#and make the product and the people making it suffer
shini--chan · 12 hours
Would you please do a Yandere Character Sheet II for England, Canada, and Russia?
First one will be Russia. The other two will come out next month.
Yandere Character Sheet II
1p Russia - Ivan Konstantinovich Braginski 
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Trigger warnings: stalking, other controlling behaviours, toxic relationship dynamics, isolation, trivilisation of abuse, coersion, drugging, implied violence
Blend in - Are the red flags obvious? Are they even aware that their behaviour is wrong? Do they even care? 
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On this topic, there are the red flags that Ivan is self-aware of, and those he hasn't the foggiest clue of. Russia doesn't have any delusions of self-righteousness or sainthood. While he may strive for a better life and dream of eternal summer, he is cynical beneath the friendliness and hospitality. He is well-aware that he has flaws, and he sees them as products of his circumstances above anything else. As such, he doesn't invest much energy in trying to curb them. 
Some of the red flags in himself that he is conscious of are the following:
 That he is overly controlling. This is part of his natural personality and what makes him yandere as well. To him, it is a need that has to be fulfilled. Especially at the start of your relationship, he wouldn't really trust you and it would shine through. Ivan would try to keep it subtle, though how successful he'd be at that is a different question. He is older or at least more experienced than you. In ways, he doesn't expect you to be capable of handling yourself, at least not entirely, and that you therefore need somebody to guide you. Along the same vein, he'd be prone to offering unsolicited advice. Of course, he has other reasons for this sort of behaviour - such as that he simply feels more at ease the more control he has over the situation at hand. Ivan has been disappointed and burned too often in the past to just give somebody else the reigns. 
As such, he would hover over your shoulder and check what sort of books you read and TV shows you watch. His reasoning behind this is that he doesn't want you to be corrupted. You are precious to him, and he doesn't want you to lose your lustre.
Will always want to know your whereabouts and doings, as well as the reasons behind them. Part of this would be to get to know you better, part to protect you. 
Tying in with what is described in the first point, is that he would be prone to making important decisions without you. Suddenly, you would find yourself engaged to him, then spirited away to the registry office for marriage and moving in with him. Should you be unable to assert yourself, then he'll just steamroll over your opinions and sweep you along. You might try to argue, but you would have to argue well or else he'll just shut you down. 
Is very restrictive when it comes to how other people interact with you, even early on in the relationship. The reason behind this would be twofold - on one hand, he wants to protect your honour. No insults towards you would be tolerated, nor vulgar remarks or flirting. Who knows, maybe you'd even have to restrain him from some hapless boy that just winked at you while crossing the street. The other part is that he doesn't want anybody to steal you away or hurt you, or fill your head with fluff. The more time passes, the more hoops a person would have to jump through just to get to talk with you for a few minutes. 
Another characteristic that you'd have to suffer under would be his paranoia. You are very important to him, thus he'd live with the underlying fear of you abandoning him. Want to retain a certain measure of freedom? Then don't hint that you want to leave him while you hold his heart in your hands. Still, he would regularly demand reassurances and test your loyalty. 
Despite all these things that he would inflict on you, he would remain an immensely private person and take very long to start to truly open up to you. His respect and trust aren't something given, they are earned. The matter is, a normal, peaceful life wouldn't allow you to demonstrate your loyalty to him sufficiently enough for his tastes, so he would put you through some tribulations. 
Beneath a certain threshold, he would be quick to trivialise the suffering and fears of other people. His black humour would exacerbate this, since he would also be inclined to trolling people over what he deems "minor dilemmas". 
Compatriot - Who aids them? Who condemns them? Are there ways you can convince their friends/colleges/underlings to help you?
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You'd think he'd be on his own here but no, he has plenty of support. For each person that does him a favour, he would give something in return. As such, he'd have a lot of people willing to aid him. With all these persons and groups, he would be careful not to reveal all his cards. Ivan knows that much of the leverage he wields also comes from being unpredictable and he would take advantage of this to it. 
For those that aid him, be it attaining to maintaining to retrieving you, there would be prizes. Aside from that, there would also be those that are wholly loyal to him, whether because of patriotism, ideology or kinship, or naked self-interest. These people would often go out of their way to help him on their own initiative. Exactly these types would be the hardest to sway to your side, and you might have to deceive, or at least mislead, them if you want them to help you with matters that run counter to Ivan's desires. However, if what you want isn't diametrically opposed to your "lover's" wishes, or if you make them think so, then they'll be glad to help you out as well. 
Naturally, there are those that work for or under Ivan Konstantinovich and are unhappy with the lot they've drawn. These people would be wary of you at first, considering his attachment to you. In the case that you bridge the gap successfully, then they'll aid you with vigour, and if it is only to be petty towards Russia. The ground condition here is that they would dare … rebel. Despite what you may think, it wouldn't be self-evident. 
On the flip side, there are many that would be ready to help you in a heartbeat just because it is Ivan that they are dealing with. The need to deal a blow would come before everything else. If this is a wise choice is a different discussion altogether. In the case that the "plan" fails, chances are high that you'd be dropped like a hot coal. 
Taking a step away from those fanatic elements, there would be the more level-headed opponents as well. Don't be surprised when you're treated more like a chess piece than a human being. 
Dominion - What actions are especially pleasing to them?
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Ivan can be very simple in this regard. Cater to him and praise him; reserve a special place in your heart for him and be the sort to have enough sensitivity to know which actions are appropriate and when. Additionally, use diminutives that display your closeness to him, like Vaneshka or Ivanushka. In turn, he'll expect to have the privilege of being the only one to use a special diminutive of your name. 
Fluffy relationship jazz aside, find opportunities to flaunt your loyalty to him. As mentioned before, he would need constant reassurance to feel comfortable in your relationship. Keep in mind that the more his paranoia is quelled, the more freedoms you'd have. That said, you'd have to make sure it is viewed as genuine and not mere lip service. Show, don't tell. These don't have to be over-the-top romantic gestures - in fact he would prefer it if you don't subject him to such things too often. What matters is that you choose him even when it is the less favourable option. Suffer for his sake instead of saving yourself. 
What would please him immensely, would be to have his achievements recognised by you. Ranging from small things like making a good breakfast to major things like putting a man in space, he'd want you to look at him with admiration. Just like how America has claimed that he was the deciding player in WWII when it actually was the USSR - Alfred was getting his arse handed back to him in the Sahara when Nazi Germany’s fate was sealed at the Battle of Kursk - he doesn’t like it when somebody takes credit for his achievements.
Accept his version of reality - don’t dismiss his fears or laugh at his desires and make him feel appreciated. He also wants somebody to confide in, somebody that he can someday pour his heart out to. A person that wouldn’t clap their hands over their ears, or call him a liar or end the conversation because what they are hearing is too much. Show him that he can trust you, and you’ll find your life with him becoming much more comfortable. 
Aside from that, he’d love it if you take on a multitude of hobbies - such as gardening, reading, wood work and the such. Preferably they should be hobbies that are either useful and train the body and or mind. On top of that, Ivan would want something mundane that you two can connect over, such as hiking and watching cheesy melodrama and then writing critiques of them online.
Flight - What do you have to do in order to escape them?
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Find a moment when he is weak and distracted and make a break for it - or not. On that front, the situation is complicated, since Ivan actually functions best when life isn’t very peaceful and comfortable for him. Pain makes him move faster and his thought processes clearer. If anything, you’d be in for a very nasty shock. Since you are what provides him happiness, he would be all the quicker to track you down if you flee when the going is rough. 
As it is, you’d have to find a moment when he is totally weakened, weakened to the point where he can’t move without assistance, or when he is completely at ease and therefore would take some time to notice something is amiss. The other option would just to be quicker on your feet and get in his decision making loop - surprise him, do what he wouldn’t expect. Though watch out - he would be very quick to adjust to new challenges.
Hospitality - What is your life like with them? How much does it deviate from your former life?
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Once again, that would largely depend on your behaviour. Though, there would still be some fundamentals. Ivan would expect the two of you to fit together like two peas in a pod. While he wouldn’t be adverse to with seeing other people, he would be very strict and controlling on who you would see. Mostly, he would insist that he is present whenever you interact with another human being, be it your mother or a cashier in a store. Who knows who could harm you? Who knows who would try to seperate you from him?
What would occur, would be a lot of outdoor activities, especially in summer. It would be a bonding experience, a way to distract you from the “harsh realities” that you’re facing and as a means to prevent you from escaping. You’d hardly have time to plot an escape, never mind prepare for one if you’re constantly busy and in unknown locations. You wouldn’t be a sex doll to him, so he would encourage you to have your own personality, within premediated boundaries of course. You’re allowed to have hobbies and a mind of your own, as long as said mind isn’t opposed to him. If anything, hobbies would function to make you more comfortable around him, and as a way for him to show you his support and encouragement. 
If you are very well behaved, then he’d even allow you to have a job. With enough imagination, you could even trick yourself into thinking that you are living a normal life and are in a somewhat normal relationship. There would be surveilance and a hideous amount of rules that you’d have to follow, but Ivan would explain it away as the price of being so high in the pecking order. Should you make peace with that, life would be fairly ok. 
Should you not be well behaved, then the retriction would come into play. You’d have a tracker implanted, and somebody to shadow your movements and even pull you away from other people if you seem to be getting to cozy. Finacial movements of yours would be tracked, as well as the location of your withdrawal. Ivan would gain access to your electonics, and if your behaviour would worsen, then he would relieve you your mobile devices entirely. If he is feeling gracious, then he would set up a seperate account on his computer, but don’t count on that. A curfew would be implemented, upon which you are to stay in your room and go to sleep once the clock strikes the determined hour. For safety, the room would be sparse and you’d have to hand in any books or tools or electronics. He’d use sleeping pills on you if you’d try to defy him by staying up late on purpose. 
Generally, you’d live a life according to a strict schedule, that would only become harsher the more you act out against him. It could very well culminate in him spiriting you off to the middle of nowhere to live in a hunt. Just the two of you - how very romantic, yes? 
Order - What are the rules you have to adhere to?
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There are quite a few, and some of them would only come into force later on, or be discarded as the relationship progresses and the circumstances change. Though, here are some of the ground rules:
Always be honest with me. If there is something that Ivan can’t stand, then it is cunning. He sees it as a weakness of character, indesivness in descion making, and disrespect to other people. Besides, if you lie once, then when should he know when you’ll lie again? If you like riddles and prose, fine, just don’t be misleading. Don’t induluge in half-truths. If there is something that you don’t like about him or his behaviour, be the one to inform him on your own incentive - don’t make him pull every word out of your throat, and don’t let him gain the information from the rumour mill. If you tell him one thing, only for him to find out the opposite was true later on, then his trust in you will be diminished and he’ll play restrictions on you, at the very least. 
Stay in control of your emotions. I don’t want to see any tantrums. Ivan is very familiar with flights of passion, with emotional speeches and impulsive gesture. Though, you should be in control of your emotions - not the other way around. If that isn’t the case, then he would see it as a sign of you needing to be fixed and that you shouldn’t be allowed out in public. Also, whenever you get very emotional, he can’t help but ask himself if it is a ploy, or if you are a hysterical person in general. 
If you don’t want to be harmed, then don’t try to harm me. To him, relationships should be mutual, so if you try to poison or electrucute or stab him or harm him in anyway, then he’ll pay you back with interest. This would be an especially sore spot for him, since he is cynical as it is. He would take such actions as betrayal, and traitors ought to be punished most serverly. Of course, he wouldn’t want to break you, though he might end up overestimating your hardiness and permanently damaging you anyhow. 
Listen to you, and don’t dismiss my words lightly. If there is something that Ivan loathes, it is being made a laughing stock. Something he detests just as much is when his words are simply shrugged off. While there is a certain pleasure in sticking around to say “I told you so” when things go south, people are capable of cognitive distortion. Thus, he would want to taken seriously from the get-go. If you need time to come around, then fine, he is a patient man. However, even his patience has an end. 
Rehabilitation - How much will they change you? Will they break you? How much therapy would you need in the event that you get rid of them? 
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Part of Ivan’s schick is to make you dependant on him in some form or manner. If he can manage it, you’d need him in multiple ways, such as for financial support, protection, understanding, familiarity … and much more than can be listed here. Man and wife are one before God and the law - he would want to go even further than that. 
Tearing yourself away from him would be painful in its own way, and you would need community support in order to learn how to live on your own again. Not something easy, since you would have to build many, in some cases all, social bonds from scratch. Ivan would look for you in your former community, so returning wouldn’t be much of an option. To top it off, he would strive to install his own paranoia and cynicism in you, so that opening up to other people would be very difficult. All in all, it would be more likely for you to return to his embrace than to make a full recovery. 
Full recovery would be grueling and you’d have to have somebody to hold you in place when you’d slip back and wish to return to him. It would take years, and you would have to have an iron clad will to not give in to despair. 
Zeal - Do they fall fast or slow? What is their reaction to their own feelings?
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He is fast to take an interest in you, but slow to actually act in his feelings. The key matter here is that while he is a passionate man, he has learned to control it with pragmatism. So, he would make efforts to get closer to you, to learn more about you and then decide how he should handle you. That being said - he is slow to move but once he does, it is with great momentum. 
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“Today we are still preoccupied with creating gardens.Why? To not suffer from hunger. Because having rice, beans, fava beans, maize, peanut — then one can survive.” — Renato, of the Canela community[1]
“The development of what we know as agriculture was not an overnight phenomenon, but rather a several thousand year-long project. In some places in the world, the earliest stages of cultivation were never surpassed, and remain sustainable today. In many more places, the pressures of the global economy have corrupted these practices just in this last century. But in most of the world today, we are witnessing the full-blown colonization of native foodways, and a nearly complete dependence on western industrial practices. To trace this “biodevestation” directly back to cultivation itself, is to ignore the history of conquest and land displacement that pushed the food systems of subsistence cultures to the brink, where they now teeter on the edge of extinction.” — Witch Hazel, Against agriculture & in defense of cultivation
Situated in dense forests and savanna of the Brazilian state of Maranhão lives the indigenous Canela people. In the past they lived from hunting, gathering and gardening but starting from 200 years ago as they were pushed from their traditional territory as settler farmers occupied the land bit by bit. The lush forests are being replaced by industrial eucalyptus and soy plantations, and cattle ranches. They now inhabit an area 5 to 10 percent of their original territory. Traditionally the Canela travelled from place to place as the seasons changed but now adopt a more sedentary lifestyle living in bigger permanent villages. Although the Canela still depend on hunting and foraging they don’t have access to a big enough land base to cover all their needs so they increasingly depend on gardening to meet their needs.
For the Canela gardening is not just to meet their subsistence needs but also a means of resistance against being assimilated into the structures, networks, dependency and the institutional inequality of the Brazilian state, religious institutions, and multinational corporations who are constantly trying to infringe and occupy the Canela’s home.
Other threats to the Canelas way of life are from the environmental effects from the industrialized agriculture of soy and eucalyptus production that causes water depletion which exacerbates drought and soil erosion. The overuse of fertilizers and agrochemicals annihilates plant biodiversity and pollutes the local rivers and waterways with high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus which in turn causes algal blooms which can produce toxins that are harmful to animals and cause dead zones from the reduction of oxygen in the water starving fish and plants. So any flora or fauna living near a eucalyptus or soy plantation is at risk.
The Canela’s subsistence gardening approach is totally different from monocrop agriculture. They work with nature using a conscious ecological and more biodiverse method.Typically in agriculture only a small variety of cash crops are grown in large fields covering acres upon acres of land where in the Amazon large sections of jungle are destroyed. For the Canela gardners instead of being dependent on a small variety of cash crops they cultivate over 300 varieties of plants to meet their subsistence needs. Instead of using destructive hellish machines like bulldozers, ploughs, and combine harvesters they use a slash and burn method to clear small patches just enough for them to use and their tools consist of a digging stick and woven baskets. They only use the same garden for two years and then not use the same area for at least eight years to allow the forest to regrow and return fertility to the soil.
The Canela’s vast knowledge of plants helps them determine which ones make good companions that will help each other grow, which ones are natural repellents to predatory insects that will attack the plants, and which plants to grow which will attract beneficial insects such as pollinizers. And likewise their vast knowledge of soil helps them to consciously plant to suit the 10 different soil groups in their area which will help prevent soil erosion, nutrients depletion, and combat against other harmful effects that are typical of agriculture. Their focus is for caring for the well-being of local biodiversity and the nonhuman inhabitants.
The Canel don’t see themselves as farmers but parents looking after their plant kin viewing their saved seeds and cuttings as their babies and their growing crops as their infants, genuinely loving them in the same way as if they were their human children caring for the plants as the plants care for them. They view the environment as consisting of human and nonhuman “selves”, and gardening as caretaking for themselves and their plant and human families.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
The bourgeois or "exploiting class" doesn't inherently include the person who gets their nails done biweekly, or the disabled person who has a carer, or the guy who got a $70 video game for full-price, or the person who relies on medication (yes even the ones you don't think they "need"), or anything else like this. None of these people will, on average, have the ability to exploit workers by means of ownership or whatever.
While you are busy fighting with fellow workers, you are still being exploited by your boss, by capitalism, by (potentially) not having healthcare, by being overworked and underpaid, and so are they.
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jewreallythinkthat · 3 months
Call me old fashioned but when I see suffering alongside those who are not suffering (in the same way at least), my first thought is not to drag down those who are happy so they can experience suffering themselves, but to instead try and work out how those suffering can be raised up so everyone is living happily and peacefully.
And if to stop one group suffering, I must instead pass that pain onto others, I simply don't make a decision about who I executively decide to be mose deserving of suffering but instead put in the effort to find another way
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faunandfloraas · 9 days
Can someone let companies know it's okay to make like lipsticks and face moisturisers that don't have strong ass perfumes in them
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julnites · 1 year
Do you have any drawing of your own Spiderman?
I do In fact! I made a spidersona a bit ago and then just touched up the design elements recently. It's mainly inspired by corvids, specifially crows and european magpies!
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starredforlife · 5 months
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If you fucking morons cared one ounce as much for palestine as you do for this horrid little show.
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homophyte · 5 months
there is a rapidly evolving rhetoric against transgender cowardice that is deeply shaming nd it worries me a lot
#myposts#'medical transition invariably and always will expose u to harm and violence and if it doesnt ur not doing it right'#'medical transition is the single most important thing u can do u have to do it'#what do u mean the first statement makes u hesitant to participate in the second. theres no hesitating in transgenderism#idk man. doesnt seem productive#from like an access barrier perspective or a. compassion toward other people perspective#no consideration for like abusive situations or any other reason someone might not engage w medical institutions#i see ppl who say this act like others are criticizing it because theyre 'forcing people to transition' but tbh#my concern is actually more like. youre making transition seem undesirable and scary and like it will be a negative#ur making it seem like its a loyalty test that is awful but needs to be done#instead of actually promoting it as life saving and vital and doing the political work that entails#ie actually addressing access barriers or abuse or medical trauma or anything really#i guess its easier to sit on the computer and tell other ppl theyre not good enough and especially ahvent suffered enough#making it a point of shame to not be doing X while also portraying X as bad and scary and not doing work to undo the things that make it so#is a bad combination? i think? personally?#its just a bizarre way to talk abt something so positive. as if theres no positives about it.#you just have to do it anyway. for reasons. huh#personally what gets me is that its literally like. yeah if youre a coward theres no room for you. we wont protect or help you.#if youre scared fuck you. heres XYZ reasons to be scared. aww you got scared?? loser#thats what gets me. whats that for what does it accomplish#i mean what is accomplishes is shame but. personally im on the side of the transsexual coward
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chappellrroan · 4 months
it's almost like if i dont let the whole world know about my new hyperfixtation i will burst into flames
#preacher's daughter both family tree songs#how she says in family tree “heaven hath no fury like a woman scorned and baby hell don't scare me i've been times before”#and western nights “i would hold the gun if you asked me to but if you love me like you say you do will you ask me to?”#the whole house in nebraska song UGH#the outro of hard times i am tired of you still tied to me bleeding whenever you want too tired to move to tired to leave#american teenager gracie's cover i love you so so so so much i do it for daddy and i do it for dale i am doing what i want DAMN i am doing#it well#ptolemaea that stop scream i am the face of love's rage blessed be the daughters of cain bound to suffering eternal through sins of their#fathers commited long before their conception that whole outro in general#i tried to be good am i no good? am i no good? am i no good?....i just wanted to be yours? am i yours? am i yours?...if i am turning in you#stomach and making you feel sick am i making you feel sick? am i making you feel sick? am i making you feel sick? is just SO AGH#also god loves you but not enough to save you I FORGIVE IT ALL AS IT COMES BACK TO ME#we know how it goes the more it hurts the less it shows but i feel like they all know and that's why i can never come back home and i spent#my life watching it go by from the sidelines and god i have tried but i think it's about time i put up a fight#and the instrumental songs their production is so so good#anyways yeah now i feel better if anyone is reading till here go listen to it thanks <3#it's great for people with family issues#v.txt
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absurdist-void · 4 months
I don’t know how people don’t go insane after knowing the extent of corporate crimes across the planet. Nearly everything we interact with in the west was produced through slavery and poor working conditions. Everything is tainted.
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butchshevik · 8 months
I will probably cave and watch the fall of the house of usher anyways but let it be stated for the record that I do not and never will like flanegans work
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xxlovelynovaxx · 10 months
Ah. "Animals rights" bullshit okay. Being animals that are not obligate herbivores and eating the flesh of other animals because of it is "oppressing" non-human animals. And they called out my comparing it to anti-choicers because "murder is different than death" okay well anti-choicers think abortion is murder. I don't happen to consider a human killing an animal for food murder any more than I consider an animal killing another animal for food murder, especially when as you pointed out yourself some people can't survive without meat.
Or is it a contract killing/hit on every animal You've ever eaten to survive? Are you just not a murderer because you paid not to get your hands dirty?
Like yeah it's fucking NATURAL. Humans aren't some wondrous ascended beings that don't crawl through the dirt. We fuck and fight and survive and yes, part of that survival for many is KILLING.
And it's good that you don't think people should be forced onto veganism because that would be as bad as the people who want to force all animals to eat synthetic meat and hunt via robots or whatever but my gods can you imagine telling someone who has been a vegetarian by choice for years for animal WELFARE purposes (not rights) who is vegan for disability reasons that they are "justifying the oppression of animals" and "killing animals for food is murder" when you literally can't go vegan for health reasons yourself? Okay murderer. Guess your life matters more than those oppressed animals.
Like sorry I'm going full "you're an asshole and I despise you and I'm genuinely sorry for myself that I thought we could be friends".
Like yeah the anti-choicer metaphor wasn't perfect. But it also got you to cut right to the heart of the matter. You are so divorced from humans as part of the ecosystem and food chain you genuinely believe we have some moral duty to not kill animals (but only animals, not plants or fungi, which are also living and have some measure of sentience) and to hold ourselves separate from the biosphere to the greatest extent possible.
That's just ecofascism 101. Are we gonna do the "any form of hunting or land management, even responsibly by indigenous stewards using traditional practices is bad" next? Or are we gonna avoid that one because you hopefully know better than THAT and simply think that removing humans from ONLY one part of the consumptive chain is ✨different✨?
For reference:
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Also where does "choosing to die" come in to this? I wasn't talking about euthanasia, I was talking about withdrawing the life support provided by a human body if the owner of that body stops consenting to providing it, therefore depriving a fetus dependent on that life support for survival of said survival. I'm pretty sure the fetus doesn't have a choice in the matter. (Whether or not it's "alive" doesn't have much to do with anything since it's been made pretty clear that medical autonomy in terms of mandated use of your body's parts or resources is unethical at ANY point. Even if you ARE killing it, we've determined that's the most ethical option.)
Also if we're going to make bullshit oppression claims why don't we talk about transspecies people who are obligate carnivores?
#literally I'm not a fucking legalist but no I don't believe murder in the sense of nonconsensual killing is always wrong#like self defense. hello.#like maybe my moral system is just built different but to call it oppression and make me out to be some kind of bigot?#come on. that's bullshit and you know it.#we're literally not talking about rights being taken away. also this is why animal welfare is such a better concept than animal rights#stop anthropomorphizing animals!! stop treating them like furry humans that can't speak!!#literally somehow both a veganism centrist and an 'animal rights' person at once#go yell at people for literally having a moral-spiritual belief system that encompasses eating animals as neutral somewhere else#oh and btw don't EVER fucking moralize any kind of food related consumption around me again that goes for everyone#meat is neutral. sugar is neutral. artificial sweeteners are neutral. preservatives are neutral. plants are neutral. fish are neutral. etc#some of these may be unhealthy for a given individual and their production under capitalism may be fucking harmful#but conceptually they are neutral and there are ways of making them physically so by changing the harmful systems#you can keep feeling bad about your oppression of poor animals or w/e. or maybe you don't feel bad idk#I happen to find that far more harmful than humans who want or need to eat meat - doing so - will ever be#thanks for the mask off moment where you decided it was actually okay to moralize food and survival#I'm so happy to say goodbye forever#(note: if you know who this is don't fucking harass them. I have them blocked and am being a bit nasty *bc* they can't see it)#(I don't want them to suffer. I just think they're a monumental asshole. gods know I'm one too.)#(let people be assholes 2k23 lol)
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arolesbianism · 5 days
Thinks abt my lob corp nuggets oh so hard. I may only have second hand half remembered knowledge of project moon worldbuilding but I will still forever obsess over my lil guys who suck absolute ass
#rat rambles#oc posting#I <3 women who are just straight up bad people#this is mostly abt my girl yuri but its also abt my girl juliet#yuri is well. she's certainly smth.#she's very fascinated in psychology and in particular the psychology behind abnormalities#and it is for this reason that shes in disciplinary#for most of her life one of the things that had facinated her most is the mind'd reaction to pain and suffering#so she finds suppressing abnormalities to be very fun and interesting#her girlfriend maxy certainly has an interesting perspective on this aspect of yuri to but it kindly#maxy has a lot of self loathing mostly relating to how numb shes become to everything and how unatural it is for her to care abt stuff#so she sees yuri as a far better person than she is because she still manages to care and be passionate abt things#she deeply admires and loves yuri and feels like she doesnt deserve yuri's affection#maxy is also the only person that I say yuri genuinely cares abt on a personal level#most of the time even ppl yuri rly likes arent safe from her morbid curiosity but she genuinely cares abt maxy's wellbeing#now juliet is generally a lot less extreme than yuri but shes still not great#juliet and her bestie loki both are genuinely very invested in the cause and goals of lob corp which is the first red flag#but juliet is the more noteworthy of the two actions wise because she actually interacts with fellow employees#she was among the first employees here and while she comes off as friendly and nice she takes her job incredibly seriously and doesn't fuck#around when it comes to productivity levels#she generally respects malkuth a lot more than any of the other robots and actively dislikes most of the others#most newbies tend to like her because of her being one of the few higher ranking employees thats friendly and welcoming but most that make#it longer term tend to realize quick that she doesn't care abt any of them#but whats often worse than her not caring abt you is her seeing potential in you#if she sees potential in someone she will make it very clear and do everything in her power to help them realize that potential#one of my other higher ranking guys mason very much hates juliet because of that exact situation#mason rly didnt know what she was getting into when she got hired at lob corp and mostly worked with the much softer abnos for her first#while at the job until she was thrown into the deep end to work on censored#most of the other higher level employees at the time wouldnt be able to make it through a work session with censored but she was#barely. but it was enough that juliet took notice of her and decided that maybe this guy was worth keeping around afterall
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spoookiepie · 4 months
Ocarina of Time is an amazing groundbreaking game that belongs in the annals of gaming history and also is often the bane of my existence and did as many bad things for the series and Zelda gamers’ brains as it did good
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fungi-maestro · 2 years
Now that Sony has pulled this stupid stunt a ton of times and their public perception isn’t as good, I think it’s finally time that we talk about how every few years they’ll make a dogshit production choice for publicity reasons.
When it was Cats 2019 people just kind of laughed it off (or as cats fans know. cried it off.) but in the years since then its been like. The Sonic trailers and stuff. If you have an example of this please feel free to add on. But I think we should all be unsurprised that mediocrity or awfulness is used as marketing in the current era. That’s why Marvel feels so comfortable releasing awful unfinished tv shows and movies (among many other reasons). If someone posts about the terrible CGI and writing in She-Hulk or whatever, that’s free publicity! For every 5 people that laugh it off, there will be 4-5 that go and watch it on their streaming service just to see if its as bad as they were told.
Speaking as someone who saw Cats 2019 for the first time specifically because I was told it was awful and ended up becoming weirdly fixated on it, this kind of marketing works. Just be aware. Don’t hatewatch stuff. That’s literally what the companies want you to do.
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introvert-celeste · 1 year
Oh boy, it's time for my monthly bout of existential dread! 😃
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