#and now with the fnaf 4 book confirmation
ultra-raging-ghost · 9 months
I reached post limit so im gonna write this and save it for midnight to post later 🥰
-10:30 EST
Richas made a reference/mentioned outliving forever and bad started screaming and sobbing for a solid 2 minutes and then started talking about how no no forevers probably fine cucuruchos probably taking care of him, richas asked if thats what bad tells himself to sleep at night, if he just lies to himself and bad said yes! if all else fails, simply lie to yourself and push your true feelings down to make it through this meaningless existence :D and richas said "so if we said the sky is pink at all times a day and just lie to ourselves its ok?" and bad said yes, we already lie to ourselves all the time we just need to think about how much lying we accept :3
richas thinks dappers colorblind
bad said his chats british 😭
time to read books!
-10:40 EST
bad is making fun of us for being sad because of angst(/lh/j) and sang a brief song about us being sad and mentioned "the sun is gone" just to torment us over forever being gone. He also went f5 said something like “if you think it’s sad now… anyway..... spoilers!!" implying it will get even sadder!! (terrified)
oh theres a letter for bbh and forever :((( this might be sad now that forevers. in his place. chats crying
-10:50 EST
Bad is screaming and crying because forever will never be able to read his letter, hes literally head in hands screaming and crying and hes letting the TTS read it out
one of the qsmp purgatory programmers wrote bad a letter saying he was supposed to die more and bad said hes a bug tester at heart and richas is bullying bad because of how many bugs he found and exploited LMAO bad said he'll fudging do it again
-11:00 EST
bad found ANOTHER wall bug to glitch thru, hes insane
-11:10 EST
someone said the word forever and bad is reduced to shambles on the floor, hes crying and whining forevers name in tears and agony and he made the dying "bleh" sound like 4 times
also bad mentioned that as soon as its confirmed to the characters like in-character that max is dead theyre having a funeral for him, like bad as the grim reaper knows but he hasnt told anyone, nobodys aware of him being gone, >>>>also he was ominous and said he needed to shoot max a message oorp and refused to elaborate. what the fuck was that about badboyhalo? <<<<<
-11:30 EST
Bad and richas and pomme wanna make an elevator death trap and then call foolish over to trap/murder him <3 chat is advocating for this idea. chat also wants to see the museum, bad said yes!!! Museum time!
before that, bad is being ominously silent again and is texting off screen. that max comment earlier + this makes me worried. MOVING ON THO BC HES SINGING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICHAS AND POMME GOT HIM A PRESENT FOR HIS BDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHAS!!!!! (in brazil time) The present is Honey cookies! because richas got covered in honey and used as bait while they were away LMAO
Bad was talking about the 1k snow golems prank and was wondering if the cleanup team would be upset or love that, and richas said "lets say im part of that tio" and bad is now saying richas will take 100% accountability for that and will clean all of it up by himself LMAOOOO richas placed down signs saying "NO TIO I NEVER SAID THAT!! I DIDNT" and bad read them out loud as "Yes tio i agree i did say that ill do it!"
oh god bads spamming richas signs everywhere this is gonna fucking lag everything LMAOOOO richas crashed and bad kept placing until he got bored and said "yessssss richas will get in so much trouble hahaha! messing with the server!!!! bad then said "Richas always comes back" in the FNAF voice, didnt need to know you were an even bigger nerd BBH but okay /aff
-11:40 EST
Pomme is dragging bbh around on a lasso and is trapping him somewhere <3333 theyre climbing up the big ben and bad is taking SO MUCH DAMAGE he has his auto eat on
he accidentally said the word "forever" again and started crying again, his chat is in shambles.
>>>>>>bad's crying again, and being horny because of how "cute" forever looks in the fanart, but mostly crying<<<<<
pomme started bullying bad because he called forever cute LMAO
tinas on!!!!!
-11:50 EST
Bad's crying again over art of him and forever in the pool he made in forevers base, the admins want to hurt him specifically/j
"treasure the wholesome moments chat, for they are just dust in the wind" -BBH 2023
bad took his totems out of his offhand again :)
Bad's crying again over another image of him and forever!!
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zibiscusloon · 11 months
Because it's impossible to choose one, rate and order the cameos/easter eggs you loved most in the movie
I’m gonna go with some of my favorites off the top of my head! There were so many across the whole movie and I loved each and every one, lol
(Note this is in no specific order!)
1. Chica’s fucking Magic Rainbow
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My friend Axe ( @gayfrogsarecool ) caught this lil easter egg while we were watching the movie and it managed to flood back so many memories. So.. many… memories…. (All of yelling at a rude ass rainbow-)
I’m probably in a minority of people who loved Fnaf World during its initial release, so I really wasn’t thinking there’d be a World reference! It was really sweet to see!
2. Balloon Boy (lil bastard-)
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I can’t believe I’m admitting that this lil shit is the only animatronic who managed to succeed on every single fucking jumpscare. He got me each time— There was no excuse for them to work every time! He was literally just standing there! But noooooo, Freddy biting Max in half only gave me a brief pause of “Oh.” But the batterie thief himself is the one who made me jump from my seat- what the fuck-
3. Sparky the Dog! (And Sparky’s Diner!)
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Every single fan who has been around since Fnaf 1 knows who Sparky the Dog is! The original hoax character. I remember when I was little and I’d be up watching theories trying to debunk whether or not he was a real character! A fan character was a big surprise and seeing that he even has an in universe diner themed around him made me feel like a kid again! (Only this kid now gets confirmation of a Canon Sparky-)
(Also Imma just say his movie design is adorable I love him sm-)
4. Carl & The Cupcake
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Noticed this one out more recently! So during the whole segment where Max & her friends are picked off one by one by the gang I learned that the dude that the Cupcake straight up mauls happens to be named “Carl”! I have no idea if it was intentional or not but it could be a nod to The Cupcake’s fanon name!
5. The Ella springlock suit
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So Ella on her own was a rather eerie and intriguing concept from the books (Saying this as someone who is still really iffy with how the whole “Charlie is a Robot” concept was handled)
But seeing her as her own animatronic in the movie really managed to bring up her creep factor! She just looks so ragged and forgotten, she looks like a creepy af porcelain doll (and I love that-). Makes me wonder if we’ll ever see animatronic Ella up and running (probably not but it’d be cool none the less!)
6. Cory & Matpat!
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Coryxkenshin has always been a comfort channel for me! I always found his content genuinely nice, genuine, and I have a habit of going back to plenty of his old game playthroughs when I’m feeling down. Man also got jumped by BB- you and me both pal-
When I tell you the cackling I had from the whole “That’s just a theory” line, cheeky son of a- (also I now hc Ness as the Hurricane local menace who is a constant thorn in William’s side cause he keeps breaking into the Pizzaria on the weekends looking for evidence and shit from the MCI)
7. And Of course..
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I mean did they really expect to have this as the end credits song and for me to not loudly sing it? Childhood in song form-
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hearts401 · 1 year
"do NOT ask me about ggy or patient 46 because i WILL begin ranting"
You see, I am incapable of ever listening to anyone, ever, so I must ask about GGY and patient 46
I have absolutely no knowledge of modern FNaF lore; I have not read any of the books (something I plan to fix whenever my bank account stops bleeding) so you're gonna have to do some heavy lifting here and tell me all about it
Ooh boy rubs my hands together
okay so im gonna start with ggy because i love Tony and Ellis. (i dont have the book in front of me tho so this isnt gonna be 100% every detail)
GGY is about a kid named Tony Becker who has an assignment in his 6th grade english class. He has to write a fictional mystery with side plots that tie into the main plot. He chooses to do this with his two friends. They use pen names whenever they do their english projects together (sobs and wails and cries into my hands) and Tony picked Tarbell, and his friends were Boots and Dr. Rabbit (or Rab for short).
Tony wants to start working on their project, but Boots and Rab want to go to the fazcade. Tony gives in when rab backs up boots (tony sees boots as immature and worries about outgrowing him and hanging out more with rab) tony wanders around the fazcade trying to find inspo, and then notices someone named GGY with top scores on some of the games. when he asks other people about it, they tell him the scores are seemingly impossible, but when he asks a staff member, he's told they haven't been hacked.
At some point he makes an online blog to ask about it and a girl he'd talked to in the fazcade asks him to meet her. she tells him that she thinks this is more than just high scores, and that he should stay out of it.
Oh also freddy keeps watching tony and at some point begins following him.
Tony finds out that GGY has a hacked party pass (or it was like a fun pass or smth) that gives them access to much more than it should, working almost like a security card.
Tony then finds out one of the school counselors has gone missing, and he sneaks into the librarian's office to learn more about it. he finds out two other counselors have also gone missing, all of them having gone to the pizzaplex before disappearing.
tony writes his paper and gives it to Rab and Boots to look over, and when they come back the next day, they've changed it into a fantasy story. And GGY is labled as the wizard's favorite apprentice, rather than someone getting high scores on arcade games.
tony is upset with rab and boots and begins calling htem by their actual names.
Rab is Greg, Boots is Ellis.
tony is also in trouble for sneaking into the librarian's office and using her laptop, so he has detention shelving books.
Greg come and offers to take him to the pizzaplex when he's done, and it's kind of implied he killed him there.
again i have bad memory and i dont have the book in front of my so anyone can feel free to correct anythign i got wrong or missed
now onto patient 46 who's from the therapy tapes in sb.
this'll be undeniably easier because i can just listen to the tapes. patient 46 is also not confirmed to be gregory, its just a theory, so im just gonna call them 46.
its important to note that 46 does not speak.
everything here is things implied to have been nonverbally communicated to the therapist.
Tape 2:
It starts with the therapist talking about how the day is nice, but 46 doesnt like the light, so the therapist draws the blinds. she then comments on how 46 is not talking to her today, and says that she gets reviews from patients, and when 46 doesn't let her help them, she gets bad reviews. she tells 46 she could get in trouble and get put in timeout, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 4:
New therapist is here, she asks if 46 is going to talk to her, and they dont reply. she asks whats wrong, and they gesture to the flowers. the therapist comments on them being particularly fragrant and moves them. The therapist then comments on 46 staring at something, and says they're "amazingly alert." she says shed like to have 46 tell her about themself, but 46 does not. the therapist instead chooses to look through their notes. she also comments on the chair not fitting 46, but its not specified if its too big or too small. she then asks if 46 is bothered by a new therapist, but 46 doesnt seem surprised or confused at all. the therapist says shes surprised by whats in 46's notes. she says they have a "rebellious side" and a knack for computers, and explains the word phenom to them. the tape ends with her asking if 46 considers themself a hacker
tape 6:
new therapise again! she tells 46 shes already read their files and knows what theyve worked on. 46 asks for a candy, and she gives one to them, taking one for herself as well. she says she wants to start with 46's parents, and claims it was tragic but she doesnt think 46 has processed it emotionally. she says they wrote it like they had read it off of a book. (her exact words are they wrote an objective rather than a subjective narrative, but 46 didnt know what that meant.) she says 46 spends a lot of time alone and is good at self-dialogue, which she explains is "asking urself questions and getting answers" she tells them to try asking themself how they feel about what happened to them. she tells them to let themself be upset about it so they can let it go.
tape 8:
same therapist as 6! she asks 46 if theyve thought about what they talked about. 46 had told them their past had made them sad and scared. the therapist asks if they had written down exactly what made them feel that way. she then says she works with many people who respond to tragedy differently. she asks 46 if their fantasies would be different had this tragedy not happened to them.
Tape 13:
new therapist again! she says when shes getting to know a client, she likes to find out abt their hobbies. when she doesnt get a reply, she asks if they like sports. 46 tells her they like to watch sports, but not play them. and that they like to stay inside. the therapist then reluctantly tells 46 that their previous therapists have gone missing. except one who was found dead, and they said her body looked to be mangled by machinery. the therapist also comments that 46 doesn't look concerned about it. she jokes about watching her back, which 46 finds funny.
Tape 14:
same therapist as 13. she asks if 46 knows about the pizzaplex, and says the technicians who work there know them. theyve seen what they think is 46 on the security cameras. they say 46 was accused of hacking their systems. the therapist says that the hacks are causing tons of problems, but that there's no solid proof it was 46, and 46 finds it funny that the techs are having issues. she says she finds it weird that 46 would spend time in such a busy, crowded place despite their loner attitude. she asks if its the electronics that 46 likes. she also says theyve designed programs that talk to them and repeat phrases. she says it asks them questions and prompts for responses, like their own little therapist. she said at first she had thought they were talking to themself, but it seems more like they were talking to someone else. she asks who it was.
Tape 15:
same therapist as 13+14. she starts with asking if 46 wants to do an ink blot test. she shows them an image, and 46 asks to hold it. 46 says it reminds them of a mask. the therapist asks if 46 likes the idea of being disguised, and how they make you invisible. she says being invisible lets you get away with anything, and asks 46 if they like that idea. she then moves on to something else, telling 46 that it seems theyve been talking to someone else. she says the techs think that its someone trying to lure 46 away, or manipulate them. the therapist moves to where she can see 46's eyes, and says she got something different from the communications. she accuses 46 of manipulating someone, rather than being manipulated. she says they were recorded on the security cameras with someone else. she says that it looks like the person theyre with has rabbit ears, which 46 finds amusing.
Tape 16:
Same therapist as 13+14+15. she says shes gotten another message from the pizzaplex that says that theres a glitch in the system that makes the animatronics more eerie than entertaining. she says the glitch spread system-wide and infected all the machines. she also says it was traced back to 46. she says the glitch broadcasted a dangerous message. she also says that when the techs were trying to fix it, the source shifted. she says that the glitch changed from a glitch and became a set of sub-routines that were made to do exactly what the glitch was doing. (which basically means it stopped just being a glitch and became part of the system?? i think?? idk shit abt computers bruh) when 46 does not reply, she presses, saying she is on their side and wont tell anyone what is told to her during the session and that the techs have no proof it was 46, so theyre not in trouble. when 46 doesnt reply still, she brings up their past. 46 refuses to look at her, but she continues. she says it doesnt matter if they look at the floor, because nothing they told her about their parents was true. she says they had great parents, and a great childhood. she asks 46 why they lied, and tells them to look at her. she then says she understands why 46 would be upset about the confrontation, and says they can come back to this another day. the last line she says is "you're shaking your head like that's not going to happen."
i have a lot of thoughts on both of these parts and i personally believe 46 is Gregory. but if i dumped all my thoughts we'd be here all day so have this long ass explanation instead
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aftoonfamily · 10 months
Fnafic Masterpost lol
Here’s a masterpost of all the fnaf fics I’ve written over the years. Gives you an insight on how I personally play with the storyline and the characters but like. Be warned. Some of these were made back in highschool and I’m well into college now so my ideas have changed a little lol.
Fnaf at Freddy’s
Little snippets of stories related to my fnaf storyline. They’re not in order and they are mostly cringey cause I was 17/18 when writing these. It has some good moments though like stories of William being a freak and Gregory being cute and sad. Good shit.
William Afton is a Weak Pussy
Okay this was never finished but it was a funny idea me and my friends had because my William is actually like. Super afraid of a lot of stuff. Specifically stuff related to death or dying. I might finish it one day who knows.
No One Lives Forever!
My first story in the Oxymoron series. This was a self indulgent story based entirely on a dream I had of Mike getting the shit beaten out of him and William going to jail. It got popular for some reason and created a whole au where no one dies. Which is also why this is called the Oxymoron Au lol.
Wake Up! (It’s 1983)
Second story of the Oxymoron series. This is a continuation of the idea of Henry taking in the Afton kids. 90% of this story is Mike being angsty and the other 10% is Evan and Lizzie being absolutely adorable. There are some moments I hate and would change but I’m lazy and have a real job.
Cinderella Undercover
Third story of the Oxymoron series. This was made entirely for my friend because I love them and I love their version of Mrs. Emily. Not the biggest fan of this story, but it gives you insight on Clara Afton and how each kid feels about their mother. Always fun.
Only a Lad
Fourth story of the Oxymoron series. This is also based on a dream I had lol. Mike reunites with one of the bullies he used to be friends with and it doesn’t end well. There is alcohol in this one, big ol underage drinking, and a bit of non consensual stuff but nothing too bad.
There’s Nothing To Fear (But Fear Itself)
Fifth story of the Oxymoron series. Based on that new book that came out confirming that William tested some freaky fear gas on his kids and that’s what fnaf 4 was about. Thought it would be fun to add that to the Oxymoron au and wreck these kids even more.
Fill The Void
Sixth story of the Oxymoron series and currently still being updated. This one is about 20 years later after the first story. Cassie and Gregory are here being cute and adorable and Mike has some serious problems still. Also William is getting out of prison soon but I’m sure that’ll be fiiiinnnee.
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zebracorn-chan · 1 year
How Dittophobia connected FNaF4, Sister Location, FNaF6, UCN, and Security Breach. [FNaF Books]
Dittophobia is the third story of the Tales of the Pizza Plex B-7 book, this book didn't release yet but it got leaked and this story was able to connect five games from FNaF 4 to Security Breach in a way that feels complete and coherent (to me, at least). I would recommend reading the summary here to know what I'm talking about:
Pointless to say this will contain ✨spoilers.✨
This story talks about Rory, a 7yo kid that every night has nightmares that are the FNaF 4 gameplay. One day he woke up realizing he didn't have nightmares during that night, but something is off, he looks older and his room is in decay. What happened to him is that back when he was 7 he ran away from his home for having abusive parents and ended up being kidnapped by William Afton.
William experimented on him to study human emotions, using a hallucinogenic gas to make him dizzy enough to not make him realize he's stuck in a fake house to not make him escape (it works similar to the illusion disks). When William got springlocked this kid got trapped in this nightmarish loop for 10 years.
The only reason he woke up was because the machine that was releasing that gas shut down. Now lucid, Rory starts roaming the house realizing the nightmares he saw attacking him during the night were just mannequins with wheels to move and actually unable to arm. He now was able to see how the other rooms of the house were fake as well and that he was hallucinating the food he ate in a different way compared to what he was actually eating. He finds a way out from the FNaF 4 fake home and discovers he's in the Sister Location bunker, the Funtimes are still there and right before he was going to left, a recorded message from a man named "Wade" reminds him how his life was miserable before running away and that's why nobody was able to find him yet, convincing him that now he would not be able to readapt back to society and that no one was missing him. Rory decides to go back to the bedroom, reactivate the machine and go back to live in that illusion, it wasn't the first time he tried to escape, but he always went back every time he would try to leave.
The best thing to do now is to go see what this story is trying to tell us:
The FNaF 4 Experiment Theory got confirmed.
The Nightmares are real robots but their appearances are an illusion, similarly to how the Twisted work in The Twisted Ones. The Nightmares' UCN voicelines further confirm this point.
We found the original Nightmares in Security Breach; "mannequin to wheels to move, unable to harm". This also explains why their nightmarish counterparts have a jumpscare sound far similar to the Nightmare animatronics, IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE!!
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Midnight Motorist might be about William kidnapping Rory, as in both stories there's a kid running away from their abusive family.
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William is the one talking through the Fredbear plush during FNaF 4 just like how he did in the recorded message at the end of Dittophobia pretending to be someone else, gaslighting the kid to go back and that everyone hates him.
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This story feels like it was really written by Scott Cawthon for how well it was able to accurately connect all these games, seeing how for now this book should be the last one from the Tales from the Pizza Plex I think it is safe to assume he wanted to conclude that in a way that would connect the oldest games to the newest to satisfy most of the fandom and give us a satisfying conclusion to this and move on.
Feel free to follow me on DeviantArt, Twitter and Wattpat where I share theories like these and fanart!
This is all for now, have a nice rest of your day/night and remember to stay hydrated!🦓🦄💖💫✨
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miiilowo · 1 year
wait- huh? Is the book OUTRIGHT narrating what william is doing/did?!?!!??! I thought they gave that bitch another name for the books!! I thought the books were like hints to the games!
okay. heres a rundown
theres a main line series of novels (the silver eyes, the twisted ones, the fourth closet). in TSE, william is using the ALIAS dave miller to hide his identity, but is still very much william afton, and its later revealed that that's who he is, and from there on out hes referred to as william. theyre their own continuity.
then you have fazbear frights and tales of the pizzaplex, which are mostly bite-sized horror stories. anthology books. they have epilogues that contain bits of story you can string together with other epilogues, but they're sort of just like goosebumps. new characters in new situations for every story (minus the epilogues). williams been in them multiple times by name as well iirc
when it comes to lore implications, youre right there, to a degree. the books are set in the same universe as the games but are in a very different continuity; they exist to tie up loose ends and provide information about how the universe works (ex. remnant). recently though, steel wool has been leaning harder on the lore shit and its gone from "providing information about the universe" to "introducing new characters and plotlines that will become relevant in the games" (such as the mimic which was shoehorned into security breach)
from what i can tell, people are just Assuming that the new tales of the pizzaplex book explains fnaf 4, but i wouldn't put it past steel wool for them to actually integrate hallucinogenic gas chambers into the game timeline. for now, it technically isn't confirmed, so its just a theory people seem to think is valid. and due to this i will simply ignore it until i cant anymore
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pixelkip · 1 year
I was gonna add to my old fnaf 4 post about how I hate the retconning of fnaf 4's story but I can't find it (thanks tumblr search) and I can't be bothered to scroll that far so
No yea I still stand by that post. That One new book revealing that Ermmmb ackshually fnaf 4 was William Afton using some kinda gas on children to make them hallucinate mannequins to be horrifying nightmare robots or whatever is stupid as hell. And as a long time fnaf fan I am so tired of the story getting more and more into contrived scifi territory
I'm just about convinced they're just retconning everything to keep up the whole "its so mysterious its so hard to solve fnaf's mysteries" we just about did. And then you changed it.
Like . You wanna know why this bothers me so much?? Consider:
Fnaf 4 places you in a child's bedroom in the middle of the night. There's little to no ambience, it's just quiet. Your player character is obviously a child considering their size. There's monsters in the hallways you face by only taking tiny peeks at them at a time. Youre made to jump at the tiniest sound just like a young child might after waking up in the dead of night. Your toys are turning into monsters that are trying to kill you. Fnaf 4's setting feels so much closer to home (literally and figuratively), than any other game in the series.
The minigames paint a picture of a young kid whose been made to feel like the world is out to get him, everyone around him either makes fun of him or tries to scare him for laughs, whoever the fuck the fredbear plush is supposed to be only reinforces his fears, and finally we see him have all his anxiety about the animatronics and his brother and his peers confirmed during the bite. On his deathbed his brother is desperately trying to tell him he's sorry. he doesn't even get any kind of "I love you" or "I wish I had been there to help you" or "I hope you find peace" from a parent. Only "I will put you back together". A vague promise that he had no way of understanding but that we know probably means the kid won't even have the luxury of peacefully passing, only possessing the exact thing that terrified him and eventually killed him for the next 30+ years.
Buuuuut FUCK that decently well-crafted and actually interesting story!!! Now it's actually just about William "apparently-a-mad-scientist-now" Afton gassing children into hallucinating for his evil experiments !!!!!
This post got longer than i wanted it to be but fuck dude. Am I the only one who's getting sick of this outside of for "aw dang we gotta rework our theories" reasons???
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maxthefryingpan12 · 1 year
Requests are open!
Someone please request something, I’m begging. I have no ideas on what to write!
You can request virtually anything of me(fanfic wise).
But I don’t do:
-stepbrother or stepsister
-characters that are canonically under the age of 12(they have to at least be in 7th grade, people.)
-fics that go against confirmed character sexualities(such as a male reader x Robin Buckley)
-large age gap (reader has to be at least 18 if I do it)
-shows/books/movies that I haven’t read/seen(it makes me nervous about messing up the character)
-ACTUAL PEOPLE(as in celebrities themselves, not live action characters, i am also talking about real people who have had shows made out of them)
-children x adults(unless platonically)
-rape play, dubcon, CNC, stuff of that nature(the concept makes me uncomfortable)
-toxic!(Character) x reader
I will write a variety of other things and I will write for a VERY LARGE variety of characters and fandoms.
I will write for:
Percy Jackson
Magnus Chase
Harry Potter
Detroit: Become Human
Howl’s moving castle
Epic(2013 movie)
Star Wars
Sally Face
Stranger things
Demon slayer
H x H
The promised Neverland(fluff only for now)
The Hobbit & the Lord of the Rings
The black phone
Rise of the guardians
Sinbad(the Disney film)
Pirates of the Caribbean
The spiderverse
The hunger games
Hazbin hotel & helluva boss
Strange magic
The book of life & Maya and the three
Your boyfriend game( I can’t remember the title)
Yandere simulator
Twisted wonderland
Mystic Messenger
Sing & zootopia
Among us
That’s all I can remember for now.
A/n: I couldn’t fit all the tags :’(
Do I need to beg again? I’ve only gotten two requests since posting this and one of them was my friend irl.
Update: I’ve gotten 4 now.
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redfoxdude07 · 2 months
Golden Freddy, The Vengeful Spirit of a Kidnapped Child (a long and kinda uncomplicated theory)
Midnight Motorist is an interesting topic.
Considering how all of the Minigames in 6 are focused on a character's origin story, the fact that we were given a minigame that makes literally no sense, lore wise, for any character there, says something, especially when UCN was originally supposed to be part of 6 as a DLC.
If we take that into account, then we can assume whoever Midnight Motorist is about is the one in control of the whole UCN operation since that would have no clear explanation otherwise within that game, which was supposed to be the final part of that chapter.
Now, I know someone is going to be like, "But William is the Orange Guy!" And all I have to say is when was William ever implied to be an alcoholic? Not to mention how William randomly being orange makes no sense in the context of his character. Based on what the other universes tell us about him, William was always crazy and murderous, so him changing color isn't a metaphor for him losing it. Him being Orange does nothing but overcomplicate a relatively simple narrative you could make here, and if his car being purple is supposed to mean something, it's probably supposed to be an intentional red hearing, one the in universe police fell for, as the suspect for the MCI was arrested. Orange Guy having the same car as William, is seemingly telling us that he's the one people THINK is responsible.
The person who ran off is a he, so we can rule out any female characters we know. Coincidentally (or maybe not), the vengeful spirit is also a he. While his voice actor is feminine presenting, it's not unusual for AFAB people to do little kid voices, as their voices are typically higher pitched.
With the introduction of the Tales books in more recent years, along with the implications from SL, we know Afton most likely set up the whole Fnaf 4 situation at some point in the past. Whether or not we play that simulation is an entirely unrelated conversation I don't want to have. The most likely person to go through these experiences was Mike, but him being the vengeful spirit seems kind of stupid, especially since we just ruled out William being Orange man, so who else do we have?
We have the kid from the Tales books currently going through the simulation, but he wasn't killed by William, so he's ruled out. Cassidy could have been an interesting conversation if we actually knew who that name fully belonged to, even if it was the ghost you're probably thinking of, their pronouns are She/Her so she's out.
That just leaves one option that makes total sense, Andrew.
Now I know people who think the books are parallels are going to disagree at first, but hear me out. If Cassidy isn't the Golden Freddy kid, who is? Andrew is implied to be in the Golden Freddy suit in Frights, so it's probably him based on deductive reasoning.
We see him actively torturing William in Frights. He uses He/Him. He was murdered by William in some way that was unique from his other victims.
He fits the bill perfectly.
Even if you don't believe the Frights stories are in the game universe, we still don't have 100% confirmation on if Golden Freddy IS Cassidy, so we literally don't have another option here + with all this extra lore Andrew has, even if he's not in the games, someone similar definitely is.
Also, something interesting I haven't seen brought up before is that in the Fnaf 2 minigame, 'Give Gifts, Give LIfe', Golden Freddy is never given a gift, he's left alone on the ground, no mask to wear. Charlie never got to give him his gift, and based on what Frights tells us about ghosts, something tells me that would leave him confused and afraid.
So here's my basic theory:
Andrew grew up in an abusive household with an alcoholic father. One day, he went to Freddy's and loved every second of it. It was his safe place, and he'd sneak out often to go there. One night, Spring Bonnie shows up at his window and becons him to come outside. Andrew breaks his window because his family locks him in, wanting him to stop sneaking off to Freddy's, and runs off with Bonnie, unaware he's going to suffer a terrible fate.
William shoves him into the nightmare chambers, testing early prototype versions of the funtime animatronics on him until William realizes he doesn't need him anymore.
William, being the sick bastard he is, springlocks Andrew inside Fredbear, killing him. Later on, when the missing children's incident happens, Andrew's family finally realizes he's not coming back, and if Andrew went to Freddy's when this all happened, he's probably one of those missing kids now. So he's finally reported missing at the same time Gabriel and Jeremy probably are, leading to the case of 3 from the fnaf 1 newspaper.
Andrew's father (Orange Guy) gets arrested for the MCI, as someone spotted a purple car similar to his speeding away from Charlie's murder. That paired with his constant abuse of his son and being an awful person in general just made him a walking red flag, one perfect for William to frame.
Charlie gave gifts to the other children, the gift of understanding that they're dead, the gift of being aware, all except for one. Andrew was stuck in a limbo like state. He was scared and alone, living in his memories of Freddy's, stuck in the past. It took him a while to realize what happened, but eventually, he became aware, on his happiest day. The kids all worked together to gift him his cake, his memories of his death fixed together and allowing him complete understanding.
While the other kids all got endoskeletons that functioned perfectly, Andrew was stuck with a busted down yellow bear, limp and alone. He doesn't remember much of what William did to him, but he knows he hurt him. William hurt him BAD. So much so that he feels he suffered worse than the others have...
Leading him to be angry...
Vengeful even...
Andrew is the Vengeful Spirit, Golden Freddy, and an MCI kid all at once.
He's literally the answer to all of the questions...
Thank you for reading, I hope this made a somewhat amount of sense. I personally think this is a pretty solid explanation that fills out some confusing things in the narrative. Basically, I'm just trying to tie the loose plot lines together, and I feel like this actually makes perfect sense. This feels like the story Scott was trying to tell imo. I was also very tired writing this, if that wasn't obvious.
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redfoxx567 · 17 days
Golden Duo (part 4): Golden Duo is almost confirmed!
There are 2 pieces of evidence we have right now that prove Golden Duo, and many more little clues that point towards Golden Duo in FNAF.
First clue is the logbook. It shows two spirits talking to each other, likely two children: Cassidy (5th victim) and Dave (Crying Child). Cassidy is helping the Crying Child find his name and his memories.
Second clue is The Week Before book which has Phone Guy (Ralph) listening to a phone call which is actually the Bite of 83’ scene. We hear an animatronic ‘crunch’ and a child crying, but when he puts the phone down, he can still hear the child crying, and implications that the animatronic kills Ralph too in the office of FNAF 1.
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Why Golden Duo is because while Andrew is TOYSNHK, he is not Golden Freddy and is only a red herring to the true Golden Freddy (Cassidy).
A small clue could be how Golden Freddy attacks only with his head, likely controlled by Cassidy who can see, unlike the Crying Child.
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angelofthepage · 10 months
Community Secret Hunting: 3 Unfound Secrets of BATDR
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So today theMeatly put out a tweet that we have three easter eggs that haven't been found in BATDR. There are capitalized letters in the message that, when put together, spell out WRITER. I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out what this could be a hint for, so I'm going to give you a list of my thoughts. If anyone wants to try these out, please do! I'd love to hear your findings.
We get a small thing about the writing department during the Studio Tours. Could be tied to trying to interact with that.
Might have something to do with using one of our ink abilities on walls with writing on them. I would try this with the first wall message of Chapter 3 (the one from the original BATDR trailer, "The Machine Must Endure). There are other places that might be useful to try, like "She Was the Fourth".
We already have a secret that's unlocked by collecting every copy of The Illusion of Living, but what if there's another? Wouldn't be far fetched. A certain number or all of them being under our belt might be the key.
We have the library in Wilson's Retreat with three books to read, but what if there's more that we missed?
Rereading The Mug and the Maiden, the book on Audrey's bed in the retreat, might yield some new perspective. I will try to do this and analyze it later.
Some people on twitter are suggesting trying to interact with the typewriters?
It could be tied to golden ink messages. What happens if we try to use our powers on the Contraband window in Chapter 4?
The North Wing has potential, Betty's line about it being a mess and how all those beautiful books can't be read now has me suspicious. The North Wing is the first place I think is worth checking given it's difficult to get through and is full of books. Are any of them able to be interacted with?
This one is a bit of a stretch, but does anyone have a completed save file for Bendy and the Ink Machine or Boris and the Dark Survival on their computer to go with BATDR? I HIGHLY doubt there's any kind of secret that involves something like this, but if FNAF World can do it, why not Bendy? BATDS save data would be my guess, specifically save data that has involved an encounter with Borkis. (Since Buddy is a Boris, and Dot is his friend, Boris being a clue to figuring out something writing related might make sense).
Is this something we need to look to the novels to figure out? We do have Dot in the writing department as of Dreams Come to Life. I'm not sure this is tied to her though, the games have yet to acknowledge the books.
Have we found all the notes in BATDR? We have notes from characters with names in one font, and then notes in this other font from someone that seems to be exposed to ink corruption (I'm assuming Sammy since the last one says "Can I get an Amen?" and talks about "My Lord", but it may not be!). Have we gotten all of those, or are there notes/audiologs we haven't found yet? Data miners, this may be one you can confirm.
Has anyone tried whacking the sign that has all the train locations in Chapter 4? Or using flow on it? I don't think this will yield anything, but it's got words in it, so it goes on the brainstorming list.
Is there anything in the real world Prologue section that might help us? We did get some hints at Dudley's design there, who's to say there may not be more?
This is all I've got for now, but if you guys have any more thoughts, please, feel free to add on! Share your findings if you try anything! Part of why I'm sharing this is so that we can do this together, as a community. Maybe one of you with better skills than I have can crack it. Good luck secret hunters!
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dootyboii · 4 months
MY Fandom List, Probably will change later
(HONKAI: STAR RAIL[Going crazy for ROBIN and JINGLIU, I preordered Robin's new Album - FAITHFUL WORSHIPPER FROM 1.2 UPDATE]
Genshin Impact (I quit it because StOrAgE, but I still watch gameplay and lore vids, it's so good, I love Furina's lore)
Honkai Impact 3rd(don't play it but I know some lore and like the characters)
FPE / Fundamental Paper Education (I understand how one vid became a whole fandom now HA HA I love this fandom so much - [Miss Thavel is a FURRY confirmed /j]
(percy jackson, heros of olymp - that stuff - I used to make cringey fanfictions about it 10 years ago)
Harry Potter
Warriors / Warrior Cats (It's really good but WHY IS THERE A 9TH ARC- It's getting boring)
WOF / Wings of Fire (Why do people hate this fandom??)
Maze Runner - Great book, Hunger Games - YES.
CROB & CRK (Used to play, deleted for more storage. I used to play back when Hollyberry[Ithinkthat'shername?] released up to like, I think start of Pitaya Dragon Cookie event?)
Prosekai (Or colourful stage?) - Trying to FC Master and Failing)
Poppy Playtime (It's a good horror game, exited for Chapter 4!!)
FNAF (abt same thing as Poppy Playtime - It's a great horror game. Sorry for the offended Hardcore FNAF fans reading this)
Mandela Catalogue (Watched Volume 1)
Bendy - BATIM & BATDR (Idk much abt BATDR)
(This is ordered from most active in to least active in-some are probably in the wrong order though.)
whoever read this whole thing deserves a reward
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tartrazeen · 11 months
Things I appreciate in the FNaF movie as I go, but under the cut so I don't spoil things for people:
(update: watched the whole thing, excellent movie for fans, pretty fun movie for those who are new to the franchise, will be best experienced back-to-back once all the movies are out, may finally be the thing that causes MatPat's head to pop)
1. The cold open's Chekhov's Loose Screw
2. The very charming 16-bit snatch-and-grabs that Golden Bonny super casually pulled off
3. The Dream Theory book
4. The absolute mockery of the canonicity of any theory and how it "depends on what you believe" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Loved that
5. Mike's PTSD-fuelled fountain tackle
6. The very slight room for hope I have that Matthew Lillard is somehow Phone Guy but as an employment centre guy
7. The fact that they are not gonna say Mike's last name lmaooooooo
8. The obvious Evil Inspiration mood switch from Matthew Lillard as soon as he gets to Mike's last name
9. The fact that they're only barely pretending that Abby isn't actually seeing real ghosts
10. The slight possibility that Garrett is gonna be the Puppet rather than Golden Freddy
11. The suspicious hint that pictures are the most canon thing out of all the evidence we have in the series so far 👀
12. The fact that none of the letters in the sign are burnt out
13. The fact that oh my god YES Matthew Lillard is covering Phone Guy's role, but is obviously also gonna be Purple Guy, CONFIRMING ONE OF MATPAT'S ORIGINAL THEORIES RETROACTIVELY LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
14. How little Training Lady blinks
15. The training tape that ABSOLUTELY has freeze frame lore bits in it
16. baby bb :3
17. The static in the speaker gearing up to be the IT'S ME hallucination
18. Omg the five kids in the dream - is this actually proving me right about the brother being the Puppet?!
19. is that fucking matpat
24. Also that interrupted the thing I like being that my dumb ass only now realized that "I wish somebody would buy me a ring" wasn't a reference I missed, just her saying she had a crush on Mike lmao
25. The black crying tears :3
26. 🤔 The interesting but satisfying choice to write IT'S ME in the mirror instead
27. The real possibility that they're going to make Vanessa a legit twist villain this time to make up for Security Breach
28. Bonny's eyes opening first 👀
29. Casual use of the word 'golden' to mean good lmao
30. Fuckin' Chica's stare at the other guy, narrowing her eyes like that LMAOOOOOOOOO
31. The kids havin' a little giggle on the phone
33. Foxy sticking to that Sixth Night in FNaF 1 from Help Wanted insta-trigger
34. The Bite of Whatever-Year-This-Is 😍
35. Vanessa's very creepy over-familarity
36. The description of Mike's family dinners matching the dinner scene in the Security Breach basement
37. Chekhov's Electric Guitar Riff
38. Abby putting a hit on Mike with the robots by scribbling his face out lol
39. The pharmacist 🤣💖
40. The actual legit deal the kids are trying to make, which is WAY more story than this series has ever had
41. This movie have the backbone to show actual on-screen violence - like, legit and genuine and soooo overdue violene, FINALLY
42. The screw paying off 👏🏽
43. The set up for Abby to actually become Baby 👀
44. The hope she'll call him the Purple Guy
45. Ahhahahahahhaha the disappointment that she didn't looooool oh well, I guess they're making that part of Security Breach canon somehow? Vanessa being his daughter? Okay
46. The genuine hope that Matthew Lillard is actually just Phone Guy, which would be amazing, because I really hope Springtrap doesn't reveal who's inside until the third movie
Edit: goddammit nvm
47. Sweet performance though, this is legit the voice Afton should've always had, not that weird British thing
48. How pissed Golden Freddy's ghost looks LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOL just closing that door
49. 👀 surprisingly bad-ass end credits song
50. 🤔 the odd realization that I'm not sure that was five nights
51. >:3 bb
In conclusion:
- shockingly good!
- I can't believe there was an actual story!
- Springtrap really said "hi i'm here too but i left the car running so chop chop on this scene plz"
- The "Come Find Me" spelled at the end of credits was good 👀
- Soooooooooo incredibly excited to have MatPat slam through this and have his head exploding juggling movie-verse, book-verse, and game-verse. I think we can actually break him, you guys!! :D
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hellalijah · 1 year
The new FNaF lore gmfu (negatively). So here’s how I rewrote it. (In order. Will make a timeline later.)
(Note: this excludes everything after FNAF4 because the lore became booty after that.)
Bite of 83. That’s it…
Five Nights at Freddy’s 4
This takes place in CC’s mind, following the bite. Whilst CC is in a coma, he’s forced to face nightmares of the characters he feared so much. Essentially posing as multiple grim reapers, the Nightmares were after CC, trying to kill him. If killed in the nightmare, he dies in reality. He ends up dying at the end of the week anyway.
Five Nights at Freddy’s 2
After the bite, Henry decides to continue the franchise, excluding William. Why this is done is unknown, and sends William into a rage. Dealing with the loss of his son, and the hatred of having to live with Michael after what he’d done to CC, he was unstable.
Wanting Henry to feel the grief he felt, he slaughtered Charlotte outside of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, as a sort of taunt along with the fact she was locked outdoors.
After the murder of Charlotte, the restaurant was forced to close down. Henry, having no purpose to continue the franchise, sells the company (Fazbear Entertainment) to a bigger company.
The company, with the knowledge and slight instructions from Henry on how to build the animatronics, open up Freddy Jr’s, where the original line up of Freddy’s is sat in the back.
The company, unknowing of William’s antics, allows William to be an employee. William murders 5 children with access to the parts and services. He stuffs the kids into the old animatronics.
How this went unnoticed is unknown. William was using the old Springbonnie costume from Fredbear’s, and discarded it at a different location to hide evidence. (That’s why Springbonnie doesnt have any cameo in 2.)
After this, Henry learned of William’s employment a d told the company to forbid him from Freddy Jr’s.
Jeremy is hired for nightshift, the FNAF2 events occur.
Bite of 87
Five Nights at Freddy’s 1
After years of recalibration, in 1993, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza is reopened for business. Using materials from the original characters, the animatronics are (almost) new.
They still stink, and they’re still haunted.
Michael, after his father left and never returned to him, goes to work at Freddy’s. He’s hoping for answers, and to relieve some nostalgia.
After the events of FNAF1 happen, William returns. He breaks in each night to destroy his past, hoping to demolish the franchise piece by piece. After being forcibly kicked from Freddy Jr’s, and being betrayed by Henry, he wants to ruin it all.
This frees the souls. This location happened to be where he hid his evidence. When hiding from the souls who haunted him, he crawls into the now dingy suit. He gets spring locked due to a droplet of water.
Five Nights at Freddy’s 3
30 years later, the corpse of William Afton wakes to wreak havoc on the world once more. Michael, desperate to find his missing father, takes old Henry’s advice by checking active Freddy’s locations.
Fazbear’s Fright was the last hurrah, and he applied for a job. Springtrap, being brought in on Night 2, recognizes Michael, and wants to avenge his lost son.
Michael somehow recognizes his father, and ends it for good with a fire that finally kills Afton.
Extras (TW // SUICIDE)
How Michael finds out about William’s actions is unknown. Phone Guy in FNAF1 still dies, and is discovered during clean up. Elizabeth does not exist in this. Henry commits suicide after William is confirmed dead.
No books, no games past FNAF4, or anything exist.
I’ll write an even more altered version of the lore, that is just how I would’ve made the story, later. Excludes SL-Ruin because it got complicated as fuck after 4. I never liked anything past FNAF4, really.
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slooshee · 1 year
I will be honest I already have been planning out making a rewrite or “my version” of fnaf for a while and the possible new lore drop for fnaf 4 is kinda fueling that flame. Fnaf lore makes no sense in general BUT THIS DOESN’T EVEN MAKE SENSE IN FNAF LORE IMO!! However William being confirmed to experiment on kids (at least in the books) does give me some evidence for some theories I’ve had for the games. However I am hesitant to share said theories because discussing in the fnaf fandom is actually terrifying/lh. So I’m just not sure if I’m ready to elaborate right now? I also want to organize the information better before I share it because right now it’s mostly not on paper. Rest assure though I will be sharing more info on here eventually I promise!
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twistedexecutioner · 1 year
Summary basically
FNaF4 when it first came out, Psychic Fredbear was the meme for awhile. Michael was the asshole towards his younger brother. Also dream theory was a thing back then.
Then FNaF SL came out, not only then we discover hospital items and the fact Aftons lived near one of their own locations. We saw Fredbear plush was actually a walkie talkie, and William knew of everything. The bullying, the trauma and all. Yet did nothing at all but talked thru Fredbear Plush. Fucker.
Trilogy books came out & security book, bad theories of Michael bullying himself (CC/BV), another bad theory of making an animatronic version of his sons he never even cared for in the slightest.
Nightmare's face appears on the cover of Twisted Ones. Another big hint staring at us in the face.
UCN came out, the nightmare animatronics actually directly hint to us that they were remade but not by him, by the one he should not have killed.
Using Umodel in Help Wanted, we found out ingame CC/BV's name is Norman. If you know how to use blender or any 3D editing program, then you know you can change the name. Steel Wool/Scott didn't do that obviously.
Freddy Mask bully's last name is Renner. Dude lost all of his shit, made a cult of the school and town even. Even when impaled, he still charged on to attack. He was filled with Agony. He was long gone. Not even human anymore. Surprised he lasted long as he had tbh.
Now the new theory (Until the book actually comes out for rest of us), is William filling Norman/CC/BV's bedroom with gas. The nightmare animatronics were just mannequins. It's possible the bullies, including Michael ofc, got affected by this gas.
Or maybe William, like his AU book self, injected remnant into the bullies. Just like Carlton.
We already knew William was a total bastard for smacking his kids around, neglecting them, and all. This though.. I didn't think was possible for this asshole to get even worse but he has.
Explains Mike's drawings in his own security book. Debunking the already bad theory of him bullying his tiny self. William had three kids. Not two. Michael, Elizabeth and Norman. Doesn't fully explain Renner. Not even confirming Nightmare's own identity yet.
Scott made this obvious as years go on, but it's always best to WAIT, until next new thing comes out. To keep piecing his FNaF together over time. This is how FNaF itself lasted long as an interest to so many like myself. He draws this out.
I think I got everything down. I've mulled over this, FNaF 4, for so long. Happy FNaF 4 gotten attention again, as it rightfully deserves.
Overall, I adore CC/Norman's version of Nightmare. His style of a muse. I was right about UCN being a RP playground of hell. Just sucks that CC/Norman might be alone, no Cassidy to assist him. He got the others, the rest of the dead kids. We saw Cassidy's name in the yellow princess quest in FNaF SB. Tho that is a new chapter of FNaF.
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