#i wonder if his virus also played a role in that
dmitriyuriev · 6 months
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Something you Hate.
(Read right to left)
From Danzou's my room line. I think a lot about how this Danzou, who should know nothing of Limbo, fears the Dark Sun (there is no story clear requirement for this line either)
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fillipquesender · 2 months
Cosmos fun facts (ft art)
I can't call them headcanons because they're all canon 💔💔
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Also my artstyle changed so ah
Cosmos has canonically acted out all roles in hamilton individually, but is yet to live out his dream of actually recreating it. His favourite rolls to do has got to be the king (king george? I forgot) and thomas jefferson
Solar has been to every single one of cosmos' peformances and always comes to meet him after them and is just like "you did wonderful sweetie" and its so cute and UAGHHHH
Solar knitted Cosmos' cardigan one time when he was knitting with Earth
It took a while, but cosmos and earth are just actually besties now. After some time Sun aldo gotcomfortable around Cosmos and they're a little friend group who hangs out together and watches disney movies together (cosmos and earth are flabbergasted at the amount of disney movies sun hasn't watched)
It took ages but Nexus and Cosmos end up becoming decent friends. Also either way Nexus ends up calling himself in this au, the only difference is that hes still part of the family. Also old moon is back and he acts the exact same around cosmos as canon, but without the the the whatever thing idk
Cosmos is the kind of person to be playing minecraft with solar, find a flower feild, grab a singular orange flower and grab it before giving it to Solar. Then he runs away giggling
He actually has two jobs, theatre actor and ballpit shark. He gets to swim around the ballpit and tease the kids (he earned the nickname 'sharky' from the kids)
It took him ages to tell everyone that he wants to go by Cosmos rather than ruin, solar had to hype him uo the entire time (earth joined in after she was told)
Whilst he's not considered family, he could not have asked for better friends than this and hes very extreamly greatful that they got rid of the virus rather than outright killing him
Him and Lunar act extreamly dramatic and random situations, and imidiently start giggling after
Him and Solar know about canon. They laugh their asses off at it/sillyj (they specifically only laugh at scenes with eachover)
If he had a cat he'd name it hammy (reference to @sammyixx's au, cat fathers or cat dads whatever it was 💥)
Him and solar git their own channel, The Solar and Cosmos show, cept they only post gaming videos with the occasional vid like turning into objects
Has flipped off eclipse. He won't do that again (he was chased for a good few minutes before someone had to get eclipse away
Yeah thats it i think
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bluestrawberrybunny · 3 months
Spoilers for Apprenticeship post-chapter 18 under the cut. Read at your own risk because I do kill someone in that chapter-
So… explaining the everything going black thing a bit under there too because I seriously want to explain this and I’ve been waiting for this point too because hell yeah. I get to show a whole lot more of Exubus and what he is and his abilities.
Exubus is a virus intent on making the world perfect for the viewers in the Great Beyond basically. So, he “reset” everything once he used the meme guardians’ meme energy to free himself. He infected the world’s code, making “everyone” (explaining the quotation marks in a second) forget about everything past the YouTube arc and creating fake memories to explain why things are different. However, there are characters who remember for reasons that will be explained in the fic.
But yeah. Also some redesigns for three characters.
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Mr. Puzzles and SMG3’s redesigns. Yes, it was done against their will. And yes, they are two of the 7 characters that remember everything how it was (that list excludes Eggdog, Beeg, and Sprinkles because they’re memes and memes are unable to be affected by Exubus’ virus)
Same with SMG4 here! Except he has no memories so… yay :3
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Yup. Exubus redesigned them to “better fit their roles.”
Yeah… adding in a whole bunch of angst and shit. Wonder how heliotropes will come into play-
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
It’s time for the school play and it’s Romeo & Juliet. Mikasa gets the role of Juliet and Eren couldn’t give a fuck about the play until he found out Romeo and Juliet kiss, in front of everybody. And now Eren is obsessively after the role, only he can’t act to save his life
There's this animanga from the late 80s/early 90s that I adore called Ranma 1/2 that has a Romeo and Juliet high school theater production arc and all I can picture is that but with Eremika as Ranma and Akane. I'm going to try to break free from that restraint.
Okay, so first things first, if Mikasa got the role and Eren didn't, that means she auditioned and he probably didn't bother. So he's shit out of luck by the time he finds out the guy cast as Romeo (Jean??? Maybe???) is going to be kissing Mikasa. This means Eren has two options: to make sure the kiss doesn't happen or to steal the role.
So, what does Eren do?
He gets himself appointed to the stage crew, of course, and begins doing everything he can to make Jean's life a living hell.
He's smacking into him with set pieces, sabotaging his props, he is orchestrating wardrobe malfunctions left and right. During rehearsals, every time they get to the kiss he knocks something over and interrupts them. The director is getting fed up but they also can't help but love watching the drama unfold before them, so they let Eren do his thing for the most part and wonder what is going to happen when the boy can't delay the kiss any longer.
Eren's already on top of that. He knows he can't keep dropping set pieces when there's an audience because he doesn't want to ruin the play for Mikasa, but he also would rather die than see her kiss another guy. Therefore, he needs Jean out of the picture. He concluded long ago that if he's going to keep Mikasa's lips for himself he has to give Jean mono. What better way to put him out of commission and prevent the kiss than the kissing disease itself? Eren loves the irony. Or, he would if he paid attention in English class long enough to know what irony is.
And so, Eren's quest to give Jean mono is already well under way by the time he enters the scene as a member of the stage crew.
But wait, you may say. How is Eren going to infect another kid with mono if he doesn't have it? You forget that Eren's father is a doctor. Eren knows from dinner time conversation that there's been an outbreak of it at a nearby high school and tons of those kids have it. All Eren has to do is get in touch with one of them and obtain their spit. He is not bound by the strictures of common decency or shame, so he starts hitting kids at the other school up, trying to find one who is just as depraved as he is who is willing to sell him their diseased saliva. And you know he manages to find one.
He cuts school takes the bus to the next town over , exchanging fifty dollars for a baby food jar full of saliva from a fellow unhinged teenage, then hurrying back to campus before the virus loses potency.
He arrives just in time for lunch and immediately gets busy contaminating poor Jean's food when he isn't looking.
Then he sits back and crosses his fingers that Jean's symptoms will hit before opening night (it takes 4 - 6 weeks for the infection to brew). He also makes sure to keep Jean's putrid lips off Mikasa. His on-stage kerfuffles have been protecting more than just his own tender heart. He's got to keep Jean from infecting Mikasa, lest Eren find himself onstage as Romeo without his Juliet.
Jean is looking concerningly healthy as opening night approaches, though, and Eren is beginning to think he's going to have to go back to the other kid's house and demand a refund when, with only two days to spare, Jean succumbs to Eren's machinations and falls ill with mononucleosis.
The director is freaking out. Jean can't be in the play if he has mono but who is going to fill in for him?
Eren to the rescue. Surprise, surprise. He has the part memorized.
The director has no choice. The show must go on even if it means Romeo recites all his lines like a robot and everyone in the audience can tell he's slipping Juliet some tongue when he kisses her. At least, the audience all tentatively agree as they try to find a bright spot in the mess of a play they just witnessed, the two leads have tons of chemisty.
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hotchocolatefanfics · 24 hours
Okay, here's my first question. I always wondered if Ceasar knew that Will played a part in Koba's suffering. He said that Koba only learned hate from humans but how did/would he react knowing that ? I personally don't think Caesar really understood the role Will had in the lab. To me, he just thought that Will knew his mother and that she died there. But I don't think he realised that she was there (and died in a way too) only because of Will.
Caesar also always saw Will as someone extremely caring, someone who will take him to the vet for a little wound and someone who gave him this big room full of toys too.
So what would be his reaction learning that Will saw Koba was smart, saw him being in that (very) little cage and just... Put him in experiment ?
That's probably the main reason I can't stand Will by the way. 😅
I’m not sure if this applies but here’s my thoughts on Will:
Will is kind of a morally grey character as he does experiment on apes (which, by action alone. could mean he medically tortured apes and/or caused their deaths when said experiments failed-basically, the kind of human where fear and hate is completely valid especially from apes like Koba) but he does it for (somewhat) good reasons-he wants to cure Alzheimer’s to save his father (and other people of course but mainly Charles-which I can’t even fault him for because I kind of relate to it!). 
Another thing is, medical testing on animals before making new medicines available is a standard practice in real-life. In that way, Will can be considered a villain of circumstance but he is definitely a hypocrite in what he does after adopting Caesar and during his childhood.
Now to your question!:
It is possible Caesar had questions about why Will adopted him at all but he might not have ever had time (or allowed himself) to think about it. The implication of his mother dying there and him later freeing Koba (and other apes) from Gen Sys while Will continued to work there alone may have been enough to give Caesar a pretty good idea of how his mother died and what Will did in that lab and he just didn’t want to go there. 
That said, I could see a scenario where (instead of challenging him) Koba questions Will’s intentions when he adopted Caesar and when Caesar tries to defend him, Koba could have said something among the lines of: “Don’t you see he used you like he used other apes?” leading to Caesar to seriously reflect on his childhood and life with humans.
OR! Caesar randomly finds Will’s other recordings (like the one he was making in Rise when Caesar was a child). Even though Will’s research involving Caesar was documenting a his cognitive growth and development and relating it to his ALZ112/13 drugs, his goal of using said drug to cure Alzheimer’s could (arguably) be considered exploitative-by that I mean, using Caesar as proof that his drug worked, and Caesar is forced to rethink Will’s motives when he adopted and raised him.
Quote Caroline here: “What about Caesar? Where does he fit in?”
This is why I call Will a hypocrite and I think (in either scenario), Caesar will recognize this and be horrified and sickened by it. The fact that Will continued to work at Gen Sys and experiment on apes in cages despite adopting Caesar raising him as his son. Like, how could Will call himself his father when Caesar could’ve easily been killed at Gen Sys or kept in a cage there just like the other apes Will experiments on?
To be clear, I do believe Will loved Caesar. Although he is never seen or heard from since Rise, I can see him trying to protect Caesar even though he chose to live in the forest with the apes he freed during the events of Firestorm: making false reports to keep people from the Muir Woods, telling anyone who would listen that the apes weren’t the cause of the virus, maybe insisting the apes weren’t dangerous and just wanted to be left alone, and so on. These actions likely leading to his death (if he wasn’t killed due to violence, he may have died from the virus). 
The problem is, even if Will did try to protect Caesar up until his death, Caesar had no way of knowing it (unless someone told him about it) and if he ever found out how he treated Koba and other apes in the lab in contrast to how he treated him, Caesar would question everything about his childhood and be left wondering if Will ever truly loved him or if it was all a lie.
TLDR, Will is a hypocrite. If Caesar knew how he treated Koba in the labs, it would disturb him but he may still consider Will a ‘good man’ unless he ever saw how deep his hypocrisy went. Will may be remembered as another abusive human to Koba, but Caesar’s perception of him will change from his father figure to a man who lied to him from the very beginning (and the absolute worst part is Caesar may never know if Will truly loved him or get closure for it).
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justalittlebuddy · 9 months
Meet Remuf! An OC I made for @hootbon's TADC Freakshow AU! I was inspired by the lore of how revival works and decided to play around with it a bit. I had a lot of fun making this character and coming up with some twisted stuff. I know you must hear this a lot, but you have a gnarly AU! I hope you continue having fun with this circus of madness!
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This once wooden puppet had joined the circus long before it's twisted corruption, spending the majority of their time looking for ways to break out of the digital cage. However, as soon as the virus infected all it could, he disappeared during their latest attempt at escape. It was only after the arrival of Pomni was his remains discovered by Bubble from outside of the circus tent.
Revived, their body came out distorted as a result of being deceased for too long. Along with their body, their memory was also affected, unable to recall his time spent in the circus as well as their name, essentially returning to the state of a newcomer. Inspired by his past antics and form, Caine gave them a new name and a new role.
'Rumef the Escapologist'
Here's some more tidbits about Rumef!
-Polite and soft-spoken, they're the definition of a gentle giant. Due to his loss of memories, they haven't reached the point of madness just yet and try to do their best to cling to their newfound sanity through small things like knitting and general socializing.
-As an escapologist, their acts involve him being chained/trapped in various deadly confinements and it's his job to escape before he dies. So far, he has been attached to a wheel of fire, been inside the belly of a beast, and has even used his organs as keys for his performances. Additionally, his hands are made of lock picks!
-If you're wondering where are all his internal organs, they're inside of his closed chest cavity! They can only be opened through Rumef's hands. (In the drawing, Caine made the keyhole disappear to make the act more 'entertaining' for the audience)
-Rumef is blind in his right eye, the eyeball in that socket is a fake. The real one is stored somewhere else.
-The chains around his ankles prevent him from running, he is only allowed to slowly walk.
-Every now and then, Rumef will, without warning, deeply space out and just stare. When he is in this state, nothing or no one can snap him out of it except for Caine. They will not remember what happens or what is done to them when they're like that.
-When Bubble zooms by, Rumef's arm can sometimes get caught by Bubble's chain, consequently dragging him to wherever she goes.
-You can tell when he's nearby when you hear the rattling of chains.
-Despite his memory loss, he is certain of one thing. There is no escape from this digital circus and no longer bothers to do so. The only escapes he can do are the ones from his morbid acts.
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deadgit · 5 months
Okay, here's the post I promised based on @ocean--grey 's poll! So if anyone randomly finds this and is confused, the poll was a question about who makes Lister feel the worst about himself: Low Lister, Sebastian Doyle, or the brain-in-a-jar from "Out of Time." I went tag crazy in my reblog, and this is just what didn't fit 🤣
So, Lister was ganged up on and victimized by all of the Lows in a scene that has to have been one of the most disturbing things that ever happened to him. But one small, probably unintentional detail that I'm going to emphasize is this: all of the Lows were working together, and reasonably well. They all teamed up against him, a solid team, 4 against 1.
And so, I find it FASCINATING that this episode directly follows "Terrorform" and "Quarantine," two episodes that heavily emphasize the everyone vs Rimmer dynamic.
Social patterns can be brutal. At the end of the day, there's very little that makes people feel more together than disliking the same person, especially if they can feel justified about it. And Rimmer is extremely easy to dislike, justifiably.
But unlike Cat and Kryten, who have fairly simple relationships with Rimmer (they know they need him there, and he has a couple redeeming qualities, but they genuinely dislike him), Lister actually sees Rimmer as a human being, with feelings that matter. He wouldn't have chosen to have this guy play a huge role in his life, but he does care about him.
And, sometimes, he treats Rimmer terribly.
It's usually not just him. It's him, the Cat, and Kryten playing off of each other, having Rimmer be the odd-man-out. And he gives as good as he gets, so it probably feels fine, mostly. You can't say that Rimmer doesn't deserve to have his own terrible actions thrown into his face, now and then.
Rimmer was exhibiting some horrid behavior in "Quarantine." His treatment of the rest of the crew before the virus set in was vindictive and petty in really destructive ways. But it was also a direct reaction to his peers talking about shutting him down. (Notably, this was right after an episode where they all pretended to like him, then threw it back in his face.) He probably saw that as a genuine threat to his life, and responded to it the way he's been conditioned to, since he was a kid: weaponize rules, use every scrap of power you have, no one else will help you.
Lister has come to understand Rimmer pretty well by this point in the show. He understands that "the wrong parents" doesn't just mean that Rimmer is ambitious and vain; he knows the guy survived some genuine, serious abuse. (Notably, he's the only character who looked disturbed at Rimmer's Uncle Frank story. Even Rimmer didn't recognize how messed up that was.) Everyone has seen Rimmer at his worst, but Lister has seen him at some of his best, like in "Marooned" when he waxes poetic about friendship and sacrifice, and wants to mirror what he saw as an act of selflessness. Lister knows how badly Rimmer craves acceptance and respect, and knows that he's actually capable of being decent under the right circumstances.
But he doesn't exactly keep that knowledge at the front of his mind. Very understandable, when your bunkmate, say, locks everyone in a room for weeks without entertainment or decent food. And it's especially easy to forget about when you're with two other people who can't stand the guy.
But I think sometimes, when the others aren't there, he remembers that Rimmer is a very miserable, lonely person, who faces almost constant antagonism from everybody in his life. He brings it on himself, but I don't think Lister wants to be a person who enjoys teaming up with his buddies to pick on the group misfit.
And yet, in series 4 and 5 especially, he kinda IS that person.
And I can't help but wonder if his treatment at the hands of the Low crew (ganged up on, having his autonomy taken away, being bombarded with everything he hates about himself) wasn't, in part, a reflection of the way he feels about all that subconsciously.
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blood-and-pizza · 2 days
I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I should make Fazbear Estate's versions of Sun and Moon a bit closer to canon.
The canon version of Sun and Moon is that they are the same animatronic, they used to be part of the theater in the Pizzaplex, but they were repurposed into a Daycare Attendant, which stresses Sun out. After getting infected by Glitchtrap, Moon takes out his aggression on the children during naptime, which has resulted in a lot of traumatized toddlers. As a result, by the time Gregory shows up at the daycare, Sun has been isolated for a while as Patient Zero of the Glitchtrap virus that has taken over the Pizzaplex's animatronics. As a final note, apparently Sun/Moon/Eclipse has a very old endoskeleton... an endoskeleton that is very similar to, if not the same as, The Mimic.
In Fazbear Estate, the Daycare Attendant was built around the same time as the Glamrock animatronics, and has a much more kid-friendly design. Most notably, he has large blue irises in his eyes. He also tends to stay in Sun form most of the time. His Moon form is reserved for naptime and bedtime and is simply a more mellow form of Sun. Meanwhile, the Horror Attendant also exists, being an exact replica of the canon version of Sun and Moon. He prefers being in Moon mode most of the time, basically being an actor who enjoys playing the role of a horror villain. Daycare Attendant is normally called Sun, Horror Attendant is normally called Moon.
I'm seriously wondering, however, if I should change up my Sun and Moon a bit... considering the canon version of them may have a connection to The Mimic. I'm not sure... I think I need to play/watch someone play The Secret of The Mimic before I can decide.
... I should really draw my Sun and Moon. And maybe Eclipse, too, since he exists at the Estate as well...
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missmcspooks · 5 months
Zanesville's Exotic Animal Massacre
On October 18th, 2011, 50 exotic animals were released from the Muskingum County Animal Farm, free to roam and wreak havoc on the town and its civilians. When deputies later arrived at the farm, they found the owner of these precious animals, Terry Thompson, dead. 49 animals were killed by police officers, and one was never found. 
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Terry Thompson was a 62 year-old Vietnam war veteran and exotic animal collector who owned a 73 acre private exotic animal farm. Around 5PM on October 18th, floods of 911 calls came in from frightened citizens about sightings of dangerous animals around the town, and law enforcement urged everyone to stay indoors and not leave their homes until they were positive that all animals were removed from the town. However, no one thought that this would turn into such a deadly massacre.
Deputies killed 18 Bengal tigers, 17 lions, 6 black bears, 3 cougars, 2 grizzly bears, 2 wolves, and 1 baboon. Thankfully, no humans were harmed during this event. However, the gravity of the situation didn’t hit until the next morning when the first responders laid out the bodies of all the deceased animals next to each other as they awaited to be loaded into a bucket loader to be transported to Terry’s farm to be buried. One monkey was never found, and is suspected to have been eaten by one of the other animals. It’s also under assumption that this monkey was carrying the Herpes B Virus, which makes his disappearance concerning. 
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“It was the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life, animals or humans. Period. The smells, the sights, everybody with tears in their eyes. I couldn’t sleep for two weeks. I couldn't stop thinking, ‘this could’ve been stopped’.”  - Tim Harrison, a retired police officer and director of the nonprofit Outreach for Animals. 
A lot of people wondered, why did the animals have to die? Why were they shot? Why couldn't they have been tranquilized and transported? The answer is sad but simple, as Dan Beetem, director of animal management at The Wilds, the zoo’s conservation park explains: 
“Tranquilizers weren’t an option because unlike in movies, they don’t take effect immediately, must be tailored to an animal's size, and aren’t guaranteed to work.” 
When authorities showed up to Terry’s farm, they found him with a gunshot wound to the head. There’s two theories to this story. Theory one is that Terry let his animals loose before committing suicide due to being in debt and his recent separation from his wife. Theory two is that his farm was invaded, he was murdered, and the killers thought they’d play a sick joke by breaking the locks on the animals cages and releasing them onto the town. I personally lean more towards the second theory, due to 6 animals still being found alive and caged inside his home. They found 3 leopards, a small grizzly bear, and 2 monkeys. If he wanted to release the animals, why would he leave these 6 other animals alone and unable to escape before committing suicide? The animals found in his home were tranquilized and taken to the Columbus Zoo. 
Terry was also reported several times for unsafe living situations for his animals. People also claimed that he didn’t provide sufficient food and water to his animals, and they would often escape his yard due to being poorly fenced, and caused damage to his neighbors property. He was also cited in the past for animal abuse and neglect. Basically, this whole situation could’ve been prevented with proper action being taken, and with better laws towards owning exotic animals. 
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In 2011 it wasn’t illegal to own exotic animals in Ohio, but due to this tragedy, laws in Ohio regarding ownership of exotic animals changed in January of 2014. The state now prohibits dozens of species from private ownerships, which are also listed in the link provided: https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-935.01
These laws have been successful and many people use Ohio’s exotic animal laws as a role model for the rest of the country. 
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etinceelle · 1 year
Some thoughts about Penny’s potential (I hope) revival (as I am indeed delusional, hopeful, but also I still have valid arguments for that lmao).
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I imagine a few different ways for Penny to potentially be able to come back. So first I just wanted to talk again about the reasons I think she could come back, as her death isn’t depicted the same way as Pyrrha’s at all. I already wrote other threads about that so I’ll just sum up quickly the main reasons :
1) Penny’s arc is tragic and even if her final choice was shown to us as a choice, it wasn’t really one to me. She didn’t get anywhere close to her goals (aka : live a simple life and enjoy it with her friends, discover the world, experience it just like a human would do) and decided to end her life as a sacrifice to protect her friends. It feels like her arc isn’t done or closed at all, because other characters were closer to their own goals (etc : Pyrrha who wanted to be a Huntress, she died but as if she was one, also her character is based on a tragic story already-).
2) Penny’s based on Pinocchio, a character who dies multiple times in his original story. He dies by being hanged if I’m not wrong (parallel to Penny dying by her own strings connected to Floating Arrays). The second time he dies, it’s by drowning to save his father. Then he’s revived by the Blue Fairy. Penny also died by sacrificing herself to protect the powers and the Relic (even if Salem got the Staff).
Also, Penny has a lot of similarities with Astroboy. Even if at the start, Astro was a human who died and was revived as a robot, there are still so many parallels to Penny’s story. I saw a thread about it already so I don’t know if I’ll redo one but when I find it I’ll link it here. Not to mention the fact that at the end of the 2009 movie (idk for the original story or the anime), Astroboy dies by sacrificing himself to save everyone. Zog (who was revived by Astroboy earlier) shares a bit of his blue energy to revive Astroboy again.
So at the end of their stories, both Pinocchio and Astroboy got the chance to live their life after tragedies after tragedies, even after they both sacrified their lives and expected to never be able to come back. So I wonder why this wouldn’t be possible for Penny, would could completely have her chances after struggling SO MUCH for so long. She literally never had any break : in Vale she wasn’t free, she couldn’t be alone for too long, she was told not to talk to anybody, she was just here to fight at the tournament. She’s followed by Ironwood, his soldiers, she’s controlled. Even if she breaks these rules to be able to become friend with Ruby and team RWBY, she’s still always under someone’s watch, with Ciel too for example.
During V7-8, she never had the chance to really experience anything as well. She wasn’t in any team anymore, she was the Protector of Mantle, so she could only be alone fighting monsters in Mantle. She was just here to work, all the time, Ironwood telling her she didn’t have the time for friends. Then she got framed once again at the elections, and was on the side for a moment because she was scared, confused, people asked for her to be destroyed, and they also had to recover her memories to prove her innocence. Then, RIGHT after everything started to get better for her, she got stuck in the situation with the Winter Maiden powers she never wanted in the first place.
From this moment she was just NEVER in peace. She, team RWBY and others were wanted, Ironwood, the Ace-Ops and Winter were after her, she couldn’t fight like she wanted, Pietro wanted her to stay far from all of that, Cinder attacked her for the powers, she got hacked. Salem sent the Hound after her as well, then she was just stuck with the virus. She FINALLY had that very short moment to breath after Ambrosius turned her body to flesh because she was free from the virus, but she was still the Maiden so she still had this role to play to protect people in Vacuo. But her friends got attacked and she just decided to stop everything by giving Winter the powers.
(btw, one thing that I’d like to add is that Penny died to protect her friends because she knew Cinder wanted the powers she didn’t want herself. This was probably the most logical option for her at this point. The powers are the main reason why she tried several time to tell people to let her sacrifice herself, or to kill her, because it was also a source of suffering for her.)
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This girl literally never had ONE SINGLE moment to experience anything, those were just tiny bits here and there by talking to Ruby and the others, but it was still during work time, she still had duties, etc.
When you look at her arc with an overall view, this is WAY too far from her inital goals. I get that life can be cruel as well in RWBY, but this character is so far the most tragic character of the series. Both times she could live, she’s never been able to do so as she was controlled from everywhere. That’s why I don’t really see her arc ending like that as a definitive end. This is really too far for her character and if she really doesn’t come back, this will be the most cruel thing ever to do to me aha-
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3) All the hints for her in Volume 9 and the BIG chunks of RWBY lore we got just convinced me that things couldn’t stop here. This volume was really about rebirth and reincarnation, not just for Ruby but also literally for other characters (Little/Somewhat, the Paper Pleasers/the Genial Gems, the Herbalist). We got a complete new vision about balance in the RWBY universe. So far balance was represented by two childish brothers who act like gods when they’re not gods. They talk about balance when the only thing they’re able to do is fight, break their own rules, and impose this idea of life and death when they come from a place where death doesn’t exist like on Remnant. It’s balance, repair, coming back as something new. This volume ends with no closure for Penny, and a lot of hope from me about this whole thing.
4) Penny’s soul isn’t lost, it’s in Winter’s soul. In Volume 7, Penny said about Fria “she’s... gone”. Winter answered with “No. She’s a part of you now”. And we have this parallel in the Volume 8 finale : “when you’re... gone...”. “I won’t be gone, I’ll be a part of you !”. This isn’t just metaphorical, this is also literal : the powers are linked to the soul/the Aura, so even if the body dies, in fact the soul doesn’t go to the Afterlife or somewhere else : it goes with the new Maiden’s soul.
5) Also, I’d like to mention a few of the stuff starting to be developped in Volume 8 with Penny : her friendship with Nora, these two got closer this volume and Nora helped Penny to fight the virus and to think as herself as more than a machine as well. At the end she was even concerned about her and said “I hope Penny is okay”. She cares about her, and just kill her off like that without developping anything more seems a bit odd ? Even Clover who got killed as well had time to have a bigger influence on Qrow. This can’t be the only thing Nora could do for Penny to me. Same goes for Winter, even if Penny’s arc was also a way to develop Winter’s character, I just feel sad that they only talk about that in the end.
6) I think Penny and Ruby would be really beneficial for each other. Outside of the ship aspect (even if I’m a very big Nuts and Dolts shipper as well aha-), I think both of their arc are truly intertwined and connected in many ways. With Ruby finally being able to let go of this idealized image of her mother, this opens so much possibilities for her character. With Penny being back, this would just be so great for them to be able to be themselves together. So far Ruby was never just a leader or a strong warrior for Penny, she was Ruby first. For Ruby, Penny wasn’t just a machine or the Winter Maiden, she was Penny first. I’d love to see more of their arc developped together fully this time.
With all of that said (I could go deeper into the arguments but it would be sooo long and I already wrote others theads for the Volume 9 content for example !), I’d like to talk about how Penny could come back.
So far I have a few characters and elements that could play a part in that : first we have Pietro, Penny’s father, who’s still around in Vacuo as it’s probably the case since we saw Amity Arena there. We have Ambrosius, who’s the spirit of creation, even if he’s currently with Salem’s team. We now have the Blacksmith, even if she/they are in the Ever After, who’s the RWBY God and the origin of everything and seem to be omniscient. We also have Winter, the current Winter Maiden, Jaune and his Semblance, Ruby for her bond and relationship with Penny. As for other elements, we have the Aura Transfer Machine, that we still never really saw in action.
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The possibilities that Volume 9 brought are actually so big that I can’t fully imagine what it could be like. I just think that this isn’t the last time we’ll see the Tree and the Ever After before the end of the story. At this point I think it’s probably almost certain that the Brothers are going to be back on Remnant after all the Relics are reunited, but we don’t know how things will play out for that. This is hard to think about the end of the story overall because there are sooooo much things to talk about aha. But rn we can still focus on what we have in Vacuo.
I already talked earlier about how Pietro’s character is important for Penny. I honestly think that if they wanted to kill Penny definitely, they would have killed Pietro as well. But Pietro’s still here and he’s a key for Penny’s development and literal existence. He’s his own character of course, but his role as a scientist in Atlas was still covered by the fact that before anything else, he was Penny’s father. He gave parts of his own soul to make her and lost her once. But instead of giving up, he remade her and gave more parts of his soul. After losing her a 2nd time, unless he had Maria’s support and help, I don’t really see him grieving her. He wasn’t even able to not remake her the first time, instead of grieving he rebuilt her. So this time again, especially after seeing his reactions in Volume 8, how he wanted her to have the chance to live her life, how he got upset, I don’t think he would not at least try to remake her.
Now, how could it be done ? I rewatched parts of Volume 3 about Amber, the Maiden powers but also the ATM (Aura Transfer Machine). Ironwood says that Atlas studied Aura in a more scientific way, to understand how it works, its composition, etc. And that’s how they built the ATM, that is made to “capture an Aura and put it into something else”. In Pyrrha’s case, it was capturing Amber’s Aura to put in into Pyrrha, so she could have the powers with it.
Now let’s imagine that with the time skip we have in Vacuo, because we see how everyone had the time to go there, there are multiple ships from every kingdom etc. What if Pietro had the time to study more this machine so it can be able to capture an Aura even if it’s into someone else’s Aura ? In that case, it would be extracting Penny’s soul from Winter’s, without taking the Winter Maiden powers with it. Because yeah I don’t think she would have the powers and I don’t think she should have them. It wouldn’t made sense with her arc and she never wanted these powers in the first place. I think that if she’s revived, she needs to just be Penny and not the Winter Maiden, Winter is perfect for that. Penny was an amazing Maiden as well, but this wasn’t something she wanted to be. I feel like this would make more sense if she had the possibility to just be Penny, to discover herself, her Semblance, stuff like that. After extracting Penny’s soul from Winter, we should put it into something else, maybe Pietro had the time to make another robot body. But would she stay a robot ? I was thinking about the fact that the only necessary thing was to put her soul into something that could be destroyed, it wouldn’t have to be a robot. Maybe her soul could be captured and contained into an object or something, so Ambrosius would just have to do the exact same thing he did with her the first time : recreate the object without the soul, and with that process creating a byproduct which would be a human body for Penny.
Or, since the Blacksmith probably knows about Penny’s death since she has her sword and probably knows as well how much Penny meant for Ruby, maybe she’ll play her part in that. She literally says again “nothing, no one is ever truly lost”, and she’s the one talking about balance like “going to repair and get the chance to become something new”. I feel like the Blacksmith is still gonna be relevant for what’s to come in RWBY’s story.
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There’s also the idea that I saw about Pietro sacrificing himself to remake Penny, sharing the rest of his soul to her. I also read this idea of Ruby and Jaune giving parts of their souls as well for her, or Jaune boosting Pietro, allowing him to survive the process. As for the Brothers, we know they can basically bring back people from the dead as saw in The Last Fable (Volume 6), but I doubt this would be just like with Salem. I’d love the Tree/the Blacksmith to play a role into this or to have an influence on the Brothers, so they remember where they come from and how it works there.
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If Penny gets revived, either she’s gonna be herself, or she could have partial/total amnesia, that’s a possibility too. It’s pretty hard to know at this point, but I like to think about all options. Overall, I just feel like Penny’s arc is far to be done. Even in Volume 9 ending song The Edge we hear lyrics about rebirth, “where I died I’ll be born again”, and “this is just the beginning”. Again I know this is first and foremost about Ruby’s journey and mental state, about her evolution this volume. But Penny IS a part of Ruby’s story, and was really haunting the narrative this volume. It seems really odd to have so much hints with no closure, unless they plan to do it properly in Volume 10, or if they have something planned for Penny. Truly I know CRWBY members like Penny too so eeeven if the story cannot be defined by how much they like a character, this is still something that could play in the end.
This is a VERY long thread so thank you if you read it fully omg aha ! I still have a lot of ideas but I’ll save them for another one o/
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 7 months
A couple of things about Limbo and Danzou, because I am constantly thinking about those two:
First of all, a possible hint at why Limbo is so fixated on her. Kashin Koji of course is her creator, and their dialogue mentions that they have a deep respect for Seimei, and not only that, their Valentine's scene brings up that Seimei was involved in the precursors to Kashin's own karakuri, and are made from the same craft. Given Douman's obsession with Seimei and need to surpass him is the whole reason he became so twisted in the first place, I doubt its a mere coincidence that the creator of the doll he's fixated on would bring up Seimei. Combined with how he found her in a helpless state where he could easily toy with her as much as he pleased, its no wonder he was quickly drawn to her and went to great lengths to hurt her so much.
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The second thing I found interesting is Danzou's line for things she hates. There's no prerequisite for this line, so she's bringing it up before her interlude and heian-kyo (and apparently people were initially confused what she was referring to by the dark sun, though of course now its obvious she's talking about Limbo, that said, it IS mentioned at the very end of Shimousa, so the connection was always there- specifically the lines "He has taken in the dark god as his own personal sun, and transformed the wicked god into his own magical energy." and "Fear the curtain of night. Tremble before the dark sun.")
Anyway, I think this was an excellent way of conveying how deeply intertwined the two of them are, her story is in part about her breaking from from Limbo who continues to haunt her. This is Servant Danzou, who is based on PHH Danzou, not Shimousa's, so there's no way she would remember him, and yet he's hurt her so deeply that she has this innate fear of his symbol, the dark sun. (I wonder if the virus he implanted in her also plays a role in that...?)
Which is also why I'm disappointed Heian-kyo kinda half-assed the end of her and Limbo's entwined arc, it has a perfect lead up between Shimousa, her interlude, and the beginning of the chapter, but falls off and forgets about her for most of the middle/end. Honestly, it should have been a Danzou-centric chapter precisely because she's the one with the deepest connection (other than Seimei obviously)/most harmed by him and while she thankfully DOES get to be the one to finish him off, she didn't really do much during most of the chapter and it feels like they barely talked.
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nonsenuser · 4 months
planet of the apes (trilogy + kingdom)
spoilers ahead for the whole planet of the apes trilogy and kingdom of the planet of the apes
i have a very faint memory about these movies from when i was younger, i mean its a very popular series, who wouldnt be intrigued by the concept of talking apes (also the visual effects for these r genuinely very impressive) but what i don't remember is how surprisingly nuanced the conflicts in the movies feel
when watching these movies as someone much older, with the context of everything currently happening and everything that has happened, it puts the conflict between the apes-humans into a very real life context. caesar is such a wonderful, interesting and honestly deeply complex character, the trilogy works incredibly well as a whole and while some of the movies r much much better than others, his upbringing, trauma and overall experiences play such a role in what we see him do and say in these movies. what makes caesars experience so unique, is his proximity to his oppressors (humans). he has undoubtedly seen the ugly side to them, but on the other hand, he was literally raised by a human. who he undoubtedly holds so much love for and at the same time understands the ways in which as a collective humans have been bad to his people.
that's also why koba, who has seen the most grotesque side of human nature, and in a sense these experiences have radicalized him, will always haunt caesar. because of koba's experiences, one could say his ideology is more focused and clearer than caesars, who is grappling with it continuously throughout the trilogy bc of his attitude twds humans (and this gets brought up repeatedly throughout the trilogy) koba isn't even wrong in his frustrations, would the humans have attacked first? maybe, if the humans had a leader who was much like caesar, the conflict wouldn't have escalated to a point we saw in war. but again who could say for sure. im looking back on what i wrote so far and ive realized how much harder it is to talk about the original trilogy! Dawn is the best of the trilogy for this reason, the escalation of the conflict is dense and you could analyze it through a political lens and compare it to real life events... but i don't think i have enough political insight to serve it justice.
people have analyzed War (which is think is kinda easier to analyze than Dawn) like theres a clear parallel with american nationalism and how horrific and damaging that is to the oppressed (like they put the apes in literal camps) and also they had a strong strong desire to rid of anyone who held mutated virus, you could pull the pandemic parallel sure but this is also how an unfortunate huge chunk of the world feels about disabled people (the idea that ppl need to rid them so they don't infiltrate the gene pool or something like that). and just like in real life you have the humans outside of the camps who are opposed to the ideology of woody harellson and his men.
but anyways throughout all of this CAESAR grows and learns, and as a leader he guides his kind to freedom, their path to liberation is rough but it is well understood that his leadership was incredibly inspiring. it is no surprise that people live by his word, generations after he passed, to the point where they misconstrue his message
kingdom planted a lot, and i mean a LOT of interesting seeds. caesar being a religious figure of sorts, and noa, who you could call a skeptic for most of the movie, are great inclusions to continue the saga. a lot of very important questions get asked (not literally, but this is what i gathered)
caesars words guided their kind back then, how suitable are they for everyone generations later? (especially since they just have word of mouth to go off of)
the humans want to 'reclaim what they once had', what lengths are they willing to go for that and is it justified?
IS IT POSSIBLE FOR HUMANS AND APES TO LIVE SIDE BY SIDE? the most important question of them all. and it will be a very difficult one to tackle! has it been long enough that apes will 'forgive' humans? will humans just want to consume and reclaim without consideration for the apes? how nuanced r the viewpoints within the humans and apes?
DO YOU SEE HOW MUCH THERE IS HERE. the messaging is so so so dense and even though it is just an ape movie it is really fascinating to see how all of this plays out! i am so incredibly excited for the sequels to kingdom. would love anyone to jump in on the conversation, correct me or otherwise it is just a lot! i love this series!
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astriar · 9 months
Would you like to ramble about your DCA headcanons to us, the audience ?
!! My first ask! Thank you so much! And DUHHH OF COURSE I love talking about the sillies!!!
okay so I have a lot of headcanons that stem from me either willfully ignoring canon or misunderstanding it, but hey fnaf lore is my kinetic sand and I am a child of the early 2000s so let’s go:
—Sun and Moon were good at their job before the virus infected them! I know this is now somewhat backed up by Ruin, with Cassie saying that she always had a good time in the daycare, but I feel like it’s nice to mention!
—Sun was as overwhelming as he was in SB because he was infected with the Virus along with Moon! Normally, he acts a lot more like you would expect a childcare animatronic to act like (again, somewhat backed up by HW2 as Sun speaks a lot more calmly! My little asshole <33)
—On the train of thought as above, here is my own personal interpretation of events that led up to SB: Moon was the first in the Pizzaplex to be infected, and after he realized as such, he blocked himself entirely out of the system and put firewalls up to hell and back, cutting off his communication with Sun!
—Sun started going a little crazy with the stress of keeping up the daycare entirely by himself, and didn’t notice the virus had infected him too until too late! (Basically right before the events of security breach)
—Moon would listen to and enjoy old Panic at the Disco if he had access to non fazbear-approved music
—…night shift employees also happen to find their devices go missing on occasion, only to be returned with some interesting Spotify history
—a lot of people I feel like think Sun would listen to soft indie stuff but I think he would either listen to hard rock or the most deplorable, insufferable hyper-pop on the damn market
—Moon and the DJ are besties!
—Sun can’t leave the daycare, but Chica will come and visit him every once in awhile! Sun gives her his latest knitting project, and Chica usually delivers gossip from across the Pizzaplex Moon happened to miss.
—The rest of the band members steer clear of the daycare, except for Freddy every one in awhile. And Bonnie, of course— Moon was friends with Bonnie.
—Also, non-virus infected Moon is a menace who is generally rude and disrespectful to Pizzaplex employees (smh moon) UNLESS you give him a reason to not be rude and disrespectful
—he operates on an guilty until proven innocent basis and Sun is absolutely the same way with Pizzaplex employees
—Moon is the more public menace, but everyone really should be afraid of Sun, who 100% has less morals
—I don’t even know what to make of canon Eclipse but I love them!! And I genuinely wonder if Sun and Moon were ever rebooted into safe mode before Ruin? If so, what kind of role did Eclipse play?
-I also don’t know what to make of Moon’s apparent lore relevance in HW2, and this may be denial speaking, but I feel like maybe Moon wasn’t infected during HW2? Maybe he’s just being his normal, menace-y self? That’s what I think at least but that’s just a theory (a GAME THEORY)
-Jack-O-Moon :D <3
….kay this feels like way too many words BUT I appreciate the chance to ramble!! I definitely try and keep their personalities based in canon (especially in my writing) but I also love everyone who hc’s them heavily!! The fandom is what makes liking these two so enjoyable, so I love seeing any and all takes :D
I sincerely apologize if the formatting is weird (mobile baybee) but! Thank you very much for asking :D
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ilovejoel-andjavi · 8 months
hi everyone! this is my first post, and these are some of my fav pedro’s replies on reddit!
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Fav fruit: any kinds of berries, quote on quote “I would say that my favorite fruit, I like berries. I like any kind of berry, blueberries or raspberries or blackberries or strawberries.”
fav animal: elephant, quote on quote “Elephant. I'm just completely transfixed when I see one on television or at a zoo. I find them sort of magnificent, and humorous, and intelligent, and gentle, and dangerous, and I just think that they are incredible.”
His Fav Chilean Wine: “Chile has very, very good Merlot. And I would say that, hmm, there's one called the Alma Viva, it's a Cabernet, and that's very good.”
His opinion on microwaved pizza “I have the same problem. I eat out a lot. I unfortunately don't really know how to cook for myself. I try to find good things to eat, but sadly am often on the go, and a microwaveable pizza finds its way into my situation more often than not.”
Fav sock color to wear: “I'd say the easiest socks to wear would be black socks. And the most fun socks would be some sort of, you know, odd pattern of purple, aqua and green.”
His opinion on Dogs or cats: “Well, I LOVE Dogs like there's no tomorrow. And unfortunately I have an allergy to cats, although I find them to be beautiful creatures.”
Role model: “I had a lot of different role models. My dad took me to the movies my whole life, he was a big movie buff, and me and my sister would go with him to the movies a few times a week. So I had so many heroes, like all of the major actors. I would have to say one of my favorite actors is probably Gene Hackman, but that's a really hard question to answer because I've had so many heroes that I've admired, filmmakers that i have loved, I remember seeing Steven Soderbergh's first movie when I was really young and then seeing every movie he did after that. I was a very book reading, television and movie watching geek. So it makes it endless in terms of the amount of people that I have admired.”
Fav superhero: “Sorry for not picking an ACTUAL superhero, but one of my favorite characters that was a superhero to me was Beatrix Kiddo in the Kill Bill movies, played by Uma Thurman in the Kill Bill Movies 1 & 2. For me she is one of the fiercest movie characters of all time.”
Does he like hummus? “I love hummus. I was eating hummus this morning.”
Someone asked “Prince Oberyn, what undergarments are present under your tunic?” his response on reddit was “Um, well, I've got some pants on and under that... skin.”
Someone asked “How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? Cheers for the AmA, and I hope to see you in more stuff soon <33” He replied, “One of my favorite movies is 28 Days Later, and I used to think about this a lot after I watched that movie because I feel like it's such a terrifyingly realistic possible circumstance, that a virus would turn these people into rabid zombies, so I kind of wondered often how i would survive. I remember that I had a dog at the time, and I knew that i would have to keep her alive at all costs. I don't know exactly how well I would do, but I would probably do everything to keep myself and my friends safe. I might not last that long because I would probably sacrifice myself to save a family member or something like that. I'd like to think so anyway. I would say that so far I've been pretty lucky because my mom has good genes, and that's gotten me by, I am capable of watching more hours of television than I am doing exercise in a week, so it would really depend. I actually get out of breath really easily, so I think in a zombie apocalypse I would have to rely a bit more on my brain rather than my body.”
Fav sci-fi film: “GOOD QUESTION! OOOOH I have so many favorite science fiction films. I would say Alien and Aliens are two of my favorite scifi films. Also Children of Men would be one of my favorite science fiction films. I love the original Solaris and the remake. And even though it wasn't a film, the series Battlestar Galactica was one of my favorite TV shows.”
Fav disney film: “Even though it's associated more with Pixar, I would say Wall-E. And the Incredibles. Those are two of my favorite films of all time. And then as far as Disney, more of the classic animations, I would say my favorite Disney film is Dumbo. I like to cry, what can I say?”
Someone said, “Hi Pedro, thanks for doing this!
Just curious, Oberyn seems like a very calm and relaxed character most of the time in the show. Are you like that most days as well? If so, how do you manage to keep cool and stress free?”
he replied, “I unfortunately am not a stress-free person. I am so happy that Oberyn is coming across that way. I would love to be able to move through life with the ease with which he does. But that is not the case in my reality. I guess I relax with any opportunity to jump in the water, that is a good one, and of course i also watch a lot of TV. But I am not as cool and collected as Oberyn, unfortunately.”
Someone asked, “If you weren't an actor, what profession would you like to pursue? (Assuming skills aren't an issue!) Love your portrayal of Prince Oberyn, and I can't wait until next week's episode! <3”
he replied “If I wasn't an actor, hmm. It would be my fantasy to be a war journalist. Or teaching literature, maybe?”
part 2 soon!!
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
I genuinely wonder how many people know it was Silver who saved them from the Virus.
Silver is an incredibly lesser known hero than Sonic and Sonic was also there in the end so I don't doubt that some people just presumed that Super Sonic was the one to save them instead of Super Silver. Also if Sonic corrected anyone, there is still the possibility of them thinking he's being modest.
That is indeed a good question... Mimic at least knows Silver 'fixed the Metal Virus', so I do not consider it outside the realm of possibility that people are aware it is Silver who pulled it away with his PK. And like, is he an incredibly lesser-known hero? He spent six months fighting for the Resistance as a core member, I figure he's just as much known as characters like Amy or Knuckles because of that. Plus there seemed to be plenty of not-yet-Zombotified civilians around, who must have seen his PK pull the virus off the Zombots. I don't know, with all that I figure it's very well possible that the inhabitants of Sonic's world both know who Silver is, and also that he played a huge role in getting rid of the Metal Virus.
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id be so interested in learning abt ur hlvrai2 idea...
ough ok sorry i’m about to brain dump my unformulated unorganized ideas all over this post (tysm for the ask btw). i don’t expect anyone to read all this, but it’s nice to actually write all the ideas down. WARNING long ass post under cut 👇
so like as i rambled about in this post, essentially the science team is stuck in an endlessly looping simulation that was made as an early test of black mesa’s virtual reality/ai tech. it’s built a lot like a game because that format makes it easier to run tests over and over.
anyways, hlvrai happens, they beat benrey, they go to chuck e cheese. but the party is also a cover for gman to temporarily isolate the science team in a little mini pocket simulation as he tries to fix whatever-the-hell is wrong with the main test one. except he fails.
hlvrai2 starts with gordon waking up on the tram, playing this game to test this cool vr tech for black mesa. except gordon is not excited this time. in fact gordon is freaking out because he remembers everything from the previous loop and he is wondering WHY he’s back here. why isn’t the test over. also he only got to eat 1 slice of pizza at chuck e cheese before everything blacked out so that sucks too.
gordon’s not the only one who remembers the last loop. everyone else who aren’t just random npcs also remember. before it was just tommy, gman, sunkist, and benrey who retained memories of previous loops. tommy and gman because their job is to keep the simulation intact, sunkist because tommy made her like that, and benry because he’s an anomaly (human consciousness and alien program/virus thing melded into one). in benry’s case, the memories are more jumbled and muddled in his head. so things don’t make a lot of sense for them.
anyway my idea is that this new loop that they’re in is even more screwed up than the last one. like the seams are really breaking and shit’s getting through. enemies that never appeared in any iteration before are appearing now. sections of the map have either moved or are missing entirely. there are new places too that don’t exactly look like they belong (bubby opens a closet door to reveal a forest, “what the hell is this narnia shit”). it’s super obvious that their world isn’t “real” and coomer, bubby, and darnold have to come to terms with the fact that they’re ai. although maybe bubby not so much because honestly xe doesn’t really give a shit about having a crisis over it (“I’m already a test tube baby—what difference does it make”). but bubby, like the others, would like to escape these endless loops. so that becomes the team’s main goal: find a way out. oh, and find gman too because he’s been missing ever since the loop restarted and tommy doesn’t know where the hell he is and it’s kind of concerning.
darnold joins the science team because he also remembers the last loop and wow this whole situation is just really messed up i guess i HAVE to go on a epic quest now dang. she takes up the healer role with her potions (not a huge fan of the violence), plus he just tends to fret over others in general. benrey rejoins the science team, which of course leads to tension that has to be worked out. now that benry isn’t coded as the antagonist/final boss anymore, he doesn’t have malicious intentions, but they’re still a little shit. they feels bad about what they did but doesn’t really know how to express it other than riling up gordon. though things get better between gordon and benrey as the adventure progresses and they have to save each other’s asses multiple times. he even says sorry eventually.
sooo i don’t exactly know how they break out yet, but they will stop the loops and escape into the actual main simulation of reality, the one that irl black mesa made to preserve humanity. the science team’s simulation was one of the tests that helped black mesa build the main simulation except nobody thought to stop running that test program—hence why the team’s been looping all this time. but yeah i’m still thinking about how it all ends. and also what the heck i want to do with forzen. i think i want him to be similar to be an ai that a piece of alien virus/coding latched onto. i think the alien virus/code used to be bigger and more intact before irl black mesa began messing with the alien tech, then it got fractured off into pieces that eventually found things in the system to latch onto, which is why forzen’s like “we used to be best friends” to benry. because technically there’s a part of them that used to be part of a bigger thing. idk. i think i want forzen to play a bit of an antagonist role, but not as a really bad one or anything. he’s just misguided. and maybe confused. let’s be real he doesn’t really know what he’s doing.
gman is missing because he’s dealing with his “Employers.” aka the super advanced hivemind ai that helps keep everything running in the background. they think the test simulation isn’t worth having around anymore because it’s becoming more trouble than it’s worth and they think gman isn’t able to handle it, so they’re stepping in. they aren’t the reason the test simulation is breaking down—the deterioration just got their attention. gman’s trying to either convince them to NOT erase it all or just stall them long enough in hopes that the science team figure a way out before the hammer comes down.
i was thinking who the main antagonist WOULD be, but maybe there doesn’t actually need to be one. it’s mostly the science team vs the test simulation. i guess the Employers could be seen as the main antagonist, but they’re just doing what they think is best to keep everything running smoothly.
ok that’s it im going to stop i’ve drained my brain resources. if anyone’s actually read all the way through, wow. thanks for slogging through my ramblings. :’)
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