#and not a lot of appetite
raventhekittycat · 2 years
Turns out that upon having my first completely free day (no classes, no social obligations, no immediate deadlines) I turn into a sack of potatoes.
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apnourry · 21 days
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hydrangea blue never broke my heart🫶
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heyhanibee · 4 months
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im late to the trend but whatever
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gaydexvocaloid · 1 year
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I hope that I've become a favorable delicacy 🍰
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nshtn · 20 days
i see a lot of wesker content is about domestic fluff like making meals for one another!
but post-arklay... just imagine... he has the prototype t-virus now. wesker's caloric needs are vastly different. the man could run a mukbang channel without any unhealthy eating tactics with the amount he must now consume to maintain his weight and appearance and prevent the virus from turning him grey and sullen.
something that has changed about him, most intriguingly, is his taste. his desire for exceedingly fresh cuts of meat prepared blue, an uptick in umami and savory taste receptor activity. he's even had to wipe his face before a meal once, salivating gratuitously to the point of drooling and falling deathly silent in equal parts exasperation and embarrassment, so different from the composed, gentle menthol of a quiet man you'd come to know.
you buy a lot of fruits now, purposefully picking out the granny smiths, plantains and pineberries, anything a little less on the sweet side for his shifting palate. you even begin to grow cucumbers to pickle for him. your kitchen, once full of small, lively rack-pot plants like oregano and sweet basil now sports fast-growing savories like chives, fennel and dill.
cooking with a crock pot becomes ideal. a batch to you is a meal to him, so you can set it up in the morning for the evening.
you make a tray of cookies and he eats them all! he'll be hungry again in thirty minutes. he would prefer a bit more salt next time. maybe you could experiment with higher protein concentration? he does not elaborate, but he is polite.
wesker, of course, affords you the same small details when he cooks for you. he doesn't push to encroach on your own dietary choices, even if they're far different from his newfound primary carnivory. he consciously portions things (though sometimes he heaves a bit too much for you), leaves the salt until the end so that he can salt just his own half, and ensures every raw item reaches a satisfactory internal temperature for the time you need.
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vamp-bites · 21 days
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Rip Suguru Geto, you would’ve loved Abbey by Mitski
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clj-art-blog · 3 months
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DFQC & tiny XLH | His flower cake
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sanjiaftersex · 3 months
I don't understand the rivalry between one piece and naruto fans. Watching one piece is about enjoying the adventure, friendship and comedy. Watching naruto is about emotional attachment to the characters and getting ur mental health completely DESTROYED
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gay-otlc · 5 months
"Trans people can be heterosexual, but they can't be straight" is a stupid fucking take because not only does it misgender transhets, it's also just not the way language works.
The argument tends to be that "straight" refers to having a "normative" or "socially acceptable" sexuality, which heterosexuality tends to be seen as, but isn't in the case of transhet people.
It's true that "straight" has historically been used that way. For example, Transgender Warriors (1996) includes the line "The trans population is a reminder that not everyone who is heterosexual is straight!" (page 92). At this point, straight had a meaning that was distinct from heterosexual, with straight meaning "not queer" and heterosexual meaning "attracted to the opposite gender."
However, straight (in reference to sexuality) and heterosexual have both had a lot of different meanings over time, and it's pretty stupid to pick one at random and go yes, this is the true correct meaning.
The terms "heterosexual" and "homosexual" appear in a letter by Karl Maria Kertbeny in 1869. Homosexual refers to erotic acts between two men or two women, and heterosexual refers to erotic acts between women and men. But Kertbeny still considered heterosexuals to be degenerates, as they engaged in nonprocreative sexual acts. (The Invention of Heterosexuality, pg. 33)
In 1892, Dr. James G. Kiernan used the word "heterosexual" in a Chicago medical journal. In this case, heterosexual referred to people who felt "inclination to both sexes." The hetero- prefix didn't refer to being attracted to a different gender than one's own, but to being attracted to two different genders. (The Invention of Heterosexuality, pg. 21)
Then, in 1893, Richard von Krafft-Ebing published Psychopathia Sexualis, where he used the term "hetero-sexual" to refer to sexual desire or "sexual love" between men and women, and is used to mean a "normal" sexuality. (The Invention of Heterosexuality, pg. 22)
In 1901, a medical dictionary defined "heterosexuality" as "Abnormal or perverted appetite toward the opposite sex." (The American illustrated medical dictionary, pg. 300)
In 1923, Merriam Webster defined "heterosexuality" as "morbid sexual passion for one of the opposite sex." Then, in 1934, the definition was changed to "manifestation of sexual passion for one of the opposite sex." (Merriam Webster's New International Dictionary, pg. xcii; Webster's New International Dictionary Second Edition, pg. xcvi
For much of the early history of the term "heterosexual," it was used interchangeably with the term "normal-sexual." (Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexuality, pg. 14)
The use of "straight" in reference to sexual orientation was defined in the 1941 book Sex Variants "To go ‘straight’ is to cease homosexual practices and to indulge--usually to re-indulge--in heterosexuality." It didn't refer to people whose innate sexual orientation was to be attracted to a different gender than their own, it referred to "ex-gays," or gay people who had recloseted themselves. (Origin of Everything, around 2:56)
From there, "straight" evolved to mean non-queer (as we saw in the Transgender Warriors quote), and now it's pretty much synonymous with heterosexual, being attracted to a different gender/the other binary gender from your own.*
*this isn't a perfect definition ofc because no sexuality can be defined perfectly, but it's better than "opposite gender"
So, over time, straight has meant "ex-gay," recloseted gay, non-queer, and heterosexual (as we know it today), and heterosexual has meant degenerate attraction between women and men, bisexuality as we know it today, abnormal/perverted attraction to the opposite sex, normal sexuality, and finally, attraction to a different gender/other binary gender.
And with all those meanings, it's kind of ridiculous to insist transhets are heterosexual but not straight based on just one of the many ways each word has been used. I could just as easily say that transhets who identified as gay before transitioning are straight because straight has been used to mean "ex-gay," and cishets who have never identified as gay aren't straight. Or that cis people attracted exclusively to the opposite binary gender aren't heterosexual, because heterosexual has been used to mean attraction to two different genders.
All that aside, both "heterosexual" and "straight" came into use with cis as the assumed default, without making the distinction between gender identity and sexual orientation that we have today. Transhets have no obligation to adhere to the definitions of either of those terms that operate under the assumption that everyone is cis.
And again- saying that transhets aren't straight is misgendering us. That should be the only thing that matters, but since clearly it doesn't, maybe it'll matter that enforcing "normative (cis) sexuality" as a universal definition for straight is bullshit.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 13 days
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Fendra wedding, anyone?
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motleyfam · 2 years
Imagine Bruce starting therapy and learning about all these cool new tricks and gadgets that can help with emotional regulation and getting super invested (because I mean, c’mon, the dude’s like the king of gadget hoarding, he’s got a utility belt for goodness sake)
Then imagine the learning curve of him realizing that just because something works great for one of his kids, doesn’t mean it works for all of them, as illustrated by this memorable incident:
Jason gets really upset and starts having a minor panic attack about something
Bruce, proud owner of 14 new weighted blankets (in various styles, weights, and sizes), tries to wrap his adult son up in one to ground him
After all, Bruce himself finds them super comforting because it’s basically a socially acceptable alternative to wearing a massive Kevlar cape 24/7 like he’d do if he could
(Tim loves them too, so like, kid tested, parent approved™️)
Ends up totally backfiring when the added weight & restricted movement sends Jason into a full-blown flashback of digging out of his own grave, taking this panic attack from like a 4 to a 10
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werewolfbarista · 1 month
no........could it be ....? new stretch marks above my hips..............?! quick, someone praise me‼️‼️
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millerflintstone · 9 months
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This one finally ate a bit. Earlier all she really wanted was turkey and veggie baby food but it was only tasty if she licked it off my finger. We syringe-fed her a small meal in the evening. She has been drinking water flavored with tuna juice all day and some L'il Soups.
She just ate some Fancy Feast beef pate. Not as much as I'd like her to have eaten but not just a couple of licks before refusing.
It's tough getting old and having bad kidneys, high blood pressure, some currently stable heart issues and almost total vision loss.
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dandyleyen · 3 months
yet again thinking abt how dunmeshi is helping me fix my relationship with food,,,,,,,, thank u lord for giving me a reason to enjoy food and enjoy eating and enjoy cooking so I can Normally take care of myself like a normal adult my age can
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simelune · 10 months
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after vivienne was born, atlas let josie catch up on her rest and takes care of vivienne most days... it's really sweet.
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jemandthesingalongs · 4 months
frankly i think the warden and alistair should maybe be allowed to go a little coo coo bananas in the deep roads during paragon of her kind maybe fighting so efficiently for the first time alongside each other due to the hivemind and maybe truly hearing and feeling the call of the archdemon that is so very, very close and just maybe accidentally stabbing one other because in the midst of a frenzied battle could not tell friend from foe they felt exactly the same you know all as a little treat <3
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