#and now i'm the happiest person on earth
flopbftheo · 1 year
anyone who says that materialistic things don't bring you happiness LIES
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nemesisrox · 7 months
Damn! I gotta wait another week!!! This is the sweetest sort of torture. It was just sooo damn good! Rick and Michonne, back on my screen, is the gift I deserve for living my crap existence. I have been fed, I have been nourished. With great avarice I await my next serving.
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fmhobeus · 6 months
so, nerdy loser college boy choso *sighs* *opens legs*
a/n: just so you know, this man is gonna make you do all the hard work for a piece of that loser boy dick 😮‍💨 so... um so at some point around 2000 words in i realised this is way more than a hc post :3 eat it up if you will!
nerdy!choso who borderline has no friends except his gaming buddies who doesnt meet irl like ever. he doesnt like going to classes, especially this one. he doesnt need it but it's a requirement for all first years. and boy is glad it is when he sees you come in.
nerdy!choso who only listens to discussions when you're talking. suddenly he needs to put down his headphones and nod at every word you're saying. his eyes follow every gesture of your hand, every sway of your ass, every single time you fix your hair.
nerdy!choso who is starting to get a bit enamored with you, your style, your way of speaking. he loses track of time gawking at you in class from the last benches as you prettily do all the work in the class. he hates how beautifully your hair falls on your face, how nicely your clothes fit you despite being pretty modest for college. he hates how he can see the silhouette of your tits when you turn to the side. but he's too much of a gentleman to keep looking.
nerdy!choso who ends a game early when he remembers you, lying and saying that he had promised someone to meet them somewhere. the place is his bathroom and the person was you. god, you really shouldn't wear those tight jeans to class y'know? how will he continue to be a gentleman if you do?
nerdy!choso who despises groupwork but prays to dear god this class has some reason to pair you two together. he's getting so desperate to talk to you knowing damn well he too pussy to do it on his own. and the lord answers his prayers, the teacher assigns groups of three for a presentation. it's you, him and some slacking trust fund baby.
nerdy!choso who is about to combust and have a full blown panic attack when he sees you approach him after class with that smile on your face that would make the angels swoon. you're going on about distributing the work equally and what not while he is trying his fucking hardest to not accidently make eye contact with you and piss his pants : (
nerdy!choso who now has your name, your number and your email and he feels like the happiest man on earth. his hands are literally shaking as he responds to your request to call. he's overthinking every word he types.
choso: yeah i can do wednesday. choso: i'll be okay with whatever day you want.
nerdy!choso who hops on video call and short circuits with a view of you in an oversized band tee and a brief view of your room. why did you have to be this pretty? why did you have to video call him when you couldve done the work on text? why did you have to put your hair up like that? why oh why did you have you say "choso? hey, you there?" so seductively to bring him back to the present?
nerdy!choso who gets like no work done in a 30 minute call which felt like three hours. he knew he would hardly be paying attention so decided to record the call with your consent, saying he'd need the notes you were typing out on screen only to play it back and stroke his dick to you for what might've have been the twentieth time this week. his strokes only getting faster as you say his name in that voice he imagines sounds way better moaning and screaming it instead.
nerdy!choso who, after the presentation, is on greeting terms with you when he sees you studying in the library. he sits as far away from you as he can while still being able to see you. occupying the coziest corner of the library to stare at you study right when you come up to him.
"can i join you, choso? i'm all alone and your space seems comfy" you say with a smile, "of course, i dont mean to disturb you, is saw you were on your own too, so..."
uh oh, uh oh, uh oh. god no. please no. please dont say yes. please dont be staring at her like some dumb idiot (too late) please.
"uh... yeah sure why not?" he awkwardly says as he makes room for you to keep your things. he was such an idiot for thinking he could say no to your pretty face in the first place.
nerdy!choso who is absolutely drunk on your scent. it feels way better than any alcohol he's ever had. he feels like an animal in heat when he smells your sugary perfume mixed with the styrofoam-y air conditioned smell of the library. you're gonna kill him, yknow? how is he supposed to respond to this? what is one to do when their stupid college crush sits next to them? he gives you a half smile before furiously typing away on reddit, the only place with answers for losers like him.
nerdy!choso whose hands. oh his hands. (can be i a big whore for a second?) his long hands that feel like they're the size of your face. his kempt, beautiful and trimmed nails. his lengthy fingers that seem to yearn for something more to foddle with than just the keyboard or controller. he typed as such an insane pace it made your pussy ache. he was going so fast, jesus. those hands were meant to do more than just ask "how to talk to girls" on reddit.
nerdy!choso who (on the advice of reddit) asks if you would want him to order something for you. you tell you had a frappuccino not too long ago and that it was quite sweet and filling. and he hates himself for thinking that he could give you something much sweeter and filling than that like a horny fourteen year old.
nerdy!choso who is now determined to not come off as a creep so he does his work with the focus of four adderalls. he is typing as fast as his heartbeat, not realising he got two classes worth of work done in just an hour. he looks over at you, blissfully unaware of the absolute war in his mind.
nerdy!choso who feels as though if he doesn't muster up the courage to ask you out right then and there, he'll probably be the biggest loser on the planet. (as if he wasn't already)
nerdy! pathetic! choso who stutters a million times and barely gets the job done then too. his eyes are scanning your entire being (trying his best to not gawk at your tits) for any sign of discomfort.
"so- uhh so ummm... wo-would you, like, uh... like to do this again? sometime?... i got a.. a lot of work done today, so.."
oh heavens, the sheer nervousness in his tone makes you want to pull his pants down and show him how to really get work done.
you agree with a smile, even suggesting a better, more ambient (more romantic) cafe to study in. choso's heart is about to burst and flood the fucking library with his blood the way it is beating at an alarming rate.
"umm yeah uh 5 sounds... awesome... i hope it isn't a-a bother to you?" "no way, choso. i loved today," you offer him a smile as you gather your things, "i really like your hair, by the way" "i like your hair too, y-y-you smell very nice", he gulps.
fuck. why did he say that? what? you smell nice? who says that? is he like ten? you can't help but giggle at the sheer embarassment on his face.
he feels as though he's gonna melt into a puddle and turn to stone and throw up all at the same time.
nerdy!choso who is the most stupidly hot guy you've ever met, you think as you go giggling back to your dorm. mental note: pick a skimpy outfit for 5pm ;)
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idyllcy · 2 months
in this life, in the next. - leon kennedy x reader
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Leon isn't afraid of expressing himself. He tries his best to communicate, and he learns to understand how you are at times, understanding why you would feel one way or another, gestures and words mature, space given when you need space, emotional maturity far more than he could consider.
Which is why he pauses mid-vows to collect himself, eyes glossed over from his tears, middle finger curled and pressed to his cheek as he wipes at it. He had already made a spectacle of letting tears out when you walked down the aisle, so it should come as no surprise that he's crying during vows, but he had not cried during rehearsal, so this comes as a mild hindrance.
"Give. Give me a moment." He tries laughing, only resulting in more tears, and you reach over, gentle hands wiping at his tears.
"Thank you, sweetheart." He laughs. "I'm sorry for ruining our day."
"Don't say that." You hum, taking a step back. "It's your day as much as mine."
"Well, my vows are out of order now, but, I love you." He smiles. "I vow to be the one you wake up to each morning, and while I can not promise that I will be able to accompany you all 365 days of the year, I vow that I will mail and call you no matter where I am. I promise that when you feel lonely, I will find you no matter the distance. I promise to give you space when you need it, and a shoulder to cry into when you are in need of one."
You laugh as the tears fall again, reaching over to wipe at them and hug him, cheek pressed to his chest as he continues reading his vows, hand resting on your lower back, all of his tears wiped with a tissue that someone from the crowd hands you at a certain point, but you mind not that you have to wipe his tears.
"And finally, I vow to love you in this life and the next, and the one after that, and I promise that even when we return to dust and bones in the earth, my soul will continue to search for you forever and ever. I love you."
His voice shakes as he finishes, and you hand him the tissue, patting his shoulder as he lets himself cry.
"I love you." He manages, voice quiet as you hum.
"I love you too. Thank you for making me the happiest person in the world."
"I should be saying that." Leon huffs. "I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you"
"Me too, love."
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 4 months
When TXT is making you feel comfortable: habits, routines and rituals that occur when they prioritize your comfort
5 short scenarios per member listed
wc (in total): 1943
no warnings
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When Yeonjun is making you comfortable...
... he has his apartment stocked with products that make you feel at home. He has your favorite snacks. He bought your favorite clothes as substitutes that he keeps in his closet for when you stay over. He has some copies of your favorite books and gets some magazines you enjoy. If you're a person who menstruates, he of course has all possible period products ready. If your hobby is painting, he has all utensils at his place. If you are currently into lifting weights and working out, he creates a little sport corner for you. 
'Top drawer on the right', he yells after you when you leave is room to go to the kitchen, because you feel like having a snack.
'Look at the bag in my closet', he instructs when you spilled on your favorite shirt, while he gets the detergent ready to wash your shirt right away.
... he is with you when you decide to face your fears. If he can and it makes sense, he is with you in person, but otherwise, he offers you to be on a call with him or text him. One or the other way,  he will be with you.
'Three, two, one and you go inside, okay? I'll stay on the call and you can return right to my voice if you want to, yeah? Now, my brave baby, three, two, and one'.
... he is his crazy self around you and is the happiest when you slowly allow yourself to let your guard down and become more unhinged yourself. 
'That doesn't sound like a chicken. My donkey impression totally beats yours. Try again'. 
... he directly protects you from others. Whether it's strangers or friends, encountering you with inappropriate intentions or ignorant jokes, he shields you. 
'Keep walking', he spits at a man who is eyeing you up and down when you are outside. Yeonjun pushes himself between you and the crowd immediately and takes your hand to pull you behind him, not letting go of you until he feels like it's rather safe again. 
... he lets you sleep. Regardless if you fall asleep on his bed, taking up all the space or of you fall asleep directly on him, he lets you. The only time he moves you is when your position looks rather uncomfortable and possibly damaging if you remain lying  like that for too long. 
'Oh? Am I that comfy?', he whispers as he looks down on your sleeping figure on his chest, smiling to himself.
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When Soobin is making you comfortable...
... he subtly bends his knees or leans against an accessible surface when he's talking to you, to not tower over you as much.
'Oh, why I'm leaning against the wall like this? I'm just a bit tired, that's all'.
... he carries all your bags at a shopping trip and cheers you on in every outfit you are trying out.
'This looks beautiful on you. Wait? Feels a bit too tight? Give me a second. I'll bring it in a different size', he says and rushes into the isles with bags already dangling from his shoulders. He always has capacity to carry just one more thing if it's for you.
... he never, NEVER, distances himself first when you hug. He always waits for you to be ready to let go, because he doesn't even want to give you one nuanced opportunity to doubt him wanting to be with you.
'I'm not letting go before you're ready', he whispers when you were already in his embrace for ten minutes, standing in the middle of the room. It doesn't matter if you are happy, sad, scared, worried. He is constantly ready to be your safe space. 
... he gives you the biggest side-eye. As much as he admires you, he doesn't put you on a pedestal. When your jokes aren't funny or you say something particularly dumb, he will silently let you know and expects to be treated the same. 
'What do you mean unicorns weren't real at least for one period of time on this earth? I literally saw a documentary about it!', he argues and has to contain himself to not burst into a laughter, seeing you shaking your head in disbelief with a big frown on your face. Those situations are so funny and carefree to him. 
... he has your back regarding everything. Regardless of how unrealistic or silly something may seem, he is always there, encouraging you to at least give it a shot. As uncertain a situation, a project, a try may be, he remains your certain stability. 
'So what if it's stupid? You're curious of it. It excites you, so go and see if it could be working for you', he says and adds that regardless of what happens, in the end of the day you can just return to him as always. 
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When Beomgyu is making you comfortable...
... he waves at you when he sees you walking towards him, but is surprised to see you turning around to look at the other people who are walking down the street in an attempt to figure out if he might be meeting someone else.
'I was waving at you, you know', he says after greeting you when you are finally standing in front of him.
... he is puzzled to find you wearing long pajama pants as it is a warm summer night during which he is staying over at your apartment. He toys with the fabric when you sit down next to him and experimentally pulls the fabric up your leg a bit. 
'Isn't it way too warm in those?', he questions and listens to you negating in an obvious lie. 
'Just wear shorts. I won't do or think anything inappropriately only because I see your skin', he assures and when you leave to your bedroom to get changed, he adds, 'And don't you dare forcing yourself into that bra any longer'. 
... he observes you lingering a bit closer around him than usually when you feel particularly down. 
'Want to hug?', he simply asks and opens his arms when you shyly nod, inviting you into his embrace at your own pace. 
... he slides on the bench to sit right next to you when you are particularly anxious in a cafe, and he opens his hand as he watches you trying to hide your own trembling one. 
'I'll hold you', he offers and waits for you to place your palm on his. Then he gently encloses his fingers around your hand and makes you shift your focus by asking you to count every brown item you could see in the room. 
... he lets you wear his clothes, either when you're freezing and need extra layers or when it's warm outside but you don't want to wear too revealing clothes. 
'I have a whole closet, just try my clothes'. 
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When Taehyun is making you comfortable...
... he doesn't interrupt you. When you are speaking, regardless of how loud and enthusiastic or how quiet and hesitant you are when talking, he listens patiently. 
'No, keep talking. I wanna hear', he encourages when you insecurely stop yourself from sharing. 
... he challenges you. If you want to do something, but doubt yourself, he makes it into playful game to lift the pressure off your shoulders, stepping away from the burden of actively existing. 
'One hour? Okay, one hour and then we'll see who manages to write more applications. Winner gets, hmm, one wish. Anything? Yeah? Let's go', he cheers and starts typing right away.
... he coexists with you in silence. Grocery shopping, cleaning, reading, whatever it is, he doesn't force conversations. Eye contact, gentle smiles, pointing at items, that's already such richness of mundanity. 
'They have your ice cream on sale', he informs and watches you hurrying down the isle to grab some packages, happily smiling at him. 
... he directly teaches and explains things. He doesn't leave room for any condescension. If you don't know something or make a mistake and he knows then he just explains. If you want to learn something he already knows how to do, he offers to teach you if you want. 
'I know this choreo. Want me to play dance teacher?', he asks in a laugh, happy at the thought of spending time with you while you explore your interest. 
... he simply assures and compliments you. 
'You're doing great today', he beams when you tick off another point on your to-do-list and later on doodles a little smiley face on the bottom of your paper. 
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When Kai makes you comfortable...
... he takes interest in your interests to genuinely connect with you when you share pieces of your realms of curiosity. 
'Omg, the new episode of your favorite show is online', he informs you in excitement and watches you grabbing your phone to check it yourself. To the question if it would be fine if you watch it now, he just nods and asks if he can join you. 
... he reserves spots for you. In restaurants and cafes he always makes sure you have a place to arrive to when he is there earlier or you are definitely running late. At home he has one plushie that is assigned to you, so it can occupy a chair or one side of the bed, keeping others away from your destined space. 
'Over here', he says loudly when he sees you entering the cafe. He towers over the present people and waves you over to his table, where an empty chair and a cookie or fruit bowl or whatever snack you like, is waiting for you. 
... he laughs with you. He genuinely enjoys your humor and he will not leave you hanging whenever you are telling a joke and make a sassy remark. When you are being clumsy, he laughs it off with you. There is no second of insecure embarrassment when he is around. 
'Yo! I tripped over that exact edge yesterday, too!', he squeals as he holds you by your arm to prevent you from falling and bursts into laughter simultaneously with you when your eyes meet. 
... he lets you be shy. You talk too quietly for people to understand what you're saying? He translates calmly and with a sense of protection over you, his expression telling the listener not to dare making an unnecessary comment regarding your behavior. He lets you hide behind him when you are too shy to face someone or something. 
'Come here', he whispers when he notices your shyness and opens his jacket for you to step closer to him where he can hide you between the fabric and his body, telling people who look confused, that he's freezing a bit.
... he always responds to you. Any question you could possibly ask will get a useful answer and even if it's just him informing over his state of uncertainty regarding a topic or a repeated answer to a repeated question. He doesn't waste time engaging in the reality in the form that  it matters to you.
'Yes, of course I'd love you if you were a worm'; 'My first thought is that I don't mind either, but I feel like I tend to prefer pizza over burger today'; I said it minimum hundred times already, but here is another reminder: You look great and I am going to cuddle you to sleep in every state of your body'. 
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foxcantswim · 11 months
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [The Party Isn't Over]
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(gif by me)
Vanessa always spends her birthday alone... You, Mike and all the animatronics decide to change that. Contents: Fluff, Established Relationship Warnings: Just everyone being stupid tbh, (Vanessa teasing you?) WC: 2,066 (requested by @calicomarvel - Sorry it took so long ;w;)
Taglist available for future Vanessa/Reader fics (including fluff, smut, angst)
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Vanessa's frown had not left her face for the entire day, a heavy cloud had loomed over her head. She hadn't enjoyed her birthday in years, nobody ever bothered to check up on her. A simple 'happy birthday' from her dad wouldn't hurt... but he was busy. That was always the excuse.
She had hoped that you would perhaps call her and wish her a happy birthday, but her hopes had been severely crushed. She loved you dearly and was proud to call you her girlfriend, but a part of her heart ached at the thought of you not caring about her on this day.
She held her phone in her hand, staring mindlessly at it - silently hoping for anyone to message or call her. Silently hoping for you to message or call her.
Being alone everyday wasn't something new to her really, but ever since she met you on your first night shift at Freddy Fazbear's she couldn't quite stay away from you. She was happy to have you around.
A heavy sigh escaped her as she looked sadly at the phone, she promised herself she wouldn't cry... she hadn't cried about being alone for years now, but now that she had you? It seemed to break her heart that you had forgotten about her.
That's when the the phone in her hand buzzed, her eyes springing to life as she fumbled to quickly answer.
Clearing her throat, "H-Hi? Hello?" she hadn't even bothered to check the number that had been calling her.
"Hey, Nessy!" it was you. Relief started to wash over Vanessa, "Just checking in on you."
Biting her lip in anticipation, Vanessa sighed, "I'm okay... What are you up to?"
"Oh you know... just about to head to work. Nothing special really."
"Mhm..." Vanessa hummed. She still waited in anticipation.
"Will you be visiting tonight? Keep little old me company?"
"Ah," she paused, "I don't know, I might stay in tonight. Haven't got a shift to get to so..."
She heard you whine quite audibly, "Nessyyyy. Please come over and say hi? You would make me the happiest person on Earth. You wouldn't leave me all alone for six hours would you?" you continued to plead with her. She knew you would be putting on some sort of puppy dog eyes to get what you wanted right about now.
Vanessa couldn't help but feel the sadness start to creep back in. Had you really forgotten her birthday? She had mentioned it to you last week, so surely you hadn't...
"I'll think about it, Y/N," she felt slightly bitter.
"I expect you to be here at midnight. On the dot. Or else."
A slight smile appeared on the blonde's face, "Okay, Y/N."
"Love you, Nessy!" you exclaimed, giddy at getting your own way yet again.
"I love you, too," Vanessa's voice was quiet before you hung up the phone.
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"That was so painful," you groaned, throwing the phone onto the table, "She sounded so upset..."
"I'm sure this will make up for it," Mike reassured, waving towards the venue in front of him.
Both you and Mike had been hard at work for the past few hours, setting everything up in the pizzeria. With the help of the animatronics, of course. Vanessa had opened up to you a couple months ago about how much she hated birthdays and she never celebrated them. She had mentioned how she'd always wanted to have a party at Freddy's when she was a kid... So you and Mike had been planning to make that a reality.
Bonnie and Foxy expertly carried some tables, creating an excellent exterior for the huge fort you were building.
There were extra party lights strung around the room, food and drink on a table near the stage, and some presents next to it.
You had made sure that some of the arcade games were working properly, and the ball pit was thoroughly cleaned. You intended on doing anything and everything to make Vanessa's birthday special. Vanessa had expressed how she hated the ball pit but you were going to drag her in there whether she liked it or not.
Surprisingly, Chica and Freddy had come out of the kitchen with a cake balancing in the palm of Freddy's hand.
Well, it was sort of a cake? It had icing and frosting and sponge but... They were kind of all just mushed together into a big pile. It's the thought that counts.
"We have an hour to make sure everything is perfect," you told Mike.
Mike patted you on the shoulder, "It can't get much better than this."
You hurried the animatronics onto their stages and made sure they were in position, ready to perform as soon as Vanessa walked in. The animatronics were more than happy to help out, they had always loved Vanessa's company.
The lights were all off, and the music was ready to play.
You wanted everything to be perfect. Mike constantly reassured you that it was more than enough and Vanessa would love it.
You continued to nervously look at the clock as the minutes ticked on, Vanessa would be here any moment now. You hated lying to her and not calling her at all for her birthday, but you wanted this to be a huge surprise for her. Hopefully she would see that you truly cared about her, as did Mike and the animatronics.
Mike had been watching the cameras, looking out for Vanessa's car. He was anxious about how she would react, but nowhere near as anxious as you were. He knew that you wanted to impress her, and he was with you every step of the way.
That was when she finally arrived, her car pulling into the nearly empty parking lot.
Mike rushed out of the office and snapped his fingers, giving the signal.
The clock currently read 11:57, so technically it was still Vanessa's birthday. You were thankful that she was here a little earlier so you could actually tell her on the day.
The lights were promptly turned off, the animatronics in their places, and you and Mike were hiding by one of the tables placed by the 'Showtime' button. The button was primed to turn on all the lights and the music and release balloons from the ceiling.
You both looked at eachother as you heard Vanessa banging at the door, and using the buzzer. But of course neither of you got up to open it.
The silence in the room was deafening, you swear you heard Vanessa groan in annoyance as she jingled her keys.
Finally, after what felt like forever, the blonde opened the door. She called your name as she walked in, treading carefully in the dark.
As she made her way into the main room, Mike nodded at you with a smile. You slammed your hand onto the button and lights flicked on.
"Surprise!" you and Mike both jumped out from behind the table. The balloons fell from the ceiling and the animatronics started to put on a show, the music was loud but not too loud.
Vanessa looked like a deer that had been caught in the headlights, she looked at you and Mike with a mix of shock and confusion.
The clock read 11:59. You quickly ran over to Vanessa.
"Happy Birthday, Vanessa!" you pulled her into a hug, planting a soft kiss against her lips.
"Y-Y/N?" she stuttered, still in shock at what was even happening.
"Happy Birthday, Ness," Mike smiled as he walked over.
You pulled away from the hug, "God, I am so sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Nessy. I knew I would end up opening my mouth up about this surprise if I did."
Vanessa looked around the room at the bright lights and decorations, the animatronics all seemed to be looking towards her as they performed.
She felt tears spring into her eyes, "Y/N..." she started.
"Please don't tell me I did something wrong!" you quickly started to worry upon seeing her expression.
"No!" she exclaimed quickly, "No, not all. Just... you really did all this for me?"
You laughed in relief, "With the help of the animatronics of course."
Mike cleared his throat.
"And Mike too, I guess," you winked at him.
"I thought you forgot or..."
You knew that people in the past, including her own family, had forgotten Vanessa's birthday or just not bothered to contact her.
"Well... I didn't. Neither did Mike," you reassured her, you reached to grab her hand, "I know you haven't had the best luck with birthdays in the past, but I want to make this the best one you've ever had. I know how much you always wanted a party here at Freddy's when you were a kid, so we are making that a reality."
You dragged Vanessa over to the tables to show her the food and drink, and all the presents you and Mike had gathered for her to take home after the night was done.
Freddy and Chica had momentarily hopped off stage to proudly show off their 'cake'. Vanessa couldn't help but smile at the two.
"Bonnie and Foxy helped with the decorations. And these two made the most delicious looking cake ever," you smiled at them.
"Thank you so much," the blonde said to the two 'chefs'. And then looked over and Foxy who had casually jumped up on the main stage with Bonnie, "And thank you two!" she called over to them.
Mike had dragged both you and Vanessa over to the arcade games, declaring that he would be getting the high score on each game.
Long story short, he sucked at each and every one of them. Even Freddy had beat him at a game of skee-ball. He had quickly challenged the bear to other games.
You pecked Vanessa on the cheek before dragging over to the dreaded ball pit.
Vanessa rolled her eyes, her smile still present however, "Seriously, Y/N?"
You laughed and dragged her in without warning, "I did not spend three hours cleaning this thing out for nothing."
Vanessa had ended up standing in front of you, awkwardly pushing the balls out of the way in order to wrap you in a tight hug.
"You didn't need to do any of this, Y/N."
"I did. You deserve to know that you're loved, Nessy. I was this close to spilling the whole thing when I rang you earlier," a nervous laugh escaped you as the blonde rubbed a thumb across your cheek, "I just wanted to give you the best birthday ever... Even if it technically is the day after right now."
She surprised you by bringing you into a kiss, her arms wrapping around your waist to bring you in closer (if that was even possible).
You could feel the heat rise in your cheeks as she deepened the kiss.
"Get a room!" you heard Mike call over, causing the two of you to pull away.
Vanessa flipped him off as he chuckled.
She looked back at you, her gaze was soft, "Thank you, Y/N. Nobody has ever done something like this for me before. It means a lot."
"No worries, Nessy. I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N," she kissed your lips, almost featherlight. A smirk then plastered across her face as she leaned in close to your ear, "It might be my birthday... but I think you are the one who deserves a reward when we get back to my place."
You opened your mouth to say something, but all that escaped was a whimper as the blonde grazed her teeth along your neck teasingly. She pulled away from you and hopped out of the ball pit, leaving a flushed you alone with a stunned look on your face. She smirked at you as she walked away with a wink.
You cleared your throat as you exited the ball pit.
"Like I said. Get a room," Mike grimaced at you, his mind surely tainted after hearing what Vanessa had just said.
You flipped him off.
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Taglist: @marvelwomen-simp ; @emiliaisdead
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emilyprentissluvr · 6 months
TV (Emily Prentiss x Reader)
"What about the plans we made?"
Summary: In which you're grieving your dead wife. But is she actually dead?
Warning: Angst and mentions of death.
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YOU WALKED along the cobblestone path, stepping over the cracks you had come to memorize. The sun was shining while the birds were chirping and you wanted nothing more than to shoot those damn birds and rip the sun from the sky. 
It wasn't fair that beauty could exist when the love of your life didn't.
"Hi Em." You smiled sadly as you sat down across from your wife's grave. 
It had been eight months since you'd gotten the call that your wife was dead.
 243 days of existing without your other half. 
34,9920 minutes of wondering why you had to fall in love with the most selfless, heroic, and caring person to walk this earth.
20,995,200 seconds of missing the only person who made everywhere feel like home. 
"I brought you flowers," You said as you put the fresh pair of roses against her gravestone. "The worker at the flower shop said that I must have the happiest partner alive since I buy bouquets so much. How ironic is that?" You chuckled sadly. Not because you found it funny, but because you knew Emily would have. 
'That wouldn't happen if you would stop buying me flowers' Is what Emily would have said. 
"I never understood why you didn't like flowers," You said as you picked at the grass beneath you. "And you don't get a choice now. You broke our promise." You frowned as you threw the small pieces of grass at her grave.
"You need to let that go, my love' Emily would say. 
"I was supposed to go first! That was the deal! But you broke our promise so I can do whatever I want. So if I want to fill your whole damn grave up with flowers then I will." You said indignantly. You knew you probably looked crazy to onlookers. Having a one-sided argument with a grave probably wasn't the best way of coping. Making up your dead wife's side of the conversation probably wasn't the healthiest either, but you didn't care. You didn't care about a lot of things these days. 
'You are so stubborn sometimes' Emily would have said with a teasing smile. 
"We're both stubborn," You said with a small eye roll. "I mean, we wouldn't be in this position if you weren't." Tears start to form at the corner of your eyes. You didn't think it was humanly possible to cry as much as you had over the last eight months. But here you were, the never-ending tears making their way down your cheeks. 
'I'm so sorry sweetheart. I never meant to hurt you' Emily would have said as she consoled you. She would have scooped you up into her arms and tucked your head into the crevice of her neck where it would fit perfectly.
"It's not your fault. None of this is." You sniffled as you reached out and placed your palm against the cold stone of her grave. "It's just not fair! We were supposed to have a lifetime together. We had so many plans."
'I know my love. But just because I'm not here doesn't mean you can't live your life to the fullest' Emily would have smiled, ever the optimist. That had been a surprise when you first met over five years ago. While she may have been a badass, stone-cold agent on the outside, she was nothing but sunshine and warmth on the inside. Of course, you were the only one who got to see her soft interior but you didn't mind, you loved having a part of Emily just to yourself. But now you didn't have any part of Emily. 
"I don't know how to move on without you, Em. How am I supposed to enjoy life when you're not next to me enjoying it too? How can I love anything when half of my heart is buried with you?" You cried, tears still flowing down your cheeks as you leaned your forehead against her grave. You cried until the birds stopped chirping and the sun went down. You mourned the woman Emily never got to grow into. You grieved the life you and Emily never got to live. 
You didn't know how long you'd been there, but after your tears subsided you decided to head home for the night. 
"Bye, Em. I love you." You murmured as you traced her name in the stone before standing up and walking along the cobblestone path once again. 
The drive home was quiet. The radio was playing Emily's favorite station but you weren't paying attention. Maybe that was why you didn't notice the car in your driveway until you parked. You furrowed your brows as you recognized the black SUV, those were the ones Emily drove whenever she was on the job. 
It wasn't unusual for a black SUV to be in your driveway. Emily's team would come to visit you at least once a week. You didn't know if it was because they felt guilty for her death or if they wanted to be close to the closest thing to Emily. You didn't mind it though, it was nice to have company to break up the silence of your house.
However, you knew the team was on a case. Penelope had called and told you that. So you cautiously walked up to your front porch. You shakily grabbed the keys from your purse and unlocked the door. "Hello?" You called as you walked to the living room where you saw a light on.
As soon as you walked in you froze. The purse in your hand drops to the floor. It was a ghost. The ghost of your Emily standing right in front of you. You closed your eyes wondering how your tired brain could conjure up such a perfect image of her. But when you opened them again she was still standing there. 
"Y/n?" Emily's voice cracked as she laid eyes on you for the first time in eight months.
Your brain felt foggy and you couldn't find the flashlight to see through it. Were you hallucinating now? 
Emily could see the shock on your face and the way her presence hadn't registered in your mind. "It's me," The brunette said, wanting nothing more than to wrap her arms around you and never let you go, but she knew she had to be careful. "It's Emily," She said as she walked toward your frozen frame slowly.
She was close enough now that you could feel her breath but you didn't dare to look anywhere but into her eyes. The same eyes that had watched you laugh, cry, and love. The same eyes you had spent years memorizing...
Oh my god. Was this real? Was this your Emily and not a figment of your grieving imagination?
Almost as if reading your mind she smiled, "I'm real, my love", she raised her hand slowly and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You let out a shallow breath as you felt her touch and suddenly the fog from your brain had been cleared. This was real. The woman in front of you was your life, your love, your Emily.
You launched yourself at her knowing she would catch you. You were immediately wrapped into her embrace, feeling at home for the first time since you had gotten that soul-crushing phone call. 
Nothing else mattered to you at this moment. All your questions and confusion could be answered later. Right now you were in your wife's arms and you never planned on leaving
 "Emily." You smiled tearily as you tucked your face under her chin, the smell of perfume filling your senses. "Hi, sweetheart." Emily smiled as tears fell down her face, "I told you I would never break a promise." 
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hwanchaesong · 4 months
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━⁠☞🍽️ Seventh Course: Picture perfect revenge, the definition of the burnt dessert that is brewing inside your unhinged mind. Well, he deserves it though. 🥢
🎧: Olivia Rodrigo - Jealousy, Jealousy
wc: 816
genre & warnings: angst, non-idol au, cheating, hints of insecurity, reader drinking wine, cursing, lovers to exes, etc etc
a/n: this is a part of The Sour Restaurant series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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You scroll through your phone, sipping on your red wine and laughing to yourself. Giggling like a maniac because the ridiculousness of the situation is truly astounding.
It was a magnificent occasion, one that would normally make people cry but not you.
No, you are built differently.
The discovery that you dug made you so happy you think you're about to burst in excitement.
Because finally, fucking finally! Freedom is nigh and clean air will finally clear your black lungs.
You gaze at the clock, the man that you are waiting for will be home soon, and you are so fucking ready for a confrontation.
Soon enough, your boyfriend enters your shared apartment, jumping a little when he sees your figure in the shadows, indifferently sitting there with a menacing expression.
"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" he frowned when you replied with a scoff, slowly walking in your direction.
The entire living room is dark, the only source of light is the one from the hallway near your bedroom. It gives an ominous vibe in the atmosphere, exactly what you want to exude.
"Y/N, seriously, I don't have time for this. I j-"
You rolled your eyes at his audacity, shoving your phone in his face so he can gawk at the evidence of his betrayal.
He is nothing but a mere asshole in the entirety of this relationship, so thank the heavens for giving you a reason to leave.
Ever since he entered your life, his presence always gave you the sinking feeling of insecurity.
Paranoia at its finest, you could say.
It was all good at first. You can even say with confidence that he was the perfect boyfriend. He makes you feel like you're on top of the world, the only girl that he loves, the happiest person on earth.
But who knows what will happen, right?
His sublime image is merely a performance for you to enjoy and hate later on, especially when you start seeing the signs.
Going home to you smelling like a girl's perfume. Lipstick stain on the collar of his polo shirt. Being secretive on whatever is in his phone.
"Must be your imagination, baby."
"Oh this? This is nothing. I'll wash it later."
"Listen, privacy is also an important aspect of a relationship."
Fuck that privacy. You merely wanted to play games on his phone because waiting in line in his favorite restaurant bore you to death. Must he be so stingy?
Stingy because the shit excuse of a man was hiding something.
You have been tolerating his bland show for a while now, might as well give him a tip for giving you entertainment despite it not being worth your time.
"Tell me I'm crazy now." you smirk, victorious in the battle where you have been wounded far too many times to the point that you can't even bear to look in the mirror without wanting to vomit.
You've had enough comparing yourself to the girls that he hangs out with.
Girls that are way skinnier, comfortable in showing too much skin, wear make up like it's an extension of their body.
Then you saw this very suspicious lady that seemed to be a bit closer to your boyfriend than the others.
You can't help but be jealous of her pretty face, lavish lifestyle, and it seems like her friends love her so much.
But hey, you may be a tad bit insecure but you ain't a raging loser, you are ready to let your inner sherlock holmes out and prove a point.
"What was it again? You are not cheating and it's just all in my head?" here you are, showing him the proof of your hard work and catching him red handed.
Did he really think that you won't see him and that girl making-out in a photo that was posted by his friend a week ago.
No matter how pixelated it was or even if your eyesight is bad, you will definitely see it.
"Y/N, that is not what you think." he tried to explain, and you do not understand the reason for his panic as you confidently push him out of the flat.
"Wooyoung, I've seen, heard and smelled enough. I think it's time for you to shut the fuck up." you give him a fake smile, finally giving him a harsh strike on his chest that got him stumbling in the front of the apartment.
"Please, hear me out." he begs but no, your heart is not made out of cotton to listen to him.
Whatever befalls him, he deserves it.
"Go spend the night with your bitch and come back here tomorrow to gather your belongings while I'm at work. Goodbye."
You shut the door in his face, not paying attention to his knocks and pleas.
Finally, some peace and quiet in your mind, heart and soul.
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@acciocriativity @iarayara @stolasisyourparent @xdannix @nsixns @heartssol @vixensss @shakalakaboomboo
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devilishchaos · 11 months
BABYYY drop the daddy Ruben fic, don't be shy <3
Calls | Dad!Rúben Dias imagine
Rating / genre: pure fluff
Pairings: Reader x Rúben Dias
Summary: Rúben goes on a business trip. Me and our son George are sad he is away, so we face time him.
Warnings: use of pet names "babe", "baby"
Word Count: 1 347 words
This is a work of fiction. The story, names, characters and incidents either are product or the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
While begging my husband to go on this 3 day business trip, I thought to myself "What can happen in the span of 3 days, right?"  Well, a lot. 
I'm currently 27 weeks pregnant with twins and have a year and a half year old baby-toddler that needs my attention 24/7. Not that I am complaining but the pregnancy alone is being hard on me and my beautiful son throwing constant tantrums about missing his dad doesn't help my situation. Now, I was usually the preferred parent, but George had the tendency to not want to eat and nap while Rúben was away.
Today was going to be a long and hard day for me, I just knew it. I woke up from my nap at 7:00 am, got ready and headed to wake George up because I had an appointment with my OBGYN in an hour and had no one to look after him while I was gone, so I had to take him with me. 
It was a battle but I somehow managed to get him ready for the day, made it to my appointment safely and on time and both of us were back in the coziness of our household before we knew it. 
The moment we stepped through the door - the nausea hit me. And my head started spinning. I somehow made it to the bedroom and laid down on the bed and tried to take deep breaths in hopes for it to go away faster. I closed your eyes for a second and out of nowhere a loud cry pierced the silence. 
With eyes wide open, all my senses on alert, I sat up in the bed and looked at the door to see George standing there, tears falling from his eyes and his tiny hands holding his favorite stuffed animal close to his chest. 
"What happened baby? Are you okay?" I asked, holding out my hands in his direction. 
"Dada.." he managed to say in between wheezing. 
I gave him a sad knowing look. Ever since he was born he was a mama's boy but ever since I got pregnant again he looked up to Rúben more and more, and wanted to do everything that he was doing whether it was directed towards me or other people. And Rúben was the happiest person on earth, soaking in every moment because he knew that it could be taken away from him just as fast as it came. 
"You miss daddy, huh bud?" I softly asked as I helped him get up on the bed to join me. 
He nodded, the movement making his tiny curls shake a little. 
"How about we call him? Would that make you feel better?" 
"Yeah.." George mumbled, while wiping his eyes.
I was already reaching for my phone before I got an answer from him. Since Rúben is in New York and we are in Manchester there is a 5 hour time difference, but it was now way after noon in Manchester and knowing Rúben, he had been awake for some time, so that's why I suggested calling him. Okay and maybe because I miss him too and want to talk to him, but that's another topic. 
I dialed his contact and gave George the phone. After two rings I saw Rúben's gorgeous face and he saw a head full of curls and two big dark eyes watching closely the screen, since George held the phone so close to him. 
"Hey, gorg-" your husband started "-oh, hello big man. What are you doing with mama's phone?" you saw him smiling widly. 
"Dada, miss you." George said and started crying again. 
"Oh, no. Don't cry buddy. I miss you so much too." 
"I'm coming home tomorrow, baby and I'm not going anywhere after that, okay?" Rúben asked as a sad smile made its way on his face. 
"Home now?" George asked as he tilted his head slightly the exact same way Rúben does and it made your heart throb. 
"I wish buddy, but I have one more thing to do and then I promise I'm gonna catch the first flight back home and I'm coming straight to you. But I need you to do something for me, okay. You have to eat lunch and dinner, and you have to go to sleep when mommy says. Can you do that for me? That way I'm going to come home faster. Do we have a deal, G?" Rúben asked, slightly raising his eyebrows. 
"A deal.." his son responded while rubbing his eye "Now play." 
"Okay, you can go and play now. Loves you." your husband said as he leaned into the camera and kissed it, your guys's little tradition that now George did too. 
"Loves you." George said cutely and kissed your front camera. He gave you the phone and ran out of your bedroom and into his playroom. 
I took the phone and positioned it against my big water bottle in front of me as I greeted my hansome husband "Hi, meu amor." 
"Hey, mama. How are you holding up? Big man giving you a hard time?" Rúben asked you giving you sad eyes. 
"He just misses you." I exhaled "Nothing changed after the call yesterday, we're going to see what happens today. I miss you too, tho. We miss you too." I simply explained rubbing my round belly.  
"I'm sorry babe. I miss all of you. Can't wait to be back home. I'm never leaving again." he shook his head as to make it more believable.
"Rúben, we talked about this. What you're doing right now is for your career and for us. So that you can take more time off while the twins come, just as you did when we welcomed George. Don't feel guilty, you're not doing anything wrong, babe. We'll get through this. We have to. In fact it's almost over." I smiled at him trying to lighten the mood. 
"This is why I made you my wife. Eu te amo muito." Rúben said looking lovingly at the screen in front of him. 
"I love you more." 
"Period." he said while snapping his fingers, which made both of you to start giggling.
"Stop. I'm gonna pee my pants!" I said in between laughing. 
"Okay, okay. So how did the appointment go? Everything alright?" Rúben's face went completely serious in a spare of seconds. 
"Yes. Babies are doing just fine." I said and took a breathing break "I however, am struggling. Babe, I'm 27 weeks into this pregnancy and do you know what my doctor told me? That I'm measuring full term compared to a singleton pregnancy. That's very overwhelming considering that I hopefully have 8 or 9, 10 weeks left in the absolute ideal case scenario. And technically I am still 6 months pregnant. At the very end of my 6th month. Can you believe this?" I looked at him with a questioning face. 
Rúben's eyes went wide "Wow." 
"Wow indeed. I mean..that's what I get for having children with a freaking giant, I guess." 
"Hey. You looooove this giant. And the babies that you both made." Rúben winked at me, eyes going soft and a smile appearing on his lips "Everything will be okay. Just try not to overwork yourself. And no, I'm not saying don't do nothing and just lay in bed all day. But you are very pregnant and are taking care of a fussy baby-toddler. Please, just take it easy while I'm away. When I come back it will be different." 
"I'm gonna try my best. Now I have to go to make a snack because I'm starving and you have work to do. So talk to you later. You also take it easy, okay." I lovingly smiled at him, damn I can't wait for it to be tomorrow already. 
"Alright, talk to you later. Loves you." 
"Loves you." both of us said at the same time, smiling at each other, leaning in and kissing the front cameras on our phones, sharing a virtual kiss and ending the call.
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milliesfishes · 1 month
Hi Millie 😊 Hope you're doing okay 😊
I'm sure you have lots of things to write so it's okay if you're not interested in this, but if you want to I would love to read your thoughts on timetraveler!reader and Billy?
Like, she's from our era but accidentally travels to the past. I think he would be so amazed and amused by her at the same time, observing her behaviour and realising she's so different but in a fascinating way... idk I would love to read your thoughts on it or whatever you decide to write related to this idea, but only if you want to 😊❤
⋆౨ৎ𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮-𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓵 𝓪𝓬𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂'𝓼 𝓮𝓻𝓪⋆౨ৎ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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It had been a day as ordinary as any other.
You were relaxing in the clean expanse of a field near where you lived, soaking up the sunshine beaming down upon the earth that created shadows you laid just at the edges of. The day was new, and you were determined to get some Vitamin D in before the air became sticky with heat.
Lying flat against the cool grass with your eyes closed, feeling yourself warm as the rays kissed your skin. It was simple pleasures like these that propelled you through the week's mundane tasks. You were a daydreamer by nature, and sometimes you thought that if you weren't, the banalities of life would have turned your spirit grey by now.
Endless fantasies filled your head now as you basked in the fingers of sunlight, their romantic nature making you glad you were secret. It was a shameful thing to you- the things you wanted in terms of love. In this day and age, women were supposed to secretly want things, supposed to meet men who teased the notion out of them and thrust them into a supernova storybook love. It confused you to your core, and so you avoided it outright.
Romanticism was your friend in everyday life. You had no one person to give love to, and so you found it everywhere you went, from the way you dressed to the books you read. And lying stretched out in a meadow a ten-minute walk from home, kissed by wildflowers, you felt the earth was loving you in return.
You'd discarded your top, bra the only thing covering your upper half. The little shorts you wore were cotton and clean, comfortable for a day of leisure. Here you were safe from the prying eyes of single-minded men, free from the demands of being a young person in this world. This is where you were at your happiest.
The heat slunk over you like an embrace, and you felt the siren song of sleep overcome you. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to slip into such a vulnerable state when you were alone like this, but it had been such a long week, and you were wholly exhausted.
Humming to yourself, you folded your arms under your head. Though the threat of a sunburn loomed, you didn't move, feeling the shade of a nearby tree begin to cover your legs like a blanket. As the sun continued its charted course, you'd be fully covered by the shadow when you woke up. Your shirt, a cute white thing with tiny bows at the base of lace edged thin straps, was bunched between your fingers, nearly a comfort object as the callings of sleep drifted over you.
There was a rustling nearby. Your eyes flew open, head turning frantically as you searched for the source. This area was secluded, you were sure of it. After all, this wasn't the first time you'd come out here to relax, at one with nature.
The crackly noise stopped for a moment, but before you could breathe a sigh of relief, it started up again, and then the head of a horse appeared from the bushes. Perplexed, you tilted your head, eyes going full as the moon when the rest of the creature appeared, a man sitting atop it.
You were stunned by the sight of him. Though a hat was perched on his head jauntily, his dark hair peeked out of it, curling at his neck. His clothes were awfully strange, a long-sleeved blue shirt with suspenders pulled up over his shoulders. When you saw the belt around his waist, gun sheathed in it, you froze, heart pounding in your ears.
Mind scurrying like a squirrel, your eyes darted from side to side, trying to grasp for a way to get out of here. The stranger's intentions were unknown, and it frightened you. Did he come up here to kidnap defenseless young women who sunbathed all by themselves? You never brought your phone up here since there was no service anyways, and right now you cursed the habit. At least if you ran down the hill you'd have hope of calling for help.
In your muddled tangle of worries, you hadn't noticed the man ride closer, and your body gave an involuntary jolt when he called out to you. "You alright miss?"
You were hardly able to tear your eyes away from him as he came closer. Now you could see him more clearly, see how handsome he was. Brows dark, drawn up in what appeared to be concern, hat shading his eyes, but you could see clearly the piercing blue of them. They seemed to reach inside your soul and grasp something in them, wholly disarming you before you remembered your fear. Lots of serial killers are good-looking.
He crouched before you, eyes roving over your figure and seeming to catch at your midsection, before they hastily skirted to the side. You were suddenly aware of your state of undress, hands holding your top flying to your chest and covering it. "I'm alright."
"Are...are ya sure?" Now he was looking into your eyes, and right then you had the oddest feeling that he wasn't going to hurt you. Softening before you could question it, you nodded.
"I come out here all the time...really, I'm okay," you assured him, offering a little smile. It was a challenge to tear your eyes away from his face, and you found you didn't want to. There was something magnetic about this man that filled something in you like a missing puzzle piece, now slid into its place.
"Where's your horse? I can escortcha back to town if you want," the man offered, his wrist adjusting where he was bent on one knee. "Ain't safe for a woman to be out here by her lonesome."
Your brow furrowed at the comment. He was talking like everybody had a horse. "I walked here."
Now it was his turn to frown. "Must've been quite a journey. Nearest town ain't for miles."
"No, I live-" you cut yourself off. Something wasn't right. Looking at the man, the way he dressed and spoke, then to his horse, equipped with a saddle and bags, and then to the gun at his hip, carried so casually, something seemed to dawn on you, the sun rising on a new mindset. It was impossible. Truly impossible. But the thought probed the corner of your mind, imagination run wild.
Taking in a shaky breath, you stared at him, the inconceivable notion invading your mind like an army. He was your only lifeline now if it was true. Seeming to notice the change, the man's lips parted. "You okay? Looks like you saw a ghost."
"What year is it?" The words burst forth from your lips like water from a crack in a dam, panic washing over you for an entirely different reason.
"Eighteen seventy-eight."
Your heart stopped, frozen as ice as the information hit you. A look of horror crossed your face before you could stop it, and you nearly dropped your shirt as your body grew taut with worry. It was pointless to wonder how this had happened- your mind couldn't even comprehend the science behind it.
But what were you going to do now? You had no money, no family, no friends. For the first time in your life you were truly, utterly helpless and there was nothing to do about it.
A warm hand found a place on your shoulder, and you looked back up at him, feeling tears sting the corners of your eyes. He wouldn't believe you if you told him. Nobody from your time would believe you if you told them.
Your distress must have been palpable, because the man's lips pulled down, a troubled spark in his eye. Oh how kind his eyes were. It was a look you weren't at all used to seeing in men. His roughened thumb smoothed over your skin. "You were robbed, weren'tcha? Took your horse 'n everything?"
Lips parting slightly, you saw a lifeline. Here he had provided you with an out. Slowly nodding, you whispered, "Yes." The lie was bitter on your tongue, but you didn't have a choice. If you spoke of unwilling time-travel who knew what he'd do? Would he leave you here, sure too much sun had inspired your ravings? Or drop you off at the nearest asylum? You didn't want either to happen, and he was the only soul around here for miles, likely, and a kind one at that. "I don't have anything."
"Lemme help you out." He stood, offering you a hand. "I can take you into town, we'll getcha situated...it'll be okay. You got any family round these parts?"
"Not anymore." At least that wasn't a lie.
"Hm." His lips bunched to the side as he thought. "Well...that's alright. We'll figure somethin' out. You're gonna be okay."
He re-extended his hand, and you hesitantly put yours in his, getting to your feet. Remembering your state of dress, you quickly turned to the side, pulling your top over your head and pushing your hair backwards. It wasn't much in the way of dress, especially for this time, you gathered. But it was something.
His eyes seemed to linger on you, but it wasn't in a way that had you shrinking back. You took his outstretched hand again, the warmth of his palm a comforting thing as he led you over to his horse. Shyly, you looked up at your rescuer. "What's your name?"
"William H. Bonney, ma'am." He stopped briefly, tipping his hat at you in a way that spread a smile across your cheeks. "Billy."
"Billy." You tried it out and found it suited him.
He almost seemed amused. "What's yours?" When you told him, he nodded. "Pretty."
A tiny blush colored your cheeks, and you looked at your feet. The sandals you wore probably weren't great for horseback riding, but they were better than going barefoot. At the saddle, he held out a hand to help you up, but you were already hoisting a foot over, swinging the opposite leg to sit on the other side. A surprised smile crossed him, and he quickly did the same. Now your back was snug against his broad chest, and you bit your cheek at the feeling.
"Hope you don't mind we're ridin' like this," he commented, grasping the reins in front of you with one hand, securing the other around your waist. "It'll be faster 'n walkin'. Figured you've been out here long enough."
"It's okay," you managed, ignoring the flutter in your heart at the placement of his hand. It was obvious he was trying to be a gentleman, but still trying to keep you steady on the horse, which you found gentlemanly in its own way.
You had no sense of how long the ride was because of how lost you were in Billy's touch. He grasped your waist, careful not to touch any of your skin that was uncovered. You were fascinated by all that surrounded you, by the same world you resided in, ripened by another time. It was more lush, fuller. This was the way you'd seen the world in your head before, now come to life.
Once you got to town, your fascination doubled. All the women were in long dresses, the men in similar dress to Billy, though his remained slightly different. You were suddenly self-conscious of your clothes. They were certainly attracting strange looks, and you slid your arms around yourself.
Noticing this, Billy patted your side. "I'll find ya somethin', don't worry. If they knew what you'd been through they'd understand." That caused another twinge of guilt deep in your being, but you shook it off. This is necessary to survive.
He helped you off the horse, carefully setting you on the ground. You closed in on yourself, eyes roving over the space, avoiding the gazes of passerby. It was funny. A while ago in your time you wouldn't have a problem being out and about in your current clothing. But the stipulations of the time had worn in on you within only minutes.
There was a shuffling behind you, and then Billy was pressing fabric into your hands, putting a careful hand on your shoulder. "Wear this for now. It's okay." His words comforted you, and when you looked up, there wasn't even a trace of judgement in his oceanic eyes. Your shoulders relaxed, and you realized he'd given you a man's shirt. One of his. It was more touching now than anything anybody had done for you. You certainly weren't used to men doing such things.
Sliding the fabric over your shoulders, you pushed your arms through the sleeves, feeling better about your coverage now. The shirt fell to your upper thighs, still not covering enough, but it was better than before by far.
He guided you into the shop with an arm around your shoulders, helping you through the doors. Calling out to the shopkeeper, Billy greeted her with a smile. "We need a dress. Hers has...gotten lost."
Eyeing you, the shopkeeper nodded, beckoning with a hand. "We have a few options already made here."
You flushed a little at the way she looked at you, aware that your appearance must be rather odd. Making sure to smile plentifully and be enthusiastic about her assistance, you selected a blue dress, wanting to make the process as quick as possible. She ushered you to the back to change into it, giving you proper undergarments and shoes as well. Kindly, she laced up the back of your half-stay and left, gifting you some privacy.
The buttons on the dress were thankfully situated in the front, and you were able to do them up in a timely manner, slipping your new shoes on as well. You were unsure to do with your old things and Billy's shirt, as you didn't know when or if at all you would be returning to your time.
The shopkeeper solved that when she gave you a canvas bag for your things, a brief smile crossing her face. You returned it, happy she'd warmed up.
Billy was waiting at the front, hands folded behind his back, eyes trained on the ground. When he heard your footsteps his head lifted, an expression of pleasant surprise crossing his face as he took you in. You demurely smoothed your skirts, tucking hair behind your ear. "Does it look alright?"
"Yeah," he breathed, a slow smile entering the planes of his face. Something in his eyes lightened, and he held out a hand for you. "You're...it's pretty."
Truly, you hadn't been one to blush so easily before meeting Billy, but now you seemed to redden with every look he gave you. It was a new thing, though not entirely unwelcome.
As he led you out of the store, your arm hand nestled in his arm, you felt brand new. Leaning up, you kissed Billy's cheek, the scratch of his stubble a pleasant sensation. "Thank you for the dress. That was lovely of you to do."
"'s no problem," he grinned, looking down at you. "A lady needs a dress, hm?"
"Oh!" you smiled brightly, leaning on him. Already you were growing comfortable. There was just such an easy way about Billy that made you feel safe. This was strange for you in a way. Never before had you met a man who'd given you such a sense.
Everything outside was bustling, a low hum of chatter filling the air like music. You found yourself turning your head excitedly, entranced by the life of it all.
When you turned your head to Billy, you discovered an expression of endearment on his face, as he watched you watch everything. It hadn't even been a day since you'd met him, and already there was something there. A connection, a hint of a feeling. It was brand new as you explored the old world.
Arm in arm with your guide, you felt your heart come alive for the first time in ages. Everything was bright and new and you could feel yourself stitching into the lines of it all like embroidery. Maybe you weren't a mismatched piece here.
Maybe with Billy you could fit perfectly.
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igotanidea · 1 year
Father's day present : dad!Jason Todd x mum!reader
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I'm so in love with this graphic UwU.
Requested by @parkjammys: sweet Jason fluff of him and his girls celebrating his first Father's Day, and although his baby girl is only a like year old she just knows her mum is giving dad kisses and copies her. (hope this will lift your spirits a bit, candice :) )
This is just purest form of fluff. Get your tissues ready.
„Who’s my little sunshine?” Y/N cooed standing above the cradle watching her 1 year old daughter with a bright smile and yet, slightly wet eyes.
If a year ago someone told her, that despite all the vigilantism she will have a kid with Jason, she would simply laugh at that person face.
But now? Now, she was the happiest woman on earth. She had an amazing partner and a child, both of whom she loved with all her heart. And it was even better since it was fully reciprocated.
“Gagagaga” d/n babbled, putting her little fingers in her mouth, laughing at her mother’s funny face, looking just so adorable.
“Oh, my little one” Y/N reached inside and her daughter immediately extended her tiny arms, ready to be lifted and hugged. “Who’s mummy’s daughter?” Y/N rubbed d/n nose, getting another giggle “You are. Yes, you are. Oh, I love you so much, peanut” the girl kissed the top of her daughter head, rubbing her back and holding her tightly to her chest. “And your daddy loves you too. And why we speak of your dad, we have a very special day today, you know….”
“Dada, dada, dada…..”
“Yes, honey. Dada. That’s right.” Y/N sighed “It’s Jay’s first father’s day and we are both going to make sure it’s special for him. God knows, how much he had to go through to get just a bit of happiness with us.”
“Dada!” d/n crowed again, squirming in her mother’s arm as apparently she saw something behind. At first, Y/N got scared that some assassin broke into the house and were to attack, hurt or kidnap them both, giving Jace another trauma instead of a happy father’s day (can you blame her considering the past experience?), but it was just the talk of the devil.
“Well, hello to you two my lovely daughter and her equally lovely mother.” Jason smiled brightly, closing the door behind him.
“Hi, honey.” Y/N whispered taking a moment to appreciate him being safe and healthy, not bruised, bloodied, scared or bleeding. Despite the fact that he didn’t fully give up on his vigilantism, he was far more careful during patrols. He knew what he had to loose. And that little moments, where they could just be a normal family, laughing and spending time together were everything for Y/N.
“How was my troublemaker today?” Jason took a step forward, leaning over and pecking Y/N’s forehead “did you get some time for yourself?”
“Just a bit. But you know, d/n is definitely father’s daughter” Y/N let out a chuckle “quicksilver. Gotta keep an eye on her cause otherwise….”
“Oh, I know what can happen. Do you need rest, love?”
“No, not really” the girl shook her head “I rest best knowing I have you two with me. But. Since it’s your celebration, we got a little gift for you. Can you take her so I can bring it?” Y/N handed the daughter to Jace who grabbed her tightly and did a little helicopter in the air, making funny sounds and entertaining his little girl. And to think that he was the one worried he would be a bad father.
He was the best.   
“Wait, you said my celebration?” he frowned  a bit, confused “it’s not my birthday or anything like that so what….?
“Oh, please, don’t tell me you forgot” Y/N yelled from the other room and soon came back holding a small paper bag “It’s father’s day, obviously.”
“Oh.” Jason’s eyes grew wide. His very first father’s day. The second that thought hit him, his eyes watered a bit. There was still this little, vicious voice inside, that sometimes told him that he did not deserve any of this. That after everything he did, he should not ever interfere with anyone’s life. That no matter how hard he would try, one or both of his girl will end up getting hurt because of him.
“Jace….” Y/N quickly approached him, cupping his cheek, recognizing all the signs of his doubts and memories and impending mental breakdown “Jason, baby, look at me.” He listened, his eyes focusing on her pretty face “I love you.” she simply said “your daughter loves you. We need you, baby. The past is in the past, what you did or who you were does not define you, you hear me? That was not you.”
“thank you….” he whispered “it’s just…. a lot.”
“I know, love, but you are not alone. Hell, you should know by now you will never be. You got us. You got family, Jason.”
“I love you both.”
“We know.” Y/n smiled and stood on her tiptoes, capturing Jason’s lips in hers quickly, pulling away way too soon for his liking. So taking the initiative, adjusting his grip on his daughter, he wrapped his other hand around the mother, pulling her back.
“I’m not done with you.” he mumbled, leaning forehead on hers.
“Really?” Y/N smiled, pecking his right cheek and then left and then his nose, giggling.
“Still not enough.” he connected their mouths again, kissing her with all the love and passion he felt. Jason was not good with words, especially with the big ones, but his actions and his gestures were the best expression of them and Y/N learned that through the years they were together.
“Jason!” the girl squealed and pulled away the second she felt his hand sneak under her T-shirt “Not in front of our daughter! And not now!”
“Later than?” his eyes became a bit darker as he watched the blush creeping on Y/N’s cheek. At this point answer wasn’t even necessary. “Besides.” He continued as d/n started wriggling a bit “I don’t think our grig mind us being all touchy-feely towards each other.”
“What do you…?” Y/N started, but as her gaze landed on her daughter she couldn’t hold back a laugh. D/N put her little arms on Jason’s shoulder for some balance as she leaned forward pressing her little, soft lips against his cheek leaving a wet mark. And then she giggled and repeated the action two more times.
“Oh yes, that’s right. That’s what mummy does to make daddy feel better” Jason whispered, heart clenched with all the feelings “guess she got her observational skills and intelligence from you, Y/N. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For making this the best father’s day I could ever imagine.”
“You didn’t even open your present yet…..” Y/N pointed out.
“You both are my presents. I just want to be with you and hold you. Is that ok?” he whispered.
“Sure, Jason. As long as you want.”
“Perfect.” He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, minds wandering in some places only he knew. “But I still get to open that bag, right?” it only took him a  minute to get back to his smug attitude he didn’t lose during the years.
“Sure, babe. We definitely have a no return policy when it comes to any present.”
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
Hello, lovely followers. I was traveling for work again in the second half of this past week, but I'm now home and looking forward to answering all of your Asks that I've been seeing in my inbox. I first wanted to reflect a little bit, however, because this trip was also a personal one for me.
This week's travels took me to Anaheim, California, which is where Disneyland is (I think I actually must've not been far from where David and Georgia just were, funnily enough, as my hotel was right by the park). It wasn't my first trip to Anaheim, though. The last time I was there was when I was 11 years old, on summer vacation with my dad in California while my mom was on a tour in Italy at the same time. As you'd expect, my dad wanted to take me to Disneyland...but I was too scared and overwhelmed, and we only ever got as far as the parking lot. The gates were visible, and I remember how they loomed, that feeling of something foreboding washing over me...but rather than excitement, my tiny body was filled with dread. I mentioned this while in conversation with one of the hotel employees during my stay, and he said, "What kind of kid doesn't want to go to Disney?"
What kind of a kid. Well, an autistic kid. A kid who was constantly anxious, emotional, and terrified of sensory overload. A kid who hated crowds and noise and rides. A kid who didn't travel well to begin with, because she was afraid of new places, anything unfamiliar, anything that wasn't safe and home.
A kid who was me.
Even before this, there were so many ways that the world had said "This is not for you." But still, there was something different about it happening there, in the bright California sunshine. My favorite Disney princess as a kid was always Belle, because she also loved to read and didn't fit in with the people around her. Belle connected more with books and animals than people, and that made me connect with her. But Belle was also beautiful (as Disney princesses tend to be), and thanks to the bullying from my peers, I was very aware that was something I was not. So no matter how much I wanted to be Belle, there was no way I could ever be a Disney princess.
This is not for you.
Thinking about all of this during my trip made me feel so many things, but I was most surprised to find myself feeling a sense of nostalgia in particular, a longing for the child I was, who I wish I could comfort. It also made me feel such sadness for that child and anyone else who finds themselves in a situation or a place where the world thinks they should be happy, but they're not. And there are few things more difficult than feeling that way in (of all places) "the happiest place on Earth."
I didn't end up going to Disney on this trip, even though I had a little bit of time to do so. It's still not for me, but the difference now is that I am okay with that. That need to be the kid who wants to visit Disney--the "good" child, the child who isn't "broken"--has gone away, and I'm more than happy being adult me, and finding a place that fits me, instead of the other way around.
And that was my nostalgia trip, in quite the literal sense of the phrase. I have a picture or two to share in another post, so stay tuned for that as well...
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fairycosmos · 4 months
not brave enough to go off anon but oh my god you are so right about fatphobia in the queer community. i finally started actually prioritizing my health over aesthetics and gained 100 pounds and while i'm still on the smaller side (right in between straight size and plus size) holy SHIT the way people treat me and my body pivoted so fast. i used to get so much positive attention from other queer people no matter how i was dressed when i was skinny from being sick, but now that i'm fat and healthy i only get the same treatment when i'm dressed up and have contour to hide my double chin. it's literally unreal how fast people's attraction to you goes away when they see you're not built like a twink
omg im so sorry to hear that has been your experience, unfortunately it doesn't surprise me at all!!! honestly as a plus size person it's like. people go on about the crazy beauty standards and bodily expectations straight dudes have for women but my experience with other lgbt has not been wildly different. like the whole skinny twink thing is clearly coveted in the community even if people rarely direct address it and being overweight still gets you ostracised in the eyes of other lgbt people and it's like. there is nowhere on earth safe to just have a body that isn't a size 6. because if you're actually plus size that is immediately going to call into question whether or not you're loveable even through the eyes of other marginalised people!! it's such a harsh way to exist and anyway. all this to say im so glad you're feeling healthier and that you yourself are at a more comfortable place with your body. lately i have literally no energy from not eating right and struggling with body image and i don't have the like physical or emotional capacity for anything and it literally feels like i don't exist. i can barely interact with others or go about my day and i miss when i cared less about what i eat. so hearing that you are genuinely doing better and that you feel good means a lot to me and i truly hope the dumb ass people who have made you feel weird about gaining weight get fucked fr. anyone would be lucky to have you especially the healthiest happiest version of you! X
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ledgerserious8 · 6 months
Prince Bat | Bruce Wayne (Bale) & Reader
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Warning : Don't copy my writing Don't steal my writing. All rights are reserved for my writing
Genre : Love Smut
Summary : Bruce will give You his gift..
Word count : 8.3k
The whole party was a great success, Everything that he had planned was making this day more special for you.
You looked so pretty in that black peplum pleated dress and the white rivere necklace around your neck and everything in you can melt Bruce completely.
The way you was handling all the attention is just proof of you composure and grace. You looked like a princess here now
"Dear do you like this party?" - Bruce asked you calmly as smiling at you
I just want you to enjoy today." - He added softly while still staring at you with so much love
"I'm enjoying this a lot, thank you for everything you did for me bruce" - You replied calmly and politely and your eyes showing how much you thanked him for everything
"You are looking so stunning sweetheart" - Bruce confessed playfully while still watching you
His eyes just couldn't get enough of this beauty
"May I have this dance my princess" - He asked you as he held your hand
"I would love that" - You replied calmly as smirking charmingly and playfully to him
And that made him the happiest person to have walked on this earth
He just pulled you even closer as he was about to start the dance, But he just waited for you to move first
He wanted it to feel like you was guiding the dance or at least that's what he wanted
"I promise I'll lead you" - Bruce explained softly as looking into your eyes
"This time you move" - You whispered against his ear as your fingers on his shoulder
Your request was simple and reasonable and that's what he liked about her the most, You just looked at his eyes with a smile as you wanted him to make the first move
He didn't waste any moment and just took you by your hand and just started the dance
Even though he was leading he was actually letting you take the reigns as he was just following you as the dance the both of you were doing was actually a simple one
It was just two people swaying their bodies close to each other and spinning around in a circle
"You look handsome like a prince bat" - You whispered as chuckled softly.
He smiled as he tightened the grip around your waist, He loved it how you was giggling after he started rolling you with him
It was just a very simple roll and that's what he was doing, This made you look more like a princess now
"Shall I spin you princess?" - Bruce asked you softly as the two of you swayed your bodies to the music
"Hey stop making me blushing" - You admitted as your cheeks started turning into red rose
As soon as you said this he actually felt your blushing before your cheeks get red but he didn't show that he knew it
He just didn't wanted this moment to end, He wanted to keep spinning you as long as he could
His one hand was around your waist as he was now pulling you even closer to him now as the other hand was on your hair
"Why?" - He whispered as the both of you were rolling around together
"Is it because you can't handle how much I love you?"- He asked you playfully as the both of you started slowing down now
and suddenly you wrapping your arms around his neck was the most beautiful thing ever
He kept one arm around your waist and another one get around your neck from behind now
He loved this close contact as he was so close to you so much now
The music was still playing and the two of you were still just swaying slowly
Your eyes were still locked in his as he could just lose his senses in that beauty of yours
"Shall we slow down the pace?" - Bruce whispered as he was caressing your cheeks by his fingers
You didn't response you just closed your eyes slowly and let your lips touched the lips of your four-month boyfriend
He was in the beginning of his double life as batman but also in the beginning of his love relationship with someone he could love and that person was...you
As soon as he felt the touch of your lips on his own he stopped moving or dancing
your soft lips just made that guy melt, Just the kiss of your lips was enough to make him lose any sense of control he had over himself
He was losing himself in the sweetness of kiss as he felt like his heart was melting with your touch
The kiss made him forget everything around him and just focus on the feeling of his lips and your lips
And just for a few long seconds your lips and his were just few inches away from each other now
The breath was still coming out from the both of your mouths in the form of mist
The intense kissing and the romance made the emotions of that moment too high and the both of you were both breathless
Both of you were panting now and that was making this moment even more romantic
"Shall we go to my room now sweetheart?"- Bruce asked you with a loving grin on his face.
"Your room?" - You whispered seriously as trying to catch your breath
His heart skipped a beat as he heard the serious tone of your voice.
"I want to make love to you I want to be your first everything just like you're to me" - Bruce confessed honestly as looking into your eyes
'just how you're my first hug my first kiss and will be my first time I can't contain myself anymore just by being with you" - Bruce whispered softly as grabbed your hands and locked his fingers with yours
"Please give me all of yourself." - He begged as he was holding you tight to him with both of his hands now
Your eyes widen because his words to you proved he never was with another woman and he never being touched, yes everyone was wanting him but it's him who decided
He was in the beginning of his life in the Wayne manor and alfred and even as batman so he decided to wait to get someone but he never expected he will find you easily
"You really want to be my first man?" - You asked him calmly as started smiling
"You know I have always wanted this," - Bruce whispered honestly
"I've been wanting to be your first man ever since the first day you came into my life." s His voice was now filled with love and affection
I want to make you completely mine now." - Bruce explained as he was leaning even more towards you
He closed his eyes as letting his forehead touched yours and let out a long deep sigh
And again your answer was just a passionate kiss to his kissable lips
The passionate kissing sent a rush through his body right down to his very soul
Your soft lips and the feeling of her kiss sent him over the edge and he was so aroused he just went crazy
He just couldn't contain his excitement now and had to take you to his room to make you his
As soon as you give "Yes" hint his body responded and he just took you up in his arms and started walking upstairs towards his room
And he just continued to hold you in his arms as he was now carrying you upstairs
"We will be good" - Bruce whispered softly against your ear
The both of you reached his room and as soon as the both of you did his fingers closed the door behind him and locked it
The room was completely dark except for the tiny bit of light coming in from the window in the room showing the moonlight
Now you and him could finally be alone in privacy after a long time of being busy
"Bruce" - You whispered his name softly as the nervousness was into your tone and he knew it
"Lets take this slowly baby" - Bruce explained after noticed your nervously as he slowly put you down on his big size bed
"I want us both to be in a comfortable position and relax as now it'll be our first time and first time is pretty important." - Bruce whispered as he was getting top on you on the bed
He then started taking his black suit and tie and his top off as well
He was down to his shirt and started unclipped it slowly and gently by his fingers
You can now see his chiseled chest with every movement as he started taking his undershirt off himself and now you can see his chiseled chest
His body was so perfect and toned with muscles all over and the shape of his muscular chest added to your charm
Your face was too red enough to make your hands moved and covered your face as started biting your bottom lip
"Don't be embarrsed my girl" - Bruce whispered as he was just looking at you from a top
His body was now fully shirtless and he was just watching your adorable face
His muscular body was shining in the light coming from the window and he was such a sight to behold as he had such a perfect body
I'll just have to see every inch of you soon anyways." - Bruce explained playfully now getting the top of his jeans off
your eyes opened and were still locked into his eyes as you was just taking in the beauty of his look
The both of you were so close that your breaths were actually him like the both of you touching each other
"Baby the way you look at me just makes me crazy inside." - Bruce whispered softly as smirking
His voice was as if he was about to tear your clothes off right now because he could not control his excitement
He just wanted you so bad at that moment it was becoming unbearable now
His eyes were burning with love as soon as you looked into his eyes
The love that he felt for you was so intense that it could overcome any obstacle in its path and nothing can withstand the power of such love
With this he gently took your lips and now started making out with you passionately
Your arms around his neck just made him lose himself in you
He was now full of lust and you was just making him more and more hungry for you
He was kissing you like there is no tomorrow after he took all your clothes and his in one time
His hands have started exploring your naked body and he was just giving up to the desire of his desires
Your arms around his neck felt like the both of you had been there in his entire life and he was now feeling complete now with you like this
He was kissing you passionately and intensely and there was no way that he could hold back now
I want you so badly right here and now" - You whispered in a low and soft voice as he was kissing you more passionately
You started moaning his name softly as his mouth was eating your nipples as his fingers squeezed them and then getting down to lick your stomach
"Ahh" - You moaned out softly as his tongue was playing on your stomach and getting down
He let his head between your thighs as giving you a few love bites around your thighs as looking at you with his sharp eyes..
Even when it's first time but Bruce seem the god of this sex..
"Please Bruce" - You begged him heavily as trying to catch your breath during your fingers grabbed the bedsheet
"Not yet" - Bruce replied teasingly as smirking charmingly at you and keep giving you love bites
You keep moaning and sweating more than before as you started biting your bottom lip but suddenly you felt something inside you..a finger
"Bruce your-" - You whispered but he cut you off by kissing your lips passionately
He was moving his finger inside you slowly and started getting it in and out a few times before he added his other finger
Now it's two fingers..inside you
He started kissing your neck passionately as he still fingering you and moving his fingers so fast inside of you just to make you moan more
"Please I'm c-" - You begged him but again he cut you off but this time by his voice
"I know baby just go ahead" - Bruce whispered softly as smiling by noticed the pleasure on your expression
Suddenly he pushed his fingers so hard inside you and it's made you shouted as your back ached while your juices getting into his fingers and covered them
He pulled his fingers out of you as started sucking them by his mouth while looking at you with smirk..bat smirk
"That was so good" - You whispered honestly as trying to calm yourself down
"I know but we're not done yet" - He whispered softly against your ear as his fingers touching your waist
"I know" - You whispered back cutely making him chuckled softly
"I will be so gentle and slowly with you okay?" - He whispered as he was top on you under the covers and you both naked
"Okay" - You whispered as closing your eyes and your nails was on the skin of his back
He closed his eyes as hiding his face against your neck and you felt his cock started getting inside you slowly trying to not hurt you
He was trying to not move at first but if he moved he need to make sure you're okay first because he can feel your nails tightened on his skin
"Please start" - You whispered as your fingers through his hair while giving him the permission
You can feel him nodded silently as he started thrusting inside you more deeply but so slowly to be careful
His movement was extremely gentle and slow with the biggest of attention on you
He was trying to be gentle and slowly as he promised you because it's the first time of the both of you
He was really taking it slowly because he wanted the experience to be the most pleasurable one for both of you
With you hugging him tightly he also had the opportunity to explore your body with his hands which was just so arousing for you
This was really the best experience that you both hoped for from the both of your first time
Of course he was nervous about everything happening right now but he hide it to not make you nervous more
He was also moving with all the attention to you and your pleasure and he was feeling all the more excited with your touch now
He continued moving slowly under the covers and was now making sure that your pleasure was as much as his
"You feel so good baby" - Bruce whispered now as his movements slowed down even more
You didn't give him any response because you started biting your bottom lip lightly and painfully
Your painfull bite on your bottom lip was so hot now and it started making his breath get even more heavier
This was the very reason that the two of you were so compatible with each other
The chemistry between you just so perfect that the both of you could read each other so well and you loved feeling his body on yours and he loved everything about you body
He kissed your lips and moved up to your neck again and started kissing you there
"You're hurt babygirl? do you feel anything wrong my girl?" - Bruce whispered as keep kissing your neck and thrusting inside you slowly under the covers
"it's just a little bit painful but please go faster" - You confessed honestly as making noises
Hearing your words made him so excited that he just couldn't stop now
You biting your lips was really a visual pleasure for him because he could feel you was going crazy after tasting him which was the whole point
So knowing that you was enjoying it was enough for him to keep going and also the fact that now you was actually asking him that meant she wanted him to go more wild and he wanted nothing else than that
He started kissing your neck more aggressively now with his lips and even his tongue on your neck
"It's our first time and I don't want you to just have pleasure but it should be a perfect and memorable experience for both of us." - He whispered against your ear
"I know just keep faster" - You begged him as your nails was making a little lines scars on his back
The fact that you asked him to go faster was enough to make him do just that
It was like you was already reading his mind at this point and it turned him on so much that his body was actually shaking a little
He moved faster into the motion under the covers and was driving you crazy with his kisses and bitings on you body
And his cock inside you was just eating you out so hard
He was holding your face and kissing your neck more and more fiercely which was sending you into such a hot zone that you was almost at the point of no return
"Baby look at me. look into my eyes"- Bruce whispered as cupped your face and you looked into his eyes
"See? see how much i love you so fucking much" - He whispered with deep voice as moving faster under the covers
"I'm seeing this very well" - You replied heavily as your tears started falling making him worried about you
"Shhhh sweetheart what is it?" - He asked you as he started rubbing your back by his fingers
The tears on your eyes just killed him inside because he thought that he was the cause for this and he was completely terrified now
"What's wrong love?" - He asked you with a soft concerned voice while slowing the motion of his thrusts under the covers and just held you close to him
"I'm just so close enough" - You whispered as you closed your eyes tightly making him start smirking
"It's okay I get you baby" - He whispered softly as started moving so faster inside you under the covers
His fingers grabbed yours and locked with them as the bed started shaking because of the movement of the both of you and your moans with his groans filled the room
Even his tears was falling during he was kissing your eyes to wipe your tears but it's just too pleasure
It's just took a few more minutes as the sound of your moans and his groans filled the room and he loved every second of it
"Oh god baby" - Bruce groaned loudly with your moans
He just felt so satisfied that he was able to make you feel so good and that too in the very first time
Your body was now shaking and you was in your ultimate climax with him while you was moaning his name loudly
He kept moving at the pace which was taking you to your ultimate climax and making your orgasm more better
Feeling your warm body underneath him with the breathings heavy of yours was just so hot that he just didn't wanted to move from this
He stayed the way he was on top of you as the breathings of the both of you slowed down after a while
He was looking at your body shaking and your face covered in sweat and it was all because of him
The thought made him really feel proud of himself
The both of you were taking small breaths now and could barely speak
He kept looking at your face as it was getting more and less red due to the sweat with your body still shaking
With his hands on your face, he looked at you you was the only person in the world who mattered to him
'I'm yours now baby..not just from the first moment i put my eyes on you" - Bruce whispered as kissing your forehead and nose as still cupped your face
"Mine all mine?" - You whispered tirelessly as smiling warmly at him
"Your breath alone was making me crazy so how can I not give you my love?" - He replied as he still held your face close to his
He suddenly saw your eyes on the clock on the wall as it was showing that it was three after midnight
The both of you had already lost track of time but it was all worth it
He looked at you and you had such a cute smile while all your body was relaxed
"We were so busy in each other that we missed the time" - Bruce explained calmly as he was looking at you and his fingers stocking your hair
"Yeah but I promise I will keep lying on the bed to stay with you more time" - You promised him honestly as smiling cutely
Hearing your promise and feeling your fingers playing with his chin made his heart skip a beat
All his worries and fears just vanished in no time
The way the both of you were so close to each other now made him feel so much loved and safe in your arms
He couldn't help but bury his face and even further into your neck
It was just so comforting to be held in your arms
He was now caressing your back while still having his face buried deep into your neck with his eyes closed
"Shh sleep" - You whispered against his ear as your fingers playing with his hair
His eyes were now closed as he took deep breaths and was now feeling really comfortable in your arms
He had already put all his worries and anxiety to rest after hearing your promise and his only thought now was to sleep
He couldn't control himself from feeling so relaxed in your warm embrace
With his body now fully relaxed he didn't even mind how his face was buried deep into your neck
His whole body felt as light as a feather and he was just slowly nodding off
"I love you baby" - He whispered still with his eyes closed
"I love you too my handsome man" - You replied shortly as smiling and closed your eyes
These words from your mouth made his heart beat so much faster
Hearing you call him her "Handsome" and then adding calling him only 'Man' was extremely charming
This gave him that extra comfort feeling in your warm embrace as his body was feeling completely relaxed
These words now made him feel as he was a man completely under your spell as you had now conquered your man
He was now feeling so much loved in your arms, so much safe and protected by you
"I'm your one and only Bruce." - Bruce admitted and he too closed his eyes
You just nodded to him silently as the breathings of you both became slow and calm as your bodies fell in a deep sleep
The both of you were sleeping soundly and all your worries were taken care of by each other.
The both of you held each other tightly while sleeping as you both felt safe and protected with each other
It was just like a perfect image of love and beauty
The both of you were sound asleep in each other's arms with your love keeping you both together
But because Bruce was orphan man he was hugging you so tightly under the covers
That was your man and he was so different yet you loved this so much more then anything else in this world
He can be a orphan man with tenderness childish heart he can be batman he can be the most serious man and the most soft too
He was The bat of Gotham and also of your life forever and ever and also he was..
Prince Bat
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magical-girl-coral · 1 year
Canonical evidence of every Fear and Hunger S ending in the Termina
Happy Ending
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Cahara's sword in "Happy Ending" is the Sabbath sword you can find at the church. While it was said it was developed by Vatican city in the 1700s, this is also the same city that secretly did human experiences on innocent people to get closer to the old gods so chances are they were lying about this too.
If I had to guess, Cahara used his massive wealth to create weapons against creatures of the night and some of them somehow ended up in the hands of Vatican knights. Maybe one of his family members decided to start their own knighthood against monster and it massively backfired.
The true God of Fear and Hunger
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While originally I was on the fence on this one thanks to ending C II, the Kaiser's flesh form was what sold me. That, and the fact that he mentions in his monologue before you fight him how he roamed the earth while out of his mind fits perfectly with Le'grade's derangement after D'arce resurrects him.
The only thing I'm bothered with is how D'arce doesn't have any hints of her existence in Termina. You'd think she'd get at least one name drop if she was the one who brought the Kaiser back from the dead.
The Enlightenment
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The ending I'm the happiest is the most canon has got be Enki's just because of the lore drops we get from his skin bibles. It's interesting to note that Enki knew the God of Fear and Hunger was originally a nameless girl and that she was already a demi god thanks to her mother.
It also said that "[The God of Fear and Hunger] was the pure representation of fear and hunger, not spoiled by even a glimmer of hope", which is odd cause the player can and should bring the girl her doll and knife to make her more useful in battle and to make her feel lighter with the situation at hand.
It makes me wonder who brought the girl down to the depths if they made it obvious she was never getting out.
God of Ultra Violence
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It's pretty much an open secret now that August is a descendant of Ragnvaldr thanks the cannibalism trait in his soul tree, his friendship with moonless and how the only contestant he truly open ups to is Abella, the only other person from Oldegård. I didn't even notice until I wrote this post that they both even have the exact same hair in their profiles.
It's also nice to know Le'grade is still getting his ass handed to him by a guy who not only got to get the title of a god before him, but also by the clan he build after he escaped the dungeons. Truly a massive L. We love to see it ❤.
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fandomworld9728 · 3 months
Hi, I would like to add another idea to the previous ask I like to think that Vox and Alastor met when they were alive and human, though Vox was still a kid. Still, Lucifer took the privilege to babysit him! Vox may or may not have a kiddy crush on sweet ol' Luci
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(Ooo~ that sounds so cute! And makes for an interesting timeline
Vox being in his 30s - 40s and dying in the 50s & Alastor being in his 30s - 40s and dying in the 30s)
(Here's the timeline for this AU: Alastor was born in 1900 and died in 1933 at the age of 33. When he meets Vox, he is 30 years old.
Vox was born in 1922 and died in 1958 at the age of 36. When he meets Alastor and Lucifer, he is 8 years old)
(...I had planned this to be more cute... however, it had a mind of its own and this is what my brain spat out. Plus, I'm not very good at writing kiddy crushes so I apologize)
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How long had he been on Earth now? He should have gone back to Hell after he got one of Paimon's sons' books back from those cultists. Lucifer was going to have a serious talk about this with him and his many children about this.
However, it wasn't all bad. He had met a very interesting human. They had been dying in a dirty alleyway and Lucifer wasn't sure why, but he had this strange compulsion to heal them.
After the human had woken up, Lucifer learned that his name was Alastor and that he was a famous radio host. Of course, he couldn't hide his true self from Alastor since he had the man ingest his blood to keep him from dying. Before he knew it, the two had made a deal and began to live together.
It's the happiest Lucifer's felt in a long time. As much as he needed to get back to Hell, he didn't want to leave all this behind. And luckily for him, Alastor made it part of their deal that Lucifer couldn't leave until Alastor himself had died.
Honestly, it almost sounded like a marriage contract rather than a demonic deal. Not that he minded. They almost acted like a married couple as it was. There was only one small snag in their happy (not) married life.
Alastor had come home with a child. That in itself wasn't an issue. The problem came with how upset his human was about the current situation he had been forced into and the details of how it happened.
Alastor's boss had a client visiting who brought his son along. The business deals were to be negotiated during seedy activities that children should not be around, and as a show of good faith Alastor had been offered up as a babysitter.
As much as his human detested his boss and having no control, he loved his job. So, with no choice in the matter if he wanted to stay hosting the radio show, he brought the kid to their apartment.
The other problem... they couldn't get caught acting like a couple. Lucifer was a naturally affectionate and clingy person. He had been ecstatic when he was given permission to freely touch and cling to his human. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle not being able to do so for a good part of the day.
Then there was the fac that they had recently started to be more... intimate... with each other. How would Lucifer survive without his daily dose of love?! Okay. Maybe he was being a little dramatic. And the kid wasn't that bad to watch.
After Alastor had made it clear he wanted nothing to do with the kid (Vic? Vox?) he had pretty much attached himself to Lucifer. Which thrilled him if he was being honest. He loved children. Plus, seeing how jealous his sinful human always got over the attention usually given to him being showered on someone else was oddly enjoyable.
Especially when Alastor took out that jealous and frustration on Lucifer in the bedroom. That, however, got them caught. As much as he hated doing it, he used his magic to repress the child's memory.
He just hoped this wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass one day.
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Things had been going so well lately. Alastor didn't have to worry about getting caught for his crimes thanks to his deal with Lucifer and his show was growing in popularity. Soon enough he'd be able to improve their living arrangements.
While he the small devil would use his powers to do it for them if he only asked, there was something satisfying about showing him that he was able to provide. Alastor would be lying if he said he hadn't become fond of the demon and taking care of him had brought about some sort of purpose to his life.
There was just something oddly charming about Lucifer. So, with his dream job secured, a lovely roommate, and the devil's power at his disposal, Alastor's life was almost perfect.
Of course, once things started to go well for him, life decided to screw him over in some way. Case in point, his boss was forcing him to be the babysitter of an investor's child. While Alastor would never kill a child, he was not a fan of the little creatures as a general rule.
There are always exceptions to his rules, however. Like how Lucifer was the only one allowed in their his bed. Or how him and Mimzy were the only ones besides his mother who could freely touch him. And this little brat was about to cause him to break his rule regarding murder.
The way he got to freely hang off the King of Hell while Alastor was barely allowed in his space during Victor's stay with them. Because of Lucifer's lack of self-control when it came to affection, especially Alastor's, he thought it best to minimize their contact at the moment.
It would be easier to handle if that pint sized brat wasn't so smug about it. Well, there were things that Alastor could do that Victor could not. If they weren't so scared of the backlash, Alastor would show him just who Lucifer belonged to.
This was a risky move since the weasel had begged to sleep over in their spare room that Lucifer has been using during this weeklong torture session. But Alastor's patience was wearing thin. He needed to prove that he still possessed the fallen angel.
So, he did just that. High off a successful hunt and good day at work (as well as the booze Mimzy had talked him into), Alastor motioned for the beautiful devil to follow him from where he lay cuddled up to that brat. Leading him into the privacy of the bedroom they spent many nights together, he put Lucifer back where he belonged. Under Alastor in their bed.
This was crazy. But fuck, if Lucifer didn't make him crazier then he already was. Alastor had never wanted to possess someone before. Never wanted to hold, kiss, or lay with someone before. Why was this man his exception?
He was beautiful and held so much power. Was God's favorite. The first temptation and the one to give mankind free will. Was the ruler of Hell. Yet, here he was, submitting to a human sinner. Submitting only to Alastor. It filled his body with a rush of pride, power, and... dare he say warmth?
"Alastor. What are you doing? W-We shouldn't..."
"You want to do this just as much as I do. I feel like I'll lose it if I have to wait because that child somehow weaseled his way into staying the night."
"O-Okay. Just a quick round. We shouldn't be risking it like this but... I know how you feel."
With Lucifer's consent, Alastor dove right in, desperate for his favorite treat. That delicious golden blood. Biting and tearing the smooth flesh was the fastest way to get him in the mood. Alastor loved the feast and feeling of a lover who allowed him to indulge in his cannibalistic tendencies.
For some reason, Lucifer enjoyed the feeling of being bitten and having his blood drank. Something to do with brain chemicals? He wasn't going to try to understand the demon's ramblings.
A gasp pulled their attention away from their love making (they hadn't even gotten that far!) and over to the door. There stood a shocked and very angry Victor.
Oh. Alastor may not get to indulge in sex tonight, however, he did get to have the satisfaction of knowing this brat could now see that Lucifer belonged to him.
Dear beautiful Lucifer who was flushed that lovely golden color to match the blood covering him from all the bites Alastor left on his body. His lips were swollen from how hard Alastor had kissed him, leaving him a panting mess.
His fallen angel desperately tried to cover himself for whatever reason. All the important parts were out of sight from where Alastor was still seated between his legs. Unfortunately, whatever lesson he had been hoping Victor had learned was taken away by Lucifer repressing the memory.
Oh well. He still felt vindicated, and that little brat was going home that afternoon. Alastor let him have those last few hours, knowing the child will never touch what was his again.
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At the age of eight, Victor was sure he had fallen in love. His father had taken him with on a business trip and left him in the care of a radio host who worked for one of his father's friends. The man, Alastor, was so cool and charming. Someone that Victor wanted to be like. Not to mention he was very handsome.
Yet despite this, he heard the women they passed whispering about how it was a shame he was single. How could someone like Alastor be a bachelor? It didn't make any sense. That is until they stepped foot in the man's apartment. Alastor had an actual angel waiting at home for him.
Now, Victor wasn't stupid. He was fairly intelligent for his age. He knew that there were people who hid their homosexual relationships out of fear. Hell, his father had a secret male lover that his mother pretended not to know about.
So just watching the two interact briefly was enough to have him theorizing. And if he were Alastor, he would pretend to be a bachelor too. With a beauty like that waiting at home? Alastor was a lucky man.
When that soft and sunny smile was directed at Victor, he felt like his heart had stopped. He had decided he would make this angel his. Sure, he would have to come back for him when he was an adult, but it was never too early to charm him and worm his way into his heart.
That's how he spent his week. Every afternoon he would be dropped at Alastor's and since the man wanted nothing to do with him, he would spend all his time with Lucifer. He would let Victor hang off him and would let him help with whatever he would do. What made it all the better was it seemed Victor was driving a wedge between the secret love birds. Good. This would make his plan easier to complete.
He was getting closer and closer to success! Lucifer had even given him a nickname! Vox. And he refused to believe that lowly radio host's lies about his angel forgetting his name. Alastor was just jealous over how close and affectionate they were.
His last chance was here, and he had to seal the deal. Persuading (begging) his way to sleeping over on his last night there, Victor planned on asking Lucifer to leave Alastor and wait for him. He was confident the romantic gesture would surely woo him.
However, every time he tried to ask, something would get in his way! Before he knew it, it was time to go to bed. Luckily, he was able to convince Lucifer to share a bed with him. Laying cuddled up to the warm and kind angel, sleep came easily.
However, when he awoke in the middle of the night, his angel was gone. Where could he have gone? He was close to falling back asleep, thinking Lucifer may have just gotten up for some water or something, when a loud noise had him springing out of bed.
That had been Lucifer's voice! Was he okay? Had that pompous ass Alastor hurting him? If so, Victor was going to- to...
He wasn't sure what happened. One moment, he was standing in the doorway to Alastor's bedroom and the next he was waking up in bed. He felt like something was missing. But he couldn't put his finger on it.
Did something happen? Trying to remember what happened last night, Victor went to the kitchen and hugging his angel around the legs before turning to sleepily glare at the radio host.
The man looked smugger than usual. Victor was sure that stupid cheshire grin of his would haunt his for the rest of his life. One of these days, he was going to wipe it off his face.
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