#and my dog is via
egophiliac · 4 months
AHHHHHHHH NOOO I'M NOT READY, I thought we'd be getting the fourth anniversary first and then Sebek's birthday and then maybe some more episode 7, I didn't -- I didn't think it'd be Friday --
oh god and they're rerunning the story cards, they didn't say this was the final part but it feels like...maybe the penultimate chapter? could the end of episode 7 finally be looming in the distance?! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO
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the things rizz does to a man's sense of humor
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dazaistabletop · 10 months
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Idk what to focus on sweater Chuuya or hot Mori or flannel Aku or the fact that they all look genuinely happy or-
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usually atsushi is at the office early (orphanage habits go brr) and he'll pick up coffee (hot chocolate for both of them usually becuz they dont like bitter things but atsushi lies and says its coffee becuz dazai likes to lie and say he drinks coffee black) and breakfast for dazai too- (in the morning when dazai's only coming in late like 10-20 minutes, when he goes to get a snack when dazai's coming in late a few hours - he can tell when dazai is heading to the office via smell) but the few times he's made it on time (so not late but also not early) dazai's figured it out and awkwardly made his way to the office just before so he can buy atsushi coffee (hot chocolate) and breakfast and he kinda loiters like a sad puppy waiting for it's owner to come back until atsushi shows up, on time ofc, and gives it to him and before atsushi can even say thank u he bolts
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captaincanonly · 3 months
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this concludes my current hobbit + lotr doodle dump :) hope you enjoy!
part 1 part 2
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darkdragon768 · 7 months
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You STEAL food? You steal food like a little thief? Oh! Oh! Puppy jail for you! Puppy jail for you for one thousand years!
Plot twist: it wasn't Oatchi
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molosseraptor · 1 month
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stephstars08 · 5 months
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My Heart!🥰❤️☺️
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thagoldennugget · 25 days
In the meantime, here's Rodger in his 50s, not much a difference except he's shortened his beard and regularly ties up his hair in a bun to avoid hair from constantly fucking up whatever he's cooking
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Also, if the two were to become a married couple and adopt a kid in the future, they'd be in the thin line between
"Adoring and supportive soccer parents"
"#1 Enemy of Anyone That Gives Their Child The Slightest Inconvenience"
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Basically think of it as Tommy in some sort of video (he did this at one point with SOMEONE using a different word) and just apply a Russian accent to it LOL
Fyodor: spots Dazai with Ushanka
Fyodor: walks up to him Comrade?
Dazai: mimicking him comrade?
Fyodor: more pressing COMRADE?
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cryptid-gore-arts · 10 months
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The grave would be all too lonely without your sickly body by my side.
Commissions! Under the cut are closeups and the image I referenced!
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darkwood-sleddog · 4 months
working with the public or as i like to call it "baby boomer babysitter club"
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sickgraymeat · 1 year
I think that, for a lot of her life, Bonnie is very much unaware that the world is not a fun game. (EDIT: more accurate phrasing might be “that a fun game is not the world.”) I think she puts a lot of unconscious and semi-conscious effort into avoiding reality for her own safety and sanity, but I don’t think she actually tries to use others as pawns. She’s very isolated emotionally speaking (as in she is around a lot of people but rarely makes deep connections with them) and struggles with empathy. She makes things a certain way, it keeps her and her loved ones (okay mostly Neddy) safe, so she sees no reason to change it, even if/when she’s unhappy. This bitch was born with a certain amount of understanding of the living world and how to interact with it, and for a long time, she had no reason to doubt that that was all there was to it. She was a child (emotionally and socially and experientially) who thought she was a grownup simply because she was smart and capable of keeping herself and her brother alive and him content. While Marceline’s emotional growth was stunted at a hugely volatile stage, Bonnie’s was nipped in the bud— in the root, really.
When the loneliness of being a child with adult priorities started to weigh on her, she used a picture of a happy family and the ruins of their home as her entire blueprint for interpersonal relationships. These people are grownups, so they will take care of me. That’s how it works because I read that somewhere.
Can you imagine the shock she must have felt when she first met Finn and Jake? Jake lets his baby brother play with swords and go on dangerous quests, sometimes even on his own?? Can you imagine, then, what Jake must have told her? Finn is a scrappy kid who will play outside in this fucked up world no matter what we do. He’s safer with the ability to defend himself than he would be if he never faced danger. He’s not much like Neddy. Not all people who fill the same roles are much like each other (still a relatively unfamiliar concept to her). Finn loves fairytale stories and grandeur and helping people— he’s like Bonnie. So yes, she will play knight and princess with him, because it keeps them both safe, and because it’s fun! It’s her chance to be kind of like a kid, and there are even some threats (IK) that are easy to delegate because they won’t hurt Finn the way they hurt her! But she’ll also protect him, even if it’s just by allowing him to train and sending him on missions she knows he can handle. Even if her protection hurts him and/or other people.
You’re fighting the knight, you’re seeking the dragon’s hoard, you’re trying to vanquish the demon. You don’t stand a fucking chance with the princess watching you, because unlike them, she’s not worried about being consistent or happy or good. She doesn’t even know what good is.
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honeywafflez1art · 10 months
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They came, they saw, they blew shit up! They came again...
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ratcandy · 1 month
so i am in discord servers for various groups at my uni, one of which i am the vice president of starting this fall, and every time i make a new status i am painfully Aware that I have to be careful lest anyone in one of those groups sees and goes Huh. What
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galedekkarios · 6 months
i know that gale gets the Old Man treatment because he's a human with grays and creaky knees and pouts about his beauty sleep but astarion is 200 years his senior and already has white hair and wrinkles of his own too so like. he is Quite Literally Older. and that all could be used beautifully in the land of fanfic (or art!). :)
as such i would love to see the younger (but acts like they're older) bf x older (but acts like they're younger) bf dynamic with them more often. please give me astarion teasing gale for acting like a retired wealthy dowager already at his age and gale getting all >:o!!! and pointing out that astarion is quite literally older than him tyvm. by quite a bit btw. in case he forgot. and then he goes to tug one of his white curls but astarion bats his hand away before he can do it because How Fucking Dare You.
and you can add other angsty things, too. like maybe gale is younger but more accomplished vs astarion who's older but has nothing or not as much to show for it. gale loses his job (gale's folly) and thinks his life is over before it's already begun, or that he's wasted so much of his life and waaah who will ever want him now (insert more catastrophizing here), and astarion who is older, been there done that already and 10x worse, and is very much Not Dead and still living his life how he wants now no matter what anyone has to say about it, just blinks at him like Are You Fucking Stupid (affectionately).
or whatever else. my point is that astarion is two hundred something and gale is thirty to forty something and as such i would love to see gale not be the old geezer bc compared to astarion he's basically a spring chicken. i mean, astarion calls wyll a child or something of the sort in one of their banter lines, and the difference between 24 and 30-40 is much less than the difference between 30-40 and 200+. so, like. pls.. gimme, gimme... 🥺🤲
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