#and no matter what it wasn't okay to be racist assholes
catoscloves · 2 years
#not shipping something is fine#and i get that lena definitely seemed queercoded#or like a lesbian suffering from comphet#i also didn't particularly enjoy any m/f dynamics on the show that involved lena#but like interracial m/f ships are still important rep#and no matter what it wasn't okay to be racist assholes#bullying james's actor#or compare james to a canonical slave owner/abusive white man#i get that the show and guardianc*rp is long over but the way that some of y'all treated characters/actors of color#for the sake of a fanon white wlw ship#yikes#lmao anti blackness seems to run rampant when it comes to superhero comics converted into live action films/tv#i may not have been motivated enough to watch the flash but i heard how sn*barry fans treated iris and westallen#because iris was black and the woman in the comics wasn't#and how j*rley was somehow a better choice in the movies over quinnshot#a violent white man who electrocuted harley to the point of permanent brain damage#as opposed to deadshot who was fond of harley and protective over her#and didn't want to risk her life#he refused to kill her at waller's command#i wonder where it went wrong#or why the kiss scene was cut out#and quinnshot is popular as a 'brotp'#anti jarley#anti supercorp#i'm not saying SC fans are anywhere near the level of j*rley#just pointing out the common pattern in the terrible treatment of black characters#(i know for a fact that james was a white man in the comics and i assume karolsen was taken more seriously as a relationship because of it)#and i believe deadshot was too
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AITA for going off on a tattoo artist for giving me the wrong mandarin letters?
Context matters a lot here. I (23ftm) recently lost my partner to cancer. They were the love of my life and I dropped everything for them- I moved states away from my family so that they could be more comfortable in a dryer climate, I made sure to be there for them through thick and thin- the works. My family, though sad, were okay with it since I had never been so passionate about anything before I met them. Losing them has been nothing short of miserable.
They were Chinese and had a very strong connection to their language and culture, so I wanted to get a tattoo that translated to "My angel, my love" with "my angel" being on the top and "my love" being on the bottom onto my arm. I wasn't able to learn any dialects from them while they were alive since things had been so busy, but I thought maybe at least I could start with this.
So, I went to a local tattoo parlor that had a Chinese tattoo artist (I hope it isn't racist to assume, I've heard him speaking in Mandarin on the phone) and asked to get the translation tattooed. He seemed genuine and we got to work with choosing a font, the right location, and scheduling an appointment. It was very professional and I was really glad that it had gone smoothly since if it hadn't, I'd probably just give up entirely.
A week passes and I get my tattoo. A bit after as we're talking about it, I mention that I got it to commemorate my late partner, whom like I said I consider to be the light of my life. When I mentioned that, he sort of paused and had this look on his face, like when you realize you forgot something really important. He shook it off though and we got back to talking, but things seemed obviously more awkward now.
When I went home I sent a picture of it to my partner's family, and immediately they picked up that something was wrong. They didn't tell me what it had actually translated to, but it was apparently very inappropriate and disrespectful.
Needless to say I was breaking down. My partner had died, I was struggling with depression and fatigue from handling a lot of the funeral procedures, and overall that had been the straw that broke the camel's back. This is where I may be the asshole. I drove back to the parlor shop and found my tattoo artist, and I didn't get physical, but I had definitely wanted to. I was yelling at him, screaming about how he was a horrible shitty person, the works. He argued back that I should have at least given him a reason for the tattoo, since he gets white people coming in all the time asking for dumb stuff, but I shot back that he could have at least told me what he had done when I did reveal why I got the tattoo.
Again, I didn't get physical, but they did threaten to call the cops on me if I didn't leave since I wss making a scene, so I left and later emailed that I had at the very least wanted a refund, since they didn't even give me the tattoo I wanted. I still haven't gotten a response yet.
My family (both biological and in-laws) are very conflicted over this. Some of them think that I could have dealt with it a lot better, while others think I should have threatened them with a lawsuit (obviously there's inbetween opinions but those are the main two extremes). I can't afford a lawsuit considering I'm already dealing with the funeral funds like I said, but I don't know. I don't even know if yelling at the guy made me feel better or worse- it was an in-the-moment response to be sure.
So, with more context, AITA for yelling at the tattoo artist who gave me an inappropriate tattoo instead of the one I really wanted?
What are these acronyms?
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teaveetamer · 8 months
Cap: *writes a blatantly sexist, racist, homophobic fic that is immensely popular and influential in the fandom and that many people have explicitly said made them feel uncomfortable when reading it*
Raxis: he's completely innocent everyone who says he ever did anything wrong are just hysterical liars with victim complexes
Moonlitboar: *says that they wanted Lambert to be more morally ambiguous and said they thought Sitri was happy in untagged posts that literally maybe a dozen people max ever saw*
Raxis: THEY DESERVED TO GET CANCELED THEY FUCKED AROUND AMD FOUND OUT THEY’RE AN ASSHOLE but i never did anything to them but i know who did but i won't tell anyone who that is BUT I'M COMPLETELY UNINVOLVED i just know exactly who is involved in this TOTALLY JUSTIFIED C A N C E L A T I O N (and totally not harassment because harassment is bad but cancelation to the point of harassment is fine)
LITERALLY what was the game plan here. His own logic makes it sound like he's actually completely down with Cap getting "canceled" AND he sounds like a blatant liar. Why couldn't he just shut his mouth for once
From the very beginning, no one on Tumblr has done anything that would break his personal definition of "normal" fandom participation. We're "harassing" Cap for talking about his fic and meta posts, but if you bring up Raxy's aggressive disregard for the block button, and how he disregards people directly asking him to leave them alone, he will be the FIRST to say "you put it on the internet so you have no right to be upset about me criticizing your dumbass takes".
He will stomp his feet and throw a tantrum if you say anything even remotely critical of Cap's fic's actual racist, sexist, and homophobic undertones, but Moonlit had one milquetoast opinion about Sitri and Lambert and they "deserve" a brutal cancellation. By his logic Cap should have been cancelled about a thousand times over by now; I'm giving him one cancellation for every use of "girls" to refer to grown women.
He will consistently justify his mistreatment of people with "but someone bullied Cap first" even if the person he's literally harassing has had nothing to do with Cap ever, but if you bring up what he demonstrably did to Moonlitboar it's "how dare you, you shouldn't 'mistreat' me for this thing I demonstrably did and even if I did do it then it wasn't my fault because they deserved it :/"
The truth of the matter is that Raxy doesn't give a shit. His "rules" for engagement are literally just "I should be allowed to react however I want whenever my feelings are hurt, and you should only be allowed to react in a way that doesn't hurt my feelings." Except this man is quite possibly the most fragile human being I have ever encountered and everything hurts his feelings. He genuinely thinks saying "I think Sitri lived a good life" is equivalent in hurtfulness to "I think it's okay to make genocide 'jokes' on your posts". Because the Sitri thing hurt his poor feelings, but well if someone tells me it's funny to remind me that my family died in the holocaust it's not his feelings getting hurt, so who gives a shit, just don't make him look too bad and he doesn't care. I wish I were kidding but that was LITERALLY his primary concern in that situation.
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Not "hey talking about how genocide is cool is fucked up" or "hey maybe stop telling the woman who just told you that her family was impacted by the Holocaust that genocide is really funny and something to joke about"
Nope, it's "shut up you're making us look bad, and look now you woke Nilsh up! Don't you know I worked so hard to harass him into leaving social media!"
Like be for fucking real dude, you aren't slick. I can sum up everything you need to know about this guy's attitude in two images:
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His logic looks like a mess of spaghetti because it is. Because he works backward from a conclusion ("I should be allowed to do whatever I want and no one should be allowed to do anything I don't like") and he inserts justifications as he goes, with no regard for whether or not it actually makes sense. He went from "Moonlit deserved it because they had bad takes" to "Moonlit was actually harassing me" to "I didn't actually do it anyway" to "I know exactly who did it but I won't say but it wasn't that bad" to now, apparently, "there's a conspiracy against me". He just relies on no one looking closely enough at him to notice the clear pattern. If someone does suss it out he tries to harass them into shutting up about him or he tries to delete evidence of his past logic and behavior (all the better if the person he's harassing deletes everything too, because then he can just make shit up).
The thing that really gets me is like, just how clearly unable to function he is without someone he absolutely hates to bounce off of. Does he even make original posts, or does he just constantly whine about other people's opinions? Every post I've ever seen from him about 3H, even the ones that aren't reblogs or don't have screenshots included, are like 99% "someone had an opinion I didn't agree with! Allow me to debunk it!" posts. The other 1% are recycled talking points from other people's metas, which he writes like he's got a 5,000 word paper due tomorrow that he hasn't even started and he's trying to see how much "slightly reword the wikipedia entry" he can get away with.
And not even speaking just about Raxy, but this is what pisses me off so bad about certain people in fandom. They feel empowered to harass and bully the genuinely awesome, creative people who actually make things. Those people leave, and then they have the audacity to sit there and whine about how the fandom is dead, no one is making anything, everyone left for greener pastures. They suck the life out of vibrant communities and leave nothing but a hollowed out husk. It happened with a ton of fan artists and authors in 3H, including some I'm friends with, who just had to get the fuck out because of the damage it was causing their mental health. And before he says it, no. Saying "Cap's (a white man) fic has some kinda racist and uncomfy undertones I wish he'd take some criticism to heart and correct that" is not the same thing as stalking someone and sending death threats because they have a different opinion about your favorite character. Holy fuck.
Like hey wanna know why no one wants to talk about 3H anymore? Because of this shit. Because saying "I think Lambert doing Morally Complex things is Morally Complex and therefore interesting" is the kind of opinion that can get you harassed into leaving the fandom entirely.
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etriva · 2 years
There isn't a funeral.
Chris is glad that the government makes that decision for him. His first impulse--that his dad was a piece of shit and that Chris should dump his cremated remains down a fucking sewer--felt good but probably wasn't right, but he also wasn't sure what the right thing was. Lucky for him, it turns out that there's a protocol for the death of a supervillain, especially one with a group of heavily-armed followers who might turn up to a public funeral or just generally react poorly and violently to the death of their leader. August Smith's death is swept under the rug the same as every other body they left at Coverdale, and the world moves on quietly without him.
Chris knows it's for the best.
Still, he and Eagly and Adrian end up pulled off along the roadside on 394N. The pressure-washing crew and the intervening weeks of weather hadn't quite managed to remove all the hillbilly nazi blood from the roadway, although it's really only obvious if you're looking for it. He'd bought one of those roadside memorials, a wooden stake with a wreath of bright pink flowers on it, and he and Adrian extract it from the trunk and hammer it into the ground on the gravel shoulder.
Chris plants his feet and clears his throat. "I have something to say about my dad."
"I have some things to say about your dad," Adrian says, under his breath but still loud enough that Chris can hear. Eagly squawks quietly too, and it's hard for Chris not to read that as an agreement.
Chris clears his throat again. He makes eye contact with the ghost of his dad, who he sees standing on the other side of the road. "My dad... My dad was an awful person. He was an asshole. He was a racist, sexist d-bag. He killed my brother by making us fight each other for money. He fucked me up. He was a supervillain, and I guess since he tried to kill me specifically that makes him part of my coterie? He hated who I was. He hated who I'd become and who I want to be. And, honestly? Fuck him." He stares hard at the ghost. "Fuck you, Dad. Fuck you and your white power bullshit. The Deep State has your body now, and I hope whatever else of you there was has gone to hell."
He glances over at Adrian and Eagly now. "Anybody else want to say anything?"
Adrian shrugs, obviously both amused and impressed. "I mean, it seems like you've covered it." That doesn't stop him from stepping forward to where Chris is standing, though, and saying a few words of his own. "Adebayo once told me that your garbage dad would only ever hold you back. He was a monster, and I'm glad he's finally dead. You deserve it."
Chris squints at Adrian for a second. He knows he ought to be concerned about some of that, but now is probably not the time. Maybe later. Maybe never--his dad is dead, and that's what matters.
Instead, he turns to his BFF. "Eagly?"
Eagly takes flight, soaring away and landing about a quarter-mile down the road on some roadkill they'd passed while driving up. It's not surprising, but Chris can't help but be a little disappointed by Eagly's lack of support.
Adrian nudges him. "You ready for the last part?"
Chris is ready for the last part. Adrian returns to the trunk and gets out the can of gasoline. He offers it to Chris, who douses the roadside memorial and then tosses a match onto it. It goes up in a very satisfying burst of flame, the pink petals of the bouquet curling and blackening in the heat. He steps back next to Adrian to watch it burn.
"Fuck that guy!" Adrian shouts.
"Fuck that guy," Chris echoes.
They stand quietly for a minute. Adrian looks over at him. "You okay?"
Chris searches for an answer to that, comes up empty. He shrugs helplessly as he tries to blink back the tears blurring his vision. August Smith may have been a monster, but he was still Chris's dad.
"There, there," Adrian says quietly, gently and clumsily patting Chris's arm. "Nice touching. We are having some nice touching."
Chris sobs a laugh. He's not wrong; it is nice. He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand and sways a little closer to Adrian.
They lure Eagly back to the car with a bag of Doritos and leave the memorial burning in the rearview mirror. When Chris looks, his dad is in the rearview too.
He hopes with all his heart that's where his dad stays.
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nullen-void · 7 months
I'm so tired
When I was a kid, things were simple. I went to school, read books and barely paid attention in class because I barely needed to pay attention to get A's. I had friends who were black. The kid who I considered my best friend for years and years was Asian. There was a Mexican kid in my class who was in the same gifted classes as me, and I thought he was one of the coolest guys in school. I acknowledge that I am blessed to have grown up in an environment as tolerant and unbiased as I did.
Which is why it... frustrates me so much that things are happening as they are. I grew up with Veggie Tales telling me that everyone is special and important no matter how they act or what they look like, and then once I was grown the entire world started tearing itself apart based on things that don't matter, like skin color or religion.
And of course I'm wrong. The world was always this way, and I was just too young and white to notice until I was in college and the voices of dissent were too loud to be ignored.
Was my town really as tolerant as I remember? Was there really no racism in my school district? Or was I just the ADHD white kid with his nose in a book all the time and so I didn't see it when it happened?
Until I was 18 I sincerely, genuinely believed that racism was a dying trend. It wasn't gone, I was never that naive, but I thought that everyone knew better now. I thought that things were getting better, and would keep getting better, into perpetuity.
And of course I'm wrong. Racists never went away. They were just hiding. Maybe Trump convinced them it was okay to be assholes again. Maybe the Internet has eroded our ability to keep things to themselves and the past fews years was just the breaking point where the idiot bigots lost the power to keep their idiot bigotry to themselves.
Or maybe it was always this way, and I never noticed until it was too loud to ingore. I'm so very tired.
The world isn't what it promised me it would be, growing up.
Sorry. I'm feeling things and needed an outlet. Have a pleasant day.
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pygmy-huff · 2 years
Rant time
1. Okay but I'm so sick of players like Alyssa on big brother. She could've auditioned for love is blind, the bachelor, the bachelorette, below deck, love island, or any other romance show. But no... She decided to go on big brother hook up with a racist asshole and do nothing all season.
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2. Kyle would've been an okay player if he wasn't racist and only thought with his dick. Like he sincerely just screwed over his game and will be going home to his moms basement making apology tiktoks in a matter of episodes. Alyssa won't talk to him after the game, all the fans don't like him, and I don't think many houseguests are overly fond of him except Terrance. He's screwed and honestly it's karma.
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3. And lastly, Terence shouldn't have been brought onto this damn cast because he's useless. Like why is he here? To have an age gap cast member? Is that literally all? he's being fed what to by Kyle and just goes with it... Even though Kyle and alyssa make much more sense to target, and are bigger threats because they are a showmance and only loyal to each other. I wish some players would clue in that showmances are dangerous and terrible for the game because they only care about each other. Get them tf out Terrence! Stop being a mysognistic prick and instead play the damn game!!!
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Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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People probably don't want to hear this, and I'm not making any kind of point with this, just telling a story that affected me.
I was in the volunteer first responder business (still am) and 6 months ago, tragedy struck. I mean just absolute devastation for everyone. We were in fucking tears and disbelief.
Because the company is entirely composed of volunteers, you have 16 year olds to 80 year olds with every kind of social and political background. There's this one man I don't like. Anti-Semitic, Transphobic, Racist, Xenophobic, Didn't like the fact that women joined the company even after forty years, (surprisingly he wasn't homophobic though??? Unless you count the Transphobia in with that). Just all around asshole. And he DID NOT like me either. I wanted and still want him out of the company and he knew that - I was far from the only one.
But when this tragedy happened ... All those phobic, hateful things ... They went down the drain. He hugged and cried with the Indian man he'd been so rude to before. Hugging the trans-man he thought was "delusional". Talking to and helping a gay woman process what was going on. Stood arm in arm with the Jewish man he openly called a you know what. He comforted me and let me cry on his shoulder - he was the only one there to verbally tell me, "It's okay to need a hug, it's okay to cry. I'm here for you." It didn't matter who you were, he was there, mourning with us.
And I just ... think about it. This man is full of so many biases, so much hate, you wouldn't think he had any empathy left in him. And that all went out the window. Because we all were feeling the same thing at that moment, and we were all connected in that - and he had been through an event similar to this before. He understood the pain, the shock. For the next several weeks that man was a rock for many people, someone to confide in about life, death, tragedy, etc.
His biases didn't change. But he's never regretted it all. I still dislike him and want him to retire. But in that day ... I think ... Maybe I saw what humanity really is?
They say tragedy brings everyone together - many times that's true, but sometimes it's not.
I saw that someone so filled with hate was also filled with compassion, and I just don't understand... how someone can have both those traits coexisting.
It makes me confused, sad, but also hopeful? I'm not sure exactly what for, but I saw humans being humans that day and the month after - at least what humans should be.
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redjaybathood · 2 years
So you know how jason and bruce actually had a really good father relationship til jason died? Jason ressurection doesn't happen until after all the important stuff so by the time a 15 year old jason comes back duke was the latest adoptee. So this jason stumbles his way to the manor after waking and has to meet with how much bruce has changed
"Who are you?" The teenager on the front porch asks.
He's white, maybe Duke's age or younger, looks like he has money (good suit, and now Duke has to live with a reality where he knows things like what makes a suit good: this one - a quality fabric; classic cut, so it could have been made ten years ago and still doesn't look out of place; even seems, and tasteful furniture - though the belt is missing), but had a rough time very recently. He's dirty all over, especially his hands, and he smells like sweat and decay.
Maybe one of Damian's classmates? In trouble, seeking help? He told Duke they're pretty much all assholes, most of them racist assholes. Tracks with this demanding tone: "Who are you?", like there's no believable explanation for Duke's presence here.
"Here's there I live," he says, gesturing at his jogging clothes and athletic water battle. He was just coming in from a run when he noticed a stranger sitting, propping his back to the door. "Who are you?"
"No, you're fucking not."
The teen raises to his feet. He's a midget, barely higher than Damian, so he only comes up to Duke's chest. But he in the way and doesn't seem to get the hint when Duke's dangling the keys.
"I live here!" He says. And then, looking at the keys, his brows furrows and he repeats, quieter. "I live here."
"Pretty sure it's just me, my dad, his dad and my siblings," Duke says.
He isn't trying to be ab asshole, but the guy now looks sucker-punched. "Siblings," he sees him mouth.
"Uh," Duke says. "Are you okay? Do you need me to call anyone? Ambulance?"
"No," the kid runs a hand over his face, smudging some of the dirt even worse, but wiping that lost expression. "Sorry, man, my mistake."
He moves around Duke and jogs down the stairs faster when Duke can raise a hand to stop him. It doesn't feel right, letting the kid go like this. He seems to have some cognitive issues, maybe memory problems. But he doesn't seem quite like an asshole Duke thought he was.
"Hey, do you want to come in? Wash your face, get some water and food in you?"
The kid doesn't stop for a few steps. But then, as though he needed some extra time to process, he does stop.
"I can lend you some fresh clothes," Duke offers. "And if you need medical help..."
"I don't," the kid turns to him. Tries for a smile. "But thanks, a change of clothes and a glass of water sounds like heaven."
Something in his own words seems to amuse him, because his smile turns more genuine.
Duke doesn't quite get the joke, but it doesn't matter. Kid's in his own world, and it's a dangerous place to be, in Gotham. He's mentally making a list of ways he can track down who he is or what happened to him.
Duke invites him in. The kid stops in the middle of the foyer, turning his head this and that way.
"Could be overwhelming," Duke offers. Probs. Maybe the guy doesn't come from money after all, with how almost greedy he is to take it all in. "The first week I lived here, it was like..."
"Godsamn museum. And you're afraid to even sit on a chair..."
"Well, not quite to this level," Duke smirks. "Come on, let's get you into a shower first, and then I will find you some clothes."
The kid heads for where the stairs are, even before Duke points it out. He files it away. But then he stops mid-step.
"You sure your folks wouldn't mind?"
"I'm alone here for the afternoon," Duke shrugs.
The kid winces.
"You can't just tell me those things! You don't even know my name, you know, I could be an ax murderer."
"Having an ax is kinda a prerequisite for that one," Duke points out. "And I wasn't sure how comfortable you were with sharing names."
Besides, if this kid has something wrong with him, and he attacks Duke, he's pretty sure it would be easy to handle.
"Jay," the kid says after a pause.
"Duke. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
This time Jay waits for him to lead the way. Duke leaves him in a guest room on a second floor, finds some old Tim's clothes, places them on the bed, and goes to make something to eat.
It's not only for Jay's benefit. Duke is pretty hungry too, after the run. He microwaves a bowl of soup for the guest (not knowing when he last ate, it's a good idea to start with liquids) and makes some sandwiches for himself.
The food heats up and then gets cold. It's figured that Jay would be either someone who took 3 minutes in the shower (because naked+in a house of a stranger doesn't feel very relaxing), or 30 (because he really, really misses the hot water). In this case, it's the latter.
Of course, it might be that he's already out and snooping around for some nefarious purpose, but Duke just doesn't see it. Still, he does due diligence. He brings up the security footage from the front door's camera on his tablet, makes a screenshot, and sends it to a group chat.
"just showed up while I was out running; no idea how he got past the gates; anyone you know?"
He figures, maybe it's someone like Timmy, who lives nearby, has it rough at home, had to come over once or twice in the past. Waynes are the people who would allow a kid in trouble a safe place to stay, even if they're not home.
It takes maybe a second for the message to be read. But after that, nothing. Okay, Duke thinks, it was kinda a long shot. Maybe he has to check local missing teenagers, just in case.
Before he has a chance to do that, Jay comes down. He finds kitthe chen without issue, takes a seat at the breakfast counter, and sprawls there, face down with forehead on his locked hands.
"Soup?" Duke gives him the bowl.
The guy blinks at him, before straightening up.
"Yeah, thanks. Sorry, I'm just. A bit out of it, I guess. Soup sounds great right now. And, hey, thank you for - doing it all for me. I mean, who would just invite a random guy to their house in this neighborhood?"
Duke shrugs.
"Didn't grow up here."
"Moved recently? Where from?"
"Tracey Towers, initially.
"Ouch," Jay winces. "Narrows. Every Arkham breakout, you're the ones who hit first."
"There's a bit less of them nowadays. But yeah, that wasn't fun. Then I got moved, a bit here, there."
"I know how it is. Well - not personally, didn't want to take a chance on Child Services, but. You hear stories."
Duke chuckles, mentally noting that no, Jay's probably not local here in Bristol.
"Well, it wasn't all that bad. Then I landed here. You?"
Jay gulps down some soup, maybe that hungry maybe doesn't want to be too hasty with answer. Then he puts the spoon down.
"Oh, I'm Park Row," he says. "Originally."
"And now?"
"Uh," Jay says. "I guess I temporarily don't have a place of permanent residence. Kind of trashed my last place. To be fair, it was really tiny and smelled like mold."
"Fair enough," Duke nods. "Look. Forgive me for asking, and you're free to tell me to piss off, but you don't really look like you're old enough to stay on your own. And I know Gotham's Child Services have a reputation a mile wide..."
Jay rolls his eyes.
"One time I decided to trust the system because someone convinced me to, I ended up in a boarding school where they brainwashed kids to commit robberies."
"Wow," Duke says. "Must have been quite a story."
"Yeah," Jay says but doesn't elaborate. He points behind his back, vaguely in direction of the common room, struggling to change the topic. "That your family's portrait there?"
"Yeah," Duke smiles. "It's nuts, I went from an only kid to like seventh. Was a bit of an adjustment, but they're good people. Not nice," he rolls his eyes, "Especially if it's the morning, and you have to be in school in an hour, and they're going to take class photos today, for the album, and your little brother put purple dye in your shampoo. And tried to blame it on your sister's girlfriend. How about your folks?"
Jay rubs a place just above his brow.
"Uh," he says.
Duke places his hands up.
"You don't have to talk about them if you don't want to."
"No, it's, I mean, I would have asked you questions too. I am asking your questions. So. My folks, yeah? They - I was an only child, too. I guess I had an older brother but, he left home after he turned eighteen. We weren't really close or anything. The only thing we had in common is one parent. And he didn't exactly make it easy to exist near each other, if you know what I mean."
Duke can imagine, yes.
“And then I left too, I guess,” Jay says, looking down and the counter.
“No looking back?”
Jay shrugs.
“I guess you just can't ever go home,” he says.
He drinks a glass of water.
“Spot me a twenty?” he asks. “I mean, you already helped a lot, and I will be out of your hair anyway, but. Bus fare.”
“No problem, man,” Duke says.
And it isn’t. Until the doors are closed behind Jay, and Duke goes back to the kitchen, where the last of the sandwiches was lying, and his phone.
He had it on mute while he was talking to Jay. Didn’t want anything to unsettle the rapport they had going. There was something jumpy about him; like he thought the Manor had ghosts.
Duke unlocks his phone casually.
96 missed messages, 23 calls.
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importantkidspyfarm · 2 years
Porky's: A Rewatch
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I have this DVD because when I was in middle school I was obsessed with sex and needed to see it or anything remotely sexual. This was always on and I could never watch in full, so I somehow got the double sided DVD. Watched both I & II once. I don't remember much of the plot except a group of guys want to get laid and go to porkys where they are bullied because they are out-of-towners, a girl who's date showed up with a condom already on, and the tallywacker scene. So imagine my surprise watching it umpteen years later expecting a lighthearted poorly aged sex romp only to be met with racism, a lot of it, and a visceral lack of "sex", and a jarring lack of jokes. Like wow. It's really boring. What the hell was happening in the 80's that this movie is what kind of set the standard for raunchy comedies of the 00's? Granted, I am watching this on Tubi and think some sexual content is missing, that said I'm still bored and not laughing. I will be watching two, which involves them taking on the ku klux klan for some reason. I do think I remember a bunch of hooded men in the water. Maybe I'll watch three depends on how I'm feeling after two. Will not watch "4". It was made in '09 and probably has the same energy as National Lampoon movies made well after Jim and Michelle got married at band camp and the Griswold's didn't make it to wherever the fuck they were going.
Apparently, Howard Stern was going to remake these in the aughts, he had the original director or writers blessing. Thankfully, no studio would fund them. I would have no problem with this as long as Stern wasn't behind them and the girls got in on the hijinks, instead of just being objects. They would of course have to be reworked because most 80's raunchy comedies are just sex crimes masquerading as hijinks. In the right hands it could be done.
Rambling Thoughts.
Mostly just me wondering about Anthony Tuperello, affectionately known as Meat.
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I used to think penis measuring would be a bigger part of my life growing up. Like quicksand and dance battles.
Shrinking? How small is PeeWee?
Not the n-word hard R multiple times and then him being corrected and still using it. This white boy can suck my asshole.
Baby doll. You can't infer why a man that big and hot would be called MEAT. To be that young and naive. Was Anthony just gonna take this girl out back and whip out his huge schlong? (Story 💡 )
Princeton!? Meat is the smart one?!?! Innovative for a movie like this.
This is the definition of white people saying, "I can be friends with people who have different political beliefs."
Balbricker should've beat that boys ass. He looks about thirty it's not illegal.
Meat isn't the hot one? Tommy is? Anthony is the one man who makes a unibrow work.
Why are they friends with PeeWee? He's so obnoxious and desperate. Definition of LDE.
I swear I remember Wendy crying about or at least being sad about a guy showing up to a date wearing a condom. I always thought that was really smart for a movie like this to include that. Maybe it was in the second one?
This friend group is 10 people deep. God lord that's too many characters for a movie like this especially because most of them never matter past the prank. They were all happily prepared to run a train. Man the bond of brothers is something I'll never understand.
It's misogynistic, but not as much as I thought it would be. The two main girls they interact with, Wendy and Candy(one scene), have more agency than you'd expect (not much). They both take part in the razzing and jokes. Candy goes down the line and makes fun of each of their penis'. Including Meat. Kim Cattrall's character is known for having sexual relations with the fellow teachers but the coach she's dating doesn't judge her for it. Wendy sleeps around as much as some of the guys and it's not shamed by the guys in her friend group. The bar is in hell but, but it's a movie made in 80's.
Frankie's cute with a hook in it. Okay. Replace both racist ones with him.
Meat is a virgin? Maybe not, but definitely not super experienced.
This prank could be funny but it's taking too long to get to the joke.
Nothing seems worse to me than a backwoods swamp white strip club in the 50's. Sad titties, tetanus, and racism. Yikes.
They drive 70 miles out of town to get laid? Isn't PeeWee the only one of them that's a virgin? If he were a girl this would be a make over movie. He's so unlikable. They should be doing whatever it takes to change his personality.
Porky may be a racist POS but at least he's not letting underage teenagers drink or have sexual relations with his employees. He's in the right.
Kite. It amazes me how even stupid people waste what little brain cells they have on things that don't do them any good.
Not them defending being friends with a racist, to the victim of his bigotry. Not them trying to make Brian feel bad because his racist bully has a shitty father.
Meat doesn't drink? They really said we're gonna change the narrative on the big, well endowed friend. Doesn't drink, not very sexually versed, very smart, not an ass. Hung.
Scholarships to 60 other colleges! Who the fuck is Meat when he's not around his loser friends?
This whole chili thing is gross.
They really gave Balbricker a fat girls name. No offense to Beulah's but. . .
Miss Honeywell saying that she doesn't put out and immediately doing so at the smell of used jockstraps and gym socks is very 'tree falls in a forest' of her. I appreciate it. Soon as it's over and the smell is out of the air, it never happened she's a good Christian girl. She gets her nut and if she can't remember it did she sin. No.
In the one sex scene in the movie the dirty jockie's and socks is doing a lot of the heavy lifting.
The Lassie thing could work but it takes too long to get to the joke and then it goes on forever. And she only sounds like a dog for two seconds the rest is a series of weird screams.
A watermelon and two jelly donuts? The funniest thing said in this whole movie is the response to that. "I'm not taking a shower with him."
Okay but, Tommy's hot. . . I think.
The poor actress who plays the showering fat girl. They owe her extra.
And she's very pretty.
Again! Balbricker wanting to do a penis lineup is funny but the joke is taking too long. This is the one time the overtly long joke works. Watching the two senior players try not to break is worth it. Still too long.
Mickey took his ass out to Porky's two more times just to get his ass beat again and again. What a loser.
Not this movie trying to redeem the racist boy.
Mickey got what he deserved. He deserved more.
This ending is meh. Why did the whole school need to come out in defense of a group of underage teenage boys illegally entering a night/strip club and brothel? Porky is in the right.
Wendy should've ripped PeeWee's dick off and fed it to the gators. That desperate little cretin.
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Yeah, the Tubi version is missing some stuff. I remember more titties and definitely seeing Tommy's dick coming out of the hole. Or maybe I'm confusing it with the parody from The Man Show, in which the dick is pulled and then tied to the hitch of a truck.
I hate that Wendy and Tommy aren't a couple they have so much chemistry.
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antiterf · 3 years
Sorry this is long I just felt like it was safe to share this with you cus your blog is oddly comforting???
I'd like to mention something kinda unrelated to anything recently but I feel like should be said in a place where there's just more reach. A "terf associating but not a terf" girl in my class like a year or two ago (maybe 3??? Idk ik it was somewhere around sophomore year) tried to get me murdered because I wasn't attracted to her. Now let me elaborate: I live in a very abusive household and my mother is transphobic/homophobic (and I have a year left before I can move out unfortunately), I already get beaten on multiple occasions to the point of bruises and I even get strangled. This girl knew that, and she knew if I was outed as anything but cishet I could literally be killed because my mother is HIGHLY unstable and I live in a racist county where poc child abuse cases just don't get handled. So this girl eventually found out I was questioning my gender, tried to force me to ID as a lesbian (or atleast bisexual with a heavy girl lean) or she was gonna out me, and ended up outing me because I refused to do so and refused to date her because I'm definitely not cis and wouldn't wanna date someone that disrespects my existence. She had a very terf content heavy twitter acc at the time. I'm pretty sure she had a terf blog too. So I have no idea where terfs are getting the idea that minors indoctrinated by them can do no harm because one of their lil groupies almost caused my death if I didn't know how to lie to my mom on the spot.
Oh and funny little tidbit, I had a crush on a male classmate at the time who made a lot of sexual jokes due to his own trauma and she tried to claim he was gonna assault me someday bc of said jokes and trauma and suggested I stop hanging out with him. Basically trying to manipulate me into isolating myself from people that respect me and my identity by triggering my previous sexual assault trauma. know this sounds fucking insane and I'm probably gonna get "This didn't really happen minor terfs don't exist" from terfs but people like this ACTUALLY exist.
It's perfectly fine! I'm glad this blog is comforting for you in a way.
I don't know how long ago this was but I've seen another terf out a trans man to his parents because she knew that they wouldn't be supportive. I managed to get in contact with him to see if he was okay. He eventually was, but you sharing this reminds me of that.
The only difference is the terf from the other story didn't try to make him come out as another sexuality first and was convinced that nothing physical would happen.
That's one of the shittiest things I've heard of terfs do to specific people by now though. From how you put it that shit head basically went "date me or die" and that's unforgivable no matter the age of a person. She could have honestly outed you if you did ID as a lesbian and dated her anyway. Mostly because that's full on manipulation into a relationship and it'd be surprising if she didn't keep that up to control you.
With that said, it takes serious guts and strength to be able to refuse that though. You were able to get out of the possibility of dying in the end, but you ultimately stood your ground even if you knew the possible consequences. I can't tell you what I would do, but I can say that's not something that just anyone can do.
I'm relieved you were able to survive that and will count down the days to when you're able to get the fuck out of that situation. I also hope you were able to repel that asshole somehow. I would make more comments about your crush at the time but the obvious abuse and manipulation behind everything else makes that seem like a gentle breeze against a tornado.
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the-night-writer1 · 2 years
Life advice
Part 2)
This is a sickhowl fic, lmk ocs ship.)
Update 2:
I hate my life, I haven't answered his calls but that stomach bug may be something more serious. I'm keeping it to myself for now so no one goes on another wolf hunt if I'm just overthinking things. I'll also be following some advice you guys left me about talking to bro.
As much as I don't want to drag him into depths of my emotions. You all made a good point that Ex could get to him. I'll talking to him later after my doctor's appointment. Clear things up and make sure he doesn't let Ex walk back in to my life without my consent.
What am I going to do if it's more than a simple stomach bug? PD and Baba lose their minds and bro's mentor is already wanting to kill Ex. I'll refer to him has SW. He's somewhat creeper in all honesty. You'd expect he be more interested in my brother but he creeps on me just as much.
He snuck into my room as I was sleeping and was just sitting there when I woke up. How he got through my locked door is a feat and half. This ass climbed through my damn window!
I understand being concerned but really? My bro didn't climb through my fucking window! He left food at my door. Total break of privacy but then again when has SW been normal?
Stories for another time. I don't want them to kill Ex. I may be dying inside and still sobbing my eyes out in my sleep. (Thanks for pointing that out SW) But I am no monster. Just a burden, not a monster.
No matter how much someone may hurt me, I deserve it partly for how much I cause issues for my loved ones. They do so much for me and I'll never be able to pay them back.
Anyways my appointment is on Monday.
Update 3:
I got into a fight with bro as I am concerned about his relationship. Which I feel justified in being concerned since my own romantic relationship turned out to be fake. My brother is literally dating a guy who was trying to kill him before! A bull demon for crys sake!
I wasn't being racist I assure you, I just thought it be better to warn him that his BF could be doing the same thing Ex did to me! Using him to get to SW. He started to accuse me of being jealous that his relationship was real while mine wasn't.
So I may have slapped him. Okay I definitely slapped him. He slapped me in return and we started hitting each other before M(his bff and just my friend) and his oh so lovely boyfriend broke us apart. No one is on my side about being concerned history could repeat itself.
What was I expecting honestly? Since when am I ever considered if I'm not sick... I just stormed off after we were broken apart and I was being yelled at by bro that I am just an asshole. So yeah no feelings being shared now.
M tried to bring a little peace to the situation saying that I was still recovering from my break up but I didn't stay around for her full thing. I'm curled up on my bed only thinking of Ex again. Thinking of all the warning signs I missed.
Bro could miss them too! Gods he could miss more than I did. Still waiting on the test results from my doctor.
I miss having someone to myself... Someone on my side. However Ex was never on my side was he? I still miss him so much.
I know it's stupid but I loved him. I thought he was a sweet caring guy with a tough exterior. So am I so awful for missing him? Yeah I am. I always will be.
Always been a love sick
Update 4
Still not talking to bro, he tried to talk to me this morning. Possibly to apologize but I said my head hurts. I know I'm awful for ignoring his attempt to apologize but I just don't want to deal with it. I just don't okay? I probably am jealous you know?
PD came into my room after the fight last night after the fight. I forgot to lock my door.
He didn't say much just hugged me. Gods im a asshole.
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smarmykemetic · 4 years
it's rich that people suddenly are like "don't judge anyone else's practice ever!!! kemetics are so annoying no one cares what you think" (when reblogging a post about this FROM ME, acting like im an asshole for sharing my take on it???) wrt kemetics explaining why we oppose worshipping a/pep, even though non-kemetics talking shit about how kemetics practice our religion on Tumblr has been commonplace the whole 5/6 years I've been on here lol. and the guy being like "it doesn't MATTER what your religion says about it, it's only about how you treat people" being rude as fuck and twisting my words to act like he's being attacked because I tried to explain why we were upset like JESUS the double standards at play here
broadly speaking, i agree that people shouldn't be shitty to each other based on religious differences, even one as important to you as this is to us. fucks sake, I said as much the last time this convo came up (specifically that I wasn't going to tell other kemetics to block people talking about worshipping a/pep). we shouldn't be insulting people over religious differences or anything like that.
still tho its just fucking galling that other types of pagans on Tumblr shit on kemetics with impunity and in the same breath call us pieces of shit for saying, no matter how respectfully, that our religion has rules too, that we take the taboos of kemeticism seriously, and ppl worshipping a/pep bothers us.
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this is the kinda shit i mean. literally typing “you have no place to judge another person’s spiritual practice” and then going “kemetics are annoying, don’t talk about this it doesn’t affect you”. “oh but im mad at you for annoying me not for what you believe” there’s no functional difference in you saying “kemetics are annoying” and us saying “ppl who want to worship a/pep are annoying”. 
they also are being all “oh kemetics act like they’re an oppressed group when they’re literally just racist white people” (on a different post) ffs expressing annoyance that a large chunk of pagans treat us badly and have double standards against us isn’t the same thing as claiming we’re “oppressed”; there are kemetics who aren’t white people who you're erasing for the sake of winning a dumb argument; also this has nothing to fucking do with the conversation, it’s just a years-old ‘gotcha’ ppl who don’t like kemetics bring up when they want to talk shit.
either it’s okay to dislike/avoid/talk shit about someone based on their religious practice or it isn’t, you don’t get to go out of your way to get a kemetic’s post and start talking shit and then act like we’re out of line for replying.
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ineffectualdemon · 4 years
The disintegration of the Romance Writers of America organisation (you can read about it here) has made me think about prejudice in writing as a white person.
I am not a published author but I have written a book. A romance book in fact. And it's one that will never see the light of day because it is a fucking racist mess.
Not intentionally of course! In fact I wrote it with the best of intentions and tried to make it not racist.
But I'm white and grew up in America and fucked up. The plot ended up falling into the white saviour trope and my descriptions of the non white characters...well in hindsight weren't great. I didn't call anyone exotic but it wasn't good.
But no one read it and told me that. When I originally wrote the book I was immensely proud. At the time it was the longest work I had ever written and I loved the main characters.
But before I even shopped around for editors I noticed people I follow who aren't white talking, justifiably angrily, about things they hate that white authors do to their non white characters. Particularly their black characters and I started to realise I had Fucked Up.
And it was gutting! I felt defensive! The bad guys were a cult of creepy white guys so it was okay wasn't it? (Spoiler: it wasn't) and other justifications. But that left a bad taste in my mouth.
I tried to rewrite it to make it less racist. But it was impossible because the world I had created was fundamentally flawed in a way I couldn't fix.
And yeah when I realised I had to junk the story it bummed me out. But it was my fault.
The main characters were ok though. I could just change the language I used to describe one of the main characters first and if I made the second one fully human the white saviour issue is gone completely.
But the world I had made for them was broken. So I've taken the characters and dropped them in a new world with new backstory. One that doesn't allow for those awful tropes.
If I finish this book I'll probably hire someone to edit it focusing on making sure it's not a fucking racist mess by accident again because I'm sure there are ways for me to fuck this new story up.
My point is none of my justifications or defensive feelings ever made it onto my social media at the time. I didn't tell the PoC I saw complaining (again rightly so) about racist tropes that they were wrong or were making me feel bad.
I shut up and listened even when it made me feel bad and I read through my story and saw all the ways it could hurt people and I decided that that story was not okay anymore.
As white people we have to be listening to people of colour who are kind enough to educate us. Even if they don't use "polite" language. Even if they yell or get mad because they have reasons for feeling that level of anger and historically if they didn't yell they got ignored .
It's not that I can't write black characters but I can't fill it with racist stereotypes and tropes about black people. It doesn't matter if I didn't mean to. My intentions mean jack shit. What I had to do was listen and do better next time and junk my original story.
Idk where I'm going with this except to say that if you get told your story is racist it is and needs to be examined again and probably stripped for useable parts and the rest thrown away.
And yeah if you're white in the US or the UK you're racist.
Look I don't call people the n word or think white people are better or anything but I am racist because I grew up in a racist society that benefits me. Something that was made very clear to me when I immigrated to the UK.
There have been a couple of times when I realised I was apologising for racism because it didn't effect me and I didn't want to have to stop watching the thing I liked. It's not a nice feeling to realise you're being a racist asshole but you can't change if you don't.
I try very hard not to be racist but I fuck up. I have in the past and I will most likely continue to do so in different ways in the future. But hopefully I will continue to learn and be better than I was in the past.
Idk have anything profound to say. This has just been on my mind
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