#and probably zach after watching the movie tomorrow
rafeandonlyrafe · 11 months
hey yall! it's rafeandonlyrafe (aka kt/katie). sorry for any panic i may have caused by deleting my old blog but it was a secondary account under i blog i really wanted to get rid of! so im back with this username as my main account and will be going through the process of reuploading all my old fics, but not tonight, because im seeing the other zoey in the morning!!
my old blog was football/soccer fanfiction and i recently became uncomfortable with writing for them. i received a lot of negative messages about this choice, so i decided the best thing i could do for myself was to completely start fresh. i would have warned people but it was a very rash decision that had to be done for my mental health, and i feel SUCH a big weight off my shoulders now just having this account.
also also i will be taking a littleeeee step away from writing only because im working on something REALLY exciting... a novel! that i'm planning to self publish on amazon. im sure it won't be good, but i've always wanted to write a full length book and i have some free time right now to write it so im going to go for it! i will not stop writing fics but they probably will slow down (even though i know i wasnt exactly consistent before)
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004. thank you, alex
a/n: so this is one of my Wonty "comfort fics" - so it's far from canon or never followed the original plot - which i would probably never publish (unless there's one i would like to share), but this time in this fic which i titled "Dirty Little Secret", I'm just going to post some chapters which I enjoyed writing. So the number is the chapter of this fic, and this is the chapter 4, hence, 004. Enjoy reading! 🙈
Perhaps, my crush on Monty was getting out of hand.
I flipped through the Liberty yearbook which Tyler lent me only to feast my eyes over the photos of the guy in Jersey no. 32 through the weekend, as I sat on the floor with my back against the bed.
Montgomery de la Cruz, I chanted in my head, reading his name printed in bold letters.
I stopped by a certain picture of his, running my fingers over the glossy paper, tracing his face. Tyler was lucky to have taken this rare shot of him smiling beautifully like this; those white teeth showing. He was leaning back and wearing a blue tank top. For once, he looked really happy…
I should probably ask Tyler the story behind this shot.
My phone rang a message.
I,  mindlessly, searched for it, not keeping my eyes away from the image. I could feel my heart expanding by this simple picture of him.
Bringing my phone to my face, there’s a  message from Alex: U free this afternoon?
Basically, I'm free for the whole day.
I typed a quick reply: Yes.
And not long after, Alex texted back asking us to meet up at this mall, only a five minute drive.
I wonder if this hang out thing meant anything or just platonic. Anyway, Alex seemed nice. I would love to get to know him more and perhaps get acquainted.
Looking back to the yearbook, I'm so tempted to cut the picture. Or maybe I could just ask Tyler just give me this specific yearbook, like a gift.
* * *
Alex took me bowling. And I'm not so good with the game but so far I'm having fun.
"You're so good at this," I said as Alex hit another strike.
He smiled. "Nah."
"Now, don't be modest on me," I chuckled lightly and took a bowling ball from the rack and positioned it on my hand, adjusting to its weight. Walking by the lane, I put on a stance and ran my tongue over my lower lip, aiming for a strike. Not that I'm expecting to hit one, which of course didn't happen. I looked at Alex, throwing my hands in defeat. "No, not good at this."
Alex went to hit next and of course, another strike. He raises both his arms dramatically and spun around facing me, smiling victoriously, cocking a brow.
"I give up!" I chuckled and sat down by the bench.
"You're named Winston for a reason," Alex commented, sitting beside me.
"What does that mean?"
"Winston, like Winner. Root word, win."
I laughed, throwing my head back a little. "Damn. I think I'm not doing my name justice, then."
"Practice makes perfect."
"Let's just eat. I'm starving."
We walked aimlessly along the mall in silence, with a few side comments about the boutiques or the shops we passed on. Then we saw and spotted some familiar faces. Well, Alex introduced me to some of them, simply pointing from afar and telling their names, since I barely knew anyone from Liberty yet, who also worked here.
Then my stomach decided to embarrass me and did a growl as we reached the food court.
“Someone’s whining,” Alex retorted.
“I know right.”
Since it’s the afternoon, there’s a lot of tables to choose from, not to mention, stalls without queues. A lot of options for us. But we just settled on some corn dogs.
"We should see some movie some time," Alex suggested. "How about tomorrow?"
"Oh, okay." I thought back if I had plans. Is looking at pictures of Monty in the yearbook counted as one?
He smiled and told me the time and rendezvous. And then added, "I-it's a date,"
I blinked. "A d-date?"
"I meant friendly date," he quickly clarified, faking a smile. I could see dejection in his eyes.
I wanted to apologize but perhaps I’m just overthinking the situation and putting meaning on how Alex was acting the past days. I may try to brush it off and act like I’m not noticing anything, but it’s there. Yet, he said so himself ‘friendly date’, maybe he really just meant us to be friendly.
"So you like someone else?" Alex asked after a moment which of course caught me off guard. I should’ve expected that question to come. I almost coughed my Coke out. Good thing, I had swallowed it down. My heart began to skip.
Should I tell him?
I avoided his gaze, and took another sip on my drink. "Uhm… yes," I said in a low voice.
"Oh…. right. Of course."
"I-I'm just asking," Alex cut me off. Though, I’m afraid I’m already ruining this budding friendship and it’s the last thing I wanted. But, if he ever decides and calls off our little friendly movie date, I'd understand.
"I… Maybe I just need some company," he went on, resting his arms on the table as if for comfort. "And I… I actually like Zach," he glanced at me.
Zach. Oh. I know him.
"I kissed him," he murmured so low I almost didn’t catch it. Then he snorted, lightly. "But… of course he said he's straight."
"I'm sorry," I said in empathy. I wanted to reach for his hands but then decided against it. Then a scenario flashed in my head where I kissed Monty and then he said the same thing-- Ouch!
"It's all right. Thanks for going out with me, and listening." Alex interrupted, saving me from my disastrous thoughts.
I nodded. But then... he asked the question I’m shit scared to answer.
"May I ask who you like?"
I shifted on my seat. "Oh… uhm…It's..." I looked at him, warily. He was indifferent… yet. Wait till you hear this.
With a deep shaky breath I say, "Monty."
* * *
No words had been spoken since, besides the sensational "What the… fuck?" reaction from Alex who wavered before saying the word. And an awkward "Yep" from me, popping the 'p'.
We just went to our own cars and left after.
I'm sure Alex hated me now, or worse, despised me.
I knew it.
Maybe liking Monty would make you lose some friends-- lose some potential friends, rather. We're not even friends.
Was that what Monty meant when he said I got no friends here, as his own experience? Because people didn't like him?
I received a text from Alex later that night, apologizing from how he reacted. Which relieved me a hundred fold. And then he added…
Alex: But… Monty? I just can't believe it! And I think he's as straight as a ruler.
Winston: It's all right. Still a plastic ruler can be bent.
Alex: Correction. Wooden ruler. It just breaks in half, and he'll just break you.
Okay, I couldn't argue with that.
Winston: I guess. But could you keep a promise not to tell anyone?
Alex: Ok
Winston: Thanks.
Alex: So tomorrow. Same time. Same place. And move on from Monty. There's far better guys than that asshole.
Hope it's  that easy…
* * *
I'm glad that Alex didn't change towards me. He still smiled and spoke to me as if I didn't tell him something, which he found horrible.
After buying two movie tickets, we went to the snack bar to buy some popcorn.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." I heard Alex mutter under his breath, causing me to turn and follow his gaze, only for my world to stop, seeing Monty by the entrance.
I forgot the ability to move until Alex nudged me. I blinked and turned to him. He has this amused smile.
"Seriously, Winston, close your fucking mouth. Some fly would literally rent in there."
I blushed, and sneaked another glance at Monty, longer than necessary, then to the other jocks he’s with. They’re standing by the ticket booth. I shifted closer to Alex and poked his side. "Zach's among them."
"I know. I hate it." Alex then stepped forward as it's our turn. "Two medium-sized popcorn please. Plain... And two cokes?" He told the guy behind the counter and turned to me.
"Coke," I confirmed.
And he went on ordering. But half of my attention was on the noise from the jocks. God… I couldn't believe I would see Monty here.
Oh, fuck.
I desperately searched for any mirror or any surface where I could see my reflection and fixed my hair as I saw them making their way towards us!!!
"Hi, Alex." Zach said beside me. I, discreetly, give Alex another nudge.
Alex barely glanced. "Hi."
"Zachy, I'm gonna have these Hot Tamales," Monty announced, tapping his fingers on the glass display counters, pointing over the Hot Tamales candy bars wrapped in red.
He caught my gaze and it was too late to retrieve my eyes back. So, I threw a soft smile at him, hoping I wasn’t too obvious about my loud attraction.
"Hey, Winston. You and Alex on a date?" he asked instead, and I swore I felt blood rush through my cheeks.
"N-no," I shook my head at once.
"What about you and Zach, Monty? You guys on a date?" Alex cuts in.
"Yeah. Actually it's the four of us, Scott and Charlie."
Scott and Charlie smiled and waved, making Alex roll his eyes.
Zach cleared his throat and looked at Alex. I guessed that maybe he wanted to speak to him… alone, so being a good friend as I am, I stepped aside and took the chance to stand beside Monty. But I made sure to be discreet and just tapped my fingers against the counter, my eyes fixated at the menu posted in front.
Zach whispered something to Alex and I could only catch a few words like 'mad' and 'me', giving me enough hint of what he's saying.
I tensed feeling Monty moved closer to me. "Never thought I'd see you here."
I blushed and glanced at him. "Yeah. Small world."
Then he asked me if we’re going to watch the same movie. A horror one.
“I think we should just sit together, then." Monty suggested, glancing over to Zach and Alex. "Especially, it looks like Zach and Alex have something to talk about."
I chuckled, "Sure." Would love to sit next to you.
"Winston," I heard Alex called and saw that our popcorn was ready. I took one last glance at Monty and uttered a "See you later," before making my way back to Alex.
"What did Zach tell you?" I whispered as we made our way inside the cinema.
"He wants to talk. I said yes."
I just hummed.
"Dammit, Winston. I still like him and I hate it," Alex whined a moment later, making me smile.
We took the seat in the middle section, since it's not too far and not too close, and we could watch properly. Different trailers were being shown and I noticed that there were only a few cinema-goers or maybe only few wanted to see this movie.
Later, I spotted Monty and the group inside looking for a seat, so I gave a secret wave at them, specifically, at Monty. He called his friends after he saw me. Then they made their way to us. I hid a smile. My heart wouldn't shut up about it, and it literally wanted to jump off my chest when Monty took the seat next to me.
Calm down, Winston. I’m afraid he could hear it from here, screaming his name.
Zach tried and asked Alex if he could sit beside him, only receiving a nod from Alex. But I could practically read his mind regretting taking the middle seats, when we could just take the space on either right or left wing, and have all the spaces on our own.
"Are you following me?" I heard Alex mumble to Zach.
"No. I… Monty pointed us here and…maybe I did, by deciding to sit next to you," Zach admitted.
I decided and just diverted my attention to Monty and his Hot Tamales. "Does that taste good?"
"You wanna taste?" He gestured one to my direction. I swallowed, not expecting his sudden offer. Or maybe it's because his shoulder brushed against mine.
"N-no. Thanks."
"Come on," Monty began tearing one package open and handed it to me, "Have some."
I glanced at him and reluctantly reached, staring intently at his hand, tempting to hold it.
"No, don't taste that." One of the jocks interrupted. I stopped. "You will get addicted," he added, grinning.
"Oh, fuck off, Charlie," Monty waved. "Come on. Gimme your hand."
"You're not trying to poison me, are you?" I tried to joke.
And I blushed seeing his boyish smile. "Oh no. It's a love potion," he winked.
Now that sent me. If I happen to be an ice, I've melted by now.
You don't need to give me any love potion, Monty. I wanted to say.
With a trembling hand, I held my palm out and he poured some on it. I uttered a thanks and put everything in my mouth, letting it melt in my tongue.
Charlie was right, it's kind of addicting.
"I think I'm in love," I blurted, not breaking eye contact.
He looked away.
Oh no! Wrong move, Winston.
"I mean your friend's right. It's addicting."
He turned back to me and smiled. "I know right." He, then, handed me the Hot Tamales. “Here, have it.”
It would be a shame to take his offer down, so I just took it, our fingers brushing; enough to send electricity down my body. I wondered if he felt it too.
Wishful thinking, Winston.
"Why are you taking Monty's food? It might be contaminated," Alex whispered.
I shrugged him off and offered it to him. "You should try."
"No thanks."
I couldn't help but find Alex's distaste towards Monty, funny. Even though I shouldn't. But I'm afraid I might continue teasing him about it.
The movie finally started. And it's supposed to be scary as it's a horror film. But I'm not a bit scared. However, I'm tempted to hold Monty's hand that was on the armrest between us. But more tempted to pull the armrest up and just lean onto him. Maybe act scared?
As he took his hand away to get some popcorn - since I decided to share my popcorn with him and his friends, who I now know the names of: Charlie and Scott - I, sneakily, placed my hand on the armrest in hopes to be held by him.
Sadly, after he took a handful of popcorn he didn't put his hand back, but my hand stayed where it was. And I just forgot all my attempts on flirting.
"Holy shit!" he exclaimed.
And I tensed not because the scene was scary but because his hand, finally, landed on mine. I hid a smile. And when I thought he would notice and take it away, he didn't, and just stayed there. Though, I wasn't sure if he was ever aware of our hands, or he's too focused on the movie to even notice.
My heart pounded so loud, I could barely hear the show, and could hardly concentrate on it, blocking everything around me but only his presence. I’m only aware of the warmth and the weight of his hand on mine, making my throat dry. I just dreamt of kissing him, or simply lean on him, and embrace more of his scent.
Ugh! Shut it, Winston. Try and hold yourself together.
But how, when he’s close like this? Needless to say, his hand on mine?
The movie just ended without me really understanding everything that happened.
Monty made some comments about it, asking me some of it as soon as we got out to the lobby. I just nodded along, agreeing with everything he said. But Charlie argued with him and they went on, leaving me completely clueless, even though we all watched it together. I should've tried and focused on the show, so I could have a proper conversation with him. But until now, the heat of his hand pricked on my skin.
"Winston," Alex called, and began to walk. I hesitated and followed him outside, not giving me the chance to say goodbye to Monty and his friends.
"Are you alright on your own?" he asked
I frowned, blinking once. "Y-yeah."
"I need to go with Zach," he glanced at Zach, who’s busy chatting or probably saying parting words with his buddies, and rolled his eyes back to me. "Said he wants to talk."
"Oh. Sure."
"Again, beware of Monty. Don't be fooled by his good looks."
"So, you admit he looks good."
Alex stammered but soon gave up, sighing. "Whatever Winston. Don't say, I didn't warn you."
"Okay. Have fun with Zach." I gave his shoulder a pat. "And thanks for inviting me. I really had fun," I smiled.
Alex had to roll his eyes again. "I think I know why."
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austinpanda · 3 years
Dad Letter 082221
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22 August, 2021
Dear Dad--
Happy what for you will be Sunday! Perhaps I should just say happy weekend. It’s Saturday morning here in the trailer and it seems like we’re going to catch some of Hurricane Henri sometime about Monday or Tuesday. I am excited by this! I’ve mentioned how our single-wide leaked like a sieve from the windows along its west wall. Well, in response to our maintenance request, they sent a dude around to come fix it. I believe caulk, or otherwise some big tube of silicone sealant in a dispensing gun (pew! pew!) was employed. We still have our original leak; water always comes in through the top of our back door. The dude put the magic caulk on that thing too, but it’s like original sin...it’s just always gonna be there. It’s the leak where the previous tenants installed plastic hooks on the door, to hang towels on, to catch the leaks.
I spent some time on the internet yesterday and got myself some medical benefits! I now have medical, dental, and vision coverages. I don’t know when they start, but I’m going to search for a dentist some more today. I tried the area’s largest family dentistry, a place with (I’m guessing) maybe 20 dentists working in it, and their website says they have no available appointments. This seems unlikely, but not impossible. I think there’s a problem with the scheduling website, or else they’re having a surge of business before school starts, or something else temporary. Either way, I’ll find a dentist. The dental pain which I’ve come to live with and treat with Ibuprofen every day may soon be a thing of the past.
I don’t suppose I can avoid mentioning that I’m still having problems with depression. I have a few online friends who’ve been super helpful while I seem to be in this downswing, and I’m hoping to get rid of it, and return to my usual sarcastic-yet-ebullient self soon. (You don’t need to suggest exercising, I can actually hear you thinking it from here. Got to admit, I kind of wish I owned a weight bench.) I believe at least some of the depression stems from having no circle of friends. I have, at best, a very tiny triangle of friends. The three components of the friend triad would be: husband, cats and coworkers, and Mr. and Mr. plant scientist guy. I was going to go with Zach to plant scientist guy’s home today to eat, but instead I’m going to stay home and eat worms and feel sorry for myself. (Zach suggested I might like some “me” time, and I’m not keen to inflict myself upon anyone just now anyway.) Also I have lots of work shirts to iron.
I’m actually looking forward to work tomorrow, just a little bit, even though it’s my Monday. My boss has suggested in advance that I do 6 of the 7 audits tomorrow, and I don’t think I’ve ever done 6 in a day before. I especially haven’t attempted to do 6 on a Sunday, since we always audit the previous day’s stuff, which means I’d be auditing a Saturday, typically a busy time. I’m confident that I can do it, however. I can do each of those 6 audits in about an hour, and that gives me a whole two extra hours for “shit happens.” I like knowing how to do all that stuff. There’s a good chance I’ll get through all 6 audits without having any questions, or any problems I can’t solve myself.
And it’s going to be September soon! That always gets me excited, since that’s when I start my two month scary movie marathon, beginning with Night of the Demon, from 1957. I’ve reached a point where, as soon as I hear that movie begin, I relax a bit, because I know summer is over. Also, a lot of my favorite movies are in that genre, including a bunch of British ones, and a bunch with extremely unconvincing monsters. But that’s when I watched The Thing From Another World (1951), and The Fog, and the original Amityville Horror, and The Changeling, with George C. Scott. Good stuff! And, of course, the two months culminate on Halloween, when I watch a couple I saved for last, and we eat all the candy we bought, because children generally know better than to come to a trailer park during the time of plague resurgence in search of things to put in their mouths, that they KNOW FOR CERTAIN was just handled by a stranger.
Actually, I think the way they do Halloween now is: everyone buys candy and drives to church, and everyone else brings their kids, and the kids just visit each car for candy, one after the other. It doesn’t sound like it provides as much walking as the traditional way of trick-or-treating, and it seems to reduce the possibility of criminal mischief to near zero. (I’m just thinking you can’t TP someone’s house when you’re gathering candy in the church parking lot.) But it preserves some of the elements of the old fashioned style. Halloween is a great holiday, mostly because I like watching the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown special. I’m one of the few people that loves every second of that TV special, even the WW1 parts where Snoopy gets shot down behind enemy lines by the Red Baron. That show has some great jazz music in it.
I received something kind of cool in the mail today, a 16 x 100 inch roll of dichroic film. What the shit is that, you ask? Well, you see it in holiday decorations a lot. It’s a colored film that changes color depending on the angle from which you’re viewing it. It’ll also do stuff like: light passing through it is blue, but light bouncing off it is bright orange. It’s just a film you can use to tint plastic and windows that make pretty colors. I have tinted two windows in our metal living tube with it! I’ll include the pictures. It sticks on with soapy water, and is supposed to peel right off when it comes time to move out and take all my disco shit with me. I’m considering putting a couple of small patches of it on my car, just because it’s so pretty. I’ll include a pic of the dichroic film. By now, as you’ve probably concluded, they use that dichroic glass in certain disco lights.
I have a few things happening, but it’s a slow period. I have already put some of the dichroic film on the bathroom window and the window in the back door, which we never open. As predicted, it is pretty as fuck! I want to cover my car windows with it, but I checked, and I’m pretty sure that would be illegal in Maine. Auto window tint has to allow at least 30% of light to pass through (no worries, and with disco colors!) and it has to be non-reflective (shit! Mine is super reflective!) Just taking a picture of some balled-up leftover bits of the dichroic film is pretty. Anything you can scrunch up into a ball and take a beautiful picture of it MUST be special.
I was afraid, for a period, that I had done something to kill my ability to read books for fun! I know I’ve been anhedonic lately, but I’m pretty sure that I haven’t smoked enough drugs to make myself illiterate. Then, as an experiment, I picked up a Jack Reacher book, and read all 450 pages in about a day. I am pleased to report that I have neither smoked myself illiterate, nor forgotten how to enjoy a good page-turner. This pleases me!
More next week! All my love to you both!
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x15 - Dream a little dream... (Part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – the secret facility, around 3am. All the guests from the Thanksgiving dinner party have left. Augustus and Darius are having a little one on one before heading to bed.
 AUGUSTUS: So, how does it feel to be back from La-la land? You really had us worried for a while. Thought you were a goner.
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DARIUS: How long was I out for?
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AUGUSTUS: Almost a month… You’re lucky Veritas was able to use his psychic juju to break the illusion. I was about to give up.
DARIUS: Given our history, I’m surprised you even tried.
AUGUSTUS: Well, bygones. And, Pietro can be very persuasive, he insisted we get you back.
DARIUS: I’ll have to thank him for that. Listen, I know we don’t always see eye to eye, and I know I made some mistakes, but we need to find a way to get over our differences, and see this through to the end.
AUGUSTUS: I agree. That’s the only reason I accepted to do this. Also, I have to admit, you do have some irreplaceable talents.
DARIUS: As do you, from what I’ve been seeing… I could have sworn I saw Tamara at the dinner party. What are you, making clones now?
AUGUSTUS: (Smirks) Oh no, clones are of no real use. And, unlike you, I don’t like to tamper with nature. What you saw was technology at its best.
DARIUS: So, like robots, basically?
AUGUSTUS: Not exactly; more like artificial intelligence. Specifically, it’s called ASI, an artificial intelligence superior to human intelligence or ability. The superhuman, as we like to call it in the geek community.
DARIUS: And they call me the crazy one.
AUGUSTUS: Don’t confuse using technology in our advantage with a god complex, and a bad case of fatal attraction. You really lost it, Darius; almost sabotaged the order’s plan to cater to your fantasies. We can’t have that happen again, so, I hope you understand, some adjustments had to be made.
DARIUS: What are you talking about?
AUGUSTUS: Let’s just say, you didn’t get that scar on your head by accident…
DARIUS: What did you do to me?
AUGUSTUS: Don’t worry, nothing drastic. All I did was install a type of control button, to put it in a way. Just to make sure you don’t go rogue on us again. Can’t blame us for including an insurance policy after the mess you made. (Yawns) Well, I think it’s time I call it a night.
DARIUS: Question, did that “tweak” of yours involve some sort of weird programming with the movie Sunset Boulevard?
AUGUSTUS: The fifties noir film?  
AUGUSTUS: Well, I am a big fan, but no; that’s all you, pal. Anyway, I need my rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.
DARIUS: Sweet dreams…
AUGUSTUS: (Somewhat confused) Uhm… okay. Make sure you get some sleep (he leaves).
DARIUS: I will, eventually…  (Darius dozes off in a daydream sort of state; the song Wicked Game by Hula-Hifi, lingering in his mind).
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Cut to – The Salvatore mansion. Damon and Bonnie’s room, around 3 am. Damon wakes up suddenly, sweating and breathing heavily. He turns to Bonnie, she’s not in the bed. He gets up, knocks on the bathroom door, no answer. He opens the door, she’s not inside. Vamps downstairs, finds her watching T.V in the family room.
 DAMON: Hey, Bon-Bon; what are you doing?
BONNIE: Couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t want to wake you, so…
DAMON: (Peeks to see what she is watching) Sunset Boulevard, love this movie.
BONNIE: Come, join me.
DAMON: (Vamps speeds to cuddle with her) You okay?
BONNIE: Fine, just a bad case of insomnia.
DAMON: Want some popcorn?
BONNIE: Is the answer ever no when it comes to that question?
DAMON: (Smirks, gets up) One order of large popcorn coming right up (gives her a peck on the lips, and vamps to the kitchen. Bonnie continues to watch the movie; at some point she begins to feel sleepy and dazed, almost immediately, she falls into a deep sleep).
 Cut to – 1950, Hollywood, California. The cast and crew, of what promises to be the next Oscar winning film, are getting ready for another day of shooting on set. The lead actress, a true Hollywood diva, is in her dressing room rehearsing some lines. The lead actor walks in the room, hands her a cup of coffee.
 KAT: Every day I tell you I hate that…
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IAN: And every day I do it anyway.
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KAT: Can you just get out, before I have security take you out.
IAN: Is that any way to treat your co-star?
KAT: The only reason you got this job is because your daddy is the head of the studio, you are a horrible actor.  
IAN: Kitty Kat, that hurts my feelings. Not everyone can sleep their way to the top, if you know what I mean… Shall we do the count? Joseph, Chris, Michael… Oh, and let’s not forget your recent one, my lovely brother, Paul… I told you, everyone knows about you two, or almost everyone… Aw, poor Candice! Anyway, you can drop the act now.
KAT: And, I told you, who I choose or don’t choose to sleep with, is none of your business, or hers. So, butt out.
IAN: You know, you are quite cute when you get mad (smirks).
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KAT: I actually look cuter when I’m kicking someone’s ass; want to see?
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IAN: (Wiggles is eyebrows) Ooh, you are on fire today!
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Keep it up, maybe you will finally nail at least one scene. (The film director walks in). 
MATT: You two are up. And please, stop with the bickering, it’s getting very annoying. Be professional for Christ’s sake!  Come on, chop, chop! You are on in five (leaves).
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KAT: How dare he speak to me that way! Does he know who I am?!
IAN: Apparently, he doesn’t care; ouch! (Hands her the coffee cup) Here, have some, looks like you are going to need it.  
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KAT: Shut up… (grabs the cup reluctantly, and takes a sip. Another actress comes barging in, venting).
CANDICE: I swear if I have to do another scene with that incompetent fool, I’m quitting!
KAT: What did Chris do this time?
CANDICE: He can’t tell his left foot from his right one. How on earth did he get the part!
IAN: (Looking at Kat, teasing) Gees, I wonder how…
KAT: (Rolls her eyes, turns to Candice) Come on, he’s not that bad.
CANDICE: Please, you only say that because you slept with him. Not that I’m judging, he’s very hot, but he definitely can’t dance!
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KAT: Well, he makes up for it in other areas (smirks)…
CANDICE: (Grins) Naughty, naughty… Anyway, where is Paul?!
IAN: Missing someone? Don’t worry, Blondie, he should be here soon, he’s just running late. Think you can handle a few minutes without him?
CANDICE: God, I hate you…
KAT: That makes two of us.
IAN: (Looking at Kat) You know there’s a fine line between love and hate (smirks).
KAT: In your dreams.
IAN: Every night, at least twice.
KAT: You are disgusting.
IAN: I know (winks. The Assistant Director walks in).  
STEVEN: Miss. Graham, Mr. Somerhalder, we are ready for you.
KAT: Let’s go.
Cut to – LAPD Headquarters. The Chief of Police is in his office, smoking a cigarette, looking at a photo of a victim who was found brutally murdered the night before. The victim, an aspiring actress who had just landed her first role, a minor part in a high-profile production.
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This town… A concrete monument of decay. From the outside it might seem glamourous, with its movie stars and divas, but it’s nothing more than a sewer filled with rats. Nights reek of booze, gun powder, and flesh blood, masked with a cheap imitation of expensive perfume.
Days are no better. The only difference between the two is that during the day, it’s harder for the predators to hide, or so they think. In reality, the true gangsters hide at plain sight. They mock us, thinking they are always one step ahead, always above the law.
But not this time… not this time… (Caresses the victim’s photo, a tear scrolling down his cheek) My sweet Nina… who could have possibly done this to you? And why?
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(The song “The Two Of Us” by Mark Isham, plays in the background, as the Detective has flashbacks of the woman and the horrendous murder scene; tears keep rolling down his cheeks).
Cut to – the film set. Kat and Ian are shooting one of their scenes.
 IAN: Don’t go with him… you belong here, with me.
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KAT: Please, don’t say those words. You know I want nothing more, but I can’t stay… He is my husband.
IAN: And I am the man you love.
KAT: Always and forever; no matter how far.
IAN: (Kisses her passionately. As she begins to walk away and the rain begins to pour, he runs after her, turns her around) I’m sorry, but I won’t let you go (kisses her again, the song Godot - The Fragrance of Dark Coffee + Rainymood, starts to play. 
The raindrops continue to fall as they hold each other, probably for the last time…)
MATT: And, cut! Beautiful! Now that’s what I call cinema! We are making history people!
KAT: (Ian is still holding on to her). Didn’t you hear cut?!
IAN: No, must have bad hearing… (he smiles; she tries to resist, yet can’t help but smile herself).
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MATT: Okay, everyone, let’s take 30 while we prep for the next scene.
KAT: (To Ian) Did you hear that? (Pushes him away) Now, shoo, skedaddle! (She walks away, he follows behind, teasing her).
STEVEN: Mr. Davis, there is a Detective here to see you.
MATT: What? Why?
STEVEN: I think it has something to do with that actress that didn’t show up on set today.
MATT: Which actress, Steven, there are plenty of them around here.
MEET: Nina, who? Doesn’t ring a bell.
STEVE: She’s the actress that is playing Miss. Graham’s handmaiden.
MATT: Oh, yes, I think I remember. What about her?
STEVEN: I don’t know. Why don’t you talk to the Detective.
MATT: Fine. Send him my way.
ZACH: (Shows him his badge) Detective Zach Roerig, LAPD, can I ask you some questions?
MATT: Sure, just don’t take too long, we need to keep shooting while we still have the proper lighting.
ZACH: (Takes a picture of Nina out of his pocket and shows it to him) Do you know this woman?
MATT: Barely, she is just an extra with a very small part, we don’t interact. I only work with the stars, so my assistant might be able to give you more insight on her.
ZACH: I’ll talk to him, that’s for sure. But you are the one in charge of this production, correct?
MATT: I am the Director, so yes.
ZACH: Maybe you should pay more attention to your “not so important” cast members as well. Miss. Dobrev was found brutally murdered last night; just one block from here.
MATT: Oh, lord, that is terrible. What happened?
ZACH: Was I not clear? She was murdered, decapitated to be exact. And, we suspect the one responsible for this heinous crime, is part of this little film of yours.
MATT: That’s absurd! No one here would ever do such a thing!
ZACH: You’d be surprised what people are capable of, especially in a town like this. It ain’t all lights and glamour. This is an official investigation, so we are shutting this production down until we get some answers.
MATT: You can’t do that! We are on a schedule.
ZACH: Well, it looks like you’re going to have to make some changes. I need you to call in everyone in the cast and crew, and I mean everyone. No one leaves, until we clear them.
MATT: Do you have any idea who you’re talking to? I don’t take orders from anyone.
ZACH: You Hollywood types and your sense of entitlement. You are in for a reality check, no one is above the law. Here is a warrant to search the premises and question every single one of you. So, make yourself comfortable, we might be here for a while. I’ll need your office for questioning, while my squad processes the area. I take it you don’t mind. And, to prove I’m not all that bad, I’ll start with you. Lead the way.
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Cut to – the Director’s office.
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ZACH: For the record, state your full name.
MATT: Matthew W. Davis.
ZACH: How did you know the victim?
MATT: I told you, I didn’t. Apart from directing the few scenes she has been in, I have never talked to or interacted with her at all.
ZACH: What were your whereabouts last night, from 11pm to 2am?
MATT: I was here, filming. Went home around 3am.
ZACH: (Shows him a note that reads: You were great last night. Keep it up, and you might become a real movie star someday…). Do you know what this is?
MATT: (Looking nervous) Where did you find that?
ZACH: I’m the one that will be asking the questions. Is this your handwriting?
MATT: It is.
ZACH: Can you explain how, and why, this was found in the victim’s purse the night she was murdered?
MATT: I have no idea. That note wasn’t for her.
ZACH: Oh, really? Who was it for, then? And why do you reckon Miss. Dobrev had it with her?
MATT: I can’t tell you who it was for. And, I have absolutely no idea why that woman would have that note.
ZACH: Oh, come on, try harder.
MATT: This is ridiculous, I want my lawyer.
ZACH: You are in your right to request one, but that would only make you more suspicious. So, I would advise otherwise.
MATT: What do you want from me? I already told you everything I know.
ZACH: Who was the note for?
MATT: Okay, okay… it was for Candice.
ZACH: Doesn’t make much sense though, she’s already a movie star…
MATT: She is, but not a diva, like Miss. Graham. That’s what every woman in Hollywood wants. And I am the only one that can give that to them.
ZACH: That’s a lot of power to be in one man’s hands.
MATT: I worked hard for it, trust me.
ZACH: Sure you did… Okay, I’m gonna let you go for now, while we verify your alibi; but trust me, we will talk again.
MATT: Whatever. Can I leave?
ZACH: Yes, and send your assistant in.
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ZACH: For the record, state your full name.
STEVEN: Steven R. McQueen.
ZACH: How do you know Miss. Dobrev?
STEVEN: She is one of the actresses in the film.
ZACH: More like, was…
ZACH: She was murdered last night, about a block from here. Know anything about that?
STEVEN: No, no, of course not. Oh, god, she’s dead?! This can’t be true… How, why?
ZACH: Well, that’s what I want to find out, pal. Think you can help me figure it out?
STEVEN: Whatever I can do to help, you can count on it. Miss. Dobrev was a lovely gal.
ZACH: Were you two close?
STEVEN: Not really. I met her when we started filming. We talked from time to time, but that was about it.
ZACH: Just talk, ha?
STEVEN: Yes, Detective, I swear.
ZACH: I believe you. Look, you seem like a decent guy. I’m sure, if anyone, you are the one that knows what really happens around this set. Help me out? Miss. Dobrev deserves some justice, don’t you think?
STEVEN: Of course. I will tell you everything I know.
ZACH: Good. Why don’t we start with Mr. Davis’s real relationship with the victim…
Cut to – Kat’s dressing room. Kat, Ian, Candice, Paul, and Chris are talking about the situation.
 CANDICE: With all due respect, but who is this Nina person?
KAT: She’s the actress playing my handmaiden.
CANDICE: Oh, her? Well, you can’t really refer to her as an actress, I mean...
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CHRIS: She’s a nobody, so who cares.
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PAUL: Judging from the Police take-over, something big is going on.  
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CANDICE: Why do you care?
PAUL: I’m just saying, it doesn’t look good.
IAN: Well, I agree with Mr. slippery shoes and Cinderella, who cares! We should be shooting, don’t want to lose the good lighting.
KAT: Of course you wouldn’t dare to care about anyone but yourself….
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IAN: Really, Kitty Kat? This coming from little Miss me, myself, and I. We all know who you are.
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KAT: No you don’t, so stop pretending you do.
PAUL: (Sarcastically) Ouch, bro.
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CHRIS: (To Kat and Ian, sounding quite bitter) Can you two stop bickering, for like a second! Gees, just get married already! So freaking obvious…
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KAT: Please, he wishes!
IAN: I might like a little pain here and there, but I’m no masochist… unless you ask nicely, of course (winks; the Director walks in). Matt, can you please tell us what the hell is going on!
MATT: We’ve been shut down, until further notice. Oh, and no one can leave either, so make yourselves comfortable.
IAN: What! Why?!
MATT: Well, that wannabe actress playing Kat’s handmaiden was murdered last night. Ruined our entire schedule! The Police think one of us did it… ridiculous!
KAT: Wait, what!? She was murdered? No, no… that can’t be… Oh my god!
CHRIS: And I’ll say it again, why do we care? She is a nobody! Or was, whatever!
KAT: Don’t say that! You have no idea who she was…
CHRIS: Neither do you, Kitty Kat.
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IAN: (Pushes Chris away from her)  First, no one calls her that, but me. Second, back off…
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CHRIS: (Sarcastic smirk) Oh, please. Don’t you get it? She will never love you. Once she gets what she wants from you, she’ll throw you out like a piece of trash. So stop trying so hard.
IAN: (Grabs him by the neck) Listen, psycho boy…
PAUL: Stop, both of you. Is it too much to ask for you to act like adults, for once? We really don’t need your little pissing contest drama right now.
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KAT: Nor any of this… Everyone get out, I need some space.
IAN: (Looking concerned) Kat...
KAT: I said, get out! All of you! (They leave).
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Cut to – the Director’s office.
 ZACH: Thank you for your cooperation, this information is critical to our investigation.
STEVEN: (Looking scared) Please, Detective, promise me you won’t tell them you heard those things from me, I would be completely ruined.
ZACH: Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me, trust me. Now, be a sport and send Miss. Accola my way, will you?
STEVEN: Will do, Detective.
ZACH: Thank you, we will talk again soon.
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ZACH: For the record, state your full name.
CANDICE: (Flirtatious) Detective, you don’t believe I had anything to do with this, do you? I mean, look at me… do you really think I would be capable of such a thing?  
ZACH: Perhaps you didn’t hear me. I said, state your full name.
CANDICE: Fine… Candice Rene Accola. But I swear, Detective, I never even crossed a word with that woman.
ZACH: Funny, that’s not what I’ve heard…
CANDICE: From who? Whoever said that is obviously lying! I have a reputation to protect, I don’t mingle with the extras.
ZACH: Oh, I’m sure you don’t, but I wonder if you get jealous of them?
CANDICE: (Laughs) That’s absurd! Why on earth would I be jealous of her!? She’s a nobody.
ZACH: Maybe she had something you wanted…
CANDICE: What could she possibly have had that I don’t? If anything, she was the one jealous of me.
ZACH: I hear you are quite smitten with an ex of hers.
CANDICE: An ex? What are you talking about?
ZACH: Just cut the bullshit Miss. Accola. I know for a fact that Mr. Wesley and Miss. Dobrev where previously engaged, that is until you came into the picture…
CANDICE: (Nervously) Please, Detective, let me explain…
ZACH: Please, do.
CANDICE: It’s not what you think. I mean, yes, I knew they had a thing in the past, but that was a long time ago. They went to the same Highschool, in this godforsaken town in the middle of nowhere, or something along those lines. But, I swear, I never even spoke to her, nor did he, after that. No disrespect for the deceased, but she was weird, she didn’t belong in the same circle as us. There are levels, and she is, well, was, way below ours. If you are looking for a real suspect, I suggest you talk to Mr. Wood, I know there was something going on between those two.
ZACH: Really, why would you say that?
CANDICE: They are both whack jobs. They would get together after shooting; hang out at this weirdo trash bar down the block called “The Grill”, where all the other city looneys hang out. Trust me, they were into some really creepy stuff.
ZACH: What kind of creepy stuff?
CANDICE: Some obscure vampire nonsense. I’m telling you, totally cuckoo.
ZACH: Vampires?
CANDICE: Yes, I swear! If you ask me, I wouldn’t be surprised if Chris turned out to be one… I mean, if they were real, of course. Only a crazy person would believe those things.
ZACH: I agree. So, you are saying Miss. Dobrev had a dark side?
CANDICE: Oh, for sure! No one ever bought her little “Mary Sue” act.
ZACH: Well, that’s quite specific information for someone who claims not to know anything about her.
CANDICE: I’m just telling you what I’ve heard from others, specifically, from Mr. Wood.
ZACH: Okay, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt on that, for the moment. Now, (hands her the same note he handed the Director) can you explain what this is about?
CANDICE: (Looking genuinely clueless) I have never seen that before, I promise.
ZACH: Fair enough. Moving on, what where your whereabouts last night, from 11pm to 2am?
CANDICE: I was here shooting, until about 3am, I think. I went straight home after that.
ZACH: 3 am? Doesn’t seem like a safe hour for a lady to be driving home alone…
CANDICE: Oh, of course not. I had my driver take me home.
ZACH: What’s your driver’s name?
CANDICE: Mr. Trevino, you can ask him if you don’t believe me. He’s right outside my dressing room.  
ZACH: No need, just yet. You are free to go, for now. Let Mr. Wood know I’m expecting him next.
CANDICE: Sure thing. (As she is walking out) Detective, one more thing… I probably shouldn’t say, since she is my best friend, but I feel obligated to mention this, it’s in my duty to do so. You should know Miss. Graham and Miss. Dobrev used to be very close friends, best friends actually. She doesn’t know I know that, but I do. In fact, Kat is the reason Nina got this job in the first place; and the reason why Nina moved from that Mystic place to LA. Just thought you should know… Hope it’s useful information (flirtatious smirk).  
ZACH: (Flirting back) Very useful, Miss. Accola; thank you for sharing.
Cut to –  Kat’s dressing room. She is looking at herself in the mirror; she seems somewhat sad, but a lot more worried. Ian knocks.
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IAN: Kat, please, let me in… I’m sorry… (Kat opens the door, he walks inside, she looks around to make sure there is no one else there; shuts the door after him).
KAT: What do you want? I thought I made myself clear when I said I wanted to be left alone.
IAN: I needed to make sure you were okay (looks around the room) … I didn’t know you knew her outside of the film, I’m sorry if I was insensitive.
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KAT: (Goes to her mini bar, serves and hands him a glass of bourbon) It’s just you and me, look for yourself. You can stop pretending now.
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IAN: (Relieved) Okay, good… I don’t know how much longer I would be able to keep up with the act.
KAT: As long as it takes; we can’t risk them finding out.
IAN: I know, Kitty Kat, but I’m freaking out here! This place is infested with cops. What the hell are we going to do...?!
KAT: Calm down, we will think about that later… (kisses him passionately, and throws him on to her dressing room bed…)
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*Not my art, loads of credit to the creator, this ilustration is awsome!  
TVD 9x15 (part 2) coming soon! Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
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boldly-ho · 5 years
Another Life - Chapter 1
Fandom: What We Do In The Shadows
Rating: Will be M, eventually.
Pairing: Vladislav x Reader
Word count: 1892
Summary: You wake up to find you have no memories of the past year...
A/N: I have this outlined, but not completed. Bear with me here, people. This is crossposted to AO3.
You opened your eyes to sunlight streaming in through your bedroom window. You sat bolt upright. You’d overslept and were late for work. Grabbing your phone off the nightstand, you stopped when you realized your phone background wasn’t a picture of that gorgeous actor from your favorite movie, but was instead a photo of a crescent moon. You didn’t remember changing it. As you puzzled over your lockscreen, you realized that the date was wrong. It said April. But it was May, not April. And the year was wrong. It’s May of the previous year.
Your phone is telling you almost a year has passed.
“Dawn!” you threw yourself out of bed and ran into the living area. “Dawn!”
Your flatmate, Dawn, sat on the couch, watching Netflix on the large TV. “Nice of you to finally join the living,” she joked. Glancing up and seeing the look on your face, she muted the TV. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
“What day is it?”
“Tuesday. Why? What happened?”
You ignored her questions. “No. What’s the date?”
Dawn paused. “It’s April 10.”
“What year?”
“Y/N, you’re scaring me. Come here; sit down.” She moved aside and gestured to the couch cushion beside her.
“What year!” You knew you shouldn’t be yelling. You knew you were panicking. But being aware of your panic didn’t mean you could stop it.
Dawn told you what year it was.
You collapsed on, rather than sat on, the couch beside her. Your heart was racing and you felt lightheaded. “I lost a year,” you exhaled.
“What? What do you mean?”
“I lost a year.” You looked over at Dawn. “I don’t remember the last year.”
You looked around the strangely dressed man, Viago, he’d introduced himself as, and into the house. It was a bit of shithole. But you steeled yourself as you stepped over the threshold and into the lounge. You’d been prepared for this. Anything that was both in your price range and available at the last minute was going to be subpar at best.
The place looked fairly tidy, though you suspected that might not be the norm. Your potential new flatmate was odd. He spoke with an accent you’d never heard before, maybe some sort of eastern European? And he wore clothes you didn’t think you’d see outside of a period drama. He was jittery, seemingly on edge, but he was friendly enough.
“Vladislav and Deacon are out for the night. Petyr is here, but he’s a bit of hermit, so I don’t think you’ll see him around too often, anyway. But all three gave me permission to make a final decision on the new flatmate. We could schedule another interview with Vladislav and Deacon if you’d be more comfortable with that, though.”
You’d been hoping the other three weren’t as odd as Viago. But a flatmate so antisocial you might not see him? That’s the extreme of eccentric. And someone named Vladislav? You chided yourself for being xenophobic. It was probably a common enough name in parts of Europe. Still, you found yourself really hoping this Deacon character at least was normal.
As Viago led you through the house, the chore wheel on the kitchen wall gave you some comfort. Maybe the place was well kept, after all. Though, the spelling of Petyr with a “Y” gave you pause.
“And this would be your room,” Viago said, as he opened a door to a bedroom, isolated down it’s own hallway. The room was surprisingly big, with huge windows on the far wall. It had its own attached bathroom, which was actually a big step up from sharing one with Dawn. This might work out after all.
“It’s nice,” you offered, upon realizing Viago was waiting for a reaction.
He smiled. “Great! I do have a few questions for you.”
“Of course.”
You migrated back downstairs to the kitchen table, where Viago pulled out a notebook, writing your name at the top of a blank page in the most gorgeous script you’d ever seen. You felt self conscious, despite the fact that you hadn’t written anything anywhere where Viago could see it and compare.
“Ok,” he began. “Will you be able to pay your share of the bills? Rent and utilities?”
You nodded. “That shouldn’t be an issue. I only work part time, but the hours are regular.” True enough, though you were transitioning to working remotely. No need to let him know you might be a constant presence in the way just yet.
He jotted something down. “Reason for leaving your current living situation?”
You tried not to let your irritation show on your face. “My roommate’s boyfriend is moving in, so she asked if I could find somewhere else to live.” And at the very last minute, you thought bitterly.
Viago made a face and muttered under his breath as he wrote in his notebook, “…a little rude.”  He was right. It drew a faint smile from you.
“We are all awake at night,” he paused, “for, uh, work. So, we sleep during the day. We’re willing to keep the noise to a minimum after midnight for your sake. Would you be able to mind the noise level during daylight hours?”
You thought about it. Inconvenient, but not unmanageable. Especially on the days you still went into work. “I think so, yeah.”
He nodded. “And finally, would you be willing to clean up after yourself and help with communal chores?”
“Definitely. I like a tidy home.”
“Great!” He scrawled again in his book before flipping it shut with a flourish. “Do you have any questions for me?”
“Just a few. Why the vacancy?”
“Well, we never had a fifth flatmate. But the bills keep increasing and there’s a spare room, so we decided it might be time to bring in a st-, uh, another steady income.”
You nodded. Makes sense. The utilities costs in Wellington had been climbing through the roof. You and Dawn had been struggling a bit. Sure, this place was bigger, but utilities split five ways was guaranteed to be cheaper nonetheless.
“Four guys all flatting together. Are you sure you’re all comfortable with me moving in? I don’t want it to be an issue.” You personally didn’t see much of a problem in living with men, but you wanted to make sure that feeling was returned.
“We discussed it. There may be a bit of an adjustment, living with a… woman, after all these years. But, we’re willing to make any necessary adjustments.” Viago offered you a large, sudden smile, alarming you both with the gesture and with his pronounced canines. “Any other questions?”
“Uh, no, I think that just about covers it.”
“Wonderful! Then I would like to offer you the room! Unless, of course, you wanted to interview with Vladislav and Deacon first?”
You shook your head. In an ideal situation, obviously you’d want to meet the people you’d be living with. Unfortunately, time was of the essence in getting out of your current place, so you were willing to forgo the interviews to expedite the process.
“Ok, well I have a key already made up for you. You can move in as soon as you like, but remember to be quiet if you move in during the day.”
You took the key and shook his smooth, cool hand. “I can move in tomorrow afternoon.”
“I moved out?” you asked. “And Zach moved in?”
Dawn nodded, though her lips were pursed. “Yeah. He did. Didn’t last very long. He was a useless excuse for a boyfriend.”
You gave her a questioning look.
“He was cheating on me. God, it’s weird telling you this again. But, yeah. We broke up. I ran into you about six months ago. We caught up, but never got as close again as we used to be before I kicked you out.” She reached for your hand, and you let her grab it. “I apologized already, and we made up, but since you can’t remember; I’m sorry for how I handled that situation, and for letting us drift apart like that.”
You weren’t mad at Dawn. You felt like you should be. The offense seemed fresh in your mind, recent. But it didn’t feelfresh. You didn’t feel hurt anymore. “I forgive you,” you told her honestly. “Again. And I’m sorry for whatever role I played in letting us drift apart.”
She brushed off your apology. “I already forgave you.”
“Ok. But if we never got close again, how did I end up living here again? How long have I been living here? What happened this past year?”
“Since you and I made up six months ago, we’ve only seen each other three times. The last time was almost two weeks ago. We had lunch. You seemed fine, though. No memory issues. But yesterday morning, really early, you texted and asked if the spare room was still available. It was, clearly, and you were here in bed when I got back home last night.”
You were more curious than confused. There was so little information that your brain couldn’t even throw around unfounded theories or become frustrated by unsolved puzzles. There was nothing to clarify even the biggest, most important, or obvious pieces yet.
“Why though? What happened?”
“All the text said was ‘I need to move out ASAP. It isn’t working out here anymore. Can I move back in?’”
“Dawn, I don’t-“
“I really, really don’t know what you’ve been up to this past year. You’ve been closed off the few times we hung out. Secretive, almost.”
“Me? Secretive?” you asked incredulously. You had never been overly private, especially not with friends.
“I don’t know. Maybe not secretive, I guess, but definitely less open than usual. I figured it was because we ended up drifting apart. You just weren’t as comfortable with me anymore.” The thought made you sad. “Whatever it was,” Dawn continued, “I really only know the most basic information on the past year.”
You didn’t say anything, waiting for her to fill the silence with whatever it was she knew. She obliged.
“You were flatting with a few guys, four or five, I think, from Europe. You were seeing one of them though.”
Dawn nodded. “You were head over heels. Even I could tell, but again, you weren’t giving me too much info to work with in our limited interactions, so that’s really all I got.”
“Right. Sorry.”
She ignored your interrupting apology. “I figured that’s why you had to leave in such a hurry. ‘It isn’t working out.’ I figured you guys must’ve broken up.”
“Were we together long?”
“I think so. When we reconnected that first time, you already seemed pretty serious, and that was six months ago.”
A boyfriend. An ex-boyfriend, technically. An ex-boyfriend you didn’t even remember. How could that have happened? How could any of this have happened? How could you just go to sleep one night, and wake up the next day without remembering the past year?
“Did you ever meet him? Or any of the flatmates? Anyone at all I interacted with?”
You had forgotten Dawn still held your hand until she gave it a gentle, encouraging squeeze. “I never met anyone. You didn’t talk about the others too much, just Vlad. That’s his name, by the way. Vlad.”
Vlad. Okay, then.
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waywardnewcomer · 4 years
Built in Best Friends Part Six
A/N: Well you’re getting some Y/N and Tom action, just not the way you want. This and the next chapter are heavily inspired by Love, Rosie. I couldn’t help myself. It’s about to kick off in the next one, prepare yourself.
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Summary:  Y/N goes on a date, Tom reminisces.
Warnings: Slight mention of a panic attack, jealousy
Pairings: Reader x Tom Padalecki, Tom x OC, Jensen x Daughter!Reader, Danneel x Daughter!Reader, Reader x OC
Word Count: 2k
Previous Part Series Masterpost Masterlist
When you returned to school a week later you were very wary of spending too much time with Tom, aware that it makes his girlfriend jealous and that you’re still a bit unsure whether to trust him or not. 
Instead, you spent more time with Penny and her friends, who had finally got out of detention. Her friend Zach was quite clearly a prankster and loved being a class clown; he had no problem making you laugh during your lunch breaks. Lily was calmer, but she was a good listener and gave great advice. And then there was Josh. You and Josh had hit it off straight away, feeling comfortable around one another and already giving hugs and small touches here and there. He always gave you little compliments every day to make you smile. You were completely upfront with them about your anxiety and they were all really supportive. You found you didn’t need Tom to be happy; you were your own person. It took you 17 years to get there, but you were finally gaining some independence and confidence in yourself. That group was a really good influence on you and Tom, and your family could see it.
When Penny invited you and Lily over for a sleepover you jumped at the opportunity, never really having any girlfriends to do that with. You turned up at her door, big bag full of treats in one hand and your pillow and sleeping bag in the other with a big smile on your face making her laugh.
“You excited Y/N?” She teased softly.
“I don’t really get to do these things, Tom’s a boy.” You laughed, and she nodded in understanding and led you upstairs.
“Well, the most important part of a sleepover is having fun!” She gleamed. Lily was already on the floor surrounded by a pillow fort.
“That looks comfy,” You laughed, putting your bags down.
“Go get your PJs on and come join us!” Penny shrieked.
After watching a couple of movies and eating more than your body weight in junk food you had all decided to make some TikToks. 
“Let’s do the one with the beat where you have to call your crush!” Penny laughed, a glint in her eye.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” You mumbled nervously. You could not call Tom: it would be so embarrassing. 
“Come on Y/N it will be fun! It probably won’t even land on you anyway.” Lily smiled at you reassuringly making you relax a little and give in.
As you pointed at each other you made sure to point as quick at you could to Lily so it wouldn’t land on you, face dropping when it did. You breathed out a curse word and pulled out your phone. You called the number and breathed out heavily feeling the anxiety fill your chest. Lily took your hand from beside you as she saw who you were calling. As it rang you felt yourself regretting this more and more. 
“Hello?” A grumbly voice came from your phone almost making you jump.
“Hi, Josh,” You breathed out shakily.
“Y/N what’s up? You okay?” He asked gently, hearing the nerves in your voice.
“I just needed to tell you something.” You giggled softly as you realised what you were going to do.
“You can tell me, go on.” He said patiently.
“I um - uh - likeyou.” You rushed out hoping he had heard you as your cheeks flushed red.
“Bit slower love,” He laughed.
“I like you, Josh,” You mumbled embarrassed, looking into the camera that was still recording and regretting ever agreeing to do this.
“I like you too.” He spoke without hesitation making you breathe out. 
You took the phone off loudspeaker immediately as they shut off the video, not quite believing what just happened.
“Josh it’s okay if you don’t. You don’t have to say it back, I’m a big girl.” You said, not really trusting your words.
“No Y/N I really do, I’ve wanted to ask you out since I set eyes on you, but I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable,” You could hear his smile down the phone making you relax instantly.
“That’s sweet of you Joshy,” You giggled, making him laugh.
“So, do you want to go out on a date Y/N?” He asked softly, knowing it could scare you away.
“Of course!” You agreed.
“Great, tomorrow? 7pm?” He asked and you mumbled a yes and hung up.
Fuck, you hadn’t had a date in a year, was it still the same? What were you going to wear? What if he didn’t like you? What if you said something wrong?
Penny and Lily’s eyes snapped to you as they heard your breathing quicken, immediately rushing to your side and taking your hand.
“Y/N it’s okay.” You heard Penny whisper as she stroked circles on your back.
“I just haven’t been out with anyone in a while. I’m okay, I swear.” You mumbled giving them a half assed smile that seems to appease them a little.
“Y/N Josh would never hurt you. He’s been talking about asking you out since you met him.” Lily explained laughing slightly. You raised your eyebrows looking at her questioningly.
“You planned this didn’t you?” You giggled when they nodded their heads looking very proud of themselves. You shook your head at them and relaxed, you were going to enjoy yourself for once.
You didn’t think about the date until the next day, when Tom was sat on your bed trying to make plans with you for that night.
“C’mon Y/N the girls had you last night, I don’t get a movie night with my best friend?” Tom pouted slightly making you laugh.
“I can’t, I um have a date,” You rushed out casually. “So, you want some lunch?” You coughed hoping he hadn’t heard you.
“Hey, you don’t get out of that that easily,” He laughed, looking at you with his head tilted. “Who with?”
“Josh.” You mumbled softly, not even being able to look him in the eye. It felt like cheating, but it wasn’t. You were just friends. You shook your head and focused on Josh.
“That guy?” Tom asked jumping up. “No, nu-uh. Not happening,” He mumbled stepping in front of your closet.
“Tom calm down, he’s sweet. Why can’t I date him?” You folded your arms and looked at him pointedly.
“He’s not good enough for you, and he’s always in detention. You need someone who’s a good influence.” He shrugged, ignoring the fire burning in the pit of his belly. It was a common occurrence whenever you went on a date, but he had always ignored it.
You raised your eyebrow at him and shoved him out of the way, laughing as he fell onto your beanbag chair. You stepped into your closet and took out a few dresses as options for Tom to help you choose from as he sulked on your bed.
“You can’t choose who I date Tom, your girlfriend hates me.” You shrugged laughing as he tried to protest but realised, he had no argument.
“Fine, but you tell me all about it tomorrow, and if you’re in trouble you ring me, and I’ll be there.” He wagged his finger at you, making you laugh and push it away.
“Stop being such a Dad Tom. Now, blue or purple?” You asked him, holding the dresses up to your chest making him shake his head, God you were so adorable in his mind.
You literally had to force Tom back over to his house through his window as Josh pulled up outside. He wanted to go scare the guy a little, but you wouldn’t let him. As soon as he got back through his window he sat down against the wall and pulled his legs into his chest. What was that? Sure, he always felt overprotective and a little jealous before you went on dates, but he hasn’t felt that jealous since… since you went on your first date.
At the ripe age of 12 being asked out on your very first date was nerve wracking, and even more so when you knew you were probably going to get your first kiss. You didn’t know if you were ready for that. So as always you turned to Tom to freak out.
“Y/N calm down, kissing can’t be that hard. Why did you agree to go out with this guy anyway?”
“Because he’s the only one who’s asked.” You mumbled, not meeting Tom’s eyes.
“Peach that should never be the reason you go out with someone, you hear me.” He spoke, lifting your chin so you looked into his eyes. You were close, noses almost touching and both gazing intensely into each other’s eyes. It was almost romantic, until you pulled away harshly at your phone pinging.
“Sorry, it’s him.” You mumbled softly, typing a quick answer to the text and ignoring your heart beating against your chest.
“Look Peach, if you want, we can do a practice kiss, that way you won’t be nervous. I’ve never done it before either so you can’t mess up with me.” Tom shifted in his place, looking at you shyly. His heart was hammering in his chest and he was hoping with every part of him you would say yes and forget about that stupid guy.
“As long as it doesn’t mess up our friendship,” You mumbled, inching closer to him.
“Nothing ever could.” He whispered, pressing his lips to yours. You both felt the same that day, butterflies in the bottom of your stomachs like a pit of fire, sparks between your touch and inching to kiss more and more but you couldn’t. You were best friends, nothing more.
“Thanks Tom, I feel a lot better.” You smiled at him, not noticing the way his face falls softly as your phone pings again. “He’s here, I’ll see you after Tommy.”
As you rushed out the door and he climbed back through his window his heart fell to his stomach, he couldn’t fall in love with his best friend. He promised himself that day he never would.
He shook it off, he was with Sasha. He couldn’t go back down that road, not when there was never a chance of you liking him back. So, he pushed the feelings back down and texted his girlfriend. You were always just going to be friends, best friends.
Josh had treat you like a princess all night, he had set up a picnic on a nearby mountain top in the back of his pickup. He had lots of blankets and an iPad to play some movies on while you cuddled up. It was perfect, and he almost took your mind off Tom.
“Josh, this has been great. Thank you, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.” You smiled at him, eyes sparkling in sincerity.
“I wanted to. I really like you Y/N. I have something to ask you.” He grinned as he sat up in his truck.
“Will you go to the dance with me?” He asked hopefully, you hated to crush his sparkling face and ruin this moment.
“I can’t Josh, I’m sorry. I go with Tom every year. It’s a tradition, you know.” You shrugged sadly, squeezing his hand in apology.
“I get it, I wish it could be different, but I understand. At least save a dance for me?” He asked sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
“Of course, can’t miss up that opportunity.” You smiled and leaned in to give him a quick peck. Although you felt the butterflies at the bottom of your stomach and you really loved kissing him, your mind couldn’t help but to circle back to Tom. It was never the same feeling as Tom, but all you could ever be was best friends. So, you settled for the rougher, less tingly lips of Josh and smiled sadly. You would always have to settle.
Next Part
BIBF Series Tags: @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @colie87 @atlas-of-the-world @duckieburns @biawol @maralisa124 @gabriels-trix @the-winchesters-impala @letmebeyoursforever @rosie-winchester @bellero @dreaminemz @aomi-nabi @babygurl224221 @sebstanismyman @captured-memory @thatbandchick39 @thevelvetseries
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starrybethany · 5 years
William Nylander: Part 4
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Word count: 2006
Should I be doing this? I really shouldn’t be doing this. If Mills knew I was doing this, he would kill me. Like literally kill me.
And shouldn’t I have told William I was coming before just randomly showing up at his apartment? Will he think it’s creepy? He probably will, especially since I haven’t talked to him in a week and I didn’t show up at his party like I said I was going to. Plus, it’s eleven o’clock on a Tuesday night. Why would anyone visit that late on a workday?
I sigh, forcing myself to reach forward and knock on the door before I turn and run away.
I bite my lip, hard, as I wait for the Swedish man to come to the door. Shit, I didn’t even think about what I would do if he didn’t come to the door. What if it was some girl that he met and started dating after the party and then he has to explain to her, hey, this is a girl I started to spend time with before you, and I break them up?
Or worse, what if Kappy answers the door?
I don’t have to worry too long because the door swings open and an exhausted Willy stands on the other side. I start to feel bad just by looking at his baggy eyes and pouty lips.
“Hey,” I say awkwardly.
Really, that’s it? I wake the man up when he has a game tomorrow and all I have to say is ‘hey?’
“Hey,” he replies, leaning against the doorframe. “What’s up?”
Okay, cool, it’s casual.
“Not much,” I twist my fingers uncomfortably, “You?”
“Not much,” he repeats with a shrug.
His tired eyes meet mine and we stare at each other in silence, him examining me curiously, probably wondering why I woke him up just to say hi but not wanting to be rude by asking.
“Um, I just wanted to apologize for telling you that I’d come to your party and then never showing up,” I state. “That was a bitch move.”
He lets out a loud laugh. “It wasn’t a bitch move, I just assumed you had something come up and we don’t have each other’s phone numbers so you couldn’t text me that you weren’t able to make it. Speaking of…”
He turns around, walking into his dimly lit apartment. “Oh, you can come in, by the way!”
I head into the apartment unsurely, closing the door behind me and looking around the spacious apartment. I’m surprised at how modest it is with how much money he’s making. It’s definitely an updated apartment but it’s smaller than I imagined, plus it’s probably just a two bedroom.
Will appears back in front of me, holding out his phone with the new contact page pulled up. “Enter your number so we can actually make plans instead of accidentally running into each other.”
“Sure, accidentally,” I wink, taking the phone and entering my number.
He laughs as I pass him back his phone and give him my phone so he can enter his number.
“Nice place you got here,” I compliment, stepping around him to look further into the living room.
“Don’t you have the exact same apartment?” He questions.
“All of the layouts in this building are identical.”
“Oh, yeah,” I curse myself in my head for momentarily forgetting my lie, “I meant like your decorations and shit.”
“Oh, thanks, my mom and sisters actually helped pick them out,” he confesses sheepishly.
I giggle before looking into the kitchen, peering at his fridge curiously. I bet he has a shitload of food in there, he is a millionaire after all.
“You don’t want to look inside my fridge, it’s practically empty. I don’t keep a lot of food here since I’m gone a lot for hockey or I’m visiting my family.”
Or not.
“I could order a pizza, though, if you’re hungry,” he offers. “That means you would have to stay a while, though.”
“Is that an invitation to stay a while?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at him suggestively.
He smirks at me, dialing a number into his phone. “What’s your favorite pizza place?”
“This is really good pizza,” I compliment, taking a bite of the slice in my hand.
“See what happens when you don’t limit yourself to places that close at nine?” He teases.
I roll my eyes, throwing my feet onto the ottoman in front of the couch.
“Getting comfy, are we?”
“Is there a problem with that, Nylander?”
“There’s no problem at all,” he dismisses, grabbing his remote and flicking on the TV. “What do you want to watch?”
“Pocahontas,” I respond instantly. He begins to laugh at that. “What? Is there something wrong with Pocahontas?”
“We’re Canadian,” he manages to get out.
“So, it’s a good, important story!” I defend. “It may be all about the Americans but there’s a talking racoon and a bombass song.”
“Fine, I will turn on Pocahontas,” Willy snickers, entering the title into the search bar.
“Have you ever seen it before?”
“How can you laugh at me when you’ve never even seen it?” I whine.
“You’re right, I’m being prematurely judgemental,” he agrees. “I’ll give it a chance.”
“You better,” I turn to give him a teasing glare just to find he’s already looking at me.
The joking atmosphere diminishes as we hold eye contact. Pocahontas plays in the background but it fades away by the throbbing silence between us. His blue eyes twinkle and my eyes flicker between them and his thin lips surrounded by scruff.
I don’t mind the scruff. In fact, I like it. It suits him, the facial hair with the long hair is a good look that makes him look really attractive. Well, he would be attractive without it but with it he looks even better.
I see him inch closer to me slowly, testing the waters to see what my reaction will be.
I let him.
I actually want him to kiss me, I’m excited for it.
But I can’t let him kiss me.
When he’s two inches away from my face I turn my head, showing him my cheek.
I close my eyes, cursing myself out in my head. All I want to do is kiss him but I know if Mills were to ever find out he would literally kill William and I’m not selfish enough to risk it.
Willy sighs, resting his face in the crook of my neck and letting out a loud groan.
“I’m sorry.” I’m not even sure my words reach his ears.
We stay in this position for a little while longer before he pulls back, slouching down, wrapping an arm around my waist, and leaning his head against my hip. I settle for running a hand through his hair as we watch Pocahontas in full silence.
The movie ends and the credits begin to play.
“You know what you should do tomorrow night?” He asks quietly, threading his fingers through mine and playing with my fingers.
“Come to my game.”
I don’t respond.
“It’s Leafs versus Rangers.”
“So I’d really get to see Henrik Lundqvist in person?” I tease.
He gives me a look and I laugh.
“I’m never taking you to Sweden with me,” he mumbles, making me laugh harder.
“Of course I’ll go to your game, Willy.”
I nervously walk down the hallway, fiddling with the pass in my hand. Willy gave it to me after I agreed to go to his game and told me that I need it to go to the WAGs box to be with all of the other partners.
Then I asked him if he considered me his partner and he didn’t respond.
That’s an argument for another day.
I show the security guard my pass and he opens the door for me, letting me step unsurely into the room. A bunch of other women are already in the room and they all look at me as I enter, mixed expressions of judgement on their faces.
“Are you Y/N?” A pretty blonde asks.
I nod, not trusting my voice to answer for me.
“William left you something,” she smiles politely, pointing at a box on a nearby table.
I open it curiously, aware of all of the eyes watching me. I can’t help but laugh when the top of the box is removed and a blue, 88, Nylander, jersey is revealed. He told me he was going to get me a jersey after I told him I don’t own any Maple Leafs merchandise, so I told him to get me a Kapanen one. He got annoyed at that.
I tug the jersey over my torso and the girls go back to their conversations that they were having before I arrived.
“I’m Alannah,” the blonde introduces herself.
“Y/N,” I smile, shaking her hand.
I definitely feel out of place in this room. Everyone is stunning, like they’re runway models or something. And then here I am, in the jeans I bought from Goodwill and a T-shirt I stole from one of my old friends.
Alannah introduces me to a couple of the other girls and ushers me into the seat beside hers when warmups start. “Will’s going to look for you, I just know it.”
I give her a doubtful look but soon find number eighty eight on the ice, watching him as he skates around for a little bit before pausing, looking up at the WAGs box.
“Wave,” Alannah urges.
I give her a look, unsure that he can even see me from how high up we are. Despite this, I lean forward, waving at the Swedish man.
I can barely see the grin that spreads across his face but he waves back up at the box.
“Hi Zachy, have a great game,” Alannah shouts from next to me to her husband. It’s cute that she says that even though she knows he has no chance of hearing her.
I ignore the buzzing in my pocket throughout the game, too focused on the puck and the players and their movements. I know who it is, and I know I should answer it and what’ll happen if I don’t but I’m having too much fun to worry about that right now.
It’s a dumb excuse, I know, but it’s true.
“What takes so long?” I ask curiously after waiting in the hallway for a half an hour.
“They have to shower and get dressed. And sometimes they have media,” the tall blonde informs me, smiling widely when her husband leaves the locker room. “Great game, baby!”
She pulls him into a hug and he laughs. It seems like he recognizes me as soon as he lays eyes on me.
“This is Y/N,” Alannah introduces me anyways and I make small chat with Zach as I wait for William.
Soon, the blonde exits the locker room with a wide smile and I can’t help but reciprocate that action.
“Great job, Will,” I murmur, pulling him into a hug in the heat of the moment.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get a goal for you,” he mumbles into my hair, rubbing my back caringly.
“You got an assist, though. That’s something, right?”
“That is something,” he laughs at my lack of hockey knowledge, moving me to the side to hold me by the waist.
I meet a couple more of the guys and see the guys that I met the other day at breakfast. They all raise their eyes at the hand on my waist, but I don’t care to move it.
“Do you want a ride home?” William asks me.
“No, I drove here,” I lie easily.
“Oh, okay.”
For a split second I want him to drive me home, just because of the hurt in his voice, then I remember the lie I’m upholding and realize that I can’t have him seeing my apartment.
“I’ll see you soon, William.”
“See you soon, Y/N.”
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popcrone818 · 5 years
The Other Swan Part 7
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yes i am aware that this is not what Seth actually wore to the wedding, and also his hair isn't this long, but sue me, i think this is hotter anyway.
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This is what Skye wears to the wedding.
Later that day Jake had taken off, no one knew where he was going just that he had to leave. I sent most of my time leading up to the wedding either at Seth’s or at Sam and Emily’s. Emily and I had gone dress shopping and we found one for me. Sam was making the pack patrol because of how many vampires were going to be around for the wedding. Seth, Sue, Billy and I would be the only ones to attend. Emily had helped Seth pick something to wear also. She said he and I needed to match.
Charlie had told me he liked Seth more than he liked Edward, but I continuously had to remind him that Seth and I weren’t together, we were just friends. He and Sue just nodded their heads and were unconvinced.
The day before the wedding I went with Charlie to pick up mom from the airport. I loved how their divorce didn’t affect them and that they could still be civil towards each other. Sue was at home cooking dinner for everyone. Bella would be having dinner with the Cullen’s stating that she still needed Alice’s help with walking in her shoes. Seth and Leah would be joining us for a family dinner, and I was excited for mom to finally meet Seth.
“So tell me about him!” mom squealed excitedly as Charlie drove us both back to the house.
“Mom there’s nothing to say really, Seth and I are really just friends.” I blushed as she turned back in her seat to look at me.
“Bullshit but ill let it slide, just tell me about him. Your dad says he’ll be over for dinner tonight. I want to know what he’s like before I meet him.”
“Okay, um, he’s nice, really tall, big brown eyes, amazing. The way his arms feel around me feel like heaven, I feel so safe whenever I'm around him and I just can’t seem to stay away from him for very long.” I sighed deeply before I looked to my mom and Charlie. Charlie was rolling his eyes. He’s seen the way Seth and I act around each other, but mom, she was smiling ear to ear, she looked happy to see me happy.
“So you don’t think you’ll come back to Florida with me after this then?” she asked me, she looked like she already knew the answer though.
“No I don’t think I will. I've got a spot at La Push high waiting for me next month. But ill come see you as often as possible. I'm not like Bella, I'm not going to Alaska for college.” I shrugged as we all got out of the car. I saw Leah and Seth approach us and Seth pulled me in for a big hug, he spun me around gently before setting me down and turning to my mom.
“You must be Mrs Dwyer, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Seth took my mom hands and kissed the back of it. Such a gentleman. Blushed as she pulled her hand away, Seth stood tall over her at 6’2 while my mom was my height; 5’4.
“Please, call me Renee, you must be Seth.”
“That I am, come inside, moms nearly finished cooking, Skye, she says you and I are on clean up tonight.” We followed him and Leah inside after she grabbed mom’s bags from the back. Seth grabbed my hand as we walked and opened the doors for mom and myself. “Mom! Renee is here and Skye and Charlie are home!” Sue walked out from the kitchen wiping her hands on a towel, much like when I first met her.
“Hello Renee, I'm Sue, Seth and Leah’s mom, its wonderful to meet you, you have such wonderful daughters.” Sue pulled mom in for a hug. Mom reciprocated as we all piled into the little kitchen to have dinner. Seth and I plated up for everyone as mom and Sue got to know each other better. I was so glad that they got along so well.
“So Seth, tell me about yourself, what are your favourite subjects in school and what do you want to do when you leave?” mom started to interrogate Seth as we all sat down to eat, I placed my hand on his thigh to calm him down slightly.
“Well I go to La Push, where Skye will be attending in a month, I'm still a freshman and so far, I love gym and chemistry. After school I plan on becoming a gym teacher or a mechanic, Jacob Black is helping me with the mechanic part.” Seth told her truthfully. He had been telling me all abut how he wanted to be a mechanic even though he was still in the pack and patrols would only get worse as he got older, but he had his heart set on working once he finished school. Nothing made my heart swell more than when he talked about the future, he always included me in the future plans he was making. Like he knew I had started to get feelings for him.
“I see you have your head screwed on straight then.” Seth nodded towards my mom before Sue spoke up.
“Harry and I always told our children that they needed a life plan. I guess Seth was the only one who listened.” Sue sent Leah a sideways glance. Seth beamed at me while Leah just glared at her plate. I could feel mom watching our interaction. I was seriously falling for this boy. This boy who I knew wouldn’t hurt me, it would kill him if he did. I saw the way that Sam looked at Emily. He nearly did kill himself when he hurt her.
Seth and I washed up after dinner while mom, Sue and Charlie all made themselves comfortable in the living room. Leah had to go do patrol.
“Hey, I think your mom likes me.” Seth bumped my hip with his, causing me to drop the tea towel I held in my hands.
“She only likes the fact that your only 15 and you seem to have everything sorted out for the future, that’s all it is, it also doesn’t help that you’re such a gentleman. Seriously you lay on the charm thick.” He held a hand up to his heart like I had wounded him.
“Ouch that hurts. Because I only have eyes for you, my love.” He knelt and took my hand in his. He placed a gentle kiss to the back of my hand before he and I both burst out laughing.
“How are you kids doing in there?” Sue called from the couch.
“Were fine Sue, just laughing.” I called back to her before Seth stood up and we were laughing all over again.
“I should probably go home, make sure I get enough beauty sleep to even compare to your beauty tomorrow.” He stepped closer to me. I blushed a deep shade of red before I turned to him.
“Maybe stay here? You’ve never actually stayed here, its always been your house or Sam and Emily’s.” he pulled my body towards his by my waist, before he kissed my forehead.
“Ill go talk to mom about it.” I nodded and I followed him out to the living room where our parents all looked to be in a deep conversation.
“Yes, before you ask. You guys weren’t exactly quiet in there.” Sue said waving Seth off before he could speak. Seth and I raced each other up stairs, I only beat him because he wasn’t using his wolf speed and because he is severely uncoordinated without his wolf senses. I flopped on my bed waiting the short time before he reached my room before we picked a movie to watch for the night.
Seth wasn’t in bed with me when I woke up the next morning, but I smelt pancakes and waffles, so I made my way down the stairs in my oversized grey sweats and long sleeve top. I stopped before got to the kitchen though because I heard talking.
“Most days it seems like she wants more than friends and then others she doesn’t even want me to touch her, I don’t know what to do mom. I love her so much it hurts sometimes.” I heard Seth’s voice.
“I know honey, but you just have to be patient with her, after Zach she doesn’t trust easily, just give her a bit of time, she will come around okay?” I heard my mom’s voice as the back door opened.
“Renee, who is Zach, she won’t tell me.”
“For good reason, you don’t want to know.” I heard Sue butt in then, mom must have told her or something. I decided to walk into the kitchen then, so I didn’t hear anymore and so Seth didn’t ask more about Zach.
“Good morning everyone. How’d you all sleep?” I asked as Seth came up to me and placed a kiss on my temple. I was met with goods as everyone tried to look like they weren’t just talking about me.
“I know you were listening, after the wedding were having a talk.” Seth whispered in my ear so low that mom and Sue couldn’t hear a word he said. I slightly nodded my head just enough for him to see as he moved away from me over to the pancakes to flip them, then onto a plate and they landed in front of me.
“Emily’s going to help me get ready for this afternoon, Seth I’ll meet you at the Cullen’s later?” he nodded and shovelled food into his mouth without giving me a verbal answer. I finished my breakfast and gave mom and Sue a kiss on the cheek before I raced upstairs to quickly pull on a more acceptable sweater. “Embry is here I’ll see you all later at the wedding.” I kissed Seth on the corner of his mouth and waved at mom and Sue before I flew out the door to be met with Jake’s truck not Embry’s.
“Thought I would steal it while he's not using it.” Embry shrugged as I got into the truck. He drove me to Sam and Emily’s where Emily ran out to hug me before I even stepped foot onto the soil. “I have patrol, but can I see you later before you go?” he asked me, I nodded and gave him a hug before he ran into the tree line.
The rest of the day consisted of Emily and I pampering ourselves. Even though Emily wasn’t coming she still said she needed a girl’s day. So we played spa at home. I washed her hair, she washed mine, then we both braided our hair before moving onto my makeup. We drank tea and giggled like school girls for the day. It was one of the best days of my life, she even put things with Seth into perspective. Told me not to leave him hanging if I have feelings for him.
“You look beautiful Skye.” I looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I was wearing a blue long sleeve off the shoulder body suit with a maxi black tulle skirt. I twirled on the spot watching my skirt lift and fall.
“I feel beautiful.” My hair was let out of the braids giving my hair an almost beachy waves look and my makeup was light and simple.
“Seth is going to flip when he sees you.” She hugs me gently as the boys bound in through the door. I was met with wolf whistles and whoops from each boy as they entered. Embry came up to me and spun me around before dipping me gently.
“God if Seth didn’t imprint on you, I would have asked you out. Wow.” I left my hands wrapped around his neck. “Need a ride there?” I nodded and he let me go, I sat on the couch to clasp my shoes on my feet before I gave Emily one last hug and thanked her for today. Embry took me to the Cullen’s but didn’t stay long as he said Sam wanted him.
I walked into the Cullen’s house, admiring the interior design when I saw mom and Charlie standing on the steps looking at a wall full of graduation caps.
“Hey, so, did you find our daughter?” Mom asked Charlie as she walked passed him up the stairs.
“There’s one. Are those graduation caps?” Mom turns to face me then turns and looks at the caps.
“Oh How creative! Skye! You look beautiful” I walked up to mom and Charlie and looked at the caps myself.
“Or weird. You do look beautiful Skye.” Charlie gave me a hug as mom moved passed him in search for her daughter that was getting married today.
“Alice? Bella?” mom called out once she got to the landing.
“ln here, Mom.” Mom and I made our way towards Bella’s voice. mms hands fly up to her mouth and she looks like she is about to cry.
“Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey.” She starts to tear up slightly. I look over Bella quickly. She does look beautiful. I guess I won’t know how she is feeling until its my day.  “Crap! My mascara.” Mom starts to fan her face when Alice hands her a handkerchief. I started to think about my day and what it would be like. I hoped there weren’t this many vampires. Probably the whole pack though. I realised I had zoned out when Charlie made his entrance. I noticed when I had zoned out that I saw Seth at the alter not just a blank face whenever I thought about it.
“We thought you needed something blue.” Charlie opens the gift box containing a jewelled hair comb. I almost cried at how beautiful the comb was. “And something old. Besides your mother.”
“Nice.” Mom hit Charlie in the chest at his remark.
“It was Grandma Swan's.” Charlie said as Bella picks it up.
“But we added the sapphires.” Mom added. I stepped back so that mom and Charlie could have their moment with Bella. After all this wasn’t my day. I made my way down the stairs and to where the ceremony was being held. As I walked down the stairs that lead to outside, I saw Seth standing at the bottom with Sue and Billy. He spun around on the spot and looked in awe as I descended. He was wearing a black button up dress shirt with a black vest, black dressy jeans and black dress shoes. His hair that he has started to grow out was up in a small man bun and I swear I nearly lost my footing then and there. I had more grace than Bella and I could actually wear heels without almost breaking an ankle, but there was just something about Seth that made the breath leave my body and my head go fuzzy. Must be the bond.
Seth helped me down the last step before he spun me around and pulled me close.
“You look beautiful Skye,” he breathed into my ear.
“I’ve been hearing that a lot today.”
“Because it’s the truth, and everyone here knows it.”
“I’m not a vampire or a wolf, I'm just regular pretty, not like the perfection that is everyone else here.” I blushed as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and traced the side of my face with his finger.
“Your more beautiful than any vampire or wolf I have ever met.” He placed a kiss on my check dangerously close to my mouth and my heart rate sped up.
“You’re a devilishly handsome tonight by the way.” I told him. In my heels I only just reached his shoulder, but I was glad he didn’t tower over me with heels on.
“Come one its about to start. They’re coming down now.” He tugged me along with him to stand with Billy and Sue, I knew mom and Charlie wouldn’t mind. I didn’t want to be up front with everyone anyway.
The ceremony was beautiful, and I even nearly cried. I held Seth’s hand the entire time. I noticed that he was looking at me most of the time and I smiled knowing that this could be us sometime in the future, if I sorted my shit out.
At the reception Seth and I danced together most of the night, except for when Jake showed up and a fight started. Sam ordered Seth to follow him and the rest of the pack. I could tell Seth didn’t want to go but the night was wrapping up anyway and I needed to get out of these heels. I would see him tomorrow anyway. There was no school for the next three weeks until it started back up. So Seth and I had the whole day to ourselves, to do who knows what.
I fell asleep with a smile on my face that night thinking about Seth. I knew he was watching and making sure I was safe when I heard a howl in the forest. Seth may not patrol but I always know he watches from the forest, especially when vampires are in town.
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Have you thought about an ex today???? Yeah, the kids' dad. Could you handle a long distance relationship??? Probably not. What are you listening to right now? Nothing. Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot to you? Yes. Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?? Not really. Do you know anybody who was abused?? Yes. Do you know anyone named Tom? Yes. Who was the last person that said "i love you" to you? My kiddos. How many people do you know with your name? One. Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? Target. How do you feel about the person who texted you last? She's awesome. Have you kissed someone in the past 24 hours???? Yepp. If you could change your eye color what would you change it to? Grey. Have you kissed anyone whose name started with S? Yepp. Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around??? Yes, several someones. Is this year the best year of your life?? 2020 is no one's best year. Do you have any strange phobias?? Yes. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more? Yepp. How often do you see your ex? I see Drew pretty much weekly. If the last person you kissed needs you at 3 am and you could go, would you go? Absolutely. Do you miss your past? Some aspects. Do you think you're wasting your time on the person you like? No. What side of a heart do you draw first? Left. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? Work, yes. What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it? I have a backpack purse that is the map of Neverland. Nothing is in it, because I'm using my new purse now. Do you have a friend you can tell secrets to and you're sure they won't tell anyone? Yepp. Is there a secret you've never told your parents? Yes. Do you have candles in your room? No. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone for more than 5 minutes? My mom and her husband. Do you have your eye on anyone? I'm already with someone. Are you happy with your life at the moment? A lot of parts, sure. Some parts, not so much. What is something you disliked about your day? I have a bit of headache, but other than that it's been a GREAT day. What's the last thing you drank? Water. Who was the last person to tell you they love you? My kiddos. What are you listening to? Crooked Teeth - Death Cab For Cutie. Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today? Yes What's the last thing you said out loud? "Thank you." How's your hair looking? I need a haircut, but it's not looking too bad. Anyone you would like to get things straight with? Nope. Ever kissed in the rain? Yes. Are you sleepy? Yes. What TV show should never stop getting produced? Idgaf Happier on your own or with someone? I'm happier with Justin. Who's the last text you received from? Kelsi. Is cheating ever okay? No. Would you ever be the "other person", as in help someone cheat? I have before, it was a dark time in my life. Can you whistle? No. Waiting on anything? Insurance check. What shoes did you wear today? Black canvas sneakers. Name all the people you've seen today: Justin, Shonda, Andy, Max, Dad. In that order. What's irritating you right now? Nothing really. Do you like someone? Yepp. Where is your cell phone? Great question... Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions? Obviously. Have you ever passed out? Yepp. Where is the person you miss the most at this time? Alabama. Do you have a best friend? I have a few. Have you ever had your heart broken? Yepp. Are your eyes the same color of your mom's or dad's? Closer to my mom's. Have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends with them? Yes. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? He does smoke, and so do I. Ever found more than a dollar in a random place? Sure. How many of the opposite sex do you really trust? Justin, my dad, Needles. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? Nope. Did you tell the last person you liked your feelings for them? Yeah, that's why we're together. What time will you be getting up tomorrow morning? No specific time. How are you feeling at this exact moment in time? Great. Any weekend plans? Just hanging out with the kiddos. Will you be in bed within twenty minutes? I don't plan on it. Who were you with at 1 AM this morning? Justin, Liz, Zach. Closest pink object? Post-It note. Are you mad at anyone? Nope. How old will you be in 5 years? 37. Thanks for that. Are you watching TV while doing this? No. Last thing you ate? Mini quiches. Are you having a good hair day? Meh. Do you miss someone? Yes. Do you have any bruises? No. Are you hot or cold right now? Neither. Who are your last 4 texts from? Kelsi, Krystle, Justin, mom. What's your middle name? Victoria. What's your current favorite color? Grey. When is your birthday? November 2. What color shirt are you wearing? It's mostly black. Are you imagining anyone naked right now? I mean, now I am lol Do you want to see somebody right now? Nah Where is your mom? Either at home or out running errands. Speak any other languages? Not fluently. Do you like rain? Yes. What are you thinking about right now? These questions. What would be harder, for you to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back? Idk. Your best friend was caught smoking weed in the bathroom, how do you react? Depends on which best friend lol. Kelsi I'd be shocked, I'd probably laugh at the others. What's the furthest away from home you have ever been? NYC. Is there a chick that knows everything or mostly everything about you? Yes Who was the last person you cried in front of? Andy? How many cell phones have you had in your life? Too many. Do you currently have a hickey? Nah, but Justin does lol Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up? Yes Look behind you, what do you see? My dining room table. What's on your schedule for tomorrow? Nothing in particular. Do you think that you're a good person? Mostly. Do you and your dad get along? Yes. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever kept a goldfish alive for? One hour lol Can you see your purse right now? Nah Are you wearing any perfume? What kind? No. Are there products in your hair? Yes. Can you see a stuffed animal from where you’re sitting? Nope. Have you ever eaten cat food? No. Did you ever try to watch yourself pee when you were little? I'm sure. When you get colds, do you use nasal spray to help get your nose unstuffy? Sometimes. Do you actually like sneezing? Not really? What about coughing? Nope. Have you taken a shower yet today? Not yet. How many pets do you have? A cat named Merlyn and a dog named Valentine. Do you actually like them? Yes. Do you have one best friend who is always there for you? I have more than one. Are the people who you hang out with at school considered your "real friends"? I do college online, I know none of my schoolmates lol Do you wear skirts a lot? I wouldn't say a lot. Mini skirts or longer ones? Mini. Do you basically live in jeans? No. Do you wear sweatpants a lot? Not a lot, but I have some. Name one movie you like and your favorite character in it: Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara. How many pairs of jeans do you think you have? Six? Do you wear white after Labor Day even though it’s against the fashion rules? That's so dumb Or do you hardly ever wear white anyway? I don't wear it that often Do you like hoodies? Who doesn't? Big ones or the form fitting kind? Big. Do you wear polo shirts a lot? Fuck no. Do you straighten your hair? Rarely. Should you straighten it? No. Have you ever gotten a real massage? Yes. When’s the last time you got your nails done? No clue. What was your favorite TV show when you were a little kid? Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Weren’t Nickelodeon shows much better back in the day? Yes. Do you remember watching The Secret World of Alex Mac? Yes. How about Rocko’s Modern Life? Yes. Did you ever actually have a rubber duck? Possibly? Are you one of those people who claim to live with no regrets? Yes. Do you love pictures as much as every other teenager in the world? I'm not a teenager. Are orgasms cool? Absolutely. Are you organized or messy in school? I am a combination lol Do you love your siblings? Mhmmm Do you have a step family? I have a step-father. Do you like Advil or Tylenol? Ibuprofen. What grade were you in when you got your first period (assuming you’re a girl)? 7th. Do you like girls, guys, or both? Both. Do you love your reproductive organs? Uhm, sure. Do you love your computer? Yeah. Are you one of those people who never drink soda? No. Or are you one of those people who are addicted? Yes. Do you drink coffee? Yes. Do you think it actually gives you energy? Yeah. Do you like basically all of your clothes? That's why I bought them. Do you shop mostly with your parents, your friends, or by yourself? Any of it. Do you honestly think you’re an interesting person? I can be. What song are you listening to? Float On - Modest Mouse. Why do you like that song? It's actually the only Modest Mouse song I do NOT like, but it came up on shuffle. What did your last incoming text message say? "I can rub it in his face without even actually saying anything." Look at your received call list. Who is number 5? I don't wanna get up to get my phone. Do you ever wish you were a different race, and if so, what? I don't think about stuff like that? Do hobos frighten you? No. What's the most you have ever spent in the crane toy machines? Not a lot. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Here. When is the last time you were in a hospital? After my car wreck. Why were you there? To check on my ribs and head. What is the most painful piercing you have had? The first time I got my nose pierced. Have you ever cried after one of your favorite sports teams lost a game? Once, when the Lakers lost the state championship against the Celtics. I was pregnant, okay?? Would you marry a 90-year-old billionaire? If he didn't want sex, hell yeah. Have you ever kept a fortune from a Chinese fortune cookie? No. Have you ever told a lover that they were good in bed, when they were not? No. Would you jump into a lake to save a stranger? Depends. Do you think your life story would make a great movie? Meh. What TV show world would you fit right into? Idk. Would you rather be in a room with Micheal Jackson or a rattlesnake? Neither. Have you ever gone to a bookstore at 12 AM to buy the next Harry Potter book? No. Have you ever been so bored that you counted cracks in the walls? No. Do you read while you eat? Sometimes. How long does it usually take you to drink a beverage? Depends on the beverage. What did you want to be when you were in kindergarten? A writer. What do you want to be now? Librarian.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 5 years
The Past | Zach Herron
Requested? Yup! Hope you like it :)
Warnings? Death, therapy, anxiety, crying, it’s a sad one friends
Word Count: 1,979
“I’m sorry but there’s nothing else we could do.” The words ring in your ears as the worst news of your life settles over you. You watch as your dad asks a million questions but it’s blocked out by the ringing in your ears. 
Your mom couldn’t be gone. She couldn’t have been. She was supposed to go in for a quick back surgery. She was supposed to come out stronger and you were gonna get your old mom back. The one who could do amusement parks for hours and stand in line with you to concerts. 
Your best friend and the one who raised you. She was supposed to come back and it didn’t make any sense that she wasn’t going to. You went through every stage of loss in about five seconds before going right back to being numb. 
Everything happens in slow motion but also all at once. After your dad has finished asking all the questions he needs to, the doctor leaves and your left in the waiting room again. You hear your dad tell you that the doctor was going to come out with her remaining things and then you could go but it all sounds like static in your ears. 
The drive home was only ten minutes but it was dead silent. It didn’t change when you got home or the next few days. You and your dad floated around each other like ghosts, only saying a few words to each other at a time. 
The funeral is when it hits you the hardest. Your father asked you to sing for her because that’s what she always wanted. It took all of your willpower not to start bawling in the middle of her favorite song but you somehow made it through. You listened to people tell you stories about your mom and you smile but inside you were sobbing. 
You didn’t break down until you got home. You shut the front door behind you and fall to your knees crying your eyes out. Your dad picked you up and helped you over to the couch and the two of you sat in silence for the longest time. 
“She loved you so much.” He said eventually. “She was so sad whenever you’d have to go back to school because she couldn’t see you as much.” 
“It’s only gonna get harder.” You said through thick tears. 
“But it will always get better.” He reminds you. 
Both of you ended up being right. It got worse for the both of you as time went on. But it eventually did get better too. After a few months and nothing getting better you decided to go to therapy. Since your mom’s death was pretty sudden it was taking longer to accept it. 
You had also suffered from anxiety your entire life and found yourself riddled with panic attacks whenever you tried to talk about it. It was probably the hardest time of your life. So, when your dad suggested therapy to help you cope, you decided to give it a shot. 
“How are you doing today?” Your best friend asks. She was the only one who really knew what was going on with you and helped you through the worst days. 
“Better.” You say before taking a sip of your tea. “I’m seeing a lot of her today but it’s all good memories.” 
“I’m glad. You deserve all good days.” 
Just as you’re about to ask her how she’s doing, you’re interrupted by two boys walking up to the table. The blonde one stops in front of your best friend and her face lights up at the sight of him. 
“Corbyn!!” She exclaims before standing and giving the unknown boy a hug. 
“Hey! What are you doing on this side of town?”
“Oh (y/n) lives around here.” She says gesturing to you. You offer a half hearted wave and Corbyn smiles at you.
“I’m Corbyn and this is my friend Zach.” He says finally introducing you to the other boy still standing next to your table. 
As cheesy as it was, when his eyes landed on you it was like the world slowed down. Your eyes connect in slow motion and you’re instantly entranced by his earthly colored ones. Your breath had been sucked out of you and it felt like you were floating. 
“Hi.” You finally say and you giggle when Zach opens and closes his mouth trying to say something. 
If soulmates were a thing, Zach was almost certain he just met his. He was also in the middle of making a fool of himself in front of her too. She was breathtaking in the most unconventional way. In the way that Zach would never get tired of looking at her. 
“Hey.” He responds and instantly wants to smack a hand on his face. That’s all he could say?
“I’m gonna go grab another drink.” Your best friend says upon seeing you and Zach fall in love right before her eyes. 
“I’ll come with.” Corbyn offers and the two head off, leaving you alone with the younger boy. 
“Can I sit?” He asks and you nod your head, still not being able to find your voice completely. “So, you live around here?” He starts. 
The two of you dive into the normal beginning of a friendship conversation, where you live, where you’re from, how old you were etc. As you start to hit it off you remember that you’re here with your best friend and you haven’t seen her in a minute. 
“Have you seen Corbyn and (y/bff/n)?” You ask Zach and the two of you search the coffee shop.
“They must have left.” He says turning back to you and shrugging his shoulders. 
“She was my ride.” You sigh. 
“I can drive you home.” 
After talking a little bit longer, you two throw out your remaining cups and head out. Zach leads you towards an all black jeep and when you get there he opens the door for you. You hop up into the car and he shuts the door before running around to his side.
The ride is mostly silent except for the soft sounds of music playing and you telling Zach how to get to your house. When he pulls up, you look at the empty house and sigh. 
Just as you’re about to pull open the door, Zach speaks. 
“Do you maybe uh possibly wanna hangout sometime?” He asks nervously and his smile shoots straight to your heart. 
“Yeah that’d be fun.” You respond. He sighs in relief and you offer a tiny smile. The two of you swap phone numbers before finally heading inside. 
It took another week for you to actually hangout with Zach alone though. You were mad that you were holding yourself back because just from the texts he sent you already liked him. However, you hadn’t let many people in since your mom passed which is something you and your therapist were working on. 
So, as sad as it was, you weren’t only excited to hangout with Zach, you were also excited to tell your therapist how much you branched out. He ended up picking you up at 4 and you headed to the closest movie theater for a quick dinner at chick fil a before the movie. 
Throughout the night, you and Zach had learned more and more about each other. For once, you felt truly happy and you forgot about the trillion thoughts that always seemed to be running through your brain. 
When you got to the movies, the two of you had decided on the new annabelle movie. Normally, you hated horror movies but Zach begged you to see it and you found out quickly that it’s hard to say no to that face. 
Throughout the movie you find yourself curling towards Zach and he smiles down at you before lifting the armrest and gesturing for you to come towards him. He wraps you up in his arms and your heart settles instantly. 
The rest of the date goes extremely well and by the time Zach pulls up to your house you wish he didn’t have to go home. However, you two plan to hangout again tomorrow and end the night with the best kiss of your life. 
After that night, and many more nights after that, you and Zach fell quickly for each other. You also became super close with all of his bandmates especially Daniel. 
However, you still hadn’t told Zach about your mom. Every time he mentioned her or brought up family, you froze. You gave him vague details and begged to move on. The other issue was that he didn’t know about your therapy. While you weren’t exactly ashamed of going to therapy for help, you were nervous for Zach’s reaction. 
“Shoot. I have to go.” You say before standing to grab your stuff that was randomly placed around Zach’s room. 
“Where?” He asks and you falter for a second before grabbing your keys from his desk.
“I have to help my dad out with something. See you tomorrow?” Before he can respond you pecked his lips quickly and then turn to rush out the door. 
Daniel walks in a few minutes later to Zach with a confused look appearing across his features. He tilts his head at the younger boy, noticing his girlfriend’s absence and the expression couldn’t be good. 
“Hey man.” He greets the brunette. “Where’s (y/n)?” 
“She dipped. Had to help her dad with something.” 
“That’s all?” Daniel asks knowing there was definitely something wrong with Zach. 
“I don't know man. She’s always leaving at this time, every Tuesday night. It seems kinda weird.” He says shrugging his shoulders. 
“You see her tomorrow right? Tell her how you feel. It can’t hurt.” 
The next day, Zach invites you over for brunch, your favorite type of food. You got to wake up late and eat breakfast? It truly was heaven. You headed over there around 10 and headed straight into the house. 
You walk in to find Zach in the kitchen, pouring juice into glasses and setting them down next to your plate of food. He offers you a sweet smile before leading you over to the table and pulling out a chair for you. 
The two of you begin to eat and make some small talk about the upcoming week and any future plans you have together. Throughout breakfast, you notice that Zach seemed a bit off and just as he’s about to get up and wash the dishes you stop him.
“What’s up?” He halts his actions and pulls a chair up to sit in front of you. 
“Where do you go every Tuesday night?” 
The question takes you by surprise but it makes sense that he would ask. Zach was smart and pretty observational so it’s understandable that he was wondering where you went. You also knew it was time to tell him. 
“Therapy.” You respond and he cocks his head to the side in confusion. “My mom passed away about a year ago. It was sudden and I didn’t know how to deal with it. Along with my anxiety it got pretty bad.” 
“(y/n) I’m so sorry I didn’t know.” 
“It’s okay. I’m doing better, I can talk about her without crying which is a step forward.” You take his hand in yours and carefully run the tips of your fingers over his decorated rings. “I have you to thank. You’ve helped me a lot.” 
“I have?” He asks and you nod. 
“You were my light at the end of the tunnel.” His face breaks out in the smile that had your heart since day one. He leans forward and connects your lips, while placing a hand on your leg and giving it a light squeeze. 
“And you’re mine.” 
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13-reasons-ideas · 5 years
Finding Peace in Another Part 9
TW this chapter contains discussion of parental death and suicide. suicide not mentioned until after the cut. 
A/N: This chapter is very personal to me and it is where we learn just what prompted the move to Crestmont. I hope you enjoy. As always, feedback is appreciated. 
The next morning was far less eventful than the previous one. No surprise visitors, no almost revelations about a dead brother. Just us spending the morning together getting ready. I met him at school, and we shared a quick kiss before going to meet our friends. Monty met up with the boys and I spent some time with Alex and Clay before class. Alex and Clay were arguing about some comic book I had never heard of, but they tried to make me feel included in the conversation. I zoned out after a few minutes, thinking about what would happen if they found out about Montgomery and I. I know that Alex and Monty haven’t exactly had the best history. Alex had told me about the fights they got in and I was very aware of how Montgomery handled his emotions. Which, to put it bluntly, was essentially just to hit things until he felt better. “Hello? Becca? Earth to Rebecca?” I heard Clay call tapping me on the shoulder.
“Huh? What sorry?” I said, absentmindedly.
“I was just asking about what you did last night.” He said, looking at me strangely.
“Oh. Sorry, I just stayed in, had pizza and watched a movie. Just a me night.” I lied smoothly.
“Nice, what movie?” Alex asked.
“The Notebook.” I told him, picking my favourite sappy film. They both made a face and muttered something about chick flicks. We had walked to my locker, where I heard Bryce comment on the scratches on Montgomery’s back he saw yesterday before practice.
“No wonder you were so tired at practice yesterday. You were probably up most of the night. Who’s the lucky girl?” he asked, pushing Montgomery’s shoulder. I blushed into my locker and heard Alex make a sound of disgust at their discussion.
“Fuck you Standall, grownups are talking. No one you know. It doesn’t really matter. It was fun though. Ill probably see her again.” He said, trying to hide that it was me as we agreed. Bryce seemed surprised that he didn’t want to go into detail and even more surprised that he wanted to see the girl again. I heard Alex mutter something akin to ‘charming’ as Clay just stood there, looking very uncomfortable. I waved bye to my friends as Zach and I walked to class. I felt someone’s eyes on me as I walked away and felt a text, checking it I saw it was from Monty ‘I’ll definitely be seeing you again. By the way, you look hot today.’ I smiled as I put my phone away, feeling heat creep to my cheeks. Zach saw my blush and grinned at me.
“sssoooo… who’s the lucky guy? Or the lucky girl? I don’t judge.” He said in a singsong voice. I felt my blush grow deeper and laughed.
“It’s a guy. We um… we aren’t really telling anyone yet. We want to keep it to ourselves for a while. I am happy though. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” Zach nodded in understanding.
“I get that, I’ve been there. Just make sure he doesn’t make you keep it a secret forever.” He told me as he sat in his seat. After class ended, I bid Zach goodbye and told him I would see him at lunch. I saw Tony in English and told him about what Montgomery and I decided last night.
“That’s good. I’m glad you’re happy. Just let him know if he hurts you, ill have to hurt him.” He told me seriously.
“You and about 12 other people Tony. Ill let him know though.”
By the time lunch came, I was ready to go home and go back to bed. Monty and I need to start sleeping together through the night, rather than talk for hours on end, only sleeping for a few hours a night. Walking over to our table, I saw Zach already there. “Hey Zach.” I mumbled, sleepily.
“Hey Becca. You look exhausted.” His voice sounding concerned. I sat down and put my head on his shoulder.
“I am. I haven’t really been sleeping much the past few weeks. Did you have plans after school?” I asked him, stifling a yawn.
“No I don’t think so. Why? Did you want me to come by and chill?” I nodded and made a sound of agreement, closing my eyes. “Okay, ill text my mom after lunch and let her know I’m going to your place.” I nodded again. “Did you want to nap?” he asked kindly. I nodded again. “I’ll tell the guys to be quiet then. I’ll wake you after lunch Becca.” I nodded off a bit, sleeping lightly until I felt serval pairs of eyes on me and heard whispers. 
“She’s so cute when she sleeps.” 
“Wonder what she’s been doing to need to nap at lunch.” 
“Awe, her nose twitched.” 
They all sound like new parents watching their baby. “Quit staring please. It’s creepy.” I mumbled, opening my eyes and turning to Zach. “How long was I out?” 
“About 10 minutes. Feel better?” 
“Yeah. I should make it through the rest of the day. Don’t know if I’ll make it through a few episodes of our show though, so only expect an episode tonight.” 
“That’s fine. Did you want to reschedule?” 
“No no, it’s okay. I’ll make a cup of coffee when we get to my place or something.” I felt Montgomery’s eyes bore into me but ignored it. He knows Zach and I are just friends so it’s not like he has anything to worry about. Turning my attention to Scott and Bryce, “also, no. I’m not cute when I sleep. And what I’ve been doing is none of your damn business.” I told them matter of factly, but still smiling. They laughed and rolled their eyes. 
     The rest of the day went a little smoother than this morning. I was more awake and alert. There was less fog in my brain. Zach and I agreed in Peer that he would spend the night, so he was going to run home for clothes and grab some food from Rosie’s on the way to my house for us. I texted Monty to let him know, as a courtesy. ‘Hey, just so you know, Zach is going to spend the night at my place. We might end up drinking and I don’t want him driving home then.’ He responded a few minutes later ‘okay, thanks for letting me know.’ Sneaking a look around to make sure Ms. Bradley wasn’t looking, I texted him back. ‘He has to run home and grab some clothes after class. So I could hang around school for a few minutes, if you wanted....’ He texted me back almost immediately. ‘Meet me at my locker after class. Have to get my fill of you in before the weekend.’ As the bell rang, I gathered my stuff quickly and waved to Zach before all but running out of class towards Montgomery’s locker. I saw him standing there, leaning against his locker looking for me, though to anyone passing by it would just look like he was scanning the crowd. Spotting me, he jerked his head towards the exit, signalling for me to meet him out there and get away from the people. I walked to the door and exited the building, finding myself in an empty alcove. A few minutes later I heard the door open and Monty came through. He closed the gap in four steps, leaning down to cup my face as he kissed me. Because we were in public and at risk of being caught at any time, we kept the kissing brief and talked for another few minutes. 
“So, this girl you’re spending your nights with... I hear she’s pretty great.” I teased him. 
“Yeah. She’s smart, and funny, and wild in bed. I barely have to touch her and she’s putty in my hands.” He teased back, winking at me. “And she does this thing when she’s reading, if she’s really into the book. Her brows furrow and she starts mouthing the words as she reads. It’s adorable.” He went on, laughing at my blushing face. My phone alerted me to a text message. It was from Zach telling me he was leaving his place with his clothes for tomorrow.
“Shit, I have to go. Zach is leaving his place and I don’t want to make him wait outside.” 
“Okay, text me when you get home.” 
“I will.” Tell him, pecking him on the cheek. “Bye babe.” 
“Bye baby, have a fun night.” He says, turning his head to kiss me goodbye. It’s a brief kiss but enough to get us through until Monday. 
     Rushing to my car, I drive home hoping to beat Zach there. I manage to beat him by five minutes and am looking for a wine glass when I hear his knock on the door. When I open the door, Zach is standing there with a bag of food in one hand and a coffee for me in the other. I lead him inside and he sets the food down on the island, handing me my coffee as I take a long drink. I savour the burn as it goes down. He puts his bag down and unpacks dinner as I pour myself a glass of wine. “Did you want a drink? There’s beer in the fridge or wine or pop.” I offer him.
“I’ll take a beer yeah.” Handing him a bottle and the bottle opener, he opens it before we make our way to the couch to start our show. We sit down and enjoy dinner together as we watch our show, laughing until it’s over. Pouring another glass of wine and grabbing another beer for Zach, he asks me “tell me about mystery man? You were awfully red this morning when you were texting him. I know you aren’t telling people, but I know you want to spill.” 
“Well, without giving too much away, I guess I can tell you some things.” I said, pulling my legs under me, holding my glass of wine. Zach leaned back on the couch waiting for me to continue. “He’s tall. Not as tall as you, but tall enough for me. He’s smarter than he lets on and he cares more than he wants people to think, but also short tempered. Looking at me you wouldn’t expect me to go for his type.” I heard Zach gasp and I held a breath. 
“Is it Cyrus? Because that would be cool. He’s kind of funny.” His thought made me laugh. 
“No! It’s not Cyrus I swear to you. He doesn’t strike me as the ‘hide your girlfriend’ type. More, carry a girl on his shoulders so everyone knows she’s his. Anyway, this guy. He has rough edges but once you get passed that outer shell, he’s a big softy. Never repeat that to him when we decide to tell people. It was very unexpected. After the year and a half I’ve had, the last thing was looking for was a relationship. After my mom died I kind of... I didn’t know how to handle it. And just when I got back on my feet...” I trailed off, unsure if I wanted to continue and let Zach in. 
“When my dad died, I was lost. My friends were out of town so Hannah and I started hanging out. I went to a lot of movies to fill the time. I had to step up and be the man of the house. I’m 17, that’s not what I want. I want to be a kid. So I get it. You lose someone close to you and your world flips 180 degrees. You have to learn how to breathe and live again.” He told me, sympathetically grasping my hand. I got up to grab myself another glass of wine and got him another beer. 
“If you want to hear the rest, I’m going to need another drink.” He nodded in understanding as I sat down handing him the cold beer. I took a long drink from my glass before continuing. “After my mom died, my dad started going on more business trips and working later- I think he wanted to avoid coming home to a house without his wife. It left a lot of time for my brother Jake and I to take care of each other. I guess he had more going on than I thought he did. I remember it was the middle of the night when my dad called me and asked if I had heard from Jake. I hadn’t seen him since that morning, but that wasn’t unusual. We both ran in different circles so sometimes we didn’t see each other for a day or two. There was something in my dad’s voice that made me worry. I called his best friend and asked if they had seen him. They said no. Later that day my dad came back from his business trip early. We spent the next three days looking for him. The police were involved and took a lead on the search.” I paused, feeling tears in my eyes as I took another drink. “And then on Saturday I came home and my dad told me he was dead. It was obvious he killed himself. Losing my mom was child’s play compared to that. That week was one of the hardest weeks of my life. My dad had already been considering accepting a promotion but that was the thing that pushed him to taking it. A few weeks later, he told me we would be moving here. His work was able to fast track the permits and everything so it was a fast move. And here we are.” I said sadly, finishing my story. I didn’t feel better talking about it. Zach squeezed my hand and pulled me towards his chest. We sat in silence for a while before he turned on an episode of Family Guy and we watched it, laughing sadly and drinking until we started to feel better. Around 1:30 we decided to call it a night and bid each other goodnight. He went to the guest room and I went to my bedroom. I must have woken him at some point in the night crying because when I woke up, my eyes were burning, and his arm was around me. 
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aufbrechen, um auszubrechen – Finding the love of my life in Ottawa
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Hello world!
You might be wondering why this entry is written in English. The answer is simple: It's because this is a very special one for a very special person. Exactly two years ago I met a man that I've been in love with ever since. And this is how our two paths crossed...
I arrived at the Ottawa airport in the late afternoon. Compared to Vancouver it was freezing. Snow was covering houses, trees and streets. One could assume it was actually winter. I took an Uber to my Airbnb which cost me about $30. When I had booked the Airbnb everything around looked pretty close. I actually thought I could walk into the city within 45 minutes. Oh, what a fool I was. After I arrived at my apartment in Gloucester, a suburb of Ottawa, and logged into the wifi I soon found out that the next grocery store was a 30 minute walk away. Needless to say that there was 10cm of snow covering the streets.
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But since I was hungry and the owner of the apartment was not home yet, I decided to go for that walk to buy myself some dinner. Except for that huge scarf I had bought in Revelstoke my winter gear was rather uncommon – two t-shirts, a sweater, a light jacket, a pair of jeans and runners. I'm still freezing just thinking about that walk. But when I came back I had dinner and some snacks in my backpack. So it was definitely worth it. I made myself some food and had great company – the owner's two cats. With my stomach full of spaghetti I went upstairs to my room. One of the reasons I went to Ottawa was to meet the OTM crew. OTM stands for One Track Mind and it's a group of people training for the decathlon. Kevin, head of that crew, vlogged about his life as a decathlete and put the videos on YouTube. I had been watching his videos for quite a while now and was eager to finally meet and train with the crew. Before I started my trip I had been emailing Kevin about the possibility of training with them. He liked the idea. So now I emailed him again asking about their training schedule for the week. While I was waiting for him to reply I opened up Grindr on my phone. I hadn't touched the app since Vancouver so I was interested to see if the Ottawa users were less creepy. And indeed most men on there seemed to be rather ordinary judging by their profile pictures. Also, I did not get any dick pics. So I was regaining trust in the app. Still, I did not use my real name on the app. I was Ben. Nice to meet you! Since I was still home alone I spent the night scrolling through numerous profiles of gay Ottawa men. If you are interested in a person you can either text them right away or send that person a flame to see if they like you back. Since I'm not good at taking the first step, I usually waited for people to text me or send me a flame. There was only one person that night that got my flame. His name was Brennan and I liked his greenish blue eyes. There was something faithful in his look. It did not take long for him to send me a flame back. My heart jumped a little when I saw that notification. Now it was time for me to take the first step. I started texting him on the app. Honestly, I don't even remember what my first lines were, probably something like „Hi, I'm Josef... I mean Ben. Nice to meet you!“. But whatever I said first, it must have worked because he texted back. I was super happy and we texted back and forth for quite some time. Finally, I got a text message from Kevin that there is training tomorrow morning and that he's gonna pick me up at 9am. It was 2am. Time to go to bed. I put my phone aside and fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.
I got up after less than six hours of sleep. But nothing could worry me because Brennan still texted back. After a quick breakfast Kevin picked me up to go to training. What I really like about Canadians is that they are so open-minded. I mean, Kevin just picked up a random German guy to take him to training. We had only texted a few times and soon after I was joining the OTM training session in the Dome at Louis Riel. I had never seen a 400 meter indoor track in my entire life. It was awesome! Unfortunately, none of the other OTM crew members showed up for that training. But two girls that I knew from Kevin's vlogs – Charlotte and Sveta – were also there. So that made it a bit less awkward. We spend the next two and a half hours doing long jump drills, short sprints, hurdles, med ball exercises, some weight training and finshed off with 2x300m. It was a lot of fun. I was super out of shape, but they still made me feel like I was part of the group. In the end, I got a cap from their coach James and two Ottawa Lions t-shirts from Zach, another coach from that club. I had a great time! Thanks a lot, Kevin!
Back at home, I took a shower, ate the rest of yesterday's spaghetti and went to a thrift shop that was next to the grocery store. I desperately needed a warm jacket. But I was unlucky. They did not have any jackets that I could wear with confidence. So I walked back to my Airbnb. I was lucky that I just made it before it started to snow like crazy. When I arrived I finally met the owner, Mark, and his girlfriend Kaitlyn. They were both super nice. While they were preparing their dinner we talked a lot about travelling and cats. After lots of laughs I went upstairs and started texting with Brennan again. We agreed on exchanging numbers and continued our conversation on WhatsApp. Since Kevin had told me that there was free ice skating Downtown and I needed to go buy a warmer jacket anyway, I knew that I was heading to the city the next day. So I suggested meeting Downtown. When Brennan did not they no right away I figured my chances were really good to actually meet that man with the beautiful eyes. Again, I went to bed with a smile on my face.
When I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast the next morning Mark offered to take me Downtown since he had a meeting there anyway. An hour later I found myself standing in the cold wind of Parliament Hill. I had booked 30 minutes of ice skating online. So I just rented some skates and had a great time on the ice without falling once.
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After freezing my butt off on the ice it was finally time to get some winter clothes. So I went to the Rideau Mall to get a nice warm jacket and some shoes. I texted Brennan to see what his plans were for the day. He actually considered coming Downtown to meet me. But I had some convincing to do. He told me how gross he looked today and I told him that I would really like to experience his complete grossness first hand. It kind of worked. He agreed to come and meet me at The Highlander Pub. We had a date! So now I did not only need a warm jacket and shoes but also a nice pair of jeans and a sweater since I was wearing some super worn out travelling clothes. I found everything I needed, got changed in the bathroom, stuffed my old clothes in a backpack that was way too small and looked in the mirror. Just one little detail was missing. I was still wearing my glasses. But since I did not have glasses on in any of my profile pictures I figured to better not wear them. So I didn't. It made my vision worse but helped my confidence. I checked my phone and Brennan just texted that he was sitting in The Highlander Pub, in the left corner when you enter. I loved how specific he was because it lowered the chances of awkwardly not finding each other immensely. And that's when I walked in and saw him for the first time. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I said hi and the rest is history. We had an apple cider and some good talks. We was funny, asked smart questions and made me feel super comfortable. After our Ciders we had some pizza at The Grand Pizzeria and Bar. That's where he asked me if I was actually gay. I had a good laugh and confirmed my gayness. Time just flew by. He showed me around the city. He took the picture of me hanging from the T of the famous Ottawa sign. We walked through the snow.
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To Parliament Hill where we saw a little light show.
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After our amazing first date he drove me to my Airbnb. We hugged and said goodbye both knowing that this would not be the last time we saw each other. I went to bed with the biggest smile on my face.
After all the excitement the day before I slept super long. I went to get some Christmas presents for my family and headed to training after. This time the whole OTM crew was present.
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We did some sprints, weight training and shot put. It was fun to get back into training. After a shower at home Brennan picked me up to get some burritos at Mucho Burrito. On our drive there I took all my courage and placed my hand on his that was on the gearshift. I asked him if that was okay. He said yes. That made me really happy. At Mucho Burrito I ordered a Mucho Veggie, the vegetarian burrito option, and was asked what kind of meat I would like on that. Classic. Brennan and I had a good laugh about that and ate our delicious burritos. We headed to his place to watch a movie. Julia Roberts ate, prayed and loved. And we cuddled. The weather outside got super ugly. Snow fell like crazy and the wind was picking up. We both decided that it was not the best idea to drive or be in a car right now. So I stayed the night. To not rush things I slept in the guest room which is something we now laugh about a lot. Whenever I visit Brennan nowadays he asks if I want to sleep in the guest room again. Probably I should some day to relive the memories.
They next day started with lots of cuddles and breakfast. It felt like the right place to be. Brennan took me back to my Airbnb so I could make it to training in time. At training we just did some running and pole vaulting. I took an Uber home, showered and prepared my dinner. I spent the night at the kitchen table talking and laughing with Mark and Kaitlyn. They gave me a little guestbook to sign. Here is what I did.
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After that I went upstairs, packed my things and fell asleep right away. My Ottawa experience had been amazing so far. The next destination was Montréal although I liked Ottawa and especially Brennan so much that I just wanted to stay there.
The next day I left Gloucester and took the train to Montréal. The train ride was quite scenic so the time flew by and suddenly I arrived in the most populated city of Québec. When I left the train station to walk the few blocks to my hostel a windy negative 15 degrees celsius blew into my face. I had never experienced anything like that. It felt unreal. And very, very cold. I made it to the hostel in one frozen piece, checked in and got to my room. At hostel looked nice at first, but the eight bunk bedroom looked and smelled like prison. We had a little bathroom in there that probably hadn't been cleaned in two years. It was a mess. But it was cheap. I just put my stuff in that room and left it as fast as I could. The common area was nice though. And they had a big room for reading which nobody used. So I sat down there and started writing on my blog. After a while I could not concentrate anymore so I decided to go ugly Christmas sweater shopping. It's a family tradition that I started a few years ago. I basically put on every piece of clothing I had in my backpack and went outside. After a few failed attempts of finding a really ugly one I found this one.
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After my shopping success I went to the Museum of Modern Art. They had a Leonard Cohen exhibition. All I knew about him was that he wrote Hallelujah. So I was eager to learn more. I walked out of that exhibition three hours later thinking that I learnt a lot. But now the only thing I remember is his quote: There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. I really like that quote, but still feel embarrassed about not being able to remember more. Not to blame anyone here but I was constantly texting Brennan while walking through the museum. One could say I might have been a bit distracted. After that nice educational visit I got a delicious falafel and went back to the hostel. The room was still smelly but so was I after the falafel. So I called it a day and fell asleep.
The next day I slept in a little, took a shower in one of the hallway bathrooms, got my breakfast and went into the city. I bought a few postcards and a nice sweater for Brennan as a surprise. After that I felt like I had seen enough of Montréal since all I could think of was Brennan. So I went to the train station to change my train ticket to be back in Ottawa earlier. That way I could spend one more full day with Brennan before leaving for Iceland. I paid $21 to change my ticket and was a happy man. Through the freezing wind of Montréal I walked back to the hostel to relax in that reading room nobody was using. When I went back into my room I met Charlie from London. He told me about a Christmas Market he wanted to go to and asked if I wanted to join. So we walked to that Christmas Market which felt a bit like a German Christmas Market. Just that it was trying too hard.
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But it was at that place and time that I had my very first poutine. I felt super Canadian right away. The poutine itself was okay. It was more about the experience anyway.
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After that Charlie went to a party and I went to bed.
The next morning I got up early to catch the train to Ottawa. On the train ride I watched Home Alone 1 on my laptop. It's the kind of nostalgia I like. With the perfect timing of Kevin hugging his mother in the end I arrived in Ottawa. Brennan picked me up at the train station. We went to our favourite – Mucho Burrito – and with a full stomach made it to his place. We spend all day watching movies and cuddling on the couch. I enjoyed every minute of it. Julie Andrews taught us the Do-Re-Mi as we were watching The Sound of Music. Later Melissa McCarthy food poison pooed in the sink in Bridesmaids. All in all, it was a successful day that ended with pizza and more cuddles. This time I upgraded myself to sleeping in his bed. We were both happy with that decision.
The next day it was time to say goodbye for now. I was headed to Iceland next and Scandinavia after. But I was already sure that I would pass on the last Scandinavia week and get on a plane back to Canada. I gave him the sweater I bought. And he gave me some beautiful gloves. I was so happy and so sad at the same time. He drove me to the airport, gave me one last kiss and the next thing I know is me waving him goodbye. At first, there was a lot of sadness knowing that this part of our story was over, that I was about to continue my travels and that I would not see him for some time now. But soon after I realized that it was just the start of it all. The start of something so beautiful words fail to describe. So I sat there at the gate waiting for my flight. I checked my phone. He texted. Heart emoji. This is just the start. There is so much more to come.
Ich liebe dich, Brennan.
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holidaywishes · 6 years
it’s time to go to denmark
part two: it’s time to go to denmark...
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  Summary: After telling Freddie about your pregnancy, he’s very excited to tell everyone and tries to convince you to go to Denmark to do so.
  Author’s Note: Thank you to everyone who read and enjoyed the first chapter of this series, so here’s the fluffiest part after the smuttiest thing I think I’ve ever written so I hope you enjoy all the cuddles and the love in this chapter
  Warning: fluff and fluff and more fluff
  Freddie wrapped his strong arm around you as the two of you snuggled into one another, his hands drifting to your stomach occasionally, rubbing it softly, bringing a smile to your face.
  “What do you want to name him?” Freddie whispered in your ear and kissed the back of your neck
  “Him? You want a boy?” you laughed, a little tinge of shock to your tone, “I thought you would’ve wanted a girl to protect against all the boys out there…”
  “No, that’s exactly why I don’t want a girl,” he challenged, “I know how terrible boys can be and how terrified I’d be that my baby girl would get hurt. No, I want to have a boy so I can teach him how to treat a woman, how to be a gentleman…” His hands were still on your stomach, laying there softly as he spoke and you smiled at his words, turning around to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
  “Well aren’t you sweet” you teased and he smiled back at you, kissing your nose sweetly
  “You want a girl?” he asked and you shook your head
  “I’d be happy either way. It’ll be a little piece of you either way” you pulled him in for a kiss, moving slowly against his lips while his tongue asked for permission against yours; you parted them willingly and pulled yourself closer to his body, surprised when he pushed you onto your back. He pecked your lips quickly once more before jokingly kissing all over your face and you giggled
  “Freddie.. Freddie..” you laughed as he pecked down your neck only to stop at your stomach and lay his head down
  “Hey there little one… I know you’re not very big yet and you probably can’t understand me but I’m your daddy,” you smiled, combing your fingers through his hair as he talked to the tiny bean in your stomach, “I may not be around all the time. Because of work. But I want you to know that I love you and your mommy loves you and you have family all over the world. Daddy’s family is in Denmark, mommy’s family is here and in Vienna. You’ll get to see the entire world. Plus, there’s a lot of us, you’ll never be lonely. Aunts and uncles everywhere. Cousins all over the place. You’re gonna have so much love, little one, you won’t even miss me when I’m gone.”
  He finally finished and looked up at you, making you adjust your gaze at him, smiling simply. Freddie situated his hands on either side of you and crept his lips back to yours but when he pulled away, his eyes seemed to light up with a devilish thought.
  “Fred…” you said hesitantly
  “It’s time to go to Denmark, we should go to Denmark to tell everyone…”
  “We could pop over to Vienna too, tell your Oma and Opa in person”
  “Okay, Fred. Slow down. We can’t just take off to Europe right now. There’s only a little bit of the regular season left. You need to focus on that.. We’ll tell the guys okay? I’ll be plenty pregnant when the season’s done and then we can go to Denmark and Vienna…”
  “I think we should go now…”
  “I get that but we can’t”
  “Well we could”
  “No, Freddie, we can’t” you laughed, trying to get your boyfriend to understand
  “Fine but you have to promise that we’ll go as soon as the season is over.”
  “I promise.”
  “We tell the guys tomorrow?”
  “Who do you want to tell first? I vote Mo”
  “You’re like a child right now. Yes, we can tell Mo first if you want.”
  “I’m excited!”
  “I know! It’s exciting,” you giggled, “but I’m also kind of tired babe.” Freddie kissed your forehead and told you to get some rest but that he was too awake to sleep, so he headed out to the living room to watch T.V. or play some video games. When he still hadn’t come back to bed after a few hours, you wandered out to see what he was doing; finding him nodding off to sleep while playing Fortnite and you rolled your eyes as you walked over to him.
  “Baby, come back to bed…” you swept your hands over his chest, kissing his neck to wake him up
  “No, no, I’m not finished the game..” he tried and you laughed
  “But I miss you. I need your arms around me to fall asleep…” you whispered in his ear, wrapping your arms tighter around him and he got up almost immediately, meeting you around the back of the couch and carrying you back to the bed
  “Let’s go then…” you squealed as he threw you easily over his shoulder, practically throwing you on the bed once you were back in the bedroom, you let your fingers trace his jawline as his tall frame towered over you, “I love you, smuk.”
  “Me too, meine liebe.”
  You woke up the next morning and heard Freddie rummaging through the bathroom
  “What are you doing?” you called out
  “I’m trying to make sure I have everything. I have to go to practice,” he popped his head to find you still laying under the covers, “and you’re coming with me…”
  “Wait,” you jumped up, “who said I was coming with you?”
  “We’re telling the guys remember?”
  “You said you wanted to tell Mo first…”
  “Yeah and then I thought about it… It’s probably easier to tell everyone together…” You bared your teeth, unsure of how comfortable you were with not having the conversation one on one, “what’s wrong?”
  “What if they… aren’t happy about it?”
  “Why wouldn’t they be?”
  “I don’t know. People are weird…” He curled his arms around your waist and leaned down to rest his forehead on yours, telling you there was nothing to worry about. Sure enough, when you got to the rink and Freddie gathered the guys up before putting his gear on, the news came out easily and the guys were ecstatic.
  “Congrats guys!” Auston was the first to say something, followed shortly by Mitch and Patrick. You were surprised that Mo hadn’t come forward right away to give you a hug, you had been closest with him when you and Freddie started dating.
  “(Y/N),” Mo finally said, pulling you aside, “are you happy about this?”
  “What? Of course I am Mo…” you chuckled, “why are you being weird?”
  “I’m not. I just want to make sure the big guy isn’t pressuring you.” You gave him a quick scowl before laughing again
  “Freddie wouldn’t know how to pressure me if he tried…”
  “Alright. Well then I guess congratulations are in order!”
  “Thank you, Mo” you said, pushing him playfully and Freddie came behind you, snaking his arms around your waist
  “What’s going on here? Mo giving you a hard time?” Freddie pressed sarcastically
  “Nothing I can’t handle” you leaned back into Freddie, pushing yourself up to kiss his lips, earning a disgusted look from the boys in the locker room
  “Get a room…” Zach shouted
  “Well, we kind of need our goalie right now, so… don’t get a room” Mitch joked, making you roll your eyes and Freddie pretend to take you and leave.
  “Okay okay, relax, I’ll go find the girls and tell them the good news” you pulled away from Freddie but kissed him quickly on the cheek as you darted out of the room.
  “How far along are you?!” Christina asked, excitement coating every word
  “Uhm, a couple weeks I guess? I haven’t had an ultrasound yet, just took the test last night…”
  “Oh that’s so exciting! Is Freddie excited?!” Steph asked
  “The most excited I’ve ever seen him” you giggled
  “Have you told your parents?” Lucy asked
  “Not yet, we will soon. Freddie kind of wants to tell them in person but, with his family in Denmark, I’d be pretty far along by the time we got to see them.. So, we’ll have to tell my parents first I guess”
  “At least you have some support here right?” Steph questioned
  “Absolutely! Yeah, we’ll be fine. I’m just not so sure my dad is going to love the whole ‘baby out of wedlock,’ thing. He’s very pro-kids-after-marriage. You know very conservative -- It’s an Austrian thing…” You joked and the girls laughed. You hadn’t realized how nervous you were about telling your dad, you knew your mom was going to be fine with it, she’d been asking for grand-kids from the second you met Freddie, but your dad was as conservative as they came. Everything had to have an order. Date for at least a year before living together, live together before getting married, be married for at least two years before you have kids and then the rest would figure itself out. He loved you and he adored Freddie, the two of them would talk about Hockey and Football (European not American) for hours while grilling steak -- you and your mom always laughed because you said it seemed like they were trying to out dude each other. The more you started to think about it, the more you thought maybe your dad would change his mind about Freddie; he’d suddenly become the irresponsible Dane who got his baby girl pregnant.
  “(Y/N)..?” Christina called to you as you suddenly jumped up and out of your seat
  “Morning sickness?” you heard Lucy question as you got to the bottom of the steps. You rushed into the bathroom and curled over the toilet. Well, this is a lot more violent than a hangover, you thought to yourself, shaking your head.
  “(Y/N)..? You okay love?” Christina said quietly as she stepped into the bathroom, you opened up the stall door and waved your hand
  “I’m in here..”
  “It gets.. better, well, easier to deal with anyway… the sickness..”
  “It’s not just in the morning? The movies have been lying to me?” you laughed faintly and she nodded her head sympathetically, handing you a can of ginger ale she must have grabbed from a vending machine.
  “You’re pregnant! Yay!...” she said in a hushed tone, laughing as she raised her arms up halfway
  “I have to ask you a question and I need you to be 100% honest with me okay?” you focused your stare on her and she took a gulp but agreed by nodding her head, “do you think I’ll be a good mom?” Christina’s eyes softened on you, as if she was expecting something much worse and was planning her escape from it
  “Oh, sweetie! Of course you will” she cooed
  “How do you know?” you challenged, still hugging the toilet
  “Because,” she said, wiping the hair from your forehead, “you’re worried you’re not going to be.” You gave her a quizzical stare but you knew what she meant. You wouldn’t ask if you weren’t worried about screwing up your kid and you wouldn’t be a good mom if you didn’t think you’d screw up your kid. It was a weird dynamic but your sister had gone through the same thing when she was pregnant, so you knew the conversation well.
  “Thank you, Chris..” you stared up at her, thankful it was her who came to rescue you.
  “Anytime, little one” she laughed, helping you up and guiding you out to the sink. As the two of you walked out of the bathroom and back to the girls, Christina couldn’t help but ask one last question.
  “Do you think you’ll get married before the baby comes?” she nudged you slightly and you rolled your eyes
  “I don’t know. I don’t think so…” you weren’t going to lie, you thought about it. For like a second. Right after you saw the positive on the first pregnancy test. But you didn’t want the proposal to feel like some kind of arrangement or the wedding to feel like a shotgun wedding. You loved Freddie and you’d say yes in a heartbeat if he asked you to marry him but you didn’t see him proposing to you before your baby was born.
  “Well, maybe he’ll surprise you…”
  “Maybe..” you smiled and looked over at Freddie who was looking for you where the other girls sat. When you waved at him, he lifted his helmet to smile at you and your cheeks went pink and you could only think one thing to yourself
  God, I love that boy.
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queerchoicesblog · 6 years
Forgetfulness (THOBM, Eleanor x MC)
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Hello lovelies! This fanfic was requested by the one and only @melodyofgraves for the prompt “Rain” of the March Choices Challenge hosted by @mariamulroney ☺️
I’m afraid it turned out a way sadder than I first thought: hope you’ll like it all the same! In short, a rainy day triggers memories from the past...and Eleanor gets upset and heartbroken after realising that she forgot something important to her.
Prompt: Rain
Word Count: 974
Perma Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @melodyofgraves @bbaba-yagaa @psychopathdreamer21 @abunchofbadchoices @silverhawkenzie @bhavf @snowwritings @jellymonster 
Eleanor’s Fics Tag: @helentwombly
"Eleanor, I'm home" Elizabeth announced, closing the door and taking a few steps into the small living room of her new apartment. She was in a surprisingly good mood that day, despite the awful weather. She hanged her coat but no answer came. Weird, she thought. It's half past six, Eleanor should be home by now. "Eleanor, are you here? I tried to call you earlier but I'm not sure, I might have messed it up or you were simply-" She stopped, letting her final word die in her mouth. She was on the threshold of their bedroom and Eleanor was standing there, looking out of the window, her face numb. Elizabeth slowly approached her and that's when she noticed that her girlfriend's hair and clothes were damp, as if she walked in the rain. "Eleanor, are you okay?" Eleanor didn't answer, she just kept gazing numbly off the distance. Biting her lip, she tried and reached for her hand. She held it into hers and started drawing circles on Eleanor hand with her thumb. "I stopped at the cafè earlier, Victor was there and told me he was worried about you because you looked so sad so I came-" "Yesterday was Simon's birthday" Eleanor voice was shaky and barely audible, a whisper. It took a minute to Elizabeth to process the information then as Eleanor spoke again, realisation stroke. "Yesterday was Simon's birthday and I forgot about it" 
Elizabeth frowned: she knew what that meant for Eleanor. She was about to say something when the other girl spoke again. "Yesterday I went to class then met Kaitlyn and Zach, we chatted a little and they invited me to their suite and introduced me to their friends. I think I told you about that...then I came back and we went to the movies...and I forgot" Elizabeth's heart tightened in her chest as she squeezed her girl's shoulder reassuringly. God only knows how strong could be Eleanor's sense of guilt. "I'm so sorry baby, I know how important it is for you" "The day Simon was born it rained" Eleanor said out of the blue, a soft smile appearing on her face. "Actually it'd poured for almost a week. At the town they said they had never seen such a bad weather in years, maybe centuries. 'This is no Englad, for God's sake' they kept saying. It made me laugh at the time cause I didn't mind much: it reminded me of my childhood in Devonshire. Oh the house I spent with my nose glued to the window watching the raindrops fall and drawing lines on the glass. Our governess scolded me every single time, she always reminded me that it was not proper of a little lady and I was staining the window glass. If I close my eyes I can still hear her voice." she smiled weakly to herself. "I've always liked rain, probably because it reminded me of those days in England. It's relaxing and it makes me feel...safe, if it makes sense. Simon hated it. 'How can you like something that is so sad? When it rains mom and dad don't allow us to go outside and play in the garden...but that's what gardens are for. And for flowers and insects' he used to say. Whenever he saw a thunder he ran to hide in the pantry. Father always shook his head smiling when he caught him running for his life to the old pantry" Elizabeth grazed her hand over her girl's arm. "You know, I was just like Simon. Storms scared the hell out of me and Jonathan had to come rescue me all the time" Eleanor turned to her, her eyes welled with tears as she smiled. "Your brother was there for you”
“And I’m here fo you now” Elizabeth cupped her face and looked at her in the eye. “I know you’re feeling incredibly sorry and guilty because you forgot your little’s brother birthday-”
“This pain, their loss is all I have left of them, Liz” Eleanor exhaled loudly frowning. “The main reason why I’m still here, the purpose...it is my duty to remember them. Their death had been tragic enough, I can’t let it be in vain too...and if I forget them, there will be no one else to remember them in this world. Our family is gone and...I can’t forget them. I don’t want to forget them” 
As a sob escaped her mouth, Elizabeth stroke her cheek and reassured her:
“I get it, love, and I would be as heartbroken as you are now if I forgot Jonathan’s birthday. But for what I see...you didn’t forget Simon. Nor Thomas and Clarissa. You were just living your life, you had a busy day...please don’t blame yourself too hard for it. You remember it now and we can still do something about it, right? Like we can go visit them tomorrow if you want. I’ll come with you obviously! And you menationed once that Simon loved apple tarts? Why don’t we bake one on his behalf tonight? I’ll see if I can find birthday candles...I feel that maybe your little sweet tooth brother would have liked the idea. Do you still remember the recipe?”
Eleanor nodded, sniffling. The other girl wiped away a tiny tear from her face and added:
"We have a deal then! Now take your time and when you’re ready join me in the kitchen. I’ll go find some candles and boil some tea because as a wise woman once said, there's nothing a nice cup of tea cannot fix" Elizabeth said placing a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead and heading towards the kitchen.
Eleanor smiled shyly to herself, recognising the line she told her girl a long time ago. Yes, they was nothing a nice cup of tea and Elizabeth's loving arms couldn't fix.
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obliviatemick · 5 years
Ben Hardy Fanfiction | When I Kissed You p. 6 (SMUT ALERT)
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Chapter six: The Dream (SMUT ALERT!)
Playlist: Acquainted - The Weekend
Word count: 2202.
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elliebamber_ Taking this lil nugget to the airport 🐣 I miss you already, boo!
Liked by lilireinhart, lanacondor, madelame and 340,890 others
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madelame Good thing we celebrated earlier... you go girl! 💣
therealbarbxx @madelame I miss you already! x
_tonybel good riddance...
therealbarbxx @_tonybel delete yourself from internet 🔪
joekeery They grow up so fast...
loganlerman Congratulations, Barbs! x (Liked by lanacondor)
Jupiter Studios reveals lead actress for the upcoming series for Netflix, Fiber.
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After postponing the production of the series based on the novel with the same name for almost a year, Netflix has finally announced that they have come to agreements with Jupiter Studios, the production company responsible for bringing the story to the small screen and that the first season of the show will see the sunlight on November 9th this year!
"We wanted the cast to be perfect", expressed casting director Zach Yagamuchi on the long-winded delay of the production. "My team and I went over five thousand auditions before finding the perfect actors and actresses for the show, we are confident that audiences all over the globe will love their refreshing energy!"
And so we hope, Zach. So we hope.
Before going straight to the cast, an introduction to the world of Fiber is necessary: the cyberpunk novel of the same name hit the bookstores in January 2015 and instantly broke sales records around the world, surpassing the well-known ya novels that were also adapted to movies and television series. The story is set in the year 2058 and revolves around Farren, a girl who, after the tragic death of her mother, dedicates her life to leading the rebel movement against the fascist government that threatens to destroy entire cities around Earth in order to achieve a new world order.
From Jennifer Lawrence to Selena Gomez, many actresses were rumoured to be in talks with Jupiter Studios to get the role of heroin Farren, however they were quickly called off by a company's spokesman. Now, Netflix has stated that the role of Farren will be portrayed by latina Barbara Benavides.
"Benavides has an incredible presence, we fell in love with her energy and natural beauty and after revising her audition thoroughly, we concluded that no one could play Farren better than her."
The only mystery that remains now is who will play Farren's colleague and love interest, Rowan. Yamaguchi says that we should expect the official announcement tomorrow morning, before having the first table read with the whole cast.
Barbara's POV
I threw myself on the bed as soon as I entered the room.
"What am I gonna do now?" I thought as I checked the time. It was late in Madrid, but in LA it was almost 4 pm! Jetlag was something I hadn't taken in consideration before coming here.
I took my phone and searched for Ellie's contact; we video chatted for about an hour before I decided it was time to sleep. After all, I still had to take another plane to Amsterdam the next morning.
Before changing into my pj's and tucking myself in bed, I'd thought that it would be impossible to sleep at that time, but my body was drained of energy and once I placed my head on the pillow I fell into a deep sleep.
I looked up at the sky, both my arms rested on the railing, the sky was cloudless but even so watching the stars was hard work, the lights from the city were just too intense and too many. Ben appeared from my left side, I gave him a quick glance before returning my attention to the sky.
"Star gazing?", he questioned me. I nodded looking up at him.
"Tried to", my lips pursed as I tried to organize my thoughts. "There's just something special about seeing the stars and knowing they're out there, millions of kilometres away, looking down on us", his eyes looked away from me, gluing themselves on the starless sky. From my point of view, I couldn't help but notice how attractive his features were, my eyes moved from his jawline, to his pink lips and defined nose to lock once more on his eyes. The wind caressed his golden locks, untidying them. I felt as if that was the first time I saw him. He blinked twice before focusing on me.
"It makes me feel insignificant", I cocked my head. "The stars I mean, knowing that there's something greater than us makes me feel that whoever I turn out to be and whatever I do with my life will be for nothing", his eyes locked hard on mine. His gaze was intense and sultry, my heart skipped a beat at the sight.
"Maybe that's the whole point of living", I retorted earning me a raised eyebrow from Ben. "If whatever we do will be forgotten once we leave this world, why should we care about the future?", slowly I took his hand in mine as I spoke. "Maybe it's good to feel insignificant once in a while"
He shifted in his place, taking my free hand in his before intertwining his fingers with mine, "Then what is your suggestion? Living life like there's no tomorrow, seize the moment?", he smirked briefly before pulling me against him and pushing his lips onto mine. My hands ran up the sides of his neck and to the back of his head as I kissed him back, his roamed on the sides of my waist leaving a crimson trail after them.
Moments after, we were running through the dance floor, pushing bodies away and receiving a plethora of well-crafted insults as we left. We raced hand in hand through the lounge where we'd been with the guys before and into a narrow hallway with sets of doors on both walls, Ben tried a few doorknobs before one shot open. One of the walls of the room was replaced by a window pane that allowed the light coming from the adjacent buildings to illuminate it just enough so I could see him take off his jacket. We were probably in the room used by the staff but I didn't care. All I wanted was him, all I needed was him.
I locked my arms around his neck as he pushed me against the cold wall.
"Been wanting to do this all night", he whispered out of breath against my lips. I smirked before taking his lips in mine once more in a wet, hungry kiss. His hands went down to the hem of my dress to slide up on the back of my thighs and onto my butt where he squeezed hard. His sudden dominance made me squeak into his mouth, he chuckled softly before grabbing the thin fabric and pulling it over my head, leaving me only in my panties and exposing my boobs as I wasn't wearing a bra.
Ben didn't hesitate, he took one of my breasts in his hand before leaning down and sucking on my nipple.
"Fuck!" I moaned with my eyes closed and my fingers tangled in his locks. His tongue swirled around my sensitive nub as his free hand squeezed hard on my other breast. I pulled his hairs softly eliciting a "mmm" sound from him. He looked up at me, eyes hard, craving for my body. I let my tongue slide on my lips suggestively.
He then let go of my breasts to lift me abruptly in his arms to the center of the room where he threw me on the biggest couch there was. My hands flew to the buttons of his shirt, unbuttoning it and ripping it off his body, then sliding my fingers up and down his muscular chest, my body trembling in anticipation.
He leaned and placed a lonely peck on my lips then buried his head on the crook of my neck, biting and licking on my soft spots. My nails dug on his back as his tongue played with my ear lobe, making my back arch against his chest.
"Ben, please...", I mumbled against his neck. The desire was just too much at that point, my panties were soaking wet and I couldn't take it anymore.
He snickered and bit hard on my earlobe before commanding me to turn around on the couch. I complied, keeping my knees on the couch on doggy position. His hands worked their way up from my thighs to my butt, where he massaged sweetly before hooking his fingers on my panties and pulling them off in a quick motion. He let his hands roam on my skin for a second before lifting his hand up and spanking me with full force, I screamed loudly in response.
"Shhh", he shushed me. "I barely touched you, babe." He then leaned back to me and whispered in my ear, "You've been a bad girl, Barbara...", he spanked me again and I whimpered desperately, the pain he was inflicting in me turned me on even more. "What are you doing here, naked in front of a man you just met?"
I knew what was coming so I shut my eyes waiting for the impact. Instead, he slid two fingers inside my pussy, causing me to gasp for air and squirm under his touch. He started to slide them in slowly, almost sweetly and I reached for his head above me gripping on his hair as he continued working my entrance.
"You like that, don't you?", he demanded in a low tone, at that point his deep voice was enough to make me cum, but I needed him inside me. I responded with a little "Mhmm" as I bit my lip trying to hold in a loud moan. "Then behave, promise you'll be a good girl from now on."
His fingers were now moving at a faster pace, making me pant. "I-I promise", I managed to say in between breaths, he had me on the edge and he knew it. His fingers then shifted position to curl against my g-spot, "Fuuuuck", I weeped against the couch letting my hips rock against his fingers. Above me, I heard him catch his breath at the sight, I sped up just to tease him even more.
"Fuck...", he whispered still pounding on my g-spot, my moans echoed in the small room and little beads of sweat started forming on my forehead as I thrusted against his fingers harder and harder each time. "Fuck this...", Ben breathed as he snaked his arm around me to flip me onto my back once more.
Moments after, he was kneeling behind me, rubbing his cock against my entrance. Teasing me, going in a circular motion and then inserting just the tip of his length. I was a soaking mess, trembling under his touch.
"Shit, Ben! Stop teasing me...", I moaned, biting my lip. I heard him laugh softly before finally pushing himself inside me a bit deeper. "Fuuuuck, Ben. You're driving me crazy!", out of the blue, he pulled softly on my shoulders, making me arch my back against his chest and provoking him to go in further and instead of stopping, he started pounding himself inside my pussy in a steady but gentle pace. A soft scream left my throat.
"Honestly," he purred, lust mixed with amusement in his voice, "I'm so glad I met you, Barbs."
That made me grin, my hand reached for his hair to tug on it softly, earning me a moan from him, "Save it, Ben."
And like that, he started pounding harder in me, increasing the pace every time and me, letting out shaky moans with each thrust. His hands gripped on my hips, the sound of our skin slapping filled the stance.
"Fuck, Ben oh my god!", my grip tightened on his hair. I could feel myself reaching my high already. Hastily, he slipped a hand down to my clit and started rubbing me fast, I screamed his name.
"Mmmm, you like that, don't you?", Ben moaned against my neck.
"Fuck, yes! Don't stop, don't stop!"
I was so damn close.
"Come for me, baby", he purred, pounding and rubbing hard on me.
I screamed in utter ecstasy and then...
I sat up in bed abruptly!
My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would come out of my chest, my head spun as I scanned my surroundings: I was still in my hotel room, my alarm clock was going off loudly.
What the fuck was that? I thought. I reached for my privates and trembled, the zone was sensitive, my knickers with a wet patch on them.
I'd just had a wet dream.
A wet dream about Ben Hardy.
TAGLIST: @rrrogahtaylahhhh @valeriecarolinaw
As always: thank you guys SO SO much for reading!
Hope you enjoy this chapter, cuz I might need some holy water after writing it lol
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artisticvicu · 5 years
Time Moves On
Prompt September 14, 2019
This is a first for me...writing in a journal...but I have little to do now but this. My friends are gone...my family...and I don't even know where I am. I was forced to leave my house two days ago. They broke in...forced us out...and now...
Well, now I am in someone else's house. It's empty, but the dead are outside at the moment and I know they will get in eventually and I will have to run again. My brother is most likely dead, as are my two friends...and it seems so much worse now that I am alone. I'm not sure if we got separated or if the dead got them. We all ran in a blind panic! Two days...seems so long ago now. The dead...they are not slow like in the movies. They run and never seem to tire. I'm not sure how I will survive, but at least I have a place to rest. Rainbows and unicorns...lol. That's what I'm looking at now...the room I am in is decorated for a toddler. Somehow it is calming and makes the sounds of the hands slapping against the house's side more tolerable.
I will try to get some sleep and travel in the morning...my time is up here. At least I had a day without their noise. From what I have noticed so far, the dead don't seem as active during the day. Do they even sleep? I'm not sure...but I do need to...so I will try to write more tomorrow. Heaven knows it's better than doing nothing. 
September 21st, 2020 I'm not the original writer and it took me a few days before I managed to find one of the calendars prior to Day Zero that included enough days into the following year for me to actually figure out what today's date was.
I can't believe it's been over a year now.
Life's been.....decent. Nothing compared to what had existed Prior but it's better than the poor soul who died in the child's bedroom. The whole place was so collapsed and returned to nature that I hadn't even realized there had been a house there to begin with till I fell through the rotting roof.
Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. This book only has a few details in it but nothing on what happened after that date.
Maybe it's a good idea if I record it. Not that I'm certain anyone's going to be able to read my scribbling. I've been out of practice and the pencil had been a lucky find.
There had been many names for the things that swarmed the planet. There had been a major fight against calling them zombies - the original entry here calls them 'the dead' which was another common name - but in the end, zombie was the name that most will use now when recollecting those first few.....we'll call them months.
I didn't keep track of time during those months. The zombies surged across the planet like nothing many of us had been prepared for. Some held their own but it was clear that the human race was going to fall if something didn't change.
I was told that the zombie hoards had made it to every corner of the planet covering the land in shambling bodies that animals fled from. Attacks of any kind drew the hoards like piranha and the animals seemed to know this instinctively. Not that that kept some of them from attacking anyways.
But just as quickly as the wave of zombies suddenly sprang into existence, it died. Literally. The zombies just up and started dropping. They didn't even twitch as they hit the ground. In all of two hours, every zombie in existence was properly dead once more. It was.....strange. But with our numbers so scattered and small, the billions of bodies decayed and became part of the ecosystem. Some areas saw mounds of zombies become rolling hills or the scattered bodies become home to new trees. Whatever had made them move so swiftly seemed to have encouraged some rapid growth in the plant life but nothing that's been disconcerting. Or dangerous.
After that, there was no dead and the only task that came about was surviving. I had managed to make it on my own for those handful of months before I came across a town that had survived, more or less. If nothing else, there were other people there. I didn't stick around. Turned out it was a cult of sorts and I got out of there as quickly as I could with few new friends.
At the time there had only been four of us. Now there's eighteen; nineteen when Anna gives birth in a few weeks. We're lucky to have her around despite her condition. Mark is probably our strongest - yet sweetest - and he dotes on her making it so that she isn't even a burden on anyone but him and he would probably never call her a burden even as a joke. It's her brother, though, that's been the largest asset and why her pregnancy - though perilous - hasn't negatively impacted the group (Mark notwithstanding). Zach's a doctor. A really good, very knowledgeable doctor even with the lack of 'modern technology'.
Doesn't hurt that she can cook really well, either.
Most of us have our uses like that, which makes it easy for everyone willing to pitch in. Peter's a fricken horse whisperer despite his argument that anyone that had grown up on a farm could do what he does with the 'wild' ones we come across. I don't think we've had to walk for months now because of him. We've even got a few goats and a couple of chickens because of him but he says it was Jewel. - who, mind you, grew up in the city Prior. Jewel just coos at all the animals so no one's convinced she's had any part of it.
I'm still betting that the small pack of dogs and cats we have are because of her despite her nonchalant attitude about it. The way she commands them and the way they listens is like the livestock with Peter; they heed her command and answer her call as if she had raised them from birth. At this point, a few of them have been, but that's beside the point.
Lyle grew up on a farm too but he's shit with the animals. He's good with helping cultivate the edible supplies, though. He's not great at it but an extra hand that knows how to preserve things is always a large help. The fact that he has the patience and stamina to make butter is impressive in and of itself.
Tanner's good at making fabric from the wool. Bella mastered making thread for sewing despite her being just as good of a cook as Anna. She won't listen to anyone but I think Tanner enjoys the company.
Sam's a fricken compass and has yet to get us horribly lost. Sam's twin Luca is our cartographer and is brilliant at it. We trade duplicated maps at settlements and towns we pass through.
Cole's started figuring out how to work any metal we find. We still trade a lot of tools but he's good to have around for repairs. He's been able to fix just about everything we have. Well, anything that doesn't require sewing. I'm still not great at that but I'm the only one that knows enough of the 'how' to be able to actually keep up on repairs. Sam and Luca are learning and Tanner's not bad, but their patience never lasts long. I find it soothing.
It would seem Mark's starting to stir so my watch shift is over. This whole journal thing is weird but I think it would be cool to catalog what's happened.
Not that I did a good job with this entry. Kind of got talking about those around me.
Maybe that's a good thing. In this world beyond the Prior and Day Zero, that's all we have. Though I may have to explain -why- we're traveling rather than settling in some town.
Maybe tomorrow when I'm on watch again. If I can keep my brain from wandering.
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