So..." she replied sarcastically.
You sighed, leaning on your elbow. "You don't really like me in, do you?" You asked almost playfully.
Octavia stopped what she was doinh, looking up from her phone she scowled at you, "What do you think?" She asked, sarcasm dripping from her words.
You just released a dry laugh. "Yeah, I get how you feel."
That got the first real reaction from her of the day.
The young owl shot to her feet, slamming her hands on the table and screamed "How the hell could you know how I feel?!"
You looked at her for a moment before taking a sip of your tea, "You know... you are the most important thing in your fathers life." You told her sternly.
The owlet was seemingly taken aback by that, sitting back down she wore a frown.
"You consume so much of his waking thought, and you know what?" You asked her.
The owlet just raised a brow, shrugging her shoulders. You gave her a warm smile, "I love that."
Octavia seemed shocked at that, asking "Why?" To which you chuckled, "Because, you have a father that genuinely loves and cares about you. You have family." You told her warmly. "And I'm happy to be a part of that... even just a little bit."
There was silence for a few minutes, the young lady clearly processing what you'd said.
"So... you have a thing for my dad... because he's a good dad?" She asked, clearly puzzled.
You chuckled again, leaning on your elbow, "Octavia... I've been with a few guys in my youth." You told her somberly. "And every one of them ended up being..."
You were silent for a long minute, looking to the side, "Bad... They were bad people a-and they did bad things... to me" You finished, rubbing your arm.
There was another long pause, neither of you saying anything, but after a moment a gentle smile crossed your lips.
"But your father..." You began, warmth in your voice. "Your father is a good man. He's good to me and he's good to you."
There was another long pause, before you reached out and gently cupped her hand, "I understand you don't really like me Octavia. And I want you to know, I don't blame you" You told her.
"My father disappeared when I was probably a bit younger then you. My mother dated a few guys, and some tried to be the 'father figure' role, but it never worked out."
There was a long pause, the young owl telling you "I'm... I'm sorry." She told you, clearly upset.
You squeezed her hand, "Its alright." You told her, "I survived, and I know youll survive as well, because you've got such strength in you octavia. You've already put up with so much, and I'm sorry to say, there will probably be a bit more to put up with." You told her somberly, "But you'll survive, you've got too much of your dad in you to give up." You told her, trying to raise the mood.
Octavia looked surprised and a little emotional, wiping her eyes.
You sighed, running a finger over her hand, "I'm not trying to replace anyone Octavia. I understand you can't replace what you had... but I love your father and I And I want to be a part of both your lives." You gave her your best warm smile, "Do you think you can give me a chance?"
You tried to look calm while internally you were freaking out, praying to whoever was listening that Octavia would believe you were being genuine.
Octavia was expressionless for several moments, eyes looking down at your hands before she looked up at you.
A small smile crossed her mouth as she brought her other hand up to grab your own.
"I last thing need right now is another parent... I can barely handle the two I already have." You both had a little chuckle at that, "Buttt... I could use a friend. You know? Someone I could come to, that understands what I'm going through." She finished a little meekly, looking up at you.
Your heart swelled with joy, giving her a big smile you nodded your head. "Yeah... I'd like that." You told her, wiping the dew from your eyes.
You both smiled for a moment, a warmth filling the room.
A sound at the door got both your attention, turning to the sound, you found a very happy Stolas, face absolutely dominated by a wide smile as he hugged himself.
"Ooooh, I'm so happy to see you getting along." He practically squealed.
And like that Octavia pulled her hands back, pulling her beanie over her face, "Ugh, Dad!" She growled.
Stolas released a little dad chuckle, coming over and sitting besides you, planting a kiss on your cheek. "Everything alright when I was gone?" He asked sweetly, curling his hand around your own.
You smiled, giving him a nod before telling him "It went..." You looked over at the Octavia.
The young owl peaking at you from beneath her beanie, "It went perfectly." You told him, planting a kiss on his cheek.
After that, things really picked up, now that Octavia was actually interacting with you.
The two of you actually had a lot in common, most surprisingly being your taste in music. The two of you spending easily half an hour talking about your favourite band.
Stolas just sat there, silently watching the two of you having your lively back and forth, the Owl could barely contain the immense amount of joy he felt at seeing his two most favourite people in all Hell getting along.
And it would be as Octavia was finding something on her phone that you noticed his gaze, looking at him, you asked "What's up?"
The owl said nothing, shaking his head he leaned down and kissing your cheek. Holding you close as you and Octavia went back to your conversation.
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