#and more importantly get back in the good graces of his boss who in my brain is stanley
kingcameacallin · 1 year
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I think you’re forgetting I was at Arasaka. I saw how corps operate – wasn't all roses and rainbows. When Stanley needed a foe removed he ordered it without a thought to m e r c y.
@terrorscififest prompt: a mercy
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thesmallmeggles · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
Only it's Violet × Zanzo and it's an AU! 🌑 *Two* AUs 🧜‍♀️
(Reminder to block * #launch the megalleon * if you don't want to see my self ship stuff)
👇 Click Read More... If You Dare👇
Shadows Across The Moon (Horror Fantasy)
"Don't just stand there!" Peppermint said. "Finish him."
"Oh, right."
Zanzo is on his hands and knees before the ruined summoning circle. His hair snakes hiss at Chai when he steps in front of him. He raises his head, brows knit and jaw clenched in building fury.
"This is all… because of you!" Zanzo yells as he reaches for his goggles.
Chai raises his weapon right when the goggles lower. Zanzo locks onto his reflection, an abrupt cry escaping him as he petrifies. The resulting statue would make for awesome lawn decoration, minus the frozen expression of terror. Two out of six bosses down for the count. Light glinting on gold catches Chai's eye; the gorgon's head medallion is unharmed. He attempts to tug on the chain but it won't budge. Grumbling, Chai prepares to strike.
"No!" A purple and orange blur passes before him, throwing itself on the Zanzo statue. Blotchy faced Violet stares up at Chai, chest heaving. "Don't kill him. Please."
This woman can't be serious.
"Okay," Chai said, lowering his weapon. "But we're gonna need his magical thing-y either way."
Sniffling, Violet studies the medallion. "Maybe with a chisel?
One pull and the medallion breaks free from the statue, its indent left behind. Stone softens to flesh and cloth, and a de-gorgoned Zanzo drops to his knees, gasping. He clings to Violet and doesn't let go for minutes.
"That was a nightmare," Zanzo says. His dark brown eyes glisten with tears threatening to spill. "Trapped in impenetrable darkness without sensation. Thoughts spiraling in endless loops." He stiffen and springs back, covering his eyes. "I can't be looking at you unprotected- I'll curse you to the same fate." Gloved hands fumble for mirrored safety goggles that are no longer on his head; they'd fallen off in his altercation with Chai. 
"Zanzo, it's okay," Violet replies. She presents the gorgon medallion to Zanzo, letting it dangle from its chain. "You're human now."
He looks at her with furrowed brows and a slack jaw. "Why do you have that? But more importantly, why are we not in the laboratory?" He fans his arms out to the entirety of the hideout. "I have a backlog of projects to catch up on."
She rubs the side of her neck. "That's… not a good idea given all the monsters roaming around. Even if there are less of them on the west side of the island now."
Zanzo wobbles to a stand with a steeled expression. "So what? With the medallion, they consider me one of their own." He sticks out his palm. "Hand it over."
Violet clasps it to her chest, shaking her head. "Kale is using you. The notes-"
He folds his arms tight. "He is one of the few people who have ever supported my endeavors. Whatever needs doing to stay within his good graces, I shall oblige."
"Even if it gets you killed?" There's a quiver in Violet's voice as she rises. "Because Chai almost…"
Zanzo: "Mister Chai, right. I'd forgotten about him. Where is he now?"
Violet: "Dealing with Korsica alongside the others, I think."
Hurried steps echo down the hall. Wide eyed Peppermint barges into the room, accompanied by a yowling 808. Macaron follows behind, cradling two bodies in his massive arms- Chai and Korsica, unconscious and bloodied. CNMN is last to enter, worry drawn on his face.
"Injured parties," Peppermint barks. "We need clear space." She shoves objects off of couches. Even with personal matters to address, Zanzo is quicker to jump into assistance than Violet.
Violet: "What happened?"
Peppermint: "My asshole brother tried to fire Korisca, literally."
Mermaid/Sea Creature AU
Violet reeled back as a deep green crest breached the water's surface, followed by a lean, sandy-beige torso. The man who had emerged greeted her with an intense smile. Jet black brows arched over shining, upward slanted eyes probing every inch of her. Blue metal arms connected by a chest harness hovered at his sides, fingers twitching.
"Greetings," the man crowed. "Who is it that's summoned me from the depths of my lair?"
"I'm Violet," Violet said, cringing at how her voice hiked pitch. "Sorry, I didn't expect anyone to pop up so soon."
The man chuckled. "You don't need to look so frightened. Promise I don't bite. Typically." He plucked weeds off his shoulders with a momentary scowl before throwing them back. "I am Zanzo! The greatest visionary the world has ever known."
As their interaction progressed, Violet better understood why Caramel warned her away from consulting this guy. His arrogance could start wars.
Zanzo hoisted himself beside Violet on the dock with a splash and a grunt. Instead of a fish tail like she expected, the area below his waist divided into lengthy, mottled reddish-pink octopus tentacles. (They twisted around each other.) The two front most tentacles didn't quite match the others; were they prosthetics like his arms?
"Proposition for you," he began. "There are certain items I need for my work that I cannot acquire since I am restricted to the tide. So" -he looks to her, grinning- "I am in dire need of someone who can retrieve them."
"You want me to be your errand girl?" Violet asks.
"Exactly!" Zanzo cheers. "I appreciate you catching on so quickly."
"This would be paid, I assume."
"Mm-hmm. And far from the only benefit."
"What would the other benefits be?"
"I'll tell you upon agreement. So are you in?"
"Let me think about it."
"Don't take too long. I could lose my interest."
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idontwanttowhy · 6 months
Descendants of the Sun (2016)
The Kingda Ka of kdramas: thrilling at first...
South Korean military Captain Yoo Si-Jin and Master Sergeant Seo Dae-Young are part of the Special Forces, always on standby for emergency military situations. When on a brief break in Seoul, Si-Jin falls for doctor Kang Mo-Yeon. They flirt and casually date after a brief enemies-to-lovers jaunt, but Si-Jin always disappears after receiving calls for duty. Mo-Yeon, frustrated with not knowing the details of his work and realizing they have opposing views on life and death, decides to break it off with Si-Jin before getting serious. She is later sent to do some medical volunteer work at a military peacekeeping outpost...where Si-Jin also happens to be stationed.
Meanwhile, Dae-Young is also struggling with his love life, having fallen for the Chief Commander's daughter and Mo-Yeon's med-school rival, military surgeon Myeong-Joo. The two are not accepted by the Commander, and thus Dae-Young breaks off contact with Myeong-Joo despite her wishes and advances. The other doctors dispatched all navigate their own love lives while in the midst of a war, earthquake, and measles outbreak.
AC Overall: 7/10, had me in the first half
Be forewarned; this is a military and medical melodrama, with the majority of episodes having combat and intense life and/or death situations. That being said, those moments seemed packed into the first half of the show, and without them Descendants got...boring (and then classically ramped back up for the last 3 episodes). I sooo missed the cheekiness of Si-Jin's flirting once he and Mo-Yeon got together, it's what drew me in in the first place (love a cheeky man!).
So, the courtship is nice to watch and the side characters are good additions, but the drama couldn't keep its own pace, making for a rollercoaster of engagement for me.
AC Review with spoilers
Let's start positive: loved Si-Jin a.k.a. Big Boss! He CARRIED the main relationship, and did it with a cheeky little smile to boot. Mo-Yeon was...kind of a brat. Spent most of her time either being upset that her soldier boyfriend had to report for duty, or on the brink of death waiting for him to come save her. (To be transparent: I'm currently watching Now, We Are Breaking Up also starring Song Hye-Kyo, and might be conflating the characters because--in my defense--she acts the same in both shows! And it's fruuustrating! Importantly, I didn't actually realize until watching her in a different role that...she might only know how to act one way. Oops.) And speaking of men I love, Dr. Daniel was beauuuutiful. And his accented Korean was so adorable, I couldn't get enough of him. I only wish we had seen more of him. (As always, if anyone knows a doctor who also doubles as a handyman, you know how to contact me...).
At first I liked Si-Jin and Mo-Yeon together, and personally felt their struggle with liking each other despite their differences and inherent unavailability. But, MZ watched a bit of an episode in the middle and insisted they had no chemistry?? So I put my personal feelings aside and actually considered them as a couple and...she may have had a point (don't tell her I said that). Because during the courtship they had that palpable, inexplicable attraction to each other, but once they acknowledged their feelings it got less...charming. Don't get me wrong, Si-Jin is forever a charmer, but Mo-Yeon didn't play off of his charm nearly as much as before their feelings were expressed.
But GOSH. I was exhausted with all the ~events~ happening again and again and again throughout the show. I understand it as the nature of war and combat but....geez. And then, once things cooled off, there was nothing left to rely on. You realize by like episode 10 (being generous) that they relied waaay too much on the surrounding events. And so it became a struggle watch from then on.
As usual, the saving grace were the other characters. The older unmarried doctors relationship arc was cute, and Dr. Chi-Hoon was a(n entertaining) struggle to watch--how could he have left his pregnant fiancé hanging?? No contact, just cowardly crying in a corner...unbelievable. But...I get it. There was lots going on that med school doesn't prepare doctors for. Especially not a chaebol. And the elephant in the room: Dae-Young and Myeong-Joo were veeery awkward to watch, especially Dae-Young. He played his character so painfully stoic it was cringe when paired with how over-the-top Myeong-Joo was, trying to get ANY emotion out of him. And then when they did become a couple again, I just felt bad for Myeong-Joo because he STILL acted like a robot. The only thing that saved him was his face, honestly.
Overall, I don't really get why it's a classic. For me it was...kinda meh, with a few saving graces.
P.S.: I just found out our leads were married irl?? And they STILL managed to not have chemistry in this show???
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kiyoominous · 2 years
who's a good boy?
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blurb: your beloved has been magically graced with... animal ears! and a tail to boot! i wonder how they feel about them... but most importantly, how do you feel about them?
characters: kaeya, diluc and thoma
content: fluff, crack, alcohol mention in kaeya's
author's note: i saw a similar prompt a while ago that was like this but reversed but i cannot for the life of me remember who wrote it. i'll link it when i do end up finding it! i am also going to say that i'm not an animal expert so some of the body language may be incorrect!
kaeya with bunny ears!!
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the cavalry captain with bunny ears and a ball of fluff for a tail. now wouldn't that be a sight for sore eyes?
it's exactly what he deserves after absentmindedly pouring a few strange liquids into one of albedo's abandoned experiments and then drinking it afterwards.
kaeya will not shut up about them. in fact, he'd plan out his wardrobe specifically to be able to show off his new ears and tail. sure, it's not the most professional but you've got to flaunt what you've got, right?
if he catches your eyes lingering on his recently sprouted parts, he'll do anything in his power to tease you for even glancing at them in the first place. whatever, you still win anyway. kaeya will eventually cave in and let you pet them.
on one your regular visits with him to angel's share, he had a few too many to drink. as you coaxed him out of another drink, you spotted his tail wagging. only a rabbit expert would know that it was... a sign of defiance.
"another... death after noon, charles." kaeya drunkenly mumbles. in a sudden mood of contentment — or perhaps just a normal after-work thought — kaeya insisted on sojourning to the tavern for a few drinks and a laugh with his new ears and tail.
he had a few drinks, alright.
charles looks curiously at the blue-haired man, clearly wanting to avoid mixing him another glass. to his fortune, you sat right next to him making all sorts of gestures to tell him 'absolutely no more drinks.'
"sorry captain, no can do. you've downed quite a few death after noons this evening." he quickly replies.
"you're no fun, charles." the drunken man of interest sulks. the bartender simply chuckles under his breath and your laughter follows.
kaeya's bunny ears lay flat behind his head as he drowns in his sorrows, as one may dramatically put it. this is definitely not an image you'd see during the day, when he stands tall as a leader of the knights. with his ears usually perked and alert, it's cute to see him reduced to floppy ears.
as you observe his slumped figure, something catches your attention from the corner of your eye. a movement of white. your eyes follow the curvature of his back until they reach his rear, where his tail is swinging back and forth.
"charles, look." you quietly gesture to kaeya's wagging tail. "do you know what that's supposed to mean?"
"that's usually an act of rebellion, almost like he's saying 'you're not the boss of me' or something to that effect."
oh holy barbatos, spare your weary soul. you already knew your partner could be a dramatic man but to see it manifested in a flicking tail? what an affectionate stake to the heart. fawning over your boyfriend aside, there was a much bigger mission to attend to; getting his more-than-tipsy self back home.
"you're way too drunk, my love. we're going home." you whisper in his ear.
"nooooo..." his whine is accompanied with a quick flick of his tail.
"come on, let's go now."
"not... yet..." another wag from his tail.
"you have work tomorrow, kaeya." an unintelligible noise leaves his lips as his tail shakes side to side once more.
it takes a prayer to the anemo archon and the willpower of a boar to lift kaeya from the bar and then promptly dragging him out of the tavern. you shouts your thanks to charles as you walk through the door, being quick to turn to your lover. he hasn't quite passed out yet but his ear's are flopped forward this time, almost obscuring the gentle smile he's wearing on his face.
oh you are going to have a field trip with this after kaeya sobers up.
diluc with cat ears!!
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cats are adorable, diluc is adorable, so the both combined would be wonderful!
a new set of ears isn't something he'd normally wake up to. he didn't eat or drink anything weird... perhaps it's delusional but something tells him that this is the work of an abyss mage.
the young ragvindr is not happy with this outcome. displeased, undignified and embarrassed are all appropriate words to describe his emotions towards his new appendages.
you, on the other hand, are so enthralled by diluc's new look. seeing the twinkle in your eyes as you pet his pointy ears makes the moment a little more bearable. only just a little though.
to humour yourself, you tried meowing at him to see if he'd return the favour. all you got back was a deadpan stare and a half-hearted huff. guess the abyss mage's spell wasn't strong enough to turn him a little more animalistic.
it's a quiet afternoon in the manor. diluc is busying himself in the love seat with another thick novel and you're lounging on the chaise next to him, watching in awe. it's quite amusing to watch him read as it is but adding cat parts to the equation? hilarious. occasionally, his ears will twitch a little and if you're lucky, his tail will swish from side to side.
his new body parts were cat-like enough but how much of a feline was he? you muse that there's no better way to get your answers than to test a hypothesis.
so, you start meowing.
you only get a few quite mewls in before diluc places his book down solely to give you an unimpressed look.
"what are you doing?" there's a discontented tone in his query. though he sounds serious, you can find a silver of mirth dancing in his eyes if you look for long enough. determined to continue your experiment, you simply shrug off his irritation with a guilty grin.
"i, uh- just wanted to see if you would meow back?" with a snap of the fingers, his huffy demeanour cracks to reveal a half-hearted eye roll and a chuckle.
"you would enjoy that a little too much, wouldn't you?"
maybe you would. maybe the sight of seeing the all-business-no-party heir of dawn winery meowing like a new born kitten would entertain you to no end.
"i don't feel anything different if that's what you're wondering. i feel normal aside from the obvious... recent growths." diluc continues. surprise may not be evident in your face — what, with the way you're still blankly observing him — but you're astonished to know that after all this time, he's picked your brain apart enough to know exactly how you'd approach his cat parts.
a gentle silence passes and diluc has yet to return to his book. his ruby reds are too busy gazing into yours to even consider picking it back up. words always have a chance to bore him but your glittering eyes never will.
perhaps this little cat situation is... less than ideal but if there's anything he could do to see your sparkling smile, he would jump at the chance to do it. even if it's at the expense of his own dignity.
diluc brings a hand to your chin and pulls you closer to him, from the comfort of the chaise to the armrest of the love seat. "so, shall i humour you with your query?"
your eyes light up and giggles begin to quietly spill from your lips.
"oh i would be honoured to hear a meow straight from the diluc ragvindr's mouth."
thoma with dog ears!!
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oh, thoma with a pair of dog ears and a beautifully fluffy tail would be a sight to behold indeed.
looks like ayato managed to make a meal so terrible that a pair of furry ears and an equally fluffy tail sprouted from thoma's head and back after he ate it. oops!
to be honest, he doesn't hate them! in his words, "they don't look too bad on me!" perhaps the only drawback would be how much more obvious his emotions would be.
the only thing that truely matters to him is your reaction to them. he would most definitely eat up all the attention you're showering him in, ears twitching and tail wagging in delight.
even though he's still thoma, just with a few extra parts, he has had the urge to bark like a dog more times than he'd like to admit... please don't tell anyone though
"you know, i've always wondered how it feels to be a dog getting head pats." thoma practically thinks out loud. he's lying with you on the plush mattress you share, head sitting in your lap and the rest of him curled around himself. both of your hands have found their way to his scalp, massaging and scratching the sweet spot between his ears.
"guess you don't have to wonder anymore then." you quietly reply.
"guess not."
a five minute petting session turns into a half-hour head and ear massage too quickly. your eyes flicker towards the window of your bedroom — the sun is starting to set. crap, both of you need to start dinner now.
with a knowing sigh, you turn to the quarter dog sitting in your lap. full dog even, with the way he simply is. thoma's eyes are contently shut and his euphoria is so clearly painted on his face. oh, it would break your heart to slip your fingers from his hair. unfortunately, duty calls and both your stomachs must be served as soon as possible.
carefully, you remove your fingers from his blonde locks and quietly rise from the mattress. but before your feet can even touch the hard wood flooring, you hear a squeaky whimper. there's no need to question where it came from when thoma's hands immediately clap over his mouth.
"i won't say anything. promise." you blurt out. there's a fear in his eyes that you've never seen before.
"please don't. if ayato even catches wind of this, i'll never hear the end of it."
a solemn nod and the promise is sealed. you feel a half-smile creep on your face as you grasp onto his hands, pulling him from the bed. "come on baby, time to make dinner." you coo.
after successfully dragging him from your bedroom, thoma lazily wraps his arms around your figure and settles his head in the crook of your neck. instinctively, you reach up to pet him and he instantly nuzzles into you. oh how he made you melt. as you both waddle your way to the kitchen, you feel a cool breeze around your hips that's also accompanied by something swinging back and forth.
thoma's tail is wagging very enthusiastically.
right then and there, you decide that now you could finally die happy.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
visionary. [diluc x gn!reader]
prompt: “Hey Axia, may I request either Diluc or Xiao reacting to reader gaining a vision in front of them?“ as requested by anon pairing: diluc x gn!reader word count: ~1.7k warnings: violence, attempted kidnapping a/n: sorry this is kind of different from my typical writing i feel;;; but i really wanted to write this! sorry for the delay! i really want to try to write more as its a productive hobby !!!
much to diluc’s behest, you had tagged along with him on what was supposed to be an uneventful work trip to fontaine. your lover hadn’t outright told you that you couldn’t come and his insistence that “you should stay at the winery and relax, you’ve earned it after working so hard recently” went through one of your ears and out the other. diluc knew better than to try to argue with you once you made your mind up on something (especially when he desired your company, even if he wouldn’t admit it) so you hopped right into the wagon alongside of him, eager to see the redhead’s business expertise being put to use.
overall, the trip had been uneventful until the return home. each day, you were left to peruse the streets of fontaine, still technically on your vacation, while your boyfriend would return to the inn room long after you had and essentially collapse into your arms. sure, the two of you didn’t get to spend as much time together as you would’ve liked, but you could sense how much diluc appreciated your company. upon the simplest of your touches, his shoulders relaxed and adoration would shine in his eyes as he looked at you through half-lidded, sleepy eyes.
such soft moments were a harsh juxtaposition to the realities of now, in which you and diluc are heading home in horse-drawn carriage. as the two of you journey pass through liyue on your way back to mondstadt, diluc’s gloved hand finds one of your own and interlaces your fingers together. you shoot him a wide grin at the gesture and gently squeeze his hand in response, but as the redhead leans in slightly and parts his lips to speak, the moment is interrupted by the horse screeching to a halt. the carriage shudders from the abrupt stop, but diluc steadies you with a reflexive hand across your waist.
“everybody out!” an unfamiliar voice orders from outside the carriage and diluc’s brow furrows, a frown finding its way to his lips. you hold your breath, inquisitive eyes meeting diluc’s concerned ones.
“follow my lead. don’t give them anything.” diluc instructs and you nod in response, unsure of what to make of the situation. he departs from the carriage first, helping you out of the carriage and ushering you behind him. the redhead stands in front of you protectively, glaring at those who dare interrupt your return trip home. you peek around diluc’s shoulder and a pit forms in your stomach.
treasure hoarders. you tighten your grip on diluc’s hand and he looks at you over his shoulder to make sure you’re okay, but soon returns his glance to the treasure hoarders in front of you.
“we were told you two would have wine aboard. why isn’t there any?” a voice finally breaks the silence and you hear diluc let out an exasperated huff.
“i am not the type to travel with delivery shipments,” diluc responds and you can feel the annoyance drifting off him in waves. “there is nothing of value aboard.”
“the richest man in mondstadt having nothing of value on him? i highly doubt that.” another treasure hoarder pipes up, eliciting murmurs of agreement from his peers. “check him. and his partner.”
“you can check me,” diluc’s voice is dangerously low. “but you will not touch them.” despite standing behind him, you can picture the smoldering fury that burns in his eyes at the implications of the treasure hoarder’s words.
“oh? it looks as if master diluc does have a valuable treasure on board,” the treasure hoarder teases, stepping forward to the two of you. “well, i can’t return to the chief empty-handed. however, i think my boss would get a kick out of adding your pretty little lover to his collection. you can either hand them over or you can make this difficult for all of us.”
diluc’s hand drops from yours and, in its place, his familiar claymore materializes. “it’ll only be difficult for you.” he responds to the treasure hoarder as he steadies into a defensive stance, blocking the first attack from the treasure hoarder. you instinctively take a step as the two begin exchanging blows, but you stumble back into the arms of another treasure hoarder, who quickly wraps his hands around your waist and hoists you away from diluc.
“diluc!” you cry out, utterly powerless to stop the situation at hand. you preferred books over practicing fighting, only knowing the self-defense training that diluc had insisted you take. right. the self-defense training. taking a deep breath and focusing, you drop your weight in your assailant’s arms, causing him to let out a huff of surprise and giving you a chance to scamper back over to your lover, whose crimson eyes are boring into yours after hearing your cry of pain.
“stay close.” he orders and you nod, but in his brief distraction, one of the treasure hoarders tosses an electro potion onto the ground in front of him. diluc lets out a grunt and falls to his knees from the electric shock, causing you to instinctively reach out in concern. before you can help, a knife is thrown and lands square in diluc’s shoulder and your lover lets out a noise of shock.
“stop!” you yell as diluc’s face contorts in pain, electric jolts still coursing through his body. “i’ll go with you, just... don’t hurt him.”
“y/n,” diluc grunts, trying to stand up and failing. “don’t.”
you send him a fierce glare that stuns him into silence. it’s an uncharacteristic look for your usually kind features.
“i’ll be alright, ‘luc. you’ll come get me and we’ll be fi-” before you can finish your words, a treasure hoarder wraps your hands behind your back and kicks the back of your legs, forcing you down onto your knees. diluc’s eyes widen in alarm, but another electro potion has him falling to the ground once more, unable to control his body in order to rescuse you. sure, he could send out his trusty pyro phoenix to incinerate the treasure hoarder that is now forcing you away from him, but that would likely hurt you severely in the process.
powerless from a single attack in the few moments he was distracted by you, diluc is left to watch as you are guided away from him, hands bound behind your back. you turn to look at him over your shoulder and send him a reassuring smile. diluc cries out your name once more before a bright flash of white interrupts his vision. as diluc begins to black out from the pain of the electricity, he sees you holding something that wasn’t there before in your hands, but has little time to question it as he finally loses consciousness.
diluc awakes with a jolt and sits straight up, blinking wildly as he analyzes his surroundings. unlike what he expected, he’s not in the liyuean wilderness, left to rot without a carriage or you by his side. instead, he’s laying in a soft bed, with you snoozing softly at his side, sitting in a chair next to him, your head resting softly next to his arm. at his sudden movements, you groggily open your eyes before looking up at him with a sleepy smile.
“good morning, sweetheart,” you say casually, as if diluc’s entire body doesn’t ache with fatigue and pain and you aren’t all scratched up. if not for the shallow yet bandaged cut that graces your face, diluc would’ve thought the whole incident to be some sort of bad thing.
“good morning,” he responds out of instinct, before immediately diving into questioning. “what happened? how did we get back to the winery? are you okay?” 
you wave off his concern with a soft laugh. “i got us home, i’m alright. how about you, how are you feeling?” you intertwine your fingers with his and diluc just stares at you with an utterly confused expression. you let out a soft giggle at his expression.
“right, right, there’s something i’m not sharing,” your hand slips out of diluc’s and he mourns the loss of contact before his eyes focus in on where your hands are moving. you fumble with your waistband before diluc hears a soft unclipping noise.
“ta-da!” you hold up the vision in front of you. “look what i got! it let me shield us and it let me to create a weapon to fight them in the process! i... wasn’t very good at it, but they couldn’t break the shield somehow... so it didn’t really matter!”
diluc stares at you blankly before a proud smile splits across his features. “congratulations. you really are special, love.”
you flush at his praise, eyes darting away from his as you look down at your lap.
“thank you,” he finally speaks and you look up at diluc in confusion, unintentionally mimicking his lost expression from earlier. “for saving me, that is.”
“oh? but you’re the one in the hospital bed.... i should be thanking you for fighting so hard.” you respond and diluc shakes his head in response, before gently tugging one of your hands back into his hold and placing a soft kiss to your knuckles.
“this time, you’re the knight in shining armor.” he jokes, but there’s a faint seriousness behind his words. “i am... thankful you are safe, most importantly.”
diluc’s expression darkens after he utters those words. “speaking of safe, why did you willingly offer yourself up to the treasure hoarders?”
“oh, that?” you let out a nervous laugh, shifting in your seat and losing eye contact once more. you shrug before meeting diluc’s fiery eyes once more. “it’s because i love you!”
diluc’s angry expression is replaced with a red flush that spreads across his face and to the tips of his ears. he mutters something under his breath that you can’t hear, which causes you to narrow your eyes mischeviously.
“pardon?” you ask, voice teasing.
“i said ‘i love you, too’“ diluc responds petulantly and you let out a triumphant laugh.
“that’s what i thought!” you say, a smug expression crossing your features at diluc’s embarrassment at the situation and at his reciprocation of love.
“no, (y/n),” he states exasperatedly. “that’s what you know. and you better not forget it.”
you grin at diluc. “i wouldn’t dream of it.”
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Reveries of turmoil
Yandere!Childe x fatui!reader
[Previous chapter]
Just as you predicted that short and stifled conversation was a portent of future changes. Childe stopped trying to talk to you outside the business, he even avoided your eyes in those rare moments when you looked at him first. Normally obnoxious and persistent Harbinger seemed to deflate in your presence, as his swaggering and blustering attitude disappeared within mere moments.
You would be overjoyed for this turn of events, if you didn’t have any experience of dealing with and tolerating Tartaglia. Childe, as you already established, is a chaos personified, an erratic whirlwind that twists and ruins everything in its way wrapped in human skin and caged by human bones. It wouldn’t be a surprise if some nasty complications arose out of this faux armistice and sneaked upon your unsuspecting self.
Ajax wont do anything drastic, you reassure yourself - the Rite of Descension gets closer and closer with each passing day, he just can't afford to fail this, meaning that he will have to keep you on-field. It would be logical to do so, let you work, but logical sometimes means predictable and nothing about Ajax is predictable.
Fortunately he continued to keep this strange distance as days passed. Was your little episode and words you said to him enough to stop him in his pursuit? Maybe it truly hurt him, maybe it made him see how miserable he was making you, maybe his obsession with you ceased to exist, it’s flames fizzling and going out just as fast as they ignited. You doubt all of it, yet continue to hope for the better, despite the evidence of the opposite shoved in your face.
Ajax will never let go of you, not in the way you want. He killed and tortured people right before your eyes, sometimes had you assist him in doing so. Most of the time this was done in Tsaritsa’s name, for the future of Snezhnaya and her people, just another working assignment regardless of the blood curdling screams and alien agony.
However, in some rare cases the torment of others isn’t something that is totally impersonal to you, sometimes you’re the main cause. Childe is possessive, terribly so. He watches over you like a dragon guarding his gold, scaring away other possible admirers. And if his title and reputation wasn’t enough to keep away whatever poor sod who decided to tempt the dragon, well, other way more grim methods were used.
You never personally witnessed these kinds of torture, but you heard rumours and sometimes saw the bodies after, images that keep reappearing in your nightmares. Maybe this lull is nothing but a quiet before the storm, a short breather after he commits some unforgettable atrocity again.
He personally summons you the day before the Descension. You brace yourself for incoming nonsense, except nothing comes. “Agent [Last]”, he says, his voice tense and restrained.”I need you to attend the Rite of Descension with me. You will be disguised as a civilian", and then he dismisses you, no hint of mind games he likes to play in sight.
You want to hope that he changed, you succeed and fail at the same time - this new Ajax is pleasant, he’s cold and disinterested, just like any boss should be, yet you just can’t relax and focus wholly on doing the job - it’s a privilege only those who haven’t met Tartaglia can afford.
He’s a sea, treacherous and ever changing, calm and serene in one moment, yet violent and crushing in the other.
You spend the day torn between the anxious thoughts of Tartaglia and what he might do and the preparation for upcoming ceremony - it's a once in a lifetime event, it's Tsaritsa’s will and hope, it's Ajax’s eyes focused on you. You can’t afford to fail, you have no right to do so.
Wearing a simple Snezhnayan overcoat with nothing hiding your face is surely strange after years of donning a fatui uniform. Tourists and Liyuens alike pass by, not paying you any attention. Both vision and delusion glow under the thick fabric, asking you to use them.
You walk faster.
The top of the Yujing Terrace is lit with sunlight and full of human sounds, as merchants and other workers haste to finish their tasks and join the people at the top. You look around, quickly noticing the familiar ginger - he stays half-turned to you, his eyes focused on the figure of Tianquan. You quickly avert your gaze, as if not recognizing him, and shift it towards other people - you spot two vision holders among the crowd too - an electro and geo one, and a strange person cladded in the exotic clothes with some sort of flying fairy(?) floating around.
You walk to the altar placing Liyuen flowers nearby the multiple offerings of food, wine and gold, their simple white petals contrasting against the gaudy luxury of the rest.
"Qingxin flowers?", someone suddenly says, a speck of genuine surprise evident in the phrase. Their voice is too close for your comfort - you quickly turn on the heels, alarmed by a person somehow sneaking up on you only to be met with a pair of the golden eyes.
It’s a nicely dressed Liyuen gentleman, with the air of wisdom and elegance surrounding him, an inner dignity shining from beneath, and most importantly the one you saw wearing a vision at the back of the coat. You try to look as calm as possible, despite the senses telling you otherwise - after years of service any vision holder unadorned by the Fatui colors is perceived as a threat.
“Yes, it is”, you quip back, not wanting to look suspicious: “Is this improper? Qingxin as an offering?”, you mimic a light concern - something that would be appropriate for the foreign merchant who might have offended the god of commerce.
“No, not at all”, Liyuen laughs: “just in all of my years, I have never seen anyone offer these flowers”.
“Huh”, you smile, looking at the man before you. Is he a simple liyuen you thought of him at first? He has Geo vision - the symbol of Archaic Lord’s recognition - and the way he said “all of my years” carry more weight than usual, a mark of something hidden beneath the mundane phrase.
“Something tells me, you must have attended every rite of Descension”, you continue, the starter vague and innocent enough - a perfect way to fish out more information. For some reason, his golden eyes widen a bit, it’s subtle and quick enough to go unnoticed by most people, but you’re not the most people - all Fatui agents are trained to catch even the smallest changes and educated in multiple fields, physiognomy included.
What could have caused such a reaction and why did he react the way he did? The Rite of Descension is a prominent event in the life of every Liyuen, even if it’s annual, as thousands of thousands of people traverse great distances to see their god fly down from the heavens and grace his subjects with the wisdom of countless years. You remember seeing Liyuens living in Snezhnaya consistently take a leave every year for a week, when the prominent date showed on the horizon, missing working days and no doubt a lot of nerves, only to see the archon of their homeland.
So why did that man looks so surprised?
“You’re quite perceptive, aren’t you?”, he responds, voice calm and pleasant, despite the masterfully hidden surprise: “And yes, I have always tried my best to be at every Rite to this day. Rex Lapis shares his experience with his people, so it’s an incredibly important day. And what about you? What brings a foreigner here?”, he makes a gesture at your obviously snezhnayan clothes.
“Well, I am a travelling merchant as you can see”, you raise your hands, showing him more of the coat: “Having blessing from the God of Commerce won't hurt, right?". He, again, reacts in the way you haven't anticipated, a handsome face adopting a contemplating expression for a short second.
"Rex Lapis rewards diligent people, work hard and he shall bless you too", he says with an air of wisdom around him, like an old enlightened monk passing his knowledge to the disciples surrounding him: "And you shouldn't keep your vision beneath the layers of cloth. I feel its chill just standing here, who knows what it will do to your body?".
Then he simply turns away and goes to the exit of Yujing terrace, and it’s your turn to suppress the rising agitation - how did he know, where’s he heading now?
“Wait”, you say: “why are you leaving?”
“I dedicated my whole life to my job, which consists of a collection of small and incredibly repetitive tasks, they took up most of my attention and I slowly, but surely became a creature of habit, deaf and blind outside its limited field of experience and comfort zone. Time never stops, so I decided to leave the work I’ve been entrusted with, and I want to start it by breaking my strongest habit - religiously attending every Rite of Descension”.
“Ah”, you reply, equally impressed by his speech, and feeling that you are talking about two completely different and unrelated topics: “well, good luck on that”.
More and more people flood the terrace as one of the main threats to your plans finally arrives - stern and ambitious, Ningguang looks as elegant and intimidating as ever, geo vision and the tassel attached to it, shaking with every graceful step. She throws a short glance at Tartaglia - he stands surrounded by the rest of the agents - yet her face doesn’t change even a bit, whatever hostility she may hold for your faction masterfully suppressed.
You quickly look around - tourists and citizens arrive at the last minutes and milleliths come with them. Soon, all of the exits are heavily guarded by at least four soldiers, all carrying spears and clad in armour - surely a necessary precaution, given the presence of Fatui and their Harbinger.
There are no milleliths among the crowd though, not in the on-duty uniform at least. You study the group again, this time looking for anyone with weapons, as someone lightly pushes you away - it’s that foreigner again. “I am sorry, we need to go closer”, the pixie-like creature apologizes, as it flies after the stranger, and you conclude that there are no armed people, except you, Tartaglia, milleliths, Ningguang and that strange person.
“The hour is upon us”, Tianquan starts, after looking at the bright sun above, two women around her slightly bowing down, as she invokes the power of geo. The gold glow surrounds and illuminates her whole figure, before condensing into hard rocks of the same shade. They shine and fly around her for a bit, leaving the yellow trails behind before starting to spin around the shrine in the middle of the rock table.
Soon the golden inscriptions on the shrine start to glow too, before it sends a bright orange beam into the blue sky. The crowd "Oh!"s and "Ah!"s as the clouds deform around the pillar of light.
Tension, so thick it can be tasted, descends in the waves upon the Terrace as some - carefree and ignorant - hold their breaths in excitement and anticipation, whilst the rest focus in caution - Fatui and Qingxin alike. You shift, taking out both vision and delusion out of your coat, as your eyes frantically shift between Tianquan, Tartaglia and the spiraling clouds above, your whole being ready to aid Childe in his mission.
And then something unexpected happens: a majestic dragon does descend to his people. By falling straight to the ground. Serpentine body slumps around the crushed offerings, elongated tongue escaping the confines of the maw.
A long second of absolute silence passes before Ningguang collects herself, checks the body and orders milleliths to close off all the exits, as the crowd erupts into turmoil and chaos realizing what exactly has happened. You disguise amongst the panicking masses, hiding two glowing orbs in the deep pockets of your coat,before looking at Tartaglia again - he in turn intently stares at the blonde foreigner, who quite clumsily tries to sneak past the soldiers.
Milleliths catch onto that running after the stranger and you use this opportunity, turning invisible in the same second. People around you are too panicked to question your sudden disappearance or the unnaturally cold breeze swaying past them, as you make your way - Childe has already departed, chasing after the group of soldiers, and Ningguang is seen leaving too, giving the last orders, before turning to the Yuehai pavillion.
You contemplate for a second, unsure what to do - Tartaglia has ordered you to aid him in case of Qixing intervention, there was nothing about the death of your target and the glimpse into Tianquan’s actions might be a key to solving the mystery of said departure. The thing that you plan to do is opportunistic, reckless even - who would have known that Ajax will rub off onto you? You chase after Ningguang, careful to keep yourself invisible.
Who is Rex Lapis’ murderer?
She goes up to the aged man standing at the stairs of the pavilion, they exchange a couple of words before Ningguang steps up on the little floating island and it starts to levitate! You run after her, still unsure what to do - the platform is too small, Tianquan will no doubt feel the chill coming from you, but the opportunity to learn what Qixing are planning is too good to miss.
In the end, you come to compromise, jumping after the rising platform, as your hands clutch into its rough protrusions and you grit your teeth, enduring the pain and cold from the vision overuse. The little island rises higher and higher, as people and buildings underneath turn into small dots. Your fingers start to slide off a couple of times, yet you grab onto the island with a renewed strength everytime that happens, asking Tsaritsa to let fortune favour you.
The platform finally stops moving, and you pull up, once you hear her heels clicking away.
Jade chamber, as it turns out, exceeds all rumours, luxurious and opulent, shining above the prosperous city, it glows under the sunlight with a golden radiance. You would have stopped to admire it if it wasn’t for your goal. You sneak after Ningguang, following her to the office as she takes out papers and folders from the shelves. She focuses on them, as you carefully step near her, glancing at what she’s reading - it’s reports of fatui activity throughout the months, leading to this day, thankfully vague and very far from reality.
Does it mean that she also has no idea of what or who caused Rex Lapis’ death and tries to find his killer? Or does it mean that she looks for a way to deduct Fatui's next actions?
You don’t have time to contemplate, as the frost worsens and you feel cryo energy exhausting from the overuse - one more minute and you’ll become visible. You quickly walk away - you don’t have enough time to reach that platform, so you do the most logical thing - fling yourself out of the window, opening the wings of the glider halfway the jump.
You push the most of your invisibility, letting go of the cryo powers once you're only a couple of meters above the ground. In the end you find yourself tired and frozen to the very bones, slowly coming back to the Northland bank.
You approach the building as the Sun begins to set - its pink-orange rays dying everything in the warm glow. The bank looks glorious like that, sinking in the reddish tones, it looks like an illustration out of children’s books - a place of something miraculous, a place of something hopeful.
“Hi”, you throw to the tired Vlad and he nods, after suppressing an escaping yawn: “Is boss here?”
“Yeah”, he croaks, drowsiness evident in his speech: “came back like an hour or two ago. Can’t really remember”.
“Huh.. Well, thanks”, and with these words you enter the bank, pushing the doors and preparing yourself for the confrontation to come.
After chatting with Ekaterina and confirming that yes, he is in his office, you head for the staircase, all of the information you learned today buzzing inside your head.
Childe sits, hunched over the papers, as you enter, not paying you even the sliver of attention. For some reason he’s in a different clothes.
“Eleventh Harbinger”, you start the standard greeting, all formal and stiff: “this subordinate has finished the task”.
This finally prompts him to raise his head, cold blue eyes look at you, no hint of the usual obsessiveness in sight: "you may speak, agent" he succinctly says, putting the writing feather aside. You quickly report to him all you have seen today, without your own thoughts involved - they’re just baseless theories, after all.
“So you say, Tianquan was reading the reports about Fatui activity. Haven’t you destroyed those reports earlier?”
“Those papers contained nothing about the current situation, they were actually far from reality, I doubt that any of those reports survived the fire”.
“Seems, I’ll have to take your word for it”, a sigh, he leans closer in his seat, propping left cheek on the palm: “Why did Tianquan look at them? What was she trying to do? Pin her crime on us?”, he glances at you again, gesturing that you can speak your mind and you do.
“Highly unlikely, sir. From the short time I spent watching her and her reputation, I have an impression that Qixing Tianquan is a person who prefers to plan her every action. If she or any other Qixing higher up, were the one who murdered our target, then every needed preparation would be done months, if not even years in advance. She would somehow cast us as the killers right at the ceremony, in front of thousands of Liyuens, making us a scapegoat for public outrage and creating alibi for herself”.
“So, that’s how you think”, he hums, blue eyes deep in thought: “Your entire conclusion is based on the mere impression. With Tianquan’s ambition I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one behind this...”, a vague hand gesture: “catastrophic situation”.
“When I sneaked inside the Jade chamber, she looked very frantic, it didn’t show on her face, but her movements were harsh and quick, lacking any of her elegance. She looked like she tried to keep herself together”.
“Anyone would try to do that, especially after killing a god”, he looks somewhere to the left, no doubt imagining battling the dead archon: “Well, my conclusion isn’t based on anything solid either. We don’t know who killed Rex Lapis, but we still need to somehow obtain his gnosis”, the last part isn’t addressed directly to you, it seems that Ajax just decided to voice out his worries.
“You can go”, he says, standing up from the table. You are touching the door handle, when you hear him asking:”what’s with your hand?”. The tone is nothing like that time, yet shivers still go up your spine when you remember what happened that day.
"Frostbite, from my vision", he comes closer to you, hand outstretched to yours: “Can I?”, he asks and waits for your faint nod, before gently pulling it closer to his face.
“It’s a second degree”, he mumbles, inspecting the white-blue discolorations and small angry blisters - the skin throbs and aches at his touch, yet most of it remains numb, muffled, like sounds underwater: “You should get it treated”.
“I should”, you agree, eager to leave this room and situation: “I will ask medics for some..”
“I already discharged them”, his hand suddenly shifts, now resting atop of the door handle, his frame suddenly looming over you: “I have a medkit here, with the ointments and balms. Maybe you should stay here and let me patch you up?”
Why did you even think that Childe could change?
Ajax has you sitting on his chair, with sleeves rolled up to the very elbows, as he frets around you - checking the temperature, pulling the warm water closer to you and taking out needed medicine out of the kit. It’s mostly silent, except the tune he quietly hums - Childe looks peaceful and content like this, maybe he likes caring for you.
“Does it hurt?”, he takes a discolored finger, probing around the blister, as the warm hydro energy engulfs your damaged hand. The burst of sensation explodes at this action - pain, tingling, throbbing, even relief.
“Understood”, Childe gets back to his task, continuing to rewarm your hands, still humming that tune as he does so. He takes out the healing ointment, when the healthy color and warmth returns to your limbs and spreads it on the skin, bitter herbal scent filling the room in an instant.
“[First]”, he says, as he rubs the place between the index and middle fingers: “I think we need to talk. About that day and your reaction”.
“And what about it?”, you respond, too quickly and snappy for the calm-facade - the memories of that day, of what you thought he will do to you, of how he witnessed you falling apart - all of these are too much, a maelstrom of conflicted feelings rising every time your thoughts stray to this topic. He finishes applying the balm and now switches to the bandanges, wrapping treated hands in them.
“Don’t you think you treat me too harshly, [First]? I understand I may have been… unpleasant in the Past, but I thought we moved past that. What have I done to warrant such ire?”, he says it with his usual smile, but there's a tense, heavy tinge in his words. It’s subtle enough to miss, but you knew Ajax since you both were fourteen, so the strain doesn’t go unnoticed.
Everything, you want to coldly respond, but you stop yourself again - Ajax is still a Harbinger, even if he trailed your steps at the training camp like an overeager and highly murderous puppy not even a decade ago, no matter your own feelings or sentiments or even experiences he still holds that power over you, whether he realizes it or not.
“There were.. things”, broken bones, coppery scent of blood, someone else screams: “training with you wasn’t pleasant for sure”. Childe laughs at the last part, yet the tension clouding in the air doesn’t dissipate, turning more tangible instead.
“I see”, a long pause: “I want to prove you're wrong, I want to prove you that I will never do something against your will”.
You already did. You stay silent at that, anger and fury and frustration boiling underneath, burning and scorching your insides like a magma moments before the eruption. His hands finally wrap the last layer of bandage, tying the ends into a neat little bow, yet he doesn’t let your palm out of your hold, as his lips hover over it, breath burning the skin even through the fabric. And then he releases it, not doing anything.
“Good luck with that”, you finally suppress the inner storm, and stand up from the chair, quickly heading to the door. The place where he almost kissed your tingles and throbs with a renewed strength. Your cheeks burn for some reason.
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wiener-soldiers · 3 years
so, you’re real - tommy shelby
summary: while high off his ass, tommy shelby is approached by a mysterious woman offering him something more valuable than drugs: information. your services become essential to how tommy conducts business, but your anonymity means he can’t help but fall in love with you from a distance.
words: 5.4k
pairing: tommy shelby x fem!reader (race non-specific)
warnings: tommy shelby. that’s the warning.
a/n: first tommy fic :D he’s one of the most beautifully complex characters ever in television imo but that also means his kinda nightmare to right. so,,, he might come off a little ooc because he’s very soft!tommy in this. i also wanna write a tommy fic based off ‘why’d you only call me when your high’ by arctic monkeys for obvious reasons.
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Tommy Shelby could count the number of people who’s seen him high as a kite on opium with three fingers. Arthur was the first; he drukenly stumbled into Tommy’s room instead of his own one night and the smell of the pipe sobered him enough to start asking questions. Tommy shoved him out and by the morning, Arthur was too hungover to remember a thing. The next was Polly; Tommy stumbled down the stairs as he was high around three in the morning once as he searched the house for more booze. Polly watched from a distance as he sat himself on the kitchen table and wept, squeezing his eyes shut and covering his ears with his hands. She chose not to mention it the following morning, but a perscription for morphine found its way to Tommy’s desk a few days later.
The third person... was you.
You didn’t know the Shelby’s personally. You were the assistant of a local Small Heath accountant that dealt with Birmingham’s most infamous clients: local coppers, factory owners, politicians, even gangsters. Your boss was known as the Devil’s Safe—nothing that came in went ot without the client’s consent.
But you weren’t a saint. Being so close to his office at all times and knowing far too much about where the most influential people in Birmingham got their money and where they spent it, it was nearly impossible to keep your mouth shut.
So, you didn’t. At a price, of course.
You quit your job and created a small network of spies that could feed you information about anyone or anything at anytime, using your knowledge about the Devil’s Safe as leverge. You charged whoever could afford for your services, coppers and criminals alike. Some self-righteous copper tried to shut you down once. Keyword: tried. There were too many spies all over the city to try to arrest (that is, if he could find grounds to arrest them), and you were too important to too many important people that arresting you would likely have him assasinated.
That, and you tipped him off about a corrupt police captain who had been trading orphans for cash. It got him a promotion and you a protective shield over your dealings from the coppers.
Tommy first met you at the races. You were hanging off the arm of Roberts, Billy Kimber’s advisor, and he briefly caught your eye before returning his gaze to Grace who stared at him lovingly. He didn’t know it then, but you were analyzing him. His posture, his facial expressions, how he spoke to Kimber, and most importantly, his books that Roberts happened to have a copy of. Nothing went unnoticed by you. The Shelby’s were starting to cause ruckus all over the city and you were interested. But, to maintain your facade, you snuck a few kisses to Roberts’ neck to distract him from your snooping.
When Tommy returned to the table with the bag of cash his brothers had collected from the Lees, you were gone.
The second time he sees you, he isn’t even sure if it’s you.
It’s late at night as he approaches The Garrison when he notices Polly standing with another figure in the alley. He slows his steps and silences his breathing, trying to catch the end of your conversation.
“You’re sure this is where she is?” That’s unmistakingly Polly’s voice.
A soft chuckle rips through the air and Tommy suddenly wonders what your voice sound like. “There’s only so many women carrying a newborn and looking that terrified of what may be behind her,” the other voice says. It’s not soft or angelic, Tommy notices. Nothing likes Grace’s. It’s deeper, smoother, and he can almost hear the smirk in her voice.
“How do I know you’re not lying to me?” Polly asks back skeptically. Tommy has the common sense to realize she’s talking about Ada who had gone into hiding after Freddie was arrested. Polly hadn’t been able to stay in the same room as him for very long since.
You pull out another envelope from your coat and teasingly dangle it in front of her. “Here’s the list of all of Ada and Freddie’s known addresses. The Communists have them move every few weeks; the address I gave you is Ada’s current address. Go there tomorrow from seven to nine in the morning. Ada’ll still be in bed and Karl will still be asleep. Then, you’ll know I’m right, you’ll give me the full payment, and I’ll give you the rest of the addresses.”
Tommy is slightly stunned at what he’s hearing. They had been trying to look for Ada for nearly two weeks to no avail, but this woman was able to find her that easily?
The woman turns to walk away before Polly can respond and in the street light, Tommy can make out the outline of your face. It was so brief that he couldn’t tell if you were actually there or if he imagined your face in the darkness.
Polly doesn’t notice him as she makes her way back inside the pub. The following afternoon, Polly is pounding on his office door saying she’s found where Ada had been hiding.
The third time he sees you, he’s sitting in the empty Garrison with a bullet wound in his shoulder, whiskey coursing through his veins, enough meloncholy and anger to swim in, and a broken heart.
Billy Kimber was dead. Campbell was gone. But, so was Grace.
It was a series of emotions he hadn’t felt in a long time: relief, then anger, then happiness, then frustration. Then the shovels started. Then, it all got too loud and he slipped his opium pipe into his coat pocket before going to The Garrison to drink his sorrows away. He had never taken the pipe out of his room before. In that state, he didn’t care.
He doesn’t really know how you got in; he had angrily yelled at everyone to leave the bar when the night was late enough for him to feel emotion and locked the door behind him. Maybe I didn’t lock the door right, he thinks. In reality, you had picked the lock.
“I could’ve told you she’d been working with him,” your voice calls behind him. He’s still hunched over his drink, the pipe lying next to a nearly empty bottle of whiskey. He didn’t need her to clarify who she was talking about.
“You could’ve, eh?” Tommy mumbles dangerously. He felt light, but his eyes and his heart felt heavy. He hated the feeling. Oh god, he hated it.
“Hmm,” you hum back, taking a seat next to him. You reach behind the bar and pull out a bottle of gin and poor yourself a drink. Tommy watches you do so. You don’t look like you pity him, in fact, you don’t even look at him. Instead, you focus your attention on the drink.
After taking a sip, you reach into your coat jacket and pull out an envelope, slidding it over to Tommy. You had clearly seen the opium pipe that still had smoke coming out of it, but you gently pushed it out of the way so the envelope rested in front of Tommy’s drink.
“What is this?” he asks, still too high to think straight.
“Consider it a resume,” you quip back, taking another sip of your drink as you study the collection of liquor and spirits on the back shelf of the bar.
“For what?”
“My services.”
“You a fuckin’ whore? You think that’s what I need right now, eh?”
“What I think you need right now, Mr. Shelby, is a sense of security. To be ahead of the enemy. I can give that to you,” you reply smoothly, barely flinching. Tommy notices your voice doesn’t falter even at his jab. He begins to sober up, finaling looking at you.
You had an air of mystery and intrigue. Your eyes looked all-knowing and the corner of your lip was quirked. A white blouse was tucked into a deep red skirt with your black wool jacket overtop of it all. If he was a different man, he surely would have taken you home.
“Why are you telling me this?” he finally asks.
You look back at him, the smirk on your lips growing. “Because I quite like your family. Polly is quite intelligent and Ada is a delight. I also know far too much about you, so it’d be a shame if someone paid be good money to tell them everything there is to know about you. But if you came to me first, there wouldn’t be much of an issue. The rate for ratting out one of my clients is ridiculously high.”
So, it had been you with Polly that night, he thinks. “You’d work for me?” he asks again, tone getting more serious. The last time a woman worked for him, it didn’t end particularly well.
You laugh and Tommy is momentarily stunned. It’s a beautiful laugh that appeared in an awful moment. “I don’t work for anyone, Mr. Shelby.”
And then you left. Tommy stares a the door for a few minutes after you’ve left, wondering if he had imagined your visit the whole time. When he turns back to his drink, the envelope you left behind is a sign that you had been real. He hesitantly opens it and his jaw unhinges at the contents inside: there were several documents, reports, and even pictures tying Grace Burgess and Inspector Campbell together. It seemed so plain and simple once it was laid out in front of him.
Under the flap of the envelope was an address as well as a rate of service. It was high, Tommy couldn’t deny it, but he also couldn’t deny how the pressure on his chest eased for a moment when he was with you. Even more so when you had left the address.
The next morning, a wad of cash from Shelby Company Limited shows up at one of your drop locations. It’s more than you asked for and quicker than you expected it to come. You smirk softly and get to work.
Tommy doesn’t see you again until he pays a visit to Sabini’s club a few years later as he works on his London expansion. He had been a client of yours for nearly two years now and he was continuosly impressed with your work. You literally had eyes everywhere; there wasn’t a place between Manchester and Brighton that you couldn’t get to. You had been the one feeding him inside information about Sabini’s operations in London, as well as how to get Alfie Solomon’s attention.
Despite all this work, he hasn’t seen you since you approached him when he was high in the empty pub. He gets all his information through courriers, telephone calls from messengers, and packages from drop locations all over the city. He asked a courrier once why he hasn’t seen you since.
“No one really sees her, sir. We just get orders in one way or another, we excecute them, and then money shows up. She doesn’t want anyone to tie her to her clients or the boots on the ground.”
“She’s clever.”
“She’s bloody brilliant, is what she is. She’s set up this system so bloody tight that no one really knows how it works except her. One lad up in Coventry tried to turn her in. Went missing a few days later.”
He doesn’t think about you often, but when he does, he’s reminded of that night in The Garrison; how mysterious and beautiful and dangerous you looked, how his chest seemed less tight with you around. Maybe he’s imagined it. Maybe it was the opium clouding his vision. So, he pushes those thoughts away because as far as he’s concerned, you’re an enigma.  Hell, he doesn’t even know your name and he’s been paying you big money and giving away too much of his plans.
But he sees you that night when he and his brothers storm Sabini’s club. You’re sitting on a fancy velvet lounging chair, tucked under the arm of what Tommy assumes is a wealthy banker or socialite. You don’t see him (not yet, at least) but Tommy sees you. All Tommy sees is you. The smoke that flows out of your nostrils as your lips curl at whatever attempt at humour then man with you made draws Tommy in. So does the cut of your deep blue, satin dress. He knows it then, that you’re real. That you’re not a figment of his imagination.
“This place is something else, innit?” Arthur remarks as they make their way deeper and deeper into the club. Tommy is still drawn to you as his brothers gawk at the permiscuous behaviour around them.
The party atmosphere doesn’t last long however, as the boys make a show out of trashing the place. Tommy makes sure to put on a performance, to play up the fear. When he shouts something along the lines of being on a holiday, he happens to catch your eye and the first thing he notices is the smirk playing on your lips. He’s first confused as to why but he understands: you had a large part of the London expansion and you also likely knew that Tommy was going to be there that night. You weren’t there with a man. You were there to see him. You were there to see his reckoning.
The image of you tattooed itself onto Tommy’s brain and the feeling he felt in his chest was something he craved to feel again.
The next morning, the brothers stumble into Ada’s home, uninvited. Their younger sister begrudgingly lets them in, still clad in her nightgown, and hastily tells them to keep their noise level down as Karl was still sleeping.
It doesn’t last very long.
“You shoulda seen their bloody faces, Ades!” John hollers, mouth full of biscuits and tea. Ada hisses at him for spewing food across the table.
“Didn’t know what was coming, the lot of them,” Arthur adds, already taking a sip from a flask. He was barely sober from the night before and it wasn’t even eight in the morning. “Fuckin’ Sabini, Ada. He won’t know what’s bloody comin’.”
“Sabini, eh?” Ada plays along, still slightly annoyed but now intriguied. “You didn’t happen to hit up his club last night, did you?”
“’Course we did!” John snickers. “What’d you think we’d do, start small?”
Ada’s facial expression suddenly changes into one of slightly more concern. Arthur and John don’t notice, but Tommy does. “I was hopin’ you would,” Ada plays it off but Tommy notices.
“Ada?” he asks, voice stern but eyes curious. His sister was intelligent, so much so that her mouth was as good at getting her out of trouble as it was getting her in it. Tommy was sure that there was more than what she let on.
“Tom?” Ada says back, not meeting his gaze and instead taking a bite out her toast and jam.
“Why’re you so hung up on Sabini’s club?” Tommy asks  directly, slowly getting tired of his sister’s semantics. He mommentarily understands how Polly feels when he keeps things from her.
Ada sighs, having also attracted attention from her two other brothers. She sets down her toast and looks directly at Tommy. “You saw her, didn’t you?”
“Saw who?” Arthur asks, booming voice too loud for the sudden change of tone in the room. Ada grimaces but still stares at Tommy.
Tommy knows exactly who she’s talking about. But he wonders how Ada does.
“I did,” he says simply.
“Who’re you talkin’ about?” John asks next, looking between his siblings. Arthur shrugs at him.
“Did you say anything to her?”
“Good,” Ada says too quickly. Tommy narrows his eyes at her.
“For God’s sake!” Arthur says again, slamming his tea cup back down onto the table. “Who in the bloody hell are you talkin’ about?”
Ada rolls her eyes and continues eating and Tommy is left to stare at his brothers. He wants to answer. He wants to answer so badly. But he doens’t even know her name.
“I—” Tommy trails off. He’s rarely rendered speechless, but he is when it comes to you. Who were you? Why did Ada know you? Why can’t he get you out of his head? Why does he hope you’re standing there in the shadows every time he steps out on the street?
“You? You what, Tom?” John asks this time, equally as exasperated.
“He doesn’t know and it should stay that way,” Ada says simply. “She offers you a service, you pay her, end of transaction. Stay away from her Tommy, I mean it.”
“What service?” John asks again, still getting more questions than answers.
Tommy sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. “After Grace, she offered me a service. Cash in exchange for information. Said she knew that I needed a sense of security.” She was right, Tommy thinks but doesn’t dare say.
“Information about what, exactly?” Arthur asks, voice dropping an octave as he leans forward.
“Everything. Anything and everything. She knows everything. I don’t have the slightest clue how,” Tommy answers honestly, his own disbelief being obvious for the first time.
“She can betray us...” John warns, skeptical especially after Grace.
“She won’t,” Ada says simply.
“How do you know?” John challenges.
“She won’t,” Ada reaffirms with a glint in her eye. John immediatley backs down. Ada doens’t trust easily, especially after Freddie.
Tommy believes her. You know too much, far too much. More than he or you had bargained for. You also gave too much. Tommy asked for one thing, you gave him what he wanted and more. Tommy wanted a brief description of the shipping business in Bristol, you gave him an itemized list. Tommy asked you to keep an eye out for any potential threats, you gave him incredibly precise weekly reports. He asked people what your service was like as if he didn’t already know himself: you were never this thorough. He knew you wouldn’t betray him because you would have done it already. The question is, why did Ada trust her?
“You know who she is, don’t you?” Tommy asks his sister once again, doing his best to intimidate her. It’s no use.
“I do,” Ada says simply.
“Even her name?”
John scoffs. “You don’t even know her bloody name and you’ve got that look like you’re in love? Jesus, Tom! You need a good fuckin’, I’m telling you.”
Ada ignores her brother’s comment. “Even her name.”
Tommy gestures for her to elaborate and Ada hesitantly continues, “Polly paid her to find me after Karl was born. She found me personally, not through a messenger. We got along quite well, she was very honest about what she’d been hired to do. She gave Polly that information she was looking for, but we kept in touch. Personally, I mean. I like her.”
“Tell me her name, Ada.”
Ada makes a face of fake appeasement. “Can’t do that, sorry Tom.”
Tommy’s jaw clenches. “Ada...” he warns.
Ada’s glare mathces his own. “Her identity is all she’s got Tommy. The minute a client knows who she is, it all falls apart. For the love of God, for your safety and hers, don’t find her.”
And hell, does Tommy want not to listen. He wants to find you again. To see you. To speak to you. To learn your name. To feel the weight in his chest lighten once more.
But you remained impossible to find. Even with his London expansion, he wasn’t any closer to finding out who you really were than the day you first spoke to him at The Garrison.
So, he tried to push his thoughts away. He didn’t get so lucky.
He was used to receiving messages from you on Sunday evenings before the week began and Thursday mornings before the week ended. Sometimes, they’d be in the form of a phone call from a messnger reading a message written by you. Other times, he would visit a drop site where he picked up parcels of information and evidence you had collected. Fridays were paydays, so he’d get a Blinder to drop a parcel of cash (though they never knew it was cash) at a drop site and wait for a courrier with a blue ribbon pinned under the lapel of their overcoat to retrieve it.
All your foot solidiers and clients wore the ribbons. You avoided paper trails so everything was with symbols. Ribbon colours were a discrete way for both the client and the courrier to tell who was who. Clients wore white ribbons, courriers wore blue ones, messengers wore green ones, and red ones were used for emergencies.
That’s why Tommy panicked when a man burst into his office late at night the day before he was set to take down Sabini, urgently lifting his lapel to show his red ribbon.
“What’s happened? Are we in danger?” Tommy asks immediatley, standing up from his chair.
“No, sir,” the foot soldier said. They were never allowed to say the names of clients, only sir and ma’am. “I have a message from her. It was urgent and couldn’t have waited until Thursday.”
The man gives him a sealed envelope before bowing and leaving as quickly as he came. Tommy checks to make sure that he is alone before ripping it open. It wasn’t a message, but a phone number and the word clairvoyant scribbled quickly with fancy ink.
Tommy furrows his eyebrows but picks up his phone and dials the operator. The other end picks up immediately. He hastily says the number he wants to be patched through to as well as the word scribbled below it. The operator says nothing else and he hears the phone ring again before a female voice finally picks up.
“Mr. Shelby, I was waiting for your call.”
It was you. Tommy’s heartbeat quickens. You continue to speak, oblivious to his shock, “I don’t make calls myself unless absolutely neccassary. You don’t need to worry about privacy; I have connections with the operating center that patched you through. They won’t say a word to anyone, telling them that you called and they won’t be listening.”
Truthfully, Tommy hadn’t even been thinking of that. He was still slightly shocked that he was hearing your voice, the same voice as nealry three years ago. The opium fucked with a lot of things, but not his sense perception. Your voice was as beautiful as he remembered it to be.
He forces the thoughts out of his head and finally speaks. “What’s happened? Is there an emergency?”
“You aren’t safe at the races tomorrow. There will be an attempt on your life.”
Tommy is not entirely surprised. “I’m sure you can put two and two together; what I plan to do at the races is practically a suicide mission, dear. Of course there’ll be an attempt on my life.”
You scoff at the other end of the line. “Mr. Shelby, I’ll rephrase: you may succeed in your plan tomorrow, but something will catch you off-guard. Something big.”
“What is it, then? If you’re so sure,” Tommy challenges, but is taken aback by the silence.
You sigh, defeated at the other end of the line. “Mr. Shelby, I’ll be honest. An Inspector Campbell approached me this morning, asking for my services to give him everything I knew about you plans tomorrow. I took his money.”
Tommy’s jaw clenches. “You called me to tell me you’re a fuckin’ conspirator against me now, eh?”
“I resent that. There’s a reason I ask you not to tell me anything about your business aside from what I need to know to do my job,” you snap back. “Campbell gave me money to tell him information I didn’t have. So, I took the money and told him lies. He didn’t pay enough money to turn me against one of clients anyway and I don’t negotiate.”
Tommy laughs in slight disbelief, “You clever bloody woman.”
You can’t help but grin at the other end of the line. “He let it slip that he had something planned, though. That you weren’t getting out of this alive. Thomas, I don’t know what and I don’t have enough time to find out, but you needed to know,” you say before soflty adding, “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t tell you.”
Tommy nods solemnly before saying, “That’s the first time you’ve called me Thomas.”
You laugh and Tommy’s heart clenches at the sound. “Is that what you choose to focus on?” you ask, amused despite your worry.
“I’m not afraid of death. Not anymore,” Tommy answers.
“It’s a shame. There seems to be a lot in your life that’s worth living for,” you reply, your voice softer that Tommy’s ever heard it.
“Will you do me one final favour? Take it as my dying wish.”
“Thomas—” you start before he cuts you off.
“Can you tell me your name?” he finally asks, but he’s met with silence. He clears his throat and adds, “Please?”
You sigh at the other end. This is not how you were supposed to conduct business. Anonymity was the only thing keeping you from being excecuted at the hands of the Crown or a crime-boss. But here the feared Thomas Shelby was, asking as his dying wish to know your name. You don’t know him aside from your brief interactions and stories from Ada. But strangely, you trust him with the key keeping your identity safe.
“Y/N. My name’s Y/N.”
The following evening, Tommy trudges home covered in mud and blood. His encounter with the face of death was anticipated, but still left him scarred. Despite his success against the races and against Sabini, he felt trapped. With a success in the business, he still finds himself indebted to Winston Churchill. He’s exhaused of this cycle and in the moment, he embraced his fate just a little.
As he pushed the door to his home open, his eyes are immediately drawn to crackling fire. He hadn’t expected anyone to be home, as the family was staying in London with Ada to celebrate their successes.
So the sight of you, sitting on his couch and staring into the fire shocked the life back through him.
He takes of his hat and stares at you in slight disbelief. “So, you’re real.”
You turn to face him and the tension previously present in your features fell and the corner of your lip quirked upwards. “You’re alive,” you state the obvious.
“The Devil’s tried too many time to kill me, I’m starting to wonder if God does exist,” he says plainly, taking off his coat and taking a seat on the other end of the couch from you.
A small laugh escapes you. “He has jokes, does he?”
Tommy smiles softly but shakes his head and stares at you. “You’re really real. I was starting to think I was imagin’ ya.”
“Ada says you’ve been asking about me.”
“I have. She wouldn’t tell me your name, though.”
“You got it anyway.”
“Who’s to deny a man his dying wish?” Tommy darkly jokes again.
“I can’t go back to operating how things were. Even you knowing my name is too much,” you say softly, turning back to the fire. You were slightly frustrated with yourself. Years and years of building a network built around your anonymity destroyed by one man. Deep down, you felt that it was time.
“I wouldn’t tell anyone,” Tommy says simply.
“But you’d want to be in my life,” you say back, still not looking away from the fire. “I’m a woman, but I’m not stupid. I know why you tried to look for me.”
Tommy sits back and watches her. A woman’s never been more direct with him before. Even Grace, who had just asked him to lay with her one final time before moving back to America at the races, had never laid out what she saw so simply and bluntly before. She was right. Tommy wouldn’t tell anyone your name if you asked him to, but he would still want to see you. The only thing more painful than not knowing who you were was knowing and still not being able to see you.
“You could start again,” Tommy says. He barely recongizes the softness in his own tone, but he decides the change is good. “You could work for me, have your men join the Blinders if they wanted.”
“I don’t work for anyone, Mr. Shelby,” you say again cheekily, reminding him of the first time the two of you spoke. You turn to face him and stop to admire his beauty—how the fire cast beautiful shadows across his face, how the moonlight sparkled in his eyes.
“That you don’t,” Tommy hums in agreement, still looking at you. His gaze hadn’t left you since he came home.
It’s silent for a few moments before Tommy says, “Stay.”
“With you?” you ask in slight surprise.
“With me, in Small Heath, with the company—whatever you want. Just stay.”
“You barely know me.”
“Then let me get to know you, Y/N,” Tommy answers, finally saying your name for the first time. He loves the way it spills off his tongue and you equally adore the sound of his voice when he says it.
You nod softly, agreeing with his hearfealt proposition. The two of you spent the rest of the night staring into the fire, allowing your heartbeats and breaths come into sync as you slowly fell asleep.
It’s been five years since you had started working for Shelby Company Limited as Tommy’s senior advisor and security specialist, four years since your network of spies had merged with the Peaky Blinders, three years since you and Tommy got married, two years since you gave birth to a set of twins named Benjamin and Mae Shelby, and one year since you had also become a political advisor to your husband and his allies in Parliament.
With your years together, the Shelby family found you to be an intriguing, fascinating, and intimidatingly wonderful woman. They couldn’t comprehend how right you seemed with Tommy. They also couldn’t comprehend how involved you were in their success without them even knowing who you were. However, they love to poke fun at Tommy for basically falling in love with from two interactions.
You were currently at the Arrow House doing the final touch-ups to your makeup for the gala you were hosting in your home. It was a typical charity ball that made sleezy politicians look good in the eyes of their constituants, but you had pressured Tommy to allow you to host it on behalf of the Shelby Family Institute. He had been skeptical, but relented when you reminded him that it wasn’t about giving them a platform to look good, but using their ego to benefit the institute.
“I’ve put the children to bed,” Polly announces as she walks into the master bedroom. The room is obscenely large with a king sized bed in the middle, but Polly can’t help but feel pride every time she visits. It was the both of your hardwork that you got you here and she was proud. “Ben passed out almost immediatley, but you’re right about Mae. She’s a trouble maker.” 
You give Polly a smile through the mirror of the vanity you sat in front of, “Thank you, Pol. Really.”
“Where’s that bastard husband of yours?” Polly jokes as she stands behind you, inspecting her pearls in the mirror.
“His study, no doubt,” you joke with a slight smirk.
“The faith the two of you have in my is astounding,” Tommy says sarcastically, immerging through the en-suite dressed in his tuxedo.
Polly rolls her eyes and leaves the room, leaving the couple to stare at each other.
“You clean up well, Mr. Shelby,” you state, smiling as he approaches you. “Though I’m not sure if that’s because of you or your OBE.”
“Sometimes, I wonder if I should have continued loving you at a distance,” he comments humourously.
You laugh—a real laugh—and wrap your hands around his neck while his arms immediately find themselves around your waist.
“How’re you feeling, darling?” Tommy asks, referring to the mental and emotional preparation for the event that was about to start downstairs.
“I’m not the biggest fan of a lot of your colleagues, Tom,” you say honestly. “Their wives however...they give me thousands of pounds worth of information every sentence.”
“You never cease to amaze me with that mind of yours,” he tells you honestly.
“And you never cease to amaze me with how verbally affectionate you can be,” you quip back lightheartedly before Tommy softly kisses your lips.
“How ‘bout this?” he says once you pull away. “I take care of getting donations, you take care of getting more leverage on the labour bill I’m looking to pass.”
“Done,” you say with a smile before Tommy kisses you again. You begin to hear cars pull into the driveway when you try to pull away, but he keeps you close.
“Tom,” you giggle, breathless. “Tom, the guests are arriving.”
“I’ve waited for you for years, they can wait for you a little while longer,” he replies with a smirk before kissing you deeply once again.
414 notes · View notes
sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 years
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Played a lot today, and lots of things are happening even though I’m not progressing the main plot
Found Sellen(?) prisoner in some ruins but she wouldn’t talk to me, and going back to her other location gave me no new dialogue so no idea what’s going on there
Continued Varre’s quest, he’s still calling me maidenless (Aurelius gets maidens, she just likes them dead okay!)... though now I need the blood of maiden? I thought I could use Irina but nope... Hope I don’t actually have to kill anyone for this, don’t want to cut any other sidequests short... but I’m really interested in this one
Met TURTLE POPE at the church of vows, learned about Radagon and Rennala, I’m especially interested in Rennala, seems like someone I’d like...
Spend time exploring the underground after an elevator led me there when exploring... found a cool looking place with a boss, though it just gave me upgrade material for ashes (the highest level though). Also they brought back basilisks... WHY. My most feared DS enemy AND THEY’RE BACK :))))
Blaidd almost seems like an Artorias, anyone know if he’s left-handed? That often marks the archetype... and I met his friend Iji, a wise giant (...Gough?)
Turns out I had also missed a part of Stormveil, featuring a giant face-squid.. thing. And what looked like ulcerated tree spirit. But it still didn’t lead to unlocking that door by grace like I hoped, how do you get to that door...
I somehow had completely missed Rogier until I saw a comment about him being on the balcony... Turns out he’s really interesting too, and looking into death and the Black Knives... Which I happen to find one behind a hidden wall in a catacomb (FINALLY an illusionary wall). That boss was a pain in the ass with a capra demon sized room, instakill attack, and an irritating boss run. Took forever to beat, but Carian Greatsword was the key, it has a huge range and stunlocks, and is good for fighting in a tiny room... Still was hard even with that.
But it actually gave me a quest-relevant item, which I showed to Rogier, and he found the location of who imbued the knives of those assassins with the death rune, so I’m off to the mansion now (Fia also had more dialogue about this black knifeprint but she just gave me a map to where I had already been... but still more Fia dialogue is always a good thing)
11 notes · View notes
rkived · 4 years
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↳ PAIRING: dad!jk/married!jk/bff!jk x reader 
↳ GENRE/TAGS: f2l, angst, unrequited feelings, cheating, future smut
↳ WARNINGS: (for this chapter) time jumps, mention of divorce, blood mention ((but like nothing serious)), forced kisses, just sad stuff like this is sad guys lol
↳ WORD COUNT: 8.6k
↳ EXCERPT: ‘‘Jungkook doesn’t want to think this is the end, maybe it’s that stupid voice inside his head that always holds on to things that he knows he should let go of. But he can’t just let go of this and move on. He doesn’t remember what life was like before you and he sure as hell does not want to know what it’ll be like without you.’’
↳ A/N: getting this chapter out has been ((a pain in the ass)) tough !! & cp was supposed to end with this chapter but that was not realistic at all lmao but i do hope u like this n i’ll try to get pt4 quickly as possible <3 thx
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 
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‘‘Okay everyone, let’s switch to the upward facing dog!’’
You really don’t want to be here. There’s a lot of stuff running through your head right now that are more important than focusing on yoga positions. You wish you were thinking about grocery shopping or paying that month’s bills. 
Instead, you’re still stuck on the downward facing dog as your mind tells you you’re an idiot, a homewrecker and most importantly, a terrible friend. 
‘‘Y/N, upward facing dog!’’ The instructor, Namjoon, reminds you with a gentle smile as he notices you haven’t switched positions like the rest of the class. You nod and smoothly place your body as he had taught in the classes before.
The only reason why you came to your Saturday morning yoga class was because even with all that happened last night, you wanted to feel a sense of normality. Like you’re capable of going on about your life like nothing had happened.
That’s selfish and stupid because as much as you tried, every single moment since you woke up revolved around last night.
From the moment you opened your eyes, noticing Sunhi wasn’t sleeping next to you, snuggled into your chest like you had last remembered her to be before she fell asleep and you following soon after. 
And as your heart beat faster at the thought of finding her in her dad’s arms instead, watching Saturday morning cartoons on the T.V in your living room; you instead found the place neat and tidy. The messy pillows on your couch where placed like they hadn’t even been moved to begin with, like no one besides you had been in the apartment the night before. 
Somehow he managed to do all of this without you even noticing. You wondered at what time he woke up, cleaned up, took Sunhi without making any fuss and left, all before your 7 AM alarm could wake you up.
He even made you breakfast too. Some eggs, bacon and toast. 
‘‘Y/N, your legs are touching the mat.’’ Namjoon notes as he stands in front of you, ‘‘Let’s focus, okay?’’
You nod once again, though this time a little more embarrassed. If only you could explain to your instructor why you’re so distracted. 
No messages either. No text explaining why he had to leave so early. No sticky note placed on your fridge door about how he made you breakfast. No slight shake to your sleeping body to let you know that he’d be taking Sunhi. Nothing. 
Would’ve you liked that, though? 
You could say yes because he’s your friend and it’s only fair since you took care of his daughter the night before. 
But it’s not right, because friends don’t kiss each other, let alone the way you had let him kiss you and touch you while his daughter slept in your room and his wife waited for both of them at home.
There was a war going on inside you between your brain and your heart. 
Your heart, being a weak ass bitch, was telling you about how exciting everything was. How nice it felt to have Jungkook tell you that he wanted to be with you, that he no longer felt happy with his wife, how perfectly his lips encaptured your own and how you could still feel them on you. 
But your brain, obviously being the logical one between the two, reminded you about how wrong it was. You had never wanted to be placed in a position of being ‘‘the other woman’’. That even though you might not like Jiwoo and had spent years hoping your friend would someday wake up and realize this too, this didn’t feel right. 
‘‘Alright, let’s drink some water now.’’ Namjoon announces, clasping his hands together and showing off that dimple that most ─if not all─ of the students went heart eyes over. 
You take the time to check your phone instead, you don’t need the water because you didn’t do shit anyway. There’s no text from Minji, who you’re scared will somehow, by the grace of everything that’s holy, find out about what you did. No text from Jungkook either and you’re wondering why he hasn’t bothered to send one. 
Instead, there’s a text from Taehyung and you mutter a curse. 
[8:34 AM] Taehyung: hey y/n! i’m sure you’re in your yoga class rn but i wanted to see if maybe you’d be up for lunch at my place? i’ll try and cook something nice :) 
Ah, of course that throughout all of this you forgot about Taehyung. 
The sweet guy who had stuck around only for you to pay him back by kissing your best friend, the one Taehyung had to pretend wasn’t bothered by his interruption that night a few weeks ago. 
God, you do have a way to fuck things up for yourself. 
You don’t know how long you stood there thinking what to reply to him, but it definitely was for a few minutes because you only came back to reality once you heard your name being called once by the instructor.
‘‘Y/N,’’ Namjoon repeats and you look over at him with a puzzled look, ‘‘we’re starting again, if you’d like to join us.’’ There’s that smile again. Bless his patience, you wonder if he’s actually this calm because of yoga or he’s just really good at pretending. 
You look back down at your phone, the screen displaying a text that’s still waiting to be replied to. 
‘‘I uhm─I gotta go, sorry.’’ You quickly reply, making Namjoon look at you with wide eyes, but he makes no effort to stop you either. 
And as quickly as you can, you collect your belongings before you’re heading out the door without saying goodbye. 
Either you quit yoga altogether or just apologize to Namjoon like a grownup next Saturday. Whatever it is, you’re not thinking about what decision to make about your little extracurricular right now. 
There’s only so much you can handle at a time.
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Jungkook is lucky that Jiwoo works Saturday mornings because with her away, he’s able to enter his house without having to sneak in. 
He opens the door wide, making way for him and a slightly awake Sunhi in his arms. He drops the keys on the counter without caring about the noise it makes. He doesn’t even have to pretend like he’s walking on glass, his boots are allowed to hit the wooden floor without a care in the world. 
The place doesn’t look much different from what he had left it like the day before. There’s only a dirty glass on the sink, a product of Jiwoo’s daily breakfast smoothies and since she’s always in a rush she never has time to clean it up. 
‘‘Are you still sleepy, pumpkin?’’ he quietly asks his daughter and she nods, he doesn’t blame her since he’s the one who woke her up at 6 AM. ‘‘Alright, I’ll take you to your bed,” he says, a kiss on her head following shortly after. 
He wonders if Jiwoo enjoyed herself last night. No daughter and no husband, sounds like an ideal night for her. It’s not like she was worried about their whereabouts either, considering she hadn’t even bothered to text him wondering why they hadn’t come home. 
If Jungkook’s supposed to feel guilty, he isn’t. 
He’s heard stories before about how there’s a voice in your head constantly reminding you about what you did and how wrong it is. That he’ll be unable to sleep knowing he cheated on his wife while she lies next to him. That he won’t be able to look at her again without feeling remorse all over him.
And when Jiwoo returns home at noon, there’s none of that at all. He offers her a nod of acknowledgement once she enters the living room to find him sitting with his laptop, watching through old videos that he took years back. 
She puts her index finger up, telling him to give her a minute. She’s on a phone call with a friend of hers that Jungkook can only conclude is Hyeri, who he probably met at some point but can’t remember what her face looked like. 
‘‘I know! Like, why do you have to be such a bitch about it? We get that you’re sucking the boss’s dick in private, so you might as well─’’
Jiwoo’s voice is too distracting and so, Jungkook places his earphones in to hear what this video’s audio is about. Once he does, he hits play and the audio is loud enough to drown out Jiwoo’s whining. 
‘‘Guess who came to see you, Pumpkin?’’ 
Jungkook gasps as he remembers this was part of a series of videos he was supposed to show Sunhi once she was old enough to understand them. He recorded a few until he was drowning in work to even grab his camera again. It saddens him that he wasn’t able to continue.
He decides he’ll show them to her later because right now Sunhi is too busy playing with her dolls inside her room to even pay attention to him.
‘‘It’s auntie Y/N! And she came bearing gifts,’’ Jungkook smiles, switching the focus on you ‘‘is that a Fisher Price Taco Tuesday toy set that I see?’’ he wonders in a fake curious tone as you look at him with narrowed eyes ‘‘I wonder how she knew you wanted that, Sunhi. It’s not like your dad had it on his Amazon wishlist or anything.’’
‘‘Very funny.’’ You mumble, handing him the toys so you could go ahead and grab a tiny three-month-old Sunhi from the bed ‘‘Aren’t you the cutest little bean in this entire world? Aren’t you?’’ you coo at the little girl, who looks at you with wide eyes and you’re forced to blink a couple of times because she looks just like him. 
‘‘Of course she is, she’s my spitting image!’’ Jungkook confirms your thought as he grabs Sunhi’s cheek gently with his fingers and squeezes, making the baby giggle.
You side-eye him and then focus your attention back on the baby in your hands, ‘‘No, you’re not, Sunhi. Your daddy is not cute at all.’’ 
‘‘You’re gonna make me put this camera down and have a discussion about this.’’ 
Jungkook chuckles at the footage, noticing how he made you smile because of his comment. The video isn’t long, it’s mostly you cooing to a then tiny Sunhi, giggling at the way you would nuzzle your nose into her belly as Jungkook laughed behind the camera. 
‘‘Jungkook, look at her!’’ You practically squeal as Sunhi grabs your thumb with her little hand ‘‘Oh my gosh, I think I’m gonna cry.’’ 
He laughs as he does a close-up of his daughter holding on to your finger, until he hears the little sniffle you let out and the camera is now focused on you silently wiping a tear away. 
‘‘Wait, you’re actually crying?’’ Jungkook asks in disbelief and you turn to look at him to find the lens focused on you ‘‘Sunhi, you’re Auntie Y/N loves you so much that she’s crying! How cute.’’ 
‘‘You’re so dumb, seriously.’’ you mumble with a frown, going back to gawking at the baby still holding on to your thumb. 
Jungkook sighs, ‘‘I’m gonna have to bleep that out, y’know?’’
You laugh and shrug your shoulders, caressing Sunhi’s stomach. Jungkook whispers ‘cute’, so soft that you’re unable to hear it.
Once it ends, Jungkook is able to see his smiling face as it reflects on the black screen and it’s only then he realized he’d been grinning the whole time. Now his ears are filled with Jiwoo talking over the phone and his smile goes back to a straight line. 
Jungkook closes the video and clicks on the next one, hoping that it’s one that involves you as well. He’s unable to press play because Jiwoo is suddenly standing in front of him, arms crossed and she’s no longer talking on her phone. 
‘‘Yes?’’ He asks, removing an earbud to show her she has his full attention.
‘‘So, where were you last night?’’ 
Jungkook’s slightly surprised that she cares. He tends to forget there’s still some humanity left in her after all, ‘‘At Y/N’s.’’ he answers with a shrug, eyes going back to stare at the screen of his laptop. 
Jiwoo scoffs and he’s forced to look at her again, eyebrow slightly raised. He hopes she doesn’t start because it’s too early and it’s a Saturday. But Jiwoo doesn’t like taking breaks like he does.
‘‘I thought you said that she wasn’t going to be able to take care of Sunhi on Fridays.’’ There’s bitterness in her tone, ‘‘so, what were you doing there?’’ 
Jungkook understands where Jiwoo’s curiosity comes from, but it’s strange. She’s never been the type to ask where he’s been, what he’s doing with Sunhi while she’s not around ─which is practically all the time─ and doesn’t care for your business either. 
‘‘I just stopped by.’’ Jungkook mutters, stroking the nape of his neck in an attempt to not seem suspicious, ‘‘We hung out and Sunhi fell asleep, she didn’t wanna come back home.’’ 
And that’s true, Jiwoo narrows her eyes at him as if she’s debating whether or not to believe him and the excuse of their sleeping daughter. She doesn’t know Sunhi that well to conclude if it’s possible or not. 
‘‘And what, did you all three sleep together in the same bed? Playing family, maybe?’’ 
Jungkook looks at her in disbelief. This is a first. 
‘‘What?’’ Is all he’s able to muster because he’s genuinely shocked at her accusation. 
Jiwoo rolls her eyes, ‘‘Oh, please. Like I’m going to buy that hanging out bullshit.’’ Jungkook looks like a deer stuck in headlights and she chuckles, ‘‘Is what I give to you not enough?’’ 
‘‘I─what are you on about?’’ 
He figures this is her picking a fight because he wasn’t around yesterday to attend her needs like he usually does every Friday night. But Jungkook’s mind is quick to remind him of what he did and it’d be really ironic if he denies Jiwoo’s accusations, that for the first time are actually true. 
‘‘I carried around that girl for nine months, ruined my body because of her, all for you to pick someone else over me?’’ Jiwoo’s voice is raised a little higher and Jungkook can’t help but look over at Sunhi’s bedroom door and hope his daughter is not listening to anything coming from the living room. ‘‘I knew I should’ve never trusted her, I always knew your friendship with her was fucking weird.’’
Jungkook doesn’t want to raise his voice either. It’s not going to get them anywhere. But he can’t stand the way she’s speaking about his daughter and you, she’s never crossed those boundaries before. 
‘‘Are you insane? How can you talk about your daughter like she’s nothing?’’ Jungkook spats out, ‘‘I’ve always been thankful for what you did, I know the shit you went through to bring her into this world.’’ 
But Jiwoo doesn’t care about how loud she’s being, ‘‘You’re so thankful you pay me back by fucking your best friend? While I’m alone over here waiting for you to come back?’’
Jungkook has to take a deep breath and close his eyes for a second, before he loses it. 
He clears his throat, ‘‘Jiwoo, I have always chosen you. Always. I did back when I was a sophomore, I did it when I asked you to marry me, and I did it when I chose you to be the mother of my children. So, I don’t know what─’’
‘‘I don’t give a flying fuck if you chose me! I was supposed to be all of that either way, Jungkook.’’ She interjects.
Was she, though? Of course, she was his girlfriend then. It would make sense that she’d be the one to end up marrying him, having his kids and living the happy life everyone guaranteed he’d live alongside her. 
But he hasn’t been thinking about the choices he ended up taking back then. Instead, he’s been wondering about the ‘what if’s and Jiwoo isn’t in any of them. 
Jungkook’s been daydreaming for months now about how different his life would’ve turned out if he had never asked the pretty girl in his class all those years back and instead had focused his attention somewhere else. Or someone else.. 
‘‘Are you going to answer me?’’ Jiwoo’s stern voice brings him back to the reality he hates, ‘‘Were you going to pick me or was I a second choice?’’ She slowly asks, giving him an opportunity to digest every single word she spoke. 
‘‘You weren’t a second choice,’’ he mumbles and his gaze has faltered and instead focused back on the screen of his laptop. Clicking on a video randomly, trying to distract himself from the situation at hand. Hoping that whatever he says is enough for Jiwoo to leave him alone. 
It doesn’t help that the video automatically plays and it’s you on the first frame, a big smile as you hold Sunhi towards the camera, making her wiggle in your arms. 
What if. 
‘‘Show me that you love me, then.’’
The video still plays as Jungkook looks back at Jiwoo standing right in front of him, her arms are still crossed, but the look on her face is different. Her brows are no longer furrowed and Jungkook might be wrong, but he thinks her eyes look glossy. 
He doesn’t act quickly enough and she takes the laptop from him, closing it before she can even notice what is it that has garnered his attention. Jiwoo straddles his lap and he jumps slightly at the action, placing her arms around his neck as she looks at him with innocent eyes. 
If he didn’t know her, he would’ve believed them. 
‘‘Jiwoo, let’s not─’’ 
‘‘I missed you yesterday,’’ she interjects in a whisper ‘‘show me that you love me right now.’’ 
Her lips latch onto his neck, biting and sucking on the skin as he tries to wriggle himself out of her hold, but her hands push at his chest so he can stay still. 
‘‘C’mon,’’ she mumbles ‘‘show me.’’ She’s pleading by then.
He feels nothing. There’s no electricity in Jiwoo’s kisses. No tingles on his back, no goosebumps on his skin, no fireworks going off. If anything, everytime her lips meet his skin it feels bitter, like they don’t belong there at all. 
‘‘Daddy, come please!’’ The muffled voice of Sunhi inside her room interrupts the one-sided moment and Jungkook is silently thanking her. 
Jiwoo doesn’t make an effort to move as she keeps kissing on all the exposed skin he has to offer. Jungkook sighs in frustration as he forces her off him, making her land beside him with an astonished expression.
Her hands tighten into fists as she looks at him like he’s gone insane, ‘‘What the fuck is wrong with you?’’ She asks in disbelief.
Jungkook blinks, ‘‘Did you─?’’ He gestures with his finger over to his daughter’s room, ‘‘Sunhi is calling me.’’ 
His wife scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest again, ‘‘Of course, you always go running when it comes to her.’’ 
Contrary to his belief, there is no humanity left in Jiwoo at all. She’s just really good at pretending like she cares so she can get her way. This is the last time Jungkook falls for this trick.
Jungkook opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. He repeats this action a few times, to stammer something out. Anything. But there’s nothing besides the expecting silence of his wife as she chuckles incredulously. Jungkook ignores this and turns around, a second away from opening Sunhi’s bedroom door─
‘‘You’re a waste of a husband.’’ Jiwoo sneered. 
His hand drops from the door handle and he sighs, taking a deep breath in and out.
He looks back at her, ‘‘You know what, Jiwoo? I wasn’t lying when I said you weren’t my second choice.’’ he informs and her eyebrow raises up ‘‘But you aren’t my first choice now either.’’
Jiwoo scowls and heaves in anger, ready to let hell loose on him ‘‘I knew that who─’’
‘‘It’s Sunhi,’’ he states and Jiwoo closes her mouth before she can even finish her sentence. ‘‘Ever since I knew you were pregnant with her, she’s been at the top of my list and she’ll always be there. I don’t care what you do or say to me, I really don’t. You don’t love me, Jiwoo.’’
At the accusation, her eyes soften and she’s standing up to argue that it’s not true, but Jungkook raises his hand in a motion to stop her. 
‘‘You don’t love me and I don’t love you.’’ 
Jungkook expected her to start yelling at him like she usually did, but Jiwoo’s rendered speechless on her spot as she stares at him, blinking rapidly. 
‘‘I don’t love you,’’ he repeats ‘‘and I haven’t loved you for a while now. I don’t remember the last time my heart raced up when I saw you or when I stopped enjoying kissing you. And I’m sorry, because I should’ve told you instead of pretending like I did.’’ 
Jiwoo’s motionless as she takes all of his words in. 
‘‘But I did it for her because I didn’t want her to hate me if you ever left. But that was a dumb idea because you don’t care about Sunhi. And frankly, I doubt she cares about you either. She never speaks about you, never asks about you, she’s used to you not being here even if you sort of are.’’ 
Jungkook places his hand over the doorknob once again and Jiwoo grimaces.
‘‘I should’ve never begged you to come back. I should’ve thought about what you wanted and it’s always been clear to me what that is,’’ Jungkook swallows the knot he feels in his throat ‘‘and it’s never been Sunhi or me.’’
He thinks she’s about to tell him how sorry she is. That she’ll recognize how heartless she’s been and how she not only failed him, but failed their daughter too. Maybe beg for a final try at their relationship as she promises she’ll change this time. 
Jungkook hums and spares her one last glance.
Jiwoo has a stoic expression on her face and she speaks under her breath, but clear enough for him to hear, ‘‘Sign the papers when you get them.’’
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You expect Minji to just jump at you any minute now because if looks could kill, you’d be dead already. Maybe you should’ve pretended like you weren’t home and let Minji knock on your door until she’d give up, but even you knew better than that. 
It was better to face her now than to deal with her accumulated wrath later.
‘‘When were you going to tell me?’’ She suddenly asks and it takes you by surprise because it had been way too silent since you had let her in.
Minji works like a predator, she attacks when you least expect it and right now you definitely feel like you’re about to be eaten. 
She sighs and you can see the disappointment in her face, ‘‘Were you going to tell me at all?’’ 
You nod instead, not trusting yourself enough to speak at the moment. 
It had been a week since the event in your living room and it makes you shift uncomfortably in your chair as you stare at your friend, who’s sitting on the couch where everything went down. 
‘‘Then why did I have to find out through Taehyung?’’ She asks in a disappointed tone. 
You figured he’d tell her. It’s not like you asked him not to do so, but you had silently prayed that the universe was on your side on this one and by some unknown reason they wouldn’t bump into each other at work and Minji, like she usually did, wouldn’t ask him about you. Because if she did, then he’d have to explain how you had broken the news that you had made out with your best friend; the one Minji despised with her soul. 
A sigh escapes your lips as you lower your head with shame.
You were supposed to tell her, but every time you took your phone and tried to dial or text her, your nerves got the best of you and ended up chickening out, promising that you’d do it the next day. Then the next day. And the next day. 
It’s not like you’re scared of Minji─well, maybe only slightly. But you know the effort she put into getting you to go out and meet someone new, someone that’s not married and not a father. She’s known Taehyung for so long, probably even told him how much of a good girl you were to convince him to take you out, only for you to end up throwing all of that in the trash like it was nothing. 
Minji’s also spent years pushing you to move on from your friendship with Jungkook. Not just because she doesn’t like him, but because she’s always felt like he’s held you back while he’s made his way in life. You’ve stuck behind him making sure that he’s okay and happy, forgetting about yourself in the process. 
‘‘I’m not angry at you,’’ she speaks softly, making you look up at her with surprise. ‘‘I just─He gave you a second chance, Y/N. Why did you say no?’’ Her words are laced with curiosity and you know that she’s asking because even Taehyung wasn’t able to give her an answer to this question. 
Your bottom lip trembles and you’re trying your hardest not to burst into tears in front of him. You can’t and you won’t. How even dare you to do that? 
‘‘I’m sorry,’’ you whisper and your eyes shift down to the wooden floor of his apartment. ‘‘I’m sorry, Taehyung.’’ You repeat, knowing it’s not enough.
Taehyung gulps and his crossed arms quickly fall to his sides as he realizes that, whatever anger he felt when you told him about what you did, was no longer there the moment he saw how genuinely apologetic you looked. 
‘‘I’m an idiot, I know.’’ You continue, rubbing your clammy hands into the material of your leggings and it does nothing to dry them. ‘‘I’m sorry, Taehyung.’’
He knows he shouldn't be so easily swayed by your apology, but he can’t help but want to cradle you in his arms. And when he does, your eyebrows raise in surprise as you gasp because you weren’t expecting this. 
You expected anger, insults thrown out about how you’re a slut and being kicked out of his apartment with him telling you to never contact him again. 
Taehyung’s still sweet even when his heart is getting broken. 
‘‘It’s okay,’’ he whispers into your hair as one of his hands runs up and down your back ‘‘we can work this out, yeah?’’ 
You bite the tip of your tongue as you take his words in, feeling your heart speeding up even faster than what it was when you spilled everything out on him. Maybe you would’ve preferred him getting angry than his current reaction.
‘‘It’s not like we were exclusive, right?’’ Taehyung chuckles, but it feels like he’s convincing himself that that was the reason as to why it happened. ‘‘Let’s forget it, seriously.’’
A shaky sigh comes out of your mouth as your arms, that hadn’t reciprocated his hug, gain the strength to separate yourself from him. He looks taken aback, but he’s waiting for you to reply in agreement because, yes, you could work this out if you try hard enough. 
But that’s not realistic. Pretending like you never kissed Jungkook is not realistic at all, because it’s sad to admit that you won’t be able to kiss Taehyung again without thinking about your best friend in the back of your head as you’re reminded that not only did you let him kiss you, but you reciprocated and not only did you reciprocate, but you liked it a little too much. 
‘‘Y/N,’’ he speaks up, snapping you from your thoughts,‘‘please, let’s just try.’’ He silently asks─no, begs. 
The barking of his dog, Yeontan, startles you as you come to stare at the little dog at the feet of his owner, who at the moment isn’t interested to see what he wants. You never told Taehyung, but the teacup pomeranian was extremely overprotective of him. 
He’s barking at you like you’re hurting his owner and maybe you aren’t physically doing any damage, but you know that you’re about to break his heart all over again.
‘‘I-I…,’’ you blink as you try to focus on the man in front of you and not the dog on the ground, ‘‘I’m sorry, I can’t.’’ 
Yeontan’s barks increase and Taehyung is at a loss for words to beg you to stay and talk things through. You can still hear the dog’s incessant barking as you make your way down the hall and that’s when the tears you were holding finally fall down. 
‘‘Taehyung’s a nice guy, Y/N. He forgave you and you just left?’’ Minji asks, disbelief in her tone. ‘‘I thought you liked him.’’
‘‘I do!’’ You finally speak up. You’re sure of it, you like Taehyung. Your friend gives you a puzzled look because she really can’t understand you right now. ‘‘I like Taehyung, I really do,’’ you mutter, ‘‘but it’s not fair to him.’’ 
Minji scrunches her face up because there’s only one reason you’re thinking that way. She’s tired of this narrative, it’s old and overdone and it should’ve ended years ago.
She lets out a breathless chuckle, ‘‘You love him, don’t you?’’ Another question that takes you by surprise.
‘‘No, I just─’’
Minji holds her finger up, interrupting you, ‘‘I’m talking about Jungkook.’’ 
This is the attack. Not the other questions she had asked you regarding her old family friend. Not the unannounced arrival to your apartment on an uneventful Saturday morning where you had chosen to stay in bed instead of facing the peaceful yoga instructor. Not the glaring looks she had been giving you for the last minutes.
And if you weren’t ready for any of those, this one definitely takes the prize. 
‘‘I-I of course I love him,’’ you mumble, ‘‘he’s my friend.’’
Minji smirks as her eyebrows raise, ‘‘No, I’m asking if you’re in love him.’’ 
You’re sure that the feelings that you’ve had for Jungkook have always been platonic. You do love him because he’s your friend and you’re supposed to love your friends. But you know that the love that you have for him is very different from the one you have for anyone else. It might be the history between you two. You’ve been with him through it all, cheering from the sidelines as he accomplishes one milestone after the other. 
‘‘Be honest with me,’’ Minji demands, ‘‘are you in love with Jungkook?’’ she asks once again.
Your eyes well up and your bottom lip is trembling as you look back at your intimidating best friend because your silence is deafening and you’re expecting her to throw the last blow. You think you deserve it. Minji has so much she wants to say, but you look so dejected and she figures that you might’ve just realized it. 
‘‘Hey, it’s okay.’’ She comes up to you quickly, crouching down as she looks up at the tears rolling down your reddened cheeks. ‘‘Y/N, it’s okay.’’ 
You’ve been trying to tell yourself the same thing the past few days. 
It’s okay that you kissed your best friend. It’s okay that you’ve slowly and silently started harbouring feelings for him. It’s okay that you just realized you’ve been in love with him for a while now. It’s okay that you’ve been resenting the fact that he didn’t choose you all those years ago. It’s okay that you take care of and love his daughter like she’s yours. 
‘‘No, it’s not.’’ You cry, ‘‘I can’t do that, Minji, he’s not mine to have.’’ 
Your mind quickly brings you back to the harsh reality, which is that Jungkook will never be yours. He probably only kissed you because he was looking for something that was capable of exciting him again after realizing how bored of his marriage he is. He doesn’t love you like that, he’ll never love you like that.
Minji can’t disagree with what you just said, but she also feels like right now is not the time to make you feel even worse when it’s obvious you’re already there. 
‘‘I blocked his number, anyway.’’ You mumble out, wiping away your tears. 
Your friend’s eyes widened at the revelation, ‘‘What?’’. 
‘‘I freaked out after I talked to Taehyung because I felt so guilty and you know how I don’t know how to deal with shit ever, so I just─’’ You stop yourself from rambling and sigh as you feel Minji’s hand squeezing your knee as a sign of comfort, ‘‘I can’t see him again without thinking about it. I can’t take care of Sunhi knowing he’s going home to sleep with Jiwoo. I just can’t keep pretending anymore.’’ 
Minji can’t do much after that, you’ve become a sobbing mess and the tears seem unstoppable. She’s never seen you like this and it dawns on her that you’ve held all of this in for way too long. 
It’s ironic because she’s always told you that you need space from Jungkook, thinking it’d be good for you to finally realize that you’re not part of his list of priorities anymore and hadn’t been for a long time. 
But she hadn’t taken into account what the after effects of not having him in your life anymore would look like.
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[12:03 PM] Jeon Jungkook: hi y/n 
{Error: Undelivered!} 
[12:04 PM] Jeon Jungkook: hey???
{Error: Undelivered!}
[12:07 PM] Jeon Jungkook: i wanted to see if you’d like to meet up for lunch one of these days? i feel like we need to talk 
{Error: Undelivered!}
[5:13 PM] Jeon Jungkook: does this work now??
{Error: Undelivered!}
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Jungkook groans in annoyance as he finds another one of his texts left undelivered. It feels like life is either against him or doing this for his own good. 
Nonetheless, he wants to talk to you because it’s been a few days since he last saw and heard from you. He figures you’re mad, the last words you spoke to him didn’t sound friendly at all and he wonders if maybe leaving without saying goodbye that day was the right thing to do. 
The small snores coming from beside him make him realize Sunhi is finally asleep and he can’t help but let out a sigh of disappointment as he watches her curl into a fetal like position, clutching her Dumbo plush toy and slightly drooling into his favorite pillow, making him pout because he knows he won’t be able to pry it away from her when he decides to fall asleep too. 
Sunhi being fast asleep is supposed to bring peace to Jungkook’s tiring day, though the silence is extremely uncomfortable and these days he’s come to realize how much he rather have his daughter running around and yelling in excitement than this.
Complete and utter silence.
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[7:13 PM] Jeon Jungkook: (1.jpg attached) sunhi misses auntie y/n!! she’s been asking me about you a lot 
{Error: Undelivered!}
[7:15 PM] Jeon Jungkook: i miss auntie y/n more tho…
{Error: Undelivered!}
[7:17 PM] Jeon Jungkook: i hope ur alright :)
{Error: Undelivered!}
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‘‘Pumpkin, you can stop smiling already.’’ Jungkook chuckles as he looks up from his phone, noticing his daughter still holding the big smile he had given him when he requested to take a picture of her to send to you. ‘‘I already sent the picture to Auntie Y/N.’’ He informs and she sighs with relief, massaging her cheeks from straining them too hard.
Though his eyebrows furrow, noticing his messages have once again been left undelivered. He makes a mental note to call the phone company soon, because it’s been over a week since he last sent the first messages and those remained in the same state as well. 
‘‘Daddy, unpause!’’ Sunhi demands, making him realize that he’s in the middle of showing her his favorite Pixar movie, Cars. 
Twenty minutes had passed and for a majority of them Sunhi had only watched attentively and Jungkook looked over at her every other second just to make sure she hadn’t fallen asleep. Warmness spread throughout him as he noticed his daughter looking at the screen with those big doe eyes she had inherited from him. 
Once the scene where Sally shows Lightning McQueen around Radiator Springs, Jungkook feels a tug at his sweatshirt and looks down to notice Sunhi’s little hand grabbing at the fabric, her eyes are still glued to the screen.
“Auntie Y/N likes this too?” She asks and Jungkook chuckles because his daughter can’t stop thinking about his friend even when doing anything completely unrelated to you.
Maybe that’s another thing she inherited as well.
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[7:03 PM] Jeon Jungkook: so i called my phone company and asked them abt why my messages aren’t being delivered and they said that you must’ve blocked me
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[7:04 PM] Jeon Jungkook: yeah i guess you did
{Error: Undelivered!}
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Jungkook’s mind has gone blank ever since he got off the phone with the cellphone company. 
The idea that you might’ve blocked his number had not once crossed his mind during the weeks of undelivered texts and phone calls sent straight to voicemail. It was obvious, but he didn’t think you’d be capable of doing it. 
He wanted it to be a network issue or something else that he could put blame on instead of facing the realization that you had shut him out from your life. And that thought hurt, no─stung him. 
The worst part is that he knows he deserves it. It was foolish of him to think that you had enjoyed the kiss too. Dumb enough to believe that you might’ve reciprocated the way he felt. 
Jungkook doesn’t want to think this is the end, maybe it’s that stupid voice inside his head that always holds on to things that he knows he should let go of. But he can’t just let go of this and move on. 
He doesn’t remember what life was like before you and he sure as hell does not want to know what it’ll be like without you.
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[1:30 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i miss you so fucking much i’m sorry if i knew that kissing you would’ve fucked everything up htne i woudl’ve never done it y/n i’m sorry 
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[1:31 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i really wanted to kiss you but it was selfish of me to do it i didnt think about what you must’ve felt im sos sorry 
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[1:32 AM] Jeon Jungkook: sunhi’s been asking me about yoj and i dont even know what to say anymore
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[2:27 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i don’t even care if you dont wanna speak to me anymore i fucked this up for sunhi she loves you so much and you’re her favorite person ever and i ruined it for her just bc i wanted to see if you felt the same way as i do
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[3:50 AM] Jeon Jungkook: i miss you y/n i really do 
{Error: Undelivered!} 
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“Daddy, lemme go!” Sunhi whines trying to escape from her father’s hands as he finishes applying the sunscreen on her arms, “Daddy!”.
He gives her a stern look and the toddler huffs, sticking her bottom lip out in an act of annoyance. The playground games are waiting for her and she feels like her dad is just coming between them and her.
“Alright,” he pats his big hands on her tiny arms, “you’re good to—“ Jungkook isn’t able to finish his sentence because his daughter’s already running towards one of the slides, “Sunhi, be careful!” He reminds her, but she’s too focused on the rides than on her dad’s warning.
Jungkook sighs and relaxes into the bench. 
“She’s precious,” She comments with a small smile as her attention focuses on the little girl having the time of her life going down the slide, “I’m surprised she’s yours.” 
Jungkook looks over at the woman beside him and scoffs, but he can’t help but agree. Sunhi is too good and too pure, the best thing he’s ever done in his life. 
“Yeah, well, it’s all her.” Jungkook admits, eyes focusing back on Sunhi, “She’s really great.” 
There’s an uncomfortable silence between them and Jungkook has to clear his throat to gain her attention. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t meet up at a café,” Jungkook apologizes and nods over at his daughter, “she’s been a little misbehaved lately, you said you wanted to talk to me and I figured that if I took Sunhi to a place like that she’d just—“
She interrupts his rambling, “Hey, it’s okay. I have no problem, really.” She assures him and he nods slightly, “I haven’t been in a place like this in a long time.” 
Jungkook scratches the back of his neck and glances over at the woman who’s looking at him with an expression he can’t quite pinpoint. It makes him so nervous that he quickly shifts his gaze to the ground.
“This is so weird.” He admits with an awkward chuckle and she raises her eyebrow, “I mean—you hate me, Minji, so I don’t know what you want to talk about.” 
“I don’t hate you!” Minji laughs and Jungkook finally looks at her and she falters, “Seriously! I only dislike you and that’s saying a lot.” 
He supposes that’s a good thing, considering how aggressive Minji used to be towards him back in college. Always letting him know how much she despised his guts, how he didn’t deserve to have you as his friend and even once threw a drink at his face during a party; though you swore to him she was drunk and that she didn’t mean it.
Jungkook hadn’t seen her much since, only a few times if it was your birthday and they managed to cross paths, because the girl made sure she was never in the same room as him. The times it happened, he felt like she was throwing daggers at him through her eyes. 
“It always bothered me how putty in your hands she was for you,” Minji begins, crossing her arms over her chest as she settles back into the bench, “and how oblivious you were about it.” 
Jungkook looks back at her and there’s a small smile on her face, most likely looking over at his daughter. 
“How when we got together for study sessions, she’d be tired because she was taking care of you the night before at one of those stupid frat parties you loved dragging her to.” Minji recalls and Jungkook feels like his mouth has gone dry from the memory.
She crosses one of her legs over the other, “Or that whole Jiwoo ordeal, how you had practically put Y/N aside once you managed to date the ‘campus hottie’.” She says with air quotes and Jungkook sighs, remembering the beginning of it all.
He knows that he can’t turn back time and change it all. Even if he could, he knows he wouldn’t. If there was no Jiwoo, there’d be no Sunhi. 
An excited yell startles him as he looks over at his daughter, swinging up and down. “Look, daddy! I'm flying!” She calls and he smiles at her. 
“Jesus, that’s fucking precious.” Minji mumbles, but he hears her nonetheless and nods in agreement. “Anyway, I’m not going to act like a saint here and pretend I was vouching for you, because I never did.” 
Jungkook knows. Back then he didn’t understand why Minji was so adamant about trash talking him to you, considering how he and her barely knew each other. Actually, whatever knowledge they had of the other was through of you. 
But Jungkook’s done a lot of self reflecting for the past month and a half and he’s realized why Minji disliked him so much. Or, dislikes. Either way, it’s valid.
“I just wanted her to snap out of it,” she confesses, “and realize that there is a life beyond you. That there’s more than being your best friend and your daughter’s babysitter. That she’s capable of moving on and putting you aside, because if you did that to her then why shouldn’t she?” 
Jungkook hadn’t thought about any of that at all. He had realized he had been a shitty friend, but the idea of just how much definitely hadn’t settled on him. He wishes you knew how much he’s cared about you, but that there were too many overlapping lines for him to ever express it.
“I thought that after setting her up with Taehyung she had finally realized it,” she continues “but you know how she is, she rarely lets up and I knew she wasn’t going to let you go that easily.” 
Jungkook draws in a long breath, rubbing his now clammy hands in his jeans as he looks back towards Minji. 
“I mean, she couldn’t let her go that easily.” She jerks her head towards Sunhi, still sitting on the swings, though she’s slowed down now. “She loves that little girl so damn much.” 
Jungkook’s sure of this. He recognizes the immense love you have for Sunhi, how sincere and unconditional it is. It’s the way a mother loves her child, though he never expected it to come from you instead. He’s not surprised though, because it’s the same love you gave to him. But it’s louder, there are no boundaries that you needed to respect to show Sunhi just how much you loved her, unlike with him. 
It dawns on him that cutting him off must’ve been hard. You probably wanted to do it for way longer and only stayed because of Sunhi and Jungkook doesn’t want to think about the dilemma you must’ve went through to finally do it this time around. 
He runs his hands through his hair, letting out a shaky breath, remembering that Sunhi doesn’t have you anymore. That’s the reason as to why she’s been so misbehaved lately, crying way too often, throwing tantrums over the smallest of things. Jungkook could blame it on the fact that she’s soon turning four and maybe it’s something that comes with age, it might just be a coincidence that she’s acting this way during a time you’re no longer present in her life.
This is the thing Sunhi might not be able to forgive him for.
“Minji,” he finally speaks up and the woman beside him focuses his gaze back on him, “I miss her so much.” He mumbles, not trusting himself to speak up because he might choke back a sob.
“Only now?” 
“No!” He says this a little too harshly and Minji jumps slightly at the tone in his voice, “I’ve always missed her and I’m fucking idiot for realizing too late.” 
She hums and Jungkook’s chest rises and falls with rapid breaths, “She’s my first thought when I wake up and when I finally manage to go to sleep. Sunhi constantly reminds me about her, asking me where she is and when can she see her and I have to force myself to lie.” 
Jungkook doesn’t realize Minji’s hand is now awkwardly placed on his back, hesitantly tapping as if to give him some comfort. It’s weird to see him like this, she had convinced herself that the guy didn’t have any feelings when it came to you.
“She blocked my number, I can’t call her and all my texts have been left undelivered. I’ve driven by her apartment building too many times with the plan to go up and talk to her, but I always back out because I’m an idiot and I know she’ll hate me if I do that and I—“
“I just want to know if she still cares, I don’t mind if she doesn’t feel the same way. But I want to know that Y/N still cares about Sunhi and me. Do you know? Does she? Could you please—“
Jungkook’s ramble is interrupted by the crying sounds of Sunhi, who’s now on the ground as she sobs and he quickly stands up to go straight towards her. He blinks away the tears that had formed in his eyes because there’s only room for one crying baby here.
“Pumpkin, what happened?” He asks in a soft voice, crouching down at her level and she’s pouting as she points at her bloody knee. “Did you fall down?” She nods and he sighs, picking her up as he takes her back to the bench where Minji waits with expectancy to check on the little girl.
Jungkook places Sunhi beside her and looks through his daughter’s bag for the emergency kit he carried around. He cleans the blood delicately with a gauze and alcohol, making the little girl wince and yelp out an ‘ouch!’ as she holds tightly to Minji’s thigh. 
“It’s okay, Pumpkin.” He reassures her with a smile, making his daughter nod because she trusts her dad, “It was an accident and accidents are part of growing up, right?” She nods again and Minji figures this isn’t a first for her.
Once the blood has been cleaned, Jungkook places a cute rainbow patterned bandaid on the wound in her knee. 
“There we go,” he announces and Sunhi lets out the breath she’d been holding, ‘‘all done! Are you good now?” 
“Yes,” Sunhi weakly replies, “daddy, I wanna go home.” 
Jungkook’s eyebrows raise in surprise, but the look on her face tells him that she’s probably still shaken by the accident and most likely wants to take a nap to forget about it.
He looks over at Minji with an apologetic look and she gives him half a smile, “Go, it’s alright.” 
Jungkook nods and takes Sunhi in his arms, which she gladly accepts and settles her head in the crook of his neck. Minji’s ready to leave, figuring there was no point in staying any longer.
“Minji, wait!” He stops her before she goes, making her turn around and offer him a curious look, “Sunhi’s birthday is in a few weeks and,” Jungkook reaches for something inside his daughter’s bag, “she really wants Y/N to be there.” He whispers, taking out a party invitation to hand over to Minji.
She smirks, looking at the personalized invitation for his daughter’s fourth birthday, “Just Sunhi?” She asks and he lets out a breathless laugh.
“Me too.” Jungkook adds and a small smile appears on his face as he says it. “Uh—thank you for talking to me, I know it must’ve been hard.” 
Minji swats her hand in the air, “It’s alright, just wanted to make sure how you and the kid were doing. It’s all she talks about anyway.” 
A gasp escapes his lips and he holds on to his daughter tighter as she nuzzles her face farther in. 
“I’ll give her the card, but—I can’t guarantee if she’ll go.” She warns and he nods, understanding.
Though he does not like the possible outcome, he settles down with the idea that you’ll notice how even though you both haven’t spoken towards each other in almost two months, he’s still thinking about you either way. Every day. 
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Characters: Miguel Galindo x black!reader
Summary: Miguel gives his wife a day of surprise. Based on this video and tweet.
Warnings: Smut
A/N: Sorry if the smut sucks, I rushed through it lol.
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Miguel leaned against the entryway of the bathroom, watching you carefully apply your mascara. His eyes roamed down to the swell of your breasts. You hadn’t put on your blouse yet because of you not wanting to get makeup on it.
“You’re staring,” you called out your husband when you finally became aware of his heated gaze. “What? Is it a crime to look at my wife?”
“Noooo, but it is a bad idea when both you and I have work to go to.” You took a break from doing your makeup and that’s when you realized that Miguel wasn’t dressed in his usual garb. He had on a simple black tee and jeans, an understated look but he still oozed power. “Why aren’t you dressed?”
Miguel ignored your question and leaned his hip against the counter. “Let’s go shopping, mi amor.”
“Shopping? We can’t go shopping. We both have to work.” What the hell was Miguel thinking? You two did not have the time for that. “What if I told you I cancelled all my meetings today and told your boss you couldn’t come in today?”
That sounded too good to be true. “You’re lying,” you accused in disbelief.  “Nope, we’re gonna go to Home Goods. Then we’re gonna go to Target. Sounds good so far?” The mention of Target made you stop what you’re doing and turn to your husband.
“Then we’re gonna get pedicures after.”
“What?” You gasped in shock. It’s been forever since you and Miguel got pedicures together. “Yeah, let’s go get pedicures. Yeah?” After that you closed your mascara, Miguel had your full attention now. “Oh! Mascara shut.” Miguel joked. “And then we’ll go to brunch. You want brunch?”
“Mimosas?” You whispered, already dreaming of the citrusy bubbles on your tongue. “Mmhmm. Order from the whole menu. Chocolate chip pancakes with a river of syrup. Bacon, hash browns.”
“Chicken tendies?” Miguel laughed at your name for chicken strips, you refused to call them by their proper name. “Yes, and chicken tendies.” As Miguel continued to name various foods, your breath got heavier in anticipation.
“And then?” You asked. “Whatever you want to do. Wanna go to Chick-Fil-A? Cookies and cream milkshake?”
“Yeah!” Miguel couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He loved how excited you were and that he was the one making it happen. “So, you wanna go?” It really wasn’t a question, but he just knew your answer would radiate with enthusiasm. “For real? Miguel, you’re not playing?”
Miguel grabbed you by the hips and pulled you towards him. “No, I’m not.” You squealed and jumped in his arms before running to change. “But there is one condition.” He stopped you in your tracks. “What?”
“You have to wear this.” Miguel pulled out a maxi sundress of your favorite color. This man certainly had style. Running you snatched the dress out his hands and began changing. You were too enamored with the dress that you barely heard Miguel tell you to meet him in the driveway when you were done.
As soon as he saw you, Miguel thought a day in the house didn’t sound bad at all, but he had to shove those thoughts away. He had plans for his queen.
“Where’s Nestor?” You looked around for him, Marcus, and some of the others, but none were to be found. “Gave them the day off. It’ll just be you and me.”
It wasn’t Christmas. Both of yours and Miguel’s birthdays had already passed. Your anniversary wasn’t until a couple of more months. “What are you up to?” You eyed Miguel suspiciously. “Nothing. Now get in the car.”
Multiple times during the car ride Miguel thought of pulling over. In the corner of his eye, he would catch you rubbing your thighs together to alleviate some pressure. He listened to how you thought it was so sexy to see a man maneuver a car, but he didn’t think you would get this turned on. Now he would have to make more of an effort to drive around.
His day with you was a blast. At Home Goods he watched your head switch from Pinterest to the different aisles, trying to find the perfect items to complete your diy projects. Target was a bit more dangerous. You went down every aisle and almost bought out the whole store. “We don’t even need this!” Miguel would say whenever you would add whatever unnecessary item to the cart. It didn’t matter though, he still let you get it.
The nail salon was a ball. The nail technicians thought it was so cute that you and Miguel were getting pedicures together. Along with the pedicure you got a manicure. Miguel even picked the shape and color.  “I can’t wait to see those wrapped around my dick,” he whispered, enjoying you squirm as the nail tech painted your nails.
Brunch a whole new you came out. This specific restaurant was your favorite because they played the music you loved and had bottomless mimosas. Those two were a bad combination for Miguel’s hard dick, because those lustful glances from you were no accident. And the moans you made when you ate those damn chicken tendies mixed with a little bit of syrup had him sitting uncomfortably for the longest. But then every so often, in between bites you would look to Miguel, smile brightly, and tell him thank you. And just like that he was gushing all over you, ready to give you the moon and the stars.
Miguel opted to get the milkshakes at the drive-thru, but you didn’t mind, you had other plans in mind. However, Miguel surprised you when he went in the other direction of home. “Babe, where are we going?” Miguel grabbed your hand and rested his lips on it. “To your last surprise.” He said, not offering any more information.
About 45 minutes outside of town, an oddly familiar lake house came into view. “Miguel, what is this?” Your husband parked the car and ran to let you out. “This is your house by the lake, not too far from the city because you’ be damned if some Jason Vorhees comes out to kill you and you couldn’t get immediate help. There’s the front porch where you can sit and drink your morning coffee while you watch the sunrise. In the back, you have the deck complete with picnic tables and a master grill, where you can use and abuse your brother’s grilling skills while everyone else is talking, playing games, and dancing. Back here you can have your glass of wine and watch the sunset.” He wrapped his arms around you and jutted his chin to the second story of the home. “In the master bedroom is a window seat where you can get scared from the new horror book you’re reading while drinking your second cup of coffee. And most importantly there’s the dock by the lake, so you can go fishing because you refuse to get on a boat and become a Lake Placid victim.”
Verbatim. Word for word, Miguel described the perfect dream lake house you told him about years ago. It was dream that your dad had at first. He wanted to give his family a getaway spot that was yours to call your own. As your father daughter bonding time, you would search for the perfect candidate but could never find one. Then unfortunately, he passed before he could make that dream come true. In the little spare time you had, you resumed your search in honor of your father, but it was nothing but dead ends.
Tears were running down your face. You couldn’t stop them if you wanted to. “Mi amor, you don’t like it?” Miguel’s concern was growing. He couldn’t decipher if those were happy tears or sad tears. “No, Miguel I love it! I just don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
Miguel pulled you into a tighter hug. “Oh honey, I’m the one who doesn’t know how I managed to get and keep you.” He grabbed ahold of your chin, tilting it up so you couldn’t avoid his eyes. “I haven’t been the best husband.”
“Miguel no.” How in the world could he think that? He pressed a finger against your lips. “Shh, let me finish. You barely see me anymore. We literally only say good morning and good night to each other. I’ve been too busy with the rebels and Potter. Plus, there’s the original work I already have. You taken over the development project when you have your own work to do. And you take time out of your day to take my mother to and from her appointments.” You tried to interrupt him, to tell him that it was no big deal, but he stopped you. “Ahh, I’m not finished. You do all this, go through all this trouble and not once have I heard you complain. This isn’t even half of what you deserve. So, no more talk about how you don’t deserve any of this. Entiendes?”
It was a troubling time. Half of the time you didn’t know where you found the energy to get out of bed, but you did. You had to. This was how you keep your family together. “Si.” You brought Miguel’s face closer to yours. There was the faint taste of mimosas still on his tongue. Reluctantly, Miguel pulled away, holding onto your bottom lip til the last possible second. “There are other husbandly duties that I have been neglecting.”
“Is there now?” A crooked smile graced your face. “Mmhmm,” Miguel scooped you up bridal style. “Yeah. I think we should christen the house.” He whispered conspiratorially like you weren’t alone. “I say hell yeah!”
Miguel ran into the house, running up the stairs, leaving a trail of your giggles. Tomorrow you would get the chance to explore more.
Once in the room, Miguel dropped you on the bed, causing you to bounce a little. He shed yours and his clothes in a hurry. To his surprise you weren’t any underwear. “Someone was eager, huh?”
“I had plans to screw you in the back of the car after mimosas.” Miguel took off your bra and tugged a nipple into his mouth. “Good girl.”
While Miguel’s attention was on your nipples yours were on getting his boxers off.  His dick sprang free and you wrapped your hand around it. Miguel relished in the feeling of your soft hand around him while he left kisses from your shoulder to your ear. “What are you doing?” He groaned into your ear, slipping in between the two of you, grabbing your wrist to stop your movement. “I thought you wanted to see my nails around your dick?” You whimpered, squirming against him.
“I do, but right now is about you. Do me a favor and suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me.” He tapped your fingers against your lips, and you slipped them in, mimicking the motions you wanted to desperately do to his dick. Satisfied with how wet they were, Miguel stuck his fingers in your welcoming hole. “Its so wet and warm, preciosa. I think I can fit another finger in there, don’t you?”
“Mmhmm, daddy.” Miguel added a third finger, bringing a delicious sting. “God, you’re so tight. I bet you taste even better.” Taking his fingers out despite your reluctance, he sucked on them, making you jealous that it wasn’t your mouth on them.
“Tell me what you want, baby. You want me eat that fat ass pussy or you want this cock?”
“Gimme your cock please.” It was no competition. You needed to feel complete and only Miguel’s dick could do that.
He scooted back some to line himself up. You caught a glimpse of his dick and badly wanted to suck it. It should be a crime that all that dick belongs to you.
Miguel slid his cock along your slit, gathering up some wetness. “Baby stop teasing please!” You whined, scratching against his forearms.
He lifted up your left leg to his hip and slid in, giving you those deep lovemaking strokes. “You take me so well, mi amor. Can you handle more?”
“Yes Miguel. Please give me more!” His slow strokes would leave you right on the verge of coming, but never actually getting you there and at this moment you needed to cum more than anything. “More, daddy! Please!” Tears were prickling your eyes.
With his free hand, Miguel swiped away your tears and began to pound into you. “Pretty girl,” he smoothed back some of your hair, his soft words contrasting his rough fucking. “You look like an angel taking my cock so well. You’re gonna be a good girl and cum over daddy’s cock, hmm?”
You nodded your head when you failed to form any words. “Nah, baby girl I need words. Tell me what you want.”
“I WANT TO CUM ALL OVER YOUR COCK!” Miguel was hitting your spot repeatedly. “Okay, pretty baby, then do it,” he whispered, rubbing your clit.
Your body exploded with your orgasm. You were a quivering mess, but Miguel wasn’t through with you, he kept fucking you.
“Where do you want it?” Miguel asked through clenched teeth. “In my mouth, daddy. I wanna taste you.”
Miguel jumped off of you. “On your knees, baby.” Eagerly you got on the ground with your tongue out, enjoying Miguel stroke his glistening cock. “Oh fuck!” He cried out, throwing his head back in ecstasy as his cum filled your mouth.
When he finished, you jumped at the opportunity to clean his cock. “Shitttt! Just like that baby.”
He pulled your head back and laughed at your amused smile. “With skills like that, I’ll give you anything. What else do you want?” He carried you to the bathroom, filling the tub for a nice bath.
“Just you.” You sighed, leaning back on his chest.
“I can definitely do that and more.” Miguel promised to you and himself.
If you like what you read here’s my taglist and masterlist.
Tags: @starrynite7114​ @lilsmilez​ @blessedboo​ @marvelmaree​ @sambucky8​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @my-rosegold-soul​ @angrythingstarlight​ @richonne4life​ @brattyfics​ @lovebennycolon​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @woahitslucyylu​ @sadeyesgf​ @strawberrywritings​ @angelreyesgirl​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @spookys-girl​ @imanerdychubbyqueen​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @thickemadame​
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tsuraiwrites · 3 years
Fic: Running in the Night
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@kyogre-blue​ I went with my current favorite ship.
written for this prompt meme
Tony and Barnes aren’t exactly friends yet, but that won’t stop Tony from offering the man a little sanctuary.
“Take my bed for tonight,” Tony offers before he can stop himself, setting down his empty coffee mug on the workbench. It’s only when Barnes looks at him with raised eyebrows that he shrugs. “You said it yourself, Rogers has been hounding you about the nightmares not being Maximoff’s fault. It’ll be the last place he thinks to look.”
That’s not quite true – he’s sure there are numerous spots around the Compound that Barnes can use as a hidey hole to get away from Captain America for a few hours, at least until Rogers gets Romanoff involved. 
However, Tony’s bedroom is the most secure place in the Compound, besides the lab itself, and is one of the few places Rogers – and more importantly, Maximoff – doesn’t have access to in the facility. (And if Tony is bitter about the free pass the Rogues have been given due to the news of Thanos’ imminent arrival, he can put on a professional face and suck it up for the good of the world. No matter how it stings.)
“I appreciate it,” Barnes says cautiously, breaking Tony out of his thoughts, “but I don’t want to put you out.”
Tony, who’s been awake for forty-five hours and counting, scoffs and waves a hand. 
“Nothing to put out, snowflake. I’m in the middle of a project and not going to sleep any time soon.” He’d be a hypocrite if he mentions the deep lines under Barnes’ eyes, or the way his jaw ticks with a stifled yawn even as Tony watches. “You’re welcome to it,” Tony says, with as much sincerity as he can convey. 
The ex-assassin just looks at him for a long moment, Barnes’ gaze still sharp despite the exhaustion. 
“Alright,” Barnes finally concedes, shoulders slumping in what Tony really hopes is relief. 
“Okay, cool. FRIDAY can give you directions-” he starts, but Barnes is already turning away. He follows the man’s gaze toward the cot in the corner of the workshop that honestly sees more use than his bed upstairs – it reflects that, too, the sheets smeared in places with grease and oil. Tony cringes now at the thought of anyone lying on it.
“Barnes-” he protests, but Barnes is already there, barely kicking off his boots before he flops onto it, all his assassin grace seemingly vanished with the permission to finally sleep. 
Tony stays where he is, watching as Barnes’ breaths even out. It takes him nearly a minute to realize the staring is probably creepy and turn back to his project. 
Still, the image of Barnes laying with his back to Tony and to the door won’t leave his mind’s eye.
“FRIDAY, music on low volume, something mellow that won’t wake up our guest?” He scoffs as the opening bars of a Kenny Loggins lullaby croon through her speakers. “Maybe not that mellow.”
He picks up his coffee mug, tries to take a sip, and frowns at the dregs in the bottom. 
First, more coffee.
When James cracks his eyes open, it’s to a warm weight against his back and around his waist, and the knowledge that he’s just woken from the best sleep he’s had in decades. Too relaxed to react by reaching for a knife, he has enough time to process the scent of sweat and the lingering touch of an aftershave he knows too well. 
Tony Stark. 
Stark is tucked up against him, an arm thrown over James' waist, and it’s nice. He sighs, about to roll over, into the embrace, but freezes. James would remember if he’d gotten the man in bed with him, wouldn’t he? He hasn’t had any memory issues since Wakanda, but what if he’s forgotten something now? 
FRIDAY breaks through his stirring panic as he frantically tries to recall the events of last night, wondering if he has any gaps- 
“Sorry, Mr. Barnes,” she says, volume set too low for anyone not enhanced to hear. Her tone is genuinely apologetic, a little quick as if trying to get all the words out. “Boss crashed earlier than expected and forgot you were here. I’m unsure he even noticed you when he came to bed.” 
Came to bed. 
James swallows, his panic receding and pulse beginning to slow again. So, nothing is wrong with his memory, just the fact that he didn’t wake the hell up when Stark got into bed with him. On the other hand, he can’t sleep knowing Maximoff is within a hundred yards of him in any direction – he thinks this says more about Maximoff than it does him, but none of the Rogues tend to agree. 
“Mr. Barnes?” FRIDAY asks, a note of worry in her voice, and James figures she wants confirmation he’s not about to fling her creator across the room in a fit of pique. He lifts his metal hand – gently, so as not to jostle Stark – and makes a negligent flick, a non-verbal “don’t worry”. She must get the message, because she subsides, the few lights on far across the room dimming until the workshop is completely dark. 
James blinks, but Stark doesn’t so much as stir – FRIDAY seems to have no problem with leaving him trapped in Stark’s arms. She trusts him to be in such close proximity, where Stark could do nothing if James decides to just turn over, reach out, and hurt him in any of the thousand ways he’s been trained to. He shudders, dismissing the intrusive tail of that thought, letting the warmth of Stark at his back gradually relax him again. 
To hell with this, James can worry about consequences in the morning, when Stark inevitably pulls away. He can deal with it all when he’s less tired.
With a sigh, James drifts off with the hope that this time will be just as dreamless as the last. 
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Oh yeah? A random head canon? Well, this is more of an idea but still-
Okay, Hatter hiring Tatta to work at his hat shop because hat squad~✨Tatta is the hat son. :3
OOOOOH BUDDY OKAY this is getting a lil somethin-somethin
The Apprentice
Rating: PG (for Tatta for being a beautiful and wholesome boy)
Relationships: None (Hatter/Aguni implied because it’s basically always gotta be implied)
“So, uh,” Aguni asks, “how’s the new guy doing?”
It’s a beautiful Thursday afternoon. The birds are singing, the sun is shining…and, perhaps most importantly, Aguni and Takeru are splitting a bucket of fried chicken with a side of potato wedges, and two fresh-from-the-oven biscuits.
“Splendidly,” Takeru says, sinking his teeth into an extra-crispy chicken leg and smirking around the audible crunch sound that echoes against his teeth.
Aguni nods and twists the top of his biscuit off of the bottom.
“You’re not working him too hard, are you?”
“Mori,” Takeru says between lip-smacking bites, “I would never!”
Just then, a young be-hatted head pokes out from behind the back door. A handsome young fellow, with shaggy hair and a hopeful look in his eye—why, even Aguni, in all his gruff distrust of strangers, can’t help but find him charming.
“Mr. Danma, sir,” the energetic young man says, “the new shipment just came in! Shall I place it in the stock room, or would you like to look at it now?”
Takeru smiles, setting down his half-eaten drumstick and wiping his mouth on one of the flimsy paper napkins that came with their meal.
“The stock room, I think,” he replies, “we’ll go through it together after my meeting with Mr. Aguni.”
“Oh, so lunch with me counts as a ‘meeting’ now,” Aguni scoffs, “didn’t realize I got a promotion.”
“Yes, well…”
Takeru picks up a potato wedge and studies it for a moment. He frowns, then puts it back and selects a second, (apparently) more suitable option, which he dunks into a plastic container of ketchup.
“The newest associate at Hat Danma LLC has informed me that our lunch meetings may be tax deductible,” Takeru explains, gesturing with the ketchuped wedge in his hand, “If I count this as a business luncheon, I can write it off on taxes and get a refund.”
“Refund for what? I’m the one who bought the chicken,” Aguni argues, shoving his hand into the bucket for another deep-fried morsel, “I spend the money, and you reap the benefits?”
“Uh, yeah,” Takeru says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “that’s how it works.”
“Fine,” Aguni mumbles, “but you’re using your technically-fraudulent earning to take me somewhere nice.”
“Oh, yeah, okay,” Takeru shoots back, “I would love to know what, pray tell, is your idea of ‘somewhere nice’ that isn’t the Shibuya Denny’s.”
“The staff is polite and the prices are reasonable,” Aguni huffs, slathering a half-melted pat of butter onto his biscuit, “besides, every time we’re there, Akiko makes sure we have fresh coffee. How dare you imply that we don’t have a nice time at the Shibuya Denny’s…”
“Uh, I’m sorry to interrupt again—“
Aguni and Takeru table their squabble in favor of looking up at the young man who has, once again, stuck his head out from the back door.”
“Ah, Tatta, my dear,” Takeru says, “my favorite employee…”
“He’s your only employee,” Aguni grumbles, taking a sulky chomp out of his well-buttered biscuit.
Takeru smacks Aguni’s knee lightly in reprimand, but otherwise remains his usual perky self.
“I just wanted to let you know,” Tatta says carefully—almost nervously, but maybe that’s just his golden-retriever-like energy taking, “the Yamato’s have just ordered an additional two fedoras for the wedding. I know I should have asked you first, but…I paid an extra 1,000 yen for expedited shipping to Osaka, just to be sure the order gets there in time.”
“As you should have,” Takeru concludes, offering his new apprentice a nod of approval, “I’m pleased to know that you can handle an emergency situation with grace and tact.”
Tatta beams—a big, bright smile that stretches the corners of his lips to dig into the slight plump of his cheeks.
“Thank you, Mr. Danma, sir,” he responds, “I’m just glad I can be of help!”
“I have a way you can help me further,” Takeru says, that irresistible little lilt in his voice that has gotten more than one person into a heap of trouble, “if you’re willing, of course…”
“Of course,” Tatta replies, “I’ll do whatever you need!”
Aguni rolls his eyes. Of course Takeru likes him; the boy is all but begging for his approval. Nothing feeds the older man’s ego more than a young fellow looking up to him.
“My associate and I were just talking,” Takeru says smoothly, “and it seems we’re at a bit of an impasse. We’re looking for somewhere…hm, a bit more upscale for our next tete-à-tete.”
“Oh, well, I dunno,” Tatta says nervously, shoving his hands into his pockets, “I, uh, I don’t really go to too many fancy places.”
“Neither do we, son,” Aguni says with a sigh, “neither do we…”
“Oh, wait! I have an idea,” the vivacious young man says, “I mean, I don’t know if you’ll like it, but…”
“Aren’t you sweet,” Takeru coos, “See, Mori-chan, you don’t have to be so grumpy all the time. Why, you could benefit from—“
“Let the kid talk,” Aguni interjects. He wordlessly reaches into the bucket and pulls out another piece of chicken and holds it out for Tatta to take.
“Oh, uh,” Tatta says nervously, “are you sure?”
“Go on! The thigh is the best part,” Takeru insists, then chuckles to himself, “of the chicken and…of a lover.”
“Oh my God.”
“Breasts,” Tatta says quickly, “they’re, uh, they’re good too. On a chicken! I was talking about chicken…”
Takeru points at his bashful new protege, who’s now nibbling on the deep-fried breading and trying to hold back a blush.
“You, my young friend, are a man of culture,” Takeru turns to look at Aguni, “wherever he says to go, we’re going.”
Tatta full-on blushes at that.
“Well, uh,” he says, “The only place that really comes to mind is the bar from Lost in Translation…”
Aguni raises his brow in surprise.
“You mean the one with Bill Murray and Scarlet Johansson?”
“Yeah, that one,” Tatta says with a smile, “I just watched it last night and I thought the place looked really cool! It’s got that really great view of the city, and it’ll only be better when it’s dark and you can see all the lights!”
“Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant,” Takeru exclaims, “Mori, you’ll have to break out the suit.”
“The suit is a privilege,” Aguni responds, “I’m not convinced you’ve earned the right to see me in it…”
“So you’ll be wearing the black,” Takeru muses, his attention shifting back to the young man munching on his impromptu lunch, “and I, of course, will be wearing the red. But what about him?”
Tatta fumbles with his chicken.
“Wait,” he asks, “you mean I’m coming with—“
“Normally, I’d suggest the blue,” Takeru continues, “but I’m just not sure…”
“Put him in the olive,” Aguni suggests, “he looks to be about the right height for it.”
Takeru beams.
“Mori, I could kiss you,” he begins to say, but then his eyes slip sideways to see Tatta standing there, “but I won’t, because this is a business meeting and that is not something that professionals do at the office.”
“Well I’m busy eating, so…”
“Wait, uh, guys—“
Aguni and Takeru pause and look at the uncomfortable young man before them. Tatta shifts from one foot to the other, gaze fixed on his scuffed sneakers.
“I can’t go,” Tatta half-mumbles, “I’m sorry but…my shift doesn’t end until nine, and I need the paycheck, so…”
“You,” Takeru says, “are so goddamn precious.”
“Keep him on the clock,” Aguni tells Takeru, “count it as a business dinner. Hell, you could even pay him overtime to carry your drunk ass home.”
Takeru claps his hands together in glee.
“Oh, that is a genius move,” he says.
Takeru leans forward, resting his chin on his elbow and looking up at Tatta.
“What do you say, Cinderella,” Takeru asks him, “will you give up your chores for a few hours and let your fairy godfathers take you out for a truly legendary Boys’ Night out?”
“Hanging out with two middle-aged men at an overpriced bar is hardly a Cinderella moment,��� Aguni grumbles, “but, hey, if you wanna come along, we’d be happy to have you.”
“Wow! Thanks,” Tatta says, sounding honest-to-goodness excited about the prospect of going out with his boss and his boss’ friend, “I, uh, I guess I’ll get back to the shop! I’ve got a lot to do if we’re closing early!”
And with a quick bow and an exuberant bite of his chicken, he turns on his heel, heading back into the depths of the hat shop to organize ribbons and restock shelves.
“Just adorable,” Takeru clucks, “Like a puppy that can do basic math and knows not to chew on my shoes.”
“I like him,” Aguni says, wiping his hands on his jeans, “kinda weird that he’s so enamored with you, but that aside, I think he’s a fine young man.”
“Well, what can I say? I have an eye for talent,” Takeru sets his now-finished chicken leg on his plate, “So, you’ll pick us up at six?”
Aguni tries to grimace, but a reluctant smirk sneaks its way onto his lips.
“If I must…”
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4ragon · 3 years
sebastian debeste
Okay, I know I said Edgeworth is the most dynamic character in the series, and I stand by that claim, but Sebastian at least gives him a good run for his money. And he’s only in ONE GAME!
I love Sebastian so much. He really does start out as this joke character that you can’t help but care about by the end of it all. I do think that tragic backstories and the like really do work best on rival characters like this, characters that aren’t villains or evil, but who are staunchly opposed to you until quite suddenly they aren’t.
And then of course, there’s all the ways that Sebastian turns the usual AA Rival tropes on their head. He’s selfish, and cocky, and confident, and smug, just like every other rival character you’ve gotten, except that he has no real talent to back it up. (And I know Justine is more your rival than Sebatian but I think they tag team it.) He’s really sort of the butt of the joke, the Team Rocket of the AA universe but somehow less threatening.
At first he’s kind of set up as a foil to Justine. He’s not very sharp or clever, the lead prosecutor with no real competence to speak of, giving way to Justine’s counterattacks. Justine, in particular, I think is the most effective rival in any of these games. She’s smart, very good at poking holes in your arguments, and she has the power and status to pose a very real threat to Edgeworth. Meanwhile, Sebastian is hitting himself in the face and whining about how no one is paying attention to him. Getting to face off with Sebastian is like getting a break. It’s relaxing. Well, maybe not, he still is aggressive about it, but at least you know you’re not in boss territory yet.
And then we meet Blaise Debeste.
Whooooo boy, Blaise Debeste. Hate his design, but I do think he’s an incredibly effective villain. He’s more ruthless than Justine, clearly a selfish, self-serving, self-aggrandizing asshole. He’s thematically relevant, given all of the corruption in AAI2 in particular. But more importantly than that, he provides Sebastian with valuable Context.
Sebastian is, at the end of the day, a victim of emotional abuse. His father literally only ever refers to him as his idiot son, sometimes going out of his way to do so. And even if you’ve been calling Sebastian an idiot since the moment you met him, seeing it being spewed at him from his father is actually kind of upsetting, kind of heartbreaking. And watching the slow breakdown of trust, watching Sebastian’s life slowly unraveling at the edges, watching him learn that all the parts of himself that he valued, all the parts that his father told him to value, were just illusions, and he was never going to win his father’s love.
I think that’s the saddest part to me. His father cared so little about him that he refused to give him the tools to improve and then punished him for not improving. Like! That’s some toxic shit! Of course he’s never going to become a great thinker, you literally taught him never to think! Every single flaw you pick at is a flaw you let flourish! He’s a child and you hate him because he’s different than you!
Actually, here’s a fun thought: Sebastian Debeste is just a less competent Franziska von Karma. Like, at the end of the day, Blaise and Manfred both view their children in much the same way. They are not children, they are simply tools meant to reflect their parents. Like, if Franziska wasn’t good at what she did, do you think Manfred would even give her the time of day? Manfred von Karma’s love was entirely conditional on her ability to perform. Similarly, Blaise saw Sebastian as an extension of himself and not as a human being capable of any real emotion or depth. And the moment he realized that Sebastian was never going to be able to do that, Blaise decided it was easier to pay for some good grades than try to help in any way.
Sebastian is a character that has to learn to rebuild himself after something traumatic, after manipulation and abuse, and that is a really compelling story. And also, even when he was the joke villain of the game, he was still pretty fun. His music was bouncy, and it was usually a nice break to have to deal with him rather than fighting tooth and nail with Justine. And then when his music changes to something triumphant and you see him finally confront his father, well, that is some great development.
I will say, and I hadn’t thought about it until my friend Grace mentioned it when she was doing a fic ask the other day, but it is kind of hard to figure out how to write an older Sebastian. Because there is a fine line. I don’t want to erase the oodles of characterization from the games, but at the same time, with people like Edgeworth and Justine there to help him improve and come into his own, he has to be a much different person. I’m sure he’s less braggy, and I still like to imagine him as a little clumsy and bumbling, but at the same time, with Edgeworth personally invested in watching him grow, I have to imagine he’s at least able to stand on his own.
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Hell's Studio fic idea: A pipe bursts and Sammy becomes a toon Imp like Snowflake and Bendy, and Joey doesn't know how to reverse it ASAP, so Sammy is stuck as a toon Imp and Sammy decides to hangout with Snowflake until Joey can reverse the ink's magic (Bonus points if: Sammy gets a uncontrollable stutter as a toon Imp, Susie cooing her small boyfriend, and Sammy drawing with snowflake)
I am So sorry that this took so freaking long, but here you go!
Wally slapped his forehead in exasperation as he heard the pipe bursting from the music department's break room. Then proceeded to go in there, with Snowflake following close behind just in case he needed someone small to check in any holes in the wall that the pipe made in the process.
The sight was familiar, but unwelcome to the pair; a pile of thick ink sliding down onto the floor through the broken pipe peeking through the ceiling. Snowflake was only thankful that it had spilled to the floor instead of the pool table.
“I’m startin' ta think dat eitheah we should completely tear down da music department to put in a betteah pipe system, or just stop fixin' the dang things so dat they at least stop surprisin' us."
The Janitor grumbled as he started mopping up the mess.
"A-at least nobody got caught in it this time."
As soon as Snowflake said that, something under the pile began to move.
"Yikes, spoke too soon, kiddo."
Wally stated calmly as he started to scrape the excess ink off of what looked exactly like Bendy, except the imp's tie lacked the fun patterns Bendy often wore, and more importantly, he was missing his mouth. So the obvious conclusion the pair made was: The ink ruined his tie by dying it black and also stole his mouth.
"M-mr. Bendy?! are you okay?!"
The formerly buried imp looked at the other one with a perplexed expression before mouthing something, realized that he wasn't saying anything, patting his face where his mouth should've been, and looking like he was about to panic.
"Looks like the ink erased your pie hole, boss."
The imp rolled his eyes at stared at Wally in a very sarcastic manner before leaving the room, most likely to visit Joey about this issue.
"...Do you think he's not going to want to do that drawing lesson later?"
"What, Bendy? not want ta draw with ya overah somethin' like this? Nah. It's nothin' fun to wake up to, but I don't think it'll eat at him like it will if it happened ta Sammy."
Sammy hopped up and down while wildly gesturing to the blank white space on his face where his mouth was supposed to be while Joey flipped through heavily ink-stained spell books. Meanwhile, the real Bendy was still gawking at his doppelganger, still not quite sure whether he should feel flattered or offended that the ink pulled this on Sammy. But also not saying anything because he couldn't find any jokes to lighten the mood with.
It would be one thing if the ink also gave Sammy Bendy's trademark smile (that could make other expressions too). If it did that, Bendy would be making so many mirror and twin related jokes. But it didn't.
"It's going to be fine." Joey repeated almost more to himself than to the hopping mad imp. "Just because an ink flood took out some of my reversal spells, doesn't mean that you're going to be stuck like this forever. Best case scenario, it'll take a few hours for me to find the right one, worst case scenario I'm going to need to order a new book, and that might take a while."
"MMm MmhP?"
"I don't know how long! Some of these are the rarest on the market! Goodness knows how long it'll take to replace if it's ruined and has the correct cure in it..."
The music director let out a heavily muffled, frustrated sigh.
"Yes, I'm annoyed too." Joey sighed as well. "But at least it's not going to be forever."
'Easy for you to say.' Sammy thought to himself as trying and failing to talk was starting to hurt his jaw. 'You're not the one dealing with this! how am I supposed to do my job when I can't speak to anyone?!'
He must've been gesturing as he thought this as Joey snapped his fingers in realization and handed Sammy a notebook and a pencil.
"I know it won't help with the more vocal aspects of your job, but it's better than not having any way to communicate. And much easier than trying to learn sign language in less than a day and with only four digits on each hand."
He tried to write down 'Thanks Joey' but his hands refused to obey him. Confusingly, he instead drew a thumbs up.
"Why thank you! Glad to see that you're taking this better than expected Sammy. I'd better get to work on looking for that spell..."
As Joey left the room, Sammy frowned at the notebook, trying to figure out why he did that. Bendy also peeked at the drawing and felt something click.
"So..." the copied imp awkwardly tugged at his tie as he avoided making eye contact with Sammy. "Just outta curiosity sake, does Snowflake know about this? At least, the fact that it's well, you instead of me?"
Sammy gave Bendy a funny look but nodded anyway.
"Okay, follow up question: ...Is now a bad time to tell you that before you burst in here trying to tell us to fix this that Joey and I were arguing over whether I should go to this meeting with GENT or to give drawing lessons to Snowflake like I promised to, and literally right before you came in I said: 'Well dang it Joey if I could be in two places at once, I would!'?"
Sammy frowned as he saw the guilty yet pleading look in Bendy's eyes, calmly took the newspaper off of Joey's desk, rolled it up and smacked Bendy right upside the head.
"Hey! What gives?!" He sputtered as he rubbed the back of his head.
The Mute music director drew a series of pictures: Bendy putting something in the ink, the ink rising up and flashing him the 'ok' hand sign, Bendy giving it a thumbs up in return and leaving on his merry way, a shift in perspective revealing Sammy as a human having seen the interaction but shrugging it off, Sammy (still human) playing pool with Jack, Grant, and Johnny, the four of them having a good time, the ceiling above them creaking and rumbling ominously, making the four opt to leave, Sammy coming back into the pool room slightly later and keeping an eye on the ceiling, Sammy taking what he came back into the room for, the ceiling above him suddenly bursting and covering him with ink, and the last picture; a bunch of puzzle pieces being fit together, with the picture on the pieces being a lit light bulb.
After showing Bendy his work, he crossed his arms and tapped his foot on the ground.
"What?! You can't seriously blame me for- Okay, yes. I did kinda make a request... but I figured I'D be the one getting drenched! Not you!"
Sammy raised a single eyebrow as Bendy let out a frustrated sigh.
"Look, if I knew that this was what would happen, I wouldn't have done it! But now that it's happened ...would ya help me out with this?"
Sammy's next drawing was his current form with an intentionally bad scribble of Bendy's mouth on the space where he was supposed to have a mouth to indicate it was (poorly) drawn on, and he was trying and failing to do Bendy's job for him as he couldn't speak.
"Of course I'm not going to shirk my responsibilities to make you pretending to be me look like an idiot in front of those big wigs at GENT. I mean, goodness, if this thing flops, who knows what'll happen."
The Musician then showed Bendy a drawing that was so horrible and cold that he wouldn't even dare grace it with a description.
"WHAT KINDA DEMON DO YOU THINK I AM, LAWRENCE?!" Bendy quieted down and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I get it, Damned if I do the thing, damned if I don't do the other thing. I can't let down Snowflake, but if I'm not at that meeting, the studio's relationship with GENT could get bruised! This is why I tried this stunt in the first place!"
He sighed as Sammy just continued to tap his foot in annoyance. "Tell you what, help me and I'll give you anything you ask for! A raise, me not pranking you for a month, more paid vacation days, magic-repelling acetone, name it and it's yours!*"
*Within reason. I'm a demon not a miracle worker!
Sammy showed Bendy an intentionally shaky 'Ok' sign, the closest thing he could think of to a picture version of a hesitant and unwilling 'fine, I'll do it...'
"Oh Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Bendy practically crushed his doppelganger in a spine-breaking hug. "I really owe you this one Sammy!"
'I hope you realize how goddamned lucky you are that I like that kid.' Sammy thought to himself as he patted his double on the back. 'Otherwise I'd hang you out to dry for doing this...'
The music director had no interest in deceiving Snowflake; even if he wanted to follow Bendy's plan to the spirit of his deal, he knew too well that the studio and it's ink would always drag any secret up to the surface. So it would just be easier to come clean at the start before lies had the chance to spiral into something that could completely break the poor kid.
"Hi Mr. Bendy! Are you ready for our lesson?"
Sammy nodded, but gestured for his pupil to wait a second before he flipped through the pages of his sketchbook and showed him a series of pictures: some showing the origin of his new condition, and the others showing his deal with Bendy.
"Oh." The child imp seemed sad, and slightly disappointed, but also not surprised. "So Bendy couldn't make it today either..."
The older imp sympathetically patted Snowflake on the back and tried his best to draw out an explanation, but it's kind of hard to put 'He really did want to make it, in fact, he wanted to so much that he was willing to split himself in half for it! But as you can see, it kinda backfired...' into picture format, luckily he got the message across fairly well.
"I-it's okay, I understand. Thanks for filling in for him Mr. Lawrence!"
Snowflake pulled out his own notebook and pencils.
"Do you think you can show me how to do hands that well?"
Sammy eagerly nodded and flipped his book to a blank page.
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welcometomy20s · 3 years
July 2, 2021
HoloServer Quarterly Report
Usada Constructions - Buy
To understand the current position of UsaKen, we must look to its history. At first, UsaKen was a joke, a riff on Majima Constructions, a potemkin company only existing to serve the whims of the founder and CEO. Pekora’s project was sophisticated and massive, her pranks simply legendary. But out of the blue, Moona enters. The mutual awkwardness worked in their favor, in fact this will be a prevailing theme, what might seem like a highly dysfunctional group, actually turns the whole thing into strength.
The Rabbit and Moon theme didn’t hurt them either, and the idea of Usada Construction as an actual entity enters the public consciousness, especially as a point of comparison to the fledgling Akukin Constructions… although it could be said that Akukin was the remnant of Hololive Resistance in some sense. This led to the initial expansion with the hiring of Coco and Kiara… but again this was more of a joke, a fleeting thought before UsaKen was about to come on its own.
It was the Akukin Relay that really set the ball rolling. Not only did we have the fortuitous event of Kanata accepting a position in UsaKen before finding out she did get a callback from Akukin, it spurred Pekora into focusing on Minecraft, especially her gaming plans were dirtied by corporate pressure. Pekora started small, with her misbehaving cannon and putting out her petty anger onto Noel, but soon Pekora unveiled her grand plan, Pekoland, and immediately set out to organize the company as a whole.
By now, the company was fairly-sized. It added Botan and eventually Towa into the mix, although Botan is still technically an affiliate and Towa first came with revenge, before using the company as an opportunity to learn how to be evil. Now the company measured seven strong, although they were quite disparate, having members from all three branches and across three generations. This was quickly noticed and a discord server was made in response, which led to another group project immediately after Pekoland, which was already a pretty big project. Combined with Coco’s final innovation, the Summer Festival became an even bigger project in the end.
And it would be odd to think this would end soon. There’s an actual structure to things now, people can communicate and build on ideas and the whole thing seems pretty democratic, even with its autocratic start. And Summer Festival brought UsaKen into the center of Hololive narrative. UsaKen is now the de facto face of HoloServer, and perhaps even Hololive itself. People look at the former loner as the master organizer. Things only look up from here, which is worrisome, but there’s enough in UsaKen that I’m less worried than usual. UsaKen will always come out stronger in the end.
Akukin Constructions - Buy
Meanwhile, Akukin completely collapsed. It felt like Aqua would return from her Apex marathon, but it turns out prior and prep for the solo concert meant a month break is what she needed, therefore Akukin was without a leader for one more month.
Lamy and Nene managed with their own projects, but the rest kind of fell apart. But the Summer Festival changed all that. Just as Akukin Relay signalled Pekora a restructuring was needed, Summer Festival meant Akukin had to show up. So, the skit continued. During the Akukin Relay arc, the mysterious yet feisty boss with two second-in-command who actually runs the thing scheming and fretting was a hit, with a hint of blackness in its blasted scaffoldings. Now, the blackness is very much apparent. Aqua cannot let the failing company go, and has become vicious. Considering Marine's past, this works to their favor. Lamy and Nene would be their own thing. Roboco and Mel would pop in now and again. As for Iofi and Aki… well, I’m not sure.
Choco, which I deemed the liaison for Shiranui, which has a contractual relationship with Akukin, now liaisons for Oozora Group as well. Choco might be the next important person just because of that connection factor. Akukin might be a contracting company now, although Aqua would not be happy about where they stand now.
Oozora Group - Hold
I know that Oozora Constructions, now Oozora Group, is not a publicly traded company anymore, but I still suggest holding onto that now-worthless piece of paper. The problem with Oozora Constructions was that its story went nowhere. Korone’s house was interesting, but it rarely had an ending, since it required Korone to cooperate and that’s usually an awkward thing at best. Her other projects were half-baked, and most importantly Subaru never really had that recognition. She wanted to build a company but others laughed at the prospect. So Rushia lost faith and moved to UsaKen. Oozora was tanking before it started to fly. But Matsuri took grace and joined Oozora, at which point it became a group. It’s not like Matsuri and Luna, the other employee, haven’t been together, and Subaru was called Matsuri by Sora, so why not?
In the last report, I said Matsuri is more like a government employee than a free agent, and indeed it seems Oozora Group now acts like a governmental organization, with building a police station being the first undertaking after restructuring. This is actually not bad. Public utilities are dearly needed in HoloServer anyways, and Subaru acting as a public servant removes the desperation in her actions that would make interactions much more friendly and interesting. By falling, Subaru might have turned a corner.
Tangent - Using an extended analogy, when the age of giant reptiles was wiped out by a meteorite, there were small survivors, which we now know as birds. So, it looks like Coco’s legacy would also be held by birds, holotoris to be exact. To explain why, let’s look at the current functional part of Coco. Coco is the bridge that connects East to the West, not just in terms of language, but also in culture and mores. In that way, holotoris nicely distributes this responsibility. Subaru might be the best JP member after Haachama in terms of English comprehension, and she is quite cognizant of recent foreign perspectives as well… so she could be a good future ambassador. For Reine, her Indonesian teaching stream reminds me of Coco’s early streams. And Kiara’s Holotalk has been the counterweight to Coco’s meme review since it started… Not to mention, these three are the most extroverted of their respective branches.
Shiranui-Elite Conglomerate - Hold
SEC is an organization of my own creation, but it’s a useful one, because it fits the current situation well. To sum up, Elite Construction was starting to fall apart as Minecraft activities waned, one of the replacements was GTA V, and the three major players were Miko, Flare and Suisei. Their collab together was probably the highlight of the last quarter and gave us a bright spot during a time of troubles.
As Minecraft activities increased, due to PekoLand and HoloID mall and Mel and Roboco popping in and out, the connection before was starting to bore out in Minecraft. Shiranui was originally a contracting company, working with Akukin for example. Therefore it had a family business type, indeed the only other employee was an honorary one given to Flare’s wife, Noel. But a series of interactions with Polka and Choco led to this master and apprentice relationship, which was a major hit.
Flare, pardon the pun, was always the black sheep of the Hololive Fantasy. While the other four have something to stand out and something to back the flash (Pekora draws with her laughter and manic behavior which is backed up by her earnest shyness, Rushia draws from her yandere metal screams which backed up by her sincerity and fragility, Noel draws with her upper assets and ASMR which is backed up by her erogaki silliness and her charming singing, and Marine draws from her horny nature which is backed up by her wit and almost motherly wiseness), Flare never really landed a character. Indeed, Flare is a straight man through and through. Not quite a tsukkomi like Subaru or Kanata at times, since there is not that retorting arrogance the two can exhibit, as people call, Flare was your comfy older sister...
But the Western audience and this Polka relationship changed that. In the West, the fatherly figure has more of a distinct and prominent role, and Flare can emulate this pretty well. A dad is grounded and serious, but can be silly and childish at times. But the silly and childishness does not undercut his serious nature… and that goes well with Flare (perhaps even more so than Calli, who is on a goofier side of things). Therefore Flare could finally breathe and express herself. And the introduction of Miko and Suisei brings the crew into full focus. They are reminiscent of early UsaKen, except while UsaKen was disparate, SEC most closely resembles… well, a D&D party. With your typical silly arguments and trials leading to growth and so on.
Adding Marine or even Nene might disturb this. Flare is fine with the size and I am too. It’s not like there are any real pickings left anyway. Shiranui-Elite conglomeration have a long journey ahead of them, but a brighter future that goes along with it too.
Haachama Construction - Sell (but buy Watasheep)
It was inevitable. Haachama/Haato thing was not going to be settled soon. Haato barely finished the Coexist arc, getting the Anno disease in the process. It was pretty clear that the Haato/Haachama thing became overblown and unfitting to what Hololive was now.
But this leaves us with Watame, and Watame is in an interesting position. Watame is between a lot of companies now. With Shiranui-Elite, she is part of the four heavenly lords, and as Watasheep, she does the delivery of Menya Botan and KFP, both part of UsaKen, who inadvertently cornered the fast-food business. And she is part of the 4th Gen, who has come much closer due to the departure of Coco.
Watame has always made the safe choice, she revolutionized the server with her excellent Janken machine, but it was Kanata who became the seller. Watame might choose to leave herself out, since her Minecraft streams are kind of meant to be relaxing. The reason she deliberately chose to level her field, instead of building the sign outwards like the rest of the signs. So, perhaps nothing comes of this…
OkaKoro Constructions & Shirakami Forestry - Buy
This wave of HoloServer was so large that even the rarer visitors felt a need to visit. Flare has reached out to Okayu, who has pointed out the reason for her absence was the loss of her basement and Korone has followed interest in the server as well.
Fubuki returned to finish her massive sakura tree, of course she acts alone, but she has been increasingly open to hiring people, but it’s not sure if this will become reality. Perhaps if Akukin finally dissolves, there would be enough workforce…
Kureiji Constructions - Buy
Ollie had a roller coaster of three months… Like a burnt fuse, Ollie has had several physical problems… that didn’t stop her from doing math streams (there are precedents Yashiro and Gwelu being good examples) and returning recently with late contributions to the Summer Festival. Reine has been helping on the side as well…
Free Agents - Sell
There is not much of this category anymore. Anya is the One who does not play Minecraft, in fact her demeanor is quite different from anyone else. Ayame not only has been gone from Minecraft, she has been gone, period. She really just returned to streaming after about three weeks? Risu is the only one remotely available, but she has the gene of OkaKoro, which does not induce work ethics in Minecraft, no matter how skilled she is. (Her roller coaster MLG is still one of my favorite clips)
Overall, 2021 Q2 was the best of times and the worst of times. There was a lot of big progress and a lot of setbacks as well. It’s a deeply uncomfortable but adventurous position, as it always has been for HoloServer and HoloPro as a whole. Next quarter will be further accomplishments and further challenges, and the company and the personalities and the audience will bear it through it all, as they always have.
9 notes · View notes
greekgeek21 · 3 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - there is a fight scene included
I am not dead, just extremely busy. My summer lacrosse season just ended, so hopefully I get some inspiration to write some new chapters. In the meantime, I hope this will tide you over for some time.
Keep in mind, this was written weeks ago, so I am not in the mood to answer any weirdly specific questions about my artistic choices. In other words, if you don't like it, you don't have to read it! I know, it's a truly monumental realization.
For my kind & loyal readers, don't forget to comment, like, and follow!
- your author
DISCLAIMER: I don't own the Avengers or PJO!
Ω ♆ Ω
By the grace of the gods, the group managed to pass the sirens without an issue. It seemed like the mortals had finally accepted that it was in their best interest to listen to the Seven. So, as soon as Percy warned everyone to fill their ears with wax, they filled their ears with wax. Of course there were a few complaints, but that was expected. Nobody was perfect (no matter what Narcissus insists).
From there on out, the nerves were building. Percy had informed the team that their next stop would be Polyphemus' island, and everybody, mortal and demigod alike, knew what that place was. It was where the most infamous cyclops lived, but most importantly, it was where Annabeth was being held, if Percy's father was to be trusted.
Since it would still be another two hours or so, according to the sea expert, until they reached the island, the group decided to try resting. Some tried to nap, while others sharpened their weapons or hung out on the deck. It was futile, but they were trying to prepare themselves for a situation that they had never before encountered, not even Percy.
It was safe to say that everyone was scared shitless.
Ω ♆ Ω
Leo had decided to go downstairs and tinker with some stuff from his belt as a distraction from their impending doom. It was working too! He was in his own little world that only machines could enter. That is, until Tony Stark walked up to him.
"Whatcha doing, kid?" he asked, peering over Leo's shoulder to catch a glimpse at the boy's creation.
"I'm making a mini automaton to help us find Annabeth when we get to the island," was the answer.
Taking a closer look, Tony started to see it. It was a very small machine, but if you looked closely, it was clear that it was made of metal. The automaton was about the size of a quarter, and looked like a celestial bronze spider. Leo was currently adding the last two legs to it when Tony walked up.
When Leo looked up, he held up his creation with a proud smile. "This baby can be our spy. It's eyes are tiny cameras, and it's made almost completely of celestial bronze. We can send this in, and then know where Annabeth is before we storm the place."
Tony nodded, "Yeah... Pretty good idea, kid."
And ok, so Leo was freaking out a little bit on the inside because one of his idols had just complimented his work. But on the outside, he just smiled a little wider.
"You haven't even seen the best part. You've gotta see it after I turn it on. I added stealth-mode so nobody should even be able to know it's there," Leo said, grabbing the spider and flipping it over to press a button.
As soon as he had, the spider flipped itself over in his hand and started crawling up his arm. Tony was a little creeped out, but it was blocked by the fascination for this new kind of science the demigods had. The spider should have to be controlled by a human, but it was moving like it was almost...thinking on its own. There was no way it had an AI, but that was the only solution his mortal brain could come up with.
"Is it an AI?" he asked.
"Nope. It's a greek automaton. They don't need AIs. I programmed it to listen to a few simple commands when needed, but if we don't order it around, it'll just stick around me waiting for orders. Pretty cool, right?"
"Awesome," Tony whispered, in awe of how smart this seventeen year old kid was.
"Thanks. I think I finished it just in time because I heard Percy calling us back upstairs," Leo said. Before he had even finished he was walking towards the deck, not a care in the world for the metal spider crawling around on him.
"Oh, I'm definitely becoming friends with this kid," Tony muttered to himself before following Leo.
Ω ♆ Ω
"Did you get it done, Leo?" Percy asked as soon as he had seen him.
"Yep. Here it is." Leo held up the automaton-spider.
Percy smirked. "Oh, Annabeth's gonna love that."
Leo shrugged, acting clueless. "I have no idea what you're talking about. The spider was just the first thing I could come up with."
"Sure it was," Piper snorted.
Leo fake-gasped. "Beauty Queen! How could you ever think I would lie?! I would never!"
Clint whispered to Natasha, "The kids clearly have a strong bond that only comes from fighting for their lives with each other."
Frank turned to them, surprising the spies that he had heard them, "No shit, Sherlock."
Before anything else could be said, Percy reclaimed the entire group's attention. "If you look to the right, you can see Polyphemus' island. We're going to dock on the south side of the island because that is the only way to get on without climbing a cliff and facing carnivorous sheep. Hazel should be able to disguise the ship until we invade the base, so don't worry about being seen. Leo will send in his spider to check things out and then we'll follow after we know where Annabeth is. Everybody got that?"
At the noises of affirmation, Percy nodded. "Good. Suit up if you're not already."
Of course, Tony had to break the calm solemnity by saying, "Cap, I thought that was your line?"
Everybody collectively rolled their eyes.
Ω ♆ Ω
After they docked, Leo released his spider with specific orders to find Annabeth Chase while staying hidden. That was working until Polyphemus' stupid super-senses could smell the celestial bronze. Leo hadn't known that a blind cyclops would be able to smell metal, but you learn something new everyday, right?
The spider lasted all of five minutes in the cave before Polyphemus smelled it and crushed it under his giant smelly foot. Percy had thought that the cyclops would take longer to reform, but when had he ever been that lucky? Something that completely baffled him was how the mortals got him to not eat them. The dude had been pretty desperate for food the last time Percy had run into him, so how had the weird boss guy gotten him to hold off?
The only thing he could think of for them to feed him would be...nope! He's not going there right now.
The last thing the spider had transmitted to the group was a picture of a mortal holding a gun to Annabeth's head while she was gagged and chained. It made his blood boil.
"I'm going to kill them," He growled, starting to get off the boat and storm the place.
Jason stepped in front of him before he could, "Easy, Perce. You don't know what you're walking into. They want you to go in half-cocked, so we can't give them that. You know Annabeth can handle herself, so just take a breath and we'll figure out a plan."
Percy took a shaky breath, but it did nothing to cool his anger.
"Jace, if you don't step out of my way in the next two seconds, I will be forced to move you, and trust me, you don't want me to do that."
The son of Jupiter stood his ground, "I'm not moving. I know you Percy. Hurting me would go against your fatal flaw. I'm your best friend; your family. I know you would never intentionally hurt me."
Jason glanced over at the rest of the group, who hadn't dared to move if it upset Percy even more. The guy was a ticking time bomb, and they needed to defuse it before it went off and destroyed any chance of getting Annabeth back safely.
Percy almost looked in pain as he spoke his next words, "Jason, I love you. You're my cousin, but Annabeth is my everything. I will hurt you to get to her."
Jason sighed, expecting that answer. "Then at least let us come with you on your suicide mission. I'm not letting you die without me."
"Fine, but hurry up. I'm leaving now," and Percy shoved past Jason and started the trek up to Polyphemus' cave.
Jason turned to the others, who were all staring after Percy with shocked expressions. "Well you heard him! Move your asses!"
That seemed to startle them awake. Everyone but Bruce started moving.
Ω ♆ Ω
By the time the team had been able to catch up to Percy's fast pace, he had already reached the nearest entrance to the cave. It was a dark, narrow path that had walls of rock on either side reaching up for hundreds of feet.
"This is the part in the horror movies where I start screaming at the tv to not go in there and they still go in there," Piper whispered.
They were all just staring at the darkness, and it was getting awkward. For someone who was so hasty to get to Annabeth, Percy was sure taking a long time to get there.
"Are we gonna go in or..." Tony said.
Percy sighed. "Yeah. We're going in. Just don't separate from the group."
He led the way into the cave with Steve right behind him. Percy appreciated having someone else who could take some of the responsibility off his shoulders. Almost his entire time in the godly world, he had been expected to be the leader because of his father, and he had stepped up, but that doesn't mean it didn't weigh on him. Annabeth was the only one who had been able to help him with the stress, and without her, he was losing it. He had already been barely hanging onto his control over his powers, but now without her, what he was doing could barely be called control. It was more like holding back a rampaging bull with a string.
Ten minutes later, they found themselves hiding behind the wall that led to the room where the gang was waiting. Just as the spider had shown them, Annabeth was kneeling under the gang leader's feet while he held a gun to her head.
She looked murderous, so at least something was still normal in the world.
Steve poked his head around and gave a quick scan of the room before turning back to them, "Ok so we've got at least ten humans, with five monsters. One of the monsters is as tall as a building so I think he's the largest threat. Tony, Clint, Nat, and I will deal with the humans if you guys handle the monsters. The main priority is getting Annabeth to safety. Percy, that's your job."
Saying that last bit was just to clarify for everyone else, though they looked like they didn't need to hear it. Percy had a determined look on his face, one that said he wasn't going to allow anyone else to have his assignment.
"You got it, boss," Tony remarked. "Do you just want to storm in there?"
Before he could get an answer, Percy charged into the room, leaving his friends entirely unshocked, but the Avengers were looking a little mad.
"Don't worry, plans aren't really his thing. Even if we do make them, they never go our way. It's better to go with the flow when fighting with Percy," Hazel reassured, and then turned to follow her godly cousin. The rest of the Seven followed, leaving the Avengers to just stare at each other in confusion.
"I like their style," Tony said before flying into the room.
Natasha sighed. "I'm really starting to regret meeting these kids."
Clint smirked at her before leaving, closely followed by Steve and the Black Widow herself. For all three of them, everything about this mission was against their nature, but there wasn't much they could do about it. They were in unknown territory with a group of newly-allied teens and no backup. It was a shitshow before they had even left.
Ω ♆ Ω
Frank was fighting a dracaena, and it was making it super annoying. The thing would not stop talking about grocery stores. It was quite distracting when trying to kill it.
"Seriously! Can you believe how nobody can see how bad those chains are?!" it exclaimed.
Frank sighed, ready for it to be over. Whenever he would try to stab it, it would just slither away right at the last second, all the while continuing to complain.
He decided to use his shapeshifting abilities to catch the thing off-guard. In reality, he could probably deal with it in seconds, but when he really used his inner son of Mars, it drained him. He needed to save his strength if he was going to fight Polyphemus.
Speaking of, so far, the cyclops had stayed out of the fighting. He was just sitting on his throne made of rock, picking at his teeth with what Frank really hoped wasn't a human bone.
Frank changed into a squirrel for a second, climbing up onto the back of the dracaena with the animal's speed and before the monster could react, he changed back into a human and stabbed it through the back with his spear.
"Huh. I guess you can shut up," he remarked as the monster turned into dust.
After, Frank turned to help Hazel take down an empousa. She had already defeated four before that, so it was a pretty easy fight. He had been keeping an eye on her throughout his fight. Sure, he trusted she could take care of herself, but it was also his job to watch her back.
"Thanks," Hazel told him with a quick peck on the cheek after they finished.
Believe it or not, that kiss on the cheek was a major improvement. It had been a real adjustment for Hazel to learn how couples expressed affection nowadays, and it had taken even longer to start showing it herself. It helped that Frank preferred words over touch, too.
"No problem."
Ω ♆ Ω
"Get some, térata!" Leo screamed, running up to the manticore and sending giant, continuous blasts of fire at it.
He had heard of Dr. Thorn from Nico, Percy, and Annabeth before, and had somehow retained the knowledge that it was extremely durable on the outside. That meant that he had to think smart in order to beat it.
So far, Leo was distracting it and holding it off with his fire while he thought of a plan. However, he could only hold it off for so long. He would eventually tire out.
Come on, Leo, THINK!
Then it hit him.
It was so simple! He had been told the story of how the Nemean lion was defeated at Camp. Now usually, he would totally ignore any schooling he was given, but the stuff they were taught at Camp was much more interesting than algebra. So yeah, he remembered some stuff.
So, he decided that his best shot at beating Dr. Thorn was landing a large enough hit inside of him. That meant he had to figure out a way to get him to open his mouth. That wasn't really the hard part, though. The hard part was figuring out how to not die when he had to get closer to the monster.
"Estoy jodido..." he muttered before taking a step forward, never once stopping his assault on the beast.
The Manticore didn't seem to be moving back from the intensity, but rather reveling in the fact that he hadn't gained one burn from the fight. He was just waiting out Leo.
That was not a fun revelation for the son of Hephaestus to have.
And that was when the thorns started attacking him. He should've been expecting it, really. The guy had a tail of poisonous thorns and he hadn't used it yet? Something should've registered in his mind. But that was past-Leo's mistake. Present-Leo had to deal with the super tall, scary, poisonous, and royally pissed-off greek monster in front of him.
Dr. Thorn let out a war cry and swung his tail around, releasing a line of spikes at Leo, who managed to just barely duck out of the way. He was not keen on becoming swiss cheese!
"Ok. It's time to end this." Leo sighed in annoyance, jumping back up and charging.
He swung his battle hammer up and lit it on fire, deciding that he might as well stick with the common theme of stupid ideas. He managed to keep dodging attacks all the way up until he was within ten feet of the manticore. Then, he threw his weapon at the monster, praying to Apollo for good aim. He had fixed the sun chariot plenty of times, so the god had to owe him at least one favor.
Once again, Leo's stupid demigod luck kicked in and the hammer somehow embedded itself in the monster's mouth, which had been opened in a prideful roar. Honestly, the son of Hephaestus didn't know HOW he did it, just that it worked.
With the distraction of having a flaming hammer in his mouth, Dr. Thorn didn't see Leo running up with his arms raised and prepared to fire. By the time he did, it was too late because long blasts of fire were flying straight towards his open mouth.
The monster was able to mutter a silent curse before he disintegrated into dust, once again sent to Tartarus.
"Take that, bitch."
Ω ♆ Ω
Piper was absolutely sure the Fates were laughing at her. They had to be. There was no way that she just happened to be stuck with the two empousa. It didn't help that Jason was struggling to not drool over the girls. She just had to keep chanting in her head that the monsters were using their charm powers on him, and he was not actually attracted to the disgusting things.
After the two monsters tried to both swipe at her at the same time, she growled and shouted, "Jason! Get your head in the game and come help me!"
He had been blinking and shaking his head for the past two minutes and it was getting quite frustrating to have these donkey-cyborg-vampires ganging up on her with no back-up. Once this was over, she was going to make Jason work to get back in her good graces.
With just a little bit of her charmspeak added into her order, Jason was finally able to break free from the empousai's spell. He quickly willed his gladius to be a javelin and launched it through one of the monsters, which made it explode into a shower of golden dust. A traitorous part of Piper's brain insisted on calling that move hot, but she was able to school her expression back into a scowl before her boyfriend could notice.
The other empousa let out a shriek and said, "You MONSTERS! That was my sister! I'll make you pay for that!"
They only had a second to appreciate the irony before she launched herself at them with even more fervor than before, fueled by the rage of losing her "sister."
Jason couldn't help but notice how she was wearing a cheerleading costume. It was very ripped and destroyed, but it was clearly a cheerleading uniform. And as he was deflecting her claws, the ADHD part of his brain realized that the logo on the uniform was for Goode High School, Percy's old school. He almost wanted to laugh when he remembered the story of Kelli, an empousa acting as a cheerleader during Percy's freshman orientation. Percy had always said the monster had a nasty habit of coming back quickly, but Jason had just thought it was an exaggeration. But no, he and Piper were really fighting Kelli, one of Percy's recurring monsters.
It would be hilarious later, truly. But for now, he had to actually kill the thing.
Kelli had backed off when she realized that attacking out of rage wasn't going to work against two experienced demigods, and that also gave Jason and Piper a chance to make a plan themselves.
"Got any ideas?" he asked Piper.
She grinned with a terrifying amount of murderous glee. "I thought you'd never ask."
And then she told him her plan, which was essentially just using him as bait while she got to do all the killing. The prideful Roman part of him wanted to insist on him killing it, but he managed to reign that in when he saw the look on Piper's face. She was not asking, she was telling. Who was he to say no, especially after he hadn't been able to fully resist the empousai's charm?
A scary thought told him he was turning into Percy. He brushed that off for later nightmares.
"Come get me, bloodsucker!" He shouted, raising his arms up in a taunting manner. If he was acting like Percy, might as well go all the way right?
With yet another shriek, Kelli stormed at Jason, completely disregarding the daughter of Aphrodite that was stepping back and preparing to literally stab the monster in the back with her dagger.
Sometimes Jason wonders how a creature could be so stupid. Their plan was so obvious!
It went off without a hitch, technically. Piper let the empousa get a little too close for comfort before she killed it, but he trusted her to get the job done and she came through. Kelli had been prepped and ready to bite into his neck right before she exploded into dust.
It was one Hades of a trust exercise, that's for sure.
"Please don't let it get that close next time, Pipes," he breathed out while he put away Juno's Gladius.
Piper gave him a quick peck on the lips, "Not a chance, Superman."
Ω ♆ Ω
Considering the circumstances, the Avengers weren't doing half-bad. They were actually fairing pretty well. They knew how to deal with humans, so their job wasn't that hard. The only difficulty was that there were four of them and ten of the bad guys. They were sorely outnumbered.
Currently, Steve was fighting two at once, with a third opponent already knocked out a few feet away. He was blocking one with his shield while punching the other in the face. He then switched roles, instead kicking the first attacker and driving his shield into the gut of the second. The one he gutted gasped and fell to the ground, and was knocked unconscious was a simple hit to the temple. While he was distracted with taking down his partner, the still-conscious bad guy recovered from the kick and was able to land a hit to the back of Steve's head. Clearly, the fighter had been prepared to have achieved some form of disorientation from the Captain, but all he got was a pissed-off Avenger.
"That tickled."
It took less than five seconds for Steve to take him down after that.
Natasha also started with three adversaries. Key word being 'started.' It had taken barely any time to take down the first two. And all she had to do for the third was a scissor kick and hold until he passed out. She had just finished doing that when a call from Clint got her attention.
"Nat!" he shouted.
She turned on instinct and threw a throwing knife at the person running up behind her straight into their chest. They stopped with shocked features before falling to the ground in a heap, dead weight pushing the knife even further in and no doubt killing them faster.
"Getting rusty, Clint?" she teased, throwing a look over at her friend.
"No," he defended. "I'm just making sure you're not getting rusty!"
The archer hadn't realised one of his two attackers had sneaked off to go after the "bigger threat." He would never let Nat know he thought she was the bigger threat, though. That would be fueling an ego he knew was somewhere deep down in her.
Tony had been given two people to fight as well, and he was doing pretty well. He had the obvious advantage of being in the air, so all the gang members he was fighting could do was try to shoot at him with their guns, and his armor was designed to withstand a nuclear bomb. Bullets weren't gonna do much damage.
"Guys, seriously, we should just talk this out. We both KNOW I'm going to be knocking you both out in five seconds, so why don't you surrender instead? It'll be so much easier for the both of us!" he said, raising his hands and readying his repulsors.
As expected, the bad guys didn't show any sign of slowing down their useless attack on him. With a roll of his eyes and an obnoxious sigh, Iron Man shot them both in the chest, knocking them out cold.
"That felt too easy. Did that feel too easy to you?" He asked the other Avengers as they gathered back together.
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Tony," Natasha said, "That fight was too good to be true."
Now that the truth had been revealed to them, the Avengers could blame what happened next on the Fates.
Ω ♆ Ω
There it is! I hope you liked it
other chapters :)
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