#and she was sooooo happy and positive the whole time
toxictigertonic · 1 month
Three count em THREE whole people said they liked my headcanons and wanted more so I'm back with more, this time for how they sleep bc I think it's funny.
- Like a damn ROCK.
- But also, extremely vigilant at the same time.
- You could pick him up, shake him, scream in his face, he sleeps. Door cracks open a little? Floorboard creaks? He's up and ready for a fight.
- I really hope he'd sleep in boxers but he strikes me as a butt ass naked kinda guy. Enter his room at your own peril he WILL fight naked.
- Sleeps with his arms to his side, stiff as a board. Dead center of the bed though so good luck if you're looking to share with him.
- Sleeps like that partly bc of military and partly bc if he sleeps on his side he drools.
- Snores like a fucking lawn mower. Has woken people up from a sound sleep bc of it. People are holding grudges.
- The sunglasses and hat stay ON.
- No blankets, no sheets. You can guess how awful this is with the whole sleeping naked thing.
- Sleep walker. Again, awful when you remember that he's nakey.
- One pillow. There is a perfectly head shaped dent in it from his bald ass dome.
- How many pillows can you fit on a bed? Okay now double it.
- Her bed has the comfiest blankets and the biggest quilt ever.
- Futterman gets his own pillow, so she sleeps on her back with one arm up on the pillow and the other resting on her stomach.
- This is because if he doesn't have his own pillow he'll complain. Also he'll get lost in the mess of blankets.
- She still does the Futterman voice in her sleep. Futterman talks in his sleep. Futterman does not say nice things in his sleep.
- She also talks in her sleep but she's talking about making sure the children are safe or that her pie needs to come out of the oven while Futterman says things about dental hygiene (and how you'll be taught about it whether you like it or not)
- The ONLY one of the prime assets that brushes her teeth before bed. Doesn't wash her face though.
- If she didn't have Futterman to worry about she'd be a side sleeper, pillow tucked under her head and blanket tucked up under her chin.
- She'd have one stuffed animal me thinks. I'd say it's the duck but that feels too simple. How about a mmm ratty old cat.
- Wakes up with the blankets off of her everytime. She doesn't know how it happens but it does.
- Wears the cutest pajama set ever. Futterman deserves pajamas too.
- Sleepytime tea connoisseur. Chamomile with cinnamon and honey every night.
- Again, God help us where do I begin.
- He is my little skrunkly so I say this all with love. Maybe. Potentially. Maybe a little hate.
- Would absolutely spend the money to get an adult sized crib to sleep in. Maybe Murkoff got him one just to make him a little less of a brat (affectionate).
- Sooooo many stuffed animals. So many. From classic stuffies to weird stuffed animals you never would've thought existed.
- He cuddles with the same one every night though, without fail. According to character ai it's a pink elephant so I'm going with that.
- I feel like he'd have a special pajama set for each weekday. Or he'd wear whatever the hell he was wearing during the day to bed. Not sure which.
- If he doesn't have the binky he'll resort to thumb sucking, he won't sleep if he can't have one or the other.
- Also needs sound to sleep, a silent room makes him antsy. Typically has cartoons going.
- (Sad one for those of you who like angst) Dreams about what life could've been like if he had a happy family. Wakes up in tears every time.
- (Cute one to apologize for that) He's clingy as all hell. If someone were to sleep in the same bed as him they'd become his human teddy bear. Good luck getting up this mother fucker has Grip and is so starved for positive attention.
- He wakes up groggy as hell. Give him 30 minutes after he's gotten up bc before then he barely remembers where he is.
- Kicks in his sleep. And they're not gentle kicks either that little bastard is MEAN.
- Drools, sorry not sorry.
- If you pet his head he'll be out like a light :)
Let me know if there are any specific headcanons you'd like to hear out of my noggin because I promise I have plenty. I can talk about these freaks alllll day.
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crguang · 1 month
Literally did all of Cabernet’s event once it hit for me. AND OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH MMMMMMYYYYYY GGGGGOOOOODDDD her voice is sooooo good. I’d happily be one of her ingredients tbh and I’d be right there with her helping her find souls to eat. Do you have any thoughts about Cabernet?
OH also might be a bit spoiler but if you’ve gotten to the part where Cabernet “sacrifices” herself for us and we get the cg of her in the vines. After like finding out that she can control vines she willingly put herself in that position. Any thoughts? Thirsts? I have a lot but I haven’t written in like a year so I’m not confident enough to write a whole like summary or whatever a lot of people do here and other blogs.
Also happy that you’re into Ptn and honestly can’t wait to see more writing from you about it.
i just finished her event. i have so many thoughts, bear with me because i don’t even know where to begin, this was such a good and creative spin to ‘the menu’ (2022) i loved it so much it’s gonna take a lot to have another event take the #1 spot. PTN’s creativity and artistry is what constantly draws me in the first place, but it still baffles me how they can create stories so unique, and so many of them too. lesbianism aside, this is such a fun event omg. the music, the battles, the banquet menu and having Cabernet review each of them afterwards— so fun. now, as a lesbian… i’ll just say that by the end of it i was so flustered and hot that i couldn’t say a word for several long minutes.
do i have any thoughts about Cabernet… how do i even explain how delightful that woman is like first of all, she’s so gorgeous i had to drink a lot of water getting through that event. she’s so fucking sexy. it’s not even just her appearance, it’s the way she carries herself and how everyone around her treats her as some untouchable, larger than life figure, the confidence and detachment that comes with that is so hot. it’s not even a performance!!!! she lives her truth and does what she wants. she doesn’t eat what she doesn’t want to eat. and everyone else around her scrambles to fit her standards because of her background and eccentricity— it’s so fascinating how she never directly influences what others think, they simply immediately take her words as either “good” or “bad”. she’s not telling them what to eat. she’s not like that food blogger reporting on what people should consume to be healthier, or that boxing champion who’s going around telling people they should work out to be stronger/slimmer. she gives her opinion on food and leaves. people come to her. they’ve made up this character in their mind and the whole time she’s just after some delicious food. at the end, with McGrath, what she said to the chef were her genuine thoughts. sure, she concealed them for the bit but when it comes to the sanctity of food and her own desires, she’s always so honest, i really like that.
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HER VOICE. DON’T GET ME STARTED. it fits her so perfectly, the way it plays into her character as someone who has others dote and wait on her constantly. she’s so kafka-like!!!! where she only ever talks at her own pace, does what she wants, has people listening to her every word with unwavering attention— she’s composed, confident and laidback and it shows just by the way she talks it’s so great. the drawl… the rasp… the breathiness as she loses herself in her own ecstasy, GODDDDD. how deep and intense it gets sometimes. her VA had to be in crippling debt because the effort and talent that was put into this performance hit me so hard i was sooo flustered (im playing with headphones and my settings are set so that the voices are louder than the music so she was really speaking into my ears like.) almost had my eyes rolling back and definitely had me pulling at my collar when she got so ecstatic at the end. the breathy “yes.. yes!” WHATTTT???!?!? i will send AISNO my therapy bills because they knew what they were doing having her moan like that and call Kelvin a good girl. me next im begging
LET’S TALK ABOUT THE ENDING. LET’S. so many things to say, so little words to convey how specially crafted for me that scene was. cannibalism as the ultimate form of desire will always be appealing to me, and not even in a sexual standpoint (we’ll get there eventually…) to need someone so fiercely that the only logical solution is to consume them entirely will always hit for me like! there doesn’t have to be sentimentality involved, it could be pure bottomless and insatiable lust but this scene was so romantic to me. she waited for Chief to wake up, tied them up prettily for her, made a whole culinary arrangement (that she doesn’t eat!), she’s constantly reigning in her own desires, what she lives by (“a sinner’s power comes from the heart”), just to truly savour them and have them both eventually “become one” (that voiceline makes me tweak). and it’s beautiful when you think about how she doesn’t literally eat people but instead consumes their souls; she finds Chief’s soul so unique, so genuine and pure that she would stay by their side despite that deep seated desire to devour them. she keeps them close the whole time; a hand on her flushed cheek, a kiss on their hair, her lips on their wrist directly over what gives them life… i sound like a freak but that is genuinely so beautiful to me LMFAO. there is nothing more intimate than two souls merging into one.
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it’s like the writers pried into my mind and made this whole event for me to enjoy personally because i picked up exactly what they were putting down like that was magnificent. this quote especially tingled my brain sooooo good because again, SO ROMANTIC???? those options both require intimacy and it implies more than just understanding of a character; to kiss someone’s thoughts is not only understanding them but embracing them completely. to offer your flesh willingly for another’s satiation is the most extreme form of devotion like am i crazy…? this is peak to me
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im realizing i didnt answer your question about the scene with the vines but you can guess that it had me shuddering just like everything that happened afterwards because SHE’S HOT AS FUCK. her poison ivy slay. the art is incredible and the way she’s still so seductive about it is so… i need her tremendously. she knew what she was doing and had to go down looking sexy as fuck and honestly i respect it. i understand McGrath so bad because that obsession was delicious like sorry, luring dozens of people into playing a twisted game where they inevitably all turn into dishes to be reviewed and/or savoured by the object of your longing is some shit i’d write fr. look at her bruh. that blush is insane. forget enacting a self-given sort of divine judgement on random people, i’d actively BETTER MYSELF to become the most scrumptious meal she’s ever had. no tying up necessary unless she’s into that.
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i could thirst all night long. we would have the freakiest, wettest, sloppiest sex i’d be lethargic for 3 days afterwards. i would be in her dms like “please let me eat your pussy please let me eat your pussy pleaseeee please please please please”. i am NOT demure i am not classy i have no decorum— i’d spend so long between her thighs my jaw would dislocate like idk. we would fuck until our combined bodily fluids mutate on a cellular level and creates toxic gas that wipes out half the city. i’d start eating her back likejhdjfjsjdjs
jokes aside i really am obsessed with her character, she’s definitely in my top 5😵‍💫 it probably goes something like hamel, adela, garofano, cabernet, oak casket. i just know my top 2 aren’t moving yet (shalom……..) but yeah i love her a lot and i can’t believe they didn’t rerun her banner at the same time like they did adela because now im mad she’s not in my account
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Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing...
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This boy is your own worst nightmare.
Ever since you first met, as children, playing around the village, he has taken a liking to you.
He’s that sort of dumbass child who only wants to play around from before sunrise, to absolute midnight.
You can’t just play all day, of course - You’re the daughter of the village healers, so, unlike Saw Paing, you are actually busy!
And not empty-headed.
To this day, you still have no idea what exactly possessed him to like you so much, as you haven’t even properly talked before...
But for the next 15 years, Saw Paing asked you out.
Every. Single. Day.
And every single time, you declined him.
Though he was exasperating, especially when he appeared out of nowhere, sometime even hanging upside down from the roof and facing him as soon as you opened the door to the outside, just to grin widely and SHRIEK good morning or whatever.
If you weren’t already the healer’s daughter, you’d have had him pay the bill for your hearing problem appointments.
Despite how incredibly persistent Saw Paing is, like a cockroach thriving through the radiations of Chernobyl, he’s still your best and only friend.
The best part of him is when he’s cooking.
Although you claim to cook ‘together’, it’s always him who ends up doing everything.
And his cooking is out of this world good.
Not only that, it’s also the only time, except for sleeping, when Saw Paing isn’t yelling from the top of his lungs.
He’s actually adorable.
You also appreciated how sweet he always was with you, being perfectly fine with being just best friends, and when you get a boyfriend, he doesn’t ask you out, but instead, asks you if you’re happy.
He also gives you the best hugs in the world.
Saw Paing isn’t good at giving proper advice most of the time, but he’s good at shading other people.
Despite how overly optimistic and positive this man is, if you want to gossip, he’s your guy.
He also makes you laugh big time, and there’s never a sad day with him by your side.
After 15 whole years and hearing 5478 times ‘May I court you?’ you finally agree.
He yells so loudly out of happiness that you’re pretty sure Gaolang heard him, all the way from Thailand.
Speaking of Gaolang - You hate him.
Not literally, no - But Saw Paing speaks of him CONSTANTLY, to the point that you can’t stand hearing the name of this Muay Thai fighter without imagining what kind of menace he is.
A friend of Saw Paing must be as obnoxious as him, if he can stand his guts, right?
For 5 whole years, you were doomed to hear of Gaolang Wongsawat, the fighter who defeated Saw Paing... But finally, after all these years, the Burmese is sooooo happy that you’re dating, that he ends up dragging you all the way to Thailand, to Gaolang’s apartment no less, and end up breaking in, despite the heavy security.
He also brought cake to celebrate with his best friend and girlfriend.
Hours after you awkwardly sit on the chair in the kitchen - And then he finally arrives - And he’s completely different from what you expected.
Apathetic, laid-back, silent, and he has a soft voice - Basically, the complete opposite of Saw Paing.
“What. The hell. Are you doing here.” the poor man dropped his grocery bags to the ground, only to cringe as he heard his name with screeched. “GAOLAAAAAAANG, MY ETERNAL RIVAAAAAAAL!” Saw was jumping up and down from pure glee. “Yell louder, I think my mum didn’t hear you, all the way from the village.” you groan, rubbing your ears. “Gaolang! Gaolang! Listen - This is my girlfriend, Y/N! Isn’t she the best?!” his eyes widened even more, hearing that name. “I see. Good for you, Saw Paing. But that doesn’t answer my question.” the Thai tried, in vain, to hold the obnoxious man down. “Yoroizuka Saw Paing, sit down right now.” like an obedient puppy, Saw uttered a small ‘yes’ and sat down on the chair next to you. Sighing, you got up and extended your hand to the owner of the apartment. “I’m not sure if I should introduce myself first, or ask my forgiveness in his stead - But it’s great finally meeting you... After so many years of hearing about you.” The poor man looked down at you, a bewildered expression on his face - He wasn’t sure if the fact that Saw Paing listened to you without a single complaint, or that you were the complete opposite of your boyfriend - You were actually normal! “I can say the same, Miss Y/N.” “GAOLANG! I’M SO HAPPY AND HYPED UP! LET’S FIGHT!” both you and Gaolang glared at the man and said a firm ‘no’. He quieted down.
You and Gaolang became instant best friends, and he takes notes on how to successfully make Saw get the hell away from him and stop stalking him even inside the shower, just to challenge him to a fight.
Though you both get easily annoyed with the Burmese, you had tons of lovely stories to tell about him.
Whenever Saw was too busy with underground fights to protect your village, you’d hang out with Gaolang and have a picnic in the beautiful gardens of the King’s Palace.
“When I was five years old, I wanted to play around with the others, but they didn’t really want me - I was never really athletic, being always busy with helping my parents with healing people - Saw noticed I was lonely by the side while everyone was playing, so he took the ball and got me away from the others. Said I don’t need them, and taught me how to play football and volleyball. He always went super easy on me and let me win. It was... Really cute.” Gaolang smiled, seeing the cute blush on your face - His friend was lucky to have someone love him as much as you do.
“My parents always trusted Saw to take care of me, so he let us go out at night to watch the stars. Saw tried to flex his star-knowledge, but he was wrong more often than not. He didn’t get mad when I corrected him and told him the facts, or when I’d show him constellations, or tell him trivia about planets. I’d actually hear him boasting about how smart I am, and how cool the stars are... Even though most people couldn’t care less about unimportant things like the celestial bodies.” if only he knew the fondness with which you spoke of him, Gaolang was sure Saw Paing would propel himself to the moon with happiness.
“I’m actually pretty bad at cooking, despite making revolutionary potions, concoctions and ointments - Pretty pathetic, I know, it’s actually kinda funny - But Saw was always so patient with me, and he’d teach me how to cook; And when I’d be too tired from work, he’d just come over and cook me a ton of warm meals - Of course, he’d cook so much that he’d need to stay over and help me finish everything.” though you’d only been together for a few years, your stories made you sound like the most lovely married couple.
“I had a boyfriend once - A real jerk that one, been together only a month - He got so jealous at my friendship with Saw that he tried to hit me for allegedly cheating on him. I’ve never seen Saw so angry, he almost killed that guy - He deserved it though. He got very protective after that. I always feel safe with him. Don’t tell him that though, it’ll only get to his head, and he’s loud enough as it is.” your laugh signified a subtle joke, and Gaolang was sure Saw Paing was already well aware of all the things you’ve told him so far.
“I was really scared of leaving the village, though I really wanted to see the big cities, learn more about the modern life and what not, but I was too much of a coward. The unknown scares me. It was Saw who always took me with him to all of his fights, and we’d go together to explore around. Somehow, we never got lost, even if we were in a country that spoke a different language. He saw how much I liked everything around, so he got us a cute house with a garden. Home is still home, but we also like to see new things.” you were so head over heels in love with this man.
You always loved going to karaoke and hear the soft love ballads that Saw would dedicate you... Though Gaolang singing the Thai Anthem was always hilarious.
Though still a little energetic and childish, Saw Paing was always incredibly mature and romantic, despite rarely showing it - It was very endearing.
He’d get you flowers from the forest every day and gift them to you - A beautiful day for a beautiful lady must begin with a beautiful flower!
You were always there to encourage him in his lethwei journey - Especially as you were the one to always tend to him, and worried about his health and well being - And you knew about his father, and later, his brother and their death while working for Sanemitsu.
Somehow, Saw remained optimistic, and you were there by his side through everything; Even if he claimed to be a man, and the one supposed to take care of you, you’d simply shut him up with a kiss. 
He was a fool in love.
When the Kengan Tournament began, he was more than eager to take you with him on the luxurious cruise ship, and though he was dressed in shorts and a classic hawaiian colourful short-sleeved shirt for dads on vacation, he had bought you a shit ton of super pretty clothes that you liked.
He always loves having you all happy and confident, and all dolled up, right next to him.
You were very happy to see Gaolang there also, so the three of you stuck like glue throughout the tournament.
You knew your fair share about fighting stuff from Saw, but seeing everything unfold in the ring, you were not only able to learn more theory, but witness styles that you’ve never even heard of before.
You pulled Saw in a long kiss when his first fight came by, and of course, you were sure he was gonna win - And he did, with great style!
Speak about hard-headed.
Of course, the Thai God of War also won, so the first night and the next day were filled with good times...
Until the second round came by, and they both lost - It was most devastating.
Unlike Gaolang, who became more motivated to get better and better, Saw was completely demoralised and wanted to completely give up fighting and eventually dig a hole and bury himself alive.
“You disgust me, Saw Paing! This isn’t the man who kept asking me out every day, for over five thousand times, fifteen years! You are a fighter - Get the hell up and fight!” you yelled at him, but he kept his head down. “Gaolang’s famous right fist is shattered - He can’t even feel it! But you know what? He’s still reaching for the skies, and he’s going to succeed! Why aren’t you the same?! Weren’t you always the one preaching about hard-work and positivity?! Where has all that gone?”
When he continued keeping his silence, you scoffed at him. “Don’t come sleep in our room until you’ve learnt your lesson.”  “I don’t deserve you, Y/N.” you hear him mutter. “I wanted to ask you to marry me once I’ve won the competition and secured our Village. I failed you both.” “You’re pathetic. I don’t want to see you again. Not like this. Stay away from both myself and Y/N.” came Gaolang’s equally harsh comment, which made Saw whimper slightly.
Until the coup d’etat, Saw didn’t look for either you or Gaolang - But of course, he had to protect you and make sure his friend doesn’t destroy his right fist and becomes unable to fight and protect His Majesty, King Rama.
All the fighters of his Village were there to support Katahara and the organisation, and with a new thirst for life and need to protect those that he cherishes so much, he made his way outside of the coup halls and in search of you two.
When he saw you, he pulled you in a strong bear-hug and started crying, asking for your forgiveness and hoping you’ll want to marry him, even if he’s a loser and a dead-beat that can’t win a tournament.
It goes without saying, all three of you make up, and Gaolang becomes the Best Man at your wedding.
Along with Karo, you and Saw were Gaolang’s biggest supporters at the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament, and biggest cheerleaders once you saw the dirty way in which he lost - By a ring out.
Though his win against Cos was fantastic, you were upset for him that he lost against that dumbass Rihito, or later on, against Mokichi the Vicar.
Still, you were happy that he was able to finally defeat Seki after so many tries.
Your boy was improving so fast, and you were so proud of him!
Not only that, but he was also so positive all the time, and didn’t allow himself to stump down to such unexpected lows.
Wherever you go, Saw is going to show you off like you’re some kind of movie star, and shout that you’re his perfect wife and what not.
Would make sure there’s always flowers in the vase on the table.
And he’s still the master chef of the house.
Is also incredibly fascinated about gardening, so will tend to your garden.
Every time you go out, he’s going to come home with a new garden ornament.
Biggest travel enthusiast there is, but loves to stay in the nature, especially the forest, the most.
Despite how energetic he is, he’d urge you to join him in meditating by the waterfall.
Would also love to bride your hair.
He’s very passionate when it comes to your intimate life, and will make sure you know how much he loves you.
Be it compliments, confessions or touches.
When you’re making love also, though he’s not as talkative, he will make sure you’re feeling comfortable and relaxed; He’d crack jokes or playfully kiss you or move you around, tickle or pinch you, only to hear you giggling.
Saw might need some looking after and a solid emotional support, but he’s a fantastic partner on whom you can rely on, and will always make sure you know how much he cherishes you with his entire heart.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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jades-typurriter · 1 year
Gal Pals + Your First Howl
A POV transformation thing: your closest friends are werewolves, they get you in on it, and they sit with you through the process of your first transformation! @bluebearial (the BESTIE) collaborated on this, basically just passing the draft back and forth; her writing is in purple and mine is in blue. PLEASE go check her out she's a fantastic artist and has more lovely and intimate writing like this on her blog
CW: they're gay werewolves. these girls are doing lots of petting and sniffing
Gloomy. That’s the one word that could describe this night. The sky is a deep grey. Thunder, far in the distance, still makes itself known in the form of a near-constant rumble. Despite the blanket of cloud that covers the sky, a pale glow could still be seen. Lycanthropy, as you had recently found out, doesn’t require direct moonlight to take effect. Just the presence of it is enough to make you itch. For new instincts to crop up. You wish you knew about this going in, but thankfully, your friends are a lot more experienced than you. Even better, they’re here to ride it out with you.
“I know the picture of like, breaking into a clearing in the woods, and having the moon behind you and everything when you transform for the first time is really cool,” trills Fetch, and even through the buzz of excitement and anxiety, you know where this is going. You’ve known it since English Lit. in college; it’s had a point-by-point for everything since even before then. “But not a ton of people actually get to do that! It’s like, part of the lycanthrope experience that gets sanitized and simplified a lot for wider audiences. Sooooo many movies do this bit, and the weather’s always perfect, and everything, but like… would you even wanna wander around in the woods on a normal day? Let alone a vulnerable one like this?”
“I dunno…~” lilts Plum, your other friend, from her place on the couch, “Days like this’re perfect for just, skulkin’ around in the dark. Scarin’ people. Like, rahh~” She even puts her paws up, showing off those amethyst-colored claws. As you watch her, you can’t help but wonder if this whole ‘lycanthropy’ thing has more of a mental effect than you’d first realized. As recently as this afternoon, she was pretty chipper! Happy to help with anything you’d need. But after the moon came out… She’s definitely the more laidback one now, compared to Fetch.
She always found at least some kind of fun in any situation, though a part of you wished she wouldn’t right at this moment. “Like, think about it. Remember when we first met? ‘N you found me diggin’ through your trash? You thought I was some kind’a dog. I wish I had a camera - remember the look on your face when I just started talking to you? Like…” She takes a pause, putting a paw up to her muzzle, trying her best not to laugh (and failing). Like her namesake, she is covered in a thick coat of purple. You remember that in her human form, she had purple highlights in her otherwise dark hair. You suppose the color of her fur was… somehow related to that? How does that even work? What would your fur look like? Yet another question you’d neglected to ask before, well. Y’know.
“Ohhhh my gosh, are you ever gonna leave me alone about that? I thought you were a lit-er-al wolf!!” Plum looks like she has something to say about that, but Fetch cuts her off: “I know, I know, I wasn’t wrong. You did turn out to be a huge bitch,” it says, voice saccharine and head tilting cutely to the side. Plum reaches over you to bop it with her paw, leaving you acutely aware of your position, sandwiched between your two friends. Squished, almost: both of them are much bigger than they are as humans, and they take up much more of the couch, too. You blush as her paw passes by your face—it’s bigger than your whole head. Thinking about Plum lurking out of sight, rummaging around with those powerful things… Thinking about how your own hands might be like that soon enough. You’d pipe up to ask about how soon to expect more changes, but it would be, what, the tenth time you asked? Plus, you’re not sure you want to draw attention to yourself if the partners start play-fighting. Well, maybe you would… But it’d probably be safer to wait until after your change.
But still. On one side, Fetch’s dense, cream fur coddles your arm and part of your leg, acting as a big, fluffy cushion. On the other side, Plum is really invading your personal space a bit as she tries to reach over at her partner. Being caught between a pair of - how tall are they– one, two, three… - six foot tall wolves has you squirming a bit. Partly to get comfy, and partly because… oh wow. This is really happening. Up until a few years ago, you’d figured werewolves weren’t, y’know, real? Your heart flutters. Your stomach tightens a bit, causing you to shudder - anything to somehow vent these feelings. You clench your fists and oh my god, were your fingernails always this sharp? They dig into your palms, causing you to relax your grip. Remembering the situation at hand - or was it ‘at paw’, Plum cranes her neck a bit to look down at you. At least, you’d assume that’s what she’s doing. Her snout is just about the only thing keeping her fluffy, full mane from completely covering her face.
“Hey, hey, listen dude,” she does her best to soothe you, “We’re gonna be here for you, alright? It’ll be like, kinda weird at first. Um, maybe a little scary? I dunno. But, like, once you get over the hump, it’ll feel sooo~o good. You’re gonna feel all soft ‘n like, fluffy ‘n stuff. Like, bwbwbwbwbwb.” She demonstrates in her own weird way, putting her paws to her own cheeks and rubbing them. Her ears, a little droopier than you’d expect from a wolf, flop from side to side as she bleps her tongue out at you. You do feel a bit more relaxed admittedly… Though, there’s another thing you hadn’t thought about before.
Werewolves smell. They don’t smell bad, really, though you wonder if there’s something else making you think that. They just have… a scent, one that’s hard to describe beyond… furry, and thanks to your spot between your two friends, they were basically hotboxing you with it. Every whiff of it makes you feel just a bit more, like, relaxed and stuff. I mean, these are your friends. They’re helping you through this. It’s just what the pack does for one another.
Fetch leans down, reaching behind you to put one paw on each of your shoulders, reassuring you. Well, trying to reassure you; getting so close is giving you another waft of Wolf Girl, and as familiar and calming as it is—you wonder if maybe you already knew what the two of them smelled like, and you’re just starting to recognize your friends the way dogs do—it’s starting to make your head spin. Or maybe that’s the changes, too…
“It really, really means a lot to us that we’re the ones you wanted to help you with this, bestie. Now, someone could have been a little bit gentler about infecting you,” it snips, pointing its snout accusingly at Plum. Oh, yeah. That’s where you recognize her smell from. She all but bowled you over when you had asked the two of them to bite you, and you… still thought about her weight on you fairly often. You wish you could stop thinking about it for, like, a second so you don’t seem like a flustered, shaky nerd, but it’s harder to forget it with every breath.“But the trust is still really sweet! And like, now I get to repay you for being so understanding when I came out, yeah?” It perks up its ears, smiling down at you. You (mercifully) lose yourself in that memory for a moment instead; you see its tail whipping back and forth behind it, and realize, yeah, you’ve been friends for a long time. You’re, like, besties! It always makes you giggle when Fetch calls you that. And you do trust them! Even if they’re a bit silly, you know the two of them are looking out for you. You’re in good paws.
“Yeah! We like, tooo~tally got you, dude. It’ll be a-okay,” she reassures you. “You’re like, basically our best friend so, like, y’know….
You blink a few times, shaking your head as your hearing gets more and more muffled. Wh,what’s happening? It’s as if your ears were suddenly plugged. You can’t hear anything now. Just as quickly as it happens, it seems to stop.
“Oh, huh.”
It’s not until you hear her voice again that you calm down. Though - wow, um, that was a bit loud?? You grimace, wondering just what caused her to shout like that. It was as if her voice gained a ton more bass all of a sudden. You glare up at her, opening your mouth to scold her, but you quickly realize that… like, everything is louder. The rumbling outside, the room’s ambience, even Fetch’s tail as it slaps the couch. Plum’s paw reaches down to the top of your head, where your… ears… are…? “Ohoho~ Hey, Fetch, check this out~” Like, you could just hear the excitement in Plum’s voice as beckons her partner. A pair of tall, fuzzy triangles peaks up from beneath your hair. Speaking of, has your hair gotten longer? You can like, kinda feel it brushing your shoulders… Your thoughts begin to swim as you feel your bestie’s paw just, rest upon your head like that. You want to look up at her, but something compels you to angle to head down. She holds one of your ears between her thumb and index finger, softly rubbing it between her digits. Your ear flicks in her gentle grip, instinctually moving in a way you like, really cannot control. Like, just a bit, y’know? The same, strange feeling causes your free ear to fold down, your shoulders to slump a bit… You squirm some more as the meekest little whine slips out. You rub your nose. Either that scent is getting stronger, or like, your nose is getting more sensitive. Either way… It’s enough to make you sneeze.
“Awww!” Fetch practically whispers. “The new ears are so cuuuuute! Just go easy on ‘em, Plum, you know those things are sensitive when you first get ‘em.” It bends down, poking its snout right into the ear you’ve angled away from Plum. Its voice is so quiet that it barely moves the air, but it’s still so totally clear: “How do you like ‘em, though, bestie?” You shudder, the tingle in your ear crashing down the back of your neck, along your spine, and into your tail—into your tail?! You twist around, pulling your head away from Plum’s paw (you have to suppress another whimper at the thought of no longer being petted) and, looking down, see a fluffy sprout bunching up the bottom of your shirt. Your eyes get all big, and as you get all excited about it, you watch it start wagging basically on its own? And you can feel it and it feels like you’re dancing for joy? You yell, looking back up at the two girls to either side, and Fetch yells back at you. “Oh my gosh oh my GOSH!!!” It squeals. “I can’t believe it came in so quickly!! It’s soooooo cute oh my gosh…” It pauses, then leans down conspiratorially, its own tail wagging again, energetic and out of time with yours. “Hey. You know what’d be a real fun way to scream it all out? Since we’re celebrating?” You tilt your head, feeling your ears flop with the motion, and realize that you probably look a lot like Fetch did a minute ago.
You have a good idea of what it means. If there’s one good thing about all those werewolf movies you like to watch - you kind of know the beats to this ‘story’. …That, and, your friends finding your collection is what set this into motion in the first place. Your tail wags furiously as you put your paws together. That short, stubby thing grows inch by inch, moment by moment. Every little wag it makes, it feels softer, so much softer. You start to understand what Plum meant by those fuzzy feelings. Just the sensation of having a tail at all, let alone wagging it, fills you with a euphoria you didn’t know you yearned for - a euphoria that seems to bubble up inside you. You’ve never howled before, but you’re totally not against it.
“Scream it out…?” Plum quietly asks, a little slower on the draw than you. She perks up an ear, furrowing her brow. “What, like… Oh. Ohhhh.” And she friggin’ grins. “Oh, man. It’ll be just like when we first came out. She leans a bit, squishing you between the two of them. Plum reaches out for her pawrtner’s paw, gently taking hold of it. “Remember that~? It was like, so romantic…~ Holding paws, howling together, getting nice and close after~ And like, we started getting all grabby ‘n stuff, testing each other out, and…~ And– A-Anyway,” she catches herself, sparing you the more… intimate. details, “You ready~? One, two, three!~”
“AwooOOO~OOO~~!” Angling her head up, Plum gives it her all! It starts low and slow, but ramps up in volume until it’s all you can hear. And you feel hyped! Your euphoria reaches a fever pitch, boiling over until you just can’t keep it in anymore! Why not follow your instincts, joining your besties in their symphony?
With Plum’s voice reverberating between your ears, inside your skull, coursing through your chest like the bass of the speakers at a concert, you lift your voice as well, throwing your head back and lifting your voice to match hers, at least as best you can. It cracks and scratches more than once, but you don’t care. It still sounds beautiful to you, and it’s such a rush! You feel like you’re standing through the sunroof and blasting music on the way home from a frat party; you feel like you’re on stage and your voice is carrying through a packed arena.
Fetch claps its paws together, “yay”-ing and chanting ‘go, go, go!” before finally lifting its own snout and joining the two of you. It effortlessly, naturally harmonizes with Plum—the two of them have been running as a pack for a long time, after all, and they’ve had more practice individually than you have. Still, the sound the three of you make together makes butterflies in your stomach, and then washes them away again with liquid awe. It’s like the crowd you were singing to is cheering back, a beautiful droning of joyful voices, shouting wildly and without inhibition.
You were always so jealous of the two of them, once you’d found out. They’d been your friends for years, but when they started dating, and after Fetch realized it was otherkin, Plum turned it at its request, and well—it’s a lot harder to hide two werewolves than it is to hide one. Of course, it didn’t change anything between the three of you, other than feeling a little weird about your fascination with werewolves. Being a fan of the genre, being a furry, even, felt sorta… like stereotyping them? Fetch would use the word “appropriative”, if it wasn’t currently singing its lungs out.
Now, though, after their reassurance, and after doing a bit of digging into those “weird” feelings, you just feel like you’ve been missing out! You keep howling until your throat gets tired, until you start choking on your own drool and feeling the scratchy strain on your new vocal cords. At some point, Fetch reaches out to pat you on the head again, and notices something about your shoulders.
“Dude! No way! Your coat is coming in now, too!” You finally gulp down a breath, after what feels like holding a note for an eternity (and pretty poorly, but hey, you can already feel yourself getting better!) and reach up to feel around your neck. Your hair hasn’t just gotten longer—it’s begun to crawl its way down between your shoulder blade and along your arms!
You think back to before, the way your tail first sprouted from beneath your shirt. You’re getting the same feeling now, watching your new coat spill over your shirt’s collar. You were always pretty flat, but - your cheeks start to glow as you feel your shirt ride up, buoyed by your developing bosom. If that isn’t enough, that same fur spreads across it, only adding to its mass. A thick tuft sprouts up in your cleavage, helping it to spill over the top of your collar. And god, it feels warm. You grow aware of that as you hug around it. You squeeze it in your arms, and an exhilarating feeling rumbles throughout your body. …Or, was that rumbling coming from you? One end of your mouth curls up as you growl to yourself, prompting an amused coo from Plum.
“Hey. Nice teeth.~”
You break from your self-imposed stupor for a moment, instinctively licking your teeth. They’re sharp. Especially your canines, but the rest of your teeth have grown similarly long and jagged. You whisper something resembling a ‘thank you’, too sheepish and too caught up trying to keep yourself even halfway composed. It’s a losing battle, though. Your shirt rubs up against your chest, making every little squirm a challenge to keep yourself quiet. As your coat thickens, it shimmers in the dim light. Your thoughts are harder to grip, divided among so many unfamiliar sensations. Your ears flick and swivel with every little sound. Your tail curls and wags and bats the cushion behind you. Your nose, well on its way to snoutsville is full of unfamiliar, addictive smells. You don’t know what to do with yourself. You reach out to Fetch, grabbing its arm and clinging to her. You let out a whine, rubbing your cheek against its silky fur, hoping for a lifeline as a warm, kind of itchy, but liberating feeling spreads further down your body as it is overtaken by your developing coat.
It doesn’t help you as much as you were hoping. Like, not at all. Fetch is just sooooo comfy, and you feel Plum’s paw between your ears again, and your head starts getting like… all cloudy and stuff… She gets her claws in, short little scratches that drag further and further down through your hair, down the back of your neck—soooo so sososo sensitive right now!!---and up behind your jaw, and you whiiiiiiine and just slowly slump over across Fetch’s lap. It giggles, Plum giggles, and if you weren’t so busy squirming, you might be laughing too, from the way she’s making your head swim.
With your head in its lap like that, panting from all the stimulation, you smell it even more strongly. It smells good. It makes your face burn, it gets your blood pumping, and you follow your nose to its source without a moment’s hesitation, before looking down your snout and realizing it’s pushing into her skirt, right between her legs. You freeze, eyes darting up to its face. It’s laughing harder than it was before, so like… you didn’t make it uncomfortable? Or mad? At least? Plum gives your rear (oh god you were pointing your butt straight at her) a SLAP with her heavy paw, and both of them crack up all over again at the involuntary YELP. It at least un…unsticked the gears in your brain. You apologize profusely, finally pulling your face away from Fetch’s crotch, but it reaches its paw up to cup your snout. “Bestie, don’t even worry. Everybody gets, uh… kinda excited, on their first time. I know I did!” It pauses. “I mean, me and Plum were already dating by then, so—” The mention of dating makes your face so hot that you have to bring up your own paws—when had they even finished changing!! Omigosh!!—to cover it. “Ohhhhh… I mean, hey, I wasn’t bringing that up to say we couldn’t try stuff!! New instincts, new feelings, no judgment, right? That’s what we said!” You look up at her, half-desperate and half-embarrassed, eager to hear the reassurance. “And I mean… we could try dating too, if you wanted? Right, Plum?”
“Oh, yeah,” she readily agrees, before looking down at you, “If you’re, y’know, comfortable with it. Because…” 
Your ears flop down as she leans in, her snout basically touching yours. The way she stares at you seems to demand your attention. Whatever she’s about to say, it must be important. You nearly flinch as she opens her mouth again, pre-empting what she might say next. And what does she say?
“I can be a little ruff.”
Your embarrassment like, kinda deflates a little. You almost feel annoyed that you walked into that one. You look up at Fetch again, hoping it could relate, only to be greeted with a barely controlled snicker.
“But, really.” The sound of her voice turns your attention back to her. “If you wanna give yourself a test drive, we’ve got you covered.”As she speaks, Fetch’s paw returns to your head, and, like… wow.~ Your thoughts swim and spiral anew as you let out a content, short “hwrrff.” You tilt your head towards her, savoring her touch. Those gentle, drawn-out strokes. You detect a new scent wafting up from the two of them, fanned by their tails’ steady wags. You can’t put a finger on what it means until you feel a warmth between your loins, one that only deepens the more you breathe it in. You suppose that this is one of the many, many things that you’ll learn before dawn. The night’s just getting started, after all.
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aleeyenn · 6 months
Hi i just wanted to say I love your works and profile sm, I love how you represent fireafy and coinpin and each of their respective characters, and I especially love how you represent Coiny. I feel like from what I've seen people don't see how Coiny really is, they usually just reduce him to a jerk or a firey slapper. But he's so much more and so different from that lke in canon he's so driven and serious but then fun and chill when needed, and how he can be fun and silly but then empathetic and sweet when given. and I feel like the way you represent him is so accurate and takes evey aspect of him in canon as well as headcanons that just FIT HIM SO WELL and idk it just makes me so happy. I also LOVE your headcanon of him being able to pull both masculinity and femininity, I love it so much it emulates the essence of him so well so be so comfortable in himself and not have a shred of toxic masculinity or anything like that. And I love how you make him adore pin like YES HE ADORE AND LOVES and does whatever pin wants it just makes me so happy esp with how gorgeous she is and as someone who is also plus sized and having issues with self image seeing coiny adore pin like that makes me believe in myself more idk how to explain it but YEA hahah just really like how you depict his charcater as a whole
I also love all your designs for every character
But ye I just want to say that hahah
i saw this when it was sent yesterday and i was in school and i was SOOO HAPPY i was telling all my friends with tears in my eyes and squealing over how sweet of a message i received LIKE I HAD TO FORCE MYSELF NOT TO CRY AND I KEPT GETTING UP AND PACING AAHH😭😭😭 i have waited for when i have free time where i’m not super tired to respond better than i would tired But! THANK YOU SOSOSOSO MUCH!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME!!! YOU REALLY DONT!!! thank you thank you so much!!! i’ve been struggling with forming my thoughts and feelings into words recently so forgive me if this is a messy reply but AHH!!!
coiny is one of my favorite characters he’s sooOOO FUNNY AND CHARMING! i love expressing his silly side and how dumb he is sometimes so i do it in most of my work (because it’s lighthearted almost every time) and it makes me so happy to see him being so.. coiny! he is genuinely such an amazing character and the perfect balance of cool, kind, and idiotic(affectionately) he’s so nice and so compassionate and i appreciate that about him so much and I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU CAN ENJOY MY PORTRAYAL OF HIM BECAUSE HE IS SO AWESOME! I LOVE EVERY PART OF HIM!!! and you like my headcanons!!! i forget what kind of coiny headcanons i have represented on this account but YESSS!!! COINY PULLING OFF FEMININE CLOTHES IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO THINK ABOUT! he is SO proud of it. he will put on a pink frilly dress and walk with confidence and feel as pretty as can be! i’ve been meaning to draw him in a dress for months actually (i have so much i want to draw all the time but i’m either really busy or i have zero motivation But this message gave me the motivation to actually try soon KEEP AN EYE OUT! maybe ill draw pin and coiny with their outfits swapped 🤫) he is one of the most positive and caring contestants on bfdi and he makes me so happy!!! he can wear both girly clothes and masculine clothes HE CAN WEAR WHATEVER HE WANTS and he will look TOTALLY AWESOME IN IT! and OMFGGG DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON HOW MUCH HE LOVES PINNN SHE IS HIS WHOLE WORLD AND COINY IS HERS AS WELL! coiny will do anything for her he loves her so bad… AND!!! AHHHH!!!! I AM SO SO SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY MY PIN HUMANIZATION MAKES YOU FEEL THAT WAY!!! BRINGING PEOPLE SELF-CONFIDENCE AND EMPOWERMENT THROUGH MY DESIGNS AND REPRESENTATION IS MY ABSOLUTE GOAL WITH WHAT I DO!!! it seriously means everything to me that i’ve Actually been able to achieve that and help people with how they feel about themselves indirectly. my eyes are watering while typing this ARGHH i really just want everyone to know how beautiful they are no matter what their size or weight or height or color or LITERALLY ANYTHING is. and as someone who also struggles with their self-image/esteem it means even More to me because i know how it feels!!! seeing yourself in a design of your favorite character or a character you enjoy in general feels SO GOOD so i strive to do that as much as i can. body diversity and diversity in all aspects is incredibly important to me and i want to sprinkle it everywhere in whatever i do!!! everyone is so beautiful and different and i think that is a blessing!!! whoever is reading this is beautiful and whoever in the WORLD is too just how they are now!!! EVERYONE IS GORGEOUS!!! it may take a while to feel it and that’s okay but just know that you are!!!
in short i am happy i was able to touch your heart and make you smile and give you at least a little bit more confidence in yourself. you are amazing and so kind for sharing this all with me!!! i think you can tell now how much this did for me by how much i wrote (SORRY ITS HUGE BLOCKS OF TEXT) and i can’t thank you enough for liking my work from characterization to design. every time i get a message like this i will not stop thinking about it and i hold it close to me every time i draw Like those other messages about my pin gijinka from months back I STILL GET SO EMOTIONAL OVER. i’m really glad i can make you feel that way and i hope i have made many others feel the same way too. THANK YOU!!!💖💖💖🫶🫶🫶
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cinnamonest · 2 years
When I first heard Cyno's title from leaks, as a good little simp, I went to investigate if a Mahamatra is something real.
Turns out, it is not only real, with being basically a morality police, but there's a type of Mahamatras whose duty is keeping tabs on women or something like that!
Imagine Cyno being also tasked as the keeper of the few women from Sumeru. He would, probably not intentionally, but terrify his darling by telling her how lucky she is to end up under his care. He treats the girls fairly, but once they are out of his watch to be distributed? He has seen the stuff men do to them. So stop complaining and be grateful for what he gives you! He actually treats you with decency.
(Fun fact! I had this entire thing already written and then windows auto-updated at some point while I was in urgent care bc I came home to it restarting and didn't save a temp recovery file in the appdata files :))))))
So I read a short entry about it, it seems like the exact responsibilities varied from subculture and households and communities, some of them over the general populace/common prostitutes but some of them were like a supervisor/babysitter + bodyguard combo to wealthier concubines and the like which is very :))))) and it also kinda reminds me of all the historical Chinese dramas where they have eunuchs that would guard emperor's wives and the like? And how a lot of cultures/eras within certain cultures had like "common prostitutes" and then like more elite brothels specifically for the wealthy/nobility/royalty that were often cared for, and some men would be appointed to watch over prostitutes and harems and the like
Sooooo I got to thinking of like a "more accurate to the time period the game is roughly based on" AU running with a similar idea (although of course I'm still wayyyyy deviating from historical accuracy entirely bc that makes things more fun)
//prostitute/concubine sort of darling, vaguely sexist stuff in a historical sort of way and heavily gendered, mentions of eunuchs because y'know historical AU stuff
Cyno being appointed to watch over and enforce rules on elite courtesans... Usually, these positions are only available to eunuchs, but some exceptions can be made for individuals who have been deemed worthy of the utmost trust, usually after proving themselves over the course of time. Thankfully, that's the classification he falls into... the notion of eunuchs makes him shudder to think about.
His dependableness, stoicism and clear self-control have earned him the trust of those in positions of authorities, and thus, he was assigned to this role. His observation skills and ability to keep tabs on more than one thing at once also helped. There's a few other such guards that take care of the lot of you as a whole, and that's part of his job as well, but he's the one personally assigned to you whenever you wish to go off on your own from the others, or into the public sphere.
He's not supposed to deny you that option, either, unless explicitly told not to by a superior, or if you want to go somewhere that is unallowed, in which case he is obligated to prohibit you from going. Otherwise, if you want to go somewhere, his job is to accompany you and tend to your whims, silently and stoically unless responding to something you say or speaking to a stranger on your behalf. Which he is expected to do, as you aren't allowed to speak to strangers, instead having him act as an intermediary.
When you go to markets (given a certain allowance of spending money to keep you happy and content), you point to the things you want or tell him what to get, and he does, speaking to merchants on your behalf. If someone approaches you for whatever reason - which is rare, seeing as most people know very well not to do so, especially with his intimidating presence beside you - he will, as he's trained and expected to do, physically step in between you and the other person, acting as a human shield in case someone were to approach you with the intent to attack, as well as a physical reminder of your status, communicating very clearly that the other individual should not be so arrogant as to assume he has any right to speak to you directly. And, of course, so you yourself don't get any ideas about talking to someone outside of the range of individuals you are allowed to speak to. If said individual is just pestering you to try and sell you something or harass you, he'll chase them off, otherwise he'll lean over so you can murmur your replies into his ear, allowing him to repeat it back to the other person.
As with that matter, with plenty of other scenarios, he's not just there to protect you. It's an unspoken condition, but understood nonetheless. He's there to keep an eye on your own behaviors. Your nature means that you can't be trusted to control your impulses or make good decisions, and if you weren't being closely watched, you may very well go off and sleep with someone else at the first opportunity you get. That's why you have him there, to ensure that that doesn't happen, to keep you in line, so to speak. Accompany you everywhere you go, sit in on your conversations with any and all visitors you have. To always know exactly where you are and what you're doing. For the few hours of night, there are guards at the end of the hall that watch the rooms where people are sleeping, but that's the only time he isn't by your side. Well, even then, he's assigned a room directly next to yours, even, to be able to spring up out of bed should you call for him, or if he's needed in any way, if you get sick in the night, and so on. So technically, he never really does leave your side.
Well, except for when one of the elites comes to "visit" you. Happens a few times a day, with the occasional break. Only certain individuals are allowed to do so. That's an important factor in your relationship. You live in a large complex, and only specific nobles and the highest-ranked individuals are allowed to enter your bed.
He's not one of them.
It's yet another class-standing issue. Sure, he may work for elites, he may dedicate his every waking moment to you and the others like you, but it would be considered defiling if he were to actually do anything to you. It's grounds for imprisonment... or worse. Only nobles have that privilege.
In truth, he resents said nobles. They're snobbish, selfish people that see you as an object, rather than a person. Usually cruel and critical towards you, never have anything nice or positive to say, always too busy to spend any time with you except to come to bed at night. It makes him grind his teeth, cover his ears so he doesn't have to hear. Likewise, you're supposed to act as though he couldn't possibly know, even though you both know full well he can hear anything that goes on in your room.
It makes him feel a very negative emotion. Anger? Bitterness? He tells himself it's because he knows they don't value you like you deserve. You've always been such a kind woman... he's seen you show concern and compassion for others, it's endearing. And in truth, while you're still of the weaker, inferior half of humanity, that kindness in and of itself is a very respectable thing... but those men would never appreciate that.
Yes, that's the real source of the anger, he knows that full well, and very quickly loses the ability to convince himself otherwise, after the first few weeks. It's because it feels unfair. They don't appreciate you, don't care for you, don't watch over you, they do nothing for you. He does all of that. He knows you far better. Yet they get to reap what logically should be his rewards.
But he stops that train of thought. "What should be his"? No, that way of thinking is dishonorable and selfish, defies the natural hierarchy of society. People of certain standing have privileges that lower members do not... even though he can't logically answer as to why. They just do. That is what is taught to the masses of the populace - the nobles and royalty deserve their palaces and wealth and feasts while the common man struggles to survive. A birthright bestowed by some higher power or the like. And as long as they have the ability to enforce that way of thinking, he has to accept it too.
And to even think of you in any way other than the purest of thoughts and a detached sense of guardianship, to have anything impure go through his mind, is sinful, filthy, almost a transgression when the thoughts intrude. It's his responsibility to push them away... even if that proves difficult.
No wonder they usually get eunuchs for this position. While the prospect is horrible, and he certainly doesn't envy them for obvious reasons, they do have the one advantage of not having to deal with the same extent of mental torment and temptation that he has to subject himself to. He starts to think he really didn't initially appreciate the trust placed in him enough, not realizing at the time of being appointed just how much willpower it would require.
And you don't make things any easier. To some extent, you're allowed to treat him like he's invisible, not even there. A lot of girls with such guardians do exactly that, pretty much never speaking to said appointed guardian unless needed, essentially going about their lives and acting like they don't even exist unless commanding them to fetch something or take care of some task.
You're rather talkative, though, at least with him. It is a bit surprising at first, albeit endearing. He's used to being seen as a tool, a sort of entity that exists to serve, and has been treated as such in past assignments in moral enforcement and dealing with violators of the society's rules, to the people he always reported to. He had some individual supervising roles before, but of all those jobs he's had in the past, you're the first one that's really... talked to him, for anything more than basic commands.
There's a good reason for that, too. You're not supposed to grow close to him in any capacity. It's not... proper, not right, it's frowned upon. There's no real given rule against it, but it's just one of those things that people don't do, that is understood without ever having to be addressed that you shouldn't. You're in a completely different world, your social role is too far apart from his for him to realistically be directly addressed by you so much.
And, of course, it's risky. People might get the wrong idea. Maybe it's just because you're quite literally trained in seduction and charm, but you always look at him with these half-lidded eyes, a sultry voice, a teasing way of speaking to him. It's basically just second nature to you, it's how you've always been taught to interact with every man you meet, to put on a flirtatiousness and sensuality with every word and every move and every expression.
It drives him up the wall, increasing with each day. The standards and norms of your role don't exactly dress you particularly modestly either, quite the opposite, which doesn't help. And you specifically are always on thin ice, always testing the boundaries, always pushing the limits of how much flirtatiousness can be excused. Perhaps that's why someone like him was assigned to you.
Well, he knows what he has to do. This is part of his job: correcting your behaviors when needed. There's a fine line of what he's allowed to tell you to do, an odd dynamic where you can tell him to do tasks for you, and yet, he also has the right - the obligation -  to command you, when it comes to certain matters of behavior, and he's expected to judge each situation appropriately, to not go too far in reprimanding you, to always criticize when he should while avoiding overstepping a line. It's a learned skill, requiring a thorough knowledge of rules both documented and silently understood.
Whenever you sit on the floor next to him as you and all your sisters-in-profession converse each evening, when you lean over onto him and reach your hand over to his thigh, he grabs your wrist, and gently, simultaneously avoiding both unnecessary harshness while also ensuring he doesn't grip you for a single moment too long, pushes you back. It's probably best you get on to bed, you are weary.
When you skip around all excited as you do whenever there's music in the courtyards, come over to him and reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, he grabs your hands and softly pushes them back to your chest. Please, be appropriate.
He makes sure you wear more modest clothing when you leave the main grounds, rather than those incredibly lewd outfits the nobles have you roaming around estate grounds in. Tells you to stop making eye contact and look downward and bow your head when stranger men approach, like you're supposed to. Always reinforcing standards and rules. You teasingly call him such a stick in the mud.
Better that, though, than subject to the wrath of higher-ups if he didn't perform his job.
When you shift to inappropriate topics, when you try and talk to strangers (he gets the sense you do it deliberately just to see him worry), when you stoop and bend and shift your legs in ways he knows is to catch attention. It's his responsibility to speak to you in a firm voice, tell you to behave yourself. You always roll your eyes, say something to the effect of affirming acknowledgement, but you never actually fix your behavior. It irritates him. Don't you know how serious what you do is? What if it wasn't him? What if it was anyone else? He asks you that, trying to get you to see reason, but even then, you shrug it off, clearly not understanding the gravity of the matter. It worries him. What if one day you get assigned to someone else, with far less self-control? What then? You're foolish and naive. It's a constant concern on his mind.
You don't mean it seriously, but you enjoy the reactions you get out of him in particular. You don't realize how significant it is, you think of it like just any other matter of poking fun at something. You think it's funny. You find it cute.
And far more dangerously, you think it's harmless.
Far from it, in reality. If people got the wrong idea, it could get him in trouble. Proof isn't needed for these sorts of things. If someone were to accuse him of something, it wouldn't matter if there was no evidence, or even if you were willing to testify or vouch in his favor. Your testimony can't be used in a court of law anyway. Even then, if the person accusing him was high enough in rank, there wouldn't even be a court of law, they would just command whatever their will may be. Not to mention, you would also get in massive trouble. The fact that you don't understand that, or at least don't take it seriously, is incredibly concerning.
He ends up having to draw a line. One night at random, completely unprovoked, so much so it catches him off-guard. You have always teased and poked fun at him with that grin on your face, tried to get him flustered and embarrassed. Overstepping the boundaries of appropriateness, which he always chastises you for as is warranted. You always obey for the moment, but return to the same thing within a matter of minutes.
The kind of teasing that bothers him the most, though, is when you pry about his own life, deeply personal things. There was that time you first managed to pry out of him that he wasn't a eunuch - oh, no, now I'm scared. Heheh... just kidding. There was the time you asked him if he had any children, or a lover back home. He had to reinforce the negative answer several times (crossing his arms and getting all stiff and looking away, which you seemed to find very amusing) before you believed him and left the matter alone.
And then, one night, walking back to your room with him by your side in the otherwise empty hall, you return to that topic he hates so much. You're so tense all the time. It's not good to be so stressed, you know.
Your footsteps stop. You turn to him with that smirk on your face, grab one of his hands and clasp both of your own around it, pulling it closer to you. You speak in that playful, sultry tone.
I can help you. No one has to know.
It actually takes him a second to reply, stunned into wide-eyed stillness and silence, an expression of shock you've never seen on his usually stoic face. His whole body goes stiff and rigid. Then, after that moment passes, he jerks his hand back out of your grasp with force, stumbles a few steps back. He looks back at you with a serious, intimidating expression, one that makes the grin on your face fall, makes you shrink back.
Never say such things to me.
Even in all the times you've been reprimanded, he's never used that firm and rebuking of a tone. It makes you take a step back. You hang your head, speaking quietly, all traces of the flirtatious tone from moments before vanished.
...I'm sorry.
You can hear the frustration as he lets out a heavy exhale. Brings his hand up to his face, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. Mutters something about how you're too careless for your own good.
Go on to bed. I will forget this. You ought to as well.
You clearly feel hurt and guilty, and in truth, he really does feel bad about it, almost starts to apologize for being so firm to you, as you nod and turn to your door, hurriedly shuffling inside. But consciously, he knows you needed that firmness. Better to learn that now, than learn it by making a much more grave mistake. So he lets you go inside without another word exchanged.
And more importantly, it's best you go inside so you don't see the state he's in. He's on the verge of losing composure, managing to hold himself together right up until the moment your door shuts, before stumbling back to the wall, leaning against it as he slowly sinks down to the ground. Holds his hand out in front of his face to see it trembling. Presses two fingers to his neck to feel the rapid pounding of his heart. It takes a while, sitting there staring blankly to your door on the other side, before he can bring himself to stand up again. Even then, he has to hesitate a moment. Going in there would be so easy. All he would have to do is open the door. Put one foot in front of the other. It would be so simple.
And there's a voice in the back of his head that says you would be right. No one would know. He could probably get away with it.
It takes every ounce of willpower in his entire being (and, as a great motivator, thinking of the consequences if he were caught) to instead turn and go back to his own bed. Staring up at the ceiling all night.
Yes, it really was incredible that they would trust him so much.
Not that he can bring himself to leave you, no. He's terrified of what could happen to you if he left, he clearly sees how you disregard all of his warnings as to how dangerous the way you behave would be to anyone else. And he also can't leave because... he cares for you too much. His whole life revolves around you. To remove you from it would be like tearing his heart of out his chest.
But at the same time, surely he can't stay. It feels like an hourglass reaching the last few grains of sand, like a clock slowly ticking down. Something is bound to happen. Because of you... or maybe, if something in him finally breaks, because of himself. Or maybe because of you both. It's evitable. Like an animal in a trap, and he doesn't know how to get out. The only thing to do is wait for the inevitable day something happens, perhaps because of you... but now he's starting to think his downfall will be his own doing.
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gaslysgirl · 2 years
birthday sex with Charles? he's a giver for sure, especially on his girl's big day🥰 I imagine him waking his girl up with the best way ever cause let's be real, that beard sure helps... and then making out in the kitchen while he makes her her fave breakfast and before they know it, slow sex on the counter🤤 and after a date in a luxurious restaurant, passionate sex on their big bed all night and he makes sure she's pleased like the queen she is😍 he's so sigh and makes me have sooooo many thoughts bestie
He’d pull out everything darling (or well, maybe not everything 😈)
Charles’ head is between your thighs, leaving kisses on your skin as you start to wake up, his stubble scraping along your thighs.
When you push the sheets aside, you spot your boyfriend with a grin on his face before his tongue buries in your pussy.
He has you cumming on his tongue within a couple of minutes, and he wishes you a happy birthday while you’re squirming on the bed so prettily.
“Wait here, mon amour. I’ll make you some breakfast.”
But you couldn’t resist him as he pulled on some sweats, nothing else, and he went down to the kitchen.
You followed him not much later, one of his shirts draped over your body. Charles is trying to be focused on making the pancake batter, but how can he when his girlfriend is looking so good.
He pulled you on the counter to stand between your legs, your lips on his, your hands roaming over his bare chest.
Charles’ sweats are on the floor not much later, his cock buried deeply inside of you as he fucks you on the counter, groping at your curves under the shirt.
After breakfast is postponed two times already, he spoils you with gifts the whole day, maybe gifting some pretty shoes or jewelry for the dinner that night.
Charles had rented the whole restaurant at the marina, making sure everything was perfect and it was only the two of you.
When you came back home, there was no rush, but still you were eager to feel his body against yours.
He was so good in making it all about you, and after he slowly unzipped your dress and took off your shoes, he carried you onto the bed.
You lost count on how many times he made you cum that night.
He had you in possibly every position, not an inch of your skin left unkissed.
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quinnyundertow · 5 months
Not only that, time travel? We get multiple timelines that later get connected? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THIS TIME TO MAKE GETO NOT GO ON A CRISIS TO KILL ALL MONKEYS????
Naoya is a dick and i loved both parts when he was handdled by the reader and then when Gojo and Geto teamed up for revenge.
The small interaction with Toji got me all blushed OMG i cant wait to see reader and megumi meet!!
Im not screaming just super ecxited and happy this fic ecxist. Thx a lot 4 it.
😭😭😭😭😭 ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you, you are so kind and I am so glad you enjoy the fic so far! I honestly love Naoya as a character/villain and he will be making another appearance very soon 🤫
😭😭 Chocho is already so attached to reader and he just got his body. I can’t wait for reader to go back so she can give him all the love he deserves. Toji and Megumi will be very sooooon.
YOU MADE ME WANT TO SOBBBB WHEN YOU SAID MY LOVE FOR JUNPEI SHOWS. Agjrbelfhebskabrsk he deserves the whole world (they all do 😭) and I’m sooooo so happy you can feel that.
HEHHEHE I love Yuta vs Kamo Estate 😭🥹 One of my fav arcs (can a fanfic have arcs?? Lmao) I listened to “Holding out for a Hero” from Bonnie Tyler like 10000x when writing/thinking of that scene lmao. I adore Yuta if I had to pick my fav JJK character it’s him (I mean I have a fucking tatt of him 😭❤️) So anytime someone mentions they like this scene it makes me giddy.
Endgame is literally everyone 😭 yall think im playing but it’s reverse harem and I have a solution that will make that shit as realistic as possible.
Baby Toge/Adult Toge has my whole heart he’s so funny and endearing and I just wanna squeeze him 🥹
Thank you so much for this message. I adored reading it and it makes me so happy to hear my work made you happy. Especially with the new depressing leaks I think we all need a little positive delulu. (😭 me especially) I APPRECIATE YOU AND THE ENCOURAGEMENT MWAH!💋
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“but my Hot Take is it totally was worthy of Album of the Year BEFORE John got killed.” Yes! As far as the songs are concerned it does kind of feel like an incomplete play because how do you go from I’m Moving On to Yes I’m Your Angel?? (I started out ironically liking this one now tralalala is the default ringtone in my brain). How would you rate the songs? :)
Just listened to the whole thing again to give a better answer. Fun birthday morning activity before I go brunching B)))))
(Just Like) Starting Over: Gorgeous. Fun. Beautiful. Immediately became one of my top John songs. The chords on this are gorgeous; masterful use of an augmented. Also the "but when I see you, darling" melody is perfect. This song just makes me incredibly happy. Also the bass is good :) 10/10
Kiss Kiss Kiss: I LOOOOOVE how much this messes with the previous vibe. It works so well. The opening guitars are v cool. Yoko's side 1 sound is so varied and does such cool blending of genres. Like there's a ska thing going on here? I am also lowkey um. kind of into her noises. 9/10
Cleanup-Time: this is definitely a silly-goofy song but it is suuuuuuuch a banger. I love the moments of high tension. "Now it begins" and the "well, well, well." bits. It adds a darkness to the song. The horn section went offffff. 9/10
Give Me Something: Absolutely Insane. the best use of Yoko's vocals and style imaginable. The production is immaculate. 10/10
I'm Losing You: Absolutely Insane Pt. II. The bridge bit "Now in the valley of indecision" is sooooo devastating (+ it's an obscure biblical reference! literary beatle At It Again). This song builds so well, I love how genuinely upset he sounds towards the end, breaking down on "Don't wanna hear about it!!!!" and generally how his voice gets nasty at certain moments. The song feels like slowly and extremely painfully discovering irreconcilable differences. The guitars in each verses breakdown moment sound like alarm bells. It's an immaculate breakup-or-almost song. The sound is so good, the harmonies are great. The guitar solo is crazy!!!!!! (it actually reminds me of George's work on How Do You Sleep? but without the cringe!!) THE PRODUCTION IS CRAZY OKAY?????? 10/10
I'm Moving On: the most insane follow-up to the previous song. He laid his deepest fears bear and she said "And What Of It???" The lyric "When you were angry you had love in your voice" keeps me up at night. But BANGER of a bassline and funky fresh nonetheless. Most effective song transition on the album and most of them are good to great! 9.5/10
Beautiful Boy: Absolute devastation aside, I must confess I find this song a little more boring musically. Though I do appreciate the adventurousness of the vocoder and the bridge is gorgeous. The outro is nice and really relaxing. 7/10
Watching The Wheels: I love John Lennon and I want him to be okay :( also the way the song slows down at the end of the chorus is soooooooo much to me. Like it hurts my heart. I like his talk-singing here, it really works for the vibe. The lyrics are kind of depressing despite the fact they're on the surface positive. But I think the question of what constitutes a happy life is interesting and deep at its core. 8/10
Yes, I'm Your Angel: I love that John is sharing an album with a granny song again. Nature is healing. I vibe with this and it suits Yoko surprisingly well. Tralala, as you say. But it's insane of Yoko to call John her fairy. Girl. STOP. 7/10
Woman: It's distinctly more boring than anything else John wrote for this album but I do enjoy it and find it sweet for the most part (aside from the horrors). The production reminds me a lot of Here, There and Everywhere. 6/10
Beautiful Boys: this is the least good one. It is just musically pretty uninteresting and the lyrics are kind of clunky. But the intro and instrumental bits sound cool tbh and I like how the production builds. "You've got all you can carry / And still feel somehow empty." OKAY???? 5/10
Dear Yoko: cute!! The sounds are very fun. "Even when I watch TV / There's a hole where you're supposed to be / There's no body lying next to me" is soooooooo much. I like the silly voice he puts on and I LOOOOVE the spoken bit at the end :((( 7/10
Every Man Has A Woman Who Loves Her: The production is good I just wish the song itself was better and it's too long. I like John providing backing vocals because it makes sense given the content. I feel like if this was just FASTER it would be great. The solo reminds me of ABBA. 6/10
Hard Times Are Over: I like this song!! It's sweet. The melodies are good, very cool playing between minor and major. I also like how the "over" ties back in with Starting Over. It works well as an album closer. Though Of Course, one begins to wonder what these hard times were exactly when the album cut off mid-conflict. Makes You Think. (This album gives me brainrot!!!!) Anyway I like Yoko's vocal here a lot and I like John joining on the refrains in the background :) 7.5/10
In conclusion: Double Fantasy good
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sebfreak · 1 year
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon or My happy marriage Ep2:
Okay sorry, not a great beginning for my thoughts. You see, if i don´t write them down I think my head will explode right after the episode. So here we are.
You seeeeeee I can totally understand you when you are starting to get disappointed for both main characters. I mean hey, the start isn´t sooooo fluffy and pink and everything BUT hear me out. You will receive your reward.
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I mean come on did you really think he was the type of human being who would say this and actually mean it? No no nono, he isn´t but it´s his act. XDDDD Nice try young man, but this time you will lose. (your heart to this wonderful person <3)
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The animation is so good. (not my screenshot that´s shit actually) but damn the animation is so good. This is story is so loved.
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Of course he is. He is a real tsundere, so he doesn´t mean what he says. His attitude is really cold, yes I can´t deny that but he will support Miyo so much. But yes her start is kinda clunky. It´s not nice to imply that she poisened his food. Otherwise I mean... his job isn´t that easy, so obviously he has a lot of enemies. Everyone can be the next killer but yes... they have definitely not a short way until they get some feelings. XDDDD But i love this trope so much, because they will learn so much more about the other one. Especially Miyo. She will learn a lot. It makes me so angry to see the past scenes in which she is abused. Like how can you be so cruel? It´s inexcusable for me and wish them all the worst things.
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Like.. wtf? You can´t just marry a new woman and forget everything about your past or ignore it. You have a second daughter and she should be treated with the same respect like your new wife and her child. It´s soooo uurrrggghhhhh.... this is really the first story that made me so angry about abusement. They showed it so well in the anime but also in the manga you can feel it. Yes, it´s a romance story but the past is so dark and I love how they show us why Miyo is behaving like that. Because it is understandable when she is depressed, has nightmares, and feels like that nobody wants her or likes her. I mean why should she think more positive when her own family is treating her like that?
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She is used to do the simple tasks like housework and preparing a bath because it was her whole life. Her tiny room, they same daily tasks she had to do. This was her whole existence because she couldn´t ask for more. Nobody would give it to her anyways. So at one point she accepted her fate and for her the new home is like a new place in which she can do the same things again. So it´s very confusing for her and instead being happy she is depressed and sad and trying to accept that she is useless. Because her self confidence vanished a long time ago. My gosh the abusement is so hard....
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So I think you can understand more when she starts crying after he praises her food. Not only because he ate it and didn´t try to accuse her for poisening but also because there was somebody who said that her food is very good. A simple compliment but it meant so much more for Miyo.
aaaaahhhhh this story is destroying me again and making me cry because damn I can understand Miyo so much and the bonding these two will get, is soooooo wonderful.
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crimswnred · 1 year
HC’s of how your LIs would react to finding out she’s pregnant? For the girls let’s say they’ve been trying for ages through IVF/donors.
thanks for the question!! from your ask I gathered you mean MC and LI have been trying to have a baby, right?!
with that in mind, I'll be doing my favourite LIs that I think would love to have a child 💕 if you have any specific LI in mind, pls send me an ask.
as always, please look under the cut 👇
when you finally get that positive result you're not only overflowing with happiness but also are planning to make a special announcement for daddy. there's tiny little baby shoes in a surprise box, there's cameras recording and there's MOST DEFINITELY tears. Jake can't contain his happiness and he's crying as soon as he spots the tiny shoes. then, he's swirling you around. it's just a very very happy moment.
when he sees the test and looks at you searching for confirmation — because let's face it, Tim doesn't know how a pregnancy test works — he is screaming and kissing you. also, he IMMEDIATELY calls his mom to share the news. maybe even facetiming her while he cries like a baby. he's the happiest man in the world and is already thinking of names.
I'm a little torn between whether or not she wants to have children and I don't have any recollection if that's talked about during S1 but I'm doing it anyway.
she just can't believe it. she looks at you, then she looks at the test and then she looks at you again in complete shock. not too long after, she's crying and hugging you and just keeping you close. it's been a long time coming and she's just so, so, happy. the moment isn't loud, it's intimate. just between the two of you.
oh, man. I believe Bobby is a very family centred guy, that's why the perfect announcement would be when your families are reunited. picture the whole fam in the living room! you get up, everyone is paying attention and you announce it. Bobby gasps, then grabs you, then twirls you and then gets all worried because can he do that if you're pregnant? you're laughing all the time, even when he starts crying. the fam is looking at you guys adoringly and I can see a lot of pictures being taken (and a lot of questions being asked as well)
you sit Noah down on the bed, grabs his hands and tells him the news. the big smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes leave you with no doubt: he IS the one. he waste no time on touching your belly and kissing you tenderly. the moment is simple but it's also private, intimate and very special. it gets you so emotional that you can't help but cry and he also sheds a tear.
she's immediately jumping around, hugging you, screaming, kissing you. it's a big party as soon as she hears the word 'pregnant', there's no need to see the test. she's calling everyone, the news are spreading like wildfire and you don't even try to stop her because you don't remember ever seeing AJ that happy. the same night, she's following every baby related profile she can find.
this man is on his knees kissing your belly from the moment you show him the test. of course, he still wants to be 100% sure and take a blood test, but when I say he is absolutely BEYOND HAPPY when he sees the lines. talks directly to the baby about how he just can't wait to see them 💕
DEAR GOD. this man will go through every stage of happiness in 5 seconds. he'll be sooooo shocked at first, asking you a BILLION times if you're sure. once you confirm to him that YES you're fucking sure, he will then cry, hug you, kiss you, repeat his wedding vows, call his mama, talk to the baby, then proceed to act like you're 8 months pregnant even though you're barely a month. already thinking of a bunch of dad jokes.
I really think Youcef would be soooooo emotional. he's crying in a way you've never seen him cry before and suddenly the feeling of his touch is way more soft and tender. It's a vere honest moment between you, and he demonstrates soooo much love. I really think that being a dad is a major thing for him and he couldn't be happier to share this moment with you.
📌 headcanons masterlist.
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milekael · 5 months
oooo how about 🟡⚪⚫ for Venture?
Omg..... you knew the codeword........................
What is something your OC wants but knows they can never have? How does it feel to never get this specific desire?
HAHAHAHA see this is Venture's main character drive <3 <3 <3 She was born a pirate and always thought she couldn't get a more fulfilling life because after being born in those circumstances, the world likes to make sure you stay in those circumstances. So her whole deal is "Stuff I want but everyone says I can't have.... I am a pirate so if there is one thing I know how to do is how to get stuff that was never meant to be mine!" and she rushes through life with that mindset... and so far it has been worth it!! Very difficult, specially now that she grew a conscience and now feels terrible for the things that she has done buuuuuut she sure is trying to have it!!
The true answer is her brother, she wants her brother back but she is yet to accept she never can :') Again chasing things even if everyone tells you that you can't have that.... I MEAN to be fair she has encountered ghosts and befriended one so doing that leap from "I can revive my brother" is a reasonable one... if you don't fully understand how this stuff works lol
She is just so sad she just wants to bring her brother back SOBS
When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded?
OUGH currently Event 2 Expedition 4... EXP 4 in general actually. She was faced with a lot of her fears (Being judged by God) but during Event 2 not only she was shown what she lost (Her brother, her crew, her life where she did anything she pleased without feeling guilt...) but also in front of the rest of the teammates, including some that represent what she is most insecure about (How while the Guild is her "new home" she doesn't feel wanted there because of her backstory) and it was OOUUUUUGGGGHHHHH just sooooo good WTW I love you
When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most in control and secure? Was it gained through negative or positive means?
HEHEHE >:3c SO this is interesting because during game I'd say it was the time she raided the Red Tide Marauders base because... She wanted power to be able to change things, and she got it!! You can get pretty much anything you want if you threaten anyone to shoot them Lightning in the face LOL And she wanted answers and she got them!!... And they didn't make her happy because of course hearing the reasons why your brother was killed didn't bring any peace. In a way she was expecting to find that control because controlling something as powerful and erratic and terrifying as Lightning should have translated to controlling your life!! And when it didn't she got so angry she killed the guy because well!! If I have no control over my life and the cycle of violence then I might as well just be part of it!!!!!!!! HELP that ended up going in the other direction.... huuuuhhh..... Venture likes having control over social situations where she is very good!! Also she really likes controlling her electricity now so thats cool!!
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strawberryfaced · 7 months
What are your fave scenes in s3? ☺️
im so glad u asked anon .. ive been waiting to find an excuse to talk abt this. ….
ep2: ok so in ep2 i’m sooooo obsessed with the tiny scene where simon puts his head on wille’s shoulder like a little dog or something. there’s just something sooo innocent and wholesome about it. but then there’s also wille and august’s fight and oh my god. the way wille almost killed him just because he said a few words to his bf… like calm down but also i support u. then again I actually have found myself kinda rooting for august this season so… kinda yikes too. and oh my god wait wait i have to talk about simon’s new song. FIRST OF FUCKING ALL THE REFERENCE TO REVOLUTION BY ELIAS (which im coincidentally listening to right now)??? AND THEN ALSO HIS LITTLE CHUCKLE WHEN HE GETS THR POSITIVE COMMENTS (which are absolutely deserved. it needs to be on Spotify right now) THAT SCENE. I LOVE SIMON. BUT THEN AGAIN NOT EVEN THR BEST PART BECAUSE I INOW IT WS SAD BUT WHEN WILLE CALLED SIMON TELLING HIM HE NEEDED TO DELETE THR VIDEO HIS LITTLE OKAY… !!//&&
ep3: for ep3 firstly the pre-camp scene when wille picks up simon. the “big boy”. IM CRYING. and the hammock scene …….. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. but oh my god do not even get me fuckinf started on the rave scene. that one frame of wilmon. roshella and frederika’s jealousy (ok personally i am not a stella nor frederika fan. the way they treat Felice is an absolute no but still that scene killed me). BUT ALSO WILMON’s TENT FIGHT??? I MEAN LIKE. THE SHUSHING. WILLE REFERENCINF SIMON SELLIG TO AUGUST. ABSOLUTELY. FOUL. ok but the one that really did it for me was simon and linda comfort scene. i cried during that scene. i love love love linda and simon so much no one will get it.
ep4: wilmon flirting during the inspection. no further notes . anyways sara and her dad bonding driving singing scene. I didn’t include most of sara’s scenes in my favourite scenes but oh my god can I just say sara, august, and micke this season I loved their stories sos so much. and the singing while driving scene. it hurt me. because as much as I hate to admit it micke reminds me of my own dad (and wille. wille this season. when I watched some of his scenes I got fully afraid). so yeah that’s really important to me!! ok anyway there is also the baking scene. no further notes on this one too. OK BUT THE HALLWAY MAKEOUT I SCREAMED. WHAT. I really really really need edvin and omar’s commentary on this one.
ep4: not many fave scenes in this one but my favourite scene in this ep was probably the one after simon’s home was broke into and wille runs to him and embraces him in a hug. no kissing, no sneaky flirting (as much as I love those things) just pure warmth and love and care. I loved it.
ep5: actually ep5 Broke me but since young royals is just so amazing I still managed to have favourite scenes in this one. first is the music room fight. yes yes I know it was terrible but it was terrible and I loved it. I just really loved the intensity here and it was such a huge contrast from the previous seasons too because tbh s1 and s2 to me were mostly like wille being obsessed with simon and simon being an amazing confident assertive boyfriend. but this season…. this scene… it changed. wille’s angry so much and it’s like simon is just trying his best. he’s sacrificed some of his own feelings to care for wille’s (not saying he didn’t do that previous seasons) it was biggggg. ALSO THE MORNING HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE YOU WILMON. oh OH OH AND THEN AUGUST GIVING SAFA THE LETTER. like I said previously i actually am kind of rooting for august this season and sara I love her screen time so much she’s such an interesting character. so the combo of this … it was crazy. and I honestly really enjoyed the way sara just hugged august it made me smile very hard but ngl the kiss was abit too much for me. i think that was like…not good of them to do. last but not least wilmon birthday fight. can i just say. the whole cast in that scene were amazing. you know the famous fallen angel painting. that was how amazing edvin’s acting was. it was so so intense. and simon/omar .. i respect them so much in that scene. anyways we’re not gonna talk abt the bed scene because that doesn’t exist in my little head anymore :)
okay that was it i believe. both waiting for and watching the last episode will probably include a lot of crying. but u know it is what it is!! we rock this shit right!! i love young royals with my whole heart and to the anon that sent me this ask im so so sorry for dumping all this on u but thank u for letting me talk :3 n to anyone else who saw this if u read even one paragraph of this i love you
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emile-hides · 2 years
WOW FAIRY TAIL. seeing them brought back sooooo many memories of middle school me hgehasf ANYWAY what do you think about the Strauss siblings??
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The most siblings of all time my god!!!! I love them so much can do no wrong my three baby children!!
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I try not to be too biased but my god. Elfman is everything one could ever want in a character. He sets the standard for Fairy Tail guys. He's big. He's Dumb. He's full of love. The perfect himbo of a guy.
Baby Elfman specifically is my everything he is just a Littol Guy I am pinching his cheeks and pulling them till he cries he's so cute in him little bow tie baby smile absolute perfect child hold him gently and brush his hair.
Elfman to me is Bi with a preference to men. There's a filler episode where Juvia is asking everyone what they want most as a gift no matter what and I know his whole bit is Manly but the fact that his answer with minimal hesitation is "A man" is so not Straight. But also his entire thing with Evergreen actually matters to me so much you do not understand.
Headcanon that Elfman is positively terrified of his own strength, he doesn't like being big and buff as much as he acts like he does. He likes feeling like he could protect people, sure, but in his mind he's just as likely to hurt them as well. When he gets older and his life calms down as the need to take jobs to pay rent lessens I think he'd eventually stop working out and fall comfortably into a pudgier shape, more like he was when he was little. Dad bod Elfman. Bear Elfman. Consider it.
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Mirajane is probably, objectively, the best character in this show, Hands down. She's the only female character treated with any respect in a fight, she is smart, she is sweet, she is cute, she can kick your ass, she's very easily the second strongest wizard in the guild tailing Gildarts by only the littlest bit. She's held back by the trauma of loosing half her family not once but twice, she healed, and still chooses not to fight as she just lost the taste for it.
She's one of few characters who uses her head, she thinks, she holds the guild braincell and my god has she had to bear it for so long. The wiki says she's 19 and I fucking disagree. This is THE woman of all time. She uses her power as The Only One Who Thinks to mess with people and my god she's so fucking funny I'm sorry but this woman's gags are hysterical and when everyone else is getting into bullshit and she just plays into it and encourages them I genuinely laugh every time.
To me she has a lot of Aro vibes, happy with friends and family. If she were to get into a romantic relationship I think it'd be with another woman, I just can't see her with a guy?? She was born to live the Aunt life though, so when Elfman finally settles down and adopts the dad bod she is going to be all over his kids all the time.
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Lisanna I have a bit of a harder time with. I wasn't really expecting to ever really know her, ya know? She was dead, it was a big deal, a big stain in the backstory of everyone in the Guild at the time. I thought she'd be someone who's death rung across the rest of the narrative, not a sort of love interest to get between Natsu and Lucy (which she doesn't really do either?)
She doesn't have a lot of plot relevance. Where I am right now she has yet to take a fight on her own, and as far as I can remember all the fights she has been in she's lost. Everyone counts her out really fast, keeps her out of harms way, kinda... treats her like a baby. And then outside of fights she doesn't do much either? I have a hard time finding her in character shots around the guild or placing her in any casual situations. So not only is she no longer the trauma the Guild bears, she's also still not really present despite being alive.
I like her, trust me! I think she's cute, the way Laxus reacted to her on Tenro island is positively adorable and makes me laugh every time, I like Elfman having another sister to bully him around in my stead, I'm glad Mira had the chance to heal she always needed and the sister she loved back.
I just think, personally, she was better as a point in history the characters grieved than as a character rarely used.
Also she's Straight and Transgender I make the rules this is my house.
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dreamhot · 1 year
Do you still want positive things? I have lived in mexico for the last 4 months in a cultural exchange. Its been fun, but the local coordinator was a bitch and didn’t give us food like she was supposed too, she also lied a lot and took money from the funds :(
but she got fired, and I came home yesterday :D
I have a lot of things im grateful for. My parents fridge is stuffed with food, they have a full pantry, and plenty of water. I can stick my head under the sink and drink as much as I want! I took a hot shower today. I slept in a bed that didn’t give me bruises! My pillow was sooooo comfortable. I saw my puppy, and he went ballistic and licked me so much my glasses got smudged 🐶. I got to hug my mom! I went to the driving range with my brother! My sister and I went shopping, and I ate dinner with my whole family and felt full. I have a dishwasher. I have a washing machine and a dryer. I got so many hugs today I couldn’t count them (I tried) (i havent been hugged since I left)
I got to drive my car. I wasnt locked in a tiny apartment with eight other people. I had apple cider and watched part of a movie on a real couch. I caught up on dream stuff I missed (which was sadder, but he is alive and with his friends which is better than the last time I went on a trip and Technoblade died) I gave presents to people who make me happy and made them happy.
I heard back from the apartment i want to rent. Im starting college next semester. I got hugged again when I took a break from writing this. I don’t have to ration my food, my water, or my love!
this is lovely anon<33 if you're the same person who had messaged me back then about returning to the techno news ... i suppose it's bittersweet that this is 'better' (while still tough), but i'm glad that everything else in your life is bringing you joy :')
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farcillesbian · 1 year
im so. god I had such a yuri night I have so much to tell you all yuri nation:
- went to the skate park and we ended up hanging out for 5 whole hours
- I got comfier with skateboarding!! woohoo!!
- we were listening to music and then she was like omg I'm gonna get my guitar from my car, is it ok if I play a couple of my songs. so she fucking played and sang two of her original songs to me and it was such a privilege to get to hear it. and she's so talented. and in fact she asked to record herself on my phone so I could play it back on the speaker and she could play along to the recording and so now I have a recording of her singing and playing guitar saved on my phone and the clip ends with her giggling and I am so fucking gay about it I definitely fell a little bit in love in that moment
- I decided to try skating down a ramp and she had offered to help me by letting me hold onto her. so I HELD BOTH OF HER HANDS WHILE I WENT DOWN AND SHE RAN WITH ME TIL I STOPPED. this happened twice btw.
- we went and had a bite to eat at the tim Hortons across the street. and we were def stoned lol and just chatting and eating and I swear at one point while I was talking I caught her looking at me. but also she was excitedly telling her about this sports bra she got that was comfy and made her feel so cute and happy about it AND SHE SHOWED ME A PIC OF HER WEARING IT. like it *was* just a sports bra but I was so gay in that moment it was like. uhm. yes that's wonderful Sidney. 😳 she has no idea how that was for me lol.
- then we spent time chilling in the grass watching the stars come out and listening quietly to music and it was so pleasant. our shoulders were touching at one point and I was like god I am so fucking gay.
- while doing that I had to run away for a sec to go pee across the street lol and when she came back she told me she'd been practicing her voice training a bit while I was gone and she actually like was trying out her higher voice around me and she told me that she rarely uses that around anyone because she's shy and nervous about it. but she shyly spoke to me like that 😭 it was really fucking sweet and I felt so privileged that she felt comfortable enough around me to do that. and her voice is genuinely sooooo beautiful (both her upper and lower registers) I love listening to her speak
- she also talked about how sometimes people who see her at the cafe will say she's pretty or people will say that someone saw her and called her pretty and she has trouble believing that they're being genuine and not just like. thinking they're Being Nice™ because they notice she's trans. and I was like well I mean i genuinely had this "who's that pretty girl and why does she know my name" moment when we ran into each other last week. and she then asked me if I was nervous when I went back up to say hi the next time I was in and I was like MAYBE A LITTLE... and she said she noticed my hands shaking 😭😭😭 but she also was really happy I said hi to her 😭😭😭😭
- after she had played her music for me she also talked about how it meant a lot that when I heard her play at the festival in the fall I told her it sounded very midwest emo to me. and that to connect on a music level like that is something really important and special to her. and I'm like SAME.
- she also told me she really likes how I'm always paying attention to positive art. like I'm always noticing little trans graffiti and stuff and showing it to her.
- when it got cold she lent me an extra hoodie from her car and told me yellow suited me 😭
basically like if she didn't have a gf I would probably think she's into me and tbh I still am kinda wondering that because she said she had questioned in the past whether she's polyam and decided that she's probably not but I can't help but wonder. idk this could mean anything and either way this is such a beautiful deep friendship. it feels so real like we can both be fully ourselves with each other
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