#moxiety angst
Patton- We should be talking to Janus. He knows how to help Thomas.
Virgil- He can’t be trusted!
Patton- We have to something! You would see that if you weren't totally paralysed by fear.
Source: She-ra
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Blurred Lines
Prompt: Deceit has disguised himself as Patton multiple times off camera as well but it's gotten to the point where Patton's started to forget his identity and not believe he is himself
(credit to @bug-infested-demon for this prompt which you can find here<3)
Ship: platonic moxiety
CW/TW: derealization, a quite literal identity crisis, mention of past panic attacks in detail
Summary: a few weeks after “Can LYING Be Good??” Patton starts to have an identity crisis after Janus disguises himself as him again.
Patton was swimming. No, not literally. In his thoughts, in his head.
He had laid in an unmade bed with unkempt hair wearing the same black and white snoopy shirt and black shorts for two days straight, stuck inside of his mind while the others attempted desperately to care for Thomas.
He stared at the ceiling, watching the ceiling fan spin around and around and around, the cool breeze brushing against his face every so often.
He listened as the others argued in the commons. Janus had disguised himself as him again for the fourth time that week.
“Shut up!, you…you…” Roman blanked on an insulting nickname.
“Oh Roman, no need for the name calling today, can’t we all just have a polite discussion?” Janus said, voice as smooth and soft as a rock in a creek.
“Your chance for a polite discussion was thrown out the window when you decided to contribute by lying, again.” Virgil quipped, his voice becoming as sharp as a knife at the end of his sentence.
“Now now, Virg. No need to get snarky. I can practically see the malice on your tongue.” Janus replied, voice still soft, though sarcasm reeked off of it.
Virgil’s voice dipped an octave, sensing a disturbance in the environment. “Don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me that.” He spat firmly.
Janus just chuckled, loving how easy it was to get to the anxious side standing next to him.
“Janus, you have to know by now that—“ Logan began.
Patton didn’t hear the rest, he didn’t want to. He grabbed the pillow next to him and folded it over his ears, muffling out the sound.
That was until they started getting louder. No, not the others, his thoughts.
I’m not real. Am I real? Am I me? Do I exist?
The thoughts swirled around in his head, boiling up for weeks like an awful stew.
He sat up, staring in the mirror bolted onto his door. Photos of him and the others were carefully slid into the open space between glass and wooden outline, holding them in place so he could see them every time he’d get ready. He ignored them, looking into the mirror. He was so lost in thought it was almost as if he was staring past himself.
There were slight bags under his eyes, indicating he hadn’t slept for more than an hour at a time in the last 48 hours. He looked as white as a ghost, considering he hadn’t left his room or gone outside for any other reason than to use the bathroom.
In conclusion, he looked like a total wreck, and he couldn’t find it in himself to care enough to do something about it.
He raised a hand up to his face, touching it lightly.
…What if Thomas has no Morality?
Virgil appeared next to him, arms folded across his chest. Instead of his usual demeanor of dark edginess, he looked oddly..sympathetic, more worried than anything, really.
Patton didn’t bother looking at him, just gazed in the mirror, internally panicking. He was shaking a little.
Virgil couldn’t stand seeing Patton like this, all broken and with no one to defend him against himself.
“Pat..?” The name came out as a whisper. He cleared his throat, tried again. “Patton?”
Patton still didn’t make eye contact, but tears welled in his eyes. If he didn’t exist, then neither did Virgil, or any of the others.
Virgil sat on the bed next to the Moral side, looking at him intently. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Patton tried to speak, he wanted to. He hopelessly wanted to tell someone the thoughts in his head, but all that came out was a whimper with tears falling down his face.
Virgil gently turned Pattons head to face him. “Deep breaths, ‘Kay?” he said, compassionately.
Patton nodded, breathing in, then out. in, then out, until finally he had a grip on his emotions. Not that it mattered if he did or not, he wasn’t real.
“Don’t leave. I know you aren’t real but, please. I need this, you don’t understand how much this family means to me.” Patton begged, voice wobbly.
Virgil’s face scrunched in confusion and concern. “Not re— Patton, what are you talking about?” he held the side close to him, making sure his breathing stayed even.
“None of this is real,” he squeezed out, throat tight from holding back tears, “I don’t even think I’m me. And if I’m not me, than that means Janus is, and if Janus is me then that means that Thomas had no morality in the first place and I’m probably something Roman just conjured up in the imagination and—“
“Patton, oh my god, no, no.“ he held him tighter, “you’re real. This is all real, okay?” He said frantically, cutting off the others spiral.
“You are not something that was just made up, Pat. Do you feel the carpet under your feet? That’s real. It’s okay, I promise.”
Patton nodded, “you’re sure…? Because Janus—“
Virgil shook his head, “I couldn’t care less about Janus right now. We’ll definitely be talking later, but I’m more focused on you, and yes I am extremely sure.”
He wanted to laugh at the word he used, ‘talking’, as if it wouldn’t be a full on screaming match.
Patton sniffled, “thank you.”
“Any time, bud” he responded, “and hey, Thomas does have a sense of Morality, or else you wouldn’t be here.”
Patton nodded, gripping on to the Anxious side a little, as if he was still unsure of what he was saying.
“I’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.” Was all he could think to say.
and apparently it worked, Patton eased up his hold a bit, noticing how neither of them had magically faded into thin air. He laughed at himself for thinking something so unrealistic.
“…I’ve been there, you know.” Virgil quietly admitted, to which Patton raised a brow in question.
“Thinking about the whole not being real thing. It was the cause of a lot of my…outbursts, to put it lightly.”
Patton understood what he was trying to get at, the massive panic attacks he used to have. He would find him in the bathroom curled up in the shower in the middle of the night, sobbing. He didn’t like to think about it.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He said timidly, almost as if not to disturb the sadness of the memory and their conversation, a tiredness in his voice.
“Hey, it’s okay. I just want you to know that I get it.” Virgil rushed out, not trying to upset Patton further.
“Do you want me to go so you can sleep? Not to sound rude or anything, but it looks like you need it.” He asked, eyeing the bags under Pattons eyes and the exhausted look on his face, like he could barely keep his eyes open.
Patton said nothing, having gone limp in the others arms. He was as tired as Virgil thought.
He blew air out of his nose in amusement. “I’ll be here, don’t worry.” he whispered to the sleeping person in front of him. “I’ve got you.”
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moonbeam-dragon · 10 months
High school AU. Virgil is a Freshman. Logan and Patton are seniors.Virgil gets left at school during the winter. He can't get a hold of his mom or dad and is starting to panic. Luckily, there are a couple more people he can rely on.
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halfhissandwich · 7 months
This is what your favorite sanders sides ship says about you. (This isn’t serious, lol)
Karrot Kings: Your priority is keeping things wholesome, uncontroversial and most likely canon.
Thomas x any side: You will NOT explain how it works, you just make the fanart and have fun with it.
Nico x any side: You like Karrot Kings, but a bit less healthy.
DRLAMP: You will scramble to explain that Roman and Remus are platonic. It’s okay, buddy, we know.
Logicality: You’ve been in the fandom for a long time.
Logince: Your ideal relationship dynamic is not enemies to lovers. It’s enemies AND lovers.
Analogical: Your ideal relationship dynamic is two people with common sense being put up with everyone else’s nonsense.
Loceit: The same joke as analogical, plus alcohol.
Intrulogical: You’re a firm believer in the power of triggering your boyfriend’s anger issues for funsies.
Royality; Your ideal relationship dynamic is best friends to lovers engaged in wacky hijinks.
Moxiety: You want good things for Virgil.
Moceit; Your ideal relationship dynamic is two dads realizing that instead of fighting for custody, they could just get married.
Intruality: Your ideal relationship dynamic is “hi daddy x oh my god how did you get in my house”
Prinxiety: You enjoy the dynamic of two boyfriends talking crap about their enemies.
Roceit: You like the idea of prinxiety, but you like angst even more.
Remrom: You think that since they’re all the same person anyway, it’s not as weird if they call each other brother. It’s still weird. Go take a shower and reflect.
Anxceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is stalking your ex.
Dukexiety: Your ideal relationship dynamic is stalking.
Dukeceit: Your ideal relationship dynamic is best friends to lovers engaged in wacky hijinks, but like in an Disney villain way.
Loyality (L x P x Ro): You wanted to ship all the light sides, or you shipped Royality and wanted them to annoy Logan.
Analogince (L x V x Ro): You’re a firm believer in the power of two boyfriends with common sense babysitting their boyfriend who lacks common sense.
Royaliceit (Ro x P x J): You don’t understand why all the ship wars exist when Janus has two hands. Technically six.
Intruloceit (Re x L x J): You want Logan to join the dark sides.
Intruloceitxiety (Re x V x J x L): You want Logan to join the dark sides, but you want him to hesitate.
Intrumoceit (Re x J x P); You like the idea of Intruloceit, but you like Patton even more.
Intruanxceit (Re x V x J): You either wanted to ship the dark sides or you’re just… really sad.
Royalixiety (P x V x Ro): Your interest in shipping Loyality is outweighed by you wanting good things for Virgil.
Logicaliceit (J x P x L): You REALLY want good things for Patton.
(Might add to this later by request lol)
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starlit-roman · 2 months
What your favorite sanders sides ship says about you in my opinion
I got this idea from @sandersontheside
Logince: Your favorite episode is why do we get out of bed in the morning and you question that too. You’re a fan of those red and blue haired character anime ships, and let’s not mention how much you love enemies to lovers. I feel like you like spaghetti with a shit ton of Parmesan, and sprite or Pepsi.
Logicality: You like sweet, wholesome ships the most and have probably either written a fan fiction about, read a fan fiction, or have thought about them baking cookies together. Also for some reason I feel like you like John Mulaney
Analogical: You like angst, not a crazy amount but you like to dip your ankles in it. Speaking of dip you probably either really like ranch or bbq sauce. And your favorite squishmallow is the bat one.
Loceit: You’re either the most chaotic person I will ever meet or you’re scarily chill about everything. You like it when all sense of right and wrong leave the room and just pure chaos despite how chaotically chill Logan and Janus are. You’ve definitely committed arson, and you’re a fan of tin cans and rainbows.
Intrulogical: You’re special, with love. I bet you watch doctor who while deepthroating packets of fun dip, sweet tarts, and/or hot tamales, I don’t have much else to say (I like this ship btw)
Royality: Opposites attract isn’t a thing that even registers in your brain, and despite what I want to think you’re probably the friend who corrupts the brains of your innocent friends and tells them about god knows what. If that’s not the case though you are the innocent friend who has surrounded themselves with not very innocent people. You like pasta with cumin. You also really like blueberries, soy sauce, and bluey.
Prinxiety: You’re correct. You prefer Ryan Gosling over Ryan Reynolds and you hate honeydew. You also probably have social anxiety.
Roceit: You like longer slow burn fanfictions and not just one shots, that along with enemies to lovers and a lot of tension. You’re definitely a maximalist when it comes to your room and you love rupauls drag race.
Moxiety: You’re a really sweet introvert and you like romance movies with happy endings. You probably like Mac Demarco and Arctic Monkeys and you like the scent of vanilla.
Moceit: (Kiss me) You really like stuffed animals and just fuzzy things in general. You’re a dog person but you like more cuddly cat-like dogs. You also like tomato soup.
Intruality: You’re super chaotic but super sweet, probably an Enfp or Entp. You like pickles and skunks and peanut butter cookies and cars 2.
Anxceit: You’re favorite social media is tumblr and you miss MySpace. You love hoodies and sweaters, your favorite season is winter, and you really like old artwork. You’re also really good at makeup, especially eye makeup
Dukexiety: You’re probably super all over the place and your rooms a mess but you know where everything is. You also really like snake plants and spiders
Dukeceit: You love the whole “He’s an idiot, but that’s my idiot” thing about this ship. If you have a roku it’s not set to the default theme and you probably like 90s-00s hiphop and you despise when your bed has crumbs in it.
Remrom: …
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Oh Hey, More Gay
A Reminder: these playlists are my own. They're just songs that remind me of the Sides + other characters. Not their actual/official playlists.
I included all pairings that have at least 1 song. Most of them have very few or only one song. Some of them have more, but that's only a few pairings.
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prodigal-explorer · 9 months
my roleplay information/application!
hey guyssss, so like i'm kinda desperate for rp partners so i'm just gonna try my luck here and see if any of y'all are interested in rping with me! feel free to read through this information and message me if you are interested!! as long as you meet my requirements, i would love to rp with you!!
basic information
i am 18 (19 in a few weeks) and i'm okay rping with any age, but i will not rp anything relating to nsfw with a minor. not even implied nsfw, it's just very uncomfortable. but if you're 18+, i'll rp anything on this list with you!
i only rp semi-lit/descriptive. this means at least five sentences, detailed responses that aren't just surface level. it's hard to respond to stuff that's lazy, so please please please just put in the effort if you want high quality responses in return!
the fandoms i roleplay are sanders sides, undertale, your turn to die, and omori. i dabble in oc rp, but it's not very common for me since i don't really have many ocs that i like enough to rp with.
my favorite types of roleplay are heavy angst and whump. i love really dark concepts, and it's rare that i won't do something that's dark and angsty. i struggle with concepts that are just fluff because i prefer rps with a lot of conflict and struggle.
my only triggers are constant discussion about body type/comparing body types and descriptive talk of medical needles. other than that i will do literally anything lol.
i am filipino-american, audhd, physically disabled, and i love to incorporate these aspects of my identity into the characters i play. if you don't like that, we probably won't make very good rp partners.
i hate hate HATE poking. please don't remind me of the rp after ten minutes of me not responding. please don't remind me of the rp after ten HOURS of me not responding. i know it exists, i just need time to reply. if you nag me about responding, i probably will wait even longer to reply because it's intimidating.
i love to chat oorp! feel free to leave a silly message, even if it has nothing to do with rp!
scroll all the way to the bottom of the post if you want to see writing examples!! below are just specific tidbits of information pertaining to each fandom i rp!
sanders sides specific information
the main side i love to play is roman. i will always want to play roman in every single tss rp, he's just me, he's my number one homie, my favorite character of all time.
i can also play any of the other sides, but my characterization for them is not as solid as roman.
i don't really like patton in roleplays unless he's a minor character or an antagonist/villain. i am very good at playing patton as a villain, but i don't really like playing him in any other context. i have so many aus where patton is a villain or antagonist, so if that's your jam, you've come to the right place!
i will do mindscape or human aus, i love both!
i am okay with ocs but i will not do canon side x female oc. it just makes me very uncomfortable to ship sides with female characters.
some of my favorite ships are roceit, prinxiety, logince, anaroceit, analogical, intrulogical, and loceit.
the only ships i WILL NOT do are moxiety, royality, moceit, logicality, intruality, and remrom. every other ship, i'm completely okay with.
i love rping as remy or emile picani!!
i have SO MANY IDEAS for this fandom. like literally hundreds of aus. so please message me if you want to rp anything with angst, or drama, or anything like that because i have SO MUCH.
undertale specific information
so fun fact i'm actually kind of bad at undertale rp.
it's not that i'm awful i just don't have a lot of experience, but i'm working on it!
the main characters i like to play are papyrus, undyne, alphys, toriel, asgore, and gaster.
i can also play asriel/flowey, sans, frisk, mettaton, grillby, and chara if necessary.
i am totally fine with ocs, bring them on!
i don't really like rps with the au sans stuff? nothing against it, i just don't really know much about it and in the nicest way possible i don't really care. i prefer to stick with canon and prequel/sequel aus instead of aus that change up the characters' personalities and stuff.
my favorite undertale au of all time is handplates i have so many thoughts about it and i would love to rp it!
i love angsty rps but undertale is actually one of the only fandoms where i love to rp fluff for it. undertale is just such a goofy game and i love emulating that style of humor in rp!
ships i enjoy are soriel, papyton, alphyne, sansby, and whatever the ship name for alphys x gaster is?
the only undertale ships i WILL NOT rp are anything involving the child characters (frisk, chara, asriel, monster kid), and anything that ships undyne with a guy. i'm also not a huge fan of asgore x toriel but i'll do it if you really want me to!
your turn to die specific information
i am so new to rping in this fandom but i really want to anyway!! trust, i know all the lore, i just need some solid experience!
my favorite characters to play are jou, reko, nao, gin, kai, shin, hiyori, and sara.
i will play q-taro, mishima, or alice if necessary!
i am very bad at keiji, i don't think i can play him well.
i love canon and au roleplays equally! i would love to do either way!
i like pretty much all the ships, it would be easier to list ships i don't like.
i don't like any ships that involve the little kids (kanna, gin, hinako), any ships with a huge age gap (especially sara x keiji), and shin x hiyori. it's just...no.
omori specific information
i am very new to the fandom, so please have mercy on me if i get something wrong lol!
my favorite characters to play are kel, hero, aubrey, and mari!
i can play sunny if necessary.
i will not play basil. i actually don't like basil being present in roleplays, he's just a character i personally dislike. i'm fine with him showing up occasionally as a minor character, but i just don't like him being a big part of roleplays.
i will roleplay canon and aus! i love both! but bear in mind i am a bit more hesitant to rp ships in canon, but in aus i have zero reservations!
my favorite ships are anything involving sunny, kel, and aubrey being together, but my number one otp is hero x mari!
the only ships i WILL NOT do are ships that have basil in them, especially basil x sunny or basil x kel. they just don't sit right with me personally.
i don't really know much about the minor characters of the game...i might need a bit of guidance if you want to use a character that isn't a part of the main six! but i am completely fine with it as long as you're okay with me being a bit clueless.
writing samples!!!
The streets were soft, the dusty sidewalks concealed by powdery snow that made Brooklyn look like a wedding. Roman stepped lightly, wondering how high he would have to hold himself to keep his foot from sinking in the snow, ruining the shiny white blanket that protected his bare feet from the cruel asphalt.
His book remained tucked under his jacket, as if it needed protection from the biting wind. Roman didn’t think it was possible for something that carried such beautiful notions and ideas to be unfeeling, so he acted as though there was a beating heart somewhere between the pages. Nobody had ever told him there wasn’t one, so what was the harm in believing if it made the sky feel brighter, and the air feel warmer, and the world feel more connected?
When he came back to the small, tucked-away alley that he and his brothers were currently living in, he was happy to see a little fire that he could warm himself beside while he opened his new book, aching to see what was inside.
Roman was unfamiliar. He was always used to protecting other people. He was tall, graceful and beautiful. Couldn't really throw a punch, but he had a way with his words that could get him absolutely anything he wanted. Including peace. He was used to standing between bullies and victims, seducing with his sweet smile and long eyelashes. Making anybody feel like they've been blessed just looking at him. With his parents always gone, and nobody to hold him during nightmares, Roman had gotten used to holding himself. But now, he just wanted to be protected so badly. He wanted to be truly loved by somebody besides himself.
"Okay..." he whispered, "Okay."
"Oh! Do you guys want to go to that restaurant across the street?" Patton asked, "We performed so well tonight, I think we all deserve a treat! Virgil, you hit that syncopation perfectly, and Janus, that riff was amazing! The crowd went wild for us! Drinks will be on me, as long as you all promise not to drink too much. I'll be the designated driver too. What do you say??"
Of course, this invitation was not extended to Logan. Patton didn't even notice Logan in the area, assuming that he was off sweeping the stage or packing up the van. Patton was the one who decided what everybody did, and he usually gave Logan the grease-work like that. He didn't really care very much about Logan, just because Logan wasn't as close to the group. There wasn't that bond of performing show after show, having fans that requested autographs, being followed and gushed over by paparazzi.
Since Logan was never onstage, nobody knew the face or identity of the man who wrote the songs that all these fans were so crazy about. And Patton sort of preferred it that way. He didn't really like the idea of Logan being a face of their band. Unlike Janus and Virgil, Patton wasn't sure how the public eye would recieve Logan. The man wasn't remotely ugly, but he was rather plain-looking. He tended to blend into the background of the rooms he occupied. He wasn't the type of look one would expect to be in a hugely successful band.
All the others had their "niche". Patton was the sweetheart, the nice one, the innocent one. Virgil was the quiet, brooding, mysterious one. And Janus was the charmer, able to seduce anyone with a wink and a smile. What was Logan? He didn't talk very much, he wasn't particularly nice, brooding, or seductive. Patton didn't like that Logan didn't exactly have an archetype. He didn't quite fit in.
Roman tilted his head with a polite smile and an appropriate amount of interest as Logan disclosed his name. It was nothing familiar to him, but he did think it was a beautiful-sounding name. He always loved when people's first and last names started with the same letter. It felt like a name out of a fairy-tale when it had that feature.
Listening to what Logan was saying, Roman couldn't help but go red, very embarrassed. He was bad at English, but he certainly wasn't stupid. He could tell that Logan was euphemizing heavily in order to preserve Roman's feelings, which made Roman both embarrassed that Logan felt the need to do this, and honored that Logan cared so much about how he felt. It was a really sweet gesture, honestly.
"You write music too?" he asked, very curious. "I would love to sing a song by you wrote. You will...pay me? Money?"
Roman wondered if Logan was offering him a job, or just wanting to have a jam session as friends and colleagues. He would be happy with either option, but he wanted to manage his expectations there and then, so there would be less awkwardness from false assumptions.
Roman looked at it and smiled as he read through the lyrics, his eyes carefully scanning from left to right as he ingested each lyric. His smile only grew.
"It is okay," he said, "I like messy handwriting. It means...it means your brain moves fast, and your hand must hurry to follow. I like this song. I think...I want to sing it. Do you want me to sing here? In front of everyone?"
Roman would definitely be willing to give Logan's song some publicity. And he adored the thrill of singing a song for the first time in front of a whole crowd of people. Roman wasn't the type to get stage fright. The more risky a performance was, the more excited he was to try and execute it. Roman had a bit of a shame deficiency, such was obvious with him singing those lyrics he wrote out loud multiple times.
His eyes were shining with enthusiasm, but also, with gratitude. He was thankful to Logan for the opportunity he had to bring this song to life, this brand new song that no one had ever heard before. The idea that its first breath of auditory life would be coming from Roman's own voice was so romantic that it almost made Roman want to sing it right there and then so he wouldn't have to wait anymore.
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thegoldenduckie · 5 months
I dare you to rank all sanders sides ships on a scale of 1-10. At least, as many as you can think up of.
OOO SOUNDS FUN ANON! Ill try to get as many ships as i can (but not that one, you know which one)
Rankings under cut
btw i used fanlore.org to look for all the ships, so idk if each of the ship names are right
Loceit: 8/10 Really good, love it, love the content of it
Dukeceit/Demus: 7/10 Its really good! Lovee their dynamic, its a shame we dont see these guys interact in the show much :(
Roceit: 7/10 Love roceit, so many angst and fluffy opportunities, honestly love the angst
Thomceit: 5/10 Honestly im not enthusiastic about sides x Thomas ships, but they can be pretty sweet! This ones really good, i see the appeal
Anxceit: 9/10 AHGG THEM! Sooo good! As platonic, romantic, familiar, and bitter exes! Love it! So many fun amd angsty posibilites!
Logicality: 7.5/10 Its so adorable!! I loveee logicality fanart and fics! I really loved logicality when i first joined watched the show, so it gets an extra .5 for nostagic sake
Intrulogical: 10/10 like DUDE INTRULOGICAL MAKES ME FERAL! Its so silly and adorable and freaky ahsxhjlsxkjkjhsx
Logince: 9/10 aaa its sooo fun! Their chemistry is SO INCREDIBLE
Lomas: 5/10 Again, not big on thomas and side ships, but this ones pretty cute
Intruality: 6/10 I like it! Its growing on me! Has a lot of adorableness
Royality: 6/10 Love it platonic, indifferent to it as romantic, and its just very sweet and seeing content of it makes me smile
Momas: 5/10
Moxiety: 6/10 again, love it familar and platonic, with a father son relationship! Honestly dont like it romantic
Platonic Creativitwins: 9/10 Yes! The twins! I love them just being chaotic siblings, or even on good terms and having being good brothers to eachother
Intrumas: 4/10
Dukexiety: 7/10 I like it a lot!!
Prinxiety: 8/10 its reeaally adorble, honestly love it lots
Analogince (Lo/Ro/Virge): 7/10 cute!
Romas: 5/10
Thomxiety: 5.5/10 this ones pretty cute
Logicalceit (Jan/Lo/Pat): 8/10 Its content is soo sweet
Intruloceit (Jan/Lo/Rem): 9/10 YEAHH I LOVE IT!! MAKES ME FROTH AT THE MOUTH
Roloceit (Jan/Lo/Ro): 7/10 Seems loevly
Analoceit (Jan/Lo/Virge): 9/10 At first i was indifferent to it, but a certain mutual made me see how amazing this ship is
Intrualceit? (Jan/Pat/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Royalceit (Jan/Pat/Ro): 5.5/10 havent seen much of it, but points for that sick name
Moxiceit? (Jan/Pat/Virge): 7/10 ive seen some cute suff with this, i think thats the name
Anaroceit/Prinxieceit (Jan/Ro/Virge): 8/10 so much potential for a toxic yoai polycule
Intrugicality (Lo/Pat/Rem): 5/10
Morolo/Moralogince (Lo/Pat/Ro): 8/10 SO ADORABLE
Analogicality? (Lo/Pat/Virge): 6/10 i think thats the name
Anaintrulogical? (Lo/Rem/Virge): 6/10 i can see the appeal, i think thats the name
Anaintruality? (Pat/Virge/Rem): 5/10 i think thats the name
Anaroyality? (Virge/Ro/Pat): 5/10 i think thats the name
DLAMP: 7/10
Thanks for the ask anon! Again, all these rankings are just my opinion, please dont fight me
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bastard-aziraphale · 2 years
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human au moxiety to “fine, great” by modern baseball
the angst of this pairing with both of them genuinely loving and caring about each other but virgil being constantly suspicious of patton’s over-the-top friendliness
i love a miscommunication trope if and only if it serves as a vehicle for characters to learn healthier communication styles and i truly feel that is the Moxiety Way (tm) bc there is so much fondness and respect between them yknow?
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Janus- Isn't breaking out of prison your thing?
Virgil- Only reason I escaped last time was because Patton helped me.
Source: DC's Legends of Tomorrow
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quackkaz · 1 year
do any of y’all have any sanders sides fanfic recommandations?? I would love to check a lot more out :D
things I love in tss fanfics :
intruloceit/remus x logan x janus (tbh any ship is good (except r3mr0m obv, and maybe romantic moxiety for me, but it’s fine ig))
seeing roman and remus have a good relationship is really cool!! (but no. r3mr0m.)
ideally complete lol
things I don’t mind but not my fav
smut with/without plot
fluff (its cute but I just adore angst lmao so when it’s just fluff I find it a bit boring)
AUs, depending on what kind
things I’d rather not see
r3mr0m (romantically) and maybe moxiety romantically but I don’t really mind
crossovers (they’re just not that much my cup of tea lol)
no beta/alpha sh!t lmao please
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nandysparadox · 1 year
strawberry ice cream and rescue missions
Pairing: romantic royality; mentioned brotherly moxiety and platonic logicality
Word count: 2311
cw: emotional hurt/comfort; light angst; insecurity; overworking; mentioned unsupportive parents
Roman is worried he'll never make it onto stage after all. Patton is worried about his next test.
Two times Patton and Roman comforted each other
fic for day 2 of @royalityweek!! ill have to admit i may have strayed from the prompt a little bit, but im happy with how this turned out ❤️🩵😊 this is part of the same verse as my previous royality week fics, but can be read separately (ill make a masterpost soon!)
huge thanks to @ivaryn0 for beta-reading!
prompt: family/friendship
Hmm. Should he get more chocolate? Patton wondered, squinting at the lines of chocolate bars that filled the shelves in the sweets aisle. He couldn’t remember if there was still some in the fridge…
Well, he ate chocolate fast, might as well. He picked up a few kit-kats and dropped them in the basket when a ring sounded from his phone. He checked the screen, switching to the messaging app immediately when he saw it was Roman.
just got off work
do you wanna come over?
He blinked. Roman could be spontaneous with plans sometimes, but generally, Patton was the one to host the spur-of-the-moment movie nights between the two of them.
In any case, it's not like he was planning to do anything other than scroll on his phone after he got home. Hanging out with Roman would definitely be a plus.
sure sweetie!😊💖 im at the grocery store rn, do you want me to pick up something for u??
The typing bubble popped up, and it stayed there for about a minute. Patton tilted his head.
ice cream
Oh. Oh, something was wrong for sure.
A good ol’ ice cream tub was Roman’s go-to when he was feeling down, and that’d certainly explain why he asked to hang out out of nowhere. He couldn’t tell exactly what happened, nothing good for sure, but now he was on a mission.
Operation “cheer up boyfriend” initiated!
Luckily, the ice cream aisle was close to the checkout counter. Patton rummaged around the freezer for strawberry cheesecake, Roman’s favorite, and got three pints for good measure. Of course, making sure to get a bottle of chocolate syrup while in line. After that, it was just a matter of driving to Roman’s apartment.
He might’ve rushed up the stairs a bit too much and his knees definitely paid the price, but darn it he was worried!
He double-checked the apartment number and moved to open the door. Faint music came from behind it, Taylor Swift’s…All Too Well? Oh boy.
“I brought the ice cream, Ro!” Patton said as he entered. Immediately, his eyes flitted to Roman in the middle of the couch. Blankets swaddled him to the point that Patton could barely make out his face. But as he got closer, he saw the tear tracks that trailed down to his chin.
“Oh love,” Patton said, feeling his heart ache at the sight. “Hold on, let me grab you a spoon, ok?”
By the time he was back, Roman hadn’t moved an inch. Patton sat next to him, cracking open the ice cream and plopping the spoon into it.
Roman then proceeded to take the pint and eat it with a ferocity that was kind of impressive.
“…Thanks,” Roman muttered.
“Of course, Ro,” Patton smiled, putting a hand on Roman’s knee, in what he hoped to be a comforting way. “Do you wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, it’s— it’s dumb,” Roman replied, wrapping his arms around his middle. “I’m being dramatic.”
“It’s not dumb, Ro, not if it’s upsetting you.”
Roman sighed. “The cast list for this season’s show came out.”
“Oh, sweetie…”
“Ensemble. Again!” Roman cried, doing mock jazz hands. “I know, I know, I should be grateful I’m in the show at all, and ensemble’s no easy feat of course, but I just thought…”
Roman hunched his shoulders up and let his hands fall into his lap.
“I thought this was going to be the time.”
“I’m so sorry you didn’t get the part you wanted, honey,” Patton said, leaning into Roman’s side. “I’m sure you did your best.”
“I’m starting to think my best just isn’t enough,” Roman let out a hollow laugh. “You know, every time, I tell myself it’s gonna happen, this is gonna be my big break… Maybe it’s just never gonna happen.”
Patton watched helplessly as Roman wound a hand into his hair, pulling. His face twisted in misery. Patton couldn’t bear to see it, the hope crumbling from Roman’s eyes.
“Maybe I’m just gonna be serving milkshakes and cheesecake in a 50s-themed diner for the rest of my life,” he said, bitter. “Great, my parents were right. I’ll never be anyone at all.”
“Don’t say that, Roman,” Patton said firmly. He surprised himself with the sternness in his voice, but he stood by it — he wouldn’t just let Roman be so cruel to himself. “They’re wrong. Of course you’re enough, honey, please don’t let others convince you you’re not, be it your parents or anyone else.”
Roman hummed and something in Patton’s chest twisted at the disbelief in his eyes.
“Ro, listen to me,” Patton pleaded, taking Roman’s hands and squeezing them. “You’re incredible. You’re passionate, and witty, and creative, and dazzling, and none of that hinges on you having the lead role in a show. It doesn’t matter if you’re a waiter, or a superstar, you don't need to measure up to anyone's idea of success.”
Patton smiled, letting go of Roman’s hands to cup his face and brush his thumb across the high of his cheekbone. “You're you. That's enough.” He paused, touching his forehead to Roman's. “You know I love you, right?”
Roman went silent, and with each second that passed Patton got more worried he might’ve said the wrong thing. But then, all of a sudden, he wrapped Patton in a tight hug.
“I love you too,” replied Roman, a quiet chuckle on his lips. Patton hugged him back, crossing his arms over Roman’s back.
When they finally pulled apart, Roman wiped at his eyes, smiling. “You always know what to say, don’t you?”
“Maybe not always,” Patton shrugged. “But I’m sure good at turning around gloomy days! How about I pick up more ice cream and we put on some Disney movies?”
Roman laughed in response, and Patton was so glad to hear it.
Roman sighed as he leaned his forehead against the door, raising his fist to knock for about the third time. Of course, getting into Patton’s apartment hadn’t been the hard part — his roommate was just as worried about him as Roman himself.
The real problem would be getting him to actually leave his desk and put a pause on studying.
“I’m taking a break soon, Logan, don’t worry!” Soon came Patton’s cheerful voice through the door. By the unprompted nature of the comment, he must’ve repeated this line many times before and Roman would guess he’d actually done as he said about… zero of them. “Do you need anything?”
Other options exhausted, Roman supposed he’d just have to go for it.
“Only for you to emerge from your fortress of darkness, my dear,” he said, opening the door.
Fortress of darkness indeed. The laptop screen, about the only source of light in the room, cast a blue tint on the books and papers thrown around the desk. Mugs and cups piled around a forgotten corner of the nightstand. At least the window was open, so Patton must’ve gotten some sunlight in the afternoon.
“…Roman?” Patton squinted at him and tilted his head, swiveling his chair around to face him. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m on a mission, darling,” Roman declared, bowing. Hopefully, his dramatics would help win Patton over. “ Recruited by your dearest brother himself… and your roomie was kind enough to let me in.”
“Logan,” Patton grumbled, then shot Roman a look of disbelief, eyebrows raised. “Hold on, Virgil sent you?”
Roman strode over to him, tilting Patton’s chin up and gently brushing his raven hair out of his glasses. Dark circles shadowed his eyes, and he looked as if he might fall over with a single touch. Roman bit his lip, when had Patton last slept? That wasn’t like him — he barely stayed up late, even on weekends.
“Darling, you haven’t texted your brother in three days. And you know how he gets when he’s worried.” Roman fake shivered, pulling a little giggle out of the other. “When I asked how you were doing this morning, you just sent me a thumbs-up emoji. And Logan says you haven’t come out of here either.”
“I— just,” Patton looked down. “I really need to study, okay? I have a test in a week, and I still have to review the three last units, and memorize all these names—”
“And don’t you think you’ll do better if you give your brain a chance to rest?” Roman raised an eyebrow. “C’mon, you’re taking a nap.”
“What? I can’t, Roman I’m so behind—” Patton protested as Roman pulled him from the chair and herded him towards the bed.
“So you don’t want to cuddle your poor suffering boyfriend?” Roman gave him an exaggerated pout, knowing the other wouldn’t be able to resist it. “Jail for Patton, jail for Patton for one thousand years!”
“Don’t be mean,” Patton whined. He glanced at their entwined hands, sighed, and climbed onto the bed grumbling.
They cuddled for about a minute, and Roman would be lying to say he hadn’t thoroughly enjoyed the fact that his boyfriend wore his favorite sweater. You’d think it was a bit plain, just a simple gray affair, but only if you hadn’t touched it — by Jove, it was like angels themselves knit the thing. Though soon enough, Patton disentangled himself from Roman’s arms, much to his displeasure, and sent a conflicted glance to his desk. Roman groaned.
“Ro, I need to study, I’m sorry.”
“Patton, be serious with me,” Roman said, crossing his arms. “You really think you are fit to study right now? You look like you’ll drop if the wind blows too hard.”
“C’mon, darling,” He cupped Patton’s cheek, looking directly into his red-rimmed eyes. “You know better than to overwork yourself. I thought we’d skipped the workaholic college student phase when you were an undergrad.”
“That’s the thing, Ro,” Patton huffed, sounding terribly small. He dug his nails into the comforter, leaning away from Roman's hand. “I'm not an undergrad anymore. I can't coast by. If I want to be a vet, I can't just-”
He clicked his mouth shut, pulling his knees up to his chest.
“Hey,” Roman reached out again, but he only curled up further. He paused. Pinpricks of tears formed in the corner of Patton’s eyes and he looked so, so tired. It just about killed Roman to see him so upset. “C’mon, what’s going on?”
“I failed the last test,” Patton muttered, hiding his face in the crook of his arms. “If I don’t do well on this one, there won’t be extra credit that’ll save my grade. I can’t fail this class I can’t—”
“Oh, darling,” Roman crooned, as he gently wrapped the other into a hug. “It’s okay.”
Patton sniffled into Roman's shoulder.
“You’ve never “coasted by”. Don’t punish yourself for struggling,” Roman said, tracing circles onto his back. “Some classes can be tough, that’s okay. No shame in needing to put more effort into learning a subject, you just need to remember you can work hard and still take care of yourself.”
“…What if I’m just not cut out for this?” Patton whispered.
“What? Darling, look at me,” Roman pulled away, then took Patton’s hands with his own. “You’re one of the smartest, most compassionate people I know. I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll be a great veterinarian.” He smiled. “Nay, the greatest!”
Patton huffed a laugh and leaned into Roman’s shoulder.
Roman pressed a small kiss into his hair. “You’ll get through this, I know it. There can’t be a victory without some challenge after all,” he said, “But you better not overwork yourself again, mister, or I swear I’ll bully you into some self-care.”
“I’m sure you will.”
Sneaking a hand around his back, Roman pulled Patton down abruptly and flopped him onto the bed, drawing a fit of giggles from him.
“Don’t test me,” he smirked.
Patton let out an airy laugh. “Alright, alright.”
They fell into silence as Roman picked up a pillow from the foot of the bed and lay down. Patton had taken to fidgeting with the sleeves of his blue jumper, quiet as he unraveled a bit of loose thread.
“Vet school is really something,” he finally said.
“Not like you expected?”
“I don't know,” Patton admitted. “I just feel… out of place? Everyone here seems so well-adjusted and driven, but I still feel like I’m bumbling.”
“Is there such a thing as well-adjusted university students?” Roman snorted. “This is a new thing for you, dear, only natural you’ll need some time to get used to it.”
“As long as it doesn’t take too long,” sighed Patton.
“You’re doing great, Pat, trust me,” Roman reached over to ruffle his hair, grinning when Patton pouted adorably and batted his hand away.
“You’re too cute, I’m sorry,” Roman said, stifling a chuckle. Patton crossed his arms. “You know I love you, right?”
Instantly, Patton’s face softened — a pretty blush tinted his cheeks and he smiled bashfully. “I love you too, honey.”
“Man, if I knew I could persuade by flirting I'd have done it much earlier.” Roman teased, raising his hands when he saw the look he got in response. “Okay, okay, I give. So, how about that nap?”
Patton opened his mouth to respond but cut himself with a wide yawn before he could.
“Yeah, I think that’s answer enough.”
Wrapping his arms around Patton's waist, Roman pulled the covers over them and, after whispering goodnight, planted a kiss on his hair. For someone who’d claimed he could go right back to studying with no problem, Patton fell asleep rather quickly — five minutes barely passed and he was already snoring softly. Roman shook his head in amusement. Poor thing sure was exhausted. He snaked his hand around to grab his phone and snapped a photo to send to Virgil.
Mission accomplished.
A/N: this takes place about 1-2 years after they met in milkshakes and checkered diners - Patton is in his 1st year of the Veterinary Medicine program, while Roman has been out of college for a year-ish and working on that particular community theater since his senior year of collegeyes he's freaking out about never making it one year into his career 😆 he's a bit of a drama queen but we love him
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creativia10 · 2 years
The Kindness of a Glow
As the king of the underworld, sometimes Logan had to be cold. There were things he had to do. But sometimes, even his heart gets to him.
Pairing: Logince, Moxiety
Word count: 1038
Warnings: angst, death is a major theme, negative self talk,
Notes: Inspired by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors The Darkness of Night (lys Orpheus and Eurydice greek myth au)
So, I watched Hadestown for the first time recently. And this came to me as I thought of possible what ifs.
Logan still almost can’t believe he gave in to Roman. He let the demigod try a nearly impossible task to bring their dead lover back from the underworld.
He heard Roman walk over to him from behind.
“You think they’ll make it?” Roman asked.
Logan sighed. “I don’t know…” and he truly didn’t. He knew Roman wanted them to. And Logan wasn’t heartless. But he had to look at things from a bigger perspective as the king of the underworld.
Time was strange in the underworld. Logan was pretty sure he wouldn’t know of the result of the test he gave Virgil unless he failed. Unfortunately, he did see for himself what came of it.
Logan was startled to crying. Strong emotions were not something Logan came across a lot in the underworld. When he did, the criers were more likely to be newer spirits. Logan did not spend long around the newer spirits with how much he had to keep in order.
When he followed to see the cause, he immediately knew what had occurred when he saw who was crying. Patton. The lost lover of the demigod who was tasked with a test to be able to bring Patton back. Patton did not have the dead or vacant eyes spirits of the underworld often developed, as he was a new spirit.
Patton was kneeling on the ground looking off into the distance as he cried. In the direction he and Virgil had gone in to leave. There was only one reason the other would still be here after having left already.
Ah. So he failed then.
Patton barely glanced up when Logan approached. Patton continued to cry.
“It’s not fair,” Patton sobbed. “None of this is fair. Our love was supposed to be stronger than death. I can’t even fault my beloved Virgil for looking back. He was already an anxious man even before having to deal with such a harrowing task. We were so close. I could see the light. I almost felt alive again. I’m not even mad at him for giving in, just the situation we were in that got us to this point.
It should have been enough. Surely he proved his love was strong. No mere man could have done the things he did for me, for us.”
Logan was hit with the  great size of this soul’s grief. He thought of the times he was lonely for his husband. The one before him would not have mere months to be reunited again. But years. The man who traveled to bring back his lost love from the underworld would have to live with this the rest of his years. Knowing he failed to bring his love back when he had been so close. This wasn’t fully on Logan. Logan was in a tough spot as the ruler of the underworld, he couldn’t just let them go. Patton had died after all. There was no changing that.
Despite the reasons he explained to Virgil before, Logan couldn’t help how his heart went out to this couple. Separated by the cruelty of death too young.
Logan sighed.
“Go back to him,” Logan said. Patton startled and looked up at him with wide eyes. His tears had not quite dried.
“Do not let anyone see you as you leave, but I am granting you permission to return to your love who still lives. When you get to him you will be alive again. If you two were as close to the end of the path as you claim, then I will count this as succeeding. Do not expect me to grant something like this again.”
Patton nodded frantically as he stood up.
“Thank you,” Patton said,
Logan nodded,
“Tell no one of this. As far as anyone knows, Virgil did not look back too soon.”
 Patton agreed before floating off.
Logan could almost feel Roman’s smug smile as his husband came up to him again.
“You let him go,” Roman said. Logan sighed.
“I am not heartless. And I was willing to let him go anyways. It wouldn’t change much for me.”
Roman hmmed. He wrapped his arms around Logan and leaned his head on Logan’s shoulder.
“You are a kind and just king.”
Logan felt warm. “I try.” He bent down to press a gentle kiss to Roman’s head.
Virgil hadn’t moved from his spot. He stayed kneeling from the moment he gave in and looked to see Patton’s ghost there behind him. Like Virgil was told he would be, before Patton got pulled back to the underworld. Virgil was a complete and utter idiot. There was such difficulty to the path. And yet it was just before he made it that Virgil gave in to the doubt to check Patton was there. Why couldn’t he have held on just a bit longer? Now Virgil would be alone, just as he was the moment he lost Patton.
Virgil almost didn’t even see the point of moving from where he was sobbing then. He had lost the light in his life.
A sudden gasp startled him though. He quickly turned to the side to see Patton there, and alive. Patton smiled at him but tears were leaking out.
“Patton?” He whispered. Virgil stumbled to get up and they both came forward in a crushing hug. They were both crying.
“How-how are you still here with me?” Virgil barely got out. “I failed. I saw you go back as soon as I looked.”
Patton sniffled. “The lord of the underworld, he-he saw me and let me go when I told him how close we had gotten.”
“How could he have known what you were saying was true?”
Patton shook his head against Virgil and pushed closer against him.
“I don’t care. Not if he let me come back to you. We just can’t tell anyone how we almost failed.”
“Okay. Okay,” Virgil croaked out.
“Anything. Anything to be able to have you here now. For the rest of our lives together.”
Patton laughed through the tears. Then he cupped Virgil’s face and came forward for a kiss.
Virgil would not lose sight of him again now that he gone through the underworld and back.
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daised-daisy · 3 years
Tumblr media
💔Best Friends💔
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whispering-raine · 3 years
Virgil: *silently walks up to Patton, hugging him from behind*
Patton: *turning around to hug him properly, wrapping his arms around Virgil softly* "Hey Virge! Somethin' bothering ya'?"
Virgil: *obviously upset about something* "Hugs..."
Patton: *slowly reaching up to run his fingers through Virgils hair* "You wanna talk about it?"
Virgil: *almost pleading at this point* "No. I just need hugs. Please."
Patton: *softly sighs while humming a soft tune, trying to calm Virgil to the best of his ability, knowing that it was just best to listen to Virgil and continue hugging him*
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Tempted to post some more old works of mine! Specifically, a couple of old oneshots.
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