#he DOES go out to fight again but he does it for EZRA
antianakin · 8 months
I've decided that Rex isn't going to forgive Sabine within a timeline where the Ahsoka show happened. Like the MOMENT he hears that Thrawn is back and they have to fight in yet another war all over again all because Sabine was stupid and selfish, that's it for him. He's heard about Anakin at this point, he's gotten enough information to know that Anakin also made a really stupid, selfish choice and it led to the destruction of Rex's entire world. The Jedi gone, the clones enslaved, the Republic crushed. He knows where this kind of selfishness leads now and he's unwilling to stick around just hoping Sabine turns herself around faster than Anakin did. He's been betrayed enough in his life now to know what he's willing to forgive and what he isn't. And Sabine forcing them all to fix a problem they already had to lose people to fix the first time because she got a little lonely and refused to ask anybody for help isn't something he's willing to forgive.
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jedidruid · 3 months
Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age: Lightsabers and Blasters and the Jedi
If there's one concept I love to rotate around in my head, its the Jedi's use of lightsabers and how they rarely use blasters outside of very extreme or fringe situation.
Like, we know its a purposeful choice on their part. It's far far simpler to get good at shooting a gun than it would be to become a master sword fighter. Add the Force into the mix, and the Jedi would become even more deadly warriors in a galaxy where they're already among the best, if not the best.
Obi-wan's time undercover as Rako Hardeen shows that he's able to match the skill of someone know as the "Marksman of Concord Dawn" with little issue. Kanan and later Ezra show just how much of an edge the Force can give in a shoot-out. In the first episode of Rebels, we literally see Kanan drop three or four stormtroopers in rapid succession while driving a speeder bike. All when he's still actively disguising/holding back his connection to the Force. We even see examples of mixing blasters and lightsabers in the Jedi games, with Cere Junda using both at the end of Fallen Order and Cal developing his own style of it partway through Survivor.
Every time we've seen a Jedi pick up a blaster, they can easily match trained soldiers and experienced fighters.
It's easy, and that's arguably why we don't see more Jedi using them.
To be a Jedi, a blaster is a clumsy weapon not because it somehow inaccurate or unwieldy, but because it gives them too few options.
For a Jedi with just a blaster, the only way to defend themselves against other people with blasters is to shoot back. Sure they could try and shoot the weapons out of their opponents' hands, but even then they would have no way to defend themselves or others from numerous shooters, nor would it stop a disarmed enemy from grabbing another weapon and undoing the Jedi's progress.
For a Jedi with just a blaster, the best way, the safest way, to end the fight is always going to be to shoot to kill.
When a Jedi has a lightsaber, however, it gives them so much more flexibility. They can provide cover for their allies or those they are protecting, they can turn blaster bolts back on their aggressors to discourage them from attacking, they can more easily advance to nullify the main advantage of blasters or more easily retreat and escape from any pursers. That's not even mentioning all the practical uses a lightsaber has as a tool outside of combat.
And sure, it's not that blasters in and of themselves don't suit the Jedi way. Stun blasters or emp/electrial blasters could be useful if they suited the situation.
But again, it's not about whats optimal or easiest, its about what those options take away from the table.
If you see someone running towards you with a blaster, you might risk pulling out your own and shooting your way out, depending on how desperate you are. After all, if you are thinking your life could end at any moment on another's whim, it's becomes more enticing to take the initiate and put yourself on even ground.
But if you see someone with a lightsaber? Where the danger at range comes not from being shot, but from your own attacks being turned against you? It might make you hesitant to attack, more willing another way out of the situation, whether through surrender, fleeing, or talking things out.
Does it always work out this? No, of course not. Fear makes people act impulsively, recklessly. But at the very worst, it can make it easier for a Jedi to deescalated and take control of a fight, where a blaster might only escalate the situation beyond anyone's control.
All of this is not to mention how the use of blasters can affect a Jedi's mentality. Cere Junda and Cal Kestis both rely on blasters in their darkest moments, when Cere returns to the Fortress Inquisitorius and when Cal is pursuing someone who betrayed him and killed those he cared about. Ezra's switching to use a proper blaster instead of rebuilding his stunning blaster/saber combo marks a dangerous shift in his thinking.
After all, it's all so easy to shot and kill someone, you barely have to move or think. Aren't some enemies not worth the effort of using your lightsaber? Maybe they're so inconsequential they're not even worthy to die by the weapon of a Jedi... they're less than worthless, less than a real person, they need to get out of the way or be forced out of it, how dare they oppose you!?!?
... ... ...
A lightsaber is a Jedi's weapon because it reflects what a Jedi is.
A lightsaber can be as dangerous to its user as it can be to their opponents. It requires training, self discipline, a sense of purposefulness that a blaster simply doesn't. The Jedi know what happens when they seek a quick and easy path....
A self-imposed limitation. A defensive weapon. A purposeful weapon.
An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
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heyclickadee · 8 days
Okay, but what if Rex is hanging out in the desert with Gregor and Wolffe because he wins?
I know the fandom collectively decided that something awful must have happened and that the defeat forced into depressed retirement, but what if that’s not what happened? When Ezra tries pressing him into getting involved, his attitude isn’t, “It wasn’t worth it last time. You can’t fight this.” It’s, “I fought my war; this is my life now.” Wolffe is paranoid as hell and terrified of the Empire at first, sure, but Rex and Gregor aren’t; their attitude towards fighting off the ties is almost casual, like the idea of losing isn’t even an option. And when Kallus does make a direct threat and declares that he’s going to attack, Rex’s response isn’t, “Well, guess we should roll over, things went so badly last time,” it’s, “BRING IT, MOTHERFUCKERS!”
The thing about something bad happening and that being the thing that forced Rex to retire with his tail between his legs is that bad things have already happened. Order 66 happened. Rex lost his entire company and his way of life over the course of a few hours. He lost almost all of his men again in season three of TBB. And he’s still fighting. I’ve seen people speculate that maybe losing Echo is the thing that breaks his spirits, but—first, there’s nothing saying that Echo has to die, Echo can and should live to a ripe old age and I’m not pre-burying a character who I think should live; second, if the worst happened, losing Echo would just make Rex fight harder. Just like he has every time he’s lost so far. His goal, the war he’s currently fighting, is freeing the clones. I don’t see Rex—or Echo, for that matter—quitting until he succeeds. He’d die first. Since he’s definitely don’t dead by the time Rebels rolls around…maybe he did succeed, as much as he possibly could. The clones can’t overthrow the empire, but maybe they can break free of the power Palpatine has had over them for most of their lives. That’d be a real victory.
Rex seems pretty relaxed out there in his RV. He and the boys seem like they’re having fun just chilling and slinging for jupas. I’m hoping retirement out there is something he chose, rather than something he was forced into by failure and fear, just like rejoining the fight and helping the rebellion with the ghost crew was something he chose. There’s no reason it can’t be.
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gffa · 3 months
I made the mistake, after episode 7 of the acolyte, to look through the tags (I’ve given up on Reddit for sw discourse lol) and there are so many bad takes out there. It’s like people watched a different episode. I’m glad there are some good meta takes from people like you, or I’d be lost! I think nuance is dead in fandom and people just can’t see things as more than “Jedi Bad!” When there’s so much more nuance than that. Were the Jedi perfect? No! Of course not. That would be so boring. If all Jedi were always perfect, SW would be dull. It’s because they aren’t perfect that they are so compelling. That they try to do the right thing, even if it doesn’t always work out.
A quote that came to mind by Teddy Roosevelt: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
Anyways, thanks for your continued good meta and cultivating a nice pro-Jedi space!
Hi! I hear you, it can be tough going into the tags sometimes (and I've given up on both Reddit and Twitter for any kind of discussion, I just do not have the time/energy for that when sometimes I still have to fight for my life on Tumblr) but I will say that the best remedy I have for that is to start posting the content you want to see! It's so satisfying to write down your thoughts just to have fun in your own space, I don't need other people nearly so much because I'm having a great time just making myself laugh or cry over my faves or nerding out over worldbuilding. It's a bonus that I've collected a bunch of really great people around me, both ones I vibe with and ones who are chill when our vibes don't match and we disagree on stuff. I've been having an absolute joy of a time after episode 7 of The Acolyte because I've seen some great posts, I've had some hilarious conversations, etc. And part of that is just. Letting go of a lot of fandom. I'm a lot more relaxed about the Star Wars media I consume because it's not Lucas' Star Wars, I can take or leave it as I will and, most importantly, I don't need the Jedi to be perfect to be good. So much of my need for the Jedi to be perfect once upon a time came from that any little mistake they made, ones that were completely reasonable, ones that were simply just "didn't solve everyone's problems instantly", ones that were present in other characters who were allowed to just be instead of being raked over the coals for it, and how fandom would use those as a bludgeon against the Jedi. And that wasn't fun! So, instead, yeah, the Jedi are flawed, because any character ever is allowed to be flawed. The most cinnamon roll character ever is flawed and that's okay. Luke Skywalker is flawed. Padme Amidala is flawed. Bail Organa is flawed. Yoda is flawed. Obi-Wan Kenobi is flawed. Mace Windu is flawed. Ahsoka Tano is flawed. Leia Organa is flawed. Han Solo is flawed. Lando Calrissian is flawed. Ezra Bridger is flawed. Kanan Jarrus is flawed. Hera Syndulla is flawed. And on and on and on. If those characters can have flaws and be seen as good, well, then that's how I'm going to proceed with my Jedi faves, too. Oh, Mace wasn't bending over backwards to smile and be soft when he was having the worst day ever? That's what you're bringing me to show that he was bad actually? Babe, please, Luke started out as whiny and annoying and he's amazing, so Mace is amazing, too. The Jedi were in a no-win situation, not fighting would mean people would die, fighting meant compromising themselves, they had to make a choice, there was no third way out, there was no secret magical answer in Star Wars, so they did what they could to the best of their ability. And it's not on them to fix everything in the galaxy, they're peace-keepers who were drafted into a war, they're not the whole of the government, they're not there to be social service agents, that's not who they are or what they're equipped for. And yet they still tried to help whenever they could. Everyone fucks up sometimes and that's okay, it doesn't suddenly mean they're the real villain all along, because otherwise they would have to be literally be perfect to be "good" and that's just bad writing imo. Ultimately, just take a break from scrolling through the tags if you can and join me in writing your own stuff, it's hard at first to get the words to come out the way you want them to, but with some time and energy put into it, I've found it to be so much more rewarding. <3
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bberry005 · 4 months
thinking way too hard about this page from kanan: the last padawan and how much it shows about him as a character during rebels and also how that relates to ezra and their sacrifices at the end of the show
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it's clear from the first episode of rebels that kanan has no qualms about attachment in general, which is a stark difference from most of the other jedi that we see. he cares freely and openly and deeply about all the members of the ghost crew. he might care too much at the beginning, but that's part of his journey as a jedi that we see throughout the show.
"you must not grow too attached, too fond, too in love with life as it is now" is a fundamental thing that kanan must remember during season 2 of rebels. because he DID become too attached to his life as it was with the ghost crew running around lothal, and when they join up with the larger rebel fleet, he doesn't like it and dislikes how things are changing. he has to relearn the ability to adapt and change before he's declared a jedi knight in the season 2 finale.
part of being a jedi is loving enough to know when it's time to go, which is something that kanan mastered. he and ezra leave at the end of season 2 to protect the rest of the rebellion, he teaches ezra to let sabine go with her family on mandalore, he helps hera reconcile with her past on ryloth. through love and attachment, kanan also learned sacrifice. he lost everything as he became kanan jarrus instead of caleb dume. he was forced to leave behind all the attachments of his former life in order to survive. he didn't learn to do that necessarily, he was forced into it out of necessity, which is very different than him consciously learning how to let go during rebels.
in rebels, kanan leaves by choice. in season 2, he knows that leaving is necessary to the survival of the rebellion. in season 4, he's standing on top of the fuel tank and holding back the explosion and he probably wants nothing more than to try and go with hera, ezra, and sabine. because that's his FAMILY. he loves them more than anything, but he knows that if he does not let go, they will not survive.
so he does. he sees them one last time, and then he lets them go and sacrifices himself to save them all, and in a way, this was the last lesson he ever taught ezra
its no secret that their sacrifices were meant to mirror each other, but here's the images again for reference
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in his final moments, kanan teaches ezra about sacrifice. yes, you must love and feel and experience life, but to be a jedi knight, you must be able to master those feelings and do what you must for the greater good. in his actions, kanan was essentially repeating what depa told him when he was a padawan. "you must not grow too attached, too fond, too in love with life as it is now. those emotions are valuable and must not be surpressed, but you must learn to rule them lest they rule you". ezra fully learns that lesson during "the world between worlds" when he leaves the memory of kanan's death behind in the world between worlds and learns to stop his attachment from going too far.
and also like...kanan's life had FINALLY worked out when he died. hera just said that she loved him, they're back on lothal ready to free their home from the empire, he's figured out this whole jedi thing, and he may or may not know that hera is pregnant with their child depending on your interpretation. but he must let go. he cannot let his love and attachment stop him from doing what must be done for the greater good. he saves them, but he also leads to the empire blowing up their own fuel depot, which is the only reason the rebels can take back lothal. he put his purpose (saving the galaxy) over his feelings (because there was definitely a part of him screaming to go with his family, but he was able to control it in order to see the bigger picture)
the jedi fight for peace and the greater good, which at it's core requires immense selflessness and sacrifice and a clear head acting on logic rather than emotion. kanan and ezra were learning that together throughout the whole show, and one last time, kanan teaches ezra a jedi lesson that he finally figured out through trying to guide ezra through it
"but remember, caleb, the galaxy is far from static, and as it changes, a jedi's role in it too must evolve." jedi were keepers of the peace, then they were generals, then they were scattered teenagers who didn't know what to do in the wake of order 66, and now? now they are rebel fighters, once again getting at the heart of what it is to be a jedi. to be a jedi is to love, to sacrifice, to keep the peace. kanan and ezra show why jedi are KNIGHTS and not diplomats. they fight for peace, but they know it is just that: a bloody, brutal, violent fight, and that those fights require sacrifice in order to keep going. they both embody luthen's line from andor where he says "i burn my life for a sunrise i will never get to see", which is also a perfect way to think about why the jedi fight for peace. they really believe in it, and are willing to lay down their lives to make a peace that will never be achieved in their lifetimes.
(what's also crazy is that in this episode, we're essentially shown that kanan jarrus has found caleb dume again and therefore reconnected with his jedi past but that's a post for a whole other day)
i have so many feelings about this that basically boil down to: rebels is so well written and so underrated and kanan and ezra teach us far more about what the ideal jedi should be than any of the skywalker saga main characters (WHICH IS A VERY HOT TAKE I KNOW but it's my take)
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
askposting except its just one ask that was 924 words long
which i think is internet-jesus getting me back for the obscenely long ao3 comments i leave LOL
(also for the sake of my own screenshots im not. putting the whole paragraphs of text in but i did read them!!!)
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@thedynamicworm thank u!!! ur idea of them meeting on coruscant is fun but leia doesn't sneak away on any missions!! she may have her father's inability to follow orders, but she knows where to draw the line and draws it pretty solidly at "things that will get me killed and/or grounded for a year". she sticks to tatooine and rebellion bases and the few planets her family takes her to for jedi training or little trips!
the closest she gets to meeting luke before age 15 is thru force dreams and the like
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gaslight girlboss gatekeeping! Padme is VERY quiet about Luke's birth for the first few months (is just on Naboo w her family) and 1. pretends Luke was the result of a secret Naboo husband and 2. manages to hide when his birthday is so it looks a Bit Less Suspect. the handmaidens create this insane papertrail so convincing that Palps, had he not known otherwise, probs would've fallen for loll.
so deep down he does sorta know that Luke's Anakin's son, however comma he can't prove it for shit and Padmé never lets him get close enough to try prove it loll. + he can't rlly openly act against such a popular senator so theyre essentially fighting a shadow cold war
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Luke meets Rex (eventually)!!! the closest there ever would be to codywan would be Obi-wan wistfully staring at his commander like he's in a period drama remembering before remembering he's not a hussy and thats forbidden lol. cody's just up to his canon shit unfortunately ):
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same as canon, being a spiteful bastard, yelling kenOOOBIIII, and blinding dilfs <3
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again same as canon (or potes-brand-canon) lolll she's out there vibing w quinlan!!!
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they meet after the reunion when Padmé and Luke are staying on a rebel base w the Skywalkers and the Ghost fam visits! Ezra obvs goes to see his bestie Leia and she's like EZRA I HAVE A BROTHER NOW MEET MY BROTHER HIS NAME IS LUKE ISN'T IT COOL I HAVE A BROTHER and with a very fifteen-year-old twinge of worry that he's going to be replaced, Ezra goes to meet Luke. and the twinge of worry is replaced with a twinge of "oh no i'm gay" bc wow ok. he's cute. are people allowed to be this cute??
Luke's first opinion is "wow this guy's cool! and he has um... very uh... mm facial structure" the former of which is definitely ruined when Ezra does some stupid shit like 3/4 of a backflip and eats shit on the hangar floor
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
ello ello ello!
i am looking for fics where, human or not, crowley and azi grow up being together being friends and turns to lovers ! thank you for your blessed job <3
Hi! We have #childhood friends and #friends to lovers tags, so check those out. Here are some to add to the collections...
Stronger Than Hurt by TawnyOwl95 (E)
Everything changed the summer that Crowley fell off the Eastgate's garage roof and broke his arm. Fourteen years later he stood outside a tattoo shop with a picture of the drawing Aziraphale Eastgate had done on his cast, and hoped for a second chance.
Christmas light by Tigerphoenix (T)
After years of neither hearing form his father nor sibling Crowley is convinced to return to his childhood home. He knew from the start it wasn’t a good idea, but he did it anyway. Maybe something good comes out of it. Aziraphale returns home to his family home every year for Christmas. But Christmas with nine people is exhausting. Nothing wrong with some time alone, right?
I scorn to change my state with kings by bearwonder (T)
They’d seem an unlikely pair, if anyone saw them from the outside — Crowley in black skinny jeans and Aziraphale in beige corduroys — but no one does, and that’s just how they want it. Crowley and Aziraphale meet in kindergarten. This is the story of their lives.
What About Hope? by AppleSeeds (M)
Crowley met Aziraphale in the spring of 1989 while he was on his lunchbreak from the factory, his attention immediately drawn to the posh boy sitting by the canal writing poetry. It was immediately obvious that they came from entirely different worlds, but the time they spent together was the happiest Crowley had ever known. With Aziraphale, Crowley experienced many firsts - his first kiss, his first love... his first heartbreak. Twenty years later, they are reunited when Crowley, now a successful writer and vlogger, comes to work as an Associate Lecturer in the university department where Aziraphale is an academic. Seeing Crowley brings back Aziraphale's intense regret for allowing himself to be persuaded to leave him behind all those years ago. Aziraphale desperately wishes to renew their acquaintance, but Crowley seems determined to keep his distance. Aziraphale can't blame him for not forgiving him, since he has never been able to forgive himself, but when Crowley begins to spend more time with him, Aziraphale is left with the hope that maybe they could at least be friends again - no matter how much it might hurt.
And a Silver Sixpence in His Shoe by smolalienbee (T)
If there is one thing to be said about Aziraphale Z. Fell is that he leads an ordinary, quiet life. He lives in Soho, London, above an old bookshop that he’s been fortunate enough to inherit in his late twenties. He likes sushi and good wine. He has a few friends - like Nina, who works at the coffee shop across the street; or Maggie, who runs the record store that he takes an absolute pleasure in frequently purchasing from. (He’s lonely. Terribly so. He’s been lonely for about ten years now, since - he does not want to think about that.) Today is his 35th birthday. At age 15, Aziraphale made a Promise. At age 25, he had an Earth-shattering fight with his childhood - and closest - friend. At age 35, that same friend shows up at his doorstep and suddenly, Aziraphale’s entire world is thrown upside down. A story of something unexpected, something old, something yellow, something stolen, something new and something promised. (It’s going to be a long week.)
Dancing in the Dark by Demonicputto (T)
In search of inspiration for his next album, rock musician Tony Jay is headed to London. It's not the atmosphere he's after, but a reunion with Ezra Fell, his dearest friend from childhood. A one sided, adolescent crush fueled Tony's first songs and, now that they're both older, he's hoping those feelings might finally be requited. But, Ezra may not be ready for that. In his eyes, their relationship is far more complicated. Unlike Tony, he remembers who they truly are: the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale.
- Mod D
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lux-ishii · 1 year
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Storytelling Analysis (I guess?) I shared this thought with Dinbo Server but thought why not elaborate further? Personally, I think this frame is the moment Bo-Katan realized Din is her ride-or-die (or even a crush). They were specifically arguing about going to the mines, where her stance was that it was just a waste of time and they should get back. However, Din insists on going there without her. What Bo does? A total 180 turn saying she will take him there.
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So Bo gives him a trip not only to the mines but also to her own past as a Mandalorian Princess. Specifically mentioning her father, for the first time ever, something she hasn't done in The Clone Wars or even Rebels, where she has been treated with all the honors her Clan once had, as they referred to her "Lady Bo-Katan Kryze" when brief history facts were dropped at unaware Ezra.
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DO YOU SEE WHO LOOKS AT HER WHEN SHE MENTIONS HER FATHER LOOKING AT HER PROUDLY? All I'm gonna say is that Cinematic Design regarding storytelling this season is INSANE. Each frame, move, pose, and EVERYTHING has its purpose in the further symbolism of how things develop.
Later in this scene, Bo is really sarcastic about the whole ceremony referring to it as "Such a heart-warming spectacle", which Din mistakenly takes as her mocking her father.
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We all know what happens next, but something always felt odd about it to me.
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The thing is... Bo barely said anything, just that he made her take The Creed she later broke. So where does the "interesting" part comes from? Of course, Din might be curious to meet someone who ruled Mandalore in its glory, but I think the root of it goes back to the Mandalorian culture, and what Din himself experiences:
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You see, the best measure to judge Bo's father is to look at her. And it's safe to say Din IS impressed by her, not only in skills but also with her personality. If he hated her and didn't care about her he would never take her to his covert. In a recent episode, they highlighted how secretive they are about their place, it was almost sacred not to reveal the location. Yet he took her there, despite her different beliefs.
So I think Din is saying that, because he admires Bo as a warrior, and she is the result of how her father raised her. It means her father was a great person Din himself could learn from. It's quite important knowing, that Din is the father to Grogu now, so how he will raise him, depends on who Grogu will become. Bo later revealed even more admiration for her father, calling him great. (Or even comparing Din to him when Grogu had his first fight.) THIS IS NOT A COINCIDENCE, BELIEVE ME.
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Din goes as far as showing the biggest form of respect he knows to this man who not only raised someone like Bo, but also died like a warrior.
However, the whole thing leaves Bo-Katan... puzzled?
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She really doesn't know what to say, how to respond, until Din leaves her behind with Grogu.
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I know she kinda was harsh to Grogu here, BUT it's the same kind of response someone would say if they were caught blushing. You see, I think Bo's (and maybe Din's too) emotions were SO strong Grogu could feel them in the force. He knows what's going on, and Bo was caught red-handed. Now look at this:
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"They loved watching the princess recite the Mandalorian tenets as her father looked on proudly." Bo definitely was touched by his devotion to the creed. It sparked something in her, and she did exchange a proud look towards Din with Grogu. The devil is in the details, Bo was now in the position her father once was, which we know of because of her previous confession. It all was in a way foreshadowed to us.
Leter, without thinking Bo jumps to save Din's life again, which led her to discover a mythosaur. This is only my opinion, but I do think the storytelling between them is written really well this season, and it may be the best relationship build-up in Star Wars live-action media in years depending on how they will go with it later.
Going as far as doing psychological parallels between Din and Bo's father, something we as humans do and look for unsubcounciouslly in our romantic interests (the reason why Daddy Issues are such a big problem if the father figure was absent/bad) means that now everything matters like I said in the beginning. Frames, moves, words... it's all part of the bigger picture. The Mandalorian Writers really do build up whatever is happening between them. It's not out of the bat, I've rewatched Season 2 to see how Bo and Din interacted there, and the natural progression of turning distrust to trust was there. They have both been thru a lot, and it really feels like together, they will be stronger.
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brujitaadinbo · 20 days
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I've been picking up some Tolkien reading again; I am a fan of his writing and I remembered some verses from the most beautiful love story for me in the entire Tolkien universe; after Faramir and Eowyn, the story of Luthien and Beren; a story that crosses all barriers for love.
So when I go back to the story of both characters; How Luthien's love for Beren is so strong (and it's a two-way connection) When Beren falls into the clutches of her captors, Luthien fights with all her might, against everyone who held her and was against her love for Beren, even her father.
How to reach your loved one to save him.
Somehow it made me remember this point and relate it to another universe that I love (and I don't care what other people say) star wars
SW has a lot of Tolkien and it is evident that its female characters exude strength, especially if the fight is for someone or something they love.
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When this universe begins with episodes 4, 5 and 6 Leia develops this complicated relationship with Han, but love somehow unites them, thanks to strength and destiny.
She ends up rescuing him even when she is also captured, but her feelings make her throw herself into danger for him
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Later, on another SW bridge, one of my favorite couples in this universe develops within the conflict. Kanan and Hera; a couple that I believe is one of the healthiest and best developed. Love was always his hook and compass
When he ends up being captured, Hera does not hesitate at any time to go to his rescue, convincing the entire gang that "just because they are family"
Actually; You could see Hera's need to go rescue her boy. And when she is captured, Kanan does not hesitate to find her and save her.
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After; My favorite shipment appears and what I love most recently. A pair of stubborn and deluded Mandalorians, who don't know how to interact in this matter of feelings, but who unconsciously help and support each other. Bo Katan no longer wanted to know anything about this man with silver beskar, he was already resigned, but love seems to have other plans for them.
The force moved its pieces and destiny helped in this play. Din Djarin almost ended up saying goodbye to this universe but Grogu went in search of the most trustworthy person and the one he knew would help them, because Bo has a special affection for that green boy and a stronger feeling for his Mandalorian father.
And he throws himself against the danger and pain of memories and seeing Mandalore fallen. And it continues like this on constant occasions when she is able to save him and keep him safe. This is how they show affection to each other and this is how he swears that he will be close to her.
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And finally; the couple that no one understands and that many do not support (but I don't give a damn, the fandom of this shipment exists and we agree that they are very good at being together) Separated by conflict and circumstance; The force has different ways of acting, but that does not mean that mutual feelings disappear, especially if destiny brings them closer again. Sabine and Ezra are in a constant struggle, even with their own feelings, but even when he is far away, she never stops thinking about him.
When the promises made are there, she sets out to fulfill them and see him again, make him come home. Leaving aside everything and sacrificing the safety of an entire galaxy; a selfish impulse but that can only be done out of desperation to have it close, love sometimes makes you act unconsciously.
The only thing you can do is let yourself go. Being captured is the only way to get to him. And that's how they find each other, they manage to see each other, even when they have to separate again.
Luthien and Beren's story is similar to many of these stories of the couples I love in SW We can agree that light, love, strength and destiny are always there to cross your paths. And they will manage to love each other (or already did) or be together in their own way.
This is the way.
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gavfleetout · 4 months
Rewatching Ahsoka so I’m back in this tangent again, but how did such a large portion of the internet come up with a better theory about Ezra and Thrawn that understood both the characters and storytelling better than the actual writers of the show?
And hold tight cuz there’s gonna be some math.
According to wookieepedia, the average Imperial Star Destroyer has a crew of 37,000 so even assuming half of the crew died before or during arrival to the new galaxy, that still leaves Thrawn in command of around 18,000 men.
And the in canon explanation of Thrawn is that he supports the empire because he believes military buildup is necessary to protect the galaxy from a larger inter-galactic threat, and therefore protect his home people. Thats why he sends Eli Vanto to the Chiss, because he doesn’t support the empire because it’s the empire, he supports it as a means to an end. So why, when the empire is destroyed, would he try to rebuild it? In legends, there is a sizable imperial remnant so it makes sense he’s still fighting for them, as they still have a chance, but the empire in this version does not.
And yes, Thrawn had no way to know that, considering he was gone for ten years. Which leads me to my next point. Thrawn was on a lawless planet with at the smallest around 18,000 men, and he did what exactly? According tot he show he did nothing. And yeah, surviving and waiting for rescue is a good idea for a year or two, but you’re telling me Thrawn just sat idly by for a decade doing nothing? He didn’t try to go home, and when that failed try to build up a new force in this new galaxy? This is a lawless land, so unite it. Brings the roaming groups under his control and have him build up a new empire with the goal of protecting the galaxy. Maybe there ae factions amongst his 18,000 men, maybe Thrawn leadership so challenged, so many stories and possibilities can occur over the years, and instead the show runners when either stagnation.
Ezra was beloved by many to be working with Thrawn, and while I don’t think he would initially, I can see it happening. Thrawn could use Annie’s power, and Ezra would like to make sure that Thrawn new empire or method of operations are ethical. And if all Thrawn actions are motivated by protecting his home from a broader threat, Ezra can sympathize with that at the very least. Them working together wouldn’t be instantaneous, but it’s been TEN Years, people change, and so do situations.
How devastating would it be for Sabine to show up and find out her brother is working with Thrawn? That her plans of rescue aren’t needed, because Ezra and then need to protect the galaxy from a much larger threat.
Remember that scene in episode 7, where Sabine catches him up on all that’s happened and he’s like whoa I missed a lot. Well he should have the same scene. He should have been doing things not become a meaningless hermit who stagnates for ten years until he can reappear into the narrative. Even if he’s not with Thrawn, okay, why hasn’t the been fighting Thrawn?
Thrawn and Ezra don’t have to work together, sure, but they should be doing SOMETHING. They had this group of interesting characters left to their own devices for the years, they could have done anything with them, and instead they just did nothing.
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antianakin · 2 months
Guy with no plans to ever watch the Ahsoka show here. Is it ever explained how Anakin was able to show up inside the World Between Worlds?
The short answer is: No. It isn't.
The long answer is that it's written very ambiguously and so you could interpret the scene a few different ways, one of which is that this ISN'T the real World Between Worlds at all.
For context since you haven't seen the show, Ahsoka gets injured in a fight and is then tossed off a cliff into the water below. We never see her land in the water, but the next thing we know, she's "waking up" in the World Between Worlds and Anakin is there. Anakin keeps telling her to "choose to live" and we ultimately figure out that Ahsoka has presumably been IN THE WATER this whole time because Chopper manages to sense her and he and Hera pinpoint her location which ends up being in the water somewhere and they pull her out. Ahsoka ultimately wakes up after being rescued from the water and "leaves" the World Between Worlds and we never see it again in the show, but she does see Anakin's Force ghost later on after she travels to the other galaxy.
So while you COULD choose to interpret it as the real World Between Worlds, it seems kind-of unlikely to me that it was meant to be the real World Between Worlds, given that it never seems to work quite the way it did in Rebels. In Rebels, Ezra has to go through a whole sort-of puzzle with the paintings on the wall of the old Jedi Temple in Lothal in order to open that particular door. Palpatine can't get into it until Ezra gets in there to open the door FOR HIM, and Ezra and Ahsoka have to physically run away and jump through their respective portals in order to get out of it. But in the Ahsoka show, we never even see a real door anywhere that she could've potentially entered and exited through, she's just... floating under the water, and doesn't even seem to have entered it of her own choice. Rebels also never indicates that if you went through the portals that you would be stuck in your old body somehow. Also the Anakin that Ahsoka is interacting with after she goes through the portals often seems to know things he shouldn't rather than actually acting like the version that would've existed in that time. There's also a sort-of... dream-like quality to the visuals when she's in the "flashbacks" that would indicate she hasn't REALLY traveled back in time at all.
My personal interpretation is that the entire thing is a Force vision that happens to have taken the SHAPE of the World Between Worlds and nothing else. There are two ways you can take this interpretation.
The first is that it's a Force vision intentionally sort-of... created and given to her by Anakin. What we see is in fact the real Anakin just... via the Force since he's a ghost, and using the concept of the World Between Worlds to send her whatever message he's trying to send her and help her make sense of what's happening. When she sees Anakin later on, it's an indication that he's been watching over her the whole time, which is why he chose to step in when she was drowning to try to help her.
My issue with this interpretation is that Anakin is really... dismissive and insensitive towards Ahsoka, he's rough and almost cruel in the way that he pushes her to get over a trauma that HE CAUSED HER IN THE FIRST PLACE. And I just find it pretty difficult to believe that this is intended to be the real "redeemed" version of Anakin post-ROTJ and that he's still treating Ahsoka like crap. And despite being literally one with the Force and presumably having access to at least Yoda (who we know from the Sequels remains a Ghost for decades), he's still the galaxy's shittiest teacher. And while I'll never be Anakin's biggest fan, it feels really disappointing to finally get to spend time with "redeemed" Anakin and he's somehow just as awful a person as he used to be and hasn't improved at all.
The version I prefer is that the entire thing is just in Ahsoka's head. It's NOT really Anakin that she's seeing or speaking to, but just... an image her mind has created to deal with the issues she's got. This is a Force vision of sorts that Ahsoka has conjured in what could be her final moments, confronting herself and her feelings in a more direct way than she's ever been able to do, having to literally FACE her conflicted feelings in the shape of Anakin as she knew him but flickering in and out with Vader. When she's speaking to Anakin in the vision, she is effectively just speaking to herself, and the whole sequence is just a visual manifestation of the emotional turmoil Ahsoka's been going through since she first sensed Anakin in Rebels and began to understand the truth of what he'd done and become.
For me, this explains why Anakin is sort-of still a shit teacher, still dismissive and insensitive and cruel sometimes. In many ways, THIS IS HOW SHE REMEMBERS HIM. This is how he used to be when she DID know him. He was a cocky 20 year old with secrets who often dismissed the consequences of his own actions as just... necessary to achieve a particular end. And she might even be exaggerating that aspect of him because she's trying to figure out how the person she knew could've become Darth Vader, so of course he's going to come off maybe a little MORE insensitive and dismissive than he used to when she's FOCUSING on his faults above everything else.
The other thing that works better for me in this interpretation is that there's this whole weird thing in that episode where they look at how Ahsoka was being trained to be more of a soldier than a Jedi and how Ahsoka worries about that because she doesn't think she'll ever have anything to offer to a student other than how to fight. The emphasis is that Anakin training her to be a soldier was ultimately a GOOD thing and helped her to survive, but that it wasn't the ONLY thing Anakin taught her or the only thing that defines either of them.
For me, this seems like a weirdly arrogant thing for Anakin to use in his argument if we assume he's the one controlling the vision and that it's really him. But if it's Ahsoka controlling it and dealing with her own emotions, it makes more sense. Anakin is behaving insensitively because she's focusing on his flaws, but her subconscious is reminding her of the ways in which he DID train her well, and the things that she can use to continue to view Anakin and her apprenticeship under him positively. She can convince herself that Anakin taught her to be a good soldier above being a good Jedi because he cared about her and wanted to protect her, and that the care is the most important lesson he taught her, one that Anakin may not have even realized he was passing on to her. This matches up VERY nicely with the scene later on where she trains with the old holograms Anakin made her to help with her lightsaber training when they were apart during the war and she uses these to finally decide that Anakin was a "good master."
In this interpretation, Anakin showing up as a ghost in the final scene of the show when they're in another galaxy DOES prove he's been watching over her the whole time, but it's more akin to the way Qui-Gon shows up in the Kenobi show. Obi-Wan can only SEE Qui-Gon after he's made his peace with what happened to him and found balance again. Ahsoka's subconscious may have used Anakin's image when she was dying, but it was never the real Anakin. But now that she's dealt with her conflict over her history with Anakin, she can see the real version of him. The ghost is also dressed differently to the version in the vision. In the vision, he looks a lot like we see him in TCW season 7 (as well as portions of ROTS) with the shorter dark tunic and leathers. But as a ghost, he looks more like the version that shows up in the remastered ROTJ scene, wearing the Jedi cloak again, which makes him look more gentle, at peace, and like a Jedi Master.
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both struggle with the inability to understand WHY Anakin did the things he did and what this ultimately says about them. Obi-Wan feels like he failed Anakin and, as a result, failed the Jedi Order and the Republic and the rest of the galaxy. Ahsoka worries that she could BECOME Anakin in the future and that anyone she tries to train would also ultimately end up becoming Anakin in the future. Obi-Wan is able to move forward by accepting that Anakin made his own choices, and that just because Obi-Wan doesn't know or understand what why he made them doesn't mean Obi-Wan is RESPONSIBLE for them. Ahsoka moves forward by deciding that his reasons don't matter because Anakin was ultimately a good person and it must have been his destiny to do those things, so she should just not worry about becoming Anakin because whether it's her destiny or not, she can't do anything to change it anyway and she'd rather care so much that she destroys the galaxy than not care at all.
But regardless of how they each get there, both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka make some sort of peace with Anakin's choices and this allows them to see the ghost of their former masters watching over them.
Obviously take all of these interpretations with a grain of salt, but I do not personally believe that the "real" Anakin ever ended up in the "real" World Between Worlds in the Ahsoka show. There's nothing in the show that ever really indicates that he does.
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ebxx456 · 11 months
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Daddy’s little girl part 2
(part one here^)
Same warnings apply
This one is going to have a lot more plot to it as I really enjoy writing it. Sorry if that’s not your thing. I promise there will still be smutty filth though. If you just want the smutty bit it is at the end bit fyi.
Also your mothers name is Claire and your fathers is Joseph.
Angry. You went straight to your closet. If you weren’t desperate earlier then god knows what you are now.
You were so close to your fantasy. His dick was literally in your hand. But no he turned you away. He got you all riled up and then took that release away from you.
You weren’t a needy girl. You’d never begged for something a day in your life. Until today.
So now you knew he had to pay. Call you childish? But you were just that angry.
Yet there was nothing you could do. Or was there?
You decided to make it your mission to make him beg for you. To be on his knees in despair.
You pulled out the best dress you had. It was black, and low at the front. Not too short but it hugged your figure as though it were spandex.
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(I imagine something like that^)
You were a confident girl on the outside. You wore skimpy outfits and didn’t hide your body. But every girl in the world is insecure. You can always be thinner. Look better.
However a girl can never let a man see their insecurities, oh no, you have to be confident, sexy, gorgeous.
You knew your father would go absolutely crazy at the sight of your very tight dress and see through tights. And hopefully your daddy would go crazy too. But not in the same way obviously.
You wanted him to need you. Just like you needed him.
You curled your hair in a soft blowout style and did your makeup to accentuate your features. Especially your eyes. You wanted to achieve the perfect doe eyes that would have any man crumbing. You already had sex eyes according to Maya, ones of a perfect porn star. Yet you just had to make them even more lustful.
And you achieved that. Your lips so soft and juicy as you coated them in your favourite lip liner and a shimmery Kiko lip gloss.
Then you decorated the outfit by adding a gold necklace and matching hoops on your ears.
You looked perfect.
I felt bad for the way I practically kicked the girl out of my room. But I couldn’t fight away the temptations around her. Heck I already gave in.
I managed to put a stop to it, but not before she had her hand wrapped around my cock. Fuck I was going to get hard again just by thinking about it.
Why was the girl getting to me so much?
She’s my best friends daughter, it’s so wrong.
But if it’s so wrong then why did it feel so right?
Maybe I was just going crazy since the divorce. Being cheated on does things to a person. Like I told the girl, we weren’t in love anymore, but it still hurts.
Maybe it’s just the fact that I haven’t had sex in a year. Not having sex does things to a person too. But then she hadn’t had sex with anyone.
She was a prized possession. I wanted to be the first one to claim her. To make her feel good. To make her mine and only mine.
As you made your way back down the stairs you were greeted by your mother.
“Oh you look gorgeous y/n.”
“Thank you mommy, you look beautiful too.” You replied as you hugged the woman that natured you. You began to realise the repercussions of your mission. How your mother would be absolutely devastated to find her daughter obsessed with a man older than her father, but it was only by one year.
You shook your doubt aside and put your neediness first.
“Everyone is in the living room sweetie, Ezra’s friend from college is joining us also.” Your mother told you as she guided you to the living room.
Hayden’s head practically shot up at the site of you, alerting everyone that you had entered the room.
You made your way towards your brother as he embraced you in a hug.
“How you doing squirt.” He teased as you pushed him slightly.
“Hey Brooke.” You muttered with a small wave to the blonde girl you’d met previously. She smiled back and said hello.
“Josh, this is my little sister y/n.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” You nodded at the boy. He smiled and greeted you. You were quick to realise he had an attraction to you. Something that you would most likely use to your advantage. If you weren’t so obsessed with the man standing next to your father, you would have found this boy some what attractive. But now all you had eyes for was Hayden.
“Y/n, what are you wearing?” Your father’s voice boomed turning your attention away from gazing at the man next to him.
“A dress.”
“Says who?”
“Calvin klein” you replied with a small smirk towards the tall figure.
“It looks like underwear, go upstairs and put something over it.”
“Duh I was just going to.” you sighed as you left the room and came back with practically a see through shirt over your shoulders. (Sorry for the clueless dialogue but I just had to.)
You were quick to realise Hayden’s outfit. He had a suit on. He looked fucking memorising.
Calm down y/n.
As y/n walked through the door, I practically had to pick up my jaw from the floor. She looked stunning. There was no way I could resist myself if she tried anything.
But I did have to try, if not for my own sanity then for the man standing next to me. I couldn’t allow myself to get sucked into her memorising ways.
I watched as she greeted everyone in the room except from me and her father. The way she was so polite and mature. Maybe age is just a number.
“You’re not seriously going to let her out like that, are you?”
The second the words left my mouth, I knew I overstepped. Why was I getting so possessive, my newfound obsession only started earlier today.
I didn’t even want anyone to look at her.
Calm down Hayden.
“Ok. Let’s go before your father makes you change completely.” Your mother muttered as you made your way to the driveway.
Ezra would take Brooke and Josh in his car leaving your mother,father and Hayden in the other.
You had a choice. Which car?
You knew no one else would find your decision weird apart from Hayden. If you drove with them he might think your were desperate. But if you didn’t drive with them he might think you were trying to prove something.
And the fact is, you were desperate. So you chose driving with him.
As your mother and father climbed into the front seats, you watched as Hayden opened the door for you. God what a gentleman.
“After you.”
“Thank you,” you said as you came up close before whispering your final word into his ear. “Daddy.”
The drive was already feeling long and it had only been a matter of minutes. The only gap between you and your conquest was the middle seat of the car which had been occupied by his hand.
His hand. His hand that could fit two of yours inside it. Large, coarse. You bet they would feel so good inside of you.
You readjusted slightly as you regretted your decision to go commando. You were definitely going to have soaked thighs by the end of the night.
Oh but that hand. Your mind ran wild as your pictured it yanking your hair whilst your mouth sucked him off.
You couldn’t control yourself as you too put your hand onto the middle seat, slightly brushing against his.
He was quick to pull his away as he took off his coat jacket. Were you making him hot and sweaty all ready? You had barely even started his torture.
He placed his jacket down on top of your hand that still lay in the middle seat. Then he slid his hand underneath it, quickly grasping yours tightly. Your fingers locking against each other.
Oh. It was a cover. Clever man.
You turned your head and looked at him with longing eyes. His met your own.
But this time your pussy didn’t drip, instead your stomach filled with butterflies. You thought this was only lust? But was it just the beginning of something more?
His fingers traced circles on your palm as you finally pulled your eyes away from his.
You closed your eyes for just a second, relaxing in your seat, finding comfort in his touch.
I knew it was wrong the second I took my jacket off. Touching even her hand in the same car as her father? Who was I turning into.
It was just lust. It was pure sexual attraction.
So then why did I feel my heart beating so heavily at the touch of her hand.
She fell asleep. And god she looked so beautiful as she slept. She was an angel.
As we finally reached the restaurant I quickly peeled my hand away.
“Oh bless my baby, she’s fallen asleep.” Claire said as she looked at the fallen angel next to me.
“For fucks sake.” Joe sighed as he shook his head and began getting out the car.
He tossed me the keys as I caught them quickly.
“Wake her up and meet us inside Hayden, she hates being woken up, have fun.” He tutted as Claire frowned and followed her husband out of the car.
I waited until they were in the doors of the restaurant before I began to wake her up. I wasn’t trying to hide anything but she looked so peaceful that I just didn’t want to do it.
I ran my hand up her leg softly and looked towards her. “Wake up baby.” I then said shaking her leg slightly.
Her eyes opened within a second meeting my own as she moved around waking up.
She then looked around realising we were here. And completely alone in the car. That when the smile came across her lips. Fucking hell she was bad.
“We’re here?” She asked her voice slightly sleepy.
“Yeah, they’ve gone to get the table sweetheart.”
As soon as you realised you were alone, you knew it was your chance. Falling asleep was not your intention but his comfort led you into a trance.
But now the sweetness in you would be gone. It was time to pounce. You were practically feral.
You pulled at your door as it was locked from the inside. Stupid fucking child lock that your father made sure to be put only on your side years ago.
But oh how you wanted to thank him for that stupid lock now.
You pulled myself up onto him. Straddling his crotch with your legs either side. You had him right were you wanted him.
“Y/n” he warned as he let out a sharp breathe.
You grinded your hips forward as you reached over him, unlocking his door.
“My doors locked.”
Your tits were now inches away from his lips as you slid onto him even more.
“Baby.” He warned you once again, yet you didn’t move, instead you gazed down at him, locking eye contact as you bit your lip in anticipation.
And that’s when he bit you.
You thought you would be absolutely shocked at the feel, heck at the sight of it. Which you were. But then why was your cunt throbbing?
You looked down to see he bit the back side of your neck as a small moan left your lips.
“Are you going to be a good girl for daddy?” He asked as he bite the skin once again causing another noice to escape you.
“Y/n, I told you before I need words.”
You shook your head as you grinded yourself onto him trying to find pleasure for your burning heat.
He shook his head as he gripped his hands onto your waist, his nails drilling in your skin holding you down. You tried to move once again but his grip was so firm that you couldn’t.
You kept trying, refusing to give up, yet it got you nowhere.
He quickly turned you over, your front now on his lap.
He slid his hand up your left leg going all the way up into your dress. He pulled your dress up onto your back and slid your tights down your thighs. Your ass now completely exposed.
“No panties?” He chucked as you lay needy in his lap. “Such a pretty whore. I’m going to give you another chance y/n. Are you going ti be a good girl?”
You wanted to say yes, to submit yourself to him. But fuck you wanted to see what he would do if you said no.
“N-no.” You stuttered, the words coming out shaky.
He kissed his teeth as he ran his palm across your ass, his other hand slid beneath you and gripped onto your hip, holding you in place.
He slapped your ass harshly. You wanted to cry. But instead you moaned. You felt yourself dripping onto his leg.
“You’re going to count y/n.” He told you as he rubbed his palm softly over the same spot just like he did before
You nodded submissively, loosing all your power you previously had only seconds ago.
“Words.” He told you as he slid his hand towards your needy cunt.
“You’re so wet.” He sighed as he ran his fingers through your folds feeling your leaking juices.
“Yes what?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Is this turning you on baby. Is me spanking you making you drip.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes daddy.” You practically moaned out as his fingers left your heat and moved back onto your ass.
“Beg for me to spank you like the little slut that you are.”
“Please daddy, please spank me.” You moaned out as you pleaded for it.
“Hmm,” he laughed. “I’m going to need more than that y/n”
“Please daddy please, I’m your little slut please just spank me please.” God he was making you sound insane.
“Your wish is my command princess.”
“Count.” He commanded as he sent a slap to the same spot.
“One.” You moaned out, unable to control how loud you were being.
“Two. three. Four. Five. Six. Se-ven. Eight. Nine.”
It continued until you had counted up to nine, your voice barely coming out as the moans took over. Tears brimmed your eyes over the stimulation.
“Think you can take one more sweet girl?” He hissed as his fingers traced over the now red hand prints that lay across one side of your ass.
“Ye-yes daddy. One more please.”
“Oh look at you, you’re a mess.” He chucked as he lifted up your chin looking into your teary eyes and smudged makeup.
“Okay just one more.” He said as he sent a final slap onto your ass. This time it was so much harder. “Ten.”Once his hand landed back onto your ass he squeezed it whilst you whimpered, like the mess that you were.
He placed a kiss against the even redder marks before pulling your tights back over you.
He lifted you up and opened the door as you practically fell across the seat trying to pull your dress back down whilst he stepped out.
What has this man done to you?”
“Let’s go Princess.” He said sweetly, his demeanour had changed almost instantly as he put out his hand.
You took his hand, unsure if you could even walk as he lifted you out of the car. His hand not leaving yours as he slammed the car door shut.
He then moved his hand onto your ass, stroking it gently through your dress as placed a kiss upon your cheek causing you to smile.
“God I’m hungry.” He smirked.
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jedimandalorian · 1 year
Ahsoka- Notes on Episode 2 and Kiner’s musical score made by a Sabezra shipper. (You’ve been warned.)
Ahsoka hears voices. She seems to be hearing Sabine’s dream. Sabine is dreaming of Ezra once again. A fragmented rendition of Ezra’s theme can be heard very briefly along with the voices in the dream, but the music is mostly mysterious and unrelated to any other character’s theme.
Baylan & Shin at the stone circle. The end of this track reminds me of purrgil song. I didn’t see them until someone pointed them out in this screenshot.
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Lothal tower. Ahsoka hears voices from the past (Sabine vs. Shin fight). Ahsoka’s theme (fragment). Flute plays during loth-cat’s appearance.
Ahsoka inside the tower scene: Music from the Clone Wars is heard. [Edit: It’s from Rebels.] A quiet quotation of Ezra’s Theme is played by the cello when his hologram is activated. Ahsoka destroys assassin droid.
Hospital scene with Sabine trying to recover the droid’s memory. “It’s now or never” is a line that Sabine says that was spoken by both Ezra and Sabine in Rebels. Hera’s Theme can be heard when she tells Sabine “You did good.”
Morgan arrives at the stone circle. Morgan opens the star map for Baylan & Shin. Mostly new musical material here. Thrawn’s theme is heard when Morgan mentions him. There is purrgil imagery in this scene and the first mention of the Eye of Sion. Sinister and mysterious music is used here with a big crescendo to end the scene.
Ahsoka arrives on Corellia. Incidental music here does not use familiar themes until Hera asks Ahsoka to teach Sabine again. The music here is based on Ahsoka’s Theme until Hera asks that question.
Sabine & Huyang and the lightsaber. Sabine says it is “Ezra’s lightsaber.” Huyang says it is hers now. No music during most of the conversation. Sabine says she does not have the talent “like Ezra.” We finally hear Sabine’s Theme when Huyang says “The only time you are wasting is your own.”
Hera & Ahsoka on Corellia. Incidental music doesn’t make use of familiar themes until we hear the first three notes of Ahsoka’s Theme when she leaps out of the window. Fight with Inquisitor and droid. Hera & Chopper in pursuit of stolen SSD hyperdrive. Action sequences have new incidental music.
Sabine returns to the tower. Sabine’s Theme is heard as she lays out her armor. After she cuts her hair the first two notes of Ezra’s Theme crescendo as the scene changes.
Hera, Chopper, & Ahsoka on Corellia. Ahsoka gets a holo from Sabine saying that she’s ready. This is new incidental music until Hera’s theme is heard as she watches Ahsoka’s ship leaving at the end of the scene.
Sabine at the mural. This is new music until Sabine walks toward Ahsoka. A subtle rendition of Ezra’s theme is heard here. From NLB’s acting and the music we know she’s going on this quest because of Ezra. ❤️
Ahsoka & Sabine depart. Segue to the Eye of Sion under construction. Morgan mentions Thrawn and his theme is quoted briefly under her dialogue. The other music used is new.
End credits music: Intro, Sabine’s Theme, Ahsoka’s Theme, Hera’s Theme, and a reprise of Ahsoka’s Theme.
When they find Ezra and Thrawn I hope we hear more of their themes used with the end credits. I loved how Kiner sometimes changed the end credits Music for Rebels to fit with the mood of the episode. I hope he will do that in this series too.
Bonus: a new arrangement of the End Titles Music.
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peachy-panic · 1 year
I Want To Stay
DO NO HARM. Followup to The Incident last chapter. Sebastian and Jaime have some shit to work out. 
WARNINGS: BBU/BBU-adjacent, discussion of past sexual assault/abuse, self-victim-blaming thoughts, panic attack, some dehumanizing thoughts
Ezra is quiet for several long moments after Sebastian stops talking, the line crackling with static.
God, it’s even worse when he recounts the story out loud.
Part of him wonders if he made the right call, suggesting he and Jaime wait until the morning to talk. But after Jaime got dressed last night, Sebastian took one look at him perched on the edge of his bed, puffy eyes fighting to stay open, and he knew that the kid needed sleep more than he needed whatever weak reassurances Sebastian could offer him in the moment. Neither one of them were in the right headspace for the kind of talk they needed to have.
Not that Sebastian got much sleep in the end. A couple of broken hours at best. But that, at least, gave him the advantage of being awake before Jaime. He needed a window of time to get his head together, and the best way to find some clarity in this tangle was to dial Ezra’s number. And of course, despite the early hour, his call was answered.
“I recognize,” Ezra finally says slowly, “that this is not a comfortable subject, but I think it’s best if I speak freely now.”
“Please,” Sebastian says, a little too eagerly.
“I don’t think it will come as any surprise to you that there is a high probability he has been sexually abused by his previous contract holders.”
Sebastian pulls in a breath. He does not tell Ezra that he knows this for a fact. Even if the law does not uphold doctor-patient privileges for people like Jaime, Sebastian would never betray his confidence. Still, having the words spelled out between them in black and white, after the horror show in the living room, stings like a slap to the face.
Fortunately, Ezra doesn’t seem to expect a response.
“The first few weeks of a contract are incredibly difficult, no matter how long you’ve been at it. There is never any guarantee of what you’re walking into. I had…”
There is a brief, uncharacteristic pause, and Sebastian panics, because the last thing he wants to do is drag his friend into the murky waters of his own past to fix something that is Sebastian’s problem. But Ezra recovers quickly, moving on before he can call the whole thing off.
“I was contracted out a lot,” he says. “Early on, I learned that humans can always come up with new and unique ways of hurting each other. This boy… He is young. He is only beginning to find this out for himself. To him, right now, everyone in power is a threat to his safety. And nobody has more power in his life, right now, than you.”
Ezra gives that a moment to sink in, then asks, “Have the two of you had a clear conversation about your expectations?”
“I try to make it clear that I don’t expect anything from him.”
Ezra breathes out something that might be a laugh. “That is a nice sentiment, Sebastian, but not very helpful in practice. Expecting ‘nothing’ is rather vague, and is sort of an expectation in itself, is it not?”
Yes, it is. Of course it is.
Sebastian tries again. “I gave him a list of guidelines, like you suggested. Something he can reference if he gets nervous. I told him he doesn’t need to address me as a superior, that he is welcome to anything in the apartment and isn’t obligated to work around the house or… or serve me in any way.”
“I’m going to be blunt again,” Ezra says, “which is probably what you should do with him as well. Have you told him outright that you have no intention of having sex with him?”
Sebastian closes his eyes. “I… I told him that I would never hurt him. I didn’t specify—I mean, I would never even think about touching him like that, you know I wouldn’t.”
“Yes,” he interrupts gently. “I do know that. He, very clearly, does not. And given what you’ve told me, and what I already know about the system, he is going into this contract with every reasonable expectation that he will be assaulted at some point. It’s likely he still will believe that, even after you talk to him. But that trust has to start somewhere, and this is one promise that I know you’ll keep.”
Sebastian feels very suddenly like he might cry again, but Jaime could wake up any minute, and he doesn't want him to see his bloodshot eyes. He cannot go into this conversation framing himself as the victim.
“I thought he was starting to trust me.” It sounds as pathetic as he feels. “We’ve made so much progress in a few short weeks, and still, he… Jesus, Ezra, I’m doing exactly the opposite of what I wanted to do. You should have seen him last night. He’s terrified, and I didn’t even notice. He’s been spending—god, weeks just waiting for the moment I would…” He swallows back a gag. “He must have been so scared, and I didn’t even see it.”
“You see it now,” Ezra says—and isn’t that putting it mildly? “Now, you can address it.”
“Yeah,” Sebastian agrees. He just hopes it isn’t too late to reverse the damage.
For the first time in weeks, Jaime wakes to a morning that is even more grim than the night that preceded it. The memory from the night before slams into him before he even opens his eyes, sharper and meaner than any nightmare could be. Because last night, the demons weren’t just in his head. Last night, Jaime let them out into the open, laid them bare for Sebastian to see, and now he has ruined everything that could have been good.
Dread turns him to stone where he lay. From his tight ball on top of the blanket, he looks around the room—at the clothes hanging in the closet, the borrowed book on the nightstand next to the full glass of water Sebastian brought him the night before—all the tangible tokens of kindness that will be ripped away if Sebastian, justifiably, decides to sever their contract early. Jaime wishes he could turn back time. He knows that there will never be another assignment like this one. This was his best case scenario, far and above, and he has thrown it away.
The thought of sitting quietly in Sebastian’s passenger seat, empty handed as he drives him back to the facility, hollows his chest. He thinks about what it would be like, seeing him in the facility—passing him in the hallway with his head bowed, being brought into the clinic to be examined after a new contract—and Sebastian looking through him like a stranger.
Jaime swipes angrily at the tears that try to burn their way out. He has no right to cry about it now. There is no one to blame but himself.
He doesn’t know how many minutes pass, only that the sunlight coming in through the curtains has tinted gradually warmer over time.  From the kitchen, he hears the muffled signs of life and knows Sebastian is up. Still, Jaime avoids the clock on the nightstand, desperately wishing to play ignorant for as long as he can. It’s selfish to hide himself away when Sebastian said he wanted to talk this morning, but the thought of facing him feels insurmountable.
Finally, the guilt outweighs his anxiety, and he can no longer delay the inevitable. Even if he really, really wants to.
He takes more time than strictly necessary picking out his clothes for the day, and even more pulling each article into place, but eventually there is nothing more he can do to stall. Standing in the middle of the room, Jaime turns to face the door and draws one slow breath after another. He does it again, and then again, and again, until suddenly the breaths are controlling him and not the other way around. They come faster and more shallow, and suddenly he’s not getting enough air at all. He jams one fist against his stomach and the other against his chest, digging his knuckles hard enough to bruise. Breathe. You have to breathe.  
When he finally gains control, or some semblance of it, his knees are on the carpet, but he doesn’t remember hitting the floor.
He allows himself only the amount of time it takes for his breathing to level out, then he pushes himself up, rolls his shoulders back, and leaves the room.
Sebastian is sitting at the kitchen table, phone to his ear, when Jaime stops in the doorway. He looks up at him, eyes widening slightly, but covering the expression with a quick smile. “Hey, I’ve got to go,” he says to whoever is on the line, followed by a pause. “Yeah. Yes. I’ll ask him. Thank you again.”
He sets the phone facedown on the table and turns his full attention to Jaime. “Hey. Good morning,” he says, making half a move to stand, then seeming to think better of it.
“Good morning,” Jaime echoes numbly. Before he can start gushing whatever useless apologies his brain can come up with, Sebastian nudges a plate and a mug toward Jaime’s side of the table.
“I made some coffee and toast. It’s still warm.”
This is his way of softening the blow, a voice in the back of his head whispers. Still, Jaime obediently folds himself into the chair and thanks him. Not wanting to add ingratitude to his list of offenses, he nibbles on a piece of toast slathered in butter and honey. His favorite, he notes with a twinge of sadness.
A long silence overtakes the table. Both of them chew a little longer than they need to, taking extra sips of their coffee to buy time. Finally, when the tension feels tight enough to snap, Jaime blurts “I’m sorry I kissed you,” at the exact moment Sebastian says, “We should really talk about what happened.”
There is, inevitably, another long silence.
“Sorry, you go ahead,” Sebastian says quickly.
Jaime’s eyes fix to a spot on the table’s wood grain and don’t deviate from there. Somehow it’s even harder saying the words a second time, but this is the most important part. Jaime has been on the receiving end of a lot of kisses that he didn’t want. He needs Sebastian to know that he means it.
“I’m sorry for kissing you. You didn’t want to, and I… I was selfish. And I’m sorry.”
“Jaime,” Sebastian says gently, because even now, of course his first instinct is to meet Jaime with undue kindness. “It’s o—I mean, no, it’s not okay. But I don’t think you have a selfish bone in your body. I know you didn’t do it to hurt me.”
“I shouldn’t have done it,” Jaime whispers.
“No,” Sebastian agrees. “But I am not angry with you, or upset with you in any way. Okay? I just… I’m hoping you can help me understand how we got here.”
Jaime’s mouth clamps shut. He stares at the wood grain until his vision goes unfocused. A couple of times, he tries to pry his mouth open, but no words make it out.
“Okay.” Sebastian says patiently. “It’s okay. I know that was kind of a broad request. Maybe… maybe we can start with last night?” Jaime nods. “To be clear—It’s not that you’re not allowed, or that I’m in any way upset by it, but you were up pretty late. Is that… unusual for you?”
There is no point in lying now. “No.”
“Oh.” Sebastian sounds so sad, he wishes he could take back his answer immediately. “I’m sorry that I didn’t notice before.”
Jaime inclines his head. “I try not to wake you.”
Sebastian hesitates long enough for Jaime to look up, then says, “You can, you know. If you ever want to or need to. I’m no stranger to late nights. I know they can get pretty lonely sometimes. I won’t ever be mad at you for waking me up.”
Jaime doesn’t know what to say to that, as he doesn’t think Sebastian would appreciate a thank you, so he just nods.
The kitchen chair creaks as Sebastian shifts his weight across from him. “Jaime, I—” He stops, then starts again. “It’s okay that you couldn’t answer me last night, but I really need to know. Have I done something—even by accident, even something small—to make you feel like I wanted that from you last night?”
“It’s not you,” he says honestly. Not this version of you, at least. Not the real you. “You’ve been… you’ve been so nice to me.”
It doesn’t earn the smile he hoped for . “That’s… I’m glad you think so,” Sebastian says, “but obviously I haven’t been doing as well as I should, to let things get as far as they did last night.”
Jaime shakes his head, a bit frantically. “You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Haven’t I, though?” A bit of frustration seeps into Sebastian’s voice, and Jaime can’t help but wince. Immediately, Sebastian retracts. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Jaime feels dangerously close to tears again. He’s clenching his fists under the table hard enough to make his joints ache, but the words tumble out of him anyway.
“I’ve been having nightmares.”
He doesn’t know what he thought he would achieve by telling him this, and he’s not sure how he’s supposed to elaborate without making it worse for everyone, but the words are out there now and Sebastian seems to latch onto them.
“Oh,” he says softly, his copper brows drawing together above his glasses. “Do you want to tell me about them?”
He bites down on his cheek until he tastes blood. He doesn’t want that. He really, really doesn’t, but his silence seems to fill in the blanks that he doesn’t say out loud. He can almost feel the moment it clicks.
“Jaime?” Sebastian says. “Are these nightmares about me?”
He will not cry again. He won’t.
“I…” Jaime’s throat is dry. He swallows, trying to wet it. “I’m not allowed to talk about it, but you already know. What they did. The…” He’s treading dangerous waters, and his body knows it, if the trembling in his hands is any indication. It’s like the conditioning they forced on him is a physical part of his chemical makeup, rejecting the attempt to override it. “My Keepers, before you. You know what they did to me.”
At the time, in the clinic, it was humiliating to have all his secrets bared to Sebastian as his doctor. Now, he is grateful he doesn’t need to say the words aloud.
Slowly, Sebastian nods. “I do know. And Jaime?” He ducks his head so that he is closer to his line of sight. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry that it happened to you then, and I’m… I’m so sorry that I didn’t make it crystal clear to you until now—but I will never, never, do anything like that to you. I will never expect anything like that from you, nor would I want it, and just like last night, I would stop you if you tried.”
The conviction in his voice is hard to deny, though there is still a part of Jaime’s fucked up mind that tries to fight it. “Thank you,” he says anyway.
“Don’t—” Sebastian’s eyes clamp shut. “That is not something worth thanking me for.” When he looks at Jaime again, he studies him with an unreadable expression. “You know what they did to you was wrong, right? It was fucking evil. You know that, right?”
Hesitantly, Jaime nods.
“They had no right to touch you, and neither do I.”
Legally speaking, that might be true. But they both know that it is not the law that determines what is allowed and forbidden, but the systems that uphold it. And this system has been broken since its inception. Still, something about hearing the words out loud soothes some broken, desperate part of him that aches to believe it’s true. The part of him that’s been aching to believe it since he stepped through the door.  
Sebastian has given him reason after reason to believe it. He realizes now, more than ever, how much he doesn’t want to lose that.
“Are you going to take me back?” He rips off the bandaid, clean and quick. He needs to know the answer now, before his hopes can climb any higher.
For a moment, Sebastian stares at him with the kind of quiet you expect to hear before a bomb goes off.
“Jaime,” he says, and there are tears in his eyes. “You’re not a… You aren’t a fucking toaster. I’m not just going to dump you off on WRU the second something goes wrong. You are a human being, and I… I care about you. The only thing that would make me take you back to those people is if you told me you wanted to go, and even then, I would insist that we explore every other possible fucking option first.”
Jaime doesn’t know what other options there are, and he doesn’t ask, because right now his brain is reverberating with one single thought: I get to stay. I get to stay. I get to stay.
“I want to stay,” Jaime says.
Sebastian nods. “Good. Okay. Good. I want you to stay, too.”
This time, when they return to their toast, the quiet is much lighter than before, the tension slackening along with their posture. They take their time, finishing their food before either of them speaks again.
“I know that you’re not allowed to talk about what happened with your… on your past contracts,” Sebastian says suddenly. “But for what it’s worth? I promise that I’ll never tell a soul if you decide you want to talk about it with me. You deserve to have that option, whatever you decide.”
Jaime briefly entertains the thought of unloading those stories, what it might feel like to share that weight with someone who cares about him, if only for a little while. But the darkness will slip in fast if he allows it, and he doesn’t want to bring Mr. Torley or Bryan or Thomas or Handler Smith or any of the others anywhere near this moment.
“Okay,” he says.
Sebastian nods, accepting that answer easily. He collects both their empty plates and carries them to the sink, turning his back to Jaime.
“There is something else I wanted to talk about,” he says over the running tap. “Do you remember the friend I told you about? The one who mentioned wanting to meet you?”
He does remember. At the time, the idea of meeting another one of his Keeper’s friends filled him with cold dread, too fresh off the memory of Football Sundays at the Torley house. Now, after the night behind them and the conversation they had, Jaime tries his hand at trusting him.
“Yes, I remember.”
Sebastian turns back to him and leans against the counter, drying his hands on his sweater. “I think it would be good for you to know you have someone else on your side. Someone besides me, I mean.”
Jaime’s confusion must be apparent on his face, because Sebastian elaborates, albeit somewhat uneasily.
“He gave me permission—or… well, an instruction, really, to tell you this before you make your decision about meeting him. And let me be clear, it is completely your decision.”
He seems to wait for some sort of confirmation, so Jaime nods again, fighting against the instinct that tells him the rug is about to be ripped out from under him.
“Ezra is… Ezra was in the system, too.”
Jaime blinks, truly lost now. “He’s a companion?”
“No, he isn’t,” Sebastian says, and there is the slightest tug at the corner of his mouth. “But he used to be.”
TAG LIST: @whumpervescence @shiningstarofwinter @distinctlywhumpthing @whumptywhumpdump @nicolepascaline @anotherbluntpencil @hold-him-down @crystalquartzwhump @maracujatangerine @batfacedliar-yetagain @thecyrulik @pumpkin-spice-whump @finder-of-rings @melancholy-in-the-morning @insaneinthepaingame @skyhawkwolf @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @mylifeisonthebookshelf @dont-touch-my-soup @whump-world @inpainandsuffering @cicatrix-energy @quietly-by-myself @whumpsday @extemporary-whump @the-whumpers-grimm @thebirdsofgay @firewheeesky @whumperfully @hold-back-on-the-comfort  @termsnconditions-apply  @cyborg0109  @whumplr-reader  @pinkraindropsfell  @whatwhumpcomments @honeycollectswhump @pirefyrelight
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thehollowwriter · 1 month
🌪️, 🚊 and 😨 for any you personally wanna answer them for
💓 for Finn
☁️, 💚 for Blaze?
And oh oh actually, if you'd take questions for your non-NRC OCs:
🌟 and 🌈 for Silas and Morrigan?
Thanks, Moony! 😅 not sure what that second one is? Also I ABSOLUTELY take for my non-NRC ocs, ask away!
🌪️ TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
Finn's entire personality and design is a huge ass change. He was originally very mousy and easily startled. And also thin as a stick XD his hair and eyes were completely different too. He's soft-spoken but very confident and straightforward now, and ofc he's got his current design. ...Which I'm updating again, btw XD. He's got Silas' swirly black markings on his arms, back and torso now.
Silas was originally just a vague concept, someone who I mentioned from time to time for Finn stuff. He was just "Papa Clearcove", he was Finn's mysterious dad, and that was about it.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Silas goes into fight, considering the fact that it takes a lot to scare him. He will however, go for flight if the threat is bigger than he he can take on. Morrigan is also fight.
Blaze, Finn, and Clyde are all flight XD
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
In a romantic sense? Just being his partner and loving him always does it. Say something flirty or give him a gift or some affection, even if you don't see it on his face, his heart is running a marathon. Also. Pretty guys. He gets flustered though he gets over it after a while XD
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
His experience with cooking for himself has him cooking for his friends, too. He'll give them something like biscuits, but he'll act huffy about it. (Also he likes looking for shapes in clouds *ahem*)
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Food. Touch makes him uncomfortable or afraid, and food makes him incredibly happy, so giving him something to snack on when he's upset or mad is actually pretty nice for him.
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
Morrigan thinks two things: 1, wow that's so pretty, and 2: I wonder if someone up there shared cosmic magic with us. Cosmic magic as a concept has been wild to him from the start since it feels like it's something that shouldn't be attainable? He doesn't really know how to explain it, but it's so powerful and otherworldly that it's mesmerising for him every time he uses it. He'd happily stargaze with Ezra, Alastair or Silas :)
Silas finds it beautiful as well, but he can never stop thinking about how vast and infinite it is, and how oddly happy it makes him feel? Silas doesn't like small, tight, spaces and though the Abyss is huge it still felt small due to how empty and void it was. The sky is filled with stars and looking at it makes him feel hopeful. Stargazing would be a more special moment for him, so he'd prefer to do it alone, but he wouldn't mind sharing with Finn or Morrigan
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Answered for Silas here!
Morrigan... hmm. He'd probably tell his younger self that everything's gonna be OK, eventually. He gets out, he finds someone, he's happy. Redirect your anger, don't put so much energy into being a chaotic rule breaker because you feel your future isn't your own once you leave NRC, that's not true. It's something younger Morrigan would have really benefitted from hearing.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
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I am trying to get better about organizing all the fic I read! (My drafts still sit at a hefty number lol.)
🌈 = title 🪆 = series, multiple parts, etc. 🔋 = make sure your vibrator is charged before reading 😈 = Horny Demon Hours™ approved 🥹 = hurts so good/ouch, my feelings 🧠 = did somethin to my brain/altered my brain chemistry
Here's what I read in August along with a comment and/or a favorite excerpt:
🌈Pretty Prey 🔋😈-- Joel Miller x afab!reader "Tears spring to your waterline as he bruises into your cervix, the grunts and murmurs of that’s it, take it baby, can see the outline of my cock against your tummy all indication of his enjoyment."
🌈Catalyst 🪆🔋😈-- no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader x frankie morales “Tastes damn good, doesn’t it?” Joel says, and Frankie lets out a quiet, desperate whine. “Good boy.” 🌈Some Part of Me Came Alive 🪆🔋😈🧠 -- no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader x frankie morales Joel runs his fingers through Frankie’s hair when he pulls of off of him, cupping his cheeks and brushing his thumbs over his jaw. It's like that first kiss all over again--there's such profound relief Joel has to fight back tears. It doesn't matter that he's new to this--it's all so right because it's Frankie. 🌈Breakfast 🪆🥹 -- no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader x frankie morales plzzzzz this is so fucking perfect and sweet and good and i wanna devour it
🌈Forfeiting My Mystique 🥹🧠 -- Ezra x F!Reader “It’s why I love art,” he continues. “You can be close to something, feel its warmth, beauty – whatever feeling it is the artist intended to pull out of you, from a distance. Untouched – it’s untouchable. That comforts me for some reason.” 🌈The Cassandra Complex, Ch 1 🪆🔋😈 -- Din Djarin x F!Reader “Just one more, little one. Want to see it up close,” he murmurs. 🌈The Cassandra Complex, Ch 2 🪆 -- Din Djarin x F!Reader You are a burning effigy washed in the violet light of righteous fury as you stalk slowly towards his, soon to be dead, bounty. 🌈Greener Memories of Better Men 🔋🥹-- Joel Miller x F!Reader This whole entire thing is heart-wrenching and amazing.
🌈Your Summer Dream, Day 4 - Sand 🪆🔋🥹-- JOEL MILLER X F!READER “Just ask nice, baby, I’ll give you whatever you need.” THIS MAN IS A MENACE. 🌈Your Summer Dream, Day 5 - New 🪆🔋🥹-- JOEL MILLER X F!READER "Suck," you instruct him, stronger now, more desperate as he draws pleasure from you with what's clearly practiced care. "Good girl," he hums lowly, like he's genuinely proud of your confidence, like he really does want this for you. WHEN'S IT GONNA BE MY TURN?! HUHHH???????
🌈Hibachi 🪆🔋😈-- bil!joel miller x fem reader (pre/no outbreak) This whole entire thing is *CHEF'S KISS* 🌈Are We Going To Talk About It? 🪆🥹-- bil!joel miller x fem reader (pre/no outbreak) This time, you will be loved like you deserve. & You are safe here with me.  🌈Come To Jesus Moment 🪆🧠 -- bil!joel miller x fem reader (pre/no outbreak) Every time she says sorry to Jesus I howl.
🌈Come Away with Me, Monday 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- Joel Miller x F!Reader x Tommy Miller OH MY GOD i am obsessed with this whole dynamic. 🌈In The Woods Somewhere, Ch 1 🪆-- Joel Miller x F!Reader plzzzzzzzz she never missesssssssss jfc
🌈Short Days, Long Nights 12 🪆🥹🧠 -- Joel Miller x f!reader this shit just fucking CHANGES MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY every fucking time I read it
🌈Needy Baby 🪆🔋😈😈😈😈😈😈🥹🧠🧠🧠🧠 -- boyfriend's dad!joel x f!reader bro. MY GUY. MY SISTREN. this is ... this is the hottest smust ive ever read. idc. this whole story is amazing, and then THIS??? i can't even fucking think straight
🌈Surrender, Ch 10 🪆🔋🥹🧠 -- joel miller x ofc daisy She flushed read from her neck to her ears. "I don't know, exactly. I just don't want to embarrass you." Daisy had a habit of casually saying things that shattered his heart. Why did she think he'd be embarrassed? PLZZZZZZ. This fucking series KILLS ME. Daisy is my homegirl, and i will fight anybody who disagrees that she is SUPREME. 🌈Surrender, Ch 11 🪆🥹🧠 -- joel miller x ofc daisy All the fears she’d worked so hard to push away returned, magnified by the memory of Joel’s lips all over her skin. He’d held her and made love to her and kissed her all over and then he left her here alone. He said he needed her, too, and then he left her here. Alone. *screams like an injured pterodactyl*
🌈I Know It When I See It, Part 3 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- pornstar!joel miller x fem!reader But growing up a girl meant getting used to the idea that sometimes sex was painful. You’re so used to men moving with violence, with contempt. In real life, so much of fucking felt like hate, it’s not exactly a surprise to find that sometimes the same thing is true in porn. 🌈I Know It When I See It, Part 4 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- pornstar!joel miller x fem!reader the smut in this part is so hot you are guaranteed to feel your heartbeat in your pussy lmao
🌈Yes, Father IV 🪆🔋-- Priest!Joel Miller x Priest!Javier Peña x housewife!reader the way he takes her to their bedroom instead of the guest bedroom made me wanna punch a wall what a menace lmao love it 🌈Belong To Me, Chosen 🪆🔋😈🥹 -- Line cook Joel x waitress reader the breeding kink .... DO NOT READ WHILE OVULATION im being so for real when i say that
🌈Decaf 🪆🥹🧠 -- tattoo artist!Joel Miller x f!Reader this whole entire series is so delicate and intricate. i am obvs a huge slut and love smut, but this story doesn't even need it. it's so, so good.
🌈A Bird in Your Teeth, Epilogue 🪆🥹-- joel miller x f!reader this was the perfect ending to an AMAZING story. plz read this if you haven't already!!!!
🌈And His Car Is a Piece of Shit 🪆🥹-- joel miller x fem reader the angst in this one is CHEF'S KISS 🌈Total Satisfaction, from the Comfort of Your Own Home 🪆🔋-- joel miller x afab reader a man that will dick you down with a possessive edge and then do handyman jobs around the house?? sign me the fuck up
🌈A Safe Haven, Ch 8 🪆🥹 -- Joel Miller x Female Reader; Ellie Williams x Platonic Female Reader this is like my all-time fave comfort fic 100%. it's ongoing, but i have read each existing part several times lol
🌈Only Angel, Ch 1 🪆-- javier peña x f!reader the whole concept is so good, and i love all the detail! also, the part where she emailed him about a mistake in the syllabus had me fucking rolling. NERD.
🌈You Hate It That You Love Me 🪆🥹 -- stripper!jack daniels x f!reader this whole series was so angsty and delicious. definitely one you will re-read over and over. 🌈Menuet 🔋😈😈😈🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠 -- animal shapeshifter!pero tovar x f!reader im so fuckin mad at this story. this shit unlocked a new kink for me and fucked with my brain in the process.
🌈Compulsion Pt 5 - Initiation 🪆🔋😈🧠 -- EZRA (PROSPECT) X OFC BEATRICE I. AM. OBSESSSED. This fucking fic... I cannot BELIEVE I get to just come on this website and read shit of this caliber FOR FREE?!?!!?! insane
🌈Relax, Baby 🪆🔋-- joel miller x f!reader if Joel called me princesa id be fucking DONE gone no thoughts 🌈Don't Be a Brat, Baby 🪆🔋-- joel miller x f!reader second part to the above story. such a fun read, and the dialogue is EVERYTHING so cute, sexy at times, playful. just so damn fun to read this!!!
🌈The Devil and His Brother, Pt 1 🪆🥹🧠 -- Joel x Tommy x Reader again. we get to read this shit. FOR FREE. my fucking mind cannot wrap itself around that fact. so many fucking talented writers in this fandom. thank you thank you thank you for sharing your brilliant, fun works! this story is a wonderful example of "ordinary people" knocking it out of the fucking PARK with their talent.
🌈Acting Out 🔋 😈😈😈-- Din x f! reader “Are you now? You forgot to count, though, cyar’ika. Good girls count. Let’s try again from one, no crying.” His tone dripped with condescension as he began again, practically reveling in each gasp and broken sob that spilled from your lips, taking pleasure in each time you stuttered on a number. this is so horny i love it
🌈Ride, Cowgirl 🔋-- Joel Miller x reader i love the dynamics in their relationship and the comfort of switching it up!
🌈Bowling Night 🪆🔋-- Maintenance man!joel x f!reader listen, i am ride or die for reader. she's never done anything wrong in her entire life, and i stand by that lmao.
🌈Revenge 🔋😈-- Dave York x fem. Reader CUCKING!!!! HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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