#and raphael and karen are adorable
crystalandparrot · 4 months
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Rottmnt x Reader
School Tour
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
All actors are names made by me, any relation or comparison to these characters is purely coincidental.
Warning: Drug use, marijuana but its not underage drug use and it's legal.
Intergalactic by the Beastie Boys bounced between your ears once you stepped up to Empire High School. Most students were leaving for the day, talking amongst themselves and making plans for the weekend.
"Ms. (L/n)!" A man with a blonde effeminate wig that most students would call a "Karen" haircut waved furiously at you from the top of the steps. He bounced down the steps, his hair poofy and bouncing.
You quickly put your headphones away and tucked the phone in your pocket. "Mr.—"
"Dale is fine! I don't like formalities, I had enough of those in high school." Dale, the Principal of Empire High, chuckled goofily. "How about I give you the tour?" Dale asked, gesturing to the large school doors.
You nodded with a grin, following Dale inside. In between showing you the classes, he asked questions regarding your resume. Some questions were about family, achievements, and activities, but then he surprised you by asking about your schooling. "Oh! I was attending a Mystic College in the Hidden City. Don't worry, it has the same schooling as New York--"
"Oh! I wasn't worried about that! We have a couple of Yokai students and faculty that go in between schools." Dale opened the door to the gymnasium, holding it open for you to walk in.
You looked forward, your eyes immediately expanding once you saw a punching bag quickly flying your way. For a split second, your eyes darted to the top of it, and upon seeing a broken chain your heart continued to drop. You couldn't resist the shriek that left your lips and the closing of your eyes.
Not feeling anything, you stopped screaming and opened one eye. Your eyes were looking at a large three-fingered, green, hand. Below that hand sat a silver watch with a teddy bear hour hand. In the large hand sat the punching bag, almost like he froze it in time. His fingers wrapped around the sides of the bag, almost fitting perfectly in his palm.
"Tyler! What did we say about using mystic abilities?" A deep voice boomed throughout the building.
"Sorry, Mr. Raph!" A pre-pubescent voice called back.
"C'mere and hang this back up." The deep voice commanded, tossing the punching bag forward. A teenage bull Yokai caught it like he was thrown a pillow. He quickly hung it back up on the one hook that was missing a bag.
"Are you okay, ma'am?" That deep voice shook you from your frozen spot. You looked up, into the deep brown eyes of the huge turtle Yokai in front of you. He wore a sleeveless red hoodie that had holes torn into it where the turtle's spikes poked through. On his legs were black shorts with two red stripes on each leg, matching the color of the red sweatband on his forehead.
"Y-yes.." realizing you were whispering, you cleared your throat, "Yes. Sorry, I'm fine."
"I know, my appearance is probably a little scary--"
You couldn't stop your mouth before it ran, he just looked so dejected, "No! I was just surprised at the sudden bag of sand flying towards me at light speed, I swear! Your appearance is quite nice to look at--"
"Ooh!" A crescendo of students began.
The large Yokai turned with a glare, "Do you want laps? 'Cause it sounded to me like you guys were asking to run laps right now." He insinuated. The students gasped and then they all went back to their original training. The teacher chuckled, then turned back to you. It was then that you noticed the adorable snaggle tooth that he had. "Sorry about them. High schoolers, y'know?" He chuckled again.
You chuckled this time and nodded, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). The new librarian slash computer lab teacher." You held out your hand for a handshake.
"Raphael, but you can call me Raph. The guidance counselor slash wrestling coach slash gym teacher," Raph's hand completely covered your hand as he shook it.
"Thank you. For saving me, I mean. If it weren't for you, I probably would have been flattened." You said once Raph released your hand.
"It was no problem, really!" Raph said, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.
Behind you, Dale cleared his throat, "I hate to interrupt, but it's nearly five and we still have your classroom to see."
"Oh! I didn't realize it was getting so late." You said, pulling out the purple phone to look at the time. As you did, you saw about twenty missed calls and double that in texts from your number. Surprisingly, they were all instructions from Donnie/Othello, telling you how to treat his phone, one password for unlocking his phone and no others, apps you were allowed to use and detailed explanations on how to use them, and finally, instructions to meet and exchange phones.
"Did you wanna...exchange numbers? We're both gonna be afterschool teachers so it might be useful for the future." The adorably large Yokai asked as his face flushed the color of his sweater.
"I'd love to!" You almost handed him the phone, but then paused. "Wait. I'm sorry, it's a long story, but I accidentally switched my phone with someone else's, so I can't put your number in here." Before the turtle could change moods, you grabbed his phone, "So I'll just give you my number." Raph's face flushed brighter as he felt his tail wag in his shorts. He's never met anyone like you before. Without Raph even knowing it, you had given his phone back and left with Principal Dale.
"Yo! You whipped already, coach?!"
"Tyler! Ten laps!"
A harsh wind smacked you in the face as you stood in the scarcely populated park. It was currently 8:59 p.m. as Othello's phone read. You tucked the phone into your puffy sweater pocket and hugged your body. Donnie's meticulous texts said he'd be at Rucko Park at 9 P.M., so you naturally arrived five--okay ten minutes early. You didn't expect it to be so cold, though. Maybe you should have worn more layers or arrived closer to the allotted time, but...you kind of wanted to make a good first impression.
"Madam." A familiar voice shook you from your thoughts. You seemed to do that a lot lately.
Looking up, you spotted the purple-clad turtle Yokai from earlier. Quickly standing, you couldn't resist the temptation of copying his mannerisms slightly, "Good evening, sir. I understand we've fallen into quite the predicament with our cellular communication devices?" You raised an eyebrow.
'...Is she fucking with me?' Donnie heard that little voice in his brain, but his excitement overruled it. "You understand correctly, good lady! Might we resolve this disastrous plight before any other events can overturn this already cruel night?" Donnie finished with a bow.
Donnie felt sweat run down his brow. Maybe he should have listened, that little voice was usually right anyway--
"That. Was incredible."
Donnie looked up, a hopeful gleam in his eye.
"I would continue, but that was better than anything I could have come up with. Did you just make that up?" You asked, stars in your eyes.
Donnie felt himself nod, no words leaving his lips.
"That's awesome." You breathed. "Oh! Your phone, good sir." You held out his phone with a similar bow, adding a bit more flourish as you held out his phone. "I obeyed your instructions to the tee. Well, I only really opened Spotify, but I followed the instructions!" You explained once Donnie took his phone from your hand. You stood fully straight, "You're Othello Von Ryan?"
"Ah! The lady has exquisite taste? Yes, I am Othello, or Donatello, as most know me. You're (username)?" He asked, referring to your Spotify account.
"(Y/n), as most know me." You repeated with a grin.
Donnie chuckled, handing back your phone, "You've been following me for a couple of years, I see," he must have looked through your app.
"Yes! You've helped me so much—you were basically my life line in college—" your face flushed as you realized your words, "YOUR MUSIC! Not you, well, technically you, but—"
"How?" Donnie quieted your thoughts with a single word.
"Your studying playlists kept me sane. If I had to scroll through another classical music studying playlist I would have shrieked." You dragged your hands through your hair, invoking a chuckle from the tall Yokai. "It was such an interesting mesh of music that I was able to get Valedictorian from all my studying! So, thank you." You smiled.
"Valedictorian?! My playlist made you study enough to be the top of your class! Take that Leo!" Donnie laughed chaotically. You accidentally let out a chuckled, startling the turtle into looking back at you.
"I hope you don't think this is overstepping but, I was wondering if you'd listen to a song? I thought you'd like it because of all of your playlists, and if you like it I have a ton more." You asked, scrolling through your Spotify accounts now.
'She's been polite, kind, and stayed out of your phone for the majority of the time you'd encountered each other. The least you could do is listen to a song you won't like.' Donnie reasoned with himself. "Of course! Text it to me, I'll make sure to save your number, oh loyal fan." Donnie joked.
"Really? Sweet! I'll save your number too, oh gracious music supplier." You joked back.
'Her chemistry is electric,' Donnie thought. He felt a buzz and watched as his phone lit up with a text.
"Thanks for meeting with me to switch phones, I wish I could stay longer, but—"
"No, need to explain. You have a date or you have friends arriving—"
You chuckled, startling Donnie from his self conscious rambling, "Oh, yeah. A super hot date with Jupiter Jim while I unpack my new apartment." You connected your headphones back to your phone. "It was really nice meeting you. Maybe we can hang out in the future, if you're up to hanging out with a school librarian?"
Donnie's gaping mouth finally closed as he looked into your hopeful eyes, 'Why were they hopeful?' He gave a small smile, "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea."
"Great!" Copying his bow from when you first met, you said, "Adieu, Sir." With that, you both left with your old phones and a new acquaintance.
CLAP "Alright! We start shooting in two weeks, people! And we're already on shit detail."
Leo leaned one cheek on his fist as the other scrolled through his texts. Old flings, fans who found his number, other actors, but nothing that he found important.
"What are we gonna do about Tiffany?"
Leo looked up, seeing all his directors and most of his co-stars looking at him, "Huh?"
"Tiffany! Your co-star? The love interest? The whole reason we've been here for five hours?" The director asked.
"Well, what's the main issue? Why are we trying to fix her little issues when the big issue is what's gonna make or break this?" Leo asked, shoving his phone into his pocket.
The others in the room began to get nervous. Most began sweating, and a few turned red in embarrassment.
"What?" Leo asked, now concerned.
"Tiffany is refusing to be your lead unless..." the director sighed, refusing to look at Leo, "unless you wear a human disguise."
Blink. Blink. "Ha!" Leo began laughing a deep chortle, straight from his core. The others in the room began laughing with him, albeit nervously. "Then let her refuse!"
The director stopped laughing, "But, but. She's your lead—"
Leo had suddenly stopped laughing to glare at his director as he spoke, "No. I'm the lead. Tiffany Blanco was supposed to be Renae Whittler, Primetime's love interest." Yanking the script from who knows where, he began reading, "'Renae Whittler initially despises Primetime, thinking him to be the man who ruined her life, but upon realizing they are after a common enemy, she begins to love him for the way he is. Together, they fight crime, discover truths, and explore worlds, and possibly each other.'" Leo read flatly. "'The way he is'. If you make Primetime human, is that making him, ‘the way he is'?"
The humans in the room looked ashamed and guilty, while the Yokai, some in disguises, looked at Leo in awe.
"If she wants to refuse, let her refuse. Because I will be damned if I let some twenty-three year with small tits and big dreams tell me who I am." With that, Leo stood and stormed out of the room.
As Leo paced the halls, one of his main co-stars, Danny Filmore, ran into the hall after he left. Danny was a deer Yokai who played the role of Primetime's 'Guy in the chair', Marcus Tracy. His character reminded him a lot of Donnie. Without a word, Danny sat in one of the chairs lining the crips walls and pulled out a vape. The vape was slim and purple in color, but it shined under the flickering fluorescent lights above. He took a long inhale and then a small inhale of regular air. After holding it, Leo realized Danny wasn't smoking Nicotine.
"Jesus, Danny, not here." Leo whined.
"What—" Danny started, but was then interrupted by a violent cough from his throat. He held up a finger, telling Leo to wait a minute. Again, Marcus Tracy reminded Leo of Donnie, not the actor who played him. "—ever man, you know Anthony doesn't give a shit." Danny finished, his eyes now bloodshot and lidded.
Anthony Silvermeadow was the director. He wasn't a pushover by any means, but he was pretty lax on the rules. As long as you weren't  under the influence while shooting, he didn't care. Most of the time you saw him with a drink in his hand.
"That was pretty ballsy, man." Danny said, tucking his vape away.
Leo sighed, running a hand down the back of his head, "I know. But...it took so much for me to audition as me that it feels wrong to do anything else. I promised my—" Leo paused on the 'b-word', "—family that I wouldn't change for anyone. And I intend to stand by it."
Danny nodded, but stayed silent.
"I guess I should apologize?" Leo asked Danny.
"Nah. You're right. Tony even said so." Danny let the words hang in the air.
"But?" Leo waited.
"You gotta find your own love interest." Danny smirked.
Leo's mind raced through his texts, his old friends, anything he could think of that would give him a hint of where to start. With a click, the once flickering lights stayed on just as an idea passed through Leo's brain. 'Lightbulb.'
Once Donnie got back home, he pushed his hand into a metal panel next to a large, circular, sealed door. It lit up purple, reading his palm. The panel flashed green, accepting the readout and unlocked the metal doors. The first row of doors twisted clockwise then opened. The second set rotated counterclockwise then opened to reveal the large lab within. Donnie added them for extra security and totally not because they were in a Jupiter Jim movie and he thought it looked cool.
"Donnie!" Shelldon, Donnie's drone and adopted child (not literally speaking...I think?) flew out of the purple themed lab and flew around his father.
"Anything new?" Donnie asked as he walked over to his purple chair. With a click and a hiss, the shoulder pads on Donnie's battle shell released the front of his plastron where it was connected.
"A new number texted you. You have repeating interactions. Would you like me to —" Eight different guns popped out of Shelldon's back compartment, "remove the pest?"
"No!" Donnie cleared his throat, then sat in his chair regally, "No. That won't be necessary. Rename contact (L/n) and check new message." Donnie opened his computer and flipped through his files.
"Contact: (L/n). Sent: "Don't Stop Movin' by S Club. The vibe is 80's dance." I like this chick!" Shelldon added, once his automated voice cut out.
"The vibe?" Donnie asked out loud.
"I think she's referring to your playlists and how the vibe is always different, dude." Shelldon explained.
"Huh. 80's dance music...go ahead and play it, Shelldon." Donnie waved his hand in Shelldon's direction.
It was quiet before a synthetic voice started with the hook. It was followed by a heavy thumping base, then a pleasant male vocalist began to sing the bridge. The words were a nice balance of fast then slow, with vibrato when appropriate. A sudden appearance of a female singer gave Donnie goosebumps. Their voices had a nice harmonization. Her voice grew more and more powerful as the instruments grew. Donnie couldn't help but tap his feet and bob his head. As the lead sang the chorus that was accompanied by more background singers of equal talent, Donnie felt a grin spread onto his lips. The need to boogey was insatiable. The chorus repeated in the background when the male vocalist came back to the mic. The speed in which the song progressed seemed to get quicker, like the hook, chorus, and bridge were all shortened.
By the time the bridge came on again, Donnie couldn't resist. He stood up, performing his dancing moves he’s secretly perfected over the years unbeknownst to his brother and father who all shared the same house.
Until now, that is.
Splinter, also known as Hamato Yoshi, and also known as Donnie and Mikey’s father, walked to Donnie’s lab to explore the commotion. With a cane and small shuffle, Splinter peeked around the door, spying Donnie dancing like he was in an 80’s music video.
“Ah, young love.” Splinter nodded, then put a hand to his chin in thought, “Maybe I will marry one of them off.”
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cevansbrat0007 · 6 months
You’re writing is so amazing, literally love everything you put out!! Do you have any romance book recommendations?!? Literally anything, I fully trust your judgement lol😌
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Omigosh! First, thank you so much for the compliment. Second, I got you.
*whips out Kindle*
I've broken it down into categories. Here we go:
Contemporary Line of Duty Series, Tessa Bailey - If I want something quick, down, and dirty I reach for her. I recommend starting with her Line of Duty Series, which features the most delicious rough and tumble cops finding love.
The Coppersmith Farmhouse, Devney Perry - I adore this small town, enemy-to-lovers romance featuring a single mother and the local sheriff. Sheriff Jess can be an ass, but he grovels well. The Game Maker Series, Kresley Cole - Centers around three Russian brothers who have ties to the mafia. While each man is different and beautifully broken in his own way, they all believe in taking what they want. And once one of the Sevastyan's have set their sights on you, they will not take no for an answer. They're also not opposed to kidnapping either. The Italian, T.L. Swan - What happens when a summer fling ends up being so much more than that? This romance tells the story of an Italian mafia boss and his forbidden love with an Australian tourist. There's sex, angst, danger and so much more.
Historical *Outlander Series, Diana Gabaldon - Claire and Jamie's love literally transcends both time and space. This series contains an amazing romance, well researched historical descriptions, elements of magic, and so much more.
Paranormal The Psy Changeling Series, Nalini Singh - If you love stories about shifters and people with psychic abilities then I totally recommend checking out this series. Slave to Sensation is the first book, and premise goes something like: the ruling Psy prefer to exist in a world devoid of feelings and emotions, but what happens when one of their own finds herself craving something only Lucas Hunter, the alpha of the Dark River Shifters, can provide? *The Guild Hunter Series, Nalini Singh - Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but with Angels. This series is amazing and the love story between Raphael (the Archangel of New York) and his precious mortal, Elena (who is a badass in her own right). The world building is fantastic, the romance is hot, and each book only gets better. And believe me when I say, these are not your grandmother's angels. I also love the fact that you get to watch their relationship grow and evolve across multiple books. *The Night Huntress Series, Jeaniene Frost - Also has a Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibe, except the heroine is actually half-vampire herself. Bones, her eventual love interest, reminds me of Spike. Just a little bit. And just like the previous series, their romance spans multiple books. Also the love scenes are fabulous. *The Fever Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you love reading about heroines trying to solve mysterious disappearances, the Seelie and Unseelie Fae, and a delicious Alpha Male that could just easily rip you apart as well as fuck you - I'm looking at you, Jericho Barrons - then check this out. This series requires a little commitment because the romance, while hinted at, doesn't start until you're a couple of books in. But it's so worth it because you're rewarded with a territorial, possessive, darkly handsome anti-hero. *The Highlander Series, Karen Marie Moning - If you're a sucker for men in kilts, ancient curses, time travel, and drop-dead-sexy highlanders who fall hard for their modern day mates then please read. Also, some of these heroes go on to appear in the Fever Series as well. Immortals After Dark Series, Kresley Cole - Another great one This one features characters from every corner of the lore. I'm talking vampires, witches, valkyries, berserkers, demons, werewolves, succubi, and more. The men are swoon worthy and the women are badass. But what I especially love is the creativity and humor she manages to weave throughout her stories. She uses the fated mates trope quite a bit, which I love. However, what makes it great is that a lot of times the men show up like: "You belong to me now. I'm ready to take you to home" and their brides-to-be are like "Fuck off. Come any closer and I will stab you/shoot you/light you on fire". And what's more...they absolutely follow-thru. Those heroes have to earn their women. Oh, and the sexy times are good and spicy.
Hope this helps! If you or anyone else decides to read a book from this list, please let me know what you think!
*Indicates Book Boyfriend
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thebtseffect · 2 years
Comp Reading Lists
In an attempt to self-study several areas and expand my own knowledge, improve my ability to do research, and keep current with fields of interest, I'm building my own "comps list" here of relevant books. There are so many academic articles that I'm not sure if I'll include them here, but I'd like to at least track my reading of books. Comps lists are typically for Ph.D. students studying for exams, but I thought it might be a useful tool for me too. If you have suggestions, I welcome them.
BTS Studies
BTS, Art Revolution, Jiyoung Lee.
BTS and ARMY Culture, Jeeheng Lee.
BTS: The Review, Youngdae Kim.
Philosophizing about BTS, Cha Minju.
Bumping into BTS, Ji Kim, Mick Shin, and Jane Do.
Map of the Soul - Persona: Our Many Faces, Murray Stein.
Fan Studies
Textual Poachers: Television Fans and Participatory Culture, Henry Jenkins.
A Fan Studies Primer: Method, Research, Ethics, Paul Booth and Rebecca Williams.
Understanding Fandom: An Introduction to the Study of Media Fan Culture, Mark Duffett.
A Companion to Media Fandom and Fan Studies, Paul Booth and Rebecca Williams.
Exploiting Fandom: How the Media Industry Seeks to Manipulate Fans, Mel Stanfill.
Fandom: Identities and Communities in a Mediated World, Jonathan Gray, Cornell Sandvoss, and C. Lee Harrington.
Fan Cultures, Matt Hills.
Fame and Fandom: Functioning On and Offline, Celia Lam and Jackie Raphael.
The Adoring Audience: Fan Culture and Popular Media, Lisa Lewis.
The Fan Fiction Studies Reader, Karen Hellekson and Kristina Busse.
Loving Fanfiction: Exploring the Role of Emotion in Online Fandoms, Brit Kelley.
Fandom as Classroom Practice: A Teaching Guide, Katherine Anderson Howell.
Straight Korean Female Fans and Their Gay Fantasies, Jungmin Kwon.
Emo: How Fans Defined a Subculture, Judith Fathallah.
Squee from the Margins: Fandom and Race, Rukmini Pande.
Game Studies
Gaming Masculinity: Trolls, Fake Geeks, and the Gendered Battle for Online Culture, Megan Condis.
Learning in Video Game Affinity Spaces, Sean Duncan.
Ready Player Two: Women Gamers and Designed Identity, Shira Chess.
Watch Me Play: Twitch and the Rise of Game Live Streaming, T.L. Taylor.
Metagaming: Playing, Competing, Spectating, Cheating, Trading, Making, and Breaking Video Games, Stephanie Boluk and Patrick Lemieux.
The Toxic Meritocracy of Video Games: Why Gaming Culture is the Worst, Christopher Paul.
My Life as a Night Elf Priest: An Anthropological Account of World of Warcraft, Bonnie Nardi.
Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games and Virtual Worlds, Celia Pearce.
Ethics, Psychology, & Philosophy
Moral Boundaries: A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care, Joan Tronto.
Jung's Map of the Soul: An Introduction, Murray Stein.
The Ethics of Care, Virginia Held.
Research Ethics in the Real World, Helen Kara.
The Portable Nietzsche, Friedrich Nietzsche and Walter Kaufmann.
General Reading & Methods
Where Research Begins: Choosing a Research Project that Matters to You, Thomas Mullaney and Christopher Rea.
The Practice of Qualitative Research: Engaging Students in the Research Process, Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber.
Destination Dissertation: A Traveler's Guide to a Done Dissertation, Sonja Foss and William Waters.
Getting It Published: A Guide for Scholars and Anyone Else Serious about Series Books, William Germano.
Learning to Make a Difference: Value Creation in Social Learning Spaces, Etienne Wenger-Trayner and Beverly Wenger-Trayner.
Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method, Tom Boellstorff and Bonnie Nardi, et. al.
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method, James Paul Gee.
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heatherfield · 7 years
I am so glad I stayed for the Karaoke party. (Also, here’s a better angle of Raphael and Karen dancing.)
OUAT Toronto Convention, Fri. May 5, 2017.
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ray-jaykub · 4 years
Donnie realtionship headcannons
I like bayverse donatello, there i said it. Why don't people like them? Idk Anyway guys send asks
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•A fucking nerd/geek/dork rolled into one and wrapped up in pretty comic strip paper.
•Donnie wants someone to Freak out with and he never thought he'd see you fit into it.
•He loves sharing interest and talking with someone easily. Most of the time it's strained conversation outside his family members unless he's spitting facts.
•Can't talk to vern at all, he tried but vern is too akward so it never worked out.
•He gets into fights with Casey too much about stupid shit.
•but then you stroll into his life!
• You looked intimidating but as soon as you opened your mouth it was nonstop nerd.
•you guys had an instant connection and everybody sees why.
•back too now and here he is, happy and not single.
•Donatello watched alot of those highschool movies, how the smart one was bullied or nobody could stand them.
•He grew up thinking if anybody got a girlfriend it'd be all his brothers except him so he needs alot of reassurance.
•Donatello hates the word stupid, nobodies stupid. Not you, not his brothers, his dad or anybody. Things can be stupid but people can't, not even animals
• "Stop calling your dog stupid Karen, at least it has manners."
•getting off topic
•Donatello loves you, adores you! It's hard to keep up with him.
•People say he's a gift giver but honestly i see him being an actions kinda guy.
•He doesn't have time to do special things with you and tries to plan ahead when he does, but when you and him are together y'all are both comfortable.
•you both know what the other needs and wants.
•sees You need extra light, here let him turn on the lamp.
•you see he's rubbing his face and temples, here let's get Donnie medicine.
•You both just... work 🤷‍♀️
•Another headcannon is that he makes a bunch of cute tech stuff for you
•He probably helps you fix things but i feel like he wouldn't have time to do those small things unless it's like your birthday or something.
•If you want something cute to just have, he'll do it. You want something you can use everyday? Perfect. Just don't expect him to make it his top top priority.
•No offense
•Donnie is bad at touching, cause he forgets people want it. He's too busy telling you about your eyes to realize you wanna hug.
•You... you can sit on his lap in his game chair...
•Just expect more than just sitting to happen.
•He can't help it, you feel nice. If you let him, he will.
•unlike Raphael, he will not share his drink. That's gross.
•Don't be mistaken! He'll shove his tounge down your throat, he just doesn't like sharing his drink.
•If you don't like coffee (like me) Don will be like personally offended for a second and then he's understanding.
•Overall he is really hapoy your here with him. Don knows he can't give you the world but he'll give you his heart.
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veritylane7 · 3 years
+mydecember+ Twilight ver. 13
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( 10:50 PM )   Math-class doodle of Rukura (Raphael), airbrushed. Came out nicely. ^.^       ( 10:07 PM )   John's suggestion for a feel-good song that Mr. Rozario (school principal) should play over the PA system in the morning? Children of the Damned by Iron Maiden.... how I agree! ^____^
We're sick, sick people. Can you tell we're related??
song of the moment: "Genocide" by the Offspring. I really gotta get some of the Offspring cds... I want Smash, Americana, and Conspiracy of One.... *sulks*
( 9:57 PM )   Ribby-chan... s'all being taken care of. Mike and Matt be lookin' after me closely, and if Dan does anything else, he's in for some serious trouble. *heh* Mike or Matt my soulmate? Dooood, Mike's a pal, and Matt's like my older brother (he's actually my most recent ex-boyfriend in a way). Thanks for the concern, tho! And don't worry... I beat Dan up nice. If I have my way, he'll be singing soprano come next week.
*heehee* I think I've FOUND my soulmate, anyhoo. *pointed look at someone who's screen name rhymes with punkin' pie* *heartheart* ^__^
( 9:49 PM )   *runs around screaming fangirlishly* YUMMY! YUMMY! I GOT A CUTE, SCAAAAAAARY DOOD FOR THIS TEST!!!
Ideal anime guy test...
# 1 Zagato from Magic Knight Rayearth # 2 Ashitare from Fushigi Yuugi # 3 Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi # 4 Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi # 5 Kiryuu Touga from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 6 Taikoubou from Senkaiden Houshin Engi # 7 Hayama Akito from Kodomo no Omocha # 8 Kyoichi Saionji from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 9 Morisato Keichi from Ah! My Goddess # 10 Nakago from Fushigi Yuugi # 11 Ohtori Akio from Shoujo Kakumei Utena # 12 Ryohji Kaji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 13 Eagle Vision from Magic Knight Rayearth # 14 Gabriev Gourry from The Slayers # 15 Ikari Gendo from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 16 Nagoya Chiaki from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne # 17 Chiriko from Fushigi Yuugi # 18 Li Shaolan from Cardcaptor Sakura # 19 Tsukishiro Yukito / Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura # 20 Eriol Hiigarizawa / Clow from Cardcaptor Sakura # 21 Ikari Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion # 22 Kinomoto Touya from Cardcaptor Sakura # 23 Shiirou Kamui from X (X/1999) # 24 Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi # 25 Monou Fuuma from X (X/1999)
( 9:46 PM )   Ideal anime girl test... how'd they know that I adore Skuld, Ami-chan, and Misato? o.O
# 1 Skuld (Oh my Goddess) # 2 Amy (Sailormoon) # 3 Misato (Eva) # 4 Belldandy (Oh my Goddess) # 5 Kari (Digimon) # 6 Rei (Eva) # 7 Lita (Sailormoon) # 8 Mina (Sailormoon) # 9 Fuu (MK Rayearth) # 10 Serena (Sailormoon) # 11 Hikaru (MK Rayearth) # 12 Sora (Digimon) # 13 Bulma (Dragon Ball) # 14 Mimi (Digimon) # 15 Misty (Pokemon) # 16 Rei (Sailormoon) # 17 Umi (MK Rayearth) # 18 Videl (Dragon Ball) # 19 Asuka (Eva) # 20 Urd (Oh my Goddess)
( 9:44 PM )   Slayers kyara test... now THESE results are good.
# 1 Gaav the Demon Dragon King # 2 Beastmaster Zelas # 3 Luna Inverse # 4 Valgaav (Vally-girl! ^_^) # 5 Xelloss Metallium # 6 Zelgadiss Greywords # 7 Gourry Gabriev # 8 Lina Inverse # 9 Rezo the Red Priest # 10 Filia Ul Copt # 11 Martina Whatever-Her-Last-Name-Is # 12 Amelia Wil Tesra Seyruun # 13 Naga (Wil Tesra Seyruun? I think so) # 14 Kopii Rezo # 15 Prince Phil
( 9:41 PM )   Sailor Moon test results... scary. O_O
# 1 Nehelenia # 2 Setsuna/Sailor Pluto # 3 Artemis # 4 Galaxia # 5 Haruka/Sailor Uranus # 6 Taiki/Sailor Star Maker # 7 Hotaru/Sailor Saturn # 8 Michiru/Sailor Neptune # 9 Minako/Sailor Venus # 10 Rei/Sailor Mars # 11 Yaten/Sailor Star Healer # 12 Luna # 13 Makoto/Sailor Jupiter # 14 Princess Kakyuu # 15 Ami/Sailor Mercury # 16 Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon # 17 Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter # 18 Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen # 19 Usagi/Sailor Moon # 20 Chibi-Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon
( 9:39 PM )   Pokemon test...
# 1 Satoshi/Ash # 2 Shigeru/Gary # 3 Nyarth/Meowth # 4 Kasumi/Misty # 5 Pikachu # 6 Takeshi/Brock # 7 Kojiro/James # 8 Musashi/Jessie
I'm Ash and Gary... isn't that damn close to weird?
( 9:37 PM )   *laughing again* CHECK IT OUT!!
CCS Kyara test results:
# 1 Kero-chan # 2 Syaoran Li # 3 Touya Kinomoto # 4 Tomoyo Daidouji # 5 Eriol Hiiragizawa # 6 Sakura Kinomoto # 7 Yukito Tsukishiro
I'm Kero-chan!
( 9:35 PM )   EEEEEEH!!! O_O; For the X/1999 test... I'm Satsuki! O_o
# 1 Yatouji Satsuki - dragon of earth # 2 Kuzuki Kakyou - dragon of earth # 3 Sumeragi Subaru - dragon of heaven # 4 Monou Fuuma - dragon of earth # 5 Nataku - dragon of earth # 6 Shirou Kamui - dragon of heaven # 7 Kishuu Arashi - dragon of heaven # 8 Shiyuu Kusanagi - dragon of earth # 9 Kigai Yuuto - dragon of earth # 10 Sakurazuka Seishirou - dragon of earth # 11 Aoki Seiichirou - dragon of heaven # 12 Arisugawa Sorata - dragon of heaven # 13 Kasumi Karen - dragon of heaven # 14 Nekoi Yuzuriha - dragon of heaven
( 9:32 PM )   *laughing like a total idiot* CHECK THIS OUT! HOW FUNNY!!! I find that the results for my taking the Eva kyara personality test are very well done!
# 1 Asuka Langley Sohryu # 2 Gendou Ikari # 3 Ryouji Kaji # 4 Misato Katsuragi # 5 Touji Suzuhara # 6 Kaworu Nagisa # 7 Kouzou Fuyutsuki # 8 Ritsuko Akagi # 9 Aoba Shigeru # 10 Makoto Hyuuga # 11 Shinji Ikari # 12 Maya Ibuki # 13 Hikari Horaki # 14 Rei Ayanami # 15 Pen-Pen
( 5:56 PM )   Speller!!! You owe me Mickey ears, and I want Lance's underwear!! AND FEEL MY WRATH!! *wraths Speller* MWAHAHAHAHA! JOYCE IS DEAD! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning Blog!
Nah-nah-nah! Riot Ink business caaaards! *heehee*
I'm okay, really.
I am headachey!!! As Amy would say... my head is doing the achey brakey dance of PAIN. So, I imagine I will get nothing done in class. Ms. Fotinos is gonna kill me for skipping anyway... *sighs*
Querida! I shall continue my efforts to make dad buckle!!
Meagen-san.... really, I know what you mean. Technically, I can draw, but I kinda lack depth in my art (from what I can see). There are very few pictures that turn out with the emotion or realism I want them to come out with..... and funny enough, that kyara that I tend to make look how I want is good ol' Lucas.
Lucas: What can I say? I'm perfect. *mutters* Yeah, right...
And yes, you're getting fanart. Now if only I can manage to scan it....
Meg's Art Corner! Raphael-chan, or as I refer to him in RPs, Lian's Rukura. This is a fine example of what I draw in math class on scrap paper. And querida? It's not THAT good. ^##^;;;;
That's all from me!
Over an' out!
( 10:48 PM )   Of course my idea is good, querida! I'm so smart after all! *tosses away IQ test scores that say only 142* Lucas with blue hair.... streaked with green!!!!!! Yeeaaah, baby!       ( 3:23 PM )   Warning, incoming rant!
STUPID! GODDAMN FLIPPIN' STUPID!! What a GOOD way to get yourself killed! Doing f*cking drugs! STUPID STUPID!!! Goddamn it! I mean, pot, okay that's bad. Bad and STUPID. But 'shrooms?!! HOT DAMN IS THAT STUPID!! And not only that, getting yourself into a situation where you get thrown out of your mom's house?! F*cking stupid! *fumes*
(note: never mind, needed to vent.... friend issues)
( 2:00 PM )   At home and skipping civics class.... *whistles and rocks back on her heels* 9.9
You know what's scary? It's scary when a dood whom you eat lunch with even jokes about wanting to rape you. That's scary. Even scarier is when he pins you against the wall and you have to fight him off, and when he comes back, your best (guy) friends beat the living sh*t out of him. Not quite sure what to make of this.... big super duper hugs and thank yous to Mike and Matt, my new bodyguards. Dan, touch me again, and they'll kill you for sure. I'll see to it. *sweet smile*
( 7:32 AM )   Morning blog!
Querida: Yep, the Mark plot is similar to our dj idea... except a bit more profound. *heh* And seriously, tho, a good plot would be something to the effect of Mark goes baaaad-niichan and tries to end the world, and you gots to stop him. There's a plot. Hooray for plots! Cam's efforts on trying to get Mark to put some sort of value on his own body should start working someday. I mean, HOW many times has Cam explained it? Not to mention, Mark has a nice idea of how Cam thinks now that he's been inside his mind. Mark-niichan's a slut.... but I love him anyway!
Cam: *pounds the living daylights out of Meg for calling Mark such a thing*
*heeheehee* Animal comparisons! *heehee* I gotta try that! Rukura = gecko Poya = otter Yuken = viper Lucifer = duck Michael = horse Zachariah = pot-bellied pig (personality wise) Gabriel = peacock Kanson = crocodile (someone patch in a call to australia, let's get the Crocodile Hunter in here, please... *crosses fingers*)
Meagen-san: I'm working on a fanart for you of SailorM. I shall prolly CG it tonight or tomorrow, okie?
School blows! I don't wanna go to school! WAH!
over and out.
( 6:35 PM )   For fun, and just to annoy him... Rukura's stats!
Name: Raphael Harrison Nickname: Rukura Age: 17 Date of Birth: February 28th Hair: purple Eyes: green Height: 6'4 Occupation: student Descent: Angel Family: human family includes Jacob [father, deceased] and Mary-Anne [mother, deceased]. Original family includes Kanson [father], Europa [mother, deceased], and Uriel {Yuken} [half-brother] Friends: Lucifer, Pandora {Poya}, Michael, Zachariah Current Residence: Atlanta, Georgia Likes: music, reading, daydreaming, being anti-social Dislikes: homework, unwanted attention, medication, and fighting Skills: singing, getting weirdly good grades Setbacks: has a rather serious heart condition, which despite medication and various attempts, is damn near impossible to treat, suicidal, and generally miserable Notes: reincarnation of the Messiah. Human mother died in childbirth, human father committed suicide a few months later. Is considered a "problem child", as he usually gets into fights at school. Been shifted around to foster homes all his life, never staying in one particular home longer than 1 1/2 years. Most recent foster family died in a car crash, leaving him the only living "relative" to claim his foster father's fortune. Lives alone.
( 6:24 PM )   Chris-kun: Dood, a meant the person playing as being Mark... ^__^;;
Meg-chan's on net restrictions, lalalalala... she's gonna get in trouble if she gets caught on the internet, lalalalala... she's rewriting stats for LotM, lalalalala.... she's TOO attached to Raphael-chan, lalala--
Rukura: *belts Meg in the head* Don't call me that! Meg: It's your legal name, isn't it? I like it better 'an Rukura...
Dan wants me to hit him. In the eeeeeew kinda way. Do I really come across as that much of a dom? @_@
( 7:16 AM )   Morning blog!
This is bound to be a short enrty, as mom is home. Sooo...
I had a really funky dream last night, but I don't remember it. All I remember is waking up a lot, upset, and trying to recall where I was. Bennett was curled up to me most of the night (good spiritie dood ^_^), but I don't think it helped much.... ah, well, it's the thought that counts.
Yesterday, I blew $44 on prismacolor pens. I got the box set of cool greys, plus a replacement 60% warm grey as mine is running out. That's me broke for another month now.
BMB is cuuuuuute today. *giggles* I want my verra' own Mik! I *heartheart* Mik! Rach, you better get me a Mik for my birthday! Or else!
I can't draw worth beans lately. *cries*
to Chris-kun: Thanks for the comment on the layout... and maybe now I'll bug querida to do an AH game (I honestly didn't think about that @_@).
*ponders* Yeah, you could go arouns as Mark in the game, and you could sleep with every second person you run into---
Cam: SHUT UP! *thwacks Meg* Meg: Hey, it's not my fault that your hubby is a total sl--- Cam: *throws a table at Meg* Meg: Itaaaai. X_X
Otaaay, enough out of me. Over and out.
( 11:44 PM )   Hal is GOD... lalalala! Hal is thy holy master!       ( 11:27 PM )   Purple is a nice colour! It's the colour of hentai. ^__^;       ( 12:30 AM )   BEHOLD THE NEW LAYOUT!!!
....very purple, isn't it?
( 3:58 PM )   This close >< to shooting myself...       ( 3:56 PM )   I WILL get this to work.... I swear I will.       ( 3:53 PM )   HTML is annoying. Background image, where are you?       ( 3:50 PM )   Let's hope for the background image now.... *crosses fingers*       ( 3:45 PM )   Playing with the layout...       ( 3:25 PM )   This is the temp layout, as I'm altering this puppy to look how I want it to. New version should be up tonight.       ( 2:43 PM )   Chris-kun: the Boa cd has two names. One is the japanese release, the other is for the international market. It's either called Race of the Thousand Camels or Twilight (like this here blog!). And the Limp Bizkit cd is called Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water. And Hannibal is a lot different than the Silence of the Lambs, isn't it? I liked it, but I stand by the fact that Jodie Foster made a much better Clarice Starling than Julianne Moore could ever hope to be.
My Bennett still isn't home... Dora, is he still with you? If not, you'd think he'd be home by now... *sighs*
Okay, time for me to book it outta' here for a bit afore dad calls and has a fit 'cause the line is busy.
( 8:05 PM )   Interlude...
Meg: Cain and Yuken! KAWAII!!!! Yuken: *giggles and twitches his neko-mimi, looking all innocent* Rukura: ICK! Who the HELL would touch HIM!? *points at Yuken* Meg: Well, you 'touched' him once... Rukura: NOT BY CHOICE, GODDAMMIT!! .... *sneezes* Yuken: *eyes Rukura venomously* Rukura: I'll be running off to Lian now... *heads for the hills as fast as his (verra' long) legs can carry him*
( 8:00 PM )   Querida, thank goodness it's not bronchitis. That's something I get a LOT, and it's not fun at all. And ten pounds? ALRIGHT! You GO, girlfriend!! *tackleglomps* You'll be okay.... I know so! ^.^
I got the "Play" cd (Moby), which came with the edit of South Side for free. Bonus, baby! ^_____^
( 7:24 AM )   Morning blog!
Well, I feel mighty stupid this morning. Yesterday, I kinda pulled a muscle in my left leg (riiight in my calf), but it stopped hurting. Woke up from a funky dream and got up to find it hurt. Now, being the idiot I am and not usually restricted by physical pain (hey, that's what ended up breaking my ankle), I went for a shower. Feeling headachey and cramped, I worked my way down the stairs, only to pull the same muscle again and fall about halfway down and land on the cat at the bottom. ^___^;;; <---- feels very dumb
*falls over* Meagen-san, you had me scared a minute there! If you had MEANT Mark, I would have had to call in paramedics and stuff to make sure you weren't doped up on anything!!!! @_@
List of kyara and colours this blog is gonna be themed on in order of layout updates: Cam/purple (this weekend, hopefully) Lucas/red (whenever) Mark/blue (whenever) Sybandial/pink (whenever) Jesse/green (whenever)
Each layout will have a background featuring the kyara, too! ^_^
I really need a life. Over and out!
( 9:51 PM )   Song lyrics... one of Cam's most recent themes! "Learn to Fly" by the Foo Fighters
Run and tell all of the angels This could take all night Think I need a devil to help me get things right
Hook me up a new revolution Cuz this one is a lie We sat around laughing And watched the last one die
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of lying Make my way back home when I learn to fly
I'm done nursing the patience I can wait one night I'd give it all away if you'd give me one last try We'll live happily ever trapped if you'd just save my life Run and tell the angels that everything's all right
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to
Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own Fly along with me, I can't quite make it alone Try to make this life my own
I'm looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to
Looking to the sky to save me Looking for a sign of life Looking for something to help me burn out bright I'm looking for a complication Looking cuz I'm tired of trying Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to fly Make my way back home when I learn to...
( 7:06 PM )   Tay, I've decided the theme for my next layout... good ol' Bennett and the colour purple. How... fitting. ^__^
Now if only I can get this stupid HTML editor thing to work... *binks it*
( 11:05 AM )   Morning blog (late again)!
Yeaaah, I just went to first period class this morning and got my classes for next year reviewed. Then I came home because the muscles in my abdomen are spasming and it hurts like bugger all.
To all my blogging friends; I'm gonna change the layout of this blog in the next week (I have a LOT of links to add). I'm gonna theme it around an AH kyara, so lemme know who you think would be best, please. Just post your opinion in your blog, as I read most of them daily anyway. ^__^;
( 8:23 PM )   Yeah, I've neglected my duties as a blog-person lately... I have a life, you know. (Hey, the LEAST you can do is smile and nod! T_T)
Not much is happening, really. My civics class keeps getting cancelled, so I think I'll skip it tomorrow and come home early. What else to say...? Ummm, not much.
Song of the moment: "The Kids Aren't Alright" by the Offspring. I'm on a REAL Offspring kick right now... dunno why exactly. Maybe 'cause they just amuse me. ^_^;
Grammy awards. Bleeeek. *makes a face*
Amy, kids who don't like cheese are stupid! HA HA!
( 3:33 PM )   ...afternoon.... blog!
This morning I spent the whole time trying to get my scanner to work, so thus, no morning blog. But I've got some stuff say for a change!
Today, lunch period was spent bothering Dan for the most part. He really ticked me off yesterday, and I'm extracting my revenge. So, I was making him jealous by glomping Matt at every opportunity (Matt doesn't mind too much, and he's nice to hug 'cause he's always warm.... and no, Mike, he's not my boyfriend! JUST A FRIEND!! T_T). It was rather comical. Civics class was cancelled, since Ms. Fotinos was at the Raptor's game with the people who signed up to go... the half of my class that was at school for the last three periods of the day got transferred to a Grade 12 geography class, in which was SO awkward that the teacher took pity on us and sent us all home. Redoing Angel Hunter again. This time, on the right sized paper... I'm sticking with the page layouts, tho, as I think I've got the look I want.
And, for fun! Rukura's theme song lyrics!
Home by Depeche Mode
Here is a song from the wrong side of town Where I'm bound to the ground by the loneliest sound That pounds from within and is pinning me down
Here is a page from the emptiest stage A cage or the heaviest cross ever made A guage of the deadliest trap ever laid
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here
The heat and the sickliest sweet smelling sheets That cling to the backs of my knees and my feet I'm drowning in time to a desperate beat
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong...
Feels like home I should have known From my first breath
God sent the only true friend I call mine Pretend that I'll make amends the next time Befriend the glorious end of the line
And I thank you for bringing me here For showing me home, for singing these tears Finally I've found that I belong here.
( 7:11 AM )   Morning Blog!
This song is tripping me out right now, but goddamn, do I love it! *grooves to "Home" by Depeche Mode* It's a really dramatic song... and it's sooooo making me think of Rukura. >_<;
It's very cold this morning. At least I think so, anyway, so I'm sitting here wearing the couch blanket as a cape. I feel like a doooork.
Meg's Art Corner (Freckle-chan, you copycat! T_T)
A special little picture; Lucas in his newest style of dress. Drool factor, out of 10? 12.
What else to say... ummm... Mom didn't leave me lunch money again. T_T;
Over and out!
....yep, for the first time in YEARS, I'm the proud owner of twp pairs of blue jeans. I've not worn blue jeans since I was about 5... and these ones fit niiiiice. I have hips and a waist.... @__@
Anyway, mom and I went to Sears and then to Curry's Art Supplies. I got my two pairs of jeans, two men's dress shirts (one white, one black), a new sketchbook, 4 new warm grey prismacolors, and a new 05 pigment pen. I am a happy Meg-chan!
Blue jeans that fit... *in shock*
( 9:09 PM )   I have officially started rewriting the Chronicles of Benjamin Carter! WHIHAI! Here's a bit of what I've written so far.
Frail. Benjamin was frail. He was about 5'4, fifteen years of age, and pale. He was small and slight in build; a boy and not yet a man. Right now, he looked more fragile than he really was... curled up under the blankets of his rather small bed, bruised and crying. It was a familiar scene.
Benjamin wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand in a vain attempt to push the tears away. However, it was pointless since more just spilled down his cheeks as if to spite him and his efforts to stop them. He hated crying. Hated it. But at times like this --- only at times like this--- he couldn't help himself. He was so tired of being forced into the clutches of rich men; predators that liked their pleasure taken out on the young boys who could be bought if the price was right. He was sick of the violation and the abuse. Most of all, he was sick of his father pushing him into it. His own father. He hiccupped in his efforts to restrain his tears.
Benjamin wanted more than anything to run away. Run away to another city, another country, anywhere but where he was. Just out of the clutches of the people who hurt him so much. But he was trapped like the birds his father kept in the iron cages that lined the back yard. He was a prisoner, shackled to the bars of his perpetual cage. Derkshaw would catch him if he ran. Derkshaw always caught him.
"Damn him to hell," Benjamin thought bitterly, though he regretted thinking it for reasons he couldn't quite explain.
There was a tap of boots in the hallway, and Benjamin closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and pretended to be asleep. The heavy, even steps stopped outside his door. The door squeaked as it opened slightly.
Benjamin tried to keep his breathing slow and deep, tried not to flinch. He felt Derkshaw's gaze on him. It burned.
'Go away, papa, go away....'
The door opened a bit more, and the tap of boots carried into the room.
It would be a good half hour before Derkshaw left, the blood on his hands and shirt not his own.
( 2:28 PM )   Man, am I grateful for mom. She just brought me the most wonderful little care packet of a bottle of ibuprofen and a Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange bar. *sniffles happily* Thank you, mommie!
Amy, Amy, Amy.... you have no idea how much stress is gone already. *heavy sigh* I can't thank you enough.
Spellleeeeeeerrrr, next weekend is go for coming over to my house to watch movies! You like freaky movies, I'll make you watch freaky ANIME movies! On the roster so far: Perfect Blue and X. Maybe I'll make a trip to Roger's Video and snag Devil Man or something. But I will get you hooked. I will. Your time will come (*sings* thy will be done!).
*laughing at BMB* Yeah, Mik, you dirty minded cutie! You think those nasty thoughts about Harley! *laughing*
Oiiii, Freckle-chan... you posted a nice list of couples you like. I think for fun, I'll do the same!
Cardcaptor Sakura Touya and Yukito - kawaii! KAWAII!!!! Sakura and Tomoyo - so sue me!
Oh My Goddess! Trobadour and Urd - they were cool! Too bad he's such a dork. Keiichi and Belldandy - well, DUH!
Magic Knight Rayearth Ascot and Umi - I'm a sucker for Ascot. What a little cutie! Clef and Presea - ditto that, 'cause Clef is so cute and so short!
Dragon Half Mink and Lufa - not likely, I know, but still.
Bakuretsu Hunter Tira and Carrot - feh on Chocolate. She's not half as cool as Tira. Marron and Gateau - I don' like Gateau too much, but Marron is so hot. *_*
Ranma 1/2 Ranma and Shampoo - not likely, either, but I think Mousse is too wussy for her. I've always been a Ranma/Shampoo 'shipper.
Shamanic Princess Kagetsu and Tiara - it's a sad relationship... Sarah and Tiara - um, don't ask.
Slayers Lina and Gourry - he's so funny around her... ^__^
Sailor Moon Usagi and anyone but Mamoru! T_T; Chibi Usagi and Pelulu [Perelu, Perele] - *heehee* Cute fae-ish boy with white hair!
Neon Genesis Evangelion Shinji and Asuka - I think she really does like him. She just doesn't know how to show it. Misato and Koji - funny funny! She's a player, tho.
RPing kyara [involving mine] Cam and Mark - for obvious reasons. Rukura, Lian, and Gabby - yes, a yaoi threesome. They're all so cute. Sola [Soren] and Sybandial - so innocent and sweet. ^_^ Jyrian and Quoik - I don't talk about these two much, but their relationship is really cute. Jesse and Rach - how can I not like this? He's cute, she's cute (haha, Rach!) Lucas and Lila - I liked this possibility... too bad she's dead and we won't find out what woulda' happened. Lucas and Carter - this is a slightly more demented relationship. Cadence and Lexiel - a more intellectual relationship... even if Lexiel is kinda big on sex for sick reasons. ^_^; Cadence3 and Cam - I'm a sick, sick girl. Lucifer and Setsuko - if we get Setsuko back, then we can resume this. They're cute too. ^_^
Other Stories Kiih and Ro (from Dora's "Three O'Clock") - I don't really know why... these two just kinda hit it off in my mind. Len and Yuri (see above) - ditto the above again.
Book Series Ron and Hermione - need I explain? Sirius and Remus - again, need I explain? Lestat and Louis (Anne Rice's VC books) - strange but yummy relationship Lestat and David - intellectual and alluring. Marius and Amadeo - Stokholm syndrome. Cal and Meg (A Wrinkle in Time) - KAWAII!
That's that done. ^__^;
( 10:41 PM )   Sap warning ahead!
I have the best best friends in the whole world! My best friends are Speller and Amy!
Speller, who I know I don't mention on here too much (I'm sorry! ;_;), is the smartest person I know. She's also one of the most talented writers, too. How many people can write a whole novel before/during high school? Aside from Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, not many. And her poetry kicks ass! She has a lot of it published. She can also draw better realistic stuff than I can, which makes me mondo jealous. It's not fair, I tell you! And she must learn to watch out for Hannibal. Beware him. Speller likes pudding. And pears. Damn those pears.
Amy and I have been friends since 7th grade, when she was the "new kid". We actually first met in drama class. She ran over a possum on her way to work. Yeeeah! She, too, is an amazing writer. It's not FAIR! She came runner up in the story writing contest a while back. I was proud. And I SCREEEEEEAMED the loudest when she won the Todd Bayless award. I live to embarrass.... ^_~
I am grateful to have such good friends. I love them. This concludes the sap. ^___^;
( 9:04 PM )   Querida, you're cooler than Simon and Milo! (Personally, Milo's a tad too butch for my liking, but Simon is a cute little brit guy with the sweetest little sentiments!) ....anyway.... yes, you have a neck. I hope. ^_~
And to complete the phrase you know you have problems when...you obsess over a cartoon with no neck, no nose, and huge eyes!
( 7:29 AM )   Morning blog!
I watched Perfect Blue last night. It downright scared me! Seeing Hannibal didn't scare me, seeing the Rage; Carrie 2 didn't scare me.... but Perfect Blue DID. The "real Mima" (the one who's forever in the Cham costume) is SCARY!!! And the Mimaniac is pretty scary too. o_O Iffen you haven't seen this movie, get it. Especially if you like stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion, X, or Serial Experiments Lain. I warn you, there's nudity, a rape scene, and a lot of gore. This movie freaked me out more than Eva did.
In other news... going to the art store tomorrow!!! And, I'm also skipping 5th period today. Maybe even 3rd, 'cause I'm stuck doing NOTHING all class anyway. -_-;
Hopefully they have the 10x15 paper I want... 'cause, you know, that being the traditional dimensions for comic drawing. Y'all knew that, right? *gives you a loooooook*
And I best be off to get ready... JA!
( 7:02 PM )   Blogger hates me.
I'm having a hell of a lucky streak this week. Today, in the mail, I got an AUTOGRAPHED Simon and Milo picture, FRAMED!!! *swoons*
And I got Perfect Blue!!!!
( 5:14 PM )   Gonna go see Hannibal with Mike and Chris in about half an hour! ^__^       ( 7:21 AM )   Morning Blog!
Last night, began a really angsty RP with Cam and Mark (well, it was angsty on Cam's end). Now, I only just realized that I think up really weird stuff that follow pretty much all the major time/space/reality laws. And all on a whim and at random. It's strange. You know you study this stuff too much when.... Yep, it's not every day when I come up with plots like that puppy. Using the imprints left in the reality weave to reconstruct a Mark.... that's some strange stuff (but it actually makes sense, which is what throws me). Huh.
I feel guilty... I got mad at Amy last night. She was being a little more depressing than usual, and I just couldn't stand it. I'm sick and stressed and I don't need to boost her ego all the time.
I've had this urge for the past couple of days to draw Cam shaking Lucas by the shoulders and looking very upset while Lucas looks blank. I don't really know why.... the caption for it has been running through my head, as it is this: "What am I to you?!" Trippiness.
Well, being the idiot I am, I didn't do my civics homework. My group is gonna love me for that.... then again, they're sticking me with the job of reading the presentation on Spain because I'm the only one that knows how to speak some Spanish. *sweatdrops*
I'm having urges to draw the weirdest things.... I hate it when Cam angsts at me from his little spot in my mind.
Meg's Art Corner A really weird little picture of c3 and a Chibi Cam. C3 is drawn more in my gothic anime style than my normal one. Turned out quite well! ^_^
Over and out!
( 7:16 PM )   Neeee, imouto! If you're not gonna be doing Yunga Neko for a while, you should get a guest artist to do, like, weekly panels just until you can work on it again. *volunteers*       ( 7:14 AM )   Morning blog time again, kids!
I'm feeling okay this morning, so school for me. *sigh* School is so boring. Lunch is okay, mind you, because I have (as Speller said) "so many male bitches that work" for me. ^__^
I've been doing a lot of drawing since I got those pens. It's scary... can't wait to get more! ^__^ I also gotta get me some 10 X 15 paper, 'cause that's the standard comic size. I don't feel up to fighting with printers because the size ratio on 8.5 X 11 is uneven. Screw it. I'll just redo it all on standards.
I'm having the straaangest breakfast. Pork chops. Don't ask me, it was the only thing I could find...
Song of the moment: "Cruel Angel's Thesis (Harmonia Remix)" from Evangelion. *slobbers* I forgot what a COOL remix this is!!!
Meg's Art Corner Ben Carter, looking cute and vaguely distant! (Hey, he's a Blink fan, too!) Mark makes a scarilly cute girl. o_O Appearently, so does Lucas. Onna-Cam makes me think of Rally from Gunsmith Cats for some reason.... How cliché.
Over and out!
( 5:30 PM )   Nah nah naaaah! Meg has Sympatico access!!
Anyway, Meg also got herself some niiiiice grey prismacolor pens yesterday! Meg drew some pretty pretty pictures with them, too! Meg is happy, so she is!
Meg's Art Corner With her new prismacolors in hand, Meg is proud to present her latest creations! Angelique, the evil evil bitchy whore of a Demon from AH. She's pretty, tho. ^_^; "Legacy of the Messiah" cast shot; Rukura, Lucifer, and Pandora as kids! Carter and Lucas, a strange relationship these doods have. Carter looks somewhat like Cam, doesn't he? Quoik, Meg's only fae kyara!!
( 2:25 PM )   Tiredtiredtiredtired....
At the Office Place, they have a set of 24 prismacolor markers for about 40 bucks. I WANT THEM, but mom says "no, I don't have that kind of money right now". So, what we're gonna do, is I'm gonna drag her to Curry's Art Supplies store in a few hours and see how much THEY'RE selling them for.... maybe she'll buckle and take me back to the Office Place. ^_~
I need grey markers...
...oh, note to all who talk to me at night online. I won't be on until really late 'cause the network will be down. Unless mom hooks us up with Sympatico tonight, I'll be on around 2am. *sniffles* I'm gonna be without my querida fix! *snifflesniffle*
( 8:34 PM )   Lack of bloggingness today, as you all may have noticed. Dunno why, I was home again....
song of the moment: "Under the Bridge" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I *heart* Flea.... what an AMAZING bass player. Too bad this song doesn't showcase him much. If you want good bass by the dood tho, "Californication" is an order.
*cheers* The restrictions to see Hannibal have been changed from R to AA! In other words, I can get in to see it! Heeey, Dan, Amy, Speller, anyone? Wanna come with? I warn y'all, tho, it's been said that this movie is grotesquely violent.
Tomorrow is gonna be a very busy day. I'm going into town with my mom and brother for most of the day, then it's home for a few hours (like, two), and to the mall where I shall meet with Quinn-chan and Chris to go for our ritual Riot Ink business meeting. Then I shall return from the depths of Quinn's anime/transformers shrine of a home and return to my humble lair around midnight. Then I'll prolly talk to my baaaaybeeeeee (aka: querida) for the remainder of the dark hours of the evening.
Oh! Celeb Jeopardy! Two of my faaaaavourite doods were on there! Seth Green from various shows such as Buffy, and Steven from the Barenaked Ladies! DOOD! And Seth has his hair buzzed in sooooo damn short that he looks bald. 0_o
Kick ass! 3 Doors Down are playing at the Warehouse on March 11, and tickets are only $27... man, I wanna GOOOOO!!!
( 12:37 PM )   For Whom the Bell Tolls by Metallica Make his fight on the hill in the early day Constant chill deep inside Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey On the fight, for they are right, yes, by who's to say? For a hill men would kill, why? They do not know Suffered wounds test there their pride Men of five, still alive through the raging glow Gone insane from the pain that they surely know
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
Take a look to the sky just before you die It is the last time you will Blackened roar massive roar fills the crumbling sky Shattered goal fills his soul with a ruthless cry Stranger now, are his eyes, to this mystery He hears the silence so loud Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be Now the will see what will be, blinded eyes to see
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls
( 12:17 PM )   Okay, today's guest BMB is quite good. ^__^
*points out the window* Heehee, a mini-plow!! *giggles*
song of the moment: "Sunny Came Home" by Shawn Colvin (so sue me, I like this song... ).
( 12:08 PM )   Why is it on days that it's not supposed to snow, it snows the most? We've gotten about 13 cm since last night and it's still coming down... -_-;
song of the moment: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica. Heeheehee....makes me think of AH. I shall post the lyrics on here later.
( 7:42 AM )   The Wheel of Excitement on Neopets loves me... I just won another 10 000 np. O_O       ( 7:35 AM )   Morning blog!
Here I am, killing time while I wait for either mom to call me or for me to call mom. Stupid morons in Wal-Mart, you call the main office and ask to be patched through to Electronics, and they put you on hold and hang up on you. Figures, it was mom's boss that just did that to me. Moron.
I got slim to no sleep last night due to sickness. Man, do I hurt... I feel like my guts are being put into a dryer's spin cycle constantly. And after drinking 3 L of cranberry juice, I'm not too good right now. I'm kinda waiting for mom to call so I can ask her what to do... I dunno if I should stay home or go to school. I bet I'm missing a fair bit. Well, there's always Fiona and Harpreet to ask. ^_^;;
I bet Dan's gonna kill me if I'm off another day. Mike's prolly beaten him up a few times by now without me there.
*drums her fingers* Mom, I asked you to phone me... you've got 10 minutes, and then I phone YOU....and hope I don't get hung up on...
Oh! BmB's on it's guest week. Y'know, with guest artists doing the panels. I'm not liking it too much. Yesterday's was a tad too blunt, with not enough joke 'ahind it. Maybe next time, I'll try for a guest spot on there. I'd be sure to do something involving Cy and Skids. I love Cy and Skids. ^__^
I'm running very low on straight kyara. Querida manages to turn them all gay! *shakes her head* Bennett, Lucas, Rukura, Sy.... who next? *turns to Tiirak* Dood, you're not gay are you? Tiirak: No way. Meg: You sure?? Tiirak: Yes, I'm sure. Meg: *looks suspicious*
Mommie bought me the Silence of the Lambs yesterday. It's such a good movie, and all the better if you've read the book. The casting for the movie is very good, too... Jodie Foster makes such a cute Clarice Starling. It really pisses me off that Julianne Moore is playing Clarice in Hannibal (which comes out tomorrow, check your local listings ^_~). She is SO not Starling material. But as long as Sir Anthony Hopkins is still good ol' Hannibal Lecter the Cannibal, I'll watch it.
*calls Mom* Wow, I got through....!!! Maybe that's because I cheated and used the associates-only code. How would I know THAT? 9.9
Looks like I get to stay home again today... *feh* Boredom and a half. Amy, if you're home, feel free to phone me or something.
Over and out!
( 10:50 PM )   Yeeeeeeeee! Querida can read my mind and alter my dreamstate!!!!
No one should have to drink 2 litres of cranberry juice in 5 hours. x_X
( 9:21 AM )   Morning blog!
I'm home sick! And it's only the 4th day of semester 2. Seems that whatever the hell was wrong with me before is wrong with me again... pain hurts, you know. T_T;
I've not much to say today... doesn't that suck when you wanna say something but you're outta' stuff to say?
OH!!! GOOD NEWS! AH Issue one is officially coming along WELL! Looks like I won't have to go to version 16... ^___^
( 9:32 PM )   Rukura and Lian... I got bored and messed around with PC Paintbrush...       ( 6:41 PM )   *looking from her cat CC to her mug of hot chocolate* CC is staring at the marshmellows like they're evil..... *inches away*       ( 6:29 PM )   The Angel Hunter church stainglass window...?       ( 4:00 PM )   Okay, I know.... I didn't blog this morning. I was running mighty late. I had to hop fences to get to school. ^_^;;;
What did I do today? Not much. I got yelled at three times and nearly booted out of my history class (why? for drawing! >.<;;), and I nearly fell asleep in comm tech. Thankfully, Mr. Dewitte let us out early.
The layouts for pages 1-4 of AH have been redone. This is version 15... and I'm LIKING it! FINALLY!
Heeey, imouto! Mercutio was the best kyara in that play. I also liked Benvolio, he was cool too (my once-best-friend Brittany took to calling me 'Volio 'cause I liked him so much). Mercutio, tho, had one hell of an attitude, and he was interesting and VERY funny. Too bad he had to die... I'm glad you liked the little snippet. Allow me to post another, just for you! ^__^ This is another bit I quite like.
Benjamin found it facinating to watch him, he was so calm and so... well, he was the very picture of freedom as far as he was concerned. Yes, that was it. Benjamin admired Lokistrant's blasé attitude towards life. Envy, almost.
When one night, Lokistrant was late on his ritual visits to the plantation, Benjamin worried. Could he have been hurt?.... no. This was Lokistrant. He didn't GET hurt. But maybe he just didn't want to see him anymore?
Abandonment. A reoccurring issue. His throat felt dry suddenly. He curled up on his bed, blond hair over his eyes, and wished for morning, when he KNEW that Lokistrant would not come. No second guessing when daylight was involved.
Minutes passed. And quite unexpectedly, Lokistrant was there, startling the boy. Leaning against the far wall, watching quietly, decked out in his usual dark reds and silvers. Benjamin sat up. "How long have you been there? You scared me!"
Lokistrant smiled his usual enigmatic smile, the impression of fangs something no longer unexpected. "Carter, deepest apologies for being so late." The smile was kind, but the voice was final, the tone stating that there was to be no questions asked. Lokistrant held out his hand to the boy. "Care to come with me into town for a while?"
( 7:45 AM )   Morning Blog, part II
Oh! I saw Cast Away over the weekend! It's SO good! Tom Hanks is a surprisingly good actor... I mean, who else can get away with talking to a volleyball so convincingly? And we all know that Amy likes to imagine him naked (Tom, not the volleyball). You should all go see it! NOW!!!! That's an order!
Heehee, now a little quote for fun from a story I am going to re-write.
Benjamin stared across the table at the stranger, worried. The man seemed in his twenties, if that, and had long brown hair that spilled over his shoulders and down his back. His eyes were an unnatural ruby red, and they were very intelligent eyes. Benjamin had learned early in life to be cautious, especially with the smarter ones.
The man crossed his hands on the table in front of him, casual. "Benjamin Carter, correct?"
Benjamin could dect a vague, though unrecognizable, accent. "Yes sir."
"You're fifteen?"
"Yes sir."
"Such a shame to see someone so young forced into... what you're familiar with."
Benjamin sunk down in his chair. "Why are you here? Why did you pull me away from papa?"
To match Benjamin's withdraw from the table, the man leaned forward, and smiled. Benjamin could have sworn he saw fangs. "You remind me of someone."
( 7:22 AM )   Morning blog!
Man, do I feel WEIRD this morning. I'm not sure why, exactly, but I just feel weird. I dunno. I think a certain spiritie dood slept in my bed with me last night.... *points at Bennett* 'Cause I actually slept.
Last night, during a particularly good RP, my ISP died and wouldn't let me back on. I wasn't happy. It was getting SO good, too... *pouts*
I'm so quickly out of things to say.... ^____^;;
O'er an' out!
( 11:17 AM )   Meg's random contemplations I'm considering re-writing Carter's story, which ties in with a fair bit of Lucas' story. Been considering it for a while... Carter's got some serious problems, and he's fun to write because he's so screwed up. He's got a really weird past. His dad was SUCH a jerk.... and up until becoming a vampire, Carter was good little Bennie; never had the nerve to fight his father. *ponders* It's an interesting story. Maybe I'll start on it again after I get home from seeing Cast Away....       ( 10:56 PM )   Okay, people, special announcement!!!!!!! Congrats to Bennett and niichan on the birth of their daughter, Candra Arael Bennett! ^___^       ( 3:32 PM )   Woohoo! I got switched from Casement's class to Apostolou's class! Hooray!!! And I am already SO ahead of all the people in my comm tech class. I seem to be the only one who knows how to use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Publisher, and Premier, as well as Quark and a few other programs. Damn, am I ahead. *_*       ( 7:36 AM )   Morning blog!
Wow, I only slept 3 hours and I feel okay.... *falls out of her chair laughing at today's BmB* Cy and Skids are a riot! I hope they do turn out as a couple! *laughing*
New semester starts today. I'm not too happy about this, as I have history and math this semester, and history is my homeroom class. With Mr. Casement. *cries* NOOOO!!! If I get called by my last name ONCE in his class, I'm gonna commit suicide (okay, not really).
My room is now a nice shrine of large wall hangings. On the walls around my bed, I have three Card Captor Sakura wallscrolls (two anime, one manga), and one kick-ASS Prozzak Saturday People promo poster. Thank you, John. *smilesmilesmile*
On Neopets, I am neopoor. Looks like my pets are gonna be eating at the soup kitchen a lot. -_-;
Meg's Art Corner! I know, I've not done much in the way of art lately. You know what's weird? I tend to draw more in school than at home. I think it's because I'm around so many people. Cam's SD Panther form, doodled in MS Paint. I was bored, okay? And it DID turn out cute. Part of my MS Paint family portrait. I still have to finish the pictures for John and Dani, and the kids too if I have enough willpower after screwing around with the stupid program afterwards.
Song of the moment: "When Doves Cry (Fatboy Slim remix) by Depeche Mode and Prince. I love this... don't ask me why. ^_^;
Quote of the moment: "Listen sister, if I want your opinion, I'll BEAT it out of you!" -- Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
Okay, that's it for now. Ja matta ne! *disappears in purple smoke*
( 12:38 PM )   Song of the moment: "Misere by Andrea Bocelli and John Miles. I have a very....expansive taste in music. So sue me. *sings along*       ( 11:45 AM )   To Chris-kun: Dooood, I don't hate you, and I'm not mad at you..... jus' chill, man. S'your blog, you can say what's on your mind...
I got my pretty pretty new cladagh ring in the mail yesterday! *kisses said ring* Mi querida gave it to me!! Isn't that sweet? ^__^
I have come to the conclusion that Cam would make a really scary bad guy. Like, not c3... but if CAM were bad. He'd be scary. I mean, he's already got some issues with where his loyalty lies... and he's pretty much infinite in power. Not to mention, after being killed about 200 times, I think he knows the painful ways to kill people. Wonder if niichan (currently my neechan) sees this? Well, at least now he knows about Cam's possibilities for becoming nothing more than a lethal weapon.
I have three neopets! My blue wocky named Cadence, my green shoyru named Lokistrant, and my yellow eyrie Poyania! ^__^
"My December" is © Linkin Park. The art is mine. Don't take. Information on the layout is thus; this is Damien McKinnley, a character of mine whom I've been roleplaying for a little over a year now. He's Simon McKinnley's oldest child, and he's kinda angsty and depressive. Art done in paintchat and added some snow in Photoshop.
Name: Meg Graham AKA: DJ Rabid Armadillo Age: 17 Birthday: May 1st Identifies as: a depressive and obsessive compulsive bisexual artist and writer Hair: black Eyes: grey Bands: Depeche Mode, Iron Maiden Movies: Fight Club, Velvet Goldmine, Hedwig and the Angry Inch Books: As I Lay Dying, Harry Potter, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, and the Repairman Jack series. Anime: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Manga: Fruits Basket, Kare Kano Artists: Takaya Natsuki, H.R Giger, Tony, Firefly Family: Tony, Julian, Dora, Poe, Mina Lives for: Firefly, art, music
Legacy of the Messiah Deviantart
Brittany Deanna Lisa Firefly Dora Becky Dan Julian Tony (blog) Alex Heidi Megan Hana Gerrad Kiran Amy Zalina Katarina Matt Ribby Chris Meagen Poe Tsua Frecklegirl Rikki Mina Blair
Journeys Down Boy Meets Boy Little Machine Litost Satellite Yunga Neko Lean On Me Chronicles of a Drow Sorceress Spider Born Haato no Kagami Arcana Tiger/Tiger Separation Anxiety Nymphs of the West
Aesiraven.com Aesiraven Oekaki Kaki-riffic! Neopets KikiWai b3ta
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i got my friend to name star wars rebels characters
she doesn’t know anything really about star wars, for reference. this is the funniest thing i’ve done in days
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- teenage mutant ninja turtle raphael - he seems like he is repressing a lot of things - but also makes people sad - but he just wants friends - at first he scared me but i think we could raise a gay family together as he is clearly closeted (good for him though)
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- YODA’S RELATIVE - she is like if shrek and merida have a child - bc the shrek outfit and colour but merida eyes and violence and lack of respect for authority - she just gives that vibe
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- THE RACIST DROID - they hate crime people as a hobby - treats the seven deadly sins as a to-do list - i feel like they would drug me and pretend to be my sleep paralysis demon - what’re their pronouns? (me: he) he’s a little bitch - but if he’s annoying just kick him and he’ll beetle on the floor like a fool
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- AGH - scary - seems like a father take that reaction as you will (me: i’m scared) as am i - OHHH PURPLE CAT - has neat handwriting - and a mechanic - and bites people
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- WHAT - REVERSE SWORD - IT’S WRONG  - good for her - she has a panic! at the disco phase i can tell - they worked on the name i can just tell - i appreciate the karen haircut - angsty teen - i like her owl - the number reminded me of a racer outfit though - logically? she’s a power bottom - again, repressed like the ninja turtle - but the closet sure is cosy good for her
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- SIMP (me: he’s a simp?) clearly - he is a leader but also a father - and seems like he checks up on everyone except himself - he also needs a hug - his eyes are fun - i think he should drop the skincare routine - simp dad is also trans
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- cat girl!!! - she is both a milf and a threat - violence over feelings - clearly she didn’t have a good childhood but i like her makeup - also - i feel like i should point this out - she doesn't look like she is sleeping enough so i hope she takes more naps
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- silly - obi wan kenobi - wait no he isn’t sexy enough - kristoff from frozen if he was a bear - he seems like he genuinely enjoys root beer _ (me: did you know he gets married to the purple cat?) and a furry too! knew it - i hate him
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- god i wish that were me - he has inner peace - he owns three dogs/children and has a good bedtime story voice - secretly violent - doesn’t do it very often because he’s “above it” which is stupid - he’s only above it because he’s tall - bet cat girl could beat him - not the bear though
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- SHE - she is so stressed - and angry but she keeps the anger bottled up she should try therapy - i like her headband - she is bad with children but still likes them - i feel like if you annoy her she will break a part of you
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- UGH -he is a horrible man - the eight and most bullyable weasley - he is doing a second rate dwayne johnson cosplay and i don’t think it’s working - he seems like he’s hurt me - (me: i love him you’re so harsh let me get a picture of him in armour)
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- hmmm bearable - don’t like that his crotch is a different colour there’s no need to make a fuss - (me: that’s armour) why would they change the colour i get that it’s armour - apart from that i would probably be hurt in some way by him - i am not interested 👎🤏 (me: you’re gay) i know a sexy man when i see one that is not attractive
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- YEAH YEAH YEAH - I LOVE HIM - HE IS SASSY AND ADORABLE - he would tuck me in at night if i asked i KNOW it - he is the balm to all daddy issues - (me: that’s scarily accurate) i feel like we were lovers in a past life - soulmates - we have a bond - our love was too powerful so i am a lesbian to compromise
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@gangstertogangster​ so since we’re on a glee kick for the OCs, I figure now is about as good a time as any just to have more things that totally get said during domestic au lines.
Yelena: Veruchka that isn't how babies happen. Nika: Uh huh! You and mama are both girls and you have me! Yelena, eyes widening, sweats: ... Nika: Hey how did that happen anyway? Where do babies come from? Yelena, driving faster: Ask your mother. Nika: But you are my mother? Yelena: Ask your other mother! ~oOo~ Michael: Look, alcohol is an answer to any problem. It’s not always the best answer but it is an answer. So pass me my wine or not even God himself will be able to save you, Raphael! ~oOo~ Vasya: Nah, my Aunt Shauna loves Olive Garden. They have better bread. Michael: What’s wrong with my restaurant?! It’s authentic Italian! The real deal! Vasya: It isn’t Olive Garden’s. Duh. ~oOo~ Nika: Hey guys, do you mind if I ritualistically slaughter this chicken? Peyton, jaw dropped: Uh... yeah a bit. This is the stage where we’re, you know, about to have a musical practice. Not... make chicken nuggets. ~oOo~ Vasya: That bitch is crazy! He had me kidnapped! Adrian, looks away: ...  Alexei: Ohmygod... ~oOo~ Jack: Papa, where do babies come from? Vladimir: ... Russia and Spain. Matt: That is not- Vladimir: My babies came from Russia and Spain, Matvey! Matt: Well if you want to get technical! Jack was born in Hell’s Kitchen! You idiot! ~oOo~ Mariah: Oh, Misty. Lucille is just... such a delightful child... Misty: Thank you, Mariah. I just... adore Honor... Danny & Shades, both sighing: ... ~oOo~ Matt: What's wrong?! Why are you bleeding?! Vasya, crying: I think I have internal bleeding! Matt: Oh honey. Internal means it's on the inside. Vladimir, smacking the back of Matt's head: Asshole. ~oOo~ Lucille: Breathe in. Now breathe out. Breathe in. ... Jack. Dani. Wake up. Vasya: They don't like meditating very much. Jack, snoring: ... Danielle, snoring: ... ~oOo~ Karen: You taught her how to treat a hemorrhage but not a period?! Matt: I didn't think it was important?! ~oOo~ Taka: I’m like the Malcolm X of our community! ~oOo~ Jack: Hey Siri, what was it like being poor and Asian? Marie: Terrible from what I’ve heard from my grandma. Peyton: Well, the mangoes aren’t as good in America. ~oOo~ Toly: I love fencing. I get to make new friends then stab them. ~oOo~ Vasya: I think I'm dying! Matt: Honey we're all dying. Vladimir, smacks Matt on the back of the head: What is your fucking problem tonight?! ~oOo~ Ravdí: Peyton, when you asked us to choreograph a dance number for this musical, you did not say that it was for Maddie’s zombie love story. Peyton: Yeah! Isn’t it a great idea?! Maddie’s story makes for a great musical and with you and Vas making a dance, I think this will be a big hit! Vasya, staring at Jamie: ... uh huh. Got this.... Ravdí: ... fiiine. We’re choreographing a dance number for zombies in love. Let’s go, Vas. ~oOo~ Bucky, wearing galaxy print yoga pants: Look my pants are out of this world so shove it. Vladimir: ... damn that was good. High five, Yakov. ~oOo~ Honor: Richard, I can taste your axe body spray. Get off of me! ~oOo~ Vasya: Well a drunk Stalin called me and told me that if I wanted Russia, he’d just give it to me! Matt: ... we need new Sunday dinner topics... Shauna: Ooh! I got one! Vladimir! You smell like melted cheese! Jack, whispering to Toly: You owe me five bucks. Eight minutes in and they’re screaming at each other. Matt, sighing: This is fine... Anatoly: I have vodka. Do you want some? ~oOo~ Yelena: If that boy so much as touches her I am destroying him. Natasha: I've already thought of ways we can hide his body. Yelena: I love you so much. ~oOo~ Michael: Both of my girls could kick my ass without even blinking and I find it unbelievably amazing. ~oOo~ Brad: Ooh authentic Chinese food! Diane: It's not Chinese, it's Asian! André: ... ya'll bitches be trippin'. ~oOo~ Richard: So I talked to your sister about who's the boss on this group project. Jack: Uh huh. How'd that go exactly? Who's in charge on your project? Richard: ... it's still unclear. Jack: Right. My sister is in charge, isn't she? Richard, sighing: I can't tell her no. ~oOo~ Maddie: ... why is there a live bear in the house? Marci: What? ... Ahhh! Bear! ~oOo~ Vladimir, saluting lazily: Aye aye captain. Yelena, ugly snort laughs: Shut up Vova. ~oOo~ Bucky: So how's that Eurofest thing going? Vladimir, pausing: ... you mean Eurovision? Bucky, snapping his fingers: Yep! That's it. ... don't look at me like that. I was closer that time than I was earlier. Vladimir: ... this. Is true. I don't even know what you said earlier. ~oOo~ Toly: Hey, Al? Alexei: Yeah? Toly: What was that? Alexei: An icecream commercial. Toly: No the fuck it wasn’t! Don’t you lie to me! ~oOo~ Jack: So you love my sister? Michael: Sí, more than air. Why? Jack: Would you be willing to take a bullet for her? Michael: ... yes? Why? Jack: I'll see you at the pier later tonight, Moretti. ~oOo~ Alexei: Man if one more person tells me that I am appropriating my own got dang culture Imma beat someone's ass. ~oOo~ Richard: I can't believe you said that! If you weren't a lady, I'd deck you! Vasya: You try and I'll have you on your back so fast you'll think you're out on a date! ~oOo~ Raphael: Wait, wait, wait! Hold on. You’re dumping me? For him? Nika, rolling her eyes: No, I’m dumping you, period. And then I’m gonna be with him. Period. If... that’s okay with him, question mark. Francis: Totally. Exclamation point. Raphael: Oh puke. Parenthesis, bold, underline. Michael, holding Smolya: Snort laughing. ... period. Raphael: Why are you even here? Michael: This is my apartment! ~oOo~ Yelena, after explaining a plan: It’s brilliant, right? Vladimir: Not brilliant at all. Yelena: Thanks for being on board. Vladimir: No. Not on board. Yelena: It means a lot. Vladimir: Big mistake. Very big mistake. Yelena: This will be wonderful! Vladimir: We are going to die slow, painful deaths. ~oOo~ Yelena: You get them! Vladimir: No you go get them! Natasha: What is going on out here? Yelena: We thought- Vladimir: Ah! No! There was no 'we'! Yelena: Shut up! We thought that the girls needed some life lessons... Vladimir: It was Lena's idea. Matt: Don't you dare tell me that Vasya and Nika, who are small toddlers may I add, are somewhere up there on that 100 foot tall building! Yelena: Okay, we won't. Vladimir: ... again, her idea. ~oOo~ Vasya: Fuck you! Dimitri: Later. Now shut up. I was talking. ~oOo~ Jack: I want to kill those guys! Vladimir: No! Matt: What a shocking turn of events... Vladimir: I don’t want you to bloody your beautiful hands! I will do it! ~oOo~ Vladimir: Oh congrats! You’ve made my seven year old look like a whore! Shauna: I think she looks great! Vasya: I think I want a leather jacket and combat boots now! Matt, groaning: Our seven year old is joining the mafia! ~oOo~ Rikki: I am a chapstick lesbian- is that the proper term for this? Because I’m not a lipstick lesbian, I’m definitely not femme, but I’m not entirely butch either? So I think I identify as a chaptstick les- screw it. I identify as chapstick! Just chapstick! Darla: What kind of chaptstick though? Sasha: Is it cherry? Because I see you as a cherry. ~oOo~ Marie: I’m like a Little Ceaser’s Pizza. Always hot and ready to go. Jack: Oh my god... Peyton: You’re gross. And I hate you. ~oOo~ Alexei: Toly’s a crackhead. Toly: I am not! I’m a motha fucking ganster! Alexei: See? Smokes crack. Andrey: I’m seeing myself out of this argument. ~oOo~ Yelena: All these screaming babies and yelling mothers and angry dads and annoying teenagers. They make me want to shoot up this mall. Nika: You cannot say that in public! Yelena: Why not?! It’s my second amendment right to shoot up a shopping center! Nika: NO! ~oOo~ Darla: I’m not much into BDSM. If I wanted to be whipped and chained up I’d just go back in time. ~oOo~ Peyton: Oh my sweet, poor, Japanese cherry blossom... Taka: Thank you. ~oOo~ Michael: This person wants us to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to them?! What?! Rahphael, snorts: That’s not happening. What do they think this is? Applebees?! ~oOo~ Peyton: It annoys me so much when people come here asking if we have a table and then get so offended when we don’t have them because of incoming reservations. Jamie: Honestly! What do they think this is?! Applebees?! We are a five star establishment! ~oOo~ Anatoly: You three better eat these pierogies! I didn’t starve in Utkin for you to deny yourselves food! Alexei, Toly, and Andrey, sighing: Yes, sir... ~oOo~ Bucky: You are a whole ass menace to society! Yelena: I will live. ~oOo~ Wesley: ... I’ve lost Maya. Fisk: Again, Wesley? Wesley, sighing: Unfortunately. ~oOo~ Lucy: I fear nothing. Not even god. Dani, Vasya, and Honor, watching her drink a smoothie: You’re disgusting. Jack: Can I have some of your smoothie? ~oOo~ Daisy: Being an inhuman is genetic. Vladimir: She gets this from your side of the family, Matthew! Daisy: But... you two adopt- Matt: I know. Don’t ask. Go with it. ~oOo~ Ian: Ugh, what do I take for hangovers? Darla: How horribly caucasian. Marie, snorts: Ha! Darla: Well isn’t it?! Marie, shrugging: I don’t know. I get the Asian flush so I take medicine before drinking. ~oOo~ Vladimir: I wonder what she’s going to buy... Matt: I wonder where she got the money... Jack: Vasi’s buying a bag of pepperoni! ~oOo~ Shauna: Look, we all know Toly won’t get into Harvard otherwise- Toly: What if I don’t want to go to Harvard?! Shauna: Ugh fine! Yale then! Toly: But mom- Shauna: Harvard or Yale Anatoly Jr! ~oOo~ Vasya: At least you all woke up in a bed! I woke up in the garbage! Jack: Okay. But. That’s nothing new. Nika, elbows him: Don’t be rude. ~oOo~ Sasha: I was in the dumpster! The dumpster! Rikki: My mom is blue! Darla: So I can see that this is a very stressful time for you both... ~oOo~ Dani: Lucy’s gonna be a minute. Vasya: Did she wake up in the trash too? Dani: No, she woke up half Asian. Lucy’s having a full blown identity crisis. ~oOo~ Vladimir: Your house is full! Full of sadness and emptiness! Yelena: Alright first off, you’re rude. Second, you’re a hoarder! ~oOo~ Sam: We don’t need this! Bucky: Sam, need and want are two different things. ~oOo~ Matt: I may not have vision but at least I have taste! ~oOo~ Vladimir: Ooh! For realsky?! Vasya: For suresky! ~oOo~ Anatoly: No son of mine is going to listen to shitty rap about doing cocaine! Alexei, thinking to himself: Please don’t tell mom... Anatoly: And Alexei Anatolyevitch! I am telling! Your mother! Alexei: Noooo!!!! ~oOo~ Therapist: Mr. Murdock, I think that Ms. Natchios may be one of your triggers. Matt: Please! I don’t have triggers! I am fine! Vladimir, snorts and coughs to cover it up: Okay. Elektra: Suuure you are Matthew. Matt: I will throw this chair at you, I swear to God! Don’t test me! ~oOo~ Shauna, lunging for Wesley: Augh! I can’t take it anymore! Vladimir, watching her punch Wesley: Shauna has earned my respect. Matt: It only took you five years to give it to her... ~oOo~ Jack: I’m so American that my favorite food is a McDonald’s cheeseburger! ~oOo~ Vladimir: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?! Vasya: I dunno! Maybe if they invited me! Matt, slowly rubs his temples: ... I have a headache now... ~oOo~ Yelena: I drive like I have nothing to live for. Which I don’t really. Vladimir: Remind me to never drive near you with my children in the car. Natasha: And remind me to drive Nika around from now on. ~oOo~ Rikki: What do Asian parents beat their kids with? Francis: I don’t know. Textbooks? Ian: Rulers with F’s written on them? Jack: Slippers? Marie, glaring: I’m judging you all harshly. Jack: But are we wrong?! Marie: They feed us! Francis: Well that’s not a punishment. Marie: It is if you don’t like the thing they’re making you eat. ~oOo~ Vladimir: Has anyone seen my son?! He’s about yay tall! Clearly gay! But we haven’t had the talk yet! ~oOo~ Yelena: SHOW ME LOVE! SHOW ME LOVE! Nika: Mom... what is going on? Natasha, stirring her coffee: Oh just the usual amount of bullshit I deal with on a daily basis due to your other mother. ~oOo~ Maddie: I’m supposed to be in class. Ravdí: It’s okay, I’m supposed to be at work. ~oOo~ Darla: Oh what do I know?! Only what’s best for you! Rikki: I’m self destructive. Darla: I was just kidding. Rikki: I wasn’t. ~oOo~ Anatoly: How’s your dad’s restaurant doing? Alex: Very well. Alexei: Grandpa deletes bad reviews off his facebook so it only has five star reviews. He sees two stars, delete! Five star, it stays. Alex: He needs to fix the roof. Anatoly: ... what’s wrong with the roof? Alex: It’s old. Alexei: It leaks. Alex: The AC needs to be fixed too. Anatoly: What’s wrong with the AC? Alex: It’s old. Alexei: It’s broken. Shauna: ... I love your dad’s restaurant! ~oOo~ Vasya: Does anyone know if the damage control shampoo works on PTSD? Adrian: What about emotions? Asking for a friend. ~oOo~ Yelena: Oh god it’s missing! Natasha: What is? Yelena: The... the thing! Natasha, turning to face Yelena with baby Nika in her arms: What ‘thing’, Lenosha? Yelena, sighing in relief: Oh thank god, you found it. Natasha: ... you mean our daughter?! ~oOo~ Francis: A four letter word starting with ‘c’. Go! Rikki: Cock! Jack: Cunt! Rikki: Ooh! Nice one. Vasya: ... mine is corn. Nika: Well that’s adorable. Darla: Cute. ~oOo~ Vladimir: So it’s just a girls night? Vasya: Yeah, we’re just going to see a movie, grab a bite to eat, talk to the dead, and, if we have time, try to commit arson. Vladimir: Okay, have fun and don’t come back too late! Matt: ... after all that you just let her leave?! She said she’s going to commit arson, Vladimir! Vladimir: No, she said they’re going to try! They have to talk to the dead first, Matthew! ~oOo~ Matt, on the phone with Brett: Yeah, hey, if you get a call about a fire, can you give me a call? No reason. ~oOo~ Ravdí: Hey! I waterboarded myself! ~oOo~ Honor: This is a three day vacation! Lucy: Where are we supposed to be sleeping?! Richard: Well I just assumed you two would be inside each other. Jack, spits his drink out: ... ~oOo~ Vasya: So I met this girl at this coffee shop this morning- Honor: Oh no... No no no no. Vasi. You will not come out of this alive. Vasya: Uh... excuse me? Honor: She’s clearly a cannibal. Have you looked at yourself? You’re clearly an easy target. You’re a ballerina and very well marbled. If I were stuck on a deserted island with no food, I would absolutely eat you first. Literally everyone just stares: ... ~oOo~ AJ, the highschool art teacher, very clearly drunk: Listening to Brad talk is like listening to a horny bear claw into a chalkboard. I’m not pleased. Matt: ... well neither am I with that in mind. Shauna: I’m going to throw up. Bucky: God I love PTA meetings! ~oOo~ Honor: Gay kid! Alexei, blinks a lot: ... Honor: Asian girl! Marie: ... Marie. It’s not a hard name. Honor: Asian girl two! Peyton, inhaling deeply: ... she’s a kid. Breathe... Honor: Panda Express! Jamie: ... I swear to god... Honor: Weird twins! Rikki and Darla, blink and roll their eyes: ... Honor: Creepy incest twins! Jack and Vasya: ... we are not- Richard: Okay! So theater club meeting is in session now! ~oOo~ Ravdí: Sloppy babies! You’re all sloppy babies! Dani: Maybe we shouldn’t be calling the freshmen that. And give them encouraging words of wisdom instead? Ravdí: No! They keep dropping their flags! Again, babies! ~oOo~ Richard: Aren’t most of you gay? Honor: How dare you! ~oOo~ Ravdí: I’m sorry. All this time I’ve been treating you like an unpaid intern. When what I should have been doing is treating you like a paid intern. ~oOo~ Jack: Buenos dias, fuckboy! Ian, screaming shrilly: ... ~oOo~ Alexei: We’re all going to die someday. Well. Some of us. Toly: If you figure out immortality you have to share. Alexei: Uh. No. You’re annoying. Andrey: Will you share with me? Alexei: Maybe. ~oOo~ Alexei: Let’s come together! Like Voltron! Andrey: I’m the leg! Toly, rolling his eyes, softly but with feeling: ... fiiine. Losers. ~oOo~ Jack: I wrote this song for my sister! Vasya, closing her eyes, softly but with feeling: Ohgodno... Jack: I wrote this song to tell her that I’m always by her side! Even when we fight! Vladimir & Matt: Aww! ~oOo~ Andrey: Sometimes I feel like Ugolyok films me while in the shower and is waiting to sell the videos on Craigslist. Toly: ... what is wrong with you...? Alexei: ... I... uh... kay. ~oOo~ Lucy and Honor, trapped in an elevator, staring at a creepy puppet on a bike: ... What the ... hell... The puppet: Hello, girls. Let’s play a game. Lucy and Honor, banging on the door: Get us out of here! ~oOo~ Dani: You’re not letting them out of the elevator, are you? Richard: Nope. Not until they confess their feelings. Vasya: This is maniacal... I like this plan. Jack: You are all. So fucked up. ~oOo~ Maddie: I’m going to start projectile vomiting any second now... ~oOo~ The Principal of the highschool: I say we release the hounds into the school. Nick, the highschool science teacher, eyes wide: Let us not do that. AJ, the highschool art teacher: I think it might build character and therefore I veto Nick. ~oOo~ Ravdí, screaming as she runs down the hall: Why are there so many dogs in the hallways?! Vasya: This is the opposite of a problem! Francis: I love them all! Nika, climbing up the lockers, and hissing: Leave me alone! Unless you’re planning on eating my math homework! ~oOo~ Vasya: I will stop at nothing until you are homeless and drinking gutter water. Richard: Ouch. You’re rude.
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My Top Ships 2018
I really enjoyed writing this article last year. So here we go again. Check out my favorite ships from movies and TV this year. 
12. The Goldbergs-Erica and Geoff
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The Goldbergs has been one of my favorite sitcoms for a couple of years now and I have loved watching the development of Erica and Geoff’s relationship from a simple high school crush, to Erica discovering her feelings, to them now in the current season feeling like an old married couple at times. While they may still have their ups and downs I love how they are always there for one another and they are just adorable. Hope they’re in it for the long run like Geoff assumes they will be!
11. Throne of Glass-Chaol and Celaena 
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At the beginning of 2018 I started reading Sarah J. Maas’ fantasy novel Throne of Glass. Instantly I could see the love triangle emerge between the assassin Celaena, the crown prince Dorian and the head of the king’s guard Chaol. While book one looked more like Celaena and Dorian would be together I always held out hope for the latter. And then I read Crown of Midnight! That book was one of my overall favorites and I got to watch this relationship form. It was beautiful and then everything blew up. I started the third book in the series and was instantly disappointed because it felt like an entirely new series. So while I have stopped reading it since then Chaol and Celaena will forever be one of my favorite ships. 
10. Supergirl-Kara and Mon-El
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Mon-El returned to Supergirl last season and while Karamel was apart for the majority of the season viewers got to see a more mature Mon-El. There has always been much debate over his character as well as his relationship with Kara, but I have always been a fan of the Daxamite. In this season he returned to the present from the future where he was a part of the Legion of Superheroes and he was married. Kara, still recovering from the aftermath of season two, was thrilled to see him, but much had changed. While moments of this season were aggravating the two still had some great chemistry on screen. It was still very clear of their feelings for one another, but yet again Mon-El had to leave. This time taking Winn with him (which is a rant for another day). So while they might not have a future this is another ship that will always be one of my favorites. 
9. Victoria-Lord Alfred and Drummond
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This ship instantly pulled my heart strings and ultimately (SPOILER ALERT) crushed my soul. Lord Alfred and Edward Drummond’s relationship started in season one of Victoria, but truly got its own story line in season 2. As expected in this masterpiece drama there were twists and turns that kept this couple part. Given the time period two men could not be together and Drummond was engaged to be married to a woman. But what none of us saw coming was his death. I still cannot believe it. He will be truly missed in the newest season which will air in the new year. 
8. Anne with an E-Anne and Gilbert
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Netflix’s Anne with an E returned with a second season this year and we were blessed with more Shirbert moments between Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe. While the beginning of this season saw Gilbert at sea (going off from L.M. Montgomery’s novel), there were still some great moments between the two characters from Anne writing him letters about the “gold,” to Gilbert not noticing her hair and letting her know it was good to see her. And who could forget this important moment (above) from the finale. Fortunately for us the series has just gotten picked up for a third season. I cannot wait to see what’s in store next!
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7. Daredevil-Matt and Karen
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While against popular ships I found myself shipping Matt Murdock and Karen Page hard as I began season 1 of Daredevil this past spring. In season 1 I took every moment I could get between the two of them and then I was a little too excited when they got “together” in season 2. While it didn’t end well for the two of them there were some really great moments I find myself reliving on YouTube. I have not watched season 3 yet (mainly because I want to continue to watch the Marvel Netflix shows in order and I have only just finished The Defenders). With the recent news of the show being cancelled I can only hope these two end on good terms. (Even if it is not romantically as I may hope. Please no spoilers.)
6. Set it Up-Harper and Charlie
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This romantic comedy quickly made its way into my heart and into my top 10 favorite movies (I KNOW). This is all thanks to its lead characters Harper and Charlie. These two assistants were witty, relatable and just had an overall great chemistry that I am upset they are not together in real life. I have honestly watched this movie far too many times and each time my love for this ship gets stronger. I feel like the movie ends too quick because I want to know more about what happens to them. It might ruin it but would it be too much to ask for a sequel, Netflix?? 
5. Legacies-All of them
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Okay, so by saying ALL OF THEM I don’t think I’m necessarily cheating. This show is still in its beginning and still establishing itself. They are still finding their ships and we are discovering the characters. But I have to say I like so many of them that it’s hard to choose just one pairing. Julie Plec has done a FANTASTIC job of having a lot of her major cast interact with one another and they each bring out something different in one another’s characters. One day I’m shipping Hope and Josie and the next I like Hope and Raphael. You can really tell good writing and characters when you can like so many different combinations and not feel mad about it. If you aren’t watching Legacies make sure to tune into the CW because you are missing out. 
4. The Originals-Klaus and Caroline
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Yes, you did see this ship on my list from last year and that is because Klaus and Caroline are one of my top OTPs. I was excited to see Klaus on the Vampire Diaries so it is no surprise that I was beyond excited to hear of Caroline coming to the Originals in its final season. It was great to see the pair in the same room again. They were both parents now and had grown so much. Every time they recognized that in each other I got chills. So [SPOILER ALERT] while Klaus “had to die” I am extremely glad that he and Caroline got closure for their ship. In a way they were endgame and as a Klaroline fan, always and forever, that’s all a girl could ask for. 
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3. Dawson’s Creek-Pacey and Joey
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Dawson’s Creek was my summer binge this year. I wanted something “retro” that was just about regular teens (no superhero powers or magic). Going into this show I obviously knew a good amount of spoilers seeing as how it started in the late 90s, so I knew that Pacey Witter and Joey Potter would eventually become a couple. I now just had to wait for the when...and while at times it might have felt excruciating, I took any and all moments between the two characters (even before season 3 when things really get set into motion). There is just something so great about a ship between two characters who “hated” each others guts and tease each other constantly. It was well worth the wait because these two have become one of my favorite all time ships. While I am permanently paused on season four (pre their first break up) I have watched a bunch of spoiler videos to know that these two wind up together, which warms the heart. 
2. Brooklyn Nine-Nine-Amy and Jake
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While looking for a new TV show to watch earlier this year it was suggested to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine. (Only once I started binge-watching the show did it get cancelled and then thankfully renewed by NBC.) What a great choice it was to start watching this show. The void that was left by The Office and Parks and Rec was instantly filled by this sitcom. The characters and story-lines were hilarious and of course I couldn’t help but fall in love with the slow-burn of Amy and Jake. Again due to spoilers of coming into a show that already exists I knew the two would wind up together, but it was still so great to be a part of. The two are adorable and while the story line does not always revolve around their relationship you know they are still together by a quick line they say in a scene or two. They are just so right for each other. Right now I am catching up on season 5 (about mid-way right now) and I cannot wait to watch the next season premiering in January. So excited to see where their relationship is headed.
1. THE 100-Bellamy and Clarke 
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That’s right last year’s number 2 became my number 1 in 2018! While separated for 6 years with Clarke on the ground and Bellamy in the sky the two found their way back to one another. You could definitely feel the tension between the two, which made complete sense after all their time apart but there was still something that brought them back together. My heart still melts when Bellamy finds out that Clarke is alive from Madi and seeing Clarke’s face when Bellamy tells Diyoza that she matters. This ship is the slowest burn of my life and while Jason Rothenberg may still claim that the two will never be (and that we should read the books for that) this latest season gave us Bellarke fans a reason to hope. From Octavia calling out Bellamy’s feelings and saving the traitor who he loves (OMG) to Clarke’s looks every time Bellamy and Echo were embracing. They are the first two to wake up out of the pods and meet Harper and Monty’s son. They are deeply connected and I can only hope for moments like this next season. For now I’ll just re-watch my favorite to hold me over (and that includes Bob and Eliza’s SDCC interviews which were adorable). 
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 Here’s to another year. Cannot wait to see what is in store for 2019!!
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emmaswanchoosesyou · 7 years
The OUATCHI experience!
So, first, this is delayed because I thought I could handle this like I handled Dragon Con 2007, forgetting that I’m not 20 anymore and have the stamina of a fly when it comes to tiredness. Also I’m still trying to absorb it all.
I did the silver package and didn’t do any photo ops--idk, it’s not really my thing? I got to the convention center Friday night and hurried to karaoke event. It seemed like a good time, even if I was a little too traveled out to muster the enthusiasm necessary for it. I just missed Raphael Sbarge, the true tragedy of the weekend. #TeamCricket (Okay, so karaoke is weird when there isn’t alcohol, sorry. I could handle it because of the airport wine)
Anyway, I met up with @jennifer-morrison and @outlaw-queen and then @ussjellyfish, @holdouttrout, and @liberalmasochist.  All of whom are delightful and fun. (Oh, and @tlynnwords! Best volunteer ever.) Friday night was pretty chill, and my roomie @gray-autumn-sky arrived later.
Saturday was insane! Woke up early to check in to the con, since we missed it the previous night. Visited the vendor room with @gray-autumn-sky, got a CS bracelet, then went to panels! And got Colin’s autograph. I couldn’t really make words happen, but it’s probs for the best since more words=more opportunity to embarrass myself (It was the same with Lana later, istg). 
So....Colin’s solo panel was precious, and he was honestly pretty punchy. Not much shyness or anything. It was loads of fun. (He mentioned Sean and his love for Helen, okay? So it was perfect.)
Then, Lana’s panel! She’s so energetic and great. It was crazytown, and she definitely is an amazing storyteller. (She only has the tiniest of filters and it’s the best)
Oh, Karen’s and Keegan’s panel! They’re both fantastic, and I love them so much more than I could have imagined. Karen is possibly an actual angel, and Keegan is funny and approachable (she also did the best autograph). 
I think that was Saturday? Oh, the concert! It was fab. Gil and Bev have lovely voices. So does Karen, but as a Galavant fan, that wasn’t a shock. Oh! No one told me that Keegan can play the ukulele and is adorable about it. (And then we stayed up way too late reading ridiculous fic.)
Sunday was more chill, but it got rushed toward the end. Bex Mader is the most hilarious person ever, and I’d consider trying for a meet and greet with her. Love her so much, considering my lack of fondness for her character. Victoria Smurfit and Jaime and Murray are also amazing, and they had great chemistry in their panel, so it was like watching 2 hilarious pals just shoot the shit. They were the best at tangents and at making people laugh. 
I had to leave early, but ended up with all my autographs except Raphael’s and Emilie’s thanks to Creation’s kindness and accommodation. I’m so glad to have had so much fun and to have met some of the coolest people, and that’s not even including the guests. :)
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bethofbells · 8 years
I saw your post about binge listening podcasts. What kind of podcast do you listen to? I love podcasts put I don't know many, can you recommend some? What app do you use? I use Sticher and Soundcloud.
I use iTunes (although most of these are available on other podcast apps like stitcher I believe)
The Moth - live storytelling recorded at moth events (which are hugely popular). People who go to moth events and want to tell a story put their name in a drawing and anyone whose name is drawn gets to tell their story on stage. The producers collect the ones they like for the podcast. Occasionally famous people attend the events. Very Good.
Snap Judgement - story telling with a beat. The host is funny (although I tend to ff through his mini stories at the beginning of each episode bc he’s soooo dramatic) highly produced with a cool score for each story, fascinating stories from all kinds of people.
RIsk! - mostly not safe for work stories, coming from a super diverse bevy of storytellers. It’s kind of like the moth with stories told in stage at live shows, only frequently the stories are filthy (in a good way) usually funny although sometimes heartbreaking. Again, very good.
Invisibilia - it’s an interesting one although there aren’t that many episodes, it’s sort of a (little) sister podcast for This American Life
Serial - well I’m sure you’ve heard of these one. There are two separate seasons so far, each season combing through the most minute details of a legal case making an honest effort to figure out what is the truth. First season is about the Hae Min Lee (Adnan Syed) murder case and the second season is about the Bo Berghdal military desertion case. Fascinating but it’s not one you can listen to half heartedly, they take a lot of focus.
Radiolab - one of my FAVES. Two charming hosts who have been in radio forever (Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich) take recent discoveries in science and dive into them, testing theories and talking to leading researchers with an infectious lilt of joy and amusement. (“La Mancha Screwjob” is a good episode)
This American Life - HIGHLY produced NPR podcast that is basically just a really good radio show. Great episode is “Abdi and the Golden Ticket.”
TED radio hour - various TED talks with connecting themes are compiled into episodes, and expounded upon with further interviews. “Extrasensory” is a great episode.
Ask me another - weekly competitive quiz show, lots of wordplay, fun to play alongWait wait don’t tell me - sort of like a quiz show, with various NPR level comedians (does that make sense?) playing, only the questions mostly have to do with news stories from the past week. Mo Rocca and Alonso Boden used to be on it a lot but I haven’t listened in a while.)
Fresh Air - terry gross interviews people who have books or movies or whatever to promote. She is a veeeeery good interviewer.
Love and Radio - odd stories that leave you feeling like you need to know more, occasionally nsfw. The Living Room is a great introductory episode.
Harmontown - Dan Harmon rants and is funny and tries to learn from his frequent social faux pas… there is an unfortunate amount of impromptu comedy rapping as he progressively gets more drunk throughout the show. It’s in front of a live audience at Meltdown comics (so it’s usually a small crowd of people who frequently attend tapings) and he has two usual cohosts and frequently pulls people from the audience and has real sincere conversations with them. He used to play shadowrun with his cohosts at the end of each episode but I think he’s stopped doing that (I usually just skipped it)
WTF (Marc maron) - Marc is such an engaging interviewer. If I were you I would go through his available podcast list and listen to any that have people you like as guests
You Made It Weird (Pete Holmes) - interview show, frequently with comedians etc. However Pete is VERY into philosophy and eastern religions and anything and everything that could expand the mind. So the conversations often go places that you wouldn’t expect. It’s kind of hit or miss for me sometimes, but there have been a good number of episodes that I’ve enjoyed. Bo Burnham’s episode is very good.
My Favorite Murder - Might as well be called “Beth’s favorite podcast” because it is. Georgia and Karen are sooooo funny and relatable to me. They each pick a murder and tell the other one all about it, without telling each other what the murder is beforehand. They are EXTREMELY sensitive when talking about the victims etc and they do not romanticize murder at all. Occasionally they say things that are unwittingly offensive but almost always apologize in the following episodes. I suggest listening from the beginning. I’m so sad now that I have to wait for episodes to post 😭
Unsolved Murders (radio theater) - kind of cheesy sometimes, the actors are a little campy and the stories sometimes seem too short, but I like to listen to it now and then.
True Crime Garage - two guys sit in a garage and drink beer and talk about crime cases that they have thoroughly researched. It’s kind of a Heart and Head duo, with “The Captain” as the heart and Nic as the head, they compliment each other. The captain occasionally says dumb things but Nic usually reigns him in, and there’s one episode that actually made me a little annoyed with the captain, but he literally took the time to apologize in the next episode and talk about all the emails he got, and he gained a lot of perspective. I respect people who are able to admit when they are wrong.
Criminal - soothing-voiced host talks about various criminal cases from over the years, and not necessarily in the way you would imagine. Shorter episodes. Highly recommend.
The Mortified Podcast - people read their often hilarious childhood journals on stage in front of a lot of other people. Amusing.
Doug Loves Movies (only the episodes Jacob Sirof is NOT on) - live podcast, movie quiz show hosted by Doug Benson, very amusing. I suggest any episodes that have Geoff Tate as a guest.
I was there too - some guy interviews people who had lesser or bit parts in classic movies. Kind of cool.
How did this get made? - three comedians (and sometimes a guest) all watch an awful movie and then walk you through all of the most ridiculous parts of said movie (Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas)
Pop Rocket - Comedian Guy Brannum hosts a weekly podcast about pop culture, light listen, Guy is charming and funny)
Pop Culture Happy Hour - not as much of a fan as I used to be (burned out) but Glen Wheldon is one of the panel and he’s one of the funniest people ever and he adores comics and is pithy and scathingly hilarious)
Getting Doug with High (only the live episodes bc the regular ones seem line one loooong commercial for his sponsors, but basically people get high together and hang out)
Honesty I’m looking for interesting true crime podcasts or unique comedy podcasts. I would LOVE to listen to more that have only female hosts (most comedy podcasts are a total boy’s club and it gets REEEEEAL old). I used to love story telling ones but I burnt myself out on them listening to three a week. I need something I can binge, so podcasts that only make a certain number of episodes available at a time are not my cup of tea.
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Here’s how Lady Gaga will beat her Oscars 2019 competition
If there’s one factor Lady Gaga is aware of how to do, it’s make an entrance. On a Thursday afternoon in August, social media feeds have been swarmed with images of the pop star arriving on the Venice Movie Pageant through water taxi. Poured right into a black bustier gown by New York-based designer Jonathan Simkhai, the “A Star Is Born” main girl draped herself on the boat’s ledge, legs dangling as she clutched a pink flower. She oozed old-Hollywood glamour, her platinum hair pulled again into pristine victory rolls, with daring brows and vibrant pink lips to match. This fantasy picture op was really the beginning of a fastidiously curated type campaign. The iconoclastic musician who confirmed as much as the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards in a gown made out of uncooked meat had simply wordlessly introduced the start of a brand new, refined period. Lady Gaga, severe Oscars 2019 contender, had emerged. “She used to do all of the dangerous, enjoyable, various things that you’d by no means count on,” says picture guide Karen S. Raphael, who has styled the likes of Ariana Grande and Cindy Crawford. “I feel she’s actually outgrown that persona. Now she’s similar to, ‘That is who I’m . . . I’m a film star.’ ” By all measurements, the campaign-trail transformation has labored. Gaga landed a Finest Actress nomination for her position in “A Star Is Born,” and one other Oscar nod for co-writing “Shallow,” her stirring duet with Bradley Cooper. Decked in luxe robes from Valentino, Givenchy and Alexander McQueen, she virtually ensured an invitation to Hollywood’s largest bash. On the VMAs in 2010, Gaga rocked a much-maligned meat gown.Getty Photos The promotional tour revamp got here courtesy of the Haus of Gaga, the singer’s staff of visionary execs who channel the themes of her artwork by their work on her look. Whereas beforehand counting on the skills of modern stylists-turned-designers Nicola Formichetti and Brandon Maxwell, she’s now turned to their former assistants, Sandra Amador and Tom Eerebout, as her lead stylists. Sarah Tanno is on make-up, and Frederic Aspiras, hair. The objective this awards season was to shift Gaga’s provocateur persona that followers adore and reinvent her as a standout star of the silver display. “We’re simply attempting to bridge the worlds she resides in, the film world and the pop world, and discover the correct search for every second,” Amador informed Girls’s Put on Every day. If the boat experience on the Venice Movie Pageant introduced Gaga’s new subtle look, the premiere of “A Star Is Born” on the fest proved it wasn’t a one-time deal. She appeared to drift down the pink carpet in her lavish organza Valentino high fashion robe, embroidered with pink feathers formed in upside-down merlons. The gown had debuted on the runway in Paris simply weeks earlier, making it a significant type rating. “Peacocking at its finest,” says Raphael. “It’s simply feathered heaven.” Subsequent got here the Toronto Worldwide Movie Pageant, the place a form-fitting Armani Privé frock confirmed off her curves alongside old-Hollywood particulars like a black veil that she transformed right into a bolero. She additionally sported a sequined envelope hat, which she stored on for her after-party outfit — a dramatic, ruffled Ralph & Russo robe. Over the following months, all appearances appeared modeled after Marilyn Monroe’s confident sexiness, though every got here with a twist befitting Gaga’s fashionable wiles. Lady Gaga carrying Celine by Hedi Slimane on the Grammys.Getty Photos There was the delicate tuxedo gown by Ralph Lauren, blinged out with 23,000 crystals, for the Nationwide Board of Evaluation awards gala. For the Hollywood premiere, she selected caped Givenchy high fashion, and for the UK premiere, an Elizabethan quantity from Sarah Burton’s fall 2013 assortment for Alexander McQueen. It was ethereal Calvin Klein by Appointment for the Critics’ Alternative Awards, and a femme fatale Dior couture search for the Display screen Actors Guild Awards. “You possibly can put any concepts on the desk, as a result of she needs to inform a narrative,” Eerebout informed British Vogue. “There aren’t lots of people that may pull off the issues that she does.” However a periwinkle Valentino high fashion robe with an enormous practice on the Golden Globes made maybe the largest splash of all of the star’s stops. With a wink, the gown recalled one worn by Judy Garland within the 1954 model of “A Star Is Born,” though Gaga denied that being her intention. Basic, but fashion-forward, paired with quirky matching blue hair — and $5 million price of Tiffany & Co. diamonds — it solidified her because the type icon of the season. “She gave the present that everybody wished,” says Raphael. So after the Oscars pink carpet has been rolled up, will upscale Gaga be right here to remain? Or will her subsequent press cycle lead the chameleonic star to morph earlier than our eyes as soon as once more? Her Grammys look earlier this month could supply a clue. Again on her personal turf, she opted for a shimmering Celine get-up that was pure pop glam, full with barely matted rock locks. Tanno, the make-up artist, posted on Instagram that she was going for a “lived in” look “impressed by rockstar tradition” with black liner “smudged imperfectly.” “Lady Gaga likes to hold us on our toes,” says Raphael. “Proper now, she’s having fun with being a film star. However as soon as she comes with a brand new album, you by no means know what you’re going to get, which is what we love. She’s unpredictable.” Share this: https://nypost.com/2019/02/23/heres-how-lady-gaga-will-beat-her-oscars-2019-competition/ The post Here’s how Lady Gaga will beat her Oscars 2019 competition appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2019/02/heres-how-lady-gaga-will-beat-her-oscars-2019-competition.html
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axteck · 7 years
The Story of an Idea - Google I/O 2017 from Nexus on Vimeo.
For behind the scenes check out vimeo.com/223590934
Google’s hotly anticipated annual I/O developers’ conference in San Francisco kicked off with a 4.5 minute animated short film from Nexus Studios’ director FX Goby. Premiering across 3 cinematic screens to an audience on the ground of 7000, it was live-streamed to millions of viewers around the globe.
FX’s charming animation follows the story of ‘Aye’, protecting and nurturing ‘Idea’ until it evolves into something stellar.
In order to tell that story, FX directed a team of over 40 studio artists at Nexus to reflect the evolution of animation itself. The film builds from hand drawn 2D black and white animation to a full CG VFX heavy grand finale and was combined with a full soundtrack in surround sound for an advanced concert audio system.
Says FX: “It felt like all the planets were aligned. We had the full trust and support of Google from the beginning, it was extremely collaborative working with the creative team there and equally the most challenging and smooth running project I’ve had the chance to work on”.
“Every press conference should start with adorable animation like this.”
Engadget reporter, Nick Summers
Directed by: Fx Goby
Commissioner: Google Creative Directors: Tom Manion & Jack Colley Events & Experiences Lead: Amanda Matuk Events & Experiences Producers: Megan Hardy & Karen Morris
Production Company: Nexus Studios Executive Creative Director: Chris O’Reilly Executive Producer: Luke Youngman Producer: Fernanda Garcia Lopez Production Managers: Rebecca Archer, Derek Walsh Art Director: Bjorn-Erik Aschim Design Team: James Castillo, Maxime Dupuy, Callum Strachan Matte Painting: James Castillo, Maxime Dupuy, Mike Shorten Storyboard: Gervais Merryweather CG Supervisor: Michal Firkowski & Christian Johnson 3D Animation: Dominic Griffin, William Lorton, Thibaud Clergue, Fabrice Fiteni, Aziz Kocanaogullari, Inès Pagniez, Conor Ryan Modelling: Amy Ash, Florent Rousseau, Fabien Glasse, Rigging: Gaetan Borde, Ludovic Habas, Mark Tsang Texturing: Eva de Prado, Clementine Frere Compositing: Kenneth Hau (Lead), Marco Baratto, Valentin Panisset, Dalvir Matharu, Antoine Foulot, Raphael Theolade, Chieka Ononye VFX: Hugh Johnson, Zoubein Rana, Eaton Crous, Lighting and Rendering: Dorianne Fiblueil (Lead), Corentine Charron, Benoit Berthe, Carl Kenyon, Sophie Blayrat, Arkin Esref Editorial: David Slade, James Alexander McCaughan Render Wrangler: Pierre Clenet 2D Animation Production Company: Mighty Nice ECD: Darren Price Executive Producer: Jackie Archer Producer: Tina Braham Production Coordinator: Diana Angelius Animators: Bonnie Taylor Forsyth, Richard Chhoa, Victoria Dinh, Tessa Eden, Duncan MacLaren Sound Design & Mix: JM Finch @ Fonic Music: Alright Alright Alright by Mungo Jerry Voice Actors: Charlie Hayes, Jonathan Rhodes, Nigel Pilkington
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yusufmccoy · 7 years
The Story of an Idea - Google I/O 2017 from Nexus on Vimeo.
For behind the scenes check out vimeo.com/223590934
Google’s hotly anticipated annual I/O developers’ conference in San Francisco kicked off with a 4.5 minute animated short film from Nexus Studios’ director FX Goby. Premiering across 3 cinematic screens to an audience on the ground of 7000, it was live-streamed to millions of viewers around the globe.
FX’s charming animation follows the story of ‘Aye’, protecting and nurturing ‘Idea’ until it evolves into something stellar.
In order to tell that story, FX directed a team of over 40 studio artists at Nexus to reflect the evolution of animation itself. The film builds from hand drawn 2D black and white animation to a full CG VFX heavy grand finale and was combined with a full soundtrack in surround sound for an advanced concert audio system.
Says FX: “It felt like all the planets were aligned. We had the full trust and support of Google from the beginning, it was extremely collaborative working with the creative team there and equally the most challenging and smooth running project I’ve had the chance to work on”.
“Every press conference should start with adorable animation like this.”
Engadget reporter, Nick Summers
Directed by: Fx Goby
Commissioner: Google Creative Directors: Tom Manion & Jack Colley Events & Experiences Lead: Amanda Matuk Events & Experiences Producers: Megan Hardy & Karen Morris
Production Company: Nexus Studios Executive Creative Director: Chris O’Reilly Executive Producer: Luke Youngman Producer: Fernanda Garcia Lopez Production Managers: Rebecca Archer, Derek Walsh Art Director: Bjorn-Erik Aschim Design Team: James Castillo, Maxime Dupuy, Callum Strachan Matte Painting: James Castillo, Maxime Dupuy, Mike Shorten Storyboard: Gervais Merryweather CG Supervisor: Michal Firkowski & Christian Johnson 3D Animation: Dominic Griffin, William Lorton, Thibaud Clergue, Fabrice Fiteni, Aziz Kocanaogullari, Inès Pagniez, Conor Ryan Modelling: Amy Ash, Florent Rousseau, Fabien Glasse, Rigging: Gaetan Borde, Ludovic Habas, Mark Tsang Texturing: Eva de Prado, Clementine Frere Compositing: Kenneth Hau (Lead), Marco Baratto, Valentin Panisset, Dalvir Matharu, Antoine Foulot, Raphael Theolade, Chieka Ononye VFX: Hugh Johnson, Zoubein Rana, Eaton Crous, Lighting and Rendering: Dorianne Fiblueil (Lead), Corentine Charron, Benoit Berthe, Carl Kenyon, Sophie Blayrat, Arkin Esref Editorial: David Slade, James Alexander McCaughan Render Wrangler: Pierre Clenet 2D Animation Production Company: Mighty Nice ECD: Darren Price Executive Producer: Jackie Archer Producer: Tina Braham Production Coordinator: Diana Angelius Animators: Bonnie Taylor Forsyth, Richard Chhoa, Victoria Dinh, Tessa Eden, Duncan MacLaren Sound Design & Mix: JM Finch @ Fonic Music: Alright Alright Alright by Mungo Jerry Voice Actors: Charlie Hayes, Jonathan Rhodes, Nigel Pilkington
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bogdancioc · 7 years
The Story of an Idea - Google I/O 2017 from Nexus on Vimeo.
For behind the scenes check out vimeo.com/223590934
Google’s hotly anticipated annual I/O developers’ conference in San Francisco kicked off with a 4.5 minute animated short film from Nexus Studios’ director FX Goby. Premiering across 3 cinematic screens to an audience on the ground of 7000, it was live-streamed to millions of viewers around the globe.
FX’s charming animation follows the story of ‘Aye’, protecting and nurturing ‘Idea’ until it evolves into something stellar.
In order to tell that story, FX directed a team of over 40 studio artists at Nexus to reflect the evolution of animation itself. The film builds from hand drawn 2D black and white animation to a full CG VFX heavy grand finale and was combined with a full soundtrack in surround sound for an advanced concert audio system.
Says FX: “It felt like all the planets were aligned. We had the full trust and support of Google from the beginning, it was extremely collaborative working with the creative team there and equally the most challenging and smooth running project I’ve had the chance to work on”.
“Every press conference should start with adorable animation like this.”
Engadget reporter, Nick Summers
Directed by: Fx Goby
Commissioner: Google Creative Directors: Tom Manion & Jack Colley Events & Experiences Lead: Amanda Matuk Events & Experiences Producers: Megan Hardy & Karen Morris
Production Company: Nexus Studios Executive Creative Director: Chris O’Reilly Executive Producer: Luke Youngman Producer: Fernanda Garcia Lopez Production Managers: Rebecca Archer, Derek Walsh Art Director: Bjorn-Erik Aschim Design Team: James Castillo, Maxime Dupuy, Callum Strachan Matte Painting: James Castillo, Maxime Dupuy, Mike Shorten Storyboard: Gervais Merryweather CG Supervisor: Michal Firkowski & Christian Johnson 3D Animation: Dominic Griffin, William Lorton, Thibaud Clergue, Fabrice Fiteni, Aziz Kocanaogullari, Inès Pagniez, Conor Ryan Modelling: Amy Ash, Florent Rousseau, Fabien Glasse, Rigging: Gaetan Borde, Ludovic Habas, Mark Tsang Texturing: Eva de Prado, Clementine Frere Compositing: Kenneth Hau (Lead), Marco Baratto, Valentin Panisset, Dalvir Matharu, Antoine Foulot, Raphael Theolade, Chieka Ononye VFX: Hugh Johnson, Zoubein Rana, Eaton Crous, Lighting and Rendering: Dorianne Fiblueil (Lead), Corentine Charron, Benoit Berthe, Carl Kenyon, Sophie Blayrat, Arkin Esref Editorial: David Slade, James Alexander McCaughan Render Wrangler: Pierre Clenet 2D Animation Production Company: Mighty Nice ECD: Darren Price Executive Producer: Jackie Archer Producer: Tina Braham Production Coordinator: Diana Angelius Animators: Bonnie Taylor Forsyth, Richard Chhoa, Victoria Dinh, Tessa Eden, Duncan MacLaren Sound Design & Mix: JM Finch @ Fonic Music: Alright Alright Alright by Mungo Jerry Voice Actors: Charlie Hayes, Jonathan Rhodes, Nigel Pilkington
0 notes
My 2nd adventure at #ONCEVAN
So on March 24th to March 26th, 2017 I was a volunteer staff member for Creation Entertainment’s #OUATVAN convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. When you volunteer for a Creation Entertainment convention you get a couple perks, one is free admission to the show (well, that’s a no brainer.) The second is free autographs of all of the actors/ celebrities appearing that weekend (total score!!) and the third.. one free photo op per day you work. So, I was given three free ops from the start, I chose Gil McKInney (what a cutie!! And great at Karaoke!!); Beverly Elliot (how much I love Granny, it’s ridiculous) and Karen David (I love Princess Isabella (Galavant) and I originally chose Elliot Knight but his work prevented him from being there.. colour me sad.. but Karen’s an excellent substitution.) I also because I worked panels, got to watch the panels (but if you want spoilers, find a panel on youtube, I’m not sharing that much.. wink wink..) But mid day one after Mr Adam Croasdell (totally hottie, Hook’s dad…) finished his photo ops, I realized I could have another photo op for free. I found my supervisor after my fellow volunteers in my area had a conversation.. Michael or Lee, Sorry Michael (you are absolutely absolutely lovely… but..) I picked Lee. ‘ello Poppet! Wins the day. So that was my free ops: Beverly, Gil, Karen and Lee. I paid for two ops … Jennifer Morrison (my favourite actress of course) and Captain Swan themselves.. Colin O’Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison.). The price tag was hefty ($344 CAN for the two ops, but I didn’t cry that much when my credit card bill came in because.. it’s fricking Captain Swan.. you’d do it too..)
So anyways, my volunteer experience… On Thursday I came into town and met my friend Meagan at the airport. We were both volunteering. Thursday night we worked Merchandise table with a girl named Dawn who was selling her tee shirts, bags, and mugs. I bought my Hooked shirt from her. Great lady, nice stuff. I got to meet some wonderful fans during pre-registration. The fans are the best thing after the cast being there, I adore meeting other fans.. they are just so wonderful. Friday came around and we met our supervisor Jackie who was great. We got our volunteer shirts and free coffee and doughnuts (score!!) On Friday, I worked Registration. Volunteers Martin and Michelle showed me the ropes.. I volunteered last year but did Panel doors.. so Martin showed me tricks to get registration done super quick. Working registration was a lot of fun but had some icing on that cake.. Us at registration got a little behind the scenes that no one else gets.. For one, Michael Coleman, our Happy, visited us many times that day and I got to talk to him about his shirts.. He wore a shirt that said Heigh Ho on the back (kept it on for Karaoke that night), and he changed shirts like three times. He was very bubbly, funny and you know, happy. His daughters and wife came into the show as well. We put wristbands on his daughters. His oldest changed into a Snow White Costume and he walked around holding her hand. I swear it was the best thing that day.. until Karaoke… that is. I heard that he brought her onto stage with him as he was the MC. But I didn’t see it happen. His baby girl wore the cutest little hair bow, I go bonkers over cute baby accessories, they are too cute. His wife was super nice, and the whole family is ridiculously blonde, blue eyed and adorable. The second behind the scenes we got was when Chris Gauthier came up (super nice guy btw) and I smiled and said Hi, how are you and he goes Great, and how are you? I go great, thank you!  And he asked for his table as he popped in to the show for the day. Chris is actually a local actor (raised in BC) and was doing an autograph table. He was very warm and bubbly every time he walked by me and chatted with me. He also did photos with fans, but I didn’t think to ask.. Oops. On Friday I had my photo op with Gil McKinney, (he plays Prince Eric.) He was very warm. When I went up, I said Hi, I’m Sarah and he had his arms posed to take me into a hug, so all I had to do was step into them and hug him back. Hug, smile for camera, snap and done and of course the thank you. Easy smeasy. Friday after dinner, Meagan and I hit Karaoke. We got front row centre but since my cousin showed up as well, I moved into the second row with him and Meagan was in front of me. Sadly my camera took lousy photos but I did get a couple videos. The Karaoke started off with Chris, Raphael, Michael and Adam singing (OMG!) Backstreet Boys “I want it that way..” Way to ruin me guys, I love that song.. the only way it would have been better is if Gil sang too.. Wow! Then Beverly and Karen came out and sang Girls Just wanna have fun. It was an absolute treat. That’s when they opened it up to the fans who signed up. I swear Michael danced or sang along with almost every fan that came up. He has some moves and he was seriously cracking me up the entire time. Beverly sang some solos (she’s fantastic,) as did Gil. The best parts besides Michael’s dancing, and those two fantastic songs, was when they brought a little girl onto the stage with them and sang the time of your life. And Adam moves to the end and we are of course right where Karen came to run to jump into Adam’s arms for the life. But you see his face go oh no and she runs back and then he goes okay, and puts his hands out. They literally did the Time of Your Life lift totally improvised and it was perfect. I got a photo of it on my IG but its not the best (as I said, crappy camera!) Another great moment was when a fan starred singing Part of your world and I think its the part where she sings But who cares, no big deal, I want more.. You see Gil slip onto stage, And he starts mimicking the song in pantomime and strutting a bit. I was laughing the entire time while video taping it. (Video also on my IG). And my video camera breaks off and he starts singing along with her. But, the best best best (yes I needed three bests for this) part was when Sarah McCulloch *you must know her as Sarah the leaf lady*, came onto the stage, and of course the crowd goes wild. She’s head banging, air guitaring, God the woman is hilarious. She even ran down to front row and we smacked her hand and she did fist pumps “yeah!!”. Best thing ever. I got back to the hotel that night with cheeks that hurt. But at the end, they called us volunteers to the stage (traumatizing I know) and had us sing Be our Guest. I literally forgot the middle part and couldn’t see the screen as it was at an angle.. so I’m right across the angle from Karen and was using her for the words. OOPS, I know the first two verses and the last one but the rest just gravitated from my memory the second I get to stage.. But then Karen started doing a rockettes, sadly the girl next to me wouldn’t join in and kind of kicked me while we were doing it but hey, i sang on stage with Beverly and Karen.. boo yah! Anways.. Saturday I was a floater and I did gold panel doors (Jen and Colin’s panel), Merchandise table and panel crowd control. (The job I kept for the rest of the weekend..) I got to watch Jen and Colin’s second panel. He was very bashful. I could sense his social anxiety was getting the best of him (poor guy). He kept displaying his nervous ticks throughout the panel (Scratching his ear, shifting in his seat, etc) and Jen probably picked up on this as their panel was together and she answered most of the questions. They have a really good relationship, you could see their bond showing through on stage. I loved that. I did see parts of Karen and Keegan’s panel but I was moving around a lot. Saturday I got my photo ops with Lee,Jen and Colin, Jen alone and Karen, One of the perks of volunteering is that you get to be in the line right after the VIP people.. For Lee, it was easy, I went up and said Hello and introduced myself, gave him a hug and took the photo. Easy as pie. Then I had Jen and Colin duo. I would have preferred to meet Jen alone first but oh well. When I was in line for the duo op, there was a lot of tension in the room and for some reason the volunteers were not very nice (very rude…) As you may or may not know, Colin broke his foot very recently. For his solo photo ops, he was sitting on a stool for them. So Jen and Colin’s photo op, he’s on the stool. Jen came up and put her arm on his shoulder with her hand on her cheek.. super cute moment, I wish I could have taken a photo of that.. Jen then took her puppy Ava in her arms as the dog came into the room with her. Then the photographer said something to her and she gave Ava to the dog handler. The VIP girls (absolutely fabulous ladies) all went up and then they brought in a girl in a wheelchair. When she came to the front of the line, Colin removed the stool hobbling over to the photographer to give it to him and then limped back to the x. *OH MY GOD, the face he made and how he hobbled broke my heart..* And from that point on he did his photos standing up. When I got to the front 6 people later, they already configured a pose where Colin barely had to move. I was pushed into place ( I said they were rude, didn’t i?) And then I said Hi to Jen and Colin. Jen said a very bubbly hi back and pulled me into the pose for the camera. They both wrapped their arms around me and we did the photo. Then as the camera snapped, I looked at both of them, Colin, then Jen and said thank you so much. And Jen smiled and said You are so welcome. (Colin was very tired and didn’t say anything or I just didn’t hear him say anything).  And then I stepped out of the x and moved to the side. I saw Ava though. And moved to the corner of the room and said Ava? And her handler said yes. And I came a little closer and called “Ava” and she jumped up and almost ran towards me but a rude volunteer came over and told me in a more nice way than saying the words but GET OUT. I said to her, I’m just saying hello to the dog and she said I don’t care, you have to go. So I rolled my eyes at her and then grabbed my bag and left. But by the time I got out I was so peeved. First one volunteer keeps yelling at us standing in line. Then she pushes me at Jen. And then her co-volunteer tells me to get out. I paid so much money for that photo.. ugh. I steamed for about 15 minutes.. Thank god the photo itself was fantastic. Props to Christopher the photographer who was very professional and fantastic. I got my Jen and Karen ops after. First Jen, where it was a bit calmer in the photo op room. I walked up to her and said, Hi, I’m Sarah and she smiled, I give her a hug because I adore her. And then I said I’m a big fan, thank you, and she said thank you so much. And then I step aside and leave. I love my photo with Jen too. She was very warm, bubbly and kind. She gives good hugs. :) The last photo of the day was Karen. I love Karen. So me, and a fan waiting in line Mikayla, are both big Galavant fans. So we started singing It’s a Good Day to Die right in the Photo Op room. I have no idea if Karen noticed. Oh well. But as I get up to the front. I said Hi, I’m Sarah. She smiled at me. So I said “I know you are Jasmine on Once” (she goes okay, so serious) and I continue “But I love Isabella” (Cue big grin). She gives me a hug and of course I hug her back. Cue Photo. Then I tell her” It’s a good die to die, but I forgot my spatula.” She then has her fake serious face on and points her finger at me and goes “next time” in a deep voice. And I go “I will,” very seriously. And she does it again with her eye brows furrowed.. “Next time.” And then we both laugh and I said but of course.  And then I move out of the spot and she meets the next person. Absolutely lovely. I kind of squashed her in the photo, but she liked my tweet of our photo, so I think we’re good. Saturday night, I didn’t have to do autograph lines, so I waited while Meagan, lucky Meagan did Gil’s autograph line. He showed up 20 minutes late, only had ten people in line, but when he started to leave, a group of girls came up and hugged him. So I went up and said that I thought he was wonderful on stage. He takes my hand and squeezes it (after a hug and high five at karaoke, this is still a big deal people!!!), and says thank you with a smile. Aww, he’ll win me over so easy, that man. Sunday came in much too early. We got to the hotel at 8:15 am. I was put on Panel Crowd control all day Sunday. I got to watch Lana and Bex’s gold panel and regular panel. During Bex’s panels, she spent the time making seriously cheeky comments that made us laugh so hard. Her expressions are both adorable and comical and she is just so wonderful on stage. During Lana’s gold panel, she came out with her cell phone and took a photo of the crowd. I might be in the photo, but I haven’t found it online yet. She was very passionate and absolutely loves her fans. She came to the edge of the stage when a little girl wanted to ask a question, and crouched down low to talk to her. She just has such a big heart. And at the end of her gold panel, she snuck back stage and stole a bowl of chocolate kisses for the cast and threw them to the fans. She said I can’t give you all kisses, so I can give you chocolate kisses. So she kept throwing the kisses out until she ran out. But there was two children in the audience, that came up, and she had them come to the front, and she gave them each a kiss and some goldfish crackers. She did talk about how playing multiple personalities at once is very challenging. She was a delight. Beverly’s panel was lovely. She refused to sit down. She would walk up and down the stage talking to the fans. If the question was asked on the left side, she was standing on the left side, talking straight to the asker, and the same for the right side. And when Leslie (a lovely lady I met during autograph session later), said it was her birthday, she asked everyone to sing happy birthday to Leslie and then hugged her. Aww. Emilie’s panel was sweet. Lee introduced her as the sweetest girl in the world. She is so tiny that Lee had to help her onto the stool. (Aww!!). And she was just very sweet on stage. Adam Horowitz snuck in during her panel so I got a little distracted. He came by the back and I said hi, he returned the hi and continued to walk around the back. Then I had to pee, so I grabbed my bag, got a stand in for me, and went to go outside. I passed him on the way out and said Hi, I love Once and I loved Lost. He smiled and said thank you. I then went out to pee, but the line was like 15 people long. So then I went to chat with Meagan and then realized Adam came out so I went to see about a photo with him. I found him by the bathrooms and asked him very politely, which he said yes. He smiled for the camera and I got the photo of us. Then I used the bathroom. My cousin got a photo with him when I came out and I was showing him my photo when we realized there was a long line forming in front of Adam. Yikes. After that I had lunch where they treated us to fried chicken and slaw from Church’s.. hands down, better than KFC. Then was Lana and Bex’s panels in which I had to pay more attention to the fans as they were bending the rules.. OOPs. Or as Bex would say “Sorry..” Later I had Beverly’s photo op. When I got to the front after watching fellow volunteers sing songs in line (hilarious Gentry!!) I walked up and said Hi, I’m Sarah! She said Hello. I said nice to meet you. And she hugged me and of course, its granny so I had to give her a big hug back. But when we were standing there after the photo, I said I’m a big fan, I love Granny. And she took my hand in hers and squeezed it. And then she said “Sarah, Granny loves you too,” (I am still fan girling about this writing this on Friday. wow). I did autograph line for Beverly Sunday night. Sadly, we had fans standing in between us, so she never came to me afterwards. I did the names on posties for the photos and did line control. I did like chatting with the fans, and i was 6 feet away from Beverly most of that time. So, I can’t complain.
The best moments were Karaoke, meeting the cast, meeting the fans, getting to bump into Amber, Erin from #OnceSpoof and Barbara again and finally meeting Giennie and Killihan in person! (Sorry you guys had to do a search party for me…) and getting to spend the weekend with Meagan after being friends online since season 3. I made a lot of new friends. Got to finally meet Ace from #OnceSpoof (god, I love this guy!) and Aimee as well. The friends I made last year, getting to see them again this time was the sprinkles of the awesome cake. Would I do it again? Depends.. would Josh and Colin both be there? Would the rude people not? Hmm, we’ll see.. But I’m thankful for this weekend. I got fantastic autographs and lovely photos. And that karaoke night was one of the best nights I have had in a long time. This cast is fantastic, the fans are fantastic.. #blessed.
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