#and logan just says “so he doesn’t but his nails obviously”
truemeg · 18 hours
Cursed Child Broadway notes from today (Sept 22nd 2024)
This ticket was an impulse buy, I got it 45 minutes before the show started because the broadway flea market wasn’t my thing
Joel’s Albus is so visceral and expressive, he really doesn’t hide any of his emotions. Especially around Harry in the blanket scene. And his Albus is filled with so much anger and frustration that just itches to burst out at every moment. But when he’s around Scorpius he’s actually smiley and has an optimistic determination to him. He really does change and loosen up around Scorpius. Around anyone else he’s very rigid.
His blanket scene had his anger really burst out. Joelbus has soo much anger in him and it all tumbled out in the blanket scene. That, matched with Logan!Harry’s anger, the scene was loud and boiling.
Speaking of Logan as (u/s) Harry, he was mad at Albus as early as the year 3 platform scene. Making both Albus and Harry really get at each other.
Erik’s Scorpius obviously had the audience falling in love with him. I love when Scorpius gets the audience wrapped around his finger. Erik is very physical, talking with his hands, very geeky. The thing that stands out about his Scorpius portrayal is that he really gets serious in the Dark AU. Like he understands he has to put on a front to survive (in a way that other Scorpius actors I’ve seen haven’t quite got). He even grandstands a bit to Craig. He really nailed the dark au version of himself.
Also I can best describe Erik’s library scene as a mix between Bubba Weiler and Jon Steiger. Like bubba in that he has his words explode out of him, and like Jon in that he takes his time with the monologue, really spelling things out for Albus. I like how he clearly got across the line “you just didn’t make it better” because I’ve seen a few times (other actors) where that line gets mumbled or outright dropped
In act 2 when harry asks “are you okay Albus” and Albus says “no” that REALLY got to Albus for the following scene. Like he went into the Owlery with Scorpius once again being rigid and reserved, not really knowing what to do or what was next. It was a huge difference to Scorpius in that scene, where Scorpius was happy and more confident after returning home.
Kudos to Erik for staying still on the floor after being crucioed, it really sells the fact that he was just FUCKING TORTURED. Lowkey grinds my gears when the Scorpius actor gets up too fast after that
Delphi tortures Albus too????? When did that start happening????
Both Albus and Scorpius being dropped to the ground and scooting closer to each other so they can hold hands
They also held hands in Godric’s Hollow too. Scorpius pulled Albus back from going up to Lily/James, and he just held his hand/arm until they could come back out
From where I was sitting (balcony box supremacy) I couldn’t tell how close their faces were during the last staircase exchange, but it looked VERY close. Albus put his hand on Scorpius’ shoulder and their dialogue was very soft. It was a realization moment for the both of them.
And their hug at the end was also so sweet and soft, the audience went “awww”
Add on: Joel and Erik’s scorbus are very physical with each other. They’re not afraid to get close, grab each other’s shoulders, etc. they really open up around each other
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too-much-yike · 1 year
methinks virgil bites his nails a lot so whenever logan sees him doing this, he just hold out his hand for virgil to grab it and just.. holds his hand and lets him play w logan’s hand instead of picking at his nails.
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larcenywrites · 1 month
Top 5 Logan's kinks 👀?
These are in no particular order!
Top 5 Kinks
Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: 18+ NSFW | no pronouns used for reader | there’s like- two cutesy moments if it counts for anything :3
Breeding/bare- Sure, Logan’s a man. He’s obviously going to prefer no condom. It just feels better for both parties! But Logan is a possessive man, and a territorial beast. It’s only natural for him to mark you in the most primal way he can! But in the case you are able to get pregnant… that’s actually terrifying. Logan is terrified of actually having kids… (which isn’t to say he doesn’t want them… but there are a lot of other problems involved with that 😅) But at his core, Logan is an animal. More so than a “normal” human. It’s literally just another part of his predator instinct. It doesn’t matter if it’s a rough fucking or making love, once he gets into it, you’ll have to remind him several times to pull out (assuming you remember yourself 😩). It also doesn’t help that he can literally smell when you’re ovulating 😳 he gets… pretty ornery— if he even can be more ornery than normal! He’s possessive and horny and really struggling to care despite the risk and his fears 😮‍💨 And with his nose buried in your neck the whole time, not very subtle as he breathes in your scent and damn near panting, it’s really all he can think about 🥴
Collaring- It probably took a lot of practice and maybe a little bit of taming, but Logan is very fond of collar time :3 I have a lot to say about this one, so there’s actually hcs right here! And maybe I just couldn’t think of another kink ;)
Play-fighting/Rough play- Obviously, the constraints of this kink will heavily depend on you 😅 But anything from a quick wrestle to digging your nails into his throat to—if you rile him up enough in the right situation—straight-up stabbing him is on the turn-on list 🤠 You could push him back on the bed a little too confidently, and you’ll activate that fighter instinct... and Logan is actually just pretty playful 🥹 He’s far too strong for you to actually push around very much, but he still likes to have you fight back ;) Don’t worry! Even when he puts you in a headlock between his big ol biceps, he’s still gentle! But fight back!!!!! Even if you know you won’t win!!! Bite his arm, kick him, something!!!!! Maybe having you struggle in his grasp turns him on (prey drive???), but actually having you fight back gets him rock-hard 😩 Training in the Danger Room? The others definitely give you both a hard time at every session now after a spar turned a little more hands-on one time… it was one time 😒 Back in the bedroom, he can enjoy some general rough play as well. Maybe it’s the healing factor, maybe he’s become quite the masochist after a century or two of living, but don’t be afraid to claw down his back and bite as hard as you need into his shoulder! Choke him while he’s collared, or when you’re feeling pretty confident while he’s letting you top for once! Unfortunately, he won’t have anything to show for all your hard work :( but he enjoyed it!
Grinding/dry humping- Logan is a man of action! And an impatient one at that when he’s gotten riled up. It probably took a while to get him into the groove of non-penetrative sex! Besides, sometimes that’s your only option 😅 But Logan is definitely a true believer now 😈 Wake him up by grinding bare on his tummy, or invade his little stress relief hideaway where he’s smoking and/or drinking to hump his thigh 😘 Watch him roll his head back and close his eyes with a sighed grunt of satisfaction. He doesn’t need to watch. Much more into the feeling, your smell, pawing at your thigh/ass… When it comes to full-on dry humping, the man probably swears more and gets more choked up than during penetrative sex 🥴 And for once, he prefers to be bottom while you ground your hips into his. He has to admit, there’s something about the friction of his jeans and the fact you’re both still fully clothed that’s surprisingly way more hot… or perhaps you’re even both still in uniform! Sometimes the adrenaline rush after training just can’t wait 😘
Scenting/smelling- Maybe not necessarily a kink? But it’s definitely something he does on a regular basis, sometimes without either of you really thinking about it! Sometimes he’s just being playful with it! Like sticking his head under your shirt and rubbing his face on your tummy a few times before just resting there with that heavy sigh dogs do when they get comfy in their bed 🥰 If he’s in a good enough mood and tired enough, you might even get a head bump or two to the shoulder while out with the others! It’s definitely not always so innocent and sweet, though… He can pick up smells better than a damn bloodhound, and, combined with that territorial instinct mentioned earlier, there’s definitely going to be some freaky stuff going on behind closed doors 😏 Yes, it’s probably going to be a bit embarrassing every time he sniffs your sex before going down on you. And when sticks his nose in the wet spots he just made you leave on the end 😐 And probably when he sniffs your neck before rubbing his face there. He’s absolutely gotten possessive about you smelling like another man… or maybe he just really doesn’t like waking up in bed to the smell of LeBeau lingering right next to him 😒 Cuddling is one thing, but when he starts trying to subtly rub you down with his face? Well, it’s not very subtle 😐 But he’ll make sure you smell like him again 😌 It settles his territorial side. It’s comforting, in a way! But it also definitely turns him on a little without him meaning for it! Especially when you walk through and he can smell his own arousal on you from the day before ;)
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scoopsgf · 2 years
That previous message is so weird like "he hadn't been in her life for so long" and the 'so long' in question is about a year and a half at most since they last saw each other... even if you were to argue that it doesn't count because he left by season 3, that's still just 2.5 years? Like if we were discussing Jess and Rory meeting as adults in their 30s, by which point Rory would've clearly changed from who she was when she was in Chilton, I would understand this assessment but that isn't the case? And like you said, what that line is connected to is very important in that scene. It's pretty obvious that Jess picks up on Rory just not being happy with her current situation: living with her grandparents and having to sneak Jess INSIDE their house because she can't be open with them about having guests, being disconnected to Lorelai, not going at Yale or ANY university, being in the DAR at which even when she explained it to him she quickly tried to dodge questions the first time by saying it's "all temporary"? If Rory had like switched majors or even universities, I honestly don't think Jess would've ever even reacted this strongly because if Rory had been happy with her decision, it would've obviously been fine. But she's not, that's the point. And we keep seeing her unhappiness and depression regarding the whole situation even before Jess comes back and sees her.
Also, I have to note on this, but another recurring misinterpretation of this line is people saying that Jess was just trying to have Rory live up to some pedestal that he put her on. And he says this immediately before going away and LEAVING HER ALONE. Exactly what pedestal is Jess even having Rory on if he sees her like once a year or more (and in the revival 4 years)? It's not like he calls up to regularly check if she's living up to some ideal image he has of her 😭
god you’re absolutely right. it’s not as if a person typically does a 180 and becomes someone completely different in a year and a half, or even in two and a half years—she’s still gonna have the same core values underneath surface differences. like, they both changed of course (and im talking about their characters in s6 here because that’s when jess says “I know you better than anyone”, which I’m assuming is the moment anon was referencing): jess became calmer, less edgy, more open and vulnerable; rory became filled with self-doubt and grew listless. at the end of the day though, she’s still that hard-working girl who fought tooth and nail to get into yale and was so excited at the opportunity. jess doesn’t even have to know rory now to know how much yale meant to her, how important becoming a journalist and seeing the world and being successful was to her. none of those were phases or things subject to alteration with time—those were definite ambitions that she was adamant about working toward, so naturally jess is gonna be super concerned when he sees that she’s abandoned those goals in favor of working with the DAR and partying with logan. like you said, dropping out isn’t the same as doing something like switching a major: it was completely out of character for rory, and someone who cares about her as much as jess does is naturally gonna ask her what the hell is going on.
as for rory living up to jess’s expectations… that actually makes me wanna laugh because, as i’ve discussed multiple times, jess was the only one of rory’s boyfriends (and maybe the only person in her life at all) who didn’t have any expectations for rory whatsoever beyond wanting her to just… be herself. he didn’t want her to become some doting housewife the way dean did, and he didn’t want her to give up on her dreams to follow him across the country like logan did (or be a side-piece stowed away in a house somewhere, just sitting there waiting for him to come and go at his leisure). jess didn’t even want rory to be like him; he encouraged her love of academia even though he personally despised it, and his values were different from her own—he was a workaholic, yet he never pushed that on her; he was more cynical and he never pushed that on her either—but he respected and understood hers. that’s why all of this is so ridiculous. the bottom line is that jess does know rory, and it’s not like he was reaching by asking her what was going on (because something was wrong) so i don’t understand the complaints? especially when his concern for her and his success in life is what spurned rory to return to yale and get back on the right track? genuinely baffled that people think he was out of line when he was literally just someone who loved her expressing concern…
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sigurdjarlson · 2 years
(I'm too late for the nsfw hcs but) greg used to watch makeup tutorials while he smoked. it didn't go further than sharpie nails or curling his lashes with a spoon, shaping his brows. plausible deniability, esp if you're a stoner kid. he dropped it after s1e1 but then kendall kicked him out and he's doing bad. he hasn't got his "bottom of the top" job yet, the watch ate up his savings, he hasn't had a bump since before italy, and everybody but logan's disowned him. tom's newly separated, living in a pet-friendly luxury hotel while his realtor tries to find an apt that'll work. he moves greg into his 2bd/1ba suite. for the most part they get along, toxic as per usual bcs tom's at the peak of his life and greg's...not. he starts smoking again — tom hates that but it's better than coke — and watching tutorials. greg's in his regressed era. he gets crazy high one day after skipping the rest of work and buys a bunch of makeup. cheek tints, mascara, liquid eyeshadows, etc. these are his nutribullets. he gets back to the hotel, packs a bowl, turns off the lights, and finds a tutorial he can actually do. that's how tom finds him later. he comes home mad as fuck that greg ditched him for the day with no heads up. he's pacing and screaming, throwing shit. when he calls greg again, even though he's called and texted abt 50 tril times, it rings from the other room. tom barges in and turns the lights on. he sees some half-wing, glittery-eyed, rosy-cheeked gregling. a big dumb look on his stupid fucking face. his mouth's hanging open and tom can see it's shiny with gloss. clumpy, messy, amateur, cheap. it makes tom hard as diamonds. maybe he still cusses greg out bcs this is tom, but after that, he finds every reason to stay in greg's room and watch him practice with makeup. try to 'help' just so he can touch greg's face and if he's too close, then that's just so he can see. if he blots greg's lipstick with his fingers and slips them inside his mouth, then greg had some on his teeth, obviously. it'll devolve into the king developing a pavlovian response to the jester's ringing bells that nobody talks about until after greg's tested whether or not his new lipstick is really "blowjob proof" like the ads say and tom breaks.
Oh my god this is lovely
It’s only fair the empress of Rome looks the part <3
Greg’s just relieved Tom isn’t mocking the fuck out of him because this..Tom could really fuck with him for this. He would have expected Tom to really fuck with him for this
But he seems more entranced than amused. There are questions probably like do you do this often? Why, but those will come later, instead Tom is just assisting.
*chinhands* and it’s nice. Tom mumbles something about how for eyeshadow he should pick more neutral colors like brown, gold, copper, etc. it’ll bring out his eyes.
And curling his lashes makes his Bambi like eyes look even prettier. The eyeliner accentuates them. Tom has never been more entranced by those eyes.
There’s no need for blush because he hasn’t stopped actually blushing ever since Tom walked in the room. In fact he’s becoming increasingly more flustered.
it’s Greg realizing Tom is hard that gives him the confidence to slip out of his chair and drop to his knees.
And well the lipstick is blowjob proof but Tom’s cock repeatedly hitting the back of his throat has tears leaking down his face from gagging. It leaves mascara tracks down his cheeks and he looks…wrecked. Hair ruffled from where Tom had been pulling it and with a very noticeable bulge between his legs.
He’s just in a ratty t shirt and sweatpants though. He doesn’t have clothes to match. It’s hard to find male clothing in his size let alone women’s clothing. While Tom fucks his throat, he’s rambling, telling him he’ll take him out tomorrow. He needs to buy some pretty clothes for his pretty boy after all.
Nice dress to show off those long legs of his, silk panties, maybe some stockings actually..Greg happily listens to Tom’s rambling suggestions and it’s making him harder thinking about Tom dressing him up real pretty. He already does that in some ways but not like that.
And his fingers gently brush his neck and he says he needs something there. He says he’d look lovely in some beautiful, expensive jewelry and god, Greg is loving this.
Tom says his empress deserves to look the part after all and honestly Greg doesn’t expect that to do it for him but it does.
He feels cherished and it’s weird to think while on his knees with Tom absolutely fucking his throat but it’s true. No one has ever looked at him with such obvious adoration before.
And he’s been trying to ignore how much this is driving him insane but he ends up coming in his pants when Tom tells him he’s beautiful, so beautiful, and all his.
Tom thinks seeing Greg come in his pants, looking like he does and with Tom’s cock down his throat is quite possibly the hottest thing he’s ever seen.
Tom thinks his current look could use a final touch though and Greg fucking moans while he comes all over his face.
Tom cleans him up of course. He’s s mess. A beautiful, debauched mess but he can’t leave him like this as much as he’d like too. He’d take a picture if that wasn’t one of the worst ideas he’s ever had cross his mind. (That getting our would kill them both)
And he gets him out his now ruined clothes, Tom almost gets hard again when he looks at the big wet stain on Greg’s sweatpants that came from him coming while sucking him off.
Greg is so pliant and happy to preen under the attention tbh. He loves every second of it. He rests his head against Tom’s chest once he’s cleaned up and basks in the afterglow while Tom strokes his hair.
He can’t wait for that future shopping spree.
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anxiousgaypanicking · 3 years
Logan but getting pumped full of everyone's eggs
DRLAMP (Janus x Remus x Logan x Virgil x Patton x Roman) Warnings: oviposition, overstimulation, inflation, aphrodisiac, tentacles, monster fucking, double penetration, marking, biting, plugs, restraints, sex, crying, bleeding, breeding,  degradation, venom, hair-pulling, finger sucking, cock and ball torture, choking Word Count: 9600
A heavy weight plopping itself onto Logan's midsection is what wakes him up. He's confused at first, before the blurry sight of someone atop him comes into view, illuminated only by the small amount of light leaking into his room from the hallway.
Logan groans as he reaches over to the nightstand and grabs his glasses, sliding them onto his face. He also sneaks a glance at the clock while he's looking that way, and sees that it's two in the morning.
He looks back to the figure on top of him, who's now rolling their hips against Logan, and sees that it's none other than Remus.
Specifically, a naked Remus, who's tentacles are out and writhing, and Logan can see that they're even leaking, drops of whatever substance that is getting over Logan's shirt and his sheets.
"What do you want, Remus?" Logan asks, voice groggy. At the sound of his voice, Remus's crimson eyes snap open, and his tentacles all seem to freeze mid-air. He lets out a mix between a laugh and a pant after a moment though.
"My- my tentacles," he stammers out, still grinding against Remus's body. The tentacles sprouting from Remus's back, and the one between his legs, go back to squirming. Although now they move towards Logan, feeling over his calves and lower thighs, while Remus's tentacle cock uncoordinatedly rubs at Logan's boxers.
"Your tentacles?" Logan inquires, needing more than just that as an answer.
"They need to breed," Remus explains, in between short breaths. "I need to breed. I need to pump my eggs into you, my nerdy fucktoy. Fill you up and breed you so good. My tentacles are all practically bursting with eggs and I need to empty them inside of your tight hole."
Logan's face was pink, but he just sighs as he asks "at two-am? You couldn't wait?"
Remus rapidly shakes his head, before he leans down so that he and Logan's lips were almost touching. "Please? Pretty please, Logan? Let me fuck and breed you, baby, come on!"
"Hush, Remus," comes another voice from the doorway, and Remus snaps his head towards the voice, slightly unhappy someone was disturbing his precious time with Logan.
The silhouette of the figure steps into the room, and as he moves closer, it's revealed that it's Janus (sans hat and cape).
He strolls up next to Logan, and clicks on the lamp on his nightstand. Janus barely glances towards Remus, before looking back at Logan. As Logan stares back, and scans over his body, he can tell that Janus is very hard in his pajama pants.
"Not you too," Logan says, receiving a soft laugh in return.
"I'm afraid I don't have much of a choice in the matter," Janus states, eyes shining with amusement. "I need to empty my eggs and, well, you're the only one around who doesn't experience this."
"Piss off, J-anus," Remus growls. "I got here first!" Remus pulls Logan up by his shoulders, his arms and tentacles wrapping around him and holding him against Remus's chest. The substance they're covered in is seeping through the material of his shirt, and the skin on his back gets weirdly hot and sensitive.
The tentacle between Remus's legs is doing the same thing to his crotch. It's been rubbing at his boxers, and now the liquid is seeping through, making Logan's cock uncomfortably hard and leaking.
Janus tuts, as he crawls on the bed and moves behind Logan, wrapping his arms around Logan's midsection, and burying his face in Logan's neck. His teeth are trailing over the skin there, but he's staring at Remus.
"He belongs to all of us," Janus reminds him, with a hum. "You have to learn to share."
Remus narrows his eyes, only for Janus to nibble on Logan's earlobe, whispering "can I bite you, darling? Inject you with venom? You know it'll feel so good."
Logan's breath hitches at the mere thought, and he's quick to nod and blurt out "yes, please."
With a grin, Janus doesn't hesitate to bite down, Logan gasping as his skin is broken by Janus's fangs, only to feel Janus's venom being injected into his body. He can hardly get out Janus's name before he begins feeling it's affects; his body grows increasingly hot, and his face flushes. His cock strains in his boxers, and as Janus's hands start to roam over Logan's body (or, more specifically, the places that weren't covered by the tentacles), Logan found himself arching into the overwhelming touch.
Each gentle stroke or light scratch drew rather pathetic whines from him, and when he opened his eyes - which he doesn't remember closing - Remus is staring at him like Logan's his helpless prey.
Janus is whispering in his ear. Thing's along the line of "we're gonna fill you so full of our eggs" and "you'd like being fucked and bred, wouldn't you? Our good little slut," are slipping out of Janus's mouth, and Logan is whimpering and agreeing with each one.
Before they can do anything, though, there's a knock at Logan's open door, and when the three of them look over there, there's Patton. He has green splotches over his face and arms, and just like the other two, he's visibly hard through his comfy pants.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Patton says, with a flush to his cheeks. "But it appears that I'm in the same predicament as the both of you."
"How fortunate," Janus mutters, bitterly, and Logan would snicker if the thought of Patton on him too didn't make him let out a needy moan. Patton seems to process this, and smiles as he moves closer, wiggling between Remus and Logan, much to Remus's dismay. He plops himself in Logan's lap, and Logan eagerly leans up to kiss him, his head growing more hazy and horny by the second, thanks to Janus's venom and the chemical from Remus's tentacles seeping into his skin.
Janus hisses and Remus growls at the fact Patton got first kiss, and so the moment they pull away Janus grips Logan's hair and roughly tugs his hair back, and pulls him into a kiss of his own.
They're all fighting amongst each other for Logan's body and attention, and another knock on the door irritates them all.
"Uh... I can see that this is a bad time," someone, who they then see is Virgil, says. His nails are noticeably sharper, even from this far away, as are his teeth - his canines long enough to protrude his lips. Beneath his bangs are his normal eyes, and below those are a couple smaller eyes, all blinking in tandem with Virgil.
He's staring at Logan, hard as well, but despite the desperation clear in his voice, he seems willing to leave the other three with their boyfriend and find a way to take care of himself alone, up until Logan moans out "Virgil!"
Virgil's head snaps towards Logan, momentarily caught off guard by how pathetic Logan sounded. He stalks closer, and he and Janus hiss at each other as he wiggles next to him, grabbing Logan and holding him protectively. Logan immediately leans back into Virgil's arms, his head laying back on Virgil's shoulder and exposing his pretty, pale neck, bare aside from two puncture marks where Virgil can obviously tell Janus pumped him full of venom.
"The others all want the same thing I do, huh," he says, quietly, nibbling lightly on Logan's earlobe and causing him to draw in a sharp breath. "To pump you full of my eggs and breed you properly."
Logan moans at his words, attempting to roll his hips up against anything, desperate for friction.
"Why did no one tell me we were all meeting up with Logan?!" a dramatic voice shouts from the door, and no one needs to look to tell that it's Roman. Both because only he is that loud and dramatic, and because he's the only one not yet in the room.
Logan does look though, and if he was in the right mind, he'd be more intrigued by the fact Roman has his tentacles out. In a contrast to Remus's bright green, uncontrollable tentacles, Romans were red and were more steady with their movements, although they still seemed to drift towards Logan.
Like the others, he's visibly horny, and probably in need of getting his eggs out if he's so willing to show his extra, writhing limbs.
Roman has openly expressed his dislike for them, especially because it's another thing he has in common with Remus, but at the moment Logan stared at them in open arousal, desperately wanting them inside of him. Actually, he wanted anything inside of him. He'd take what he could get.
"Ugh, they always leave me out of the loop, mi amor," Roman coos, as he moves closer, and he and Remus growl at each other as he forces himself to sit next to his brother.
Remus's tentacles, having been able to sense Logan's desperation, had already started to slip under the logical side's clothes best he could. Patton in his lap prevented them from getting beneath the boxers, so with a glance between each other, Roman scooped Patton up and gently tossed him to the side, giving them free access to do what they wanted with Logan.
Now it'd just be a fight over who gets him first.
"Logan- Lo, baby," Remus grunts, hardly resisting the impulse to slam Logan down where he was and fuck him senseless. "Let me... let us," he growls that bit out bitterly, clearly unhappy that everyone wanted to use Logan when he got here first, but he supposed there was no getting rid of them now, "use you," he finishes. "Please? We need you so bad."
Murmurs of agreement came from all around him, and whether it be due to the venom in him, or his desire to be bred, Logan nods and blabbers "use me, please! I need it; I need all of you. Want all your eggs inside of me, please!"
Patton coos at his desperation, and Virgil and Janus don't hesitate to move out of the way just enough so that Logan can be pinned to his back against the mattress.
Shooting a knowing look towards Remus, Virgil pushes up the sleeve of his pajama shirt just enough to expose his wrist. He bends his arm so that it's positioned towards the headboard, and Janus speaks for him.
"Logan, dear, if we do absolutely anything that makes you uncomfortable, or if you want to just stop, what do you say?"
"Yellow," Logan grits out, flushed as Remus's tentacles writhe over his body, easily pulling his shirt up and over his head. The article of clothing is discarded in moments. "Or red, in the sit... situ... event I want to stop," he finishes, managing a small smile amongst the arousal, so that Janus and Virgil could be eased knowing that, for now at least, he was comfortable.
Remus pins Logan's hands above his head, before he shifts them slightly so that they're up against the headboard, and Virgil takes that as his cue to shoot a string of webbing from a tiny hole on his wrist and basically tie Logan's hands to the headboard. The webs were strong, strong enough that Logan wiggling his arms didn't budge them at all. Someone would have to cut through them in order to free him, but for now that was just about the last thought on anyone's mind.
Remus quickly works Logan's boxers off with his hands, before his wrist is suddenly grabbed by Janus.
"Wait," the deceitful side begins. "Who gets him first."
"I want him first!" comes Roman's dramatic whine, only for Virgil to growl at him.
"Back off, Princey," he snarls, with a glare. "Last to show up doesn't get the first taste."
"Oh! Can I get him first? Pretty please?" Patton begs, scooting closer to Logan and receiving growls from the four others in response.
"First come first serve," Remus spits, as his sharp nails dig into Logan's hips. "I was here first. I get to breed him first."
"That's hardly fair!"
"Piss off Roman. Or I'll knock you out and you can skip getting to empty your eggs in him at all." As he speaks, Remus's and tentacles have been slithering over Logan's body, and the tip of one teases his lips. Logan obediently opens his mouth for it, and it slips in, more of the  sweet substance it's coated in dripping down his throat and making his body increasingly hotter.
Remus moans as Logan starts sucking on the tip. Despite the fact he's had Remus's tentacles in him before, he was still always caught off guard by how they felt - the suckers occasionally getting stuck to his tongue, and the easy way that the appendage slipped down his throat. He didn't gag - they'd done this enough that he was pretty confident in his deep throating abilities - but it still felt weird. Weird and good.
And it made Remus tighten his hold on him. "Fuck... what a good boy. You know just what to do with your mouth, huh? Slutty bitch."
"So, are we going on the order of arrival, then?" Janus asks, with a hum, as he works to pull the rest of his clothes off of his body. The others follow his lead as their clothes are quickly tossed off the bed and towards the floor. Any embarrassment towards them being naked is discarded and instead replaced with utter lust and the urge to breed.
Although annoyed he doesn't get to go first, Janus is content with getting Logan second. He was patient enough to wait a bit, although he was sure the others couldn't say the same.
Roman stomps his foot at the mere notion. "No! That's not what we're doing. I demand we come up with a different order."
Remus ignores him, and Janus merely rolls his eyes. Virgil was near last too, but he bit his tongue, and smacks Roman upside the head instead. "Patience, Princey," he hisses, clearly annoyed with Roman's usual flamboyant nature. His impatience was going to get him beat
Patton just grumbles out an unhappy but accepting agreement, and Remus is pleased that they've worked all that shit out, allowing him to finally direct a tentacle towards Logan's hole.
The chemical substance that has been making Logan's body hot serves as a lubricant too, so it easily slips into his hole, drawing a moan from Logan. If any of the others weren't so  worried about depositing their eggs into him, they'd probably take up fucking his mouth.
But, since it was unoccupied, a thinner tentacle, presumably one with out eggs, slides towards Logan's mouth, and Logan opens right up to accept it.
His tongue works over the suckers, and Remus moans at the feeling. "Fuck, Logan, your tight hole and hot mouth feel so good around my tentacles. Slutty bitch, you'd suck eagerly on whatever slips past your lips, wouldn't you?" he grits out, as he guides another tentacle to Logan's hole, and then shoves that one in too, Logan jolting at the feeling.
He mumbles something muffled around the tentacle, and they're assured that it's not something bad due to the fact he remembers the safe motion, even when his mind his hazy with horniness.
The word "red," three taps, or three snaps, and he'd be unrestrained and they'd all baby over him despite their intense urge to breed, but they cared about him.
Chances are it was some sort of beg, and as much as they'd love to hear those, Logan seemed insistent on sucking the chemical off of the tentacle, and reacting positively as it made his body hotter and hotter, and clouded his mind with more and more pleasure.
The tentacles writhing in his ass buried themselves deeper, seemingly focused on feeling his insides, before one of them brushes up against his prostate, earning an eager moan, Logan's thighs spreading further apart.
"Oh... Logan," Remus coos, as the others watch him with a mixture of interest and desire. A glance at his cock would show it's already leaking, and out of courtesy, Patton reaches over to grab and slowly stroke it. Logan bucks his hips best he can into the touch, and Remus shoots a glare at the moral trait, but he doesn't tell him off. Logan might as well be touched, especially because he's willing to let them use him like a good boy, although it might not be good to stimulate him that much so soon.
A whine comes from Logan as one of the tentacles slithers out partially, but he cries out around the limb in his mouth as it roughly thrusts back into him, hitting his prostate and sending pleasure throughout his body. He clenches instinctively around the tentacles, and they both wiggle in presumable delight.
Wanting his hands on Logan as well, Janus tugs Remus's tentacle out of Logan's mouth, stroking over it with his own hand in order to coat it in the chemical, before he traces his thumb over Logan's bottom lip.
Logan eagerly licks where Janus's thumb swiped, before opening his mouth obediently, his tongue hanging out of his mouth in hopes he'd taste more of that addictingly sweet substance.
Janus coos at him, before he shoves his pointer and middle finger into Logan's mouth. Logan immediately closes his mouth around them, licking and sucking eagerly over Janus's sweet tasting fingers, and whining as Janus massages his tongue.
"So eager," Janus purrs, and Remus grunts from behind him, as his two tentacles speed up their thrusts into Logan's ass.
"So whorish," Remus corrects him. "He's a fucking slut, Janus. Willing to let us use and breed him like he's just a dumb fucking incubator."
"A hot fucking incubator," Roman murmurs, affectionately, as he carefully slides Logan's glasses off his face. He sets them back on his nightstand, and takes to brushing Logan's hair out of his face. Virgil takes to feeling him up, his claws dragging over Logan's chest, until they dip down and run over his balls. Virgil squeezes his sack and Logan jolts in pain, crying out around Janus's fingers.
It makes the three dark sides grin, while Roman and Patton watch Logan with pursed lips. They know he likes pain, but they still want to make sure he's okay.
"Pain-slut," Virgil grits out, as he quite roughly hits Patton's hand away from Logan's cock in order to smack it around himself.
Logan's mouth curls around Janus's fingers, his teeth firmly keeping them inside as he sucks desperately around them, and cries out pathetic moans and whines whenever Virgil's hands smack around his cock or squeezes his balls.
Roman and Patton sit off to the side, watching with great interest, but pouting over the other three getting to touch and play with their beloved toy.
Waiting their turns would be rough.
Especially because they could see the base of six more of Remus's tentacles swelling with what they presumed to be eggs. Roman would no doubt have the same ordeal, which is why Virgil, Janus, and Patton all internally sighed in relief that he'd have to go last.
Although, they're somewhat thankful when Remus suddenly groans, his cock coming over Logan's thighs. Small bulges of presumable eggs slide their way through Remus's two tentacles that have stilled in Logan's ass, and Logan cries out pathetically around Janus's fingers as he feels the eggs start to deposit themselves into his ass, as well as more of the chemical being emptied into him too.
Virgil quits slapping at his cock in order to firmly grasp it, and then he starts stroking rapidly, causing Logan's hips to buck as he moans, and then suddenly comes over Virgil's hand and his chest.
Virgil merely tuts, before wiping Logan's come against his own face, which makes him whine but otherwise just stare at Virgil with hazy, half-lidded eyes.
With all of the aphrodisiac coursing through his veins, thanks to Janus's venom and Remus's tentacles, Logan's body is still hot and he's still horny, and Patton takes over very slowly stroking his cock in order to work him quickly back up to full hardness.
After Remus's two tentacles are done emptying themselves into Logan, they pull away, but they're not done with him. One of them curls around the base of his cock, sliding past Patton's hand in order to lube his cock up with aphrodisiac, before it pulls away. Patton hums as his hand tingles, sliding his hand at a slightly quicker pace over Logan's now leaking cock.
The tentacle then slides down to Logan's ankle, with the other going to the other ankle, and they pull Logan's legs further apart.
With his legs spread further, two more tentacles slide towards his hole, and almost immediately push in afterwards, squelching around the eggs and come. They don't need to fuck him like the other tentacles did, now that they made sure most of the eggs were pushed deep into Logan, so they just bury themselves inside him and empty their contents as Remus rapidly strokes his own cock.
"That's right, baby," Remus grits, as he brings himself to another orgasm, spilling over his own tentacles and Logan's thighs again. "Taking in all my eggs and come. Gonna breed you so good. Look at your stomach? You're already so full. Can't wait to see how full you're going to look after we've all fucked our babies into you."
Logan moans as Janus shoves his fingers deeper into Logan's mouth, and would be begging to be bred if it weren't for Janus finger fucking his mouth. He does want to be bred; he wants them all to fill him up with eggs, which is why he jolts and moans when Remus's last two tentacles push into him too.
They only slide a little of the way in before the tips open up and the tentacles come into him again, more small eggs sliding into his small body, and Logan comes again, thanks to Remus's slow stroking and sliding the pad of his thumb over his slit, dirtying Patton's hand and adding to the pool of come already on his chest.
As his two tentacles pull out, Remus's fingers slide in, keeping his come and eggs packed up inside, his horny mind believing that Logan needs to keep it all packed inside to make sure they're effectively fertilized.
"Janus, get over here," Remus nearly grows. "Fuck him real good, Jan. Make sure not to let any of my eggs or come spill out, okay? And breed him like the slut he is." Although he didn't like the idea of other people breeding Logan, he might as well encourage them. Logan looked so pretty with his stomach swelling slightly with just his eggs; he could only imagine how thoroughly fucked out and full Logan would look after all of this, and boy was he getting hard again at that mental picture.
Janus grins, and scoots over towards Remus, one of Remus's tentacles quickly wrapping and pumping Janus's cocks. The chemical sliding over them works to lube them up, but it also sends pleasurable heat through his cocks. Janus slides closer now that his cocks are lubed up, and as Remus's fingers slide out, Janus pushes one of his cocks in.
He's thrilled feeling Remus's come and eggs already packed inside of him, and Logan moans out "Janus!" when he feels Janus's second cock rub against his own.
With Janus no longer gagging his mouth, Logan was whining and babbling out incoherent pleas spurred on by the aphrodisiac circulating his mind. All he thought about was being fucked and filled, just like they promised he would be.
Patton grabs both Janus and Logan's cocks and rubs them together, before Janus takes hold of his second cock and eases it into Logan's hole, making him jolt at the stretch. "Janus- Janus!" Logan whines, drool dripping from the corner of his chin. "So big! Feel so full; want to be full of your eggs Janus!"
"Don't worry, darling," Janus purrs, just barely thrusting into Logan, hardly enough to provide Logan with pleasurable friction, but Janus himself can't help groaning at the way Logan clenches down on his cock, as if trying to milk the eggs and come from his cock. "You'll get them soon enough."
He pulls out about halfway, before slowly pushing back in, earning a breathy gasp from Logan, who's immediately trying to roll his hips down on Janus's cocks. He wants more; he desperately craves more, and yet Janus was going slow with him. The glint in his eye showed that he was doing it solely to be a tease.
He leans over Logan as he pulls out a bit again, slowly pushing in again just like last time, feeling Remus's eggs move around his cocks. He presses his lips to Logan's, forked tongue sliding easily into Logan's mouth and tasting around the area. Logan leans up into the kiss, mouth open eagerly as his tongue presses curiously against Janus's. They'd kissed multiple times, but even while mindlessly horny thanks to aphrodisiac, Logan still slid his tongue between the fork in Janus's, and Janus couldn't help but think it was rather cute.
The others watched with mildly annoyed expressions, although some of them tried to place their interest above it. Of course Janus would go achingly slow; he liked to be a tease, and issue things out when they're most unexpected, and hearing Logan beg for him is no doubt getting him off.
When Janus finally pulls away, Logan chases after his lips desperately, and whines when Janus merely coos at him instead. He resorts to trailing kisses down Logan's jaw instead, kissing over the bite mark he already made, before sucking a dark, purple mark into Logan's skin. The sight makes the others hiss in disapproval, but causes Logan to tilt his head to the side.
He's too horny to care about his pride, as he instead begs "Janus, please, mark me up more! Need them, need you, please!" He sounds utterly pathetic, but it causes Janus to lick his lips, and grin.
"Don't worry, kitten," Janus purrs, as he trails his kisses down to Logan's shoulders. "I'll make sure to mark you up good. Show everyone that sees you that you belong to me," he promises, before he sucks another mark into Logan's skin.
"Belongs to us," Virgil corrects him, trailing a sharp nail over Logan's jaw. Logan looks up at him with cloudy eyes, and as Virgil's finger traces over his lips, Logan's mouth opens and his tongue lolls out, as if inviting Virgil to do what he pleased with it. Virgil grins, and the urge to thrust his cock inside Logan's waiting mouth was immeasurable, but he wanted to empty his eggs in a place his horny mind believed they could be fertilized, even if they logically couldn't.
So, Virgil does what Janus did and shoves his fingers inside Logan's mouth, albeit rougher, and Logan gets right to sucking and tonguing over them. Roman, feeling a little left out, scoots to the other side of the bed near Remus, and when Janus's kisses and hickeys start start trailing lower, Roman greedily takes up licking and sucking over Logan's neck. Remus, with his unlimited stamina, is touching his own cock, but he's filled with the urge to come over Logan's body. He wants to mess him up and ruin him, more than he's already ruined.
His hair is disheveled and matter to his head in sweat, with his own come quickly drying over his stomach. Janus licks some of it up while simultaneously trailing his fangs over his body and causing Logan to whine around Virgil's fingers at the thought of being bitten and pumped full of Janus's venom again.
He'd be high off the aphrodisiac for a while, but if they saw it wearing off in the midst of their breeding session, Janus would just bite him or one of the twins will feed him chemicals again to make sure he can continue coming throughout their playtime.
Janus leaves a few hickeys down Logan's chest, before he finally pulls out nearly all the way and thrusts all the way back in, roughly jolting Logan's body and earning a loud moan from him. He lets out a muffled cry of Janus's name around Virgil's fingers, before his teeth lightly close around the digits. He doesn't want Virgil's fingers to pull away like Janus's had, as his tongue eagerly slides over the fingers and coats them with his saliva.
Logan's legs close on instinct when Janus thrusts against his prostate, so two more arms emerge from Janus's sides and take hold of Logan's thighs, spreading his legs further apart and keeping them there. He's met with little resistance, and just to feel Logan up a bit, he squeezes and gropes Logan's chubby thighs.
His manicured nails dig into the muscle as his thrusts get harder, mercilessly abusing Logan's prostate and causing Logan to let out frequent moans and cries of pleasure, mixed with the occasional gag as Virgil shoves his fingers deeper into Logan's mouth. His nails briefly scratch against his throat, but the discomfort of such is quickly forgotten due to the constant pleasure he's receiving.
With Patton's hand still softly working his cock, he comes again, eyes rolling back into his head as he gags around Virgil's fingers, a choked moan barely audible. His hole clenches around Janus's cock, earning a groan from the deceitful side.
"Logan," Janus moans out, his nails digging hard into Logan's thighs, puncturing the skin and drawing blood that drips across Logan's thighs. The blood catches Virgil's attention, and he licks his lips as the red droplets spill down the muscle only to stain Logan's bedsheets and completely go to waste.
One of his eyes twitch, before he slips his fingers out of Logan's mouth, allowing the moans he's letting out to be louder, before one of Virgil's hands grab Logan's throat, squeezing tight. His nails lightly scratch over the skin, and Logan gasps as his hands tug on the strong webs around his wrists.
Janus's thrusts get more sporadic, still fucking into Logan's prostate and working him back up to full hardness yet again. Patton's hand has moved down to lightly fondle and squeeze Logan's balls, as Roman had moved his mouth to Logan's cock.
He was sucking over the tip, and occasionally dragging his teeth over Logan's shaft whenever his head bobs down, which earns strangled moans and whines from Logan. Logan would buck up into his mouth if Janus's hands didn't keep his bottom half planted.
"Going to fill you up, darling," Janus gasps out, as he feels a pit of warmth pool in his stomach. "Can't wait to see your stomach bulge once you're full of my eggs. All of our eggs." His words are breathy, before he suddenly thrusts deep into Logan's ass and comes, both of his cocks pumping out eggs and come that fill Logan further, and Logan's back arches as he moans, relishing in the feeling of being filled even more.
Janus has significantly less eggs than Remus, which is to be expected considering Remus had multiple tentacles that needed to dispense eggs, but his eggs are a bit bigger, which makes Logan's legs shake as he comes again. He's driven to climax by that feeling mixed with Roman's tongue stimulating his slit. He's getting oversensitive, which amuses them greatly.
It'd be joyous to see how thoroughly wrecked he'd be by the end of this.
"Patton," Janus calls, his cocks still buried inside Logan. Patton looks away from Logan's throat, where Virgil's hand had eased up and had instead turned to dragging his nails over Logan's chest, occasionally scratching hard enough to draw blood that Virgil then eagerly licks up, looking utterly euphoric just from tasting Logan's blood.
Patton scoots over so that he's between Logan's legs, gently rubbing over the scratches Janus had caused. This time, one of Roman's tentacles slide over Patton's cock in order to lube it up, and Patton shyly moans at the feeling.
Then, as Janus slowly pulls out, Patton slowly pushes in, in hopes nothing spills out of Logan's ass. Luckily, by the time Janus is pulled out fully, nothing seems to have spilled out, and Patton moans as he feels the other two's come already packed tightly inside of Logan.
"Oh... oh gosh..." Patton gasps, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of Logan around him. He was excited to finally get his turn with Logan, and that shows through in the way he bites his lip and rather firmly squeezes at Logan's thick thighs.
Remus meanwhile motions Janus over, both of them currently satisfied with emptying their eggs into their cute little incubator, so they can cuddle. They both sit nearby, and with the pleased expressions Logan's making, they both knew they'd undoubtedly end up hard again, but all of them knew how pretty Logan looks when he's utterly drenched in their come.
Patton's significantly softer than all of them, so he takes his time to allow Logan a peaceful respite, although Roman continues to mouth and lightly bite at Logan's cock and the skin surrounding it, and Virgil had taken to marking up Logan's neck.
The anxious side's fangs pierce his skin with every new bite, and Virgil greedily sucks over every new bite in order to ingest Logan's delicious blood.
"Patton," Logan whines, now that his mouth is unoccupied, and Patton's lets out a moan at just the sound of Logan saying his name. Tears are brimming in his eyes as Roman deepthroats his cock, purposely going quite slow, but still teasingly working his tongue over Logan's slit and practically tempting him to come again.
He's oversensitive, the chemical being fully digested and absorbed into his skin by now, which left the aftereffects of oversensitivity and heat, and he was easily being driven closer to climax by just a few bobs of Roman's head, and Patton's cock resting motionlessly inside of him.
Janus nudges Remus as he notices, and Remus scoots closer. "Open wide, Logie," he purrs, and Logan obediently does what he's told, whining as one of Remus's tentacles slip into his mouth.
Already, more aphrodisiac is being graciously sucked down by Logan, the suckers on the tentacle briefly attaching themselves to Logan's tongue as he laps at it like he needs it, and with each greedy swallow of the chemical, Logan grows more and more mindless, and his stamina is briefly boosted.
His body is still sensitive, and tears drip down his face as the tentacle squirms further down Logan's throat, causing him to choke around it, but he doesn't stop eagerly sucking what Remus has so graciously given him.
Instead, he sucks and sucks until Remus pulls it out of his mouth, and even so he tries to follow after it with his mouth, whining when some drips onto his face and rolls down his cheek, eventually landing on the bedsheets and going to waste.
By now, Roman's head has come to a stop at the head of his cock, focused and intentionally stimulating his slit in hopes of making him writhe, and is utterly successful.
Virgil's hickeys move down to his shoulders and collarbone, and that's when Patton decides to finally start his thrusts. They're slow, and careful, and strangely caring. Sex with Patton always feels overly intimate, even in the kinkiest of times, but right now, the way he bit his lip and gripped a bit tighter at Logan's thighs every time he thrusted into him was a sight that made Logan moan, even in his hazy state.
Morality doing something that was perceived to be the farthest from innocence, and doing so with a red face and a quiet but confident nature had him moaning, and his legs wrap around Patton's waist as if encouraging to thrust deeper, harder, and to completely ruin and fill him.
"More, fill me, please," he whines out, rolling his hips in an attempt to fuck himself back on Patton's cock, desperate to be filled with his eggs.
"Baby, baby, shhh," Patton shushes him, leaning down to press an all-too-soft kiss against Logan's lips in order to keep him quiet. His pleading was cute, but if he kept begging then Patton might just have to give in.
But, Logan's lips part obediently for Patton, allowing Patton's tongue to slip into his mouth. Their lips move fluidly against each others, despite the fact Logan was insatiably horny.
And, despite Logan's pleas between kisses and touches, Patton continues a slow and steady pace with him.
Such a pace makes Virgil hiss where he sits, and he quite forcibly pulls Roman's head away from Logan's cock in favor of going back to ruthlessly stroking him. He knows it probably won't do much to convince Patton to go faster and get his turn over with, but he might as well please Logan while they wait, and his nails dragging over Logan's shaft while his free hand squeezes at his balls makes Logan cry out in pain, as tears fall down his cheeks.
However, he looks near euphoric when Patton moves his lips away from Logan's, and the more Virgil slaps around his cock and balls, the more Logan writhes and cries, with a few pathetic moans still slipping out of his mouth.
A part of Patton wants to encourage Virgil to be nicer, but as Roman starts nipping and sucking over Logan's skin, only adding to the pleasure the logical side is feeling, Patton finds he's too invested in Logan's pretty noises and expressions to care much about how they hurt him. As long as Logan liked it, he liked it.
Janus and Remus are both unsurprisingly getting off on the sounds Logan's making too. Remus likes seeing him in pain, and likes making fun of him for enjoying it so much, which he doesn't hesitate to do. Janus, on the other hand, is praising and teasing Logan for the way his body jerks and shakes with Patton's hard thrusts, and yet the way Logan moans for him to go faster because Patton treats him too sweetly.
Mixes of "painslut, I bet you enjoy Virgil clawing at your stupid little cock. I bet you wish he'd cut it off. It's not like you need it anyway; you'll never get the chance to fuck any of us. Stupid bottom," and "what a good boy, taking what he's given. You should be more grateful to Patton though; he may no be going fast but with the way your legs are shaking, I'd say he's making you feel real good, isn't he, kitten?"
And Logan's responses are just as mixed, with eager cries of "yes, I'm a painslut! Don't need my cock- just need my hole to be filled!" followed by whines of "thank you, Patton. Feels so- so good! So close; love your cock, Patton! I want your eggs, please!"
He didn't sound like his normal, proper self, but that was too be expected when someone was pumped full of a literal horny chemical.
"You'll get them soon enough, baby," Patton assures Logan, followed by a soft shushing noise. He loved how noisy Logan was, but his voice was starting to sound strained from all the moaning he'd done already.
He still had two more loads to take, not counting the load Patton was about to give him.
Logan suddenly jolts as Patton thrusts hard into his prostate, legs trembling due to how much pressure he'd already sustained tonight. He had unlimited stamina, thanks to being a figment of Thomas's imagination, and could come as many times as they wanted him to, but it took a toll on his body thanks to the fact he was created to be human-esque.
Which means the others get to watch adoringly as Logan's body shook with sensitivity, and the way his hips bucked when Virgil suddenly squeezes tight around the base of his cock, before rapidly stroking it, causing Logan's back to arch as he cries out Virgil's name, before suddenly coming over his messy chest and Virgil's hand, but Virgil keeps going.
"Better hurry up and make Patton come," Virgil says, sounding confident and rather harsh. All the dark sides were rather mean during sex; they liked to be in control, and they especially liked torturing Logan with that control.
Logan's hands tug pathetically at the webbing around his wrists, tears falling down his face as he chokes on his own drool. "Patton!" he cries, hole clenching tight around Patton's cock. "Come in me, please! Need you, need you so bad..." he starts to sound like he's sobbing near the end, and with a slightly more worried look, Virgil's free hand grabs Logan's chin.
"Tell us your colour," Virgil orders, although his voice comes out comparably soft, and Patton's thrusts get softer as he awaits Logan's answer.
Through a hiccup, Logan says "green... 'm just so sensitive," and it was about what they were expecting. Roman scoots closer to Logan's head, and kisses at the tears falling down Logan's face, before Patton's thrusts pick back up. Roman, admittedly, was excited at the prospect of Logan being near incoherent when it was finally time for him to use him.
Dumb and horny; the perfect little incubator.
Remus and Janus's hands speed up on their own cocks, determined to come around the same time as Patton, and both Roman and Virgil's cocks throb at the broken moans Logan was letting out. They both needed him, and they needed him soon.
Though, as Patton's breath gets more audible, moaning and groaning more often, the two left are assured that he's close. To further confirm their suspicions, Patton ends up gasping out "Logan- Logan I'm close."
Logan moans at Patton's words, legs shaking as Patton gropes the fat muscle and keeps his legs spread. Logan was pushing against him, unintentionally, of course, as he instinctually wanted to close his legs and pull Patton closer.
Virgil's hand, which hadn't stopped its assault on Logan's cock, squeezes harder as his free hand moves to Logan's balls instead, going back to scratching, slapping, and squeezing in order to make Logan cry more. The pain causes Logan to clench around Patton's cock again, and Patton moans as he thrusts into the tight heat.
With a few more thrusts, Patton comes with a moan into Logan, a large amount of tiny eggs and come spilling into his body. Patton grinds against Logan's hips as he rides out his orgasm, before looking at Virgil as he pants. Virgil immediately moves his hands away from Logan's genitalia, and scoots to where Patton was, leaving Logan whining and bucking his hips, desperate for more friction to bring him to yet another orgasm, despite the fact he felt like he might pass out if he came again. Still, he doesn't safeword; he knows he can take the rest of their eggs. He wants to.
Remus and Janus also end up coming again, come shooting over Logan's chest, and some of Janus's come even managing to get over his face. Logan hardly seems fazed, though, and just whines at his own desperate urge to come.
Just like last time, one of Roman's tentacles slide over Virgil cock, lubing it up, so that when Patton pulls out, Virgil can quickly, and rather roughly, thrust his cock into Logan's hole.
Patton moves to cuddle against Janus's side, one of Janus's arms sprouting from his side so that he can pull Patton close to him. One round was all it took to tire Patton out, so Janus rubbed his side as the moral side watched Logan with half-lidded eyes. Although he was ready to lay down and cuddle, he knew Virgil and Roman needed to breed Logan too, and he wouldn't miss seeing Logan shake and moan for the world.
Hands tightly gripping Logan's legs, Virgil sets a fast pace with his thighs. He's not normally so impatient, but his cock has been achingly hard nearly this entire time, and he needs to empty his eggs into their cute little logical side soon, or he might just burst.
Roman's whining and pouting all the same, although he's tried to occupy himself with licking and sucking Logan's nipples. His body has been pretty thoroughly covered in hickeys, both from the side's mouths and from the twin's tentacles, whose suckers were constantly latching on and sucking against Logan's skin.
As Virgil fucks into Logan, one of Roman's tentacles slide back up to his mouth. It doesn't go inside, despite Logan opening his mouth for it and trying to lean his head up in hopes of at least suckling on the tip, but the tentacle just moves further out of his reach.
If Roman was aware of it, he would have generously given Logan the tentacle to suck on, but he was mindlessly occupying himself with sucking around Logan's nipples to give him even more stimulation.
The tentacle dripped the horny chemical over Logan's face, only getting into his mouth if Logan held it open, and often times still missing, which prompted Logan to stick his tongue out. It was leaking an incredulous amount, drips pouring one after the other, and dripping down his chin and fortunately down his throat, and serving to give him a bit more energy, and a lot more stamina.
Virgil's hunched over Logan's quaking body, lips reattaching themselves to Logan's collarbone. His sharp teeth are digging into Logan's skin as his thrusts grow needy. He's so pent up, just from watching the others have their way with him.
Logan can't really do much else but arch his back when Virgil's cock rams against his prostate, and cry out something near incoherent due to his mouth hanging open in an attempt to gather more oh the aphrodisiac.
It sounds vaguely like Virgil's name, but none of them can be sure at this point. Drool is running down Logan's chin as his body jolts with each thrust into his severely overstimulated body. His mind was basically empty except for sex, and both Virgil and Roman's hands were running over his stomach, which was noticeably larger due to the eggs and come packed inside of him.
There was so much, and Virgil's cock driving into him just served to jostle the eggs around. He'd be more scared about them breaking if he wasn't being so mind numbingly pleasured.
"There's just me and Roman left, L," Virgil assures him, pulling away from Logan's now bleeding collarbone with the red liquid present on his lips. "Think you can hold all of our eggs? You're going to look so full by the time we're done with you. Our good boy; our good little incubator."
Logan's nodding before Virgil's even done talking, although his tongue stays out of his mouth. Roman pulls away from kissing and nipping at Logan's chest and finally notices that the logical side is trying to get more aphrodisiac from the tentacle. Not wanting to risk wasting eggs by coming down Logan's throat (and potentially choking him in the process), Roman slides his hand over his tentacle, coating his hand in the aphrodisiac, before moving his fingers to Logan's mouth.
Logan eagerly sucks them in, before his tongue is working over Roman's fingers, and as Roman adds more into his mouth, Logan obediently sucks more aphrodisiac off, making his body hotter and giving him a bit more energy to push onwards with.
The tentacles then continue to mindlessly rub over his body, even curling around one of Virgil's wrists at some point, and drag more of the chemical over Logan's already sensitive body. One of them even ends up sliding itself around Logan's cock, sliding up and down it, while occasionally squeezing, serving to give Logan a mock handjob.
Virgil's cock finds his prostate moments later, and Logan near comes just from the pleasure he gets from it. He sucks harder on Roman's fingers as he cries out around them, and when Roman finally pulls them out, Logan's babbling for Virgil to keep hitting that spot and making him feel good, and going on and on about how he's so close, which earns insulting words from Remus and degrading muttering from Virgil, who's leaned in close to Logan's ear.
"Our good little slut; going to come again?" Virgil purrs, before nipping at Logan's earlobe and drawing a pathetic whine from him.
"Yes, yes," Logan gasps out, voice shaking as Virgil repeatedly thrusts into his prostate, his nails dragging over Logan's body before tightly holding his hips, leaving behind bright red marks that pop against Logan's pale skin.
Virgil himself was close; hot and horny just from watching the others have their way with him, and also due to a desperate need to pump his eggs into Logan. If Roman wasn't waiting to go after him, Virgil probably would have thought about going for a second round.
Oh well; there's always tomorrow.
His teeth are nipping and biting over any skin that hasn't already been marked up, as his thrusts grow more sporadic. It was probably pathetic how close Virgil was already, but as Logan comes again with a cry of his name, Virgil decides he doesn't really care. All he wants is to fill Logan up and breed his boyfriend.
His nails dig deeper into Logan's hips, holding hard enough to potentially bruise him, as Virgil's thrusts get harder. Logan's eyes are squeezed shut, with tears flowing constantly, and Virgil's getting off on it. He cares about Logan, of course, they all do, but watching him cry because he was so wracked with pain and pleasure was admittedly a guilty pleasure of theirs.
"Virgil!" Logan cries, voice strained. "Come in me, please! I want your eggs; I want them so bad!" He sounds like he's pleading, although it was clear Virgil planned to come inside of Logan anyway. It's what he's been craving doing all night.
And, well, Virgil can hardly resist giving his baby what he wants. With a few more hard thrusts, Virgil's emptying his eggs into Logan's ass, Roman pulling back slightly to watch with half-lidded eyes as Logan's stomach expands even more, filling up as Virgil's come and eggs are deposited into his ass. Virgil rides out his orgasm, thrusting hard throughout it, and stimulating Logan all the while, while Logan cries and shakes as Virgil comes.
Roman's eager to get his own turn, and Virgil ends up guiding the tentacle around Logan's cock to Logan's ass, and it wiggles in alongside Virgil's cock before Virgil slowly pulls out. He and Roman switch positions, before Remus ends up roughly grabbing Virgil's midsection and pulling him close, and in for cuddles.
Virgil hisses at him, but let's Remus hold him tightly regardless, Janus also reaching over to soothingly rub Virgil's thigh.
Roman eagerly situates himself between Logan's legs, cooing softly as he pushes a second tentacle into Logan's ass. Logan's hole spreads easily around his tentacles, and the tentacles were slick enough they went in without trouble.
Roman groans at the tightness, and Logan whines at the prospect of being stuffed full of Roman's eggs, and finally being bred by all of his boyfriends.
"Finally," Logan hears Roman mutter, as his tentacles set to a fast pace of wiggling and thrusting. They worm their way around the eggs all stuffed inside of Logan, mixing the other's come around and causing Logan's stomach to shift and move as the eggs are hit with thrusts.
The rest of Roman's tentacles are restless, sliding over Logan's legs and leaving more sucker marks over his ankles and calves, attempting to occupy themselves as they're forced to wait in order to empty the eggs that's been stuffed inside of them for the past night.
The two inside of Logan are constantly rubbing against each other and seem to shiver in pleasure whenever Logan clenches around them; very clearly responding positively to Logan's pleasure.
Similarly to Virgil, Roman's extremely close already. His tentacles have been swelling with eggs, and his tentacles have been rubbing over Logan since he's been in the logical side's room, so they were eager to come inside of Logan and breed him fully.
"You look so beautiful," Roman gasps out, as his tentacles are stimulated while they thrust into Logan's ass. One of his hands works his own cock, while the other squeezes and gropes at Logan's thighs, as everyone else had this evening.
They all like his thighs; groping them and squeezing the fat makes them all happy, and Logan likes the attention, regardless of what form it comes in.
With no warning, the two tentacles inside of Logan suddenly come, as does Roman, as he moans out Logan's name as his come splatters over one of his tentacles and one of Logan's thighs. His eggs slowly push through his tentacles and into Logan, come spilling out with it, and as those slip out, two more efficiently slip in. They're fucking into him just like the previous to, and Roman bends down to kiss Logan sweetly, and whisper sweet words in Spanish when they part.
Normally, Logan would respond with something also in Spanish, as he'd taken up learning it for Roman's sake, or he'd respond with a simple thank you at the compliments Roman often tossed his way, but right now he was too dumb due to the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling to respond in any way other than a moan.
The only thing Logan knew was that Roman soothingly speaking another language to him made him happy, and the tentacles inside of him, which had found his prostate and have been continuing to thrust and rub against it, made him overwhelmingly horny.
He moans relentlessly against Roman's lips, the spit and drool coating them smearing over Roman's chin as they messily make-out. Deciding to give Logan even more attention, when Roman's tentacles come again, and in turn when he comes again, Roman uses his come as lube to stroke Logan's cock. His pace is steady and rather sweet, while his last two tentacles slide themselves into Logan.
They don't thrust, more so just writhing, as Roman sucks on Logan's bottom lip and then kisses down his chin. They're both moaning and panting; Logan's babbling out incoherent pleas, as he tugs pathetically at the webbing keeping him stuck to the headboard, while Roman's mumbling praises between his own sounds of pleasure.
Roman's always been known to be vocal, and his noises of pleasure ultimately spur Logan on, as he begs with broken words for Roman to fill him up with the rest of his eggs.
"I need them, please!" Logan begs, as tears continuously pour down his face. He hiccups in between talking, and his legs shake as he attempts to spread them further apart, as if further enticing Roman to come in him. "Please, please, please, Roman, I want your eggs so bad!"
He sounds utterly pathetic, and the four sitting to the side all feel their breaths get caught in their throats.
Logan was rather hot when he was mindlessly horny and without a filter; they liked hearing him pathetically beg and cry for their eggs and come. If any of them could, they'd be hard again, but instead they just watched with extreme interest as Roman grits his teeth, the tentacles wiggling inside of Logan suddenly beginning to thrust, harshly slamming against his prostate, before Logan suddenly cries out Roman's name, body trembling as he comes for the final time, Roman's hand stilling almost immediately in hopes not to overstimulate him further.
His eggs slide through his tentacles, and after the last of the eggs and come are pumped into Logan's ass, Roman looks over at Remus and Janus, knowing they'd understand.
Janus is the one who ultimately ends up moving, much to Remus's dismay, and after sorting through Logan's nightstand, Janus shows off a silver buttplug. He hands it over to Roman, who lubes it up with a tentacle, before sliding it into Logan as the tentacles pull out.
Janus then summons something to cut through Virgil's webbing, thus releasing Logan's wrists from the tight hold they were in.
The deceitful side kisses over the laceration marks, before he glances at the others, unsure of where to proceed from here.
Patton scoots closer, brushing some of the hair from Logan's eyes, and Logan's breathing heavily as he leans into the hand Patton eventually rests against his cheek. "How are you feeling, Logan?" Patton questions, voice soft.
"Tired... good..." Logan responds, eyes closed. His voice is quiet and raspy, but he's clearly happy.
"Do you want to shower?"
Logan's quiet for a few moments, before he shakes his head slightly. "No. I don't think I can stand. Wipe me down, please?" He'll shower tomorrow, with the help of his boyfriends, but for now he'll lay happily, and contently rub his full stomach. The idea of having to empty himself sometime soon is saddening, but hey.
There's always next time.
i... kind of went overboard. sorry this took so long, but i hope it was worth it!
also, reminder, if you check my blog, i have a post involving a kinky things bingo, which is a bunch of kinky prompts. im taking recommendations for ships to do with certain prompts, so if youd like to see me write a specific ship with any of those prompts, then lmk ;))
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lordabovehelpme · 3 years
Big Bear- Clyde Logan x Reader
Request: So we all know how the best nickname for Clyde is Bear. But how about the first time reader called him that? It doesn’t have to be a whole fic, it can totally be a headcanon or just a thought! Love you! - anon
A/n: Ahhh I love this!!! And I love you for sending this in!! I hope you enjoy! 
Summary: Everything he does reminds you of a bear, but you’ve never told him. What happens when the little nickname slips one night? 
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As soon as the comparison crosses your mind, it never leaves. It just makes so much sense. The way he get’s all huffy and rumbly in the mornings. Those pillowy lips of his pushed out into a pout and his eyes half closed yet sparkling when they see you. His grumbles will thunder down the halls as he tries to find you. Every morning it makes you think of a bear waking from hibernation a little too early. And every morning you’ll cup his cheek and stand on your tiptoes to press a kiss to that pout. And his pout will slowly turn into a small smile.
It’s the way his giant hand wraps around your own, in fact your whole hand can fit in his palm. When he offers his hand out to you, you have to bite back your giggles at how he seems so similar to a bear offering his paw. And it’s not only his hands, it’s also his feet. Those large feet carrying him all around the world and barely fitting into his shoes. They also remind you of paws.
Then it’s the way he hugs you. Those big arms wrapping around your form and pulling you into a strong chest. If he’s behind you, he will rest his chin on the top of your head. Most often he’ll let an overdue sigh escape and relax around you, content with your touch. And if you could see his face, you would see closed eyes and a lazy smile. But if he’s facing you, then a kiss is pressed to your forehead before you are fully pulled in. Then he’ll tug you impossibly close to him and nearly tuck you away into his embrace. Your arms wrap around his waist and slide under his shirt, your nails lightly scratching at his back. Shivers will run up and down his spine and you’ll be pulled even closer, a purr vibrating from beneath his chest.
It’s also the way he eats. It’s like you never feed the man or like he’s never eaten before. He will shove as much as food as he can into his mouth and eat it so quickly. It’s a miracle he hasn’t choked and died yet. But you don’t mind it as much when he’ll give you a thumbs up, his eyes closed from happiness, and a smile with his cheeks puffed out with your cooking concoctions.
But all that good hearty food leads him to look like a bear. His shoulders are wide and nearly take up an entire doorway, muscle cushioning the bone and making a perfect spot for your head to lean on. His chest is broad and strong, pecs pulled taut and slightly protruding from his favorite (and your favorite) shirts. But when he takes those long deep breaths, he swells with air and grows before your eyes, you can’t deny the heat that rises to your cheeks.
However, your most favorite part (if you can even choose) is his tummy. It’s so soft that you literally cannot wait to run your hands over it every night. He’s fed well and you love that it shows. He used to hate it when you first started dating. You would wake up to find him gone, putting himself through various workouts, trying to burn it off. But over years of you telling him how much you love it and how it’s nothing to be ashamed of, he’s grown to like it. It tells you that he’s healthy and loved. And you both know he can’t refuse your baking, especially when you make those gooey apple pies.
The funniest comparison you’ve found though, is the way he sits. The way his entire body will fill any chair and his shoulders kind of slump. But it’s most apparent when he sits backwards on chairs, large thighs surrounding the back and his arms resting on his knees. One time when the two of you were watching a National Geographic Documentary on bears, they showed a scene of a bear sitting in a field. You happened to have looked over at Clyde during that scene, and had to bite your lips to stop from laughing. He was sitting in the exact same position. Your head went back and forth from the TV screen to your man bear on the couch, giggles hidden behind your hands. You could have put their pictures next to one another and said “Spot the difference.” Although, that wouldn’t have really worked because there was no difference.
But there’s something about how warm and cozy he is that really puts the icing on the cake. Countless nights you have found him on the couch, book in his large paw and cooling mug of tea on the small coffee table. And countless times he’s just lifted his arms as you’ve crawled onto his lap, he’ll set his book down on the armrest and drape a blanket around you, tucking in all the corners. Then, without a word, he’ll go back to his book and his arms will hold you close. Sometimes, if you ask, he’ll read aloud to you, deep voice grumbling out poetry and old english in his little drawl. You can feel it rumbling around in his chest and it draws your eyelids to shut. The scent of woods and faint cigarettes mixed with the warmth of his embrace makes you fall asleep in seconds. You’ll nuzzle further into his hold and his shortened forearm will trail up and down your back, caressing you as you drift off.
In your mind, clyde is a bear and there is no other option.
However, you haven’t told him of this comparison yet. Pet names aren’t uncommon between the two of you, he’s always calling you one, “Sweetpea, suga’ plum, sweet’eart, and his favorite, darlin’.” But something about comparing him to a wild animal is keeping you from telling him. Maybe it's the fear of him not liking it, maybe it’s just embarrassment, whatever it is, you don’t know.
The first time it slipped was a late night at the bar. Clyde made you fancy cocktails that were way too good and he looked even better. Your thoughts started to come out unfiltered and you could tell he was getting a kick out of it.
“Darlin’ I think that’s enough fer ya.” He said with a chuckle making his voice even deeper.
You let your lips push into a pout as you stared up at him with your best version of puppy dog eyes. “But bear, I’m already going home with you, one more won’t hurt.”
He froze, eyes widening but after a second he shook his head and let a small smile take over his face. “No more fer ya darlin’. I’m sorry, but you’ll thank me in the mornin’.”
The two of you never spoke about it.
Well, you didn't speak about it for three days.
He was curled around you that morning, dead to the world as his snores thundered through the house. (Even his snores sound like a bear’s!) You wiggled out of his hold and padded into the kitchen, starting to prepare all the ingredients for omelettes. Mindlessly you hummed a little tune and started to chop some bell peppers.
Suddenly an arm wraps around your waist and pulls you away from the counter, lifting you into the air. You scream and start to kick your legs before loud chuckles come from behind you. Realizing who it is you relax in his hold and frown.
“Clyde, I had a knife.”
“Darlin’ if that's how you fight against a bear, I’ll never be able to take ya campin.”
The amusement is loud and clear in his voice. You know you’ve been caught.
“What do you mean bear? I don’t see any bears.” When worse comes to worst, what do you do?
Play dumb.
It’s also not your fault he sprung this upon you in the early morning. Your brain’s not even awake yet.
He sets you down and you turn around in his hold, eyes wide with faux innocence. His own eyes slightly narrow, but a small smile stays on his lips.
“Hmm.” He stares down at you, silently testing your acting abilities. “Some little birdie told me that ya think I’m a bear.”
“Well obviously the birds around here are terrible at gossip!” You cross your arms and turn back to your peppers.
He lets out a loud hearty laugh. Then he wraps his arms around your waist and sets his chin on top of your head, watching as you try to not fumble and fluster under his gaze.
“I just wanna know why ya said it? And why you’re now denyin’ it.”
You sigh and set the knife down on the counter, looking up and out the small window above the counter. “Promise me you won’t laugh at me?”
“I promise.”
Everything in you screams at you to not tell him. But he said he promised and you know that eventually it would come up again, so why not tell him now?
He takes a second to think over what you said so quickly. You can practically hear the cogs turning in his head. But with each second that passes, the anxiety bubbles up further in your stomach.
“I like it.”
That is the last thing you expected him to say. “You like it?”
He turns you around so he can look at you. “Yeah, it makes me feel like I can protect ya better. Like a bear.”
Your cheeks hurt from your smile. “Really?”
He swoops down and presses his lips to your own. “Yeah.” His own lips are pulled into a smile. “I’ve got ya darlin’ and now you’ve got yer bear.”
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and press another kiss to his lips. “My big bear.”
So yeah, I totally was swooning the entire time I was writing this! I hope you enjoyed! 
Please consider reblogging or leaving a comment! It means the world to me and I also love hearing what you all have to say! 
Love forever, Lordy :) 
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delos-mio · 3 years
He Looks Up Grinning Like a Devil
Just a short, sweet, **light smut** and domestic fluff Logan one-shot. It's been a long. time. since I've posted a one-shot. Needless to say, I haven't been able to get this scene out of my head (also side note: in this universe, Juliet married a nice man after William fucked off forever and she is happy like she DESERVES). So, hope you enjoy! Thoughts and feelings always appreciated <3
He told you last night that it’d be a long day, but you didn’t anticipate it to be nearing 11pm and for Logan to still be gone. There had been days like this before, but you never looked forward to having to wake up as well as fall asleep without his warmth by your side. Logan took awhile to finally settle down, but once he’d asked you to live with him, it was like a switch flipped on him and he became the one to cling to you. Two years later and it still made you smile when he pulled you into his lap once he got back from the office and demanded to hear all about your day while he looked at you like you’re the one who put the stars in the sky.
You finally decided to say fuck it and got ready for bed. Logan said it could be awhile, so maybe it was time to accept reality and prepare to fall asleep without him. Face washed, teeth brushed, and naked as the day you were born, you crawled under the covers before picking up where you left off in the book you were reading.
Right in the middle of a particularly exciting paragraph, a shadow lingered in your peripheral vision, making you jump out of your skin and clutch your chest. Logan leaned in the doorframe, laughing to himself at your brief panic.
“Asshole,” you sighed out with a smile.
Logan was still chuckling as he crawled next to you on top of the covers. “Missed you, gorgeous,” he hummed, pulling your lips up to meet his, a strong hand cradling the back of your head.
“Missed you too,” you mumbled into his kiss, unable to fight off a grin. “I didn’t think you’d be home so late.”
“I wasn’t planning on it either, but you know once my dad starts going, he doesn’t shut the fuck up,” he sighed.
Clearly not wanting to elaborate, Logan pulled back to look you over, really taking you in for the first time. A playful look danced in his eyes as he hooked his index finger over the edge of the comforter where it covered your chest.
“You naked under there?” Logan pulled back the duvet just enough to investigate for himself. You simply nodded, eyes fixed on his face.
Without another word, Logan slid under the covers and pulled your warm, naked body flush to his. Your stomach did somersaults when his dark gaze met yours with that ravenous look he got when all he wanted was to have you. He ran his fingertips lightly along your bare spine, making you shiver slightly in his arms. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he muttered before kissing you deeply.
Logan still managed to take your breath away every time he kissed you. Even after years of partnership, you felt like a teen finally getting to kiss her crush. Every move of his lips was reverent, emphatically expressing how there was nothing else in the world he’d rather be doing. Despite having a nearly 16 hour day, Logan still smelled so uniquely him- that perfect blend of clean laundry and amber you found so intoxicating. It was a scent you’d be able to place anywhere and one you loved to have linger.
As your make out session picked up even more steam, Logan let his hand wander over your chest. His fingers were light over the curve of your breast, not in any rush to a particular destination, simply reveling in your smooth skin and holding you close. The little flicker of anticipation in your stomach was quickly burning brighter and you found yourself arching your body further into him. Logan just smirked against your lips as he realized what you were doing. His touch moved down your stomach, petting slow circles into your skin as he continued to enjoy every minute that he drew out your torture. Logan always did have it in him to be a little tease.
“May I?” he asked, voice low and laced with lust. His hand rested just below your belly button, one of his long fingers stroking gently down, signaling where he hoped to be.
“Please,” you breathed out, sounding much more desperate than you’d planned on.
Without hesitation, Logan ran his index and middle fingers between your folds. Your legs fell further open on their own accord, an involuntary reaction to his touch. When he pressed the pads of his fingers firmly onto the sensitive bundle of nerves between your legs, you let out a long moan that simply couldn’t stay behind your lips.
“Mmm, already so wet for me,” Logan mused, his kisses moving down to your neck. The short hairs of his beard tickled as his teeth scraped the sensitive skin under your jaw. “The most perfect girl in the world.”
Your breathing became more labored as he continued to swirl his fingers along your clit, knowing exactly the amount of pressure you needed from him. He let his thumb take over and smoothly buried his digits inside your heat, making you gasp and groan. Logan loved all the little sounds he could draw out from you using only his fingers. They went straight to his head and only spurred him on further.
With just a little twist, just the tiniest adjustment, Logan’s fingers hit that sweet spot inside you dead on. Your eyes snapped shut as you writhed on his hand, trying anything you could to keep the contact. Logan lapped over the pulse point on your neck, humming in approval at your reaction to him. You distantly felt him pull away from your throat, but your eyes were still screwed shut as you wantonly ground down on his fingers. As you moved, something tugged in the back of your brain that told you to open your eyes, that you needed to see Logan.
You slowly opened your eyes and Logan’s gaze was hot on you immediately. He held your stare, a small lock of dark normally pushed back hair falling over his eye. He arched an eyebrow and bit down on his lip. There were still times you looked at Logan and couldn’t believe this man- this handsome, silly, impulsive, sexy man- was yours. This was one of those times. The look he gave you made your stomach completely bottom out.
“Oh fuck,” you whined, feeling yourself on the edge of peaking. He knew it as well as you did. The short breaths, restless hips, and string of curse words all signaled to Logan that your release was just around the corner.
“That’s my girl,” Logan smiled, still looking in your eyes. He adjusted to a spot where he could take your earlobe between his teeth and tug. “You gonna be a good girl and come for me?”
All you could manage was a whimper and nod. He ran his thumb over your clit once, twice before you were clutching his bicep, nails digging in hard as you tightened around his fingers, finding your release and panting against Logan’s skin. As your breathing evened out, Logan gently pulled his fingers from you, cradling you close and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“Thinking about making you come was the only thing keeping me going today,” Logan said, kissing your forehead.
“Well, you certainly delivered,” you laughed. You rolled onto your side and tugged at his belt. “My turn.”
But Logan held your wrist still, shaking his head. “I just wanted to do that for you.” You bit down on your bottom lip. “There’s plenty of time to repay me,” Logan said with a devilish smirk. You both laughed a little before he kissed you one more time. “Come on, keep me company while I grab a drink.” He stood from the bed and held out his hand, which you happily took. On your way out, you grabbed your robe from the back of your vanity chair to throw on, but Logan caught the motion from the corner of his eye. He quickly turned around and snatched the cloth from your hand, throwing it blindly back into the bedroom. “Please. Like I’m gonna let you cover up,” he tutted, rolling his eyes.
“So, what? I’m supposed to walk around here naked while you’re fully dressed? Just for your entertainment?” you teased, leaning over the island in your kitchen.
“Yes,” he smiled, swatting your ass as he passed by on his way to the fridge.
“You’re so lucky I like you.”
“Oh, don’t I know it, princess.” Logan grabbed a rocks glass and some ice before walking over to the other end of the room where he kept his preferred alcohol. “Jules sent me a picture this afternoon of the girls at their soccer game,” he said offhand. He was trying to sound casual, but you knew better. Though he never particularly liked children and certainly was never going to have any of his own, the minute his first niece came into this world, Logan turned into a doting uncle, always eager to show off the girls and brag about everything they were involved in.
“Did they win?” you asked with a massive smile.
“Obviously,” he laughed, taking a sip of his drink as he walked back over to you. Logan pulled his phone from his pocket and pulled up his conversation with Juliet. And there they were- semi-toothless grinning on a field, holding a little gold trophy with a soccer player on the top.
“Oh god, they look so grown up,” you smiled.
“Tell me about it,” he sighed. “I think we should bring them something this weekend for winning their season. I don’t know, like a new playhouse or something.”
“Juliet is going to kill you,” you laughed. “Uncle Logan is going to spoil them rotten.”
“What can I say? I love to spoil my girls,” he winked, running a finger along your jaw. You rolled your eyes fondly, but a yawn found a way to creep out of you. “Wanna get back in bed, princess?”
“Yes, please.” Logan led the way back to your bedroom, almost letting you in before leaning down to kiss you one more time. “I love you,” you whispered to him.
“Love you too,” he smiled back, shutting the door to the outside world and leaving just the two of you to enjoy each other.
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nonbinaryroyalty43 · 3 years
I’m tired. It’s one am.
Characters: c!Thomas Sanders, Patton Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Anger!Roman Sanders, implied other Dark Sides
Pairings: Logicality, sorta mentioned Prinxiety
Warnings: Mentions of forcing yourself to date someone, mentions of anger, some shouting, mentions of repression, mentions of other dark sides, dating, cuddling mentions
Summary: Thomas gets introduced to another new Side during a video; Anger, a former Light Side that obviously has a chip on his shoulder
Another day, another Sanders Sides episode.
Patton dresses in his usual outfit, whistling as he goes. He doesn’t have to worry about waking Logan, as the Logical Side has already been up for hours and is currently downstairs, leaving Patton alone in their shared room.
As he starts to leave the room, he feels the familiar tug of Thomas calling them to an episode. Right on time! Patton lets himself be pulled out of the Mindscape and into the real world.
Patton is the last to arrive. Logan is already standing there, with not a hair out of place. Virgil is sorta slumped in his corner, watching Thomas through the curtain of hair that seems to always cover his eyes.
“Hiya, kiddos!” Patton says, just as cheerful as always. “How’s it goin’?”
“Well, I have an issue I wanted to discuss with you all,” Thomas says.
“Yes,” Logan says, looking confused. “That is usually why you summon us to these little meetings.”
“Right. So, I’ve been having some issues with anger. At first, it was small stuff. Just overreactions that could be brushed off as me having a bad day, but yesterday I got really mad at Joan for no reason and I don’t know what to do.”
He looks at the group, obviously anxious. That isn’t that surprising, considering Virgil is currently biting his nails to the quick. 
“There could be several factors at play here, Thomas,” Logan begins. “Things like too little sleep, stress, and even-”
A quick, cold laugh interrupts him. “Oh, Logan, you know it’s none of that.”
Patton whips around to look at where the voice is coming from. Standing there, in between Virgil and Patton and in front of Thomas’ TV, is Roman, a Side Patton used to call a friend.
“Who is that?” Thomas backs up a few steps, alarmed by the new arrival.
“This is the Prince, your Anger,” Logan says, glaring at Roman.
“My anger? What does that even mean?”
“It means that every time you’ve been irritated or annoyed or angry at your friends and situations you were in, he has been the cause.” Virgil gestures to Roman, clearly angry at him, which is kind of ironic.
“Aw, love you too, Virge,” Roman says teasingly. “He is right, though, Thomas.”
“Okay, so he’s my anger. Got it. Why am I just now learning about him?”
Patton decides it’s his turn to speak. “Well, you kinda split your Sides into two; the ones you were okay with knowing about and the ones you repressed. Anger is one of the Sides you repressed.”
“One of them? So there are others?”
“Of course, Thomas. You didn’t seriously think there was nothing bad about yourself? There are all kinds of mean and nasty things you hid away.”
Thomas stares at him, obviously at a loss for words. 
“Do not take what he says too harshly,” Logan intervenes. “While you do have some dark parts to yourself, as everyone does, you have chosen not to listen to those parts. Of course, that also brings into consideration what makes a part of you bad, but that’s a lesson for another day.”
“Logan’s right. You’ve chosen to not let them have a say or an influence over your daily life. As long as you do that, you’ll be fine.” Virgil seems to be trying to convince himself as much as Thomas.
Thomas buys it. “You’re right.” He faces Roman head on. “You don’t have any influence here. I will not let you override my Logic and my Morality. That is enough.”
Roman’s face contorts into a snarl and he glares at both Logan and Patton. “This is all your fault, you know. I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A HERO, NOT A VILLIAN!” With that, he sinks out dramatically.
Thomas sighs, clearly relieved, but also curious about Roman’s parting remark. “What was that all about?”
It’s Logan who answers. “Anger wasn’t always Anger. He used to go by a different name, Justice. He made sure that everything that happened to you, and everything you did to others, was fair. That started to change one day, when Virgil started hanging around more and Patton and I started dating.”
Thomas doesn’t react to the new that Logan and Patton are dating. Although the two hadn’t explicitly told him and hadn’t been obvious about it, Thomas had still know something was going on.
“Once he found out Patton and Logan were together, he wanted to get with me. Said it would only be fair.” Virgil snorts, clearly disgusted. “I didn’t like him like that and he didn’t like me like that, but he needed everything to be fair. So when I told him no, I think it pushed him over the edge.”
Thomas’ mouth opens and closes, doing a remarkable impression of a goldfish. “So...Anger used to be good, but turned dark because the person he wanted to date didn’t want to date him? And neither of you had feelings for each other?”
The three Sides nod and Thomas runs a hand through his hair. “Okay. Okay.” He looks at them apologetically. “We’re gonna have to edit that out, I don’t want the viewers to know you’re dating.” Patton and Logan both nod.
“We’ve given you a lot to think about,” Logan says. “You should rest and get your mind off things. It will be beneficial to your health.”
Thomas agrees and, feeling his presence is no longer needed, sinks out. Patton follows soon after, wanting nothing more than to cuddle his boyfriend and sleep for a week.
Virgil starts to follow them both when Thomas calls him back. “Virge...you know I don’t blame you at all for this? If dating Roman was something you really didn’t want, I’m happy you refused him.”
Virgil gives him a small smile. “I know, Thomas. And I would have refused him even if it had made you hate me. I wouldn’t put myself through that.”
Thomas keeps himself from grinning. He knows that a year ago, Virgil wouldn’t have done that, but he’s proud of the growth his anxious Side has gone through.
“Right. You should rest, it’s been a trying day. See ya.” Without further ado, Virgil sinks out.
Thomas takes his Sides’ advice and orders pizza, sitting down to enjoy it while watching Disney movies. He doesn’t say anything when the three show up halfway through the second movie or when they eat all the pizza. They all deserve it.
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lumosinlove · 4 years
Relic Keel
(warnings in tags)
Marlene got into college and hasn’t told Dorcas because she’s scared of how she will react.
Lily and James had sex and obviously like each other, but Lily is scared to have attachments on Hogwarts when they’re going to college soon.
Leo and Logan question each other about their pasts without much progress. Logan finds out that Leo hopes to own The Lion restaurant one day, and that his father’s death has something to do with “The Voldemort.”
Saint and Sirius talk about leaving the island and how they met when they were eleven years old. They have sex and avoid more difficult topics.
James and Lily meet at the Gryffindor Club as promised. Lily tells James that she doesn’t want anything tying her to the island, that she hates the fake boundaries that Hogwarts has and that James isn’t crossing them as much as he thinks he is. James understands, even though it hurts.
Saint and Sirius are cleaning the Potter’s pool when James arrives with Remus and Luke. Remus and Sirius have a tense moment in the kitchen, Luke and Saint argue, and Sirius finds out that it’s Remus who sails the Wolfsbane every morning—Remus thus finding out that Sirius notices.
Logan returns to the Carrows to hand over his money and stock up on Crucio. We find out that he works for them in the hopes that they will help him get Finn out of Saint Clair, only the Carrows are angry with him for using their Crucio—they say that Logan owes them now.
Logan heads over to Saint Clair to watch Finn from afar, and swears again that he will rescue him.
part iv
Remus closed his eyes, soaking in the morning sun and the salty air. The wind pushed his hair back as he tightened the rigging, catching the wind. Sometimes his sails felt like his bare hands. Like he finally had something to hold onto, even if it blistered his palms. The sea made him feel alone, in the best way. Usually, it felt like people were always around. He couldn’t go anywhere without running into at least two people from school, or his parents’ friends. Yes, he’s excited for college, no, he’s not sure exactly yet, yes, he’s still sailing, yes, he’s still obsessed, yes, he remembers learning at Gryffindor Club, sure, I’ll tell my mom you say hi.
Solidarity was less exhausting.
The wind buffered and he sighed as he slowed down. he looked back towards Shack Beach. Saint had said they saw him every morning—that Sirius saw him every morning. He wondered if Sirius was watching now.
He couldn’t see anything from this far away. Part of him wondered if he could make this island disappear completely, just for a moment. But it was dangerous to stray that far. Even The Cradle, the small U of islands just off of Hogwarts’ southern coast, was pushing it. Remus huffed out a laugh as he managed the ropes to come about, back towards shore. If that wasn’t a metaphor, he didn’t know what was.
Things on Hogwarts had become complicated in what felt like overnight, even though Remus knew that wasn’t true. They were older now. They didn’t just care about summer vacation. There was college to think about, and then jobs. Hogwarts wasn’t the dream it once was. Remus wanted to see mountains, and huge cities, or snow—and not just for a week on vacation. He wanted to belong somewhere because he wanted to be there, and not just because he had grown up there. He was tired of knowing everything there was to know.
He tied up his Wolfsbane on autopilot, stroking his hand over the side before tugging his shirt over his head and jumping straight into the water. It was cooler from the night, but it was what Remus needed. He held his breath as he found the sandy bottom, his eyes closed. For a moment, he didn’t have to be anywhere. He got to enjoy the ocean and its predictable changes.
When he came up for air, he remembered why he loved this island. That still didn’t mean he didn’t want to leave.
“Are you headed to the museum, sweetheart?” his mother said when Remus came down to the kitchen, freshly showered. He preferred to let the salt linger all day, but he figured he should be fresh for his first day of work.
“Yeah,” Remus held up his keys. “Just looking for some coffee first.”
His mom held up a mug for him, laughing. “Ask and you shall receive.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks, mom.”
“How was it this morning?”
Remus poured some milk into his cup. “It was good. Sun’s going to be strong today. Went near The Cradle—not too far, don’t worry.”
“You know me too well,” Hope laughed, whisking some eggs into a lather. “Well, it’s pizza night. We’re ordering in so, if you want to have some friends over and take it to the den, that’s fine with me. But don’t complain if Jules crashes the party.”
Remus nodded. “Actually, I think we’re going out. If that’s all right?”
Hope nodded. “All right, sure. Be safe, though. Who, uh…”
“James and Luke,” Remus sighed. “Mom—”
“I wasn’t going to say anything—”
“It’s not Luke’s fault,” Remus continued anyway. “His dad, I mean. He didn’t know.”
“I know that,” Hope sighed. “But…Even I can see that boy’s hurting and I barely see him at all.”
“Then shouldn’t he be with his friends?” Remus said.
Hope raised her eyebrows at him, and Remus raised his own right back.
“All right, all right,” Hope said. “You’re gonna be late, I’ll see you later, baby.”
Remus knew he should take the car his parents had given him. He knew he should get used to driving, knew his dad wondered why it just sat in the garage. But here, on the island, Remus liked his bicycle. He liked the warm breeze. It reminded him of being out on the water.
Which, in turn, now reminded him of Sirius Black.
When Remus remembered Sirius, he mostly remembered bruised cheeks and nasty looking cuts. He remembered the hushed way people used to whisper about him, and how, even when he was loud, grinning and well-liked, he was still from Salazar. Sometimes he had eaten lunch surrounded by people, and sometimes he had eaten it alone with his brother.
Remus didn’t understand this island. Was Sirius really so different because he was born a few miles South rather than North? It made no sense—only it did, but only because it was all Remus had ever known.
The Hogwarts History Museum was a pride of the island. Remus knew it well from school trips, and from his own interest. He’d spent many Saturdays there as a kid, gazing at all of the small models of ships and dreaming about what it would be like to sail them, wishing they weren’t trapped behind glass—feeling a little like he was trapped behind glass. A ship in a bottle.
“Hi there, Remus,” Layla smiled at him, green eyes kind and skin a rich, dark brown against the pale pink scarf in her hair.
“Hi, Layla,” Remus smiled. “Having a good summer so far?”
“Sure,” Layla shrugged. “Lots of time here. I saw you win the sailing race last Sunday, congrats.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks. It was real fun. Sorry I beat your brother, though.”
“Oh, Lyle doesn’t mind,” Layla waved a hand. Her nails were painted pink, too. “Don’t worry about it.”
Remus had been friends with Layla since they were little, competing for best in class usually. She was wicked smart and mellow. Remus could always use some mellow, good conversation—especially with James being James and Luke being…well, whatever Luke was now. Layla liked history, and her family owned the museum, which meant Layla told tales that were, albeit tall, fun to listen to.
Remus leaned against the desk, looking around. “This place never changes, huh?”
Layla laughed, clicking a pen. “History doesn’t tend to change that much, R, and so neither do we. Unlike the world out there.”
“I don’t know about that. Nothing ever feels too different out there,” Remus laughed, too. “But I guess you’re right. I’m glad you’re here, though. Or else I’d be sitting behind this desk by myself.”
“I’m glad you’re here, too,” Layla nodded. “What made you take the job?”
Remus snorted as he rounded the corner, picking up his name badge where Beatrice, Layla’s mother and the museum curator, said it would be. “Don’t pretend we didn’t see each other here when we were little all the time. Not to mention at Gryffindor Club. You, obviously.”
Layla raised an eyebrow. “Me and your mom.”
Remus winced and Layla laughed.
“C’mon, we both know you’d be out on your boat all day if it was up to you.”
Remus laughed. “Fine. But seriously. You’re a perk.”
Layla nodded, rolling her eyes with a smile. “Just a couple of history buffs, I guess.”
Remus shrugged. “There are worse things to be.”
The day was pretty slow. A few tourists here and there, taking photo behind the cardboard cutouts that made you look like you were dressed as a sailor, or a pirate.
“Are there really pirates here?” one little girl had asked Layla.
Remus had smiled when Layla crouched down and whispered to her, “careful, there’s one there,” and pointed at Remus.
When lunch rolled around, Remus expected Layla to pull out a bagged sandwich like him, but instead she scoffed and picked up her bag.
“Come on. We have to get out for a bit.”
Remus shrugged. “All right, where to?”
“The Lion, of course,” Layla replied. “It’s the best food on the island.”
“The Lion,” Remus repeated slowly. “You mean—in The Hollow?”
Layla gave him a look. “Oh, you’re not one of those are you?”
“One of what?” Remus said. “No. I’m not, I just… c’mon, you hear things.”
“Hear things? You’ve never been?”
“Once,” Remus swallowed, thinking of the fight. “It didn’t really go well.”
Layla just shook her head.
“History is just one great field of stories, Remus. You’ll never get to the truth unless you listen to them all.”
And so Remus found himself riding alongside Layla on their bikes and right through Gryffindor. The Hollow didn’t have a sign or anything, but you knew when you were in it. Remus almost wished he had been able to see some sort of line to cross, but everything was just suddenly different. Low houses with open doors, people gathered together and laughing. Kids running with surfboards over their heads, towards Shack Beach. It had seemed even more vibrant in the dark the night of the party, even through the tinted windows of Luke’s car. String lights hung over cookouts, and music blasting from speakers. It had smelled amazing, and Remus would have to say Layla was probably right about the food. 
The Lion was just as bright as everything else. It was bustling with lunch-goers, and the doors were flung wide, letting the heat right in. Remus looked around at the people. Some tourists, obviously. Some not. Hollows. Some of them smiled when they caught Remus’ eye, and some narrowed their eyes.
“Hi, Leo, babe,” Layla said as she slid onto a stool at the counter.
There was a blond boy behind it wearing a tank top and a snapback. He smiled as he set some shrimp down in a frier. “Hey, Layla, babe, ça va?”
“Just working. At least I’ve got Remus for company now.”
Remus smiled awkwardly when Leo fixed his blue eyes on him. He really didn’t know what he was waiting for. Something terrible to happen?
Leo only held out a hand. “Leo, nice to meet you.”
“Remus,” Remus said, and took it. He tried not to look at the rainbow bracelet on Leo’s wrist for too long, but he could tell Leo had felt the way his hand tightened. “Yeah—you, too.”
Leo touched it briefly, like an old habit, as he pulled away, giving another smile to Remus.
It didn’t necessarily mean Leo wasn’t straight, but on such a small island, Remus tended to notice these things. He and Luke had figured each other out pretty fast around sixteen. They’d kissed. Once. And then winced, laughed, and shoved each other in the pool. Sometimes Remus wished he and Luke had worked. He didn’t see any other boys coming his way. Leo was smiling at him like he knew what Remus was thinking.
“What can I get you two?” Leo asked.
A boyfriend? Remus thought wistfully.
“Two of your specials, please,” Layla said. “Re, you’re going to lose your mind it’s so good.”
“What’s your special?” Remus asked.
Leo shrugged, but he was grinning. “Like a chef ever gives up his secrets—”
Leo had stopped mid-sentence, eyes going over their shoulders towards the door. Remus turned to look, and a moment later, a brown haired boy was slinging a backpack down carefully between his feet and taking the seat beside Remus.
“Well, look who’s back,” Leo said to him.
The boy glanced at Remus and Layla, then gave a small shrug. “Yeah.”
Leo snorted. “Yeah,” he parroted. “You’re just hungry.”
The boy shrugged again.
Leo sighed, and gave Remus a look that said, can you believe this? before turning back to the stove. “This is Logan guys. Apparently he doesn’t talk today. Three specials. Coming up.”
Logan didn’t recognize the boy sitting at the counter. He didn’t recognize the girl either. Then again, he didn’t recognize many people. He didn’t know anyone. Except Dorcas—if that even counted. And Leo. If that counted, either.
The Felix was heavy in his pack, wedged protectively between his feet, and he wished the strangers would leave so that Leo would talk to him. He hadn’t said two words that weren’t him making sure that Logan liked his food, and asking him where he’d been.
Logan was a little annoyed with him for asking that question. It wasn’t like Leo didn’t know what Logan did. Then again, Leo didn’t know why Logan did what he did.
“You guys get the new madness exhibit up yet, Layla?” Leo was asking the girl with the scarf in her hair. “The one you were telling me about.”
The sandy-haired boy looked up from his food. “The madness exhibit?”
The girl—Layla—cocked her head. “Remus, you…you don’t know?”
“Know what?” the boy—Remus—replied.
Layla sat up a little, looking suddenly awkward. “Your mom donated almost everything we have. I mean…it is your family that’s famous for…”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Losing their fucking minds?”
Layla winced. “Well, yeah, okay, poor choice of words on my part. But madness isn’t always a bad thing, you know. People say people are crazy all the time. Sometimes they’re just extraordinary.”
Remus looked back down at his food. “My family’s not extraordinary, believe me.”
“Usually extraordinary-ness belongs to one person, I’d say,” Leo said. “My mom’s pretty extraordinary. Doesn’t mean I am.”
“You want to stay on this island, don’t you?” Logan found himself saying. Then, he felt his neck heat and he turned down to his food.
“What’s so extraordinary about that?” Layla replied at the same time as Remus said, “You do?”
Leo just laughed, rolling his eyes at Logan. “I’m with Layla on this one, guys, sorry.”
“What about you, Logan?” Layla asked. “I want the museum after I go to college. At least I think I do. Leo wants The Lion, Remus wants to sail the world…” Remus blushed at that, and Layla’s eyes were very green. “What do you want to do?”
Logan found it strange that they were treating him like that. So normally. Logan knew his necklace was on display. It was easier than explaining why people hadn’t seen him around and pretending to be a tourist. That lead to questions. Being abandoned didn’t. And he was. He was abandoned. People didn’t ask. Most probably thought he had just aged out. People didn’t ask. It was better that way. Logan didn’t have any answers. All he had was the memory of that last night with Finn. Finn had returned to their room, eyes wild and voice urgent.
Come on, Lo, wake up. Wake up, Logan, we have to go. Now.
Logan had felt helplessly awake in the first weeks of being out. He was still sorting through what that meant.
Logan swallowed. “I don’t know. I’m—looking for someone first.”
Remus sighed and mumbled. “Aren’t we all.”
“You are?” Leo asked softly.
Logan nodded. “Or, not looking. I’m just…I’m waiting for someone.”
He knew where Finn was, but Logan knew that he could wait forever and he wouldn’t come. Logan had to take what he wanted. It was a lesson he was learning fast.
“Oh,” Remus replied. “Um…cool. I hope you find them.”
Logan just nodded.
“Well, we should head out,” Layla said, rising. “Gotta get back to work.”
“Sure thing, just pay up front,” Leo smiled. “See you later, Layla.” He nodded at Remus. “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too,” Remus smiled back. “The food was great.”
Logan watched Leo watch them leave, then snort. “That guy looked more spooked than a horse with a snake.”
“Isn’t that what Gods are supposed to look like?” Logan replied.
Leo shrugged. “Usually you can’t see their eyes behind their aviators.”
Logan laughed a little. “Right.” he looked back down at his food, realizing he had begun picking his fries apart, rather than eating them.
“I’m looking for someone too, you know,” Leo broke the silence.
Logan did. Only, he hadn’t thought about it like that. Leo’s dad and Finn. Leo’s dad was probably dead. Finn wasn’t.
“I hope you find him,” Logan replied. “Your dad.”
The Lion was in full swing now, the lunchtime rush loud and boisterous. Leo had a tank top on, and Logan thought he looked a little tired. Sleeplessness showed easily on his skin.
“Do you have to run?” Leo asked instead of responding. “And hide? Like, from the police?”
Logan sat up, instinctively looking behind him. “I assumed I would have to. But…it hasn’t been that difficult.” He laughed a humorless laugh. “I guess I keep overestimating how much people actually care about me. Maybe I should have learned something by now.”
“Maybe you’re just looking at the wrong people,” Leo said quickly, and looked up with a smile, a small one, then down again. “I know a few others who got out. They don’t seem to have trouble, so, you know, if you needed a job or something, you could work in my mom’s workshop. With me. Or here. I’m sure Celeste and Pascal would be all right with it.”
Logan felt taken off guard. “Oh. I…” he thought of the powder packets in his bag. Of the Carrows. How much do you think you owe us by now?
Others? he wanted to ask. What others? 
“Just think about it,” Leo said, and turned towards one of the stove tops to check on some boiling water.
“Yeah. Okay.”
They sat in silence for a long moment.
“It’s a boat,” Leo began suddenly, answering Logan’s yet unasked question. The Voldemort. What his father had been looking for. It was almost like Leo was thanking him for telling the truth about his situation. An eye for an eye. A truth for a truth. Logan sort of liked that consistency. “Was a boat. In the eighteenth century.”
“Oh,” Logan said.
“Biggest story on Hogwarts,” Leo said. “Ten thousand pieces of gold, all fallen to the depths of the ocean just off of Hogwarts’ shores…and never seen again.”
“But if it’s just off the shore…”
Leo smiled a little, shaking his head. “But you have to know where off the shore. Otherwise, you have a whole circumference of miles and miles of open water to work with.”
“And your dad figured it out?”
Leo shrugged, expression closing off a little. “He thought he did.” He cleared his throat as he put an order on the counter for a waiter to take away, and ripped another piece of paper down from the line up to look at. “The Cradle. You know it?”
Logan shook his head.
“It’s a sort of…horse shoe shaped cluster of islands, just off of our southern tip.”
“Salazar,” Logan said quietly.
Leo nodded. “Salazar.”
“Your dad was a treasure hunter,” Logan said slowly. “He was looking for a treasure.”
“Yeah,” Leo said, flipping a crab cake in sizzling oil. “He was.”
“And did he find it? Do you want to find it?”
“I don’t know,” Leo whispered, busy hands stilling. “He never came home.”
Logan nodded.
“He wanted to find it,” Leo said softly. “Really badly. And I… I feel like I should.”
“And was he close?”
Leo glanced up from his knife. “Yes.”
“Leonardo,” a voice came suddenly, entering the restaurant. “What does your mother feed you, you gorgeous specimen?”
Logan froze. He knew that voice.
Leo rolled his eyes, and looked at the newcomers. “Fuck off, Saint. Hey, Sirius.”
“Hi,” a second voice came, and it was closer, almost beside Logan at the bar.
Leo’s eyes caught on Logan’s again, probably meaning to introduce him, but he stopped instead.
“What’s wrong?” Leo asked.
But Logan just shook his head, and then the newcomers—Saint and Sirius—were leaning against the bar. Logan felt the breath beside him catch just as his own had, and he turned to look.
Logan thought the boy standing beside him looked different. Older. More muscular. Squarer jaw. But the same. Same eyes. Same shock of blond hair. Same warm, brown skin.
“Logan?” Saint breathed, his eyes disbelieving.
Logan went to open his mouth, when Saint’s arms were around him suddenly.
“It’s Saint,” he said softly, just for Logan’s ears. He squeezed him tighter. “God, you’re here.”
“Saint?” Logan whispered into his shoulder. No one had touched him like this in what felt like forever.
“Yeah,” Saint said. He pulled back and raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”
Logan shrugged. “I…yeah, okay.”
“Knutty,” Saint’s serious expression morphed into a grin. He leaned against the counter, keeping his palm on Logan. “Handsome as ever.”
Logan blinked at Saint, then at Leo. “Knutty?”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Don’t listen to a word he says.”
“Oh, Logan already knows not to do that,” Saint laughed. He tapped his cross necklace. “We’re practically brothers.”
“Oh,” Leo blinked. “Right.”
The other boy—Sirius—looked just as taken aback.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Saint called in a sing-song voice, looking at Sirius. “Order for us, won’t you? And get us a table? Logan,” Saint nodded towards the door. “Come hither.”
Logan was so thankful to see Saint, he nearly tripped while getting up. A familiar face. A familiar anything. Saint had gotten out almost seven years ago. He’d been there one day, in his bed, in classes, in the courtyard, and gone the next.
“Sweetheart?” Logan asked, glancing back inside at the dark-haired boy, Sirius.
Saint just put his hands on Logan’s arms, eyes more intent than Logan had ever seen them, then on Logan’s cheeks. “Holy shit, how did you get out?”
Logan felt his heart slow, then speed up. He swallowed dryly. “Finn. How did you?”
Saint ignored the question.
“Finn,” Saint repeated, nodding. “Of course. When?”
“About a month ago. And he—he’s still in there,” Logan said. “He’s…And I’m—”
“I hear you,” Saint said. He jerked his head over to the table. “Not now. Let’s get back.”
“Saint?” Logan asked again.
Saint rolled his eyes. “Leave it alone. For now.”
Saint hadn’t been ready. He hadn’t seen Logan in nine years, but he’d know his face anywhere. All eyelashes and sad, green eyes. A smile he wore with Finn only. He looked spooked now, and tired. They’d sat at the bar, watching one of Leo’s shifts go and another one come, then moved to a table. Watching it get dark outside now, Saint wondered where Logan had been living for a month.
He eyed the backpack that Logan held so protectively close, and thought of the way Dorcas did the same thing.
Saint had a bad feeling.
“So, how’d you two meet?” Sirius said, gesturing between Logan and Leo with a fry when Leo brought over more water.
“Party,” Leo shrugged after a moment of hesitation. “Shack Beach.” He jerked his head at Saint. “You two were there, judging by Sirius’ shiner. Could hear that fight at my house, probably.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “I didn’t start it.”
“True,” Saint said, wondering how he had missed Logan that night. “Some God—albeit a beautiful one—thought we were selling Crucio.”
Saint flicked his eyes over to Logan. Sure enough, he blushed.
Saint cocked his head. “The horror. Dangerous stuff.”
Leo looked at Saint quietly, and glanced at Logan, then back to him. Saint nodded. Got it, it said.
“Well, would you look who it is,” said a deep voice from behind them, and then there were two strong arms around Saint and Sirius. Pascal placed a loud kiss on each of their heads.
“Eck,” Sirius laughed. “You smell like grease, old man.”
Pascal Dumais laughed. “Grease that feeds you, maybe. And who’s this?”
“Dumo, meet Logan,” Saint said. “Logan, meet Pascal. He owns the Lion with his wife, Celeste.”
“The most beautiful woman in the world,” Pascal said, accent heavy. “Logan, it’s nice to meet you.”
Saint watched Pascal eye Logan’s necklace.
“We were together at Saint Clair,” he supplied.
“Maybe not so loud,” Logan said harshly. “Saint.”
“Oh?” Pascal said, and squinted at Logan. “Who are you with now, mon cher?”
Saint watched Logan open his mouth, frozen, and was about to speak up when—
“Me,” Leo cut in. He looked down at the carrots he was chopping as he said it. “Me and my mom.”
Oh, Saint thought.
“Oh, Leonardo,” Saint sighed. “Un ange.”
“Not my name,” Leo said.
“I know.”
“Yeah,” Logan replied to Pascal’s still questioning gaze. “Yeah.”
“I see,” Pascal nodded. “Well, I’m happy you and your mother will have a helping hand now. I miss your father dearly, mon fils.” He smiled sadly at Leo.
Leo just nodded. “Yeah.”
“Him and his treasure, eh?” Pascal said. “A wonderful man. I miss going out on that boat of his.”
Leo’s smile was small, but fond. “Those were some of his favorite mornings.”
“Treasure?” Sirius asked.
“Black!” a new voice shouted. “Thank fuck.”
Saint looked up when Sirius did. James and Remus were barreling towards them from the dark outside.
“Good lord,” Saint said. “Rain, from Olympus. Water my crops, why don’t you.”
“James?” Sirius said. “What are you—”
James and Remus walked right up to their table—Remus looking slightly more reluctant. “We have a question.”
“How did you know we were here?” Sirius raised an eyebrow. “I mean, just…it’s a little out of your way, non?”
“Remus came here earlier, and when I told him—well, you’ll see—he said maybe you’d be here.”
Saint watched Sirius’ eyes narrow at Remus, confused. “Okay…”
“Well, it’s good to see you again, tweedle-hot,” Saint said to Remus. “Up close this time. We actually though you were going to sail right out of sight this morning.”
Sirius stepped on his toe beneath the table.
“Excuse me?” Remus choked out. “What the fuck did you—”
James blinked at Saint, then shook his head, as if to right his thoughts. “All right, setting every strange thing that comes out of your mouth aside for a moment —where is Dorcas?”
“Meadowes?” Logan chimed in.
James’ eyes turned on him. “You know her?”
Saint raised his hand. “I have the same question.”
“Well,” Logan hesitated. “Sure.”
“And she sells Felix,” James said, as if trying to confirm the information.
Logan narrowed his eyes. “Says you.”
James sighed. “I’m not here to turn her in, Jesus, I just have a question.”
“Do…” Sirius was looking at Logan. “Do you sell…”
“What kind of question?” Saint cut in.
Remus spoke up. “A does-she-deal-to-Luke type of question.”
Saint laughed. “Deveaux?”
“You know who Luke is, Saint,” Remus sighed.
“Well, yeah I do, Lupin, he tried to buy off me,” Saint shook his head with a tisking sound. “Turns out he’s a prejudice piece of eye candy. Who knew.”
“Come on,” James sighed, rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses. “Please, Sirius, come on.”
Sirius shrugged. “We don’t know who Dorcas deals to. We’re not involved.”
“If you did would you tell us?”
Sirius smiled, just a little. “Probably not. But I really don’t know.”
James sighed, sagging away from the table. He looked at Remus. “Fuck.”
“What were you hoping to accomplish here?” Sirius asked slowly.
“We—” Remus said, then sighed, too. “We were going to see if she would agree to stop. If it was her, if she would stop giving it to him.”
“We’d pay her,” James added. “Obviously.”
Saint scoffed, and Logan laughed a little, too, from beside him.
“Obviously,” Saint mimicked.
“We just meant—” Remus began.
“We know what you meant,” Sirius said.
Saint popped a fry into his mouth. “If we’ll clean your pools for a few bucks, we’ll grant you three wishes, too.”
“Jesus, Saint,” James groaned.
“Mary. Joseph—”
James ran his hands through his hair. “We’re sorry, we misspoke. We’re just trying to help our friend. His dad got taken to jail, his mom pops pills all day and night.  That’s already draining what little money the bank didn’t seize and if he wants to do anything with his life he needs a straight head. Just—fuck, we’re just asking.”
Saint prided himself on gathering information, but most of that were things he didn’t know. Luke’s dad had got taken away. But the pills? The financial distress? All of that paired with that guarded snarl the boy always seemed to wear…it almost made Saint feel sorry for Luke Deveaux. He almost said so.
Instead, he said, while twirling the cross around his neck. “Wow, he must feel like an orphan or something.”
“All right,” Remus sighed. “James, let’s just go.”
“What does he look like?” Logan said suddenly before they could turn to leave.
James looked a him warily. “Um. Sort of blond-ish. More brown-haired, I guess. Big guy, built and tall and all that. Oh, he’s got this green spot in one eye.”
Logan nodded. James raised an eyebrow. Saint waited.
“How much will you pay me to stop selling to him?” Logan finally said. He rose as he did, slinging his backpack over one shoulder. “That’s a lot out of my pocket.”
“Logan,” Saint said, but Logan didn’t look at him.
James blinked. “I—oh. Oh, uh—God, what do you want? Two hundred?”
"One grand,” Logan said.
James laughed. “Dude. Who the fuck are you? No, I don’t have that much just—on me.”
“Logan,” Saint warned again, and this time Logan did look at him. Saint shook his head softly.
“Fine,” Logan said through his teeth, and held out his hand. “Two.”
James took his wallet out and handed over the cash.
“Thanks,” Remus said from a little behind James’ shoulder. “Really.”
Logan just nodded, shoved the bills into his pocket, and headed for the door.
“Pardon,” Saint sent a grin to them all, and followed him.
Once they were outside, Saint gave him a wack on the back of the head.
“Fuck,” Logan swore. “S—”
“You get out of that shit-hole and you go around selling Crucio? To Gods?”
“I mean, seriously, what the fuck was that? Do you know how not careful that was?”
“I don’t even know who that boy is,” Logan bit back.
Saint blinked. “What?”
Logan looked out towards the ocean where they could hear the waves crashing against the shore. “He offered to pay, and so I told him what he wanted to hear. When his friend shows up hallucinating next, that’s their problem.”
Saint scoffed. “Fine, okay, clever boy. But you do sell Crucio.”
“Felix,” Logan countered. “And yes.”
“Crucio. And no.”
Logan shrugged. “I need the money.”
“For what?”
Logan looked at him and, this time, his eyes were hard. Desperate. “For Finn.”
Saint froze. He opened his mouth, and then closed it. “Excuse me?”
“If I can get enough cash, I can get Finn,” Logan said.
Saint stared at him, and then Saint laughed. Then, he laughed louder.
“You’re shitting me,” Saint said. “You think that?”
“What do you…”
“You think you can buy Finn out?” Saint repeated incredulously. “You think you can walk back in there and buy Finn out.”
Logan took a breath. “He—”
“Logan, Jesus Christ,” Saint snapped. “You walk anywhere near that place and you are never getting back out.” Saint pressed a hand to Logan’s shoulder and shook him. “Do you hear me?”
“I need to do something,” Logan shouted back. “I need to do something, I can’t just leave him in there, he’s everything to me.”
Saint shook his head. “He got you out. Don’t waste that.”
Logan nodded, eyes bright with tears now. “And you know he got punished for it. You know he did—”
“Stop,” Saint spat, glancing around, as if anyone could hear. “Don’t.”
“You could help me,” Logan said, wiping his nose. “Bash, you got out once—”
“No,” Saint said, and turned away. “No. And don’t call me that. Don’t you ever call me that.”
“Please,” Logan begged. “Please—Saint.”
Saint whirled on him again. “I am never going near there, and neither are you. Finn’s still in there, fine. But he’ll need to get himself free like us if he wants it bad enough.”
“I owe money,” Logan began, then his breathing hitched. “I owe them, I took some of it to see—to see Finn and…Bash—Saint—”
“Them?” Saint took a step forward. “Them?”
Logan pressed a hand over his eyes, but Saint walked forward and pulled it away.
“Logan,” he said lowly. “Tell me you didn’t.”
Logan closed his eyes, mouth twisting against his tears.
“Tell me, right now, that you didn’t let the Carrows tell you they’d help you. And that you didn’t believe them.”
Logan shook his head, not in negation, but in defeat. “I need him. I need him, I’m so…I’m alone.”
Saint pulled Logan against his chest and let him cry. The sobs heaved out of him for a long while, until the collar of Saint’s shirt was wet. Until Logan was breathing softly again, exhausted, and until his voice sounded shot when he spoke.
“You’re really staying with Leo?” Saint asked, more gently this time.
Logan nodded.
“I have a place, too. Here, in The Hollow. If you want.”
“With the others?” Logan rasped.
“What others?”
“How many others are out?” Logan said softly.
Saint shook his head, fingers in Logan’s hair. “Just me, that I know of.”
“You still wear it,” Logan said, pulling back to look at him. “The cross.”
Saint let his hands drop with a last touch to Logan’s hot cheek. “So do you.”
They were both silent.
“I’m sorry about Finn,” Saint said rigidly. “I know how much he meant to you.”
Logan’s brows pulled together. “He’s not dead.”
Saint nodded. “Right.”
“Saint…” Logan began, and Saint heard the almost B instead. “Would you—just thinking about it—“
“No,” Saint said, and then turned and went back inside.
Sirius, back at the table, looked at his face, and then at his wet shirt.
“Okay?” he asked softly when Saint sat down.
“Just dandy,” Saint replied, and looked towards the door. Logan was gone.
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
Day 10: Dukexiety
Day 10: You are born with a birthmark, similar to a tattoo, that is shared by your soulmate.
Content warnings: allusions to past suicidal thoughts, just bad mental health past in general, vague bullying, swimming pools, past isolation, minor injury (broken ribs), general anxiety and self deprecation.
Word count: 3.9k
I was very low on time, and very exhausted from work, so I tried something new! I first discovered the concept of ‘bullet fics’ from @illogicallyinclined ‘s hockey au, GO CHECK IT OUT!!! (It’s living in my head rent free for a couple months now)
Virgil, Patton, Logan, and Roman have been friends for as long as they can remember. The first three met at a neighborhood barbecue when they were just a couple years old, and since they all live on the same block, became each other’s go to play buddies. They all stuck together in their first years of school together, the unbreakable trio, and then they met Roman. Or, Roman was pulled into their clutches and was therefore part of the group now. Patton saw him getting bullied across the playground and ran in to help, and now Roman is ‘eternally in their debt’. But they like him, so his extravagance is okay. 
They hung out constantly, all throughout middle and highschool, and they graduated together. It was a big moment for all of them; Patton, who almost got left a grade behind several times (his dyslexia went undiagnosed for several years and he was simply categorized as ‘dumb’), Virgil, who almost didn’t make it due to a mental health crisis, Logan, who was pressured heavily by his parents to move up a grade and had to fight tooth and nail to stay with his friends, and Roman, who’s bullying problems didn’t exactly lessen through the years, and was more than relieved to be leaving that behind. 
That summer, they pledge (mostly by Roman’s pleading) to try and do something fun every day. While Logan says this is improbable and Virgil groans at the thought of spending every day socializing, Patton is excited for the idea and “it’s two against two so you have to at least try!”
“That logic doesn’t make sense-” “Shut it, teach, just let us have this.”
So far, they’ve gone to the amusement park just out of town, gone to the park too many times to count, visited their local arcade that they hadn’t even stepped foot into since middle school, and tie-dyed a variety of clothing items in Patton’s backyard. Today, Patton is forcing them all to go to the pool, despite Logan claiming that they’re “feces infested, germ nesting grounds” and Virgil’s argument that “he burns like an unwatched pot of milk, how can you expect this from me”, Patton’s little puppy eyes do them all in.
Unfortunately, just as they’re leaving for the pool, Roman gets a call. At first it’s civil, and then his voice raises, and then he’s hanging up and throwing his phone onto his seat from where he’s standing next to the open car door. Angrily, he tells his friends that his mom got called into work and his dad’s on a business trip, so they need to take his brother with them.
At first, this raises some confusion.
“I was not under the impression that you had a little brother.”
“How old is he? Either way, I say, the more the merrier!”
Virgil is not thrilled at the idea of babysitting, since kids generally don’t like him, but he doesn’t voice his displeasure. 
Roman has to admit, with much embarrassment, that it’s actually his twin, who is just so chaotically irresponsible that he has lost Home Alone Privileges. He’s broken the TV, accidentally started fires, and lost their dog one too many times and his parents said no more. 
So he drives all the way back to his house, the three friends crammed into the back seat of his two door sedan (because the seats are A Pain to raise and lower and it makes more sense to give said brother the front seat instead of rearranging when they get him), grumbling under his breath about his stupid brother, stupid work, stupid stupid stupid-
Virgil is apt to agree with him, because if being around his three closest friends is enough interaction to mentally exhaust him, adding a new person to the mess is so much worse. He’s generally unexcited to meet this new person… until they pull up to the driveway.
And holy heck. 
This man is GORGEOUS. 
It takes a second for him to realize it’s Roman’s brother, because despite his first assumption, the two are not identical. They’re very similar, obviously related, for sure, but they are surprisingly easy to tell apart, and it’s not just because of the silver streak in the brother’s hair.
Which he should not find as hot as he does.
After Roman insists said brother does need to go get a bathing suit and no you can not go swimming in your jeans, he jumps into the passenger seat and, with as much energy as Roman has at Full Potential, introduces himself as Remus to the backseat audience. 
Patton and Logan both say small hello’s, but Virgil is just stuck.
Dear lord. Princey, why have you been hiding him from me?
When they get to the pool, Virgil makes a complete fool of himself getting out of the car. He trips on his seatbelt, landing directly in Remus’ arms, and looks up to see this devil man grinning at him with all the hubris of a greek god. Before he can say anything, Virgil pushes himself up and rolls his eyes (all while internally screaming) and walks away, joining Patton and Logan where they are just entering the main gate. 
He can’t help it; when in proximity of cuteness, his emergency mode is “be a dick”.
But it only gets worse from there.
When Virgil has an umbrella properly set up above a chair so he can save his skin from the sun (“I burn like unwatched milk on a stove. I’m not going in.”) and is comfortably situated with his phone and iced coffee, Remus steps in front of him to take his shirt off. 
He’s pretty sure Remus didn’t even mean to. It just… happened to be directly in his line of sight. 
As soon as the shirt is above his head, Virgil chokes on his drink, squirting iced coffee out of his nose and going into a coughing fit. Patton rubs his back while Roman tries not to laugh (and fails miserably), all while Remus is just watching him. Confused. (Logan is in the change rooms, because he insists on not wearing his bathing suit unless he is actively about to swim)
There’s more than just the sun issue that prevents Virgil from swimming. While his friend’s soulmarks are relatively small (Roman has a little one on his neck, Logan and Patton have a shared one just above their ankles), Virgil’s is a huge splotch that covers his entire side, reaching from just above his top rib to where his waistband usually lies. It’s all squiggles and lumps; Virgil once compared it to a storm cloud, but the lightning streaks were tentacles. It’s all in all, just… A Mess. And he doesn’t really like it. No one he’s ever met has had a soulmark like that, and he hates standing out.
When Remus takes off his shirt, in all his muscled glory, Virgil can’t miss the matching soulmark that trails down Remus’ side. It’s his, no doubt about it, but… that can’t be right, can it? Remus is so… full of life, dangerous, the epitome of chaotic; he’s everything Virgil is not. More so, he’s terrified of what Remus must think of him. He’s nothing special, he’s just an anxious ball of angst. What if he’s disappointed in who the universe decided to stick him with? 
After he’s done choking on iced coffee, and Logan is back from the change room, he realizes Remus is long gone, in the deep end of the pool trying to gather as many foam noodles as he can. They check that Virgil is alright, and when he merely gives them a shaky thumbs up, they take it at face value and dive in. Except Logan, who uses the steps like a mature adult, you children. 
He lets the rest of his coffee sit in the sun, until the sun melts all the ice cubes and it’s lukewarm to touch and overall, just gross, because suddenly he has no appetite. Yeah, this guy is gorgeous and he’s hopelessly gay for him, but... soulmate? That’s a lot for anyone to take in, much less someone with forty seven different kinds of anxiety. /j
If Virgil was uneasy taking his shirt off before, he sure as hell isn’t doing it now. No matter how much Patton and Roman plead with him, he stays glued to his chair, eyes flickering from his friends playing Marco Polo to watching his soulmate Remus. He’s turned the pool noodles into a giant raft and is trying to balance on it, like an absolute idiot.
An extremely good looking idiot. 
Virgil can’t help but notice that… he’s all alone. Roman, Patton, and Logan barely even throw him the occasional glance, much less invite him to hang out with them in the water. Worse than that, he seems relatively fine with it. It could just be that he doesn’t want to intrude on his brother’s friend group, but Remus doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to have those boundaries. Which kind of insinuates that he’s used to being alone, and Virgil can’t help but empathize. 
He notices it a lot, actually. The group meeting Remus also coincides with Roman and Virgil becoming more close; less of a frenemy relationship, and more of an actual friendship. Patton is delighted, because this means the three of them get to hang out at Roman’s huge place more often without their constant bickering (because when it got bad at one of their houses, Virgil’s was never more than a ten minute walk away when Roman finally pushed his last button. Here, they were all stuck.)
And every time they go over, he can’t help but notice the loud music coming from Remus’ room, or the man just sitting on the couch watching TV (which he tends to do shirtless, which does not help Virgil at all), or irritating Roman’s parrot. All in all, doing things alone. It strikes a chord in Virgil’s heart, which is something he’d never admit to another person.
Maybe that’s why, in the following week when Roman has the grand idea to go on a mountain hike, Virgil quietly asks if they could invite Remus. At first, Roman is adamant. “He’ll just ruin things, he doesn’t appreciate nature, he’s annoying!” But Patton claims “The more the merrier” and Logan doesn’t have any particular stance, so he begrudgingly invites Remus.
Who very excitedly accepts. 
The trail Roman visited is quite a ways out of town, so they cram back into his tiny car and start the drive. Patton claimed shotgun, so him and Roman have derailed into an animated conversation about cartoons, while Logan just pops in his earbuds and leans his head against the window. For the longest time, Remus and Virgil sit in awkward silence, because neither of them could get a word in edgewise to the front seat conversation even if they tried, and they don’t… really… know what to say… to each other. 
It’s Remus who finally breaks the silence (shocker).
“Roman tells more you’re the one who wanted to invite me.”
“Yeah, well, you seemed lonely. And… I mean, you’re Roman’s brother. Can you really be that bad?”
He means it as a joke, but he sees the light in Remus’ eyes die slightly. The tone of his voice doesn’t falter though, remaining as joyful and quirky as always. 
“I’m a lot more fun than Roman. People just don’t like to see it that way.”
“Setting your kitchen curtains on fire is fun?”
“If you were there, you’d understand!”
And they keep talking, maybe trailing into borderline flirting, for the whole ride. Virgil is surprised at the lack of tenseness in his shoulders, because though Remus is loud and a little unsettling, he is incredibly patient when Virgil has trouble forming his sentences and doesn’t interrupt him when he’s talking; an incredible help to someone with crippling anxiety. Underneath his exterior, he’s actually… incredibly soft? What?
By the time they pull up to the trail, Remus is actually starting to grow on Virgil. Since Patton and Roman are still so into their debate, and Logan seems content listening to his music (or podcast, but who really knows), they continue talking as the hike starts. The shorter boy can’t help but glance at the other every few seconds, seeing their soulmark just peeking past the edge of his baggy tank top. If Remus notices, he says nothing. 
And he learns Remus was bullied a lot through school, just like Roman was, but instead of finding a group that supported him, he broke off as a lone wolf. He came off scary or maybe just a little bit crazy to anyone he tried to befriend, since his social skills were pretty lacking due to disuse and his incredible lack of filter, so he learned early that staying alone hurt less. And in that time, he just became more and more… Like That… because he literally never had peers to mature with. 
The hike is a long one. Remus is pretty eager to spill his guts, probably since he was never able to before, so Virgil feels obligated to do the same. He tells Remus about his anxiety, about his mental health issues during school, about his home life and his hobbies, and the fact that there are more people around just fades into the background. It could as well be just them, and Virgil starts to wish it was. 
So of course, that’s when everything goes to shit.
A mountain biker comes ripping down the path, too quick to even process, and Virgil is caught off guard. Of course, he’s not walking near the edge of the path, because he has some shred of common sense, but the bike speeding by him causes him to flinch and stumble to the side; an instinctual reaction. Except his instincts decided to not remember until the last second that he’s at the edge of the trail.
It’s almost like happening in slow motion, his foot goes over the edge, and he doesn’t realize what’s about to happen until his other foot is already off the ground, ready to take that next step back, and he’s falling. Luckily (as lucky as one can be in this situation), it’s not a straight drop, just a decently long, steep slope that’s essentially just a bunch of rocks and weeds. 
He hears his friends scream his name, sees a hand fly out to catch him, and it just snags the edge of his jacket before he’s freefalling for a split moment. One heart stopping, never ending, eternal and all too short moment of weightlessness where he twists his body, hoping to try and brace himself, and then he meets the slope.
His breath leaves him in a wheeze and he distinctly hears a loud snap. Through his pain addled brain, he tries to stop his slide further down by grabbing anything; rocks, roots, dirt. It’s useless.
He stops naturally, on a small ledge several meters from the top before the slope continues. For a moment, he can only lay there, trying to breathe through the intense pain flaring through him pretty much everywhere, not to mention the sheer levels of pure panic numbing his thoughts. He stares at the clouds, watching them as they float by, each breath spreading fire through his torso but at the same time strangely numb.
And then, “VIRGIL!”
His eyes shoot open (wait, when did he close them?) to see Remus’ concerned face above his. If the messied state of his outfit is any indication, this man just slid down the slope to catch up to him. His hands are hovering above Virgil, scared to touch, but more scared that Virgil is going to keep falling.
“Fuck,” is Virgil’s eloquent response. He tries to take a deep breath, tries to do his breathing pattern to calm his nerves, but NOPE. Wrong move. 
He immediately gasps and his hands fly to his ribs, another flair of pain shooting up them. Remus’ hands grab his, pulling them away from his torso, holding them securely. “I think you have some broken ribs. That was… one hell of a fall. We need to get you back up to the trail though, okay?”
Virgil can only nod his head, allowing Remus to help him stand, biting his lip so hard to keep from crying out that his lip splits. It hurts.
Trust Logan to come up with ideas on the fly. The biker must have stopped when he realized Virgil had fallen (at least he didn’t just keep driving), because when Virgil opened his tear filled eyes, there was a bike tire just a few feet from his face. He followed the frame of the bike, up to where Roman was holding the other wheel and standing precariously on the slope. Logan is clinging onto his hand, one foot on the slope and one on the actual trail, and if Virgil has to guess, the biker and Patton are just out of sight, keeping Logan steady. 
Virgil knows it’s going to hurt before Remus even warns him that it will, watching the taller man get a good grip on the bike wheel, before holding Virgil’s wrist with as much force that can muster without actively cutting off circulation. Virgil holds onto his wrist in return, Remus gives a shout to go ahead, and the human/bike chain they’ve created begins to pull them up. 
And oh lord, if Virgil thought just laying down was painful, tripping and stumbling up a steep incline is another world altogether. This time, biting his lip doesn’t work and he lets out a few muffled cries as the team works together, Remus squeezing his wrist every time a choked sound escapes his lips, mind too full of pure agony to even curse.
When they finally step foot onto the trail again, Virgil is in tears, and he is too far gone to even care. The biker is incredibly apologetic, offering his contact information and bidding them adieu when they insist that they’re okay now, and takes off, at an admittedly much slower pace than he was at before. 
Logan, the only one of them with proper (and extensive) first aid training, forces Virgil to sit, giving him time to find a position that puts as little pressure on his ribs as possible, before crouching in front of him.
“Let me check if they’re broken.”
His hand reaches out towards Virgil’s shirt and all the alarm bells start BLARING. No. No, no, no, no, no. Before he can restrain himself, he reaches out and slaps Logan’s hand away, sending another wave of pain through him. The pain doesn’t matter though, not in comparison to Logan possibly revealing his soulmark. 
Logan doesn’t understand this reaction properly (when does he ever), so he tries again.
“Virgil, I need to check the extent of the damage. A cracked rib means you can still make it back to the car. A broken rib would require emergency services and probable air lifting to prevent further damage, like a punctured lung.”
“Fine,” Virgil hisses through clenched teeth, bitterly understanding his logic, “Just… don’t take the shirt off.”
He tries to say it to only Logan, but it’s clear the other’s heard it by the way they exchange confused glances. Yes, they’ve never seen Virgil without a shirt, except they’d always pegged that up to insecurities. Wouldn’t those take a back seat in a possible medical emergency? 
Logan complies, however, and slides his hand under the hem of his shirt without moving the fabric. He runs his hands slowly up each rib, concentrating heavily, until he reaches one midway up and Virgil yelps, instinctively flinching backwards.
Startled by the reaction (it’s his first time actually administering first aid like this, give him a break), Logan jumps back, forgetting his hand is still under Virgil’s shirt.
His hand moves up.
Virgil moves back.
And the hem of his shirt rises up his chest for just a moment.
A moment’s all that’s needed, though. When you notice something that you’ve seen yourself a hundred times over, admiring this way and that in the mirror to commit it to memory, it only takes a glance to recognize it.
Remus only needed that split second of the shirt riding up to notice the lower half of the soulmark, and he definitely did notice it, if the way his jaw drops is anything to go off of. Virgil winces again, not from pain this time, and looks down at his shoes, abhorring the awkward silence that ensues.
The other three don’t understand, watching the two of them with varying levels of confusion, until Remus blurts:
“Are you my soulmate?”
And everything clicks into place. Virgil nods mutely, still not looking up, afraid of his reaction. Would he be upset Virgil kept it a secret? Would he be disappointed? Would he would he would he-
“Oh thank GOD!”
That’s… not the reaction he was expecting. He looks up to see Remus grinning like a child on their birthday, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“I mean, if I’d want anyone to be my soulmate, it would be you! You don’t hate me, which a lot of people do, and you actually listen to me, which is nice, and not to mention you’re super hot, like the whole emo thing is just-”
“Remus!” Roman screeches, cutting him off, “You’re embarrassing him, let him breathe!”
It’s the first time Roman has ever come to Virgil’s defense, and he’s only vaguely happy about that. Truth is, he’s so much more wrapped up in the fact that Remus is actually happy that he doesn’t even notice Logan’s back to touching his ribs until another sharp pain brings him back.
“They’re definitely not broken. Fractured, at worst. Either way, you’re going to the hospital. Only question is, can you get down to the car?”
Virgil wants to nod, wants to go along with no problem, but he can barely take a step before his knees almost give out. If he could double over without making everything worse, he would. 
Remus doesn’t see this as a problem, though, eagerly offering Virgil to ride on his back until they get to the bottom. The shorter is, obviously, reluctant to this plan, seeing as how it’s a decently long trail and he isn’t that light, but damn, his soulmate insists, and next thing he knows, he’s gingerly holding onto Remus’ shoulders as he pushes back into a standing position.
(If he wasn’t already super hot, he’s strong, too? Virgil has struck the literal jackpot.)
He buries his face into the crook of Remus’ neck, trying not to wince at every jolt and bump as they maneuver their way down the hill, all conversation halted so they can focus on the two of them. Roman walks in front of them and Patton and Logan behind, ready to jump into action at any sign of stumbling. 
But it’s okay, it actually is, Virgil realizes as they’re making their way down the hill. Sure, they only really bonded today, but they also bonded in a day, and if that’s not telling of the future they’ll have together, whether romantic or platonic (they still need to talk that out), it’s gonna be okay.
Anyone who’s willing to throw themselves into harm's way and carry you down a mountain has got to be a worthy soulmate.
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5 Reasons Roman Is Infuriating (And Why I DO NOT have a crush on him)
Chapter 4: A Date With Destiny
Read on AO3 Chapter 1
Word count:  2991
Tw: Food, Almost an innuendo, Fear of not being accepted for orientation
"I think I'm ready."
Logan looks at himself in the mirror, adjusting his bowtie. He hadn't gone super extra with his 'date' outfit, despite Roman's insistence to go big or go home. (Which wouldn't really matter, as Thomas is home right now, and therefore they wouldn't need to go very far.)
Just a few changes, to treat himself. The blue striped bowtie, obviously, some black dress pants, black socks and a black dress shirt instead of a polo. He also tried out a new shampoo, just for that extra self-care. That may sound like a fairly big change, but Roman looked uncomfortable when he presented the outfit.
Roman waves his hand about, diverting his eyes. "Ugh, whatever. You look great. I still think a full tux would've been a better choice."
"That would most likely be overdressing. I don't want to go into this date looking like a buffoon, now do I?" He retorted, slipping on his dress shoes. They're sleek and black, with a heel that gives him just that extra added height.
"Pfft, coming from the Nerdy Professor! You look like a buffoon all the time, I'm just doing you a favor."
"You don't think I'm ready like this?" Logan asks.
"You do. You're rocking it. No romo." Roman says, giving him an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
"No... Romo?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah. Like... Uh, romantic. I invented it. Just now." Roman says, nervously fiddling with his sash.
"Oh." And if that doesn't feel like a metaphorical stab to the gut, Logan's not sure what it is.
Roman stands for a few seconds in silence, before looking away, into the mirror. "Now, go get your Daisy, Loguigi."
"That was a stretch, but thank you." Logan takes Roman's hand, squeezes it (he's sure Roman won't mind. He may think of it as a reassurance to calm Logan's nerves. Logan thinks of it as he wants to hold Roman's hand), and walks to the door.
"Logan-" Roman says before he can leave, and Logan turns back to him. He opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again, and seems to realize that Logan's waiting for him to say something. His hand reaches towards him, then recedes.
"Good luck." He slumps, giving what seems to be an encouraging smirk. Logan nods, adjusing his bowtie once more, and strutting out of the room. If he had a cape, it would be flowing behind him dramatically, due to the sheer energy of his determination. Tonight is going to be the start of a big change.
"Alright Patton, prepare yourself for the strangest date you'll ever go on." He says in full confidence.
Patton sat at the dining table, feeling certainly awkward. Things certainly looked... Different. It was dim, mostly because the only light sources were an array of candles and a strand of fairy lights. There was a silky tablecloth thrown over the table, and a lovely bouquet of red roses in a glass vase as the centerpiece. There were also two glasses, and a bottle of red wine. Soft violin music played from an unknown source.
Usually this was something Patton would coo at. He always loved romance between people. Whenever Thomas and his boyfriends over the years hung out, it would be all he'd talk about. How happy he is for them. He'd even help Roman out with helping Thomas in his gestures of romance. It's true, Patton loved romance.
However, not when it was directed at himself.
He didn't want to be rude and leave, obviously. Logan set this up, and the last thing Patton wanted to do was break his heart beyond repair. He loves Logan as a friend, and he cares about him, and the emotions he barely lets himself show.
Patton twiddles with his thumbs, sweating quite a bit. He wonders what Roman has to do with this. He's certainly not also going to be here, unless this is a three-way date. That is unlikely, as there are only two chairs. Perhaps he's the wing-man? That would make sense, as he's much better in the romance category than Logan. But wait a minute, why would he help? Doesn't Roman-
"This is atmospheric." Patton gets pulled out of his thoughts by Logan standing there, looking at the decor. He takes a seat. Pouring himself a glass of the wine, he takes a big sip, before setting it down. "Patton, I have something to tell you."
Oh no.
Patton's sweating buckets now. "B-before you do, I just want to tell you that I respect you Logan, and that you're a very good person, and that I cherish the time we spend together, but I guess I haven't told you some very important information about myself, and I hope this doesn't hurt you too bad, it's that-" He takes a deep breath, about to spill. He's always been scared of this moment. Didn't he already tell Logan? Does he not believe in his identity? Patton opens his mouth to speak.
"You're aromantic. I know that Patton, and I respect that. Your orientation is completely justified and valid. I was going to tell you that this was not my idea. I do not harbor any romantic feelings for you, and I certainly don't expect you to either." Logan says, taking another sip of wine.
Well, that makes Patton feel much better.
"Then... Why are we here?" He asks, the nervous feeling replaced by confusion.
"Well..." Logan blushes as red as the wine. "I happened to be... Discussing my 'lack' of romantic feelings for... a side, which I realised was in fact a falsehood, and then that side happened to swoop in right after I realized, and mistook my presentation for being about you. Therefore, he decided to set us up."
The cogs in Patton's brain start to turn. He's not exactly known to be the brightest of the bunch, but he thinks he can decipher this one.
"Nm...Teh... Oh, it's Roman." He looks at Logan, who lowers his head into his hands.
"Yes. Yes it is." He admits.
"So, he doesn't know." Patton concludes.
"No, no he doesn't."
The words finally settle in, and Patton's face brightens significantly in a matter of milliseconds. "Oh my god! Logan! You like him!" He stands up, and jumps for joy. He twirls around the room a few times, and then pulls up Logan and gives him a hug. "I'm so proud of you kiddo."
"Thank you Patton. It certainly felt strange admitting it." Sighs, hugging him back. They break off soon after.
"Why didn't you tell him?" Patton asks, a little bit worried.
"I don't think I'm quite ready yet." They both sit down. "That's actually why I'm here. I was wondering if we could keep up a sort of facade for a while, until I'm ready to tell Roman. Obviously, we won't make anything official, but I could use your help, as I am not very skilled in this romance business, and we could use fake dates as a sort of counseling session. I could.. Use your help." Logan admits.
Patton is surprised, but delighted. "Oh! Well, thank you for telling me kiddo. I wouldn't mind helping you out." He pats Logan' shoulder encouragingly. "Do you... have a plan?"
"Not yet. I didn't want to start without you, in case I would need to scrap the whole thing." Logan takes another sip of wine.
“That’s absolutely A-okay. I don’t know if I’d be much help today though, cause this roller-coaster ‘date’ has really tired me out!” Patton says. (He’s never quite been put on the spot, and then given a plot twist like that one before. Oh wait, haha, he has.) He needs a bit of a mental break before he does any of that adultery thinking.
Logan looks around the room. “We aren’t on a roller coaster.”
“It’s an expression.” Patton clarifies. He sighs, adjusting himself on the seat. “I forgot that I haven’t come out to Roman yet. Or the others, for that matter.”
“You don’t have to if you aren’t comfortable. There’s never a bad reason not to come out.” Logan assures him, finishing his glass of wine. “And if you ever need my help, I will be there to support you in whatever ways I can.”
“Alrighty kiddo.” He smiles, looking to the kitchen.
“Do we have any leftover cookies?”
Patton suddenly looks guilty. “Well… About that.”
“Patton.” Logan’s gaze snaps to him, surprised. “Last time I checked, there were at least five left.”
“It wasn’t just me! Janus had one too!” He pleads, stating his case.
“One? That leaves four.” Logan squints at him. “I wanted at least two more for myself.”
A light in Patton’s brain ignites, and he jumps up. “Oh! What do you say we turn this into a baking ‘date’ then??” He does over exaggerated quotations with his hands on ‘date’.
“Bake ‘date’ it is then.” Logan fixes his bowtie in steely determination, and they both make their way to the kitchen.
“How did the date go?” Roman asks when Logan returns to his room, a giant fluffy red robe draped over himself, face mask on, and nails in the process of being painted. He’s got some showtunes that Logan doesn’t know the name of playing from a vinyl record player, which is illogical, because he’s pretty sure the musical is modern and that they can’t play voices, but he doesn’t comment.
“It went surprisingly… Well. He told me he may need a few more dates to make a decision.” Logan lies, trying to put anything other than indifference in his voice.
“Oh.” Roman looks taken aback for a second. “That’s great Specs. I’m proud of you.” The shaky hand he was painting swerves off to the side, and nail polish gets all over his finger. He looks at it, sighs, and puts the brush back into the bottle.
“You know, it isn’t a good idea to paint your nails in bed.” Logan sits on the edge, (of his own bed. Strange how Roman didn't just go back to his own room. He’s quite the stark contrast, him and his items bright red in a sensible dull, midnight blue room.) and turns his torso to face him.
“But it’s so much more dramatiiic. Besides, you told me not to touch your desk, and I am a princ- uh, a man of my word.” He laughs a little nervous laugh. “Besides, I can just clean it up with the powers of magic.”
“That’s nice.” Logan says, distracted by Roman’s nails. He’s hiding the hand he messed up. On his non-dominant hand, he has masterfully done nails, red with golden designs, such as a crown on his middle finger, a flower pattern on his pointer, thumb and pinky, and on the ring finger there’s an ‘L’...
Logan gently extends his hand. “Can I see?”
“Oh, um, yeah.” Roman lets him take his hand. Up close he notices that the gold is sparkly. Certainly a touch that is in character.
“What does the ‘L’ stand for?” Logan asks, looking at him.
Roman seems to burst red in the face. “O-Ooh it means ‘Left’. I… Often forget which direction is which, so I put it on my nails to remember. There’s no second meaning behind it or anything. Not at all.” He smiles wide.
Now Logan suspects there may be a second meaning, but he does not comment. “Is it okay for me to see your other hand?”
“Oh, you wouldn’t want to, I mean, it’s not nearly as good and it isn’t at all finished and I just made a mistake-”
“I didn’t ask if I would want to see it. I asked if you were okay with me seeing it.” Logan cuts his self-deprecating ramble off, assuring him softly. “I won’t look for the imperfections if you don’t want me to.”
“I…” Roman sighs and nods. “Go ahead.”
Logan takes Roman’s right hand gently with his own, and brings it close enough to inspect. It retains the same colors, but even with just the base red layer it looks a little bit less neatly done. The color extends past the cuticle, and you can see little bumps and imprints of things that accidentally touched the nail before it could fully dry. It wasn’t bad, per se, because those things could easily be fixed without removing the entire coating, but it probably seemed pretty bad to Roman when comparing it to his other hand. And then there was the streak, which was unfortunate but can be arranged.
“I can help you with this hand, if you’d like.” He offers, much to Roman’s surprise.
“Sure… But you don’t have to-”
“Preposterous. I want to help, and although I am not a master in the arts and creating designs, I happen to be a master duplicator. I believe Virgil described it as ‘cloning but like without the technology part and shit’. I even remade an exact duplicate of a frankly disgusting and creepy doll for Remus from scratch.”
“Oh.” Roman laughs softly. “Talented.”
“Yes. I am.” Logan says, internally giddy from the compliment. He uncaps the nail polish remover from a very fancy tray, where all the supplies are stationed on. “We just need this for the stain.” He takes a cotton pad, letting go of Roman’s hands to wet it, and recaps the bottle. He retakes Roman’s right hand, and lightly swipes the pad across the smear.
“You smell like baking.” Roman notes, barely over a whisper.
“That makes sense. We did some baking. Mostly me, and he kind of watched until they were ready to decorate.” He places the cotton pad in a little glass junk bowl on the tray.
“Are you sure he’s not just going to use these dates to make him cookies?” He says lightheartedly, tapping his other hand along to the sound of the music.
“Perhaps” Logan laughs a little bit. “Actually, I set aside a bunch for you. They’re in a bag, wrapped in a ribbon. That usually wards off everyone else from eating what’s inside for a few days, but do get to them before the fourth day because that’s often when Remus loses his patience.” He doesn’t admit that it was a spur of the moment decision, and that he felt like a lovesick fool setting aside those for him. He did admit that to Patton though, who chuckled.
“Mmm, thank you. What kind?” Roman asks, as Logan uncaps the red nail polish bottle and starts applying a light coat on each nail to even things out.
“Cranberry and White Chocolate Chip.” Roman’s favorite. That may have also been on purpose.
“Oh.” He says, and that’s where that subject of conversation ends. Logan continues applying the coating, then recaps the bottle.
“Alright, this will need to dry.” Logan guides his hand to a solid resting place. They sit quietly for a moment, only the sound of what he recognizes as Razzle Dazzle playing. It’s quite strange to have music in here. The rows and rows of dark-wood bookshelves, kept neat and clean, seem much brighter like this. His planning cork-board, with strings run around and pictures and notes in a neat order (along with the depressing sight of his calendar), looks less dull. Maybe it’s his mood. Maybe it’s just Roman.
Roman scoots over, without moving his drying hand. He leans in closely, looking just above Logan’s eyeline.
“Y-yes?” He squirms as Roman reaches with his dry hand to the top of his head. He shakes Logan’s hair, and he presumes it looks like a mess now.
“What?” Logan asks, as he returns to sitting like he did before.
“You had flour in your hair. It was bothering me.” Roman informs him, pointing to his head.
“Ah.” They return to their silence.
When Logan determines the perfect time for the polish to dry, he uncaps the glittery gold nail pen. Using the other hand as reference, he copies the designs finger by finger, putting all of his concentration into it.
“And… We’ll put an ‘R’ here... ” He tries his best to copy the font of the swirly ‘L’. It looks pretty good, if he does say so himself. Which he does say out loud.”
“Yeah, it does. Thank you Logan.” He looks up at Roman, who smiles a very shy smile. He suddenly brightens, and jumps up, rattling the tray and scaring Logan. “Aha! I’ve thought of a perfect nickname! Holm Office Photopy Machine! I need to write that down.” He fumbles around, and then summons himself a very used-looking sketchbook. He stays standing on the bed, flipping through pages and then scribbling it down.
“That certainly is long.” Logan adjusts his glasses in surprise.
“Long like my- Sorry that was a strange thought.” Roman makes his things disappear, checks his nails, and then flops back down onto the bed.
“I hate to bother you, but at one point I’m going to have to sleep on here.” He watches as Roman unsticks his face-masked face from the bed in disgust.
“Why did I do that- Oh, yeah, sorry.” Roman gets up, looking guilty, and certainly not as fancy as he did before, fibres from the blankets stuck to his face mask and some of the mask still attached to Logan’s bed. Still, he’s got his stupid smile on his face, and that power stance. He’s…
“Wonderful.” Logan says under his breath as Roman’s turning to leave.
Unfortunately, he heard, and he turns back, confused. “Huh?”
“One earful.”
“Alright.” Roman looks perhaps even more confused, but turns back and sinks out, with a “Buh-bye Specs.”
When he’s out of Logan’s room, he snaps his fingers to rid of the mess (He left the tray there too. The nerve. The gall. He sends it to Roman’s room, and prays that it lands somewhere incredibly inconvenient just for revenge sake. He also keeps the record player, because he could use some music in his life) and prepares for bed.
Step 1: Complete.
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bilgisticallykosher · 3 years
Not going to tag every side, even if they were technically all mentioned but. I'm. Very screaming still.
Pre-episode. Squealing, so much squealing. Remus. I'm just. Remus, but intense. Remus 💚 Anyway, I see Thomas looking horrified- OH ARE WE GETTING TO THE DREAM THING? Are we dealing with The Thing from DWIT??? Aaaaa. Also, Logan? I thought it was supposed to be Virgil. Hm.
Okay, let's- hnnnnnng content warning I happy flapped. Frick I keep squealing, the green smoke and the bear trap in the A of asides. Omg omg omg.  FORBIDDEN FRUIT! Is it two am or pm? Gasp! NICO! No Nico, don't jk the date, please. I'm begging you, I can't. (Edit: legendsgates told the server that it was Thomas who texted Nico, not vice versa.) Oh no, he slept through the text notif? Oh no. Logan! Oh, it's two pm. I mean, I figured because of sunlight, but. FFFF 69TH! *snicker* Thomas smirked, too.  
Ooh, daily schedule. Degree a couple degrees! Five am Thomas is a bastard. Logan is… very whelmed by all the Thomases. Oh boy, this schedule is… not going well. Snort. Don't mention it. You don't have the time. Did he schedule time for scheduling? That's a lot of alarms. 
ARM!!!! Oh is that a bear trap? Oh. Yup. Whoops, that's- oh. Nope. He's fine. Old?? Aging? NICO IN REAL LIFE OMFG AAAAH! HE HAS A FACE!!! Oh. Aging. Hm. Okay, so he bear trap was less physical, more like Remus is trapping Thomas's thoughts. Neat! Also I have to take a break right, now I cannot handle the dramatic music and his face omfg. Aaaaaaaah. Okay I'm good maybe. Oh! That's the face from the thumbnail, nice. Green light in his hair looks nice. 
Aw, Logan is concerned about him. He's a good boy. And yikes that's a lot of um. Filth. Is that a nail? "Muck" is- Remus, points for effort, but no, dear. I mean, only if you say it outloud, backwards. K-Cum. Okay, you know what? I'll allow it. 
Remus. Rearranging his sentence is less intimidating than you think. I think he's putting back(?) Caressing? A book of Broadway… something. "You couldn't turn anything on, if you tried." WOW, WAY TO BE WRONG, LOGAN. I mean. You know. Uh. I'm just holding this attraction for a friend, it's not mine-
Thomas looks resigned. Hmm. Shiny green notebook, nice. Does that say "call updog?" Mmm. Yep. Yep it did. Lot of Updog on there, on the other hand, Remus's handwriting is gorgeous, wow. Dinner with Updog (can't cancel that again) I may have injured myself laughing at some point. 
This. This is that point. Oh my gosh. Who. So freaking close. The freaking tension! Did they censor damn? Yeah, sounds it. FFFFF LOGAN. Janus and Logan wine moms confirmed. Oh my gosh. He just freaking rips the cork out with his teeth. Chug. There's, like so much tension in this episode. Predicting that the screw is him "screwing" with his mind? Yep, nothing. Hmm. What if I choke. Is that Remus's influence? Or Virgil's? "I'd be screwed" Ha! Oh, wow, Logan! Look how much you're putting Thomas's mental health first! Wonder what was on Remus's second list…
Okay what's going on with the roomba. Ayyyy, Intrusive Thoughts! He's so good in this, Logan. WHAT KIND OF RUBE GOLDBERG GARBAGE- oh, garbage disposal, wow this was well set-up oh my gosh, the drawing attention to the garbage disposal, the book he placed there. Never stack your knives on top of anything, guys! 
The little 'yes!' Oh. Oh. Um. Okay. Wow. "I don't care about the knife, but the soap!" You guys, no, this can't be canon help. Oh he's cleaning! Ohhhhh, eyepatch. Love it. This feels very reminiscent of Dealing With Anxiety way back when. But with more Remus! Oh no he got his string caught in his weiner.
Bratwurst, whatever. I bet that was not originally in the script. I.e., accident. Hey, Kingdom Hearts! I know he is. Thomas, Logan, or Virgil? The chords before "He said you're wanting to be more honest"!!!!! 
Cue freakout. Yeah, it's Virgil. Man if Remus keeps setting these things up, he's like a genius, the physics involved, geez. Oh. Well, listen, not all experiments work the first time. Oh nope. There it- nope. Hmm. Pink panther-esque? Um, sir that's glowing. Sir, that's a keyblade. Oh, Nico again. Coffee, he says, after guzzling wine. Puzzle? Cognitive distortions!!! "It was a stab" Virgil!!! Logan's such a good boy, oh my gosh, I can't. Yeah. Sounds pink panther. I beg your pardon??? Whomst? Love the 'ooh~' in there. Haha, just stops at Logan. Oh, he's trying to get to Logan- ffffff, Remus, oh my gosh. Okay, why are there text alerts but no new texts? Remus, did you wear his shirt while getting stabbed? Rude. Ha! Got an ad for Anxiety/stress, that's funny. Aw, ketchup. Logan how can you be so wrong? Ha! Solenium lycopersicum again. "Yes. You. Am." Help I love him so much. Nico napkin? It's not me, right? He's not contacting him? (Edit: It was me. 😔) Okay, so the thoughts are being very tied up into anxiety, with like being alone, but he's also obviously scared to take a step towards relationship? Maybe??? Man, Remus is so good at these things. Okay, also stress about someone being in his house? Just high stress in general, I gu- !!!!!!!!! Oh hi. 
No, Remus, your puppet is being mean- oh, no, that's the, he's just stabby. Mutual stabby? You have no idea how hard I'm looking at his eyeshadow right now.!!!! MUSIC??? Song? Oh, okay, cool. Ahhh, what your momma gave ya. Remus, omfg he's so pouty at lack of stabbing. It's not lost on me that the lighting is purple. WOW, Logan. Willing to see his merit. Squeak squeak flick. He's not pretending he doesn't- yeah. Oh tongue lollipop. What was in his ear??? That he ate???
Manicure on severed hand. Ignoring dummies for dummies. Aw, does Nico have a carrot next to his name? WOAH WHAT!!!! Holy crap, fandom was right-
No, I wasn't ready for this theory to be right! Idk if…… rage/anger/wrath is orange through Logan or if that's a Logan thing or if he's turning into orange, gosh, I,,, really hope not. Nico calling! Ohhhhh, Remus likes that. 
Ahhh, Nico. Aww they're cute. Wait, is Logan supposed to be angry at Thomas? Oh. I really liked Procrastination as orange, and. Hmmmmmm. Oh man. We got some. Good, yet heartbreaking Logan there. 
Oh my gosh. I'm like. Almost shaking. Oh my gosh. I like. Don't know what to think. Love that totally real phone convo, though with Hello Fresh. Aaaa, what even do I think?! I'm so concerned! On multiple levels! But aw, Nico. I'm reeling. That angry Logan changed everything. Squints that seems lot a lot of paprika. Nico date! Patton!!! Roman!!! Virgil!!! Aw, Logan. Rome didn't fall in a day. "He's giving him permission," WAIT HE'S ANGRY ABOUT THAT TOO??? Okay, Logan's calming down, being okay. OH NO OH NO OH NO THAT WAS HELLA COOL WITH JANUS BUT THE EYES!!!! Crap, orange is anger. Damnit. Chills.
ALSO I had a belated realization at about Janus being in the tree and freaked out about it all day so expect something on that soon.
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breanime · 4 years
Bre boys request- their kid gets stood up or dumped
Billy Russo: He makes sure your daughter knows that the guy is an asshole, and this is NOT a reflection of her own worth. He lets her cry, but he reminds her that she’s a Russo, and she was way too good for that guy anyway. To get her mind off of it and to let off some steam, he takes her shooting, and she’s back to her old, happy self before she’s even out of bullets. 
Logan Delos: Logan is more upset than your daughter is that her boyfriend broke up with her--via text. He’s pacing, ranting and raving as your daughter paints her nails. “I mean, I was gonna break up with him anyway,” she says calmly. “Oh,” Logan stops, “so... shopping?” He offers. She grins. “Shopping!”
Jax Teller: Though he’s upset, Jax makes sure to calmly talk to his son after he’s stood up. “It’s important for you to know that there are other fish in the sea, man,” Jax says, “and obviously this girl isn’t worth your time, but some girl is. I promise you.” Your son nods. “Dad?” “Yeah, man?” “Can I take the bike out? Just to clear my head?” Jax smiles. “Sure, man.”
Coco Cruz: Coco is LIVID when your son’s boyfriend breaks up with him. Your son “doesn’t wanna talk about it”, though, so Coco just takes him to the scrap yard and they work in silence for a while. A few hours pass before your son walks over to him, drops his tools, and just hugs him. “Thanks for this, Dad,” is all he says before he stands up and gets back to work. Coco, however, may be a little teary eyed. 
Angel Reyes: “In light of recent events,” Angel says grandly, “I will allow you to curse freely...Go.” “THAT SON OF A BITCH, WEAK ASS, PUNK ASS, DUMB ASS BITCH! I’M GLAD HE DUMPED ME, FUCK HIM AND FUCK HIS LETTERMAN JACKET AND FUCK HIS BOTOX-HAVING BITCH ASS MAMA AND FUCK HIS STUPID JEEP THAT HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO FIX! FUCK HIM!” “Yeahhhh!” Angel cheered. “Fuck him!” You shook your head from your place on the couch. “C’mon, baby,” Angel nudged you, “fuck him.” “Yes, fine,” you sighed, “fuck him.” 
Miguel Galindo: Miguel and your son aren’t too upset about him getting stood up. “I don’t think her dad likes me,” your son said as he sipped his Cola, “you know... cause of my last name.” Miguel shrugged, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. “Yeah, I kind of figured that was the case. Still, though...” “Eh,” your son grinned, “I was more into her best friend, anyway...” Miguel grinned back, sitting across from him. “Oh yeah? Tell me about her.”
Nick Amaro: When your son was dumped, Nick made sure to sit him down and have a long talk about his feelings. Nick would be damned if his kids grew up to be emotionally stunted men who blamed women for their problems. So they talked it through, and by the end of it, Nick and your son were laughing. “You think Mom would make pancakes for dinner if I asked?” Your son asked. “Course she will! And I’ll even heat the syrup up for you!”
Johnny Tuturro: Johnny took your daughter surfing the morning after she got stood up. They hit the waves for a few hours before collapsing on the beach. He looked over at his beautiful, smart, talented, kind girl and felt himself getting pissed all over again thinking about the son of a bitch who stood her up. But now she was laughing, happy and full of sunshine like usual, and as long as he was around--she always would be. 
Rio: The night your son got dumped, Marcus took him out for some “brother time”. When Rio woke up the next morning, they were passed out on the couch, and for a second, he was worried they went out drinking, but when he got closer, he saw candy wrappers and chocolate cupcakes on the side table. He chuckled, shaking his head as he covered them both up with blankets. He got started on breakfast, mentally rehearsing the fatherly wisdom he would bestow on them when they woke up. 
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! Gonna take a break to eat now!
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25  @mrsjaxtellerfan  @rhabakoli  @encounterthepast @realduckvader   @justvnash @knowles-morgan  @ateliefloresdaprimavera @evanlys19  @nyxxnoxx @carlaangel86  @luminex3 @jigsawlover10  @gollyderek @otomefromtheheart  @lexxierave  @amethyst09 @falsehopesndreams  @a-dorky-book-keeper @witchygagirl @glimmerglittergirl @nich0lasmatthews  @ben-c-group-therapy @felicity-x0 @amirra88 @yourfellowangel @vibranium-soul @xserenax-13  @woahitslucyylu​  @gemini0410 @ktiz90 @theoceanhathsolace @starrynite7114 @my-rosegold-soul @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​
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hannahdra-ws · 4 years
The Village
well, I’ve been there, sitting in that same chair / whispering that same prayer half a million times / it’s a lie, though, buried in disciples / one page of the bible isn’t worth a life 
(or: Patton decides to come out to his parents. It doesn’t go as well as he hoped.)
ships: Logan/Patton, Roman/Virgil
tw: transph*bia, child ab*se, yelling, dissociation, getting kicked out
“No, Princey, you’re just wrong. Cool Ranch Doritos are the superior kind; your taste buds are just broken.”
Roman gasped dramatically, and Patton hid a giggle behind his hand. They were currently all sitting at the park on a nice summer's day; Logan right beside him, Roman on his side, Virgil on his other side, and the newest edition, Janus, right across from him.
“You absolute heathen! Spicy Nacho is obviously the best flavor.” Roman glared at Virgil with no real heat, Virgil just smirking back at him until Roman huffed and waved his hand. “It’s no use trying to change your opinion, you’re just always going to be wrong.”
“If I may,” Janus intervened, adjusting his yellow gloves and flicking his eye up to them, “Both of you are wrong. Nacho cheese is arguably the best flavor.”
“Shut up, Janus.” Both Roman and Virgil said at the same time, causing Janus to roll his eye and go back to… whatever he’s reading. Patton didn’t know.
Patton sighed and heard as their continued banter fell into the background. He’s really, really, really stressed today since… well, he’s planning to come out to his parents today.
read on ao3
HIs parents aren’t really kind people, sure, and they say a lot of things that Patton doesn’t agree with. Logan once described them as “emotionally and psychologically abusive” which Patton doesn’t really see. They don’t mean to hurt him, they love him. 
Just because they call him stupid, and ugly, and irresponsible, that doesn't mean they're bad. They're right.
And just because Patton is a little scared to say that he’s trans, that’s a normal thing. It’s a scary situation.
It’ll all be okay.
He was cut off from his thoughts by Logan gently taking his hand, sending sparks of warmth down his whole arm. Logan leaned over, his blue eyes seeming to sparkle in the sunlight as he let go of Patton’s hand and started signing. ‘Are you alright?’ 
Patton wondered why he didn’t ask out loud, but then he realized it was probably because he didn’t want to bring attention to Patton in case he didn’t want everyone to know. His heart fluttered -- Logan really is the best.
Patton nodded, about to give Logan a big smile, but then he hesitated. He then shook his head and signed with shaky hands- his ASL isn’t really the best, but he’s learning - ‘I need to tell something to the group.’
Logan nodded and cleared his throat, “Excuse me, if you two would stop.” He said to Roman and Virgil, who had now moved on to which type of Pringle was the best, causing them to stop. “Patton has something to say.”
Patton stiffened as every eye turned to him. Why is he nervous? His friends are some of the most supporting people in the world. They already know he’s trans, so telling them he’s planning to come out tonight shouldn’t make him this jittery.
“What’s up, Popstar? You okay?” Virgil asked, leaning his hands on the table. Janus flicked his eye over to Patton in vague interest, Roman turned his full attention to him, and Logan kept holding his hand under the table.
Patton took a deep breath to shake off all the jittery bugs, and exclaimed, “I’m planning to come out to my parents tonight.”
The reaction was mixed. 
Roman and Logan's eyes both widened in a weird mix of concern and pride. Since Roman and Logan are the only ones who've been over to his house, they have actually met his parents.
Janus lifted his eyebrows in surprise and closed the book he was reading. He then tried to act like he wasn't that interested but failed pretty badly (in his own humble opinion.)
And Virgil leaned over more, with his hands spread out on the table and open concern in his eyes. "Really?! Holy shit!" 
Patton tried for a smile, but it kind of fell flat. "Yeah, uh.. It's a bit nerve wracking, if I'm being honest." 
"I'll say, Pat. That is a very brave thing to do." Roman told him, patting (hah! patt-ing) him on the shoulder.
"I definitely don't support you full-heartedly, of course, but aren't your parents incredibly conservative?" Janus asked, making a motion to check his nails even though they were under his gloves.
Patton was going to answer, but Logan cut him off. "Was that sarcasm?"
Janus nodded, giving him a look that said what do you think?
Logan nodded back and continued on. "Yes, Patton, your parents are very conservative and are close minded about a lot of subjects, especially related to LGBTQ+ issues. Are you sure about this?" 
"Logan, I can't keep this a secret anymore. They deserve to know, they're my parents." Pattons heart felt heavy with guilt; they should have known from the moment he figured it out. They've taken so much care of him, and he repays them by lying?
"You don't owe them anything, Patton. If you truly want to come out, we'll support you, but don't feel guilty for not coming out to them sooner. It is entirely up to you." Janus made direct eye contact with him, and Patton felt like that half blind stare could see into his soul and pick him apart. 
Roman nodded in agreement, but didn't say anything. Patton knows that he has issues with his own sexuality, and he's trying his best, but it can still be an uncomfortable talk for him. Patton's heart ached for his friend.
Logan squeezed his hand, "I agree. Whatever you do is entirely up to you." Patton felt his face warm up when Logan squeezed his hand, and tried to ignore it.
The conversation was silent for a moment while Patton thought it over, until Virgil asked, "Would they hurt you?"
The tension in the air seemed to skyrocket as Patton whipped his head up to look at Virgil, who was anxiously wringing his hands. Logan gave him a fidget cube to play with while Patton spluttered, trying to figure out how to respond.
"N-No! Of course they wouldn't! They've never laid a hand on me before!" 
"Just because it hasn't happened yet, doesn't mean it couldn't happen at any moment." Virgil's eyes went dark with a memory, and Patton once again felt an uncharacteristic anger at Virgil's father. 
Patton reached over, slowly enough that Virgil could stop him if he wanted, and took his hand. "I promise, I'll stay safe." 
Virgil held out his pinky finger, "Pinky promise?"
Patton felt his smile grow wide, and felt a glittering happiness in his heart at how far Virgil had come. "Pinky promise." 
"Okay." Virgil breathed, leaning back as Patton sat back into his seat. Janus watched the exchange quietly, an old sort of nostalgia in his eye. 
"Pinky promise? Are you in kindergarten?" Roman teased Virgil, who slapped his arm playfully.
"Shut the fuck up, off-brand Troy Bolton." Janus immediately burst into laughter, hiding his mouth behind his hand as Roman spluttered. 
"Troy Bolton?!" 
"You play football and you're on the drama team, you're literally Troy Bolton."
"You didn't need to call me out like that, though!" 
Janus was still laughing, and even Logan was trying not to smile, and Patton just… took a moment and admired his friends.
He's known Roman since middle school. Patton was immediately drawn to him, his loud personality complimenting Patton perfectly. 
When Roman was 13, his siblings died. Only he and his brother survived, and from what Patton knows, it's because they weren't in the car with them. He never got to meet any of his siblings, but he knows there were a lot; he wants to say maybe 10, including Roman.
It astounds him that so many people could just… die so quickly like that. 
Roman didn't talk a lot after that happened. And sometimes, these days, he just goes silent. But he's getting better, and Patton couldn't be more proud of him.
His eyes moved to Virgil and he felt his heart ache. Virgil started hanging out with them months ago, around the beginning of sophomore year. His sharp wit, dry humor and sarcastic remarks added something to the group that he didn't know was missing.
Patton can say with confidence that he hates Virgil's father. From what Virgil has told him, after his mom died his dad turned into a completely different person. Constantly beating Virgil around, berating him; he doesn't even keep any food in the house for Virgil to eat.
It makes Patton want to cry, thinking about it. 
Janus… confuses him. He doesn't know much about him, but he does know that Patton's breaking down the walls around Janus's heart little by little every day. Patton does know that he's blind in one eye, he's known Virgil since they were really young, and he too used to hang out with Remus before splitting off to this group-- Patton doesn't know why. He would see them in the halls together a long time ago.
Pattons seen Remus in the hallways. He always wanted to go up and talk to him, see how he was doing, but a part of him… a part of him was a little scared of him. Remus had the reputation of being "the druggie" around school, and as much as Patton hated himself for it, it kind of made him wary to talk to him.
The deep eye bags and the bruised knuckles did always make him worry a bit though. 
He hopes one day he'll muster up the courage to talk to him.
"So, I know what Patton is doing, but what are all of you doing after this? Burning a bank down, perhaps?" Janus inquired the rest of the group.
Logan huffed. "Burning a bank down is illegal. I'm going home to study." 
Roman frowned, "It's summer, calculator watch. You don't need to study." 
"It's good to get a head start on the next year's courses." 
Roman stared at him like he was speaking another language, then shook his head and sighed. "Whatever. I'm going home. I've got to catch up on my beauty routine." He flashed a dazzling smile, and Patton giggled. 
"C-" Virgil stopped and cleared his throat, then spoke again. "Can I come over?" He asked Roman quietly, his voice soft, like he was afraid Roman would say no.
Roman turned to him, clearly surprised, "You want to come over?"
Virgil shook his head and forcefully pushed down on one of the buttons on his fidget cube, "I mean- I don't have to, if you're busy, it's fine-" 
"No! I'm not busy! You can come over!" Roman burst out in one breath, and Virgil looked up at him, mouth open slightly in surprise.
"Oh.. Okay. Cool." Virgil smiled at him hesitantly, and Roman beamed back, and Patton swears there's an emotional connection between them. They look at eachother for way too long for nothing to be going on.
Janus fake gagged at Roman and Virgil, then stood up and adjusted his gloves. "My dad is going to be home for the first time in a while, so I'm going home to eat with him. Right now."
They all said their goodbyes to Janus, who did a little bow and patted Patton's shoulder for good luck. 
Patton felt his phone buzz and got it out, not sure why his stomach dropped when he checked the message he got. 
Momma: Dinners going to be ready soon. Hurry up. 
"I gotta go, kiddos," Patton said, standing up and giving Roman a hug from where Roman was sitting. Logan and Virgil don't usually like hugs, so he didn't bother asking for one. 
"Good luck, sunshine, may good fortune be in your favor!" Roman declared dramatically, hugging him back despite the awkward angle.
"Stay safe, Pat, okay?" Virgil told him, and Patton nodded and said he would. 
Logan only gave him a quick nod, which confused him a bit, but he shrugged it off and walked away to find his bike. 
When Patton found it, he was about to head home, when-- 
"Patton! Wait!" 
Logan was running after him, his 6'4 frame towering over him as he came to a stop, looking oddly nervous. 
Patton smiled at him, "What's up, Lolo?" 
Logan cleared his throat, flapping his hands a bit, "Would you, um. Would you like a hug? I've read that hugs can be optimal for comfort in high stress situations, and today has been a good sensory day, so-" 
Logan was cut off by Patton squealing and rushing into him, Patton making sure not to hold him too tightly.
Golly, Patton doesn't think he's ever met someone like Logan. Meeting him in middle school was probably a miracle. Kind and super duper intelligent, telling him all sorts of facts about space and the ocean. Patton loves to watch Logan infodump to him, flapping his hands and smiling so wide. His heart flips in his chest whenever Logan comes into a room, or whenever he speaks; his smooth voice makes Patton feel safe and at home. 
So, maybe Patton has a crush on Logan. Gosh, can you blame him?
Logan smells like rain water and old leather paper. Patton's face is buried in his chest, coming up to around 5'8 so he's super short compared to him. Logan's strong arms are wrapped loosely around him, and Patton genuinely just-- doesn't want to leave.
He breaks the hug sooner than later, though, because he doesn't want to overwhelm Logan. Patton's pretty sure his cheeks are glowing, and by the looks of it, Logan's are too.
Logan clears his throat again, "...Was that satisfactory?" He asked quietly, and gosh he's so ding dang cute Patton almost can't handle it. 
"It was very satisfactory, Lo." 
Logan smiled down at him, "Well, that's nice to hear. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me, at my house that is." 
Patton nodded, pushing up his circle glasses that ended up slipping down his nose. "I know, Logan, thank you." 
Logan nodded, then stepped back a bit. "Well, I won't keep you. Goodbye Patton. Good luck." 
Patton hopped on his bike, "Bye Lolo!" He waved, before pedaling off.
On his way home, he planned out what he would say. 
He slowly became more and more anxious, but it will be fine.
Everything is going to be fine. 
Everything was not going to be fine.
Patton was pacing around his room, heart racing probably too fast to be considered normal. Dread curled around his stomach like a snake, squeezing and squeezing until it felt like he couldn't breathe.
He can't do this, why did he think he could do this? He can't breathe- 
"Okay, deep breaths, Pat. You're okay." He said out loud to himself. Remembering the breathing exercises that Virgil used, he deeply inhales for 4 seconds, holds for 7, and exhales for 8.
It takes a few more attempts until he's able to breathe normally, but eventually his heart rate slows down a bit. 
Picking up his phone, he sent a message off to the group chat that he and the others all share.
PappyPatton: Wish me luck. dinners about to be ready :))
Logan: Good luck, Patton.
RomanoLettuce: Good luck padre!!!!!! remember to take your sword (I'll give u mine if u want it)
draculawannabe: good luck pat, pls stay safe 
twofacedgay: I hope you have fun, but don't force yourself 
Patton smiled as his chest filled with joy. Gosh, he loves his friends so much. 
"Anna! Dinners ready!" 
Instantly that joy shattered, once again replaced by ice sinking into his stomach. Patton swallowed his nerves and replied, "Coming!" 
He took a deep breath, put his phone in his pocket and went downstairs, praying to whoever would listen that everything would be okay. 
When he got downstairs, his baby sister, Angela, squealed when she saw him and made grabby hands. Patton cooed and pinched her cheeks,"Well hi! I missed you too!" 
Angela gurgled and gave him one of her cheerios from her plate. Patton picked it up with a big smile and popped it in his mouth, then thanked his little sister for the generous offer.
"Anna, sit down. Your mother has had a hard day." His father commanded. Patton swallowed and sat down at the end of the table, looking at his plate. Ugh. Broccoli.
Patton's mother sighed and came out of the kitchen, sitting down and putting her head in her hands. Oh, god, she's in a bad mood. 
She sighed again before sitting up, seeming to shake off the tiredness as she offered her hands to both of them. "Let's say grace before dinner." 
Please, don't. God already knows I'm sinning.
But they did it anyways, and before Patton knew it everyone was digging in. He's not hungry.
His father took note of his and said, "Anna. You need to eat."
His mother turned and saw his still full plate, and sighed at him with disappointment. "I spent all that time making this, and you're not even going to eat it? Ungrateful." 
Patton felt guilt wallow up inside him,wrapping around his throat and choking him, but didn't let it phase him. His mother and father resumed their conversation (something about the stock market, Patton doesn't know) before Patton cleared his throat.
"Um, mom, dad.. I have to tell you something." 
His mother and father stopped, turning to him. His mother looked irritated, you can't do anything right, and his father just looked vaguely curious.
"Is this about your grades? If it is, then we already know your grades. They need to be higher." His mother said.
Patton swallowed again, trembling a little bit, "Uh- n-no, it's not that." 
You can do it, Patton. It's not that hard. 
His father tilted his head, "Then, what? Out with it, girl." 
Patton took a deep breath, stop shaking you're fine everything's fine here we go here we go, and said, his voice trembling, "I'm trans."
Then, his mother started laughing.
Patton looked up at her, confused. Why is she laughing? 
"That's funny, dear." His mom chuckled, mirth dripping from her voice. His father just looked uncomfortable.
"N-no, mom, I'm serious. I'm a-a-a boy." Patton dug his nails into his thigh under the table. "I-I'd actually prefer to go by Patton." 
His mother stopped laughing.
"You're serious?" Her voice had gone unrecognizable. Gone was the laughter and the mirth; now all he heard was rage. The tension in the room had risen to almost unbearable levels.
His stomach curled in on himself as he nodded, "Y-Yeah, I-"
Patton recoiled, face swinging to the side as he tried to process what just happened. His cheek started stinging.
She smacked him.
She smacked him.
He didn’t even see her move.
"How could you do this to me, Anna?! To us?!" His mom yelled, oh god she's yelling now, everything is going wrong. 
She stood up, forcefully pushing herself away from the table. His father grabbed her arm, but she shook him off and stared Patton down. 
"Didn't we raise you to know better?! God is going to punish you, Anna!" His mother screamed at him, her face red with rage. "You're going to hell!"
Patton whimpered and flinched hard when a plate was thrown at him, barely managing to dodge. When did she pick up the plate? What is happening?!
Angela was screaming, his mother was screaming, his face hurt from the slap, this wasn't how this was supposed to go-
He doesn't know when he started crying, burying himself in his trembling arms, trying to make the noise go away. He felt like he was watching this happen through a window, or on a TV screen. This couldn’t be real.
"Diana, please," his father tried to interject, but was cut off by his mother.
"No, Michael! She's sinning! She thinks she's a boy!" His mother shrieked and Patton cringed in on himself, trying to remember the breathing exercises that Virgil uses, trying to stop crying.
"M-m-mom, I'm s-sorr-" he tried to say, lifting his shaking head up slightly, before he was backhanded so hard he fell out of his chair to the floor and the room was spinning.He vaguely noticed his glasses falling off; his mother stepped on them with a loud crack.
Patton tried to regain his breath, his ears ringing, before he felt his shirt being pulled and him being forced to stand.
His mother stood before him, her eyes filled with tears and rage and hatred.
"Get out." She said, oh so quietly.
What? Was she kicking him out? Ice cold dread wrapped around his chest, sinking into his stomach like a stone. No no no no please-
"B-but I-"
She smacked him again, hard enough to make his nose bleed, "Get out, get out, get out! Don't come back until you've opened up your heart to the lord!" She screamed, sending him into a full blown terror. His heart raced, as he scrambled up the stairs, hearing the yelling continue from downstairs. He didn't even look at what he was taking, he just threw in random things, trying to get out of there as fast as possible. Patton’s heart raced with adrenaline and panic as he stuffed everything into a Wal-Mart bag. Was he crying? He didn't know. All he knew was that he needed to get out of there.
Patton ran back downstairs, desperately just wanting to leave, before she got even more angry. He made eye contact with his father, who just glared at him and looked away.
His baby sister was still shrieking and crying. His mother was standing over the table, surrounded by broken glass, shoulders tense with anger.
She turned to face Patton, and the rage that seemed to simmer down sprung to life again.
"Get the fuck out! I don't want to see your face again, Anna!" She spat his deadname, like it was poison.
Patton didn't hesitate, scrambling to the door and running out into the freezing night air, holding his bag close to his chest.
"God is going to punish you!" His mother shrieked from the house, and that was the last thing he heard before he started running.
Patton didn't even have his glasses; he could barely see. He was running so hard his chest started to hurt, combined with the cold night air, made him want to cough. Adrenaline coursed through Patton's veins, coursing alongside the crushing fear of what would happen if he didn't get away.
But he didn't even know where he was going. Where does he go now?
One word popped into the back of his mind, and he knew that was where he had to go. 
Patton doesn't know how long it took to get to Logan's house. Everything is blurry from his lack of glasses, and his chest hurts and his face hurts and everything hurts-
He knew the outline of Logan's house, though, and suddenly he was on the front porch, knocking urgently. 
God is going to punish you.
Patton felt like he was floating. Like he could look down and see his own body standing there; he's pretty sure there's a term for that, but he can't remember it right now.
Everything is going numb; whether that's from the cold or otherwise, he doesn't care.
How could you do this to me? To us?
Patton had stopped crying a few blocks back- now, everything is just cold numbness. 
Patton was jerked out of his thoughts when the front door opened, revealing Logan's giant form.
"Did you forget your ke- oh, Patton. What are you doing here? Are- Are you alright?" Logan tilted his head as he stared at Patton in concern.
Patton must look like a mess- dried tears and snot and a little blood, big red slap mark on his cheek, no glasses and a Wal-Mart bag.
Patton shook his head, trying to get rid of the ever present nothing that he felt. "Uh- not really, Lolo." His voice was rough and scratchy from crying.
Logan's eyes darted down to the Wal-Mart bag, then to the slap mark on his face and lack of glasses, and just- stared.
The silence went on for a while, and Patton turned to leave. I shouldn't have bothered him, I bother everyone god is going to punish you 
"I'm sorry." Patton said, his voice small, "I didn't mean to bother you. I can go-"
"No!" Logan exclaimed, making Patton flinch and turn back around.  Logan looked sheepish from his outburst and wrung his hands a bit, "Apologies for startling you. Please, come in." Logan stepped aside so that Patton could come in, still eyeing the Wal-Mart bag.
Patton walked in and let Logan direct him to the couch. Patton always liked Logan's house. The layout was similar to his, but it had the comfort and warmth that his own home (don't come back until you've opened your heart to the lord) was missing. 
"Let me- um- let me get you some water. And a blanket." Logan mumbled before hurrying off, leaving Patton alone with his thoughts.
He could hear the water running. He could hear Logan rummaging around in the closet, probably looking for a blanket. Logically, he knows where he is.
But he feels just- disconnected from his body.
Why in the world did he think that coming out to them would be a good idea? Patton knows their views, he should have been smarter, shouldn't have been so trusting-
Maybe Patton's prayer went unanswered because Patton deserved this. Maybe this is his punishment.
And now he's bothering Logan,the best person in the world, with his burdens. He's probably overwhelming him. God, he can't do anything right. 
"Here." Logan draped a large, blue, soft blanket over Patton's shoulders. He gently handed him the glass of water, keeping his hands raised in case Patton's shaky hands dropped it.
"Thank you." Patton's voice felt wrong to his own ears as he took a sip of water. It soothed his raw throat, and after a few sips he was glad he could speak correctly again.
Logan stayed silent, aside from the continuous tapping on his leg. Patton knows he must have questions, so he sets the glass down and curls his knees into his chest, giving him silent permission to ask.
And that's just what Logan did. "Patton… what happened?" Logan's voice was quiet, concerned. Patton shrugged, cracking an empty smile that fell 2 seconds after he put it up.
"I came out. It- uh- didn't go so well." He tried to giggle, but it was watery and he suddenly has the urge to cry cry cry cry. 
"What happened to your glasses? Why do you have a Wal- ...Oh." Logan's went silent again, but this time you could basically feel the rage in the air. "How dare they." 
Logan sounded angry. Patton instinctively curled up more, an apology on the tip of his tongue, but Logan cut him off before he could. 
"No, Patton, I'm not mad at you, I just-" Logan took a deep breath and flapped out his hands a bit, "Did they kick you out?" He was straight to the point.
Patton nodded.
Logan swore and bit down on his knuckle, and Patton realized with a start that there were tears in Logan's eyes. Why is he crying?! God I made him sad too what is wrong with me?!
Patton jumped up, "Oh, you're crying! I'm so sorry, Logan!" Patton tried to apologize, but Logan shook his head and wiped his eyes. 
"It's- It's fine. Do not worry about it." Logan took a deep breath, in and out, and then looked at Patton again. 
"Patton I- I am so sorry that happened to you. That never should have happened, ever. Your parents should have been accepting and kind to who you really are. I'm so sorry they weren't." 
Patton shrugged again, not feeling so numb anymore as he looked down and bit back the tears in his throat. 
Logan scooted over and took his hand.
And then the dam broke. 
Patton started sobbing- gut wrenching tears were dragged out of him, as he put his head in his hands and let the sobs wrack his body. It hurts so much, everything hurts so much- 
He was vaguely aware of his body being maneuvered, and suddenly his head was on Logan's chest, and Logan's hand was in his hair, and he was whispering- not reassurances, but just facts.
"Your name is Patton. You have brown eyes and dirty blonde hair, bordering on brown. You have freckles and a gap in your teeth. You adore frogs and butterflies." Logan kept up a steady whisper of facts about Patton, as Patton kept crying into Logan. 
He cried for about 10 minutes before the tears finally slowed, and he could sit up from Logan's chest but he doesn't want to. Even though he made a wet spot on Logan's pajamas, and is probably bothering him with this whole thing, he doesn't want to leave. 
"Please don't make me leave." Slipped out before he could stop it, and he felt his ears heat with shame. 
"Oh, Patton- You're not leaving. You are staying right here." Logan sounded like he was crying, too, and that just made Patton feel awful.
"In fact, you're staying with us from now on. You're going to live here." Patton's mind screeched to a halt as he looked back up at Logan. What? 
"You're staying here. My mom's can be your legal guardians." Logan looked completely serious.
Patton's mind was spinning. Could they do that? Isn't that against the law?
"If we have your biological parents permission, you can stay here all you want. My mom's can go get your stuff tomorrow. Patton, you are not going back there. You deserve to have a safe home, where you can be yourself without having to be afraid or belittled. You deserve safety." 
And- and- 
And Patton thought the tears were done, but apparently they weren't, and he started sobbing again into Logan's night shirt. 
He felt dizzy with relief, his chest contracting in an almost painful way. 
He's going to be okay. 
With Logan whispering gentle facts in his ear, and Logan's heartbeat under his other ear, and the voice of his mother in his head getting quieter. 
God is probably still going to punish him. But that's later.
Because right now Patton can feel Logan's breathing and feel his voice echo through his chest as he talks quietly with his mom's, who apparently Patton didn't hear coming through the door.
Patton had one last, coherent thought before slipping into unconsciousness.
I'm going to be okay.
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Virgil and Roman, college au (virgil is the shy nerd and roman is the rude jock) enemies to lovers and (I'll be nice 20-30 mins)
I'm not Copying high school musical, I'm simply Taking Inspiration /hj
It was a new school. Virgil's first day. As expected, his heart was racing for the Olympics. To say nervous was an understatement. Terrified was a better word. His brother Logan assured him that he would be fine, and had sprouted a lot of statistics of people joining new schools.
He'd already had an induction, so today was his first day on his own. Well, with a partner to help ease him in.
"Virgil, this is Roman. He will show you around, until you're used to the way things work."
A jock. Roman was the star of the football team, and Virgil could feel the judgment already. But there was something about him-
"hi nerd. This is our college, cafeterias here, sports hall is down the corridor to the right, arts here, science here-" His voice was deep, and soothing. Like waves lapping on a shore.
"...and I think that's everything. Do you mine me going there? I needed to speak to my friends-"
"yeah sure, go ahead" Virgil was partly relieved to see him go, partly scared as his map was now at a table. Laughing with friends. Probably at him.
After lunch (which he spent alone) Virgil had gone to his next class. drama.
It should have been a quiet, uneventful class if not for 2 things. Romans presence and the teacher, miss Smith, discovering his "hidden potential".
"you're auditioning for our show, it's in December, and I believe you have what it takes to be a star" she was way too excited for a Monday.
"no thanks i-" but before he could speak against acting, the bell rang. At least he was good at science. It should be ok.
He was wrong. Roman and his friends were there, talking about him.
"nice makeup" one of the tall ones. This was the third time he had heard him say this. And the third time Roman had surprisingly punched him lightly, signalling him to stop.
"I don't need your protection" of course Roman would be condescending. But Virgil didn't need a knight in shining armour. He needed to go home and drink more coffee.
"fine, but I'm only looking it for you! No need to get so defensive!" Romans eyes twinkled, reflecting the bright lights in the lab.
Virgil didn't make it 3 steps out the door.
"Where are you going? We have drama." Roman grabbed his arm and started pulling him towards the classroom.
"I have homework- let me go!" No matter how much he struggled, Virgil couldn't break free. Resigned to his fare, he walked beside Roman in silence, till they made it to the class.
"fantastic! You're both here! Now sit down, auditions are tomorrow. You will each present a 2 minute performance that you feel best suits the character you want. Remember in this play, anyone can audition for any part. Virgil, have you chosen the part you would like to audition for?"
Seeing the shake of his head she let him know that he'd been assigned to audition for one of the leads. Be knew he shouldn't have shared his acting history at his old school.
The next day went by in a blur, Roman had offered to let him sit with his friends at lunch, but it was obviously sarcastic so Virgil had sat alone. Again. The only difference today was Romans sparkly red nail polish.
Nobody commented on Virgil's makeup today.
Then it was time for drama. They gave their auditions in private, though everyone could hear Roman singing. Despite his opinion of him, it sounded good and Virgil knew that Roman would get any part he wanted. Virgil have his, a part of a scene from snow white, where she eats the apple. He hoped that would be enough to drive Miss Smith's attention away from him.
The next day was loud. The cast lists had been revealed. And the ones who had gotten the leads, the lovestruck protagonists, were...
Virgil and Roman? He'd gotten the part. He was a lead. But so was Roman. And by the look on the other boys face, he was just as surprised.
The next few weeks had gone by in a blur. Rehearsing most scenes.
Then miss Smith had pulled him and Roman aside.
"boys, the show is coming soon, and we are behind. If it's not too much, would you both be ok rehearsing after school? We need to be ready for December"
In the end they had no choice. Roman grabbed Virgil by the shoulder as he went to leave.
"my house, 8pm? Here's my number, I'll text you the address." And he was gone. Virgil felt sick, his stomach was turning and he wiped his palms on his jeans. This will be alright, right?
"is this too much? Do I need a suit? Or is that too formal? What do I wear? Do I go in costume?"
"you are properly dressed Virgil. Now go, his house is only a 3 minute walk" Logan had basically dragged him out the house. The walk went too quickly. He faced Romans doorbell.
They were alone in the house. Just practicing some scenes, when they got to That one. The kiss.
"if you're uncomfortable we can cut it-" Roman was kinder here. Without his friends he was almost...nice to be around.
"it's ok. Is the idea of kissing me that bad princey?" He smirked as Romans cheeks flushed red.
"no! Of course not i-"
"relax. That was a joke." Virgil picked up the script. "Ready?"
It was going smoothly. Then Roman got closer, and closer. His lips were inches away. They were softer than feathers. Virgil's cheats exploded with butterflies and his thoughts were quiet for once.
"was that ok? Are you still ok to do this?-" Virgil cut him off with another kiss. His heart was light and his face was on fire.
"that wasn't in the script nerd." It was Virgil's turn to be flustered.
"I'm sorry i-"
"hey, I enjoyed it." He did? He felt the same? Whatever that was.
"you know, to make the acting more realistic, maybe we should do this again? It doesn't have to be here." Roman was bright pink.
"but where else can we rehearse-"
"I'm asking you on a date!" Roman? Handsome, smart, talented Roman was asking him on a date??
"oh- are you free next Saturday?" Was this happening? Was he asking Roman on a date? Is this a good idea?
"as a matter of fact, I am. I'll pick you up at 7?"
"it's a date, princey"
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