#and my boss keeps finding new clients like. my dude. please
lizzybennets · 1 year
literally started working today at 9am and finished now (1am) with only a 2 hour break so i could have dinner and go to therapy (to cry over work with my therapist). a healthy lifestyle.
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🚨Mature Content ahead, minors DNI, plz stop reading and move along!🚨
Jey Uso x Mixed female (alternating 1st person pov)
Here we go! I’m so nervous lol - but I am working hard towards my goal of completing several novels I have started. One is about a pirate queen saving her granddaughter, another about a grim reaper who enlists the help of a psychic to find a dangerous spirit that escaped.
Reading fanfiction has always been fun for me, I love reading, writing the wwe so this has been a really fun exercise to get some practice and take a break from the harder/darker plots lines I am writing. This fic here is absolutely a fluffy, smutty and unedited piece that I wrote for fun but I welcome any and all feedback yall have. I figure why not combine something fun with growth?
***A note: this is strictly a fun work of fiction and exercise to help me grow as a writer! I feel very strongly about leaving people to their privacy so and this is very AU/fiction heavy based on a television character, not the actual person. I know he has kids and even has one of them with him sometimes but it just makes me uncomfortable to include anyone actually under the age of 18 and not a character in their own right in the fic. For this reason I just made up a name and age for the kiddo. Thanks for understanding! (Oh, also, I assume most of yall reading this know what Jey looks like so I don’t need to spend a lot of time describing him)
Summary: It’s April (timeline is not perfect forgive me) of 2020 and eighteen year old Aurora “Rori” Begay is the new nanny for Jey Uso. Feelings ‘inappropriate’ for their relationship as employer and client begin to bloom in both of them but they keep it to themselves. When her mom’s abusive boyfriend attacks her one night, Jey comes to her rescue and everything changes.
Idk where this is headed but all I can tell you is there will be smut and an HEA. Mentions of physical abuse and attempted SA but not discussed in great detail. Please take care of yourself, I will include a little warning before something that might be triggering if you wanna skip it.
This is part 1 (first 2 chapters)
Word count: 2.4k
Chapter 1:
Aurora POV
“My Rori’s here!” Jason lunged from his father’s arms into mine as soon as I made it through the door of the unassuming but well kept blue house.
“Hey little dude!” I gladly received the three year old, doing my best to avoid touching Josh too much in doing so. Every time we so much as brushed hands it caused a rolling wave of butterflies and warmth. Not unpleasant but also not an appropriate thing to feel for someone who was technically my boss. And the last thing I needed in my life right now was to lose my job, especially over a stupid crush.
Due to the pandemic ramping up Josh was home from his job that normally demanded a lot of travel. Even though he wasn’t traveling he still had commitments and a job that required several hours of training daily in the gym on top of meetings and zoom calls. He’d explained the plan his company had until they could safely begin touring again, a plan that would see them staying here in Florida for several months to a year.
Long enough for me to save up enough to get out of my own place, even if my mother was demanding a high rent. I was glad I’d fibbed about just how much Josh was paying me weekly or she would have demanded even more.
“Swim! Swim! Wanna go swimming!” I juggled the excited toddler in my arms trying not to drop my day bag.
Coming to the rescue Josh grabbed the green backpack and smiled at me in a way that turned my insides to mush. “We gotta eat first little man.”
“Are you free today?” I hoped I didn’t sound as excited as I felt. At first I’d found it odd he still wanted me there even when he wasn’t going to be busy for the day but quickly started to look forward to spending time with both of them.
“Yeah, my meetings were cancelled. I was thinking I’d join y’all for swimming lessons and whatever else you got planned. If that’s cool with you.”
As if I was going to say no.
I looked at Jason with a grin. “Whaddya think? Want Daddy to hang out with us today?”
“Hang out with daddy AND Rori! Swim!”
“What about you?” It was hard not to read too much into his expression or the way his voice seemed to drop a little. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Oh, of course. He’s trying to be considerate of my feelings as a person and I’m drooling at the way his voice changes when he is speaking to another adult. I swallowed my embarrassment and put on a big grin. “Not at all, it’ll be great to hangout! Now how about some breakfast?”
There wasn’t much Jason loved more than swimming but one thing was for certain.
It did things to me when she called me “Daddy”, even if it was in this context.
Maybe I could get Joe or Braun to hit me in the head next time we’re wrestling.
Really, really hard.
Well, maybe not Braun, I didn’t want to die after all.
I needed some sense knocked back into me around this girl though. I can’t keep my eyes off her and thought about her way too often. She’s only eighteen and I should not be feeling this way about my sons *nanny.* Watching her as she moved around the kitchen, letting little man help her with making breakfast it brought an excited sense of peace.
My eyes dutifully followed the sway of her curvy bottom as she sidestepped small feet with a laugh. I wanted to wind my hands into that waist length brunette hair while I devoured her pouty lips.
Wanted to see her pretty green eyes tear up with those lips wrapped around my dick.
I wanted a lot of things from Miss Aurora Begay.
Isolating was hard, I hadn’t had a chance to go out or hookup with a chick since New Year’s Eve. Maybe that was my problem. She was close, pretty and had a great laugh.
But the truth was I hadn’t wanted someone so bad in a long time. Jason’s mom had burned me pretty hard when she decided she didn’t want to be invested in his life, or mine.
You travel too much she’d said. Come to find out “you travel too much” really meant I’d rather be fucking other dudes in another country.
More power to her. We’d started out casual but when she fell pregnant I’d stepped up and even offered to marry her and let myself get invested. Not the best way to start but I was willing to give it a shot for him.
“How many?”
Rori pulled me out of my thoughts with a light tough to my shoulder and a giggle. She smiled down at me. “I asked you how many pancakes would you like? I’m using the protein mix.”
Of course she’d ferreted out the healthiest pancakes for someone with my training regime. She was always doing thoughtful shit like that and I loved it. Loved that she would modify things for me, make me a plate or keep one warm for me in the oven when something ran longer than planned.
It was hard not to let all that spill.
She raised her eyebrows. “Josh?”
*I’m so fucked.*
“Uh, make it four.”
Thirty minutes later and I’m waiting for them the come downstairs. Jason appeared at the top of the steps first in his matching swimming trunks and shirt all decked out with tiger sharks. His favorite animal at the moment. He proudly held up his shark goggles. “Look daddy, I’m a shark!”
In a weird way I was grateful for the lockdown. I’d never been able to spend so much time with him and it made me happier than I’d ever been. “I see little man! Where’s Rori?”
“Coming, sorry!”
Chapter 2 -
Aurora POV
Josh stood at the bottom of the steps in nothing but black swimming trunks. My mouth went dry and heart pounded as I tried not to stare at him while Jason and I made our way downstairs hand in hand. It was tough though, his dark bronze skin and spiraling tattoos were mesmerizing.
He’d given me a cursory glance before looking away and even though I’m not terribly vain, it stung my pride a little. I should be ashamed that I picked the cheap and simple but pretty blue mesh halter and boy short set because I thought be would like it. As if he’d ever look at me the same way I do him.
Tucking the sadness away I padded out to the pool with Jason who was already fighting with his arm floats before he’d made it to the water. “Here let me help-“
The words were cut off by splash of water, my own shriek of surprise and Jason’s shriek of laughter. Josh had blown by us to canon ball into the water before surfacing with a challenging smirk.
It would be hard to ignore the heat pooling between my legs.
Well, until little man threw his arms up and demanded to be thrown in for a big splash that is. Happy to oblige and to cool off I scooped him up and we jumped in. What I’d planned as a swimming lesson turned into lots of laughing and splashing with Jason getting brave enough to paddle back and forth between us a few times.
After a while he was tired and become more preoccupied with making his pool toy shark eat his other action figures. Josh drifted over to where I stood in the shallow water while Jason played nearby on the step. “Hey.”
“What happened here?” Gently he brought his fingers to a healing bruise on my arm. Anxiety twisted my stomach painfully. I had to come up with something, my mother had trained me to lie about this sort of thing.
“Oh, uh, I just, I just dropped something when I was reaching for a can on a shelf at home. Clumsy, just brought my arm up so it wouldn’t like hit me on the face or anything. Nothing, no worries.” I realized I was rambling when his brow furrowed and he narrowed his eyes.
Fuck. He didn’t need to know mom’s latest boyfriend was a real dick, even for her.
“A can huh?”
The truth was I hadn’t moved fast enough to get out of his way a couple days ago and so he grabbed me by the arm, hard enough to leave those prints, shook me and slung me across the room. Not the first time one of the men she’d brought home had done something similar but no one had ever really paid attention and my mom had threatened me with much worse if I ever told.
“Yeah, just a stupid accident.” I tried to smile reassuringly but could tell it wasn’t working. Josh opened his mouth but fortunately for me, little man chose then to pounce, throwing himself at us with abandon only a happy toddler could achieve.
“Make splashes Rori!”
“You sure did! How about we get dried off and go watch a movie?” I was grateful for the distraction. Hopefully he would let it go.
Late that night I laid in bed scrolling through photos from the last few weeks, looking for clues and wracking my brain for an explanation. Aurora had never lied to me before and I should have her drug tested if she thought I bought that story about the can. I know what a bruise from someone gripping you too tightly looks like. Why was she being so evasive about it?
*Does she have a boyfriend? Some little shit who thinks he’s tough?*
An intense anger erupted in my chest at the thought of anyone putting their hands on her. In any way. Thinking about her kissing someone else, *fucking* someone else, made me physically sick.
I resolved to get the the bottom of it. Why weren’t her parents doing anything about it? Did they notice?
Wait. Does she live with them?
It dawned on me that I know next to nothing about her or her living situation. Most of our conversations revolve around Jason or the chores or how my day had been or what I wanted for dinner. I knew she was a college student and we’d chatted about a few times about things like music or movies or my job but never had she mentioned her family or friends or relationships at all, except one girl named Jamie. And all I knew about her was that they’d seen a movie together recently.
I’d snapped a few pictures today. Only one of just her but that was the one I settled on looking at. She stood mid thigh in the pool, her golden skin wet and the red of her messy bun stood out in the sunlight. The swimsuit wasn’t too revealing but I’d almost embarrassed myself. Seeing her coming down the steps it that simple but sexy outfit had me at half mast in no time, I’d had no choice but to hustle my ass into the cold pool or risk her noticing.
Looking at the picture now I had the same problem, my cock twitching to life at the thought of tasting her everywhere. Closing my eyes I dropped my phone and let myself pull my boxers down. Picturing her sweet smile I imagined she was there with me, straddling my waist, her walls clenched tightly around me.
Slowly I started stroking myself, imaginary Aurora’s movements were careful and shy and gentle, just like everything else about her. Her small hands braced against my chest, fingers digging in as her cheeks flushed with pleasure and she panted in need.
*”Daddy, please!”*
Increasing my pace I imagined taking control, clutching her hips and bracing myself with my ankles as I thrust up at a much more aggressive pace. My knees drew up and I clutched the sheet with my free hand as her cries filled my ears.
*”Harder Daddy, yes yes! I’m gonna cum!”*
I didn’t fight the groan that rose in my throat as I sped up even more. It was my fantasy and we would finish together.
“Fuck Rori, baby…” I bit my lip when I came, spilling hot ropes of cum onto my stomach as my hips bucked and twitched. For a few seconds I just lay there breathing hard.
I’d lost count of how many times I’d gotten off this exact same way now. I knew I should stop but it was becoming something of an obsession. It wouldn’t be the first time in my life I’d developed a fixation, just not quite so focused in on a particular female before.
I hoped it would pass when the lockdowns lifted and I could get some of this pent up want out but deep inside I knew that wouldn’t be the case.
No, something about those big hazel eyes and loving personality had dug itself deep inside me. I swiped at the mess I’d made with my shirt before throwing it in the hamper in the corner of the room. A twisted part of me hoped she’d notice when she did laundry and wonder if I was thinking about her but the realistic part of me would kick in and handle the mess in the morning.
Settling in to the covers I hoped she was comfortable and safe, wherever she was.
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Take a Chance on Me Chapter 4: Lay All Your Love on Me
We get a look into Mox's encounter with the first of the possible fathers: Mr. William Regal. And my first time writing daddy kink what who said that
Two little disclaimers at the top of this chapter: 1) Mox is telling the story to his kid, yes, but it's written as flashbacks from Mox's perspective. If I only wrote what he specifically said, that wouldn't have been nearly as fun, would it? :) 2) Mox experiences mild gender dysphoria at the start of the chapter. Skip to the line that begins with "Seth grins" to skip that section.
And, again, heed the tags on AO3 my dears. I hope you enjoy!
Mox adjusts his binder, trying to get his stupid chest as flat as possible. It works, he supposes. He stares at himself in the mirror. To him, all he can see is what he wishes was gone. And then he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and looks again. It’s better. It’s so much better.
“Hey, man,” says Seth, coming up behind him. “It looks good. You need help with the back?”
Mox nods, frowning. “I think something’s stuck.”
Seth checks and, lo and behold, part of the band was flipped underneath, and he fixes it. “There you go,” Seth says, clapping him on the back. “You feel good? You look good.”
Mox takes a deep breath. “I feel great,” Mox says, looking at himself in the mirror. “Once I own this place, I’m chopping these titties off.”
Seth grins. “Own the place?”
“Or one like it,” Mox says, pulling his shirt on. It falls smoothly for the first time in his life. Something about the moment feels like peace. “You and me, dude. Running the gym circuit.”
“We’ll have to make money first,” Seth says. “As nice as fifteen bucks an hour is, that’s not going to go far with me and Roman trying to find a new place.”
Mox and Seth work their asses off. For the next few months, Mox learns how to safely bind and work out at the same time, which clients he meshes with and which he wants to throw through the windows. He gives those clients to Paige, who is much better at being bitchy in a nice way.
His, boss, though. He never lets up. For Seth, Paige, and the other trainers, Regal gives a couple of compliments, enough to balance out the critiques. When it comes to clients, he pushes them gently, checks in with them through the day to ensure the trainers, classes, and equipment are of exemplary quality, but he doesn’t leave Mox alone. He insists on perfection from Mox. That’s fine, Mox decides, he’ll give him perfection. His clients love him. He finishes all paperwork well before deadlines. He speaks to sponsors and gets them to donate more than strictly necessary to the gym
Mox goes above and beyond for William Regal and the gym. But, no matter what he does, it’s not good enough.
“Mr. Moxley,” Regal says, “your form is mediocre. Should you wish to work in my gym, I insist you improve to ensure you don’t poorly educate our clients.”
“Mr. Moxley,” Regal says, “I do not endeavor to house street rats in my establishment. This is a place of business, not a hovel in a back alley. Do get a haircut within the week.”
“Mr. Moxley,” Regal says, “please refrain from making love to clients in the showers. While I appreciate your attempts to keep the ring unsullied, it is a bit uncouth, wouldn’t you say?”
It’s the last one, on an already bad morning, that gets him. Natalya had asked him. It’d been her idea, something to blow off steam after a fucking terrible first class of bitchy clients. And, somehow, Mox was getting all the blame.
The rage stews in him through the morning until it’s the break for lunch. Regal is alone, checking inventory in the locker room when Mox goes in, and, well. Mox can’t resist.
“So,” Mox says, before he can stop himself, “what’s your problem with me nailing people in the locker rooms? Trust me, I clean everything.”
Regal’s face pinches, just a bit. Enough to let Mox know he’s getting under his skin. “It’s not appropriate for employees to engage in amorous activities with other employees.” There’s something tiny in the way Regal’s eyes flicker, the way they can’t seem to meet Mox’s.
Mox raises an eyebrow. Now they’re getting somewhere. “Oh, are you jealous?” Mox asks. He gets into Regal’s space, hands in his pockets. “You want some of this? Jealous I’m not getting on you?”
Regal’s careful lack of expression doesn’t fail, but Mox doesn’t miss the way his eyes flick down, briefly, to Mox’s lips. He can work with that. “I’d rather say I’d be getting on you, darling.”
Mox doesn’t think before he reacts, getting into Regal’s space just a little bit more, so they could be kissing if Regal makes the move. “Yeah? Prove it, bitch.”
There’s a hand around his throat before he can move, shoving him up against the lockers. It’s exactly where Regal had caught Mox and Natalya earlier that morning. Mox can’t help but smile. “You have an attitude on you, Mr. Moxley. One would expect an employee to know his place.”
Mox laughs, licking his lips. “One would expect the owner of a gym to have less of a stick up his ass, but here we fuckin’ are.”
Regal presses harder, crowding even farther into Mox’s space. “Such a mouth on you.” He rubs his thumb across Mox’s lips.
“Yeah?” And Mox knows where this is going. He knows. “Why don’t you shut me up, then?”
With a groan that sounds less turned on and more infuriated, Regal crushes his mouth against Mox’s, hand dropping from his throat and going for the back of his thigh. He hitches Mox’s thigh up around his waist, and Mox slips down the side of the lockers, just a little bit, until Regal presses between his legs, slamming him into the wall.
Sensations flood through him. Regal had interrupted his moment with Natalya before he’d gotten his, so he’d been worked up all day and gotten no release. He grinds against Regal’s thigh.
“Uh, you should probably know,” he says, arching into the way the guy grabs at his sides, “I’m trans.”
“I’m aware of that, Mr. Moxley,” Regal says.
Mox blinks. “Oh. Right.”
“Does that change anything?” Regal asks in his controlled British accent. He backs away, just in a little, and it makes Mox want to haul him back in. “Change your interest in this,” he pushes his thigh up, and Mox almost collapses on the spot, “encounter?”
Mox gets a little hot, a little shivery. “Some people…”
“I am not,” Regal says, biting at Mox’s jawline, “some people.”
Mox’s world is whirling as Regal shoves him up onto the bathroom counter. “I want to ensure I have your permission?”
“Permission to what?” Mox asks, because it’s unfair of this guy to rail him without being a little annoying about it.
Regal’s laugh is low. “Take you,” he says into Mox’s ear, serious and stern, “on this counter, however you want, until you scream.”
“Yeah, all the permission,” Mox says, hands scrabbling for Regal’s belt.
Regal grins, and there’s a hint of something mean behind it, something Mox is almost aching to taste. “Wonderful. You will tell me if you object to any of my,” he pauses, a little grin on his lips, “ministrations, will you not?”
“I will,” Mox says, trying to keep himself from squirming against Regal. He’s desperate for some little kind of friction. “I will, just. Get your dick in me. C’mon.”
“Hmm,” Regal says, biting at Mox’s throat, “maybe I want to hear your ask nicely?”
“Please,” Mox says, like he’s got no qualms about being desperate, “please, fuck me.”
“So polite,” Regal says. “I knew you would behave with a little motivation.”
Regal fucks him, hard, on the counter of the gym bathroom, one rhythm, steady pounding, not an ounce of hesitation. Mox holds onto his shoulder, reaching down between them to slide his fingers against his clit. He’s baffled, when he’s able to think, about how easily Regal props him up, holds him where he wants him, how devastatingly he drives into him.
“Close,” Mox whimpers, fingers stroking at hit clit with single minded focus, “c’mon, fuck me harder,” and he pauses, because he’s always down to try something, “Daddy.”
Regal’s gaze burns him. “Louder, pet, so Daddy can hear you.”
“Please,” Mox moans, “Daddy, harder.”
Regal laughs, not unkind, exactly, “Knew you could be a sweet thing.” He picks up the pace. “Go ahead, little prince, come for me.”
Mox hate that he does, hates that he comes on command for this demanding asshole of a boss, but it hits like him like an 18 wheeler. His words come out as something close to the word Daddy, not quite, but close enough he’s annoyed about it. “Want you to come in me,” he gasp. It’s a stupid idea, he knows. But he needs it. “Come on, Daddy.”
Regal lets out this strange little sound, something desperate and unhinged Mox knows Regal would never admit to outside of this moment. He feels Regal get a little frantic, and then it’s his cock pulsing inside of Mox.
“This was fucking stupid,” Mox says, still pinned up against the wall. He’s hot and sweaty and his head is in the fucking stratosphere, but he’s still annoyed. “I shouldn’t have let you come in me.”
“Petulant arse,” Regal says, but he punctuates it with a kiss to Mox’s cheek, something so charming it makes Mox want to strangle him. “I trust you would have told me if that was no longer on the table, however.” He steps back, giving Mox the space to slide off the table and pull his gym shorts and boxers back up his hips, well aware he’ll need to change within the next twenty minutes.
“I would’a,” Mox says. He runs his hand through his hair, trying to get it back to the casual messiness instead of the sex-mussed chaos. “Was fun.” He looks up at Regal again, feeling strangely hesitant to meet his eyes. “I, uh. I got a client at the top of the hour. First timer, so I gotta look my best. According to my boss, I mean.” He grins, trying to look cocky. “I don’t give a shit.”
“I’m sure you don’t,” Regal says. Before Mox leaves, though, he reaches up and rubs a thumb against Mox’s jaw. “Be well, Jon.” It’s almost a caress. There’s almost something sweet behind Regal’s eyes.
It’s the first time he’s called Mox by his first name.
It’s also, as Mox discovers the next day, the last time.
Regal’s gone at the end of the day, leaving Mox and Paige to close up, but Mox doesn’t think anything of it until the next day.
“Where the fuck is Regal?” he asks, walking through the gym. He figures the amount he’s run up and down the stairs trying to find him counts as his cardio for the day. “Yo! Seth! Where’s the boss?”
He blinks. “Dude, you don’t know?”
Mox shakes his head. “Know what?”
Seth studies his face, and Mox is suddenly convinced his time with Regal is written all over his face. “Oh, man. Yesterday was his last day.”
Something ice cold and cruel slides down Mox’s back. “What?” The room isn’t spinning, exactly. But it’s not steady.
Seth’s eyes glance around the place as he steps up to Mox. “Do you need to sit down?”
Mox finds himself nodding, a little baffled. “He left?”
“He left,” Seth said. He frowns, staring at Mox. “What’s wrong with you?”
Mox falls, a little too hard, onto a weight bench. “Uh.”
“Mox, what the fuck did you do?” Seth stares at him, and Mox half hopes he figures it out without Mox having to say a single word.
Mox looks up at Seth, trying to look pitiful enough to not get mocked. “Don’t judge me.”
Seth groans. “You fucked him, didn’t you.”
“I didn’t plan on it!” Mox says. “Just. Yesterday, he was being annoying, And I. It just happened.”
“I really wish you would stop sleeping with people because they pissed you off.” Seth sits down across from Mox. “Are you okay?”
Mox shrugs. “I – I guess? I just though, if he’d, he would have…” He pauses, looking up. “He just left?”
“Maybe it was his version of going out with a bang?” Seth asks. “Fuck. Not what I meant. I mean, maybe it was his way of saying goodbye.”
Mox shrugs. “Wish he’d just talked to me.”
He’s a little out of sorts the rest of the day, a cloud hanging over him even with his favorite clients. By the last few minutes, all he wants to do is burn some of this anxiety.
“You want to get dinner or something?” Seth asks as they pick up their things.
Mox shrugs as he changes out of his gym gear and into clean, dry clothes. “Or we go out to a club.”
With a long suffering sigh, Seth pulls out his phone. “Let me call Roman. If he doesn’t have plans tonight, sure.”
“Cool,” Mox says, grinning. “Let’s go fuck shit up.”
“Sometimes I miss being single and fucking everything that moves,” Seth says, holding the door for Mox, “and then, I see you being all weird like this, and I’m so goddamn glad I’m with Roman.”
“Still am,” says Seth, yawning. “I’m heading to bed, you two. Mox, don’t lie about anything!”
“I wouldn’t lie,” Mox insists, and Wheeler sees himself in the way he rolls his eyes. “Do I lie, Wheeler?”
“Not as far as I know,” he answers.
Seth stands, stretching as he yawns louder than strictly necessary. Like he always has.
Wheeler waves. “Night, Uncle Seffie.”
“Night, potato.” He stumbles down the hall, and Wheeler can hear Roman’s low grumble as Seth inevitably wakes him up.
Mox eyes Wheeler. “You want to crash? Seth and Ro are in your old room, but you’re welcome to sleep on the couch.”
Wheeler shakes his head. “No. I want to hear the whole story. Tonight.”
Mox sighs. “Hold on, then. I’m gonna need another slice of pizza.”
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The Sommelier (Hannigram x Female!Reader) pt. 5
More people said yes to Hannigram, which is good because Will is already involved in the plot and it would be awkward to have him just disappear. Also, I had someone request a Hannigram x reader in my asks. Apologies to the one person who voted no; I promise there will be more solo Hannibal x reader content in the future.
Hannibal decides to that y/n could do with some extra protection, but doesn’t anticipate what she has to tell him.
I have no idea how to make a proper tag list but @deadman-inc-bikeshop and @dovahdokren here you go 
Trigger warnings: discussions of alcohol, victim blaming
“When I saw his face, I immediately knew he had never once experienced the touch of his own hand, let alone that of a woman.” Charissa read out loud to everyone on staff. “Or, that he was buried so deep in the closet he found Narnia, but those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.” 
It was expected to be a slow night, as was normal for an ordinary Tuesday. On nights like those, you could get away with more, like reading a tabloid article out loud for everyone to hear. 
“I can’t believe [F/N] actually went public.” One of the new busboys commented. “What an absolute madlad.”  
“Did you just unironically use reddit terminology in an actual conversation?” You narrowed your eyes at the kid. 
“[F/N], you are making a very dangerous enemy.” An older waitress said, cryptically, from the corner of the room. 
“Who, Jason?” You gestured to the busboy. “What’s he gonna do? Make me cringe myself to death?” 
“You know that’s not who I mean.” She frowned. “I’m talking about Chase Mulvaney.” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You shook your head. “He’s not stupid enough to come back here.” 
Charissa made a noise that denoted her doubt. “I dunno, [F/N]. You’d have to be pretty stupid to start stabbing people at a crowded restaurant in broad daylight.” 
“But he was smart enough to get away, right?” Jason asked. “That’s gotta count for something!” 
You and Charissa exchanged glances. Neither of you had the emotional bandwidth to explain white privilege again. Instead, you just humored him. 
“Yeah.” Charissa lied. “He was smart enough to get away, meaning he probably knows better than to come back.”
"You're kidding yourself." A third waitress, who's name you couldn't seem to place, added. "People always say that killers are these galaxy-brained superhumans, but they're not. Mulvaney believes he's divinely ordained, so any thought that pops into his coked-out head is a sign from god."
And so shattered your thin firmament of denial. You made a point to never learn this person's name just out of spite.
“Oh, shit.” You said, trying to hide your genuine fear with a sarcastic voice. “Maybe he is coming back for me.” 
Charissa glared at the two other waitresses, equally pissed at them for scaring you.
"And it'll be your own fault for provoking him with that article." The older waitress said.
"Holy victim-blaming, batman." You mumbled.
“Alright, listen up, y’all.” Matthew announced to the group. “In ten minutes we open for dinner. Remember, if you want to switch shifts with another person, you have to run it by me first. I don’t want to see anybody but [F/N] at the bar tonight, capiche?”
“Yessir.” You saluted him and made your way over to the bar. You’d been doling out your bartending shifts left and right to avoid even the possibility of being cornered by another Freddie Lounds. You were only prolonging the inevitable, though. Eventually, you needed to return to the bar.
You passed the hostess's stand, where Charissa was stationed. Suddenly, you felt someone grab at your arm.
"Fucking hell, dude?!" You flinched violently and your heart rate jumped. "Don't do that!"
"Shit, sorry!" Charissa looked immediately regretful. "But, look!"
You followed her gaze through the window where a fancy car was parked. He leaned against the door, adjusting the cuffs of his dress shirt.
Now your heart was beating fast for a completely different reason. You squeezed Charissa's hand, trying to keep a lid on your nervous excitement.
"I think your luck's starting to turn." She said in a sing-songy voice.
"Yeah, I bet he'll protect me from the Baltimore Butcher." You whispered, trying not to giggle like an elementary school girl.
"Oh, could you imagine those arms around you?" She sighed deeply, her hand firmly against her chest. "I would die."
"Not until he sinks his teeth into your neck." You smirked, gnashing your teeth together.
"I would let him." She rested her chin on her hand.
"Yeah, me too." You agreed.
"I would give anything to trade shifts with you." Charissa groaned.
"Well, you heard the boss." You shrugged, suddenly feeling much better about your assignment. "I gotta stay behind the bar."
"Oh, pobrecita." Charissa rolled her eyes. Underneath the stand, she put up her middle finger in your direction. "Suck a dick, [L/N]."
You walked backwards towards the bar, keeping your eyes on your friend. "That's the plan, baby."
You tried to make yourself look busy. You dared not look at him as he entered the restaurant.
He exchanged pleasantries with Charissa then took his seat at the bar. You pretended not to notice him right away, only to give you an extra second to compose yourself.
"Hi there." You greeted, knowing you'd feel stupid no matter what you said. "Er- good evening."
"[F/N] [L/N], I assume?" He asked.
Fuck, you thought. His voice was dark, low and made your insides tremble. Even though part of you knew he was going to know your name, it still felt so sensual passing his lips.
You realized you had waved to him with your bandaged hand. That's how he was about to identify you so quickly. "Yes, I am she. I mean- her. Me."
Way to go, dumbass. You thought. Now he knows you're nervous and he's going to wonder why.
“God, I need to stop wearing this damn thing.” You said, clearing your throat. “What can I get for you tonight?” 
He was quiet for a moment. "What do you recommend?"
"Well, that depends." You said, pulling your gaze from him and grabbing a few wine glasses down from a high shelf. It was the only way you could maintain your composure.
"What you're having for dinner, for one." You said. "And whether or not you're a vulpine tabloid journalist trying to corner me into a dubiously ethical interview. That's also a factor."
"So that's how Miss Lounds wore you down?" He concluded. "With wine?"
You rested your elbows on the bar, filled with an intoxicating confidence. "She tried wine first. Then she tried to get me fired because she asked for chardonnay and I brought her chablis. And when that didn't work, she siphoned my gas."
"I wish I could say that was out of character for her." He looked at you, apologetically.
"I take it you've had your own run-ins with Freddie?" You smiled.
"She's tried to infiltrate my practice multiple times." He sighed. "She's entered my office under a fake name with a recording device in her purse."
"What a sick fuck." You said, before remembering you really weren't supposed to curse in front of customers. You covered your mouth. "Sorry."
The corners of his mouth turned up into an amused smile. "Don't apologize. You're right."
“So you’re a doctor?” You asked, hoping he wasn’t the type to be offended by questions. 
“I’m a psychiatrist.” He nodded. “I used to work as a surgeon, but I find the mind much more compelling.” 
"Seriously, though." You pushed yourself back to your feet. "What can I get for you?"
He eyed the wine menu and then looked back at you. "What is your favorite red?"
"My favorite red?" You placed your hand on your collarbones. "On a night like this, I enjoy a nice, dry Argentinean Malbec."
"In that case," he thumbed through the list once more. "I'll have a bottle of Cobos Chañares from 2016, please."
You smiled. You wouldn't mind taking a sip of that if he offered. "Right away."
You carefully pulled the solid black bottle from its crevice and placed it on the bar. You removed the plastic seal and reached for the corkscrew. The bottle opened with a satisfying pop, filling the air around you with the strong, complex and seemingly contradictory aromas.
You poured a bit of this criminally expensive wine into his glass. He smelled it, then swirled it for a moment before taking a sip.
"Redcurrants and vanilla," he began. "With floral notes that operate with the precision of interlocking gears in a clock. Everything in its place."
"So you're a sommelier and a poet?" You tilted your head and filled his glass. "I'll bet you make women swoon at every corner."
You never had the best grasp on flirting, but even you knew that line was awful.
“Are you flirting with me, Miss [L/N]?” He asked, clearly not too worried about the consequences and enjoying the flattery. “Or are you just trying to get a taste of this Malbec?” 
“Little bit of column A, little bit of column B.” You shrugged. “Though you are as handsome as everyone says, I’ve had my eyes on that wine for slightly longer.” 
You fought the urge to slap your hand over your mouth. You had just broken the cardinal rule of workplace gossip. Panic reverberated through your body as you tried to break down his unreadable expression. 
Once again, he just looked amused. “I’ve seen those lingering glances, the way you all whisper and giggle. It’s flattering.” 
You felt your cheeks growing hot. “...I see.” 
“If you tell me what they say about me, I’ll let you have a taste.” His eyes bored into yours. 
You paused, trying to decipher exactly what he was offering. Then it hit you. 
“Oh!” You interjected. “The wine.” 
“Yes, that’s what I meant.” He said. “Dare I ask where your mind went?” 
Your cheeks stung from all the uncomfortable smiling. “I’d really like to keep my job, thanks.” 
“Have you never heard of bartender-client confidentiality?” His voice lowered and his eyes found your lips. “Nothing we say tonight has to leave these four walls.” 
Your insides turned to jelly. He rested the wine glass in his hand and offered it to you. Your hands shaking, you cradled the glass like an 18th century French village prostitute being offered a mug of hot soup. You brought the glass to your lips, the strong, overwhelming smells assaulting your orifices.
You let the wine grace your tongue. You had taught yourself to overcome the sting of the alcohol and focus on the undertones. Your eyes rolled back in to your head and you let out a little noise of pleasure. 
“Christ on a bike, that’s decadent.” You said, gasping for air a little bit. You quickly passed the glass back to him before Matthew could see you. “Thank you.” 
“Now, indulge me.” He instructed, glancing at the fresh pink lipstick mark on his glass. “What do the lovely women of Terroir whisper while I’m just out of earshot?” 
You rested your elbows on the bar and leaned in close. “They say you’re a vampire.” 
Judging by his unchanging neutral expression, it clearly wasn’t the first time someone had made that connection. “Perhaps they’re on to something.” 
“One of our line cooks used to say you were the devil.” You informed him, hoping that was one he hadn’t heard before.
“Used to?” He raised his eyebrows. 
“Until Chase Mulvaney came around.” You instinctively ran your fingers over your bandages, as if to make sure they were still there. It was a nervous tick you’d developed anytime someone brought up that day. “He’s stopped talking about, like, anything having to do with his religion ever since.” 
“It takes a lot to get an evangelist to stop evangelizing.” He refilled his glass. “Do you think he lost his faith?” 
“I heard someone say in passing that it was because he and Chase Mulvaney went to the same church.” You whispered. “But I can’t verify that.” 
“I’d say it’s more likely than a regular customer being a vampire, wouldn’t you?” 
“I wouldn’t trust their word because they made a regular customer into a vampire.” You corrected, hoping he would overlook the fact that you were one of them. “Secrets may stay within these four walls, but they tend to bounce around. It’s only a matter of time before one escapes, and you’d better hope it’s not one of yours.” 
This man must have been an exceptional therapist, because, there you were, baring your soul to him after fifteen minutes and one sip of wine. Occasionally, you were pulled away from the conversation by another customer who had the audacity to also want a drink. But, very few people came to you with the sole intent of drinking on a Tuesday evening. You and the sommelier talked until closing time. 
“Thank you for a lovely evening, Miss [L/N].” He said pulling out his wallet. “You are as delightful in person as you are on paper.” 
“Thank you, but I never caught-” you said, but stopped yourself. “I mean, you never gave me your name.” 
He signed his name on the paper check, then pulled out a fifty and unceremoniously handed it to you. “Now why would you want to ruin the mystery?” 
“Nothing we say tonight has to leave these four walls, remember?” You grinned and crossed your arms. “Come on, I won’t tell anyone.” 
He took the customer copy of the receipt and scribbled something down on it. He the folded it in half and slid it in your direction as if it contained nuclear launch codes. 
“Join me for dinner someday.” He ordered. “I’ll supply the Malbec.” 
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
By My Side (Part 4)
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Summary: The reader goes to dinner with her step brothers, Michael and Nick, as well as Jensen. When Jensen starts to see how her brothers treat her though, Jensen and the reader have a heart to heart and start to try a different tactic with their relationship...
Pairing: Bodyguard!Jensen x reader
Word Count: 3,700ish
Warnings: language, sibling angst, minor violence, mentioned prior deaths
A/N: Enjoy!
Monday Evening
“Hey pipsqueak,” said Nick, your arms crossed from where you sat on the couch trying to watch TV. “Since dad and your mom are at dinner at that fancy place, maybe you could take us out?”
“Yeah,” said Michael, still texting away on his phone at the other end of the couch. “There’s that steak place dad said was good. Y/N, you want to have dinner with your big brothers?”
“Not particularly,” you said. 
“She still hate us?” said Nick as he came up to the back of the couch, ruffling your hair and placing his hands on your shoulders. “You gotta let that shit go. We were kids.”
“I was a kid. You were both twenty years old and you two harassed me until I moved out, well past when you knew better. Now that I have money, you two-”
“What was that?” asked Nick and you swallowed. “Come on. Let’s get dinner.”
“Whatever. Jensen! We’re going to dinner wherever you are,” you called out. “Jensen!”
He came down the far hallway near where your office was, his hand behind his back on his holster but you shook your head.
“We’re going out,” you said as he dropped his hand down. “To eat. We’ll be back in a couple hours.”
“I’m going with you,” he said. You thought that was odd of him but he made his jaw hard and clenched it. “It’s part of my contract. I go where you go.”
“He’s perky isn’t he,” said Michael as he stood up. You rolled your eyes and went towards the front door to get your purse.
Half an hour later the three of you were seated with Jensen sat at the bar close by and keeping an eye on you.
“Surprised he didn’t ask to sit with us,” mumbled Nick. “Why do you have a bodyguard again?”
“After my old manager tried to have me kidnapped for publicity,” you said.
“You know how to pick ‘em,” said Michael. You gripped the menu tight and reviewed it, already knowing your step brothers wouldn’t even pretend to offer to pay for their meals. You never quite understood them. Chuck was always good to your mom and nice to you. You weren’t particularly close but you didn’t dislike each other either. You got along, he asked about you, you spent time together whenever you visited them. Chuck had always been okay in your book. His children though you could have sworn were adopted with how horrible they could be to you.
“How much you want to bet me I could get that douchey little bodyguard over here in less then five seconds?” asked Nick, a smirk on his face you didn’t like.
“He’s just doing his job. Let him do it in peace.”
“I still don’t get why you have one,” said Michael as he looked over the wine list. “Compared to the other girl on the show, you’re like, not good looking.”
“Dude, I’m your sister. You’re not supposed to find me good looking.”
“I know that, dipshit. I mean, you’re just, plain,” he said. “You’re not the main lead. That’s probably why.”
“I’m co-lead. We have no main lead.”
“But you’re second on the call sheet credits thing,” said Nick.
“Cause Gen got hired before me.”
“She’s still hotter than you,” mumbled Nick.
“She’s married and they’re both my best friends.”
“I didn’t say I want to fuck her. Relax. You’re always so uptight,” said Nick. You bit your tongue and weren’t surprised when Michael ordered a few hundred dollar bottle of wine. You got the twenty dollar one you normally did that tasted just as good and Nick went for an expensive Scotch you’d never heard of. 
“Oh,” you said to the waiter before he could leave. “The man on the end of the bar there, his drinks and meal are on me.”
“No problem,” he said as he took off. 
“She’s got no problem paying for his food,” muttered Michael.
“It’s part of his job. For him, this is a business expense,” you said. You gnawed the inside of your cheek and forced a smile. “The garlic bread is very good here if you guys want to get some.”
“Good with me,” said Michael. He gave you a smile, a genuine one before he was checking his phone again. You’d always liked Michael far more than Nick. On his own, Michael was a pretty decent guy. When he got with Nick though, and that was more often than not, even into adulthood, he was normally pretty unbearable.
“Working any big new clients?” you asked, your voice a tad too high but he ignored it while Nick went to the restroom.
“Potentially. I actually got a job offer in LA. Senior partner,” he said.
“That’s great,” you said, Michael smiling.
“You’re actually happy about that, for real,” he said.
“You’re incredibly smart. You always have been. I’m really happy you’re getting out of our little hometown and going to work at a bigger firm,” you said. “That’s a really big deal. You should be proud.”
“Here I thought you’d tell me not to move to your city,” he said.
“Why do you think I’d say that?” you asked.
“You don’t like us,” he said, nodding to the empty spot beside him. “You never have.”
“You guys are dicks most of the time. You skipped over the getting to know each other thing and went right into horrible dick older brothers.”
“We weren’t horrible. We still aren’t. I have worked cases that would make your skin crawl. We’re the Brady bunch compared to most people.”
“My dad died and I was so excited to have big brothers, you know? That year was so horrible and Chuck made mom stop crying and laugh again and I love him for that. But you guys...it doesn’t matter. I’m happy you’re getting a promotion, Michael.”
“Our mom died too that year,” he said, lowering his head.
“I know she did,” you said. “Forget I said anything.”
“So when do you go back to work?” asked Michael as Nick returned.
“A few months from now,” you said.
“What are you gonna do after that?” he asked.
“Honestly I’m not sure right now. I like TV but I might do movies. My options are pretty open,” you said. “How’s teaching going?”
“Always a joy,” said Nick, taking a long sip of his water. “I got tenure finally. Not sure if I’m gonna stay though. If Mikey moves out here I might take a position at UCLA.”
“Oh. So you’re thinking of moving out here too?” you asked. Nick narrowed his eyes and you you looked away. “Maybe mom and Chuck will come out if you guys do.”
“Maybe,” said Nick. Thankfully you spotted your waiter come back with your drinks and you were able to order your appetizer and dinner, already expecting a nearly thousand dollar bill thanks to their alcohol choices. 
“I’ll be right back,” you said. You excused yourself and walked over to the bar, Jensen sipping on a glass of beer while he half-watched a TV behind the bar.
“Require saving from your brothers?” he smirked to himself, turning before you could tap him on the shoulder.
“Why do you say that?” you asked, leaning against the padded bartop. 
“Just a vibe I get, you and Nick especially,” he said. “Nobody gets a pass from me.”
“He’s not a great older brother but he’s harmless,” you said.
“He intimidates you.”
“Like I said, he’s not great but the worst thing he’s ever done was leave me with a group of strange guys. Michael did the same thing. Otherwise they’re just like, crappy older brothers.”
“Crappy or something else? Like I said, nobody gets a pass from me.”
“Jensen. They would never hurt me. I swear on my life.”
“Michael wouldn’t. Nick...I’ll be keeping an eye on him, both of them, whether you want me to or not. I’m the asshole bodyguard after all,” he smirked again.
“Well, it sounds like they’re both gonna move out here soon so we’ll be seeing them more.”
“Lovely,” said Jensen. “So why’d you come over? Need a break from them?”
“Yes. Also, I already told the waiter but your drinks and food are all on me. Feel free to order whatever you want,” you said.
“I’ll stick to the one beer. I’m at work still,” he said.
“They have really good steak. The filet is amazing along with the green beans,” you said. Jensen smiled and played with his glass, swishing the ice cubes around. “The lobster macaroni is also a great side.”
“That’s a hundred dollar steak.”
“Jensen, you know I can afford it.”
“I also know how much you’re paying me. I can afford it.”
“Jensen. I’m your boss. I’m paying for it. Next time I want Taco Bell, you can pay at the drive through if it makes you feel better,” you said. He smiled, a soft gentle little smile you’d never seen on his face before. You returned it, Jensen staring at you before he shook his head and it fell away.
“I’m going to lose this argument, aren’t I.”
“Yeah, you are. I’d much rather pay for your meal than those two bimbos. I like you better,” you said.
“Must have a pretty low bar for them then,” he said.
“Why’d you stop talking to me? After the paparazzi guy?” you asked. He shrugged and wiped off a stray drop of condensation on his glass. “Please?”
“There’s a line I have to keep with you. We can be friendly but if something happens, I am in charge. There can be no doubts about that. I felt that I needed to step back and reaffirm that boundary.”
“We can keep the boundary. But we can be friends too. If you say hide, I’ll hide. If you say run, I’ll run. I know you think I’m a dumb actress but-”
“You’re not dumb. You’re one of the smartest people I’ve ever met,” he said. You blinked and he offered a half smile. “You have an ability to push through panic and be logical. I know guys with all the training in the world that can’t do that. You’re not a dumb actress. It’s obvious that you were raised to be intelligent.”
“My point is, I will do what you tell me to when it’s those hard moments. But I have confidence that you were wrong before. You can like someone, maybe even care about them like a friend, and still be able to protect them. I actually think it’ll make you better at your job.”
“Give me one example of where that works. Just one.”
“Maybe you want to try talking to your bestie, Jared,” you said. “Or literally most anyone in a relationship anywhere.”
“Touche,” he said. He smiled and nodded. “No more cold shoulder.”
“So I should try the macaroni with my steak?” he asked.
“And the green beans. You get two sides. You can get however many you want actually. The dessert selection here is even better than the steak if you can believe it.”
“I’ll have to check it out,” he said. “But no green beans. Traumatic childhood incident with them.”
“I better not be attacked by the cabbage patch kids. They might just take you down,” you said, Jensen giggling to himself. “Oh, he does laugh. Good to know. The roasted truffle garlic fries are really good too.”
“Thanks,” he said. “I think I’ll check them out.”
“Do you want to sit with us?” you asked, nodding back towards the table.
“I better not. I don’t think your brothers like me very much,” he said. “I got a better vantage point over here anyways.”
“Vantage point?” you asked.
“Got a weird feeling is all. I want to stay sharp tonight,” he said. You nodded and turned to go, Jensen catching your bicep. “If something happens, what do you do?”
“Duck and cover and wait for you to get me,” you said.
“Good girl. You did read my instructions.”
“Yup. Even read the part about how to get out of your hands being tied behind your back. Unfortunately, I’m not flexible enough and my ass is too big for that,” you said. He chuckled and you smirked. “Oh you know it is.”
“I’m not opposed to that fact,” he said. You went wide eyed and he laughed. “My boss is hot, what can I say.”
“You better stick to the one drink after all, Ackles,” you said, laughing as you lightly whacked his arm. “Try the triple brownie sundae for dessert. You won’t regret it.”
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“I think I gained five pounds,” said Michael, stretching out in his seat nearly two hours later, the waiter bringing over the check. You frowned at the bill but it was what you were expecting. You stuck your card in the pocket and caught the waiter pretty quickly. It was getting late and you were tired. Even your step-brothers were getting quiet so you hoped to get home quickly.
The waiter returned and you wrote out a tip, sticking your card back in your wallet and purse. You stretched as you stood up, your step brothers taking their time to get to their feet. You headed over towards Jensen when the sound of glass shattering caught your attention. You turned your head and heard tires screeching outside, spotting that the window at the front of the restaurant was gone now. You barely saw the cop car driving by before you heard sharp little noises in the air and felt like you got hit by a truck. 
Suddenly you were on the ground, Jensen on top of you. Nick and Michael were ducked down under the table along with most everyone in the restaurant, some people at the bar hopping over the counter and diving behind the back. The whole place was silent and you all heard the front door to the place open abruptly. Jensen stood up in one smooth motion, his gun out and aimed, a shot ringing out a second later as someone yelled. A few seconds later there was a loud echo of feet, Jensen setting his gun on the ground and holding up his hands. Police filled in the place, two very angry looking officers rushing over to him and barking orders.
“It’s okay,” said Jensen to you as he knelt down.
Less than five minutes later he was released and some hostess was thanking him over and over still for stopping the guy that had come in looking for trouble. Jensen shrugged it off, only grazing the guy and the police pretty impressed with him for doing so. 
“Are we free to go?” asked Jensen, an officer nodding. He waved for you and your step-brothers to follow, Jensen driving the four of you back to your place quickly. Nick and Michael took their rental car back to their hotel, neither one much in the mood to talk after what had happened.
Jensen checked that the house was secure before he went to his room and shut the door. You weren’t sure if he was okay or not. He seemed pretty calm but he had shot a guy, if only barely. Instead of heading to your bedroom, you wandered down the hall to his area of the house. There was a guest suite there he used for his bed and bathroom but he rarely used it unless he was going to bed and he always, always told you when he was turning in for the night.
As you were about to knock on the door you heard the faint sound of a shower and nodded. He was simply cleaning up. It didn’t sound like a bad idea to yourself honestly. You went down the hall to your room, flipping on the light. It was a soft white in there, the wall behind the bed a shiplap that led up to wood beams going across the vaulted ceiling. Another light was flipped on in the bathroom and you stepped under the shower for a few minutes, washing off your face and skin. After five minutes you went out to the bedroom and over to the closet, finding a pajama shirt and shorts to slip into. Your hair was thrown up in a messy bun and you found your oversized fleece hoodie you occasionally slept in. Tucking it under your arm, you headed out of the room and back down the hall, Jensen’s door still shut.
“Jensen?” you said, knocking on the door lightly. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” he said. Carefully you pushed the door open, Jensen walking out of his bathroom in just his boxer briefs, wiping a towel over his head. He tugged it down and stared at you, your eyes going to his chest, legs and everywhere in between. 
“I uh, wanted to make sure you were alright,” you said, ripping your eyes away and meeting his gaze. He nodded and tossed his towel back into the laundry basket by the closet.
“I’m fine. You?”
“Yeah. I uh-”
“No need to be nervous around me,” he said.
“Right,” you said, Jensen walking right in front of you before stopping. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay and to say thanks.”
“It’s my job,” he said. 
“Still,” you said. “I...here. I thought you might like this.”
“A hoodie?” he asked as you handed him the fleece. “What’s this for?”
“S’my bad day hoodie. I wear it to bed sometimes. Makes me feel better,” you said with a shrug.
“Old boyfriend’s?” he asked as he pulled it on, a soft smile spreading across his cheeks. “It’s so soft. Thanks, Y/N.”
“You’re welcome,” you said.
“So was it the boyfriends? Or you get it for yourself?” he asked.
“It was a birthday present for my dad. He died the week before. I never got to give it to him.”
“I shouldn’t be wearing this,” he said, moving to take it off when you caught his wrists. He was so much stronger than you but he let you manhandle him and move his hands back to his sides.
“It fits you better than it ever did me. Besides, I think you’re a little on edge and not telling me which is fine. It’s good for that,” you said. “I want you to keep it.”
“Y/N, I can’t keep something like this,” he said. You stared at him, Jensen swallowing. “It’s important to you.”
“Yes. But you gave me your blanket and wouldn’t let me return it. Fair is fair,” you said.
“S’an order, Jensen. Keep it.”
“Yes mam,” he said quietly.
“I hate when you call me that,” you said, moving your hands away from him.
“I know you do,” he said, a quick smirk crossing his face. “Why aren’t you using this yourself tonight?”
“I got my blanket. I’m good,” you said.
“It doesn’t explain why you’re giving me this though.”
“Lately, something else has been making me feel better and safe. My dad would have liked you.”
“Your father was a good person. A brave person,” said Jensen. 
“You know how he died,” you said, Jensen returning a nod. “I used to be really angry at him. Why’d he have to go help that woman? He could have walked past and been alive. But since I got older, if I was that woman being attacked, I would pray for a man like that to come help me. I know he was good.”
“I will do my very best to be that man for you,” he said. 
“I know you will. If you need something, come get me,” you said.
“Y/N,” he said just as you spun around. “May I have the morning off? You will be with family and my sister is in town for the day for work. I’d like to get lunch with her if I could.”
“Take the day,” you said with a smile, looking back over your shoulder. “She can come to dinner if you like.”
“She’s got a flight back at five thirty,” he said. “Thanks though.”
“It’s no problem,” you said. “Goodnight, Jensen.”
“Goodnight,” he said. You pulled his door shut after yourself and went down to your own bedroom to get under the covers. You stared up at the ceiling, hearing a light pitter patter on the rooftop. Rain was so rare in LA that you normally welcomed it when it came around. It reminded you of back home in a way.
A text popped up on your phone just as you were closing your eyes. It was from Gen and was a link to some news article about the restaurant, a picture of you and Jensen front and center.
You wrote back you were fine and turned off your phone, knowing you’d have to deal with questions in the morning.
A/N: Read Part 5 here!
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clandestine-j · 3 years
this episode was pretty good, i'm here for this vibe if they continue with it. lots of shit happened, i have feelings about it so lets go!
(this episode also helped me discover i really am a horrible person lol)
NICK X KATE: Nope! Full stop, don't want it. Bitch you nasty for being friendly with him while posting about his daughter. Nick x Davis is the true otp.
JORDAN & CO: JAIL. Plain and simple, ya'll enjoying this too much. Jail. Please. I beg. Ya'll are sick. A gun in a school and you're Bruce Wayne? Bitch.
KATE: As stated above and addition, I started to be cool with you. You still have to go jail but after serving time, I might be cool with you afterwards. Then you flip flop again went back to doing the worst. Limiting the comments doesn't help. Raggedy.
RAFA: PRISON. And let me tell you, my boy, Aki, he got Fox News in the back of his pocket so, step the fuck back. That's why Max figured yo ass out. GO TO PRISON. PRISON. And he tried to play him for a fool at the end. Prison isn't enough, vanish.
KIKI: SIS! You gotta get it together for your daughter. She can't be the more but, I feel you. Do better, be better. It's not as easy as just saying it but if you have family you can rely on, start to rely. You're daughter her habits from you.
JULIEN: BIG SISTER ENGERY THIS EPISODE. I'M LOVING IT AND LOVING IT. I think she can stop trying a bit now and but I'm here for the connection, I'm here for it all. Quick thinker, knew the circle wasn't tight. She wasn't really there for Audrey but she has been, I think she just got caught up. Since Zoya moved there, they haven't had the chance to just be sisters, to just love each other without any drama. They have not only the past month to make up for but years and she wants to do right by Zoya. I'm glad she realized at the end that, she needed to be there for Audrey but I'm not upset because I get it. I also LOVE that she finally, stood up to Monet and say and get wit it or get it out. Boom. I've been waiting.
OBIE: I wanna ride hard for you because people keep talking about your hair line. I think you need to learn that relationships will have ups and downs and it won't be perfect all of the time. I feel like Obie is chasing perfection, no fights, no problems, just coasting and it won't happen, it'll never happen. Do better. That being said, I'm glad we got something from Obie. I'm glad we got to see him being the Prince of New York. It's hella shady that you didn't just come out with the truth and you wanted to do a song and dance but Obie is doing more and using that name so yes, give me character stuff.
MONET: BYE. No, but really. Amazing one liners as always. I liked the little fight with Julien, I felt a bit of distress, I'm into it. While I did expect her to cross Julien, I didn't expect her to cross Luna and all her hard work, that was dirty but you moving the story and shit so what can I say? I don't think Monet will go for the crown but I could see her finding someone to prop up. I want more of her parents, maybe she has a very bad relationship with her mom? Also, sis, Julien is right, you can't keep jumping clients when they want to change and do up their image. No sis, no. (And you almost tanked Julien's career soooooooooooo)
AUDREY: SIS U WERE SINKING. Okay, so Audrey isn't a character I feel that connected too. She's bitchy, a little less than Lunet but still. So, I have a hard time caring but objectively, you should break up with Aki. You know him by now and maybe it's comfort or you really want to have something. It's okay, break up with him because he's a friend and not the boyfriend you need. You want someone who will let you vent, not solve. Not see. Go live with Julien. The fight with your mom is understandable (And realize that forcing people on her won't work.) because you shouldn't have to be the back bone of the family. The dad line was a low blow, the airport thing was a low blow but you're a teenage girl and what can I say? Nothing, just don't become the woman you hate even though parents are the models. That being said, if I had seen her interacting with her dad more, the line wouldn't have been as low. But I can't tell that he loves her, we don't even get a phone conversation. Do better writers. And I think at the party, she got a chance to see how her mom felt. I don't know what happened to move but I think it has something to do with her meds. Audrey, be a boss. Break up, tell him that ya'll are better as friends because it won't go has bad as you think it will. Move in with Julien (I just want to see it happen.)
ZOYA: I don't even have much to say. My sis was popping off this episode. I got sass, I got questioning her relationship with Obie. Yes, talk about how you feel about him with the girls and go girl stuff. I really felt her when she said she wanted her own friend, writers please give her, her own friends. PLEASE. I'M BEGGING. Simon, you dirty dog. I'm glad Obie got it out but he could've said something to her. I'm sick. I'm more upset that he wasn't a new friend or a love interest. Just ugh. But I liked Zoya this episode, she could worry about normal teenage stuff for the most part without having to worry about being attacked by Monet and Luna.
LUNA: MY GOOD SIS. Just like I didn't expect Monet to turn on her, I didn't expect her to not stand by Monet. I know she was enjoying the Zoya vibe and thought it was cute, she was becoming a bit more friendly sure but I wow, yas. Go off girl. I want to see more of fashion stylist Luna, a Luna sponsored fashion show where Aki models and drama happens? I'd be here for it, I am here for it.
MAX: I was ready to box. Listen. I was ready to fight this point as much as I felt for him. So, the feeling for him. He honestly, believes that Rafa is good for him. And he was catching feelings? He thought Rafa needed him in his life because he had no family, he also has no family in a sense to him at least. So, he's really caught up in this man. And I feel so bad that he said he's sober when he's with him or something along those lines. That's heartbreaking. I'm glad that talk in the end pulled him out of it, I'm glad he realized that he had a hand to play in his friends not wanting to be around him or deal with him. I'm glad he followed them and was in on the hug. Wonderful. Now my dude, you do not deserve Aki, not as a romantic partner or a friend. My boy was seriously worried, and you blew down on him WHILE using a nickname for his nickname....sick. I was ready to throw hands, like. My spirit was not right. That was so low. I keep seeing people say that because Max wasn't in a relationship, Audrey shouldn't feel some type of way and Aki is just letting his hurt roll off because he's worried but while you didn't have a duty in the relationship, you had a duty as a friend, to both of them. You ghost for a week and say nothing, no talking about the blow up or the outing and you running with this little stanky thing, you try to ease back into the group, no. And you still don't deserve Aki's time. Like. My dude did not hit you up after the kiss, he was not checking for you on that dating app, he was interested in other mens, you sat between the couple. Okay. He had been checking on you from jump. Just no. I'm sick of the shit. Never step to my boy like that again.
AKI: MY boy. Lemme get this out the way. You need to listen, not solve or give perspective. Like, she doesn't need it. I get your friends in danger but express how serious you think this is to her. I get that a long-distance relationship might not bother you and you think things will work out because there are bigger problems but talk to her. Re-assure her. Or break up with her her. As I said before, ya'll will not hate each other if you break up. And learn to just, even, pretend or something but you struggle in this aspect. Do better. That being said, Aki, episode MVP. He said, something is off, take him down. My perfect himbo man, said not my watch. And listen, you can't be as pushy because people don't respond but I'm glad you were on it. You knew. You said, I'mma run up on this man and you did. Yes. That being said, stand up for yourself, this boy does not deserve your energy. I get it. You might have a crush, this is bestie but bestie has not been treating you right for a while. And this was a new love. You're too loving, let some of that going at Rafa energy pop out around the friend group. But you a king and you care so much, just re-focus for now. Find you a cute lil thang and make the boy jelly. I need this resolved before I can accept anything canon, fanfics is where I'll be. But overall, Aki was making moves, you gotta learn something from the right wing media mogul.
GROUP: I finally feel like I talk about them as a whole. I wish they would've shown the others being upset by Max's ghosting because ya'll acting lowkey outta pocket and I didn't see anyone but Audrey and Aki check for this boy. Like, do you really care? But he fit into the group hug at the end. I know Monet saw a rising star in Zoya at the bar place, you make this a powerful DUO. YOU KNOW YOU WERE FEELING HER. Luna and Monet roll their eyes Audrey but ya'll bet not play like the three of ya'll don't enjoy gossip, fashion, talking about people and lowkey making fun of Zoya's newbie-ness together. Honestly, I'm happy we got more group interactions and little moments, I can start to kind of see how they were friends for a while even if all of them aren't close.
Random Thoughts:
how was your son missing for two weeks on and off and there isn't more panic, you different but oh no heartbreak
aki is so loving towards everyone's parents, i love it
i also love that he assumed max was with aki
audrey as the child as it worse but her kiki's acting makes me feel for her more lol
the two girls were a bit of fun, i'd like to see monet take them down or build them up for fun
"i'm chuck bass" + the lil pull was great
i feel like max was already thinking about them becoming more when he mentioned audrey pushing him out but i'll take crumbs so he was probs just thinking about sex or the group as a whole
kate get out of nick's life, nick keep her out
zoya stop talking to that woman
jordan eww no, you can have kate
i'll ship obie and aki to get aki with someone that likes him and loves him, they talk, they have do something, i'll take it, whatever
i want throuple and i want akimax but not like this, i can't take the threesome scene unless max say's sorry and aki ducks him for half the episode if it's not that, i don't want it
maybe it's the start of a dream and it ends
(i do really want the ship but i don't trust the writers or the characters)
who or what was max suppose to be?
why am i getting teachers and not family, i've seen jordan just one too many times
rafa prison
obie had shit to do this episode, use the money, i wanna see it
when will a student or random party gain control of gossip girl, give me that
rafa prison
i also think i’m a horrible person because i care more about stopping rafa than audrey’s home life so i was rooting for aki
overall, solid episode, maybe the footing has been found? i'm here for it and ep 6 looks like it's about to pop off
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
Touch Me, Please [Starker Fic] Pt.3
Summary: Tony Stark has never told anyone that he’s still a virgin. He doesn’t want to sleep with people who only want him because of his outward persona. So instead, he hires an escort. Things get a little more heated than either of them had expected. Tags/Warnings: Escort!Peter, Virgin!Tony, nff, nsfw, sexual tension, teasing, Peter is 22, Tony is 53, oral sex, 69. Taglist: @starkerswonderland @staticwhispersinthedark @starkerprince @parkers-stark​ @bluestarker (let me know if you want to be added!)
Notes: I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN 2 MONTHS SINCE I POSTED FOR THIS I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT Y'ALL!!! I come bearing good news though! This was supposed to have three parts, but the plot started living its own life and now we're definitely having a fourth part as well ehehehe. Hope y'all enjoy! -Kim
Read the fic here on AO3
Or click here to find the previous chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Peter knows he’s fucked. Absolutely, terribly, fucked.
And to be honest… Even that’s an understatement.
Peter clutches his coat tighter and fastens his pace. He’s snuck out of the enormous labyrinth that’s Tony’s home, and is now on his way to the bureau’s HQ. It’s still early in the morning, a little over 7 am, and Peter hopes to catch one of his managers before they start their meeting.
Peter made a grave mistake, and all he can do is spill it all out and pray that he can keep his job. He’s had unsafe sex with a customer. If there’s one thing that he should pay close attention to, it’s that. He never made a mistake like this before. However, with Tony, he completely threw his cool and composed sugar baby persona out the door; his mind lost to the wealthy man he only met last night. Tony may claim to be a virgin, which according to his eager yet sloppy techniques isn’t too hard to believe, but still. Peter shouldn’t have risked it.
He eyes the building in front of him and hesitates. He could just get a test done without his bosses knowing; play sick until he gets the results. But if they were to find out… He’d lose his job for sure. And contrary to popular belief, he’s not in the industry just for the money. He likes his career. 
In good faith, Peter steps forward and presses the doorbell.
Tony wakes up when a golden glow casts over his body. He smiles groggily. In his haze last night, he must’ve forgotten to close the curtains. He sighs and turns around, grabbing the sheets to tug them up a little higher. Slowly, the surroundings are getting to him. The distant sound of traffic rushing through the busy streets of NYC. The buzz of the elevator as it sweeps past his floor...
...and the complete lack of another human’s breath.
Tony swallows and his eyes flutter open. A harsh sting rips through his chest when he sees his bed is indeed empty.  “Peter?” He calls out, half-heartedly expecting an answer but not at all surprised when it stays dead silent.
It’s safe to say that the following days, Tony is in such a sour mood that his employees nearly cringe each time he walks across the room. He should’ve never hired an escort to have his first-ever sexual encounter with. The plan was destined to fail from the get-go, and it had. 
Tony turns around to find Pepper standing in the doorway of his private office. Pepper has been his personal assistant for years now, and he is aware that he wouldn’t survive a single day without her skills in his company. She’s seen his worst more often than not - and she doesn’t deserve to be the one to take his anger - but Tony can’t help but glare. “What?” “Jeez, they were right. You’re a fucking asshole today.” Pepper says calmly and raises her eyebrows as she closes the door behind her. Tony can feel some of the tension fade from his posture and he casts his eyes down.
“What happened?” She proceeds to ask. Tony shrugs. How could he tell her? “I did something stupid.” “I figured as much.” The PA places a stack of files onto his desk and sits down in the chair opposite of him. “Personal troubles, or Stark Industries-related?” “Personal.” “Ah, good. That’s one less of a worry.”
Tony glares again, but this time it’s more playful. Pepper smirks. “Gotcha,” she hums, seemingly pleased with herself. “Now, tell me what happened.” “I can’t.” “I’m sure you can, it’s-” “It’s too embarrassing, Pep. Please, I gotta deal with this by myself.” Pepper raises her eyebrow at his words and leans onto the wooden surface.  “Then deal with it before you drag Stark Industries into whatever it is.” She shoves the stack of paper forward and smiles faintly. “After you deal with these, of course.”
“Of course.”
It’s late in the evening, and Tony swirls the whiskey around in his glass. He finished the work right before dinnertime and decided to take the rest of the night off.
Deal with it.
Tony snorts. How could he? Peter left. It’s plain and simple that the kid didn’t want to stay. His pretty, sweet words had been nothing but lies and deception, and Tony feels like a goddamn fool for falling for the act. Peter is an escort. Pleasing people, telling them what they want to hear, it’s his job. Tony can’t blame him. He only blames himself.
Yet, it doesn’t keep him from grabbing his phone and navigating towards the escort website. He sniffs once, finding his way to the catalog. It should be easy to find Peter. Right? Tony scrolls down the list and frowns when he hits the bottom of the page. Mmh. He scrolls back up and sits a little more upright when he can’t seem to find Peter’s picture. He taps the search bar and types in his name.
No results found.
In a wave of panic, Tony types out the bureau’s number to contact them and waits anxiously. He has no intention of bothering Peter ever again, but now that it seems he vanished, it makes him feel strangely panicked. As if every link he had to the boy is simply gone. As if nothing ever happened.
Except something did happen.
“Good evening, this is Eva. How may I help you?” “Uhmm- Hi. It’s Mr. Stark. I’m, eh, I’m looking to book Peter again? He was here last night?” “Oh, I’m terribly sorry to inform you, sir, but I’m afraid Peter is temporarily unavailable. I could put you on the waiting list for when he returns?” “Please.”
And like a stupid idiot, he disconnects straight after. He sniffs and lowers his phone. He wonders if he just made another mistake.
Peter sucks at his teeth, his foot restlessly tapping onto the floor. He looks at his scheduled bookings and stares at the one empty spot. There’s only one client left to call, but Peter doesn’t know if he should. After a long tirade, and thankfully, a negative STD test, he’s back in the game and good to go. But, if he couldn’t keep himself together last time… He’s not sure if it’d be professional to go back to Tony.
Sweet, innocent, handsome Tony.
“Hey,” Harley pokes his head past Peter’s shoulder and grins. “I see you’re free tonight. My pal Dave is throwing a party at the Frizzles. Wanna come?” Peter rolls his eyes at his coworker and grins. “And get Dave to hopelessly flirt with me again? No, thank you.” “Oh, come on!” Harley throws his hands into the air in desperation. “Dave is your type!” “He’s not,” Peter grumbles, nearly shuddering at the idea. “Good fella, but no, not for me. Y’know I’m into rich old classy dudes. Heck, so are you!” “Hey, no need to attack me.” Harley lowers his bum on the edge of Peter’s desk and cocks his head. “You barely ever have a night off. Don’t you wanna have some fun? I’ll try and keep Dave off your back.” “Well…” Peter sighs and stares back at the empty spot in his schedule.
“I actually have a client.” “What do you mean?” “It’s the last free spot, and I have one more client to secure a booking with me. I just…” Harley frowns, his face displaying a sudden seriousness. “Peter, did this client hurt you?” “What? No!” “Then why are you looking all gloomy at the mere thought of that one client? Is he- Did he force you to not use protection? Peter, we can have him blacklisted, and-” “It’s not at all like that, please Harls, I promise.” “Then tell me why the fuck you’re so strange about it. You’re never strange around clients. Fuck ‘em, get them hooked for more and tadaa, that’s a healthy clientele, it’s how you taught me.”
Peter groans out loud in frustration and shoves his chair back a little, trying to distance himself from the scribbled down phone number at his desk. “I like him!” “What?” “I… I like him. Dammit. He’s really fucking different than the rest of them. I’ve only slept with him once, but he’s got me hooked, not the other way around.” “Then why’d he call us again? Eva told me he sounded pretty nervous.”
Peter’s face loses all color when Harley’s words crash down on him, crumbling the reality he’d build around himself. “No, no Harley, don’t enable me on this one. It’s bad luck. I shouldn’t do it.” Peter scrunches his nose. “Tell Dave I’ll be at the party.”
Harley simply grins, his eyes glimmering mischievously as if there’s something only he knows and Peter doesn’t. “Sure thing.”
It’s been two weeks since the damned party. Peter doesn’t feel any better about himself. As expected, Dave had followed him around all evening. Harley, traitor he is, was nowhere to be found. In the end, Peter couldn’t take it anymore, and he straight up told Dave he wasn’t interested. Thank god the lad took it pretty well, but it doesn’t make Peter feel any less shitty about it.
Peter really should just focus on his job and put his mind away from both Dave and Tony. It’s for the best. He sighs and stares at the next appointment on his list. The name is hidden, a feature they have for clients who are high in on their privacy. Peter sighs and grabs his car keys to go to the appointment. 
Tony’s tapping his foot anxiously while he tries not to stare at the elevator. It’s needless to say he’s not doing a very good job at doing so. Peter’s going to be here again. Oh, God. Tony can’t shake the feeling that maybe he shouldn’t have accepted the booking when Peter’s coworker called him.
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jumukus · 3 years
A3! Event: Trump the Phantom Thief Episode 8 Translation
Play time! A heads up on the characters' names:
Muku: King Yuki: Q Kazunari: Ace Juza: Jack Banri: Fox Sakyo: Club
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Saionji: Muku-kun, how are you doing? Are you getting seasick?
Muku: I'm doing alright, thank you. Oh, and the room is so beautiful.
Saionji: I am glad it is to your liking. We purposely built the suite rooms in a place where you can't feel the ship's motion.
I am planning to take every possible measure for the theater venue as well, though do not hesitate to let me know if you are unsatisfied with anything.
Muku: I will. Thank you.
Kazunari: Dude, not only the suite rooms are superbs, but to think we also get a whole staff to ourselves…! We can even get the beverages here as many times we like!
Yuki: True. The service is just so good it surprised me.
Sakyo: Don't get too engrossed in these service or you'll be havin' a hard time once we return to Mankai Company.
Izumi: You have a point…
Banri: I don't wanna go back.
Juza: ...I'm thirsty.
Muku: Wanna get some beverages in our rooms?
Juza: No, it's fine. Our rooms are far from here.
Azami: There's a lot of vending machines there. I think they have your favorite strawberry milk.
Juza: I'll go get it.
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Muku: …
Izumi: (Today is finally our opening show. I knew it. They all seem pretty nervous because we're going to perform in a different venue.)
Juza: …
Izumi: (Juza-kun looks stiff.)
Kazunari: OK, guys! We've gotta form a circle in times like this!
Banri: Be more specific. What d'you mean by "in times like this"?
Yuki: Bet you already thought of what kind of circle you wanna do.
Kazunari: Righty right! Since our play is about phantom thieves, we all should strike a phantom thief pose!
Sakyo: The heck is that?
Kazunari: No complaining! Just follow me!
Yuki: Fine. Fine.
Juza: ...Muku, do the chant.
Muku: First things first, I'm sorry for causing you guys troubles when I was at a loss of what to do.
I don't want to give up on all the things I want to do. I've decided to do everything I can in all of them.
I'll run through until the end. Follow me, guys!
Juza: Yeah!
Kazunari: Okie!
Banri: Yea.
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Q: "It's as musty as always."
Ace: "Clean it up."
Q: "How about you do it?"
Ace: "No way. Geez. This place used to be clean, wonder what happened to it."
Q: "That's because we had a clean-freak before."
Ace: "Okay. Leader, you do the cleaning."
King: "I think it's pretty clean, though."
Q: "Seriously?"
Ace: "Should've known a messy room owner like Leader would say something like that."
Q: "Anyway. Since this is the first time we gathered here after a year, that means you've already set our next target, right? Let's cut to the chase already."
King: "Our next target will be "Mermaid's Tears", a 12-carat diamond."
"It's going to be sold during an auction held at the Royal Star cruise. It's one of the event's highlights and expected to sell for 6 billion."
Ace: "Woo-hoo."
Q: "Heh. Interesting."
King: "Royal Star is currently hiring staff. Q."
Q: "Got it. That means I have to sneak in as one of their staff members, right?"
King: "Ace, get close to the ship's captain and collect information."
Ace: "Roger."
Izumi: (I expect no less from Summer Troupe. They have great teamwork. I can totally feel it.)
(Not to mention Muku-kun's King is able to unite them as a leader.)
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Q: "I'm in charge of the rooms in Block A… Laundry and… Ugh. What a hassle."
"This isn't my job in the first place, after all. If that person were here--."
Crew Member: "Are you new here? You seem lost."
Q: "Yes. I don't think I can get out of this place if I lose the map."
Crew Member: "You can ask anyone if there's anything you don't understand."
Q: "Thank you."
Crew Member: "What's wrong?"
Q: "I think I saw someone over there--."
Crew Member: "But there's only a garbage can over there. Is it a ghost or something?"
Q: "Hey. Stop. I don't like it."
"Hm? A letter?"
"Could this be--I have to report to King."
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King: "I'll take the Mermaid's Tears--Jack."
Ace: "Can't believe he's aiming for the same thing."
Q: "Him and King sure are compatible in a strange way."
Ace: "Even though their personalities are the exact opposite of each other."
Q: "What are we going to do now?"
Ace: "Guess we're gonna have a change of pla--."
King: "We'll continue the operation."
Q: "Come again!?"
Ace: "So you mean we're gonna compete with Jack?"
King: "I will not send out this notice. Let's call it a direct confrontation between Trump and Jack."
Q: "Whaaaat!?"
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Jack: "Weird. The cops aren't on the move."
"Hm? Where's my noti--."
"It's been a while. How about a reunion? At The Mermaid's Tears' chamber. Trump."
"King, huh… It's just so like him to do something like this. Fine. Let's have a showdown."
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Fox: "Here. I got what you wanted, the Royal Star's blueprint."
King: "It is indeed the blueprint."
Fox: "I got you some addition as well. This one is a lil bit pricey."
King: "Figured as much."
Fox: "What are you going to do with this information, though?"
King: "It's prohibited to poke your nose into your client's private life."
Fox: "Oops. My bad. I was curious since you rarely asked for something like this. Oh, yeah. Your master said he wanted to see you."
King: "Club? I wonder why. I'll try contacting him."
Club: "I'm comin' in."
Fox: "Speak of the devil."
King: "Long time no see."
Club: "Perfect timing. Are you free now?"
Club: "I'm goin' to retire soon. Take whatever you need."
King: "Retire? Are you serious?"
Club: "My body is startin' to fall apart. It's an age thing. Tell this to Ja--Oh, right. I heard you two broke up."
King: "You made it sound like we're dating. Please don't do that. He just decided to quit my group on his own."
Club: "Y'all never change. Here I thought you'd keep workin' together. That's what you call youth, I guess."
King: "To be honest with you, I'd also never thought he would betray me."
Club: "Looking at that guy, I think he's in his rebellious phase rather than betrayal."
King: "Rebellious phase?"
Club: "He's got some strong sense of rivalry, y'know? Add that with the fact that he's never won against you."
"He must be jealous of you. You're a genius, while he can only do things in a crude way."
King: "Really? I like his way of doing things, though."
Club: "That's exactly why you're hated. Oh, well. You better make up before I die."
King: "Please tell that to him too. You're going to meet him after this anyway, right?"
Club: "You're right. Guess I'm also gonna tell him directly. Both of you are my most excellent apprentices, after all."
King: "Please take this as my present for your retirement. This one is 40 years old."
Club: "You sure are well prepared."
King: "I was actually planning to use it for the celebration party, though."
"--Oh, right. If you're going to retire, please give me that. You know, the 'Venus Ring'."
Club: "I refuse."
Fox: "Welcome. Man, I guess we've got a lot of 'speak of the devil' moment today."
Jack: "What are you saying?"
Fox: "Nope. Forget it. Anyway, this is your requested uniform and safe."
Jack: "Thanks."
Fox: "Oh, yea. Your master said he wanted to see you. Why don't you give him a call?"
Jack: "Long time no see."
Club: "Hey. Is it just me or did you lose some weight?"
Jack: "What do you want to talk about?"
Club: "I'm gonna retire soon. Take whatever you need."
Jack: "Whatever you need, huh. By the way, the 'Venus Ring'..."
Club: "Y'all really have the same taste. I ain't gonna give it out. I sent it to the right place."
Jack: "By y'all… Do you mean King?"
Club: "You should just go back and regroup with him."
Jack: "I'll never go back until I win against him."
Club: "What a pig-headed kid. So? You see any chance to accomplish that?"
Jack: "I have a feeling we're finally going to settle this soon."
Club: "Heh. You seem confident."
Jack: "Because I've made arrangements ahead of time."
Club: "That's so you. You still look as gloomy as ever, though. Why don't you go soaking up the sun in some warm places in the south once in a while?"
Jack: "No--But you have a point. Maybe I'll do that once this is over."
Club: "Do that. And make up with King."
Jack: "...It depends on him."
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Guard A: "Wait there."
Guard B: "This place is restricted to authorized personnel."
Q: "'Mermaid's Tears' has been carried away."
King: "Got it. Looks like they put it at the expected place."
Q: "How about the security? Can you unlock it?"
King: "I've already made preparation for that. We just need to see how things will turn out."
Ace: "Hey, wait a sec. Please, King."
King: "Find out the schedule for the guards' lookout."
Q: "Ugh. What a pain. Why do I have to do this…"
Q: "The guard will change at 1 P.M. The key will only be handed over when a substitute comes."
King: "So we need that key and the password that the captain has to unlock the door."
Q: "Ace, gain some time for us."
Ace: "Roger. Leave it to me."
Q: "Don't screw up."
Ace: "Hey, good work."
Guard A: "You're here sooner than I thought."
Ace: "Boss said my shift would start 30 minutes earlier since I'm always late, you see. Today I got here on time, though."
"Oh. Don't tell me you're gonna get scolded if you end your shift early? Wanna have some chat for thirty minutes then? Man, being a guard sure is easy."
"I actually want to increase my shift more, you know. But I don't reall--."
Guard A: "No, it's fine. I'll end my shift now. Bye."
Ace: "Oh. Okay, then. Bye."
Ace: "Mission complete. It's your turn now, King."
King: "Let's see, now. This is unexpectedy such a hassle~."
Ace: "I'm glad you seem to be having fun but please hurry up."
Q: "It's almost been thirty minutes."
King: "Just a little bit more…"
Q: "The guard is coming."
King: "I'm counting on you, Ace."
Ace: "Hey.."
Guard B: "Hm?"
Ace: "Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "What's wrong?"
Ace: "Oh, are you the substitute? Thank God. I'm starting to panic since my stomach is killing me. Good bye!"
Guard B: "Hey, wait, the key--."
Ace: "Key? Oh, right. I've gotta hand it ove--ouch ouch ouch."
Guard B: "Hey, you okay?"
Ace: "Wait a minute. Just until I calm down. Ouch ouch ouch…"
Guard B: "F-For now, just go to the toilet first."
Ace: "Don't think that's possible. I feel like it's gonna come out once I move."
Guard B: "Whaaat!?"
Ace: "Do you have some medicine or anything?"
Guard B: "No, sorry…"
Ace: "Can you bring me one from the infirmary? I'm on the edge here."
Guard B: "O-Okay! Wait a little bit!"
Ace: "King, you better open it now."
King: "...Weird. We may not make it."
Ace: "Come again!?"
King: "Oh, I got it. This one."
"...Nice. It opens!"
"Q, carry it out. Let's retreat."
Q: "Got it."
Guard B: "Hey, I have the medicine!"
Ace: "Very thanks, man. Here, your key! I'll leave the rest to you."
Guard B: "Yeah. Hope you recover soon."
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King: "...This is weird. Jack didn't come in the end."
Q: "Maybe he realized it's impossible to go against phantom thieves."
King: "No. That guy…"
Police: "Freeze! We're police!"
King: "--."
Q: "!?"
Ace: "Since when!?"
King: "We're being set up. Q, throw the 'Mermaid's Tears' to the sea."
Q: "Huh!? Do you hear yourself now!?"
King: "Do it now. We'll escape the moment the police look away."
Ace: "You're lying, right!?"
King: "Quick."
Q: "You're the one who told me to do it, alright!"
Police: "H-Hey! The jewel! Pick it up, quick!"
King: "Let's go!"
Police: "Wait!"
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Q: "What do we do now!? All of our hardship went to waste!"
Ace: "Our 6 billion…"
King: "That was a fake jewel Jack had prepared."
Q: "What?"
King: "Jack had stolen 'Mermaid's Tears' in advance and replaced it with a fake one."
"He was the one who snitched on us."
Narration: "The day before…"
Guard A: "Hey, what's wrong?"
Jack: "No, it's just… the engine…"
Guard A: "Hold on, hold on. If there's any trouble, you better do something about it or else it'll get worse later on. If we're liable for the damages…"
Jack: "There's smoke coming out!"
Guard A: "Say what!?"
Jack: "Stay away from the car!"
Guard B: "Whoa!"
Guard A: "C-Call the fire station! Wait, we gotta get the safe first!"
Guard B: "Hey, is it okay?"
Jack: "Yeah. The smoke disappeared. I found no issues with the machine too."
Guard A: "That means the safe is alright, yeah? God. Give me a break. We almost carry it away ahead of time."
Q: "So that's why Jack didn't show up…"
Ace: "He really got us! I already thought it was weird for the police to appear at times like that!"
Q: "Ugh. Even if the police didn't appear, Jack still won since he already got the 'Mermaid's Tears' before us."
King: "I wonder about that."
King: "He hasn't made any changes in his base. Well, isn't he a little careless…"
"Even his security system is so weak."
"Hm? A card?"
"'Out of respect of Master's retirement, I will hand over the victory.'"
"Don't be satisfied with second place. You could have taken measures if you know there's a chance it'll get stolen. Oh, well. I'll accept your kind offer…"
Jack: "..."
"He really came…"
King: "Hey."
Jack: "--ugh. Why are you still here, King?"
King: "It's been a long time, I want to renew our friendship. I even brought alcohol with me."
Jack: "This is why you're hated."
King: "But you don't hate me, do you?"
Jack: "How did you find out?"
King: "I got some information about you from Fox. It helped me understand your strategy to some extent."
Jack: "In that case, why did you fall into the trap?"
King: "Because, otherwise, you won't move forward as planned. I'll be troubled if you're on your guard."
"I could narrow down your base thanks to the location device I planned on the alcohol I gave to Club. The rest is my intuition."
Jack: "I can never bring myself to like you in the end."
King: "Now, now. Let's have a toast for the 'Mermaid's Tears'. Q and Ace are waiting."
Izumi: (This is the only scene where Jack and King talk face to face. Even so, you can tell how close they are just by watching this scene alone.)
(Maybe because they are cousins, they can create a unique relationship between rivals who understand each other the most.)
Muku: Thank you so much!
Juza: Thank you.
Sakyo: Thank you.
Yuki: Thank you.
Kazunari: Thankies thankies~!
Banri: Thank you.
Sakyo: The audience's reaction on our first show is great.
Juza: King was so cool.
Muku: Jack was even cooler! The fact that he's active behind the scenes is just so Juchan!
Juza: I can also feel the gap between King, a sharp person with a gentle look, and you, Muku.
Muku: I-Is that so? Ehehe. But your Jack…
Azami: They're going to be like that forever at this rate.
Yuki: When are you going to stop?
Banri: But well, it was good overall. Right?
Kazunari: Totally! Their chemistry was just perfect on the stage, even the audience was pleased!
Izumi: Let's keep this energy until the closing show!
Muku: Yes!
< Episode 7 | Masterlist | Episode 9 >
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Can’t wait to read you thoughts on this episode. Eda and Serkan are getting engaged! ngl seeing the rings did something to me, I haven’t recovered yet.
I KNOW!!!!! I missed the rings so much. When folks were upset during the filming of 20 when it became apparent he wasn't wearing the ring anymore, I remember saying that they have to take them off so they can put them back on for real, and it will be oh so sweet when they do. Flashforward six weeks and YES!!!! Just seeing those rings again is sweet we're going to die when they actually slip them on during the next episode. I'm not attached to any of my own jewelry the way I'm attached to their rings, lmao.
As a whole this episode was very enjoyable for me.  The new writers clearly realized they needed a mood change after episode 25, and I was thrilled to see the show return to its roots. The tone felt more like the first batch of episodes than any in recent memory. What a relief. Also I've said prior to this that I suspected that where we would feel Ayse's absence was in the humor and lack of sparkle.  Well I thought this episode had plenty of both, so I stand corrected. The first Edser scene with Serkan gliding by Eda without saying a word and then having his trusty sidekick Leyla keep an eye on what they were doing outside set the light comedic tone and put everything on the right footing from the get go. 
More later on Edser, let's start with all the nonsense they use to fill the rest of the 2+ hours. 
(continue under the read more)
What in the frack is Babaanne's endgame?  Does she have one?  Is it to take revenge on Serkan? To get Eda back in her orbit? Or just to cause chaos? Or is she testing them? Not sure. 
I enjoyed the scene between mom and son, Aydan and Serkan's relationship has really become one of the best on the show, certainly better than recent Eda/Ayfer.  Which is interesting, because in the pilot they established that while Serkan may be rich with material things, he was lacking in love and emotional familial support, while Eda was poor in regards to material things, but was surrounded by love in the form of her family/friends. Though perhaps one of the greatest gifts Eda's given Serkan is an improved relationship with his mother, and the impetus to distance himself from his unloving father. While Serkan has inspired her growing independence from her aunt. 
Speaking of them, let's move on to Aydan and Ayfer. PLEASE MADE THIS CHEF NONSENSE END! Good grief. I really don't enjoy watching these two ladies making total asses of themselves over this douche. Both of them trying to catch him on his jog and then going along with his aikido nonsense. It feels like he's just playing with them for his own amusement. Both deserve better and I don't even like Ayfer. Also if my boss gave me a single red rose for being employee of the month, I'd find that both creepy and hella disappointing (crash prizes please.) 
Meanwhile Ayfer is still testing my last nerve. When Aydan and Seyfi show up and inform her that they've found out that Serkan and Eda broke up and she responds with, "Were they even together to break up?" I wanted to slap her upside the head. Whatever official relationship status Eda and Serkan have, they have been connected and in a romantic relationship this entire time. The bit of time jump at the start of 15 before she goes back to work for Efe, is really the only section of time since they've met where they weren't in a relationship. And while Eda isn't all that forthcoming with Ayfer when it comes to Serkan, she hasn't really hidden it well. It was at Ayfer's birthday when they were on the ice together being very romantic, Ayfer was at Aydan's 70s party and could very well see Eda and Serkan attached at the hip all night and wound around one another intimately slow dancing, Ayfer knows Eda spent the night at Serkan's when she left because of Babaanne, Ayfer was at the NY party and saw them together there. Not to mention Ayfer knows Serkan saved her business and why, she knows Serkan was still wearing his ring, and she knows Eda looked completely shattered over leaving Serkan as Ayfer heartlessly reacted with glee in the last episode. 
So asking "were they even together" just completely diminishes what Eda is currently going through, as if parting with him is no big deal because there was nothing there to begin with, when she knows better. When she's seen it with her own two eyes. Seriously.. fuck her. Every other character who is a friend of Eda and Serkan all know that they're a unit. I don't even feel bad that she came to ArtLife to beg for Eda's company, but Eda ended up blowing her off. Surprising Serkan with a proposal was a much better use of her time.
Engin and Piril, yeeesh, I feel for Piril, trying to put off this meeting. I'm sure she's thinking it's for Engin's own good, but her flipping into total bitch mode when they're newlyweds... not great. Not an auspicious start to the marriage. Even if she wants to keep Engin away from her father, she ought to confide in Engin and tell him why she's freaked. I'm assuming we'll get more of that in the next episode since Engin is looking rough in those promo stills. 
My favorite side plot was probably Grandog's henchman's (what is his name?) crush on Melo. Melo deserves to be crushed on, and I love that she is so uninterested that she doesn't see it.  Much more fun to have him chasing her, and her being oblivious. Poor Leyla, trying in vain to get his attention when he only has eyes for Melo. Enjoyed that Melo and Leyla made the agreement that Melo would help Leyla get the dude and Leyla would help get rid of Erdem. I'm looking forward to see where this goes. 
Ceren and Ferit... were there too. 
Now onto the A story (and let's be real the only one that matters) Eda and Serkan. Obviously 25 left us off in a very sad, heartbroken place. I'm not sure what decisions were made, when or why, but at some point TPTB decided they needed to get back to their roots and thank goodness. Episode 25 was just so dark, Eda was miserable the entire episode, as was Serkan, and that's not fun to watch for 2 hours. The way they handled them here is much better. 
I know some feel the tone shift was too much. To that I would say, it was so dark in ep 25, I'm happy to do a 180, no matter the reason, to get back to a place where watching is fun, and also I think of the breakup as Eda throwing the breaks on a runaway train and once she did, and she was sure the train was stopped at least for the time being, then she could take a moment, reassess the situation and potentially decide it wasn’t as dire as she thought. In the last episode, every moment Eda delayed giving that old bitty what she wanted, something catastrophic befell Serkan, his business, or his family. The pressure mounted, the stakes were high and in the end she had to do whatever was necessary to stop Babaanne's assault on Serkan. 
This episode we saw her catch her breath and then formulate a plan. I think a tone shift fits with that. Of course she feels lighter knowing that even though she hurt Serkan, he's protected for the moment. Now that that's taken care of, she's ready for next steps. So it works that the next morning we see her telling Melo and Ceren that she's not going to give up Serkan, and outlining her plan around getting close to Babaanne in order to get something on her. Good girl!  
As I said above, I just adored that first scene outside ArtLife. The girls gathered around, trying to warn Eda that Serkan was coming, and then his walk by where he KNEW EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS DOING when he got right up in Eda's business without even looking at her.  He knows what makes her weak in the knees. And I love that Serkan decided to play it like this. HE KNOWS. He knows she loves him, he knows there's more to the breakup, and he knows how to deal with it. Drive her crazy until she cracks and tells him everything. OR drive her crazy until they end in a passionate, possessive sex explosion. One or the other.  
Quick poll, who didn't love watching Serkan take back the reigns of his company? This gal did. YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS. Alpha Serkan is back. Kick the old bag's throne to the curb. Kick the old bag's creepy client to the curb. Now we just have to kick the old bag and her deranged, obsessed sidekick to the curb as well.  But for now, I loved seeing him at the end of the table, making decisions, not brooking opposition. The team squabbling over his decision, but he just sits back, unbothered. Total power move. I appreciate Ferit questioning the decision, questioning it is the right thing to do in his position, but he may have gotten a little too pissy about it. Dude, this entire company IS Serkan. The success of the company is due to his talent, his vision, his business acumen. I get they're all worried he's making a decision because of Eda, but he's got a proven track record of, you know, being right, so there's no reason to get shirty. If Serkan doesn't want to work with someone, his instinct is probably on target.
Eda getting Babaanne to stand down warmed me from the inside out. I find it interesting that she used the argument that they were pushing him too hard and he didn't deserve it, and Babaanne bought it. For one I think Eda was worried Serkan was going to snap and do something that might start Babs' Bolat revenge cycle again. For two, she just wants the love of her life to win and be calm. However, if anyone in that room didn't catch onto what happened there, that Eda and BigB leave and then come back a minute later and BigB has done a 180, I question their competence. *cough* Ferit *cough* He's just not the sharpest tool in the shed. However, obviously, Serkan knew. 
On another note, they've gotten pretty murky with the line between ArtLife and the holding.  Babaanne has 45% of the Holding, not ArtLife. Ferit has 5% of the holding, not ArtLife. So which company was working with the Prince?  Since it was a project to design a house, seems like that should be ArtLife? But Babs and Ferit seemed to think they had a vote which they shouldn't if it's ArtLife.  Who knows... whatever. 
Have you ever seen anything cuter than Eda in her coat and boots and protective helmet, leaning over, clutching her chest, exhausted after climbing all those stairs?  I mean she's an adorable bean just bent over and huffing and puffing, but the fact that she just climbed up goodness knows how many flights of stairs (judging by that view, an impossible number, but we'll allow it) just to see Serkan?  We giggle at her excuse that she did that because he gave her too much work. Eda, he's not going to buy that, luckily none of us want him to buy it. These two, they can't stay away from each other. Ever. She was also probably worried after the foreman told her he'd been up there for hours. Again, I think she's concerned that she's pushed him too far. So now she's in Serkan's shoes after the first breakup. Navigating that push pull of wanting to be with him, but sticking to the decision to end it for his sake. 
It's nice to see that her claustrophobia was not "cured" after going up in the elevator with Serkan one-time. On her own, she's still not able to face it. I'm sure she could do it again with him, but there's more work to be done before she can face it without him. 
Serkan was surprisingly vulnerable in both his conversation with Engin and with Eda on the top of that skyscraper. Even just telling Engin he was too out of sorts to join him for lunch, tells us that while he knows what he's doing, he knows there's more to the story, but he's still hurting and unsettled after the breakup. Then, "I create to make people happy, but I myself can't be happy. It's strange." Oh Serkan. I think you ripped my heart out with that... Eda's too. 
Eda was so discombobulated by Serkan's attitude. Whatever she expected from him, his acceptance of the break up, wasn't it. His proposal that they be "friends" threw her and she looked so distressed when he said, "Everyone will live their own life." Alarm bells started going off for her, much as they did for him at the top of ep 19 when Eda said she was going to start living her life. She did NOT like the idea of Serkan Bolat out there living a life that didn't include her, lmao. 
It's crazy to me that Eda has a friend like Fifi, who probably breaks and enters for a living, and yet she chooses Melo for a clandestine operation. Come on, Eda, you got to choose the right person for the job, lmao. I also question Eda's choice of cat burglar wardrobe. Seemed a bit... restricting and flashy. Though her skin-tight, snakeskin breaking-and-entering dress and fashionable trespassing boots did make it easier to transition to fine dining and driving your man towards rambunctious breakup/makeup/jealousy sex.  Not much to say about the restaurant scenes. The prince is creepy af, and was that the most awkward dance.... ever? The looks back and forth between Edser were excellent, so much tension and longing and jealousy. But boy is it hard to watch a scene with Balca in it, ugh she makes my skin crawl and I don’t even like looking at her. Also the deliberate way the actress has chosen to speak is irritating. Anyway, we now know Balca is pretty much capable of anything, if she’s capable of essentially poisoning the man she thinks she loves. Yikes. Did Nana realize that Balca poisoned him? I have to believe she did, because him being sick seemed part of the plan. THEY'RE ALL FULL EVIL!!! .
One thing I don't believe is that Eda Yildiz would ever walk out of that restaurant with Serkan looking that bad. No way she leaves him to Balca's care, or anyone else's for that matter. Nope, regardless of who was watching she would have insisted on taking him to the doctor herself.  But I get they were setting up the plot, so they sacrificed that bit. 
These villains are really bad at driving a wedge between two people who love each other. AngryGran is all like, "I know a foolproof plan, let's put them in the same room and get 'em all riled up with jealousy, then make Serkan sick so Eda's worried, then I'll convince her to go check on him and let's see what happens!" LMAO. Cheers to you, dumbasses, you brought us a whole heaping plate full of S.E.X. They were really banking that Eda was going to fly off the handle and think that Serkan went from an allergic reaction to sexing up the new obsessed employee very quickly. It's great that they all underestimate Eda and Serkan's relationship and connection, that should continue to help Edser as long as these fools continue to meddle. 
Eda was, wait for it, LEGENDARY, in her smackdown of Balca. QUEEEEEEEN. I'll never be over the, "You can only be with a statue of Serkan, darling." BWAHAHAHAHA. Yes! Throw her creepy, inappropriate present back in her face. And Balca's gall asking Eda to leave and then continually lecture Eda that they'd broken up. That takes either big cajones or huge helpings of delusion, because Balca has very little information when it comes to their relationship, yet she's playing her hand like she knows it all and like she doesn't care what gets back to Serkan. However, got to hand it to Balca for keeping her composure once Eda saw through her little staged production, because her story was painfully weak. Let's say for real that you're at your boss's house, the boss is sick so you're hanging around downstairs by yourself just to make sure everything is okay. What's the problem with just... you know... wearing your outfit with a coffee stain?  Unless you had a massive big gulp sized coffee and poured it over your head, why even change? Don't you just... live with the stain? It's not like you're making a presentation to the board of directors in 5 minutes.  For the love of god you're sitting there and no one else is around. Weak alibi.  
Poor Serkan, he's just there trying to sleep off having his allergies maliciously triggered, and he completely misses out on the love of his life fighting for him downstairs. Oh how he would have loved to see that. But oh what a way to wake up, with Eda Yildiz standing over him, looking magnificent, and rousing him with a scolding tone. I've already talked about how HOT the jealousy and possessiveness was here, so I'll focus on the scene itself. 
Let’s talk about the fragman first. Due to the short production timeline of this show, when they create a trailer they're doing it from the dailies, not from the show itself. That part of the show usually hasn't even been edited yet so the fragman exists before the episode. That means often there are scenes or angles that appear in the fragman, but not in the episode. It happened bigtime with the shower scene in 19, it happened randomly with the fragman for 20, they showed that really great shot of heartbroken Serkan in red, but didn't show the full thing in the episode, (when giffing it I had to use the fragman) and here, several of the best shots of Eda and Serkan ripping each other's clothes off were in the fragman and didn't make the episode. We can live with it for a lonely Serkan shot, but it's quite a bait and switch in this instance. Especially when pretty much every member of the cast (except Hande, Kerem didn't post anything either, but he did appear in that IGlive where the cast mercilessly teased him about it) promoted the scene. Not cool. I realize that they're dealing with sensors and may have had to cut things in order to avoid fines and such, but then they probably should have found a way to release the uncut scene on the internet as I've read other Turkish shows have done and like they did with episode 13. If you're gonna put something like this in the fragman to entice viewers, and have the cast promote it, you need to be willing to deliver. Badly done on the part of both Fox and MF Yapim.
That being said, one of the great things about the tighter restrictions this show has to adhere to, is they really show the intimacy instead. On an American show, these characters would have started eating each other's faces off and then tumbled into bed. There is something very hot, though, about them just invading each other's space, breathing each other's scent, nose to nose, nose to neck, nose to cheek... without breaching. Plus we got to see him carry her to the bed... even if they darkened it to the point you can barely see. I saw enough. HOT. The scene was short, but more tantalizing than lots of love scenes I've seen.
I was sad she left while he still slept in the morning. For him not to feel her get out of bed, she must have worn him out! It really would have been nice to see them wake up together, but I'm sure that will come. Plus it gave us the tension filled scene in the office. The knocked over lamp in the background was a delicious detail. Things got rambunctious! I'm glad Eda got to return the sentiment that only she can touch him, if only Serkan had heard it! Another thing that would have made him so happy if only he knew about it.
Melo is all of us upon learning about their night of passion. She's a whole cheerleader for them, and I love it. 
The post-sex scenes at the office were amazing. For several seconds I thought that he really did think it was a dream. Panic started to set in until she admitted she'd had it too. Phew. No hiding for Eda. I'm glad he flirted, instead of getting offended, and that she was at least honest about there being something she needed to do before they could really be together. Eda also handled the office conversation with Balca well. Love that she didn't show any reaction to her claim about Paris, just wished her a good trip. I felt that deep breath she took before going into his office. Yes, girl, calm down before you march in and accuse him of something, good thing he immediately invited her. I just about melted at, "I don't want to argue... you're precious to me." Serkan is gradually learning how to head off her fits of pique. 
The proposal... I... just... okay... my heart... I need a minute... still not over it. 
It was perfect. She made a surprise for him!!!!  After he asked her for a surprise a few episodes ago she did it and surpassed even his wildest dreams. It was quite a surprise for us too! Thank you for not spoiling it, show!  Serkan has told Eda he loves her about 3 dozen different ways, he's made it clear how he feels and what he wants ("Eda Bolat, sounds nice."). There is no doubt that he was ready to propose the moment he felt she'd be receptive, so it was wonderful that she threw caution to the wind and did it. Both Serkan and the audience needed to see exactly how much she loves him, and this was a wonderful way to do that. It's pretty much the biggest thing she could have done.  Also for those of us in other parts of the world (I'm in the US) it might not be too out of the ordinary for a woman to propose, but from what I understand it's rare and possibly non-existent on Turkish shows. That's pretty cool.
Did you see his face!?!? He was so happy at first when he registered that she was actually standing in front of him and then just totally gobsmacked when he saw the rings and realized what was happening. As for Eda, she was just glowing. GLOWING. And don't even get me started on the plane. That trip on the day after they met is such an important part of their love story and the call back here is wonderful. The first time around he thought she was there for him, this time he can't believe that she's there for him.  
Can't wait to see the way the full conversation/proposal plays out, do ya'll think he'll say yes? (hee)
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starryseung · 4 years
hwang hyunjin + smut
requested; If your requests are still open can I get a jealous enemies to lovers au for hyunjin? The filthier the better :) thank you!!!! word count: 3.4k words warnings; dom!hyunjin, kinda enemies to lovers, slight voyeurism, car sex
(Wet) Dreams
“I’m sorry ma'am. It won’t happen again.”
You look down and sigh, not wanting to face your useless intern. You had recently taken over the job of guiding and working above some new interns at your company, and it sure was taking a toll on you. Yoon Hachan was a dumb piece of shit, and he wouldn’t leave any opportunity to ruin your day. He was appointed to you, and you gladly decided to look over him. Until the very next week, when he spills his iced americano all over your clothes and important documents sitting in front of you.
And oh god the look on his face. He would pout like a baby, frustrating you even more. But you had to control your short temper since it had almost led to you getting kicked out of the company by your boss. And speaking of that old dude, he was a dick. He was a huge misogynist, and you honestly doubt why you even worked for him— until the thought of your debts come towering upon you, and you become a considerate little bean at work.
Your boss preached favoritism. It was like his religion, and he would bathe in a tub of it twice a day. His favorite employee, none other than Hwang Hyunjin, was another dick. Hyunjin was the prince of the company, you wouldn’t deny. He had the looks, the build, the charisma, everything every girl would drop to their knees for. He wasn’t that bad of a guy, but you despised him. He would wink your way when your eyes would meet his, and prance around the office building with the best interns —definitely assigned to him by your boss.
And right now, you couldn’t help the smoke rising from your ears and the anger flowing out of your eyes when you look at his cabin across from yours, where he sits with his legs propped up on the table, flipping pages in a file. You were jealous. You had never wanted to admit it, but at this point in time, you felt anything to validate your anger was going to help you calm down. You feel tears of anger spring in your eyes, and you simply sniffle and get out of your chair, storming towards his cabin with rage boiling and blood bubbling.
“Hwang fucking Hyunjin. How is this like, huh?”
He looks up at you amused, smirk dancing on his lips. You also never wanted to admit this, but he was one fine man.
“How is what like? I don’t know what you’re talking about, y/n.”
You felt your temperature rising, ears turning red in frustration.
“You fucking know! All of this! These dumb little interns that are gifted to you by that old dickhead, this air-conditioned cabin of yours, all the ‘dinner meetings’ you go out to with that asshole, you must be living the life, dude?!”, you yell out at him. He simply grins and gets up from his chair and walks towards you, making you even more annoyed. You can’t understand how someone can be so annoying, and you can’t help but stop yourself from scoffing and pushing him against his chest and running out of the room, slamming the door shut behind you.
You walk in at the office a little early, going to the office kitchen to make yourself a nice coffee. You had had a great night’s sleep, and you were happier than ever. You beam as you pour the coffee into a mug, only for the vessel to be yanked away from you. Hyunjin stood in front of you, smiling smugly with your coffee in his hands. You frown at him, upset your morning was ruined already, and attempt to reach out for your drink.
He chuckles at your failed attempts and places the cup on top of a shelf, grabbing you by your waist and pushing you against the door of the kitchen. He pins your hands above your head, and everything happens so suddenly you aren’t able to process anything until his lips latch on to your neck, sucking and licking at one spot too many times. He holds your wrists with one hand, the other snaking down your arms and tugging on your chin.
“Tongue out, baby. That little mouth of yours has too much to talk about.”
You hesitate for a moment before parting your lips slightly, pushing your tongue out and letting it rest in the air before Hyunjin leans forward and sucks at the muscle. He wraps his lips around your tongue and rolls his tongue over yours, the sucking sounds resonating in the small room. You heave a tuft of air through your nose and push your chest against his. Your thighs clench together as you feel Hyunjin’s hand snaking down your body and stopping right above your cunt, cupping your crotch with his long fingers.
You gasp when he applies pressure above your heat with his palm, feeling the wetness soak through your short skirt. Your head spins and your vision gets blurred, and Hyunjin presses his lips against yours harshly one last time before hastily unbuttoning your white shirt. He licks his lips as he stares down at your lace white bra and ducks down to lick a fat strip right on one of your nipples. You arch your back at the sensation, pushing your chest in his face further. He chuckles and nibbles down at the nub, rolling his tongue above and around it. Meanwhile, his other hand thrusts against the material of your thin skirt, and you feel your stomach knotting and twisting.
You feel light-headed, and you feel cold liquid trickle down your neck and down your chest. You look up to see your co-worker, who has morphed into a blurred figure, and you feel a shiver run down your spine before your eyes snap open and everything becomes clearer. You look around the room to meet eyes with your roommate, who held a glass of water and ice cubes in one hand, the other holding one of the cubes. She chuckles at your shocked state, and reality comes thundering down on you. It was all a dream.
“Ugh, Serim I hate you!” You shout at your best friend, holding your hands up to your face to cover the blush running up to your face. She just plops down on your bed and rolls around, laughing while clutching her stomach tightly. You smack her arm and drown under your covers and pillows. You couldn’t believe you just had a wet dream for the last person you’d ever wanna fuck.
You tell your friend off and freshen up. You made a mental note to not face Hyunjin as much as you could.
You take the bus to work, and you hear a ding on your phone, followed by your ringtone ringing throughout the congested bus. You answer the call and cover one of your ears to block out the noises from the people around you, focusing intently on what the speaker on the other line had to say.
“Hello y/n. Please arrive at the office earlier than usual. You are requested to attend a meeting with the boss and his clients.”
You listen to your boss’s assistant with shock and happiness, quickly nodding though she couldn’t see you. You couldn’t believe your boss was finally starting to trust your potential!
“Anyone else gonna be there?”
“Yes, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin from the Acc—”
And the rest of her words fall on deaf ears as anger floods your mind. You clutch your phone harshly, not caring if the device broke in your fingers. The one person you desperately didn’t want to face today was going to have lunch with you.
You run a hand through your hair as you sit in the front seat of your car, Hyunjin obviously sitting with your boss in the backseat. You decide to not initiate any conversation with any of the males and simply focus on the solitaire game on your phone. You hear your boss and Hyunjin laugh heartily at the back, and you feel anger boiling through you again.
You reach the destination, a very aesthetically pleasing five-star restaurant. You smile at the scenery before Hyunjin nudges you with his shoulder and you look over at him, your mind drowning in the dream you had today morning. He smiles pleasingly and you feel your lips tug upwards as well— his charms were too good to resist.
You walk with him and your boss inside the restaurant, the cold air instantly making you regret your decision of wearing a little red dress. You find your clients and sit down before them, smiling and talking to them about the business. You feel Hyunjin shuffle next to you, removing his coat.
“Woo! It’s so hot here,” he states, dramatically fanning his face and placing his coat on your lap, smiling your way apologetically. You huff and place your hand above his coat before you realize he did to keep you warm. Your focus is completely away from the discussion happening at the table, and you fall deep in thought on why Hyunjin was suddenly behaving like that. Suddenly you hear one of the clients speak up.
“That girl would save space and oxygen if she wasn’t here instead of not participating in the meeting,” she says, pointing towards you. You look at her and apologize, excusing yourself to the bathroom. You felt bad for not paying attention to the meeting and letting Hyunjin’s behavior distract you. Maybe it was one of his new plans— making a bad impression of you on the clients so they see Hyunjin with doe eyes.
You prep yourself up and leave the ladies’ washroom, heading towards the table. You sit down and start talking whenever you have the chance, proving the client and Hyunjin wrong. You feel confident in what you speak, and you sense the clients were getting convinced rather quickly. When they finally sign the documents, you feel proud of yourself, and you beam happily and greet them goodbyes before parting ways.
You walk out of the restaurant, feeling Hyunjin close behind you. You slow down until he reaches you, and you tug at his sleeve to gain his attention. He looks down at you, smiling with his crescent eyes. You feel your heart take a leap before you come back to your senses, reminding yourself why you called him in the first place.
“I’m… sorry. For yesterday. I shouldn’t have let out my frustration on y—”
“Oh no! I’m sorry. I was being a dick and I should’ve probably understood your problems before being a pain in the ass.”
You smile back at him, happy your differences could be finally sorted out. Your boss sits in the front seat this time, leaving you and Hyunjin for the back. Halfway through the ride, was when you realized Hyunjin’s palm was against your thighs. Your mind immediately gets reminded of the wet dream you had due to the proximity of Hyunjin’s arm and your crotch. You shrug off the feeling, distracting yourself with the view outside.
“Can I… um… take you out tonight? As an apology.” He whispers
Your day goes surprisingly better than you expected. Hyunjin’s interns were now assigned to you, and your’s were assigned to him. Your cabin was all tidied up, with a vanilla fragrance lingering in the air. You lock eyes with Hyunjin in his cabin across from yours, smiling and giving a thumbs up to his way. He smirks and drops his head down, focusing back on the paperwork he was handling.
The night rolled along pretty quickly. It was already nine o’clock, and you were distracted by the knock on your cabin door, followed by the click of the lock. Hyunjin pops his head in and points towards the clock. “It’s nine, come on let’s go” he acknowledged. You look up at him and motion him to wait before you pack your things.
You both walk together down the building towards his car. The sounds of your heels and his boots are the only ones that are heard in the quiet parking lot. You’re about to sit in his car when your phone rings. You look at your caller ID and pick up, wondering what your roommate had to say at this hour. You hold up the device against your ear, not realizing when your earring had tapped on the speaker option, making your friend’s screeching voice heard throughout the parking lot.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, I completely forgot to tell you! Please bring some noise-blocking headphones today, I don’t want you moaning about that Hyunjin in your sleep—” was all you and Hyunjin could hear before you ended the call. You look up at him with wide eyes, only to be met with his smirking features. He seemed amused by the news, gesturing you to sit in the car. You debate in your head whether you should still go on a date with him now your stupid roommate had blown your cover. Nevertheless, you sit back in the vehicle, avoiding all conversation with the man behind the wheel.
Hyunjin switches the radio on in hopes to reduce the awkward silence in the car, but his efforts all go to waste when a slow sensual song plays through the speakers. He chuckles lowly, resting his hand against your thigh. He swerves lanes, and before you know it, you are in front of a lavish restaurant. He was still taking you on a date, you think, after all he’d heard? You stiffen up when he leans to your ears, whispering the words you were dreading to hear and at the same time, avoiding since your dream.
“Move to the backseat, baby.”
Your breathing hitches and your eyes waver, unsure of what you should do. You figure how this is the only way you can become better friends with Hyunjin (as well as get in his pants). He runs his fingers through his hair, the glossy strands falling right back on his face. You gulp and unbuckle your belt, opening the door slightly to let yourself out, and walk to the backseat, plopping down in the leather. Hyunjin leaves the car for a brief moment and returns, your heart rate speeding up as he inches closer and closer to you.
The moment he lays his hands on your thighs, your stomach growls. Hyunjin looks up at you and giggles when he’s met with your hands over your face. He realized how both of you were hungry, and so he decided to postpone this session after dinner. You look at him with mixed emotions, happy— that he let you have some food; sad— that he left you devoid of his touch, or angry— that he had just touched you. Anyways, you were famished, and couldn’t wait to eat.
You and Hyunjin shared the bill once it had arrived, and now you were just sitting at the table waiting for your credit cards to return. You were stuffed to the point you couldn’t breathe. Or maybe that’s what everybody was seeing. Hyunjin looked just fine though. Of course, he would be, the way his hands were under the table, slowly running up and down your folds. Your panties are pushed to the side and your breathing is labored as his long fingers enter and exit your wet hole.
A clatter is heard, and you look at Hyunjin crutch down and pick up a spoon. You relax when the faint feeling of his fingers leave your core, but immediately thump a fist on the table when the cold spoon comes in contact with your core. The convex of the spoon was pressed against the warmth of your core. You felt like thrashing around, letting your vocal cords loose and moaning and whining at the sensation below the table. But the multiple people sitting in the restaurant restrained you from doing so.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Hyunjin pushes the spoon against your core harder, a soft whine erupting from you. Hyunjin growls and simply stands up when the waiter arrives, straightening his slacks and accepting the credit cards with his clean hands. He shuffles out and walks towards the exit and you follow suit.
Not even seconds have passed since you’ve entered the car, and Hyunjin has pinned you up against the seat and you find yourself feverishly kissing him. It was messy but passionate. They were clashes of teeth and tongue, but also his plump warm lips running against yours. His hand runs up and down your body, the other resting at the dip of your waist. He slowly progresses downwards, skimming you out of your panties before coming to a halt.
“What did you dream, baby.”
Oh no.
You were not planning on opening your mouth any sooner, but his slacks covered thigh coming in contact with your core made you lose your mind and control.
“You were…. sucking my tongue and…. my boobs—”
“Tongue out, baby. You have too much to talk.”
And as if it was a déjà vu experience, you feel yourself slowly poking your tongue out. He reaches down and wraps his lips around your tongue and sucks lightly, grazing his tongue over yours. You feel light-headed, and the sensations are nearly a thousand times better than the dream. Hyunjin’s hand snakes up to your breasts and he kneads the flesh. He pulls down your dress and pinches your nipples with his fingers, rolling the buds between his index and thumb occasionally. Your head starts spinning when he takes slurps and sucks at your appendage, descending lower and lower until one of your boobs is in his mouth as he kitten licks the nubs, sending you over the edge.
You feel your slick spill out of you when he starts rubbing and gyrating his palm against your cunt. His lips don’t leave your chest, his free hand propping himself up in the small area. He sucks and nibbles at your boobs and slips his hand under your dress, flicking your clit with his fingers. You whine at the feeling, pushing yourself against his hands to attain more friction. You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as he collects your juices and slips two digits in your dripping hole. You arch your back as he starts pumping them in and out of you, and he reaches over to the drawer in the passenger’s seat and removes a plastic wrapper. He rips the seal and rolls over the condom on his length, which you didn’t realize he had pulled out of his pants a while ago. He pumps his length a few times and spits in his hand before rubbing the wet skin over your heat, prepping you for his lengthy girth.
You feel his length poking your folds at first, but the ghostly feeling is replaced with his dick being pushed into you inch by inch, filling you up to the hilt. You hear him pant some incoherent words under his breath before he starts thrusting into you, driving his shaft in and out at an accelerated pace. His hand snakes down to where you two were connected, and he rubs agonizing circles on your bundle of nerves, riling you up.
You sense his thrusts getting slower and deeper, and both your breaths getting shallower as your highs approach. Your body spasms as you feel the tightness in your abdomen loosen up and your juices spill out of you and cover Hyunjin’s length. He moans and grunts before thrust harder and faster as he chases his high. You feel his hot seed fill up the condom inside of you, and he pulls out a while later. He sits down next to your legs on the leather seat, sighing and trying to catch his breaths.
He looks down at you and eyes you up and down, scoffing when he sees your fucked out state. You take notice of his amusement, cocking your eyebrows and propping yourself up against your elbows.
“Just yesterday you were mad at me— wait. Was this your plan!?” He asks his eyes blown out wide. A smile on his lips still shows that he was joking and you hit his shoulders lightly. You look around the car, feeling a familiar feeling poke you.
“Is this your car?”
“I’m not that rich, babe.” he scoffs and makes air-quotes to continue.
“It’s that old dickhead’s car.”
a/n: I tried making them fall in love but idk what just happened. sorry for posting this so late! Tumblr accidentally deleted the older post, but luckily i still had it in my drafts🙈
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heraldofzaun · 3 years
Hi. We’re doing this again. I’ve already spoken a little bit (well, a great bit) about how old lore Viktor wasn’t a stereotypical evil villain, but I keep seeing this interesting trend crop up - especially in the comments of analyses on Viktor’s character - and so I’m going to write about it. That trend is the fact that people seem completely and utterly convinced that only old Viktor “augmented without consent” or “didn’t respect free will” or similar mad-scientist-adjacent claims. This isn't true. The inverse is true, actually.
What follows is the entirety of Viktor’s old lore (I’m using the first - the second variant is the one that snips out his going to the Institute of War, I’m not trying to pull a trick on you or anything), his lines upon release (which are still technically canonical, even if many people believe them to be outdated - whether that is due to Riot still believing that they’re accurate to his character or, more likely, Riot not caring to replace them, I don’t know), and the accompanying blurb to his release comic. I am also including Jayce’s second lore, the one which Riot wrote after Viktor fans pointed out that Jayce’s original lore was contradictory to Viktor’s character. (Which is mentioned in the post I linked above. TL;DR: Viktor fans made such a fuss that Jayce’s lore got changed to paint Viktor as less of a villain, which again points to the fact that old Viktor wasn’t necessarily perceived as villainous by his fans. Of course, fan perceptions can be wrong - but canon was changed, so...)
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This screenshot is missing his pick/ban quotes (“Join the Glorious Evolution.”/”Inferior constructs.” - ban quotes were added after his release, so they recycled one of his attack lines) and the quotes for Chaos Storm (“Obliterate!”/”Consume!”/”True power!”/”Behold!”). This is because it didn’t fit on my computer screen nicely.
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This was written alongside Viktor’s teaser comic. (I personally really like the teaser comic, even though I’m concerned about Viktor cutting a hole in his laboratory wall.) It is, technically, non-canon material as it was posted on the now-defunct forums rather than anywhere on the client, but as we’ve seen a recent trend of Rioters Word-of-God’ing facts about canon, I may as well include it. There may be more Word-of-God confirmations on those forums as well, but the backup site that they’re currently hosted on doesn’t allow for searches as the original site didn’t either. You can find this on the “Development” tab of Viktor’s wiki page, if you’re curious.
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Is there anything in here, besides “Submit to my designs.” and a few other of his voice lines, which should be taken with the context that they were a) written in 2011 and are thus not the highest examples of character-focused writing and b) written under the context of these being things he is saying to opponents on a battlefield, that says “Viktor augments people who are unwilling”? I don’t see it. He isn’t an angel, sure, because he wrecks Jayce’s lab after the man doesn’t want to work with him, but… He’s mostly alright, at least when it comes to the claims I’m investigating. (Also, note that his acolytes are not specified as being under his control or anything like that - they very well may just be people he’s helped, who don’t want a strange man smashing up the lab they were helped in.)
An interesting side-note: Jayce’s first lore does seem to imply that Viktor murdered people, as he “staged a deadly raid on Jayce’s laboratory”. This is concerning. There’s still somewhat of that implication in the second lore, considering the whole “incinerating the lab’s meager security force” line, but I’ve never seen anyone in fandom over the years use that as evidence for Viktor being a murderer, which is interesting. There’s actual textual evidence you can point to to say that Viktor’s a morally awful dude, and yet no one pointed to it when it was canon...I’ve never seen it cited in any character analyses for Viktor, nor have I ever seen anyone make the point that it’s people that Viktor’s incinerating. Food for thought, I guess. Anyways, my personal take is this: it’s security systems, not people. It doesn’t quite make sense, in-universe, for Viktor to murder a bunch of redshirt security guards but only blast Jayce aside - and leave him with no lasting injuries, obviously. Out-of-universe, you can say that it’s because Jayce is a champion, but still… It really doesn’t fit. Of course, I’m an old lore Viktor fan and this is entirely me trying to justify that he’s not a bad guy, so you can definitely take my words as biased. As we’ll see later, even if you take this as proof that old Viktor’s a killer, it doesn’t mean new Viktor is morally spotless.
Also, if you speak a language other than English and want to kill time, feel free to write in with what Jayce’s old lore says he did if you can find a translation of it. (If you go to the League wiki you can find other language versions of it, and from there you can poke around on Jayce’s page to see if it even has his older lore at all.) The Polish version apparently doesn’t imply people, but the Russian version uses “guards”... or so I think, my knowledge of Russian is pretty small so it was me and Wiktionary against the world. I think that League lore translations, especially from 2011, aren’t exactly the best material for textual evidence, but it’s an interesting curiosity. (I’m genuinely fascinated on how this was never a point of argument, and also to the fact that it was made much more ambiguous in Jayce’s post-outcry lore… but not removed.)
Anyways. Of course, you can take his lines and general character to a logical endpoint and say that it is implied that he doesn’t care much about whether or not people consent to the Glorious Evolution, but at that point you’re arguing interpretation and need to say as such. The cases I’ve seen in which people say that old lore Viktor was lopping people’s limbs off without consent or what-have-you just say that, without citing any textual evidence or saying that it is possibly implied by his character and lines. It’s pretty hard to take those claims seriously when there’s much more textual evidence that current-canon Viktor doesn’t seem too keen on respecting autonomy. Let’s begin with his own lore, which is written to favor his perspective.
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Please keep in mind that this Viktor got his start selling automative technology to businesses in Zaun. The Zaun that is full of corrupt chem-barons. But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he only sold to good businesses. (Also, fascinating that a common complaint about old Viktor is that his status as a pioneer of his field is that he’s “unrealistically accomplished”, and that other people would have figured out the same technology - just as it seems to be the case in current lore, with the Church of the Glorious Evolved existing pre-Viktor (except that it probably didn’t at the time of this lore’s release, as there’s a paragraph later on in his lore that talks about a “quasi-religious cult” that is unnamed but… Who else would it be?) and augmentations being common on the NPCs on the Universe page. Yet someone who’s 19 having their inventions be commonly used in Zaun long enough for the term eventually to be used in reference to the next stage of their life is perfectly acceptable. Anyways…)
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What we see from this is clear: even if there is a “good” reason to control the divers, there is no mention of them consenting to the procedure. Considering the previous quotation, Viktor seems to deal more with the bosses than the workers and doesn’t seem to consider the potential job-removing impacts of his work (how many people lost jobs due to being rendered obsolete?), which doesn’t bode well for him caring much about what the workers think. But of course, this aside about dealing with bosses is all interpretation, so you can ignore it if you’d like. There still is, however, actual, textual evidence that new Viktor does not care about consent if he believes his idea is what’s best for you.
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Ignoring the writer misusing the term “psychotics” - par for the course in fiction unfortunately - here’s Viktor kidnapping people “for their own good”. Nothing is said in his lore if he’s contracted to do this, or if he’s just Zaun’s version of a Good Samaritan out and about chloroforming people. While I’m not saying that the moral choice is to not intervene, he is drugging people here and performing brain surgery on them. Please note the “in a manner of speaking”. What does that mean? Is it in reference to them having permanent brain damage? Or is it in reference to him being all well-and-ready to transfer their bodies into robots that presumably weren’t designed for them? (Speaking of, if Viktor can transfer the consciousnesses - or at least brains - of people… why is he still in a fleshy mortal body? Yes, it would require a VU to update him to be fully robotic, but none of his written media seems to imply that he’s on his way. His color story has him integrating technology directly into his arm, for example. Why aren’t you getting into the robot, Viktor?)
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Anyways, two options here: either the automatons had enough of their former programming to react to Viktor giving a kill command, or the consciousnesses of the people Viktor is “saving” are in these robots and are under his sway enough to commit murder. Either is bad (and negates any moral superiority over old Viktor’s maybe-implied-canonical-murder), but the second is horrifying. And, obviously, non-consensual. (Because the damage is reversing, I don’t believe there’s room for a justification of the second option in which these people are still violent and dangerous.)
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Anyways, last bit. It’s pretty bad when your ethics are panned in Zaun, the nation host to rampart corruption and also people like Singed. Let’s now move on to his color story, which is what a lot of fans point to as evidence for new Viktor having a heart or a moral compass.
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Yay! Moral win: your cyborg isn’t cutting off the head of a child without his consent. (Also, again, is this proof that Viktor can put brains or consciousnesses in robot bodies? Admittedly, he might be joking since this Viktor is a little softer than he is in his biography.)
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Moral… win… your cyborg is augmenting a child… Anyways, joking aside, this is unethical. How’s Naph supposed to consent to something like this? I know that we can’t expect fictional characters in a fantasy setting to abide by modern ethical standards, but I think we can critique them from an out-of-universe context. This is bad. Viktor gives very little context, could very well be lying (he isn’t, hopefully), and sends the kid off with his version of a pat on the back and tells him to come back if he wants more. (The “Oh yes” is also… creepy.) A kid’s decision-making abilities aren’t developed to the extent that they can be reasonably expected to understand or consent to a procedure that removes a pretty crucial emotion. If Naph comes back and wants his fear gone permanently, will Viktor oblige?
Also, fear is something that is very important to survival and judgment calls. Without fear, a kid in Zaun might take dangerous risks that could end up with them dead. I can’t really see how people interpret this as a morally sound decision - Viktor’s pretty much giving mood-altering drugs to a child and telling him to come back if he wants another hit. Just because he got Naph’s okay doesn’t mean that he got informed consent.
Let’s now turn to the black sheep of Viktor content: his Legends of Runeterra lines. There’s two of interest.
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Armed Gearhead’s card art is of a man whose only augmentation is his arm, which he says he broke in another line. (I suppose he didn’t want to wait for it to heal?)
Viktor is talking about messing with his head, here, because Armed Gearhead is… too emotive, I’d guess. He is “not yet complete”. A statement which Armed Gearhead seems rather apprehensive about, if you listen to his response.
I know that LoR Viktor is one of the more “comically villainous” depictions of Viktor we’ve seen, so if new Viktor fans would like to ignore his lines I have no issue with that. But these lines certainly seem to imply that what Viktor sees as Armed Gearhead’s end state isn’t necessarily what he sees as his, and should be considered if people want to take them as canonical.
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Not necessarily needed, but here’s Jayce’s present lore. One of them is definitely lying - Jayce’s lore says that he doesn’t strike until after Viktor gives the kill order, and Viktor’s says that he gave the kill order in response to Jayce smashing up the lab. Either way, Viktor is ordering automatons (that, in this version, are outright stated to be housing the brains of the people Viktor is trying to keep alive) to kill Jayce. Not a good look.
Viktor’s new lore gives significant textual evidence that he doesn’t care for whether others willingly consent to his ideas, so long as he believes that his ideas are for the greater good. This is in contrast to the vagueness of his original lore, meaning that any individual who speaks about how current Viktor is someone who cares for consent in contrast to the “unethical mad scientist”ness of old Viktor is unfortunately mistaken. I have to imagine that general fandom interpretation, combined with the fact that his bio and color story are very tonally different, have made it so people believe that this version of Viktor is much more ethical than he canonically is.
Interpreting Viktor as sympathetic and actually morally grey is fine, of course! Riot wrote his narrative very poorly when he was updated, which is why I’m still finding bones to pick with it in comparison to his original and more open-to-interpretation lore. The issue is stating that this is canonically the case, which it isn’t, and/or stating that the current iteration of Viktor has the moral high ground over his previous incarnation, which he doesn’t. I think that much more interesting character conversations can happen if people acknowledge that Viktor as he’s currently written is roundly unethical - how can that be improved upon for a more complex character, does that mean that Jayce’s behavior was right, etc. For all my dislike of new Viktor, I’d be genuinely curious to read a take that actively acknowledges his pre-college work in automation and how that affects his standing in Piltover and Zaun. (Is he well-known in industry? What do workers think about him? And so on…) And, well, on a personal note: I think that acknowledging current Viktor’s moral failings would be nice, because it would mean that people would stop using old Viktor as a strawman.
Anyways, I suppose that’s the post. Thank you for reading!
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ddagent · 4 years
Telepathic Brienne and Jaime meet with a client, and she can hear their thoughts, and he's a bad dude, and Brienne needs to tell Jaime to drop him, but can't tell him why....
I still haven’t quite decided how I want to expand telepathic!Brienne (at this rate, it’ll all be in prompts), but I felt this was a good time to write this important milestone in Jaime and Brienne’s relationship.This gets a little dark in places (Bolton; Aerys) so be warned. But I hope you enjoy all the same. 
“If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen.”
Brienne didn’t wait for the three men around the table to give their acknowledgement of her departure. She just scraped her chair back along the carpet, stumbling as she stood, and practically sprinted for the door. Brienne didn’t even bother to close it behind her as she ran. She pushed past colleagues and clients until she made it to the ladies room. Banging open a cubicle door, Brienne dropped to her knees and threw up what remained in her stomach. 
Mother protect me. Oh, Gods. 
It had now been over two weeks since the attempted mugging had left Brienne with the ability to hear – and now, on occasion, see – people’s thoughts. It was intrusive, and annoying, but after two weeks Brienne had grown used to the apathy her colleagues showed towards her; the disregard people on the street gave her. She had not, however, grown used to the unbridled affection her boss had for her – albeit, only in his head. Nor, had she been prepared to sit opposite their potential new client, one Ramsay Bolton, currently awaiting trial for murder. 
She dry-heaved into the bowl. So many thoughts. So many images. Stranger save me. 
There was a knock on the cubicle door. I hope she’s okay. Pia. “Ms Tarth, is everything okay?” I hope Mister Lannister didn’t upset her again. 
“It wasn’t him,” Brienne croaked through the stall door. “It was the new client.”
He gave me the creeps, too. He probably did it n’all. Oh, Pia was right on that front, and so much more. “Shall I tell Mister Lannister you’re feeling unwell?” I’ll tell him Ms Tarth’s moon’s blood has come. That always freaks a bloke out; won’t ask any more questions after that. 
“Please don’t, Pia.” Brienne winced, resting her head against the cubicle wall. “Just tell him I’ve got food poisoning and I won’t be able to continue the meeting.” 
“Of–of course, Ms Tarth.” 
The paralegal left Brienne, but not alone. What she had seen in Ramsay Bolton’s head stayed with her, haunting her. Fuck. How could they defend such a man? How could she, willingly, stand up beside Jaime in court and ask a jury to consider this man innocent? After all the thoughts she had heard; the things she had seen? Somehow, someway, Brienne would need to convince Jaime to not take Bolton on as a client. Not an easy feat, despite Jaime’s affections for her. Outside of his thoughts, he still held in her in great contempt. 
But she had to try. 
Brienne stayed in the cubicle as long as she dared. Since the recent spate of dismissals, morale was at an all-time low, and her colleagues were staying only as long as they had to. There was only a couple of paralegals and the cleaning staff lingering on the floor when she emerged and made her way to Jaime’s office. She rapped her knuckles twice on the door. 
“Mister Lannister?”
Brienne? She can’t still be here. I thought she’d fucked off for happy hour with Renly. After all, she can barely stand the thought of working with me. Running out of that meeting; food poisoning was such a pathetic excuse. FINE, let’s get this over with. If she wants to run back to Renly, then let her. “Come in, Ms Tarth.” 
Brienne pushed open the door, closing it firmly behind her. The only light in the office was the lamp over Jaime’s desk; it caught in the amber of the whisky he was drinking, and the silver flecks in his beard. She looks like all Seven Hells. Maybe Pia wasn’t lying; maybe she did have food poisoning. I should fire that paralegal, what’s his name, Payne, for bringing her contaminated food. “What can I do for you, Ms Tarth?”
“I would like a word about the Bolton case.”
Jaime snorted. Of course, she does. “You mean the case you ran out on, embarrassing not only yourself but me and the firm as well?” 
“I—” She swallowed. You can do this, Brienne. “I’m afraid I won’t be able to assist in Mister Bolton’s defence.”
“Oh?” Here we go. She’d rather be Renly’s lackey than actually practice law with me. “And why is that, Ms Tarth?”
“He’s guilty. He murdered that girl.”
Of course, he did. “That doesn’t matter.”
“Of course, it matters!” Brienne said, half-shouting. But her shoulders sagged as Jaime sat, unmoved by her words. Of course, it wouldn’t matter. Not to him. “Why am I even bothering? I wouldn’t expect you to understand morality.”
“Ah, the Aerys Targaryen defence. I expected better from you, Ms Tarth.” I did, Brienne. I really did. If only you knew. 
Brienne frowned. “Knew what?” 
Jaime’s forehead creased. “I didn’t—” He waved her away with the hand still clutching his drink. “Get out, Tarth. You can go back to your precious Renly tomorrow. I’m done with you. I’ll find someone else to work the case.” Not that anyone else wants to work with you. You’re the man who fucked over a senior partner to advance his own career. Never mind that he was—
He shook his head. “What do you mean, ‘what’? Get out, Tarth. Didn’t you hear? I’m done with you.” You’re done with me, more like. 
Jaime drained his drink, stood up from his desk, and approached the large, picture window overlooking the city. Night encroached upon the sky; blue giving way to purple and black, and the first light of the stars. Jaime’s fingerprints smeared the glass as he pressed his hand to it; as if trying to reach out to the city below. I am so tired of being a monster when all I ever wanted to be was a knight. 
Brienne just stared. In all her encounters since developing this new ability of hers, no one had surprised her more than Jaime Lannister. First, his feelings for her. And now Aerys Targaryen. There was something more, she knew it. Brienne could stand here and let him think it. But a part of her wanted to hear the truth from his own lips. 
“I’ve never defended anyone who was guilty before,” she began, uncertain whether this was the right thing to say. She would find out soon enough. 
“Your precious Renly doesn’t like working on cases that keep him up at night.” It’s why I get stuck with the Ramsay Boltons and Walder Freys of the world. And Aerys, although no one knew about him. 
“What was your first?” What is she still doing here? “Please. If you want me on this case, I need to know I’ll be—”
“—supported?” Jaime turned from the window; wildfire burning in his eyes. “You are not supported, Brienne. You are left with rules and legislation and a verdict, and the rest is on you. The faces of the victims’ families in court. Crime scene photographs you can never quite forget. Knowing you’ve let another monster out onto the street but you can’t say a fucking thing because your mentor – the man joking with these butchers – does everything in his power to get that win.” 
Aerys fucking Targaryen. The King of the Courtroom; the Dragon himself. The things he did...fuck, why am I even bothering? She doesn’t want to know. No one ever has. But Brienne did. She crossed the room and encircled Jaime’s wrist with her fingers; selfishly playing on his affections in the hope that he would open up to her. “Tell me.” She’s touching me, why is she touching me; can she feel how fast my pulse is racing? “Tell me, please. I want to know.”
He nodded; throat bobbing. “All right. I was a lot like you, once. The golden boy of a senior partner. Aerys took me under his wing to spite my father; he’d started the Lannisport branch, took half our business to the Westerlands, you see, and Aerys loathed him for it. So he brought me to King’s Landing and made me his protege. I worked on so many cases. The things I saw...” The things I saw. 
Brienne squeezed his wrist as the thoughts in Jaime’s head became images. A filmstrip of depravity. “He was accused of bribing and blackmailing witnesses. But I knew the truth. About the houses that burned down; the businesses that went up in flames. That detective from the North, Brandon Stark, who mysteriously disappeared. Aerys was good. He knew how to cover his tracks; none of that would ever come back to him. The witness tampering charges were all they had. All I had.” 
“So you mishandled his defence.”
“He was arrogant. Asked me to represent him rather than my father.” You should have seen the look on his face, Brienne. “But it was his undoing. I did just enough for the jury to convict him. By the time people questioned my defence, he’d been transferred to a mental ward.”
Brienne’s fingers fell from Jaime’s wrist, unsure what to say. She knew it to be true. She knew everything, yet she still had to ask: “Why have you never told anyone this?”
Jaime swallowed. “I’d thought about telling my father. But I didn’t want to hear him tell me it didn’t matter. Of course, it matters.” He closed his eyes. You were right, Brienne. You were so right. I don’t think I can go through this again. I can’t represent that monster. I’ll call them tomorrow; tell Bolton and his father he’ll have to find other legal counsel. Opening them, he turned to her. “Well, at least you won’t have to represent a man you know is guilty, Ms Tarth. Bolton and his father didn’t think we were the right choice of counsel for them.” 
“Oh.” She wet her top lip, formulating what to say next. “Well, then. I guess me storming in here was for nothing.” Not for nothing, Brienne. You have no idea how good it feels to have told someone that. You have no idea how good it feels for someone to look at me and not find me wanting. “Perhaps, tomorrow, we can consider a new case? I would like to continue working with you.” 
“All right.” She wants to work with me. Not because Renly is an arse or because she hopes to curry favour with Father. Brienne wants to work with me because of me. Okay, you can savour this moment at home; let the poor woman go already. It’s late. “Goodnight, Brienne. “
“Goodnight, Jaime.” 
She called me Jaime. The joy in his voice carried Brienne out the door. 
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this-solaris-life · 4 years
Walking Right into Your Heart
Here’s your request @ruensroad for JinYi au where Jin Ling is CEO and Jingyi is a dog walker. In this AU. Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng aren’t brother’s but friends from college. Oh and Jingyi is still cousins with Lan Wangji but they aren’t close at the start. Shizui is a Wei here with Wen Qing being his surrogate mother. Here’s the start of their love! It got away from me and thank you for being patient! 
Bloomp! Bloomp! Bloomp! Bloomp! 
Jingyi groaned sleepily waking up to the sound of rapid fire text message notifications on his phone. His sleep crusted eyes opening to see that the alarm clock read that it was barely after five in the morning. He grabbed the pillow placing it over his head in hopes of blocking out the sound. He didn’t need to look to know who it was. Just by the time of day was telling enough. Sizhui may be a man of few words like his father Lan Wangji but when it came to texting it was like he was truly his other father, Wei Wuxian’s, son. Now don’t get him wrong. He does love his best friend but he hadn’t gotten back home to his apartment till after two in the morning. 
The lack of bloomp sounds stirred him from his thoughts. He was just about to go back to sleep when his phone started ringing. Jingyi huffed in frustration before reaching out to palm the nightstand until he found his phone. He answered without checking the ID. 
“This better be good you, Wei demon. ” he croaked. 
“Jingyi?” A-Qing’s soft voice came through the phone instead of Sizhui’s, “Is this Jingyi?”
Jingyi quickly sat up letting the pillow roll off him. A-Qing is Sizhui’s girlfriend and it was rare for her to call him. He moved the phone away clearing his throat before trying again to speak, “Yes, it’s me.” 
“Hey, I’m calling you because we are currently at the hospital. Sizhui was in an accident.” She explained. 
“Which hospital is he at? What happened?” He asked tossing the blankets back getting out of bed. He grabbed his towel heading to the bathroom. He’d take a quick shower to wake up some more before heading to the hospital. 
“He’s at Gusu General and you don’t have to come. He just fell and broke his leg after dropping off one of his clients. That’s all. He should be home either today or tomorrow.” 
“I’m on my way.” He said hanging up. He liked A-Qing but he had a feeling in his gut that she was leaving something out. It hadn’t been the first time he’d caught her in a lie when it came to Sizhui. If it was just a broken leg they’d have set it and sent him home. He’d find out soon enough though he thought as he started stripping to get into the shower. 
Ten minutes later, Jingyi was fresh from his shower with a hoodie over his t-shirt and jeans with his converses. He put on his sunglasses as he stepped out of the elevator of his apartment building to the front entrance. He might be sipping a Monster Mean Bean but that didn’t mean he needed to be driving with barely two and a half hours of sleep in him. Thankfully his uber was waiting for him. 
“Gusu General please.” He said getting inside. An acknowledging nod had the car pulling out of the parking lot to his best friend. 
Jin Ling sighed loudly as he tossed the pen on his desk.  He leaned back in his chair resting his head against the top of the chair as he rubbed his face. That was the last of his paperwork declining the merger with Chang Industries. A deal that his grandfather had orchestrated in his schemes to get the company back from him after his parents had died. Thankfully, he’d been able to stop it. It’d taken him nearly a year to keep the Chang’s from taking his father’s business. The one that Jin Zixuan had built from the ground up without the help of Jin Guangshan. Jin Ling wouldn’t let it be taken from him. 
“Boss?” Rayne, his personal assistant called for him as she stepped into his office. A  look of annoyance on her face as she took in his appearance. He was still in yesterday’s outfit and there was day old take out boxes from last night’s dinner on the corner of his desk .  “I thought you said you were going home?”
“I did.” He replied sheepishly glancing at the open door to the small living quarters to her left. 
Her lips pursed approaching his desk reluctantly using her stiletto covered foot to push the trash can closer to the edge of the desk.“That’s not home, sir.” She stated as she took one of the unused napkins to push the take out boxes into the trash can. 
“I’ve been informed by Director Luo to send you send you home.” 
“But the Tang meeting.” 
“Has been moved Director Luo’s schedule. So has the Fang meeting and Wen meetings. In doing that allows for you to have the rest of the month off. So that you will be well rested for the Zhan meeting.” She replied going over to the coat rack plucking his coat off it. 
“Song is already downstairs isn’t he?” Jin Ling asked despite already knowing that his former personal assistant turned director because the woman was smart as hell and was a force to be reckoned with, Luo Qingyang, had everything in place for him. Realistically he knew nothing bad would happen but the anxiety was there. He sighed in resignation before standing up. 
“Yes, sir.” She nodded as he rounded the desk to allow her to help him into his jacket. 
“See you when I get back, Rayne.”
“You too, boss.” Rayne replied waving goodbye to him. 
So….I distinctly remember her saying it was - quote...nothing serious. Jingyi thought biting his the inside of his cheek to keep from scolding the woman. Said would woman was lazily lounging in the armchair munching on a bag of hot cheetos while Sizhui was on the phone with his father’s. 
His golden eyes taking in the sight of his best friend - who’s now in a room,with his leg in a cast with a bandage on his forehead and his arm wrapped up. Oh his phone? Yeah, that’d been smashed. So he was talking to his parents on the hospital phone. The woman claiming she couldn't bear to leave him. He sent a glare towards the to the woman as the responses to his father and the injuries told him that he’d been hit by a driver reaching down to grab their phone out of the floorboards. He’d been flung in the air and gravity aided in the sudden stop. 
Suddenly, she got a call before his temper got the best of him. “Oh, gege!” she practically screamed happily making Jingyi clinch his jaw. He wished she would just leave. 
Gege? he thought, Her parents made one before her? He mentally shivered at the thought as she wiped her cheetos dust stained hand on her jeans before getting up. 
“Bunny, I have to take this and if you want I can go get you a phone while I’m out.” she said with a forced sweet tone that sounded grating to Jingyi’s ears. Sizhui gave her a warm smile and nodded as she practically bounced out of the chair grabbing Sizhui’s wallet. Then fluttered out of the room.
“Oh thank god.” he thought he said in his mind but the sound of Sizhui smacking the bed made him realize he said it out loud. He quickly turned his head to look at Sizhui who gave him a knowing look. 
“I will dad. Yes, I’m going a new pho….I have A-Yi and A-Qing here with me. There is no need to fly...Okay...I love you.”
“Your mother coming?” He asked with a sigh. 
“No, but my dad’s are.” Sizhui replied. 
“That’s going to be interesting.” 
“Don’t be like that.” Sizhui scolded lightly.
“Sorry.” He apologized. 
“It’s okay.” Sizhui sighed. 
“What are you going to do about your clients?” Jingyi asked.
“I only have Fairy this week.” Sizhui replied from memory as he leaned his head back. His snapped opened as he leaned forward repeating, “I have fairy this week.”
“ My beloved sugar plum of a husky puppy?”
“She isn’t yours and hardly a puppy.”
“Cuteness trumps reality.” Jingyi replied tilting his nose up in the air. 
“What am I going to do?” Sizhui replied. “I don’t have his owner’s secretary’s number. The whole phone was crushed!” 
“I mean I could take care of her for you.” 
“No, I couldn’t…”
“Dude, you’re not asking and it’s just walking her on her normal route right? I’ve done that a million times with you two. Besides she knows me and you said you’ve never met her owner. Only spoke over the phone with his assistant. ” 
“Yes, but-”
“What about your clients?” 
“Her routine is early in the morning. So that fits perfectly with my other clients.” 
“Are you sure?” Sizhui asked again. 
“Yes, and don’t even think about sending me the money. You know I don’t need it.”  Jingyi chided as he handed his phone to Sizhui to add Fairy’s information into his phone. 
Fuck. Jin Ling thought as he woke up to the sound of Fairy barking rather loudly. She sounded happy so it wasn’t an intruder.  It hadn’t been her barking that bothered him rather than the sharp pain to his head when he’d trying to sit up to go check on her. His body gifting him with a skull cracking headache after finally getting more than two or three hours of rest. He reached into the nightstand grabbing for the bottle of aspirin he keeps there. Popping two of them in his mouth then washing it down with tepid water from the glass that he left there last night. 
He tossed the bottle on the back in the drawer before getting up. Jin Ling gently rubbed his temples with both hands as he stepped out of his room walking towards the living room. He guessed that he’d probably left the blinds opening and Fairy had spotted a bird on the balcony of their penthouse. Though the idea faded as he stepped into the living room seeing a man crouched down scratching behind both of Fairy’s ears.
“How’s my favorite sugar plum?” The man childishly said to his dog earning a happy bark. 
“Apparently happy and her name is Fairy.” Jin Ling stated with a scratchy grumbling tone dripping with sarcasm making the other man jump and topple back onto his butt. The way his beloved husky was acting plus the clock on the wall told him that this was his dog walker. 
Jin Ling’s dark eyes taking in the sight of him. The man had dark brown hair cut short with a long bangs but not too long that it covered his beautiful whiskey colored eyes. He wore a jean jacket with an over sized grey sweater and a pair of jeans with black converses. 
“Uh, I think so too.” the man chuckled with a blush creeping up his neck from the sweater’s collar, “Stop sugar plum.” he said to Fairy ignoring him while gently pushing her off him to stand up, “You must be her owner. Since you’re home. I’ll just go.” He gestured towards the door. 
Jin Ling was about to agree but then he got another sharp pain. “Wait, If you don’t mind can you walk her today?” 
“Sure, thing. Let’s go sugar plum.” The man nodded heading out the door with Fairy and her leash before he could ask about why he was even here. Jin Ling huffed turning around. He’d worry about the cute dog wal...wait no…annoying dog walker later. He shook his head making it hurt even more. His head was busting and all he wanted to do was crawl back into bed. 
“Dude.” Jingyi said practically yelled into his phone the moment that Sizhui answered the phone. “Sugar Plum’s dad is hot.”
“How do you know that?” Sizhui asked with a worried tone.
“I went to go pick her up and he appeared in the living room. Lord, Sizhui. He’s hotter than the sun.” He happily answered.
“You should have seen him. That messy bed hair, the muscles, and the -”
“Don’t say another word and don’t you dare sleep with my client.” Sizhui replied with a warning tone. 
“Who said anything about sleeping?”
“Okay, Okay, I won’t.” Jingyi chuckled “But I can ogle right? Because he has a tattoo on his left pec is…”
“I’m out.” Sizhui replied hanging up. Jingyi couldn’t help but laugh sticking his phone in his pocket as he refocused on the walk. If he ran a bit with Fairy to try get the memory of her shirtless owner out of his head before going back no one else would know. 
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princessofgayskull · 5 years
dude, I think Thor just wing-manned you
A Catradora gym au for the She Ra Pride Exchange! @spop-pride-exchange​
Summary: Catra just wanted to work out. Catra just wanted to bet the crap out of a punching bag before she had to teach yoga. She wasn’t expecting to come into the gym she worked at only to be nagged by her boss and then be approached by a strange dude who “supposedly” looks like Thor. And she doesn’t want to go out with his lesbian sister.
aka, when the God of Thunder/Lesbians is around, lightning strikes twice.
word count: 7.5k
read on ao3: x
dedicated to (and there was a little bit of a mixup so I’m just gonna go for it): @sweetlykissedadora​ - a lovely mutual, and @sweetlykissed just in case ;)
sfw, but warning for cursing
story under the cut!
“Ugh, Leon, you call that hit?”
“You call that keeping the fucking bag still, Ramon?” Whipping the stray curls catching the sweat on her face back, Catra bounced on her heels and curled her fingers deeper into the cotton tape coating her palms before throwing another punch. Her fist met hardened and coarse material, pain exploding in her knuckles and riveting down her arm as she threw another one with the other arm, and another, and another. Breathing in, she savored the rush despite the soreness settling into her shoulders and let herself fall into a pattern.
“Damn Catra, I’ve never seen you this sloppy.” Lonnie laughed as the punching bag rattled underneath her gloved grip. “You need to call it quits after twenty minutes?”
“You know for a personal trainer, you fucking suck.” Catra’s knuckles collided with swaying material ( keep the dumb thing still, Lonnie) again with a whap!
“I didn’t say I was your personal trainer, Leon.” she chuckled.
Catra rolled her eyes and stepped away from the bag, wiping the sweat from her forehead. Her form may have been sloppy today- not that she was going to admit that- but Lonnie’s salty insults were so much sloppier. Hands falling to her knees, Catra took advantage of her lazy taunts to catch her breath. “Doesn’t mean you get to screw with me- or is that just something you do with all your clients?”
“Well my clients sure as hell aren’t as sloppy as you. You look like an old lady who just tried to go up a flight of stairs. You need your walker, Catra?”
“Fuck you Lonnie.” Catra panted as her arms wobbled and her grip on her knees tightened. Okay, maybe she would admit- when no one was looking or listening or could perceive her in any way- that she was new to this. Never before in her life had she cared whether or not she could throw a “proper” punch, not when it landed whatever pervert or bigot or combo of the two was stalking her in the hospital with a broken and bloodied nose.
Catra was fine with her preferred methods of expunging all her pent up anger: running until she vomited or dancing until she tore something. Course’ her professional boxing roommate and her room mate’s MMA fighter to be didn’t give a flying fuck about that and after two years of listening to Scorpia and Lonnie critique her “strength work” Catra doubled down and hit the punching bag, literally, before she hit one of them.
Scorpia had been the only person Catra trusted to instruct her with all this punching crap, cause despite being the assistant manager at the gym and a personal trainer, Catra trusted Lonnie just about as far she could throw her. Plus Scorpia was a gentle giant, praised for her soft yet constructive teaching style; after years as a gymnast, Catra was so fucking down with abusive critique and was ready to try the opposite.
When Catra walked into The Horde, their gym, forty five minutes ago to squeeze in a short lesson with Scorpia before her class that evening, she was met with Lonnie stacking branded water bottles at the front desk and the news that Scorpia had to rush back to their apartment because Entrapta set it on fire, or flooded it, or something . Honestly Catra zoned out after that to whack her head on the front desk and send Lonnie’s precious water bottle tower tumbling down.
Wrapping her hands with her teeth and fishing in her bag for her bluetooth headphones (cause fuck airpods) , Catra walked over anyway to the worn down Everlast in the sketchier part of the gym, hellbent on beating it for a while to Halsey’s new song. She’d done this with Scorpia enough times to know how to hit a dumb leather bag by herself. Except Lonnie didn’t think so, ‘cause apparently she decided she had nothing better to do than to abandon her shift at the desk and come nag the hell out of Catra.
“I don’t need your help.” Catra sneered as the sharp, familiar pain in her lungs began to subside, using her shoulder to shove the massive bag into Lonnie just to catch her off her guard and off her footing. Course she had to dodge. That no fun bitch.
“Yeah, it doesn’t look like that.” Lonnie crossed her arms and clicked her tongue. “You sure Scorpia’s teaching you right? ‘Cause I’m starting to think she’s being too soft on you-”
“You tell her that then. She’s your girlfriend, not mine, Ramon.” Muscles straining in protest, Catra pushed herself off her knees and brought her fists back up. Ugh, how much longer was Lonnie gonna make her do this? At this rate she was gonna kill her arms before her class, which meant she’d have to strangle Lonnie with her fucking feet. Afterall, it was just as easy as using her hands. Because Catra was flexible like that.
“Look, your problem isn’t your speed, your arc is too wide- here, let me show you,” Coming around to Catra’s side, Lonnie put her arms up in position and just barely whisked Catra’s nose- “WATCH IT!”- as she made a sizeable indent in the punching bag.
“Get it?”
Catra rolled her eyes. No she did not get it. The only thing she got was how dumb this shit was. Really, she had to know how to throw a punch? None of these doofuses could even touch their toes, but Catra had to know the right way to hit something so she wasn’t the embarrassment of the gym? What a fucking scam. “Yeah, it’s much clearer now. You’re such a good teacher. Scorpia is such a lucky woman.”
“Just hit the damn bag, Princess Sarcasm.”
It was a good four or five minutes of Catra bouncing back and forth on her feet and driving her fist at leather she imagined to be the ugly ass face a certain former bitchy gymnastic coach before Lonnie gave up drilling holes into her form with bored eyes and chimed in with more cryptic advice. “Wow you suck at this. Were you watching my demonstration?”
“Ugh,” Catra threw her sore hands up. “yes, I watched your ‘demonstration.’ Don’t give me that look! It’s not like I’m Kyle, okay? Flinging my arms around like some incel spaz? No! And you- you suck at training! Seriously, is there no one else in this dumb building who can ‘help’ me?”
“Nah, Rogelio is re-cleaning locker rooms cause Kyle ‘cleaned’ them yesterday, so you’re stuck with me. I can go get the incel spaz himself if you want-”
“No!” Catra blurted out way too damn loud, turning the attention of everyone working out to her. Damn it. “You sic’ing Kyle on me is worse than having to do this for another thirty minutes.” Or an hour. Or two. Or forever.
“Yeah, you’d probably just end up hitting him.” Lonnie nodded, grinning at the prospect of watching their co-worker get the crap beat out of him via Catra. Grabbing her water bottle from where it lay on the floor, Catra nodded as she took an extremely lady like gulp, letting the water that didn’t find her mouth travel down her neck and into her cleavage, enjoying the cool feeling as she reminisced about giving Kyle a black eye. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time she’d almost ripped him in half; failure to properly mop (seriously, what kind of fuckboy couldn’t even mop right?) the studio she was for a Zumba class she was subbing in for led to her falling less than spectacularly on her ass in front of a classroom of judgemental rich white woman; Not that those women would ever dare look at her wrong again after that class, ‘cause they all got the pleasure of watching Catra drag Kyle into the studio by his ear and then twist his limbs in ways only hers were practiced to bend. Rogelio was pissed. He stared her down after the class dispersed, all with vouchers for a free guest. No words were needed between them. All he had to do was glare at her as long as it took to send uncomfortable chills of guilt down Catra’s spine straight to her stomach.
So, Catra swallowed her pride, grumbled as she got some ice from the employee break room, and handed it to Kyle with a tight lipped apology (she never got one, by the way, for the giant pile of water her left for her to dance straight into) and it had abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with the fact that Rogelio could use his leverage with Octavia to get her fired.
Thinking back to Rogelio’s massive overreaction to the last time she dared mess with Kyle, Catra blanched in the moment and full on choked on her water. “Please don’t tell Rogelio I called his boyfriend an incel spaz.” she said, coughing up water violently between words while Lonnie threw her head back and fuckinng cackled.
“As funny as that would be to watch, I need you working here ‘cause I don’t know anyone else who can teach chair yoga.” Lonnie leaned into the bag after her obnoxious as hell laughter finally died down.
Running her tongue over her teeth, Catra soaked in the vindication.  It wasn’t every day Lonnie could admit that Catra paid the bills at The Horde, ‘cause all anybody else could do was lift weights. Her skills were un-fucking-paralleled around here. “Speaking of chair yoga, how much fucking longer do I have punch this dumb bag ‘cause unlike you infelixable meatheads, I need every part of my body to teach-”
“Oh shit! There he is!” Lonnie didn’t just interrupt Catra’s super justified question, she did so by swinging the wholeass punching bag into Catra’s body.
“Fuck! What the hell Lonnie?”
Catra stumbled to get back on her feet as the bag creaked, swinging back and forth, but Lonnie didn’t give her the satisfaction of a response. She just kept staring off into the distance with eyes sparkling and her mouth slightly agape. Letting out a dramatic, yet still unheard sigh, Catra made a big display out waving her hand in front of Lonnie’s face and asking, “Uh, what are you staring at?”
“He’s back! That guy I was telling you about!” Lonnie snapped out of her stupor long enough to explain what the hell was going on. Catra followed her direct line of sight only to find herself staring at just another muscley guy lifting weights and breathing in that awful, inefficient way that made her want to puke her guts out. All these ‘My Body is a Temple idiots’ but they treat their lungs like shit? Ugh, gross. Shuddering at the sound of another heaved groaned, Catra turned away from the weight section as the clang! of the bar hitting metal hit her ears. God, this is why she had her headphones in all the fucking time in the land of Grunt Central Station.
Catra put on a bored stare (it wasn’t hard around these idiots.) “So?”
If Catra was being completely honest, when Lonnie talked she did everything in her power to drown her out, so she actually had no memory of talking about tall, blond, and average straining under his weights over on the opposite side of the gym. Lonnie just wanted to talk about gym stuff like schedules or memberships or how Catra was not supposed to be looking on the local shelter’s adoption site at cats.
Or she wanted to talk about Scorpia because that’s how people in relationships operated. But the Scorpia talk made Catra want to scream, vomit, and tear her god damn curls out all at once; as begrudgingly happy as she was forcing herself to be for her friend and co-worker, their dopey, sappy relationship was a walking, annoying reminder that no woman would ever love a BPD nightmare like Catra and that she was going to die angry and alone, like everybody said she would. Sue her for tuning her boss out and missing the story about this random and fascinating stranger who looked like everyone else in their gym. Seriously, minus the affront to God that was Kyle and the occasional twunks in her yoga classes, there was not a single man in this building that did not have the same basic, boring-ass physique.
“Don’t you think he looks like Thor?” Lonnie waved her hand toward the weights like she was imitating Kyle that one time he accidentally did coke.
Thor? What? What the fuck, how much of that dumb conversation did I miss?   “That depends, which one is Thor? God Lonnie, how many times to I have to tell you that I don’t give a fuck about the Avengers or the MCU or whatever it’s called!” Now that was a conversation Catra remembered, because they had had it a million times.
Lonnie and Scorpia were movie people; they loved to watch and marathon and discuss and dress up as characters. It was lucky they’d found each other, ‘cause Catra on the other hand, couldn’t care physically give a damn. She just couldn’t sit through them without almost dying of boredom. But since Lonnie and Scorpia started “going steady” as Scorpia so gag-inducingly put it, Lonnie would crash their apartment, kick Catra off the TV while criticizing her for watching only one thing ever (“I can’t help it if every TV show except Bob’s Burgers is moronic, okay?”) and put on some stupid movie.
If Catra could stomach it- the movie, the Scorpia and Lonnie, the Entrapta whispering notes in her phone like it was recorder, she would stay and watch, reveling in how her dumb comments pissed everyone else in the apartment off. Most of the time though she gave up before Scorpia finished burning popcorn in their microwave and went for a run/hang out with all the outdoor cats in their neighborhood. Lonnie and Scorpia, to gear up for that Endgame movie, had been streaming all twenty something gross Marvel movies for the past couple of weekends, so suffice to say Catra hadn’t spent a lot of time in her own freaking home. Catra couldn’t help it if she felt the need to be an asshole about the whole MCU thing; it was her TV and her living room too.  
“Thor is the one with the hammer. Blond hair, chiseled jaw, played by Chris Hemsworth? Jesus, Leon you been living under a rock?” Lonnie lifted a judgey eyebrow at her and Catra rolled her eyes so far back in her head they almost got stuck. Well I definitely haven’t been living in my own damn apartment with you around all the time!
“Don’t they all look like that and have some stupid weapon or something?” snorted Catra as she reveled in Lonnie’s frustrated expression. Served her right. Catra was talking to the same woman who called her a nerd for three weeks after she’d memorized all 84 asanas.
This time Lonnie got to have a grand eyeroll. “You watched Ragnarok with us! The third one?” Of what? “You said you liked actually liked it and weren’t just saying that to make Scorpia feel better.” When Catra just blinked at her, fully enjoying Lonnie’s frustration- that’s what you get for not letting me punch shit in peace- Lonnie threw her hands up. “It’s the Thor movie with Cate Blanchett. Remember? You wouldn’t shut up about how hot she was? God, that was annoying.”
“Oh please, it’s not like you weren’t right there agreeing with me or talking about how you wanted the girl with a sword to step on you.” Catra took another swig of her water.
“No, that was still you Catra.” Lonnie shot back, “You’re the one with that weird fantasy about women with swords.”
“They’re hot, Ramon! Fucking sue me!” Catra brushed the comment off as she threw her head back, her tied back curls bouncing off the damp skin of her neck, throwing her water bottle back down on the ground. At least Lonnie wasn’t still riding her ass about her form anymore (she could thank Thor over there for distracting the trainer) and Catra’s near dead arms could just hang limp at her sides. Ugh, tonight’s class was going to be a bitch.
“Tessa Thompson can get it, don’t get me wrong- uh! You got me off topic! Damn it, Thor got up. Where’d he go? Hey, what do you think he was benching?” Lonnie swung around the bag straight into Catra’s face trying to look around for where this mystery man might have gone off to. Probably the water fountain, duh. Or a shower. Lonnie wouldn’t follow him in there, would she? Nah, she’d just throw Rogelio in there while she made Catra clean all Thor’s gross smelly sweat off the equipment.
Catra scoffed and pushed Lonnie back. “Like I care what “Thor” was benching. And if you’re so interested in this guy, why don’t you just look him up in the system?”
“Ugh, I can’t do that! Octavia says it’s illegal or some shit.” Lonnie sighed, earning a bewildered what-the-fuck look from her co-worker. “Rogelio and I tried to look up this chick who looked like Brie Larson in the system. Octavia found out and said it’s some kind of violation of privacy, which I do not get cause this is a gym! There’s no privacy here! I literally watch people take off their shoes and socks on in the freaking lobby almost every day. Disgusting freaks.”
“Ugh, why would you bring that up?” Now Catra was really going to throw up now. Like projectile vomit, blow chunks straight onto Lonnie. That brings back memories of gymnastics.
“Damn it! I really wanted to get a picture with him and rub it in Kyle’s face that I met Chris Hemsworth! What, he wouldn’t be able to tell the difference!” Lonnie protested when Catra sent her a smug look and snorted again.
“Whatever, Lonnie, he’ll probably be back tomorrow because he’s obviously a basic dudebro with nothing better to do than stare at his muscles the mirror all day, so you can probably just save your groveling until then.” Catra stuck her tongue out, leaning in to turn the mockery up to 11, before a dangerous thought flashed in her mind. One about how much Lonnie gushed over 80’s action figure’s muscles, something she did not normally do unless that muscled specimen was her girlfriend.  “Ramon, you better not be going behind Scorpia’s back with this Thor douchebag,” Catra flashed her abnormally sharp incisors at the fitness trainer, “‘cause if you do anything to hurt her, I will fucking dismantle you in your damn sleep! I swear to fucking God you will wake up burning in insense and gasoline and tied up in every fucking yoga mat I can find-”
“Jesus, Catra!” Lonnie shouted, straight up pushing Catra into the bag as she went deeper and deeper off the crazy, neverending deep end of hers. “I’m not cheating on Scorpia! I just wanted a picture with the God of Lesbians, that’s all! Well, a false god ‘cause I don’t really think that was Chris Hemsworth. Guess I’m just gonna have to wait for our Comic Con roadtrip up to San Diego.”
“Lonnie, could you do me the amazing favor of standing here and then staying absolutely fucking still so I can hit you, instead of this emotionless sack of leather?” Lonnie’s dumb story about their Comic Con trip- like Catra needed anymore reminding of that- shut up anymore dangerous thoughts about cheating or affairs or exercise equipment that was flammable. On a second, more rational thought, Catra doubted Lonnie would be the kind of person to cheat. Yeah, she annoyed the crap out of Catra, but she took Scorpia as she was, something not a lot of people even tried, not because she pitied her or had some nasty ulterior motive, but because she legitimately enjoyed spending time with her. And like Catra, Lonnie hated pretty much everybody else.
Catra doubted she’d ever find something like Lonnie and Scorpia had. Lightening only struck once, and this time it struck two people that weren’t her. Well deserving people, but still, it fucking sucked. Ugh, she was gonna die alone. Her hypothetical cats were all gonna fucking eat her.
“Ugh, Leon, you’re no fun! Why can’t you appreciate how cool it is that a fake Thor is coming to our gym?”
“Because that’s literally the lamest sentence I’ve ever fucking heard and I am a bartender who has to teach yoga because I still can’t make my damn rent!” No longer were any of these gym rats allowed to give her shit about that when they were stalking celebrity look-a-likes in their free time.
The next time Lonnie or Rogelio or Octavia or Kyle, if that vaping asshole had a deathwish, brought up how she’s actually a giant softie ‘cause she liked doing yoga- something Scorpia recommended she start in place of therapy (none of them could afford it) after she the epic mental breakdown of the century her senior year of college and set Coach Weaver’s car on fire, as well as a bunch of other shit- she was going to bend herself into a flawless handstand, ask them if they’d stalked Chris Evans yet, and walk away, backwards, on her hands sticking her tongue out.
“Pfft, it’s not lame.” scoffed Lonnie. “You just don’t know how to have fun. Is there a yoga pose that will get that stick out of your ass?”
“Why, so I can shove it up yours? Seriously, how the hell is watching random people exercise fun?” Catra practically screamed, running her nails down her face like she was trying to claw all her skin off.
Lonnie crossed her arms and planted her feet, 100% committed to her stupid crusade at this point. “It’s not a random guy! I’m talking the fake God of Lesbians! That’s basically your whole religion, Catra! Hey, maybe he can help you get a girlfriend since you’re always bitching about being alone and all.”
“What?” Catra squealed with as much indignation as possible. How dare Lonnie bring up the harrowing fact that she was single and refused to mingle ‘cause that was fucking gross and picky as hell and also a nightmare of a human being “I don’t need anything from the crusty ass, dick for brains, piece of-”
“Uh, Hello?”
Whirling around straight into Lonnie at the sound of an unfamiliar masculine voice, Catra tried to keep the fuck together when she realized who had audacity to approach her while her back was turned. Are you fucking kidding me? Tall, blond, and basic had decided to make a surprise appearance just to scare the shit out of her, sweat drenched towel draped over his moist Nike shirt and airpods in hand.
Catra did her best not to visibly gag; whether it was the musky smell (why did she work at a gym again?) or his pit stains about to make her barf water and stomach acid at his feet was completely lost on her. Despite the kind-of-sort-of friendly smile on his face and his relaxed posture, all Catra could do was stare at his extended hand like it was the deepest offense in the world.
“Hey, you’re Catra, right?”
“Yeah, this is Catra.” When Catra turned her head to look at Lonnie, she was met with a traitorous smirk and devious eyes that said this is what you get for talking shit about the fake God of Lesbians! How dare you besmirch our lord and savior!? For a split second, Catra wondered if Fake Thor might enjoy watching her murder her boss in cold blood.
“I’m Adam.” Fake Thor introduced himself and once again, pushed his hand forward. Ballsy, considering the daggers Catra was staring into his empty skull. Oh, she could take this ‘Adam’ down in three fucking seconds; less, if he did what Catra thought he was about to do. Okay, what’s it going to be, Mr. Bimbo? You came over to ask me to come look at your collection of Dave Matthews vinyls in your Star Wars theme man cave or invite me to happy hour at a dirty TGI Friday’s? Ugh, these fucking meatheads are so predictable they take all the fun out of it.
Catra yawned and leaned back into her hips. “Okay?” At that moment she swore she heard Lonnie’s jaw drop. Oh, this? This was fucking sweet. Lonnie stalks him all day- possibly for longer than a week just to get a stupid picture with someone who wasn’t even who they thought he was- and he approaches Catra instead. Lonnie’s precious God of Lesbians picked a whole ass, different lesbian- to be a disgusting, horny man with, but still, Catra was going to be rubbing it in her dumb face that she got to turn fake Thor down, not any of these other lame idiots!
“You teach the yoga flow class right?” he flashed a perfect smile at her and Catra, miffed he wasn’t reading the do-not-fuck-with-me vibe she was oh so famous for, swallowed and showed him the canines in her own mouth. Why was he asking her about a class? There was no way ‘Adam’ had ever stretched into any warrior pose ever without pulling something. And Catra would have remembered him sauntering into the studio and knocking everything and everyone over with his giant, sweaty body.
“Yeah? Why do ask?” Catra glanced down at her fingernails. This was taking too long.
“Um, so I haven’t taken it,” yeah, that much was obvious, “but my twin sister has a couple times.” Adam- and Lonnie- perked up at the mention of his sister. Oh my God. That must be where this dull, useless conversation was going at a snail’s pace towards.
“She’s actually taken a couple of your classes, like restorative yoga and another one that escapes me, oof that’s embarrassing.” Everything, from the carefree movements of his shoulders to the wild gesturing of his hands, plus his chill tone, showed Catra that he was just gonna go ahead and act like they were close friends. What the hell is his game here? Catra wondered.
“Sorry about that. I don’t know if you know her, she usually stays in the back ‘cause she’s not very good and she has like, a perfectionist problem. And an anxiety problem. That’s why she’s taking yoga in the first place, you know, to be less high strung. Anyways, got a little off track there, but I wanted to tell you that she thinks you’re a really great teacher.” Adam broke his spiel off there with a wink.
What the HELL does that mean? Catra curled her fingers into tight fists. To keep from indenting Adam’s perfect jawline or to indent Adam’s jawline, she had no fucking idea.
While she was trying to keep her own sneaker out of this strange guy’s ass, Catra tried to think back to her classes the past few weeks ad searched her memory for a woman that looked like him. A blonde, young woman in the back. There was no way, Adam was fucking with her. Catra definitely remembered blue eyes that deep and the kindest smile that made her forget that the world was a fucking cruel and intent on killing her.
Adam, hellbent on screwing with her more, then way to casually added, “She talks about you a lot, whenever she gets out of class. I think she kinda has thing for you.”
Of course Lonnie- who was still just standing there for some reason- just had to burst out laughing and then scramble to turn that noise into a cough before a) Adam and his flawless eyebrows suspected anything, and b) Catra kicked her in the shin and earned a disappointed lecture from Scorpia for hurting her “Lonnie-Boo.”
“Anyways…” Adam continued, narrowing those baby blue eyes of his before relaxing into that annoyingly cordial posture, “I overheard you guys mentioning you were lesbians? I mean, I wasn’t eavesdropping but-”
“We were just being loud, we get it a lot.” Uh, no we don’t! This is fucking weird! Catra indulged her panicked thoughts as Lonnie cut Adam off. Then, to take things to an even weirder level, Lonnie leaned her way and whispered “Oh my God, Catra, he is the God of Lesbians.”
“Well, Adora- my sister- she’s also a lesbian. And- and she’s single.” Catra sunk her teeth into her bottom lip. How were Lonnie and Adam both looking at her with the same eager as fuck expression? And how could she knock both of them unconscious at the same time? And god fucking damn it! Why couldn’t Catra remember this angelic, goddess, gay twin of his?
“She had a friend emergency today, but she usually works out the same time as me. She’ll be here tomorrow.”
Lonnie just had to speak up, she just had too. Because the universe hated Catra and took every opportunity to make her life shitty. “Oh? I think Catra will be here the same time tomorrow too.”
What. The. Actual. FUCK?!!?
“Awesome!” Adam gave a little fist pump. “I gotta go, but it was nice meeting you, Catra. And uh, you too.” He finger gunned in Lonnie’s direction as he pirouetted on his sneakers, walking backwards towards the exist. Mouths agape, Catra and Lonnie watched him stick his airpods back in and jog out the sliding doors, like this was just another normal day at The Horde.  
The fake God of Lesbians left behind the most fucking awkward silence between Catra and her boss/improtu and unwanted personal trainer. They must’ve stood there in disbelief for at least three minutes, the only sounds of people working out behind them Catra wanted to speak- she really did before Lonnie started talking some serious bullshit- but no matter how many she played recent events in her head could Catra come up with anything to say other than "Uh, what the fuck just happened?”
“Dude,” Lonnie smacked her arm and cackled, “I think Those just wingmanned you!”
“So are you gonna do it?”
“Uh, do what?”
“Work out with the the God of Lesbian’s gay twin sister?”
“Leave me alone, Lonnie.” Catra whined into her hands.
“Woah, woah, woah, wait- the God of Lesbians? You mean Thor? He doesn’t have a twin sister.” Scorpia interjected. Ugh, when did she get here? “I mean, recently in the comic books the mantle of Thor has been given to a woman, but I don’t think Marvel has confirmed her sexuality.”
Fuck me. Catra couldn’t even get a moments peace after her studio class that her co-workers always seemed to forget included her bending over a fucking chair in multiple, unnatural ways for a whole hour. Probably because none of these asshats could do it or even bothered to try. Legs pulsing with pain, she slammed her yoga mat down on the Welcome Center desk and stole Rogelio’s empty chair five minutes after she dismissed everyone in her class.
Rogelio could stare her down all he wanted when he got back, Catra didn’t care at this point. She just wanted to fucking rest before she had to get her aching body out of the chair and go work the closing shift serving alcohol she couldn’t even drink (dumb stabilizing meds) at Erelandia but Lonnie was, apparently, not going to drop this whole idiotic Thor-thing. Didn’t help that Catra’s brain hadn’t dropped the topic either; she was completely spaced out trying to teach, too busy scanning the attendees for a familiar hot blonde.
It also didn’t help that Scorpia was also here, probably to pick up her loud mouth girlfriend.
As Catra moaned into her hands again, she heard a fucking weasel pop out of nowhere and loudly insist “They didn’t make Thor a woman!”
“Uh, yeah they did, Kyle.” Lonnie countered back without missing a beat. Catra looked up only to open her eyes to the horrifying sight that not only had Kyle shown up, but Rogelio was there too nodding in agreement with Scorpia and Lonnie. Great. Now everyone was here.
Channeling his inner asshole, Kyle demanded to know “How would they even do that?”
“She was given the hammer, Kyle!” Scorpia said, like it was obvious. “Whoever holds melnor, mielnar, mjiler-”
“Take your time, babe.” Lonnie rubbed her girlfriends arm as her face scrunched up trying to pronounce whatever stupid name Thor’s hammer. Just to show what she thought of the whole conversation, Catra let out a long, and loud, dramatic sigh.
“No you guys,” Oh so now Lonnie was going to elaborate. “not the real Thor!”
“Uh, duh, he’s not real.”
“Shut the fuck up Kyle.”
“Melon baller?”
“I’m talking about that guy who looks like Thor. You know the one that’s been coming to our gym for awhile?” Lonnie clarifications sent a ripple of “ohhhhs” through the group. “Turns out his name is Adam, and he has a twin sister! He wants to set Catra up!”
A sudden force over took Catra and almost threw her out of the chair the second Lonnie finally shut her blabbermouth. One minute Catra was fine, she was relaxed if not irritated with her choice of friends, the next minute she was being suffocated by Scorpia’s giant mutant arms. “Oh Catra, this is amazing news!”
Scorpia ignored the squealing and squirming, taking the obnoxious show of friendship up an unnecessary notch by rocking her limp body back and forth. “You have finally have someone to go out with! And she’s probably hot if she’s related to Thor!”
“Fake Thor.” coughed Lonnie as a reminder.
“We can finally go on double dates-”
“Auggh!” Catra twisted Scorpia’s arm over her, “I’m not going out with Not Thor’s gay sister!”
Scorpia’s face fell into that pout that always made Catra feel like she’d punched in the stomach. “What- why not?”
“‘Cause she’s not real, duh! ” Catra threw her hands up, her curls flying everywhere around her head like a crazed halo. Look, Catra understood that she was suspicious to the point of like, actual paranoia, and that it just came with her brand of crazy, but she also knew when someone was flat out manipulating her, i.e. lying straight to her face. She’d only dealt with it her entire gymnastics career.
Adam didn’t show picture and only said his sister’s name once. Catra, whose studio was full of wall to wall mirrors that allowed her to seeeverything, would’ve remembered a stunning lesbian copy of him. This was bullshit, is what it was.
“What’s her name again?” from across the desk, Kyle asked with piqued interest.
“Adora, or some other obviously made up name.” Catra rolled her eyes so far back in her head it hurt, “God, he didn’t even try-”
“Found her.”
“WHAT?” In a quick and graceful blur, Catra, Lonnie, and Scorpia rushed over to the other end of the desk were Rogelio was bunched over Kyle typing into the computer.
“Yeah, Adora Smith.” Kyle shrugged, pointing to the monitor where Adam’s sister’s information was pulled up in their membership database. “It looks like she mostly comes as a guest with Adam for the past few weeks- huh, Adam’s last name is Walker, what do you guys think that’s about? Oh, here’s her picture.”
Kyle didn’t have to gesture to the screen. Catra was already staring. Fuck, she’s gorgeous. And so his twin. Piercing blue eyes, blonde ponytail, amazing flawless skin. Stunning, warm smile that almost Catra melt right into a puddle right then and there. Pull it together, Leon! Try not to act like you’d throw all these people under an actual bus just to get to know her.
“Not my type, but she’s pretty.” commented Lonnie.
Pretty? She’s the reason faces were invented, you idiot!
“Well, that’s relief-”
“Oh my God, shut up Scorpia, I remember her!” throwing her hand back, Catra’s hand met Scorpia’s boobs- Catra was aiming for her mouth, wasn’t her fault her room mate was 6’2”- and pushed Kyle out of the seat and onto the floor, making Rogelio squeal in horror. “Remember, Adam said she was taking some of my classes but that’s why I thought it was total bull, ‘cause of course I would have remembered her!”
Catra gestured wildly as Scorpia and Lonnie raised their eyebrows in tandem. “But Adam was right, she was in the back and I remember ‘cause she kept needing extra help. She was like a baby penguin trying to learn how to walk! Like she fell on her fucking face, twice. It was awesome!”
“Well it sounds like she made an impression.” Lonnie smirked and Scorpia didn’t even wait a beat to pile on.
“Yeah, Catra! Dumb blondes, that’s totally your type! You should go out with her! Hey, I bet she needs some one on one help.”
“Not gonna happen.” throwing up her defenses without a second thought, Catra hissed back at her friends.
“‘Cause you’re a chicken?” Lonnie raised her eyebrow, just asking to be decked in the jaw. What a perfect opportunity to see if Catra’s training had come through.
“No, ‘cause-” I’m unstable. I’m fucking insane, medically speaking. I’m good at like, one thing. And, oh don’t forget, I’m completely, totally unlovable. “Uh, whatever, you guys probably don’t even care,” she muttered the last part under her breath, just in case Scorpia heard and made a big deal out of proving her wrong.  
“Okay well, I’m gonna need you to come in around three tomorrow. Kyle’s calling in sick with mono again, that dumbass.” Lonnie sighed, leaning onto the desk.
“I am? I’m what?” blubbered Kyle as Rogelio pulled him off the floor.
Three? That’s around the time I came in today- ARE YOU SHITTING ME? “Seriously? Fuck you, Lonnie!”
“Melvin-jorge. That’s it!”
“I cannot believe you, Adam!”
After dragging her ass to the gym at exactly three p.m- because she fully believed Lonnie would have her fired and banned from the building if she didn’t at least strike up some form of conversation with this girl- Catra was trying her best not to think about twins or Thor or whatever disaster was about to go down as she halfassed wiped down equipment when she heard Adora walk in. At least she assumed it was Adora; she wasn’t sure who else would yelling Adam’s name randomly with like, that much annoyance.
“Oh c’mon, don’t be like that Adora!”
Oh, so it was Adora. Having a full on argument with her twin brother in the middle of their gym. Catra resisted the tormenting desire to turn around and forced her focus to the wipes crumpling in her hand as she ran them down leather seat of their ergometer. Don’t, don’t, don’t don’t you fucking turn around and stare like a creep Catra Maria Leon!
“We’ve talked about this,” wow, she sounds pissed. That’s hot. “You can’t go around setting me up with random woman you think is gay! Not every girl at a gym is gay, Adam!”
Having to literally sink her teeth into her tongue, Catra stifled a laugh. So Adora was upset about this whole thing too? Guess they had that in common.
“Catra is a lesbian! She was yelling about it with her trainer!” Adam insisted.
This is what I get for not keeping my fucking mouth shut. At least he didn’t bring up how we called him Thor and Fake Thor over and over and over again.
“Plus, you have a thing for her Adora. I know because you wouldn’t shut up about how  pretty and smoking hot she was and how she smells like cinnamon! That’s way too much detail for me!”
The more Adam described how Adora had described her, the more Catra’s face was overcome with a tingling heat that spread from her face, to her neck, to her chest. Still, she refused to turn around. Even if she dying, dying to see the look on Adora’s face.
“By the way, how many times did you fall in class? Like seven times? Klutz.”
Adora scoff echoed all through the gym. “I’m not the klutz, you’re the klutz! And by the way, I didn’t fall on accident, my balance is impeccable! Coach Hordak once made me bounce a soccer ball on my head for a mile! And, get this, I did it for two! That’s how good my balance is!”
She was falling… on purpose?
“Did that man ever let you sleep?”
“No, he didn’t, and you know what, I’m not gonna let you sleep either after this! And you are so uninvited to Best Friend Squad Netflix nights!” Catra heard a whack! and Adam yelp.
“Glimmer will invite me back! And you have to get back out there, Adora! It’s been, what, like a year and a half since you and Serenia broke up?”
This time, Catra let herself turn around. Okay, she moved her neck to the side like three inches. Part of her was curious to see if they’d seen her. The other part of her just wanted to stare in wonder at Adora for pretty much the rest of her life.
“Ugh, don’t bring that up, this is not about that!” With every word Adora yelled at her twin, Catra came closer to making that 180 that would allow her to see the two of them. And for them to see her. “This about you being weird and just going up to random people to see if they wanna go out with me!”
“Look she’s right over there, why don’t you just go talk to her? Because I don’t think your face can take much more damage from you falling down in yoga , Adora.” Damn, Adam. Maybe I should introduce you to Lonnie ‘cause you’d be great friends. I kinda wanna be friends, what the hell?
At this point, Catra didn’t know what else to do with her body but stand there with her hip cocked and her arms crossed, an amused smirk on her face. Didn’t matter that her neck and chest were still on fire and her heart was beating like she’d just run a fucking mile.
Adora looked away from her brother, only to catch Catra’s waiting eyes, and given the way she squeaked, threw her hands in her face, and walked/tumbled back towards her brother, Catra maybe got the vibe she wasn’t expecting her to be literally right there.
“Hey, Adora.” Catra gave a little sultry wave, the corner of her mouth upturned, unsure of what the hell had just come over her. Seriously, was she fucking possessed? Or was Adora just so freaking cute and so much better in person that she could ever imagine and was maybe, maybe worth taking a chance on? Also, the chance to embarrass her just to see her face turn red was something Catra couldn’t resist .
A panicked whine slipped from Adora’s lips as she bumped into Adam’s shoulder. “I hate you, I hate you, and I wish we’d stayed separated.”
“Yeah, yeah, hate you too. Now go get her chief.” Catra didn’t see what happened next coming. But she should have, given that mischievous sparkles Adam got in his eyes. The next thing she knew, Adora was shrieking, Catra blinked, and then fell to the ground as a body slammed into her. Holy shit! Catra’s teeth caught her tongue as she hit concrete hard, pain exploding through her sore body. What the FUCK just happened?
When Catra opened her eyes, a nasty cocktail of shock and pain paralyzing her muscles from making any kind of move, she looked down to find Adora exactly in her lap, muttering “Ow, my ass.”
Adora’s own shocking blue eyes flew open and in them, Catra could see the exact second she put everything together in that pretty little head of hers. “Oh, oh! I’m sorry, I- that was, ah man.” she scrambled away, out of Catra’s lap- hey, wait!- and let out another embarrassed whine.
Lifting her head up to glare at the ceiling, Adora whispered, “I hate you Adam.” before taking a deep breath. “I- hi, I’m, um, Adora.” she stuttered, blush overtaking her pale skin. Catra smiled. Oh, she was cute.
“Yeah, I know I’ve been taking your classes- I, uh” Adora’s closed her mouth and fiddled with her fingers as she bit back a smile. A really beautiful smile. “I’m sorry, I’m really bad at this.”
Snorting, Catra added. “Trust me, you’re not the only one who’s totally out of her comfort zone right now.”
“Do you wanna just work out? Like together?” she asked, bright smile still on her face. Getting up on one knee, Adora extended a hand.
“Yes!” Catra replied way too quickly, having to slap on a less desperate as fuck approach, “I mean, yeah I’d like that.”
As Adora led her to the treadmills, Catra heard Adam claim in victory, “Yes! My work here is done. Oh man, where did my airpods go?”
Catra stifled a laugh. Some God of Lesbians/thunder. Hmm, thunder right and storms and shit? Catra thought to herself as Adora started going on about how annoying and intrusive Adam could just generally be, maybe with him around, lightning can strike the same place twice.
Thank you so much for reading! I hoped you enjoyed it Lily! Likes and REBLOGS are always appreciated!
and once again, thank you to those you organized this event! Happy Pride!
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ledamemangociana · 4 years
2020 20 questions meme time UWU
i was tagged by @decertatio to do this! i havent spent enough time on here recently to tag anyone, B U T! if you see this and would like to do this, consider yourself tagged, and let me know! i wanna read your answers UWU
1. Do you make your bed? - GAWD NO, at least not 70% of the time, im so bad at this. it’s coz on the weekdays, i start working at 6:30am or 7am at home coz my bosses are in Australia and a lot of our clients are in Australia and/or New Zealand, and they’re 3 or 4 hours ahead of us, so i gotta get on those emails and support case tickets as soon as i can, so i give myself about an hour to catch up, and then i hurry out of the condo to get to the office before im marked late at 10am lolololol. on the weekends, when im at home, BECAUSE im just at home, i never fix my bed coz im in it 85% of the time anyway lakdjf
2. What’s your favorite number?  - 13, cliche as it sounds. not coz i think it’s lucky or anything, but because other people around me thought it was. i kind of clung onto it when i was in high school coz i wanted to fit in by standing out.
3. What’s your job? - An accounts and client services manager at a digital services agency.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? - Probably not. I love learning, HATE studying. 
5. Can you parallel park? - i never got far enough into being taught how to drive by mom to get to parking
6. A job you had which would surprise people? I think every job I’ve ever held, tbh. I graduated interior design mainly because my dad told me to when i asked him if i should enroll in advertising instead (the entrance exam i passed was good for either course). the only ID job i ever had lasted only two weeks, at a firm i had to do my internship/OJT at. it was my first job, and i was let go after two weeks. after that, i was a call center agent for two months, and then a copywriter for 6 months, and then an SEO specialist for a year and a half, and then a social media content/community manager at one firm for one year, and then for another agency for 3 and a half, and now im in my second year as an accounts manager at a digital services cloud agency. even i’m surprised at this job list tbh.
7. Do you think aliens are real? - i absolutely do believe that we are not the only life in this big, huge, wide, expansive universe that the planet earth is but a miniscule blip on. there’s definitely other life out there.
8. Can you drive a manual car? - i haven’t driven a car legitimately outside of learning how to drive, but yeh i probably can, since that was what my mom taught me with.
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? - junk food and soft drinks, but in general i try not to feel guilty about anything i take pleasure in
10. Tattoos? - none, but i am ACHING for them. i’ve had ideas for a loooong time. one that i DEFINITELY want to get as my first one is part of a letter that i found that my mom wrote for me in high school. “i know that you will be able to stand up for yourself and the world will stop and take notice.” i still have the letter, so i still have it in her handwriting. i want it on the inside of my left forearm. 
11. Favorite color? - Pink! lighter/softer/pastel shades are my preferred ones, but i love any shade or hue of pink tbh
12. Things people do that drive you crazy? - i hate fake guilt trips. like, when someone wants me to do something that i can’t do, they’ll come in with like “nah, it’s fine, i’ll just drop all these SUPER IMPORTANT things im doing and go out of my way to do this thing that im asking you to do because i’m SOOOOO sorry that you’re unable to do it yourself” coz it’s like...dude, if you really were able to do that or if you wanted to actually do that, you wouldn’t have asked me to do the thing in the first place. like, you’re clearly just saying that to make me feel bad enough to make me drop everything im doing and do whatever it is you asked me to do. i also hate when ppl fish for compliments by being falsely humble or self-deprecating. like. PLEASE, y’all, i’ve lived with negative amounts of self-esteem for literal decades, i know the difference between actual self-loathing and you just wanting to hear good things about yourself that you don’t want to be called narcissistic for saying about yourself. i know what it sounds like when someone is actually going THRU something or is actually having an actual hard time accepting themselves and/or asking people for what they need as opposed to when someone just wants to be told something. like. don’t insult my intelligence and experiences like that. granted, there are nuances to consider for all of these things, bUT like i said, i know the differences when i see them.
13. Any Phobias? - i have a phobia of drowning that’s light enough to NOT keep me away from water but bad enough to sometimes make watching or listening to scenes where someone could potentially drown to set some triggers off for me. i also just have a really really bad fear of dying because of getting my oxygen cut off, coz that sounds like a really slow, painful way to die.
14. Favorite childhood sport? - i was never really a sports kid. the only sport i ever really enjoyed playing willingly was badminton. i trained for a few summers but never competed, but i got good enough to make games in a court fun. i still have my badminton racquet, it’s the only Legit™ badminton racquet in the house (it’s a Yonex, handed down to me by my trainer, only been restrung twice or thrice coz the last restringing was done so damn well), all the other racquets were inexpensive unbranded knock-offs that were good enough for me and my family to have casual games with.
15. Do you talk to yourself? - yes but mostly as a product of deep focus or concentration, or really heavy emotion. having social media has lessened doing it for the latter since i can just vent on here or on twitter, but when im doing stuff for work that’s hard or needs a lot of focus or concentration, i have full-on stand-up meetings with myself.
16. What movie do you adore? - “Romy And Michele’s High School Reunion.” it’s not a perfect movie by any means, but for someone who was a bullied outcast for much of elementary and high school years in a private, all-girls, Catholic school where everyone was tall and thin and pretty and pale and smart and popular, ALL the things that i wasn’t, it was - is? - like a beacon or a hug.
17. Do you like doing puzzles? - heck yeh, coz solving them makes me feel smart, and not being able to solve them but learning HOW to is so much fun for me.
18. Favorite kind of music? - i don’t know that i have one, to be honest, i haven’t listened to current radio in literal YEARS because i dont own a radio in the condo, i barely watch TV anymore, and i dont spend enough time in a vehicle to really know what’s up. i enjoy pop, hip-hop, rnb, showtunes.
19. Tea or coffee? - more of a coffee person myself, actual tea always just tastes LEGITIMATELY like leaf water to me, and i cant find a liking for it. i do really love sweet tea and milktea tho. but yeh, im mostly a bean juice person.
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? - An architect, like my dad. i thought i would be one, up until i discovered writing in high school, and then i thought i wanted to become a journalist until i took it up as my first course in college and hated it. but yeh, it was always “architect! like daddy!” when i was asked that question when i was a kid. i looked up to him so much as a kid, and he and i were super tight when i was younger coz i was his firstborn and a daughter. we used to call each other best friends. i miss those days a lot; things between us seemed simpler, but maybe that’s because i didn’t have the ideals, knowledge and capacity to question the way he loves/loved me as My Parent™. our relationship these days is absolutely skewed and skewered.
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jkookiecream-blog · 5 years
Euphoria | jjk fanfic (m)
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex(always stay safe kids), daddy kink, Dom! Jk x Sub!Female
Summary: Another busy night in the club but tonight you are expecting a special customer. Who could that be?
Author's note: Hi! I'm a new writer here. I hope you like my work :)
Word count: 3k+
I was working in the club taking orders from the customers, going back and forth as usual.
“Y/n table 10.drinks now.” Jimin passed me the drinks for table 10.
I quickly turned my head to his direction and got the drinks quickly.Tonight is so busy and idk why, it's Wednesday goddamn!
I pulled down my short skirt and went to table 10 asap.
I smiled to the customers and gave them their vodkas and then went back to Jimin.I was literally running everywhere and my black stilettos were killing me.Why did I even wear stilettos tonight? Ugh!The skirt keeps coming up.I pulled the skirt down irritated.Today is not a good day.
I sighed and sat near Jimin to catch my breath.Working in a strip club (not as a stripper) is one of the most difficult things I've attempted to do in my life.Why did I even accepted the job? Well, I love night life.
A hand on my shoulder made me turn around and look at my manager.
“Y/n can u go and help Nancy?She is having a problem getting dressed up.”
Jimin gives me a glare by the way that man touches me and I don't like it either. I get up and take his hand off me. “Yes sir” I say politely and leave from the bar.
I open the door of Nancy's dressing room and saw her struggling with the corset.
I chuckled slightly and she looked at me pissed but at the same time desperate for my help.
“Don't just stand there and look.Do something!My next client is coming in 15 minutes!” I closed the door and went behind her trying to help.
“Don't move you are making this harder!” In the end I helped her dress up and after I finished I sat on the vanity and watched her fix her makeup.
“How do I look?”
“You look cute” She smiled to the mirror looking at herself proudly.
“In contrast to u.” Oh my god this bitch just dissed me.Sometimes I hate this fucking bitch and yet she is the only stripper who speaks to me.
“What?” I frowned. “Do I look so bad?” I said looking at myself up and down. Nancy rolled her eyes and got up. She took my wrist and placed me on her seat. “Your hair is a mess,your lips are dry and chunky and your waterline smudged.And please fix your bra, everyone can see it.”
I looked down at my breasts and immediately fixed my bra.
“Oh my fucking god I hate these clothes and this stupid skirt is way too short.I have to pull it down all the time”
“Okay okay calm down” Nancy took her blending brush and fixed my eye makeup.She put gloss on my lips and brushed my hair really quick.
“Thanks” I said surprised by her nice attitude and how fast she did all that.
“I couldn't stand how ugly u looked that why I helped u”
I rolled my eyes and got up from the seat.
“Don't ignore me come here” Nancy said and I asked her what else she wants.She gave me a choker and asked me to put it on her.
She placed her hair on one shoulder and I wrapped the choker around her neck.
Somebody knocked the door and I saw my coworker Julian calling my name. “Y/n I need help and the manager told me to come for the orders.”
I nodded and walked to Julian.
“Don’t tell me that more people have come?” She nodded. “It's a fucking Wednesday why?”
“Oh u don't know?” Nancy interrupted.I frowned.
“Know what?”
“I heard that some guy named Jeon Jeongguk holds a party tonight here.” Nancy walked closer to us.
“Wait, that's the rich guy who owns the car company we were talking about.” Julian told me. “But I thought that he'll come next Wednesday”
“Seems that plans have changed” Nancy replied.
“Omg I can't believe that he's coming tonight,he might be already here!I need to check myself!” Julian pushed us aside and standed in front of the mirror looking at herself.
“Why are u making a fuss?” I asked them. “We've been in similar situations before why is he different?”
They both looked at me confused.
“Omg girl wake up” Nancy rolled her eyes again. Ok this bitch needs to stop giving me attitude or I'll poke her in the eye with my fucking stilletto.
“Boss said that we'll have to treat him well.He is an important customer.. maybe the most important so far.Also he told me that one of the two of us will serve ONLY his table when he comes.” I was speechless.I was looking at Julian strangely.Did I hear correctly?We're having an important customer that I will possibly personally take his orders,abandoning all my other tables.He must very important.. and I've just learned about his arrival.
“And why the hell I wasn't informed?! ” I shouted.
Their eyes widened by my loud voice.
I scoffed and grabbed Julian's hand dragging her out of Nancy's dressing room. “Come on Julian I have orders to take and I don't want to get scolded by the manager.See u later Nancy” I said and shut the door.
“What took you so long?The customers want their drinks.” Jimin said. I took my salver and placed the drinks on.
“Can u leave me alone? Julian take these to table to 14” After one hour of exhausting marathon on stilettos, I took the opportunity and sit somewhere in the corner.
While watching the new people entering the club, I distinguished a group of guys , especially one of them who caught my attention.I don't know why but something about him was different about the others.He had that sparkle that made me interested in him. My manager walked up to them and shook hands with the boy that caught my eye.
“Oh shit don't tell that it's him” I got up,fixed my skirt and went to Julian immediately.I show her the guy and she said. “Oh fuck that's him.The manager is signalling us to come.”
“Wait what's his name again?”
“Jeon Jeongguk.Come on let's go.”
We walked towards them and the manager spoke up.
“Girls that's mr.Jeon. Mr.Jeon who would u prefer to serve you?”
He was looking at us from top to bottom.Julian's heart was beating so fast I could hear it. On the other hand,I dared to stare back at him not really caring.. although the awkwardness was dreadful. He is really handsome and muscular. He must be going to the gym regularly. He has so many piercings and his outfit makes him seem older and mature, although I believe he is the total opposite. However,the most funny thing about him was definitely his pink hair.I guess.. maybe not because I find him really sexy.
“Her.” The pink-haired boy picked me. Of course since I'm the unluckiest human being on planet Earth I should always expect the worse.
Jeongguk pov
The manager grabbed her by the arm and whispered something in her ear caughting her off guard by his sudden movement. I lifted a brow a bit curious. “Take mr.Jeon and his friends to their table. Julian come with me.”
“Yes sir.” The girls say together. Julian and the manager left and the girl I chose lead us to our table.
The guys settled down and she was ready to leave,but I grabbed her wrist stopping her.She turned her head and looked at me with her big eyes.She parted her juicy lips and asked me. “..Em? Do you need help sir?”
I didn't say anything.I sat down and she stayed beside me.
“Stay there.”
Y/n pov
“Em..I don't think I can sir.I have to take care of the other customers too.”
“Don't worry I spoke with your boss and you'll only need to take care of this table.” He threw me a smirk.
“Ohh.. okay.” I nodded and stayed where he told me to stay.
I've been standing up for the last hour and my feet hurt like hell.I tried to escape but my manager keeps glancing at me, warning me that I should do my job and listen to the customer. Who the hell is guy?And why is everyone treating him like a king?I mean some of the strippers came here and started dancing all over him completely ignoring the 6 other boys.The funny thing is that he pushed them aside and continued drinking and watching the show in front of him.
Maybe he doesn't like these cheap ass hoes touching his expensive clothes.. I don't know.
Oh.. Here she comes. Another stripper.
She sat on the pink's dude lap and started moving her body. She wrapped her fingers around his veiny neck and whispered in his ear. Jeongguk smirked and grabbed the girl's wrist scaring her a little.He said something to her and pushed her off his lap.
I chuckled and turned my head away trying to compose myself and remain serious.
The stripper flipped her hair in the air and walked away shaking her hips.The bitch is mad.. That's what she deserved anyways and I'm sure they all are jealous because I'm standing right next to him and they can't even touch him. I like this guy.
He looked at me and placed his finger on his mouth.I bend down closer to him and he said to me.
“What's your name?”
“Can u get me more drinks y/n?”
I went back to Jimin and gave him a new order.Jimin was glaring at me all the time while he was preparing the drinks.
“Yes?” He chuckled and passed me the drinks ignoring my question. “You good?” He is my buddy and I really don't know what has gotten into him tonight. He chuckled again and continued his job.
I grabbed my salver and put the drinks on top. I went back to the cherry boy and placed their drinks on the table.
I took the last drink in my hands,bend in front of him and placed it on the table.I lifted up my eyes and saw him already looking back at me with a smirk.I remain calm outside but at this point I was screaming inside.I was mentally slapping myself because of how sexy that boy is.
I returned the salver and went back to my position.I was standing above him and he was sitting below me eyeing me constantly. He placed down his drink and turned his neck towards me.I leaned down and he said.
“Aren't you tired staying up? You can sit next to me.” He patted the empty space beside him. “Or do u want to sit on me?” He bites his lips.
“What did u say?”
“Nothing.” He turned around feeling frustrated.
I looked around me and saw my manager looking at me p i s s e d.
There's no way in hell I'm sitting on him bitch what?
The boss came towards us and talked to them. He asked them if everything is alright and everyone nodded except from him who didn't even answered.
“Mr. Jeon are u okay? Would u like another waitress to serve u? “ He eyes me and I arched a brow irritated. Boii I'm just a waitress. All I have to do is to take their order and give them their drinks.
“No I'm fine with her. “ He looked at me to see my reaction.
I didn't take that as a compliment nor did I felt any relief from his words towards my boss. I'm not a toy to entertain him. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
“Excuse me for one moment. “ I said as calmly as possible and disappeared from here. My boss looked at Mr. Jeon and talked to him trying to keep his interest.
His palms were sweating while talking to him because it was pretty clear that Jeongguk didn't hear a thing. He watched u walking u away until u disappeared from his sight.
It was obvious that you are his type and he was interested in getting to know you.
You went to the women's W/C and locked yourself in one of the bathroom stalls.
I sat down on the toilet letting out an sigh. I'm so tired and my shift will end in 2 hours. I don't know if I can handle the cherry boy or my boss or Jimin until my night ends. My feet are screaming to release them from these fucking stilettos. Fuck it. I don't care anymore. I’ll spend 2 hours here until I have to leave. There is no way I'm going out again. I have to entertain none. I'll stay right here.
“Ahh…” I take off my heels smiling like an idiot as I free myself from this torture. “It feels so good..” I rubbed my feet and moaned in pure pleasure.
*knock knock *
I startled and closed my mouth immediately. What if it's my boss? Nooo I don't want to goo to thatt pinkk coconutt head againnn.
“... y/n? Are u inside? “ That's not my boss. It's the pink boy! Oh my fucking God that's even worse. What am I going to do now?
You stayed silent hoping he would leave BUT HE DIDN'T.
You heard him chuckling.
“Why can see your high heels.Why are u hiding baby? I’m opening the door” The door knob turned and I stretched my foot kicking it closed again. “I-I’m doing so-something now Mr. Jeon. I'll come back when I'm finished.”
“What are u doing?I want to help u” He slightly pushed the door open again but I kicked it again. I’m rubbing my feet because they hurt. That would sound so weird to say.
“It's o-okay! I can handle it by myself.”
“Then let me help. You’ll feel so much better if u get help” Feel better? What is he talking about?
“Mr.Jeon I think u-” He pushed the door open making me startled. I got up from the toilet pulling my short skirt down ready to come out and continue working.
“I don't know what was the point of fixing that.” He whispers.
“What? “
“What? “ He mouthed back stepping inside the small bathroom and closing the door.
I really can't take his behavior anymore. He pisses me off.
“Are u mocking me? I don't like it. You can stop it now” He smirked and came closer grabbing my waist. I looked down at his hands dumbfounded.
He slammed me against the wall and smirked at me while I was about to faint if he kept looking at me like that.
“That's sexual harassment. “ I stated before he dared to move his hand lower.
“why baby? .. I’ll make u feel good” He whispered in my ear and bit the lobe making me moan. His hands roamed around my body and stopped at the edges of my skirt.
Why am I not resisting? I should scream or push him and try to run away but I am not doing it. Why? He hasn't even started yet and my panties are getting wet. He lifted my skirt up and then teared up my blouse with his bare hands. He put my titties out of my bra and turned me around pinning my body against the wall.
“You are so damn hot y/n.That fat pussy is already wet for me right? “ I shook my head trying to comprehend what was happening. I'm not a slut. I'm working here as a waitress my job purpose is not to please the customers.
“Don't touch me please. “ I don't know if I can handle it. I might get fired if someone finds out. I can't risk it all because of this hot hot hot cherry boy.
“I’ll pay u triple if u let me have a small taste of your body? “
“only a small taste? “
“.. and maybe something more. “ He cupped my pussy. I bit my lips debating inside my head. Should I let him.. My guardian angel was telling me no but the devil inside me was telling me yes.
Heat built up inside my body and I started feeling hot. So hot like I got a sudden fever. I’m wet. I felt his hot breath touching my neck as he placed sweet kisses.I don't want to but my body betrays me so well. My skin is burning.
“T-Take me in daddy-y”
Daddy? That's new for him. He is used to being called baby or babyboy but now that you called him daddy.. You excited him even more.
“What did u say babygirl? What do u want daddy to do? “ He teased u slowly, shoving a finger inside your hot pussy until his knuckle touched your entrance. He started moving his finger in and out slowly. “A-Ahh~" He smirked as he saw that u couldn't take this tease and trusted another finger inside u. Every time he trusted inside you was better than the previous. His fingers increased the speed, finger fucking you until he could feel the sweet cream dripping down his hand.
Your nails scratched the wall and your legs were shaking from the pleasure. He is moving his fingers so fast. “I-I can't hold it anymore~” You cummed hard on his fingers too soon making u feel embarrassed that u couldn't hold longer.
“Delightful” He said after tasting my cum. He grabbed my chin and bit my neck making me whimper. “Are u ready for the real fun gorgeous? I'll make u see a new world tonight” And the next thing u felt was a strong slap on your pussy lips.
“Ahh! “ You moaned louder making him slap you again.The only thing you felt was the emptiness along with the pain he caused to your pussy by the couple slaps.
“P-Please take me in-n daddyy” You whimpered. It's torturing to feel empty down there. The cold air kissed my pussy lips one more time making me silver by the feeling. I need something now. To fill me up.
“Can I have your fat cock daddy?” Jeongguk locked his lips. His mind had turned dirty and his eyes were filled up with lust. He was looking at how hot u were right now. Holding the wall and scratching it every time u felt good because of him, titties out and panties dirty af.
He grabbed your face turning it towards him. He examined closely the expression u were making. Eyes half lidded, rosy cheeks, lips glossed with your saliva and euphoria had hit every part of your body. He opened your mouth and a globe of his saliva touched your tongue and then he closed your mouth.
He was nasty.
Jeongguk turned u around again slamming u against the wall following with the sound of his pants unzipping and an aggressive push inside your cunt, holding your mouth not letting anyone hear your screams. Your eyes enlarged and your hands wandered around the wall to scratch it. Jeongguk chuckled as he slowly started moving his hips against your skin,thrusting his cock inside your tight walls and u suddenly bit his fingers.
Only quite moans and groans could be heard inside the bathroom along with the intense and fast skin slapping and wet sounds.
“D-Daddyy your cock is so thick and long. Please go faster. Daddyy goo faster~” You said between your moans and panting breaths and Jeongguk didn't catch that many words except from daddy and faster.
He wrapped his fingers around your jaw bringing your head towards him making you arch perfectly in a C line. You closed your mouth not letting yourself moan but Jeongguk grabbed your wrists pulling them behind your back still thrusting mercilessly inside your wet pussy. “Let daddy hear his name babygirl”
“What if someone hear us? “
“Daddy will find u a better job so shut the fuck up and moan”
“Ahh~~Daddyy~~” You moans increased in volume and his hips picked up their pace slapping roughly his skin against yours.
He slapped your ass until it turned red with the mark of his fingertips on.
Your legs your shaking, your heart was racing and your pussy was busted open.You were breathing fast and moaning like a mess filling Jeongguk ears with sweet music he wished he could replay again and again. So he had to enjoy himself before the night ends for you.
His cock was a monster, penetrating your walls. Your cream was dripping down Jeongguk's cock and into the small puddle between your legs. It's so embarrassing to cum so easily.
“Daddyy~~ I’m comingg~~” Tears forming in your eyes while his thrusts are hitting your g-spot every time, harder than before.
“And what do u daddy to do? “ His hand pulled your jaw higher and his other hand grabbed tightly your wrists like u were his prisoner.
“Cum insidee me daddyy~~I want too feel you deep inside my cunt~~” Jeongguk smirked and picked up his hip thrusts making u gasp aloud, mouth open widely and eyes rolled up to heaven as you felt the last and most intense orgasm hitting your climax like magic. Your nails grabbed the wall trying to stay up on your weak legs as both u got high and cummed together.
You almost collapsed on the floor but Jeongguk was quick enough to grab you. He wrapped his hand around your waist and reached down your dirty panties pulling them up. He fixed your clothes and then looked at your doll face.
He bit his lip and gave u a quick kiss on your cheek. He decided that he'll have to make u his. He will take u home tonight even if your shirt hadn't ended an hour ago. He picked you up on his shoulder and exit the club from the back door.
He opened his car, placing you down in the front seat with him and putting his jacket around u to keep u warm. You were sleeping like an angel. Jeongguk hand cupped your full pussy and smiled. “You better take it all in babygirl.”
The end. Hope you enjoyed!
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