#and rex is WAY more alone than sabine is
antianakin · 8 months
I've decided that Rex isn't going to forgive Sabine within a timeline where the Ahsoka show happened. Like the MOMENT he hears that Thrawn is back and they have to fight in yet another war all over again all because Sabine was stupid and selfish, that's it for him. He's heard about Anakin at this point, he's gotten enough information to know that Anakin also made a really stupid, selfish choice and it led to the destruction of Rex's entire world. The Jedi gone, the clones enslaved, the Republic crushed. He knows where this kind of selfishness leads now and he's unwilling to stick around just hoping Sabine turns herself around faster than Anakin did. He's been betrayed enough in his life now to know what he's willing to forgive and what he isn't. And Sabine forcing them all to fix a problem they already had to lose people to fix the first time because she got a little lonely and refused to ask anybody for help isn't something he's willing to forgive.
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just-prime · 1 year
Why does Ahsoka care?
That's the question that I keep coming back to. Why does she care about Thrawn? Why is she afraid of him? I mean, she clearly is, and it makes no sense. Ahsoka never interacted with him. She was off being Schrödinger's OC before Filoni invented time travel to save her.
So why does she care enough to hunt down Morgan Elsbeth in the first place???
Now we follow this up, with a sentiment that I know I am not alone on...
Why would Thrawn care?
There's no reason he would. He's had six books of character development since his appearance in Rebels, all of which point towards him wanting to go home, to his people, and his boyfriend. The man was actively committing treason against the Empire left and right by the end, and was probably on his way to getting executed by Palps had he not been purrgil-ed, so I ask again? Why is everyone so convinced that he is the "heir to the empire" other than the fact that Filoni is dragging everyone out of their previous characterizations to set the pieces in place for his HTTE fan film. Filoni doesn't care about the canon Thrawn, just like he doesn't care about keeping continuities consistant between his other recent shows. As seen by the fact that he's introducing a bunch of Thrawn allies who've never shown up before in any medium, and therefore feel rather hallow.
So why should we care?
I mean, I'm watching so my friends don't have to...So that my friends don't have to witness Sabine's helmet fly off like it's three sizes too big...So my friends are not subjected to Marrok's death where he explodes into green screaming gas (which makes me fear the "Thrawn has a nightsister magic corpse army" rumor is more than a rumor)...So that my friends aren't dealing with plastic de-aged Anakin showing up in the world between worlds...
And honestly, I think we should care. We should care about consistency, and continuity, and not just letting Filoni run wild now that he has the keys to the castle. We should care about the fact that characters we love are being butchered, be it Ahsoka, Sabine, Hera, or inevitably Thrawn.
If this continues to be the precedent, which I would argue it has been since TBoBF and Kenobi, then none of these characters are ever going to act the same across the universe of shows. It will become the norm that every time someone shows up, they will be new, or they will look different because Disney is apparently skimping on practical effects, or they're mere existence will be anachronistic. All because Dave Filoni thought it would be cool.
Also the obligatory...
Where the fuck is Zeb? Where the fuck is Kallus? Where the fuck is Rex? If Hera is going rogue against orders to SAVE EZRA, why is the only backup she's bringing her 7? (6? I can't do math, I am too angry) year old son???? I get being too chickenshit to bring the Skywalker twins into this or apparently even mentioning Kanan, even if I resent it, but YOU PEOPLE BUILD A MODEL FOR ZEB. YOU SHOWED IF OFF IN MANDALORIAN. WHY HAS HE NOT BEEN HERE FROM DAY ONE?
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Through Imperial Eyes"
Spy antics, infiltrations, and endless stress holy crap.
Obligatory live reaction version. Be forewarned there's a lot of incoherent screaming in that one.
IIRC from the Rebels Recon for this episode they had briefly considered doing the whole episode as a POV shot from Kallus, which would have been cool and interesting and very artistic as a narrative decision but which they probably realized very quickly would have been a crapton of work they'd never finish on time.
So a bit of a compromise with this opening shot here, still getting across the pun, as we are literally looking through an Imperial's eyes.
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Poor man looks exhausted.
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They still haven't started strip mining the planet surface just yet. That wouldn't happen until right when the factories were ramping up production in preparation to start shoving TIE Defenders off the line.
So Thrawn literally had his funding pulled last minute. No wonder he was so cranky in the finale lol.
Lyste has put the light carrier on full red alert for a stolen shuttle. Not the first time he'll be flaunting his authority this episode.
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Hi Ezra!
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Straining the limits of Kallus' poker face already lol.
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Love this little uncertain look before he takes the opportunity to sass that Stormtrooper.
Troopers once again just bullying around a teenager for no reason. Ezra's literally their favorite target for this, even when the others have gotten captured they aren't manhandled nearly as much.
I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything...
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I do remember thinking that this seemed a rather dangerous course of action, and it's a bit at odds with the events of "The Antilles Extraction". Despite Ezra's reassurances to Kallus that most troopers don't actually know what he looks like now, he still has a pretty recognizable face. That was why they sent in Sabine the last time.
Buuuuuuuut Sabine's not here anymore. And they can't exactly send in the aliens of the group either. Rex and Kanan could have infiltrated by themselves though. So why exactly is Ezra sent in alone with just Chopper and AP-5 as backup?
He must have insisted on being involved in the extraction plot, like he couldn't have been for Skystrike, for the same irrational emotional reasons--because his sense of hyper-responsibility means that he will deliberately take on the most danger in order to prevent any potential harm or hurt coming to the people he cares about. It has to be him, because if he takes all the risks, no one else has to, and no one else will get hurt.
This loops back into his guilt over Malachor. Ezra's been projecting his shame and fears about Maul, about his failure there, onto everything else. He's still a bit prickly and suspicious towards Kallus several times this episode, not willing to trust so easily again and repeat his mistakes.
"I have to do this, I have to destroy the Sith and fix my mess, I have to protect my friends." Ezra's been trying to take on way more than he can actually handle, and it's gotten him in trouble multiple times this season. At Reklam, when he leaves himself for the last to get out and winds up stranded and plummeting to his doom. In the krykna cave, when he insists on going in alone without Kanan and nearly gets mulched. On Dathomir, when he nearly winds up possessed by Nightsister spirits, just to get a hint at the "key to destroy the Sith".
And here, where things very nearly go completely pear-shaped due to Thrawn unexpectedly turning up, and Lyste hoping to present Ezra as a bid for the Grand Admiral's favor.
I'll talk more about this character arc, as I've said, in "Twin Suns" when we get to the end of it.
For now let me just enjoy the hysterical strain in Kallus's voice as he bitches about being rescued. David Oyelowo does "shrill and full of stress" really well.
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I love this expression so much, he cannot comprehend the Rebels risking so much just for him it's so sweet.
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Despite his complaining, Ezra looks very ready to maybe trust Kallus, look at this face.
Feigning prisoner mistreatment shouldn't have worked as well as it did but lajhafksfjhkjh this is the Empire.
Thrawn conveniently turning up right when the Rebels have made a move again. It's uncanny how the man can do this. It never felt like normal narrative contrivance it always held just a bit of uncertainty and paranoia about it all.
So yeah ONE THING THIS EPISODE DOES REALLY REALLY WELL IS AMP UP THAT SUSPENSE AND TENSION. I was so anxious watching this the first time, pins and needles, it was effective but horrible.
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Ezra with that brief fearful flash of, "Ohhhhh crap, we did not plan for this."
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Knew from the moment we panned down to Ezra's helmet on the floor there with that brief music box snippet of Thrawn's theme that it would come into play.
Ezra's hidden cheeky smiles at AP-5. <3
And a nice little callback to "A Princess On Lothal".
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See, this is what I'm talking about there's literally no reason to smack his head here, they're just being petty and mean.
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Love the subtle worry in Kanan's eyes here. <3
Hi Brunsen! Hi Titus! Hi Slavin!
This moment here in front of the door serves two purposes effortlessly. First, it lets Lyste kick the dog by pulling a Karen on this poor guard, so we're not as sad when he's framed for the Fulcrum deal later. (Though I was still a little bit sad, he was pitiful and didn't deserve that.) Second, it establishes the obstacle we're going to have to overcome later.
....All right, fine, the Thrawn girlies can have one cap.
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I'm pretty sure this music cue is a carryover from TCW.
God the fondness and admiration in Kallus' voice at seeing Yularen, ouch. This is a man he used to look up to and now he's betraying everything his old mentor stood for.
Right, so obviously showing them the map was a ploy, but it's wonderfully clever of him. Thrawn likes to throw curveballs at his opponents to see how they react and adapt. He develops the same kind of villainous respect for Kallus that he has for Hera, though more to do with how Kallus outmaneuvered him in the mind game and spy espionage thing.
Kinda dig that Pryce wasn't in the previous meetings because her loyalty is without question.
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Also yes, I do crack!ship it a little bit.
Oh hey, the moment that inspired my "Mirrorverse" AU!
Will never not laugh at Kallus' tired, "Please stop that." at Ezra on the ceiling of the cell.
It's kind of astonishing how good Ezra looks in Imperial outfits. Really too bad his interactions with Kallus are limited because they bounce off each other in one of the most interesting and entertaining ways.
"Oh good, the thankless job." AP-5 is the best and I will hear no slander.
I was... unclear on how exactly the decoy planet was supposed to have fooled Thrawn. Still am, a bit. Surely the man has a photographic memory, right?
But then maybe that was one of the things that pinged him as being too clever for Lyste to have done.
Hilarious that Kallus managed to pull a Stealth Hi Bye on a Jedi.
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This scene is so well done in the tension department. The cloying silence. Thrawn calmly walking in to check the map. The sudden attack from the sentries with a flare of dramatic music. Ezra feeling like he's just barely hidden out of sight behind the retaining wall. (Once again, symbolically using Sabine's artwork as a shield, I mean what?)
And props to Thrawn, he does really well surviving against his own sentry droids. I'm down with letting the man have a little physical combat to show off his athletic prowess. As a treat.
And I dig that the override code is his bodyguard's name. :)
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This expression is delightfully chilling. The man is seething.
Another episode which does a good job handling Kanan's blindness, Kanan has to ask for clarification on what Rex is "Woah"ing over and he doesn't recognize Pryce by voice so he doesn't know not to try the Mind Trick on her.
And again, the competence of other Imperials increases dramatically with Thrawn merely present. Yularen immediately finds a shuttle asking to dock right after an assassination attempt fishy. Pryce tries to arrest them immediately and recognizes the attempt at a Jedi Mind trick. Thrawn makes people smarter just by being in the room.
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My girlboss just straight up Thunderdome-ing it with Rex here. I love that she's so physically tough and brutal. <3
Lyste still would have gotten in trouble for stunning Pryce here, just saying. That bit of idiocy is all on him.
Awww a snippet of the "Shenanigans" cue!
Like I said, Lyste is kind of pitiable here. I wonder if they ever let him go, at least for the "treasonous spy" thing.
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Kallus you're playing it up just a little too much here, my love.
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Gods, it's just instantaneous, all he has to do is look at the helmet for a second and he recognizes, "That's Sabine Wren's work."
And then immediately draws the line from "Sabine Wren painted this helmet." to "Clearly it was done for Ezra Bridger to wear."????
See, even Thrawn can tell how close they are and how important they are to each other. He must have noticed from, idk, security holos or something that Ezra likes to wear things that Sabine's painted for him.
Thrawn sounds really smug here, I think he'd long suspected Kallus for Fulcrum and is gleeful at being right.
He's such an arrogant prick. "That's why you've been deceived." oh shut up you pompous ass just because you're super smart doesn't mean you need to be condescending about it.
And the "Thrawn's Web" organs to close us out. Nice.
*points inarticulately*
This episode! Many much good! Stress! Espionage! Cat and mouse mind games! Ezra peril! Did I mention the stress?
Hhhhhnnnnnghhh I love this one so much, it's my favorite of the season, just barely eeking out "Twin Suns".
It's all hits from here, baby. (Maybe? I don't actually remember "Double Agent Droid" that well I don't rewatch it often. We'll see.)
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spacefinch · 3 months
Finch Rambles: Rebels edition
Some headcanons about Commander Sato and Mart Mattin, brought to you by my old journals.
Jun Sato could be the youngest person in the room and still give off “older brother” vibes.
He’s the oldest of two brothers. I hc that the younger brother (Mart’s father) is named Isamu.
His ways of showing affection are hugs, warm smiles, and polite compliments. Hugs are usually only given to people he knows well.
Sato has known Bail Organa since the Clone Wars. And he’s visited him and Breha on Alderaan many times. That being said, he gets along well with Princess Leia.
Briefly crossed paths with Anakin and Padme during the Clone Wars, and saw enough of their interactions to have the (correct) suspicion that they were lovers. He chose not to tell anyone, not even them.
Before the events of Rebels Season 3, Sato keeps in close contact with Mart and his parents.
He calls Isamu via hologram before going on a mission, and sends Mart holos of all the planets he’s visited.
Early on, he’s able to visit Mykapo fairly often, but it becomes increasingly difficult as his responsibilities as a rebel commander pile up.
Eventually, he’s only able to make it home a couple times a year—- one of those times being on Mart’s birthday.
During such visits, Sato travels to Mykapo alone. Most of the lower-ranking members of Phoenix Squadron believe he is on a solo recon mission.
Following his brother’s untimely death, Sato tries for days and days to contact Mart, but gets no answer. Part of him fears the worst, but he also holds out hope that Mart is still alive.
Someone inevitably asks why Sato can’t just go look for his nephew. His response: “I have a literal squadron to look after!”
Mart’s ways of showing affection:
Hugs. Lots of them. He can just tell when someone needs one.
Punches, but with love. (Reserved for his squadron mates and Zeb)
“Hey, wanna play this hologame with me?”
“I’ll just sit here and keep you company”
Letting other people fly the Hammer (his ship)
Mart goes into hiding after his father is killed, and purposely doesn’t contact his uncle. Not because he doesn’t want to talk to him (there’s nothing more he would want), but because he’s scared of what the Empire would do if they intercepted the transmissions.
Mart is about 3 years younger than Luke Skywalker. And they’re both rebel pilots who have Wedge Antilles as a mutual friend.
His friendship with Luke is partly “whoa this guy blew up the Death Star!” and partly being the chaotic younger brother.
Not impressed by the fact that Luke is a Jedi. (Mart has met two Jedi all ready, and they were much better with a lightsaber than this guy.)
Although Mart would gain some respect for Luke’s Jedi powers after between the events of “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.”
People Mart has hugged:
His parents
Commander Sato (aka Uncle Jun)
Gooti and Jonner (fellow Iron Squadron mates)
Kanan Jarrus (after Hera was captured)
Hera Syndulla
Zeb Orrelios
Sabine Wren
Ezra Bridger
Kallus (who still hasn’t told Mart how much he needed that hug.)
Chewbacca (#1 expert on Wookiee hugs)
Rex and Wolffe
Jacen Syndulla (Hera’s son.)
Han, Luke, and Leia
Just about anyone who needs a hug.
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EU/Canon Character Pairs
For fun - characters from the old EU and canon I think are similar in some way and some are more superficial than others (since I’m not necessarily familiar with all these EU characters nor the High Republic). I imagine them drawn together in pairs in the same way as the Legacy comic covers of Adam Hughes, but that's for good artists to do.
Ania Solo & Rey
Galaxy-roaming scavengers. 
Vergere & Ezra Bridger
Jedi lost somewhere far, far away.
Yord Fandar & Ganner Rhysode
Self-important Knights.
Dass Jennir & Kanan Jarrus 
Jedi forced to adapt to the dark times. 
Soontir Fel & Soren Keize 
Respected Imperial aces.
Mirta Gev & Sabine Wren 
Mandalorian women with complicated family history.
Ferus Olin & Cal Kestis 
Padawans on the run.
(As for Jedi Survivor, I’d pair that Cal fighting on his alone against impossible odds with Kerra Holt.)
Nomi Sunrider & Avar Kriss
Exceptional Jedi from long ago. 
Ysanne Isard & Gideon 
Imperial warlords and knowledgeable schemers.
Winter Celchu & Vel Sartha
Agents of the early rebellion.
Celeste Morne & Dagan Gera
Jedi of old, sealed away to receive a rude awakening in the future.
Ordo Skirata & Hunter 
Leaders of a family of unique clones.
Fenn Shysa & Bo–Katan Kryze 
Mandalorian leaders fighting against Imperial occupation.
Stormtroopers of the Fel Empire & First Order Stomtroopers 
Soldiers of the future.
Garm Bel Iblis & Saw Gerrera
Opposed to Mon Mothma and fighting their own war against the Empire.
Fordo & Rex 
Captains with Jaig eyes. 
Jacen Solo & Ben Solo 
Descendants of Anakin Skywalker, seduced to follow the footsteps of Darth Vader.
Natasi Daala & Ellian Zahra
Tarkin’s failed protégés.
Lorana Jinzler & Shin Hati 
Dutiful apprentices involved with Thrawn.
Hanharr & Krrsantan 
Powerful, fierce and estranged from their people. 
Tsavong Lah & Grievous
Proud warriors and commanders with a grudge against Jedi.
The Hand of Judgment & Clone Force 99
Deserters from the Empire.
Pors Tonith & Trench
Brilliant Separatist commanders foiled by Anakin Skywalker.
Warb Null & Marrok
Armored tools of the dark side.
Bria Tharen & Qi’ra 
Han Solo’s first love.
AG-37 & IG-11
More than just assassin droids. 
The Imperial Knights & The Inquisitors  
Force-wielding servants of the Empire. 
C-3PX & 0-0-0 
Protocol droids specialized in a different form of human/cyborg relations.
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blacklilyqueen · 2 years
Timeless Love (Rexsoka Week 2022)
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Prompt: Rexsoka Week 2022 Day 2: Everyone can see it /Even after all this time
Summary: After Ahsoka and Rex are finally reunited, she feels the need to talk to him about her feelings, but doensn’t know how to confess.
Pairing: Rexsoka
Word Count: 910 words
Warnings/tags: None
Author’s note: I kinda did both prompts and it’s really short, but I hope you’ll still enjoy it.
Tagged Blogs: @officialrexsoka​
Read it on AO3
"Ezra, Zeb, go find some wood for the fire. Sabine and I will take care of the supplies. Rex? Ahsoka? Can you guys start setting up the tents?"
"Sure, no problem."
Kanan and the rest disappeared and Ahsoka suddenly realized that it was the first time she and Rex had been alone since he had joined them. She had often thought about what she would say to him when they saw each other again, but so far she hadn't had the chance to do it. And now that the time had come, she suddenly didn't know what to say.
It's nice to finally see you again. I have missed you. I'm glad you're all right. None of this was even slightly expressing what she was really feeling. But what she was feeling, she couldn't possibly tell him. Should she tell him that she had been thinking about him every day since their last conversation? Should she tell him about the countless times she had tried to feel him in the Force, to have at least a part of him with her? Should she tell him how she had cried herself to sleep when he stopped replying to her messages? Or about how her heart shattered into a thousand pieces when she didn't know if he was still alive? How could she tell him how much she had always loved him, how much she still loved him and how much she would always love him?
So she said nothing. They silently began to set up the tents when a new worry overcame her. What if he didn't feel that way? What if he had moved on. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable about it because it seemed to be so much more for her than for him. But then she quickly pushed that thought aside. No. He did care about her. What they had had mattered to him. It was impossible for him to feel nothing now.
"Rex?" She put down the tent pieces she had been holding a moment ago and turned to him, "Can we talk for a minute?"
"Sure, what's up?" He was still handling some tools, but when he noticed her staring at him, he turned his attention fully to her.
"We haven't had a chance to talk alone yet. About, well, us, and I just wanted you to know that even though things have changed, I'm still incredibly happy that you're here. More than you can probably imagine."
She would have liked to tell him so much more, but she was unable to do so now. Tensed she waited for his reaction and was relieved to see his features soften.
"I'm really glad to hear that, because I feel the same way. I've been thinking about you a lot. I probably should have realized much sooner that Wolffe was intercepting your messages. I can't believe I actually thought you wouldn't contact me anymore," his features tightened again and Ahsoka saw him consider whether he should really ask the following question, "Do you think we would still be...I mean, if Wolffe hadn't blocked your messages, do you think things would still be the same between us?"
Ahsoka didn't know what to say. She had asked herself that question over and over again. Her first instinct was to say yes. Her feelings for him had not changed, she still loved him as much as she had then. Their long separation had also shown her how much she could miss him and how miserable she had felt without him. The sense of relief she had felt when she finally saw him again was indescribable. But if she had to put it into words, she would probably describe it as the happiest feeling ever.
"Yes. Yes, I think it would still be like before."
"And what about now. I know it's been a really, really long time and I understand if your feelings have changed. But I want you to know that I still love you. No matter how much time passes or how far apart we are, I will always love you."
She didn't reply. Instead, she walked up to him and kissed him. His arms wrapped around her and held her close. Warm tears of joy ran down her cheek. For so long she had been afraid of it and now she didn't know why she had delayed it in the first place. Everything that came after was a blur. They must have stopped kissing before the others were back, but she couldn't remember when that happened.
The rest of the evening also passed as if in a frenzy. She sat close to him and even though they couldn't talk in private, she enjoyed every second in his presence.
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The others were already sleeping late while Ahsoka took the first night watch. She was looking into the hot flames when Kanan suddenly stood beside her.
"I'll take it from here, you go ahead and get some sleep."
"All right, thank you."
She had already turned around when Kanan addressed her again.
"Ahsoka? Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, of course. Always."
„You and Rex, you used to be more than just friends, right?”
She hesitated for a moment, but then didn’t know why she shouldn’t be honest with him.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Yes, I think everyone can see that.”
Kanan grinned at her and she smiled back, knowing that the others would be happy for them.
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ramblingsofafanatic · 2 years
I Know You - Chapter 1
Please see the series Masterlist for more details!
Chapter Word Count: 2147
"I've commanded star destroyers before"
"Yea, you just answered your own question" Rex says with a smirk. Kallus pauses a second before conceding and moving to the co-pilot seat. That's the second time in the last 20 minutes that he's been reminded of his past. The quiet that follows lets Kallus get into his own head. Why is he here? What is he doing? He quietly contemplates Sabine and Rex's comments, he was getting too comfy with the Ghost crew. He scolds himself for ever thinking they'd trust him, let alone enough to leave him in charge of anything so important. 
He barely belongs in the rebellion, let alone on the ship he used to hunt down. His thoughts continue to spiral, but you wouldn't see the rising panic by looking at him. His brain eventually makes its way back to where it has been the last few weeks, Zeb. Specifically their last interaction.
"Something about my face scares them," Zeb said.
"At least yours is unique" Rex said as he moved to climb up the ladder.
"Is that some kind of clone humor?!" Zeb yelled after him. 
"If it's any consolation I don't think your face is scary" Kallus said with a smirk as he leaned against the wall beside Zeb.
"I don' know, if ya don think it's scary what do ya think it is?" Zeb said with his own smirk. This flirting bantering back and forth has become a familiar habit between the two, Kallus treasures every second of it.
"Zeb! Let's go!"
"Ask me again when you're not wearing that hat," Kallus says with a chuckle.
"Hey that's not-" Zeb started, but was cut off.
"Yea yea, I heard you!!" Zeb yelled, taking one last look at Kallus before turning to face the rest of them. Kallus didn't know what to think when Zeb gave him that look before turning away. But he does know the look Hera has and Kallus refuses to meet her gaze. He doesn't know that Zeb was also refusing to meet the same knowing look.
How could he have been so blind? He thought he knew what Hera's look was when he first saw it, but now he's rethinking. Maybe the knowing look was mixed with pity instead of the amusement he thought it was. It would make more sense, no matter how good and welcoming these people have been, it's ridiculous to think they'd ever let him near Zeb in any way more than a friend, not that Zeb would want that anyways. Even if Zeb were to ever want that (the doubt of that is growing back rapidly), he doesnt deserve it. Kallus is barely worth the friendship he currently has, and here he is selfishly thinking about taking more.
No more being stupid, he needs to wake up and stop living in this dream he's built himself. Zeb doesn't want him that way, there is no reason to ruin what they have by pushing like he has been. Zeb is friendly, it makes sense that he'd banter like they have been. Flirting, Kallus scoffs as he thinks back on it. It's definitely no more than banter on Zeb's side. 
His brain helpfully supplies the conversation he heard between some of the other rebels on Yavin a couple days ago. He doesnt think he was meant to hear it, but he heard it all the same.
'I don't know why they put up with him, especially after everything he did to them.’ 
'I'm shocked Zeb can even look at him, after hearing that he was on Lasan during the massacre' 
'He was on Lasan?'
'Wow, and we just let him walk around here unwatched'
And that was when Kallus turned right around to go back to his bunk and bury himself in work until his brain couldn't think anymore. 
But now there's no work to bury himself in, no distraction to save him from his own thoughts. If he gets up and leaves Rex will know what's happening. He can't have that, the clone has already stated his views on Kallus, he's not ready to make it worse by being a baby about things. 
He's an adult, he was alone in the empire, he can be alone in the rebellion too. He mentally steels himself as he makes a decision. If he's going to be alone again he's going to do it on his terms. He'll distance himself and Zeb won't even notice. The lasat has so many other friends to keep his attention. He won't even miss Kallus. The thought stings but he forcefully repeats it a few more times. He won't be missed, so the only one being hurt would be Kallus. So if Kallus does it to himself now, it will save him from the mess of someone having to hurt him later. Good, yes, this makes perfect sense. 
He relaxes just that slight bit as he comes to terms with the situation and starts making plans of how he will execute his decision. He's always felt better with a plan and focusing on this plan will both help him from dwelling on the problem and fix the problem itself all in one.
"So, you and Kallus huh?" Sabine says as she sidles up to Zeb a couple minutes later.
"Shut up." Zeb replies. 
"He didn't deny it!" Ezra says and opens his mouth to start an onslaught of teasing before Hera's sharp voice redirects their attention. Zeb silently thanks her and wishes for the other two to forget about this entire thing. 
Him and Kallus are nothing more than friends. There's no reason to entertain thoughts of something more when he knows Kallus doesn't feel the same.
He was right. After the liberation of Lothal, Kallus put his distancing plan into action and it went off without a hitch. A bittersweet victory but between Ezra’s disappearance and later his return on top of all the other missions he’s had since, Zeb hasn’t seemed to notice Kallus’ absence. They haven’t talked much outside of a passing greeting for the last three months.
Kallus has settled back into loneliness. It was easy really, he doesn't have any roommates, no one would bunk with him when he first came and no one's volunteered since either. So this means he has somewhere to hide when he's not officially working in the intelligence office to continue working more, but without the weird glances from his desk neighbours at his long hours. 
A couple of others have mentioned that he didn’t need to work himself to death, especially with the Rebellion’s fastly growing numbers and the New Republic building it’s foundations, but Kallus waves them off because if he isn’t working he has nothing else. His plan came with him losing the little social life Zeb and the ghost crew gave him. But he's not here to be social anyways, he's here to help until he's no longer useful so he may as well ensure he continues to be useful.
There are still a few who remind him of his past, whether it’s with malicious intent or just passing banter about the Empire’s fall, it still reminds him that he made the right choice. Zeb and the rest of the spectres are happy. If the gossip mills are telling the truth, Hera and Kanan are even expecting a little one in another month or two. 
He made the right choice. He is willing to swallow his loneliness and keep working if it means that Zeb and his family are happy. 
And if some of his working alone time was taken up by some depressed spiralling followed by crying himself to an exhausted sleep, then that was between him and his bunk. It would be far too embarrassing for anyone else to know about these breakdowns. He’s embarrassed with just himself knowing. 
Zeb is looking for Kallus. He hasn’t really seen him since they got back from liberating Lothal. He thought, he hoped, that it was because Kallus was just busy with the aftermath, but after a couple months he started to worry. He was technically right, Kallus was busy but something still felt off about it.
“Hey, Kal you in there?” He says as he knocks on the door to Kallus’ room.
“Zeb, what can I do for you?” Kallus asks as he opens the door. He would look completely fine to anyone else passing by but Zeb can tell something’s definitely off. He could smell the lonely sadness radiating out of Kallus’ room.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” Zeb says bluntly.
“I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve just been busy with work.” Kallus replies.
“You’ve always been busy with work, never stopped ya from hanging out before”  
“This time is different”
“How is it different?” Zeb asks, taking a step forward and ignoring the small bit of panic he can smell coming from Kallus.
Kallus opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He's thinking fast, running through all the different possible outcomes and how to reach the desired one. He needs Zeb to leave, he needs him to understand he's better with Kallus gone. He needs to understand that Kallus should remain the outsider that he is.
Kallus doesn't notice that he's taking steps back as Zeb moves forward until the back of his legs hit his bunk. He collapses onto it, sitting and folding into himself to bury his head in his hands. He feels the wetness coming from his eyes before he realizes he's crying. He starts to panic. No no not when Zeb is here. Breaking down alone has been bad enough there is no need to start showing that weakness in front of people. In front of Zeb.
Zeb carefully crouches down in front of him, "What's gotten into ya?" He asks softly.
"Go away," Kallus asks. He refuses to look at him, he can't face him. Not now, not ever. 
"I'm not gonna le-" Zeb is cut off by his comm. He ignores it. "Not gonna leave you like this" Zeb finishes, but his comm pings a few more times before Hera's voice comes through. 
"Zeb we have a mission, it's urgent, get back to the Ghost now" She says and Kallus silently thanks the force for the timing.
"Go." Kallus says, still not looking up. Kallus curls in on himself further.
"We're talking when I get back" Zeb says as he stands once again. Kallus doesn't answer, just stays where he is as Zeb gets up and leaves. As soon as the door closes Kallus falls to his side, curling up on his bunk and letting the tears fall. Breaking news ex-imperial agent crying again over his own decision, tune in for more at 9. He thinks before sleep takes over.
Zeb makes it back to the Ghost, he helps load the last bit of supplies onto the ship and they’re off the ground and into hyperspace within the hour. When there’s nothing left to do Zeb resigns himself to sitting and thinking about what could have caused Kallus’ recent behaviour. He’s never seen the man so out of it.
“You’re thinking again, that can’t be good,” Kanan jokes as he slides onto the bench next to him.
“Shut up.” Zeb says, smiling slightly and bumping his shoulder against Kanan’s as the other gets close.
“What’s got you thinking? It can’t be the mission, this is a simple supply drop compared to the other stuff we’ve done before” Kanan says. Delivering medical supplies to a small rebel base on an Imperial occupied planet isn’t easy, but after liberating Lothal dealing with the empire has only gotten easier.
“Kal’s been avoiding me.” Zeb says.
“Since when?”
“After we got back from Lothal, something must have happened before we left the Ghost, I just can’t figure out what.” Zeb says.
“I think I may be able to help with that.” Rex says. He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, he was coming to hang out in the common area for the next couple hours they’re in hyperspace and just happened to hear the last bit of the conversation.
“Why, what happened?” Zeb asks, Kanan is visibly intrigued as well.
“Had a little back and forth over who Hera actually left in charge. He said that he was more qualified because he commanded star destroyers, I said that’s exactly why he wouldn’t have been left in charge. I thought it was just banter at the time, but now that I’m thinking of it he did get real quiet after that.” Rex explains.
“Karabast!” Zeb groans.
“I didn't mean t-” Rex starts.
“Not your fault. Kal’s just an idiot.” Zeb reassures. He spends the rest of their time in hyperspace to the rendezvous point making a plan, and the entire ride home convincing the others to help (which actually doesn't take much of the trip back).
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daddycephalopod · 9 months
The Archives
All archives found here, not split into chapters!
Summary: Rebels would often raid ships of old for parts, med supplies, you name it. But when our favorites from Phoenix squadron find a box of old transmission files from the Clone Wars, Rex and Kanan have to deal with the memories. Not alone. Never alone.
TW: suicide mention, death.
1. Found
“We found these in an abandoned ship.” Kanan said, holding up the box of transmission files.
Ahsoka’s expression hardened, “understand that you might find things you don’t want to know in the past.”
“Oh, you’re watching them with us.” Rex said
She paused and stared at the box, almost in a trance like state before nodding. She followed them onto the Ghost and sat down, fishing out the first one. She plugged it in, ignoring the feeling of dread she had in the pit of her stomach.
Jesse appeared on the screen, sitting at a desk and painting his helmet. A woman sat on the edge of the desk next to him, looking over her shoulder. It seemed to be from old security footage.
“General Skywalker said that commander Tano will be coming back today so me and my vods are gonna surprise her with these helmets.” Jesse explained, nearly bouncing in his seat as he did so.
It made something in Ahsoka’s chest ache, clasping her hands together in front of her on the table as they watched.
“I think she will like it.”
Isla. Ashoka recognized her finally, knowing she looked familiar. Isla was a weapons specialist and would build new toys for the army as well as fix the old ones. She always had oil on her cheek when Ahsoka saw her but she seemed freshly showered here. She was very clearly wearing one of Jesse’s shirts, the regulation blacks, and a pair of leggings.
Jesse put the helmet on and she nearly grinned at him, feeling the excitement coming off of the man.
“It’s as beautiful as the man underneath it.” She said, placing a gentle kiss to a dry part of the helmet.
“Not as beautiful as the woman on my desk.” He remarked
She took one of his hands and squeezed it.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” She said.
He repeated it back to her, taking the helmet off to do so. The transmission ends, Ahsoka gripping the edge of the table now. Rex also didn’t look like he was doing too well with this, a little paler than before. He sat next to Ahsoka.
“He had somebody waiting for him.” She said.
“I told her. She has one of his older helmets and she’s okay. If that helps.”
“Who was she?” Hera asked
“Her name is Isla, she was a specialist in the war. Made weapons. She had a soft spot for our battalions…me, Skywalker, and Kenobi. She would bring blankets, food, and guns. Quite frankly, I think if the rebellion knocked on her door she wouldn’t give it a second thought.” Rex answered
Ahsoka smiled sadly, “we should call her. I will. Do you know where she’s at?”
Rex nodded and followed Ahsoka out to make a call to Isla.
2. CT-5555
Isla was older than her transmissions self. Her greying brown hair was long and braided behind her, brown eyes able to cut through steel. Her expression became very warm though, a grin breaking out on her face as she hugged Rex and Ahsoka.
“You have no idea how happy I am to see the two of you. And who is this skeleton crew of misfits?” She said, turning to the others.
Introductions under way, they head onto the ship.
“So there were others who married or had an attachment to the clones?” Sabine asked
“Well, yes and I knew the others. We had a group chat. It was more like a support group for the spouses and loved ones of the clone army, that’s how it started and we would message each other frequently.”
“Are…there more of you?” Rex asked
“Ophelia is still around but she’s very retired. Don’t even ask her, I tried and she started yelling at me in Mando’a. Clone force 99 taught her some very colorful words, it seems.”
“But it’s only you two?”
Isla stopped and took both of Rex’s hands in hers. She gave a nod to Ahsoka, silently asking her to give them a moment alone. The other went ahead and sat down for the next transmission.
A twi’lek woman, dressed in Kaminoan medic attire, appears on the screen and she looks angry. “They’re lying to us, to all of us. I believe Fives. Why can’t you?”
Eminsiba, they’d call her Siba.
“Why would the Kaminoans betray us like that?” Mace Windu asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s war, there is no playing equal or right in war.” She responded
Before he could reply, Master Windu was pulled away to counsel duty but this gave Siba time to send a call out to Kamino.
“I’m coming. Tell him I’ll be there….please, Echo. I don’t know how much time we have but I have a theory and I need to be there. For him. For all of you.”
The transmission ended, but not before Isla had returned.
“Siba was one of the more known medics. She worked under Ophelia and was like an apprentice of sorts to her. She was assigned to what was known as the Domino squad.” Isla explained
“She joined the chat not long after she joined as a medic. Unfortunately, Tup’s inhibitor chip had malfunctioned and nobody believed the science of it. He was executed for murdering a Jedi. Fives figured it out but was shot by Fox. Realizing the fate of everything….” Isla paused and looked directly at Ahsoka.
“She mixed medicines. Fox was the one that found her.”
Ahsoka frowned at this information, “because nobody listened.”
Isla sat next to her and took one of her hands, shaking her head before she spoke.
“Because she lost the love of her life and knew soon enough that there was nothing she could do to save the Jedi. It’s not your fault, don’t you dare.”
“Maybe we should take a break from these.” Hera suggested
“I think that’s a wonderful idea. Is there a way to make tea on this ship?” Isla asked
Chopper showed her to the kitchen, where she made tea and returned with the tray.
“Sorry if he’s giving you trouble.” Kanan said as he noticed Chopper being incredibly obstinate to actually helping.
Isla chuckled, “he’s delightful.”
Chopper chirped in delight at this, repeating “I’m delightful” over and over again. It got a laugh from Isla, light and airy.
Her laugh was Jesse’s favorite sound.
3. Heaven Help The Fool
Tea cups drained, most of the group had decided to get some sleep as Rex, Ahsoka, Kanan, and Isla decided to keep going. Hera was flying right now, giving Kanan’s hand a squeeze before heading to the cock pit. Darkness filled the ship, silent besides the next transmission that lit up the walls.
“That’s her. Ophelia.” Rex said as the woman appeared on the screen.
She had striking blue eyes, blonde hair in a messy bun, and she radiated an unspoken warmth that shone through her eyes and smile. She was cupping the face of a clone, who was smiling back at her. Young and hopeful.
“Kix and I will be here if things go wrong. You guys will do just fine and when you come home, I’ll patch up your scrapes and we can have your favorite soup. Okay? I love you, Echo.”
“I love you too, mesh’la.”
“Get a room.” Fives remarked, Ophelia throwing a pillow at him from a nearby bunk with a laugh.
“You’re just upset Siba is away with Skywalker.”
Fives rolled his eyes as the transmission ended.
“At least this one wasn’t tragic.” Ahsoka said
“Sorry to say, it’s a two sider.” Isla said as she flipped it over and put it back in.
Ophelia was there, watching him blow himself up. She couldn’t breathe, it felt like, and was quiet the whole time. The others were worried, but she wouldn’t budge. Wouldn’t speak. She went back to the med bay to work on reports.
“Lia….” Kix said softly as she walked in.
“Don’t.” She croaked out, tears filling her eyes immediately
“Don’t….” She said again, voice barely above a whisper as Kix approached her and wrapped his arms around her
She began to thrash against him, screaming as the tears began to fall. She wiggled out of his grasp and started throwing medical supplies. Gauze, scalpels, anything. She knocked over a few trays, shattered glass as the sobs erupted from her. Kix stopped another medic from injecting her with a sedative, watching her as she trashed the med bay.
Ophelia crumbled, falling to her knees as she continued to sob loudly.
“Go get Fives.” Kix told one of the medics and before long he was there.
Ophelia has calmed enough, a shock blanket wrapped around her as she sat in Kix’s office. Her eyes were puffy, she did not blink as he stitched up the cuts on her hands from throwing sharp objects.
“I knew….”
When she spoke, both Fives and Kix stopped moving and looked at her. As if she was a frightened animal.
“You don’t get to grow old with a clone. We all know that. We love anyways…because even temporary is enough but he was young. We didn’t even have a chance….after the war we were going to get married.”
Tears came again but fell much more silently than before. The transmission ended. Silence fell between the group before Isla stood.
“If you will excuse me, I think I’m going to go dust off the group chat.”
Rex smiled sadly at her about that, watching her go.
“Did you have someone, Rex?” Kanan asked
Rex nodded, “but it ends in tragedy too.”
He left it alone, not prying for further information from the clone.
“We should sleep.” Ashoka said, nobody protesting that as they all retired for the night.
Ophelia had shorter hair now, body littered in scars and a cane leaning against the table. Her and Isla were sitting there drinking caf and laughing.
“I remember, you looked Skywalker dead in the face and told him if he didn’t let you bandage up his wounds you’d take his other hand.”
Ophelia smiled, “we were all a little tired…right?”
Her smile left when she saw Rex, the demeanor of the room changing.
“Ahsoka, Rex. It’s wonderful to see you two.”
“I heard you were retired. What are you doing here?” Rex asked, sitting down by her.
“Isla called me. She made a very convincing argument about telling the empire to fuck themselves. I also had two tag alongs, they were adamant about not letting me limp alone through the galaxy.”
Echo was asleep on a makeshift bed in the corner, grey stubble on his chin and bags under his eyes enough to express how heavy everything truly had been.
Rex smiled warmly, “happy to have you all here.”
“It’s good to see you….” Omega paused when she saw Hera heading to the cockpit.
“Is that….?”
Ophelia nodded with a soft smile, “it is.”
Omega almost ran over to her, the two of them very excited to see each other after all this time.
“How can we help, Captain?” Ophelia asked.
Rex explained the transmissions before they all sat down to watch them. Ophelia made a face at them having found hers but then felt her heart drop into her stomach at the next one, staring at it before Rex took it from her to start it.
4. Good Soldiers
Echo had awoken a short while after it began and joined them. Ophelia grasped Echo’s flesh hand and gave it a squeeze when she saw what popped up on the transmission.
Ophelia stood with a group of clones in black and red. A few years had passed between these transmissions, apparent in the aging of the nat borns around the clones. Ophelia had cut her hair at this point, wearing it half up and half down. She looked exhausted and had a few new scars as well as what seemed a permanent scowl. The light had been shut off inside of her, it seemed. They were on a ship, The Marauder. Everybody seemed tense.
“There’s no way the Jedi would commit treason. Something isn’t right here.” Tech said, fiddling with his comms to see if he could find anything else out.
“Fives was right, wasn’t he?” Ophelia asked after several moments of silence
Echo looked right at her and frowned, “we can’t be sure. Why would the Kaminoans put a murder chip in our heads?”
“Why wouldn’t they?” Ophelia asked back at him, lending to more silence.
Crosshair and Hunter stumbled in, both very angry at each other.
“The war is over, Crosshair. We don’t have to do this.” Ophelia remarked, frowning as she saw Hunter and him glaring at each other.
“He let the kid go.”
Kanan seemed to stop breathing for a minute.
“I did what was right. I thought you were a man of honor too.” Hunter said, still glaring daggers.
“Good soldiers follow orders.” Crosshair quipped before leaving the room.
“Hunter. You did the right thing and now that child has a chance. If we die, I’ll rest easy knowing that there may be some Jedi left in this world.” Ophelia said
Echo shook his head and glared out of the window into hyperspace.
“The war isn’t over. We have to do something.” He said
“And we will.” Hunter replied
“I’ll go talk to Cross.” Ophelia said, disappearing down the hall towards the bunks.
“What is your problem?” He asked her
“My problem!? Last time I checked I wasn’t the child slayer 3,000. You have got to pull it together, we need you. You are…you’re our brother.”
“I am no brother to you. You’re a nat born, a silly human who is beneath me.”
That stung a little and shut her up, fists clenching at her sides. She shook her head and left.
The transmission ended.
“You.” Kanan said
“It was. Me and Hunter stood there on that cliff when you jumped. I would have died there under blaster fire if it wasn’t for Hunter and I’m…so glad it’s you.” Ophelia said with a gentle smile
It fell quick though, “both sides lost so much that day. Crosshair joined the empire. Bastard shot me in the leg and arm from 10 clicks away once, gave me scars.”
“We were like a family. Closest thing you could get to it.” Echo said
Ophelia smiled slightly at him, squeezing his hand again. “There’s a new family here now. We should call Hunter and tell him.”
Echo nodded and left the room with her to do so.
5. CT-7567
Rex saw the name carved onto the disk and immediately shoved it into the transmission reader. He had to know if this would tell him what happened to her. Isla hadn’t been able to say much, unfortunately.
“Careful, you might break it.” Ezra said
The transmission came to life, Obi Wan standing there with a woman. She had green eyes, brown hair braided into a coronet on top of her head. She was wearing a military issued tunic, black leggings, and black boots. This was from the last day he heard from her. She had called him on their way to Utapau which meant this was right before she called him as they hadn’t left yet.
Something was very obviously troubling the woman.
“I can keep a secret, you know.” Kenobi said, something unreadable shining in his eyes.
“I know. It’s inappropriate, completely out of line. I would be kicked out of the order, I can’t….”
He could practically feel the distress pouring off of her and put his hand on her shoulder.
“Aurora, it’s okay. You’re safe here…both of you are.”
She placed a hand on her stomach and smiled sadly, “I’m so happy. I haven’t told him yet. But I’m also scared. 2 months along. There hasn’t been time with the war, I never see him…”
He nodded in understanding. “After Utapau, you should tell him.”
Aurora gave a nod and the physical transmission ended. There was crackling however, which prompted Rex to leave it in.
“I think that’s it, we should move onto the next one.” Kanan said but then the woman reappeared.
The image kept cutting out but she had splatters of blood on the tunic and her cheek. She had tears streaming down her face too, looking directly into the transmission. Rex paled at the sight of it.
“This is Aurora Steele, calling from Utapau. Obi Wan and I….under attack….Cody unstable….they keep repeating order 66…”
The transmission cuts out then entirely, truly over now. Rex’s jaw is clenched, arms crossed over his chest.
“We were married but it was a secret. Jedi weren’t allowed personal attachments but a few of them knew and still let her keep her title.” Rex offered, knowing they wouldn’t know this information.
“I never knew she was pregnant. She never came home. General Kenobi told me he lost her, that she took off in an escape pod to come look for me.”
Silence filled the ship, Hera and Kanan sharing a look. Rex shook his head, “Isla told me she got a weak transmission from the outer rim a few months ago but there’s no way. I….I need a minute.”
He left to his own room, door shutting behind him. Hera shot Kanan another look and he sighed.
“I think he needs space.”
“Sure, for now. But you both lost a lot because of what happened and you should go talk to him.” She said
He nodded and then grabbed the next transmission file.
“We should keep going. Give him some time.”
Hera shot him another look at that and he shot one back to her before grabbing the next tape.
6. Prodigy
Kanan wasn’t expecting his old master to appear on the next transmission and he felt like his heart was being squeezed as he watched. Aurora was with her, the two of them kneeling next to each other in a meditation of sorts. Even though both of their eyes were closed, they spoke out loud to one another.
“I heard you and Kenobi are going to Utapau to greet General Grevious.” Depa said
“Ah yes, war is the best topic to speak up while trying to connect with the force.” Aurora remarked with a tiny smile
“What are you going to do after the war is over?” Depa asked
Aurora opened her eyes now to find the other woman already looking at her.
“Honestly? Take some time away. Find somewhere quiet and lay low for about a year. Maybe longer. You?”
“Hopefully continue Caleb’s training and train others. He has much promise, I know he will become a very talented and strong Jedi knight.” Depa said
Kenobi had entered the room then, “I apologize for the interruption but I need to borrow Aurora to prepare.”
Aurora stood, “you’re right. Caleb will be quite the successor for you.”
The transmission ended then. Kanan was trying to swallow the lump in his throat, immediately leaving the room after it ended. Hera went after him, the door shutting leaving silence behind.
7. CC-2224
Kyra. She appeared on the transmission. Her skin was darker in the sun, brown eyes full of hope and dark hair blowing in the wind. She was an aviation technician and she loved every minute of it.
“I’ve almost got this ship back up and running. Did you need anything else, Commander?” She asked, looking up at Cody now.
She had an oil smudge on her cheek and her hair was in a messy bun, secured by a spanner wrench.
“No, that should do it.”
“Hey, I’m….I have a question.” She said
“You know you can ask me anything.” Cody replied, indicating this isn’t the first or first few times they’ve spoken.
“Are you really going to Utapau?”
Cody looked at her, really looked at her with a softened gaze.
“You know it’s my duty. It’s what I was made for.” He said
“I hate it. I hate not knowing if you’re coming home or not.” She said, tone more hushed.
“I know, ca’tra.” He said, frowning a bit now. “When this is over, we can go wherever you want.”
She smiled at that, it lighting up her whole face.
“Somewhere only we know.” She said
The transmission ended.
“That was the reality for all of us.” Isla said, smiling sadly.
“Isla, I’m so sorry.” Ahsoka said.
She could tell it was weighting heavy on the woman and shook her head.
“I know what happened to Jesse, I don’t blame you or them. I blame The Empire. I blame Palpatine. I blame the Kaminoans. I could never blame you. Or Rex.” Isla said, hand resting on top of Ahsoka’s now.
“He was the love of my life and I’m better for knowing him. I used to be such a bitter and grumpy weapons technician. I was angry at the world until he showed me joy, laughter, love. I would do it all over again.” She said, a tear getting away from her.
“You’re not going to believe who I’ve gotten into contact with!” Ophelia exclaims as she enters the room, a holo device in her hands.
Isla perked up at that, “there’s more?”
More tears started to fall between the both of them, “there’s more. Kyra, Fiona, and Chandra are on their way. Chandra already has a rebel cell and would be bringing reinforcements. I’ve even convinced Emilie.”
At this point, Ahsoka has taken Isla’s hand and given it a gentle squeeze. She smiled, squeezing her hand back. This was the best news.
8. CT-6116
When they said Chandra already had a cell, they weren’t expecting it to be at least 20,000 people. She had a helmet tucked under her arm as she approached them.
“I heard someone likes to collect helmets around here. You can’t have this one but I have several others if you wanna take a look.” She said
Ezra’s face lit up at that for a minute before he cleared his throat, “yes ma’am. Thank you.”
Chandra nearly grinned at that, “I see the Jedi training is still going strong in the younger generations.”
He was eyeing the one under her arm, “why is that one painted green?”
“It belonged to my husband, he was a Captain who worked with….” She stopped when she saw Kanan.
He froze at the name and looked at her, “Chandra.”
“I’m so thrilled to see you. When I heard of Depa…I’m so sorry.” She said
“It’s uh…it’s Kanan now. Kanan Jarus.”
She nodded, “I understand.”
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” He asked her.
“What’s wrong?”
He pulled Chandra off to the side and explained that Grey sacrificed himself to let Kanan get away. She nodded and clenched the helmet a little tighter. She then dropped it and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you….”
“You were going to have all the fun without us, Lia.” Fiona said as she approached
“I was getting around to it.” Ophelia said, smiling sheepishly.
Emilie had a cybernetic arm and was a Togruta. She seemed a bit withdrawn from the situation and was looking around cautiously. Ahsoka went to greet her, which made her seem to relax a bit. They all had to disperse to other areas due to the amount of people as well as getting everybody settled into Phoenix Squadron.
Ahsoka and Emilie went off to talk to each other, leaving Rex, Kanan, Ezra, and Isla. The next transmission had Emilie in it, with Kix in what appeared to be somebody’s private quarters.
“You need to be more careful with this information.” She said
“I have to save my brothers.” Kix replied, unable to look at her.
“I understand it, I’m not saying you shouldn’t help them. I’m only asking you to be more careful.” Emilie said, looking at him.
The side of his head, his tattoo.
“I’m asking, as your wife, to be safe.”
“Imireh-“ “don’t use my real name.”
He sighed and finally looked at her before going to sit next to her on the bed now. Their bed.
“I will try my best to keep my research as quiet as possible but I have to know. This virus? I don’t believe in it. Something happened to Tup that could affect all of us and I can’t let it happen.” He said
She nodded and smiled slightly, “I understand. I will be with you.”
Kix rested his forehead against hers and they both closed their eyes. He was about to kiss her when someone burst into the room, coming to kidnap Kix. They knocked Emilie out and the transmission ended.
“Imireh was the name I was born with. I prefer Emilie because I don’t remember too much of my life. I had amnesia.” She said, “long story. Anyhow…they got to Kix before he could tell the Jedi about the inhibitor chips. When I came to, I was locked in a cell. I haven’t found him yet but a part of me thinks he’s still out there….”
“You’ve had a very busy life, then.” Kanan said
This made her laugh, “yes. Quite.” She sat down then.
“Next transmission?” She asked, reaching into the box.
“I put these in a box somewhere. I can’t remember. I stored them on an abandoned clone ship. I’m surprised anybody found them but equally delighted. My plan is working.” She said
“What plan is that?” Rex asked
“I have given the gift of several angry war torn widows, a bigger battalion of rebels, and the best damn medic in the galaxy. We’re here to take down the fuckers who stole the future, unrightfully robbed us all of what should have been. What almost was. Anger does not need to be negative, a means of suffering. Good people are angry…and they’re here now to help.”
“Is…she with you?” Rex asked
Emilie looked at Rex and stopped rummaging in the box.
“No. Nobody’s heard from her for many rotations. She comes and goes so she’s either dead or slashing her way through some very unlucky bucket heads.”
That was somewhat comforting, but not enough. She put the next tape in without letting anybody else get a word in.
9. CT-1010
A Togruta woman appeared on the next transmission. She had a more orange tint to her skin, white lines thin but striping down her body, like a tiger. Her facial markings were white dots, one above and below each eye to make 4.
Kavra walked in to find Fox passed out on his desk. She sighed and set the fresh cup of caf down, shaking him gently. He startled awake before looking around. He sighed and rubbed his head where it was on the desk.
“You should get more sleep.” She said
“There’s so much to do…” he sighed
“If you don’t march your ass home for sleep, I’ll drag you myself.” She said
“I’d like to see you try.”
Kavra sat on the edge of his desk then.
“You’ve actually been sleeping less and less. You keep waking up in the middle of the night. What’s going on?” She asked
Fox shook his head, “if I talk about it, I relive it.”
She knew this was about Fives immediately and frowned.
“I know it’s not easy and I’m sorry.”
“I had to shoot him, Kavra. I had…he…I killed my brother.”
She truly saw it then, the exhaustion deeper around his eyes, the guilt within them.
“Let’s go home, please. You need rest, even if you don’t sleep.”
Fox didn’t protest at all, standing up as the transmission ended.
“I guess I never thought to check if it bothered him. He always made it seem like he had it together.” Rex said, sighing.
“What happened to him?”
“Absorbed by the empire, like the rest of them.”
Kavra was here in person already, having come with Chandra.
“I was a spy. I worked briefly for the empire and I would send everything, anything, to Chandra but we didn’t stay together. He was different after the order. They all were.”
She sat down, smiling a bit at Rex.
“It’s very good to see you, regardless of the circumstances, and I’m so glad you’re not…that you’re with us. Rory will be thrilled. She’s coming, I talked to her yesterday. Her and Kyra are together, like you and Cody would be, leaving a trail of dead troopers behind them. She’s not how she used to be, however. Keep that in mind.”
Rex looked surprised, this being the only time anybody was able to give him an update on his wife.
“She’s alive?”
“She’s alive.”
10. Active
There was a flicker across the transmission.
“Did somebody put another one in?” Ezra asked
A young woman with short brown hair popped up, one eye green and the other brown. She had a scar running down her cheek from under her eye and looked hopeful.
“Hello?” The female asked
“Hi?” Ezra responded
“You can hear me!”
“This is active, this isn’t an archive. Get me coordinates.” Hera said, looking at Chopper.
He beeped excitedly, waving his hands around as he went to do so.
“My name is Elora and I can sense a very strong force presence on your ship. Don’t be afraid, I’m one of you. I need your help. Permission to board?”
“This could be a trap.” Kanan said
“We don’t turn people away.” Hera said before adding, “permission granted.”
Elora attached her ship to theirs and entered. Zeb stood there, ready to escort or detain her depending on her intentions. She understood and followed him. She stopped when they walked into the room, practically staring at Rex. She felt her heart leap into her throat at the sight of him before looking at the others.
“My mother and aunt Kyra are in danger. We were trying to infiltrate a star destroyer and they discovered my mom was a Jedi. They’re imprisoned and I don’t know where, I got away.”
“Wait a minute. You said Kyra is your aunt and your mom is a Jedi.” Ezra said
“Yes. My mother’s name is Aurora Steele. She told me to go find my father and it has taken longer than I’ve wanted it to. I was starting to doubt any clones are still alive.”
Rex was speechless. She looked like her mom, although she had one brown eye that was like his and he saw her hair was very dark and curly. Like a clones but longer, down to her chin. He stood then and she looked over at him.
“Is it true then? She’s alive and you’re here.” Rex said, still having a hard time grasping the reality of this.
He thought he lost Aurora to order 66, his unborn child with her but he was wrong to doubt her strength. Her resilience.
“Are you Rex?” She asked
“Yeah, it’s true. She’s alive and here I am, but we can’t waste too much time. I don’t want them selling mom off to the highest bidder.” She sighed
“They would do that?” Kanan asked
“Or kill her, yes.”
They began to move then, ready to help her. Rex stood next to her in the cock pit as they took off into hyperspace, really looking at her now.
“You’re not quite what I imagined either.” She offered with a slight smile.
“If I had known, I would have come to find you both.” He said
“She knows that, which is why she didn’t. She felt it, she knew it, that you hadn’t turned. That you didn’t have your inhibitor chip. Her intuition is so strong and she believes in you so much, she knows.”
Rex had to look away at that, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“She tells me all the time how my father is a good man. If it’s weird for you, I can call you Rex. I can’t imagine throwing all of this at you is easy.” Elora said
Rex reached out and took her hand, “I would love to be your dad.”
She smiled and squeezed his hand, “good. I’m going to need my dad to help me find my mom and aunt…”
They jumped into hyperspace, beginning the next adventure.
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kaminocasey · 3 years
On the Ghost
Summary: You confront Rex on why he hasn't talked to you since that day on the munitions crate.
Pairing: Rebels!Rex x Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; SMUT, Shower Sex, Daddy Kink
WC: 1.5K
A/N: SO, this is going to be a part of a series, the first part being On the Crate. I'm such a sucker for Rebels Rex and every time he pops up in an episode of Rebels, my heart flips.
Rexhibitionism Masterlist
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The Ghost was quiet as you were in hyperspace, on your way back to base, aside from Ezra and Zeb and Chop all fooling around. Hera, Kanan, and Sabine were in the cockpit and Rex was around here somewhere. He hadn’t said two words to you since that day on the munitions crate two weeks ago… It didn’t make any sense. He had called you his… Why would he suddenly change his mind?
As you make your way to the fresher to get a shower before you get to base, you hear some muffled sounds coming from the fresher. It sounds like Rex… in pain? You raise your fist to knock on the door but hear your name groaned on the other side of the door. Why would he say your name? You open the door slightly and then realize they weren’t painful sounds he was making… They were pleasurable sounds.
You open the door more, slightly angry.
“What are you doing?” You ask him, a little more hostile than you meant to sound.
He looks up at you from the shower, covering himself with his hands while looking surprised and confused. Then, he looks angry.
“What are you doing?” He fires back.
“I heard my name and thought you were in pain. Clearly I was mistaken.” You cross your arms.
“G…get out.” He demands, shakily.
You almost listen to him, he’s never used that tone with you before. But, he doesn’t sound convincing.
“You really want me to leave?” You ask him, eyeing his hands covering himself.
He looks away from you. You can tell he didn’t. You sort of hate that you still want him this bad.
“You ignore me for two weeks after fucking me… after telling me you think about me every night… after telling me I was yours and you were mine… but you can’t even be decent enough to tell me why you won’t talk to me now, out of nowhere?” You ask him.
“I…” He still won’t look at you. “I just realized it was a mistake.”
“A mistake…” You repeat, “and yet you’re moaning my name while getting yourself off in the shower.”
You unbutton your pants, letting them drop to the fresher floor. He doesn’t take his eyes off you, but he looks conflicted. You take your shirt off next. His fists clench in front of his clearly hardened length. You bite your lip, waiting for him to tell you stop. You give him plenty of room to tell you to get out again. If he tells you again, you’ll leave.
You drop your underwear and then your chest binder. He tears his gaze away from you, closing his eyes. You step into the fresher with him.
“Tell me to stop…” You sigh, repeating his words back to him from the first time you fucked, as you run your hands up his chest.
He opens his eyes, immediately staring into yours.
“Do you still-” You start but he cuts you off by shoving you up against the fresher wall and crushing his lips to yours.
You moan into the kiss, running your hands up and around his neck. He picks you up like you weigh nothing to him and you wrap your legs around his waist. His length rests against your warmth, so you grind against him causing him to moan, proving that he still wanted you as much as you wanted him.
When he moves his lips to your neck, you gasp. “I knew you still wanted me.”
He chuckles softly. “Fuck mesh’la… I never stopped.”
“Then, why have you been ignoring me?” You whimper when he bites.
“Kanan made me.” He whispers.
Wait, what? You push Rex away from you slightly.
“What?” You ask, angry and confused.
“He told me that you deserved better and that I should leave you alone.” He shrugs. “He’s not wrong.”
“I’m going to kill him.” You start to try to wiggle out of Rex’s arms so that you can go give Kanan a piece of your mind, but he holds you in place.
“You shouldn’t be upset with Kanan. He’s just trying to look out for you.” Rex tells you, pulling your chin to look at him.
“Why are you defending him?” You ask Rex, even more confused.
Rex shrugs. “I think he feels about you the way that I do.”
You actually laugh out loud. There’s no way that’s possible. Kanan hated you half the time. You both always ended up yelling at the other over something stupid and petty on missions. He’d tell you to just stick to fixing the ship and you’d tell him to stick that fancy lazer sword up his ass.
“That’s not possible.” You tell Rex.
“You two do flirt a lot.” Rex teases you.
“No we do not.” You roll your eyes.
“If you say so.” He says as he pushes his length into you slowly, causing you to moan.
He puts his hand over your mouth so no one will hear you. All you knew was that you without a doubt wanted Rex. You wanted him every single day for the rest of your days. When you imagined your future, he was always in it.
“It’s okay if you do.” Rex whispers. “I’d never tell you who you could or couldn’t be with. As long as I can be with you too.”
He thrusts in and out of you evenly and you let your head rest against the fresher wall. When he moves his hand away from your mouth, you kiss him desperately. You needed more of him. “Fuck, daddy.” You moan before realizing what you just said.
You open your eyes and his eyes are wide for a split second before darkening.
“I-” You go to apologize.
He starts bouncing you on his cock even harder, at a relentless pace.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” You smirk.
“I really… did.” He grunts as he slams into you. “Say it again.”
“Fuck me, daddy.” You beg.
He smirks before pulling your lips into a kiss.
“Maker, I missed you.” You pant against him.
“I missed you too.” He murmurs.
The water flows over the both of you and causes the wet sounds to sound even more wet. It was all so erotic. You had never had sex in a shower and normally, you’d be terrified of being dropped, but you completely trusted Rex.
“Promise me you’ll never make me go without this or you again.” You gasp against his lips.
“I’ll fuck you every morning and every night if that’s what you wish.” Rex promises you.
“It is… please.” You beg.
Rex pulls your wrists above your head, pinning them to the wall underneath his hands and looks down at your breasts bouncing against his chest with each thrust. “Look at these perfect tits.” He sucks a nipple into his mouth and you whimper softly, trying your best to be quiet.
Rex lets go of your breast and continues thrusting as hard as he can into you. The wet sounds of his cock slamming into your pussy were unmistakable. If someone walked by, they’d definitely know that you were being fucked within an inch of your life.
You secretly hope that Kanan walks by so that he can get the message that he had no right to do what he did. Who the fuck did he think he was?
“Want you to come on my cock, mesh’la.” Rex grunts, obviously close.
You reach a hand between the two of you and start playing with your clit, automatically making you clench around Rex’s cock, causing his legs to buckle slightly.
“You sure you got me?” You tease him, lovingly.
“I’ll never let you go.” He promises you in more ways than one, smiling.
You kiss him again, your tongues and teeth clashing together. Neither one of you are able to care, you just can’t get enough of each other.
You apply a little more pressure to your clit as he starts thrusting harder and you try to keep your moans in but you must be doing a terrible job of it because he releases your wrists so that he can put a hand over your mouth again.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.” He groans, resting his forehead against yours.
“All for you, daddy.” You promise him.
“That’s right, cyar’ika.” He hums, kissing your nose.
You whimper underneath his hand, feeling your orgasm nearing a little quicker than you’d like. When you come, your pussy spasms around his cock so much, Rex comes at the same time with a strangled moan, biting your neck at the same time.
You gasp loudly and he just starts sucking, marking you for the galaxy to know you were his. You wanted this man more than anything in the world. There was no way you could ever want Kanan like that… right? If that was true, why was your next thought about being nervous about what Kanan might say about Rex’s mark on your neck?
TAGS: @livi-s @studioramekin @zoeykallus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @wolveria @misogirl88 @rexandechosandwich
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xecutivecucumber · 3 years
Rexsoka Week 2021 Day 4: It Happened Once in a Dream
Back aboard the depression train!
Day 4: It Happened Once in a Dream:
The small home Ahsoka and Rex kept was quiet. It always was, but now the silence was oppressive. Ahsoka had to say something as Hera walked with her to Rex's room.
"Thank you for staying with him." She said. 
"It was my pleasure." Hera said. "He's like family."
Ahsoka smiled a little. Rex had been practically adopted by the Ghost family for which Ahsoka was grateful. They had supported him while she was gone.
"How was Corvus?" Hera asked.
Ahsoka knew the true question. 'Is there news of Ezra?' Ahsoka hesitated. She didn't want to give Hera false hope. 
"It might be something." Ahsoka admitted. "I'll ask Sabine to check it out with me."
Hera's eyes widened.
"Thank you, Ahsoka." She said. 
"It's my pleasure." Ahsoka said. "I want to bring him home."
Then she was in front of Rex's door. The plain wood was daunting to her. Rex had deteriorated quickly after she had left for Corvus. She wasn't sure she wanted to see him in such a state.
"Go on." Hera said. "He's been waiting for you."
Ahsoka opened the door.
She had imagined Rex transformed into a skeletal, decrepit wretch. What she saw was just Rex, but a little thinner and paler than usual. A little more tired. He was sleeping peacefully in the neat bed.
"I hope he wakes up soon." Hera said. "He sleeps a lot these days."
"He'll wake for me." Ahsoka said. 
"I'll- give you some privacy." Hera said, and left Ahsoka alone with Rex.
Ahsoka slowly approached his bedside. His face was placid. She hoped his nightmares had finally left him. 
Ahsoka leaned down and pressed her lips to his head. His eyes flickered open as she pulled back. He smiled at her, eyes shining like they had twenty-eight years ago. 
"'Soka." He said warmly.
He took her hand in both of his. His grip was weaker than it had ever been.
"Rex." Ahsoka said. "How are you?"
Rex chuckled.
"I'm hanging on." He said. His voice was soft. "I don't do much anymore. Hera and Jacen have been taking good care of me."
"What's the doctor saying?" Ahsoka asked.
Rex let out a long sigh.
"I'm just running out of steam, Ahsoka." He said. "Haven't been the same since the battle of Endor. And we weren't built to last long."
Fear bubbled in Ahsoka's chest. He spoke so casually of his death. Fitting for a soldier born to die.
"Isn't there anything they can do?" Ahsoka burst out. "Rex, you're only forty-one!"
"I don't feel it." Rex said with a smile. Then, seeing her face, squeezed her hand. "It's all right. I saw the end of the Empire. There's not much more I could wish for. And- I'll be with my brothers."
There was so much more Ahsoka could wish for, like a Rex who could stay by her side for years to come. A Rex who could give her what she had wanted since the Siege of Mandalore. Suddenly the words she'd kept in her heart for all the years couldn't stay silent any longer.
"I love you." She whispered.
Rex's eyes shimmered at her profession.
"I love you too, 'Soka." He said.
Ahsoka shook her head, unsure if he understood what she meant.
"No, Rex." She said. "I love you."
She leaned forward and kissed his lips for just a moment. He took a sharp breath.
"Like that." She said softly.
"Oh." Rex said. More tears threatened to overflow in his eyes. "Oh, Ahsoka." 
He looked down at their entwined hands.
"I- I wanted that." He murmured. "For a long time, ever since the Siege of Mandalore."
Ahsoka felt a burning in her throat. She knew he had felt that way about her. The way he had acted during the siege and right after told all. 
"If things were different-" Ahsoka said.
"If things were different." Rex agreed.
If things were different they could have had a life together. They could have stopped fighting. Rex could have lived a full life with her. 
But because of the Empire, because of Palpatine, that life was forced to live only in their dreams.
Check it out and my ongoing Rexsoka fics on A03!
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As Family Does - SWR
In snippets, Hera experiences the ups and downs of motherhood, and all the wonderful relationships her son has with family near and so very far away.
A sharp, desperate cry, and Hera’s world changed forever.
Jacen Syndulla was a testament to his parents’ strength long before he came into the world. He emerged bloodied, during battle and war, but the galaxy suddenly recentered itself around this tiny, helpless being.
Hera should have been used to this kind of change by now- in less than a year, her whole life had been broken and reformed in more ways than she could count.
And yet- so much of it was good, Hera thought, as the squirming baby was placed on her chest. This love she felt was so familiar, after carrying her son for 9 months, after loving his father, after being family and foster mother to Ezra and Sabine. She felt it in every cell of her body, so much that it was hard to breathe.
“You did it, Hera,” Zeb said, sounding rather choked up. Hera nodded, numb to the rest of the galaxy, save for her child in her arms, and realized that there were hot tears on her face. She sobbed, her whole body convulsing, and that hurt, but she didn’t care. She’d faced greater pain and been awarded less joy at the end of it all.
The baby wailed again, and Hera gasped- the boy’s eyes had flown open, revealing a clear, vibrant blue. His skin was tinted green and his features were already sharp, sure hallmarks of his mother’s identity but his eyes- they were Kanan’s eyes.
She never thought she’d see them again, and she sobbed harder. Even with the hormone changes that came with pregnancy, it had been a long time since Hera had cried this much. She felt Zeb’s hand on her shoulder and the love in the air. She cried tears of happiness, as new parents do, and tears of sorrow because Kanan wasn’t there to meet his son, nor Ezra to meet his baby brother.
But still- she knew Kanan loved her and he loved their son. She knew Ezra would too, when he came home. Their love was still with her, even if they were not.
That would be enough for now. Hera had her son and her beloved’s eyes, and the love needed to carry her through this and darker days.
Hera knew- despite her avoidance of the fact- that Jacen couldn’t stay with her forever. She wasn’t the only one in the Rebellion with a young child, but she was the only general with a newborn. Somewhere in the galaxy, there had to be a safe place for her son, and she would find it. But for now, she kept him the best she could, even if it would only be for the first months of his life.
The fear and the exhaustion of war were heightened by bringing an infant into it. They threatened Hera in her lowest moments, but then there was Zeb, putting Jacen back to sleep in the middle of the night before she could get out of bed, or Kallus quietly filling out her rising piles of paperwork when she was too busy or too tired to do it herself.
It was okay- a new challenge, a new routine, and an ever-constant show of their resilience. She witnessed love and community in all parts of her life, from her kid pilots offering to babysit, to the Organas sharing some old baby toys and clothes. Even the most unlikely of figures rallied around her, and for that, Hera was grateful. Sometimes, she would even have time to herself.
One of these calm afternoons was spent completing mission reports while Jacen slept, which Hera boldly presumed would last long enough for her to catch up on everything she had to do. As soon as she dared to hope this, however, a mechanical whirr indicated the presence of Chopper- and serenity rarely, if ever, followed him.
Where is the new one? He asked, disregarding the fact that Hera was very clearly busy.
“The new one- you mean Jacen?”
He’s new. Her droid was very matter-of-fact about this statement.
“He’s a baby, Chop,” Hera amended, and the astromech beside her warbled in disagreement.
He has not been around very long. He has not done many things either. Therefore, he is new.
“Whatever you say.”
Chopper didn’t humor her further, only groaned in complaint, and waited for a response. Hera rolled her eyes, but obliged. “He’s down for his afternoon nap. Same as yesterday. Why?”
She received no reply, other than a broken lament that the little one took too long to recharge, then her oldest companion rolled off and out of sight. Hera sighed and turned back to her work.
Later, Hera glanced at the chrono and readied herself for her son’s cries, but the Ghost remained silent and lonely. She crept down the room towards the pilot’s quarters, the door still open so that she might reach Jacen faster. Perhaps she would find him still asleep, and she could clean or shower with the extra few minutes to herself.
She instead discovered her baby wriggling happy on his cot, Chopper looming over him. One of his mechanical arms was extended, dangling Jacen’s favorite tooka in front of him. Chopper made gentle sounds, and Jacen grinned up at him.
So Chopper had a heart, beyond the occasional moment of mercy. Hera hid her mouth with her hand, ignoring the wetness in her eyes, and watched the scene from the doorway.
It might not have been fair to blame a baby for picking favorites before he could talk, but Hera still shook her head as Zeb passed back Jacen, who wailed the second he left the Lasat’s arms. Zeb chuckled at the reaction, scratching at the back of his neck, but shrunk instantly at Hera’s glare
“Aw, com’on,” Zeb tried while Jacen furiously kicked against Hera. “He doesn’t mean anything by it. Nobody holds a candle to ya, Hera.” He finished the statement rather ungracefully, as Hera relinquished Jacen, plopping him back in Zeb’s arms. As soon as she did, Jacen giggled, clutching at Zeb’s fur and gurgling happily, his woes entirely forgotten.
“You’d think he’d be a little more grateful to the one who feeds him,” Hera said dryly, regarding Jacen with her hands on her hips. Zeb shrugged, looking vaguely sheepish.
“I’m just softer than ya, that’s all,” Zeb assured her, snuggling Jacen against his chest. When Hera raised an eyebrow at him, he laughed in surprise.
“Lasat kits like to sleep on their parents,” he explained, “but some of us like to say that they prefer the Lasat with the longest and softest fur.”
“Well, you certainly have me beat there,” Hera conceded, and Zem hummed in agreement, rocking Jacen in his arms. He babbled cheerfully, and Zeb laughed again. “Maybe nobody holds a candle to Uncle Zeb, either,” she said, her tone hushed, and Zeb froze. “We’re both lucky to have you.”
Zeb didn’t say anything for a long moment, then he shifted Jacen to one side and slung his free arm around Hera’s shoulders. She leaned into the embrace, and Zeb pulled her closer.
“We’re family,” he said gruffly, his voice suspiciously thick. “Of course I’ll take care of you both.”
The admonition sent warmth flooding through Hera’s chest, and she sniffed. That was what she’d count on through it all- her family and their love, unfaltering.
Each of Jacen’s milestones- his first smile and wave and babble of a word- came with the reminder that Kanan wasn’t there to witness them too. Her son had just started to lift his own head when the anniversary of his father’s death passed, and Hera realized with grief weighing on her heart that even the idea of Kanan would be unfamiliar to Jacen for the first years of his life.
Her sorrow at the fact that “Dada” wouldn’t be among Jacen’s collection of first words (which included “Mama,” “ship,” “no!” and “Chop”) was expressed to Sabine during an exhausted and teary conversation. Together, they concluded that Kanan would have made a great dad, if he didn’t collapse from the stress while doing it, and the two women held each other until the talk turned back to recollecting fond memories at laughter at what once was.
In one of the biggest shocks of Hera’s life, the grief became lighter and easier to carry. She knew it would never leave her, but at least she didn’t bear it alone.
When Jacen turned one, she declared it a happy occasion and resolved not to spend too long dwelling on those not present to celebrate with them. There were still wistful smiles and comforting hugs, but as luck would have it, she had Zeb, Alexsandr, Rex, and Sabine all with her to mark the occasion, and that was a happy blessing on its own.
Jacen destroyed the small cake Alexsandr had made for him with pudgy fists, smearing it all over his face and onesie. Hera laughed, trying not to think of the possibility of finding uneaten food in Jacen’s diaper again, and their small family celebrated, and it was good.
They exchanged presents before everyone had to return to their respective duties. Mother and son received a collection of toys and bigger clothes, and Hera was even gifted a nice bottle of wine for her to enjoy after surviving a year of motherhood.
At the end, when it was just her and Sabine sweeping crumbs off the floor of the galley, the young Mandalorian presented her a final gift. An intricately bound book, made from sketch flimsi and filled with page after page of illustrations. It told a story, in few words and in brilliant, dynamic colors, of a Jedi, a hero, on quests to make the galaxy a better place. The Jedi wielded a blue lightsaber, and although he could be grumpy, he was deeply loyal to his friends, and he always came in to save the day. His face was unmistakable, his demeanor kind and familiar.
“So Jacen can know his dad,” Sabine said, and her voice was carefully measured. “I never thought I’d illustrate a kid’s book.”
Hera had no words, so she threw her arms around Sabine instead, murmuring her thanks through her tears. Sabine accepted the hug, squeezing Hera just as tight, and they stayed that way for a long while.
Jacen grew and grew until he no longer fit in her arms- or rather, he wiggled out of them every time Hera tried to pick him up. He started to beg to learn how to fly as the war drew to a close but it wasn’t until after the Battle of Endor that Hera felt the skies were safe enough for her son.
Sabine teased her that Jacen inherited his recklessness from both sides of the family. Hera couldn’t bring herself to disagree, but she looked around at her friends and family- Mandalorians and Lasats and spies and galactic heroes- and thought that her child’s thrill-seeking tendencies came more from his company rather than his blood.
The conclusion of the war didn’t mean the end of the fighting, but peace was at last on the horizon and her fellow rebels begun planning their lives in this new, free galaxy. Hera could be a mother full-time now, and not have to worry if each goodbye to her son would be her last.
She thought that this would mean fulfillment- and in many ways, it did. The galaxy was entering a new age, but there were too many things left behind for Hera to move on completely. Much of it, she would never get back- but for some, there remained hope of rescue.
She saw so much of Ezra in Jacen. His energy, for one, and his innocence. His optimism, too- Jacen was a happy baby and nothing short of an ebullient child. Hera and Kallus liked to joke that his smile could light up the galaxy. It was impossible, when gazing into Jacen’s blue eyes, not to see the hope and love of another boy who once looked to her as a mother. They had so much in common, these children of war, but their biggest similarity was those who loved them.
Sabine was the first one to teach her the bittersweet pride of a child leaving the nest, and she came to Hera again to tell her that she must go. Hera had fear and love and faith for her, but little surprise when Sabine promised to bring Ezra home. With a blessing and a plea to stay safe, she hugged Sabine tight and watched her set off into the galaxy again.
When evening fell, and Hera was alone again, Jacen approached his mother and snuggled into her arms. As much as she tried to protect her son, he always seemed to know when she was sad.
Hera didn’t think that she’d ever be complete without Kanan, without Ezra, without everyone she’d lost in a lifetime at war. But she was not alone, she knew- she had her son in her embrace and a family in every corner of the galaxy. That, for now, was enough, and she had hope that she would see them all again one day.
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A list of my AUs/writing projects
Rexsoka AUs & fics
soft au - I plan to start working on this sometime soon. Everything’s the same as canon except Order 66 doesn’t happen. Palpatine has a heart attack and/or is actually killed by Dooku, and Ahsoka stays with the GAR and the 501, though not (yet) as a Jedi. Rex and Ahsoka’s feelings evolve naturally onward from Mandalore. It’s slow, relatively calm, and incredibly soft and sweet. Rex realizes his feelings first
Married! AU - Distant future project (I’m low-key waiting to see if I get married before I write this). I’ve got the basic frame, but it still needs a bit of development. The war drags on a bit longer (but less intense) than in canon; Palpatine probably got killed by Maul, Savage, Dooku, and maybe even Ventress all at once (they’re all still at large, though, and there’s lots of Palps-remnant corruption in the Senate). At any rate, Ahsoka never fully left the Jedi (at least not for long), and she and Rex end up sorta-accidentally getting married on a mission with just the two of them (it was a weird, “you either marry or we kill you” situation with the natives, long story). Anyway, they decide to stick with it instead of ignoring that it ever happened, and they have to figure out how this works with Rex still being in the GAR and Ahsoka still being a Jedi. It’s a stressful, dangerous mess of a situation. But they find that their complex, confounding, wonderful marriage is something they’d stand hand-in-hand against the Galaxy to protect. Featuring emotionally-charged conflict, a developing emotional and physical relationship, and 
Trained by Ventress! AU - Potential near(ish) future project. Instead of being a Jedi, Ahsoka was found and trained at an older age by Ventress, who herself left Dooku much earlier. She shies away from using the dark side as her mentor does, and operates as a bounty hunter. She ends up stranded alone with Captain Rex and they have to survive together. Ahsoka is impressed enough with his integrity that, even after they part ways, she repeatedly seeks him out and asks for his help or offers him information useful to the Republic (or at least the army). Ahsoka is a little older in this AU, and very forward and flirty. Rex brushes off her flirting and tries to ignore her advances, but her more genuine efforts to impress him gradually draw him in.
Mer! AU - I definitely want to work on this in the not-too-distant future. It’s got such a beautiful aesthetic and setting, though, that I might just have to do it as some sort of comic, or at least heavily illustrated. There’s a lot, so I’ll just give the basics: This is my most canon-divergent AU: this Galaxy is much more...mythical? I suppose? And the war is much less intense. The 501st have a home-base planet that’s very much a Scottish/Irish coastland sort of place, all cliffs and coves and stone, green rolling hills and ruins and fog and rain. Ahsoka is a selkie-like mermaid, who meets Rex by rescuing him when he nearly drowns in a storm. Rex gains a deathly fear of the sea from the experience, and a deep draw to Ahsoka, which only grows the more time they spend together (secretly, even from most of Rex’s brothers). The feelings are mutual, though Ahsoka takes a good while to catch on, leaving Rex to pine painfully. Extra visual perks of this AU: aside from the gorgeous, green, moody setting, the clones also have to wear more normal cloths to keep the natives’ trust. And the planet is cold and wet. Translation: clones in sweaters, scarves, trousers, boots, and coats.
Future! AU - Probably a future project. I like it, but it would need a lot of development. A post-Rebels alternate future featuring (what else?) reunited Rexsoka (and the search for Ezra probably). Angst, de-aging, an original species, 40-somethings in love, and wing-woman Sabine. All the good stuff.
OC fic(s?)
Little Galaxy in Your Eyes - two clone troopers defect from the early Empire to raise a Force-sensitive child they were sent to kill. I’ve done a little bit of work on this one, and even posted it on AO3, but I think I’m going to hammer out the story a bit more and re-write what I’ve already written.
That Comic I’ll Probably Never Actually Write - A story that’s been rattling around in my head since I made my first Clone Wars OC a couple years back. It features my original Clone squad, Victory, and my self-sona, nicknamed “Sister”. There’s a lot of reasons I might never actually put paper to pencil for this story, most of them personal. Whether I actually write it or not, though, you will be seeing a lot more of these characters on my blog in the (hopefully) near future.
Post-S2 angst Mandomera - I’m hoping to work on this sometime soon, since it is a shorter project. Din goes back to the village on Sorgan after the events of the season 2 finale, just to recover and find himself again. It’s the safest, calmest place he can think of. 
Feel free to send me asks about any of what’s written here! Characters, how I came up with the idea, worldbuilding, why I’m working on a fic sooner or later, if you really love one of these ideas, if I’m open to collaborating on any of them, anything at all. 🐱‍👤(ninja cat, ‘cause why not?)
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hungrywhovianjedi · 4 years
Twin Moons
read also on my AO3 and my FF.net read the rest here prologue chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Premise of the story:  Obi-Wan never took Luke to Tatooine in fact they overshot the force forsaken dustball completely and instead Luke grew up on the planet Lothal being trained to become a Jedi like his father before him. Ezra Bridger is an orphan loner who only makes an exception to his solitude for one boy. The boy who helped him out when he was seven, and that Ezra always seems to get into trouble.
NOW FOR THE BIG REVEAL The cover of Twin Moons art is by the amazingly talented @sunflova​ 
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He took it all back, when he said Luke was more like his mother he took it back, as he looked through the wreckage that was a speeder bike and tie fighter he admitted it. He raised another Anakin. Yet another Skywalker with a reckless streak that caused chaos wherever he went. This level of Reckless he hadn't seen in fifteen years!
He knew Luke was alive, despite his initial panic, he could still feel the steady if dull connection between them, and had felt the fear when Luke noticed he was starting to lose his sense of his mentor in the force.
More concerning was still the cold weight that had settled over Lothal, only that coldness made him glad Luke was not on this planet right now, a shadow had come to land on this planet, and it was better that Luke not encounter it. 
Feeling this darkness was like being pushed back in time, the worst night of his life. He was suddenly facing Anakin on Mustafar. He didn't know what brought him here, but Vader was on Lothal, and Ben was prepared for the worst. 
Although preferably he would avoid his former apprentice completely, and find a ship to follow Luke off the planet.  He knew the boy was frightened, could feel it in their bond. He sent a wordless reassurance through the force, and only hoped Luke would receive it. 
Anger burned through him, a red hot flame cutting through everything. The first thing he gets told upon landing is of incompetence. An entire shipment of arms lost to, as the reports and security footage said, two smugglers and children. He watched again the footage showed two young boys jumping a median on a stolen speeder. His eyes were drawn again to the boy driving a halo of golden hair, and a stern set to his mouth. There was something deeply familiar about the boy, but he couldn't place it. 
"Get me agent Kallus" He ordered, then after a moment of thought, "and bring me the sorry excuse of a commander that claims to be in charge of this battalion"
"Yes sir!" The trooper by the door saluted, and marched through the door. 
Stormtroopers, he sneered at the thought, he missed the Clones, he never had mishaps like this when he commanded the 501st. The Clones would have deftly handled the thieves, and he wouldn't have to get ISB involved. However the Clones were made dispensable, their advanced aging process taking its toll, and they were all but broken down shells now. They kept a few on to train legions of troopers, but otherwise they were dead or AWOL. One of these was his once Captain and Friend CT7567 Rex. He was disappointed when he heard that Rex's ship went down. 
To this day he still got the pang in his chest about the reality of that day. Ahsoka… Rex wasn't the only friend he lost then. 
"Good luck" the last words spoken between them,  he would never forget the pain of finding her saber in the wreckage of that venator, knowing that he inadvertently caused her demise. 
He clenched his fist, what was wrong with him? Why was he being haunted by the past of Anakin Skywalker after all these years, it was like something on this planet was pulling all of the things that he had buried to the surface. It all began with that presence, like a light in the darkness so much like Padmè it hurt. 
"My lord" the voice pulled the sith lord from his thoughts.
He turned to face the men who entered,  "Agent Kallus, Commander Arescko. It has been brought to my attention that the afternoon's fiasco, was in fact not the first of such disturbances to happen under your watchful eye, and yet these thieves, remain unapprehended" 
Arescko swallowed, visibly uncomfortable with facing Vader. "My Lord, these brigands knew our protocol, and were waiting in position" 
Vader folded his arms, "so it was your protocol to have a secured imperial comm unit stolen? Or was it your protocol that caused several casualties, and the loss of thousands of credits worth of stolen firepower? The fact is Commander, if you had been diligent in your duties these brigands would not have had the chance to ambush your troops. Reports across Lothal have spoken of this crew, and yet you did nothing to prepare your men for the inevitable attack"
The commander shook, trying to remain calm. He knew of Vader's reputation, and what usually happened to those who dissatisfied him. "I assure you my lord-"his words cut off sharply into choking gasps.
"I will not abide incompetence commander"
Kallus shifted uncomfortably as the commander's choked breathing faded, and Vader dropped the man to the ground. Kallus did not check if the man was still alive, he was certain that Vader would not have released him if that was the case. 
"Agent Kallus, do you know what these attacks suggest?"
"Yes My Lord. The Imperial security bureau pays attention to patterns, and this is shaping to form a spark of rebellion" he stood at attention, not wavering under the gaze of Darth Vader, "I assure you, since being deployed here, I have made preparations for the next strike these would be rebels make. I have set up a trap for them. We will crush this spark of rebellion"
"See that you do" Vader replied tersely, "and when you do, the boy on those tapes, bring him to me alive. There is something familiar about him"
Kallus saluted and walked out.
Space… they were in space, force knows how far away from Lothal, Luke could barely sense Ben in his mind, and it unnerved him. Ben was the constant in his life. Since as long as he remembered it was him and Ben. Going to the market, meditation training together, exploring the mountains of Lothal, training with his saber, each time Ben was there. His absence was like a cold dark spot in his mind. After watching the hyperspace jump, the man, who finally introduced himself as Kanan, had taken him to the cockpit where he met the pilot, Hera. 
He had to admit, he admired Hera's courage, facing down the Empire in an old freighter, and he was set slightly at ease when the Twilek told him they would be returning to Lothal as soon as she could calculate the next jump. 
"Let me go! You can't keep me here, take us back to Lothal!" Ezra bellowed as Zeb hauled him into the cockpit. 
Luke looked back to his friend and saw the noted relief the other boy showed. 
"Relax, that's exactly what we're doing" Hera's voice held an edge of humor.
Ezra looked panicked, "wait, now? With the Empire chasing us?"
Luke spoke up then, "it's okay Ez, she lost the fighters" he looked up at Hera, "she's an amazing pilot"
The woman seemed pleased with his praise, "like the kid said, we lost the fighters when we jumped and the ghost can scramble its signature so they can't track us when we return"
"Oh, that's pretty cool" Ezra looked stunned, but like always shook it off, and smirked, "alright, so just drop me, Luke and our blasters off outside of capital city"
The door slid open, Kanan and Sabine walking in
"They're not your blasters" Sabine stated, brushing past Ezra, shooting Luke a quick smile.
"And we're not going back to Capital City, jobs not done." Kanan finished. 
Luke bit his lip, Hera hadn't mentioned that they weren't being taken back home, "We're not?"
Hera shook her head, "we have a deadline to meet, then we'll get both of you back where you belong if that's still what you want"
Luke nodded, he really did, he missed his uncle, and he only hoped where they landed was close enough for him to reach Ben again. 
Ezra was fuming, how dare these people refuse to bring them home! He didn't care about their job, he wanted his blasters so he could sell them on the black market and have a little cash to live off of, then there was the fact that Luke was acting weird. 
The blonde was usually so happy and talkative, he had barely said a word since they jumped onto this ship seeming almost fearful of the crew. 
Then there were these people they treated Luke like some lost little kid, and him? They treated him like a common Loth-rat he hated it. Ezra wanted to go home, wanted his best friend back, and never wanted to see this ship again!
He sat in one of the bucket seats in the cockpit, Luke in the other, legs pulled to his chest, head bowed and eyes closed. Ezra wondered if he was sleeping. 
"We're coming for a landing, you boys want to stretch your legs? We'll be here for a while" 
Ezra glanced again at Luke who hadn't even stirred, but he saw a smile on the other boy's face  that hadn't been there before. He always marveled at the way Luke could do that, just drop into total relaxation at the drop of a hat, he had seen the boy do it many times, at times it was almost like he was seeing nothing and everything at the same time. Ezra envied the ease with which Luke found peace, and sometimes wished he could be more like him. He knew he was brash and abrasive, but he couldn’t help it. Being the way he was, it was the only thing that allowed him to live on his own. It gave him the aura that kept people from messing with him. Be abrasive and they left you alone. It worked on everyone.
Everyone except Luke it seemed. 
The force surrounded him, he gathered his fear and uncertainty and released it to the force. It took longer this time than usual to find his center and drop into a meditative trance, the alien sounds of the ship invading his thoughts. In the end, he latched onto the familiar. He reached out in the force and found Ezra, the other boys presence, a soothing balm. 
Luke breathed in, and out steadily, looking to lose himself in the force. Take his anger release it, his fear release it, his uncertainty release it. He took in a deep breath, and silently repeated the words Ben would tell him as the older man taught Luke to find his place in the force. 
Emotion, yet peace
He took the emotions that had been at war in him and pushed them away, they belonged to the force.
Ignorance, yet knowledge 
He released the questions that had been hounding him, force willing someday they would be answered, they also belonged to the force. 
Passion, yet serenity 
He pulled on the peace he found in the force, allowing it to swallow him whole, his passion now belonged to the force.
Chaos, yet harmony 
Chaos surrounded him, burning through Zeb and Ezra, Chopper the droid was certainly a character of chaos, but he wouldn't allow it to touch him, his chaos belonged to the force.
Death, yet the force 
Like many times he felt the caress of a woman's hand on his cheek, people didn't keep themselves in the force Ben said, but Luke knew he was wrong, in his meditation, he felt his mother, her hand on his skin, her voice in his ear. When he realized what it was, he sought also the touch of his father, but the force had stopped him, a black vortex before him, that threatened to swallow him. He turned from the vortex and released his mothers touch to the force. His life belonged to the force. 
Emotion, yet peace
Ignorance, yet knowledge 
Passion, yet serenity 
Chaos, yet harmony 
Death, yet the force 
This time like many as he moved through the force, he found a dormant tether, one that neither held taught nor hung loosely, it was formed much like his and Ben's, yet somehow deeper, he tried to follow it once when he was younger, but had only been shown a vision of a young girl looking around in a panic. He tried to speak through the tether once, like he did with Ben, only to be cut off from the bond completely with the force of a psychic scream. 
He once asked Ben, who told him it was a connection in the force that he was not yet meant to learn. Luke always wondered who the girl at the other end was, and why she never reached back, but after being cast out, he left it alone. 
Finally he reached for the bond that was always there and pulled lightly, almost crying with joy, when he was answered almost instantly. 
Luke! Where are you, what happened, are you safe?
I'm safe Ben, I'm in a ship heading back to Lothal, Ezra had a bad plan, we ended up getting chased by Stormtroopers the only way out was to jump on a ship with some smugglers, but I think they're okay…
We will talk about all of that soon, but for now I need you to promise me something Luke, stay where you are. If you are safe with these people, stay with them. Someone has come to Lothal, and it is safer for you to stay away from Capital City.
Ben, I don't understand, why wouldn't you want me to come home?
Luke. I promise, I will explain everything soon. For right now however, I need you to stay there. I will find you it is no longer safe here. 
Luke froze, and could feel a stab of ice into his heart, making him lose part of his grasp on the force. It almost felt like somehow someone was probing the bond. No not probing the bond almost consuming it a cold force that reminded him of the swirling darkness that surrounded the spot in the force his father should have been. It was terrifying he had never felt anything like it. The cold threatening to swallow him whole. It blanketed the force around them, and Luke almost pulled away, being calmed only when Ben once more spoke through their bond.
Calm down Luke, remember your training, the force will be with you, and no matter what or however far you stray I will be with you always
Ben I'm frightened 
The force has a plan for us Luke, and something tells me it doesn't end here. Remember Luke. I love you as though you are my own son, and I will see you soon, this I promise.
Luke was pulled from his meditation then, a rough hand on his shoulder
"Wake up kid, time to move, grab a crate, pull your weight" Zeb instructed, before he stomped out of the room. Luke looked outside and saw Lothal's twin moons shining through the front window of the ship.
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writer1 · 4 years
A Shared Curse
Part 2
Tears fill the blue eyes that stare at Rex, who can't believe what he's seeing. Anakin whines, crouching down to try to appear shorter. Rex notices that his right arm is just a stump, the cybernetic must have fallen off.
Rex just stares, making Anakin think that he hates him. He squeezes his eyes shut, turns and darts off. Rex snaps out of his shock, screaming at Anakin.
"Anakin! Wait!" Rex wants to run after him but Kanan stops him.
"What is going on! Why did you call that monster Anakin?" Kanan doesn't understand but Sabine quickly explains.
"Anakin turned into that after the other one bit him, he's something called a werewolf. I remember hearing the legends as a child on Mandalore." Kanan can sense the truth in her words, his eyes widen.
"Anakin isn't the only one, I'm one too." Both Sabine and Kanan turn to Rex as he starts to explain everything. They listen intently.
"So you're a werewolf but Anakin doesn't know." Kanan tries to clarify, trying to believe what his friend has just told him. Rex nods.
"Yes. I was too scared to tell him, I never thought that he'd get turned into one too. Now he probably thinks that I hate him." Rex feels so much guilt, maybe if Anakin had known he wouldn't have ran.
Or he would have known what the creature was and would have been more careful. Rex looks around, noticing that Anakin's cybernetic arm is on the ground.
"Rex, you go get Anakin. I'll comm everyone to get back to the ship, that werewolf is still out there, Sabine, you head back to the ship and see if you can find any of the others on your way." Sabine nods
On it." She leaves, but not before grabbing Anakin's lightsaber and cybernetic arm from the ground.
"Okay, can you take my armor back. I'm going to transform, it'll be easier to find Anakin." Kanan nods and Rex starts stripping of his armor, he gets ready to transform, taking his shirt off.
"You can leave now if this'll freak you out."
"I'd like to see exactly what we're up against, besides you're still my annoying friend when you're like that, right?" Rex gives Kanan a smile, he's thankful that this hasn't ruined the friendship that was so hard to have.
Rex concentrates for a few seconds, instantly groaning when he starts to feel that familiar discomfort. He kneels down as he transforms, his body growing bigger, bones rearranging. His voice grows deeper everytime he groans.
Fur sprouts all over his body, all grey except for a few specks of white and a big section of white on his snout where his beard usually is. He stretches his body out like a cat as he stands up straight, tail swishing behind him. He turns to Kanan who looks shocked.
"Holy shit, you're huge." Rex chuckles, that was what Wolffe had said the first time he transformed.
"Yep, but you might want to warn everyone that there's going to be two werewolves returning, don't want any accidents." Kanan nods and Rex heads off to search for his Riddur.
He picks up his scent right away, his sense of smell is much better, so is his hearing. Rex runs on all fours, trying to get to his Riddur as soon as possible.
He comes to a large cave, he can hear the sobs and whimpers of Anakin coming from inside it. Rex's ears press back against his head, he feels so bad that this happened to his Riddur.
Some people might be happy to have there love share the burden with them... But Rex could never be happy. He's still going to love Anakin no matter what, but he hates that he has to go through this too.
Rex slowly walks in, making sure his footsteps are loud as not to scare Anakin. The whimpers get louder as he comes to a boulder, it must have fallen from the ceiling of the cave. Anakin must be just behind it, Rex hears the whimpers quiet down some.
"Anakin!" He calls out, hoping that Anakin will recognize his voice.
"Go away!" Anakin yells back to Rex, he can't believe that this happened. Rex must think that he's a monster, he'll never love him again. For a moment he wonders why Rex's voice is deeper, but he's in too much distress to really think about it.
"Ani, it's okay, Cyare." Rex can hear in how freaked out and distressed he is in his voice, it's perfectly understandable.
Rex knows that Anakin isn't thinking straight or he would have asked why his voice was deeper too.
"It's not okay! Nothing is okay." Anakin yells, ending in a sob, Rex feels so much pain in his heart, he wishes that he could have protected Anakin from this.
"There's something I need to show you, Riddur. Can I please come over." Rex waits for a response, sitting against the one side of the boulder.
"No!" Rex sighs, he understands how Anakin is feeling. He acted just as bad when he first became a werewolf.
"Please. I promise that I won't be afraid of you, you aren't alone."
"Okay." Anakin whispers, he's tired of being alone, Rex probably wouldn't have heard it if he were human. He walks around the rock, making sure to be loud. He sees Anakin, who's hiding his face in his hand.
"Anakin. Can ya look please." Anakin shakes his head, he doesn't want to see the look of disgust on Rex's face. He feels Rex grab his hand, noticing that Rex's hand is bigger than it should be. He keeps his eyes shut, scared of seeing Rex's reaction. He knows that it's going to be bad.
"Ani, please look at me, cyare." Anakin hears the pleading tone in Rex's voice, he slowly opens his eyes, and they widen in shock. He quickly pulls his hand away and tries to scoot back, but hits the boulder. His ears press back against his head and he whimpers.
"Anakin! Calm down its me, Riddur. Shhh, it's me." Rex tries to comfort Anakin, reaching his hand out. But he just flinches away from Rex.
"You aren't Rex! Rex isn't a Werewolf." Anakn curls in on himself more, he's absolutely terrified. Rex's ears press against his head, he feels so guilty for scaring him.
"Ani, it's me. I promise, look at me, don't you see that it's me." Anakin turns to look at the Werewolf, his eyes widen as realization slowly dawns on him. He see's that the Werewolf is wearing Rex's pants and has white fur exactly where Rex's beard would be.
"Rex?" Anakin asks quietly and Rex breathes a sigh of relief, happy that Anakin recognizes him now. He nods, but Anakin starts freaking out, thinking that the same Werewolf that bit him bit his husband.
"R-Rex! What happened? Did the beast bite you too?" Rex shakes his head, trying to calm down his poor husband.
"No. No, it didn't. At least not that one."
"What?" Rex sighs, he hopes that Anakin doesn't hate him for lying. His ears press tightly against the back of his head again.
"I was bitten shortly after the purge Anakin." Anakin uncurls himself a little, looking at his husband.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was scared, I regret it now. I'm sorry." Anakin looks at Rex in confusion, he doesn't understand why Rex is sorry.
"Why are you sorry?"
"Maybe... Maybe if I had told you this wouldn't have happened." Anakin stands up, immediately wrapping Rex in a one armed hug. He wrap's his arms around Anakin, nuzzling into him.
"It's not your fault, Rex. You couldn't have known, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you when you were bitten. I should have been there" Rex feels the tears as they wet his fur, Anakin is crying.
"Hey, at least you're here now. Although when I imagined telling you I never thought that you'd be a werewolf too." Rex chuckles nervously, making Anakin smile against his chest. They both sit down, Anakin still pressed against Rex's chest.
Rex brushes his fingers through Anakin's fur, it always used to comfort him before. Although it was his hair not fur, it does still work as he feels Anakin start to relax against him, sighing in content.
They then hear a thumping noise, making Anakin looks around in confusion.
"What the Kriff...?" Rex chuckles quietly.
"Ani, that's... That's your tail, Riddur." Anakin turns to look at it, glaring as if it's the most offensive thing in the Galaxy, making Rex chuckle more. He pulls Anakin closer, nuzzling into him.
"We're going to need to make you a new cybernetic for while you're like this." Rex whispers as Anakin chuckles.
"I'm not sure if that's possible, it'd be to hard to attach it while I'm like this." Rex nods, wishing that he could kiss his husband. And resisting the urge to lick him. Stupid wolf instincts, he thinks to himself before nuzzling Anakin again.
"I love you, Ani, more than anything. You ready to head back to the ghost, the other Wolf could still be out here." Anakin pulls away, standing up and nodding nervously, he doesn't really want anyone to see him like this. Rex places a finger under his chin, lifting it so that he's looking at him
"Hey, I'll be with you the whole time. You aren't alone." Anakin musters a small smile, he'll be fine as long as he has Rex right beside him.
They head out of the cave together, finding their way back to the ghost. Suddenly there's a crack of a stick and Rex freezes.
"Ani freeze! We aren't alone!" Rex gets into a battle stance, the wolf comes out of some bushes. Anakin also gets into a battle position, wishing that he had his lightsaber right now, even if he's unsure that he'd be able to use it in this form. Anakin knows one thing, this isn't going to end well.
Tagging: @captainrexisboo @ahsokatano-thetogruta @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
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Ok, my brain is still running a 100m/s after finishing Rebels, so this might get rambley. Or it might be super short idk.
Brain full; only thoughts, no words.
I find myself loving Rebels as much as I do Clone Wars -- which is wild to me because it's been a long time since I've so thoroughly enjoyed a show like this, let alone two at the same time. Three, if you count The Mandalorian! But I love them for very, very different reasons.
Rebels is truly about found family. It's about hope and determination and grit. It's about love and loss and how people move on despite -- or because -- of it. Rebels hits different than Clone Wars because the focus is more narrow, too. It's not about an entire galaxy at war -- it's about one particular band of people that decide to take a stand against insurmountable odds.
It helps too that the pacing and storylines are much smoother and more connected. This is largely because Rebels really lets you connect with the 10 or so primary characters by staying focused on them. There's a cohesive progression in both the characters' individual arcs and their interpersonal relationships with each other -- things that sometimes get jumbled or lost in the snapshot-like storytelling of Clone Wars.
This is likely an unpopular opinion, but I also feel like Kanan and Ezra are prime examples of what the Jedi should be -- just like Ahsoka. Their ability to form genuine attachments, to accept the loss of those attachments, to process their emotions in healthy ways, their empathy and compassion and drive to help others -- these are the things that make them strong. That make them good. They are balanced - grey - and imo, infinitely more interesting than any of the Jedi on the light side because of this.
And honestly, the found family dynamic is one of the best things about Rebels for me. Because it's about finding your own family, even if they're not blood related. But it doesn't completely throw away blood-ties, either. Ezra loves his parents just as much as he does Kanan and Hera. Hera and Sabine are both able to reconnect with family they long since believed they'd never see again. There's an emphasis on family being a choice that just really resonates with me.
There's forgiveness, too, and second chances. For Hera and Sabine and Ezra. Kallus and Rex and Kanan and Zeb. And they forgive themselves. They learn to let go, and that by letting go it's possible to heal.
I don't know there's just. So much about Rebels that hits the good spot, ya know?
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thedistantstorm · 4 years
Not Alone
AO3 link here.
A pre-Kalluzeb story: Post Zero Hour. Kallus sleeps. The Spectres do what they do best: look out for one another.
A weight settled on Garazeb Orrelios gradually. At least, it had, right up until the end, when Kallus slumped the last little bit against his shoulder as dead weight. Zeb did his best not to flinch, lest he wake the other man and peered down at him from a sharp angle. Definitely asleep. His breaths were slower than they were upon waking, and sounded thicker at the ends to someone like Zeb with (slightly) better-than-human hearing.
The galley was quiet, Ezra had been practicing his meditation in the open space across the way, and Sabine was with her clan, preparing for their trip back to her family's home. Kanan sat on the other side of Zeb, drinking some foul concoction of Jedi-tea that he for some reason enjoyed. He still complained about it, but had more than adjusted to the weird smell.
"Doesn't look like he's been sleeping," Kanan murmured. His voice is so soft, so careful, Zeb almost wondered if he'd said it right into his mind.
"I don't think 'e has," Zeb whispered back, as low as his voice will let him. "If I move him he'll wake up for sure."
"Better get comfy then," The Jedi chuckled, but Kanan wasn't sarcastic, just teasing. He placed a hand on Zeb's other shoulder. Squeezed reassuringly. These last few years since Ezra had come along had changed all of them. Sometimes Zeb was thrown by just how much. Kanan never used to be so tactile. "Comm me if you need anything, alright? "
"Yeah," Zeb said, plucking his comm link from his belt and placing it on the table in front of him. "Thanks."
Another squeeze and he was leaving. Kanan stepped quietly but his boots were still loud in the silence. Kallus didn't notice though. That was good. Very good, Zeb thought.
Four hyperspace jumps - by Chopper's request and Rex's hearty agreement - that took them across the galaxy and back had given them plenty of time to get the excess people who evacuated on the Ghost situated on the remaining larger transports at the first drop, then allowed them to separate to make any trailing Imperials' lives more difficult. Zeb had expected a fight to keep Kallus with them - or as close to a fight as one could get with the ridiculous number of passengers in such a small space - but Hera's concerns had been quelled by Ezra and Kanan with such surety Zeb was nearly touched. He wasn't afraid to vouch for the ex-Imperial, but for someone else to step in first definitely looked better for Kallus overall.
Kallus inhaled sharply, jolting him from his thoughts. Instinct took over and Zeb tried not to think about it, carefully nudging the man's injured leg up and onto the other side of the curved booth by extending his dexterous foot, ignoring the small groan of pain and sigh from the readjustment. Kallus's eyes didn't open, and Zeb counted himself lucky. Now, he had his back to Zeb's side. It worked well enough, but now his left arm was going numb. Tiny pinpricks sliced down his smallest finger, tingling up through his forearm.
But, considering the bruised man leaning against him, who probably hadn't slept in days, Zeb found he didn't mind. He'd taken thirty hours of hyperspace to utter more than a handful of words and three more after that to be coaxed into the galley to be somewhat triaged. Zeb had met Hera's eyes over a particularly boot shaped bruise to Kallus's flank. His ribs were broken for sure, but despite the pain Kallus had refused any medication. Hera had made it clear there was nothing noble about it, and Zeb had waved her off while Kallus's head was turned.
Zeb could relate. He'd felt similarly before, on this very ship. They - Kanan and Hera - had taken him on at his lowest point. He had struggled to have conversations, to adapt. He struggled not to find answers at the bottom of a bottle when they were planetside. Kallus was far more grounded, but at a cost. He had the eyes of a dead man, flat and devoid of light, affect muted. At least on the ice moon, Kallus displayed emotions. He wouldn’t have signalled them if he didn’t want to live, Zeb knew, but it would take a while for his rational mind to wrap around the fact that he deserved it.
Kanan lingered in the doorway to the galley, murmuring something to Hera down the hall, shaking his head shortly. No, she didn’t need to intervene. Yes, Zeb had things under control. He would absolutely let them know if either he or Kallus needed anything.
And then, softer still, “Survivor’s guilt is tricky. Give him time.”
Hera’s hummed, but her voice was warm with affection. “I know, love,” She murmured, standing on her toes to peek over Kanan’s shoulder into the galley. Zeb tried not to feel too embarrassed and failed miserably, but didn’t dare move. Kallus��s breathing was steady, the arm he’d braced over his own ribs seeming to help with the pain he no-doubt felt.
“Satisfied?” Kanan asked her.
She answered by pressing her lips to his cheek. “Not especially,” She murmured sarcastically as she pulled away. “I’d like to dunk him in bacta and drug him.”
“That makes two of us,” Zeb grunted, then cast a look at Ezra, meditating but likely still alert to his surroundings. “Now would you two go do whatever you do in your alone time and leave us be?”
Hera rolled her eyes. Kanan grinned. “I mean, I am going with Sabine,” Zeb heard him say as they descended down the hall. “Who knows when I’ll-”
Silence took over the room again, save for the louder than usual breaths of Kallus, the whirring of the life support system of the Ghost, and the dull roar of the transport ship barrelling through hyperspace. It was almost peaceful. Zeb did his best to tip his head back comfortably and drift, though his ears were stiff and alert.
He slipped back into his Honor-Guard mentality so easily. He didn’t need to seem at attention to be aware of the way Ezra’s breath hitched over some thought in his mind or the Force (Zeb could never be sure with either Jedi), or to hear the muffled rattle that suggested Chopper had docked in his charging cradle. He knew the exits and entry-points, could map it all out in his head, senses primed and ready to adjust and adapt. If someone came in from beside Ezra and spooked Kallus awake, he’d be able to reach a giant hand over and keep him down without letting him bash his shoulder or ribs on the table, but without truly restraining him.
Of course, he didn’t take into account how long he’d been awake, so when he woke up minutes, hours, some time later, he could only be thankful he’d done so before Kallus had woken up. It had been Ezra’s footsteps that did it, though he did have to give the kid credit for standing up nearly silently.
“He’s having a nightmare,” Ezra said softly to Zeb, his eyes shining with concern. “I can feel it.”
It made sense. Kallus’s forehead was pinched, and his upper body curled in on itself. Zeb exhaled and looked up to the young Jedi. “Can you do somethin’ about it?”
“Probably not without freaking him out more,” He said. “I don’t know that you can just order someone to stop having a bad dream with the Force anyways.”
That wasn’t a big help. “So what were you going to do then?”
“I was gonna wake you up,” Ezra said, like that was the solution to everything.
Zeb looked at Kallus, slumped against his side, head tilted towards his chest. He couldn’t see all of the human’s face at this angle, only part of the side of it. “And what was I going to do to help?” He asked.
That earned him a look. “How many times did you,y’know, help me with nightmares after Kanan took me in?”
Yellow-green eyes met blue. With sharp seriousness, Zeb whispered, “I have no idea what yer talking about.”
Ezra smiled. “Yeah, I know,” He said, fond. “Anyway, I’d suggest the same technique.”
By ‘same technique,’ Ezra meant the gentle shake and soft words that Zeb had (more than) once or twice used to coax a very young Ezra from dreamscapes of horror and anxiety about everything and anything, from the Empire and his parents to Kanan abandoning him, to their crew - their family - being killed by Stormtroopers, then Inquisitors, and finally, Vader. More importantly to Ezra, he’d never breathed a word about it. Never held it over Ezra’s head, no matter how much they fought in the beginning. And he’d continued to deny it, even after Kanan’s bond with his young padawan had strengthened enough to alert him to one of those nightmares and he’d stumbled into their shared quarters to find Zeb hushing the tiny Jedi, reminding him where he was, that he was safe.
It had taken him a long time for Ezra to understand his place, too. Hera really had a way of collecting misfits. Sabine had been much the same, but far more stoic.
It was good, though. They helped each other.
“Got this?”
“I think so,” Zeb answered Ezra with a curt nod. “Scram, kid. No witnesses.”
“You got it,” He saluted with a cheeky grin. “Take care of him.”
Zeb’s tiny smile curled his lips, showing off one single fang. “Yeah,” He said. “I will.”
Ezra crept quietly out of the galley and down the hall. He could hear the sharp gasp, felt the ice-cold wash of fear when Kallus woke from whatever terror he saw in his dreams. But he could also hear the low murmur of Zeb, knew without a doubt that the ferocious-seeming Lasat was combing his fingers through Kallus’s hair or stroking his arm, telling him in a rumbling purr that he was on the Ghost, he’d been asleep for about four hours now, that they’d have another two jumps before Yavin. He could go back to sleep, he was fine right where he was. That he’d survived Thrawn and the Empire. That he was one of them.
And Kallus was, Ezra knew.
Something shifted, on that ice moon. Something that had sent Kallus on a quest for truth. Ezra didn’t doubt for a minute that it had been Zeb. Zeb, who had kept an open mind, who respected and rewarded loyalty, bravery, and honor. Zeb, who hadn’t sold Kallus out after he’d been rescued.
It would take a long time for Kallus to feel like he belonged in the Rebellion, no matter how many lives he’d saved with his crazy, daring actions. His life as a model Imperial would haunt him for the rest of his days. Perhaps, Ezra thought, that penance was proof that he’d really turned towards the good.
But he wasn’t alone anymore. That wasn’t how things worked with the Spectres. They could handle a Fulcrum agent, too.
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