#and on day 7 my creativity ran out
elena-gilbert · 1 month
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SANSA WEEK 2024 → Day 7: Future GAME OF THRONES 6.10 ― "The Winds of Winter"
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ivrousae · 7 months
- Take A Chance With Me ✩°。⋆⸜ 🦢✮
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Synopsis: You and Gunwook have had a complicated history with each other since ages ago, but a 7-day trip changed it all for you both.
Genre: fluff, angst (with a good ending), academic rivals, enemies to lovers, childhood friends
Pairing: Gunwook X Fem!reader
Word count: 9.5k (lol………..)
Warnings: skinship, kissing, cursing, a lot of teasing, mentions of wearing make up, pet names, a lot of sensitive topics (parents, family, grades/academics, etc), please tell me if i missed some
A/N: there WILL be so many typos and grammar error bcs I did not double check hehe, I got confused about where I should have them go for the trip, and because I’m Indonesian, I was just like “Oh, Bali it is” LMAO, and let’s act like everyone In the story already has their driver's license☝🏻, OH, and play your sad playlist from day 3 until the end of day 4 for a better experience😋😋😋
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You and Gunwook have known each other for basically your whole life, things were okay between the two of you up until the first year of middle school, at first, the two of you drifted from each other, he joined the soccer club, giving him a new group of friends, while you have your own, but the two of you have gotten a little competitive with each other, academically, creatively, or just generally.
There had never been a single day where the two of you didn't bicker with each other, now that is if you guys even talk with one another, other days are just filled with your own life, no interactions what so ever.
You’d be lying if you said that there has never been a day where you weren’t sad that your friendship with Gunwook changed so drastically in a snap of a finger, but that was way back during middle school, it’s safe to say that you’ve learned to accept it.
“UGH, Y/N WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG?” Your best friend Yunjin asked on the phone “Girl, I’m right behind your car,” you said as you rolled your eyes before hanging up the phone and opening the door of Yunjin’s car.
“Oh, HEY BAE! I’m so excited about this trip, I can’t wait to finally have some days off from these assignments” Yunjin laughs as she starts her car and drives away from your house “Is everyone on their way to the airport yet?” you asked “yup, they’re on their way” she smiled. The one-hour drive to the airport was filled with laughter and screams as your favorite songs played on the Bluetooth.
As both of you arrived at the airport, you noticed that your other friends had also arrived, Gyuvin, Ricky, Matthew, Sheon, Winter, and…Gunwook!?
“Yunjin???” You stopped in your tracks the second you saw Gunwook standing with the other guys in the waiting room “Huh? What?” “You didn’t tell me Gunwook will be coming?” You spoke out, a little frustrated from the sudden news “Oh…see, because I knew you wouldn’t wanna come if you knew that Gunwook was coming, so I didn't tell you about that, sorry..” she laughed nervously “You should’ve told me? Now I’ll have to deal with his ass for the rest of the week, this is not any better than 50 assignments, JENNIFER.” “WOAH, you even brought up my English name and all, MY BAD?!?!?!” “Whatever” You shrugged, continuing your path to the waiting room to meet with the others.
Let’s all be honest, we all know the nonchalant face you have while you walk over there was all an act, you hated the fact that you’ll have to put up with him, but you don’t wanna seem like a sensitive no fun loser in front of him, that’ll just give him more reasons to tease you.
“Y/N!!! YUNJIN!!!” The girls shouted in excitement, their faces were occupied with bright smiles as they ran to hug you and Yunjin, while the guys just smiled and waved before continuing their conversation.
After an hour or two, the plane has finally boarded. You sat down with Yunjin, Winter sat down with Sheon, Ricky sat down with Matthew, and Gyuvin sat down with Gunwook, unfortunately, their seat was behind yours and Yunjin’s.
“Hey, Y/n, lend me your phone real quick” Gyuvin reached out his hands while tapping your shoulders “For what?” you asked confused by his sudden request “I need to search for something, my battery died” he responded. You handed him the phone, a little concerned, but what is he gonna do anyways?
After a few minutes, he returned your phone, the second you opened your gallery, it was filled with silly selfies that Gyuvin and Gunwook had taken, “Was your battery even out?” you looked back to him “Nope” he chuckled while scrolling thru his phone.
A few hours have passed, and the 8 of you have finally arrived at your destination, Bali! You and your friends used the car that you guys rented to go to the Villa you’re staying at for the week, entering the car, Gunwook sat in the driver’s seat while the others were in the passenger’s seat. “You’re driving?…” You asked a little concerned “Yeah? I’m a good driver, trust” he laughed, putting on the seatbelt before driving “If I die, I swear to god Gunwook I’ll be keeping you awake for the rest of your life” “Go on” he replied nonchalantly while he starts driving.
“Can someone put on some music? It’s kinda quiet in here” Ricky sighed “Ooooo yes! I have the perfect playlist for this” Winter responded, pulling out her phone to open an app. Once again, the drive to the villa was filled with laughs and screams as your favorite songs played on the Bluetooth.
{ Section 1 - The trip! }
- Day 1
☆ 3.45 PM
When you arrived at the villa, you were happy to be there of course, but you were a bit too drained to join the others talking in the living room, so you decided to excuse yourself to your bedroom, “Guys, I'm gonna go clean up and rest for a bit, I’ll join you guys later on” You smiled, taking your bags with you to the bedroom.
You took a deep breath while you lay down on the bed, the room was cold, and the glass wall with the glass door in front of your bed led to a balcony, which showed a view of the pool in the backyard and the beach behind it have given you the best atmosphere ever.
You get up from your bed to go to the bathroom inside of your bedroom, removing your make-up before getting into the shower. You were drowned in the warmth of the shower, and the sudden rush of freshness yet comfort took over your tired body, finally waking you up for reality, the good thing is, you’re out on a trip with your friends, the bad thing is, one of the ‘friends’ is Gunwook.
After your warm shower, you go back to your room and change into something more comfortable before plopping yourself onto the bed and scrolling down on your phone. Without noticing, scrolling down on your phone has slowly drifted you to sleep.
☆ 5.40 PM
You woke up from your nap due to someone softly shaking you “Huh?” you said confused “God, you’re finally awake, get up, we’re gonna go get dinner,” Gunwook said while opening the curtains “Let me sleep in for another 5 minutes” you groaned, putting a pillow over your head “Fine, I only woke you up because everyone else is already getting ready, if we leave you then don’t blame it on me” he shrugged, leaving your bedroom and shutting the doors “Ughhhh, fine I’ll get up” you whined tiredly, sitting down on your bed to gather up your sober self first.
After getting ready, You went out of your bedroom to see that everyone else was sitting down in the living room while waiting for you “Oh my god, took you long enough” Sheon complained, standing up from the couch “I was taking a nap” you laughed “Okay okay, C’mon, we don’t have much time” Matthew spoke out while taking the car keys on the table.
☆ 7.05 PM
“I’m sitting beside you?” Gunwook said unhappily while turning off his phone “If it was my choice, I’d be sitting at a different table from you, so if you want to complain, don’t say it to me” You rolled your eyes “Can you guys not argue for once?” Yunjin asked while looking at the both of you up and down “No” the both of you replied at the same time “Suit yourself” she sighed.
“Gunwook, lend me that spoon,” you said while pointing at the spoon beside him “Take it yourself” he replied “Bitch?” “I’m kidding” he laughed, giving you a gentle push on the shoulders before handing you the spoon “Thanks” you smiled sarcastically.
The breezy air at night on the beach has given the restaurant such a cozy vibe, the most surprising thing, is that you still feel comfortable in there even when you’re sitting next to the person you hate the most.
The warm delicate food filled your and your friend’s stomachs in the best way possible, it’s safe to say that the dinner went smoothly!
☆ 11.55 PM
After a long tiring night, good sleep is all that you need, when you’ve arrived at your villa, you cleaned yourself up and went straight to bed.
- Day 2
☆ 7.30 AM
You wake up from your slumber, and a glimpse of the sun shines through the curtains blinding your eyes “That’s bright” you say in your sleepy voice.
You got out of bed and washed your face before exiting your bedroom, You were greeted by Gunwook who was making himself some breakfast “A lion’s out of her cage” he said teasingly “Shut up” you said quietly “Where is everyone else?” “They’re still asleep, why are you awake so early always?” he asked “I don’t know. My body just decided to wake up” You laid down on the couch, eyes still sleepy “Cool, get off I wanna sit down” Gunwook declared while holding a plate of food “No? Sit down on the ground” He clicked his tongue before pulling you out of the couch “You’re so annoying” You groaned, getting up from the ground and walking to the kitchen “If I’m annoying then you should go and check out what’s wrong with you” he scoffed as he searched for some shows to watch on the TV.
“Why are you guys so loud? It’s too early for this” Gyuvin got out of his room, hair messy and face sleepy “If your friend isn’t so bitchy, we wouldn’t be so loud” You said while slowly taking a glance at Gunwook “C’mon, he’s your friend too Y/n” Gyuvin laughed “No he’s not?” “No I’m not?” Both of you said in sync “Oh!” Gyuvin reacted “I tried, I’m going back to sleep” He entered his room and shut the door.
☆ 9.15 AM
Finally, everyone is awake! The 8 of you guys sat down together in the backyard of the villa, having random conversations while drinking some fresh beverages.
You guys spent the rest of the day out shopping and hunting for some traditional food, and of course, you guys had to visit the beach and experience the beauty there.
☆ 10.30 PM
The day has passed and it’s finally nighttime, you and your friends sat around a bonfire while having deep conversations, silly conversations, stupid conversations, and even drunk confessions on a sober brain. At this moment of the day, all 8 of you have grown to connect more, the bond between all of you has grown to be stronger than before, and what’s most important, is that all of you understand each other more, as shocking as this will sound, you and Gunwook have somehow slowly understood each other more, no, that doesn’t break the hatred you both have for each other, but it delivered the both of you some understanding
“Oh c’mon Ricky that’s such a dumb confession” Sheon scoffed “What? I literally just confessed my love for strawberries to you guys?” “Yeah, and we know about that already you dumbass” Winter chuckled “Hmmm, Gunwook, how bout you? Do you have any confessions?” Matthew asked, “Maybe about how you’re able to achieve the title of ‘best student award’ every year?” he chuckled “Oh..honestly, I think I just grew up with my parents having to force my academic scores to be high, even with the titles that I’ve gotten these past few years, they’re still not satisfied” he lets out a soft chuckle, a forced one for sure, “But you’re always first in class? Let alone class, our whole grade?!” Gyuvin spoke out shocked by Gunwook’s confession “It’s hard to satisfy them, dude, but it’s fine, really, I’ve already grown to accept it” he laughed
“Y/n, you good? Why are you so quiet?” Yunjin asked concerned “Hm? Yeah, I’m good, I’m just a little tired” You smiled “If you’re tired you can just go back inside and sleep, it’s getting late anyways!” Sheon mentioned while checking the time on her phone “No no, it’s okay, I’ll stay” “Just sleep, if you stay you’ll just end up falling asleep” Gunwook said teasingly yet softly at the same time “You know what guys, I’m also getting a little tired, let’s end today and go to sleep” Winter stood up while taking her stuff “Okayy, good night guys” Yunjin enunciated and everyone went back inside to their own bedrooms.
There’s something about that conversation keeping you up that night, you asked yourself “Am I just over-sensitive? Or am I just jealous?” while staring up at the dark ceiling of the bedroom. Ever since your rivalry with Gunwook started in middle school, You grew up with this pressure in your heart, constantly telling yourself to just..be better than him. You’ve always been compared to him, even by your parents, as much as you work for something. Your achievement can never be better than Gunwook’s, he’s first in class, so why are you always second? You work equally just as hard as him? And if you finally beat Gunwook on something, people would still have their focus on Gunwook, Okay?! He’s the popular smart soccer player in school that everybody has a crush on, but all you’ve ever asked for is to be appreciated.
“This is dumb” you sighed, holding back tears and putting a blanket over your body, letting yourself fall asleep.
- Day 3
☆ 9.15 AM
“Hey you seem like you’re in a bad mood, what’s wrong?” Gyuvin asked you “Nothing’s wrong? Just still a little sleepy, you know?” “I see, well if you’re really that tired just go back to sleep, we don’t have anything to do yet anyway,” he said while scrolling through his phone.
“Hey, y/n, come here!” Yunjin shouted from the kitchen “Coming!” you walked over to the kitchen “Help me make some cookies” she laughed “Call for Gunwook too, I need him to help prepare the ingredients” “Okay, hold up” you smiled, walking yourself to Gunwook’s room before knocking on his door “Come in” he shouted “Yunjin wants you to help her prepare some ingredients for making cookies, c’mon” you leaned over the door frame “Fine, give me a minute”
You went back downstairs and after a few minutes of waiting, Gunwook finally came down to help “What do you need help with?” he asked “Can you take the bowl on the top shelf?” “Yeah, hold on” he answered, reaching up for the bowl with such ease.
The baking session for the three of you was interesting, You guys honestly made a big mess and Gunwook kept on putting flour on your face, but the cookies turned out pretty good so you couldn’t even complain about it.
☆ 00.40 AM
The day ended, and everybody was asleep, but yet again, something was bothering you, you hated it, you hated having that weird burden inside of you. The worst part of it is that you know this is all because of your jealousy toward Gunwook, you didn’t want to be jealous of him, but you were.
You decided that you needed something to drink, so you went out of your bedroom to get something from the kitchen, but the sight of Gunwook sitting down on one of the chairs on the kitchen’s aisle stopped you, you hesitated, but you went for it.
You tried your best to avoid eye contact with him while taking some water from the dispenser, but knowing that he was looking at you made it hard for you to not look at him back.
“Hey, Gunwook..” You sighed “I’ve tried to keep this to myself, but sometimes it’s so hard to act as if I don't hold anything against you but I do.” you scoffed “Y/n” he spoke out with a low tone “Look, I’m sorry that your parents have put so much pressure on you, I’m sorry that it’s hard for you to satisfy them, but do you always have to steal every single fucking thing from me Gunwook?” “What?” he scoffed “What is it that I have stolen from you, huh? Everything they’ve pressured me to do is all because of YOU, y/n.” “You don’t understand Gunwook, All these years, you’ve been number one, constantly, number one, number one, and number one, and where am I? What place am I entitled to? Second. All this time I’ve lost to you, all attention is on you, all of the pride goes to you Gunwook. Oh, look! Park gunwook! The best student in the school huh? And then there's Me, Y/n, the student who studies day and night just to be a tutor for lacking students without being appreciated at all. You know my parents loved you like their son Gunwook, maybe you don’t notice this but I grew up being compared to you and it isn’t fair?! You’ve stolen everything from me, the least you can spare for me is just to let me make my parents proud, wook..” Each word gets louder and louder from all the rage you’ve held.
Pushing his shoulders with your fingers on every sentence to express your anger, Gunwook stood there listening to your rage, before he took a deep breath
“Look, I wasn’t trying to hurt you Y/n and I’m sorry if I did, but I never stole your chance of making your parents proud, I’m sure they’re proud of you but let me say this. You might think I’ve accomplished something by taking first place all the time, but trust me I never reached my goal. If being first can make your parents proud then take the place y/n, because as much as I try, my parents will never appreciate me for it, so even if I’m first, we’re equal aren’t we? I’m first yet the person I try to satisfy has nothing to say about it, you’re second and no one appreciates you for it, right? Loss and loss. Being first and second won’t make a change for me y/n, so if you want appreciation from people, take my place. I might have people mentioning me for it but all I need is for my parents to say the things THEY did, so take everything.”
Gunwook wanted to be mad at you, he wanted to shout at you, but he couldn’t. All the rage that you’ve held against him, he’s held the same amount, yet he can’t make himself shout at you, even with the biggest desire, his voice just couldn’t come out.
“Sometimes I wished our parents weren’t friends, maybe that way we wouldn’t get to each other’s ways like this,” you said, holding back pools of tears
“I wished for the same thing, trust me I did”
Holding back tears had been the hardest thing to do the whole night, and at this point, you couldn’t hold it in any longer, so you rushed to your bedroom, leaving Gunwook standing alone.
☆ 7.15 AM
“Y/n, wake up, let’s get breakfast!” Winter shouted while knocking on your locked door “I’m awake, give me a minute” you shouted back “Woah, you’re awake early” she laughed.
Of course you were awake early, you didn’t even sleep, did you? You let your emotions take over you, and you feel good after letting them out but there are some regrets wandering around.
- Day 4
☆ 7.30 AM
After quickly cleaning up, you went out of your room wearing something simple like shorts and a T-shirt, as the eight of you were just going somewhere nearby for breakfast.
“Oh, y/n come sit here” Yunjin tapped on the space beside her on the couch, signing you to sit beside her, but you saw that Gunwook was sitting on the other side of the couch, and you didn’t feel like seeing him so you sat down on the kitchen counter “Why are you sitting so far away? Just sit here?” Sheon questioned, “Because, why not?..” you laughed awkwardly, Gunwook turned his head from his phone to your direction, but he didn't say anything, his face was straight, and the burden that you felt was probably the same for Gunwook. “C’mon, I’m hungry” Ricky spoke out while rolling the sleeves of his button up.
☆ 8.05 AM
After waiting for the food, your orders finally came, you sat beside Sheon while Gunwook was in the seat in front of you, was it a good sitting, no, but was it a better option than having to sit beside him? YES.
As your orders finally arrived, you reached your hands to take the bottle of sauce on the table, when your hands touched the bottle, you felt Gunwook’s hand on top of yours, also trying to take the sauce, “Oh, sorry, you take it” the both of you said at the same time “No, no it’s fine, Gunwook you take it” “Nah, I’ll take it after you” “Gunwook, just take it.” you laughed awkwardly “Won’t you wanna be first for once? You know, I can’t be the first one all the time, right?” “Oh? You know, maybe when you decide to take that sauce first your parents will be pro-” “OKAAAYYYY, I’m taking the sauce, thanks guys” Matthew cuts off your sentence before you can continue any further “What in the world is going on with the two of you” Ricky asked “Sorry” You quietly said to Gunwook.
☆ 10.15 AM
What is a better way to relax with your friends in Bali other than going to the beach? The sensation of having a filled stomach made you and your friends too lazy to do activities that exert too much energy, so the eight of you went to the beach behind your villa to relax.
As your friends were playing with the water, Gunwook accidentally splashed water onto your body, of course, it wasn’t a big deal, but because it was Gunwook who did it, you rolled your eyes as a reflex. Although you didn’t want to ruin the fun for other people, you decided to ignore him and continue with what you were doing.
“What is it with the two of you?” Sheon asked while looking your way “What do you mean?” “God, forget it” she sighed.
It reached the point where you and Gunwook could not stop getting passive-aggressive toward each other, almost starting a fight, or even having small fights here and there. Some examples of the other times you guys fought that day was when you went to a tourist attraction a couple of hours after going to the beach.
You were just walking around the streets of the area, and Gunwook suddenly pushed you with his shoulders by ‘accident’, “Can you not?” you said frustrated by his action “What? It was an accident?” he scoffed, continuing his walk like nothing even happened.
Or maybe when the eight of you had finally gone home to the villa after a long day, and as you guys were sitting down on the couch, you and Gunwook would bicker here and there, it was a small fight at first but then it got annoying to the others.
☆ 6.45 PM
“What is it with the two of you, stop,” Yunjin spoke out in the middle of your and Gunwook’s quarrel, her voice close to shouting “You two were just fine yesterday, what happened?” she sighed.
You and Gunwook stayed silent. It was a normal thing for you guys to fight, it was weirder for you guys to get along rather than fight every single day, but that’s the problem. The two of you got along, well, kind of, but before the fight you two had last night, everything was fine, you guys can last a day without having to fight each other, and even have conversations to keep up with each other’s life after a while, but the two of you were stubborn, you both realized that, but being the stubborn person you two are, none of you wanted to admit it.
“You know, you guys just need to stop being so stubborn?” Winter said softly, her eyes still focused on his phone “You guys continue doing your thing, I’m gonna get cleaned up” Gyuvin stood up from the couch, stretching his body before heading to his bedroom.
☆ 9.01 PM
You were sitting down on the patio swing in the backyard of your Villa, drowning yourself in thoughts as you stared at the view. Without noticing, a tear fell from your eye as you were thinking about everything that had been overwhelming you these past few days.
You quickly wiped off your tears when you heard the backyard door opening, showing Gunwook’s figure walking to the swing that you were on, “Can I sit beside you?” he asked coldly, you nodded your head, signing that it was okay for him to sit beside you. Gunwook placed himself on the other corner of the swing, both of your eyes were fixed on the view of the backyard with no one brave enough to make an eye contact.
“Can I be honest?” Gunwook requested “Yeah, go on” “Remember in 5th grade when we’d have sleepovers at your place or my place with our other friends? when we played games together, we’d always end up on the same team, winning every single round?” “Mhm” you slightly smiled “Or, maybe we were against each other in some games, but if one of us wins, we’d give each other a hug while saying good job?” he laughed “Of course I remember” “Y/n, we were always so proud of each other back then, so why can’t we do that now? I don't know how it is for you, but having that pressure inside of me all the time because of the constant competitiveness we have toward each other is slowly killing me.” He said calmly while playing with his fingers. Once again, you were holding back tears, “Gunwook..” You said speechless, “These past few years, all that we’ve been doing is just working so hard for a title, a title that can make our parents proud of us, that was our promise right? But we got too competitive. If no one will be proud of us, then let’s just be proud of each other Y/n.”
The last few words that Gunwook said in his sentence were able to let all of your tears lose, you’ve tried your hardest to hold back the tears but they couldn’t stay, even when you were already crying, the tears just couldn’t stop, could it?
“Stop crying, you look stupid” Gunwook chuckled and pushed you gently, trying to make you feel annoyed rather than sad “Shut up” You laughed while tears were still falling “All jokes aside, I’m sorry, yeah?” he pats your shoulders “I’m sorry wook” You sobbed.
Who would’ve known? Who would’ve known that you and your childhood friend would finally apologize to each other sincerely on a trip where you didn’t even want him to come on?
Guess the world has its ways.
- Day 5
☆ 8.00 AM
You got up from your bed to exit your bedroom, seeing Sheon, Yunjin, Gyuvin, Ricky, and Gunwook sitting down on the couch in the living room “The sloth is awake” Gunwook teased “Yeah, good morning to you too Gunwook” you said sarcastically before sitting down next to Gunwook on the couch “Ya’ll good now?” Yunjin asked confused “Yeah, what happened to the fighting? I was enjoying the drama” Gyuvin yawned.
You and Gunwook just laughed, not agreeing but not denying their words as you looked at each other. What Gunwook said last night was right, what’s the point of hating each other when you have the same goals? It’s only better to support each other.
“Oh my god, you’re not denying?” Sheon gasped “Why are you so shocked?” you laughed “I can sleep in peace” Ricky cheered, this was the moment that all your friends had waited for, something as simple as ‘stop being so stubborn to each other’ took you and Gunwook ages to do, It’s about time to try and do so.
“Gyuvin, wake the others up, let’s go out” Yunjin smiled “Me? Why me?” he groaned “Because you’re the most energetic right now?” “Whatever” he sighed, getting up from the couch before walking to the other’s room.
The rest of the day went great, you and your friends had fun, enjoying the sky, the activities, the air, and of course the view. What made it even better is that you get to experience all of this with your friends, and most importantly, someone you can now call your childhood friend and not your enemy.
☆ 7.15 PM
It was now dinner time and you sat beside Gunwook in the restaurant. Jazz music and dim lights give a certain vibe to the dinner table, camera lights flashing from the number of pictures taken of each other, you looked at Gunwook, confused about what to order “I seriously don’t know what to order, I’m not even hungry yet” you sighed “Well, you still have to order something? This looks good” he said while pointing to one of the dishes stated on the menu.
While waiting for the food to arrive, the long day that you’ve had that day has made you feel drowsy, you place your head onto your arms on the table, close your eyes, and fall asleep. When you wake up, you see that Gunwook’s jacket is wrapped around your body to prevent you from getting cold, you sit down properly, taking the jacket to give it back to Gunwook, “Thanks” you smile, leaning your head on his shoulders from still being tired.
You hesitated to do that at first, but when you finally placed your head on his shoulders, it gave you peace, nothing feels weird when it comes to physical touch with him because of the memories you’ve shared since childhood, but it seems like you’ve forgotten about that before you rested your head.
“No problem” Gunwook smiled, patting your shoulders in response. As you had your conversations with Gunwook with your head on his shoulders, Yunjin, who sat in front of you, secretly took a picture of the two of you, capturing a beautiful memory that will last a life time.
☆ 11.45 PM
Coming home to the villa from dinner with a happy stomach, you immediately got cleaned up and went to bed, preparing yourself for the upcoming days.
- Day 6
The trip with your friends is nearing an end, so the eight of you spend the remaining moments walking around Bali, shopping, going to the beach, eating some more traditional foods, and learning more about the culture.
Spending the whole day out with different activities was a lot of fun, but it drained all of your energy by the end of the day. When you all went home to the Villa, you guys spent more time talking and ordering food before heading to bed.
☆ 00.40 AM
You were lying down on your bed while scrolling through your phone before hearing a knock on the door. When you opened the door, you saw Gunwook standing with his hoodie, shorts, and glasses, “Need anything?” you ask “Yeah, I’m bored” he sighed “So? What should we do?” “I have some ideas” he smiled, pulling your hands gently to follow his lead.
The two of you ran to the car that you guys rented on day one, “Where are we going?” you asked confused “Anywhere, just get in the car” he laughed. As he starts the car, he sets up his phone to put some music on the Bluetooth, giving a fun vibe to the moment.
Gunwook drove around the empty streets with the car, blasting music with the windows down for the wind to enter.
Suddenly, Gunwook stopped the car on the beach, the lonely beach was illuminated by the moon’s grace. The two of you sat down on a bench inside the beach, it was silent, the only noise filling the space between the two of you was from the waves in the ocean, but that was what made it beautiful, the silence wasn’t awkward, it was far from awkward, the silence connected the two hearts and the two souls.
“Hey, Gunwook” You looked at him “Hm?” “I’ve had a lot of fun, thanks” You smiled, and Gunwook gave you a sweet look, his eyes filled with genuine Awe before he wrapped his arms around your shoulders “My pleasure, y/n” he laughed, ruffling your hair till it was messy.
You spent your time at the beach walking around while having deep talks, writing your names on the sand, and chasing each other around. The amount of fun you had that night was unexplainable, believe it or not, you were glad you spent the night with Gunwook at the beach while opening up to each other.
“It’s late, we should go back to the Villa” Gunwook declared while checking the time on his phone “You’re right, let’s go” you replied, walking back to the car with Gunwook to head back.
☆ 2.18 AM
“Thanks again, I had fun!” you tiptoed to give Gunwook a pat on the head in front of your room “No need to thank me, Good night, sleep well” he laughed, giving you a short hug before heading to his room, the hug was warm, it gave you all the comfort you’ve ever needed.
The hug was short, but it stayed in your mind the whole night, it’s just odd to think that you and your childhood friend have finally fixed your friendship after years, but you’ve grown to love it
-Day 7
☆ 10.00 AM
Packed and ready, you and your friends finally went to the airport to end the trip. All eight of you felt a little sad to leave Bali, but there will always be another time to come back.
“Here, let me help you with that,” Gunwook said while taking your bag “You don’t need to” “I know, but I want to” he smiled, carrying your bag and his bag.
There were a lot of ups and downs during the trip, but it was great to end it on good terms.
In the airplane, your seat was beside Gunwook’s, if it was the first day of the trip, you would’ve complained and asked one of your friends to switch seats, but it isn’t the first day, so it’s safe to say that you were quite happy with the sitting.
You’d often fall asleep and wake up with your head on his shoulders, and sometimes your arms would be intertwined with his.
Other parts of the flight would be filled with your silly conversations with Gunwook, and some more catch-ups during the few years.
{ Section 2: Trip’s aftermath! }
After the trip, you and Gunwook would often hang out at school during breaks, and even hang out after school, some people were confused because of the sudden change of behavior between the two of you, and some of them were even jealous of you.
Gunwook would often come over to your house during his free time when the two of you were bored and had nothing to do.
One week after the trip the eight of you had to Bali, school unfortunately started and you had to continue your routine of studying all the time. You and Gunwook were assigned as pairs for a project, so you decided to come to your house to finish it.
“Gunwook?!” Your sister Amaya shouted from the living room when she saw Gunwook standing by the door “May?” he smiled “I haven’t seen you in ages!!” Amaya laughs, running to Gunwook’s open arms “How old are you now?” Gunwook asked as he let go of the hug “I’m ten now” she smiled, showing a shocked expression on Gunwook’s face “Weren’t you like five when I last saw you?” “Well, it has been a couple of years” “Okay you two, Amaya you can talk to your long-lost brother after we finish this project, and Gunwook you can also talk to your long-lost sister after we finish this project, okay?” You chuckled, patting your sister’s head softly “Okay sis, bye-bye Gunwook!” she smiled.
Considering you and Gunwook have known each other since birth, Gunwook has also been familiar with your sister ever since she was born, when your parents were out together, Gunwook and you would often take care of Amaya back then, but it stopped ever since your rivalry started with him, and Amaya missed Gunwook for a while, he was like a brother to her.
The project was a pretty big one, and the deadline was still in a couple of weeks, so you and Gunwook decided to only research things for the project today and continue the main thing on the other meets. When Gunwook exited your room, he saw Amaya sitting down on the couch “Amaya, I’ll be heading home okay!!” he said “Okay!! Please visit more” she replied with a smile “I will!!”
When Gunwook and you reached the front door, Gunwook bid his goodbyes by hugging you before entering his car, closing the doors, and driving away.
☆ 2.35 AM
Ever since you were young, you’d often get nightmares here and there, some of them aren’t that scary, but some of them are capable of keeping you awake the whole night, and in this case, it kept you up all night.
Your parents are on a business trip and your sister is already asleep, you are shivering and scared beneath your sheets, unable to move a single muscle due to the fear you have. The only thing within reachable distance was your phone, you thought of someone who could accompany you, but nobody came to mind, but there was one person who lives near you, and who you also feel comfortable with, Park Gunwook.
You took your phone, dialing his number with a heavy breath and panicked state. It took some time for him to answer, his voice tired and low, signaling that he was long asleep before you called him, “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked when he heard your heavy breathing “Gunwook, I can’t sleep” You replied slowly as your words were cut off by your breathing “Oh is it your nightmares again? Calm down, you’re okay, give me a couple of minutes and I’ll be there” he spoke out, you could hear the rustling from his bed when he hurriedly stood up to put on his hoodie.
“I’m not gonna hang up, so just lay down and scroll through your phone, I won’t take long” he comforted you while starting his car, driving through the empty streets at midnight for you.
After a few minutes passed by, you heard the passcode from your door getting unlocked, and as you were about to panic, you heard Gunwook’s voice through the phone “It’s me, don’t panic, I’ll hang up now” he enunciates
Your bedroom door opened, revealing Gunwook with his Hoodie and his shorts, accompanied by his glasses and messy hair, he walked over to you, pulling you into a comforting hug “You’re okay y/n, you’re okay” he chuckled, placing soft rubs on your head with the hug “Stop laughing” you whined “I just find it funny how you’re still scared of your nightmares, I remember having to comfort you all night during our sleepover when we were kids” he conveyed “Sorry for bothering you, It’s late” You sighed “It’s fine, I understand” he smiled.
Gunwook ended up staying the night at your place because it was also too late for him to drive back and he was tired….and you were also still scared.
A few days passed and Gunwook came over to your house after school again for you guys to finish the project.
When the two of you were taking a break, you both laid down on the bed, bored and hungry, “I’m hungry” you sighed “Same, any food downstairs?” Gunwook asked, “Nah, you wanna order something?” “Yeah, sure” he smiled, sitting down on the bed to stretch his body.
When the food arrived, you and Gunwook ate your meals while watching the series that the two of you started together.
You worked on the project until it was late at night. When the clock struck 11.30 PM, you and Gunwook had finally finished half of the project, raining the room with happiness and relief, both of you cheered and gave each other a high five before Gunwook lifted you in a hug to spin you around, making you shout “Okay okay! Put me down” you laughed “I’ll get going now, sleep well, call me if you get more nightmares” he smiled, quickly patting your head before leaving your house.
You went back into your bedroom, lying down and smiling to yourself from all the butterflies in your stomach, “Stop why do I feel like this, am I going insane” you laughed awkwardly, obviously denying the truth.
“Hey Amaya, Gunwook is coming over again for our project, so don’t be too loud, okay?” You smiled “You know me, I’m never loud! And, is he your boyfriend yet?” she giggles “What kind of question is that?” “Oh, I know you’ve been giggling about him, sis!” “In your dreams? Go back to your bedroom.” you scoffed before hearing a knock on your front door, Amaya shrugged her shoulders and sprinted to her room, leaving you alone to open the door.
When you opened the door, you saw Gunwook standing with a bag of food “So we won't have to order food again, I got us some food on the way here” he smiled “Thanks, Gunwook” you laughed, ruffling his hair while you tiptoe.
Okay let's be clear, your feelings are there, it's obvious to you that you like him, but you’re in denial. Why? Because falling in love with your childhood friend who then turned into your enemy, then your best friend feels a little…odd? You keep on questioning yourself ‘What is he gonna think about me?’ What image would he have on you if he figures out that you are quite literally in love with him? Is the friendship gonna end again? Or will it be a good ending?
But during your daily overthinking session, Gunwook suddenly texted you
Gunwook: Hey, let’s go somewhere, I’m bored
You: Sure, what time?
Gunwook: I’ll pick you up by 6, get ready
You: Okayyyy
You didn’t even know where you were gonna go, but it was an automatic response for you to say yes when he asked you to go somewhere, you didn’t even hesitate.
You wore an outfit that matched the weather outside, the outfit fits you well, starting from how the colors blend into your shade well, to how nicely fitted the clothes are with your body shape.
After getting ready, you checked and saw that the clock had reached 6 PM. Right when you realize, you feel your phone buzzing, showing an incoming call from Gunwook.
“I’m downstairs” his voice was heard from the phone “Gimme a minute” you replied, spraying yourself with perfume before going downstairs to his car.
As you entered his car, he wore an outfit that matched yours perfectly, making the two of you look like an inseparable couple. “Hey, we’re matching” Gunwook laughed, ruffling your hair in adorance “I know right, what a coincidence” you replied, a bright smile plastered across your face.
Gunwook started to drive his car, and you arrived at a park filled with cute restaurants and cafes. The area was lively, it was surrounded by flowers and nature, giving you a fresh yet graceful atmosphere.
Turned out, Gunwook had already booked a seat in one of the restaurants for the two of you, he chose the semi-outdoor restaurant, the walls covering you were all glass and the interior had a lot of greens, there was even a fountain on the center of the restaurant.
Because the wall and the ceiling were glass, the moonlight from above shined through the glass, with all of the beautiful things surrounding you, like nature, the moonlight, the small candle in the center of the table, and most importantly, Park Gunwook, you felt safe and comfortable.
When your meals arrived, Gunwook fed you some of his dish, smiling at your puffed cheeks while you munched on the food he fed you.
Eating and having silly talks with him definitely filled up your stomach, but there’s always enough space for ice cream.
While the two of you walked by the park to the nearest ice cream shop, he pointed at the stars, while you stared at the beautiful sight of the star, he was also starting at a beautiful sight, you.
“Wait here, I’ll buy us the ice cream,” he declared, pointing at the bench near the ice cream shop, you nodded, not thinking much about it. While waiting for Gunwook to come back with the ice cream, you spent your time on your phone, scrolling through endless contents, before noticing that it had been sometime after Gunwook left.
You were just about to text him before you felt someone’s finger tap your shoulder. You saw Gunwook standing there with a smile, holding two cups of ice cream…a stuffed animal and…flowers?
“Sorry if that took a little long” he chuckled, giving you the cup of ice cream “Oh, and here’s one more thing” he smiled, handing the bouquet filled with roses, “The sudden bouquet? What’s going on?” you looked at him suspiciously, “I think you missed the note inside there, read it” he laughs “Hold on” you sighed, taking out the note before quietly reading it.
‘Okay y/n, I know you hate bullshits so let me just get to the point HAHA, after the trip we had to Bali, we fixed our friendship and we were able to catch up with each other, and when school started again, we were paired up for the project, and from all those days I’ve spent at your house, I would find myself constantly thinking about you when I’m at home, even somehow missing your annoying ass the second I drove away from your house. Yeah yeah cringe whatever, but I like you, and it’s not something that I can control, thank you for understanding me, thank you for keeping up with me, so, will you Take a chance with me?’
You gasped the second you finished the letter and realized that Gunwook felt the same way as you. You faced him, holding back a stupid amount of tears after being relieved that he wouldn't think you’re insane, and also because it got to you, the guy you grew up with, the guy who was always there for you, but also the guy who you hate, the guy who you can't spend a single day with ever since middle school, fell for you, and you fell for him? The long years you’ve spent together, thinking that you will have no feelings for each other at all.
You laughed, feeling tears coming out of your eyes “This is so dumb, why am I crying” you whined, standing up from the bench to walk into Gunwook’s opened arms “Yeah, why are you crying?” he laughed, brushing soft strokes on your hair while he hugs you.
After taking a moment to let go of your tears, you took a breath, stepping out of Gunwook’s hug, still sniffling after crying “Sorry, your shirt is kinda wet now” you giggled “It’s been through worse” he smiled “And, yes, I'll take a chance with you, Gunwook” you looked at him, his face filled with mixed expression, you can tell that he was shocked, but you can also tell that he was happy about it “Seriously?” “Yeah” “You’re not joking?” “I’m serious,” you said, Gunwook hurriedly hugged you once again, lifting you while spinning you around “Thank you” he whispered while he slowly put you down.
You and Gunwook continued your time at the park while intertwining your fingers together, the two of you look like an inseparable couple, and you most definitely are an inseparable couple from now.
Even when he was driving you home, he drove with one hand, the other one holding yours as his eyes were focused on the road. You felt comfortable, so comfortable, to the point where you fell asleep in the car with your hand in his.
The end of the day had come, and it's safe to say that it’s been such a rollercoaster that day, but overall, it ended with the best thing you can ever ask for, you can call him yours from now on.
The two of you stood in front of your door on your front porch, before you entered your house, you hesitated for a good fifteen seconds before giving him a quick peck on the lips, his face was frozen, let alone his face, his whole body was frozen, and you were about to enter your house before he pulled you in for another kiss, one hand is placed around your back, and the other supporting your chin, you can feel the slight curve forming from his lips, expressing his happiness to be yours.
When you’ve gotten cleaned up, you lie down on your bed, rolling around and throwing pillows across your room, clearly flustered from what just happened.
You hug the stuffed animals that he gave you, falling asleep with his scent that’s stuck on the item you’re hugging.
You’ve never had a better sleep than that night.
{ Section 3: So…we’re a thing now? }
You and Gunwook would try to keep your relationship from your friends, but it seems like they just naturally figured it out by themselves.
Gyuvin and Ricky caught Gunwook kissing your cheeks once, and the others just assumed that you guys were dating.
☆ 3.15 PM
The eight of you were studying at a cafe together, preparing for the upcoming exam. You sighed, scrolling through the pointers on your laptop, overwhelmed by all of the things you have to prepare for, “You okay?” Gunwook, who sat beside you, asked you when he noticed your expression “Mhm” you nod, placing your head on his shoulders, “Cool, yeah, cute, get a room” Gyuvin sighed, earning a laugh from the rest of you.
It’s been a week since you and Gunwook started dating, this is all so new for both of you, so you’re taking the time to adjust, although Gunwook has been treating you in the best way possible, and there weren’t any awkward moments between the two of you.
There’s this one time when a junior went up to Gunwook while the two of you were walking together in the school’s hallway, and started to try and have a conversation with him, even asking for his number. Gunwook was a nice person so he kept up with the conversation, but when she asked for his number, he just smiled, holding your hands to give a code to the junior, she noticed the way your fingers were intertwined together, embarrassed yet sad, she walked away in defeat.
You continued scrolling through the pointers, taking notes of the topics that you didn’t quite understand yet. Even when your other friends were taking a break from studying, they’d order food and talk with each other, but your eyes and mind were still focused on your books and notes, panicked about failing the exam.
Gunwook was taking a sip of his drink while resting his back on the chair, keeping himself away from studying for a few minutes before coming back. He noticed you being so focused and stressed that your fingers were massaging the temple of your forehead, signaling the pressure.
He slid his plate of cookies to your side, also offering you his drink while rubbing your shoulders “Don’t think too much about it, you’ll do fine” he sighed, knowing that you were always the stubborn type when it comes to your grades “What if I don’t do well? What if my scores decrease?” you said panicked “At least take a break, yeah?” he replied, evidently worried about you “I will after I take notes of this slide, I promise” you smiled. He knew that you wouldn’t, he knew that you’d just continue studying without taking any breaks, but he also knew that forcing you wouldn’t make any changes, so he just sighed, taking another sip of his drink.
A few hours passed by and all of your friends had gone back to studying again after a few rounds of breaks, with no surprises, you hadn’t had a break at all, and the time was already showing 9.30 PM.
When Gunwook was revising his books and taking notes, he saw your head resting on the table with your eyes closed, he chuckled, finding you cute as you took a nap, but he also felt bad, because you’ve worked so hard the whole day while panicking about the exam until you didn’t get any rest. With some hesitation, he shook your body gently to wake you up, “Hm?” you spoke out tiredly “I’ll take you home, you need to rest,” he said softly, tucking your hair behind your ears “I’ll study for a bit more, please?” “No, you’re coming home.” he insists, his voice going firm to show his seriousness about his words “Fine” you yawned, knowing that you were tired anyway.
While he drives you home, he takes off his jacket to give it to you, giving you warmth and comfort so you can fall asleep again, which is exactly what you did.
When he was gonna drop you off on your front porch, you stopped in your tracks when you got out of the car, “Can you stay?” you asked “Hm?” “Stay for the night, Amaya’s having a sleepover at her friend’s and my parents are on another business trip, I’m uh..scared,” you said shyly, Gunwook staying over was a normal thing, it was never odd, it’s just that he’s always stayed as your friend, and not your boyfriend, “The clothes you left are still here, so…” “I’ll stay” he smiled “But you have to promise that you’re sleeping right away.” “I am, I promise”
After the both of you had gotten cleaned up, you both lay down on the bed in your PJs, you wrapped your body into the warmth of your blanket and Gunwook’s arm, falling asleep with his arms around you while his fingers played with your hair.
☆ 7.50 AM
As you woke up from your slumber, you felt an arm around your body, holding you close. You turned back your body to see Gunwook asleep, his hair covering parts of his eyes and his duck-like lips slightly parted.
The small ray of sun shining through the small opened space in between the window illuminated his facial features, without noticing, you found yourself staring at his beautiful face for a few seconds.
You were about to stand up from the bed, but your movement woke Gunwook up from his sleep. You faced your body towards him, giving you a clear view of his face, he smiled at you, rubbing his eyes while sitting himself down on the bed.
“Morning” he laughed, still trying to gather himself up while taking his glasses from the bedside table, “Morning” you smiled, standing up from the bed “It’s the weekend, let’s do something with the others instead of studying” Gunwook brought up while stretching his body “I mean, sure, but where are we going?” you asked “We can go karaoke? We’ve been planning on doing it anyway” he mentioned, bringing up an idea that you and your group of friends had planned on doing “Sounds like a plan” you smiled.
When you arrived at the karaoke place, you entered the room that Yunjin had booked for the eight of you, seeing that everybody had already arrived, you and Gunwook laughed awkwardly, acknowledging the fact that the two of you arrived late, “Took you long enough” Ricky scoffed, taking a sip of his strawberry milkshake “In our defense, there was traffic” Gunwook shrugged his shoulders, sitting down on the couch with your hand in his.
Yunjin passed the mic to you, signaling you to go and choose a song to sing, and at the same time, Matthew passed his mic to Gunwook, signaling the same thing. You and Gunwook chose to sing Almost Is Never Enough, showcasing both of your talents through a duet. Your voice and Gunwook’s voice harmonized as your eyes connected while singing, losing yourself in the melody of the song.
When the song ended, you and Gunwook laughed, bowing at the crowd, or your friends, earning applause from the room, “I might cry” Sheon whined “What” Gyuvin laughed “YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE” she exclaimed, fake crying while adoring the relationship you have with Gunwook.
Singing with Gunwook brought you back to the days when your tiny bodies would sing together for fun in each other’s room, not caring about your surroundings as a child.
You and Gunwook sat back down on the couch, you placed your head onto your boyfriend’s shoulder, making him smile and wrap his arms around you in response, he kissed the top of your head before saying something, “Babe” he said “Hm?” you look at him.
“Thank you for taking a chance with me.”
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531 notes · View notes
ioniansunsets · 8 months
Alright but hear me out (hello btw how are you ?) kayn heartsteel have canonically been kicked out of his previous band ; imagine fem!reader (successful idol herself or civilian) comforting him and trying to help him push through it and get back on his feet to continue his music !
✖ Pre Heartsteel!Kayn Being Kicked Out ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.3k
✖ Tags: Established R/S, Idol!Reader
✖ A/N: You were a performer too and met him at a gig before either of you got famous! You two live together in this one, you’re a solo idol that practices at home so you can spend your days with him. These are headcanons! Whee!
-  It wrecked him. You two got together while he was in his old band, so it was an important memory to you both. As a solo artist, you understood the intricacies of being in the public eye but still, being kicked out? That was rough…something you personally could never experience. You did your best to comfort him.
- The first few days was the worst. Kayn was the perfect definition of bi-polar. Either his Rhaast ego was full blown, wild, and uninhibited. Man straight up was about to do crimes and was only stopped by you begging him not to make things worse for himself. (You caught him with a bag full of spray paint about to go wreck his old studio.) Or he was the trained Idol, Kayn. Rhaast entirely held back, the perfect definition of an average idol, obedient and reserved. Joining you in your dance and vocal practices in your home studio.
- Don’t even talk about the things he tweeted during that era, you had to run into his room and tell him to delete them minutes after posting. It was a bad time. If you were to ask Kayn now about those old tweets? He was on the very fence of, cocky pride on how he was a “badass” that “didn’t follow rules back then” or just overwhelming embarrassment for being young and dumb.
- There was a lot of work to be done over those first few days, you got the help of your own PR guys to try and get Kayn’s media presence looking better. You yourself doing your best to give him advice on performing, it wasn’t even that he was a bad artist, it was just…he had some strong ideals and just didn’t work well with his old band. It took months honestly but as always, drama died down and Kayn slowly got to live his life again.
- The saddest part of all this drama was that because you were an idol too it was hard to bring him out to comfort him. Paparazzi were hounding you both, media wanting to know what went down with Kayn and if you were seen beside him…gods who knew what the media would say about your career. You two barely left your house because you just couldn’t.
- So, all you could do was your best. Dragging him to game with you on the PC, buying new consoles to try new games with him (murdering things in game really helped him unsurprisingly), watching movies together at home (feel good films that actually make him cry), getting him to do weird shit like painting your shared room (you have a messy signature of his by the door), crocheting weird little animals (he made Rhaast!), hells you managed to get him to read a book (banned in various nations). It was…different. But it helped keep his mind off doing anything that would ruin his career more while satisfying his need to just be a creative.
- On one of those uneventful days, Kayn ordered a nice little delivery package and excitedly ran into your room. Holding the plastic bag up proud. “ Y/N. I’m going to change my image. Entirely. Can you help me. Like…Right. Fucking. Now.” You stare at him in confusion until he walked up to your table, and pulled 7 boxes of bleach and dye, dumping them on your table. “ I’m going to go hot pink.” You laugh, but oblige anyway. If it would cheer him up then you would spend the day helping him out.
- There was a lot of angry snuggling on boring evenings. Kayn would lie in bed in your arms ranting about his ideals, how he was meant for bigger, greater things, things no one else in the industry or his old band could comprehend. And you would hug him tight, supporting him as he complained, listening, agreeing where you can, giving him bigger and better ideals of grandeur. The both of you knew it wasn’t anything serious, but it really did help lighten his mood. “ I’ll really set the stage on fire next time just watch me.” “ I’ll bring the gasoline then.” “ For real! I will fucking bring fireworks and shit too. It’ll be sick as hell! Never seen before! I’ll wreck the stage!!!! Livestream that shit!!!” Such evenings would end with the both of you laughing. It was nice to see him happier again in those small moments. Sometimes you could even see a sneak of a soft smile creeping onto his face, his appreciation for you playing along and not stopping him.
- It took about a week before you felt it was right to get him to pick his guitar back up. Convincing him that the best way to get over the bad memories was to form new ones, the two of you sitting down to write a song. He really went HARD with the lyrics, it was a damn god rap at that but it was honestly a diss track at his old band and shall stay hidden in the files of your computer forever. You do secretly listen to it sometimes, it was raw as fuck, personally it helped YOU when you were angry and frustrated. Not that you would admit to him. It would only stroke his ego more.
- He only admitted it once. Once when you two were soaking in a hot bath together. Only Once did he tell you how much your support meant to him. Nice smells and colors from a bath bomb floating around you two. It was a slow morning, a few weeks after getting kicked out, right before he joined Heartsteel. You sat there, back against his chest as he rests his head on your shoulder. Relaxing in the tub. It was peaceful silence before he spoke up. “ Y/N…I’m going to join a new band.” You actually had to pause and turn to stare at him. Shocked. Asking him if he was sure, if he was ready, if he was comfortable to be performing with people again. You held his face, asking once more if this is what he wanted to do in his career, if he was going to give up on going solo like you. His hand rose to hold yours against his face as he spoke. “ Yeah, I talked to them a lot the past week and…they genuinely accept me and all my crazy ideas. They love Rhaast for who he is and I think I can work with this. I’m sure about this.” He laughs, putting your arm down as his hands wrap around you in a tight hug. Kayn moving his face down to your neck as he gives you a soft kiss, gentle, barely there as he whispers, not looking at you. “ I have to thank you for this by the way. For letting me Be Rhaast. For telling me time and time again to just be the Rockstar that I was meant to be. That my unique brand of rock was fine. I’ll remember this forever. Every time you see Rhaast on stage it’ll be thanks to you. Remember that.” And that was it. He never really showed his vulnerability about his old band ever again. The next day he joined Heartsteel, and it was great for him. Your own heart feeling warm and fuzzy seeing him laugh and have fun with new bandmates. And when you stand in the audience, seeing Rhaast rap some sick bars, you can’t help but smile. He was Your Rockstar.
271 notes · View notes
antariies · 4 months
how to build a chair........... director's cut ∠( ᐛ 」∠)__ this is about to be a very long very self-indulgent post where i just talk about my own writing. i also doodled on all the pages i think it makes the whole thing more fun to go thru. welcome to my ted talk
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SIKE before i begin. credit where credit is due, this post was the start of it all. it changed my brain chemistry my jaw was dropped i was in awe i was obsessed and before i even finished it i knew that i would eventually have to make something similar for the commander or else i would be cursed to think about it for the rest of my life. and i Was cursed for like two years every day i would just be like........ is today the day i sit down and draft the commander chair fic of my dreams....... maybe tomorrow......
and then i got accepted as a writer for the gw2 zine ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ the chair idea was actually my backup option in case my first idea didn't pan out, and thank god it didn't, bc this one worked so much better. (still working on my initial idea, just turning it into a full fic! it was wayyy too long to be a zine submission.)
this is the chair i used. i downloaded the assembly instructions and tried out a bunch of different free pdf editors until i found one i liked, which ended up being sedja. if anyone's interested in doing something like this, i recommend printing out the pdf and writing directly on it! it was a lot easier for me to just figure out everything on paper first and then digitalize it after :P here's a picture of my physical copy
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okay actually getting into it for real this time !!!!!
1. yeah i could've just erased the ikea logo and left a blank space but then i realized i could turn it into an in-universe joke. and then i ran with it.
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2. i ripped this straight from the product description on the website. thanks ikea
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3. i'm not sure if anyone went and looked it up, but it's a real item code!
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hehe :3c
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4. if your commander willingly goes to therapy i'm happy for them but TO ME? you'd have to drag the commander kicking and screaming. it's not that they don't know that something is wrong with them, they know, and they know YOU know. you're just never supposed to talk about it. they don't look at their own psych eval results bc that's none of their business.
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5. i normally avoid specifying the commander's race when i write them bc i enjoy the challenge, but for the zine i was assigned to write about a norn commander! as a human main i was uhhhh very ill-equipped. but that just meant i had to study up on my norn lore (•̀ᴗ•́)و i spent hours on the wiki, then went around interviewing norn mains for their opinions, which was great fun :D it all helped me narrow the focus of my piece: joining the war on commander objectification on the side of commander objectification (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ and no one self-aggrandizes quite like the norn commander!
and to balance that i knew my narrator had to be patronizing as shitttt. they've clearly been following the commander since the beginning and seem to know a lot of intimate details about their life, despite not thinking very highly of them. wonder who that could be :3c
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6. i can't stop making references. so the original part number is actually #122620 in the manual but i've changed it here (and on the previous page!) to #082812, as in 08/28/12, the date gw2 was released! no real reason for it, @dalennaugw suggested it for funsies and i liked it. if you're my pal and i show you a wip and you have a cool idea for it, chances are i Will put that shit in. hi dale if you're reading this
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7. another thing about me. i loveeee repetition. here the word "over" is repeated four times to match the picture. honestly a lot of the creative process for this piece was just staring at the pages and figuring out how to tie the pictures to the commander in ways that weren't extremely corny or trite. idk why i enjoy writing like this when i could be frolicking in the beautiful prosaic meadows of a word doc instead but. it's like i see a tiny little restrictive box and i'm like OH BOY can't wait to think inside of that thing!!! i like when the format matters just as much as the content and in some cases informs the content. am i making any sense here. well all you need to know is that i'm a virgo and my favorite book is house of leaves
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7. aw fuck just realized i wrote 7 twice. whatever i'm not changing it this is 7 part two now. the theme of my piece is glory, what it means to the norn commander, and how far they're willing to go for it.
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8. does norn culture place emphasis on seeking individual glory Yes are norn also very community-oriented Also Yes. i think it's common to see norn kids napping together in a big pile, usually after they've worn themselves out playing games outside. it makes sense practically (apes together warm) and socially (pack bonding good) but that's just my hc. growing up i used to share a bed with my cousins all the time so it's normal to me.
a young, naive not-yet-commander, with no real combat experience, has no point of reference to compare a "blaze of glory" to. but the way everyone talks about it, it must be a good thing. a wonderful thing. a reward fit for a life well-fought and a legend hard-earned. so they imagine it must feel like falling asleep surrounded by the people they love, who love them in turn.
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9. .........i was playing a lot of ace attorney when i wrote this page. i wish i was joking 👍🏼
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10. ohhh shit the truth come OUT this whole chair thing was all a ploy just so i could write about the departing. again.
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will i ever stop thinking about her. reply hazy, try again later.
11. out of all the pages, this one has the most emphasis on text placement, like comparing the enlarged picture of the screw to a sword, the numbers counting the screws, and "up up up" being arranged to mimic a wisp of smoke.
i also wanted to lean into the viking/norse mythology influences with my word choice.
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12. more nods to norn culture. i didn't know they referred to the six human gods as "spirits of action" until i was doing the research for this piece :O
and the domain of the lost is called a hall of ghosts....... cause valhalla.....
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i'm sorry this so funnyyy. SAYS the guy who literally clawed their way back to life for a rematch.
me when i'm in a sore loser competition and my opponent is the COMMANDER!!!
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14. arms as in "limbs" and also arms as in "armaments" :•]
15. haha get it because the picture makes it look like there are two mirrored speech bubbles while the text paints two opposing interpretations of the norn commander. one that's selfless and humble versus one that's selfish and vainglorious.
16. and the best part is IT DOESN'T MATTER which one is true bc at the end of the day no matter what their motivation, balthazar is dead by their hand. ofc i'm of the opinion that the most compelling interpretation of the commander is both, simultaneously. contradictions are good for the soul.
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17. i could've name-dropped kas, the only person present that would do something like that, but i felt it was better to leave it ambiguous.
18. low-hanging fruit. the metaphor was so obvious here but i had to do it. for the culture
19. the alternate title for this piece was "THIS COULD BE GLORY". "how to build a chair" was only supposed to be a placeholder title til i figured out a better one, but the innocuousness of it grew on me. also i came up with the other one too late and had already advertised under the chair title lol
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20. my first instinct was to end it with something more reassuring, like "what you have built so far is enough" but that would've been an ooc switch-up for a narrator who has been nothing but snide and detached this whole time. gotta stick to my guns
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obligatory chair joke as the last line. for realsies though it’s meant to be an earnest appeal to the commander to take a break, to have a seat, but it’s also a challenge. are they willing to lean on their friends? are the bonds they’ve forged strong enough to hold their weight? are they willing to put their faith in someone else’s hands? are they brave enough to try? well. only one way to find out.
also guess what that wasn’t even the real last page of the manual. it's THIS
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but no way i was letting this be the image we ended on. IT LOOKS LIKE A DICK AND BALLS!!!
and on that note, THANK YOU if you made it this far!! a very special shout-out to @hawkepockets, my lovely boyfriend and beta reader, without whom this piece would not be nearly as polished. i would bring him pages to look over and he would say Scrap half of those lines you can do better than that. kill your darlings. i would complain and argue for a few minutes then we would revise. rinse and repeat until we had honed this thing to perfection. i can't stress enough the importance of having a second pair of eyes on your work throughout your creative process, even better if it's someone who challenges you. i don't even pay him 🫶🏼
and if there was anything i didn't cover that you still have questions about, please feel free to shoot me an ask! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ thanks for reading! see u later dudes ;P
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yoonsenji · 8 months
Summary: Daddy little girl! (Platonic)
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Tokyo Revengers ×××
Character's:- Sanzu (Bonten), Mikey (Bonten), Izana.
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Haruchiyo Sanzu!
It was no surprise that Sanzu would have a kid oneday since this man can't keep his dick to himself. You have your mother features the only thing that makes you appear related to Sanzu was your personality.
The Rosy pink haired male couldn't help but groan by your presence, he doesn't really like you even tho you're his own blood (he hope). He would bring you anywhere since he doesn't want you to be kidnapped either, killing and taking drugs infront of you he was unhinged.
While Sanzu was busy inhaling some cocaine the guy he have beaten up which Sanzu thought was dead would slowly rise up. You watch as the man glare at your father and take out a knife, unfortunately Sanzu was too high on drugs to realise what was about to happen. As a sound of bullet piercing through a human skull echo through the broken down building.
Sanzu turn behind to understand what the hell happened just to see the man he had beaten up on the group a puddle of blood forming around his head. A pocket knife on his hand as he look at you, you were still holding the gun as you look at your father with a cute smile. This was when Sanzu knew you were really his daughter.
He treat you better than ever from that day, he always thought you weren't his which make him not treat you that well and since he is too busy to take a DNA test. He always thought some whore who he have slept with just lie and drop you off and run away.
Your mother did just put you infront of Bonten building and put a little note that say "Fuck you Sanzu, you ruin my life. So, you should take care of this plump of cell not me".
The more Sanzu actually spend times with you the more he realised that you are just like him. Your laugh sound like his, you hav his charm, thank God since he doesn't want you to have the charm of a whore, Sanzu was excited to teach you how to used a gun. He would tie up people and used them as a target, whenever you shoot right through their head your father would give you a high five.
Sanzu treat you like a princess if Rindou or Ran tried to mess with you he's so read to put a bullet through their head. "Y/n... Did you know that your mother was a whore?" Ran told you as you only sigh "Yes, uncle I know my mother was a whore... Please enlighten me on how I should react" You reply back, "See, even the kid is annoyed of you!" The younger haitani added as he laugh.
Even Mikey like you which make Sanzu like you even more, just like your father you admire Mikey but unlike your father you weren't the type to lick a ground if Mikey say so.
But, Sanzu start to go to the club not that often now. Even if Ran or Rindou beg him to go as long as if he have a plan with you he would just reject the offer. Sanzu does bring prostituted back home but he always make sure not to be loud although you already understand what is going on.
"Princess, what should I do with her?" Sanzu would ask you as he grab the hair of the woman who tried to steal Sanzu wallet, he asked you since he knew damn well you would always come up with a creative way of killing people. Kids do have a wild imagination and killing someone the same way over and over was boring. "Daddy, why not cut off her hand so she won't be able to steal anything anymore... Maybe after that you can feed her family using her" You reply with a smile on your face the woman skin turn pale as she start to beg for forgiveness. "Ah! My princess is so smart, I'm so proud of you, princess" Sanzu praise you as you smile proudly.
Sanzu sent you to the best school he could possibly find since his princess deserve the best. You were guarded by gang members 24/7 if not they'll die. No matter how dumb you are no school have the gut to reject you since they still want to live, if you're smart the teacher would treat you very good cause their life is on your hand at this point.
You usually hang out at the Bonten building, Mikey allowed you to. Mikey clearly have a favourite and it's definitely you, you weren't noisy nor cause a fight, you would tell him story which makes his life a bit less boring, you listen to him and ask nothing in return and you're a cheeky kid who is good at tricking people.
"So, the unicorn couldn't cross the river because... Even tho there was.... A beutiful tree the unicorn couldn't left his friend behind... The end!" You say with a smile as you close the book, Mikey who was listening to your story closely although you pronounce some word wrong it was pleasent to hear, Mikey still have his childish side so he would asked you to read more story until you fall asleep while reading a story for him.
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Manjiro Sano!
Mikey doesn't even know what the hell he was feeling to even have sex with some random chick but now he have a kid... Your mother just casually drop you off and flew to another country.
Your eyes were similar to Mikey a fucking void of nothing. You don't cause tantrums nor cry loudly, you were quite patient and listen to anything your father say, but no one else could literally control you it doesn't matter of Mikey send them if you do not see your father you're causing a big tantrums.
You would sit quietly while drawing a picture using a crayon, Sanzu was your babysitter since Mikey trust him enough somehow. The Rosy pink haired male was not that happy but atleast you're Mikey daughter.
"I could go out with some chick's but here I am babysitting you" the Rosy pink haired male complain once again, even Ran and Rindou were simply sitting there not complaining and Sanzu was only blaming you, "Could you stop yapping your mouth... Y'know some of us have things to do other than yapping" you told the older male as Sanzu was pissed off. Even if you are Mikey kids you ain't Mikey, "I didn't know an idiot like you could talk" Sanzu said trying to hold back his anger, "You're a grown ass adult arguing with a kid, I wonder who the idiot is" Seem like you got your mother mouth.
You're always ready to throw hands with anyone especially Sanzu, among the elite members of Bonten if we forget your own father Koko like you the most. Unlike those idiots you actually know how to used money properly, you somehow managed to pull money out of no where... He used your innocent to steal things to.
Everyday you have a playful fight with Sanzu... It get violence real quick tho, it's either you throw things at him or he pull his gun out and point it at you. You two do not get along very well but you never bad mouth him to your father, even if Mikey tried to stop the daily fight you simply just say it's yours and his problem... No one can butt in.
It's impossible to kidnap you since you're always with Mikey or another elite members of Bonten. Even when you go to school atleast one elite member have to pick you up since you're Mikey kid.
You're the whole reason Mikey haven't completely lose himself so if you're gone everyone is going to be fucked up.
You're literally Bonten princess, you hold a very important role in Bonten since you're the reason Mikey is not insane yet... You would usually be near your father and you weren't afraid of gruesome scene since y'know your father and his friends kill people on daily basis.
Mikey doesn't allow you to touch any of his gun nor any gun, he might be the most dangerous gang leader but he ain't gonna let his princess touch something that can harm them. What's the point of being a good father if you need to learn self defence at early age.
"Rinrin... What happened to my teddy?" You ask as you stare at the teddy bear on the groud, it was really fucked up there was a bullet hole in your bear. "Um... Well you see" Rindou tried his best to find a good excuse since making you cry was bad even tho Mikey isn't here. His older brother Ran was just looking at him smirking, this all happened because Ran said something that provoke Rindou to pull out his gun and shoot which was Ram plan and make him shoot the bear instead. "You... Ruin my bear!" You were tearing up badly. And you cried, you were throwing everything you could get your little hand on and throwing at anyone.
Whenever you get sad or mad you throw anything at anyone only your father can calm you down during such period. Or you straight up bite, kick, pull, scream. You only do such things when you are seriously mad or sad, but after everything you would apologise a half ass apologize you weren't sorry it's their fault for provoking you.
"I swear your father won't like it if you stand out in the rain!" Sanzu was trying to get you out the rain but since any umbrella was near he wasn't ready to ruin his beautiful hair and outfit. "Bleh! No!" You said as you took a step back getting further away from the pink haired male. "Shit man! Why do you have to be so difficult!?" Sanzu asked as you stick out your tongue at him. You were freezing cold but there was no way you were going to back out easily. "Blah blah blah! Keep talking pinky pie!" You said as you told your arm and sit down on the groud. "I'll buy you a dorayaki?" "Okay!".
You're a easy to buy since just like how young Mikey was you were in love with Dorayaki, you never share food tho even with your father you hesitate a bit and give it to him. You only eat food if a flag can be added or else you're not eating it.
You were sitting on the soft sofa as you much on the freshly buy Dorayaki as you swing your life feets, every bite bringing you to heaven as you enjoyed in silence. "Y/n" the younger haitani call out your name as you look at him "Can I eat some... Even a little crust would be nice?" Rindou asked, they bet him to take even a little bite off your food as you smile at him. Rindou for sure though that you'll say yes since the way you were smiling was closed to the word yes. "No" you simply answer as you continue to eat your dorayaki. Rindou look disappointed at himself it seem as his charm didn't work on you and Sanzu and Ran were laughing at him. As your father entered the room you jump up from your seat and walk towards your father with a proud smile. You snap the dorayaki in half although it was not even, "Daddy, want one?" You asked as you already put out the dorayaki for him "Sure, princess" Mikey reply as he grab the dorayaki and eat it. You just simply go back to your seat and just ignore the younger Haitani brother who was simply flabbergasted by the obvious favourism.
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Kurokawa Izana!
He doesn't even know what happened that night... He didn't mean to have sex with anyone he was simply too drunk and the girl seduced him.
Now he have to take care of you and yeah the woman even throw the DNA test paper to him.
At first he literally ignore your existence and kaku take care of you all the time. Whenever Izana looked at you, you remind him of himself when he was younger not wanted by his own mother.
Hence, he started to treat you like how he wish to be treat by his mother when he was younger, he would hold your hand while walking, make kaku read bedtime story for you, play the guitar for you and he even beat up any guy who look at you the wrong way.
He tried his best to not get you involved in any of his gang activities but they do adore you alot. Even tho Shion is a scary ass dude you would just play with his hair and listen to him talk about anything. You do not like Kisaki at all... He tried to get along with you but yeah you'll run and hide behind anyone. The haitani brother treat you like their little sister, kakucho is your mother at this point, hanma... He play with you too much.
"Y/n... Why don't we buy ice cream hm...?" Kisaki asked you as you look at him terrified, Kisaki reminds you of a monster which make you run and hide behind the older haitani. "Eh...?" Ran look confused as you grab onto him tightly, "Look like y/n doesn't like you" Rindou said out as Kisaki only Chuckled, he was hella mad inside. His whole plan was to make you like him and kidnapped you.
You don't talk much nor do much, you are just you... Unlike your mother who left you, you were alot calmer and patience, but just like Izana your determination was strong and you got Izana eyes as well.
You would just sit down on the groud and listen to everyone talk since Izana doesn't trust anyone who isn't Kaku... And kaku have to attend the meeting to, most people think you couldn't talk at one point but you could clearly do that.
Izana would never take you to anything that includes other gang... He'll just simply locked the door from the outside door and since he trust you enough to be alone.
But, if anyone dare to bad mouth your father thinking you were too much of a coward to say anything... They're dumb, although you aren't much of a talker unlike your mother, you have the same attitude as your mother.
"Y'know, boss would be nothing without the haitani brother's" the guy say although you were right there "Dude! Boss daughter is right there... Keep it shut or boss will kill us!" The other guy tried to warn his friend as he laugh in response "She is too much of a coward to do shit..." The other guy would simply say. You literally pick up a rock and throw it at the guy "ouch! What the hell is wrong with you?!" The guy asked as you stood up. "Annoying..." you told him as you walk away "Dude I told you..." The other guy told him "She only talk big she won't rat me out" the guy say with full of confidence. You did tell you father and everyone you know...
You rat people out if you have to... Izana is a very sweet and protective dad, he would hold your hand if you ever walk out anywhere. Making sure he doesn't neglect you and have enough time to spend with you. If he can't spend time with you kaku would definitely be the best replacement for such tasks.
Kaku was definitely worried when you didn't talk much and thinks you have a talking problem. He told Izana about his worried, Izana didn't want you to get bullied for such silly reason that Izana start to talk less so you won't be alone... It wasn't that deep tho you just think talking too much is a waste of energy.
You would sit down and work on your little project for hours, you were making a drawing of you and Izana with your crayon which Kaku bought for you. You were very careful with your drawing and whenever you see even a tiny flaw you would just redo the whole drawing.
You tug at your father pants to get his attention "What is it princess?" Your father ask you as you give him the drawing "I draw for you..." You would say with a sweet smile as Izana just smile at you and admire your work as well... "I'll put it on the fridge so everyone will get to see it, okay?" He ask you as you nod your head a yes.
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shelbystales · 5 months
Ceramic Lessons - Part Eight
Cillian Murphy X Reader - Masterlist
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Summary: after much insistence from his sister, Cillian attends a ceramics class with her. To his surprise, he feels a connection to the teacher, you. Will this connection go any further or will it be smashed like a bad ceramic project?
Previous parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
Warning: swearing, fluff and mention of drugs
A/n: hey guys! please don’t forget to let me know what you think! Hope you like it.
The next day you woke up with no news from Cillian. But still, the day was sunny and warm, a good day to be alive, to stand up from the bed and go live another day, you thought as you stretched watching the view from your bedroom window. 
You got ready to go to your morning jog, enjoying your free time from classes. Not that you don’t like being a teacher. But it’s so good to have some time to yourself. 
As you ran you made your way to the beach to admire the people around. The beach was noisy and filled with people and their dogs. You smiled admiring the simple things, the kids laughed as the dog fetched the ball inside the ocean, the little girl running after her mom, the young playing volleyball and a couple nested close together. You breathed in the ocean breeze and continued your race. 
After quite some time you returned home and took a relaxing shower.
You jumped on the couch with your notebook and began drawing some piece ideas for your next collection until the intercom buzzed. You made your way to it and pressed the button 
“Who 's it?” you asked 
“Me, mon amour!” a familiar voice answered
“Bela?!” you asked happily 
“Yes, now let your sister in!! I’m sweating as a horse out here” she demanded
You quickly allowed her passage inside the building with the click of another button and in a few seconds she was at your door. 
You hugged her tightly “I don't want to let go” you said, your words muffled in her hair. 
“I’m afraid you have too because I need to pee asap. Unless you like me too pee on your floor” she joked 
“No, I'm good,” you said, unhugging her and letting her inside to rush to the bathroom. 
Isabela emerged from the bathroom with a dramatic sigh of relief, and you both settled into the familiar comfort of your living room. She looked around, taking in the sketches scattered on the coffee table.
"Still working on your pottery empire, I see," Isabela teased, settling onto the couch.
You chuckled, joining her. "Always. So, what brings you here? Not that I'm complaining. It's a pleasant surprise."
Isabela flashed a mischievous smile. "Well, my dear, I happen to be in town for a few days. Work-related stuff. And I thought, why not drop by and check on my favorite sister?"
You grinned. "Lucky me."
Isabela shared more details about her recent adventures in Paris, the bustling fashion scene, and the eccentric characters she had encountered in the city of love. As she told you her stories, you fetched her some water and some snacks.
As you listened to her animated stories, you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for your sister's accomplishments. 
Isabela's vibrant energy filled the room, a stark contrast from you. 
Isabela, with her flamboyant personality and penchant for drama, was like a burst of color in a room, drawing attention effortlessly. Her stories of high-fashion escapades and eccentric characters filled the air with an infectious enthusiasm. She possessed an outward, effervescent charm that charmed everyone around her.
You, on the other hand, were the quiet force, absorbing the energy around you and channeling it into your art. Your introspective nature allowed you to delve deep into your creative process, finding inspiration in the subtle nuances of everyday life. But you were not entirely introverted, you are not shy or anything like it. On the contraire, you like being around people and socializing, but maybe after many years in therapy you learned to love yourself to a point where you prefer your company over anyone else’s. 
While Isabela sparkled like a firework, you were the steady glow of a candle, radiating warmth and depth.
"But how long are you planning to stay?" you asked randomly as Isabela finished a story about peacocks. You loved your sister, but sometimes she was too much for you, so staying too long with her could be a challenge.
"Jesus. Already kicking me out, sis? I can go stay with mom and dad," she said, her mouth full of peanuts.
"I wasn't kicking you out. I just have to plan," you shrugged.
"Right, I don't know. I think I’ll leave Thursday, so... four days," she counted on her fingers. "Can you house me for four days?"
"Of course," you smiled.
"And how is life here? How are your classes going?" she asked with a gentle glare.
"All good. All are filled. I don't have any more free spots," you shared, your gaze drifting to the sketches scattered on the table. "I've been caught up with my pottery classes, and I must admit I love it. But I’ve been taking some projects aside. I am currently making some pieces for a new hotel."
“Uh, that's fancy! And oh my god, it's incredible to not have any empty spots! I’m so proud,” she declared, making you smile genuinely.Isabela leaned in, genuine curiosity in her eyes. "Tell me more about your life here. Any exciting developments, intriguing characters, or perhaps a dirty romance?"
You chuckled at her dramatic flair. "No dirty romance, Bela.It's not as exciting as your Parisian escapades. Just the usual pottery classes and some interesting students."
She raised an eyebrow. "Interesting students, you say? Anyone caught your eye? A man perhaps?"
“How do you do that?” you asked.
“Do what?” she asked, confused.
“Read between the lines,” you asked curiously. She shrugged and drank her water. “Oooh,” your mouthed, connecting the dots. “Mom told you.”
“She did. Now tell me, how is he? Is he really that nice? Can a Hollywood star be nice?” she shifted on her spot.
“Cillian is great, he’s nice,” you smiled.
“Oh, come on, give me more! Do I have to beg?" she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You rolled your eyes playfully. "Fine, fine.. He's down-to-earth, genuine, and surprisingly humble. Fame hasn't gone to his head, as far as i’ve seen. He's been through a lot, dealing with his ex-wife and son, but he's handling it with grace. And he seems like a great dad."
Isabela leaned back, processing the information. "Well, color me impressed, sis. You've managed to snag yourself a celebrity. I can't wait to meet him. But spill the details, sis! What's he like when the cameras are off? How’ve met?"
You leaned in conspiratorially. "He's just like anyone else. We met in class, his sister is my student. she constantly spoke about him, until one day she brought him in. He has gorgeous eyes and smells great. We've had dinner dates, beach dates.. three dates at total. No drama aside from his ex."
“That she is a crazy one, right?” Isabela interrupted with a smirk as you looked at her puzzled. “Oh come on, when mom told me who you were dating, I had to google!”
You frowned at her. “Really, what did you find?”
“Oh god, you never googled him?” she asked, shocked.
“Didn't want to invade his privacy, or know more than I should. I'd rather learn about him from himself.”
She rolled her eyes. “For fuck's sake, that's so you... well, for your knowledge, I didn't find much. He has done an incredible job at keeping his life to himself. BUT, I can't say the same about her. Do you wanna see her Instagram? It's a crazy person’s Instagram,” she said, already picking up her phone and showing it to you.
You hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded, curiosity getting the better of you. Isabela handed you her phone, displaying a colorful and chaotic Instagram profile.
"There she is," Isabela pointed at a picture of Cillian's ex-wife, her feed filled with flashy and attention-grabbing posts. You scrolled through, feeling a mix of surprise and unease.
"Wow, she really puts everything out there, doesn't she?" you commented, slightly taken aback by a seminude picture with ‘DREAM OF ME’ written on her chest.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort seeing such a public display of someone who played a significant role in Cillian's past. You handed Isabela's phone back.
Isabela laughed, "Oh, you have no idea. She's like a whole reality show in one person. her Storys are unique and the captions! ‘you know you want me’ or ‘anybody ready for a good time?’ “ she mocked as she read, making you feel embarrassed for her. “You'd think she's a problematic  influencer, not someone's ex-wife… not someone’s mom. I bet in a few months she will create an OnlyFans account"
“For real?”
“Yes, look at her” she showed you the phone again
"Well, she certainly knows how to make a statement," you said, still processing what you had just seen.
Isabela shrugged, her eyes fixed on the screen "Cillian made a wise choice moving on,” she remarked casually, her tone carrying a hint of nonchalance.
You silently agreed, wondering if she was always the same character she seemed to be today.
The conversation sort of ended, and you helped your sister settle into your guest bedroom, all while continuing your discussion.
She had some work to do on her computer, and later that day, you both found yourselves sitting together on the couch, debating over what to eat and what to watch. The various food options displayed on the screen made the decision a tough one.
Just as you were about to settle on a choice, your phone buzzed, and Cillian's name lit up the screen. Isabela's eyes widened with excitement. "Oh, look who it is!” she almost screamed.
A warm smile spread across your face, and you accepted the call. "Hey, you," you greeted.
"Hey there," Cillian's voice echoed through the phone.
"Hi! Perfect timing. We were just trying to decide on dinner," Isabela yelled to your ear, making you quickly stand from the couch and walk inside your bedroom for some privacy.
“Who was that?” Cillian asked after giving a prolonged laugh.
“My sister,” you answered, closing the door and jumping onto your bed.
“Oh, I can call you another time,” he suggested.
“No, it 's ok. How are you?”
“Good, relaxed. Had a good day. You?” he sighed as if he was sitting down.
“Me too. Normal day. My sister surprised me with her visit.”
“You don't sound so happy about that,” he chuckled.
“No, don't get me wrong. I love her so much... but she is too much for my ears to handle all day long. And she is staying until Thursday,” you explained.
“Is she the one that lives in Paris?”
“The one and only.”
“Ah, there is an example of an overrated city,” he teased, his voice carrying a playful tone as he chuckled on the other end of the line. "I'd love to hear more about her. I know from experience that sisters can be quite entertaining"
You chuckled, realizing that your sister's vibrant personality was indeed something to behold. "Oh, she's entertaining, alright. We are about to order in, you can join if you want”
“Oh, y/n. You have no idea how much I would love to, but I have Lukas and we already ate some spaghetti” he said, sounding a bit frustrated.
Cillian's mention of Lukas brought a smile to your face. "Spaghetti sounds good. How is he doing by the way?"
"He 's doing great. Today we went to my brother’s house. He played with his cousins all day, just put him to bed” Cillian replied, the fondness for his son evident in his voice.
“Good. I was worried” 
“I can imagine” he sighed and after a few seconds in silence he finally let it out “His mom is using again” 
You closed your eyes, not wanting to hear what he just said “I’m so sorry”
“Yeah. Me too. I’ll have to go to court this week” he inhaled and exhaled “I wish i could hold you right now” 
“Me too” you smiled “I could make you some hot chocolate, because it warms the heart” you said and he chuckled 
“I would love some hot chocolate”
“You could live closer, not almost half an hour” you complained
“I’ll be calling a real estate agent tomorrow to fix that” he said, making you giggle “we should have dinner here. you can meet Lukas” 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I want him to meet you”
“And I him”
“Just gotta give him some time. He’s a little upset about not being allowed to see his mom for a while. How about saturday?”
“Saturday is great, but in the meantime you could pass by…”
“We can have lunch anytime you want, Lukas eats at school”
“It’s a date”
“No, my sister will join us, so... not a date…” You chuckled 
“Okay, I can't wait to meet her”
Taglist: @allie131313 @sherbitdibdab @sinceviennas @stilestotherescue @astheni-a @kitkatkaitin @amanda08319 @trixie23 @nancystrange @daisythekitty @cillianbabe @sinceviennas @si1ver06 @kitkatkait @isabbellagonzalezz18 @babypink224221 @1nterstellarcha0s @thenattitude
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dreamyzhou · 29 days
Iodine, Livermorium, and Uranium
Pairing: College softie!Hyunjae x Eric's sister!reader
Genre: Contemporary college rom-com
Words: 4,8k
Warnings: Eric is your younger brother and he calls you Noona time to time, swear words, rats, Gen Z jokes, Kendrick and Drake drama, food (ice cream, barbecue, and rice), mentions of alcohol, you and Hyunjae are of same age, a lil suggestive in the end (??!!!), kissing [idek if some of these should be a warning, but i care if you get hurt by a fanfic i write, so imma just put it]
Inspired by: Hasan Minhaj (overall him as a comedian, artist, and a person), because he taught me how to be funnier than I was before all this.
Premise: When your brother, Eric, said he will sit in Chair 16 in Chemistry, he knew you were about to come early to pull it before he gets to sit. And when you did, you realized it was a set up.
Dedicated to Izzy @from-izzy who I kept reminding myself of when I wanted to give up on this fic.
1st fic of 31st Alternate Universe by Ellie unlocked by Hyunjae.
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[7:59 A.M]
Three knocks. All it took was three knocks on your wooden bedroom door to be prepared and put up a sleeping act.
"Y/N, first day of college! Wake up!" A kick on your door and a hyperactive male voice with volume boosted with megaphone almost shattered your eardrums.
Tense muscles rose your spine. Then, you looked at the kid in front of you with his "I love LA" shirt. In all honesty, you weren't prepared for that one.
"That was creative, I'll give you that..." You took a portion of your blanket to wrap yourself a fluffy cocoon of cotton.
"Creative? Dude, that was genius. World record on actually making half of your body get up at the least! You know you need a permit to use these?"
You looked at him with the most judgemental eyes you ever gave to anyone.
"You got a permit... just to wake me up?"
"...No, my firefighter friend did. I just borrowed it from him!"
"What if he got into trouble for your misuse?!"
"Relax! The fact that he gave it to me is already a misconduct... Now, it's third week of October..."
"So?" You groaned as you went back to your dream shell. The sight of your laziness rolled Eric's eyes, he turned the megaphone's volume to the maximum.
"So! Get yo ass out of bed, She-Who-My-Grandma-Compares-Me-With! First person to get the bathroom, gets all the hot water!"
All the melatonin in your brain disappeared in a snap of Thanos' finger. Every muscle strand in you responded within 0.01 second as you ran to the bathroom. Eric pulled your elbow to the back, causing you to lose balance for awhile. You took a sandal lying around somewhere, then threw it to his head. Unfortunately for you, as the sandal was in the air, the blond-haired Jerry to your Tom closed the bathroom behind him.
"I win!"
"Bleh, bleh, bleh... Whatever!"
You turned around, walking to your bedroom. Trying to construct new activities you should be doing for your first day in third year of university, but... let's just say it takes energy to think. Your usual routine was one hour of waking up, half an hour of breakfast, and breakfast while running. It was a decent routine, but you needed to keep them in order. You recalled yesterday when you brought a hot waffle to the bathroom, you let it cool down as you showered, and by the time you're finished you ate it. It invited a married rat couple who had many babies.
Yesterday? Hold on—
There was a screech coming from the door that got hit by the sandal.
"Uh... Noona? You can have the shower first... I'm in the mood to be nice today!"
"No, a deal's a deal..." Letting out an intentional maniac laugh, you were glad you can just use the guest bathroom (which was never the option because for some peculiar reason, the water was never hot.
"Fuck you!"
[8:43 A.M]
You accompanied your brother to the room they needed him and the rest of the first-year students. There was a third-year student volunteering to help out the first-years with their orientations and such, and you told Eric he could always go to them. The clock indicated it was almost the time you both needed to go your own ways. He looked back at you, as if shy to say something then he entered the room that hadn't close its doors.
You knew this habit of your brother's that somehow helped managing his anxiety a bit. Looking at an older sister figure seemed to ease him as if everything will be alright as long as you were there. You never really got an explicit expression of how good you are of a sister, but it was never about you when it comes to Eric. It was just about the fact that you helped him no matter if it was just by being there for him.
"Hey, Eric?" He already took two steps in the room, but your call turned him around.
"You're still ten centimeters shorter in my eyes..." Eric laughed at the insult that he disliked the most, but only if other people said it.
"And you are still screaming Justin Bieber's Baby lyrics with your brush in my eyes."
He approached you and you two did the sibling handshake that you both never made a mistake in for years.
"Don't forget to drive a sister home at 2:30, okay?"
[3:16 P.M]
Unlocking the flat you shared with your little brother with the cold keys, you sighed as you entered the place. Eric promised to take you home, but you just got off the taxi and paid what could be the price of a fast food meal. You sensed danger when you heard, what you made up as, two males talking... and laughing. You hoped it was Eric, but their voices weren't the high-pitched and hyperactive kind. They were talking about... Drake?
"Oh hi, Noo—" POW!
Whether it was your reflexes that didn't even let him finish the word that could have make you (and his forehead) feel at ease or the fact that Eric was just unwise to be behind you while you were in your flight-or-fight mode... nobody knows.
"What'd you do that for?!" He screeched as he held his forehead.
He went to the mirror near the door, one that he installed for "fashion" purposes.
"Look at this! I got a sole with a Nike logo printed on my head!"
You didn't really care about how much it hurt as he was speaking about it. You went to the living room at started your own lecture on how ditching on one's sister is not nice. You didn't even introduce yourself to the two guys who were looking at you, not knowing what to do.
"Like dude, where were you?! I texted you and called you, but apparently you were inviting two strangers to talk about that Hotline Bling dude! Also who invites a stranger home— did you forget that you were almost kidnapped because you didn't listen to Mom's stranger danger lecture—"
"Y/N, there is a pint of Cookies and Cream ice cream next to the ice cubes in the freeze—" You smiled instantly and ran excitedly to the freezer.
The two 'strangers' were left agape that it took you food to earn your silence.
"Hotline Bling dude is crazy..." One of the two guys with a chiseled face and thin lips, laughed as you approach them.
"Moon Kevin, right? Second-year student? Photography?" He nodded with a chill attitude.
"Yes, ma'am!"
The other boy with a face with racoon features took the remote and continued the fanmade lyric video from Youtube that they left paused as everybody sat with their snacks in hand.
As they exclaimed "Owww!" at the rap punchlines, you noticed how quick the three clicked. How they sounded like longtime best friends reunited. You shook your head at their silliness as you watched the video in silence. At least you were in peace knowing that Eric would be in fate's good hands.
[5:37 P.M. | Week 3]
Okay... maybe you spoke too soon. You were not in peace. Especially, since everyday they would come over to the flat. Something about the way Eric socializes decreased your social battery when you didn't even know who these kids were. Last week, Eric invited three more strangers to crash 'his' place, they were all your juniors! Not to mention, famous juniors! Not only that, they watched NBA games and F1 races at night, occupying your house like a public facility whenever they can.
You were in the couch, invited to watch along, but you kept your lips shut, since these boys were rowdy and you weren't into basketball. Right now, they were challenging themselves to watch the game with water in their mouth and whoever spit it out first had to pay all their part of the dinner your bank account.
Your phone indicated a message coming in with a vibrate.
Biological 'Buy 1 Get 1' : Y/N. Hyunjae said he wanted to come here, is that okay?
You turned your head to Eric, bewildered.
"You invited five people who I still struggle to name without warning and my knowledge, but... sure I guess!"
You went back to your meal and you swore you saw three Singapore fountains living.
"Oww! You see that, Reggie?"
"I see that!"
"You see that—"
"I see—"
"Beast dunk by the man, Lebron James! Y'all, Miami game night is getting really hot tonight! Take a look at that jump in your ESPN replay—"
You just knew the next thing they would do is to fight for no reason, and blame it all on Chanhee (He didn't even participate to the challenge, but Sunwoo would gaslight the guy to pay if Chanhee 'really loves' his friends. That kid really had to thank God, Chanhee really loves them and is an aristocrat's son).
As you reach for more popcorn, the electronic doorbell rang. Eric parkoured from where he sat to the door (a habit you learned he had whenever he's excited).
As he came back, he brought two bags with McDonald's logo.
"Delivery man?" Your brother laughed at squirell guy's question (you hoped his name was Changmin).
"Nope. The snack himself." There was another man behind him.
A soft-gazed guy with a tall fitted figure, broad shoulders and carefully-crafted cheekbones. Oh yeah, this snack needs a warning...
"Hyunjae in the house!"
You really tried your best not to stare too much that night.
[8:14 A.M | Week 4]
"I knew it!" You shut your locker door and saw your brother looking at you with excitement.
"What do you want?" He ignored your rolling eyes.
You walked to the end of the hallway, thinking that Eric was following you. Your feet halt as it detected loneliness by the lack of Eric shadowing behind. Turning around, eyebrows united... you dropped your neck a little, expressing the face of a person left hanging by an Eric, who was looking at you with a smirk and a knowing look.
"So?! What do you know?!"
He took a few steps to you, then he said.
"You know I'm good in chemistry, right?"
"You have 23 exes and you cried when each time you broke up. What do you mean?"
"Ohhhh... right... Ms. Choi gave you an AP class for Chemistry back in high school when you blew up a project... Wouldn't that make you eligible to skip 2 years in Chemistry for your Bachelor's?" Eric clapped his hand together.
"Ditto! Now... The dean had let me skip two years as long as I've done two weeks of pre-requisites, so here I am, stuck with your second class of the day, I'll be in Chair 16!" He turned around and ran to the indoor field as he saw Younghoon, a fellow third-year who happened to be your math tutoring student.
"You left me hanging, again?!" You knew that pain in the ass could hear you from afar, but he pretended not to hear by closing his ears as he ran and disappeared.
"Fucking dickhead..."
You opened your phone which had your college schedule as its lock screen wallpaper. Second period will be with Professor Do in Chemistry.
[10:41 A.M]
Ever since the first week of the semester, the lab's door had a paper taped onto it, saying "Warning: harmful acid clean-up! No entry!" and a letter from the chancellor that, while the lab needed to go through some clean-up due to a very harsh acid spill accident, all students who wish to seek Chemistry credits need to go to the Classroom XI, a spare room unused, to attend lecture.
You were in the room approaching the front rows. It was a strategy to record professors lectures better and also to keep yourself visible when your professors take attendance. The memory of raising your hand and saying 'here' and still marked as absent when you chose to sat on Chair 52, two rows behind the student cluster, traumatized you as it almost made you fail the whole course. Thank god you could prove that you listened to the lecture, since most of the lecture weren't on your textbooks.
You saw that Chair 18 was occupied. Chair 16 and 17 were empty.
Letting your Converse shoes took pace, you let your blue backpack hug the shoulders of Chair 17. You then sat in the chair, imaginatively creating prank scenarios to perform human-made karmas on Eric for making you wait to long for what he wanted to say at locker hallways.
Oh, this going to be perfect...
You felt it from your peripheral senses that Eric was approaching the chair on your left. Putting an act of clueless human being, your hand reached to your phone on your left pocket slowly. As the kid beside you dragged the chair behind, he was about to give up his responsibility to bear his own weight to his chair... until the same hand you used to try reaching your phone went to the back of his chair quickly and pulled it.
"Ow!!" You were covering your face not to burst into explosion of loud giggles. Turning your head to the left, looking at the boy on the floor and you—
Oh shit— Eric what did you do?
You remembered Eric's jersey number for his basketball match back in high school, so you look at Chair 22 at the row behind your right. There he was smirking at you and waving. You gave him your panicked face; in response you received a shrug and 'not my problem' (judging from your poor lip-reading skills). You showed off your canine teeth and a middle finger.
"Let me guess..." Hyunjae stood up and fixed his chair, resting his pained butt on it.
"I'm—" Your face were burning hot like a stove, probably red like a tomato by now.
"A friend set you up, because you want to get into my pants. So, you pulled my chair..." It was like the world had a hand on your mouth for a second. You chuckled nervously.
"First of all, not exactly. My bitch brother, Eric, said he'll sit here."
"Eric is your brother?" You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Yeah, why?"
"I thought you were his girlfriend back in his house..." You faked a vomiting gesture. He laughed a little at you with a small smile.
"Back to the topic. Second... Is the 'pulling your chair' trick famous or something? You didn't seem surprised." He looked at you, mouth agape in bewilderment.
"You're not up to date with the famous students here, are you?" You probably looked silly right now, but your eyebrows were probably like a great horned owl.
"Should I be?" He raised his eyebrows, then shook his head while smiling.
"No, no! It's fine! It's famous, because I do that prank to all of my friends. Let's just say, it became a strategy for girls to get closer to me when I started being friends with kids like Juyeon, Changmin, and... your brother."
"The hell you mean my brother's famous?" Hyunjae raised his chin at Eric's direction.
"Judge for yourself."
As you look back at Chair 22, the two chairs on its left and right were seated by girls who were twirling their hair and touching his bicep. On the other hand, he kept looking at his phone screen while ignoring them.
"Morning, students! I will introduce the molecular spectroscopy this week..." As Professor Do went on talking, his words fade away the moment you heard the big, dictionary-rich words.
"The only thing I like about molecules are the periodic table thing..." The guy next to you murmured.
"I don't even remember half of it..." You turned to him.
"You don't? So if I say you're Beryllium-Uranium-Titanium-Ful, you wouldn't have a clue?" You shook your head.
He smiled a little bit, yet you couldn't read what the intention was for.
[11:32 A.M]
You and Hyunjae tidied your belongings to your own backpacks, as everyone else did. All the urge to scream and knock some sense into your brother was still concealed in your chest. Now that you thought of it, a question tickled the back of your scalp.
"I'm confused though..." He looked at you with pursed lips.
"Why weren't you curious about the set up?" He tilted his head.
"What do you mean?"
"You're not curious why my brother set me up with you?" Hyunjae let few chuckles escaped his lips.
"Judging by your answers... I believe, it was more likely he was trying to set me up with you." He started to walk to the door slowly, until his feet froze in the middle of it as he faced you again.
"And you know what? I'm pretty glad, honestly. See you tonight, Y/N." He walked away with another smile.
Your eyes were almost out of its sockets. Every nerve on your body was confused; whether they should be relaxed because the man was away, or they should still be tense by the fact that what he said just now didn't make sense? Honestly, you didn't know anymore.
You kept your eyes at Hyunjae as he kept going to the door, you saw that Eric was leaning on the door waiting for him. They both let their hand greet each other in their masculine manner. Then, Eric winked at you.
[7:18 P.M | Week 7]
There had been no lectures or assignments ever since Week 5 until Week 9. This was because it was yuletide. Eric kept gaining new friends and inviting more to your house. He had to keep a promise that he can only bring ten people to your house, as long he was responsible for having them as guests.
However, you gained a liking to his friends. They really were how you hoped Eric's friends to be; as funny as him, wouldn't make him feel alone like how he wouldn't to other people, and influenced him to try so many other things. So, the promise he made was still kept, but you don't mind if he couldn't keep it once or twice. Like sweeping up the floor at midnight after they went home? You don't mind doing it with him.
...Okay, maybe there was one more. Lee Hyunjae. That man kept inviting you to watch matches along, it was ridiculous! By now, you know which NBA stars belong in which team. He taught you how to play PlayStation games. Sometimes, all of you were there but only the two of were enjoying Resident Evil on the screen.
The second time you interacted with Hyunjae after you pulled his chair was after school when he went to your house together with you. You offered him a ride together with Eric, saving his 4,500 Won to go to your flat every day. From Week 4 to Week 5, the three of you had been doing carpool karaoke at noon.
From then on, little conversations and details mattered to Hyunjae. Once you mentioned that you love homemade popcorn and french fries. After that day, he came with a homemade popcorn and another day with french fries. Every detail about you that he caught were used as a weapon to unintentionally steal your heart.
He was... too nice for someone who was just Eric's friend in your life. Maybe that was why you decided to be involved when you were invited to watch a game together.
Now, it was 25th of December. None of the other ten boys went home to their hometown or families. It was a sad week for them all. They were homesick and so were you and Eric as you both missed your family in LA. Then, Sangyeon, who happened to be the only senior of yours that made it to this friend circle, said a Christmas dinner should sound nice.
So, there you all were, eating Samgyeop and the Saeng Galbi that you grilled. Everyone enjoying their Soju bottles with the rice accompanied by the smoky beef, laughing as you shared how Eric once was asked to be the guy to replace an injured baseball player, then going home and watched a baseball match with a man claiming to be the father of the injured, doing the service as a gratitude for Eric. Two months later, the man was on breaking news for car theft and being chased by the police for six hours straight.
After the dinner, everyone opened up their presents. You were given a few things by these boys, like a hat by Changmin with a note "I don't really know what you like, but Eric said your ears get numb when it snows. Thank you for letting us be a safe space to each other by letting us hang in your house every day! Must not be easy :("
You also got new headphones, because Haknyeon noticed your left Airpods was broken. For people who weren't exactly close, but always welcoming for you (because you welcomed them first), they were very considerate and caring.
You opened your gift from Hyunjae and there were three things there: a Chanel lipstick, a mistletoe, and a coupon for the arcade. You were worried for a second that the lipstick shade won't match you. You turned the case and read what the name of the shade was: '16 - Livermorium'
The thin coupon paper was almost see-through, you could see that there was a writing with a marker behind it.
Wanna bail? □ Yes □ No
You smiled widely at the words, you looked for Hyunjae as everyone was busy talking to each other, expressing their gratitude for the gifts received. You saw Hyunjae leaning near the vestibule, already looking at you. The grin in your face widened and you nodded. He smiled as you both stepped quietly out the room.
"Y/N! Thank you for the new jacket!! You don't know how much I wanted this kind—" Jacob was about to hug you but he noticed you and Hyunjae were taking your shoes to go outside quietly.
You both looked up at Jacob, frozen and you panicked a little. However, Jacob gave a gentle smile instead. He reached to his pocket and tossed Hyunjae his Kawasaki keys.
"Y'all go! I'll cover for you."
[7:49 P.M]
The two of you were in giggles as you scored thirty points in the timed basketball game, while Hyunjae scored more but since his hoop didn't detect the ball passing through, he was still at zero.
"I won!" He rolled his eyes while curving his lips to a crescent, exposing the white on his teeth and the red in his cheeks.
Suddenly, a light bulb was lit inside that wrinkly organ in your skull. You took a few steps to Hyunjae, looking up at him wearing the biggest smile.
"Hey, Hyunjae."
He looked at your eyes, hypnotized by those honey ambers. His own eyes gazing at you from your eyes to the corner of your lips. For one second, he was too drunk in you to even respond.
"You opened my gift yet?"
"Yeah... The perfume, right? How much did it cost?" He did not intervene with his eye contact that moved from your eyes to your lips to your eyes and your lips (on and on and on).
"127,900 Won. It's custom made, just like the lipstick you gave me."
He started to feel weak in this eye contact, as if about to give up and just kiss you already. His breath started to hitch and had no energy to do anything beyond whispering.
"Yeah? What did you pick for my custom perfume?"
"I gave the perfumer a sample of my shampoo, my own perfume, my lipstick, and the butter you use for the popcorn you make... because it smells like me." Hyunjae smirked at the sensual, yet the genuine loving manner.
"Is that it?" His right arm decided to hug your waist.
You swore that you almost lost all the shyness and the contemplation to kiss him right there right then. His left thumb reached your bottom lip, dragging to the end point of your chin.
"You want me to remember you with your scent?" It was your turn to blush and get drunk in his love.
You nodded with a shameless naughty smile. Then you let your chin rest on his chest as you looked up to his eyes like a puppy. His pupils began to dilate as he stared at your eyes like a king sitting on his throne looking down at a begging treasonist kissing his feet.
"I just want you overall..." You whispered as he chuckled.
"Mhmm? Yeah? Why don't you show me?"
Hyunjae noticed you took something from the pockets of your pants. It was the Chanel lipstick he gave you and the mistletoe. As you left a gap between you and him enough to put on the makeup in front of him, he took the mistletoe from your hands put it on top.
"Make my dreams come true, will you?"
"Oh what? Kissing you under the mistletoe like the Justin Bieber song you always play?" You both giggled, never letting each other's sights out of each other's sights.
"Not really... Kissing Y/N and nobody else but Y/N had always been the dream since the first time I saw you." You raised your eyebrows at him while smiling widely.
"...And my childhood 13-year-old dream that I had when I was hitting puberty." You couldn't stop smiling and laughing. You snaked your hand, holding the mistletoe with him.
You leaned in with the best slow, romantic pace you could ever think of to introduce the relationship for much more kisses to come. It felt like you woke up from the dandellion hills in the Garden of Eden. Felt so right as if nothing in life had ever wronged you. It felt like you flew out of your body, elevating to the outer space where you live among the stars, just floating.
You both gave yourselves some breaths to take in, letting some space between you both.
"I have a question."
"Why a radioactive element, Livermorium?" He gave away the same giggles he had been having ever since he was with you in that arcade.
"I might memorize the periodic table, but I don't know what the chemical elements mean... I just like the way you can have a code to speak with when you have the periodic table." You tilted your head at him in confusion.
"So what is there to decipher?" He grinned at your cluelessness.
"Livermorium in short is Lv in Group 16 of the periodic table... familiar?" You looked at him wide-eyed as if starstruck at a Nobel Prize genius.
"Chair 16, Chemistry class... Lv short for the word Love?" He nodded proudly, enjoying the attention your eyes gave him.
"Corny, right?"
That night, he confessed that he would really like to be yours and he had never had anyone else (and didn't want to have) other than you in mind. It might look like it was too fast but the chemistry you both had spoke much for yourselves that actually, you were both ready.
From that moment on, the lipstick stained not only on your lips, but on his. He wore it so proud he wouldn't even wipe off the red-pinkish messy smears on his lower cheeks.
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buckrecs · 2 years
2022 Bucky Barnes Fic Rec 2
masterlist | req masterlist
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
✨ - fav fics
Status - Complete
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1. through his eyes by @sebbytrash
Bucky x Reader
Bucky arrives at the compound to start afresh but you and him have a somewhat colorful past, colorful being that you met him once before as The Winter Soldier and it did not go well. New beginnings, yeah? If you can learn to forgive.
2. pastel colors by @the-canary
Teacher!Bucky x Librarian!Reader
If only the cute teacher would stop pestering you for a pen.
3. appointment by @buckycuddlebuddy
TFATWS!Bucky x Reader
bucky barnes, finally being able to live freely in 21st century, accidentally gets a fuck buddy and starts to rediscover himself. the only weird thing about this situation is that you have to make an appointment to get railed by him.
4. my eyes by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Bucky x Reader, past Steve x Reader
Steve is a good man, America’s golden boy, a hero. He’s Captain America for christ’s sake! So it’s normal to want what he has… right? Bucky knows he doesn’t deserve her. He doesn’t even deserve the second chance at life he’s been given. But Bucky can never let him know. Steve can never find out that his friend is in love with his best girl.
5. hard feelings by @gayouijaboard
Bucky x Mutant!Reader
You’re a mutant born with the ability to read and feel other people’s emotions. Steve thinks this means you can help Bucky figure out his triggers and learn to communicate what he’s feeling, but no one ever said he was planning on making your job easy.
7. just one kiss by @sarahwroteathing✨
Bucky x Reader 40’s AU
Bucky Barnes has been chasing after you since he was ten years old, but you’re determined not to give in. How long can you hold out when all he’s asking for is just one kiss?
8. FATWS series by @cjsinkythoughts
TFATWS!Bucky x Avengers!Reader
Series based on the show
9. that summer by @tellmealovestory
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You’ve spent every summer since you were a child in the idyllic beach town that you call home three months out of the year. This summer should be no different except for the addition of Bucky Barnes. Sparks fly upon first meeting, but it’s only a summer fling, right?
10. hey neighbor by @moonbeambucky
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
11. snow by @delaber ✨
Bucky x Reader
Tired of your constant bickering, Sam sends you and Bucky on a mission alone. When the worst possible outcome happens and you’re forced to spend several days together in a small cabin, you finally get to see a different, more pleasurable side to the man whose flesh you’ve always had a thorn in.
12. vacant mirrors by @whirlybirbs ✨
Bucky x Reader
shit’s been rough. shit was rough even before the blip. dr. hart shares an office with dr. raynor, and you share with waiting room with bucky barnes. set before tfatws; a friends-to-lovers, slowburn, eventual smut.
13. the cupcake guy by @nacho-bucky
Baker!Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Baking has become Bucky’s creative outlet, and the root of his recovery. He’d love to launch it into a full-time job, but he needs a good partner -- business, and...you know...kissy-kissy.
14. as it was by @heli0s-writes
Bucky x Reader, past Steve x Reader
Sam warned him when he arrived at the compound, returned to the timeline he ran from: It’s different now, she doesn’t do the superhero thing anymore, she’s got another life now, but he wouldn’t listen. He can’t. He must hope that some things are the same, that your love is the same.  
15. choosing us by @itsanerdlife
Single Dad!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
You were content with your life. The way your life was. Till you take on the Barnes Twins. Kindergarten’s worst nightmares.Epic love wasn’t in your cards. Fate didn’t deal you in, this lifetime. Till James, aka Bucky, Barnes sets his sights on you. It’s not right, you can’t. Right?Love doesn’t have a timeline. There is no set amount of time to tell you what you feel. For the way things progress when you fall in love. Can you get everything you ever wanted with Bucky and his boys, or is it just too fast?  
16. looking for a heartbeat by @justreadingfics
Bucky x Reader
You and Bucky used to be in a relationship. Feelings were hurt, you left. Now,  it’s been two years and you’re back. You both will handle the reunion well, won’t you?
17. burn the witch by @dreamwritesimagines ✨
Bucky x Spy!Reader
There’s a thin line between mission and love, and spies aren’t allowed to cross that line.
18. the lost husband by @whitestarbucky
Bucky x Reader Country AU
Starting again was never easy. Recently widowed, you now have to start this process over in a place you once called home. Staying with an old family friend seemed like the simple solution. Until a blast from the past comes back into your life, stirring up long lost memories. Whether you’re ready for them or not.
19. life as we know it by @whitestarbucky ✨
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You had never disliked a person more than Bucky Barnes. But as the universe would have it, you were stuck with him. Under the same roof now after the tragic passing of your two best friends, their child was yours to take care of. With a complicated past plus raising a toddler, you both find yourselves needing to confront a few things before it tears the only family Sarah Rogers has left, apart.
20. merry & married by @sunriserose1023
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
It’s been almost a year since the most humiliating moment of your life. You’ve done your best to move on—by literally moving across the country, starting a new job, and you’re finally starting to feel settled. That, of course, is when your bubblehead cousin sends you the invitation to her wedding—which is exactly one year to the day that you were left at the altar. You have to go, but you don’t have to go alone.
21. have I made you uncomfortable? by @marveliskindacool
Bucky x Reader
you and Bucky hate each other. or do you? (enemies to lovers)
22. recruit by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Fury gives Bucky a simple mission that’s also guaranteed to be impossible. But Bucky refuses to give up.
23. stable by @revengingbarnes
Bucky x Reader Bookstore AU
Bucky Barnes. Owner of one of the only three bookstores in town. Quiet. Shy. Peace-loving and reserved. Bucky’s life has been one big routine. Nothing is out of place. Nothing is out of the ordinary.
24. the lucky one by @avengerofyourheart
Bucky x Single mom!Reader
As a single mom with a jerk of an ex-husband, you’re doing your best to run the family business all on your own when your mother hires a mysterious man with a troubled past to help out. He just might be what you need in your life, but will his secrets bring you together or tear you apart? (Events occur shortly after Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
25. catch me by @buckyywiththegoodhair
Bucky x Reader
In which a bet leads Bucky to have to catch you every day for a week, no matter what.
26. one’s promised by @invisibleanonymousmonsters ✨
Winter Soldier!Bucky x Pierce!Reader
Living a double life was not a choice when one was the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Y/N was the youngest agents of SHIELD and one of the most respected threats within Hydra’s empire. No matter her allegiance, she was feared by both. Y/N Pierce would’ve tried to escape it all… if it hadn’t been for The Winter Soldier.
27. the five times bucky saved you.. by @buckysknifecollection
Bucky x Avengers!Reader
You have a special bond with Bucky. He's more than your best friend, your partner in missions, the person you care most about. He often saved you from uncomfortable situations, always ready to protect you, but sometimes, you are the one who did the saving.
28. howlin’ for you by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Biker!Bucky x Reader
When Y/N gets an unreal deal on her first home, she wonders why her neighbor scared away all the other buyers. Despite being cautious, she wonders why the town has given Bucky Barnes a bad name.
29. supernova by @whitestarbucky
Bucky x Widow!Reader
A supernova happens where there is a change in the core, or center, of a star. As the star runs out of nuclear fuel, some of its mass flows into its core. Eventually, the core is so heavy that it cannot withstand its own gravitational force. The core collapses, which results in the giant explosion of a supernova. Bucky never thought he could witness this beautiful tragedy in his lifetime. Until he met you.
30. relationship tutor by @samingtonwilson ✨
Bucky x Reader College AU
a relationship novice, asks for your help in dating your friend. Unable to say no to him, you agree despite everyone and everything telling you not to.
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heartdrift · 10 months
Every Caryl Scene (S1-11) (1080p/Logoless)
Whew. I'm not gonna lie to y'all, this took forever. My goal with this was to recreate my previous Caryl compilation with 1.) all scenes intact, not missing anything and 2.) much better quality. I ran into many issues that I won't bore you with, but in summary - almost everything here is completely lossless from the original files, aside from S10, which I unfortunately had to reencode to fix a few issues I could not solve no matter how much I fiddled with it. However, it is still much better quality than the previous file I had up! These also have 6CH audio, which means that if you make fan videos and use something like Vegas Pro, you will be able to isolate the spoken audio from the music/random background noises and have better, cleaner voiceovers!
All of the seasons add up to about 123 GB, so I'm sorry that these will take up quite a bit more space than before, but the improved quality hopefully makes up for that! These are not perfect, so please forgive any little framerate bugs or very slight (hopefully) issues with video/audio syncing. I'm aware that the audio for S10 is a bit behind, but hopefully not to an extent that ruins anything - that season gave me quite a hard time, and I'm not really sure how to get it just right. It bothers the hell out of me, so I'm sorry, but I did my best. Otherwise, any issues should be pretty minor, but let me know if you run into anything major.
As always -
Credit is not necessary.
You are free to - and encouraged to - use these for anything creative that your heart desires. Just don't claim that you put these together yourself and I'm happy.
If you want me to see something you made with the scenes, tag me! I love seeing new creations in the tag, so don't be shy.
This is my love letter to y'all. It's not much, but I hope it sparks joy!
(Pssttt, psstt. If you would like episode timestamps for each season, click the link below. It's pretty lengthy and they're not precise, I just did my best.)
Season 1
00:00 to 02:52 - Episode 5, Wildfire
02:52 to 04:17 - Episode 6, TS-19
Season 2
00:00 to 14:21 - Episode 1, What Lies Ahead
14:22 to 20:05 - Episode 2, Bloodletting
20:06 to 21:38 - Episode 3, Save the Last One
21:39 to 26:16 - Episode 4, Cherokee Rose
26:17 to 27:18 - Episode 5, Chupacabra
27:19 to 42:17 - Episode 7, Pretty Much Dead Already
42:18 to 45:16 - Episode 8, Nebraska
45:17 to 51:00 - Episode 9, Triggerfinger
51:01 to 55:03 - Episode 11, Judge, Jury, Executioner
55:04 to 57:49 - Episode 12, Better Angels
57:50 to 01:12:48 - Episode 13, Beside the Dying Fire
Season 3
00:00 to 11:34 - Episode 1, Seed
11:35 to 20:08 - Episode 4, Killer Within
20:09 to 26:13 - Episode 5, Say the Word
26:14 to 31:12 - Episode 6, Hounded
31:13 to 33:14 - Episode 7, When the Dead Come Knocking
33:15 to 39:58 - Episode 9, The Suicide King
39:59 to 43:41 - Episode 10, Home
43:42 to 44:45 - Episode 11, I Ain't a Judas
44:46 to 46:18 - Episode 15, This Sorrowful Life
46:19 to 46:37 - Episode 16 - Welcome to the Tombs
Season 4
00:00 to 02:11 - Episode 1, 30 Days Without an Accident
02:12 to 06:11 - Episode 2, Infected
06:12 to 10:03 - Episode 3, Isolation
10:04 to 13:49 - Episode 4, Indifference
13:50 to 14:53 - Episode 5, Internment
14:54 to 16:18 - Episode 8, Too Far Gone
Season 5
00:00 to 20:07 - Episode 1, No Sanctuary
20:08 to 33:23 - Episode 2, Strangers
(^tw for emetophobia at 22:27 to 22:42, I know it might seem silly since this show is full of blood and gore, but I don't want to catch y'all off guard with something unexpected that might really bother you to see.)
33:24 to 34:19 - Episode 3, Four Walls and a Roof
34:20 to 34:52 - Episode 4, Slabtown
34:53 to 01:16:24 - Episode 6, Consumed
(^yes, I included this entire ep, y'all ain't missing a second of it.)
01:16:25 to 01:23:28 - Episode 8, Coda
01:23:29 to 01:27:29 - Episode 10, Them
01:27:30 to 01:28:14 - Episode 11, The Distance
01:28:15 to 01:30:58 - Episode 12, Remember
01:30:59 to 01:33:56 - Episode 13, Forget
Season 6
00:00 to 01:31 - Episode 1, First Time Again
01:32 to 09:26 - Episode 3, Thank You
09:27 to 12:59 - Episode 6, Always Accountable
13:00 to 14:59 - Episode 9, No Way Out
15:00 to 17:18 - Episode 11, Knots Untie
17:19 to 19:40 - Episode 13, The Same Boat
19:41 to 25:28 - Episode 14, Twice as Far
25:29 to 28:38 - Episode 16, Last Day on Earth
Season 7
00:00 to 02:55 - Episode 1, The Day Will Come When You Won't Be
02:56 to 03:55 - Episode 9, Rock in the Road
03:56 to 20:43 - Episode 10, New Best Friends
20:44 to 28:13 - Episode 13, Bury Me Here
Season 8
00:00 to 08:46 - Episode 1, Mercy
08:47 to 13:22 - Episode 4, Some Guy
13:23 to 15:22 - Episode 5, The Big Scary U
15:23 to 17:45 - Episode 11, Dead or Alive Or
17:46 to 20:02 - Episode 13, Do Not Send Us Astray
20:03 to 27:51 - Episode 16, Wrath
Season 9
00:00 to 02:33 - Episode 1, A New Beginning
02:34 to 07:27 - Episode 2, The Bridge
07:28 to 08:28 - Episode 6, Who Are You Now?
08:29 to 23:25 - Episode 7, Stradivarius
23:26 to 28:00 - Episode 10, Omega
28:01 to 29:41 - Episode 13, Chokepoint
29:42 to 31:01 - Episode 14, Scars
31:02 to 58:58 - Episode 15, The Calm Before
58:59 to 01:22:21 - Episode 16, The Storm
Season 10 (Part 1)
00:00 to 09:24 - Episode 1, Lines We Cross
09:25 to 35:48 - Episode 3, Ghosts
35:49 to 38:34 - Episode 4, Silence the Whisperers
38:35 to 39:46 - Episode 5, What It Always Is
39:47 to 53:52 - Episode 6, Bonds
53:53 to 01:06:48 - Episode 7, Open Your Eyes
01:06:49 to 01:19:18 - Episode 8, The World Before
01:19:19 to 01:44:24 - Episode 9, Squeeze
Season 10 (Part 2)
00:00 to 08:41 - Episode 9, Squeeze (continued from the previous part)
08:42 to 16:35 - Episode 11, Morning Star
16:36 to 20:04 - Episode 12, Walk with Us
20:05 to 31:45 - Episode 14, Look at the Flowers
31:46 to 40:01 - Episode 15, The Tower
40:02 to 01:02:20 - Episode 16, A Certain Doom
01:02:21 to 01:07:40 - Episode 17, Home Sweet Home
01:07:41 to 01:33:05 - Episode 18, Find Me
01:33:06 to 02:05:42 - Episode 21, Diverged
02:05:43 to 02:08:40 - Episode 24, Here's Ne/gan
^I don't want this post to show up in that character's tag on mobile, it would just be annoying for those fans since this doesn't have anything to do with him.
Season 11
00:00 to 09:55 - Episode 1, Acheron: Part I
09:56 to 15:29 - Episode 9, No Other Way
15:30 to 18:51 - Episode 10, New Haunts
18:52 to 24:27 - Episode 14, The Rotten Core
24:28 to 27:26 - Episode 17, Lockdown
27:27 to 37:24 - Episode 18, A New Deal
37:25 to 57:18 - Episode 20, What's Been Lost
57:19 to 01:19:32 - Episode 21, Outpost 22
1:19:33 to 01:20:56 - Episode 22, Faith
01:20:57 to 01:32:27 - Episode 23, Family
01:32:28 to 02:00:35 - Episode 24, Rest in Peace
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dislyteshack · 9 months
Dislyte personal timeline/ will be pinned
*if you feel my interpretation is wrong THAT IS FINE
This is how I interpret this fucked up timeline
I'm going to be constantly updating this and if anyone wants me to add something or I got something wrong please tell me
*I took a lot of creative liberties with this and added false dates so I will be bolding the ones where the dates are completely correct
*I can promise that the years are correct other than when Yun chuan has his transformation because that is extremely unclear
timeline (to fit canon):
2010- narmer and cang ji unearth the Raya/rhea legand that compiles deities and powers and whatnot
*I genuinely have no idea where I got the 2010 date it's either I gaslit myself or I saw it on Twitter / Facebook
1/6/2012- a big half buried purple rock is dug up. Experts find that it's glowing and unlike anything they've ever seen
3/8/2012- funny purple rock is studied and a research expedition is planned
21/10/2012 2:00 am utc- the miracle rises and the first miramon appear
*revealed by multiple times stated by how everything started in 2012
13/3/2014- Abigail girl bosses Jin yuyao's family
*revealed by a flashback in rulers law
10/4/2014- fu shi meets his big titty goth gf
*revealed by fushi in dream of redemption
12/5/2014- Joseph dies , Leon L
*revealed in Hilda's event
9/6/2014- LIAN WTF WAS THAT/cube miracle appears
9/6/2014- Hannah dies lol take the L hyde
*revealed in Lian's event
?/?/2015- founding of the esper union
*line in inescapable fate
2016- embla doesn't have a very good time/ Jiang man doesn't have a very good time
7/12/2016- Hyde seemingly starts a pharmaceutical company and generally is doing better (plot twist he started the shadow decree LOL)
* in Fu shis careers he joined in 2017 and at the end of dream of redemption Hyde said he was in the process of founding the SD*
1/1/2017- su jue gets tf out of tangton
*line in yu ran event
?/?/2017- chaos miracle spawns
*line in yu ran event
?/?/2017- Jin Qiu commits murder
*line in cell block chaos
?/4/2017-yun chuan goes to jail :(((
*it can be seen in Yun chuans signed confessional
13/10/2017 - Yun chuan death sentence
*it can be seen in Yun chuan's file in truth unveiled where he is confirmed to be dead likely on the same day his death sentence was put
?/?/2018- rip Archibald
*offhand line in Mavis event
11/2/ 2021 - beginning of Mateo's bullshit
*line in immortal fire
10/5/2021- ollies mom dies in a lab accident (massive skill issue tbh)
*offhand line in lonestar
1/6/2021 - Mateo fucking kills a man
*based on the different time skips that happened which I calculated from the beginning time of February 2021 that was specifically given to us in immortal fire
10/10/2021- Ollie's dad takes a massive L and dies (w to Leon)
2022- su jue girlbossing event (and yu rans bullshit ig)
*because of line that states that the chaos Miracle appeared 5 years ago I'm choosing to believe that everything here is taking place in 2022 despite the comment about yu ran's age
6/10/2022- Chuans esper transformation
*offhand line in truth unveiled
27/3/2023- burning of the union, marks the shadow decrees official independence
*offhand line in burning glimmer
2023- garrison incident (rip ikkis dad:( )
15/5/2023- javid causes the death of hundreds of people and gets arrested I shit you not this is what happens
*offhand line in javid's event
2/1/2024- espers become more common due to the shackled miracle
*offhand line in desparado
5/6/2026- Liam escapes from the union like the chad he is
*offhand line in devouring beast
6/10/2026 - Lu yi makes biggest mistake of his life by meeting Brewster
*offhand line in desparado
2026- idk what fumis doing BUT SLAY IKKI
19/12/2026- Ollie's bullshit
1/2/2027- brynns bullshit ig idfc
6/5/2027 - qius bullshit
24/12/2027 - truth unveiled
Event stuff vaguely taking pace after Brynn but also somehow in 2027
Fumi again with Fu shi
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envelion · 2 months
Okee Osis
Mother of the Crop
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This is my latest spirit mural piece, which brings the total up to 7? I think? I've lost count. These pieces are some of the most creatively challenging for me, and this one definitely took a lot of brain power to pull together. I make these to show the deities that exist in the world I'm building.
This is Okee Osis. (Okee is a honorific, you can just call her Osis) Osis is a eldrin (high spirit) of nature. The old story goes that long ago a nomadic people traveled the land as far as they could, heading east. Eventually they found themselves in a desert. They pushed forward, believing that one day they would find vegetation and a place to call home, but eventually the sands ran out and turned to cliffs overlooking the ocean. Too weak to head back the way they came, they were devastated. That is until some of the people paid tribute to Okee Osis and begged for her to save them. Osis, was always skeptical of people, but could not turn away from those is need, so she blessed the sandy landscape with a new types of vegetation the humans had never seen. Fruits, wheat, and vegetables that thrived in the sandy climate. Over the years, the people turned the land from a sandy desert into a thriving community. They vowed to always respect the land and protect their sacred bond with Osis.
Here are some close-up shots of the mural:
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jellymeduza · 5 months
1250 followers gift - take a peek at my medievalish fantasy game (part 2/?)
part 1
And we return to Dunceville to pay a visit to the royals. I'll try to give this time my characters a longer backstory as this neighbourhood is much older than Darkville. Let's start with Claudiuses.
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Until recently the head of the house was king August the Mad. His wife was queen Bona.
They both died of old age - Bona died first having reached her lifetime want - to have 6 grandchildren. She achieved it pretty early as her younger son has 11 children (all out of wedlock). She never met those kids, but she ordered her servants to inform her. She was happy her bloodline is so strong, so she pretended she didn't know about Caligula's affairs. Her aspiration was family (obviously). Personality: 7/4/1/8/5, light sleeper
August the Mad surely deserved his nickname - his wife died during their golden jubilee and he still deemed it the best party ever. 🤣 He was also flirting during that party with Victoria the Elder Darius. Why not? 🤷‍♀️He outlived his wife by mere few days. His first aspiration was family and second fortune. He's maxed his logic and charisma skills, and had 5 points of condition and creativity. Personality: 5/9/3/8/0, insane
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forgive me an outdated picture - I bought them a new throne with a blue sitting
August and Bona had got 3 children: Arthur, Cecylia and Caligula.
Following the death of August the Mad, Arthur became new king and shares his kingdom with his father-in-law, Konrad the Ginger. He's dutiful and noble, but a bit naive. He loves his wife dearly - she's probably the only person for whom he's willing to bent the law. He admires her for the strength of her character, independence and wit. He also cares for his sister, Cecylia Darius.
However, his got terrible realtionship with his brother - they are enemies. After Bona's death family stopped ignoring Caligula's affairs, which resulted in numerous arguments. One day Caligula tried to flirt with his sister-in-law, which Fiona didn't take lightly. Although heavily pregnant at the time, she drew a sword and started a fight with Caligula. Unfortunately, defending himself Caligula accidentally killed her and ran away in panic. Distraught, Arthur called for the wizard serving at Dariuses' court, but it was too late to help Fiona. Wizard, Eugene Magic, consulted his family and they came up with a way to bring the queen back. Fiona was brought back, but something went wrong during the rite (probably due to the blood curse) and she returned as a vampire. Wizards are afraid that reverting vampirism might also revert bringing the queen back, so they can't currently cure her. While Arthur's love hasn't faltered, his wife's condition scares him. The first days were especially difficult as she was trying to bite him all the time, not being able to sate her thirst. Luckily, smart plantman living in the rural area is growing special fruit that works as a substitute for blood. Fiona's vampirism is a strictly confidential information known only to the Claudiuses, the Dariuses and the clan of witches.
Arthur's personality: 5/3/7/3/7, good, hopeless romantic. His first aspiration is family and second is popularity. He's got condition maxed, 8 points of charisma and 5 points of logic and mechanical. His favourite colour is blue.
Fiona was born to the royal house of Darius and was married into the house of Claudius. She's daughter of Victoria the Elder and Konrad the Ginger and sister to Władysław IV. At first she was highly sceptical of her engagement to Arthur (she's got red memory). She was worried he would perceive her the way her brother does - as someone weaker and dependent, while she is certain she would make a much better ruler than Władysław IV - he only had the luck of being born a man. But eventually Arthur gained her respect (and heart) and they make a pretty happy marriage. Fiona likes reading about new inventions and sparring duels with her husband. Thanks to plasma fruit and potions that allow her to walk in the sunlight her vampirism is quite bearable. She hates Caligula with burning passion, but is friends with Cecylia Darius and the noble house of Watch.
Fiona's personality: 5/8/6/3/3, adventurous, brave, ambitious. Her first aspiration is family and second is knowledge. Her favourite colour is black. She's logical (7 points), she also has 6 points of condition and 5 points of creativity.
Arthur and Fiona have got 4 children: Julia, Agrippa, Victoria and Kunegunda. All kids are friends with their royal cousins of house Darius.
Julia (the girl in blue dress) is the eldest child. Personality: 10/10/4/4/7, brave, good, snob. Her favourite colour is blue.
Agrippa is the second child and only son. Personality: 5/8/6/3/3 (he takes after his mother), brave, good, animal lover. His favourite colour is blue.
Victoria (the girl in red dress) is the third child and as a part of peace agreement wears the colours of house Darius. She doesn't mind that as red is her favourite colour. Personality: 5/3/7/3/7, heavy sleeper, absent-minded.
Kunegunda is the fourth child and is still a baby. She was born after Fiona's revival (technically she was revived together with her mother) and she was born with red eyes. Personality: 10/1/10/3/3
Claudiuses have got a cat - Alegra. They bought her when she was a kitten. Alegra is genius, mid between lazy and hyper, mid between independant and friendly, cowardly, finicky.
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Following the accident (he didn't mean to kill Fiona! It's not his fault she's hot and he saw her everyday, alright?), Caligula ran away, grew long hair and a beard to avoid being recognised. He now lives in the rural area outside the city. Even though he is not only banished, but also highly wanted (both kings want him dead for his deed), he sometimes goes to the city to have a drink in the inn or to pick up on some lady. He was his mother's favourite child, and she accepted that he didn't want to marry. He remains a single to this day.
His job at the court was to attend ceremonies and parties (his job was slacker), but he managed to slack off even in that to go on a date with a lady. Basically, he was useless as he never had any ambition to take his brother's seat - Arthur had responsibilities and Caligula could live the pleasant, carefree live of a royal younger son.
He is father of 11 children with 8 women - there was a set of triplets and a pair of twins. What can I say, he's very fertile. xD Surely he's not prejudiced - he's slept with noble women, he's slept with burgher women, he's slept with peasants. He also slept with a mermaid, two witches and a fairy. He tried to woo an elvish lady, but she clearly wasn't interested,
As soon as a lady becomes pregnant, he quits a relationship. Sometimes he ends an affair even sooner.
One day he found a basket with a baby and a note "Jocasta Samurai". The girl is dark-skinned, but Caligula is willing to believe she's his own. The problem is, he doesn't recall meeting with a woman with last name being "Samurai" and he's slept with 5 dark-skinned women at least three of them were literate.
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Personality: 5/9/3/8/0, commitment issues, heavy sleeper. His aspiration is pleasure and second is romance. He's got high condition (8), he's also creative (7), charismatic (6) and quite logical (5).
Jocasta Samurai is the only child of Caligula that got to meet its father. She was abandoned by her mother, Berta Watch (5th on the relationship view above). Personality: 4/8/6/10/7.
Next up: the Dariuses!
part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
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romanarose · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖
How are the couples in the Leather and Lace universe celebrating? (or are they celebrating at all???)
Sorry this is so late! I hope you had a great day! Forgive my typing my laptop took a shit on me on v day so Im typing on an unfamiliar one lol
Warms my heart people still care about this universe!!!!
I have Leather and Lace Valentine’s Day special from last year!
As for the whole gang, let’s see….
This will be a brief sneak peek into the future, as canonically the universe is at abouuuttt June/julyish? There’s some creative liberty there😂
Previous day there was no Lore, and I think everyone wants lore ♥️ and by the time next v day comes, there will be no Alice and Ben will be happy with Cam so, welcome to the LaL universe Cameron!!
Mentions of addiction bulimia abuse smut
Santi and Laci
All the cutesy. Santi knows Lacina is a lover of cheesy romance so last year it was dinner. However now they have a baby. Doesn’t mean romance is dead however! After their strain over the summer Santi refuses to let Laci feel less than, esp after giving birth to Leto.
Leto is a few months old, I think approaching 6 months, and Laci has just started back at work. When she comes home, Santi has the whole dinner set up with candles and lights. Laci feels bad when she has to pause dinner to feed Leto but Santi thinks there’s nothing more beautiful than his wife breastfeeding his son. His heart is so full and happy, he couldn’t imagine a better day, even as he burps the tiny baby.
Of course, Laci isn't going to forget him either. Laci buys him the first bouquet of flowers he's gotten outside of his mom and Fatima's deaths. And, ofc, bc it's them, they make love that night. Laci is tired but they do their fav none intercourse activity and do hand stuff while making out. It always feels intimate and close.
Frankie and Jana
Just because they've been together more or less 15 years, doesn't mean Jana isn't slacking on making sure Frankie, and year and a half clear despite the stress of two children, feels loved. He's so good to her, going above and beyond during her pregnancy, finishing her doctorate, and handling both a newborn and a 3 year old. Jana was not the type of woman to congratulate a man on doing basic parenting, but christ he was amazing. Both were still on maternity leave, little Max being maybe 2 months old? Ish? Frankie would be going back to work part time soon just to keep a schedule, but would largely be a stay at home dad. She knew it wasn't easy and wanted to make sure he was so, so loved. So, under the guise of feeding Max, Jana sneaks out of the room and gets working on breakfast.
"Hi mommy, are you making me pancakes?" A sleepy Rosie toddled out in her doc McStuffins PJ's"
"Lo siento mija, did I wake you?"
"No." Rosie shook her head. Quería saludar a Max pero estaba durmiendo."
"Ah, I see. Would you like to help me cook for daddy?"
Rosie excitedly said yes, and after little bit they brought Frankie breakfast in bed. His eyes woke with a start, still protective of Jana even though she was past the 6 weeks of a c-section recovery.
"Baby, what are you-" he started to stand but as instructed Rosie ran up and pinned him down. Rosie explained the food they made while Jana got a crying Max. When all four were settled into bed, they eat together, Frankie feeding Jana as she breastfed Max. And don't you worry, once Max and Rose were down for a nap, Frankie gave Jana her Valentines Day gift. about 6 or 7 of them.
Will and Lorelei
Lore and Will had no issues giving Chloe away for a few hours.
Make no mistake, they adored their daughter, Lore loving to watch Chloe learn knew things about the world around her and Will was so wonderful when he played with her. Chloe would never have to wonder her worth the way Lorelei and Will did, they'd protect her the best they could from what they and their friends had endured.
No they loved Chloe Sen. However, they were comfortable taking time off. Lorelei had given birth in late July, and had a speedy recovery, making a mile run two weeks postpartum. This was not because of her eating issues (okay maybe baby weight was a small factor but she was working on it, okay?) more importantly, she needed to be ready to help run the farm for harvest season. Mrs. Miller would be watching Chloe Sen tonight for a few hours while Will took Lore out to dinner just as she had over harvest.
Lorelei had never been somewhere so fancy. She was dressed up in a dress Will said was "fit to attend the Oscar's with James Dean" never mind Dean's Oscar win was posthumous, but the compliment felt nice. Lorelei loved the traditional schtick, even if she told him she didn't need anything, that having a family was enough. Will, of course, would never let that slide. He also bought her jewelry, and he was the first man who didn't fumble that bag, getting her a classy tennis bracelet that matched her silvery dress. Lorelei's red dress was not fitting right with her breastfeeding boobs, and once thing about Lorelei Yen Giang, she did not where pink.
Lorelei's gift surprised Will. Not that Lorelei couldn't be sweet or tender; Lorelei always showed Will her love in her own love language, but gift giving was not one. She gives him a framed picture, something Laci had snapped at the beach day last summer. Lorelei wasn't showing in her swimsuit yet, Will had his shirt on. Despite the tension of those early months, Lorelei had forgotten how much she and Will still had fun. They were sitting on beach towels, Lorelei's head thrown back laughing, black hair cascading down. Will was grinning ear to ear.
"I love it, Lore..." Will says, smiling brightly.
If Lorelei didn't have make up on, she'd be blushing.
"I love you, William. I know there were so many reservations from my side early on but all these months later, you prove me wrong every single day. You are exactly the kind of man I saw you as, no tricks, no games."
Will kissed her tenderly. "And you, princess, blow me away every single day."
There was no sex that night, Chloe not having fallen asleep for her grandma nor a few hours after, keeping them both up. But Lorelei feel asleep with her loving boyfriends arms around her, and that was enough.
Benny and Cameron.
It was all so new. Being the off season, Ben and Cam were somewhere in Arizona, fucking the entire day away in Cam's van. Ben was still worried about the other ball dropping, for something in Cam to switch. For him to leave again or for him to hurt him like Alice. Things weren't easy peasy; Ben was still relapsing on bulimia and drinking, but the recovery periods were getting longer and Cam was always quick to assure him relapse is a normal part of recovery. Frankie quit coke cold turkey, but that's because he had a scare. it'd take Ben some time, but Cam would be there every step.
As soon as Cam woke after a long nap to Ben in the kitchenette, listening to him clanging around trying to cook he knew Ben was having a bad day. When he opened the curtain to find the living space/kitchen a massive mess, with food everywhere in Ben's attempt at cooking and a table set up of half-made crafts, he knew it was Ben's ADHD. He was trying to get Ben to warm up to the idea of trying meds again, but once step at a time.
"Baby?" Cam called, and Ben wiped around, eyes wide as he began sputtering.
"I'm sorry! Im sorry I was trying to make breakfast and also this craft I saw on printers and also this other one then the bacon was burning and-"
"Baby, can I hold you?"
Ben blinked at him, looking nervous. He wasn't used to people asking if they could touch him. "Oh. Um... no I don't think so."
Cam smiled, happy Ben felt comfortable enough, trusted him enough to communicate. "Thank you for telling me. Benny, does this have something to do with Valentine's Day?"
He hesitated but admitted yes. "I love you so goddamn much Cam and we've been on the road so I haven't hardly been aware the month let alone the year... Then all of a sudden I wake up and its the 14th and you've been just... just the fucking best. I don't want you to feel like I don't appreciate you..."
Cameron listened until he was sure Ben was done. "Would it help if we just... pretended today was another day? I swear, just you being here..."
"No! Cam let me do something nice for you."
"Something nice for me," He started slowly. "Is you being nice to yourself. Listen, my birthday is coming up, if you really want to, not saying you have to, but if you really want to you can go all out that day. But what I really, really want..." He reached out his hands, which Ben took. "Is to eat this burnt bacon, tape this half-made craft to my wall, and then get back into bed with the love of me life that I thought I'd never get to hold again. What do you think."
Ben paused, allowing himself to absorb Cam's words. Cam din't want anything from him outside of his love, fidelity, and company. He didn't want ben's money, didn't want him to change or hide self, and although they certainly had fantastic sex, if Ben wasn't feeling it he could say no, but Cam usually picked up on it before hand.
"Okay, yeah, that sounds good..."
"Good." Cam smiled and reached behind Ben. "I like my bacon extra crispy."
Happy v day!!!!
tagging a few peeps who still interact with the all universe
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @missdictatorme @ivystoryweaver @pimosworld @miraclesabound @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @whatthefishh
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feris-wheel · 9 days
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13 things I notice between acnh and acnl
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Creds of dividers to: @anitalenia & @xxbimbobunnyxx
I was an avid fan of the animal crossing series, I had my chance upon getting the mobile Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, then I started playing New Horizons on the switch. After pouring in 300+ hrs total completing my island design and building and also getting the DLC to play with, I tried out and finally got New Leaf on the 3ds after to start playing. I knew that Animal Crossing New Leaf was the predecessor to New Horizons, and I was intrigued and interested in playing to see the differences and experience the game that had nostalgia of my childhood. I never got a 3ds but spent my childhood watching youtubers with their 3ds games and all the fun they had. After playing New Leaf for 2-3 weeks straight in, I noted that there were some differences, functionally and story-wise with the details. Both games are enjoyable in their own ways, and offers players options to consider on which game installment to play for — New Leaf for the coziness, interaction, nostalgia, and pacing — or New Horizons for the amount of fun you can have with growing, crafting, designing your island, and new graphics.
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🍀1. The way that stores are introduced are different: In New Leaf, the stores are separated in another street to unlock and visit. In new Horizons, the clothing and nook store can be built on your island, however the other stores are separate from your island. Kicks, Harriet, Leif, Reese and Cyrus are all on Harvey’s island that you can visit on.
🍀2. In New Leaf, Timmy and tommy swap places in working at the store on different days you visit. Whereas New Horizons has the two twins both greet and run the store when you visit.
🍀3. Small difference but notable is that you start off with the title as mayor in New Leaf game, while in New Horizons you are invited to live at the island at first while having the most active role contributing to the island.
🍀4. The way you start off in the opening of the game is a bit different, in New lead you’re greeted by Rover on the train you’re boarding. In New Horizons you’re at the airport greeted by the twin raccoons, Timmy and Tommy.
🍀5. In New Leaf, the customization of some items and creative liberty are kind of limited. Whereas in New Horizons, there are a bunch of options to creatively design your island by placing furniture, changing colors, and designing your own home. Additionally New Horizons has the DLC (happy home paradise) which also allows the function eventually of capable of designing your villagers homes on your island.
🍀6. Both games officially have a separate installment that focuses on designing homes, ran by the happy home academy ppl. Happy home designer is the predecessor to Happy home paradise. To which, Happy home paradise has more options, items, and creative choices to edit, place, and change things when designing the homes.
🍀7. In New Leaf, Tom Nook is the owner of his own store that offers home expansion and customization for the player. Whereas in New Horizons, he resides in the office and works with Isabelle and is seen as a higher up giving tasks and directions to the player at the beginning of the game. However he still stays true to his og role in the previous game, where he also offers home customization and expansion to the player in New Horizons. (Regardless, you will always be in debt to Tom Nook wherever you go…)
🍀8. In New Leaf, Isabelle’s brother appears to introduce you to check out the HH showcase and has a more permanent role. In New Horizons he doesn’t appear as frequently and is not a stationed npc.
🍀9. The interaction with villagers plays a crucial role in New Leaf. If you never talk to a villager, at some point they will decide to move out and decide their moving day. Whereas in New horizons, the only way for a villager to actually leave is till they also question whether they should move out and you would have to give them an answer to stay or leave. They won’t just willingly leave in the end though compared to New Leaf.
🍀10. In New Horizons, you can craft, customize the color, and get DIY recipes from the beach or villagers. Whereas in New Leaf, new furniture and customization can be purchased in Reese’ store and customized by her husband Cyrus.
🍀11. The feature of multiplayer and online depth is included in both games, however New leaf Online services no longer are supported as of this day. While New Horizons has multiplayer still available on the switch. With online membership on the switch, New Horizons can allow the player to travel to visit other players’ islands and visit random islands through dreams. In New Leaf, for the online services, you had the HH Showcase to be able to visit other players’ houses locally near you and other features to host and visit other islands through dreaming and traveling thru the train via internet.
🍀12. In New Leaf, there is a possibility to chance upon a tree full of perfect fruit of the fruit you have on your starter island. These perfect fruit variations have a higher value than the regular fruits to which you can sell for a more heftier amount of bells. There are also the existence of durian trees, lychee trees, and mango trees in New Leaf if you visit the tropical island by paying Kappa to take you there. Whereas in New Horizons, you won’t be able to grow perfect fruit, and the options for fruit trees include just peaches, oranges, pears, apples, and cherries.
🍀13. Lastly, the dialogue and options to interact with villagers are a bit different in the two games. In New Leaf, you either have the option to talk to them or they bring up a request that you could fulfill and complete. While in New Horizons, after getting closer and talking to the villager you have the option of gifting them. In New Leaf, there isn’t a direct option to gift them when you go talk to them, but you can gift them through letters sent through the postal office. In both games, villagers will reciprocate and show happiness after being given a gift or completed a request by gifting the player something.
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Overall, once playing through both games, it is clear that they both have different strongpoints while carrying the og similar traits and function. It’s interesting and satisfying to see the evolvement of functions and added improvements from New Leaf to New Horizons in terms of creativity and variety of choices in items, design, and collections. Both platforms had online services to allow interactions with a growing community, so whichever game you resonate with the most you can definitely enjoy either game to live out your animal crossing adventures 🌱🌼☘️
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It’s WIP Wednesday! ✨
Full disclosure: the creative well is running dry, guys. I think I’m going to take a few days away this week to just completely reset, because whilst I know people are waiting for updates on my multi-chapter fics, the thought of actually writing any of those chapters is giving me a headache. Instead, I’ve tentatively started writing stuff for Cassian Week in a bid to be more prepared, so here’s a bit from a rough draft of something I have for day 7.
“You’re not a god,” she whispered.
Her voice was a whisper in the darkness, soft on old stone. The creature took another step forward, all predatory grace and terrifying beauty, and suddenly he was close enough to reach out and touch the flowers scattered across the altar.
“No, sweetheart,” he said, in a voice so delectably smooth that Nesta could almost feel it melting into her skin. He ran one long fingertip across Elain’s petals, before lifting his head. His lips curved into a menacing smirk, making her shiver as he tilted his head and added, slowly, “I’m better.”
His lips split, revealing rows of white teeth— elongated canines, so sharp they could sink through skin as easily as a hot knife through butter. He was grinning now, in a way that threatened to devour her, and though fear ran rampant through Nesta’s chest, she found herself frozen on the steps of his altar, unable to run, unable to look away.
He was beautiful.
Monstrously, terrifyingly beautiful.
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mbrainspaz · 5 months
My mom needs to be stopped. I know my gran just tells her everything about my life. I blocked her number about a year ago after she texted me a transphobic rant. She seemed fine with me going no contact so it was crickets until I saw her at my uncle's house over New Years. She ran up to hug me using my name (that she swore she'd never use) and acting like everything was totally fine and normal. After apparently just being totally fine with zero contact for A YEAR? What the hell? I treated this fresh nonsense with the suspicion it deserved but by the second day it was like we were back to normal(ish), sharing funny videos and stories and watching Percy Jackson together. As we were getting ready to leave I hugged her and hesitantly asked, "Is there anything... you wanted to say to me?" She got evasive, shook her head with a fake smile and said, "No." So I said goodbye and drove home with my grandma thinking, WHAT THE F***?! all the way. Ever since then she keeps chiming in from the background on calls with my grandma. Last week she asked if I liked the newest Percy Jackson episode and I... honestly I had no idea how to reply. "Well that was the scene that inspired me to become an urban fantasy writer so yeah, I liked it." Why do you care? She keeps doing it. I'll be telling my gran about something and my mom will just chime in sounding chipper as ever, as if by talking like nothing is wrong she can make the wrongness evaporate. Clearly she still thinks I'm going to hell for being queer. She hasn't had a change of heart and I doubt she ever will. She doesn't know I'm ace because she never asked. She doesn't know what being non-binary means to me because she refused to listen. When I tried to come out she put on blinders and tried to pretend it never happened. She avoided talking to me for 7 months before I blocked her. She still likes all the posts on my art page. No idea what she thinks that's going to accomplish. Like, 'thanks for the crippling insecurities about my creativity I've had to overcome and for never really caring about or supporting any of my dreams—and in fact actively sabotaging some of them—but at least you can click buttons on facebook now.' 'How nice that you're enjoying this so much.' Yeesh. On some level I get it because one of the central toxic properties of my family, courtesy of my dad, was always our ability to pretend like everything was fine and we were all happy. Anything bad that happened—no it didn't. My brother and I have talked about this as adults and we agree it's pretty effed up, but we also don't know how to heal from it. Not while our parents continue to insist on acting like nothing is wrong.
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