#and she also has chickens. and she'll like. go get one. and then prepare it!
sergle · 1 year
THE CHOOK WILL LAY EGGS!! They will go in my cake or they will rot on the ground I rly do hate anti egg folks. THERE WILL BE EGGS REGARDLESS IF YOU WANT THEM OR NOT, THATS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU HAVE CHICKENS.
LIKE PLEASE... they lay an egg damn near every day what are you supposed to do with them. throw them all in the creek
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
whos the best ghoul cook? do you think they have any weird eating quirks (like water ghouls eating raw fish, mountain chewin on his terra cotta plant pots, fire ghouls needing to eat more bc of higher body temp, anything like that)?
Did I ever tell you guys that I earned a scholarship to culinary school? I couldn't go, but cooking and baking remain passions of mine that I do NOT get to talk about enough.
But now you've given me an excuse >:)
So here, a BUNCH of my cooking (and favorite food) headcanons for the ghouls and Papas alike!
(There's some murder ghoul content here, mostly in Alpha's section - couldn't help myself 😌)
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Aeon isn't one for cooking. Loves eating food, certainly, but not making it. He's more of a snacker, partly because it's more convenient but mostly because he doesn't have the attention span to do much more than microwave instant noodles. He's not picky though, will eat whatever is put in front of him as long as someone else has prepared it. Also doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, more of a salty/savory guy. Favorite foods include hot cheetos, thick cut beef jerky (good to gnaw), and whatever appears on his plate at meal times.
Aether is a ghoul of simple tastes. He'll cook when he has the time, but it's going to be one of his four go-to recipes every time. Always some format of protein + starch + veg, with a complementary sauce. He meal preps every weekend after his retirement so he can have easy meals to microwave and eat in the infirmary. Isn't the biggest fan of cooking with company, unless they're willing to stay out of the kitchen and not interrupt his routine. Has a weak spot for bananas. Favorite meal is one-pan roasted chicken, potatoes and asparagus with rosemary and garlic from Mountain’s garden.
Alpha does not cook, wouldn't dream of it. He doesn't even deign to eat human food most of the time, turns his nose up at it when offered. He likes his meat raw, and wants to hunt it himself so he can feel the blood run down his chin. Any prey is fair game - if he finds you in the woods, you'd better hope you can outrun him. (You cannot.) Favorite foods include the flesh and organs of anything with a pulse.
Aurora likes the idea of cooking, but in practice...well, she tries. She's impatient, is the problem - what do you mean simmer for 20 minutes? She's hungry now! She inevitably rushes everything she makes, no matter how much input she gets from the others, and has yet to learn her lesson. She also has a MASSIVE sweet tooth, they can't keep enough sugary snacks in the pantry as far as she's concerned. Favorite foods include spaghetti with butter and cheese (one of the only things she can always get right), boxed brownies and any kind of fruity candy she can get her paws on.
Cirrus can cook pretty well, if she says so herself, but it's rare that she does it for anyone but herself. She has very particular tastes, and doesn't want to have to adapt them for others. She loves organ meat and bitter vegetables, enjoys the intensity of those flavors while the smell alone keeps most of the others away. Oh well, more for her! She'll eat anything thats made for her though, especially if its served on a silver platter by someone on their knees. Favorite foods (aside from the aforementioned organs) mostly include healthy things like fresh fruit and veggies, steamed shellfish and lean meat.
Cumulus is more of a baker than a cook, but enjoys any time spent in the kitchen either way. She's the type to make a day of it, in her comfiest clothes with music playing while she dances in front of the stove. Her food is never the prettiest, but it's made with love and tastes so much better for it. Her favorite things to bake are cookies and pies, but she doesn't eat many sweets herself. Prefers seeing the others enjoy them. Favorite foods include homemade bread (she has a sourdough starter named Breadly) with lots of butter and flaky salt, anything citrus-forward and wants her proteins heavily spiced (not spicy, she has a low tolerance, but loves the fragrant flavors of herbs and spices).
Dewdrop doesn't advertise it, but he's one of the best ghouls to have in the kitchen. His precision and attention to detail are second to none, and while it doesn't make him particularly fun to share a kitchen with it does make him an outstanding cook. He likes very intricate, involved recipes because he can use them to showcase his skills (and earn a whole bunch of praise at the dining table as a bonus). Loves spicy food, which everyone assumes is due to him now being a fire ghoul, but he's actually always enjoyed a good burn. Favorite foods include any meat served on the bone, fermented foods (kimchi and sour pickles especially) and anything smoked.
Ifrit does not know how the stove works. He survives on protein bars and any leftovers he can pilfer from the abbey kitchens. Food is not a thing he's super interested in, just takes what he needs to fuel himself, and would rather follow in Alpha's footsteps anyway. He likes to hang out at the lake every now and then with Mist, though - she'll pop up from the water every now and then with a nice plump trout to toss his way, which he will roast with his bare hands. Doesn't really have a favorite food, but does like crunchy things.
Mist, if she isn't sharing her spoils with Ifrit, will keep her catch for herself. She's small enough that one good-sized lake fish will tide her over for the day. She does prefer them raw and whole, always a bit on the feral side, but she can be convinced to join the others for sushi if the offer arises. Favorite foods include anything alive and not poisonous in the lake, and cookie dough ice cream (don't tell anyone).
Mountain is overall considered to be the best cook amongst the ghouls, and definitely has the goofy apron to prove it. Naturally skilled and adaptable, he enjoys preparing meals for his pack and will do so with anyone that wishes to lend a hand. Usually it's Cumulus or Sunshine, but they all keep him company at one point or another. He grows much of the produce used in their kitchen himself, all of it fresh and delicious, but Mountain does not eat a bite of it. He's a total carnivore - the closest he gets to eating his homegrown goodies is including them in a stew but avoiding them in his own bowl. Favorite foods include rabbit, venison and this one Vietnamese style grilled beef and rice noodle dish that Dew makes.
Omega learned to cook by osmosis, if you ask him. Time spent under three Papas will do thay to a ghoul. He doesn't cook much, but he's excellent at crafting simple, filling pasta dishes that are good for the soul (so to speak). Also treats it as an excuse to drink plenty of the good wine stashed away in the abbey's cellars - blame Terzo for that habit. Favorite meal is fresh pappardelle served with roasted tomatoes, basil and spicy sausage.
Rain doesn't cook if it involves more than the microwave, not because he can't but because he prefers to be waited on. Breakfast in bed, charcuterie plates in the afternoon, specially prepared dinners to make sure he's kept happy - none of it is necessary, but Rain can't help how much he loves being served. Good thing no one minds giving him the royal treatment. He will also indulge in the odd raw fish during a swim, but only does it beneath the surface, away from prying eyes. Favorite good is soup, any kind, but he prefers brothy ones over thick or creamy styles. If he had to pick a single favorite varitey, it would be miso.
Swiss is only allowed in the kitchen because he's good with a knife. He can burn through prep work like nobody's business, but that's where his skill set ends. He's caused one too many greasefires to he trusted at the stove, and every time he's put something in the oven he's forgotten about it until smoke filled the room and the ghoulettes had to magickally air it out. But he can chop like a food processor, so he gets the knife pass. He's another one that'll eat anything put in front of him, with one exception: eggs. Can't stand them. Favorite foods include red meat served rare, really dark, bitter chocolate and anything with hideous amounts of garlic.
Sunshine is chaos personified in the kitchen. She loves to experiment with flavors and techniques, but has yet to have anything close to a success. Pasta with pesto and pineapple (alliteration is fun), chocolate covered avocado balls (with bacon, because why not), a tuna sandwich made with coconut yogurt instead of mayo (it's healthy!) - these are but a few of the food crimes that have lost her solo access to the kitchens. This girl could burn cereal, and no one wants to see that. She does love to eat though, and will frequently hang out when someone else is cooking so she can sneak bites whatever they're making. Favorite foods include cheese (all kinds), sour candy and all the orchard fresh peaches she can get her hands on.
And for the Papas:
Primo had to learn his way around the kitchen from an early age, thanks to the responsibility of raising his younger brothers falling onto his shoulders. He learned by watching the kitchen staff - a pair of elderly Sisters with so much skill in their gnarled hands that Primo couldn't look away. He never got very good at it, mostly sticking to a handful of reliable dishes that could be made cheap and easily for the three of them. His favorite of the bunch was also the one thing he was best at making - a simple mushroom risotto.
Secondo took to the kitchen like it was second nature, once Primo could trust him to not chop a finger off. Would spend hours poring over cookbooks and learning by doing, eating his own failures so his brothers wouldn't have to. He really enjoyed making simple but hearty comfort foods, lots of rib-sticking braises and stews filled with herbs and veggies from Primo's modest garden. He even cooked the last meal they ever shared together, on that fateful Uno night. It was his favorite, a lasagna constructed from fresh sheets of pasta, homemade ricotta, spinach and a simple tomato sauce, served with roasted garlic focaccia.
Terzo did not get the cooking gene, aside from being able to boil water for his tea. It wasn't a big deal since his brothers picked up the slack, and he decided there were other things that took priority - like music, history and how to retain a full head of hair after age 30. He preferred drinking over eating anyway, mostly saw food as something to put in his stomach to cushion the wine. He was a man of simple tastes, and his favorite thing was a humble sandwich of mortadella, provolone and spicy pickled peppers.
Copia never had to learn to cook, raised by the Clergy and doted on thanks to a not-so-subtle suggestion from Sister Imperator. More than a little spoiled in that sense, he would also go on to be the most worldly Papa in terms of his tastes. So much time spent traveling the world helped to expand his palate, and he got into the habit of sending pictures and descriptions of his favorites back to the abbey so the kitchen staff could figure out how to replicate them. It's impossible for him to pick a favorite, but thanks to so much time spent in LA he does have a real soft spot for Mexican food. Tacos al pastor in particular, but without the cilantro (he has the soap gene).
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baratiddyappreciator · 8 months
Rainy Days with the Baki Cast
Been a while since I've made any of my own HCs, so we're going back to doing that., just for this one then I'll finish my asks lmfao (I'm so sorry these take so long)
He's a little bummed that he can't go out and train outside, but he gets over it pretty quickly once he accepts that the rain probably isn't stopping anytime soon. Once he accepts that, you can absolutely convince him to just take it easy and cuddle up with you and Musashi to watch a movie.
Boredom snacks. But like, teenage boy snacks. His "oh I'm gonna get a snack really quick, I'll be right back" is usually accompanied by him eating an entire rotisserie chicken in one sitting. He doesn't even feel remotely bad after, and will actively go back for more snacks.
If you have candles then now is the perfect time to bust them out and make a cozy atmosphere. He'll go through each candle you have with you and will absolutely insist on smelling each one. If you have a lot (like me) then he's going to wind up with a headache, but in the end you'll both have a candle you like.
If the power goes out, that's when he just dips to go train in the basement. Light all the candles you want and open all the curtains to let as much light in as possible, but he's downstairs in the dark, probably fighting a bug. He'll pop up once in a while to see if there's any updates on when the power will come back, otherwise he'll just keep training or napping.
Would he be down to go play around in the rain? Absolutely. He'll come in all muddy and soaked to the bone but it's worth it because you two will have an absolute blast. You're absolutely going to have to have a shower or a bath after though.
Sleeping next to him while it's raining is just perfect. He's warm, hugging you and nuzzled against your shoulder or the top of your head, Musashi is laying on your legs (probably doing that really loud doggy snoring but it's okay we love him) with the thick blankets piled on top of you, the sound of the rain hitting the roof. It's pure bliss and incredibly relaxing.
She doesn't mind at all, it means she can go straight home after school and take some time to either finish all of her homework, or work on a hobby! She accepts that if it's really coming down it's probably not letting up for a while either, so she just settles in to wait it out.
She doesn't really snack out of boredom, but she will have something warm to help warm her up, especially if she just came out of the rain. Usually it's fresh popcorn, but she's not opposed to just having some cookies and hot chocolate.
Do you have candles? Because she's got one or two really nice ones. Her favourite is an Elderflower and Honey scented one, it's calming and makes the room smell really fresh, but she's also got a nice woodsy one that goes well with a rainy day. She's open to using whatever smells nice though!
Power outages suck, but she's prepared! She's got a chargeable lamp that holds roughly ten hours of battery, and she's got some pretty big windows! So she's got her curtains open while there's still some light doing whatever she can to keep busy and once it gets dark, she'll turn her lamp on, but she's not opposed to candles around the house to light things up either!
She won't really play in the rain with you, but if you're getting caught out in the rain she'll definitely race you back to any form of shelter. A store? A bus stop? The front door? She's taking off with no hesitation, barely even bothering to call a "Race ya!" over her shoulder so you know that it's actually a race.
Sleeping with Kozue while it's raining out is very cozy. Her bed is soft and full of pillows and plushies, so you'll both wind up cozy and covered up while it rains. You can hear the rain hitting the roof a little, but it's more pleasant background noise than anything.
Oh it's raining out? Okay, well, he's still got things to do, and a little rain never hurt anybody (it probably has but he doesn't care) so he's going to keep going on as normal, just a little soggier because he definitely forgets an umbrella. Normally one of the guys brings an extra or there's one stashed away in the car, so he doesn't get soaked, but he does get a bit damp because there aren't many umbrellas wide enough to shield his shoulders.
He's not really a huge snack person, but if it's been raining long enough he might be persuaded to have some fruit. Just bring him a bowl and he'll start picking at it. It'll be long gone before it's time for a meal, but you wouldn't think so considering how slowly he eats them. He will have a nice warm drink though.
He doesn't really care if you want to burn a candle, just nothing strong because he'll most likely get a headache. He doesn't have a single candle in his house that he's aware of, but I guarantee you that there's one or two stashed away in a closet just in case power goes out. They're not scented, but they're better than nothing when it comes to a light source.
The person you want to be with when the power goes out. He's not phased by anything, but if you think he's stupid enough to not have the backup generator serviced regularly then you're dead wrong. Because yes, he has one. He doesn't have a lot of food in the fridge, but he doesn't want what he does have to go bad. As for what he does... Well, for the brief time before the backup generator comes on, he'll just stare out the window, even if it is pitch black out.
He's not going to play in the rain with you, nor will he race you, but he will go for a walk with you if you ask, even if it's just around the covered parts of his property. Otherwise, he'd prefer to just lounge around, maybe watch the news or read the papers to see what's going on, or maybe he'll even manage some "business" with his gang.
Sleeping with Hanayama while it rains is relaxing for the first few minutes until he properly drifts off and he starts his impression of a whale with a respiratory infection. His snoring is so loud it actively drowns out any thunder, which is a bonus if you're scared of thunder, but if you're not used to his snoring you're screwed.
Are you kidding?! Do you know how much effort he puts into his hair?! He's not going to get it ruined by anything other than a heavy make out session or a proper fight! He's staying inside and he's pouting about it the whole time because all the humidity will make his hair frizzy.
He'll snack like Baki, to be honest. Maybe not an entire rotisserie chicken, but he's more likely to have a full meal and call it a snack. He'll even make you some too! Just don't question how salty all his food is, he's just gotten used to his own cooking and doesn't notices that he uses way too much salt in his food.
He cannot be trusted around candles. Not in the slightest. He'll play with the wax, light and extinguish the wick about a dozen times and probably forget it's there and burning until he knocks it over. Now there's wax all over the floor and the jar is probably broken. Do yourself a favour and keep your candles in a specific spot he won't walk past often.
He's oddly good at handling power outages. The second the lights are out he's begging you to make a pillow fort with him to watch movies that he downloaded on his phone forever ago and never remembered to delete. He'll eventually just pass out, leaving you to do whatever you want.
Gives you the dirtiest look imagineable if you suggest going to play out in the rain, but that's only if he's already done his hair. If it started raining before he woke up he won't even bother styling and will just comb it back to keep it out of the way. If his hair is already ruined then yeah, sure, fuck it why not? He'll come play around in the rain with you. Expect him to jump in a big puddle and soak you though.
Sleeping with Chiharu during a storm wouldn't be relaxing at all. You can't hear the rain all that well because he sleeps on the ground floor, but the walls are thin as hell, and he snores almost as bad as Hanayama. He makes goofy noises too, so if you do manage to sleep, he'll probably wake you up with some sound you didn't think he was capable of making.
Not upset, rain happens! He likes it, it's an excuse to stay in and just have a comfortable day. If he's at the dojo he'll train and hang out with his friends and students, but if you're both at home (his apartment or his parents house) he'll take the chance for some prime cuddles and a movie.
He doesn't mind having snacks, but if he's hungry he'll be more likely to wait until it's time for a meal. Unless he just had a meal, in which case yeah, he'll probably bust open a bag of veggie chips and chow down. He's shameless too, he just zones out and then snaps back to reality once the bag is empty, it's why he portions it out into a bowl and then puts the chips away.
He also can't be trusted around candles when he's alone. He'll forget that they're burning until he walks past it possibly hours later and catches a whiff of it. Then it's an "oh yeah, haha, that's going, whoops!" He likes woodsy scents, but he also likes the smell of baked good scented candles, they remind him of his parents.
He's great with power outages. If you're at his apartment and the power goes out, he'll basically set up a giant nest in the bedroom where you two can cuddle and do nothing for a few hours until the power comes back on. But if you're at Doppo and Natsue's house then prepare for the chaos of having him and his dad together with nothing else to do. They're going to spar.
He'll absolutely light up if you ask him to race you through the rain, and he'll mercilessly demolish you. You think it'll be something fun or cute at first because he's a slow start but then he zips past you with zero hesitation to wait for you at the end goal.
Sleeping with Katsumi during a storm is bliss. The bed's comfy, he's curled up with you, the rain is barely audible beyond what you can hear through the window, and you'll both probably fall asleep while watching a movie on his laptop. You'll both wake up the second power comes back on though because he has a billion things in his room (including the ceiling light) that will turn on the second power comes back on.
Well, I guess it's just raining now. He doesn't care. He can work out perfectly well inside, so instead of doing endurance training outside, he'll just do some weight training inside with some mild endurance training thrown in to make him feel a bit better about it. The least likely out of everyone to divert his day, he's dealt with some pretty bad weather back home and just gone on with his day, this isn't any different beyond the volume of rain.
He doesn't snack during the day. He'll just wait until the next meal to eat, and then he eats a lot. Usually it tides him over, but if it's late and the day's done, he might have a hand full or two of your snack, the only downside being he's got bigass hands, so they're some fairly large handfulls.
You can do whatever you want. Candles? Sure. Incense? Yup. Wax melts? Go for it. He doesn't care in the slightest as long as an open flame isn't unattended in his apartment. As a matter of fact, you can probably convince him to keep a wax melt in the bathroom or bedroom so he can have a calming scent in those areas of the apartment. Though if you have anything that smells like apple pie or apple cider then he's all over it.
Completely unphased by a power outage. He can still do his workouts perfectly fine without power, and that's what he's going to do. If he's taking a break from that though, he'll take the time to just spend some time with you. Be it lounging around doing nothing or watching you do a hobby, he's all for spending some time with you while you both wait for the power to come back on.
Asking him to race you back to the apartment through the rain is a quick way to realize that he's both much faster and more coordinated that you would ever assume, and that he's going to be a smug ass about it. He'll wait for you inside, already changed out of his wet clothes by the time you get there and open the door.
Sleeping with Jack while it rains is bliss given form. He'll fall asleep cuddling you. The rain is only just audible through the windows, but you'll mostly hear him softly snoring and his heartbeat. The only downside is that because he's such a heavy sleeper he probably won't be able to wake up and comfort you if you're scared of thunder, but as long as you just tuck against his chest you're perfectly fine.
He's annoyed with the weather, but he doesn't really care. He trains indoors anyways, so it's not that big of a bother, just a mild inconvenience at best. He'll probably just train for a little then do some basic stretches while doing other activities. You're going to find him doing the splits and reading a book.
He won't snack, but he will have warm drinks. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, he's all for them, especially if it's a cold rainy day, because then he embraces his comfy bitch era. You'll probably find him doing stretches and activities around the house with a blanket on his shoulders and a warm mug nearby.
He actually has a few candles of his own that smell very woodsy in the fruit tree sense. They just smell like fruit trees, that fruity overtone with that slightly woodsy musk undertone to them. Anything fruity is an instant hit with him.
Perfectly fine during power outages, though he doesn't really like them. He doesn't want anything in the fridge to go bad, so he pretty much restricts access to it to keep things cold for as long as possible. He'll eventually give up on that though, because you'll find him standing in front of the fridge going feral and eating literally anything that catches his eye.
He's not going to play in the rain with you, and he'll rarely race you to a dry spot, but he will go for a walk with you as long as you've got umbrellas and the rain's not too heavy. The second he sees lightning though you're both going home.
Sleeping with Kosho during a storm is a special event, because it's one of the few moments he'll actively seek you out to cuddle to sleep. Every time, without fail, he'll come up and drag you to bed to snuggle up and fall asleep. Beyond the ambiance of his home, there's not much noise to be heard other than maybe the occasional rumble of thunder.
Terrible. The absolute worst during rainy days. He hates it, it's annoying. You always get some sort of event in the hospital whenever it rains. People are cranky, wet, and more likely to slip, fall and get hurt enough to require a visit, especially if it's raining heavily and they think that just because they're in a car they're invincible. Newsflash, in a car vs a transport, the car usually loses!
He eats crackers with a nice goat cheese spread and a veggie on top as a snack, and this is no exception. He likes his crackers and cheese, especially with a little bit of pepper on the top. Good snack. Get him some hummus and watch it vanish in front of your own eyes.
He doesn't particularly care about scented candles, but anything with lavender or oud wood is an automatic win with him, those are two of his favorite scents. It also helps ease the tension of his busy day and helps establish an atmosphere of relaxation.
Terrible with power outages. He's got so much to do, and while he could train, he's got a strict routine, and overtraining isn't his style (He'll leave that to Jack thank you). He spends the entire time whining about not having power and being bored out of his mind, but if you have board games or card games he'll shut up and do those.
You think he's going to race around in the rain? Absolutely not. It'll make his hair frizzy, and he's seen enough broken elbows and tailbones to never want to run anywhere with iffy traction again. He'll walk with you though. Speed walk, sure, but it's a walk!
Sleeping with Kureha is never peaceful or nice. He's just as feral in his sleep as ever, the only difference is that he'll wind up so tangled in blankets that he won't have the chance to obliterate you with a well-placed kick to your spine. He's going to stick his cold ass feet against your skin though, don't trust him.
Rain is rain, he'll be perfectly happy going about his day as normal with a small chance he just takes it easy to watch the rain and just exist for a minute. It's easy to forget to breathe these days, and a rainy day is a perfect opportunity to meditate and reflect a bit.
He'll have a little snack, but he's mostly drinking tea with honey in it rather than a snack. He will make cosy meals since it's raining out though. Soups, bread, warm comfort food is perfect with the darker weather.
He doesn't mind you having candles, incense or wax melts! As a matter of fact, he's got some of his own tucked away for a day like this! Much like his mysteriously scented pillow, all of the scents he has are vaguely familiar and homely, but not in a way that you can identify beyond this one candle that outright says it's oatmilk and vanilla scented. It's not lying either, and it's one of the candles he saves for really yucky days.
He's fine during power outages. Open all the curtains, he'll set up some candles to make sure you both have light, and set up a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor. It's a perfect chance to just let him talk about anything and everything that comes to his mind.
He'd love to play around you while it's raining, but he wants you to be careful! He doesn't want you getting sick or slipping, and he makes that clear, so you only get a few minutes, but that's more than enough to make memories.
Sleeping with Retsu during a storm is peaceful. Everything smells like home and safety, he's cuddled up with you under some blankets. It's a very healing experience and you absolutely will end up crying if you've had a bad week.
Doppo & Natsue:
Doppo doesn't really care that it's raining, but Natsue LIVES for it! She loves when the weather forecast predicts rain because then she can dress all cosy and she won't have to worry about watering her plants out in the garden. She'll try and convince you and Doppo to also just dress comfy and take it easy for the day.
Natsue likes providing, but so does Doppo. They just spontaneously make snacks for you and each-other to share, and if Katsumi happens to be there too then he gets some as well. Snacks change depending on who prepared them, but they're pretty good either way.
Natsue loves candles, if you have a collection it will double in size and be merged with hers. Just claim an entire closet for candles at this point, it'll be easier. Doppo doesn't really care as long as the house smells nice, but he likes wood wick because of the crackling.
They're both fine during power outages. You'll all just wind up working on your own hobbies until it's time to eat or go to bed. Most of the time it's an entirely silent affair, unless Katsumi is over, then things are a bit more lively since Doppo will absolutely rough-house with his son like the good old days.
Doppo will absolutely take you out if you ask to go goof around in the rain, but Natsue will politely decline. She'll just watch from the sidelines as two of her favourite idiots go and get soaking wet. As long as you both clean up your mess, then she's got nothing to say other than have fun!
Safe sleeps and frequent naps. They're not ashamed to admit that rainy days are nap days unless they have plans that can't just wait until the rain ends. You'll all wind up napping on the couches, in bed, just anywhere comfortable and big enough for the three of you to cuddle up, not a single sound can be heard from outside other than thunder and the wind, maybe rain if it's really coming down hard against the windows.
Oh he loves a rainy day. He'll go and just chill out at home or talk shit with Tokugawa over some tea. He'll calm down a lot when it's rainy, admittedly. Something about the smell of ozone and the chill to the air just mellows him out and makes him tired, so if he does train it's more low-key.
Not a snacker, he'll mostly just drink tea or a proper beverage to tide him over until there's a meal, but if there's a small quick snack that you're having he'll have a little bit. One or two bites, really.
Can't trust him around candles, because he'll find a way to replace your nice smelling ones with awful smelling ones and then you'll both be disappointed in him when you actually need one to be lit. As for him, he's probably got some random half-gone old candle laying around somewhere that he forgot about. It smells really good, but it just doesn't burn well.
Pretty good during power outages, he'll just do some easy training, read a book, meditate and watch the rain. If it's too dark to do any of that though... Well then he'll just go to sleep. It's as simple as that, really. He's only got the one eye left, so he's gotta take care of the vision he has.
He oddly enough just wants to sit and watch the rain instead of messing around in it. No going for walks or a race to the door (though if one happens it's because he wants to go in and relax), he just wants to sit on the porch under the roof and just watch the rain and enjoy himself. You're more than welcome to join him.
Sleeping with Shibukawa during a storm is oddly sweet for him. No pranks, he just follows his routine and then kisses you on the forehead and pulls you into bed for a cuddle. Whatever allows him to stay warm and comfortable, he's all for it, especially if there's nothing left to do for the day.
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smolandweirdwriter · 1 month
Got headcannon(s) for you!
For literally every long trip the Bad Kids go on, Kristen and Adaine are the certified mother hens.
Kristen tries to have cool aunt vibes and she does. Just. She's still an older sibling. But she makes it work
Adaine has the baking down flat, she'll carry a nice Tupperware or 5 of baked goods to last the entire day. Cooking doesn't exactly fit with her, she's tried and although nothing was burnt (*coughfabiancough*) she isn't a big fan of it.
Kristen is a genius at anything corn, and ever since her mission to bulk up, amazing at salads and sandwiches. Her salad game is amazing. Her cooking is fine in general, but her absolutely shit dexterity does not help. If she's preparing food you better be prepared for batter on the ceiling and flour inside the drawers.
The two meet up the night before any long trip and the two grab a huge dufflebag and fill it with Emergency stuff like bandages and Epipens and sick bags etc. Yes Adaine could pull most of those out her jacket. Yes they'll still prepare for things.
If they need to cook food in the middle of a trip, Kristen and Gorgug will team up and make the food. Gorgug has probably the most kitchen skills aside from Kristen, but they do good together.
So the thing is, all of the Bad Kids have a specific set of behaviors that simply DO NOT CHANGE regardless of the nature of the road trip.
Kristen, for one, desperately wants everyone to have a good time and also, she doesn't want to get out of the van. she wants to enjoy her time listening to music, playing punch buggy, eating snacks, talking to people; she wants everyone to have everything they could ever need or want, right there in front of them. this means that she wants to bake allllll the goodies. Unfortunately for Kristen, she has Sookie St. James level clumsiness, especially in the kitchen, where there are far too many things to burn yourself with, trip over, spill, et cetera. She's been banned from cooking in Mordred Manor because she's set off the smoke detector so many times it broke. So she cooks at Seacaster manor with Cathilda's help (Fabian is NOT aware of this). She bakes up a storm of corn bread to take with them on the trip.
Adaine, for her part, is quite good at baking. Recipes are easy to follow, easier than spells. All you have to do is read the instructions and do what it says. She's not very good at cooking because she's not particularly skilled in the kitchen, and doesn't have quite the (albeit messy and chaotic) finesse that Kristen does. Adaine loves sweet things (a byproduct, perhaps, of not being allowed them as a child) and will help Kristen bake corn bread. (She sprinkles in chocolate chips sometimes.) She'll also bake cookies, muffins, brownies--whatever she's in the mood for, it makes it on the trip. (She usually ends up "accidentally" making a double batch of everything. Whoops.)
Kristen makes salads and sandwiches for everyone and has everyone's lunch and snack desires down to pat: Riz takes the extra-spicy chicken with lettuce and pickles, and he's addicted to those sweet and spicy candied nuts (so is Adaine, they usually sit together for a bit so they can share them); Fabian will not eat anything but kippers and the plainest salad known mankind (iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber slices); Adaine takes a steak sandwich, the bread toasted a bit too much but not burnt, with lettuce and cheese, and she also always packs chocolate-covered pretzels and lembas; Fig also loves an extra-spicy chicken sandwich, but she takes hers with tomatoes, salt and pepper, and mustard. Finally, Gorgug has a salad of so much quantity Kristen will pack two separate lunches for him: steak, olives, corn, chicken, arugula, spinach, tomato-- the works. He loves it every time.
Adaine and Kristen 100% end up, every time, unplanned and without fail, in the kitchen together at about 4:30 am the day of a trip going over the itinerary, packing list, making sure they have extra bandaids and blankets and sleeping bags and signal flares and spare tires. (they do. they can pull these things out of adaine's jacket. they don't care. better safe than sorry, right? they spend half an hour trying to fit everything in the trunk every. single. time)
Gorgug, of course, is the designated driver, and every time Adaine makes sure to tell him he gets a good night's rest, and makes sure he's taking breaks, drinking water, keeping his eyes on the road, everyone stop talking you'll distract him, Gorgug are you sure you're alright? She mothers him so hard he almost goes into a Rage just from sheer irritation despite knowing she truly means well.
Fig tries to play music; Riz tries to put on some boring podcast. they spend half the time listening to rock music and half listening to the corruption of the criminal justice system. gorgug hates both no mater what (the rock music because it's always fig and the sig figs and he truly can't stand listening to himself sing/play, and the podcast because, duh.)
Fabian refuses to help in any capacity. He sits in the backseat, kicks his feet up, and tunes out. He wanders out when they have breaks, and if there's a flat tire he's the one for the job, but honestly, he's not big on road trips. he goes because his friends are all going, but if he had to choose, he'd ride the hangman for days on end.
adaine is the one who checks them into hotels if they ever stay in hotels, and kristen scopes out the facilities and points out all the things everyone will like.
kristen takes soooo many pictures and forces everyone to pose for them every time and they all hate it. adaine can't take a good picture to save her life, and she physically doesn't know how to take a selfie and always makes someone else do it despite the fact that she's one of the tallest bad kids. she also has social media but is NEVER on it (she's always the first to respond to the text chain, though).
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
Genuinely a shame that resident evil doesn't really go into food that much, but I also completely understand since the "food" you see being eaten 99% of the time is people and rot. However, this will not stop me from food related headcanons, so lets talk about eating traits for the recurring (3 or more separate RE appearances) cast:
Chris Redfield- Never been a picky eater. Before RE5, he pretty much let his metabolism do all the work along with his "stay in shape" workout regimen, so he ate whatever he wanted and most of the time it was junk food, fast food, and meals with a lot of bread and potatoes. When he started working out more, his diet shifted to eating more fats and proteins since they give him a steady flow of energy instead of quick bursts. It doesn't mean he's stopped eating junk food or eating out. His palette simply changed from eating bags of chips and a roll of cookies everyday to maybe a large bag or two of chips and a large pack of cookies that he slowly finishes over the span of a few weeks. Beer and water are interchangeable depending on the meal.
Jill Valentine- She's the pasta person that will use a fork and a spoon underneath to twirl her noodles before eating them. Loves anything covered in a good savory sauce, and she will tear bits of bread off to swipe the rest of her plate clean. She prefers chicken over beef and pork over tofu. Entered a hot wing eating contest once on a dare, and she lost, but she made sure to find out what hot sauce they used so she could keep a bottle in her pantry. She drinks a lot of water, and she likes the taste of it. Not a fan of tea unless it's iced and sweetened heavily. Otherwise not really a fan of sweets when it comes to candy or baked goods unless there's some tartness or sourness to it.
Rebecca Chambers- Her diet leans more into foods she doesn't need utensils to finish like sandwiches, wraps, tacos, and the classic pizza fold with thin crust. She has a sweet tooth, but this is mainly for drinks and hard candies. She loves soda. She doesn't like how gummy candy sticks to her teeth due to the texture. Baked sweets are okay as long as they aren't super sticky to handle, but she'll make an exception for things which have a heavy amount of chocolate. She has a bag of mini-muffins on her desk for breakfast in the mornings. People know not to take any unless they desire her wrath. She knows when Chris has eaten them when she see's a package of snack cakes and an apology post-it note in her drawer.
Barry Burton- Before the gun incident, Barry was the guy who ate primarily meats and very little vegetables unless his stomach was fighting him. After the incident, he opened up his palette more to show he appreciated the hard work put into the meal. Ask him what his favorite food is and his answer changes every time cause it's always what his wife cooked for dinner the night before. He's a dinner guy. He's either too tired in the mornings or too in a rush to go to work, so breakfast is a no-go, but dinners are spent with his family, and post Revelations 2, he cherished them even more. Only drinks water from the tap.
Albert Wesker- Eats expensive looking food because it has the least amount of mess during consumption, and is an ego boost to his god complex wherein everything has to be prepared exactly to his taste. If during his time with S.T.A.R.S they managed to drag him out to eat, he would get a drink and nothing else. He doesn't like limp vegetables no matter how much dressing people cover them in to compensate, and he hates greasy food. His taste towards sweet things are minimal. He enjoys sweeter cheeses like cream cheese or mascarpone, and he tried to like tiramisu, but he didn't like how soft angel fingers are. He will also only eat macarons with a dark chocolate filling sandwiched between. Neutral about water and enjoys teas and wines.
Claire Redfield- Was the pickiest eater as a kid. Hated it when the food on her plate touched, or the juice from one part of her meal touched the other. She had the special disposable plates where each part of her meal was separated so that she'd actually finish the food she was given. She was also disgusted with canned vegetables. As an adult most of those hang-ups are gone. She'll eat almost anything now, and she loves trying new foods from the places she travels to. Flatbreads are her best friend. Pita, naan, chapati, and so on, she can make a meal out of bread and butter alone. She still hates canned vegetables, but she buys fresh or frozen vegetables and incorporates them into her meals where she can. She also hates the taste of water. She'll go for coffee or tea first.
Leon Kennedy- Allegedly is relaxed with all foods except when there's one thing on it he doesn't want to eat. No pickles on his burger. No red onions in his guacamole. No sliced fruit in or on his cake. It's not even that he hates these ingredients or has a texture discrepancy. He just has preferences on where they should be and where they shouldn't. He'll put those same pickles on his club sandwich, or ask for red onions on pizza, and he loves a good fruit pie. He also eats so many of those pre-packaged fruit cups. Neutral about regular water but treats flavored sparkling water like a treat and sometimes hides it in his flask. It's a fun prank to play on Claire.
Ada Wong- Eats more vegetarian style meals, but is not a vegetarian. This isn't done on purpose or for any particular reason. Simply a lot of the meals she favors tend to have an equal amount of vegetables and grains to a lower amount of meat, and some cooks are much more scarce on the meat than others. This resulted in a palate shift where she's fine if there isn't meat on her plate. She's not a big fan of greasy, deep-fried foods, but her guilty pleasure is shrimp toast, and she only has it off the clock when she finds someone who makes it well. Her other guilty pleasure is cinnamon sugar donuts, and she has that more often as a snack to finish off her lunch. Neutral about water and has an iced coffee preference.
Ingrid Hunnigan- She likes rice more than bread and will eat several bowls of rice with whatever the main food is if they go together. Seasoned and spiced long grain rice or plain sticky short grain rice, she'll enjoy them all as long as it's prepared correctly. Loves eating tofu. She'll trade any meat for tofu except for seafood. She's the one ordering surf and turf or the dish with shrimp in it if the option is available. Yet, she cannot eat anything with a face. She doesn't care how pretty the presentation is, there shouldn't be a shrimp or lobster head on her plate when she gets it. She always orders dessert unless she's eating with others, and likes anything cherry flavored. Enjoys drinking water and has to drink water between her energy drink refills.
Thanks for getting to the bottom of this even if you don't agree with any of them! I'll gladly do more of these for any other RE characters if asked, and I'm open to playful debate/convo about the ones listed or not listed.
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 months
Playlist: Professor Ransom Kitwell
Alternate Title: She Took My Morals in the Divorce
Into the Fog by The Budos Band
An instrumental to kick things off. The slow build up, the heavy drum beats that sound like footsteps, the way each added instrument builds on the introduction until it kicks off into the real melody, it's so GOOD. And then the horns!! They're loud and on the edge of blaring, at times almost discordant, it's SO Ransom. And the obnoxious trill at 3:15 with what sounds like maybe a cup mute, that leads into such a fun solo that's So different from the rest of the piece!! It's so good. Very Ransom to me. Also, the title works as a joke about Curse of Strahd kjghdk
Don't Sing the Blues by Bohnes
I was ridiculous, young Icarus, I flew too close to the sun But when I reminisce that wickedness was the shit that kept me young And every choice I made, I wouldn't trade all that for anyone So don't you cry, cry, cry for me
This one's about young Ransom being an absolute shithead and having the time of her life. Having all kinds of adventures, getting into all kinds of trouble, and not regretting a moment of it. She firmly believes that the only bad experiences are the ones you chicken out of having. She doesn't want to have any regrets at the end of her life, and she's lived her life in way to make sure she gets to See and Do and Learn everything the world has to offer
Leader of the Pack by Wunderhorse
Some people have a special kinda knack Getting what they wanted just to stab you in the back Nine times out of ten it's the leader of the pack
Ransom is a shithead in a lovable scoundrel kind of way, but also in a, uh. In a shithead kind of way. Ransom is ambitious and driven, and she's not the kind of person to let anything get in the way of a goal she's pursuing. She'll say or do whatever she has to in order to get what she wants, consequences be damned. Or, at least, deferred. Sometimes this is a good thing, because it means she's willing to step up and problem solve when other people are hesitant or overwhelmed. But sometime it can add... tension, to relationships that matter.
Brighter Than the Sun by Brick + Mortar
I'm brighter than the sun, but I can't wait You're asking me to stay, I can't escape I'm staying up all night to sleep all day I'm brighter than the sun, but then one day
This song is mostly for Vibes, with the heavy guitar and drums and the vocalist who almost blends in with the instruments. It's also like, Ransom does have a huge ego and a lot of pride. But behind it is a kind of darkness, an edge of unhappiness. It's walled up tight, hidden largely even from Ransom herself, but it's there and it colors a lot of her actions in times of stress.
Two Letters by Bayside
Ex sounds dirty I can't say it, sounds so final and I'm still prayin' For the worst for the better, we're nothing now we're just two letters Hope you understand I'm not prepared to call you just a friend
The divorce soooooong. Ransom didn't change! She stayed exactly the same, and Hugh left her. She wasn't ready for their relationship to end, didn't even know it was something that was at risk of happening until it was too late. Without saying a word to her about it, Hugh had decided what she was wasn't enough for him anymore, took the life they'd built together, and left. "How to leave the past behind when it's around all of the time"? "I'm not prepared to call you just a friend"? Easy solution: don't. Go scorched earth, burn him entirely out of your life. It'll hurt a lot in one big burst, and then you'll be done with it and over it -over him- for the rest of your life.
Snitches and Talkers get Stitches and Walkers by Fall Out Boy
And haven't you heard, the word on the street is "I lost it, called it quits," get out into the sun Out from behind the gossip
I'll be sooo honest, I initially put this song on the playlist as a way to help set the tone for the kind of songs I was looking for and fully expected to take it off once I got the ball rolling. But like. It's a good song and ALSO. It's fast and loud and almost frenetic, like it's angry and trying to stay ahead of something. I feel like it encapsulates the anger of post-divorce Ransom, her lashing out and putting up walls that are there to this day. Big "I'll give 'em something to talk about. Something that I've done, not something I'm the victim of" type energy.
A Weak Ago by letlive.
I'm not feeling the way No, I'm not feeling the way they expect me to I'm not pulling away See, I'm just pulling the same shit on a different day
This is the last song I added to the playlist, and I actually subbed it in for another song (Devil On My Shoulder, if you were curious) after I'd sent the playlist to the server. This song is about Ransom unraveling after Allie's death, about how she became curt and blunt and - honestly?- mean in her grief. She'd been on her best behavior before because she'd wanted the party to like her more than they liked Allie, but when Allie was killed that motivation no longer existed. Ransom seemed to become an entirely different person overnight. This song is Ransom saying, no, I'm who I've always been. I'm doing the same shit, prioritizing the same way. You just don't like it anymore, because now it's getting in your way. Because you don't care about me, and you certainly don't care about Allie. (Please note, she is wrong about this. The party cares a lot, and Ransom was just too blinded by her anger and grief to see it. But that didn't change how she felt at the time, you know?)
Don't Walk, Run! by The Park Hill Romance
'Cause I've been on the run for a while But the runnin' ain't a friend of mine Oh ain't it fun With the fire back in your lungs tonight
Another song with Vibes (the same loud guitar and drums, the vocalist who blends with the music and sorta slides around instead of hitting notes precisely), another song about Ransom dealing with (read: ignoring entirely) the fact that "fuck everybody but me" isn't a long term solution and is, in fact, having an incredibly detrimental long term effect on her ability to make friends and empathize with other people. After getting in a nasty fight with one of her party members Ransom said something to the effect of "I'm out of practice having friends. I'd like to get back to it, though, if you'll let me." She's trying. She's getting better. But she's not quite there yet.
Every You Every Me by Placebo
Like the naked leads the blind I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind Sucker love I always find Someone to bruise and leave behind
I was very judicious with my use of Rallie songs; this is only the second one. It's about how, despite the fact that they treated each other SO poorly at the end, they're Ransom and Allie are the only people they could possibly fit together with. It's like that post about the fucked up charger and charging port that have warped each other so that they can only work together. That's Rallie. It's ALSO about the inevitability of coming back together, of ending up wrapped up in each other again. Hopefully, it will work out better this time. But regardless, no matter what they may tell themselves and the world at large, they're never going to be over each other or free from the other person's influence. Every time, every me, every you, we'll end up here.
Who is She ? by I Monster
Somewhere across the sea of time A love immortal such as mine Will come to me Eternally Immortal she Return to me
This is the "dealing with Allie's murder and the single-minded quest to resurrect her" song. It's spooky, a little unnerving, it's discordant in a way that's reminiscent of the first song on the playlist. It's about an obsession with a memory, a dream, and letting that obsession drag you down to the point that you can't distinguish reality anymore. And after Allie's death Ransom sorta, well... I also think the "Immortal she / Return to me" is haunting and is SUCH a strong way to end a playlist that started with loud horns and shouting and drums. Look how far we've come. Look how far she'll continue to go to fix what terrible wrong was done.
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stevie-petey · 5 months
Stug and jug head cannons that keep me up at night (I'm also just bored)
Every time Jonathan got a new roll of film he'd take a photo of bug first for " good luck". It always worked
When bug and Steve start dating,bug feels awkward going in for a kiss, so she'll cover Steve's eyes before. It never fails to make him giddy.
Jon and bug went into a photo booth together as kids, Jon wanted to kiss her for the last photo but chickened out. The photo is just Jon staring longingly at bug.
Steve has a crate in the trunk of his car to help him get into bugs window.
Jon used to play up his anxiety so bug so would comfort him.
Steve often has to hide in the closet from Ms. Henderson after he sneaks in. ( She knows, she just hasn't said anything yet)
When Steve and bug start dating they have to hide from the party because the kids will legit stalk them when they go on dates ( it's mostly Mike and Dustin making sure Steve stays in his place)
Steve and bug are such wild sleepers. They either end up tangled together, on top of one another or someone falls off the bed.
When bug and Jon were kids Jon would sometimes get jealous of the kids and how much attention bug paid to them.
Jon has a mixtape he made for bug prior to wills disappearance. He never gave it to her, it just sits in the back of his drawers.
Bug and Jon wanted to start a band in middle school. Never worked out but they were really into it at one point. ( Bug just went along with it for jon)
Steve and bug truly act like parents to the party. They talk about their schedules and who can do pick up and drop off. They keep each other updated on the kids lives so no one's left out of the loop.
Bug often stands on her tip toes to hug Steve. When she wraps her arms around his neck, he'll go around her waist and pick her up. He'll just hold her like that for a lil bit.
Steve likes to annoy bug, he'll flick water at her, ruffle her hair, pinch her cheeks, puff his cheeks out when she asks for a kiss ( she always does it back though). He also gets cuteness aggression, especially when bug first wakes up. Messy hair, puffy face, eyes barely open, yeah he won't let her go for a while.
Bug likes Steve's hands, he doesn't understand why but loves when she kisses his palm or wrist.
Jon used to paint bugs nails, he would hyper focus to make them tidy. He also liked holding her hand for so long. Now as a result she can't for the life of her do her nails herself. She'll do it messy and just clean the edges.
all the jon and bug ones :(((( oh my god they made me cry especially the photobooth one :(
theres just something so tragic about an almost love. you captured the bittersweetness PERFECTLY
and steve n bug <333 def agree with the crate one, mans comes PREPARED !!
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kayhi808 · 1 year
Perfect Match -10
Tumblr media
This was supposed to be an occasion where you're surrounded by your girlfriends & women in your family but you spent your entire life preparing to take over New York, you didn't spend time garnering friendships. You stand on the dias in a beautiful wedding gown surrounded by women you don't really know.
There was nonna who was more mother to you. Your own mother had died in childbirth trying to give your father the son he demanded. Mom & baby didn't survive, which explains why your father is so hateful. That and you don't behave as a daughter should. Ironically, you were the son he never had. You thought your wedding party would consist of cousins and women from your husband's family. Bill doesn't have family. You were going to be his family.
You were shaken out of your thoughts by your cousins giggling. You met their gaze in the mirrors & you stare down their snide looks. You concentrate on whether you like this dress or not when you hear a whispered "scarred freak." It was a whisper, but you know they meant for you to hear it.
"Get. Out."
"Piccola?" your grandmother goes to you. She takes hold of your hand when you turn to face your cousins.
Adopting Billy's tone, quiet & steely, "I said, 'Get out.' You are not needed." You look at their outraged faces. These bitches have the audacity to look shocked. "If you don't get out, I'll have you thrown out. Try me."
They get up & stomp out of the showroom, griping & sounding like clucking chickens. Grandmother squeezes your hand & you bring it to your lips to kiss. "It's ok, nonna." You feel tears sting your eyes. You turn back to the mirror, changing the subject, "This is pretty, right?" running your hands down the bodice of the gown, trying to control its shaking.
"You're beautiful, no matter what you wear, y/n."
You take a deep breath to calm yourself. "I know people talk and I know how Bill comes across." Thinking of Billy brings a soft smile to your lips. "He is good to me, nonna. He's not perfect, but he's perfect for me."
Your grandmother smiles at you, "You love him." She didn't ask. She stated. "You were never a foolish girl, so I trust that your choice is a good one." You nod. "I've only met him a handful of times, but your grandfather likes him." She brushes away a tear that escaped & pulls you into a hug. She doesn't let you go until you're ready. She gives the best hugs. She'll stand there for 10 minutes hugging you if that's what you need.
You kiss her hand again, "Thank you, nonna."
She smiles and then starts to scrutinize the dress you're wearing. "This is a pretty dress, but I don't think it's THE ONE."
You turn to the mirror, and you giggle, "No, it's not."
"Go & put the next one on." She sits back down on the couch & waves you off. You rush off to find the wedding dress to marry Billy Russo in.
This will take some getting used to. You enter the house and it's not like entering your old 1 bedroom or Billy's loft. Where is he?
You & Bill have moved into the townhouse. It's beautiful & grand. The ground floor holds your formal dining room, kitchen, breakfast room & opens up to the garden. Entry is on the 2nd floor with the small formal reception/ballroom & study. Staff has living quarter on this level. You've decided to make this floor for business. The upper floors will be your private residence. 3rd floor is your living room & library. The master suite takes up all of the 4th floor for you and Billy. The 5th floor has the other bedroom suites and you also have the rooftop terrace and media room. Thank goodness there was an elevator installed.
"Billy?!" You text him: I'M HOME. WHERE ARE YOU?
You take the elevator to the rooftop. The doors open to the Gazebo and Bill is having drinks with 3 men you don't recognize. Bill notices your wary look and stands up to greet you. "Hey , Angel." He takes your hand in his and brings you to the men. "I want you to meet Frank Castle, David Lieberman and Curtis Hoyle." You recogized the names immediately; Billy's closest friends and associates.
"Its a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Y/N."
"What do you want to drink?"
You shake your head, "No thank you, I'm going downstairs. I just wanted you to know I was back."
"Are you sure? Did everything go ok?"
You break out into a radiant smile that has Billy catching his breath. "I got a dress."
You nod. "Just you wait, Russo." You give him a wink & a quick kiss. "If y'all want to stay for dinner, weve got some steaks for the grill."
"No thank you." " Sorry."
"Frank and Micro gotta get home to their families."
"I got no one to head home to. I'd love to stay for dinner." Curtis accepts.
"Excellent. See you in the garden around 6?" You head downstairs happy that you'll get to know Billy's friends a little better. These are people that are important to him. Which means they'll be playing a big part in your life now too. They'll be your family.
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11
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purplesurveys · 9 days
Do you actually read privacy policies when signing up for new things? No, not really. The main thing I do privacy-wise is when I disable tracking whenever I download/sign up in a new app.
Did you have a lot of birthday parties when you were younger? if so, did you invite everyone in the class? I didn't. I wasn't popular and never had that many friends to warrant a birthday party. This is besides the fact that my birthday fell during the old summer season (March-June) so not only did I never get to throw a birthday party apart from my 7th; I also never got to experience being greeted by classmates hahaha.
Do you like when things are color coordinated? It's pleasant to the eyes but it's not like it's a mandatory for me.
Have you ever participated in one of those “guess how many jelly beans, mints, etc. are in this jar!” contest? if so, have you ever won? No. I've never come across those!
Do you think you would be good at memorizing lines if you were an actor or actress? If we're speaking strictly about memorization skills, yes. I have no interest in being an actress though. The task has always seemed so daunting to me.
Can you juggle? No, though I've tried to more times than I can count. It's just not meant for me, heheh.
Have you ever mistaken a ringing phone on tv or in a movie for your own? It has for sure happened. Sometimes I've heard a ringing phone thinking it's our landline, only to discover it was the neighbor's.
How often do you use bobby pins? Almost never. The last time I used them was probably during my college grad shoot to hold my hairdo together.
Have you ever used a pedometer? Not a separate one, no. I occasionally check my steps from my phone though.
Do you live on an avenue, road, drive or something else? Street.
Are your eyes a different color inside than they are outside? Nope.
What were you doing 45 min ago? I was finishing up some work so I can clear up my load tomorrow. Feeling proud of that :)
What will you be doing in 20 min? Either doing another one of this or preparing to go to Angela. It's her birthday today and she'll be at dinner with her family first, so I'm just waiting for her go-signal to tell me she's free so I can come over.
What did you do yesterday? Yesterday was a full-on rest day because I knew I had lots of work/personal errands to do today. That said, I watched The Emperor's New Groove, Toy Story 1, and Toy Story 2 while watching BTS and Seventeen stuff in between. 100% a lazy day.
Are you in a good mood right now? I wanna say 70% in a good mood? I did all the errands I told myself I absolutely had to do today and I'm stoked about that – and I'm also still seeing Angela and Hans tonight so I'm bound to have a great evening. The only thing that sucks is that the weekend is over again and I feel barely well-rested.
Who was the last person in your bedroom? My sister.
Are you listening to music, if so, what song? No, I have a Ryan Trahan video in the background.
What do you usually order from McDonald’s? Most frequently, a plain cheeseburger and barbecue fries. Other days when I find even that boring, I'll switch it up - usually either a Big Mac or fried chicken and rice.
What is your natural hair color? Black.
What was the last movie you watched? What’d you think of it? Toy Story 2. I love the entire franchise, but it's still nothing compared to the first movie.
What was the last thing you had to drink? Cookie butter coffee.
What are your school colors? Maroon and green.
Are you worried that you won’t be accepted into the college you want? It was definitely a worry I had, but I ended up passing.
What is the last class you failed? Continued from earlier this evening. A 40/100 in my Economics class in college. The only failing mark that sent me straight to laughing because of how ridiculous it was.
Has it snowed where you live yet? Or does it never snow? It does not snow here.
Have you ever taken a picture with Santa when you were little? I was only photographed with a Santa when I was 2.
What is the population of the city you live in? Close to a million.
When is the last time you were in a classroom? A few months ago. Andi took me through the law department.
Do you have any homework to be done? What is there to do? Work-wise, no; I did them a few hours ago already.
Did anything exciting happen today? Yes, I saw Angela and got to give her my birthday present. I gave her two Pandora charms and tbh the most exciting thing about it was her confirmation that I didn't get her any dupes (she collects charms in the first place). So YAY we don't need to replace either of them haha.
What color is the sky outside? Pitch black.
Do you own any clothing of your favorite color? Just a few. Purple isn't really my color.
How many tattoos do you want/have? Zero/none.
Do you use cup coasters? When it's available, yeah. When it's not, I don't mind not using one.
Are you on a laptop or desktop? Laptop.
Have you ever rolled down a steep, grassy hill for fun? No.
Do you like to draw very detailed drawings, or just stick figures? Stick. Or nothing at all. I can't daw.
Do you own a shirt that says “Vote for Pedro”? Nope.
Do you like Nerds candy? It's always tasted terrible to me. All the rich/popular kids snuck boxes of them in school all the time to flex and Nerds was one of the ways I learned they were all full of shit because it actually tastes horrible.
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theacedragon0w0 · 3 months
New Hire
This is pretty much how Sage met Crystal and how they became partners
TW Abuse
Sage wiped the blood that dripped from their nose, Vlad towered over them, his face showing clear disdain for the lizard.
"Get up Sagebrush,"
Sage only nodded, they understood that being roughed up here was better than being by themselves in hell.
"You cannot afford to be sloppy, the workers here need you to be fast, strong, and above all, efficient."
"Yes sir."
Sage splashed water on their face, their muscles ached by the session they had with Vlad. Skimming through the first aid, they placed the instant ice pack against their jaw, hissing at the pain.
They jolted by the sound of the door knocking but they relaxed when they saw Benji enter the cramped storage space.
"Damn, that old bastard really mess you up huh?" Passing Sage a rum and coke, which Sage downed it in one swig.
"Shit Sage, guess today's training was a blast."
"Please, the water here is more potent than what this glass has, and don't worry about me ok?"
Benji smacked their shoulder, "I kinda have to if Vlad's training makes you look like you got ran over, but I do have good news."
Sage scoffed, "I hope it's not another one of your flings that you want to show off."
"It's actually good news for you baby, a couple of the boys overheard that there's going to be another bouncer."
"And She is single by the way!"
"You know that the whole 'don't shit where you eat' actually means right?"
"Listen, ever since you got here you have never stepped foot outside of this club, and I know you don't like boys given that you are the only legit chick here, so stake me for trying to get you out there."
Sage rolled their eyes, shoving the lion dancer out of the room, but they couldn't help but agree with him. "Maybe you should focus on working for your tips instead of meddling with a bouncer's love life."
"Or lack of!" Benji shouted as he sauntered away just as Sage playfully tossed an ace wrap at him.
"Sagebrush this is Crystal, she'll be working with you as an additional bouncer, I am sure you two would be efficient in keeping the club running smoothly."
Sage shook hands with the sturdy woman, "It's nice to meet you."
Crystal chuckled, "Likewise, I hope you can carry your own because I am not being paid to keep you and those cat boys from harm."
Vlad tapped his cane against the hard floor, "Sagebrush here will demonstrate to you their prowess, show her."
Sage obeyed, catching Crystal off-guard and managed to get her into a headlock. Crystal tapped Sage's arm, which Sage released her from their grip.
"Heh, guess I don't have to worry about you then."
"Wait you never been outside of this joint?"
It had been a month since the two bouncers had been working together, and they were a pretty good team, with the two taking care of any customers that were being to bold with the dancers.
Crystal patted her knees, "Alright, that needs to change, I am taking you out."
Sage's eyebrows raised, "Like, on a date?"
"Shit why not? We make a pretty good team and you deserve it, I know this burger place a couple blocks away, and I'll pay for it!"
It had been months since that date, how did this happen?
Sage leaned against the sink, their nose bridge stung with the gaping wound that stretched acrossed.
The dinner that they prepared littered near their feet, the shattered plate was also a member to the mess.
"Sage, bunny, I told you that I didn't want that shit chicken rice bake, fuck now look at this mess."
"I'll clean it up, there's that frozen steak dinner that you can throw in the microwave."
Crystal didn't respond, she pulled out the frozen dish and slammed it in the microwave. Sage's ears rung as they carefully scooped up their meal, tossing it in the trash.
They turned their head to see Crystal scarffing down the schlop, tossing the container aside when she finished.
"Hey, bunny, look it was an accident," moving Sage's chin so they could look at her face.
"How 'bout this, there's this dessert place down at the cannibal colony that is selling those small fruit pies that you like."
"Aren't you still pissed at me for trying to make dinner?"
"Look it has been a while since I’ve taken my chubby bunny out and I wanna treat her."
Sage sighed, "Can I at least wear my denim jacket? I worked really hard on it."
"Bunny I told you before, that jacket doesn't suit you, besides, you don't want it stained with the sticky sweets we'll be eating right?"
Sage looked over at the hallway closet, their denim jacket hung there, it pained them that they weren't able to wear it especially since they spent so long on the patchwork; and they couldn't grasp why Crystal was adamant on Sage not wearing it, as some of those patches were from some of the concerts that Crystal took them to.
But they didn't want to press, they can take their food being tossed aside but they would be damn if their jacket was caught in the crossfire.
"Fine, I'll get myself cleaned up."
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hollyisanonymous · 5 months
HMMM... the mane six's fave foods, perhaps?
anyway. pegasi are the most carnivorous. they're not obligate carnivores, by any means, but their diet is primarily meat and fish based. mostly smaller birds, since meat-agriculture in general doesn't include other ungulates [feels weird since yak and bison are like. sapient also. and those are cows.]
pegasi treat hunting as a social activity oftentimes. They'll make a game out of chasing pheasants and snatching seabirds. They teach their offspring to hunt by plunging into flocks of passerines and by grabbing the occasional hawk. hawk-hunting is actually a fairly common sport! communities of pegasi along coastal regions also tend to dive into the ocean to snatch fish, like some real-world gulls do!
Dash grew up away from seafaring skies, so he never got to go diving for fish, but he does enjoy hawk-hunting quite a bit! it was a particular hunt of a red eagle when he was a filly that made him realize he was an adrenaline junkie.
Pink grew up in a mining town on the edge of a mountain. The soil was too rocky for much regular agriculture, and so they subsisted off of far more meat than was expected for regular earth ponies. Mostly smaller mammals like rodents and rabbits. Chickens and eggs on the side, sometimes. Pinkie didn't get sweets growing up, so she is absolutely enthralled by them now!
AJ's the most herbivorous of everyone. Pretty exclusively eats plant-based meals. Mostly wheat products, but of course apples make up a consistent portion of her diet.
Fluttershy is vegan by choice! Despite the fact that perytons are not entirely herbivorous [though moreso than the average pegasus], she chooses not to eat meat.
Rarity, in her short-lived stint at high-society living, grew fond of the luxuries of life. Lots of expensive fancy meals with bizarre ingredients. But growing up she was a sucker for a good peach cobbler, and would die for a nice apple crumble. She has a bit of a sweet tooth for chocolate in particular!
Twilight lives off of the most starving college student diet of them all, arguably the worst one. She'll eat nothing but granola and coffee for two days (and only eat that because spike brought her the granola). Peanut butter on toast was the only thing she ate for three months straight, every single day. Spike also has a habit of bringing them bugs, lizards and small rodents to eat. Twi is incredibly grossed out by the idea of preparing her own food like that, but appreciates it nonetheless.
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luxaofhesperides · 8 months
heyy idk if you're still doing that WIP ask thing, but I have to ask about these aren't wings, they're futures. Your writing is gorgeous, have a good day <3
(wip ask game in question)
i am always doing the wip ask thing, i love talking abt my wips!!!
these aren't wings has already had mentions of damian's chickens (which he's in the process of building a coop for, to prepare for when he actually gets them) but he's ALSO going to get a cat! a scruffy stray, fully adult cat. it's the cat distribution system at work once again and damian can't just leave it out in the streets.
tim will be fine with it, he expects this with damian, but they do argue about what to name her and who she likes best (the answer is jason lol) and tim will jokingly say, "well, if she's too good for normal cat food, i guess we'll have to spoil her even more. might as well be calling this little beast 'her majesty'."
and the cat will meow loudly and bump her head against tim's arm and tim and damian will look at each other like... no way. no was is that the name she'll respond to!! but it's too late. they can't give her any other name. she will only respond to 'her majesty'.
with her majesty in the manor with him and damian, the place will feel less and less lonely. damian's gonna get her a little harness and leash (and one of those cat backpacks and a baby sling) to safely allow her outside. it's going to be so cute <3
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amberrskiies · 2 years
A Guide to Caring for Amber Heaven - MC! Monday Prompt #11
Prompt : Barbatos has a guide written out for every guest and individual he regularly sees to ensure they receive the best care. What does Barbatos’s guide say about your MC?
Characters : Amber(MC) && Barbatos
Prompt provided by @obeythedemons ! For the full MC! Monday List, it can be found here!
Daily Routine
Amber's morning routine varies from time to time. She'll either wake up thirty minutes before breakfast or oversleep and one of the brothers, mostly Mammon, would have to wake her up.
It will take approximately ten minutes to get ready before coming down for breakfast. It's always best to give her light meals early in the morning since she isn't able to handle anything heavy early before nine or lunch.
Light breakfast which is bread or cereal is enough for her on school days but if it's on a weekend, then heavy breakfast is fine by her unless said otherwise.
She would mostly walk to RAD with Mammon and Beel and Leviathan is he decides to come with them instead of is online classes.
Amber prefers to reach RAD a few minutes early before classes start since she likes to mentally and physically prepare for her first class. Much to Mammon's dismay but it has it's positives for him to not be late to RAD.
Amber would either Hang around in the cafeteria or go to the library during her free time but mostly in the cafeteria during lunch period. She would mostly sit with the brothers but if either of them are busy she would be with Luke, Simeon and Solomon.
Before going over to work on her assignments, she will take a quick shower and quickly make her way to the kitchen to make herself a small snack and crash at Levi's room for a bit. She will finish her assignments before dinnertime but if she still hasn't finished her assignments she will eat dinner and then work on her assignments before hopping off to bed for a good night's rest.
Dietary Information
Allergies :
Beef - Even if her allergies are minor for said meat, it's best not to give her any at all since it will cause problems for her skin. It can sometimes lead to having many other health problems so best to keep it away from her.
Favorites :
Chicken - Pretty much has a liking for it and best to give her along with lamb and goat meat. If it's Devildom Equivalent then keep it at a minimum.
Any kinds of sweets - She has a sweet tooth when it comes to pastries or other kinds of sweets.
Citrus Fruits - Mostly oranges and lemons but she also eats other citrus fruits but you'll mostly see her eating the two mentioned fruits.
Pasta - Has a bigger favor for Macaroni and Cheese. Whenever she gets her hand on macaroni she will make herself some of it. Loves lasagna but can't make it without some help.
Cheese - Has a liking for mozzarella and string cheese. Prefers to always have it in sandwiches.
Dislikes :
Bitter Gourd - Amber has expressed huge disliking towards the vegetable and would prefer to not have it in any of her meals
Eggplants - Dislikes them and has possible allergic reactions to it but it's still undetermined. Best not to give this one to her either.
RAD Related :
Art Club - Amber is a talented artist and has taken the position to be able to teach other students and help them in any ways possible when it comes to the subject whether it be sketching, canvas painting, water coloring, etc.
Student Council - Before being an official member she would always be around and listen or be present at meetings if given the choice but after being a part of it, she's now frequently present for any important meetings
Non-RAD Related :
Violin lessons - Even if she's good at playing said instrument, she still has lessons either with me (Barbatos) or Lucifer, whoever is free to help.
Outings with Beelzebub and Belphie - She would either go to Hell's Kitchen or Madame Scream's with the two on non school days. They don't tend to stay out for long but they make the free time together count
Spending time either gaming or watching anime/movies - This mostly applies to her being with Leviathan when only gaming or watching anime together or if movie marathons exist, then all the Seven Brothers will have a movie night in the living room together
Leviathan - Both him and Amber started dating after a few months on her second year in the Devildom after a month and so. They both had a mutual feelings for each other when she came on her first but decided not to tell the other. Both of them are somewhat opposites but they seem to go well with each other and have a healthy relationship so far. Keep in mind not to flirt with his human or there may be problems
Mammon - Both him and Amber have a Sibling-like bond like older brother and little sister. Some may think they share the same braincell but Amber is the one in charge of it and would always get him out of trouble but sometimes may be dragged into it. Mammon has a soft spot for her and looks out for her
Luke - Luke looks up to Amber in many ways and most say that they are like siblings. Luke however does see Amber as an older sister whereas she takes him as her younger brother. Put Mammon in the chain and we have a sibling trio consisting of a Demon, a Human and an Angel
Do's VS Don'ts
Do comfort her when she's at her worst. She has a habit of bottling up her emotions and repressing her feelings, thinking she might burden someone. Reassure her that she isn't one and give her comfort as much as you can. It helps in the end and try to talk with her on what is bothering her.
Do Not under any circumstances bring up about her family. She will tell you on her own accord if she's comfortable with talking about it. She's not a huge fan of being pushed into talking about said subject and just best to move on from it.
Do communicate and converse with her. She likes to talk about her day or anything topic she likes or is comfortable talking about. Talking makes her happy. Communication helps with not repressing her thoughts and feelings and it will be of huge advantage for her and will help be more confident with talking about her thoughts and feelings.
Do Not talk bad about somebody she's close to. From what is known she's protective of those who are closest and if anybody talks bad about them while being close to her, she would have to held back from punching or beating up said person. It's already worse that Leviathan and Belphie hype her up.
Do allow her to comfort others with a hug. She's known for giving the best hugs and it's easy to feel better after receiving them. She understands that if someone doesn't want a hug but if they do please allow her to comfort you the best she can.
Do Not throw any sort of insult at Amber. This is what affects her the most due to past experience. She will automatically shut down and possibly stop talking. It will make her think she's done something wrong when she didn't and will start distancing herself. It has happened twice so far and it's best it doesn't repeat again.
Amber loves to draw different things which includes a person or character or any scenery. She started drawing since she was little and has become very talented in the subject. She's a good teacher when it comes to teaching someone art and will gladly help someone out.
Amber is very good with being able to handle and take care of kids. She's very experienced with it due to the environment she grew up in and knows exactly what to do if the child is crying or something else.
Amber is said to be slightly sleep deprived and has a small chance of having Narcolepsy but it isn't anything big. She lets herself rest when she's feelings tired so that is a good sign so far.
Amber is both book smart and street smart so she knows how to deal with many things whether by knowledge or by knowing how to deal with dangers
Amber is good at cooking thanks to her guardian who is a good cook herself and taught amber how to cook meals and bake when she was old enough to learn how to.
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sweatandwoe · 2 years
Blog Recommendations
Hello all, I decided to post a fic (coming out later tonight) to celebrate 2k followers, but also I wanted to recommend some blogs, cause 1. This other creators are amazing and 2. I wanna see milestone work
These aren't in any particular order and I'll put a brief blurb beside each one just to explain what they're about
@ink-and-dagger Ya know her, ya love her. Seriously if you're not following Inky or reading Drink with me, fool of a took. I'm gonna be following Inky into the end so if you're here for the long-haul be prepared
@a-gal-with-taste Gal has so many works, that it's hard to pick a favorite. But right now we're getting Flawed, and you should def check that out
@chickenparm You enjoy bastard blorbos? A variety of content awaits you here, with John Seed, Spike Spiegel, and Silco. I'm gonna be following Chicken for life, and with her writing skills, she'll get you to fall for new blorbos everyday
@vasiktomis also has John Seed content, but also has Marcus and Silco from Arcane (Vida is an excellent OC as well I wanna marry her AND have her punch me in the face). An artist and an author, they're amazing and also some grade A shitposts
@simpfiles Simp's headcanons are fucking high tier. Like same grade as fics I've read, have me staring at the screen and making (good) noises. Also incredibly funny with good takes A+ you should follow
@designfailure56 Design I love you, and you need to change your name to Design Success. With amazing designs for not only Silco x Reader fics, but Solas from DA art along with amazing DnD Designs, you should follow Design for some good art
@pomegranatebat They're a wonderful, tough funny lil guy. Bringing joy and shitposts to life, they also have amazing painting and animation skills. You should follow (and commission) them
@zkyfall amazing art, amazing fics. Funny and super nice. I have notifications on for when they post because I know it's gonna be amazing
@x-amount-verbs Helping Hand is becoming one of those fics where I know I'm gonna re-read it years down the line. A+ writing, super funny and kind. (You should also follow their main @onewhoturns)
@aromansoul love love love you Sharky, giving us amazing boxer Silco and that amazing Silco and Jinx comic. Gonna be following Sharky forever (and you should be too)
@insult-2-injury one of the funniest people here, I will continue to love her even if she wears a jiaper with some jorts overtop. An incredible fic writer too, and please check out the masterlist you will not be disappointed
@lemmielem WORKS WAY TOO HARD GIVING US AMAZING STUFF. Lemmie you need a day off, and a nice drink and to be read all the Silco fics, while we follow you around and fan you (because we're your fans)
@iseutz SUSU IS ANOTHER ARTIST AUTHOR COMBO. Writing beautiful fic, drawing amazing art. I adore you, would marry 10/10 person
@of-the-argonath I MISS YOU SHER. COME BACK. Writing incredible fics, such as a Dragon Arcane fic, and Love thy Neighbour, I am swooning and in love. Go read it
@kikorenart following for life. Kiko's art is beautiful, and your art with Silco is so inspiring, I got some stickers of it. Also creator of some of the most cursed art I've seen, love you <3
@lemonmancer another artist who needs to be fanned and adored. Drawing not juts Arcane, but Resident Evil too with the magento husband. Fanastic art, and also wrote some amazing x Reader fics
@six-feet-sleep fun fact, I didn't realize until like I went for a re-read Six wrote a fic I commented on and replied to me, long before I actually met her. An incredible author, one of the funniest authors I've ever seen, along with being an amazing artist
@mazikomo Not only one of the best fic headcanons or writers, with new fic In too Deep, but also one of the greatest bakers the world has ever seen. Really likes beans too, if you like em
@astudyincontrasts have you read penance yet? Cause me and Inky review the chapters each time one comes out. Personal lil bookclub, they also have amazing Viktor x Reader and some boxer!Silco fics!
@dad-dumpster The Daddiest with the largest dumpy. Art is A tier, I'm never gonna get over with how you draw Silco's hair, and now stuff with the DBD guys. I have so many emotions about it (all positive ones) go follow em
@arcanescribbles though their name is Arcanescribbles, I'm gonna be following even when the Arcane stuff stops. their artwork is beautiful and I know it's gonna be in art gallery one day
@thesaltybuns CREATING SO MUCH ART FOR US! o7 thank you for your service, and letting us view all of your art. It's amazing and I'm lucky to know you Buns! <3 <3 (you can also see @thespicybuns for some other artwork hehehehehehe)
This is getting pretty long so I'm gonna list some other accounts if you like Silco stuff here below, you should follow them for the good good content (also they all seem very nice!)
@purpurniymstitel @ashc-drawing-art-corner @cuckconnosieur @deny-the-issue @steponmesilco @vinciwolf @silcobussy @tsukioreo @heydeerie @fic-heaven @witchypandamonium @sunofzaun @itstracker @ironandglass @lilli-chae @shahs1221 @agoutighost @dust-of-starsandlittle-hopes @silcoitus @perfectlywingedcrusade @flower-of-zaun @whooooshhhhhh
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sherlolly-siya · 3 years
What I think might happen in Shang-chi 2 or rather would like to see it's a mess :
There were these instances in the first movie,
1. this one interview with Destin which I can't find anymore unfortunately where he said having Katy and Xialing's characters the way they are was important because they represented the two worlds Shaun/Shang-chi belonged to.
Xialing being his brooding and gloomy past, where was Katy was everything alive and vibrant about his life in San Francisco.
2. Right before the end credit scene, Wong said that the trajectory of their [shaun and katy's] life is going to change. And that they have a long journey ahead of them.
3. Every. Single. Deleted scene of SCATLOTTR !
Now points 1 and 2, they made sure that Shaun's SanFran life was as normal as one can have while living in a superhero world. Katy for example is only a human, who doesn't have any kind of combat training, all she has the insane driving skill, her street smarts and the archery skill she picked up while in Ta Lo. You throw her in a superhero battle without her bow and arrow or her car and she's defenceless as far as first movie was concerned. And now she's become a part of Shang-chi's world, that is much more darker and filled with all sorts of dangers. The snap was something out of his control then, but the things coming now would be coming either for him or because of him and Katy's not going to leave his side. And I believe that's going to act as his Kryptonite at one point.
I bet hope we'll get a preview of katy training at the Avengers compound in the next movie so she'll be better prepared, but as Shaun, Shang-chi will never stop worrying about her.
That's where the third point comes into picture. Throughout the first movie, they made sure to keep Shaun and Katy's relationship strictly platonic. Which was clever because it was a story of shaun becoming Shang-chi and coming to terms with his past. As Wenwu said, he was indeed living in fear all his life. His father's fear when he was in China, and then in US, the fear that his new friends wouldn't accept him if they knew who he really was. But now that cloud has cleared. The people that matter in his life know about his past and have accepted him, in a way Shaun is ready to actually live a life.
One of the deleted scene was Wenwu assuming Katy was shaun's girlfriend and shaun not correcting him - which could be read as him not wanting to talk about her with his father at all, and let go. But the other scene between Katy and Xialing clearly suggested that Katy might be having feelings for him but values their friendship enough to not act on them. Since it's a deleted scene, this gives and opportunity to either elaborate on it or spin it the other way in second movie.
Like if shaun gets a temporary girlfriend in second movie, because he too is chicken to act on his feelings towards Katy, we could have Katy jealous? Or someone else thinking she's jealous, or offhandedly mentioning why she's okay with her boyfriend flirting with another girl.
OR Shaun getting girlfriend(s) I honestly don't see him as a jock but oh well the plot calls for drama so that he's distracted enough to not face the internal turmoil he constantly faces when presented with the enigma that is Katy, but one time he's so distracted that she's in actual danger (queue the just a human trope) and he goes berserk [either way there is enough platonic content till the last 30 mins of the movie]. This would also be a nice segue to presumed evil!Shang-chi 👀 forgive me for not knowing the mechanics of the rings but - if he uses his rings at their full potential, may be they pose a threat as per the Avengers coz they're a becon to something.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 61)
"Chain-Smoking, Hard-Drinking Woman"
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Colson and Casie wake up late and discombobulated on the couch the next morning. Rushing around, Casie eats a quick bowl of cereal before getting dressed. They boogie out the door, getting Casie to school just in time.
"Love you, Peanut!" He tells her as she hops out in the drop off line.
Love you too, Dad!! She calls.
Colson finally checks his phone as he pulls off. He has 2 missed calls and a Snap from Luna. He checks the Snap.
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Dick growing at her picture, he calls her back. Knowing she has to be at rehearsal.
She answers groggily. He tells her good morning to her groans. Colson apologizes for not answering. Explaining his night and morning. Asking her if everything is ok, she says yes. They touch base on their plans. Everyone is flying in tonight, they plan to meet at 30Rock to see how a quick run through feels. Talking a bit more before Luna has to get up, they tell each other they love the other before hanging up.
Colson walks into the house as he hangs up. Cleaning up the mess from last night. Shooting out texts to the band to confirm their plans. He spends the day preparing him and Casie for NY and the tour.
Luna gets off the phone with Colson and hides under the covers.
"I have to tell him...." Rubbing her face, thinking of Colson. Her stomach hurts already and she isn't even out of bed yet. "Ugh... FUCK my life.... " She whines in her mind, touching the padlock around her neck. Still hiding from the world. The feeling of past guilt creeping into her heart.
She gets up to shower and dress. Burning along the way. Her anxiety through the roof. Luna's performing on live TV tomorrow night but is more nervous about seeing Colson. She pops a Xanax before slipping into cutoffs and a light off the shoulder sweater.
Grabbing her bag, Luna hops a cab to MidTown. She's headed to rehearse with Ashley.
It's early and 30Rock is buzzing. Being expected today, Luna is greeted warmly by a lot of familiar faces.
Lorne in particular. They hug tightly, asking each other how they are, Lorne excited to have her on the show after all these years. They discuss Luna and Ashley's performance, loving the idea of Casie onstage with them after realizing she is not only Colson's daughter but the little girl at the end of the video. Seeing the connections come full circle. He asks if she needs a seat for her grandmother, her politely asking for two. One for Joni also. He happily obliges. Lorne reminds Luna to not hesitate to ask for anything she needs. Telling her she's going to be great before giving her another squeeze and heading off.
Luna roams around for a minute, catching up with different people she knows from life and her internship. She's shown her dressing room. After settling in, she grabs a bagel and coffee from craft services. Her phone goes off as she looks for Pete and Ashley. It's a text from an unknown number.
Is all it says.
"MOTHERFUCKER." Luna's stomach starts to immediately hurt. Her chest feels like it's caving in. Luna's had the same number since she got a stupid cell phone. She knows exactly who it is. Her heart races as she quickly types up a text.
"The subscriber you are trying to reach is no longer in service."
Lost in her head, Pete scares the FUCK outta her as she hits send. Both laughing as she catches her breath, she gives him a hug. She asks how his date was. He goes on in detail about the comedy show he took Kate to as he leads her to Ashley.
Pete continues telling Luna about his night, expressing how he really likes Kate. Luna smiles up at her friend as they watch Ashley run lines. Telling him she's happy for him, asking if Kate will be around tomorrow night.
"That's a great idea, actually!" His eyes getting wide with excitement. "She's been wanting to come." He tells her pulling out his phone.
Luna nods her head. "It'll be fun to hang out with her again. Considering brunch was a fucking disaster." She says looking up at him. "Sorry again about that."
"Don't sweat it, Loons. That was more Tim then you." He tells her, glancing over at her from his phone. "You talk to him?"
"Nah." She shakes her head.
They talk for a bit before they're interrupted by someone calling for Pete. He punches her lightly on the arm before telling her he'll see her later as he heads off.
Luna turns back to watch Ashley. Once she finishes up, she walks over to Luna. They greet each other with excited hugs.
"I've always told you Ash, you're funny as fuck." Luna reassures her when Ashley asks Luna's opinion on how she's doing.
Luna grabs an electric guitar and tunes it. They want to do something different with this performance. Playing around with different chords, both of their voices are strong and clear. They find the house band. Running through Nightmare a few times until they know they've nailed the change.
Luna and Ashley break for lunch with Pete. All three talk excitetedly about the show. Pete loves when his friends come on. It makes it so much more fun for him. He gets a text from Kate saying she'll be there. Unable to hide his cheesing smile as he tells the girls. Both excited she's coming, it'll be Ashley's first time meeting her, they tease him about his cute face. Finishing up lunch, Pete heads off as Luna and Ashley go back to find the house band. They do one more full run of Nightmare just to be sure, having someone substitute for Casie. Ashley then practices Without Me. She's performing that before they perform together. Watching, Luna gives her opinion when asked. After a while Luna heads to her grandmother's. She wants to grab a guitar from her house.
Walking out to catch a cab, she gets another text.
"Some things never change 😛"
"What the fuuuuuuck...." She sighs, looking at it. Shoving her phone to her bag and hailing a cab instead of responding.
Colson picks up Casie from school meeting Slim, Ashleigh and Baze at the airport. Benny and Rook are flying in from LA. The five of them hop the 6hr flight to NY together.
Luna pops into her Mom-Mom's. Pattie's home, hugging Luna tightly when she comes through the door.
They talk about SNL, Luna telling her about the tickets. Pattie helps her find the guitar she's looking for.
She hangs out with her Mom-Mom. They share an afternoon cocktail and joint as Luna checks her mail. Asking Pattie her opinion about starting her own lable after talking about Luna leaving Riot Records. She thinks it's a great idea and is in full support.
Luna hangs out a bit more, before grabbing her stuff. Kissing and hugging her Mom-Mom goodbye.
In a cab back to MidTown, she pulls her phone out. Shooting Monica a text about starting a lable first, she then goes to the unknown number. Blocking it and deleting the thread.
"You're not doing that again." She tells herself. Colson floats through her mind. For the first time, she kinda doesn't want to see him. Her stomach hurting again.
Back at 30Rock, they all meet up. It's Colson, Casie, Ashleigh, Benny, Slim, Baze, Rook, Luna and Ashley. AJ couldn't make it, influencing some of the change to their performance.
Luna and Ashley explain what their thinking to the boys. They love their idea. The switch up isn't hard, mostly being on Luna and Ashley's part than theirs. They run through it fully, two seperate times, including Casie so she can get a feel.
Taking a little over two hours, they wrap up and head to a late dinner.
They hit Ocean Prime in MidTown. Kate and Pete joining them.
Casie can get a burger or chicken quesadilla there. Everyone orders drinks and food. Eating, laughing and talking, Colson notices Luna's rather quiet. He asks if she's okay. She nods, giving him a light smile before sipping her cocktail and starting a conversation with Kate.
"Get your fucking shit together Asshole." She thinks to herself as her heart pounds, trying to focus on her conversation with Kate.
They finish dinner. Colson and Luna looking at the tired little girl between them.
"We Out?" He asks to her nod.
Collecting Casie, they give their goodbyes and love. Heading to the brownstone Luna rented as the others continue to drink and bullshit.
Upstairs in the room Luna's been staying in, with Casie asleep in the next room, Colson comes up behind Luna. Putting an arm around her neck, she rests her head and a hand on it. "What's up?" He asks. His face in her neck, deep voice in her ear. He knows something's wrong.
Luna's stomach drops. She's been dreading this conversation all day. Sighing, she turns around, still under his arms, to hug him tightly.
She has him worried.
After a minute, Luna leads Colson to sit on the bed with her. She lights a joint and hits it a couple times before handing it to him. Turning so that her entire body faces him, she takes a deep breath. Talking quickly like she does when she has something important to say, her words fall out of her mouth like an avalanche.
"I never told you this before because I never told anyone. Not even Ash." She bites her bottom lip as they stare at each other. "A long time ago I had an affair with a guy for almost a year. I went to a show in Queens last night and ran into him. We hung out at the bar for like an hour or so before I left. He texted me today though and I blocked his number." Luna finishes. She sits watching Colson.
It's a lot to take in. Thousands of thoughts are running through Colson's mind as he jumps up from the bed.
"FUCK." Luna thinks. Her chest is closing in again and she can barely breathe
"DID YOU FUCK HIM?" He asks her loudly.
"What? NO! I Snapped you from right here." She's off the bed now too, pointing at it.
"You didn't touch him at all?" He cocks his head at her.
"I mean of course I hugged him and what not..." She answers, feeling like she's on trial.
"What's the what not?" His eyes flare up.
"I kissed him goodbye." She says flatly.
Colson snaps. Hitting the wall hard with his fist.
"NO!" She shouts back. "Like on the lips goodbye before I hopped into a cab."
"Show me the texts." He demands from her.
"I deleted them." She shakes her head.
"Because that's not fucking suspicious." He scoffs at her.
This lights a fire.
"I didn't do anything wrong TO YOU. Fuck. I didn't even have to fucking tell you." She snaps at him.
"Oh no?" He looks at her like she's fucking nuts.
Reaching for him, she pulls at his crossed arms telling him "No. I didn't but I did." She's standing her ground. She may have felt some type of way last night but she didn't even come close to doing the shit she could've.
"How long ago was it?" He asks.
"What?" She confused.
Pulling away from her, he gives her an angry look asking "How long ago did you FUCK him?"
Luna sighs, shaking her head. "I don't know, almost 6yrs ago. Back when I was like 21yrs old..."
"Why?" He demands.
"WHAT???" She asks, looking at him like he's crazy now.
His bright blue eyes give her a daring look, arms still crossed, his blunt words bite the air. "If you loved Justin so fucking much. Why'd you cheat on him with the dude?"
His words stab her in the heart. She puts her hand up and walks out of the room.
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING!?!" He hollers after her. Not caring if he wakes up Casie.
Returning a few moments later with a bottle of whiskey. She tells him he needs to be quiet. She sits on the edge of the bed as she swigs the bottle. Cocking her head down next to her, she demands him to sit.
He can see the anger in her clenched jaw. "You got fucking questions. Ask em." She tells him swigging the bottle before passing it to him and lighting another joint. She doesn't know where the other one went.
"Why?" He asks her again after swigging the bottle.
She takes it and hits it before answering. "I don't know. It just happened. Justin was balls deep in drinking and Xanax and it was an escape." She shakes her head, hitting the joint now. Noticing she's double fisted, Colson takes the bottle.
"Why didn't you just break up with him?" An attitude lacing his question.
She doesn't have an answer and he's starting to piss her the fuck off.
"Are you SERIOUSLY gonna act like you've never fucking cheated on anyone before?" She hits back. They trade off the bottle and the joint. Both hitting one or the other.
"No.... I just thought..."
"That I was fucking perfect?" She interrupts him. "I'm not. And I won't apologize for it because that's fucking stupid." She hits the bottle again before trading it for the joint.
"I didn't think you were fucking perfect, I just thought you were different." He says, not filtering his words. Regretting them immediately.
Tears well up in Luna's eyes. Putting one finger up, she tells him "Fuck you." Firmly before snatching the bottle from him, grabbing her bag and walking out of the room.
Down the steps. Out the front door.
"WHAT the fuck?!" Colson rubs his head, looking around the room. He's always so confused after their fights. He doesn't know why he's taking finding out she cheated on Justin so personally. "She didn't do anything... Psh, not yet..." His brain goes back and forth. Wondering about this goodbye kiss.
Leaning against the outside door, Luna searches her bag for a cigarette. Lighting it she sits down and hits the bottle again.
"What the fuck, Dude. You'd think I just told him I cheated on his bestfriend." Luna thinks annoyed as she smokes her Newport. "I shouldn't have even fucking told him." She shakes her head at herself. "This is why I side step. No one needs to know everything." Luna can't help but feel jaded as she leans her head back and exhales a large cloud of smoke.
Colson finds Luna chain smoking on the stoop, still hitting the bottle
"Hey..." He says, sitting down next to her.
"Hi." She says exhaling. He can tell the whiskey is catching up to her.
"It was just a goodbye kiss?" He asks her quietly.
Luna turns, grabs his face and kisses him on the lips, the same way she kissed Tommy last night. Letting him go, her head spins as she feels her body heat up.
He feels his dick jump when she kisses him.
Looking at each other unhappily, both with their elbows on their knees, he tells her. "Don't be fucking kissing people like that. You're too fucking hot and you're MY fucking girlfriend."
Knowing he's right, Luna submits. "Okay. I'm sorry." Her face softens when she apologizes.
"I mean it." He says sliding his hand around the back of her skull before pulling her in for a deep, aggressive kiss.
"I know.." She tries to get out. He kisses her harder. Pushing his point.
Luna closes her eyes as he washes over her. She climbs onto his lap, to straddle him. Kissing each other sloppily, he pulls her into him tight by the small of her back. His other hand still in her hair. "I am sorry."  She whispers as they make out.
Luna's grinding on him as her head is thrown back. Colson has her shirt up, kissing her chest and breasts. They jump when they hear clapping along with "Woooooooo!!!" "Get it Dawg!!" "LunaaaaTiiic!!" and other nonsense.
It's Ashleigh and The Boys coming down the street. They had spotted the couple on the stoop and are drunkenly cheering them on.
Buried in Colson's neck, Luna can't help but laugh when she realizes it's them. They slap Colson high fives as they come up the stairs. Luna shaking her head and telling them to be quiet, Casie's sleeping. They all stop and look at her. She shrugs like 'I don't fucking know' before they walk inside laughing.
She looks back at Colson. He has a look on his face she's never seen. It's a mix of determination and fear.
Sliding his hands through her hair along the side of her head, he tells her firmly. "I meant what I said, Luna. You're fucking MINE." He takes one hand and pulls her closer by his necklace. "MINE. Don't make me fucking kill somebody."
She gives him That Look he loves as she places her hands on his face. "Yours." She agrees before kissing him again.
To be continued...
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