#and my mom's response was to tell me to punch him next time he said that if she hadnt sorted it out before then LOL
the-owl-tree · 10 months
pwease frostfur she’s my favorite girl ever i love her
im sorry brightheart ended up taking more focus but i couldnt resist drawing these two
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+textless version
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ultrone · 5 months
hii !! i love ur work so much, how about reader taking care of pregnant shauna in the wilderness
lets pretend that her baby made it :(
𓂃  ⊹ reader being the wilderness dad that stepped up 🗣️💪🏻
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while pregnant…
you often found yourself walking on eggshells around shauna cuz of her mood swings, especially when she was hungry, which was pretty much almost every day 😭 if u wanted to stay out of trouble, the only acceptable responses to any of her requests were either "yes, baby" or nodding silently.
and if you happened to get into an argument, your best bet was to either shut the fuck up or just roll your eyes, unless you wanted her to be passive-aggressive towards you for the entire day.
although even if she got mad at you, her corny ass would always end up snuggling into you at night, holding you tightly before falling asleep. sometimes she’d “angrily” turn her back to you for the first ten minutes, but then she’d grab one of your arms and place it around her waist, wanting you to cuddle her lmaooo
after finding out she was pregnant, you began marking down the weeks with a sharp rock on the walls of the attic to keep track of her pregnancy.
around the sixth month, you began assisting her with skinning the animals and cutting the meat. initially, you didn't enjoy the task, but you didn't want her to become even more tired than she already was. therefore, you asked her to show you how to do it, and once she did, you took over the chore to ease her burden.
you'd also make sure to cut her food portions a little bigger while making yours smaller. of course, you didn't tell her this cuz you knew she'd get mad at you for nearly starving yourself at her expense, even though she needed it the most.
whenever she was stressed or exhausted, she loved it when you’d let her sit between your legs, her back against your chest, while you massaged her scalp as she closed her eyes.
during your free time, you’d spend hours sewing beanies and tiny socks for the baby using fabric from some of your jackets and cotton shirts, as you knew he was likely to be born during the winter.
as her belly gradually started to grow, you began talking to it, hoping the baby would recognize your voice once he was born.
you approached shauna's belly, softly caressing it on the sides with your hands. "shippy, if you can hear me, kick your mom for me," you said with a faux serious expression, only to receive a punch on the shoulder. "ow!" you exclaimed, rubbing your shoulder with a pout on your face.
after giving birth…
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you hated to admit it given the circumstances, but you were excited af 😭 as soon as the baby was born, you’d take care of him as if he was your biological son.
even though shauna loved her baby and wanted to spend all day with him, she was actually relieved that you were so obsessed with him too. your preoccupation gave her some much-needed time to herself or simply to rest throughout the day.
you also knew that hungry shauna and restless shauna = everyone’s worst nightmare 😭 so, if necessary, you’d let her sleep if the baby started crying at night, rocking him to sleep on your own.
it became a common occurrence for her to wake up in the morning and see you fast asleep next to her, with the baby tightly cradled in your arms, his tiny head resting against your chest.
you'd often offer to take care of him. in fact, you wouldn't even offer—you'd just literally take the baby from shauna’s arms at random and play with him, rubbing his belly or nuzzling your nose against his face. his response would often be giggling or slapping your face with his little hands.
“ow! stop poking my eye!” you exclaimed, pretending to be stern but unable to hide the smile on your face. the baby just looked at you with wide, innocent eyes, his tiny hand still hovering near your face. “you think that’s funny, huh?” you asked as you tickled his belly, causing him to burst into a fit of giggles. shauna watched from a distance, a soft smile on her face as she watched the two of you bond.
when his teeth started to grow, you carved several animal-shaped figures from unused pieces of wood that were too small to be used for the bonfire. after thoroughly washing them in the lake, you would then give them to the baby for him to chew on.
although he’d usually prefer to chew on your fingers and hands.
⟢ 🍼
"babe, our little shippy seems to have inherited some interesting traits from his mom," you began, a mischievous twinkle in your eye as you watched the baby gnawing on your hand.
shauna glanced at you, curiosity piqued. "oh? which ones?"
you chuckled, gently pulling your hand away from the baby’s mouth. "i made all these cute little wooden animals for him to chew on, but he seems to prefer biting me instead."
shauna laughed, a light blush dusting her cheeks as she saw you pointing at a freshly given hickey she had left on your skin last night while tai was spending time with the baby.
"well, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, i suppose," she retorted with a grin on her face.
"it didn’t, it actually fell a bit too close if you ask me," you started, "van was playing with him yesterday and out of nowhere he bit her nose so hard it left a mark. i literally had to drag little shippy away from her face because he wouldn’t let go."
shauna chuckled at your story, shaking her head in amusement. she then looked at the baby, her voice filled with affection. "good job, sweetie," she cooed at him while pinching his cheeks, causing you to roll your eyes at her.
you then turned to the baby as well, your voice softening. "but we should probably start teaching you some manners, shouldn’t we? biting people and leaving marks on them isn’t very nice," you said while side-eyeing your girlfriend.
she then looked back at you, a mischievous grin on her face. "although, i can't say i mind leaving a few more marks on you," she teased, giving you a kiss on the neck.
with a blush on your face, you quickly covered your son's eyes with your hand. "shauna, there's a baby in the room," you complained in a playful tone. "ow!" you exclaimed, pulling your hand away from his face as you felt his little growing teeth bite forcefully.
shauna couldn’t help but laugh at your reaction, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “well, he’s just learning from the best,” she said, giving your hand a sympathetic rub where the baby had bitten you.
she leaned in to give you a quick peck on the cheek. “and just so you know,” she added with a playful smirk, “i think he’s already showing signs of being as stubborn as you.”
feigning shock, you retorted, “shauna, you’re setting a bad example for our son,” earning another round of laughter from her. the baby, oblivious to your banter and the clear discomfort on your face from the previous bite, simply continued to stubbornly chew on your hand, his tiny teeth leaving their mark.
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note : thank youuuu, it means a lot <33 i hope u like the hcs
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fields-of-grimes · 2 years
Fights| Carl Grimes
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Carl Grimes x Fem!Reader
CW: strong language,mentions of death, angry carl
A/N: I was listening to sad songs while writing this so :/
You and Carl were in Ron’s room, he was playing video games with Ron and Mikey while you were on his bed next to Enid. 
You looked up from your comic looking at Carl and smiling at how happy he looked to be able to be a kid again. Enid looked up from comic as well,she smirked before looking over at Carl. “Carl you look so happy to be playing video games again.” She said making you raise an eyebrow at her as Carl looked over at her quickly. “Yeah i uh haven’t played any since before the world went to shit. I remember my m-“ he stopped talking and looked down at his controller.
You stood up and went to go comfort him but his words seemed to have sparked some interest in Enid, something that should not have intrigued her. 
“Where is your mom Carl? Did she run off with some random man?” She asked laughing causing Carl to freeze up and you to glare at her.
“Why is that any of your fucking business bitch?” You asked her still glaring at her. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it softly, he didn’t say anything he just stared off into space.
“Oh wait I’m sorry Carl i forgot i overheard your dad say she died, guess she didn’t wanna even try and survive this world.” Enid said throwing her head back laughing. You growled before standing up. “How about you just shut the fuck up Enid! That is nothing to joke about!” You screamed at her as you looked back at Carl making sure he was okay.
Carl was far from okay he wasn’t even paying attention to anything going on around him all he could hear was the screams of his mother as she was being cut open, images of that day was going through his head like a slideshow, tears were starting to form, he quickly got up and left the room. You looked back at Enid and walked up to her. “If you ever and i mean ever speak to or look at Carl in the wrong way i will fucking kill you. Do you understand me?” You growled at her.
Enid only smirked in response crossing her arms. “You can try and scare me all you want but it won’t work, i was simply just telling him the truth.” She said smugly. You huffed and punched her before running after Carl.
After looking everywhere for Carl and coming up with no luck, you tried one last spot, his spot, you jumped the wall and ran to the one place you hoped you find him. Once you got close you heard faint cries, cries you’ve only ever heard when Lori gave birth. You walked up to Carl slowly. “Hey..” You said quietly as you sat next to him. He didn't say anything, he just kept staring off and crying, you grabbed his hand only for him to yank it away, you were hurt by his action, you didn’t understand why he was giving you the cold shoulder. 
“Baby?” You asked him looking over at him, still nothing, you moved so you were sitting in front of him. “Carl baby talk to me.” You said cupping his face slightly. He shoved you away and stood up, he looked down at you with nothing but anger in his eyes, “Why! Why did you do that! If you didn't do what you did she wouldn't of said anything!” He screamed at you, you weren't gonna lie it scared you, this was the first time he’s ever yelled at you like this. Yes you two have had screaming fights, but never like this, he’s never been this angry with you.
“Carl i..i” you stuttered on your words not sure how to react to his sudden outburst. “I’m sorry i was just trying to comfort you.” You said standing up looking up at him since he was a little bit taller than you.
“You shouldn’t have stop being so fucking overprotective of me! I don’t need you to protect me! I don’t need you, i never have! God i wish my dad never found you!” His face softened as he realized what he said, you look at him hurt and in shock as you backed away slowly. He tried to grab your arm. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, i didn't mean it.” He said quickly.
You kept backing away from him tears forming in your eyes. “No, you meant it.” You said as you took off in the opposite direction of Alexandria ignoring Carl’s screams for you to come back. If he wished his dad never found you then you were going make sure you weren’t found.
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ravennaortiz · 5 months
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Summary: How Jax came to raise his younger sister OC Rockette. Takes place before CountDown.
As always my stories are 18+. Specific Warnings: Mentions of SA against a child, character death.
Tag List: @keyweegirlie @hatersaremymotivators @meera10 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @littlefrogbrain @youngadult9016 @mama-mischief
Jax and Juice had been talking in his driveway when he heard his name being called. Whipping around he saw his baby sister fully sprinting up the driveway. She was a sight, dark hair flying from the messy bun, shirt torn, face streaked with blood and tears.
"What happened Rocky" demanded Jax as he met her halfway as she latched onto him, her legs giving out some. Juice moved down to the street, hand on his gun as he scanned for a sign of any danger. Rocky could only get out choked sobs as her grip on him tightened. Jax eased them both down to the ground as Juice made his way back to them.
"Juice call Clay" started Jax before Rocky screamed no. Her green eyes wide and feral looking as she dug her nails into Jax's arms as she looked up at him. Jax's heart dropped as at the next sentence out of her mouth. "This was Clay"
Jax sat silently awhile later in his living room as the words tumbled out of Rocky in between heart breaking sobs. Their mom had dropped her off at the clubhouse after school while she ran errands. Clay had been the only one present and he had offered her a beer while she was working on homework. Rocky had refused and Clay had started rubbing her shoulders.
When she told him to stop he grab her by her hair and tuned her to face him. She had kicked out and he punched her in the face. She had lost consciousness and woke to him fondling her chest and starting to undo her shorts. They fought again and she had gotten ahold of his gun and fired at him before running out the door to Jax's house.
Jax could only see red by the time Rocky had stopped talking. He had been on their moms case about Clay for years. He had always been hard on Jax and they butted heads constantly. He had never expected him to try this. On top of that Rocky had said that this wasn't the first time he had been inappropriate with her and their mom was well aware. She had called Rocky a liar and grounded her.
Jax stood up fists clenched as he moved to grab his cell phone. "Please don't make me go back home" whispered Rocky as she grabbed his shirt when he passed by.
"This is your home now Rocky" soothed Jax as he gave her a half hug before addressing Juice. "Call Half, tell him I need him to come over here asap and sit with her. I'm going to call Chibs and have him meet us at my mom and Clays"
"Clay would never do that" stated Gemma firmly as she stared daggers at Jax from the table where she sat.
"So you are saying that Rocky, your daughter. Your own flesh and blood is lying about him coming on to her and touching her?" inquired Jax in disbelieve. He knew his mom was a piece of work but this took the cake.
"She has turned into quite the little tart Jackson" started Gemma before Jax cut her off.
"She is fourteen mom" snapped Jax slamming his hands on the table making her jump. "She is a kid! Your kid and you are responsible for making sure she is safe and cared for!"
"She has to learn about our world sometime. Can't keep her sheltered forever Jackson" huffed Gemma as she rolled her eyes. "Ill have him come home so we can get this cleared up"
Jax just shook his head in disbelieve.
"We never tell Rocky what actually happened here tonight. Am I clear?" stated Jax firmly as an ambulance and Unser pulled up to the house. Once Chibs and Juice both nodded Jax moved to speak to Unser.
"They got into a confrontation about Rocky moving in with me. Clay pulled a gun and next thing I know mom was on the ground" stated Jax as he rubbed at his face letting a tear down as he turned away faking a sob.
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marve2014 · 2 years
Trying to Help – Part 2
Pairing: Billy Loomis x Reader x Stu Macher- Poly!Ghostface
 Warnings- Will(or may contain): Mentions of murder, Language, Reader is Murdery, Typical Canon Violence
Summary: Woodsboro thought they only had to worry about two deranged serial killers.
Note from Author: Part 2 of my Trying to Help series, This Chapter is just the beginning of the wild ride the characters will go on. Smut to come in later chapters. 
Waking up, you knew that today was the beginning of a very long game of cat and mouse with Sidney. Pretending to be her friend was taking a toll on you after you found out her mother was responsible for the pain and abandonment Billy has had to suffer through. If her mom hadn’t seduced Billy’s dad, then maybe his mother would still be around; not forced to leave because of her inability to handle her husband’s infidelity. You saw the effects of what her leaving did to Billy in each touch and kiss. Him not letting you be the first to pull away from a hug, never letting you go to sleep without calling and telling him good night, but most importantly, you saw the abandonment manifest itself into the darkness that he carries within himself. It isn’t something new to you, for you have that darkness as well. Both parents died, leaving you alone at the age of 15. While it may not be the same, the lack of parental love is still what made your darkest desires align with Billy’s. 
Rolling over, you give both Billy and Stu a kiss on the cheek before trying to make a silent escape to the bathroom, needing to center yourself and decide how tonight was going to go. You knew that you weren’t going to be the person to kill Sidney, that was saved for Billy, but you did want to traumatize her just a little bit. Billy and Stu’s exact words to you were “DO NOT KILL HER”. They said nothing about a little torture. You wanted to make her suffer, you wanted to feel her throat underneath your palm and squeeze until she was about to pass out; feel the life leaving her body and then let go with seconds to spare. 
After meditating and doing your morning skincare routine you decided to make your boys breakfast before school. Deciding on pancakes and bacon you head to the kitchen to get everything prepared. Halfway through cooking you feel a pair of arms around you while you flip the pancakes. Looking up you see that its Billy; peppering your neck with small kisses as he steals a piece of bacon.
“There’s coffee in the pot if you want some, the food will be done in about 10 minutes if you want to wake up Stu.” You inform him.
“I think I like waking up to you cooking for us, very housewife of you” Billy teases.
“It’s not going to be very housewife of me to punch you in the throat.”
“So feisty.” Billy says while walking up the stairs to go get Stu.
You decided to ride separately to school to set the first part of your plan in motion. Step one: Taunt her with a random letter in her locker. That was the easy part of the plan since your locker was right next to hers. Taking time to read over your letter one last time before you slipped it in.
You smiled as you made sure no one was looking and slipped the note in her locker, waiting for the end of the day to see her open it and read it.
 Last period dragged on with Stu nor Billy being in this class to keep you entertained. Finally hearing the bell ring, you made your way to your locker, seeing Billy standing with Sidney facing the other way. You could tell she hadn’t opened her locker yet since she was laughing at something Billy said. You couldn’t help but feel the jealousy rise a little bit watching them together; You can only pretend for so long. Feeling an arm wrap around your shoulder, you look up and see Stu with no Tatum next to him. You smile and he discreetly kisses the side of your head before you both walk next to Billy and Sidney.  
“Hey Sid, do you have any plans after school? I need help studying for the math test.” You ask trying to make sure you can be with her when she reads the letter.
“No, my dad is gone for the next few days. I was going to spend the night at Tatum’s but that wont be until she’s done with cheer practice. You can ride home with me if you want to.” She explains.
“Perfect. Thanks so much!” You hug her and look at Billy noticing a confused look on his face that you choose to ignore. 
You see Sidney open her locker and slide the note into one of her binders without reading it and you know Billy and Stu saw it as well. You make idle conversation trying to distract everyone until it’s time to go to the parking lot.
Sidney’s House:
“Hey y/n, have you ever had a note slipped in your locker?” Sidney asks as you both start going through your math assignments.
“Yeah, Tatum does it all the time, why?” you respond nonchalantly. 
“I got one today… but I’m kind of scared to read it, would you read it with me?” You can hear the nervousness in her voice as she asks.
“Of course, Sid, where is it?” You ask and put an arm around her to comfort her. 
“Its in my other binder, let me go grab it.” Sidney leaves the room and you can’t help but smile.
Walking back in the room, Sidney opens it and starts to read it out loud. 
I know this may come as a shock to you, but your mother wasn’t who she made herself out to be. She died because she was nothing more than an adulterous whore. Casey is dead, Steve is dead, your mother is dead, who’s next? Will it be you? Maybe someone else that you love? There’s that boyfriend of yours; or maybe one of your friends, Tatum, or y/n? I guess the real question is, do you really think you deserve to live after all the pain you and your mother have caused? It may not have been directly your fault, but we can’t really punish mommy dearest now, can we? Poor Sidney, never knowing what was really going on right under her nose. Painted the wrong man as a criminal. Cotton is going to get out eventually Sidney, do you think he’s going to forgive you? Well, you can’t really forgive the dead, can you? 
-Who’s next?” 
Shakily Sidney sets the note down and you can see tears streaming down her cheeks not knowing what to say. 
“What the fuck, Sidney! We need to call the cops!” You argue as you go to reach her house phone. 
“No, No. Let me call my dad first.” She states.
“Are you sure? Isnt he like hours away? I really think we should call the cops.” You try to convince her until the phone in your hand rings. You hand Sidney the phone and wait for her to pick up.
“Hello? Prescott Residence.” She says and gets no response. She looks at you and you mouth “ hang up” to her. 
Sidney hangs up the phone after another minute of no response.
“Well that was fucking weird.” You tell her as you both sit there and stare at the phone. It rings again and Sidney answers again.
“Hello? Randy I swear to god if this is some prank call me and y/n are going to kick your ass.” Sidney tries to joke.
“Whose Randy?” She finally gets a response and you immediately notice the voice changer over the line.
“Randy is our friend, and if this isn’t him then who is it?” Sidney quietly asks the stranger. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” The voice says and you can feel your blood start to rush with excitement.
“Okay well we’re hanging up now, this has been a fun conversation” you yell as you take the phone from Sidney and hang it up.
“It is probably just some loser from school trying to scare us with everything going on.” You tell her.
The phone rings again and this time you answer, “Listen here asshole, we’re not in the mood for any games tonight we have a math test to study for, leave us alone.”
“Umm I was just calling to let you two know I was running late from cheer practice.” Tatums voice comes over the line and both you and Sidney blow out a breath in relaxation.
“Sorry Tate, some asshole was prank calling us, I’ll let Sidney know. See you in a bit.” You hang up and relay the message to Sidney.
“God, what a mess we are.” Sidney huffs out a laugh and gives you a hug. 
“So what are we going to do about the note Sid, its too creepy to not do anything. Especially the stuff about your mom. Who would even say something like that?!” 
“I’m going to go on the porch and get some air and try and get a hold of my dad. You stay here and look over my notes or there’s no way you’re going to pass that test.” Sidney smiles at you as she heads out the front door. 
You sit down and look over the notes hearing a noise coming from upstairs. You knew Billy and Stu were going to call tonight, but you didn’t think they were going to come over. You head up the stairs and find Billy in no costume laying on Sidney’s bed. 
“Well hey there handsome, wheres my other guy?” you ask Billy.
“Outside about to call Sidney again, I just had to come and give you a kiss before anything went down.” Billy moves to where you’re standing and cups your face gently as he kisses you on each cheek, the tip of your nose, and then your forehead before making it to your lips. You giggle at how cute he is and lean in deepening the kiss as you hear Sidney scream. 
“Go before she finds you, I’ll distract her” you whisper to Billy before you push him through the window. 
“SIDNEY?! What’s wrong?” You yell as you run down the stairs. “ I heard a noise upstairs and went to check it out, I’m sorry I left you alone.” You hug her and wipe the tears off her face. 
“Th-The killer called again, y/n. Saying all this stuff about my mom and, and told me you were next…” Sidney can barely talk as she’s trembling with fear and bawling her eyes out. 
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m gonna be okay. No one’s getting to either of us. Let’s call the cops, lock the doors and wait for Tatum to get here.” You try to calm her down by hugging her and rubbing your hand in small circles on her back. 
“I already lost my mom, I can’t lose you too.” Sidney weeps. 
“You’re not going to lose me. It’s probably some loser with nothing else to do. Just trying to be big and bad and scare us.” You reassure her as you see her eyes go wide. 
“Y/N, RUN!” Sidney screams as she tries to grab your hand and lead you both to the front door. 
You’re jerked back by what you can tell is Stu in his ghostface costume and he holds his knife to your throat as he shoves you in the hall closet. 
Through the door you can hear him talking to Sidney. 
“You’re going to stop trying to run and you’re going to listen to me before I gut your friend in there like a fish. Do you understand me?” He asks Sidney. 
“Okay, okay. Just please don’t hurt her.” You can hear how scared Sidney is and it brings you an immense amount of Joy. You just wish you could see what was going on. In the chaos of Stu throwing you in the closet you didn’t realize that he had nicked the side of your throat with his knife, but you can feel the stinging as you try to listen to the conversation more and the pain just adds to your enjoyment. 
“You’re going to sit on the couch while I grab her and tie her up. If you move an inch, it’s her that’s going to pay the price.” Stu tells her as he slowly backs up to the closet he stuffed you in. 
“You’re coming with me princess.” Stu grabs you by your hair and pulls you to the kitchen. He grabs a stool and ties your legs to each post and your hands behind your back. He then grabs Sidney and does the same, although he adds a blind fold to her. While shes blind blindfolded Stu comes over and lifts the bottom of his mask and gives you a harsh kiss and then goes back to Sidney. 
You can feel your adrenaline getting the best of you and you ask him what he wants as you make noise of you trying to get out of your binds. 
Sidney is crying across from you and you see Billy walk in. He comes up behind you and tells you he’s going to have to cut you, you two have talked about it before and as long as the end game was Sidney dying, you told him to do whatever he needed to in order to ensure that. 
You feel the blade drag across the top of your arm slicing the flesh and as you scream out Sidney begins to beg for them to let you both go. 
“Why are you doing this to us?! We haven’t even done anything!” Sidney screams. 
“It’s all apart of the game Sidney. Play along or y/n here is going to bleed out.” Billy leans over and slaps Sidney across the face while Stu is hugging your shoulders and kissing your head through the mask. 
“Please just let us go.” You fake cry as you try to convince Sidney you’re scared as well. 
“I called the cops before you called me again, do you think they’ll get here before you can get away?” Sidney says as you, Billy and Stu look at each surprised and not realizing she contacted them. 
You see Billy punch Sidney in the face and still crashes backwards, he makes sure she’s unconscious before coming over to you. 
“I’m not hitting you, I’m just gonna tip your chair back and put a blind fold on you baby, okay? We’re gonna leave and hopefully be gone by the time the cops are here. They’ll take you to the hospital where you’ll call one of us and then they’ll  stitch your arm and you’ll be good as new okay? I love you.” Both boys kiss you and do as they said. You hear banging on the door and you scream for help as hear someone yelling. 
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moonlightguidesky · 9 months
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This fic in general will have lots of gruesome details of death and of battles. I am letting you know that there will be angst and some really concerning things to come from this. I will keep it to a minimum, but like this story is already an AU for The last of Us. If you know the game and show itself, you will see why I put a warning at the beginning.
Also, some information, the time frame will be only a 5 year difference than from the original source. It will be 15 years instead of 20, in this chapter, they are 17, and Randall is 10.
Last but not least please tell me what you think, it helps with improvement and writing I plan for this whole thing, thanks!!!
- Sky 💜
Warning ⚠️: This chapter contains violence, mention of guns and weapons, along with the death of a child. You have been warned.
Chapter 1 : Lights Atop the Hill
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September 26th 2003
Steven had finally made it home from school, it was a whole thing back at school but he would just worry about it next week.
A slightly deeper voice called, it was Marc, he looked down at the puddle of water that was created by the sprinklers of their neighbors.
Their patch of sidewalk and grass always mushy yet full of life, clean and dirty but it's the piece of earth they owned.
"'Ello Marc, what's up?"
Steven asked as he looked down at the water to look at his companion on the other side.
"I need to body back Steven, you had it the entire day."
Marc said as he waited for Steven response.
"But, I haven't even said hi to mum yet."
Steven reasoned with Marc to at least sat hi to their mother.
"You said good morning to her this morning Steven, give the body."
Marc threw back because he had receipts for both of them to make the body sharing equal.
"Fine, fine. You got a point."
Steven sighed as he felt the switch happen and just like that Steven was the reflection and Marc the form.
Marc mumbled which earn a small smile from Steven.
"No problem, later gators."
Steven said as he held out a piece sign which got him both a small smile and eye roll from Marc as he walked away from the reflection and towards their house.
Marc had the keys and opened the door to his home.
"I'm home."
He shouted before taking his shoes off and walking down the hall of his house, he waited for a call back from his parents but, nothing.
A small voice exclaimed before a small boy crashed and wrapped his tiny arms around Marc's waist.
"Hey Roro, where's mom and dad?"
Marc asked his brother as he mess with his hair.
"Said that they had to go city to grab something, also that they won't be back till nightime."
His little brother said which got a sigh from Marc before he looked down at his brother and picks him up as he now sat on his hip.
"So, what do you want to do right now then?"
He asked his little brother as his brother started to grin from cheek to cheek as small dimples formed on each end which made Marc's heart warm.
" Can we play gods today?"
His little brother asked with eyes that lit up Marc's mood.
"Alright, but only for an hour, then I got homework and chores. Got your chores done?"
Marc asked his brother and little Randall nodded his head.
"Got to it the minute mom picked me up from school."
Randall said as he puffed his chest proudly looking up at Marc.
"Good, alright who do you wanna be?"
Marc said and the two brothers played with each other, despite the age difference they still worked together in harmony.
Their own little world's intertwined into one big playground for their childhood and boy hood to exist.
4 hours later....
"And I win!!"
Randall cheered as he got onto of Marc who was on the ground pretending to be wounded by his brothers punches.
"Yep, you got me. Good job buddy."
Marc said as he slowly got up and looked at the clock of the living room which was now messy with toys and building block made to look like towers and cities.
"Okay, that's enough playing for today, gotta go do my other thing Roro."
Marc said as he started to pick up some of the toys from the floor and into the rightful place of their color coded cubbies labeled from Randall since he tended to get them mixed up before.
"Aww, but that was like only 15 minutes of playing Marc, I wanna play a little more."
His brother whined as he looked at Marc with a small pout, he always did that when something didn't really go his way.
"No way Roro, I need to get my things done. But I'll make you a deal instead."
Marc responded as he held out his pinky since they still did pinky swears, this peaked his brothers interest.
"Once I am done with what I have to get done I'll play with you then, deal?"
Marc said with a small smile to try and get his brother to agree with him cause he really doesn't know how else to do it.
Randall looks at him, hesitant but after a couple seconds he slowly grins and nods his head before getting his even tinier pinky and wrapped it around his brothers.
Is all he says before he gets up and starts to put away the rest of his toys in the color and labeled cubbies that have been made for him.
Marc whispers before he goes and picks up his backpack that was flung to a wall during their "battle" and goes upstairs to his room.
"Man mate, I have no idea how you do it."
Steven sighs as he looks at Marc from the closet mirror as Marc changes out of his school clothes into something a little more comfortable.
He now changed into some gray sweatpants and a band t-shirt, it was an rock band that Marc was starting to really like.
"How I do what Steven?"
Marc said with a raised eyebrow confused on what his alter meant by his question.
"Like the whole playing with him for almost 6 hours, like that's mental. His stamia is just something else sometimes mate."
Steven says being exhausted himself.
"Your exaggerating Steven, it's was like 2 hours. Your just not use to his energy like me."
Marc said as he sat down and started to take out his homework, he knew he would get through it in maybe an 1 or so.
"I know, it's because he doesn't even know I really exist Marc."
Steven adds his tone a little more quiet like Randall would hear him, Marc noticed.
"It's just...I don't know how he would react that his brother has two in his head and not one. He's just a kid, he might not understand Steven."
Marc consoled his other, his voice a little softer but still firm about it. He knew that Steven felt a little hidden and almost neglected from how much he didn't have control.
"I know, I know. I get it, sorry mate."
Steven says as he had a apologetic expression on his face.
Marc sighed as he thought of how to make it up, the only people who really knew were his mom and dad.
Even they didn't understand all the way but they tried.
"Look, let's wait till Randall a bit older, once he can understand better, okay?"
Marc asked as he tried to make eye contact with his alter who was not really someone to look someone in the eye sometimes.
Steven thought and could see what Marc meant, good thing he had more patience and understood what he was saying to him.
He would wait.
Wait for the day someone would finally understand him and Marc, he hoped it would be their brother.
Steven nodded.
Marc nodded in return before going and taking out his notebook to start his homework.
10:37 PM
After all that their parents weren't home yet, it had been a while now so Marc went and made dinner for him and his brother.
"What are you making?"
Randall said as he came out of whatever shadow he had hid in.
"Some Mac and cheese."
Marc answered as he mixed around the noodles, the white and yellow mixing together in a warm hue of lights in the kitchen glowed.
The smell already made both boys hungry and ready to just eat something, usually it was their dad or mom making food but they still weren't back from the city.
"Any calls from mom or dad?"
Marc asked as he looked down at his brother.
"No, nothing came in."
Randall said as he went and sat down at their round table, his small figure being taken over by the wooden chair he sat on.
"Okay, I'll call them later."
Marc said as he got plates from the top drawer and put them on the table as Randall got up and went to the shorter drawer and pulled out some spoons.
"Here, how much do you want?"
Marc asked as he got the pot and brought it close as he started to pour the food onto hit plate.
"That's good."
Randall said as he looked at Marc once he thought he got a good enough portion of food.
Marc nodded and tilted the pot back before pouring the rest onto his plate and put the pot in the sink to be washed later.
They ate together before Randall went to play a little more into his room and Steven took over since it was his turn now to wash the dishes.
"You should call them Marc, I'm getting worried."
Steven told to the reflection of the metal pot he was washing as Marc answered back.
"I know, once your done I'll call them to see what's up with them, something doesn't feel right."
Marc argued as his tone got quieter, he felt it somewhere inside of him that something was up. His parents never were out this late without telling him or Randall they would be.
"I have the same feeling mate, it feels like it's eating me from the inside."
Steven agreed as he put the dish in the dishwasher for them to dry on their own.
After being done with that they got the black flip phone that Marc had gotten for his 16th birthday.
He typed the digits of his father's number and held it up to his ear as the phone rang.
And rang
And ran-
A softer tone of Marc's more rough voice called out as the phone was finally picked up.
"Dad, where are you guys? It's been a couple hours, usually you guys call us when you'll be out longer, what happened?"
Marc questioned as he heard a car honk on the other side of the call.
"Yeah, sorry, we just got caught up in some traffic, didn't think it would take this long. Did you and Randall eat yet?"
His father asked as another honk happened then a other click as the TV was turned on, he turned around to find Randall had found the control.
"Roro, can you turn it down bud, please."
Marc asked as he put the flipphone to the side so his parents wouldn't hear him.
Randall nodded and put the volume down and flipped through the channels to get to the channel he wanted.
Marc gave a small smile before he put the flip phone back on his ear.
"Yeah, we ate. What about you guys, did you guys ea-"
Marc said before he heard a blaring noise and turned back towards the source, the TV.
"Randall, bud, I told you to turn it down."
Marc huffed as shook his head a little before he went back to his parents call.
"Marc, what was that?"
His father's voice questioned as he sighed and put one hand on his hip.
"Just told Randall to keep it down so that I could hear you, sorry."
He replied as the TV once again got loud, Marc turned around and looked at Randall who just looked back at him before pointing at the TV.
Before Marc could scold him, he looked at the TV and a chill ran down his spine.
Not too long after the sound of the radio on the other side of the phone started to say the same thing on the TV.
" This is not a drill. I repeat, not a drill. Due to a virus that has spread from a foreign country to now the West and Eastern Parts of the US we advise that residents stay indoor and lock your doo-"
Marc felt his heart stop. It was the EAS that never really happened unless it was a test. But it wasn't. It just said it wasn't.
Randall looked at his brother confusion and rising fear starting to make its way and his brain now catching up that something was wrong.
"Son? Marc!?"
His father shouted as Marc finally got back to reality.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm here, dad, what do I do?"
Marc asked his dad as Randall got up and hugged his older brothers leg, he looked like he was about to cry. It broke Marc and Steven's heart.
"You need to lock the doors Marc, windows too, get some bags and pack any essential alright. Wendy I can't go any faster!"
His father was starting to sound panic as the sounds of honks and what seemed like cars starting to crash into each other on the other side of the call. Marc felt his chest fill up and deflat like a ballon, it was too much.
He felt sick, the Mac and cheese now making its way back up as it burned in his throat. He kinda wished now that he skipped dinner.
"Marc, protect your brother okay? We're gonna try and get there as fast as we can. Get a weapon and if things get bad there you get into the car and you get you and your brother out of there. You understand!?"
His mom's voice shouted with both frustration and panic, of course it would. Her children were in danger and she isn't there to protect them.
"Marc! Did you hear me!?"
His mother once again shouted and Marc nodded as he let out a shaky breathe.
"Okay, okay. Love you guys."
Marc said, hating the way his voice sounded right now, his hands were starting to shake, his hands never shook like this. Ever.
He looks down and sees his brother who is closing his eyes like if he opened them a monster would appear and hurt him.
Marc would never let that happen, not to his baby brother. Never him.
"Love you to-"
The line was suddenly cut, Marc looked at his flip phone to see that the battery had died.
Marc shouted which made his baby brother flinch, feeling immense guilt from that he bented down and steady his brother by his shoulders.
"Sorry, sorry. I-I didn't mean to scare you Roro. Okay?"
Marc asked as he tried to steady his voice, he needed to be strong right now, for his brother, his parents, Steven, for the people that relied on him right now.
"What’s happening? Where's mom and dad? Why did that message show up on the TV?"
Randall sniffles as tears were starting to run down his baby cheeks and Marc went ahead to softly wipe them away.
"Something, something bad is happening. I don't know what but all I know is that nothing bad is gonna happen to you. Okay?"
He reassured his brother as he looked him in the eyes as he cupped his brothers face and held it like he was the most fragile thing in the world. Because he was, he was just a kid.
Randall whispered as leaned forwards and wrapped his arms around his brothers neck which Marc reciprocated the gesture by hugging his brother and cradling his head.
He picked up his brother and took him upstairs to his room before setting him down.
"Now I need you to listen, grab your school backpack and dump whatever is in there okay."
Marc advised as he started to go through Randall's closet and taking out clothes for him that should last a good while.
Randall said as he started to grab his backpack and take things out one by one.
"Just do it, please."
Marc pleaded a little as he started getting small toys to hopeful entertain his brother from what was happening outside.
"Okay, bu-"
"Randall! Just, please. Don't argue with me right now, okay."
They both worked in silence as Marc got bags ready, Randall, his, and his parents bags were done in an hour.
2:35 AM
Randall and Marc had stayed locked in their parents room, Marc had a switchblade and gun from his father's safe next to him.
Both were asleep together. Randall next to his brother and his brother hugging him protectively.
Both laid in the bed being the comfort for each other.
That had woken the brothers up. Both sat up straight and Marc had gotten the gun and handed the switchblade to his brother.
Slowly they looked at each other as Marc mouthed.
"Stay here."
Randall nodded as he clenched the switchblade harder and Marc had slowly gotten up from the bed and went to the door.
He put his ear close to the door to hear whatever it was that broke into the house.
The sound itself was appalling in its own ways as it sent a shiver down his spine, the noise groaned and moaned like those horror movies that he would watch.
Steven wasn't a big fan and Marc every once in a while would also hate himself for watching the damn movie. But it felt him with such adrenaline that he still did it despite the nightmare he eventually got.
But those were just nightmares, things he could wake up from, this wasn't.
It sounded unreal, unnatural, just something horrid. It sounded close too, he held his breathe as he leaned away from the door.
He looked back at his brother and looked at the bags. They needed to leave, and now.
He grabbed his backpack and tossed it out the window, he had a plan at the very least on how to leave just incase someone or something broke in.
"Grab the other ones and throw them out the window, okay."
He whispered to his brother as he grabbed his flip phone, it was fully charged now.
"Okay, I'm gonna let you down first and then I follow, okay."
Marc said as he wrapped a curtain sheet around his brothers waist.
Randall whispered as he felt his brother wrapping up his waist tightly with the curtain sheet from the window.
Marc answered as he did one final tug to check that his baby brother wouldn't fall out of this makeshift rope he had made.
"I'm scared."
Randall fretted as he looked at his older brothers.
"Mate, he's terrified. I am too."
Steven whispered from his parents mirror that hung on the door of their closet.
Marc looked at the mirror, at Steven who also had a worried look on his face, his eyebrows were furrowed and his lower lip was trembling a bit.
Marc could see he was trying his best to freak out about this whole thing.
Marc was too, he sighed and took a deep breathe before looking at his baby brother and crouched down to his level.
"I know. I know you are, think of this like the games we play together. Like we are going into a crave with treasure, only thing is the treasure we seek is mom and dad. Okay."
Marc tried to make this easy for him as possible. Another crash was heard down stairs and Marc knew they need to go.
"Alright bud, it's time."
He grabbed Randall's hand and the other with the end of the makeshift rope.
"Now, grab on tightly and when you reach the ground move out the way so that I don't accidentally jump on you. Okay?"
Marc said as he held Randall tightly and held his hands as Randall was going out the window and hung on to the sides of the window.
"Okay, okay! Like that bud, your doing good."
Marc said as he tighten his grip on the makeshift rope.
"Now, I'm gonna let you down, slowly."
Marc explained as Randall nodded and Marc took a deep breathe before he started to loosen his grip and finally dropped him to the ground safely.
He let out a small breathe of relief he had held in.
That was sadly short lived as he heard the door to the bedroom being scratched and kicked as the sound of groans and moans get louder and raw.
The sound made him flinch as he started to slowly understand he needs to leave, now.
The way down was only 6 feet from the ground, he could do it if he jumped but he could twist his ankle and be useless to Randall the-
"Skrew it" he hissed as he climbed out the window and held on tightly to the frame of the window.
"Marc, wait, hold, there has to be another way."
Steven protested as his eyes were wide and his worried expression written all over his face.
"Don't have much choice bud."
Marc mumbled under his breathe as the sound of the door being smashed open was heard, Marc looked down and jumped.
Luckily for the 17 year old teenage boy that has a fixation with parkour and had seen video after video on how they did their tricks.
He bent his knees and rolled before laying on the ground.
His felt his heart beating out of his chest, he felt the thump in his ears but he was alive, he was fine.
Randall was by his side in no time to help his brother up.
"It's okay, I'm fin-"
Soon both heard a thump and turned around to check what had caused that noise, Marc put a hand protectively in front of his brother.
The sight to see was that the one who had caused the noise was the infected, it had jumped out and fell to its death.
The brains scattered and face mangled, there were holes in its face, the infected looked decayed almost.
Both stared at the dead corpse in front of them as the image was now ingrained in their brain. The smell something no one could truly forget if they had tried.
They could feel the bile go up their throat but decided to swallow it back down.
"We need to go, now."
Marc said as he grabbed the other backpacks and handed them to Randall as they headed towards the car.
It was nothing special but it would do with the circumstances they were in, Marc got the keys from his pants and unlocked the doors, they shoved everything inside.
"Put your seat belt on."
Marc reminded his brother as his brother got in and grabbed the belt around him.
Marc turned on the car and the radio is turned on.
"We are getting news that the hospital is being overflowed with patients as this new virus is taking over. The US army is making head way towards cities to evacuate civilians, H-hey, no, g-get off me !"
The women's voice was cut off eventually and the sound of her screams made way as Marc turns off the radio.
He fixes the mirror of the car before he starts to drive on the road not saying a word. His parents haven't called back yet, he should send them a message.
The small boys voice called out.
Marc looks at the review mirror to see what his brother need to say.
He whispered as he kept his gaze from the road to the mirror and back the road again.
"Are we gonna be okay?"
His brother voice was shaky and small unlike his more joyful and loud booming voice both were more use to.
Something in Marc and Steven shattered right there, his voice shouldn't sound like that. Ever. He didn't deserve this, they had to find a way to make it right, but first they need to get somewhere safe.
"Yeah, yeah buddy we're gonna be okay."
He tried comforting knowing he was pretty shit at it sometimes but his brother needed something to hold on to.
He kept driving for a while before he ended up at a cross path, one lead to the city and the other went father into almost nowhere for a while.
"Maybe to the city, the army might be there and can help us?" Steven said the review mirror as he was also stuck about it.
Marc thought, his parents were last in the city and most likely the army would be at the city getting the most populated away before going into individual houses.
He mumbled as he made a hard right and pressed it hard, the grip on the steering wheel tight that his knuckles were turning white at that point.
That is when he was hit with the worse thing that could happen now, traffic.
Cars were honking and beeping at each other as they stacked through each other.
His flip phone started to ring, finally.
"Mom, dad? Where are you guys?"
Marc asked as he looked behind and at the sides for a way to get through the crowd.
"Marc where are you guys, we just got out the city."
Dammit it! Wrong move.
"We just got to the city, thought you would be there, we had to leave the house."
Marc exclaimed as the car in front seem to have people arguing, fair enough.
"Marc, is your brother safe?"
His mother asked as he responded, one of the people infront got out the car shouting at the other.
"Yeah, he's fine."
Marc responded, the people were still arguing, it was too loud and his signal was giving out, so he got out the car.
"I'll be back bud, just talking to mom and dad."
He mouth to Randall who just nodded and hugged his backpack closer to his chest like it was a stuffed animal trying to comfort himself right now.
When he got out he went to the other side where a line was and the connection was automatically better.
"Marc, you need to leave the city, it's filled to the brim with cars and people."
His father warned as Marc saw someone running towards the people infront of him car.
"What the fu-"
He mumbled before the person now looking was a middle aged man that seemed ill, extremely ill jumped the person who was out of the car.
He flinched hard as he saw now that there was a group running and moaning like the one that had died on the ground at his house long gone now.
The guy was screaming and shouting in pain as the others were going towards the others cars, he dropped his flip phone as his parents were shouting on the other side.
All the could see is the guy being torn apart as the ill man bite the guy with no regard and seemingly no regret.
The flesh peeled of like orange skin as the man on the ground fought for his life, his eyes wide and awake. A fear like no other shown, the infected then dug its hands into the man's insides.
The man squirmed and yelled, his gut wrenching screams being heard, other were getting the idea that people were getting attacked and tried to get the other cars to move.
The headlights showed the grotesque aftermath as the man stopped moving and the ill man feeded off the neck of the man as the sticky residue of his blood smeared across his teeth and lips.
Suddenly he remembered
He picked up the device from the ground and immediately went back to the car where an another one from the group was trying to break the glass of the door as Randall was screaming and crying for help.
Marc felt nothing as he grabbed the infected hair and pushed him down as he stomped his head on the concrete.
Over and over and over again up its face was no more.
The brains and blood being black with mixture of red.
His shoes were covered now with blood and chuncks of brain left behind of his aggressive protective nature taking over, all he saw red and now he came back.
He was heaving as he open the car door where Randall was, the cars were honking and there was too many lights as the sights of people fleshing being bit off were being shown off.
The ground of black having goop of blood and flesh decorated it as people were being torn by others who seemed out of control.
He need to get them our of here and now, the car was a no go so they need to go on foot.
He got his crying brother and picked him up and got both his brothers and dads backpack and swung them on his back, he put his mom's backpack on his brother back.
Randall was crying as Marc held him tightly and pushed his head down on his shoulder as to make sure he couldn't see what was happening.
The smell was getting to be too much, others were doing the same as the infected started to jump others who weren't fast enough.
"Your ok, we're ok."
He kept encouraging to his brother as his shoulder was getting soaked with salty tears that fell from his brothers eye's but he didn't care right now.
He ran to the other side of the car his heart was heavy, he was responsible for his brothers safety and almost got him killed if not traumatized for life now.
The soles of his feet burned as he kept running the conversation with his parents kept coming up, he didn't get to answer them. They were probably freaking out, shit.
He was fucking this all up. He would have to find a way to fix this eventually.
He panted as he finally reached the edge of the long road and got to the cross road again this time heading left as he carried his brother in his arms as sniffles and little whimpers were all that came out.
"We're okay, we're gonna be okay. We're gonna see mom and dad soon and everything will be okay Roro?"
He tried to get the boy to calm down and he got a small nod and another hiccup of the boy trying to calm himself down.
Marc could only do so much, he knew this.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I told you to go that way."
Steve said in the back of his mind and Marc answered back.
"It's okay, we didn't know."
He comforted Steven as he slowed down, the screams were farther now. They were safe, for now.
The road was mostly empty, the only light coming from farther away, the sound of helicopters not being too far now.
The army was getting close, the sound of firearms being release made its way to his ears. He started to quicken his pace.
His phone was ringing but he couldn't answer, not right now. He was carrying his brother, the brother he swore when he was born to keep safe and so his focus needed to be there right now.
He was sweating now, the band t-shirt he wore sticking to his body now, he stopped and put the boy down to take a breathe.
"Randall, listen to me."
He said using his brothers name instead of his nickname as he bent down and cupped his baby brothers face to make him look at him.
"We need to keep going, okay. I need you to be strong right now, okay?"
He said as Randall looked at him small sniffles still left behind from the scare, he looked at his older brothers eyes but looked down as he felt the tears well up again.
"I-I can't, I can't d-do it."
He muttered as he couldn't look at his brother pleading eyes to look at him and understand.
"Yes, yes you can."
Marc gently lifted his head to make his brother look at him, his dark brown eyes nicer, warmer, but still firm.
"No, no I can't. I want mom and dad, you said we'd find them."
Randall accused, he was scared, he saw someone get eaten and bit alive and thought he was next.
Marc wanted nothing more than to take that damn memory now ingrained in his brothers head and stomp on it till it was nothing.
"We will, just things are not going to plan Roro. But will that stop us?"
Marc says with a new thing of an idea, making this a game, get his mind away from everything else.
Randall answered as he looked into his brothers eyes.
"And why not?"
Marc said with a small playful smirk he uses to get more into character with his brother, it's something to let his and Randall's guard down.
"Cause we have no fear!"
Randall said with more confidence, he was starting to relax as the tears have now long been dried and left marks on his cheeks.
"That’s right! Now come on, we aren't far from the treasure now, we just need to go across that field and then we can look for more clues."
Marc added as he fixed his backpack straps and tugs on the ends to make them tighter to his back.
Soon he felt a small hand latch onto his he looked down and already knew who it was, Randall had a more determined expression.
That was better, that was so much better.
"Lets go then."
Marc voice echoed in all the destruction of the world now around them, he has no idea what to do if he is honest. He has no plan but to just protect his brother.
Randall tugs on his hand and they start to walk through grass as the sounds of screams are muffled, they rather focus on each other than people tearing each other apart.
His flip phone is silent, he hopes it would rings soon so that he know that his parents are okay.
"They probably are, don't worry. They have each other like we have each other."
Steven's reassuring voice echoed in the mind they shared, it was nice sometimes to have another person with you to share a body with, at least Marc thought so.
Steven was the ground he needed sometimes when Marc started to panic or couldn't get the thoughts out of his head.
Steven provided the warmth that Marc sometimes couldn't provide, or he wished he could give. So much Marc wished he could give.
The grass reached their ankles, the rest of the way was dark and loud, so loud.
The grass crunched underneath their shoes, they held hands as they walked through the grass dead and alive.
There was a hill about to peak now and they made it to the top, it was a little steep the way down but they could manage.
A voice called out and soon they were out of their thoughts, both boys turned around to see an army man holding his gun towards them.
Marc instinct immediately put his brother behind him, the shield he knew he could be in case.
"What are you boys doing here, did you not hear to announcement!?"
The soldier exclaimed as the flashlight was burning into their eyes but couldn't look away. Frozen in place with no real way of how to make this work.
"Did you hear me boys!"
The man yelled again this time his tone harsh against their ears.
"Y-yes, sorry. Yeah we did sir, but me and brother had to leave, one of those ill people got into our home and we had to leave."
Marc explained as his voice cracked slightly at the beginning as he had found his voice again.
Randall held his brothers hand tighter and hid behind him as best he could.
The man lowered his gun the light finally going down and the darkness enveloping them as he felt his heart in his throat.
The sound of a radio went off and the soilder picked up his radio and started to tune in.
"Yeah, Robin reporting, found two boys, both were walking away from the massacre at the road from Deadway Lane to Boston Ave Drive..."
Marc watched as the man went ahead and talked to whoever was on the other line.
"Massacre, that's what they're calling it now."
Steven intervened as he thought about it, he was shouting at Marc when he saw the whole thing, he felt like his heart stopped that moment those people started to jump people.
"Yeah, that is what is was Steven."
Marc replied in his mind before he felt a small tug and looked to his side.
"Can you lift me, my legs hurt."
Randall whispered, Marc sighed a little tired, he felt like he was on overdrive these past couple of hours.
But that didn't mean he wasn't going to pick the kid up, it was his responsibility as of now to help his baby brother not die from all of this.
He crouched down a bit before putting his arm behind his legs and another one behind his arms before lifting him from the ground.
The lighted shined back on them blinding both him and Randall.
"No one said you could move!"
The man shouted as the gun was pointed at them again his hand in the trigger, Marc froze as Randall wrapped his arms around his brothers neck.
"I just picked him up sir, he's tired."
Marc mumbled as he held his brother closer to him.
"We all are kid, still doesn't allow you to make sudden movement, especially at a time like this. Put him down."
The man said his tone ice cold with almost no emotion.
His radio went off again, his glare lingered on the boys before he went to answer.
Marc jaw tightened, he felt himself holding back from saying anything right now.
"When are we gonna find mom and dad?"
Randall muttered, his voice so small in that moment.
"Soon Roro, soon."
Marc answered with a little nod, he looked around hoping his parents would come and rescue him and his brother from this guy.
He knew what he was asking for was a really big favor but he hoped he would find them soon, he missed them.
"Yes sir, no they are not injured. Yes sir, yes sir, yes...sir."
The man finally said.
Marc looked back the man who just went silent, his gun pointed to the ground but something went up Marc spine, like an instinct. Danger.
They were in danger.
The light shined on them again making Marc step back for a second.
"I'm sorry kids."
The man said, Marc barely had time to even react to the guys hushed yet soft and pitiful words.
He saw the man put his finger on the trigger.
Steven and Marc both thought before Randall was all that was in his head.
He turned his body as he heard the depthing sound of the rounds trying to hit their bodies erupt in the darkness and echoed into the night.
Randall screamed.
Marc and Steven were silent. At least they think they were.
Their bodies tumbled down to the ground as Marc let go of Randall and they rolled down the hill together.
Suddenly it was quiet again, Marc felt pain from the fall, his head pounding along with his heart.
His ribs screamed and he thinks he twisted his hand when they rolled down that steep hill.
He couldn't see where his baby brother went but knew that he was at least nearby, ge heard footsteps.
Then he remembered the gun he still had in his pocket, it had flied in the air and landd on the ground next to him, his hand reached for it.
Before he knew it another shot rang out and a small thud was heard.
Marc hand trembled as the weight of the metal death in his hands finally weighed.
He looked down and there laid the man the gun laying on the ground as blood spilled and splattered like spilled milked was on the dry brownish yellow grass.
He felt sick.
"What did you do."
Steven said in all this. What else could he say.
Marc had killed someone, not someone who was infected but was alive.
The ringing in his ear finally caught something, it sound like whimpers, like crying.
He turned around and saw his brother who was laying on the ground, his hands near his stomach, then he saw it.
The small puddle of blood starting to form under him.
Marc whisperer to no one, no one that could hear him or was alive at this point.
He crawled his way over to his brother ignoring the pain he still had.
He looked down and felt the bile rise again.
"It's okay, your okay."
He tried to comfort his brother who was heaving and gasping as tears ran down his cheeks.
His brother could only whine in pain as Marc tried to move his hands from his bleeding stomach.
He couldn't say anything but his tightness on the grip of his shirt was enough to tell Marc he doesn't want his to move his hands.
"I gotta see it Roro, come on."
Despite the horrible sounds that came out of his brother way of protesting to Marc, he moved the small hands and saw the large crimson blood that had now coated his brother t-shirt.
His stripped designed shirt now being taken over by the crinsom darkeness in the color of his blood.
Marc eyes burned, his hands were shaking, he needed to stop.
Stop the bleeding, that's what he needed to do.
Marc put his hands on the spot and put pressure, his brother yelped as he dug his nails into Marc's arms.
"I know, I know it hurts."
Marc said, he didn't know, he didn't know because it wasn't him that got shot, it was his brother, his baby brother had a bullet go through him and now he was bleeding in a dead field.
His brother nails drew blood but Marc didn't care, he needed to get him help.
"I gotta get you up Roro, ok. Work with me here baby."
Marc said adding in the last thing he ever called his brother. His brother didn't always like to be called the baby of the family but that was what he was, he was the baby and Marc was the oldest.
Steven was the oldest. They were the oldest and their brother was the baby.
A baby they failed to protect.
Slowly his hand went behind his brother small back, he felt the blood covering his hand. It was warm and sticky, he hated the feeling.
Randall yelped and whimpered as he grabbed onto Marc shirt now being decorated with his metallic blood that was coming out of his small body.
His small fist shaking as he tried to get up, his brother trying to reassure him.
"I know, I know, come on, please!"
Marc choked out as his brother was dying in his arms.
He looked around for any help, anybody to do anything. There was no one, he was alone, then it got quiet.
He felt a small body go limp, he looked down his brothers eyes still open but there was no light. There was nothing.
"Hey, no, no. Don't you do this to me Roro, come on."
Steven was sobbing in the shadows, he could sense his despair, his anguish, his sadness.
Steven eventually took control as Marc let him.
"Come on, we have to see mum and dad, don't you want to find them."
Steven softer voice echoed as he held the brother he never really got know in his arms as he tried to get him to move but there was nothing.
He pulled his arms to bring him closer.
Steven felt the tears fall even before he knew, their brothers eyes were lifeless as they looked to the sky the moon and stars reflecting in his eyes now.
Steven pulled his small body against their chest and rocked him back and forth just like they did when he was born.
Little thing was so small and so fragile yet his screams and cries did not match up to his size.
Now there was nothing, there was just him and the sound of the world ending in that back ground, no mum, no dad, no roro.
"Come back, come back. We promised to find mum and dad. We still got to finish our game."
Steven whispered into their baby brothers ears but nothing came, it was quiet.
Steven liked the quiet, but not this one, this one felt lonely.
"Don't take him away, don't take him, please..."
Steven choked on his tears as he tried to breathe, God what were their parents going to say. They were suppose to protect him.
They failed, they failed and now their brother was dead.
Steven felt fatigued and before he knew it, it went dark.
Jake took over, the tears that fell kept falling. He failed, he failed them all.
He was suppose to be the one to take over if things were too much and he failed. How could he fail at his only job.
He held the little brother that didn't even know he existed in his arms as he put his forehead and leaned into the hair of his now dead little brother
This wasn't suppose to happen. None of this was suppose to happen.
His anger was everywhere, he looked at the man responsible for the ache in his heart, the emptiness that now formed into their once full heart.
Then man was wheezing, he wasn't dead.
He slowly let go of his brother and laid him gently on the ground.
"Ahora vuelvo, Roro."
He said as his eyes went to darkness from the sadness and anger to just empty brown eyes.
He got up and picked up the gun, he would finish the deed, for his alters, for his parents, for Roro.
The man lifted his head slightly only to be met with cold metal pointed at him.
"Vete al el infierno cabrón."
Is all he said before the sound of the gun went off, the man was truly dead now.
But he wasn't satisfied. He would never be.
He shot his head again, and again, and again.
The tears ran down his cheeks with every shot that went off. He wanted the pain to stop, to just end. But it would never be enough.
Finally he threw the gun down, it had no bullets, it had done its job.
Unlike him.
He picked up the weapon that murder his brother and took the light off before turning it off, it still had rounds.
He swung it around and then went back to where their brother laid.
He sat down and looked at their brother, he wasn't in pain anymore now.
Nothing would scare him anymore, not where he was going at least.
He gently closed his eyes and cried. He was panting, and his neck burned. They needed to leave, but how could they without their baby brother.
They could never truly leave him. Ever.
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There you go! The first chapter of this Moonknight TLOU AU, don't worry there will be more and sorry for the wait. School has been on my head for the most part but I will come up on top so hopefully this will make it up.
Hope you enjoyed reading this! Again comments about this would be nice to be able to see where I can make improvements on this whole thing as this story goes.
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cuntwrap--supreme · 4 months
Something a little fucked about going to dinner with people who have told your mom that you're "not ok" and shit since you were 8 and them entirely ignoring you, instead leaning over to whisper to your brother that they needed to talk later (about me) when I'm quite literally directly across from him. He texted me saying his aunt wanted to discuss me later.
So they're all talking further down the table and at some point I interject and say, "Yeah, ha ha, I heard you had some questions about me. Where better to get that information than the horse's mouth?" And this woman - who pretends to be Cherokee to, like, get sympathy and Liz Warren'd her way into school saying she was Cherokee when she knew she wasn't, got whole scholarships meant for minorities because of it - looks to my mother and goes, "Girl, I think you need to control your thing down there." So I stood up and said I'd rather walk 14 miles home in the rain than be in the presence of such vacant, soulless ghouls for a moment longer, told this woman she can pay for my meal with her husband's money, and walked. My dad, one of my sisters, and her boyfriend came after me and said that was fucked and they weren't gonna sit there after that. My dad said he was going to walk with me if no one handed over their keys because it was either that or he was going to jail for murdering this woman. Said he looked at my mom and asked what her response to that was, and all she said was that I'm clearly mentally unwell. As if 1) that's not directly her fault and 2) that's grounds to let someone call me a thing and talk shit about me for decades.
Pretty sure your parents are supposed to have your back? So he said after that was her response he told her good luck with her bills, he's done supporting her 20 years after they got divorced. I've been telling him this is how she treats me since I was a child, but he's never seen it in action until tonight. Like, I'd be 10 or so and doing 10 year old shit and she'd make sure I knew it was a sign of being depraved to pretend you're a wizard for fun or some shit and that I was probably going to end up a whore for work because I have no value; meanwhile, she's smoking crack with her boyfriend all the fucking time, exposing me to that and domestic violence, forcing me to be an adult and protect my siblings from her and her boyfriend's drug use from 8 years old onward, and allowing her boyfriend to psychologically torture me because well I'm weird so i deserve it, etc! Wow! It's almost as if isolating people in their formative years and instead forcing them to deal with constant stresses such as "will my mom die the next time she's thrown bodily across the room?" and "what happens if DCS doesn't believe my mom's lies next time? Will I be placed in a home full of other troubled kids, but some of them will rape me?" and "I've been told no adults will believe me when I mentioned my home life and surprise! they don't!" isn't good for someone.
I'm irreparable. Yeah. Sure. You got me there. But I'll be fucking damned if I'm going to sit idly by as these people talk shit about me when I'm 5ft away. Last time they saw me they talked to my mother about how I need to be institutionalized for - get this - not being feminine. Apparently that's a mental disorder now! Sorry, afab people! You have to be traditionally feminine or you're mentally fucked! I don't make the rules! Some people who got rich by marrying scam artists do! Or they told my youngest sister to stop talking to me because I'll only drag her down with me. Whatever that means. As if I didn't fucking raise that child more than either of her parents ever did. As if I didn't protect her from her father when he'd get high and want something to strangle while tweaking out and chose infant her. I should have punched this vapid excuse for a human square in the nose.
I'm so sick of how these people have treated me forever and how no one has ever had the balls to stand up to them because they all have money and they want to mooch off of that. They've hated me from Day One because I don't suck up to them. As far back as I can remember, they've told me I should dye my hair blonde, do makeup, wear high heels and slutty clothes so I can find a "good man" who will take care of me, then call me a weird dyke when I say none of that sounds like a way to find a man I'd get along with.
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italoniponic · 2 years
I have returned with more Hcs to share
Mc headcanons Pt 4 home edition
Mc is adopted and when telling their friends about it they said that their adopted parents found them one an island.
Mc said that they wer adopted when they were 6 byt don't have many memories of what the island was like except for two things one that all the people their looked really young despite how old they were and that they werent allowed outside of the island because of a scary pirate crew whos captain is said to have a hook hand
Mc used to be scared of pirates but grew out of it when they got older but even niw when the see pirates they often tense up
Mc has been noted to be a good actor and have good eye for fashion and when asked why they said that their mother often had them dress up and compete for roles in school plays and even had them audition for a role in a movie which was a hit in their world.
Mc has been noted to have quickly adjusted to magic and their response was that their dad is a magician who was notorious for his explosive temper and would often perform magic trucks when they were younger in order to to cheer them up
Mc has mentioned that their adopted parents names are Donald and daisy. They also had an uncle who due to his rather clumsy behaviour and funny jokes was called Goofy
Mc has said that in their world they had a friend who used to babysit them called peter and Mc noted that they wouldn't be
Where they are without him
Bonus headcanons
Mc and silver have been noted to get along the fastest out of all tge people mc has met and when asked why all Mc said is that they had a strong sense of deja vu when they first met(This actually git Lilia curious who spied on them when they were stargazing and was surprised to notice that they at that time both had aurora eyes )
Mc is actually surprisingly athletic due to alk they errands they run which due to their magicless nature had forced them to compensate for it with physical labour
One time Sebek and Mc got into and arguemebt and unfortunately for Sebek Mc's bottomless patience had run thun that day and they punched him the face and After profusely apologizing to Sebek he let it go who seemed more shocked than angry, he would be seen have to apply healing ointments for next couple of days and having a slightly slurred speech(all of diasomnia was shocked because due to being a fae Sebek was tougher than most and could heal quicker than normal humans but still had to beg Lilia for more healing ointments)
Mc is rather sensitive to magic and this has been attributed to why for some reason they are able to detect what type of spell people are going to use in fights
Also Mc is ambidextrous because when they were younger they broke their right hand and had to learn how to write qith their
This was a long one but i hope you enjoyed as always feel free to ask questions about the Hcs
I completely forgot to add the link last time to the other posts... but not this time! [more hcs about MC here] and sorry for the wait! The week has been busy and I have this thing that I don't post more than two things in the same day (if I can, ik it's weird)
but thanks again, dear! And we have different types of hcs this time, really sweet~
[Originally Adopted MC]
the pure twist of the adopted parents for MC being Donald and Daisy <3
[Neverland MC session]
the fear of pirates, poor thing </3 meeting up the Savanaclaw trio in pirate costumes for Halloween must have been awkward...
"Mc noted that they wouldn't be where they are without him [Peter]"
THIS. IS. SO. CUTE. oh I loved it! Peter Pan was one of those non-princess movies that I really liked, still holds to this day. I got to read the original book last year and one time, my dad bought that movie "Finding Neverland" so we could watch. It was beautiful but we literally watched just one time bc me and my mom couldn't stop crying over the ending lmao
so yeah, I got so fond of this specific hcs <3
[MC's Magician Father]
okay, the bit where MC's father would be a magician is so sweet. Like, magic is already part of their world but more (realistic) than ever. MC could give Ace support in his magic tricks!
[Bonus hcs!]
oooohhhh~ MC secret Silver twin???
MC LITERALLY BURIED THEIR FIST INTO SEBEK'S FACE OH GOD I'm... not capable of doing that, at all, with anyone lmao
I know we're trying to be serious here but this reminded me of those scenes in shounen anime when one character randomly goes like "ah! I can sense and predict all your next movements!" (get your enemies' ass, MC!)
that literally hurts. My mom kinda self-taught herself to write with her left hand, if I'm not mistaken, when she was a kid (she was a strange kid lol). She uses more of her right hand tho but she can do some things with her left in general... I can't, my left hand hates me and everything I try to do </3
now, thanks again for your great hcs, dear <3 I'll reply tomorrow (probably?) to the new ones you had submit, hope that's okay!
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nahmanidontwantto · 2 years
Jeff Winger from community makes me feel seen as someone with npd. Since I'm bad at explaining let me state some quotes (these will not relate to everyone but I find these to relate to how my npd affects me) :
Season 1:
Tw for suicide for this quote;
"The next person that offers me charity or pity will be mentioned by name in my suicide note." -Jeff after his friends offer to give him a place to stay when they find out that he is living in his car.
"Jeff's character acts like nothing affects him but things bother him more than he lets on." -Abed describing who Jeff is as a person.
"For some reason I always thought that I was special and different. And I guess I just have a really hard time when I want to be good at something and I suck." -Jeff talking to his friend Pierce after Jeff got upset about the guy in his pottery class is better at pottery than he is.
"Jeff, you're a normal person. There's nothing very special about you at all. You're going to be great at a few things, but really crappy at many more. And that takes a lot of the pressure off so you can live a full, happy life. Oh, and sorry it took me so long to tell you that, and it was only in your imagination. My bad. Kind of a sloppy mom." -Jeff's imaginary mom making up for excessive praise he was given by his real mom when he was younger without letting him know that it's okay to not be good at everything.
"Look, I treated you like a child for having feelings. Maybe because that's, you know, when I stopped having them." -Jeff apologizing to Annie after treating her badly for wanting to keep the group together.
Season 2:
"You're right. He's a bad friend. But he's a good lawyer. Now I appreciate you guys caring, but you have to understand that I don't. Caring is lethal around here. It's a disease. You guys have it. I don't. So if you do care about me, don't infect me." -Jeff after his friends exposed his old lawyer friend for getting him fired. (Side note: right after this conversation he says "I think I caught something. At Greendale." to his old lawyer friend)
"Hell no that guy is useful to me. Thanks to you, I've now got leverage over a spineless jag that just made partner. That is the place I want to work. But I prefer to hang out with cool people. People so cool, they care." -Jeff's response to Shirley asking him if he punched his old lawyer friend in the face after he dipped out of the party his friend was at. (Side note: I find this to be what I consider good rep of exploiting a relationship because he and his friend needed something from each other and they got it, understood that purpose, and were both okay with it. It shows that not all exploitative relationships hurt someone. When all was said and done though, Jeff chose the ones he found more fun to hang around with.)
"It might not shock you guys to hear the real reason we had a fight today. . . Caring about a person can be scary. Caring about six people can be a horrifying embarrassing nightmare. At least for me. But if I can't say it today, when can I say it? I love you guys. Oh and Pierce? Take it from an expert. These knuckleheads are right outside your heart. Let them in. Before it's too late." -Jeff in a text to his friends after they fought.
"See, prison was my walls. But you put your walls up. You and your phone, and your attitude, and your Fruit Loops cologne. Your walls put up so tight, man, not even a blade of grass could get through. But even if it did, you wouldn't appreciate it. That's why you can't come back to my class." -The biology teacher explaining why Jeff cannot come back to his class after he got kicked out.
"Yeah, I lied, but you seem to have a harder time being the bad guy than me." -Pierce taking responsibility for something he did not do for the sake of Jeff.
Season 3:
"You know what Jeff has in his bathroom? Neither do I. He keeps his toiletries in a safe under the sink. His whole personality is based around guarding himself." -Britta talking about Jeff to Troy when he asked why Jeff picks on him all the time.
"You know what I think would make the perfect toast? You, as Shirley's friend and a good guy, just saying what's really in your heart. There's something real in there. Maybe that's what scares you." -Annie giving advice to Jeff for his speech at Shirley's wedding.
Season 4:
Tw for graphic details halfway through to the end of this quote;
"I'm sorry. You should take some credit for who I've become. So, let me tell you how I've turned out just so you're crystal clear on your impact. I am not well adjusted. More often than not I am barely keeping it together. I'm constantly texting, and there's no one at the other end. I'm just a grown man who can't even look his own friends in the eye for too long because I'm afraid that they'll see that I am broken. So you get credit for that. One time, when I was in seventh grade, I told everybody at school that I had appendicitis. I wanted someone to worry about me. But when Beth Brandon asked to see the scar I didn't want to get found out so I took scissors and I made one. It hurt like hell, but it was worth it because I got 17 cards and I still keep them in a box underneath my bed 22 years later because it proves that someone, at some point, cared about me." -Jeff Winger to his dad during Thanksgiving after he hadn't seen his dad for over 10 years.
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bleuhisteria · 1 year
Deus Ex Machina|| Aizawa x Reader Chapter 10
In the crucible of training, bonds are forged, weaknesses are exposed, and the path to true coordination begins.
As breakfast came to an end, Aizawa offered to help clean up the dining table, and Elena and I settled in the living room. I sat on the floor while she took a seat on the couch, carefully brushing my hair as my mom had requested.
While Elena worked on my hair, my thoughts drifted back to my dad's words. He had a point about maintaining the integrity of the sports festival. However, Aizawa and I had to make use of every advantage we had. In the midst of these contemplations, I realized that I had overlooked a crucial detail: look for someone who possessed recordings of the previous sports festivals. And to think, it was none other than my own mother who had the entire collection. How convenient...
"All right! Let's get to training, you two!" my dad's voice rang out, snapping me out of my thoughts just as Elena finished brushing my hair.
I walked over to join my dad, feeling a sense of guilt as I stood next to Aizawa. My head hung low as I muttered my apologies to him, "Sorry for being late... I stayed up for a while last night..." I confessed, my guilt lingering despite my belief that I was doing it for his sake.
"It's fine," I heard him say in his usual monotonous tone, brushing off my concerns. "I enjoyed the food anyway," he added, attempting to lighten the mood.
Lifting up my head, I managed to give him a small smile. We reached the training grounds, and I wondered if it would be another one-on-one spar with Aizawa. I glanced at him, ready to ask the question, but my dad beat me to it.
"Since I left so abruptly yesterday, I wasn't able to train both of you. But I'm sure (N/N) here managed to extract some useful information from you, Aizawa-kun," Dad said, turning to Aizawa, who nodded in response.
He continued, "I mostly train (N/N) in unarmed combat, and the same will go for you. I'd like to see how well you do against me," Dad said with a smile. Then he turned to me and gave me an order, "(N/N), stand to the side and watch."
I nodded, realizing that I should have brought my pen and paper to take notes. Sighing to myself, I prepared to observe the training session and make mental notes instead.
The two of them stood across from each other, ready to begin. My dad broke the ice by asking a question, "How long have you been training, Aizawa?" he inquired, dropping the honorifics.
Aizawa assumed a combat stance, his expression serious. "Since junior high," he responded.
My dad let out a chuckle, his confidence evident. "Then I hope those years of training pay off in this fight," he declared, his words carrying a hint of challenge, aiming to stoke some aggression in Aizawa.
Aizawa remained calm, muttering, "So do I, sir."
"(N/N), tell us when to start," my dad called out to me. I nodded in acknowledgment.
They both maintained their focused stances, awaiting my signal. As my eyes briefly met with Aizawa's, a surge of warmth spread across my cheeks. I quickly shook off the distraction, slapping my cheeks lightly to regain my focus. This was not the time to let my thoughts wander.
Taking a deep breath, I mustered my confidence and announced, "Start!"
As the fight between my dad and Aizawa unfolded, the air crackled with tension. Their movements were lightning-fast, showcasing their exceptional combat skills.
My dad initiated the first offensive move, lunging forward with a powerful straight punch aimed at Aizawa's midsection. Aizawa swiftly sidestepped, evading the attack with graceful footwork. Seizing the opportunity, he countered with a swift low kick, aiming to destabilize my dad's balance. However, my dad anticipated the move, pivoting on his planted foot and redirecting the force of the kick, using it to execute a spinning backfist that narrowly missed Aizawa's jaw.
Aizawa, undeterred, retaliated with a series of lightning-quick strikes. He launched a barrage of punches and kicks, aiming to overwhelm my dad with speed and precision. My dad's years of experience shone through as he expertly parried and blocked the incoming strikes, demonstrating his superior defensive skills.
In a fluid motion, my dad launched a powerful roundhouse kick towards Aizawa's torso. Aizawa responded with a well-timed sidestep, narrowly avoiding the full impact of the strike. Sensing an opening, he countered with a swift elbow strike, aiming for my dad's exposed flank. However, my dad swiftly twisted his body, deflecting the blow with his forearm while simultaneously delivering a powerful knee strike towards Aizawa's midsection.
The fight continued with a mesmerizing exchange of strikes, blocks, and counters. Aizawa utilized his agility and flexibility, smoothly evading my dad's attacks and launching calculated counterattacks. My dad, on the other hand, showcased his impeccable timing and precision, capitalizing on any opening he could find.
Their movements were a blur as they seamlessly transitioned between offensive and defensive maneuvers.
As the fight between my dad and Aizawa intensified, it became apparent that my dad's experience and skill were giving him the upper hand. Aizawa, although putting up a valiant fight, was still relatively young and lacked the same level of expertise.
My dad's calculated strikes and impeccable timing gradually wore down Aizawa's defenses. He expertly dodged and parried Aizawa's attacks, countering with precision and power. Aizawa fought back with determination, utilizing his agility and quick reflexes, but it wasn't enough to overcome my dad's years of training.
Aizawa's movements started to lose their sharpness as fatigue set in. His breathing grew heavier, and his once swift strikes became sluggish. My dad took advantage of the opening, landing a well-placed strike that sent Aizawa stumbling backward.
Despite his efforts, Aizawa struggled to regain his footing, visibly fatigued and overwhelmed. He fought with resilience, refusing to back down, but ultimately, my dad's experience and superior technique proved too much for him to overcome at this stage in his training.
With one final decisive move, my dad landed a powerful blow, knocking Aizawa to the ground. The impact reverberated through the training grounds, signaling the end of the fight. Aizawa lay there, momentarily stunned and defeated.
My dad reached out his hand, offering it to Aizawa as a sign of respect and recognition for his efforts. "You fought well, kid. You just need more experience dealing with real opponents," he remarked.
Aizawa accepted the helping hand, pulling himself up with a mixture of exhaustion and weariness etched on his face. The physical and mental strain of the fight was evident.
Curiosity filled my dad's eyes as he addressed Aizawa, "I assume you don't have much experience in combat against actual people, am I right?"
Aizawa nodded silently, affirming my dad's assumption.
Letting out a sigh, my dad spoke with a tinge of empathy, "It showed in our bout. You need more practice fighting against living opponents. Understanding their thoughts and anticipating their moves is crucial in a battle, and that's not something you can fully grasp by fighting robots and dummies alone." He then turned his attention to me, beckoning me to take the stage. "(N/N), it's your turn!" he called out, temporarily benching Aizawa.
Aizawa seemed to take the advice to heart as we exchanged places. He positioned himself on the sidelines, observing quietly. I walked toward my dad, ready to face the challenge ahead. He looked back at Aizawa and said, "Let us know when to begin," to which Aizawa quietly nodded in response.
As we faced each other, our stances firm and focused, Aizawa's voice resonated through the training grounds, "Start!" his shout signaling the beginning of our fight.
Having a deep understanding of my dad's fighting style, I recognized some of his vulnerabilities, making us somewhat evenly matched. With this knowledge in mind, I initiated the bout by launching the first punch, knowing that I possessed greater speed than him.
The fight between my dad and me was intense and fast-paced. I attacked with a flurry of punches, using my speed advantage. But my dad's reflexes were sharp, and he blocked and countered most of my strikes.
His fighting style blended martial arts and power, making it challenging for me to land hits. I had to rely on evasive maneuvers to dodge his attacks. Sometimes, I managed to land a few strikes on his guard.
We moved swiftly across the training grounds, exchanging blows. My dad's experience gave him the upper hand, as he anticipated my moves and countered effectively. I fought by adapting my strategy to find weaknesses.
As the fight went on, we both grew tired. Sweat dripped down our faces. In the end, my dad's experience and strength won out. He landed a decisive strike, and I stumbled back.
Breathing heavily, I looked at my dad with a mix of exhaustion and respect. He offered a hand to help me up, and I accepted, acknowledging his victory.
Later on, as (Y/N) and Aizawa sat on the ground, (Y/N)'s dad took the opportunity to lecture them about their fighting styles and areas that needed improvement.
"Aizawa, I noticed that you hesitate to attack even when there are clear openings. Anticipating your opponent's moves is crucial in combat," he advised, his arms crossed.
Aizawa nodded in acknowledgement. "I understand, sir. It's something I need to work on."
Turning to (Y/N), her dad fixed his gaze on her, his expression stern. "And (N/N), while your ability to identify my weak points and react accordingly is commendable, you rely too heavily on your speed, which drains your stamina. You need to find a balance between speed and strategy," he scolded.
Feeling dejected, (Y/N) nodded in acknowledgment of her father's critique. "Yes, sir. I'll work on that."
Trying to lighten the mood, (Y/N)'s dad laughed and placed a hand on her head, offering words of encouragement. "Don't worry, sweetie. With enough training, you'll reach my level."
Just as they began to regain their focus, Aizawa spoke up, addressing (Y/N)'s dad with a respectful tone. "(Y/N)'s dad, may I ask you something?"
"Call me (F/N). But yes, what do you want to know?" (Y/N)'s dad replied, retracting his hand from her head and adopting a curious expression.
Aizawa hesitated for a moment before asking the question that surprised both (Y/N) and her dad. "Are you a hero by chance?"
Caught off guard, (Y/N)'s dad laughed awkwardly, trying to downplay the inquiry. "What makes you think that?"
"Your combat ability... it's just... never mind... forget I said anything," Aizawa responded, realizing that assuming (Y/N)'s dad was a hero might have been presumptuous.
(Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief, her panic subsiding. She glanced at Aizawa, appreciating his discretion. However, her dad, seizing the moment, proposed something unexpected.
"Now that that's cleared up, why don't we all fight at once? You two against me," he suggested with a mischievous grin, sparking a renewed sense of excitement in the training session.
Aizawa turned to (Y/N), a hint of concern on his face. "Two against one?" he questioned, seeking reassurance.
(Y/N)'s dad nodded in affirmation, elaborating on his idea. "Since you're both planning to work together in the sports festival, it's important to develop your teamwork and compatibility in combat. This will be a valuable opportunity to enhance your coordination and learn how to synchronize your attacks," he explained, capturing (Y/N)'s full attention.
Excitement bubbled up within her, and she eagerly agreed. "R-right! The more we understand each other's movements, the better we can coordinate our strategies and take advantage of openings," she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.
"Exactly," (Y/N)'s dad affirmed, pleased with her response. "It's important to understand each other's fighting styles and synchronize your moves effectively. This will be a great opportunity for both of you to improve your teamwork."
Aizawa seemed to consider the idea, his initial hesitation fading. "Alright, let's give it a try," he agreed, displaying a newfound determination.
With everyone on board, (Y/N)'s dad gestured for them to take their positions. "Remember, this isn't just about overpowering me. Focus on coordination, communication, and exploiting openings. Are you ready?"
(Y/N) and Aizawa exchanged a determined look before nodding in unison. "Y-yes, sir!" "Yes, sir!"
"Then let's begin!" (Y/N)'s dad declared, and the intense three-way battle commenced.
As (Y/N) and Aizawa launched their coordinated assault, their movements initially appeared synchronized. They moved with a shared purpose, their attacks blending seamlessly as if they had practiced them countless times before. However, as the battle unfolded, subtle cracks in their coordination began to surface.
There were moments when their timing faltered, causing their attacks to clash instead of harmonize. (Y/N) would throw a punch while Aizawa attempted a sweeping kick, resulting in their limbs colliding and disrupting the flow of their offense. They had not yet developed the instinctive understanding of each other's movements necessary for flawless coordination.
Furthermore, their communication fell short in critical situations. They struggled to convey their intentions effectively, leading to misinterpretations and missteps. (Y/N) would anticipate Aizawa's actions incorrectly, leaving her momentarily vulnerable, while Aizawa would hesitate in his decision-making, unsure of when to follow up on (Y/N)'s attacks.
These lapses in coordination created openings that (Y/N)'s dad astutely capitalized on. He exploited their hesitations and misfires, countering their attacks with swift and calculated maneuvers. Their lack of seamless coordination left them susceptible to his experienced and strategic counterattacks.
With each misstep, frustration and disappointment crept into (Y/N) and Aizawa's expressions. They knew they had the potential to be a formidable team, but their lack of synergy hindered their progress.
Despite their efforts, the battle ended prematurely, leaving them with a sense of unfinished business.
Panting heavily, (Y/N) and Aizawa exchanged glances, both realizing their lack of coordination in the battle.
Noticing their expression, (Y/N)'s dad chimed in, "See that? It's important to know your partner's weakness in order to cover them with your own strengths. Since you two have only known each other for a couple of days, it's safe to assume you don't know anything about each other."
He continued, "The more two people understand each other, the better their coordination becomes. Try to work on understanding each other first before anything else," he advised, a smile on his face as though the fight hadn't worn him down at all.
Still panting, Aizawa placed his hands on his knees and asked, "How exactly do we do that?"
A mischievous grin formed on (Y/N)'s dad's face as he replied, "I'm glad you asked!"
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hollywillows · 2 years
Hello) I saw you post about Moon Knight requests. And I just thought about something. Imagine Mark and his SO being in the same situation as he was with his mom (I actually mean that scene where she asks him to open the door). Maybe hi locked himself in the bathroom and smashed the mirror or something. And his SO just wants to help but his memories torture and haunt him and Marc refuses to open the door.
I don’t really know what should happen next but I just want pure fluff and cuddles for this broken soul.
Thank you❤️☀️
thank you for your request! i hope you enjoy <3 my moon knight requests (marc and steven) are open!
worthy - marc spector x reader
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you’d just gotten home from your shift at work, and you were still smiling as you closed the door to your shared flat with marc. “marc! i’m home!” you said as you balanced on one foot, attempting to take off one of your heels.
the long hours you often had to endure at your job as a barista were well worth it to get to work with a few of your close friends, and you chuckled to yourself as you thought about one of the jokes that your closest friend had made that day.
once both formal shoes had been removed, you then noticed that marc hadn’t yet walked out to greet you. it wouldn’t have been something to worry most people, but you’d grown accustomed to him (or steven) walking out immediately to greet you and ask for all the details of your day.
“marc?” you called out hesitantly.
you knew he was home because the tea sitting on the counter top was freshly brewed, yet barely touched. your brows furrowed in concern as you then made your way further back into the living space, looking into your shared bedroom.
the covers were still placed as they’d been when you had made the bed that morning, and nothing else seemed out of place.
confused, you walked towards the bathroom to check there. that’s when you noticed that the door was closed. “marc?” you asked, wondering if he just hadn’t heard you before. the lack of response then worried you. “marc?” you repeated, your hand moving to the door knob.
locked. you struggled with it a moment more before sighing. “marc, are you okay? it’s me.” he once again didn’t say anything, and you reached for the knob of the door again. “marc, please open the door.”
you could hear a slight shuffling as he moved around, which confirmed that he was, indeed, inside the bathroom, and avoiding you.
this wouldn’t have been the first time that marc had needed space, or had wanted to be by himself. but he’d never before locked himself in any part of the house, and you were beyond worried.
“marc? steven?” you tried the name of his alter, but only heard a small sniffling in response. you were now leaning against the door, momentarily giving up on trying to open it. “please, it’s okay. i’m here. please unlock the door.”
you then heard the sound of shattering glass, and you mentally cursed as you assumed he’d punched the mirror. that let you have at least some sort of a guess of who was currently fronting. “marc. please.” you spoke more urgently now, once more attempting to open the locked door. “marc!”
he yelled from inside the bathroom, and you couldn’t tell if the anguished sound came from the pain of his hand or from something much deeper.
“marc.. marc, please open the door.” you tried weakly.
“no.” he finally spoke.
though you were relieved to hear him say something, your heart broke at the hint of genuine terror in his voice. “okay.” you reluctantly agreed, sitting down in front of the door, your back leaning against the wall.
you could only assume that he was sitting on the other side of the door in a similar fashion, and it would’ve perhaps looked cinematic from a different angle. but you were only worried about him as you gnawed at the insides of your cheeks.
despite how desperately you just wanted to hold him, to let him talk to you about whatever was going on, to kiss his knuckles and lead him back to bed, you sat there. you knew that he would open the door when he wanted to, and there was no use in pressing him to do so. if he’d found a safe space, a solace, in the bathroom, you had no right to take it from him.
you’d almost felt like you were going mad by the time the lock clicked. you stood instantly, waiting to see if the door would open. it didn’t, but you were surprised when marc said “come in.”
his voice was broken and deep, and you could tell that he’d been crying before you even opened the door. the mirror, sure enough, had been shattered, and marc was sitting in a slump on the floor in front of the sink, knuckles bright red with his own blood.
“marc..” you breathed out, dropping in front of him. he was still refusing to meet your gaze, taking interest in one of the tiles on the floor.
wordlessly, you took a hold of his hand. he didn’t object, which you took as a positive sign. once again, you wanted to allow him his own time to explain his thoughts to you. you sat in silence for what felt like hours before he cleared his throat.
“i’m sorry.” he still didn’t look at you as he spoke.
your thumb ran along the back of his hand. “hey, no, no, it’s okay. i’m not upset with you.” you assured him.
“i just mean- i’ve ruined your day.” he explained.
“what? no, no you haven’t.” you shook your head, your eyes focused on him as you grabbed his other hand into yours.
he finally looked up at you. “i don’t- i don’t even know what came over me.” he let out a sob. “one second everything was fine, and then the next i was… i was in here, and then.. then i heard you come home, and.. and i knew it was you, i knew it was. but it felt like.. like when my mom would come home. and then next thing i knew i was locking the door, and just hoping you wouldn’t walk in here. so you wouldn’t hit me. and.. and it was stupid. it was.. i know you don’t do that. and i know i can trust you, i know all that. but it just felt so real. and then suddenly you were her, and i didn’t know what to do, and..”
the sentence wasn’t finished as his arms wrapped around you, and you could feel him shaking as he began to sob into your shoulder.
you ran your hands along his back, pressing kisses to his face, his hair, anywhere you could reach. “i love you.” you didn’t know what else to say, but all you knew at the moment was that you were overwhelmed with your love for the broken man.
he pulled you even closer at your words, his face nuzzling into your neck, making it wet with his tears. “love you too.” he managed to speak, clinging onto your body.
once he’d calmed down and his crying had ceased, he pulled away from you. you ran your fingers along his face, wiping the drying tears away and brushing the hair from his face.
“i’m sorry i can’t be.. i can’t be normal for you. you deserve a normal love, and i can’t give that.” he frowned as he watched the care and love flicker in your eyes.
you shook your head. “i don’t want normal. i want you.”
“i don’t deserve you.”
“you don’t deserve what you’ve been through.” you countered. “everything.. she.. did to you? what she said to you? you were just a boy. and you never deserved any of that.” you held his head in your hands as you spoke. “but i’m going to be here for you, as long as you’ll let me, no matter what happens.”
you didn’t know what words would console him, what you could possibly say to convey how much you loved him, to convince him of how much love he deserved.
“you’re worthy.” you said. “i know you don’t think you are, but you are worthy of love. and i will do everything in my power to love you, every single day. every single day until you believe that you deserve it.”
another tear escaped from his eyes and you wiped it away just as quickly as it fell. he was now looking at you with a gaze that looked as awestruck as it had on your first date.
“i love you so much.” he said, moving back in to wrap you in his arms.
you smiled. “i know. i love you, too.”
“i know.”
after you’d sat there for some time, occasionally whispering nothings or pressing delicate kisses to each others’ shoulders, you helped him to his feet before leading him to your shared bed.
marc lay down next to you, immediately longing for your warmth. he pulled your body close to his, smiling at the feeling of contact with you as your legs entangled.
as you watched him slowly drift into sleep, you felt in your soul how much you loved him, how willingly you’d do anything for his happiness. it was true; he was yours and you were his, and you were going to do anything for him.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Promise: Yandere Godfather Hawks x Todoroki reader
This is a side story takes place in the YRHR series, after part 1, when the reader returns home, blind.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
"Y/n... Come on, wake up. Its 9 already." You heard him say, feeling the bed dip as he sat on it, gently touching the back of your shoulder. "Aren't you hungry? Mom's making your favourite."
When you gave no response, Shotou pulled the covers away from your face, his brows furrowing at the bandages around your eyes that had loosened up. You had did that, clawing at the meticulously tight knot Natsuo had done; you didn't like how it settled on your eyes.
"You're awake, right?" The only answer he got was you turning your cheek further away from him when he tried to caress it. Shotou didn't like your silence and he missed it when you used to ramble about almost anything to him. He missed when you were happy.
The door bell rang.
Shotou looked at his watch confused. Wasn't Natsuo supposed to come around at 11? He could hear Enji walking to the main door, and after a few seconds of silence, he heard footsteps coming towards your room. But then he heard some scuffling, and people talking- he recognised Enji's and Dabi's voices, his brother's getting louder by the second.
"I'll check who's there. Stay."
Stay? You would've rolled your eyes if, you know, you still had them.
A few more minutes passed and you could hear Dabi arguing with someone, and you think that Shotou is trying to calm him down. Deciding to take advantage of the situation, you got up from the bed. For the past whole month, Shotou would come to wake you up everyday, carrying you in his arms to the bathroom, never letting you walk on your own, claiming "you'll get hurt".
Taking one small step at a time, you stretched your arms out trying to reach the wall. Once you felt the cold, smooth surface, you used it to guide you towards the door.
No matter what you did, or how many times you told them to back off, that you can do this on your own, they wouldn't let you. Hell, you were pretty sure that if they could, they would breathe for you too. As if trying to instil in your mind that you're helpless without them, incapable of making your own decisions.
I'll show them how fucking capable I am.
After stubbing your toe only once, you finally reached the door, your hand gripping the metal knob. You placed your ear on the door, trying to figure out who and where everyone is standing. The corridor seemed empty and you think everyone is downstairs.
Opening the door, you used another wall to guide you towards the stairs. You hoped Shotou doesn't see you; he'd throw a hissy fit at you attempting to walk down the stairs.
As you took one careful step at a time, you heard the commotion grow louder. You could hear Dabi yelling profanities at the other person, certainly not Enji because Rei or Fuyumi would've stepped in by now to stop him. You used to stop him too, but ever since what happened, you don't really care anymore.
"Why the fuck are you even here?! She doesn't fucking want to see you!"
"And who is gonna stop me? You? I'd be happy to knock you down on your ass- its about goddamn time!"
You almost stumbled down the last few steps, but you needed to know- was he, was he really here?
You heard his wings flap before you felt him, the wind gushed at your body strongly, making you lose your balance. But muscular arms wrapped around you before you could fall, and the winged hero lifted you up and spun you around, making you burst into laughter.
Rei was the first one to cry.
You laughed.
Not a bitter, sarcastic one.
A genuinely happy laugh.
And she missed her baby's laugh so much.
Dabi's eyes widened slightly. His heart clenching up a bit as he realised how he missed that beaming look on your face. He realised how fucking naive you were, how you were his little sister that he needed to protect.
Shotou felt envy. Why- why didn't you laugh like that with him? Why didn't you laugh for him? Was he... not a good brother?
Fuyumi actually rushed out of the kitchen when she heard you, her hands coming up to her mouth to suppress the sob that was building up. Too long. It had been too long since you were happy.
Natsuo smiled. He smiled as he saw you chortle when the hero's feathers tickled your cheek. He wished you would smile more often.
Enji's breath hitched as he saw you chuckle into Hawk's shoulder. It was so natural, so lively, so radiant. He had been dying to hear that sweet sound again.
Your heart was beating fast and your stomach was doing somersaults as you felt the air rushing through your hair and cooling on to your neck, the soft feathers brushing across your skin.
He really was here.
But so were they.
And you could feel their eyes on you.
Keigo frowned when he saw you curl yourself into him, as if trying to bury yourself into his chest. When he looked around, he saw them glaring and that's when he puffed out his wings before curling them around you; shielding you.
"I'll be spending time with my goddaughter. Do not disturb us." And with that, Hawks flew you up to your room, locking the door before they could sat anything. He could hear Dabi arguing, but he trusted Enji to handle him.
He set you on your bed, chuckling as you didn't let go of his collar.
"Its okay, dove. I'm here, now- ow!" You cut him off by punching his arm.
"Where were you?!"
"In your heart- ow! Stop hitting me!" He caught your wrists.
"You said you were gonna visit me at home! Its been a whole month-"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry but believe me, I really was busy!" Sighing, he continued. "The hero commission sent me to Europe for a mission and things got a bit messy, so I got caught up."
Yanking your hands out of his grip, you scowled. "Would it have killed you to call?"
"I mean I wouldn't say kill, but I probably could've lost a limb or two-" He started laughing when when you began getting up to walk to the door.
Keigo wrapped his arms around you, smiling cheekily"Y/n- I'm sorry, I'm just kidding. Come back-"
"No, let go! I don't have time for your bullshit" He continued laughing, easily picking you up and dropping you back on your bed.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Come on, now. Stop being mad." You heard him shuffling. "Besides, I've got something for you!"
He dropped something in your lap. You picked an item, your hands feeling around it, trying to figure out what the rectangular shaped box was.
"Whats this?"
"Oh, here. Let me help you." He lifted the lid of the box and you were immediately hit by a familiar smell.
He hummed in confirmation"Your favourite ones too! They were always sold out! Luckily, I was able to use my charm on the owner."
"Charm? Oh, you mean where you pull that ugly smirk and do that half lidded look with your eyes, and you think that you look hot but you actually just look creepy?"
"Yeah- hey!"
And then the next 3 hours were spent like that, Hawks telling you about Europe and the bad guys he caught, you telling him about the way your family had been treating you.
"They don't let me do anything, they don't give me any privacy! Its like- its like they want me to be a doll!" You gave an exasperated sigh. "They- they act like they are being so generous. Like it was somehow my fault that my eyes got fried!"
"Oh come on. They can't be that bad-"
"They are! So much worse than before. Look, I'm a grown up- I need my space too! You know what Shotou said when I asked him to get me a walking stick? He said I don't need one since he can carry me everywhere. Do you know how embarrassing it is to get carried to the toilet every single day? Do you?!"
"Well, no-"
"And then Fuyumi cuts up my food and spoon feeds me herself! I know I'm blind but its not like I'm gonna stuff the food up my nose or something!"
The hero snickered at that.
"And then Enji reads me these novels or the newspaper and he skips over the parts he thinks I'm too "young" or "immature" to understand! They even monitor what I listen to! Fuyumi or Shotou would be quick to change the channel if something above pg 10 comes on!" You ran a hand through your hair frustratedly. "I asked Enji to get me a Braille and the first few time he pretended like he didn't hear me, before finally saying that I don't need one!"
"Don't worry, I'll sneak in a Braille for dummies the next time I visit."
"Hey-! Wait... what do you mean "next time"?"
"Oh come on! I promise I'll come earlier next time. Maybe in like 2 weeks-"
"No. I want to leave this place today. You promised."
"Y/n-"Keigo reached to place a hand on your shoulder but you pushed him off.
"You. Promised. You said you'll get me out of here when I leave the hospital" You inhaled deeply. "Well, guess what, Hawks? Its been a whole month."
"I know but you're not well enough-"
"I AM! If anything, staying here is harming me more!" Your tone was getting angrier. "You said- you said you would take me away from them."
"I can't do it right now. The hero commission needs me-"
"I need you! Or am I just not worth your time?"
"Please, dove- try to understand. How will I take care of you if I'm out at the agency?"He tried to pet your head but you smacked his hand away, snarling at him.
"You're a liar. A big fucking liar! Was this the plan all along? To give me hope that you'll save me, only to fucking crush it?!" The hero managed to dodge the box of chocolates you threw at him. "I don't need fucking chocolate or your stupid presents. I need to get out of this goddamn house!"
The hero began walking towards the door. "You're not thinking rationally- I'll- I'll leave." But before the hero could manage to take another step, you were leaping towards him, but since you couldn't see, you only managed to fall near his feet. When he grabbed your shoulders to help you up, you were quick to latch onto him, wrapping your arms around his torso tightly.
"No- no! Don't go. Please, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that. Please, don't be mad. I swear I'll behave, just don't leave me here!" Your hold onto him was becoming painfully tight.
Keigo felt like someone was breaking his heart piece by piece as he looked at you. The way your body shook from your pitiful sobs, the way you held onto his jacket as if your life depended on it- he was forced to remember how vulnerable you looked the night he brought you back to the this house. The same night when you begged and begged him to fly you away, that you'll do anything as long as he didn't dropped you back at the Todoroki estate.
"Y/n- darling, love, listen to me. I promised you that I'll keep you save, didn't I? I promise I'll come back soon-"
Hawks knew that bitch Rei did this on purpose, he knew and it killed him that he couldn't save you from her. He wanted to tell you that he believed you, and he was preparing a place for you. But the hero knows your siblings were eavesdropping, right on the other side of the door.
He had to be careful and play the fool if he wanted to get you out of this hell hole.
"Y/n please-"
You shook your head repeatedly, pulling him closer to you as you shrieked at him. "No. NO! I wont let you go! I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE WITHOUT ME! Keigo, I'm begging you! Take me with you, please! I'll die! I'll die! I'LL FUCKING DIE, KEIGO! PLEASE!"
Your loud screams had your siblings bursting through the door, obviously using a spare key. "Y/n, whats wrong-" You jumped away when they touched your shoulder, giving Hawks chance to slip away.
You instantly reached out for him, flailing your arms around to get a hold of him again. But the hero was already out the door and your siblings quickly pulled you back into their arms, shushing you, trying to calm you down.
But you were inconsolable. Thrashing around in Shotou's arms, you kept begging for Hawks to come back. "HAWKS COME BACK! LET ME GO! HAWKS, PLEASE! I'LL DIE! I'LL DIE! I'LL DIE!" It pained them to see you like this, so hysterical; Shotou and Fuyumi whispered sweet nothings but you payed them no mind. Natsuo knew you were going to hyperventilate soon, but he was more worried about you bursting a vessel in your head.
Thinking fast, he quickly brought up a tranquilliser- and the moment the sharp smell of the alcohol swab hit your nose, you were wrestling harder to get out Shotou's and Fuyumi's arms.
"Y/n, please calm down-"
"FUCK YOU! LET ME GO! KEIGO! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! COME BACK- STOP! STOP TOUCHING ME! STOP!" You screamed louder than before when you felt her cold hands gripping your arm, holding it still so that your brother could administer the dose.
As the drug began taking effect, your thrashing slowed down before you finally slumped into Shotou's arms. The tranquilliser numbed the headache that was forming, and you felt Fuyumi use a tissue to wipe the snot and the spit off your face.
"I'll die... I'll die... And you won't be there. And I'll die..."
Hawks was in a trance like state as he watched Shotou tuck you under the covers. He wanted to use his sharp feathers to slice off that cold bitch's hand that brushed the hair out of your face, before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Your daunting screams rang through his ears; his chest felt like some was shoving a knife through it slowly as he played back the image of you trying to wring yourself free from their arms, one hand still reaching out for him. It took everything in him not to grab it and pull you away from those monsters, but he had to remind himself of the bigger picture.
Lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice the pyromaniac standing next to him until he spoke.
"This is all your fault."
Hawks looked at Dabi. His fault?
"You shouldn't have come here."
"She's my goddaughter-"
"Shut the fuck up." Dabi narrowed his eyes at the hero. "She's like this because you gave her false hope. Hope, that one day she'll get away from us. You and I both know that's not gonna happen." He sighed before continuing. "You call yourself a hero, but in reality, you're no better than us."
As Hawks turned to leave, not willing to let the villian get on his nerves, Dabi spoke again.
"Dont bother coming back. She won't forgive you. She'll never forget this betrayal."
Hurtful as they were, he knew the words he said were true.
Hawks was almost out the gates when he saw Enji sitting in the garden, looking at the koi pond. He should've left, should've flown away but there was something in Enji's eyes that had the winged hero walking towards him. He recognised the emotion as soon as he got close.
Or was it guilt?
Perhaps a mixture of both.
"Endeavour, are you... alright?"
The number 1 hero looked away from the fish and blinked at him.
"Hawks? What are you still doing here?"
The blonde chuckled nervously. "I was just on my way out." He gazed at him. "Are you okay? You seem to be in deep thought."
Enji only stared at him. Taking his silence as the answer, Hawks turned to leave.
"Why did you come here today, Keigo?"
He suppressed the urge to shudder the way his name rolled off his tongue.
"She's my goddaughter too. Why? Do you think it was a bad decision to come?"
"No." Enji sighed. "I just- she hadn't laughed like that in a long time."
Hawks stood beside him. "She's still traumatised from the kitchen accident. Its understable-"
"No. She hadn't laughed like that for a long time, even before this happened." Enji's eyes moved towards the night sky. The stars were twinkling extra bright tonight. How he wished you could see it. "Before she lost her sight, she used to look out the window, her eyes searching sky." He gulped. "She was looking for you, Keigo. You- you made her happy, you make her laugh. I don't."
Hawks placed his hand on Enji's shoulder. "That's not true, Enji. You do make her happy. She loves you. She feels safe with you. She sees you as her protector."
"She does?"
He nodded. "Of course. If you want things to return to normal, you need to treat her normally too. Just- just talk to her. Sort out the issues and wash away whatever fears she has." Hawks wanted Enji to listen to you, to really listen to you and protect you from Rei. He could only hope that Enji understood what he meant.
Hawks was right, Enji realised. Whatever delusions you have of Rei wanting to hurt you on purpose, of being the "bad person", they can all be cleared up if he just talked to you. Ever since the incident, the family avoided talking to you about Rei or the events that had occurred that day.
If he just talked to you, things will return to normal. You'll become happy again.
"Thank you, Keigo."
Hawks only smiled in return. "I'll be leaving now."
"Okay. When will you visit again?"
"I'll be gone for longer now. The hero commission is sending me on another mission again."
"Oh. Safe travels, then."
As Hawks flew away, he began thinking about the house.
The house where he was going to take you to soon. He just needs to add a few finishing touches before he sets his plan in motion. The plan to rescue you, and eventually Enji, from those sadist that call themselves your family.
He will not let his dove get hurt again.
He'll save you this time.
He promises.
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Idk how this turned out, angst wasn't the plan initially. Guess I'll write godfather Hawks fluff for another day.
Anyways, now that this is done, I'll start working on RE 8 fic now.
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The Cop Out- Sam Kiszka
Part 9 - Kiss and Tell
Synopsis: Y/n and Sam wake up to a new dilemma-- brunch with her family.
Warnings: Swearing, Slight (?) Violence, Name-calling, Toxic Mom
Word Count: 4,080
In Collaboration With: @capturethechaos
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The next morning, Y/n woke up to her ringtone over and over again. She had ignored it the first two times, but after the third go around, she got fed up and answered.
“Hi honey, did you and Sam want to come to brunch with us this morning yet?”
No, I don’t. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t.
“But it’s the holidays Y/n.” She could almost hear her mom saying the words before they even left her mouth. And she really didn’t want to deal with a bitchy mother for Christmas.
“Yeah, let me just wake him up and we’ll meet you there.”
“Okay, we’re thinking about leaving at around eleven-thirty. Does that work?”
“Yes, I just have to clean up a little and get him moving. He’s passed out pretty hard.” The lie slid through her teeth fluidly. In reality, she had no clue where he went last night, and that was the whole reason she only got maybe three hours of sleep.
“Great, love you!”
Y/n hung up and pulled up her texts with Sam.
She glanced at the last message that had been sent, it was from Sam.
Dipshit: Good news, didn’t get lost on my way back to the cabin. Just had to add a couple things to your mom’s present. Heading back now :)
Y/n took a deep breath before starting to type.
Y/n: Hey, mom asked if we wanted to go with them for brunch at 11:30. I told them we would. I’ll be at the cabin.
She quickly tossed her phone to the side, expecting it to take a while before he responded, but her phone vibrated right as it landed on a pillow, her screen lighting up with a picture of the two of them.
Glancing over, but not picking up her phone, she read his response.
Dipshit: Okay, I’ll be there in 5
Y/n got up and made her way into the bathroom to freshen up, and to hopefully wake her up too. She turned the water on as hot as she could stand it and stepped behind the curtain. She washed her hair and went to grab her body wash, but realized she hadn’t grabbed it on her way to the bathroom. She glanced around the bathroom– not wanting to exit the room– for anything that could substitute, only finding Sam’s bathroom bag sitting on the counter.
Wasn’t really planning on smelling like a guy today, but here we are.
She grabbed the bottle and finished her shower, wrapping a towel around her chest. She pulled on her underwear and bra before hanging up her towel, hopping back to the bed as she put on her pants. She heard a chuckle behind her, and turned to see Sam leaning against the doorframe.
Both of their faces fell, and Y/n’s eyes caught sight of the bruise spread across his cheekbone.
“What the hell happened to you Sam?!” She said, rushing up to him and grabbing his face, carefully inspecting the bruise.
“I ran into a pole. I’m fine.”
“Oh, and how did you find a pole shaped like a fist? I can see the knuckle marks, Sam.”
“Call it luck. I have a way.”
“Who punched you Sam? Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, I’ll just take some painkillers.”
“Sam, that’s not what I’m getting at.”
“If you think I’m in bad shape, you should see the other guy.” He responded with a wink, still avoiding the question.
“Y/n, I promise, I’m fine.”
“Okay, so what are you planning on telling my mom when she sees your face? That you ran into the fucking fist shaped pole?”
“We’ll just tell her things got a little out of control last night, if you know what I mean.” He said with a wink.
Her face stayed the same, waiting for an actual answer.
“I’ll just tell her I slipped onto a pile of chunky ice. Can I take a shower now?” He asked, looking longingly at the bathroom door.
“After you tell me where you went last night. Where did you even sleep?”
“My car, surprisingly comfortable once I contorted onto the back seat.”
“Sam! It was freezing out last night!”
“I had a few blankets in the car, I was fine.” He shrugged, walking towards the bathroom.
“God, you’re a dipshit sometimes.”
“That’s why I have this.” He said, holding up his wrist as he walked past her, flashing the D charm on his bracelet.
Y/n grabbed his wrist, keeping him from moving any further. He glanced down at her hand, eyes getting caught on her bracelet, immediately spotting the G already set on hers. A small smile spread on his lips at the sight.
“Go shower. You smell like ass.”
“And you-- smell like my body wash. Did you miss me that much?” He teased.
“Go away.” She said, rolling her eyes, pushing his arm away from her.
“I’m taking that as a yes.” He said as he closed the bathroom door.
“I didn’t say that!” Y/n yelled from the other side of the door.
“Didn’t have to.”
Y/n laughed to herself, and walked into the kitchen beginning a small pot of coffee, just enough for one cup for each of them before they needed to leave. Something to make her feel better about leaving Sam out in the cold the night before.
She walked into the bedroom, clutching the mugs in either hand. She placed his on the nightstand and sat on the bed, scrolling through her phone while sipping the hot coffee. Every once in a while, she made sure to check the time to see if she needed to harass Sam to put a little pep in his step.
She opened her mouth, about to let out a warning, when the bathroom door opened. Sam walked out, running a hand through his wet hair, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.
“Didn’t think to bring your clothes in with you Samuel?” She said, raising her brow at him.
He looked up, realizing she was there and offering a cheesy smile.
“I was a bit distracted, I can grab my clothes and change in the bathroom if you’d like.”
“You can put on your boxers underneath the towel Sam.”
He walked over, noticing the cup of coffee and picking it up
“And risk you seeing my dick, nah I think I’ll pass.” He said, taking a sip.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.” She said, glancing at him over the rim of her mug and taking a sip, causing him to choke on his own coffee.
“When did you ever?--”
“I think it was my twenty-first birthday-- we were maybe five shots deep in tequila.” She explained, waiting for it to process in his brain, but he looked even more confused.
“Mackenzie dared all of you to act like strippers.”
Something clicked into place, and his eyes lit up in horror.
“Is that the night I pulled my pants down-”
“And your boxers came down with them-- yes Sam-- yes it is.”
“I was hoping you would have forgotten about that.”
“It’s burned into my brain Sam, I will be forever traumatized by that moment.”
“Fuck you, I’m not that bad looking.”
That’s not the problem, the issue is that-- that night was when I had really come to the realization of how much I wanted my best friend.
Her thoughts had gotten the best of her, she had completely zoned out, her eyes locked on the coffee in her cup.
“You ready to go, Giggles?”
She looked up, realizing she had completely lost herself in her thoughts. She caught his gaze, he had gotten completely dressed.
“But I made you coffee to have before we go.”
“I know. I drank it while you were in la la land. Thinking about me I bet.”
She looked back down at her coffee, the last sip swirling on the bottom. She could feel the burning on her cheeks.
“Yeah-- let’s go.” She said, standing from the bed.
“Uh-- Y/n.” Sam called as she walked to the door.
She hummed a response and turned back to him.
“You might want to put on a shirt first.”
“Fuck you Samuel.”
“Woah-- I’m just trying to help. By all means, go to the country club in your bra, I’m sure Landon would love to see it.”
“I hate you.”
“I’m aware.” He said, holding out one of his sweaters for her to put on.
“I am an independent woman Sam. I can dress myself thank you.” She said as she walked past him to her bag.
Sam chucked the sweater at her before saying “Yeah but by the time you pick one out, you could have this one on and we could be on our way.”
She threw her head back with a sigh, pulling the unfolded sweater off of her head and slipping it onto her torso.
“Thanks mom.” She said to Sam as she walked past him out of the bedroom.
They made their way to the door, but not before Y/n stopped in the kitchen, taking the last gulp of rose before walking back towards Sam to leave.
“What was that for?” Sam asked, laughing at her drinking before noon.
“I need something to help me deal with my family. Not to mention whatever is gonna come out of your loud mouth today.”
“Hmm, you should’ve saved me a sip.
“Want me to regurgitate it for you?”
“Ew. What’s wrong with you?”
“What? You don’t want me to baby bird the last of the wine for you?” She asked, barely able to contain her impending laughter.
“God you’re disgusting. Also, wasn’t that bottle full when we got here yesterday?”
Y/n stopped at the door, turning around to find Sam standing feet away from her, acting appalled.
“Let’s go, we’re gonna be late–” She said, ignoring the question, and trying to avoid the conversation about the night before.
“-- Look I’m not stoked to be seeing my mother first thing in the morning after getting less than four hours of sleep but you have no excuse.” Y/n grumbled as she walked out the door.
“I slept in my car last night, I think I have a bit of an excuse.” Sam said, picking up his pace to catch up with her.
“Yeah… but considering the fact that you actually fell asleep, I’m gonna assume it wasn’t the first time you’ve had to do that.”
“That’s a subject I’d rather not touch. You’ll just make fun of me.”
“How is that different than any other day?”
“So who all is going to brunch?” He said changing the topic as they walked.
“My mom, step-dad, Matthew, his girlfriend, my little brother, my step-sister, her husband, and their kids.”
“Step-sister? When did they get here?” Sam asked.
“They’re just coming for the day. They probably arrived a couple hours ago.”
“So Samuel, you never did tell me who beat the shit out of you last night.”
“I wasn’t planning on telling you.”
“Why not?”
“Figured you could put the pieces together yourself.”
“That shit head. God. I’m sorry Sammy.”
“It’s fine, really. I just wish he had stuck around long enough for me to give him a bruise to match.”
“You know that it wouldn’t have done either of us any good if you had.”
“I know-- he’s still a pussy for running away right after punching me in the face.”
“He was just scared because of how big and muscular you are.” Y/n joked, playfully pushing on his shoulder.
Sam lost his balance, slipping on the pavement and beginning to fall.
Both of them reached out in an attempt to keep him upright, but it just ended with both of them tumbling to the ground.
“This doesn’t prove your point, Y/n. You pushed me while I was on ice.”
“Sure. We’ll go with that.”
The two stayed on the ground for a while longer, laughter washing over the both of them.
As they began to stand up, Y/n’s phone started buzzing in her pocket as a result of her mom calling her.
As Y/n answered, her mom interrupted her greeting.
“Y/n it is eleven twenty. Where are you two?” She said, irritation dripping from her tone.
“We’re coming mom. Sam slipped on the ice and is complaining now. We’ll be there soon.”
“Good because the Youngs are starving.”
“What?” She said, and Sam looked at her confused.
‘The Youngs are coming.’ She mouthed to him, and he nodded his head, brushing the snow and dirt from his pants.
“The Youngs. They’re tagging along to brunch with us.”
“Since when? I thought this was just going to be a family thing.”
Sam looked at Y/n as they continued to walk, trying to hear her mom on the other end with little to no success.
“They are family, Y/n. They’ve been friends with us since before you were even born.”
“Fine. See you soon. Love you.” Y/n said as she hung up the phone.
“Fuck, now I’m really not looking forward to this. Should have opened another bottle before we left.” She groaned.
“I could always push you up against a wall and kiss you the second Landon sees us, if you think that would make it better.”
“You’re so over the top sometimes.”
“So you’re down for that?”
“Fuck it, why not.” She said, hoping only a little that he was joking.
“Finally, you agree with one of my plans.”
“I don't know if I’d say agree, more like give into.”
“Oh whatever, I’ll take what I can get.”
“I’ll push you again. Fucking twig.”
Sam shot her a look, speeding up.
“Sam wait-- come on--” She said, trying to pick up her pace to catch up.
“No. I don’t want you pushing me anymore. Bully.”
By the time the two finished with their petty back and forths, they met Y/n’s mom at the country club’s doors.
“Took you long enough Y/n.” She said completely disregarding the fact that Sam was there too.
“Sorry, it was slippery out.”
“You could have left earlier. Now we’re ten minutes late thanks to you.”
“No, it’s my fault. I kept falling behind. Quite literally.” Sam said, trying to direct her mothers attention away from her.
“Oh, no. You’re fine! Y/n’s just always been a little behind, haven’t you sweetie?”
“No, actually. She was trying to get me moving, but I was just trying to mess around.”
“She’s a big girl, Sam. She can admit to her flaws.”
“Alright, I think the Youngs will be at the restaurant anytime now, so we should probably head out.” Matthew said, purposely slicing the tension with his peppy voice.
The group turned and began to walk towards the restaurant, Sam wrapping his arm around Y/n and giving her a sympathetic look and rubbing her back.
As they reached the entrance, they could see the Young family, and Sam felt Y/n tense up in his grasp.
“Y/n-- hey, look at me.” Sam said, lifting her face to look at him.
He looked at her, hesitantly leaning down to whisper in her ear.
“We’ve got this.”
“Yeah.” Y/n said trying to build up the confidence to at the least go and sit at the table.
Landon’s eyes skimmed over the rest of Y/n’s family, landing on the two. He let his glare linger over Sam, inspecting the mark on his face from the night before. Sam met Landon’s stare, throwing a look of disgust towards him, but Landon must have been content with the damage he had done to Sam’s face as he sat up straighter, a devilish smirk forming.
Y/n felt Sam pull her closer, and her eyes slid past the interaction, suddenly finding her winter boots to be very intriguing.
“Sam, don’t start anything please. Not today.”
“Wasn’t planning on it baby. But I’ll finish something if I need to.”
She looked back up at him, the two staring at each other for a moment before he broke into a cheesy grin.
“What’s got you so cheery all of a sudden?” She asked.
“I just remembered what we had agreed to. There may not be any walls to push you against, but I can make do.”
“I won’t do it if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“Please do.”
A smile spread across her lips, stretching up to press her lips against his. The grin on his face widened, and he lifted his hands to cup her face, making a performance out of it.
“Again with the dramatics, Sam. Such a romantic.” Y/n said laughing as they pulled away.
“I’ll be right back babe. I’m gonna run to the bathroom.”
From across the table Sam heard a cough.
“What happened Sam?” Landon asked.
Sam looked at him quizzically.
“Your face. Y/n finally get sick of you and your antics?”
“Quite the opposite actually. Got a little heated last night-- excited about the engagement-- you know how it is. Right?”
“Oh, but I thought it was a little cold last night actually, wouldn’t you say so?”
“I’d think so, the walk back to the cabin was crisp, but I wouldn’t want to be walking out there on my own. Might look like some pitiful loser with no fiancée to fuck.”
“You say that like you’ve experienced it Sam.”
“You can ask Y/n, I’m sure she’d love to tell you all about it.”
“I’m sure she has more manners than to kiss and tell.”
“And I thought maybe you’d have more manners than to meddle in other people's business, maybe we’re both wrong.”
“At least I’m not pretending to date her just to get a quick fuck and then leave.”
“At least she doesn’t have to be in a room full of people to feel safe around me.”
“Bullshit. I’m not scared of you fucking bitch.”
“Is that why you ran away after you punched me-- you too much of a pussy to deal with actual confrontation?”
“You wouldn’t be able to do shit to me. Scrawny ass white boy.”
“He might not be able to, but you’re wrong when you assume I won’t kiss and tell, and I’m not one to let someone insult my fucking fiancé.” Y/n said.
“Stay out of this, bitch.”
“Make me.”
Landon turned to her, fire in his eyes. But neither him or Sam were prepared for her to grab Landon by the shoulders and shove her knee into his crotch.
He keeled over, a loud groan escaping him as he clutched himself. She leaned down, lifting his chin so that he was looking directly into her eyes.
“If you ever try something like that again Landon, I’ll do a hell of a lot worse than you could even begin to imagine--” She dropped his face from her hand.
“-- and for your information, you’re half the man Sam is-- and I sure as hell know who’s name I’d rather scream.”
She straightened herself out and walked over to Sam, placing her hand on his chest.
“I thought I told you to not start anything.”
“Blame Landon, he marched over the second you left.” His face grew redder by the second accentuating the bruise on his face.
She lifted a hand to his face, lightly brushing her thumb over the bruise. He winced slightly, moving away from her hand.
She met his eyes, concern laced in them on both ends. She grabbed his face gently, keeping him from moving any further, instead brought his face to hers, placing a gentle kiss on the mark on his face.
The tender moment was quickly interrupted by them hearing Landon exclaim to the table of families.
“Oh my god! You guys really are eating this shit up aren’t you?”
Everyone turned their attention to him, confused looks on their faces.
“They are faking this--” He said, dramatically turning to face Sam and Y/n.
“--All of this, it’s an act. I heard Sam telling his mom all about it last night. He was so proud about how you were all falling for it!” He looked manic, and it actually started to frighten Y/n, how far he was willing to go purely out of jealousy and spite.
She found herself scrambling to grab Sam’s hand as Landon kept talking, which had by now turned into yelling. Sam pulled her closer, turning her away from Landon, and her family who was watching this all play out.
He leaned down, his lips pressed into the top of her head, a hand resting between her shoulder blades.
“Do you wanna leave baby?”
“Yes please.” Y/n said into his shirt which made it only audible to him.
As Landon kept going, Sam turned Y/n slightly to the side just enough so they could begin to walk out of the restaurant.
“Where the fuck do you two think you’re going!?” Landon yelled, fully turning to them.
“Alright! That’s fucking enough Landon, leave my sister alone or I swear to god I will be the one to beat the shit out of you.” Matthew said, standing from his seat.
The look on Landon’s face shifted, much more intimidated by Matthew’s stature, towering at over six feet, he looked down at Landon like an ant on the concrete.
“You’re quick to open your mouth Landon, but did you really think her brothers would just sit here and listen to you berate her and her fiancé.” Benjamin, Y/n’s younger brother, said as he stood up with Matthew.
Once Sam and Y/n couldn’t hear the bickering, Sam pulled her into a tight hug.
“It’s all okay--”
He squeezed her tighter, feeling her shiver.
“--We’re okay.”
Are we? Y/n thought to herself. Emotions swam through her head like a storm. Everything; feeling, action, that brought them to this point, taking its turn clouding her brain. Feelings that she thought she had gotten rid of, feelings that she was growing accustomed to, actions that had been produced by the two of them as a result of her hasty decision making. They overpowered her ability to speak, so she didn’t. She clung to Sam, knowing that their dynamic would be altered after the last week and a half. For better or worse.
Was this the right moment? Sam was torn, feeling her cling to him for support.
Not now.
Not yet.
Sam kept a tight grip on her the entire way back to the cabin, leading her around the ice patches to avoid any slips like the one they had on the way there.
They reached the cabin, and Sam sat Y/n down on the couch, and went to make a couple cups of coffee. While he waited for it to start brewing, he pulled out his phone and texted his mom.
Sam: I don’t know if this is the right time mom.
Mom: Yes, you do.
Sam: Helpful
Mom: You’ll know, honey.
Sam returned to Y/n, handing her the cup. As soon as she took the coffee, tears began to fall down her face, despite her best efforts at holding them back.
“Not the right time for coffee?” Sam said, trying to get her to smile, at least just a little. It worked.
“Shut up.”
“It’s okay, Giggles. We’re okay. I promise.”
“Are we though? If I had just kept my damn mouth shut we could’ve avoided this whole mess.”
“No, if I wouldn’t have said anything to Landon at the coffee shop, none of this would’ve happened! I didn’t even need to say that I was coming to this thing. Look where it got us. You got punched because of me, you slept in your car because of me! I fucked it all up. You were just trying to help, but I caused all of this, I didn’t ne--”
Sam grabbed her face, a hand on either side, holding her in place, and he crashed his lips onto hers. Every ounce of emotion he had felt over the last week and a half– no, twelve years pouring itself into the kiss. She was surprised for a second, but melted into him, letting go of all the worries she had been piling onto herself. This was them, truly them. No acting-- no façade.
Now was the right time.
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folklorelise · 3 years
That one time he said “you’re not my mother” & “I love you”
That one time they said, “you’re not my mother!” and that one time they said “I love you” — I decided to combine these two because I found it was too short otherwise :) enjoy
Eren Yaeger:
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Most of the time, when Eren and Jean were fighting, it was in a friendly way – always bickering like siblings which is way if Levi or you were there, you would never get involved.
That is why when that one time they were fighting – for real – you and Levi arrived too late. Eren received a punch on his face and Jean had his arm broken. When you two noticed what was happening, you quickly run to where they were and separated them. Mikasa and you were restraining Eren while Levi took Jean away.
“Eren, you’re bleeding. Let’s go.” you told him before bringing him with you. “Mikasa, can you and the others stay here with Kuchel please?”
“Of course.”
When you arrived in your office, you took out your first aid kit and cleaned one of his wounds, and then stitched it up.
“What happened?” you asked Eren when you were done with the stitches.
“Well, you both ended up hurting each other so no, it was not nothing.” you argued.
“Whatever.” Eren mumbled.
“Eren! This is serious.” you raised your voice, “Jean was hurt–.”
“So was I! Why is it always everything about Jean with you? Oh right! He is your favourite after all.”
“This is not what we’re talking about right now. This is about you two being childish. Yes, you were hurt but Jean is not a titan, he can’t heal overnight. I don’t know why the fight started and I don’t want to because I’m sure it was for a ridiculous reason anyway.”
Eren was still on his nerves and he knew if he said anything, he would regret it – so he just kept quiet and stared at his shoes.
“You really don’t have anything to say?” you sighed. “Eren–, you should apologise. Both of–.”
“STOP! Stop pretending to care about me if all you want is go and check on Jean. Stop pretending you care about me at all – just, stop.”
“Eren–.” your voice quavered.
“And stop acting like my mother because you’re not. So, just leave me alone!” Eren yelled because storming out.
When you found Levi in his office, he was doing some paperwork with Kuchel on his lap.
“How did it go with Eren?” Levi asked you without looking up.
“Hm… not great.” you whimpered.
As soon as Levi heard your voice, he looked up and saw that your eyes were still red and puffy. He put Kuchel on the ground and came to embrace you. You continued to cry in his arms, putting your head on his shoulder.
“What happened?” Levi asked worried.
Levi did not insist on it when you refused to talk about it. Levi asked Sasha, Connie, and Jean to take care of Kuchel the rest of the day so he could spend the day with you.
You spend the day in your bedroom, switching between crying and sleeping. Levi stayed with you the whole time, with you clinging on him. After a few hours, you finally started to calm down and were ready to talk.
“Eren said that… it sounds ridiculous actually,” you tried to laugh, “he said that I wasn’t his mother which is true, I’m not.” you explained. “Is it weird? That I’m hurt because I consider Eren, and all of them, as one of my own children?”
“Eren’s an idiot. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.” Levi tried to reassure you.
Eren, on his side, went back to his room and stayed there for the rest of the day. After he calmed down and realised what he said to you, he started to regret it. He did not mean any of the words he said to you.
For the next few days, whenever you and Eren would see each other, you would just walk away. You did not know what to say to Eren, therefore you just decided to avoid him which is something everyone noticed. Eren really wanted to talk to you, he wanted to apologise but with you constantly walking away, it was impossible. Eren decided he would ask the captain’s help.
“I know she probably told you what happened.” Eren told Levi when he went to his office, “I just want to apologise, please?”
“Fine. She’s with Kuchel in our room.” Levi thought. “Then go and clean the stable!”
“Thank you.”
Eren run to your bedroom and went in without knocking. He found you reading a story to Kuchel and hesitated a second before calling your name.
“Eren!” you shouted surprised.
“I’m sorry, it’s just – I know you wouldn’t have opened the door.” Eren explained. “Mom,” Eren started before breaking down crying, “I’m sorry, please don’t ignore me anymore.”
“No cry.” Kuchel shouted, “ma-ma kiss, no cry.” she pulled your sleeve.
“Please don’t hate me.” Eren whispered.
“I could never hate you.” you said before hugging him.
Eren hold you so tightly that you could barely move.
“It’s ok,” you reassured him, “I could never hate one of my kids.” you admitted.
“So, you’re not mad right?”
“I’m not. It’s ok.” you patted his back.
“I didn’t mean.” Eren added, “I didn’t mean any of it.” Eren paused before adding “because I love you mom. I do.”
“Eren,” you smiled, “I love you too.”
“Lowe ma-ma me!” Kuchel shouted because you and Eren were too far away from her.
“I’m going to go now.” Eren said, “I still have cleaning duty.”
Eren left, and a sigh of relief left your mouth. Having him directly tell you that he did not mean it was a relief.
Jean Kirstein:
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Levi had been thinking about having Jean to replace him as captain in a few years or even make him squad leader. Jean obviously proved himself to be a great leader – there was no excuse not to promote him to a higher rank. He never talked about that to anyone though, particularly not to you because he knew how worried you would be. After some time, Levi decided he would talk about it with Erwin.
“Are you telling me this because you want to retire?” Erwin asked him.
“No. I don’t to retire right now.”
“Okay.” Erwin took a moment to process what Levi just told him, “What did Y/N say?”
“Nothing.” Levi casually answered.
“I didn’t tell her anything yet.”
“Oh… Well, I don’t see any problems in making Jean a captain now or in a few years. He has a good sense of leadership. I think that’s a great idea.” Erwin stated.
“Bur?” Levi asked expecting Erwin to continue.
“No ‘but’, just…” Erwin took a deep breath, smiling slightly, “really excited to see Y/N’s reaction.”
“She’ll love that.”
After a few days, Levi decided to call you in his office at the same time as Jean to announce the big news he had. When Jean and you arrived, he sat down at his desk before explaining why he asked to see you.
“You grew up and learned a lot these past few months and years. You have every quality to make a great captain or even squad leader.”
“Oh,” Jean blushed, “thank you, but why are you telling me this?”
“I talked about it with Erwin, and he agrees with me that–.”
“Wait.” you cut Levi in his sentence, “are you seriously trying to make Jean captain right now?” you asked dumbstruck.
“If he wants, yes.”
“What?” you laughed nervously. “No! It’s… he’s a child! This is too much responsibility and pression for him.” you argued. “Jean,” you turned around to face him, “you’re not–.”
“Y/N,” Levi cut you, “he’s not a child anymore. You know how skilled he is on the field so why are you doing this?”
“Because being a captain is too much pressure! You are responsible for everything! Yes, it includes victories, but also every death of your friends and squad members.” you rumbled, “Jean, you’re not… you can’t do this. I refuse.”
“Y/N–.” Levi started but was cut short by Jean.
“You’re not my mother!” Jean yelled, “you don’t have the right to decide for me!” he added before leaving the room.
Silence prevailed in the room. Then suddenly you started to sob violently and collapsed on the ground. Levi slowly approached you and wrapped you in his arms.
“It’s ok.” Levi whispered, “he didn’t mean it.”
You spent the rest of the day in bed, regretting everything you previously said to Jean. Levi stayed beside you, trying to calm you down but it was not successful. At night, Levi decided to pay Jean a visit to see if he calmed down. When he knocked on Jean’s door, he heard a quiet ‘come in’. Jean was curled up on himself on his bed, with his blanket over him.
“I’m sorry.” Jean sobbed. “I– I.”
“You don’t have to apologise to me.” Levi said. “Tomorrow morning, you’ll come and apologise to Y/N because no one can understand you in this state.” Levi referred to his sobbing. “She’s sorry too, just so you know.”
Then, Levi came back to you and saw that you calmed down a bit, but he knew you were hurt. It was not the first time that one of the kids told you that. When Eren did, you were inconsolable and did stayed in bed for a few days.
The next day, Jean was up really early. He came in your office and waited for you inside, sitting on the couch. He waited a few hours, but you still were not there. You were eating breakfast and played a bit with Kuchel. When you finally walked in your office, you found Jean asleep on your couch. You took the blanket you kept for you at night and delicately put it on Jean, which did not work since he instantly woke up.
“Mom!” Jean said surprised and then immediately looked away.
Neither one of you knew what to say. You sat on the table in front of his, while he was still standing awkwardly.
“I’m sorry!” you both shouted at the same time.
“No!” Jean quickly added, “I didn’t– I didn’t mean it because it’s not true. You are. You are my mom and… I’m sorry, please don’t hate me.” Jean finished his sentence trying to hold his tears back.
“I– I’m sorry too.” you apologised and walked to him to hug him, “I’m sorry because I think you would make a great captain.” you tried to smile. “You are really talented, and it would be a waste not to make you captain.”
“No, if you’re not happy I don’t–.”
“I am happy, I was just scared.” you admitted. “You… you are my child and seeing you all grown-up and taking responsibilities… is terrifying. I don’t want to you to go through what Levi, and I did when we lost–.” you suddenly stopped, not wanting to talk about how many friends you all loss.
“I thought that you refused because you didn’t think I was good enough.” Jean admitted.
“You are good enough. You are more than that. I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”
“I’m sorry too.” Jean repeated.
Jean was always the first one to volunteer to take care of Kuchel when neither you nor Levi could. He loved spending time with her. He grew up without siblings, so since he saw you and Levi like his parents, Kuchel was like his little sister.
“Jean, thank you for doing this.” you gave him Kuchel, “Levi and I will be back in a few hours.”
“No problem, have a safe trip!”
Jean brought Kuchel back to his room and let her play with her toys. In the meantime, Armin, Eren and Mikasa came to see Kuchel too. Sasha and Connie came later on and stayed with Jean to play with Kuchel.
“Ja!” Kuchel screamed when she saw that Jean stopped playing with her.
“What did you say?” Jean asked shocked.
“Ja.” Kuchel pointed at Jean.
“That’s my name.” Jean said happily, “can you guys believe it?” he said to his friends.
“Oh, come on,” Connie replied, “It could be anything else.”
After trying to make Kuchel repeat it a few times, which was a failure, Sasha and Connie left Jean alone since they had cleaning duties to do before the Captain came back.
“I know you said my name earlier, even though you won’t repeat, it’s fine.”
“Ma-ma?” Kuchel asked.
“She’ll be back soon don’t worry.” Jean started to clean her toys. “You know, you’re very lucky to have them as your parents. They are awesome. I love them. I mean mom– no, da– no– I mean they’re great, you know?” Jean explained as if Kuchel could understand. “Never mind.”
Jean realised what he just said and started to think about if he should tell you or not. On one hand, he wanted to because he wanted you to know how much he appreciated you being there for him, but on the other hand, it was embarrassing.
“Kirstein.” Levi called him when he found him. “I still have to go and see Erwin so drop Kuchel to Y/N.” Levi told him.
“Da-da!” Kuchel yelled happily.
Levi kissed her before leaving. Jean walked to your office and knocked on the door.
“It’s me, Jean.”
“Come in.” you said, “Kuchel, hiii.” you hold your baby. “How was the day with her?” you asked Jean.
“Good. It was good.” Jean answered. “I have to mh… go. Sasha and Connie, they’re… they need me.”
“Oh, okay, thank–.”
“I love you, bye mom!” Jean said before left running.
“Ja lowe ma-ma.”
When Levi came back to your office, he found you sitting on the couch looking at the ceiling.
“What’s the matter with you?”
“Jean just said he loves me. I can’t believe all my children are now opening to me now.” you pretended to cry. “Also, Kuchel just said Jean’s nam.”
“Here, take Kuchel because I have to go and see Jean.”
“Why?” Levi asked.
“He ran away before I could say anything.”
“A weirdo,” Levi looked at Kuchel, “the first name you said had to be his…”
“You always pretend to be annoyed by him, when I know for a fact you lo–.”
“Not listening, bye.” Levi closed the door before you could finish.
When you went to Jean’s room, he was obviously not here. Therefore, you just decided to take a piece of paper and then put it on his pillow.
When Jean came back to his room, he found a little piece of saying “I love you my boy, you didn’t have to run away.” And it was signed “Mom”.
Armin Arlet:
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Armin’s new job was to teach the new cadets the expeditions’ strategy. When new cadets arrived in the survey corps, they were always surprised at how often Armin, Eren, Jean and Mikasa would call you ‘mom’ which ended up being their favourite topic during the day.
As usual, Armin would be early, waiting for the new soldiers to arrive. A group of friends were already there, talking way too loudly.
“You heard that too right?” one of them asked.
“Heard what?” another one asked.
“How the captain’s squad calls squad leader Y/N ‘mom’.”
“Yeah and?”
“Oh, come on. She obviously isn’t their real mom.”
“She isn’t?”
“Are you stupid? Anyway, I think that’s weird. I mean she has her own kid, right?”
Their discussion was cut short by other people arriving. Armin pretended he did not hear them and taught his class professionally. Near the end of the class, you decided to come so you could see if everything went well. You quietly took a place and watched until the end. When Armin was over, you walked to him started to congratulate him.
“Armin, you are a natural at this. That was really great!” you hugged him.
At the back, the group of friends who was talking about Armin and you earlier started to laugh, which Armin noticed. Armin immediately stepped away from you.
“Wh–.” you started.
“Stop doing that, you’re not my mother.” Armin stated loudly enough for everyone to hear. “Stop acting like my mother please.”
Every news cadets were looking at you both – the room was silent. Armin instantly regretted was he said and wanted to apologise but you just forced a smiled and left. You went to Levi’s office, who was with Kuchel.
“Hey. How was–.” Levi started to ask but stopped when he saw you trying to hold back yours tears.
“Armin said it. In front of so many people – it was… horrible.” you cried.
“Ma-ma?” Kuchel crawled towards you.
Levi stood up and came to hug you while Kuchel was grasping on your leg. 
“Y/N, they never mean it.” Levi reassured you.
“But…” you shook your head, “there was so many people watching us! No, they were staring at us.”
“Do you want me to go and talk to Armin?”
“No! It’s fine.” you sighed. “I mean… at this rate I’m used to it now.” you tried to laugh it up, but just ended up continuing sobbing.
“Ma-ma no cry!” Kuchel tried to comfort you.
“I’m not.” you smiled picking her up.
Levi and you spend the day playing with Kuchel – you tried to forget what Armin said and Levi wanted you not to think about it too much. Playing with Kuchel was one of the solutions. When it was time to eat, Levi suggested that he should just brought the food so you could eat in his office.
While Levi was gone, you gave Kuchel her toys and went to the bathroom. When you came back, Armin was playing with Kuchel.
“Armin. Hey.”
“Hey.” Armin mumbled. “Mh, I knocked on the door, but no one answered.”
“It’s ok.”
After a few minutes of silence, Levi entered the room with the food and stopped when he saw Armin. Levi looked at you and put the food on his desk.
“Do you need me to stay?” Levi whispered.
“Can you come back in ten minutes with Kuchel please?”
“Yeah.” Levi took Kuchel and left.
“I’m sorry about what I said.” Armin apologised looking at his feet. “I didn’t mean it.”
“It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not! I never should’ve said it on front of these people. I never should’ve said anything at all because it’s not true. I don’t think that.”
“Then why did you? Because… It’s just that these past few weeks, I,” you sighed loudly, “I heard that a lot…”
“Mom…” Armin frowned before hugging you. “I’m sorry.”
When you asked Armin what made him say it, he just avoided the question, saying that it was not important. Then, Levi came back so Armin left. He asked you what Armin had said, you told him that Armin did not say much.
A few days passed and you started to forget about that incident, but Levi wanted to know why it happened in the first place. That was why he asked Armin to meet him in his office one morning.
“What happened that morning?” Levi asked him.
Armin instantly knew what he was talking about and immediately looked away.
“I–.” Armin hesitated.
“No need to lie to me. I’ll know and you would just be wasting our time.”
“I heard people talking.” Armin whispered weakly. “They were saying things… like how weird it was for us to call her ‘mom’. And I thought, maybe that’s true.” Armin explained slowly. “I don’t know, I guess I wanted to show to these people that… it wasn’t true.”
When Armin was done talking, Levi nodded and let Armin leave. Levi never told you because Armin asked him not to. Armin never told anyone else what happened either – it was now their secret.
After that incident where you got badly injured, the cadets were having a hard time at night as well, especially for Armin and Jean who had to witness your body being thrown away. Both of them saw your body falling from a high level without being able to help.
Armin felt guilty because if he were not for him, you never would have got injured. After you woke up, he never really talked with you because of that guilt. You tried to talk to him because you wanted to make sure he was doing great, but every time he saw you, he would just walk away.
He would very often get nightmares too – it would often be about you regretting saving him, about you telling him that he should stop talking to you. He was scared.
“Armin,” Mikasa called him, “are you ok?”
“Yes. Why?” Armin answered absent-minded.
“You don’t look like yourself since… you know. Did you talk to–.”
“Go talk to her.” Mikasa advised her friend.
After a few days of doing nothing, Mikasa decided to come to you because she was worried for Armin.
“I think Armin isn’t… He’s not ok.” Mikasa told you one morning.
“He’s been avoiding me I know. I thought giving him some space would be good, but I will talk to him.”
“He’s probably in his room, he’s not going out much.” Mikasa informed you.
“Thank you.”
You walked to Armin’s room and opened it without knocking, knowing if you did, he would have pretended to not be here. Armin was still sleeping, so you took a chair and placed it beside his bed and sat down. You took the book next to his bed and started to read it.
“AAH!” Armin screamed when he woke up.
“Why are you screaming like this in the morning!” you quickly put the book down.
“What– why are you here?” Armina asked hiding under his blanket.
“Mikasa was worried about you, and so was I. Why have you been avoiding me?”
“I haven’t.”
“Armin,” you stood up so you could sit on his bed, “Just tell me what has been bothering you.”
“Do you hate me?” Armin asked slowly after a long silence.
“What? No! Why would I?”
“You were hurt because of me. I was careless and–.”
“Armin, I don’t hate you.”
“But you almost–. Because of me…”
“I don’t hate you; I could never hate you. And it was not your fault at all. It was mine; I was careless and I didn’t think before acting.”
“Ok, that’s… good.” then Armin mumbled something else.
“What?” you asked confused.
“I love you mom.” Armin said timidly, looking away.
“I love you too Armin.” you said hugging him. “Get dressed now, I will wait for you in the mess hall.”
“Don’t tell anyone I said that!” Armin screamed when you left.
He was really embarrassed about it, but he was glad he did it. You were glad too, and you did not tell anyone beside Levi – you were too happy to not tell him.
Mikasa Ackerman:
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Levi and his squad were training at hand-on-hand combat as usual, only this time, Mikasa was so distracted she ended spraining her ankle. She did not tell anyone and walked on her feet as if nothing happened. Eren noticed though. He noticed how she was putting more weight on her uninjured leg.
“What’s wrong with you?” Eren asked her once they were alone.
“What’s wrong with your leg?” Eren insisted.
“It’s clearly swollen. Your ankle is twice the size of the other one!”
“I’m fine.”
“Did you tell mom yet?”
“No, why would I?” Mikasa asked.
“Because you’re hurt which means you’re not going tomorrow.”
“We don’t run or walk – I’ll be fine.” Mikasa told him before leaving.
Eren decided if to tell you himself because he knew how stubborn Mikasa was. He found you with Levi in his office.
“Eren, hi!” you greeted him.
“Talk.” Levi said annoyed. “Don’t just stand here silently.”
“She’s hurt but she doesn’t want to tell you. Her ankle, she probably sprained it when we were training. And she wants to go to tomorrow’s expedition like that.”
“Oh, I’ll go and talk to her then.” you told them. “I will be right back.”
You assumed Mikasa would be in her room at this hour, so you went to her bedroom. You knocked on her door and a few seconds, Mikasa opened the door.
“Can I come in?” you smiled.
“Mh, yes.”
You watched Mikasa carefully, but she was good at pretending to be ok. You sat on her bed before making small talk first. You asked her how the training went.
“Eren told me that you hurt yourself.”
“I’m fine.” Mikasa answered coldly.
“If it’s true, I don’t want you to leave tomorrow.”
“I’m fine.” Mikasa repeated irritated.
“Show me your ankle.”
“I said I’m fine, so stop. It doesn’t even hurt and if I go to sleep right now, I’ll have enough rest.”
“No. It’ll be worse if you leave tomorrow so you’re not going. That’s an order.” you concluded.
“You’re not my superior!” Mikasa shouted.
“Oh, you think Levi would disagree with me?” you laughed sarcastically.
“Well, you’re not my mother to decide something like this!” Mikasa argued.
“No, I- I’m sorry.” Mikasa immediately apologised. “I’m sorry.” Mikasa repeated.
“It’s ok.” you whispered. “It’s ok.”
“I’ll stay here tomorrow.” Mikasa agreed looking down.
“Do you need me to stay here with you tomorrow?”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Okay. Then I’ll go now.” you stood up.
“You’re not mad right?” Mikasa asked timidly before you left. “I didn’t mean it, I was just…”
“I’m not,” you turned around, “I know you didn’t mean it.”
Mikasa nodded and you smiled at her before closing the door. When you went back to Levi, Eren was still here as well.
“Mom! What did she say?” Eren asked.
“She’ll stay here.” you reassured Eren, “you can go now.”
“Are you ok?” Levi asked you once Eren left.
“Yes.” you paused a second before repeating, “Yes, I’m ok.”
“Ok.” Levi smiled slightly before walking up to you to kiss you.
After your accident, Mikasa became overprotective of you. When Levi started to work again after a few weeks, he was reluctant to do so because that meant leaving you. Fortunately, Mikasa told him that she would stay and help you until he was over with work.
Mikasa would bring you food and help you with some of your paperwork too.
“How are you feeling today?” Mikasa asked you.
“I’m ok thanks to you. You really didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to.”
Mikasa spent an entire week with you and Kuchel. Levi was glad that Mikasa was with you since he knew how serious she was about your safety. One night, when Levi came back pretty late, he found Mikasa sleeping in bed with you while Kuchel was in the middle, still awake. Levi gently took Kuchel and left with her.
“I guess I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.” Levi told Kuchel when he put her to sleep.
When he came back, he noticed that neither one of you had a blanket one you so before going to sleep, he put one on each of you.
In the morning, Mikasa was the first one to wake up. When she realised that she was in your bed, she quickly left the bed so she could leave, but before she could she looked at you and said: “I love you mom.”, thinking you were asleep.
“Mmh, I love you too Mikasa, now go back to sleep.” you mumbled still half asleep.
Mikasa’s eyes widened and left quickly thinking she had dreamt it. Levi was the next one to wake up but decided to continue to sleep next to you when he saw that Mikasa was no longer in the bed.
“Morning.” you said half awake. “Hey. Where did you sleep?”
“Couch.” Levi answered holding you tightly.
“M’sorry ‘bout that.”
“It’s ok.”
After you both brushed your teeth and washed your face – you went to eat. Mikasa was already in the mess hall with her friends, and she kept avoiding your gaze.
“What’s the matter with you?” Eren asked Mikasa.
“Mom!” Eren yelled, “come eat with us!”
Mikasa ate her breakfast really quickly before leaving. Eren and Armin were confused as much as Levi was. You were confused at first too, but then you remember what Mikasa had said to you before leaving – you excused yourself and went after her. You found her in her room, hiding under her blanket. You sat down and tried to take the blanket off.
“Mikasa come on, don’t be embarrassed.”
“How can I not?”
“Do you want to know a secret?” you waited for an answer but Mikasa did not say a thing, “You’re not the only one who said it so there’s no need to be embarrassed...”
“What?” Mikasa suddenly stood up. “Who did?”
“You know… some of them.” you admitted before leaving as if nothing happened.
“I need to know.” Mikasa murmured to herself.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 9
Summary: You get your ass handed to you. You have fun times with Wanda only for a rude awakening.
Warnings: a lot of cursing, alcohol
If anyone asks her, Laura loves her cousin. She loves you. She really, really does. But sometimes you were a bit of a pain or rather a handful and everyone knows pregnant women should not be carrying too much. So, she can’t help but be glad that there are other people here to help lighten the load. 
Is it wrong that lightening the load includes allowing her husband’s ex-assassin of a best friend to basically manhandle you, said cousin she claims to love so much, at 6am in the morning? It may be a little worrisome, yes. But what is really wrong here is how she is sitting front and center, watching it all happen in front of her a little too amusedly.
Could you really blame her though? She’s pregnant. She knows she wouldn’t be able to stand watching you get thrown around, especially on her swollen feet.
It seems everyone woke up early to watch Nat “teach you self-defense”. You’ve been outside for an hour now and no one has moved from their seats. Oh, no that’s a lie. Clint did go inside once, only for him to come right back offering everyone some lemonade. Even the critters are there sitting criss cross next to Pietro on the grass sipping on their lemonades. 
“So when does the self-defense part start?” you ask, out of breath. You weren’t doing anything, but falling on your ass repeatedly sure makes one sweat.
“When you start defending yourself,” Nat quips. You respond with a baffled, “What?!”
“Arms up, Y/N!” you hear your cousin shout as you prepare yourself to get thrown again.
“Look, if you are still mad about the Yelena Incident, I’m sure there could have been another less violent way to get your frustrations out.” Nat rolls her eyes and in what feels like a second, there are legs wrapped around your head in not a sexy way and you are flipped onto the ground. 
“OH!!!” Everyone yells, as you feel the wind knock out of you. You hear the kids shouting, “Do it again!”
“No, don’t do it again,” you wheeze out. You feel someone rush to your side. 
“Are you okay?” Wanda helps you sit up. An angel, that woman. She turns to glare at Nat. “Did you really have to do that?”
“Relax, she’s fine.” Nat answers, not bothered in any way. Either she’s blind or she’s delusional thinking you took her go-to take-down-the-bad-guy move like a simple scratch on the knee. Wanda gets visibly upset by Nat’s careless demeanor, little wisps of red magic trickling from her hand. She moves to confront Natasha and you think it might be you that is delusional when you stop Wanda, red wisps tickling your hand, and say, “It’s okay. I’m good.”
“See!” Nat throws her hands up.
“You should have put your arms up,” your cousin says off to the side. You narrow your eyes at her after Wanda helps you up. “Yes, Laura. Thank you so much. That would have really saved me from her spinny-upsidedown-flippity-whateverthefuck that was.”
Sam and Clint snicker beside your cousin at your description of Nat’s signature move. She gives you the watch-your-language look that you completely ignore. “Why don’t you come and show me how that was meant to help?”
“Can’t. Pregnant. Sorry,” your cousin motions to her belly. You shake your head, “Excuses, excuses.”
“I do know some self-defense though and I think it is really important to learn so I’m rooting for you on the side lines,” Laura adds. Not believing a word she said, you ask, “And who taught you self-defense? ‘Cause I know for a fact it wasn’t Nat. You wouldn’t be cruel enough to put me through the same torture.”
“I taught her. She’s a pretty decent shot too,” Clint admits proudly. 
“No way. You can shoot?” Sam looks at Laura as skeptical as you do. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Hun, bring out your gear,” your cousin says, getting everyone excited. Pietro and Sam help her stand and move over to get a clear shot of where Clint put up a target. Everyone stands aside and watches in anticipation when Clint hands his wife a bow and an arrow. She nocks the arrow back, aims, shoots, and nearly hits the bullseye, leaving everyone’s mouth agape. 
“Okay, impressive,” Sam says.
“No way. You made that look way too easy. Let me try,” you say, wanting to give it a go, and a go you give alright, the arrow ricocheting off a tree (not even the tree that had the target on it) and heading towards Peter’s face. Luckily his reflexes or what he’s described as some kind of tingle kicks in and he catches the arrow on time. 
You let out a sigh of relief seeing that you have not accidentally killed someone. You didn’t want to be a murderer let alone be known as the asshole that killed Spiderman by accident. You flood Peter’s ears with apologies and though he says it’s all good, you still feel really bad and ask Wanda if she could help you bake him some cookies or something later. 
Everyone heads inside after that near death experience. Everyone but you and Nat who says, “Playtime’s over. Let’s do this for real now.”
“Wait, that wasn’t it?!”
Another two hours go by. Wanda wonders why you haven’t barged in the room yet to “bother” her. You should have been done undergoing Nat’s painful lesson by now. Finding it odd that you have yet to make an appearance, Wanda sets out to find you. She sees Natasha sitting at the kitchen table. When she asks her about your whereabouts and gets a “Who knows” as a response, she knows something is up. Nat always knows, so Wanda presses, “What did she say and where did you leave her?”
Natasha eventually tells her where you are. Wanda finds you outside, hosing yourself off. You are covered in mud, which Wanda can only assume was Nat’s doing. “Why did you have to antagonize her?”
You look up to see Wanda staring at you unimpressed, arms crossed and all. You defend, “You have to admit, had you the opportunity, you would have done the same.”
“You mean tell her you’ve now had two Romanov’s thighs around your head and then ask where her mom was because you wanted to ‘complete the set’,” Wanda says, uncrossing her arms to do air quotes. 
“Come on, let me have this, Wanda. You should have seen it! It was glorious. The set up, the delivery, the punch,” you throw your arms in the air dramatically, hose in hand splashing water everywhere. Your body aches and you yelp, “Ow.”
Wanda only shakes her head at you. You pout and turn the hose off. “I’ve never met her mom, but she probably would’ve at least chuckled appreciating a good line. I know Yelena for sure would’ve tried not to giggle before kicking my ass as well.”
Wanda doesn’t mean to let out the grunt of annoyance at the mention of this Yelena, but it happens. Luckily, you either don’t hear it or ignore it as you pass by her, stopping to take off your shoes by the door. Before heading inside, you turn to her and coyly ask, “Do you think you could help me wash some of the mud away upstairs? I don’t think I can reach some parts on my own.”
It doesn’t take a psychic to know Wanda helping you scrub your back is not what you actually have in mind. She tries her best not to stutter as she says, “Of course, what are friends for?”
You head up to the shower first. Wanda waits downstairs two minutes before following up, thinking it was enough time for it not to seem suspicious. Clint, who is in the laundry room, though back turned the whole time, still notices and pipes up right as Wanda takes the first step up. 
“Just keep in mind the acoustics of the bathroom,” he warns Wanda. Though he doesn’t see her, based on the clumsy rushed steps after, he knows she was blushing the whole way upstairs.
Having Wanda in the shower, double entendre intended, proves to be a good thing because it turns out you do in fact need help scrubbing some of the mud that somehow made it down your back. Wanda gets on your case again about agitating Nat but it’s hard to really focus on what she’s saying when her hands are all over you, even if she is just scrubbing you down.
An hour later, Laura and Nat sit at the kitchen table and try not to laugh at you struggling with the measuring cups. Sam holds no reservations in laughing in your face. “How does a grown ass woman not know how to measure some flour?”
Wanda makes a face and he corrects himself, “I hear how that sounded. Let me rephrase. How does a grown ass adult who has had to pass middle school to get into college not know how to measure some flour?”
“Unnecessary jibe at my education aside, Sam, I appreciate you rephrasing that. Back to the matter at hand, I’d like to see you try, bitch,” you challenge him, handing over all the measuring kitchen equipment. 
“Gladly.” He takes your place, leaving you to go stand beside Wanda. “Let me show you how it’s done.” 
You all watch him as he looks over the recipe. You think he is just bluffing about his skills, making a grand show of it all. That is until he turns back to Wanda to ask, “Two batches, right?” Then at her nod, he goes into British Bake Off mode or whatever you would call x game mode for baking. 
Seeing him confidently measuring ingredient after ingredient, you lean over to Wanda and ask under your breath, “Is he doing it right?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Damn it,” you huff out. Sam overhears and chuckles, his ego inflating by the minute. You pout at Sam having taken over what was meant to be a fun activity for you and Wanda to do, but he seems like he is really enjoying showing off so you can’t be too mad. Wanda finds your pout too cute and can’t help but press a quick kiss to your lips, surprising you both. You are both blushing and she tries to play it off cool. “You did say whenever I wanted.”
“I did say that, yes,” you recall. She smiles and then gives you another chaste kiss, more confidently this time, before heading over to Sam. “Alright, leave Y/N to do something, show off.”
Meanwhile, you are trying to calm your racing heart at her kissing you so openly, which is when you realize you have an audience. You’re afraid to see if Laura and Nat saw. You turn around slowly. They clearly did, your cousin’s raised eyebrow indicating so. It makes you blush harder, so you turn back around and go to see what you can do.
Wanda and Sam give you the job of rolling the cookie dough into little balls after moving you away from setting the oven heat because you tried to turn up the heat by double in order to “bake the cookies faster”. They explain why you couldn’t do that.
“Yeah, I knew that,” you say, as you lower the temperature back down. “I was just testing you guys.”
No one believes you but they don’t say anything. Nat and your cousin watch with interest as Wanda and Sam pull your hand full of raw dough away from your mouth when you try to taste it. You lie and say you were testing them again. 
Peter and Pietro trail into the kitchen at the smell of the cookies baking. Sam takes them out once they are ready. Pietro tries to grab a cookie first, but you are faster, smacking his hand away. “Peter gets the first cookie. They were meant to be for him.”
Peter, who has been lingering shyly behind Pietro, perks up. He asks you, “Why?”
“For nearly killing you. Sorry about that. Sam technically did nearly everything, which might have been for the best given my lack of skills in the kitchen. But it’s the thought, right?” you ramble.
“You didn’t have to, but thank you. I won’t say no to cookies. They all look good. Let’s just all dig in,” Peter says, seeing Pietro’s grumbly face. Pietro cheers up at that and mutters, “Finally.”
Laura sees you and the guys reaching for a cookie and warns, “Careful, they’re hot,” but the cookies are already in your mouths. 
“Fuck!” “Shit!” “H-h-hot!” All three of you yell but none of you spit the cookies out. Instead, you all choose to look ridiculous cooling the cookies with your mouths open. Sam looks at you three like the dumbasses you are. Your cousin and Nat look unfazed and Wanda is practically doubled over laughing so hard that you can’t even hear it because she’s having trouble breathing. 
“Get out of my kitchen. Come back when you have proof y’all graduated elementary school.” Sam kicks you out of the kitchen, Pietro grabbing some cookies before being shooed away. You head outside and decide to play some basketball. Cooper and Lila come and join you and a few minutes later so does Wanda. 
You pause, holding the ball in your hands as Wanda walks up to you. 
“What? Did you finish your two pages of reading for the day that quickly or did you just miss me?” you tease her. She gives you a sarcastic smile before snatching the ball away. “Two chapters actually.” She then goes to line up her shot. She shoots and scores, turning back to you with a smug smile at which you shake your head.
“Hey, you can’t walk with the ball. That doesn’t count!” Pietro whines. You fight for her point, telling him to just let her have it, which he does not let go without pointing out, “Oh, so when I do it, it’s not a point, but when Lila and Wanda do it, it counts? How is that fair?”
“Because she’s six and she’s cute, Pietro. That’s why it counts,” you reply.
“Okay, but what about my sister?”
“I just explained. Lila is six and Wanda is cute. Come on, man. Keep up.” Wanda overhears and blushes hard. Pietro laughs at his sister, embarrassing her further. You take the ball away from his hands while he is distracted and then pass it to Lila. 
You do way better this game than the last time you played. You still lost but progress. 
The next morning feels like a rinse and repeat. Nat wakes you up, you go for the morning hike, you complain the whole time. Breakfast is a different story. Laura’s lower back has been aching and she’s been having contractions, one of which comes while you’re eating, scaring most of you. You get straight to your feet asking where the baby bag is and Pietro rushes to find the keys saying, “I’ll start the car!” 
Peter pipes, “I think someone else should drive.” 
“Everyone calm down. I don’t need to go anywhere. The baby’s not coming yet,” your cousin reassures everyone, specifically her husband and Nat who are at her side. Everyone lets out a breath of relief. You ask where the baby bag is anyway to know when the time does come. She says there isn’t one and then Nat is on Clint and your heads about not being prepared.
“I got here after you did,” you defend yourself. She then looks over to Clint who says, “I’ve been saving the world.”
“Always an excuse with you two,” Nat chides. 
And so the afternoon finds Clint, Sam, and Nat going to buy the essentials, while the rest of you help clean up around the house. Wanda is left to supervise Lila and Cooper clean their rooms, Peter is in charge of vacuuming upstairs, Pietro is given dish washing duty, and you are given the broom and mop. 
Your cousin relaxes on the couch in the meantime. You yell up the stairs that you will be mopping now, warning everyone to watch their step. You repeat the same to your cousin who sarcastically says, “I think the whole town heard you, Y/N.”
“Well, excuse me for caring for everyone’s well being,” you retort, continuing your chores. You’re nearly finished. You just need Pietro to be done in the kitchen so you can mop there. You sit and wait in Clint and Laura’s little home office. 
You swivel around in the chair, looking around curiously until something calls your attention, that something being the laminator. You try to think of something fun to laminate but think of nothing interesting. Then you remember something and rush upstairs to get it.
You pass Peter who asks if he can go downstairs now having finished vacuuming. You say yes but tell him not to go into the kitchen yet. You grab what you are looking for in your bag and head back downstairs to laminate it. Before you do, you write a message on the back. 
Dear Scarlet Wizard, please stop hurting the books. Thank you. Y/N :)
Then you laminate the strip. You look over your finished product proudly before tucking it into your back pocket. You’re about to head out of the office when Pietro’s voice crescendos, heeding you of his presence before he appears. “Just ask her, Wanda. She’s seen you in them. I don’t know why you are embarrassed.”
That piques your interest. Pietro finally appears, with Wanda lingering behind him, looking like she’d much rather be anywhere else. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Pietro looks back at Wanda expectantly, but when she doesn’t say anything, he explains for her. “She needs help washing her underpants.”
“Pietro!” Wanda shouts, her face giving a new meaning to her superhero name with how red it turns. She moves forward, spluttering, “I asked Laura if I could wash some of my clothes. She said yes, but I don’t know how to work this machine and I didn’t want to make her get up to show me, and Pietro told me to ask you, so…” 
She trails off shyly, wanting to bury herself in the nearest ditch right after she murders her brother for putting her in this position. Wanda hadn’t prepared to stay so long and hadn’t brought extra clothes. Now she regrets not being like Peter who overprepares. She wonders how her brother hasn’t run out of clean underwear but she thinks it’s better not to ask, predicting she won’t like whatever the answer is; Pietro is not someone who is over prepared either.
“That’s it?” you ask, not seeing what the big deal was, but you can see that Wanda is still looking rather awkward about it, so you don’t question it too much. Rather you comment, “I was actually wondering if you all just overpack for breaks. I mean I know Nat has extra clothes here in the house but I was wondering about the rest of you.”
“Peter is the only one who does the most,” Pietro says.
“Hey, I heard that!” Peter yells coming in to join the three of you. You turn to Pietro and ask, “Then what do you do?”
“He used the same underwear after he showered,” Peter explains. You and Wanda make a face of disgust and Pietro makes one of irritation. Peter runs off upstairs when Pietro starts chasing him, “Don’t tell her that!”
“I shouldn’t have asked,” you tell Wanda, who agrees with you. Then you motion for her to follow you into the little laundry room. You show her how to work the machine. She throws her clothes in and follows your instructions. Once the machine gets going, you decide to tease her now that you are alone. “It’s just underwear, Wanda. Pietro was right. No need to be shy about it when I’ve seen it both on and off you.”
She starts blushing again. She hides behind her hands and groans, “Ugh, I should have asked Laura.”
You continue on anyway, “In fact, I remember one instance where you were enjoying when I tugged them o-” You were cut off short by Wanda’s hands covering your mouth. “Stop talking.”
Your laughter is muffled but it’s there nonetheless, finding Wanda’s coyness endearing. She defends herself, recalling a story about you, “You are one to talk, Miss Purple Boxer-Briefs.”
You grab hold of her wrists, removing her hands from your mouth in order to speak. “Hey, that’s different.” You walk forwards, making Wanda take steps back until her back is against the wall. “I was not planning for anyone to see me in those. I was just taking one for the team, thinking the house was getting robbed.”
“Mhmm, sure.” Wanda giggles.This time it’s you saying, “Oh, be quiet, Maximoff.”
“Make me, L/N.”
You sputter in surprise, eyes widening at her words. Hers stare right into yours, challenging you to make a move. And she has the audacity to have a smirk on her face as if she wasn’t madly blushing about dirty underwear a few minutes ago. Where the hell did that girl go?
“Are you just going to stand there and look at me a-”
You surge forward and kiss her hard. Wanda can’t help but smile at getting her way, making it a little hard to kiss her. So you take the moment to break it and ask, “Hey, who told you my last name?”
“The same asshole that gave you this.” One of her hands between you moves up to caress your bruised cheek. “Does it still hurt?”
She prods at it, making you flinch back. “Ow, only when you poke at it.”
“Sorry,” she apologizes, pulling her hand away from your cheek. Her bashful face makes you chuckle. You pull yourself together to ask her a question. “Okay, serious question,” you start, and it’s too cute how Wanda pays close attention to what you say next. You’d think she’d know better by now. “Does it make me look badass?”
“Y/N,” she more or less groans your name in annoyance as she gently shoves you. You’re a little off balance but you quickly grasp her elbows to pull back into her space. “I’m serious. ‘Cause if I look stupid, I’m pretty sure I could will my cells to work overtime to heal it faster or something.”
She laughs at you, muttering, “You are an idiot,” and pecking your lips between each word. You hear giggling, only this laughter isn’t coming from the beautiful woman in front of you. No, this giggling you know too well comes from a certain little critter who you now see has potential to go into her father’s line of work with how quiet she can creep up on someone. 
Wanda actually shoves you off this time, going to stand behind you to put a physical barrier between her and the intruding child. You clear your throat, smiling at Lila. “Hey, Lila. Did you need something?”
“Why were you kissing Wanda? Is she your girlfriend? Are you going to have a baby now?” She shoots one question after question rapidly as if she didn’t ask them all at once she would forget them. The first two are valid questions but the last throws you off so far you don’t know where you are. It throws Wanda too, so much so she’s basically choking behind you.
“Woah, okay. Umm, I was kissing Wanda because I think she is very pretty and nice and that’s just a way you can show someone that you think that about them, with their permission of course,” you rush in to add about consent. Your niece and nephews will grow up learning to be a decent human being. You continue on to her other questions. “But no, Wanda is not my girlfriend and we are not having a baby?”
Your last answer comes out more as a question, mostly due to your confusion as to where she got that idea. Wanda comes out from her hiding space to stand by you. From your peripheral vision, she looks amused at seeing you struggle to answer the six year old’s questions. Looking at your niece, she seems to be as confused as you, but you learn it’s due to something else. “Why isn’t she your girlfriend? Did you ask her?” 
You hesitate to answer, really not knowing where to start. Wanda is less amused and more interested now, crossing her arms over her chest, creating a barrier between her heart and your next words that she thinks will inevitably hurt to hear. Lila doesn’t give you the chance, however, continuing to her next question that makes you scoff. “Does she think you’re ugly?”
“I’d hope not.” You turn to look at Wanda, who holds a hand over her mouth trying to cover her giggles.
“Oh, maybe she doesn’t think you’re funny, like Aunt Nat says. Maybe she doesn’t get your jokes.” Lila tries to help, but little to her knowledge, it just makes you want to dig your own grave, especially when you can see Wanda is nearly losing it trying to hold in her laughter.
“Yep, you know you might be right. That must be it,” you agree to appease her. She grins at you, proud of herself for finding an answer to her question, which reminds you, “Why did you think we were having a baby?”
“Because that’s how babies are made,” she says, without a doubt in her mind, which reasonably has you questioning, “Who told you that, critter? Because they definitely lied.”
“Mommy said so,” she says almost defiantly as if what her mom says must be the truth and who were you to make her start questioning her mother now at six years old. You are also not ready to have that conversation, the conversation between you and your cousin where she yells at you for taking over the birds and bees speech that she probably had meticulously planned for a specific time in her children’s lives.
“Aaaand, your mom’s right. Yep. Wanda is basically pregnant now,” you say without thinking. Lila’s eyes go full moon round in excitement as squeals in glee. She practically runs out of the laundry room probably to tell god knows who about the news. Wanda gasps in disbelief beside you, smacking your arm. “Why did you say that?”
“Well, what did you want me to do? Be honest with the child?” you say as if honesty would be the worst thing to bring into that conversation.
“Yes, exactly that,” Wanda says plainly.
“Okay, well unless you want to deal with Nat on your ass about us unnecessarily stressing my pregnant cousin out with talks about baby making with her six year old, for the next however long Lila remembers, you are pregnant with my child.”
Wanda hangs her head in defeat after you put that image of an angry Nat in her head. There are worse things than being fake pregnant with your crush’s baby. She sighs, “You’re paying child support for this kid.”
You smile at her quip, retaliating with, “Not without a paternity test!” She shoves you as you both exit the laundry room and you chant, “Maury! Maury!”
“We are not naming the baby Maury,” she says and runs into you when you stop abruptly to turn around and question her, “Wanda, do you not know who Maury is?” 
When she shakes her head no in confusion, you grab her hand in excitement, “Oh, my god, let me teach you a little bit about American culture,” and drag her with you to watch some episodes of the show.
You only get to watch one with her, leaving her with your cousin to watch more as you go back into the kitchen to finish moping as your cousin so kindly (not so kindly) reminded you to do. Those baby hormones really were kicking in. 
You return to see Pietro and Wanda eating up the show. “I knew it! I knew he would be the father,” Pietro yells excitedly from where he is on the floor looking back at his sister. “Did I not guess right?” She nods and he turns back to the television to watch the guy run off the stage as the cameraman chases after him.
Laura can’t stop yawning so you suggest she go take a nap. You help her up to her room and tell her to rest up, that you had everything under control. She teases as you shut the door, “Just don’t go around impregnating more women while I’m asleep.” 
When you go back downstairs, Sam, Nat, and Clint are making their way through the front door with everything they bought. Sam and Clint set the box with the crib assembly in the middle of the living room. Nat carries some bags and says there are more bags in the car. You head outside throwing an “amateur” towards Nat who rolls her eyes knowing you are referring to your silly one trip from the car to the house rule. 
The rest of the evening goes to arranging the hospital bag and getting all the baby things in order. Nat and Wanda assemble the crib, Nat insisting she do it after Pietro rushes to assemble it with a “tada!” only for it to fall apart when Nat throws a pillow onto it. Wanda is just excited to do it and Nat trusts her to follow instructions unlike her brother. 
Everyone just watches, but Lila who tries to help handing the women whatever they need. As most excited six year olds do, she talks everyone’s ears off about the things she is going to do when her baby brother comes. “Oh! And he can have playdates with Y/N and Wanda’s baby. We can have tea parties every summer. Maybe not tea, cause tea isn’t very tasty and it’s too hot for that. Maybe we can have ice tea instead. What do you think, Wanda?”
Everyone in the room looks confused; most of the confused gazes are looking to you for an explanation and before anyone could say anything, you mouth “Don’t ask” while shaking your head. Wanda indulges Lila, though she blushes through it trying to look unfazed, “Yes, ice tea is nice. Or maybe lemonade. Can you pass me that small piece over there?”
It comes out perfectly, much to Pietro’s chagrin. Now the problem no one thought about- how to get it upstairs into the room. Sam and Clint carry it up the stairs trying to follow Nat’s instructions, attempting to turn it at the right angle to get it up the second flight of stairs. They clearly do not understand what Nat’s aim is here, Nat’s frustration growing by the second. Wanda gets a sense of deja vu but she can’t recall where she has seen this, until you laugh and as if reading her mind fill in the blank yelling, “Pivot!”
Satisfied with figuring out where the scene is from and not wanting to see Nat explode, Wanda uses her magic to take hold of the crib and brings Nat’s vision to life as she rotates the crib at the correct angle. The red mist lifts it the rest of the way upstairs.
“Thank you, Wanda. It seems you’re the only competent person here,” Nat huffs. She turns to the two men on the stairs, “Well, don’t just stand there, expecting Maximoff to do everything. The crib goes in the room with Laura.”
She storms up the steps shepherding Clint and Sam the rest of the way. You hear the laundry machine beeping, so you go give that your attention with Wanda on your tail. After her clothes begin to spin in the dryer, you stop her from getting any further than the kitchen remembering to give her your beautiful creation.
“Wait, Wanda, before I forget. I have something for you.” You pull the photo strip turned bookmark out of your pocket and hand it to her. She takes her time looking over the pictures on the strip from the time at the arcade, especially the third in which you are kissing her cheek. You gesture for her to look at the back and she rolls her eyes upon reading your message. Wanda appreciates the gesture anyways.
“You made me this?” Wanda asks, surprised. 
You nod, “Made or more so laminated it for you. Or rather for future me who will be happy to know she saved another book from you dog earring the ends of its pages.” 
You chuckle when she pushes you in jest. “Hey! That is a lot of judgement coming from someone who does not read.”
“I don’t have to be an avid book reader to know book etiquette,” you declared. 
“Book etiquette?” She raises an eyebrow up in question.
“Yes, there are rules to how you treat books, same as there are rules to everything,” you answered. “Like returning a borrowed book in the same condition.”
“And one of the rules happens to be not to bend the corner of the pages?” she asks, disbelieving.
“Hey, I’m just trying to do you a favor here. Wouldn’t want you to get bullied in book club or whatever. But if you are just going to disregard the rule and not use the bookmark,” you reply, reaching for the bookmark, “I can just take it back.”
“No,” she objects immediately, pressing the photostrip against her chest. She pouts, “You already gave it to me. You can’t take it back.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you assured her, laughing at her childish antics. Wanda looks at it once more, smiling, and then gives you a kiss on the cheek. With rosy cheeks adorning her face, she thanks you. “I love it, really.”
Red really is the color for her, you think. That is until you find green giving red a run for its money the next evening.
Sam drove you, Wanda, and Pietro to one of the two bars in town in Nat’s car. It took about half an hour of begging from Sam’s part for Nat to give up her keys, but not without threatening his life if he were to even scratch her car. You couldn’t blame her, it’s a pretty nice car. 
You and the three Avengers walk into the bar. It sounds like the start to a joke and it almost feels like it could be with the way the night starts. It’s a Friday night so there is a crowd but it’s not too bad. You’re still standing around the front entrance and you wonder why no one has made the move to go further into the establishment. Turning to the other three, you notice their eyes sweeping the place. You quickly realize what they are doing. 
“Would you all relax? We are here to have fun. No need to act like you’re on a mission,” you remind them. Sam scoffs, “Uh, speak for yourself. This man is on the hunt for some sugar.” The rest of you three roll your eyes at him as he keeps scouting the area. His eyes befall on the pretty bartender. “And spotted. First round is on me.”
Sam walks up to the bar with swagger to his step. The three of you look for a place to sit. Pietro notices a booth open up and using a little enhanced speed, swoops into the booth, calling you and Wanda over. You talk amongst yourselves while Sam chats up the bartender. He comes over with the drinks smiling to himself. Wanda teases him, “Look at you all smiley. Did you get her phone number?”
“I’m still working on it, but I know it’s working,” he says confidently. “So hurry up and finish your drinks so I can go up and talk some more.”
He rushes you and chugs his drink in one go. You hate to be his buzzkill but someone has to remind him, “I hope you enjoyed that drink, Sam ‘cause that was your one and only for tonight. Or did you forget you drove us here?”
His face scrunches up and groans, “Noooo. Can’t Pietro drive? His metabolism works fast. It’s nearly impossible to get him drunk.”
“Did you forget what car we brought? The moves Nat pulled on me hurt like a bitch, and that was just her teaching me self defense. I can’t imagine what she would do if she finds out we let Speed Racer drive back.” You quickly turn to said twin, “No offense, Pietro.”
“You are all just a bunch of babies,” he responds, sipping from his drink. 
“Ugh, fine,” Sam concedes. “Maybe, I can work with this. I’ll be back. Same thing for everyone?”
After getting an affirmative, Sam is back at it. The three of you watch him flirt with the woman behind the bar. Sam points your group out to her and she smiles at you three while your group acknowledges her with awkward waves. 
A car alarm pulls everyone’s attention away; it’s Nat’s car. The three of you see Sam make a show of looking for the keys in his pockets when it’s clear to the group that he’s been holding them the entire time. That smooth bastard. The woman looks impressed.
Soon she serves up your drinks, Sam bringing them to the table, with a cocky smirk on his face. You, Pietro, and Wanda shake your heads at him his whole way back. “We see what you did there,” Wanda says. “That was very sneaky.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Sam denies. He takes a sip of his water as the rest of you grab your second drink. Pietro asks, “Very sad, using someone else’s things to boast. Tsk tsk tsk.”
“Keep it down. She doesn’t have to know that. Anyway, that car is a guarantee she’ll be looking this way,” Sam assures and he isn’t wrong. Wanda finds the bartender looking back at your group but much to her discontentment, she is zeroing in not on Sam but you. You don’t notice this happening. 
You are too focused telling some funny story Wanda isn’t really listening to, as she finishes her drink in one go. Pietro catches this from the corner of his eye, frowning at what has his sister looking upset. Ever so observant, he watches Wanda look at the bartender who seems to be staring at you and then shuffle closer to your side. 
His frown disappears, no longer worried but more so amused. He has always found it funny when his sister gets jealous. He’s seen it several times to know the signs- the furrow of her brow, the biting of her lip, and had it been a few years ago, there would be a dramatic exit. A dramatic exit would be overkill here so he guesses she’s substituted it for possessiveness. 
You welcome Wanda’s warmth as she sits closer to you. Sam and Pietro make their comments and jokes about the story you just finished telling. You sip on your drink, nearly choking when Wanda’s hand makes a surprise appearance on your thigh a little too high to be innocent. You try to ignore it and listen to Sam as he starts a story, but it gets a little difficult when she begins to move it. 
Sam asks you a question and as focused as you are when trying to answer, Wanda’s wandering hand makes you stutter a few times in your response. You chug the rest of your drink and Wanda takes that as a sign to get the next round of drinks.
“I’ve got the drinks this time,” she declares, pressing a kiss on your cheek before getting up and heading over to the bar. The little break you have away from her feels a bit of a relief. You were getting worked up under her touch and in public no less. You don’t know what’s got Wanda in this kind of mood suddenly, not that you would usually mind it unless it’s the alcohol. 
That’s the only real outlier here. If it is the alcohol, you’ll have to slow her roll down if only two drinks have her so handsy. You have to come up with a plan soon if that’s the case, because Wanda comes back, bartender behind her carrying a tray with shots.
Wanda takes her seat next to you as Sam’s point of interest for the night sets the shots in the middle of the table. Your eyes widen, counting the number of shots that end up on the table. 
“Damn, how much do they pay you?” you ask incredulously, knowing how pricey a single shot can be.
“And are they hiring?” the bartender jokes. Everyone but Wanda laughs. “Are we celebrating something tonight or just having a night out?” She asks the table but ends the question looking at you for the answer.
“A little bit of both. They’re going home soon, so,” you explain. You have all her attention now, her body turning to face you. “Oh, so you’re from here. I haven’t seen you around?”
Wanda slowly grows irritated, feeling the woman talking is overstaying her welcome at your table. She reaches for a shot, throwing it back, trying not to make a face as the liquid burns her throat. 
You frown at Wanda’s actions. Pietro snorts and Wanda throws him a glare. The bartender is still waiting for your response so you answer, “I don’t actually live here. I stay with my cousin during my breaks from school.” 
“What school do you go to?”
Wanda clears her throat, annoyed, “Don’t you have to go back to the bar? We wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.”
Sam speaks up, “There are two other people back there. I’m sure they’ve got Bethany covered.” So that’s the name of the woman unknowingly grinding Wanda’s gears. Wanda is disappointed to see Sam is correct. 
She drinks another shot and the moment Pietro has been waiting for arrives when she gets up suddenly claiming she has to go to the restroom. Bethany tries to help and point them out to her, but Wanda quickly cuts in with, “Thank you, Bethany, but I think I can find my way to the restroom just fine.” And then she stomps off. 
Finding her behavior odd, you decide it best to go follow her and make sure she’s okay. After answering Bethany’s last question, you excuse yourself from the table and head in the direction Wanda left. The restrooms are easy to find, a glaringly obvious sign pointing to them. 
Wanda splashes water on her face at the sink, trying to cool herself down. She can’t help the thoughts running through her head, thinking that Bethany was probably sitting in Wanda’s place by your side, grabbing your arm as she laughs at something you say. She knows these thoughts stem from jealousy and there is no need to tell her that she doesn’t have the right to be jealous when you agreed to be friends.
If Wanda wasn’t irked enough, there are no paper towels to dry her face with. Now she’ll return to the table with a wet shirt. “Stupid bar can’t refill the dispenser,” she mutters, pushing the door open with the side of her body, her hands preoccupied lifting the bottom of her shirt enough to pat her face dry with it. 
She bumps into somebody outside the restroom doors. She lifts her face from her hands to apologize only to be met by the person who has got her acting this moody and you aren’t looking at her face. Your eyes are busy appreciating Wanda’s exposed tummy. Wanda flushes as she drops her shirt, making you redirect your eyes. Embarrassed at being caught, you clear your throat. “Sorry,” you apologize. “I actually came to check on you.”
“Why? I was only gone for 2 minutes,” she asked, though she was happy to note that you were here waiting for her outside the restroom instead of entertaining the bartender sitting at your group’s table.
“You left kind of abruptly. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and not like throwing up,” you reason. You pull Wanda away from standing in front of the door to the restroom when someone tries to get through.
Wanda chuckles, continuing on with your conversation. “Do you think I am a lightweight or what?”
“Well I hope not. You did just buy a bunch of shots and it would be a damn shame to let them go to waste,” you remind her. She smirks at you. “You have some catching up to do.”
“Lead the way.” You step aside motioning for her to do just so. Wanda shakes her head, but smiles nevertheless, taking your hand and tugging you behind her. Wanda is happy not to see Bethany at your table but back behind the bar when you both take your previous seats. 
“There they are!” Pietro shouts excitedly, waving his hand in the air before smacking it back down on the table rather clumsily with an “Ah”. Tipsy Pietro was rather adorable. How did he get like this anyway? Looking back at the table, you find your answer.
“Holy shit, dude! Did you drink all of these yourself?” You’re worried he’d have to get his stomach pumped. He reads the expression on your face and reassures you. “It’s the only way I can get, umm, Wanda?” He turns to ask his sister something you don’t understand, asking in Sokovian. She answers, “Tipsy.”
“Yes! Tipsy. But I left you uh,” he counts the remaining shot cups that still have liquor in them, “four. Perfect. Two for each of you. Now hurry, I want to play billbards, bill-billboards. Pool,” he finally decides. He pushes two shots towards you and the other two towards Wanda.
“Oh, no. Y/N has to catch up.” Wanda pushes one of her drinks to yours, lining them all up neatly. You shake your head at a smirking Wanda. You sigh, “You’re really going to do this to me, huh?”
“Yup,” she affirmed. Then Sam got the three of them to chant your name, making others in the bar look your group’s way. Not wanting people staring, you hush them, “Okay, okay. Geez. I can see why Clint hates that.” Then you drink all three, one right after another. You do make a face. “Oof.”
Wanda drinks hers and then the four of you wait by the pool tables for one to open up. You spend the next hour laughing with Sam and Wanda at a clumsy Pietro. You are just as bad as a tipsy Pietro when playing pool but tipsy Wanda doesn’t care, insisting you teach her how to properly line up her shot. Tipsy you isn’t remotely embarrassed when Wanda completely misses hitting the ball with your guidance because your body is busy feeling something other than shame having Wanda pressed against you as she is. 
Sober Sam is getting bored. Bethany is busy behind the bar doing her job, more patrons filling up the joint. A few minutes later, Pietro is practically sober; his coordination comes back and he doesn’t find playing pool as fun anymore. Also, he’s growing tired of watching his sister basically grind her ass on you every time it’s her turn. 
Pietro ends the game five minutes later. “I’m tired. Let’s let some other people play.” He doesn’t give you a chance to reject the idea, handing his pool stick over to someone else saying his group can have the table. He and Sam head to the restroom but not before telling you two to be ready to go.
There is a pout on Wanda’s face that you find just too cute and you let her know so. “You are so adorable,” you tease, pinching her cheeks. Wanda sends you a glare that looks in no way threatening with her cheeks aflame, making you laugh. “I’ll get us some water. Wait here for Pietro and Sam.”
You head over to the bar counter. You grab Bethany’s attention and ask for some water. “So why was your girlfriend upset earlier?” She asks as she goes to fill up two cups for you.
“Huh?” you ask confused. She repeats herself leaning over the bar in order for you to hear her more clearly. “Your girlfriend,” she nods in Wanda’s direction. You turn to see Wanda watching you two closely. “She looked pissed off earlier.”
Bethany hands over the two cups of water. You didn’t need to but you clarify anyway, albeit a little awkwardly. “Oh, um, she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Does she know that?” The bartender smirks at you. You’re confused and tell her so. She rolls her eyes at you. There is no way you could be so oblivious. She does find it cute that you were so focused on your “not girlfriend” that you didn’t see the way she was interested in you. She takes pity on you and clarifies, “She was totally acting like a jealous girlfriend earlier.”
“No, she wasn’t,” you deny, the idea sounding totally absurd to you. But with the way Bethany sounded so sure, you can’t help but begin to question the possibility. “How do you know?”
“I see these things all the time. Reading body language becomes a skill when you work at a bar. Trust me.”
Bethany sees you still doubting her so she proposes something. “Here. I’ll prove it. Do you mind if I touch you?”
You look at her confused but give her permission anyway. She reaches over and runs her finger up and down your forearm. You watch her move and feel more so lost when she throws her head back in laughter. “Okay, what are you doing?”
“If she is jealous, like I say she is, she will do one of two things. She will either come up here and act all possessive or she’ll storm off like she did earlier to the restroom.”
“I don’t know,” you say, unsurely, already pulling your arm away. You are not one to want to play emotional games. Before you have a chance to tell Bethany that, she says, “I should have put some money on it.”
You feel an arm slide around your waist. Wanda comes up beside you and pulls you into her. You are a little startled to be honest, especially when she kisses your underjaw making sure to give Bethany a good view. Wanda catches Bethany giving you a cocky smirk and it irks her. 
“Piet and Sam are waiting for us,” she reminds you. You don’t say anything, your mind still trying to process that Bethany is right and Wanda might just be jealous. Bethany sees the realization glaze over your eyes and rolls with it, pushing Wanda’s buttons. “Oh, you’re leaving already? Well if you ever want more conversations like these,” she writes on a piece of paper behind the bar and hands it over to you folded, “here.” 
Wanda is nearly grinding her teeth at this point. The audacity of that woman to give you her number while Wanda is with you is amazing. Though Wanda knows she’s not with you- with you, clearly the woman would think Wanda was something to you given the way she is wrapped around you. And if that wasn’t enough to piss her off, the way you say “Um, okay?” before pocketing the piece of paper is. 
“You know what, we’ll just wait for you in the car,” Wanda huffs, pulling away from you and storming off to Pietro and Sam. You watch her go, ready to follow but Bethany calls your attention once more. “And there is number two. What are you standing here for? Go. She’ll only be more upset the longer you take.”
“Thanks?” You leave it at that, not knowing what else to say and make your way to the exit. Bethany watches you leave with a shake of her head, mumbling to herself, “She’s gonna eat her alive.”
You reach in your pocket to read the note the bartender gave you, opening the door with your back. Wanda, who is leaning against the hood of the car, watches in jealousy as you laugh at the contents of the note. 
Sam asks, “What are you smiling about?”
Wanda answers for you, tone dripping in discontent, “Getting the number you couldn’t get.” 
“What?! Let me see!” Sam rips the paper from your hand. Wanda rolls her eyes in annoyance and gets in the backseat, slamming the door closed. Her brother shakes his head in amusement, but follows sitting in the passenger seat instead. 
“Come on, let’s go,” you hurry Sam along. You go around the car to open the door opposite the one Wanda slammed and take a seat. Wanda is already not looking at you, instead looking out the window, which you find pointless because there is nothing to look at seeing as there is another car parked right next to her. She’s just getting the view of their window. 
“Wanda,” you say, trying to get her to look at you. “Wanda.” She still ignores you, so you press, “Are you really not going to talk to me?”
“I’m not in the mood. Why don’t you talk to Bethany? Seemed like you liked talking to her. Now you can call her,” Wanda responds, voicing Bethany’s name in an obnoxious way. You try not to snicker but Pietro doesn’t. Wanda kicks the back of his seat, getting in trouble with Sam as he enters the car to see just that. 
“Hey, knock it off! I don’t need Nat busting my ass for something I didn’t do,” he warns and points at Wanda, who huffs but leans back, crossing her arms in irritation. He continues, “Also, if you want me to laugh at your jokes, make them make sense.” 
He throws the paper to your lap. You read it once more and laugh to yourself. Sam is about to start the car but you stop him. “Wait! Before we go, Sam, can you do me a favor real quick,” you say as you pull out a five dollar bill. “Can you go give this to Bethany?”
“So is this like an inside joke or something?” Sam takes the money anyway and heads back to the bar. Pietro asks, “Can I see the paper?”
“Why? You want to have a shot with her too? Clearly she was interested in Y/N, Pietro,” Wanda mumbles. You hand over the paper to her brother while rolling your eyes at her behavior, trying not to smile. 
Pietro reads it and laughs louder than before. Wanda takes off her seatbelt and leans forward to snatch the paper from Pietro’s hands. “Okay, what is so funny? ‘Five bucks she says my name in a mean voice’.” Wanda’s voice trails off in the end out of embarrassment realizing that the note was about her. 
“Hell yeah! I told you I would and I did. I still have the moves.” Sam barges into the car excitedly. “Look what I got!” He waves around a piece of paper in front of Pietro’s face. 
“Her number? Nice,” Pietro says, pretty impressed.
“Yep. She said ‘Here, for if you’re ever back in town,’” Sam tries mimicking Bethany’s voice. Turning to you, he adds, “Oh and she also said to tell you she told you so, whatever that means.” 
“Wanda knows what it means,” Pietro jokes, making you chuckle and Wanda punch him in the arm.
“Alright, alright. Chill out and put your seatbelt on,” Sam tells Wanda. He turns on the car and begins the drive home. “It’s a good thing we’re leaving when we are. Another drink in you and we’d have to pull you out of a bar fight.”
Wanda does as she’s told without another word. In fact she stays silent for the whole ride back, not because she was annoyed like earlier. To say she’s embarrassed is an understatement. It’s one thing for her brother to tease her, throwing remarks he finds oh so humorous her way. She’s used to that from her twin. It’s another thing for you to match his energy, laughing at his jokes and having the same knowing smirk on your face. 
Of course Pietro would know when she’s jealous; they’re twins. Pietro acts the same exact way when he’s jealous. Wanda just wasn’t ready for someone else to pick up on it, especially not the person for why she felt the way she did. 
It is humiliating and that’s why she vows to deny, deny, deny if anyone brings it up, which of course you do because life hates Wanda and won’t let her have this one thing. 
You bring it up after you get home. Wanda tries to rush out the car but you hold her arm, signaling for her to stay in the car. You tell Sam and Pietro to go ahead inside without you, that you need to talk to Wanda in private. 
Sam jokingly “oohs” and rolls down the windows a bit before turning off the car. “This seems like a long talk. I wouldn’t want you ladies to suffocate under all the tension,” he quips. 
Wanda looks at her brother for help and he almost stays seeing the dread on her face, but then he thinks about how this could be new ammunition for teasing her later and makes his decision to go. “Sorry, Wands, but she said ‘in private’.”
“Since when do you respect privacy?” she challenged, ticked that her own blood would leave her to die of mortification for his own amusement. 
“It’s never too late to try new things,” he reasons. He follows Sam to the house, laughing because Wanda shouts out of the car window, “Try not being a traitor next time!”
Wanda’s attention finally turns to you when she hears you giggling. Wanda sits as far away from you as she can, her back practically against the car door. Your laughter dies down, but you still sport a wide smile on your face, irritating her to no end. She crosses her arms and tries to keep her composure.
“What did you want to say?” She feigns innocence, hoping the conversation will take a different route than the one she feels it’s going. However, much like life you won’t let her have this.
“You know, I guessed you could be the jealous type given you telling your brother to stop flirting with me and the other way around, but damn, that was something else,” you tease, finding satisfaction when Wanda’s cheeks burn red.
You let her splutter for a minute, but then take pity on her when you see she can’t find the words to defend herself. You scoot close enough to her that your knees are pressing against hers. “It’s okay, really. Usually, I would find jealousy unattractive but there is something about green on you that I like. It really brings out your eyes.”
Your hands move forward to push some of her hair away from her face as if to see her eyes clearer. Wanda finally finds her voice, scoffing, “I was not jealous,” but she allows you to keep your hands on her face.
“No, of course not,” you reply sarcastically, smirk taking permanent residence on your face. You pinch her cheek to annoy her. 
“Only insecure people get jealous,” Wanda huffs and pushes your hands away. 
“Everyone has their insecurities, Maximoff.”
“What do you have to be insecure about?” she asks like you would be the last person to have any insecurities. 
You lean your side onto the seat. “Plenty of things. Like, no one ever taking me seriously. I hide a lot behind jokes. Sometimes, I don’t even know if I’m being serious or not and that makes it really hard to communicate with people.”
You look away from Wanda who begins to uncross her arms, the earlier tension on her body from self preservation dissipating with your confession. Instead, you focus on your hands, fingers tracing the stitched lines on the leather seats. 
You continue with a sigh, “Not to keep reliving the past, but it seems like it’s all I ever really do, I think maybe had I worked a little more on that, maybe Skye and I wouldn’t have ended like we did. Maybe had I shown I could be, I don’t know, more serious, someone you could not only have laugh with but someone you could confide in, have honest talks with, be a shoulder to cry on, then maybe she wouldn’t have seen me as a distraction and maybe we, I don’t know. I’m just rambling now.”
It gets quiet in the car. Wanda watches your hands continue to trace the lines on the seats. You look up at her when she clears her throat, ready to speak. “Vision broke up with me with the excuse that heroes are meant to be alone and I try but ever since he said that I can’t help but think he has a point.”
“Why do you think so?” you ask. Much like you finding something else to focus on, Wanda begins fidgeting with the rings on her fingers before replying, “It’s just that after we broke up, everyone left me alone. They were trying to give me my space, I guess but all it did was make me feel lonely.”
You reach out to stop her fidgeting with her rings which only half works. When you hold her hand, her other one comes to start playing with your fingers. “As embarrassing as it was to have you see me crying, I’m glad you stayed with me that first day,” Wanda whispers, almost like it’s a secret.
You smile and joke, “You were crying? I would have never known if you didn’t just tell me.” You succeed in making her laugh, as she tells you to shut up, but you continue teasing her. “Now the puffy eyes and runny nose make total sense.”
“Oh, god! Don’t remind me,” she pulls her hands away from yours to cover her face. She mumbles behind her palms, “I probably looked so gross.”
You chuckle at how wrong she is, remembering that day. You pull her hands away from her face and respond, “Quite the opposite. I was wondering how someone could look so pretty crying.”
Wanda narrows her eyes at you and accuses, “Liar.”
“Honest. Then I thought how inappor- inaporpiet,” you struggle to say inappropriate so you rephrase, “how it was wrong to think that while you were crying. Sorry, the alcohol is still in my system.”
You continue through Wanda’s giggling. “And it’s your fault I’m not more sober right now!”
“What? How is this my fault?” she questions, still smiling.
“We didn’t get to drink the waters Bethany so nicely served us because you got jealous and stormed out,” you recount, watching the smile drop from Wanda’s face and a frown replace it. 
“I was not jealous!” Wanda still denies, much to your amusement. She tries to pull away her hands but you keep a heavy grip on them.
“Incredible. We just had a whole ass conversation about insecurities and you still can’t admit you were jealous,” you laugh when she denies it again with a pout on her face that you attempt to kiss away, pulling her into you. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you mumble with a smile against her lips. She lets out an irritated sigh and leans back into you to finally do something about wiping that knowing smile off of your face. 
Wanda’s lips on yours, you both forget what either of you were trying to prove as you lose yourself to the feeling of having her pressed against you. You are both a mess, still slightly inebriated, but not so much that you don’t know what you are doing. You are well aware that you are in Nat’s car and she would kill you if she were to find out what you were doing in the backseat. 
You take the chance anyway thinking it would be worth it. Remnants of alcohol in your system and watching Wanda take her shirt off will do that. Hands are everywhere, stripping off clothes, so you don’t know who does it but the car horn sounds and makes you both stop in panic. 
“Shit,” you both whisper, out of breath. You turn to look at what could have caused the noise and see your shoe on the driver seat. One of you had thrown the shoe at the wheel. You both look towards the house. The lights were still off. You don’t think you woke anyone. At least, you hope you didn’t.
“Maybe no one heard?” You tell Wanda who looks at you with a ‘you can’t be serious’ look. There are five members of the most renowned team of heroes on the planet in that house. One, if not all, heard the horn.
Your phone chimes. Wanda gives you an ‘I told you so’ look as she pulls out your phone from your pants that are halfway down your thighs. Her heart stops in her chest as she sees the text is from Natasha. She shows you and you cover your face, not wanting to read whatever death threat is on there. 
“Read it for me. Maybe coming from you, I might not have a panic attack,” you beg. She opens the text and reads aloud, “ ‘I expect the car to smell of nothing but lemon scented disinfectant wipes tomorrow’ followed by two exclamation points and the red angry face emoji.”
You let out a sigh and remove your hands. “That doesn’t sound too bad. I don’t think she’s that mad.”
“Wait,” Wanda holds up a finger, reading off of your phone, “she’s typing.”
Your phone chimes incessantly. Wanda begins reading off, “Okay, girl with hand up emoji, ladder emoji, window emoji, person in bed emoji, oh, um.” Wanda’s eyes widen at what she now realizes is Nat threatening you through emoticons. “I am going to stop reading now so you can sleep tonight.”
You groan but take the phone to read through the little story Nat created. “Although I am fearing for my life, I have to give it to her. This is very creative and it sends shivers down my spine.”
You toss your phone onto the passenger seat. “If this is my last night, let’s end it right,” you say before dramatically sweeping Wanda in your arms and moving her to lie down as best as one can in the back seats of Nat’s car. She giggles as you nearly stumble to the floor due to your pants. 
“Stupid jeans,” you mutter, swiftly taking them off and moving on top of Wanda who is still giggling. You quickly shut her up. 
You wake up in the back seat of Nat’s car with Wanda in your arms. You feel three things at once: Wanda’s breath tickling your neck, the warmth of sunlight seeping through the car windows, and the beginnings of a headache. There is a loud screech that does nothing to help soothe the mild hangover. It wakes Wanda up as well. She voices her annoyance out loud, her morning voice husky. 
“Ugh, what is that? Y/N, make it stop,” she demands, burrowing further into you as if that will somehow make it stop. Coincidentally enough it does stop, but before you can relax, you hear voices arise. 
Wanda’s brows furrow and she tries to move away from you to see who could be coming to visit, but with the arm you have around her, you yank her back down into you.
“What are you doing?” you whisper yell.
She looks at you in confusion. “I’m seeing who it is.”
“Maybe that can wait once we’re fully clothed,” you suggest, pointing out the fact that all either of you have on are underwear and your shirts from last night. 
“Yeah, just stay still and hope they don’t peek in the car,” you command. The two of you stay quiet as the voices pass by. From the sounds of it, they come from two women.
“Oh, calm down! That landing was not that bad. It was way better than last time!” one of the women exclaims. Her voice sounds way too familiar, but you are too busy holding your breath in order to not get caught to actually try to place it. 
“That doesn’t make me feel any better, Daisy. Wait, who let you fly it before?” the second woman asks, the end of her sentence sounding far away hinting at them approaching the front door away from the car you and Wanda currently hide in. 
You hear knocking and then the front door opening. You think you hear Nat’s voice say something that sounds like “oh, fuck” but you aren’t too sure. You and Wanda only get up when you hear the front door close. 
You both hastily redress into yesterday’s clothes. Peeking out the window, Wanda notices a jet outside that definitely was not there last night and seeing as there are no other cars around, she can only assume it belongs to the two women which makes sense after hearing that one of them flew it. 
She sadly puts two and two together. These are the agents that would pick them up to take them back to the compound. You also pieced it together, “They’re here early.”
Wanda notices you sound a little peeved at that but you collect yourself. “Come on. Let’s go see what that’s about.” You give her a quick kiss before you exit the vehicle, holding the door open for her to step out. 
Wanda has half a mind to pull you back into the car, wrap back up in you, and never let you go, although she knows in the end it’s not you that’s going but her that has to leave. She’s just sad that her ride is here so soon and that she had to wake up to it after a night like last night. 
Last night was what felt like a wake up call for her. Lying in your arms, she began to wonder what she was even doing with you anymore. You make her feel like no one else has. She might have denied it all night, but she can be honest with herself. She knows she was jealous. She has never been jealous about anyone before and maybe because she knows she has no claim to you, in other words any reason to be jealous, she realized she wants to have a reason. She wants the right to be jealous. 
You stand there patiently waiting for her to step out of the car. Once she’s out, you fix her hair for her. “There. Maybe not Sister Wanda but I didn’t leave any marks for you to be DJ Wanda either,” you joke, trying to pull a smile from Wanda.
You do, but you find it odd that she doesn’t whack you or anything for teasing. “Wow, no violence after making a joke like that. Are you feeling okay? Did the alcohol not hit you until right now? Are you somehow drunk?”
“No,” she rolls her eyes at you. “I thought we had a rule about not hitting you.”
“Oh, so now you remember the rules. It only took you til your last day here to remember them,” you chuckle, closing the door behind her. You begin walking toward the house but when you reach the porch you feel Wanda pull you back. You look at her with questioning eyes.
Wanda decides to finally voice all her thoughts and feelings that she has been keeping to herself once and for all. “About those rules-“
“Robin Hood?”
Wanda is cut off by that familiar voice you couldn’t place before but you couldn’t mistake it now especially given that nickname. There was only one person to ever call you that. You didn’t have to look to know who it was but you and Wanda both turn to see the last person you thought you would ever catch in Westview County standing on your cousin’s porch.
Dun, dun, duUuUn
@madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovestory @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission @imagine-reblog @fayhar @idek-5 @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @bemyvitamin​ @musicinourlips​ @paumxmff​ @wandamaximoffsrings​ @yeetus-thyself​ @lostandsearching​ @when-wolves-howl @euphoriaszn2​ @gingerbreadcookieforlife​ @myfavoriteficss @cyberbonesworld
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Part Fifteen. “eyes eyes eyes.”
word count: 5.9k (not including pictures) warnings: swearing
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist 
A/N: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know? anyway uh....... hope you like this... a lot is kinda going on in this part... but more details will come in the next chapter don’t worry i’m not scamming you 
"I can't believe you," Dream scoffed from the other side of the phone, which was displaying only his eyes and up as Y/n's phone laid face up towards her ceiling. She didn't mind; he had pretty eyes and his blond hair poked out wildly beneath his hoodie and it was enough to make her only half focus on their conversation about her newest Minecraft build.
Y/n smiled as she glanced back at her phone to see him squinting at his screen in confusion even though there was no face on the other side, then looked back at her monitor. Neither of them were streaming but were bored so they decided to wander around on the SMP, continuing their all-day FaceTime call instead of transferring to Discord. They were on their fifth hour of FaceTiming at this point. Y/n had suggested multiple times switching to voice call instead since she wasn't showing her face, hoping he would say no so she could see him still, and each time he denied it because he claimed it felt more real when he could see her ceiling. Whatever that meant.
"I don't know what to tell you, bud. I'm just playing the game."
"But..." he pouted, she could tell by his voice... and by the eyes that were still glued to the call. "How are you so good?"
"I knew it."
She giggled and looked back to Minecraft, where she was looking at the massive hideout Sam had helped her build, complete with secret doors and tunnels and a whole lot of redstone. "Sam did most of it."
"Bullshit. Look at that," he said as he looked away from the phone and his green avatar punched the side of the build. "That has 'Bug' written all over it. You did that."
"Okay, I did do that part, but the cool parts like the secret doors and stuff are all Sam."
"Stop downplaying your skills. It looks good, Bug." His voice was clear and genuine and sent chills down her spine. For someone who want physically affectionate, she really wanted to give him a big hug. And... well... other things.
"Thanks, Dream," she whispered.
"You're welcome," he whispered back childishly.
"What in the..." Y/n said as she turned and saw a familiar Minecraft character with a white and red shirt in the distance. She pressed the zoom hotkey and stared at him as he filled her screen. "What is he doing?"
"Oh, speaking of Tommy," Dream started, clearing his throat as his avatar ran back and forth between the door of her hideout and a tree about ten blocks from it. "Um, I had an idea about, uh, the lake thing? The New Years' trip?"
"What's up?" she asked, turning to face him as she listened.
"Well, it's only about three weeks away and I was thinking—"
Dream was cut off as Tommy ran over to hit him with an axe a couple of times before running away.
"What the hell?" Dream grumbled as they watched Tommy sprint and jump in the direction he came from. The young boy paused when he realized neither of them were following, just looking in his direction.
<TommyInnit> did I scare you guys <TommyInnit> I did, didn't I <TommyInnit> I am very good at scaring people
Y/n laughed and typed her reply
<BugsyGames> not one single bone in my body was scared, tommyinnit <BugsyGames> try harder next time ig :/ <TommyInnit> JOIN VC RIGHT NOW <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Oh my gosh, he's so annoying," Dream mumbled with a small laugh but made no effort to do as the younger told.
<BugsyGames> idk if i really wanna HEAR you curse me out bc you already have over text multiple times <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Are you gonna join?" she asked, opening Discord on her other monitor.
"Hell no," Dream scoffed before his voice turned worrisome. "Are you?"
"Yeah, he's entertaining," she said. "And he won't leave us alone until one of us pays attention to him."
"Oh, you wanna be left alone with me, Bug?" he teased and she couldn't help but smile widely in embarrassment.
"Whatever you want to think I said, Dream." Y/n laughed, making Dream pout.
"Buuugg... just say you love me already," he whined jokingly.
Since she couldn't ignore the overwhelming butterflies in her stomach, she ignored him and opened Discord and looked at the voice channel Tommy was in. "Oh, Tubbo and Ranboo are there too, so it's worth getting cursed out," she told Dream before sliding on her headphones and joining. She moved one side off of her ear so she could still hear Dream over FaceTime if he spoke to her, seeing as he wasn't going to join the Discord call.
"Uh... geesh Tommy, no hello?" Y/n asked. "Why do you get in so many fights with women?"
"They question my manliness."
"Hm. Maybe work on making it less questionable?"
"What is... happening?" Ranboo asked.
"I don't really know. Tommy came over and punched Dream and then made me join vc so he could yell at me, I guess."
"Oh, that's where he went!" Tubbo said. "I had no idea, he just disappeared."
"What is he saying to you?" Dream asked from the phone on the desk. "He's yelling at you?"
"No, it's just Tommy being Tommy."
"W-What?" Tommy asked.
"I was talking to Dream," she explained.
"I can get on and tell him to stop if you need me to," Dream offered before his keyboard started clicking. "Should I? Do you want me to?"
"No, Dream, it's okay. I'll just fight him."
"YOU'RE WITH HIM??" Tommy accused.
"No! We're on FaceTime."
"Yup," she stated before quickly changing the subject since Tommy and Ranboo were both streaming. "What are my sons up to?"
"We're just trident-ing around talking about whether or not my or Tommy's accent is worse," Tubbo said. "He says 'grass' weird."
"Tommy's," Y/n voted, wanting to piss off the youngest more. "You have the voice of an angel, Tub."
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Bugsy and Dream are FaceTiming right now?" Tommy asked in a calmer, more mumbled but still frantic voice. "Cause, I mean, I just think it's a bit strange is all but if we're just going to breeze past it, I mean... you know? The two faceless Minecrafters are staring into each other's eyes while we all talk on Discord like nothing is happening."
"We aren't 'staring into each other's eyes'," Y/n corrected.
She paused when Dream giggled and said, "I bet you're staring into mine, Bug." She glanced down to see his full face beaming up at her with a playful smile. He had propped his phone up on his monitor so she could see where his elbows met his desk all the way to the top of his fluffy hair. Her cheeks and neck burned hot as she looked at the boy cuddled up in his hoodie once again. He folded his arms on his desk and placed his chin on his forearms, looking impossibly cuter as he stared at the camera. "There's no way for me to know you aren't."
"Shut up, Dream," she mumbled before speaking to the others again. "We're not even showing our faces," she lied. "Dream sorta is but not really."
"No need to lie to everyone," Dream said, still smiling, sitting up from his position. "This is my entire face. What, you don't want people to know you get to see me whenever you want? You have VIP access, baby, the people should know."
An abrupt laugh escaped her lips at the nickname. "Can you guys hear Dream?" Y/n asked the boys in the voice channel nervously.
"No, why? Is he telling you dirty things?" Tommy laughed evilly.
"Nope. Just wondering." Her face was on fire. She hit Dream's character in-game and watched him focus back on his computer with a goofy smile. He returned the favor by hitting her character back once even though she was continually dealing damage until he had half a and begged her to stop.
"He's probably flirting with her like he does when we're on call but, like, worse because no one else can hear him," Tubbo proposed before all three of the young boys gagged and yelled over each other.
"GROSS!!" Tommy shouted.
"Ew!! Mom, is there a dude flirting with you? That's disgusting," Ranboo gagged.
"I cannot stand you guys," Y/n laughed, making her voice as confident as possible so they couldn't detect her lies. "That's not what's happening."
"Do my words mean nothing, Bug?"
"Dude," she mumbled to Dream again. "I wish you could see how hard I'm glaring at you right now." He laughed in response.
A knock on Y/n's door snapped her out of her conversation and she quickly muted on Discord. "Come in!"
Naomi poked her head in and quickly put her hand up. "Oh, sorry!" she whisper-shouted. "I didn't know you were streaming."
Y/n shook her head and smiled. "I'm not. What's up?"
"TUBBO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Tommy screamed, making Y/n deafen also.
Naomi stood taller and dropped her hand to her side. "I'm just bored and want to do something."
"I do too, actually," Y/n admitted.
"You're bored?" Dream scoffed. "Bug, I'm offended!"
Y/n smiled widely and turned back to her phone to see the blond boy frowning. "I've talked to you all day. Can I not go hang out with my roommate?"
"No! Tell her to fuck off."
"Dream! She's literally right here, she can hear you!" Y/n covered her phone screen with her hand to hide Dream's face as Naomi walked closer, laughing.
"Naomi?" Dream asked.
"Fuck off."
Naomi laughed as Y/n gasped. "DREAM!" Y/n grabbed her phone and held it up to show one eye in the corner of the screen so he could see her glaring, but he wasn't looking.
"I'm just kidddinnnggg... obviouslyyy..." he dragged out. "Unless you do steal Bug away from me, in which case I'm not kidding."
Naomi was silent with her hand over her mouth, not wanting to freak out and make Y/n back out before Dream could see her eye. It was a small thing, but a huge deal.
The silence caused Dream to look down and his jaw dropped. "B-Bug!!"
"You see this?? I'm glaring at you. How dare you talk to Naomi that way," Y/n reprimanded teasingly, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice.
"WHAT? Is this how you felt when I showed my face just to prove a point?"
"You're doing the exact thing I did! You're just proving a point!"
"Yeah, but I'm not showing my whole face like you did, idiot. Just enough so you can see the glare."
"Oh my gosh. Okay, yeah, I see you glaring, stop glaring!" he giggled and Y/n's camera went back to only showing her ceiling as she smiled. "I'm sorry, Naomi!"
"You can't just joke like that to someone you hardly know," Y/n scolded as Naomi continued laughing. She knew Naomi had that kind of sense of humor, but Dream didn't.
"Who said I'm joking?" he asked.
"Oh, shut up. I can't stand you."
"I'm kidding! I'm sorry, Naomi. I was just kidding."
"I know," she reassured. "It's all good, don't worry. I know you love your Bug too much to hurt her friends."
Y/n saw Dream quickly pull his phone away from his face after he smiled shyly, and she liked to imagine that he was blushing at Naomi's accusation.
"Yeah, I guess she's nice to have around," he mumbled.
<Ranboo> bugsy? you still there?
"Wait, both of you quiet for a second," she told Dream and Naomi before unmuting and undeafening on Discord. "Yeah, sorry, what's up? I was defended and muted."
"You were so cryptically silent, it was a little scary."
"Sorry, my roommate is talking to me. I'm gonna head off, actually."
"Aw, but we hardly got to play with you!" Tubbo pouted.
"We'll play soon! I promise! But not you, Tommy. I don't like you."
"Bye, Tommy."
"Bye, Bugsy," he grumbled.
"Goodbye, mother," Ranboo said as Tubbo laughed out a, "Goodbye mom," making Y/n's heart shed a proud tear.
"Goodbye, my sons. Be good. Be safe."
She left the Discord and then left Minecraft. "Okay, sorry, continue," she promoted Naomi.
"I think it's so cute how you talk to Tubbo and Ranboo," Dream cut in. "It's adorable."
"It is," Naomi agreed. "Tommy, too. I know you pretend to hate him but we can tell you want him to be your son too."
"Never," she murmured, making both of them laugh. She slid off her headphones and grabbed her phone, careful to keep it pointed away from her face as she walked to her closet.
"Anyway, I just wanna do something. It's really nice out today, do you want to go to the park or ride bikes or something?"
"Yeah, sure." She ripped a hoodie off the hanger with one hand, making the hanger ricochet and clank against the closet ceiling.  
"Yeah, sounds fun," Dream agreed from between them.
Y/n laughed. "Sorry, bud, not you."
A deep frown etched onto Dream's face and Y/n laughed. "What are you going to do there that I can't join? You can just prop me up on a tree and sit next to the phone."
"If we ride bikes, I can't hold you. And if we go to the park we usually skate. Besides, we want to talk about how much we hate you anyway so we don't want you there."
"Bug!" he pouted. Dream paused before saying, "Can you give the phone to Naomi real quick?"
Y/n hesitated but handed the phone to her friend. She used her free hands to slip on the hoodie before tuning back into the conversation.
"You don't have to show me your face but I want you to look into my eyes and promise me something, Naomi," he said.
Naomi held the phone up to her face anyway and Y/n could see both of them looking at each other. "What's up?"
"Promise me you won't let Y/n fall and scrape her knee or something," he requested and Naomi laughed.
"I promise not to let your Bug get hurt." That was the second time Naomi referred to her as 'his Bug' and she was not opposed to the sound of it.
"Thank you very much."
"Great," Naomi said before her voice turned teasing. "Now that that's settled, Y/n, you're right he is cute!"
Naomi was a pot-stirrer. Always was, always would be. She knew what to say to make tension rise in the room whether it was between people who hated each other or people who secretly liked each other. Or whatever Dream and Y/n were.
While Y/n's face grew warm, Dream laughed.
"Hey, you're pretty cute too, Naomi. Should I tell George or does he already know?" Dream fired back, trying to embarrass her as much as she embarrassed Y/n.
Naomi's evil smile fell before a confident one took its place with a raise of her eyebrow. "Oh, he knows."
Y/n laughed abruptly and grabbed the phone back from her friend. "Okay, I'm hanging up now." Before I lose self-control and show you my whole face right here, right now, she thought to herself.
"Boooo," Dream whined. "Will you call me back later? Please?"
"Maybe," she teased. "Depends on if I'm clumsy enough to fall and break everything like you think I will."
"I don't think that. I just want you to be safe."
He needed to stop being so sweet. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm a pro."
"I believe it. Still, though."
"I'll be safe. I promise."
"Also, Bug, um..." he paused shyly. "You have really pretty eyes. Just... thought I'd tell you."
Heat rose to her face again and the look on Naomi's face said she could tell.
"Thanks, Dream."
Naomi nodded her head towards her Y/n's door. "I'll be in my room," she whispered and Y/n nodded.
"Sorry," Y/n said to Dream with a short laugh. "I don't know why I did that."
"It's okay," he reassured. "I appreciate it. I know it was just a small part of your face but it still means a lot to me that you showed me because I know you haven't shown anyone."
"I want to," she blurted out. "I really, really do."
"Want to what?"
"Show people my face." She squeezed her eyes shut and walked to her bed, setting the phone face up towards the ceiling. "Specifically you."
He paused. "Then... why don't you? I'm not pressuring you, I just don't understand. If you want to, then what's stopping you?"
"It's not that simple, Dream," she responded softly. "I'm scared."
Dream was silent for a few moments. "That's kinda what I wanted to talk about earlier before Tommy came in."
"Really?" she perked up. What was he going to say? That she seemed too scared so he didn't what her to go on the trip?
"Yeah, uh, I know you're nervous about meeting everyone and Sapnap and I were talking and– well, okay, so I assume you, Karl, and Naomi are going to go to Georgia together?"
"Well, so, yeah, what if– only if you want, obviously, but, you guys could come down to Florida and hang out with us for a few days and then, like, the five of us could go up to Georgia together? That way you meet two people first instead of everyone at once. So, like, since you haven't shown anyone, it'll be like dipping your toe in the water and if you meet Sapnap and I and absolutely hate it you can go back home before meeting everyone else." He finally concluded his proposition and Y/n's heart was so warmed. He was so sweet it was killing her.
"I'll still pay for all the travel stuff for you guys to fly down here," he added with a shy mumble at her silence, "and it's only a four and a half hour drive from here so Sapnap and I were just going to drive up and we could just rent a bigger car to fit comfortably. But obviously you can say no. Just a thought we had."
"Dream," Y/n started softly, her voice coming out way more fondly than she intended but she did nothing to fix it.
"You're the sweetest damn person I've ever met in my entire life."
"I just want you to be comfortable," he said softly.
"I think..." she paused. "I think that would be fun. I'd like that. I'll see what Naomi and Karl think."
His voice perked up slightly. "Really? Awesome. You guys can come down whenever. We're going to leave on the 26th to get there that night but whenever you guys want to come, you can. You could even spend Christmas with us if you want to come a few days earlier. Might be hard to find tickets this late since it's the holidays but I can see what I can find."
"That would be cool! The three of us were just going to hang out together so we don't really have plans for Christmas. I'll ask them but I think they'll like that too."
"Cool," he breathed. "If you want to say no later, you can."
"I don't want to say no, Dream."
He paused and his next word had his smile laced clearly through them. "Okay."
"Thank you–thank you for thinking of me," Y/n fumbled out. "It means a lot to me."
"Eh, it might be a little selfish of me, too. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can."
She beamed and bit her lip to not laugh with pure joy. "I'm probably selfish too because I'm going to make Karl and Naomi agree even if they don't want to go."
"I have no problem if you need to use physical force," he joked.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. "I should go save Naomi from her boredom."
"Okaaayyy..." he sighed. "If you must. Thanks for talking with me today."
"I had fun! I'm surprised you didn't bore me to death," she teased and he scoffed.
"Well apparently I did since you're ditching me!"
"Nooo, you could never bore me."
"Hmm... sure."
"Dream," Y/n dragged out and he laughed. "You're so clingy."
"Ugh, I know," he joked. "It's almost like I like you or something."
Y/n froze before mentally scolding herself. He was obviously joking, but it still made her heart skip some beats.
"Almost," she mumbled. "Alright, I'm going to go. I'll call you later if you're free and want to hang out on call more or something."
"Yeah, I'd like that," he said. "Have fun with Naomi! And don't get hurt."
She laughed. "I won't get hurt. Bye, Dream."
"Bye bye, Bug."
Y/n finally hung up and threw her phone on her bed with a small external scream. Naomi came back into the room a few moments later with a smirk on her face and leaned against the doorframe. "Done with the call?"
"Naomi..." she said dreamily. "He's... too freaking cute."
Naomi laughed. "Come on, lover girl, you can tell me all about it while we go outside. Bikes or skating?"
"I haven't gone biking in a while, let's do that."
"Perfect, I found a new trail recently I've wanted to try out," Naomi said as she grabbed her keys off the front table. "Let's go."
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"OH, and then," Y/n recounted her story with Dream in detail (per Naomi's request) and she swerved on her bike a little in excitement."Then he said, 'it's almost like I like you or something'! What does that mean??"
Naomi laughed brightly and looked over her shoulder at Y/n. "Maybe it means that he likes you."
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Don't get my hopes up."
"I mean it, Y/n. I know you think it's not possible, but just think about it. Do you really think you didn't like him until you saw him?"
Y/n looked up into the treetops that provided shade on their trail. She dreaded that question. She had thought about it so many times, tossing and turning countless nights asking herself the same question over and over. When did she start liking Dream? She had always had interest in him but when did her starstruck admiration and wanting to be his friend turn into wanting to hold his hand and kiss him good morning? When did that change happen? Could it have happened before she knew what he looked like? It would go against so much that she believed, so much she had been told, but... maybe it was true?
"I don't know," Y/n admitted softly. "I really don't know."
Naomi's heart broke for her friend, knowing her internal battle was killing her slowly. "Hey," Naomi said in a lighter tone than she felt. "It'll all work out. I promise."
"What if it doesn't? What if he really doesn't like me and won't ever like me?"
Naomi shrugged. "Then... then he missed out and someone better will eventually come along."
Y/n nodded, wanting to talk about something a little happier. "So... I showed him my eye."
"You did," Naomi said cautiously. "I wasn't going to bring it up, but, damn dude. How do you feel?"
"Good. Great. I know it's small and insignificant but it doesn't feel that way."
"I don't think it's insignificant. It definitely shows you trust him a lot."
"He said I have pretty eyes," Y/n whispered excitedly, making Naomi laugh.
"You do! You really do."
"Speaking of thinking things are pretty, George knows?? What does that mean? Have you guys video called or what? I've been so stuck in my pity party that I have no idea what's going on with that!"
Naomi turned pink but her confident smile never faded. She slowed down and Y/n followed suit, both taking drinks from their water. "Can we sit for a minute?" Naomi asked as she nodded towards a large tree trunk. Y/n nodded and they sat down together, bikes haphazardly thrown to the side of the trail.
"So," Naomi started. "George."
"George," Y/n prompted. "What's going on?"
"I like him a lot. And... he told me he likes me."
Y/n raised her eyebrows and beamed at her friend. "Really? Naomi, that's great! That's so awesome, I'm so happy for you!"
Naomi let out a small squeal before blushing. "I know. We're both a little worried because of long-distance but we decided to not think about it until after the trip. Then we'll work out how often we want to see each other and stuff."
"Wait, so, are you guys, like, dating?"
Naomi hummed. "No? But I have joked about how I'm going to kiss him as soon as I see him and it always makes him turn bright red and he just laughs and is like, 'you're an idiot', so that's a good sign."
Y/n laughed. "Yeah, sounds like George."
"Sorry I haven't told you sooner. I just feel like since you're so confused about everything with Dream that it would be like I'm bragging or something? And I didn't want to make you sad that I'm talking to this boy so much and—"
"Naomi," Y/n smiled and grabbed her arm. "It's okay. I'm not upset by it. I'm so so happy for you, really."
Naomi let out a breath of relief. "Thanks, Y/n. You're a really good friend."
"You make it easy to be a good friend to you," she said with a smile and a scrunched nose. "You're the best. I love you."
"I love you too," Naomi giggled and threw her arms around Y/n, forcing a hug even if she didn't want it. Y/n accepted it anyway, hugging her friend back tightly.
"Alright, break's over. Let's finish this thing. How much more do we have to go?"
Naomi checked the map on her phone. "About a mile. Think you can manage not falling off for another mile?"
"I promised Dream I wouldn't let you get hurt."
Y/n rolled her eyes fondly. "He's so stupid."
"Maybe, but you like it."
"Who on Earth knows why? Oh! That reminds me," Y/n said as she got back on her bike and rode slowly next to Naomi. "I forgot to mention a huge detail."
"Ugh, you never stop talking about him," Naomi teased. "Just kidding, what happened? I want to know everything."
"This involves you and Karl. How do you feel about taking a detour to Florida before the trip?"
When Y/n got home, she showered while Naomi made them dinner. "Today was fun," she said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "We need to hang out more, just the two of us. Thank you so much," she added as Naomi handed her a plate off food.
Naomi nodded. "Agreed. But when do we ever have time when you aren't streaming and I'm not doing school or working?"
"Hmm, true. For a job with a flexible schedule, I don't feel very flexible. Maybe I should promise to join less streams."
"But then I can't join streams," Naomi joked with a laugh.
"Just ask George. I'm not your closest streamer friend anymore apparently," she fake pouted and Naomi blushed.
"He wants me to join one of his streams except neither of us want anyone to know so he thinks it'll be suspicious if it's just him and I."
'Wait, no one else knows you two have been talking?"
"Well, Dream does based on his joke earlier but you're the only person that either of us have told that we're, like, actually talking."
"Oh, I feel so special!"
Naomi laughed. "Good. You are."
Y/n smiled and looked down as her phone vibrated on the table.
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"Boyfriend calling?" Naomi teased with one eyebrow quirked.
Y/n stuck her tongue out. "Wouldn't you like that?"
"I would like that. Date him."
"Oh, shut up," Y/n said with a laugh. "But actually, Dream invited me to get back on and hang out."
"So I was right?"
"Well, go ahead, I won't stop you."
"Thanks, Naomi. I had fun today, thanks for forcing me out of my room and for dinner."
"Anytime dude," she giggled. "Put that sponge down, I'll clean up."
"But you made dinner. Let me help."
"No! Go, your boyfriend is waiting for you. I got it."
Y/n ignored her and started cleaning dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
"You're the worst. Love you."
"Love you!" Y/n called back as she walked to her room. She got on her desktop and opened Discord while she waited for Minecraft to load.
"Who just joined?" Tubbo asked in a tired voice. "Oh, Bugsy, hello again!"
"Hi!" she greeted back. "How's everyone doing?"
"Good, good, good. How was your, uh, thing? Bikes... or something?" Ranboo asked.
"Yeah, I went on a bike ride with my roommate. It was fun! The weather was super good today so it was good."
"Is it the roommate who's coming on the trip with us?" Tubbo asked.
"Yup," she replied. Ranboo fake whined and Y/n's heart hurt a little. "Ranboo I wish you could come."
"Me too. It would be fun but also very scary," he chuckled and Y/n nodded. "But I'm busy anyway."
"I'm terrified," she admitted. "So I fully understand."
"It's going to be good, Bug," Dream reassured softly, sending butterflies to her stomach. "I promise."
"Why are you terrified?" Tubbo asked.
"Um... just... you know... showing my face to everyone," she said with a small laugh. "Kinda weird." Though, admittedly, she was much less nervous than a few hours ago before she showed Dream her eye.
"Well, Dream has seen you, hasn't he?" Ranboo asked.
"No, what makes you think that?"
"He hasn't?" Tubbo spoke up. "I'm shocked! I could have sworn he had."
"What, why? Dream asked.
"You guys are just super close so I guess we assumed," Tubbo explained.
"No, we are close, Bug is just a tease," Dream joked and Y/n scoffed.
"Oh, whatever. You've seen more than anyone else."
"What?" Ranboo asked with a slight panic in his voice. "What, uh, what does that mean? Oh gosh."
"She showed me her eye today!" Dream announced like it was a huge deal. Which, it kinda was. "But she's a tease because that's all she showed."
"Why do you want to see her so bad, huh Dream?" Ranboo teased. "Hmm???"
"So I can call her pretty without her yelling at me that I can't know," Dream stated bluntly.
Y/n buried her face in her hands, the Minecraft welcome screen long forgotten, and laughed. "I cannot stand you, Dream."
"Awe!!" Tubbo cooed. "Bugsy, give the poor man a break, why don't you show him?"
When she normally would have taken that sort of comment to heart and would have beaten herself up about not showing him, she lifted her head to look at her screen. 'Give the poor man a break'.
"No, Tubbo, she doesn't owe me anything," Dream said with a nervous laugh. "Don't pressure her!!"
"I'm not! I'm not pressuring her to do anything!" Tubbo defended. "I was just joking! But it would be so easy to just send a picture of your face."
"But she doesn't want to and I respect that. Ranboo, are you still on the SMP? Where are you?"
Y/n tuned out the conversation, which had quickly changed topics, scrolling right to the picture she found the other day of her sitting on her bed. She didn't think twice. It just felt right.
"So, the next manhunt is going to have five hunters or what? Like what's changing?" Ranboo asked. "I think it's super cool that you're continuing the series."
"Yeah," Dream started to explain. "I'm trying to see who would be the best to have as the fifth person to make it—"
Y/n's heart pounded in her ears as she listened to the new silence, waiting for some verbal indication from Dream that everything was okay. That he saw the picture and that everything was still okay.
But he was dead silent.
"Dream?" Ranboo laughed. "Uhhhhh...."
"Uh.." Tubbo laughed too. "Did he break? Dream?"
Y/n bit down on her hoodie sleeve in anticipation and excitement, surprised that there were butterflies in her chest instead of raging thunderstorms of fear.
A loud sound banged through her headphones and her eyes darted to the Discord to see it came from Dream's mic. "Dream?" she asked softly. Did this man just knock something off of his desk?
His regard for them being on call with others completely evaporated. "Holy shit, Bug," he breathed out. "I-Is that you?"
"Sure is," she hummed.
"What the hell?!" he shouted, joy and surprise laced in his voice.
"Wait, what happened?" Tubbo asked before sounding excited. "Did you actually send him a picture of yourself?"
"Mhm," she hummed. "Maybe."
"AHHA! YOU BROKE HIM!" Tubbo laughed.
"Error: Dream.exe broke," Ranboo teased. "Man's files broke at the sight of Bugsy Games. Headlines tomorrow: Bugsy Games murders DreamWasTaken with a selfie."
"Oh, shut up," she breathed.
"Text me back right now," Dream demanded.
Y/n giggled as the other two teased Dream but she picked up her phone and found his one-word response.
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Seconds later, Dream's voice was back in her ears. "Uh... I'm gonna get off. I have a lot to process."
Tubbo and Ranboo laughed loudly. "A lot to process?? HAHAHA! Just say you're in love with her and move on."
"WhaaAATT?" Dream yelled. "I-I'm not in love with her, what the hell is wrong with you, Tubbo?"
Y/n laughed, agreeing with him even though it kinda hurt. He didn't have to sound too shocked at the accusation.
"Have fun processing," Ranboo said. "Are you staying Bugsy?"
"Nah, I'm gonna get off too. I'm pretty tired."
"Are you going to be in Big Q's stream tomorrow though?"
She hummed. "I don't know. I didn't know he was streaming tomorrow."
"Oh, I thought he invited you?"
"Guess not. He just lost points."
Dream laughed. "Good."
"Well... we should stream together soon," Ranboo said. "I think that would be really cool."
"I do too! We definitely should. If you have any ideas or anything let me know, okay?"
"Yeah, I will!" he promised. "Talk to you later."
"Bye guys," she said before disconnecting. She noticed Dream linger in the call for a little bit even though he said he was leaving and she decided to get ready for bed, turning off her computer and walking to her closet. She was stopped by some texts though. Priorities.
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