#and my school won't let me do that xd and of course i won't just drop school because whatever company wants me to
putschki1969 · 10 days
YKL vol.#20~Japanese Seal 20th Special~ Kanagawa Performance Broadcast
2024.06.09 Kanagawa・Kenmin Hall The second concert of this year's Yuki Kajiura live tour was broadcast last night on TBS Channel 1. The tour is titled “Special Japanese Seal” referring to the fact that no Japanese songs are performed. This exclusion does not apply to the encore section. User 蓝原延珠_ on Bilibili kindly provided their recording of the broadcast, you can watch it HERE. I was only able to download a 720p version (~1GB) of it but for the time being, it will do. I am eager to watch it and write a little report. Hopefully an HQ version will pop up in a few days. Without further ado, let's get going〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
overture〜アンチヒーロー〜Main Theme〜: Right off the bat, I'm noticing that the audio is quite dull and maybe even slightly tinny? Might be the specific recording but it's probably more a matter of the TV broadcasts generally having bad audio. That was clearly noticeable when you compared the Kaji Fes TV broadcast to the BD release. Anyway, we are off to a great start. Glad to see rito and Lino on stage from the get-go and not just for a couple of songs here and there. It always feels a bit awkward for them to have the status of "regular" members but only appearing on stage sporadically. I haven't listened to any songs from the Antihero soundtrack so this is all new to me. Classic YK, the type of song I will always gravitate towards. Beautiful harmonies. Enjoying the slight whine in Eri's voice, so emotional. Love when the epic part starts and you can hear an entire chorus in the background (maybe a bit too much studio magic going on here but I don't mind for grand sections like that). Must have been a real goosebumps moment at the live.
the four rings: Wow, this one is so good. Don't think I've heard it before. Not too familiar with the Heaven’s Feel OST tbh. Really getting goosebumps now. Although I will say that here, the post-editing is a bit overbearing, it seems to almost drown out the vocals of our songstresses. Don't get me wrong, it still sounds amazing and I am enjoying the hell out of it but I wonder how it was like at the venue (with presumably less studio magic). With six singers on stage, they can certainly achieve some powerful choral work but of course it would still pale in comparison to a larger choir. Nonetheless, this is an instant favourite. Hope they will perform it during the Asia tour leg. Although I kinda doubt it since they said that the setlist would be very different. But who knows, it's Fate/stay night so it's probably among the more-likely pieces to be performed among Yuki's huge repertoire. My guess is that they will stick to the most popular anime stuff because they know that will get the audience excited.
absolute configuration: Perfect transition. Never getting tired of this song. And I'm glad we are back to a more natural sound with less studio magic. Solid performance as always.
E.G.O: Have they ever performed this live for a home video release? I don't think so. It was included in one of the live complication albums (Fictionjunction 2010-2013) but I don't recall ever watching a live performance. I have to admit that I haven't even listened to the live audio track, must have dismissed it when I first got the album. I can understand why because it's not really my type of song. It's not bad but not my favourite either. Very old-school YK so that's fun. And there are a couple of nice Keiko parts, that's always a treat.
キッチン革命〜Main Theme〜: A completely new track from one of Yuki's most recent works. Definitely a perfect fit for a show called "Kitchen Revolution" XD Especially the percussion at the beginning. The harmony between Yuriko, Lino and rito works really well, they sound good together. Other than that, it probably won't become one of my favourite songs. Generally not a huge fan of Yuriko as main vocalist. No one does those gorgeous operatic higher harmonies like her but when the spotlight is on her, it's typically not my cup of tea.
voyagers: As far as I know, we only have the studio version and live audio from the compilation album as reference. No official live footage. The song has never really stuck out to me, it is okay but it's a bit too derivative of much better tracks from Yuki. Will keep it short so I don't trigger anyone. But it's definitely one of those songs where I prefer the version with Wakana. Joelle's vocals don't do anything for me here. But since I am not super invested in the song anyway, I can't say I care much.
Historia: opening theme: Beautiful rendition. Love that they brought all six vocalists back on stage for this. Naturally, I'm quite fond of Wakana's version once again (not least of all because this song will always have a connection to Kalafina) but Yuriko does a fanstatic job of singing her parts, admittedly, she has much better control so her voice sounds very crisp and lovely. Joelle provides great support here and their voices blend well together.
forest: Never been a fan. I didn’t like it when Wakana sang it and I don’t like it now that Joelle sings it. It’s not a bad song at all and Joelle sounds fine to me but it’s just not my cup of tea. Next.
My long forgotten cloistered sleep: Now THIS on the other hand I have always loved. I still remember everyone hating Wakana's live version during YKL Vol.#9 but I enjoy it quite a lot. It's true that it's probably not the best she has ever sounded but her vocals here certainly don't warrant all the nasty comments she has received throughout the years for that performance. Of course, I am also obsessed with that WaKei combo!! And you know me, I have a weakness for "lalala"s so this has definitely always been among my favourite YKL songs. As for this performance, I think both Wakana and Joelle are trying are little too hard to emulate Emily Bindiger's timbre. I personally don't think Emily Bindiger has a particularly nice voice so if anyone tries to sound like her, it's always a slight downgrade in my opinion. I'll just say this, if you are one of the people who say that Wakana sounds like a chipmunk in her version, you'll have to say the same thing about Joelle(¬_¬) Long story short, I don't mind this version with Joelle and Keiko. Still very enjoyable. Will definitely be listening to it on repeat.
I swear: Probably one of my least favourite Keiko songs but this is a decent performance. I might even like this more than some of the previous live rendition since it's a bit more delicate(?) I think.
fiction: Another song I could live without…The chorus is solid but it's not one of those songs I'd ever actively listen to.
I reach for the sun: Forever sad that they made Joelle the lead of this song. Keiko does a better job in my opinion and I like the song quite a bit more than "I swear". Overall, the English section has probably been the weakest so far, at least for me. I actually ended up fast-forwarding through most of it.
MC: This MC is quite interesting since Yuki asks her singers to share a story of something they are taking a break from right now. To explain the background of this question, it's a reference to the title of this year's tour: Nihongo Fuin = Japanese Seal ("fuin" basically means to seal up something. You are excluding it/taking a break from it/quitting it/etc). Lino says that despite being a huge lover of the sea, she has been taking a break from going to the beach and swimming in the sea during this summer because it might affect her voice negatively. Yuki has a funny response to that because she says that most of her songs have never really had a summer vibe and actually don't work very well in a summer atmosphere but for some reason, they have ended up always holding their annual tour during the summer time. Keiko has stopped drinking her beloved lattes for the past three months to prioritise her water intake. Gladly, she has overcome the worst parts of quitting already and is getting used to water. Yuki admired her stoic nature. Yuriko would typically refrain from certain things in preparation for a live tour but this year she has completely forgotten about that. About two weeks ago, she decided to quit ice-cream but she only did it half-hardheartedly because it was so hot that she ended up eating it anyway. So yeah, this is a big fail and it's really a "story of NOT taking a break from something" XD Joelle has stopped waking up early. Usually, she is the type to rise together with the sun but in order to increase her sleeping hours, she will wake up later when she is on tour. A restful sleep will help her body heal up and improve her voice. rito has quit chewing gum (and stopped eating certain chewy foods such as squid) because it's bad for your jaw and facial muscles. Kaori has taken a break from watching the drama "Anithero" (for which YK is composing music, the main theme having been performed as the intro of this live). Seems like the song is haunting her a bit too much and the story is getting to her. So once the tour is over and she is no longer singing the song, she will have an easier time watching the episodes. Yuki agrees that the main theme is quite haunting. Especially when she hears one of the singers rehearsing in the dressing-room right before a performance. Eri doesn't really have anything to tell the audience but she and Yuki briefly talk about the difficulties of learning so many songs with coined words.
Gaia: Wow, what a lovely song. Instant like. Really adore Eri here!! Such gorgeous high notes.
Credens justitiam: What a great team-up with Keiko, Eri, Yuriko and Joelle. Eri sounds great together here with Keiko. Does Yuriko sound a bit off here? I don't know. Not 100% into some of her parts.
hepatica: First time actively listening to this song. Very beautiful and tender. I feel like some of Yuki's KnK work might have been inspired by this song. Some parts immediately made me think of "Seventh Heaven".
godsibb: Waaah! Yes!! Always a joy to listen to this song. Glad everyone is on stage for a powerful finale.
Alone: I knew I would love this Pandora Hearts medley. I always do and this one is no exception. Flawless start.
Bloody rabbit: Some squeaky parts at the beginning but overall, solid.
Contractor: OBSESSED. One word. Perfection. There's a reason this is the performance I'm using for this post. I'm forever a slave to Keiko's solo part XD. Also, Eri is such a queen here! So cool!
zodiacal sign: This is the song where you can really tell that they are taking great care of Kaori's condition. No strenuous movements at all. How funny is it to see Rie joining the girls in their little dance?! Cute!! Super fun performance as always.
open your heart: Ughh, I do not like this song at all. They did "Sweet Song"/"paradise regained" for most of the other performances. Would have killed to get either of those two instead of "open your heart". Obviously, "Sweet Song" would have been perfect. From what I heard, the final concert with Kaori in July had an amazing and heart-warming performance of "Sweet Song".
En.Prologue〜このとほかやわらかい: Wish I could grow to love this song. It deserves my love, I know it. But I just can't get into it. But hey, it's a cool performance, I can't deny that. During her solos, Kaori sounds a bit nasal in my opinion. Nothing that takes away from the performance but it's certainly noticeable (throughout the live to be honest - at least during the few songs where she has a substantial solo part. I think you can also hear it during the main MC. Either she had a minor cold that day or it's just a symptom of her pregnancy. Lowered nasal resonance is actually a very common thing for pregnant women.)
En.Parade: Beautiful. No notes.
En.蒼穹のファンファーレ: Solid. Not a huge fan of the song though.
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onlyrains · 1 year
walk you home .3
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a/n: hi! i decided to make part 3 since an anon asked it and i miss write about yuken too xD this is inspired by my recent favorite arctic monkeys song, btw! enjoy!
— pairing: yuken odajima x f. reader
— t/w: mention of blood
part 1 | part 2
after the mini market incident a week ago, yuken started picking you up from school regularly. he even suggested taking different routes than yui several times so that he could walk alone with you.
you were, honestly, so confused by this situation. it felt like your encounter were became more than just mere coincidences. the first time you met him, it was by chance because yui was in a hurry and he ended up walking you home. the second meeting, you rarely went to the mini market just to get a drink, but he showed up, and even the high school Z guys were there. and from then on, it just became natural for you to be together with him after school. it surprises you how easily you've become comfortable and informal around him too.
of course, it also confused yui. she thought you were hiding something from her and she didn't stop teased you about it.
"i think you should ask him to go on a date," she said when you both were heading to the school gate where you could see yuken and sawamura were on their regular spot, chatting.
"why should i?" you replied, annoyed.
she laughed. "you need to make a move too so he'll know that the feelings are mutual,"
"you're kidding," you snorted. "what do you mean by 'feelings'? theres no feeling between me and him," you continued.
"well, why is he always pick you up then? and why are you always so giddy around him? that is so not you.” she paused. “stop denying, can't you?" she laughed and ran to sawamura, leaving you lost in thought.
"what a good day, eh?" yuken responded after he saw yui run to his best-friend with the brightest smile.
ignoring yuken, yui realized something the started to touched her boyfriend swollen cheek. "eh? what is this?"
you had just arrived there, and a deep frown appeared on your forehead as well.
"hi," yuken greeted you.
"what is that?" again, yuken was ignored.
"why is everyone ignoring me today?" he whined.
you unconsciously grabbed his chin to get a better view. there was a blood stain at the corner of his lips. "did you fight?"
"no. it's makeup." he replied, grinning.
you rolled your eyes then yui asked sawamura, "what happened?"
"it was just a casual fight, don't worry,"
"casual?" you answered him absentmindedly. you just never understood how a fight could happen in casual way?
yui held back her laughter seeing your concerned face. you couldn't hide your feelings in a moment like this and it was just too much.
she linked her arm with sawamura, “let's go, i'll treat your wounds at my house."
you looked at yuken—who's already looking at you—when yui and sawamura left both of you at the front gate, inviting so many eyes to look.
"so?" he smirks.
"you won't treat my wound too?"
you sighed. however, you still couldn't bear to see him injured like that. "let's go," you said then he happily followed you.
"you should change your hobby, for sure,"
you could hear him chuckle behind you. "any suggestions?”
you turned your head to him. “anything but this,” you pointed his bruises while glaring at him.
he raised both of his hands to his head level. “okay, sorry for making you worry,”
you grunted. “it's not like that,”
“so you're not?” he gasped dramatically. you clicked your tongue and fast walking to your house.
your parents were never be home before you and it was also your first time bringing a guy to your house so you were so nervous and had a heavy-head.
he chuckled noticing your confusion as you two entered your house. “can i sit here?” he asked, pointing to the sofa.
you nodded once. “y-yes.” then ran to get the water and a first aid kit.
he looked at you in heart eyes—without him knowing, of course—when you returned with busy hands. he helped with the water then sat facing you.
you took a deep breath quietly before turned to him.
“it must be the first time you've cleaned someone's wounds,” he commented when you tapped a wet cloth onto his corner lip.
you glared. “i'm trying, okay,”
he chuckled. “okay.”
“it must be a very common thing for you,”
he stared at your few-inches-away face before smirking.
“don't move your mouth.” you warned him while preparing the antiseptic on a cotton bud. he watched your every single move intensely.
you tilted his chin up for easier access then began applying the cotton bud to his lip. reminder, his eyes were not leaving your face the whole time, but luckily you weren't aware of that.
“don't move your head, odajima-san,” you nagged.
“you said i can't move my mouth, not my head?”
you hissed and with a sudden burst courage, you placed your hand on the back of his neck, trying to keep his head still. at the same time, your faces were getting closer.
he was surprised but he didn't let you know. he giggled to cover it up.
“all done.” you said as you placed the cotton bud on the table and you returned to his face to make sure you’ve had all the wounds treated.
yuken still had his eyes on your half-opened lips.
“y/n,” he called.
“hm?” you stared back.
“would a kiss be too much to ask now?”
the next thing you knew, something squishy touching your moist lips and moving at a very slow pace.
you could feel his hands were rubbing your cheeks while he closed his eyes. it wasn't something you expected and definitely was not a bad thing either. it just made you suddenly forget how to breath and you couldn't move your body. you didn't know how to respond properly.
a few seconds later, he backed away and your body was still frozen. he wiped your wet lips with his thumb and smiled a little.
“sorry,” he said innocently.
“no,” you regained your voice. “don't be,” you continued.
he looked at you in surprised, then chuckled. “okay, i won't, baby,”
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ilyuan · 10 months
hello valentine! how are you? i hope life is being kind to you! i heard that your request is open, so i try to send something :D hopefully this isn't too much!
may i request haitham with inazuman fem!reader? let's say they met because she's pursuing education in akademiya. once she graduates, she spends some times working in sumeru. but of course, one day she need to go back to inazuma again. how are their long distant relationship look like? do he visit her sometimes? bonus point if she's the opposite of him, like emotional and sunshine type person (but not as loud as kaveh! no shade to him tho, i lobe him xD). of course you can adjust this request as much as you want~ no pressure at all xD
i think that's it! i'm sorry if i make grammarical mistakes or anything, english is not my mother tounge. but still, thanks in advance, dear valentine! 💖
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a/n. so sorry this took a while to get to :') im trying my best to catch up with my inbox i promise, other than that,, thank you for the request anon! <3 i’m sick but i’m getting better !! :)
cw. fem!reader, reader is from inazuma, a bit of angst in the beginning (?), mentions of scara (my beloved), cyno, tighnari, kaveh and other characters, i got sorta lazy at the end LOL this was just supposed to be a little time after time fic ig? if that makes any sense like something happens then another thing happens i guess? idk LMAO
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"you realize i won't be able to stay for long, right?" your weary voice catches onto his ears when you begin to speak.
with a facepalm, alhaitham replies, "of course, kaveh’s coming home soon so you’d have to go," alhaitham replies, to which you chuckled about.
"well," you pause, "that's not what i meant."
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"haitham! stop rummaging through my papers!" you squeak when he attempts to help you, mentally face palming yourself.
"[name]," he looks at you, "people like to help each other, everyone's gotta help someone else some day."
ah, here he goes again.
you giggle.
"okay, okay," you roll your eyes in a playful manner, "well, go check up on kaveh, he's practically screaming your name at this point."
"i'd rather stay here with you," he interrupts.
does he know what will happen?
those words sent shivers down your spine.
yes, you two were in a healthy, established relationship, but what he does not know is that you took his words a completely different way.
all of a sudden, you hear someone walking over to the two of you, alhaitham right beside you instantly assuming it was kaveh.
"hey, you kids gotta go, the bell rang already."
...apparently not.
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"stop thinking so hard about it [name]," alhaitham interrupts your train of thought.
"nothing's gonna happen either way, you do realize that if you don't get into [desired career], then there's multiple other options you have in here. we went here for a reason, right?"
...ah, his smart self always seemed to cheer you up, always enough to get rid of every thought in your brain possible, just like when he comforted you when you were panicking about what seemed like fifty different school assignments back in high school.
"let me help you," alhaitham spoke, instantly swiping the papers out of your hands.
"but-!?" you insist, but not quick enough since alhaitham was already looking for his glasses, the ones that kaveh gave him since he changed careers in high school.
"no 'but's," he interrupted you once more, your insists practically flying out of the already freezing cold window that was still going because of how hot it was inside your apartment.
back in the present time, he was tapping on the side of your head like it was a solid rock, but trying his best to be careful with you.
"you always zone out," alhaitham starts once more, interrupting your train of thought once more.
"and you always interrupt me," you roll your eyes, scoffing at him.
"you didn't even say anything though."
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after you and alhaitham’s graduation, you’d decided that you would work in sumeru, with the special occasions of helping out alhaitham too.
"cyno! stop kicking sand onto me!" you laughed, trying not to get sand in your eyes as you were cleaning up the eremites' base.
“where’s tighnari?” you suddenly ask.
"he's on his way, he was dehydrated not too long ago until scaramouche gave him water," he replied, thinking back to the time he had to hand over the water that scaramouche gave him to tighnari who could barely even stand, breathing heavier than usual.
after that, he knew tighnari would take longer than expected to come visit both of you.
scaramouche, having just obtained the crown and lost it, he was more unmotivated than usual so you all knew that he wasn't going to come, considering how stubborn he was and how he refused requests almost all the time.
...and of course, kaveh was stressed out again.
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after months and months, here you were, wking on the streets of inazuma with none other than kaveh, alhaitham’s stubborn roommate.
“do you know when you’ll be able to go back to sumeru?” kaveh suddenly asks you, to which you whipped your head to the left to look at him.
“erm… well, i did tell him that i’d have to leave one day but,” you paused, “he didn’t… understand.”
“what do you mean?” kaveh questioned with a gasp to which you let out a small laugh about.
“well, i told him a year ago that one day i’d have to leave and he instantly thought it was about you coming over so i would have to leave,” you replied, trying your best to explain to alhaitham’s blonde friend.
“well i guess that’s just how life works,” kaveh sighed, trying to attempt an emotional facade.
you laughed again.
ever since that day, you’ve met some people along the way of your journey back in your hometown, inazuma.
the summer shade of inazuma under certain sakura trees caught your attention when you were walking with ayaka.
the sight reminded you of how things would go downhill but alhaitham was always there with you.
the shade representing your emotions, and the petals representing alhaitham being by your side.
you thought it was cheesy, letting out a small giggle from it to which ayaka questioned you about.
she was the girl who had always thought you were different from any other person in inazuma, since you’ve never told her that you were previously in sumeru for a long period of time.
you looked over to her, your view meeting her confused face.
“…ayaka, i’m fine,” your weary tone of voice spoke.
and ever since that day, you and alhaitham always called over any devices that ayaka and thoma made for you.
thoma, having always practiced forging with ayato, has taken a very long time trying to make certain souvenirs for you and other trinkets.
you could never thank him enough for the device that he made for you in order to call alhaitham.
however, you never told thoma that you were in a relationship with a man from sumeru.
so when you told him, he was shocked.
to say the least.
“AND YOU NEVER TOLD US THAT PART!?” he practically screamed.
“i knew you would act like this,” ayato came up from behind.
and well, so in conclusion, you and alhaitham’s relationship was… pretty much perfect!
the only downside was that you could never find ways to convince ayato to drive you back to sumeru, but you had your ways to convince him.
“alhaitham, hi!” thoma yelled, seeing his camera on screen from a few meters away behind you.
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms please and thank uu 🤍
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mcfallen-god · 4 months
Tagged by @zaegreus thanks bestie ✨💜
Do you make your bed?
I often make the bed when I leave for a couple of days, or for a night over, so when I come back home I feel comfy and all hehe.
What’s your favourite number?
Yub, 3
But why? Eh.. The shape? The 'color'? The vibe? Occurrences in my life liked to the three? Idk, just 3 and all the 3 related numbers (33, 333 etc)
What is your job?
Student is not a job, because I am the one losing money, but yeah
If you could go back to school would you?
Probably, I'd like pre-school/middle-school, when I could learn new but easy things lol and I loved the smell and things at my school back then. I'd like to go back in whatever you call that period between 15-18 yo school time, but not for all aspect, let's say I was in a school specialized in art and it was a lot of fun to have a class like that. And for some reason too (but definitely NOT ALL ASPECTS) I'd like to be back to study literature, a part of it...
Can you parallel park?
Yub kinda but I don't like it, and I think it is easier to park on the left part of the road than the right (note: my country drives with wheel on left and road on right)
A job you had that would surprise people?
I didn't had any real job, but maybe the fact I study English literature... Because when I was a kid, until hmm 13/14? I had a deep hatred for English language xD don't ask me why, it is just a fact... This, and me studying literature to begin with, when I barely ever read.. (note: I love to read, but due to other reasons I have a very, very hard time to read even things I really really wanna read :( sed)
Do you think aliens are real?
Sure, but not in the sci-fi kind of way. I think it is absurd to think Earth is the only planet in the infinity of space that met the right conditions for life to develop. But I doubt these forms looks like... humanoid-green/grey skin beings or that they look anything as we know on Earth. I don't even know if there's any 'developed' (in human's terms) form of life, but definitely things that feed and live. (Once again, I doubt they come on Earth with super technology and such... if they do, I really hope they see their mistakes before making first contact and go far far away, before getting involved with the toxic humanity...)
Can you drive a manual car?
Lol of course I can (this question sounds very American oriented question(?) but in my country, manual car is base, we have many non-manuel, but majority is manual) but yeah, I can drive it
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Uh... I don't really know... Some shows? Some I don't even 'like' but more because it reminds me of my youth? (Glee, Ugly Betty, Bones, etc) Idk if it is count as guilty pleasure... If anything else... uh I have unspeakable kinks (only in fictional/role play dimensions, nothing sicko irl), collecting PopMarts figurines? Fried chicken with spicy sauce?? Chocolate biscuit with chips??? I DONT KNOW
Not yet, I wish to have some one day, but first I need to find *the one* I have many artists/kind of tattoos I like, but eh
Favourite colour?
Green and Purple (mostly all the hues) but also: pale mint, pale yellow, pale peach, pale pink, pale bleu, pale lavender, black, white and orange...)
Favourite type of music?
I literally can enjoy anything, from rock, pop, electronic, classical, ethnic/traditional, etc... I have some issues sometimes with some form of Jazz or RnB, but I still enjoy songs from these genres, so I can't say I hate it... I would say rock is always a go-to?
Do you like puzzles?
Most of the time yeah, if it is like puzzle board game 🧩 or puzzle video games 🎮 or riddle games ❓I love it all (Im not saying I am good at it, I say I like it)
Any phobias?
Won't say it is phobia? But I feel grossed at any .. milling bugs? Like colonies of ants or when baby spiders get out of mother spider 🤢 This and I'd say it is more anxiety, but I have a hard time being in crowded place/windowless places (a bit agoraphobic/ claustrophobic but since I can manage to deal with these situations sometimes, I won't call it phobia)
Favourite childhood sport?
Maybe archery🏹 ? Or hmm basketball 🏀 and badminton🏸 ... And I kinda like to play football ⚽ but the toxicity around that sport is making it annoying and boring
Do you talk to yourself?
Rarely out loud, but pretty often in my own head. I feel dumb when I hear my own voice/sometimes it is even stressful because I grow aware of silence around me after I spoke....
What movie(s) do you adore?
Hmm tough question... Many for many different reasons.. But let's say: Legally Blonde (the vibe and the topic, go girls, can be barbie and have a brain), Princess Mononoke (base), FFVII: Advent Children (thirst), Nanny McPhee (chiiill), Crazy Kung Fu (top tier), Ne Zha (2019) (bery nice), ... That's it for TODAY's pick, what about tomorrow..?
Coffee or tea?
Both but ✨☕C O F F E E☕✨(even if Earl Grey Yin Zhen is honestly DOPE)
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
🤔 Idk which come first, but I remember I had the mad project to do "all my dream jobs at once", so I'd have been: a painter, going around the world with a circus where I'd be acrobat and magician, and yet, using the world-travelling to heal any animals I find on my way 😂🤣
A forever go-to @davi-doo
I tag... *go through mutuals*
@beardedladyqueen @kales09 @chinchilla-7 @astraluxe @general-kalani @alladeline @chromium-siren
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I Know Places We Won't Be Found
Summary: Lloyd Hansen’s still a dick
A/N: Listen y'all this NSFW 18+ should be par for the course at this point. So like….just don’t okay?
As always, the inspo is thanks to the Goosecord and my beautiful partner in crime @ken-dom who received the frustrated text trying to find a damn title for this part xD (I sat on it for 3 days y'all)
Bless you my new found chosen sister for putting up with my antics! (Yes I copy pasted, yes it’s still valid don’t come for me)
This is a continuation of what I’ve affectionately titled the Nurse Series, read previous parts  here.
Like I said last time, this won’t be the last you see of Six
Enjoy my loves! <3
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“Hey,” a soft whisper as you felt a pat on your cheek 
You flinched instinctively bracing yourself, eyes squeezed shut waiting for the impact 
“It’s me” he whispered as your head lulled to the side before you fought to open your eyes
“Court?” you whispered, your lips barely moving; his face barely coming into focus, your head resting heavy in his hands. 
“Hey, hey,” he spoke a little louder, but it was still muffled in your ears “Keep your eyes open, you gotta stay awake.” 
You were half convinced he wasn’t real, that this was some twisted fever dream as you bled out strapped to the chair while Lloyd looked on with sick amusement. 
“Do you know where you are?” Six asked, he was trying to keep you talking, it was the same trick they had taught you in med school 
“Where’s Lloyd?” you asked weakly watching his hands snap the zip ties binding your wrists; they were red and raw with the effort of hours of trying to do that yourself. 
“Doesn’t matter” he shook his head as he brushed your hair out of your face “Did you hit your head?” 
You nodded your head slowly as you watched him examine your pupils 
He sighed and you could tell he was fighting to keep his composure and not go on a murderous rampage. 
“Lloyd?” you asked again as Six bent in front of you trying to sort out the best way to get you up with the least amount of pain. 
“He’s gone” he said simply 
“Gone?” you forced the word out with so much effort it made you dizzy
“Don’t worry about Lloyd” he spoke in a low voice that calmed your nerves almost instantly. “We gotta take the knife out before I can move you anywhere” He pulled his t-shirt over his head, tearing the fabric easily in his hands before tying a tourniquet as high up on your thigh as he could manage. 
You looked at him slightly impressed and he looked back a little confused “What? I learn things” 
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as he place a firm hand on your thigh, the other gripping the handle of the knife. 
“N-” you were cut off by the shrill scream, your shrill scream as Six dropped the knife to the floor with a clatter, taking the remains of his t-shirt and wrapping it tightly around the gash. You gasped trying to catch your breath
“Now we’re gonna get you up”
You nodded as you leaned forward as much as your broken frame would let you, letting his arm slide around your back; “Just do it fast” you whispered as he crouched low enough for you to drape your arms weakly around his neck, his other arm sliding under your bent knees. 
He didn’t say anything, he didn’t need to, he knew what kind of pain you were in; and he planned to rip Lloyd’s limbs off one by one with his bare hands if that bastard dared to show his face anywhere near you again. 
In one swift movement he was up on his feet and you grit your teeth, burying your face in his shoulder as you moaned in pain. 
“I know,” he whispered, making his chest vibrate as he spoke, your entire weight leaned against him as he carried you through the dank warehouse.
You tried to keep your breathing even, trying to ignore the stabbing pain in your ribcage; you didn’t even remember having a rib broken. 
There was a loud bang immediately followed by a hot sting in your side. Your scream muffled against Six’s bare chest. 
You could feel him shift, still mindful not to move you too much as he returned fire, followed by a soft thud. 
You cried hard against his shoulder, the new pain shooting through every inch of your body; everything hurt, you couldn’t take a full breath; you didn’t want to die here, not like this. 
“You’re not gonna die” His voice was low and soft but it still made you jump slightly you hadn’t realized you had said anything out loud. 
It had taken Six all of fifteen minutes to realize what Lloyd had done, and by the time he had circled back to the house, you were gone, but Lloyd was too cocky for his own good, The watch Six had given you, looped around the front door handle with a note that had said ‘Hope you find her in time’ 
Lloyd had left a trail as sloppy as the day is long, Six had almost started to wonder if he had done it on purpose. 
The warehouse was on the outskirts of town and had been sparsely used. It had been easy enough to get inside, like Lloyd, his henchmen weren’t the brightest. 
Then your blood curdling scream echoed through the empty building and he saw red; he flew down the dark hall dropping Lloyd’s men like flies. Stepping over the last of them he stepped through the door, half expecting to find you dead, relieved when you weren’t, but you were barely conscious.  
As he had suspected, Lloyd had wanted to go toe to toe in hand to hand combat, apparently beating the shit out of him once hadn’t been enough.
You had screamed in pain as Lloyd buried his knife in your thigh before Six watched your head drop forward, you had passed out. 
He pushed the thought from his mind, focusing on the present. He shoved the heavy steel door open, carrying you out into the cool night air, the sun having just disappeared behind the clouds. Your head rested heavy against his chest, but you were still breathing, shallow and slow, but breathing.  The closest safehouse was an hour and a half away. 
You winced as you came to, opening your eyes in a bedroom you didn’t recognize, in a strange bed. 
“Court??” You called out but your voice was hoarse, your throat impossibly dry. 
He appeared in the doorway almost immediately and you watched the relief wash over his face as you tried to sit up. 
He was next to you in a stride and a half, offering you a hand. 
“Go slow, a head rush with a broken nose will make you pass out” 
You breathed a laugh, instantly regretting it, causing a sharp stab in your ribs. You gripped his hand tightly as you managed to finally sit up and he held out a glass of water. 
You took a long drink before handing it back and looked up at him. “Where are we?” 
“Safe house” he sighed, setting the glass on the nightstand before sitting next to you
“And Lloyd?” You asked raising an eyebrow 
“In the wind” 
You sighed leaning on his broad shoulder with a sigh. The bandage on your thigh catching your attention. Then you realized he had patched you up…at least mostly. Your thigh, your fingers, most of your stabs and cuts.
“You couldn’t set my nose?” you asked quietly, but even that was too loud in the silent room. 
“My nose?” You chuckled “You patched me up halfway” 
“Figured I’d let you sleep a bit before the real painful stuff, got the bullet out though” he gestured to a small bowl sitting on the nightstand with a single bloodied bullet inside.
“And they say chivalry is dead” 
He snorted with a laugh pulling himself up from the bed “Nose or ribs first? 
You let out a slow breath “This is gonna suck isn’t it?” You asked with a small pout; you had reset plenty of noses, but that was in the hospital, with anesthetic and tools. You had even reset Six’s nose half a dozen times, at your kitchen table…but that was Six the man was a fortress, you were not. 
He nodded “Probably”
You sighed dropping your shoulders “Just another Thursday” 
He pulled you up from the bed gently and you limped to the kitchen where you sat in one of the empty chairs and he stood in front of you handing you a towel. 
You sat with your back straight, eyes closed as Six’s fingers felt for the break on either side of your nose. 
“Ready?”  he asked and you braced yourself, eyes still closed “Deep breath”
You took a breath ignoring the stabbing pain in your ribcage for the fleeting second you could feel it before it was replaced with the blinding pain of the sharp twist of your nose between Six’s fingers as he forced it back into place, fresh blood dripping from your nose in the process. 
“God,” you winced as he took the towel from you wiping the blood off his hands “If you don’t wanna be with me anymore you just have to say so” 
He snorted “I owe you a few” 
He held out his hands helping you stand, his warm fingers curling under the hem of your shirt as you attempted to lift your arms. You closed your eyes feeling yourself shiver. You weren’t cold, but the gentleness of his touch made you want to cry. 
He carefully lifted your shirt over your head tossing it in the pile of dirty rags on the table, it was bloodstained and dirty, and even if it hadn’t been, you would never wear it again. He grabbed the ace bandage off the table and unraveled it as you held your arms up, letting him wrap it snugly around your torso. 
You could finally take a breath with some hint of normalcy. He secured the bandage with the clips and you dropped your arms, only to wrap them tightly around his middle.
He carefully wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. 
“I’m sorry” he muttered into your hair making you pull back looking at his curiously 
“For what?!” you asked, unable to keep the surprise out of your words
His eyes searched your face for a minute before he spoke “Lloyd…I should have…I should have known; I never should have-”
“Hey, hey, stop,” you reached touching his face and he closed his eyes leaning into your touch with a sigh “Lloyd is a fucking psycho; you couldn’t have possibly known” 
He opened his mouth to rebuttal and you shushed him before he had the chance. “No”
“You didn’t even let me-” 
“I don’t care,” you smiled. “This could have been so much worse; he could have shot up the hospital…” 
“He came after you because of me”
You scoffed “He came after me because I attract damaged men like a fucking beacon” 
This made Six crease his brow with a slight tilt of his head “Hey”
You leaned back a little more looking at him with raised eyebrows
“Yeah I know,” he nodded “Still…cheap shot”
He leaned forward, mindful of your nose, kissing you gently “I’m still going to feed him his own teeth” he muttered against your lips 
“As long I get to help” 
He leaned his forehead against yours “You can watch…from across the room…and nowhere near Lloyd” 
You smiled pushing your good hand through his hair
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chiharuhashibira · 1 year
Here's the third part of 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮. Really loved writing this huhu
So we know the drill already XD Let's get started~
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙸𝙸𝙸
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive, Angst/Drama
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"Where are we going, though?"
You asked as Sanemi walked you towards his car. He opened the door for you without answering your question, so you didn't go in. "Aren't you going to wait for Genya-kun?" you asked once again, knowing that he usually drives his little brother home.
Sanemi looked up at you, giving you a weird stare. He hates talking about his little brother because he doesn't want to appear soft for anybody. He also does that because he doesn't want anyone to think that he favours the boy because he's his brother. Sanemi doesn't want Genya to be in trouble because of him, so he just treats him like another normal student at school.
But yes, he loves Genya so much, despite how harsh he is with him.
"Obanai's going to take my brother home. There is no need to worry about the boy. Can we go now?"
Sanemi's getting more impatient as he looks at you with crossed arms. The sun will set in a few more hours, and the man wants to spend the day with you. You wanted to, but you don't want to make it as easy for him.
"I'm not the kind of woman that you can just grab and take anywhere that you want to."
He rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh. "Shit, you're definitely getting on my nerves. I know that you're not an easy girl, but I just want to take you out and make up for whatever happened earlier. Why are you mad at me in the first place? I can't fucking fathom what bad thing I did."
You avoided replying because you felt embarrassed. You can't simply say that you ignored him out of jealousy for his ex-girlfriend; for one thing, Sanemi isn't your boyfriend. You aren't even sure whether he still wants you to be his girlfriend or if he's just bored and playing with you.
So to stop any more conversations, you went inside his car, closing the door beside you. Sanemi was astounded by your action, but he didn't protest. He went into his car and turned the key to start it, a tint of red painting his cheeks.
"If I'm mad at you, I won't come in. So, stop asking and drive."
You stated coldy, turning to look at him with a poker face. You're definitely Giyu's best friend with how you imitate his expressions. However, yes, you just want him to stop asking questions, as you're not comfortable answering them.
Sanemi looked at you and gave you a smile. "Yes ma'am~" He teased with a smile plastered on his face.
The drive was silent, and you'll swear that you can hear your heartbeats getting faster with the clock's ticking. Sanemi's breathing is calm, and you watched him through the mirror as he drove, eyes focused on the road.
Those eyelashes are irresistible. It compliments his eyes so much that they appear more beautiful than before. His scars aren't even ugly at all; you loved them. A part of you wanted to touch it, wondering how it would feel against your skin, but it was too early for that.
"Can I hold your hand, Y/N?" He asked, catching your eyes through the mirror. You turned red, gulping, but still you nodded. "If you want to..." Of course you wanted to feel his hands again, and when he finally entwined your fingers and rested them on your lap, your blush became redder.
Sanemi's sweet. You can't deny that. Even if his tongue can lash you with curses, he definitely has this side of him that clearly makes you feel special.
"Shinazugawa-san, why are you doing this?" You asked, wanting to make everything clear.
He didn't waste any seconds and answered you quickly with an unwavering tone.
"I want you to be my girlfriend."
"But why will you do this suddenly? Like, why last night?"
The man suddenly turned red, and you don't know why. So you caressed his hand with your finger to calm him down.
"Why the hell would you ask about that?"
"I mean, why the hell not?"
"Ugh... fine. It's because I confirmed last night that you're single. Fuck, I always thought that you were with that lousy Tomioka."
Laughter suddenly echoed inside his car. You couldn't stop yourself from laughing at his statement. Why in the world would he think that? Since you ship Tomioka to Shinobu, he has no chance with you despite your close relationship with him.
"Giyu's like my big brother. What the fuck!" You laughed again, making Sanemi pull his hands away from you. He pouted, annoyed with himself for blurting that thought out loud.
"Laugh all you want! But you had that vibe with him!"
"Duh! Tomioka-san's my childhood friend. Of course, we'll have that vibe. And besides, I think he secretly likes Kocho-chan back..."
"Oh? He likes Kanae?"
The smile on your face faded as the name escaped from his lips. Sanemi didn't notice this change and continued with his words.
"Eh? I don't think a lousy boy like him would have a chance with Kanae. The girl's into real men."
"Ah, okay."
Real man like you then? You wanted to ask back, but you didn't have the energy to do so. So instead, you just looked out the window and rested your head on your hand.
Silence blanketed the two of you, and finally Sanemi noticed the tension building up. "Oi. I'm sorry to tell you that. I know Tomioka is your friend, but he needs to wake up. I mean, perhaps Tomioka's a good friend to you, but he's not Kanae's type."
"Not Kanae. I'm talking about Shinobu." You said it firmly, which made Sanemi stop talking. "Oh..." escaped from his lips as he cleared his throat and continued to drive.
This man's really taking a step towards your heart and ends up taking two steps back with his actions. You don't hate him, but it's just annoying to hear him speak about Kanae over and over again.
"I guess the guy will do well with that hot-headed little girl."
"Can you stop the car?"
You said that, which shocked your co-teacher. "Uh? Y/N? Why? You know that I'm not on good terms with Tomioka, right?"
"Just fucking stop the car, Sanemi!"
Saying his first name for the first time in this situation made your heart hurt. "I'm sorry, okay? Y/N... please?" He said that, and for the first time, his voice softened up, sounding a bit scared.
You looked at him, and you'll swear that he doesn't look as confident as he did a while ago. Your heart ached a bit watching him like that, but you're not in the mood to console him.
"Why, because Kanae likes a man like you? Why did both of you break up, then? Why don't you go back with her instead of wasting your time with me?"
Sanemi's grip on the steering wheel tightened as those questions escaped from your mouth. The day has been too long, and you're too exhausted to deal with his shit at the moment.
"Stop the car, Shinazugawa-san. I want to go home. Please."
He didn't answer any of your questions, but instead, the man said, "Just let me drive you home. Okay?" You nodded.
You finally reached the front of your house, and Sanemi made sure to park his car properly despite his shaking hands. Yes, shaking. The man seemed to be in a vulnerable state as he tried to touch you, but you swatted his hand away. Perhaps you've hit a painful wound on him or something.
You tried your best not to look at him, but that ended badly as tears started to well up in your eyes. Why would Sanemi wake up this feeling in you and do that? You know that he didn't mean to hurt you, and he didn't know that what he was saying would hurt you.
Before you could open the door, Sanemi pulled you into his arms, and that made your eyes go wide. You didn't expect him to hug you tightly, and with that, your strength ebbed out of your body. He tried to form words, but it seems that he too doesn't have the strength to do so.
You pulled out and went out of his car, and without looking back, you entered your home and closed the door behind you. Sliding down on the floor as the last of your toughness finally faded and a single tear fell out of your cheek.
You like Sanemi back, and you wish that you could say it back, but your insecurity is just getting the best out of you right now. Questions filled your head, and it was deafening.
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
𝑬𝒆𝒆𝒌 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑻_𝑻
This chapter made me sad T_T It's Lany's fault! His sad songs played on my playlist and pooooffff it inspired me to write this angsty chappy.
But I swear~ the next chappies won't be as sad as this. Pffft of course! I want a happy ending with my Sanemi T_T
Anywayssss! Feel free to request more! ^^
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Masks Off
There's something interesting when it comes to the (literal) masks Twilight puts on for his missions. While we see him wear a lot of them, we don't always see him rip them off. I mean, we don't always have to.
And when we do see him rip them off... I think I've noticed a pattern. It's like it's an actual masks-off moment when he does.
As other people have said, it's very important that the very first scene we get of Twilight is of him wearing a mask, which he rips off right after.
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A+ character introduction. It tells us how good of an actor he is, how willing he is to face risks for his missions (the tiniest fault in his performance and the informant could have info about him to share with the government), and how nonchalant he is about this. He rips the mask off, throws it away, and prepares a new disguise for himself. Just another dull day at work.
So even though he doesn't say anything with his voice, the presentation itself says a lot.
The next time we see him ripping off a mask is an emotionally impactful scene.
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As he does, his inner monologue (which Anya hears) is "How could I forget? To create a world where children won't have to cry… That's why I became a spy."
Seconds before, he thought of his own vulnerable spots - how hearing children crying reminds him of his own scarred childhood. This is him laying his character motivation for us to see out in the open... just as he reveals his face again... but not to the camera. We still see just the back of his head. WISE members know that each one of them wants to put an end to the cold war, but it doesn't seem like they know each other's inner turmoils. Twilight didn't even know that Sylvia had a daughter (I'm assuming, since she seems to share it as a new information). The others know Twilight has the shared goal of stopping the war - but he (and now Anya) is the only one who knows what motivates him; something as vulnerable as not wanting kids to suffer like he did. Something which he of course hides, hence us only seeing the back of his head here. We might have had a glimpse of his inner thoughts, but they're something he will keep to himself for some time.
(If there's something more revealed in the manga, please don't spoil me as I'm only watching the anime)
The thing is, this is all deliberate. In this situation it would have been preferable for him to keep the mask, since then he just went back inside the supermarket and ambushed Edgar and his goons. In the manga he even says something along the lines of "As if I'd let you see my face" as he takes them out one by one. It would have been more realistic... but it wouldn't have been impactful. Or badass XD
The next time is much later, when he rips off the mask of the secret police officer, after trying to see if Yor knew about her brother working for said secret police.
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Franky notices his agitation, and says, "Hey, come on. Don't tell me you feel guilty for doubting her." Twilight replies with a very curt "I don't." Nice try, Twilight.
And again, we don't get a clear view of his face. He's lying, to Franky and to himself, as he walks into the shadows, turning towards the alley, his back to "the world", while the camera, the audience, is keeping a distance from him. We are not allowed a glimpse of how he schools his features into a neutral face that conceals his guilt. There's still way to go.
The next time isn't emotional, but I still think it's an important detail about Twilight's character: his perfectionism.
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"It's impossible for me to perfectly play the role based on such a short video. If we were dealing with a pro, he would've been on to us."
The ruse worked, though. The student successfully believed that was really Keith betraying him, and is now revealing important information to them. Yet on Twilight's mind is the fact that they could have failed.
It's a small moment, but I think it's interesting that it was put in. We didn't have to see him rip the mask off, they could have shown him in his real face, holding the destroyed mask in his hand to reveal that oh this was Twilight then. This is also a time where, just as in the introductory scene, we see Twilight's face from up close after the mask comes off. His perfectionism isn't something he feels the need to hide.
The next time is as he rips off the mask of the minister, apologizing to the dog for something he had no control over.
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"I'm really sorry. I'm sure the last thing you wanted was to get dragged into some foolish conflict between humans."
Twilight made sure to barely even hurt the dog; the easiest solution would be to just shoot him, instead of focusing precisely on the bomb bag straps and then allowing the dog to bite him. At first you think him apologizing is because he's about to kill the dog, but instead he honestly apologizes for how their conflicts got him caught up in all this. Though his voice and composure make him look cold and distant, he still cares enough that even a dog's life is innocent and worthy of protection to him. His stance is the mask he wears; underneath that is his real self, someone who cares for an innocent animal.
And again, it would be more practical to keep the mask (unless those masks hinder his vision and he needed it off to make sure his shots land where they had to) so to not waste time and not risk the chance of Keith seeing his real face. But this show loves its symbolism, and we love it for that.
From today's episode:
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"I think I've had my fill of tennis for a while."
I admit, this is probably the least notable case. I don't know how much of a surprise it was supposed to be, that this guy was actually Twilight with a mask on; so I don't know if there was any meaning behind it or was just added there as a gotcha! moment. Still you could argue that this is him subtly expressing how tiring his actual job is.
Again, not a big moment, especially when it's overshadowed by the next mask-off moment, where he takes off the "Twain Phony" disguise.
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"I'm Loid Forger, a married man. I can't have the neighbors getting the wrong idea about our relationship."
Nightfall has her disguise off already. There's literally no reason to start the scene with Twilight still wearing the wig and fake stubble, if not to make a connection between him taking it off and what he says there. Of course, the plot explains it as him explaining to Nightfall why they shouldn't arise suspicions, but still.
He is Loid Forger, a married man :) Maybe he doesn't know it yet, but we do!
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pinksmonkey · 1 year
How do you know Byler is endgame? Let me know!
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So today was my first day of grade 11, it went really well. I had lunch with my girlfriend, saw some people I met last year, and I like all the classes I have.
Anyway, I'm in a support class for students with high anxiety (I have generalized anxiety disorder), and I made a new friend in my support class. He's actually really cool and funny. He's a grade below me but we actually got to know each other because he brought up that he went to the same middle school as me, and that was really interesting because I haven't met anyone else at my highschool who went to that middle school.
It was really great and we had a lot of common interests, from RuPaul's Drag Race to the Saw movies, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and of course Stranger Things. And that's actually what this post is about, because for some reason my friend is completely convinced that Byler won't happen in season 5. I was pretty surprised when he told me, I strongly believe all the evidence that Byler is endgame.
But that's totally fine, he hasn't seen all the evidence, and he's queer too so it's not coming from a place of homophobia. To me it seemed like he just doesn't have faith in the writers to create a queer storyline like that, he thinks it's just queerbaiting. And that's fair because he hasn't seen the evidence for it (he also at one point claimed Mike is straight, lmao), but when I playfully tried to tell him some of the proof for Mike being queer, liking Will back, and that they'll end up together, he was totally in denial.
Now this is all in good faith and not really serious as far as I can tell, he does believe Byler won't happen, but we're just discussing it in a playful sort of way. So at some point I'm going to send him all the Byler proof I've collected over the past few months, and it's going to be hilarious.
This has been kinda long and ramble-y, so I'm just gonna get to the point now. I was wondering if any of my fellow Bylers would like to share what you think is the best evidence for Byler being endgame. You can tell me in a comment, reblog, or in my asks (and I'll respond with what I think about it). Just share in any way you want, why do you know Byler is happening in season 5, and/or that Mike is queer and likes Will back. And at some point I'll send screenshots of all this to my friend, and maybe together we can change his mind on Byler. XD
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kpchrs · 1 year
warren is creepy though. he thinks snuff films are funny. he says to max's face that he's disappointed she won't have sex with him within 3 weeks of knowing him. he plays max and brooke off each other by lying about the tickets for the drive in. he knows how to build pipe bombs. he almost beat nathan to death because he was angry.
I was so surprised seeing this LOL I didn't know that that reached people because I thought my hashtags never worked. Not that I expected it to or that I'm great at writing them down either tho. (Turned out seeing the few likes, it did reach people lol). But, well, obviously I didn't go to law school, Anon, you haven't given me time to do it (heh, and also because obviously that's a joke).
I read this on the day you sent the ask to me btw (which was months ago), but it took me a long time to write this because I got distracted so BADLY. So, sorry for the wait... if you are waiting xD I won’t expect anyone, even you, Anon, to read this. I genuinely don’t give a shit if no one reads this, but I still want to try to argue back. My mindset throughout this eSsAy will be as open and fair as I can.
1. "he thinks snuff films are funny."
Okay, let's pull up the script.
Warren: Haha. Make sure you watch Cannibal Holocaust. Max: No fucking way will I watch that. My mind is twisted enough... Warren: I laughed my ass off. (Episode 1: Crystallis)
Okay, first off, Cannibal Holocaust is not a snuff. That’s false. It is a cult classic horror film. It’s one because it’s (one of?) the first of its kind. Also, while it IS controversial and violent and there ARE something inside that are SO BAD WHYDIDTHEYHAVETODOIT, the film actually has an interesting and legit message. I think it’s not weird if Warren, being a fan of disturbing films or obscure films in general, will be interested in watching the so-called “cult classics”.
So regarding why he laughs, a possibility is that he laughs to pretend/show off to Max that he is tough. I mean, he literally shows off his car in that scene, to impress her. Weird flex but okay, bro.
Another possibility which is more probable is it’s because Warren has a dark sense of humour. Max knows this the day she meets him for the first time, that “he’s dark”. You can read it from her diary.
I think he has a higher tolerance than the average person after getting desensitised watching too much horror, which is why he laughs. Because he sees the comedy somewhere. And I think I have an idea where it is. Hint: It’s connected to the message of the film.
The message is the irony of how fast the characters adapt to savagery and exploit the tribe and their culture for the media, which raises the question: “So which one is the savage one? The tribe who people think should have been the ‘uncivilised’ or the characters who should have been the ‘civilised’ ones?” That twist can be funny with a dark sense of humour. Or it can be as simple as how the climax is satisfying/amusing with the characters getting what they deserve after all they have done fucking with the tribe. Hell, if you want to be meta and look into the background story of the filming, you can laugh too at the hypocrisy between the message and the film’s status as an exploitation film.
2. "he says to max's face that he's disappointed she won't have sex with him within 3 weeks of knowing him."
Hmm, that got filtered by your interpretation so let's go back to the root again aka the script to be objective.
Max: So you're sensitive... Warren: Ouch... That sounds awful the way you say it. Max: How so? Warren: Sensitive usually means "won't be having sex with you." Max: Oh, gawd! You need a sensitive woman to kick your ass. (Episode 1: Crystallis)
I want to confess. I had to think hard about what this means, maybe because I didn’t get the reference, because I’m not a native, or just because it’s a bad dialogue. I mean, of course, it sounded bad but I didn’t know EXACTLY what it meant. It took me 6 months to get it… somewhat… From my understanding, he means that “sensitive/nice guys finish last”, no? So the concern is about Nice Guys™?
I won’t wave this off, Anon, it’s still a distasteful comment to say, I admit. But I believe it’s a bad joke made by Warren, an awkward kid, who tries to hit on the girl he got a crush on. The whole scene is about him trying to be smooth, but failing miserably because (1) as I said, he’s awkward, you are not smooth enough, bro; (2) that’s the wrong thing to say, bro; (3) Max is not interested in you, bro (unless you make her be, I guess).
Warren is cringey. I have facepalmed a lot of times listening to him or reading his texts to Max, but we are all cringey in our teenage years. I don’t want to elaborate on my cringey-ness but I want to at least tell you that I did have a Warren, Anon. I rejected him hard and harshly (which I regret but I was also a teenage kid). But he was ultimately a good kid and we are still close friends. He’s matured and thriving now and I have no doubt if Warren were real, he would mature and thrive too now.
3. "he plays max and brooke off each other by lying about the tickets for the drive in."
Okay, let’s search for those. 
Warren: BTW, the drive-in is actually popular so I'm buying the tix now. Warren: I'll have an extra one. In case you change your mind. [Wed; morning] (Warren’s text messages in Episode 3: The Chaos Theory if you decline the invitation.)
Warren does talk about two tickets but the drive-in charges per car, not per person (based on the poster). What’s the subtext of this dialogue? It’s saying that Warren still hopes that Max comes with him. Even deeper is Warren nudging Max to convince her subtly to go with him. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I don’t know why these inconsistencies happen, but inconsistencies are not uncommon in the game. So let’s rewrite the text message dialogues to remove the inconsistency, but keep the subtext.
Warren: BTW, the drive-in is actually popular so I'm buying the tix now. Warren: I’ll keep your spot open. In case you change your mind.
Nothing is different. The subtext is still the same. So if his narrative is to… I don’t know, to manipulate Max to go with him, I don’t see why he has to lie in the first place. Because my rewrite does the same job of the subtext. Maybe it is a development mistake.
These are the dialogues that are relevant, right after Max accepts or declines the invitation:
If Max accepts: Warren: I have to tell Brooke I'm going with you to the movies instead. I'll text you later? If Max declines: Warren: Uh, I have to see if Brooke wants to go to the drive-in, Max. Maybe I'll see you later. [Tue; morning] (Episode 2: Out of Time)
Okay, the first one sounds like Warren has invited Brooke first before Max with that “instead” and the second one sounds like Warren hasn’t invited Brooke at all. Weird, isn’t it? This is why people say Warren is playing off both girls. But there’s this dialogue:
Brooke: That's so ironic that Warren asked Max to the drive-in. Brooke: It's not like I don't own all the original "Apes" films. Brooke: Maybe I should've asked Warren to go... [Thu; afternoon] (Episode 4: Dark Room) [Max accepts Warren’s invitation route]
“Maybe I should’ve asked Warren to go”? In the narrative of if like you say, Warren playing them off, this dialogue doesn’t really add up, does it? It sounds like Warren never invites Brooke at all, or at the very least, they talk about wanting to go but never commit to doing it together. Does this make sense?
So what is this? Which one is right? Are these inconsistencies again? Maybe? Am I wrong? Tbh, my head hurts already LOL Tell me what you think. I’m so tired of this game’s inconsistencies.
Brooke is the second choice here. I don’t deny that. She always is even in the alternate universe, poor girl. Even after Warren says that he will ask Brooke instead after Max declines that morning, I think he still procrastinates on that and keeps hoping Max will change her mind until the next day. That’s why later he says: “I’ll have an extra one” (or “keep your spot open” in my rewrite) [Wed; morning].
And then, there’s the scene where Max is dared to kiss or not kiss Chloe [Wed; morning] (Episode 3: Chaos Theory). Regardless of whether Max kisses her or not, Chloe will text Warren later [Thu; morning]. In the route of Max declining Warren’s invitation, it sounds like he finally gets that Max is either not interested in romance or is interested in Chloe. So Warren gives up and he finally invites Brooke to the drive-in (Episode 4: Dark Room) [Thu; afternoon].
Just like Max is not interested in Warren and prioritising Chloe, Warren doesn’t seem to be interested in Brooke and he prioritises Max. Insensitive? Yes lol But, they are teenagers having a crush.
I hope all this makes sense.
4. "he knows how to build pipe bombs."
Because he's a nerd. A nerd who spends his time experimenting with chemistry. Pipe bombs are simple to make too. Max can even make it with his instructions. It's not weird if he knows how to build a lot of stuff. When you are passionate about something, you will want to learn more stuff, right?
Also, Anon, in high school, we begged our chemistry teacher to put potassium inside the water after we heard it would explode. She reluctantly yielded and yeah, it exploded and we screamed and laughed. She immediately regretted her decision. My point is explosion is exciting, Anon. There’s a reason why teenagers like to play with fireworks. Dangerous? Duh. It’s exciting tho, said a lot of teenagers.
God knows I got knowledge on weird stuff just because of some morbid curiosity or because one of my interests gets me interested in researching weird stuff. But my point is, it’s the same with Warren in this case. It’s not weird at all that a science nerd knows how to build a pipe bomb.
5. "he almost beat nathan to death because he was angry."
This, is my favourite point you made. Because despite all the people who decided to let Warren beat up Nathan, you use this point to imply that this isn't right, which weirdly makes me happy to see that it's acknowledged. Because it IS not right! Sorry, I'm just a Nathan trash (who wants to punch him too ironically but of course, I wouldn’t do it lol Sorry, Nate). Of course, you may say this with the intention of “there is something wrong with Warren based on this scene, some anger issues or something which is… dangerous.” Well…
You know, Anon, the thing with Warren is, the game subtly told us that he is bullied. And I was spending time trying to find evidence but I’m frankly so tired of combing the Wikia HAHAHA Turned out, someone has talked about it already.
There’s no confirmation on who bullies him (eh), but my guess is having a room across the kInG oF bLaCkWeLl's (I hate that dumb cheesy nickname lol) is not a good time for him. People can interpret it as him being angry because his crush is getting attacked by Nathan again, but I don't really see that tbh. Maybe it starts off as that, but later it explodes because of the pent-up anger he feels inside after all the bullying he has experienced. That’s the first time he beats up someone. He doesn’t even know he could do that.
Of course, this is just a different interpretation. Some people choose to interpret something from this side of the spectrum and there are people who choose to do it from the other side of the spectrum. I chose “this side of the spectrum” to give you a different interpretation to ponder upon.
People could scoff and say, “Now you are just being biased.” Well… That’s what Warren haters do too. Being biased. Because Warren has so many positive things too, you know? It’s just the same as how Chloe haters are biased and ridiculously bash her hard outside of the fandom, when she has so many positive things.
People could scoff again and say, “You are using ‘him being a teenager’ too much as an excuse.” I believe we are too hard on teenagers. Yes, even the 18-year-old kids. You don’t magically mature and know everything about yourself or the world once you are 18 years old (or 19), even if society deems them as young adults. I sure didn’t when I was 18 (or 19). I only knew what my favourite colours are in my 20s! (Answer: the shades of pink, red-purple, and true red.) Everyone has their own pace. Warren is approximately a month before 17.
Also, I believe in mental growth. If people love the idea of flawed Warren as a character and then they write a fanfiction about him maturing and growing as a person and Max is in the picture, is that a bad thing? Of course not, it’s just them believing in the potential inside a character and character dynamic and using it as a creative outlet. Characters in “Life is Strange” are created to be in the grey shades. From the almost-white (like Kate and Samuel maybe) to the almost-black (like Jefferson). Max is grey. Chloe is grey. Rachel is grey. Warren is also grey. It’s not a bad thing to love fictional grey characters or even villains.
Lastly, let this be a reminder, not only for Anon, but for people in general, that… you don’t know why someone loves something. They may have nuanced reasons that they can’t explain fully if they don’t write long-ass essays and even if they do write one, sometimes people don’t even care about reading it. But if you keep an open mind and listen, maybe you won’t agree, but at least you understand a little bit and respect the opinion. Like, for example, hell, if I hear someone seriously loves Jefferson I will be so baffled (I hate him), but I will be so interested in hearing it and I'll still be so baffled but I’ll respect that, you know? Maybe I'll laugh a lot but only because I’m entertained and happy that they explain it to me. (I’m seriously interested so hit me up if any lol)
But that’s only me and my mindset. The general rule is just please be respectful.
Maybe after this, more people will come to my inbox and point out more things to argue. While… um, okay, I did say I claim to be Warren’s personal lawyer (and I was obviously joking) but until when will you people do this? xD Okay, I can’t stop it, or I can but I don’t want to block the few anonymous asks to my inbox, but since my lawyering is not paid by Warren, whether I will write an essay like this again or not will depend on my time and mood hehehehe xD
Thank you for the ask. I enjoy writing this! For Warren sympathisers, I hope I do him justice. If not, I’m sorry, but let’s hear it.
I'm shocked if someone is actually reading this, but if so, thanks for reading.
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gurokichi · 17 hours
W-wow you really answer me bon, I don't expect that, but I'm very happy about it!
And sorry if I didn't send you any other ask today bon, I have to go to school so, well, you know, I can't take my phone to school.
I'm glad you understand, I was fearing that you won't know why I did that, but I'm glad to hear that you do.
And btw you said you like danganronpa so, what is your favorite character?. (Yes, I know that this question is dumb, but I want to ask this, just to make sure i guess) Mine is Chihiro Fujisaki!, I really love him.
Of course I would follow you, why wouldn't I? You are nice to me, so of course I would like to follow your blog Bon, and I know you wouldn't bite me bon, I'm not too shy anymore, I fully want to send this, you can say I have confidence now.
W-wait really?, you really would stop any anon that harass me?, a-and you think that they would like me?, I don't know if that is true but, if you are sure of that bon, then I will believe in you.
Y-you think I'm brave?, bon, you made blushing!, of course I would like to talk to you more and maybe if you want, we can be friends! ( Let it not be noticed that I want to have a friendship with you xd).
I'm glad that you understand my poor english, Spanish is my native language so, even if I know so much english, I always get nervous when I write or say something in english ( ╥﹏╥)
Wow...you...put me as a tag? And even you put ME on your anon list? I'm so happy!,nobody do that for me before, you are the first one bon!, but bon, I named my self as "unnamed anon" because... I don't know how to call myself.... Can you help me please? ( ´・ω・)
- still Unnamed anon (help this poor anon to find a name ;-;)
Of course I would answer you! How could I not when you took the time to type out an ask and send it to me? I think that'd be pretty rude of me to just leave it in my inbox.
That's totally okay. I understand if you're not able to send asks, especially if you're busy with your life. I'd appreciate it if you sent some when you have the time to, though! It's always a delight to talk to people ^^
Ah, I have so many that I like... Chihiro is definitely up there with some of my favorite characters. Despite the Kokichi theme of my blog, I also really like Toko, Makoto, and Mahiru. I think I like quite a lot of the Danganronpa cast, so this was kinda hard to answer. There's so many good choices that I couldn't just limit myself to one! Aw, that's very sweet of you. I'm happy to hear that you've gained confidence! I would definitely stop any anon who tries to be mean to you. I don't care what gets said to me, but I'd have a problem with it if something seriously mean was directed towards anyone who follows me. I don't want people fighting on my blog. All my anons have been nice; I promise you that they wouldn't hate you. Thank you for choosing to believe in me! I think it's super brave to go through with things that make you nervous. It takes quite a bit to gain the courage to do something, despite being scared. I admire anyone who is able to do that! Maybe we can be friends; I can't guarantee that, though. It'd depend on a couple of things, sorry!! </3
That makes sense! Don't worry about your English; you've done good so far. I can understand you pretty clearly. Spanish is a nice language! I used to take Spanish classes, although it's been years... so I don't think I'd be able to understand much, hahah ( ̄▽ ̄;)
I put any anon down as a tag! Perhaps you could use an emoji that you like or choose a word you wouldn't mind being called by? That's what most of my anons have done. For example... there's Doll, Prince, and then various anons that are just emojis. You can go check my tagging system to see which anons are taken!
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
I had an idea for Rui and Mizuki with a shut-in reader, it can be either platonic or romantic idc.
Foreground: The reader used to be friends with the two of them in middle school, as they were another social outcast. The reader stops showing up to lunch one day without a word.
Present day: Mizuki or Rui run into the reader outside, and they're both happy to see eachother, but the reader is a complete ball of anxiety. It turns out that after some severe bullying, the reader left school and went full hikikomori. They work online and only ever leave their apartment to get groceries, and they've developed a fear of just going outside.
Feel free to pass on this if it's too angsty, I'm kinda just projecting my life onto a pjsekai prompt XD
waaa its ok dw, im doing this separately unless you wanted them combined, and ill leave it up for interpretation- i hope you like this!! <3
♡ OUTCASTS - Rui Kamishiro and Mizuki Akiyama x Reader
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Rui was used to people pushing him away for being weird, so he was always grateful for you and Mizuki's presence
He was expecting one of you two to leave him eventually. It still hurt when it was you though
Fast-forward to a couple years later. Rui has become an expert with robotics, and is well known for his eccentric plans
He was buying some more parts for his robots when he bumped into you
He would pause, looking you over before calling your name cautiously. Your eyes widened before you mumbled, "Rui?..." "Ah, so you do remember me! I thought you had forgotten about me completely back then." There was barely hidden hurt laced in his tone
You had detected it, and was quick to stumble an apology out. You spoke about how you had been bullied, how you shut yourself in your room, how you had grown a fear of going outside for anything except your essentials
And then, the hurt was gone, replaced by sympathy. "Ah, is that so?" He hummed, placing a hand on your head and patting you, "I apologize, I would've tried to help if I knew...How about I make it up to you?"
After that run-in, he went over to your house often. He would come with his robotics, and would talk and catch up with you as he worked. Sometimes, he'd bring Nene with him, since you were acquainted with her when you were younger
He makes a robot for you, one very similar to Robo-Nene that you can use. It can leave the house, and you were able to maneuver it from the comforts of your home. Rui would just need to accompany the robot to make sure that things didn't go wrong. He'd do anything for you though <3
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Mizuki was learning a lot about themself during middle school, so it was a show of trust that they let you and Rui into their life when they did
Of course, that made the sting of you suddenly not meeting with them worse. They could never find you at school either. Where did you go?...
Fast-forward to a couple of years later. Mizuki had become more sure of themself, and was as comfortable as they could be in their identity today
They were out buying groceries when they bumped into you, and it was a shock for you both
They called your name with awe, and you stared at them for a bit before your eyes went wide. "Mizuki?..." "Yeah! How have you been? I haven't seen you since..." They would trail off, looking to the side before sighing. "Ah well, that's in the past-"
You stutter out an apology before quickly and quietly explaining what had happened. When the bullying had become too much, you had shut yourself in your room, too anxious to do much outside except buy groceries
They had nodded the whole time, a sad smile on their face. "Ah, I'm sorry it reached that point..." They took your hand, squeezing it gently, "You're like one of my friends- I won't force you to go out too much, but we should really meet up again. I missed you!"
So, after that day, they go over to your house as much as they can. Sometimes, they call Niigo while they're at your house, and introduce you to them! You and Kanade bond over your hatred of going outside
They buy a lot of gifts for you since they know you fear going outside. Ena asks why they have so many bags and they respond that they're for a very special person <3
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deezbutz28 · 4 months
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a/n: hi hi!!! i'm backk. this is loosely based off of my own personal situationship BUT i'm writing on how i wished it turned out LOLOL.
this is part two to sweet venom!! (plz go check it out if you haven't yet!!)
wc: 1.9k
tags: angst, fluff, mad situationship
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you are so so so grateful that the dreadful school activity you and taehyun shared is finally over. your friends could see how relieved you were, often saying, "was it really that bad? you guys barely saw each other."
yes it was that bad. during that time while trying to avoid him, you often wished that he would go up and talk to you. trying to start over or at least apologize for ghosting you. but that didn't happen, and you are finally ready to just let him go.
but of course, the world never works that way. about a month later, you and your friends were at your school formal. you had worn a dress that was a bit out of your comfort zone, but your friends were there to hype you up.
to no one's surprise taehyun and his group of friends were there as well. you kept your distance as much as possible, but every so often you look for him in the crowd. almost every single time you looked, he was already looking at you. makes letting go 10x harder, great...
but you don't dare go up to him, if he wants to talk he will have to go up to you himself. does he go up to you? nope. so after and hour or two at the dance you decide to finally head home.
you shower and get ready for bed, but you find yourself spacing out. wondering what was going on inside taehyun's head.
a few days after posting about formal, a notification pops on your screen. its a dm... from taehyun...
you ponder on whether you should open it or not. unsure on what he might send or say, or more importantly if he would be different from now on.
you open it the day after he sends it. the post he sent was a meme of a squirrel in the forest with the caption being, "how life feels when you..." (a/n idk what to put for it but just imagine it being something stupid XD)
you scoff reading his message, because the boy literally ghosted you. even when you were talking he would refuse to even glance your way.
so you take the easy route on approaching the situation.
y/n: ??????
kangtaehyun: so, i might have made a mistake...
y/n: did you send this to the wrong person? because i think you did.
you were upset and now you aren't going to hold back from expressing your anger.
kangtaehyun: ouch.
kangtaehyun: please, can we talk in person? i want to clear things up.
y/n: fine. i'm free tomorrow.
so you and taehyun will finally acknowledge each other in person. it only took like five months but you know better late then never, right?
you and taehyun decide to meet up at the local coffee shop. you decided on wearing some baggy jeans and a nice sweater. not wanting to seem like you are trying to hard (even tho you are).
you arrive after him, and you spot him at one of the comfy booths. he looks nervous. like bouncing his leg and running his hand through his hair and semi pale type of nervous. but, he looks good. taehyun is dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a brown jacket. it is crazy how his outfit seems to somewhat match with yours.
after gawking at him through the window, you decide to walk in. as the bell rings, taehyun immediately looks up and walks towards you.
"hey! thank you for meeting with me," taehyun's voice wavers a bit as he talks to you. definitely proving that he is indeed very nervous. "what do you want to drink? i'll buy!"
you greet him back and tell him your order. you make your way to where his stuff was. as he stands in line, you try to prepare yourself for the conversation ahead. constantly chanting in your head that you won't be a pushover.
he makes his way to the table with your drink, and sits in the chair in front of you. immediately you thank him, and laugh shyly about how awkward this will be.
taehyun coughs a little, and decides to speak up.
"i'm sure you're wondering why i asked you to come here. but, i'm just going to say it... i fucked up big time, and i'm sorry for being such a dick." taehyun says rubbing the back of his neck.
you start to say something when he interupts. "please let me finish. i've been thinking on what to say to you since i snapped at you at the school activity. please, i really am sorry. i had just been a tad jealous when i saw you talking to beomgyu. so, i just snapped and i was out of place. and when i saw you at the dance having fun, i realized that i can't leave things the way i left them. i understand if you are still upset with me and don't want to patch things up i completely get it. i just wanted you to know how i've felt."
you collected your thoughts for a moment before speaking. "wow... um you know that when you ghosted me i was really really hurt. i so badly wanted to talk to you in person, but i figured since you did ghost me, you wanted all ties cut. since then i've grown up a bit. i realized that people just drift apart and i thought that was happening to us. i enjoyed texting you all the time in the summer, i considered you one of my closest friends... when you ignored me in person, i was so confused, why--" your voice began to crack as you tried to finish your sentence.
taehyun immediately tries reaching for your hand, but retracts it. realizing that he should respect your boundaries.
he starts, "i'm sorry i made you feel that way. it's just that... you make me so nervous. you are a person that everyone looks up to and i just was scared that i'd embarrass myself in front of you. so, that's why i would talk to you online constantly, because i could be bold." taehyun glances at your hands again and slowly inches his hands closer to yours. seeing if you would accept his gesture. after a moment of looking at you in your eyes you hold his hand slightly.
"y/n i am so sorry for ignoring you in person. i had just been so scared that you would think i'm weird or that by talking to me in person, you would want end our friendship." he gives your hand a slight squeeze.
as you start speaking, you start playing with the ring on taehyun's hand. fiddling with things while you were nervous was a common thing for you. "you know i'm not a rude person right? i wouldn't have ended our-" you gulp, "friendship over something stupid like that right? the reason why i kept talking to you is because i like how goofy and weird you are. i understand completely about being nervous. i was always so scared to approach you in person because you might think i'm socially awkward." you end your sentence with a slight giggle.
taehyun also giggles a little and his cheeks start to redden as he looks down at your fingers playing with his ring. "i know that one asshole said you were socially awkward, but that doesn't mean you are. in fact, i don't see where he got that at all."
you sigh a bit, "thanks taehyun. if you don't mind me asking, why did you reach out to me a few days ago?"
taehyun's knees began jittering nervously. "when i saw you at the dance, i realized that i needed to make things right and apologize."
you squeeze taehyun's hands, "i accept your apology, but please please please don't ever do that to me again." you say while smiling.
taehyun smiles ear to ear, and asks, "so we're good again?"
you nod your head as taehyun stands up.
"what are you doing?" you question the boys antics.
"in the summer, you said you've always wanted to go ice skating... do you want to go?"
"hmmm... yes!"
taehyun holds your hand as you walk out of the coffee shop. you and taehyun decide to walk to the rink since it is only a five minute walk. on your way to the rink you miss the way that taehyun stares at you admiring the downtown area.
his hands fit perfectly with yours. and once you guys arrive at the rink you both get confused as a couple. the man at the counter greets you two, and says "you guys came at a perfect time! couples skate just started a few minutes ago!"
taehyun asks if you're still comfortable with skating, and you nod your head in approval.
as you get your skates, taehyun takes your skates in hand and offers to put them on for you. "oh tae, you don't have to do that!" you whisper shyly.
he starts removing your shoes and says, "it's the least i could do, and besides i don't mind!" he looks up at you with red cheeks and a shy smile.
it turn out you and taehyun are horrible skaters. you guys could only move on the ice if you were grasping onto each other for dear life. that only lasted about thirty minutes on the ice before you both decided that you might end up with broken bones if you continue any longer.
you walk out of the rink hand in hand. as you realize that it is starting to get darker outside. taehyun stops a few feet in front of your car, and you only look up at him in confusion. "what's up tae?" you question the brown haired boy.
"y/n, i get it if you don't like what i'm about to say... but, i like you. in the romantic way. i have since the first night i started talking to you, i am so upset that i handled our friendship poorly. but, like you, i have grown up a bit and i've realized that i should've treated you differently. and if you don't feel the same way i totally get it, but i just needed to tell you. and i promise i won't fuck it up this time."
you comprehend what he said till you decide to speak up.
"you know tae, when we first started talking i really enjoyed talking to you as a friend... but as we talked more often, i realized that i was developing a crush on you. and when we stopped talking, i was so upset that i had let myself fall for you that easily. but, honestly those feelings never left... so, i also like you. in the romantic way of course." you end your sentence by giving taehyun's hand a squeeze.
"really? thank goodness you scared me at first. i thought i fucked up again. i was so worried--" you interupt taehyun with a quick kiss on the cheek.
"you're cute when you ramble... i'll see you at school tomorrow, okay? don't be a stangerrrr!" you say as you open your car door.
taehyun stands there in shock, while waving at you as you are reversing out of the parking spot.
oh you are so excited for what's to come.
a/n: so basically none of that happened to me in real life lol. but if you made this far plz plz reblog and heart this story. and let me know if i should write something else. xoxo
thank u to @taehyunsluvr and @lenasvoid for commenting on sweet venom and giving me inspo to finish this lol
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Edited since this was crafted last night: the number is now at 667 followers, but I just couldn't resist doing this post when I saw where it was before that 😂
Me: *-checks settings to look at asks-*
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Whelp...you know what this means...
Time to introduce the one AU that's just on theme with this! :D
Honestly, I was going to wait a while to introduce this AU idea, but when am I gonna have another opportunity like this? XD (next Halloween might've been another possibility but eh!)
Anyway, so I've got a myriad of AU ideas that have been in the works for a while or for a month or so now. And the AU that is just on theme with the new follower count?
Twisted Wonderland!Demon AU of course~! >v<
I'm still developing a good chunk of things and fine tuning the worldbuilding, but here's a premise of what this AU entails (likely to be updated to read better later):
Summoned to NRC, Yuu is branded with the mark of the Great Seven (or Raven; still deciding!) as a sign of becoming a powerful demon. The problem is: Yuu is a human. A magicless human, to be exact. Protected only by account of the mark they carry, Yuu must learn how to survive in a school full of demons that want nothing more than to take their soul from them. Can Yuu find a way to return home, or will they find their place as a new demon summoner?
Now, one thing to note is that technically speaking, Yuu is not the only human at the school full of demons--who that is, though, will be revealed when I put out a roster. UvU Angels and humans also exist here as well, and they all technically live together, just like how beastmen, fae, and merfolk do in the game.
Anyway, let me know what you guys think and I'll see about doing a proper introduction post to the AU! Questions for the AU are available, but keep in mind that since it's still a WIP, I may not be able to answer things right away, or it might just help me with more worldbuilding!
Also, if you guys know me well, just know that there will be plenty of fluff opportunities with this AU, but there are some scenarios that will ambient/intense situations--nothing too serious in my opinion though. I won't really go in depth with certain things, though I will always put in a warning or tag appropriately as necessary!
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lovely-menza · 2 years
It's me (again) tag!
Tagged by @blackccelebration to do this thingy, thank you so much!! I sort of remember of doing a tag like this long ago but now we can update it yay!1!!!! 💜💜
1 - Are you named after anyone?
Not really, after a song yes, the other one is just because mum liked the name and I like to think it's because a medieval weapon but that's just me ksjdksjs
2 - When was the last time you cried?
Uhm I cry all the time, but last time it was last tuesday at the bus stop 💀💀💀
3 - Do you have kids?
Nope fortunately, but I do have a dog who is just like a kid! (just turned 1 this month) and the other one is just like an old man (turned 15 this month) but I love them
4 - Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not all the time, I come as pretty sincere even when it's the perfect moment to let out my wittiness, but that's when I pay a lot of attention, I suck at being witty sometimes :')
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
I remember writing something like 'their face expression when I'm talking to them' which still stands today xD no but seriously, I'm still insecure and sometimes worry about how do people perceive me, but I think it also has to do to the fact that I like face expressions and structures a lot lol
6 - What's your eye colour?
Brown, even if the sunlight flashes in it goes from dark brown to light brown and no other variation, some of us are boring asf okay?
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Idk what is this supposed to mean but I like scary movies with any endings!!!
8 - Any special talents?
Obsessing over dead pe- Okay actually I think drawing portraits or faces (once again me looking at people's faces) and uhm... instruments count? I just play bass as you've seen jmhskdhsksj but then again I'll keep with art and maybe my good interaction with any pet
9 - Where were you born?
(in Buenos Aires btw)
10 - What are your hobbies?
Playing bass lmao, also drawing since I went on and off by MANY YEARS ALREADY it's frustrating but I'll work on that!! and uh, collecting vinyl records? I don't go out and hunt that much but when I do I don't buy literally anything, I have a little collection of things I adore rather than just keeping lots of records I won't listen to that much
Btw my last finding was Reggatta De Blanc 1986 press record kajskahskajd
11 - Have you any pets?
As I already mentioned two dogs with their respective ages! the baby one is called Bonita (or Bonnie/Lola for the friends) who I adopted 6 months after my doggie Lila passed away :( and the oldie but goldie is Ciro, who's still alive after the fucking mess he was all his life, I adopted him as a weeks-old puppy but he's stray at heart lol
12 - What sports do you play/have played?
I only played volleyball and softball at school, I didn't like softball a lot but volleyball is always fun
pity I dropped out because I couldn't play with my mates - as an outcast myself they'd always play with their friends except me :]
13 - How tall are you?
I'm around 1,65 or 1,68 idk I wish I was a tiny bit taller sometimes hhhh
14 - Favourite subject in school?
Either was the music-related subjects I had in highschool (I don't even remember the names now but it were two branches of it) or history, philosophy... can't think of any other
15 - Dream job?
Living off from art I think, any lol
Now I have to tag 15 blogs? damn okay here you go: @the-rippers, @lil-melody, @outlandos-d-amour, @l0st-d0gs, @crampdown, @thespiritofvexation, @dy3rs3v3 , @viktoria-sob, @larsgoingtomars, @musicrunsthroughmysoul, @themagicalmysticalboy, @jeffament, @princessleiaqueen, @overthinkinks & @itbe1964 Of course you know this is optional so you can ignore and go on with yer life :D
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new-dawn-au · 1 year
Am I going to make Apis and Saki canon? Hell yeah, they're too cute not to! Don't blame me, blame the little demon pulling my heart to make this happen X3
Bold = texting
"Italics with quotation marks = thinking"
This was not good.
It was supposed to be a normal day, but of course, something had to go wrong. The thunder was too loud, too near, too…. Familiar. And Apis was not a fan.
He could feel tears building up in his eyes and his own grip on reality or any sense quickly slipping away as he tried to find somewhere to hide from it all.
He had stupidly forgotten his house keys, and Adonis was working that day so he couldn't unlock the door for him, leaving him in a bad situation of having to wait for hours to go home. And it sucked.
But just as he was about to break down, he heard a voice he had grown fond of over the past few months. "Apis? Are you okay?" Saki asked her friend, visibly worried about him.
Apis looked to his friend and tried to muster a smile but miserably failed, letting tears fall as he clung onto her.
"Please… don't let them hurt me again. I can't go back, I can't, they'll hurt me, I just know it. I'm dead if they find me, please don't make me go back… help me, please." He mumbled through his tears, he couldn't control himself when he was like this. He felt embarrassed, embarrassed that he was breaking down like this and having a breakdown in front of someone he considered a good friend.
Surprisingly to him, Saki had not pushed him away, instead pulling him closer and taking him to her house. Despite her knowing little to nothing about what he was talking about, she still comfored him. "It's okay, I won't let them take you. You'll be safe here."
By the time they had both entered her room, Apis had fainted from panic, leading Saki to lend him her bed and pull the covers over him whilst she went to get something for the both of them to eat and drink.
Nobody was home today so it left her to watch over her friend without interruptions. Suddenly, his phone received a message.
Adonis: That thunder is really loud isn't it? Hope you're ok❤️
Yikes, it was going to be complicated to explain that Apis wasn't actually seeing this message and that he had passed out. But Saki did it in the best way she knew how to.
Apis: this is Saki Tachibana, a friend of Apis from school! He's at mine rn bc he got scared by the thunder and he's sleeping thru it srry do you want me to wake him up? :)
Adonis: no, it's fine. It's nice to know that he has many good friends now. Or maybe you're more than friends🤨? Jkjk
Wait, what?
Was Apis's dad trying to suggest that they were… dating?! Saki had never even considered dating him! However..
She did find him very kind and cute. And it was so fun messing with his hair, it was always so soft and he always reacted so cutely when she accidentally touched his neck when playing with his hair with his little giggle and nose scrunch followed by his insistence that he was most definitely not ticklish on his neck despite him obviously being so. And his face was attractive as well, she had thought of kissing him before…. Wait, kissing?!
Okay, so she might like him, but there was no way that he felt the same!
Apis: omfg no💀 were not dating but Im flattered that you think I cud end up with sum1 like him XD
Adonis: uh huh, sure thing lol. If he isn't up or still at yours by half 4 then give me your address and I'll come for him.
Apis: will do.
A few hours later, Apis stirred awake and looked around before seeing Saki and realising what just happened. "Ah, Saki! I'm sorry for falling asleep in your bed, it won't happen again!" "Haha! It's fine, you were scared and you needed it, I don't mind." Saki smiled, handing him a rice ball.
"I assumed that you'd be hungry when you woke up so I made some rice balls for you, do you like it?" Apis took a bite and smiled back at her, blushing slightly. "Mmhmm! It's really nice, thank you."
There was that look again, that smile and those rosy cheeks. And those eyes… it made Saki truly realise her feelings for him.
She loved him, she actually loved someone again. She didn't even think she could love like this after her last relationship, but here she was, basking in Apis's presence, loving his existence, loving being around him.
Nope, she had to stop herself there. She was supposed to be looking after him, she could crush over him another time! "Hey, are you thirsty? I have some apple juice downstairs that I can go get if you want." Apis nodded and followed her to the kitchen, holding her hand to keep his balance stable
Saki could just feel herself overheating, his hands were strangely soft in comparison to her rough ones up, they felt like heavenly buttercream to her and she adored it.
But all of a sudden, she heard whimpering coming from him as he pulled his hand back, covering his white eye. "It must be that scar again! But how can I help him?" Saki thought, coming to a reckless conclusion.
She held his wrists gently so as to not hurt him, leant near his face and placed a gentle kiss on his white eye and scar, gaining a squeak from him. "E-Eh?! Saki, what are you doing?.."
"Oh shit! I am so sorry, I didn't know what to do and I thought that if I kissed it then the pain would go away! That was really stupid, I'm so sorry again." Saki apologised profusely before Apis interrupted. "You don't have to apologise! I… um.. actually kind of liked it.. it made me feel safe, and warm and fuzzy inside and I don't know why.. is there something wrong with me?"
Saki widened her eyes, could he feel the same thing towards her as she did to him? She had to test it.. "Hey, is it okay if I try something? You can stop if you feel weird or uncomfortable."
Apis nodded his head. Granted, he didn't know what was going to happen, but he put all of his faith and trust in Saki.
She leant near his face again, kissing his lips as she closed her eyes. She was taken by positive surprise when she felt Apis kiss back slightly, so he did feel the same way! His lips were just as soft as the rest of him, it was clear that they had been bitten out of anxiety and overall stress,but it wasn't unpleasant, it was kind.
Apis pulled away to catch his breath, his cheeks now a bright red. "I.. enjoyed that… a lot. I think that I… love you."
Saki smiled wide, her cheeks the same as his as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him I to a hug. "I love you too, Apis."
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glemmeboka · 2 years
2023 language goals
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I'm updating my languages for 2023 - I'm mainly focusing on improving my Korean and French and learning as much as possible. Plus: one new language
I want to take the first TOPIK exam this coming year, so I will have to prepare myself for it. I got a huge book on Korean grammar for Christmas and my plan is to learn all the contents. I will also find myself a teacher though, because I honestly feel like I won't get as far as I'd like to the way I'm self-studying right now.
Obviously I want to keep up my As in school, but honestly I don't think I have to be very careful because it's usually not a problem. Instead I will try to be ahead of my class at least a little bit so I can fully focus on Latin while in school (which is more of a problem lol)
For non-school studying I have set a goal to read at least one full book, it's probably going to be Harry Potter or Le Petit Prince. I also want to immerse myself more, meaning watch more movies or shows in French (I still haven't seen Lupin), maybe have more French conversations with my mother. Also, I am likely going on an exchange to Orléans in early 2023 (my exchange partner is coming in January or February already. If anything works out, that is. There might still be complications) Generally, I hope to achieve a proficiency of about B1. I won't take a test because that feels like too much trouble (and money, I think), but just...generally that area of proficiency.
Other than that, I have also made changes in my plans for my exchange year which is supposed to happen in 2024/25. As there are only few organisations which have Korea in their programme - and those who do are too hard to afford - I have decided to go for Thailand. I hope it will work out, for real, if I end up staying in Germany the entire year I will likely cry every day because missed opportunites and what not. Anyway, these news are the reason I have decided to pick up some Thai basics, at least. I mean, I take what I can get but I wanna keep the bar low and not expect too much of myself for a change. These are my 2023 goals for Thai:
First of all, I obviously need to learn the alphabet which...might even take me the entire year. xd For real though, I will focus on that first and then try to find a good textbook which can kind of guide me through it all. Because this language seems so complicated, I don't even know where to start
There's some nice shows to watch for immersion though..
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please don't stop reading I swear I will stick to the topic now
As for my other languages - Norwegian and Spanish - I will be maintaining those. I have Spanish in school so I will be putting about 2 to 3 hours per week into it anyway. To maintain Norwegian, I will TRY being more active on Duolingo again (because let's be for real, the Norwegian course is actually quite effective and it has given me so much let's take a second to appreciate that) and perhaps even do some more units of my textbook which I have, I admit, been abandoning for quite a while now. Norwegian in general, which is sad because it was my first language love :( Well, I got a week calender with pictures of Norway for Christmas, maybe that will serve as a motivation boost. Like for French, I also want to read at least one Norwegian book to the end in 2023. I have one in mind that the Norwegian teacher at the university gave me when I had my one-day internship there
Wow. I hope I will be able to achieve these goals by the end of the year. I seriously have no idea if it's too much or little because this is the first time I've EVER done something like "good resolutions for the coming year" or whatever it is called. But I recently saw a quote.
Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star. — Clement Stone
Not only does it sound very nice because of the connection to astronomy and space, it also reassures me that sometimes it's okay not being able to do everything or one thing just as well as the other. Small progress is also good progress, especially when it is aquired in a constant pace.
And with that, I'm wishing everyone who happens to be reading this a happy new year and good luck with your goals! You're doing great.
Fun fact: In Germany, we wish each other "einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr" at the end of the year. It literally translates to "a good slide into the new year". Honestly, I think it's a bit funny. I hope you have one though. :)
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