#and she’ll ask where I am and dad will have to tell her that I’ve gone home and she won’t see me for a while
danikamariewrites · 5 months
Hi! I’m the anon the asked about the pregnancy request! I’d love to request one with Ruhn. I feel like he would be an amazing dad!
The reader has been having pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, cravings, etc. she doesn’t even think she might be pregnant and Ruhn doesn’t consider it either because of what the oracle told him. Either Dec and Flynn or Bryce and Hunt (or whoever you want) bring up that maybe she might be pregnant to Ruhn or her. Their reactions are up to you. I just think after Ruhn thinking he would never have kids it would be great. 😅
Ruhn x reader
A/n: He would be so happy to be a dad and I hope he and Lidia can have a kid of their own one day
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of vomit
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Ruhn did a double take as he walked past you. “Hey y/n/n, what ya got there?” He raised an eyebrow at the wild sandwich you were putting together. You look up at him, knife in hand floating above the toasted bread. “A sandwich.” You murmur, a slight blush at being caught.
Your mate hummed taking in all the ingredients you have laid out on the counter. “Cream cheese, turkey, pickles, and Solas, I don’t even want to name everything else.” He joked. You throw a pickle at him, “Let me eat in peace asshole,” you giggle.
Throwing the pickle back at you he makes his way to stand next to you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Ok, ok, make your crazy whatever this is.” “Thank you,” you kiss his lips and shoo him away.
The next morning Ruhn wakes up to the sound of you being sick in the bathroom. He flings himself out of bed to be by your side, knowing how much you hate being sick. Pulling your hair back Ruhn lays a tattooed hand gently on your back, rubbing in soothing circles.
When you’re finally done you lean back against him, your eyes closed and trying to calm yourself. Ruhn helps you stand, guiding you over to the sink to rinse out your mouth. “You ok, baby?” You nod, holding your face under the faucet gulping water and spitting it out. Resting your face in your hands you take in deep breathes, “Solas, that was fucking awful. What the hell did I eat?”
Ruhn bit back his laugh thinking back to the monstrosity you made for lunch yesterday. “And don’t bring up my sandwich. It was good.” You say, reading his mind. Ruhn goes back to rubbing soothing circles between your shoulder blades. Kissing the back of your head he murmurs, “Come on you, lets get you back to bed,”
Leaving you with a few slices of toast, ice water, and a forehead kiss Ruhn leaves you to rest.
Hours later Bryce comes in the house to find her mate lazing about with her brother and the rest of the frat pack. Looking around for you Bryce purses her lips curiously. “Where’s y/n?” Hunt rushes over to her, embracing his mate like he hasn’t seen her all day. “She’s in bed, she was sick this morning.” Ruhn said with a small frown.
“Oh, I’ll go check on her.” Bryce gives Hunt one more kiss before untangling herself from his grasp. Bryce raced up the stairs, gently knocking on the door to Ruhn’s bedroom. “Come in,” you grumble, rising up on your elbows. The sight of Bryce’s wine red hair brings a smile to your face. Bryce plops down next to you, “How are you babe?”
You let out an exaggerated groan, burying your face in your pillow. “I feel like shit. I’ve been sick all morning and I am so fucking exhausted.” Bryce narrowed her eyes at you letting out a small hum. You could see the gears turning in Bryce’s clever mind. “Do you…are you pregnant?” Your eyes practically bulge out of your head at the question. Pregnant? But the Oracle…didn’t she tell Ruhn he wouldn’t have kids or something?
“No. There’s no way. Right?” You say quickly. “Let me call Hypaxia. She’ll be able to help.” Bryce quickly whips out her phone to call Hypaxia.
The Witch quickly entered the house, passing the boys without a word, ignoring Ruhn’s questions about you. Entering the bedroom she gives you the brightest smile. Putting her hands over her heart she makes her way over to the bed. “You think you’re pregnant,” Hypaxia coos at you.
“Yeah,” you say with an equally bright smile, pressing your hands against your cheeks. You move to the middle of the bed, Bryce holding your hand while Hypaxia kneels next to you, holding her glowing hands over your exposed tummy.
Full of worry, Ruhn couldn’t just sit here and mindlessly chat with his friends. If Hypaxia were here, and speeding up to you, did that mean you were really sick? It was rare for fae to get really sick. Was Ruhn missing the early signs of a bad illness? Standing abruptly Ruhn quickly made his way upstairs.
Opening the door he found the three of you on the bed, smiling like giddy school girls with tears falling down your and Bryce’s cheeks. So not severely ill then? Ruhn cleared his throat, all three of your heads whipping toward him. Bryce and Hypaxia looked at you, nodding at them they both slip off the bed walking past Ruhn giving him a knowing smile.
You wave him over and Ruhn wastes no time rushing to your side. Ruhn brings his hand to cradle your cheeks. His vibrant blue eyes scanning your face for any signs of sickness. “I know what you’re thinking, I could feel you through the bond. I promise there is nothing to worry about. Well not yet,” you joke. Ruhn title his head in curiosity. Taking one of his hands you rest it on your still exposed tummy.
Sending a wave of love down the bond you smile up at Ruhn. “I’m pregnant, my love.” You whisper. A joyous laugh leaves Ruhn’s lips, silver lining his eyes. “You-you’re really,” he can’t get the words out. The bond overwhelmed with joy coming from both of you. Ruhn pulls you to his chest, holding the back of your head as he burys his face in the crook of your neck.
Pulling away he gently lays you down, now hyper aware of the little life growing inside you. As he stares down at your still flat stomach he places a hand over his mouth. “I’m gunna be a dad. We’re gunna be parents.” You cover his hand that still hasn’t left your stomach, nodding your head against the pillow. “Yeah,” you whisper, still in disbelief.
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supercutszns · 8 months
A best friends to lovers between Luke and a Ares reader where some how Ares ends up at Camp-Half-Blood and gets to meet all his kids, and despite his seemingly uninterested demeanor when he meets the 2 best fighters of his cabin (Clarisse and the reader) he’s genuinely impressed but doesn’t show it. Reader ends up feeling like she disappointed Ares due to his lack of emotion despite the days and nights full of intense training she’s put in since being at camp and ends up ranting about it to Luke who ends up confronting Ares despite the intimidation he feels when doing so because he wants reader to know how amazing she truly is and knows that if it comes from the father she looks up to so dearly that she’ll believe it finally. Ares reluctantly ends up talking to the reader and says something along the lines of Luke being a decent boyfriend and that he has some fire for being a child of Hermes. Ares genuinely thought the two were together but shrugged it off when the reader disagreed despite her feelings. After Ares and tiny Ares have their heart to heart, or as close to one of those as u can get with that cabin, reader ends up thanking Luke and confessing her feelings.
Ik that was a lot sry! I’ve just had the idea since the Ares ep came out. Have a great day 😊😊
omfg i am eating this up. u had me at best friends to lovers
ares coming to camp and meeting his kids😭😭 my god that’s so bittersweet especially with clarisse and reader being the best fighters :( luke confronting ares i’m FERALLL U KNOW HE WOULD CONFRONT A GOD FOR HIS GIRL HE DOES NOT GAF (or at least he pretends to. he’s still a little scared)
he’s already angry at the gods and the one that happens to be your father just disregards your strength?? you’re upset and you confide in him about how inadequate you feel and luke’s like oh i need to beat a bitch up
luke gets ares alone the second he can and like tries to be diplomatic but it’s obvious how much he hates ares right off the bat. basically comes in fists ablaze and ares says “no i actually was super impressed by her i just didn’t feel like telling her lol” and luke is like. what is wrong with you
eventually the conversation ends on a somewhat lukewarm note; when luke turns to leave ares says kinda nonchalantly “i see why you two are together, you’ve got a lot of fire for a hermes kid”
luke just goes: huh??????????? and ares is like “you know, you and my daughter” luke just stares at area dumbstruck and he just sighs and is like. jesus fucking christ there’s no way
then he talks to you (a little begrudgingly but only a little; he wonders if some of aphrodite’s matchmaking tendencies have rubbed off on him) and he tells you very sparingly that you’re gifted, then he’s like “please for the love of Me, Ares, the War God tell that boy you like him i think he’s going to set me on fire.”
he ends the conversation at that so obviously you’re dumbstruck (both by the praise and by your father urging you to ask out your best friend) but when luke comes around to ask how it went you know your dad got something right.
you thank him for everything and work up the courage to mention what ares said at the end, and luke laughs a little and is like “that’s so weird he said the same thing to me” so you shrug and say “maybe he has a point.” luke doesn’t get flustered often but he def is now so you take it upon yourself to kiss him to drive the point home <3 after that you confess the full scope of your feelings and he kisses you bc he’s just so eager and he mutters against your lips that this is the only time he’s ever respected a god in the slightest. then you guys go spar together like old times except this time there’s 90% more making out 💗💗
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Wasting time
When we pull into Venus port, I don’t head to the hauler bar, and the rest of the crew don’t ask me to. Where they turn left, I turn right, and head off among the locals. The buse I take is new; they have different restraints now. The driver, too, probably. But the route is the same as it was when I left Venus for the first time, seven years ago.
I see her before she sees me. Natalie is almost thirteen now, and oh wow, she’s getting tall. She leans on the school fence, talking to a friend; both girls wear their school uniform belts at an odd angle, but it’s the same off angle, so it must be the latest teen fashion or something. There is laughter in her eyes and the ugliest paint I’ve ever seen on her nails and crystals threaded in her hair and I’m almost surprised that I can even recognise her on sight. It has, after all, been a full year since I’ve seen her.
Then she catches sight of me, and her eyes light up with joy, and without even pausing to say goodbye to her friend she runs over and throws her arms around my neck (not a strain at all, she’s getting so tall). “Mum!” she shrieks in delight, and pulls back a bit, smiling. “You look the same.”
I nod. It’s not surprising. It has, after all, only been a month since she’s seen me.
“Let’s get to the restaurant. We’ll meet your dad there.”
“Are you going to stay for my birthday?”
She always asks, and the answer is always the same. “Of course I’ll be here for your birthday.”
The restaurant is the same one that we always go to – my favourite, mostly because it never seems to update the décor – and unlike Natalie, I almost don’t recognise Samuel. There are new lines in his face, new grey in his hair, and he’s stopped bothering to wear clothes I’d remember; only his position at our usual table, and the way Natalie rushes right over to him, tips me off that this man is my husband. I sit down, and I smile at him, and he smiles back and there’s so much love there, but also tiredness. So much tiredness.
“The usual?” he asks.
“You know what I like.”
We order, and Natalie orders something with Neptunian prunes in it. I frown. “You hate Neptunian prunes.”
She rolls her eyes. “I love them, Mum.”
“I could have sworn…”
“I think what your mother means,” Samuel cut in, “is that you used to hate them when you were younger.”
“Well, yeah; when I was a kid,” Natalie says, and pops a prune into her mouth.
Throughout dinner, Natalie tells me about the latest fashions and the latest music and the latest drama with her friends, and I drink it all in as best I can. I’m in port for a week, and then I’m off, and by the time I get back next month this will all be a year out of date, but I try to keep up. It’s all I’ll have. Hair diamonds are in but hair rubies are out, if all you’ve got is rubies then you’re best to go ‘barehead’ without any jewels, and Venus Fog is the latest upcoming band and Natalie thinks she’ll get into acting and also I should tell dad how great it would be to get pet rats. Eventually she excuses herself to go to the bathroom, leaving Samuel and I over the scraps of our meals. I push some vegetables around my plate, not meeting his eyes, while he watches me.
“You look the same,” he says.
“You always say that.”
“It’s always true.”
“Next time I’ll get a tattoo or something.”
He tenses up at the phrase ‘next time’. I fall silent again.
After several long, awkward seconds, I ask, “How’s Valerie?”
“Fine,” he says. “Valerie’s doing fine.”
I bite my lip, not caring if I look jealous. I’m not; really, I’m not. It would be ridiculous for me to expect Sam to wait an entire year to see me, over and over, and not have someone else. He would never have even pursued Valerie if I hadn’t suggested it. It was a necessity of the situation.
And honestly, it’s not even just the long waits. Sam and I had been school sweethearts and gotten married when we were both nineteen. Now I’m twenty seven, and he’s… thirty five, I think? No amount of love in the world will change the fact that I am simply getting too young for him. And that’s the real problem with Valerie, I guess. She’s always been younger than him – two years younger. And me? Well.
“You’re staying for Natalie’s birthday, right?” he asks.
“Of course I’m here for Natalie’s birthday. I’m always here for Natalie’s birthday.”
“And not much else,” he mumbles under his breath, and I drop my fork and glare at him.
“What would you have me do, Sam? We have bills!”
“Everyone has bills. Everyone manages.”
“If we want to get Natalie into a tier one quarternary school – ”
“We both managed fine in a normal quarternary school.”
“ – then we need an income; a good income. Being an interstellar hauler makes me ten times the money I could make anywhere on Venus and you know it.”
“Ten times the money, for twelve times the time. You realise that, right? It comes out less on our end.”
“Do you need more? I can borrow from – ”
“No! This isn’t about needing more money; I work, Valerie works, it’s fine. It’s about your excuse for this job being oxshit! On our timeframe, you pull in less money this way, and you know it. You’re out there on the edge of lightspeed, for a year at a time, letting it do this to you, for – ”
“Do what to me? It isn’t doing anything to me; I’m fine. Just because I’m living slower than you doesn’t mean – ”
“It’s stealing time from you; time with your family! Do you see yourself? Hear yourself? To you, it’s a month-on, week-off job, but every time you go out to haul near lightspeed, it’s a year before we see you again.”
“I understand that. I – ”
“I don’t think you do! I don’t understand how you can – your daughter is turning thirteen! Half a year ago, she was six to you, right? In half a year for you, I raised a child into a budding teen. Six months more of this, and your daughter will be an adult. You realise that, right? In less than a year and a half, your time, your daughter will be older than you. And she’ll barely know you! She barely knows you now! This isn’t time you’ll get back, you know. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.”
“I know,” I say. “I know, I just… one more haul, maybe two. Then we’ll have enough for Natalie’s education, and I can come back and with that nest egg I’ll have time to actually spend with her, an so will you, since neither of us will have to work long hours any more. Just a couple more months, and we can – ”
Samuel reaches out and wraps his large, soft, gentle hands around mine. “Love. If you get back on that hauler ship, then when you get back, there will be divorce papers waiting for you.”
Natalie comes back then, so I’m forced to bite back my reply, and I think I manage to hide my rage through dinner. Afterwards, I decide to walk back to my dorms in port rather than take the bus; maybe I can walk off some of the anger.
He doesn’t understand, he really doesn’t understand, how good the money is for so little time. He’d really rather I stay on Venus and work for over a decade to make what I could in a single year on the ship. And he’s right, to an extent, about missing time with Natalie, but wouldn’t I me missing almost as much time working long hours here? This way, I have a full week off to see her every month. And once I’ve made enough, I’ll have as much time as I want with her.
Divorce. Ha. I should’ve known he’d fall more in love with Valerie in my absence. This is just an excuse.
I get to the dorms, and keep walking. Walk all the way to the hauler bar. It’s full of lightspeed haulers and basically no one else but waitstaff; we haulers tend to keep to our own kind, on the whole. My crew are there, of course, as are a few other crews, all mixed up and chatting with each other, because when you’ve spent a month cooped up with the same people you don’t want to hang out with just them on your downtime, too. We all share friendly, familiar nods and looks, friends and strangers alike. Lightspeed haulers intrinsically understand each other. There are experiences we all share that people like Samuel just don’t get.
My captain presses a drink into my hands. “So your little girl’s party is in three days, and then you’re free, right?” he asks without preamble.
“Not so little any more. But yeah.”
“You don’t mind if we head out a day early, then?”
I look out the window, up through the environmental dome and toward the stars that are completely hidden by Venus’ thick atmosphere. Already, I can feel the thrum of the ship’s engines in my bones.
“I can be ready a day early,” I say. “I don’t mind at all.”
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leejenowrld · 5 months
hey saw you’re doing an “ask the characters” for the new jeno fic so i thought i’d ask jeno and yn some questions.
to jeno, what’s your favourite thing about y/n? do you still feel sorry about ghosting her during your exams? what’s your favourite thing to do with her when having sex? has yn met your parents? what did they think of her?
yes! i am, i know a lot of people loved it for mfal so i thought i’d open it up for this :)
jeno — how confident and self assured she is but how her kindness and open mindedness doesn’t come in expense of that. i also adore how talented and committed she is to the things and people she loves, she cares a lot, she’s taught me a lot about what true love should look like and the art of dedication
jeno — of course i do, at the time i didn’t realise how upset it truly made her and i’m annoyed at myself for being so careless with her emotions. so from now on when i’m busy i always try to make time for her and prioritise her, it’s what she deserves, and she does the same for me. i don’t ever want her to feel forgotten again.
jeno — mmmh i love everything about sex with her but i just love when she’s under my complete control, when i’ve got her hands tied or i just tell her not to move her hands or arms and she listens to me because she’s my good girl, when her body is spread out and open just for me, when she squirms beneath me and shouts ‘daddy’ and fuck, the way she looks at me, her eyes wide, her chest heaving, especially right before I tighten my grip around her throat. when i pull her close, spit into her mouth, watch her swallow it down and beg for more. just when she lets me do anything i want to her
jeno — she has! i arranged a dinner pretty early on in mine and yn’s relationship because i was serious about her and wanted to show her that. she was incredibly nervous and shy, it was so cute, she got them the nicest gifts ever and really stressed about what to wear/say/do and how to act but i just reassured her that they’d love her. y/n was super shy at first, just like she always is when meeting new people and in environments where she’s not used to, she’ll always cling to me and it’s cute, she’s cute but seeing her get comfortable after time? breaking out of her shell, becoming more at ease… god, it reminds me of why i fell in love with her. my parents love her, they see how happy she makes me and how blessed i am to have her love and it’s so heart warming to see her get along with my parents. i’m surprised because there’s times y/n will send me a photo and she’s with my mum and my older sister and they’re just doing girl stuff and it’s ??? wow. she is fr the love of my life. the first night i introduced y/n to my family, my mum and dad pulled me aside and told me “you have to marry her.”
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jacksdinonuggets · 7 months
~ T r a u m a ~
Summary:Lucifer is trying to spend some time to get to know Vaggie but she ends up in littlespace so Lucifer takes care of her.
It was rough keeping a big secret from Charlie. Even though she accepted her now and they were on good terms, things were still very stressful. Her wings contributed to that factor as well. They reminded her of what she did before Charlie found her and it gave her a lot of guilt. A few panic attacks later, she decided to talk about it to Charlie one day, hoping that she’ll feel better.
“Maybe you should talk to someone about this,” Charlie suggested, “I’m not exactly qualified and there aren’t many therapists in hell, but maybe you could talk to my dad,”
“Why Lucifer?” Vaggie asked, a little bit nervous. She didn’t exactly want to talk about all this heavy shit to her girlfriend’s dad. What if she makes herself look bad and he’s unaccepting of them? He did know she was an exorcist but never knew why she fell in the first place. It was too heavy to talk about in their little time together.
“Well, he’s also a fallen angel, he might understand how it feels,” The princess prompted.
Vaggie bit her lip, wondering what she should do. Finally, after a moment of hesitation, she sighed and agreed.
A day or two later, Vaggie stands in front of Lucifer’s room. It was just one of the nicer hotel rooms, so it wasn’t supposed to be as intimidating. But it was. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door.
“Mr Morningstar?” She called out, slowly opening the door and entering. He had one of the suites so she assumed he was just in one of the bedrooms.
“Ah, Maggie! Good to see you!” He popped up to her side and gave her a hug. She flinched, but then relaxed.
“It’s Vaggie, Sir,” She calmly corrected him.
“Vaggie, got it. Anyways, what brings you to my humble abode,” He asked, leading her to the kitchen area where he poured himself a glass of water.
“I- uhhh, I was hoping to talk to you about something,” She nervously looked around the room, trying to avoid eye contact. She really didn’t want to make this more awkward and terrifying than it already was.
“Oh, alright, let's sit then,” he walked over to the couch and gestured a hand to the one in front of it so they sat facing towards each other.
“So, I- Uh, Charlie wanted me to talk to you about some struggles I’ve been having that have to do with being a fallen angel,” she began, “I don’t even know how to start,” 
She thought about it for a second and took a deep breath.
“What do you do when… you feel so ashamed for being an angel that you think it would be better if you were gone?”
“That’s a tough question. Mind telling me why you feel ashamed first?” he asked. He would probably have to tell Charlie about these thoughts. It definitely wasn’t healthy.
Vaggie’s memories and reasons why she was guilty flashed in her head. The people she’s killed. The souls lost. It's all her fault. 
“I- I- I-,” She stuttered.
“Hey, it’s okay, take a deep breath,” he instructed. After she took a couple, she felt a bit calmer.
“I was an exorcist for years. I killed so many and hurt many more. I lied to Charlie, I lied to my friends, I even lied to myself. I kept saying that it was okay but it wasn’t! Nothing is okay! I’m not fucking okay! I’m a murderer.…” she confessed. He sucked in a breath but she wasn’t done.
“I wasn’t even punished! I- I deserve to feel hurt and pain. I deserve agony but no one will give it to me. My stupid wings are a constant reminder of the monster I am,” She began to stumble on her words as her lip began to quiver. She’s held so much in that she was an absolute mess now that she was talking about it. It made her headspace immediately fall like a bag of sand being thrown off a cliff. 
Before she knew it, she started crying, sobbing even. Lucifer got really worried and moved to sit next to her. He wrapped his arms around her shaking body. She was very much ugly crying. The hiccuping, hyperventilating kind too. Why was he giving her comfort. He should be upset with her.
“Vaggie, you don’t deserve any pain. You’ve changed. You’re not deserving of a punishment anymore. You deserve comfort and help,” He told her in a calm, gentle voice. It was quite nurturing too.
Being a caregiver, he could notice easily when a headspace dropped and he could tell hers went deep down fast. He gently pulled her into his lap and began to rock her, trying to calm the baby down.
“Shh, shhh, you’re okay, we all forgive you, shh, shhh,” He spoke soothingly into her ear. 
He made a rubber duck appear and held it in front of her.
“Look! It’s a ducky!” he sqeaked it, trying to get her attention. She looked up at it, still crying but not as many hiccups. Lucifer moved it around and made little quacking noises to entertain her. It seemed to help.
He gave the ducky to her once she stopped crying. She immediately tried to put it in her mouth.
“Ah, ah, ah, you don’t know where that’s been,” he took it out of her mouth and made a pacifier appear in her mouth. She sucked on while playing the rubber duck.
He lifted her up and placed her on the second couch. He snapped his fingers and her clothing changed. She was now in a thick diaper and onesie. Lucifer had babysat enough times to know what clothing helped her feel safe. 
He brought her over to the bedroom and laid her down in bed before he took off his shoes and climbed in too. She seemed very clingy so he definitely would need to cuddle with her.
She snuggled up close to him as he massaged her scalp. He felt bad that she had to deal with all of this guilt. It was upsetting to say the least. Even though they weren’t very close, he still cared and worried about her.
He felt content once he heard soft snoring coming from the girl. It was a peaceful sight, knowing that she was no longer fighting her inner demons. He slipped out of the bed without waking her up and went back into the small living room area.
He brainstormed what kind of toys Vaggie would like. He wanted to make sure she had something to do when she woke up. After summoning a couple of blocks, a shape sorting game, and setting up a cute purple tent and filled it with a bunch of pillows and blankets, he sat on the couch and scrolled on his hellphone. He contemplated calling Charlie but he didn’t want her to think he wasn’t good enough to take care of Vaggie.
He sat there for a while until a scream erupted from the bedroom. He shot up and scrambled towards the sound. He followed it and opened the door. The sight he was greeted with was sad to say the least. The poor girl was shot up in bed, bawling while clutching the blankets. He could easily see sweat beads rolling down her forehead too. Using context clues, he realized that she must’ve had a nightmare.
“Sweetie,” he sat down next to her on the bed. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead, waiting patiently for her to calm down. He wiped away her tears and held a tissue to her nose, which she blew into, clearing her sinuses. She cried for a minute or two until she was feeling a bit better.
Lucifer summoned a bottle filled with cold water and pulled her into his lap. A diaper change was in order afterwards but for now, he fed her the water, knowing that it would help. Once she finished it, she mumbled a “t’ank you,” 
“You’re welcome, Little ducky. Do you want to talk about your bad dream?” Lucifer asked. 
“Dun wanna think about it,” She told him. “Scary,” 
“It’s okay, baby, you don’t need to talk about it. I have a small surprise for you but do you need any help getting your diapy changed?” He asked. She nodded, feeling way too small to do it herself. 
He laid her down on the ground and began to make quick work of the change. Vaggie played with a small fidget cube so it wasn’t so overwhelming. Once he was done and taped everything up, he carried her on his hip into the living room where watched her play with blocks and sorting games.
Lucifer never realized how intense her trauma was. He was glad that he now knew so he could prepare for any future mishaps. It made him determined to be the best caregiver ever. He would make the small and scared fallen angel feel happy with herself again.
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your-queer-dad · 1 month
dad! I talked to the princapal and got the right name on some papers and also he said he’d talk to all the staff
later that day a different teacher came up to me and pulled me asided and asked me if she was the one who misgendered me she was really worried and said if she did she’s sorry and she asked if I was ok and stuff she’s alright sometimes I wish it was all the time
anyway back to the shitty teacher she’s just been avoiding me I think I haven’t heard her talk about me or to me the entire while
the principal said that none of this was on purpose but like bro she’s been screaming and misgendering and she’ll be super ableist and visibly homophobic not letting boys sit near eachother and saying how like boys can’t have stuffed animals and we’re to old for itshit whenever we’d bring toys to school but she lets the girls do it! and she’ll go on rants about how boys shouldn’t to this or be this etc and how girls can’t act like this blah blah blah and it’s like hell yeah she meant it the fuck
anyway she’s either lying to him or he’s covering for her either way this is annoying he kept trying to like idk smooth it over and it’s like dude I don’t need to be best friends with her just tell her to stop being a massive pile of shit
also I got my blood drawn and they kept deadnaming me and saying how oh well when you get your name legally changed then we can call you whatever you want. And it’s like sure but you could also call me my name right now motherfucker. My mom made a comment like only a couple more months because I’ll be turning eighteen soon and I called her out cause she does this thing where she pretends to be a good mom and a ally in public but actually she’s been keeping me from transitioning and she sent me terf books and called me a demon spawn and threatens me like all the time etc and then in the car after the appointment in the car I told her she’s making excuses for the nurses and they didn’t have to deadname me and then she got mad like really fucking mad and she went all quiet and started driving crazy like dangerous crazy she does that a lot and it’s a miracle she hasn’t gotten me in a car crash I’m at home now I know she’s not safe not just from the car thing just in general she’s violent and threatens a lot and she does this thing where when she gets mad she’ll grab the back of my neck real hard and drag me around like a damn rubber chicken I started walking behind her to avoid it so it hasn’t happened in a while but idk man everything really pisses me off this is all bullshit and I’m so sick of everyone just excusing it all you feel me also some girl at school keeps coming up behind me and squeezing my neck and it keeps fucking with me cause of what my mom does that girl keeps hitting on me to she won’t leave me alone and this always fucking happens dude she’s like threatening and making jokes about sexually assaulting me and I’m like bro??? The fuck?? My parents don’t care I’ll tell the principal if it gets worse but with the way he is he’ll probably be like oh she didn’t mean it she’s so young she was just joking try to be friends she’s just a little girl blah blah blah I hate how adults justify all this shit I just want someone to call it out or get mad on my behalf for once why won’t anybody ever defend me I’ve been dealing with this for eighteen years the same shit over and over from everyone I’m just a kid to and no one ever stepped in
Hey kiddo, I am so sorry you have all of that shit to deal with, that's awful. I'm really proud of you for telling the principal and that teacher came to check that they were being okay. How your mom treats you is awful and you don't deserve any of that. I am so sorry she has been doing that. You have so much awful things happening to you and it isn't fair, not at all.
- dad x
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hannahssimblr · 6 months
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And so, begins an intense drive for work like I have never experienced. Perhaps work is the wrong word, as not much about creating art feels that way. Never before with ordinary, academically focussed work have I adopted this kind of extraordinary discipline to the point that I simply get through the motions of the ins and outs of my ordinary days, looking forward to the moment that I can lock myself away in my bedroom and draw for the evenings and into the night.
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I draw everything in sight. I study fabric; the crinkle of the duvet, the crease in my pillows and the piles of discarded clothing on my bedroom floor. I draw the curtains from ten positions, then ten more. I study the exacting edges of man made objects. The hard, smooth ceramic of the mugs I should have brought back to the kitchen days ago, the individual keys of my laptop, a tastefully arranged stack of books from dad’s library that he surely won’t notice are missing unless he has a sudden urge to read about the battle of the bulge or Haguenau for the thousandth time. 
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Mostly I study myself, my own anatomy, feet, legs, arms and fingers and all of the weird little bits of me that move about beneath the skin. I fill pages and pages this way, so many that I run out of paper and start drawing in between all of the drawings I’ve already done, overlapping like the work of an obsessed madman. Maybe I am. 
Have I eaten today? 
Often I pull up a mirror and study my own face in different ways. I pull different expressions or control the lighting so that I can create soft, diffused light in the early morning, or cast angular shadows over my cheek with the artificial glow of a desk light when the sun sets and the room around me is black like spilled ink. 
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At school when I lay my work on the table for Miss O’Reilly I’m embarrassed by how many drawings of my own likeness cram the bursting pages of my sketchbooks. They look like the journals of a raving egomaniac to me, but to her it resembles art. She tells me that I show a lot of real promise, and that I have more to learn. I agree with her, and spend lunchtime in the library.
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Art and science, it seems, go hand in hand. Hunched in a dark corner where nobody can see how uncool I have become, I pore over anatomy diagrams and look at muscles and tendons and bones. I learn what everything is called and the shape it makes when the skin is pulled taut over it. 
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When it is curved on one side, it’s straight on the other, I observe, as I draw my finger down the length of an illustrated thigh on page sixty four of Biology Plus for Leaving Cert, trying not to think about how this is probably the closest I’ve come to intimacy with another human being in months, and as someone as uncontrollably and constantly horny as I am it’s becoming difficult to ignore. Maybe I should text Tara Neary and ask if she’ll help me study biology…
I hastily skip over the pages about reproduction and start reading about something called the Cephalic vein instead. Sexy. 
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I even log into the library computers and watch disgusting medical videos of dissections which make me feel so ill that I think I might lose my lunch, but they are informative as much as they make me feel like I am displaying psychopathic behaviour and worry that I am on a slippery slope towards becoming one of those people that murders cats and rabbits just so that he can cut them up and peer at their insides. What’s next? Robbing graves?
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“Look up blue waffle next.”
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I jump, and spin around to Jen who is leaning over my shoulder, and I quickly close all windows from the Video Atlas of Human Anatomy website. “And that’s fucking sick, whatever that is.” 
“Jesus, Jen, you scared me.”
“Only because I caught you looking at something you shouldn’t.” 
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“It’s just biology,” I grumble, and she pinches my arm before pulling up a seat and slumping into it, “I didn’t think I’d find you here of all places. The elusive Jude Turner.”
“Is that what they call me now?”
“I’m afraid so. But honestly I thought you were doing something way more interesting with all your alone time these days.”
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“I’m studying.”
“Do you know how to study?”
She sighs, “Well can you give it a rest? I miss you. We don’t hang out enough lately.”
“It’s not because I hate you or something…”
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“I know, you’re busy, busy, busy, drawing all the time. Ugh. I get it. Is this how you’re going to be all summer too? Down on the beach in Wexford drawing scabby seagulls?”
“If you wanted to hang out you could always come over to my house and let me draw you again, as long as you won’t move around so much this time.”
“I can’t not move!” She says in outrage, and as the librarian promptly shushes her she lowers the volume, “It’s so boring just to sit there and do nothing, I can’t think of anything worse. Oh no wait, I can, it’s hanging out with Michelle and Evan without you there to laugh at them with me. And now that it’s getting warmer and the days are longer I just want to be outside, but my only options are to sit in the park and watch them kiss or go for a sad walk all on my own, Judie,” she takes my hands, “Please, give it a rest. Down the pencils, I’m begging you.”
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“I just really like learning about this.”
“Yes, but can you like it six days a week instead of seven? Can you give me a day? A measly day for old Jenny?”
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“I see you Tuesdays still,” I point out, though I know that grilling her with maths questions while she groans in despair into her pillow isn’t exactly her definition of fun, but can’t she see that this is important to me? I can’t forgo my Ivy duties or rugby, so I must forgo my social evenings instead. Something's got to give, and now it has, and for the good of my future I have stopped texting everyone back. 
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“We’re having a bonfire night at the weekend, will you come?”
“Who is?”
“Me and my friends.”
“The emos.”
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“Yeah, the emos. What other friends do I have? Now that it’s finally semi-warm-ish we thought we’d have a fun night up by the beach and just sit around and chat by the fire. Doesn’t that sound nice?”
“Well, yeah,” I admit reluctantly. “I do like a bonfire.”
“Of course you do, my little arsonist. So come. It’ll be good for you to get out and do something. You’re an extrovert, you’re not meant to be so cooped up.”
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I begin to protest that I don’t feel cooped up, even, astoundingly, when I’m at home with my family. I feel alive and free in my artistic pursuits since I’ve unlocked this new exciting part of myself. I’m capable of focussing on something, doesn’t Jen understand how significant that is? But then again,  maybe she’s right. Maybe it’s abnormal not to socialise with other teenagers for three weeks in a row. 
“Alright, I’ll come then.”
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“That’s more like it,” Jen ruffles my hair, no doubt getting it all out of place, but it’s fine, I’ll fix it later in the mirror when I’m back drawing my nose or my chin for the umpteenth time. “We’ll have a lovely time! I’m excited now!”
“Yeah, don’t get too excited, I feel like the librarian might have something to say about that.”
Jen peers around to see the daggers being shot her way, “Okay, fine. I’ll leave you alone.”
“You promise?”
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“Yes! Look, I’m going!” She untangles her legs from the chair and does a whole show of sneaking away as quietly as humanly possible while watching the librarian with performative caution, “Hey,” She hisses from the door, just when I had started to believe she was truly gone, “Don't forget to look up blue waffle. Trust me.”
“Get out of here!”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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imagineanime2022 · 6 months
Looking For Dad *Part 2*
Chuya Nakahara X Daughter!Reader
Word Count: 991
Requested: Anon
Request: Could you a part 2 of Bungo Stray dogs Chuya Nakahara platonic x reader daughter , Looking for Dad?
*Part 1*
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Dazai had been looking into what happened to your mother, with the very limited information that he was given from you he started by finding out where your mother actually was, it wasn’t that hard to figure it out after some looking around to find your mother at the hospital, it seemed that she was in a coma, the injuries that she had sustained were still somewhat fresh, the smaller ones on their way to healing but there were two that would have been fatal had you not been able to call someone, at least that’s what the doctors say.
Dazai had noticed that (Y/M/N) had been stabbed in the stomach and read on her medical notes that she was then shot in the shoulder, someone was looking to get rid of her and he assumed that it was the people that had asked her to get Atsushi. Whoever they were they didn’t want anyone finding them, unfortunately for them though they had targeted the wrong person. “Don’t you worry (Y/M/N) I’ll find out who did this and there’s no doubt Chuya will get rid of them.”
The investigation led him to a small overseas organisation, they were hoping to get Atsushi and ship him back to their home country to help them rise up. Dazai called Chuya when he had all of the answers that he needed. Chuya met him in the park where they had met before. “Uncle Dazai!” You cheered as you sprinted across the grass to where he was sitting on the bench. “Hey there, is your Dad treating you well?” He asked. “Yeah!” You yelled arms lifted into the air in celebration, your mother’s necklace jiggling around your neck. “Really? I thought he'd be bad at it.” Dazai teaching as Chuya made a noise of disapproval. “Hey little one, why don’t you go play for a little while, I think that’s one of your friends right?” Chuya asked as he pointed to one of the kids in the sandbox, you smiled nodded excitedly before dashing off to the child. “So you found out what happened?” Chuya asked. “Mmm.” Dazai hummed as he watched you playing. “It seemed that given their small numbers they were afraid of your mother and when she refused to work with them they worried that she would eliminate them especially because they had no way of confirming that she had really left the Mafia. They had to make sure that their secret stayed a secret.” “Is that so?” Chuya asked. “And (Y/M/N) how is she?” “The doctors say that they don’t know how long it’s going to take for her to wake up, they’re worried that she won’t wake up at all.” Dazai answered. “She’s been asking to see her.” Chuya said. “You should take her, she might not be able to see her awake but she can still talk to her, it might help.” Dazai shrugged, “but I’m not a parent.” “Neither am I.” Chuya answered. “Well you're going to have to learn quickly because she’ll be needing you.” Dazai answered, handing over the information that he had gotten on your mother including where she was currently. “Anyway I have to go, I’ve got work to do but maybe you should take her to see (Y/M/N).”
It was only a few minutes later that you came back noticing that Dazai had left “Where did Uncle Dazai go?” You asked. “He had to go back to work but I was talking to him about going to see your Mum.” Chuya said. “Really?” You asked. “Right now?” “You want to go now?” He asked. “Yeah!” You answered, nodding your head enthusiastically. “She’s still sleeping right.” “Yeah…” Chuya answered, you nodded to yourself “you still want to go.” “Yeah, I have to tell her something.” You answered.
It didn’t take long for you to get to the hospital, the staff recognised you since you had spent some time at the hospital when they had first taken your Mum in. “There you are, we all wondered where you had gotten to.” The nurse at the front desk said. “She worried us, we didn’t see anyone come to pick her up but she just disappeared.” “She came looking for me, I’m her Father.” Chuya answered. “She wants to see her Mum again, is that okay?” “Of course. You remember the way don’t you?” She asked, you nodded as you grabbed Chuya’s hand pulling him in the direction of the room that you remembered your Mum being in. “Here she is Dad!” You said as you walked over to the chair next to her bed and pulled yourself up on it. Chuya had spent so much time worrying about how you were going to react that he hadn’t thought about whether he was ready to see her. She was still as beautiful as he remembered, but her face was too peaceful, she was always planning something or keeping her face overly neutral. “Mum, I found him, I found Dad, so you don’t have to worry, you can rest for as long as you need to, I’ll wait for as long as it takes for you to wake up.” “You think she’s gonna wake up little one?” Chuya asked. “Of course.” You answered “Mum is strong, she promised me that she’d always find a way back to me no matter what happened to her.” “Come on, it’s getting late, you’ve got to take care of yourself if you want her to have someone to come back to right?” Chuya asked. “Right.” You nodded. “Come on then.” Chuya said softly before taking you hand and heading home for the day, he never thought that he was going to have a daughter but he’d be damned if he let anything happen to you. Keeping you safe started with getting rid of the people that hurt your mother, revenge for you and him.
*Part 3*
Request Here!!
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spooky-circuits · 7 months
Ok but since it looks like Bruce is the first brother I have to know the Snack Pack's reactions when it comes out that Branch isn't just some Brozone fan, but is secretly the most popular member of the group! Spruc had been the heartthrob, no doubts about it, but Bitty B being so cute and adorable had made it so his popularity skyrocketed over Spruce, he just didn't have any weird contests like Spruce had.
Tangent aside, I imagine Branch won't be able to immediately go for the throat because he'll be too busy fighting back a panic attack. The Vaycationers aren't a threat, but for someone who's only experience with larger sentient races were Bergans, and a severe trauma caused by said Bergans, it's a bit difficult to tell that fact.
Bruce, on his end, would probably be equal parts delighted to see his baby brother with a group of friends... and completely and utterly terrified and concerned over this group of kids. I imagine he probably wasn't quite a father yet, or if he was, he didn't have nearly as many kids and was still new to being a parent. So, seeing his 14 year old baby brother suddenly show up out of nowhere and be GRAY, with a group of half starved children following after him, well, it doesn't paint a pretty picture.
Bruce is in the middle of a lunch rush at the cantina when Bruce Jr runs up to him asking for a menu for his new friends. It isn’t an odd occurrence Bruce Jr has a bad habit of introducing himself to random tourists and bringing them by with the expectation that the food would be paid for. He doesn’t want to crush that generous spirit but him and Brandy are running a business and he needs to remind his son of that. He turns to hand him the menus (they could still be actual customers he isn’t going to be rude) and sees his son standing with a group of cowering troll teens… What is happening? Are those pop trolls?! He hasn’t seen pop trolls in over a decade. He’s about to ask them some questions but realizes that if they’re pop trolls they probably don’t want to be doing this around vacationers. He hates to put his wife on the spot like this but he knows she’ll understand once he explains it to her afterwards “Hey Brandy I’ve got a situation here I’ll be right back! Steve watch the bar for me!” And herds the kids out onto the beach. “Okay first question where are your parents? Because you guys look rough so they clearly aren’t doing their job right.” There are a couple of offended cries from the group but Bruces attention is caught by a face with an intense stare that reminds him of his older brother right before a brawl would break out between the two of them. The rest of the group also seems to notice the shift in the grey trolls mood when they all seem to pull out. Old Brozone magazines? Oh the kids were fans “Okay look I’ll sign your magazines or whatever but I’m really trying to put the boy band stuff behind me okay?” The teens all perk up at this and turn to Branch “Oh wow it really is him! Isn’t that great Branch!” And Branch just charges at him only to get held back by Poppy’s hair wrapping around his limbs. Branch still manages to grab one of Bruces arms and is yelling stuff like “How could you! Do you even know who I am?!” When Bruce Jr grabs his dad and yanks him out of Branch’s grip it leaves scratch marks but he’s not seriously hurt. The Snack pack are all asking him questions like “What the hell Branch?” “I thought you were excited to meet him?” And Creek with his “Oh I knew he wasn’t a fan!”
Bruce is watching the grey troll get surrounded by his friends when he hears one call him Branch. But that can’t be right. Branch is supposed to be at home with their grandma and Floyd. Not here looking beat up and grey with no supervision in sight. “Branch?” He pats Bruce Jr’s hand to signal that it’s okay to put him down. “Branch what are you doing here?” There are a hundred questions going through his head seeing his baby brother but he could only get out the one that definitely didn’t come across like he meant for it to come across.
The rest of the snack pack can tell they’re missing something but no one dares to break the tension until Branch finally speaks up. “I don’t know..” Branch seems to go slack “I thought I wanted to beat you up and maybe make you regret leaving.. but I can see this was a mistake.” He looks at Bruce and looks at his son standing behind him the similarities are so striking when they’re next to each other it’s impossible to miss what they implied. “I guess you found a better family to actually stick around for.” And the words feel like they actually stab Bruce right in the heart at the implication. Bruce is fully aware of how he’s hurt Branch in that moment.
Branch tries to shake off his friends to make an attempt to run off so he doesn’t have to see his brother keep looking at him like that.
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samaraannhan20 · 1 year
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw Imagine: Drunk Sailors
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Warnings: agegap(around 11 years, I’m making Bradley a little younger than he would be in TG:M), anxiety, depression, non-sexual nudity
“Hey, barkeep!” I hear someone shout from the other end of the bar. “Where’s my drink?” I just ignore him because I am currently helping someone else, and he never actually ordered anything. Just walked into the bar already drunk. “I asked where my drink was!” he yelled again, and I turn towards him, grabbing a random bottle of beer. “Here you go sir,” I say, handing it to him. “This isn’t what I wanted!” “I’m sorry. What can I get for you?” “Nothing you bitch. I’ll drink this until the next waitress gets here. She’ll know what I want. She’ll actually know how to do her job,” he says, angrily, and then stalks off. I look around the bar, see no one there, and then sink down to the floor behind the bar, wrapping my arms around myself and quietly crying. I notice my co-worker come around the back of the bar and look down at me. “Y/N, what happened?” he asks, squatting down to eye level. “Um nothing new. Just another drunk guy yelling at me. That guy out there called me a bitch and said I don’t know how to do my job because he was yelling at me without actually telling me his order, so I just gave him a random beer,” I tell him, and hear him scoff, before he gives me a pat on my shoulder and stands up, quickly walking in the direction I assume the drunk guy is. “Hey! You!” I hear him shout, but I don’t move. “Get out! You don’t walk in drunk and then treat the bartender like that! Get out!” he shouts again, his voice getting smaller as they shoo the guy out of the bar. “Hey, Pen,” he shouts when they get close again, “can you come out here?” I hear my mom vaguely reply, before he walks away and it gets a little quiet again. Before long I hear my mom’s voice. “Y/N, where are you?” my mom, Penny Benjamin, asks as she walks behind the bar, only to find me sitting on the floor with my arms wrapped around my knees, tears in my eyes. “Why don’t you head on home? You opened today, and Tara will be here for her shift soon. You go on home, go see Bradley.” “He’s not back with Dad yet. They went out this morning for training and haven’t come back yet. Besides, I’m fine,” I say, and then sigh heavily and lift myself off the ground. “I just need a second and I’ll be ready to face another customer.” “Honey,” my mom quietly says before pulling me into a hug. “It’s okay. You leaving early doesn’t mean you’re weak. It means there have been at least three drunk old men who yelled at you today, plus however many from yesterday, the day before, and so on and so forth. You haven’t had a day off in two weeks. Go home.” “Are you sure? I can at least wait until Tara gets he-” I abruptly stop because my mom slapped her hand over my mouth. “Go. Home. To your apartment. Out with Bradley. Anywhere but here, or my house. I don’t care. Just go. Take a few days. I’ve got it here. You need a break,” she finishes, before kissing me on the forehead and shoving me out from behind the bar. “Thanks, Mom,” I say, before turning to go to the office to grab my stuff. When I enter the office I take a second to sink down in the chair and open the drawer that mom hides the scotch in, and pull the bottle out. I take a swig, and then set the bottle down. “Ew. I don’t even like scotch,” I say to no one but myself,  and then pull out my phone to check and see if Bradley has texted me since he got to work this morning. Brads🥰🐔 Hey hun, I’m on my way to the Hard Deck with your dad, he asked me to drop him off. See you there. Sent 20 minutes ago I read the message again and then look at the time, before grabbing my bag and running out of the office, turning the corner and running smack dab into someone. “Sweetheart, move a little slower,” I hear my dad say as he catches me. “Sorry Dad. Did Brads leave?” I say as I give him a quick hug before pulling away, and frantically looking around. “No, he’s talking to your mom. I came to find you because your mom told me about what happened. Your mom is sending you home early because some customer yelled at you?” he says, looking at me as though he is willing to hurt anyone who dared yell at me. “I’m fine, Dad,” I reply, already over this conversation. “I’m used to it. Drunk dudes, especially sailors, tend to be mean whenever they have to wait for something. They have just been especially mean the last week, and I hit my limit today. Mom found me crying on the floor behind the bar,” I say, quickly, and with a slight shrug of my shoulders as I tuck my hair behind my ear.  “I’m gonna go find Bradley, see if he’ll take me home. Love you pops.” “I love you too, kid,” he replies before leaning down and kissing the top of my head, and turning towards the office. “What are you going to the office for?” I ask with a small chuckle. “Oh, I told your mom I would finish filing the paperwork she left out.” I just nod in response and turn back towards the bar area, focusing back on finding Bradley. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket as I step into the main area, but before I can pull it out, I hear him call my name. “Y/N! There you are,” Bradley says as he walks over to me. “Yeah, sorry I was hiding in the office. Did you talk to mom?” I ask him, looking up and tucking my hair behind my ear again. “Yeah. Let’s get out of here before some other drunk dude says something and I have to punch him,” he says, leans down and kisses me on the forehead, wraps his arm around me, pulling me into his side, leading me towards the front door. “Bye honey!” I hear my mom shout from somewhere behind me. Bradley lifts his hand in a wave as I shout back, not even bothering to try to turn and see where she is. When we get outside Bradley opens the door to the Bronco for me and helps me in, before shutting the door and walking over to his side. He climbs in and starts the car, and then leaning over me to grab my seatbelt. I make no motion to help, because he does this every time we get in any car, and it just makes me feel incredibly safe and loved, so I stopped fighting it after our third date. Before he leans back into his own seat, he grabs my chin and pulls me in for a kiss. I laugh and we both smile into the kiss, and then he pulls back and puts his own seatbelt on. He turns out of the parking lot and places his hand on my thigh, and I zone out tracing the veins on his hand as he drives. “... you want to go?” he asks me, and I snap back to reality. “Um, well I thought we were just going home. Are we not doing that?” “Baby, I just asked you if you wanted to get some food before we head back to your apartment. Are you okay?” “Um. No. But yeah, let's get some food. Can we go get Chipotle?” “Yeah of course. Here, take my phone and order it ahead so we can get home quicker,” he says, and hands me his phone. I unlock it and open the Chipotle app, putting both of our orders in and closing out of the app. “Hey, can I send a snap in the Dagger Squad group chat?” I say with a small smile on my face. “Yeah of course. Nat was just telling me she missed you. Do you wanna hang out with them tonight?” he asks right as I take a selfie and send it to the squad. “Um. No, it’s been a rough couple of weeks. I just want it to be us tonight. Is that okay?” I ask, and curl up into my seat, handing him his phone back. “Sweetheart, of course that’s okay. It’ll be nice to have a night with just the two of us.” I mumble a response, and lean against the window looking out of it. When we arrive at Chipotle, Bradley leaves the car running and runs inside to get our food. When he comes back he puts it down in the backseat, hands me my drink, and then grabs his phone. I pay no attention to what he is doing, until suddenly a song I know that he never listens to, and I only listen to when I turn on my anxiety playlist,  is playing through the car. I look up at him as he places his phone down and then reaches his hand over, grabs my hand, and then rests our intertwined hands on my thigh. I lean away from the window, and reach my available hand to grab his phone. “Is this my anxiety playlist?” I ask him as I grab it, quickly unlocking it to see what playlist is playing. He chuckles and nods as I look at his phone, and see that it is. I scroll through the list to find another song I would like to listen to, and he laughs as it starts to play, and we both sing along. When we pull up to our apartment, Bradley turns the car off and then gets out, grabbing the bag of food and coming around to my side of the car, just as I open my door. He holds his hand out to help me down, because the Bronco is just a bit too tall for me to casually get out of it, and the process typically ends with me falling over. We walk inside and Bradley takes the food to the kitchen while I head to the bedroom to change out of what I had worn to work. I stand in front of the closet for a second, and then ultimately decide on a pair of biker shorts and one of Bradley’s t-shirts. When I walk back into the main area of the house, Bradley has pulled a movie up on the tv, and is sitting on the couch with a beer in front of him. “I wasn’t sure if you would want one of your drinks, but I have your soda over here,” he says, turning to me as I walk in. “Okay, thanks,” I reply, walking over and joining him on the couch. “What movie did you pull up?” “Your favorite. Now, let’s eat and watch this movie,” he says, and hands me a fork, and we both sit and watch the movie and eat our dinner.
By the end of the movie I’m laying in between Bradley’s legs with my head on his chest. I stare at the television as the credits roll, just zoning out. Before I know it, I’m thinking about what happened today again, and I sit up really quickly with tears in my eyes, and walk to the bedroom before Bradley can notice. I shut the door and cross over to the bed, sliding down on the side of it until I’m sitting on the floor. I just sit there, crying, not paying attention to how long it’s been or anything else that is happening. Eventually, Bradley knocks on the door, before slowly opening it. “Honey?” he says, leaning his head in the room. He looks down and sees me on the floor, and crosses over the threshold quickly, and picks me up, sitting down on the bed with me in his lap. I start crying even more at his kindness, and I bury my face in his neck, with him rubbing my back as I cry. Slowly I stop to cry, and as I begin to move Bradley speaks up. “Honey, do you want to take a bath? I can run one for you if you want.” “Yeah, I think that would be good,” I respond with a sniff, standing up from his lap. “Okay. I’ll go run the bath, you find a nice pair of pajamas you want to sleep in,” he responds, and stands up, kissing me on the forehead as he heads out of the room to the restroom. I cross to the dresser that holds our pajamas, and grab my favorite pair, before heading out of the room towards the bathroom. When I walk in Bradley is finishing pouring bath salts and bubble bath in the tub, and stands up as I walk in. “Okay, bath is ready to go. Do you need anything?” “Um, no. Wait!” I say as he turns to leave. “What are you going to do while I’m in the bath?” “I’m going to change our sheets, because we’ve needed to for a while and what better time than when one of us is having a bad day. And then I’m going to dig your old “magic” nap blanket from whatever cabinet we have it shoved in. Then, I’ll do whatever you need me to do. Sit in here with you, wait out there until you’re done. Whatever you need,” he says, and then walks closer and pulls me into him. “Now, you enjoy your bath, and I will leave you to it. I love you,” he says, and then kisses me before pulling away and heading towards the door. “I love you,” I respond, and then sigh as he closes the door behind him. I strip down and climb into the bath, just laying there in silence, feeling the stress of the day work its way out of my body. I sink lower and lower into the bath, just relaxing.
I lose track of how much time I’ve spent in the bath when I hear a knock at the door. I mumble a “come in” and as I do so Bradley steps into the bathroom. “Hey kid. How’s it going?” he asks, squatting down by the edge of the tub, and dipping his hand below the water to rest on my knee. “It’s going well. I feel a lot better,” I say, and sit up a little in the tub. “I think I’m almost ready to get out. I don’t see any reason to keep marinating in dirty water,” I say with a little chuckle. “Okay darling. What do you want to do when you get out?” “I think I want to shower. Then watch a movie in bed,” I tell him, and grab his hand to move it so I can stand up. I carefully stand up and step out onto the bathmat. “Do you want to shower with me?” I ask him while I walk from the tub to the shower. “Do you want me to?” “Yes, I would love you to,” I tell him, and then slip into the shower and turn the water on. Before too long I hear his belt hit the floor, and the shower door opens to let him in. He reaches around me to grab the shampoo, and then pauses. “Here, turn around, I’ll wash your hair,” he tells me, and I oblige, turning so my back is to him. I hear the shampoo come out of the bottle and go into his hand, hear the lid click shut, and then feel him begin to rub the shampoo into my scalp. After he rinses the shampoo out, I turn around and wrap my arms around his waist, and bury my head in his chest, and he reciprocates the motion. “I’m really tired of having shitty days,” I mumble into his chest, and he squeezes my waist tighter. “I know. But, your mom just essentially gave you the rest of the week off, and if you take longer she won’t care.” “I know,” I mumble again, before pulling away. “Wanna go to the beach tomorrow?” I ask him with a sly smile on my face. “Of course I do. Why that look though?” “I,” I start, as I turn around to turn off the water, “may or may not have bought a new swimsuit the other day. And a new picnic basket. And maybe some stuff to make a picnic,” I finish as I wrap myself up in a towel and cross into our room to start digging around in our pajama drawer for a pair of comfortable pajamas. “A beach picnic tomorrow? Sounds good to me,” he says as he pulls on a pair of boxers and climbs into our bed. “Thank you for everything,” I quietly say as I cuddle into him after climbing into bed. “You deserve nothing less,” he says, as he wraps his arm around me and keeps me close to his side after pulling the covers up. “I should be able to handle one person yelling at me,” I whisper, beginning to let the thoughts I've been having all day come out of my mind. “Really. A normal person wouldn’t cry because one drunk guy yelled at them.” “Okay, let's entertain that thought,” he says, sitting up in the bed, not allowing me to go to bed still thinking that it was my fault. “How many days in a row this week did a drunk guy yell at you?” “Um. Maybe four. Or three. I’m not sure. They all started to blend together,” I respond, looking up at him. “And on average, how many days in a row do you think normal people are yelled at by drunks?” “Well. It depends on if they work in a bar or not. Why?” “Because, kid, it doesn’t matter that you have anxiety. That is not what caused you to cry today. What caused you to cry today, was an asshole that decided it was okay to yell at someone for no good reason. I remember exactly how many days in a row a drunk guy yelled at you, because I was there for all of them except this one, and it was five,” he says, and then pauses to pull me into him, leaving not an inch of space between the two of us. “You deserve a break. You handled yourself fine. And I am so proud of you, and shocked that you were able to make it through four days of people yelling at you. I am so proud of you, I know I already said it, but I’ll keep saying it until you believe it.” “Bradley,” I say with tears in my eyes, and then realize that I don’t have any words to say, so I just say “I love you,” and then wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss.
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Hey love. I’m having a crap day. Week really. And I’ve really been into my Matt and Nick feels lately. Can I request a little thing where the reader is just the Bucks fuck toy for the weekend or something? I dunno however you wanna take it or do you. Your stuff is always amazing and can’t ever go wrong with being the bucks pet. 🦌
Fuck.my.UP! *This was getting incredibly out of hand, so I had to stop at some point 😂*
Also this is our official welcome to Poppy! Because maybe she’ll pop *shameless dad joke* up more in the future, idk 🤷‍♀️
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @damnnhausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @sldghmmr , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @blaquekittycat , @tahiri-veyla
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“Come here, pet. Come, come” The mocking tone of Matt's voice, followed by a small whistle, made you huff loudly: “If you ever do that again, I’ll cut your balls off!”
“Aww, what’s the matter, dovey? Am I offending your morals? Because we both know you have none of that” His chuckle resonated in your ear as he stood before you “If you did, you wouldn’t have agreed to this in the first place, right?” Matt’s hand came to rest on your face, where he pressed your cheeks together until your lips pouted. “What kind of respectful wife dreams about fucking her husband and his brother?” Matt’s teeth tugged on your pouty bottom lip until the flesh slowly slid from his grip.
“How long have you been wanting this, huh? Since when do you fuck Nick and think about me? How many years have you been dreaming about getting the big bro’s dick in you? Was that what you thought about on your honeymoon? While Nick fucked you from behind, did you wish I was there too? Just watching at first, until I finally judged you worthy of having me play with you too?”
A slow and predatory grin grew on Matt’s lips the more he spoke, “What’s wrong, dove? Cat got your tongue? Are you gonna scream for dear ol’ hubby to come and save you?”. His deep, brown eyes stared at you with amusement as he whispered: “What if I tell you he’s too busy enjoying this to make it stop? I can see him in the armchair behind you, and you should see how entertained he is by watching his little slut at my mercy”.
“Nick” You whined and tried to look over your shoulder at your husband, but a sharp pain on your cheek made you look back at Matt again.
“Don’t you EVER look away from me again, do you understand? I’m the one playing with you, so your focus stays on me!” His voice was cold and sinister, but a short chuckle escaped Nick’s lips, causing the atmosphere in the room to become less serious for a brief moment.
“Oh Matt, you shouldn’t have done that”
“Because?” The older man impatiently asked
“Because now Poppy will really want to play” The blue-eyed man answered matter-of-factly
“Poppy?” Matt frowned “Who the hell is-“
“You hit like a bitch! Is that all you got? How pitiful” You giggled while blowing a strand of hair away from your face
Nick stood up from his seat and made his way toward you.
“Hello, Poppy” He smiled widely “Long time no see”
“Hi, daddy” Your lips pouted at the younger Jackson “Kiss”
Nick quickly landed a soft peck on your lips that soon turned into a slow, sensual kiss.
“Did you come to play with us this weekend?” Nick caressed your cheek with his thumb, making you purr “I heard a thing or two about it, and when bitch Matty stepped up, I thought I should surprise him”
“You definitely did!” Nick chuckled before looking at his brother. “Matt, meet Poppy, my favorite little brat”
At the sound of the word “brat”, Matt felt his cock twitch in his pants. “Is that so?” He smirked as your eyes came to rest on his face.
“So you came to play with us then, Poppy?” Matt’s voice sounded amused and exciting in contrast to your petulant one “I came to play with daddy” You smiled widely at Nick before returning your gaze to the dark-haired man “Now you…I doubt you have what it takes to play with me”
“Oh really?” Matt closed the distance between you, and his hand came to rest on top of your head, tugging on your scalp with a medium strength, testing the waters of your initial play. “You don’t think I have what it takes then?”
“You’re not as good as daddy” You shrugged, causing the handcuff chains between your wrists to dingle with the small action.
“I’m better than daddy” He smirked
You leaned forward until your lips brushed against his bearded chin “Doubt it” was your small and teasing comeback.
Matt’s smirk grew wider “On your knees. Now!”
You chuckled with amusement “Make me, bitch!”
Matt’s fist closed harder around your hair, yanking you down on the floor with a force that was deadened by the fluffy living room rug “So this is how it’s gonna be, huh? Well, if that’s the case, you’re in for a long, LONG weekend, little dove”. His hand glued your face to his crotch, and you could feel his hardened length pressing against your cheek through the jeans.
When you looked up, Nick smiled down at you as he pulled his cock off his track pants. He slid the tip against your bottom lip, and you darted your tongue to taste his skin.
Matt gave a few slaps on your cheek before he teased with a cackle, “If you want to fit two cocks in your mouth, I suggest you open it wider, brat”
“Shut the fuck up” You spat back and focused your eyes back on your husband
The sapphire-eyed man chuckled and asked, “Are you ready to play, Poppy?”
“Yes, daddy” You purred as you opened your mouth and poked your tongue out to let him brush his crown against the pink muscle.
Matt leaned down until his lips grazed your ear shell “Don’t worry, Poppy. Once I’m done with you, you’ll be just as sweet and submissive to me, dovey”.
Your eyes gleamed with mischief as you gave soft kitten licks to Nick’s tip while looking at Matt “Do your worst, you wimp” was your last response before taking your husband’s length down your throat.
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I will go down with the ship that is Al and Finn and I don’t care what anyone else says, you’re a genius and perfect for writing such a story !
Finally al and Finn kiss and it’s everything I ever wanted ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I’ve been wanting this almost as much as al and finn and reading it happen makes me happier than anything!
Since we’ve seen so much from finns POV I don’t think we’ve gotten a clear idea about how much al wanted finn this whole time. I only realized it when he went into the bathroom where finn was to give him a “clean towel” hahahah
Part of me wanted finn and al to really *do it (let that twink be destroyed hhahaha) but I know that finn is inexperienced and al doesn’t wanna pressure him and both want to take this relationship seriously— I can’t wait to see what obstacles they have to overcome next -
Vance and Terence are the biggest obstacles right now and I have no idea how that will go. With Vance, I’m sure al hates him for sending his little minions to shoplift and cause trouble hahah but seeing them interact should be tense and interesting……. After their little showdown in chapter 5 or so in the grab n go, I’m sure they’ll have a lot to say to each other
Ok with Terence, I don’t like him that much - I’m sorry but him being an absent drunk doesn’t sit well with me. I know he lost his wife but Finn and Gwen lost their mom and they deserve to have a dad that’s involved in their life. I know Terence wants finn to toughen up and his whole tough love act is a way of trying to protect Finn but still, there are other ways to be there for Finn. The beating he gave Finn still makes my heart ache ……..
I’m lowkey wanting Al to pummel Terence and proclaim his place as Finn’s new caretaker and father figure but that’s just me hahahha —- I do wonder how they’ll interact though ? Like Terence would be confronting and angry probably but Al might either be calm or he might be kind of manipulative and conniving because he does have a darker side ….
Gwen and Robin and max ? Oooh I can’t wait to see their reactions !
I think Gwen was already suspicious of al because she saw the way he kept looking at our precious finney in the first chapter. Hearing that al and finn are together will def make her upset and she’ll probably won’t cover for him if she finds out …… will she try to talk finn out of it ?
As for Robin, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
Him protecting Finn in chap 10 made me scream and wanna give him the best present reward ever !!
How will the protective best friend react when he meets the possessive boyfriend ?
Robin will not be happy to hear that amber is actually Al Hahha but he might be accepting eventually given that he knows Finn is his best friend and that bisexual people do exist/Finn could be queer ? Imagine Robin swinging on Al once he catches him in the act ahhaha id pay to see that happen
Max is such a loveable goofball and I think he cares very much for his brother but I’m kind of thinking that he’d show a firm position against Al and Finn and kind of think his brother was taking advantage of an impressionable young boy with no father figure. He might butt heads with Al too and that’s gonna be so interesting!!!
Anyway, you’re the best author ever and you’ve made my life so much better and more fun with your writing ! I’ll never stop being a fan and if anyone ever insults you, tell me Their address so I can find and destroy them !!!
i am so sorry for how late this response is, but please know that i am so incredibly grateful for this comment/ask!! thank you so much for your sweet words, they mean more to me than you’ll ever know! ♥︎ and believe me when i say i’m right with you on that ship!! al and finney are the superior pairing!! x
omg i’m so glad to hear you enjoyed the kiss scene!! i certainly felt the pressure writing it haha, i wanted everything to be perfect and the buildup to have been worth it!
a lot of other readers have been asking for a chapter/segment written from al’s p.o.v., too, and i think it’s an absolutely brilliant idea! i’ve already formulated quite a few segments from his p.o.v. and i think it’ll be really interesting to see the nature of his feelings toward finney; especially since he is such a morally ambiguous character. and that “clean towel” move he pulled lordddd... as nice as he is and as much as he loves his boy, he can be so creepy lmao. but we all love him for it.
i knowwww, but as tempted as i am to delve straight into the smutty goodness, i have to ensure i maintain proper characterisation and an element of realism. 😩 al is absolutely feral for finney, but he has to try his hardest to suppress it so as not to overwhelm the boy or accidentally scare him off. he’s finney’s first in all matters romantic, so he’ll really take the time to teach finney how to feel good and make him feel good at a pace the boy is comfortable with.
you’re absolutely right, vance and terrence are their biggest obstacles right now. they’re both so temperamental, too, so finney and al will have to be really careful about the way they go about navigating their way out of such a tricky situation. i’ll say this on the matter, though—we definitely haven’t seen the last of vance. i can say that with indisputable certainty. and he will interact with al in a chapter or two if everything goes to plan, so their strained relationship will be sorely emphasised. they hate each other’s guts, just like you said. but i have to agree with you, it just makes their interactions/scenes together so much more interesting and tense. who doesn’t love a bit of drama haha?
terrence is a very complex and layered character, much like the others. we know what he’s doing is wrong, he knows what he’s doing is wrong, and yet he can’t seem to escape this constant loop of trying to love and protect his children but ending up abusing them instead. it’s the cycle of abuse. he means well (most of the time), but i’m with you on this one. it’s absolutely no excuse to behave the way he does, or to treat his children the way he does. by trying to protect finney and forcing him to suppress certain elements of his sexuality, he’s inadvertently driven him straight into the arms of a man older than him.
oh, don’t you worry. al hasn’t forgotten about the beating his boy had to endure...
i think the way he’ll go about resolving the issue with terrence will be the biggest headfuck. i’ve seen a lot of people theorise and try to guess what he’ll do or how he’ll handle it (which i absolutely love; i will never shut up about how much i frickin’ love getting comments/asks theorising what’s gonna happen next or how al will deal with terrence) but the way he actually does deal with it is so much more... i don’t wanna necessarily say ‘twisted’, but i will say weird. then again, al’s a weird guy, so it’s to be expected. in regards to the darker elements of his character, once again, you’re right on the money. he will absolutely utilise manipulation as a tactic to combat vance and terrence...
yep! gwen has already clocked the weirdo magician who kept staring at her brother at susie’s party, so she won’t be so easily assuaged. being a very intense and combative character, she won’t be too happy and her reaction has the potential to be quite intense, which is absolutely fair. she loves her brother beyond reason, beyond words, and would do absolutely anything to protect him.
robinnnnn!!! 😩🙏🏻♥︎♥︎♥︎ that boy has my whole heart, he’s so sweet! he’s so protective of finney it makes me sob, i love them so much.
there’s really no way of telling how he’ll find out about finney and al, nor how he’ll react. much like gwen, though, he’s a very intense character, so his reaction is bound to be ruthless. yikes. there’s a 99.99% chance he’ll start swinging at al, no questions asked hahahaha. he isn’t aware of finney’s sexual orientation as of yet, no. he might have slight suspicions, but it’s not something they’ve discussed in terrible depth. finney is so deep in the closet he might as well have stumbled into narnia lmao.
yesssssss omg max is such a loveable goofball, i wanna put him in my pocket. he has a complicated relationship with al due to their childhood (which i’ll delve into a little more in future chapters) but ultimately, they love and care about each other very much. that’s why it’s so hard for him to come to terms with the fact that his brother might be engaging in inappropriate behaviour and an entirely illegal/immoral relationship with a 16/17-year-old boy. he’s very conflicted about it. it is, most understandably, a great source of discomfort for him.
this is so sweet, oh my goodness, thank you so much!! i’m very honoured to have earned such high praise! you’ve made my entire year, i’m so grateful for you! thank you for taking the time to read rust & stardust and leaving such a beautiful comment/ask! sending much love!! xx ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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harringtonstilinski · 2 years
Holidays With You - Mitch Rapp
Author: @stilinskiparker​ Characters: Mitch Rapp x Reader Word Count: 1,873 Warnings: fluff Tropes/AU’s: Best Friends to Lovers | Friends to Lovers | Fake Dating | Soulmate AU | Established Relationship | Break Up ; Back Together | Enemies to Lovers | Secret Dating | Assassin AU | if you can think of any more, let me know! Smut: no | yes; Requested: Yes,! I hope it meets your expectations, anon friend!​​​ A/N: Hi, friends! First Holiday fic of 2022! I’m in the Christmas/Holiday spirit! If you like this fic, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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“Okay. Never have I ever,” he said. “Been ice skating.”
I looked off to the side, lips in a thin line before I took a sip of my drink. The group went silent, as I was the only one to take a drink.
“You’ve never been ice skating?”
“How have you never been ice skating? You live in New York!”
Turning to my best friend, I narrowed my eyes at her. “I grew up in Florida. Where it’s hot about 99.9% of the time.”
“What about that other 0.1%?” Mitch asked.
“It’s actually cold,” I chuckle. “Floridians don’t really like the cold because we’re so used to the heat, but don’t quote me on that.” I looked at Mitch, our eyes locking. His was telling me that he was forming a plan.
I've had a thing for Mitch for the last few months. I mean, who wouldn’t?! His eyes are the perfect shade of brown; a whiskey, caramel color. His hair is black and little long, perfect for, eventually, wrapping my fingers around. The arms, the abs, the everything. This man is pure perfection. Do we work together? Yes. Same department? NO. 
While he goes out into the field, I stay in the office and make sure they have all the intel they need, as well as all the supplies they may need. I’ve gone out with them about 3 times by request of Irene Kennedy, but other than that, I’ve been at a desk.
My phone ringing brings me out of my thoughts. As I get up to retrieve it, I see from the corner of my eye that Mitch stands as well. Once I reach my phone, I answer it with, “Yeah?”
“It’s that any way to speak to your grandmother?”
“Oh, sorry, Mamaw. Habit,” I said.
“Well, that’s quite alright. Listen, sweetheart, I was calling to remind you about the Christmas party. You’re still going to come, right?”
Shit. “I forgot about the party,” I said, apologetically. “But, I will try to make it. I just need to talk to my boss and see if she’ll let me have it off, which she might because I hardly ask for time off.”
My Mamaw chuckles. “Well, that’s okay. Just let me or your dad know if you’re going to be able to make it. I need to go make some cookies for the girls at church.”
I chuckle. “Alright, Mamaw. I’ll talk to you in a couple days.”
“Alright, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” I disconnect the call, and hang my head, sighing.
“Everything okay?”
I turn around, looking into those whiskey eyes that have my heart without their owner knowing it. “Yeah. I just forgot about my family Christmas party. The very party I look forward to every single year. I’m sure if I ask Kennedy for it off, she’d give it to me. Though, it’d have to be a few days.” I look off beside him, my brows drawn in.
Mitch chuckles. “Well, you can ask her tomorrow.”
“I’ll do that,” I say. Sigh. “So, what was that look earlier?”
“What look?”
“That look you had on your face that said ‘I’m forming a plan.’”
“Well, you said you never went–”
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna take me ice skating,” I interrupt.
He raised a brow, shaking his head quickly. “What’s wrong with that?”
“You do know how clumsy I am, right?”
“She missed her chair the other day when she went to sit down,” Victor said. 
“Fuck you,” I said, looking over Mitch’s shoulder. I looked back at the man in front of me, sighing. “Are you asking to come with me?”
He shrugged. “How else am I going to teach you?”
“You do realize there’s skating rinks in Central Park, right?”
He again shrugged, then sighed like this conversation was boring him, which in turn made me sigh.
“Fine,” I said. “You can come. There’s a skating rink about an hour from my dad’s, where I’ll be staying.”
Irene let me have two weeks off, which is surprising. I never ask for days off, so that’s probably why. Mitch came with me to Florida, and we had a nice time at my family’s Christmas party. The next day, which happened to be a Sunday, Mitch and I decided to go to the ice skating rink, which I must say, I wasn’t all that bad at… once I got the hang of it.
“Mitch!” I yelped, grabbing onto his arm while laughing. For the very first time since I’ve known him, I actually saw a smile spread across his face.
“You got it!” he chuckled.
I was laughing so hard at that point, I almost fell over. Mitch led us over to the edge of the rink, where I bent over the side, laughing. When I stood back up, I looked at Mitch, who still had that smile on his face. “I almost fell like five times!”
He chuckled, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together. “Come on. I’ve got something else in mind.”
“You’re not gonna take me to a back alley and fu–”
“No!” he interrupted. “I gotta take you to dinner first.” He winked as we made it back to the carpet. He led us to the benches, where we took off our skates and put our regular shoes back on; his being his normal boots and mine being my favorite boots I wear every fall and winter that were starting to come apart.
After we both made it back to the car, Mitch started it up, looking at me almost expectantly.
“What?” I asked.
“Where’s the nearest grocery store?” he asked back.
“Uhm,” I said, thinking. “It’s like three minutes away, why?”
“You’ll see. Bring it up on GPS.”
I took my phone out of my jacket pocket, bringing up the nearest grocery store, which happened to be an Aldi. Mitch drove us to the grocery store, where we both got out of the car. He took my hand as we both walked into the store, grabbing a basket on our way in.
Mitch walked us around the store, grabbing everything he wanted to put into the cart. Milk, eggs, flour, white sugar, brown sugar, butter, chocolate chips.
I smiled as he put a few more things in our cart. “Are we making chocolate chip cookies?”
“How’d you guess?” he asked.
“Well, considering I like to bake, and you put the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies in the basket, I just assumed.”
He chuckled, as we walked to the front of the store to check out. Once all of our items were rung up and we bagged them, we walked out of the store and back to the car. I brought up my dad’s house on the GPS, and off we went!
When we made it back to my dad’s, we got started on mixing the ingredients for the cookies before putting them in the oven. 
“I’ll see you in about 10 minutes, my loves,” I said, blowing a kiss to the raw cookie dough.
Mitch chuckled as I stood back up straight. I gasped before walking around Mitch to the living room, where my dad and stepmom were sitting on the couch, watching a Christmas movie. I asked where the stuff for hot chocolate was. Once he told me, I booked it straight for the pantry to grab those ingredients, which was just cocoa powder and marshmallows.
“You making hot chocolate?” Mitch asked.
“You bet your ass I am!” I exclaimed.
“Make us some!” my stepmom said.
I chuckled, grabbing two kinds of milk from the fridge; regular whole milk and almond milk.
“Almond milk?” Mitch wondered.
I nodded my head. “Mhmm. For me. I’m lactose intolerant.”
He nodded once in understanding as I grabbed six mugs from the cabinet in case my stepsister and her boyfriend wanted some as well. Once the milk was all heated up enough, I put the necessary amount of cocoa powder into the mugs and mixed before adding the marshmallows.
Two of the mugs went to my dad and stepmom, and just as I predicted, my stepsister and her boyfriend came and took two of the other mugs, marshmallows and all!
I made Mitch’s the way he asked before I took the Reddi Whip from the fridge, putting some on mine before adding a couple of marshmallows and taking a sip. I smiled and sighed in contentment, happy with how I made the hot cocoa. 
The timer on the oven started beeping, letting us know that the cookies were done. I went to grab the oven mit before I saw Mitch bending over, grabbing them out of the oven, hand covered with the oven mit I was looking for.
Seeing him being so domestic made my stomach flutter with butterflies. I sucked in a breath as he put the cookie sheet on the stove to start the cooling process. Seeing him being this way made the crush I had for him grow tenfold. Deciding I couldn’t wait to eat a cookie anymore, I grabbed a plate and put about six cookies on it before grabbing my mug and heading outside to sit by the pool.
Mitch followed me, sitting in the chair next to me. “So,” he started. “We’re sitting by a pool when it’s cold outside. Why?”
I shrugged. “Best way to see the stars, I guess.” I heard him hum, like he was agreeing with what I was saying. “Listen. I’m glad you came with me. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had this much fun or smiled as much as I have.”
“That’s not because of me,” he said.
I looked at him as he was looking down at his lap. “Yes, it is. Mitch, it’s because of you I’m having a good time, not because of my family. Well, they’re part of the reason, but you’re the main reason.”
He looked at me, seriousness in his eyes, then smiled a little. “Thanks. You’re the reason I’ve had so much fun, too.”
“Oh, my goodness,” I heard my stepsister’s voice. “Just kiss already!”
I looked back at Mitch after having looked around for my sister. Shrugging, I said, “Why not?”
He stood up before walking over to my chair, holding his hand out for me to take. “Better do as the lady says.”
“Wait!” she said. She disappeared for a moment before reappearing with her boyfriend, who stuck something on the top of the door frame. “Now you can kiss.”
Mitch and I walked to the screen door and looked up. “Mistletoe.” We looked at each other while chuckling before our smiles died down. 
I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek at the same moment he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear before bringing my lips to meet his. It wasn’t a long kiss nor a short kiss, but long enough for me to feel those electric sparks.
We pulled apart for a moment before our foreheads met. 
“This is something I’ve been missing and will look forward to,” I whispered.
“What’s that?” Mitch whispered.
I looked him in the eyes, hand still on his cheek as I smiled, “Holidays with you.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N 2: let me know what you thought!
Additional Note: 
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​​​​​ @stixnstripesworld​​​​​​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​​​​ @quanticobae​​​​​​ @mischiefandi​​​​​​ @kellyashcroft​​​​​​ @lauren-novak​​​​​​​ @good-vibes-and-glitter​​​​​​
Posted on November 27, 2022
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theboost · 2 years
Can’t bring myself to watch the finale of due south, so for the two people who are interested, here are my thoughts from when I was watching through
Due South insanity moment where vecchio gives a long speech to his sister in which he tells her to stay away from fraser because she’ll only get hurt and guys like fraser won’t even notice and then she responds by telling him that he’s afraid to dream. How am I supposed to take this
Obsessed with Fraser having a sleepover with his childhood hockey bestie. I think they should practice kissing with each other. I’m such a gay fraser truther I’m sorry but id take him and random hockey guy over him and Victoria
I think paul gross just has a resting smirk which is something you don’t see too often but it’s really making this funeral scene unintentionally humorous. Buddy you couldn’t muster a frown. I hate you Paul Gross, you live action Disney prince. That is a term that gets thrown around a lot but it’s true for him
100 percent still a gay fraser truther. Why are they having romantical ten- SORRY LIEUTENANT THATCHER JUST HIT HIM WITH A DAMN BITCH YOU LIVE LIKE THIS- romantical tension between fraser and thatcher. I don’t like it. She’s so mean to him all the time. He needs to get with a real man like Ray. I don’t really think you can put a guy like fraser in a relationship with his superior officer the chain of command would fuck him up. But they just keep mashing them together like Barbie dolls. I don’t get it. Also I kind of don’t like Francesca I’m sorry women…
“Ray, get in the closet” “Benny, get out of the closet” real dialogue. I don’t even need to make the joke. “I was in the closet with detective vecchio” I could end it all
Are we really doing another season finale where they’re getting framed by someone who one of them put in prison who recently go out and now seeks revenge. I guess if it ain’t broke. Okay so it’s not a season finale arc but still. It’s weird that it happened twice
CAN WE STOP PUTTING POOR GAY BOY FRASER - henceforth referred to as gayser when he is into situations wherein I want to emphasize his homosexuality - IN FORCED STRAIGHT SITUATIONS LIKE I KNOW THAT HE DOESNT WANT TO PLAY DOMESTICITY WITH FRANNIE. And she really needs to get with a woman
Girl a clip show for the season 2 finale? Come now. Also this is why starsky and hutch will always be a show made to hatecrime the watcher while due south uplifts you, because starsky and hutch did the amnesia plot line but hutch faked it. Because he’s insane.
“Alone we’re incomplete” truly insane thing to say about your best friend. Season 2 has really solidified by theory that ray is an out gay man to himself and no one else and he performs heterosexuality as a cover and gayser is just really truly deeply closeted because there were no gay people in a 100 kilometer radius growing up in the yukon. Also “benny, I could kiss you” “I thought we were just friends, ray” “we are” hello??? Hello???
Okay what the hell is going on with Ray K. You weren’t lying. 2 episodes in and he’s asking if Fraser thinks he’s attractive.
“All women are our sisters” I LOVE YOU FRASER. FEMINIST LEGEND.
I still gayser truth of course but as far as love interests go I don’t mind this bounty hunter milf
I don’t love that ghost dad was made a main character I liked him more when he would randomly pop up and I think they use him too much but I do love his little office set. And I do love that ghost dad is a character that exists
I don’t really care for the fact that one of kowalski’s defining traits is his love of police brutality. Come on due south. You used to understand that police violence is bad
I’ll be honest this is one of the first American based shows I’ve seen that promotes the idea of Canadian exceptionalism. And like it wasn’t initially like this as, see my last point, due South used to know and show that both the Chicago police and the mounties were corrupt, with Fraser being the worlds most special guy, but later seasons are like “all Mounties are inherently virtuous supermen”
Detective Huey and Fraser narrative foils in that both of them lost their first gay partner and then proceeded to get even gayer with their second partner. I do love Huey. And Dewey’s strange ways bewitch me I think he should hook up with turnbull
Women love to ask Fraser if they can trust him and then kiss him. Non_threatening_boys.jpg
Whenever Scott Bakula sings on quantum leap I cheer and clap like a seal and whenever paul gross sings I shriek and cover my eyes and say kill yourself
Every subplot to Mountie Sings the Blues makes me so happy I love huey and deweys stupid ass country song and I actually think Francesca/Turnbull is cute I’ve actually been hoping they would do it
I’m so sad due south got canceled right after the Fraser sister reveal I want so many more episodes with them hanging out
One thing about Fraser is that his love interest will be a brunette woman. Frannie, Victoria, Thatcher, milf bounty hunter and- sorry I looked up the poker episode to remember if the poker chick was brunette and sure enough
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determinedwriter · 1 year
Whumptober 2023: Day 4.
No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Pepper’s scream jolts me out of my focus on my homework, and I jump in surprise. Exiting my room, I call down the stairs. “Pepper, are you okay?”
She doesn’t answer so I go to the kitchen where I hear her voice, finding her by the counter. “Hi, Ro. I’m fine. I just dropped something.” 
I see it in her eyes. She’s scared. “Umm, okay…Do you need anything?’
Pepper gulps. “You should stay in your room.” 
“I don't think so.” A voice behind me says. Spinning around, I come face to face with a gun. 
I attempt to use my powers to stop the intruder, but he knocks me down with the butt of the gun. “Please, leave her alone!” Pepper protests.
“Shut up! You’re gonna show me to Stark’s workshop and let us steal everything we can carry!” A second man shouts.
“There’s a passcode. W-We don’t know it.” I lie. Pepper and I both have the code memorized. 
“Passcode isn’t a problem. We did hack your security system.” The first guy says.
“Friday?” I ask into the air, hoping to hear the AI that helps run the facility. Nothing.
Guns to both of our heads, Pepper and I are taken to Dad’s workshop where the two men break in. Watching anxiously, I see his work all get stolen. He should be home soon. He’ll stop them. 
Dad arrives home, causing the men to panic. They hide behind a counter like they had with Pepper, gun to my back while she greets Dad, trying not to tip off the invaders for my sake. She knows that any wrong move could get me shot.
“Hey, Pep. Ro. I had to get some things for dinner. Figured we could do something nice just the three of us.” He says to us.
The moment he looks me in the eyes, I know he knows there’s something wrong. “Ro, you’re paler than usual. And that’s saying something.” 
My heart pounds. “Am I?” I reply breathlessly.
He narrows his eyes. “You wanna help with dinner?”
If he goes to the counter, he’ll see the men. And I’ll be shot. He could be hurt too. Even if he is Iron Man. “I can put the groceries away and we’ll figure that out.” 
Still suspicious of my demeanor, Dad slowly nods. “Okay. Come to the car with me.”
One of the men presses his gun to my back in warning. “Dad…”
“Ro.” He replies. 
“Tony, why don’t I help?’ Pepper speaks up. “I think Ro’s just tired”
Please don’t leave me alone here, Pep. Please. 
Maybe she’ll get herself alone with Dad and tell him what’s happening. I have to be brave here. “Yeah, I’m just tired. Long day at school.”
Dad doesn’t quite get the memo. “Okay, what’s going on here? You’re both acting strange.” 
“That’s it.” One of the intruders growls impatiently. 
A shot goes off and I feel pain radiating up my back. “Ahh!”
“Ro!’ Dad and Pepper scream.
Falling to the floor, I writhe in pain. Dad fights the two men in his suit, quickly subduing them. “Friday, call an ambulance right now! Friday!”
“They hacked the security. Friday is offline!’ Pepper tells him.
“Shit!” Dad swears. I finally see him kneeling above me, hands over the wound in my back. 
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” I ask him, grimacing in pain. “God, it h-hurts.”
“No, no, you’re alright. It’s okay.” He reassures me. “Breathe. Breathe, Ro.”
I cough, proceeding to whimper in pain from the movement. “Mmph, Dad please…Please…”
His eyes turn softer. “It’s okay, babe. It’s okay. Pep, you got the police on the line?”
“Yes! They’re coming!” She exclaims. “Oh Aurora, please hold on!”
Wincing as Dad turns me over to inspect the wound, I start crying harder. “I can’t do this. I can’t do this. Oh God, I can’t do this. Dad, please h-help me.”
He seems to not know what to make of the wound, trying to keep my body still as I shake in pain and fear. “It’s okay. I’ll help you. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, baby girl.”
“I d-don’t remember the…last time you…called me th-that.” I reply.
Eyes full of tears, Dad keeps telling me sweet nothings to keep me calm. “I’ll do that more often, okay? I will. Just keep on breathing. Keep on breathing. I’ve got you.”
His voice slowly fades away, reemerging when I wake up in a hospital bed. “Ro? Ro, can you hear me?”
My eyes open to bright hospital lights. “H-Huh?”
Dad squeezes my hand. “You hear me?”
“Yeah.” I reply. “My back…what happened?”
He puts a hand on my forehead comfortingly. “You’re okay. The bullet didn’t hit anything vital. Doc said it’s kind of a miracle it didn’t hurt your spine. They’re still gonna make me wheel you out of here in a chair though.”
“And the guys that did it?” I question.
“Police got them after I beat the living hell out of those two,” Dad explains.
I sigh in relief. “Good…Love you…”
He grins. “I love you too, Ro.”
The recovery is more grueling than I expected, but both Pepper and Dad are with me every step of the way. But with people like those robbers out there, I still have fear that it may happen again. And I can’t know that it won’t.
What I do know, is that Dad will always protect me.
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Friday 16 June 2023
Yesterday, I was left with the distinct impression that the table was being set for some really great drama. Today, I am sad to report that this table has been cleared, disassembled and fed into a wood chipper.
First up: Belle and Shawn. Shawn hasn’t drunk enough beer to forget about shooting his dad into a coma, so now he’s moved on to the harder stuff. Belle does not approve.
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Honestly, Drunk and Sassy Shawn (example dialogue: “do you know how hard it was to find a store that would sell me vodka at 8am?”) is substantially more interesting to me than Standard Issue Shawn, who mostly stands around looking sad and handsome.
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Back at the DiMera household, Harris is still here, confronting Megan. This was the thing I was most excited about yesterday. And since I already told you that I found today’s episode disappointing, I suppose you can work out that he didn’t kidnap her like he promised Kate he would. But we’ll get to that in a minute.
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Also held over from yesterday: Dimitri showing up at Gwen (and Leo)’s hotel room to give her flowers. Still kind of a sweet gesture, despite the fact that we know Dimitri’s ulterior motives.
Then Leo intervenes and, questioning Dimitri’s ulterior motives, throws the flowers in the trash. Which is a bit rude, even for Leo. Gwen is suitably mortified.
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Leo retaliates with “I’m trying to protect you,” which is sweet and all, but… Gwen is one of a handful of characters who is pretty much constantly fucking someone. Only there hasn’t been anyone for her for weeks. So she tells Leo to take a hike. So she can fuck.
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Then she and Dimitri kiss. Which, if I know my sex, is an excellent first step!
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Meanwhilst, Kristen and EJ are still tied to chairs in the Wine Cellar that We Sometimes Pretend Nobody Knows about. I don’t have a whole lot of jokes for this bit — I’ve backtracked and watched pretty much every episode that this iteration of EJ has been in, and I’ve always been a bit disappointed that he and his sister have never really had any good scenes together. They do a considerable amount of bonding here — mostly over the fact that their newly discovered sister Megan is a fucking maniac, even for a DiMera — and I’m a fan.
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Not a fan of EJ being tied up instead of coming with her to the baby specialist: Nicole. Kayla assures her that the specialist is definitely here in this hospital and is not just her (Kayla) in a different lab coat and a wig (what is this, Body and Soul?!)
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Nicole sends another frantic text to EJ. Then thirty more.
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Then she runs into Belle, who just blurts out that she knows Nicole is pregnant. We’ve come a long way from the eighteen months or so that we were pretending this was a secret that only Nicole and Anna knew about. Okay, so it was only like a week or two. But it sure felt like eighteen months.
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Belle’s pretty rude and thoughtless to Nicole about the whole thing (probably because she has her dumb drunk husband on her mind), but I only just felt my first twinge of sympathy for Nicole like yesterday so I’m going to allow it.
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Sloan and Eric are still talking about the possibility of having a baby together. Which still sounds like a colossally bad idea to me. But nobody ever asks me, despite the implication I just made about having the power to allow things.
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They head down to the pub for breakfast. Then Kate insinuates herself into their conversation, Julie-like, and insists that they have a baby immediately. Nobody asked Kate either, to be clear. But she doesn’t have much going on, plot-wise right now and she has a very good instinct for staying involved in things despite that.
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Okay, I’ve put this disappointment off long enough. Time to witness the monumental whizzing-it-down-their-leg that is Megan vs. Harris.
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Harris, intent on kidnapping Megan and taking her to some undisclosed location where she’ll be no tribble at all, reaches for his gun.
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Then stupid drunk idiot Shawn walks in for absolutely no reason apart from the fact that he’s stupid and drunk and an idiot.
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Naturally he assumes these two are still in cahoots, since their previous cahoots are what resulted in his dad’s troubles. Well, the pre-being-shot-by-Shawn part of those troubles, anyway.
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Harris tries to assure him that he’s good now (which is pretty much the only move he has right now, since he doesn’t have a Kate-like sense of how to stay engaged in the plot) and Megan takes this opportunity to pull her gun.
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Shawn continues to provoke Megan, probably because of the whole “feels guilty that he shot his dad into a coma” thing. But Harris manages to de-escalate and the two of them leave. YESTERDAY THERE WERE LIKE HALF A DOZEN POTENTIALLY INTERESTING ANGLES TO THIS KIDNAPPING AND TODAY WE GET ZERO KIDNAPPINGS. I WANT MY MONEY BACK.
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Megan, who has been referring to Harris as the Salem Protector, has this amazing Homer Simpsonesque line.
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Then she looks at EJ’s phone, sees all the texts from Nicole and gives us amazing Lucille Bluthesque eye roll. If she’s gonna steal, at least she steals from the best.
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She then sends a text to Dimitri, who’s just rounding first base with Gwen. DON’T FORGET TO FUCK THAT GIRL his mother says. This family is truly Having a Normal One.
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Dimitri takes her advice, throws his phone away and throws Gwen down on the bed. For sex. So they avoided one disappointment this time, anyway.
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Shawn returns home and weepily apologizes to Belle.
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Kate yells at Harris for not kidnapping Megan. Kate, I didn’t agree with you on the “Sloan and Eric’s baby” thing, but you’re doing the lord’s work here. (I am the lord in this example.)
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Then Nicole, walking home, runs into Eric because she literally can’t walk anywhere in this town without running into Eric. And Sloan brags to her that they’re going to have a baby, which is somehow even more aggressively dick-swinging behavior than when Eric and EJ nearly fought over the paternity of Nicole’s.
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And that’s where we leave it. Sure. Fine. There’s always next week, I guess.
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