#and matt is so good to abby???
topguncortez · 2 years
i had an anon somewhere buried in the abyss that is my inbox asking who inspired Shy!Wifey and Jake
and tbh they’re a mix of two tiktokers Matt_and_Abby and rachsullivan_
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dvrcos · 8 months
Aaron may not have an eidetic memory like Andrew does but he has a damn good one and he can remember anything he puts even the smallest amount of effort into remembering.
After everything that happened in Baltimore Aaron starts to note every small possibly important (and unimportant) medical fact about the foxes. And he’s not even totally conscious he’s doing it.
He consciously remembers Andrew and Nicky’s blood types. He knows Nicky’s allergic to penicillin and he knows Andrew doesn’t react well to doctors so it’s best for everyone if he can be administered some kind of sedative right away.
And then he thinks he should probably know this stuff for Kevin, and begrudgingly Neil, because they’re part of his strange little family that Andrew’s created. So he quickly and easily finds this information on them (because he’s a Minyard and he just knows how to find the things he needs to know). So he knows their blood types and he knows Kevin still feels residual pain in his left hand but doesn’t show it and try’s to ignore it. He knows Neil heals annoyingly quick from his all too common injuries but he also knows he aggravates those injuries easily by pushing himself too soon.
But it doesn’t stop there, there’s a small itch in the back of his head driving him to find out the important medical facts about the rest of the foxes. So he allows himself to remember their blood types and allergens and tells himself he needs to know incase of an emergency.
But he also notices that Matt has a high tolerance to pain medication whenever he’s being treated by Abby for an injury during practice or a game. And he notes the one type that works for him and keeps multiple bottles on him and in their room. (It’s also the only type that works for Kevin and works best for Neil so he stocks their room with it too)
And he notices that Allison is a slight germaphobe and applies hand sanitizer anytime she has to touch a public door handle or they go out to eat. So he opens as many doors for her as he can despite the confused look he gives her every time and he just glares right back at her. He keeps an extra mini bottle of hand sanitizer in his backpack for her as well and silently passes it to her when she’s forgotten hers.
He notices Dans chronic knee and lower back pain that Abby is constantly treating and how there’s always a rotating rainbow of colorful KT Tape on her. So he keeps an eye on Abby’s stock of tape and when a color is running low he casually mentions it to her to order more and then walks away.
He notices how Renee always picks at the scabs on her knuckles that result from her sparring with Andrew. He figures the wraps she has are getting old and silently leaves a new pair on the counter the next time he’s in the girls dorm, along with a box of bandaids and a tube of antiseptic ointment. He leaves a matching set of supplies in Andrew’s dorm as well just to be safe.
He doesn’t consciously realize that what he’s doing is protecting and taking care of the Foxes. But the others catch on and smile fondly at him because he’s letting himself care for them and become part of their family.
And the one time Dan mentions what he’s doing for them he looks at her like she’s crazy. He tells himself, and her, that that’s not what he’s doing, he’s just a future doctor and someone needs to take care of these injury prone idiot athletes and no one else besides him and Abby are going to do it right.
Aaron would definitely be so observant and acutely aware of the Foxes physical well beings despite him insisting he doesn’t care and hates them all. But he basically becomes Abby’s right hand man and teams second nurse because it’s good practice for his future and he knows them.
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fairvstairs · 3 months
Nicky watches soap operas when they are in the bus/plane/travelling to a game. The other foxes learned everything they know against their will but it's actually a good way to spend the time. Kevin keeps saying he hates them ("It always takes so long for secrets to get discovered" "Says the guy who waited years to tell his father his truth") but he's the only one who actually remembers the names of the characters. Every time an evil twin comes into the screen Neil laughs and points at Aaron . Every time someone lies about their identity Aaron laughs and points at Neil.
Neil has amazing hair but hates to take care of them. Andrew washes them with curly hair product, Allison cuts them (he lets her near him with scissors!!!) and Matt braids them during the summer.
Aaron can't study anatomy around the foxes because they scream "BROKE IT!" every time he mentions a bone they broke.
On the anniversary of Seth's death, the foxes and Wymack gather at Abby's place to have dinner together. They don't really talk about him but they leave one seat empty.
Neil found a injured rabbit during one of his runs, he brought it back to the dorm and the foxes successfully hid the pet for three weeks. One day they came back to their dorms from classes only to find Wymack there, holding the rabbit in his arms. This imagine becomes Abby's lock screen and the rabbit goes to live with Bee.
Matt is an amazing cook but Aaron finds his meals way too spicy. When he first said this around the others, Dan looked at him dead in the eyes and said "White trash," only to continue eating like nothing had happened.
Renee loves puzzle but she only does them in company so she usually sends a puzzle emoji on the group chat and whoever is free just goes to her dorm to spend quality time together.
Allison can't watch criminal shows around Andrew because he always spoils her about who the murderer is. He hasn't watched the shows, he just knows, and when she asks him how he knows he gives the stupidest answers. ("He was wearing a red tie," "He said 'good day' instead of 'good morning,' "He has a mole under his eye.")
Dan and Renee love Halloween and they always get matching costumes with Matt and Allison but not the couple kind. So far they have done the Ninja Turtles, the Fantastic Fours and the Teletubbies.
The twins wear each other's clothes on Halloween. Nicky, Katelyn and Neil are the only ones who don't fall for it. Neither does Wymack but he just lets them be without saying anything.
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detectivebambam · 3 months
inspired by a recent post i saw about Kevin Day holding a baby, here's Bam Bam's professional ranking of Foxes and Co. by best to worst at dealing with children:
Andrew and I am always going to stand by this. He grew up in foster care so it's entirely possible he's raised a bunch of babies in his lifetime, but I think he'd by driven by breaking the abuse cycle. if he can keep a kid safe, even if it's only one, he's going to. Andrew social worker au when? anyway. Designated Babysitter.
Laila. No clue why tbh she kinda just gives those vibes
Katelyn because she's a sweetheart. whether they're her kids or someone else's, i just feel that she's really great with them
Seth was very good with kids. babysat his younger siblings a lot, didn't really want kids, but if you gave him a baby he might not give it back
Wymack is scared of babies. The younger a child is, the more fear he has. The first time he held a baby he was like... 50-60. (bonus points if it's Kevin's kid). but he's very good with them. very gentle and sweet
Matt. golden retriever yk. idk what else to say. he's also Big and babies tend to like that. lots of sleeping room
Aaron. he thinks he'd be terrible so he stays away from them. when he and Kate start talking about having kids, his biggest fear is turning out like his mother. they do end up having kids and he is the Best Dad to ever dad
Abby is really good with kids in that she knows what to do with them in the most basic sense. when they need to be fed, how to get them to stop crying, etc, but other than that she's pretty indifferent to them
Jeremy. he's kinda lost when it comes to kids. he'll hold them for a little bit but unless they're older than six he gets bored so easily
Bee. she'll hold a baby cuz they're cute, but toddlers exhaust her. she'd rather spend her time with older kids and young adults
Renee thinks kids are cute, but doesn't really want anything to do with them. if someone asked if she wanted to hold the baby, she'd politely decline. very funny for the Foxes watching her try to interact with a child and realize that Andrew is actually better than her at something
Dan. not great with kids because she gets very impatient and doesn't want any due to some lurking childhood trauma (sometimes i give Matt and Dan kids for funsies, but realistically i don't think they'd have any)
Kevin. 😐 he's. not great. he kinda shakes a lil when he holds them, and holds them so gently that you'd think they were made of glass. he will only hold a baby if he's sitting down. with older kids, he tries to hard to be logical with them which ends up not working. to be fair, he's probably never seen a baby face to face before.
Cat. life or death situation, she could take care of a child. does she want to? no. and unfortunately i think she's one of those "kids are gross and annoying" people 😔
Nicky loves kids! he's just Very Bad with babies. if a baby even senses that Nicky is near, it starts crying. heartbreaking. this gives him the opportunity to adopt an older kid, though.
Alison doesn't care until the kid is old enough to go shopping with her. and if they start crying she's taking them home.
Neil. with Andrew's help, he does okay, but when left to his own devices he bluescreens. no, Neil, a 2 year old can not sit on the table while you do dishes.
Jean would be fantastic with kids, but they all remind him of Elodie, so it's more of a mental struggle than an actual inability to care for a child. if Andreil ever adopt, he likes to babysit
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mieeaahhh · 6 months
All for the game headcannons (so so so many)
(might delete because I’m embarrassed)
-Aaron and Andrew hang out at least once a week because bee said they should give it a try and then once they graduate and live separately they call once a week instead.
-Aaron has a slightly stronger southern accent than the rest of the foxes and they like ‘mock’ him by repeating what he says sometimes. (idk if that makes sense and I’m not American so idek if he’d have a southern accent I just saw other people saying the foxes would😰)
-the foxes usually go to Aaron if Abby isn’t around when they have like a small ache in their arm or something along those lines.
-on Valentine’s Day since Eric lives so far away and Seth is yk 💀 the foxes do small things to try make nicky and Alison’s day better. Matt and Dan invite them to tag along their plans sometimes, Andrew and Neil leave them extra ice-cream in the freezer, Renee makes gets Allison flowers and sometimes takes Allison on a walk if she’s up to it, Aaron and katelyn let Nicky watch movies with them sometimes, and they also just hang out with each other and somewhat ‘bond’ about being by themselves on Valentine’s Day 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
-Aaron had piercings before meeting Andrew without his mum’s permission which obviously made her absolutely furious, so then Andrew had gotten them as well because he knew she hated them. (And he thinks they’re cool)
-the twins share a lot of their shoes. Like they’re is only one pair and it’s neither Andrews or Aarons🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
-Neil named sir and king because when he suggested that Andrew should name them, Andrew just said something lazy like “cat one and cat two”.
-Katelyn’s personality is like Nicky’s and Renee’s combined. Also I like to think that Aaron is an absolute MESS around Katelyn and the foxes do NOT leave him alone about it.
-Randy is like one of those mums that’ll ask you to invite people you are barely friends with over for tea and she started doing it with Matt about Aaron. (I like to think that Aaron and Matt end up becoming really good friends)
-Aaron doesn’t like sleeping by himself and will sometimes awkwardly ask whoever he’s with if he can sleep in their bed with them (only if he trust them like A LOT and is obviously like close with them??) and most of the foxes are aware he does this but never bring it up as they all do things that are a little childish to make themselves feel better(safe)
He’s slept In Nicky’s, Andrews and obviously Katelyn’s bed the most.
-Matt always gives people those double high-fives after good games (like this🙌) and one time turned towards Andrew for one without thinking and then put them down with a quiet apology while Andrew stared at him. Andrew silently set his hand out for Matt to give him a high five and he hesitantly did.
-there is a photo of Seth (that Allison picked) on the foxes photo wall with a metal plate thing next to it that has his name, exy position and t-shirt number.
-they take a ‘team photo’ every year for the photo wall and it’s probably the most awkward looking photo in the world.
-Katelyn is an accessory girly🤞 she constantly has hair clips and jewellery and whatever else on and when she gets sick/annoyed if having a hair clip in around Aaron she will wordlessly clip it somewhere onto him. His jumper, his hair, his bag, his shoe etc etc and a lot of the times he doesn’t even notice.
-Katelyn has videos of Aaron singing his absolute heart out while drunk and she reminds him of it whenever he’s being difficult
-a lot of the foxes sing while drunk so it often leads to a mini concert when they drink together
-Wymack has a mug signed by all the foxes that he uses every day because they got it for him on Father’s Day as a joke (Kevin’s name is the biggest)
-the twins have both been caught standing on countertops soooo many times trying to reach stuff but nobody is brave enough to mention it.
-Andrew helps dye Renee’s hair and Renee helps paint Andrews nails.
-Aaron’s septum is ALWAYS squint and it drives Katelyn mad so she always just fixes it for him and he just kinda stares at her in confusion because he honestly forgets he has piercings sometimes.
-jeans new hobby is drawing (I saw Nora say he picks up a new hobby and I’m hoping, wishing and praying it’s art related)
-Jeremy has a habit of doing this 🤙 all the time in photos.
-Kevin and Wymack start going out for lunch once a week after the books take place.
-Andrew fiddles with his piercings and picks his nail varnish when he’s bored/anxious.
-Aaron’s glasses are bent slightly from always falling asleep on them at his desk
-Neil is the only fox who isn’t afraid of spiders so he’s the designated spider remover whenever they see one.
-Neil likes holding Andrews face a lot and sometimes Neil will squish his cheeks slightly too annoy him.
-we all know Andrew has a resting bored face but I think Aaron has the worst case of rbf knows to man bro. Like he will look at Matt or something and Matt will feel the need to apologise.
-Dan, Allison and Renee invite Katelyn for girls nights and slumber parties because they know it annoys Aaron and they actually just really like her.
-Aaron likes the smiths
-Kevin has dimples
-Aaron and Andrew have freckles on their nose, Neil has freckles all over and Jeremy has freckles on his cheeks
-Aaron apologises whenever he cries (trauma response??) and when he lived with Andrew and Nicky they’d always try tell him that he has nothing to apologise for which made him cry even harder
-Neil wears caps and Andrew hates it so whenever Neil wears them Andrew flicks them off his head
-Katelyn is the tallest out of Neil, Andrew and Aaron
-Dan always sends the photos she takes to the person in said photo so that they have a copy of it as-well as it being on the wall.
-Dan and Matt have soooo many matching clothes it’s ridiculous
-Andrew has smoker lungs💔
(he coughs so much it’s concerning sometimes)
And his voice is like raspier than Aarons is
-whenever the twins say something or do something at the same time they just automatically say something like “shut up” or “stop” as if the other did it on purpose.
-the twins always sit weirdly because if they don’t they’re feet will go numb from not being able to reach the floor.
-Dan made a group chat for the foxes that barely ever ended up getting used but after everyone graduates and goes on with their own lives it ends up getting used a lot more for calling/FaceTimes each other
-Nicky sometimes tags along in the twins weekly hang outs/calls
-after that big sleepover the foxes had after getting Neil back they start doing things like that regularly. Having sleepovers, trips, movie nights, baking, board games/game nights, etc because they do start realising that maybe they do care about each other more than they say they do and it should be shown towards one another a lot more or it could be too late🤷‍♀️
Sorry bro there is so much and I can’t think of any more right now 💀
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thefoxholecast · 6 months
The Original Foxhole Court Extra Content (Archived from Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr)
We copied the following text directly from the pre-2024 version of the Foxhole Court Extra Content page on Nora Sakavic’s Tumblr blog (korakos.tumblr.com/fox). In March 2024, she did “some spring cleaning” by shortening the list of links and deleting/hiding old posts. The links in this copy lead to archived snapshots of the old posts on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Some of the links are broken. If you have copies of these posts, please let us know so we can fill in missing content!
Because Tumblr only allows up to 100 links per post, we're unable to replicate the full list here. View the full list of links on our blog here: thefoxholecast.tumblr.com/FoxArchive
The Foxhole Court
ETA 2023: most of the posts here are from 2013-2015. Some of them overlap with older drafts. Some answers have evolved over time, even if they haven’t been updated here. Most I haven’t changed my mind on, for better or worse. Take ‘em or leave ‘em, and good luck making sense of ‘em around all the drunk rambling and detours. One day if I have the energy I’ll just sort it into a coherent reference.
Two sections here: the questions submitted by tumblr users, and a miscellaneous collection of stories & factoids pulled from the oft-neglected blog. The questions aren’t in any particular order, though I did try to organize them by subject matter. Ish. Once the dust is settled a bit I’ll try to find a better sorting system. Also, the tumblr tag I use for questions is http://korakos.tumblr.com/tagged/foxhole-court-questions-and-spoilers
Lots of spoilers for The Foxhole Court ahead!
Preface: Why are Asks disabled in 2016?
—Exy Rules & Regulations
—Exy: A History of the Sport
—Palmetto State University
—The original “What Happens After King’s Men” post
—SON NEFES, the cousins’ freshman year through Renee’s eyes
——One . Two . Three . Four . Five
—Nicky Hemmick
—Seth Gordon
—Aaron Minyard
—Matt Boyd
—Kevin & Andrew
—David Wymack & the Monsters
—Wymack & Andrew re: Neil
—Dan Wilds is recruited to the Foxes *
—Allison through Dan & Renee’s eyes *
——pulled from an abandoned, unfinished book about the Foxes’ women
—Neil’s life on the run
—Do they ever celebrate Neil’s birthday?
—What if Neil told the truth earlier?
—Neil through the Foxes’ eyes
—Neil through Ichirou’s eyes
—Neil’s looks post-book and relationship with his reflection
—Does Neil ever talk to Bee?
—Neil’s millions
—Neil’s fight training
—Who’s Neil closest to beside Andrew
—Neil’s fashion style
—Cellphone ringtone
—Christmas/birthday presents for Foxes
—Does Neil ever cry?
—Neil’s lonely fifth year
—When Neil’s overwhelmed
—Does Neil crush on his teammates?
—Neil & Ichirou’s intimidation
—Andrew’s sober look at his teammates & Neil
—How did Andrew react to Cass’s letter?
—Andrew’s medication and the follow-up
—Has Abby seen Andrew’s scars?
—Andrew & Mama Bee
—Andrew & Roland
—How far has Andrew willingly gone?
—What animal figurine did Andrew buy Betsy?
—Andrew’s eye color
—Andrew’s opinion of the cats
—What’d Andrew say to Nicky in TKM?
—Andrew’s honest opinion of Exy
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s binder
—Andrew and his sexuality
—If Andrew had met Neil’s mother
—Andrew’s thoughts on Neil’s sexuality
—Andrew’s fondest memory of Neil
—Andrew’s aforementioned withdrawal
—Do you think Andrew is really really really awesome?
—Proust and Andrew
—What happens to Proust?
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil’s bday blood
—Andrew on Neil eventually changing out
—Does Andrew get grumpy?
—Does Andrew get less dead inside?
—Does Andrew call Neil by his name?
—Why give the Foxes crackers?
—Andrew’s first choices in winning a fight
—Who liked knives?
—What got chopped from Drake’s arc?
—Does Andrew get off thinking about Neil?
—Post Andrew & Bee’s side story?
—When did Andrew start thinking Neil was interesting?
—Any other words he can’t stand?
—What does he think about nicknames?
—Explain Andrew’s fatal disease in the comic version
—Andrew’s canon mental state
—How did Andrew not know about Tilda’s abuse?
—Why punch Neil for “Sorry”, and when Andrew is sick
—What’s with Andrew and promises
—Andrew’s thoughts on Roland’s premature confession
—Andrew’s arrest
—Wanting nothing vs not wanting anything
—Why was Andrew laughing after Drake?
—If Neil had chosen Dan & Matt over Andrew
—The other 10%
—Which teammate caught on first?
—Do Andrew & Neil go on dates?
—When did they first hold hands?
—When did Andrew clue in?
—Exites self-censure
—Betsy’s & Aaron’s reactions to the news
—Roland’s opinion of things
—The breaking point
—Who tops?
—On tying people up
—Their domestic life aka Sir Fat Cat
—I love you
—Andrew and the bed issue
—Do they learn to talk to each other?
—Blaming Neil for Drake
—Andrew comforting Neil?
—Neil’s fondest memory of Andrew
—Neil getting Andrew off for the first time
—Neil seeing Andrew naked
—Neil & the sex how-to
—How was the first time
—Where’d it happen?
—When was their first hug?
—“I won’t let you let me be”
—Their roadtrips
—Neil waking Andrew up
—Andrew’s real smile
—How does Andrew show appreciation for Neil
—Their happiest moments
—Does Neil ever make Andrew laugh?
—Does Andrew take comfort in Neil
—Does Andrew get protective/possessive?
—Doesn’t Neil crave affection?
—Andrew re: Neil’s panic attacks
—Media reaction to Andrew/Neil
—Further reaction to Andrew/Neil
—On “accidentally” sitting in laps
—What if Andrew died?
—What if Neil died?
—Reaction to getting hit on by others
—Do they celebrate anniversaries?
—The first time Neil pushes Andrew down
—How tall are the Foxes?
—Why is everyone so short?
—Where did their names come from?
—What were their majors?
—What do the Foxes look like?
—What are their Hogwarts houses?
—Reaction to the kidnapping
—Do Neil & Renee become friends?
—What did Allison do with Seth’s urn?
—Nicky’s evolution over the drafts
—Do the Foxes get their skiing trip?
—Does Andrew know Nicky kissed Neil?
—When did Aaron & Katelyn fall for each other?
—How did Andrew and Wymack end up handcuffed together?
—Kevin’s favorite things
—Kevin and Andrew’s on-court kerfuffle
—Dan’s haircut
—Dan & Matt’s relationship
—Dan & Matt’s first kiss
—Matt bouncing back from Columbia
—Matt rooming with the monsters
—The other what-if OT3 aka D/M/N and the dynamic
—Do Allison and Renee have the hots for each other?
—Matt forgiving his father
—Any mistletoe shenanigans?
—Thanksgiving and the Foxes
—Kevin’s best friend
—Janie Smalls
—How did Kevin and Thea meet?
—Foxes’ favorite ice cream flavors
—Kevin & Andrew’s on-court argument
—Foxes’ taste in music
—Kevin’s middle name & drink of choice
—Do Kevin & Neil want to kiss?
—Which Fox would Kevin kiss, then?
—Kevin’s best non-Exy memory
—Allison’s three bets
—Why is Allison’s middle name Jamaica
—Kevin, Andrew, and Neil staying friends
—“Joan of Exy”?
—Can the Foxes sing?
—Some of the Foxes’ previous bets
—Do Nicky & Allison become friends?
—Are Foxes based on RL people?
—Nicky when Neil asks about friendship
—Dan & the monsters in Columbia
—What if Kevin was killed?
—Renee and her near-death experiences
—More background available on Renee?
—Why doesn’t Aaron let the Foxes in?
—Team’s reaction to Drake, Andrew’s reaction to being outed
—Andrew & Aaron’s time with Tilda
—Does Aaron reconcile with Andrew over Tilda?
—Nicky & his parents after Drake
—Foxes thoughts in Baltimore
—The Pro Teams
—The Weddings
—Neil as the Best Man?
—Kevin after TKM —Thea, Jean, Foxes, and Riko
—How does Kevin & Wymack’s relationship evolve?
—Renee after TKM
—Nicky after TKM
—Aaron after TKM
—Allison after TKM
—Dan & Matt after TKM
—Dan and the US Court
—Any pro-period scandals?
—Andrew & Neil’s relationship with their team
—Would Neil hold Matt’s children?
—Neil & babysitting the Foxes’ kids
—Which Fox’s child would curse first
—Who is Robin Cross?
—Neil and Jack
—Andrew’s reaction to Neil punching Jack
—Foxes’ reaction to Neil punching
—Kevin and Jack
—Neil’s new recruit
—Andrew and Jack
—Who is Riko Moriyama?
—Riko & Kevin’s evolving relationship
—More about Riko & Kevin’s past
—How did Riko break Kevin’s hand
—Riko’s brutality toward Jean
—Any draft where Riko wasn’t killed?
—Were Riko, Kevin, and Jean involved sexually?
—Does the Fox-Trojan rematch happen? Also how do the Trojans & Jean get along?
—Do Alvarez & Laila (Trojans) have backstories?
—Thea’s number & thoughts on Raven brutality
—Kayleigh Day & David Wymack
—Abby Winfield & David Wymack
—Wymack’s parents
—Did Wymack cry during the trilogy?
—Did Kayleigh know about the Moriyamas?
Nora & the Foxes
—Fancast and Andrew
—Changing opinion of Foxes over the years
—Bits of the scrapped K/N/A threesome here and here
—The KxAxN AU where Kevin died
—Will there be a sequel?
—What inspired you to develop Exy?
—Fox fanfictions, collected by coldsaturn
—Why a pseudonym?
—What came first, characters or story?
—Were you the artist of the comic version?
—What did the comic-Foxes look like?
—What do you do when you’re not writing?
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thisisnotkitty · 11 months
even MORE securitywaiter brainrot. these little fellas just don't leave my head do they
part one part two
-ness is the type of waiter to put the check in front of the baby so everyone can have a good laugh
-actually im kinda stealing this from gtlive (sorry mirror matt) but since sparky's is kinda just full of regulars and townfolk, whenever someone new comes in ness will completely invent a new personality. tourist asks what he studied and he's like "archeology, i actually went to egypt last year and we uncovered a tomb" or a family comes in and he puts on a bit of a southern twang and starts dropping "yall's" (that theater major is really coming in handy)
-his coworkers are used to it by now. idk i just feel like ness is the kinda guy you can't help but be endeared by. he's friendly, he's charming, he's bright
-actually wait that could be a meet cute. abby and mike come in one day and he assumes they're just passing by town so he makes up this whole personality. except they keep coming back. and ness maybe perhaps also thinks mike is quite cute and once he finds out abby isnt his daughter he wants to shoot his shot but he also doesn't even know where to begin explaining that everything mike knows about him is a lie (miscommunication trope i guess?)
-omg ness probably heard about the mall incident. one day he’s talking to mike and he’s like “I remember one day hearing about a mall security who beat up this kid’s father! Isn’t that wild?” meanwhile mike is like, “haha yeah that’s wild” and he’s sweating bullets lmao
-kinda explored this dynamic in the baking fic (shameless self promo) but ness and abby get along swell! almost too well in mike's opinion. he might be a little jealous since abby doesn't always listen to him (sibling dynamic) but ness says it and suddenly abby's like "great idea!"
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shiorimakibawrites · 8 months
The Accident (Part I of Happy Little Accident)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem! Reader Word Count: 7, 368 Summary: You tripped in the elevator and covered your neighbor in paint. Your ridiculously hot neighbor that you have an enormous crush on. Warning(s): Anxiety, Female Gaze, Referenced Sex, Referenced Character Death, Reference to assumed Attempted Murder, Thoughts about sex Happy Little Accident Masterlist My Masterlist Tag List: @loves0phelia Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. EDIT: Cleaned up some typos.
The Accident
You were painting in Central Park when your phone rang. You let out an irritated huff as you fished your phone out of your apron’s pocket and looked at the caller ID. Abby, your boss at the Daily Grind. It was tempting to ignore the call, pretend like you had forgotten your phone. Very tempting. It was a lovely spring day, one you would much rather spend painting than working. But in the end the knowledge that Abby wasn’t prone to bothering her employees during their off hours without a good reason had you accepting the call.
“Hi,” Abby said, sounding apologetic. “Can you cover for the afternoon shift today? Peter is in the hospital.”
“The hospital?!” you repeated, feeling immediately concerned. “What happened? Is he okay?”
Peter was one of the cafe’s newer employees. You didn’t know him very well yet but he seemed like a nice kid. If a little absentminded, given how often he arrived for his shift at a rush. And possibly even more clumsy than you are since you had often seen him with bruises which he claimed were the results of tripping over things.
Assuming he wasn’t lying about how he had gotten hurt. Which you thought that he was . . . some of those injuries didn’t look like they had came from a fall . . . It worried you. It worried others at the cafe too. Abby wasn’t usually so forgiving of such frequent tardiness and absences.
“He got hit by a car. Claims that he’s only got minor injuries but the hospital doesn’t want to discharge him without running some tests first. So can you come in today?”
You suppressed the urge to sigh. You didn’t want to send the wrong message. Because you weren’t actually annoyed with Abby or Peter but the situation. These things happen. Sometimes people got hurt or got sick. And when they did, someone didn’t get their day off. Today was simply your turn.
And well . . . it wasn’t like you couldn’t use the money.
“I’ll be there.”
“Thanks! You’re a lifesaver!”
You ended the call and slipped your phone back into your apron before starting to gather up your things. Your newly acquired shift started at three. It was only a little after noon, plenty of time to get back to your apartment and get ready, but you didn’t like to rush. Rushing tended to make you even more of a klutz.
You swirled the used brushes in the water jar, trying to get as much paint off of your brushes before rolling them in a small towel. A second towel, already stained with old paint, was used to wrap up your palette. The paint was thrown back into their carrying box. Which was technically a small tackle box but you had repurposed it for art supplies. The box went into the bottom of your tote bag along with the water jar, double checking that lid was screwed on tightly. You didn’t need to ruin another sketchbook. You squeezed your current sketchbook behind the tackle box. Next went your pencil case, followed by the towels and their respective cargo. Now the only thing left was your painting and the portable easel.
You removed the painting from the easel, careful to avoid the spots where the paint had spilled over onto the tacking edge. Your fingers already had enough paint on them. The painting was propped against a tree, fingers crossed for two things. One that the wind wouldn’t pick up and send your painting flying. And two, a police officer wouldn’t start yelling at you for it. You didn’t think using the tree as a momentary support while you packed up violated any park rules but you weren’t entirely sure. You had read the park rules but they were written like a legal document . . . which it probably was . . . but that made you feel like you probably weren’t understanding it right. After all, you weren’t a lawyer.
Luck seemed to be with you. You were able to get the easel broken down and put away without incident. You swung your bag into your shoulder before picking up your painting. After making sure you had a good grip on the stretcher and the tacking edge, you took a quick look around to make sure you weren’t forgetting anything. Then you started making your way home.
Your lucky streak continued. You didn’t drop anything. No one dumped into the wet canvas or you while you were walking. The subway was busy as usual but not packed to the gills. Your feet resisted the urge to get tangled up in some random piece of debris. Or your own feet. Or the absolutely nothing that you somehow managed to trip over sometimes . . .
In hindsight, you should have realized that it was too good to last.
Things began to go awry when you were waiting for the elevator to arrive. You looked down and saw a tube of paint in your aprons’ pockets instead of the tackle box where it belonged. Normally, you’d shrug and try to remember to put it away later but it looked like the cap hadn’t been screwed back on correctly. Your frown deepened after you transferred your painting to one hand and realized that the cap was loose. Loose enough that it was a minor miracle that it hadn’t fallen off somewhere between the park and here . . . you hoped the paint hadn’t gotten dried out . . .
You heard the elevator dings its arrival as you pulled the paint out of your pocket. Trying to one-handedly shift the tube so its cap could be gripped between your fingers and twisted close, you didn’t look when you heard the elevator door slide open. You just moved forward. And immediately tripped over . . . something . . . you had no idea what.
You just knew that you were falling, that you had lost your grip on your painting as your hands instinctively rose to protect your head from the oncoming impact. An impact that never came. Someone caught you before you could hit the floor. Unfortunately the hand holding the paint had squeezed down, spraying paint on yourself and the chest of your rescuer.
It was like a train wreck. You didn’t want to look but you also couldn’t tear your eyes away from it. You stared in horror at the giant splash in the middle, the magenta color of the paint shockingly bright against the light gray suit, white dress shirt, and blue tie . . . Your eyes darted to the array of smaller droplets that radiated outward like shrapnel . . . you raised your eyes with the growing dread. Because you recognized that suit and tie, that broad chest . . .
Sure enough, when you looked up, you were greeted with the very surprised face of Matt Murdock. You felt your heart sink. Of course it was Matt. It couldn’t have been someone else. Anyone else. Preferably a random stranger that you would never see again. But no . . . it had to be your neighbor. It had to the man you had developed an enormous crush on.
Your face felt like it was on fire. You wanted the earth to open up and swallow you. You wanted to cry. Matt returning your feelings had always been a long shot . . . but now? There was no chance. You had turned out of his nice suits into a terrible Jackson Pollock . . . you were going to be lucky if he ever talked to you again . . .
You don’t know when you started apologizing. One minute, you were frozen in humiliated shock, the next increasingly frantic words started spilling out of your mouth. What words you couldn’t say. You couldn’t hear anything past your heart pounding in your ears . . .
A hand cupping your cheek was so startling that it immediately pierced the panic clouding your mind. Big, warm hand . . . you blinked and realized that someone was speaking to you. A familiar deep, soft-spoken voice . . .
“. . . shh, shh, sweetheart, it’s okay . . .”
Sweetheart?! You could hardly believe your own ears. But that was definitely Matt’s voice, his face that you were looking at, and those oh-so-kissable lips were moving . . .
This wasn’t the first time that Matt had called you sweetheart. He had been doing that since the first time you meet. If literally running into someone counts as meeting them. You would like to say no but it wasn’t like your second encounter with your then new neighbor had gone much better. You weren’t always a klutz around him but your bouts of clumsiness did occurred around him with embarrassing regularity.
And provided he was nearby when it happened, Matt always caught you when you started falling . . . so finding yourself in his arms also happened on a regular basis.
This had some upsides. For one, it gave you an appreciation for how much muscle must be hiding under those suits of his. Because he never had any trouble catching you or helping you get back onto your own feet. There was something very hot about the way he could lift you up like you weighted nothing. For another, he is very warm. Which had been especially nice during the recent autumn and winter months. And he smelled good. Like plain soap, ink, paper, and something woodsy like sandalwood with fainter notes of leather, cooper, and something else familiar but that you couldn’t quite remember what it was or where you had smelled it.
On the downside, you were never in his arms for very long. Certainly not long enough to really enjoy being held by those strong arms. He’d catch you, make sure you were steady on your feet again, then his arms would slide away and he stepped back. Taking all of his warmth and good smells with him. Which was always a little disappointing even if you did appreciated that he didn’t assume that he had permission to hold you longer than was absolutely necessary. And that he didn’t use those moments as an excuse to get handsy. Which you knew some people would have.
Further on the downside, being in his arms for any length of time made it very hard to pretend that he didn’t get you all hot and bothered. That having his warm breath brush against your neck and ear when he said something like ‘Careful, sweetheart’ didn’t make the skin there prickle and the rest of you shudder. Or, last week, when your shirt had gotten ridden up, that feeling those callused fingers against your bare skin didn’t make you shiver. Or the absolute worst, when you had to act like you hadn’t just been touching yourself while fantasizing about him, that you hadn’t just been moaning his name, that being in his arms hadn’t renewed the heat between your legs . . .
Those moments, it was really difficult to stop yourself from doing something crazy. Like ask him if you can find out if those pouty lips are soft as they looked . . . or if how much of that beautiful ass you could fit in your hands . . .
You suppressed the urge to groan. Serena, your best friend in the world, was right. You needed to get laid. Because even at the most embarrassing moments of your life, when you were half-considering changing your name and moving somewhere far away, you still couldn’t keep your mind out of the gutter.
Your imagination was out of control. It kept trying to convince you of the wildest things. Like that there was something more to the way his fingers had rubbed that little sliver of bare skin last week than just some mild curiosity when his hands didn’t encounter the expected shirt material. Or those tightening grips on your waist was anything other than making sure he wasn’t about to drop you. Those moments when his voice went deeper and huskier weren’t due to attraction but Matt was obviously coming down with a cold or something.
You ignored the grumbling inner voice that pointed out, aside from when he had the misfortune to get stuck in the elevator with that guy from the third floor who smelled like he bathed in cheap cologne, you had yet to see Matt so much as sneeze. Or that none of those moments had overlapped with the times Matt had looked ill – tired and moving like his body ached.
You weren’t going to get your hopes up. Matt was way out of your league. So far out that you weren’t even playing the same sport. He was incredibly good-looking, easily one of the most handsome men you had ever meet. You were the textbook definition of Plain Jane. Not ugly but not beautiful either. He was confident, outgoing, and charming. You were anxious, shy, and awkward. He was a lawyer with a successful law firm. You were an artist whose work didn’t sell well enough to make a living off of it. Hence the waitress/barista job at the Daily Grind.
Maybe not the most sensible job choice for a shy klutz but there were only so many options for someone with an art degree. Plus you had been working there since college and Abby had displayed remarkable patience for your clumsiness (and the periodic broken dishes that went with it). Mostly because you were otherwise reliable. And while you would never enjoy making small talk with strangers, you could do with a smile. It helped the majority of the regulars were nice . . .
Any blood that managed to drain out of your cheeks immediately flooded back. You were really batting a thousand today. First you spray him with paint, then you babble incoherently at him, then you stand there like a moron ignoring him for god only knew how long. If Matt didn’t already think you were awkward and weird, he certainly did now.
“Sorry,” you said, not sure of what to say.
He smiled at you. That sweet one that seemed . . . .dare you say it? . . . fond? Which did nothing to diminish the flush in your face. Neither did the little circles his thumb was rubbing into your right cheek or the reassuring squeeze from the hand at your waist.
He’s just trying to keep me calm, you told yourself sternly. It didn’t mean anything. He just didn’t need you panicking again. Lawyers are busy people. He probably had things to do and didn’t want to waste anymore time on you.
“And to answer your earlier question, no, I’m not going to sue you.”
You had actually said that? Out loud? You closed your eyes and let out a low groan. Everytime you think this situation couldn’t get more embarrassing . . . that idea of moving some remote mountain which hopefully had no insanely hot lawyers living on it was sounding better and better. The only thing thing that would have been worse was if your word-vomit had decided to detail just how attractive you found him. Then, in addition to everything else today, you’d have to listen to him say ‘I’m flattered but . . .’ while your heart shattered into a million pieces . . .
“Sorry,” you repeated. Because what else you could you say to something like that?
“No need to apologize again, sweetheart,” he said as his hand slide off of your face before joining its fellow in helping you get back on your own feet. Then, as usual, his arms pulled away entirely and he took a small step back. As usual, you told yourself that you weren’t disappointed or felt colder. Both were a lie.
“It was an accident,” he continued. “You said you were sorry. No harm done.”
You couldn’t stop your eyes from flickering around his suit. The mess hadn’t miraculously disappeared. It was still here.
“No harm?” you repeated. “You’ve got magenta splattered all over your suit!”
“Which one is magenta?”
“I don’t think I remember what magenta looks like,” Matt said, sounding thoughtful. “Can you describe it for me?”
“Er . . . pink?” you said, trying to think of how to describe it. “This particular shade is darker than bubblegum, more purplish-red? Like some plums just under the skin or a pomegranate?”
“Sounds pretty,” he said. “Foggy has been telling me that I need to wear more color.”
“I think he probably meant new clothes that are different colors, not paint splattered on your existing clothes,” you said slowly, unsure of what to make of this conversation. It was not turning out at all like you would have expected it to.
He grinned. “Most likely but he never actually said clothes. Just more color. He knows better than to leave the terms of a contract that vague.”
While you didn’t know Foggy Nelson very well, you had the feeling he would not be impressed. You had also seem him and Matt needling each other at Josie’s often enough to picture the irritated look he would level at his partner if he returned to work looking like this and tried to make that argument. The image was so absurd that you had to giggle.
“Not sure that is a winning argument, Mr. Murdock,” you said,
“Sure it is,” he said. “Any ambiguity in a contract favors the party that didn’t write it. Foggy wrote the contract without defining his terms. So I am free to interpret those terms as anyone might reasonably expect them to mean.”
Which only made you giggle even harder. He was being so silly. “It’s not very professional?”
“Regretfully, I have to agree,” he said, sounding almost like he genuinely disappointed about that. Provided you couldn’t see the cheeky grin on his face. “Will I need anything special to remove the paint?”
“No,” you said, silently thanking Past You for choosing to work with acrylics today instead of oils. The faded spots the turpentine would leave would be less noticeable than magenta but still probably not something he wanted. Also even the low-odor version didn’t smell good. You didn’t know if there was any truth to that whole ‘blind people’s other senses get stronger’ thing but real or not, Matt seemed to have a pretty sensitive nose. “Acrylics are water-based. As long as it is still wet, warm water and soap is enough.”
“See? No harm done,” he said, giving that flirty smile that always made your heart go pitter-patter. Even when you tried to tell yourself that it didn’t mean anything. Matt was a charming guy who flirted a little with everyone. You had seem him get a little flirty with Mrs. Gonzales, the third resident of the sixth floor. Who was, as she pointedly reminded him, old enough to be his grandmother and scolded him for shameless flattery. She had rolled her eyes a little when he retorted the truth wasn’t flattery but did seem pleased. Pleased enough to make him tamales. Which honestly made you a little jealous. The tamales you had bought from her during the holidays had been really good . . .
Serena thought Matt wasn’t flirting with you just to flirt. That he actually liked you. But she was your best friend. It was her job to believe that you were wonderful and agree that the hot guy you had a crush on was into you. And if it turned out that he wasn’t . . . well, then he was an idiot who wasn’t worth your time. You wanted to believe her . . . you wanted that to true so badly . . .
But you had seen the women Matt used to bring home. And the ones who flirted with him at Josie’s. Beautiful, self-assured women with successful careers. They were everything that you weren’t. Granted, you hadn’t seen one of his paramours leaving or arriving at the building for a while. And the only ones you had seen him leaving Josie’s with lately were his friends.
Or you. Which you refused to read anything into either. Matt just didn’t think you walking home alone at night was safe. And it wasn’t. The Kitchen might have Daredevil, its guardian in red leather, but he couldn’t be everywhere. Couldn’t save everyone through if the rumors were to be believed, it certainly seemed like he tried.
The point was that Matt would the same thing for anyone. Even someone who really didn’t need it. Like Jessica Jones. Through he claimed that was just to save himself or Foggy from needing to make another late-night trip to the police station because she had punched some creep into a wall. While he agreed that yes, they deserved it for treating someone like that but the police didn’t see that way, Jessica . . .
Regardless of his reason, you always ended up agreeing because you were too weak to say no to spending just a little more time with him. And it wasn’t like you were making him go out of his way since you both lived in the same building . . .
“As long as it’s still wet,” you repeated. “It’s harder to remove once its’ dry.”
“How does that take?”
“About half an hour.”
“Good thing I’m so close to home then.” Then he seemed to hesitate. “Can I ask you for a favor?”
“Absolutely,” you said, cringing a little at how eager you sounded. But you had gotten paint all over him. A favor was the least you could do.
“Can you help me get this cleaned up?” he said, gesturing toward the paint. He gave you a self-deprecating smile. “Otherwise I might miss a spot.”
“I can do that,” you said. You had been intending to offer help anyway. You had made the mess. You should help clean it up.
He frowned suddenly, his head tilting to one side. “Are you sure? I’m not keeping you from anything?”
“No,” you said. “I don’t need to be at work until three and it’s . . .”
You tried to check the time on your watch but it had a smear of paint across the face. Unfortunately the hands were hidden by said smear of paint. “Probably not three.”
Matt’s lips twitched. “Problem with your watch?”
“Paint is hiding the hands.”
He gave an amused grin as he ran his fingers around the edge of his watch. “The downside of wearing non-tactile watches. It’s a quarter til one.”
“Plenty of time,” you said. And even if it wasn’t . . . Abby was a reasonable person. She would completely understand not leaving any neighbor, let alone your blind neighbor, to clean this up.
He smiled before reaching down to pick up his fallen cane. You felt your face get warm again. Both because you just realized what you had gotten tripped over (which made you feel like a jerk) and because that action had pulled those trousers taut over his ass (which made you feel . . . other things). But you couldn’t stop yourself from looking. Not when you had a front row seat to one of the best asses in America. Possibly the world.
Matt couldn’t possibly know that you were checking out his ass but that smug little smirk that he flashed in your direction made you feel like he did. You averted your eyes and tried to find a distraction. Before thinking about his ass (or other body parts) got you worked up. More worked up. Which not only would be awkward but make you nervous and prone to say something embarrassing.
Then you remembered your painting. You had dropped it earlier. Where was . . . you let out a distressed groan as you picked it up. The good news was that your painting hadn’t landed paint-side down. Which had saved the mostly dried paint from smearing or chipping. The bad news that hadn’t escaped The Magenta. It didn’t get hit as nearly badly as Matt but there was still a giant splat right in the middle of the lake . . .
“What’s wrong?”
“There is a giant glob of magenta in the middle of the lake,” you said.
“The lake?”
“In my painting,” you said. “I was doing one of the Bow Bridge in Central Park.”
“Can you fix it?”
“Maybe,” you said, looking at the mess and trying to think of how to incorporate the random splatters into the image. You could remove some of it without taking off the underlying layers but not all of it. That would have to be incorporated somehow . . . Maybe a boat? Or a float . . . some of the smaller ones could be turned into leaves if you switched the setting to autumn just as the leaves were turning . . . or a flowering tree with pink blossoms . . .
“We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents,” you reminded your inner perfectionist.
“That sounds familiar.”
“It’s something Bob Ross said a lot,” you said. “He was–”
“That guy on PBS who painted the landscapes?” Matt said. “Soft-spoken, sometimes had a squirrel in his pocket and talked about happy trees?”
“That’s the one,” you said. “The Joy of Painting. I watched it religiously as a kid. How about you?”
An odd little smile spread across Matt’s face. “Not often enough to qualify as religious but you could call us regular watchers. My dad wasn’t much of an art guy but he found the show relaxing . . . and it was quiet. I could turn it on in the morning without waking him up after he had worked late.”
He sounded nostalgic, like these were fond memories but also deeply sad. Then you remembered that Matt’s father was dead. Killed when he was a little boy. Which you only knew about because you had once given into temptation and googled Matt Murdock. Most of the search results had been about his law firm and the Castle trial but further down the page, articles about the accident that blinded him and his father’s death had also appeared. But by then, you had felt guilty enough about snooping into his life that you hadn’t read any those of articles beyond their headlines.
“Did you ever try to follow along?” you asked softly.
“A few times with the watercolors from my school supplies,” he said. “I was terrible at it but my dad hung up every picture on the fridge like it was the Mona Lisa.”
“Mine did that too,” you said. “My mom might still have a few of them tucked away with the baby pictures, waiting to embarrass me with them.”
He chuckled. “Did you ever fall asleep watching the show?”
You laughed. “Yes. Usually after I had stayed up too late reading.”
“Same,” he said, then gestured to the control panel. “Shall we go up?”
“Yes, we shall,” you said, a little amazed at how well this was going, despite the mishap. And that the elevator had remained here at the ground floor for this long. Probably it was the middle of the day and therefore most of the other tenants were either at work or school right now. As the elevator rose, you tried to think of something to talk about. You didn’t mind quiet but your earlier anxiety about his reaction had been replaced by your more usual nerves at being around the man you had spent almost half a year pining over.
Nervous You tended to be a chatterbox with chronic foot-in-mouth disease. Nervous You might blurt out that you liked him. Might detail how you wanted to go on dates, snuggle on the couch, hold hands while you took long walks, call each other by cliché nicknames like honey or dear. Basically be one of those disgustingly adorable couples . . . And behind closed doors, mind-blowing sex. The kind of sex that would leave you walking funny with a big smile on your face . . .
That thought alone made your cheeks warm. Among other places. Maybe work? Work should be a safe enough topic. Nothing naughty about work . . .
“What brings you home this early?” you asked, injecting as much cheer as possible in your voice to disguise your nerves. “Does no one need lawyering today?”
He chuckled. “No, we still have plenty of people who needed lawyering. I just forget my phone this morning and this was the first chance I’ve had to retrieve it.”
You hummed in acknowledgment as the elevator dinged your arrival to the sixth floor. The doors slide open and you walked out. Or rather you tried. But apparently you just had no luck with elevators today because you managed to slip on nothing. For the second time today, you started to fall. Only backwards this time.
And despite what happened the last time, Matt still caught you.
“Sorry,” you said, feeling the earlier flush to your cheeks deepen.
“No need to apologize, sweetheart,” he said. “I like having a beautiful girl in my arms.”
Which only made the warmth in your face start to spread down your neck. Even if he didn’t meant it, it was nice to be told that you were beautiful. You couldn’t help liking it. You did your best to ignore the nasty voice in your head – the one that sounded a lot like those awful girls in high school who had bullied you – saying how would Matt even know that you were beautiful or not . . . he was blind . . .
Your more optimistic side – which sounded like Serena – pointed out that for obvious reasons, that Matt was unlikely to find someone attractive based solely on their appearance . . . so maybe he really did find you beautiful . . .
You blamed those pernicious thoughts for making you feel like there was hint of hesitation, of reluctance, in Matt’s hands as they slide back off of your waist once you were standing upright again. But not matter how many times you told yourself that it was just your overactive imagination . . . part of you couldn’t help but hope.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Matt said as you followed him into his apartment. While he disappeared down a hallway, you propped your unfinished painting against a wall before slipping your tote off your shoulder with a sigh of relief. It wasn’t very heavy but those almost falls had jerked it and its contains around, making the straps dig into your shoulder. After sitting down the tote, you prodded the area. It was a little sore but it lacked the tenderness you associated with oncoming bruises.
You walked toward the kitchen and looked around, curious. In some respects, his apartment was a lot like yours. Both displayed the buildings’ previous life as factory in the exposed brick, scuffed hardwood floors, and visible HVAC and pipes. Both had large windows that let in a lot of natural light if even the old glass was a little wavy or different colored. Both had galley-style kitchens and generally open floor plan. Both of you seemed to have opted for a mismatched collection of secondhand furniture in either earth tones or neutral colors. But that was where the similarities ended.
The first and most noticeable difference was size. His was a lot bigger than yours. Which honestly you had expected, knowing very well that your side of the sixth floor had been turned into two units whereas his was left as one. Yours didn’t have access to the roof but in all honesty, you were fine with that. You weren’t afraid of high places in and of themselves but you were afraid of falling from high places. The outside of your windows wasn’t dominated by The Billboard. Which even during the day looked rather bright.
Matt’s apartment struck you as unfinished, like there was something missing but it took you a moment to figure out what. There was nothing decorative. The walls were bare and furniture were bare. It was sharp contrast to your place where the walls had been turned into a gallery for your unsold paintings and the furniture was festooned with the efforts of Serena’s knitting or your embroidery. You wondered if this was due to preference (Matt was simply a minimalist who considered decorative items to be annoying clutter) or to circumstance (Matt hadn’t found anything that he liked yet).
Another difference was the level of tidiness. You weren’t outright messy. You cleaned up after yourself. But there was always a certain amount of controlled chaos. For example, you were just as likely to find your pincushion and scissors on the kitchen table as in the sewing bag where they belonged. Or how your books often ended up stacked on the floor by your reading chair instead of being put back on the bookshelf.
Matt’s place, by contrast, looked very well organized. Everything obviously had a place and was always returned to its spot when not in use. Which made sense when you thought about it. No one wanted to go on a scavenger hunt every time they needed something. And given how busy Matt was, he also didn’t have time to be doing that.
Plus there were things that no one would want to get mixed up. Like grabbing the shampoo bottle when you wanted the mouthwash. Yes, there were other things that would clue him in before he inadvertently washed out his own mouth with soap. But, as your grandmother liked to say, an ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure.
“Will any soap work?”
You jumped at a little at Matt’s voice. He sounded close. Much closer than you would have thought he could get to you without you noticing. Especially on these old hardwood floors which had so many places that creaked or groaned when stepped on.
“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s . . .” you started as you turned toward the sound of his voice. And promptly felt your intended words get tangled up in your throat. Your heart began to race as blood rushed back to your cheeks at the sight before you.
Your eyes greedily took in his broad shoulders, then down arms so thick that you doubted that you would be able to fully wrap your hand around it. Back up and across to the well-defined pectorals, then down through to sculpted abdominals until they disappeared into the waistband of his trousers. All covered in a skin that looked like it was as soft as satin.
You swallowed hard. You had known for a while that Matt had some muscle. He had saved you from your own clumsiness too often for you not to know that. But this . . . you had no idea he was hiding all this under those fancy suits of his . . . It was like someone had brought the statue of a Greek god or Michelangelo’s David to life . . . and then someone had apparently convinced him to put on pants. Whoever that idiot was should be fired . . . because if the rest of him looked this good . . .
Once again, you jumped at his voice. You raised your eyes up to his face. Your breath caught for the second time. Because Matt wasn’t wearing his dark glasses. You had never seen him without those glasses. Predictably, his eyes were just as pretty as the rest of him. Big, brown eyes sparkling with amusement and confidence. It matched that cocky little smirk he was sporting. The same one he had given you earlier. Only this time, you were positive that he knew that you were staring.
But it was so hard not to . . . he was so beautiful . . . it filled with you competing urges. The artist longed for your drawing pencils and a couple of hours to sketch. You weren’t sure you had the talent to fully capture his beauty but you would love to try. The woman, however, wanted him to fuck you. For him be inside you. Cock, fingers, tongue . . . your cunt didn’t care which. Any or all of them would do.
Watching that pink tongue dart out from between those oh-so-kissable lips before disappearing back inside his mouth did nothing to quell your arousal. Nor did the almost hungry look in his eyes. All it did was make you think about all things a man could do with his tongue if he was so inclined . . .
You dug your hands into your jeans to keep them to yourself. Silently you reminded yourself why you had to control the later impulse. First – Matt wasn’t your boyfriend. He was your neighbor and maybe a friend. Second – even if you were his lover and consented to having sex, neither of you had time today. He needed to go back to his office and you had to be the cafe at three. Abby would understand you being late because you were helping Matt clean up The Magenta. She would be far less sympathetic toward hanky-panky induced tardiness. So as much as you would like him to bend you over his kitchen table, you had to ignore that particular desire.
As for the artistic urge . . . since he didn’t seem to hate you for The Magenta, maybe he would agree to model for you? And you were friends of a sort. Friends could ask friends to model for them, right?
“L-liquid soap,” you said, doing your best to sound normal instead of incredibly turned on. “I-I found it easier to work with when cleaning up paint.”
Matt didn’t look like he was convinced by your non-existent acting skills. But he went along with the change of subject. Then gave you another heart attack by revealing that his shirt and tie were silk while his jacket was wool with a silk lining. You had no idea how to clean paint off of those without damaging them . . . isn’t stuff like that dry clean only?
The answer was yes and no. The shirt was made of a type of washable silk that he could launder at home – on the gentle cycle with mild soap. The suit and the tie, however, were both dry clean only. But Matt knew how to prevent stains from getting set in his fancy clothes and you knew how to handle paint. Between the two of you, you worked a plan that should get the paint off while preventing damage to his clothes.
Using an old gift card that you used as a painting tool as a scrapper, you removed the bulk of the paint from the tie and jacket while Matt used his bottle of liquid dish-soap and water to wash his shirt in the sink. Then, you dampened a white washcloth with lukewarm water, added a tiny amount of the soap, before dabbing the affected areas. Before dabbing again with a separate cloth that was just dampened with water, then carefully blotting with another washcloth that was completely dry.
You tried to keep your mind on the task in front of you but kept getting distracted. By his . . . everything. You wanted to trace every muscle with your fingers. Or your tongue. Either would be enjoyable. Or both. Both was good . . . the only thing that wasn’t making you press your thighs together in an effort to relieve the ache in your cunt were the scars.
Not because you thought his scars were ugly. The scars were like kintsugi. The healed but visible damage made the person more beautiful, not less. But because the scars worried you. It looked like someone had tried very hard to kill Matt.
You hadn’t realized that being a lawyer was so dangerous . . . but then, Nelson & Murdock had gone up against some powerful people. People like Fisk. Had Fisk or someone like him sent someone after Matt? You glanced at his hands. He had the same calluses on his knuckles as your ex who was a boxer. Did Matt know how to box? Was that how he had survived the obvious attempt on his life?
You were curious but realized that some of the answers you wanted might require a lengthy conversation. Which you didn’t have time for. Assuming Matt was even willing to answer those questions. He might not be. Which was fine. Trauma was rather personal and you didn’t really know each other.
You returned to your task. Despite your frequent distraction, soon the clothes were cleaned to the best of your ability. All three items were hung on hangers to dry in the case of the shirt or await a trip to the dry cleaners for the other two. Something that you offered to pay for.
“No need for you to do that, sweetheart. It’s about time for that suit to go to the cleaners anyway.”
“But it’s my mess,” you protested.
You didn’t win the argument. But it wasn’t a fair fight. First, he was a lawyer. He argued with people for a living. You painted or served food and drinks. Second, he still hadn’t put on a shirt. It was very distracting. And he knew it. His opposition in court was so lucky that he had to keep all his clothes on in the courtroom. Otherwise, they’d might never win.
“Stupid, sexy Murdock,” you muttered quietly under your breath as you washed your brushes and palette. Not quietly enough because he laughed.
“I’m sexy?” Matt asked. Warmth flooded your face. Judging by that cocky smirk, he knew the answer to that question. Yes, absolutely yes. But you were absolutely not going to say that.
“I plead the Fifth,” you said. Which only made him laugh harder.
He opened his mouth, probably to tease you some more, when his phone started ringing out, “Foggy, Foggy, Foggy.”
“Sorry, I’ve got to take this,” he said.
“Go ahead,” you said quickly.
He flashed you a smile before answering his phone with a “What’s up, Fogs?”
You put away your things while Matt talked to his partner. From the sound of it, he was explaining why retrieving his phone was taking so long. A check on your watch – now cleaned of paint – warned you that you really needed to leave now if you wanted to be ready for work on time. You swung your tote up onto your shoulder.
Then found yourself in a quandary. It was rude to interrupt someone while they were on the phone but it was also rude to leave without saying good-bye. But it wasn’t like you could go just wave good-bye.
“Matt?” you called out.
“Hang on Foggy,” he said, pulling the phone away from his ear. “Yes, sweetheart?”
“I’ve got to go,” you said. “I’ll see you later?”
“You’ll have to. I can’t.”
For a moment, that answer confused you. But only for a moment. Blind joke. Not the first one he had made around you. It wouldn’t be the last. He seemed rather fond of them. Well, it was his disability. It certainly wasn’t your place to tell him that he couldn’t make jokes about it if he wanted to.
Besides sometimes the looks on people’s faces when he made them were very funny.
“Left myself wide open for that one, didn’t I?” you said.
“Yep,” he said. He looked very pleased with himself. “But yes, I’ll see you later.”
That made you smile. “Bye, Matt.”
“Bye, sweetheart,” he said before returning to his phone call. You closed the door to his apartment as quietly as you could, then made you way across the hall toward your own apartment. Time get for work.
Step one – a cold shower.
There are portable easels that are designed to be collapsed down and easily carried. I have one. Some of them come with an attached box that is meant to carry paint, brushes, and whatever else you need but that type is more expensive (about 70 dollars on the cheaper end) than one that is just the easel (which is about 20). Reader has a limited art budget and those fifty bucks she didn’t spent on an easel can buy a lot of paint and canvas.
I’ve found that tackle boxes and tool boxes make great carrying cases for arts and crafts supplies. The divided trays are very useful if the creative thing you are doing involves a lot of little pieces or tools like beading or jewelry making.
Reader took the subway for part of her journey because, according to what I could find, getting from Hell’s Kitchen to Central Park via subway takes about 14 minutes while walking that same distance would take about 40 minutes. So the subway it was.
Magenta is, generally speaking, purplish red color. The shades vary between more pink, more red, or more purple. Even paint doesn’t always agree. I have one set on acrylic paints that labels a color as ‘light magenta’ while a different set calls the same color ‘magenta’ and third just says ‘pink.’
Jackson Pollock (1912 – 1956) was an American artist who was part of the abstract expressionist movement. He is best known for his ‘drip’ technique where he would pour or splash liquid house-paint with frenetic movement onto the canvas which was laying flat on the floor. In some ways, his work reminds me of acrylic pouring which looks very cool but also very messy.
I mean no disrespect to those with an art degree. I started off majoring in fine arts and part of me wishes that I had stuck with it despite the challenges. One of my professors recommended getting your masters if you were going to major in art simply because then you could get teaching jobs in many places.
That contract thing is true but I’m not a lawyer and have never taken Contracts 101. Always get your legal advice from actual lawyers.
Turpentine is used to clean paint brushes and other tools when using oil paint. A low odor version is highly recommended but remember to only use it in a well-ventilated place as the fumes are toxic. It is also very flammable. You can use it to get oil paint off of your skin but it is very drying and probably isn’t be safe to use on places like your face. The skin there easily absorbs things (which is the primary reason that make-up has go through FDA approval).
For the record, blind people don’t have better senses than everyone else. They just pay more attention to the information from their other senses provide, things that us sighted people tend to ignore. And arguably have more practice identifying different sounds, smells, etc than someone who largely ignores that input.
While I cannot say that this happens in NYC, as I have never lived there, where I grew up (American southwest) and where I live now (Florida), the grandmas and aunties in the Latin community make and sell tamales during the winter holiday season. Maybe for some extra spending money for said holidays. In my experience, they are always excellent. I almost don’t consider it Christmas without some tamales.
The reason Reader feels like a jerk for tripping over Matt’s cane is that messing with someone’s mobility aid and/or not giving them enough space to use it is a dick move.
The Bow Bridge is a bridge in Central Park. You have probably seen it before since it is pretty popular for movies and television. Probably because it looks perfect for your sappy romantic moments, dramatic love confession, meet-cutes, etc. It also helps that it looks just as nice surrounded by leafy trees as it does covered in snow.
Bob Ross (1942 – 1995) was an American painter who was the host of an instructional art show called The Joy of Painting, which aired from 1983 until 1994, on PBS (public broadcasting station) in the US but also in similar public stations around the world. You can find the episodes on YouTube.
According to the internet, you can spot clean wool, silk, and other such fabrics like how Reader does without damaging the fabric. But it was the internet so take that with a generous portion of salt.
Yes, I do use an old gift card when I paint. To make smallish straight lines, very handy for fences and rain effects. I cannot speak for every artist but my painting tools aren’t limited to brushes and painting knives.
Kintsugi (“golden joinery”) is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer that has been dusted or mixed with gold, silver, or platinum. The point is not to hide the damage but highlight it, to treat the breakage and repair as simply part of the object’s history. And that having such a history makes it more valuable, not less.
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konchitsya-leto · 1 month
phrases and dialogues i saw floating out there in the internet as foxes!
Neil: i'm going to go and get the healthiest 6-8 hours long sleep. i have 2 hours to do so
Allison: yesterday i saw you with a boy
Andrew: it's my friend
Allison: you were kissing
Andrew: my very close friend
Dan: after an argument some people feel they might have been too rude. i always feel like i've had to be ruder. like, maybe, starting a fight might've been of a not so bad choice. at least i should have kicked that moron's ass just once.
Aaron: ach du heiliges aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndromkind
Nicky: Seth, hi! i have a favour to ask of you. can you laugh less? you know, they say laughing prolongs your life, and i'd like you to die sooner. sorry for being rude
Wymack: for fuck's sake, Andrew Joseph Fucking Minyard! where have you been? we called in every hospital and morgue out there, they said you're admitted to EACH OF THEM
Matt: don't aim to do the whole task in one set. break down your main task into subtasks. then break down every subtask into micro-tasks. then break down every micro-task into nano-tasks. and then,
Renee: boom! there are no tasks; everything has dissolved into an existential hole as if it has never existed at all; however, what's even real in this perishable flow of being?
Kevin: hi
Aaron: ...hi
Kevin: how are you?
Aaron: good
Kevin: hmm, why not bad?
Seth: i have two moods: 1) the fuck you think i'm joking. 2) i'm joking
Allison: i haven't completely fallen in love yet, so in my stomach there are caterpillars
Aaron: the smartest ones made the smartest move: they died last year
Kevin: i drink alcohol and they say i'm alcoholic but when i drink fanta they never say i'm fantastic
Neil: i've lost motivation. i need some life goal, my life energy has burnt out
Andrew: i can accomodate you with kicking your ass
Nicky: bonjour, motherfucker
Kevin: adios, bitchacho
Wymack: don't worry, don't cry
Kevin: drink vodka and fly
Renee: do you believe in god?
Andrew: no
Renee: you're such a nice looking guy!
Renee: and such a wrong thing is in your head
[during a session]
Betsy: have you ever tried screaming?
Andrew: i put the 'hot' in psychotic
Betsy: it's... Totally not how we handle it
Allison: sorry, i have no mental resources for that
Aaron: just as how it was yesterday
Allison: just as how it'll be tomorrow
Andrew: i like tall men. you walk next to them and can't hear what they are blah-blahing up there
Abby: we can't giggle here
Neil: but why?
Abby: well, it's a crime scene?
Abby: i'll tell you, jail is no fun
Wymack: you've been in jail???
Abby: once. in Monopoly
Abby: you are all really well behaved today. what did you do?
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chrissfavmilf · 24 days
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- now playing “Sarah” by Tyler the creator
𐙚 summary: Summary: your brothers bsf is OBSESSED with you
𐙚 pairings: stalker brothers bsf!Matt X fem!reader
𐙚 a/n: top 4 songs on bastard
Matt| Austin | y/n
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You’d know Matt for a long time mainly because he was friends with your twin brother Austin who had met Matt in the first grade and instantly clicked with him
You were in the middle of painting your nails when you heard two loud knocks “come in!” “Matt’s coming over soon” “is he staying over?” “Probably” “mkay!” It’d been atleast a week since Matt had slept over so you were a little excited because you kinda missed the late nights where you’d have to barge into Austin’s room to tell him and Matt to shut up so you could sleep.
You’d accidentally bumped into Matt as he was coming back from the bathroom “oh shit- sorry” “no you’re good!” “So how was hanging out with Abbie yesterday?” “Hm?” You were a little confused because nobody knew you’d hung out with your friend Abbie the day before not even Austin knew so how did Matt know “umm it was fun..” “you’re really good at bowling!” Your jaw slightly dropped as you watched Matt walk away. How did Matt know all of that? It’s not like you or Abbie posted anything about the hangout and it’s also not like you’d told anyone else since it was a last minute decision between you and her. So how?
Later that night you were about to fall asleep when you heard your bedroom door creak open but you didn’t think much of it because you thought that It’d must’ve been the wind. But that was until you heard footsteps “psst you up?” You didn’t answer because you wanted to see what would happen “great!” For the next two hours you’d listened as Matt went through your drawers and closet. It was almost like he knew every crack and crevice of your room even the ones you didn’t even know about
“Found em!” You then heard the same footsteps get closer “see ya in the morning sweetheart!” And with that you’d finally heard your door close.
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dvrcos · 7 months
Thinking about the Foxes dying their hair orange for finals. Like it starts with the girls doing orange highlights/Renee dying the tips of her hair orange during death matches
And then Matt and Nicky rope themselves in because they think it’s cool as fuck and they want to be apart of it. So Allison and Renee help them bleach their hair and Dan watches for moral support. They dye the tips of Matt’s hair and give Nicky chunky highlights
They try to convince Neil next and it doesn’t work until Matt asks and then he hesitantly agrees. They give him just a little streak of orange right at the front and it just looks like his normal hair but a bit brighter
Kevin is the next to join in because he’s superstitious as fuck and would think if half the team is already doing it than the whole team has to for good luck. Allison and Renee give him a nice ombré of orange over the tips of his hair
The twins are the hardest to convince by far. Kevin and the entire team hound them for a week. Aaron agrees finally just so Kevin stops bitching at him every spare breath and somehow Neil gets Andrew on board because he’s Neil and “just asked”
Aaron dyes the undercut of his hair orange and Andrew gets little fox paw prints on the shaved part of his head (so he can shave them off as soon as the seasons over). The orange is bright as fuck on their hair too since their natural hair is so light. And they both think it’s obnoxious but are team players
It definitely becomes a tradition after that and if they make it to finals Wymack and Abby surprise them by dying their hair (and Wymack temporarily dyes his beard)
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Aaron likes FF.
He’s a good friend to have and he’s been doing Aaron a huge favor this semester by tutoring Katelyn in German. He’d tried to tutor her but his teaching style and her learning had not been very compatible and it had been leading to some fighting between the two of them. Nicky had been the one to suggest that FF was a pretty good teacher and he wouldn’t take any sort of advantage of the inherent romantic setting of being a tutor (whatever the hell that meant).
FF was a good tutor.
Aaron liked to hang out while Katelyn and FF had their tutoring sessions and FF’s gaze never strayed down from Katelyn’s face when he was talking to her. He gave her German children’s books that he himself had used to better understand the written language and Aaron quite enjoyed the nights he spent over at Katelyns where she’d clumsily make her way through them as they were winding down for bed.
There were other things to like about FF.
He liked how FF could disagree with him without fighting with him. He liked how FF had the confidence to just leave any situation he didn’t like. He liked how FF sang to himself when he was distracted (he had a pretty good voice). He liked how FF could watch horror movies without blinking. He liked how he could sit in easy silence with FF and the two of them could just do their own thing. He liked how bad FF was at video games.
He liked how FF never confused Aaron for Andrew no matter what they were wearing or if they were aiming to confuse people. FF never said how he managed it when even Matt and Nicky got them confused every once in a while but FF never failed to know which twin he was talking to. He also played along when they were going about messing with the other non-FF freshmen by vacating the area instead of alerting anyone to them having switched.
(Aaron is completely unaware of an entirely uncomfortable talk that Nicky has had with FF where he asked FF how he could tell Andrew and Aaron apart. The answer was that initially Aaron always had a very tiny pen mark on his ear somewhere because he had a habit of putting his pen behind his ear. The answer in the long run was that they stood slightly differently and Andrew had a wrinkle that Aaron didn’t. Nicky had asked why FF was looking so closely at his cousins, “Well, I thought that Andrew might swap with Aaron at some point to lure me into a false sense of security and then he’d kill me.” FF answers unaware of why Nicky went still, “I realize now that Andrew isn’t like that.” FF had rushed to assure.
“Yeah…” Nicky had said awkwardly.
“Really, I honestly don’t think Andrew would pretend to be Aaron to kill someone.” FF had said again.)
The thing Aaron probably liked the most though was how happy his cousin was to have someone who was ‘his’ person. Andrew had Kevin and Neil, Aaron had Katelyn, and now Nicky had FF. They were hardly separate from the other Foxes nowadays and they roomed with Matt but there was always a difference for their group between ‘family’ and ‘friend’. FF was someone that Nicky had claimed as family and they had all agreed.
Aaron also enjoyed watching how Andrew and Neil both couldn’t fully comprehend how FF had ended up as Nicky’s when they had both made quite a few efforts. Nicky had always just shrugged and said that they’d understand when they were older before heading off to go see FF at Abby’s house as if the rest of them weren’t following right behind him.
FF was healing nicely and would be moving back into the dorms in the next week or so but he still spent a fair bit of time in Aaron’s room. He had heard Nicky talking to Wymack about possibly having him moved into their room which Aaron wouldn’t mind even if it mean that he’d have to do the ‘Smith Shout’ more frequently.
The ‘Smith Shout’ entails walking into rooms that you thought were empty but theoretically they could also contain FF. If you didn’t mind a minor heart attack later then you didn’t need to complete the ‘Smith Shout’ but if you were perhaps…interested in making out with your beautiful girlfriend?
The ‘Smith Shout’ was a must, they were all trying to get better about the levels of hanky and panky that FF was subjected to just because they failed to realize he was right there.
FF never made a big deal about it but it always felt embarrassing when they heard the click of the door as FF left the room they were making out in.
There was no need for the ‘Smith Shout’ today as FF was helping Katelyn with some basic vocabulary and going over conversations and pronunciation with her. Aaron was sitting nearby going over some micro-biology homework when they heard a door slam open down the hall, pounding foot steps, and then their door slammed open to reveal a pale-faced Kevin
“Kevin, what-“
Kevin shushed Aaron before he could ask what was wrong and came into the room and shut the door with shaking hands. His phone was held in his right hand so tightly that his knuckles were white from the strain.
“Lord Moriyama just called me.” Kevin said shaking badly enough that Aaron wondered if he should guide the Striker over to their couch so that he could sit. “He…he let me know that he’s dropped the percentage I owe him to 65%” Kevin’s gaze slid to FF who was sat at the desks with Katelyn still. “He…he said to give you his…regards?” He says.
Aaron’s own gaze whips to FF.
“Ok.” FF says with an awkward shrug.
Aaron almost laughs at the lack of response but he holds it in unsure of how Kevin would take it.
“Kevin, it’s a good thing right?” Aaron says instead.
Kevin looks at him and nods frantically, “Yes. It’s a good thing.” He agrees. “35% makes things so much…so much easier.” Kevin says his shoulders sagging and it always bothers Aaron when he thinks about the deal that Kevin and Neil live under. He knows that Andrew has only been even listening to offers over a certain amount since he plans on helping Neil.
“I’m glad.” FF offers before turning back to Katelyn, “Ok, have you finished reading that book I gave you last week?” He asks apparently more interested in tutoring than in what Lord Moriyama had to say to Kevin.
“Oh, yes!” Katelyn agrees.
Kevin looks at them and Aaron has known Kevin long enough to recognize when he’s thinking about something. He even knows him well enough to sense when he’s thinking about something irritating.
Kevin leaves the room though so Aaron figures that it will be someone else’s problem.
He is, unfortunately, incorrect.
45 minutes later Kevin bursts into the room again and grabs Aaron, “I need your help with something.” He says, hands cold around Aaron’s wrist, and before Aaron can complain he is being dragged out of his room and into the room his brother shares with Neil and Kevin.
“Kevin, what the hell?” Aaron complains finally managing to pull himself out of Kevin’s grasp.
“I’m going to take control of Smith’s recovery.” Kevin says as if that was a normal thing to say, “Lord Moriyama wished him a speedy recovery and…and I owe him.” Kevin admits.
“You don’t need to take control of Smith’s recovery to thank him. You could just thank him?” Aaron points out the obvious answer but as per usual very few members of the Foxes were amiable to hearing the simple solutions that Aaron offered.
“No this is better. He’ll appreciate it more than just a simple thank you.” Kevin dismissed, “Now, do you think I should start with basic protein or more vitamin based smoothies for his recovery?” Kevin asks and only now does Aaron see the grocery bags of fruits, vegetables, and various other things littering the kitchen.
Why the fuck was everyone on this team so damn weird?
It was 20 minutes of Aaron trying to wrangle Kevin away from the weirdest combinations. The only thing that made him feel better was the knowledge that Josten was going to see all of these veggies and probably hiss like a vampire as he backed away from the fridge.
Still, 20 soul crushing minutes and they had a green beverage sitting in the blender that Josten had bought the room his sophomore year for Kevin. “I’ll be asking you and Katelyn for assistance on this project.” Kevin says.
“No thanks.” Aaron says exhausted from the last 20 minutes.
“Then I’ll just do it alone.” Kevin says and Aaron thinks about the various things that Kevin had wanted to put into the smoothie, thinks of FF tutoring Katelyn without asking for anything, and how FF had lied to protect Aaron’s brother even from federal agents when he had nothing to do with the mess of two years ago.
“Fine, I’ll help.” He grits out because he couldn’t leave FF to the nutritional whims of Kevin Day. He already feels bad enough about the drink that FF is about to be subjected to but he can at least stop Kevin from crushing actual multi-vitamins into the drinks and claiming it would make for good ‘texture’.
They come back to the room and Aaron hears Katelyn and FF talking about a new smoothie place that might be good for FF to try, “…have a peanut butter and banana one that would probably be easy on your stomach.” He hears her say unaware of the monstrosity Aaron has just had a hand in creating.
“No need for that.” Kevin says confidence unshaken and undeserved as puts a glass of green juice down in front of FF. “Drink that.” He says.
Aaron is immediately filled with a desperate desire to both apologize and slap the glass out of Kevin’s hand. Inevitable stained carpet be damned.
“Sure.” FF says as he takes hold of the glass.
It feels as Aaron watches it happen in slow motion. He sees Katelyn’s own revolted face and wishes he could tell her that this really was the best he could do in terms of saving FF. FF, unaware of Aaron’s inner turmoil, takes a sip of the green beverage full of Kale, spinach, sprouts, protein powder (plain), and some crazy Chinese health supplement that Kevin swore by but smelled vaguely alcoholic despite Kevin’s INSISTENCE that it was not.
“I know alcohol, this isn’t alcohol.” Kevin had said and honestly it was hard to argue with that logic.
FF brought it to his lips and drank it.
Aaron felt like he should have gotten a garbage bin ready but instead he watches on in horrified awe as FF drains the entire nightmarish glass.
“Cauliflower?” FF asks as he wipes the remnants of the smoothie off of his upper lip.
Aaron’s head whipped towards Kevin who was smiling as he accepted the glass back from Smith, “I’m surprised you would notice.” He says visibly pleased even as Aaron bristles.
“How the fuck did you put cauliflower in there, I was watching you.” He hisses.
“Katelyn texted you, I put it in then.” Kevin shrugs.
Aaron regrets nothing.
Kevin continued to hand FF bizarre healthy combinations of fruits, vegetables, and god knows what. Aaron and Katelyn did their best to keep Kevin from going too wild with his purchases but Kevin on a mission was a difficult thing to stop.
It didn’t help that FF accepted any and everything that Kevin handed to him without a single flinch. As far as Aaron knew FF didn’t even know that Kevin had decided to take control of his recovery and diet for the foreseeable future.
He had been making a run to buy Katelyn some tampons when he found FF in the stomach pain aisle looking between a two-pack or an extra large bottle of Pepto Bismol. “Smiths, if Kevin’s god awful smoothies are hurting your stomach you can just tell him.” Aaron says as he drags FF out of the aisle knowing that Pepto Bismol would not be good. “You can’t take anything with aspirin. Nicky had me read your care instructions to him in plain English I know.” He says.
FF didn’t say anything as he let himself be dragged to the register where the girl there seemed surprise that FF wasn’t buying anything. “Nothing for you?” She asks looking at FF.
FF nodded, “Nothing for me.” He agrees.
“I’m glad! You deserve it!” She says smiling as if she hadn’t just said something that felt wildly rude to say to a customer.
Aaron grabbed FF by the arm, scowled at the cashier, and dragged him out.
“They don’t hurt my stomach. I ended up there more on auto-pilot than anything.” FF says and Aaron remembers the conversation they had been having in the stomach relief section. “I think what I had yesterday was a bit too much.” He admits and Aaron rolls his eyes but doesn’t say anything else.
Kevin’s nagging about their health had gotten a combination of better and worse since FF had started accepting the smoothies without comment.
Better because now Kevin had someone who he could unleash his full overbearing nature on and who didn’t seem to even care or notice just doing as Kevin ordered. Worse because now Kevin had a taste of what it was like for one of them to follow his orders.
This building irritation had lead to Josten and Andrew grabbing FF before he could be ambushed by Kevin for his usual lunch smoothie and drag him off to an off campus Deli that they both liked. Josten had probably wanted to feel just a little bit superior to the multi-lingual Freshman since it was a Russian Deli where the owner only really got what you ordered if you did it in Russian. It had happened on the day where at morning practice Kevin had implied that FF would be a better protege since he listened while Neil continued to refuse vegetables.
He could just imagine Josten offering to order for FF.
What an asshole.
He remembers coming into the room the day previous and finding them dumping the contents of a styrofoam bowl into the blender. “What is that?” Aaron had asked.
“Borscht.” Josten answered.
“Why are you putting it in a blender?” Aaron asks knowing that Josten didn’t have an ounce of social awareness.
“So Smith can eat it?” Josten said back to him slowly as if Aaron was the idiot between the two of them.
“Does Kevin know?” Aaron had asked
“Kevin can’t bitch, there’s plenty of vegetables in there.” Josten said with absolute certainty.
Kevin can, in fact, bitch.
“Andrew ordered the borscht for me.” FF says as they continue towards the dorms interrupting Aaron from his memory. “It was good, it was just too much. Like what Kevin said yesterday.” He adds.
Aaron can’t believe Josten is so opposed to ordering vegetables that he made Andrew order FF’s food for him.
What an asshole.
“A leash. I will find the largest child leash I can get and I will put it on you. Smithy, what the fuck.” Nicky bitches as they made their way out into the crisp December air. “I can’t believe you fell asleep and we almost left you again.” Nicky adds. “My sweet baby boy,
Aaron thinks his cousin is being over dramatic.
FF could walk back from the Fox stadium to the tower on his own just fine. He was a big boy no matter how many times Nicky claimed him to be his ‘sweet little baby boy’.
“I’m not your baby. Don’t call me that.” FF grumbles through his yawn sounding very much like a cranky little baby.
“Maybe stay awake through the game and I’ll consider it.” Nicky teases.
“The game was boring enough to play let alone just having to sit and watch.” Kevin says and it was only because Kevin had his ‘post-game’ smoothie for FF to drink that they realized he wasn’t there before they left the stadium. “We can hardly blame Smiths for falling asleep.” Kevin shrugs elated by the win but disappointed in the competition. “Drink your smoothie Smiths.” He says and FF went back to sipping at the unknown concoction, “The tart cherries and avocado should help you go to sleep when we get back to Abby's.” He says as if that combination was a natural one.
“Tart Cherries and Avocado?” Josten asks in obvious disgust.
“Hey, Granny Boy!” Came a shout that interrupted Kevin’s explanation.
Usually, anything that interrupted Kevin from some going on another lecture was a good thing but Aaron, bringing up the rear, can see how FF’s posture went from relaxed to painfully alert in a matter of seconds.
“Daniel.” FF returns.
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otdiaftg · 5 months
The security guard takes Neil back to the locker room and leaves him at the door. Neil goes inside alone and finds all of the Foxes waiting for him. Neil looks from one tired face to the next, soaking them in, reveling in everything they've accomplished tonight and imagining how they'll react when they heard the news tomorrow. "What's so funny?" Nicky asks when he spots Neil in the doorway. Neil didn't realize he is smiling. "Life?" His good mood seems to inject a little life back into the room. Dan sits up a bit straighter, and Matt manages a grin. Kevin presses his fingers hard against his new tattoo. Aaron and Nicky exchange triumphant looks, and Allison reaches out to squeeze Renee's hand. Wymack's nod is approving; Abby's smile is proud. "Let's blow this joint," Wymack says. "We've got a party to get to. Anyone who's not on the bus in two minutes gets to stay here overnight." In no world will Wymack ever really leave his team behind, but the Foxes hustle out of there like they believe him.
Day: Saturday, April 27th / 28th* Time: 3:05 AM EST
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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Someone made me think today about the Foxes (+ some others) as forms of art, so here is a list.
Neil: oil painting
Andrew: watercolor painting
Kevin: rock sculptures
Aaron: street art (grafitti)
Nicky: music, but that kind of music you dance a long yo bcs the rithm is a bang and when you read the lyrics the story is soul crushing
Dan: macrame
Matt: crochet (previously he was street art)
Allison: photography
Renee: dance, but specially ballet
Seth: I don't really know if it has a name, but, did you ever see a wall in a public space that was full of posters, stickers, gum, drawings, etc and sometimes is written all over?? Well that is Seth coded.
Jean: glass blowing/ glass sculptures
Jeremy: book annotating
Ichirou: metal welding like to do knifes, swords, daggers, etc
Riko: ice sculptures
Wymack: tattoos
Abby: cooking (salty)
Bee: cooking (sweet)
I have really good explanations for all of these too.
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jacksjargon · 28 days
I'm typically only a reblogger when it comes to AFTG, but I physically couldn't help it when I stumbled across these shirts. So, here are some funny shirts that the Foxes would wear and why:
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Aaron, for obvious reasons. Nicky have it to him and he wears it in secret. It's his comfort pajamas.
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Renee gave this to Andrew and he wore it one (1) time and it was at an exy banquet while wild and fervent protests about his past were all over.
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Any of them, really, but I imagine a three way tie between Wymack (not paid enough for this), Alison (she gives the vibe), and Dan (when anyone talks to her that she doesn't know)
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Matt vibes. Dan defffffffinitely pegs that man. He thanks her.
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Andrew. Renee gave him this one, too, but it's a common sight.
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Aaron. Maybe Katelyn got this for him as a joke and he wears it as some pathetic, wet cat, Minyard way of processing love. They got engaged the same day. It becomes Aaron's lucky shirt.
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This is either Nicky or Allison's. I feel like Nicky would wear it ironically, but it could also be one of those lesbian things for Alison
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Aaron. Neil gets it for him and it's how they start to bond.
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Kevin, little history bitch
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Bee. The team gets it for her for her birthday. She wears it religiously every Friday.
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Hear me out: Kevin. It starts as a joke because he's the only single fox (in a world where he and Thea aren't together, I'm not particularly fond of that ship), but then he wears it on a date because he's a dumbass at heart and forgot that the team would totally fuck with his closet and he managed to charm and bag the sexiest, most emotionally intelligent woman ever. They last for two years before Kevin finally realized he's gay, but they stay friends and laugh over everything.
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Dan. She gives mad homebody vibes outside of exy.
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Neil. Self explanatory.
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Matt. He's such a wife guy, and honestly, good for him. I know that I would 100% let Danielle Wilds do whatever the hell she decided was best for me. Oh my shit.
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Renee. This was from Andrew, as revenge for the other shirts. She treasures it, but only wears it on his birthday.
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Alison and Neil buy it for the twins. I'm a strong advocate for bitchy friends. Love that for them
They only manage to evade death via Neil's survival skills, a pair of strappy heels, a spoon, and a small frog. Don't ask.
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Matt and Nicky unironically share this shirt.
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It was originally Matt's, but Dan claimed it as hers, and now he just sorts it into her clothes pile when it's his turn.
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Wymack. I think Kevin would rather die than get this, so Dan (his adoptive sister), Alison (nosy bitch #1), and Neil (nosy bitch #2) tag team and sign his name for him. He goes on to have a mental breakdown, but he and Wymack get closer. Somehow it's revealed that Nicky wins the bet regarding what's going on between Wymack, Abby, and Bee.
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Andrew bought this for Kevin.
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Alison and Renee have matching shirts exactly like this. In response, Neil and Andrew have matching shirts that say "I like it bushy" with a cat in a bush. It's the first time the upperclassmen see Andrew smile like that without involving Neil.
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This is what inspired this, actually. So, Neil. He'd wear this out and in press conferences just to piss Kevin off. Gives Andrew a heart attack every time he sees it, though he'll never admit it. No one's really sure how or where it came from, there's actually a betting pool regarding this. Alison has money on Andrew buying it. Nicky thinks it was Kevin. Renee even joined in by offering Neil.
(in reality, it was Abby. She thinks shit like this is funny. She's a fox, after all)
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my personal aftg headcannons as an athlete
neil suffers from chronic shin splints, since we never see this boy change into running shoes, (and even if he did they’d probably be years old and be hanging on by a thread) i like to think that his shins are just constantly in pain
aaron, being a med student, is probably the first person the foxes go to when something hurts. aaron likes to pretend that he doesn’t care about their aches but occasionally he’ll recommend specific stretches to some of them. “hey my knee has rlly been hurting when i run” -“wtf do you want me to do about that…try stretching your hamstrings befor complaining”
dan carries multiple rollers in her practice bag. at first it was just for her but then the girls would occasionally borrow it, and then matt, then the monsters made themselves welcome to using it so she started carrying multiple for them all to use at the same time.
allison probably has some rlly expensive massage guns for the same reason as dan but she denies that she was thinking about the rest of the team when she bought them all
renee, aaron, nicky, dan, and matt are all bio freeze people and neil, kevin, andrew, and allison are all icy hot for life
the one time nicky used icy hot he thought it was just supposed to get cold like bio freeze and so he thought he was having an allergic reaction when it started burning
renee is the designated kt-tape person when abby isn’t around since she’s the only one that can apply it good enough that it will last a week and properly work
renee and allison will either do matching french braids or bubble braids for games and they take turns braiding each others hair
the foxes convinced wymack and abby to host team pasta dinners the night before home games so the they can get in their carb load in and have a “team bonding activity”
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