#and of course I can't send it to everyone at once bc then i'll have two forms with one signature each
currently facing the final gauntlet of my escape from graduate school which is, of course, getting two people to sign a form over email. I’ve got one signature down and it has taken TWO WHOLE DAYS.
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rueclfer · 3 months
Fake Dating // Bakugou
a/n: hi all, i am back from the dead with this shit that took me DAYS to finish bc my brain is def not used to writing anymore. pls enjoy and maybe keep a look out for PART 2 if people want it !
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You stare at your phone in disbelief. The audacity he had to tell you where to go, how to dress, and to essentially perform in front of everyone for him. Of course this was a mutually beneficial agreement, but at least you only dragged him along to your family functions sparingly.
You two had come to this agreement early last Winter when family members kept pestering you about potentially finding a love interest at your new University, and for him when he couldn't shake off all of the romantic confessions from the students in the other classes.
No one else knew about your arrangement. What made it so much more unbearable was the fact that you shared the same cohort and friend group, so it was a constant facade whenever you're in each other's presence with the others around.
You felt a bit awkward coming to the party alone, and a few hours late. You could hear the bass thumping through the door from the front yard, and from the looks of it, there were far more people than you expected, but on the bright side, it'll be easier to be invisible within the crowd than have to hold up this facade all night.
You approached the front to see Jirou catching a breath of fresh air. She had a drink in one hand and her other interlocked with Momo's
"Are you guys already tapping out?" You asked, taking the steps up the porch.
"Y/N!! For a second I thought you weren't going to make it!" Jirou says, releasing Momo from her grasp and giving you a big hug. "I'm so happy you're here."
"Can't blame me for always being fashionably late” You embrace her back.
"Better now than never." She drunkenly chuckles “Bakugo’s been a moody bitch all night please go contain him”
“Are we surprised?” You roll your eyes and laugh. “Where are you two off to?”
"I'm gonna take Momo out for some air and to maybe vomit, but go inside and I'll find you later!"
“I love you Y/N!! Take a shot for me!!” Momo slurs and blows you a kiss as Jirou drags her away.
"I love you too, Mo! I'll catch you guys inside."
Once you stepped foot inside, it felt like the air from your lungs were instantly replaced with the thick fog of weed and cigarette smoke. It was suffocating, but all too familiar at the same time. You recognized many of the faces around from campus, but none of which were your close friends.
Before anything else, you decided to stop by the kitchen to pour yourself something to drink. To be honest, you weren't picky with your liquor. As long as it did its job, you weren't going to complain. You grabbed a red solo cup off of the stack and poured in a shot and some change worth of cheap vodka.
Mina has to have some red bull somewhere around here…
You quickly down it and refill another cup to carry around while you look for your ball and chain, Katsuki. You wander around the crowd for a few moments, waiting for someone you knew to catch your attention, but no one did. You decide to take a break to lean against a wall and to send Katsuki a text to see where he was hiding. Before you could even get your phone unlocked, you received a notification from him.
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After he sent the last message, you looked up and searched for his meeting eyes. He said he was looking right at you, but for some reason you couldn't find those fiery eyes.
“Looking for someone?” A low voice breaks you from your search.
You turn to see Katsuki leaning up against the wall right beside you, almost shoulder to shoulder.
“Hmmm yeah I am, actually. Have you seen my boyfriend?” You turn to him fully. “He’s tall, messy blonde hair, kind of has a stupid look to his face, really hot though, trust me, and also like a medium build?”
You catch a glimpse of the smallest smirk on his face.
“Yeah? Well I’ll be sure to keep a lookout for him. In the meantime though, can you keep an eye out for my girlfriend? Angel faced, toothy smile, obnoxious ass laugh though, like if you hear honking, it's probably them.” He retaliates.
You both stare at each other in silence before you break character and playfully punch him in the arm. “Shut up, idiot. I don't honk.”
“You do. Like a goose.”
"You're so good at this flirting thing, Katsuki. Keep it up." You say sarcastically.
"It is my job, after all."
He stealthily wraps his arms around your shoulder, bringing himself in closer to you. He damn near was caging you in against the wall, blocking out the rest of the party with his back.
“So what's the game plan for tonight?” You peered up at his towering figure.
“Hang out for a couple hours, do all that lovey bullshit and then I’ll take you home. Don't get too messy tonight either. I’m not trying to babysit.”
“Worry about yourself, lightweight.” You roll your eyes.
“And is this straight vodka?" He looks into your cup with disgust. "Are you mentally ill?"
“I couldn't find the red bull.” You shrug.
“So it's either that or straight vodka?”
“Yeah and? You have a problem with that?”
“Yeah I actually do. It's fucking insan-” He starts.
“Bakugou!” A voice interrupts behind him. “There you are!”
You two lock eyes for a brief second. Just when you were actually starting to enjoy yourself with annoying Katsuki, you remember that you were only here for one reason. Katsuki's jaw clenched as he turned over to lean back against the wall beside you.
“Oh. Y/N you’re here too.” They say in a deflated tone. “I was just wondering if you could give us a second to chat?” They bat their eyelashes.
“I'm not in the mood to chat.” He says, pulling you closer by the waist.
“We’re actually about to go meet up with the others. Catch him next time.” You smile sweetly, interlocking your fingers with his and dragging him towards the backyard.
To your surprise, your friends were actually all there surrounding the firepit.
Denki was the first to spot you. He gasps and jumps up from his seat.
"You're here!" He nearly trips over his own feet trying to get over to you. He pulls you in a big hug, sweeping you off your feet. "Oh my god Y/N I missed you so much I could cry right now."
He was clearly a drink or two over his limit. His cheeks were bright red and he was already starting to sweat through his shirt.
“I missed you too, Denks.” You let yourself get twirled around by him.
“Finally you're back, I’m tired of holding onto your nasty drink.” Kirishima says, passing a red solo cup to Katsuki once he sat down.
You tried to take the empty seat next to him, but he immediately grabbed your wrist to pull you to share his chair. Your eyes widen at his own, as if you could telepathically curse him out. You clench your jaw as you feel a hot flash across your face.
“It’s cold. Stay close.” He simply says.
You nervously chuckle. “There's a fire right there, babe.”
“Do it for me then.” He smirks.
You silently groan to yourself as you lean back into his chest in defeat. Luckily, the chair had enough width to allow you to not have to fully sit on his lap, moreso just a leg slung over his own.
“Try this.” He lifts the solo cup to your lips.
You peer down at the dark red liquid in his cup. The smell burnt your nose. You shot him a weary glance before you downed his concoction, having to pinch your nose right after to subdue the burn. The shock of spicy and tangy residue left your throat burning with every inhale.
"What the fuck is that?" You choke out, continuing to pinch your nose.
"Fireball, lemon juice, and OJ." He smiled mischievously. "Thoughts?"
"The nerve you have to comment on my drink after sipping on this bullshit all night? It tastes like piss.”
He shrugs, wearing a lazy smile as he grips the softness of your inner thigh, with his other arm wrapped around your shoulder, fiddling with a lock of your hair.
You were internally screaming. Usually, there would be a hand holding or an arm around the waist or shoulder, but he was never this touchy whenever you had to act like a couple in front of your friends or even in front of the people trying to get at him.
You look around the firepit to see that all of your friends were in loud conversation with one another- laughing, arguing, and definitely not paying you two any attention.
“What are you doing?” You say low enough that only he could hear. “You're like, all up in my shit."
“5 o’clock, babe.” He simply says.
You slightly turn your head to your right to see the person from earlier, trying to not-so-obviously stare at you both.
“Tryna give them a show or something? You roll your eyes.
“Only if you'd let me.” He whispers.
You felt a chill crawl up your spine. God he's being gross. But you liked it. When you first made your little arrangement, you swore to yourself to not to catch any type of feelings for him, but the more time you spent charading around as a couple, the deeper you fell into this infatuation despite how hard you fought against it or played it off as a part of the bit.
“Don’t kill me, okay?” You whisper, meeting his eyes and forcing a smile.
You turned your head to fullyface his own and leaned in. Both of you were caught by surprise- his eyes widening right before you made contact. You two had never crossed this line before, let alone talked about it. It was only ever the unspoken rule of “don't catch feelings” and “no couple shit when we’re alone.”
His lips were soft and swollen as if he spent the last hour biting down on them. Once your lips crashed into his, it felt like your stomach was turning inside out, and a fire lit within.
It's fine, it's for show. It’s fine, you agreed to this. It’s fine, it’s not real.
You were fucked. You hated him, but you liked him. Maybe it was more than like. Maybe like isn't even the right word at all, but all you knew was that you needed to stop and take a second to reevaluate what you were doing with Katsuki.
In reality, the kiss lasted no more than 10 seconds, but it felt like you had fallen into the fire pit and laid in it for hours. Your body was on fire.
Once you broke away, you two stared at each other blankly, blinking away the realization of what had just happened. You didn't know whether to laugh and slap him on the shoulder, or start crying.
“I-I'm gonna go get another drink!” You suddenly exclaim, getting up and leaving him in his chair.
I'm so FUCKED.
You quickly snake your way through the large crowd that had filtered their way to the backyard. You stop by the kitchen to pour yourself a heaping cup of whatever liquor bottle was closest to you, down a large gulp, and take the rest with you to the bathroom.
Your head was starting to feel a bit hazy from the mix of second hand smoke as well as your drinks from earlier starting to settle in your stomach. Did you even eat anything before drinking like this? You weren't really expecting to have anything more than one drink, but after your kiss with Katsuki, you suddenly feel the need to forget it all.
You were sitting up against the bathtub, wallowing in your complicated mass of feelings, and now fully intoxicated. You let your head rest on top of your knees while you replayed every single interaction you've had with him tonight.
Your phone started buzzing on the floor next to you. You opened the screen, eyes squinting to adjust to the brightness.
Of course it was Katsuki.
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You sat and stared at your feet for a few minutes until you heard pounding on the door. Judging from the force of it, it was either a fucking SWAT team or Katsuki.
You grab a hold of the side of the bathtub to hoist yourself up, stumbling a bit while doing so and unlocked the door. Of course behind it was the latter.
He lets himself in and shuts the door behind him, leaning back on it.
You were wildly embarrassed for a multitude of things. You were on the verge of messy drunk, your face was stupidly hot and flushed, you kissed your fake boyfriend and ran away, you're swallowing down your feelings, and now here he is to reprimand you for all of it.
"Water as per requested." He pops open the cap of a fresh water bottle and hands it over to you.
"Thanks." You mutter and drink the water in silence.
"So are you upset at me?" He finally asks.
"And why is that?" He cocks his head to the side.
You were drunk, no doubt about it, but this unserious playful tone in his voice that pissed you off was clear as day. Why were you the only one freaking out? Did he not care? It surely confirmed that he does not and never have felt the same as you and truly did think of your "relationship" as nothing more but a transaction.
You purse your lips and remained silent.
"Because... you kissed me?"
You nodded.
"So you're upset at ME... because YOU kissed ME..." He states once more.
You were on the verge of tears. He loved making you look stupid but this was tenfold now. Not that he was wrong, but you weren't in the mood for it.
"So what if I am?" You choke out, tears now brimming over.
Katsuki's eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to break down so easily after a couple of harmless questions. You steps towards you and grabs your shoulders, not quite sure what to do or how to react.
"Hey hey hey, what the fuck? Why are you crying all of the sudden? Seriously, Y/N it's not a big deal."
"It is." You whine. "It is and you don't even care!"
He finally pulls you into him, letting you sob into his shoulder. His hand caressing your back in comfort.
"You idiot." He says after a moment of silence. "You're such an emotional drunk. This is why I told you not to get messy." He scolds. "I do care. But I won't if you don't want me to."
"I do want you to care. I want you to like me. Not just like me, but like-like me." You confess.
You feel him stiffen under you. Clearly your drunken state had forced you to say the wrong thing, but you didn't care.
"But do you like-like me?" He asked back, pulling you back to look at your tear stained face. "Drink some more water and sober up a bit before you answer okay?" He brings the water up to your face.
"I don't want anymore water!" You push his hand away. "I like-like you and I hate being your fake girlfriend and lying to everyone and myself about it!"
His smile grew, but he shook his head. "Okay angel face, let's talk about it then." He moves his thumb up to your cheek to wipe away stray tears.
"You're so wasted, you may not even remember this for tomorrow. But I think you're the coolest person on this fucking block, okay? And I like being around you even though you annoy the shit out of me sometimes. So stop crying and feeling bad. We're fine."
"But we're not! I don't want you to be my fake boyfriend anymore. I think you're cool too and you make me laugh and feel stupid in the heart and I fucking hate you for that, so that's why we shouldn't do any of this anymore."
He doesn't reply, but instead looks down at your sad face, lip still quivering, makeup smudged around your eyes. His hand continued to cup you cheek, forcing you to look back up at him.
Katsuki leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, letting it linger for a second longer.
"That's okay. We can do something about that when you're sober. If you even remember any of this, anyways. Let's get you home."
He grabs your hand and swiftly leads you out of the bathroom. You wonder what you had just done, whether it was going to blow up in your face (if you even remember the next day) or work itself out? Would it even matter?
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personasintro · 1 month
Hi, its me the yapper!! Once again!! 👋👋
I just wanted to clarify something that both you and other commenters seem to have gotten wrong; Whatever I said was incase of the scenario that you’re not feeling the story like you used to, so writing it has taken longer bcs you do not enjoy it as much but you still want to appease the reader. Hence the unwanted suggestions I made.
In my point of view, it seemed that way so I thought it was inevitable that you one day drop the fic because yes we’re getting older and busier and we drift away from things we loved. Thats why I said “is it really that serious?” because you obviously seem willing to keep writing but the wait has gotten so long that it looks like you’re doing it out of obligation(?!).
Looks like I misjudged and I apologise if thats not the case. But it came out of genuine curiosity because I just cant comprehend such long wait. Thats a me problem ig🤷‍♀️
So what I got out of your response is that yes we might/will see the end of mh in like 1-2 years? (more or less)I get that I sound bitter but I promise I am NOT lmao its pure curiosity I promise!!!
Ps to people who said that that was uncalled for or that its serious to me otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered; As I said I am an avid reader of mh so after a reread I thought I could share my thoughts? Like its genuinely not that serious even to me, I didn’t think twice before sending the ask I did it just because the thought crossed my mind. And l believe the whole waiting thing is a fact, so people’s opinions on it are very much called for?
Is it any of our business how long mimi takes to write? No🙂‍↔️. Are we as readers entitled to an opinion as long as we’re respectful? I’d like to think yes🙂‍↕️
Anywayss have a good one yall
i understood what you meant in your previous ask. and i still stand by what i said many times before – i do not hold here anyone against their will and if anyone feels like they're getting older and lose an interest in any of my stories, that's okay and it's their decision to make. i can't be responsible for everyone's feelings of how they feel about this exact situation. that's beyond my control and you're all free to feel however you want. i do wish people would be more understanding and respectful and that's why i said that no one knows what someone goes through. just because i'm no longer totally open about what's going on in my life, doesn't mean i don't care about my stories.
i'm not writing out of obligation. sure, i do feel a certain responsibility to make mh my priority even more than ever, but it's not an obligation. and i wouldn't just drop the story. i said this too, i'll finish this story whether it's for myself or for everyone else as well.
i said this many times before too – i'm in a position where i write whenever i can and want. i do not have any schedule, actually i never had one – but readers were used to more frequent updates and now, of course it's harder to get used to less frequent updates. but that's just life. i apologized when i never had to. my plans was always to finish mh asap (still is) but sometimes things don't go as planned and there are things i don't even have control of.
i respect your opinion and i'm merely explaining myself on this, hope it can be taken with respect and understanding as well!
have a good day everyone ☀️
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Faust with a Star who's an artist and asks him to pose for drawings (HCs/Short Story, whichever works for you!!)
Draw me like one of your French girls!
Bc of how cute this idea was I made it both <33
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Loves being your model, doing poses you need with ease as you sketch it quickly
Honestly if you called him your muse he's giggling while telling you to stop (continue doing it he loves it so much)
If you need a specific pose he let's you move his body as you want it
Also 100% down changing outfits if you need to use them as a reference as well, he's basically Barbie with how many outfits he'll change in to
Makes silly jokes about the titanic how he's the Rose to your Jack.
When you finish the work he asks if he could post and brag about his awesome artist partner!
If you posted it already he's sharing it to all his social media platforms. Giggling as everyone complements how amazing it is
During streams he always talks about how you drew him again saying how loved he is by a artist.
"Like this?" Asking as he posed in front of Star. Looking at them with a soft smile, relaxing into the couch he lounged on. Faust's partner turned their head and smiled at the pose.
"Perfect! Your such an amazing poser! My muse!" Praising him, Star grabbed their pencil and started to sketch the base of how his body in on the couch. Preening Faust giggles hearing the nickname he loved so much.
"Is this for another commission?" Questioning, Faust watched as his artist's hand flys across the canvas. Quickly capturing how the pose is, he always loved seeing them work. It was like magic how they formed a blank surface into art.
"Yep! Red, is what he said to call him wanted an exact picture to that of Rose from the titanic. But it would be his partner." Mumbling Star's eyes shifted back and forth. From to canvas at their side to Faust posing in front of them so perfectly.
"Oh? Even naked? How scandalous~" Giggling as he wiggled his eye brows. Causing Star to snort at him, but then nodded as they recall the commission agreement.
"I know right? He got consent from his partner to send me a nude picture. Hopefully I do it justice!" Sighing out, Star remembered the first commission they did with a naked model. "I swear if I butcher it I'll quit art."
Faust pouted at that, but then remembered how distraught Star was when the commission was turned down. They tried redoing it multiple times but the commissioner just didn't like it. Huffing out Faust turned his head to them and spoke.
"Well if that person wasn't sooo picky! You wouldn't have felt bad. You redid it like....a thousand times! Honestly I wonder if they were just trolling you...." Mumbling out the last part, Faust saw Star shaking their head. Causing him to roll his eyes, Faust wishes they could see how their art was perfect and amazing.
"But still, I only need the pose then I can work from there. You wanna watch me work again? Might take longer than expected." Whispering as they focused on the canvas. Letting Faust think it over then sighing at them, shaking his head slightly.
"Can't there's this new game out I got sponsored for to play and I gotta do that before it'd deadline. Maybe when your done with this commission we can play together?" Asking hopefully, Star was on a break from gaming. To focus on finishing the few commissions they landed. Once again his partner shook their head, giving him a sad smile.
"I'm sorry muse, but I'll make it up by playing with you on Friday. I wanna focus on this commission. Don't worry I won't push myself that far." Giggling out the last bit. However Faust gave them a look, to be serious about the breaks and not pushing too far.
"I swear if you accidently don't eat for a day like last time and get sick. I'm killing you. With love of course." Smiling innocently as he batted his lashes. Star nodded at their partner, better to agree or it'll be a long conversation.
"Of course my muse, my moon, love of my life-" Babbling nicknames for him, Faust gave them another look to stop talking or they'll focus on praising him.
"Oops! Well, I'll sing your praises another day. Now, let me fix your pose real quick I think you moved a bit too much." Mumbling out as Star got up and tweaked with the pose a bit.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Roger really DOES have mad girldad energy and I am feral.
Welcome to my walls btw, it's hot af in Florida, so lmk if you need a popsicle/hj
Just. Omfg imagine Toki and Buggy bonding SO MUCH and Toki is the one who helps Buggy find Her Style and Her Confidence. Oden also has Big Himbo Dad Emergy too, so I bet he'd just be like ":000 a GIRL! WONDERFUL!!! I shall have TWO daughters!"
Roger ofc takes big offense to that and it becomes a shipwide brawl over who gets to be her dad, and Buggy is just laughing, crying, pickpocketing everyone. Only like. Three fellas even have the driving NEED to call her their daughter, they just love the chaos. Shanks is just left GAPING bc ofc he loves Buggy, he always has, always will, but the way she was smiling, the way she's just beaming at the acceptance, no matter how dramatic it is - by Davy Jones, it steals his breath away.
Whatever you do tho, don't imagine Toki dressing Buggy up in traditional Wano attire. Don't imagine Toki taking on the role of aunt or big sister and sharing this culture with Buggy. Teaching her the ways of warriors from her homeland, the codes and dress and recipes. Don't imagine Toki telling Buggy "family secrets" like recipes, fighting styles, etc. Don't imagine Toki just easily saying that of course Buggy needs to know these things! Blood is but the fluid of life, and love is what makes a family - and Buggy has so much love to give, so much to receive, and Toki calls her a child of Wano in heart and soul, in all the ways that matter should Buggy want that.
And Buggy, who has only ever wanted to BELONG, oh she accepts without hesitation.
Leaving Toki behind was hard, but she gifts Buggy an heirloom of sorts, a hair piece that she keeps either tucked under her beanie or safe in a chest, anchored to the floor of her room ((or hidden carefully with Devil Fruit powers)).
The day Toki manages to make/get a suitably sized kimono for Buggy, maybe for a party on the ship, maybe a birthday celebration ((and here I insert my Wano Culture Headcanons, that there's a birthday where children transition to young adults, and it's similar to a quinceñera but different, partially because it's done at 13, and then a second one at 18, a five year period of growth, life compared to butterflies, and so Toki convinces the crew to do these for the Cabin Kids-))
Buggy comes out, hair done, kimono flawless and bright and bold and so very her, a quiet joy on her face, and the crew is FLABBERGASTED.
Roger is sobbing.
Rayleigh has suddenly aged 20 years because oh shit oh gods she's going to be beautiful as an adult, oh damn it all he's gonna have to beat men off of her-
Shanks is caught between swooning, wanting to tackle her, and remembering just how the heck breathing works.
((Roger, Rayleigh, Crocus and Oden do rock paper scissors to get the first dance with her, and it dissolves into a fist fight somehow. Shanks gets involved and bites them. Toki takes the first dance.))
I have. So many emotions about transfem Buggy, bestie, send help it's all my brain can think about.
It's okay, I miss hot weather because here in Spain I am freezing and I am a spring child. My spiritual flower is a sunflower. I need the SUN. I NEED TO GO INTO THE FLAMES. So I'll stay there happily.
Please, Toki would so adopt Buggy. And Oden would be THRILLED. He'll see them getting along and he'd instantly say they look like mother and daughter. Buggy would be shy about it but Toki would probably laugh and say "Oh! Do we really? What do you think, Bugs?" and it's just,, So sweet,, Oden loves her a lot and he can't wait to see his Hiyori grow up too. Roger would be FURIOUS when he hears that because he "found her first" which, you know, true, but it's a weird way of saying that's his daughter. Anyway- Rayleigh would be so fucking done with everything. They'd fight about it and Buggy would actually have the time of her life because she feels important and flashy for once in a long time, and she'd laugh oh so beautifully at them when talking with Shanks about it in their room. Like she'd just laugh at the situation and Shanks is still not getting used to his very very not platonic feelings for his best friend. But he'd enjoy his time with her. He's just going a bit insane.
I can't stop thinking now about Buggy finally finding a place to belong. She's been lost for so long,, Feeling left out. And now Toki has gifted her with the most precious treasure there is: A home. Belonging. And I am so so emotional right now. Toki would be so proud of her and Buggy would just be so thankful. If Buggy called her 'mom' at some point, she'd feel embarrassed right away, but Toki would probably fight the tears and hug her close. Going crazy, really. All the men in Buggy's life fighting for her first dance,, Rayleigh just knows he'll have to fight all the men that hurt his precious star. And Shanks is starting to think about that too and the thought of Buggy dating somebody else makes him sick, so perhaps he needs to start with a plan to confess finally (he's so asking Toki about it. I'm gonna cry). Roger crying because he wants to enjoy every second he has left with her... It kills me.
I just know that to this day, Buggy still thinks about Toki as her mom. She never mentions it to anybody, but she feels such a strong connection to Wano and she's dying to go there finally someday. She might have not been born there, but her soul belongs there. And it's just so sweet. I am sobbing, thank you. Every time she does her hair, she feels Toki's hands instead of hers and she remembers everything she taught her,,,
Now I have on my mind a very silly Shuggy thought about Shanks trying to flirt with Buggy but failing miserably (because he's a kid and he only knows how to tease her or follow Roger's advice which are, um, not good) and Buggy just being so done and exhausted. She can't stand him! He's so annoying! Sometimes she doesn't know if she wants to punch him or kiss him! And she doesn't even know if Shanks likes her back because he keeps acting stupid. And she goes to Toki for advice and she's like "oh, darling... Men are stupid. Do you know why you felt smarter than them when you were unaware of being a girl? Well, one of the reasons is that Shanks is a kid. He's dumb. But he loves you and cares so much for you... He's just having a hard time trying to make his way to your heart" / "But he-! He's so damn- Ugh. He's such an idiot. He already did, and he just doesn't know because he can't see it and I can't stand him-" / "Well, maybe you should be the one telling him, huh?" / "What?! No! And give him the satisfaction of thinking I fell first?! I'd rather die. No. He has to make the first move". And now Toki is involved (like the rest of the crew because Shuggy is a whole teen drama) in their love story because Buggy keeps complaining about men being stupid and Shanks keeps saying he doesn't get how Buggy can't see he's in love with her.
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hedwig221b · 11 days
Hi! Love everything you do and all your gorgeously crafted fics. If you haven’t already answered, what’s your writing process like? Your last story was so good I actually started jotting down ideas, brainstorming. It’s the closest I’ve gotten to writing in years. The thought of actually doing it though can be daunting. How you process a story idea into and take it from an idea to the great stories we get to read??
Thank you! It may just be the greatest pleasure for a writer to inspire another to write. I am taking your hand - and I hope you feel its warmth just like my gratitude - and pouring all of my inspiration to you 💗 I hope you get sooo inspired to write and share the excitement of getting to create
I feel like I'm going to rant so I'll hide it under the cut. Major spoilers for Yes To Heaven, as I'm gonna give it as an example.
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1. I usually just start thinking about one scene or a single concept, maybe a couple, and then think: oh, this could become something tangible. You gotta catch that scene in your head and really taste it, look around the characters (where they are, when, what universe), try to envision it in your head like a movie; look inside the characters, what are they feeling, like, right now, what their thoughts are, what are they saying? At this point, usually the idea starts to grow into my mind so deep that the only way to get rid of it is to write. Otherwise, it would drive me insane.
Example: with Yes To Heaven, it started with one scene where Stiles is surrounded with alphas, and everyone wants him, everyone looks at him and stumbles all over themselves to help him. And Stiles is blushing and beautiful and wondering what's all this for. And Derek in the corner, glaring at everyone and seething.
2. Ok, now it's time for the good old record scratch and the "you're probably wondering how I got here". I sort of step away from the scene: one step into the past and one into the future. I usually get really quickly to the "oh so THIS is the story, okay...". So you got the vague feeling of the plot.
Example: I literally started to think: why would Derek not intervene? Why would the alphas circle around Stiles and want him? What would Derek do, bc he can't simply stand aside and watch the vultures peck at his Stiles. Oh, Stiles is an omega. What if he was a rare omega? The only way Derek wouldn't intervene is if he didn't have the same reasons to circle Stiles. He differs from others. He's a bodyguard. But he intervenes in the end. Why?
3. And then, of course, you get the feel of the story. Ah, this is a story about beautiful Stiles breaking Derek's control and everything he knew about himself (sort of, in the most simple sense).
Then I get boring and go look at the trusted three act plot structure. I know there are a lot of plot structures out there, but this is the most common one and simple to follow. (I'm dying to explore other plot structures tbh, they look intriguing)
Once at the structure, I usually go for the big guns and straight up start thinking about the climax of the story bc I love drama.
Characters need to break. Something about them needs to: their body, their mind, their worldview, their very core and morals and beliefs. The climax is what your story will be remembered for, the very nail-biting tension at the height of it and the inevitable drop into the abyss. Characters need to change, that's why we follow the stories of them.
Not gonna lie, I don't struggle with this part, I'm always there for the ultimate angst, so idk how to tell you to get there.
Example: Stiles' hesitant trust for Derek shatters when Derek sends him back to the Institute. He didn't expect it and it is the worst betrayal for him. Stiles breaks. Derek breaks as well, bc Stiles rejects him. It changes both of them: Derek becomes ruthless (he could've killed Deaton from the beginning, but something always stopped him until now); Stiles, after Derek comes back for him, lets the trust to flourish, and he becomes content. For the first time in his life, Stiles has someone he can trust to come back for him and keep their promises. Derek would never leave Stiles - and that's the resolution for both of them.
At this point, I really see what the story is truly about: trust and its fragility, the false safety of feeling like you have that trust when you have nothing but the shadow of it.
Now I know what everything has to be about. The theme (trust, in my case) should be like the sun that shines upon all of them and soaks into every corner of the story. Everything should lead you step by step to the resolution of the theme. You don't have to focus every single sentence on it, but it should be there, always. Like the sun. You don't notice it, but it's still there.
4. Then, you have to think about the backstory. You really have to think why are they doing what they do, where do they come from, what lead them to where they are now. The backstory starts waaaaay before the tale does, but you have to develop it (because some if not most traumas come from childhood/adolescence).
Example: why is it so important to Stiles that someone comes for him? (everyone left him before, his mother and father). Why does Derek want Stiles so bad? (Stiles needs him to survive, Stiles is not afraid of him, Stiles accepts him as he is)
5. Now that I have the beginning and the climax, I usually follow the three acts points (you can create more acts, just keep raising the stakes and the tension). How do they meet, what creates the spark between them, the attraction and the conflict, what makes them fall in love, where does that love lead to?
6. Not gonna lie, more often than not I don't know how to end things. I get to the climax and just sit there staring at the wall, like, now what? The answer for me is to go to the beginning and make the ending reflect it but in a new light: either sweet, or bitter, or anything in between. It puts a nice bow to your ending, ties all ends, closes all arcs and creates a nice contrast.
Maybe, there's a false climax (like, with Stiles sleepwalking out of his father’s house alone at night and Derek nearly tearing John to shreds bc of it (it's just another push to him keeping Stiles solely to himself in the end)). You get a little breather before shit really hits the fan (the tension keeps climbing; maybe not with the angst but instead with sex or a side plot drama).
About the stakes: your character needs to lose something to change. Because, otherwise, how else do you make the change worth anything at all? You decide what the loss is, something good or bad depending on the story; the loss of a loved one? an old misconception? a harmful habit? a good habit? entire world?? life??? You also get to decide whether the character does it willingly. The change becomes valuable only if it costs something.
Example: Stiles letting go of his Dad (his past and his pain, his burden). He lets Derek take it off his shoulders - and trusts him to carry it right.
Tip: you really should try to tie all ends (unless leaving them open is intentional), at least as much as you can, bc you as an author will probably forget that you haven't told it (bc in your head you know it all), but the reader doesn't know shit and will be like, "And what about A, B, and C? You haven't told us, ergo you're a lazy writer". For me, that's for the editing stage. You have to really think whether you actually told that one important thing or you just thought that everyone would get it out of the context.
Example: I always envisioned Derek with a beard in Yes To Heaven, but after I started editing, I noticed that the first mention of it is at, like, 50k word point or something. Jesus, Hedwig, not everyone can read your mind, explain things! Or how Laura doesn't know that Derek is their pack's Left Hand (had to go back and make Derek and Cora more secretive with his job).
7. Welp, that's kinda it.
There is a lot more that comes to making a story better with different ways of storytelling (I love Chekhov's gun and red herrings, personification and metaphors, to the point where it gets repetitive).
Believe me, I get the dread and the sudden emptiness of mind that overwhelms you when you stare at the empty document. You sit there and stare, and nothing comes out. But, the thing is, instead of focusing on the behemoth of the idea in your head that leans over you like storm clouds, look down and pick at small things.
Maybe create bullet points: the climax scene, the incidents that lead to it, small stuff. Once you write it down, you'll see the whole story better. And it really helps when you're stuck and you don't know what to write next. Look in your notes, at the structure (you can print it or draw it and just write above the points), and you’ll feel more grounded.
Suddenly, it's not this enormous thing, it's this little thing that leads to this other little scene and, oh, they're sucking each other’s dicks.
The grand Idea is your sun that's always there and shines upon you, but you don’t focus on it, you're just making your characters fry pancakes. It will all come together, just... small steps. Small steps that lead you to the top of the Everest. Don’t look at that top, focus on the steps in front of you, else you'll slip into the crater of a burnout.
I hope this was coherent lol. Hope I helped you in some way 💗
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luke-hughes43 · 6 months
eden coming to suprise cut for the games this weekend !!!!!
as soon as bc beat uconn, eden called dani, "hey d. I need a favor. I need you to get me a ticket to friday and saturday's game. I'll Venmo you the money. I'm getting a flight for friday morning to be in Boston in time for the game."
"are you telling cutter?"
"ok. I'll send you everything when I get it. he's gonna be so happy to see you."
"I know. I've missed him too, I'm staying the whole week. I don't have practices or anything."
dani smiles through the phone even though eden can't see her. eden smiles when she hangs up and just focuses on seeing cutter.
~the day of the game~
eden's flight lands at 2:30 so she has an hour to get from the airport to the rink. she just barely makes it in time for puck and is so excited.
she is wearing on of cutter's team issued hoodies that she totally stole from him and it has him so confused.
when eden makes eye contact with cutter, he's entire body just brightens up and he's so much happier. he's sporting a huge smile after seeing his girl.
the guys are lowkey creeped out by cutter smiling, he only ever smiles at eden and they think eden is in california. the find out that she isn't when will looks over to look at dani and he sees eden too. he elbows cutter and says, "well, looks like sunshine is back in Boston for grumpy over here."
"shut it smith." cutter says with a smile as he looks at his girl.
as soon as the game ends, cutter skips all media and just goes to find eden. once he finds her, he hugs her tightly and mumbles in her neck, "I missed you angel."
"I missed you too cutter. you get me the whole week." eden says smiling. cutter asks, "really?"
"really babe."
cutter pulls away and kisses her. in the hallway. at td garden. in front of everyone.
eden smiles and says, "lets go back to your place. you need to rest for tomorrow's game."
"only if we can cuddle?"
"of course. it's cold and your my personal heater. of course we're cuddling." eden says very matter of factly. cutter smiles and they go back to his apartment and cuddle in his room. both of them are asleep within 10 minutes of laying down, just the comfort of each other.
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apompkwrites · 1 year
I'll be honest, at this point there are so many different au's of the black sheep that I just gave up on keep up with all of them I'M SORRY
BUT I also just had this fantasticly amazing ideia (that I think I haven't seen yet?) for an older sibling!draconia who is several years older than Malleus and who aided Lilia in raising the little prince
(tw to romance, heartbreak and a long asf essay with extremely rushed and underexplained angst, also many spelling and grammar mistakes probably)
Older sibling!Draconia who technically grew up with Lilia, learning with him everything know
Imagine older!draconia training with lilia and the other trainees (is that the term?) because they're the next in line! they king/queen/regent has to know how to defend themselves if needed!
And during their boring theorical classes, were they've been stuck in a room with some old lady rambling on about how oh so amazing the heir to the throne (them, older!draconia) is instead of the history of their lands (that they may or may not already know like the back of their hand —in their defense they had a lot of free time once upon a time, no friends and the royal library has a whole lot of books) for the past 3 hours
And then suddenly they look at the window and boom! there is Lilia and some other 2 friends they made during their training and outside classes, all of them making really funny faces that make older!draconia want to laugh their soul off, but they can't! they're in front of a teacher and they have to show some respect! oh dang it the lady thinks they're laughing at her so she just decided to end the class, what a shame
Now the 4 teens (however many years that is in fae logic) are running into the forest for a little break with the lovely animals and everyone's having a great time
And yeah sure everything's fine everything's great royal teenage life blah blah blah falling in love with your best friend Lilia and having a secret relationship bc you're still a royal who has an arranged marriage to come blah blah blah you have a little brother now!!!!! and he's a cute little round egg!!!!!! awsome!!!!!
But OMG!!! wait!!! There's a war coming!! Quick get your armour, sowrd and shield and go help the generals with strategies!!! Oh Great Sevens finally!! the war is over and you're victorious!!!! but then again you have a whole lot of newly downloaded trauma, you're now parentless and friendless (they're all dead yay!!!) and apparently the elders are putting you in for marriage??? right after you lost your parents and your friends???? oh but wait your amazing and loving (is she? she is here) grandma is fighting for your freedoom
Oh oops too late tho!!! it became too much and now you're running away from your home (???) after the first next few decades, leaving behind only a bunch of letters, cold sheets, a heartbroken lover, little brother and grandma and a huge mess
But of course older!draconia wouldn't leave them just like that, they just go and pull a Maleficent (Live Action), they keep taking care of their family from the shadows
Making sure little Malleus doesn't die because of how reckless and careless Lilila still is with simple and domestic chores bc he trained all his life to go to war and doesn't know how to wash the dishes
Doing their best to comfort Lilia duting those nights full of nightmares and tears, sending a gentle breeze and some cute little birds his way
Making sure that their grandma isn't tiring herself out by pulling constant all nighters (faes also need to get some rest from time to time grandma!) by blowing out the candles with some cold breeze form outside, so that way Maleficia would get tired of having to always be lighting up the candles again and just go to her room because when did it get so cold in here?
Of course she knows it is her oldest grandkid, this is far from being something natural and who else would have the guts to do that?
Overtime Malleus starts to gradually forget more and more about his older sibling who he loved and loves so dearly, something that pains him and everyone around him that knew them, mainly Maleficia and Lilia
A few thousand years later Lilia also finds a baby somewhere and he still doesn't know how to take care of a child properly what the hell Vanrouge if you're gonna take a kid in at least know what you're doing- no stop it (older!draconia) leave me alone
And because Lilia still doesn't know how to take care of a baby, and because he still has royal duties with the Queen and Malleus, of course older!draconia goes and does their best to help as much as they can without being noticed
And of course Lilia knows they've been helping him, he has known for the Sevens know how long, he can still feel their presence in the gentle breezes that caress his cheeks and hair every other night, ca still feel their loving and longing stares, looks and glances on the back of his head everytime he turns his back
He just doesn't get why they don't just come out and show themselves, it's so obvious they're the ones who've been around this whole time, hiding in the shadows and in the deeppest parts of the woods, being the origins of the many tales, miths and legends the smaller towns have, giving life to the little things thrpughput the whole forest, helping however they could while still doing their best to hide away from the cruel world they live in
At least for him it's obvious, but it is also sad
It's sad to watch as Malleus breaksdown every other night because he's progressively forgeting about his beloved older sibling as time goes on and Lilia I don't want to forget about them
It's sad to see the way the Queen's lingering gazes on some places, like the library, the one tree they always used to take naps on top of, or the hallway where their old room used to be; to see the way she sighs as if she just lost way too many years of life with just a glance at an otherwise regular tree
It's sad to see himself on the mirror, to watch and remember and relish in everything they once had, in everything they could've had; it's sad to feel himself yearn for someone who's doing their damned best to stay hidden, because there's no way they will come put just like that; it's sad to remember all the times he wished to any and every god out there to allow him to turn back time so the he could get one chance, only one more chance to make things right and to make them want to stay and to help them, that was all Lilia wished for most nights, but alas, it never worked
But what was even sadder was watching people come and go, even more so the palaces' servants; it was sad and upsetting, watching all these people that watched him grow up, that watched them grow up, that raised all of them and that knew every kid there like the back of their hand go and be replaced with new people, people who didn't know anything, who were there only because
But Lilia does his best; he does his best to raise Malleus right, even if sometimes he needs their help
He does his best to ease the Queens' burdens while being a mere servant and caretaker, even if sometimes he need their help
He does his best to keep his stress, nerves, anxieties and nightmares at bay, even if sometimes he needs their help
And he does his best to be the best father figure he could just for Silver, even if sometimes he needs their help
Even if Silver reaches an age where he asks way too many question, normal behavior for children of any kind, and one day makes way to many questions about the stranger in his dreams, the stranger that he remembers seeing in his fogy baby memories, the stranger prince Malleus sometimes talks about very very vaguely and why are they showing up on my dreams father?
And even then, Lilia does his best to keep unwanted emotions under the warps, because he doesn't need this child to know everything just yet, but he still takes his sweet time teeling his son about them
About the previous heir, who ranaway because of the pressure, about their old friends, who he loved dearly and to this day holds close to his heart; he tells him as much as he can, without telling him much
And with that, Silver's curiousity is satisfied! He knows who the kind and pretty stranger is, he knows he doesn't need to be afraid of them, because his father trusts them, and if his father trusts them then they must be a very good person. So yes, Silver's curiousity is satisfied
When one day Sebek Zigvolt comes along, Lilia doesn't really complain, ot is after all one more distraction from his aching heart and one more friend for his little child and his little prince, who's heart has been coming to a calm for the past few decades
So Lilia is happy when they all become very good friends, because this way Malleus' heart won't be hurting as much as Lilias' is, Silver won't ask as much questions about the kind stranger (who turned put to be the previous heir to the throne) and all in all Sebek is a very cute child, very loud but also very cute
Older!Draconia wants to smack Lilia into the next universe tho, because Vanrouge what the fcuk are you doing with 3 kids you still can't cook for shit you mf-
anyways this is everything and this is very long sorry for the whole testament
also do you think I can be ⚜️ anon if that one still isn't being used, bc this is not the first time i've brainrotted in your inbox and I don't think it will be the last (it happend back when you first started your black sheep au, I dont think it had an actual name back then???)
dw i sometimes forget about some of the black sheep au we have too
i. am going to go feral for older draconia who falls in love with lilia but runs away bc they don't want their life to be upturned for an arranged marriage.
and them living like live action maleficent!!!! and yk how silver is very similar to aurora? imagine that silver actually meets older draconia in the forest the same way aurora does in the live action <33
and some angst as always. imagine the first few nights that older draconia ran away. imagine lilia who stayed up late into the night, sobbing openly at the fact that the love of his life is gone. he begs and pleads to any god that will hear him to bring them back. he doesn't think he can live without them...
and older draconia is just a few feet away from their old home, sobbing alongside lilia as they beg and plead to any god for them to be reunited, in this life or the next.
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dalamusrex · 1 month
So, those who follow my personal blog are aware, and I know I'm not required to give details, but I've been thinking about letting people know and now's as good a time as any:
My dad was hospitalized for Acute Pancreatitis late at night on the 4th of August, after experiencing increasing pain for several days prior which he mistakenly originally thought was food poisoning. (And several incidents of "food poisoning" over the last year which were likely this pancreatitis beginning). Only once it became excruciating did he ask to be taken to the hospital, and by then it had caused some damage to his kidneys, liver, and GI tract. The cause is, they suspect, a gall stone which got stuck in the duct and eventually was passed.
Most people, with care, recover from Pancreatitis within 3 or 4 days, but my dad's been in the hospital for about 10, and they said he shouldn't leave without gallbladder removal surgery, but can't seem to get him to reach a point where they feel safe performing the surgery. So there's currently no discharge date in sight.
He was in the ICU over the weekend because the IV fluids they needed to help calm his pancreas was backing up into his lungs and causing breathing issues, and the nurses were too busy to keep up with his pain medicine. I think the fluid issue has been resolved? He's only recently been taken off all pain medication, finally able to bear being without it even if it still hurts. He should be moved out of the ICU today, if not tomorrow.
He is stable right now, but in pain, and taking longer to recover than is comfortable.
On top of that, I'm still unemployed, and I need to fix that ASAP but, yknow, no one wants to hire anymore, so it's been slow going.
I still log onto tumblr almost every day, bc Dal is a comfort to me even if I'm not actively writing/drawing for him.
I have it in my mind I want to participate in the currently ongoing TES Summer Fest even if I will be late for every post. And, of course, BG3 Dal is over here. One day I'll play ffxiv and write/draw for that Dal, and I have ideas for Modern Dal I just haven't posted to his blog yet. I haven't been able to sit still long enough to organize my thoughts into cohesive headcanons.
So I'm still here, I'm just overwhelmed at the moment. I appreciate everyone's patience with asks and replies, and I appreciate that people still have an interest in Dal despite my slowed activity.
I know people are often unsure what to talk about when serious subjects are present (not wanting to feel "cold" by changing the subject from serious matters), but I promise Dal is always a safe, even preferable, subject to bring up with me, whenever you want, wherever you want. If you want to remind me of an RP we had 8 years ago, please do. If you saw a bug outside that made you think of Dal for whatever reason, I wanna know. Don't feel like asking for an RP or sending asks is somehow cold or callous; it's a nice distraction even if I'm slow to respond.
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decafdino · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
once again, I have been radio silent. I am however tagging myself, bc I did manage to write something for the medieval au.
Throughout dinner, TK can't help himself from watching Carlos. His posture is almost always perfect in front of everyone else, and he's realizing it's a privilege to have a slouched, relaxed Carlos available to him every night. He wishes with everything for the rest of their party to hurry on, so that he can have Carlos to himself again.
Nancy, of course, has certainly noticed the change between them. She's constantly nudging him and waggling her eyebrows. He has to fight the urge to throw a handful of potato at her.
"So," she says after Mateo's attention is pulled away by Paul and Marjan arguing the best approach to an ambush, "how's getting to hump dreamy Sir Reyes every night?"
He chokes on his mouthful of food in surprise. His father sends him a questioning look which he quickly waves away. He stomps on Nancy's foot under the table. "Would you mind keeping it down? And I am not humping— you know what? This is none of your business."
"It is so my business, especially if the two of you injure yourselves in the bedroom," she whispers harshly. "You're my best friend, TK. I don't want you to get hurt. Emotionally," she casts an eye over to Carlos, "or physically, if you know what I mean."
He stomps her again, and she yelps in protest. This time, Carlos looks over. "Everything alright, my prince?" he asks.
"Just fine!" he says with a forced smile. He turns back to Nancy. "Maybe we should have a talk about what you and Mateo are getting up to, huh?"
"That's different."
"Really? I fail to see how."
"I'm not the prince of Austin with an overprotective king as a father." She squints at him accusingly. "Have you even thought about telling the king?"
TK pales at the idea. "He'd go straight to my mother with the new, and she'd have Carlos beheaded in front of the entire kingdom. She almost did it to Alex when we first got together."
"And we all would've been much better off if that were the case," she mutters.
"Are you saying you don't trust Carlos? He's nothing like Alex, I'll have you know."
She raises her hands defensively. "High heavens, no. This is a definite upgrade for you. I just worry, is all." Nancy gives him a knowing look. "Nothing can stay a secret forever, TK."
He looks down at his plate and pushes around some scraps. "This whole 'thing' only just started. We don't even know where it's going… especially since he's already engaged," he mutters quietly.
"He's what?"
feel free to tag yourself if you want. also, I know I've been less active recently, but feel free to tag me as well in these wip games. hopefully I'll be able to respond because I do have a lot to share
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
Hi! I have a request if that's alright :) I think it would be cute to have the reader be in a nightmare, and Desire shows up in the nightmare and comforts the reader. I think it could be really fluffy and cute once the reader realizes that Desire isn't a threat.
Kay so this can actually go with another request from @the-masked-scorpio soon I'll be blending it hehe I hope you like it
Masked Scorpio Request:
You said you were closing requests in the morning it's currently 3am not sure if that's early morning for you but if it is please ignore this request then.
Desire's reaction to their s/o storming into their threshold like "is it possible to kill an endless cuz I'm about to kill dream and if your wondering why it's bc I had nightmare, thank god I realized I was dreaming before it was too late".
I thought it was funny and honestly something I would do
Hush Love, I'm Here
Tumblr media
Desire was never one to go into people's dreams even though within the dream everyone would feel a little desire or despair. However, there was one person that They felt whenever they feel them in a dream their longing, the need to wake up, or even someone saving them.
for a long time, they ignored it but eventually, they couldn't help themselves and wanted to actually help you so they entered your dreams. seeing you running away from something in the shadows and you ran into another room shutting the door and panting you were crying and gasped when you felt someone watching you.
"p-please leave me alone," you said moving away seeing the androgynous figure come closer your heart beating faster. You were ready to run until they pull you close to them "shh everything will be okay Y/n" you ended up clinging to them crying scared but soon calming down "p-please don't leave me" you whimper pathetically and Desire simply plays with your hair. "I will always be with you right here in your heart" you felt them touch where your heart was and you woke up.
Ever since that nightmare whenever you had one Desire would always be there with you. but one day when you woke up you still felt their arm around you and your eyes widen "Y-you real" you said surprised and in one part very happy. "of course I am~"
During the time Desire and you ended up together and they had taken care of you always and made sure you were comfortable. there were even times where Desire would visit dreams and tell them not to keep sending you nightmares they made no promises but said they would try.
One day Desire was sitting in their realm looking at their nails humming low. it had been so long since Desire and You got together and they shared with you that they were an endless and who exactly dream is. which led to what was happening right now.
you stormed into their chambers "is it possible to kill an endless cuz I'm about to kill dream and in case your wondering why, it's because I had a nightmare, thank god I realized I was dreaming before it was too late".
Desire blinks and sat up more properly before pulling you close "you can't really kill us persay we will just get another version of ourself so" they stated and you pout cutely. "Besides how about you let me talk to my big brother and you just be a good love and wait for me here in my realm." You huff softly and nod. "Alright"
Desire does visit Dream annoyed slightly but always being a cruel tease to them always aiming to urk them in some way. They told them soon enough "stop giving y/n nightmares they are really scared of them and I dont want them to have that turmoil like last time." They said while turning a butterfly into a yellow bird smiling in satisfaction.
"I will only try to lessen the nightmares but they cannon avoid them forever...I hope your taking care of them sibling "why of course i am why else would i be here?" They said before standing.
"Alright then i must take my leave it was good seeing you big brother~" they grin and walked away. Walking into their threshold desire spots you about to touch destiny's sigil. "Careful love that isn't on display for beauty" they said sitting down.
You turn and walked over sheepishly "sorry i got curious" "curiosity kills the cat" "hmm not as long as i have you" you said kissing their cheek. "Can you show me the rest of your threshold it looks amazing."
"Very well lets go."
Taglist: @justaproudslytherpuff, @sherazyjade, @the-masked-scorpio, @sugakookieswithacupoftae16, @happilydangerousworld, @harlekin6
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jovenshires · 6 months
🦚 for the queer ask game!
🦚 - Are there any queer books/shows/etc. that you would suggest?
oh my god YEAH absolutely. i used to be a queer media connoisseur (im no longer a romance girlie when i consume media bc i write so much of it but i still have love for the genre). i'll do one rec for each category up here but ill put some more under the cut!!
book: aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe. it's my favorite book i've gotta put it out there. literally changed my life when i was like 16 i love it so much
show: there's so many popular ones that i feel like if you're gay you've already seen them by now, so im gonna throw a curveball and go with crazy ex-girlfriend. they talk a LOT about lgbtq+ identities and explore dynamics with different couples, and if you love musicals, you absolutely must go watch it rn i fear
movie: moonlight. oh my god if you haven't seen moonlight go watch moonlight it's so so incredible 10/10. a drama that follows a black gay man from childhood to adulthood, explores the themes of masculinity, family, and friendship as well as romantic love. it's just an incredible movie it deserves all the hype tbh
music: once again there's so many popular queer musicians nowadays that i Do Not HAVE to rec (you know the ones they go hard), so im gonna rec chrissy chlapecka!! she just makes such incredible, sugary-sweet pop music about such amazing fucked up shit i love her
send me some gay asks!
okie doke as promised here's some more recs from yours truly bc i really, really love media and have a collection to rec atp NDNKFNKND ill try to order them by genre from least to most obscure LMAO
BE WARNED: i do read some graphic stuff - im an adult and my media taste reflects that. before you read anything i rec, look it up for trigger warnings!! i don't want anybody to be hurt by something i recommend. <3
of course like. simon vs the homosapien agenda by becky albertalli is out there. this is one of those classics i was talking about KDNKFNFK it's very ya-gay-romance-romcom you can eat up ya know. the movie's also not too bad (people think it's 'cringey' nowadays but that was HUGE for me when i was like 19 and had my first girlfriend). anyway it's feel-good fluff if you like that kind of thing!!
red white and royal blue is obviously another classic and one i can't rec enough. i love the way its written, i love the characters, i love the plot. like it's everything, if you're into the romcom vibe this is a great one to check out. (and as a bonus this one also has a movie and it Slaps)
it's not like it's a secret by misa sigura is a pretty solid wlw coming-of-age novel that i highly rec if you're into the rom-com type book. it's also got some EXCELLENT poc representation!!
bloom by kevin panetta is a graphic novel and i love it. so so so much. truly i think i read this in a day and i am NOT a huge graphic novel reader. feel-good romcom, poc rep, body diversity, AND pretty pictures. what is there not to love. everyone should read bloom tbh
lies we tell ourselves by robin talley is Probably my favorite wlw book ever. it's historical fiction and it is Everything to me. and im actually a known historical fiction hater so take it from me - its Good.
carry on by rainbow rowell is i think a classic at this point and i love it. so so so much. you ever identify with a character a little too hard. yeah thats me and this book. i gave my best friend a copy for her graduation. it is an Excellent take on 'remember all the heroes you wanted to be gay when you were a kid. imagine if they were.' it's my beloved
a hero at the end of the world by erin claiborne is another great one in the same vein, with a punchy, dry humor twist. basically if you were a harry potter kid but you hate jkr. you'll love this one and carry on KSNDKDNFK
nimona by nd stevenson is another graphic novel!! it's another fantasy, so if that's your cup of tea, i highly recommend it. it's got an amazing queer love story, a genderfluid protag, and most importantly, found family. literally everything. (it also has a movie but i haven't seen it yet
the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater is HUGEEEE i love that series it reshaped me. it's. mystery/supernatural i would say? it has multiple of my fave queer characters of all time and honestly. everyone there is a little gay. one of my absolute faves <3
we are the ants by shaun david hutchinson is a sci-fi horror adventure story and this one. it stuck with me. the main character hit me so hard and his internal struggle is so SO interesting. if you're into this kind of shit. give it a shot!
every day by david levithan is not one of MY all-time faves, but i can still say it's super interesting and has great rep!! it has a genderfluid/agender main character (depending on how you look at it). i will say i think there are multiple books in the series (?) but i stopped at one bc. it made me too sad anyway. <3
the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky is not queer bc it's explicitly about a queer character or a queer love story, BUT. it still has one of my favorite lgbt characters of all time. patrick you will always be famous to me. as a bisexual girl in a catholic high school, saw a Lot of myself in patrick. (i do also have a special place in my heart for the movie bc it was my depression movie as a teen but patrick is played by ezra miller so be warned)
one of us is lying by karen mcmanus is another one that's not just. About a Gay Couple BUT it is one of my fave books (a murder mystery retelling of the breakfast club) and it has a gay main character!! his struggle with his sexuality is something he really struggles with and he has a boyfriend and i adore him.
i mean obviously like. heartstopper is incredible. like i said im not super into the romcom/young adult genre anymore but that show is just so beautiful and amazing and really healed my inner gay teen. it has a really diverse cast and representation for all kinds. i really recommend it!!!
everything sucks was gone before its time, but it is SUCH an amazing show. it has one of my fave on-screen wlw couples of all time. it's a feel-good, coming of age classic and i miss it deeply. (what did you just say??? 'katie rewatch it' oh my god you're onto something)
now if yall know me. glee is absolutely gonna be on this list. is it good? technically no. is it one of the greatest pieces of satire ever created? up until season three yes. i realized i was gay via santana lopez. THE gay character of all time. and all the love in my heart for all the other lgbt characters (kurt hummel you will always be famous to me......) some of it's a little dated (don't get me STARTED on unique) but it does genuinely have some great lgbt rep and if you watch it with a grain of salt it's a great comedy
julie and the phantoms made by kenny ortega (of THE high school musical and descendants fame) and it has a gay character i love!! (actually technically it has a few <3)
i'm a huge consumer of kids' media (i think phineas and ferb is a literal masterpiece and im not even kidding) so if you're like me and enjoy the disney/kid show beat i cannot rec andi mack enough. it's dramatic it's campy it's fun it's silly it's got a FANTASTIC gay character and a gay couple i deeply adore and not to mention!! so much representation!! it's like junior fosters tbh
we're gonna get into a little pocket here of like. normal romance but slightly niche - animes! sasaki to miyano is like my top lgbt anime rec. it is so, SO good. just absolute feel-good romcom goodness pls give it a shot
depending on interpretation, ouran high school host club arguably has a nonbinary character, some bi/gay characters, and a trans character! now. it IS hella dated do not get me wrong. BUT for the time? incredibly progressive and a wonderful watch. just brace yourself for some out of pocket shit
stars align has one of my favorite lgbt characters EVER, a nonbinary icon <3 and it's like. a PLOT. truly so rare to see something like that done on tv, let alone in anime. this is a sports anime - soft tennis my beloved - but it has So Much More To It than that.
another gay sports anime is run with the wind, a recent fave of mine. and i don't mean gay in the way that most sports animes are kinda gay. i mean he literally says 'im in love with this guy.' it's an amazing watch if you like that kinda thing!!
if you want an aroace genderfluid protag. the disastrous life of saiki k is up there as one of my fave animes ever AND saiki (the main character) is my fave protag of all time. this silly lil show is supernatural (ish?) and comedy all wrapped into one fantastic show i highly recommend!!
segueing back into live action shows, buffy the vampire slayer is an AMAZING, iconic, female-led supernatural dramedy with some early and, for its time, incredible lesbian rep.
yellowjackets because i LOVE unhinged lesbians. i didn't even know there was gay people in this - i started watching because i love horror and girls' soccer DLNKFNFLN and it's amazing!! if you like tragic gay women i HIGHLY endorse yellowjackets.
in the flesh. look. here's my pitch for itf. do you love being sad. do you love catharsis. do you love zombies. you will LOVE in the flesh. please. i miss it so bad i've seen this show 4 times (and you're right i should also watch this one again!!!) and i never tire of it.
sense8 is a sci-fi show and IT IS EVERYTHING TO ME. truly the diversity is unparalleled. so many lgbt characters of so many different identities. polyamory, trans people, a neuro-link that's destroying peoples' lives. it literally has everything.
the get down is not just an lgbt show, BUT it has an incredible lgbt character/storyline that i adore. a musical show, a historical fiction piece (which means a lot coming from me), and almost every character is a poc. pls give it a shot it's everything
bodies is another one that isn't just about lgbt+ rep BUT. it's incredibly diverse, examining people facing discrimination throughout history (you've got a gay mc, a jewish mc, a muslim mc, AND a disabled mc) and it just has such amazing plot lines and representation. it's a murder mystery/sci-fi double whammy, so give it a shot if you're interested!!
alex strangelove is a good, underrated, coming of age classic. it follows a guy who struggles with his sexuality. very teen rom-com-dramedy core!!
i adored boy meets girl when i watched it. a very romcom-y movie about a trans woman from a small town dreaming of getting out....... friends to lovers.......... i adore it
happiest season is a christmas movie and it's very sweet. its been panned (there are some just criticisms on the plot tbf) BUT i do think it's really cute
to wong fu thanks for everything julie newmar is just. so so good. it's an underrated classic imo. three drag queens go on road trip, end up in a small town, and change it for the better. it's literally so amazing it's just feel good found family PLEASE give this one a shot
the birdcage is another classic i so genuinely enjoy. who doesn't want robin williams and nathan lane as their gay dads. at the end of the day it's all about found family, love, and old gay men.
handsome devil is a foreign film - irish to be exact! - and i love it so much. once again as a catholic school kid.......... yeah. YEAH. anyway go watch the og gay nicholas galitzine movie LKNDKFNKNLFNKLF
pride is a historical piece and an excellent movie. it's got its ups and downs but god it's just an overall good movie. another irish film, coincidentally!
the way he looks is also a foreign film, this time in spanish, BUTTTTT it's one of my faves i love it so much. it's very feel-good, sweet, romcom so if you feel like you could be into that - give it a shot!!
rent, if you're into musicals, has some of my fave musical characters ever. angel dumott schunard you will ALWAYS be the love of my life. it is deeply sad but. other than that. i live in denial.
the prom is a much more light-hearted and silly lgbt musical. people shat on that movie but i think it's SWEET and cute and has some bangers!!
i mean like. we can joke ab how hyped it is all we want but brokeback mountain is basically required gay watching. it is EXACTLY as amazing as everyone says it is. the chemistry..... oh my god we could never make that movie again it was like catching lightning in a bottle.
bodies, bodies, bodies is a fun and campy lgbt horror if you're into that kind of thing!! the ending was a bit not my fave but otherwise it's an incredible cast and got some great silly scares
on the topic of gay horror, jennifer's body is gay and again, exactly as good as everyone hypes it up to be. you want gay women who are terrible to each other? oh boy do i have the movie for you
and i promise ill wrap on gay horror with it chapters 1 & 2. reddie will unfortunately always be famous.
everything, everywhere, all at once is not Just a gay movie BUT. it has an incredible gay character and it factors so interestingly into the mother/daughter relationship. i love that movie i will always talk about it
music (these are all just people i personally listen to but there are SO many more. im not gonna expand on these ones too much just go check em out you'll get it):
lil nas x
troye sivan
kim petras
tegan and sara
brandi carlile
hayley kiyoko
rina sawayama
peach prc
renee rapp
adam lambert
scene queen
janelle monae
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fizzingwizard · 8 months
life stuff
I did so many dumb things yesterday. Can't even remember them all now, but for one, I went to the wrong floor when I got home and even tried the key before I realized. I also went to a sushi place where you have color-coded plates, and I took a plate that wasn't my color. I have been going there for years and I've never not once done that before. Also at work I was just a basketcase who couldn't commit to anything.
Then today I made oatmeal, but apparently never turned the kettle on?? So I just poured ice cold water on my oats and uh yeah not appetizing. I just decided to starve until dinner 9_9
I'm a little perplexed by so many senior moments, but I think it just means I'm a lot more tired than I realized. It was a tough week. Many teachers were out sick. Including a teacher who quit for (highly legitimate) personal reasons just last week, we were missing four to five teachers nearly every day. We didn't have one day with a full staff. It's also conference season so I had a ton going on, and my kids were unusually difficult. I think it's a combo of them all being sick but not sick enough to stay home, and my challenging students just having some extra challenges, and everything happening at the same time. I've also been under the weather in a weird nebulous way: various symptoms, overall fatigue, no fever, but lasting weeks and weeks. Can't call out for it as much as I want to. Wednesday was alright but every other day was like wow, welcome to hell. Though I shouldn't say that because hell would be a kid getting hurt. No injuries, no disasters, just a very tired and frustrated teacher.
Because of all the teacher absences, those of us who were here every day got slapped with a lot more on-duty time and just stints of break here and there. We couldn't even get what's in our contracts a couple days, which always pisses me off because I'm literally not getting paid for one hour that I'm at work. And the company doesn't want us to do overtime of course bc they have to pay us for it. (They are known for "forgetting" to account for overtime hours as well so everyone double checks their paychecks). Yet we've been understaffed all year, so in order to not pay for overtime, they just send teachers from another nearby school to ours to help. One of my coworkers always insists on apologizing to them. I'm not apologizing. I didn't do it. Let the company apologize. I'll thank the other school for helping (not that they have a choice) but tbh it'd be better if they said it was impossible, then the company might actually hire a full time teacher. Oh btw last year when several of us were helping the other school when their teacher left on paternity leave for the rest of the year, no one thanked us. In face they mostly just forgot about us and looked surprised every time we turned up (biweekly! for months!) to do the job they told us they needed us to do
Anyway I told the manager that as much as I understand why break/prep time is limited when there are many teacher absences, it looked as though time had been redistributed without any thought about equality. Wed's hours were a mess, but I let it slide because I thought I could fix it to be okay for Friday. Well, someone else was out on Fri, and the time was redistributed again and I had less for the whole week than everyone else. Now there are a few factors: some teachers work longer hours than others but make "the same" pay (I put it in quotes because some of the contracts are a little different and I don't know the details, but it's roughly similar anyway). A teacher who is at the school for 7 hours has gets the same off-duty time as ones who are there for 8 or 9. But if it's okay to give more off-duty time to 9 hr teachers than 7 hr ones, that's never been expressed. And because 7 hr teachers go home before the least staffed period of the day, it's the 8 hr teacher who end up with less off-duty time because there are fewer opportunities to take it. The ones that come earlier than 4 pm have to go to the 7 hr teacher first. The ones that come after 5 pm are only available to the 9hr (which sucks for them because who wants to not have a break till after 5? they do usually get some break earlier as well but it's shorter).
Overall the distribution is unfair and dumb even when it's done according to the books. We used to have a couple leaders who would point out when things were too tight or not fair to whoever, but they both quit in the mass exodus of last year. I thought I could point it out and the manager would say "oh sorry, I'll keep an eye on that for the future." I didn't expect my schedule to be changed, just that promise. Instead the manager first said it was fine that I had less off-duty time than everyone else because I had conferences (??? our contracts don't change when there are conferences - or do they? lol well if they do it was never a problem any other year before now...). So I was like not really, and she proceeded to give me a bit of someone else's prep, the teacher who had the most for the week, only I found out later that that teacher wasn't feeling well that day. She may have been given the extra time due to her condition, and because I brought it up, she lost it. But I had no idea she wasn't feeling well. When I found out, I tried to trade with her, but she refused every time. It's just 15 min we're talking about. What does it say to you when teachers feel guilty all day long for having 15 min of prep time that could have been someone else's? fuck everything
Also only found out later that another coworker spent all of her prep time onboarding a new teacher. New teacher, hurrah, whatever, it's fucking January already but sure. Well, that coworker could have used a little extra off-duty time as well. But nobody bothers to tell Fizz. I would have happily traded off-duty time with her as well but I'm not pyschic my dude. I'm just not.
While I'm complaining let me sandwich in another annoyance. The other class decided they wanted to do a certain project. They began work on the project, but then got told by the manager that they had to include my class, because what they were doing was big enough to be unfair if only one class got to participate. Since they had already begun work, it was taken for granted that my class would just be doing the project as well now. No one asked if that was alright with me. No one asked if I wanted to edit or add anything. Actually, no one even TOLD ME WHAT WE WERE DOING. The other class teacher told my co-teacher the project was happening, but not the details. I waited two weeks, nothing, so finally I had to go ask them what the heck this was about, and they then told ME what to do. Absolutely no interest in what I might think about it at all. They decided, so I just have to do it. I could argue, of course! But like every time I have the audacity to disagree with Things That Someone Has Decided, I'd just be seen as making trouble for no reason. The project is good for the kids, so it's not easy to be against it. And I'm not against it. But I do feel disrespected. Like did it occur to no one that I, also a classroom teacher, might already have my own project in mind for my class??? If this had happened in reverse, then as soon as I knew my project was going to be expected of another class as well, I would have gone and talked to that class's teachers. I would have asked for their input and changes and I would have been fully prepared, no matter how unlikely it was, for the possibility that they just wouldn't want to do it at all. Because it's their class and i don't make decisions about their class. "But it's a cute project for little kids" blah blah everything we do is a cute project for little kids. IT'S STILL WORK FOR TEACHERS. Kill me for preferring the projects I chose and put effort into instead of projects someone else picked out without even asking my opinion. And I'm still doing it! I haven't made a scene! But was it really too much to expect at least "sorry about this" or "do you want to change anything"?? I really saw red for a while.
I'm fed up with my job in a lot of ways and I want to switch. But I don't know where to go. Finding somewhere new will mean starting over from base salary which is even lower than what I make now. The more tiring and demanding the work becomes, the less the pay makes it feel worth it. No one becomes a pre-k teacher to get rich. We like little kids. But there sure are a lot of expectations of teacher's the schools are basically throwing peanuts at. The perk, yeah, is the time off. But since it's only during cold months I never really do anything with it. It was nice to go home over the holidays, but I couldn't afford to do it every year whether I had the time off or not lol.
I honestly don't know what to do right now and it's making me extra anxious. Just hoping something will fall into my lap hahaha great strategy there. Glassdoor sends me useless spam every day :) Even got one saying I'd be a "perfect fit" to teach Christian ed to the kids of a traveling circus x'D
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First off, I loved the story. Second, what happened 👀👀👀
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(Not particularly heavy stuff, but an emotionally abusive situation is mentioned, so TW for that, I guess? Also if u have anything u want me to tag here, just send me an ask and I'll do it. Also this is a long post, but that's what u get for asking someone with adhd to tell a story ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Alright, so like I said, I my first bf and I met in highschool and we stayed together from me being 15 to 26. A decade plus one of emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, my friends being cut off to further my isolation, and me being too inexperienced to see the guy for the asshole he was.
And, like I said, my therapist from that time was a goddamn genius who saw how much I was suffering but also could tell I would not get out of that situation willingly bc I was so used to that being my life and the whole "he can't be abusive - he never hit me!" mentality that I couldn't see that he would cheer me up when I was down - but he was the one to put me down to begin with!
So she said "how about you two take a break? One month away from each other, with no strings attached, not bf and gf anymore, so you can see whether this is a relationship worth fighting for" (it wasn't, lmao)
Me, a week after: so, he's gonna be traveling in two months after this one and-
She, very serious: fascinating! let's make it three months then! You'll meet again when he's back, it'll be great for everyone!
The thing is, when you date someone that swallows up your entire life and cuts your bridges to everyone else, you end up pretty lost and alone (this is literally the tactic cults use to force people to stay in the cult, by making sure they won't have a community to support them once they are out).
But! My bff, bless her heart, never left my side no matter how often I would ghost her while i was still dating. And after I'd spent that first month (november of that year) moping and crying like someone had died, she invited me to go clubbing and I actually got to dance and be silly for the first time since my early teens!
Being undiagnosed autistic/adhd and having my ex as my only social interaction outside of my family AND not doing well socially in school bc bullying made it a bit of a challenge to come on to people, so my bff would be my wingwoman - hey, my friend thinks you're cute, etc.
For some reason, the ladies shot me down a lot, which sucked bc I really wanted to kiss a girl and "find out" whether I was bi (I thought I needed this as proof, lol). But the boys had those looney-tunes eyes at me so I got to kiss some of them and it was fun and stupid and so freeing.
And then there was her. Julia. Even my adhd brain still remembers her name. She was much taller than I, with full, black hair and a raspy voice that made me go heart eyes over her. I asked my bff to chat her up to me, and when instead of politely shaking her head with an apologetic smile as the other girls did, she walked up to me.
Then she asked me whether I wanted to kiss her, and I said yes, and she leaned over me and the world stopped spinning for a moment because I was kissing a girl and it was soft and sweet and good and oh my god, so I do like girls, of course I do, they are so pretty and amazing and oh wow, I am bisexual, that's a lot to unpack and-
And then she was smiling, and saying goodbye bc she wanted to meet up with her friends, and I was left in the middle of that rooftop dance floor, under the stars, my ears ringing and my face burning hot. I had my answer. I had my truth. I had it all along, but now it was real.
So just on account of that, month two (december of that year) was already chalked down as better than the entire time I had ever spent with my not-yet-entirely-ex, but I went out with my bff other times and had just as much fun. Incidentally, the hidden quickie with the handsome guy only happened bc I was intensely fueled by a spiteful thought of "aw hell no, I won't close this year without having boned someone other than [redacted]!". So uh. Yeah. The say love makes you do things, but hooo boy, the things that spite makes u do!
Anyway, moving on! January rolled out and my soon-to-be-ex sent me a text for us to meet, and we did. We caught up at some public place, and at some point he asked me whether I wanted to get back together.
Now, the first sentence that popped into my brain, in all caps, was: "I'D RATHER DOUSE MYSELF IN GASOLINE AND LIGHT A MATCH LMAO" but I unfortunately held back enough to say "I think we're much too different people now" while choking back laughter. So he asked to be just friends and I was like, ah well, I guess?
And we had this whole talk in the cab on the way to drop me off at my place, and this is where the nickname to which I refer to him now, "the deceased", came to be.
See, he was very clearly trying to lay the groundwork to try and build a relationship with me again, talking abt how different people can still get along even if they're exes bc we are both so emotionally mature, etc.
And I jokingly say the most absurd thing I could think: "yeah, and even if we're different, it's not like you're gonna... idk, vote for bolsonaro".
And he did a double take. And. Very shyly, he said he was, in fact, gonna vote for him. Y'know the genocidal, pro-dictatorship, homophobic, corrupt, nightmare of a president with which we were later plagued with for four years in the middle of a pandemic.
That's when I realized this dude wasn't worth keeping around even as a distant acquaintance, and I had a whole mental funeral for this guy bc he would be dead to me from then on. Sad music, flowers, the whole thing. Rip in piss, as y'all say around here.
Once we arrived by my place's door, I asked him to wait in the cab while I went up real quick. When I came back, he was like "oh?? you wanna go somewhere else from here?"
and I simply shoved the very large plastic bag I'd carried down on the seat next to him, explaining: "no, it's just that this is all your crap that was still in my house and I don't want it here anymore. Bye."
What a terrific place to end this story! How dramatic! I mean, that guy was the worst thing I've ever had cling to me in my life, and that includes that one time in the woods when I was a kid and like a hundred ticks bit me.
Well, close the curtains on this show, then! This is a satisfying ending and surely you never heard of him again, right, OP? Right, OP????
[press X for the next stupid anecdote about the deceased]
[press Y to never hear about the deceased again]
[vanilla extract] (sorry I had to)
If this made you laugh, buy me a ko-fi to help me continue to afford the therapy I so clearly need lmao
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
i love snc which is why i follow this blog but there is a lot of negativity going around about people they were once close friends with. i think it's worth reminding everyone that we don't know any story 100% and it isn't our place to judge. the negativity only hurts yourself, too. take care of yourselves and let it go! 🫶🏻
i getchu anon. however… if i can speak my mind for just a moment.
i agree with the sentiment that we don't know the full story behind really anything snc related. i say that all the time and constantly remind everyone on here when things seem to be getting too heated. however, i also don't think we have to be positive all the time. of course, outright hating on someone isn't great or really necessary to get your point across. and especially sending hate is never the right thing to do, regardless of what that person has done. it's always best that if someone pisses you off deeply to just block them and move on bc it's not worth the energy it takes to pay attention to them.
that being said, ppl come on here to vent bc no one we vent about is on here. snc don't have an account on here, and neither does any of the other ppl we talk about. if i talk about sam, for instance, there's a 99.9% chance he's not gonna see it. but if he decides to come on here and search his tag, then he is actively wanting to see what ppl are saying. on other sites where he has a platform, he's getting opinions regardless of if he wants to see them or not. this place is just basically a space for us to scream into the void without the possibility of being seen, which is needed sometimes.
and with other sites, i can't exactly go on them and complain about a video or something dumb that happened or literally anything without someone being upset. that still happens on here too sometimes but i've also found a lot more ppl will agree with me bc they can be anonymous and not face backlash for having an unpopular opinion. that's why i allowed ppl to go anonymous and vent to me, bc literally no other platform with the snc fandom attached allows that. obviously, some ppl take it too far. i don't answer asks actually berating or calling someone names for the most part. there are constructive ways for us to say how we feel without getting mean.
but i will add that there are some ppl snc are or were friends with in the past that i personally believe have done some questionable shit, if not way worse. prime examples being brennen and elton. for those reasons alone, i'm not gonna talk highly of them ever. i will not be positive about them. some of their ex friends, i try my best to find the positives or not be so hard on, but if i feel like what they did is wrong, i'm not gonna be positive. granted, i could be completely wrong about the situation. and i'll admit that if i ever find out i am. but until then, i'm gonna have my opinion. and if you don't agree, totally understandable.
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good-enemy · 1 year
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers 💖
Aw thank you for sending this lovely 💜 you actually sent this to 2 of my blogs so I guess I get to do it twice! 😊💓
1. Music ❤ listening to it, making playlists, buying CDs, obsessing over it with other people who like the same music, waiting for new releases, going to concerts and everyone screaming along, just music music music msusicmuismsucic ❤❤❤
2. I passed my driving test yesterday and that has made me pretty happy! Finally I can crack out the P plates (they came in a pack with the L plates so they've been sat in a drawer for about a year and a half 😭)
3. Games or apps where u get to dress up a little character that looks like u 🥰 I literally change my bitmojis outfit like once a week on snapchat LOL I just love dressing things up 😆
4. Reading & writing! 📚✍ I can't wait until summer I'll have so much more time for it <3 every time I go into my bedroom my kindle is sat there staring at me like read me read me read me 😅
5. As much stress as it causes me my university course really does make me happy 💓 it's super interesting, I just love learning especially about psychology, all the projects I've been able to work on this year have been really fun, all my coursemates are lovely and there's only 5 of us so there's no drama 😅 also i think the course that I'm on has only been running for 3 or 4 years and this is the last year they're running it bc it's not popular enough for the university to justify it :( so I feel really lucky that i got to do it bc it really is the perfect course for me lol - also not to be a massive sap but I really love my university as well, everyone is so lovely and the campus is so lovely and I'm lowkey sad that I have to leave but I know I'll be welcome back anytime ☺
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