#and she doesn't properly remember him but his sun still... she knows
dmitriyuriev · 6 months
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Something you Hate.
(Read right to left)
From Danzou's my room line. I think a lot about how this Danzou, who should know nothing of Limbo, fears the Dark Sun (there is no story clear requirement for this line either)
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Have some more language brainrot for your brainrot
Writer reader getting kind of insecure that even if they write something nobody will understand it, so when Al haithem askes you if he can keep a draft or two just for analyzing, there's hesitant agreement but ultimately you tell him to please burn the documents once he's done. They're too awkward to look at now...
Only he doesn't burn them, in fact he ends up recruiting several people close to the creator with knowledge of olden speak to analyze them. A funeral parlor consultant well known for his historical knowledge, a 500 year old shrine maiden who owns and runs her own publishing house, and a bard who somehow butted his way in on the project. None of them could resist the opportunity to witness the creator's sacred scriptures with their own eyes.
Needless to say, the papers ended up being fought over and have been making their rounds around your acolytes. It started with Ei, who insisted that as an archon she also should see the creator's work with her own eyes. Then once Ningguang found out, she ordered they be handed over to a team of literary analysts in order to be properly handled and deciphered. Things got really messy quick, but have luckily come to a halt as none of the acolytes want the creator to know their random writings are being fought over.
Especially when it comes to the creator's sullen additute. Their acolytes first have to convince their holiness that their inability to read and understand the creator's writing shouldn't prevent you from doing what you love. In fact... could they convince you to write some more?
On one hand, same 💀 id be terrified for my all time fav skrunklies to see my bs
But at the same time i rlly wanna show them goddamit- THANK U FOR THE BRAIN FOOD IM RUNNING LAPS AROUND MY HOUSE THINKING ABT THIS-
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them), Writer!Reader
Planet: Language Shenanigans
Orbit: Scenario
Stars: Alhaitham mostly, some of Kaveh, mentions of other Sumeru characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Insecure about craft/writing, anxious first pov (not serious),
& Trigger Warnings: Mild Negative self-talk, insecure perspective/reader “you”, possible anxiety depiction.
You were not a very confident writer.
This had been an avoidable feeling ever since you picked up a pen for the first time and were asked to write a story for school.
You were always anxious turning in essays, letting friends proofread them, anything that would expose your writing to more eyes, because you’d learned the hard way early on that as you get older and better at something, the stuff from the beginning… starts to look a lot different than you remember.
things you used to be proud of after having completed them in the moment, were something you struggled not to rip to shreds a year or two after you re-found it.
If it weren’t for other writers advising holding onto old work so you can see your progress over time, you’d have probably literally nothing older than one year on your ao3, wattpad, etc…
So when you had the fortunate luck (no it is not unfortunately, you are very happy to be here tbh) to fall headfirst into your video game you’ve been obsessed with lately,
You were not planning on showing them any of your writing.
Why would you, after all? You’ve got the weapons, the artifacts, everything they need to be more powerful. Why would you show them a silly little story you wrote? Fanfic or otherwise, not that theyll recognize any characters besides themselves, but still.
Alhaitham, bc ofc it was alhaitham, cocky, deviously aware bastard he is, caught you writing in your spare time first.
You’d gotten your hands on an old journal (if made you feel better than something completely new, a nice worn leather journal, sold at a secondhand shop from an old adventurer) and had started to write what you could remember about some of your ideas you’d had drafts for in your old world
After initially walking in on you writing in the House of Daena (it was the closest you could get to lofi girl, god u missed her lmao), you nearly jumped a foot in the air bc Haitham’s a nosy bitch and leaned over your shoulder and scared the absolute shit out of you, mans goes from asking politely, to begging you to let him read some of your writing over the course of 3 weeks (a month really)
Finally, after this 6 ft (about 180cm) man leans down one day (you’re sitting writing again), and gives you the most insanely good?? puppy dog eyes??? you’ve ever seen on a man???
you give in, revise a draft about 5 times in a row, lose sleep bc ur having a breakdown about alhaitham judging ur writing the night before you give him his copy-
and hand over a small short story for him to read. you specifically leave a little note not to judge you so hard for Haitham bc u werent used to people reading ur work/let alone someone as highly academic as him, ESPECIALLY since your speech is already so much more archaic than his/all of Teyvats-
His stupid green eyes with diamonds look into your soul (are they sparkling??) and he braces your shoulders after you give him his copy,
“Mine Greatest Guide, you hath deemed this one worthy of thy trust of your creations personally, I would be a fool to gaze upon it in jest. To take this work as anything less than a masterpiece in its infant stages.”
…you just leave him to it, and are nearly running out of there (u managed to be calm enough to just speedwalk),
and you make a point to not ask what he thought about it, or even bring it up at all
you’re kind of hoping he forgot tbh… and so nothing happens!
Nothing happens… for 2 weeks after you gave Haitham a copy of your short story.
You still don’t know Alhaitham’s opinion when you see the advertisement, a sign saying something about, a new book? By YOU???
You nearly start a mob because the shopkeeper insisted you sign some copies, but you only signed a few before too many people overwhelmed you, and seeing it was that same draft- !! Oh god, you’d been agonizing over the spelling errors you’d missed when you gave it to Alhaitham, and now it’s just out there???
(luckily it seems the reviews are positive, but dammit you’ve been rereading ur story u gave him for days, and now ur positive it’s shit-)
You make a break for it, and are literally running (more like speed-walking after a while, since u got further away) thru Sumeru City:
you pass by the open patio of a restaurant, the scholars are heatedly discussing ur characterization-
you pass by Dehya, Candace, and Dunyazard, the merc is waving around a copy of ur book, the other two women look excited abt the conversation-
oh my god-
Nahida is relaxing in one of the many little gazebos thruout Sumeru, while Wanderer seems to be reading your story to her-
You fucking track down Alhaitham’s house like a bloodhound.
You are banging the infamous gay roommates’ front door, panting til ur throat burns raw.
“Yes, yes, alright, greetings to you too! I was simply visiting the Acting Grand Sage Alhaitham, tis why I’m here- Greatest Lord?!”
Kaveh is nearly jumps a foot in the air at the sight of you, but recovers, (you’re still not tho lmao)
and invites you in bc apparently, Alhaitham’s been meaning to talk to you about your draft you gave him!
Oh yeah, you’ve got some words to give Haitham after giving him that damn draft privately-
But when he sees you, the fucker just- smiles??
Like he’s done nothing wrong???
You’re about to tear into him when he speaks first to tell you the good news!
He grabs your hands at the table and gets down on one knee, ohhhh no.
Alhaitham is giving you those damn begging puppy dog eyes again.
“My Greatest Lord, Giver of Power, and Guide to All, your exquisite story has entranced all of Teyvat, might I please insist you write a sequel? It is an excellent literary piece to analyze… or perhaps, even better, share other stories you’ve written??”
Hello I’m alive! I just took a longer-than-usual break between posts from those last 2 mammoth pieces about gifts,
1: bc they were a lot to write in between writing other stuff like fanfics im already working on lol 2: I got busy with holidays and trying to apply to jobs!
Not that I’m still not doing that.. but you get what I mean!
Safe Travels Anon,
That being said, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve made a kofi! so if you ever liked my writing (hot mess it is) and want to show me some love, feel free to leave a tip! :]
Iced coffee?? :0
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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hidden-poet · 8 months
President Snow part 3
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Previous chapters; 1 and 2
Summary; After Lucy-Grey there was you.
warnings; slavery, Uncon, angst, dark!Coriolanus snow.
"Did you hear? Y/n L/n was sold into maids standing by her father last year". Festus creed plopped another Hors d'oeuvre into his mouthlike he was talking about the weather.
Coriolanus feels his body still at his words. The drink he pushed to his lips couldn't make its way into his mouth. He had looked for you at every social function. Even called upon where you once lived, only to be turned away by a new family living there.
He had assumed you had married and your family followed to where your new husband lived. If he was a manufacture he properly lived closer to the districts. The thought made him sick.
But no. You had been waiting for him. Training for him for the past year in maid training.
"I was thinking of adding her to my collection of the fallen"
Coriolanus's blood boils at the thought.
"Who?" Clemensia asks matching the almost bored expression of Festus.
"You know Arthur's daughter. The Banker who was stealing from the Pamen National bank. His daughter was a few years below us. Used to play on the volley ball team".
"When does she go to auction?" Clemensia warms at his words. She remembered her after all.
"Why so you can steal her from me?"
"What use would we have for a girl trained in fine arts and history? it won't make her a better floor scrubber. Right, Coriolanus?"
"i am still not sure who you are talking about" Coriolanus lied.
Coriolanus returns home later then usual. He had gone to a party but normally he only made a quick appearance for an hour or two before returning. But this time he returned well into the night.
You wouldn't have minded if it hadn't of got so late. You were tired and he hated to come home to find you asleep. When you heard the door unlock you knew you would only have to stay up for an hour more.
As he entered the room to find you laying on the bed watching TV, he doesn't crawl over to you or demand you help him undress.
Instead he takes a dress out of your closet, that was mostly filled with his extra clothes, and tosses it to you.
"I have a surprise for you. Get dressed".
You do as your told taking off your nightdress in front of him and putting on the dark blue sun dress.
He eyes you slowly before taking your hand and leading you down the hall to the living room.
You wondered about the surprise and the need to dress for it. Normally his surprises entailed the exact opposite.
It made sense when you turned the corner and saw an elderly man sitting on the large white couch.
You heart leaps at the sight of your father sitting in the living room.
"dad" you cry tearing your hand from Coriolanus . He gets up upon seeing you and you both throw your arms around each other.
"Oh my baby". His arms felt safe and secure.
Coriolanus is quick to breck up the scene, taking you back into his grasp with a tight hold on your wrist. He brings you to the other side of the couch, away from your father.
"given your rise i thought you might like the opportunity to buy back your daughter" Coriolanus spoke with a cold hard tone.
Your toes curled in excitement. You were going home and you were going home a lady.
Your father straightened his back and shook off imaginary weight from his shoulders.
"I sure would. How much did you pay?"
"Less then what she is worth and less then what she is currently worth after my teachings".
You shudder. He was going to make this more difficult then it had to be.
"Lets start at a thousand panars".
"Let me show you the door at a thousand panars. My shoes cost more".
You wrap your hand around Coriolanus's wrist as he held yours. That was a good offer he spat at.
"Please Coriolanus" you beg.
Coriolanus had a private showing at the slave quater the very next morning.
It was the earliest he could convince the owner of the house to have a showing. Which still wasn't early enough for him.
He paced through lines of young girls trying to find you. He remembered what you liked like at the Academy but people had a awful habit of changing.
He stopped in front of one girl who could have been you. Roughly the same height as he remembered. Same color eyes, although he never saw them up close so he couldn't be certain. Her hair seemed a lighter shade of Y/H/C and her nose seemed larger.
He continued satisficed that she most likely was not the girl he was looking for. He continues through the line of girls all dressed neatly in simple white dresses. They were more like potato sacks with arm holes.
They were organized according to training and skill. The girls who had been with the house the longest and received the most training were shown first.
He skipped the queue, you wouldn't be amongst them. He started in the middle and grew more frustrated as he neared the end. He knew once he spotted you he would know.
He scanned ahead looking for your hair color and height.
He saw a possibility far off and bee lined for it, ignoring the words of the owner as he took off.
Once he stood in front of you, he knew without a doubt that you were her. His Y/N.
You had barely changed from his memory. You had lost a little bit of weight no doubt from the stress of it all. Your eyes had dulled over a tad and your hair was less shiny and neat, but all the same you were as he remembered.
"President Snow, she is only trained as a house maid. She wouldn't be trained adequately for you", the owner of the house explained.
"Good then I don't have to train her out of annoying habits".
You looked worried, and he wondered if it was at the thought of being chosen or at not being chosen.
"Open your mouth" His first command to you.
You do and he pretends to check your teeth. Not an unordinary practice for a buyer but not of interest for Coriolanus.
He had longed to exert control over you.
Walking to school he would day dream to make the trek bearable in his tight shoes.
He dray dreamed he would find you at school and pluck the flowers out of your hair. "Don't wear these. They make you look childish" he would say.
At lunch time he would take the liberty of filling both your plates with food of his choice while you trailed close behind him.
You would wait for him after each class at his place of choosing. sometimes waiting just outside the door while he astonishes the classroom with his hard learned knowledge. He was sure he was going to get the Plinth prize and go off to university. There would be no need for you to do the same.
But his poverty kept him shackled and your money (however so dwindling) kept you safe.
Before if he told you to open your mouth for inspection you would laugh at him, now if he told you to hop on the spot, you would hop.
"how much?" he asked the sweaty little owner.
They agreed and you were tossed in the sold cage while Coriolanus filled out paperwork. He tired not to seem egger to collet you.
He had never personally brought a maid and had no idea it involved this much paper. He only glanced at whatever he was signing, trusting the person who explained each document to him.
When he was finally allowed to go collect you, he found himself stuck at the door.
How would he approach this? should he call you by your name to show he knew you or place the burden on you to make the connection.
You never even talked to him in school but perhaps you shared the same quiet fascination with him.
If not, he was still President Snow, and you were a loyal subject. He could image you would be awe-struck at the opportunity to serve him.
He yanked open the door and walked with powerful strides. You were sitting in the holding cell, curled into a ball on the floor.
You got up upon seeing him, and came closer to the bars.
"Here" he held out a cold water bottle that he got from the owners assistant. He wished he drank some of it. He would have spat in it if he had registered that he was going to give it to you.
his action took you both by surprise. But you take it.
"Thank you, President Snow".
He gained no sense of familiarity with your words.
He waited for a 'we went to school together' or a 'I always knew you were going to be President of Panem'.
But nothing came. You drank your water and even separated yourself from the bars.
You gave no sign you recognized him from the Academy days. You gave no plea to his sense of fellowship, or tried to give yourself false standing upon your upbringing.
When he had asked about your standing you had told him you were born into your situation. A bold move to someone who held your paperwork in his hand. The entire history of you, as well as your in and outs.
Still he didn't correct you. Perhaps you were waiting to pull the secret past card for a rainy day.
"Your name is Y/N? is that correct"
two could play the i don't remember game.
You nod.
"Well Y/N, in about 10 minutes two peacekeepers will come and take you to a van where you will be escorted to the Presidential estate. From there the Headmistress will make you presentable and begin your training as my servant".
His hands curl around the bars and he pushes himself closer to you.
"I have high expectations of you. Don't disappoint me".
'Coriolanus please. I'll come back any time you want me to. Do anything for you. But please let me return home".
Your words took his mind breifly to imagining a different life with you. They never caught him for cheating and with the Plinth prize under him, he took your hand in marriage.
And yet still, in his imagation you stood in the living room, perhaps better dressed, and said the same words.
He really did just want to own you.
Coriolanus said nothing and turned his eyes back to your father.
"You made a deal with Mr Grenge for 300 million panams. So my price for Y/N is 300 million panams"
"that's everything" he father mutters.
'She is everything". You didn't believe it. Not to him.
"I-I Can't. I'd be ruined again".
"You could always sell her back. At a discount of course".
'Please" you try again.
"It would be a fun 18 hours for you" Coriolanus taunts.
"we could pay in instalments" you father tries.
"Do i seem like a patient man?"
"Patient enough to wait for your time to strike" Your father is seething, "It wasn't surprise I felt about her being here, only dread".
Coriolanus smirks trying to hide it by rubbing his forefinger across his bottom lip.
" I saw you every time I picked her up from school. Lingering in the background like a parasite. Coriolanus Snow's got eyes for my daughter, I thought to myself, how harmful could he truly be".
He dad crosses the boundary of the living room table. His face contorted with anger.
"Then I saw you dangle that poor district 12 girl in the Hunger games. You were no harmless school boy, I realized, you were your fathers son. And that is a very dangerous thing to be".
"Careful. You don't speak to that school boy now. President Snow is who you address, and you've said enough to get yourself hanged".
You place a hand on Coriolanus shoulder as if to keep him pinned to the chair.
"Y/N I am so sorry. He was gone when I sold you. I thought you'd be house maid to one of the lady's. I never thought he'd get his hands on you".
The old man takes you into his arms. His baby daughter who he threw directly into the mouth of the wolf.
"No sale has been made yet" Coriolanus reminds him, "Do we have a deal of 300 million panems or are you touching some one else's property?".
The first few months in the presidential estate were terrible and Coriolanus saw to it.
You were beaten for everything for quick training. Even things you were sure you did right were wrong.
He had to give it to you, despite your privileged up bringing, you were a hard worker. Every time he checked on you, which was often, you were never found sitting down. Always on the move scrubbing something, dusting something, organizing lien cupboards.
He only caught you once reading a passage from a poetry book kept in the library. Old habits die hard, he supposed. He remembered you loved to read.
You would often read stretched out in the sun during lunch time at the academy garden. Coriolanus would watch from the schools library window, when he should have been studying. You again were interfering with him being the best he could be.
He called upon you during your dinner time. Requesting your presence in his office.
When you entered you saw your headmistress standing on the opposite side of the desk.
Coriolanus sat in his chair, looking bored. His head resting in his hand, not looking at the headmistress or you. Just staring blankly at his desk.
As you enter you can see the wooden Cain and the poetry book laying flat on the desk. Your legs turn to jelly the closer you got.
"President Snow. Headmistress" you greet.
"Which poem was it that caught your eye?" The old women grumbled.
You bring your hands to your chest and wring them together. You were still sore from your beating last night. You weren't sure you could take another one.
"i was only checking the book. The pages seemed loosed".
"Are you suggesting that the presidential estate would house such a book?"
You try and back track on your lie. Blaming lack of sleep and food for your mistake of the falling pages.
Coriolanus reaches for the book, flipping it to a random page and placing it back on the desk.
"Place your hands on the desk and read it" The headmistress demands, picking up the cain.
You face Coriolanus who watches you from his seat. You eyes swell with tears that spilled on it the page. He would keep the book in his draw rather than the library.
''My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk''
The headmistress brings the cain down upon your back, and your sentence comes out as a yelp.
"Or, or, or emptied some dull-ll opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had-saH-Sunk!".
It strikes after each pause. Your hands curl into fists upon the page.
"Tis,not,through,envy,of, thy,happy,lot" You rush and two strikes come down upon your back.
"Cheeky girl!" your headmistress reprimanded.
"But being too happy in thine happines" you slow.
He closes his eyes to the sound of the Cain coming down and images the school garden. Both school children again in the red uniforms. You lay in the sun together. Coriolanus rested his head on your lap as you read out your poem. You stroke his hair and he feels the warm sun on his face.
Your desperate act pulls him from his day dream. He looks at the women before him. A women he owed.
No school children in sight; the President of Panem and a slave take their place.
You finish your poem looking up to him for salvation. You do not receive it.
"Again" he demanded.
He wouldn't leave during your nightly flogging. He would lock the door and free his cock from his trousers. He loved the thought of you so vunruable, so brusied and battered at his command.
He would image you with your dress down, tied to the whipping post as he brought the whip down on you. He imaged your squirming and crying for him. God, there was nothing he loved more than control.
He would wait until the flogging was announced to be over before he would return home.
He was always so sure that you would come to him the very next morning and beg for him to save you from the whipping post. Exchanging anything in return.
"I am so sorry. I have your mother to look after. She's not been well Y/N"
"Dad you can't leave me here"
"We'll visit" He insisted.
"No you won't"
You both turn to Coriolanus in his chair, half forgotten he was there.
"We'll write to you"
"It won't be delivered"
"I am sorry" your father finally accepted, 'Maybe once I make more money".
"Daddy please" you whine. He won't be given another chance, you know it. You weren't sure this chance was entirely truthful.
"I am so sorry" he repeats pulling away from you. He rushes to collet his things. You aim to go to him, to hold him one last time but Coriolanus rises from his chair.
He takes your hand in a tight grip.
"You'll find a maid downstairs. She'll help you to the door".
Your father looks at Coriolanus with hate filled eyes, but nodded his head in understanding. President Snow held all the cards, you both were nothing but pawns for him to entertain himself with.
'So sorry we could not do business together".
Your father doesn't answer too overcome with emotion of selling his daughter for a second time. He rushes away in shame and you fall to your knees.
Coriolanus lets go of your hand so you could curl yourself into a ball on the floor.
He lets you sob and heave on the floor by his feet. He knew telling you to stop would be a waste of breath.
He waits until you can control your breath again before he crouches down next to you.
He snakes a arm under your side to pull you to his chest. His arm curls around your shoulders to keep you there, while his hand cradles the back of your head. He rests his cheek against the top of your head while you sob. Loudly and painfully, you sob into his chest.
You can hear footsteps pounding down the hall way and you knew it was Clemessia.
"Get her to stop or I'll hang her by her feet in my study. She'll wake the children".
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows at her but does not uncurl his body from you to follow her command.
You quieten anyway. It's fine, you tell yourself, you've lost nothing.
You hold your breath counting to a slow ten and then release it a couple of times. It helped regain your composure.
Coriolanus unhooks himself from you and reaches into his breast pocket to pull out his handkerchief. He wipes your face clean from snot and tears with an emotionless expression.
You weren't sure you could walk so when he picked you up and took you back to the bedroom you were thankful to not have to find out.
Coriolanus spits his tea back into the cup.
There was nothing wrong with it. But he loved how panicked you got.
Your lips would part, your eyes fell wide, your chest would puff up.
How could there be something wrong with the tea again.
'i am so sorry, President Snow. I'll make another" You go to take the cup back.
'What's the point? You disturb me every time you come with another pot".
"I'll try not to in the future, Sir".
"what good are your efforts. I've watched you try for the past six months. You only slightly improved".
'i can do better. I will do better".
He loved the grovel.
"maybe the night without supper would help to refocus your mind?"
Your body tensed, and he could feel the anger radiating off you, even if he couldn't see it upon your face.
'Is that a good idea?" he teased.
"Yes, Sir" You tried not to spit the words.
"Good. Then it's settled. Go about your chores".
The next day he offered you a biscuit from his tray, and said nothing about his tea. Even through this one was too sweet for his liking.
It was the first time your hunger overtook your pride. You took it with a small thanks, excusing yourself at the first opportunity.
he watched the camera link. You had gobbled the biscuit down as soon as the door closed behind you.
Once a lady now a beggar.
He took you to the bedroom and laid you down.
You didn't move. You couldn't move.
He talked as he undressed you.
"I know that was painful for you but you needed to see it".
He yanked your dress over your hand, leaving you in only your panties.
You turn from him to your side but he flips you back.
tears still run down your face but you make no noise.
"Why. So you could see it?" you bit.
"At some point you have accept your life here".
He slides your panties down your legs, leaving them on the floor.
"was it true?" you ask, "that we both went to the Academy".
"yes. I had a terrible crush on you for many years". Crush he called it but it couldn't be further from the truth.
"i never even noticed you all those years". The sentence stung him a bit.
He places his lips on your neck and bites down. You wiggle under him, pushing on his shoulders.
"You are making me suffer because you had a school boy crush?"
He rises up and undresses himself from his many layers.
"i am making you suffer because I can". He makes haste with the many buttons on his vest.
His sentence quietens you. He could make you suffer just because he wanted to. he could make your family suffer just because he wanted to.
He rips the clothes from his body, leaving them a messy pile on the floor.
He drags you to the center of the bed and crawls on top.
"In any case who would you rather, me, President of Panem, or some old business man, bored with his wife. That's who you would have gone to".
You try and turn to your side again but his hands catch your shoulders and bring them flat on the mattress again.
"You should really say thank you". He pumps himself over you.
You don't say anything, and your ungratefulness resulted in a harsh hold on your chin.
"Say it. Say thank you" he demands.
"Thank you" You spit hard and fast.
"Thank you, President snow". He nudges your legs further apart and lines himself up to your entrance.
"Thank you, President SNow" he enters you without warning and starts a steady thrust.
It had been years with him. Sex with him wasn't something you even blinked at. On occasion you could have even been called a participant.
But not tonight. You couldn't even rock your hips for your own feeling. You just lay there and take it.
Something about night had made Coriolanus feel like a school boy again, and he took it out in his hard and rough thrusts. He was President Snow and you would remember it.
He begins to sing the national anthem of Panem.
"Oh, Horn of Plenty One Horn of Plenty for us all! And when you raise-ah- the cry The brave shall heed the call And we shall never falter, hmm"
He grunts in your ear. He pushes himself upright where with his new position he places both his hands on your hips and pulls you closer so your legs were hooked over his hips.
"And when we raise the cry-y the brave shall heed", he huffs, "the call and we shall never fall"
He new position gave him deeper thrusts. As the song ends his hips loose their rhythm.
"Oh, Capitol Your glorious diamond shine A tribute to' The darkest days behind Oh! One Horn of Plenty for us all"
He bucks his hips as he leans back over you on the bed, a hand resting by the side of your head to keep his weight off you and the other used to keep your leg over his hip.
He never fully leaves you before he slams back in.
He groans as he cums, letting you milk him of anything he had left. Even after that he remains in you.
Coriolanus lets out a short breathy laugh, dropping your leg and pushing his body down on you. You huff in protest but he doesn't care. Placing small kisses and bites along your skin.
You remain still. Numb from the events of the night. You didn't even say goodbye to your father. You knew you would never see him again.
Coriolanus spent by using you, rests his head on your chest.
"Someday some one will kill you for your wrong doings, Coriolanus". You warn.
He chuckles in response. It won't be by his doll.
Years later you stand in the crowd watching Katniss Everdeen raise her bow and arrow at Coriolanus.
You smile waiting for her to let go. You could see Coriolanus's eyes searching for you in the crown, unable to find you as hide amongst the people, before his settles on the eyes of his executer.
"MockingJay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure".
The arrow flies but enters the heart of the Coin.
Coriolanus begins to laugh, blood spilling from his mouth as he does.
As the blood coats his shirt it is a reminder of his misdeeds. Against his people, his family, and importantly you.
You charge taking along a crowd of people with you.
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bella-rose29 · 9 months
Deck the Halls (and not your partner) - part 6
Christmas Day, and the final day (supposedly)
Word count: 4.8k (damn that's more than I originally intended to write for this part)
Warnings: unrealistic depictions of winter in Britain (it snows a lot), swearing, Lockwood gets a hug from reader's mum and can't cope, lockwood's lack of sleep is brought up, reader has Feelings and can't cope, Stephanie and Linda are bitches again and get an awful gift for reader, body image issues, lockwood shouts at Steph, mentions of Lockwood's family (and them being dead), Stephanie (she's a warning all on her own tbh), cliffhanger of an ending
the picture doesn't really match the vibes but it's one of the few where he's not wearing a suit 🤡 (but also look how babygirl he looks)
(image credit to lavenderghostco on pinterest)
series master list
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Lockwood hadn't slept.
Instead he had spent the night trying to get Y/n to hear him through the locked bathroom door, but then when he'd heard quiet music playing and realised that she'd taken her walkman with her and was sleeping in there he had given up, shifting to lean his back against the door and pull his knees up to his chest.
Then he had used the rest of the night to go over what had been said between the two of them, and how horribly wrong it had all gone.
Why couldn't she have waited another two seconds for him to finish talking?
And why couldn't he figure out how to properly apologise to her?
When the sun had finally risen and slightly blinded Lockwood as it streamed in through the curtains that hadn't been properly closed the night before, he stood up, shaking out his stiff limbs and stretching. He got changed into some fresh, more comfortable clothes, having stayed in his suit from the day before all night, and headed downstairs to make a cup of tea.
"Oh, hello Anthony!" Emma said when he walked in to the kitchen. "Are you... alright?" She was frowning, likely because the dark bags under his eyes were far more prominent from the severe lack of sleep.
"Yes, I'm alright thank you. Just didn't sleep too well last night." He smiled at her.
"Oh dear," Emma replied, putting the kettle on. "Is Y/n alright?"
"She's fine. She did sleep in the bathroom though because she felt a bit sick, but she was out like a light right away." An easy lie to tell about the situation they had found themselves in, and Emma was too distracted making tea to detect any falsehoods.
"As long as the two of you are okay now then that's all that matters. Here's a mug for you, love."
"Thank you." It was strange how easily he got used to being part of this family. He was moving around the kitchen with Emma as though they had been doing it their whole lives, and he suddenly felt a pang of pain as he remembered doing the same things with his own family. Lockwood stopped, staring down into his tea that was now swirling around in the mug and blinking away the tears that threatened to fall.
"Anthony? What is it, dear?"
"It's nothing," he said, wiping at his face quickly and offering up a smile. Emma saw through it, though, and placed a hand on his arm. A similar scene flashed through his mind from last night, and his chest ached even more at the memory of Y/n instinctively comforting him and how he had likely ruined any chance of that happening again.
"Aw, love. I know we don't really... know each other that well, but if you ever want to talk to me about anything you know that you can, right?"
"Yeah, thank you, Emma," he replied. For some reason he felt the need to step forward and wrap his arms around her, but after a few seconds of Emma standing still he awkwardly pulled back, raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck. "S-sorry. I don't know-" he was cut off by her hugging him just as tightly as she had Y/n when they first got to the house, and although he couldn't breathe too well he felt... at home.
"Never apologise, love," she mumbled into his hair, squeezing tightly. "Like I said, if you ever need me, you let me know." she stepped back then to hold him by the arms and look him in the eyes. Lockwood nodded, suddenly feeling five years old again, and dried his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Alright?"
"Alright. Now, you take this up to Y/n and make sure she's somewhat dressed and downstairs, because I think everyone else is starting to get up now and we'll do presents in a bit."
Lockwood took the mug and picked up his own tea, heading out the room after a quick thanks to Emma. A thought struck him as he carefully carried the mugs upstairs, and he really hoped that Y/n had presents because otherwise they would be in deep shit.
"Y/n?" Lockwood's voice tentatively called out. She huffed from where she laid in the bathtub wrapped up in blankets. What did he want? "Y/n? I've... I've got tea for you out here. I'm just gonna leave it on the bedside table for you. Uh, your mum also said that we're gonna do presents and stuff in a bit so... come down when you're ready I guess." He paused for a moment, then said "Do you... do you have presents? Because I didn't actually get anything and now I'm starting to feel bad because your parents are actually really nice and so are your siblings and-"
"Lockwood! Shut up! I got presents, alright?!" She shouted, getting out of the bath. She bundled up the duvet and pillow and opened the door to a slightly dishevelled Lockwood, pushing past him to chuck the blankets on the bed and grab some clean clothes from the suitcase. He had clearly been running his hand through his hair from the way it was sticking up at funny angles, and the bags under his eyes were far more prominent. She frowned, wondering if he'd had any sleep at all last night.
"Alright, I uh... I'll just..." he walked into the bathroom, everything about his movements more unsure and nervous than Y/n had ever seen him.
She changed into the clothes she had picked up, and only realised once the jumper was pulled over her head that it wasn't her jumper she had on.
It was Lockwood's.
She didn't have time to change before he unlocked the bathroom door and came back into the bedroom, stopping short in his tracks when he looked up and saw her stood in the middle of the room in his jumper. "I- This wasn't deliberate."
"I know," he said quietly, and she almost scoffed when he looked at her with sadness in his eyes. What right did he have to look that way when he had said those words last night?
"You're right. I won't ever like you in the same way as the others."
They had played over and over as she tried to get to sleep, wondering how he had managed to sink to an even lower depth in causing her pain than he had before.
"Here," she said when the silence grew uncomfortable, bending down to grab the group of wrapped gifts at the bottom of the case and handing a few to Lockwood. "We should head down I suppose."
"Don't forget your tea. I'll uh- I'll see you down there," he offered up a small smile as he left.
As soon as the door shut behind him she heaved a sigh, eyeing the tea on the bedside table sat right where Lockwood had said it would be. There was no point in letting it get cold, so she waited until the mug had been drained before leaving and going downstairs.
The tea had been a good way to start preparing herself for Christmas Day with her family, but on seeing Lockwood again (despite it only having been about five minutes) she could feel herself drowning at the prospect of having to fake this relationship for another few hours. At least it was only a few hours, since they were catching the only train running on Christmas Day that afternoon.
"And the last one for you, Y/n! Sorry, Anthony, you've only got a couple because we had no idea what you wanted and only found out you were coming a few days ago!"
"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything at all, Emma, really," he beamed, and Y/n wondered how he could act so well. He had always had a flair for the dramatic, leaping at the chance to put on an accent for reconnaissance for a case, or coming up with ridiculously fabricated tales of fights with Visitors to boast to Kipps, but that wasn't anything compared to hiding the fact that he had argued with the daughter of the woman he was smiling at, and was pretending to date her and love her regardless.
"I won't ever like you in the same way."
That had hurt the most, and Y/n had spent much of her time awake attempting to figure out why. It wasn't the entire sentence about Lockwood not liking her in the same way as Lucy, George, and Holly, as that hadn't been the part that had been on repeat. No, for some reason it had been his admission that his feelings wouldn't change from the hatred they shared that made her want to rip her heart out every time she saw his smile.
"Nonsense!" her mother said as she sat back in her seat. "Alright everyone, get stuck in!"
The next ten minutes were a frenzy of paper being ripped into and presents being opened, and Lockwood and Y/n were curled up on the loveseat like they had on the first day quietly working their way through their piles. At least they had an excuse for not talking to each other, since their presents were taking up the majority of their attention.
At least they ought to have been.
One of Lockwood's arms was around her waist, hand resting lightly on her thigh while he watched her unwrap her remaining gifts. He had long since finished, having thanked Emma profusely for the box of chocolates and ten pound note that he'd been given. Y/n was finding it difficult to concentrate with Lockwood's warmth behind her, and he was doing that thing where he stroked his fingers over her skin. His hand had moved from her thigh to her stomach, fingers drifting under the fabric of the jumper she had accidentally stolen from him and tracing patterns absentmindedly. It seemed to be something that happened any time they were in this sort of position, and she was frustrated at how much she enjoyed it.
"You alright?" he whispered.
"Yep." She didn't look back at him, instead focusing on the plain envelope she now held in her hands and frowning at it.
"Oh!" Stephanie cried out, and Y/n had forgotten just how annoying her voice was since they had barely interacted the day before. "That's from us! It's... well. Why don't you open it up?" If the smirk on Stephanie and Linda's faces were anything to go by, it wouldn't be Y/n's favourite gift she received this year.
"What is it?" Lockwood asked from behind her, peering over her shoulder at the piece of card that had been inside. "A coupon or a gift card or something?"
"Gym membership, Lockwood. They got me a gym membership." Dammit, her voice was shaking and her eyes were prickling with unshed tears, and worst of all she knew that Lockwood could tell. She hated that she leaned ever so slightly further into his body. She hated that when he brought his free hand around her to properly wrap her in a hug she was painfully aware of Stephanie and Linda watching every movement, and could feel their judgement of her body.
Then she hated that she felt safe and protected in Lockwood's embrace, like nothing could hurt her as long as he was holding her.
There was nothing wrong with how she looked, and it wasn't her fault that Stephanie was a size 2 (probably, Y/n had never bothered to ask) and liked to gloat about it frequently, but the cut ran deep and had done for years. When Y/n stood up and left much like she had on the first day, she wasn't surprised to see the triumphant look on her cousin's face.
Lockwood was fuming, but this time he couldn't set anything on fire.
To be fair, he hadn't been allowed to set anything on fire the previous times it had happened, and multiple of those accounts of arson were Lucy's fault, not his, but he still wanted to burn something.
How dare they give a fucking gym membership as a Christmas present?! What did they think they would achieve in doing so?! Stephanie and Linda clearly looked proud of themselves, and the sight of their faces made Lockwood feel sick when he remembered how Y/n's body had tensed up and curled into him more at the piece of card in the envelope.
Taking his chance after Y/n left the room, Lockwood stood up, then headed over to Stephanie. "Can we talk?" he asked, although the tone he used made it clear that he wouldn't be taking no for an answer. He led her out into the hallway, then into the kitchen for good measure, and his remaining restraint snapped with the sound of the door closing. "Are you out of your mind?" He hadn't shouted, instead keeping his voice as calm as he could, but he knew that his anger was barely contained behind his gritted teeth.
"I don't know what you mean," Stephanie simpered, and Lockwood took a step closer to her.
"A gym membership?!"
Steph shrugged. "She needs it. She's really let herself go the last-"
"No, she hasn't. And I would fucking know, because I live with her. She is perfect the way she is, alright? And you have no right - absolutely none - to give her that sort of thing as a Christmas present. It really just proves that you have no idea who she is, and that you're a fucking terrible person."
"Oh, like you're so honourable!" she spat.
"What's going on?" Emma's voice sounded, and the kitchen door opened to show the rest of Y/n's family that were still in the house. "Why is there shouting?"
"Y/n's little boyfriend here is accusing me of not knowing my own cousin!"
"Because you don't!"
"And you know more about her than me, do you?!"
"It looks like it, yes!"
"Everything was so much better before you turned up, do you know that? Why don't you scurry back to whatever shithole you and your parents live in and we'll carry on with our lives, yeah?" Lockwood flinched.
"Stephanie! Linda, please, can't you do something?!" Emma pleaded. She sent a quiet apology to Lockwood, looking distressed at how quickly Christmas Day had fallen into arguments.
"She's right, Emma. If he wasn't here then everything would be right again. Why don't we keep Y/n here for a few more days, and he can go back to his sad little life with his parents." He flinched again, barely having time to compose himself before Linda was smiling sweetly at him.
"I would, Linda, but I am not leaving my girlfriend here with you."
"Well," Stephanie started. "Why don't you invite your family up here then? I'm sure we'd all love to meet the people that raised such a... lovely... person!"
"Once again, I would," Lockwood said, as nonchalantly as he could, "but I very much doubt that you'd find much to talk to them about."
"Are they deaf or something?" Lockwood saw Y/n through her brothers' bodies, and she was trying to push past them to join him in the kitchen.
"Something like that," he smiled, hoping they couldn't see the sadness in it. Technically his family was deaf, since they were unable to hear anything on account of the fact that they were dead. Y/n stumbled forward, having finally been let through, and she righted herself and walked over to where Lockwood was stood.
"You alright?" she asked, her voice quiet so that only he could hear. "Just heard them mention your family and stuff, and Steph can be really mean about literally everything and I didn't want you to be on your own for that."
"Oh." He blinked in surprise. He hadn't thought that she would care too much since she'd ignored him and hated him thoroughly since last night. "I'm alright; I can deal with it, don't worry." His smile was soft, and for a brief moment he thought he might be breaking through to the Y/n he had come to know over the past two days before everything went wrong, but then the blinds were snapped shut and he was blocked out again.
Lunch was interesting.
Emma and Ben had slaved for hours to get everything ready, having left the morning celebrations at various points to put things in the ovens, or chop things, or do anything that was needed, and mid-afternoon their hard work was served up on huge plates to the family.
"Thank you, this looks incredible," Lockwood said, and Emma grinned.
"You're very welcome, Anthony!" She sat down in her seat, making sure everybody had food on their plates before taking up her cracker. Y/n's grandparents needed her brothers talking directly into their ears to explain what was happening over the noise of everyone else, and it took a full five minutes to get everybody with crackers in hand and arms crossed over before they could be pulled.
Hats were put on, and pictures taken on the family camera (and then Y/n asked Will to take some on her personal camera too), and finally they could start eating. People read out their jokes and trivia, and while the laughter of various family members was loud, Y/n couldn't help but feel like it was all muffled and distant. She was underwater again, her ears filled with water as she tried swimming up to the surface, but the weight of her cousin's gaze was dragging her down into the depths again.
Then a hand was on her arm, gentle but enough of a pressure that she was being pulled upwards, and Lockwood's voice was in her ear.
"Hey, are you alright? You zoned out for a minute there and I had to rescue your potato from going off the side of your plate."
Sure enough, her fork was pushing the contents of her plate closer to the edge, and she quickly let go of her cutlery to stop it. The knife and fork landed with a clatter, and while conversation didn't stop, it did die down as people looked in her direction. "I'm fine," she replied, knowing she was the opposite. Lockwood appeared to know too, because he was still frowning.
"Are you su-"
"Yes," she said harshly, and he flinched back.
"Okay, sorry." He turned back to his own food, and they didn't speak for most of the rest of the meal.
"It's a book, you idiot!"
"John, don't call Sam an idiot!"
"Mum, you can't talk when doing a charade," Will said, and he received a glare in response.
"How do you reckon the others are getting on with their holidays?" Y/n asked, and Lockwood was surprised at her question.
"I imagine they're all having wonderful times," he replied, revelling in the smile that graced Y/n's face. It was a shame that the cause of the smile wasn't him, but he only had himself to blame for that.
"That's good. At least most of the company is enjoying Christmas."
Somewhere in the house, a phone started ringing. Ben got up to answer.
"I'm enjoying it," Lockwood said, and Y/n swivelled in her seat a little to look at him. "Besides the obvious, of course."
"No," he huffed. "Why do you keep thinking that you're the last person I want to spend Christmas with?"
"Because you literally said that you wouldn't enjoy a second of it?"
"Well that was a lie, wasn't it? Honestly, do you not remember anything I told you last night about me having a nice time here instead of the usual shitty Christmases since I was six?" That was apparently the wrong thing to say, because Y/n froze up and stopped smiling.
"I remember last night, yeah," she mumbled, turning her back to him again. Shit.
"Thinking about it," he said, attempting to salvage the situation, "I haven't seen any baby photos of you yet."
"Be my guest." Her tone was bland, and Lockwood started internally cursing himself for bringing up the night before.
"Y/n, I'm sorry for what I said, alright? I was a dick and I should have explained myself better. Would you-"
"Would you hear me out? Please? When we get a moment later," he asked, trying to mask the amount of desperation in his voice.
"You better have a good excuse, Anthony, because you really hurt me, and if you fuck up again I'm leaving."
"Leaving? What, like leaving the house?"
"Leaving the company."
Lockwood thought his heart might give out. "Wh- wha- what do you mean, leave the company?"
"I can't keep doing this, okay? I can't get up every morning just to be verbally abused by you all the time. It's not healthy for me, at all. I have to look out for myself, alright?"
"...Right. Yeah, no, that's... that makes sense." He was still reeling from her confession, so when Y/n's grandmother Jean tapped him on the shoulder he nearly jumped out of his skin. Y/n hadn't noticed, instead joining in with the ongoing game of charades.
"Why don't you take this, dear," she said, giving him a wink and handing over a sprig of some sort of plant.
"Uh... thank you?"
"Mistletoe. You know, it was originally a sign of peace, and if people met underneath it then they had to stop fighting, no matter what. Sounds like you two might need it," she smiled, but unlike Stephanie or Linda there was only love behind it. Lockwood stared down at the plant he held in his hand, but when he went to thank Jean for the gift she had already gone back to whatever conversation she was having with Tom, her previous chat long forgotten.
"I've got some news," Y/n's father Ben exclaimed as he walked back into the room, and everybody turned to look at him.
"What is it? Why do you sound so worried?"
"Nobody is going to be able to travel anywhere for about a week. I just got a phone call from Ted at the office." Lockwood felt Y/n tense beside him, and he tried not to do the same.
"What do you mean, Dad?"
"Snow warning. Weather officials are saying that a snow storm is going to hit us today and we'll all be snowed in. All trains are cancelled for the next week, and then after that it's unclear."
"What? So we're stuck here for another week?" Y/n asked, and Lockwood heard the panic creeping into her voice. This wasn't good at all, especially since he and Y/n now had to continue faking it for an extra seven days when they were back to hating each other. He needed to fix things and fast, or this holiday would continue to derail and end in flames.
"Sorry, love. I know you wanted to get back before the New Year."
"Yeah," she whispered, looking down at the ground. "Shit."
"Can we... can we talk?" Lockwood asked once they had a moment to breathe. After the news that they would be here for another week Y/n had excused herself and headed upstairs, and Lockwood had apparently followed.
"What is there to talk about, Lockwood?"
"Well don't we need to rethink? Originally we were only here for three days, and that was manageable. Now we're here for an extra week minimum? I don't know, call me crazy but I really do think we need to figure out how we're going to do this." He was running his hand through his hair again (what was in his other one, was that mistletoe?), but he stopped when Y/n looked him dead in the eyes and answered him.
"You're crazy." She didn't even know why he had the plant, unless he was planning on kissing her again and then ripping her heart out afterwards. Y/n went over to the windows to pull open the blinds the rest of the way to ignore the memory of his mouth on hers. They hadn't been properly closed the night before, and with how the sun rose directly through the windows Lockwood had probably been blinded by it that morning and woken up. He looked far too sleep deprived for him to have woken up at half seven in the morning though.
"Ok, well at the very least can we talk about last night?"
Y/n had stopped by the windows, staring out at the landscape and ignoring Lockwood's question.
"Holy shit." Where normally the view was the lake nearby and the forest in the distance, rolling fields spreading out in the foreground, now it had been coated in a blanket of white as far as the eye could see.
"What is it?"
"Just... just come and look." He did, hesitantly coming over to stand beside her and drawing in a breath at the landscape.
"Holy shit."
"That's what I said. Fuck. I was hoping it wouldn't be that bad and we could still find a way to get home."
"Yeah, we're not going anywhere in this. I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" she frowned, turning her head to look at him. "You're not the snow god who deliberately penned us in my family home for an extra week."
"No, I'm not." Lockwood went quiet, staring out the window but not actually seeing anything, his eyes unfocused as he got wrapped up in his head. "Can we talk about last night? Please?" Y/n looked out the window again.
"What for? I think you said everything I needed to hear."
"I didn't, though. You didn't let me finish saying what I was going to say before you went and shut yourself in the bathroom." His tone was desperate, and Y/n half thought he might start getting on his knees and begging. A memory came back to her of her doing the same thing only a few days ago when she begged him to come with her on this mad venture. He'd been laughing then.
"Well I don't know that I want to know what I missed."
"I was going to say that I won't ever like you in the same way as the others, because I can't. I don't think I realised that until it was too late, but I can't like you in the same way I like George, or Lucy, or Holly, because I think that I'm-"
"Right!" Stephanie shouted, shoving open the door. She stopped short at the sight of Y/n and Lockwood stood so close together, and then again at the pain on Lockwood's face. Y/n hadn't realised that as Lockwood had been talking, he had been inching closer in his attempt to get her to listen to him. They were practically touching now, and Stephanie glanced between them both until they stepped back a little. "You two," she said, jabbing a finger in their direction once she'd remembered what she was there for, "have ruined my Christmas, I hope you know that!" Y/n shared a look with Lockwood. "So watch out, alright? Because I'm coming for you both!" she shrieked, and slammed the door on her way out.
Y/n and Lockwood stood staring at the door for a while before Lockwood spoke up. "Did she seem okay to you?"
"I think she's having some sort of breakdown."
"I thought so too."
"Sort of looked like a banshee or something."
"Especially with the hair all crazy like that, did you see?"
"She'll definitely have a breakdown when she sees that birds are nesting in it, for sure." It felt easy all of a sudden, and conversing with Lockwood wasn't as hard as it had been a couple of hours ago. There was hope, she realised. Hope that he really did have something nice to say. He wouldn't have looked quite so ridiculously desperate for her attention otherwise. She ignored the way that butterflies started fluttering in her stomach at the thought of Lockwood craving her attention so badly. Before this whole ordeal she would have simply felt smug about having the upper hand.
"I really didn't mean it in a hurtful way, Y/n. Although I can see how it came across like that."
"Well what did you mean, Lockwood? Because you did hurt me. And now we're fucking snowed in for a week longer than we planned and Steph is on a rampage. And when Steph is on a rampage she will absolutely have what it takes to uncover this whole fake relationship thing, despite having, like, zero brain cells the rest of the time."
He sighed, clenching his jaw in frustration. "I can't feel the same way because I'm pretty sure I've-" he paused, then took a breath. Why was he taking so long to say something that could make their entire situation easier? He looked uncertain again, and Y/n started feeling nervous.
Lockwood was never uncertain. He was Anthony bloody Lockwood.
Then when he spoke, she realised why.
part 7
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Tag list (there are so many people that if I forgot to add you then please let me know and I'll do that right away!): @ahead-fullofdreams, @aislinrayne, @anathemaloren, @anthgoldenhrry, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @aysha4life, @bobbys-not-that-small, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @edible-rat-vomit, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @ettadear, @fearlessmoony, @fudosl, @idkbubs, @imaginebeingmentallystable, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @light-23, @locklyebrainrot, @locklyle1kanij, @locknco, @mentallyillsodapop, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @newbooksmell777, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @phlooper, @ran23sblog, @simrah1012, @somethingrandomwatzit, @star-of-velaris, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife, @y0urm0m12
let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the tag list! <3
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liillyliilly · 3 months
Take Me Back
hinata shouyou x reader words; 1345 synopsis; breaking up and making up with the one that he couldn't let get away from him.
“Take me back to that summer in Brazil playing beach volleyball.” 4 missed calls.
In a language he doesn't call his own but feels like home he leaves voicemails for her. He clears his throat, and says his piece. He knows he should be loving his girlfriend here in Japan, but he's too addicted to the taste of brigadeiros and pavé in her mouth. Brazil warmed his senses up to a new style of play and a new way to love.
He looks at the clock on his wall, it’s a perfect 12 hour time difference. He’s going to bed, she just had lunch. She never calls him back though. She only texts through Whatsapp when she has the time to properly respond, around midnight her time and lunchtime for him.
“I know it's been a while and I haven’t reached out.” 12 missed calls.
She showed him around Rio when no one else could. She was the one who ended up having to endure him when he underwent his first really bad sunburn. He remembers the way she laughed at him for forgetting sunscreen, “tão burro” she kept repeating while rubbing aloe vera on his shoulders. He remembers whining so much that she poked him in the forehead before putting her hands on her hips and chastising him in her Portuguese that was just way too fast for him to catch any of the words.
He had to meekly apologize with a pout, and she forgave him with a kiss.
Maybe that’s why he still sometimes forgot to put on sunscreen when he was playing volleyball.
“Thought I’d regret you like a teenage tattoo but I miss you, baby what can I do?” 14 missed calls.
In Brazil Hinata only got good at swimming because she loved to swim. And because she wore the best swimsuits, but that’s not his only sole reason for getting into swimming. She could swim circles around him, but he still had fun treading the water.
Sometimes, she liked to duck down into the water and tug on his legs. The first time she did that, Hinata thought he would die and that the tug was a result of a shark. The way she just curled into herself and giggled when she popped out of the water and observed his reaction was unparalleled by any other prank he’d gone through. Her joy at his pain was unusual but also intriguing.
Those little games, sometimes back and forth, but mostly her playing them on him was something he missed when he got back to Japan. When he got back, he went into his apartment expecting her to be dancing samba in the living room to afrobeat music. When she wasn’t there, a pang of melancholy strung at his heart. His home here was less alive.
“Why do I shiver thinking about you?” 17 missed calls.
No matter how much his friends and family compared him to the sun, he still thought that he paled in comparison to her. Bright, loud, and glad to be doing her own thing.
There’s always the possibility that he developed some sort of codependency on her. Despite her free-spirit and slightly loner dependencies, Hinata stuck to her like glue. When she would try and slink off into the night to go clubbing, he would bring her in and make traditional Japanese dishes for her to try. Hinata introduced Oikawa to her, which may have been a problem, but she didn’t seem to enjoy Oikawa’s overwhelming embrace of machismo culture. She liked Hinata’s gentle and silent strength over a boastful, loud power.
A guiding hand on her waist rather than pulling her along by the hand. A kiss to the shoulder instead of tearing her away from her conversations for a breathless kiss. Early morning texts to say good morning instead of late night, ‘you up?’ messages. Hinata was everything she wanted, or so Hinata thought.
Apparently, going on three dates in a row wasn’t considered an exclusive relationship to her. So when Hinata saw her with a different guy on the beach, using his towel that she always lent him, tucking her hair behind her ear the way he was supposed to, Hinata didn’t know how else to react.
Throwing a volleyball at the back of the guy’s head was probably not the right move to make, but it was the move he made. The other man just rubbed the back of his head, saying that ‘estrangeiros’ were always a little too obsessed with fine Brazilian women. She just smacked Hinata upside the head, but when he looked at her with sad eyes and with his bottom lip just a little jutted out, she ran a hand through his hair and brought him into an open mouth kiss.
He did have to apologize to her other date, and he ended the conversation by saying that she was still off limits.
“You're still the one I’m thinking about.” 20 missed calls.
Hinata was tired now. It was one in the morning and he was leaving her messages while he laid in bed waiting for sleep to finally take him. Was he desperate? Likely and affirmatively yes.
She told Hinata that long-distance wouldn’t work out, and that he should enjoy finding other people to date back at his home country. He wanted to argue with her, but she said it was final.
She was just there for a while, embracing him in his time in Brazil, and then since he was leaving, she would become merely a part of his memories. Her ease of farewells ripped his heart out. He wished she would’ve fought for them more, fought for him more. But you can’t ask people to stay who don’t want to stay of their own will. So he left, and she said good luck.
When he went back to Japan, he was worried about her. So he did ask Oikawa to check in on her and make sure she was doing okay. Then when Oikawa would send occasional pictures of them at the beach, with their tongues sticking out and hair wet from the ocean water, Hinata wanted nothing more than to be back in Brazil enjoying life. Oikawa would send other photos too, with her permission, ones where Oikawa caught her surfing a wave with practiced skill and ease of enjoyment for the activity, or when she was just laying on the sand stretching in the warmth of the sky.
They were friendly, sending messages frequently during the weeks of his initial return. Then as the months went on, there was less connecting the two, she didn’t respond to messages that quickly. She didn’t update him on life back in Brazil, and he stopped giving her play-by plays of all the games he participated in and who he had met up with.
He got a Japanese girlfriend, and she was nice. But she wasn’t the girl he wanted to go home to everynight.
“Maybe I still want something about you?” 26 missed calls.
There was a saying, from some American poet, someone he learned about but entirely forgot. The saying talked about the influence of yearning. It is the worst poison, best medicine, and key to so many doors.
He was out and about, looking for some lunch now. His sleep was restless. Maybe a fruit sando would be the best solution to the hunger pangs in his stomach. Exchanging cash for the food, he sits outside on the patio, unwrapping the foil and taking a bite.
She finally responded when the time neared midnight in her timezone, texting him. She asked if he knew what he was doing. She asked if he was inebriated last night. She asked if he was still dating his girlfriend. She said that if he was still dating her then he wasn’t being nice. She said she would never date someone who cheats. Hinata screenshots his text exchange with his newly ex-girlfriend.
She sends an eye roll emoji.
He smiles.
Midnight in Brazil. 0 missed calls. One incoming call.
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alannybunnue · 1 year
Ok, Imagine: Muzan Kibutsuji with a Wife
Don't question it, ya'll asked for this
But i doubt you imagine something like this...Anyway, enjoy my nonsense :3
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The Demon Queen
= The Backstory =
(I get it, the title is not original, but it makes more sense than anything)
So Muzan is a arrogant little shit and everyone knows it.
But imagine him being married to a unbreakable sunshine
So everything began 1000 years before the main events, in the Heian Era, when Muzan was still a human.
Political marriages were pretty common back then, so you may be asking "Who in their sane minds would marry their daughter to a man on the brink of death?!" Well, our dear reader's shitty parents :3 (Which technically...her mother is me 0-0)
It obviously wasn't a very enjoyable marriage, especially with Muzan's depressing and negative personality, but his wife never change her demeanor, it didn't matter how many times he would cuss at her, she remained at his side everytime with kind smile on her face.
Muzan honestly saw her as a stupid woman who settled down for a impossible dream (Which was them living a normal married life)
So in his mind, he couldn't understand what made her stay with him day and night, waiting for the moment he somehow would be cured from his disease.
She even kept her mouth shut when he killed that Doctor :|
...But then he began to change
And it wasn't impossible to notice, he seemed more energetic, didn't stayed in bed all day like before.
However, he no longer stayed away for shades, his poor wife only found Muzan where the Sun couldn't touch him.
Which made her confused to the extreme, and the poor thing couldn't handle curiosity for long, even if her bitch of a husband wouldn't say a thing...until that one night.
At first, Muzan was going to kill her, at least he was, until she saw him walking towards her normally and became extremely emotional, and went up to her husband and hugged like her life depended on it. (No, she didn't notice the bodies nor the blood)
And as annoying as that would be to the Demon King, he indulged on it for a while, until his brain began to work and he remembered all the times this woman stayed by his side when he was at his worse.
So he transformed her :)
= Muzan as a Yandere + Some details =
One thing that must be made clear, is the detail that Muzan is not in love, he sees his darling more of a living possession than someone he is infatuated with. Using her ultimate devotion for his mere benefit.
Of course, the other reason is because he is already used to his wife's shiny personality and having to look for another woman to disguise himself among humans is too much work.
And yes, after some centuries, he begins to feel bothered whenever she isn't around him, or whenever someone else is with close to his wife.
But that isn't love! It's more like if another child stole his favorite toy.
Surely enough, he won't punish the poor woman too much, she is naive, he knows that...so giving her the silent treatment is enough to make the bubbly sweetheart cling onto him for attention. It still annoys him? Yes. But does he also finds it endearing? Also yes.
Now, does she sees his cruelty and lack of empathy? Yes, however, she is now a demon, she lived centuries with her husband telling her not to mind what they do to humans, nowadays she just can only focus on how much she loves him (My child, wtf-)
Now with demons...it's another story, you see, since she was a human, she always wanted children, but considering the man she got married to...yeah, that was impossible :D
So in her mind, the demons are her children, so whenever Muzan is agressive with them...she is really upset (Let's not comment about when he killed the Lower Moons...my baby cried all night) However, she doesn't say anything, because she can't.
Whenever Muzan can't stay with his wife, he only trusts two demons to take care of her properly
Yeah that's right, Mister Six Eyes and Basketball Man, Kokushibo and Akaza
Both are the most responsible in the group anyway, so they are more than enough to keep the woman in one place...
...But they don't stop her when she wants to stay with others too, except Akaza when she wants to visit Douma.
And Muzan can't complain much, cuz she is safe and sound when he returns, so why bother? (Or that is what she tells him, so he won't lash out on her kids •-•)
So in resume, Muzan is a bitch to everyone but his sunshine wife, but he is not in love- Or that is what he tells himself? :)
A/N: This honestly is kinda funny and cute somehow?? Muzan is one of the characters that i most despise and i still gave him a Wife...and i gave the Demons a Mom. Hope y'all enjoyed
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khunyuki · 3 months
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
ᴍᴀɪɴ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ: 3. 𝙽𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎?
Synopsis: Hoshina Soshiro has always been gentle with Uzui Kagami but after a passionate night where pent up feelings were released (both emotional and physical), his treatment of her has never been better.
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Note/s: This is kinda short since I actually dunno what I should put here and I do think it wasn't delivered properly but at least I tried hahaha. I did not expect that to happen midway though 🤭
Genre: Aftercare, Fluff
Masterlist: TOC, Previous, Next
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Whispering I love you's to each other, holding them close and not letting them go, just showing them how much they deserve to experience great things in whatever shape or form. Love isn't all about the physicality of it. It's also on the small things along with the big things. Most importantly, both have to feel it, be in the spiritual or emotional aspect of it, intellectual or practical, physical or sexual. No matter what your love language may be.
Hoshina Soshiro caressed his fiancee's resting face, thinking of how lucky he was to have her. He traced all of the marks he decorated her bare body with as he recalled the acts they did that night. He still remember clearly how he lost control of himself after their first time, having longed for her for years yet never acting on it until then. How it lasted until morning when his body could no longer handle the exhaustion that accumulated from the entire day along with that night workout.
However, that was only his selfish desire. Never once did he forget the situation that led up to that moment. He had always prioritized her feelings more than his just like she always did with him. While he wishes she could forget it and finally move on, he knew it wasn't that easy. He could only give her his words and actions that promises to stay by her side no matter what.
"What are you thinking?"
She looked up to his face from her position on his chest, her favorite was hearing his heartbeat up close. Her fingers rubbing circles on his bare chest tracing upwards to his face. Her favorite part of his face was his smiling eyes that would sometimes open whenever he says or thinks of something serious. His eyes that remains closed is a big part of his charm, something that always makes her heart flutter. Well, everything he does always makes her swoon, something not exclusive to his eyes.
"I'm thinking about you"
See, he knows exactly how to get to her, feeling her own heart beating faster. He doesn't have to do anything, just show her that smile of his and she's dead. A small sound beeping somehow interrupted the moment, it was the bath he prepared when he got up earlier to bring her water to drink and wipe her down with a towel. Until now, he thought it was such a waste to wipe away the mixture of their cum that continued to drip down her pussy due to how full it was.
"Do you want to take a bath?"
Kagami said yes and Soshiro carried her up like a princess to the bathroom. The sunlight peeking through the curtains in the living room as they passed through it. Seeing her illuminated by the sun, he falls even more at how the brightness fits her really well.
He placed her down the water first before sitting behind her, placing her in between his legs. The water was just in the right temperature to hit the spot and they relaxed in each other's arms once more.
Kagami turned around to face his way and started to massage his scalp, after pumping shampoo on her hands. Soshiro sighed at the comfortable feeling of her hands, laughing at how she tried to style his hair in different ways with full concentration. He does the same to her, having more options due to her long hair until it turned to a competition. They then scrubbed each other's bodies which almost turned to another round of activities but prevented themselves by playing in the water.
After washing, they changed their clothes with her wearing his in an oversized fashion. Soshiro would've squeezed her tightly for how cute she was but settled on just teasing her. They dried each other's hairs which made them drowsy despite it being morning so they settled for resting in the guest room as his room was still pretty messy. Then they slept peacefully at each other's arms, not minding anything but themselves.
It was already late in the afternoon when Soshiro woke up alone in the bed, without his lover by his side. He could hear the soft rumbling of the washing machine and the sound of cooking with the smell of something burning greeting his nose.
Alert, he got up and went to the kitchen to see his lover making them late lunches, with her still in his clothes. She immediately greeted him like it was the most normal thing to do, as if she didn't just toss something burnt on the plate on the counter and cracked another egg on the pan.
"Good morning, Soshiro. Did you sleep well?"
"Uh-huh, shame you weren't there when I woke up. Though I don't mind if I get to see you like this everyday"
His heart squeezed at how domestic it was. They really were like a married couple right now. Though he wanted to just hug her tightly having just woken up, he had to salvage their foods. He removed his arms around her and told her to just leave the cooking to him. She gave a pout but relented as cooking was not her specialty, cutting was. She really doesn't want to accidentally poison him again even if he said whatever she cooks was delicious.
She went to get the laundry so she could hang it on the veranda along with their clothes that was washed first. Then eagerly waited for him to finish cooking so they could eat together. He just cooked a simple lunch given the time, some eggs, fish, and rice, along with miso soup. He was thankful for her doing the rice and soup properly for it would've taken even longer if she didn't.
They just talked about things as they ate. Most of the talking was done by her this time while he just listen, replying in the most playful way. Then he'd talk about something funny that happened in his division to which she'll laugh and eagerly listen to. It's just how they usually spend their time whenever they're together. And after eating, they washed the dishes together.
"Don't you think we're like a married couple like this?"
She asked him with the shyest smile on her face. Thinking about it already made her blush but saying it, she was kinda nervous still.
"Is this you saying you wanted to get married now?"
He turned to her, with his eyebrows wriggling which made her laugh, splashing him with the water droplets from her hands with him reciprocating it.
"Of course! It's something I've always wanted!"
She pretended to pout yet still smiled brightly from the giddiness. She knew she was getting ahead of herself but that doesn't mean she'll stop. She then gave him an understanding smile as she resumed to the last plate.
"Though I'm fine even if it's not now. I've waited a long time so I can wait even longer"
The smile on his face dropped as he frowned his brows in concentration. He wiped his hands then he told her to wait as he went to his room to get something.
"Wait a minute"
Kagami was confused but she didn't think there was anything wrong as she finished cleaning up and went to sit on the sofa. She wonders what he's up to when he kneeled down in front of her after returning.
He took her left hand and gave it a gentle rub, focusing on her ring finger.
"Ever since I was a child, I've only ever lived with blade in my mind then you happened. Entering my life at such a young age then proceeded to stay with me until this very moment. You have always been by my side and you keep occupying my mind every single day"
Somehow, tears were welling up in Kagami's eyes, her free hand covering her mouth as he continued. His mouth telling her how much she meant to him, his wishes and promises, smoothly coming out like he's been practicing this the whole time. He proposed to her with his eyes just on her, not even hesitating nor wavering. Then he showed her the ring he bought a very long time ago.
"This time with no family members to arrange our engagement. This time I only ask just for the two of us. Will you marry me?"
Even before he asked those words she's been nodding her head the whole time. Her tears never once stopping at all even as she wiped it over and over.
"Of course. I'll be glad to"
As she watched him slip the ring on her finger, she greeted him with a kiss full of love and affection. Something Soshiro laughed at, from how eager she was, his own heart feeling giddy.
They just lounged at the living room with his arms wrapped around her as she admired her ring. Of course they have rings provided by their own families but they never really wore it as it didn't bear much significance towards them other as it is also banned at work. But this time, it was her own engagement ring, given to her by her lover. There's no way she's letting it leave her side even at work. She just has to hide it and protect it properly.
"Are you that happy?"
She could only nod, not once taking her eyes off the ring. Soshiro only chuckles at her again. He really should've done this a long time ago but never had any chance to with how busy they were. Marrying her was a given fact and something he really did want to do as well. It really was only circumstances that let them postpone it like this for so long that it put pressure on her. That was his only regret, making other people pressure her for his inaction.
The peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by a call from his apartment phone. They looked at each other first before he got up to take it.
"This is Hoshina"
He pressed the telephone on is ear and he could hear some soft mumblings before...
He knows the owner of the deep, scary voice coming from the other side of the phone that made him stood stiffly.
A flash of realization appears on Kagami's eyes as she watches her fiance sweat buckets like someone who's been caught in an act of mischief. She couldn't help but laugh at his uncharacteristic behaviour watching him try to explain his situation, trying to keep his poise but failing. She went to his now clean room to fetch their own phones that she's been charging after waking up but never opened. She knew exactly what was awaiting her the moment she opens her phone, after all.
She just opened his own while waiting for him to finish his call. Nobody would believe her if she told them that the workaholic vice captain of the third division actually forgot he has work, y'know. Keeping the silly thought in her head, she saw how many missed calls and messages he had from his colleagues and captain for skipping work. She would've replied to it all but that's invasion of privacy so she just settled for looking at his gallery.
"Are you done?"
She asked as soon as she heard him finish speaking and put the telephone down. He turned to her with a frown and a full-blown pout.
"You were laughing at me, weren't you?"
She thought she was too cute but when the slight giggle left her, she tried to hide it by covering her mouth but it was too late.
He instantly got to her side and tickled her as punishment for trying to tease him. It was her laughter that once again brought light and joy to his apartment.
"What did she say?"
She asked after they settled down. Of course she was still jealous of Mina but she was already reassured by his words from earlier. She knew that his captain values the rules and order very much and that their relationship is strictly colleagues. The jealousy as just a her overthinking thing.
"She asked why I skipped work today after leaving so suddenly last night and to tell her beforehand about it. Then said that it's fine since there weren't any kaiju reports today but expect to be disciplined when I got back"
She's really glad that she always take her days off for 2 days in a row so she could never experience what he just did.
"You're already the vice captain yet you're still getting disciplined. What a naughty superior you are~"
"Well if my little platoon leader didn't try to seduce her superior then maybe he wouldn't get scolded?"
They both challenged each other in a teasing tone, maintaining a smirk on each other's faces. Though like always, it is Kagami who loses when she heard him call her 'my little platoon leader' even though they weren't in the same division anymore. As just the thought makes her so happy like a little kid.
"It's still early so do you wanna go on a date?"
Nodding her head, Kagami left to go get changed. She took their clothes from the veranda and went inside his room so she could wear her freshly washed kimono. Despite visiting his place sometimes, this was the first time she ever stayed the night so there were no extra set clothes for her here.
Soshiro, having been left on the living room, took her phone and opened it to see unpleasant messages that came from her family. He left them an incredibly long message with the implications of...
'This is Hoshina Soshiro. Please refrain from contacting my fiancee any further nor should you try to visit her at work if you do not wish to see me angry.'
Then blocked their contacts from her phone, deleted the unpleasant texts; then went to get ready himself, changing into a yukata himself to match with her.
They left his apartment and they just walked around town, window shopping at every store they passed by. Their hands interlocked with each other the entire time. Then they entered a cafe that she insisted in, ordering Mont Blanc for him and Eclair for her. They ate sweet treats that complements the sweet atmosphere they're exuding.
He then asked her if she wanted to live with him, to which she answered positively. She no longer has to commute for so long just to go back to a suffocating environment.
This time, she's going back home to him.
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pricegouge · 6 months
Fatted Rabbit Part One on AO3
Bearshifter!Price x reader | explicit
The car park is empty save one Jeep, hatch open and guarding the owner's back as she pats down her bare chest with a wet cloth, eyes nervous and wary as she watches for intruders. She doesn't spot him at first, too worried about the road and the trail head. She wrings out her cloth and then dips to wet it again in a pail of soapy, steaming water. The motion showcases her ample chest and her soft belly and his tongue lolls. She puts on her shirt and her hands move to her belt, undoing it quickly as she checks her surroundings again for intruders. He only notices he's been spotted when the hands on her zipper go completely still. He raises his gaze to her face and huffs at the look of pure terror he finds there. Not gonna hurt you, honey, he wants to tell her, but he's not entirely sure that's accurate anyway. Suddenly, it's like he's fresh off his torpor again, all beast. The only problem is, he's not sure if he wants to eat her or fuck a cub into her. She smells divine, but he can't deny the way her thick body makes his cock twitch. Good mate, stayed so soft all through the winter. He's not entirely sure what he wants, except closer, but when he puts one massive paw in front of the other, the poor rabbit yips and hops back into her little burrow, hatch slamming behind her as she scrambles further into her tentative safety. Curious, John ambles closer, stands with his paws on her car door to peer in at her. 
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A/N: no warning for this chapter but later chapters will include: explicit sex, past DV, kidnapping, canon-typical violence, some angst and a bit of a wump but very fluffy overall and I promise a happy ending (at least for John/Bunny)
Spring creeps into the den subtly, slowly, easily. Normally there's some pushes and pulls, a tide that rolls in and muddles his instincts before retreating, leaving him cold and tired once more. It plays nice this year, settles humid and warm in his fur like fingers, a coaxing kind of wake up call that has him chuffing and stirring still a week or so too early to venture out. It's nice, though, this slow ascent to proper consciousness. Has his memory stirring in ways he can't usually process when he's in this form - vague feelings and sensory memories: sun warm sheets, honey on toast. He slips in and out of wakefulness, the steady drip of snow melt counting the days in thirty second intervals. The ground warms, looses its frozen scents for his inspection, a chronicle of the months he'd lost to his torpor: an arid winter, northerly snows, a fox burrow maybe a kilometer uphill. He sleeps some more. 
There's a stream about an hour's hike north of the den. Shallow and wide, it never completely freezes, but John knows it is time to greet the new year when it overflows its bed. It wakes him slowly for the last time, the sound of its gurgling having changed to an echoing rush and what that implies is not immediately obvious to him in this state. He's digging into the mud of his den, trying to find a softer bed to cushion his sore hips when he realizes, and he chuffs in annoyance at his own sluggish brain. If the creek has already overflowed its banks, that burrow is likely empty by now. So much for an easy breakfast. 
He's too grumpy to properly marvel in the new year. He notes it in little ways as he stalks the forest - the pale sun warming his coat, the pungent mud revealing the path of his next meal - but he is still too groggy to properly appreciate the beauty. It's like this every year, which is the main reason he decides to overwinter in this form. Staying human has its perks, the ease with which he can stock and maintain a warm, safe den not least of which; but these first few weeks of remembering how to function, when instinct and hunger drive him more than rational thought, are difficult to navigate as a human. For him, early spring is a time to check his perimeters, ensure no other boars have encroached on his turf. John Price's domain is Columbia Falls and the areas surrounding it. He can't very well go around pissing on buildings and gouging knife marks into anything that stands still long enough. Hard to explain away stumbling into the nearest diner like a zombie and ordering uncooked greens and steak. Best to leave these beastly urges to his beast form, in the mountains and valleys of the park he's come to claim over the last ten years.
The days are still short, the forest slow in waking. A lazy start the world over, it seems. It takes him days to completely shake off the dregs of his torpor and he loses whole hours at a time, comes to shoulder deep in freezing streams or wetting his muzzle in the blood of a calf. He hopes he isn't cutting too close to the early campers when he's like this. He makes for a big goddamn bear, a right anomaly, draws attention. He hates to be spotted, would hate even more for his hunger to win out while his humanity is still so far beyond his grasp.
Cutting a long, circuitous track around the lands he's claimed, he takes his time about it. It takes him nearly two full weeks, but by the time he's at his northernmost point, he's mostly remembered how to be a human. He gives it a shot sometimes, while hiding in the caves he's emptied. He can't stay himself for too long, still too cold and damp for a naked human, but it's nice to stretch his back out properly, clean his teeth with nails. By the time he makes it back south to West Glacier, he's ready to find his clothes where he'd hid them on the outer edge of town and rejoin society, chomping at the bit for real human interaction. Maybe that's why he doesn't skirt the car park as well as he should. He's been a creature of instinct for months by now, if his basic need is just a simple, warm smile, it makes sense that he'd seek out the areas of the park most likely to find it. 
He smells her before he spots her: warm skin and honey, artificial strawberry scent and a natural musk that has his mouth watering. Human, must be - racoons didn't often use scented soaps - he ought to steer clear, especially if her scent is already having this effect. He's never lost control and killed a human, doesn't want to ruin his streak today. But he's base driven, an instinctual animal, and he's padding along before he can really even think it over. He clambers through springy undergrowth, chuffing excitedly when he finds undisturbed greens. It's his final warning before he ventures onto high traffic areas: the green fences denoting areas in which small game is too timid to linger. He simply eats those too and carries on. 
The car park is empty save one Jeep, hatch open and guarding the owner's back as she pats down her bare chest with a wet cloth, eyes nervous and wary as she watches for intruders. She doesn't spot him at first, too worried about the road and the trail head. She wrings out her cloth and then dips to wet it again in a pail of soapy, steaming water. The motion showcases her ample chest and her soft belly and his tongue lolls. She puts on her shirt and her hands move to her belt, undoing it quickly as she checks her surroundings again for intruders. He only notices he's been spotted when the hands on her zipper go completely still. He raises his gaze to her face and huffs at the look of pure terror he finds there. Not gonna hurt you, honey, he wants to tell her, but he's not entirely sure that's accurate anyway. Suddenly, it's like he's fresh off his torpor again, all beast. The only problem is, he's not sure if he wants to eat her or fuck a cub into her. She smells divine, but he can't deny the way her thick body makes his cock twitch. Good mate, stayed so soft all through the winter. He's not entirely sure what he wants, except closer, but when he puts one massive paw in front of the other, the poor rabbit yips and hops back into her little burrow, hatch slamming behind her as she scrambles further into her tentative safety. Curious, John ambles closer, stands with his paws on her car door to peer in at her. 
She's got the back seat torn out, a soft mattress taking up the raised stage area there. Likely some storage underneath. Instead of a passenger seat, a neat little shelf houses a cooler and a hot plate along with some kitchen essentials, from which she's grabbed a knife. He chuffs a laugh, breath steaming the window. He sniffs along its seal, wondering how long she's been hiding away in this paltry den. Few weeks, maybe. A month. She must be cold, poor rabbit, no bucks to keep her warm. She looks on the verge of tears now, and he lowers in sympathy. He should clear out, let her be, but he's addicted to the way her chest rises with each labored breath. He wants to nuzzle there, let her run her fingers through his hair as he kisses and bites and-. Oh, that's human. He wants to be human for that. Good. Means he doesn't really want to eat her. 
Still, always good to leave an impression. 
So he stalks around the Jeep for a while longer, careful to keep his movements as calm and non-threatening as they can be. She loosens up eventually, drops her knife when it's obvious he's not going to roll her little house right over. He wonders why she hasn't driven off yet and then spots her keys on the ground next to her rapidly cooling bath water. Bad luck, that. He debates waiting her out just so he can show he's trustworthy, but he figures she's got a whole den, and he's got a car park so he'd probably lose that venture. Ah well, he has her scent now. He'll be able to find her again. For good measure, he marks her car, chuffing in laughter when he can hear her complain about it. He hides in the tree line after he leaves. She waits another half hour or so before cautiously opening her hatch and retrieving her items, dumping the soapy water on the gravel. Illegal, that, but at least it's not the grass. Once she has her keys, she doesn't hesitate to pull out. John lingers close to the road and watches her watching him as she passes, her eyes more curious than scared now. Brave rabbit. Smart rabbit. Juicy little thing. 
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peskycorvid · 8 months
Building off of a post I saw on here (I don't remember which one) about how everyone is human except the life series winners, who retain hybrid traits from their win/series. Except I make it only about desert duo because I'm insane about them
Grian spending 3rd life with lightweight bones that are more fragile than he's used to. Time is short, and he doesn't get to learn how to fly. He doesn't learn how to properly care for his wings either. He spends his time with itchy wings, trapped on the ground, and when he wins by force, he falls. He falls, at his one chance to learn, and it's by choice. Birds get pushed out of the nest to learn to fly, but he refuses. Yet when he wakes up back on Hermitcraft, he still has those wings, and he can never forget what he did. The blood that stains his feathers, the creaking in his knuckles.
Scar doesn't ever know how to truly help Grian. Grian's forever changed, down to his very code, and it's bigger than their shared experience. So he does what he can to try to help. He learns with Grian, accomodates him, is extra patient when sand gets in his wings and he spirals all over again.
More games happen. More people change. It's different for them, Scar isn't as close with them. They don't live on Hermitcraft, so he can't see the difference. Except Pearl, who handles it so differently and yet so similar to Grian.
Scar tries to comfort her too. She isn't around much, and he learns why on the first full moon back when he stumbles on a wolf cloaked in red, hiding away in his home. How she got in, he'll never know. But that doesn't matter.
They get closer after this. They already were, but even moreso when he's able to listen. When she maybe doesn't talk, doesn't say it all out loud. But he listens all the same.
Then secret life happens. And Scar comes back different.
Nobody really understood what he was, not at first. But when everyone comes back, he stays behind. He's gone for days, weeks, months. And Pearl and Grian wait. All of Hermitcraft waits.
And Scar returns, and they can finally see what he was changed to as well.
A man of stone, literally. A gargoyle, wings cracked and shattered and left behind when he finally, finally made it back home. He's colder, and more quiet. The solitude has changed him.
Slowly, the three learn how to help Scar together. They learn, however odd it may be at first, how to care for his stone skin. They take care to not startle him, lest he freeze up completely until he can calm down once again. And slowly they heal together. The cracks are still there, but they mend them as best as they can.
Grian still can't handle the sand in his feathers, but he learns to fly. He and Pearl race together, and on full moons they chase each other under the moonlight. Scar can't quite keep up with them anymore, but they never stray far, and they always include him. He becomes their finish line, and Grian's perch. Pearl uses him for shade, and they decorate him with flowers whenever he dozes in the sun. They all still have their moments, their fears, and they fear what might happen in the next game. Who's next? When will they be swept away again? But they have each other now, when the others might not understand. They have each other. And if one of their friends is next, they'll be there to listen and learn.
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catt-leya · 2 years
Devoted || Rick Grimes 18+
Sooo subby Rick was asked by a lot of people and I felt the need for an obsessed Ricky and one part of that story might be my favourite ever 👉🏼👈🏼💗
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Summary: Rick is giving you presents and is shy to talk to you properly until he asks you out for dinner.
Trigger: subby Rick (at least more than in my usual fics for me he can't be completely submissive), praise kink, throat fucking, dirty talk and my smutty stuff
You hand your best friend the next board as she reaches out for it from above. 
Snorting, she pulls it toward her on the roof she's sitting on, and all you hear is her voice: "I'll be done in a minute."
Waiting, you put your head back and try to see exactly what she's doing.
Before the world ended, she built a lot of things in her parents' garage and is generally extremely handy, which is why she was asked to fix the roof and so has been standing in the blazing sun for some time, and you hand her a board or a tool every time she needs it.
You hear her move something on the roof and then call out to you, "I don't know who built this before, but it sucks to fix it."
Chuckling, you shake your head, "And I know for a fact that you enjoy it."
Reluctantly, she hums in agreement, and that's when you hear a soft clearing of your throat behind you.
You flinch and whirl around.
Your nose almost collides with a huge bouquet of flowers, "What the-?" 
Your gaze travels up over the pretty flowers to a pair of blue eyes staring at the flowers, not even daring to look at you.
Behind you, you hear a loud "Oh" and quickly look behind you to see if anything has happened to your friend, but she just looks over the edge of the roof and grins down at you from both ears as your counterpart clears his throat softly again and you give him your attention again.
Still he doesn't look at you and you frown, "Rick?"
He closes his eyes and you see very clearly how he blushes as he continues to hold the flowers out to you, "Here, for you."
It's not like him to be so...shy and you are completely confused as to why he's so shy about giving them to you, you reach for the stems and accept the flowers.
Immediately he lets go of them and it is the first time he looks at you. 
His cheeks are still flushed and he steps from one foot to the other as you smile gratefully at him, "Thank you Rick. You're really beautiful."
His eyes dart over your face, "You-" He closes his mouth and then looks back down at the floor, "You're welcome."
He's tucked his longer curls carefully behind his ears, and yet he brushes them back even though it wouldn't be necessary at all, and you reach out your free hand to place it on his arm.
You have to suppress a soft giggle as he flinches as hard as if you'd electrocuted him and ask, "Where did you find them anyway? There aren't any flower meadows around here that grow such pretty ones."
Through his lashes he looks into your face and opens his lips to answer, that's when Daryl walks past you and because he heard your question he suddenly feels the need to answer it, "No shit, kid. He made me go with him to a fucking other country to get the flowers. At least that's what it felt like."
Calmly, you look back up at your leader, who has his head pulled in so far that he looks much smaller than he actually is, and that's when your best friend calls out, "Oh remember the chocolate, Daryl? He almost died getting it for her. How many walkers did he kill in the process? 10? 20? Oh, I don't know, all I know is I figured you'd end up giving yourself an arrow so you wouldn't have to see it."
You don't take your eyes off Rick and keep your hand on his arm as he bites his lower lip and Daryl stops to yell to your friend on the roof, "Fuck yeah and the books a few weeks ago? I had to spend hours on the fucking couch at the library so he could bring them for her and shit, I don't think I've ever been to one before."
Every time Rick has been out, he's brought you something you might like, and every time he's presented it like it was no big deal.
You hear your friend giggling and you can't stand to see Rick like that, so you take a step forward and stand on your tiptoes to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
If it's possible, he only blushes more and then mumbles, as he does every time, "It was no big deal."
You squeeze his arm and then let go to put distance between you as your friend from above starts again, "Oh my god and that one time-" Quickly you interrupt her so it doesn't get any more awkward for Rick, "It's fine. We get it."
You can tell by the look on Rick's face when he gets his act together.
He takes a deep breath, clears his throat, and then straightens back up to his full height. He's still avoiding your gaze, but the way his gorgeous blue eyes light up as he looks up at your friend on the roof makes you wish he'd look at you the same way.
His voice is low and the blush slowly drains from his face as he lifts his chin slightly cockily and asks, "How are the repairs going?"
He is completely in the leader role and is respected by all and perhaps somewhat idolized by you.
You clutch the flowers he gave you while your eyes slide over his face and briefly linger on his Adam's apple as he notices you staring at him and he swallows hard.
His Adam's apple bounces up and down and as your thoughts drift to how you'd love to run your tongue down his throat, you tear your gaze away from him and look as he does to your friend who is wiping sweat from her face, "I'll be done in a minute."
Rick grumbles in agreement and then joins Daryl to head to the armory.
You stand there staring at the flowers in your hand as you hear a soft voice from above, "You do realize he has a crush on you right?"
Sighing, you look up at the roof at your friend, "Nonsense. He's just being nice to me."
Instead of finishing the roof, she lies flat on her stomach and dangles her hands down, "Sure, that's why he can barely look you in the eye and blushes so hard."
She points her hand in the direction the men went: "And just between you and me. That doesn't look very healthy, the way his cheeks are turning bright red. No shit, I thought he was just going to fall over when you kissed his cheek."
You've already noticed that Rick is softer with you than he is with others, and maybe a little more affable, but in life you wouldn't think that he somehow likes you more or has a crush on you. 
It just doesn't make sense, so you just shrug, "Maybe, he just doesn't know how to act around me. He probably just finds it easier with others."
"Yaha, because he's totally into you and he's damn bad at expressing it in no uncertain terms. I mean the guy is sex on two legs and knows how to get people to do what he wants. His orders are taken and he exudes pure dominance and confidence. Well, except when he gives you flowers and seems like a 16-year-old who can barely touch you without getting a boner right away." She gestures with her hands, which looks so hilarious from your perspective that you have to laugh softly, "That's not true."
Sighing, she hangs her head, "I swear, if you went after him right now and asked him to fuck you, his pants would be down faster than you can look. Not to mention, he'd be on his knees worshipping you."
She plants images in your head that make you blush and you direct a flower in the pretty bouquet, "Stop it. He's just being nice."
At that, you think of how nice he might be to you elsewhere and swallow hard.
A time or two you've seen Rick without his shirt on, and you'd never forget it. 
But his eyes are what make your knees go weak. The only problem is, he really rarely looks you in the face and always avoids your gaze.
Your hand starts to sweat around the stems of the flowers and as your friend giggles, "You're thinking about it, huh."  You grumble, "Finish the roof."
She winks at you and sits up, "Yep boss."
You sit on the couch and stare at the flowers in the vase. 
No matter how hard you try not to think about it, the thoughts your best friend put in your head keep popping up and you reach for a pillow to press your face into.
Luckily, she fell asleep right after work today, and that's even though it's not even very late and she's usually up until the middle of the night.
You lower the pillow and stroke the soft fabric as there's a knock on the door.
It's probably Michonne, who wants to borrow a book from you, as she's been doing for the past few weeks. 
So you put the pillow back on the couch and with one last look at the flowers, you go to the door and pull it open to invite Michonne in, your greeting sticking in your throat.
With his hands deep in his pockets and teetering on his feet, Rick stands at your door, staring at the floor, "Hey."
Your hand slips from the doorknob and you stare at him, "Hey?"
He clenches his teeth tightly and raises his head to avoid looking anywhere but your face, "Am I interrupting?"
Encouragingly, you smile at him and tug at your thin shirt, "You don't. Is there anything I can do to help?"
He takes a small step towards you and it's almost intimidating as he stands broadly in the doorway and mumbles, "I was cooking and I was wondering if you would eat with me. So well...it's nothing special and actually I can't really cook and it probably doesn't even taste good. So...yeah...would you? You don't have to. Don't feel-"
"Yeah, I'd love to."
Surprised, his gaze slides to your eyes and you groan softly as the blue hits you. 
At the sound you make, Rick's eyebrows go up and you slap a hand over your mouth in an embarrassed, muffled murmur, "Sorry."
Rick laughs softly and then nods in the direction of his house, "Shall we?"
With a quick glance inside your house, you take a step forward to pull the door shut behind you.
Because Rick doesn't back away and the door slams shut behind you, you stand closer to him than ever before.
Rick is taller than you, his figure in front of you seems massive. Almost smothering.
You're surprised that he just stops and looks down at you. 
Even with the swaying, he's stopped, and God, he seems so present.
Gently, you put your hands on his chest and push him off you a bit to walk past him and without a second thought, he follows you.
The buildings around you cast long shadows on the street and it won't be long before Alexandria will disappear into complete darkness, but you take advantage of the last rays of sunlight you have left by turning to Rick, who is walking three feet behind you and you are continuing your walk backwards, "What did you cook anyway?"
Concerned, Rick looks at your feet, "You should look ahead, or you'll hurt yourself."
Playfully, you do a little hop and tease him, "Is that an order, Sheriff?"
Almost panicked, he shakes his head, "No! No! Of course not!"
Grinning, you stop and reach for his hand to give it a gentle squeeze, "Relax. It was just a joke." 
He doesn't want to command you to do anything, and that only makes your heart grow warmer.
Slowly you start moving backwards again, not letting go of his hand but squeezing it again, "And if I fall, you'll catch me, right?"
Ridiculously obedient, he nods and mutters, "Of course."
His big hand makes yours seem much smaller and you take another bounce.
You miss a bump on the asphalt, and as Rick promised, he pulls you toward him before you can land ungently on your butt.
Holding onto his shoulder with your free hand, you grin broadly at him, "See? Why should I worry when you're there to take care of me?"
"Always," his voice is rough, but you hear the word clearly and can't help but respond, "Always? And if I'm ever really careless and you can't talk me into letting it go. Would you go along with that?"
Another time he looks you straight in the eye and you feel the need to run your hand through his beard. 
You feel his chest against yours and he presses even further against you as he takes a deep breath, "I'll do anything you want."
You meant it more as a joking conversation, but his reply is full of seriousness and you blink up at him languidly, "If I want new shoes?"
You feel his heart beating fast. Or is it your own?
"You got it."
I don't know what's gotten into you, but you press your breasts harder against his torso and he flinches slightly again, but not away from you.
So you continue to look him in the pretty eyes that are finally just on you: "If I want to go swimming?"
His eyes glaze over and he puts a hand innocently on your hip, "I'll take you."
You exhale shakily, "What if I want to touch your face?"
Rick lips open and his grip on your waist tightens, "Whatever you want." 
You barely recognize his voice and your soft whimper slips from your lips.
Patiently he stands in front of you as you place your hand on his cheek and finally stroke through his beard. 
His hair is still brown, but his beard is streaked with countless gray strands that you gently tug at.
His hand on your hip slides a little lower. Not much, but enough that you notice, and you breathe softly, "Why are you letting me do this to you?"
He avoids your gaze again and you tug lightly on his beard, to which he immediately looks back at you and clears his throat, "What do you mean?"
Your hand slides from his beard into his hair and you play with the curls on the back of his neck. 
The man is always so incredibly confident and sure of himself that his attempt to avoid you raises your eyebrows, "You know exactly what I mean."
Gently, you stroke his skin and feel his goosebumps under your fingers.
He doesn't stop you as you stroke his shoulder and play with the collar of his shirt. He also doesn't stop you when you let go of the hand you've been holding all this time and put your arm around his neck.
Obediently he accepts what you do and the only reaction he can't control is now pressing gently against your stomach.
You think of all the times he never contradicted you and your heart skips a beat, "Rick? I'm waiting."
A few strands fall into his face and he mumbles reluctantly, "I just want to do what you wish. I like the way you look at me then. I like the way you talk to me and I like the way you touch me."
He looks at you like you're the only thing in the world that matters and you can barely breathe. 
"I want you to kiss me."
His cock twitches against your belly and you blink up at him, "Please?"
He mumbles a "Shit," and reaches for your hip with his second hand so you can't pull away, which you don't want at all.
Strangely entranced, he looks at you and the conversation is probably the longest he's looked directly at you.
You can hardly believe it, but your best friend was actually right.
Waiting, you look at him and pull him a little closer to you with your arm. 
Normally you wouldn't even be strong enough to pull him closer this way, but like everything before, he doesn't resist you one bit and that shoots right between your legs. 
The fact that this dominant and arrogant man lets you do everything to him, goes completely to your head and you lean forward further.
His eyes are fixed on your lips and you know that he wants it at least as much as you do. Maybe even more desperately. 
"I don't know if-", You lift a hand from his collar and place it on his lips, instantly silencing him.
His lips feel so soft that you exhale heavily, "I want you to kiss me, Rick."
Your fingers slide down to his chin and you pull him a little closer to you. 
So close that you can feel his breathing on your lips.
You feel his body tremble and his fingers graze your ass.
In a soft voice you breathe, "Don't you want to do what I want you to?"
Again his cock twitches and you realize how much it must turn him on to follow you. 
Giving up a little control and pleasing you.
He is used to being above everyone and receiving obedience. But with you, he lets himself go so far that he obeys you.
So much that he leans over and puts his soft lips on yours.
Groaning, you stand on your tiptoes and he grips your ass harder, pulling you even higher so he doesn't have to lean so far down to you.
Growling, he tries to reach your lips again as you loosen slightly and half mumble into the kiss, "Thank you for the flowers:"
Without responding, he lifts a hand to the back of your head and presses you to his lips again, making you smile and him moan.
His beard scratches over your sensitive skin and you can't think of anything but having that feeling between your legs. 
His bare broad shoulders resting between your legs so you can't close them, and his handsome face in the place that aches for his touch.
But there you have a better idea.
Without thinking, you move away from him and again there's that slight panic in his gaze, "I'm sorry."
At first you don't understand what he means until he raises his hands, "I'm sorry. That was too much. Don't be mad, I promise-"
Giggling, you grab his hands and pull him toward his house, which you back up toward again, "Take it easy. It's all good."
You stare at his swollen lips, "Let's just go inside." And you drag him inside.
He can't suppress his grin as you push him by the shoulders against the closed door and your lips rest on his neck.
You lick over his pulse like you've wanted to all along and when you reach a certain spot behind his ear, he winces, "Fuck."
Sluggishly, you start sucking on that spot, opening his shirt button by button.
Without you having to prompt him, he pulls it off his shoulders and immediately your hands are on his upper body.
Gently you bite his neck and enjoy the deep moan and his hands on your body. 
He could effortlessly push you off him and get what he needs from you, but he just keeps leaning against the door and allows you to abuse his neck bit by bit.
With a moan, he asks, "Could you take your shirt off, gorgeous?"
You giggle against his collarbone, "You think I'm gorgeous?"
You realize he's turned a deep red, so you put him out of his misery by kissing him briefly on the lips, "Thank you."
Instead of pulling your shirt over your head and showing him how stiff your nipples are because of him, though, you grab his hand and pull him up the stairs, "Bedroom?" completely forgetting about the meal in the kitchen.
The big man stumbles up behind you and grumbles, "Right."
With a half-naked Rick holding your hand, you step into his bedroom and take a quick look around.
Because Rick doesn't live with a woman, you were expecting something other than a nice bright room and certainly not one this tidy.
The men you've usually stayed with haven't even bothered to make their beds in any way beforehand, even though they knew you were coming.
Rick doesn't seem like he even remotely expected you to end up in his bedroom today, and yet the bed is nicely made and you turn to him with a big smile: "You're neat."
Blinking, he looks around the room himself, as if it's his first time here himself: "Can be."
It's almost completely dark outside, and as you let your eyes wander to his torso, you groan in frustration at barely seeing anything. 
So you let go of his hand and walk further into the room, "Do you have candles?"
The floorboards screech a little as he shifts his weight, "In the nightstand drawer on the right."
You feel Rick's gaze on you the entire time as you walk to the bed and slip off your shoes as you retrieve the candles from the nightstand and set them on the shelf, then light them.
The warm light envelops the room in a beautiful play of shadows, and when you finally look back up at the man still standing in the middle of the room, you can hardly take your eyes off him.
His pants sit low on his hips and a slight fuzz shows you the way to your happiness.
In your eyes, he's perfect.
You know how much he's been through and how he became the man standing before you today. 
You know how he lost his wife and also his best friend.
You know where the scars on his ribs come from and you know where the cool look he gives some people and enemies comes from.
You can see how hard he's breathing and yet you've barely done anything.
Only the bright red spots on his neck tell you what he has let you do to him and what he has asked you to do.
Finally you look into his eyes and reach for your shirt to pull it over your head and as you drop it to the floor, his gaze is glued, as you expected, to the simple white bra you are wearing and the bulges of your breasts.
He's only a man, too, and it's hard not to notice how much he wants you.
You reach for the waistband of your pants and bend over to take them off.
Wearing only your underwear, you stand before him, "Come here."
He stands there like he's put down roots and you smile softly at him, "Rick?"
Briefly he shakes his head and takes a step toward you, "You're beautiful."
Now you're the one blushing, "Yeah?"
He takes another step closer, "I've never seen anything more gorgeous."
Now maybe three feet separates you and you reach out to him.
He looks deep into your eyes and then growls, "Fuck it." Before he reaches for your hand and finally pulls you back against his chest.
Immediately his lips are on yours and there's a bit of his everyday and normal dominance shimmering through. 
He presses his tongue between your lips and you moan into the kiss.
Your breasts feel heavy and way too sensitive as they press against his with each frantic breath and you gasp into the kiss, "On the bed."
He tries to push you to the bed to be over you, but you resist and he lets you push him onto the bed instead and sit astride his lap.
Gently, you grind against his hard cock, which must be pressing uncomfortably against his pants, and whimper in his ear, "Oh, God."
Your panties are already completely soaked and you know you're leaving a wet stain on his pants as he, in turn, gently nibbles on your neck and puts his big hands on your ass to support your movements.
His fingers dig into your skin and you moan as his cock presses into just the right spot.
Before you can become putty in his hands, though, you move away from him a bit and place your hands on his stomach and your lips in the middle of his chest.
Slowly you kiss your way deeper, licking over his nipples and feeling his whole body tense, "What-" Gently you bite his belly and he falls silent.
You push deeper until you've positioned your body between his knees and look up at him.
He leans on his palms and stares at you like you're a goddess. 
This is exactly what you wanted. 
Instead of having his face between your legs, you want to make him believe in heaven on earth.
Rick has given you so much that you want to give him something in return, and from the way he looks at you and bites his lower lip, he seems to like it a lot.
You lean over and spread little kisses along his waistband as your hands slide over his thighs.
"Fuck," his voice is so deep that you hardly recognize it and moan softly in turn.
Your best friend was right about something else, too: Rick is sex on two legs.
Your hands shake slightly as you reach for his belt and he moans harshly, "You don't have to do this."
He says it, but also lifts his hips in the process so you can undress him.
As you expected, his cock jumps out at you, slapping against his stomach.
In your entire life, you've never seen anything you wanted in your mouth more urgently.
Rick wants to please you, and fuck, you want him to worship you.
You kiss his bare thigh and he flinches.
Innocently, you blink up at him and his blue eyes bore into your soul as you purr, "May I take you in my mouth?"
He rolls his eyes in desire and exhales heavily and submissively, "Whatever you want."
You bite your lower lip and murmur, "Watch me do it, Sheriff."
Immediately he looks back at you and you reach behind your back to unhook your bra.
Clad only in your soaked panties, you bend over and put your lips around the wet tip of his cock and you think his eyes are about to fall out of his head.
You think of all the moments when Rick scared people or demanded pure obedience and now his eyes are huge and he weakly begs you to finally take him completely in your mouth and not just to play around his tip with your tongue.
Sluggishly you comply with his request and relax your throat to take him almost completely in your mouth.
You don't know who is breathing harder. 
He, because he finally feels your wet tongue on his shaft or you, because you can only breathe through your nose.
Slowly you let him slide out again and his cock shimmers with wetness.
You don't take your eyes off him, and as you squeeze your thighs together to keep from soaking the floor beneath you, you reach for his hand and bring it to your throat as you take him back up to your throat.
You want him to feel how deep you can take him and as his rough fingers brush over the spot where his tip is in your throat, you can no longer suppress a moan and you have to gag.
At the reflex, Rick moans hoarsely and his cock twitches in your mouth, "Fuck, your mouth feels so good."
His body coats a film of sweat and his praise makes you want to keep going.
As you keep sucking his cock, his hand stays on your throat and you gasp with your mouth full, "Force me."
His brain is slow to function with arousal and he moans, "What?"
His hips come toward you.
You reach for his second hand and push it into your hair. The moment his tip comes back to your lips, you whimper, "Fuck my throat."
You see in his eyes when he understands what you want him to do, and you hear in his voice how badly he wants to do it, even though he says, "I don't want to hurt you."
You bat your eyelashes, "You won't. I trust you and you know how deep you can push into me."
You take it a step further, knowing it will work, "I really want it. Force me to take-"
Firmly, he pushes your head down until your nose hits his pubic bone and you gag again and he pulls your head back by the hair and pushes down again. 
The sheer force of him pushing you down makes your pussy throb and you know you couldn't tear yourself away from him at that moment.
He fucks your throat and you let a hand slide between your legs.
You're so wet it's almost embarrassing and as Rick pushes his cock back down your throat, you slide two fingers inside you.
Immediately your pussy clenches your fingers thinking it's Rick's cock and a jolt goes through your whole body.
Immediately Rick lets go of you and you stare at him breathlessly. 
You've never wanted anyone as much as you want him and the pure arousal and concern in his eyes, only makes you hornier.
His breathing is frantic and he asks anxiously, "Did I hurt you, gorgeous?"
Instead of answering, you sit up and kiss him on the lips.
Your body has never responded to anyone as strongly as it does to Rick and as his hands move purposefully to your breasts and squeeze, you push him flat on the bed by the shoulders.
As you slide your tongue into his mouth, he gently pinches your nipples and a jolt goes through your body again, only now you're whimpering, "You never hurt me. Oh God, you feel so good."
Humming, Rick continues to knead your breasts and you try to kick your panties off your legs with one hand, but Rick reaches down and with a ripping sound and a brief tug, he tosses the remains of your panties into a corner of the room, making you giggle, "Hey, I still need my underwear."
But as your wet pussy slides over his shaft, he just hisses, "I'll get you some new ones."
Teasingly, you play around his tip with your pussy and murmur in his ear, "You'd do anything for me, huh?"
Pure truth comes from his lips, "Anything."
And you lower your body down onto him, "Do you want me to be yours?"
He squints his eyes and moans loudly, "Fuck yeah."
You nip at his earlobe, "Then it's only fair that you be mine, right?"
You feel his whole body tense as you gyrate your hips and he moans, "Fuck, you're so wet and it's all because of me."
Your wetness runs down his cock and you tense your inner muscles, making him respond to your question, "I've been yours since the first time you looked at me. Fuck I'm completely devoted to you and practically eating out of your hand."
As a reward for his honesty, you lower yourself completely onto his cock and you both moan out at the same time.
Rick's cock is huge, making you feel fuller and wetter than ever. 
Trembling, you straighten up to face him and whimper, "I love your eyes."
They glow in the candlelight and he tilts his head slightly, "Is that so?"
He puts his hands on your hips as you start to move on top of him and you murmur, "Oh yeah." And at that, you're unsure if it was in reference to his question, or the way his cock twitches inside you.
Slowly you start to ride him, and shit, the way he watches you do it makes your pussy clench again and again.
Panting, he pulls you hard onto his cock again, then slides a hand over one of your bouncing breasts.
Whimpering and moaning, you lean on his shoulder and try not to collapse into yourself as he keeps whispering to you about how good you feel and how well you ride him.
Each praise from him makes your legs go weak and seeking help you look into his eyes, "I can't take it anymore."
Gently, he puts both hands on your hips again and helps you move on top of him as you notice him struggling for control himself.
The soft smacking sound between you grows louder and louder and as he pushes you forward so he can kiss you, he hits a spot inside you that makes you howl, "There! Right there!"
Rick chuckles softly and nibbles on your neck again, "Okay, gorgeous."
And sure enough, he keeps hitting that exact spot and you know you're going to cum. 
You know you're going to cum without him even having to touch your clit.
The man is a god.
And that's when you break into a million pieces.
Rick presses his head into the mattress beneath him and moans, "Oh shit, you're tight."
Over and over you whimper his name, clinging to him like he's the only thing that could save you from drowning as you throb hard on his cock until you're breathing weakly into his neck and he thrusts even further into you, using your highly sensitive pussy to bring himself to climax.
With each thrust, you breathe, "That's it." And "Take what's yours, Sheriff."
His fingers dig into your skin and you whimper, "Cum inside me. Mark me."
He bites your shoulder and growls, "Oh shit." That's when his cock twitches and his cum mixes with yours.
You grab his curls and yank his head off you to kiss him hard on the lips as he still can't let go of you and you murmur hoarsely, "That's it, Rick."
This strong man turns to wax in your hands and lies weak and languid beneath you while you still have his softening cock inside you and he murmurs, "I'll always be yours."
You lift your head to finally look into his gorgeous eyes again, "I know."
You kiss him, "And you won't be getting rid of me anytime soon either."
@hail-yourselves  @bean-is-reading  @chanlvr2  @criminalwalkingsupernatural  @sunshinevirus  @toxic-ink   @kingtwhiddleston   @bloodycherry22   @vane28282   @bamslover   @revesephemeres   @emo-potato-virgil   @tropodyn   @mrsashleybarnes18-blog   @igotbasicdrag @starsaroundmyscxrss @moonshine147 @1-800-isabellapotter @starkstiless @marvelfan789 @eternalrose81 @daryl-dixons-crazy-woman @darylsonlylove @your-shifting-gurl
(If anyone else would like to be tagged, just let me know 💗)
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tiredofthehumanlife · 7 months
Barbie dolls: Blaise Zabbini x reader
Warnings: I tried to keep it gn but like it's kinda difficult to do that with smut, jealousy, Blaise is in love?, he fingers you, he cums in his pants btw, poor grammar, I think that's it
Summary: fwb kinda Blaise gets pulled upstairs by you bc you need him and he's more than happy to ditch a party for you
When Blaise first heard about a party being thrown, by your house nonetheless, he thought of you immediately. Would you be going? Are you going with your friends? What did you plan on wearing? Were you spending the whole time there? Did you plan to stop by halfway through? All things considered his mind was always plagued with you so it wasn't that out of the ordinary. Blaise asked Pansy if you were going and she told him to 'man up' and ask you himself. Which he did not. Blaise decided he would find out the night of.
He did find out the night of, you weren't coming. Blaise should've suspected. You didn't go to very many parties, even the ones a few sets of stairs away from your dorm. Too many people, too loud, too much B.O. If you did go to one Blaise noticed halfway through you'd disappear from his side and follow Pansy off to God knows where. Forty minutes or even an hour you'd come back, bee line for him, tell him you're turning in for the night and he'd walk you back to your common room. You'd always tell Blaise what shenanigans you and Pansy got up to. It was never something he'd classify as trouble making but you both had a very different definition of the word anyway. Blaise was bummed when he noticed your absence but he wasn't surprised.
Blaise stuck to Theo and Mattheo. Lorenzo had a date so he left the children in Blaise’s hands. Theo left to the dance floor with some Ravenclaw, but Mattheo stayed with Blaise. They talked next to the banister of stairs leading to the dormitories. Blaise kept an eye on Theo and Pansy.
Theo, Blaise knew would probably just head back to his dorm, Ravenclaw in tow. Pansy however had a tendency to climb on top of things, forgetting her outfit and often her state of intoxication.
Often when you did come to parties you and Blaise were on babysitting duty. You'd keep your eye on Pansy and Mattheo. Blaise had Draco and Theo. Lorenzo barely ever came.
Draco just rolled his eyes at everything everyone did and showed them the proper way. He was a snob for almost everything under the sun, wine, cheese, how to pour a beer, how to roll a blunt Theo taught him, how to properly tie a tie, proper dinner etiquette. The amount of times Blaise had heard "no elbows on the table." has made him question if the consequences were worth stabbing Draco in the eye.
Mattheo mostly kept to himself. Although if he had enough he'd take over whoever was Dj-ing, or he'd start making new drinks that had odd side effects. One night Mattheo made the whole Gryffindor house, even people who didn't come to the party, grow horns and fangs. Mattheo says he doesn't remember how he did it. Blaise doesn't believe him.
Blaise missed you, for more than a million reasons. Parties were boring without something pretty to look at, he had to babysit all of his friends alone, you were quite comforting in social situations, he could use you as a buffer when people wanted to talk to him, and Merlin you were hot.
While Blaise was having his crisis downstairs you were in your own predicament upstairs. You were gnawing at the walls kind of horny. It's all you could think of, it was tiring. You were frustrated. You've tried everything and while one or two orgasms lessened your frustration you were still pissed. You considered every option. You could feel the loud music through your floor and you knew Blaise was downstairs. This wasn’t new territory for you two. You started an odd friends with benefits expect you never clarified what you actually are situation a while ago.
It was raining outside, everyone had gone to sleep except for you and Blaise. You had started the night on opposite ends of the couch, by the time Mattheo dragged Lorenzo up the stairs you were pressed against each other. After a long moment of just staring at each other, you broke the dam. You kissed Blaise, barely a second long before you pulled away. He grabbed the front of your shirt and pulled you back in. You prayed all the fish were blind that night because you were both too lazy to move to his dorm. Besides you all had roommates so the possibility of an audience would probably be lower in the common room.
Still it made you anxious to actually ask Blaise to join you in your dorm. You knew Blaise defiantly gave other people the same kind of night he’s given you. A pit of jealousy always crawled in your stomach, up your throat, and made you never speak or breathe again. But Blaise made it all worth it. He was probably enjoying himself fat the party. It’s Blaise. Well, maybe he was tolerating the party. You needed him in your bed, you needed him period. So you rounded down the stairs to the common room, still in your pajamas. The closer you got the louder the music and people became. First, you recognized the hand grabbing the bottom of the banister. Then, you heard his voice, talking Mattheo out of trouble. You slowed as you reached him. Blaise glanced up, he sighed when he saw you. Blaise noticed your outfit and gave you a confused look. Mattheo poked his head around, seeing Blaise's reaction. Mattheo rolled his eyes and leaned back. You settled a few steps above the floor, grabbing onto Blaise's hand.
"thought you weren't coming, but looking at your clothes you don't seem to be staying very long." You nodded. You leaned over the banister, getting into Blaise's face. He held his breath, staring blankly at you. You kissed the corner of his mouth before pressing your lips to his temple.
"come upstairs with me?" You wanted it as a statement, but it fell like a question. Blaise gave you a soft smile. He shoved his cup into Mattheo's hands and sprinted up to your step. Mattheo yelled something about a condom, to which Blaise flicked his wand at him. Blaise's drink spilled over Mattheo's head. Mattheo huffed. You pulled Blaise up the stairs by his hand. When you reached your dorm, Blaise pulled you closer to him. He interlocked his fingers behind your back, his arms around your waist. You rested your arms over his shoulders.
“Scale 1 to 10, how intoxicated are you?” You mumbled. You knew you sounded kinda geeky, but you knew better than to sleep with someone drunk. You had morals. Blaise hummed and kissed your cheek.
“Negative five.” You rolled your eyes. Blaise rubbed your back, slipping his fingers under the hem of your shirt. He explained how he had only arrived a few minutes before you came bounding down the stairs. You squished your lips to the side. Blaise hummed in question. You nodded.
“I suppose we could continue.”
“Oh you suppose, do you?” Blaise gave you a mocking smile. You hummed and pulled him into a kiss. He tightened his arms around you. You nipped at his bottom lip. Blaise opened his mouth for you, letting you slip your tongue to meet his. You dropped your hands to his collar. You made fast work of unbuttoning Blaise's shirt, throwing it somewhere in your room. You walked him back. His legs hit your bed. You pushed Blaise down before straddling him. He ran his hands up the back of your thighs moving to the small of your back. As you tilted his head back, giving yourself a better angle, Blaise dragged his hands down your back, slipping past the band of your pajama pants. He gripped your ass. Your stomach twisted as you thought of all the times he’d done that to someone else. All the times Blaise had someone else’s tongue in his mouth. How many people he’d seen wrapped in his sheets. How many people he felt naked and pressed against him. You pulled back away from him. Blaise seemed to sense the change in the air, pulling his hands back to safety on your hips.
“You okay?” You sucked in a breath and sat back. You stared down at your hands slowly slipping away from his chest. Blaise gently pulled both your hands into his. He whispered your name. You stared into his eyes.
“Am I your favorite?” Blaise titled his head to the side. You still felt sick thinking other people pushing their hands past the band of his boxers.
“Favorite what?” You rolled your eyes at him. Lorenzo could play off the oblivious act but not Blaise. He said far too many filthy things in your ear for you to believe him. You gave him a knowing look. Blaise opened his mouth in realization.
“Ah.” You nodded. You pressed your lips together, feeling you already knew the answer. You weren’t entirely sure you could handle him actually saying it out loud. You already missed the feeling of his hands down your pants. You could feel the rejection boiling in your stomach. Blaise pressed his hand under your chin, pulling you to look up at him. Blaise gently pecked your cheek.
“Of course, baby.” You shook your head. He tutted. You glared at him.
“Stop looking at me like that. All pouty.” You glared at him more. Blaise rolled his eyes.
“You make my breath stop. Everyone knows how i feel about you. I don’t even look at other people like that anymore. It’s just you on my mind, darling.” Blaise pressed his hand to the back of your neck. You pulled him back into the kiss, this time with more fervor. Blaise understood you excepted that answer and wanted to pick up where you left off. He tugged at the hem of your shirt. You quickly pulled it off and flung it in the same direction you did for his shirt.
Blaise dropped his head to your chest. He pressed his lips to your collarbone, pulling the skin into his mouth. You moaned and traced your fingertips over his head. Blaise dragged his teeth over the new mark. You exhaled and gripped his shoulders tighter. You dropped your hands to his pants, tugging at the band. Blaise shook his head.
"No baby, clearly you're questioning my love for you. Gotta prove it to you, hm?" Blaise pushed you back against your sheets. He pulled your pants and underwear down, dropping them over the edge of your bed. Blaise gently blew between your thighs. You groaned. Blaise smiled at you before lowering his head. You moaned at the feeling of his tongue. Blaise nipped at the inside of your thighs before kissing your happy trail.
Blaise dragged his hand down your side. Blaise very gently pushed two of his fingers into your hole. You groaned and lulled your head to the side. He moved his fingers making you moan more. Blaise kept his pace as he moved up and connected your lips. You cupped his cheeks as he met your tongue with his. Blaise grinded down against your sheets as he swallowed your moans.
His underwear was just rough enough for him to know he'll be finishing without your touch tonight. Blaise quickened his pace with his fingers making your chest heave and your fingers dig into his shoulders. You felt your stomach tighten as you arched your back. Blaise moved his mouth to your neck as he kept his pace with both his hips against your sheets and his fingers moving in you.
You moaned loudly cumming around his fingers. Blaise pressed his face against your bare chest as he came in his boxers completely untouched. Your breath returned to normal as Blaise slowly moved his hands away from between your legs. Blaise wrapped his arms around you and pressed his face further into your chest. You massaged his scalp as he came down from his own high.
Blaise peppered kisses against your stomach as he sat up. He told you he'd be back in a moment. You heard your bath running in your bathroom. Blaise came back to you, pushing your hair away from your face as he pulled you into your bathroom. Blaise joined you in the bath. He took his time to run through your entire routine. He washed your body, face, hair, and massaged your body once you made it back to your bed. By the time your roommates came back from the party your curtains were drawn and you were asleep in his arms.
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ikamigami · 5 months
I think I know why Earth saying that she doesn't want Solar back if he didn't remember her is upsetting me so much..
Because Sun went through the same but Earth never let Sun grieve properly after Old Moon's death and told him to move on (not in these exact words) because he has New Moon who cares about Sun etc.
And now when she understands how Sun felt back then.. she still didn't talk with Sun about it..
It's understandable that Earth wants Solar back with memories.. I also want Solar to have his memories intact..
But why Earth never talked with Sun about his loss? After experiencing loss herself?
That's why I consider Earth to be selfish.. She cares mostly about her own feelings - it's more aparent now when we see how she's dismissive of Sun's issues..
I think that it might be caused by how much Creator spoiled her.. Her upbringing is coming out more and more..
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laurellerual · 1 year
in agot arya mentions becoming a high Septon in *that* line, its been a while since I read the books so I don't remember a lot but do you think arya will end up having a big role in any faith (the seven or the old gods)? i can't remember if she thought about religion a lot or not
Tumblr media
High septon Arya with some cool high priestess tarot symbolism
Good question. Arya is the only main character to be part of a religious order, and is not clearly falling into the 'chosen one' category. I expect that all the religions and respective magics that she has encountered will play a fundamental role in her future.
I don't see Arya in a role like the High Septon because I don't think she recognizes the Seven as her own gods. I would say that Arya believes in the Old Gods and the Many-Faced God, and that she recognizes the power of R'hllor.
I think that in the future Arya could find herself in the position of 'collaborator/lay member' of the FM order, perhaps fulfilling a similar role as Brusco and Izembaro, but it is only speculation.
Some random thoughts on religion in Arya's storyline not a meta:
Religions are a fairly recurring topic in her chapters, she is probably the character who has encountered most faiths, but her relationship with them is particular. She seems to be quite curious about religion, especially now that she's in Braavos and surrounded by the strangest temples.
One time, the girl remembered, the Sailor's Wife had walked her rounds with her and told her tales of the city's stranger gods. "That is the house of the Great Shepherd. Three-headed Trios has that tower with three turrets. The first head devours the dying, and the reborn emerge from the third. I don't know what the middle head's supposed to do. Those are the Stones of the Silent God, and there the entrance to the Patternmaker's Maze. Only those who learn to walk it properly will ever find their way to wisdom, the priests of the Pattern say. Beyond it, by the canal, that's the temple of Aquan the Red Bull. Every thirteenth day, his priests slit the throat of a pure white calf, and offer bowls of blood to beggars."
We know that she was raised in a mixed faith family. But while there is a septa to take care of her education I don't think the Stark children were born in the light of the Seven.
Arya never seems to refer to the religion of the Seven as her own. She defines the seven as "the southron god, the one with seven faces". She also never pray to them and she doesn't uses many common language expressions concerning them. But she often notices symbols or expressions related to the Seven that are used by the people around her. For example, in contrast, it's funny how often the Hound says "seven hells" or how often she hears "Mother have mercy".
But this religion can be useful to better understand the character from a thematic point of view, especially in her relationship with her mother. For example, it is interesting to see how Cat, for a moment, sees Arya in the warrior. Or how Arya could end up filling the role of Mercy for Merciless Mother.
This passage where Cat describes the Old gods as faceless particularly interesting in light of Arya's future, but also in light of Cat's future. In fact Lady Stoneheart's face ironically resembles the face of a weirwood.
Catelyn had been anointed with the seven oils and named in the rainbow of light that filled the sept of Riverrun. She was of the Faith, like her father and grandfather and his father of her before him. Her gods had names, and their faces were as familiar as the faces of her parents. Worship was a septon with a censer, the smell of incense, a seven-sided crystal alive with light, voices raised in song. The Tullys kept a godswood, as all the great houses did, but it was only a place to walk or read or lie in the sun. Worship was for the sept. For her sake, Ned had built a small sept where she might sing to the seven faces of god, but the blood of the First Men still flowed in the veins of the Starks, and his own gods were the old ones, the nameless, faceless gods of the greenwood they shared with the vanished children of the forest.
The Old gods have a much more obvious importance for Arya. This is the religion she prays to and the one she is immersed from narrative. Arya sees and crosses some of the most important places of this faith: High heart and the God's eye. The scene in the godswood of Harrenhal is fundamentally related to the theme of identity. I talked more about this here.
But the Old gods haven't an organized faith so I don't think it works to think of it as analogous to the faith of the Seven. I mean that there are no 'roles' to fill here. Bran's storyline could tell us more about this.
When Arya arrives in Braavos she sees a Sept, but she never goes there. Her thoughts go to the fact that this is a city without trees instead.
I think we need to keep an eye on the Many-Faced God and the Old gods because they're the deities that have the most thematic relevance in Arya's story right now. Somehow they represent the crossroads at which she is.
They are not my Seven. They were my mother's gods, and they let the Freys murder her at the Twins. She wondered whether she would find a godswood in Braavos, with a weirwood at its heart. Denyo might know, but she couldn't ask him. Salty was from Saltpans, and what would a girl from Saltpans know about the old gods of the north? The old gods are dead, she told herself, with Mother and Father and Robb and Bran and Rickon, all dead. A long time ago, she remembered her father saying that when the cold winds blow the lone wolf dies and the pack survives. He had it all backwards. Arya, the lone wolf, still lived, but the wolves of the pack had been taken and slain and skinned.
Perhaps when winter comes we will discover that this crossroads is not as marked as it might seem. I'm not the first person here to discuss how similar in their description Bloodraven's Cave and House of Black and White are. In particular there is a visual and thematic parallel in the use of weirwood, in the appearance of Bloodraven and the kindly man and in the type of meat that is served to Arya and Bran.
We must also take into consideration the religion of R'hllor which will become increasingly important in twow. Arya has encountered this before and is familiar with its power to resurrect the dead this way. This will certainly affect her opinion of Lady Stoneheart and Jon Snow. Also we've seen Melisandre's glamors and we know these are listed by the kindly man as one of the methods Arya will need to learn. Even the concept of blood magic seems somewhat akin to the methods of the FMs.
Another religion to keep an eye on for the future is that of the Moonsingers because, as was discussed around here a few days ago, we could see Arya frequent their temple. They are as old as the FM, among the founders of Braavos and seem to deal respectively with life and death.
"The Isle of the Gods is farther on. See? Six bridges down, on the right bank. That is the Temple of the Moonsingers." It was one of those that Arya had spied from the lagoon, a mighty mass of snow-white marble topped by a huge silvered dome whose milk glass windows showed all the phases of the moon. A pair of marble maidens flanked its gates, tall as the Sealords, supporting a crescent-shaped lintel.
This could become relevant in the next book when Arya gets her moonblood.
"It may be that the Many-Faced God has led you here to be His instrument, but when I look at you I see a child . . . and worse, a girl child. Many have served Him of Many Faces through the centuries, but only a few of His servants have been women. Women bring life into the world. We bring the gift of death. No one can do both."
Furthermore, the fact that Moonsinger and Wolf are practically synonymous is certainly... a choice.
"Snow," the moon murmured. The wolf made no answer. Snow crunched beneath his paws. The wind sighed through the trees. Far off, he could hear his packmates calling to him, like to like. They were hunting too. A wild rain lashed down upon his black brother as he tore at the flesh of an enormous goat, washing the blood from his side where the goat's long horn had raked him. In another place, his little sister lifted her head to sing to the moon, and a hundred small gray cousins broke off their hunt to sing with her. The hills were warmer where they were, and full of food. Many a night his sister's pack of him gorged on the flesh of sheep and cows and horses, the prey of men, and sometimes even on the flesh of man himself.
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
actually ey fuck it. list of personal headcanons for the main six iterators some of which i might illustrate properly at some point:
Moon: • one of the first 10 iterators ever built. she is grandma as HELL and totally forgot she is that old • Pebbles sometimes asks her to tell him about the older times, because history nerd. he writes everything she says onto a pearl • in the post i've made talkin bout her and pebs' voice, saying that she sounded like Miku, somebody said that they like to think the ancients made Moon a vocaloid. to that i absolutely agree: she has NO fucking clue what do when it comes to putting a certain emotion into a song but god DAMMIT shes so good at singing • she can add effects to her voice, including a glitch effect. she likes that one the least • -HITS DESK- THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HATSUNE MOON. • she doesn't particularly like to sing, especially not to herself. but she does know that pebbles likes music- the first week after the mass ascension was rough and he was working mostly on autopilot, not answering DMs or anything. she called him up and told him they could sing together, if he wants to. he felt much better afterwards • MOON'S SECRET RAP CAREER • i'll put it here too so it's all in one place: her AI isn't developed enough to understand the emotional quality of any form of art • Moon was upgraded a few times in her function. most of the time it was because her citizens loved her too much to let her go too out of date (specifically in the physical sense. they made sure she wouldn't fall too easily) • one of the first memories she designated as a "core memory" was her first upgrade that was a result of her citizens' riot against the Houses- to keep her safe. she noted it down as "Kindness is effortlessly repaid" • she remembers when iterator comms were connected by a cable rather than radio waves • she also remembers when two of the first 10 collapsed and went into coma, with their citizens of course perishing in the fall and crash. she's still terrified of those days and doesn't like recalling them even for Pebbles • Nish was her first little sib and she feels like she can talk with him about anything. she hates it, but she's distant with Suns- they are always so damn polite and skittish around her... and she absolutely adores the other three. her tiny little wonderful siblings • she didn't like to admit that maybe her hardwave wasn't keeping up with her citizens anymore. at that point she did start to emotionally care less for them, but she still didn't want to admit she wasn't able to provide and protect those she was responsible for • i can't get the image of her being the one to actually ensure the family is gonna financially survive in a more chill au where the iterators r just sorta kinda people. Miss Moon From Accounting... • her overseers were originally blue. she swapped colors with Pebbles all on her own accord. having yellow overseers, seeing them, made her feel even more connected to Pebs • this is basically canon but she fuckin Loves animals. she's the iterator version of Steve Irwin. she also don't kno jack shit about the vegetation • city's representative instrument Evolved- first it was a harp, then it went to a nyckelharpa and then to a violin
Nish: • he is built over marshes to the south-west from Moon and she helped with his blueprints! the Gen 1s had their blueprints checked over by the already built iterators to make sure something wouldn't go wrong. she was so so excited to have a neighbour • the scarf is from his main programmer. the Ancient wrapped it around his puppet's neck before he was even turned online so for the longest time he had no idea that the thing wasn't originally in his design. Moon had to tell him • he became a jokester Entirely because the first time he made Moon laugh he absolutely fell in love with it. he told her and she recommended him looking into jokes. baby boy had no idea what the fuck a joke was so Moon had to explain • when the middle gen started being created, the Ancients noticed that these new iterators didn't have... much of emotional skills. so they turned to the older gens to look for the most emotional and empathetic ones. Nish scored Really High on that survey- his empathy and emotion modules were studied and each time they found something new and better, they upgraded him in that one aspect. so now Sig is one of the biggest crybabies ever. you show him a sad movie and this supercomputer will be lyin on the ground wailing like a newborn. oh and also he makes for a great therapist because he can now just Get It • as the most emotionally... mature? capable? he decided he will be the one to keep a real close eye on everyone in the Local Group after the mass ascension • thanks to all that emotion business he gets along with Suns swimmingly. when Suns needs assistence with figuring out their own emotions or what would be appropriate and not too cold towards someone, they go to him • if he could he'd give everyone younger than him a noogie and you cannot convince me otherwise • the Hunter was a sickly pup that was left behind on his roof by a family that came to him which he directed towards the void sea. they were far too weak for the family to keep them, basically on the death's door. Nish took them in, operated on them, enhanced genes and raised them from there • Is half a medical facility. mister veterinarian, baybeee • since he's a sap, he started to view the Hunter like his own kid at some point. he was also the one who pitched to Suns the idea of sending Spearmaster over to him for visits. Spear tried its best to help raise and train Hunter • the whole rot thing happened because Nish did a stupid and forgot that neurons are quite the fuckin reactive things and continual exposure to what is essentially extra macho giga neuron Can and Will fuck up cells. his and Moon's cans have a long distance between them. it was enough time for Hunter to develop the big owie cancer. he noticed it only when they were too far away and it was already too bad • he felt absolutely Terrible about it. again he loses someone so so very close to him. but this time around? there is no one to be angry at for this but himself • Hunter manages to ascend. Nish watched them leave, silently, in subterranean • he used to do his best to play with his citizens. when a kid came to his chamber, he gave them rides on his puppet's shoulders or the umbilical arm. same went for Hunter • his city is called Risio • city's representative instrument was EITHER a PVC instrument or suona i can't decide for the life of me
Suns: • they were built much further away from the planet's equator than most of the Local Group, meaning they experience polar days and nights • the "Seven" in their name refers to the amount of months the unusually timed sunsets and sunrises last for. for seven whole months, the locality gets only about four hours of Somewhat darkness • in return, they have three full months of relatively strong darkness. their city used to shine bright, during this time. post mass ascension those months are terribly lonely and depressing • because of the warmth they produce, there's an oasis for wildlife underneath them • the warmth was also sung about a lot by their citizens. they've seen it as an incredible blessing- Suns used to run hotter than other iterators just for them. nowadays they are mostly normal though • the outside of their can is tinted blue- frostbitten. that much warmer their yellow, orange and red city feels • their and Moon's personalities clash so hard that they sometimes go out of their way to avoid her. they do appreciate her but talking with her is exhausting. she's a stranger to them, almost • the iterators can project/send their emotions through messages/broadcasts. Suns' messages always sound flat, unless they use the ~ • one of their biggest dreams is to sit with Pebbles leaning against their side, all the while listening to old music of their cities • once Spearmaster returns, the walls of their puppet chamber become completely covered in doodles and masterpieces • they end up standing the longest out of the whole Local Group. bright and warm even after everyone else dies • their city is called Solis • city's representative instrument was an armonica (look that shit up its sick)
Wind: • Wind's can stands in this giant plain. there's like nothing as far as the eye can see and even further Except her. she just stands there like fucking Slanderman XXL version • the plains are absolutely prime location for a spawning grounds of tornadoes and shit like that. the wind is Constantly strong so most of the rain clouds they exhale are immediately blown away • instead of rain they deal with ginormous tornadoes at the end of each cycle. while their superstructure can take it, the comms can't. so Wind is often absent from iterator chats as a result. after the mass ascension these connection knock-outs become a great source of stress and worry for the others cuz they never know if Wind will come back or not this time • because of these comm blackouts, Innocence took it upon herself to catch Wind up on everything they've missed when they come back online. Innocence started doing this all by herself out of seemingly nowhere. she just cares. silently. • the strangest thing about her is that her city is half built within her structure instead of on top of her. the winds can get sometimes so bad that they manage to affect even the top of her can. so the solution was to put half of the city under her skin as a sort of giant bunker • the ancients, not being ones to waste much space, made sure the city can still be used by Wind's processes, in a way. their neurons fly through the streets, completely unbothered, working as makeshift streetlights. the kids used to love chasing after them- never catching any though • sometimes when the wind storms outside got real bad, the kids that were scared of them were sent to Wind's puppet chamber. she used to tell them all kinds of stories or about what she was currently working on • it was often that their puppet chamber would be full of pillows, blankets and sleeping children. they loved their citizens so so much • nicknamed themself "Chasing" Wind in chats because, just like Moon, they are also quite the dreamer • closest with Moon, too. Wind looks up to Moon Immensely. they really wanna be like her one day • Wind is what some people think of Moon- a too kind pushover that doesn't know how to get angry and defend herself. Wind is the kindest, most sensitive and softest person they have in The Local Group. Nish takes care to keep his jabs and jokes about Wind very mild • has a really beautiful voice • likes flowers :) • her city is called Procella • city's representative instrument was a fujara cuz god DAMMIT i love that instrument i Have to slap it on Someone in here. it fits their vibe in my heart either way
Innocence: • she really wishes her surrounding circumstances were in some kind of way special but actually she's built at the least unique place with basically nothing neat happening nearby. there are strange giant cherry trees nearby, but that's about it • fuckin LOVES lizards. she's the one who made the Cyans and sent some over to Pebbles to fuck him up. thankfully, as we all know, Cyans are kinda stupid and since they launch themselves over edges of cliffs they haven't managed to destroy the local ecosystem • her citizens used to keep lizards as pets. most of the time just for the joy of having 0 braincells creature follow you around but some had 'em as sort of hunting dogs • was the one who created The Rivulet. she was mumbling to herself and a friend smth about how boys only screw things up while engineering Riv's genome • she BASICALLY packed Riv into a cannon and shot them over right into the middle of a scav toll cuz "come on, it's not that far away. this will make your journey shorter and shit". i don't care how goofy it sounds, this is how it went in my heart • in possession of probably the most durable comms ever made • claims she's purple! she's actually fake out purple which means homegirl is Deceptive Blue. she CONSTANTLY fights over this with Pebbles • despite their squabbles she did care for Pebbles. she was very excited to not be the youngest anymore and getting to baby someone • her and Nish always start verbal sparring matches, often consisting of threats that more often than not range on impossible to actually commit. they constantly lead their mock wars in #general. Moon's gonna kill 'em one of these days • trusts Moon the most- which is why she outed Pebbles' rot and sent Rivulet with the instructions to extract the rarefaction cell • her city is called Sermo • city's representative instrument was a shamisen. she absolutely knows how to play it and loves to threaten people with the bachi
Pebbles: • the only people he enjoyed doing group projects with were Suns and Wind. he Could do group projects with Moon and Nish but Only if he could race them. rascal found it fun to challenge the nokias 😔 • now with Innocence though? Never. if they were forced to, they could do a great job with minimal communication but they were not going to be happy about it • latched onto Suns exactly because Moon was overbearingly protective and Suns always seems like they couldn't give less of a shit about anyone. sometimes they'd have a videochat open and not say anything for hours as they worked • with Nish he used to like inventing new things. a lot of times the things turned out to be silly or kind of useless which would normally frustrate him, but surprisingly enough Nish made the time spent worth it • Wind's favorite activity was comparing notes with him and then talking about the differences in their research. they'd hum to him happily while the both of them would be sorting through their stuff • i sometimes imagine him having a slight chinese accent and i blame Steven He for this so hard • second most emotional fuck in the group. his emotions mostly rotate around anger, though • he won't admit this to anyone but he really liked it when his and Moon's cans were connected by bridges. it felt like holding hands. he felt more stable. now all he can do is just miss it quietly • was legit surprised when he found out not every iterator has a build in older sister right at their side • his city is called Literally just Metropolis cuz the ancients didn't bother with properly naming it. depeshioumn. • city's representative instrument was adopted straight from Moon since Pebs' citizens were honestly just hers, so- violin it is • Pebbles HAS attempted to learn how to play a violin himself. certainly was a test of patience and puppet dexterity/camera-to-digits control. almost broke the poor thing a few times from nerves
either way, Wind, at the end of each fucking cycle from day 1 of their life:
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its-chelisey-stuff · 6 months
is this a classic in the making?? Too early too tell but I really miss obsessing over kdramas, so maybe this brings back into it?
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finally caught up with Queen of Tears and I must confess I don't know what to make of Kim SooHyun's character yet. I get that the guy is only human, but the fact that his first thought at finding out his wife might die from a rare decease is happiness, it's cold. And wrong.
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I mean I guess that's kinda the point, right? This guy thinking he's happy at this terrible news, is clearly an indication that the situation he's been living in since he married has messed up his head, but... I dislike him a lot for it anyway hahaha
And I know that it takes two to tango, and the way their marriage has come to this is definitely something that holds both people responsible. I see that the toxicity, manipulation and constant scrutiny from the Hong family (mixed up with the fact that HyunWoo's family is quite dependant economically on him and his marriage) could drive a guy insane, particularly a guy who seemed so in love with his wife at the start ready to take on everything and everyone, in the name of love.
But of course, now we have the added layer of the miscarriage/baby loss and it definitely complicates a loooot of things while also explaining them in a way. I could say HaeIn just shut off completely and decided to use Elsa's method of conceal don't feel, while the opposite happened to HyunWoo and the guy just couldn't help but feel everything. All the pain, the hurt, shame and stuff caused by the overbearing family in law and even his wife. I get it. But still, you once loved this woman, how can you feel happy at the thought of her death? Sociopath dare I say.
If it wasn't clear enough, at this moment, I'm on HaeIn's side, meaning that I feel more for her and her situation than I do for Hyunwoo, because I can relate a bit to her way of shutting everything out and where she's coming from. It's clear as day that she has experienced a lot of trauma from her early years (the loss of her brother, her mother blaming her for it) and now facing the terrible news that she might die on top of having scary episodes in which she doesn't remember shit. And she doesn't know how to properly deal with any of it. I'm sure that, when she first married, she was happily in love and in the bliss of it all, she forgot all of this unresolved trauma, but now that so much more has piled in, her only way of dealing is becoming ice. And I find that a lot more tragic than Hyunwoo's situation, so don't argue with me lol you won't make me change my mind
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but damn, I still do root for them and want them to find a way back to each other...
I know kdramas and I know this writer and eventually, HyunWoo is gonna wake up to the fact that underneath all that resentment and poor communication, he still loves her. A LOT. I roll my eyes at the fact that another man had to come into the picture for him to start feeling dormant emotions and finding his wife attractive and beautiful, but I guess I'll take what I can. I know he will suffer terribly in upcoming eps, cause you don't just cast KimSooHyun to make him happy and silly. NO. You cast him to make him suffer and make him cry and cry and cry. (I still tear up at his breakdown scene from The Moon that Embraces the Sun).
At the end, if I'm to be guided by old dramas from this writer, my guess is that HaeIn will recover and live in the end. I'd be very surprised if she doesn't but tbh I'm preparing for that possibility. What I do know is that my girl is gonna suffer, and for that, I'm not that well prepared, nor do I look forward to it as with HyunWoo's pain and misery.
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I mean, look at that face! I will protect and defend her till the end!
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tokiro07 · 5 months
Undead Unluck ch.204 thoughts
[Lord Forgive Me But It's Time to Go Back to The Old Me]
(Contents: Parallels - Nico/Feng/Ichico, Character development - Feng, Power system development/speculation - Souls, Character speculation - Sun/Luna)
Well! I guess we didn't need to worry about Nico staying a non-Negator after all, now did we? So much for keeping Nico "Unforgettable-free" eh, Ichico? Still, I feel better knowing that my prediction that they'd trigger it on purpose was correct, even if the exact method was a bit off
As usual, Tozuka continues to impress me with his ability to compose iconic panels. Nico's face when he absorbed all of the memories from Acopalypse is simply Unforgettable, particularly since it so immediately reverted him to his classic L100 appearance. What's really fun about that is that it's probably not that his body just suddenly remembered all of the stress and sleepless nights of Unforgettable, but rather it's the logical extreme of Artifact-based memory influx. We've seen characters develop headaches and nosebleeds from it before, most notably from Fuuko digging through an huge box full of Artifacts, so for Nico to absorb presumably ALL of Apocalypse's stored memories (stated to be the most of any Artifact), it makes sense that even the capillaries under his eyes would all burst at once from the pressure
The question now is whether or not this is a permanent change. I imagine not, since his previously haggard appearance was indicative of his suffering, the haunting knowledge that his most sacred memories would soon fade and be permanently replaced with the most wretched. L100 Nico had the opportunity to create new pleasant memories but actively rejected the possibility out of fear of losing the old, while in this world Nico is going to be able to embrace the support of others as he won't have lost Ichico this time. Honestly, no wonder Tozuka waited to introduce Mico to this world; he wanted to make sure Nico would be able to make room for her in his heart rather than keeping her at a distance
I wonder if that's another reason Tozuka chose Feng for this fight; not only is Feng's current focus on making himself unforgettable to future generations, but he's also a good parallel to Nico's role as a father. Both L100 Nico and Feng prevented themselves from properly forming attachments with their children, and L101 has given both of them the chance to make right on that. Shen explicitly acknowledges that he loves Feng as his father, and Feng even calls Shen his son, so while Feng may not be the best or even a good role model for fatherhood, he does make a compelling argument for parental redemption. If Nico really does have complete knowledge of the previous Loops now, the significance of this change won't be lost on him, and he'll be certain to make sure Mico can grow up happy and loved
Speaking of, Ichico's final speech in this chapter remind me a lot of Nico's in L100. She tells Nico that she knows he can save her because he's the first person she's ever loved, while as Nico was dying in L100, Ichico asked if he thought Mico could handle saving Fuuko's life and he replied "she's our daughter. She doesn't make mistakes." Both of them have absolute faith in their loved ones to pull through when the chips are down, and both of them hold each other in extremely high regard. These two really have such strong chemistry, I'm excited to see the sorts of interactions they have now that the cat's out of the bag
Now that I think of it, Nico's refusal to let Mico into his heart was pretty ironic since Ichico explicitly wanted to make sure that Nico wouldn't ever feel alone. Just like Leila asked Rip and Latla to find love in each other, Ichico wanted Nico to fill the void she left with Mico, and just like them, he couldn't let go of the past and move on. Leila and Ichico were also both in poor health and believed that since their lives were short they held less value, and instead sought to leave as much of an impact as possible in the time that they had, even if it was just to make the people closest to them happy
Looking at Ichico in that light, we can see another fun parallel to Feng! Feng's Unfade made him believe that he had all the time in the world and that he didn't need to leave anything behind because he'd always be there, while Ichico's Unsleep made her believe she had no time and had to leave as much behind as she could. Both of them, however, had adverse effects on their families, as Feng believed his children to exist for him to become stronger and Ichico believed her child to be an adequate replacement for herself, when in reality Feng should have focused on raising someone to surpass him and Ichico should have focused on preserving her life to be present for her family. Heck, Unforgettable manifested in Nico both times specifically because he saw Ichico's last moments and thought something to the effect of "I don't want her to die, I want to remember her." Doomed by the narrative, indeed!
Man, I'm so glad Tozuka used Feng here, I had no idea there was so much connective tissue between all these folks! I bet we still would have gotten something cool if it were Tella, but damn this is such juicy stuff!! I hope Tozuka keeps throwing all of his toys together in fun combos that get me to think this deeply in the other Master Rule fights too
Feng's inclusion here also continues to demonstrate how far he's developed, forcing him to put his money where his mouth is and sacrifice himself for someone else for a change. He was a bit incredulous at first that Ichico was suggesting he should die, which is pretty hypocritical coming from the guy who just last chapter said "you should sacrifice your wife to get stronger, it'll be cool." Once he realized that dying would help him understand souls better and that Nico could save him AND bring him back to life, Feng was all for it, and may well come to understand that being with people provides more opportunities for growth than treating them as expendable ever could
I am very interested in seeing how his death will improve his understanding of souls, though. The damage he took from Luna's soul blast as well as the damage he dealt to Sun (who Language stated has a physical body) with his knock-off Kamehameha both prove that souls can directly interact with the physical plane, something that Ghost previously stated couldn't be done. This may be a matter of interpretation, though, as Ghost also stated that Andy only couldn't move his limbs after having those parts of his soul cut off because he believed he could move his body using his soul. Ghost's interpretation was that souls couldn't touch physical matter and vice versa, so only a physical attack coated in soul could harm him by ensuring it didn't matter which form he was in
Luna's attack seems to be pure soul, so by that logic, she shouldn't have been able to deal damage to Feng's body, and yet she did. Is Luna's interpretation that a soul attack damages the soul and reflects its state on the body? Probably not, then one wouldn't be able to detach their soul for attacks in the first place, as that would cause the body to change shape (see Mahito's Idle Transfiguration in JJK). Does Luna interpret souls as having different properties at different concentrations? Is she coating her soul around the air to create physical pressure when launching her attack? Or is it something entirely different? Whatever it turns out to be, I think it will have pretty drastic implications for how battles are fought going forward
Finally, I want to touch on an interesting line from Language. She referred to Luna and Sun as "the Pinnacle of the Spiritual and the Pinnacle the Physical" respectively, and given Luna's hazy silver appearance, it does track that she is literally made of soul, but then does that mean Luna doesn't have a physical body at all? And in fact, if Luna is only a soul, then how did she exist prior to UMA Soul's creation? Is Soul really the Rule that allows souls to exist, or the Rule that allows other souls, existences like Luna, to be?
And if Luna is a soul without a body, then...is Sun a body without a soul? Can soul-based attacks work on Sun, or does the Union need to focus solely on physical attacks? Or, does defeating Sun require that Luna be defeated simultaneously, just like Ghost, because Luna is Sun's soul?
I know I say it all the time, but Tozuka really is following Oda's footsteps incredibly well. They're both so good at sprinkling in hints that make me ask questions rather than just spoonfeeding me answers, so while I desperately want the answers, the time I get to spend chewing them over and looking for them myself makes the questions stick with me and leave that much more of an impact. I sincerely hope that other mangaka are taking notes, cus I want to see so much more of this in Jump's future!
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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