#and set up cuddle times with him and horatio
secret-sageent · 7 months
y'all better get ready for so much goth twink slander on here soon we are starting Hamlet next week in my Shakespeare class
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myveryownfanfiction · 7 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery, @cryptic-michael
warnings: swearing, menstruation, talk of Nelson’s experiment
I curled up more on Nelson’s couch and flipped through the channels. A bowl of chips sat in front of me and I occasionally grabbed some. I looked at the clock and smiled softly. Nelson would be done with classes soon. A few minutes later the door to the apartment opened and Nelson walked through.
“honey I’m home.” He sighed as he saw me on the couch. Walking over, he dropped his books and coat on the side table before kissing my head. Reaching over he grabbed some chips before sitting down next to me. I curled into his side as he threw his arm over my shoulders. “How are you feeling?” He asked after a minute.
“Crampy. Sore. A little hungry.” I shrugged. “That’s what the chips are for. I had a big lunch but I’m still hungry. So snacks.” Nelson nodded.
“yeah well a major organ is trying to purge itself so…” Nelson muttered as he pulled the bowl closer. “Last time you took pain killers?”
“half an hour ago.” I said, used to his line of questioning.
“use the heating pad today?” I shook my head. He nodded, cataloging my responses in his head. “Hot shower or bath?”
“took an extra hot shower this morning. Not long after you left for class.” I said. Nelson squeezed my shoulder. “How was class?”
“boring as fuck. The whole time I kept thinking of coming back and cuddling with you.” He complained. “Rachel wanted to invite you out for drinks. I got you out of it though.” I nodded my thanks. “Probably a double date with Horatio.”
“there’s nothing wrong with a double date with them once in a while.” I said. Nelson groaned.
“I’m fine with him. It’s her that sends me down the damn rabbit hole.” His head fell against mine. “Ever since the experiment, she’s been an uptight bitch. More so than she was before. It’s like everyone forgot the lesson that fucking experiment ended up teaching us already.”
“I’m sure she has her reasons.” I said. Nelson shot me a look.
“I’m going to chalk that up to the hormones.” He said. I laughed as I ran my fingers through his hair. Nelson let his head fall against mine. “Just please get me out of anything that she tries to set up with the four of us.”
“I’ll do my best.” I promised.
“good.” He muttered. “Now let’s just get you feeling better. Anything I can do?” I shook my head.
“thanks Nelson but not really. Nothing that doesn’t involve a medical procedure neither one of us really want at the moment.” I said. Nelson snorted and I smiled at him. “But I won’t turn down some cuddling if you feel up to it.” He nodded, kissing my nose.
“yeah. I’m always feeling up to cuddles.” He said before pulling me tight against his chest.
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hummingbird-of-light · 10 months
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Tenth story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: To Catch A Selkie
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Harry Mudd, James T. Kirk, Mentions of Other Characters
Relationship(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Rating: T
Words: 2,554
Prompt: Used as Bait
Warnings: Alternate Universe - Selkies, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Minor Character Death, Swearing
This story was inspired by my story "Call of the Sea", it's the same AU, but a sequel
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ To Catch A Selkie ~
1789; aboard the sailing ship Enterprise
Montgomery Scott - it was still strange to get used to a last name - smiled melancholically as he watched the sea, that was illuminated by the setting sun. His home. The place he had grown up in. The place he could never return to.
He still remembered how almost one year ago a man - a doctor - had kidnapped his little brother and had taken Montgomery's coat. The coat made from his fur. The only way for a Selkie to turn back into their seal form.
Aye, a Selkie. That was what he was. What he had always been. But it had been taken from him. His life. His family. His coat.
The horrible man had burned it. And by doing that he had destroyed the Selkie's life.
Montgomery had to stay in his human form. Forever.
"Hey there, Monty. Is everything alright?"
The Selkie blinked in surprise when arms wrapped around him from behind and he let out a heavy sigh, snuggling closer to the person standing behind him.
"Aye, mo ghràdh."
His love. The man who had saved him. The man who had taught him how humans talked and how they behaved. The man who was always there for him.
Dr. Leonard Horatio McCoy.
At first, the Southern man had only been a friend and a teacher for the Selkie, but over time their relationship had turned into something else. A... romance.
Montgomery loved McCoy with all his heart and he knew that the man would do anything to protect him from this still strange world.
"You don't sound too sincere. Something is on your mind, isn't it?"
Slowly, Montgomery turned around in the doctor's arms and placed his hands on the man's chest. McCoy knew him just too well.
"It's just... I miss me home. This... whole big world that ye show me; it's... gorgeous, but whenever I watch the sunset I long to be back at home. Back... with me family."
His mother. His grandfather. His brother. He just wanted to swim with them again, wanted to play and cuddle with them.
But he knew that it was impossible.
"Oh, Montgomery, if only I could help you. You know that I'd do anything-"
A weak smile crossed the Selkie's lips as he placed a hand on his love's cheek.
"Aye, I know, Leonard. And I'm very grateful for it."
Before the doctor could say another word, Montgomery caught his mouth with his own and kissed him gently. A way of humans showing their endearment for each other.
Once their lips parted, their was a soft smile on McCoy's face. He gently grabbed Montgomery's hands.
"Come on. Let's get some sleep, shall we? Tomorrow we'll arrive at our next point of destination."
Montgomery nodded slowly, however, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder one more time.
A new country was awaiting them. A new adventure. And he really wondered what Australia might look like.
Australia was a truly magical place. There were so many new things to see and discover. Although Montgomery, who was used to the cold of the north, got a little too warm, he enjoyed exploring the area. Especially because the usually grumpy McCoy was running around beaming with joy.
Of course he was. The sunshine probably reminded him of his home in America. The doctor had often told Montgomery about his home. Of the fields, the plants, the fruit.
He had always promised that he would show the Selkie everything one day after their journey with the Enterprise. And despite his own homesickness, Montgomery was already looking forward to getting to know the place where the man he loved had grown up.
They had only been in the village for two days when Montgomery woke up in his cabin one morning to find the space in the bed next to him empty. Confused, he tilted his head and smelled the pillow.
No... McCoy hadn't been there all night. The familiar smell of him was too old.
Slowly, the Selkie got to his feet and dressed. Even after a year, it was still strange for him to wear the warm, scratchy clothes of humans, but he did it because it was appropriate.
His path led him through the entire ship and his heart beat faster.
"Has anyone seen Dr. McCoy? Anyone?"
No one could give him a positive answer. The uneasy feeling spread more and more through Montgomery's body and it wasn't until he met Sulu and Chekov, who had been keeping watch that night, that he finally got the answer he was looking for.
"The captain and the doctor are not back from their shore leave yet," Sulu explained and Chekov grinned across both cheeks.
"They probably had too much to drink at some place and then fell asleep on the spot."
Montgomery just shook his head, his eyes wide with worry. No... McCoy would never just leave him alone. Not even for one night. Of course he had told Montgomery that he had an appointment with the captain in the evening, but he had promised to be back in the morning. He had promised!
Without even waiting for another word from the sailors, Montgomery ran off the ship.
He had to find him! He had to find McCoy!
The Selkie looked around in panic. Where should he start looking? Where could the captain and the doctor have gone?
His feet carried him as if of their own accord and he hurried towards the village, shuddering. He hated it. He hated being among so many unknown people by himself.
But he had to find McCoy!
His eyes wandered down every alley, into every building, and yet he almost ran past a crucial side street. He quickly came to a halt, almost stumbled, and rushed to the motionless person lying on the ground.
A soft moan was all he got for an answer at first, however the blond man's eyes quickly fluttered open.
"Scotty?" It wasn't much more than a slurred murmur. Aye, the captain had chosen a nickname for the Selkie a while ago. Montgomery was still getting used to it though.
"What happened? Are ye alright, sir?"
At first, Kirk looked confused, then he chuckled.
"Oh, I'm... I'm perfectly fine. I had a great night, met a nice lady-" The captain hiccuped. Only then did Montgomery notice the smell of alcohol all over his counterpart. The man wasn't hurt. He was just drunk.
The Selkie looked around.
"Where's Leonard?"
Kirk blinked a few times, obviously trying to remember the last night, but eventually he shrugged, his eyes closing again.
"Don't know," he muttered and before Montgomery could even try to wake him up again, a voice sounded from behind him.
"Are you looking for the man who accompanied this young fellow last night?"
Scotty's head whirled around and at the end of the street, he saw a young lass, wearing a pretty dress.
He hesitated for a moment, then nodded.
"I think I saw him going into that house over there."
With a nod of her head, the woman indicated at a building close by and Montgomery quickly got to his feet. He'd take care of the drunken captain later. For now, McCoy was all that mattered.
The lady once again pointed at the house she had talked about and without thinking, Montgomery made his way over to it.
Even though McCoy had taught him that one was supposed to knock, the Selkie's worry about his love was too big. He grabbed the doorknob and quietly entered the house.
He was greeted by several smells. Most of them obviously belonged to women. Montgomery wrinkled his nose. What was this place?
There seemed to be no one at home. At least not downstairs.
The Selkie looked into every room, then made his way up the stairs. He winced when he stepped onto a creaking step and for a moment he feared that the owner of the house had heard him.
However, his worry about his own sake soon changed when he heard muffled noises coming from a room.
He knew that voice. He knew it quite well.
No longer caring about being quiet, the Selkie ran upstairs and burst into the room where the noise had come from.
What he saw made his blood freeze.
There he was! McCoy! Tied to a chair, gagged with a piece of cloth, a huge flat wound on his forehead.
"Mo ghràdh!"
As fast as he could, Montgomery ran over to the doctor who was shaking his head violently. He tried to say something, but the gag in his mouth made it impossible.
Montgomery was just about to remove the cloth when he heard the door behind them close with a loud thud. He whirled around and saw a man with a riffle gun standing next to the closed door. There was a smug grin on his face.
Once again, McCoy tried to talk and despite Montgomery staring at the other man in shock, he removed the cloth with one hand.
The doctor coughed for a bit, then glared at the man at the door.
"You bastard! You won't get through with this, Mudd!"
The man - Mudd - only laughed.
"Oh, but I already did. I got what I wanted. And you really were the perfect bait, doctor. Your Selkie really loves you, huh?"
Montgomery's eyes widened in horror.
No... no, no, no. No one was allowed to talk about it! No member of the crew talked about Montgomery's origins!
"How... how would ye know?"
Mudd's grin only widened as he stepped closer to his two prisoners, gun ready to shoot.
"It's easy to get information out of strangers. All you need is a pretty lady, lots of alcohol, a young stupid captain..."
Montgomery shook his head in disbelief. No. Not Kirk!
But if it really had been the captain who had told Mudd about his special crewmember, then... the lady who had told him about the house... it had all been a trick!
"A real Selkie. Back in Britain we talked a lot about these Scottish creatures. I bet the royal family would like to have a pet. Only in exchange for a lot of money, of course."
With a wide grin, Mudd lunged at Montgomery who quickly backed away.
"You don't need him! He's useless for you! His coat was destroyed and he can't turn back into a seal!"
McCoy tried to convince the man who had kidnapped him, at the same time pulling at his restraints, but Mudd didn't care.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure once we're back in Britain, I can find a nice seal and skin it. Then we can test it out with a new coat."
Montgomery gritted his teeth in anger. Not only had this monster hurt and kidnapped his love, he also planned on hurting and killing his kind.
That was enough!
He didn't think too much about his actions and jumped at his counterpart, tackling him down to the floor.
Mudd, who was obviously surprised by the sudden outburst, lost his gun in the process and yelped in shock as the Selkie started to choke him, yelling out angry swears in a language the man didn't understand.
Montgomery heard McCoy's voice but it didn't reach him. He was blinded by his rage. He just wanted to kill this man!
He didn't know how it happened, but somehow Mudd managed to break free from his grip. In panic, the man crawled across the floor and grabbed his riffle gun.
A shot rang out and Montgomery yelped in pain when he felt the bullet enter his shoulder. He fell to the ground.
McCoy. His love. He was worried about him. He... he was scared.
"Monty, no!"
Montgomery's eyes moved from his love's panicked face to Mudd who was getting up on his knees again, ready to fire once more. His eyes were filled with anger.
"I'll kill you, you stupid-"
He didn't get to finish his sentence for suddenly three bullets hit him and he stumbled backwards, staring at the door in shock, before he crashed right through the window.
For a long moment, Montgomery looked at the shattered glass, then his eyes moved over to the door.
Sulu, Chekov, Spock. They... had saved him. And they had saved McCoy.
"Monty! Monty, are you okay?"
The Selkie turned his head around so that he could look into McCoy's eyes. He nodded slowly. Aye... he... he was just fine.
"He's losing blood! Hurry up and untie me! Quick!"
Montgomery watched as Sulu and Chekov both ran over to the doctor and started to loosen the restraints. He blinked a few times.
Blood? He... was losing blood?
His eyes fell onto his right shoulder and he stared in disbelief at the red liquid soaking through his shirt.
And seconds later, darkness fell upon him.
When he woke up, he was lying in his bed aboard the ship. He looked around in confusion, but soon enough calmed down when he saw a familar person sitting next to him.
The doctor's head turned to face him and a gentle smile formed on his lips.
"Hey there, Montgomery. I see you are awake already."
The Selkie noticed a bandage wrapped around McCoy's head and his eyes widened in shock.
The dark-haired man quickly seemed to notice what Montgomery was staring at, so he smiled soothingly.
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's gonna leave a nasty scar, but it will heal. Just like your shoulder."
Montgomery's eyes moved to his own body and he saw a similar bandage as the one his love was wearing.
"Ye... ye saved me."
Quickly a hand found its way onto his cheek and a thumb gently stroked across his skin.
"Of course I did. Just like you saved me, Monty."
Montgomery blinked a few times, trying to remember what had happened. He sighed.
"No... Mr. Spock and the others saved you."
McCoy chuckled softly.
"Technically, yes. But they only searched for me after you ran away. If you hadn't had a strange feeling, then they would never have thought that something was actually wrong."
Montgomery nodded slowly. Aye, maybe that was true. Another man came to his mind.
"Is... the captain alright?"
At hearing that name, the doctor groaned in annoyance.
"Yes, he is. He got lots of sleep and water. And a good telling-off from both me and Miss Uhura."
Montgomery couldn't help but smile at hearing that. He was quite sure that Kirk already regretted everything very much.
"I'm sure he will come around later on to apologize."
The Selkie's face darkened and he swallowed hardly. "And... this man? Mudd?"
McCoy sighed.
"Dead. We told the locals about what had happened and they said that it had often been speculated that he was a criminal. Now they had their prove."
The Selkie nodded once more. Mudd had been a horrible man. He was really glad that he couldn't hurt anyone else anymore. No human or Selkie or whatever kind.
"But let's forget about this whole thing, shall we? Let's... just be happy that we're alive."
Montgomery's eyes met McCoy's and in them he could only see relief and love. The same love that the Selkie felt for him.
"Aye. Let's be happy."
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My Spones Master Fic Rec List
A List of Spones Fics I Recommend
Just Once by StellarLibraryLady
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,000
Tags: Bickering, Fluff and Angst, First Kiss, beginning relationship, Friends to Lovers, Pining Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Public Display of Affection
Summary: Just once McCoy would like to get the best of Spock. Just once McCoy would like to be the winner of one of their skirmishes. But what would that take, especially since Spock can generally reduce McCoy down into an irate, sputtering mess with just a few words.
And McCoy would like to do more, much more, than just argue with Spock. But it seems like they cannot progress any further than where they are.
Showdown by StellarLibraryLady
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,000
Tags: Developing Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Sexual Tension, Smug Kirk, Valentine's Day
Summary: McCoy has decided that it's showdown time between him and Spock. He wants to know just why Spock has been acting so strangely toward him.
Raining man by Spockats
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 3,877
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Established Relationship, Comfort
Summary: Bones misses the rain when he's up in space; Spock melds with him so he can feel it again.
Why Do Fools Fall in Love by nerdytardis
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 2,415
Tags: Alternative Universe - Human, Alternative Universe - Modern Setting, First Kiss, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Making Put, Fluffy Ending
Summary: After getting caught in the rain, Leonard is forced to confront his growing feelings for his best friend.
illumine thine eyes by sciencebluefeelings
Chapters: 4/4
Words: 20,951
Tags: Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Sex Education, Pon Farr, Mind Meld, Starfleet Academy, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: When Leonard Horatio McCoy turns two, he and his father move to Vulcan, where Leonard befriends another child his age called Spock.
Show Me How to Love You by Akan_Abrun
Chapters: 18/18
Words: 40,246
Tags: Vulcan Bond, Drunk Sex, Established Relationship, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Post Into Darkness
Summary: After a drunken night to celebrate their five year mission, Spock wakes up in Leonard McCoy's bed. Leonard remembers nothing, but Spock eventually reveals to him that an accidental bond was formed because of their shenanigans. Now, Leonard ain't no gay man flyin' into the arms of some hobgoblin- he'd make the Vulcan suffer.
Vulcans are Cool by catty_the_spy
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 886
Tags: Fluff, Kid!fic
Summary: Joanna loses her way, meets Sarek, and gets a snack.
Stars Beneath His Skin by ElloPoppet
Chapters: 3/3
Words: 6,900
Tags: Slow Burn, Tattoos, Pining, Fluff and Angst
Summary: On the white piece of paper was a smattering of small, black dots. McCoy turned the paper, in search of a pattern or alignment of some kind but not finding even a trace. The dots appeared to be drawn at random or rather, McCoy noticed as he squinted, printed. He looked up at where Spock was standing over him and returned a cocked eyebrow of his own.
“If you need help cracking some kind of code, this isn’t exactly my specialty, genius.
Rather than banter back, Spock responded immediately and smoothly. “It is not a code. That is the alignment of stars that would have been visible in the night sky from Earth should one have been standing at the coordinates where my Mother was born at the moment of the occurrence.” Silence blanketed the room, McCoy not having a goddamn clue how to respond to that. Luckily, Spock wasn’t finished.
“I wish to memorialize her with what most races would call a tattoo, and I would like your help with the matter.”
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gone-grl-gone · 2 years
Once @amalthea9 and I were talking about a fairy tale called Jorinda and Joringel, about an engaged peasant that has misadventures when they step in the lands of a Witch who turns Jorinda into caged bird so Joringel has to find a magic red flower to release his fiancee.
When discussing fan casting @amalthea9 proposes Ioan Gruffud for Joringel, and i proposed Nina Sosanya for Jorinda.
That looks like a lovely story, although I am not familiar with the story. Maybe as a retelling of the story (more like a sad, gothic, or horror story) where Hornblower is given command of the Renown (now renamed to HMS Imagination, but that doesn't change the character of the ship much), and his men start experiencing mischievous hauntings (and tragic nightmares) on board. Turns out, the Spirit of Archie is bound to the ship and wants to be set free. His memories of abuse under Simpson and Sawyer, his life in Prison, and even his happiest memories with Hornblower and Bush are re-lived and shared amongst the sailors.
Occasionally (and only with Bush, Styles, Matthews, and Hornblower), he would actively prank them or actively engage them. However, he is most helpful at saving the lives of the sailors, giving them hints to help them find a way to release his spirit from being bound to the Imagination. I can picture Hornblower talking to himself, or saying "I'm going crazy, Archie...." and talking to Archie in his private quarters as to not seem like he's going crazy (which he's not, Archie is there and can hear him). Slowly, he starts calling the Ship "Mr Kennedy" instead of "The Imagination" as the story continues.
Off they go on crazy adventures where the boundaries of logic and the laws of the natural go way off course, and everyone gets major character development. Hornblower gets a real psychological rollercoaster for this one (and more Bush-Kennedy shenanigans. I love these two. They needed more screentime together.).
Real emotional scene: They maroon the ship on an island, and then out of the ship, they can see Archie's Spirit form - as if he were still alive with the bullet wound, but glowing and smiling. He comforts them, has a few final laughs and cuddles with Bush and Hornblower before he crosses over to the light. Maybe a final confession and request...perhaps?
It's symbolic as Archie is telling Hornblower to leave his horrible imaginations and false beliefs about himself behind on that island - everyone loves and supports him, and that he's just imagining that he's undeserving of promotion and happiness.
@ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @silverfoxstole
Idk, that's another take on the story. Never read it, but that is what I could conjure up.
Btw, thanks, now I'mma cry.
And no, it was no coincidence that I called the Ship The Imagination, I was watching and listening to the Soundtrack of Neil DeGrasse Tyson's "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey" - it's a beautiful series about the universe.
Another tragedy-romantic thing to add more drama to this ship.
Archie is aware of Bush's unrequited love for Hornblower. As they go on the journey in the Strange Waters, Bush develops the Hanahaki Disease (Flowers from Unrequited Love Disease). He tries to dismiss it or hide it - but Archie's Spirit is aware of it. Eventually it becomes known, but they don't know what it is or what to do (except for Archie, because he's a ghost now and has a hive mind to tap into). But cut to the scene where they maroon the Imagination with Archie's Spirit now free to crossover, Archie tells Horatio about Bush's love for him. He tells Horatio to forgive himself for his shortcomings and instead realise that he should learn to practice self-compassion, and see the love others have for him.
"Horatio, I believe you do know what love is, but you don't recognise it even when it's smushed into your face. A la, Mister Bush.”
“Get out of your head, Horatio! Don’t you see William? The love that you have been looking for all this time is right there- dying before your eyes!!”
"Love each other for me. Love Mr Bush for my sake - he's a git, but he's a loyal, stubborn, but steadfast git. Someone you need when you need to be saved." he says with a sad smile.
"Mister Bush, please save Horatio from himself. He's knows what love is, but doesn't even recognise it in himself or around him. He's that daft." Archie says to a semi-conscious, dying Bush (with a huge bloody Chrysanthemum bush growing out of him - hahaha Bush, get it? Also, I didn't know that in European Countries Chrysanthemums were symbols of death - he probably knows it's fruitless to love Horatio because he's got the booty for Duty and High Standards).
Maybe Bush dies as well, knowing his love will never be on par with Horatio's sense of duty and high standards....idk, made me sad again....or maybe he doesn't when Horatio's extension of Friendship and maybe even love that grows over the coming weeks afterwards does the disease get stemmed. In my headcanon, the strong friendship stems the more damaging and lethal part of the disease. This instead replaces Bush's amputation, and instead makes him more like an Asthma patient.
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melisusthewee · 2 years
I am HERE to beg for Quinn x Morris in the Happy Ending AU where they get to be bisexual knight husbands in love. pls see “I didn’t expect you to be into cuddling.” “I’m not!” “Then what is this?” “Just… close skin-to-skin contact.” “Uh-huh.” for inspo lol
You never have to beg because Bisexual Knight Husbands is my new favourite AU and I want all the excuses to write all the Quinn/Morris antics! I need practice writing Morris POV, but he's new!
(for background info, this is an AU concept where Quinn Trevelyan successfully enters the Grand Tourney, does not ruin his own life, does not become the Herald of Andraste, and becomes a professional tourney knight alongside his big softie husband Ser Horatio Morris.)
In Which It Is Important To Cuddle For Warmth for @dadrunkwriting
When Quinn sneaks into Morris’ tent, he staunchly refuses he is doing anything of the sort.
“I simply don’t want you hiding away and being anti-social,” he says, wiggling a bottle of wine he’s likely stolen from among his older brother’s things.  Even though he’s no longer tied to the man as a squire, Quinn says he’s still not recognized the same way his brother is.  He’s won a few archery rounds, but he hasn’t earned any titles yet.  Not that it matters… he’ll always be Lord Trevelyan, but the younger lord doesn’t get the good wine.  At least that’s what he claims.
Morris isn’t being anti-social.  He’s simply tired.  He hasn’t found himself a good squire yet, so he’s doing both jobs himself and even though Quinn always offers to help him in and out of his gear, he has to polish his own armour and saddle his own horse all while keeping on top of his exercise and training.  It is tiring, and by the time the sun is down, he is ready to fall asleep on his little cot and say goodnight to the world.
Yet whenever Quinn appears, he radiates an energy that Morris can’t help by feel taken by.  The way he wiggles the bottle, eyes bright and mischievous, his grin wide beneath the wispy beginnings of yet another attempt at growing his first beard, Morris can’t help but smile and throw back the blankets to join his friend for a little stolen drink.
“That’s the spirit!” Quinn says with a laugh, and soon the two of them are passing the bottle back and forth.  Quinn is engaged in telling some sort of story that Morris is almost certain isn’t even half-true, but the man is at least fun to watch.  Everything Quinn does is energetic and animated, but what stands out the most is how focused his gaze is whenever he speaks.  Those bright blue eyes fixate on Morris in a way that has always made him feel like he’s the only person around.
Morris smiles, because Morris always smiles whenever their eyes meet.  It leaves him warm and fuzzy in a way the wine could only ever hope to, which is all very fine because the vintage Quinn has brought with him is not one of the better ones.
Suddenly, Quinn’s hand flies up to his hair, pausing mid-sentence to peer suspiciously up at the canvas ceiling.  Morris follows his gaze and sets the wine bottle down in disappointment.  His tent is leaking yet again.
Morris sighs and gets to his feet.  It does this sometimes and he hasn’t earned enough money to get a proper oilskin to drape across the outer canvas… not yet, at least.  It’s on his list, but it’s little more than a mild inconvenience so it isn’t really a priority to him.  He instead fetches his empty washbasin to place beneath the drip.
Quinn is also on his feet now, but he looks down disapprovingly and shakes his head.  “No, this won’t do at all.”
Without waiting for permission, Quinn grabs Morris tightly by the wrist and marches towards the tent entrance.  He is deaf to Morris’ assurances that the roof isn’t about the collapse in and drown them, and becomes rather rude and insistent on how he won’t have them spending the night in such conditions.  Morris could resist.  He’s strong enough to do it.  But he knows a determined Trevelyan is not to be deterred.
It isn’t very far to run, but they are both soaked from the rain by the time they make it to the Trevelyan pavilions.  They are a colourful collection of tents that all look considerably larger than Morris’ own.  Even Quinn’s - despite being the youngest son - has all the grandeur and heraldry of a wealthy noble.  It all makes Morris still feel a bit out of place among the knights.  In his heart of hearts he still is just a boy from an insignificant farming village.  Quinn knows this and for the most part always takes great care to meet Morris at his own level.  But leaky tents, he supposes, are the man’s limit.
Quinn pulls back the flap of his tent and gestures for Morris to hurry inside.  To Morris’ surprise the place is considerably less opulent than he expects.  Quinn’s bedding is certainly nicer and has far more pillows, and the lanterns hanging from the supports above look much nicer than his own, but there is significantly less velvet or plush carpeting and gold than Morris is expecting.
Quinn is already half-undressed, tossing his wet tunic in an unceremonious heap on the floor and fidgeting with the buttons on his boots in order to get them off.  Morris shifts his weight back and forth, feeling his worn leather boots squelch from the mud they’ve trekked through.
“This better come with laundry service,” he says, wringing rainwater out of his own tunic.  “I was perfectly dry even with a small leak in the ceiling.  Now look at me!”
Quinn looks up and gives Morris a once over before that horribly clever grin of his appears.  Quinn himself is just as soaked, his golden hair more like the colour of burnished copper.  He runs a hand through it, brushing wet strands of hair back from his forehead.
“I think you are terribly handsome.  Perhaps we should do this more often.”
Morris rolls his eyes in dismissal, but he’s never quite able to hide the little smile that creeps up on him whenever Quinn pays him compliments.  He tries his best to resist, however, choosing to instead elbow Quinn just a little harder than would normally be considered playful.  “I’m likely to catch cold now.”
Quinn makes a noise that sounds rather disgruntled before he begins to rummage through a trunk that’s tucked away in the corner.  He pulls out a woolen blanket that looks decidedly plain considering what Morris knows about the man’s tastes, and wraps it around his shoulders before making a grand show of collapsing onto his bed.
Morris knows how this goes.  He’s expected to react, but instead makes his own pointed display of ignoring Quinn and continuing to remove his wet clothes.  It isn’t until he hears a rather insistent clearing of Quinn’s throat that he pays him any attention.
“Well?  If you’re going to stand there all night like that then you can’t blame me when you do get sick.”
“Move over then.  You always take up too much space.”
Quinn looks offended for a moment but then does his best to scoot over on his bedroll and cot.  He unwraps the blanket just enough to beckon Morris over.
There is more room than they usually have whenever Quinn sneaks-but-does-not-sneak into Morris’ tent, but not much.  The cot creaks significantly less though, which Morris appreciates.  Quinn turns onto his side as Morris slides in next to him, throwing the blanket across them both.
It is warm beneath the covers, and Morris can feel the softness of Quinn’s thigh brushing against his own.  This is nice, he thinks, though it would be better if they hadn’t left behind the bottle of wine.
There is a rustling of the blanket as Quinn shifts and before Morris can say anything, an arm wraps around his waist and Quinn’s weight settles half on top of him.  Quinn’s skin is damp from his wet clothes and the rain.  His cheek, however, is soft as it settles against Morris’ chest.  Morris takes in a breath, uncertain for a moment of what he should do.  Quinn’s weight and the way he pulls him close is better than anything else in the world.  He just isn’t exactly used to it.  Quinn’s thinner frame usually means that Morris is the one playing big spoon.
“I didn’t expect you to be into cuddling.”
Quinn’s voice is muffled, but no less petulant as he replies, “I’m not.”
“Then what’s this?”
For a brief moment, the arm around Morris’ waist loosens as Quinn appears to reconsider things.  But before he can properly extricate himself, Morris reaches around and threads his fingers through Quinn’s hair.  He smiles to himself as Quinn’s arm tightens agains and he settles in closer.  One of his legs hooks around Morris’, and the two are quickly tangled up together.  Not that Morris minds.  He’s quite content to lay here all night if he can.
Quinn, however, is speaking again.  “It’s skin to skin contact, that’s all.  Very important for keeping warm.”
Morris laughs and plants a kiss to the top of Quinn’s head.  “You’re full of shit, Trevelyan.”
Quinn makes a disgruntled huff but still turns his face up to steal the next kiss directly from Morris’ lips.  “Don’t be an ass, Horace.”
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hornblower - C. S. Forester Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: William Bush/Horatio Hornblower Characters: William Bush, Horatio Hornblower Additional Tags: Canon Divergence, Retirement, Post-Coital Cuddling Summary:
Horatio doesn't remember their years together as well as he thinks he does. Happily, he has William to set him straight.
Or: Umpteen Times Hornblower Was Thick Like a Brick and Didn't Mark Bush's Shows of Affection
For @bowiecadmium. Thanks to @educatedinyellow for the help with the title!
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blackcatkita · 6 years
Mark/Dani 💕
Thank you for asking Asti! You know how much I love Mark and I’m so glad you requested them!
who hogs the duvet- Neither. They either fall asleep in each others arms or spooning and they have a Queen sized bed because Mark thinks “It’s the perfect size to have enough room without being too far away from each other.”
who texts/rings to check how their day is going- Both, but Dani does it more because she makes her own schedule. When she’s out researching places or interviewing people for her company, she always makes sure he knows where she is, just in case, so he doesn’t really need to ask. He will text her between meetings to see if they have plans or just to say he’s thinking about her.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts- Usually Dani but with the work she does she has an unfair advantage and because of that Mark thinks his gifts are never good enough to show how much he loves her. He knocked it out of the park for their first anniversary, taking her on a tour of all their favorite hang out spots from their college days. At the end of the night he set up a projector screen in the back yard and they cuddled on a blanket watching Avatar under the stars, the first movie they went to see together. 
who gets up first in the morning- Mark during the week because he has to go to work and Dani can work whenever unless she has a meeting scheduled. On the weekends Mark likes to sleep in, so Dani gets up early to make breakfast.
who suggests new things in bed- Dani though it doesn’t go past a sexy outfit she knows will drive him crazy, a new position or her trusty scarf.
who cries at movies- Dani cries often during movies and Mark never really understood how she could cry in a public theater... until he saw Avengers: Infinity War. (Drabble coming soon!)
who gives unprompted massages- Both. Since they both spend a lot of time on the computer, their necks and shoulders get knotted up. Mark’s tell is when he rubs the back of his neck and Dani’s is when she rolls her shoulders. Whenever one of them sees the other’s tells, they make them take a break for a massage.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick- Dani fusses over Mark, because she feels bad that he is “dying”. He is so pitiful, it’s hard for her to not laugh at how adorable she thinks he is.
who gets jealous easiest- Neither one of them gets jealous easily. They have to attend a lot of events because of Mark’s job and he loves making his co-workers jealous, because he’s with the most beautiful woman in the world.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music- They have very similar taste in music, so it’s either both of them or neither, depending on who you ask. 
who collects something unusual- Dani inherited her grandmothers souvenir spoon collection and has continued the tradition, getting a new one when they travel to different places.
who takes the longest to get ready- They are both pretty low maintenance in their day to day lives but when they have an event to attend Dani definitely takes longer. She loves the way Mark looks at her when she’s all dressed up, like he’s the luckiest guy in the world.
who is the most tidy and organized- Mark, but Dani isn’t messy either. 
who gets most excited about the holidays- Dani, she loves everything about the holiday season, decorating, shopping, spending time with family... Mark likes the holidays but what he loves most is how excited she gets and how her eyes sparkle when they light the tree the first time. 
who is the big spoon/little spoon- Mark is the big spoon, Dani is the little spoon unless she is sleeping tucked beside him with her head resting in the crook of his shoulder.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports- They are both super competitive when playing cards, board games, or red herring but Dani knows better than to play video games with Mark, he would mop the floor with her.
who starts the most arguments- They know each other so well that they don’t really argue and on the rare occasion that they do, Mark is able to discuss the problem calmly, helping Dani see things logically.
who suggests that they buy a pet- Mark. He wants their kids to have a dog so they can learn responsibility. Dani thinks they should start with a guinea pig.
what couple traditions they have- On their respective birthdays, the rule is they get to pick the movie and the other has to watch it without complaint. Mark picks a movie with a basketball player in it. every. time. Also, every Sunday, Dani gets up early to make breakfast for them but every once in awhile, Mark beats her to it and serves her breakfast in bed.
what tv shows they watch together- The Crown and the Flame, Game of Thrones and they re-watch Lost, over and over.
what other couple they hang out with- Brooke and Keo, Horatio and Tara and Ben and Amanda (OC)
how they spend time together as a couple- they make dinner together every night, they snuggle on the couch with a bowl of popcorn watching movies or their favorite shows and have “date night” at least once a week. 
who made the first move- Dani thinks she did the first time she met him, when she wrote her number on his chest but it wasn’t until years later when Mark confessed his feelings that they finally accepted they were always more than friends.
who brings flowers home- Usually Dani does the grocery shopping but when Mark goes to the store, he always brings her flowers.
who is the best cook- Dani is the better cook but after taking a few cooking classes together Mark can definitely hold his own in the kitchen.
tagging those I think like lovehacks. If you want to be added to LoveHacks writings (or if you don't) just let me know!
 @kinkykingliam @writtenbycandy @darley1101 @theroyalweisme @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @katurrade @mfackenthal @debramcg1106 @alicars @flyawayblue56 @josieschoices @alwaysthebestchoice @kennaxval @mariamatsuo @penguininapinktuxedo @endlessly-searching-for-you @sstee1 @speedyoperarascalparty @mitalijoshi @chiarace @never-ending-choices @drakelover78 @scarlettedragon
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Can you do Soma X Elizabeth? I'll like to see it since I think they can be a cute couple
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Soma x Lizzy? The sweetest and purest of all couples on this planet? My heaaaart. Thank you so much for requesting this @theplaytheroist and @saemi-the-dreamer
Who is more likely to catch a cold? My precious baby Soma. But around Lizzy he doesn’t want to complain or be seen as weak and wimpy so he tries to avoid her whenever he’s ill but Lizzy—our darling bundle of sunshine—won’t let the person she loves suffer all by his lonesome (and Agni knows Lizzy will be coming over so he excuses himself for the next few hours).
She and Agni prepare risotto, pumpkin soup, and hot mulled wine.
Soma’s so touched he won’t let go of Lizzy’s hand, even as she laughs and says it’ll be harder to feed him with one hand. Soma’s reply? “That’s even better! That means you can stay here longer! I don’t—I don’t want you to leave yet.” And in a quieter voice he confesses, “I don’t want you to leave at all.” 
Who hogs the blankets? Soma XD he still hasn’t adjusted to English weather so he requires at least 3 coverlets, a cashmere blanket, and maybe an extra duvet. Lizzy, whose blood runs hot, just ends up shifting all the blankets to Soma so she can sleep without sweating.
“Aww you look so cute!” Lizzy giggled. “All cocooned up—look at your cheeks! You’re like an adorable, darling bunny!”
Soma blushed and shyly came to grasp her hand, fingers intertwining. “Are you sure you aren’t cold?” 
Lizzy shook her head. “I’m a Midford. We’re hotblooded by nature. Mother says that’s where the brazenness comes from.”
“Brazenness?” Soma rolled over. “Well if you want to be extra brazen then come here!” He held open his arms, eyes bright. “Let me give you a kiss!”
Who kills all the flowers? Soma XD he and Lizzy have a little garden all of their own at their estate, Sita Lotus (named after the Hindu goddess Sita, the daughter of mother earth and a representation of feminine power and virtue) where they cultivate lotus blossoms and basil (considered one of the most sacred plants in Hinduism).
Who eats all the candy before Halloween? Soma—it gets even worse after Edward, following his tour of North America, brings back a barrel of pure Vermont maple syrup that Agni uses to flavor his caramels. Needless to say, Lizzy had to start setting caramel limits to keep Soma from cleaning out the whole pantry.
Who takes the longest showers? Neither—they take bubble baths together. (Although it took quite a bit of coaxing on Soma’s part to get Lizzy to agree to something so…so…scandalously indecent.)
“It’s just like cuddling in bed!”
“It is not!” Lizzy protested, cheeks bright pink. “We…we would be nude in the bath, Soma—!”
“Well, you don’t bathe with your clothes on do you?”
“No, but—“
Soma wrapped his arms around her, surrounding Lizzy with the scent of roses and spicy cinnamon. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to but I really think you English folk are in need of some fun. How do you stand these stuffy summers all bundled up like that?”
Lizzy blushed. “We don’t move very much.” She paused. “We’re quite devoted to sitting.” 
Soma laughed, pressing half a dozen kisses to her forehead in delight. 
Who goes to bed at 5am but wakes up at 8am? Neither. Soma can sleep through the apocalypse.
Who makes sure the other has a healthy breakfast? Soma. He has Agni grow mangos and persimmons in their glass gardens so as to give Lizzy a taste of eastern fruit.
What pets do they have? Soma’s elephant (that they’ve named Persimmon because Lizzy’s become addicted to the fruit), a baby chick named Theodore (who’s besties with Phipp’s chicken, Cecily), three King Charles Spaniels (Ferdinand, Isabella, and Philip), a Bengali tiger named Oberon, and a white crane named Horatio.
Who proposes? Soma does! … with an elephant parade, flower floats, fireworks, dancing gypsies, music, trumpets, and gold. A LOT of gold. (Basically the whole Elizabeth Taylor sequence from 1963’s Cleopatra XD)
During this parade Soma and Lizzy sit side by side on Persimmon while everyone (and I mean, like, 90% of high society) watch in awe (and envy) before Soma gets down on one knee and proposes with a diamond the size of a tangerine.
“Soma this is beautiful but I don’t think I’m going to be able to wear this on a daily basis.”
“As my princess, you’ll never have to lift a finger! I’ll shower you in precious jewels and Venetian silks and the love of a million shining suns!” 
“Behold!” Down below four footmen dressed in identical uniforms of crimson brocade appeared carrying a wide, spherical sedan chair with a pink lotus carved on top. “Your feet shall never tire, your gowns never dirty, and I will—“
His speech, already beginning to reach a fever pitch, was halted when Lizzy pressed her lips against his.
And suddenly, Soma decided, elephants and gold glitter and trumping fanfares weren’t nearly as important as his princess’s sweet lips. 
Who actually enjoyed the planning? They both did XD in an extravagant mix of Indian and English culture to craft a wedding so pricey that it cost more than three times the prince of Wales’ parliamentary allowance.
When Soma was told of the tab, he merely smiled. “Why, that isn’t nearly as bad as my elder brother’s wedding! You don’t know how hard of it time it was to find a solid gold carriage! The entire thing was so heavy we needed sixteen white Arabian stallions to pull it! Father was quite amused.”
Would their wedding be small or grand? Grand. Just…luxurious, ostentatious, expensive, theatrical. Soma and Lizzy were married at their estate, Sita Lotus. The guest list included the English 400 (the 400 most elite blue blooded aristocrats and businessmen), Soma’s various relatives and siblings (which made up the other 300), the Phantomhive, Midford, Grey, Phipps, and Trancy heads were also in attendance.
Elizabeth’s wedding sari was of crimson silk with hand embroidered patterns of flaming phoenixes, rising suns, and hummingbirds in flight. Her gorgeous blonde hair (now grown to fall at her waist) was left loose, intertwined with lotus flowers, while a crown of gold and emeralds sat atop her head.
When Ciel saw her, he commented, “It wouldn’t surprise me if Elizabeth’s very gown and jewels surpassed the cost of the royal treasury.”
Which guest was happiest to see them get married? Agni. And Edward. And Ciel. And Finny. And Frances. And Alexis. And Paula. And Sieglinde. And—well, you get the picture XD
How many children would they have? Soma hails from a large family and Lizzy absolutely adores children so most likely six at the very least.
Would they adopt or have them naturally? Naturally!
Who is the strictest parent? Lizzy. She teaches her children the value of hard work, discipline, respect for other people no matter commoner or noble, and to always devote themselves to goals they truly want to reach.
Are their children in homeschool or public school? Initially homeschooled by Agni until they’re old enough to attend Weston.
(Lizzy says no, Soma love, they all can’t arrive riding on elephants and tigers.)
Who is the favorite parent? Oh they (and Agni) are adored beyond reason by the children, who—while they may not always agree with their parents—still value and respect their judgment.
Who checks on the kids in the middle of the night? Agni! He has no wish for his prince or princess to arise after they’ve spent all day chasing after children, managing the estate, and the various businesses Soma owns around the world. (Including banks in Germany, paper mills in Finland, coffee plantations in South America, various estate managing companies, global investments, huge shares in North American canned goods—mainly maple syrup, landowning, and three publishing companies.)
(When his cousin-in-law Ciel expressed surprise at Soma’s vast business portfolio, he replied: “Mine? Honestly it’s quite a pittance compared to that of my siblings.” —> Which then caused Ciel to wonder: just how wealthy was the Kadar family anyway?)
Who decorated the nursery? Lizzy and Soma together! Gold patterned walls, wide airy windows, arched marble pillars in gem pink, white marble floors, cradles made of hand carved satinwood and painted gold, the latest toys from Funtom, and personalized Bitter Bunnies for each of their six children.
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Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader
Rating: Teen?
Characters: Jim Kirk, Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Uhura, Spock,
Summary: The long awaited birth of yours and Jim’s first born happens. And it isn’t what you anticipated.
Warnings: child birth, cursing, unedited 
Tags: I don’t even know if anyone wants to read these still, but if you do, remind me and I will tag you in the next ones.
Author’s note: Sooo, sorry this took so long. Life is chaotic. There is still more to come for this. There will be cute moments with Jim being a parent and all that jazz. I hope you love it. This is unedited, just to warn you.\
part 1 part 2
  Your due date was at least 2 and ½ weeks away and you were getting so excited. Your heart felt so full. You had a little family. You, Jim, and your little Peanut. That didn’t mean that the pregnancy wasn’t taking a toll on you. You were constantly tired, your ankles were swollen, so were your hands. It was so bad that your wedding band was stringed on a metal chain that hung around your neck. You also didn’t really walk anymore, you waddled around like a penguin. The sight always made Jim flash this bright smile, which only made you want to shake him.  
You were waddling back from your appointment with Bones, it was a regular exam to make sure that there wasn’t too much strain on your body, or on the baby. You were almost to your quarters when your communicator chirped at you. You huffed and answered it.
“Yeah?” You asked, not bothering with formalities at the time, you were too busy trying to catch your breath from your trip from the med bay. You heard a nervous chuckle on the other end of the call.
“Listen… Y/N” It was Bones, he actually sounded nervous. You raised a brow and leaned against a wall.
“Out with it. I have to go make the crib bed and put some decorations up. Then clean. You know, nesting is a real bitch.” You babbled and Bones chuckles.
“Well, you can’t do any of that. I got to put you on bed rest. Your stress levels are much higher, and I didn’t realize that your blood pressure had gone up so much from your last exam. Sorry kid. Jim will be there soon to help you. “ He spoke clearly and slowly and you groaned.
“Seriously? I have so much I have to do! Bones! Take it back!” You yelled into the communicator and a couple of people passing by gave you a look. You just glared at them and Bones chuckled.
“Sorry kid, it doesn’t work that way. See you in a couple of days.” He said and hung up and you groaned in frustration before trying to waddle the last few feet to your door. You heard rapid footsteps behind you, and you could tell by the pattern that it was Jim’s.
“Whoa there beautiful. Slow down.” He said and smiled at you. “You heard the old man. No more walking.” He showed you a wheel chair and you glared at him.
“No. Not gonna happen. I can walk Jim.” You looked at him, leaning on the wall again and he smiled.
“I don’t doubt your ability babe, but I really thing you shouldn’t be. Now sit. I am the captain, don’t make me” He started and you cut him off, obviously frustrated.
“Yeah yeah yeah. Shush. Get me back to the room so I can at least tell you where to put up the baby decorations.” You muttered and sat slowly in the chair, which made Jim smile while wheeling you back to your quarters.
 The rest of the day went really well. Jim enjoyed decorating your little nursery space with hot air balloon decals and other cute decorations. Seeing him so excited to meet your child made you melt. He was such an amazing man, and he had grown so much from when you had met him.
“Alright. I think that is it. Bed is made, toys are put in their place, decorations are up and all the baby clothes have been cleaned and folded.” He said and rubbed his hands against his thighs as he looked at the space near your bed with pride. You smiled and nodded before slowly getting up out of the bed. He rushed to stop you and you swatted at his hands.
“I can go to the bathroom. Don’t fight me on this, or I will pee on you” You warned and he held his hands up, walking next to you in case you needed extra support. “I said I got it.” You muttered and he nodded, letting you get into the bathroom by yourself, but he stayed outside by the door.
“You know, you shouldn’t fight the bed rest so much. You have an exscuse to stay in bed, I wish I had that.” He said and you laughed.
“Oh sure, lets trade places and you push this tiny human out a hole way too small.” You yelled and then made a face. Your body started to feel different, something was happening and you didn’t know what.
“You make a great point, I don’t want to trade places. Have I told you how amazing you are, going through this? You are so strong” He said and you groaned softly as a cramp and then you felt a gush of fluid that was far from normal.
“Fucking hell. You have got to be shitting me” You stood and examined the fluid, confirming to yourself that your water had in fact broke.
“Babe? You okay” Jim yelled through the door and you tried to get to the door. “Y/N” He asked and opened the door as you tried waddling to him. He saw the fluid on the floor and his eyes went wide, then he made eye contact with you. “Is that…?”  You nodded but then hunched over as pain flowed through along your nerves.
“Ow..Ow… this is far worse than I anticipated” You whimpered and Jim went to your side and gently ran his fingers through your hair. “I don’t understand. It was just a few hours ago, that I was put on bed rest” You reached for his hand and he held yours tight as he called for Bones. You felt like your legs were going to give out so you slowly slid down to the floor and Jim helped you, cradling you close to him to try and give you comfort.
“I know Y/N. It will be okay, you got this” He said and cuddled you close as he waited for nurses to come get you. It felt like nonstop pain. You didn’t understand. You whimpered and slowly moved to pull your leggings off and Jim looked confused. “Y/N, wait, you will be leaving soon. “ He said and you shook your head.
“It doesn’t feel that way. Oh god.” You whimpered and leaned your head back and he held you as nurses came in, one immediately starting a pelvic exam. Jim watched her and she looked at him.
“Please call Dr. McCoy” She requested and Jim nodded, calling him and handing her the communicator. She spoke quietly and then hung up. “He is on his way. Miss, it will be alright. But it seems you will be having your baby in the room.” She said. While Bones was rushing to the room, the nurses moved you to the mattress as quickly as they could.
“Move out of the way” Bones said as he entered the room, he already was gloved and ready to go and you whimpered, holding onto Jim’s hands tightly.
“Damn. Y/N, I can’t believe this” He said and grabbed a few things from his bag and then set everything up. “You know when I say ‘see you in a couple of days. I mean it” He joked and you glared at him.
“Trust me, I didn’t plan on going into labor tonight” You sassed and he smiled. Once he was finished he looked at you and then took a deep breath, as if to prep himself as well.
“When you are ready, you can push.” He said and looked at you and Jim with a sweet smile. “Just a bit longer and you will get to meet your child” He whispered, his voice soft and you felt your eyes fill with tears. That was all the motivation you needed. You heard Jim sniff behind you and he moved so you were leaning back against him and held your hands.
“Now.. I’m gonna push!” You exclaimed before you felt your body contract, and all your muscles started to work together to push the small human through.
The experience was surreal. You were in pain, but you didn’t feel it too much. You were too amped, you had too much adrenaline running through your system. It was helping you push harder and hard. Jim was whispering encouraging words to you the whole time as you pushed.
It took two hours. Two hours of the hardest work you ever done before you heard the little cry come from your child. That little cry was all it took for the tears to fall from your eyes and Bones chuckled, cleaning the child up a little before letting Jim cut the umbilical cord. You watched him with wide eyes and then tried to get a better look and Bones held up the child.
“Y/N, Jim, I would like to introduce you to your son.” He said and moved to gently put the wailing child on your chest. You gasped and moved so you could see his little face and you let out a happy sob. Jim reached around you and touched his cheek gently then took his hand.
Your son looked like your husband. He had his eyes, and his nose, but he had your face shape and hair color. He was perfect, in every way possible. Now, he needed a name. The name had already been picked if your child had been a boy.
 You both waited to say it until he was cleaned up and bundled into a little blanket, as well as yourself. A couple of hours later, you were laying in your now clean bed holding your son when Spock and Uhura joined you, Jim, and Bones in the room. Uhura rushed to your side and you let her see your son’s face and she smiled.
“He is beautiful. Congratulations.” She said and Spock watched over her shoulder. You swore you saw him flash a tiny smirk before Uhura looked at him again. “What is his name?” She asked and rubbed his side gently as your cradled him him.
“His name is George. George Horatio Kirk.” Jim said, beaming as he looked to his best friend. Bones chocked on a drink of water he was taking and looked at Jim.
“Now why in the world would you give him a middle name like that?” He asked, a slight blush on his cheeks. You giggled and looked at Bones.
“So he could honor his godfather.” You said and Bones blushed even more.
“You two are something else” was all that Bones could say to that and Jim smiled, holding you close to him, planting a gentle kiss to your hair. Your family was whole, all felt right in your little world.
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enchantedbyhiddles · 7 years
Hamlet: A very short and abridged version (Act 3)
Act 1 Act 2
Scene I
The whole bunch is conspiracing together.
King: Okay, what the hell is wrong with Hamlet? Guildencrantz: No, fucking idea. He is weird, but we don’t know why. King: Okay, new plan. Ophelia, you will stay here and “accidently” walk into Hamlet and we’ll watch you. Ophelia: Okay. Gertrude: Good luck! Really hope my son is madly in love with you! *pinches her cheek*
Everyone but Ophelia leaves and Hamlet comes in.
Hamlet: To be or not to be. If I kill myself, is death like sleep? And if I already feel bad now, do I get nightmares when I’m dead? Everything is so awful and my life is such a burden. Oh god. I just want to die. The more I think about it, the more I’m afraid of it. Woe is me. – Oh, Ophelia is here. Ophelia *waving the book that her dad made her read, so that she looks “intelligent and not just hot”*: HI! *shit was that weird? Do I look natural? Act natural! This is not a set-up. Our dads are not hiding behind that curtain. Shit, the socks of my dad are really ugly!* Hamlet: Hey, hey, hey! Either you’re hot and a slut, or honest and ugly. What is it? Ophelia: *shocked* What? Hamlet: I never loved you. So fuck off!  Ophelia: I thought you loved me? How could I be such a fool. *stay calm Ophelia. Don’t cry in front of him. He doesn’t deserve to treat you like shit. You are worth so much more than him. Only one more moment and you can cry all you want* Hamlet: *shrugs* Your problem. I’m mad. MAD! *wents away* Ophelia: *still stunned* He totally lost it and that breaks my heart. (Seriously. Poor Ophelia. Her boyfriend could have simply have broken up with her. No, he needs to humiliate and hurt her. And still insists that she never should have anyone else. Hamlet is a super asshole.)
King and Polonius come back.
King: Well, he’s obviously not in love with her. That guy is mental. We have to get rid of him. Polonius: I’m still convinced that he got mad, because Ophelia rejected him! (Yay, you both win prizes for fathers of the year. Do you have any heart? Obviously not.)
Scene II
Hamlet and the players
Hamlet: I’m the best director ever! (And Shakespeare is a show-off. No reason whatsoever for this, but his Gary Stue named Hamlet is good at everything and now teaches famous actors: speak normal, don’t scream, don’t wave your arms like a windmill, don’t exaggerate so much, less is more.)
*everyone prepares the play*
Hamlet: Horatio! Horatio: Here. Hamlet: You’re the only one I trust. I have this great plan. I will make everyone watch the play tonight that is exactly what the ghost told me, and you and I will watch my uncle and if he flinches he is the murderer. (Yes, Shakespeare. We got it. No need to make this story a big monologue again! Oh, too late.)
*everyone comes back to watch the play*
Polonius: Did I ever tell you how I was this great actor in my youth? At university! (No, one is interested in your stories. No, one. So shut up! *me drags away Guildencrantz who try to kiss up to everyone*)
Hamlet tries to cuddle with Ophelia
Ophelia: *this is awkward* You seem fine now. Hamlet: Nah, I’m only joking. Or am I? Maybe I’m flirting. ;) Nah. Ophelia: *awkward* *don’t do anything to set him off again* (Poor Ophelia. Hamlet is the typical abusive boyfriend and now she doesn’t know what to do. RUN!)
*CUT* Here would be the whole play in play, that was already played once, the changes discussed, the reasons about it explained twice already. *I love Shakespeare, but I hate this scene. Another half  hour in an already very long play. Explain it or show it. The audience isn’t dumb. *
*Claudius storms off*
Horatio and Hamlet: Claudius hates the play. He was the killer! (Really? Maybe you are just a bad director. And writer. And overall not as brilliant as you pretended. Nah. Okay. Just joking. ;D) Guildencrantz: What an end to the evening. Claudius and Gertrude are in their respective rooms and your mum wants to see you.
Scene III
Kings’ room
King to Guildencrantz: I hate that guy Hamlet. You go with him to England.
Guildencrantz leave and Claudius is alone
Claudius: Yeah, I killed my brother and I’m the villain. Now I’m king and married my sister-in-law. But sorry? I mean it is two months already, get over it! Let’s pray it away. Hamlet: I should kill him! Shit. Can’t do that while he’s praying. Maybe later.
Scene IV
Queen’s room
Polonius: The mad Hamlet will be here shortly. Make a scene and I’m your bodyguard behind this curtain. Hamlet: Hey, mother. Or aunt. Whatever. You’re a slut and a liar and a whore! Are you also a murderess? Gertrude: How dare you speak that way with your mother! Hamlet: I speak that way, because your new husband killed my dad! Gertrude: ?? Hamlet: Whore. Murderess. Slut. You disgust me. Is my uncle good in bed? Can’t be. You’re old. So sick! Fucking the murderer of my dad. How can you look in the mirror? Heh? Gertrude: SHUT UP! I don’t want to think about it. Ghost flies by: Woohooo! You have a mission! Don’t forget about me! Gertrude: Is there something? Hamlet: Just your husband. My dad. As a ghost. - Wait, you don’t see him? RIGHT THERE? He tells me to kill you! Gertrude: You’re truly mad. Hamlet: But first I kill the rat that was behind this curtain all the time. Die!
*stabs Polonius behind the curtain* (Hamlet, you get a star. It says “You tried”.)
Hamlet: Whoopsy. Wrong guy. Oh well, I’m off to England anyway, with my friends that are supposed to kill me. Bye!
Gertrude is having a nervous breakdown. Probably. I would.
And so in Act 3 everything went to shit. From a slightly dysfunctional family, to total disaster. Well done, Hamlet. You’re the hero. Truly.
Act 4 Act 5
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booknerd405 · 8 years
The answer to the Shakespeare asks cuz I’m an idiot (love u Kate)
@themeltedheadaches i blame this on the tumblr mobile app but here ya go <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 (your answers were amazing btw aahhhhh)
Antony: What bad habits do you need to break?
cracking my back, procrastinating, thinking all my friends secretly hate me...
Beatrice: What is the achievement you’re most proud of?
tbh this is kinda embarrassing (esp. since i had to audition like 2 months late cuz i chickened out originally) but joining symphony and not being completely terrible at it cuz music has always been a super private thing for me and playing any instrument at all in front of/with a group of people who are judging me hardcore is v not like me at all so yeah.
Benvolio: What comes to mind when you think of peace?
reading a book for so long in my bed that i get super cold even in the middle of August, my stuffed animal, watching TV with my entire family stuffed onto that poor red couch we’ve had since i was born, (really any time i can sit and do nothing with someone i care about and it isn’t awkward), waking up to find my dog curled up against my butt
Bianca: What do you want most in life?
To be happy with my life and my choices. I don’t want to be near the end of my life and start regretting all the things i didn’t do or try because i was too scared of failure. to be able to look back and say that I truly lived.
Celia: Do you want to fall in love?
i’m assuming this means romantically, so the answer is yes. i felt a bit foolish aka my ego was highkey bruised after sophomore year but it was worth it. in a broader sense, i’m already in love with so many things and people, i fall in love with something or someone as often as i can. Today i fell in love with how strong the smell of spring hit so suddenly in back yard this year.
Circe: Would you rather be loved or feared?
...why not both??
Claudius: What is the worst thing you’ve ever done?
my mind immediately jumps to every time i was a bitch or rude or plain mean to someone in elementary school who just wanted a friend or to fit in. i know i was young and supposedly didn’t know any better but i’d been on the other end before and i hate that i contributed to someone else in the world feeling the same way i did
Cordelia: Do you consider yourself a good person?
i would say that I try my hardest
Cressida: What makes you feel trapped?
my laziness, feeling like i should be doing more with my day but not having the energy or willpower to even get up
Desdemona: Do you believe that the truth will set you free?
i’d rather be told the truth than a lie, but I think a person’s response to the truth will determine whether they’re set free
Edgar: Do you want to make your family proud?
Always, the worst days in my life are the days where i feel like i’ve disappointed my parents
Edmund: Do you ever wish you’d been born someone else? If so, who?
Gertrude: Would you (or have you) ever cheated on a significant other?
Definitely not.
Hamlet: Do you prefer to think things through thoroughly or act on impulse?
oh god i think things through so goddamn much i’m practically hamlet himself, can’t get any shit done
Hecate: Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
Definitely an introvert (dorming is gonna be HELL)
Helenus: Do you believe in God?
I’d like to but i just don’t
Hippolyta: What is your biggest regret?
not doing any art classes in high school until i absolutely had to. i wouldve met so many more people and symphony this year has just been the perfect break in the middle of the day that i never knew i needed.
Horatio: Who do you love most?
My family, especially my dad. i don’t know if id be even half as successful or happy in my life if it wasn’t for him. our 3 am walks in a random campground, going into his engineering workplace since i was 5, the number of times he made me cry by doing something silly like trying to teach me how negative numbers worked when i was 6. also my friends, i tend to only have 1 really close friend at a time that i love the most and she (hopefully) knows who she is
Juliet: What is your favorite luxury?
chocolate, french fries and ketchup, parents who are too good to me, fountain pens that i keep accidentally ruining cuz i keep messing with them
Lady Macbeth: What is your favorite thing about yourself?
physically, probably my eyes or my hair, though both have had their bad days. (also the mole on my hip but that’s not there anymore no i’m not salty) mentally idk i hate and love practically everything else about me in equal measure
Macbeth: Have you ever killed anyone? Would you?
No and i really don’t think so
Malcolm: What does honor mean to you?
being able to take failure in stride and learn from it, trying, being active and engaged in what you choose to do with your time, taking in others into consideration with your actions
Medea: Do you have any quirks?
I bounce like hell when I walk but i also look so angry that i’m bout to kill someone...so pls don’t look at me while i walk its embarrassing, i usually don’t use a pillow when i sleep
Mercutio: Is there anyone you would die for?
I’d like to be able to answer my friends and family but truthfully i don’t know if i could ever be that brave
Miranda: Is happiness a choice?
I think most of the time it is, but not always
Oberon: Does reputation matter to you?
i think it used to?? but now idk i feel like ppl can think whatever the hell they want of me & the ppl that matter will know the truth and won’t care about my reputation. tho i suppose it does kinda matter to me because having a bad reputation shuts down a lot of opportunities in life
Ophelia: Is there anything you regret not doing?
i feel like i already answered this...
Orsino: If you could have any material thing in the world, what would it be?
literally every fountain pen ever (this answer will probably change in a few months/years)
Paris: If you had the chance to rule the world, would you?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH nope nope no fucking way no thank you no siree no ma’am
Portia: When did you lose your innocence?
idk man my parents let me watch Police Academy when i was like 4 years old and i had a fucked up imagination for as long as i can remember i don’t think i ever had my full innocence
Puck: Do you consider yourself a mischievous person?
;) no (that means yes!)
Romeo: How far would you go for love?
too damn far, i don’t actually like how far i’ll go for love
Rosalind: What does your ideal day entail?
waking up early (but not so early that i’m super tired) and staying in bed doing nothing (preferably cuddling with someone) until later when my dog will start crying at me to get up, then spending some time at a park with friends doing stupid things and making stupid jokes and eating cake and chocolate, then going home and watching a movie with my family and my dad makes us all cheeseburgers, ending the day by taking a bath with a bath bomb that doesn’t have fucking glitter in it then accidentally falling asleep while rereading one of my favorite books
Rosaline: Which people from your past haunt you?
i try not to let my past effect me so much but probably Catherine still does. I thought we were the perfect friends that would be together forever but it turned out she had hated me for so many years, had been blaming me in part for her self harm. its so hard to trust when a someone says that they enjoy being my friend because i believed her and i was so so wrong and what if i’m making the same mistakes again and ppl think i’m trying to show myself up thinking i’m a terrible person that they actually hate
Sebastian: Is violence ever the answer?
Titania: Do you believe in magic?
If you ask me during the day, no
Ask me at night, when i’m driving alone or outside under the stars... :)
Tybalt: If you could kill one person without consequences, who would it be?
No one
Viola: How skilled of a liar are you?
Sometimes I think i’m an okay liar but probably i’m terrible and my mom was just pretending to know I wasn’t hanging out with 79 to humor me
Volumnia: Describe the biggest sacrifice you’ve made.
i sacrificed an hour of sleep a few days in a row earlier this week to practice playing the auxiliary percussion in pilatus during concert band
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mcspirkholidayfest · 8 years
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But fear not, McSpirk fans, for your moderators are already making plans to bring you a 2017 Fest. Stay tuned to our blog for news of upcoming rounds, reminders of - and any changes on - how to participate, and a few announcements concerning exciting new features!
In the meantime, please take a moment to give a round of applause (and a kind word!) to all our Creators of 2016, to whom we owe many thanks for gifting us with McSpirk fanfiction, fanart, and fanmixes throughout the year.  In case you missed some of the amazing works from the final round, Christmas and New Year’s, or the handful of back-filled Previous Round prompts, see below the cut to catch up.
Prompt:  There’s a good chance that the Enterprise won’t make it back to any Federation planet, outpost, or starbase for the holidays. Worse yet, subspace communications are down so no one can contact their loved ones off ship. Cue the Captain trying to raise the spirits of his crew with his handy boyfriends at his side to help.
Fill: cheery christmas by @movingplant
Prompt:  Kid!AU. Amanda, Sarek, and a young Spock are on Earth during the Christmas season because Sarek has some Ambassador duties to attend to. Amanda would like to expose Spock to some of her human holiday traditions including being charitable. She brings Spock to the Christmas party thrown by the local hospital for the young children that will be stuck there for the holidays. Amanda used to do volunteer work there and has stayed in touch with some of the staff which included one David McCoy. David McCoy brings his young son Leonard Horatio to the Christmas party because some of his patients are among these kids. David and Amanda introduce the boys to each other and leave them to hang out together. And yes one of the sick kids is a young Jimmy Kirk.
Fill: Fanart by @sofluffygonnadieeee
Prompt:  Jim is trying to decorate the USS Enterprise “Christmas Vacation” style (i.e. National Lampoon movie). He puts holiday lights and other Christmas decoration articles everywhere. The crew soon begins to join him, except for Spock and Bones. They find his actions illogical (Spock) or “completely bonkers” (Bones), but nonetheless endearing. Although as the situation gets out of hand, Bones and Spock have to find a way to stop the others.
Fills: Fanart by @sleepymccoy with Bonus Art here
Prompt:  Startfleet’s annual New Year’s party or a New Year’s party of some kind. Kirk encourages Jaylah to try champagne. Spock gets mildly drunk on chocolate. Bones and Spock each kissing one of Kirk’s cheeks when the countdown ends.
Fill: Fanart by @kaztial-does-art
Prompt:   It’s the attack of the ugly sweaters!  Jim buys one for each boyfriend, and Leonard and Spock can’t say no.  Bonus points if Jim bought them matching sets, including mittens, hats, and scarves.
Fill: Fanart by @boomdeyadah
Prompt:  (AOS) Spock reminisces about Christmas celebrations with Amanda on Vulcan/Earth. Jim and Bones decide to help him celebrate this year just like with his mom. They contact Sarek to find out if any of Spock’s christmas stuff is still around (like his stocking) and to also invite Sarek to come celebrate with them.
Fill: Fanart by @cocoamocha
Prompt:   Spock vs. McCoy and/or Kirk, who are armed with mistletoe and/or the idea that you have to kiss someone at midnight on New Years’ Eve.  AOS or TOS.  Put your own spin on it.  Is Spock eager?  Is he unwilling?  Does he want to pretend he’s unwilling, but he’s actually curious?  Can they even tell how he feels about it all?  Is he manipulating McCoy right into his arms while pretending to be uninterested in anybody but Kirk?  Does Kirk know how Spock feels about McCoy?  Does Spock retaliate against them both with Vulcan traditions of his own?  Are the traditions real, or did he invent them just to mess with his friends?   Maybe Jim’s a sneaky puppetmaster pulling both Spock’s and McCoy’s strings… with the goal of getting them both right where he wants them.  Basically just manipulative scheming holiday triumvirate action with some first-time smooches (and possibly more) at stake.  X-D
Fill: Fanfic by @regulationblues
Prompt:   It’s almost Christmas, but things look less than rosy on the USS Enterprise. Some weird mission, a mysterious plague, victims - not many, but still victims - before the CMO can come up with a cure. Jim doesn’t take it well and takes it out on Bones, much like with Spock’s blindness - hard words are exchanged. Nothing new but this time, something really got under Leonard’s skin - some of his Captain and lover’s accusations really broke something. On the next mission, down to a snowy, quiet uncharted planet Bones goes with the team but something is amiss. Kirk coughs awkwardly, reaching out. Spock a silently disapproving shadow looming over his shoulder. “Bones, you… I didn’t think you would agree to come, after all that mess.” Bones smiles a weak smile, a defeated smile. “Of course I agreed, Jim,” he says softly, “I will still follow you to the end of the universe and back, ten thousand times. But as your doctor - and your doctor only. I don’t think my heart can take being with someone for whom I’ll never be enough again.” Then he steps in the transporter, beams away, Captain and First Officer losing each a beat at his back. Five hours later, McCoy goes missing on the planet…
Fill: Fanfic by @greensarek
Prompt:  Jim tries to teach his boyfriends how to ice skate. One of them is a natural. The other…really isn’t.
Fill: Fanfic by @waywardconsultingtimelady
Prompt:  Spock and Bones get stranded in the middle of a snowstorm. Spock has to try to keep Bones from succumbing to hypothermia while Jim slowly loses his mind trying to find them both
Fill: Fanfic by @captainsandraclassof2029
Prompt:   Coffeeshop AU! Jim is a barista near a popular science academy. All year, he’s watched two professors come in, grade together, and talk quietly. They’re Jim’s favorite customers, always patient enough for a little chat before their coffees and generous with tips. For Christmas, he’s determined to play cupid for the pair. Little does he know they’re already a couple and equally infatuated with him.
Fill: Fanfic by @drmcbones
Prompt:   After Bones is kidnapped by a figure from Kirk’s past, he and Spock must deal with how exactly they are going to get their boyfriend back in time for dinner. Modern Cop AU
Fill: Fanfic by @goldberryintherushes
Prompt:  Leonard has a date for the crewmen’s Christmas party. He’s kind of happy about that because he wasn’t looking forward to going by himself again. Strange thing is, though, he’s getting mixed reactions as people find out - especially when they automatically assume his date is either the Captain, the First Officer, or both and he has to correct them. Even worse, Jim and Spock suddenly seem intent on making certain he is too busy with work to go to the party. Why, Leonard wonders, can’t he catch a break? Bonus points if the date is one of Leonard’s staff who is hardly surprised to be accosted by an unhappy captain and Vulcan when the news breaks.
Fill: Fanfic by @starfleetdicks
Prompt: My mom’s friends celebrate both Christmas and New Years Eve on New Year’s Eve. Anyway everyone brings presents and the presents are put into a bag. Someone wears a Santa hat and holds the bag. Someone else spins a bottle, who the bottle lands on gets to take a present out of the bag. Also they can trade presents with someone else. The trio hosting the above ‘spin the bottle to pick a present’ thing for the crew. The New Years part doesn’t have to be included, if it is that’s nice but I’m more concerned about the present part. Extra points if it’s Kirk’s idea and Bones grumbles about wearing the hat. I’m fine with TOS or AOS or a crossover of the two.
Fill: Fanfic by @tildytwo
Prompt:  Bones ends up cursed somehow on Christmas day, and is told that he has to receive true love’s kiss by New Year’s or he’ll die. He thinks this is impossible, because he’s already in love, but neither Jim nor Spock will ever love him back. Rather than freaking out and trying to fight his fate or force love where it doesn’t exist, Bones just decides to make the most of the last few days he has with Jim and Spock, without telling them anything. They stay up together to usher in the new year. Spock and Jim are happy, and Bones is happy just being with them one last time. And then Bones collapses…
Fill: Fanfic by @iwillstaywiththemforever
Special: Previous Round Fills
Prompt:   The triumvirate take Joanna trick or treating. Special appearances by Ben, Sulu, and Demora for hella bonus points but not required.
Fill: Fanart by @waywardconsultingtimelady
Prompt:  Vampires/werewolves are real. And OF COURSE Jim Kirk is one.
Fill: Fanfic by @starfleetdicks​
Prompt:  Okay, basically I need a fic with Spock and Jim taking care of a recovering Bones after the usual mission-gone-downhill-and-selfless-heroism routine - all drenched in Halloween-y feels. The boys being stuck in some gloomy planet full of weird stuff, the trio going on shoreleave in a Autumn-y lodge to make Len rest and finding trouble, ghosts hunting the Enterprise, it’s all good really, as long as there is a lot of overprotective Captain and First Officer, cuddles and loved Bones. Extra point for hurt/comfort details, of course.
Fill: Fanfic by @drmcbones​
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randallvangundy · 4 years
Bulldogs can never be mistaken for other breeds. Their features are very distinct from their loose skin on the head, furrowed brow, nose pushed-in, small ears, and undershot jaw. They are medium-sized breeds that have broad shoulders and chests, with thick limbs. And although they are low to the ground, they have a wide and muscular build.
Cartoons often depict Bulldogs as ferocious. However, they are very affectionate and kind. They are indeed courageous, but they don’t pick up a fight. They love people, and they enjoy the attention. However, although friendly, they can also be stubborn and protective.
Bulldog Breed Statistics
Dog Breed GroupNon-Sporting Group HeightBulldogs range from 14-15 inches. WeightThe ideal weight for a Bulldog is 50 pounds for the male and 40 pounds for the female. LifespanBulldogs live about 8-10 years.
Bulldog Statistics
Energy level Exercise needs Requires attention Playfulness Trainability Shedding Grooming Friendly with family Friendly with strangers Friendly with other dogs Prey Drive
History Of The Bulldog
Bulldogs have a bloody history. Believe it or not, their ancestors have very much different traits than the Bulldogs we know today.
It was believed that Bulldogs were created in the 13th-century in England during the reign of King John. They were designed to take part in the sport bull baiting where a staked bull is sent to a stadium to fight a pack of dogs, and spectators can bet on the outcome. The dogs used, the Bulldog’s ancestors, were ferocious and had large jaws. They are so brave and seem to be not affected by pain.
In the year 1835, England finally banned these kinds of sports, which involved animals. However, this didn’t stop it, and the bloody arena just went underground.
From bull-baiting, came pit-dog fighting in cages. This activity required quicker dogs than what they used during bull baiting. So gamblers started to create their gladiators by cross-breeding different kinds of Terriers with Bulldogs, which created the other bull-type terrier breeds.
Bulldogs almost faced extinction because nobody wanted to use them because there was no bull baiting anymore. Fortunately, there were admirers of the breed that started the process to transform the ferocious animal to a companion type.
It was a long process. It involved refining features to make the dog attractive, tampering down the dog’s ferociousness, and recreating the breed to become sweet and fond of children. And in 1886, all the efforts were paid as the breed was finally recognized.
Bulldogs then became a national symbol in England, became the first animal mascot in sports, and also served as the face of Mack Truck company and the US Marine Corps.
Bulldog Temperament
Bulldogs are generally friendly and calm, and if there’s one trait that they got from their ancestors, it’s that they’re very courageous.
Despite his gloomy features, Bulldogs are one of the most amiable dog breeds. They are sweet, gentle, dependable, and predictable. If you have kids, then this dog is one of the best choices to have. This is because they are very fond of children, and will always have a patient and affectionate nature around them.
However, it’s still best to supervise children when around this breed to ensure that the child won’t push the dog’s patience too far. And it’s best to train a child to be gentle with the dog also, so it works both ways.
As they are very loving and affectionate to family, they can be very protective when strangers are around. They also slightly become hostile around other dogs. However, if raised with other animals, then they can be compatible too.
Bulldogs can also be lazy. Though they require activity to prevent them from getting overweight, they just love to lounge around the house. They make excellent cuddle buddies.
Bulldog Care Requirements
Bulldogs can be greedy when it comes to food. That’s why they need proper monitoring to make sure that they do not go beyond their weight limit. Always look for high-quality options that will fulfill his nutritional needs.
Bulldog needs a balanced diet packed with a mixture of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates. Also, don’t ever forget to put out a bowl of water to keep them hydrated as well. With the right balanced diet, bulldogs will always have enough energy and maintain that shiny coat.
Bulldogs shed regularly and might require two to three times of brushing in a week. Give them an all-over brushing using a soft brush for 10 minutes to maintain that beautiful coat.
The wrinkles on the Bulldog’s face also need to be checked regularly. You need to make sure that the skin under is clean, dry, and no food is trapped. This will prevent any form of skin irritation.
To clean the wrinkles, dip the cotton balls in peroxide. Then apply some cornstarch afterward for faster drying. Make sure that you don’t get near the eyes.
Clip their nails regularly too as it might give them pain if kept too long.
Bulldogs are a lazy type of breed who are content and happy to relax beside their owner. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t enjoy a few walks.
Walking a bulldog for 20 to 30 minutes a day will keep him in shape. This will help prevent obesity that may raise other health concerns. Also, walking during warm weather is not advisable as bulldogs can quickly run out of breath.
Other than walking, you can also play fetch. But, don’t throw the ball too far to avoid overexerting your Bulldog’s energy.
If there’s one crucial thing you should take note of about Bulldogs, is that they have difficulty in breathing. As dog parents of a bulldog, it is essential not to get them overheated.
They also have problems in regulating their temperature. So, it’s best to raise a Bulldog in an air-conditioned home. To prevent overheating, a cold-water bath, letting them drink water, and spreading their fur to increase airflow will help.
They are also susceptible to skin problems and allergies, such as eczema, bacterial infections, hot spots, and interdigital cysts. This is why it’s vital to bath them regularly and focus on the wrinkles that might hide the dirt.
They can also develop bone and joint diseases such as hip dysplasia, joint and ligament injuries, and arthritis. Mostly, this is because of genetics. Eye infections such as cherry eyes and dry eyes are also something you need to watch out.
Other health issues are thyroid diseases, heart diseases, and cancer. It’s best to get them checked regularly, and if there are symptoms of any infection or pain, they should be brought to the vet immediately.
Bulldogs can live for 8-10 years.
Famous Bulldogs
Tillman: Has a Guinness Book of World Record as the fastest 100m race on a skateboard by a dog.
Spike: Though a cartoon character, it’s hard not to include the famous bulldog of Tom and Jerry.
Tyson: A celebrity bulldog who was cast in shows like “The Oprah Winfrey” and “Rob and Dig Show,” and in movies “Undiscovered” and “Lords of Dogtown.”
Lords: One of Michael Jackson’s menagerie pets.
Uga: The official live mascot of the University of Georgia Bulldogs
Old Boy: The little boy of the late Republican President William G. Harding.
Bud: The dog of Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson, who set out for America’s first road trip when cars are still brand new.
Fun Facts About Bulldogs
As the name implies, Bulldogs were originally bred to fight bulls.
Back in the day, the purpose of their wrinkles was to prevent blood from getting to their eyes during bull baiting.
Bulldogs almost became extinct.
Bulldogs can’t maneuver well in water. So, it’s best to keep an attentive eye on them.
Bulldogs have a hard time breeding naturally and would require assistance through artificial insemination.
They are the national breed of England.
Bulldog faces are famous team mascots.
They love snoring, drooling, and farting.
Bulldogs come in 10 colors and four different markings.
They rank fifth as the most popular dog breed among 195 dog breeds.
The post Bulldog appeared first on Furry Friends Gear.
Bulldog published first on https://furryfriendsgear.tumblr.com
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