#and my dumb ass totally missed my email was in there so i did!!!!
pr · 10 months
had my work email w my full name in a screenshot up on reddit for over 12 hours 🤪✌🏻
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lovetessamariehi · 11 months
Ok so I probably shouldn't have peeped at my homegirl phone but I did and it said something like her and her gf thinking I might be trying to steal some shit out of this other chicks purse (she's passed out over here) and it's dumb bcuz I been trying to keep as far away from this chick this other chicks and their belongings... I only moved a few things to make room for us three plus one of em owns a dog too... it's a small one but still it's a lot of MFS in this small ass apartment I definitely need to move TF around later on today! Jus sayin cuz Im not tryna wear out my welcome that's for sure... Plus it's weird that I'm the one that has had shit of MINE go missing... So WTF?! Whatever I'm not trippin... This chick been here for months being a straight fuckin bum... But whatever maybe I'll go see my mama and spend some time with her... She constantly misses me anyways. I need to start spending more time with her anyways and stop bullshitting around... My kids too! Gotta get outta my funk before it gets worse (depression) it's already pretty fuckin bad I won't even pretend. So I just gotta take the time to figure out all kinds a shit.. m I wanna sign up for sum training classes or whatever they are called actually.... They're usually on a few weeks long type of course like 2-8 weeks... That way I'll be learning a new skill getting certified in in it... And upon completion I'll get a cash stipend... $$$ so basically it'll payoff literally... I haven't been able to do a lot of things because I didn't have my state ID for the longest and a stable phone number address or email address well now I do I have all 3! So time to get back on my grizzy!!
I'm sick of the way ppl get their lil funky ass attitudes and I don't wanna have to be around that shit no more... Mfs petty AF. I'm not gonna be like that towards ppl ever tho if I ir when i am faced with the same situation... I'll try to remember what it felt like for me and what I was going through at the time.... Hopefully I'm not a total bitch and then realize later on and feel bad about it hopefully I wont forget it ... It's a pretty shitty feeling that's for sure ... But am over it now and trying to move TF around in a couple hours here maybe even around 8 or 830 if the vibe feels off ya know? Cuz i hate awkward vibes and tension ya know?
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Most hated childhood nickname: not nickname but when I was a kid I’d have so many people “slip” and call me Megan when my name is Morgan. it used to drive me insane, but as I got older I got over it and just laugh it off like “yeah don’t worry about it, happens all the time”
Age you were when you hit your current height: oh lord I was always the tallest in class so I never had a growth spurt really, it was just gradual until it stopped and not exactly sure when I stopped...maybe early teens after I hit puberty
Speaking of height, how tall is your crush/sig other? I’d say my fiance’s about 5′9″, 5′10″, only a few inches shorter than me
Your first favorite color, and how old you were when you liked it: I have no clue lol most likely blue that’s always been a favorite 
Favorite kind of cheese: provologne, mozzarella, pepper jack
Favorite TV show you love to hate: Jersey Shore! Jersey sucks enough as it is, and they just made it 1000+ times worse ugh
Favorite kind of hot beverage: coffee even though I practically live on iced coffee lol 
Favorite chord (I’m a music major, I had to put this one in): umm not sure, I can’t remember how to read sheet music
Favorite musical instrument: acoustic guitar and drums
Favorite brand of toothpaste: doesn’t really matter, long as it’s minty
Favorite kind of sandwich: BLT
Favorite method of travel/transportation: driving
Favorite means of expression: as many fucks and curses as possible XD
Favorite Broadway musical: not familiar with broadway at all really, went to see The Adams Family for a senior school trip and I’ve wanted to see The Lion King on broadway all my life but other than that I’m clueless 
Ate something you hate? I’m not real picky with food so I don’t really hate much...however I’ve never been a fan of spicy food and as I got older I developed several health conditions to where it literally pains me to eat anything spicy or too acidic so there’s that. I’ll push it sometimes, but I try to get it as mildly spicy as possible
Did someone a favor? can’t remember
Felt like you’d really accomplished something big? been a long time...
Missed your parents? meh I mean sometimes I do but I talk to mom everyday and I keep in touch and live a state away which is only a 2 hour drive away from my dad and stepmom and visit on occasion and check in through text/call so...
Spent longer than two hours talking to the same person? a lot of the time with mom, especially added together given there’s multiple calls every day
Wrote/recieved an actual letter (not a bill, not an email)? not sure, usually write in and receive cards for bdays/holidays
Felt like everything was going really really well? ha! yeah that’s a definite lonnnnng ass time!
Felt like you’d failed? I constantly do on a daily basis. 
Stopped to smell the roses– literally? last time he got me my white roses for our anniversary or my bday which was last year or two years ago
Spent way too much money on something totally dumb? DoorDash always adds up quick lol considering we/I order every night
Enjoyed doing homework? when I was still in school, I never minded homework for the most part. I know I’m weird :P
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meowdarame · 2 years
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“𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭?”
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pairings: tooru oikawa x f!reader (afab!reader, she/her pronouns)
synopsis: hectic is an understatement for oikawa’s schedule— it’s not easy being a pro-athlete. and because of the chaos of his daily life, he foolishly forgets to buy you a birthday present. all is doomed until he realizes that he has the perfect present tucked away in his gym shorts. (inspired by a line in the song “birthday sex” by jeremih)
warnings: NSFW, 18+ MINORS DNI; oral (f!receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, lmk if there’s anything that i missed!
word count: 2.8k
notes: part of my birth month event, for she’s a jolly good fellow! also this was my first work that was NOT beta-read, so i apologize if it’s a little rough! as always, hope you enjoy and likes and reblogs are super appreciated!
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Only two thoughts cross Oikawa’s mind after a Friday afternoon practice: 1) What fucking day is it again? and 2) Shit, I’m totally screwed.
To say that his schedule is “hectic” would be a drastic understatement. Between grueling early morning and late afternoon volleyball practices and exhausting photoshoots for his sponsorships and brand deals, the pretty setter barely even has time to think to himself. He wakes up just as tired as he was when he went to bed, and this pattern continues through all seven days of the week, all fifty-two weeks of the year. Soon, his days begin to blend together, nearly indistinguishable from one another. If his life were a painter’s palette, the only color that would be visible on it would be a drab shade of brown.
Even then, when the common man would most likely crumble and fold under this intense pressure, the “Great King” Tooru Oikawa overcomes and conquers. It comes as no surprise to anyone that he’s able to keep up with his daily activities, entrusting his day-to-day routine in the hands of the beloved calendar app on his phone. But it’s this same app that stupidly forgot to remind him a week prior to today that this Friday was your birthday— or perhaps it did alert him, but the notification was just buried under a sea of work emails and Instagram comments from his adoring fans. Honestly, who knows?
All he knows is that right now, as he flies down the Argentinian highways and races home, Oikawa feels more like a court jester than he does an honorable member of royalty.
The heavy wooden door of your home slams shut with a loud thud. After tossing his keys onto the kitchen counter, he checks the time on his watch and exhales a sigh of relief. Thankfully, you should still be at work for another hour, which buys him just enough time to figure out a gift. He plops down onto the couch and begins brainstorming potential presents for you, his wife of three years.
But then, he comes to a horrible realization— he has absolutely no idea what you could possibly even want.
He scours every crevice in his mind, replaying conversations with you in high-definition. What about that upscale winery she mentioned to me in passing that one time? That would be a nice dinner date!  He thinks to himself. No, it’s too late to make a reservation for tonight. The earliest I’ll probably be able to book a visit will be next month. Ruffling his wavy brown locks in frustration, he continues his mental search.
Lingerie? No, he bought you that for your anniversary last month. New shoes? Your front door already looks like a department store with how many heels and sneakers you have. Jewelry? There’s no way he would be able to go to the jewelers right now and make it back in time before you arrive at home.
Oikawa thinks he’s ran out of options until he remembers how warm your body felt pressed up against his earlier this morning, with the flesh of your ass indiscreetly rubbing against his morning wood. You had begged for him to stay home and skip practice to spend the day with you, insisting that you could call in a sick day at work. When he asked for the reasoning behind your forthright demeanor, you cryptically explained that it was “just a special day” that you wanted to enjoy with him. At the time, your words flew right over his head, but now Oikawa realizes that he’s no better than the other daft men who are terrible at reading women.
But this memory sparks an idea in Oikawa’s stressed out mind, and he shoots up out of his seat and turns over the entire apartment in search of silky red ribbon and sewing scissors.
The first thing that you notice when you come home from work is that all of the contents in your storage closet are splayed out on your dinner table. Figuring that it’s the work of your charming (yet sometimes idiotic) husband Tooru, you huff out a sigh and call out for him.
“Tooru?” After a few seconds of prolonged silence, you hear his saccharine voice echo from the hallway.
“In here, sweetheart!”
You follow the sound of rustling and shuffling, assuming that Oikawa is the culprit behind the rowdy noise. Turning the corner to the entrance of your bedroom, you expect to see your husband either moving furniture or folding laundry.
But what you didn’t expect to see is Oikawa’s naked body posed on top of a bed of rose petals, a beautiful bright red ribbon wrapped in a bow around his fully-erect dick.
Your eyes widen and your jaw goes slack. “Tooru, what the fuck is all this?” You half giggle, half scoff, your hands gesturing to the scene before you.
“It’s your gift, baby! Happy birthday!” He cheers, enthusiastically throwing his arms up into the air in triumph. “Do you like it?”
“I mean, yes, I-I guess,” you sputter out as a whirlwind of thoughts flies through your bewildered mind. “It’s very thoughtful, honey, but who’s gonna clean this mess up?”
“I will! Don’t you worry your pretty little head about a single thing.” Oikawa races to you in the doorway, grabbing your wrist and quickly dragging you to the edge of the bed. You both sit down, the mattress dipping with the added weight, and your fingers delicately run over his palm, tracing the outline of what feels like a Band-Aid.
“I accidentally scraped my hand on a thorn when I was picking petals from our rose bush outside,” he sheepishly admits, a cute rosy tint adorning his cheekbones in slight embarrassment. It’s adorable that despite being in his late-20s, he’s still as accident prone as he was when you first met him at 18. Lifting his hand to your lips, you press a soft kiss against his skin, and his shoulder muscles relax at the tenderness.
“Thank you, Tooru. This was very sweet of you,” you murmur with his balled-up fist pressed against your cheek. 
“Of course. Anything for you, darling,” he whispers, a small smile creeping up on his pink lips.
“Hmm,” you hum to yourself and smile back at him. Your eyes interlock for a brief moment, but then yours begin to wander down his slender neck to his chiseled abs. They come to a full stop at his crotch, drinking in his pretty cock that stands tall and proud against his stomach, resting only a centimeter below his belly button. The silky ribbon is tied in a perfectly-even bow around the base of his shaft, and the red color accentuates the reddish-purplish shade of his tip. Precum already leaks out of his sensitive slit— you assume that he had been pleasuring himself for quite some time before you returned home. And given that he’s still hard as a brick after not touching himself for a few minutes, you can only imagine how turned on he must be right now.
“So,” you murmur in a low, seductive voice. “Is this my gift?” You accentuate your words by swiping your thumb over his slit, spreading a dribble of his precum over his head and eliciting a shudder from your husband. You run your fingertips up and down his shaft, ghosting over his tan skin; you tug on one of the loose ends of the bow and undo it. The ribbon slides down his legs, landing crumpled into a ball on the floor. 
“Yes,” he breathes out after regaining some composure. “It is. You can do whatever you want with it.” He shoots his signature devilish smirk at you, but to his surprise, you’re unphased.
“I can do whatever I want with it?” You ask incredulously. “Nuh-uh, I don’t think so, baby.” Standing up from your seat, you begin removing your work clothes one-by-one, teasing Oikawa and making him lick his lips in anticipation. After a minute of slowly stripping, you stand before him completely nude, and your husband looks like he has stars in his eyes.
“You must be out of your mind if you think that I’m going to work for my birthday gift.”
He tilts his head at you in confusion, but you quickly explain what you mean by lying down on the center of the bed.
“If anything, I think that my gift should be pleasing me on my special day. Don’t you agree, Tooru?”
His smirk is plastered on his face once again, and he crawls his way over to you. “What?” He growls. “You want me to fuck you ‘til you can’t even think, princess?” His arms cage both sides of your legs, slowly creeping his way up your torso to be face to face with you. “Want me to make you cum and cream all over my cock, hm?” His muscular body is about halfway on top of yours when you place your foot firmly on his shoulder, effectively stopping him in his tracks.
“Mmm, yes, but maybe later,” you cheekily reply, pushing his face down to your bare cunt. “But first, why don’t you use that talented tongue of yours for something instead of running your mouth, huh?”
He chuckles. “You’re lucky it’s your birthday, brat,” is all he says before diving his head in between the plush of your thighs, the flat muscle licking a solid stripe up your wet folds. 
Oikawa wastes no time— his lips immediately latch onto your clit, suckling on the swollen bud while his tongue swipes the nub back and forth. A string of expletives gets caught in your throat when his movements pick up in pace, causing your needy hole to clench around nothing. Weaving your fingers into his brown locks, you pant and beg for more.
“Tooru,” you airily breathe out. “Want your fingers, please.”
He smirks against your pussy, and it’s clear that your desperation went into his ears and shot straight to his ego. On any other day, he’d want you to be a sobbing, drooling mess before he caved in to your pleas, but since today is your special day, he obliges your request. His fingertips collect some of your slick before three digits plunge into the fluttering walls of your cunt.
A shrill cry resounds off the walls of your bedroom. Your legs kick out, your body actively trying to run away from Oikawa’s hand, but his fingers dig into the flesh of your thighs and hold you in place. “You can take it,” he asserts, mumbling into your pussy. His deep brown eyes stare into yours hungrily. The pads of his digits massage the gummy spot on the topside of your walls, and the stimulation makes your vision go white. “Cum on my tongue, princess. Make me proud.”
His encouragement pushes you over the edge. Your walls clench around his fingers, nearly pushing them out entirely. Oikawa laps up the juices that ooze out of your cunt, letting the sweet taste of your orgasm dance on his taste buds. He lets you ride out your high until he feels your tense muscles begin to relax, and his lips detach from your oversensitive clit; quickly popping his digits into his mouth, he licks and cleans the appendages off.
“Well that was fast. I think we just set a new record, babe,” he teases, stroking his cock with saliva-coated fingers. “Why don’t we celebrate by painting your beautiful body with my cum, hm?”
Your fingers fervidly wrap around the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss, shutting him up. Your tongues clash, and your teeth nibble at his bottom lip, eliciting the prettiest and most pathetic whines from him. You pull away, chest heaving and out of breath.
“Just fucking do it already,” you pant.
Oikawa plants one more quick kiss on your lips before readjusting your bodies. His arms cage both sides of your head, and you wrap your legs around his slim waist; hand snaking in between your warm bodies, you run his tip up and down your folds to collect your slick and line his head up with your fluttering hole. He’s about to thrust into you, but before he can, you squeeze your legs and pull his body flush against yours, bottoming him out in one solid, swift motion.
“Fuck!” You both moan at the same time. Oikawa nestles his head into your neck, and his hot, shaky breath tickles the baby hairs on your skin. You feel his drool pooling on your collarbone, and you realize that his mouth is agape— he’s barely started but he’s already too pussydrunk to even keep his mouth closed.
“Already close, baby? I thought you wanted to fuck me ‘til I can’t even think,” you taunt him, but your mockery is soon cut off when he reels his hips back and sends them crashing forward into the back of your thighs.
Lewd squelching noises fill the room. Moans rumble from both of your chests, but none of what you’re saying is coherent— both of you already reduced down to babbling messes, too engrossed in pleasure to even form a single sentence. With every roll of his hips, Oikawa hits your sweet spot, sending waves of euphoric pleasure up and down your spine. His movements pick up in pace, becoming more frantic and sloppier, now deliciously kissing your cervix with each thrust; it causes your eyes to roll to the back of your head and your toes to curl.
Grabbing a fistful of his hair, you tug his head back and pull his face out of the nook in your neck. His lips crash against yours, muffling the sounds of his needy whimpers against your mouth. 
“Tooru, you feel so good, baby. I fucking love you,” you moan when one particular thrust sends your body jolting upwards on the bed.
“I love you more,” he whines. Sweat beads around his temples, and his fluffy brown hair sticks to his forehead. His body is hot to the touch, and his strokes become messier.  “Fuck, I’m close. Where do you want your gift, princess?”
“Inside,” you practically cry out. “Fill me up, please!”
“A-Are you sure?” He stutters, unsure if he heard you correctly.
Your next movements don’t give him any choice— your ankles interlock behind Oikawa’s back, trapping him in place as he spills his seed inside of your velvety walls. Feeling the immense warmth inside of you, your back arches off of the bed, your perked nipples brushing gently against his glistening, sweaty skin. He lets your pussy milk him dry before he pulls out, your legs still tightly tangled behind his back.
His softening cock plops onto your belly. “Babe, you know you could let go of me now, right?” He jokes, littering your face with fluttering kisses all over your face.
“I know,” you whisper dreamily. “Just wanna keep you close, that’s all.”
He chuckles, planting one last kiss on your forehead before rolling over and lying down beside you. You scooch your body so that your head lies on his chest, tracing heart shapes on his broad chest and tickling his skin.
“So, did your gift live up to your expectations?” He asks, cocking an eyebrow and lifting his head up to look down at you.
You giggle and look up at him. With a bright smile spread across your face, you respond, “It exceeded my expectations, Tooru.”
“Good, good,” he hums, throwing his head back onto the pillow. He shuts his eyes and, to his stupidity, he foolishly thinks out loud. “Can’t believe it worked! And to think that I planned this whole thing today!”
His eyes shoot wide open and he looks down at you once again. Your brows are furrowed and you scrunch your nose at him. You consider hailing an onslaught of insults at him, but ultimately you decide against it.
“Even though you may have forgotten my birthday, I’ll let it slide. For a gift that you planned and executed in 12 hours, you really outdid yourself.” 
You laugh in your head. Twelve hours is a gracious estimation. The truth is that from the moment you stepped into the foyer of your home, you knew that he had forgotten about your birthday and was scrambling to find a present for you. And from the way that your house had looked like it was literally ransacked when you arrived, you could tell that he had only remembered an hour before you returned home.
You know his dirty little secret, but you figure that you’ll let it slide. His gift was pretty good, after all.
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taglist: @sabyss @petalsrdead @miya-dynasty @ohtobiors @frenchtoastmafia @devilgirlcrybabiey @chaotic-fangirl-blog @semisgroupie @dessceased @sunat2508 @rueren @rinsie @portfolio-of-dreams @crystal-lilac @21-06-1996 @sweeneyblue1 +++ @lunaevangeline my resident oikawa simp hehe <3
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kakashionmain · 3 years
Tips for College Applications I’ve Amassed Throughout My Process
Hi! I’m Main and I applied to 10 different colleges. As of right now I’ve heard back from 5/10 — four acceptances and one wait list! I’ve learned a lot throughout the entire process and I didn’t really have anyone to guide me, so I’m writing them down here in hopes that they’ll help you!
For Freshies and Sophomores:
Your grades DO count these years! They count towards your GPA and overall class rank, so don’t think you can fool around now and not have it bite you in the ass
Same goes for behavior! If you have major behavioral issues / reprimands on your record you’re going to have to explain it
Start volunteering now! Online or in person doesn’t matter — just be SURE you can verify your service hours and try and make sure you get at least one person who can act as a supervisor / reference for you to write a letter (preferably on official letterhead with their contact info)
Cycle through clubs and hobbies. U rlly wont have time later. Either too much work or too tired.
Keep a note on ur phone or computer of all the awards u get from school, all the start and end dates of jobs, and all the start and end dates and total hours of volunteer activities.
MAKE NICE WITH SOME OF UR TEACHERS NOW — THIS GOES DOUBLE FOR TEACHERS UMAY HAVE MORE THAN ONCE! Rec letters do NOT come from senior year teachers! And some junior year teachers get so swamped they can’t do everyone! So go to a sophomore / freshman year teacher! It can serve to show your consistency OR your overall improvement.
ALSO MAKE NICE W UR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR — ESP IF UR IN A BIG SCHOOL! For high school, being on good terms w ur counselor is important. It can mean the difference between getting the schedule you want, getting recognized for an achievement, having a dependable reference, or being nominated for an award. For college apps it’s even more important! Because if your counselor doesn’t know you they may not have enough material to write a counselor recommendation beyond the generic or put in extra time for you. I have friends who didn’t know their counselor before this year and it really bit them in the ass. I made nice with my counselor sophomore and freshman year and we’ve literally had phones calls and extensive emails. She’s been with me EVERY step of the way, and has even said she’d love to stay in touch with me AFTER graduation.
For Juniors:
TAKE UR PSAT SERIOUSLY! HOLY SHIT! I am one of the unlucky people whose SAT got canceled — three fucking times. I never got to take it and I had to apply everywhere test optional. Because I did well on my PSAT, however, I was recognized for high achievement by college board. This opened me up to a LOT of merit scholarships that would have been otherwise closed AND showed that I would have scored well on the SAT had I been able to take it. When I took the PSAT I had no idea it would be so helpful and I didn’t even study. This was just dumb luck on my part. don’t let it be dumb luck on yours. Take it seriously. If you don’t do well, there’s always time to improve for your SAT
Ask teachers for college rec letters at the END of junior year and then confirm with them at the BEGINNING of senior. Be polite and make sure to say thank you — they’re doing you a favor!
Sign up for interviews! A lot of colleges, especially after this year, have online interview options for juniors, rising seniors (that’s summer before senior year), and seniors! Which means you can interview!
Start looking for scholarships! Some are locked to senior year, yes, but others are locked to junior year
This year suuuucks and I’m sorry
For Seniors:
Sign up for interviews if you can! It demonstrates interest in a school AND can give you a feel for the Vibes
DONT apply early decision if you’re not certain of a school. Seriously I have a friend who applied early decision to Cornell — great school, Ivy League, wooo — got accepted and HATED it. He literally had to go through the transfer app process this year
There’s NO shame in community college or local state schools that “everyone goes to 🙄.” You know why so many people go to them? Because they set u up to make a living. Because they are more affordable. Because they WANT to. Not everyone is going to the Ivy League and, quite frankly, this makes up the vast majority of people. What’s more embarrassing: repping Harvard for four years and then getting rejected or going to a college where u basically know everyone already?
DONT EVERY COMMENT ON SOMEONES AFTER GRADUATION PLANS! It’s rude asf and none of ur business and ppl WILL shit talk u for being a jerk
Apply to LOCAL scholarships bc you’re more likely to win them. Apply to BIG scholarships but don’t be upset if and when you don’t get them
You’re probably going to have send a copy of ur taxes or a student non-filer form and ur parents taxes to at least ONE college, either directly or through IDOCs. Letting u know now
DONT be afraid to ask for fee waivers
CHECK UR EMAIL! Sometimes schools just fucking send u waivers and if u miss it u miss it
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
I think I wanna marry you
hello friends!! this is a request fill for Aubrey_Plaza_Stole_HappiestSeason on ao3.
also, in a previous work, I said cady's middle name was Allison just because I liked the way it sounded, but I was browsing Erika henningsen's instagram and found that she calls her cady Jane as in Jane Goodall, and I like that much better. so, its Jane now. enjoy!
“Damian!” Janis calls from the bedroom she shares with Cady in their New York apartment.
“What?!” He calls back.
“Is Caddy home?” She asks loudly, wondering why one of them didn’t just go to the other.
“Then come here!”
He comes strolling in casually with a bagel, chewing a mouthful. “Wha’ you wan’?”
“Finish chewing, I don’t want you to choke,” Janis demands, knowing him well. He listens, thankfully, swallowing his bite and coming to sit next to her on the bed.
“Okay, what is it?”
“I want to propose to Caddy,” Janis rushes out. Exactly as she expected, he sucks in a large gasp, dropping his bagel to press a hand over his heart. “Can you help me?”
“Yes!” He says excitedly. “Oh my god, finally!”
“Finally? We’re twenty-two, dude,” Janis says, confused. She’d thought they were a bit young to be thinking of marriage.
“Literally everyone in our friend group expected you to get engaged before we started college and elope,” Damian responds, leveling her with a single look.
“We’d only been dating for, like, four and a half months by the time you and I left, what the hell kind of toxic relationship did you think we have?!” Janis demands.
“You two were absolutely revoltingly in love, you would’ve done it and found a way to make it work. I’m just glad you’ve calmed down a little,” Damian jokes.
“Hm,” Janis huffs, thinking. They had gotten into things pretty quickly in high school. Their temporary long distance relationship had actually done them a lot of favors. “Anyway, can you help me?”
“Yes, of course! How do you want to do it?” He asks, lying down on his tummy and taking another bite of his bagel.
“I was thinking when we go home for Christmas? Like, on Christmas Eve, maybe. I wanted to take her to some fancy ‘holiday’ dinner and then take her on a walk to the clearing by that pond where we had our first date, and propose there?” She says quickly. She’s planned it for a while, but she still wants to make sure it doesn’t sound dumb.
“Aww,” Damian coos. “That sounds great, she’ll love it. What do you want me to do?”
“Help me pick a ring, first of all. And then, since you’re coming back to Illinois with us, help me decorate the place with, like, candles and pretty lights and stuff?” Janis asks, looking to him for approval again.
“Done. You wanna go shopping now?” He asks, shoving the rest of his bagel in his mouth.
“Um... yeah, why not? I’ll be ready in a minute,” She says, pushing him to the door.
Little did Janis know, Cady was across town with Regina, Gretchen, and Karen coming up with a proposal plan of her own. She’d asked them out on a coffee get-together, trying to bribe them into helping her plan everything.
“Hey, Cady!” Gretchen calls from across the café where she’s standing, flanked by her girlfriends. Cady stands to hug them, she’s been so busy working on her PhD that she hasn’t been able to see them much lately.
“Hi! I ordered for all of us, we’re over here,” she says, leading them to a table in the far corner.
“It’s so good to see you, it’s been forever,” Regina says, sitting across from her with Karen, and Gretchen next to Cady.
“Yeah, I’ve missed you guys! My schoolwork is kicking my ass lately,” Cady huffs. “How have you been?”
“Good! We got an axolotl!” Karen says excitedly.
“Aww! I love those, but we can’t have any pets at all in our apartment,” Cady says sadly. “What did you name it?”
“Louboutin,” Gretchen says with a happy smile. “Gina wants to give him a sibling named Gucci.”
“Aww. I wanna come meet him soon,” Cady says.
“Oh, absolutely! We’ll have a girls night soon once our schoolwork eases up a little,” Regina says happily. “What about you, how have you been?”
“Oh, you know. About as good as a PhD student can be,” Cady says with a chuckle. “But really, I’ve been fine. Um, I actually wanted to ask a favor of you guys.”
“Ooh, ulterior motive! What do you need?” Gretchen asks excitedly, still hungry for gossip like she was in high school.
“I want to propose to Janis,” Cady says quickly. All three girls squeal loudly and wrap her in a hug, Regina and Karen leaning over the table and nearly spilling their drinks.
“When?” Karen asks excitedly once they’ve sat back down.
“Where?” Regina adds.
“I was thinking Christmas Eve when we all go back home? Our first date was in this beautiful clearing in the woods by that pond, I was going to do it there,” Cady says quietly.
“Aww,” the three of them coo in the same tone at the same time. It’s frightening how in sync they are, sometimes.
“So what do you need us for?” Karen asks.
“I was hoping you guys could help me pick a ring, and set up the area once the day comes? If you can,” Cady asks. “And Regina, could you take photos? Like, hidden somewhere? I can pay you for them.”
“Yes I can, and no you will not. You’re my best friend, you get free pictures,” Regina says, shaking with excitement.
“You don’t have to do that, Gina,” Cady says, feeling guilty now.
“Cady, honey, I’m still rich. I don’t need your money. Think of it as a favor for me, I need more practice with photographing people anyway.”
“Okay,” Cady says. “Anyway, are you guys free next weekend to go ring shopping?”
“Yes,” all of them say together again.
“Okay then,” Cady giggles. “What have you guys been up to?”
On November first, Regina is sitting on the sofa in her apartment, reading through some emails for work and sipping her favorite peppermint tea. She decides to take a break when her phone pings with a text; her back is starting to bother her anyway.
She stands up to stretch as she checks it, trying not to be too surprised when she finds it’s from Janis.
snarkisian: hey reggie are u going home for christmas ??
notreginald: Yes, why?
snarkisian: are u busy on christmas eve ??
notreginald: Depends on what time. What do you need?
snarkisian: i’m gonna propose to caddy that night and i was wondering if you’d take some pics of it
snarkisian: i’ll pay u for them obviously
Regina sucks in a gasp. They’re planning on proposing on the same night?
notreginald: Aww, congratulations! I’ll see if I’m free, where and when are you planning on doing it? And you don’t have to pay me.
snarkisian: the clearing in the woods where we had our first date, around nightfall. i’m gonna take her to a fake christmas dinner first tho
So, they have exactly the same proposal plan. How cute.
notreginald: Let me check my calendar. I should be free.
She lied, she needs to talk to Damian immediately.
damecupboard: What happened who do I need to kill
georgewashington: What? Nobody. But Janis and Cady want to propose to each other on the same night and in the same place.
georgewashington: Holt.
damecupboard: Bitch leave me alone
damecupboard: They have the exact same proposal plan??
georgewashington: Exactly the same, except Janis wants to take Cady to dinner first. Cady asked us to help get the area set up beforehand a while ago and asked me to take their engagement pics.
georgewashington: And Janis just texted me asking to take pictures for HER proposal.
damecupboard: Shit
damecupboard: They probably both want the same setup, we could work together and then stick you in a bush or smth
georgewashington: Works for me, other than the bush. I’ll text you later to find out what we need to order. Love you 📷
damecupboard: Bye Reggie!!
She switches back to her text thread with Janis.
notreginald: I’m totally free in the evening that day, so it should work out.
snarkisian: tits! are u sure i can’t pay u??
notreginald: I don’t want your money, Jan. Just spell correctly for once in your life.
snarkisian: noh
notreginald: Figures.
About a week later, Janis and Cady are having their weekly date night. Every Saturday they make a commitment to go on a date. Sometimes they go out for dinner, sometimes they go see a movie, and other times they just go for a walk around the city and chat, catching up on the events of the week.
Tonight, they decide to do one of their favorite things: stay home. Damian has an evening audition and won’t be home until late, so they have the apartment to themselves.
They order in some Indian food, deciding not to cook this time since they’re both exhausted from the week. It’s peaceful, eating their dinner sitting across from each other on the floor, using the coffee table as a dinner table. They chat about how Janis’ work has been, what paintings she’s been doing in her off time, how Cady’s schoolwork is going, little things like that.
Cady cuddles in on top of Janis as they watch a movie, falling asleep slightly as Janis plays with her hair. It’s only about seven in the evening, but she’s so tired and Janis is so warm.
She about jumps out of her skin when Janis’ phone goes off. Their usual rule is no phones on date night, but they both are waiting on some important information so made an exception for tonight. Janis checks the message, her eyes going wide when she sees what it is.
“Cads, I’m really sorry, I have to go,” She says frantically, Cady frowning at her as she’s removed from her embrace.
“Go where? It’s late,” Cady pouts. Janis has never left date night before.
“Um... a work thing,” Janis says. “Emergency. I shouldn’t be more than an hour. Maybe hour and a half.”
It’s clearly a lie, Janis teaches art and tutors English down at their local middle school. None of her students would have an emergency this late on a Saturday night.
“Janis, you’re a teacher, what emergency could possibly happen this late at night? On a weekend?” Cady asks, rubbing her eyes.
“Uhm... not that work, something happened to one of my commissions down at the studio. I have to go check on it.” Janis says, proud of how quickly she came up with that.
“Oh. Okay,” Cady responds, still eyeing her suspiciously. “Be safe.”
“I will. I have my pepper spray,” Janis says, coming to kiss her goodbye quickly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
And with that, Cady is left alone. She decides to clean up after their dinner, throwing the containers away and washing the dishes they used. She’s deep in thought as she scrubs away at a plate.
She definitely lied to me, she wouldn’t even look me in the eye. And she spent forever picking that studio because she wanted somewhere good, if something happened to one of her works someone would have known how to fix it.
So where could she have gone? On date night? What was so important? Did she get invited to do something else? With someone else? Maybe I’ve gotten boring. I can’t be very interesting to talk to, all I’ve got going on is school.
That thought makes her pause. Janis couldn’t be sick of her. Could she? Cady takes a deep breath, switching to grab a towel to dry the dishes. She’s been down this road before, she knows she shouldn’t jump to conclusions. But maybe she’ll take time to gather some more evidence first before telling Janis how she’s feeling. That’s probably not a terrible idea.
Janis rushes to the subway station near their apartment, even more on edge than she normally is in public. She’d gotten a text notification that the ring she and Damian had chosen was ready, and wants to go check since she’ll be busy making Thanksgiving preparations soon. The shop closes in an hour and is about forty-five minutes away, so she has to hurry.
The shopkeeper looks a little startled when she throws the door open and dashes in, so Janis pauses for a second to make sure she doesn’t look like a robber. She smooths her hair and clothes and heads up to the counter at a much slower pace.
“Um, hi, sorry. I got a text that an engagement ring I ordered is ready?” She says gently.
The employee looks relieved upon realizing Janis isn’t crazy, sighing quietly. “Oh, that’s perfectly understandable. What’s the name for the order?”
“Sarkisian,” Janis responds, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet.
The employee heads into a back room, returning after a second with a small velvet box. “Here you are.”
Janis opens the box, gasping gently at what she sees. She’d seen it to pick the style, obviously, but something about seeing it in Cady’s size and presented in the fancy box makes it so much more real.
She’d stolen one of Cady’s less fancy rings  to get her size, and when she compares them it’s a perfect match. “This is perfect, thank you so much.”
“Not a problem, ma’am. Best of luck with the proposal.”
This guy is disgustingly polite, she thinks as she heads for the door. “Thank you!” She calls over her shoulder just before she reaches the door.
Once she’s left, she pulls out her phone to text Damian.
janjan: hey i just picked up the ring
janjan: can we meet somewhere so i can give it to u? caddy will be sus if i immediately go to hide something when i get home
damdam: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damdam: Yeah I just finished my audition. I’ll be at that noodle place we like, meet me there
janjan: 📷
It’s about a block and a half away from where she is, so she sort of power-walks her way over. She’s still panting slightly by the time she reaches him.
“Lemme see,” Damian demands as soon as he sees her. Janis pulls the box out of her pocket, flipping the lid open to show him. “Oh, Jan, it’s so pretty.”
“Do you think Caddy’ll like it?” Janis asks, shutting it again and handing it over. She’s a little nervous about letting it out of her sight, but she honestly trusts him with it more than herself.
“Of course, Janjan. You picked it for a reason, she’ll love it,” Damian says as he puts it safely in his coat pocket.
“It’d better be worth it. I feel bad, I left in the middle of date night,” Janis says nervously.
Damian pats her shoulder comfortingly. “She’ll understand, Jan. Eventually.”
“I hope so,” Janis mumbles. “Dame?” She asks after a beat.
“Why didn’t we just meet at the station?”
“I want noodles.”
They decide to have Thanksgiving with all three of their families together, since everyone was coming to them instead of the other way around. For New York, their apartment is fairly large, but it’s still quite cramped with everyone present.
Janis can cook well enough, but she had recently dropped an entire watermelon on the floor and was subsequently banned from helping prepare any of the meal. She’s in charge of keeping everything presentable while Damian entertains.
So, Cady is preparing the meal with her own mother, as well as Janis’. Ms. Hubbard and Damian both offered to help as well, but their little kitchen isn’t big enough for any more people. Cady is left alone with Ms. Sarkisian as her own mother heads to the restroom, deciding to ask the million dollar question now.
“Ms. Juliette, can I ask you something?” Cady asks. Janis’ mother had insisted on Cady calling her by her first name, but she never quite managed it. Her compromise is still using the title in front of her name. It suits them both well enough.
“Of course, hon,” Ms. Sarkisian says, basting the turkey.
Cady looks quickly to make sure Janis isn’t around before she speaks, talking quietly. “Um... I’m planning on proposing to Janis, around Christmas. I’d like to ask your blessing.” Cady has a feeling it’ll be given, but she’s nervous. They’re still very young, Janis is barely twenty-three.
Ms. Sarkisian gasps happily and comes to hug her. “Of course you have my blessing, I’ve been waiting for this day since you two first started dating. Welcome to the family, honey.”
Cady hugs her back tightly, relieved she agreed. “Thank you.” She hopes she’ll actually be welcomed to the family. Janis has still been acting odd.
Janis is ambling around in the living room, out of things to keep tidy for the moment. She’s trying to work up the nerve to talk to Cady’s parents.
When Mrs. Heron comes through to use the restroom, she realizes she might only have this moment to ask them. She takes some deep breaths, standing a little ways away from the bathroom to wait for Cady’s mother.
“Oh, hello, Janis,” Mrs. Heron says as she comes back, wiping some excess water on her pant legs.
“Uh, hi, Mrs. Heron,” Janis stutters. “Can-could I talk to you and Mr. Heron really quick? Um, alone?”
“I’ve told you to call me Betsy, dear. And yes, I’ll go get Chip,” Cady’s mother replies. She returns with her husband after a second, both looking slightly concerned. “Now what is this about?”
Janis swallows and puffs out her chest slightly for confidence. “Uhm, I want to propose to Cady. She loves you two more than anything, so I wanted to ask your blessing.”
Mrs. Heron gasps happily, coming to hug her. Mr. Heron is more stoic, but she sees tears brimming in his eyes.
“Oh, you absolutely have our blessing, dear. Welcome to the family,” Mrs. Heron says.
“Thanks,” Janis breathes. Betsy leaves after that and returns to her daughter in the kitchen. Mr. Heron wraps her in another awkward hug, eventually giving up and pulling back to shake her hand instead.
“You have my blessing. But if you hurt my baby girl, you’ll never see the light of day again,” He says ominously. “Take care of her. Welcome to the family.”
“Um...I don’t plan on it, sir, thank you,” Janis stumbles. “I promise I’ll take care of her.”
“I know you will, I just have to make sure of these things as her father,” Chip replies. “I’ll tell her to do the same for you whenever you propose.”
Janis feels tears prick at her eyes. She knows her mother is protective, but having an actual father figure is nice. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Janis.”
They head back to the living room, where everyone else is waiting. Janis shoots Juliana a look, gesturing for her to come over to her.
“What’s up, Janny?” Her sister asks.
“You have to swear to be quiet if I tell you, Caddy can’t know,” Janis threatens.
Juliana looks at her oddly. “Okay.”
Janis pulls out the ring box, prompting a gasp from her sister. Julie slaps a hand over her mouth, squealing into it and doing a little happy dance. “I get another sister! Finally!”
“Shh,” Janis demands. “But yes, hopefully. I’m trusting you with this. I’m gonna propose at Christmas. Can you take this home with you and keep it safe somewhere?”
Julie’s eyes go wide, shocked at the amount of trust her big sister has in her. “Yeah, absolutely. Have you told Mama?”
“No, I’m going to whenever she takes a break. She’s with Caddy, I haven’t been able to get her away.”
“Can I see it?” Julie asks, cradling the ring box carefully and opening it when Janis nods. “Oh, damn. She’s a lucky lady.”
Janis laughs, ruffling her hair. “Thanks, kid, glad you approve.”
“What are we approving, girls? What are you scheming?” Their mother asks as she comes to take a short break from the cooking.
Julie looks to Janis, letting her share the news. “I’m proposing to Caddy. Probably on Christmas Eve.”
Her mom raises her eyebrows, smiling widely when she realizes that they both have the same plan. She comes to hug her, trying to hide her reaction and keep Cady’s proposal a surprise. “Congratulations, baby girl.”
“She hasn’t said yes yet, mama,” Janis reminds her, returning her hug.
“Do you think she’s going to say no?” Juliana asks jokingly.
Janis pauses. “No.”
“Then let her congratulate you, Janny. She’s gonna say yes.” Julie says.
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Mom, Daddy, can I talk to you?” Cady asks when Janis goes to grab a second plate from the kitchen.
“Always, binti,” her father replies.
“I’m going to propose to Janis,” Cady says in Swahili just in case Janis is listening. “On Christmas Eve.”
Her parents lock eyes, smiling at each other as they discover each girl has the same plan.
“Congratulations, darling. Treat each other well,” her mother says, trying to stop grinning.
“We will. I love you,” Cady replies as she comes to hug them. She misses the look they shoot Ms. Sarkisian over her shoulders.
Once their families leave, headed back home to Illinois in the morning, Janis and Cady have a moment alone in the kitchen as Damian tidies up the living room and heads to bed.
Cady comes up behind Janis as she finishes washing the last few dishes, wrapping her arms around her waist and popping up on her tippy toes to kiss her cheek before squishing her cheek against Janis’ back.
“Hi, baby,” Janis says as she switches to grab another plate.
“Hi,” Cady says. “Today was nice.”
Janis finishes her last dish and turns around, leaning to kiss Cady’s forehead and pulling her in for a tighter hug. She dances them around the kitchen, to a song that exists only in her head. Cady giggles when Janis spins her out and then pulls her back in to kiss her sweetly.
“It was nice. I love you,” Janis says.
“I love you too. I’m thankful for you,” Cady replies, popping up to kiss her again. Janis chuckles, kissing her back.
“I’m thankful for you too, Butterfly. Let’s go to bed, I’m exhausted,” Janis yawns.
“Okay, my love. I’m little spoon tonight,” Cady says.
Thanksgiving was comforting, but Janis continues acting oddly. She seems distracted, and nervous. Whenever Cady is around she seems on high alert, and spends most of her free time on her phone texting someone. Cady is worried.
On their next date night, Cady decides to go all out. She had told Regina about how strange Janis was acting and asked for advice. She had two girlfriends, after all. Regina had suggested being a bit more bold with her affections to see how Janis responded and going from there.
They have the apartment for the night since Damian is having a sleepover with Karen. They had formed a special bond over the years. They have get togethers every now and again, occasionally joined by Janis and Cady, and every once in a while Regina and Gretchen would join too. It’s cute.
Cady made reservations at their favorite Italian restaurant to surprise Janis, and picks out her sexiest lingerie to go under her slightly revealing green dress. She also decides to wear heels so she can reach Janis’ face more easily.
She styles her hair down, since Janis loves to play with it, and does more makeup than she’s normally comfortable with. She decides to leave her freckles visible, though, since Janis loves those too. She swipes on some red lipstick that she rarely uses and is good to go.
Janis is wearing a green button-down top and some nice black pants, sitting on the couch and waiting for her to finish getting ready. “You ready, ba-whoa.” she says upon seeing her.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Cady says, grabbing her bag and reaching for her. Janis pulls her close before they can leave, wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing her soundly.
“You look incredible. Is there some special occasion I’m forgetting?” She purrs after pulling back, miraculously without having smudged either of their lipsticks.
“No,” Cady says, fiddling with a button on her shirt. “Just wanted to try something new.” Janis’ reaction so far seems to be a good sign.
“Hmm,” Janis hums, looking at her oddly. “Okay. As long as you’re comfortable. You look beautiful.”
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself,” Cady pecks her lips one more time before pulling away, taking her hand and leading her out the door. “Now come on, we’re gonna be late.”
Cady flirts rather aggressively throughout their whole meal; holding Janis’ hand across the table, listening even more intently than she usually does to her stories, even occasionally winking at her.
Janis seems confused by all the attention, but doesn’t complain. She follows quietly after Cady once she pays and smiles as Cady links their fingers together.
“Do you want to walk and look at the lights?” Cady asks as she turns back to look at her.
“You’re in heels and the shortest dress I’ve ever seen, baby, no. We can walk around but we should take you home to change first,” Janis replies, looking meaningfully at her outfit.
“You don’t like it?” Cady asks with a pout.
“No! I mean yes- I... baby, you look beautiful, I love you in this, I just don’t want you to freeze,” Janis explains. “And you’ll damage your feet walking too far in those.”
“Oh,” Cady says with relief. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“You want to head home?” Janis asks.
Cady presses close to her, fiddling with the collar of her shirt. “Yeah,” she purrs. “We can have more fun at home, anyway. Maybe you can help me get out of this.”
Janis lets out a flustered squeak, grabbing her hand and hauling her to a cab.
Once they’re both satisfied, Cady pulls Janis to shower with her. “Did you like tonight?”
“Are you kidding? Yeah,” Janis says as Cady gently traces the tattoos covering her arm. “But you’ve been acting kind of... off, are you okay? Did something happen?”
Shit. Janis is onto her. “No, no, I’m fine,” Cady says hastily. “I just wanted to show how much I love you.”
“Aww. Well it was a nice surprise, but I love you all the time, Butterfly,” Janis says as she pulls Cady close to kiss her.
“I love you too.”
Maybe I read things wrong? But what is she up to?
They do actually get to go walk around and see the lights the following weekend. Cady dresses more sensibly this time, in jeans and snow boots. And a Christmas sweater under her coat, which she had talked Janis into matching. Janis had only agreed since their coats would be zipped up.
Cady looks around in childlike wonder at the beautiful lights decorating the neighborhood. She always gets so excited around the holidays. Janis doesn’t think it’ll ever stop being impossibly adorable.
She’s in the midst of trying to process that they’ll hopefully be engaged in about two weeks when Cady suddenly hauls her into an alleyway, pinning her against the wall and kissing her hungrily.
Janis responds in kind, pulling Cady into her and sucking on her lip as she slides her hands into the back pockets of Cady’s jeans. Cady moans quietly, threading her hands through Janis’ short, dark hair and pressing up on her tiptoes to be even closer.
Janis switches their places, turning to lift Cady up and pin her against the wall. Cady squeals in surprise, but locks her legs around Janis’ waist and pulls her back in, giving her lower lip a teasing nip.
Janis pulls back with a gasp for breath, but keeps Cady held against the wall. She groans happily when Cady kisses and nips her cheeks and jaw, letting Janis catch her breath before cupping her face and pressing their lips together again.
Cady is about to ask Janis to take her home so they can continue in private when her phone pings loudly in her pocket. Janis sets her down so she can check it. She blinks in surprise when she sees it’s a text from Aaron.
a-aron: hey, cady! i know it’s been a long time, but i just moved to NY and you’re one of the only people i know in the city. do you want to meet for coffee sometime and catch up?
“Who is it?” Janis asks, but doesn’t try to peek to respect Cady’s privacy.
“Um... it’s Aaron. He just moved to the city, he wants to meet for coffee soon. Would you be okay with that?” Cady asks.
“Damn, he moved here from Cali? At Christmas? Poor dude,” Janis says. “But baby, I don’t control who you meet up with. I trust you, of course you can meet with him.”
“Thanks, lovey. Let me text him back and then we can keep looking around,” Cady hums.
caddy: Sure! Janis and I are going back to Evanston next weekend, though. Are you free this week?
a-aron: does tomorrow work? i could use a break from unpacking. if it’s too short notice that’s fine, damian told me you’re working on your phd. congrats, btw
“What is it?” Janis asks when Cady grins widely.
“He’s been talking with Damian,” Cady says. “Didn’t Damian have a date the other day? And wouldn’t tell us who he was going out with?”
“Oh my god,” Janis squeals. “No way!”
“I think so. I’ll check when I meet with Aaron,” Cady giggles. “One more second, I’m sorry.”
caddy: Thank you! Tomorrow works fine, I’ll text you a good place in a while.
caddy: Oh and Janis says hi :)
a-aron: lol hello janis. see you tomorrow cady
caddy: 📷
“Alright, where were we?” Cady purrs as she pockets her phone again, pulling Janis into another smooch.
The next day, Cady gets ready to meet Aaron around eleven and heads to her favorite local coffee shop.
Aaron is already at a table in the back corner, sipping a mocha as he reads a book.
“Hi, Aaron,” She says, heading over to him.
“Hey, Cady! Long time no see,” Aaron replies, standing and coming to hug her. It’s been about six months since they’ve seen each other, since he came to Regina’s college graduation party in May.
“I know, it’s good to see you!” Cady says as she sits down. “So, what brings you to New York?”
“Work, actually,” Aaron replies. “I was offered a job here and decided to go for it. I was actually kind of lonely all the way out in California. My college friends are all good people, but everyone I’m really connected to is out here now.”
“Like Damian?” Cady teases.
“How did-oh, did I tell you about that?” Aaron stutters. “It’s- we’re not, like, a thing. Or anything.”
“Do you want to be?” Cady asks gently. Aaron had come out as biromantic and asexual during his sophomore year of college. He and Damian would be cute together.
“YeahIreallydo,” Aaron says quickly before abruptly changing the subject. “Anyway, um, how have you and Janis been? Is she still doing art?”
Cady sighs, but smiles at the mention of her girlfriend. “Yeah. She actually teaches art now, to middle schoolers. And she has a commission business she runs on the side. And everything is great with us, I’m actually planning on proposing to her soon.”
Aaron gasps happily. “Congratulations, Cades! When are you doing it?”
“Christmas,” Cady grins. “Well, Christmas Eve. I have a lot to plan still, though.”
“I could help, I’m going to visit family in Evanston too. I’m assuming Damian or Regina is helping you?” Aaron asks.
“Regina, and Gretchen and Karen. Damian’s been busy with something else, but I’ve told him it’s happening,” Cady replies. “If you want to help, that would be great. Regina has been doing most of the shopping, I think.”
“I’ll shoot her a text later. Am I invited to the wedding?” Aaron asks jokingly.
“Of course,” Cady chides. “If it actually happens.”
“Cady, you and Janis are perfect for each other, she’s going to say yes. We’ve all been waiting for this since we were in high school.”
“But we were only dating for a few months in high school,” Cady says.
“But you’ve been in love with her since you met her,” Aaron replies. “I didn’t really notice it when we were together, but you never looked at me the way you look at her. I’m glad everything has worked out for you two.”
Cady is stunned. “Um. Thank you,” she stutters. “I think. So, what were you doing in California after you graduated?”
“I work in accounting now,” Aaron says. “Yes, it is as boring as it sounds. Um, I joined a rec soccer league for a while, that was cool. And I...uh, never mind.”
“No, what? Come on, you can tell me,” Cady coaxes, thanking the waiter as he delivers her tea.
“I dabbled in drag,” Aaron mumbles. Cady chokes on her tea, spitting it back into her mug.
“Oh my god! Really?!” She splutters. “Do you still do it?”
“I haven’t found anywhere to do it here yet, but technically, yes,” Aaron replies.
“What’s your drag name?” Cady demands excitedly. This is an incredible revelation.
“Lois Carmen Denominator,” Aaron says as he flushes. Cady chokes again. Of course he picked a math pun.
“Oh my god, that’s incredible,” she breathes. “Have you told Damian? He loves that stuff.”
“No, we, um. We’ve only met up the once. Somehow that didn’t come up,” Aaron says. “But I’ll let him know.”
“Yes! That’s so neat, you’ll have to let me know when you find somewhere. I’ll come to see you perform,” Cady says excitedly.
“Sure, Cades,” Aaron chuckles. “Um, has Damian, like, mentioned me at all?”
Cady grins. Now it’s her turn to play matchmaker. “Not by name,” she teases. “But he was going on and on about this super hot guy he managed to get a date with the other day.”
Aaron flushes again. “He thinks I’m hot?”
“Apparently,” Cady giggles. “Did you go out with him on Wednesday?”
“Yeah,” Aaron says, his voice a few octaves higher.
“Then yes, he thinks you’re hot,” Cady replies.
Aaron is doing his best tomato impression by this point. “Oh. Wait, what do I do now?”
“You’re so flustered, oh my god! Text him, ask to meet again,” Cady says. “He’ll say yes, he was a total mess when he came home the other day.”
“Okay,” Aaron says as he pulls out his phone. He taps out a message quickly, and his face splits in a wide grin when he gets a notification in response a few minutes later. “We’re gonna go see a movie in Evanston when we’re both there next week.”
“Aww, yay! You guys will make such a good couple,” Cady squeals.
“Uh, thanks,” Aaron says sheepishly. His phone pings again. “Oh, shit, I gotta go. I’m sorry.”
“No, I should be going too. Don’t worry about it,” Cady replies as she picks up her bag and orders a to-go iced coffee for Janis. “This was nice.”
“It was. I guess if everything goes well with Dame we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other,” Aaron says. “Later, Cady.”
“Janis!” Cady calls as she slams the door to the apartment open.
“Jesus!” Janis yelps from her spot on the couch. “Baby, don’t do that!”
“Sorry. I got you a coffee,” Cady says sheepishly. “And Aaron and Damian are together. Or almost, anyway. They went on a date last week and they’re gonna go see a movie together when we go home next week. I was excited to tell you. Oh, and Aaron is a drag queen!”
Janis chokes. “He what? Oh, Damian’s gonna love that. He’ll have a hell of a time trying to explain this to us later. Don’t tell him you know anything, this is hilarious.”
“It is kind of funny,” Cady giggles. “Is anyone we were friends with in high school straight?”
Janis thinks for a second. “Kevin?”
“No, he’s aroace,” Cady replies. “He just has a pet lizard.”
“Good for him,” Janis says. “I guess gays do kind of flock together. Must be pheromones or some shit.”
“Homomones,” Cady says absently, making Janis burst out laughing.
“Yeah,” She giggles, wiping tears from her eyes. “Anyway, did you have a good time?”
“I did. It was nice to see him again,” Cady says. “But I missed you.”
“Aww,” Janis coos. “I missed you too. I was supposed to be working on a new commission I got but I kept getting distracted and sketching you instead. Thanks for the coffee, Butterfly.”
“Ooh, can I see?” Cady asks. She loves Janis’ art, no matter how simple a sketch it may be. “And you’re welcome, my love.”
Janis hands over her sketchbook, open to a page covered in little doodles of Cady’s face.
“These are good, lovey!” Cady says as she flicks through a few pages. “There’s a lot of them, though.”
“Yeah, I get distracted a lot,” Janis mumbles. “But thanks. Glad you don’t think it’s creepy.”
“Of course not,” Cady chides. “It’s cute.”
“You’re cuter,” Janis challenges.
Cady kisses her to shut her up, not even slightly taking the bait. “Thank you. I’m gonna go change, I’ll be right back.”
Cady comes back quickly as she promised, but somehow different. She kisses Janis again in greeting and plops down next to her, tapping away on her phone.
“Welcome back,” Janis says jokingly. Cady either doesn’t hear or doesn’t care, not even looking up. “Butterfly?”
“Hm?” Cady hums.
“Did something happen?” Janis asks concernedly. She can’t tell if the furrow in Cady’s brow is from concentration or concern.
“Huh? Oh, no, everything is fine. I just have something to... work on,” Cady says. “I’ll be done in a while.”
“Oh. Okay,” Janis says suspiciously. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Cady replies, but she still doesn’t look up. It doesn’t sound like there’s any meaning behind the words this time. That’s concerning.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Janis asks.
“Yes, Janis, everything’s fine,” Cady huffs, sounding a bit irritated.
“Sorry. Just wanted to make sure,” Janis mumbles.
“Thank you, love, but I’m okay. I’ll tell you if something happens,” Cady says as she finally looks up.
“Okay,” Janis replies. Cady goes back to her phone then, continuing... whatever she’s up to.
Janis pulls out her own phone, playing a game Damian had gotten her hooked on.
“Lovey, would you please go get my charger?” Cady asks after about an hour and a half.
“Sure, baby,” Janis replies as she stands up to stretch. She heads to the bedroom to grab both chargers, coming back and plugging them into the wall. Hers doesn’t reach back to her spot, so she lies her head on Cady’s lap and resumes her scrolling.
“Thank you, Jellybean,” Cady replies, plugging her own phone in and continuing her activities as she strokes her other hand through Janis’ hair.
After another hour or so, Janis gets bored. She clicks her phone off and sits up, but crawls back to Cady for cuddles.
“Janis,” Cady huffs. “What are you doing?”
“I’m bored,” Janis whines. “Snuggle me.”
“Fine, come here,” Cady pulls her closer and lets Janis cuddle into her shoulder. Janis gets comfortable and closes her eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.
She wakes a couple hours later, checking hastily to make sure she hasn’t been drooling all over Cady’s shoulder. She hasn’t, luckily, but she seems to have stirred a few times before, because Cady tries to shush her back to sleep.
“I’m awake, Cads,” Janis replies. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, love. Did you have a nice nap?” Cady asks. She’s still working on her phone.
“Yeah,” Janis mumbles and cuddles back into her shoulder. “Still working?”
“I’m almost done,” Cady replies distractedly.
“Mmkay. What do you want for dinner?” Janis asks from her perch on her lap.
“Huh? Oh, can we have tacos? I bought the stuff the other day,” Cady says.
Janis nods, but makes no effort to move. “Sure, that sounds good.”
She sits for a few more minutes before she sits up, deciding to try to squeeze in a make out session before she goes to cook.
But Cady turns away. She tilts her head so Janis’ lips end up on her cheek. Janis whines in frustration.
“What, Janis?” Cady asks in exasperation.
Janis does her best puppy eyes. They aren’t quite as good as Cady’s, but they do the job well enough. “Pay attention to meeeeee.”
“Janis! This is important,” Cady says as she looks over Janis’ shoulder to continue working.
Janis’ face falls. More important than me? “Fine. I’m gonna go cook.”
“Janis, wait, I’m sorry,” Cady says, reaching for her again.
“It’s fine. You keep working,” Janis mumbles, leaving her alone as she heads into the kitchen.
Cady comes in sheepishly when she calls her to eat. “Love, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. I just- I have a lot going on, I took it out on you, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, baby. Don’t worry about it, I understand. Just tell me next time so I don’t push you like that,” Janis replies. “Now come eat.”
“I will. I love you,” Cady says, kissing Janis sweetly before taking her plate.
“I love you too,” Janis hums, kissing her back.
Cady seems almost embarrassed for the next week or so, still upset with herself for making Janis sad. Janis tries to cheer her up, making it very clear she understands that Cady didn’t mean it, but Cady still seems nervous around her.
Cady feels like she should do something to make up for it. She hadn’t meant to ignore Janis like that, but Regina was trying to check that everything was ordered for the proposal. Cady wanted to step things up even further and had to tell her to order extra things. Then, an issue had come up with Cady’s card, so she’d had to fix that over text all with Janis asleep on her lap.
Janis had woken up at the worst possible moment. Cady was very much not in the mood for kissing by that point, but she knows she should have told Janis she was stressed rather than just turning away and continuing her work. Of course that had upset her.
So, Cady decides to make sushi for dinner. It’s Janis’ favorite food, and Cady thinks it had helped them start dating back in high school. She picks up the ingredients on her way home from classes and starts preparing everything while she waits for Janis to come home from work.
Cady doesn’t like sushi herself, so she makes her own ‘sashimi’ with plain rice and cooked chicken instead of the raw fish she uses for Janis’. Damian had a callback to go to and wouldn’t be home until late at night. She makes him some anyway and leaves it in the fridge with a sweet note.
“What’s up, fuckers?!” Janis calls as she slams the apartment door open. Cady jumps, nearly losing a finger to the sushi knife she was holding. She hopes that one day Janis will stop doing that every time she comes home. But, for now, it’s strangely endearing.
“I’m in the kitchen, Damian’s not home,” she replies once she’s recovered from the brief shock. “I have something for you.”
“Uh oh,” Janis replies as she takes off her boots and coat and heads into the kitchen. “Aww! You made sushi again?”
“Yeah. To make up for the other day. And because I love you,” Cady answers, showing off the maki rolls she had plated into a smiley face. “Tah-dah.”
Janis squeals, coming to hug her girlfriend. She had been a little concerned that Cady might’ve beaten her to a proposal.
“Thank you, Peanut,” Janis says. “I love you.”
“You’re welcome, mpendwa. I love you too. How was work?” Cady asks as she sits across from her at their tiny dining table.
“Good, actually,” Janis replies. “One of my kids actually brought me an apple after lunch.”
“Aww, how sweet,” Cady says. “Was it the gay one?”
“Yeah,” Janis chuckles in reply. She was one of the only openly gay teachers in her district, so she provided a safe space for a lot of her students. It was healing for her, in a way, to be what she needed at that age. “He told me to say hi to you, by the way.”
“They know about me?” Cady asks as she eats a bite of her special sashimi.
“They know I have a girlfriend, for sure,” Janis hums in reply. “If I had a dollar for every time they tell me to ‘shut up about your girlfriend, Ms. S,’ I could buy this whole complex. And I have pictures of you guys around, so I think they’ve pieced together who you are.”
“Aww. That’s so cute,” Cady coos, leaning over for a kiss.
“I’m glad you think so,” Janis chuckles as she kisses her back sweetly. “What about you, how was school? Did you finish that assignment you were working on?”
“Assign- oh. Yeah, I did,” Cady says, briefly confused until she remembers Janis thought she was working on schoolwork instead of her proposal plan that day. “But it’s for that one professor, so I probably won’t find out my grade until sometime during break.”
“That’s shit,” Janis says through a mouthful of sushi. “But good job, I bet you did great.”
“Thanks,” Cady chuckles. She uses her own chopsticks to feed Janis a piece of her sushi, and Janis does the same. Before they know it the food is gone, so Janis takes their dishes to the sink before coming to pick Cady up, carrying her to the bedroom for cuddles.
Christmas Eve finally rolls around a few weeks later. Cady and Janis are staying with their own families for the week, and they would fly home with Damian on Boxing Day.
Janis had told Cady she wanted to take her out for Christmas Dinner, so she borrows her mom’s car and heads to pick Cady up. It’s only been about three days since she’s seen Cady, but they’ve both missed each other.
“Janis!” Cady squeals, opening the door before Janis could even knock. She’s in a tight green top and dark dress pants, unknowingly matching Janis, who is in a red top and also in dark dress pants. Cady has on heels, though, to make it easier to kiss Janis.
“Hi, baby,” Janis chuckles, picking her up for a second and spinning them around. “Your carriage awaits.”
“Why thank you, my lady, shall we be off?” Cady replies in character with a giggle.
“Indeed,” Janis says.
They have a lovely meal at their favorite restaurant from high school, the same place they had eaten before their senior prom.
Cady holds Janis’ arm as they exit, the ring box burning a hole in her coat pocket. “Lovey? Do you want to walk a little? We’re not too far from that clearing you took me to on our first date, we could go there.”
“I was just going to say that,” Janis replies. “Let’s drive a little closer, it’s cold, but then we can walk.”
“Okay, you’re right,” Cady giggles. “Let’s go, it’s getting dark.”
Janis runs after her, as Cady hauls her across the parking lot.
They chat and reminisce about how far they’ve come as they walk through the woods, neither of them quite noticing that the snow has been cleared from the path they’re walking on.
Both of them grin when the clearing comes into view, each of them thinking they’re about to propose and the other has no idea.
Cady pauses in the middle, turning quickly to look around at the gorgeous set up she thinks Regina, Gretchen, and Karen have done, not knowing that Damian and Aaron also had a hand.
Lights are strung up through all the trees and bushes nearby, and candles light their way to a little altar, with a picture of the two of them together that says “Marry Me?” in what looks suspiciously like Gretchen’s best calligraphy. Snow is fluttering down around them, leaving cold little kisses on her face.
Cady is stunned when she turns back to find Janis on one knee behind her. She had known that they were probably going to be engaged by the time they left, but not that Janis would propose first.
She gasps in shock, covering her mouth with her hands as tears start pouring from her eyes.
“Caddy,” Janis begins, reaching for one of her hands. “Cady. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love you, how much you mean to me. You’ve changed me, changed my life, and it’s so, so much better with you in it. You make me want to stay. I don’t have the words to explain how thankful I am to have met you, and that I get to spend my life with you.”
Janis reaches into her pocket with her free hand and pulls out a ring box. Cady gasps again when she sees it. It’s a white gold band, made of two strands woven together. One strand is decorated with little diamonds, and there’s a larger one in the center of the ring. It’s absolutely beautiful.
“And I want to spend the rest of it with you, if you’ll have me. Cady Jane Heron, will you marry me?” Janis asks, holding up the ring.
Cady is almost crying too hard to speak at this point, but she manages to nod and barely choke out a “Yes, of course.”
She lets Janis slide the ring on her finger, choking back a sob, before she tackles Janis to the ground and weeps into her neck.
“Baby, please don’t cry so hard, why are you crying?” Janis asks in alarm, ignoring the fact that she’s lying in several inches of snow in favor of holding her fiancée closer.
“Because I love you,” Cady sobs. “I’m so happy.”
“I’m happy too, Peanut. Do you want to go look at what Damian did?” Janis asks.
Cady nods and rolls off of her but just holds Janis’ outstretched hand instead of using it to stand up herself.
“Baby, what are you- oh my god,” Janis says, confused until Cady also shifts to be on one knee. Cady uses her free hand to wipe the tears from under her eyes, sniffling and clearing her throat to try and get herself back under control.
“Janis, my love,” she begins after a moment. “I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to realize it, but I’ve loved you since I met you. I had no idea that the moment you saved me from that bathroom was the moment I met the love of my life. You are the most wonderful gift I’ve ever been given, and I treasure every moment I get to spend with you. I’m so excited for our forever; I love you so much. I know this is kind of a moot point now, but... Janis Olivia Sarkisian, will you marry me?”
Janis is absolutely full-on ugly crying by this point, mascara tracking down her face as she holds back sobs with her free hand. They’re technically already engaged, but she nods rapidly and sobs out a “Yes!”
Cady slides on Janis’ ring gently, a matching white-gold band, but more simple, with a single diamond in the center. Cady had also gotten the date they met, the date they started dating, and the date they got engaged engraved onto the inside of the band.
Janis hauls her up and crashes their lips together, kissing Cady so hard she thinks her lips might bruise as the cheers of their friends echo around them.
They both jump apart and scream as Regina leaps out from a bush, in a suit used by hunters and with her face even painted green. The rest of their friends also come out from behind various trees and shrubs, Damian climbing down from up above them and nearly falling to the ground until Aaron catches him.
Everyone comes to wrap them in a tight group hug, shouting their congratulations over one another. Regina stays out to take more photos before reluctantly coming and joining the cuddle.
“Reggie, what the fuck are you wearing?” Janis asks with a watery chuckle, still crying slightly.
“It’s called a ghillie suit. I didn’t want you to see me,” Regina answers as if it’s entirely normal for her to be covered in fake leaves and moss.
“We both knew you were coming, and it’s dark,” Cady replies, trying to hold back hysterical laughter. “You could have hidden behind a tree like everyone else.”
Regina apparently only realizes that now, scowling slightly. “Shit. Go big or go home, I guess.”
“Thanks, Reg,” Janis laughs. “Thank all of you.”
“Yeah, thank you guys! This really is beautiful,” Cady giggles. “God, Jay, did everyone know we were both going to do this except-“
“Us? Yeah, apparently,” Janis answers, hugging her again.
“Let us see the rings!” Karen calls, so they both extend their left hands for everyone to grab and coo over. Regina gets one more shot of Cady’s small hand resting in Janis’, showing off both of their engagement rings in a cute way.
“Okay, Damian and Aaron said they’d stay to clean this back up, Gina needs to go make herself... not green, and you two are probably going to go have wild sex somewhere, so I’m gonna take my girlfriends and go. Congratulations!” Gretchen cheers, hauling Regina and Karen away by the hand.
“Gretchen!” Regina scolds. “Congratulations, guys!”
“Yeah, congrats! Confetti emoji!” Karen calls over her shoulder.
Cady and Janis lock eyes once they’ve gone, both bursting into laughter. Gretchen was not wrong.
“Do you guys need us to stay for anything? I don’t want to leave you two here alone to clean up all of this,” Cady asks anxiously.
Damian and Aaron look at one another knowingly. “I think we’ll be fine, Cads.”
“Oh really? You’ll be fine here all alone? Have you two finally said it?” Janis teases.
Damian sticks his tongue out at her, but does reach for Aaron’s hand. “Yes. Are you satisfied now?”
Janis squeals and comes to hug him, Cady following quickly. “Good job, D, you finally got your hunk!”
“Yeah, yay!” Cady piggybacks. “But really, are you sure you don’t need help?”
“Cady, we’ll be fine. Go have your night with your fiancée,” Aaron says. Cady takes the poster from the altar, but is eventually persuaded to take Janis’ hand to lead them back to the car.
Cady had booked a fancy hotel room for the night, figuring she would either be having the night of her life with her fiancée or alone drowning her sorrows in ice cream and champagne.
Janis pins her to the bed instantly, tenderly removing her shirt and shoes as their lips meet again and again. Cady reaches to hold her head in place, before undoing the buttons on Janis’ shirt and flinging it across the room.
Janis pulls her close once they’re cleaned from their evening of passion, both of them wearing nothing but their rings (except Cady’s socks).
“We’re getting married, Janis,” Cady whispers excitedly. “You’re gonna be my wife.”
“Yeah, we are. And you’re gonna be my wife,” Janis replies, kissing her sweetly.
“I can’t believe this is what you were up to,” Cady huffs. “I knew you were being sneaky, I should’ve known.”
“You were the sneaky one! I thought you had some crazy homework assignment, I was wondering why you wouldn’t let me help you with anything,” Janis retaliates. Cady starts giggling then, seemingly at nothing. “What?”
“I just-I can’t believe we had the exact same idea,” Cady says between fits of laughter. “I was still surprised when you did yours because I thought everything was set up for mine.”
“Oh,” Janis says, laughing too. “I guess we’re just that in sync. We were meant to be.”
“Meant to be indeed,” Cady replies, pulling her down on top of her for another kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Butterfly. When should we get married?” Janis asks.
“I’ve always wanted a spring wedding,” Cady hums. “Like, April or early in May, maybe. What about you?”
“I dunno, I never really... thought this would happen to me,” Janis hums. “I never had a dream wedding. A spring one sounds nice, we could do it outside. But do you really think we can plan a whole wedding that fast?”
“Aww, my love. I’m so glad I get to marry you,” Cady says sadly. “I think we could, if we really work on it. I don’t want anything crazy, and I don’t think you do either?” Janis shakes her head. “Yeah, so if we do something small, I think we can do it that fast. And if not, we’ll do it the next year.”
“God, no, I don’t want to wait anymore,” Janis breathes. “Even April sounds too far away.”
Cady smiles widely. “You’re too cute. I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” Janis teases. “We can plan more later. Come cuddle me.”
“I love you most. Fiancée,” Cady says in retaliation as she snuggles into Janis to go to sleep.
“Fiancée.” Janis replies, pecking her lips.
“Lovey.” Cady says, pecking her back.
“Wait, I’ve always wondered what that means,” Janis replies. “And the other one, um-“
“Mpenzi? That means, like, love or partner, or favorite. Mpendwa means dear or dearest.”
“Oh. That’s cute,” Janis squeaks. “Mon coeur.”
“Aww, I’m your heart?” Cady coos. “How sweet, Bluejay.”
“You might as well be, I can’t live without you,” Janis says. “I love you.”
Cady cuddles impossibly closer, tipping her face up to kiss her again. “I love you so much. So, so much.”
“Goodnight, fiancée,” Janis says as she kisses her goodnight.
“Goodnight, fiancée,” Cady yawns back, nuzzling into her chest and falling into a blissful sleep, Janis following quickly.
I can’t wait to marry you.
hope you enjoyed!
requests are still open, please leave them either here, on my wattpad, or on my ao3. all are the same handle, maybeimamuppet. it may take a few weeks for your request to be published, but I am cranking them out as fast as I can and I will get to everyone's eventually.
thanks for reading!
lots of love,
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katecarteir · 5 years
What are some of your favourite Reddie fics?
Oh anon this is such a galaxy brain question, hell yes. I have so many favourite fics, and there’s so many amazing fic writers in this fandom we’re honestly so lucky!!
my absolute, absolute, absolute favourite reddie fic of all time is HANDS DOWN walk alone or run away by tozier. it’s one of my favourite characterizations of eddie, plus! insecure and vulnerable richie, reddie both being complete and total idiots, pining pining pining, gay athletics? runner eddie? bottom richie? literally what more could we ask for, i don’t know. nothing. it’s got everything. 15/10 recommend to everybody.
to the guy at the bus stop: by Ragno. iconic. amazing. richie is Irish?? with american eddie? the funkiest meet cute? somehow having a slowburn relationship while ALSO giving amazing relationship content through the whole fic?? they’re IN LOVE your honour and i could read this fic a hundred million times and never get tired of it.
georgie had two daddies by @tinyarmedtrex​. i mean, of course, it’s pretty safe to assume if amelia wrote it, it’s good. but i have a huge, huge soft spot for domestic reddie. and throwing a kid in there? you got me, hook line and sinker. i promise you won’t be disappointed by this fic at any point, it captures the reddie relationship perfectly. and did i mention reddie with a kid? because hello! reddie with a kid!!
stop calling, stop calling (i don’t wanna talk anymore) by ironicallyinternational. this one is a bit more angsty, but that’s sort of my brand. we LOVE insecure richie in this house, we really do. throw in dumbass eddie which prompts even more insecure richie and tie it all up nicely with protective/concerned eddie? *chefs kiss*
dreambot by @finnwolfhard​. i feel like this fic gets talked about less than stell’s other work, but HONESTLY i love it so much. this richie is so sweet, and the eddie is so baby and cute, not to mention it’s such a hodge podge of AU tropes! it’s like coffee shop au, tattoo au, it’s just super cute. we adore it, and we love how the relationship develops so naturally!!!
richie is NOT one up for a change by  BCI603, milevenreddie. okay this one is a WIP, and the reddie isn’t So Much the main focus (though it IS the relationship) but its a richie centric fic that’s got??? siblings bevchie??? good parents went and maggie? big insecure richie!?!?!!?! good damn right. i actually go crazy when i get the email that this fic update i kid you, if i can i drop what i’m doing and read the chapter immediately.
empty world by @lo-v-ers​. ari, too, has done some AMAZING work for this fandom. I kid you not, you could read any of her fics and you’ll never be disappointed. 10/10 always. empty world has a special place to me because it’s got some good richie angst, a little stanpatlon, loving and protective eddie and the notion that eddie and richie are absolutely soul mates and will always end up with each other no matter what sort of supernatural bullshit gets in the way.
how to know if you’re on a date with your best friend by @thundercatseddie. di, di, di, what can i say? we all know i love she. and i love her work just as much!! this is such a cute little thing, with dumbasses in love. i’m such a sucker for reddie being together and not being sure if they’re together or not, but both wanting to be together… ugh. iconic. perfect. show stopping.
take this sinking ship and point it home by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak. i think everybody has at least ONE favourite fic by amy on their personal favourites, and this one is SO mine. Long distance relationship? Friends to lovers? FRANK KASPBRAK? British Richie? If you haven’t read this particular fic by amy, i really do think you’re missing out. she absolutely hit it out of the park with this (as with every one tbh but let’s stay on track).
tender by @s-s-georgie. when it comes to leigh, i sometimes always associate her with her bichie fics because as far as i can tell, leigh is the queen of writing bichie but this!! precious. as she herself calls it; tender. sweet virign richie, understanding and comforting eddie. a relationship with a good conversation about sex?? making sure each other are comfortable and happy and things are good?? what else could we ask for.
stay for the storm by @hanscom. jade, jade, jade. what can i say. i hate celebrity aus, i really do. they give me trust issues. but i read this because jade wrote it, and i’m so glad i did because it’s amazing. the plot, the characters, the entire way their relationship is written is just fantastic. sometimes a fic about a sex tape can mean a lot to a person.
relationship status: dumbass by @tozierking. allie!!!! this fic is great because it really just has PEAK dumb reddie. the DUMBEST of ASSES. and they’re cute. they’re fantastic. i love they. we trust allie with our smut lives tbh.
and honestly,,,,, honestly……… there’s so many more and i’m so so sure i’m forgetting about a hundred but this should be a good place to start. i’d stand by any of this fics and their authors! big trust. big faith. big talent.
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hermannsthumb · 4 years
Gonna request some camb0y newt who has Hermann as a regular follower who may or may not be requesting used clothing from Newt...😳
this one is less h0rny and more dumb and I died every time I typed newt’s screen name but (ALSO THE FACT THAT TUMBLR KEPT BLOCKING THIS MESSAGE....unbelievable) 18+/not sfw below cut
The whole thing only started because of the kaijus.
It seems foolish to place the blame on them, considering the severity of the damage they’ve caused in every other aspect of life, but it’s the truth. Hermann was never brilliant at romance even in the best of times; he never knew quite the right words to say, or quite the right way to kiss, and certainly not how to keep men interested enough to come back for more than a date or two. Then the end of the world came, and the jaeger program ate up what little free time Hermann had, and dating simply fell to the very lowest tier of his priorities. He had work to do. He had lives to save.
Unfortunately, his libido continued to run rampant.
Masturbation could only get one so far, though Hermann was undeterred and tried almost anything: dildos, vibrators, expensive lubricant, a paid subscription to a high-quality pornography website. He cancelled this after a week, when he realized none of its featured men--though undeniably good-looking--fit his particular area of interest. Besides, it was far too impersonal. Hermann did not like spending half of his time watching a video or scrolling through a photo gallery wondering what that man was doing now, or whether or not he’d enjoyed himself, or what he was like in person... In a fit of desperation, Hermann picked up a subscription to another website that promised live men 24/7. And, well. To make a long story short, Hermann is pretty sure he’s in love.
The object of his affections is twenty-something and stocky, a good few inches shorter than Hermann (he’d wager, anyway), with a chestful of tattoos and a voice that’s almost high enough to be grating. Hermann has seen his face only fleetingly, but it’s enough for him to know it’s a highly agreeable one. He’s got a nice sense of humor, seems intelligent enough, and the glimpses Hermann’s caught of the bedroom he streams from (at the perfect time of day, late enough that Hermann’s inhibitions are entirely nonexistent) indicate a healthy love of science fiction. 
Hermann is mostly in love with him because of how good of a show he puts on, though. Where Hermann fails in his use of dildos or vibrators and other nonsense, the man succeeds, and indeed excels, and he’s endlessly creative with dressing in lace and other funny little costumes. It makes for some very inspired jerking off on Hermann’s end. More importantly, it makes for a calming of his libido.
Hermann doesn’t know his real name, only his chosen screen name, though it doesn’t really matter: kaijulover69 is most certainly the man of his dreams.
Well. Nobody’s perfect.
“Tonight’s stream is dedicated to a very special fan for all his support,” kaijulover69 begins. He’s wrapped in a bathrobe, though Hermann has a feeling he knows what’s beneath it, and he flushes pleasantly with warmth at what’s soon to come. “And for what I’m wearing right now. You know who you are. Thanks again, dude!”
His lips are just visible on camera, and he grins coquettishly before slipping the sleeve off his right shoulder. Then the left. “That very same fan requested a strip tease tonight,” he continues, “and--well, I’ll let the rest be a surprise, huh?”
The belt is undone. The robe slips down to the bed, revealing the object of Hermann’s affections clad in nothing but a rather small pair of lacy black undergarments. (And a bloody expensive pair, at that--cost a third of Hermann’s weekly salary. It’s worth it.) You look very attractive, Hermann types encouragingly into the chat box, and hope it’s visible between the pleads for kaijulover69 to flash his face or pull his genitalia out already. 
He doesn’t appear to see any of them. “My week was pretty lame,” he continues. He begins to idly run his hands up and down his bare chest; Hermann mirrors the action on his own, enjoying the shiver he manages to elicit from himself even through two layers of shirt and sweater. “Work stuff has been kicking my ass. And--” His fingers falter. “Well, there’s this guy I really like, and we’ve kinda been...seeing each other, but I just found out he’s actually seeing someone else. So I guess it’s like, I realized I’ve been making all this shit up in my head?”
Who would ever turn down such a marvelous specimen of human? Hermann’s temper flares with a mingling of both righteous offense on the man’s behalf and a little bit of jealousy that he’s not the one who’s so captured his heart. He would like to knock some sense into them, whoever they are.
“But you don’t care about that,” he says, and forces a laugh. “You want to see me mess these up, don’t you?”
His hand drifts down to his panties, and he gives himself a squeeze through them.
“Please,” Hermann says happily, though he knows there’s no one to hear.
There’s an email from Newton waiting for him in his inbox the next morning. No subject.
Hey, dude-
Sorry I left you hanging yesterday. I was just a little shocked. Not shocked that you have a partner or whatever, of course you do, that’s totally normal, just that you never told me about them until now. I read over your latest article, and I just wanted to say what an utter load of--
“Hmph,” Hermann says, and quickly scrolls up and away from Newton’s annoying little rant.
Even as he does so, he feels a pang of guilt he doesn’t quite understand. Newton is shocked he has a partner: so what? And, er, so what if that partner isn’t quite as real as Hermann is pretending? The question came at him fast, and unexpected, and so very quickly into the switch from letter correspondence to email; kaijulover69 on his mind, Hermann panicked and wrote yes, I do have someone in my life. It’s not entirely a lie. Though Hermann holds no illusions about the nature of their dynamic, the man has certainly taken up the same amount of Hermann’s time and money that a real partner would. And besides--it’s easier. Less messy. Newton would probably try to set Hermann up with someone, or pester him about his sex life, or even--God forbid--try to offer him advice. (Once I blew a guy in the bathroom of this shitty dive bar, try that, he told Hermann a few weeks ago, and I always take my dates to the aquarium so I can talk about shit and look smart.) 
It’s also helpful in dissuading Hermann from his daydreams and illusions of dating not kaijulover69, but Newton; that, he fears, is an even grander pipe dream.
He skims Newton’s--rather poor--critique of his work, ignoring entirely his comments on Hermann’s partner, and types up a fast rebuttal. Kaijulover69 has another stream tonight, and he doesn't want to miss it.
“The trick,” kaijulover69 pants, “is to just, uh, relax your muscles as much as possible. It’s easier when you’ve got someone doing it for you, obviously, but...”
His chosen method of masturbation tonight is a frightfully large tentacle dildo, wider and longer than any prick Hermann’s seen in his life. Hermann’s not sure if such a dildo would fit inside him; he’s not even sure if it’s going to fit inside kaijulover69. The man is rather compact. It’s stopped about halfway into his body, and even from the rather distant angle Hermann can tell it’s stretching him tight. 
“...I might’ve jumped the gun a little,” the man says, and bursts out into breathy laughter. “Should’ve, uh, should’ve gotten the smaller size. Or worked up to this one.” He works another centimeter into himself before his body goes taut. “Go--go big or go home, I guess?”
One hand moving steadily around his prick, Hermann uses the other to type an encouraging message: Excellent effort.
Kaijulover69 pulls the dildo out to the thinnest section, then once he relaxes, begins a rhythm of short, shallow thrusts. Each time, it goes in a little deeper. It’s very good to watch, and listen to as well; his little gasps, the creaks of his bedsprings, the spread of his legs widening. Hermann briefly considers how badly he would like to be the one pushing it into him and dragging out those sounds, and is surprised to find himself orgasming.
He tips generously once the stream is over: he does like to consider himself some sort of gentleman, and he likes seeing how excited it gets kaijulover69.
The package arrives on an entirely ordinary Tuesday some three weeks later. Autumn has come, bringing with it a rather heavy series of rains, and Hermann is drenched and shivering when he finally ducks into the relative warmth of his flat. The knowledge of what the box tucked under his arm contains warms him considerably; he rented a P.O. Box for one reason and one reason exactly, not even daring to have his name attached to it. It’s gauche, he knows, but--isn’t it a bit like recycling? Kaijulover69 gets a fresh, exciting outfit from Hermann, and Hermann gets it back after he’s--well.
Hermann needs to unwind somehow. There’s nothing wrong with it!
The black lace undergarments are wrapped neatly up inside the box, with a sweet little pink bow on top. Attached to that is a simple handwritten card: To my number one fan! ❤️ There’s plenty more where this came from...
Simple, and innocently flirty. And so familiar it makes Hermann’s blood run cold.
“It’s not possible,” he says.
And yet--isn’t it? Hermann’s never seen his face--either of their faces--and the screen name--
There is no return address on the package, but a frantic search of its wrappings reveals its origin: stamped in black ink over frog-themed postage is BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. “No, no,” Hermann mutters to himself, even as he reminds himself (unhelpfully) that plenty of people are from Boston. He tosses it to the bed and clacks over to his desk, clutching the card so tightly it crumples. Newton’s letters are all in the top drawer--he just needs--
The handwriting is a perfect match.
“Bugger,” Hermann groans.
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themissingmarvel · 4 years
Kind Regards, Detective [Part 3]
(I am /so sorry/ it got this long. I lost track of it. I had enough for two chapters if I added a bit more but I figured one giant one wouldn’t be bad. I just got too into it. I’ll set an alarm next time for ‘hamburger’ and follow time management skills of the protagonist. And for the record... this is the story of Y/N, not Detective Loki. Which I like. Sure, they’re paired up but... it’a a story. And maybe something more happens. Guess you have to read.)
Catch up: [[Part 1]]// [[Part 2]]// [[drabble]]
Pairing: Detective Loki x fbi!Reader
Word Count: 4.1k {{I AM SO SORRY}}
Warnings: Language, description of violence {{assume that’s a given}}
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Sleep wasn’t something that had ever come easy to Y/N. No, she had spent her time in undergrad preparing for graduate school, graduate school preparing for her application to the FBI. Time training at the FBI training to become a profiling agent. Once, when awake at 2 in the morning, sitting on the couch, her ex-boyfriend had asked her to come to bed. She had spoken without even looking up, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
She wasn’t kidding.
They broke up shortly after.
It was arguably harder to sleep now because her brain was always processing information. It was hard to make sense of something so seemingly senseless. And now she had a pile of information that didn’t even add up. More frustrating was having to wait for the lab reports to come back and for forensics to identify everything and tag it. She supposed evidence would come to light in the morning.
Her room in the Holiday Inn was hardly spectacular, to say the least, but it was fine. It had a queen sized bed, a large desk for her to sprawl her things out on, and a place to put her suitcase with the exact amount of clothing she’d need, plus an extra set just in case. Once upon a time she had been the person to travel with seven bags and joke “you never know!” but those days had passed. She had learned that carrying essentials, and sometimes even less, was the way you lived. It made her yearn for that oversized blue hoodie she had stolen from some ex-boyfriend (maybe that asshole who told her to come to bed) that was sentimental only because she wanted it to be. And that thing was durable as hell.
She had slept like a rock that night, for the first time in ages, which was unsettling when she finally did wake up. It didn’t mean her brain hadn’t processed the information, though. Her process meant that when she did wake up, after her shower and getting dressed in clothes too casual for an FBI agent, that she’d come up with new thoughts. New concerns. New ideas.
By the time Y/N rolled into the precinct, it was still only 7:30am. She had a cup of coffee in her hands that she’d scored from the sad and emotionally draining continental breakfast offered by the hospitable Holiday Inn. But food was food and all she’d really wanted was that bagel and a hard boiled egg. Now she had consumed at least two cups with the third in a travel tumbler she brought with her. Her office one, the black one that said nothing but had a small crack at the top was nestled safely in her cabinet at home. That small apartment with a weird amount of locks on it and a keypad she had. Just in case.
Placing her bag on the small table, she glanced to the side and saw Detective Loki at his desk, hunched over and looking at files. He had a powder blue shirt on this time, and looked cleaned up, meaning he’d at least been home, but she suspected he’d had significantly less sleep than her. Which made sense.
The note left at the front of the church had indeed been for him.
My deepest regards and thoughts for you on this anniversary. 
It had seemed to rattle the man initially, his eyes blinking almost non-stop. Twenty seconds and he composed himself. Twenty seconds and Y/N knew not to ask and she knew not to pry. His file had so much in it, but now was not the time. If it had been relevant to the case beyond wanting an emotional connection to David, he would have said so.
Laying out some files and opening her laptop, she stood as it booted up, walking over to Detective Loki and knocking softly on the table, “Morning, Detective,” she smiled cautiously, unsure of how to greet the man. He was still wary and they were still both digesting all of yesterday.
He looked up, hardly shaken, looking tired but nothing dramatic. He sat up and nodded, glancing at his computer to get a sense of the time. Raising an eyebrow, he turned back, “You’re here early.”
She grinned, “One to talk. Did you sleep much?” Normally she might have said it was small talk, though in this instance she found she truly cared. Shared trauma did that. Or maybe it was something else.
A soft, quick laugh left his lips and he stood, mostly to stretch himself out, “I slept. Any is better than none, right? Maybe I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” he grinned at his own dark humor, gathering his things and walking towards the conference room, the young woman following behind, chalking it up to coincidence. Everyone said that.
He glanced at the papers on the table and her laptop loaded, “Any emails come through yet on the case?” Obviously the answer was no, because normal people rested at night and the lab worked on normal hours, but he liked to think that every once in a while, people stayed late and did their jobs the way he did.
Taking a breath she sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair, signing in to the database remotely, “Nothing as of this morning. The lab spent the evening processing the materials, though. One benefit of Feds, right? We have people who work around the clock,” she smirked at him, David almost surprised that perhaps she had read his mind, too. Though in reality she was used to this. Small towns or even cities often backlogged, suddenly given resources they weren’t used to.
A small ‘ding’ went off from inside the bag, Y/N quick to fish around inside for it, “Do you just… not carry your things on you?” Detective Loki didn’t mean to sound condescending, though his tone certainly spoke that way. More than anything he was concerned. Why she didn’t have her weapon holstered on her person or even her phone in her pocket said there was a level of disconnect. And there was. She liked to process in her head and her phone took her away from that.
Ignoring the snide remark, she glanced at the text that had popped up, “Check your email, ladybug. Fast tracked some of that forensic work for you.”
“No offense but does that precinct always work so slow? We never got the cell phones in with the belongings and even you have a cell phone.”
Glancing over at David who had taken a seat not so far away, she furrowed her brow with concern, “Forensics bagged up all the personal affects of the individuals at the scene, right? Like, all of it?”
David frowned, “I sure as fuck hope so. Is something missing?”
She began desperately clicking through the laptop, accessing the items retrieved from the scene, David standing, concerned and terrified, still seeing that note in his brain, reminding him of what he had tried so hard to forget. Placing a hand on the back of her chair and leaning in, perhaps inches from her face, able to smell the coffee on his breath and his face wash, whatever he used to keep himself so clean shaven. She could hear him breathing. It was eerily calm despite his clearly rattled demeanor. And him being so close? Hard to focus.
Squinting she scrolled through each individual’s information, frowning as she compared, “Shit. Shit!”
David was looking at the same documents, and he was realizing the same thing that she was. He supposed it might not have been so obvious so immediately, but he also wasn’t a profiler. This wasn’t what he did the way she did it.
Grabbing her phone she typed desperately into it, sending the message off to her coworker, Adrian, the one she’d had a crush on and had flirted with terribly. The one who had told her he was interested, but maybe not right now. The one who sent her flirty texts still and she knew he just liked the attention, but sometimes you couldn’t help who you liked. Even if that person was a total asshole.
Damn he was fast.
“Who the hell doesn’t have backups on the cloud? So far these people are coming up empty, ladybug.”
Sometimes you fell for the asshole and sometimes the asshole fell for you.
Detective Loki had seen that text. It had made him tighten, for whatever reason. Maybe it was the information given or maybe that little nickname at the end. He didn’t know squat about this woman and so far he was finding that it wasn’t making him dislike her. He wanted so badly to have slept on it and realized she really wasn’t his type. But here she was, focused and on task, already making headway with evidence. She wore an attire so different than his own and she didn’t look like a Federal Agent the way he always had seen them. She didn’t wear that stupid-ass jacket they all had, or that dumb fucking cap. She looked like she belonged in a coffee shop somewhere reading a book and staying quiet. But it bothered the hell out of him that she didn’t keep her weapon holstered or her badge on her.
“None of them had their cell phones. And we didn’t find them at the abduction sites. We assumed they were dumped for safety reasons, but from what Adrian is telling me, they didn’t even have backup information. We literally have no digital information on them,” she frowned, turning to look at David.
He paused for a moment, so close to her, able to smell the shampoo she had used, the lightly floral fragrance, the look of concern in her eyes. He could see everything.
Stepping back suddenly he rubbed his hands over his face, “All right. So let’s look at this. Phones get dumped for a ton of reasons, right? And maybe they just… all didn’t back up their phones.”
Y/N shook her head and frowned, as she typed back a response before tucking the phone away, “The GPS and locators on the phones were all deactivated, or else the lab would have coordinates for the phones. And why does someone not back up their phone?” She looked at him, already with the answer, though she needed him to say it. She needed him to understand what she was getting at.
“Everyone leaves some digital footprint. Can we find them online? Social media, maybe?” In that moment Y/N almost felt like giving him her signature ‘are you fucking with me?’ looks, though kept her poker face. He was a man living in a small town who had done small cases, for the most part. He didn’t know the ins and outs the way she did. He hadn’t been trained as she had.
So instead she looked at her computer, “I can do some searching myself, but for the real stuff… for what we’re really looking for… we need someone with experience.”
For a moment she thought briefly of her own team. Of course there was a group she worked with, but ultimately there was no ‘Penelope Garcia’ on her team, or a quirky tech nerd. There were expert analysts who could pull data and indeed find footprints. Honestly they were probably already doing that. But she had that feeling again… that gut wrenching pain.
Staring at the monitor for longer than felt comfortable, she sighed heavily, “I don’t like this, Detective. It’s wrong. I feel like we’re watching the lights flicker before the power goes out. I don’t even think this is the worst of it.”
Admittedly, she had been wrong in the beginning. But being wrong meant she was learning more about this person, and she didn’t like that. She never liked being in the head of a criminal, but of a sociopath… that was scary. Sleep wouldn’t be coming again any time soon, that much she knew.
As if overtaken, Y/N lept from her chair, almost knocking the damn plastic piece of garbage over as she stood and began practically tearing through the files. David looked at her, both confused and angry, though unsure why he was angry, “What are you doing?”
Her eyes were wide, though, and she was focused. In that moment it was all she could think about, all she could see, all she could-
“Here! It’s here!” She pulled out a statement by one of the victim’s spouses. Louise Frank, 43, nurse at the local hospital in Noxen. Putting the paper down she pointed, Loki now shoulder-to-shoulder with her, eyes locked as she pointed out the sentence, “Her husband stated he was having trouble getting in touch with her, which makes sense, but said he thought it was just something to do with her new phone. Detective, what if her husband still has the other phone? He said the screen was shattered but if we can get it, we can check the old phone.”
Adrenaline was pumping through her body, wanting in that moment to wrap her arms around his neck as she realized the opportunity they had. But instead she kept those Y/E/C eyes wide and excited, excited in a way she didn’t like to admit but in a way that David knew meant they had something to go off of.
“Let me get my keys, we’re driving to Noxen,” he looked stoic, though his breathing had increased, his own adrenaline pumping as he adjusted the collar of his shirt.
Looking at him with confusion she shook her head, “That’s two-hour drive, Detective. Shouldn’t we call them first?”
He was opening the door and headed to his desk as he spoke, “David. And I couldn’t give a fuck how long that drive is, we need that phone.”
They had gotten into his car in a bit of a hurry, though Y/N was quite proud of remembering to bring her phone and her badge, both tucked into her jacket. Well, her badge was. Her phone was in hand as she called Noxen Police and had them email her the name and address of the husband. She had gone so far as to call the husband as well, warning him they were coming, and politely, kindly, sweetly, asked if he knew where the phone was.
He did. He had it.
Hanging up, she tucked the phone away, “Mr. Frank said he’ll have it out for us.” David barely nodded, instead gripping the steering wheel tightly, knuckles almost white as he kept himself from going seventy in a fifty. This was a lead, he knew. It was a lead they’d be able to solidly point at and hold up in the air and shout, “here!”
And he was not about to jeopardize that by having some idiot mail it over or some rookie cop drive it and drop it again. Or lose it entirely. He didn’t trust anyone except for the two people in the car.
“I dated a guy once with knuckle tattoos,” she spoke calmly, looking out the window at the barren trees and quiet grey day.
Loki was shaken from his trance and looked over, his face washed with confusion, “What?”
Y/N turned to face him, “I dated a guy once with knuckle tattoos. Like you,” she gestured to his hands, partially to let him know she noticed how tightly he was gripping the wheel.
He let go slightly.
Raising an eyebrow he turned back to the road, his posture relaxing, “Oh,” he said flatly.
She kept her face stoic, “Don’t you want to know what it said?”
David glanced back again, confused though now oddly engaged, “What did it say?”
She got quiet, “It said ‘gullible’ on one hand.”
His face contorted for a second as he considered this, “That doesn’t- goddamnit,” he felt himself smiling as he looked over, watching the woman in the passenger seat smiling as well, her form relaxed as she chuckled. David did too.
“How often do people give you shit about your tattoos?” She kept her smile but softened her tone, deciding she didn’t like the idea that the rest of the car ride would be silent. She wanted to know David more than just as a man in a file. She wanted to understand what went on in his head.
Taking a breath, he considered the question. His internal monologue was often just that, internal, but he found himself being asked questions that people didn’t often ask him. A joke that no one else would have ever made seeing him angry. This wasn’t just a woman, but chaos in a bottle, perhaps, “When I was in the academy, lots of people gave me shit. I was a bit older than some guys in there and I still had my temper,”
She grinned, “Oh, this is you calm?”
The corner of his lips curled up slightly, just slightly, “Anyway, I got into a couple fights. Off grounds, of course. But I talked to one of the sergeants in the academy and he sort of set me straight. Told me there would always be something and that if I wanted to be any kind of officer, any kind of detective, I needed to let those things go. So yeah, people ask, but I don’t get into it.”
Nodding, she folded her hands in her lap, leaning back, “Back when I was in college, freshman year, of course, I was determined to get a tattoo. I mean, straight up determined. I thought, ‘Hell yes, you’re an adult, get that fairy tattoo on your ribcage!’” She looked over at David who was already smirking, “Hey, shut it.” He held a hand up, staring ahead at the empty highway as they drove.
“But ultimately I didn’t. It changed. It was a butterfly on my ankle, then for a brief moment a rose on my wrist. By the time I decided I wanted to be in psych, and work with the FBI, I had talked myself out of a tattoo entirely. It’s funny, because people always say they regret the tattoos they got, but honestly? I regret the tattoos I didn’t get.” Her eyes turned back to the trees as they drove, remembering those rushes of adrenaline as she took out a few hundred in cash and stood outside some shop near her school. Always a different one. Always the same amount of money in hand. Always certain. Then always with a reason not to.
It had never occurred to David that someone might regret not getting a tattoo. Some of his he had gotten in some guy’s basement when he was fifteen. Some when he turned eighteen and nineteen. Some even when he was twenty-four. His neck and hands were his younger years. And for a moment he tried to picture a young Y/N with her shirt hiked up getting a tattoo on her ribs that she wouldn’t possibly imagine how painful it was. Or maybe she did. There was much about her he didn’t know.
Her phone dinged again, breaking the silence, pulling it out to read another text from Adrian, “Ladybug, you’re teasing me with all this exciting information. Update me on the case. Place isn’t the same without you here.”
Sighing, she frowned, eyeing the message, “Ladybug?” David had caught a glimpse of the message, and while he had tried not to pry he was somewhat curious. Was it a significant other? A friend? Something else?
Shutting the screen off, the young woman tucked her phone away again, “Coworker. Not a profiler but he’s a field agent with serials back in DC, where I’m out of. It’s a long standing joke, mostly born of me forgetting the word ‘bee’ and instead screaming ‘ladybug’ because clearly those two things look and sound the same,” she rolled her eyes at herself. It had been such a bad first week, so much so she’d stressed herself out that when a bee came near her, allergic of course, she had screamed instead ‘ladybug’, the first insect name she could think of.
David only nodded his head, and Y/N considered her own fondness for Adrian. She wished she didn’t like him. She wished she could listen when her own friends told her he was just using her for attention. But she knew that already. Didn’t matter. Not really. Emotions were always fickle that way, driving you to do stupid shit. It was why she was so good at her job, in that she understood what drove people, even when it didn’t make any logical sense.
The drive after was fairly quiet, though interjected with sparse conversation. Meaningful, but quick. Tidbits shared. Pieces. Shards. Bits of each other’s puzzle that they would later try and piece together to make sense, even though it never would. But she found out he had spent ten years in the boy’s home, sprinkled with some juvie time for petty crimes he rolled his eyes at himself for. And Y/N had let out her own experience coming face-to-face with one of the serials she’d caught. He didn’t know who she was. She knew who he was. Just by that look. The vacant look but one that was burning. An empty building on fire. Nothing inside. Nothing but the fire to drive him. It had terrified her. She still woke occasionally to those eyes, staring through her, passing her by on the street like dodging a bullet.
Getting the phone once they arrived in Noxen had been quick. The husband wanted less than nothing to do with the police and it was clear he had already spent time crying. David knew the look. Y/N did too. Grief stricken and angry. Nowhere to put it.
Giving the phone to David (who insisted he be the one to hold it) she sighed, shaking her head, “We have to plug it into my laptop at the precinct and use encryption. Whoever did this, all of this, is smarter than we’re giving him credit for. If he knows we have the phone, he’ll be all over this. We need to consider who this man is.”
A shiver ran up Detective Loki’s spine, looking at Y/N as they got into the car, “You’re saying this is a guy?”
She frowned, chewing at her bottom lip, “I didn’t want to think it was. I don’t think he was trying to trick us with the formal writing and the flowers. I think that’s just how his brain is wired. But I need to know, then, why he’s targeted you and the other detectives. And now… now you, David. He wants something from you.” Her eyes were filled with concern as she stared at him in the car, still turned off, cold.
He turned the car on without a word, beginning the drive back to Conyers. He was angry now. Not just at the situation, but at all of it. He had wanted to be grateful for the phone, for having someone like Y/N on the case who could figure this out, but he was angry at how he felt. He didn’t like being a target this way. He didn’t like that someone knew him. Knew the anniversary of the day his horrid mother dropped him off at the home and ran off. He didn’t like that this was so damn personal.
Dover and Birch was hard, but it was easy. He was fueled by the parents' focus. He was driven by the need to save a child. Children. He had wanted to do something good after so much time hiding in a town like Conyers. And now someone had hand-picked him, of all detectives in the world, for this.
Y/N wanted to tell Detective Loki she knew he was better than that. Than some psychopath who would stage a mass murder. She wanted to urge him to be cautious, though understood someone was poking the bear in a big way. Someone wanted him upset. On guard. Determined and angry. Someone wanted him emotionally involved. It wasn’t because they were getting back at him, though. She knew it was something else. But that was the big question.
((Tagging: @is-it-madness​ @escapingthoughtsandsecrets​ @encounterthepast​ @detecellie​ @breakawayfromeveryday​ ask to be added/taken off))
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guildedlily6 · 4 years
You Plus Me Equals Soulmates Part 4 (Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate!AU)
Summary: Things continue to grow tense between Liz and Y/N after the results of the house party.  Meanwhile, things heat up between Y/N and Peter Parker.  Is Y/N Peter’s soulmate?  Or will Liz interfere?
Author’s Note: Hey, you may have noticed I’ve been posting parts for this imagine every day for the past three days, but I’m sorry to say don’t get too used to it.  I am writing mainly at night due to me having online school during the day (yay quarantine) which usually ends in me up until 4 or 5am.  There is a Part 5 in the makings because of the unresolved things in this part with Liz and more that I’m not going to spoil for you right now.  Click on the links below to read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Word Count: 2,824
Warnings: swearing, fluff (if that counts as a warning)
So it’s official.  My former best friend, Liz Allen, and Peter Parker are no longer going to homecoming together.  Partially because of me.  But maybe Liz and Peter were never meant to go to homecoming together in the first place.
It’s been about two weeks since the mortifying incident at Liz’s house party that ended up all over social media.  I was a school-wide meme for about two weeks before the Principle got involved and started handing out detentions and even suspensions to anyone who even mentioned the party or posted about it on some social platform.  Out of anyone in the school, though, Liz chats about it the most.  She won’t talk to me directly, but word travels fast when you’re 16 and the gossip of the school, so I hear every little thing she has to say about me.  So far, I’ve ignored it.  I have other things on my mind.
Peter Parker is sitting across the room from me in 7th period, writing something in his chemistry journal.  I do have to admit, things were extraordinarily awkward once he found out about the drama, pictures, and videos of me yelling “I don’t care about Peter Parker!” in front of everyone to see, but unlike Liz, I talked things out with him and we’re actually friends now.
Friends.  Do people really think about their friends the same way I think about Peter?
The answer is no.  Ever since the party, I couldn’t stop thinking about brown curls, eyes that hold such softness, and the familiar smile.
I’ve accepted the part of me that wishes to see a matching equal sign tattoo on Peter’s wrist, by now.  What I haven’t accepted is that confronting Peter about my newfound feelings is necessary in order to discover if he feels the same way and with the same intensity as me.
“That wraps up today’s lesson.  Homework is due tomorrow and if it is not turned in, it will be entered as an automatic zero,” rings the usual monotonous voice of my chemistry teacher.  I tuck papers and folders into my backpack, packing up just before the bell rings.
Slinging the backpack around my shoulders, I stand up only to notice someone is waiting for me.
Peter smiles gently.  “We have a Decathlon meeting today,” he reminds me. Right.  Liz is also in our Decathlon club, which is a small problem, but “everyone is a necessary member of our team” as Mr.Harrington would say.
“So are you and Liz going to fight or something?  I mean, you didn’t last week or the week before that in Decathlon club or in the hallways… or in any of your classes together, but if you do plan to fight, tell me,” Ned says eagerly, rushing to catch up with Peter and I.
“Liz and I are not going to fight, Ned.”  For the past week, Ned has been trying to convince me that the only way to settle things once and all for Liz and I is to throw down in the middle of the hallway, or something along the lines of that. Two weeks ago, I totally would’ve been up to forcefully shove my fist into Liz’s face, but now I’m not in the mood to get expelled.  Honestly, the whole mess shouldn’t be as big of a deal as it is.  I feel like I’m back in preschool, fighting over a toy.  Not only is Peter not a toy, but he’s also made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing to do with Liz.
However, Peter hasn’t exactly made a move to ask another person to homecoming yet.
Peter, Ned, and I walk into the gymnasium, other members of the Decathlon club already sitting in chairs.
“Just get seated please!  Today we’re going to figure who’s going to Washington with everyone for the National Decathlon,” Mr.Harrington announces while unfolding chairs.
MJ sees us and greets us with a nod that says ‘sup’, Flash looks at Peter and laughs, whispering something to his friend, and Liz regards the three of us with a yawn.
I sit down in between Peter and Ned.
“Alright, so all of you have paid the club dues which means you’re all technically allowed to go to Washington with us.  Who thinks they may have a conflict with the trip from April 30th-May4th?”  Mr.Harrington takes a seat, spreading out some papers before him on a fold-able table.
Peter’s the only one to slowly raise his hand in the silence.  I glance over at him with a questionable look.
Mr.Harrington raises his eyebrows.  “What is your conflict, Mr.Parker?”
“Well, you know I have the Stark Internship, and well, uh… Mr.Stark said that I should always be prepared for someone to call me so-”
“Hold on, lemme get this right.  Parker gets to miss out on the trip because of his ‘Stark Internship’?” Flash raises a single eyebrow, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
“Peter, you understand this trip is mandatory.  The conflicts are only for… well, only for serious things,” explains Mr.Harrington, peering over his glasses at Peter.
Peter blushes slightly, embarrassed.  “Well I- I don’t want you to… Uh, make Mr.Stark angry…”
He’s still pretending to have a Stark Internship?  Seriously, Peter, drop the act. You can’t quit the team.
Our Decathlon leader sighs.  “Peter I’m afraid you have to go on this trip.  You’re extremely valuable to this team.  Unless you wish to leave the team…”
“I- I understand Mr.Harrington.”
“So he’s off the team?”  Flash speaks up again, obviously excited by the possibility of Peter getting kicked out of the club.
“What’s your decision, Peter?”  Mr.Harrington asks.
“I… I guess I can’t do it,” Peter admits quietly.
I turn my head to look at him.
Really?  What are you doing?
“Well, okay.  If you change your mind, just email me, Mr.Parker.”  Mr.Harrington crosses something out on his paper before pushing his glasses back up on his nose and looking at Peter.
The rest of the meeting goes on as it does normally; reciting facts and sitting around listening to Flash and Mr.Harrington argue over whether ‘fergalicious' is a word or not.
__________Liz’s POV__________ I plan to get Peter back.  It sounds dumb and childish, but if I want to prove that I wasn’t humiliating myself in front of the school for nothing, this is how to do it.
Unfortunately, there’s some minor obstacles.  The first problem is that somehow Peter found it in him to forgive Y/N for saying she doesn’t care about him and now they’ve grown to be close friends within the past two weeks.  The second problem would be that Peter most definitely hates me.  Part of that may be my fault, though, since I haven’t bothered to try and communicate with him in any way in the last couple weeks.  The third problem is that I wish Y/N wasn’t mad at me.  Yeah, I’ve done some pretty mean things in the past, but none this bad.
My chin resting on the palm of my hand, I gaze at Peter from a few seats away.  Either he doesn’t notice or he’s ignoring me on purpose.  To be fair, I did say that I didn’t want to talk to Y/N or Peter ever again.
I shift my eyes to focus on Y/N.
I want my best friend back.
Was it really worth it?  No, it wasn’t.  But I guess it’s too late now.  I’ve already formed my plan, so no going back.
“Liz?  Hello?  Do you have an answer?”  Mr.Harrington waves a hand in front of my face.
I snap back into reality.
Was everyone watching me gaze longingly at Peter and glaring at Y/N? “Can you repeat the question?”
Mr.Harrington hits the table a few times with his baby toy hammer, signaling I answered wrong.  “I’ve already repeated the questions 3 times, and if you were paying attention, Miss Allen, maybe you would know that.”
In the corner of my eye I see Y/N smirk and shake her head with a look that reads ‘dumb ass’.
Anyway, my plan is to slowly release every single secret Y/N has ever told me out into the school until almost everyone knows everything about her.  At that point, Peter might be so embarrassed to be seen with her that he completely abandons her.  Next, I’ll make my move on Peter.
Obviously, I have some details to fix, but it’s coming together.  However, Peter not going to Washington affects a lot of my plan.  If he does end up going, every part of my plan will fall into place.
_________Y/N’s POV_________ After the Decathlon meeting ends and everyone is dismissed, I pull Peter out into the hallway.
“What’s the real reason for not going to the National Decathlon?”
“What?  I told everyone it was because of the Stark Internship-” but Peter doesn’t get to finish his sentence before I cut in.
“Yeah that’s what you told people.  But, like, a 16 year old kid doesn’t have a Stark Internship.”
Peter’s expression displays a bit of hurt from my words.  “You don’t believe me.” “No.  I don’t.  Sorry, I don’t believe you have an internship with one of the richest people in the world.”
“Well, I- I can’t tell you.”
Now it’s my turn to be hurt.
He can’t tell me?  Why not?
This slight pause gives me enough time to realize how close we’re standing.  There’s plenty of hallway outside of the gym for the both of us, but we choose to stand so close that if I leaned in eight more inches we would-
I dart my eyes back up to meet his eyes.
“Fine.  Okay,” I say.
“Did you want me to come or something?”  He questions.
“I- yeah.  I mean you’re my friend, right?  Why wouldn’t I?”
He looks down, slightly disappointed.  Is he disappointed?  Why?
“Yeah, I guess,” he responds, shifting his backpack straps and taking a few steps back.  “I don’t know why there would be another reason,” he mutters under his breath.
“Hey guys what are you- did I interrupt something?”  Ned busts through the gym doors and pauses after seeing our faces.
“No, you didn’t, Ned.”
“Oh, okay.  So Peter, are we still going to your place after school for our Star Wars movie marathon?  My mom bought popcorn for me to take,” Ned continues, oblivious to the uncomfortable tension.
“Yeah,” answers Peter.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Y/N.  Do you want to come?”  Ned smiles warmly.
I say “Yeah sure, Ned,” the same time Peter cuts in with “I don’t really think-”
“Great!  You remember where Peter's apartment is, right?  If you don’t just, text one of us.”  Ned starts walking away, leaving Peter to glance apologetically at me.
“I’ll see you soon,” I say to Peter before walking away.
_______(Time skip)_______ I click send on a text telling Peter I’m at his apartment.
Was Peter actually disappointed when I said we were friends?  Aren’t we friends?  I think back to earlier.  How close we were standing.  Peter’s lips had looked soft and his eyes were inviting, but I hadn’t done anything.  Anything about what?  What even is my goal?
Soon enough, the door to the apartment opens and I’m greeted by Peter’s aunt May.
“Oh, hey Y/N.  Come on in,” May says while stepping aside.  “Peter and Ned are in Peter’s bedroom.”
“Thanks, Miss…” I stop myself, unsure of what to call her.
“May.  You can call me May,” she says, beaming.
“Thanks, May,” I say.  I walk past May and up to Peter’s bedroom, slowly opening the door.
“Hey Y/N,” Peter and Ned greet at the same time.  I take a seat on the floor, leaning against Peter’s bed.
“Hey guys.  When are you going to start the movies?”
“Oh we were waiting for you.  Do you want some popcorn?”  Ned holds out a bag of popcorn and I grab some, eating a few.
I get up and we all make our way to the living room.  May announces she’s going out and then leaves.  I take my seat on the couch.  Peter sits down a small distance away from me and Ned sits on a different couch.
All throughout the night, Ned munches on popcorn while the movies play and I slowly get drowsy.  I find myself leaning more and more to one side before I completely fall asleep, and so does Peter.
_________(Time skip)_________ I wake up to something moving beside me.
Why is the couch moving?  My mind is a big groggy.  I open my eyes.
I’m lying nestled into Peter, our limbs tangled in mess.  My eyes drift up and meet Peter’s, which are very much awake and very much flustered.
“I- I’m sorry… I just woke up and-”
“It’s okay,” I say, chuckling softly and quickly moving away.  At the loss of contact, I feel my heart sink sadly.
“Soulmates are usually naturally attracted to each other if seated or lying near one another.”  Where do I remember that from?  Right.  History Of Soulmates textbook I had to read in my psychology class.
I sit up straight and look at Ned, who’s still asleep on the couch.  Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi is playing on the TV.  I grab my phone from the table beside me.  It reads 8:35am.
I turn to look at Peter and realize I’m still practically draped over his lap.  I blush a bright red and once Peter notices, his blush matches mine.  Hastily, I scoot away from him and then stand up.
“Uh… where's your bathroom?”  I ask timidly.
“It’s down that hall and to the right,” Peter says, his voice still slightly raspy from sleep.
My feet carry me away, padding down the hall and then into the bathroom.  I close the door and look in the mirror, fixing my hair and straightening up my shirt.  After I finish touching up, I open the bathroom door, only to be surprised by Peter standing right outside.
I bump directly into his chest and he laughs gently.  I smile faintly and step to go past him, only for us to bump into each other again.  He tenderly grabs my shoulders and leads me to go past him.
I look up at him and admire his messy bed head and the adorable blush still on his cheeks.  He looks down at me with an expression similar to mine and then lets go of my shoulders, still smiling.  “Sorry,” he apologizes, turning to go into the bathroom and then closing the door.
Since when did you get so mushy, I think to myself.
I walk back out to the living room where Ned has now woken up.
“What were you two doing?”  Ned asks the question suspiciously, looking me up and down.
“Peter and I?  Nothing I- we… I just went to the bathroom and-”
“No!  I- I mean no.”  I look at my phone to see a text from my mom: when are you coming home?
“If you did, I mean I don’t judge, I personally was waiting for it to happen, it was just a matter of time before-”
“What are you two talking about?”  Peter walks in, running a hand through his curls.  My heart flutters at the sight.
Stop it.
“Congratulations on you and Y/N finally getting together,” Ned says and I think I’m ready to crawl into a hole and die.
Peter looks at me with an unreadable look on his face.  “What?”
“Peter and I aren’t together, Ned, we just- I just went to the bathroom and he happened to be outside. Nothing happened-” I quickly try to explain it all.  But Peter had a different idea.
“We could be together…” interrupts Peter.  I look at him, shocked.  “I mean, I was just saying- we’re not together- I was just suggesting…”
“Yeah.  Um…”  I try to find a response in myself.
Together?  Really?  Does this mean he feels the same way?
“Right.  This is a bit awkward… So I’m going to go.  Thanks for the marathon, Peter.”  Ned gets up, grabs the popcorn bag, and leaves through the front door. I pretend to be interested in the lamp sitting on a table.
“So…”  Peter starts off.  “I guess I should tell you this now.  That day when I asked Liz out, I had actually meant to ask you to homecoming.  I really like you, Y/N.  Extremely.  It’s like nothing I’ve felt before.  Like-”
“I’m naturally attracted to you,” I finish for him.
He grins with so much happiness it’s almost contagious.  “Yeah.  Exactly like that.”
“Can I- your tattoo.  What is it?”
He rolls up his right sleeve, showing his bare wrist with one simple tattoo. An equals sign.
We’re soulmates.
Hey so here’s some fluff, but the first kiss is yet to come.  Things will escalate from here, so make sure to keep reading.  Or don’t.  I can’t really control what you do.  Thanks for reading!
@disfunctionalcellmembrane @marvel4geeks
Part 5
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Placing Fenty in her crib in our bedroom, it’s easier for us that she is in the bedroom rather then travelling around to her room. I am honestly at a stage where I think this is all so unreal for us, I can’t believe that I am a mother to a beautiful girl, I am a mother. Something I gave up on a while ago, I thought it wouldn’t have ever happened for me and it did, I am married on top of that to the love of my life and I wouldn’t change that for the world. I am finally thinking of me and I love it, I am entering a new year being a mother and wife, it’s so surreal when just last year I was crying to Mel that I am lonely and I have nobody, it was the perfect mistake to us. Fenty is very on time with her feeding, like her night feed is on time, she will wake up and then play up a little and then just want to feed to then go to sleep, the girl can sleep. If anything she is not like Chris, she sleeps well, and I am thankful she does sleep and doesn’t cry all of the time. Dennis and my mother have parted ways for the New Year, they have gone home, so that leaves just Chris and I with our daughter, it’s been a weird feeling to feel. It’s quiet and I don’t think Chris is dealing well with it, things are settled. But I give him his space, since Dennis went two days ago, he spent the first day on my hip, I mean like he was following me and I tried to do things with him, but I fall asleep, I am tired. My body is still healing, the day after I couldn’t find him and he was alone for the most of it but he’s not sleeping either now, which that has started again. When Fenty was crying and I didn’t feel the bed move I knew he wasn’t in the bed. Chris doesn’t like silence; he doesn’t like to be in silence and then also he has so much going on in his mind. I have never asked him if he takes his medication, I totally don’t do that with him. I have so much on my mind, I know things are quiet, but it will get better for him, like the home will start to get busy when the team is back.
It’s so hard, it’s so fucking hard to know where Chris is in this house and it’s bugging me. I have to wait it out until he comes to me, I am going to have to put some sort of tag on him to locate him because I can’t find him. I stifled out a yawn, I am trying to watch Real housewives, but I am failing at this, I have my daughter swaddled up next to me as I laid out on the couch, I am falling asleep again. I jerked at the sound of my phone blaring out ringing “Jesus” grabbing my phone from the side, Tina is calling me on New Year’s Eve too, surprised she isn’t drunk somewhere “hello bitch” answering the call “I can’t wait to see you! I miss you so much. I wish we knew you would be pregnant, then we could have had one last drink blowout” I chuckled at Tina “miss me huh, well I am going to be a reserved woman now thank you. I am married and a mother, my daughter don’t need to see her mother’ ass hanging now” I missed Tina “I will give it a year but anyways, erm what is Chris doing?” she didn’t even call for me “honestly, I wish I knew, he is somewhere in this house. I should have got an apartment; I can’t locate him or have the energy to find him” I need to start actually figuring out his spots in this home “I didn’t really ask what is he doing but like what is he doing on Instagram?” I breathed out “I don’t know, I don’t look at that shit Tina. Please don’t tell me it’s stupid shit” I hope he isn’t being dumb “there is whole battle going on with him and Drake, Chris did start it by commenting on a post and it was a old picture of you and Drake, he said that you all think I am the bad guy when Drake wrote a diss song on Rihanna. Drake wish he had a black child; his child is albino. And now like it’s kicking off, Jen text me and I called you” what is he playing at “god, why. Oh my god, Jen knows so someone as personally contacted her because she doesn’t check for it, what is being said? I don’t need this shit” I am just so fucking annoyed now.
I am going to not snap on him, but I want to know why, leave fucking Drake alone “sorry I am back, so Chris started with the albino thing, he commented on that post of you and Drake, then the IG gossip blogs saw it. Then Drake responded back but he posted a picture of your matching tattoos and said it was a great night. Then Chris went on his page and commented saying you, wait a minute just getting it now. So yes he put, you are old news nigga, how you saved pictures of a woman that don’t want you. Then Drake commented back saying you seem unsecure, is there some issues at home which Chris went on a full blown rant on how he is going to beat Drake for posting that, the thing is Chris is looking like the bad guy in this even though he made some valid points. He quoted a line from the diss track, but Drake denied it now, he is making out that never happened, Chris is losing his mind. He is currently doing it now; Chris is going back and forth with him. Jen didn’t mention who contacted her. She just said that Robyn should have had him under control” shaking my head sighing out “I am not controlling him Tina; he is free to do what he likes. I would never control him, I don’t know what idea you all have got thinking I control Chris, that I need to put a gag on him because it is not that and never will be” I kind of snapped on Tina “Robyn, I didn’t say that. Jen said it, but I think someone else has mentioned it” that annoyed me “he is my husband, he is not a dog. I am not his carer either, yes Chris shouldn’t have started but he is defending himself now he is making him sound crazy. Tina, just tell Jen that I want to know who said control him, but anyways. I have an appointment to go too, talk soon” disconnecting the call.
Zeus laid his head on my foot, I was supposed to go and see to Chris, but he will find me. My stomach hurts a little “you are so hairy, Chris needs to sort that out” Zeus looks fed up, I would move him away, but he doesn’t seem happy and he is also on my couch “where is Chris Zeus, you know where he is?” I asked him, this dog knows what I am saying. I have an appointment in an hour so he better hurry up “I literally came into this room but didn’t see you, I went all the way upstairs” Chris walked around the couch “where have you been all day Chris!? Seriously, and all night” Chris sat down but at a distance “in the office area thing, next to the garage. I been spray painting it” my eyes widened “what!? You’re joking right?” he shook his head without a care, he is being serious “not this house Chris, I didn’t want you to do that. What if we don’t stay here forever then what!? Is that what you been doing all that time” he nodded his head and clasped his hands together “smoke a blunt, paint. Just do what I want, then repaint it” staring at Chris in annoyance “so you decided to make a mess in this home, I am not having this home like the shit in your house!” I spat “it’s not, it’s one place, nobody will see. What do you want me to do all day, stare at you?” getting up from the couch as Zeus jumped off “well you could tell me, just tell me you are doing that instead of just doing what you like” I hissed out sitting up “well I went out in the morning, got them and came back” I didn’t even know he did that “why wasn’t I told?” Chris laughed, he finds it funny, but I don’t “you were asleep, man. I didn’t come to argue, I know you got an appointment” Chris got back up from the couch “walk off, we still have so much to speak on. Go on” waving him off, I swear to god.
Chris decided to come into the bedroom, I mean he has to eventually see me “have you stopped doing all that shit on Instagram?” zipping up the baby bag “I can’t take a shit without you knowing” I laughed shaking my head “what is wrong with you? You know what, just take the baby bag and go outside. We need to go; I don’t have the time to be just stood here hearing shit from you. Has the driver put the car seat in?” Chris shrugged, his lack of care disappeared, I mean where the fuck did it go “thank you Chris, really I mean it” picking up Fenty from the bed “the bag Chris” walking around the bed, I know Chris is struggling he probably feels like he has no freedom but it’s not that, he is fighting me on this now, I can tell he is. The fact he is going out without me knowing, I like to know what he does. I mean first of all I am his wife, and second of all he can easily go off the rails and end up taking drugs. I can’t let Chris slip, I can’t have this because then it will be I told you so, I know it’s not going to be plain sailing, I know for a fact it takes work and I am here for that but he needs to just try and help a long the way. Just tell me so I can make it right, try and make it better for him to be here. I understand he is struggling; I really do.
It’s been a while since I have been out of the house, but all I can think of is Chris and his behaviour “Robyn” looking way from the car window “mhmm, yeah?” I am not impressed of course “I just don’t feel like doing shit, my mood is low, and I am irritated. I just want to be zoned out and be alone, I am trying to break this mood by thinking of the good, but I can’t. Even now I just feel like I am not here, I feel like I am battling two parts of my mind, one part is wanting me to jump on a flight and go back to Cali and go back to normality and the other part is wanting to just cry and bang my head against a wall because my mind is racing. It’s really racing, and I can’t stop it, I need too” he spoke to me without being an ass “what made you feel that way Chris? I need you to tell me where I go wrong to help you” I asked “I just feel like I am not in control and in my mind I feel like it is a bad thing, it’s like mind games. I want you to take control but then there is another half where I want to be in control” shaking my head “you are in control Chris; I am only guiding you. Who said about this control shit!?” I have heard it a few times now “Ant messaged me, Jay Brown emailed him saying that he is not my manager no more, that Rihanna is. If I am to be married to you then I have to be under Roc Nation. Ant said it’s all games and control, she is controlling you and I said it isn’t and that plays on my mind” Jay Brown is a fucking liar “I didn’t even say that he mentioned about wanting you! That bastard” they want to play games “I am no good for you, like you love me, but you deserved a man to guide you” frowning at him “no, this is your mind talking. It’s not that Chris, too much is happening, and you can’t process it. I wanted a man which I have got, they are lying to you, I am not controlling you” they want Chris to seem like a little bitch and it’s not even that, they are playing on his mind “do you think that I am?” I have to ask Chris “no I don’t but shit just plays on my mind Robyn, it’s hard fighting your own demons on your own” reaching over touching his arm “you’re not on your own Chris, you got me. I am here for you, even if I am tired I am here for you. I see the change Chris, I do” this is what has been irritating Chris.
I filled out all of the paperwork while Chris sat with Fenty in the waiting room, I though there is no reason to just make them wait around while I did it. I had to fill out Chris’ part too which was funny to me because I knew everything, I had to even mention the Bipolar, but I did it while they waited in the room “is she awake?” Chris is getting her out of the car seat “yeah, she just woke up now” nodding my head “it’s ok, get out there” Chris has become a little shy with doing it now I am here “I am not judging you Chris. I want you to be comfortable” too late now, Chris is not doing it “why did you do that? It’s ok you know, I am not judging you” Chris is so deflated about things, I hate that for him. Reaching into the car seat “my little angel is awake, awww” kissing her little cheek before resting her over my shoulder, Chris placed the blanket over her “when we get back home we will talk, because you caused some shit on Instagram too” lightly rubbing Fenty’ back “they tagged me in some shit Robyn, the caption stated that you loved him and that I don’t deserve you. I am sick of seeing that fucking shit so I said it, they playing in my face I hate it” rolling my eyes.
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Guilty As Charged
One Shot for @thatfanficstuff​ ‘s Band New U challenge.
My Prompt was “Lawyer AU”
Pairing- Bucky Barnes X (sort of…) Reader Insert. This is my first Reader Insert so hopefully it works out as well as my OFC seems to have done.
Warnings- Bad language words. **my knowledge on US law is limited so humour me**
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“We find the defendant not guilty”
You let out a sigh and rub at your temple. Looking over at your colleague, Sam, you shake your head in utter disbelief.
“Y/N this wasn’t your fault…” he begins in a low voice but you simply sigh again and shrug.
“I was sure they’d see through his lies” you glance over to your right where the defence team, headed up by James Buchanan Barnes of Barnes & Rogers Law are shaking hands. Barnes’ face is arranged in the usual smug look that you want to slap right off it. His partner, Steve glances over at you and gives you a genuine, sympathetic smile. He is always the most courteous out of the two.
“He fucking did it Y/N” Sam’s voice is almost a growl “I know he did.”
“Well in the eyes of the law he didn’t…” you state, standing up “Come on, let’s get out of here before he starts…”
You hastily shuffle your papers back into their respective files and pack your briefcase up. Picking up your jacket, you shrug it on, smooth down your pencil skirt and make to leave the courtroom before Barnes can pipe up with his usual smart ass quips. But you’re not quite fast enough. “Commiserations Miss Y/LN, can’t win ‘em all…” the familiar Brooklyn drawl hits your ears “mind you, winning some would be a start.” “Buck…” Steve sighs “c'mon pal…”
You grit your teeth. You know you shouldn’t rise to it, but you just can’t help it. The man is an utter jack ass. Spinning to face him you shoot him your best contemptuous glare, the one you always reserve for those people you really cannot stand, and look at him like he is something you’ve just trodden in.
“You know Barnes, there is such a thing as being gracious in victory as well as defeat…” “Defeat” he asked, looking at Steve with a puzzled expression on his face “no, not sure what that is…” “Eat shit” you mumble before turning to Sam who is stood behind you, watching the exchange. You nod to him and the two of you continue up the aisle towards the exit. The victim’s family are congregated outside and all at once the start barraging you with questions.
“How did that happen?”
“What do they mean the confession was under duress…?”
“You said it was a cert he would go down…”
“What about a private prosecution…”
You sigh and turn to look at them, you’re exhausted. “I’m sorry… ” you shake your head “that new evidence that his attorney submitted… it was just threw too much of a doubt into the juries mind…” you hold your hand up to gently silence them “if you’re serious about a private prosecution then I can meet you next week to discuss…” You and Sam head back to your office, dump the files and then decide there’s only one thing for it. Alcohol and lots of it. 
“Hey Y/N, hey Sam.” Clint, the bar tender greets you “I hear it wasn’t a great day in court for you…” You look up and he is pointing to the TV behind the bar. It’s on a news channel showing a report from outside the court earlier that afternoon which isn’t surprising. The case had thrown up huge public interest ever since the body of the teenage girl has been found in the alleyway in Queens. The defendant confessed but new evidence had been submitted that afternoon featuring a recording that the defence had gotten their hands on as proof the confession was taken under duress. Being totally honest, you have to admit that it didn’t sound great, the officer did seem to be leaning heavily on the defendant but the other evidence was, no, IS overwhelming. But all it needed was that little shred of doubt and the jury couldn’t convict. And now thanks to Barnes and Rogers, specifically Barnes, in your mind a dangerous killer is walking free. As you stare at the screen you see Barnes with the defendant, all smiles and Steve at his side. Barnes greets the press with a raised hand. “Clint turn it over man…” Sam almost pleads and Clint shouts you both a sympathetic look before he points the remote at the TV and flicks it over to a mundane afternoon game show. You order 2 beers, and then settle at the bar on one of the tall chairs, crossing your bare, heeled legs as you and Sam begin to dissect the case. You can’t help it, you always do this, analyse where you went wrong or right. The pair of you get that enthralled in your discussions, that before you know it’s an hour later and you’re 4 beers deep… and Sam is getting a phone call from his wife, Natasha. “I gotta go boss…” he says apologetically “it’s the kids dance recital at 7 and if I miss this one Nat’s gonna hang me out to dry!.” You wave his explanation off “It’s fine, go Sam. Oh, and take the morning tomorrow…that case has had us working all hours and I don’t intend on being there till lunch… Clint, gimme a bourbon please?” “Don’t let Barnes get to you” Sam says “you know what he is like” “Smug, arrogant and annoyingly self-righteous.” You nod “got it.” Sam smiles and drops a kiss to your cheek. “See you later” Clint slides the glass of bourbon over to you and you smile before pulling out your phone to check a few emails, social media… you’re just reading through an article you found on Twitter about a Billionaire who owns a Technology company in Malibu who has designed some kind of metal suit that allows him to fly (because that’s gonna end well) when a familiar voice breaks your concentration. “Can I buy you a drink?” You roll your eyes and look up at Bucky Barnes as he leans effortlessly on the bar, still in his suit, although he has dispensed of his tie and opened his top button. This is another thing you hate about him. He is utterly gorgeous. Like GQ cover gorgeous, especially in his sharp suits and silk ties…and he fucking knows it too. “Depends.” You say, throwing back the remainder of your bourbon “Does it come with a side helping of irritating smugness?” He chuckles “I’m off duty Doll so no.”
“In that case I’ll have another Monkey Shoulder.” You say, picking the good stuff instead of the house brand, and you slide your empty glass back to Clint. “Take it you’re not driving home?” Barnes asks, eyes running over your bare legs. “Well if I do I’m sure you can get me off any charges…” you reply sharply, shooting him a look that makes it clear you caught him eyeing you up. And it isn’t the first time either. That’s another reason you clash so much in the courtroom. Sexual tension. Fucking jerk. He barks a laugh “You’re really not happy with me are you?” “Not particularly.” You say, thanking Clint as he slides the glass to you, with a small wink. It’s a double you notice. That should set Barnes back a bit. The man in question takes his beer and after a pull he looks directly at you. “Come work for me.” He says and you groan, not this again. “I’m a district attorney ” you roll your eyes. “Not a defence attorney. I told you that last time you asked. And the time before…and the time before that…” “I’m nothing if not persistent.” He winks, turning in his stool so he is facing you. “Besides, I can teach you the ways of the dark side…” “You’d love that wouldn’t you?” You snort. “Oh Sweetheart you have no idea.” He leans forward slightly, his elbow on the bar and this time he is blatantly staring at the flash of skin that shows above the buttons on your blouse. “My face is up here, ass hole.” With a smirk he raises his steel grey eyes and they lock onto you. Despite yourself you feel your breath hitch slightly. Dammed him and his sex appeal. “Where you always this insufferable?” You eventually tear your gaze away and pick up your drink, glancing up at the TV as an excuse not to look at him. “Ah come on Y/N, don’t be like that…” he says, reaching out to squeeze the hand that is resting on the back of the tall chair you’re sat in. “We could make a great team…” You raise an eyebrow and look at him. “Professionally” he adds, his eyes not leaving yours as he takes another large drink of his beer, as you pull your hand away from under his. “I’d kill you within 5 minutes of us being in the same office…” you glare at him as you take another sip from your drink. He chuckles and eyes you again “to be fair I’m not sure Stevie would be able to function with a beautiful dame such as yourself in close proximity…he still clusters around any woman that isn’t his Peggy” “That’s because Steve is a happily married man.” You look at him. “So am I.” He shoots back. Ah yes, Mrs Barnes… “Your wife deserves a medal. She must have the patience of a fucking saint to put up with you.” You say into your glass. “I have other hidden qualities which mean she’s prepared to overlook my slightly less favourable personality traits…” he quips and you look back to see that lopsided grin on his face that flips your stomach. Behave Y/N. “They must be very hidden.” You muse, and he lets out a bark of a laugh. “You’re killing me Doll…” “Good.” You drain your glass. The liquid burns your throat and you can feel the effects of the alcohol from the last few hours as your brain starts to hum. You look at Barnes who is watching you, his eyes are shining with all the cheekiness and suggestiveness of a teenage boy and you know you need to leave before you do something stupid- like snogging his dumb, handsome face off in the middle of the bar. “I think it’s time I got going.” You say simply, standing up. Barnes nods, draining his bottle “Yeah I should be going too. Wife to see to, you know how it is…” You stand and he does the same, and you realise he is holding up your jacket, ready for you to slide your arms into. Narrowing your eyes slightly at his sudden chivalry, with a small smile you turn and shrug it on. His hands drop to your shoulders and he spins you round gently and smiles with those perfect teeth and it lights up his beautiful face, his eyes crinkling in the corners. “Lead the way Mrs Barnes…” he says, dropping a soft kiss to your lips. “You know it’s a good job I love you” you smile, sliding your arms up round his neck. “Although right now I’m struggling to remember why I do.“  “Well, when we get home I’ll just have to show you some of those hidden qualities to jog your memory…” You bite your lip slightly at the dark flash of desire that flits across his eyes and you lean up to brush your lips across his stubbled jawline. “Unanimous verdict…” your voice drops slightly as you pull back and he smirks again “Guilty as charged” You bid Clint good bye, link your hand into your husbands and he walks you outside into the brisk wind and his arm pulls you close, his lips press a soft kiss to your temple. Yeah, James Buchanan Barnes Defence Attorney might be smug, arrogant and annoyingly self-righteous in the courtroom, but outside it he’s simply your Bucky.
@jtargaryen18 @navispalace @chuuulip
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18, 20, 29, 30, 33, 47, 55, 65, 69, 78, 96, 97!!! LOVE YOU
Omg so many!
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. It’s not always brought up but the two things that sprung to mind were
a) I once thought that planes could only fly to Australia in one direction.
b) I sprained my ankle really badly by jumping out of the way of @fetchalgernon‘s ball while we were playing mini-golf, except there was nothing but a steep hill behind me so I essentially flung myself down the hill.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? GREEN
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? @dancemajicdance is the CUTEST sleeper in the world. You know how sometimes in movies the guy wakes up and the girl is sleeping next to him looking beautiful and serene in a way that isn’t humanly possible? That’s how Kat looks when she’s asleep. You just want to cuddle her like a plushie.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Of my parents. Yes.
33: what’s your fave pastry? It’s honestly a fight to the death between the classic butter croissant or the pure-of-heart cinnamon roll.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? I WOULD say cheese because it’s basically milk turd, but SO many people love cheese that I feel like if I banned it I would be hurting my loved ones. So I will say that rocket should be banned because I don’t think anyone loves rocket as much as the general population loves cheese.
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? Jumped into the shower with all of my clothes on. I can’t remember what point I was proving but I remember my boyfriend fell apart laughing at my theatrics. As well he should have.
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? SO MANY PEOPLE!!!! I’ve already mentioned Kat and Kristina in this post so there’s no need to tag them again but obviously I’d LOVE to hang out with them both, also there’s @bcdaily and @ohpottermycaptain and @mercifleury and @honourablepirate and @thelightinthedark and all of my other melons whose usernames escape me right now because people keep changing their damn usernames, my friends Frances, Andrew and Curtis and of course my baby brother Robbie (I say baby when he’s 24, but he is non-verbal and the best way to explain the extent of his developmental delays is to say that his comprehension is that of a baby’s, so to me he will always be my sweet baby bear and I miss him so much)
69: what are your favorite board games? Off the top of my head, I love Mysterium, Mansions of Madness 2, Telestrations (or basically any party game) and Unfair. There are loads more but I’d have to hoof it to the third floor and check out our board game cupboard and I’m super comfortable at my desk right now.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I am neither. The Minions have done nothing to hurt me. Leave them be.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I work in IT so, immediately.
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? I had to look this up in an old email thread and apparently I am ENTP? FYI something I learned a few years ago is screw Myers-Briggs because it was invented by these racist-ass women. My Zodiac sign is Pisces and my house is Gryffindor.
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artemismoon12writes · 4 years
Title: Things Went Awry
Daltonfic Big Bang: Week 9, Day 1; Dwight/?  Based on that bit in Dalton where Dwight basically is like... yo Shane is hot. 
The two kissed, fighting between them for who was going to be pressed up against the wall. A gasp. A pair of hands on a belt buckle, jangling in the quiet room away from the hustle and bustle of Windsor House.
Dwight broke away, worry mixed in with his usual hint of panic, “This isn’t right, Reed will kill me.”
“He broke up with me.”
“Yeah but-”
“I said, he broke up with me. We’re not together. He doesn’t get to be mad if I get with someone else.” Shane stressed, not letting it bother him. It did. Obviously. Otherwise he and Dwight would not even be having this conversation, let alone be holed up in Shane’s room like they’d be caught any second.
Shane leaned into kiss Dwight again, but he was pushed away.
“His mom is stressing him out and got to him. Give him a week.” Dwight argued. “Just because he’s graduated and he’s not here doesn’t mean we should… fuck, what are we doing?”
“Uh, having fun?” Shane said, grinning wildly.
Dwight bit his tongue, annoyed. He knew it was wrong, even as his stomach turned and he wanted to give into the manic energy Shane was giving off, he had to at least try- even if it was just to assuage his conscious.  
It’d been two weeks since Reed had broken up with Shane; and one week since Shane had relentlessly been pursuing anything that walked into Windsor House as a kind of mourning ritual since Reed was not returning his calls. Anyone with sense could guess Hilde Van Kamp had forced his hand, but Shane wasn’t sharing what was in those emails that had him throwing his phone against the wall. Whatever it was, Shane was broken up enough to be dragging their ignoble prefect into his quest for a rebound.
Shane shrugged. “I’m bored. You’re horny, it’s a perfect match.”
“I am not-”
“Oh fuck off.” Shane said, pressing Dwight back up against the door, hands in his pants. Dwight couldn’t hide the gasp he made. “You’re into this. What was it you said last time we all had a party- ‘oh Shane, if you were a girl’- that’s a lie. I’m fine just as a boy.”
“That was Todd’s scotch talking, not me.” Dwight’s face coloured. Shane took advantage, leaning in further.
“Sure it was. And you haven’t had a giant bon-”
“You’re stupid, that’s what.” Dwight interrupted.
“Then you’re just as dumb as I am.” Shane said, He didn’t have a leg to stand on about the whining given Shane’s hands were already in his pants, but he had to somehow pretend this might not become a thing.
He didn’t let Shane insult him again. He proved Shane’s point though when he flipped them, Shane’s back to the wall; pinning him with height and weight advantage, even if Shane’s wirey dance muscles could have easily sidestepped the move. They both could avoid this obvious dancing around it if they wanted to; token protests aside, it was a bad decision on both ends, one that could only end badly.
Maybe Shane could have called his ex; gone that way. Maybe Dwight could have not stepped in earlier when Shane was hitting on Baldwin excessively. It would have required a little less impulsivity. Neither were really good at decision making.
They didn’t get any comments about Dwight emerging from Shane’s room later; hair tied back and messy. Shane was sprawled across his bed, clothing rumpled; he was more content that he had been in ages. Thin walls didn’t really matter when both had practice getting off quietly, even if it was weird they really shouldn’t be doing that together.
Dwight snuck back to his and Todd’s room; though as prefect he had been entitled to a single, it felt weird with all that empty space. He cracked the door, slipping back inside and checking the padlocks as usual.
A cough sounded from behind him.
“Did I forget something?” Dwight asked, noticing his roommate’s chair turned around with a displeased look.
“Really Dwight?”
“What?” Dwight asked, trying and failing to play it cool.
Todd rolled his eyes, “Shane? Of all people? He has a boyfriend.”
Dwight felt a wave of shame. He’d been saying that himself, but now he found himself echoing Shane’s hurt words. “They broke up.”
“They’re on a break at most until Mrs. Van Kamp gets her head out of her ass.” Todd said. Oh no. Not the disappointed tone.  
Dwight wanted to escape the room; but he couldn’t considering he’d had all the same protests Todd was bringing up. Granted, he did it anyways… did that make him a bad person.
He asked Todd, shame tinging his voice.
Todd frowned. “No. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It’s a bad decision given I thought Reed was your friend, but-”
“Well it was me or Luke Baldwin.” Dwight protested. “You should have seen Shane in the common room, I thought he was about to do some kind of sex demon ritual right there on the carpet!”
“Sure you did.” Todd wasn’t convinced. “I bet you also had to sleep with him for the good of the school or something? That’s not what you’re supposed to do as prefect. Be his friend, don’t fuck him.”
Dwight coloured. “I… It’s not going to be a thing.”
“Dwight, you’re a rebound if anything. This isn’t going to end well.” Todd pointed out. “If it was Luke, I doubt Reed would feel as betrayed. You slept with his boyfriend.”
“Ex-boyfriend. It’s been 3 weeks.”
“So, you’ve been counting?”
“No!” Dwight said. Were his arms itchy? He felt itchy. Was this guilt? Fuck. He didn’t want to go to church; the priest at St. Anthony’s in Westerville was a total creep. He didn’t want that, so he admitted, “Maybe.”
Todd considered this. “I thought you were straight.”
“Kind of.”
“Kind of?”
“I don’t know!” Dwight said, throwing himself down on his side of the room. He’d finally gotten the elaborate four-poster he’d never been allowed in previous years at Dalton to be installed; and it was great for adding to the drama of these moments. He drew the curtains and tried to hide.
Todd pulled the curtains back anyways, crawling in. Buzzkill.
“You don’t know?” Todd ignored his personal space, pushing him to the side to sit cross-legged on the bed. “So you’re trying to figure it out with your friend’s ex who is also your friend, while you’re supposed to be keeping the peace as prefect?”
“I mean, I told him we shouldn’t!”
“But you did anyways.”
Dwight groaned, hiding his face in a pillow. “I get it! I’m a shit person! But like, he’s hot! Okay! Just, all…”
Todd interpreted the wavy-arm gestures Dwight gave him as best he could. “You know, even if you have a thing for him, this isn’t the way to go about it. Do you like him?”
“I! Don’t! Know!” Dwight said into the pillow, “Fricken heck.”
“I think you can use the stronger swears.” Todd said, finding the humour in the moment.
“I already suck… I don’t want to be an even worse person.”
“Well, you gotta deal with the consequences of your actions; I don’t really care if you say fuck, but someone is gonna care if you fucked Shane.” Todd pointed out.
“Is it bad that even though I knew it was bad, I still wanted to do it?”
“Do you really need to ask?”
Dwight rolled over and sighed. “This was so much easier when I thought sex was icky.”
“To be fair, you could have made an excellent travelling monk; if the vow of celibacy had just held.” Todd said, before flipping back to seriousness. “You got to tell Reed.”
“Ugh, I guess.” Dwight sighed, propping himself up on his elbows. “Confession is going to suck next time I’m home.”
“You could just convert; I have to say Wicca is a lot less stressful.” Todd suggested. “At least Trinity’s coven is anyways.”
“Yeah but then Reed, my mom, and God will all be mad at me. That’s not worth it.” Dwight said to the fabric hanging above him.
“You’re missing out.” Todd said, rolling off the bed. “Just don’t make me have to force you to own up to this. You won’t like me forcing your hand.”
“I know, I know. You’ll post it on the front page of the paper and make sure even Grandma Houston gets a copy emailed to her.” Dwight waved him off.
“That, and I’ll get quotes from Shane saying your dick is tiny.”
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jelikattebayo · 4 years
Feeling a bit down
but just for a moment. How so much time has passed. It will soon be 10 years since I left home. How I’ve experienced truly living and figuring out myself.
I actually started feeling blue because apparently I have access to one of my old Gaia accounts that I made because of some dumb ass guy I met (idr how tbh) but it was so cringy in retrospect. But anyway, he was a total liar and he had me wrapped around his shitty ass finger. Pinky. Whatever people say. But yea, that account, I had written some journals. Latest one was 2016. 
Some things I mentioned was how my sis was going to graduate and join a beauty school. She never did because of costs, but she managed to open her own Etsy shop and has grown and learned so much. She’s done a really great job if you wanna check her out and maybe share her stuff to others you think would like her handmade items! I’m glad she’s doing something she really enjoys. I’m really super duper proud of her.
I mentioned baby Hoshi, cuz he was babi to me, and how saddened I was when his time came. It was such a heartache to see him slip away. I ugly cried to where the acquaintance’s bro creeped in in scared and worried like “Is....everything okay?” I didn’t mean to scare anyone haha. But I could not bring Hoshi with me on the move to Arizona. Glad I didn’t or his urn would have probably busted open. We got a 24′ moving truck cuz that was the smallest they had. Stuff was all over the place when we showed up. My Hello Kitty drink dispenser got scuffed black and idk HOW that even happened. 
I was also reminded how I miss a certain someone because they were essentially the turning point in my life. So even though they no longer exist in my realm I can certainly relate to the peace I finally managed to reach. It took for fucking EVER but I got here. Also if you’re not catching my drift, play Florence. It’s a short and sweet game. Only played it once but I want to return to it eventually to play more. I can relate to the ending I got in it. Chaos and then the view after the dust settled. I wish we could have remained friends. 
At this point in my life, the goals are to pay off some cards thanks to C-19 and having been unemployed for sometime because of health reasons. We were set back for 6 months not being able to find jobs. Will got one at a grocery store and I had gotten one at UPS for a seasonal position. Once UPS didn’t call anymore (on-call sorta job) I landed another seasonal at Target. I am still a little sour they never called back the day they said they would after we were let go. They said Monday late December. They called @ weeks into January. Like come on HR. You have our emails. Send emails! It’s faster and less work for you. Work smart not hard. So because that happened I was like okay I didn’t get the job, then I get a voicemail and I called back like 7 times and left 2 or 3 voicemails with no reply. It was good pay, but if the communication isn’t there, why bother to work there anyway? For a person like me to grow up and not know how to comfortably communicate with others, it really is key for me now. It’s important.
During this time (ish) Will left his grocer’s job and works at Geico, because he’s had background with insurance, so he was gonna bite the bullet of talking to angry customers over the phone to have better pay to move back to Texas faster. He scored 100% on all 10 quizzes/tests. He’s so smart...insurance wise. On that note, I took his job hahah. It’s not too bad. My time did get better for shopping, but it dips when customers stop to ask me things and I’m in the middle of looking for an item. 
Well, that’s about it. I really hope to leave this place sooner if possible. For now, I’m just going to enjoy my day off.
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nat-roman0ff · 5 years
i. tuesday
Tumblr media
a series of blurbs // a certain time and place
 i. tuesday
the one where they eat too much pizza, and swallow their feelings.
wc: 1,893
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, bad writing, feasting.
It’s quarter past seven when she finally gets to relax. It’s Tuesday, and Tuesdays at work always meant her boss screaming about something, pissy clients, and her snotty coworker making comments about whatever it goddamn was that she hated her for this week. The glimmer of Monday has worn off and it’s back to the same old, same old.
 Tuesdays weren’t always terrible, though. It’s warm and breezy today and the birds are chirping loud and high in the sky. There’s a distinct smell of summer in the air; it’s just on the cusp, as noted by the line of sweat collecting at her hairline as she tredges home. This Tuesday in particular, however, was exceptionally not terrible. Her sort of best friend, part time couch surfer (even though he had his own place), and sometimes lover, was home for a blip of time between his “rockstar” (even though he hated the word) lifestyle and normal life.
 Shawn’s an anomaly, she thinks. He’s a little bit of everything all mixed into one neurotic, passionate, sometimes self destructive mess of a boy. But whatever it is that he is to her, he’s a good one. That much she does know.
She’s practically limping by the time she reaches the front door of her apartment, cursing herself for deciding today was the day to break in new shoes. Her phone pings from her back pocket and it’s Shawn; be there in a few! He writes. She doesn’t bother to text back because if she doesn’t get these ever loving shoes off within the next five seconds, and a piece of pizza down her throat she might just burst.
 After changing from work clothes to something more comfortable, she settles on the couch with the box of pizza. She sighs a breath of relief when the first waft of pepperoni hits her nose, and grins sheepishly.
 “Honey, I’m home!” Shawn bursts through the door without so much as knocking.
 “Yo,” she deadpans, half a slice hanging out of her mouth.
 Shawn jumps over the back of the couch onto the empty cushion beside his girl, “how’s your Tuesday?”
 “Better, now that you’re here.”
 “Aw, shucks,” Shawn sighs, putting his head on her shoulder.
 She rolls her eyes, “I was talking to the pizza.”
 “In that case,” he plucks the remaining slice in her hand out and shoves it whole in his mouth, “delicious,” he mumbles through chews.
 “You’re an animal,” she mutters.
 “Only for you, baby,” he says, a string of mozzarella hanging on his chin.
 Her heart skips at the line. Baby; it quite literally means nothing in the context, but how she so fucking wished it meant more. She’s in love with him (of course). Believe it or not, the Shawn Mendes isn’t actually everyone’s cup of tea. Once you get past the great hair and sharp jawline and impossibly good smile he’s rather, well, weird. You can never really figure him out and she supposes that’s what brought the two of them together in the first place.
 When people ask how they met, neither of them can ever quite put their finger on it. She’d started seeing him at outings with friends of friends of friends. He was always there but never within reach. She knew who he was and what he did and it never really phased her, he was just always that dude she saw at the bar sometimes at whoever’s friend’s best friend’s boyfriend’s birthday party.
 It hadn’t been until a Halloween party about two years ago that left the two of them soberly stranded in a sea of plastered people in horribly unoriginal costumes. He was dressed as Julius Caesar (a giant homemade cardboard salad dressing bottle with a wreath crown on his head) and she was dressed as Cereal Killer. For all inquiring minds, yes it was just as dumb as it sounds.
 “Whatcha thinking about?” He interrupts, already finished with his second slice of pizza.
 “Nothing,” she says, shaking her head, “nothing except you better split this pizza with me evenly this time, Jackass.”
 Shawn scoffs, “I have been wasting away performing every night, I deserve at least two-thirds of this pizza.”
 He pays attention to the way she rolls her eyes at him. His chest warms; it’s such a simple, bratty, cynical act coming from her but somehow it’s theirs. He says something ridiculous and she just rolls those beautiful damn eyes and the outside world just ceases to exist for a tiny moment. Head over heels might be an understatement, and a cheesy one at that. He’s an entire goddamn mess for this girl.
 Shawn leans over and pecks a quick kiss on her cheek.
 “Ugh,” she groans, feigning disgust, “you got pizza grease on me.”
 He shrugs.
 “What was that for anyways?” She asks.
 Shawn shrugs again, “missed you, I guess. It’s been too long. Keep telling you that you need to come out on tour with me -”
 There’s a disconnect in his voice. He’s looking at her but not at her. His eyes scan every part of her face except her eyes. Shawn has issues feeling vulnerable. Which is rich coming from someone who performs in front of thousands of strangers nightly. But it’s different with her. He’s never been so terrified of a single person in his life, even after the time Eric Williams whooped his ass in the third grade.
 “Oh yes because I’m sure my boss would just love me taking off months at a time. And unpaid? What a dream! Let me send her my resignation email right now!” She quips sarcastically.
 The heat in Shawn’s chest cools a little as he settles back into reality. She’s here and you’re there and that’s the only way it’s ever going to be, he reminds himself.
 “But you hate your job!” He whines, “Just quit, we’ll find something for you to do on tour.”
 She groans, “and what am I supposed to do the rest of the time? Sit around and watch you get baked and play guitar?”
 “I can think of something,” Shawn raises an eyebrow and she knows what’s coming.
 In a swift move the pizza box is on the floor and he’s got her pinned underneath him, “Kiss me.”
 It’s barely a whisper and she knows how this ends every time. Every time they kiss or fool around or fuck or wake up in each other’s arms she hopes it’s different this time. That this time is the time he’ll feel that spark she feels every time he touches her skin.
 It’s a different feeling for him. It’s less of a spark and more of a flutter; a familiar nervousness in his belly that makes the unknown comforting, but the uncertainty of not knowing terrifying. Does that make sense? His head is such a chaotic string of everything and nothing at the same time with her and he doesn’t know what is up or down when he’s around her, all that he knows is he’s safe. The nerocies stay at bay just long enough to maybe believe she loves him back.
 “Now why would you go around wanting something like that?” She replies, cupping his cheek, running her thumb over the divet where a tiny scar etches into his skin.
 I want you, he thinks.
 “Horny, been a while,” he fumbles. It’s the same way out every time. Say something stupid but sarcastically enough that she knows you’re joking. It saves from having to admit to anything while simultaneously hinting that he wants to spend the whole night soaking her in.
 She rolls her eyes and Shawn’s chest starts to tingle, “you’re disgusting,” she grumbles, pushing on his chest, “and I have a pizza to finish.”
 “While I have total faith that you can finish that whole pizza yourself, do you remember what happened the last time you did that?” He tuts, sitting back up and letting her curl back into a ball on the other end of the couch.
 She shoves half the slice in her mouth, “you know, I was really thinking of adding additional assault to my insides by washing this down with a milkshake. You down?”
 He props his chin on his fist and tilts his head to the side, “I love when you talk bowel movements with me.”
 She boops the tip of his nose as the first drop of rain pangs against the living room window. There’s a rush of wind and then out of nowhere the sky just opens and it’s coming down in sheets onto the streets below them. The wind brings in a cool lick of humidity into the air. Shawn lets out a dramatic sigh and sprawls himself across her legs, resting his head in her lap.
 “Looks like I’m staying here tonight. I’ll probably need to borrow one of your shirts to sleep in,” he jokes, stroking her side, his fingertips grazing the hem of her tee shirt.
 “Just don’t stretch it out in the tits.”
 Shawn laughs, his face scrunched, “you’re ridiculous.”
 He mindlessly kisses her bare thigh, not realizing just how far her pajama shorts have ridden up.
 “I’m ridiculous? You own your own condo yet I can’t seem to ever get you out of my apartment. Do you ever actually sleep there?”
 “Sometimes,” he mumbles between kisses, “just prefer it here I suppose.”
 She stops chewing for a second, “it’s a 400 square foot walk up. You live in a luxury building. The roof has a damn pool for crying out loud.”
 “Don’t forget the fire pits and dog washing station,” he reminds, and she can feel his lips smirking against her skin.
 She flicks his ear, “maybe you should start spending more time in your own place.”
 Shawn pauses, “like...not together?”
 “Of course, together but...I don’t know. What do you like about here so much that you can’t get there?”
 You, he thinks.
 “I dunno,” he looks around desperate for anything to stick out. His heart races and he can feel that familiar anxious itch starting to burn his skin when he’s on the verge of saying too much.
 “This wall,” he points to the far wall across the room behind her bed, “I like the color of that wall.  Everything in my place is all white. Need some liveliness and color and whatnot.”
  She doesn’t buy it, “well Shawn, I’m really excited to introduce you to something called a Hardware Store. You can buy all the paint colors you want.”
 Shawn perks his head up, “will you help me do that?” He asks, tracing words he’ll never say out loud into her skin with the tips of his fingers.
 She swears she’s writes ‘I love you’ three times into her skin before she responds, “of course.”
 He nods and rests his head back onto her lap. Shawn’s eyes close when she threads her fingers through his hair. This is home, he thinks.
 She screams ‘I love you’ three times in her head so loudly it almost threatens to bubble out between her lips. It’s a loud thought, and she wonders if she shouts it loud enough through her head if maybe one day he’ll listen.
 She thinks someday, someday with a few hundred maybes thrown in she’ll be brave enough to say it out loud. But that day isn’t Tuesday.
hiiii hi hello! this is my first time writing shawn, i have about 8 years worth of terrible one direction fanfiction behind me so i thought why not start something new!
please let me know what you think! i’ve started it as sort of a blurb series with more to come, you can check all the upcoming titles on my masterlist! (linked on the sidebar).
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