#and not under threat of killing everyone and everything he loves. he might consider it
235uranium · 11 months
bill is one of those characters where I've always kinda just intuitively Understood but bc [gestures at him] there's that degree of embarrassment that makes me distance myself from the character by simply not acknowledging emotions about him and I think that's very ford pines core of me
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llamagoddessofficial · 3 months
who's the most possessive out of the bad guys?
It's a bit complicated. They're all possessive, in their own ✨special✨ ways. Because they're special boys.
Horror is possessive like a wild animal. He hates anything that looks like it could hurt you, that makes you nervous, that approaches too fast. It's all or nothing with him; he can be the most ferociously violent and unpredictable of the four, especially considering he has a penchant for decapitation. But he can equally be the most easygoing when he's decided something isn't a threat. He's possessive with his claws and teeth, possessive over your scent and softest parts... though he likes that his hands can encircle your waist entirely, it also makes him scared to let go. He's the bigger and stronger mate, he needs to protect you from the rest of the world. He needs to keep you safe from the things that could kill you quickly. Like him.
Dust is possessive like someone who has lost everything. He found something good after what he did, despite all odds, and he will not lose you. You're so wonderful - he doesn't say it aloud but he truly believes that once you wake up and realise your boyfriend is just a pathetic mass murderer who can't emote, you'll leave. So he's always possessive, under the surface, always jealous and murderous, especially toward anyone he thinks you're starting to get 'too' close with. It's a fire that never goes out. If you're not in his arms, he's watching, quietly burning.
He hides it extremely well. Just like his other emotions. But it's always there - waiting for him to snap, and use it.
Killer is possessive like a child. A child who can (and will) stab people to death. So long as he believes he's your favourite, things will be fine, but he cannot stand someone taking up your attention for too long. Look at him, look at him, look at him - if he can draw your eyes back to him he'll quickly relax, the fastest way to keep him from hurting anyone is by laughing at something he's said. But if someone keeps insisting on getting in the way and monopolising you, he lashes out wildly. Killer's sense of right and wrong is massively fucked up... it's easy to see how little empathy he has for those he doesn't care about when he puts a knife in someone's gut for snapping their fingers at you while he's talking to you.
Nightmare is possessive like a lover. He's pretty tolerant of most things; very close friends are fine, time apart is fine, he doesn't mind. You can do pretty much as you please, so long as you return to his bed at the end of the night. The one thing he absolutely will not tolerate? Romantic rivals. Contenders for your love will die. If someone likes you, and tries to pursue you even slightly, they meet a gruesome end. If you beg on their behalf he might settle on just banishing them to a distant universe... but you probably won't get to them in time. Nightmare, if it wasn't obvious, has a big problem with being "number 2" in anything. And when it comes to your heart, he won't give up a single inch.
Deep down, he just wants you to hold him close and reassure him that you won't leave like everyone else in his life has. But he's much too proud to admit that. So he settles on murdering anyone who could somehow, someday, get in the way.
Prune the tree when it's a sprout and you'll never have to deal with the roots.
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tobi-smp · 7 months
[looks left, looks right]
I've been holding this one back until people got cool with a lot of things very quickly but I think nows the time
lets have a quick examination of c!allium off the top of my head
1: ranboo joins the server and is immediately heckled by dream
2: that same day he meets tommy and they have the famous exchange where tommy asks ranboo if he likes flowers (to rib him) and ranboo accidentally punches him trying to give it to him. this is cute on its own, but of course we Know that tommy loves flowers, that he covered his house in them, that he sung to the plants in l'manberg
3: and importantly, that he took the flower
4: tommy immediately taking ranboo under his wing and running off to Do A Prank with him. this is really important because this is tommy trying to go back to the way that things were Before. the way that he'd had fun with his family and what he did when he felt safe and secure. this is tommy being silly with a new person he might consider a friend, but it's Also him trying to reconnect with that happy Free feeling he'd had before
5: they'd made a bunker specifically to plan out their prank, and he'd put the allium that ranboo gave him into a chest hidden for safe keeping. And That Allium Survived. he kept it and it survived
6: when they're caught not because what they did was Actually out of line (griefing was an every day occurrence, even and Especially between l'manberg and dream's territory), tommy Deliberately Did Not Throw Ranboo Under The Bus.
he didn't take it seriously, he made fun of everyone because the situation was ridiculous, but he Never implicated ranboo. and in fact, he only started Admitting to the crime When Ranboo Was Being Implicated. he Deliberately Took The Fall For Him.
(and it's worth noting that the evidence that was used to tie to tommy to the crime in the first place were signs that Ranboo wrote).
7: and in return Ranboo Stood Up For Tommy. ranboo is a character defined by his conflict avoidance and lack of spine, But He Stood Up For Him. he admitted to being a part of it, and he pointed Out that tommy was taking the fall to try to protect him, and he did so Specifically to counter tommy being called selfish.
8: then in between the trial and exile day tommy opened up to ranboo, both about being afraid of his relationship with tubbo falling apart AND with his relationship with wilbur. admitting to having nightmares and admitting that this fear of losing tubbo is tied to having lost wilbur. this is something he'd never said out loud to anybody at this point, and it'd be Many Many more months until he'd open up about it to anybody else.
9: while there Were people who visited tommy in exile multiple times, ranboo was undeniably the most consistent (outside of ghostbur, until well. dream tried to kill him)
he visited him in person And he wrote to him regularly. dream saw this as a threat so explicitly that he tried to sabotage their writing, to which ranboo circumvented it.
he'd regularly talk to tommy and try to help him while he was breaking down. he's one of the only people on the entire server to have a full picture of what happened and it ate at him.
10: he was Also the first person after techno to find out that tommy was still Alive.
11: ranboo's "dream is the reason" being intrinsically tied to how he's Seen dream hurt tommy and rip him apart from his friends.
12: His Speech At The Green Festival. "why can't you guys just choose PEOPLE" not directed at tommy but to Defend Him. why didn't they defend him because he was their Friend? why did the politics Matter when they all knew what was happening was wrong? (of course, we know the answer to that. but ranboo wasn't there to see it. he didn't know)
13: ranboo being there at doomsday, despite everything he was there. I Think About It
14: Ranboo Being There At The Disc War Finale, Finally Putting Himself Between Tommy And Dream. Dream Specifically Looking At Him In A Crowd Of People. I Think About It I Think About It.
15: Tommy's Death, My Fucking God Tommy's Death. him finding the allium and realizing that tommy had kept it. him openly furious at the way the server treated him, how nobody saved him and how all of this could've been prevented if people had just Acted, if they'd Cared. everyone including himself.
chewing out sam for leaving him, sam talking to him bluntly about exile, I Think About It I Think About It I Think About It
16: ranboo and tubbo shadowing tommy after his revival. killing mobs for him, putting blocks under him while he's walking, watching to make sure that he's okay. Trying To Help Him Be Okay. doing therapy with him, talking with him. so afraid that he'll just disappear. "does he make you happy?" I think about it
17: tommy having a place in the mansion, even if he'd never moved in, he was supposed to be there
18: a major part of ranboo's struggle with his enderwalking not Just being about the fear of it happening at all, But The Realization That He Might've Hurt Tommy and how it absolutely Ate Him Up Inside
In Conclusion: if beeduo marriage hadn't happened I fully believe people would've started shipping c!ranboo and c!tommy and all of the discourse about rpf would've happened about them instead, and then years later tommy would've dropped his own actual rpf featuring his real self. this alternate timeline is way funnier
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Assorted thoughts about Astarion's epilogue that I have only seen in video because patch 4 broke my save files and I have to replay the whole thing to get there.
From what I've seen everyone's good endings seem a little... overly good and free of consequence? But at the same time I haven't seen everything with my own eyes and everyone deserves to be happy, so whatever. If I want angst, there's fic.
Sooo... is it that unromanced Astarion disappeared after the scene at the docks and nobody could find him, or did you assholes just not try? I will be generous and assume the former.
Stop stabbing the table you little gremlin. ...although I'd probably enjoy doing that, if I could get away with it.
I still hate that outfit with the ruff.
Not surprised Larian is doubling down on the "no cure" angle. I don't really care if Astarion remains a vampire or if he goes the cure route, so long as he's happy - although I do think in his shoes I'd look for some way to day-walk anyway, on practical grounds alone.
Hiding a knife behind his back while asking an unromanced Durge if they're showing any signs of being under Bhaal's control... I adore a pragmatic bastard.
---"I could've told you that [you can kill people in a socially acceptable manner]" ---"You realise I don't actually pay attention when you talk, right?" ^This is why I both love him with all my soul and also want to push him off a roof.^
Delighted and validated by Astarion feeding by taking jobs as a bounty hunter or something like that. That was 100% what Vel was suggesting to him post game. Like "Hey, have you considered bounty hunting? if my memories of killing people for fun and profit, and the last month or two of everyone suddenly celebrating instead of getting mad when I murder has taught me anything; if you eat the people the majority want dead, you can have all the blood and money you can get your teeth into and nobody will have a problem with it."
And then there's Ascended Astarion... who I will put under a read more to save space and for those who'd like to avoid the uglier side of endings.
So I don't think Larian read the supplement Van RIchten's Guide to Vampires (it's from 1992, but as far as I know it's also still the most comprehensive write up of D&D vampire lore, and some of it still looks to apply here (or at least, it can).)
But the first thing I thought of, watching him constantly turn into a bat, is that it reminded me of the vampire psychological development stages. Stage one is where a vampire is drunk on their shiny new powers and just will not stop showing them off. (Stage two is the "find out" stage of the fuck around process, where the vampire discovers they're not as invincible as they believed and descends into full blown, paranoid monstrosity.)
Then "I will be watching." "I/We need to eavesdrop on everybody."... Oh, the paranoia. How's that thing where the curse of vampirism is twisting the trauma and fear going for you, my dude?
"I'll never forget the time we spent together, though. And I know you'll never forget about me. Until next time, darling." ...might be his expression or the datamined epilogues where he still wants his ex, but that feels like a threat to me? Might just be a jab after being dumped...
And, oh yeah, we're definitely looking at vampire bride/groom tier stuff here: Just sit on the decorative pedestal I built for you and look pretty until I'm in the mood to take you down and play with you. Stop complaining about how you're bored and want freedom!
The PC isn't weak by any measure, they could become a rival.. AA isn't my ending of choice, but I am morbidly fascinated with the concept of Tav and Astarion as toxic vampire divorcees: Two angry, powerful "lovers to enemies" vampire lords "sharing" territory; passing the centuries obsessing over each other; fighting each other; sometimes maybe hate-fucking, and generally making their bad relationship everyone's problem.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Everyone, I’m having a Kamisama Kiss Mizuki brainrot so here you go!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, clinginess, touchiness, jealousy, paranoia, abandonment issues, manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, threats, abduction
Yandere Mizuki Hc’s
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🐍Considering that his land god has died on him and that Mizuki has led a very isolated and sheltered life so far, the shikigami is very obsessive. He takes interest quickly and doesn’t see the wrong with stalking you in his snake form and it doesn’t take long after his interest started to develop a crush and from there on an obsession. He spins down the rabbit hole fast but is ecstatic about it. It’s been so long for him after all since he’s had someone. Mizuki makes quick work to remember everything about you such as your favorite meals and your preferences in order to start preparing everything for you. After that Mizuki grows very clingy, bumps into you by accident in his human form and is especially touchy if he has you finally for himself. Stalking is only an option when he can’t be with you since he has terrible separation anxiety and wants to be with you 24/7. He panics quickly when you’re gone for a while and if he doesn’t see you for a hour he’s likely to suffer a mental breakdown where he just bursts out in tears and starts frantically searching for you.
🐍He’s incredibly possessive due to his anxiety to be left alone and also extremely jealous. He literally can’t stand anyone besides himself near you and despises everyone who has a place in your heart and whom you might love more than him. It’s things like that that lead to him sheltering you pretty much too, delusional enough to insist that you two have each other and that this is all you need. He‘ll take good care of you after all! He’s even memorized everything you love and enjoy and has started practicing your favorite hobbies too so that he can do them together with you! Despite his goofy facade he tends to put on, Mizuki is terribly manipulative. He’s emotionally gaslighting his darling a lot, not ashamed to pull the tear card on them and beg on all fours for them to not leave him. If he’s really desperate, he’s even unhinged enough to threaten to harm himself or others if you would ever leave him or not accept him.
🐍He’s petty and jealous of everything that breathes under and above the skies. Mizuki wants his darling to pay attention to only him, wants to be the only one they truly adore and love the most. It isn’t that much of a problem if you’re in the shrine since it’s only you two there. If this is still during the earlier stages of his crush, he either scares people away in his snake form or manifests white snakes to scare people away from you. If he’s decided to take his darling out, he clings to them due to his inexperience when it comes to the city. He’s clutching their hand tightly out of his possessive instincts though and is intensely glaring at someone with an unnerving glint in his eyes if they try to do as much as approaching you. He threatens the humans later on privately too with a twisted grin on his face, not afraid to show what he really is.
🐍Mizuki relies a lot on threats and manipulation, he’s quite cunning and uses his snakes as spies. He wouldn’t kill anyone though. It could draw unwanted attention from others and he doesn’t need that. If he knows that his lover doesn’t enjoy the thought of him killing humans, he’ll try to hold back too in order to make them happy. A lot of time, he spends with his darling in the shrine anyways. So there is little to no human contact during those times anyways. That said though, Mizuki is relatively easy to trigger and as obsessed as he is, he can certainly become deranged enough to commit the act of murder with a gleeful glimmer in his snake eyes. You don’t need to know about that though, staying oblivious so that you can be happy with him is after all the best option to ensure a happy future with you.
🐍The snake shikigami tidies up the abandoned shrine, designs it as good as he can to your liking and fawns over the image of you living happily with him in your new home. Mizuki doesn’t see this even as an abduction, too infatuated and fixed on his dream of a future together with you. This is merely a new beginning for you, the start of a better life for you. Due to the stalking him and his snake servants did, he knows the routes you take. He’ll quietly wait for you when you take a rather lonely route and take you with him then. He’s already ordered his servants to bring you your things from your home so you feel quickly comfortable in your new home.
🐍Mizuki wants to wed his darling to himself, is literally calling them his spouse and refers to himself as your husband already. Good chances are that he also marks you so that other shikigami, on the rare chance that you do meet one, know that you’re already taken and protected. Mizuki is sensible to your emotions, genuinely upset and hurt if he couldn’t do something you asked him for and quick to cry. If he makes you cry, he has a meltdown as his confidence is shattered and it needs a lot of affection and verbal affirmation from your side before he starts feeling better again.
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candyskiez · 23 days
i would love to hear more of ur thoughts about ???%… specifically surrounding teru cause it’s been on my mind lately
OHOHOHOHO you've awoken the beast. I am so sorry. I will specify. I love Teru. I love Teru so much. This makes it sound like I don't like Teru. I really like Teru. I am writing about ???%'s thoughts. I am studying him under a microscope. None of this is how I personally feel about Teru. Do not kill me. Please do not kill me.
I'm admittedly biased towards plural mob because. System. But I did write this with both plural mob and ???% as the repressed parts of Mob, so feel free to read it as metaphorical or Guy In Mobs Brain.
So. I've been thinking a lot lately about how Teru strangling Mob could've easily been the first time he almost died. Like. I don't think he almost died in that incident when they were kids, and I think Reigen would not be nearly as relaxed on jobs if he thought Mob would die. We've seen how he is when Mob's in any amount of what he considers to be serious danger. So I feel like it's very, very important to remember that when talking about how ???% reacts to Teru. ???% does not react to the literal terrorists as much as he reacts to Teru, because Teru was the first and one of the most personal.
I say most personal because well. For the others it wasn't about him, it was about a goal. Teru was just...fighting him, in Mobs eyes. Teru was operating on his own insecurities. It wasn't some big conflict, it wasn't some epic anime fight, it was just about Teru's insecurities and need for Mob to not be a threat to him and to be Better than everyone else. It was just two kids fighting. I think a lot about why ???% holds onto this so so hard, and a few reasons I think he has are
1. The shit listed above
2. The fact that Mob wasn't doing anything to instigate, was in fact actively asking him to stop, doing ALL the "do not stick out, do no harm" shit that made Mob repress ???% so hard in the first place, and Teru still hurt him. Mob repressed him for no fucking reason because people would still hurt him anyway.
3. This very well could've been one of the few times ???% has came out at all in a long time. I'm not sure how often ???% would've gotten to come out since it seems for a while he just came out when Mob needed it/when Mob wasn't around to stop it. So like. First memory in years and it's this guy strangling you. Would leave a pretty big impression.
4. Teru never actually apologized. Like. WE know he's sorry. But Mob and ???%...didn't? Mob was willing to let it slide. But like...those repressed emotions are gonna go somewhere. Mob might not want to think about it, but that event was traumatic for everyone involved. They almost died and Teru had his entire world view torn apart, got thrown into the SKY, and had to piece everything together lol over again. Like. ???% depending on your view point is Mobs repressed emotions or someone that literally formed to hold his repressed memories (save me plural mob, save me). ???% admits in the manga he doesn't trust anyone. How many times did he feel unsafe around him and wasn't able to do anything, because Mob liked him? Because mob cared about him and knew he changed, so it'd be unfair to bring it up, and besides HES the one who really hurt Teru, so it's fine! It's fine. <- Boy who isn't fine. How much was ???% just waiting for Teru to turn around and attack them again?
5. This also leads into my next thought: lack of agency. Some of these points will be less applicable if you don't view him as plural, but I think some of them still definitely work if you think of him as Mob but to the left: he feels like he didn't get a say in whether not they'd be close with Teru, he feels like Teru just Decided they were friends and didn't even acknowledge what happened and now he can't mention it or ask if he's actually changed or if he's even sorry because then he'll be an asshole so he just HAS to be quiet regardless of how he feels about it. He feels like everyone just decided Teru was SO good now and didn't even ask him how HE felt about it. He feels like Teru's moved on and just FINE, like he didn't almost fucking die. Actually I think almost all of this works if you don't view him as plural. Yippee I'm not accidentally alienating anyone here.
6. No seriously. Teru didn't apologize. Did ???% almost come out a few times at being around Teru. Did Mob get scared by Teru reaching towards him and ???% started to surface. How many times.
Okay okay. Now onto confession arc. I'm thinking about why he acted the way he did and like. He wanted to hurt him so bad. And it's so damn raw. Like. Teru is repeating the lesson Mob taught him, genuinely trying to help, but from ???%'s perspective it feels like a fucking joke. Teru almost killed him. Teru acted not even that different for YEARS, and he gets a slap on the wrist. But ???% messes up once and he's punished, for years? But Teru doesn't even have to apologize? Teru doesn't even have to try to get forgiven? But ???% was dutifully silent for four years. And he's still hated. I feel like that was kind of the point where ???% became WAY more destructive which. Very interesting. He went from "I need to see Tsumobi" to "I want to hurt this person." Also I'm thinking about how strongly he reacted to being told it was for his own good, that Tsumobi shouldn't see him like this, to calm down like. Okay. There's no way he hasn't heard all of that a million times. Like obviously I love it from a plural perspective but I'm gonna go into ???% is an allegory for a sec. Being told that you need to mask for your own good, that they just totally have your best interests at heart and that's why they never want to hear you complain or look upset or even slightly lose control of yourself or act even slightly abnormal. Let alone the fact ???% believes HES the real Shigeo. In his eyes being told to calm down and act like Mob again is being told to stop existing. He's being told to calm down the first time in YEARS he's let any of this out. And like. Tsumobi shouldn't see you like this. In his mind that's being told "Tsumobi shouldn't see YOU. People shouldn't see you. You're not desirable. People don't want to look at you. Just go away. Just be normal. Just be quiet. Calm down. Stop making such a scene. Get a clue." And that's obviously not how Teru meant it and ???% is doing serious damage, but like. He's having a breakdown. He seems calm in the mind scape, but he is Not Fucking Calm. He's having a breakdown. He feels so goddamn rejected by everyone and he's chasing the one good memory he got to make as ???%, not Mob. Which like. God from an autism or a plural perspective hits me so fucking hard. I remember being a kid and clinging on way too hard to my only friend because she didn't mind me acting autistic and getting so so terrified when she started drifting away from me. Watching it just feels like watching kid me panic because the only person who doesn't hate him isn't hanging out with him anymore. Being plural and autistic means this show will kill you. Anyways. What I'm saying is Teru basically took a mallet to every single one of ???%'s buttons and he took that Personally.
I'm gonna can it here because if I don't I'll never shut up. But I love Teru and ???%'s dynamic. So much. I love it. I have so many more thoughts on it, plural and non plural. You have no idea how much it's paining me to can it here. This fucking show, man.
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zaceouiswriting · 1 year
Lost Love
Character: Derek Hale x male reader, Death/Dea (original) x male reader, mentioned Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, and Eli Hale. (Scott never gets a mention)
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
Authors note: Hello. I've finally dealt with another request, (Only three months after receiving it, I'm really late with my requests) and well, I may have to apologize. I had a lot of creative issues with it, from the timeline to all of the characters that were supposed to be involved. I might also forget a character, but since it's been three months, I don't feel like rewriting everything again. So I’m sorry @arekmaximoffkq but I hope you can enjoy it anyway.
"We can't win this alone!" That was a statement no one would have ever expected from their fearless True Alpha. No one ever thought that Scott McCall could feel hopeless by a threat. That was until the Legions of Darkness and the Hunters under Monroe, who could never be stopped, made a pact. It was a fragile one considering the Legions are supernaturals.
Either way, they found a common enemy. Scott McCall. Although the Legions have made massive strides to dominate the world, beginning in North America, he causes them too many problems with his alliance network.
"Before anyone says anything, I've already asked the Asian Dragons Alliance and United European Tribes, but apart from a few smaller groups within them, they can't help us much. They also fight the Legion on their continents.”
"We've never lost to anyone, Scott. Why should it be any different this time.”
"Because he's not here anymore, Liam." Derek was the one who reminded everyone of what had happened nearly fifteen years ago.
The room went silent from one moment to the next. A deadly atmosphere hung over their heads. Liam couldn't understand what was happening. He never understood when his pack went silent like this after something remembered them about someone he never got to know.
Lydia was the only one who never looked as sad as the others, she always did her best to look that way, but if people watched her closely, they could tell the subtle difference. She was also the only one who offered to help Liam and the other people who weren't around at the time.
Everyone accepted, even if it was just about getting out of the room. In Scott's kitchen, she was surrounded by a larger group, all staring at her, desperate for answers. And she told the tragic story. About her husband being possessed by a Nogitsune, causing him to more or less kill several people.
Scott had saved his girlfriend Allison but instead damned Derek's fiancé. The sword intended for the archer pierced the older man who was there only to protect the youths. Before Derek could reach him, his body dissolved, hatred in his eyes as he died. But worse, it didn't save Allison for long because just moments later, as she nocked another arrow on her bow, she was stabbed from behind and died in Scott's arms.
Since then, Derek hasn't been able to look Scott directly in the eye without wanting to kill him. Instead of just one death that day, there were two. And one of those deaths was so much more important than the other. Allison was just a formidable archer but useless in the long run. Even Lydia had to admit that as her best friend.
Derek’s fiancé - a powerful mage - did everything for them, protecting and even making sure that the threats they faced never got out of control.
To say the next generation wasn't impressed would be an understatement. They always looked up to Scott, his supposedly strong moral compass. But now they knew his true intentions; selfishness.
Lydia knew from day one you saw Scott for the vile person he actually is. She only saw it after a few years of being separated from him. Being under the same roof with him now made her sick. She could only see her best friend's dead face and Derek's broken face.
Now more and more people have been able to see it, although it doesn't change anything because Scott is still their Alpha. But at least now they know that most of his decisions are selfish and not for the greater good.
"So what can we do?" Mason asked Lydia, slowly getting restless himself.
The look she gave him, and the whole group spoke all the necessary words. "I don't think we can do anything. We can only hope it doesn't get any worse."
Lydia should never have said those words. Mere days later, the sudden appearance of the Oni, quickly followed by the Nogitsune they thought had been killed, and then someone who broke their fragile pack even more apart.
She had no choice but to get help herself.
With the rest of the pack still at home, Scott tried to keep everything together while getting his Allison back. Lydia was in Jackson's car with him and his husband. "Who are you looking for anyway? I thought the supernatural council already told Scott we couldn't help."
But she said nothing. Not ready to say anything.
Ethan had the idea right away, but his husband didn't. Jackson kept nudging Lydia. To the point where his husband put his hand over his babbling mouth before Lydia would overturn the car.
They spent the rest of their journey in absolute silence until they came to a private road. "Please wait here. Don't follow me, and please don't ruin this, okay?" Without even waiting for an answer, she exited the car.
As she walked up the street in high heels, her arrival could be heard far out. She never intended to be secretive, which worked well enough for her.
She could feel the heavy air everywhere, filled with so much raw magical power that she kept marveling that the animals that lived there didn't suffocate. For example, she never had trouble breathing, but once she got there, she could never take a single proper breath.
“If this is not Lydia Martin. We haven’t seen each other in a couple of years!“ Your voice suddenly called out to the banshee. Already used to your antics, she turned around but could not see you immediately. “Turn around again.“
And she did, slowly, but she did. With a big smile, you stood before her, a crown of flowers with red and white roses, without thorns in your hands. Without hesitation, you crowned her again as you normally do whenever she comes by.
"You never change, do you?"
"Nope." With another big smile, you pulled Lydia into your arms. "It's so nice to see you again!" After their brief hug, he put her arm around his. "Now tell me why you are here. Our next meeting was only a few months away.”
Lydia would have been a fool to think you didn't smell the need for her to come to you so early. She was many things, but stupid wasn't one of them.
"A lot of things happen, and I know you don't like it when I talk around, so I'll just ask you. Could you come and-"
"Dad!" The panicked voice of one of your sons jerked you away from Lydia. Before you could react, however, your two sons stood before you and Lydia, with someone you knew and someone you didn't. "We found these intruders and- Aunt Lydia, what are you doing here?"
"You two have grown." She was utterly surprised to see them standing so tall, which made her slightly uneasy, knowing she would have many questions that the man she was meeting would most likely won't like.
Luckily Jackson - who was brought by one of my sons - was doubled-over from feeling sick because of the teleportation.
Shaking your head in amusement, you couldn't hold back your snarky thought: "Jackson, are you still not used to this?" Your voice froze him in his tracks.
Slowly, very slowly, almost scarily he raised his head, his eyes though still fixated on the floor. Standing almost straight again he still did not dare look at you. Lydia told him that he could and with her reassurance he finally did. His eyes quickly filled with tears as he locked them with yours. His baby-blue eyes shimmered with shock but in a happy way.
Without warning, he lunged forward at a pace neither your sons nor you could do anything about. He pulled you into his arms, much more muscular than you remembered. Now he feels and looks a lot like a young Derek. Thinking about him always made you sad, which not only your sons felt this time.
Only Jackson was apparently unaware of this. "This is Ethan, my husband!" he told you excitedly, smiling cheek to cheek, ignoring the fact that you were not dead and standing still alive in front of him.
You gently cupped his face, which now looked much older than yours. Just another curse of your existence. "I will meet your handsome husband in a moment. But before, how are you and your parents?" His face darkened. "You forgot what you promised me, didn't you?" Shame crossed his face for a short moment. He became the little boy you met when you moved to Beacon Hills, who just found out he was adopted again.
You saved him from getting hit by a car, talked to him, and brought him back to his parents in the evening. For years you tried to get him to see them for who they are; but you were unsuccessful. You finally got through his thick skull, but you died before Jackson, his parents, and you could meet again.
"Then we must do it soon. They are not getting any younger and deserve to be loved by you. After all, they raised you. But I also have to blame them for spoiling you little shit!” You jokingly shook his head with your hands, ruffling his perfect hair. It eventually brought a small smile to his face.
Booping his nose brought back many sweet memories with little Jackson and even moody teenager Jackson. Slowly you pulled your hands away from him. In the same movement, he turned and looked at the other man, who finally rose from his slouching position.
"Ethan is your name, right?" you asked in a dangerously low voice that sent a cold sweat down his son's back. He nodded and swallowed hard. "I think this little rascal over here told you about me?" You glanced back and forth at the couple with a raised eyebrow.
"My big brother," Jackson whispered to his husband to refresh his memory. Suddenly, Ethan's eyes widened with shock and realization.
His body suddenly went stiff. He even held out his hand to most likely properly greet you. 
“Hey, little brat?“
"How come you've got not only a handsome man but also a well-mannered one while still being the same obnoxious brat?"
He could see your cheeky, teasing grin that had torn holes in his heart so many times before, believing the hurtful things you said until you made it clear it wasn't meant like that.
However, Ethan knew nothing about it.
"Because Jackson is an amazing man, passionate, gentle, romantic-"
"He didn't mean it like that. He complimented us both."
"What? He attacked you!"
Both Jackson and you looked at each other, giggling at his words. "Brat is my nickname for him because that's what I called him the first we met. He is and remains obnoxious to me because although he has a hard, unfriendly demeanor on the outside, he has a heart of gold. I'm just glad he hasn't changed."
Horror filled Ethan's eyes as you explained the rather adorable things you had to say about his husband. You could see that he wanted to fall into a hole right then and there.
Without a word, you suddenly stood before him and put one of your hands on his cheek. "If you hurt my little boy, I will kill you and destroy your body on a molecular level, dissolve you, and destroy every memory anyone ever had of you, understood?"
At first, he seemed amused by the innocuous-sounding threat, but when he looked into your eyes, he knew it wasn't a joke. Eyes wide, you pulled him into a hug. "Welcome to the family!" In your arms, you whispered something else in his ear, a threat he couldn't ignore, but you made sure no one else could hear.
As you pulled away smiling, Jackson smiled too without looking at his husband, who looked pale, horrified at you.
"Now, can someone explain why you're all here?"
“Scott needs your help.“
"No." You turn and motion for your boys to come with you. Even though they were intrigued by the name Lydia mentioned, they followed you anyway.
"We need your help," Jackson pointed out. Looking into your eyes melted your heart a little, but you still couldn't.
With gentle eyes, you looked at the boy who was like a little brother to you. You still had to say it, even though you didn't want to: "No. I'm sorry, but I can't." 
Jackson's face twisted, hurt at my refusal to help him. "If you had asked me, I would have done it immediately, but not with this boy and possibly the man who let me die." Suddenly the ground shook under your words, and time flew by, just for you to reverse it again.
"No one would be safe without your help!" Lydia tried again, but you waved your hand and teleported her back to their vehicle. Your boys wanted to know what it was about, but you couldn't tell them. They only know the bare minimum, and you want it to stay that way.
Days went by without Lydia trying to contact you again. You have feared for the safety of those who have been good to you, but you cannot save them every time they get into trouble. You were working on the ranch when you felt something strange.
One moment you were standing in one of the barns, and the next at the edge of your property. "What do you two are doing there?"
Your sons were jumping around in utter fear. One of the few rules they have to follow is that they can't leave the property without you.
"We have to help them!" the elder twin said bluntly while his younger brother had his eyes on the floor.
"You want to see your father, don't you?" That question silenced him immediately. "Don't worry. He won't die. He's like a cockroach. He comes out of everything with a few little bruises and maybe a few wounds.”
But they were determined to help Scott's pack. You could see it in his eyes and later even in his brother's eyes when he finally looked up at you. When they saw your eyes glow purple, magical energy flowed around you, and a moment later, the bubble that kept the ranch hidden from supernatural beings. It as well saved it from natural disasters.
They stared at you in surprise as your eyes went back to normal. "Then go. But not with all your abilities. You can teleport to them but not back or anywhere. Your powers will be minimal."
After that, you just disappeared, hurt, disappointed, and proud simultaneously. Being able to feel your boys teleport away, a strange pain immediately filled your chest. At first, slowly, and then suddenly, you winded in pain. Somehow able to suppress it, you walked back into your house, taking a book out, trying to just forget about it.
Just a sentence in, you were unable to concentrate anymore. For minutes you just stared at the filled pages before you threw it away, awaiting to hear it land on the floor.
All the alarm bells went off in your head at once because that sound never came. Ready to rip some heads off, you were suddenly frozen in place. "Finally, we meet again!"
"That's impossible!" you called out loudly through clenched teeth. "I killed you!"
Suddenly there was a child in front of you and next to him a middle-aged man. "You killed one of us and we want his powers back, you filthy mortal!"
The child was about to touch you. His small hand was outstretched to do whatever he wanted to you when suddenly a spear pierced his head. Blood splattered everywhere. Gasping in shock, he fell to the ground and disappeared. Only to reappear shortly thereafter. "I am the past! You cannot kill me!" Anger emanates from the small body, much more than a child should be able to feel.
You had an intense desire to contest this but believed it might be a while before you would find something that could actually kill this spoiled brat.
In complete contrast stood the middle-aged man. "We just want grandfather time back. After that, we'll leave you alone... forever."
Anger surged back through your body, reminding you of how they tried to erase your existence multiple times, the first being right at your birth. "No!" you told him after lashing out with your powers and destroying his body in no time.
"You'll see," the same middle-aged guy suddenly told you from the other side. “Maybe you can kill my son, the past because the past is quickly forgotten. And maybe even my father because the future hasn't been written yet." Out of nowhere, without you even feeling him move, he leaned in with his mouth next to your ear. "I am the present, omnipresent, unkillable except when the universe implodes in on itself."
The anger you were feeling did not subside. It even became worse, as his words felt like a looming threat to you. „What if I kill your son as well? Wouldn’t I be the controller of the present, through manipulation of past and future?“
The man smiled for the first time. "You're a lot smarter than I thought." After that, his voice softened a lot. "I allow you to keep the future, but use it wisely. You are a part of me now, and I am one of you, don't risk the balance of nature. At least no more than you have already done. You perversion of nature!"
You fell over as time worked again and lay on the floor while the middle-aged man crouched in front of his arms on his thighs. "You and your sons are abominations, an error of a magical nature. Therefore, in order to have the foresight of future events will be useful, but you must protect the universe with your power and that of your children! If not, we will find a way to kill you like we did the one who freed people's minds giving them absolute freedom."
Now that a real threat was being uttered, chills ran through your blood went cold – almost as cold as ice – you could already tell that his words were not empty.
You agreed with him. Though you knew you were powerful, you doubted there was any chance for you to win against something or someone so fundamental to the workings of the universe itself.
He smiled at you. A smile so malicious that fear was no longer the right word; you were horrified by this man. Somehow he must have sensed this because he turned to his son: who glared at you but took his father's hand.
They disappeared suddenly and without a trace; no magic, not even a smell.
Startled by this event, you fell back in your seat, exhausted and angered by your passive behavior. Maybe it was finally time to show everyone just how powerful you really are and not just give them some showings of lesser magical abilities you harbor. But where?
The pain that was gone came back a thousand times stronger than before. A scream so high you thought your vocal cords would eventually tear apart came out of you. It felt like your heart was exploding into a million pieces.
In a panic, you suddenly found yourself in a school that you had to attend many times considering you were - under normal circumstances - still would be, the mother figure of a pack of supernaturals.
Only now, you see older versions of all the teens you helped grow, broaden their horizons, and more. They fight the same enemy you died against. Right in the middle were your children - they were more of a hindrance than a real part of the struggle. Without much of their powers, they are almost useless.
You were watching the fight, but soon a girl - the cause of your death - snuck up behind the group and your sons.
You watched wide-eyed as she put an arrow in her bow, drew it, and let it fly. Your eyes followed the line of it exactly. As you realized where it would end up, a burning hatred began to flare in your veins. Not only was she the cause of your death, but now she was after your children?
A burst of raw magical energy shattered the illusion of the time - in which you were being held. With the smell of revenge in your nostrils and the tingling in your fingers, your scene changed again, only this time it was your own doing.
How can that be? Where did these two guys come from? And why do they look so like... him? My mind was racing as two boys about eighteen suddenly shoved Eli and me out of the way of danger, and then their hands glowed in that familiar color.
With only a few movements of their hands, they threw away the Onis with absolute ease. It reminded me even more of him. Honestly, everything reminds me of him, especially these days. Watching Eli grow up didn't make it any better. Maybe he would have stayed, even after what I did. But no, I had to be selfish and believe that she would stay with me.
Before I could ask them if they knew of him, they had summoned magic to forge weapons and engaged the Onis in sword fights.
Soon most of the Onis came to their comrade's aid and pushed both boys to their limits. First, their magic began to flicker before it just…disappeared.
As I watched them fight against those who had killed my one true love, I had this strange feeling, as if it was my duty to protect these young men as if they were my own flesh and blood.
"Get out of the way!" The boys only looked at me in shock, not moving at all. It forced Eli to suddenly transform, to push the other boys to the ground. Even though no blood was spilled or flesh pierced, my heart stopped even thinking that any of the three might have been injured.
Just as I wanted to scold my son, I froze in place, seeing the light-breaking shine of the sword rushing down.
A growl escaped my dry lips, my sore throat already dying, but not even that could stop the Oni from its hatred-filled attack against the three.
Since my body was too weak to move, even as a werewolf, I became too tired after hours of fighting. I could only watch as my son, the only good thing in my life that I ended up doing, would die right before my eyes.
Tears were already welling up in my eyes as the sword went deeper and deeper, now piercing his skin.
A sudden burst of violet light blinded me from seeing the death of my only loved one left. Screaming his name on a tongue that scolded and disciplined him more times than was necessary. I couldn't hold back my tears over the death of my son! He had to die without being able to see me: his father. Even though I was the worst father imaginable, I was still his father. Not being able to comfort my son in his last seconds of life will be the second worst experience of my life. It was hard enough living without the light of my life. But without my son? I could make my own life there!
"Don't go near my sons, you hellspawn!"
I... I know that voice! That voice... so soft and yet stern at the same time, it put all my hair up almost immediately.
I could only hear its magic crackling and things colliding. I could only imagine what had happened. But slowly, very slowly, the blindness - from the bright light - wore off. From blurred eyes, I saw a silhouette fighting like a monster against the real monster attacking us.
"Are you both all right?" His voice again, his beautiful voice. "I warned you, outside of the bubble, you will not be able to use your full power. As my sons, your powers are immeasurable. Therefore, it will take time and discipline to unlock your abilities again!” 
Hearing his voice scolding these young men and calling them his "sons" almost broke me. They seem so old! How is that possible? Did he have these kids before we met?
Before I could ask, however, I felt a burning pair of eyes on me and saw one of the twins pointing at me. When his eyes met mine, it was as if I hadn't been dazzled by his striking entry: my eyes could take in all of him. I could see its raw beauty right in front of me. He never had to do anything to look good, but now? He was gorgeous, just as young as I had met him.
But his eyes didn't show me the same love as they used to. There was disgust and anger in them instead. Of course, I deserve both, but it still hurt me.
"Dad, are you okay?" Even though I've never treated Eli the way he deserves, he still cares about me, which made my heart skip a beat.
"Dad? How old are you?" My veins turned cold, freezing even, hearing the angry voice of my true love. I just realized that if he knew Eli's age, he would know the whole truth.
At first, Eli didn't realize he was being addressed like the clueless boy he always was. It warmed my heart a bit. But soon, he must have felt the twinkling eyes on him because he turned and asked his question again. Eli, almost forced to speak now, looked at me confused, almost scared, but I nodded, not wanting to know what he would say or do.
"I-I'm fifteen, s-sir."
Sir? Eli was never that well-behaved or reclusive person who respects strangers.
His eyes widened instantly, and the anger turned to pain as his hand flew over his heart, pinched his skin, and even a tear found its way to the corner of his eye.
"Who was it, Derek?" He was speaking to me, speaking directly to me, and I could hear him! But does that mean... he's alive? 
Just now, realizing that I wasn't actually hallucinating, I nearly shit my pants lying on the floor, bruised and sore.
"Who did you cheat on me with? Fifteen years..."
There was no way I could lie to him again as I had so many years ago. "It was Breadon."
"Are you serious?" There was only disappointment in his eyes, and I could only feel the same. I feel ashamed of myself every day. Even though Eli came out of it, I still feel terrible.
"She died ten years ago. But she left right after the birth, leaving Eli and me alone. I thought if you weren't there, my heart would be hers. But we soon realized that neither of us loved the other, and I didn't date anyone else after..." A lump in my throat kept me from spilling out everything I could think of.
"You betrayed me? Let me die like I didn't mean anything?" He could hardly contain his anger but did his best, most likely for his sons and not for me. "You know what the funniest thing is? I was so in love with you that I would have forgiven you for cheating on me and getting a woman pregnant."
It was like a dagger piercing my heart when I heard that. Hearing those words of love once more, I realized in the next moment that my life could have been so much sweeter with that man. A man so deeply in love with me to forgive the worst betrayal of all.
When you saw Derek again, you felt a sudden outburst of hatred, but hearing that his life was so bad made it... subside, just like that. He's a lot worse off than you are now. It gave you a kind of satisfaction you never knew you needed.
"Get up, you pathetic man, and fight. I won't do it all by myself." Derek looked up in surprise when you spoke to him in a disgusting tone like that. "As I did with the hunters and the Legion of Darkness!" you mumbled softly afterward.
Derek stared at you in absolute shock. He knew you were strong fifteen years ago, but this?
A hiss came out of nowhere. A tone Derek and all other werewolves know all too well. You heard it often before as well. Far away was someone you knew should be dead. The arrow she released was in line with you. Without even trying to get out of the way, use your magic to surround the projectile to deflect it in a different direction or stop it mid-air. 
Knowing this was the only way it could go: you turned back to Derek. Only for the arrow to pierce your shoulder. It only got stopped by your bone.
For a second, you were shocked, only to feel the dark magic of another being. The Nogitsune - a powerful spirit - could not simply be killed, as you now know.
“Hmm… I should have been prepared for that. After all, his disgusting smell is all over this damn place!”
"Dad, what are you talking about?"
"That stupid Nogitsune. As always, Scott can't do anything right.”
Just as Derek opened his mouth, you stared at him, effectively silencing him before he could even utter a single sound.
"Huhu... Death, where are you?" Your voice sweet as sugar. Your sons already know this sound, and Derek did it too. Only Eli was confused, but even he broke out in a terrible sweat. "Do I have to go up there and beat your ass again?"
Just as your threat sounded, an extremely low chuckle could be heard from somewhere. A smile graced your beautiful face when you heard it.
"I think you got it the wrong way around." His heavy footsteps echoed through the school corridors.
"Uncle Dea!" your two sons shouted and jumped into the man's arms.
He laughed heartily at this warming gesture; A six-foot and seven-inch-tall man was tall enough for your two boys to hold on to, and his muscular torso, wrapped in a himation - white lose clothes - showed off his big, muscular pecs and his eight-pack. In your eyes, he was and always will be the most handsome man in any world or realm.
Soon he was pulling your sons away, his eyes fixed on you. "What did I do to annoy you this time, sweetheart?" His deep bass voice is so dark it sends shivers down your spine. He slowly moved towards you while your knees were already weakening. "It's so nice to see you again after all these years."
"I'd say the same thing... if there wasn't someone you promised me the last time we saw each other is dead and in heaven." Irritated, especially by your disrespectful tone, he slightly angled his head, almost as if he wanted to warn you. But as he followed your outstretched index finger, his eyebrows suddenly jumped up in confusion.
"What the hell is she doing here? Her soul should be at peace!” he muttered angrily to himself as a book appeared in his hand. As he flipped through it, more and more arrows flew in your guy's direction. Strangely enough, your magic still couldn't protect you from them. All you guys could do was evade them.
Until the atmosphere suddenly changed, darkness blossomed from a place where you only knew warmth. Death glowed in that atmospheric-changing darkness, ready to devour all life.
"Someone stole her soul and gave her a new body!" he roared loudly, his voice deafening, exploding all the windows and even doors around us. It even threw Allison off balance, forcing her to the ground and snapping her bowstring.
"Can you do something about it?"
"Do I look like a wizard?" After a moment's pause, his dark eyes met yours, "Don't answer that, or I'll have to spank you later."
An angry blush appeared on your face. "Not like a wizard, but a really hot farmer, at least with the scythe."
His dark eyes swallowed you whole; it was pure lust, but deep down, also love. "Even if your god were still alive, not even he would be able to save you from me when I get you later alone." He licked his plump lips, causing an immense lump to form in your throat, making it impossible for you to breathe effectively. "But I can't do anything at the moment. Someone has to kill the body the hunter girl is in before I can take her soul this time, so she can never be reborn.”
Cracking your fingers and neck, your eyes were solely on the huntress. Knowing that only you would kill that bitch, because everyone else is riding Scott’s dick, trying to make this joke of an Alpha happy.
Before you could cast a single spell at her, the same useless Alpha had his claws rammed into your chest. Determination in his eyes as you two looked at each other, on eye level.
"No!" suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind you. In a flash, dark hair pushed Scott away from you. His claws ripped from your chest before the Alpha had a chance to crush your heart.
Breathing heavily in pain, you bend over to hide the true extent of the pain. "Dad!"
"Don't worry. I'm okay. Angry, but okay." You smiled at your two sons, who immediately came to your side, each holding an arm. Just then, you glanced over at them. "Lydia? Jackson? If any of you ever come to me to ask for another favor and still be associated with Scott... you'll wish you had jumped into lava because the death you would suffer at my hands will even make the devil blush! "
Lydia has known for a long time that you hated Scott, and over time she realized that your hatred was not unfounded. Especially after Stiles' death, which was also his fault, leaving her with two young children, the last born a month after her husband's tragic death.
Jackson wasn't even a part of the McCall Pack, but as an old ally and somewhat friend to the 'True Alpha‘ he still does his bidding if asked nicely.
They both looked at each other, their friendship still there, even after all these years. They talked silently before nodding at each other. They quickly switched from Scotts' side to yours.
In all honesty, you knew these two would come to your side before you even issued that ultimatum. Especially Jackson. If he didn't already know, he would soon learn that you've always taken care of him.
"Please, look after my boys. I'll take care of this devil spawn!” Allison was Lydia's best friend. You knew it was hard for her, but she had cried after her long enough. She's a smart cookie and aware that Allison is dead, and it isn't okay that she is back, especially not for nature, to which Lydia is close herself.
Using your magic, you lifted yourself into the air and flew to where Allison was last seen.
But when you got there, only her ruined bow was left. Before you could react, a knife was in your thigh. Groaning in pain, you pulled out the dagger and threw it at her, only hitting the wall behind her. Because she was already gone again, cursing under your breath, you began to search for her again.
A massive salvo of knives hit you quickly, your entire left side being scratched, punctured, or sliced open by them.
At that point, you had it with these games. You jumped from room to room with your powers and found them soon enough. With your magic around her neck, you imprisoned her; Before you could finish her little game by killing her stolen body, someone or something pulled her back and cut off the magic holding Allison in place. You were confronted with a being that had once been human, mummified, but it was still obvious.
You were the only person who could fight the Nogitsune. In your opinion, Stiles was always useless, but you have to give him one thing: he was an intelligent guy and the only one who could outwit a dark being like this. Without him, only you and your brute strength could be an enemy to him.
Meanwhile, the others tried to capture Allison despite her being faster, smarter than ever, and most horrifically deadlier.
"I swear by all the dead gods, if Scott had ever been responsible enough to kill his damn enemies, none of this bullshit would ever have happened!"
With renewed anger, even hatred, seething so deep in your soul that something strange happened, something painful.
Your magical core, which many people call 'soul' exploded, not in a destructive but an opening way as if nature had accepted your requests and could finally see the value in your existence.
Even the dark being, fueled by hatred, fear, and anger, suddenly became afraid. Your son's, just as you experienced something similar. Their eyes glow a purple hue, just like yours. But unlike you, their other side - they inherited from your ex-fiancé - has broken away from the many walls you built inside them.
For the first time in fifteen years of their lives, they transformed. The boys knew they could have done that from birth because of their vast magical abilities. But as they did so, the walls around them crumbled with their enormous size.
At that moment, you pulled yourself out of your pain and helped your sons control their magic that could shatter the very fabric of existence. Although slightly smaller, they are still at least five times larger than a regular wolf. In unison, they howled loudly, startling the nogitsune even more and making it tremble with terrible fear. You gathered magic in a ball of violet energy and threatened the dark being that tried to flee but failed this time. As it slowly began to warp into the shadows, you blocked the shadow, isolating it from everything else. Shocked, the Nogitsune tried to escape, but the magic-like handcuffs pulled on all four of his limbs.
"What must I do to keep you away from the mortal realm?" you asked him, sighing heavily. You looked away from that for a second, mostly for dramatic effect, over to Dea. Strangely, he pointed to where the Nogitsune was. But when you looked back, he was gone again. "Are you fucking SERIOUS?" Your voice echoed loudly through the school hallways, alerting everyone that something was beyond wrong.
Pissed off, you were going to blow up the whole building. But out of nowhere, the younger of your twins pulled something out of a shadow. A leg. But only one leg, not the whole dark being, but at least part of it.
Frantically, the leg tried to get out of his sharp teeth, but your son held it tight and carried it over to you with a toothy doggy grin.
Instead of pulling it out, you put it in a purple magic prison. Separate it from his body. Immediately after that, it stopped moving but stayed there. Although it was no longer bound to his body, it still existed.
It wasn't long before your younger son was carrying Allison, also in his mouth, mauled by him. A gasp could be heard from the sidelines, a hurt, irritated one. "If you dare touch one of my sons, Scott, I will maim you in ways you can't even imagine!" You didn't even look at him, but your voice told him the threat was real and near. So he quickly withdrew.
Your son threw Allison to your feet; her body was bleeding badly. "Finally, I can do what was supposed to happen!" Without guilt, you formed a sharp weapon in your hand and raised your arm to strike. As the blade swung through the air, but you had to stop as Scott jumped in front of his ex-girlfriend. You weren't shocked at all. He built everything around her, and she is with him now. Jumping from girl to girl, even dating his former best friend's ex-girlfriend, like a cliché player in romantic high school movies.
Instead of killing her, you sliced him with the blade. He cried out in agony as his skin began to burn slightly. “It won't heal, Scott. Any cut I give you with this blade that might heal will leave permanent scars.”
But he didn't seem to care because he stood there, teeth clenched. So you slashed him again and again... and again. You soon found yourself enjoying causing pain to this narcissistic little boy who never grew up.
"My love!" His deep voice finally snapped you out of your crimson thoughts of revenge. Dea's hand on your shoulder, his eyes looking at you with concern.
A slightly embarrassed blush rose to your cheeks. You averted your eyes far from him. But he pulled you into his arms. As you began to sob softly, your two sons came to your side and wrapped Dea and you in their united arms. Warmth, a happy and hopeful warmth, welled up in your broken heart.
When all eyes were on your little family, even the pain and jealousy of your first love, no one heard the bloody gasp at your side. Not even you until you felt something drip down your arm. Looking slightly down, there was a red substance. As your eyes looked around some more, you found the origin.
Scott sat up, his mouth bloody and a blade sticking out of his body, piercing his heart. "The mage is right. You really should have killed me when you had the chance!" An ominous chuckle followed those words.
Your eyes widened in shock as they flew toward the magical prison. Only one leg remained from the bandaged leg: a female leg. As your eyes darted back to Allison, you could see her skin slowly peeling off, revealing the Nogitsune.
When you tried to hit it with your magic sword, it disappeared. Leaving its blade pierced in Scott's chest. But you didn't give a damn; his alpha status should never have happened anyway. Maybe now someone more worthy could be elevated to this status.
At that moment, there was something more urgent. Telepathically, you told your sons to look for the real Allison. It didn't take long for them to find her: hiding behind some desks. But they just howled, which meant they couldn't carry her, so you walked past the dying Scott into the classroom and closed the door.
Soon you came out again, not a hair out of place. “Our work is done here. Lydia, Jackson, and even Ethan, you know where to find us. I'd be happy to host you whenever you want. Maybe next Christmas?” Ignoring Scott, who made his death so melodramatic.
Before you could leave, however, Derek pulled you aside. "Why didn't you ever tell me I had children?"
"Why didn't you ever tell me you cheated?" I stared at him for an answer. "Of course, no answer. Due to my short death, I had to put more magical energy into them. Their bodies became too weak to sustain the immense magical pressure. I had to kill one of the three gods of time to force their bodies to age to keep them alive. I suffered great pains to give birth and keep them alive. Now they look like eighteen-year-old men but are actually only fifteen. I'll keep them sealed for another three years, then if they want to have contact with you, they can. But I won't."
"Neither will we." your two boys said in unison as they look at their father in disgust.
It brought a smile to your face. As you teleported back up with your sons, you looked at Derek one last time. "I wanted to tell you the day I died. At least the blade cutting me down showed me the real you. I hope you never find love again and die despised by most.”
Before that day, you never told your sons what happened, only that something happened that forced you to get away from their father. You always wanted them to form their own picture of their father.
He tried to grab you, but luckily you got away just in time. Derek stayed there, his hand grasping air.
"Three more years... I have to train more people to be able to retire by then and finally marry this man!" Death himself murmured softly. It immediately caught Derek's attention. "Oh, I am sorry. The man you cheated on and I've been with for several years. I fell in love with him when he won against me: the first time anyone's won, for that matter. At least I'd never betray him.” The smug grin on Death's ice-cold face had been enough to make Derek wince in fear.
Unfortunately, you didn't witness his fear of your one true love: a man, an otherworldly being just like you. But no matter how much you despise Derek, you will forever be grateful for your relationship with him for giving you your two beautiful boys.
However, for now, you will most likely have to cuddle them to make the day's horrible events go away.
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theheraldsrest · 2 years
Companions and Advisors reactions to an Inquisitor who loves talking/singing, tends to ramble a bit but has suddenly gone quiet because some prick of a nobleman/noblewoman told them "It's not fitting of someone of your importance to be so... childish and such" (or however a noble would basically say "shut up and stop talking so much" Bonus points if the inky is an Elf) Romanced or not doesn't matter. :D
“Companions (+Romanced) reacting to a very loquacious Elf!Inquisitor being silenced”
Thank you @feral-sins ! Am I uh...still under a threat or…? I MEAN LOVE THE ASK THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 
-Lord Lex
“How DARE you speak to the Inquisitor that way?!”
-Listen, this man might not be the best at words when it comes to normal interactions, but when it comes to your honor? You can bet he’s going to say something. Was taught to hold his tongue when speaking to certain nobles but those lessons are right out the window. If glares could kill, this noble would be dead and 6 feet under. Pulls you away so that you both can talk about whatever you like, away from those absolute ass- I mean those unkindly gents. If romanced, he'll definitely consider a duel with that man even if he hates duels and hates making a scene but, Maker forgive him, he's about to TEACH SOME MANNERS-
“Says the man/woman who can’t shut their mouth about their affairs?”
-It’s an absolute surprise to see Josephine snap at someone, especially nobility. But that person had no right to speak to you that way. Josey absolutely loves listening to you when you talk and enjoys the vast changes in topics. To see someone shut that down in front of her is like taking her favorite book and slapping her. She’ll kindly remind them that she could ruin their entire life if they ever treat you that way. Even worse for them if you’re in a relationship with her. Your woman is using every insult she’s ever learned on this person. Including elven cuss words gasp
“I wouldn’t be telling the Inquisitor to hold their tongue if I were you. You might just end up losing yours.”
-She will full-blown threaten this individual in front of everyone in the room. Leliana couldn’t give a shit or two if they’re related to the Empress herself, this man/woman was good as dead. Though she did find herself losing concentration a few times with some of your conversations, she still enjoyed them as well as your singing. Josey might have threatened to ruin their life, but Leliana will make sure it happens without warning. 
“I’m guessing you were never taught any manners because of how rich your blood is? Then allow me to educate you.”
-Madame de Fer will not allow you to take any of this noble’s shit. True, on the occasion she has had to excuse herself from your ramblings or asked if you could speak another time, but never would she tell you to silence yourself. She’d make them kneel and beg for forgiveness from you to make up for their harsh words.
“Hey, punchline. Watch who you’re talking to or else you’ll have 20 or so people to answer to.”
-It’s all about the threat behind the words, and Varric’s got plenty to say. He wouldn’t let people talk bad about Hawke, he sure as hell wasn’t gonna let it happen to you either. Varric found it interesting how you could talk about everything and anything and it helped that Varric wasn’t easily annoyed. But if this noble thought you were bad, then boy he better be ready for what Varric’s got to say. It’s both embarrassing and annoying to the point that it makes the noble leave, red in the face.
“Why? Why silence someone who does exactly what you do-Oh. It’s because you don’t do that. You’re envious of how outspoken they are.”
-Someone’s taught the boy to sass. He knows there’s ice behind this person’s words but he doesn’t understand why they have to be there. Jealousy, envy, clouding this man’s vision from how wonderful the words are that you share. How you lighten up when you talk about something you find interesting or a topic you know well or because you’re not afraid to sing as loud as possible just because the mood strikes you. However, this man makes you afraid, ashamed. That’s not nice and neither will Cole be if he doesn’t stop. 
“Do not. Speak to her. That way.”
-Solas is livid. And I’m not talking about his usual “humans are a pain” stuff, I’m talking about “I’m about to risk it all just because of a petty insult” livid. Man is trying his hardest to insult you both, but it’s a little difficult with an angry elf staring daggers at him and interrupting every sentence before the noble can say two words. Solas enjoys talking to you and listening, always something new to speak of or to learn. And your singing. Beautiful. He refuses to let anyone speak to you that way. And if romanced, ho boy that noble better split unless he wishes to see if Fen'Harel is really gone or not. No one will believe him either way
“It’s not fitting of someone like you to put them down just because they answered a question when you couldn’t. Now if you’ll excuse us.”
-Also very pissed and very much wanting to punch that noble. Sure, it took some time to get used to your endless talks and the whiplash of conversations, but it was still enjoyable. At least the others had the decency to speak to you with respect or dismiss themselves from the conversation without harsh words. Cassandra is very much considering going to Leliana and ruining that man for her dearest friend. If in a relationship, will actually punch the noble. No ifs, ands, or buts. They're getting their ass handed to them. And she will not regret it
The Iron Bull
“Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to either apologize on your own accord and walk away or I’m going to make you apologize and then I’m going to ‘kindly’ remove you. Your choice.”
-Bull ain’t having none of it. Talking with you helps him pass the time or makes him feel more comfortable in certain areas, not to mention he just likes to listen to you. To tell his Kadan to be quiet because it’s not ‘fitting’ for them, you’re just asking for a fight. He gives the noble a 5 minute head start before Bull makes the choice for him. Either way, Bull comes back to make sure you’re alright and if you’d like to just talk to him or your friends. Even if you're not with him, you've been a great influence in his life. He's not going to let that slide.
“Want to try that again? I could’ve sworn I misheard you, speaking so rudely to my friend and the Inquisitor.”
-Dorian knows this song and dance and he’s used to it, but usually it’s directed at him and not you. You two could go on for ages with talking, from magic to history to politics, etc. If this noble thought he better than you to silence you, Dorian’s gonna make him regret. But with words. It’s so hard to hold back your laughter as Dorian puts himself between you and the nobleman, talking about the many words you could use to describe a fat, shameless pig with an asshole complex. Ever seen Dorian mad? Like, full flegged? You have now if romanced. He'll get very serious and very quite, coming up to the noble's face, and simply telling them to leave. There is no mistaking the electricity in his eyes nor at his fingers
*lots of yelling and cursing, followed by “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TELL MY INKY WHAT TO DO YOU SHI-”
-Safe to say that Sera’s not happy. Yeah ok, she doesn’t understand a lot of what you say but she still likes it when you’re singing or talking around her. She at least knows you're safe and happy. But god help the poor fool who silences you. As much as he was looking forward to it, Bull has to try and restrain her from killing them as she’s yelling your praise and a number of curse words that made the man/woman clutch their pearls. Don’t let her back in the same room with them or else she’ll make a bee line…with a jar of bees. You’ll also be receiving a lot of angry cuddles. As a friend...yeah, no it's still pretty much the same. Except without the cuddles. She's a very dangerous animal, she doesn't need cuddles. At least that's what she keeps saying
*Casually sipping his drink and turning his sword to catch the man’s eye*
-Not. Having. Any of it. Blackwall isn't great with his words, but he’s good at conveying things through actions. Especially with telling the noble that they’re in danger when he puts his arm around you and has his sword drawn. If they still don’t get it (which, to be honest, is a mistake), he’ll bluntly put himself between you and the noble and ask you to continue what you were saying, there must be some sort of pesky fly around. If the noble tries anything, Blackwall has no problem with knocking them on their ass. As your friend, he may refrain himself unless he can see that this noble's words are doing more harm than anything. You've given him respect when he didn't deserve it. He looks to make sure it doesn't go to waste
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rocksinmuffin · 1 year
just realized you write for twst!! may i request some more ace and deuce being jealous bc their best friend / crush is being courted by a literal fae prince and smh they just can’t compete with that
God thank you so much you are the first (and so far, only) person to request Twisted Wonderland and this is exactly my shit 😤
Ace would never admit it to anyone, but he considers Deuce a rival.
Not when it comes to studies. Deuce is dumb as a sack of bricks. And, sure, most of the time Ace’s grades aren’t much better, but that’s just because he’d rather not waste any time studying. If he ever put any effort into his classes, he would be fine. Deuce actually tries and he’s still in the bottom of their class.
He doesn’t consider him a rival when it comes to sports, either. Deuce is probably more athletic than Ace is, but they just don’t share the same interests. Because Ace likes cool sports like basketball while Deuce is content to focus on track. It’s hard to be upstaged by a guy just running in big circles.
But when it comes to love? Well…
There’s nothing more pathetic than the way Deuce stares you down like a lovesick puppy whenever you aren’t looking. He’s so obvious about it! The way his expression gets so soft and how his fingers twitch like he wants to reach out and hold your hand but is way too much of a coward to actually do anything. It’s irritating. Especially when you speak to Deuce in a softer tone than you ever do with him. Your gentle encouragements are nothing like the playful barbs you exchange with Ace. Not that Ace would ever trade your back-and-forth for anything but would it kill you to be that sweet with him every once in a while?
And maybe some of Ace’s irritation is colored by the fact that he also has feelings for you but Ace thinks that even if he didn’t have a crush on you it would still be annoying.
Still, rivalry aside, Ace knows that Deuce has his back when it really matters. And right now, there’s a bigger threat vying for your affection than the two of them combined.
Ace has no idea how you even met Malleus Draconia. As far as Ace is aware, the guy usually has himself holed up within Diasomnia’s dorms most of the time and, when he isn’t, he’s got a whole entourage of bodyguards glaring at anyone who so much as sneezes in the Prince of Briar Valley’s general direction. Well, to be fair, Sebek is the only one ever glaring, but the point still stands. How you managed to get close to the guy is a mystery.
And there’s no denying you are close. The two of you might just be talking—and no matter how hard Ace strains his ears and stares at your mouth as if he’ll suddenly learn how to read lips, he still can’t manage to make out what the two of you are saying—but everything about Malleus’ body language broadcasts his interest.
It’s the way his shoulders loosen up, much more relaxed than the stiff and rigid way he carries himself in public. It’s the way the corner of his lips tilt upward whenever you speak when the only other smiles Ace has ever seen from the guy were thinly-concealed threats. It’s the way his eyes soften around the edges as he looks at you like you’re his whole world.
Ace knows that look. He’s caught Deuce giving you that look enough times to recognize it for what it is. He’s given you that same look so many times there’s no way he could misinterpret the love and desire and affection of that gaze.
Ace’s only saving grace is that you’re as oblivious to Malleus’ feelings as you are to everyone else’s. If you ever did find out, it would be game over. Because how is anyone supposed to compete with a literal prince? It’s not fair.
Lucky for Ace, he’s never been one to play fair in the first place.
Ace steeples his hands under his chin as he schemes, eyes on you. You’re so dense you’d never figure out Malleus likes you unless he confesses. And he can’t confess if you’re too distracted to give him the time of day.
Ace glances over to Deuce. Deuce is chewing on his bottom lip, eyes hardened and fingers digging into his lap. He looks like he wants to start a fight with Malleus but—for once in his life—he’s smart enough to know that’s a fight he can’t win.
Deuce only looks away from you when Ace nudges him in the arm. Deuce glares. Ace shrugs his head in your direction. Deuce raises an eyebrow then nods his head in understanding. No words are exchanged. None are needed.
Ace rears back and aims a punch for Deuce’s jaw at the same time that Deuce’s fist makes impact with Ace’s right eye.
They aren’t scuffling for long before Ace can hear your voice screaming in his ears, hands yanking at the back of his jacket to physically pull him and Deuce away from each other.
You’re lecturing them. Telling them how stupid and immature they are and how you’re always having to keep them in line. Your hands are on your hips and your brows are furrowed in that cute way they always do when you’re mad. Deuce looks genuinely cowed by your words, clearly upset to have disappointed you, but Ace has to bite back the smirk eating at his lips when he notices Malleus is long gone.
His eye has swollen shut but, five minutes later, when you’re fussing over him and pressing ice to his bruise, Ace can’t help but feel like he’s won.
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supersoftly · 7 months
As a female One Piece fan, how do you feel about how increasingly sexualized the female characters have become? The biggest example is probably Nami, who started out with a tomboyish design and fairly practical outfits but is now a scantily-clad fanservice character with massive breasts.
Depends. If you're talking about the anime, they deliberately take creative freedoms to accentuate fanservice, and sure, it's a little annoying for them to be changing the blocking of the source just to put Robin's boobs up front, but in terms of manga, it's kinda almost always been like that? You can go back as far as the East Blue arcs and characters like Vivi, post-devil fruit Alvida and Nojiko already wearing what could be considered suggestive clothing and/or rocking the One Piece female standard body type. Jump into the Arabasta arc and you've got Miss Doublefinger basically in fetish gear. I think Oda has always made a conscious decision that despite having sexy characters as a constant in his story, he rarely draws or depicts them as sexualized, but even then it's almost always accompanied by a visual gag or bit. The only scenes I can recall on hand that explicitly had more (arguably darker) sexual tones was when Absalom spied on Nami in the shower, and him grabbing and licking Robin, but like all despicable One Piece characters similar to that of Spandam, they usually get a ridiculous level of comeuppance (in this case, being murdered by the Blackbeard Pirates).
Now I've had this discussion about Nami specifically before and I haven't changed my position even after all these years. As an audience, we're introduced to Nami as Arlong's crew Nami; an underling forced to work under the very despot who killed her adopted mother at the threat of murdering everyone and everything she's ever loved and cared about. That's the Nami we know right up until her facade breaks down and genuinely asks for Luffy to help her. That Nami, despite greed being an intrinsic part of her character, almost never acts selfishly or in her own interests beyond stealing money to buy her village back for all of her childhood into her developing years as a woman. None of that time is spent thinking about herself, she's fueled by vengeance and fear, there's no time allowed to be thinking about trivial girly things that most 10-17 year olds should be allowed to think about. So when Nami is finally freed, she stops hiding herself, she finally indulges in herself and becomes her final form, this beautiful, smart, greedy girlboss that can canonically harm Luffy if she's angry enough because it's funny! Everyone agrees Nami is beautiful in-world, but out of necessity as a cat-burglar, she dressed for her occupation. Freed of that obligation, every colour page and title cover, openings in the anime and even in the movies, Nami's downtime is depicted as having a good time with her crew; shopping clothing and accessories with Robin, putting her hair up in different fun hairstyles, wearing clothes that makes her happy because she's confident and unafraid anymore. To me, that's what Nami always was, despite how one might judge how she dresses or how she looks now.
I will agree though I do miss her original asymmetrical pixiebob, and I also wish Oda had went with her original design with the cyborg arm :p
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idontknowreallywhy · 1 year
Best Jupidad Moments #7 Nevermoor Ch 10 - Everyday Highs and Weak-Moment Lows
This chapter contains one of my favourite but underrated Jupidad moments and also the one where I think for the first time he properly gets it wrong and the fandom gasps in dismay…
(NB Altho this chapter also contains some excellent Jove one-liners, I’ll restrict myself to the parenting angle for this post and save the general Jupiter North fangirling for another day ;-) )
Kedgeree had fetched Jupiter and Morrigan from the Smoking Parlour, where they sat in a cloud of forest-green vapour (rosemary smoke: for sharpening the mind), playing a game of cards. Neither was certain of the rules, but Frank whispered advice in Morrigan’s ear, and Dame Chanda did the same for Jupiter, and every now and then someone would yell ‘Huzzah!’ and the others would scowl or throw something, and all things considered Morrigan thought it was a pleasant way to spend an afternoon. They both felt a bit put out when Kedgeree insisted they hurry to the foyer.
Although the dramatic moments are important, so much of the Jupiter-Mog relationship would have been built in the little everyday moments which wouldn’t normally make it into a novel. It’s awesome that Jess shoehorns this section in at this point because, although it doesn’t seem to add much to the ongoing plot, it gives so much more depth to the interactions between these 4 people who live together than such a short paragraph should. I’m so glad it survived the edit and would love to see more of these moments in future.
What’s special about it from a Jupidad angle?
First - they are equal parties here - this isn’t Jove in teaching mode, he’s as clueless about the card game as Morrigan and they are just having some nonsensical fun.
Second - remember that Nevermoor is written entirely from Morrigan’s POV - so how do we know they BOTH felt a bit put out unless he told her? I just love the fact that he’s either said or has otherwise made it clear from his expression or body language that he’s annoyed to be pulled away from that time they were having together. 
Hopefully to most children, the knowledge that their parents enjoy their presence wouldn’t be a surprise but to Morrigan who has been constantly told she is a burden by her parents and grow up accepting the fact that *everyone* avoids being around her… it’s a big deal.
I wonder if that is why this section is here? The biggest threat to her safety both physical (because she might literally be killed if deported) and mental (because her anxiety about it lurks in her mind disrupting her peace for the following 8 months or so) since she arrived in Nevermoor is about to intrude on her day. When a person looks back on life-changing moments like that, I think it’s quite common that they might hyper-focus on the ordinary moments that immediately precede the bombshell.
‘What’s the Stink doing here?’ Jupiter murmured to Kedgeree, who shrugged as he scooted off behind the concierge desk. ‘Who’s the Stink?’ whispered Morrigan. ‘Ooh – ah, I meant the Nevermoor City Police Force,’ Jupiter said under his breath. ‘We, er – probably shouldn’t call it the Stink. Not to his face. Actually, just let me do the talking.’
Another favourite moment because every parent has done this where they say or do something mildly inappropriate and then realise kiddo is paying rapt attention and they remember EVERYTHING… especially what you don’t want them to. That “Ooh - ah” is so familiar it cracks me up every time.
It happens again when Morrigan repeats his joke from a few weeks prior to the officer…
And where exactly are you from, Morrigan Crow?’ 
‘Nunya,’ replied Morrigan.
Jupiter tried to turn his snort of laughter into a cough. ‘She meant to say she’s from the Seventh Pocket of the Free State, Inspector. She just … pronounces it funny.’ 
The other thing to note about Jupiter’s conversation with Flintlock is that he is very polite, cool, “serene” when he is personally threatened with trouble and manages to remain calm and quiet even while pointing out the officer’s appalling lack of compassion. However, the icy voice appears as soon as Morrigan is insulted:
‘But I think you might find this scummy illegal of yours is more trouble than she’s worth.’ Jupiter looked him dead in the eye. ‘Don’t call her that.’
A chill crept up Morrigan’s spine. She recognised the cold wrath in Jupiter’s voice, the ice in his hard blue eyes. Flintlock, however, wasn’t so quick to catch on.
The staff of the Deucalion then intervene (hilariously) so we don’t know how things would have gone, but he takes the opportunity to pause and then come back with a well considered answer.
Jupiter was silent for some time, while Flintlock shot nervous looks in the Magnificat’s direction. When Jupiter finally spoke, it was in a quiet, measured voice. ‘You have no right to demand the papers of someone who falls under the jurisdiction of the Wundrous Society, Flintlock.’
But then he messes up big time, as we all do sometimes when really stressed or knocked off kilter…
Morrigan turned to Jupiter, who looked as tense as she’d ever seen him. ‘Can they really kick me out?’ she asked, a lump forming in her throat. She thought of the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow, of its black shapeless form looming in the darkness. The back of her neck felt prickly and cold. ‘What happens if I have to leave Nevermoor?’ ‘Don’t be silly, Mog,’ Jupiter said bracingly. ‘That’s never going to happen.’
He left the foyer without looking at her.
Argh, argh, argh. First, he calls her very-valid-and-legitimate concern “silly”… and then he leaves without looking at her - that last line is devastating. And it gets its own paragraph just to underline it.
This was a moment where she needed, if not detailed answers, then compassion, understanding, some of that Jupidad eye contact… she needed to know SHE wasn’t the problem and that even if he can’t tell her exactly what it is yet, he has a plan that will mean the threat won’t materialise and that she can trust him.
If this had gone differently, how would it have changed the rest of the book? Would her Fright Trial have been the same, Would she have made the decision she did on Christmas evening? Would Mr Jones have got under her skin and messed with her trust in Jupiter quite as much?
One of the things I find most anxiety-inducing about being a parent is that you can get things right 99% of the time and then say something stupid in a moment of weakness and… ugh what if they remember that more than the rest? What if that damages your relationship forever? What if after all that effort to try to do things right you still mess your kid up anyway? Personally I just apologise a lot and try to make sure that are so many more times she can remember feeling loved and trusted etc that the slip ups get crowded out. Thankfully, kids are usually better at being cool with the fact people make mistakes all the time and they get over it faster than us more introspective angst-ridden adults do.
It’s encouraging that our Jupidad doesn’t get it right all the time. If even fictional super-parents can get it wrong and bounce back, so can I. And it’s obviously way more interesting to read - even brilliant humans are human -and one of the great things about Jessica’s characters is that she shows over and over that they are really human, you feel like you know them, and that’s what makes this series so utterly compelling.
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thesilent-o · 11 months
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He glared down at the glass he gripped, now half empty of its contents. All around him, music and blinking lights caught the attention of a wild crowd. It was enough to make Blitzo's skin crawl. Enough that he clenched his eyes shut while the memory of a cheering crowd filled his mind. The warm glow of a spotlight and the sheer joy and laughter which expelled from the imp and his twin sister while they two performed for an adorning audience. It was everything that he had ever wanted. It was the reason he had desired to be on stage because the warmth of the spotlight and the attention from the audience had always been something he loved. That and the sound of music and the swaying bodies of dancers. Blitzo had wanted it all and dreamed of having a bright future like that. A dream which was constantly shoved aside by critical, drunken remarks made by his father. At the time of a young, hopeful imp, Blitzo had hardly minded those comments. It wasn't until everything had been lost and he'd lost everything and everyone he had cared about. That was when Blitzo had finally accepted his dreams were dead and he was better off finding his own way through life as a lowly imp. No better than the gum on the side of the road to most demons and not even considered anything greater than the sinners that ended up in his office, asking for someone to be killed. 
A fire danced in his mind, the heat of it burning through his clothes. Bright enough that he unknowingly gripped the glass in his hand tighter. A young Blitzo, desperate and injured, reached in through the flames to find his friend. His skin burning and singing under the lick of the flames. The cheerful circus music slowly distorting and fading around him while his vision had begun to blur. It wasn't until he felt a hot warmth touch his cheeks that he realized the memory had sprang forth the threat of tears. To which he responded by snapping his eyes open and feverishly wiping them away with his free hand before he downed his drink. Blitzo tapped the bar to signal to the bartender that he needed a refill. He was going to need plenty of alcohol if he was going to get through this job without any issues. Especially since his past threatened to spill over the edges. The last thing he wanted to think about was how the music, the lights and the people all reminded him of a lifetime long since gone and the dream that had died with it. 
Blitzo was the founder of a company called IMP, which specialized in killing for a price. He had gone from a circus performer to an assassin and while it wasn't the most glamorous job, he'd gotten good at it. Recently, he'd gotten an anonymous request that a demon be taken care of here in Hell. Normally, he didn't take calls for someone already in Hell but since they'd been willing to pay a good price for it, he hadn't complained. It meant traveling through different rings to get here though. Here, that is, the club which he currently occupied. One of the dancers here was to be his target. Exactly what the client's beef was, he didn't know nor did he care too much. In the end he just hoped that he wouldn't end up with the consequences for just doing his job. A dangerous job. Considering the territory that had entered was owned by a particularly powerful demon. Not that that would necessarily stop him. Blitzo did whatever he wanted for the most part. Anything just to get by and keep his company from sinking into the ground. His plan had originally been to make this a quick in and out, so he wouldn't risk running into trouble. But Blitzo hadn't accounted for how actually being around the music and the lights might affect him. 
He had just polished off his fifth round when he pushed himself up from the bar. Drunk. Blitzo had gotten himself good and drunk over the memories that haunted him. The imp swayed where he stood, blinking through the bright lights before he glared over towards their source. The stage. It was the memory of himself and the accident that boiled through his mind and had him going from remembering he was there to do a job, to making a scene. Responding out of emotion as he often did whenever these sort of things seemed to wash over him. He could hardly help himself from raising his voice over the music and causing all those nearby to stop what they were doing and turn their attention to the imp. A fact that he didn't seem to care about and if he did, it didn't register in his mind what might become out of this. Likely either the loss of a client or it meant that he would have to clean up whatever mess he made by being drunk once he had sobered up. Either way, none of this was going as he had originally planned for it to. 
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"You people think you know soo much about performing!" Blitzo half shouted, his words slurring together while he spoke. "I used to perform. People loved me! And I would've been the best, too if the accident…" He wavered where he stood and turned to the bartender again, drunkenly demanding yet another drink. While he fought to keep his balance. He only sank back down into his seat after he'd started on the sixth drink. This time, settling his head atop the bar, keeping one clawed hand wrapped around the glass. 
"How the fuck did i end up here?" He mumbled miserably to himself. 
@e-m-p-error -Valentino
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ben-talks-art · 2 years
Thoughts on Chainsawman II's first major arc
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Since it seems part II just wrapped its first major arc I felt it would be fun to share what I thought about it!
My first impressions are overall positive.
I'm still enjoying Asa and Yoru as a duo protagonists and I like how Denji has become the new "Power" of the series. I also like the addition of Yoshida, who at first I didn't even realize was a returning character because he left basically zero impact on me but now adopted this new role of the "mom" among all these kids trying to keep them from destroying each other.
I think my only major problem is that the current series feels a little too safe right now. There is no big threat looming on the horizon, no giant evil gun devil or control devil to scare us or to be the focus of what we need to defeat. Chainsawman is, despite everything that happened, really chill at the moment.
The biggest thing we had was the event dealing with Yuko and the justice devil, but even that doesn't really put me at the edge of my sit in the same way past threats used to do.
Part 2 so far seems to focus more on the smaller more personal struggles and challenges and how these affect the characters. It's more about seeing how these kids will be affected by these problems than how they will solve these problems.
On that note, I think the themes this arc tried to tackle were really interesting with the character of Yuko!
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Yuko reminds me a lot of Makima in that both feel like representations of what a dangerous fan looks like.
Makima was the entitled fan. She only believed her point of view was the correct one and wanted to change things so everything would be just like she wanted because according to her, only she knows what's best, all while acting under the pretense of doing it for her hero.
Meanwhile, Yuko was the misguided fan. She assumed she knew what the core essence of her great hero was about and tried to follow in his footsteps while ignoring basic things like morality and empathy, all because she wanted a little taste of the success he had while not caring about who could suffer in the process.
I feel like this is a brilliant commentary on fanbases overall. So many people on the internet who think they "understand" certain online celebrities better than others and try so hard to copy their formula while attempting to appear "strong" and "confident" even though deep down they hide so much fear and insecurity while also trying to hide behind these masks to attack others, and justifying themselves with the mentality of "I'm the hero! I'm the one in the right! Everyone else is wrong and needs to be taught a lesson by me!! I was a victim of bullying and deserve to have my justice!!"
It reminds me of when fanbases start going after people online because they hear someone sharing different or negative opinions about the media they like and use it to spread hate and fear. Sometimes fans are so focused on "protecting" and "respecting" their idol's image that they end up completely missing the point that a story might be trying to teach. (like, say, sending death threats to someone just because they made a silly joke on Twitter just a couple of weeks after Chainsawman told a story about a girl who was considering suicide and could barely consider going back to school because she was being hated and bullied by all of her classmates after she accidentally killed a headless chicken)
Yuko is just such a great representation of fanbases that try to use the thing they love and the pain they carry to justify attacking others.
Meanwhile, Asa, the biggest chainsawman hater, and the most miserable person in the series (aside from maybe Kobeni?), manages to capture the essence of being a hero better than Yuko, better than anyone honestly, even though she doesn't even like the guy. All because the thing she loves, that being her mother, taught her to not let the pain she carries become a weapon to hurt others but to use the love she carries to be a weapon to protect others (literally).
I love that by the way, I love how Asa and Yuko show that two people can still be great friends even if one hates the thing that the other one loves, while Asa and Yoru, who share a mutual dislike for Denji, are the ones constantly bickering.
It teaches people don't need to like the same things to like each other.
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There is also some other stuff like possible connections with the four horsemen, the darkness devil, Pochita's past, and so on but... Eh... I'm not a lore guy, I'm more a "character, themes, and messages" guy.
Overall, I'm enjoying it. I like these characters, I like these themes and the possible messages we can take out of it, artwork is still great, everyone is very expressive and the action still looks sick as always. I just wish we would have an actual villain, some really cool and scary big bad to make us worry about the safety of our heroes... and it seems like we might be getting something? But it's still unclear right now.
We shall see.
Thought os part II's start>>
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ai-megurine · 1 year
House of the Dragon tag game!
Rules: answer the following questions, then tag any and all people you think might enjoy participating. If you haven’t been tagged yet and you’d like to join, consider this your invitation!
Thanks @jotterjots for creating the game, and @goldensunandgoldenstallion for tagging me! Us team Green truthers need to band together and enjoy our faction together!!! I’m tagging @alicent-apologist , @helaenaism and @ceoofhelaegon 💚✨
Who’s your favourite character? What draws to them?
Honestly? All the greens lol. Even Otto, who’s a genuine dick to his daughter, is a great character. Like, my man could not care any less when Rhaenyra threw her “I’m the queen!” tantrum, he was so real for that. Also, Criston “perhaps my prince remembers when I knocked him off his horse?” Cole is iconic for that alone. However, I definitely love Alicent, Helaena, Aegon and Daeron much more than the others.
Alicent is the reason I started to side with the greens. Seeing this fifteen years old girl put through hell and back, having to deal with four children basically on her own… her strength is amazing. The green dress scene is definitely in the top ten best entrances ever. And the moment she snaps in Driftmark? Iconic, legendary. She reminds me so much of Sansa, my all-time favourite character. The way she is used and abused but is never given the opportunity to be free… She’s Sansa if Sansa hadn’t been able to escape her abusers.
Aegon, of course, the first son who isn’t good enough. The boy who probably saw his mother spiral into paranoia, who feels like he is worthless since he is the only first-born son being denied his father’s throne. It’s heartbreaking. TGC gives layers upon layers of complexity, the way he seems constantly on the verge of breaking down. And, of course, his bond with Sunfyre, the strongest bond in the history of house Targaryen between the unbroken king and the most beautiful and ferocious dragon in History.
Helaena, obviously. My beautiful, tragically kind Helaena. Helaena, who loves insects more than people but still claimed Dreamfyre the Mother of Dragons. Helaena, who advocated for peace and lost her sons because of it. Helaena, who isn’t a doormat like the show wants us to think, but a strong woman who had no fear of her husband and had a good relationship with him. Helaena, who was crowned next with Aegon. I just love everything about her. Helaena was loved by everyone, and I hate that they stole my beloved princess from us.
I’m also in love with Daeron and his famous “you will receive the same terms you gave my nephew Maelor”. Also, the way he saved everyone in the Reach and became the biggest threat to Rhaenyra’s rule. Rhaenyra’s advisors were literally begging her to make peace with Daeron because of how unstoppable he was. He’s the moment, the legend, the best younger brother in history, I would kill for him.
What is your favourite episode of the season?
Driftmark. It really shows how irreversible Viserys’ stupidity is, and it has among my favourite lines and moments (Aemond claiming Vhagar, for example). I liked The Lord of the Tides too, because it had TGC and I love him more than my life, lmao.
What is your favourite line from the season?
I have three!!!
“The beacon on the Hightower, do you know what colour it glows when Oldtown calls its banners to war?” / “Green.”
“Do keep trying, Ser Laenor. Sooner or later, you may get one who looks like you.”
“I? What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law? Where is your duty? Where is sacrifice? It’s trampled under your pretty foot! And now you take my son’s eye and even to that you feel entitled!”
Which actor’s portrayal is your favourite?
Oof. Honestly, everyone. I find Matt Smith a bit weaker than others (especially Paddy Constantine or Olivia Cooke), but they’re all amazing. I think that my favourites are Olivia Cooke, Emily Carey (both as adult and young Alicent) and Tom Glynn-Carney (as adult Aegon), but I think Phia Saban will amaze me next season. Paddy Constantine also did an amazing job, but my heart goes with the three mentioned before.
Which character would you most want to be stuck on a deserted island with?
Helaena because she knows what insect and plant we can eat, or Corlys cuz he probably can make a raft with anything. If the dragon riders have their dragons/can call them, then Helaena! I’d love to ride on Dreamfyre.
Whose character arc are you most interested to see continued, for better or worse?
AEGON, without a doubt. He’s the best character of the Dance, and TGC has already shown he’s one of the best actors of this show. Honestly, the writers should just let him decide what Aegon will do because he clearly understands his character better than them (RIGHT SARA HESS?)
Name a minor character you want to know more about!
Rhea Royce my beloved. She died too young, I wanted to know everything about her. How she felt about being married to Daemon, if she used to be hopeful as a young girl when she was told she would marry a dragon riding prince and how quickly it turned into a nightmare.
Who’s your most anticipated new character of season 2?
DAERON without a doubt! I can’t wait to see him.
Bonus Round: Link one or more of your favourite fics!
Of Cut Stems, Of Blossoms Ablaze by lullaeby. It’s a genderswap AU of the green kids featuring Helaegon and currently pre-Dance of the Dragons. It’s amazing, and I couldn’t sing enough praises!!
The Targaryen Doe by Alicent_Apologist. Camyla Baratheon marries Aemond Targaryen before the dance begins, and it changes a lot of things. It’s amazing, Camyla is a great OC who fits perfectly into the universe and her relationship with Aemond is perfect.
The Reds and the Blues by Bobert_Hightower. Not exactly team green per-say, but definitely one of my favourite fics. Laena Velaryon marries Viserys instead of Alicent, Rhaenyra marries Jason Lannister and Alicent marries Laenor. All in all, it’s a completely different story but the Dance is going to happen no matter what. I heavily recommend it; it explores the different political factions of ASOIAF perfectly. I mean, it features a Hightower-Velaryon alliance! Also, the children are adorable and deserve the world.
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bookmovieaddictee · 1 year
The Midnight Mayor (Matthew Swift #2) by Kate Griffin
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It's said that if the ravens ever leave the Tower of London, then the Tower will crumble and the kingdom will fall. Resurrected sorcerer Matthew Swift is about to discover that this isn't so far from the truth. . .
One by one, the protective magical wards that guard the city are falling: the London Wall defiled with cryptic graffiti, the ravens found dead at the Tower, the London Stone destroyed. This is not good news. This array of supernatural defenses -- a mix of international tourist attractions and forgotten urban legends -- formed a formidable magical shield, one that could protect London from the greatest threat it has ever known. But what could be so dangerous as to threaten an entire city?
Against his better judgment, Matthew Swift is about to find out. And if he's lucky, he might just live long enough to do something about it . . .
The question of the day is, does it count as a plot twist when the plot twist is what's been said all along? Is that vague enough to count as a spoiler?
Firstly, let me preface this: if you are a reader who did not enjoy the first book's overwritten purple prose, you will not enjoy this story. Kate Griffin's in her groove now.
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Ain't shit finna stop her now, not even a llama potion. She's just doing her own thing, defying all the rules of good writing. Hemingway rolls in his grave, I'm sure, because somehow she managed to improve on this haphazard style; the writing and descriptions are a lot less repetitive than they were in a Madness of Angels.
Writing style aside, this book can be summed up in a few words: it ain't safe. Literally no one is safe.
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Nothing works twice, and everything that might have saved them before is no-selled by the antagonist, the Death of Cities.
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And Matthew is just awful. I'm not sure how a protagonist can be equal parts craven, homicidal, merciful, selfish, and brave (see what I did there? ehehehe...). He literally throws every single person he knows under the bus, threatens every ally he has into cooperation with death (and wastes life senselessly), and leaves a trail of bodies and destruction wherever he goes. Not to mention everyone thinks he killed everyone Bakker's Shadow killed. I'm not surprised every faction out there yearns for his destruction. How is a person who's favorite way of asking nicely is "I'll fucking kill you!" such a fucking punk? Goddamn, I've never read a protagonist who was simultaneously so good at eliminating his allies while failing to kill his enemies.
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Moreover, I'm not sure how he can irritate me this much and I still be so damned hooked I'm sitting there with my face glued to the pages, my mind on the story even when I'm supposed to be making my living.
Everyone in this story is morally detestable. There are no heroes here, and yet, despite the maniacal narration and POV, there's some sympathy for every perspective. I do enjoy all the side characters more than Blue Electric Angels and Co. Sometimes I wonder what women the author knows irl that every single female character in this story is such a miserable bitch though. Maybe it's her living out her 'fuck politesse' fantasy. Maybe it's the lack of sun in Europe that leaches the last bit of kindness from their hearts. /s
If you follow my blog at all then you know I fucking love Oda. She's literally my favorite character. There's something about her homicidal zealotry with a cause that gets me gay for her every time. Bang. Bang. Bang.
My favorite psycho bitch-- and Matthew's too, considering how many times she bails his ass out with a gun where magic won't do. (At least he pays her back with something other than a gruesome demise.) Not to mention, consequences~ gets me going every damn time. That and the subtle character development that's alluded to that just sets the speculative pistons pumping into overtime.
If we're following the trend of the series, if she dies next book, I don't know if I'll finish the series. Such a copout to kill every single character I start to love. Two will be two damn many. I ought to make sure I check this out in a physical copy, so I can chuck it out the window when I am inevitably infuriated, and not destroy my expensive e-reader.
But then...large print.
What with the club scenes, sneakerhead wayward youth, and guns and suits, I had this song on my headphones on repeat while reading this 😁
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celticbarb · 1 year
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#bookreview #newrelease2023 #OliverHeberPublishing #tanyaannecrosby #HistoricalParanormal #faefaeries #ancienttribes #Blogger #TartanBookReviews
Book: The Forgotten Prince
Author: Tanya Anne Crosby
Series: The Goldenchild Prophecy, Book #3
Release Date: July 25, 2023
Publisher: Oliver Heber Books
Book Length: 322 pages
Overall Rating: 5/5 Five Stars
Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire Flags
(Beware spoilers from the first two books of The Goldenchild Prophecy series)
In this update previously from the first book of this series, in “The Cornish Princess,” readers will view Gwendolyn’s brand new husband’s true and vile nature! Without Gwendolyn’s knowledge as she mistakenly thinks she is being prepared for her wedding night, as she had been removed from the wedding feast before any of the barbaric murders occurred! Loc had previously ordered his brothers and warriors to commit the most enormous mass murders at their wedding feast! Now this new King “Loc” Locrinus with his evil diabolical heart had set up this annihilation of Gwendolyn’s family, friends, and loved ones of Cornwall! This vicious, cruel, savage groom had his warriors in disguise as wedding guests with weapons under their sleeves.
Now this wedding would be known as the “Feast of Blades” with the deadly annihilation that wiped out so many of Gwendolyn’s loved ones including both of her parents! Loc not only had Gwendolyn’s father and mother murdered but he killed his own father King Brutus too! Most likely this also meant her mother Queen Eseld and her nursemaid Demelza who had always been like a mother to Gwendolyn, who she loved dearly!
However, this was when Loc took Gwendolyn away where everyone thought she was having her special wedding night in the marriage bed, but it was the furthest thing from the truth. Gwendolyn had no idea what was happening to her family, friends and people! Unfortunately some might think Gwendolyn had a part in this malicious attack and was siding with her bloodthirsty husband which was the furthest thing from the truth! They had no idea she was being abused and held prisoner by Loc, his mistress and Loc’s mother, the Dowager Queen. Luckily she escapes in The Queen’s Huntsman, which is the second book of this exceptional series, but now her lands are dying yet Loc’s lands are flourishing which seems so unfair considering all the merciless attacks he has done to Gwendolyn’s people and her lands! Now who will win in this tale of good versus evil? As the Goldenchild Prophecy continues…
Pretania 11th Century BC
A final showdown between Queen Gwendolyn and King Locrinus is coming soon. As the treacherous usurper Loc is searching for tribes to build his army and fight against Gwendolyn, however he is also searching for his escaped (prisoner) his Queen only to slaughter her and destroy Gwendolyn’s lands, villages, people and every living thing in his path. Unfortunately her people are losing hope, faith and trust in their new Queen with all of her lands dying as everything is devastatingly destroyed! Furthermore they are absolutely terrified of Loc and his men after they annihilated so many of Cornwall’s people at their wedding without Gwendolyn’s knowledge having been removed from the wedding feast before any of these murders occurred!
These mass murders occurred without Gwendolyn’s knowledge since she thought she was being prepared for her wedding night, mistakenly only to be abused and becoming Loc’s prisoner! He needed her to look as if they were happily married to convince and betray other tribe leaders for alliances and convince her with tremendous threats for the few that were still alive that she loved. Luckily she does finally escape with the help of some magical people on her side including a fae prince named Málik Dannann, who Gwyndolyn happens to love, but finds him very difficult to read but he soon reveals his true heart and feelings to this Cornwall Queen. Is it what she wants to hear?
What is confusing and doesn’t make sense is that Loc’s land is flourishing and her land is dying. Especially since he is an abusive mass murderer and empty hearted scur! Having killed Gwendolyn’s parents, the King and Queen of Cornwall, her cousins, friends and so many of the Cornwall people and imprisoning Gwendolyn and so many of the Cornwall guards and their people. Plus Loc’s people are destroying everything in their path and Gwendolyn feels the only way for her to win this war against Loc is to raise an Army, but first she has to unite the tribes of Pretania to even build an army. This is not an easy task when the doom of men seems to object to a woman alone in power.
Furthermore this faerie named Esme, who seems to have an agenda of her own. On top of that she is Málek Dannann’s betrothed, though it is obvious there are no soft romantic feelings between the two. As their alliance is only a political one. However she seems to play both sides filling Gwendolyn with tales to give her false hope and perhaps telling her falsehoods but she thought that fae and magical beings cannot lie?
Loc isn’t the only Usurper that wants this Cornwall Queen dead as also the King of Fae is not happy hearing she intends to cross over into his magical realm! A King who is Málek’s sire and for him his land is where humans are definitely not welcome! As Gwendolyn wants The Tuatha'an Sword of Light as it seems she definitely needs this magical sword to win this war. Will Gwendolyn cross the veil? Shall she convince the untrusting doom of men to trust her? Can Gwendolyn convince the Druids to help her cross the veil in the magical “fae” world or will they make her too sick purposely on hobb cake? Does Malek open his heart and confess his true feelings or will he crush Gwendolyn’s tender heart once again? Will Loc get more support for this battle against Cornwall? Read and find out in this unforgettable breathtaking tale!
Again Tanya Ann Crosby writes another phenomenal tale in book three that made my heart race, my body quiver and never knowing what to expect next! I love how this novel centers around true historical figures in history, but of course this is a fictional paranormal tale from this author’s brilliant and entertaining imagination! It is a book you definitely need to read both The Cornish Princess and The Queen’s Huntsman first to totally understand and comprehend this story in completion. I personally think it will be hard to understand if readers do not read the first two books of his magnificent series. Now this is also not a happily ever after ending as the fourth book “Arise the Queen” is the next book and the series finale. I believe all the unanswered questions and cliffhangers will be answered. I personally cannot wait for the next book in this tremendous series!
I have really loved this series so very much as Tanya Anne Crosby is one of those rare unique and gifted authors that really knows how to pull you in and sweep you away in this magical world with her extraordinary, gifted, talent that will absolutely and positively blow readers away!. I loved The Forgotten Prince and I absolutely recommend this spectacular masterpiece! Again, it is another beautiful, epic, story blending true history and a magical world that you can’t help but crave and desire! The type of book you never want to end like a never ending story! Plus watching what others call a slip of a girl trying to build an Army to save a nation is totally mind blowing and absolutely brilliant!
It is obvious why I have been reading this multi talented author for over three decades as all her books are a bit like (hobb cake) to me! What is hobb cake you might ask? However, you will definitely have to read this incredible stunning story to find out. I think Gwendolyn’s shadow Brynn will absolutely agree with me about the hobb cake. Just watch out as too much of a good thing can have alarming results! I absolutely can not recommend this book enough, it is definitely one of my all time favorite reads of the year! A book that will definitely take you on a journey to the ultimate paradise!
The Goldenchild Prophecy
1)The Cornish Princess
2)The Queen’s Huntsman
3)The Forgotten Prince: TBR June 25, 2023
4)Arise The Queen: TBR in 2024
Disclaimer: I received an advance copy from Oliver-Heber publishing. I voluntarily agreed to do an honest, fair review and blog. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.
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