#and meanwhile the creature is just. Geoff
The capital-P Point of Frankenstein is that the creature is a blank slate. Tabula rasa. He's an Adam who was foresworn by his creator with no understanding of the world, and has to slowly, bitterly, painstakingly develop that understanding.
It's a literary choice made as part of the grander allegory that does not need to be interpreted literally by a modern lens. Mary Shelley was writing a fiction and it's not important that it's not how bringing a brain back to life would actually. Y'know. Work.
That being said, there's untapped comedy and horror in a retelling of Frankenstein where the creature does have his previous life's memories.
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fanfic-inator795 · 7 months
Random thought: Since The Ghost and Molly McGee is essentially a modern-day Fairly OddParents (a lighthearted, mostly slice-of-life show centered around a fantastical concept - with FOP using fairies/magic and TGAMM using ghosts/the supernatural)
What if... FOP AU with Scratch being Molly's Fairy Godfather and (to keep that fun Cosmo and Wanda dynamic we had in the early FOP seasons) Geoff and Jeff being Ollie's Fairy Godparents?
You could still have Molly trying to enhappify people (now having literal magic at her disposal) as well as bringing new joy and meaning into Scratch's life (maybe he's a super cynical fairy who only ever had selfish godkids?) Ollie meanwhile (who realized his parents were wrong much MUCH earlier in this au) is also trying to use his wishes to do good while also doing what he can to hide his fairy god-dads and other fairies from the rest of the Chen family, who are interested in proving the existence of any and all fantastical/supernatural creatures, not just ghosts.
Really the only sticking point in this AU concept is that I'm not sure if either Molly or Ollie would be miserable enough to get Fairy Godparents. But eh, still a sorta fun concept imo *shrugs*
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mamawolfblood · 4 years
Though he didn't know it yet Chris Mclean was in for a shocking revelation. One of the campers is not exactly just some rando kid. This camper is his kid and she is out to expose it.
Name : Iris  Escalona
Age 16
Eye color green
Caramel skin
Black hair that she keeps in a high ponytail. A Cherokee rose on the left side of the hair tie.
Iris is 5ft 8",135lb
Out fit-White tanktop with the alchemists symbol blue acid washed jean shorts black converses
Iris has a dark sense of humor. She loves horror,pranks,is resourceful. Iris is not above smashing some skulls together. She is not quick to anger but Heather pushes a lot of her buttons.
All her life she just wanted Chris to know she was alive. Her mother never gave the reason why she left. She is the oldest of seven children.
________chapter 6_________
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Island… A talent contest brought out the worst in our campers. It was awesome! The Killer Bass struggled to find any talent on their team, and Bridgette’s clumsiness pretty much knocked out their best prospect, Courtney. Iris stood up to Heather, so Heather swore to make Iris's life miserable by stealing her diary and birth certificate. Then she read it in front of the entire viewing world, revealing that  Iris is my daughter. Then, Heather managed to save her butt by convincing the rest of the team to vote off Justin McGorgeousness. Who will be the next one to walk off this crappy dock? Find out tonight in the most dramatic marshmallow ceremony ever! On Total. Drama. Island!
Iris pov
I sat with Gwen and Leshawna waiting for my dad to arrive. "So is Chris really your dad?" Gwen asked I nod "I didn't want him to find out yet. I was waiting for the right moment to tell him myself. You know because it was my right to do so." I said Glaring at Heather.
"Oh please it will be easier to get rid of her now. They will take their anger out on her because of her dad. Oh this was just a freebi."
*static *
"That cow has another thing coming if she thinks I'm going down. She will be out before I am trust me."
(End of Confessionals)
Chris: Campers, today’s challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I’m not gonna lie to you. Some of you may not come back alive.[Beth and Owen gasp] Just joking. [laughs] All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team’s campsite in the forest. You just have to find it. Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in pre-production. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility! [blows airhorn] Well, off you go!
Leshawna started to freak because of bears. This was followed by Owen saying he killed a bare. Izzy the proceeds to tell a storry about her encounter with a bare. This made Lindsay sick.
We all started to walk threw the woods to find our camp. Gwen looked a bit down so Trent tried to talk to her, but she just pushed him away. It was sad because the poor guy didn't know what to do.
I hope the other team will be ok.
*Meanwhile with the Killer Bass *
Katie: Sadie, lookBlueberries.
Sadie [after she gasps] : I love, love, love blueberries!
Katie: Oh my gosh! Me too!
(Confessional: Katie & Sadie)
Katie: Sadie and I are BFFFL’s.
Sadie: Best female friends for life.
Katie: We even got the chickenpox together!
Sadie: Oh my gosh, that was so fun.
Katie: It was so fun to have someone to scratch all your little scabs!
Sadie: I know, right?(confessional off)
(Honestly those two are just idiots)
Heather was complaining about I'm the next one getting voted off. Trent asked why and she said before "Iris took Harold's ant farm and poured on me!" She growls scratching I turn to face her. "Oh really it's my fault. I only did it because you did something to me unprovoked. I warm you now do anything like that again and it won't be ants in you be next time. "
I said my finger in her face. "Come on white girl lets focus on the challenge." Leshawna said pulling me along and away from Heather.
(Meanwhile with Katie and Sadie)
Katie: Okay. Those were so yummy. Can you believe how yummy those were?
Sadie: They were so yummy. Katie, where’s the rest of the team?
Katie: I don’t know. They must be nearby. Killer Bass, where are you?!
Sadie: Killer Bass! [gasps] This is just like when we were seven and we lost our moms at the mall.
Katie: And you started to cry and the security guards had to like, page our moms and they were so mad.
Sadie: Oh my gosh, like, take a pill. We’re fine.
Katie and Sadie[shouting]: Killer Bass, where are you?!
(Back to the Gophers)
I set up the tent and make a fire brake for the camp fire. "Wow you sure know what your doing. Unlike some people who are lazing around."  Leshawna said looking at Heather. "These hands were made for shopping not camping." She said crossing her arms. Owen and Trens talk about the task and Owen leaves to get food.
(Cut to Katie and Sadie.)
Sadie: You don’t know where we are, do you?
Katie: Yes! Okay, no. It’s so not my fault. Have you ever notice that all trees look the same?
Sadie: Ooh, I knew I should have known better than to listen to you.
Katie: What, you don’t think I’m smart enough to find them?
Sadie: You’re not exactly the best with like, directions.
Katie: Yuh-huh, I am!
Sadie: Nuh-uh! Apparently, you’re not! ‘Cause we’re L-O-S-T. Lost!
Katie blows raspberry
(Back at the screaming gopher's camp)
Everyone was waiting for Owen to come back with food. Some started to complain. "Hey what are you nibbling on over there." Gwen said looking at me. "Dried mint want some." I said holding up my bag. They take some when owen comes back with fish.
(Killer Bass camp)
Geoff makes a commitment about Bridgette. It didn't come out right.
Duncan: What’s for dinner, woman? I’m starving.
Courtney: I hope you don’t expect me to dignify that with a response.
DJ: Hey guys, look what I found![ pat, pats a bunny wich coughs]
Duncan: Well, I’ve never had rabbit stew before, but what the heck? I’m game.
DJ [after he sighs] : This is my new pet! I’m callin’ him Bunny!
Courtney: You couldn’t find any food? [gasps] Then it looks like we’re acting grubs and berries for dinner.
Duncan: Has anyone seen Tweedledumb and Tweedleidiot?
[creature howls]
(Screaming Gophers camp)
Owen has the Fish grilling
Trent and him start talking.
"So you and your grampa to down a bare?" I asked
Owen: Heck yes. It was the scariest day of my entire life.[Lindsay gasps.] We were out in the woods when we came upon the great beast. I tell you, he was ten feet high if he was a foot! And then he roared his terrible roar! [imitates roar] We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either him or us. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, bam! One shot was all it took to fell the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death.
Heather was a skeptical about it. We all then noticed Izzy was gone and started yelling for her.
At the Killer Bass camp Ducan was telling a horror story)
Duncan: So suddenly… They-they heard this tap-tap-tapping on the side of the car. The girl started to freak out, and by this time, even the guy was getting a bit scared. So he turned the car on and he stepped on it. When they got back to the girl’s house, she opened the door and screamed! Because there, hanging from the door handle… [sinisterly] Was the bloody hook. They say that this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere, really. Maybe even right here!
Killer Bass screaming.
Duncan laughs evilly.
Courtney: Duncan, that was so not funny!
Duncan: Oh, yes it was! I just wish it was all on camera! Uh, oh wait, it is!
Courtney: You are so vile. Do your parents even like you?
Duncan: I don’t know, Jumpy McChicken. I haven’t asked them lately.
[wolf howls]
Courtney gasps.
(At the Gophers camp)
In the trees everyone was arguing. That was till Leshawna fell come to find out the bare was Izzy. I jump down relived that she was ok. Once the fish was done we started to eat.
At the Killer Bass camp
Bright had to pee so she ventured out of the tent only to burn the tent down when a bat hit her face.
Courtney freaks out.
The next morning was a race back to camp when we reach it the Killer Bass were there but was pointed out that Sadie and Katie were missing. Only to have them show up a few seconds later.
Chris: All right, Killer Bass. One of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers, you’re going on an all-expense paid trip to… the Tuck Shop!
I watched the marshmallow ceremony  wanting to see who is going home.
Chris: You’ve all cast your votes The camper who does not recieve a marshmallow must immediately hit The Dock of Shame, grab the Boat of Losers, and get the heck outta here. And you can’t come back. Ever. Now. I can see you’re all tired, so tonight, I’ll just throw them to you. Savvy? Courtney. Duncan. Bridgette. DJ. Harold. Geoff. Tyler. Ladies. This is the final marshmallow of the evening. Sadie.
Sadie started to cry not wanting to let go of Katie.
I felt bad but it is what it is.
After everyone left and my dad closed the show me and him sat down and just hung out. Getting to know him is not that bad. We are kinda the same but he is more sinical than me.
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blackrose-ffxiv · 6 years
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Impractical Magic Part 4 05/16
After getting over the initial shock and revulsion of the extraordinarily unsanitary conditions of the summoning; Lebeaux Desrosiers regained the small step he had lost being taken aback. Shifting slightly over to the side to observe more intently as the bloodied circles were scrawled and unusual words muttered. Leaning in slightly as he strained to make out the strange language pale eyes blinking as little as possible in an effort to witness every last motion and gesture. It wasn’t until the language returned to Eorzean that he remembered that he wasn’t actually supposed to be watching this portion. For the sake of his everlasting soul he wasn’t supposed to be observing this sacrosanct mess. Lebeaux made a sacred gesture across his forehead and shoulders, turning away and lowering his gaze. Plausible deniability and all that.
The tear is visible now, like a bleeding wound in the middle of the air, and it is even possible for the perceptive to make out the form of distorted eyes and teeth, and an indistinct fluttering like black wings trapped under glass. Rinha’li Dhavha holds out his bleeding arm to the void tear. “N-now would b-be...an ideal time t-to--get out anything you...you n-need t-to be--b-be tainted --” Rinha'li says between gritted teeth, his eyes focused on something beyond the tear.
Geofferaut Derosiers extracted five petri dishes, knelt down, and slid the first toward the tear.
The bloody, filthy ichor oozes slooooooowly towards the dishes. The more void-educated might suspect the formation of a pudding to be imminent, as the squelching noises start to take on the characteristics of human whispering.
Lebeaux was being a good devout Believer and not looking. Keeping his gaze firmly towards the entrance of the cave. Though he did listen intently as Rinha’li spoke to whatever was beyond. Then came the wet sound of something decidedly unpleasant and wet bursting. Yet he didn’t look. Waiting patiently all the while until he was satisfied that the actual blaspheming portion was finished and the tear secured. He turned on his heel and folded arms across his chest. His smile quirked in curious amusement as the Geofferaut got to work and RInha’li stared transfixed into the darkness.
Rinha'li, meanwhile, is engaged in what appears to be some heated struggle with the tear, or something in it. Occasionally his eyes flutter as though he is in danger of falling unconscious, but does not. Actually, less of a struggle, perhaps, and more of...the manner of someone circling a tiger while holding out a steak.
Lebeaux Desrosiers supervised the ongoings, though he had no idea if this was going according to plan. It seemed the vile sound had been their sacrificial corpse immolating for some reason or another, yet mercifully the worst of the filth seemed to have scattered in other directions. Leaving his coat still perfectly pristine. Geoff was working with mechanical precision, of course, though Rin seemed to be up to something strange. Leaning towards the rift and staring intently into it as though speaking with something beyond. The medic moved slowly forwards, stepping quietly behind the enraptured arcanist.
Geofferaut Derosiers slid the last of his dishes toward the tear and took the last step over the barrier, careful to leave it intact. "The tear has probably been open long enough."
Lebeaux edging closer seems to kickstart something in the oozing aether. The muddy corpse run-off/blood/otherworldly ichor on the ground swirls into something roughly mound-shaped, a gap opening on its side like a crudely-drawn grinning mouth. It starts to jibber in a disturbingly accurate imitation of Rinha'li's voice -- "T-thought so! T-thought so!" over and over again -- as it lunges straight towards Rinha'li and Lebeaux. Geoff, on the other side of the salt barrier, seems safe for now. Parts of the creature even squelch nastily as they impact an invisible wall where the salt was laid.
Geofferaut amended his assessment in light of new data. "The barrier has been open long enough."
Lebeaux shook his head. “It should be left open to ensure that future batches may be exposed…” He trailed off as a pile of sludge congealed into something sentient enough to mimic Rin. Not that it was very difficult to make fun of the miqo’te. He managed to remain calm as he took several long steps backwards to cross over the salt line. Raising the staff at the ready as he began to cast, conjuring up a bit of wind aether in an effort to shred the oozing lumps.
"There is at least one conscious being present. The tear is too volatile to be useful a second time." Geofferaut corrected.
Rinha'li, entirely distracted, has no such luck. A formless pseudopod catches him in the shin and knocks him back against Lebeaux, snapping him out of whatever weird trance he was in prior. He yelps in frustration, gesticulating wildly. "P-puddings aren't CONSCIOUS!" he yelps, sounding almost offended that the first thing he hears when he focuses back on his two co-conspirators is a counter-factual statement. “It's j-just a side effect! D-d--just--splatter--“
"Oh. Okay." Geofferaut didn’t argue.
Lebeaux Desrosiers lowers a hand from the staff to catch the Arcanist as he crashes against him. Less out of concern for Rin ending up on his rump and more out of a desire to keep his white coat white, having a bleeding and flailing miqo’te wasn’t good for that. As such the spell was knocked off course, a swirling whirlwind doing little actual damage to the pudding though it had eroded the salt line in a few places with its reckless gusting. “Can it be contained or must it be closed.” Lebeaux demanded as he pushed Rin back onto his feet towards the rift.
Rinha'li falls into Lebeaux's arm in exactly the way that a fainting damsel in a stage play doesn't. "J-just--yes kill it, I'll--" The pudding is not moved by wind. "Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" it shrieks. Rin dashes towards the rift and reaches for his grimoire to slam it closed.
Lebeaux exhaled a sigh of annoyance as he lifted his sleeve, a few spots of crimson bright against the otherwise pristine white fabric. “Geofferaut, help dispatch it. Rin, close your eyes a moment.” He instructed. The medic’s conjury was shaky at best, he didn’t bother giving it another try but rather summoned up unaspected aether from his own reserves as well as the surrounding air, combusting it in a searing white flash near the pudding.
Rinha'li slams the grimoire and his eyes shut at the right moment. Blood and filth splatters from between the pages as the rift SNAPS closed...although whispering can be heard indistinctly still, from...somewhere. And of course, there's the mess.
Geofferaut retrieved the jar of salt and brimstone with one hand. The other rested on his tome. That left none to cover his eyes. Momentarily blinded by the light, he became very still, sniffing and listening closely.
Aether detonated and the concentrated unaspected aether ate a generous bite out of the oozing pudding. Which was the intended result. Lebeaux hadn’t quite managed to position the spell correctly to destroy the entity entirely, yet if anyone asked he had done it on purpose to avoid splattering even more void filth around the cavern and inevitably on his coat. The pudding didn’t seem more than slightly slowed down by missing a good portion of itself. And the piece that had been explosively amputated began to shift on its own as well, echoing the whispers coming from the larger one.
Rinha'li snaps, "Don't SPLIT it!" and turns, clutching the bloody book protectively to his chest with his non-injured arm.
Lebeaux huffed somewhat indignantly. As though he had done it intentionally. “If cutting it to bits won’t work well and I don’t trust the cavern to remain intact if I loosen a few rocks, how would you suggest it’s taken care of.” He snapped back. Aether gathered as he made another attempt, the magic briefly through the cavern before concentrating on the smaller pudding to hopefully immolate it without the accompanying flash this time.
“F-fire--precisely aimed aetheric combustion -- c-cutting it t-to SMALL b-b-bits rather than BIG ones—” Rinha’li suggested hurriedly.
Geofferaut blindly stepped back over the barrier into the messy fray, ears cocked. His mouth twitched out some harsh hissing syllables and searing aether sizzled in the heart - er, center - er, approximate geographical center of the whispering mass, boiling outward.
Rinha'li sways on his feet, and gestures t-towards Geoff. "Or...or that." The pudding's primitive mouth keeps working, as it boils away, this time in Lebeaux's voice -- "Taken care of! Taken care of!" -- babbled over and over again, reducing the words to mere noises. As the pudding fizzles down to a slick, oily stain, Rin wobbles to his feet. Rinha'li holds up his injured hand weakly. "If you'll excuse me, I'm g-going to be sick," he says mildly, and hobbles off to a corner.
Geofferaut blinked, trying to clear the seared in after image of Lebeaux's first explosion. "Are the samples intact."
This is why Lebeaux hired assistants. The medic watched the miqo’te stagger away, wondering if it was the slime he was spattered with or the probably infected gashes on his arm that made him nauseous. But. Priorities. Lebeaux crouched down and picked up one of the glass dishes, pinching it between gloved fingers as he extracted it from a pile of goo, excess dripping off of the closed container. “Intact… but sticky.”
@black-omen-born @cellardoor-ffxiv
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epickendall · 6 years
Total drama: Monster madness part 18
As the 4 teens head down to the police station they reach to the part of the town that a row of the building is on fire and the road is messed up. Then creatures with different colors started to crawl down the flaming building they had sharpened teeth, pointy tails, and long white horns. "Demon" screamed Cody as one demon with yellow skin rolled on the street head collision with the kart Geoff drive the kart away from the demons and headed down the road. The demons chased after the teens and Cody fired back at them with the turret killing about some of the demons.
Geoff kept on driving until he hit something "what the hell did you hit" said Gwen "I don't know" said Geoff a rainbow pop up across the street. The remaining demon catch up to the teen demon each threw balls of fire at them the teens get out of the kart and fight the demon. When Gwen tries to shoot at one of them it teleported away from her and attack her behind Gwen dodged the demon slash and killed the demons. The teens kept fighting the demon until they finally killed all the demon afterward the teen looked to see the rainbow is blocking the street "how do we go through it" said Zara "maybe if we find the source of this barrier" said Cody "pst over here kids" from an unknown voice.
The teens turn to see a little person that got a red bread and red hair dressed in all green clothes standing on a basketball court he spoke in an Irish accent. The teen go to the little person in the basketball court "I notice you kids collecting monster token and I want in on the loot" littler person teleported away from the teen and stand on top of a building next to a basketball court. "Is he another monster" said Geoff "I think he's a leprechaun" said Cody "he probably reason why we can't go through that rainbow" said Gwen. "your right goth girl as for now I'm bored so how about trying a new game I learned from my time spent in the hood! How about a little monster fest basketball"?
Eight large golden ring float above the basketball court "all you have to do kitties is just a basketball in eight of the golden rings if you could survive the monsters popping up". Demons and the undead started to pop in the basketball court "looks like we don't have a choice" said Gwen the teen go to the basketball lying around the basketball court. Geoff throws one on of the rings and made it but a blue demon popped behind him and throw a blue flame at him and frozen Geoff. "Geoff," said Gwen she shot at the blue demon about 30 seconds later Geoff was unfrozen "thanks Gwen," said Geoff "no problem".
Meanwhile, Cody and Zara killed the undead "Zara you throw the balls into the rings" said Cody "fine you better protect me" said Zara she grabbed 4 basketball and tried to get into the rings. Cody protected her while she throws the basketball in the ring Zara managed to get about 3 balls into 3 rings then a red demon throws a fireball at her. Cody moved Zara out of the way both of them failed to the ground Zara shoot her nail gun at the demon and killing the demon she sees Cody was on top of her. "You can get off of me now," said Zara "sorry" Cody blushed he gets up and help Zara up the teens get last 4 balls into the 4 remaining golden rings. "No! How do you guys pose such mad skills yo? This isn't the last you heard of me".The Leprechaun teleported away "next time we see him let's just shoot him" said Gwen "for once I agree with you" said Zara. The rainbow disappears and allowing the teen to drive further down the road the teens get back in the kart and drove to the police station.  
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furederiko · 7 years
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I've sort of lost track of holidays and festives since the year began, but today's Good Friday!!! Meaning it's a good friday to post a Random News Digest as well... Ahahahaha!
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The quest for young Albus Dumbledore has come to a close. Warner Bros has entrusted the iconic role to... none other than Jude Law. Which shouldn't come as a surprise, considering the Brit actor's long history with the studio, from the "Sherlock Holmes" series to the upcoming "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword". Personally, I still think Rafe Spall would make a better Albus, but perhaps the movie needs more of Law's... star power considering the first "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" wasn't exactly the big "Harry Potter" hit that WB expected. Beside, Law also suits the "younger man and quite a troubled man" criteria better than Spall.
The down side of this casting, is the general assumption that the sequels will put more focus on the bromancing frenemy between his Dumbledore and Johnny Depp's Gellert Grindelwald. It has been hinted that the two characters have shared a rather 'close' relationship in the past, perhaps even something that was somewhat romantically inclined. Okay, let me correct that. J.K. Rowling has said it herself that "Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald, and that added to his horror when Grindelwald showed himself to be what he was.", so it's more than just mere speculation. Thus, it IS going to be interesting to see how Law and Depp come to blow with one another, which is what many "Harry Potter" fans should be dying to see. Then why do I call it a 'down side'? Because at least for me, it's Eddie Redmayne's Newt Scamander...'s magical ZOO that was the prime highlight of the first movie. Those creatures, with the chemistry between Alison Sudol's Queenie and Dan Fogler's Jacob Kowalski coming hot in second place, are the part that I found to be delightful. These three characters, alongside Katherine Waterston's Tina, have all been confirmed to return, so one would easily wonder how these New Yorkers are going to fit in the story that takes place in Paris and Watford, England. Admittedly, Tina and even Newt himself, were pretty dull and boring for a lead. But it would feel like such a crime if they are put aside to the corner, as the spotlight is stolen by Law and Depp instead.
It is currently unclear whether the next movie will once again feature two separate storylines going in parallel with one another. But that's exactly what's currently generating the concern for some people. David Yates will be returning to helm the second movie, so let's just hope he'll find a way to make the sequel feel more... balanced and evenly focused. "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2", a tentative title for now because I'm not even sure if it will be accurate to the story anymore, is set to be released next year on November 16th, 2018. That's when we'll see whether this will turn out to be a magical Brokeback Mountain between Law and Depp, or another adventure of Newt & Co.
DC Films
Pray tell, why are we getting another poster for "The Justice League"? The popular notion is that WB is launching one as preparation for that last trailer debuting in theaters alongside "The Fate of the Furious". Yet when you look at the timing, somehow it just feels rather inappropriate. I mean, why not release it alongside those character posters and teasers last month? Can't remember? Those ones that oddly arrived on the same week to Spider-Man's posters and trailer. Sounds dejavu? Because Marvel Studios had just debuted the trailer and first poster for their upcoming Thor movie as well! You know, the one that will premiere just two weeks ahead of "The Justice League"!
Aaaah yes, THAT is the reason why calling this as coincidence is hokey at best. As if WB is trying to convince audience that... yes, despite the muted colors and the joyless forced humor, their grand ensemble movie is as colorful and fun. Now I can't help but wonder if this is a direct answer to that hillarious FANMADE video that's casually making fun of Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne and Gal Gadot's Diana Prince... LOL. Anyway, my point is... hogging on another movie's spotlight is acceptable, since many studios have been doing this since the Hollywood's dinosaur age. But I do really wish WB would stop being so dickish, while at the same time, being utterly obvious about it. Stop positioning themselves as the angry envious rival, subtly but blatantly creating flame wars with Marvel, because it does them no good. Acting all offensive in a non-existent competition is the wrong thing to do, because it makes them look BAD instead!
"Wonder Woman" also made news because the movie is said to be tracking for a $83 million opening. Eventhough it is unfortunately lower than DC Films' previous two movies, it sure didn't stop fans from turning into bragging mode and stuff. After all, that's how the internet works, and sorry to say, precisely the way 'DC fans' tend to overreact with things both good and bad. Meanwhile, another outlandish rumor hit the internet, claiming that WB will release not one, not two, but FOUR Batman-related movies in the year 2019. Yeah, judging from the studio's track record on announcing DC projects, only to end up losing directors or getting back to first page rewrites... over and over again, that sounds too good to be true, right? Despite all that, just imagine the headlines and numerous thinkpieces immediately run by various entertainment, and fansites. Well, at least until WB's producer Jon Berg and DC Entertainment's President Geoff Johns themselves shot down this report in their own hillarious way. I don't know about you, but THAT is what I call FUN.
Last but not least, Dolph Lundgren has joined "Aquaman" to play merman(?) King Nereus of Xebel. Making him the third antagonist after Patrick Wilson's Orm, and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II's Black Manta. That's not counting the likelihood of Willem Dafoe's Dr. Vulko turning evil, of course. Director James Wan has confirmed this casting himself, and Lundgren will likely join production when it begins on May in Hawaii. Although having the former Punisher sounds good, once again, this casting felt a little toooo obvious to be a coincidence. After all, we just got a hot rumor surrounding Sylvester Stallone's important role in the upcoming Guardians movie. And when you start remembering that Lundgren used to play as Stallone's rival/opponent in "Rocky IV" before teaming up in "The Expendables" series? Aaaaaah, it's another act of spite, right there! Oh WB, when will you ever learn...
Have you seen the latest trailer for "Transformers: The Last Knight"? I certainly haven't, because I'm totally not looking forward to see this movie anytime soon. But I heard it was great, and well... probably the best one this movie has released so far. Honestly, after the lackluster tragedy that was "Transformers: Age of Extinction", I never would've thought that we're going to get a 5th movie of this winding-down franchise. And this is just the beginning of another array of sequels, because director Michael Bay himself has explicitly stated to MTV that... "There are fourteen stories written. And there’s good stuff. So, I would like to do one of them, though.". 14? SERIOUSLY?!! Dang it, for a guy who thought "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" was meant to be the last, this statement felt like an offensive mockery. Anyways, this 5th movie is set to arrive on June 23rd. I'm personally more curious about whether it will rake as much money as the previous one. Somehow I suspect it won't, but general audience seems to love this franchise... so, we'll see.
SONY Marvel Universe
SONY Pictures has found its Miles Morales! What for? That animated "Spider-Man" movie that is set to be released on December 21st, 2018. Yes, the same date that recently has been occupied by "Aquaman". The young actor privileged to lend his voice for the animated Miles is none other than Shameik Moore. Fans might argue that Morales is half black, half latino in the comics, whereas Moore is not. But this is an animated movie, which only requires his voice, so I don't think it should be a problem. The actor himself shot to fame following his debut in Rick Famuyiwa's "Dope", later starred in the Netflix drama "The Get Down", and will next be seen in "The Pretenders". Speaking of "Dope", who would've guessed that it was such a good movie, eh? I mean, most of its main cast has gotten big comic book roles now. Tony Revolori is soon to be seen as Flash in MCU's Spider-Man. Kiersey Clemons is Iris West in DC's who-knows-when Flash movie, a feature that was almost directed by Famuyiwa. Zoe Kravitz was in "X-Men: First Class". And now Moore. Should we expect anyone else from that movie?
Aside from Moore, another cast who has joined the movie is Liev Schreiber. Schreiber portrayed Sabretooth in "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", and is currently well known as the lead actor of "Ray Donovan". According to the same report, Schreiber will be voicing the movie's antagonist/supervillain, though his character is being kept a secret for now. If I didn't know better, I have a feeling that Schreiber is going to voice Otto Octavius, or more popularly known as Dock Ock. Unless he's being assigned to voice Kraven the Hunter, which might also work when you put into account his previous ferocious comic book role. Then again, just like Moore, only his voice will be utilized, so he can practically play anyone. LOL. Hollywood's favorite duo Phil Lord and Chris Miller are writing and producing this movie, while Bob Persichetti and Peter Ramsey will co-direct the movie. Considering this is an animated movie, shouldn't they start working from now? I mean, animation is unlike live action movie, because it needs to be done at least 2 years in advance to achieve the highest quality. Let's just hope that this movie will be able to stand against the rising tide of "Aquaman" when it arrives next year. Otherwise, this might spell trouble for SONY's ambitious universe.
X-Men Universe
In a very surprising (but seriously pleasant) announcement, "Deadpool 2" has discovered its future-mutant Cable. And my oh my, it's Mad Titan Thanos himself, Josh Brolin!!! Yes, scoring his second Marvel role, Brolin's Cable will be featured in not one, nor two, but FOUR future X-Men movies. Popular speculation says that his next movie will be "X-Force", if not "New Mutants" as well. He's joining Ryan Reynolds who is returning to produce and star as lead character Wade Wilson, as well as Zazie Beets who will portray Domino. Interestingly, Brolin has played a comic book character before, as the titular character in the critically and financially failed DC movie "Jonah Hex". Which means, he and Reynolds are fated kindred spirits from the get go! That's nothing but true fact, no matter how Reynolds openly 'complains' about it... LOL.
No offense to David Harbour, Brad Pitt, or Michael Shannon, but Brolin sounds too perfect for this role. Not just in terms of looks, but also in the actor's ability to play the straight-faced man with a penchant to infuse his character with various kinds of intensity. "Old Boy", and "Sicario" are great examples of this. Created by Rob Liefeld and writer Louise Simonson, Cable is the complete opposite personality to the obnoxious, oddball, and foul-mouthed Deadpool. He's a tough, no-nonsense mutant whose gruff attitude and mysterious aura didn't waste time to attract a great number of fans. He has also been paired with Deadpool ever since. Suffice to say, it's a character that is right up on Brolin's alley, with "Men in Black 3" as its easiest example. With this sequel expected to arrive in 2018, production for the David Leitch feature is set to have a June start in Vancouver. Brolin is currently filming his Thanos role with Marvel Studios in Atlanta, and might even have completed his motion-capture part already. So rest assured, scheduling issue is not even a thing. Interestingly, both movies will be released next year, which means, 2018 would be a truly Marvel-ous year for Brolin!
Marvel Studios
Have you seen the mindblowing first teaser of "Thor: Ragnarok"? The long awaited teaser was simply rock and roll AWESOME, wasn't it! Not only director Taika Waititi delivered a Thor Odinson's movie that already felt distinctly different to his previous solo features, he also imbued it with his signature quirky fun but gorgeous colorful style. It felt like this least-favored franchise of the Marvel Cinematic Universe has finally embraced its funky Asgardian glory and cosmic side, eh? As if that's not enough to please us, it has already scored an amazing achievement by being the most-watched trailer that both Disney and Marvel Studios ever released! Is this a good sign? Most definitely. In fact, this was such a splendid teaser, I'm actually hoping that Marvel Studios won't be releasing anything else after this. This one's more than enough to grab audience's attention.
The official poster that came afterwards, though? Perhaps it didn't quite leave a similar impression, but arguably still emitted a strong promise of colors and style. Especially with all those Rainbow-Bridge-tone illuminating the titular character. Just look all those gorgeous colors, right? Chris Hemsworth is looking cool with that new haircut, and of course, don't forget the absence of Thor's beloved Mjolnir. Seriously, this movie is going to be strangely fun but epic! November 3rd, 2017 can't come soon enough.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves too soon. "Ragnarok" is still 7 months away, and there's "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" and "Spider-Man: Homecoming" that we need to anticipate first! With all three releases of the year looking equally fun and colorful, it would be a mistake to skip any one of them, right? HUGE mistake. And we can expect the first screenings reactions from "Vol 2" pretty soon. Why? Director James Gunn, along with stars Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, and Dave Bautista have kicked off the sequel's worldwide promotional tour in Tokyo, Japan last week. Not surprising, because it is set to hit theatres in Australia, Southeast Asia, and other international countries theatres starting on April 25.
As for the North American region, if I'm not mistaken, some of the press members are going to be the first to see it, just a few days from now. I bet early social media reviews and responses will arrive pretty much the same day. That's also the same reason why it's going to get harder and harder to avoid spoilers spreading throughout the internet. Even interviews and press roundup have slowly reveal details about the movie, much earlier than we expected. For example, Kurt Russell has spoken to Total Film (via Flickering Myth) on whether we'll be seeing a "Tango and Cash" reunion in this movie between his Ego the Living Planet, and Sylvester Stallone's mysterious character. Nah... I won't spoil anything about it, just go ahead and read the article if you're up with a little spoiler.
For the time being, "Vol 2" is tracking for a $150 million domestic debut. This is considerably close to the opening of "Captain America: Civil War", and also a solid improvement to the $94,3 million debut of the first "Guardians of the Galaxy" back in 2014. It's hard to predict whether this opening estimation is on point or not, because even "Beauty and the Beast" have magnificently surpassed its initial tracking number (and has broken the $1 billion mark yesterday). There's always a chance that the same accomplishment will occur with "Vol 2", considering the franchise is now sitting on everyone's top 5 most favorite among the MCU. Not to mention, "Vol 2" is the first movie that will kick start the 2017 Summer Movie season in the US. I guess we'll have to wait and see, and hope the best for the sequel. Because if it's good, then I bet Gunn would not shy away from returning to create a "Vol 3".
As for "Homecoming", several rather spoilery details of the movie might have landed online as well. In this case, regarding the "Daily Bugle" existence in the MCU, several scene descriptions from an event held in Tokyo, the possible appearance of other Avengers beside Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark, as well as actress Angourie Rice's true role in the movie. Hailing down from a Tom Holland's fanbase account on Twitter, these reports felt... a little hard to fully believe, because it could very well be a subjective assumption on their part. So do take them with a huge grain of salt.
Finally, remember that candid photos of Elizabeth Olsen filming an action scene for "Avengers: Infinity War" in Edinburgh? There's a video version of it now, and one that looks rather... dire and serious. This scene once again hinting that Olsen's Scarlet Witch and likely Paul Bettany's Vision will come into blow with a CGed henchmen, presumably the Black Order members. If you're curious, then go ahead and check it on Youtube. Assuming it hasn't been taken down, of course. Inline with the casting announcement from FOX, it seems Josh Brolin would have concluded his part as Thanos in May so that he can join the production for "Deadpool 2" in Vancouver. Which is probably why the "Infinity War" production will then proceed with his Black Order members instead.
This might sound surprising, but it's the last category for today! Yes, because I have no topics for the game section. LOL.
It wasn't long ago that we heard Marvel's "The Defenders" has wrapped its production, to pave way for the second season of Marvel's "Jessica Jones". Looks like Marvel's "The Punisher" has followed suit as well with its completion. A Twitter fanbase account for lead actor Jon Bernthal, reported that the cast has thrown away a wrap party for the production that began on October 2016. Judging from this, it's safe to assume that the series will in fact arrive later this year instead of next year. It's a little suspicious though, that it wrapped just a few weeks after "The Defenders" eventhough they started at relatively the same time. Considering the mini series only has 8 episodes, does this mean "The Punisher" might be a more compact/shorter series than those previous four? I sure hope so, because forcing these serialized shows into a 13 episodes with materials enough for maybe 10 at most, certainly didn't work charm. Said sentiment has even become one of the loudest talked-about criticism thrown at them. Here's hoping Netflix will realize this issue and solve it accordingly, because seriously, watching Marvel's "Iron Fist" alone has already worn me out.
Meanwhile, Netflix is reminding its audience that the 2nd season of "Sense8" will arrive in May 5th, by launching an official trailer. Which is highly necessary, because even I have forgotten that I've written about this fact before! YIKES!!! The inability of Netflix to set a fixed annual release date is admittedly troublesome, as it tends to wore out its devoted audience due to uncertainty of when to expect any continuations. "Sense8" and "Voltron Legendary Defender", as well as their uncertain delays are good examples of this particular issue.
IMHO, "Sense8" is a show that would have benefitted from having its second season arriving as soon as possible, preferably in mere months apart (just like the Network side, perhaps?). The first season was undoubtedly slow if not poorly paced, and the story only got interesting and intense in the last two-to-three episodes. It undeniably felt like an extended intro for the real story, thus forcing viewers to wait too long (remember, first season was launched in 2015!) to see what's next (one that hopefully explores the REAL intrigue behind them), simply doesn't do any good. Sure, there was a "Sense8: Christmas Special" on December 23rd last year, but I doubt many even knew it existed nor have watched it. I sure haven't, because even I only remember about it just now, FOUR months later. LOL. And to be honest, although I'm probably among the few who DID enjoy the first season, I've realized I'm not that anxious to see the second. Why? I have forgotten whatever was happening in it, so seeing this new trailer only succeeded in making me scratch my head in confusion. That is NOT good...
Thankfully, Netflix's bingewatch functionality helps to counter this problem. After all, unlike movies that come and go, we can view any of their original shows anytime we want. So those who haven't seen the first, can plan their start later by watching both seasons all at once. Trust me, I believe that would be more effective for this series. So right now, I'm patiently waiting for the critics' reviews first before actually checking the second season. While at the same time, re-watching the first season one by one, which might be a challenge because sadly this show doesn't have a strong rewatchability. My only hope is, I won't end up forgetting about this plan in just a few weeks after release. LOL.
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The continuation of the journal of Nei, a Paladin in the service of House Organo.
The Party
#gallery-0-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Nei the Paladin
Ricktar the Fighter
Eddie Izzard the Wizard
Alicath Ilmad the Bard
Geff Glassroot the Barbarian
Master Ubi disregarded the strange sight of the creature’s shadow, explaining that the beast was called a peryton and that they’re delicious! Eddie looked sceptical. Nevertheless, master Ubi disappeared into a back room with the beast’s decapitated head, and returned to collect it’s carcass, leaving a dark smear of blood as he dragged it behind him.
‘I’m bloody starving,’ grumbled one of the airship’s crew. San decided to head downstairs to look for food before he had a mutiny on his hands. He returned shortly after looking flustered. ‘Our food stocks are low,’ he exclaimed, ‘and all the barrels are open! I believe we may have a stowaway on board!’ I gripped my warhammer tightly and Eddie drew his flaming sword. Heading cautiously below deck it became immediately obvious that we were not alone. I traced a trail of crumbs with to a dark corner of the food-storage room where a large raggedy man lay sleeping, covered by a dirty quilt.
Eddie stepped forward and drenched the figure with summoned water. The barbarian woke with a start, falchion at the ready, and very angry. He was quite a sight; teeth bared, two of them golden, wearing a scrappy leather jacket, and bloodshot purple eyes. He also appeared to be wearing a rather familiar set of military armour. ‘What’dya want!?’ He barked, ‘N’ who ar’ya!?’ I stepped forward, warhammer poised.
‘You first,’ I said resolutely, eyes narrowing. Just behind me, a frightened Alicath silently created a zone of truth.
Geoff the Barbarian is ready to split some skulls
The man weighed his chances and yielded. ‘M’ name’s Geoff,’ he said.
‘I knew we had a stowaway!’ said San, pushing past, and staring at the man. ‘
Oo’ya callin’ a stowaway? Oi were ‘ere first!’ replied the man incredulously.
A barbarian defends his honour
‘Well I think you’d better start explaining yourself, and how you come to be wearing our armour,’ I commanded, warhammer held threateningly. The man explained that he served King Organo and that he was on the same ship we were, escaping when it came under attack, and landing on the island. From there he travelled to Port Isley and snuck on board an airship for shelter.
Eddie and Alicath, examining the man, noted that he actually seemed familiar. ‘You’re not the infamous corporal Geoff? We’re big fans!’ The man straightens up proudly and beamed a disgusting smile.
‘T’ very same,’ he replied. Once the nerves of the encounter begin to simmer down, the intrusive stench and grossness of the room became very apparent. ‘Oi’ve bin ‘ere four fuckin’ days. Whad’ya expect?’ Geoff replied to our complaints.
‘Well,’ quipped Eddie, ‘at least you were wearing your brown pants!’
Ricktar, unamused, declared he’s not touching any of this food and left the room. Alicath, Eddie and I followed suit. Alicath chucked Geoff a lemon. ‘You’re looking like you might need this,’ he said. Geoff devoured the lemon whole. San went to leave but hesitated, gingerly grabbing some food for the crew before heading upstairs.
‘We need to do something about Geoff,’ Ricktar said, and we agree to bring him to see master Ubi. We entered Ubi’s quarters and were hit by a second wave of stench, this time of strong chemicals and rancid flesh. ‘As above so below,’ I muttered. An enormous boiling pot sat in the middle of the room pouring out thick, foul-smelling, steam and Ubi was busy in the corner preserving the deceased Peryton’s head.
‘We found a stowaway aboard the ship,’ announced Eddie but Geoff protested,
‘Oi’m nor’ a fuckin’ stowaway!’ Ubi peered through his monocle, taking in the man, but remained largely unconcerned. ‘Tha’ goin’?’ Geoff asked, gesturing to the large wing sitting in the pot.
‘But of course!’ said master Ubi, passing the nauseating meat to Geoff. Alicath attempted to cast blindness on himself to dull his sense of smell, which was somewhat too effective; numbing his tongue in the process.
Geoff enjoys a tasty snack
‘Leb geb oubba here,’ he blubbered heading to the door. Eddie and myself needed no encouragement and we leave the room gasping for fresh air. Meanwhile Geoff happily gnawed on his leathery wing.
One of the crew approaches me and tried to pass me a rotten skull on a stone necklace as an offering to the gods. ‘There is only one true god,’ I proclaims stoutly, slapping the offering away.
Nei momentarily forgets the religion she has professed to the bugbear crew
The bugbear, indignant, turned away sadly. Rolling my eyes, I called after it apologetically saying I’ll take the offering. The bugbear smiled and left. I cast the necklace over the side of the airship and watched as it fell away. Dumb bugbear. Raising my gaze, I looked to the horizon and could see the city of Alder in the distance.
Just above it however, through the clouds, was something unnatural, something big…
  Written by Chloe Wakefield
Artwork by Jess Butcher – www.friendlyurchin.com
Edited by Aaron Surnaym
  Previous: To the Skies!
Next: The City of Alder (Coming Soon!)
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The party take a moment to rest and encounter new companion... The continuation of the journal of Nei, a Paladin in the service of House Organo. The Party…
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comic-watch · 7 years
Out on new comic day this week Dynamite Entertainment is serving up a swath of titles for your reading pleasure. We have Bionic Man, Dejah Thoris, Green Hornet Vol. 2 debut, Librarians, Red Rising: Sons of Ares, The Shadow/Batman finale and Swords of the Swashbucklers HC.
GREEN HORNET VOL. 2 #1 First off, they’re debuting a new Green Hornet series (Vol. 2) by Amy Chu (Red Sonja, Poison Ivy, KISS) and art by German Erramouspe, continuing what Kevin Smith started.
Britt Reid Jr., the scion of the Daily Sentinel publishing empire, vanishes during a wild party on his friend’s yacht. Meanwhile, crime spikes in the streets of Century City with the mysterious criminal/secret vigilante the Green Hornet absent. It’s only a matter of time before SOMEONE puts two and two together, and it’s up to Kato, former partner of Britt’s father, and his daughter Mulan to protect the city AND the Green Hornet legacy while finding out what happened to Britt.
Cover A: Mike Choi Cover B: Carli Ihde Cover C: Mike McKone Cover D: CP Wilson III
  DEJAH THORIS #2 Another smashing tale from Amy Chu and art by Pasquale Qualano is just getting started in the 2nd issue of Dejah Thoris.
In this fantasy tale, our title character is on a secret mission to save her planet, but first, he and the battle scarred Red Martian warrior Sajad Surma must keep the scientific team ALIVE as they trek through dangerous deserts of Barsoom. The Princess of Mars learns some hard leadership lessons after a deadly encounter with a white ape.
Cover A: Mike McKone Cover B: Stephane Roux Cover C: Sergio Davila
  THE SHADOW/BATMAN #6 (OF 6) The Shadow/Batman mini series wraps up with its 6th and final issue by writer Steve Orlando and internals by Giovanni Timpano. Brought to you in partnership of Dynamite and DC Comics with a massive 5 variant covers all showcasing unique styles.
For centuries, the Silent Seven has held Earth in its evil grip…but nothing lasts forever. The Shadow and Batman have infiltrated the Seven’s personal stronghold, hidden off the map and away from history, at great personal cost. They didn’t expect to find one of their own standing against them once they arrived. It’s Robin versus Batman with society itself in the balance as the Shadow steps into the one place even he has feared to go: The Deadly Mind of Shiwan Khan. Can three generations of crimefighting overcome centuries of evil? It’s a crucible they can only overcome through the one thing none of them have: trust.
Cover A: Brandon Peterson Cover B: Stephen Segovia Cover C: Raffaele Ienco Cover D: Jorge Fornes Cover E Subscription: Giovanni Timpano
LIBRARIANS #4 Another series finale comes in the 4th issue of the smash T.V. show tie-in for The Librarians by writer Will Pfeifer and artist Rodney Buchemi.
As the full-scale invasion from the magic-powered timeline threatens the entire world, The Librarians scour the Earth in search of the ancient artifact that can prevent civilization from being wiped out. But with unstoppable armies wreaking havoc across the globe, is it already too late?
Cover A: Karl Moline Cover B: Photographic
  THE BIONIC MAN OMNIBUS VOL. 1 TRADE PAPERBACK Now getting into some Trades, it’s Kevin Smith’s Bionic Man Omnibus Vol. 1 also featuring writers Phil Hester and Aaron Gillespie. Artist’s include Jonathan Lau, Ed Tadeo and Rey Villegas.
Three full graphic novels in one very large volume. A whopping 644 pages!
First, Steve Austin, the iconic action hero of The Six Million Dollar Man, returns! Groundbreaking filmmaker Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy) rebuilds the world’s first bionic man, making him better, stronger, and faster than ever before! Joined by Phil Hester and Jonathan Lau, his collaborators on the critically-acclaimed Green Hornet revival, Smith plunges Steve Austin into a dangerous world of espionage and high adventure. Reunited with Jaime Sommers (of The Bionic Woman fame), Austin must face a maniacal enemy built from deadly technology and dedicated to the collapse of entire nations!
Second, Steve Austin, the unstoppable hero of The Six Million Dollar Man, tracks a deadly conspiracy to foreign territory, where he discovers his strangest adversary yet – the legendary Bigfoot! What is this unnatural creature of primal instincts and mechanical parts? What role does the Bionic Man play in the monster’s origin? If one such Bigfoot exists, could others still roam the wilderness… or be manufactured on an assembly line? Also, Steve Austin has a tearful reunion with Jaime Sommers. How will he react when he discovers a terrible truth – that he may have unwittingly been responsible for the tragic accident that transformed her into the Bionic Woman, and erased her memories?
Third, Steve Austin, the iconic hero of television’s Six Million Dollar Man, faces new threats both foreign and domestic! When the brutal dictator of Libue threatens to use whatever means necessary to squash the rebels of his wartorn nation, the American government sends the Bionic Man to prevent the detonation of nuclear missiles on millions of innocents. Meanwhile, the Office of Scientific Intelligence is under siege by rogue agents. Will Austin’s close friend and OSI handler Oscar Goldman survive an attack on his life… and a mechanized terror with a face all too familiar?
Cover: Alex Ross
    PIERCE BROWN’S RED RISING: SONS OF ARES HARDCOVER Next is the hard cover of Red Rising: Sons of Ares, a prequel to the best selling YA series by Pierce Brown and art from Eli Powell (Yakuza Demon Killers, The 13th Artifact).
A story of love and loss and rage!In the future, when mankind has spread across the stars, the hierarchy of man is dictated by the color of one’s caste. The Golds rule all, but what will happen when one falls for a lowly Red? See how a forbidden love will set the course of events for the future and lead to the formation of the formidable Sons of Ares! Check out this in-continuity story of revolution and Red Rising.
Cover: Toby Cypress
  SWORDS OF THE SWASHBUCKLERS HARDCOVER Lastly there is the hard cover edition of Swords of the Swashbucklers from writer Bill Mantlo and art by Jackson Guice, Geoff Isherwood and Colleen Doran.
Spirited teenager Domino Blackthorne Drake was just a normal girl… until she stumbled upon an alien artifact, acquired uncanny power, and became a beacon for intergalactic trouble! With her tabby cat Cap’n Kidd in tow, Domino joins the motley crew of the Starshadow – a spacefaring pirate ship captained by the charismatic and fearless Raader. Domino embarks on a cosmic odyssey to save her kidnapped parents and overthrow the evil Colonizer Empire. Imagine a young, bright-eyed girl on a galaxy-wide escapade, full of high-energy antics straight out of Guardians of the Galaxy and Pirates of the Caribbean, and you’ve got Swords of the Swashbucklers!
Cover: Jackson Guice
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  FIRST WATCH: IN STORES THIS WEEK from Dynamite Entertainment! #DynamiteEntertainment #IAmAWatcher #ComicWatch Out on new comic day this week Dynamite Entertainment is serving up a swath of titles for your reading pleasure.
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Make This Place Your Home: Chapter 4- A Werewolf, Warlock, and Dragon Come While Another Demon and Warlock Visit
Summary:Humans feared magical creatures. They created kingdoms so that they could protect themselves. So, creatures needed to create colonies and outposts for themselves to live now. This is the story of how the Achievia Trading Outpost came to be and how it’s residences discovered it. Prequel to Creatures of the Day 
Chapter: 4/7
Word Count: 1,532
First / Previous / Next / AO3
The would-be outpost turned into an outpost after Jack, Caiti, and Caleb moving in. They built three new huts around Geoff’s family hut. One hut was the nurse station with Jack and Caiti living in the back. The other hut was one where Caleb could live on his own. And the last one was one for Meg, so that she my live on her own as well. Geoff and Griffon were proud to see her grow up, but were happy that she wanted to stay. More traveling creatures came to the outpost for healing, but most chose not to stay. However, there were still creatures looking for a new home or new job.
It was the day after a full moon. Werewolves tended to be very tired the next day. A young, muscular werewolf had set his clothes behind a tree during his transformation. The next morning, he found his clothes mixed up with a set of feminine clothes. He pulled his clothes away from the others and put them back on. He immediately decided to take a nap behind that tree.
His nap was interrupted by loud screaming. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” Jeremy promptly sat up to see a young warlock running his way. “DUDE, YOU GOTTA HELP ME!” the warlock demanded.
Jeremy yawned. “What’s going on?” he asked, groggily.
“I was practicing my construction magic and I pissed off a dragon!”
“You like construction? I like construction,” he trailed off back into his slumber.
The warlock rolled his eyes. “There is a dragon coming this way to kill us!”
“Kill you,” he corrected.
“You’re the one who pissed it off.”
“But now you’re here too,” The warlock tried to argue. Jeremy had fallen back asleep. The warlock bent down and tried to shake Jeremy awake. “DUDE!”
“GAH,” Jeremy shouted, startled as he was woken up.
“Why the hell are you so tired?”
“Werewolves tend to be tired after full moons.”
The warlock looked up, scared. “Shit. Did I piss off a dragon and a werewolf?”
“Calm your shit. I’m not pissed, I’m just tired.”
The warlock sighed. “As tired as you may be, we still gotta run.”
“Nah, just you.”
“If the dragon tries to torch the area, you’ll be roasted too.”
Jeremy sighed. “Shit.” Then he got up too. “I’m too tired for this shit.”
Before the two of them could go anywhere, the dragon arrived above them. It was black with purple accents. “Shit,” the warlock said in response.
“YOU TRIED TO BUILD BUILDING IN MY HOME!” the dragon yelled angrily.
“I was just practicing,” the warlock attempted to argue.
The dragon rolled its eyes. “I didn’t like the set up you were going with.”
The dragon landed and transformed into a little lady with short purple hair. The tail, wings, and horns she had stayed. “I like construction too, you know.”
“I didn’t know.”
“I was thinking about finding a permanent place to do construction.”
“Me, too,” the warlock responded, happily.
The dragon nodded. “Listen, I saw a hut that’s about a ten-minute walk from here. They just added three new huts in the surrounding area. I think they’re forming an outpost.”
“I was thinking, they could do a better job building those huts. So, why don’t we go offer our services?” the dragon suggested.
“I think that sounds excellent,” the warlock agreed. Then he and the dragon began to walk away.
“Where the fuck to you guys think you’re going?” Jeremy asked.
“Uh…” the dragon started.
“We’re going to go get a construction job.”
“And you’re just leaving me here?”
“You probably don’t care about construction.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes. “I just told you I like construction work too.”
“Oh,” the warlock stopped and turned back around to face Jeremy. “I thought you were just saying that out of your werewolf exhaustion.”
“Nope,” he replied as he wobbled to his feet. “I wanna come with you, what-your-face.”
“Matt,” the warlock answered.
“And I’m Kdin. I’m not sure if you were referring to me, but I’m kinda a part of this thing too now, so,” the dragon added.
“Well, I’m Jeremy, cause I can’t remember if I introduced myself or not.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jeremy,” Kdin replied.
“Well, I guess we’re off to see the wizard,” Jeremy joked.
“Dude, I’m standing right in front of you.”
“No, no. it was an old joke from an old story. Something about a human girl that transported to a magical dimension or something.”
“Ew, can we not talk about humans?” Kdin asked.
“Sorry, sorry. I just keep offending everyone, today.”
“Nah, you’re good. You’re just tired,” Matt reassured
“Maybe if a healer had an energy potion or something.”
Meanwhile in the outpost, Gus had come back to visit Geoff, and had brought a friend. “I can’t believe you went out and found another man. What, was I not good enough for you?” Geoff joked.
“Actually, I have a girlfriend back at my outpost,” the friend responded.
“Yeah, and you won’t let me marry you two yet,” Gus complained.
“Ashley said she wasn’t ready yet.”
“Come on, Burnie.”
“Hey, you don’t argue with women.”
Gus sighed, “Fair enough.” Then he turned back to Geoff. “And you,” Geoff pointed to himself in response. “You found yourself a wife and daughter, without me.”
Geoff blushed and smiled. “Yeah, I did.”
“I, honestly, was just impressed that you actually managed to start this outpost. What was it called again?”
“I decided to call it Achievia Outpost,” Geoff answered.
Gus snorted. “More like Achievement Shitty.”
Geoff rolled his eyes. “Rude. It’s the outpost you ended up in called ‘Cock Bite’ or something?”
“Yeah,” Burnie answered this time. “It’s a long story. I was also originally thinking, ‘Rooster Teeth’, but it sounded too professional.”
“That name, ‘Rooster Teeth’ doesn’t sound that professional.”
Gus rolled his eyes, this time. “And Achievia does?”
“Fair point.”
“Listen, you haven’t showed us your clinic yet. I can do your official marriage to Griffon after you do that.”
Geoff nodded. “Then follow me.” Geoff led the two of them to the clinic.
When they opened the door, they were surprised to see a man lying on a cot with another man and a dragon girl hovering over him. Jack was standing at a counter, making a potion. “Who is it?” Jack asked. Then he turned around to see Geoff, Gus, and Burnie. “Just the person I wanted to see.”
Geoff stared, confused. “Jack, what is this? Who are these people? And where’s Caleb?” he asked.
“Well, Caleb went hunting with Meg. He’s been a lot hungrier after he started teaching Meg sports.”
“But, that doesn’t tell me who these other people are.”
Jack finished making his potion and took it to the man lying on the bed. “These guys wanted to talk to you about a job.”
“A job?”
The man sat up, took the potion, and drank it. “Hello,” Kdin greeted. “I can see the building in your outpost have some shoddy construction.”
“You do realize that you’re insulting a demon.”
Matt started shaking. “I’m sorry. Don’t mind her, it’s been a rough day for her.”
“An annoying day,” she corrected.
Geoff nodded. “So, what can I do for you travelers? Unless you just wanted to talk to the outpost leader.”
“We wanted to ask you about getting jobs,” Jeremy answered from the bed.
“Yes, we wanted to help be outpost construction workers,” Matt continued.
Gus elbowed Geoff. “You hear that Geoff, they wanna push you into the big leagues,” he joked.
“So, what’s in it for you guys?” Geoff asked.
“Well, we’re good at and like working in construction. I, personally, dabble in communication, but I’m really just here to be a construction worker,” Kdin answered.
“Alright, you’re hired.” The three strangers cheered. “But now I need to know who and what you are.”
“Well, I’m Kdin and I’m a dragon.”
“No, really?” Geoff replied, sarcastically. Kdin rolled her eyes in response.
“I’m Matt and I’m a warlock,” Matt answered next.
“Great, every outpost or group needs a witch or a warlock, like me,” Burnie added.
“And last but not least, I’m Jeremy and I’m a werewolf.”
“Last night was a full moon, wasn’t it?” Gus asked.
“Yeah, and your healer over there-”
“Jack,” Jack interrupted.
“- Made me an energy potion so I think,” he paused and slid off the cot. “I have enough energy to stand up and do stuff again.”
“If you have energy, do you want your first assignment?” Geoff asked. The three of them nodded in response. “Honestly, how about you build a hut for the three of you. You can use it as a model of how you guys are gonna rebuild the rest of our huts, if that’s what you wanted to do.”
“Yes, sir,” Matt saluted as the three of them ran out the door.
“Isn’t it a little too soon to give them a big job like that?” Burnie asked.
Geoff shrugged. “Hey, they wanted to do that.”
“Anyway, let’s just go get ready for your wedding tonight,” Gus said as he motioned for everyone else to follow him out the door.
“Right,” Geoff replied with a smile.
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