#and make seal rui real
murmurmurl · 8 months
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@tearwolfe I like his new drip. a lot.
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tearwolfe · 5 months
I just thought of this but can seal rui communicate with regular seals?
Some real arf-to-arf chattering, y'know?
This was direct from the intrusive thought chamber 👍
yeah!! he can make seal noises! i haven't figured out his exact like.. anatomy? but despite looking human from the waist up, he has a lot of seal features in that part of him. hence the spotting and sharp teeth! so that extends to his vocals as well.
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sstrawb · 1 year
i was thinking about rui mermaid au but then i started think about ruikasa mermaid au....
tsukasas just some normal guy trying to heal this damaged mermaid (rui) thats living in this bathtub but then the mermaid starts falling inlove with tsukasa because of how he takes care of him
and like rui doesnt speak but makes little cute noises
like seal noises but add a bit of snake into them
and the way tsukasa and rui understand eachother is with hand gestures and they understand what the other is saying half of the time
the mermaid brainrot is real.
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katbloo · 30 days
Hi have chapter 1 of the prologue of my BSD OC fic cause why not
Btw let me know your thoughts if you have any, also reshares are appreciated if you’re ok reposting this content
Chapter 1
The club was overrun with crowds and the heavy scent of alcohol. The lights were flashing, the floor was dirty, and pretty much every corner had a different couple making out in it. The place was a nightmare.
Rui Hoshino was a young woman who often didn’t go out in public, and when she did she would always regret it. Everything around her made her want to gag, but it was better than being stuck at home.
She looked around the bar, a man catching her eye. He was built and had short black hair, he was surrounded by women, to which Rui realized she didn’t have a chance at getting his attention at all. She blended in with the crowd, basic black hair and white skin, her eyes were brown, it was hard to pick her out of a crowd.
She sighed and turned around, now walking over to the bathroom. Upon entering, she took notice of a few broken security cameras, but she didn’t think much of them. She locked herself inside of one of the stalls. She sat on the toilet with all of her clothes still on, and she stared down at the ground.
“I’m stuck in this stupid club now that my parents locked me out of the house…nothing’s going right!”
She began to cry as she reached to grab some toilet paper to dry her tears. She was alone in the bathroom as far as she knew, so she simply let herself sob as loud as she could.
As she poured her heart out, the stall next to her suddenly clicked open, and she saw a pair of black heels from underneath the door.
“…Are you okay in there?” A woman asked her as she halted her sobs. She swallowed and rubbed her eyes,
“I-I’m fine…”
“Are you sure? You were just sobbing…”
“…She cares? What a kind woman…maybe I’ll come out…”
Rui slowly opened the door, but as she did she heard a slight dripping noise. She looked down at the ground and saw a small puddle of blood, “H-Huh? Are you hurt?” She asked as she looked back up at the woman’s face, her eyes widened and she let out a scream before falling backward and into the bathroom stall again,
“…Something the matter?” The woman opened the door fully and stood above Rui, her gaze menacing.
“Y-You…you’re…!” Rui tried to scoot backward, but she was trapped, “Get away-!”
The woman was quick to seal her mouth shut, and to Rui’s horror it was with the blood that was dripping from the woman’s hand.
“Now, I’ll make this quick.” She stepped forward and materialized a blade using her own blood. She quickly slit Rui’s throat, her blood splattering onto the bathroom floor.
The last thing Rui saw before she was killed was the woman’s piercing silver eyes and pale skin. Her pupils weren’t even black, they were white, and despite having an overall youthful appearance her eyes showed visible signs of aging.
“Now that that’s dealt with…” She summoned the blood that was used to silence Rui back into her body, and she did the same for the knife she used.
She turned around to bandage herself up, then left the bathroom.
Kanako Yume stood off to the side of the party as she took a sip of her drink. She looked around the room, and her eyes landed on a man who had short black hair and women surrounding him. She tilted her head at him, then approached him,
“Hm?” The guy noticed she came over, and he smirked, “Hey, pretty lady. You fully dressed in a club like this?”
Kanako chuckled and got closer to him, she caressed his chest and climbed into his lap, “What, is that a problem for you~?”
“Well, why wouldn’t it be? A beautiful woman such as yourself is all clothed…” He began to touch her, and she grasped his shoulders. The women who were around him originally had been ignored, and were all glaring at Kanako for taking away their attention.
“Hmm…how about we do a little something?” Kanako suggested. The man grinned,
“Hell yeah, let’s not waste anytime-“
“Oh, but first. I have to do something real quick.” She pushed herself off of him and retreated to the bathroom.
The man folded his arms as he waited for Kanako to return, but a commotion was caused when she was heard screaming from the bathroom.
The guy glared as he watched a few men rush into the woman’s bathroom, and less than a minute later Kanako was brought out crying, and an announcement has gone off,
“Everyone; the club is closing down for the night! There was a murder in the bathroom.” Someone announced.
Everything erupted into panic as people did everything they could to escape the club. Amidst the chaos the man was about to spot and grab Kanako, “Hey, you’re not thinking of bailing on me, are you?”
“H-Huh? But sir…-“ She pleaded, but he was quick to drag her out and shove her into his car. “Sir, please, I’m really stressed! I just saw someone get murdered, the police are supposed to get there soon, you can’t take me!”
“Get in the backseat.”
“I said get in the backseat.” He pulled her back and into his arms, to which she eventually sighed and gave in, pressing her lips to his and getting close to him.
After about five minutes, Kanako separated from him, “W-We should go back to your place…” She blushed.
“Don’t need to ask me twice.” He grinned, then climbed back into the front seat and began driving while Kanako remained in the back.
As he drove down the road, she stayed behind him, massaging his shoulders and breathing against his neck. He would shiver as he continued to drive, the car beginning to go off course a slight bit.
“Is he just getting tired? Or is it something else…” Kanako examined him closely as he continued to swerve.
“Hey are you okay?” She asked him, but he didn’t respond coherently at all, “Sir?!” She got out of the seat and quickly pushed the emergency stop button. The car came to a screeching halt as she tried to pull over, but they ran into someone while doing so. The crash wasn’t terrible, but it was more of a mess than Kanako wished to deal with.
Kanako was quick to call the police, and when they picked up she immediately began crying, “P-Please! Someone I met was taking me home when all of a sudden he went limp and stopped driving! I was able to pull over, but we hit someone in the process…!”
“Hey, don’t worry, it’s going to be okay. We’ll send someone to your location.” The operator responded, “Do you need me to stay on the phone with you?”
“Y-Yes, yes please…oh my god…” Kanako reached and checked the man’s pulse, and she gasped, “H-He’s dead, he’s dead! His pulse stopped, he’s pale…!”
“Okay, just calm down. Take some deep breaths, it’ll be okay.” The operator instructed as they continued to calm her down.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just…” She saw the person that she hit coming out of their car unharmed, “Th-The person we hit seems to be fine, I-I think…I don’t know if anyone else was in their car…”
“Did you see them?”
“Yes…they’re coming here right now,” Kanako stepped out of the car, “I’m hanging up.” She put her phone away and called out to the person, “A-Are you okay?”
The person, who was a young man, made his way to her and nodded, “Yes I’m fine, what happened? Did that guy fall asleep at the wheel?” He used a flashlight and examined the inside of the car,
“N-No, he…died.” Kanako swallowed,
“Seriously?” He reached out for her, “I’m so sorry for your loss…who was he to you?”
“Well I met him at the club, but said club had to be evacuated after someone was found…m-murdered in the bathroom.”
“What? Are you okay? It sounds like today’s been really hard for you…”
“I’m fine, I’m fine…” Kanako took a deep breath, “But…he was taking me back to his place…I didn’t know how to say no, I was afraid he’d hurt me…”
The guy glared in anger, “Oh so he was a huge jackass, huh?” He spat on the window of his car, “Good riddance, but at least you’re okay.”
“Yes, I’m…I’m okay. Was there someone else with you?”
“No, it was just me, and it was just a little bit of damage to the back.” He glanced over at his car. Kanako looked into the window of the car and narrowed her eyes a bit.
Eventually the cops and the medics arrived, and Kanako was taken inside of the ambulance, as was the other man.
Kanako turned on her phone and looked down at the time, it was almost one am. She sighed as she opened her messages and clicked on someone’s contact. She debated whether or not she should text them, and just as she made her decision one of the medics came up to her.
“Excuse me, miss, may I get your name?” She asked. Kanako quickly turned off her phone and looked up at the woman,
“Oh, yes, my name is Kanako Yume.” She nodded.
The nurse wrote it down, “Are you experiencing any pain at all?”
“Erm…a bit, yes, around my back and shoulders…” She rubbed the areas that had the pain, “I might’ve pulled a muscle when I took control of the steering wheel after he passed out.”
“I see…did you sustain any injuries from the actual crash?”
“No, not that I’m aware of.” She shook her head. The medic wrote the information down and glanced over at the other man, who was being questioned by a different medic.
“What was your relationship with the man who died?”
“I met him in the club not too far from here, he was going to take me home…I would’ve said no because I was distraught about something, but I was afraid he would hurt me.” She explained. The nurses nodded and sighed,
“I see…I’m glad you didn’t have to do anything much with him, but it is a shame that you were caught up in the accident.” She said with a remorseful tone.
“It’s fine, really… just a bit of pain is all.” Kanako leaned backwards. The nurse finished taking her notes and went to the front of the ambulance. Kanako looked back down at her phone and saw that she received a call from someone.
She responded via text, “Can’t call now.”
She turned off her phone and looked up at the man before her, who was gazing at her somewhat longingly.
“…Can I help you?” She asked.
“Hm? Oh, no it’s fine. I just…wow, you have really pretty eyes.” He said with a smile. Kanako got a bit flustered, but she shook her head,
“Seriously? I doubt it. Most people find them strange.” She sighed.
“No, I’m not messing with you. They’re really interesting, they’re like…silver, but green? And your pupils are white, that’s so strange. But it’s so…alluring.”
“…Thank you.” Kanako looked down at the ground, and she received a text back. “Hopefully he doesn’t freak out too much when I tell him…”
Kanako took out her phone and checked the message, “Kana, you okay? You always answer your calls and I checked your location, you’ve been on the side of the road for a solid thirty minutes.”
She messaged him back, “I got into a small accident, nothing terrible happened but the person I was with died.”
“Person you were with? Was it a friend or something?”
“Oh no, he was a creep.”
“Then why’d you get in the car with him? You realize you could’ve just beat his ass, right?”
“Well yes but I had to be there to make sure my mission was successful.”
“Ohh he was a target.”
“He was. I kissed him and slipped a drug into his mouth.”
“Oh jeez. Be careful with that stuff, okay? I’m not in the country to help you if something bad happens.”
“I know. I’ll be careful.”
“I also completed another mission today. A younger lady got a hold of information that is confidential to the organization, and she apparently has a habit of spreading gossip online, so I had to eliminate her.”
“Good, we can’t let anyone find out about our future operations.”
Kanako looked up from her phone as she felt the ambulance begin to move.
“I’m heading to the hospital now, I’ll see you in a few weeks.”
“Alright then, stay safe. Can’t wait to come back.”
“Same. Goodbye.”
Kanako turned off her phone and slid it into her bag, and she looked up at the man in front of her, who seemed to just be playing a game on his phone.
She took a deep breath and thought to herself, “…I can’t wait to see you again, Chuuya.”
Bye chat
Also if you have any questions lemme knowwwww okay now bye
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukihana Kagura Cast Presentation: Geppaku (Procellarum)
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Merry Christmas everyone~! Working on this was a bit more difficult because, well... life, but at long last, here’s Procella’s cast presentation. Ryota’s already done with Alive so expect me to post those starting next week maybe?
Many, many thanks to Ryota and Chrome for assisting with this and helping with the proofread! Please don’t repost/retranslate/reuse my translations. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
Nation: the affiliated country’s name Flower name: the name as a dancer Dance technique: the name of each person’s characteristic dance Dance props: the name of the tool used while dancing (there are cases when none are used)
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Shimotsuki Shun
“Geppaku, let’s us go ♪”
Nation: Geppaku ※chief
Flower name: Geppaku (Moon Spirit)
Dance technique: Amanotokotachi no Kami
Dance props: Folding fan / Inscription: [Shisoku] (Downfall for everything)
This young man is the lord of the ‘Shimotsuki’ household, a lineage that carved its place into the core of ‘Geppaku’, one of the oldest and most mysterious nations as well as Shikkoku’s other half.
The powers he was born with are so strong that simply his presence can greatly affect his surroundings. Because of that, he spends most of his time in the depths of a palace kept under strong protection (seals) and layers of barriers…… Yet despite his awful situation, he simply answers with “It’s fine, it’s fine ♪” when being asked about it. 
He prefers staying indoors as his palace is exceedingly comfortable (his soft, fur futon is his favourite) and if he’s required to go out he can just use a quick technique to do so.
In other words, the seals are pointless. He’s nothing but ‘a shut-in with no desire to work, both of his own volition’. Regardless of all that, his dance is beautiful enough to steal the soul of any person who happens to witness it. 
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Fuduki Kai
“It’s all right when we from Geppaku receive all the other colors!”
Nation: Geppaku
Flower name: Souhaku (Pale)
Dance technique: Wadatsumi (The God of the Sea)
Dance props: Long sword / Inscription: [Seigaiha] (Wave Pattern)
He's the son of a servant who visited the ‘Shimotsuki’ household frequently and is Shun’s childhood friend, the latter happening due to Shun’s wish of wanting to play with him more in his younger days.
He has always had a lot of great accomplishments, and while he plays around with Shun, his ability to use his techniques is exceptional. He has even become a very distinguished person in their nation.
He has a special connection with water and his strong point is a technique he uses to control it.
During the Tsukihana Festival's live broadcast, he and Shun incorporate a combined method that uses his water mirror technique atop a watchtower.
Interview with Shimotsuki Shun (Procellarum)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
You wouldn’t expect to see me on the stage dancing loosely with a folding fan in my hand, would you? Alright, Shun-sama will show you how serious he is ☆…… Just kidding. The rehearsals brought me the chance to watch and share advice with units that have dances similar to ours, like QUELL and VAZZY. Such exchanges happen often behind the scenes, it’s what makes joint stage-plays fun.
On the other hand, Shu and Takaaki have a lot of experience, they’re without a doubt professionals ♪
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
White tea.
A white tea with a pleasant scent would be perfect. I want to have a tea party with everyone!
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
In the innermost parts of a mysterious country, I’m the lovely character who snuggles in soft fur all day. All the Procella members have taken care of their hair and cut their nails with particular attention to detail, you know? ... Just like always? That's right (laughs). Fufufu no fu~♪
Interview with Fuduki Kai (Procellarum)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
The highlight is the elegant choreography that Shun's great at!
Eh? I seem like I'll be bad at it? No, no. This is where my experience as someone with a lot of ballad songs will shine through! ... Or at least, I hope it does (laughs)!
The song’s got a certain atmosphere to it, so in order to not ruin that I’ll practice until I can show off Fuduki Kai’s beautiful side. Fighting!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Panna Cotta.
Holy Cotta.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
This time my role’s a bit more mysterious than the previous ones.
While I do give some sort of advice to the other nations' members, I always do it with a bit of an enigmatic smile on my face (laughs). I’ll do my best!
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Haduki You
“Well, I may take things lightly…but at the right moment I won’t lose, y’know?”
Nation: Geppaku
Flower name: Shirahae (White Breeze of the South)
Dance technique: Nanten Sojou (Ascent from the Southern Sky)
Dance props: No props
Ever since ‘Geppaku’ took form, the control of the power spots has been split between day and night. 
The ‘Haduki’ household is in charge of the day territories, with You being the third son among the monk brothers.
His carefree character stands out a lot, though he's skillful and well-rounded as someone who has mastery over a wide range of techniques to match the situation.
His childhood friend is Yoru, the only son of the ‘Nagatsuki’ household, a lineage who protects the night territories. Dusk is the point when day is replaced by night, a moment marked by a joint dance between the two sides. 
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Nagatsuki Yoru
“Would you like to try your luck?”
Nation: Geppaku
Flower name: Jihaku (Innocent heart)
Dance technique: Unjou Roukaku (Celestial Castle)
Dance props: Rabbit mask / Inscription: [Gyokuto] (Moon)
Yoru is the only son of the ‘Nagatsuki’ household, a family who controls the night power spots. He’s a gentle person by nature, just like the darkness of the night which envelops people closely and quietly.
People who have lost their way look for him for some power when they're "down on their luck." He's probably someone who can bring hope to people who find themselves in a dead end.
You from the ‘Haduki’ household is his childhood friend, the two being on good terms even in the present.
Although the dance performed at dusk doesn’t hold any meaning whatsoever, for the two of them it’s more of a tradition. It seems that not performing any dance disturbs their balance.
Interview with Haduki You (Procellarum)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
I feel like it's both soft and strong. My movements are pretty heavy while Yoru's are pretty gentle and soft. It continues on for half of it and then at the end, our movements will match! I think that's the best way to summarize it. I think our movements are very fitting for a Japanese dance or a [kagura] so please check it out~♪
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Soft serve or vanilla ice cream. 
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
I know you've missed me!
Interview with Nagatsuki Yoru (Procellarum)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
The rabbit mask I have to wear gives off the impression my dance is a light ‘walk on the clouds’...... or at least hypothetically it should be (laughs). For now, walking on top of clouds is still not possible (laughs bitterly). Since this rabbit is most likely to fall from the clouds, all I can do is practice.
Lately, You’s been devoting all his attention to this so I will also do my best and not waste a second until the real performance. I have a special mixed drink to help me with this.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Geppaku rice cake.
One that makes use of pure white rice cake.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
This story is about a world far away from here. I’m not wrong to say that even their customs, their food, the landscapes they see, and the words they utter are also completely different.
Being able to draw everyone into the world is important, too, isn't it?
Let’s join together this adventure detached from books!
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Minaduki Rui
"May all sins be purified.”
Nation: Geppaku
Flower name: Asagara (Epaulette Tree)
Dance technique: Oharae (Great Purification)
Dance props: Evergreen / Inscription: [Namidafuri] (Falling Tears)
This young man is the son of the ‘Minaduki’ household, a family which apparently invited the mighty ‘Shimotsuki’ on this land a long time ago.
Upon the latter's settlement, a number of power spots took birth on the ‘Geppaku’ territory and the people living there were said to be able to use mysterious techniques.
The role of the ‘Minaduki’ household, who have the power to easily interfere with the ‘Shimotsuki’ household, was to keep the latter in line as well as heal and serve them.
…...Which is what’s written in history books, but now their complicated relationship is over and the households are simply on good terms.
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Kannaduki Iku
“Let’s dance until your wish becomes a star shining high in the sky!”
Nation: Geppaku
Flower name: Shirogane (Silver)
Dance technique: Oguchi Makami (T/N: The kanji translates as ‘wide-mouthed wolf’. The name belongs to the Japanese God of wolves)
Dance props: Folding fan / Inscription: [Gyougetsu] (Dawning Moon)
When he was only a child, his parents met an unexpected death and Iku ended up being taken by a Shikkoku warrior who happened to be there. He spent the following 10 years touring each country, earning him a quite unusual personal history.
Although he lacks what some would call a ‘worldly sense,’ and he’s slightly unfamiliar with the ways of the world even among the people from ‘Geppaku’, he turned out to be a capable and valuable person, with general ideas and values.
Iku received a small corner of a room in the ‘Minaduki’ house, assists Rui with work, and puts up with Shun’s selfishness. Moreover, everyone seems to spoil him.
He goes on adventures together with Kai and You, eats Yoru’s meals and then sleeps. For him, those are the highlights of his everyday life.
Interview with Minaduki Rui (Procellarum)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
The combination of Ikkun and me is, probably, the one with the biggest difference in dance skills among all the units.
But that’s a story about how realistic the two of us are. I’m sure that the Rui who lives within “Tsukihana Kagura” dances as regularly as I play the violin and that he dances well.
That’s why I have no choice but to do my best.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Milk pudding.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Please come and see Geppaku’s good sides, at least once. 
We’ll also do a prayer for good luck.
Interview with Kannaduki Iku (Procellarum)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partnered dance.
When Rui told me at the end of our joint lesson that he’d like to work overtime, I was a bit moved (laughs).
He may say he’s still got a long way to go, but I can see that his stamina is definitely better than before and the way he treats his body has really improved. To me, it doesn’t seem like he gets tired as easily anymore. 
No, I also have to practice even more so I won’t lose to him!
Rui~, let’s perform a beautiful dance!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Something with a strong milk flavour!
Thick ice cream!
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Although the dancing is the main part, the drama part is also pretty complicated! Archaic words are mixed into the script, and there’s a lot of difficult expressions (oh man…). With a dictionary in hand, I’ll force it all into my brain!
Everyone, make sure you come and see the results of my hard work!
If you like my work and you want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee by clicking right [here]. I also started taking commissions, more details are right [here]. Thank you~
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alexthegamingboy · 5 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 03/21/2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld (Alicization Exploding) EP#34 (10) - Stacia, the Goddess of Creation: After Stacia (Asuna) created 3 ravines to swallow up Vassago, and his knights, as well as to cut off the Pugilists and the remaining Dark Knights from the decoy force, she descends and introduces herself as Asuna to the somewhat intimidated force. Due to her fluctlight being overloaded from the terrain change, Asuna experiences a headache and remembers that repeated use of the ability can cause damage to her fluctlight. After formalities, she proceeds to visit Kirito's tent. Upon seeing him, she is filled with tearful joy. Hearing Asuna's voice, Kirito is clearly shocked. Even in a state of catatonic, he attempts to reach out to her, with a face full of tears, Asuna responds with a long-awaited hug. Shortly after, Alice appears and interferes with their reunion. They meetup to discuss what the enemy is after. Later in the night, Ronie, Alice, Asuna, and Sortiliena share Kirito stories with each other.
My Hero Academia Remedial Course Arc Season 4 EP#80 (17) - Relief for License Trainees: In order to win the hearts of the kids, Katsuki, Inasa, Shoto, and Camie must work together and use their quirks to get their spirits moved. Fortunately, they succeeded in getting the job done. Endeavor told Shoto how proud he will become a hero he can be proud as well. As September ends, October begins, and the U.A. students attend Sir Nighteye's funeral along with the pro heroes. Eri has also woken up at the hospital, but since she is not yet emotionally stable, no one can visit her. Furthermore, it was discovered that the horn on her forehead which her Rewind originates has shrunk when her fever went down. And right now, Izuku noticed that Aoyama has been acting strangely... but he can't wonder why.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#19 - White Album: White Album's ice surrounds the car in the canal, but Giorno manages to transform some car parts into grass for Mista to use as a makeshift snowboard. Ghiaccio attempts to stop him by temporarily unfreezing the canal, but Giorno reverts the grass into car parts again so that Mista can fire a metal projectile into Ghiaccio's forehead. However, Ghiaccio's armor is bulletproof, excepting a small breathing hole on the back of his neck. Mista attempts to shoot into the hole, but Ghiaccio uses an ability he calls White Album Gently Weeps to freeze parts of the air solid, causing the bullet to ricochet until eventually hitting Mista's chest. Ghiaccio finds a statue which contains the data disc and shatters it. Giorno inspires Mista to allow himself to be shot by his own ricocheting bullets; this allows him to use his blood to block Ghiaccio's vision and force him onto a broken lamp-post, impaling him through the neck. Ghiaccio attempts to protect himself by freezing his blood while also reflecting a bullet towards Mista's head, but Giorno steps in, immediately heals Mista's wound, and forces Ghiaccio further onto the metal with repeated kicks, killing him. Giorno then heals Mista's injuries.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Natagumo Mountain Arc EP#21 - Against Corps Rules: As Rui dies, he is finally able to remember his human life. He was born with a frail body, rendering him bedridden - until Kibutsuji took pity on him and turned him into a demon, giving him a strong body. His father then tried to kill him while his mother did nothing, so Rui slew them both, thinking they weren't his real parents as parents were supposed to protect their children. His mother's last words were that she was sorry she couldn't give Rui a strong body, and his father had intended to commit suicide after killing him. He realizes too late it was a genuine bond after all, which traumatized him. Kibutsuji returned and told him it was his parents' fault for not accepting him and Rui accepted that rather than the truth. He missed his real parents so much he suppressed the memory of them, but was never satisfied with his fake family. Tanjiro regains consciousness as Rui's body collapses just before reaching him and Nezuko. Overwhelmed by the scent of grief he detected from it, Tanjiro reaches out to Rui. Rui apologizes to his parents as he fades away, his spirit able to reunite with his parents. Giyū steps on Rui's clothing after his body dissolves, and Tanjiro pleads with him not to, explaining that he will kill demons without hesitation but believes they are more tragic than terrifying creatures. Giyū suddenly recognizes Tanjiro and Nezuko from their meeting two years ago. Shinobu runs towards them and Tanjiro shields Nezuko with his body as Giyū blocks Shinobu's blade from striking Nezuko's neck, surprising her when he takes a defensive stance in front of the siblings. Giyū tells him to take Nezuko and run while he holds off Shinobu, which Tanjiro does. Tanjiro is suddenly kicked to the ground by Kanao Tsuyuri, the girl who completed Final Selection with Tanjiro, one of Shinobu's clanmates. Tanjiro tells Nezuko to run, only to be knocked unconscious by Kanao, who then tries to kill a fleeing Nezuko. Giyū has pinned Shinobu, who warns him he is acting against Corps rules. Kasugai crows, who had been watching, interrupt everyone by saying Tanjiro and Nezuko were to be taken into custody and brought back to headquarters, so Kanao, Giyū, and Shinobu all sheathe their blades. Inosuke is found, but seethes to himself as he couldn't do anything to stop a demon, and begins to ponder on the reality of his strength. Zenitsu and the other victims of the elder son, even those now spiders, have been treated by the Kakushis, a cleanup unit of the Corps, and are to be brought to the Butterfly Mansion for further treatment. The sun rises at last. Tanjiro later awakens, tied up, before the Hashiras, the lead swordsmen of the Demon Slayers.
Food Wars: The Second Plate Totsuki Autumn Election Arc EP#34 - A New Jewel: Soma presents his dish's missing element, a white soup made from soy milk that turns the dish into a creamy porridge, enhancing the already existing flavors. Meanwhile, Satoshi, deducing that Eizan was the one who drove Mimasaka to provoke Soma, tells him that it is Soma's drive to never give up that got him so far. As the judges deliberate, Hayama recalls how Jun brought him out of the slums and helped him become the chef he is. With originality being the deciding factor between the three dishes, Hayama is declared the winner of the Autumn Elections. Afterwards, Soma speaks with Joichiro, stating his determination to continue finding his own way of cooking. A few days later, Soma hangs out with Hayama and Kurokiba while Jun explains the Stagiaire training program for first year students to the three of them.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#110 - The Raging Bull Joins the Showdown!!: Rhya reveals that he created new artificial bodies for Fana and Vetto to reincarnate into. The Apostles of Sephira, ten elves capable of receiving divine revelations, begin opening a door to the underworld, named the Shadow Palace, which was sealed under Clover Castle years ago by ancient elves and humans. Baval explains this will make the reincarnations permanent while the human souls will all be sent to the underworld. To protect the Apostles the remaining elves decide to kill everybody but are stopped by the timely arrival of Asta, the other Bulls and the base and most of the elves are completely overwhelmed. Patry determines Rouge poses the most danger and sends the elf Reve, possessing Coral Peacock Captain Dorothy Unsworth, to deal with her. Reve casts a spell that teleports Vanessa, Rouge, Luck, Magna, Charmy and Sally to an inescapable dream world, removing the Bulls most powerful defensive fighters. Droit and Patry destroy the base. Rades and Valtos chase after Patry while Henry loses control and starts draining everyone's magic. Noelle's armour disappears as her magic runs out. Yami and Jack chase the Apostles into the Shadow Palace. Eclat casts a spell that binds, paralyses and drains the magic of the remaining Bulls, but the spell is nullified by Asta. Droit identifies Asta's new sword as Licht's Demon-Destroyer Sword. The Bulls, despite being irritated by the real Gauche's personality, swear they will return him to normal.
Slightly Damned Page 955:  https://www.sdamned.com/comic/955
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Prompt #13: Wax
Favian stared down at all the papers on his desk. More invoices for various supplies each of them in need of being approved before they would be covered. Alcohol for both bars, approved. Food to stock the kitchens, approved. A large sum of shards and crystals...more than they would ever need?
He stared down at the last one. That name scrawled at the bottom, a name that made his blood boil. Urien. He knew with everything the way it is right now he couldn’t do anything against the man’s lover...his…”god”. But him, him Favian could hate openly. Still, he had to approve the order. He couldn’t say no, no matter how much it burned under his skin, no matter how much his hands ached, he had to sign the approval.
With it signed Favian plucked up a stick of rich red wax as well as one of the lit candles next to him. He’d melt the sealing wax onto the fold of the envelope, eyes getting lost in the red and orange flames that danced in front of his eyes as wax dripped down.
“Punish me, he only acted under my orders.” Those dangerous eyes, the heat that emanated off of the man. Sharp tongue unforgiving and cruel, they wouldn’t get away unscathed. They had to be punished. The sickening sound of a blade entering flesh, the sizzling of heated metal searing the wound. Sounds that would haunt him for a while. And then those dangerous molten eyes turned to him. A ball of pure fire and magic held before him. “Now be a good boy and swallow it.”
He did, but by all the gods did it burn. All his senses were assaulted at once. The sound of his own cries wrang in his ears, he almost didn’t think they were his. Pain seared along his tongue and down his throat. He could smell the burning and the magic in the air, taste the ash on his tongue before soon he could taste nothing. And finally ...sight ...full of nothing but that face. Sharp features seemed to glow like molten gold. A face that would haunt him.
Just so much burning.
Suddenly pain shot through his arm from his hand and Favian was snapped back into the presence in time to see the wax dripping along his hands. The color making it look like thick blood that ran in rivers as it cooled. Cursing he dropped both the stick of sealing wax and the candle. He would later thank the gods the candle had gone out but for now he was too focused on his hands.
He stumbled blindly, one hand grasping his throat as he coughed, as if his body was trying to force out the memory of the fire that seared into his very being. He fell to his hands and knees behind on of his couches, coughing and gagging, he swore he was going to be sick. Nothing came and soon he didn’t have the energy to cough anymore, his body falling to the side as he laid there, eyes staring forward but unseeing. Tears stung his eyes as he shook, the memory had been too real. 
When he was finally able to bring himself back he made to sit up, falling against a bookshelf instantly. Wax covered hands moved to run through soft pink hair, tugging until it fell out of it’s small tie and his scalp began to hurt. Kneels curled into his chest as he shook, tears stung and fell from his clenched eyes. He didn’t want this, he wanted it to be over. Why had he been so stupid. Why had he let that happen to Rui. How could he put the ones he loved in danger. He was so scared, scared he’d hurt them more. Scared that something like this could happen to Lohi, a man who deserved all the freedom in the world. The other Miqo’te already knew more than enough to put him in danger.
How could he have done this. How could he let it happen. Why had he given such an idiotic order.
“Favi dear, why are you crying?” Soft, gentle. A voice that made him relax and remind him of home.
“Mama…” His voice broke, not even realizing that he had said the words aloud.
“Come now, none of this is your fault. You’re smarter than this.” A stronger voice, one that supported him. His hands pulled at his hair as he sobbed.
“Papa, I-I don’t...I don’t know what to do…” His cries fell from his lips until he could hardly breathe. 
“Be strong, remember who you are and what you can do. Have faith in the ones you love and they will always be there when you need them.” 
“Breath my dearheart, just breath.”
Deep breathing, a ragged wet sound that shook his chest. Even if they were just voices, memories of the past, his parents had always been right. They had worried and loved him, supported and counseled him. Even if right now they were nothing more than a distraught man’s hallucination, his brain using their voices to remind him of things he already knew, they were still right.
It took his a while but soon his head fell back against books, legs stretching out in front of him as his hands fell limply into his lap. He could feel the cooled wax crack and fall away in places as he stared up at the ceiling. He’d figure it out...they had people looking into a way to stop it all. It would just...take...time.
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arrancarwrites · 7 years
What Happens in Las Noches part 4
Two arrancar (OCs) live through the shenanigans that happen in Las Noches while creating some of their own. A mini series with random appearances of other arrancar/espada. Rui is mine, Criessa is @randomhatthief
Criessa snorted to herself, watching Di Roy and Yylfordt banter over who would be the one to put the rest of the drug into Ulquiorra’s tea. Upon watching though, she did smile and lean back against the sofa. She briefly wondered what Dordoni was up to. Yes, she did love spending time with Grimmjow and his Fraccion, but she still thought very highly of her former mentor. If she was being honest, she would go as far as to describe him as her father figure.
A finger held her place in a now closed book, and one hand had it’s fingers drumming against the hardcover as she watched. Eventually Yylfordt scoffed at Di Roy and pulled him into a headlock. She looked around to see Grimmjow sitting in his usual laid back position, absentmindedly swirling the vial in his hand around. He seemed bored but she knew he was anything but bored. The gears in his head were turning as he thought of his scheme to make Ulquiorra look ridiculous. The two Espada clearly did not get along.
Even if the two went head to head, she’d still back up Grimmjow if need be. She had nothing against Ulquiorra in particular, but Grimmjow had her respect and loyalty. Though he seemed to never express or admit it in the traditional way, he reciprocated that respect for her. Perhaps her respect ran deeper than just that, but for now she’ll accept what she has now.
“What’s wrong bro? Can’t fight your way out of this one?” Yylfordt mocked as he kept Di Roy in the headlock. The lanky arrancar squirmed in an attempt to get out of it. Criessa eventually shook her head and stood up, striding over to the two rather quickly.
“Okay pretty boy, let him go.” It took little effort for her to peel the blond man’s arm off Di Roy, who scurried over to her side. It was known in the group that Criessa took a ‘Mama Bear’ type of liking to Di Roy and tended to be protective of him. While it did provide more teasing from the others, they really rather not tick off Criessa. She packed quite a punch, and literally could maul someone like a bear.
Could it be kind of embarrassing for Di Roy at times? Sure, but the attention and someone willing to stand up for him made up for it. He wouldn’t complain about her squishing his cheeks and he liked laying on her while she read a book.
Grimmjow snorted at the scene, tossing the vial in the air before catching it. Her motherly habits that kicked in every now and then seemed to amuse him. Especially when he takes into account the amount of times she has wrestled people into the ground. Especially if they were twice her size. It’s why he liked her though, she wasn’t afraid to be rough but laid back.
Her dramatic tendencies she gained under Dordoni though...
Yeah that was a whole other story.
“You idiots can wait outside the meeting room and watch the show. Before this mandatory meeting,” he snorted. He hated Espada meetings and having to look at Aizen’s smug face. “I’m going to dump this in Ulquiorra’s tea. That way he’ll drink it during the meeting and then...well you know what will happen.” Not as satisfying as punching him in the face, but getting the guy to act out of his normally emotionless state and humiliate himself will be enough.
Criessa seemed to pout at first but shrugged. “Fine, but I’m getting my camera ready.” She frowned upon remembering something Szayel had told her and Yylfordt when he forked over the drug in the first place. 
The first dosage will make the subject hallucinate as if they were ‘stoned’, or however you wish to refer to it. A second dosage will do the same but will make the subject prone to extreme aggression, flaring up at the slightest provocation. So do be careful, alright? If you’re not, then know I won’t let your corpses go to waste~
“Rui, is it? You know I think I’ve seen you before. Didn’t you used to hang around Cirucci Sanderwicci?” Gin inquired quickly after she had entered the room. His eyes were closed as usual and he had a seemingly playful look on his face, though she knew better. Gin Ichimaru was a dangerous man but she wanted to know why he summoned her.
“Yes, she...” She wasn’t sure how to describe it. She wasn’t exactly her Fraccion when Cirucci was an Espada, but the two had a close relationship. “We’re friends.” she simply stated. “May I ask why you asked for me?” She asked as politely as possible.
Gin held his hands together and he still smiled, but there was something off about it. It made alarms go off in her head but she showed no sign of it. “Why, I just wanted to have a chat with a nice girl. From what I’ve heard, you like watching others, playing with Lilynette Gingerbuck, the occasional spar...hiding your strength. To me that sounds interesting enough.” The way he said the last part made her face drop.
“H-hiding my strength? I’m sorry but I don’t know-”
“The spiritual pressure given off by you as an Adjuchas was immense, even by my standards. But then after you arrived it disappeared. I thought maybe you lost power somehow but as it turns out, you’re suppressing it. On purpose you’re making yourself appear to be a weak, low ranking Arrancar.”
Her blood ran cold as he went on. How did he know? Did she let something slip? He saw the shocked expression on her face and chuckled. He found out her real strength as she once headed outside the canopy over Las Noches. He followed out of boredom and curiosity. Imagine his surprise upon feeling her real spiritual pressure. Definitely enough to be an Espada, though he wasn’t sure what rank she’d fit. “So tell me, who else knows?”
“Only two. Cirucci...and Ulquiorra but not on purpose.” Cirucci often yelled at her for holding back. Ulquiorra only knew because in one of her trips above the canopy he spotted her. Gin tilted his head. “...and now you I guess.”
It was kind of like a game. Everything she did was to hide her real power. When sparring she’ll go along, keeping up until she lets her partner land a hit. Purposefully she left her side open so that they would strike it. Purposefully she would let a blow knock her down. Purposefully she would make sure her movements were only slightly above average as to not arouse suspicion. Everything came down to her ruse of being a weaker arrancar. Just another face in Aizen’s army.
It let her stay hidden, it let her try and find the peace she craved for so long. She was lucky Ulquiorra was not one to run his mouth and Cirucci begrudgingly let this continue. She just hoped her luck did not run out. She was taken out of her thoughts by a pat on the head.
“My lips are sealed. But if the day comes when that little power of yours is needed...” His smile seemed more threatening this around. “That’ll be all, I just wanted to confirm something.” His face looked more mischievous this time around. “Unless, you don’t mind sharing some of your observ-”
A loud explosion interrupted him, making the floor shudder a bit. The two shared a quick look before looking in the direction of where the explosion must have come from. Then they became aware of mad laughter that they unfortunately recognized. Oh no, what did Grimmjow do? If he was laughing like that, then whatever he’s laughing at can’t be good.
“Ulquiorra why did you blow a hole in the wall?! I’ll do it too!”
“Yammy no!”
A loud bang sounded and what sounded like a wall crumbling could be heard. “It seems...that the Espada meeting is going rather well.” Gin awkwardly chuckled before clasping his hands together. Of course fun things like this happened when he wasn’t present in the meeting.
Ah well, he’ll just mess with Aizen later about it.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
I think he could be Player of the Year: Gary Neville makes bold claim about Man United’s Paul Pogba
& # 39; I think he could be a player of the year & # 39 ;: Gary Neville makes bold statement about Paul Pogba of Manchester United before Jamie Carragher closes him by saying & # 39; It & # 39; sa stupid statement & # 39;
The Frenchman enjoyed a strong show despite seeing his sentence rescued Gary Neville claims that Pogba is watching in the Premier League this season. ] Published: 23:51 BST, August 19, 2019 | Updated: 23:56 BST, August 19, 2019
Gary Neville has made a very daring claim about Paul Pogba ] alleging that he could be & # 39; player of the year & # 39; despite his costly penalty miss against Wolves .
The Manchester United midfielder wasted the opportunity to seal all three points of the penalty spot in the second half – his effort saved by Rui Patricio after telling Marcus Rashford that he wanted to take it.
But despite Pogba & # 39; s moment to forget, former United right back Neville claimed that the Frenchman could be the starman to watch in the Premier League this season.
Gary Neville claims that Manchester United States Paul Pogba & # 39; player of the year & # 39;
Neville told Sky Sports: & I think he could be the player of the year. That sounds like a bold statement & # 39 ;, before Jamie Carragher closed it by answering: & # 39; Stupid explanation! & # 39;
But Neville – who won eight league titles, two Champions Leagues and three FA Cups with United – went ahead and claimed that the French World Cup winner had the & # 39; greatest personality & # 39; in the Premier League.
The 44-year-old added: & # 39; He has the potential to be the best player in this competition. He has the greatest personality in this competition.
& # 39; The season of Manchester United depends a lot on him, depending on how well he plays. I think he could be the player of the year, he's the one who watches me.
Former United right back Neville insists that Pogba is the & # 39; greatest personality in the competition & # 39;
& # 39; Good luck for United away from him and whether he can reach his real high standard. & # 39;
Pogba went looking for a route this summer when he sees a move to Real Madrid or Juventus, but he is good for the season started on the side of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.
The 26-year-old created two assists for United in their 4-0 thrashing of Chelsea during the opening game of the season, before enjoying a strong midfield performance against Wolves despite his penalty miss.
[1 9459042] Pogba rejected the chance to win the match from the penalty spot against Wolves on Monday "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Pogba refused the chance to win the match from the penalty spot against Wolves on Monday
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murmurmurl · 10 months
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@tearwolfe 's seal Rui + Kasa sketches because they refuse to leave my brain alone, these little worms
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tearwolfe · 8 months
the seal rui brainrot is real.. it makes my head feel like that one spinny spinny part in filament fever, during the bridge,
ykwim right. anyways i love seal rui,,
this is so real i also love seal rui <3
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alexthegamingboy · 4 years
Toonami Weekly Recap 04/04/2020
Sword Art Online: Alicization: War of Underworld (Alicization Awakening) EP#36 (12) - Ray of Light: With 30,000 American players having dived into the Underworld, they begin to relentlessly slaughter everyone from both armies. Asuna, Alice, Bercouli, Renly, and Sheyta work to combat the American players. Vecta spots Alice and commandeers a Dark Knight's dragon and flies towards her. Meanwhile, Iskahn is infuriated with the sight of his guild being mercilessly slaughtered as soon as they finished crawling across the ravine. With the seal in his right eye being triggered, he grabs the eye, rips it out, and destroys it. With a fit a burning rage and determination, he jumps across the ravine. Iskahn makes a deal with Asuna to fight with the humans if she builds a bridge for his guild to cross. As Alice pulls ahead of the rest of the knights, she suddenly finds herself in a dark void and loses consciousness. Vecta's dragon grabs Alice and flies off towards the World's End Altar, with Bercouli giving chase. While the Pugilists and the Dark Knights remain to fight off the Americans, the decoy force pursue after Vecta. Back in the real world, Critter prepares to deploy another 20,000 American players to surround the decoy force. Vassago decides to dive in again on a "special" account. Back in the Underworld, the Americans spawn around the decoy force, with Sinon appearing shortly after and annihilating almost all of them.
My Hero Academia U.A. School Festival Arc Season 4 EP#82 (19) - Prepping for the School Festival Is the Funnest Part: Class 1-A assigns roles for their performance at the school festival, and Gentle starts preparing his next scheme. Meanwhile, Deku is in One For All training with Toshi talking about using wind pressure with his fingers. Finally, Eri arrives at U.A. with a new set of clothes.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind EP#21 - The Mystery of King Crimson: Back on the boat, Bucciarati's crew wait for their leader while Giorno tracks the boss by following the ladybug. However, Giorno realizes that the group is experiencing erased time, with none of them remembering what had happened in between. Meanwhile, inside the church, Bucciarati lies bleeding from King Crimson's attack. Just as the boss is about to kill Trish, he is suddenly encased within a turtle made by Giorno's Gold Experience that replicates Coco Jumbo's Stand ability. Bucciarati drops the turtle through the floor into an underground stream. However, King Crimson quickly reappears and prepares to attack again, but Bucciarati uses his remaining energy to grab Trish and uses Sticky Fingers to lift them both to the floor above. Giorno finds them and heals Bucciarati; while Bucciarati's body appears to be deceased for a few seconds, he eventually begins moving again. Giorno signals the others, who arrive before King Crimson can reach Giorno and Bucciarati. The boss determines that he cannot fight them all without revealing his identity and decides to withdraw, allowing them to escape with Trish. On the dock, Bucciarati pierces himself on a metal spike but doesn't react in pain, confusing Giorno. Bucciarati explains his decision to protect Trish, and gives his crew the choice of following him or the organization. One by one they join him, with the exception of Fugo. Later, a mysterious person orders Squalo, a member of the boss's elite guard squad, over the phone for Bruno Bucciarati and Giorno Giovanna to be taken dead or alive.
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Functional Recovery Training Arc EP#23 - Hashira Meeting: Tanjiro is pinned by Obanai but uses a breathing technique to break the ropes on his wrists and run to Nezuko, Giyū grabbing Obanai so he doesn't interfere. He stops by the porch and calls out to her, knowing he can't interfere directly. Nezuko remembers her family and controls her instincts, looking away from Sanemi. The Master takes that as proof she can be trusted and Sanemi stops, shocked. The Master tells Tanjiro and Nezuko to go out and defeat demons and prove themselves and Tanjiro declares the siblings will defeat Kibutsuji, though the Master gently points out he's so ill-equipped he'd better start with a Twelve Moon, embarrassing him - though the Hashiras warm up to him some, admiring his spirit. Two Kakushi take Nezuko (again in her box) and Tanjiro to the Kocho mansion. Tanjiro tries to come back to headbutt Sanemi for stabbing Nezuko again but Muichirō knocks him down with a well-placed pebble to the head. He is taken away again. As he leaves, the Master tells Tanjiro to give Miss Tamayo his regards, making Tanjiro realize he knows there are good demons. At the Butterfly Manor, the Kakushi look for someone to ask permission to enter and find Kanao, a Tsuguko (a swordsman trained by a Hashira). When they ask permission, she smiles but doesn't speak, confusing them. A Kocho girl interrupts them and escorts them to the infirmary. In it, Zenitsu is whining about the bitter medicine he must take to regrow his limbs, still deformed from the venom. Zenitsu and Tanjiro happily greet each other, and Zenitsu points out Inosuke, silently laying in a bed next to him. Tanjiro is relieved he survived and Inosuke hoarsely says not to worry, his voice damaged from the wounds he was given by Father. He's depressed and apologizes for being so weak. Nezuko is given a room of her own and she only makes it part way out of her box before falling asleep. Tanjiro affirms his promise to turn her into a human. The Hashira, meanwhile, resume their meeting. The demons are in an active phase right now and the Corps needs to recruit new members, and train them, as Mt. Natagumo made it clear the caliber of non-Hashira has plummeted. It's difficult to recruit in this era though as many don't believe demons exist and the more humans there are, the less unified they become. Only those who have lost loved ones to demons or those descendant from demon slayers are joining the Corps. The Master believes Rui's drastic actions confirm Kibutsuji is nowhere nearby as whenever the progenitor wants to hide something, he creates a diversion somewhere else that can't be ignored. After everyone leaves, the Master vows they will bring Kibutsuji down without fail.
Food Wars: The Second Plate Stagiaire Arc EP#36 - The Magician Returns: The next step of the Stagiaire reunites Soma with Shinomiya, who is opening a Tokyo branch of his French restaurant, Shino's. As the restaurant begins its first pre-open day, Soma witnesses firsthand the intensity of working in Shinomiya's kitchen and struggles to keep up with the rest of the staff. Thinking over his failures, Soma spends the rest of the week getting prep work done early so he can ask the other staff members for advice on how to become more efficient in the kitchen and learn new techniques. On the final day, Soma decides to enter a competition to create a dish for Shino's menu that he can call his specialty.
Black Clover: Elf Tribe Reincarnation Arc EP#112 - Humans Who Can Be Trusted: Reve prevents the exit doors from opening with chains. Luck suggests making Reve defeat herself by creating a doll that resembles Reve's human body, tricking her into thinking about and summoning a non-possessed version of Captain Dorothy Unsworth. Dorothy, who is normally asleep, turns out to be hyperactively cheerful within the Dream World. Meanwhile Asta finds it impossible to attack Droit while avoiding his lasers and Eclat's paralysing eyes. Henry throws himself at Droit and Eclat, draining their magic while sacrificing himself. Asta urges him to live and Henry realises he wants to live. He is saved by his friends while Asta manages to attack Droit. Droit recalls that when the elves were being murdered human royals used a magic item to steal their magic for themselves, and yet he realises Asta and the Bulls are nothing like the ancient humans and decides to allow Asta to nullify his and Eclat's reincarnations. As Gauche awakes he berates the Bulls for risking themselves for him when he only ever cared about Marie and not them, though the Bulls insist they consider him a friend anyway. Reve's Dream World begins to collapse from the magic of Reve and Dorothy colliding inside it. Dorothy disappears but urges Reve to consider that good humans exist, especially the Bulls. As the Dream World collapses, everyone reappears in the normal world and Asta nullifies Reve's reincarnation. With all the Bulls back together, Asta declares it is time to find Captain Yami.
Slightly Damned Page 957: https://www.sdamned.com/comic/957
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