#and my mom cant fucking do anything about it because if she gets mad or even expresses any annoyance at this
radmista · 2 months
Sowing seeds of discontent and disharmony by hanging up on my parents birthday phone call the second my mom asked if I gained weight. Hope that sits badly on their minds while they think about how that's the first call I've engaged with them in 2 months and it was for the dogs birthday. Dad scrambling to text me for my mom that she didn't mean it. Like fuck I told her I've been having a rough month and day. She couldn't keep it to herself that badly. Fucks sake
#was already not in a great place mentally but i entertained the call and was actually feeling okay talking to them giving them an update#she just hits me with that. and I'm not normally sensitive about my weight even when my mom harped on me for gaining some a few years back#i genuinely normally don't care bc I'm happy with myself. but i know ive lost weight because I've been on icu and we don't have time to eat#im so fucking mad and im even more mad I'm crying about it#bc what the fuck#i was actually feeling like momentarily safe talking to them and being vulnerable about working on my next life stages#and she just ruined the call. i wanted to talk to my mom and dad more. i do miss talking to them about some things.#i was happy to get to see my family all together even if it was for the dogs birthday. and people were smiling and shit#and ik theyre gonna say i ruined it by being sensitive but jfc#it was literally the 2nd thing my mom said to me on the call after we sang happy birthday#why couldn't she just shut up. why couldn't she have said anything else. why did i let it bother me so much i hung up#I'm just fucking tired and sad and now feeling even lonlier than ever#i just wanted a nice moment with my family god fucking damn is that too hard to ask for#and im even more angry and sad now that i cant call them back bc my mom will get on me about smth else we were previously talking about#that phone call was supposed to be a neutral zone just for the birthday song. and i was going to ride it out but fucking hell#why didnt i just put up with it so i could have talked to my family#and no calling them back isnt an option. they haven't apologized and it would be an un neutral call#which gives them space to harass me about work and shit
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ichigosoju · 8 days
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termagax · 10 months
having a comic idea in my brain but i dont wanna get up and sketch it but i cant write it in the way i want to because i am cursed to think in pictures but i cant. draw it rn.
#OH WELL. i just wanna know what their story mode journal entries would be like and i have some ideas#fish resents the entire concept of being forced to keep some kind of log and mostly uses it to complain about shit. l dear dumb diary#type shit like dear my stupid fucking diary that my stupid fucking boss is making me do. but they do actually do it because they cant bring#themselves to be mean to winston they just do it mad the whole time#they try to bother the boys into showing hir theirs and i think junkrats using his like a sketchbook to do little doodles instead of#actually writing anything and people just let him. maybe he lies and tells mercy he cant read so command just lets him get away w it#in my mind theres a tangential conversation where he has a lot of doodles of sojourn doing cool stuff and fish points out that he knows a#lot about overwatch and hes like yeah? i watched the old broadcasts as a kid. and theyre like ??????? how did you get a fucking tv in the#wasteland. and hes like OH well my mum was real handy where do you think i get my brilliance from. in my mind his mom was a tinkerer and a#fairly compassionate and decent woman who kind of taught him some of the basics before she died sometime when he was a kid/tween#anyways then they notice roadhog is spending a weirdly long time writing his and he wont show it to them so they just fucking wrassle it#away from him. i cant decide the funniest thing to be on there between genuinely journaling with a lot of emotion or hes writing some#shitty original novel or something. like brigs poetry where its just really bad but very earnest.
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puzzlekinq · 3 months
cant sleep because im seething with anger
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#been laying here for like 40 minutes fantasizing about finally snapping and telling my mom everything i really think and feel#if i ever came out to her she would end up cutting me off like she did to my aunts and uncles and cousins#basically im alone and my parents and siblings are the only family i can be in contact with right now and its isolating#off topic but yeah#i miss having a big family and people besides my parents that i could rely on. people i felt like i could actually breathe around#idk. whatever#why do i feel responsible for her actions all the time. its been my job to keep her stable and listen to her vent for years#but i never say anything about my own feelings. because she would make me feel stupid and ridicule me. lol#all she does is make me feel like shit most of the time. shes always in a bad mood and shes always whining and always pessimistic#and yeah i get along with her for the most part but lately her attitude has been weighing on me a lot. i cant criticize or disagree with her#because she'll just get mad. shes always been an angry person. thats why i hardly spoke to her from ages 10-15#maybe i jsut wanted to give her another chance. maybe i felt sympathy for her. shes had it rough her whole life#but when shes still bitter no matter how many times i comfort her and let her vent and cry to me and when she chooses her husband over me#every single time he fucks up (which is like. constantly) and always takes his side when they inevitably make up after a huge fight#it feels like i'll never be able to make her happy. it feels like i should stop trying. if she wants to be full of hatred#and have a shitty husband then fine. i cant fix her like and i cant hold the weight of her mistakes#*life
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parkeryangs · 5 months
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evilyurifan · 10 months
i hate when you have shit that you cant like relatably vent post about or talk to anyone about. like my family’s day to day life is just fucking Weird enough that i can only tell people about it when i turn it into jokes.
#im going to fucking explode but its just teehee normal life#like. i know that she doesn’t understand what shes doing but it makes me want to scream watching my cognitively disabled sister routinely#assault my parents like the physical assault is baseline she knows what she’s doing there. she’s malicious and she likes to hurt people. but#she sees grabbing someones breasts or trying to grab their crotch as an extension of that and when you try to tell her to fucking stop it#it just makes her mad and she redoubles on the physical assault#like today she’s been really into ‘esk*mo kisses’ so shes just grabbing my moms face and forcing her own face into it#and my mom cant fucking do anything about it because if she gets mad or even expresses any annoyance at this#my sister will quite literally beat the shit out of her#so im just trying to fucking heat up frozen appetizers for dinner while ignoring her coming up behind my mom and groping her. and like#i cant hold it in i get mad it’s literally bursting out of me to tell her to fucking stop it#but I literally live in the stress dream reality in which expressing anything against her whims makes her angry and the consequences of that#are fucking painful. so we just have to keep her happy and fucking acquiesce to this shit#i feel like ive spent 20 years in a fucking dystopia. my mom is now going to have to try to gracefully ask for her permission to watch tv#lest she come down and start hitting her and screaming at us to not watch it#anyway. sorry i just need to put this somewhere cause literally no one outside my nuclear family even knows about this shit#lime.txt
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fleshdyke · 2 years
#i cant wait to get out of this fucking house#still a few years until i can legally move out and even then i probably won’t be able to for a few more years bc of money#my dad gets mad at me for showing any emotion ever or being anything other than the perfect golden child#no one will fucking believe me that im autistic and disabled#i get fatigued from walking out of a fucking restaurant to the parking lot! look me in the eyes and tell me thats normal!#but just because im fat thats the reason for all my issues#thats why i have chronic pain and i just don’t exercise enough when they fucking know IM IN RECOVERY FOR ANOREXIA#and my dad wont stop talking about weight loss in front of me even when i ask him to stop because its triggering for me because im#just a fucking snowflake i guess#one time i asked him to stop talking about his diet or whatever when im around and he said no but i could use it myself! AND HE WONDERS WHY#IM FUCKING RELAPSING AGAIN#literally the past entire week i’ve just been repeating ‘no food is as harmful as an eating disorder’ bc its all that will fucking stop me#and he wont believe that i have tics for some reason so i have to fucking suppress them all around him if i dont want to get screamed at#and mid july of 2022 im still not vaccinated for covid. bc my dad is a conservative that doesnt give enough of a shit about me to get it#the only vaccinated person in my family is my mom and my dad didnt want her to get it either#but she says shes an adult so she has bodily autonomy#do i not fucking deserve that? do i not get bodily autonomy bc im a minor? fuck you#and i’ve told both my parents multiple times that i dont like when people touch me without permission except for my friends#ESPECIALLY ON MY FUCKING HIPS AND THIGHS AND ASS#BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAY BC THEY DONT GIVE A SHIT WHAT I WANT#i dont fucking care how shitty adulthood is i dont care aboyt the stresses it gives me i just want to be fucking out of here#i want to be out of here i want to be with people that fucking respect me like my parents don’t#i don’t want to be abused anymore i just want to feel safe in my own fucking home#and i feel like such a spoiled brat because i have everything i need given to me because im a fucking child but im complaining anyways and#logically i know i have every right to complain bc theyre not giving me privileges theyre givimg me basic human rights and even then only#some of them. i dont have fucjing bodily autonomy from the people i should be able to expect it from and i dont have respect or fucking love#the only thing keeping me fucking alive right now is the promise that one day i’ll get out of here#and its fucking terrifying knowing you’re relapsing into anorexia again but its so fucking hard to stop it#its got a fucking grip on me and its so fucking hard to get out of it#vent
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god why can't I have a normal conversation I can't do anything for two fucking minutes without something clicking deep in my brain that it decides it can't handle this even though it was FINE before I fucking hate myself and my body and my brain why can't I just keep composed for one second without becoming a train wreck at the smallest goddamn thing
#im sorry for making you guys read about my problems#i want to ask my mom to help but shes asleep and everytime i wake her up for anything at all she gets mad#god knows what she would be like if its something stupid like this#it never works when people try to help anyways im prsctically already dead#i couldve just had a good life if i just fucking kept it together but no i couldnt even do that#nothing works and the only options i havent tried are the things i cant do#i cant do drugs because damnit i saw what happened to my half sister when she was even involved with that#i cant smoke because it would fuck up my lungs and also id just be like my dad at that point#i cant take prescription pills because theyll do anything but even try to consider that#i have nothing i can do and all the healthy methods ive been taught are practically fucking impossible or just dont work#sure i can escape through fiction via writing but i fucking hate everything i write and the fact i write so goddamn much#when none of its worth it#and sure i can try and draw to make myself feel better but it doesnt work it doesnt make me feel anything at all other thn the feeling that#the fact i made a drawing it doesnt change my mood at all#sewing isnt relaxing because i end up just poking myself in the finger a thousand times and with some shitty fabric#thats barely held together#i am basically dead theres no changing it theres nothing i can do to fix myself or my life or how i feel#im just a walking corpse for people to talk to
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satansappendix · 1 year
#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#im so fucking frustrated!;!!!_;$+-_647757⁵7#im mad and annoyed and angry and tired#and i cant even do anything about it its all fucking hopeless#like im tired cause i had to watch the stupid fucking kids from the moment they woke up to the moment they wnet to fucking sleep#LIKE IM NOT THEIR FUCKING PARENTS I DIDNT HAVE FUCKING KIDS I FONT WANT TO WATCH THEMM ALL FUCKING DAY#i watch them furing the day because i babysit and km fucking paid to do it but nope now i have to watch them all fucking fayt#and the only reason im not gonna today is cause i have to go to my second fficking job because my sister wont ficking pay me#and even if she did its basically no money#and i cant rven be frustrated im not allowed to yell and scream like i need to#because the alternatove of my screaming is beating the literal dhit out of myself THE OTHER OPTION IS LITERALLY SELF HARM#BUT NOPE SCREAMING AY NOTHING TO RELEIVE ANGER ISNT ALLOWD THATS WHAT FIVE YEAR OLDS DO AND THATS BAD OR WHATEVER#and i csnt fucking tell any of this to my mom cause it doesnt help me this only ever hurts me#oh im tired because i have eork well everyonr is fucking tired and mom works 18 hours so shut up#literally cant tell my mom cause i say im looking for a therapist and thats fucking hard and then shes just like it doesnt take six months#which FUXK OFF I HAVE BEEN DOING OTHER THINGS AS WELL AS FINDING A THERAPIST AND ITS NOT FUCKING EASY SO SHUT UP#MAYBE IM STRUGGLING TO FIND ONE AND I NEED HELP THINK OF THAT JNSTEAD OF JUST MAKING DIGS AT MY INABILITY TO DO THIS#MAYBE I SHOULD JUST GET FUCKJNG HOSPTALIZED FOR SOMETHING REALLY AWFUL AND BAD AND IT WOULD ALL BE BETTER#MAYBE IT WOULD BE FUCKING BETTER IF I FUXKING DIED OKAY#BUT NOPE IM THE VILLIAN IN THE HOUSE#MY BROTHER HATES ME FOR BEING TRANS AND THINKING THAT HUMAN DESERVE RIGHTS WHEN HES THE ONE THAT STARTS THESE ARGUEMENTS IN THE FIRST PLACE#MY SISTER HATED ME FOR HATING MY DAD BECAUSE HE WAS AWFUL AND FOR 'NOT HELPING AROUND THE HOUSE'#WHEN I LITERALLY CLEANED THE ENTIRE FRIDGE AND FREEZER ON SUNDAY AND I DO THE DISHES AND SHIT WHEN MY BROTHER DOES NOTHING#HE DOESNT EVEN PHT HIS FUCKING CANS IN THE RECYCLING OR HIS PLATES IN THE FUCKING SINK HE DOES NOTHING BUT IM THE PROBLEM#AND NY MOM FUCKIN HATES ME FOR BEING ME SHE SAYS IM DIFFICULT TO LIVE WITH AND HATES THAT I AM DISABLED AND AUTISTIC AND FAT AND TRANS#BUT I CANT SAY ANY OF THIS AND THERE IS NO SOLUTION TO ANY OF IT#I JUST WANT TO BE DONE WITH LIFE BUT IM SO FUCKING SCARED OF DEATH IRONICALLY#SO INSTEAD I JUST WISH FOR AWFUL THINGS TO HAPPEN TO ME MAYBE I CAN BE DONE WITH IT#soap spoilers
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dykedykegooses · 1 year
having a pretty shitty day !
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fictionalgap · 1 month
I Hate My Coworker (Chapter 3)
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Pairing: Modern Au! Barista! Kit Thantalos x Barista! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Tension, Kit and reader is 18+
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 , Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Song Recommendation: Hatred (A Duet) - Kinks
You were absolutely mad at yourself.
Not because you have just made it with that Thantalos girl but you also liked it.
And now you cant stop thinking about it.
"I wanted a bagel with cheese, this one doesn't have any ın it. " annoyed customer complained.
"Sorry. I'll get you a cheese bagel." You took the tray from the customer with a tight lipped smile. You took the bagel and put it into the microwave.
It has been five minutes since you both leave the toilet.
"Where is the toilet?" The same woman asked.
Toilet. Where you and Kit did it. You did it with someone for the first time and it was with Kit and it was in a f*cking toi-
"It's upstairs. It will be on your left. " Kit explained.
"Your friend is really a ditz." She had a mocking smile.
"Hey! You can't talk to her like that! " She said furiously. The woman ignored her comment as she went upstairs. You felt Kit breathing through her nostrils as you came into the real world.
"Don't do that. " You still felt mortified.
"Do what? " She raised her brows.
"Talk back for me."
Kit's face furrowed as she grasp your words.
She looked like a kicked puppy and you regretted what you have just said.
Joseph came downstairs with lots of dishes to be washed.
"Here you go, ladies." He sighed then looked at you both with a raised brow.
"What's this? "
"What? " Kit raised her head.
"It's like you argued again but you don't want to tear each other's throats this time."
You rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
He waited for you to say something but when he couldn't get anything from both of you he said "Well, I'll get to work then. " He said as he left.
Kit was thinking of something as she placed the dishes in front of the sink. You both started to do the dishes as there were no new customers in the shop.
"I'm sorry I talked back for you."
"It's okay. I might have overreacted."
She chuckled.
You looked at her. "What? "
"What were you thinking about when you zoned out and before? "
You blushed at her question. "Nothing."
"Nothing my *ss." She leaned into your ear and whispered. "I've just f*cked you stupid, didn't I? " She said cockily.
You looked around to make sure no one is looking and then you kicked her right boob with your elbow and she backed away with pain. She almost dropped the plate in her hands. She had good reflexes. You saw her almost dropping things only to catch it again. She even catched a mug you almost have dropped.
You giggled hard as you cleaned the mug in your hands.
You saw her clenching her jaw.
You bit your lip and tried not to laugh to not get attention from customers.
"What the fuck, Y/N!" Kit asked angrily.
"You kinda deserved it... with your comment I've never asked for. " You snapped back.
"This is harassment you know. I can report it. "
"Oh yeah, what about the emotional harassment I am dealing for a month. "
She looked at you like you said the world is flat. "You are the one who started it. "
You sighed. She was right.
You turned to her. You wanted to tell her you hated her mother and her company for taking away your favorite place in the world, your memories of your parents which is slowly fading away. You wrote them in detail of course. Every memory in detail in your journal. You kept the photos of you three too but it never compared to being there. Exactly where your parents are.
It wasn't her fault. She probably even didn't know about the parks but you couldn't help but thought of those things when you looked at her.
You didn't know what to tell her.
"I just... I don't like your mom. " You managed to say it and then the door opened and a new customer approached towards your direction.
Kit's mouth dropped in confusion.
You took the order of the customer and started working on their order.
You felt her eyes on you the whole time.
The day finally ended so right now Kit and you were both free. Joseph let you go earlier. He wanted to stay for some arrangements.
You never spoke after your confession about Kit's mom.
You grabbed your backpack as you left the shop but you felt someone pulling you to the left. You grabbed you pepper spray to temporarily blind whoever that is.
The person grabbed your wrist and twist it to the side before you can use the spray.
It was Kit.
Your mouth hanged open.
Her smile met her eyes. "You gotta be faster than that."
You freed you wrist from her hands with an annoyed look. You put the spray back into your pocket and crossed your arms.
"What is your problem? "
Kit looked at the floor than to you before changing her posture and making herself taller than you.
She cleared her throat. "I have a question. "
"Go on." You were confused.
"You mentioned you don't like my mum. Why?"
Your hurt was visible on your face.
"It's a long story. "
"I have time. "
"It's getting late. "
You rolled your eyes.
"Fine but I can't be late to home. My grandma would go nuts. So either you come with me or you'll have to wait."
Kit's face lightened up.
"Okay... but will your grandma be okay with me being at your house? "
"Don't worry about that. "
You knew she would be delighted.
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redamanccys · 2 months
jess mariano rant
FIRST AND FOREMOST can we talk about how no one remembers that jess's mom literally sent him to an uncle he'd never met because she "couldn't handle him" and how he was just expected to say it was it is and move the fuck on like he didn't just leave his home, friends, and everything he ever knew and im speaking from experience because I've moved like 6 times and hated my parents each time for it because it's the worst experience and ESPECIALLY when everyone in the town already hates you because you look a certain way and he was fucking 17 like guys any teenager with family issues would act like that tf?? and he didn't even do anything THAT bad because i know for sure if rory and Lane had stolen money from taylor for shits and giggles lorelai would've defended her and SPEAK OF THE FUCKING DEVIL lorelai hated jess so much for absolutely no reason other than the fact that (AGAIN A TEENAGER WITH TRAUMA) said something mean to the queen of stars hollow and obviously we all know that she hated him because she WAS him but even that i dont agree with 100% because jess had it so so SO incredibly worse, like no father, mother who married so many guys and divorced and lost all of their money and house which probably made them homeless A LOT of times like lorelai obviously had family issues but jess had it worse so she can't really act like she gets him because she doesn't.
and everyone likes to bring up the fact that he got mad when she wouldn't have sex with him and he literally didn't???? what show are you watching tf and his character development UGH ITS SO GOOD the high school drop out whom known has ever believed in is probably the most successful person in his whole family and that's why ladies and gentlemen (i still have so much more to say but i cant write it because my brain is faster than I type) jess mariano is the best character and best everything in the show
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crushedsweets · 8 months
h music moon anon back again
what instruments do u think each creep would play? i think toby would play drums or something as an outlet for his emotions
tim plays an ancient acoustic guitar that’s missing like 2 strings and the wood is literally rotting (he’s had it since like 1999 and refuses to get rid of it)
nina sings. she defo had a yt cover channel at one point
unsure for the rest.. hm
- 🌙
oo. omg. yes. i like this. just a reminder that i really have no experience with instruments but i think its cool. half/most of these characters DON'T play in my au, BUT IF THEY DID....
toby and drums for sure, BUT realistically his parents would never let that happen in their house and he wouldn't really wanna put in the effort to get a drum set to the cabin. but listen. harmonica toby. yeah. not expanding
tim and acoutstic guitar but its fucked up and ugly and he only keeps it because he's attatched to it but its so bad
nina singing is also sooo fucking canon. she'd prob try to learn guitar at some point but then realized she had to cut her nails and callous her fingers, so she gave up immediately LMFAOO
brian... mmm... honestly guitar is pretty fitting for him too. he'd be one of those guys at parties who starts playing and he's so incredibly mediocre at it.
i feel like i could see like. childhood kate playing the piano cuz her mom wants her to. but she was always complaining and whining and getting mad about it, and then her life was ruined by the operator when she was like 14, so.. she couldnt play even if she tried
natalie also wouldnt play anything, but i could see her like having one of those fucked up out of tune pianos thrown in the barn that she found for free on the side of the road and had to get tims truck to move it. idk if anyone knows rio romeo, but how their piano sounds basically.. WHICH I LIKE. i love it.
jack and liek a fucking flute. i legit have no reason to explain this, but jack and a flute. bros lung capacity is crazy
sally and . yall know how lisa simpson is with the saxophone or whatevr. yeah. little sally with a saxophone half her size
ben also would not play shit, but i could see him trying to make music with like. the computer. i really dont know what its called but im sure u guys get what im talking about
NOW JEFF. jeffs parents would have let him get a drum set in the garage (he wouldve bullied his own parents into agreeing to it). he wouldve thought he was sooo fucking cool and soooooo fucking funny when he was so severely NOT.
liu and another like, flute clarinet saxophone type thing.. mayhaps the piano. something classy or whatever i guess
jane and the piano. cannot accept anything else.
lulu and.. the harp... her family was crazy rich growing up...... she plays the damn harp.
ann and a violin. cant explain it. sorry. but ann and a violin.
sadie and something goofy and like playful like a tambourine.. dancing around slapping the thing and her dress is all bouncing w her and aww.
dina and also something like classy i guess. im inclined to put her w the harp too cuz like angel wings and yeah idfk . but theres no way more than 1 of them plays the harp so ill put this bitch on the piano !!!
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starfxkr · 17 days
im back with thoughts moony… thinking ab tp!reader snooping around jj’s stuff while hes at work or doin chores outside bc she enjoys crossing his boundaries as well as being nosey (she also thinks he shouldnt hide anything from her bc shes been incredibly vulnerable with him) :3 she comes across the illegal guns shes heard so much about thats stuffed into the couch cushions or deep in his closet, its the first time shes ever seen them nd it solidifies the type of person jj is (was?)! she doesnt dwell on it too much bc shes tryna find her phone so she can take cute selfies w it :P shes too geeked out to hear jj coming home nd opening the door… now shes a deer caught in headlights nd hes got veins popping out of his forehead (my fav hc youve made is that finger twitch tic he has when he gets really angry… like oh! thats hot…)— you cant tell me she doesnt get a crazy spanking bc he flips out as a father would, aint shit funny like !!!!!! i like to think hes as strict as trap!jj, both for different but similar reasons ofc, tp!jj’s just freudian so its more icky :3
— 🦢
jj may be living a more peaceful life but he's always slightly paranoid his past will come back to haunt him hence why yeah the guns are "stashed" but they're still around! and yeah you look around in his shit because why shouldn't you! when he was still coming over your mom's house he would mess with all your stuffed animals and trinkets and long discarded dolls from each phase of your life like really you're just putting yourself on equal footing.
but when he comes in to see you waving the gun around taking selfies he's beyond pissed. he's fucking heated because now your finger prints are all over them and they're fucking loaded you coulda hurt yourself and he' yelling "the fuck is your problem? you coulda blew your brains sky fuckin high are you crazy?" and he's snatching it from you, putting the gun to your head while he says it because since you wanna play he's gonna show you how dangerous it is.
jj tears your ass up, fuck the hand he spanks your ass raw with his belt until you're bruised and teary eyed and by the time he's calmed down he's still mad but he's holding you while you sniffer and whimper saying he didn't wanna do that but you're stubborn and you don't listen when you need to :(
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jackmanbj · 8 months
Gender Reveals
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it was 5:30am thursday, october 5th. the day or your gender reveal .
“y/n..baby turn off the alarm..” jack groaned “no j wake up, we need to get ready. my cousin should start setting up for the reveal around 6am-7am” “ugh fine, come on lets go shower”
you and jack took a hour long shower so by the time you got out it was already 6:34am
“jack hurry and get ready, we need to go meet my parents and yours today remember?” “nope i forgot all about that, what time do we need to meet your parents?” “8:30” “what about mine?” “10:30” “ok start getting dressed”
by the time you and jack were done getting dressed it was 7:45 “jack come on so were not late, i couldn’t get even do my make up..” “its fine baby you look gorgeous promise, now lets go”
you and jack were in the car listening to music and your favorite song happiness over everything came on and you sung it the whole way there
you let yourself in with the extra key you had to see your mom and dad sitting on the couch “hi mommy and dad!” “aww hi my baby” you mom hugged you and got up to hug jack “hello sweetheart” “hello mrs. Y/L/N” “jack i told you call me mom!” “sorry mom!” “dad say hello or something!” “no” “did i do som-?” “no jack you didn’t do anything he’s just mad you got me pregnant” “oh..sorry..?” “jack don’t apologize, he’ll get over it”
you and jack ended up leaving early because of the way your dad was acting
“what did i even do, he told me i had his trust right? why is he acting like that..?” “jack hunny im sorry about him.. lets just forget it and go to mama maggies place?” “uhm..yea of course..” “jack im serious let it go” “baby i need your dad approval to marry you.. i cant let anything go..” “well let it go. hes going to come around promise..” “ok, lets go to my mom house
once you pulled up to maggies home she was waiting outside with muffins jack had asked het to have ready for you
“hi y/n!” “hi mom!!” “here these are for you” maggie handed you some strawberry muffins “aw thank you!”
jack was standing by the car, just watching how good you and his mom got along and he loved it.
after a while of you and maggie talking you and jack had to leave to get ready for a photoshoot urban wanted to do for you.
once you and jack got into the car you couldn’t help but notice how jack was still feeling uneasy “jack..baby promise me you’ll not let my dad ruin your day.. ill even tell him not to come to the general reveal if it will make things better” “what? no! baby im fine i just need a minute to relax about the whole thing but don’t tell him not to come, that will make things worse. how ‘bout this, if he makes me uncomfortable then well see about him leaving, but for now he’s definitely coming” “ok baby boy”
once you and jack arrived at urban’s studio you changed your outfit into what urban suggested and you started with some family pictures “jack! hold her stomach not her tits!” “urban shut the fuck up and take the pictures” “jack get your hand off my tits so the pictures come out right, and your paying urban for this right?” “nope” “jack! urban ill cashapp you!” “its fine y/n, i wanted to do it!” “ill cashapp you urban” “okk”
once you were done taking all you pictures you started to get hungry so you asked jack to go get some food with you “j can we go get some food?” “yea wait a second” jack ended up staying 30 minutes longer then a second and you were growing annoyed so you left by yourself, without telling anyone, in jacks car.
jack was blowing up your phone he had called you probably 30 times but you were picking up your food and didnt want to be rude to the lady so you just waited to call him back.
as soon as you called jack back and were on your way back jack was very pissed at you, and you could hear it through the tone of his voice “where are you? are you crazy! why didnt you tell me you were trying to go somewhere? y/n come back now!” “jack chill, im on my way back, i was hungry and you ignored me so i went to get some canes” “y/n baby were going home as soon as you get here” “fine”
once you got there jack was outside waiting looking like an angry mother.
you hopped out the drivers side making your way to the passenger side while jack started walking to the car.
“y/n, dont ever, ever! pull that shit again” “whatever” you continued eating your food tuning our whatever jack was saying “y/n i’m serious you could have got hurt” “im sorry j, can i just eat without being yelled at now??” “fine”
once you and jack got home you were about dont with your food so you went to you and jacks shared bedroom and put on a movie for you guys to watch until 3:00, the time on the baby shower, it was only 12:30 so you and jack decided on avatar.
you of course fell asleep so jack put the blanket up to your chest and hugged you closer on him while he finished the movie.
once the movie was over he work you up and it was around 2:30.
“baby wake up its 2:30” “2:30?! why didnt you wake me up earlier!” you hurried and got out of bed and started to get ready, touching up the makeup from your photoshoot and putting on a pink and white dress while jack decided he was going to wear whatever color you wore. so he put on a pink and white suit.
by the time you were dressed people had already started making their way to the gender reveal so you hurried up and got in the car as quickly as possible.
“jack come on!” “im coming
once you and jack finally made it to the reveal you started talking to some of your younger cousins while jack was playing with your nephew, he looked so good with kids.
once you were done talking to family you went over a found your way to jack.
“hi baby” “hi j, what time are we doing thr reveal again?” “around 5:30, its starting soon its about 5 right now” “ok baby boy”
people started gathering around you and jack by the ‘oh baby’ sign and handing you both poppers that had the babies gender in them
“3! 2! 1!” you and jack twisted the poppers and pink came out.
“OH MY GOD JACK!” jack came hug you from behind kissing all over you “baby, we have to start getting baby names ready” “ok but thats not important right now!”
everyone had left to go the the common area and started celebrating while you and jack stated out side for a minute looking at the pink confetti on the ground.
“im going to be a girk dad..” “ ‘n in going to be a girl mom.” you and jack both started laughing and thinking about shopping for babies until maggie brought you in for cake.
everyone around you started hugging bring in to you and jack “were so proud of you y/n!” “thank you guys so much for coming!”
after eating everyone started leaving so you and jack went home when everybody was gone
“come on jack lets go shower then we can watch movies” “ok, but your just gunna fall asleep during the movie” “i wont!” “whatever baby, come on”
after the shower you and jack picked out scream 1 to watch, you stayed up for the whole movie because you loved scream and jack was surprised, but after the second movie you fell asleep in jacks arms so he moved everything off you and onto the floor and cuddled into you.
“goodnight sweet girls, i love yall.”
(a/n sorry if the ending feels rushed, it kinda was because i didnt know what to write..)
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i guess you could call this a vent or whatever but im going to tell you about something that has been making me crazy lately
so when i was like 3 i took a serious blunt force blow to the forehead. our house had hardwood floors and my brother had left a sock on the floor and i slipped on it and hit my head on the rounded corner of our oak coffee table. it left an inch long open wound and i was completely dazed and unresponsive, but conscious.
here is where i start getting frustrated. my mom didnt call 911 or take me to the ER, she took me to our family pediatrician. already really questionable imo but it gets worse. so ive got this gaping hole in my forehead and im unresponsive right? so what do they do? sew my forehead shut right there in the pediatricians office while i watched. didnt give me any anaesthetic or anything because i was, again, completely unresponsive.
then my mom was like "okay you arent bleeding anymore, can i leave now so i can go see the play i wanted to see?" but at this point im screaming and crying because im a toddler with fucking brain damage and a stitched wound that still hurts.
so she just took me home and that was that. and then for months afterwords she couldnt get me to wake up in the morning so she stuffed my limp body into my school clothes herself and took me to preschool half asleep. and then nobody ever spoke about it again except to make jokes.
its been two decades and i am only now realizing that ive had serious brain damage the whole time. my mom and brother have been shaming and belittling me for years for displaying symptoms of the brain damage that they gave me. my mom calls me a fucking spaz and my brother is pissed because he thinks i get "special treatment" instead of realizing that i need more help because he gave me brain damage. its like the final puzzle piece that explains why my life is such a mess.
and im just so overwhelmed by the fact that my mom and brother are directly responsible for the immense suffering ive endured over the past 20 years. all my health problems, the mental illness, the inability to avoid being abused, its all because of the brain damage. and they keep making fun of me for it. im not even mad im just. horrified. the sheer negligence of it all makes me sick. how many people like me are out there suffering from old brain injuries they didnt realize they had?
its like my brain cant even comprehend how fucked up the whole situation is. which is why im here telling it to you in the hopes that you will agree that its very bad 🙃
This is abuse and neglect on a level that no one and nothing could ever justify and I am so, so sorry that this happened to you. You deserved SO much better! ❤️
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