#and put away one of the three giant piles of clothes on my floor
caterjunes · 7 months
i'm so so fucking tired
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lfc21 · 2 years
Bed time stories
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Player: Virgil Van Dijk
TW: Fluff, children
Promptlist: Children
"Daddy, will you read us a bedtime story?" Your son asked as he lay resting in his bed. Your children were taken up in their shared room wanting nothing more than to hear their father's voice to send them to sleep.
"Yes of course I can" Virgil softly said with a laugh as he crouched down in between the two beds. He was huge compared to everything in the room, he was almost a giant. Virgil had to think quickly about what story he could tell, the boys often wanted all of his football stories - winning the champions league or simply hearing about James Milner's terrible dance moves.
"Tell us about you and mummy" You heard one of your boys ask as you wandered past the bedroom door with a pile of washing occupying your hands. You quickly placed the pile of clothes down and raced back to the door. Your heart swelled at the thought of your children wanting to know about you and your husband.
"Well I and Mummy met when we were in school and she was in my maths class" Virgil started with a smile at the thought of how the old days used to be - innocent, young and full of mischief.
"Ew I hate maths" Your youngest admitted with a laugh as he stared at his father now resting his back on the side of the bed whilst sitting on the floor.
"well she helped me with my maths and then we started spending more time together and after all of that we went to prom with one another" Virgil explained again thinking about the day he saw you in that gorgeous pink dress. His eyes were like magnets on you and couldn't help but want to love you forever. You stood at the doorway admiring the three boys you called home, their eyes were soft and they were clutching onto their favourite teddies, Virgil was chatting away and before he knew it he was in his world. The nostalgia from your relationship was something nothing else compared to. Your mouth turned into a smile and your head rested on the door frame, all you wanted was to keep them with you forever.
"And then we had you two" Virgil finished his story as he noticed his two little versions of himself in a deep slumber. You lent off the door frame and wandered towards your husband.
"How sweet are you?" You asked with a giggle as his large body stood up and turned to you. He put a finger on your lips as he shushed you with the familiar smile he always sent you. You giggle against his hand as he kissed your forehead and leads you threw the door.
"They asked to hear about me and you" He explained as he quietly shut the door and wandered towards you. You wrapped your arms around his waist with a smile as you rested your head against his chest.
"I love you and I love them two and I also love how soft you get with them" You teased as you looked up at his tall frame. His slick bun and perfectly shaped frame sent your eyes into heart shapes and want nothing more than to be with him.
"Less of the soft ey?" Virgil teased with a smug smirk as his arms tangled tighter around your waist. Feeling him against you was everything to you. This was heaven, right here, right now.
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Hey guys 👋🏻 I hope you enjoyed this imagine 😀 there are still two prompts left on the prompt list ❤️ requests are open and feedback is greatly appreciated 😊 have a good day 🙏 masterlist 2022 💌 masterlist 2023 💌
@prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentalexanderarnold @robbo38 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @tsimikasfamily @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @hendersons1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn @superkittywonderland @virgilvansike @virgilvandickmedown @hopefulromantic1 @robbo-trent-fanfiction26
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age-of-greta · 2 years
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The Moon
The Moon represents illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be. Perhaps a misunderstanding on your part, or a truth you cannot admit to yourself.
Author’s note: hi!! It’s been THREE weeks! I’m so sorry!! It’s really hard trying to find time to write at the moment, but this fic will go on! To makeup for it, this chapter is about 2x the usual chapters. Thank you so much for reading & get ready for what’s in store. Enjoy!!!
Pairings: Sam x reader & Jake x reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing
Word count: 7k
You were stressed. You were supposed to leave tomorrow morning and you were still packing. After you had finished your work for the day you had ran to the mall and to two different Targets- yet you still feel like you didn’t have everything. This would be the last on a whim trip you ever planned. You were currently sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor astonished at the mess that was everywhere. Stringy bathing suits, curling irons, sunscreen, and sunglasses were all you had in your bag. Well a few other things too but you still had a lot to do. You could hear your phone vibrating from under your pillow. You groaned and rolled over to grab it. It was Danny.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Uh can you come and open your door? We’ve been banging on the door for five minutes.”
“Shit. Sorry, yeah.” You say hanging up.
Another unplanned visit and right now wasn’t the best time. You glanced down at your outfit which was essentially just a giant bleach washed t-shirt and athletic shorts. It was just Sam and Danny though. Except when you opened the door you stood face to face with Jake.
“Hey Birdie? All packed up for your little trip?” Jake says with a smirk.
You huff. “Not at all.”
When you look past him you realize they’re all here. Sam is digging around in his car, but the other three are on your porch.
You back off of the door and fast walk to shut your bedroom door so they can’t see the mess. Danny is holding three boxes of pizza while Josh has a pack of White Claws in hand.
“Sorry to barge in on you like this Birdie. We just wanted to have a little send off dinner before you and Sam abandon us for the weekend.” Josh says, plopping the box down.
“How sweet.” You say, giving Josh a smile.
Sam comes sauntering into the door a few minutes later. He takes a deep breath and pushes his hair back. Then greets you with a smile and nod that you reciprocate.
He heads towards you. “Ready for tomorrow?”
You pull your lips into a tight line. “Not at all. My shit is everywhere and I am not even close to being packed.”
Sam looks around. “In your room?”
You nod.
“Show me.” He says.
You glance around at everyone. Danny and Jake are rummaging about your kitchen grabbing plates and napkins while Josh starts putting drinks in the fridge.
“It’s embarrassingly messy, but okay follow me.” You say trying to be as incognito as possible.
Sam gets the hint and follows just as quietly. You quietly shut the door behind the both of you.
“Oh shit.” He says as he sees the scene in front of him.
“Told you.”
He huffs a little. “Okay. Well let’s start.”
You laugh. “We’re about to have dinner- you don’t have to help.”
“No, they'll be fighting over a movie in a matter of minutes. We have a good fifteen minutes of packing and organizing. Just tell me what to do.” Sam says.
You contemplate for a second before realizing you’re not in any position to turn down help. “Okay um- my bathroom stuff. Basically the two bottles on the shelf, my razor hanging up, body wash, face wash, loofah, and shower oil. Then my makeup wipes from the middle drawer and the dry shampoo and hair oil on the counter. There is a travel bag in the bathroom closet, left side.”
Sam nods and heads into your bathroom. While you turn back to the pile into your floor. You grab all of the clothes and fold them. You make two stacks; one for definitely taking the other for putting away.
Sam comes back a few minutes later. “What else goes in this bag?”
“My travel toothbrush and toothpaste kit is in the first drawer under my eye masks. Then the bottom drawer has a small bag full of travel medicines. That should be all. Thank you.”
“Yeah you’re welcome.” Sam replies heading back into your bathroom.
He comes back a few moments later and honestly these few minutes had already made an impact.
“I can help you more after dinner.” Sam says, while you’re putting clothes back away.
“No it’s okay. I don’t want to take you away from all of the fun.” You say, pointing towards the other three in the kitchen.
Sam half laughs. “I can after they leave, I mean.”
You make a confused face.
Sam continues. “I figured since you had shelled out so much for the tickets and airbnb I could contribute too. We fly out early in the morning and I’ve rented a car at the airport. That way we have more time there and can still have the freedom to go wherever.”
You smile. “Wow. Yeah that’s awesome. Thank you Sam.”
“It’s the least I could do. Ready to go eat?”
You nod and both leave your room. As Sam predicted, they were fighting over a movie. You make eye contact with Sam and share a giggle.
“Sam, Terminator or Robocop?” Josh shouts when he looks up.
Sam chuckles and starts walking towards them. “Neither.”
You grab a plate and slap some pizza on it, then decide to grab a drink.
“Where did you run off to?”
You look up from the fridge and Jake is standing in the kitchen grabbing more pizza for himself.
“Oh I was packing. I’ve been slacking.” You say.
Jake lightly furrows his brows. “With Sam?”
“Yeah, he helped.” You say shrugging.
Jake nods but keeps that look on his face. You grab your plate and drink and laugh when you emerge into your living room to see the opening credits of Terminator.
After you all had eaten and the movie ended Jake, Josh, and Danny headed out. Leaving just you and Sam to finish packing and prepare for your trip tomorrow.
“I think this might be the last of it.” You said as you sighed, closing your suitcase.
“Fuckin hallelujah.” Sam said with a chuckle, plopping down next to you on the floor.
You smiled and looked over at him. “Thank you for all your help. I’m not sure I could have gotten everything so organized without you.”
He turns his head and grins back at you. “You most definitely would not have. But I’m excited for this weekend. We’ll have fun.”
“Me too.” You say back.
“Now. Shall we get some rest? We have to leave for the airport in about seven hours.” Sam says, starting to get up.
“Shit it’s that late?” You say glancing down at your watch. “I guess we should get some rest. Um, do you-?”
Sam huffed a laugh. “I’ll take the couch Birdie. Sleep well.”
Then he’s strolling out of your room. Leaving you feeling a little funny. You brush it off and climb into bed. It’s a little hard to sleep with all of the anticipation, but eventually you doze up.
“Do you want to grab a coffee?” Sam asks.
You two were at the airport after an adventurous morning. Your alarm had failed to go off so you and Sam rushed to the airport like that scene out of Home Alone 2.
“After the morning we just had, absolutely I do.”
Sam laughs and takes your hand, practically dragging you through the crowded airport. You both have a backpack and a suitcase, which makes slipping through the crowd a little harder. Finally, you make it to the coffee shop and you grab a place to sit while Sam gets the drinks. He returns a few minutes later with two iced coffees in hand. He hands you the lighter colored coffee with a layer of cold foam.
“Thanks. What is it?” You ask, taking a sip
Sam plops down. “Iced honey almond latte with sweet cold foam. I’ve seen you order coffees before and knew you liked them a little sweeter.”
You smile big at him. “Yum. This is perfect. Thank you Sam.”
“Yeah of course. Our gate is just over there. I think we can start boarding in about twenty.”
You huff a laugh. “We really cut it close huh? Thank god the airport isn’t jam packed at-“ You look down at your watch. “6:42 in the morning.”
Sam groans. “Goddamn it’s early. I’m going to sleep like a baby on the plane.”
And he did. Sam had booked you nicer seats on the flight right next to each other. He nuzzled down into his seat and was out before you had even reached altitude. You never could sleep on planes, not well at least. Every time you would doze off you suddenly would become hyper aware that you were in the sky. Sam didn’t seem to have a problem with it. You couldn’t help but grin when his head tipped over onto your shoulder. You glanced down at him. His eyelashes were longer than you had noticed. His skin was so clear. You hadn’t really noticed until now, but Sam was pretty? He snored softly on your shoulder, completely unbothered. That made a weird feeling flicker in your stomach. You brushed it off and cracked open your book. You were so ready to just land and be there. A few minutes later the snack cart came by.
“Can I get you anything?” The flight attendant asked.
You smiled up at her. She was young, probably around your age, and very pretty. “I’ll just take some water. Thanks.”
She handed you a bottle. “Anything for your boyfriend?” She asks, motioning to Sam passed out on your shoulder.
Your cheeks flush and you’re grateful Sam is asleep so he doesn’t have to feel this awkwardness too.
“I’m not entirely sure what my friend will want. Um, probably just some water and whatever snack.”
She nods fully gathering what you’re saying. “Okay. I’m going to grab a pack of cashews and I’ll be back around.”
You thank her and fully divert your attention back to your book. When the flight attendant comes back you barely notice as she drops off the nuts and napkins.
“Looks like we will be landing in about 20 minutes folks. We want to thank you for flying with us today and we hope you can enjoy this beautiful weather.” You snap your eyes from your book and realize you’re almost there. You glance over at Sam who is still out and decide to wake him.
“Sam.” You half whisper as you nudge him.
He groans a little and opens his eyes. “Shit are we here?”
You giggle. “Not yet. Almost. I just wanted to wake you up so you’re ready.”
He yawns and stretched out. “I must have been out. My mouth is so dry.”
“Oh I had the flight attendant bring you water.” You say motioning towards the small bottle on his side tray.
“Oh perfect.” He says grabbing the bottle and chugging. “Aw you even had them bring me a snack too. Thanks Birdie.”
Sam grabs the packet of nuts to rip open and then reveals something on the napkin that the pack was sitting on top of. Your eyes widen a bit when you notice it’s a phone number scribbled down on the paper.
Sam lets out an awkward laugh. “Interesting.”
Your face turns a little red and you can’t explain why. “Hey, she's cute.” You don’t know why you said that.
Sam shakes his head a little. “Eh, not my thing. But these cashews are. Want some?”
“Sure.” You say, accepting some that he plops in your hand.
You and Sam finish the cashews in approximately three minutes, but it’s okay because you can feel that the plane is lowering every second.
Lastly the flight attendants come by with trash cans to collect up all of the loose garbage. The same pretty flight attendant comes back to you.
“Any garbage?” She says, smiling big at Sam who is now awake.
“Yup.” Sam says, collecting up both of your bottles, the cashew packet, and the napkins. He tosses them into the trash can. “Thanks.”
The flight attendant makes a confused face at him then huffs and walks away.
“That was kind of awkward huh?” Sam asks.
You can’t help but laugh. “Yes, it was.”
Sam turns his head to you and smiles. “Already making memories Birdie.”
The next few hours had been a little hectic to say the least. You had to wait forever to retrieve your bags, then it took a while to get your rental car. But finally you were on your way to the house. Sam was driving while you provided music for the drive. You were softly humming to Hurdy Gurdy Man when you happened to look up. Finally you saw the ocean. You beamed a smile and perked up in your seat. You rolled your window down and inhaled deeply.
“You good?” Sam asked, amused.
“I’m great actually. I love the smell of the salt and the sea. It’s refreshing to the soul.”
Sam chuckled. “You’re right.”
Then he rolled his window down too and turned up the radio.
“Is this it?” Sam asked, slowing down.
You had just pulled up to a small peach colored house on the beach. It was charming on a small, less crowded part of the beach.
You nod your head and Sam pulls into the driveway.
“I’ll grab the bags. You go ahead.” Sam says, waving you forward.
You take in the view for a second before climbing the stairs up to the house. You type in the code and step inside. You were straight in the living room, and you frowned a bit when you saw the couch. It was tiny. There was no way Sam was fitting on that thing. You decided that you would sleep there instead. The small kitchen was attached to the living room. The bedroom was modest sized with a full bed in the center of the room and a dresser. Lastly there was a full bathroom and that was it. The decorations were vintage beach themed and you decided that you loved it. You stepped to the back porch and admired the view. It directly faced the ocean. You wished you could wake up to this view every morning.
“Wow.” Sam said, stepping outside with you.
“This place is nice. I like the privacy.”
“It’s small, but I feel like I could live here forever.” You say.
Sam chuckles. “I know what you mean.”
“Should we unpack and then grab something for lunch?” You ask.
“Absolutely. I’m starved.”
“Sam.” You say with a smirk. “Have you realized the opportunity we have here?”
He looks at you and furrows his brows light heartedly. “What?”
“We’re at the beach.”
“Uh- yes Birdie we are.”
“Sam! We are pescatarian! It’s like a buffet everywhere we go!”
He lets out a laugh. “I didn’t even think of that. Now somehow I’m more excited.”
“So, fish tacos and then hit the beach?”
Sam smiles at you. “You read my mind.”
You and Sam had made a run to the grocery store and grabbed some tacos to-go so that you could have a little picnic on the beach. You were now changing while Sam made margaritas. You had decided to go with a simple black bikini. It was high cut and very cheeky while the top was strapless and ruched with a black circle in the middle. You knew it would make for an interesting tan line, but it was cute. You threw on a white linen button shirt/cover up, tan sandals, large black sunglasses, and a black floppy hat. You were ready to lay in the sand all day long. When you emerged from changing Sam was already in a pair of red short swim trunks. He had sunglasses on top of his head containing some of his hair. He was fighting with the blender a bit which made you laugh. You grabbed all of the food, two towels, sunscreen, and water bottles and threw it into your beach bag.
“You look nice.” Sam says, handing you a margarita.
“Oh thank you.” You say accepting the drink. “You better get some sunscreen on before you turn the shade of your shorts.”
Sam laughs and grabs the beach bag from you. “Don’t worry. You can rub me down outside. Let’s go.”
You follow behind sipping your margarita, it was so good. You tilt your head back when you reach the sand just to soak in the peaceful rays. Sam had already trekked up ahead, picking a perfect spot near the water. He started laying out the towels while you grabbed the food and sunscreen. You strip your shirt and started dousing yourself in the SPF but couldn’t get your backside.
“Spray me?” You question.
Sam nods and you turn around. He slowly bends and sprays all the way from your calves to your shoulders. You held your breath when he was level with your ass, you weren’t sure why.
“Thanks.” You say taking the sunscreen from Sam. “Now your turn.”
Sam dramatically takes a sharp inhale when the coldness sprays on his chest. “Whew Birdie if you’re going to drown me there’s an ocean right there.”
You laugh that off. “Funny Sam, but call me in 20 years when you don’t look like a splotchy leather sofa.”
Sam snickers at that then spins around to presumably dry himself off. You plop down and start opening the boxes of food up. Fish tacos were your favorite and you and Sam had gotten plenty of different kinds to share. Sam finally sits down next to you and grabs a taco.
“Damn this is good.” He says, chewing.
You swallow and take a sip of your margarita. “It’s so good.”
“I for one especially love the subtle taste of sunscreen on these. Just phenomenal.” He says through a smirk.
Somehow his smile looks even brighter through your sunglasses.
You huff a laugh. “Shut up.”
Then you two sat in comfortable silence eating your tacos and drinking your margaritas. Completely content to soak in the view.
You stayed at the beach all day. After devouring enough tacos to feed an army you were so tired. So you laid down and let the crashing waves and sea breeze lull you to sleep. When you woke up it was still sunny and beautiful. You turned your head and squinted your eyes to see Sam reading splayed out on his towel.
“How long was I out?” You ask, starting to sit up.
Sam looks over at you. “Maybe an hour and a half? Not entirely sure. I was out for a while too.”
“It’s just too peaceful out here.” You say with a yawn.
“With that being said, wanna go for a swim?” Sam asks, closing his book and turning towards you.
You bite your lip. “I have a confession.”
Sam laughs. “What might that be?”
“I’m a little bit terrified of the ocean. Not in a symbolic way either. Touching the little fish with my feet just freaks me out. I can’t stand to touch the bottom of the ocean with my feet.”
Sam laughs loudly. “Birdie! I had no idea you had such a phobia. Is that why you’re pescatarian? Fish piss you off?”
You roll your eyes. “It’s not a phobia! It’s just-“
Sam cuts you off. “I’m just teasing. It’s okay. I promise I’ll protect you.”
He extends his hand out to you and you contemplate for a minute before accepting. But, surely enough you had gotten up and tied your hair in a bun so that you could go for a swim with him. The water was cold, but not freezing.
“C’mon Birdie. You can’t tiptoe in, that makes it worse.” Sam chirps.
You huff because you know he’s right. Then you charge into the water leaving Sam long behind.
“You coming or what?” You yell to him.
He nods and then jogs into the water too.
Then you’re both laughing, splashing around in the water.
“Ah this feels so nice.” Sam says, pretending to lay back and float.
“It’s much warmer than I expected and the waves aren’t too crazy at the moment.” You say, looking off into the horizon.
“I’m so happy to be at a beach and just get to relax. I don't have to cosplay.” Sam says, flicking his sunglasses down.
You stifle a laugh. “Cosplay? What do you mean?”
“Fucking Jake and his obsession with pirates. Everytime we go to a beach I swear he turns into Captain Jake Sparrow.” Sam says with a laugh.
You feel uneasy when you remember Jake exists. Today was the first time in a while that you hadn’t thought of him and now that’s over. Then you feel something brush up against your foot.
“Fuck! Sam!” You exclaim and practically jump over to him. “Something touched me!”
Sam laughs and scoops you up, holding you in the water so that your feet aren’t on the bottom anymore. “Don’t worry Birdie. I gotcha.”
You feel a little embarrassed at the situation, but decide you would much rather be embarrassed than feel fish touching your feet.
You huff out. “Okay can we go back to the beach now?”
Sam pouts his lip out at you. “Come on Birdie. Stay with me just a little while longer.”
You give in. Then you two stay in the water until you’re prunes. Sam held you almost the entire time, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable or strange. When you went back to the beach you two decided to go inside and get ready for dinner. Sam had found a local beach bar with live music that he was just itching to go to. Of course that was definitely your scene as well. Sam let you have the shower first while he unpacked the beach bag. Then you were out drying your hair and doing skin care as quickly as possible. When you were finished you gave Sam the bathroom and went into the room to change. You decided on a casual outfit for tonight. You went with a 70’s looking scarf and tied it around as a top. Then a pair of white linen flowy pants with tan sandals. You threw on a small pair of gold hoops and pulled your hair half back in a clip. You contemplated makeup, but decided to do minimal. Your tan was already nice looking, so you put on bronzing drops, concealer, a touch of contour, and highlighter. Then added bottom mascara and brushed out your lash extensions. You looked cute, but topped the look off with perfume and lipgloss. When you opened the door Sam was sitting on the couch, already dressed. He wore a pair of short khaki shorts and a blue and pink paisley patterned button down shirt that was half unbuttoned. He wore his signature Birkenstocks.
“Wow. You look nice.” Sam said, respectfully taking in your appearance.
“Thank you. So do you. Are you ready?”
Dinner had gone well. You and Sam both agreed to have one beer each so that you could drive back safely and not feel sick tomorrow for the festival. You both split a lot of oysters and enjoyed the live music. Dinner was so comfortable. You filled the evening with jokes, conversations about dog breeds, and way too much laughter. It was nice to just feel so relaxed with another person besides Margo. It almost shocked you how easy it had been with Sam. You were always friends of course, but you hadn’t expected to pick up where you had seemingly left off years ago. Now you two had arrived back at the house and you were unsure how to navigate the sleeping situation. You started rummaging through your bag for pajamas while Sam was in the bathroom. You decided to go with a large Pink Floyd t-shirt and a pair of gray sleep shorts. You quickly changed and threw on a pair of white fuzzy socks. Then, Sam emerged and you excused yourself to the bathroom to get ready for bed. You took off your makeup, washed your face, brushed your teeth, and did a few steps of skincare. When you came out you saw Sam sitting on the couch. He looked exhausted, but you knew he was sitting there out of respect.
You walked over to Sam and sat down with a groan. “I’m so tired.”
He lightly chuckled. “Yeah. Me too Birdie. Today has been fun, but I’m ready to sleep for ten hours straight.”
You nod along. “I know what you mean. Listen, this couch is like tiny. You take the bed and I can sleep here.”
Sam furrowed his brows. “No, absolutely not. I’m not putting you out of the bed. I’ll be fine out here.”
“Sam, it's entirely impractical for you to sleep on this thing. Please just go get in the bed.”
Sam shakes his head at you. “Sorry Birdie. No can do. I promise I’ll be okay.”
You sigh and stare at him for a minute. “Okay. Well what if we both just take the bed?”
Sam looks at you cautiously. “No, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
You throw your hand up and scoff. “Oh please you could never make me uncomfortable. Besides, I’ll be making a pillow wall. I can’t have those dogs out on me all night.” You say teasingly, glancing down at his feet.
Sam half smiles but his eyes never leave yours. “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Now come on, we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” You say, getting up and heading towards the bed.
Sam shrugs and follows you. You lightly place a pillow in between the both of you and scoot to your side. Sam didn’t dare cross over the pillow one time throughout the night. You both just laid there and slept.
The next morning Sam had gotten up before you. You slept surprisingly fine. There were no issues with the bed sharing. When you emerged from the room you saw a note on the counter.
Going to grab coffee and bagels. Be back soon.
You took in a happy breath, that’s what you needed to kick start your day. You decided to take a quick shower and get your skincare done before Sam came back. When he had taken a little longer than you anticipated you decided to start on your hair and makeup. It was a festival. It was going to be a long and hot day. While you wanted to look your best you also had to be practical. So you decided to spray a good amount of salt spray in your hair and let it naturally curl up. Then you took out two smaller sections on both sides and did bubble braids with orange hair elastics- they matched your outfit. Then you decided to move on straight to makeup. The first step was gobbing your face with sunscreen and primer. Then you went in with a tinted moisturizer, concealer, cream contour, and cream blush. Sam walked in about mid way through your blending and you assumed you probably looked insane with all of that on your face.
“Hey sorry it took me way longer than expected. I didn’t realize the best coffee place was on the other side of town and traffic is already a bitch for the festival.” Sam says, walking in with bags and cups.
You laugh a little. “It’s okay. Thank you for going out and getting all of this.”
“Yeah of course. But I do think I’m going to call us an Uber to the festival. Parking looks like a nightmare.” Sam says handing over your things.
“That’s fine with me. I’m so ready for this day.”
Sam gives you a smile. “Me too.”
You and Sam had sat and chatted for a bit while you both had eaten your breakfast. But you knew you had to get a move on as you had a lot to do. So after, you finished your makeup. Doing a messy eye look with brown eyeshadow and a lot of gold glitter. Then you set your face with a half a bottle of setting spray and threw on some lipgloss. Then you got changed into your outfit. It was definitely a little scandalous, but it was a music festival. There was a tiny stringy burnt orange bikini that hugged your body perfectly. The only thing you had to wear over it was a matching orange mesh coverup that wrapped around your hips. Then you put on a gold body chain around your waist and matching earrings. You had decided to wear white chunky sneakers with white tube socks, as boots wouldn’t do well in the sand. Then you put on loads of body glitter and perfume before grabbing your large tortoise shell sunglasses. Finally you put lipgloss, sunscreen, gum, blotting papers, and a small thing of deodorant in your small white bag and threw it on your shoulder. You gave yourself a look in the mirror. You kind of looked like a glamorous Hooters girl that was somehow wearing less clothing than normal. But you felt confident.
“Oh wow. Um oof wow.” Sam said, his face turning a little pink as soon as you walked out of the room.
You laugh it off. “I know I look a bit ridiculous, but that’s the vibe of music festivals I suppose. You ready?”
“Ridiculous is not the word I would personally use, but yeah let me call an Uber.”
Sam was in a pair of patterned navy blue and pink short swim trunks, his Birkenstocks, and a white light button down shirt that was completely undone with the sleeves rolled up. You couldn’t help but notice how nice his outfit complemented his tan. He had a pair of sunglasses on his head and a small backpack. He looked festival ready.
The Uber arrived a short while later but it took longer than anticipated to get there. It was crowded to say the least and inside was even more crowded. Sam took hold of your hand immediately as you entered the grounds. He led and you followed through the crowd of people. You had told yourself you would pace yourself with drinking, but that went out the window quickly as Sam beelined for one of the bars.
“Shit it’s crowded. Want a drink?” Sam asked, leaning in close so you could hear him.
“Yes please. Just a Twisted Tea for me.” You reply, basically yelling back.
Sam motioned towards the bartender and held up two fingers so you assumed he got the same as you.
“Oh my fucking god! Is that Sam Kizska?” You hear a voice say.
You spin your head around and see two girls staring in shock as Sam is completely oblivious at the bar. They look at you, unsure what to do- to be honest you’re completely unsure what to do as well. You had never been in a situation like this before. You think quickly and smile at the girls waving them over.
“Uh Sam. You’ve got some fans I think?” You say, still a little baffled by the situation.
“Huh?” Sam says as he spins around and then hums at you when the two girls approach.
“Hi! So sorry to bother you, we just wanted to say we’re big fans.” One of the girls nervously belts out.
“No bother at all! So nice to meet you. What are your names?” Sam asks, smiling.
“I’m Sophie and this is Yara.” The same girl speaks.
Sam smiles. “Well Sophie and Yara, it’s a pleasure. Would you guys like to take a photo?”
“Oh my gosh- yes definitely!” The other girl says pulling out her phone.
“Birdie, would you mind?” Sam asks you.
You nod your head and take the phone. “Not at all.”
Everyone moves away from the bar slightly and Sam sets the drinks in the sand before standing in between the two girls wrapping his arms around their shoulders. You take about forty pictures before handing the phone back.
“Thank you so much.” The girl says, taking her phone back.
“No problem at all. Are you guys excited to see The Red Hot Chili Peppers?” You ask, trying to make conversation.
“So excited. We drove all the way from Louisiana for this.” She replies back to you.
“Wow! That’s so far. That must have been a heavy drive. We took the easy way out and flew here.” Sam says.
The other girls steps in. “That probably would have been a smarter decision honestly. But we don’t want to bug you guys anymore. Thank you so much for talking with us and taking a picture.”
Sam waves his hand up. “Not bugging us in the slightest. Thank you guys for saying hello. It was really great to meet you. Maybe we’ll catch you later at the main stage for the Chilli Peppers.”
With that everyone says their goodbyes and Sam hugs them both. That was so wholesome. Sam was so incredibly nice to them, that made you feel happy.
You and Sam had trekked up to a smaller stage watching a band you had never heard of before. They were good and Sam really seemed to enjoy them. They began to cover Fortunate Son by CCR and Sam grabbed your hand. He started spinning you around while you both sang to one another. You couldn’t help but giggle. Normally you would feel embarrassed in a situation like this, but with Sam everything felt comfortable.
When the song ended Sam leaned down to you. “Wanna go grab some food?”
You nodded your head and you were off again through the festival. You two ended up at a food truck and both got shrimp quesadillas with loads of hot sauce.
“Let’s just move here. I can’t go back to not having this food everyday.” You said.
Sam hummed at you. “Don’t tempt me with a good time Birdie. I’ll call my realtor right now.”
You laughed at that. “Do you think they’ll let us bring a sack full of these quesadillas on the plane?”
“As long as they fit in our carry-ons.” Sam bantered back. “I’m going to grab another drink. Want one?”
“Yes please.” You say, as you begin to collect up all of the trash.
Sam returns a few minutes later with cans in hand. “I have a request.”
You take the can from him. “I’m listening.”
“Before we get shitty, can we take some pictures? I would like to document this momentous occasion.”
You pretend to contemplate. “Who said we are getting shitty?”
He sighs at you. “Oh Birdie, here I was thinking that you and I had a mutual understanding.”
You let out a laugh. “Okay okay, only because you’re so convincing.”
Sam opens up his phone and snaps a few selfies of the two of you. Then he hands his phone to a guy passing by who takes a few pictures of the two of you.
“How cute.” He says admiring the pictures. “I’ll send them to you.”
“They are cute. Now, ready to get shitty?” You say with a smirk.
“You’re speaking my language now.”
As the day began to wind down you were a little more than buzzed. You two had walked around the whole festival and gotten a drink at every available place. You had checked out different bands and bought a few art pieces from various vendors. The Chilli Peppers would be taking the stage in about an hour so you had decided you should probably head over to get a somewhat decent spot. You knew you wouldn’t be anywhere near close, but you couldn’t justify spending your whole day standing in a spot.
“Should we head over to the main stage now?” You asked Sam, finishing your beer.
“Yeah if you’re ready. Can we stop by the bathrooms first? I feel like my bladder might explode.” Sam said with a laugh.
You nod. “Yes, I am feeling a similar sensation at the moment.”
Then you two pop into the bathrooms by the bar you were hanging out at. Surprisingly you looked a lot better than you thought. Your eye makeup was slightly smudged but it went with the look. Oh well. You washed your hands and Sam was waiting on you outside.
He took your arm and linked them together. “Ready m’lady?”
“Onward.” You said, linking your arm back.
You two walked through the festival and finally made it to the main stage. There were so many people there.
“Oh fuck wow. I didn’t think it would be this crowded. We’re going to have a shit view. I’m sorry.” You say.
Sam smirked at you. “I’m not so sure about that.”
You look at him confused and he pulls you through the crowd to the other side of the stage. He takes you all the way up to the VIP section which has its own lounge.
“Sam?” You say.
He doesn’t answer and continues walking. The security at the rope nods at Sam and lets you two right in. You were undoubtedly way closer to the stage. There was still a pit of people in the VIP, but it was eons smaller.
“What was that?” You asked.
Sam smiled at you. “I pulled some strings. This place has an actual bar. Let’s grab some cocktails and then get a spot.”
You were a little taken aback but also delighted.
“You’re impressive Kiszka.” You say as you and Sam take a seat at the bar.
Sam blushes a little. He looks so pretty in this view. His skin is perfectly sunkissed, the sun itself is setting, his shirt has been long gone. Why were you thinking like this? The alcohol must have seeped into your brain.
“Sometimes I can be okay I guess.” Sam modestly confesses. “Can we get two tequila sodas?”
One cocktail turned into about three and it was safe to say you were now drunk. Your spot in the pit had no longer been as important because you were having an incredible time just laughing with Sam at the bar. All of a sudden the music cut off and stage lights began to dim. Sam staggered up to grab your hand to take you to the pit.
“Oh shit! The show is starting Sammy!” You say through giggles.
Sam looks at you- with a way you had never seen before. Then you realized you had just called him a name that hadn’t left your mouth in years. He gives you a beautiful smile and continues to drag you into the crowd. Sam finds a small opening in the pit and starts to carefully navigate you through.
“Okay Birdie, this is as close as we’re going to get.” Sam says, putting you in front of him.
You’re a lot closer than you thought you would be. Maybe 4-5 rows back from the barricade.
You hear the opening chords of Can’t Stop start billowing through the speakers and the whole crowd becomes energetic. Sam instantly wraps his arms around your waist from behind you to keep you sturdy and both together. You don’t mind. You and Sam sway to the music and his hands never leave your waist.
After the Chilli Peppers went off you and Sam decided to hang around at the bar for a little longer to grab a drink and wait out the crowd. You two had no intention of staying at the after party. But you waited and had about two more drinks each. You were so drunk and so was Sam. But not like a sloppy drunk, more like you felt like you were levitating. Just pure happiness in your being. Sam had called you two an Uber back to the beach house, then he made cheese pizzas in the oven while you tried your best to get out of your glam. You decided just to throw on a white bra top and black biker shorts. It was the best you could do. You took the elastics out of your hair and used three makeup wipes to get everything off to the best of your ability. When you emerged into the living room Sam was sitting out the pizza and two bottles of water.
“Birdie! Perfect timing!” He exclaimed.
“Oh my god I’m starving. This looks so good.” You giggle and plop down next to Sam.
You both start devouring the pizza and try not to choke from the laughter shared between you two.
“Thanks for coming, Sammy. I’ve had so much fun.” You say, genuinely.
Sam seems to melt at that. “Thank you for allowing me to come. This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I really enjoy being around you.”
You smile back. “Same.”
Sam groans. “Should we get to bed? I’m dreading our flight tomorrow. I’m so glad you brought Advil.”
You laugh and nod your head. You both clean up and then saunter off to bed. That night there was no pillow barrier, and at some point Sam’s arm ended up over you. Instead of scooting away you scooted in. You could feel him pressed up against your back. You tried not to laugh about it, but you weren’t entirely sure how to feel honestly. Whatever it was you were feeling, you were absolutely sure that it wasn’t discomfort. Maybe it was even the opposite. This weekend changed a lot of things for you, and you hadn’t even realized it yet.
thank you for reading!!! :)))
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simplymurdock · 3 years
summary: after a long night getting chased by dead serial killers from shadyside’s past (y/n) figues it’s now or never to confess her feelings for her best friend.
pairing: simon x female reader
warnings: langue, mentions of death, underdressing in front of someone (that’s all i could think of but if i missed anything let me know and i’ll add it <3)
word count: 1,359
authors note: after a million and a half years i finally wrote something and went through with it !! everyone can thank @jinxthequeergirl simon headcanons that spark this and @fearstreetss entire blog only fueling my love for simon. I hope y’all enjoy it because pure fluff is sum of my favorite things to write about.
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The lost and found box was placed on the school floor as everyone crouched down and started going through it. Each finding something that actually fit and didn’t have giant holes in them. “Alright, we have to decontaminate.” Josh said as they all piled their clothes into their arms.”You can’t have any of Sam’s blood on you.”
“Well, not much we can do about that.” Sam muttered before walking off to a class room as Deena followed. “Deena, you have to get clean too! Not a single drop, oaky?” He yelled after them.
“Rub-a-dub-dub time!” Simon remarked as the three of them were going into the bathroom as Kate stopped them seeing she was going in by herself.. “Hey, wait. I don’t want to go in by myself. don’t want to go in there alone,”
“I don’t either, which is why I’m staying with the one who knows what’s happening, and Simon.” (y/n) remarked getting a ‘hey’ from Simon.
“I’ll go with you,” Josh said as Kate gave him a smile in return as Simon and (y/n) shared a look thinking the same thing. Holding the door open for her as he followed in right behind her.
(y/n) took the sink at the farest end while Simon took the sink one over from the door. Each piling off their clothes, turning the water on and washing away the blood and dirty they could. But it came clear to her that she was gunna need some help. She glanced over to him seeing he was looking over himself.
“Hey Si--,” She started to say but had to clear her throat, “Can you check my back?”
At first he didn’t answer looking her up and down once before looking in face not wanting to push anything she didn’t want. As she stood in front of him in her underwear and bra. She stepped closer waving in front of his face. “Hello? Earth to Simon?”
He blinked a couple of times before nodding, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“You sure? You zoned out for a sec,” She asked as he nodded insteading he was fine. She turned around holding her hair up. He looked over at her lightly moving her bra strap to check under it as small bits of electricity jolted through her body while each touch made tiny goosebumps raised on her skin. “Good news you’re clean,”
“And bad news?” She asked knowing there was always ‘bad news’ with him.
“Our therapist will think we’re crazy.” He said, making her laugh. He loved her smile and definitely needed it after what they had seen.
She turned back to face them as she quickly realized how close their faces, each other noses basically brushing against one another.“Yeah that’s if we make it through tonight,” She remarked, grabbing the ugly gym shorts she had and bending down and putting them on.
“Hey,” He said softly, grabbing her hand getting her attention, “We are going to get through this. Alive, all of us.”
“Yeah, well I have things I want to do before I die, so I hope you’re right about this.” She remarked looking down. That certain thing was how she felt about him. She had a crush on Simon for as long as she could remember. Kate knew how she felt after one to many longing looks in his direction. She made her swear on everything that she would never say anything to him. But what (y/n) didn’t know was Kate had a few hours earlier sworn to him she wouldn’t say anything to (y/n) about his feelings for her.
He smiled pushing his floppy hair from his face, “Oh really? What are these things?”
She quickly looked down picking at her nails, not wanting to look him in the face. Knowing if she didn’t say something now she wouldn’t ever do it. Not knowing if the adrenaline from running from dead serial killers all night was still going through her veins, or if it was actually herself doing this. He saw her picking at her nails knowing she only did it when she was nervous about something.
“You know what--”
“No it’s okay, I--” They both said speaking over each other, Simon trying to change the topic and get her mind off it not wanting to see her stressed. And (y/n) just trying to get it out, but the words just wouldn’t.
“No really you don’t have to--”
“I like you.” She blurted as the room fell silent as they both looked down.
“It's just…” She trailed off picking at the white part of her nail, swallowing harshly. “I just don’t want to die with regrets. And with everything we’ve seen I don’t want to take any--” She started to ramble as he quickly cupped either side of her face and pressed his lips against hers.It was sweet and simple but made the same goosebumps appear on her arms.Pulling apart from each and pressed their foreheads together. “--chance.”
His wide smile quickly made its way on his face, swiping his tongue along his bottom lip tasting her sweet cherry chapstick. “God I’ve been wanting to do that forever,”
“Took you long enough,”
The two basked in each other for a little to long. Realizing it and quickly throwing on whatever clothes they could find that didn’t have blood or dirt on it. “You two almost done? We got some serial killer ass to kick!” Kate yelled banging on the door frame as the door was a simply push door.
They smiled at each other before walking out. (y/n) fixing the stiff loose fitting shirt that swallowed her body, while Simon followed out behind her. “Blame my shoes, they didn’t want to tie properly.”
Josh nodded looking around for any sight of his sister and Sam, while Kate knew better. Seeing how close they stood next to each other, closer than normal, and how with each glance at each other a smile grew more and more on each of their faces. But the nail in the coffin was when she noticed they had the same red tinting on each other's lips. She crossed her arms as a sly smile creeped it’s way onto her lips. “Right. Your “shoes” took up both of y’alls attention.” She used air quotes before gesturing between the two. “It was about time,”
“Oh really?” (y/n) questioned looking over at Josh and back at her. “Please, it was barely first base.” She insteaded.
Simon grabbed (y/n)’s waist turning her to face Deena and Sam, “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Did you… all go to pound town?” He asked after resting his elbows on her shoulders so he could talk with his hands.Everyone stayed quiet before he broke out into a giant grin, “Us too!” She looked up, hitting his chest lightly shaking her head.
And they went to get started on the plan. Kate and (y/n) were about to walk off to get the CPR dummy before Simon grabbed her hand playing with fingers.”One kiss before we die?”
She smiled turning her full body towards him looking at his lips as she brought her lips closer to his. Swiftly putting her finger to his lips, “You can get the kiss when we survive,” She said walking backwards, “We’ll be right back, I promise!” She shouted, turning and hooking her arm with Kate’s.
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bread-writes · 4 years
I would like to request a Lookism one please
ok so:
The reader is like a single mom and after a couple dates eith either the lookism boys or girls she decides that she want's them to meet her baby (who's like idk 1 ig you can change it I dint mind) how eould some of them react to their s/o having a kid?
you can do what ever characters! (but can one of them be Vasco? You can have whoever else!)
OooO that sounds interesting!
I’ll be combining it with this request since it’s pretty similar.
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Writing under the cut!
CW: Children, Single parenting, Mentions of abuse and kidnapping (mild)
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Vasco, Samuel, Jake, and Sinu Finding out The Person They're Seeing is a Single Parent
Euntae Lee
he probably would’ve never found out you were a single parent until you told him
he just assumed that you were busy with your life
never questions when you had to leave a date early after getting a notification on your phone
after a few dates or so when you’re finally comfortable enough, you take him to see your child
inviting him to your home was easy enough, you suppose
he’s a little confused on why you’re insisting on meeting up at your home, but is actually very excited to see what your home life is like
is taken aback by the sheer amount of toys littering the ground
you apologize, clearly embarrassed by the mess
the babysitter turns to greet you, surprised and a little terrified by the man at your side
however when they see your interlaced hands, they understand almost immediately, excusing themselves after handing your child back to you
if Vasco was shocked before, he’s definitely very very confused now
upon seeing him, your child would freeze before whimpering and sobbing
dropping his hand, you coo at your child, gently brushing away their tears whilst gently bouncing them in your arms
“...Is that your little sibling?”
you softly shake your head, refusing to meet his questioning gaze
the gears start to turn in his head; from your early exits to the toys on the floor
this was your child
he’ll stare at you for a moment, his eyes shining brightly with an emotion you couldn’t quite name
he’s mesmerized by how quickly you were able to calm the child--your child and is captivated by pure amount of love your gaze holds
after your child calms down, they’ll stare at Vasco for a moment, protectively clinging to the fabric of your sweater
their gazes sends cold shivers down Vasco’s spine
would they hate him?
do they find him scary--
he’s broken from his thought as a small babble makes its way to his ears
your child reaches out to him, their grabby fingers grasping onto his clothes
he stills for a moment until you let out a soft laugh
he watches as you allow your child to latch on to him, the soft smile on your features sending butterflies throughout his stomach
yeah, he could get used to this
Samuel Seo
definitely one of the more suspicious ones when it comes to your secret 
he won’t question it as much if you tell him you’re okay or to stop being so nosey
but, to be fair, when have words ever stopped him?
he won’t do much, just a little digging
which lead him to the fact that you live with someone else
a someone that you’ve never told him about
however, that’s not the part that surprised him
what surprised him was that the other tenant was a minor; listed as your dependent
how he found this out, you’ll never know
he’ll confront you about this
you weren’t happy to see him snooping around in your life, but you eventually sigh before taking him to your house
the babysitter was surprised to see you back so early, but handed you your child nonetheless
Samuel’s eyes would flicker between you and the child, noting the striking resemblances between you and the child
unsure of his feelings, he would excuse himself before making his leave
to be honest, he’s terrified
he’s never been the best when it came to familial relationships
from a young age, Samuel was exposed to violence which blossomed into a few dangerous habits
ex: nearly losing it whenever he’s interrupted
he doesn’t want to project said habits onto your child and potentially lose you; the only one who’s been able to put up with him
when he comes by the next day, you raise a brow as you open the door but usher him in anyway
your child just stares at him and he stares back
it’s just really awkward until you step back in
you move to pick your child up only to be stopped by your lover
he bends down and picks them up underneath their arms, lifting them up lion king style before continuing to stare at them
“This is fine... I suppose.”
Jake Kim
like Vasco, Jake is an idiot who probably never found out you were a single parent unless you told him
there’s also the fact that he’s also extremely busy and wouldn’t question your random disappearances
the way he found out you had a child was actually an accident, really
you were just taking your child for a small stroll in the park when Jake spotted you
he was concerned as to why you were hunched over and what currently had your attention
as he approached, the light coos of your child began to fill the air, mingling with your laughter
a hand on your shoulder caused you to flinch, quickly turning to face the person
your eyes widen as your eyes land on none other than Jake, subconsciously trying to shield your child from your lover
when he sees the child the first thing that goes through is mind is whether or not you kidnapped this child
no, like, seriously
“...Did you kidnap a child?”
“Wha-- No! Why would I kidnap my own child?!”
it takes a moment for your words to sink in 
but when they do, Jake’s eyes are wide with disbelief and you’re covering your mouth 
your child only stares, unable to read the tense mood between their parent and the giant man
when Jake shakes himself out of his daze, he sighs
at first you think he’s mad at you
that is until his arms wrap around your waist and he nuzzles his face into your shoulder
you can feel his lips pull into a smile as he continues to hug you
“You didn’t have to hide this from me. I would still love you regardless if you had a child or not.”
Sinu Han
he strikes me as the kind of guy who would already know but would want you to be comfortable enough to share it with him
when you do, he’s over the moon
...even if it was just a slip of the tongue
he’s so charismatic that you won’t realize what you said until you see the gleaming smile breaking his face
“I’m glad you’re finally trusting me.”
you blink up at him, “You knew?”
he ruffles your hair his unwavering smile sending butterflies fluttering in your stomach
“Of course I knew!”
when you offer for him to meet your child he’s so happy he almost immediately dragging you to buy gifts your child
even if you tell him that it’s fine and that Big Deal’s already tight on funds he’ll insist that he buy a gift because this is your child, after all
yeah, Samuel’s definitely pissed with his sudden splurging, but says nothing to his boss
definitely doesn’t stop him from glaring at the pile of toys and onesies  Sinu bought for your child
Jake on the, other hand, is just concerned
he knows his boss could be weird at times...but was it really necessary to buy three versions of a single cat toy?
upon actually meeting your child, they just instantly click
almost as if they were his child all along
not going to lie, you were pretty jealous
but as long as the to people you cared most about in your life were happy, who were you to be sad?
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i- uhhhhhhh I’m back??? Definitely not my best work... especially Samuel’s part, so if you aren’t satisfied with these feel free to shoot an ask! Again, so sorry for disappearing off the face of the Earth like that... 
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queensoybean0724 · 3 years
Succession Chapter 4 (Karl Heisenberg/female reader) Resident Evil Village fanfic
Here’s chapter 4!!  I hope y'all enjoy it!
Title: Succession Chapter 4
Characters: Karl Heisenberg, female reader
Rating: PG-13 for language (possible kidnapping trigger warning) this is a slow burn; it will get very smutty and spicy later on!
Summary: you discover a long lost relative has died and made you his sole beneficiary.  While flying to collect your inheritance, you crash in a village in Romania.
Author’s Note: I do not own the characters from Resident Evil Village. This is a work of fiction. Anything remotely similar to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
The factory was not a cozy place.  The air was stifling and steam rose sporadically from slits in the walls.  It was a dark place with sparse light bulbs overhead guiding the way down the halls.  Some of the bulbs hung busted and dark.  Red lights sat over doorways to show where the exits were or pointing towards the direction of the nearest exit.
You remembered the various turns and doorways so you could easily escape if and when you were given the chance.
Heisenberg kept his grip on your arm tight as he pulled you down the hallway towards his living quarters.  He lifted the cigar in his other hand up to his lips, taking a deep puff.  You walked through the smoke as he exhaled, unable to stop yourself from enjoying the smell.  He stopped before a door at the end of the hall.
“Here we are,” Heisenberg announced, turning the knob to the door.  He pushed it open and took a step back, releasing your arm, and allowing you to be the first to step inside.  You stood there and gave him a stoic glare.
“Come on...in you go,” he said, his arm coming around behind you and his firm hand connecting to your ass.
“Ouch!” you yelped as the force of the spank pushed you over the threshold.
His living quarters were surprising.  In a massive building where everything seemed cold and hard, this room was quite cozy.  It was a large room, twice the size of the room he had you locked away in.  It was warm due to the small fireplace against the wall.  A tiny kitchen area was directly to the right with a sink, countertop, and a stove with an oven on top.  Against the far wall was a queen size metal bed with headboard and footboard.  Both ends had vertical metal railings.  A small nightstand sat next to the bed with a lamp and two books on top.  On the other side of  the bed was a large dresser with six drawers.  Next to that stood a large bathtub along with  a full standing shower with head to toe glass walls.  You looked to the left and saw a large table that acted as both a dining room and a desk.  Papers lay strewn across it along with a dirty plate, dirty mug, and an ashtray..
“This is where you’ll stay...with me…” Heisenberg said, closing and locking the door behind him.  You watched as he locked it with a key that he put in his pants pocket.  Damn, you thought, no chance getting out without the key.
“And where will I sleep?” you asked...but you dreaded the answer.
“In the bed,” he answered as if you had asked him the stupidest question he had ever heard.  You scoffed.  
“And where will you sleep?” you asked, dreading that answer even more.
“In...the...bed…” he said, getting closer behind you.  He leaned in and inhaled the scent of your hair.  
“I am not sleeping in the bed with you!” you firmly stated, turning around to face him head on.
“Well, it’s either in the bed or on the hard floor,” he shrugged, going to his desk and rummaging around the papers with his cigar hanging from his mouth.  You looked down at the floor and grimaced.  It did not look like it had been swept or cleaned in a very long time.  
“You think I’m going to willingly sleep in that bed with you?” you asked in amazement, “what if I try to escape while you sleep?  Or what if I try to kill you in your sleep?”
Heisenberg looked at you and let out a loud laugh before walking to the bed.  “You truly are a little spitfire, aren’t you?”  He bent over the headboard and picked up a long chain with a vice-like contraption that looked like handcuffs.  You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Do you do this to all the women you bring back here?” you quipped, finding yourself getting more brazen with your words.
“Haven’t had any complaints before,” Heisenberg joked, letting them fall loudly to the floor.
You rolled your eyes and turned your back to him, going towards the table.  A drawing was facing up and it looked like sketches of some kind of person.  You walked over, your curiosity spiked.  As you reached for the paper and the stack of papers beneath it, the dirty plate and mug slid across the table and fell on top of the picture.  You yelped and jumped back, turning around towards Heisenberg.  His left hand was extended towards the table, his fingers curved as if reaching for something.  You looked between him and the plate and mug.
“How are you doing that???” you asked in disbelief, remembering how he seemingly moved the cot telepathically in the other room to stop you from escaping.  Heisenberg chuckled and lowered his arm.
“Y/N, you are in a place that defies any laws of physics, genetics, science, or biology....” he said as he shrugged his trenchcoat off his shoulders.  He went to the chair next to the table and draped his coat across the back.  “I know you are afraid, you are in shock after the crash, and you think I have brought you here to do God only knows what to you...but trust me when I say that this factory is the safest place for you.  You have no idea how dangerous it is in the village…”
“And you’re not dangerous?  You literally have a giant wheel and conveyor belt full of bodies rotating out there!”
Heisenberg laughed as he sat down on the chair.  He rested his elbow on the table and took another drag off his cigar.  “Don’t comment on something you know nothing about,” he murmured, “now, I think you should relax and rest your weary head.  I’m sure surviving the crash has left you a bit shaken…”
You shook your head defiantly.  “No...no, I need to call for help!  I was on my way to Moldova...I need to inform them that I’m still alive!  There has to be a rescue crew searching for the wreckage...please let me go!  Let me call someone!”
Heisenberg continued to smoke his cigar, studying you as you began to panic.  “Calm down, doll face,” he said, putting his cigar out in the ashtray, “look...this place isn’t on any map.  We are surrounded by mountains, and the only person who comes through here is the Duke when he sells supplies and his wares.”
“The Duke?” you asked, “well...when will he come around again?  Could I get a ride with him to the next town and call for help?  Or the castle...that Moreau guy said there was a telephone in the castle…”
“You are not stepping one foot out of this place, Y/N, and that is final!” Heisenberg roared, standing to his feet.  He took three steps forward, ripping off his sunglasses, and looked down at you.  His sudden burst of anger scared you, but something about his eyes made you go still.  Yes, they held menace and were threatening...but...it was like he wanted to protect you from something.  A tiny glint showed in his gaze as he looked from your eyes to your mouth and back again.  You felt your throat go dry and your heart beat increase.  You glanced at his mouth and back to his eyes.  A soft stirring formed in the pit of your stomach.
Heisenberg put his sunglasses back on and walked towards the table.  He cleared his throat and shuffled his papers.  Gathering every piece of paper in a pile, he turned back to you.  “Your full name is Y/N, right?” he spoke gruffly.
You took steps backwards and sat down on the bed, still shaken by his gaze and closeness.  “Yes,” you murmured softly.  Heisenberg picked up a pencil and wrote your name on the top paper in the stack.
“I’ll go to the wreckage and see if I can find whatever is left of yours amongst the cargo...maybe a few other suitcases that you might be able to use.  In the meantime,” he said, walking to his dresser, “here is an old shirt of mine.  Your clothes are covered in dirt and blood…”
You looked down at your clothes and saw that he was right.  With all the hell you went through, you didn’t stop to look at how your clothes were riddled with dirt, snow, and blood (both from you and from when the lycans drooled over you.)
He pulled an oversized beige shirt with three buttons at the neckline.  He held the shirt out to you and you took it from his grasp.  “Thank you,” you whispered.
Heisenberg walked to the door and retrieved his key from his pocket.  “You can get water from the tap.  There are some books on the table and on the dresser...they aren’t much, but they’ll pass the time until I get back.”
You watched him as he opened the door, stepped out, and closed the door without another word.  You continued to sit on the edge of the bed, his shirt in your hand, and your thighs pressed tightly together.
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probsjosh · 4 years
Schlatt Coin origin story. 
Dad!Schlatt x reader but I made it fuckin sad.
edit: I fucking forgot to mention this is GN!Reader I'm such an idiot
Warning: mentions of alcohol, cheating/affairs, abandonment, gambling, not explicit but reference to murder, angst (if there’s anything else I missed please tell me)
So uh, Dad!Schlatt angst aye?
It had been a great Friday afternoon. Schlatt decided he’d wanted to take you, his spouse, and son out for the day to have some fun, going to having lunch, then visiting the local ice cream shop before stopping at an arcade to spoil Tubbo for the night. It was rare for your family of three to have these outings but it made it all that much more special when you had the time and money to do so. 
After playing and collecting tickets for the better part of two hours, Tubbo had finally scrounged up just enough tickets to get the giant bee plushie he’d been eyeing all year. It was bigger than his torso, square-shaped, and undeniably adorable. What was even more adorable was this pudgy little three-year-old waddling his way up to the prize counter, holding an unreasonable amount of tickets in his arms. There’s a small moment of panic when he realizes he can’t quite reach the top of the counter when his dad comes to the rescue, lifting him up so he can open his arms and let the tickets fall in front of the impressed employee. 
“Gimme da bee,” Is all he says, his contagious laughter ringing out as the bee is retrieved and handed over to the giddy child. “Tank you!” is all the employee gets before he buries his face into the plush. Schlatt laughs and hugs him tighter, he kisses his forehead as you look at them awestruck, a loving smile on your face. It was moments like these that reminded you how much you loved your family. Tubbo managed to peel himself away from his newfound love long enough to yell at you, “Look! I got da bee! Look!” You laugh as you come closer to them, pressing a kiss onto Tubbos forehead, “My little Bumblebee has his own bumblebee!” His little giggles muffled by the bee as he nods, “I got a bumby bee!”
Once you were all back home, there was a knock at the door. You were sitting in the bathroom with Tubbo, who was enjoying a bubble bath, so Schlatt went to answer the door. There was some muffled talking before he appeared in the bathroom doorway. “I’m gonna go out to the casino with the boys for a while. Think you can survive a few hours without me?” Tubbo emerges from his mountain of bubbles, giggling before he dove back in, “I think we’ll be okay,” you laugh as your son piles the bubbles onto his head like a hat. Schlatt smiles and gives you a quick kiss before heading out. “Don’t get too shit-faced!” you call after him, you hear a soft, “I’ll try!” before the door shuts. 
He apparently didn’t try hard enough. He stumbles in the front door at 4 a.m. reeking of booze, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke staining his clothes. You came downstairs to help him into the bathroom. “I think-” he hiccups as you sit him on the rim of the bathtub, “I think I got a little too shit-faced.” He smiles apologetically, swaying lightly, before reaching into his pocket, “I made some money though.” You smile back, but chastise him for drinking and coming home late anyways, but you knew he probably didn’t mean to get as drunk as he did and it seemed like he’d had fun.
It wasn’t a problem at first. At first, it was just a weekend a month. Then one weekend became two, became every other week, became if he wasn’t at work, he was at that damn casino, became you weren’t even sure if he still had a job. You weren’t even sure when it started but you very quickly realized what a problem it had become. Schlatt was never home. And if he was he would only appear to drop off a wad of cash, give Tubbo a hug, try to show you any semblance of affection which you outright rejected, and he’d be out the door again. You’d stopped trying to keep him at home, seeing as he’d just disappear no matter what you told him, no matter how much you asked for him to stay, he never did. 
Your breaking point was when Tubbo just stopped asking where his dad was. It was almost as if he’d forgotten who his father was, and the only person to blame was Schlatt. So one night you asked your neighbors if they could watch Tubbo for just a little while, they agreed, and you were off to the casino to drag your alcoholic, gambling addict of a husband back home. 
It wasn’t difficult to spot him in public, his ram horns like a crown atop his head made him a beacon for attention, and he was definitely getting it. He sat at a Roulette table, a rather large crowd gathered around him, towers of chips in front of him, one arm slung around some twink, the other arm knocking over towers of chips to signify him placing his bet. He was always one to put on a show. 
“Always bet on black!” he shouted, and the crowd around him roared, as the dealer pushed his newly won earnings towards him. He took a sip of his drink before he leaned down and kissed the man pressed against his side. 
That made you see red. 
You stormed over, the crowd parting like the red sea at the sight of your fury until you were met with JSchlatt himself. “Hey, what happened...” was all he could say before he turned to see you standing there in front of him, furious and heartbroken. 
“How could you?” You sounded so angry at first. “How fucking could you.” But it melted away into sorrow. The tears flowed down easily, you didn’t bother trying to hide how much he’d hurt you. But after months of never seeing him at home, did you really think he would remain faithful to you? Did the thought of Schlatt living out of a casino, on a never-ending gambling train, never make you think that he was doing something, or rather someone, else?
    No. In all honesty, it hadn’t. You’d been naive enough to trust the man with the Devil’s Horns with every aspect of yourself, thinking that maybe if you loved him enough, he’d love you just the same. And as you stood in front of the man you once called the love of your life. The father to your gorgeous child. The man that promised to love you till the end of your days. 
You saw the pure horror in his eyes. 
Not the shame you’d expected, nor the anger at the fact that he’d been caught. He was terrified. Of what, you couldn’t be sure and you honestly didn’t care. Anger clouded your judgment, as you saw him take a step towards you, an arm extended out to reach for you. You swatted his hand away and sobbed. Hot, angry tears streamed down your face as you yelled. Profanities, curses to his name, wishes that you’d never met the wretched man, and he was so taken aback, he stumbled back and into the table. Every single one of his chip towers fell, the dealer didn’t bat an eye and accepted his entire haul as a bet. Schlatt realized too late as he turned to see the wheel spin.
Red, 16.
You’d stopped yelling by now, trying to collect yourself, as you felt both his hands clamp onto your arms, “Honey, darling, I’m gonna need you to listen to me, okay?” You tried to pull away, fighting against his grip, but he apparently wasn’t as drunk as he made it out to seem. “Please, I know I fucked up, just please for the love of God listen to me for just one fucking second.” 
The urgency and desperation in his voice caught your attention and you knew he was being serious. You stopped fighting in his grip and met his gaze. 
“I need you to go home. I need you to take Tubbo, take any cash you have left, and nothing else. And I need you to run. As far and as fast as you can. Do you understand me?” The fear in his eyes suddenly made sense as you nodded twice. He let out a choked breath before he whispered, “I’m so sorry,” as he let go of you. You didn’t say anything in return, only giving him one last look of pained understanding as you turned on your heel and ran as fast as you could.
Schlatt stood there, staring at the spot where the love of his life had stood. He closed his eyes, trying to stop the tears from coming down when he heard the awfully familiar voice of the casino owner as he walked onto the floor. As it turns out, Schlatt had been in that casino 24/7 because he owed someone powerful a lot, and I mean a lot, of money. “JSchlatt. Friend. We’ve got to stop meeting like this.” Schlatt flinches as he feels Dreams' hand land on his shoulder. He opens his eyes, the shit-eating grin he’d come to perfect settling on his face so fucking naturally, as he turned to face his demon. “Dream! Ah! What a lovely surprise-” 
“Cut the shit Schlatt. What the hell just happened to my money.” It's not a question. He knows what happened, he just wants to see Schlatt squirm. 
"I can— I can get it all back. I promise. I promise— please just," he swallows what little pride he has left and he begins to unravel in front of Dream, "Just leave my spouse and kid alone." Dream tsks and looks Schlatt over once, pausing for just a second before he sighs and reaches into his pocket.
 He takes Schlatts wrist and presses a single gold coin into his palm, closing the drunks fist around it. Schlatt, grateful for this second chance, almost sighs in relief, but before he can, Dream speaks again, "Your last coin, Schlatt. Be smart with it." Immediately Dreams lackeys rush past them, out the door, and into the night looking for blood. Schlatt realizes far too late. "NO—" Dreams grip on his wrist tightens, as Schlatt stumbles and falls in front of him. 
“I told you Schlatt. There would be a price to pay.”
 Schlatt finally breaks in front of Dream, gripping the coin in his hand, as he screams for the family he knows he's already lost.
You stumbled up to your neighbor’s door, slamming your fists repeatedly on their front door before a panicked woman opened the door. It was well into the night at this point, and you’d feel much more sympathy for her if the fear and adrenaline course through you weren’t making you as panicked as she looked. You rushed pasted her, picking Tubbo up from where he lay sleeping, thanked her profusely before you apologized, and bolted out of her house. You gripped Tubbo to your chest as you ran down the street and into the city, pasted closed shops, and speeding cars. Tubbo never once stirring from his slumber, his little arms wrapped around his bee plush, his blanket catching all your tears as you bolted haphazardly through the city.
You didn't know much about the man who ran the casino but you knew what happened to the people that crossed him.
You didn't have it in you to outright hate Schlatt for this. It may have been his actions that lead to this but it was obvious he never meant to put either you or Tubbo in harm’s way. The look on his face was enough to tell you he still loved you with every fiber of his being but that was not enough to excuse him for what he'd done. You didn’t think you’d ever forgive him for what he’d done to you and Tubbo, but you knew that didn’t matter now. What mattered was making sure Tubbo was safe.
You came across an alleyway that went into the forest bordering the city. You knew there was only so much you could do in the city, so you chose to gamble your chances in the woods. After hours of dodging trees, bushes, and boulders, getting as far away from the sounds of the men coming after you as you could, you manage to find yourself on the other side of the forest. The sun was rising in the distance as you came to a clearing. A road that lead out of the city and into the undeveloped land surrounding it. 
Then you spot it.
A box. A simple box sitting on the side of the lonely road leading out of the city. As you got closer the words "FREE ITEMS" written on the side in bold black marker made it clear that this was a donation box. You knew this is Tubbos’ only chance. Frantically, you search the box and luckily find the very marker used to write on the box that had been tossed in by its original owner. You carefully lower Tubbo into the box, uncap the marker and on the inside flap quickly scribble "His name is tubbo, take care of him, please.”
You don't even realize you're crying until your vision is too blurry to see the words. You hear a shout coming from the woods and you know you have to go. Suppressing your sobs, you quickly press a kiss into his forehead for the last time, "Goodbye my little Bumblebee." A sad smile comes onto your features as you close the flaps of the box enough to hide him before turning back into the forest and running in without looking back. A newfound determination in you as you make as much noise as you can, hoping that they would be satisfied in only killing you and leave your baby alone.
A few hours pass and there are screams coming from within the forest that are abruptly cut off. Tubbo stirs in his box and awakens as the sun comes up, spilling into his new temporary home. He sits up, confused and alone when he hears a voice coming up the road. Fear gets the better of him and he ducks down into the box as he hears a small voice yell, "Dadza! Dadza! Can I check what’s inside that box?" There’s a low chuckle, and a soft, "Sure son, go ahead," before Tubbo can hear small footsteps quickly approaching him.
Tubbo grips his plushie as he hears the small footsteps slow down, before stopping completely. Suddenly the box flaps open and a little blonde boy’s head pokes out over the edge, blue eyes peering down at him. A moment passes as both boys stare at each other in confusion before the blonde boy calls out again.
"Daaaaad! There's a baby in the box!" The heavy footsteps stop suddenly. "A what?" The footsteps start up again, and suddenly a man in a green and white striped bucket hat appears. Confusion turns to worry, as the man’s eyes settle on the message scribbled into the box. “So. Tubbo? Is it?” 
Tubbos’ grip on his plushie becomes even tighter, but he nods slowly, eyes dancing between the boy and the man. “Well, Tubbo. Guess I’m your dad now. My name is Philza,” he gestures to the boy, “and this is Tommy.” Tubbos eyes meet Tommys, and Tommy grins at the boy in front of him. “Hi, Tubbo! You’re gonna be my best friend!” At these words, Tubbo smiles and stands in his box, dropping his bee in favor of hugging Tommy. “Hi, Tommy.” Is all he says as Tommy hugs Tubbo back. Philza smiles at the boys in front of him, unable to find it in him to worry about how his twins would react to the family’s new addition.
Back in the city, Schlatt stumbles back home for the first time in weeks, being greeted by a cold and silent house. He shuts the door behind him and slumps down onto the floor. A bottle of Jack Daniels already half-empty meets his lips as he begins to cry again. Longing for the family that he lost the moment he struck that stupid deal with Dream. His fingers play with the singular gold coin he has to his name. 
Schlatts coin.
He liked to walk the length of the city during the day. The sights and sounds were enough to drown out his hungover thoughts. He'd be sober for most of the day before he returned to the casino to drown his sorrow in liquor, but for now he could relish in the warm sun as he came to the edge of the city. There was a playground near where the forest and city collided that he usually avoided, in fear of breaking down over hearing the children's laughter, but for some reason today he felt nostalgia for the happy times he'd once had.
He walks the sidewalk, tears coming to his eyes as his guilt comes crashing back. Coming to a bench, he sits down, hands cradling his head, as he tries to get a hold of himself together. Suddenly he hears him. He hears his son shouting, "Dad! Dad!" followed by his laughter. 
Thinking he'd finally gone insane, he looks up expecting to see some random kid yelling for their father. Instead he's met with the sight of his Tubbo running around the playground as fast as his little feet will carry him, giggling as a little blonde boy chases him. "Tub-Tubbo?" his own words are nothing but whispers, but his son is shouting, "Dad!" another giggle, "Dadza! Dadza!" a man with large black wings stands from his bench to catch Tubbo as he launches himself into his arms, "Tommy's chasing me! He's chasing me!" the man laughs as the other boy, presumably Tommy, runs into the man's legs, "We're playing tag dummy! I'm supposed to chase you!" the three laugh as the man sits down once again, Tubbo still in his arms, and Tommy clambers onto the bench as well. 
Schlatts face is wet with tears. He's alive. Tubbo was alive. His son was alive and happy and‐ and without him. Without his parents. Grief rocks Schlatts body once more, a single sob escaping him before he rubs his eyes, takes 3 deep breaths, and collects himself.
What mattered here was that Tubbo was safe. He was alive. And he was happy. Schlatt stands, sparing a final glance at his son, silently thanking the man for taking him in, and he begins to walk away without turning back. 
Tubbo turns in time to see a man with ram horns turn the corner as he walks away. "....dad?" his smile dropped as he pulled away from Phil, walking to where he saw the man. "Tubbo? What's wrong?" Phil asked, the concern evident in his voice. Tubbo says nothing and instead makes his way over to the sidewalk, Phil and Tommy close behind. 
As he stepped into the middle of the walkway he saw no one. His little eyebrows knit together as he turns back to face them. "I thought… I thought I saw my dad...but I haven't seen him in so long- it probably wasn't even him." There's an odd mixture of emotion laced in his words as they make their way back to the bench. "'M sorry Tubbo. Do you want to go back home?" Tubbo nods, taking Phil's hand and Tommy goes over and grabs Tubbos' other hand. He smiles at the younger boy, and Tubbo finds it in him to smile back. 
As they begin their trek home Tubbo thinks about the man he saw, and how he could've sworn he recognized his horns.
He could've sworn he recognized his dad's horns.
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buginateacup · 3 years
Fort Richmond
No one has said yes to pillow fights with Coach Lasso yet. Mostly because they're all a little nervous about what exactly a Lasso Special pillowfight would involve.
And also because Isaac did some digging and found a video of Beard at Tennessee State University Pillowfight championships absolutely whaling on a guy three times his size in something that looked more like a cage fight with feathers than a "Tee hee, lets braid each other's hair and talk about boys" pillowfight one would expect from a lifetime of cultural osmosising the actions of mysterious silly and strange teenage girls from TV.
The fact the other three girls on Beard's team where even more ruthless meant the team tended to err on the side of not getting your head kicked in the day before a match.
Movie night though.
Movie night can be bloody brilliant.
They're in this hotel up near Leeds. Its a nice place, kind of old wood homey rather than a chain motel. The kind of place you could take fifty boy scouts and have them camp in a single room and not worry about the floorboards.
Its got these great giant couches with wide arms that you can sit on or balance a whole mug of tea which is how you know its a good couch. And there are piles of blankets near a basket by the fire for any old guests who haven't had to run ten miles in the freezing Cardiff rain.
They're watching Coraline, which is fucking brilliant but also Colin is switching entirely to zip up clothes forever now. He didn't think he could get a button phobia from a movie and he's kind of sandwiched between Isaac and the arm of the chair when Isaac gets up to take a piss and check in with the gaffer and suddenly Colin's side is much colder and the Other Mother is looming large and scary on the screen and this is not great when a fleecy blanket hits him in the side of the head and flops open over him.
"Oi!" He squeaks which means Jamie (who's been staring somewhere near his phone and not at the screen while he takes some deep breaths) looks over where he's propped on the arm of the chair beside him and smirks, "Hiding under a blanket Colin? Movie too much for ya?"
Another blanket hits Jamie and the door to the bathroom swings shut behind Isaac as Colin flaps out the blanket, "Fuck off," He retorts, draping the cheap fleece over the arms and side of the couch, "I'm making a cubby,"
This armchair is massive, with the blanket open its like a little tent all snuggly under here and he can stretch his feet onto Isaac's side and curl up and have a nap.
There is a loud screech and the cushion under his feet is ripped away as Jamie shoves the chair he's been leaning on (with a startled Dani sitting on the back) closer to Colin's seat.
"You can't just throw a blanket over yourself and call it a cubby," He scorns, dropping the cushion between the chairs and draping his own blanket over the gap between the arms, "You have to actually make it not the thing it was before," He crawls into the space and lays down with his arms behind his head, "See? Actual cubby,"
"Si amigo," Dani agrees, fetching two more blankets and a broom for some fucking reason, "Though if we turn the couches back to back and hold the blankets up with this-" he brandishes the broom, "We can make a space large enough for the three of us!"
"How are you going to keep the broom upright?" Jan asks from behind Jamie and Dani's face falls.
"Why would we make a space on the floor when we can push them facing each other and prop the broom up between the cushions?" Colin suggests, partly because Jamie is right but he's not getting beaten at cubby making by him of all people.
They shove the couches together as quietly as possible which is not very, and make a little tent for the four of them, sitting inside it like they're ten years old and camping in the back yard, not twenty something football stars playing an away game.
"You call that a blanket fort?" Thierry scorns from the row in front of them, and they have to make a grab for the broom when it slips after all four of them stick their heads out, "You should put another chair at the end so you can make a tunnel in,"
The four currently in the cubby look at one another and at one of the wide armchairs contemplatively, "Fort Colin could do with an entrance," Colin agrees.
"Fort Colin?" Jamie scoffs, "Nah mate, your little sleeping bag wasn't a fort, we're calling this Fort Tartt."
That is a declaration of war and Colin will be first to the battlefield when-
"Or Fart for short," Jan smiles around the group and Jamie wilts.
"Fine, but we're not calling it fucking Fort Colin,"
Colin, founding member of the Fort Colin cubby would beg to disagree but Sam is crouching over with Bumbercatch and a couple of the other players, "Hey guys," He whispers, "Can we join in? We have blankets?" And he holds up the basket full of fleece.
"Bring some cushions too," Dani suggests and suddenly there is a flurry of activity as every couch in the room is dragged hither and yon and blankets are thrown over every available surface, making a maze of seats and cushions while credits play in the background.
From the back corner Beard is watching them with inscrutable eyes.
A fight nearly breaks out between Thierry and Jan over where to place one of the three tall props when there are footsteps and a clunk as a dining chair is dropped into the middle of the gap between Fort Colin (original) and its sister cubby Chateau de Montlaur, "You'll need to make sure you have a central connecting point," Is all Beard says with flat intonation, and goes back to the table he's seated at with Nate.
The players look at one another and start tying blankets to the high points of the chair back. Bumbercatch's headband is valiantly sacrificed for the cause and the final blanket is thrown in place, eighteen fit young men crouched, curled and huddled up on cushions and between couches inside their collective cubby before the name argument starts up again.
"Thierry Tower!"
"Rojas Palace!"
"Goal Keep" Gets some interest but then-
"Fort Richmond," Sam suggests.
There is a consideration of nodding and contemplating before they all agree and O'Brien knocks his emtpy tea mug against the side of one couch to christen it as the door to the room slams open again.
"Oi where's my fucking seat?" Isaac demands.
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redhairedfeistynerd · 3 years
Slush and a Side of Toys
Part 1
A/N: I'm months behind on everything but here is my piece for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork  and @sagechanoafterdark  Winter/Holiday Festival Challenge. I chose #38 donating toys to children.
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, angst, frustrated reader, swearing, alcohol
Words: 5800+
Part 2 will be up soon!!
Please like, comment and reblog. I appreciate it and thanks for reading.
All mistakes are my own
A reminder - my work is not to be reposted anywhere.
There’s a muffled humming coming from somewhere under a pile of paperwork and takeout containers on your floor. The sound is constant, piercing, and irritating. Eyes still closed, head pounding from an evening of too much wine and schmoozing, you reached down towards the sounds and ran your hands over the stack, following the vibrations of your phone. Once found, you yanked it away from it charging cord and used every ounce of energy you had, pulling the phone close to your face. Opening one eye a sliver to hide from the light, you read from the bright screen.
Hey, listen, I know we've had our differences the last few years but I think it's time we put all of it behind us. I saw Rosie the other day and asked her how you were doing but she kept it pretty vague. I hope to hear from you soon, even if it's only a text to say you’re doing okay.
Reading over the message a second time, in utter shock that he had the audacity to message you and pissed that he even dare ask your friend about how you were; you decided to turn off your phone and toss it into a pile of clothing on the floor.  
What. A. Dick.
Rolling back over into your cozy blanket cocoon, falling back asleep, temporarily pushing away any thoughts of the man from your past.
The message was all but forgotten until later that day when a familiar song came on the radio and you couldn’t help but think about how you had both downed several beers at a pub and sang it at the top of your lungs. Maybe it had been a dream earlier and the text never happened. Pulling your phone from your back pocket, hoping it was all your imagination, you indeed saw that there was a text.
The ever-so-hard to escape blue eyed man, was trying to weasel his way back into your life and you weren't having any of it. Dropping the phone into the bag sitting at your feet, getting up from the desk, shaking out a bit to ease the tension that one tiny text had accumulated.  
"Don't think about him. Don't think about him. Don't think about him," you repeated the words over and over, hoping to push all thoughts aside. In stocking feet, walking around the small hole you called your office and continued to shake it out. The calm didn’t last as long as you hoped, anger slowly creeping up and out.  
"Stupid frikkin guy!! UGH!" The sound of your disgruntled cry, shook you a bit, the frustration clearly coming out louder than expected. "All right, settle yourself down, you can't let him have this sort of pull over you," hoping the self-talk would work, you ran your hand through your hair and walked back to the desk. "Delete it, pretend that you never looked at it and it will go away."  
There was no way the struggle going on inside your head would even fathom deleting the text. Truth be told, as much as you cursed and hated the thought of him trying to slide back into your life, there wasn’t a month that went by without a thought of him crossing your mind. A song playing, a Romcom from the 90s, the pizza you both loved so much. Why couldn’t you escape him?
You shot off a quick text to Rosie, curiosity was killing you now, itching inside you, desperate to find out how the hell you had come up in conversation.
Y/N -Word on the street is that you ran into a clown I once knew; I’m curious what was said.”
Rosie: Oh no, he didn’t.
Y/N: He did and it was pathetic
Rosie: It was a super quick interaction. Both of us waiting for a coffee and being friendly. He asked about you almost right off the bat though. It almost rendered me speechless after what happened.  
Y/N - So, that’s it? What did you say? Did you tell him how fantastic my life is going and that I probably wouldn’t even remember him?
Rosie: you and I both know, that that’s a load of shit. I’ve had wine nights with you, that man-child has never left that brain of yours.  
Y/N Shut up.
Rosie: Really though, it was super quick. I said you were doing charity work and were still in the city, happy and healthy.  
Y/N- good to know. I’ll just sit here and pretend his message never happened then. Carry on as usual.  
Rosie: see you later this week?
Y/N Definitely, bye babe.
Placing your phone down on your desk, you continued opening your mail: thank you cards for volunteering, appreciation notes from parents and kids, and requests for you to help out at other groups around town. The next month would be hectic, with collecting the many donations from around the city. You had to finish training several new volunteers that would assist with wrapping, delivering, and presenting gifts to the charities and individual families that you helped support during the Winter months.  
It became a mechanical process, opening envelope after envelope, that you weren’t paying attention to the return addresses. It wasn’t until you read the first few lines that the letterhead caught your eye and did it burn.  
Blue-eyed monster strikes again via his mother.
You knew it wasn’t the case though, his mom, was offering a bursary to some of the kids you helped out and she was reaching out to you and other groups in the city to help.  
It didn’t take much to pull your mind from work once you had read the Evans name on the letter. Bits and pieces shifted in your mind; you couldn’t fight it any more today. The letter slipped to the floor and you sat back against your desk, the memories that you had been pushing away, were flooding back.
It all started innocently about three years ago, bumping into one another around town, having several acquaintances that knew each other, and a tendency to make the other smile when the lamest dad jokes were thrown around. His face was incredibly animated and you loved the way his eyebrows would jump up while he spoke, there was mischief behind them that you wanted to discover. Even a quick peek, would ease the curiosity.
You recognized that laugh from across the room of the gallery – full of heart and genuine. Turning around, you spotted Chris mingling with other attendees of the charity event. You were here to help raise money for low-income families in the community that could not afford music lessons or music therapy for their children. The profits from the art sold this evening, would help buy instruments for the school that was set to open the following month. You knew Chris had donated and you had volunteered to help teach the parents with baby's groups every second weekend. It was the least you could do, you had a bit of extra time and needed to give back to the community that helped you and your family out during your childhood.
“How did I know you would be here?”  
You must have zoned out thinking about that boisterous laugh that you didn’t see Chris walking over to you. You smiled as he leaned in wrapping one arm around you, a beer being held in his other hand. His smell was intoxicating – a mixture of orange and the woodiness of sandalwood. Would it be wrong if you pulled him closer to take a quick whiff before he pulled away?  
He took his time moving back from you, winking as his arm shifted back to his side and lifting the beer to his mouth with the other, take a long sip.
“So, you out here to buy some art?” he asked, taking another drink.
“No, not buying tonight. One of the pieces is mine, I donated it to help out.”
“You have something up for sale here?” He questioned, taking a quick spin around to quickly look at all the art hanging around the gallery. “Which one is yours?”
“Oh, I am NOT telling you that. I think I’ll leave it up to you to figure out which one is mine. You can play the role of Sherlock Holmes.”
“Now, that’s just cruel.”
“Cruel? Nah. Mysterious? Yes. Are you up for a little game of 5 questions to help you out? If you can guess which one is mine, then I guess you have bragging rights because I haven’t discussed my art with anyone here. If you don’t figure it out, then I suppose it will be a mystery forever.”
“Oh, I KNOW I’ll be able to figure this out!” Chris says loudly, clapping his hands together and popping each shoulder up and down. “I’m always up for a challenge.”
“Here’s the deal, you ask me whatever you need to to figure out which one is mine. Obviously, you can’t ask which one is mine as one of your questions. Ready?”
“Ready!” Chris said enthusiastically. He took your hand and brought you to the front of the room to observe the first of the paintings. “Let’s take a quick gander and then I’ll start. How does that sound to you?”
“Whatever you need to do, Evans.”
Chris pulled you from canvas to canvas, still holding your hand as he inspected each piece. “First question. “Did you only use paint for the one you donated?”
“NOPE, next question, Evans!”
“Okay, okay, I got this,” he bounced around on the spot and turned his head to quickly glance over the works close to him. “Shit, I guess I should have asked if what you donated was a painting, right?”
You walk a circle around Chris “Is that your question?” you ask, eyebrow raised.
His blue eyes flick quickly to yours before he says, “Ya, actually...ya. That’s what I want to know. Did you submit a painting?”
“Yes, one of my paintings is hanging somewhere in one of these giant rooms.”  
“You really don’t think that I’m capable of figuring this out, do you? Ye of little Faith,” he smirked and pulled you to the back of the dark room. “Any reason why it’s so dark back here?”
“Maybe that’s what the artist wanted?”
“Here’s question three then,” he said as he pulled you closer to him, your eyes looking into his as he asked. “Is you painting in the dark room?”
“Is that really what you want to ask me?”
Chuckling, you take hold of his hand and lead him to another section of the gallery. “I don’t want you to miss any pieces, so take a look around here before you ask number three.” He squeezed your hand and looked up, the ceiling adorned with a beautiful piece; birds in flight but as they reached the furthest wall, the began to decay, until only single feathers remained.    
“Here’s number three, ready?” He looked to his left where you were nodding your head back. “Did you mainly use your hands for this piece? I mean, instead of brushes or other tools.”  
You were silent for a moment before answering, did you want to tell him how much of yourself you had put into this piece? That what the brushes couldn’t do, you did with your hands and arms? “I did. This one needed more than brushes.”
Chris smiled at you, “feel like telling me what else you used?”
“Not a chance,” you said, grabbing a glass of white wine from the tray passing by. “You want a glass?”  
Chris held up his bottle, its content revealing that it was still half full. “I think I have a pretty good idea which one is yours, so these last two questions are going to be good.” With two large gulps, he finished up the rest of his beer. “So, what happens when I guess, do I get some sort of prize? Maybe you could paint me or something?”
“If you mean, could I dump a bucket of paint over your cocky head, then, sure!”
Chris burst out laughing, pulling you into him for a squeeze.  “I love how you make me laugh and I bet you would actually do that to me. But really, if I do guess, what happens?”
You kept your body close to his, his arm still holding you close as you responded, “what do you think would be suitable prize, Chris? Do you want me to paint something, make you a prince? Maybe something of you and Dodger? Or maybe I could paint your like one of my French girls.”
“I would love one of your pieces, but if I win this, I’d like to take you out. Is that okay with you?”
Your grip tightened around the wine glass, trying not to let it slip to the floor. It was a shock, to hear that this man, one that you had flirted with for months, was asking if you wanted to go out with him.  
“Sorry, I... I didn’t expect you to ask me that,” you answered, fidgeting with your hands out of awkwardness.
“It’s ok, you can say no! It’s all right to tell me no.”
“No. No. I’d love that. If you can guess which one is mine, I will gladly go out with you. Dinner, drinks, walk – whatever you like.”
Chris placed his empty beer on the table closest to you. “Ready for my last two questions?”
“As ready as one can be.”
“Is your piece hung on the wall as a landscape?”
“Look at you Evans, you got another one.”
Chris rubbed his hands together, his smile wide and full, clearly showing that he was on a winning streak. “Here’s number four and then I’ll go right to the painting I think, the painting I know it is. Chris walked back and forth in front of you before turning to face you with his last question. You had grabbed another glass of wine and took a sip, waiting for his winning question. “Does your piece use more than black and white? – so many of these photos, sculptures, paintings are very monotone.”
“You’re good Evans and yes, I filled my picture with the rainbow. So, take my hand and show me what the answer to this mystery is.”
His warm hand took your free one and he walked you to one of the side rooms – this room was full of colourful pieces. You could feel the heat flushing across your cheeks and a thin layer of sweat formed at your hairline. Chris stopped and turned towards the back wall and pointed to one of the paintings. “I’m pretty sure this one is yours,” he said with a half-smile. “Am I right?”
You had wished, during those few minutes he had suggested that he take you out, that he would guess which one is yours. But what were the chances with over 40 pieces around you? You tried to keep your body from slouching before you softly answered “No. That’s not mine.”
The happiness in his eyes left quickly once you responded.
“Are you going to tell me which one is yours though?” He asked you eagerly.
“No, I think I’m going to keep that secret to myself. Thanks for the fun, Evans, I should get home. Another day of charity work for me tomorrow.”
“Wait, Y/N, I’d still like to take you out though, will you let me do that, please?”
“I guess we’ll have to see what the future brings,” you replied, giving him a little wink and a squeeze to his hand, you took one last sip of your wine before heading to the coat check.
Chris watched you as you wrapped a scarf around your neck and slipped your arms into the long, wool coat.  Walking back over to him and wrapping your arms around him, it was a quick hug and he barely had an arm around you before you were stepping back. With a smile on your face, you turned and stepped out into the night. Chris watched as you turned right and glanced his way, your hand lifting up and into a quick wave. He couldn’t stop smiling and knew he had to see you again.
It didn’t take long for that to happen. You couldn’t get him out of your thoughts and dreams after the encounter at the gallery. He really was something; funny, compassionate, a hard worker, and you couldn’t deny that he was incredibly good looking.
After an event in town and a few drinks later, it was easy as pie, asking him over for dinner. He had initially thought you were pulling his leg.  
Chris couldn’t stop laughing. "Oh ya, sure you want me to come over for dinner," laughing at your request and taking a sip of his IPA.
The pink that had flushed across your cheeks when you had shyly asked him was disappearing like an ice cube in hot soup. He picked up on the change immediately and apologized profusely. "I didn't think you were serious! You are serious, right?”
"Why wouldn't I be? It's just dinner," you shrugged. “I don’t see why you would have such a dramatic response to a simple question.” There was an awkwardness now and maybe you shouldn’t have asked him to come over. “Sorry, I thought since we kind of hand a friendship blooming and I tend to invite friends over...”
He took hold of your arm and pulled you into his chest, a big smile across his face. “I'll come by; don’t you worry. Which day this week works for you? I'll be out of state after this week for a bit, so hopefully something the next few days will work for you,” he said, squeezing you a bit before he released his hold on you.  
Trying not to be awkward, you responded "This week will definitely work, tomorrow or the next day are open for me."
"Let’s go for tomorrow, okay?  Would you like me to bring anything?” Chris smiled  
“Be sure to bring the dog, he's the one I'm really inviting.”
"Well, fat chance of me coming by now, I see where your allegiances lie, " he said half closing his eyes and glaring at you in a teasing manner.
"Ok then, just drop the dog off, I'm sure he'll enjoy the feast."
Chris couldn't help laugh at the way you were carrying on with this charade. The half-smile that was currently on your face was one full of mischief and it was something that he had come to enjoy the last few times he had run into you around town. He could see a sparkle in your eyes, something that he didn’t notice before today and it was something, that he could get used to.  
“A thought crossed my mind... what exactly would have happened if I had guessed right?”
“Since that didn’t happen, I guess you’ll never know,” you said with a shrug and nudged him with your shoulder.
“You sure like to tease me.”
“What exactly am I teasing you over?”
“The opportunity to be in your presence again,” he replied, a slight blush crossing his cheeks.
Finishing up your drink, you placed the glass back on the cardboard coaster and turned to face him.  
“What the hell is THIS?” he asked grabbing at the green monster type thing that was hanging from a lamp in your living room
"That, is a flying frog - one of those weird ass dad gifts - he's always finding these peculiar creatures for me and I can't seem to part with them.
"It's sure ugly"
"You're ugly!” You shouted back at him and burst into the most beautiful smile he had seen cross your face.
"What are you, 12?
"Sometimes,” you replied.
Chris couldn’t help but laugh at you and pull you into a quick side hug. "You're a funny one" he feels you squeeze him back softly, a smile crossing his face at the quick interaction.
"I better go take a peek in the oven and make sure everything is baking the way it should. Make yourself cozy, I'll be right back."  You looked back to him, pointing at the couches before turning and walking down the hallway to the kitchen. Turning you head back, forgetting to offer him a drink but his long strides had brought him right behind you quickly, almost colliding with your body. He tripped up a bit and moved his hand to your hip to catch himself.
"I want to see what you're up to in here, see what the chef is cooking up.” Chris resting his chin on your shoulder to peek at what you were stirring on the stove.
“You couldn’t sit still and wait for me to come back, did you miss me that much,” you teased.
“I couldn’t stand to be apart from you for a second longer.”
“That is the cheesiest lines, Evans. Does shit like that work for you?”
“What matters is, if it’s working on you. So, is it?”
You hummed, refusing to answer the question and carried on taking care of the food in the oven. Satisfied with how everything looked, you turned the timer back on and offered Chris a drink. Agreeing on wine, you pulled a bottle from the rack, passed the stemless glasses to Chris, grabbed his hand, and lead him back into the other room. Sitting on the larger of your two couches, Chris took a place beside you, taking the bottle from your hand, opening the bottle, and pouring you a generous glass before pouring his own.  
“To friendship,” he said raising his glass
“To friendship, good food, and drinks,” you added and brought your glass to his, a quick clink, and sips were taken.  
Dinner was ready within the hour and you both continued to chat while enjoying your meal.  
“That was one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time, thank you”, complimented Chris as he wiped his mouth with the napkin when he had finished his last bite.  
The compliment brought the feeling of heat to your face and out of awkwardness you almost knocked your glass over as you reached for the wine.
“Want a refill?” You asked, holding up the second bottle of red that night. “You have good taste in wine, Mr. Evans, this wine is top notch,” you said, looking over the label of the wine he had brought with him.
Chris smirked and slid the glass to his left “I’m glad you think so, I’ll definitely have another. This should probably be the last one though, I feel like I’m overstaying my welcome.” He watched as you poured, your hair falling forward as the wine glass filled. “Cheers, thank you for the invite and many thanks for a delicious meal. You are constantly surprising me with your talents.”
“You aren’t overstaying. I’m enjoying your company and don’t want you to leave yet. Here, let me show you what I’m working on for this year’s event,” you said and pulled your phone out of your dress pocket and slid your finger across the screen. Shifting your body across the cushions toward Chris, you held the phone out towards him.  
“What is it you are putting on this year?”
“Another charity event, it’s to help out the single parents that live in the community. I try to donate as much time to charities as possible.”
“You have a heart of gold.”
“I want everyone to have a special holiday season, you do it. I see that you donate time and money to charities.”
“I have the means to help and giving back is extremely important to me.” Chris looked through a few more of the photos before placing the phone down next to him on the couch.  
Reaching over to take her phone, Chris put his hand over yours and slid closer. “I know you always think I’m joking around with you when I say how much I love seeing you smile but I’m being 100% honest. Your smile is contagious and I feel like it lights up anywhere we are. It’s a beautiful smile and its part of why I’m so attracted to you.”  
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Oh shush, you!”  you said pushing your hand into his chest, your smile wider than he had seen before.  Again, he put his hand over yours and pulled you to him gently with his other hand.  He brought you close, enough to hold you against him for a hug. He watched as your eyes tried to find a joke hidden in his face but you quickly realized that there was something else there. You weren’t sure who moved first as your lips met quickly enough that your teeth clacked together and you swore in pain.  
“Oh fuck, only I would ruin an almost perfect moment. I’m such an-
He pulled you to his lips again, kissing you softly and trying not to laugh at the look on your face.
“Am I a joke to you, Evans?” you asked, kissing him back on the lips.
“Oh, not at all, I didn’t want to have to explain to people we know how I broke your teeth though. I mean, I could make up some ridiculous story about it, could be fun,” he chuckled.
You couldn’t help but throw your head back and laugh, bringing yourself back up to face Chris and pull him by his shirt towards you and kissing him without any stupid errors. You could taste the wine on him, the sweetness adding to the softness of your kiss. He took the lead, pulling you closer and slipping his tongue delicately across your bottom lip before deepening the kiss.  
Your eyes opened when you hear Chris let out a soft moan, not expecting to hear such a sound from him before you could emit one. He did it again and you felt it all the way down your spine and into your soul. Your hands, still in idiot mode, found their way to his hair, and were quickly taking apart his well-coiffed hair by running your hands through it.
“How does your hair smell so damn incredible?
“How do you taste so fucking delicious?
You pulled back, staring him in the eyes “Hmm, maybe you need to taste a bit more, clean that palate of yours,” you teased.
“Are you implying...”
“Not implying, the buffet is open, sir. Dig in.”
Chris’s face went a light shade of red.
“Oh, did I catch you off guard, Casanova?”
“I mean, no... no...’ he stumbled, “OK, fine yes, yes you did.”
“Well, now that you know, let’s get back to business. All right?”
You took control, standing up, taking his hand roughly and leading him to your bedroom.  
“I want you to take off my clothing, piece by piece. I want to see it on the floor and,” you said placing her finger on his lips, “no more talking,” you ordered.
“Anything you want,” he whispered into your ear and he ran his tongue down your neck so softly, that goosebumps raised over yours arms. His hands wandered from your shoulders and down your arms, taking hold of your hands and moving them to his belt buckle.  
Looking up to him, he nodded, silently urging you. Undoing the belt and still staring into his eyes. Moving to unzip his jeans and push the button away, Chris was unzipping the back of your dress, the cool line of metal touching your back as he drew the zipper down the length of your back.  
“You have goosebumps, do I need to warm you up?
“I’m hoping you get to that. Now, what did I say about talking?”
He smirked, pushing the dress down each shoulder until it dropped to the floor. Stepping out of it, you kicked it off with one foot, tossing it towards the wall. Chris’s hands were already roaming, his hands on your hips, fingers sliding into the thin elastic of your panties. His hands slipped across your warm flesh and directly to your cheeks, grabbing each one and squeezing, and pulling you closer to him. His lips were pressed into yours, his tongue back to searching for yours as he wrapped his arms around you and brought you to your bed. Gently, he sat you on the edge and leaned into you bringing you down to the mattress.  
His kisses ran down your sternum and across the soft skin of your breasts while his hands ran across the tops, gently running his fingers over your nipples.  
“Keep doing that, keep... keep touching my breasts, Chris.”
You could feel him pressing into you, his erection, warm and pushing against your core.
His hands squeezed your left breast while he brought his mouth down to your right, taking the nipple into his mouth, gently sucking it. Running his tongue around the bud, a chill running across your arms and a moan escaping your lips.
“I need to be in you now, please, y/n,” he said, kissing up your chest.
“In the drawer, condoms are there and hurry the hell up, Evans, I’ve waited forever for it to rain and fill up the well.”
He chuckled as he crawled over you, limbs knocking yours, a soft hand slapped across his ass, as you watched him open the nightstand drawer, which got stuck in his effort to hurry. “Come on Evans, you got this,”
“A little self-talk over there to get you motivated?”  
Chris smiled as he held up the package and smiled at you before sitting on the edge of the bed to roll the condom down his hard length. He was on you again, returning quickly, his lips pressing against yours. His lips, wet and warm, pushed harder against your mouth as he pushed your legs further apart, taking himself in his hand, rubbing across your wetness and pushing halfway. The groan that escaped his mouth while his tongue continued to touch yours, sent a tingling sensation down your body.  
“Chris, please...” you started to plead and before you could continue, he finished pressing himself into you with a grunt.
“Come on baby, show me how well you can move,” he said as he licked a strip across your neck.  
Wrapping your arms around his neck and shifting your body against his, you let out a wail. Your bodies moved together, the pace quick, the sounds of your wetness echoing throughout your room.  
“Listen to the sounds we’re making, baby,” Chris panted and drove deeper into you. His body was incredibly warm against yours, the sweat making his chest glisten in what light crept in from the hallway.  
Chris slipped his hand down and his fingers met your warmth, crawling in to press against your clit. You clenched around him; a low moan escaped his mouth as he continued his movements.
“A bit more, a bit more,” you groaned, your back arching as Chris sped up. You looked up at him and reached your hand up to his face, holding on and staring into his blue eyes as you felt the tingling ball up within.  
Faster than expected and with one last swipe of his fingers, your orgasm spread out from within. Your shoulders tingled, spreading down to your fingers as you yelped out, the warmth of pleasure flowing down and across your body. Chris had shifted to move into you, helping your orgasm along as his own shuddering began. His lips were pressed into your neck, your name crossing his lips as he slowed his pace, and leaned onto one of his arms. He continued kissing up your neck and met your lips, heavy breaths escaping from both of your mouths.
“You’re incredible Y/N. Incredible.” One more kiss was pressed to your lips before Chris sat up, heading to the bathroom. You watched the light turn on and the door close behind him. You rolled to your side; a smile of satisfaction crossed your face as you closed your eyes.
Your heart jumped when you were woken by blankets being pulled half off of your naked body. It took you a few seconds to realize that a man, a very handsome man, was sleepy peacefully beside you. Turning to face his back and shimmying closer, you pulled the blanket to cover your shoulders and back. His muscular back stared at you and you couldn’t help but raise your hand to the pale skin, bringing your fingertip to his warm skin and drawing lines to connect each freckle.  
“You, know, that feels incredible, please don’t stop,” Chris asked, his words muffled into the pillows.
You continued using his back as your canvas; swans, sunrises, all the beautiful pieces of the world this man helped you see.  
Pushing back into you Chris spoke, “I’m going to be away next week, so I’m hoping I can see you again before I head out of town?”  
Your fingers drew the word yes on his shoulder in response. Chris turned over to face you, pulling you closer to him for a soft kiss. When he pulled back you couldn’t help but smile and pulled him in for something a bit more passionate.
Bags packed and his dog set to stay with his family, he walked by the room Scott was in. “Hey, I’m heading out, the car is almost here. Give me a hug for the road.” His younger brother stood up and embraced him, giving him a few pats on the back and wishing him well for his short trip. “Will I see you when I get back or you heading back home?”
“I’m pretty sure I’ll be around still. Mom wants me to stay in town a bit longer. You okay if I’m still free loading off of you a bit longer than planned?”
“You know you’re more than welcome to stay,” he said as his phone chimed from his pocket. “Cars here. Take care of the fam and Dodger for me.” His brother gave him a smile and Chris grabbed his coat and carry-on from the table before heading to the front of the house. Dammit, he had forgotten to remind Scott again about what they had discussed earlier that day. “Scott, make sure you get that message to Y/N, okay? This schedule change was pretty last minute.” He shut the door before he heard a response from his brother. The driver held the door open for him and collected his bags to place in the trunk. He couldn’t get you out of his mind on the way to the airport; your smile, the scent of your hair, the warmth of your naked skin pressed against his. He couldn’t wait to be next to you again.
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sxnnimoon · 2 years
Bambi Ch.12
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taglist: @multistan30 @hobi-love @pshekalus
@purpleyoongles @gabhrrng @v-6893
@kayjah17 @cutiequeen122 @briii-14
@maddypool31 @spideyxxboi
GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!!! i am so excited to finally get posting again, a month away really was a long time to be away but i hope you all enjoy chapter 12!!!!
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A week went by since those messages from the other night, you only knew one person who called you that. And you were more than ready for what they were to start. Unlike the past you were aware of their intentions and would fight back if necessary. Pushing the thought away you went about your day. Bean and you were meeting her fathers to have a family outing, things were still fresh and out in the air. You were together but not? Neither one of you put a label on it.
jbaby- scratch meeting at the cafe pack a bag or three
y- why?
yoo- don’t worry about it
just pack enough for a week or two
y- what about bean?
jbaby- already taken care of
yoo- she’ll be fine kitten
y- ok… just come in when you get here.
You were a little sad at the thought of leaving your baby for a week or two but it was obvious they weren’t gonna tell you where you were headed. The only other hints they gave you were to pack swimsuits and summery clothes. Clearly they were taking you somewhere warm. As you sat on the floor trying to decide what to all pack when you heard commotion out in the living room.
Walking out you see Hobi & Yoongi greeted by bean running towards them.
Hobi picks her up and kisses her cheek.
“How’s my pretty baby?” He coos.
Yoons kisses her temple before walking over to you as he spotted you.
Before you could get a word out he kissed you.
“Hi,” he smirked after pulling away. “You look good.”
Confused by the comment you look down to see you’re in a bralette and shorts, you rolled your eyes.
“Is that all you look at?” You turned around going to walk away.
“No but that ass is always on my mind.” Hobi says coming up behind you and slapping your ass.
You turn and glare at him, ready to yell at him.
“Don’t even” he says in a low tone. “Not like this.”
“And why not?” you quirk a brow at him,
He lowers his gaze, you knew exactly what he meant and judging by the HUGE cloud of sexual tension around the three of you, it was bound to happen when one of you decided to crack.
Giving him a once over you notice him holding himself back and return his focus back on your daughter. You secretly hoped something would have happened but knew it was best to wait. You shake the thought away and turn your attention back to your giant pile of clothes that covered your floor and suitcase. As you sorted everything into their own piles you felt a presence enter the room. Looking towards your bed you see Yoongi.
“We said a week or two, not a whole damn month.” he chuckles.
“It would help if I knew where we were going.” you pout in his direction.
“Now where would the fun in that be?” he smirked.
Getting up, he towered over you.
You gulped not knowing what he was going to do.
He leaned in close to your ear, “pack warm.”
Hobi soon came into the room, leaving Bean occupied with her toys in the living room.
“Is she ok?” you ask him while sorting your swimsuits and intimates.
“She’s fine,” he says, picking up a lace bodysuit. “Put this in the yes pile.”
“Enough!” you snatch it away from him, throwing it in the suitcase which made him smirk.
It took maybe another two-three hours before you had finished packing everything you were gonna need, you definitely over packed but there was still room for all the things you were to buy but also what they were going to buy you. Even now after all the time you spent away from each other and ever since they apologized, they would spoil you and Yuni like their lives depended on it.
“Are you done yet?” Yoongi grumbled.
“Yes you big baby.” you say walking out to the living room. “How's my little star?”
You pick her up, twirling her around making her giggle. As you lowered her and snuggled her small frame in your arms she played with the necklace her fathers had got you. Too wrapped up in your daughter you hadn’t taken notice of the eyes that watched you two.
As Yoongi and Hobi watched the scene in front of them, they couldn’t help the warm and calming yet sad feeling inside. It brought a smile to the pair though, seeing how much they needed you both in their lives yet they also felt the sadness of missing a lot of Yuni’s firsts. And they weren’t going to let anything or anybody step in their way.
“Mama’s going to miss you, my little star.” you pout.
“You mean WE are going to miss our baby.” Hobi said sitting on the floor next to you both.
“My little bean,” Yoongi says, pulling her onto his chest and held her tight against him.
You smiled at the pair as they made their daughter giggle and happy.
“So what's the plan?” you asked.
They looked up from the floor.
“Are you staying the night? Or what?” you stood up, Yuni now on your hip.
“We don’t leave until the afternoon tomorrow,” Hobi said.
“So we could stay the night…” Yoongi says, dragging out his words.
“Whatever works for y'all i'm ok with.” you smile. “I, on the other hand, am gonna get this little bean cleaned up and ready for bed.”
“I CAN DO IT!!” they both said.
“I'll get her clothes.” you giggled.
As you gathered Yuni’s clothes you held in your laughter as they were screaming whenever she splashed them. You should have told them her new habit but it was already too late. You were getting yourself ready for bed when they walked in. turning around to face them, you completely forgot you were topless. Hobi nearly dropped Yun when you turned around. You giggled before throwing a big shirt on.
“She never splashed before.” Yoongi huffed.
“Yeah… she just started that.” you smirked.
“A heads up would be nice.” Hobi scoffed.
“Sorry love.” you giggle as you grab Yun. “Come on crazy girl.”
“So who is sleeping where?” you look up at them when you set Yun down.
“We can take the couch.” Hobi said.
“We can share the bed, it's no problem,” you give a small smile. “Yunnie will probably sleep with me since you guys are here.”
“That's fine.” they said smiling.
As you all lay there, you and Yunnie in between them both. You lay there wide awake as the three sleep peacefully. You admire each of them and even though she took after both of them, you ultimately knew who her father really was. As you slowly fell asleep you hoped everything was to go great during this 2 week vacation with them.
When you finally woke up, you had 5 hours before you had to leave. During that time you spent it as just the three of you before Hobi’s sister came by to pick up Yun. You wanted nothing more than to catch up with her but the boys were rushing you away.
They took a private jet so you wouldn’t be tempted to see where you were headed. Once you arrived all you saw was nothing but blue water, greenery everywhere & heat. The flight was long but you surprisingly were doing pretty well. Once you arrived at your villa you dropped off your baggage and wanted to waste no time. You wanted to explore and even though they were tired they did what you wanted. After changing you began your adventure. You stayed closer to the place as you would explore more tomorrow but it was beautiful nonetheless. You had snapped a few pictures and posted them as you arrived back at the house.
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“I’m gonna shower and probably head to bed.” you yawned as you walked to your shared room.
They nodded in agreement.
As they laid there waiting for you to be done, your phone went off on the side table. They thought nothing of it but as it kept going off, curiosity took over. They looked at each other before Hobi looked at the phone. He saw a few messages, a couple from your mom, his sister and then the unknown number that caught him off guard. Clicking on the conversation his eyes went wide. Handing the phone to Yoongi he began pacing back and forth. At the sound of the door opening they look at you. You look between the pair and your phone that is now in Yoongi's hand. You freeze.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Yoongi says.
“Were you gonna hide it the whole time?” Hobi said hurt and disappointment in his voice.
You open your mouth to say something but you can’t speak. This wasn’t how you wanted them to find out…
***let me know what you think babies!! ;)***
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binniesthighs · 4 years
call me babydoll | reader x chan
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a/n: ahhhhh holy holy heck this chapter is SO DAMN EXCITING hehehe I had sosososo much writing and doing all the research!! please let me know if there is anything factual/cultural that I need to fix! I tried the best I could although I most def am not an expert in Egyptian culture so I appreciate it a lot :) hehe i hope ya have fun reading this chapter teehee oh! also I love hearing what you thought of it too! :D 
Pairing: self insert, female reader x bang chan 
Genre: action, mystery and suspense, fluff, smut, angst 
Tags: (of this part) bodyguard au, secret agent au, royal au, moderndayprince!chan, secretagent!reader, secretagent!jeongin, secretagent!jisung, collegestudent!seungmin, royal!minho, skz side characters, adventure and mystery, action and peril, plot driven, running out of time, slow-ish burn, growing feelings, sexual tension, explicit language, several mentions of food and alcohol as well as getting tipsy/drunk that good, good making out, suggestive themes
CWs: mentions of guns, mentions of knives, themes of jealousy (expressed by the reader) 
Word count: 7.5k
“Well, we’re in Cairo alright.” 
Two tugged the amazed young stow-away-student, Seungmin, by the hand of his backpack to keep him from running into one of the palm tree planters decorating the terminal. The young man had nearly slept the whole flight due to the length as well as the exasperation that he had just been through. While his eyes were still darkened from his nap, his glossy pupils still wondered all around him. 
“I take it back. I’m so glad that I almost died so I could end up here with you guys.” 
Jeongin slapped him from the backside of his head. “Never be thankful for almost dying. Life is a lot more fucking fragile than you think. This isn’t just some joyride--” 
“--Ease up F.” You interrupted your partner as you shouldered your bag. The kid had already been through enough already: he didn’t need accosting on top of it all. 
The dashing prince sighed out and stretched his arms. “Ahhhh Cairo. It’s been a while; too long actually.” 
The airport was humid: the kind of sticky warmth that dripped down your neck in a matter of seconds to then get caught above your lip. It wasn’t much help to the anxiety that already had seeped into your veins. The closer you got to a gun the more comfortable you would be. You and the other two guards created a formation around the prince with two in the front and the other in the flank. While each of you were dressed in regular street clothes, your responsibility of his detail still hung over your head with a severe air. 
Chan threw his arm over the young student with an obscene grin. His hair had become a little disheveled from the plane seat and his hoodie, but he didn’t appear to mind. Seeing him so normal was somewhat of an odd change to your previous unbreakable impression of him. 
“Seungmin my friend, you’ve never lived until you’ve been to Cairo. I’ve never seen another place so enriched in history in my whole life...it puts my kingdom to shame. It’s almost like...you can just feel the time here: hundreds of thousands of years...beauty, art, food, industry...I’ve got a thing or two to learn.” 
Seungmin nodded at the prince’s grandiose gestures in the terminal with an enamored smile. “I can’t wait to see it!” 
Your partner put a firm hand on the prince’s back to guide him to the baggage claim. “We won’t be here for long, so, don’t get too excited. We’ve come here for one reason and we shouldn’t dally otherwise.” 
The young boy appeared to frown, and Two bit his lip with a little chuckle. “Way to crush the kids dreams F.” 
“You know the mission, J.” Jeongin gritted his teeth with the words. “Everything is set, there will be a car waiting for us in the garage, and at the hotel we’ll have anything we need.” 
Prince Chan lulled his head back with heels clicking on the flooring. Rogue strands of his hair hung over his sunglasses where he threw a look back at you while pulling them down. 
“Don’t forget our little deal Bee? We’ll have time for a little pleasure.” 
The white haired agent rolled his eyes with gusto then adjusted the royal’s glasses over his face. “We’ve still got to be careful, you Highness. We never know where they could have eyes.” 
“I know where I’ve got mine...” He turned back once more to throw his cockiness in your general direction. 
“Listen to F, your Highness...if you want to live.” 
“Oooo. Feisty as ever, Bee. I love it when you bite back.” Chan turned to his new pet, Seungmin, “She’s really something isn’t she?”
The young man nodded, but not necessarily because he agreed, but it just seemed like it better to agree with a prince than to disagree with him. 
The air appeared to turn even thicker in the summery and arid city and your group approached the parking lot half shaded. Outside of the cement lot, iridescent waves of heat wiggled on the horizon, and further, the astonishing urban sprawl of Cairo, and just over it, the stretch of the Nile and Giza. Palms and other varieties of plants spotted the landscape and above it all, a perfectly crystal blue sky streaked with thin clouds. Had the circumstances been different, you really would have wished to have been there for pleasure. 
“This one. Right here.” Jeongin announced upon spotting the black armored sedan. It wasn’t the most inconspicuous vehicle, but you were prioritizing safety over aesthetics. Your partner touched his index fingerprint to the car door’s invisible panel, and it flashed blue just as the lock had at the safehouse with the ticking clock insignia. 
Two whipped his head around to make one last check of the surroundings before taking off his sunglasses and reddened eye. “Get in. Both of you.” He urged the prince and the student. He popped the drivers side open to find a different pair of glasses in the storage compartment: gold framed aviators. 
“Huh,” He said happily while putting them on. “This is more my style.” He rummaged around a bit more to find a new pair of black framed glasses there too. “Fox! Think fast!” He threw them over to your partner who sighed out with relief. 
“Thank god.” 
The trunk opened with a mechanical sounding creek, and you lifted up the trunk bed to find your whole arsenal: Heckler & Koch MP5′s submachines, Remington 870 shotguns, and Glocks complete with thigh holsters. Among the pile of metal, various knives and other weapons were held in foam holders. 
“They’ve got knives back there?” Two asked while pulling the rearview mirror to see. 
“Oh yeah. What? You more of a knife guy?” You teased while looping your thigh holster over your cargo pants. It fit just right. 
The illusive man popped his gum with a shiny smile. “‘Don’t ever have to reload them...that’s what I’m saying.” 
“Thank you Carroll.” Jeongin sighed upon seeing the thick laptop among the weapons. “Finally I can do some real work. That kid’s damn Chromebook was killing me. I nearly short circuited it trying to connect to our network.” 
“You what?!” Seungmin was suddenly much more interested. 
“Dont worry yourself too much, its still fine.” 
“Are there cameras in here?” You quickly asked your partner. 
“Agency should’ve fried them a long time ago. Why?” 
From the trunk bed you sized up the Glock to feel its weight and how cool it settled into your sweating hand. You unloaded the magazine to see that it had already been filled. 
“Carroll. She really is too kind to us.” You slid the magazine back in then, pulled back the slider to lock it once more, catching Chan’s adoring glance. 
“Something interesting pretty boy?” 
The prince appeared to shiver a little, but brushed it off sighing, “Oh, nothing.” 
Either it was Carroll or the King, but someone had spared no expense on the young prince. The sun set upon the sparking Nile where you had arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza. 
Anything for His Royal Highness The Prince. 
The towering and gleaming building was a sight to behold in and of itself. It was nestled right into the riverside anchored with several leisurely sailboats bopping in the evening breeze. As day crept into night, the city grew with a swell of lights washing as far as you could see. Extensive bridges and roadways glowed with headlights and every building appeared to be illuminated along with more boats strolling down the river in a rainbow of colors and music. 
The prince craned his head as close to the window as he could and rubbed together his hands excitedly. He looked from you to your partners, finally making a disapproving scoff. 
“Come on. You’re not just a little excited to be here?” 
“We’re here on business, how many times do we have to explain?” Jeongin typed away at his computer from the front seat. 
“Bee?” He looked back to you with a hopeful little glint to his eye. 
“Like Fox said...tomorrow is our appointment with White Rabbit, then we’re on the first flight back home for you.” 
The young prince frowned, but this quickly faded once he had seen the golden brass doors to the magnificent hotel. Seeing the state that the four of you were in, it was a bit comical that you had rolled up to a place such as this. Immediately a valet and bellhop jogged up to the car wearing perfectly pressed uniforms and spotless shined shoes. Little did they know you had no belongings to your name...the rest was waiting in your suite: the royal kind. 
Seungmin cranked his neck to take in the scale of the building in all of it’s regal glory and let out an airy laugh his with his backpack straps snapped tight. 
“Holy shit.” He exclaimed with a giant smile 
Two rose a “no thank you” hand to the valet, and asked him where the garage was in perfect Arabic. The gesture surprised you...as many things did with that man. Jeongin gave a little nod in appreciation to the bellhop and expressed with his own broken version of Arabic that you group had no luggage. The young man was confused, but still gladly took the bills that Jeongin had slipped into his hand for the inconvenience. 
“We’re staying here?” Seungmin wondered while he followed you in. 
“When you travel with The Prince, it comes with some perks.” Chan tore off his glasses with a particularly prideful grin. 
“I feel like I need to pay for just...breathing in here.” 
Indeed, it was a luxurious and grand place. The atrium was patterned with various plush lounge chairs and benches and the path was made of emerald green marble tiles with swirling designs of beige loops. Thick, round columns also supported the ceilings in the lobby, and crystal glass chandeliers sparkled. On several tables, massive floral arrangements had been freshly placed, and you wondered how much the hotel must've paid for them to look that good just to have them replaced the next day. 
A couple formalities were exchanged with the worker at the front desk, and soon the keycards to the royal suite were placed into your hands. Seungmin held his piece of plastic as if it were a gold bar in his hands whereas Chan shoved it right into his front pocket. 
“Everything that we should need should be up in the room.” You told the group who were too distracted to hear what you had just said. 
Just before you had entered the elevator, a tug at your sleeve stopped you in your tracks. Jeongin pulled you back, nodding at Two to go with the others up first. 
“Remember what we talked about before?” He muttered in the hollow and stone corridor. “About the prince?” 
“I need to stay beside him?” 
Your partner nodded with a furrowing brow. “We’re out in the open here, it’s a big city...anyone could be watching us. No distractions, no messing around, no anything. We see White Rabbit and we leave. Hell, I’m even inclined to make sure he doesn’t leave the room...” 
“Jeongin...” You squeezed your partner’s shoulder which felt stringy and tense under your fingertips. “I got it. Trust me. He won’t leave my sight. I promise.” 
“..Okay.” He said with a nervous brush to his hair, then he pressed the elevator button with his knuckle. 
The young man appeared to snap out of a trance. “What? ...Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be? I’m keeping it together fine. It’s just...there’s a lot riding on this mission. I don’t...” 
The gold and reflective elevator dinged to the ground floor. 
“We can’t disappoint Carroll with this one. There’s too much riding on it...I can’t disappoint Carroll.”      
You invited your partner into the marbled and mirrored interior of the small space. 
“Don’t worry, we won’t.”
 Even without the help of his royal helpers, Chan managed to clean himself up nice...provided, only the finest clothes had been sent for him to wear. While they weren’t the usual designer labels that he was used to, it was clear that they had been picked out from the finest markets and boutiques in the area. Chan, as he always was, was a prince to the full extent of the word. After a shower and some perfume to his chest, he was the same man that you had been introduced to. 
A loose linen shirt swayed from his frame with little regard for the usage of buttons. He wore slacks that had been pressed made of a kind of fabric that you had never seen before, but looked airy and comfortable. As always, there was a small assortment of shoes for him to choose from as well. He picked brown leather loafers, then tucked up his sleeves to reveal his arms; scratched as they were, but still strong and spiderwebbed with thick veins. 
Arrangements had been made for you to share one of the bedrooms with him--as much as you had fought it at first. Chan was thrilled with the idea, and gladly let you settle into his room with your small assortment of sidepieces and modest set of clothes by regulation of The Agency. While it had mostly been denim button downs and several kinds of functional trousers, they had sent an evening gown. 
The silky white fabric was not unlike the dress that had worn for the gala, but it appeared to be even more sultry once you held it to your frame. The thin spaghetti straps barely held to your shoulders and the back dipped nearly halfway down your back. 
Knowing the man that you had an appointment with, you figured the dress would make it just a little bit easier to talk to him. Along with it, there was a matching set of diamond earrings and a necklace that glinted with the same sheen of the sea. 
“You’ll look gorgeous in that.” Chan said while slipping on a wristwatch. “I’m sure that it will suit you perfectly.” 
The wooden bedside nightstand creaked when you put your holster and Glock in with a matching matte black knife. You had to be careful with that one, as it had nearly cut your finger upon inspection earlier.         
“Hm. I think the both of us know that you’d prefer it on these lovely marble floors rather than on me. Correct?” 
The confident prince strode across the room in the dim lighting of a couple lamps with stained glass shades. Outside of the balcony attached to your room, the sheer curtains blew in the night air and distorted the city lights across the river. Further, Cairo Tower surged with a pink light wrapping around the length were the cylinder pierced the sky. 
“Maybe.” He tutted, then crinkled the king-sized bed where he sat. The prince’s disposition was alluring, there was no denying. He tiled his head to inspect you further, jaw clenching with a sharp angle and a testing glare to his brown pupils. The man smiled slightly while rubbing his index and ring finger down the sleeve of your considerably less scratchy blouse. 
“I hope that during our time here Bee, I’ll get to know you a little better. I’m...really looking forward to our drink later. I made reservations for us.” 
“Reservations? When did you do that?” 
“Oh. When you were showering.” He smirked at his sneaky plans unbeknownst to you. 
“If you think that I’m letting you go anywhere else besides this hotel--” 
“--Bee?” The young royal grew quieter, softer, careful even. His hand cascaded from your arm down to your waist where he tentatively went to grab at your hip and squeeze lightly there. 
While your first reaction was to swat him away, your second crept up on you unexpectedly, and swelled with a kind of confused euphoria feeling the pressure of him on your body. You let his hand linger there, thumb pressed into your hipbone. 
“You don’t need that dress to be beautiful.” 
His words snapped you back; sickly sweet, and sticky in your chest. You cast his hand off of you. 
“You’re crossing the line, your Highness. Don’t...don’t touch me again.” 
The royal sighed as he rose, then inspected his face in the sizeable mirror. Each of his cuts and scars had been skillfully covered with makeup the best he could manage.  
“Bee, I’d cross multiple lines for you. I thought you knew?”    
“THIS BED IS FUCKIN’ AMAZING!!” Seungmin called from the opposite of the suite. 
The prince smiled, then followed you to the door. 
“I’ve already got enough on my hands, your Highness. I ask that you not distract me.” 
“Distract you?” 
As soon as you had said it, regret bit at the tips of your ears. You couldn’t meet his teasing glances, but rather slid one of your more discrete sidepieces into your crossbody bag--as if guns as such could be such a thing. 
“I-I...I’ll sleep on the couch.” You then resolved out loud, however the prince chuckled at your sudden break. 
“As you wish Bee.” 
“I think that this is the best meal that I’ve ever eaten in my entire life!!” 
Seungmin kicked his legs under the table to the embarrassed glances of both Jeongin and Chan. Before you, the prince had ordered a variety of both cold and hot mezzah dishes with a couple main entrees for you to share. While he was the only one to drink, he indulged in the most expensive wine that the hotel had to offer. Granted, everything would be paid for in cash from The Agency, however the Prince swore up and down that anyone could order anything that they wanted and that The Agency would be paid back in full. You and your partners ate modestly, however the young student didn’t hold back. As the boy shoved his face, it appeared to make the prince happy to see him eating so well. 
You were still an odd group, and garnered curious glances from other restaurant guests. While they were only glances in passing, they still didn’t make you feel any better. You had already drawn enough attention to yourself with you being an odd mix of foreigners who each held themselves differently. You could sense that you partner felt it too while he sipped at his seasonal soup with eyes up to scan the room as he did so. 
Chan threw his arm behind your chair to take in the rest of the room: perfectly decorated with jade green chandeliers and perfectly symmetrical wallpaper and furnishings. It was as if he felt somehow content with your strange little group; like he was the ringleader of it all or some king of the round table. For a moment, he paused to watch the way that the boats passed by on the river from the window nearest to him and sighed. Knowing him, he was probably enjoying running for his life in this way. 
Two cleared his throat and unbuttoned his fashionable suit jacket as the waiters came to clear the table for dessert. 
“So. What are the specs for tomorrow?” 
Jeongin fiddled with his glasses, then dabbed away at the corners of his mouth. “He’s invited us to come around 11pm. He wants us to dress up too--as I’m sure you’ve all seen the clothes that have been provided for us. He apparently loves his formalities, but, anything to make him feel more comfortable I suppose. His men will meet us in the front and take us to him, then we try our best not to fuck it up.”
“--Which we won’t.” You soothed your partner. 
Seungmin perked up, “I’m coming too?” 
“How else are we going to look after ya, kid?” Two ruffled up the young man’s hair. 
“W-wait. Didn’t you say that it’s a club? Will they even let me in? I’m not like, 21 yet? I mean, I will be in a couple months--” 
“--Ahhh you’re so cute.” Chan beamed. “If you’re rolling with us that doesn’t matter.” 
Seungmin blushed and played with the condensation of his water glass. “Oh.” 
Your partner shifted in his seat. “Speaking of. Considering that you’re “one of us” now. We need to discuss something important with you. Your identity.” He looked over to you to finish the rest of the speech that had been pushed off for just a bit too long. 
“Your name...is your most valuable asset. It’s the only thing about yourself that you can keep for yourself. No one else should know it besides you...and, well, us. If they know your name, they know your family, they know where you live, where you go to school, even that girl that you had a crush on in the fourth grade. Got it?” 
Seungmin gulped dry with blown out eyes. “I-I think that I understand.” 
“What do you want us to call you from now on?” 
He paused, considering towards the ceiling. ”Well...if you’re B, and he’s F...and he’s J...I could be S? Simple enough right?” 
“S it is then.” 
The waiters arrived with every dessert possible: chocolate cake, Crème Brule, fruit cheesecake garnished with mint, as well as traditional desserts like Om Ali and Mehalabiya--a type of milk pudding dressed with delicate, pink, edible flowers. 
Seungmin--now dubbed S--made happy little eating sounds while he tried a little bit of everything. 
“Thank you.” You finally spoke to the prince, who now smelled strongly of Lotus and Jasmine. 
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind treating my friends.” 
The word hung in the air, and you didn’t quite know what to do with it. 
“Where is this reservation that you mentioned?” 
He took a swing from his crystal glass with finesse. “Hm. That’s for me to know and you to find out.” 
“Jeongin told me that I need to keep an eye on you, you know that? It would be best if we didn’t leave the hotel at all--” 
“--But what would be the fun in that?” The prince nearly pouted. 
From the others side of the table, Two in his aviators brushed off his lap before standing. “I’m going to get some sleep, if that’s alright with you? I’m feeling pretty jetlagged and I want to be prepared for tomorrow. Excuse me.” 
The slender man bowed to you at the table, then even deeper to the prince. 
“What was that about?” Jeongin muttered while he poked at the thin caramel layer of his French dessert. 
“Actually, I think I want to head to bed too, I’m stuffed.” Seungmin rubbed his belly in his contentment. “Also...I think I might have homework due...heh. I don’t know...I’ve got to figure out all these all these time differences and stuff.” He pushed in his chair then gave the prince a deep bow. “Thank you, your Highness.” 
“My pleasure.” Chan said with a tiny bow back. “Rest up, kid.” 
With the empty holes at the table, the silence was deafening. 
“And then there were three.” Jeongin yawned. “Bee? Wanna do some laps in the morning? I saw that they had a pool? Wanna see if you can beat my record...again?” 
“Psh. I was coming off that biochemical cocktail the last time we tired. You had an advantage.” 
“Then you’ll beat me? Hm! I look forward to that.” Your adorable partner flashed the first smile that you’d seen in a couple days. You missed it, you realized. 
“Sleep tight Bee. Goodnight your Highness.” 
“Thank you Fox.” The prince mirrored his warm smile. 
Knives and forks clinked on china in the dining room, and music softly payed the soundtrack of the evening. A low hum filled the space where the tourists and patrons chatted among themselves. It was peaceful and normal amidst everything that had been pricking your skin and plaguing worry over your mind. The prince merely sighed, sparking eyes reflecting the candles dying out on the table. 
“And now it’s just the two of us.” 
“Seems like it.” 
“Can I whisk you away now?” 
“Whisk? Who said that I would allow any whisking?” 
“Come on...Bee. Just this one time? I promise to be on my best behavior.” 
You laughed out incredulously at the comment. “You out of all people can’t promise something like that.” 
“I guess you’re right about that. But...still, I won’t try to make a scene or anything.” 
The royal placed his napkin on the table with his knife and fork respectfully tilted off the edge of his plate. 
“Follow me?” 
Chan held out his hand. It was pink with heat and scraped a little from the glass that had pierced the fragile flesh. In some way, you had felt a twinge of guilt seeing the small injury knowing that you couldn’t have protected him well enough then. You allowed him to lace your fingers with yours, and felt the rough cuts of his scars in your palm. 
You had promised to yourself that he would never know such pain again. 
“Annnd...this is it!” 
You had taken all of twenty paces outside of the hotel when Chan gestured with open arms to the riverfront. Just at the riverbank, a steamboat was anchored with open doors for hotel guests to enter. The massive, multideck, white steamboat shone like the moon peaking at the ocean’s horizon. Each of the semi-circle windows were lined with white lights and from the inside, the delightful sound of laugher and live music spilled out to the glossy water of the Nile. 
“W-what is this?” 
“Well…it’s a dinner cruise but I just signed us up for the bar part. Are you...surprised? I thought that it must be pretty safe considering that we’re on the water and no one can drive up and shoot at us.” 
“I mean...it’s a bit closed off, but nothing that I can’t handle.” 
The prince held out his arm for you to lead the way, then took your hand to help you watch your step down the stairs. Chan provided his name to the conductor in elegant sounding Arabic, leaving you shocked. 
“Y-you speak Arabic too?” 
Chan chuckled once more, taking your hand in his to bring you down the creaking wood deck with swinging with lanterns above your heads. 
“As a royal and diplomat, it’s best for me to know how to communicate if I might need to.” 
“I must say your Highness, I am definitely impressed.” 
“What? You thought I was just another pretty face?” The charming prince escorted you to a room within the steamboat that was lined with red velvet carpets and small bar tables with tea candles and water lilies floating in a shallow dish. He pulled out your chair before his own, then settled with hands folded in his lap. “I’m trained in hand-to-hand too, although I could use a refresher; that was so long ago, back when I went to school.” 
“Hand-to-hand? Well! You really are full of surprises.” 
The prince appeared smug and faintly amused by the compliment as he crossed his legs under the table and leaned in with his dizzying floral scent. 
The waitress appeared and Chan flexed his language skills once more while he ordered a Hemmingway Daiquiri for himself and a French 75 for you. Somewhere off in the distance or perhaps a different part of the boat, louder and more excitable music played along with the echoing claps of those who listened along. Here, it was much quieter, and the loud sound was replaced with a jazz song that you had heard before--likely from your more formative years. 
“It’s a beautiful night.” Chan began, “Thank you for agreeing to do this with me. I know that I’ve been a bit forward, but, I appreciate you entertaining me.” 
“If I had said no, what would’ve happened then?” 
“Well, maybe I would’ve dropped it, but...knowing you...I don’t think that I would’ve given up easily.” 
The waitress returned with the drinks on a silver platter: his grapefruit pink and yours the color of a lemon drop. 
The royal rose his glass for you to clink with yours, “To...adventures.” 
“To adventures.” 
With a resounding sound, the glasses met, and you watched the way that the shimmering liquid ripped across the prince’s nose. 
The two of you sat for several moments more, saying nothing, but sipping and soaking in the night breeze and the humidity that made your whole body feel blanketed with a sense of calm. You had felt this way before back at the safe house, and it snuck up on you once more. Simply exisiting with the prince provided you with a sense of solace that had long since faded from your life. The sense of responsibility that you felt for the man was noticeable, but you couldn’t help but notice how he provided for you the same sense of safety that you did for him. 
Perhaps it was the loneliness of the job and the solitude that came along with it. Was that you craved to be touched? Listened to? Admired? You had distanced yourself from irrational things such as love and other feelings of attachment. In your line of work, people died often, and you had to move on just as fast as their lives had been taken from them. You supposed that you had become unfeeling at this point...but this prince, so full of himself and focused on the material...there was something about him that reminded you how to feel. 
“Bee? What are you thinking about?” He asked carefully. 
“You looked kind of lost here.” 
“Was I?” 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah...yeah. I’m fine. Maybe the drink is just...getting to me.” 
“Just one drink?” Chan giggled a bit, “I didn’t take you for being a lightweight Bee. I thought that they gave you like, drinking lessons or something back at that agency of yours.” 
“I’m fine. I shouldn’t have more than one drink anyway.” 
The prince nodded, understanding. “So, what will you tell me about yourself? Is there anything that you’re allowed to tell me? Or...will you always be this mysterious, beautiful, enigma?” 
“Me? Enigmatic? Ha! Hardly.” 
“Well? What then?” The prince sucked at the lime garnishing his glass. “Since I don’t have the pleasure of knowing your real name, I’d love it if you could tell me something.” 
Over the stereo, the muted trumpet played along with the twang of thick upright bass strings,
“I suppose I could tell you how...” Chan leaned in, “I didn’t want to join The Agency. At first.” 
“Oh? Why’s that?” 
“It felt like a bit of a last resort and anything that is a last resort is something that can’t come easy.” 
Chan titled his head as if to say, I’m listening. 
“Life...fucking sucks sometimes. Sometimes...you’re left...living with your sleazy uncle with a letter addressed to you post mortem telling you to carry on the family name if you want to feel some connection to the parents that you never knew.” 
The royal cast his eyes down, “I-I’m so sorry.” 
“The Agency has been everything I’ve known since I was a teenager. This life...it’s everything. I think in a way I feel obligated to it...since it was what took my parents from me...I owe it to them to do a job that they spent so much energy on so that it wasn’t in vain.” 
You stopped, realizing the weight of your words in the air and how they cut like the blade of the knife that you kept tucked in your waistband sheathed in a leather cover. Once the sharp metal was taken from it’s confines, there was nothing to protect those from the damage it could do. 
“Bee...I don’t know what to say besides I’m sorry. That’s terrible. I can’t imagine what it must be like to loose your parents and have been thrown into this life...no one deserves that.” 
“Its okay.” You sighed. “I did it to myself. Now, it’s of no concern. I can take care of my own, and I have a new family. I try not to look back.” 
As he had done numerous times before that night, Chan’s hand reached out for yours under the table, brushing up against the white cloth. 
“I can’t say how much I appreciate you enough for what you do; risking your life for me...I owe you everything Bee.” The prince softened, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. 
The chug of the steamboat hissed softly behind you in that back bar room, and just through the windows, you could see the stars dotting the sky just as they did in any corner of the world. They were a reminder that while some things changed, others didn’t. 
The echo of footsteps on the deck clicked, causing you to turn a careful glance back to the direction of the sound. The man who entered was dressed in a casual cotton button up and navy slacks. On the white of his breast, he wore a pin holding the symbol of a crest.
“Lee Minho?” Chan gasped. 
“Your Highness!” The handsome man bowed immediately with a startled little smile. 
The friendly prince stood immediately upon seeing the other royal to shake his hand. “What a coincidence that we meet again!” 
Lee Minho shied with a polite smile while fiddling with his hair that looked to be masterfully styled. “Must be...fated. Or something like that.” 
“Are you alright? Last I saw you was at the shooting at the gala. I’m so glad to see that you’re safe. You didn’t get injured I hope?” 
This close, Lee Minho had oddly cat-like eyes that were as intense as they were alluring. He was just as you had remembered him to be--put together and polished like a true royal, dastardly handsome with all the right curves to his body, and just enough mystery to him to pique the interest of anyone who had sensed his air--just as the prince had. 
“What are you doing in Cairo?” Chan asked, gesturing for the stranger to pull up a chair. 
Lee Minho swatted away the question with an annoyed cringe. “Royal stuff, you know how it goes. Everyone is always trying to poke their noses in places where they shouldn’t be...unless they’re looking to get themselves killed. That's why they send me. I’m dispensable.” 
“Oh, I’d hardly say that.” 
In seconds the prince’s entire body had shifted towards the direction of the other man, and hung onto each of his words as if they were a siren song. 
“When you’re not as high up in the ranks as you are your Highness, royalty starts to feel more like servitude than a legitimate position.” 
“So, where are you poking your nose?” 
Lee Minho’s eyes nervously flicked to you, and Chan realized that he had skipped right over introductions. 
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t introduce the two of you. Minho, this is Bee, my--” 
“--I’m a member of his detail.” You spoke for him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you formally Lee Minho. I recall seeing you at the gala.” 
Minho bowed slightly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.” 
It was obvious that you had made the man uncomfortable, just as you had liked it to be. While you could see what the prince had seen in him, you had the disposition to be much less trusting than his Highness. 
“Which royals are employing you? I’d love to know! It’s always exciting for me to learn about who is plotting what. The royal drama keeps me really entertained.” 
Minho sat up straighter, then waved a hand for the waitress to come scuttling over. 
“Some of my family members. You wouldn’t know them, we’re all dreadfully insignificant to be honest. They heard all this business about those men with the red crests and they’re starting to get scared. After they targeted...you, they’re wondering which royal family might be next...if any. I’m here to find out who they are, their whereabouts, anything else.” 
“Wow! That’s actually what we--”
“--And where are you planning on getting this information if I may ask?” You hushed the prince’s loose lips as quickly as you could. 
Minho leaned in over the flickering candle to lower his tone, “I heard that there’s an informant here in the city who might now something about this group. They’ve been popping up on national news too as of late. I’m looking to talk to him tomorrow evening. Luckily, I was able to make an appointment but it was no small feat. I had to bribe him to high hell to get him to speak with me.” 
“Hm. Sounds familiar.” You mumbled. 
Chan’s eyes widened, then he looked back to you to ask for permission. You gave him a nod.
“It seems like we’re here for a common purpose my friend.” The prince leaned in to bridge the gap between them, his hand notably reaching to rest on the other man’s thigh below the table’s surface. “We’re seeking similar information and I think we might be speaking of the same informant.” 
“But your Highness, isn’t it dangerous it you to do something like this?” 
“Not when I’ve got her around.” Chan threw a sly grin to you across the table. “I’m well protected. And you? Where’s your detail?” 
“I’m afraid that I’m out here alone. Like I said, when you’re as low in the ranks as I am...” 
“What? That’s terrible!! They aren’t even protecting their own? Bee!!” 
“Yes, your Highness?” You already knew where this was going. 
“Let’s bring Minho along with us tomorrow! We know that there’s safety in numbers--” 
“Your Highness, in case you haven’t noticed, our hands are already a bit full...”
“I can fend for myself.” Lee Minho suddenly piped. “Travelling alone, I’ve picked up a few things about protecting myself. You don’t have to protect me, but, I appreciate the offer.” 
“Nonsense! You should come with us! I would feel more comfortable if you did rather than went by yourself.” 
Lee Minho gave the royal a smile in his thanks, it was pure and a little adorable you had considered...but that was likely the champagne going to your head. 
“Really? I appreciate it, your Highness.” 
While you were distanced, you nearly could’ve sworn that the prince had squeezed the other’s leg reassuringly, and you were willing to bet he had rubbed it with his thumb too just as he had done to you. 
After long, the waitress returned with Lee Minho’s drink, and the two men chatted like old college buddies while you slipped away at your drink in an attempt to make it last as long as you could. While Chan did try to engage you in conversation, it would never last for long until he would become puppy-eyed over the stranger again. In the end, you wondered if the tipsy prince would’ve also confessed to this man if he had one too many drinks. 
The table bumped with their jovial and restless legs, and you could only imagine what wandering hands sought to discover. 
The hotel was quiet save for the click of heels on the marble floors from ladies who had just gotten off the steamboat and clung to their husbands in their drunken stupor. They cackled in the empty and golden lobby, then pressed hasty kisses into the stuttering mouths of their husbands who’s mouths then smeared with hot pick lipstick. Chan giggled at the sight while he tripped over his own feet too. 
“Ahhhh. Being in love is so cute.” He adored them once you had entered the elevator. 
“You’re not going to throw up on me, are you?” 
The prince hiccupped, then shook his head. “Unlike you I know how to hold my liquor. I’m fine. Just a bit sleepy I think. Must be the jet lag.” 
The tones for each floor beeped in the compartment, and Chan lulled his head back and forth. 
“So. Lee Minho huh?” You said, not even able to help yourself. The alcohol had brought you a bit of an edge...so you thought. 
“Lee. Minho.” He sighed out dreamily. “What do you think of him?” 
“I think I can’t trust anyone as long as I haven’t ran at least three background checks on them.” 
“Awww, Bee, you’re so thoughtful of me.” 
In the empty hallway, the prince with squinting eyes leaned against the doorframe to the royal suite, reaching out to brush up against your blouse once more. You let him, excusing his drunken state. After he did so, his eyes hazed over with something much different, while he looked exhausted, it was laced with something else: something much more longing. 
“Bee...fuck, I really want to kiss you again.” 
“Hm. That’s ripe coming from you who was just viciously flirting with Lee Minho.” 
You could see his head spinning in his dilated pupils. “What?” 
The door clicked open and you less than gracefully lead the prince through the dark to your shared bedroom. 
“B-Bee, what are you talking about?” 
You scoffed, “I’m not blind, you know.” 
“A-are you...jealous?” 
“W-what? Fuck no. I’m just...you can’t just...toss people around thinking that they’ll all bend to you.” 
Chan sat at the edge of the bed and rubbed at his temples when you turned one of the lamps on. 
“I-I was doing that?” 
You tore a pillow from the bed as well as the throw blanket at the end. “I’m sleeping on the couch. Good evening, your Highness.” 
“Wait! Bee!” The young prince stumbled after you, stubbing his toe against the bedpost in the process. “Ah-FUCK!” He grunted. 
“What?” You growled back to him, half shrouded in the darkness of the suite living room. 
The royal stumbled out, eyes blank and backlit from the bedroom. While you couldn’t see him fully, you later could assume that there was something in him terribly torn and ripped in that moment that made little sense to him, as it did to you to. 
Arms reached out, bodies softly illuminated by the lights of the city, and the prince leaned himself fully into you, pressing bitter tasting lips to yours with a heat and desire that only seemed amplified the breather he had gotten. While he tasted of lime and grapefruits, with a twinge of alcohol. He was just as addictive as any vice. You wanted to feel him. As infuriating as he was, and oblivious, your abhorrence to him was just as strong as your attraction. 
“Mm, Bee--” He moaned directly into your mouth while shuffling both of you back to the bedroom. 
The prince’s trembling breath floated from his mouth to yours where he used both of his large hands to pull your face closer to his. You knew that in some way, there must have been something ingenuine about the whole scenario, but you didn’t care too much, not when kissing him felt like something. Maybe he had kissed you out of pity, or because he really had wanted to kiss you. You broke for seconds before both of your tangled limbs hit the bed. 
“Before...you said that you wouldn’t kiss me.” 
“I didn’t make any promises...but, how come...you said that you wouldn’t hesitate...? But you kissed ba--” 
You silenced the prince’s words with your own heated kisses that made little sense, only that kissing him as such felt good. You straddled the man while his hungry fingers traced all the way down your back. The prince’s hips sunk into the cushiony mattress, and you screwed him down even harder into it with your own heated hips grinding into him with as much pressure as you could muster. 
“This is what you want, right?” You pulled at his lip with your teeth to hear him groan from it. 
“Is it...what you want?” Chan got out between more kisses. 
You could blame it on loneliness or lack of touch all that you wanted, but it wasn’t even close. 
“Wait. Wait.” Chan suddenly interjected. 
“What? What is it?” 
The prince looked up at you, that haze in his eyes now fading to something much different that wasn’t covered in the lust that he held before. 
“Bee...I-I don’t know if I want it to happen this way. It feels...it’s not...” 
“Not what?” 
He brushed his hand upward now to caress your face, lingering on the side of the peach fuzz on your cheek. “You deserve better than whatever the hell this is.” 
“Oh, so when I finally want to fuck you, you’re saying it isn’t right?” 
“I’m saying, I’m drunk, it’s late, clearly there’s something that’s upsetting you, and I want to know what it is before we do anything else. Tell me, what’s wrong?”
It might’ve been Lee fucking Minho, or it might’ve been something else much stickier for you to admit, but seeing the prince like this, it was too much. He was gorgeous under you, practically angelic looking. 
“I-I’m...complicating things.” You whispered out, and the prince softened even further. 
“That’s what it is? Bee, I told that you don’t have to worry about--” 
“--Yes. Yes I do...your Highness. I-I can’t feel...” 
“Bee--let’s just talk about--” 
The prince might’ve said more, but his words faded into murmurs once you closed his door behind you, then crawled onto the couch in Jeongin and Seungmin’s room, locking their door too. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses!
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disgruntledspacedad · 4 years
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The Rules of Engagement (4/5)
part of the The Better Love Series
pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader/ofc (Ears)
summary: (slow-burn, sexual tension, angst, a little bit of h/c in later chapters) He’s a DEA agent. You work for Centra Spike. Peña’s not your boss, exactly, but you’ve been fwb long enough that certain people are starting to think of you as An Item, and that just won’t do. 
words: 3.7k
warnings: 18+ for alcohol, language, smut, violence, general trauma. 
a/n: unbeta’d. Yeah, I know - I can’t count. This is gonna be five chapters. 
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
Murphy nearly bowls you over on his way down stairs, pulling up short when he sees you. 
You glance down at yourself. Your clothes are rumpled and covered in ash and bile. You don’t even want to know what your face looks like. There’s rubble in your hair.
Murphy is still staring open-mouthed.
“The pharmacy below my apartment got bombed,” you explain hollowly. “I’m fine, I just need a shower.”
“You look like you need a hospital,” Murphy counters, eyeballing you with something akin to worry. “Fucking Christ, Ears, if Javi -”
You snap your eyes up at the mention of Javi. “Have you heard anything?”
For the first time since you’ve met him, Steve Murphy cracks a grin at you. “On his way home now.” He looks as relieved as you feel. “We got him.”
You manage to smirk back. “Good.”
“Congratulations, by the way. This one’s on you as much as anybody.”
“Thanks.” You sag against the side rail, trying to be subtle about it. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, your legs are shaking, and you think it’s only a matter of time before you fall over.
Murphy notices, because he reaches for your shoulder to steady you. “I really think-”
“No.” You cut him off forcefully, glaring at him with all the energy you have left. “No, Steve. I’m tired, that’s all.”
He sighs. Narrows his eyes. Frowns. “You’re bleeding.”
Murphy gesturers to your temple with a finger that you have to stop yourself from flinching away from. “You’re bleeding, Ears,” he repeats, as if he’s expending a great amount of patience by pointing it out to you.
You reach up, wincing as you notice for the first time that your head hurts. When you draw your fingers back, they are coated in blood.
Murphy moves closer to get a better look.
“It’s just a scratch, Murph,” you tell him wearily. As far as you can tell, that’s true. There’s no gaping hole or giant gash, just a stinging little cut right at your hairline. “You know how head wounds are.”
He’s still glaring suspiciously at you, and you let him, meeting his gaze in silent challenge.
Eventually he sighs. “Okay, your funeral, I guess. Gimme a minute.”
Before you can retort, he ducks back inside, leaving you standing awkwardly on the front step. The walls are thin - you can hear him rummaging around in the kitchen. He’s back seconds later, key in one hand, a slip of paper in the other.
He hands you the paper first. “This is my pager number. Javi’ll be back soon, but I want you to contact me if anything crazy happens.” He motions to your head with his thumb.
“Okay,” you promise.
“And here’s this.” He presses the key into your hand.
You look up at him wide-eyed. “Murphy, you can’t just give me Peña’s key.”
“What, you think it would be any different if I stepped across the landing and did the honors for you? I’m already late.” He runs a hand through his hair with a huff. “Besides, he’d want you to have it.”
Somehow, you seriously doubt that.
Murphy fixes you with a stare. “Trust me.”
“Hardly,” you mutter, taking the key from his hand anyway. You hold it up for emphasis. “But you’re taking the fall for this one, alright?”
Murphy rolls his eyes. “I think I can live with that. Stay safe, Ears, and page me if you need anything.”
You resist the urge to flop down on Javi’s sofa and sleep for a thousand years, instead making your way to the shower. Peeling away your dusty clothes feels so incredibly good. So does the hot water. You take your time, exploring the lingering aches and pains in your body as you scrub them with Javi’s little sliver of Irish Spring. Aside from a few bruises and that one little slice on your temple that won’t quit oozing, you’re not injured anywhere. You think you might be a little sore from being thrown backward tomorrow, and your lungs still feel funny and raw from having the air knocked from them, but otherwise, the bombing of your apartment is more inconvenient than anything.
You try very, very hard not to think about Emilio.
You step out of the shower only when the water runs tepid, the cold jarring you awake. Javi only has two towels, it seems - one left out to dry on the towel rack, the other crumpled in the corner with a pair of boxers. Nice. You opt for the one that’s on the rack, wiping yourself down then wrapping up your dripping hair.
There’s something deliciously deviant about sneaking naked through Javier Peña’s apartment when he’s not home. You shake away your guilt, trying hard not to be too weirded out or too turned on as you rifle through his dresser drawers. You’ve got to wear something.
Eventually, you come away with the green t-shirt and the only pair of sweats the man owns. You eye yourself in the mirror, considering. Javi’s clothes are ridiculous on you - you have to roll the sweats three times at the waist just to keep from tripping - but hell, at least you aren’t naked. Looks like that cut finally stopped bleeding, too.
Carefully, you pull your hair into a sloppy braid and gather your dirty clothes, doing a cursory sweep of the apartment to see if Javi has anything else that needs washing. Other than the little pile in the bathroom, you find a t-shirt and a pair of mis-matched socks in the corner by the nightstand. Not bad for a single guy living alone, you decide.
You make the trip downstairs to the communal laundry room quickly, noting the time on the kitchen clock when you return. You don’t feel like waiting beside the machine today. Flopping on the sofa has lost it’s appeal - you’re bone weary, but every time you close your eyes, you see fireballs and charred bodies.
Sleep is not on the agenda.
Sighing, you make your way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, glancing at the clock for the umpteenth time. 9:42. You put the water on, then shuffle downstairs to switch the laundry to the dryer. 40 more minutes, and then you can get out of here.
And then what?
You examine your options and find that the list is short. You aren’t going to stay here any longer than necessary - you’ve intruded on Javi’s privacy enough. Your only friend in Colombia is Ana, and that’s off the table for obvious reasons. Murphy isn’t at home, and Connie had left for the States just weeks after you’d arrived. Back to work, then.
You decide that’s best anyway. Somebody fucking bombed your apartment. Well, the mark was probably Emilio’s drug store, but still. Bombings don’t happen in Bogotá - that’s a Medellín thing. Especially a civilian target.
The rush of anger that consumes you is staggering. Who did this, and why?  Bombing a business is a very Pablo Escobar thing to do, but a small pharmacy? In Bogotá?
Ana and her father are good people. You know deep in your bones that they aren’t involved in the drug trade. You also have major doubts that this was an accident. So, what the fuck?
The injustice of it all makes you feel small and cold and helpless.
You’re missing something big.
Javi doesn’t have a television in his apartment. Even if you did have access the news, the information that you’re seeking is hardly going to be broadcast on live television, and certainly not so soon.
Work really is the best option, then. Between the bombing and Verdugo’s arrest, the sicarios must be on red alert. Maybe you can pick up on some chatter. 
Besides, you probably need to let Stechner know about your situation as soon as possible.
You glance at the clock. 10:07.
Ugh. You rise up on your tiptoes, bouncing in frustration. Caffeine and adrenaline have made you jittery. There’s something really cringe-worthy, too, about being alone in Javi’s apartment without his knowledge, especially given the way things ended between you.
The memory chafes, and you shake your head hard enough that it throbs.
Goddamn this day.
A shrill beeping jerks you from your thoughts, and you barely manage to stifle a shriek. Your pager!  You’d forgotten all about it. Your stomach swoops as you pick it up.
The number that flits across the screen belongs to Javi.
You take a breath. Weird. Aside from that one brief conversation yesterday, you haven’t spoken to him in weeks. It probably has something to do with Verdugo, you decide. Maybe he wants to inform you personally. That would be nice of him. After all, this was a pretty big arrest for you, too.
You locate the phone in the kitchen, dialing the number with trembling fingers. Damned coffee.
“Peña.” His voice is terse, clipped.
“Got your page,” you say warily. He sounds like he’s in a mood. “Is there -”
“Where are you?” he demands, cutting you off harshly.
You blink, startled. Forget ‘a mood,’ Javi sounds fucking livid. You’d assumed he’d be pretty relaxed, considering. “Umm, I’m actually at your place,” you speak slowly to hide the shakiness of your voice. Fuck, of all the times to get emotional. “Listen, my apartment was bombed. I just needed -”
You’re interrupted again by a sharp sigh. “Stay there,” Javi grinds out, and then there’s nothing but dial tone.
Slowly, you place the phone back in its cradle, processing the conversation.
What. The. Fuck.  
Bits of plastic clatter to the floor as the pager smashes into the refrigerator - you’re hardly even aware of throwing it. You sink to the kitchen floor, cradling your head in your hands and doing your damnedest to just breathe.
It’s not fucking fair. He was the one who stormed out slamming doors. You haven’t pressed him, haven’t been a nuisance. Well, aside from basically breaking into his apartment and borrowing his shower.
But fucking hell, somebody - probably Pablo Escobar -  just bombed your fucking apartment. You’re living in a foreign country and you don’t even speak the fucking language. There’s nowhere for you to go, and your clothes were a mess, and goddamn, you are just tired.
What were you supposed to do?
Footsteps thunder up the stairs. God, that was quick. You manage to leap to your feet just as the front door slams open with a bang.
Javi stops dead when he sees you, and your tirade dies in your throat.
“Hey.” It’s awkward, but it’s all you can manage.
He’s just staring at you, standing stalk still in the open doorway. He’s breathing heavily, like he’s been running. His expression is tight, carefully closed off. One fist is clenched at his side, the other still gripping the doorknob.
“Murphy let me in,” you babble. You knew he was on his way, but still, his sudden appearance startled you. “My place, I mean, the drugstore -”
“I know.” He’s toneless, expressionless, frozen except for his eyes. They rove over your face and body, and you’re reminded suddenly of watching him read reports - quick, efficient, and exacting, like he’s taking in every detail in an instant.
Fuck. Heat rushes you as you remember that you’re still wearing his clothes. “Okay,” you breathe shakily, hardly aware of speaking aloud. This is getting weird, and you really don’t have the emotional capacity to deal with Javier Peña’s shit today.
Your laundry is probably dry anyway.
“Where are you going?” Javi demands, resting a hand on your shoulder as you attempt to push past him.
That does it. “To get the laundry!” you bite back, twisting away from his touch with a lot more drama than is really necessary. “My clothes are dry!”
He pulls away as if burned, a muscle twitching in his jaw.
You stand there like that for a long moment, just assessing each other. You’re glaring up at him warily, sizing him up, while he watches you with an expression that you don’t recognize.
“I’ll go,” he says softly. There’s something quiet, almost regretful in his tone, and it shatters your defenses. You bit your lip and nod shakily, and then he’s gone, descending down the stairs without another word.
You exhale another shaking breath - everything you do seems shaky, today - and pour another cup of coffee.
You feel like you’ve got a little more control of yourself once you’re back in your own clothes. Javi is lighting a cigarette at the kitchen table when you exit the bathroom, a fresh butt still hot in the ashtray next to him.
“Rough night?” you ask, dropping his half-folded t-shirt and sweats onto the counter.
He huffs sarcastically.
You sigh. Your patience is wearing very, very thin, but you decide to try one more time, just for the hell of it. “Congratulations, by the way. Murphy told me about Verdugo.”
He blinks up at you, like you’ve pulled him from deep thought. “Yeah,” he says slowly, still staring at you with an intensity that’s starting to really freak you out. He pulls hard at the cigarette, and the moment breaks. “We couldn’t have done it without you.”
You nod, suddenly tired.
He notices. “Ears?”
“I need to go back in,” you cut him off before he can ask whatever he was going to ask.
He frowns. “Didn’t you just leave this morning?”
Frazzled as you are, it doesn’t occur to you to ask how he knows that. “Yeah, Peña, I did,” you snap. “But then some fucker bombed my apartment, and I’ve got a nasty feeling that it has something to do with Pablo Escobar. I can’t go home, and I can’t get any sleep, so I might as well make myself useful and see if there’s anything worth listening to today.”
His gaze had drifted during your speech. He’s resting his jaw on his his palm, staring off into the middle distance.
“So, will you drive me, Peña, or am I calling a cab?”
“Sorry,” he says softly, breaking himself out of whatever stupor he’d been in. He stands and extends a hand like he might like to reach for you before deciding against it and grabbing his gun instead. “Of course I’ll drive you, if you feel like going in.” He catches your eye as he tucks the gun into his belt, serious now. “I really am sorry about your home, Ears.”
God. All Javier Peña has to do is throw you a tiny bone, and you fucking melt. The relief you feel is palpable. “Thank you,” you whisper, closing your eyes for a long second.
You hear him rustling around with keys. “Let’s go, then.”
The car ride to headquarters is silent. Javi smokes three more cigarettes, tossing the butts out the open window before you even hit the parking lot, one after the other. You wonder what the fuck is going on with him.
He makes a point to let you out of the passenger side door, a little quirk that had been hit or miss before, depending on his mood. You walk together up the embassy steps, him hanging close to your shoulder but not quite touching you, and you wonder if this is his strange way of apologizing for the weirdness before.
You’re halfway to Stechner’s office when you realize that Javi is still following you. You arch a curious brow in his direction. He pointedly ignores it.
Okay, seriously. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” The question comes out a lot harsher than you intend, but hell, it’s been a terrible day.
He glances down at you, almost apologetic. “It can wait a minute.”
Oh, fuck. Steve Murphy is running up the hallway, gaze zeroed in on you.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He doesn’t wait for you to answer, just whirls on Javi. “Javi, what the fuck is she doing here?”
You bite the inside of your cheek in an effort to keep from screaming. “I’m trying to go do my job, Murphy, if the fucking DEA will let me.” Thankfully, your voice comes out pretty level.
Javi’s looking at Murphy with a narrowed gaze, head cocked, hands on hips. “What do you mean, Murphy?” he asks in a low voice.
Murphy throws his hands up in consternation. “I mean she should be in bed, or at a fucking hospital. You should have seen her this morning, Javi. Looked like she’d come straight from a war zone!”
Javi whips around to stare wide-eyed at you. “Wait. You didn’t say…” All of the color is draining from his face. “You were there?” 
Something about the breathlessness the words, like they’d been punched out of him, sends little shocks of electricity zinging across your skin. “I’m fine,” you manage. As protests go, it’s pretty weak.
“God, Ears, you’re still bleeding.” Goddamn Steve Murphy and his fucking preoccupation with your blood. “Now get out of here, please, before I call you an ambulance. Jesus.”
Javi’s face is a storm cloud of emotions as the pieces continue to click into place. “Ears,” he growls, more horrified than angry. He grips you carefully by the shoulders, looking you over again. This time, he brings his fingers gently to your temple. They come away bloody.
He sucks a sharp breath, glancing up at Murphy. “You’ll handle Verdugo?”
Murphy’s lips are pressed into a fine line. “Absolutely, Javi. Get her out of here.”
He escorts you from the building with a hand pressed firmly against the small of your back. It would be sweet, if not for the blistering pace and the stony expression that’s frozen on his face. People take notice, leaping out of your way, craning their necks to watch as you storm by. By the time you reach the doors, your cheeks are flaming.
“Agent Peña!”
Oh shit. You hadn’t even noticed Martinez and his entourage milling around the entrance.
“Yeah?” Javi bites out.
Martinez raises a brow at the scene the two of you make - you, bleeding and shamefaced, Javi damned near parading you into the parking lot with all the subtly of a thunderclap.
God, there’s no way this ends well for either of you.
“Verdugo is in interrogation room three,” Martinzes says, clearing his throat awkwardly.
Javi doesn’t even slow. “Stick Murphy on it,” he snaps over his shoulder. “I’m busy.”
Nobody dares argue with him.
Instead of getting into the car, Javi leans heavily against the door.
You pause, opening your mouth to question him, but he reaches for your jaw before you can speak, carefully tilting your face up into the sunlight.
“Are you okay?”
His voice is soft, but he’s looking at you in undisguised concern, eyes roving over you with an intensity that tempts you to drop your gaze.
You shiver. You can’t help it - you’re exhausted and emotional, and things with Javi have been so weird for so long, and now he’s staring at you, sharp and worried, running his thumbs across your scalp to gently assess for injuries.
No, you are not okay.
He notices the little tremor that darts through your body and rests one hand on your shoulder, leaning in to look you straight in the eye. “How far were you from the explosion?”
“Across the street,” you tell him, breathless for all of the wrong reasons. It’s only half-way true, you’d been crossing the street when the bomb had gone off, far closer to the blast zone than you’re leading him to believe. But he’s so close, cupping your cheeks in his hands, leaning forward to shield you from the traffic-side of the parking spot with his body as he continues to draw his fingers across your skin, gently assessing for more damage.
“It just knocked me off my feet,” you continue. Your throat is suddenly so dry. “Startled me, more than anything.”
Javi reaches with one finger to expose the wound on your temple. It’s still oozing.
“And this?” he asks, pinning you with another piercing stare.
You reach up, catching his hand as his fingers begin to drift down your cheek. He twitches reflexively. “Just a little scratch,” you promise him. “Falling glass, or shrapnel, I guess. Something grazed me. I never hit my head.”
This is not a lie. You never blacked out; you’re not hurt.
He blusters a sigh, scrubbing his face with his palm for a brief second. “I should really take you to the hospital.” His jaw tightens as he speaks.
“I just said I didn’t hit my head. I’m fine.” You indicate the wound on your temple. “This is nothing. You know how head wounds like to bleed.” You look up at him, projecting as much wide-eyed, awake, vibrant woman as you possibly can after walking away from a fucking bomb, and squeeze his hand in reassurance. “Please, Peña. I just want to go -”
Home, you almost say.
You stop yourself just in time. There is no home, not anymore. And you won’t make the mistake of referencing Peña’s place as anything other than ‘Peña’s place.’ That would be supremely stupid, given all of the recent drama.
“To bed,” you manage instead. “I’m just tired.”
And god, that is the truth.
If Javi notices your faux pax, he doesn’t mention it. He’s hardly taken his eyes off you. He’s near enough that you can feel the heat of his skin, one hand still twined in yours.
It’s all you can do to avoid resting your head on his chest.
“Okay,” he mutters begrudgingly, and then shakes his head like he hadn’t meant to agree. “I’ll take you home.”
You smile wanly at him. “Thanks.”
author’s notes/confessions
I know you still have questions. I promise you, I will answer them.
Steve Murphy is a good bro.
Y’all hit me up if you want a little Javi one-shot after this next chapter. I wrote it for my own reference, but it might be a fun read, if you’re wondering what’s happening inside his head right now.
@tiffdawg​, look what you made me do. ;)
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So you asked about prompts? ;D What about Joe/Nicky + any team member cuddling for warmth? Or something about all of them sharing clothes? Huge bonus if Lykon is still part of the Guard ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you anon for the ask!! 💕 This took forever but here it is~
Read on AO3
“Whose idea was this, again?” Joe complained, readjusting the weight of the front half of the giant plastic evergreen. He was sweating and freezing at the same time, which was decidedly one of his least favorite feelings ever.
“Yeah, I wonder,” Quynh seconded from behind him, throwing Andy a dirty look.
Andy sauntered hands-free in front of them, talking animatedly with Nicky and Lykon as they walked. The three of them clearly loved the snow, though Joe doubted they would be having even half as much fun if they had to carry the tree.
Quynh spat out some plastic pine needles. “Andromache! It’s your turn to carry this, come here!”
“Pleeease babe, we’re almost home!”
“Yeah,” Nicky interjected. “Besides, we have to carry the presents!” He waved the small, sparkly gift bag at them before pointedly turning back around.
Joe muttered something in Arabic about lazy spouses with nice asses, and Quynh cackled.
“Alright, alright,” Lykon interjected, jumping in front to get everyone’s attention. “Booker just texted me that he’s managed to get Nile out of the house under the pretext of, and I quote, ‘the snowball duel of the century.’ They’re going to the mountain pass, so we have two hours to get set up.”
“Perfetto,” Nicky said. “It’ll take me about twenty minutes to get the cookies in the oven, and then I’ll help decorate the tree.”
“You better get out in less than twenty,” Quynh warned. “When am I supposed to work? Do you even know how long it takes to cook chicken?”
“He doesn’t,” Joe confirmed.
“Habibi, that’s not fair. What about that time I made-”
A long, ominous buzz innervated all of their phones simultaneously. It was an emergency weather alert.
“Blizzard warning until 2:15 AM. All inner city residents are encouraged to shelter in place until further notice. Sudden snowfall and landslides may prove deadly,” Nicky read.
“Lykon, text Booker,” Andy ordered.
“On it.”
“No use,” Nicky cut in. “They’re probably already at the mountain pass. They won’t make it back in time.”
Andy swore loudly. “Joe, get the car. We’re going after them.”
Quynh and Joe dropped the tree and ran towards the house. By the time Joe started the car, Quynh was climbing down the porch steps with an armful of towels. The five of them piled into the car and tore down the icy roads.
The storm picked up with terrifying haste. When they got to the bridge near the mountain pass, visibility was already nearing zero. Joe switched places with Andy, clambering into the passenger seat so she could take the wheel. If anything could help them now, it was Andy’s extensive experience with driving in extreme weather conditions.
As they traveled through the pass, everyone kept their eyes trained on the snowy slopes, looking for any signs of Nile and Booker.
Suddenly, Lykon cried out in horror. Only a few feet away from the road were two motionless bodies, almost fully buried in a snow drift.
“Cazzo!” Nicky yelled, leaping out of the car. “There must have been an avalanche!”
Andy shoved the gearshift into parking and followed, joining the others as they attempted to dig out their friends with their bare hands. About two minutes after the frostbite set in, they were able to pull Nile and Booker free of the drift.
“Why aren’t they waking up?” Lykon asked, a tinge of panic in his voice. Andy rubbed Nile’s wrist as she looked at her watch, attempting to measure a pulse. Nicky tried to do the same for Booker, unconsciously chanting a Hail Mary under his breath.
Quynh stepped forward. “We need to get them back to the car. The heater will warm them up and help dry them off. Come on.”
Joe picked up Nile in his arms, cradling her head. Quynh threw Booker over her shoulders in a fireman’s carry. This time, they noticed neither the weight nor the cold. Their entire focus was on getting their friends home to warmth and safety.
“Joe, your coat,” Andy said as they got to the car. “It’s fleece. Take Nile’s ski jacket off and give her yours.”
Joe obeyed without hesitation, bundling her in his own winter gear and buckling her into the back seat. Meanwhile, Quynh and Nicky used the towels to dry off Booker’s snow coat as best as they could. Lykon climbed into the passenger seat, and Andy began to drive.
Thankfully, the storm didn’t get worse on their way back (though Joe seriously doubted it could get worse). By the time Andy pulled into their driveway, Nile and Booker were beginning to stir.
“Hey, easy now,” Lykon soothed, helping a dazed Booker out of the car. “Let’s get you inside. There we go, you’re okay. Just a little farther.”
Behind them, Nile leaned heavily on Quynh as she half-carried her up the porch steps. Joe paused, watching them enter.
“All okay?” Andy asked, placing a hand on his shoulder as the wind whipped the snow around them.
“The tree…” Joe muttered, fazed. “I dropped it somewhere. We were going to surprise Nile, and I-”
Andy turned him gently to face her, pulling his woolen beanie down to cover his ears.
“It’s alright, love,” she said softly, switching to Arabic. “She needs a different kind of comfort from us now. She and Booker both. Let’s go take care of them, okay?”
Joe nodded, following her into the warmth of their home.
A fire blazed happily in the hearth. Someone had expanded their futon and pulled it closer to the fireplace. Nile and Booker were seated on it now, wearing large, clean sweatpants - Nicky’s sweatpants, Joe noticed - and fuzzy Christmas sweaters. Quynh and Lykon were snuggled up on either side of them, feeding them something from a thermos flask and adjusting the heated blankets.
“Room for two more?” Andy grinned, curling up next to Quynh and gesturing at Joe to sit. “What’s that?” Joe asked, sliding under Lykon’s side of the blanket and pointing at the steaming drink in the thermos.
“I made apple cider earlier and left it in the instant pot,” Lykon replied. “It was still hot.”
Lykon held the drink to Nile’s lips. She took a large sip, sighing happily. Joe made a mental note to pour himself some cider if he ever got out from under this heated blanket.
Just then, Nicky walked out of the kitchen, balancing a large tray in his hands. “Soup time! Everyone sit up, let’s eat.”
Joe blinked, wondering how his husband had had the presence of mind to immediately go into the kitchen and make soup, of all things. He himself was still recovering from the last hour’s ordeal.
Nicky tutted disapprovingly. “Boss, get changed. Joe, you too. Why would you think it’s a good idea to get under an electric blanket in wet clothes?”
Andy grimaced, throwing her jacket and t-shirt on the floor and snuggling up to Quynh in just her bra. Quynh tugged Andy closer.
Nicky turned to Joe, raising an eyebrow. “Habibi?”
Joe pulled a face. “Do you have any sweatpants left for me?”
“Always.” Nicky ruffled Joe’s curls. “My gray university ones are in the dryer. They’ll still be warm if you hurry.”
Joe got up, returning two minutes later in the gray sweatpants and a black tank top he stole off of Andy’s dresser. He hastily dove back under Lykon’s heated blanket.
In the middle of the couch, swaddled in blankets and eating soup, Nile and Booker were looking much more alive. The color returned to their cheeks, intensifying as Nicky began to scold them.
“Booker, what the fuck were you thinking?” he demanded.
“I don’t know! You said to distract Nile, and she wanted to have a snowball fight. So I said yes!”
“Why didn’t you just go to the park?”
“I thought driving out to the mountain pass would buy you guys more time. It was a bad idea. I’m sorry.”
“You could have died, Book! Just because we’re immortal doesn’t mean we can play with our lives like that. Not to mention, you put Nile in danger!”
Quynh sat up, reaching for Nicky’s hands. She swiped her thumbs over his knuckles in a soothing gesture. “Hey, lay off him, would you? They’ve had a tough night.”
“But what if-”
“No what-ifs, Nicky. It’s alright. They’re safe. Now put the rest of that soup down and come here.”
Nicky sighed in secret gratitude. This was not a night he wanted to be left to follow his thoughts. “Fine.”
He squeezed onto the futon between Quynh and Nile, accepting the blanket Andy threw over him. He wrapped his arms around Nile, who snuggled closer.
“Nicky?” she mumbled after a moment.
“If you’re not still angry, can I ask you a question?”
Nicky pulled back to look at her. “Sorellina, I’m so sorry. I was never angry at you. Nor at Booker, really. Just a bit worried.”
“Yeah,” Joe piped up from the other end of the couch. “He gets mean when he’s scared.”
“I am not mean,” Nicky insisted. “Nile, what was it you wanted to ask?”
“Why did Booker say you wanted him to distract me? Distract me from what?”
Lykon laughed. “Should we tell her, Nicky, or do we plan to try again tomorrow?”
“We lost the tree, so I think we should just tell her,” Joe voted sleepily.
“You just don’t want to carry another tree,” Booker accused.
“Easy for you to say!” Quynh jumped in. “Next time, I’ll distract her, and you can walk a mile in the snow with plastic pine needles in your face.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” Andy said, lips twitching. “No more attempts. Jesus wasn’t actually born on this day, anyway. I was there.”
Nicky blinked at her, and then rapidly shook his head to clear it. He looked at Nile. “We were trying to surprise you with a Christmas party. Remember last Thursday, when you were telling us how your family celebrated it back home?”
“We wanted to recreate all the same traditions. We got a tree, and some ornaments, and stockings with your initials on it, and, uh…”
“Presents! And that Christmas music you like,” Joe added.
“Yes, and Nicky was going to make cookies shaped like reindeer,” Quynh said.
“Also,” Lykon pointed to a folded-up tripod in the corner, “we were going to take family photos in our sweaters and put them on postcards. Copley said we can’t send them to anyone, but we could still make some.”
Booker sighed. “Sorry I ruined it, Nile. I thought- wait, are you crying?!”
Nile sniffled, turning away from Booker to tuck her face under the blanket. “No.”
“Oh, honey,” Quynh cooed. We can still do it all tomorrow, if you want…”
“It’s not that,” Nile croaked. “It’s just- You guys did all that just to surprise me?”
“It’s nothing,” Nicky assured. “Well, it’s really nothing now, but even if everything had gone according to plan, it still wouldn’t have been any trouble. It’s your first Christmas with us, and we wanted it to be memorable.”
“You’re the best,” Nile said, voice choked with emotions. “All of you. And this is the best Christmas Eve ever. Thank you.”
“Hush,” Andy smirked. “In this house, we show gratitude by not dying unnecessarily.”
“Oh, that was all Booker’s fault,” Nile countered smoothly. “I would have been content with a snowball fight in the park.”
“Really loving the underside of this bus,” Booker muttered as the others laughed.
Over the next hour, the lighthearted conversation drifted into sleepy silence. By the time Nicky thought to ask who would turn off the lights, Joe was only half-pretending to be fast asleep.
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dekuskacchan · 4 years
the brightest light is you
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, tooth rotting fluff
A/N: Hi friends!! This fic is a secret santa gift for my love @lonely-rabbit (you should totally follow her) and our lovely fambly. The prompts were “First Christmas,” and “Proposals.” I hope you like it! <3
December 10th
Katsuki saw the sign to the pet store before Izuku did, and immediately knew he was in trouble. Why is there a pet store inside a fucking strip mall?
“Kacchan, look!” Izuku pointed at a baby, chocolate colored bunny, sleeping in an enclosure on display in the front window.
“Absolutely not.”
“But look how cute she is!” Izuku pouted.
“Deku, we already have a cat.”
“Yeah, so she’d have a friend!”
“No, she’d get fucking eaten.”
“Chip would never, she’s too polite.”
“She’s a fucking demon!” Katsuki snapped.
“Pleeeease, Kacchan? She needs a home, and it’s just in time for Christmas,” Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki’s middle, staring up at him.
Katsuki averted his gaze and gritted his teeth, knowing he couldn't resist Izuku's pleading eyes.
“No. Don’t give me that fucking look.”
To Katsuki’s surprise, Izuku just laughed and released his hold on him.
“Fine, fine, you’re right,” Izuku sighed dramatically, “let’s go before I get too attached. I’m hungry, anyway.”
Katsuki watched as he walked away, considering for a moment.
“God fucking dammit,” Katsuki muttered, pulling out his phone to snap a picture before Izuku noticed.
December 18th
“Look at these, Kacchan!” Katsuki looked up from an outrageously priced scarf to see Izuku holding the most hideous sweaters he had ever seen. They were bright red, each decorated with a matching design that, when held together, formed a Christmas tree that was adorned with real tinsel, glitter, and colored pom-pom ornaments.
“Fuck no,” Katsuki spat, and Izuku burst into laughter.
“Why not? They’re perfect,”
“No way in hell you’re getting me to wear that shit,” Katsuki snapped.
“I can think of a few ways,” Izuku winked. Katsuki sputtered, pink dusting his cheeks.
“C’mon, Kacchan, it’s Christmas! We have to get ugly sweaters.”
It was their first Christmas together since buying their new house, and Izuku had insisted on decorating accordingly. Apparently that also included embarrassing the hell out of Katsuki.
“I don’t have to do shit.”
“Please?” Izuku pouted his lip.
Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned.
“Fine,” he growled, while Izuku cheered and tossed the sweaters into the shopping cart.
“Oh, we could get matching Santa h-”
“Don’t even fucking think about it, Deku,” Katsuki pushed the cart forward, swiftly exiting the clothing section of the store as Izuku giggled behind him.
It had been at least 30 minutes since Katsuki had seen Izuku. Where the fuck had he gone? This shop was too small to get lost in. He had checked all the aisles twice, but Izuku was nowhere to be found.
“Goddammit, every time,” Katsuki muttered, pulling out his phone to call again.
“Oh, Kacchan! There you are!” Katsuki jumped as a mop of green curls popped up from behind a giant red bin. How had he missed that?
“Jesus, Deku! You scared the shit out of me. How long have you fucking been there?,” Katsuki grumbled.
“Way too long. I’m trying to pick out lights, come help me,”
Katsuki sighed as he approached and took in the sight before him.
Izuku was muttering incomprehensibly to himself as he knelt amongst a messy pile of packages, each containing string lights of different sizes, shapes and colors.
“Those white ones in the big box,” Katsuki pointed, interrupting Izuku’s train of thought, “they’ll match the walls and the trim on the house."
Izuku looked up at Katsuki and beamed.
“You’re so smart.”
“Damn right,” Katsuki grinned, “and we’re getting a shit ton. We’re gonna have the best fucking house in the neighborhood," he pulled five boxes of lights from the bin, tossing them into the cart.
“Okay, Kacchan,” Izuku laughed as he cleaned up his mess.
Their shopping cart was practically overflowing with decorations now, but Izuku didn’t seem to notice, excitedly pulling Katsuki all over the store.
“We already have three of these, nerd,” Katsuki watched as Izuku pondered over a vast selection of snowglobes.
“Yes, but not little ones! We could put these all over the house,” Izuku turned to face Katsuki, holding up a miniature globe with Dynamight’s signature gauntlets inside. Katsuki sighed and draped an arm around Izuku’s shoulder, knowing his mind was already made up.
“Could give this one to your mom,” Katsuki pointed to one that was large, green and orange, with “Wonder Duo” engraved on the front. Inside were little statues of Dynamight and Deku, posed dramatically in battle.
“She likes-,” Katsuki paused, abruptly letting go of Izuku and all but sprinting away, disappearing behind a shelving unit.
“Kacchan what’s-,” Izuku called, startled. He gasped when Katsuki returned with a box three times his size.
It was a giant, twelve foot tall statue of a Yeti wielding a staff. Katsuki poked his head around the side, grinning wickedly in delight.
“Kacchan, where would we even put that?” Izuku stared in disbelief.
“We’ll make room,” Katsuki grunted.
“Make room where?”
“We can put it next to the fireplace.”
“Kacchan, that’s where the stairs are.”
“Fuck the stairs.”
“That thing is taller than our ceiling,” Izuku stifled a laugh as Katsuki struggled to balance the weight of the box.
“Then we’ll put it outside,” Katsuki huffed in frustration.
“I don’t think our neighbors would like that, it’s scary.”
“Fuck the neighbors, this is badass.”
Izuku was laughing in earnest now, tears coming into his eyes.
“I can’t get a bunny, but you can get a giant monster?”
“This is way cooler than a fucking bunny.”
“I’m blaming you if we get in trouble with the landlord.”
December 20th
“That’s not food, Chip!” Izuku cried. “Let go!”
Katsuki snickered, slicing vegetables to add to a pot of bubbling curry while Izuku struggled to protect the tree from their cat.
A resounding thud came from the living room, and Katsuki sighed as he dumped the ingredients into the pot.
“I need help here!” Izuku called desperately as Katsuki entered the room.
Izuku was on the floor, becoming increasingly tangled in ropes of tinsel as Chip rolled in it like she’d struck gold.
“I give up Kacchan, she won’t let- stop laughing! Can you grab her please? She keeps nibbling me” Izuku scowled.
Struggling not to choke on laughter, Katsuki whistled, quickly catching Chip’s attention.
“C’mere, you little shit, I’ve got something that tastes better than Deku,” Katsuki kneeled, dangling a piece of chicken in front of him. The tabby sprinted to him and happily devoured her prize.
“Dumb fucking cat,” he muttered under his breath.
“She likes you more than me,” Izuku chuckled, untangling himself from his tinsel prison to finish wrapping it around the tree.
“Course she does. She only likes the best,” Katsuki grinned, scratching Chip's chin as she purred and rubbed against his knee.
“There,” Izuku stood back to admire his handiwork, “I think it just needs the star now.”
“Can you even reach, shortstack?” Katsuki teased, watching Izuku struggle on his tiptoes.
“Of-” Izuku grunted,” of course I can.”
Wordlessly, Katsuki wrapped his arms around Izuku’s middle, lifting him up with ease to place the silver star atop the tree.
“It looks good, right?” Izuku grinned as Katsuki lowered him back down, still hugging him from behind.
“Yeah. Nice work, nerd,”
“Thanks, Kacchan.”
“Christmas is gonna be great,” Izuku whispered.
“Be more fun if we just stayed home,” Katsuki grumbled into Izuku’s neck.
“That could be fun,” Izuku laughed, turning in Katsuki’s arm to hug him properly, “but it’ll be good to see our parents. It’s been over a month.”
“Tch. I guess,”
“Thanks for making dinner, Kacchan,” Izuku squeezed him tight and tilted his head up for a kiss.
“It’s gonna fucking burn if you don’t let go of me,” Katsuki murmured against his lips, but kissed him back.
“Hmm. That’s fine,”
Katsuki snorted.
“Hey, I think the demon spawn is ready for round two,” he nodded at the sneaky cat, who was quietly approaching the tree again.
“Dammit,” Izuku whipped around, tearing out of Katsuki’s arms, “Chip, stay out of there!”
December 25th
Katsuki woke to soft lips on his forehead
“Good morning, Kacchan,” Izuku whispered in his ear.
“ ‘S too fuckin early, Deku,” Katsuki groaned, eyes still closed.
“It’s almost 10.”
“I said what I said.”
Izuku yelped in surprise as Katsuki grabbed his waist and unceremoniously tugged him down onto the bed.
“Kacchan, it’s Christmas,” Izuku laughed, snuggling into his side, despite himself, “we’re supposed to be at your parents house in three hours.”
“Mmm, fuck’m,” Katsuki grumbled.
“I have coffee brewing,”
Katsuki’s ears perked up, the scent suddenly filling his nose. Sighing, he stretched his free arm above his head and cracked his eyes open to see Izuku smiling at him, wearing that atrocious sweater he’d picked out. Katsuki tucked a stray curl behind his ear.
Too cute for his own damn good.
“Come on, Kacchan, I made breakfast too,” Izuku pulled Katsuki by the arm as he sat up.
“You made breakfast?” Katsuki was dubious as he slid his glasses up his nose.
“Yep. My specialty,”
“Canned cinnamon rolls?”
“Canned cinnamon rolls.”
“....fuck yeah.”
Katsuki had long since accepted his role as the chef in their relationship, because Izuku couldn’t cook to save his fucking life, but canned pastries were a guilty pleasure he knew he’d never shake.
It was a peaceful morning. The sun peeked through the curtains, bathing the room in warm, golden hues as they sat by the fire, Chip asleep on the couch between them.
“Hey, nerd, go open your present,” Katsuki nudged Izuku, who had begun to doze on his shoulder.
“Hm?” Izuku yawned, stretching his arms, “oh, okay!"
“It’s that red one,” Katsuki pointed to the largest package under the tree. Izuku eyed him curiously before crawling to open the gift, excitedly ripping through the paper and tape to reveal...
Another box, wrapped in different paper.
Izuku raised both eyebrows at him in confusion and Katsuki grinned.
“What, you don’t like it?” he mocked offense, as Izuku narrowed his eyes, “I’m just fucking with you. Keep going.”
Katsuki chuckled and quietly slipped out of the room while Izuku’s attention was occupied.
“Kacchan, this is so unnecessary,” Izuku groaned, as he pulled out yet a third box.
“Maybe I’ll just take it back, then,” Katsuki declared loudly as he re-entered the room, startling an oblivious Izuku.
“Kacchan, when did-” Izuku gasped. Katsuki was leaning against the wall with a smirk, holding a familiar small, chocolate brown bunny in his arms.
“I had Shitty Hair get her after we left the mall,”
“She’s been here for two weeks?!” Izuku cried in disbelief.
“You think I took care of her on my own? Fuck no,” Katsuki grumbled, meeting Izuku halfway and carefully passing him the rabbit, “had your mom keep her. Picked her up last night while you were asleep.”
“I love her,” Izuku smiled, burying his face in Katsuki's chest, “thank you, Kacchan."
Katsuki sighed, wrapping his arms around him and kissing his hair.
“I just knew you’d never shut the fuck up about it."
“Did you introduce her to Chip yet?”
“Yeah. She couldn’t fucking care less.”
Izuku laughed, kissing the bunny's soft head.
“I told you they’d be friends,”
“Yeah. Friends," Katsuki rolled his eyes, "go sit, there's one more,"
Izuku smirked as he watched Katsuki stumble over the ruins of his prank to retrieve the gift.
“There’d better not be another box in there, Kacchan,” Izuku warned, warily taking the package.
“Just open it, dumbass,” Katsuki barked a laugh and joined him on the couch.
Izuku pulled the lid off the long box and stared. Inside was a tall, holographic photo frame filled with drawings Izuku and Katsuki made as children. When tilted to the side, the images changed to reveal photographs of the pair as Pro Heroes.
“Kacchan, you- you kept these?”
Katsuki shrugged.
“They were too badass to throw away,”
“Kacchan-” tears welled up in Izuku’s eyes again, “it’s perfect. You big softie.”
“Tch. I’m not the one crying,” Katsuki wiped the tears as they rolled down his cheeks.
Izuku laughed again.
“But you know I’m right. My turn now?”
Izuku didn't wait for his response, clambering over the sea of boxes for the present without putting his furry new friend down.
It was surprisingly heavy, and topped with a comically large bow.
“Shit, Deku, you put bricks in here?”
“Just open it, Kacchan,” Izuku watched him with excitement in his eyes.
Katsuki ripped the package open to reveal a thick, leather bound scrapbook, with Dynamight’s signature X on the front. The inside cover read, in handwriting Katsuki immediately recognized as Izuku’s,“The Legacy of Dynamight.”
His eyes widened as he flipped through the book of memories.
There were journal articles of him in action. Newspaper headings; “Pro Hero Dynamight makes his big debut!” and “Pro hero Dynamight saves Musutafu Children’s Hospital!
Then came the letters glued to the parchment paper, comprising the majority of the book. Katsuki’s mouth fell open as he read words, handwritten, that he’d never seen before.
There were letters from citizens that had watched him take down terrifying enemies, praising him for his good deeds. Letters from people he’d saved, grateful for the chance to see their families again.
Letters from sick children he’d visited in the hospital telling him how awesome he was, several thanking him for giving them the encouragement to keep fighting.
And finally, there were multiple pages filled with artwork. Most were children’s doodles of Dynamight in action and Dynamight saving the day, but there were also several beautifully drawn and painted portraits.
The remaining pages were blank, waiting to be filled.
Izuku had written on the inside back cover:
This is a book of memories, of growth, of victory, and salvation.
If you are so fortunate to see this, know you are reading a testament to the strongest person this world has ever known.
The fiercest hero and most loyal partner, who always wins and always saves.
The legacy of Katsuki Bakugou, Pro Hero Dynamight.
At the bottom, Izuku had doodled several explosions and grenades, and Katsuki grinned.
“I sent a letter to the World Hero Association Journals, asking people to send in their thoughts about Pro Hero Dynamight. There were so many! Those kids were full of stories. They think you’re really cool. And we can fill the rest of it with new memories, too," Izuku said softly, smiling at him.
Katsuki tried to speak, but nothing came out. He was speechless as he stared at Izuku.
“I just want you to know how proud of you I am. How proud everyone is. You’re amazing, Kacchan," Izuku was looking at him with those big, knowing eyes, and picked up an envelope Katsuki hadn't noticed at the bottom of the box.
“Open the last one.”
It was a page full of more doodles from when they were kids, and potential hero names they’d created. At the bottom read “Dynamight” in uneven, capital letters.
“We had the same idea,” Izuku laughed.
“Deku, I-” Katsuki stuttered, still unable to find the right words.
“I know.”
Did he know? Could he possibly know how much this fucking meant? How much he meant?
They both startled as Chip dove into the pile of wrapping paper on the ground, ripping it to shreds.
“Oh-wait, come back!” Izuku reached for his bunny as she leapt from his lap to explore the wreckage, but Katsuki grabbed his chin and pulled him back.
“I love you,” Katsuki said firmly, capturing his lips in a searing kiss.
It felt like hours, but Katsuki knew it had only been minutes when Izuku pulled back.
“Kacchan,” he was breathless as Katsuki’s lips trailed down his chin, “I don’t know where she went.”
“She’s fine,”
“She’s fine.” Katsuki growled, silencing Izuku’s burst of laughter with another kiss.
“It’s fuckin’ cold, Deku, let’s just take the car,” Katsuki complained, rubbing his hands together to warm them.
“It’s not that cold, Kacchan. And look how pretty it is!” Izuku insisted.
Thin flecks of snow fell from the sky, disappearing into the fluff that already coated the neighborhood. Water dripped slowly from the tree branches as the snow began to melt in the sunlight. The air smelled of evergreen, crisp and cold enough that they could see their own breath.
“Besides, it’s not that far of a walk. Come on, we’re already running late,” Izuku hauled a bag of gifts over one arm, reaching for Katsuki’s hand with the other.
“Our house is the most badass,” Katsuki grinned, looking up at his prized statue. The giant took up half of their front yard, it's long shadow peering over their roof.
“Kacchan, that thing is an eyesore,” Izuku grimaced.
“Shut up. It’s cool as fuck as you know it."
Izuku laughed and shook his head.
“Do you think they’ll be alright without us?” Izuku worried as they walked, thinking of the animals they’d left at home.
“Who knows. Maybe the demon spawn will have eaten that fluff ball by the time we get home,” Katsuki teased.
“Kacchan! That’s not reassuring,”
“You asked,” Katsuki smirked, interlacing his fingers with Izuku’s, “they’ll be fine. They’re fucking animals. And she’s in her pen.”
The walk was short, but still longer than Katsuki cared for in the cold.
“Oh, mom’s already here!” Izuku pointed to the small, blue car parked in front of the Bakugou household.
The house was huge, decked top to bottom in red and green lights that matched the trees in the yard.
“Hope the old hag hasn’t eaten her alive yet,” Katsuki mused.
“Kacchan, that’s not very nice,” Izuku playful shoved him, “we’d better not keep them waiting,”
They were greeted at the door by Inko Midoriya’s warm, smiling face.
“Merry Christmas boys!” She squealed, pulling them both in for a tight hug.
“Merry Christmas, mom,” Izuku grinned, wrapping his arms around her. Katsuki hummed, loosely returning the embrace.
It was pleasantly warm inside, and smelled of cinnamon and vanilla.
“Oh, those are so cute!” Inko exclaimed as they discarded their coats, pointing to the abhorrent sweaters Izuku had insisted they wear, much to Katsuki’s chagrin.
Katsuki groaned as Inko poked at the ridiculous pom poms on his chest.
Deku’s lucky he’s so fucking cute.
Katsuki had just finished bickering with Mitsuki when he overheard Izuku and Inko talking in the next room. He paused, leaning against the wall to listen unnoticed.
“I can’t believe you kept Nibbles a secret!”
Nibbles? Where the fuck did that name come from?
“It wasn’t easy, I was so excited! But I was more than happy to help. She’s very well behaved,”
“She is,” Izuku laughed, “thank you for taking care of her, mom.”
“Of course, dear. Katsuki came to check on us almost every day.”
Katsuki flushed as the pair laughed.
“What did he think of the scrapbook?” Inko asked excitedly.
“He liked it, I think. He was quiet, which is Kacchan for “thank you."
Inko was laughing again.
“I think it was a great idea, honey, it's very thoughtful."
“I’m just...really proud of him, y’know? He’s come so far. I don’t think words are enough,” Izuku was sniffling now, “gah, I'm sorry mom, I don’t mean to be so mushy.”
“Don’t apologize. You get it from me,” Inko chuckled, the emotion clear in her voice too, “did you like your other gift?”
“I love it, it’s so perfect. Did you know about that, too?”
“He asked me if I thought you’d like it. I said yes, of course,” Inko paused, “he really loves you, honey.”
“I know. “
Katsuki flushed deeper, leaning quietly against the wall.
Did he know?
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Inko cried in appreciation for the snowglobe Katsuki had picked out, and locket they’d customized with a photo of the three of them. Mitsuki and Masaru enjoyed the cheesy as fuck digital photo frame Izuku had insisted on, with less teasing from Mitsuki than Katsuki had expected.
Everyone was delighted to see All Might when he stopped by to visit in the afternoon, but Katsuki barely even noticed him. In the crowded room, all he saw was Izuku.
Izuku, who had saved him so many times, in more than one sense of the word. Izuku, who had rooted for him his whole life, the only person who had never stopped truly believing in him, who had reminded him of his true purpose.
Izuku, who had never expected more of him than he had to give, but encouraged him endlessly to reach new heights.
Izuku, who was currently asleep in his lap, wrapped in his new blanket hoodie.
“Can i sit with you, dear?”
Katsuki was interrupted from his reverie by Inko’s soft voice.
“Sure,” he murmured, scooting over as best he could without waking the sleeping lump.
“Thank you for the gifts, they were very thoughtful.”
“Was Deku’s idea,” Katsuki lied. Inko laughed.
They sat together in a calming silence for a while, watching the flames crackle in the fireplace.
Katsuki was frequently comforted by Inko’s presence. She was a beacon of light, always warm and wise. He thought she was about to speak, but she was interrupted by Izuku’s sudden snores.
“He’s loud even in his fucking sleep,” Katsuki rolled his eyes.
Inko chuckled, running a hand through her son’s hair.
“It adds to his natural charm,”
“Yeah, it’s real charming waking up to the sound of a fog horn in the middle of the night,” Katsuki grumbled, earning another musical laugh.
“You know, I don’t think I ever congratulated you on your new home,” Inko hummed.
“ S’just a house."
“Of course it is,” Inko smiled knowingly and patted his arm, “I’m very proud of you both.”
Katsuki was silent for a moment, before squeezing her hand.
“Thanks,” he whispered.
It was dark when they finally bid their farewells, and considerably colder outside.
“Drive safe, mom!” Izuku waved as Katsuki helped her into her car and shut the door.
“Let’s cut through the plaza on the way home, Kacchan, I want to see the lights,"
“That’s ten fucking minutes out of the way, Deku,” Katsuki growled.
“It’s our last chance to see before it gets taken down! It’ll be fun,” Izuku pleaded, hugging Katsuki’s arm.
“Tch. You’d better fucking walk fast."
Izuku grinned in victory as they left.
“Today was a nice day. I didn’t expect All Might to actually come by, since he’s so busy. It was good to see him,” Izuku thought aloud.
“Woulda been pissed if he didn’t,” Katsuki grumbled.
“Did you invite him, too?” Izuku looked at him in surprise as he shrugged, “that’s really nice, Kacchan,” he smiled, leaning his head on Katsuki’s shoulder.
“I guess.”
They hadn’t been walking long when the light show came into view. Izuku gasped, releasing Katsuki’s arm as he stared.
Silver and gold arches stretched across the narrow street, wrapped in bright, white lights. The roofs of the buildings were covered in brightly colored stars that illuminated the sparkling snow, and the lamp posts were decorated like candy canes. A large statue of silver bells sat in the green field at the center of the plaza.
Katsuki had to admit, it wasn’t all that unpleasant to look at.
Izuku was fucking loving it. Katsuki watched as he stood under an arch, beaming in delight as he admired the view.
Does he know? Katsuki thought back on the events of the day. Does he really know?
“Kacchan, come look,” Izuku called to him.
Katsuki was still lost in thought as he approached, and Izuku paused, eyebrows furrowing in concern.
“Are you o-,” Izuku startled as Katsuki’s hands came to cradle his face.
There were so many things left unsaid, things he’d wanted to say but didn’t know how. Katsuki had always been better with actions than words, and Izuku had always accepted that. He accepted and loved him as he was without a second fucking thought.
“The strongest person this world has ever known.”
Izuku made him stronger.
“The legacy of Dynamight.”
Staring into eyes that were as soft as the falling snow, Katsuki decided he knew.
“Izuku,” Katsuki murmured, looking him straight in the eyes.
Every moment had led to this.
“Kacchan?” Izuku breathed.
The legacy he cared for most was the one he’d forged with Izuku.
“Marry me.”
Izuku’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Listen, I’m- I’m not good at this sappy shit. I don’t know what to fucking say. But-” Katsuki released he didn’t realize he’d been holding as Izuku’s palm brushed his cheek, “the world is a fucking shitty place. But it’s less shitty with you. And I don’t want anyone else by my side. So marry me,” Katsuki voice softened, “Please."
It wasn’t exactly the most romantic of proposals, and there wasn’t a ring, but Izuku didn’t seem to mind.
“Okay,” he whispered. A breathtaking smile spread across his face that put all the fucking lights in the world to shame.
Katsuki met Izuku halfway, lips colliding in a passionate kiss.
The world could be ending for all Katsuki knew, and he couldn’t fucking care less.
Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki’s neck, murmuring I love you against his lips, over and over again as he deepened the kiss, and nothing else mattered. Nothing mattered except for this fucking moment as they melted into each other, ignoring the world around them.
Just as their tongues brushed, Izuku pulled back, resting their foreheads together.
“We should-,” Izuku breathed with swollen lips, “should we go home?”
Reluctantly, Katsuki lifted his head and nodded.
It was past midnight when Katsuki woke. They had fallen asleep on the couch, Izuku curled into his side with Nibbles, with Chip resting at their feet. He watched the shadows from the fireplace dancing on the wall, the room gradually becoming dimmer as the flames died out.
Izuku stirred in his sleep, tilting his head up to look at Katsuki with a blissful smile on his face.
“Merry Christmas, Kacchan.”
Katsuki pulled him closer.
“Merry Christmas, Deku.”
A/N: thank you for reading!!!!! this is the first fic i’ve ever posted so im super nervous lmao. 
also: the italic lines are supposed to be Katsuki’s thoughts, I wasn’t sure if that was totally clear lmao
also!! big shoutout to @jekacatrina and @thatpinkbetch who helped me with the idea for kacchan’s present and also for the encouragement!!! (best parents ever)
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writteninkat · 3 years
i - your grandma must have been strong
word count: 2,007
"I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you."
You zipped your last luggage closed, huffing tiredly as you stood up. You looked around you- your empty room, your plain, pink walls that were once decorated with many posters and pictures, your floor that was once covered by a big fluffy white rug and some clothes and stuffed toys.
You sigh, smiling. You were surely going to miss this place. Your back tingles as you turn around to see your mother leaning on the door frame, looking at you with sad eyes.
"Do you have to go?" Her voice is soft and calming- it always has been. She's the only person who could ever calm you down especially when your father left the two of you to work at the Heroes Association in Japan.
"I want to be able to protect people. Children, women, the elderly... I wanna be someone people can depend on. Someone you can depend on." You place a hand on her arm which she covers with her own, he warm palm along with her soft smile about to send you to tears.
She nods, walking inside your room to help with your baggage. "The movers just finished loading up your other stuff. All we need is your excess baggage." She pushes the luggage towards the door, you mirroring her actions.
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She cups both of your cheeks, looking you at you with adoring, glassy eyes. It's your first time being separated from your mother in you sixteen years of existence. The two have always been attached to the hip, you traveled everywhere together, even as the two of you had constant arguments you could never stay mad at each other for too long.
She was the only one you had.
"Stay safe in Japan, okay? If your father gave you a hard time, call me. I'll pick you up no matter what time it is, no matter where you are. I love you." She kisses your forehead and you finally let your tears fall as you wrap your hands around her thing wrists.
"I love you so much mom." You sob, hanging your head as your mother wrapped her arms around you. You hear a voice of a woman through the speakers, telling you your flight was taking off in a few minutes.
You quickly give your mother a kiss on the cheek before letting one of your guards assist you with your bags. You waved good bye to your mom and soon after, your trusted body guard.
You were on your way to Japan, to a new life, a new school, new friends and hopefully to reach your new goal: to prove yourself worthy of becoming a hero without your father's help.
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You walk towards the giant gates of UA, taking a deep breath before finally taking a step inside the campus. Your heart thumped on your chest nervously as your palms began to prespire. You kept your eyes forward, not wanting to do anything with the teens around you as your only goal was to pass the entrance exam. You walked inside the building you were lead to, taking a seat at the very back in fear of attracting any unwanted attention.
"What's up UA candidates?! Thanks for tuning into me your school DJ! Just as your application said, today you will be conducting your exams in seven different locations! Your location has been assigned to you in the paper you were given." The loud blond man with long hair swept way to the back of his head announced, making you click your tongue. Not to be a mood buster, but isn't he being a little too loud?
You take the piece of paper he was talking about, eyes lower to read the letter that's written on it. Test Location: Battle Center C.
"Excuse me sir but I have a question." Your eyes fall to a purple-headed boy with glasses whose hand is raised. The blond teacher acknowledges him and he begins talking about how there are four villains in the paper you were given and not only three.
He then begins running his mouth about how a minor mistake such as this would be an embarrassment for a school such as UA. You scoff, muttering something about having a stick up his ass.
After the teacher ended his speech, you along with the other students began piling out of the room and to your designated battle centers. As you enter your specified location, you take out the black leather gloves from your pocket, wearing them. You clenched and unclenched your hands to make sure that it fit you well.
"Hey grandma." An unfamiliar voice catches your attention, unfortunately for you the rude nickname was directed towards you.
"Grandma?" You raise a brow, unsure what he meant by it.
"You white hair reminds me of my grandma's." He snickers, pointing at the white streaks of hair you have beside either sides of your face as a few other students chuckling behind him. He looks plain, very, very boring. "Why don't you give up on this exam, grandma? Your knees may start hurting."
The signal went off and the robots began moving behind you. As you kept a straight face, your hands begin glowing a blinding white light as a black with blue and silver accent claymore appears in your hands. You run to your left, applying your speed quirk as you ran towards the gigantic robots, swinging your sword vertically.
The slash creates the same blinding white light, the robots, the buildings and concrete ground that the light touches all disintegrating into nothing. You speed into the other robots, stealing the targets of other students as you accumulated your points. Once you finish and only a few robots are left, you return to your spot to where the plain-looking boy along with his little friends were still standing at, jaws hanging eyes blown wide.
"You grandma must have been very strong."
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"I got in." You say into your phone and you hear your mother squeal in delight from the other end of the line. A smile breaks into your face and you feel your phone vibrate, signaling a new notification. As you pull your phone away to see what it is, your eyes widen in surprise as you read your notification banner.
'Mom' sent you $100.
"Mom what the heck is the money for?" You chuckle. "I'm not there with you but I want you to celebrate getting into UA. So go use the money and spoil yourself."
"Mom you don't have to-"
"Okay, mom mode off. I demand you go and award yourself eith the money I sent you." Your mom's tone switches from soft and caring to cold and demanding, making you chuckle. "That doesn't suit you at all." You laugh, you can practically /hear/ your mom pout at the other line.
"Okay, okay. I'll do as you say. Thank you, mom. I love you."
"I love you more my baby."
The call ends and you change out of your usual sweats and oversized tee. You put on a black spaghetti strap and high-wasted mom jeans. You hoop in a black belt and fold the ankles of your pants to show your white sock inside your checkered vans. You finish the look with medium-sized hoop earrings and a oversized red zip-up jacket which you leave unzipped with one shoulder hanging off.
You step out of your apartment, pocketing your keys and taking a deep breath in. Japan is just so beautiful, the scenery, the buildings, even the weather was perfect. You strut down your apartment building, scrolling through your phone as you searched for cafes nearby. It was a five minute walk of calm and relaxing vibes. You step into the cafe, eyes darting around the adorable cottage-core aesthetic it had going.
"Hey my name is Mio. What can I get for you this lovely afternoon?" The cashier beams brightly, your day becoming better and better with every move you make. "I'll have a strawberry shortcake as well as a strawberr frappe with extra foam, strawberry syrup and strawberries." You beam back at her and she takes your order with a bright smile, tapoing away on the computer's screen.
"Does your life depend on strawberries or something?" A rough and deep voice asks behind you, causing you to turn around. Once you do, your eyes widen at the sight of a young blond with vermilion eyes. He looked around your age.
"I like strawberries. Is it that big of a sin?" You ask, soft smile across your face as you cross your arms together. The guy had such piercing eyes, those red orbs looked like they could trap you in them forever.
"Not what I'm saying, but if you're that much of a strawberry fan, I recommend their strawberry pop tarts." His eyes drop to the display fridge beside you and your eyes follow his, landing on the adorable little tarts with red jam on top of them.
Just as you were about to order them, the cashier speaks up. "Your total is 1,500 yen." She smiles brightly, making you pout. You didn't want to cause more trouble for her seeing as your bill has already been printed by the machine.
You scan their QR code, paying virtually as she hands you your buzzer. "We'll give you a signal whrn your order is ready. You can find a seat and wait there thank you!"
You turn around at the blond who's looking at you expectantly, "I guess I'll have to try your recommendation some other time." You smile at him, walking off to the table catering two chairs. It was seated at the far back of the cafe, away from the many customers the cafe had.
You began scrolling through your social media, liking the posts of your past classmates and chuckling at some memes you saw.
A plate full of the same tarts with red jam is placed on your white table and you didn't have to look to see who it was. "Is this you way of flirting with me, rubies?" You ask, looking up at him with a teasing, smug smile. His face contorts into annoyance, "Hah? Flirting with you?" He scoffs, "Not a chance. And who're you calling rubies?"
"Your eyes remind me of rubies. They're pretty."
The blond's face relaxes and you push the seat across from you, silently telling him to sit down. He does as 'told', huffing as he watches you pick of a tart and bring it over to your lips. You bite on it, eyes widening as the flavor explodes in your mouth. It tastes sweet but not the sickeningly sweet kind, it's soft soft in the inside and lightly crunchy on the outside.
"You look like you just ate food made by gods." He chuckles, "You look dumb."
"But it really does taste so good!" You've never felt this much excitement since you found out you got into UA. And that speaks a lot given that you've only ever felt this kind of feeling with your mom.
"I should have bought the entire stock if I knew you liked it that much." Your heart skipped at his words. What is this feeling? You felt nervous all of a sudden, you can barely contain your smile and somehow, you didn't want to go home yet. This is a very new feeling for you. It's kind of... scary.
"I'm L/n."
Idiot. Stop it.
"L/n Y/n." You extend your hand towards him which he looks at for a few moments before taking. You shake both of your hands with a soft smile, your thoughts going haywire at how soft his palms feel.
"Bakugou. Katsuki Bakugou."
You pull your hand away, finishing the last piece of strawberry pop tart on your plate before your buzzer turns on. You pick it up, standing up. "Thanks for the tarts. See you around, rubies."
"Call me that one more time and I'll blow your face up."
You snicker, smirking. "Whatever you say, rubies."
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
June Contest Submission #8: A Real Howler in July
Words: ca. 5,500
Setting: modern AU
Lemon: no
CW: none
Was there anything worse than inclement weather?
Anna didn’t think so.
Not at this very moment anyway, buried nearly up to the waist in snow as she was. She hefted her ski pole out of the drift behind her with a grunt and plunged it haphazardly into the snow ahead of her. The screaming winds cut through her hard shell jacket like it was made of tissue paper and Anna’s body locked up while trying to shiver violently at the same time. Slush had gotten into the boots a size too big for her, squelching against her socks in an icy, soggy mess. The forest of dark pines offered scant protection against the swirling flurries that obscured her vision in a confetti of white. 
Snow, in July.
That was supposed to be a joke, just something people said— not a real thing. Wasn’t it? Anna was just grateful she’d chanced upon that bizarre store in the middle of the woods, otherwise she’d be doing this in jean shorts and a tank top. 
Oaken’s Trading Post (and Sauna)— that’s what the sign had said. It looked like any other cabin, but inside was a shop, sure enough. Anna had been greeted by a large man behind the counter in a thick wool sweater, suspenders, and an impressive mutton chop-mustache combo. This was the titular Oaken. 
The big, tall Norwegian in the loud sweater had given her a funny look when Anna explained why she was there and who she’d rented her cabin from. “Kristoff did not say anything when you booked those dates?” 
Wait, he knew this would happen?! What the hell!
Anna shook her head, failing to repress a full-body shiver as the heat of the shop started to thaw her out. Oaken clucked his tongue. “I swear, that boy. If it is not ice he is very clueless. I told him, ja? I told him he should not put his place on the line for strangers to use.”
Anna pressed her lips together, fighting a smile at the term “on the line”. She eyed the brick of a monitor behind the register that looked like it might be a gateway computer, and wondered if he still had dial-up. Or internet, period. 
Oaken caught her looking and shook his head. “No service up here now, phone or computer.” 
“I don’t suppose you’ve got any winter appropriate clothing here?”
Oaken gave her a wry look and gestured to the back of the shop. Their “winter” selection looked very sad indeed. “Not many tourists come to the mountain. Even those in the town stay away in July,” he said as Anna surveyed her options in disappointment. 
Well, fine. It wasn’t ideal, but Anna wasn’t about to give up. She slapped her wallet down on the counter. “Whatever you got? I’ll take it.” 
The sum total of what Oaken had was a bright fuchsia hard shell jacket, boots in a size 9 (she was a size 8), blue ski pants, gloves, a wool hat, and five pairs of long underwear. She took it all. 
Anna looked longingly at the sauna as he was ringing her up, but she couldn’t risk losing daylight. She settled for taking some extra time in the toasty changing room, putting on three pairs of long underwear (she couldn’t get the last two on without going up a size), and every other article of clothing that would fit under her new jacket. Everything else was shoved into her backpack. 
Oaken kindly lent her his own ski poles, the caveat being that she return them on her way back. 
Anna stood on the deck, looking out at the frozen landscape. She didn’t have much experience with this kind of weather, but that wasn’t going to stop her. One thing Anna wasn’t, was a quitter. She was going to find this damn cabin if it was the last thing she did.
What started as heavy snowfall soon escalated into a full blizzard. Anna kept herself going by composing a strongly worded review for Kristoff’s Airbnb in her head, one that got more acerbic with each step.
So. Here she was: three hours from Oaken’s, slush in her boots, pushing her way forward by kicking through the drift she’d sunk down. Anna could practically feel the blood freezing in her veins, suffocating the vital warmth that kept her functioning. She’d been seeing the markers Kristoff said would be there, but each one was taking longer to find.   
Anna unstuck her foot from the snow and took a giant step, pitching forward heavily. That was a mistake. The drift crumbled beneath her and she went down, tumbling head over heels through a sloping copse of trees until she rolled to a stop in a small clearing. Face first, of course. 
Weakly she pushed herself up, casting about for the ski poles. They had landed close by, and as she fumbled for them something caught her eye: a warm contrast against the frigid, grey landscape. There, at the edge of the clearing, was an honest to god cabin, with smoke puffing from the chimney and brightly lit windows shining like a beacon against the dark. 
She’d made it. 
Anna stumbled towards it, the tantalizing promise of warmth so close it made her whole body ache. The wind surged around her the closer she got, forcing Anna to swerve into it just to stay upright. She struggled up the stairs; leaning heavily on her poles. Leveraging herself onto the porch, she shuffled to the door, practically collapsing against it.  
It was locked. No key under the mat where there should’ve been. Seriously? Anna let the ski pole dangle from her wrist as she raised her fist and brought it down heavily on the door. “Is anyone in there?” She called out. “Please I just need to get out of the storm!”
She couldn’t hear anything over the wind and no one came to the door. 
Anna knocked again. 
Anna continued knocking, and the blizzard grew stronger, as if it took personal offense to her presence. 
There had to be someone in there— Anna was pounding on the door now. “Please open up! I promise I’m not a murderer or anything!” She winced. Great sell Anna, that definitely won’t creep them out, because real murderers never say that. “Please, I’m supposed to be staying in Kristoff’s cabin and this is the only one around, and I’m really going to freeze out here if you don’t—”
The door swung open and Anna almost toppled to the floor. She grabbed for her ski pole and braced it against the deck. A waft of warm air curled around her exposed face and Anna looked up to see who had come to the door. 
Okay so a model was using the cabin. Cool. Neat. 
The woman who stood there looked like the poster child for Nordic beauty, with long, braided platinum hair and shocking blue eyes. She was dressed surprisingly light (or so Anna thought) in an oversized, cable knit sweater and black leggings, no socks. Anna guessed she was about her age, maybe a little older—possibly mid to late twenties. 
The wind gave another disembodied wail, and Anna gestured inside. “Um, can I…?” 
The woman stared at her, but after a beat stepped aside silently to allow her in. 
Anna breathed a thank you as she trekked inside, basking with unspeakable relief in the heat and abrupt stillness from the absence of raging wind and snow. She turned around to find the other woman watching her from the door, leaning her back against it with one hand clasped around the knob. “So…who are you?”
“I believe I should be the one asking you that.”
The woman had a point, though Anna still wasn’t entirely sure whether or not this was the cabin she’d rented from Kristoff, and maybe he’d double booked it or something. She wouldn’t put it past him.  
“Sorry— yeah, I’m Anna.” She gave her a big smile, but her companion remained poker-faced. “I rented a cabin from a guy named Kristoff Bjorgman, on Airbnb? He, uh, never mentioned I should expect snow, which seems like a pretty big oversight, all things considered.” She looked pointedly out the window. 
The woman closed her eyes at that and sighed. 
“I take it you know him?”
“So…is this not his cabin then?”
“It is not.” 
The woman gave Anna a wide berth as she moved away from the door to the nearest window, peering out at the squall. 
“You shouldn’t… you shouldn’t be here.” 
“Well, yeah, of course I shouldn’t. I should be in my own cabin, the one I rented,” Anna said lightly, watching her reluctant hostess wring her hands. She seemed unduly nervous, even allowing that she’d been intruded upon by a stranger in the middle of nowhere. 
“Could I…? I mean,” Anna let out a nervous little laugh, “you’re not going to make me go out in that and try to find my way in the dark right?” 
She looked at Anna as if seeing her for the first time. The wind screamed, rattling the windows in their frames. “No… of course not.” She swallowed visibly. “I’ll…,” she gazed around the cabin as if it were the first time she was seeing that too, like Anna’s presence had thrown her whole life out of orbit and everything she knew was now foreign. 
She took Anna in from head to toe— in all of her frozen, slowly melting glory. A trickle of thawed snow slipped down the back of Anna’s neck and she shuddered. 
“You need to get warm,”she said gravely. 
“Yes please,” Anna exhaled gratefully. “Um, sorry I still don’t know your name.” 
“My name is Elsa.” She gestured over her shoulder. “I’ll run you a bath. You can leave your boots and jacket by the door.” With that, she was off down a hallway and out of sight. 
“Thank you!” Anna called after her, quickly shedding her outer layers. Well, this wasn’t the worst development in the world. 
Anna let out a dreamy sigh and sank lower in the tub. Steam drifted in lazy tendrils from the surface of the water and her eyelids were getting heavy. Before she fell asleep, Anna dragged herself from the bath and stuffed herself into her last two pairs of long thermal underwear. Elsa had graciously provided her a cable knit sweater and fleece joggers. 
She came out of the bathroom and wandered into the living room just as Elsa finished tucking a sheet into the couch. She stacked an enormous pile of blankets on the cushions. “I would give you the bed, but I think you need the fire more. Hopefully it’s comfortable enough.” She looked up and stopped at the sight of Anna. 
Anna ran a hand through her damp hair, suddenly nervous under Elsa’s attention. “I know, I look a little different when I’m not rocking the half-frozen rat look.”
Elsa’s lips curled faintly. “It’s not a bad different. And you’re not the worst half-frozen specimen I’ve seen.” 
Anna chuckled. “Glad to hear it.” She collapsed onto the couch, sinking into the nest of blankets. Her body was utterly exhausted, but the physical exertion coupled with the muscle memory of getting warm after so much cold left her tingling pleasantly down to her bones. “Oh that’s nice.”
“There’s some hot chocolate, if you’d like.” Elsa indicated the steaming mug on the coffee table. 
Anna almost lunged for it. She took a careful sip, and burned her tongue anyway. “Oh, you’re an angel.” For being so reticent to let Anna stay, Elsa was incredibly hospitable. 
“I’ll leave you to it,” Elsa said. She turned to go but hesitated. “He really put his cabin on Airbnb?”
“Mhmm,” Anna hummed the affirmative as she took another gulp, watching Elsa’s face. 
Elsa shook her head and murmured something that sounded like he should know better. “Perhaps he confused the dates.”
Again with the dates. It was starting to give her an inkling, like she’d wandered into an episode of the twilight zone. Her host was half way out of the room when Anna popped her head over the back of the couch. “Elsa?”
She turned back. “Yes?” 
“Thank you, seriously. If I hadn’t found your cabin and you hadn’t let me in… I don’t know what would have happened.”
A look Anna couldn’t interpret passed over Elsa’s face. She nodded once. “Goodnight Anna. Sleep well.”
“Night,” Anna said to Elsa’s retreating back.
Elsa barely slept, too anxious and distressed by the foreign presence in her living room. There shouldn’t be anyone on this mountain right now, let alone someone a handful of meters away in her cabin. The night of tossing and turning, of pacing, had only made it worse and she was completely unsurprised, yet bitterly disappointed the next morning when she came into the kitchen and found the window half obstructed by snow. There was nothing she could do at this point to mitigate the storm. 
They were trapped. 
Elsa had no idea if Anna could survive the cold that was coming.
One coffee later Anna stumbled in, tousled and groggy. Elsa set a fresh filter in the carafe. “Good morning.” 
“Is it?” Anna mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She’d draped herself in a blanket, only her face peaking out. The effect was quite endearing, a little childlike, and Elsa reminded herself sharply that Anna was still a stranger, and her situation could soon be perilous. 
“Well, you didn’t murder me in my sleep, so I think it could be worse.”
Anna cocked her head in confusion. 
“You shouted yesterday while you were trying to knock my door down that you were not ‘a murderer or anything’,” Elsa clarified, pouring a steaming kettle over the coffee grounds. 
Anna laughed sheepishly. “You heard that huh?” 
Elsa allowed herself a small smile. “I did.” 
“Well it’s true, I’m not.” She grinned, but it slipped off her face when she saw the window. “Oh my god, all that is from last night?” 
Elsa clenched her jaw as Anna moved closer to it, gaping out over the white barricade to the sky furiously hurling snow. “Still coming down too…”
“Yes,” Elsa said tightly, pouring muesli into two bowls. “We won’t be able to leave the cabin until the storm is over.”
Anna sighed and sat down heavily in her chair. “There goes my deposit.”
After breakfast they gravitated towards separate activities. Anna returned to the nest of blankets on the couch and checked her phone, which was dwindling at 5% battery. When she asked about charging it Elsa informed her there was no electricity; the cabin was only equipped with a propane tank to heat the water, and power the stove and the fridge. 
They were roughing it…sort of. 
Elsa checked the cabin meticulously, fixing blankets over the windows for insulation, cataloguing her supplies, and lighting candles on practically every available surface. 
It was quite cozy, and Anna was happy to doze intermittently while her body recovered from lingering jet lag and her frozen hike. 
Conversation between them was sparse, but Anna put it down to Elsa’s clear anxiety over the state of things and decided not to take it personally. 
Anna shuffled into the kitchen the next morning, wrapping Elsa’s thick wool cardigan across her chest, over the borrowed sweater. She stopped. 
“Weren’t there five chairs here yesterday?”
“Hmm?” Elsa murmured absently while layering peppered salami on a tray next to a neat row of jarlsburg slices. Anna noticed she made sure to put the pickled herring with dill in a separate bowl; it turned out Anna was not a fan. 
“The chairs,” Anna pointed to the empty side of the table. “Are we …missing some?” 
Elsa glanced up at the breakfast nook as she plated a handful of rye slices. She turned to check on the potatoes boiling on the stove, brushing her hands on her apron. “I’m using them elsewhere.”
Anna shrugged and went to set the table. They only needed two after all. 
By midday, Anna was getting a little antsy. 
“If the snow wasn’t so high— and there wasn’t a raging blizzard, obviously— we could be building snowmen right now,” Anna said wistfully, holding aside the blanket to gaze out at the narrow strip of murky white sky. Only a few inches remained between the drift and the top of the window.
“I know!” Anna spun around. “Do you have any paper and something to draw with?”
Elsa looked baffled by the request, but retrieved a notebook and a couple of pencils for her. Anna tore out some blank pages, waving Elsa to sit down across from her. “Okay, so since we can’t go outside and build real snowmen, we can at least make some this way.” Elsa glanced from the paper to Anna, looking unconvinced. Anna shrugged. “We have to pass the time somehow right?”
It took some doing at first; Elsa kept getting lost in the middle distance while she tapped her pencil anxiously against the table. With enough prodding from Anna though, she got into it and by the time dinner rolled around they had a small army of 2D snow people. 
Anna’s second favorite was a delightfully monstrous snow creature Elsa had sketched with precise strokes and deft shading. Her first was undeniably goofy but charming; squat and awkwardly shaped, with big eyes and a bucktoothed grin. That one they’d made together, with Elsa illustrating while Anna directed her and offered suggestions.  
They named him Olaf and Anna thought he was perfect.
After dinner they sat by the fire, sipping mulled wine Elsa heated for them on the stove. Anna was grateful for the added warmth and the pleasant buzz. 
“It’s just so crazy you guys have a blizzard in July,” Anna said suddenly, voicing the thought that had been a constant, giant question mark. “Every year! What even is that?”
Elsa set her glass aside and leaned back in the chair, cradling her arms across her stomach. “It’s just something that happens here. Though, if it has to happen I think July is probably the best time.”
“How could summer be the right time for snow?”
Elsa shifted and bit her lip. “We already have harsh winters here, a snowstorm like this on top of that would be even more dangerous. Better one briefly interrupts July and then everyone has the rest of summer to enjoy, don’t you think?”
Anna could admit that sort of made sense. Still, it wasn’t any less weird. 
On day three Anna was up to three sweaters, a blanket, and two pairs of sweat pants. Elsa was down to a fitted henley and jeans. She was beginning to wonder if Elsa would give her the last shirt off her back if it came to it, and that mental image got Anna flustered enough to feel like shedding layers instead of adding them. 
She amused herself by exploring the cabin— at least, the areas that weren’t private. Elsa had a few intriguing nicknacks, but what captured Anna’s attention were the two bookcases next to the fireplace. Books of all kinds lined the shelves; in English, Norwegian, and other languages she couldn’t place. There were novels, and textbooks, and books so old she didn’t dare touch them. 
Later, after Elsa had finished her bath, Anna persuaded her to read from one with a deep blue cover and silver leaf embossing. It was clear by the illustrations they were fairytales, though she couldn’t understand any of them. Anna quickly discovered she could listen to the smooth lilt of Elsa’s mother tongue forever, but before long her eyes had closed and the soft norwegian story trailed off with her consciousness. 
When she woke, Elsa was still curled up in the armchair, reading silently. Anna stretched and plodded over to the fireplace. She grabbed the fire iron and prodded at the remaining wood, making sure it was all lit. One of the logs cracked and split in a pop of sparks, and something beneath it caught her eye. Anna leaned closer; it was oddly smooth and cylindrical, and just there was an intricately carved pattern like—  
The chairs in the kitchen. 
So that’s where they went.
Clearly Elsa had some strange immunity to the cold, and she hadn’t bothered to stockpile more wood for herself even though she new the storm was coming.
She’d been burning her own furniture to keep Anna warm. 
Anna looked over at the woman, still completely absorbed by the book in her lap. Another small piece of the enigmatic puzzle that was Elsa fell into place; one that made Anna’s chest feel tight, and warm, and a little achy. 
Elsa glanced up then and noticed her staring. She blinked. “What?”
Anna cleared her throat and stood up, brushing her hands on the back of her pants. It felt important to let Elsa have this secret. She put on a reassuring smile. “Nothing. Can I make you some hot chocolate?”
Elsa smiled. “Yes, please.”
That night Elsa actually joined Anna on the couch, curling into the opposite corner while they started their second glass of mulled wine.
“So why do you come up here all by yourself? And during weather like this, no less?” 
Elsa’s lips twisted in a way that was difficult to read. “I’m not bothered by the cold,” she said, confirming the obvious. “And I’m not always good at being around other people.” 
“You’re an introvert.” 
“Yes, but it’s more than that.” Elsa swirled the wine in her glass. “After a while the world gets too loud and I need to be alone, completely. I come here to get away and try to let go of all the things that build up. All the reasons I can’t be…normal.”
Anna leaned her head back into the cushions, tilting her face towards Elsa. “Normal is overrated, and there’s nothing wrong with needing space. You gotta get those feelings out somehow.” 
“Sometimes I think I feel too much.”
“Better than too little.” 
Elsa hummed noncommittally. Anna could feel her starting to withdraw, and searched for some way to hold on to this unexpectedly open side of Elsa. “I think that was my ex’s problem.” 
Elsa looked up. “Oh?” 
“Yup,” she said, popping her lips on the ‘p’. “Too shallow. Took me a year to figure it out, and that was only as he was leaving me. It was a great reminder of why I prefer dating women,” she muttered into her glass. 
She inhaled and continued past the bitterness. “It’s one of the reasons I made this trip actually— well that and the vet clinic where I work shutting down. A little hard to start your own practice in a big city that already has plenty. I guess I was feeling a little adrift, and my aunt and uncle always talked about showing me the place where they grew up, so I thought: why not? Though technically they’re from Fevik, not Arendal, but Fevik doesn’t have much to offer in the way of rentals.”
“Why would anyone leave you?” 
Dammit. She was hoping Elsa wouldn’t focus too closely on her love troubles. Anna chuckled humorlessly. “When he broke up with me he said, and I quote: ‘Anna, you’re great, but you’re just too much’.” 
She shrugged and took a liberal sip. It didn’t matter that Hans had casually flung her deepest insecurity in her face right before he walked out the door forever. Even if he hadn’t been the best partner, and she hadn’t been happy towards the end. 
It was fine. 
“You are a lot.” 
Elsa quickly reached for her hand when she saw the look of hurt Anna couldn’t hide, surprising them both. For a moment it seemed like she might pull away, but she squeezed Anna’s hand instead. “I didn’t say you were too much. You are a lot of a good thing.” Elsa withdrew her hand and cupped it around her wine glass, staring into the burgundy liquid. “Some people don’t deserve that,” she finished quietly.
It must have been the alcohol sloshing in her stomach and the fumes muddying her brain that made Anna say, into a silence suddenly heavy with nebulous meaning: “Why do I feel like we’re not just talking about my ex anymore?”
Elsa sucked in a breath, as if she hadn’t realized her words would be so revealing. She set her glass down on the coffee table then tucked her feet under her, grabbing a pillow and holding it to her chest while she picked at the fringe. 
Anna knew her brain had fully turned off her filter when her mouth continued to work, seemingly of its own volition. “Don’t you deserve good things Elsa?”
Elsa curled herself tighter around the pillow, her eyes seeking answers in the embers of their small fire. The cabin groaned as the storm surged around them. “I’m not sure I do,” she whispered. 
Anna felt her heart break, just a little, at that soft admission. 
“I think that’s bullshit.”
Elsa looked at her, startled. “You barely know me.” 
Anna thought of chair legs and hot chocolate, of warm baths and borrowed clothes— of how she’d never experienced so much cold in her life, and she’d never felt so warm either. The way Elsa humored her, not because Anna was a burden or an obligation, but because she seemed to actually enjoy her company. “I think I know enough. And I’m sure anyone would be fantastically lucky to have you in their life. I know I am.” 
“Well, for starters you saved me from freezing to death out there.”
Elsa shook her head. “You wouldn’t have been in danger of that if I—” she clamped her lips shut. 
“If you what?”
“If I… had checked with Kristoff before he listed his cabin.”
Anna frowned. “That’s hardly your fault, Elsa. It was his mistake. Besides it’s not like you can control the weather.”
Elsa flinched. A thread pulled free from the pillow; she laid it carefully on the arm of the couch. “No… I suppose I can’t.”
“Hey.” Anna extended her leg across the couch and nudged the bottom of her foot against Elsa’s. “I’ve always wanted to experience getting snowed in. I’m glad it was with you.” 
Elsa’s smile was bittersweet. 
But still there, and Anna took that as a win.
They finished the rest of their wine in companionable silence as the fire burned down and the night grew deeper. Elsa got up to take the empty glasses to the kitchen. 
“We’re out of wood.” 
“What?” Elsa spun slowly to see Anna squatting by the fireplace. There was nothing left but ash. Elsa had been so distracted by Anna, the wine, and the conversation, that she’d forgotten to find more to salvage, and she’d left Anna without a source of heat. 
This was what happened when Elsa wasn’t careful, when she wasn’t in control of herself — 
“We should sleep together.”
Elsa nearly dropped the glasses.
“Oh my g— n-no! Not like that!” Anna flushed scarlet. “I meant like, for warmth.” She pulled her blanket around herself and looked everywhere but at Elsa. 
Elsa’s pulse slowed a fraction, and she tried to ignore the unexpected whisper of heat low in her stomach. It dissipated instantly when she registered what Anna was suggesting. “Anna, I’m not sure that’s a good idea. I’m not…I…I run quite cold, I’d probably make it worse—”
“Then I’ll just have to warm you up.” Anna stopped, her face burning again. “I meant like— oh whatever, you know what I mean.” She came and liberated the glasses from Elsa, setting them in the kitchen sink. Elsa protested weakly as Anna grabbed her hand and marched towards the bedroom, but it seemed she remained powerless to the force of nature that was Anna. 
“Wait.” She tugged on Anna’s hand. “Let me at least get the blankets.”
While Anna got ready, Elsa layered back all the bedding she’d stripped away that first night, grateful Anna hadn’t commented on the fact that she’d been sleeping with nothing but a fitted sheet.
When Anna returned she quickly flung herself under the covers; Elsa climbed in reluctantly on the other side, staying as close to the edge as possible. After a minute Anna pushed the covers down and looked over at her. 
“Okay, I’m not saying you have to spoon me, but it’s going to be a little difficult to share heat from way over there.” 
Elsa bit her lip and slid closer, heart pounding. She felt like Anna was asking her to hand over a live grenade. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this close to anyone. 
“Liiittle closer,” Anna coaxed. Elsa got as close as she dared, still leaving about 20 centimeters of space between them. She drew up the covers more securely, trying to insulate Anna against the cold, against her. As she tucked another blanket around them, her hand brushed Anna’s arm.
Anna shivered. “Geez you’re cold.” She latched onto her wrist before Elsa could react, pulling her closer. “You must be freezing,” she muttered, running her palm back and forth over Elsa’s forearm. 
Elsa was frozen; her whole body had gone rigid, while her heart had leaped into her throat. Anna had pulled her closer as if that would bring them heat, and now she was worried about Elsa being warm enough. The irony was excruciating. But Anna’s grip was strong, and Elsa felt a twisted flair of hope; that perhaps, just this once, she might be capable of more than cold. 
Anna shuffled back drowsily into her arms and Elsa held her breath, waiting for the worst. Minutes went by and nothing happened; Anna sank into the pillow with a sigh, still holding onto her. Tentatively, Elsa began to relax, as fragile hope turned to wonder. 
Anna hadn’t turned away.  
At every turn Anna had been reaching out, even when Elsa was reserved, or anxious, or closed off. Anna kept drawing her out, kept intriguing and surprising her. 
Anna had felt the cold, her cold, and she reached for Elsa anyway. 
In that moment it didn’t matter that Anna wasn’t aware of the whole truth— yet, because after the last few days with this woman, Elsa was confident that Anna wouldn’t have done a thing differently.   
The last thing Elsa knew was a soft snore, and the feel of Anna against her, and then she knew nothing else.
The first thing Elsa became aware of, was warmth. Heavy warmth, and a body in her arms, and breath on her neck. She inhaled slowly, soaking in each incredible, hazy sensation. It took a few moments for Elsa’s brain to remember who was in bed with her, and who it was nuzzling closer with a sweet sigh. Her pulse jump started, and for once, not out of fear. It seemed Anna was fine—more than, in fact— and Elsa was greedy for every last moment before the inevitable. 
After a few minutes the spell broke as Anna stirred groggily, pressing her face into the pillow with a murmur. One eye opened and landed on Elsa. It grew wider when Anna realized just how close they were and she quickly disentangled herself, cheeks flushed bright red. “Oops, sorry, I uh, I can be a little clingy when I share a bed.” 
Elsa struggled with the near physical ache begging her to pull Anna back to her arms, a sensation as terrifying as it was foreign, as baffling as it was undeniable. “It’s alright,” she said softly, her own face feeling a little hot. 
She watched Anna hop out of bed and go to the window to throw open the curtains, seemingly more out of habit than anything else. 
Anna gasped. “No. Way. Elsa! You have to see this—you’re not gonna believe it!” 
Elsa frowned and joined her apprehensively at the window. She peered out, and lost her breath.
Nearly all the snow was gone. 
Only a thin layer remained on the ground, melting under the bright sunlight. Large swathes of grass were showing, triumphant and sparkling in the fading frost. 
Anna bumped her hip against Elsa’s. “Isn’t this great?! We can go outside! We can stock up on supplies, I can wear my clothes again— not that I don’t like yours— Oh, we could have a picnic! Kristoff said there was a lake nearby, I wonder if Oaken has a boat…“
Anna continued spouting ideas as she left the room, and Elsa registered distantly that all Anna’s haphazard plans involved her. The sharp little anxiety at the thought of having to say goodbye died before it could take root. 
Elsa remained at the window, dazed and transfixed by the landscape that had been altered so drastically overnight. 
Or perhaps, had been four days in the making. 
Anna rushed back in, finally having realized Elsa wasn’t following her. She grabbed Elsa by the hand and led her outside, where they came to a stop in the grass just past the porch. They stood, absorbing the sunlight, the gentle breeze and the birdsong. Anna still had ahold of her hand, and Elsa was content to keep it there for as long as she’d let her. 
The sun blazed forth from behind a passing cloud, and Anna shaded her eyes with her free hand. “It seems like that freak storm really has passed huh?”
A smile pulled at Elsa’s lips and she looked up into the vivid blue sky. “So it would seem.”
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