#and made me the creative i am today
skitskatstudios · 10 months
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Guess who got a new cane!!! To celebrate, I have given Kaidou a cane. :)
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simgerale · 3 months
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me after attempting to get back into sims and realizing i had a lot more to do than play the game
#hi everyone#I’m going around hugging you all#okay now that we are gathered here today#i will simply acknowledge that i have been gone for a very long time and then also acknowledge that maybe it was for the best#i relied on sims to be my only creative activity even if i tried to write a book at the same time#and also. i prioritized sims over real life responsibilities. that’s just a deadly combination lol#but I recently noticed I just replaced sims with Netflix. with YouTube. with anything that gave me quick dopamine#literally became addicted in a sense. still am but I’ve been cut cold turkey from most everything#I get off work and go. okay I’ve done the dishes and the laundry……..I could read or write or bake….#I try to write and sometimes i get a good hour#then I read for a few hours and then get tired of it#and I made cookies Tuesday so I’m waiting for those to be gone before baking again#I’m just so pitiful that I feel BORED and don’t know what to do#so I said….. okay what if I do sims for an hour.#I downloaded some new cc Tuesday and tried to play yesterday#y’all ……………….. I can’t find the energy anymore to set up elaborate scenes and pose my sims and plan posts#I said wow… this is boring without my intervention and fake story#I said wow…….. all this for what? for tumblr? yes I created cool things and provided joy. but is that inherintly important compared to my#own joy? my own everyday activities I should be doing?#y’all I do not leave the house unless we got out to eat or shop or travel to our parents#.. I have little desire to. I’m trying to find that desire#but my husband is busy with grad school and work and I don’t want to do anything by myself#I’ve found myself in one heck of a slump#I didn’t want to be human for awhile. just had no desires no interests no ambitions#I was slacking off SO HARD at work. I just had no drive to do well#I’m still working on it. I’m still trying to get caught up. I’m still trying to force myself to move every day.#but I am struggling y’all. and I can tell you that sims… sims isn’t helping rn but I want it to so bad. I want to get back into it#I didn’t mean to disappear on everyone. I got married and then life got busy and then I fell into this hole of nothing#I didn’t even WANT to crawl my way out. but my husband has helped a lot. I feel like such a child!!!!#I reached max tags. 🙃 bye love you all. till next time
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toonagi · 11 months
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and here's the rest of them
i managed a whopping 15 attacks this year! that's over double what i was able to do during my first artfight :D
in order (top left -> bottom right):
Tetris (EyelessPyro (artfight))
D-999 (Thestral (artfight))
Sun and Moon (@crabussy feat. @silly-solar-robot and @lunar-android)
Alpha (devilkitty1 (artfight))
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
i finally got a money order for my new passport, scheduled my appointment for tomorrow, got my auto insurance printed, and set out vinegar and dish soap gnat traps to finally kill those thangs. literally so adultcore of me. everyone clap
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katyspersonal · 7 months
Tumblr sorta needs a 'Mute' feature in my opinion. Like what if I don't want to block this user, what if I don't want to become enemies and in some days I'd like to interact. But also most of the time seeing how they avidly encourage everyone else whereas I get the passive-aggressive 'oh yeah very uhh... interesting... (please leave me alone I don't like your art lol)' makes me want to unfollow every single fan of these characters and never draw them again.
I remember two years ago the exact same thing happened when someone liked the same character and the same ship and I swear I was the only person in the fandom they bluntly left out and could not spare a single good word for. I can't even blame this on my art being "ugly" because this type of user always aggressively praises all art styles and all levels of skill, it feels more like 'a personal thing except we never fought a single time'. And now my toxic trait of needing approval from [cool person name] is back to haunt me years later! Add the unability to "abandon" this character/ship/whatever despite wanting to after facing so much unspoken passive spite, because I am a contrarian and the best way to trap me into doing something is to try to exclude me from it. I didn't face attempts to very aggressively bully me out of the yard/class/community/etc, sometimes with physical violence included, only to let something mid like passive aggression online finally do it.
I am really stupid and naive person despite my age, but in like 5% of the cases I will still understand the hint and understand what is going on. Yet I have to pretend to be clueless even in rare situations when I know someone hates me, because since they never admitted it, quitting will be perceived as me being "paranoid". But dear goooood, it hurts sometimes. I hope that one day I will be numbed to being treated as a tumor on an otherwise healthy body of society that someone is dying to amputate- and always a person whose approval I want, of all people. Knowing that this day will come is one of the things that keep me going as both a person and a creator. Things like viruses and diseases still try their best to persist, so even if I am actually one, I should persist. It doesn't matter whether I actually rot everything around me or this is just my self-depreciating delusion upon focusing on people that mistreated me and not people that loved me. What matters is persisting, I just still feel angry that it hurts. I can't respond spite with spite or passive aggression with passive aggression, I can't do the 'smug asshole' when I become aware that someone tries to starve me until I "die". I can just fall over and cry about it like a kicked dog, despite being so old, especially when it is a person I didn't have anything against.
And really.. It is as simple as turning the internet off, so I don't see The Person and can focus on doing stuff that I like, as if they never existed and can't crash my self-esteem. It is just annoying to keep doing this, a feature to not see them unless I am in the mood would be better. Like.. blocking is not an option. Not only it implies being enemies which is not my intention, but also it will be like an "evidence" that I was "crazy". They didn't do anything, right? Well, they know what they did, but it was never verbal, so it is my fault I "imagined things", right?
#/vent#/negative#/HEAVILY negative#fandomry rambles#like I started crying typing this do not read it unless you already know#it is just stupid how I don't even need any sort of drama to *just* annoy people to THIS severe point#like I said even before everything there was a very similar situation#I just evoke some primal hatred in specific type of people#it is probably what happened with maasanox but they apologized and moreover felt bad vibes from the stalker bully idiot#it is more like that meme from Lilo and Stitch#'ah yeah all artists and other creative fans deserve knowing they are liked and talented and supported...'#*katya walks in* 'EXCEPT THAT ONE!!!!!!!'#the punchline is that the two years ago guy and todays guy are fans of the same character#I swear the fictional bastard has abnormal ability to reveal the ugliest truths and bring out the worst in people#like the last time someone kinned the twink every single person here showed their true face and that was painful#not a single person got spared of showing what they were made of and me lacking spine was the LEAST of the sins brought up for judgement#you see this is why truth hurts. because people are terrible. truth is always ugly because WE are always ugly#I kinda love him for that but seriously can he stop making the worst things surface for FIVE minutes lol#in my excuse I am TRYING to kill my 'inner child' because these problems are too stupid but it seems impossible#I am a kicked dog with rabies in the past today and always
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laylakeating · 7 months
hello friends 😁
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dragqueenpentheus · 1 year
the only way ive figured out how to stop feeling small and talentless is to just keep doing it anyway and so far????? not working will update in future
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highwaydiamonds · 1 year
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Not a resolution - just maybe a bit of hope and intention to start out the year
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silhouettecrow · 10 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 219
Adjective: Glorious
Noun: Corruption
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Glorious: having, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration; having a striking beauty or splendor that evokes feelings of delighted admiration
Corruption: dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery; the action of making someone or something morally depraved or the state of being so; the process by which something, typically a word or expression, is changed from its original use or meaning to one that is regarded as erroneous or debased; the process of causing errors to appear in a computer program or database; (archaic) decay, or putrefaction
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thursdayg1rl · 10 months
didn't realise that the summer I turned pretty season 2 was still going lmaoo. I finished episode 6 and was like well damn I guess this is it. here we go again ig
#the problem with this series is that it is too set in todays time#but the books are so so 2010 coded and it kind of ruins the whole vibe#even the little choices of adding in modern music.. idk man. like my Jeremiah has never heard of Ariana grande and I know this in my heart#its so. Netflix originalified#and I know we will look back in 10 years to cringe at this bc even now I am cringing at it#and then the casting. that's a whole separate issue#she really said Conrad was 'dark dark dark' and they made him barely a brunette (can you use brunette for men? many have been wondering)#and Jeremiah isn't even properly blond like can we commit to the bit please. be serious about this im not even playing#bc they could have dyed their hair its not even that deep#I like belly at least like I look at her and I think yeah that could be belly#and Taylor as well actually. not in season 1 but her season 2 hair I believe it can be her#the only good thing they changed is making Jeremiah bisexual#and also I think the characters aren't obsessed with each other how I thought they should be after reading the books#the stakes are simply not that high when in the books it was like life or death for belly to get Conrad to notice her#ALSO not enough flashback scenes to their childhood#I don't even care ab this like that but it's just the principle of the thing! like it could have been great and they fumbled it completely#I need to have some kind of input in these things they should hire me as a creative director 😤#also I came here to say that Jeremiah is wearing an outfit I have worn many times before but I got sidetracked
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hoyatype · 1 year
in a particular mood where i’m deeply deeply deeply appreciative of some people; deeply misanthropically annoyed by others…
perhaps it’s bc i’m in a state of refining and sharpening my values (not a passive exercise but an active one: i am trying to orient my entire life around those values, very seriously and strictly)…and it feels more intolerable than normal to encounter people who do not have those values i’m trying so hard to instill within myself!
like people who are funny all the time but not sincere about anything…people who would rather avoid difficulty instead of running headlong into it, believing that there’s something better after…people who do not spend all their time thinking about how they could intellectually and creatively push themselves further…people who will let themselves succumb to their mental distortions instead of challenging them and working thru them…
as per usual, the things we judge most in others are the things we want to change within ourselves. or have just started to change but the change doesn’t feel settled yet.
i think when i’m more secure about balancing my mental health and day job and creative aspirations and family responsibilities i’ll feel much more capable of engaging socially with certain people. but atm i viscerally cannot stand it. so. muting some groupchats for a little bit…i need the peace and quiet to keep on writing and trying…
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six-of-ravens · 10 months
I would really like a single office day where I don't come home and play an evening-long game of Am I The Asshole?
#i probably am#coworker got mad at me today bc she used chatg/pt to write a list of revisions for me#and what it wrote was both incredibly condescending (chat/gpt feels the need to explain the basic rules of design like you're an infant)#and way longer than it should've been (we ask everyone to keep their posts short and sweet so that we don't have to read a whole paragraph#to figure out what the hell they want us to do)#so anyway i just told her 'pls just write out the tasks we don't need a whole chatg/pt essay for this'#and that made her mad bc she 'wrote everything up so nicely!' (no you didn't bitch)#so anyway we're caught in a loop of both thinking the other is a fucking asshole who's being a dick for no reason#also i sent her 2 screenshots just to explain that I'd thought 2 things were different sizes and she went ballistic#anyway... it's annoying bc i think she's our best designer but also. very much starting to not like her as a person#maybe i complimented her work too much. the other week she wrote out changes BY HAND that were perfectly clear and good#and i told her as much in the meeting#so....i guess this time she decided to use chatgpt? to be massively condescending bc CLEARLY i didn't just type thr wrong number somewhere#nooooooo CLEARLY i just don't understand web design at all!#also she got in a snit about 'of course X is Y pixels tall! we do all those meetings where we discuss the grid size!!'#which like....i am in those meetings and they are just the one dev trying to convince the designers to use the grid#and them coming up with a million reasons not to#sooooooo fuck me i guess for not expecting you to use the grid when all you do is piss yourselves about how were stifling your creativity#ANYWAY. so yeah maybe i am the asshole but in my defence don't use a fkn ai to write something that should take like 5 mins to write
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aux-armes-citoyens · 2 years
how long have you been rping francis?
since 2010 babey!!!!
i think i've been around on tumblr since 2012 as francis
too long is the real answer
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today i realized that i actually really miss being in school. i miss having that sort of intellectual and creative stimulation. there’s so much that i still want to learn in the fields that i’m passionate about, and perhaps one of the reasons i’ve been so creatively dries out lately is because i’m essentially teaching myself a lot of things?
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
Second Covid booster fatigue on top of my usual levels of fatigue hitting hard. 😮‍💨 i thought I didn’t have spoons before but I did practically nothing today oops.
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hecksupremechips · 1 month
Derby is for colts and fillies alike so long as they’re 3 year old thoroughbreds. 3 fillies have won the derby, though the race is historically dominated by colts due to speed qualifications. The oaks race is for fillies yes, but the derby is not just for colts like your post implies. Please stop trying to spread false information. Yes people who attend derby are mostly rich white folk but behind the scenes are poc workers and people who genuinely have a love for horses and the sport alike
That feels a bit better to know. For some reason idk people around here just label one race as the girl one and the other as the boy one and it’s like why are you being misogynistic about horses. So it’s nice its not like that in reality but now it’s like weird cuz whyyyy have people around me just been spreading horse misogyny my whole life 🤔
And yeah I didn’t intend to spread misinformation but hm I definitely don’t know derby lore very well I just know some fan culture that I’ve grown up around so that’s definitely not gonna give me a very clear picture so idk what I was thinking. I’m mostly just fed up with some of the ways people have treated the derby in my area and really just fed up with family rn so I was being bitter but I shouldn’t have made any like. Statements about the actual derby when I don’t really know what I’m talking about at all and also most things in Kentucky culture and history have a really interesting background and there’s always gonna be passionate people and poc involved that don’t really get shown on the surface cuz. Racism. I do have my big grudges against these rich people from out of state or from the rich neighborhoods of Louisville who treat the derby like some big spectacle but then scoff at the rest of the state and clutch their pearls in fear when they have to park in a closed off parking lot where they gotta pay a black man for parking and then walk through neighborhoods they deem filthy just to get to the derby but eh fuck them. Let’s be here for horses and kentucky history and culture and just celebrate the amazing shit that we have going on
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