#and nothing has made me happier or more fulfilled in the last week
jinsbedroom · 2 years
taejinkook angels & demons au where “you can’t choose who you love” or “i can’t help but love you” are true statement because it’s literally divine intervention. angels and demons rule love & romance in this world & live amongst humans (of course, humans are oblivious to this). angels are tasked with permanent or long term love, while demons are tasked with temporary love. they’re ordered by the council of love in the heavens & have to be precise to carry out their missions on earth perfectly so that they can retire & go back to the sky, if they want.
demon taehyung & angel jungkook are co-workers (read: besties) at a bakery. here they fulfill their tasks of making people fall in love through their pastries. they also serve regular pastries for those who don’t need falling in love. normally, angels & demons would have a hard time getting along, but taehyung is really empathetic, despite being a demon. they became instant friends when they met at the bakery, jungkook always comforting taehyung whenever he gets an assignment.
all week, jungkook had been putting subliminal messages around human seokjin’s surroundings to get him to come to the bakery. today’s the day seokjin will finally meet his permanent lover & jungkook couldn’t be happier! this is his last case before his retirement. since seokjin is one of his good human friends, he decided to try a new muffin recipe and offer those to seokjin & his near-future lover. to 3 of those muffins, he added his angel magic, and the rest were to be sold as is. 3, just in case one of the muffins dropped or something. he really didn’t want to mess this one up. he only had one shot. taehyung came into the kitchen and unknowingly took one of the love muffins to try.
“hey these are really good, could you leave the recipe for me?”
“yes, sure sure. wait a minute… did you eat my-”
his sentence was cut short when he heard the door open and the store bells ring. it was seokjin, there was no time to waste. surely, taehyung would be more careful than to eat a love muffin, right? that’s what he chooses to believe anyway.
seokjin smiles, “hey jungkook! for some reason i had the strongest urge to come here, a craving maybe? i just have a feeling you have something new in the works.”
from the kitchen, taehyung loudly announces, “jungkook made these AMAZING muffins, you just have to try them.”
“mhm, that’s right! here, have a taste!” jungkook says as he gives a love muffin to seokjin.
within just the first bite, seokjin starts to feel… really happy that he’s there. “taehyung, i’ve been meaning to ask…” jungkook feels stressed. this has never happened before. he looks over at taehyung who seems uneffected, but with the way seokjin is acting, taehyung must have eaten one of the love muffins.
taehyung quickly realizes his mistake and excuses himself before seokjin can ask any serious love-related questions.
once seokjin leaves, jungkook starts to pace back and forth, stressed.
“oh my heavens, this can’t be happening. is this reversible? there has to be a way right? how could you be so careless? seokjin’s going to fall in love with you, a demon! a human and a demon!!”
“jungkook i’m so sorry, i didn’t know you had an assignment today. i just saw new muffins and i- jungkook! what are you doing?” taehyung rushes over, grabbing jungkook’s arms to stop him.
“I’M STRESS EATING. LET ME STRESS EAT.” jungkook shouts, but unable to get out of taehyung’s grasp.
“STRESS EATING YOUR LOVE MUFFIN?” then they hear the door open, store bells ringing again. it’s seokjin.
“h-hey seokjin, what brings you here again?” jungkook manages.
seokjin looks between the two of them. “no, nothing- sorry, i forgot my phone on the counter. sorry, i’ll just get it and go” he says, sounding a little disheartened, & quickly leaving the bakery.
did they just break seokjin’s heart? seokjin who is more than deserving than anyone of a happily ever after… what are they even meant to do in this situation? the only thing they know for sure is that seokjin will fall for both of them.
they’re screwed.
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strawtheskippy · 4 months
Hey love
First off, i just wanna say that i'm sorry i started to raise my voice. You made me very mad by putting words into my mouth that i never said to begin with, but that doesn't mean i should raise my voice. So i'm sorry for that.
I gave you a choice, between choosing a happy life with yourself and us, or a choice where you wallow in your circle of pain in suffering, and you took to defence immediately, and thought that i want to break up with you. As i explained, i don't want that. I want us to be together, because i love your presence in my life. I love you so dearly, and i only want the best for you. But i also know you, and i know you are not taking your issues seriously enough. I'm sorry, but that is the truth.
I figured this is the only way for her maybe to open her eyes and do something about it, so i told it the way i told it. I think it's the right thing to do, no matter what. And i don't regret my words for saying it. It's your choice in the end what you want to do. And it should be a fairly easy choice to make in my opinion. You take your problems seriously, and start properly working on them. It's that easy. "Yes i will do that, for me and for us". Its that easy. Yeah.
Instead you wanted to blame me by saying that i want to break up with you. And yes, it might look that way, and i can understand why you would think so, but after i explained it it should be obvious that was not my intention. Still you said in the end that i said i wanted to break up with you and that we were no more, which was not true. I'm just trying to put things into perspective for you. Like i did with your mother, so that maybe you can open your eyes and do the right THINGS for yourself.
As you said: "just because i haven't taken pills for 3 weeks and now u want to break up". No. That's not it. You have been sloppy in the past too. It's 3 times already that i can recall, where you start going into a rapid hole of even more pay and panic. And i can say them easily when it was, when they happen where you had fallen off them again and needed to buy new ones. This is obviously not good for you, being off them. But it's also not good that you are not being responsible for your own health.
I tried asking you yesterday if you took them, and you said yes. Which was a lie, and thats okay. I forgive you for it. I know fully well that all the problems doesn't come from "you not taking your pills", ofc i know that. You have your issues with your family etc which has no effect on that. But that's not what im talking about here. I'm talking about you just taking it seriously enough. Your health. For the better.. So you can become stronger and happier for yourself. If you can become happier and stronger, and get a balance, maybe you actually will see things in a different light.
When we are depressed and sad, we can't see clearly. I know that. And it's hard. I don't blame you for a second for all the things you are going through, it's so painful and horrible. And i wish i could do more so that you could be lead a happier life. But i'm doing everything i possibly can on the side, and when you are not willing to walk the last mile and don't do that. You understand it's painful for me too? What do you expect me to do, if you can't do the last mile? I'm not just stand by and watch you ruin yourself. It's very very painful. But it's nothing compared to the pain that you are feeling. That's WHY. I said the words i said, so you maybe can change and start working on it.
I only say this as i always say. Out of love. Not just out of love for our relationship. But love out of you. Nia, the person. I want her to be happy and fulfilled in life. And only you can make that choice to take action and becoming better. Cause there is not a day when miraculously everything is better. No, you need to work on your issues, and get to the root of the problem. Talk it out, and get help from people. Get understanding and validation for your feelings. It's gonna be a tough road, it's gonna be up and down. But that's how it is on the start. But eventually everything will become more balanced.
I'm really sad that you took the choice of playing a victim that i wanted to break up with you, when i only try my best for you. It's an easy choice. Maybe it's tough to hear, but it's the right thing to do in order for you to "live" and not just "exist". If you can't make the choice, and choose to be with me and live a happier life. Then that's YOUR choice.
But at least, i gave you a choice. This is not about me. It's about you. And your life.
I love you, and i wish you all the best. In whatever you do, i hope you always come out on top and is happy. You are very very special person baby. A very very special person. I want you to succeed with whatever you do, cause you deserve it. Please, take care of yourself properly from now on. Go to your sessions, take your pills etc, and work it out. I know everything will be better for you in the end. Just believe in it too, when your ready that is. I'm sorry again for raising my voice. Please don't say such foolish things in the future that i was breaking up with you, when i didnt say that. And i won't raise my voice either. Thank you for trying and doing your best.
Also wanted to say.. Happy Birthday to you love! <3 You are getting as old as me now. Your becoming an auntie already, i'm so proud. 26 Year old bald aunt, now that's amazing. Just wanted to express my gratitude towards you baby, and say that my life wouldn't be the same without you! You are the most special person ive ever met and our chemistry is UNMATCHED. We're so cute together. There's nothing like our chemistry boobie. And i'm so happy we can laugh and joke with each other. Thank you for all the good times and all the bad times that has been <3 I'm sure we will have plenty more <3 Thank you for being such a cute charm troll that we all love so much. You are seriously the cutest person in the world, and no one is even close. Except Nils :P :P :P I will send you 1000 kroner so you can buy your charles and keith, or spend it however you want. It's better i feel that i give you a gift where you can spend the money you want on something taht you want i feel. Have a great day and contact me whenever you want <3 I LOVE YOU and take care there! <3 ❤️
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Aizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Confidence in the Bedroom
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Conversation with Geminiexpand_moreeditWrite a positive review of the "Dominate The Male Enhancement Niche Today with Aizen PowerSupplements - Health" product in 500 words with a title in British English. And add a Heading in every paragraph. And write like (I used the following product)Show draftsvolume_upAizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Confidence in the BedroomFor years, I'd struggled with performance anxiety in the bedroom. It put a strain on my relationships and left me feeling insecure. I tried everything from over-the-counter medications to lifestyle changes, but nothing seemed to work consistently. Then, I stumbled upon Aizen Power Supplements, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer.Natural Ingredients, Powerful ResultsAizen Power Supplements are formulated with a blend of natural ingredients scientifically proven to enhance male sexual performance. What really appealed to me was the focus on natural ingredients. Tribulus Terrestris, for instance, is a herb with a long history of use in traditional medicine for improving libido and erectile function. Another key ingredient, Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Longjack), has been shown to boost testosterone levels, which can have a significant impact on sexual performance and desire.Increased Stamina and Improved PerformanceWithin a few weeks of taking Aizen Power Supplements daily, I noticed a significant improvement in my stamina during intimacy. I lasted longer, which not only benefited me but also made my partner much happier. Erectile function also improved noticeably. The anxiety that used to plague me before encounters simply wasn't there anymore. I felt confident and in control, which made the entire experience much more enjoyable.Enhanced Libido and a More Fulfilling Sex LifePerhaps the most surprising benefit of Aizen Power Supplements was the increase in my libido. I found myself desiring intimacy more often and experiencing a greater intensity of pleasure during sex. This newfound confidence and desire has had a positive impact on my overall relationship with my partner. Sex has become a regular source of connection and intimacy, something we both look forward to.Not a Magic Bullet, But a Powerful AllyIt's important to remember that Aizen Power Supplements aren't a magic bullet. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise will always be important for optimal sexual health. However, for me, Aizen Power Supplements provided that extra edge I needed to overcome my anxieties and perform at my best. If you're looking for a natural way to enhance your sexual performance and rediscover confidence in the bedroom, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power Supplements a try. You might be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your sex life and your relationships.
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rahul-heathcare · 5 months
Aizen Power Supplements: A Game Changer for My Confidence in the Bedroom
For years, I'd been struggling with intimacy issues. Let's just say it was putting a strain on my relationship. I tried everything – exercise, a healthier diet, even stress management techniques – but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference. Then, I stumbled upon Aizen Power Supplements, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer.
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Natural Ingredients, Powerful Results
I was initially hesitant about taking any supplements. There are so many out there that make outrageous claims but deliver little to no results. But what convinced me about Aizen Power was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula includes things like Tribulus Terrestris, Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Longjack), and Maca Root, all of which have a well-established reputation for supporting male health. After doing some research online about these ingredients, I felt confident that Aizen Power wasn't some kind of fad product.
Increased Stamina and Improved Performance
Within a couple of weeks of taking Aizen Power Supplements daily, I started noticing a significant difference. My stamina levels increased dramatically, allowing me to last much longer during intimacy. This was a huge confidence boost, and it made a world of difference in my enjoyment of sex. But it wasn't just about lasting longer. I also experienced a noticeable improvement in my performance. I felt more energized and engaged, which made the entire experience more pleasurable for both me and my partner.
Rekindled Spark and a Happier Relationship
The most significant impact of Aizen Power Supplements has been on my relationship. With my newfound confidence and improved performance, the spark has been well and truly rekindled. Intimacy is no longer a source of anxiety, but rather a source of joy and connection. My partner has also noticed the positive change, and it's brought us closer together. We're both happier and more fulfilled in our relationship.
Not a Miracle Cure, But a Powerful Ally
It's important to remember that Aizen Power Supplements aren't a miracle cure. They won't solve all your intimacy problems overnight. But if you're looking for a natural way to boost your confidence, stamina, and performance, then they're definitely worth considering. Used alongside a healthy lifestyle, Aizen Power Supplements can be a powerful ally in improving your sex life and your relationship.
Finding the Right Supplement for You
Of course, everyone's body is different, and what works for me might not work for everyone. It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. But if you're looking for a natural solution to improve your intimacy, I highly recommend giving Aizen Power Supplements a try. They've made a world of difference for me, and they could do the same for you.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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maladaptations · 5 months
adhd meds are a gift from god science. thank you so much meds. i feel like a had a fulfilling day even though all i did was go to work, send 2 emails, go to class, and get takeout dinner. this is the first time I’ve ever had a thought to do something and then executed it without agonizing over it/stressing about doing it/ultimately not doing it bc it was making me upset & stress and more distracted.
is this how everyone else has been living? to think and then simply do? to simply email the nice comic shop store 2 questions that have been festering in the back of your head for 2 weeks… and then they respond within 30 minutes resolving everything? how much time and stress have i produced for myself… because of myself?
why is adhd so stigmatized that parents would rather it be left undiagnosed and untreated because of their own personal shame—that they didn’t create a perfect child or that their friends & family may think they have a crazy, broken kid. (well if you never tell them, they’d never know. how about tell yourself to shut up? how about care about your child and keep private personal stuff private?). neglecting something that has been actively and systematically made my life so difficult and miserable and increasingly unbearable… to fight your brain, to fight your body, to fight your own will to get you to do anything. to have all your wants and hobbies and joy be killed by your own brain. nothing was fun. anything worth doing was because people expected this thing by this date. doing something for yourself, though? never worth it because you’re your own unreliable narrator.
now on meds, i can’t believe life would be this way. that life wasn’t always a committee of 100 people where no matter consensus everyone was unhappy. that my mind could be quiet? that my mind listened to me? 😭 that my mind could care about what i wanted for once?? (i will need to reserve more time to cry about those last 2 sentences.) …for so long i was… almost happier when people didn’t understand what i was saying—distant tangents and obscure/esoteric examples and unknowingly speaking in metaphors and riddles— because if people couldn’t understand, they couldn’t judge… but either way, it showed they’d never cared to listen for what i was trying to say. to speak the same language but not be heard. may as well have been screaming into the wind. may as well have been a ghost.
well, now i can speak. i could speak before, of course, but now i can be heard. what will i do with this new superpower! for the first time in my life i have agency over my own agency! wow
i think. i think i want to crack open that textbook i bought myself 6 years ago when i wanted to learn about XYZ. I’ve bought myself countless presents over the years (entreatments/bribes to myself to be kinder to myself). they never felt as satisfying as the journey it was research and buy them, but now tho! now with my new brain, im actually excited! to smell paper, to learn something new and purely for myself and my own weird interests! to have knowledge in my brain purely for myself and not for work! to keep a piece of myself for me and me alone! what a treat. oh baby. this is a whole new world.
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i have never felt more ready for a monday in my life
our little new week countdown has never made me feel more ready for a new week ahead
we got high and had so many giggles like i was doubled over half the night bc i was just so happy
it was so nice for jasmine to teach us how to make things together and give us instructions and she wants us to do human centipede style pani puri night and have a contest for who can make the best one
i think it'll be so fun to have them over honestly
it was so cute how we all ate from one plate and fed each other it was so sweeeeeeeeeet
and how we helped each other fight the sunday scaries
i loved when jasmine would bump my shoulder and we have a little giggle or she would hold my hand while i told her something
i taught them how to pin messages in imessage and how to look at screen time and how to add limits they had no idea!!!
i was telling them how i think 5 letter names are the best closely followed by 3 letter names/nicknames
how much do you hold hands and are you happy with it (nyc is not good for hand holding, sf is very conducive to hand holding)
do you get sad in the winter
how often can you without leaving your apt
who is your favorite tiktoker
how much time do you spend on your phone (not kevin deleting him and jasmines entire imessage history bc of the unpinning when he clicked delete)
what is one thing you shipped last year
what does your friendship pyramid look like
how long do you think the honeymoon period lasts
how much time do you spend on tiktok (we were talking about screen time and i got sad that kevin had insane hinge screen time and it made me kinda sad)
where are you on the scale of wanting to make friends actively to not wanting to make friends at all? i said how i was at a 0 because i haven't even been able to look at cashiers or other people i could talk to but it's only bc i went like 15/10
i was also telling them how i feel so fulfilled bc in the past i felt like i could never have too many friends and i always have and still feel like the lame little kid that no one wanted to hang out with and now i feel so content with my friendships that nothing is missing i am just over the moon with everyone i know i couldn't be happier that my life feels so fulfilled and overflowing with love
i find myself being really turned on sometimes when i look at him he's just wearing a black shirt but sometimes i look and i see the tiny waist and giant shoulders and the muscles and i'm fully horny and 😩🤨
see this the position i don't wanna be in when i'm pining after someone i just hate it
next time i want to focus on being intentional, putting my phone away and just enjoying the moment for what it is, being really present and not being stressed about trying to look cool
everyone there already thinks i am cool i don't need to try so hard
questions for jas, does mark get annoyed when you ask him to clean
jas was saying how she thought it was cute that i asked her for shroom tips bc it means she's my go to person (i had been telling them about how when i found the pill in my carpet and immediately asked them about it and they knew what it was i told mel and she was like love that you immediately consulted your local drug dealers)
it was truly a movie 🥹
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nerdpiggy · 4 years
Listen, you can't expect to reblog am ask game for an oc and NOT expect me to send half of the numbers. So: 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, 20, 29, 32, 36, 43, 47
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2. Do they have any "isms"/verbal tics/personal phrases? I don't understand this question too well but Robbie says "I come from out of town" anytime someone asks them where they're from. They picked it up from a dear friend, and for both of them it secretly meant "I'm from a different dimension."
4. Do they have any odd or irrational fears? Their fears are fairly rational! Their biggest fear is blood/gore and they are appropriately scared (though perhaps not scared enough) of the monsters they fight. I would say their most irrational/unlikely fear is falling forever.
5. Are they good at fine motor skills (like knitting)? Absolutely! Robbie is a chef so they kind of have to be good at fine motor skills in order to not chop any fingers off. They've not learned to knit because they don't have the time but if somebody handed them a pair of needles and some yarn then they would LOVE to be taught.
9. Do they have any guilty pleasures? Robbie actually really likes horror films. That doesnt sound like a guilty pleasure on its own, but they don't tell ANYONE that they like horror because they are SUCH a baby when they watch even the cheesiest of scary movies. They have to cover their eyes for the gorey parts but they live for the fictional thrill
10. Do they have any pets? They have their familiar, Mr. Muffins the owl, and they also have a pet cat named Chickadee (Chicky or Dee for short)! Chickadee is a black cat and thats her name because she chirps more than she meows. She's allowed in Robbie's dorm as a therapy pet of sorts. Robbie misses her a lot; they've been on so many missions that come out of the blue that they haven't seen her in quite some time
13. What's their favorite kind of weather? They enjoy mild weather, preferably with no clouds because at night they like looking up at the moon and stars with no clouds in the way. They're used to brisk weather, having lived in New England their whole life, so they're slightly more comfortable in the cold. They tend not to complain about feeling hot or cold but in the rare cases they do, they usually feel cold.
15. Do they have any marks or scars on their body? So initially when I made them they had a scar on the right side of their chin but in my redesign I removed it because I just couldn't come up with a backstory behind it, not even a boring one. Since they've started going on a lot of adventures and fighting monsters (and having to roll death saves more often than my heart can take), they've been accumulating scars, though most of them are under their clothes. Also, by virtue of being a chef, their hands are well-calloused and their fingers have a lot of little cut and burn scars all over them.
20. Do they have any recurring physical tics or ailments? Their left eye starts to twitch when they feel a panic attack coming on; when Robbie covers their left eye with their hand then you know something's up. Also, in the campaign story there is an illness that can turn people into awful monsters called Behemoths, and it transfers by touching Behemoths ESPECIALLY their blood or saliva which is this black ooze (though the transformation does not need to be immediate). Robbie got bitten by one, and therefore is a candidate for behemism. Ever since that happened, they've had chronic headaches and sudden bouts of intense nausea, which occur more often when they are stressed or in despair.
29. Do they have daily or weekly routines? Every night they journal their day and every morning they journal their dreams! The journaling idea is inspired by the fact that I am the only player in the party that takes notes, and eventually I just started taking notes from Robbies POV.
32. Do they like horror/creepy things/true crime/Halloween? As previously mentioned they love horror! But they don't like creepy things or true crime. They love Halloween though!!
36. What do they consider home? Robbie used to have an answer for this but they don't really, not anymore. The world is so much more vast than they ever even imagined, and they're an outcast wherever they are. One of the only people who could understand their situation is missing and presumed dead. Once Robbie's finished their mission and figured out what happened to him, they won't really know where to go.
43. Where do they live? They live in a college dorm but in their current mission they've been staying in hotels, motels, holiday inns, friend's houses, secret bases, wherever they can.
47. Are there any common experiences they haven't had? Before literally going to different dimensions, they never really traveled! Robbie's never really ventured outside of New England. They also have never gotten a driver's license.
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dornish-queen · 4 years
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It seems that Pedro Pascal is in all possible universes. Here and there. In the past, in the present, and in galaxies far, far away. Today, the actor is considered the great entertainment reference and one of those in charge of saving a franchise that seemed lost. Enough reasons to talk exclusively about discipline, gastronomy, creeds and how he traumatized his father in 30 seconds.
The RAE defines 'creed' as the set of ideas, principles or convictions of a person or a group. For example, by creed, one can leave his country and be in exile. It happens that one can leave the loved one behind. Or simply live in another reality. And also one can put on a helmet to pretend never to take it off again. If that is the path to follow, the creed says that it must be done with the profession of faith and without stopping to look. Turning the pages of the script for The Mandalorian , the Disney + series that revived passion and nostalgia for the Star Wars franchise , Pedro Pascal came across this definition in every dialogue and moment, and reflection carved his way.
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More than two decades have passed since the Chilean-American, Pedro Pascal, began his acting career and today, named as the great reference of 2020 , he misses the theater and it still hurts him not to have the discipline to exercise and maintain a diet sana while acknowledging the irony of having the best year of her career in the midst of one of the worst in recent history. But even in physical solitude, the man who carried the best-selling Christmas baby rescues many positive things and shares his vision of the universes he has traveled through, his passion for distant galaxies and how to traumatize your family with a simple scene of TV. In an interview, the Mandalorian of Latinamerica.
IMDB named you the 2020 benchmark in entertainment, a year in which the world took refuge in fiction. How was living your best time locked up and what do you rescue on a human level from it?
The strength of family relationships and friendship. For them, we endure this physical loneliness. I do find it ironic that in 2020 I received projects so well received by the public, although they were carried out before the pandemic and their impact was during it, and that year I was isolated and alone. But I must emphasize that this loneliness is a privilege when many people had to continue working, surviving and maintaining the functioning of the world. We only had to be alone, but they more than that and you must value it too.
Among the activities you have missed, how much do you miss the theater?
Much indeed. It's something that I miss the most and being with people without being afraid. See a play and return to those experiences of being with people doing and living things in common. That is what I need most, in addition to my loved ones.
Disney fully entered streaming and its strong letter has your face, what do you think of the discussion of platforms against movie theaters?
There are incredible things in streaming and many people develop great projects that they did not have access to before. The diversity of voices is gaining ground and it is important to recognize that opportunities grow exponentially and boundaries change. It is incredible the availability that we have to very well made content and how creative people can share their work in different ways. But I also want to be honest: limiting the experience of watching content only on our gadgets or at home is a mistake that affects the stories we can tell. You have to achieve a mix of opportunities and challenges.
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You jump between the fictional universes that mark the last decades until you reach the universe of universes. What is your first Star Wars memory and how do you summarize the essence of this legendary story?
For me, Star Wars is nostalgia itself. It is one of the primary things in my memory, of my childhood. I came to the United States with my Chilean family when I was less than two years old and one of my first memories is going to the movies with my dad to see the saga ; it becomes one of those romantic childhood things that opens your mind, so imagine how special it is to participate in this project. I think the creators of The Mandalorian perfectly understand this nostalgia and that power, and they managed to count on that element as a great ally for the world of Star Wars and I couldn't be happier to be part of it. (From which we expect the third season The Mandalorian)
The Mandalorian exploits the power and nuances of your voice, did you have that letter on your resume?
I didn't know I could do it, but I resorted to my theater preparation, which was very physical on all levels and feelings. There are elements that have to do with and that are essential to create a role, and they teach you that the voice is something primary, something you have to start with and you cannot hide. Now I have learned much more about the importance of that, and how to use it economically. The body also has to do with that, because something very subtle communicates something. In The Mandalorian , I had a great time figuring out how to do it, they gave me the opportunity to develop it in different ways. The opportunity to be very intense at it.
What happens to the ego when someone works under a suit and a mask?
In the conversations about the project, before doing it, we were communicated the idea and the concept of the entire season , so I clearly understood what it was. I wanted it to be the most powerful version of what they were trying to accomplish, so there was no point in involving my ego, you know? It was already very clear what the project meant, so I knew about the character , the piece that it represented for him and the opportunity that it was for me, so I was only focused on executing in a better way the part that touched me in everything this. In the theater, I worked several times under a mask and it helped me develop the experience.
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It seems that The Mandalorian has a very theatrical base ...
Exactly, and thanks to the physical experience of working in theater, doing a play a few times a week, discovering how your body and your voice communicate , being part of a whole image, and how you will tell that story visually, I achieved this character. I never imagined that it would be something I would have to use on such an important Star Wars project .
On the list of entertainment greats, there are names like Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, do you think John Favreau should be added to the list?
I think your name is already included. Without a doubt, it is in that category and it is incredible. His vision fascinates me. I remember an episode in the second season , and I had some boots and I walked so much in the snow, it stuck to them. He figured it out, so he talked to the art department about the kind of boots you need when you're out in the snow. They approached me and gave me new ones that fulfilled the idea I was looking for. He noticed it in an instant. It is such a wonderful detail and it is repeated to scale in every session with him. He thinks of absolutely everything and his vision of the use of technology is admirable. He is someone who makes you feel motivated and always sees how to achieve the goal.
One of the reflections in the series is on how and under what circumstances a man can break his creed and way of life. What makes you break with your beliefs?
I think that you must follow your heart so as not to regret anything; Although sometimes it brings pain or conflict, deep down when you look back, everything is worth it because it was what you heard in your heart. I am very afraid to deny that feeling or not to attend to it. I am 45 years old now and I cannot believe I have a finer philosophy. Make it more disciplined. It's ridiculous, but I'm trying to accept that I am and it's all I can say, "follow your heart." Although, you know, I'm not on a good diet yet, I still have trouble sleeping or exercising.
Still good at Chilean empanadas?
Yes, I couldn't stop. And also how good that I do not live in Mexico City because I would only spend it eating. I could move my whole life to defe just to eat.
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I want to deviate and ask you, with whom did you see the chapter of your death in Game of Thrones and what traumas did you cause in your family?
For me, no trauma. I separate myself well from the characters , although I fully understand that if I were a Game of Thrones audience and loved that character, it would make an incredible impression on me. Thank you that it was not. I had to interpret it and there was a model of my head to be crushed that way with the tubes and the fake blood, you know? Me lying there, with pieces of my meat, it was funny in the end. But not for my family. For them there is nothing funny but traumatic. My dad's voice changed completely when we saw the episode, he turned around and said: “I didn't like it, Pedro . No, Pedro , not this ”.
The media found similarities between your villain in Wonder Woman: 1984 and Donald Trump. When playing a character with characteristics like this, do you humanize him or do you understand him?
The project had nothing to do with the former president. They always told me that my character in Wonder Woman: 1984 was emotionally messy, and I took that and took that as far as possible. Instead of creating it with images or certain inspirations from life, it was more to work with what was on the page. Personally, what made sense to me is the size of the story that is being told and there is always more, and we all want more. Creatively, if this makes sense, that meant "blowing her out of the park." Connect a hit with the character and be committed to telling his story faithfully, in a way that was true to me. So all the exterior elements found their way.
What a way to start 2021 with the theme of the Capitol ... How do you perceive that moment?
I am not a politician and it is not that I do not have an opinion about this type of event; however, it is not necessary to state the obvious. My opinion would be very simple compared to that of a person who studied this, who knows how to act in these kinds of scenarios; I believe that I am next to the majority who experienced this, which is the logical result of what we have experienced during these years and we are all horrified . It was distressing to see this violence.
If you had the monolith in your hands, what would your wish be?
My wish would be… it's impossible, really (laughs). I think it is to be together again, with less fear and that people have the opportunity to connect.
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What is your position on the reality that Chile has experienced in recent years and how has the relationship with your country been since exile?
It is something that I am developing and I continue to do in my life, trying to understand that it is my home. To be in Chile is to be at home, but my life has been very nomadic, living different things and having many influences; so it is strange, I do not feel with the title of a complete Chilean identity nor with an American one.
Neither here nor there?
In a sense, but I'm also completely both. My parents are Chilean , my brothers were born there before my parents traveled, and I came back sometimes because my family is very large; in fact, my parents came back. It has always been there, it continues to develop, and it will be a part of me. I don't know if it answers your question, but it has a lot to do with who I am.
What is your relationship with Latin American cinema? Are you interested?
Much, it has invaded me in life like American cinema. The movies that I carry in my heart, seeing something like Y tu mama was also something that changed me; I also love the work that comes out of Chile , and the only thing I can say is that it is a cinema that needs more access and projects.
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Today you have a comedy with Nicolas Cage on the door, can you tell us something?
It's my first shot at comedy , as a complete story within the genre. Speaking of American influences , in the 80s I saw all the films where Nicolas Cage appeared , he came into my life and it's great to be his partner after seeing all his performances.
How is the relationship you have with the comedy genre?
I love it, I have done a lot of comedy in the theater, what happens is that in film and television issues , I was always part of drama castings . And in the cinema, you go where the doors open; Although I identify with one or the other, I think that being an actor , one goes and does what one has to do. Comedy is something unique, it is very challenging because it must be very real to be funny, you cannot hide or use normal tricks. I was very excited to have this challenge in front of a camera.
Finally, Pedro, after going through so many fictional worlds, literally, what do you dream about when you sleep?
I dream that my bathroom is dirty, that I haven't done my math homework, that the oven is on and all that stuff. Sure, there are times when I close my eyes and see myself in all these projects , although my conscience is with the anxieties of the day that you can imagine.
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Without a doubt, Pedro Pascal is a particular type .
English Tranlation: Google Translate
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
I was wondering is I could get a scenario where reader is actually a descendant of decarabian and is out to get revenge on barbatos and take back mondstat and barbatos’s gnosis so they can become the anemo archon. They are a spy in mondstat trying to gather information before they put their plan into full affect but end up falling in love with venti in the process and don’t know if they want to get revenge anymore so they tell venti everything.
Of course, I would be happy to! Thank you for being my first request! This is a little long, but I hope you like it!
Child of the Storm
Warnings: Some angst in the middle
Venti x GN!Reader
2.8k Words
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Decarabian had many children. These children are known as storm sprites. Quite a few exist, though their numbers are greatly diminished now that he has fallen and Barbatos became the Anemo Archon. They’re mostly peaceful, but not all of them. Not you.
No, you want revenge. Barbatos took what was rightfully your father’s, the anemo gnosis and position as Archon. Decarabian had only been doing what he felt was right. He was protecting the people from the harsh and cruel colds of the outside world. And this was how he was rewarded?
It’s not like Barbatos is a good Archon anyway. He goes missing for centuries at a time, sleeping his time away. He doesn’t actively protect and guide his people. He is lazy and irresponsible. He does not deserve what is rightfully your father’s. And so, since your father cannot take the gnosis and rise to his rightful station, you will.
This is not something that is easily done. Even though he is the weakest of the Archons, Barbatos is still an Archon. There is an inherent power and ability that comes from simply holding a gnosis. So you must prepare.
To do so, you become a spy in Mondstadt. It takes a lot of power to create a human form. But using the remnants of your father’s power and what power you have in reserve, you manage it. You integrate yourself in the city by becoming a knight of favonius and making many friends. Kaeya in particular is rather fond of you.
Why a knight? You may as well protect your people in the meantime. Hypocrisy is not a good look on you. And having many friends will help you get more information and have a better cover. So your plan begins. You do not actively speak against Barbatos, but you do not speak or act in his favor either. Your friends come to know you as a sort of neutral party on religion.
It baffled you how everyone in the city seemed to love Barbatos. How could they love an absent Archon? How could they love someone who abandoned them and hate one who was always there for them? Nothing about it made sense.
Your plan works perfectly. It was slow at first, but you’ve started to get more and more information on the going ons of the city. Most of it is trustworthy, but don't sources, like gossiping with Kaeya, tend to have mixed results. Sometimes his information is factual and completely true. Sometimes it is something he seems to have made up off the top of his head.
One evening you were waiting for Kaeya to meet you at Angel’s Share for another one of your information sharing (read: gossiping) sessions. As you wait you take a moment to enjoy the music played by one of the many bards that play at the tavern. The music tonight is particularly good and played by a bard in green.
His teal tipped braids, dark hair, and flower in his cap compliment his fair complexion. The tips of his braids seem to almost glow in the dark. His slim fingers seem to dance across the strings of his lyre. It’s an enchanting sight and you may have just fallen a little in love. Just a little.
Vengeance is your whole purpose, you cannot allow something like a little infatuation to distract you from that. And yet you can’t help but return to the bar over and over just to see him play. You start to tip him anonymously with apples and wine. It’s not your fault, he’s just too good at what he does. This is just you giving him the reward he deserves.
He eventually catches on and finds out who’s leaving the tips, because Charles is a dirty traitor. But it would be easier to be mad if Venti wasn’t so grateful and happy to have figured out it’s you who’s leaving the tips. The two of you formally introduce yourselves to each other and strike up a good conversation. You end up spending a lot of time together with him after his performances. He seems to enjoy those nights as much as you do. And sometimes you catch him staring at you with a dreamy look out of the corner of your eye.
But you start noticing a couple odd things. He has an absolutely ridiculous alcohol tolerance with no sign of debilitating hangovers. While singing, he doesn’t seem to stop as often to breath as much as other bards. It could be passed off as him just being better a better bard, except for the fact that it’s by a superhuman margin.
When you spot him turning into a wind sprite to sleep in a small shelter in an alleyway, it explains a lot of things. However, some of your questions go unanswered until one night when you’re playing around as a storm sprite. You notice him sitting on the hands of the statue of Barbatos and get curious. He seems to be speaking, so you hide behind the statue and listen carefully to what he is saying.
“Oh, Himmel,” he sighs. “Am I doing the right thing? Everyone seems happy, but would they be happier if I was a better and more active Archon?” Your world stops. How is this possible? Why him? Why did it have to be him? Could you even do this anymore? What in the world would you do with yourself if not this? If you’re honest with yourself you have to admit that you have come to love him.
This is your life purpose! But you love him! How can you fulfill your purpose if it requires you to harm the one you have come to love? What would your father think? Nevermind, you know what your father would think. He would call you a weakling for not following through. But he’s dead. So does what he would say even matter anymore?
Your existential crisis lasts for a solid week. Venti notices how distant you’ve become and does ask about it, but leaves it be once he sees that you’re not ready to talk about it. One day it becomes too much. He deserves to know, you decide. It may be hard and may drive him away from you entirely.
But you can’t keep this from him. Doing so wouldn’t be right and he should know the truth before the two of you even consider having more of a relationship than you already have. So no matter how much it scares you and tears you up inside, you choose to tell him.
“Venti, could you meet me at Starsnatch cliff tomorrow?” You ask him, nervously. “I have something I need to tell you.” He seems surprised, but is agreeable to the idea. “Sure,” he replies. “I’ll see you then!” The smile he sends you kills you a little more inside.
“I need to go,” you tell him as you hurriedly got up, paid your bill, and left. “Was it something I said?” Venti wondered behind you. Shrugging, he takes another sip of his drink. “Well, I guess I can ask them tomorrow.”
Tomorrow comes too soon, after a sleepless night of tossing and turning in your bed. There is nothing you want to do less than go to Starsnatch cliff, but you promised. So you go. You take your time getting there before sitting down with your feet dangling off the edge of the cliff. The day is beautiful. Much too beautiful for a day that may just ruin your life forever.
Taking a deep breath, you notice some footsteps coming up behind you. “Hey there,” Venti says. “It took me a while to find you. Be a bit more specific next time, won’t you?” You nod absentmindedly and pat the ground next to you. After he sits down, you start.
“Once upon a time there was a storm sprite, a child of Decarabian. They were created near the end of his reign, too young to join in the effort to protect him and his cause: protecting the people of Mondstadt from the cold blizzards of the outside. This was before the snows were blown away, and blizzards were abundant. Decarabian had created a barrier to protect his people from almost certain death.
“Yet his people did not appreciate his protection. They rebelled against him and he fell before them. If Barbatos had not risen to power, the people would have faced almost certain death to the harsh winds of Boreas.
“But, in any case, there was only one storm sprite left in the area to hear his dying wish. He wished for vengeance, retribution for the injustice he received for fulfilling his duty to protect. And it became that storm sprite’s purpose for existence. Or so they thought.
“They spent many, many centuries plotting the downfall of Barbatos, growing in power slowly. Eventually they were able to create a human form and walk among the people of Mondstadt. And walk among the people they did, collecting information and preparing for the date they would finally find Barbatos and take back what was rightfully their father’s.”
You stop a moment for a chance to breathe and glance at him to see how he was taking the story. He looked thoughtful and he gazed out towards the horizon. So you take courage and continue.
“But then, something happened- something completely unplanned. The storm sprite fell in love. At first it was just infatuation but it grew and grew until it became something stronger and more pure. They truly loved, for the first time since their father had died. And there were signs that the one they loved might even feel the same.
“Then something happened. Something that made their whole world fall apart. They found out that the one they had grown to love was Lord Barbatos himself.” There was a moment of silence. You don’t dare look at him. You are absolutely terrified. After you take a deep breath to steady yourself, you keep talking.
“They didn’t know what to do. Their purpose was to destroy the man and everything he stood for. But their heart would never let them do it. Eventually they made a very difficult decision. They would tell him.
“This is my story, Venti. This is my life and my past. It’s not pretty and it’s not kind. You have every right to hate me, despise me. If you no longer want anything to do with me, I would understand. I just… like I said, I just felt that you deserve to know.”
There’s another moment of silence, slightly longer, heavier, and more awkward than the ones before. When you turned to look at him, drawing your knees up to your chest, you saw him looking at you, pensive. What did he see? You wonder. Does he see a monster who was plotting his demise? Does he see someone unforgivable and unwanted? Will he send me away from Mondstadt forever?
As you looked down at your shoes, a thousand more thoughts running through your mind, he finally spoke. “Well, I’ll admit that this is not what I thought you’d wanted to talk about today. I was expecting something more along the lines of a confession, honestly. And I suppose you did admit that you love me as part of your story, but part of me wishes that you had stopped there.”
If possible, your head drops lower as you press your forehead to your knees. “But,” he carried on. “I’m grateful that you told me this. It really would have messed things up more if you waited until we were in a relationship to tell me. For now, I’d say you should keep going on as you are. Live your life the best you can. I would really prefer if you found a new purpose, one that doesn’t end in my utter destruction, but you’re free to make that decision.
“I won’t chase you out, if that’s something you’re worried about. You’ve proven that you love Mondstadt and cherish it’s people. But I will ask for some space. It’s going to take some time for me to process all of this. I’m going to go now. I’ll approach you when I’m ready, please leave me be until then.”
“Okay,” you whisper loud enough for him to hear. Then he gets up and walks off. You cry until you can’t cry any more. You’re not sure why, you deserve this and were expecting this after all. But it still hurts. The close relationship the two of you had was gone. And you miss it already.
After some time you pull yourself together, clean yourself up best you can, and head back to Mondstadt. You follow his advice and keep going with your life. Your new purpose, you decide, is to serve and protect Mondstadt and all its people. Kaeya and your other friends notice something’s different and ask about it in concern.
Most lay off after you say you’re not ready to talk about it. But Kaeya, being the persuasive and stubborn guy he is, didn’t give up until you admitted that you’d done something that messed up your relationship with Venti. He knew how much Venti meant to you and made time to be with you more while Venti took his time deciding what he’d do about it.
Then Dvalin started attacking, a traveler came to visit, and fatui were more abundant. You would have loved to take action against all of these, but Venti was so closely entwined with all of these issues that you didn’t dare. Things seemed to be working out okay without you anyway.
But then you felt a disturbance. A fatui was approaching the cathedral. That was odd because while the fatui aren’t exactly subtle about not respecting Lord Barbatos, they were never as bold as to go near his cathedral. Something was wrong and you were determined to find out what.
You arrived just as La Signora tore his gnosis out. While you froze in shock for a moment, you burst into motion the minute she stopped for a moment to look at it. With the speed of a burst of lightning, you snatched the gnosis from her hand and disappeared. You only stopped when you reached Old Mondstadt, but you could still hear her scream of rage.
You stash the gnosis away, hidden in a satchel that you usually carry with you. As you’re heading home you run across Kaeya. After talking with him for a moment, you get an idea. “Kaeya, could you deliver a message to Venti for me?” You ask. “Sure,” he said, smirking a little. “Are you going to try and make it up to him?”
“In a way,” you respond. “Just tell him to meet me where we last spoke, okay?” After a moment of fake consideration and stroking his non-existent beard, he agreed and the two of you parted ways. He went on to Mondstadt and you headed to Starsnatch Cliff.
You didn’t wait long, a four pair of footsteps came quickly. From their pace you could tell that they’d run all the way there. Once they came to a stop you turn to greet them. They were guarded and wary, which was understandable, but it still hurt.
When you pull the gnosis out of your bag, you see looks of shock. “What?” You question. “Did you think I would claim it myself or something?” The traveler nodded, Diluc shrugged, Jean wobbled her head back and forth, while Venti looked a little ashamed of himself. You smile ruefully. “I guess I deserve that. But here,” you hand the gnosis over to Venti. “I believe this is yours.”
He looks at the gnosis, then at you, then the gnosis, and repeats the pattern a couple times, his eyes wide. Eventually his eyes settle on you as he absorbs the gnosis. When the shine of his transformation was still wearing off, you feel a pair of arms wrap around you and hug you to a chest.
“Thank you,” Venti murmurs in your ear. “I think you’ve more than proven yourself to me. I forgive you. How could I ever thank you for this?” You smile and hug him back. “Maybe you could consider joining me for lunch tomorrow?” You smile even wider when you feel him kiss your cheek. “I think I can do that,” he agrees.
When the two of you part, he un-transforms, and you both turn to look his companions. Diluc has one eyebrow raised. Jean seems to have gone into shock. Traveler’s face is bright red and Paimon is covering their eyes and glaring at you. You both laugh, making Paimon glare harder. Diluc actually cracks a smile. And Jean snaps out of her shock and laughs a little with you.
Your date the next day goes wonderfully, and neither of you can wait for the next one.
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scruffyssketchbook · 2 years
Dictator AU Chapter 1: A Dirty Trick It was a quiet, slow day. It seemed to drag on for weeks, but it had only been a mere 5 hours since the sun came up. Blizz wasn’t suppose to drop it for another 7 hours, and even then it took him at least 20 minutes to get up to his room. Not that he didn’t want to of course, but Blizz wasn’t exactly the fastest. In fact, raising and lowering the artificial sun was one of the few highlights of his day. Normally he has nothing to do, but today was different. Dusk approached him and Blizz had a chill go down his spine. A gut feeling was telling him to run. No matter how ignorant Blizz was, no one could be blinded to Dusk’s ill intentions. Not every day someone approaches you with a bat. He might just want to play baseball, Blizz told himself and ignored the gut feeling. “Hi Dusk!” Dusk looked at him. “I see you have a bat,” Blizz smiled. Dusk leaned the bat against a wall, “I need you to run an errand for me.” Blizz’s face lit up, “Really!?” He was quite excited. “Yeah,” he pulled a white envelope from his tail, “I need you to take this to box 1.” Blizz accepted the envelope and headed for box 1. And when Blizz turned his back to Dusk, Dusk let out a silent chuckle. - Daisy felt something off the whole day, and seeing Dusk with a bat did not improve the feeling. Dusk simply asked, “If you add to choose between my life and Blizz’s, who’s would you save.” Daisy was startled by the question, “Why do you ask?” Dusk shrugged, “Just curious I guess.” “Well I’d save you,” Daisy responded. “I think you’re just saying that,” Dusk had a weird look in his eyes, like he was sad, “I think you would save Blizz.” “No!” She yelled before even realizing what you she was saying, “I’d save you. Really would.” Dusk’s expression changed to a happier, kinder state, “Could you do me a favor?” Daisy, grateful to be away from such a morbid topic, also perked up, “Of course!” “I need you to gather all the girls on the Greenpaw floor.” And with that, Daisy sat off to do her task. - “Bolt!” Bolt turned around to see Dusk holding a bat, which immediately put his body on high alert, “Y-yes?” “I need you to grab Vay and go to the meeting room,” Bolt tried to hide his distress, “This is very important.” Bolt quickly left to fulfill his task, but he was just relieved to be away from Dusk. He wish he asked Dusk why he had a bat. But now Bolt has convinced himself that he was just paranoid. - Dusk had called together a group of eevees together within the common room, however he was nowhere to be found. It wasn’t long before they realized the group was overwhelming Greenpaws with a few exceptions. Yet the eevees couldn’t figure out why they were called to get heer as a lot of Greenpaws weren’t there. It seemed like a random mass of eevees. However Dusk never did anything without reason, so the Greenpaw eevees made sure the other houses didn’t leave, even if it meant a more violent approach. - The eevees were herded out in front of the building for what Dusk called ‘remolding.’ The eevees that were asked to gather within the building were unaware that Dusk, Bolt, and Vay had empty the building. And when the three returned to the inside the doors were locked, a new feature Dusk installed. Most of eevees ignored this, but a few realized something was up, but in the end it was too late. Dusk had control over the building. And, in a way, this ‘remolding’ was the truth. - Blizz had been wandering around box 1 when he realized Dusk never told him who to give the letter. Blizz simply opened the letter to see who it was addressed to. And in that moment of realization Blizz had felt disappointment and rage. The envelope contained nothing at all, and he had been a target of another one of Dusk’s pranks. But in truth he had been lured away, where he would not ask questions or raise suspicions. Blizz told himself this was the last time. He told himself he was going to confront Dusk for all the pranks and tricks he had pulled on him. He will tell him he doesn’t find them funny. Blizz smiled at the thought of Dusk apologizing. And so Blizz headed back to the eevee box to see this apology. But he never got it on return. On return his life turned upside down. Chapter 2: The Dictator (Coming soon!)
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jediken0bi · 4 years
At The End Of The Day
Spencer Reid x Reader
Reid is scared his Job is eventually going to take away the thing he loves the most. You.
word count: 2023
Spencer sat on the counter in the kitchen, sipping on his sugary coffee and watching you move around the room. You decided you wanted homemade Waffles this morning and Spencer made the quick decision to not even attempt to lend a helping hand. He usually ends up burning half of the food anyway so you're not complaining.
And if you're being honest you liked being able to do something nice for him while he relaxes. It's not like that's something you get to see all that often.
You really only get to have Spencer to yourself on the Weekends and even then your time together isn't always guaranteed.
That's something you guys struggled with a lot. He even more so than you now that you think about it. He is so quick to beat himself up over not being able to spend more time with you and it breaks your heart.
Of course you would like to see your boyfriend more often but you know how much he loves his Job and you would never ask him to quit or hold his crazy schedule against him.
After all, it's not Spencers fault serial killers don't take the weekends off.
You throw little glances at Spencer every time you add a little bit of batter into the Waffle Maker and each time you find him already looking at you with loving eyes and a silly smile plastered on his face.
You can't help but giggle a bit before shaking your head lightly.
There are certainly days where you can't wrap your head around the fact that the genius with the pretty face feels the same affection towards you as you do.
Another minute goes by before he puts his coffee down, pushes himself off the counter and walks over to you to carefully wrap his arms around your waist.
"Someone is awfully cuddly this morning", you say with a huge smile on your face. You lean into his touch so he knows you don't actually mind the closeness.
He still has days where he can't tell whether or not you're making a lighthearted joke or are trying to reject his advances. It took him a long time to be able to initiate physical contact without you having to make the first move or ask for it.
That's not because he didn't love you though. He simply didn't know what to do in a relationship.
He was trying to figure out the do's and don't's and you were more than happy to help him learn and understand what it means to be truly loved by someone.
Nowadays he doesn't hesitate to seek comfort in your arms and there's nothing you can think of that makes you happier than that.
All you ever wanted was for Spencer to feel at home with you.
He put his head on your shoulder and smiled into the crease of your neck
"I can't help it. I haven't seen you in 8 days, 5 hours and 24 minutes and now that i'm here i don't wanna waste a single second of it"
You silently put the last Waffle on the plate you set out and turned your head so you could face him.
You try to catch his eyes and as soon as you do, you press a light peck onto his pink lips.
"I missed you so much", you say while he softly grabs your waist to turn you around positioning you so that you're facing him.
He presses gentle kisses to your forehead, your nose, your cheek and suddenly stops right before your lips.
"I missed you too, my love"
Before you can form an answer he plants a firm and loving kiss on your lips making you forget about breakfast for a second.
But only for a second.
You start smiling into the kiss and lightly push him away. The distance between you two only big enough to let you catch your breath before you laugh and say
"Let's go eat. We haven't had breakfast together in a bit and i wanna cuddle on the couch and watch some Doctor Who"
He laughs and nods his head so his short curls fall into his face.
You bite your lip to suppress a grin before tucking the lose strand of hair behind his ear.
He reaches behind you to grab the plate and makes his way towards the couch you two picked out just over a month ago.
You follow him immediately, feeling giddy that you get to cuddle your boyfriend for the first time in days.
He puts the plate down, plops down on the couch and immediately opens his arms to invite you to get comfortable in them.
While you snuggle into his chest he grabs the remote and starts queuing Doctor Who Episodes for you guys to watch and analyze together.
You wrap your arms around his torso and bury your head into his neck. You sigh happily and plant tiny kisses on his shoulder and neck.
He tightens one of his arms around you and starts playing with your hair
-time skip-
Almost three hours later, the waffles long gone, you get up to get some drinks for the two of you.
As the credits to the third episode start rolling you can't help but notice that Spencer had gotten unusually quite.
You sit down next to him, put a hand on his arm and ask with a calm voice
"Baby what's wrong? You got so quiet and it looks like something's bothering you. Did something happen at work? Did the case end bad? Whatever it is Spencer i want to be there for you"
He looks at you with wide eyes. Almost like a kid with his hand stuck in the cookie jar. He looks guilty and it's making you nervous. You know you can't push him but you would be lying if you said you weren't worried.
He looks down for a second unsure of his next move. He takes a deep breath and hesitantly turns around to look at you.
Your hand immediately finding its place on your boyfriends jaw. Running your thumb over his stubble in a calming matter.
He leans into your touch and closes his eyes for a second.
You knew that he would eventually start talking so you had no problem patiently waiting for him to summon the courage to say whatever was on his mind.
"I was talking to Morgan the other day and he said something that got me thinking. Actually, i think it's fair to say that thinking turned into overthinking really quick. Although i don't know anymore. At this point, it might be a completely valid fear and i'm just trying to convince myself it's not. Of course you could apply that logic the other way around as well but - I'm rambling, aren't it", he says in pretty much one breath.
You show him a understanding smile and say,
"Yeah but it's okay. I want to hear what's on your mind. No matter how confusing"
He looks up at me and smiles with sad eyes
"I know you do and that's why the thought of ever losing you drives me completely insane"
You stare at him for a moment not understanding why he would be thinking of losing you before taking his hand into yours and asking
"Spence, do you want to tell me what you and Morgan talked about?"
He sighs loudly and runs his thumb over the back of your hand.
Looking straight at you he decides 'Now or Never'.
"He just broke up with his girlfriend and we were all trying to be there for him. He seemed completely fine but you never know with Morgan so i went to talk to him about the break up and he just smiled at me and said 'It is what it is, Pretty Boy. Relationships are doomed to break in our line of profession. Enjoy it while it lasts' "
he tells you doing a weird impression of Derek.
Under different circumstances you would've laughed.
You look at Spencer with a small smile on your face. He looks so distressed, you can't help but run your hand through his curls and climb into his lap.
He doesn't waste a second wrapping his arms around you to secure your position and before he can question you, you say
"So that's what this is about? You thinking i might leave you because of your Job?"
He shakes his head slightly and looks up to meet your eyes
"No this is about you deserving a boyfriend who doesn't spend 90% of his time a couple of states away from you every week. It's about me not wanting to make you feel like you come second when there's nothing that's more important to me than you. I would quit my Job if you asked me to. There's plenty of Jobs out there but no one quite like you. I hate to think that you might come to resent me for being away so much"
You run your hand through his curls again and smile softly. It's your turn to shake your head.
"What i deserve is a boyfriend who loves me for who i am. Someone who cares about my feelings and thoughts. Someone who doesn't mind binge watching Doctor Who with me on the weekends because i like that way better than going out. Someone who reads my favorite book so we can have a conversation about it. Someone who shows me how much he cares every single day. And i already have all that. I don't need anything or anyone else. I promise."
Spencers eyes are shut tightly and he leans his forehead on yours. He presses a light kiss to your nose and wistfully admits
"I'm just so scared my Job is going to take you away one day"
You wrap your arms around his neck and whisper
"I know a thing or two about that. Baby, you do so much good in the World. I couldn't be more proud if i tried. Let me ask you something. You like your Job, right? Despite everything it asks of you?"
He nods softly and opens his eyes
"I love my Job. Helping people gives me a chance to make a real change. It's what i've always wanted to do."
You smile at him and hum in agreement
"That's right. And you love me too, right?", you ask cheekily
He looks at you like you hung the moon, grabs your hand to press a soft kiss against it and says
"Of course i do. More than anything"
You once again nod in agreement.
"Then you have to understand that the World isn't always 'This or That'. I would never ask you to quit your job for me. I wouldn't want that. I love you too much to take away the thing that fulfills you and makes you happy. Relationships take work, Spencer. I'm not saying it won't be rough sometimes but at the end of the day you're my Clark Kent to the BAU's Superman and i wouldn't change a thing"
He looks at you with loving eyes that are glazed over with unshed tears and whispers
"I'm going to marry you one day, i promise. I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you that you're loved beyond compare"
He starts covering your face in kisses resulting in you laughing at his antics.
This wasn't the first time you two talked about marriage. You knew that he was the man you were going to walk down the aisle to. There wasn't a doubt in your mind.
You push him back down on the couch so you can lay down on his chest and say
"Now that we've established that you looove me, i think it's time for you to start the next episode. It's my favorite!"
You said it in a mocking voice but it genuinely did make your heart beat faster and he knew that.
"Damn straight i do", he says as he reaches for the remote.
Weekends with Spencer are simply the best.
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meher-sumedha · 3 years
Gwynriel : She breaks up with one of us, she breaks up with all of us.
Over the last 3 months, Gwyn had grown very close with Elain. They even considered each other sisters. Elain had even started coming to training, but she had backed out after a week, for being a valkyrie, was not for her.
Elain and Azriel had also grown closer to each other. Even though, they had been dating since 3 months only, the had had sex. All thanks to the great Gwyneth Berdara, who had practically begged Rhysand to let them date each other.
Gwyn had promised Azriel that she would find out a way for him and Elain to date, she did. But, they still had to follow rhys' condition, that they could not date each other exclusively.
Elain still had to go to the day court to spend at least 3 days with Lucien, they had become good friends now, or as Rhysand thought.
Elain was, well, she had started to grow a liking for Lucien. She noticed that even though he was shy in front of the inner circle, he just wouldn't shut up in front of her. Elain knew there was some kind of relationship between Helion and Lucien, as they often went to the day court, but she didn't press on the matter. She was impressed about the amount of sarcastic jokes Lucien could make.
He told her his idol was "Chandler Bing", one of the characters from a human sitcom. He said he was the king of sarcasm, and after watching 10 seasons of the show, Elain too realized that. Every time Elain visited him, they watched at least one episode from the sitcom. And if they really really liked the episode, they would re watch it and would enact as characters. Elain had a lot of fun, especially as she could be herself around him.
She didn't have to pretend to like anything, and didn't have to do anything to impress him. Sometimes she would catch him staring at her during the sitcom, she never said anything, not until today :
"You're staring" She said, trying to stop the smile tugging at her lips, her eyes still on the television. Yet, from the corner of her eye she could see Lucien's cheeks had become the colour of his hair.
"Am not" He said, his voice sounding a little shy, which led to Elain chuckling a bit and looking at him, only to find he was still staring at her. They were currently watching the episode, "The one with the proposal" and both Chandler and Monica were on their knees.
Elain didn't back down from his stare, she kept looking at him. But she couldn't help glancing at his lips once or twice. They were sitting extremely close today for some reason.
And if they moved a bit closer, their lips would touch. Lucien was too staring at her lips now, and Monica was happy crying. Gods! He was looking good today. Elain knew she shouldn't do anything, that she was still in a relationship with Azriel, but she couldn't help but lean in slowly, and touch his lips with hers.
Elain started kissing him, but he didn't move, he didn't kiss her back, and just when she was gonna give up and move back, his hand strangled her hair and tilted her head in a way so that he could kiss her in a better manner.
Fireworks started exploding everywhere, Elain had never felt such a thing while kissing anyone, not even Azriel.
And that one kiss, had led to another and another and something else.
(Gwynriel starts from here)
And now, Elain was on her way to break up with Azriel. She'd been seeing Lucien since a month now, which meant only three days. But in those three days, she had never been happier, and she wanted nothing more, than to spend time with her mate.
With Azriel it had always been about him, what he liked. And Gwyn would always be the one to tell her that. What kind of flowers, instruments, sleeping positions, and whatnot Azriel liked. But Elain didn't find it creepy, as she knew Azriel and Gwyn were best friends.
But she always had the pressure of being with Azriel, it was like she was a puppet who had to do exactly as told. Now, she had had enough, and was gonna tell him, that she wants to break up.
Well not before telling Gwyn. Elain and Gwyn were sitting in the House of Wind's library. They were reading a book, Elain opened her mouth to speak a few times but then shut it.
Until she finally gathered the courage to speak, "I need to tell you something", "Okay" Gwyn replied, not looking up from her book. "I need you to be quiet about it", Gwyn looked at Elain and said, "When am I not?"
"Literally never" Elain said and Gwyn rolled her eyes. Elain continued, "I wanna break up with Azriel", "WHAT", "WAY TO BE QUIET" Elain shouted back and Gwyn took a long breath.
"Why do you wanna break up with Az?" Asked Gwyn after calming herself down. After Elain kept quiet for a few minutes, Gwyn finally understood, "oh, Oh, OH! YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH LUCIEN", "I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH LUCIEN", "THEN WHY DO YOU WANNA BREAK UP WITH AZ".
And then Elain left, leaving Gwyn with guilt of being a bad friend. Gwyn was upset, and when she thought she couldn't be more upset, she sensed the shadowsinger around her.
Azriel paced to his room, knowing that Gwyn was following him, he still slammed the door shut, and the tears he'd been fighting finally came loose.
Even though he slammed the door in her face, Gwyn still came in his room after a few minutes. He was sitting on the floor, with his back resting on the side of the bed.
Gwyn didn't know what to do, so she just sat on the floor, beside him. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until Gwyn noticed there was something in his hand that was resting on the floor. She took his hands, and opened its fist, only to see a ring box.
Gwyn gaped at the box and Azriel let out a dark chuckle, his sobs had stopped now. "You were going, to propose?" And Azriel chuckled once again, but that chuckle was muffled by a sob.
Gwyn didn't know how to react, "YOU'VE BEEN DATING FOR THREE MONTHS" Gwyn shouted at him, clearly angry and surprised by his stupidity. Azriel didn't say anything. He just brought the ring box closer to his chest, and opened it.
That ring. Gwyn could have sworn all the diamonds of the world were present in that ring. Azriel just took the ring out of the ring box, and looked at it, a sad smile on his face.
Gwyn just stared at the ring, not able to form any words. And then Azriel asked, "Do you think she would've liked it?" and offered it to Gwyn to look at. Gwyn was silent for a while and then said, "No" and Azriel chuckled.
"Why not?" He tried to be amusing, but his voice still broke. And then Gwyn looked at him with an emotion in her eyes, that even Azriel could not recognize, "Because if she loved you, she would never want such an expensive ring. She would want you to save money for your future with her instead".
And then Azriel smiled, a genuine smile, but a sad one. And then he said, "It was good while it lasted" while not breaking his eye contact with Gwyn, and then Gwyn repeated, "It was good while it lasted".
And then ice creams appeared at both their sides and they both chuckled, Gwyn opened hers and it was Belgium Chocolate. And Azriel opened his and it was Dark chocolate. The house also provided them with brownies to eat.
They both chuckled and sat there the entire night, stealing bites from each other's ice cream. And contemplating whose heart ache was worse :
"Well I lost a future wife" Azriel said and stole a bite of Gwyn's ice cream and mixed with his own. Gwyn tried to move away but he still got the bite anyway.
"Well I lost a friend". Azriel was not even listening to her at the moment, just trying to take bites of her ice cream.
He then took another bite and at this time, Gwyn didn't even try to move away, she just stole one bite of his ice cream and then made a face, "How can you eat such ice cream? It has no sugar!" which led to Azriel laugh, a full and real laugh. Gwyn just looked at him, and burst out laughing as well.
*It took me 2 hours to write this. It is currently 4am in the morning. ANYWAYS, hope you liked it. And I may not be online this month a lot as I have my mid terms coming up. ANYWAYS, this was ONE LONG headcanon, and I hope it fulfilled your quota. BUT, I hope y'all won't stop writing headcanons as I may not write any BUT I read ALOT. ANYWAYS, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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vadergf · 3 years
Jeyna fic alert
To make up for my percabeth actions, here have a Jeyna fic by moi
The water lapped gently at her covered feet and had she been able to care even a little they would be bare. Maybe she liked the discomfort it would cause when she inevitably has to head back. Maybe it helped that she could focus on something trivial like the squelch where mud met sneakers. The distraction wouldn’t last very long but it would be much less painful and frankly, downright annoying, than the places her mind wandered. Problem was, her mind never *just* wandered, it had to linger too. And no matter how determined she was to look at the sea, and just the sea, the lingering, wandering annoyance found her. She could feel him wave at nothing but her back. The annoyance sat down next to her.
‘Hey,’ he knocked his knee against hers and ruffled in the sand for something. Hopefully a deep sea creature would bite off a finger.
‘Reyna’, he prodded once more. She gave a nod of acknowledgment. Yes I can hear you, no I don’t want to.
‘Fine. If this is how it’s going to be.’ This is how it had been for weeks now, ever since she’d discovered that the sole of object of her affections wasn’t her but a new girl called ‘piper’. In all the time she’d spent looking for him, she’d never even allowed herself to entertain the idea that maybe he was happy, happy with someone that wasn’t her. It was less the feeling of envy and more one of betrayal. She had been his best friend- he had a new one of those too now! His secret girlfriend, lest someone like octavian use their relationship to turn the tide on their reputation as leaders.
His fingers finally found a rock, sizeable and shimmering. He picked it up and threw it into the gasping sea, always hungry, always ready to take on another burden.
“What would you do if-“
“Don’t.” She cut him off.
“Don’t what?”
“You know what- don’t make hypotheticals, don’t make scenarios and do NOT make me think about them.”
He made a straight line with his mouth, contemplating. Another stone in the sea, the sky overhead glinting off of it. It made a skipping motion on the turbulent waves before sinking deep. His blond hair glowed in the afternoon light, almost a shock of white. The glasses around his face provided more to his expression and intent than his pale face could have in this weather. The loudness of the ocean, the comforting expectant roar almost drowned his voice out, despite the fact that he sat close.
“What would you do if you’d never met me?”
Well. This was unexpected. She’d been anticipating something along the lines of his recent breakup, or the fact that he was single now. He was blunt (cruel) that way.
“I’d be happier.” She’d come here, hoping for some reconciliation, some relief, some reassurance. Her mouth had not gotten that memo, hadn’t grown out of its venom spitting habit. “Or maybe I’d be sadder, maybe I’d have killed myself a long time ago. Is that what you wanted Jason?! Is that what you wanted to hear?? Maybe I wouldn’t be this jealous, second place at a pageant bitch!” He didn’t recoil at those words like she’d thought he would.
The world seemed to turn twice before he spoke.
“You’re not jealous,” he tried for his calm voice.
“Yeah I am. I’m jealous that she got to say everything she wanted to tell you, needed you to know, before-“
“You can do that now.”
“I don’t think it counts, fuck I don’t even know if you’re real!”
“I’m real Rey, and I’m not gonna fight. Do you know how I know that?” She shook her head. He continued, “It’s because I can’t move on. Every…..spirit, has a regret, something they get to fulfil without which they will remain here, among the living. You’re mine.”
“Then stay. Stay here until I grow old and then tell me whatever it is.” Even as she said the words she could feel how wrong they felt. Not wrong- unright.
“You know I won’t do that to you.”
“Fine. Fine. How long can you stay?”
“Not long, in fact the sooner the better. I don’t want to-“ He let the words hang in the air. “I love you, you know that right? I love you enough to come back from the dead to tell you that.” He smiled gently.
“Jason I-“ love you too “How do I put it in words, this is. Years, Jason- years of history. But uhh, I’m not, I’m not mad at you, for loving someone else. I just wish it had been me. You became a different person- after-, I wish you’d held me the way you held her, laughed with me the way you did with her, and kissed me the way you-“ He cut her off by kissing her. It was slow and sensual and deep. And he laughed, a smile that threatened to take over his entire face.
“This isn’t how I kissed her, or how I laughed with her. This is how I kiss you and laugh with you.” He then pulled her close and she sat on his lap, smooth sand circling them in a 3 foot radius while stones pockmarked the beach otherwise. “And this. Is how I hold you”. He put his hand up and she matched it, their fingers interlocking.
She stared into his eyes, eyes that for once did not posses that faraway look she’d come to expect. No, those eyes were reserved for her gaze and her gaze only.
“Jason Grace. I love you.”
He disappeared into the light as she kissed him, one last time.
Note: in case it was vague, takes place after Jason dies and is a spirit for a short while, until he hears what he needs to let reyna say and tells her what she needed to hear. I have no title because this was a short impulsive project
This was so good manu wtf idk why you're submitting this instead of publishing it yourself but this is one of the nicest jeyna fics I've ever read and im so obsessed with the concept. Guys this was written by @dragoncreek319 so be sure to follow her 🥰
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abyss-in-machines · 3 years
The First Move, Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
She woke up groggy, a mildly thumping headache relentlessly bothering her. Stirring, she slowly unwraps the blankets around her, stopping to wonder in amusement at how carefully they were spread around her. All her memories from yesterday night remained fuzzy, but she still remembered very distinctly just how comfortably and snugly she slept under the blankets. Seita must’ve really taken the time to wrap them around her, probably following Hinowa’s guidance. Tsukuyo finally sits upright, hands on the futon for support, looking around. Her room’s orientation definitely looked… different than usual. She definitely didn’t remember keeping a vast stack of what looked like manga volumes propped up in her room’s corner… maybe she’s seeing things. Hangovers can still be a pain, mentally and physically. Nothing a morning bath and a good smoke after breakfast can’t patch up quick, she murmurs to herself.
I know today’s the start of the weekend, but I just can’t skip work. God, Hinowa...
Parched, she searched around the futon sides, and to her amazement found a flask of water and a small bag with aspirin kept beside the futon. She reaches out immediately, gulping down the water with gusto, and taking an aspirin soon after. Feeling much better, she takes the time to look around. Tsukuyo finally realises the room itself was dimly lit, kept as to make sure to reduce any sunlight coming into the room as much as possible. She shakes her head, finally standing up and slowly walking towards the door. Opening it, she covers her eyes from the light flooding in, walking into what looked like the living room, with two sofas facing each other and a table between, and a desk close to the window. Dazed, she looked around, wondering where the bathroom could be.
“Take a right and go straight, the bathroom's gonna be to your left, close to the entrance doors.” A familiar deep voice spoke. “I got you a toothbrush, so no need to worry about borrowing mine.”
“Ah, thank you, Gintoki,” she mutters back, heading into the direction pointed out slowly. Realization hits like a bucket of cold water seconds later, and she turns around sharply, facing the man who had spoken. “GINTOKI?!?”
There was no mistaking the fish eyed, dead faced samurai. Leaning on the wall, Gintoki looked back, smirking.
“Morning, shinigami-tayuu.”
A good twenty minutes later, after Tsukuyo had gotten over the initial shock and freshened up, they sat close together at the table, with Gintoki having finished laying out the breakfast.
“Fried eggs and rice? Quite fancy of you,” she remarks, digging in.
“Be glad it’s me making the breakfast, not Kagura. She’d just put raw eggs on top and call it a day…”
“I’m thinking you must’ve egged her onto that one…”
“Clever pun, but no,” Gintoki shrugs, waving her off as she giggles. “I kid you not, Kagura’s had wack tastes since the beginning. Comes from having a dunderhead of a brother and an even bigger moron of a father.”
“You really don’t mince words, do you?”
“Really though, they deserve it.”
“Sounds like you’ve had personal experience dealing with it.”
“Ugh, trust me. You don’t wanna know.”
“When was the last time you’ve seen them?” Tsukuyo inquires, curious.
Gintoki takes a small bite of the rice, chewing thoroughly before settling in. “It’s been a while. I know the brother comes by occasionally. He says it's to check on his sister, but we all damn well know that he comes here for the battles.”
“With Okita-kun?”
“Nah,” Gintoki shakes his head. “The Chief Of Police. Seems like he’s taken a liking to her. Says she’s far more aggressive and relentless than Sofa-kun. Now, I’m thinking which way does he mean...”, a kunai hits him squarely in the forehead, startling him. “Oh, c’mon honey…”
“You know why you had that one coming,” she chuckles, and Gintoki leans on the tabletop, groaning out loud. “Say, where are the kids? Didn’t see Kagura around…”
“Well,” Gintoki sighs, straightening up. “It’s not one in the afternoon yet, so she’s definitely still sleeping. I told Shinpachi to take the day off, cause we finished all the requests due over the week, and we don’t accept any requests during the weekend.”
“Yorozuya’s that busy these days, huh,” Tsukuyo marvels, and Gintoki nods in agreement.
“Surprised me too. Since the return, and me settling what was left of the Naraku, the Yorozuya really took off as a local brand name. Beats me how…”
Tsukuyo smiled. The man really was blind to the impact of his own work on the Kabuki district. To say that the residents of Kabuki loved Sakata Gintoki is an understatement. Gintoki is, and always was, a local celebrity. Despite the man’s temperament, Gintoki somehow always had this innate ability to get the people around him to notice, to want to get to know him better. He was someones’ drinking buddy, another’s rival, someone’s friend to turn to. Gintoki is always there to lend a helping hand, even if he offers in that classic tsundere technique of his.
“Anyway, honey,” Gintoki starts, snapping Tsukuyo out of her thoughts. “I gotta say, I usually don’t have mornings this calm and, dare I say, fun. Usually my mornings are pretty loud, thanks to the kids...”
Tsukuyo snorts. “You calling high noon ‘morning’ is a new one. Although, I must admit, I quite enjoyed the brunch. We should probably do this more, darling.” She smirks, noticing him looking away blushing.
“Yeah, yeah,” he murmurs, then suddenly perks up. “Granted, we were only able to enjoy this cause I’m still alive from yesterday…” he shudders, alarming Tsukuyo.
“I couldn’t have been that bad yesterday, right…” she asks shakily, as Gintoki flashes her a deadpan, sarcastic look.
“You wish, honey.” Quickly noticing the panicked expression on her face, he sighed, waving. “I was exaggerating, honey. It wasn’t that bad, but it was… quite eventful. You wouldn’t let me go and kept clinging onto me whilst draining Baba's expensive sake to the last drop. Definitely scared the old hag out of her wits for once. I somehow calmed you down and took you upstairs, and put you to bed, where you slept like a child. Explained everything to Baba later, she understood.”
“I’ll go down and apologize immediately,” Tsukuyo exclaims, getting up, but Gintoki caught her hand, motioning her to sit down.
“Calm down, Tsukki, it’s alright,” he soothes, gently caressing her hand, and Tsukuyo looks at him in wonder with disbelieving eyes. How’d the silver buffoon turn so mature all of a sudden? “Told ya I explained it to her. If you really want to-”
“Of course I do!” “Then we’ll go down there together. How about that,” he replies back, smiling, and Tsukuyo’s heart glows even more. What has this man done to her? Better yet, what had happened to him? “Eat up, I’ll take care of the dishes, gotta wake Kagura up for breakf-uh, I mean, brunch.” He winks at her, getting up and grabbing the dishes. Tsukuyo pouts.
“You know, I still have to get to work,” she exclaims, digging into her meal.
“Way ahead of you, already called up Hinowa, she’s got you covered,” he shouts back, smiling at the groan that followed.
Learn to take a break, you damn workaholic…
Tsukki, you work too damn hard…
That was the only thing on Gintoki’s mind as he saw her come back from making some small rounds around town. Of course, she still came all the way back, despite his and Hinowa’s insistence. Tsukuyo disregarded their suggestions, stressing that the rookies in the Hyakka still needed her guidance. True to her word, she had hastily finished brunch, took Gintoki with her downstairs to Otose’s bar, where she apologized profusely for about half an hour, and then finally dragged Gintoki to Yoshiwara. Hinowa was surprised to see the both of them at the doorstep, and Gintoki kept pouting until she finally promised that she’d be back in an hour to enjoy the rest of the day. And again, always being true to her word, she showed up back in an hour, right on time. Even if Gintoki sometimes felt that the drunk terminator was being way too sincere for the new recruits, he understood her plight all too well, along with the burden she was carrying.
“Was she really always like this, Hinowa,” he groans aloud, as he sits close to the porch, peeling off orange skins, waiting on Tsukuyo to finish her bath. Hinowa remained close by, merely smiling at Gintoki’s pouting and nodding back. Gintoki sighs, leaning against the wall.
“How was she like back then, Hinowa?” he asks, wondering aloud.
“Much of the same, Gin-san, except much more serious, I’d say. Dedicated to her work. Tirelessly working to ensure the safety of the courtesans and the citizens of Yoshiwara,” Hinowa sighs, a slight frown forming on her face, which Gintoki is quick to notice. Moments later, however, Hinowa speaks again.
“Gin-san, I’ll be honest,” Hinowa starts. “Seeing Tsukuyo like this has really made me feel happier than I’ve ever felt. All this time, Tsukuyo had been hell bent on dedicating herself to the lifelong mission to protect Yoshiwara. Even with the liberation from Hosen’s rule, and the fiasco that followed after the return of Jiraiya, she had been going on and on, the same routine and the unyielding effort.”
“There are times where I’ve genuinely wondered whether Tsukuyo would ever get to live her life. There’s only so much one can do once they throw themselves into their work. As someone who had been there by her side so long, I’ve worried so much about her. You see, Gin-san, all I ever wanted for her was to live happily.”
Hinowa looks at Gintoki, wearing a small sad smile. “I am glad that you’ve become such an important part of her life now, Gin-san. Trust me when I say it means the world to her to get to spend time with you like this. I’ve never seen her so happy, so content with life. The Tsukuyo that I knew from so long ago would never have been able to dream of a time where she’d get to spend time with me and Seita so long, and get to enjoy a serious, fulfilling relationship with the love of her life. It’s beyond a courtesan’s wildest dreams, a delirious illusion at the most. And yet you broke through all of reality’s hurdles like it was nothing, and granted her something far greater than what dreams would have promised.”
Gintoki silently listens, taking in everything that Hinowa just said. Straightening up, he kneels in front of her, head bowed.
“I will do everything in my power to protect that happiness, Hinowa,” Gintoki solemnly states. “She means the world to me, she truly does. I never expected to find my own happiness in this world for a long time, but being with her made me realise that maybe I did have a chance at finding that happiness. Even if it was all just to be by her side, I would’ve happily obliged, but she allowed me to be a part of her world, and I will never take that for granted.”
“I will never take her for granted,” Gintoki utters, bowing down. He lifts his head up to see tears flowing down Hinowa’s cheeks.
“I know you won’t, Gin-san. I know you won't.”
After talking to Hinowa for some time more, and eating up some of the orange slices he had carefully peeled out, Gintoki heads for Tsukuyo’s room, wondering what was taking her so long. He didn’t need to wonder for long. After knocking on her door for a while, he finally slides the door open carefully, just to see Tsukuyo lying down on the futon, deep in sleep. She jolts up quickly at the noise, despite his cautiousness.
“Oh, Gintoki…,” she starts, slowly propping herself upright as Gintoki walks up to her. “So sorry, felt like I’d take a little nap before I’d join you and Hinowa downstairs… seems like I dozed off…”
Gintoki snorts, as he sits by her side. “Figured you would. Just in case, I got you a glass of water along with oranges. You better eat the orange slices, Gin-san worked too hard to ensure they were peeled to perfection, you know.”
“For God’s sake, Gintoki, they’re just orange slices,” Tsukuyo laughs, as she reaches out for a piece, but Gintoki’s ahead of her already, grabbing a slice and bringing it close to her mouth.
“Say ‘aah’, sleepyhead,” he teases. Tsukuyo can’t help but giggle.
“Fine, you win, Gintoki,” she replies, as accepts his helping hand. “For some reason, I’m feeling extra sleepy today. Your laziness is finally rubbing off on me, I see.”
“Point one for Gin-san on the board,” Gintoki announces, and Tsukuyo responds by throwing a pillow. “Woah, no kunais?” he asks, and he's suddenly whisked close to her, as she plants a quick, passionate kiss on his cheek.
“Not today,” she states happily, grinning at the blushing samurai.
Work was tougher than usual today...
Tsukuyo made her way through the roads in the Kabuki district to Otose’s bar. She’d just wrapped up Hyakka business for the week, and had planned to visit the silver-haired samurai once she was done. On the way, however, Tsukuyo feels uneasy. Her body was sweating profusely despite the cool evening weather, and her muscles seemed to ache even more than usual after the work. Normally, Tsukuyo would chalk it up to the usual overtime grind taking a toll on the body, but Tsukuyo knew perfectly well that today was just an ordinary day at the office, nothing more. There was no reason why she’d feel this bad…
Deep in her thoughts, Tsukuyo notices the bar coming into view, and walks on. She had barely taken ten steps in the direction of the bar when she’s suddenly hit with a disarming headache. Barely keeping sight as she bears the dizziness, she slowly trudges on, approaching the bar outskirts, where she notices the android maid with the shining green hair.
“Tama… chan…” Tsukuyo stutters, as she gives into the exhaustion, collapsing to the ground.
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halfway-happyyy · 4 years
The Autumn Cottage
Happy Saturday friends! Autumn has arrived in full force where I live and I couldn’t be happier about it. To celebrate, I have written a sappy, smutty piece inspired by the current weather and this ask that I received: Can u give us a oneshot about a snuggle fuck w alex in a cozy cottage in the fall?
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One of the greater joys in her life had to have been waking up to autumn's fickle fingers trying to desperately to reach her from the comfort of her woolen blanket. She watched, sleepy and bleary-eyed as leaves in shades of crimson and burnt umber drifted past her window in no particular direction. Her fingers roamed over the left side of the bed in search of him. Alexander's silhouette was barely visible through the indigo morning light, though she could make out the prominent line of his nose, and the slight curve of his bottom lip. Unmistakable in the minimal glow of dawn was the familiar glitter in his eyes, the glint that said so much about him and then nothing at all in equal measure.
“Good morning.” She whispered, and even that felt like too mighty of a disturbance in the stillness of their bedroom in the cottage. Though if he minded, he never let it show.
“Good morning yourself, kid.”
She reached the tip of a finger towards him wordlessly and brushed a feather-light touch down the bridge of his nose. Moving lower, she outlined his lips and grinned into the air before her as she felt him smile against her touch. She moved around his face with care, tried to memorize each delicate crease and wrinkle in her wake, tried to commit to memory the aspects that he resented about himself, even if she loved them beyond measure.
“Beautiful,” Alexander murmured as he brought the back her wrist to his lips, kissing the soft flesh there passionately. He brushed the pad of a calloused thumb over the rounded curve of her warmed cheek. “Like watching a flower bloom right before my very eyes.” They stayed like that for longer than either of them cared to admit; she could count on one hand in the past year that she had spent a weekend with him like this- alone and entirely undisturbed from anything and everything. He had broached the subject of a rented cottage in passing one morning a few weeks ago. It was one of those mornings where something had gone awry at every turn, and everything had been a blur. He had been late for something important, that much she could remember. He had rushed around the kitchen in a fury, muted Swedish curse words coloured every second sentence. He was out of breath when he reached the front door, weighed down by his leather laptop bag, but before he left, he turned to her and smiled. “Let’s get away together, kid.” She had taken it with a grain of salt until he returned home that evening, tired from a rather long shooting schedule, but in a fantastic mood all the same. “I mean it. It’s about to be a beautiful autumn. Let’s get away, just the two of us.”
“Shall I make you a coffee, or are we just going to lay in bed and stare at each other all day?” She offered him a cheeky smile and an exaggerated eye-wiggle which he simply laughed at.
“I have half a mind to choose the latter option, but I really do need some caffeine this morning.”
She nodded finitely and leaned in for a kiss, the innate push and pull of it caused a fire to ignite deep within her for him. She could easily spend the rest of her life doing this very thing; loving him fiercely and being loved back just as hard in return. “Alright,” She gasped as she pulled away from the allure of his hot, wet mouth. “Meet me in the kitchen.” She rose from the bed silently and padded over to her suitcase that was propped up on a wicker chair in the corner of the room. She noticed Alexander’s cream Sherpa sweater hanging over the arm of it and she ran a fingertip over the unbelievably soft material.
Alexander must have been watching her because when he spoke, his voice still gravelly from recent sleep, he startled her. “I’d be happy if you wore that, today.”
“You would?” She had been eyeing it ever since he’d brought it home from a shoot a month ago. She longed to wrap it around her frame, the sheer feeling of it luxe and utterly comforting on her bare skin. Especially as the months would inevitably grow colder.
“Watching you wear my clothing does something for me, kid. I love seeing how happy it makes you.”
With a small smile, she lifted the sweater over her head and let it fall into place on her body, the hem of it falling just above her knee. She pulled her hair from the confines of it and let it fall in waves down her back. “How do I look?” She asked.
“Beautiful,” Alexander murmured.
Satisfied with his answer, she made her way down the hardwood-floored hallway to the kitchen. She had thought at first that the silence of the cottage would be too loud; that city life had turned her into a creature who thought she craved noise on a near-constant level. But to her pleasant surprise, it had taken less than twenty-four hours to grow accustomed to it, and she knew now that she would miss it dearly when it was their time to go home. Eliciting a yawn, she stood on tiptoes and tried to remember which cupboard Alexander had hidden the coffee beans. Without warning, a large hand reached up above her head with ease and produced the bag for her with a sly smile. “I’d have found them eventually…” She muttered.
“Oh, I have no doubt of that. But- would you have been able to reach them?”
She shook her head and let out a small laugh. “Cheeky, vertically-adept bastard.”
They made their coffee together in silence. It had been one of the many things that drew him to her in the beginning. Where conversation seemed forced with every prospective partner and lover in the past- everything flowed the way it was supposed to with Alexander. There had never been a need to fill the quiet with empty words and small talk. It was a wonderful change of pace. “You hungry yet, kid?”
She remembered the basket of farm-fresh eggs in the fridge, thought of the loaf of homemade bread next to the coffee machine and her mouth watered tantalizingly. “I could definitely eat.” She watched him move around the kitchen with ease; watched the way his worn sweatpants hung low from the edges of his hips. She watched the way his muscles flexed in the light pouring in through the stained-glass window above the sink. She had always been struck silly by the beauty that this man possessed; but the notion that his soul bested his looks would never cease to leave her in utter awe. “What have you got on the go today?” She asked, a fork full of fluffy scrambled eggs rested in her hand.
Alexander passed a napkin over his lips, swallowed the bite of food in his mouth and shrugged. “Thought I might chop some wood for a fire tonight.”
She could hardly contemplate it now; the thought of watching her man hulk through multiple logs of wood caused her to physically clench her thighs together. “You plan on doing that soon?”
“After breakfast.” He confirmed.
True to his word, after the last dish had been washed and dried and properly put away, he stalked over to the coat hook in the front foyer and threw a sweater over his naked chest. Turning to her, he eyed her up and down and cocked his head to the side; a small smirk pulled at the edges of his lips. “Care to keep me company?”
Reaching for a blanket and the book that she had started yesterday morning, she nodded her head. “Lead the way.”
It was warmer outside than she had originally anticipated, though the autumn wind had picked up a little more voraciously, and she marveled at the falling leaves the same way she had earlier that morning. The sky above her was cloudless and a bright azure blue and she found herself thanking a higher being for the blessings in which she had been given. Opening the book to the page she had last left off on, the sound of an axe ripping through the middle of a log rang out through the clearing and she knew then that she would not be getting any further reading done this morning. Instead, she watched in awe as Alexander lifted the axe high above his head and brought it down with a force she had rarely seen before, the log splitting into two pieces and falling away from the stump. It was poetry in motion, really. Alexander’s hair was the longest she had ever seen it; the sandy blonde tresses were grown out and regularly fell over his eyes but she reveled in it. Of the many years that they had known each other, he had always kept a mostly clean-shaven face but quarantine, and the filming of a particularly brutal Viking revenge drama had rendered him more manlier and distinguished than she had ever thought possible. “You are fulfilling lumberjack fantasies for me that I never knew I had!” She called out to him.
Alexander tossed his head back, a hearty laughter bubbled up from the back of his throat and exited his mouth like music from a box. “You can lie to me, but you can’t lie to yourself, kid. I see the way you look at me when I put on my old and holey plaid jacket.” He took a break from chopping wood to wipe the sweat from his brow. “To add to this- you also purchased me a very expensive axe a few years ago for my birthday.”
“Guilty,” She muttered under her breath.
“But rest assured I am elated that this-” He gestured to himself. “Does it for you.” 
The morning continued on in much the same fashion until maybe an hour or two later when Alexander joined her from her perch on the wrap-around porch. Falling into a bench opposite her, he took a few moments to try and regain his breath again. Beads of sweat gathered at the base of his forehead and his broad chest heaved under the weight of recent physical duress. They each viewed each other with a hunger usually only attained after seeing one another for the first time in months. “Come here.” He ordered, softly. She rose from her spot without hesitation and sauntered over to where he sat. He pat the front of his thigh twice, a silent instruction for her to have a seat. She straddled his lap with ease and wrapped her arms around his neck; the heady scent of his perspiration and body wash made her lightheaded with want. It took every ounce of self-control not to grind shamelessly down on his steadily growing erection. As he held her tightly to him, his warm, broad hands rubbed reassuring circles into her back. She shivered into the touch as Alexander kissed his way up the side of her neck, his mouth leaving trails of fire in its wake. “You cold, kid?”
He kissed his way up the base of her throat, past the jutting outline of her jaw, and finally to her lips. His mouth still tasted faintly of the maple syrup he had poured over his pancakes hours earlier and the urge to devour everything he had to give her was overwhelming. “You like me like this, don’t you?” He smirked. “All sweaty and dirty from working hard and chopping wood for us?”
“Yes.” Her eyes slid shut and her head fell back as he continued kissing and sucking at the sensitive skin at the base of her throat. All the while his hands roamed greedily over her sweater-clad body, squeezing, and rubbing as they traversed.
“You want me to take you right here, baby girl?” His voice grew gravelly again, though it had nothing to do with sleep this time. “I don’t even have to touch you to know that you’re already soaked for me.” The wind had picked up again and had begun to blow her hair around her face, the cool breeze a welcome reprieve to her heated body. Alexander was fully erect now, his hard cock throbbed tantalizingly at her thigh. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and lifted the hem of the sweater to reveal her panties, and the wet patch that had grown steadily in the crotch of them. Alexander reached for her and slid two fingers past the flimsy material to her soaking folds. Immediately she leaned towards him to tuck her face into the crook of his neck, but he stopped her with a soft click of his tongue. “I want to see your face when you come for me, baby.” He brought a free hand up to caress her cheek, and as he held her, he brushed a thumb over her bottom lip. She parted for him without thought and began to suckle softly at it as his other hand started to delve deeper inside of her. He had perfected a rhythm with her now; one that no matter how many times he had pleasured her, would always be the fastest way to get her unravelling for him.
“More,” She gasped when two fingers just wasn’t enough anymore. Alexander nodded wordlessly, his gaze searching her own. He added a third finger inside of her, the stretch of it almost too much to bear.
“So fucking wet for me, baby.” He groaned, as he began to pump harder into her. He could feel her clench around him, could feel the soft, wet button of pleasure at the tips of his fingers. She sucked harder at his thumb the closer she neared to her orgasm. “You’re going to come for me soon, I can tell…” He murmured as she started to ride his fingers. “And don’t you dare be quiet about it.” He warned.
These words had helped to spur the wave of pleasure building in her belly and she arched her back against his fingers, her nails digging miniscule crescent shapes into the soft skin of his shoulder blades. “Fucking hell, Alex…”
He nodded up at her. “You look so fucking beautiful like this, my queen. That’s a good girl. Come for me,” He then angled his fingers in such a way that he had her screaming his name into the wind before them, her voice raw with unbridled pleasure. She continued to ride his fingers until she came down from her high, dropping her head to rest in the warm comfort of his neck. She couldn’t be sure how long she had taken solace there, but he eventually patted her bottom. “You came so good for me.” He pressed warm, wet kisses against her temple.
Taking his chin firmly in her grasp, she gazed at him. Unending vast oceans of blue peered back at her and took her breath away. “It’s your turn.” She crashed her lips against his again, the need to have him inside of her entirely all-consuming. He lifted her up in one fell swoop, standing tall from the bench as she wrapped her legs around his waist to keep from falling. He carried her into the warmth of the cottage, stumbling down the length of the hallway to their bedroom where he laid her as gently as he could manage, on the bed. He made impressively quick time of ridding himself of his clothing, and as he stood before her, naked and unbearably erect, she realized that she genuinely loved the man before her. It had occurred to her before that she felt this way, but she could honestly say that no matter what they would go through together, no matter the pain he would put her through in future, she loved him deeper than she had ever loved anyone before. “Come here,” She insisted.
Alexander crawled up the length of the bed, holding her head in his hands as he did so. He entered her all-consuming heat with a loud groan, the feeling of him stretching her to maximum fullness was incomparable to any pleasure she had experienced before. Having him inside of her was a comfort that she never knew she needed until it had happened. As he moved inside of her, his head dropped to her shoulder where he scattered dozens of open-mouthed kisses to the skin there. She held him tightly to her as he bucked his hips against her, his cock managing to hit all of the essential nerves each time he bottomed out. He was muttering nonsensical things now, random pieces of Swedish and English found her ears and she smiled into their embrace. She clenched around him after every other thrust, and soon his movements had grown sloppy. “Fuck,” He growled as her fingernails raked through the soft, firm skin of his broad back.
“You feel so fucking good, Alex.” She gasped against his bearded cheek.
He cried out as his hips stilled against her own and she could feel the familiar throb of his cock as he spilled everything he had to give, inside of her. He allowed himself a few more powerless thrusts, and another low whimper before he pulled out of her completely. She found his sudden absence almost painful. They remained like that for an unknowable amount of time, each just trying to catch the breath that they had lost a while ago. Eventually Alexander turned on his side to view her, bringing the back of her hand to his lips and kissing it gently. “I love you, kid.”
A crimson leaf lay next to his head on the down pillow, and she smiled softly to herself. “I love you too, Alex.”
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ashleyevelen · 3 years
Personal Diary Entry #1 - Some personal background.
I thought I'd make some entries about my personal life, internal struggles, and see if I can make these kinds of short blogposts daily. Before coming to Tumblr, I kept a less frequently updated private diary in Google, and some of my posts on Reddit were meant to accomplish what I think.
Some of these ideas will be deeply personal as I hope to maintain most of the candidness of a personal diary while I write this.
Where I'm at lately, is it feels like two steps forward and at least half a step back in terms of becoming a happier and more fulfilled girl who's more fully healed from her depression. As I described in my reddit post a little over a week ago, before I began my attempt to join Tumblr in earnest, my personal environment is often harmful for reasons somewhat outside of my control.
The result of this has been that to the extent I can get privacy, be relatively isolated and limit my contact to family members who are more likely to be civil towards me, I tend to minimize my anxiety, but if I'm unable to avoid this there's likely to be an "incident" (i.e. a mostly inescapable and one-sided screaming match in which my family stands around insulting and criticizing me with at best, a veneer of attempting to be balanced though I either did absolutely nothing or very little to provoke the scenario).
So, a degree of loneliness is my ally, and something I've become comfortable with and learned to thrive in, and this is the space in which I have always made personal progress. But I find myself in a cycle of making progress in overcoming my depression, meditating, educating myself on new concepts and ways of thinking and overcoming internalized toxic masculinity and transphobia...only to temporarily lose some of that progress the next time I find myself a victim of abuse.
An incident with my family happened a few days ago, the abuse directed at me was as bad as I can recall it being from them, it was impossible to describe it as anything other than terrifying and since then, most of my efforts have been geared towards getting back to that same healthy place I was at before.
When given a little breathing room, when it's been at least a few days since I was last abused, it feels like I don't have depression anymore. This wasn't always the case, I used to have daily anxiety, anxiety which would only go away to any significant degree when I experienced the euphoria of presenting myself as a girl online...which was how I eventually discovered I was a trans girl.
But a couple months or so ago, I'd finally healed enough that this daily trauma had ended, it had been replaced with an incredible daily sense of joy which I feel for the most part as I'm writing this today, but one punctuated with grim reminders of the treatment from my family which caused it in the first place.
This post ended up being longer than I thought it would, I started out wanting to give an update on how I felt today, but it turned into giving some history and putting some thoughts to paper I hadn't fully articulated before, I'll probably make a shorter post later talking about where I'm at today mentally and kind of what I'm going through.
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