#and now i have an exam tomorrow which i didnt study for
heartyearning · 2 years
handsewing button holes through 6 layers of fabric is an unfortunately huge pain in the ass and tragically i have to do 18 of them
#ive done 3 so far so 6th of the way thru 😔 its ok im being so brave about this#i dont mind THAT much bc i enjoy sewing button holes tbh its just a little Meh bc it takes so long & like#i dont want to waste so much time while other project remain so unfinished#plus theres one layer of fabric which is already a bitch to sew thru one or two layers which like. i chose this fabric knowingly#i just forgot that id have to do the button holes by hand#& its for a corset too so theres boning on both sides which means there isnt all that much manoeuvreability#but ! i finished the top edge w bias tape (which i made myself without a little tool and went way better than ive done before with tool)#& it looks decently sick so ! i am positive about this thing overall its just that i shouldnt have made 7 holes on both sides at the back#i was originally only gonna do 5/side but then i was just measuring a hole/3cm & didnt think about my original reasoning for doing 5#& by the time i recalled how much work it'd be id already actually used a seam ripper to make the holes so i cant back out now#+ something rly rly bothersome is that my iron left a pretty big stain on the fabric (im still not sure how this stuff works#but i think my boning had some rust on it and thats what made the stain rather than the iron itself#i could be wrong tho) so i think im either gonna try to wash it out obv but if that doesnt work#i might do some embroidery which im not looking forward to#but unfortunately needs must and ive already cut a few corners & have some imperfections that i need leeway on#AND i dont want EVERY single project to be noticably halfassed at my jury so#i'll be fine btw im complaining but more so im just sorting thru my thoughts bc im quite pleased w how it looks#despite the imperfections#& ive overall just had a good day#tomorrow is reserved for studying art history bc i have that exam on wednesday & wednesday i wanna use whats left of the day#to work on my drape (possible some of that will happen tomorrow too) so i can get it mostly finished#& then i still have the option of showing my teacher on thursday if i feel the need to do so#& also i just need to get that done so i dont have to worry about it too much anymore#then we'll be taking pics on sunday probably#& then i have 2 more days to finish my portfolios and sort all of that out (and fuck i keep forgetting i have to upload everything online)#& then !! jury time !! & the day after we're gonna go to a theme park & then we just have until the 2nd week of feb#to relax and do sort of whatever we want#excited !!!
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a1sh1teruu · 10 months
i could scratch my eyes out
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!Highschool AU chuuya x reader whose best friend lied to them!
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pairing:- chuuya x gn!reader
scenario:- chuuya comforts his s/o when they find out their best friend lied to them.
type:- oneshot A/N:- Hi hi!this is just a vent piece mostly but i hope its perhaps a little relatable? im tryna put some stuff out while i write the requests i have! so this is a few weeks old~
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It was the day before your business studies exam and you’d scheduled a study session at your house with your best guy friend turned boyfriend;chuuya nakahara
(Also i hc him havin the subject combo of business studies,economics and physics)
Buddy was ready to get down to business! He’d bought along some of your favorite drinks and snacks and after saying hi to your parents,who absolutely adored him, he headed to your room.
He knocked on your door and was met with sniffles.
This set off sirens in his head but he thought he knew what the root cause of this could be.
He slowly opens to door and sets the snacks,drinks, and his notes down before joining you at your spot on the floor.
He wordlessly wraps you in a hug which startles you for a second before you realize its him.
But once you do,you pull him closer and it makes you cry just a little harder,your cries muffled by his hoodie.
He slowly begins to rub your back in an attempt to calm you down while whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
Once you calm down enough you look up at him and exhale.
“Nope. Dont be...now,you wanna talk about it?”
He always knew how to respond and it was honestly always such a relief.
You knew he’d never offer to help if he didnt want to and when he did he always meant it.(and he’d make a little mental note to be there for you no matter what,because you’d always done the same for him)
But once you nodded and opened your mouth to speak,the reasoning behind your current state wasn’t at all what he’d imagined.
“F/N lied...”
*insert confused gingi boi*
You noticed his look of confusion and began your explanation.
To be quite frank,Your best friend,whom youd known since elementary, had lied to you and it all seemed to be over a boy.
Chuuya was honestly dumbstruck.this was the girl who’d been there for you even before he knew you,
and she also happened to be the one who’d introduced the two of you...
And what was even stranger was how this seemed to uncharacteristic of her...she wasnt the type to go after boys and had always been focused on her studies.and the thing that kinda pissed chuuya off was that the boy in question wasn’t even that great a guy.he was a nice enough kid sure,but he wasn’t great...and certainly nowhere near her standard...
After you finished your explanation you looked to him for his verdict before saying your final statement,
“...and im not sure if im overreacting or not because sure its just a small thing but the fact is that she lied when id have been okay if she just told me the truth...i dont know Chuu....this all just hurts i guess...and this plus the paper tomorrow has me so fucking drained!”
You groaned in frustration and he saw this as his opening to step in.
“Okay first of all,it’s kinda messed up that she did that but have you tried talking to her?”
“No...I thought id just talk to her after exams were over,otherwise who knows maybe she’ll say the reason she got a B or a C was cos I started shit...”
“Okay yeah fair...but do you see yourself being friends with her after this? Especially if her justification is as shitty as what she did?”
“I dont know...the thing is she means so much to me...i trusted her and this is what she did??? I know ill never be able to trust her ag- actually who am I kidding im gonna trust her again and get hurt all over again....i dont know what to do ‘Yaya”
He nodded thoughtfully at that,the gears in his head turning as he tried to come up with the perfect solution.
He know you valued honesty and loyalty above all,it was one of the things you had in common and also one of the things that had made you as close as you were,so he knew this wouldnt be easy.because truthfully even he wouldnt have been able to deal with this and woulda probably turned to you for help...
“Okay then,try to focus on the exam,as best you can and talk to her after? I know its gonna hurt like a bitch but just try?”
“And ill be here okay?,” he said taking your hand in his, “no matter what.”
“Thanks chuuya...Youre probably the best thing that came from my friendship with her.” You said with a soft half-smile.
“Likewise.” He said returning the gesture.
You then looked back to the notes sprawled all around you.
“Fuxk...business tomorrow..”
“Mhmm...wanna start?”
“Dont really have a choice,” you wiped your tears and blew your nose on a tissue before saying, “lets do this!”
“Attagirl!” He said giving you a fist bump.
You studied well into the night and he stayed at your place.
And the next morning,you set off to the exam center hand in hand,giving eachother a single good luck kiss before making your way to your seats.
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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likelyfox · 1 month
F!Reader x Kim Jiwoo
summary: Maybe going out with your best friend (and crush) was a good idea at the time, however at the same time you had no idea what would happen.
tags: friends to lovers, fluff
wc: 1.5k
A night that changed your life. It wasnt really uncommon for you and Jiwoo to go out; she is your best friend after all. The late night walks or when both of you went to an ice cream shop which weirdly made you fall for her even more!
Either way whatever it was you couldnt seem to fall deeper in love for her. You did try to deny it, shes your best friend so it wouldnt make sense if you were in love.
Going out also wasnt that you both did, at least not alone. Of course you went out with her but usually there was someone with you, it was the case for anything. It did sort of get annoying, both of you wanted time alone but knew it would end up with it being quiet (which you or her dont really mind) and just awkward, however when you did get the chance you said yes.
“Lets go out.” Jiwoo said
It sort of sounded like a demand, the way she said it but you just thought she wanted to finally go out alone. Which sort of was the case. Both of you planned the time when you would go out and the wait began. As it is exam season this night out would be something both of you need.
The day finally came and you would be lying if you said you werent nervous. You were very nervous and a lot. However Jiwoo was the one who was probably even more nervous.
“Hey!” Jiwoo said as she ran into you
“Hey?” You said “Need anything-”
“Yeah.” Jiwoo said
“Alright what is it?” You asked. Honestly it should have been obvious, but you didnt catch on.
“When exactly are we going out?” Jiwoo asked “I mean we talked about it agreed to it but it never got anywhere further than that”
“Tonight?” You said “I mean look, whenever is best for you and me”
“Tonight sounds good” Jiwoo said
“Alright!” You said
“So you are going out tonight? On a date?” Kyujin asked
“Its not a date!” Jiwoo said “Its a hangout”
“A hangout which will turn into you breaking the news to us tomorrow?” Bae asked
“No!” Jiwoo said
“I dont get it, you and Y/n never hang out alone.” Kyujin said “What made it change your mind?”
“I dont know really, we were sitting in the library studying and she threw the idea of going on a night walk” Jiwoo said
“And it turned out into a date?” Bae teased
“Its not a date.” Jiwoo said, bringing her attention fully to the taller girl.
“Well whatever it is, i will definitely want to hear the full story tomorrow!” Kyujin said
Maybe it wasnt a date. Thats what you and her thought, it was just a thought at first to hang out but now it turned into something more. It was already evening and Jiwoo was at your shared dorm room with Haewon, Lily and Sullyoon to go out. You got up and went to the door.
“Im ready!” Jiwoo said the moment you opened the door “Hey…” “Sup” Haewon said seeing Jiwoo
“Have fun!” Lily said the moment you went out. You noticed how nicely Jiwoo dressed, you were wondering if you should quickly go in to change but that plan was quickly changed with Jiwoo dragging you outside.
“Are they your friends?” Jiwoo asked, you knew who she was referring to. Sullyoon, Haewon and Lily.
“Dorm mates” You said “I mean i guess friends too”
“Is it fun living with three people?” Jiwoo asked
“Yeah” You said “They are fun people to hang out with”
“Oh, then thats good” Jiwoo said
You wanted to sort of reveal why exactly you wanted to go out with Jiwoo but that changed as you didnt really want to ruin the night (or date) this early on. Jiwoo dragged you into a coffee shop, the one where you always went to with others, but never alone with Jiwoo. You and her ordered the usual and sat down at a nearby table, you thought she would just sit next to you instead she sat right in front of you. You hoped that she wouldnt see how nervous you are.
“Why are you nervous?” Jiwoo asked
“Im not” You said “Just…its rare for us to be alone, you know?”
“I understand” Jiwoo said “Why have we never tried being alone?”
“We cant, we just get quiet” You said “Remember when Sullyoon and Kyujin left us for a couple of minutes?”
“Yeah and we were just quiet” Jiwoo said “I wanted to say something but i just thought it would be awkward”
“Yeah i know” You said
“But hey! We can at least now get closer” Jiwoo said
You were grateful that this hangout (more of a date at this point) wasnt that awkward. The time spent in the coffee shop was more of Jiwoo talking and you falling even deeper for her. It was pretty much you falling even deeper in love, if thats somehow possible now! But with Jiwoo anything is possible at this point.
Next place she wanted to go was an amusement park and who would you say no to at this point. The walk to it wasnt far away but at least you talked to her a lot, in fact so much that you didnt even realize you were there already.
“Where do you want to-” You said before Jiwoo dragged you to a game already, it was one of those where you had to make a shot of some sort which was almost impossible, nonetheless you agreed to it. You didnt think Jiwoo would actually win, but when you did you were probably more excited than Jiwoo herself.
Maybe Jiwoo knew that you would agree to everything she suggests or she just wanted to have fun whatever it was both of you went to games after games you were sure that you will get through everything and Jiwoo would only have one reward (which was at the start, at this point close to an hour ago), however you saw how smiley and how happy she was, it made your heart flutter at the sight of it. The whole night was mostly you looking at her and not paying attention to anything else.
Midnight was slowly approaching and the last place you wanted to go to was the nearby field, where a firework show would happen. A good way to end the night and hopefully a really opportunity to finally confess to her.
“What are we doing here?” Jiwoo asked
“Just wait and you will see” You said while finding a nice place to sit at, it was away from anyone else but still a perfect place to watch the end of the day show.
“You know im glad we went out” Jiwoo said “What else would we do right now?”
“Honestly probably nothing” You said “Tonight was fun”
“It was the most fun i had in a while” Jiwoo said “Probably in years”
“Yeah me too” You said
“We should do this more” Jiwoo said “You know go on dates”
“This was a date?” You asked, dumb question you should have known. A trip with Jiwoo all alone even.
“You are really that blind?” Jiwoo asked “Y/n i have been giving you signs for months now.”
“Signs?” You asked “What kind-”
“I love you Y/n!” Jiwoo said a bit too loudly making couple of people turn around to look at you, if the sun was still up and shining Jiwoo would see you blushing.
“Come on you really think us going to the coffee shop and coming here is just cause?” Jiwoo asked “A night out really?”
“No of course not” You said “I just never thought you liked me too”
“Yeah i understand i didnt show signs” Jiwoo said
“I love you too” You said “I think this was a successful date”
“It was” Jiwoo said “Im glad thats that…”
You finally confessed to her, honestly you were never sure if Jiwoo liked you. You werent even sure if she even sees you two other than best friends but now that she did confess to, its a huge relief. Especially for you.
The next day Kyujin started the day by asking Jiwoo questions, as Bae had her own dorm she wasnt there currently.
“So let me get this straight, you took her out on a date but didnt tell anyone?” Kyujin asked
“Yeah” Jiwoo answered
“And you confessed without even telling me you had feelings towards her?” Kyujin asked “You really wanted to surprise your other best friend too!”
“Yeah sort of” Jiwoo said “She took me to a coffee shop and then we went to the amusement park and then-”
“Alright i will invite Bae over and you will tell the full story!” Kyujin said before picking up her phone.
You werent safe either, Haewon, Sullyoon and Lily automatically started asking you questions.
“So you have a girlfriend?” Haewon asked
“Yeah” You answered
“Congrats!” Haewon said
“Y/N HAS A GIRLFRIEND?” Lily screamed from the other room.
“This is going to be a long night”
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delicris · 10 months
thats paper DESTROYED me
hands down one of the worst papers I've written this year
I freestyled poetry vause a poem came out that i DIDNT FUCKING LEARN LMAOOOO
it was so funny
straight after the paper, my friend and i turn to look at each other and we just burst out laughing cause it was so bad
at least its over!
and looking over at ur friend and knowing u r both fucked is one of the funniest things ever istg, THAT LOOK SKDHDJJD
i'm only now omw home, today was looooong, but the geo orientation went well, which i was really worried about, the six topics were... whatever, i probably have like half of them, which is good enough for me and for the fact i only spent like an hour studying for that
AND there was also a czech exam i forgot about, but it was about the beat generation and other authors of the second half of the 20th century, which is a time period in lit i quite enjoy, so it wasn't that bad
tomorrow is physics and i think i'm going to kill god fr
BUT i found some really pretty dresses for prom and i'm going to try them out on monday w my friend hehe, I'M SO EXCITED
what r ur plans for the rest of the week, baby??
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cinnamonghost · 11 months
it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOODDD AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i cried at the end I WAS SO SHOCKED LIKE 😭😭😭😭😭i literally JUST finished watching it like 5 minutes ago and i was like. okay time to go on tumblr to see fanart. i watching a watchalong of it and the person who watched it had watched it at least 5 time now and mentioned you notice hints after your first viewing which IS SO COOL ..... (will defenitely be watching youtube video about the hints lol) i want ....to draw them now ... they are so ... i love them so much.
LIKE I DIDNT EXPECT TO CRY AT THE END . i seriously had never known anything about this show and went in spoilers free without knowing ANYTHING(not even the voices)
Im so glad i finally was able to experience it. I was so invested to it !!!! And to see what would happen !!! I was not expecting to enjoy the characters as much as I did since it is SUCH a short mini-series !!! JUST ARGGHHHH now I want to draw them.
I have . Many thoughts . Was it real. Was that place between a place of life and death . It was .. real to an extent right ..????? Because George Washington still had the bell in his stomach.
AHHHH so many things to think about !!!
My brain is ... so very full ... but I will still talk about my fav characters
OKAY OBVIOUSLY my favorites are the main 3 Beatrice, Gregory and wirt BUT I was really liked Lorna! She was a really sweet girl BUT the person I watched said it was also kind of screwed up how she locked them in the closet with her that one time when trying to run away for auntie? Maybe she didnt actually know what would really happen to herself .... I mean she seemed like she had no idea that side of herself and just assumed that the aunt was making her constantly do task for .. some reason.... ANYWAY all the characters are soo good like the reveal with woodsman made me cry 😭😭😭😭 the trees . Learning about the trees he were cutting . 😭😭😭😭😭😭 like he just wanted to protect the kids and didn't want them to get involved with the beast
BUT that does make me think about him and his daughter. It's like kind of parallel to wirt and Gregory right ? He was the most recent person to BE the next woodsman because he was with the person who succumbed to the woods . so that's why if Wirt let the beast take Gregory then he would become the new woodsman . So did the other people who succumb to giving up had no companion ? They were by themself ? Or the person they were with just didn't take the offer.
I have many other things to say but I'm done for now I need take a nap so then I can wake up in like 4 hours so I can study for a major exam for tomorrow q___q
TYYYYY for asking me this like I'm so happy this show is awesome . I need to draw them now . Hope you have a good day pigeon for real for real!
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rowdent · 2 years
20 years never learned how to stdy like. i studdied with myt mom until i was like 8 when she decdided i was ready to just study on my own which of course didnt go well but i graduated hs so that didn't matter. and then in uni most of my exams have been mostly about practical things no theory. and now all of a sudden i have my first theory exam in 2 yeasr tomorrow im terrifiees im shaking. also im sick btw did you all know that i have the flu
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salaciousslut · 8 months
Thats more than valid!! When i have the occasional dream something in the real world has to remind me of the dream. Or i only remember 1-3 seconds of my dream. Its cute ive shown up in your dreams twice now<3
I promise i wont feel bad about it sweetheart☺️ and yeah, youre right i cant deny being enamored by you🫣 i blame the fact that youre charming and irresistible🥰
Please I love lazy days i could spend the whole day tracing shapes on your skin and talking to you<3 i know youre cute when youre sleepy so lemme make you comfy🥺
I wont lie some fire signs take some warming up to, ive had my share of meeting leos who are so far up their own asses that i just couldnt even stand to be around them. But most other fire signs are chill, but im also from what is ironically a family of fire and air signs so i might be biased! 🤭 also now that i think of it one of my best friends who is always down to go out to bars whenever i ask is also a virgo🤭 i even made plans with them friday night to force our other friends to come out to a bar with us to celebrate one of our favorite artist's birthday when he turns 40 this Tuesday. I dont know much about astronomy but i'd like to go stargazing with you, i think it'd be nice<3
Im glad you at least got some rest! Dont give yourself a headache by studying too hard, sweetheart🥺 i know you'll do great on your exam, like absolute confidence in your skill<3
And what'd you have for lunch!? I was actually about to wash some rice for lunch and check to see if we have any chicken left for some protein, im also thinking about day drinking though 🙄 on weekends i always say i'll drink after 5pm and then i never drink, like i didnt touch any of my alcohol yesterday even though i wanted to?? Like i dont understand myself, i wanna do something so bad i dont do it.
im charming and irresistible 🥺🥰 you are too!! im just here kicking my feet and giggling babe, im nothing too special
yes ive had my fair share of fire signs but they have really grown on me and now i love them!! it just takes a lil bit to lower my walls with fire signs (esp aries besties, im sorry but ive in some sticky situations with yall) but yeah ive learned to love and accept them as they are!!!
omg im that way my friends too! my friends know i almost always say yes to going out, a lil dinner date, or shopping!! to me its about spending time with my people so i love being invited out
ooh which artist is turning 40??? who are we celebrating?? i wanna join!! hehe im kidding but that sounds super fun!!
thank you for believing in me!! just a lot of content but tbh im always stressed so it isnt much different! but ill be sure and take breaks here and there!!
i had some salad and leftover fried chicken and rice!! yummy and twinsies haha!! i support day drinking (to an extent) so get a drink!!! ill be getting drunk out of my mind tomorrow after my exam so you know the vibes!! but i feel you! if i wanna do something so bad, i end up always pushing it back, its sooo irritating
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citrusluvr · 9 months
today felt like a long day. its the first day ive had to be at college at 8.30 since before the winter break and i was so tired haha
the library is back open at college though !! it closed in late october since the librarians left but they got someone new ! they arent doing classes in there either which is nice cause now its actually quiet all the time so i can study. speaking of, i actually managed to get my homework done over the weekend so ive been fairly stress free today. i have some classwork from maths i need to complete before wednesday but it isnt hard, and i have an essay and some exam questions due for sociology and psychology but the due dates for those is at least a week away :) i get to finish at 12.30 tomorrow !! its one of the nicest days in my timetable since i can actually go home for lunch and then do homework there.
i was looking on the apprenticeship website for any horticulture ones and the only ones up so far are the rhs ones. i guess its still early in the year. anyway the nearest one to me is 35 miles away which is just too far :( i was thinking about possibly going back to where i used to work but i feel kinda embarrassed about going back - i left due to mental health problems and i guess im a little worried about them coming back if i returned. but that can be a problem for another day.
it snowed today !! it was quite on and off and it hasnt settled at all, and it wasnt a lot either (<2cm) but it was still exciting !! it hasnt snowed in forever here. in recent years it hasnt snowed until at least february, and a few years ago it didnt snow until april, so its nice to have it in the proper winter months :) the met office issued a yellow ice warning for tomorrow so hopefully it isnt too bad at college. last time it was really icy i kept almost slipping over.
fav song today is welcome to my world - ezra collective
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foulmouthheart · 2 years
im about to commit a capital crime against my math teacher
i hate exam week its like you finidh studing and you say ''finally after hours of work i can finally take some rest'' BUT NO! because theres others two big exams for tomorrow, and i have to still studing until nigth worst of all, i had geometry exam tomorrow at 7am AND MY MATH TEACHER DIDNT EXPLAIN ANYTHING ON THE ENTIRE PERIOD. Last class he literally came into the classroom write two numbers in the board, pulled a deck of cards out of nowhere and started doing magic tricksand i mean, maybe i could tolerated this IF HE HAD NOT FORCE EVERYONE TO COME TO HIS DESK AND WATCH HIM MOVE THE DAMN CARDS.
Later I found out that the two numbers that were on the board were the pages that we had to do in class about a topic that again, he didn't explain, now I have to do those pages, study for the other to exams and comply with my basic needs BUT INSTEAD i am writing a dumb post on tumblr which somehow took me an hour and a half i think that i should just cut his achilles tendons and join them with his knees
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alasy · 2 years
My mom literally got me crying
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vakta · 2 years
i don't want to study uuhh
#im on the train rn and i dont rly like studying on the train#and im tiredd#tomorrow is my chem exam and i still gotta study a little#today was my mini literature exam thingy which was more like just discussing stuff it wasnt a real exam#but it made me tired so :/#and my stomach feels rly weird too idk whats up with that it feels like as if i ate lactose but i didnt :(#i want to eat :( but it isnt my usual snack time yet which is not a problem actually but my stomach rly is a problem#why is it doing this to me rn :(#so so sad..#also i want to get off this train i dont wanna be here#i wanna go home but i can only go home tomorrow#um um anyways i will start studying at 5 pm#so i have 6 minutes until then good#im gonna just look outside the window#i am in painnn or idk actually idk if this counts as pain or not i rly dont wanna call it pain if it isnt#like rn im aware of it all the time and its rly unpleasant but idk if i can actually call it pain yk#and its rly rly bad bc unpleasant things can be bad too not only pain can feel very bad#so idk how to express this bc its BAD so i dont wanna just be like 'its weird' bc that doesnt sound as bad as it feels#uuh idk idk i dont want to be here#also its past 5 pm now lol ��#stomach sensations can go fuck themeselves#actually no ik they are helpful to healthy people#but to me they are just not good#not good no no not at all#you can see im kinda not rly at my best condition rn i mean i think i make even less sense than usually#i wont even reread this before posting im sorry#vakta long posts
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famderfries · 2 years
love when adults with "Minors DNI" follow me. like homie did you not check?
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 years
#aaaaahaha what a day#one exam down. it was... okay. at least i hope...#i opened it up and didnt immediately kno the answers so i started crying but i think i sorted it out#i always feel like ive done terrible on exams tho so idk#before i took it i had a big meltdown bc my pi asked all us grad students if we could come in and do seedling measures#which takes abt 4hrs and i wasnt planning on it so had to spend a good while sobbing abt it before agreeing to go in#i feel bad abt going in for measuments as well bc i was in like: dont talk to me i want to curl up into a ball mode#like ya kno when ur tongue just feels heavy and u dont wanna talk? yeah that was me#and i dont talk much anyway in situations with more than 1 other person but like i dont kno how that comes off#like does it make me seem standoffish? bc i was just trying not to start crying#im v tired now. too tired to study for other exam tomorrow so fuck me i guess#also as it stands now it doesnt seem like ill be going home for Christmas....#and like theres not any real reason exept that im so tired and i dont have the energy to buy tickets. drive to the next city over and#navagate the airports while feeling guilty the whole way bc pandemic#but like thats also a pretty selfdestructive move bc if i stay here ill keep working all thru the holidays#and im so tired#and i havent seen my family since the summer. we dont really talk much while im not there#and id like to see some snow but again im so tired. id rather sit on the ground crying that actually take the steps to go home#so i dont kno whats gonna happen but this sucks#whatever. i just have to get thru Friday and then the semester is done#unrelated
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pikkish-moved · 5 years
Best of Both Worlds ~ 19
In which Brittany is still unconvinced
Chapter 19
“So,” Olimar began as soon as he and Brittany were out of earshot of the others, “what was it this time?”
Brittany gave the Hocotatian a sidelong look. She wasn’t much of one to share her frustration- a combination of frequently being brushed aside when she actually wanted help and having help forced upon her when she didn’t want or need it had bred in her a fierce independence- but in the time she had become acquainted Olimar, she had more or less come to the conclusion that he generally did nice things out of a basic decency, rather than some poorly hidden ulterior motive, like some people. So after a moment, she let out a snort. “Give you one guess.”
Olimar replied with a short laugh. “I had kind of already assumed something to do with Charlie.”
Their conversation cut short for a moment as they came to an open cave chamber, and decided to sneak around the edge instead of engaging in combat the two sleeping bulborbs and the entourage of dwarf bulborbs. They had only a half of the thirty some pikmin, after all, and didn’t think it worth it to risk any.
Once safe on the other side, though, Olimar resumed the conversation. “And I suppose I still won’t be able to convince you he’s really not all that bad a person?”
“No, you won’t.”
Olimar gave her a smile. “What a shame; I really think you have your definitions a little mixed up.”
Brittany frowned. “What-“ she was cut off by something with long, spindly legs scuttling by. “What was that?”
Olimar glanced back at the creature as it hurried into the darkness. “Caustic dweevil. They’re not typically hostile, unless you attack first.”
“No, I mean, what do you mean by ‘mixed up definitions’?”
“Ah. I mean that, while I admit Charlie certainly seems to frustrate you, I highly doubt he’s inherently bad. He’s got a good heart, and he really does care for you, even if he’s not great at showing it in a way that means something to you.”
Brittany snorted. “Oh, it means something to me alright. It means he’s a stupid idiot.”
Olimar just laughed as he took the lead, turning to take the leftmost branch of a three way split in the path. “And there’s another thing, he’s really not. I mean, sure, he’s not great at… well, romance in general, I suppose. But he’s not entirely incompetent. I don’t think he could’ve survived a war and gotten you all off this planet alive if he were.”
“He got eaten on our first day here. Alph and I had to go rescue him.”
“Yes, but from what I understand-“ a slight pause to call the pikmin forward to attack what appeared to be a wall made out of thorns- “you were in a similar situation, stuck in an enclosure where you might’ve died of starvation, had Alph not rescued you.”
Brittany jutted her chin out. “I would’ve found a way out before that happened…” The thorn gate broken down, they proceeded.
“And I’m sure Charlie wasn’t just sitting there, waiting to be digested. Like I said, he survived a war; he’s been in tricky situations. I think you just got to him before he could get out.”
Before Brittany could respond, there was a sort of thump, like a heavy thing landing in the dirt behind them, and suddenly Olimar was letting out a sharp blast of his whistle, grabbing her shoulder, and lurching sideways. And before Brittany could scold Olimar with “a little warning next time, please!” there was a loud BOOM that made Brittany’s ears ring and knocked her, already unbalanced, to the ground.
“...What…” She groaned as the dust cleared, pushing herself upright.
Olimar let out a disgruntled mutter. “Bomb rock. Sometimes they fall from the ceiling in caves. ...I forgot about those. Guess I should warn Alph and Charlie.”
“Mmh.” Brittany blinked a few times, then scowled when she realized two pikmin of their squad had been lost in the explosion.
At least it wasn’t more, she consoled herself as Olimar called the others over the comms, including myself, if Olimar hadn’t acted so quickly.
Then, over the comms, Alph asked, “hey, Olimar? What exactly does this entryway deeper underground look like, anyway?”
“Well, it’s…” Olimar gestured a little, despite the fact that Alph wasn’t there and couldn’t see him. “Basically just a hole in the ground. It’ll often be plugged up with rocks or dirt, but you’ll usually be able to tell because it’ll be a big mound, run through with cracks, and you’ll be able to feel a draft from the cracks most the time.”
“Then we... might have already found it.”
“Really?” Olimar replied. “Send us your location, we’ll be there in a bit.”
A second later, Brittany’s koppad, and presumably Olimar’s, too, pinged with a notification, and she pulled it up, already turning back to follow the navigation point.
Pikmin Count
Red : 11 +1
Yellow : 8
Blue : 11
Purple : 0
White : 0
Winged : 0
Rock : 0
Total : 31
Total deaths: 2
21 notes · View notes
skamsideblog · 5 years
2 notes · View notes