#and she's going to see an allergist
thebibliosphere · 6 months
Last month, I had to tell my mother she was having an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine, so that was fun.
She was like, "Yeah, it's so weird how it makes you feel like you have the flu."
And I was like, "Yeah, I've heard that. I wouldn't know; I'm allergic."
And she ignored me and kept talking and was like, "And it's so instant, too! Like within minutes, I was hot and flushed, and my throat was all tight and scratchy, and my nose was running."
And I was like, "..."
And mum kept talking like, "and I hate the rash it gives you."
At which point, I'm pretty sure I made a noise native only to sea lions and fog horns and made her go to the chemist to get antihistamines because, girl, that's an allergic reaction.
Anyway, she spoke to her doctor about it this week, and the doctor told her, "Oh, that's normal. Everyone gets that," and I just
*pinches bridge of nose*
Girl, MD. That's An Allergic Reaction.
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like-wuatafauq · 5 months
Having a female doctor after having male doctors for so long is such a huge difference.
Me: my main concern is my injury from the military, I haven't had any treatments,physical therapy, help, or gotten it checked to see what we can do for it, sometimes I'm even bedridden.
My new doctor: I'm going to send you to a specialist in case your past doctors weren't thorough and diagnosed you wrong. Because unfortunately for what they say you have there is no cure, it's permanent. And then I'm also going to let you decide if you want to pursue physical therapy before or after they check you. In the case it is permanent, I can set you up with mental health in order to come to terms and cope.
Me internally: wait that's it you're not gonna make me wait a whole year or make me feel dramatic. There's a chance that I don't have to be permanently disabled? Theres a chance I can get treatment? You're not just going to dismiss me because i look young and healthy? You're just going to genuinely care? Just like that!?
My new doctor: I'm also going to get you checked for other things because even tho you look like a healthy young woman I want to make sure it is that way.
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So I would like to make a post about food allergies given the information I've been taught by my allergist regarding my food allergies.
The difference between food allergy, sensitivity, and intolerance.
Allergy. This is the classic anaphylaxis.
Sensitivity. This is caused by allergies, but the risk here isn't anaphylaxis. It's inflammation in gut that can cause fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, generalized ick feeling.
Intolerance. Your body is literally unable to process the food. It lacks the ability to, which means the food causes inflammation in the gut, causing similar symptoms as sensitivity.
Sensitivities will show up on an allergy test. Intolerance has to take a different test specific for that type of intolerance.
I mention this because I see a lot of fake claiming food allergies that's like "Yeah but I cross contaminated the food with eggs and that didn't kill her. She must be lying." Yeah food sensitivities can be pretty mild. Where if you give them an egg salad, they're gonna be having a bad day. But if you rub egg on their burger, they may not even notice.
Also like there's a lot of medical conditions that can affect a person's diet. They may have stomach issues that means they can't eat a lot of acidic foods, and if saying "Hey, I'm allergic to pineapple" gets you to not put pineapple juice in their drink because it'll cause a flare-up. I'm all for people doing whatever they need to make sure their health is taken seriously. Even if it's outright lying because food allergies is the only fucking thing people seem to take seriously in this world.
Anyways take people's "I can't eat this food" seriously. And don't fake claim them if they go "I can't eat this food but I'm not at risk if there's cross contamination"
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neptune-lover · 1 year
Pregnant? Pt6
Author note:HOWDY sorry this took forever I've been sick the last few weeks and late last week I ended up getting an allergic reaction to something we still don't know yet I see my allergist soon about it but I've also had writers block so I apologize this took so long but here it finally is
Tag list: @hauntedpostpersona @moxkindagirl @babybatlover
Tw: talks of pregnancy, mentions of death and miscarriage, mentions of vomit/throwing up and mentions of sex, use of their real names
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It's been about a week since Rhea took the test and you guys went to the appointment and found out that both of you we're in fact pregnant about 2-2 and a half months to be exact. Both of you and all 3 of the boys were very excited but some other people didn't have the best opinions about this. Of course you guys had to tell hunter so he could plan a head and set up a promo to announce you departure from the company for about the next year. The boys decided that it was alternate 1 being home and the other two being away every week so one of them would be home with both girls. Hunter was very excited to hear the news considering he was the one who brought you to NXT from Japan all those years ago. But some of your fellow could workers were not the happiest although you had the ones who were your closest friends out side the WWE Universe like Baily, Becky, Asuka, Seth, liv and so many others but then again not all of you got along in real life like solo sikoa which was weird because the rest of the bloodline were very good friends with you and Damian. Speaking of bloodline Sami was another wrestler fond of you all because of the whole poly thing he never understood and though it was selfish for someone to date more than one person. But all your guy's friends threw a party for you and Rhea as a going away for now kinda thing which was a lot of fun Bad Bunny was there as him and Damian were still the best of friends Rey was there as he was happy he was getting 2 grand kids and he said that if Eddie was still with all of you he would be so happy for all of you and be proud if how far Dominik has come and some of your friends brought their little ones as everyone loved them like edge brought Ruby and lyric and Becky and Seth brought Roux but it was a lot if fun and you were so tired afterwards that when you got home you and Rhea got changed into some pj's and just passed out on the bed. It's been a few days since the party and currently you were sitting on the couch waiting for Finn to finish cooking lunch because you were extremely hungry and today Rhea decided she wanted to backstage with the other two because it was Finn's turn to stay home today so it would just be the two of you.
Hey guys that's all for part 6 I hope you enjoyed again so sorry it took so long I had a bunch if shit going on and I don't always also have a bunch of motivation so being sick and all that didn't help with that but hopefully I will be back to making a bunch of stuff soon and don't forget to check out my request post I'm currently working on one but please feel free to flood my inbox cuz that also give me motivation and also if you aren't sure if I do a character ask in the request and I'll DM you if I make stuff for that character or not
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pom-seedss · 2 months
So...when I told my doctor about my out of the blue terrible tomatoe and nightshade allergy and trying to figure out why my guts were so bad all the time..... I'm trying to figure out if I had any other food allergies I didn't know about because I've just been living with IBS forever and I assumed it was just that but then I realize I have a pretty fucking severe tomato allergy and suddenly no food is safe anymore.
She said that there is no sense in seeing an allergist because they wouldn't be able to detect food allergies with a skin test. Which didn't sound right to me....but supposedly she is the doctor that knows the function of other doctors right?
And then I just come across a post that mentions getting tested for food allergies with both skin and blood tests as a part of a MCAS diagnosis and I was like "WAIT. What."
And I looked it up further and you can absolutely detect food allergies with a skin test and you can also with a blood test. Which... makes sense to me.
So what the ever loving fuck was my doctor on about?
I'm going to try to figure out if I can do a self-referral to an allergist... and if not I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about it again and fight for a really simple basic referral test.
What the fuck though, seriously.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 4 months
I am so fucking enraged right now.
Everything I have ever learned about MCAS has been from other people with MCAS. Triggers, treatment protocol, secondary symptoms (and even sometimes primary ones), everything.
I am going on four years since I first started seeing allergists for this specific symptom set.
Not ONE has done more than a basic scratch and blood test and then told me to come back in six months if I'm "still experiencing symptoms". I got LUCKY that my pcp at the time was willing to do a urine tryptase test and also knew that a negative result wouldn't disprove MCAS. But she still completely didn't understand exactly how ignorant and lazy allergists in the area are and seems to think it's my fault I haven't gotten a diagnosis yet (I know I delay scheduling appointments because of my trauma, but that's also a fucking disability, Laura.)
They've prescribed me albuterol inhalers for my asthma, which I just found out TODAY is a major trigger.
I've had to rely mainly on the SIGHI food lost plus gauging my own reactions for what's safe to eat, and between that and sensory issues and being too disabled to make food I have to live in a constant state of reaction anyway and just manage it to try and go at least a month or two between ER visits for IV prednisone because I react to the inactive ingredients in the pills - and I've started reacting to something in the IV form too.
I'm sick ALL THE TIME and the worst part is statistically I'm not even halfway through the average time it takes to receive a diagnosis, let alone start treatment. I live in an area with two allergist practices that take Medicaid, and neither knows the first thing about MCAS.
One told me the only treatment was albuterol inhaler, flonase, and h1 and h2 blockers - never mentioning cromolyn sodium, montelukast, xolair, quercetin, or any of the other options past the first line that was already not working for me. I rely on quercetin and DAO enzyme from amazon (the DAO enzyme they don't have a ton of scientific proof of efficacy yet, but it seems to be working and even if that's placebo effect it doesn't seem to be HURTING).
They tell me to avoid my triggers but don't even themselves know what those triggers even LIKELY are (what foods are high in histamine, that exercise and heat are triggers, etc).
I am doing all the work of researching what tests have to be ordered, what the results would be to prove MCAS, what treatments are most effective and in what order you try them, all while having to pander to and tiptoe around a fancy signature in a lab coat's ego while they prescribe me things that are actively making me sick to the point they are effectively poisoning me.
I have to bend over backwards while also dealing with my severe (and ongoing!) medical trauma just to get doctors to not do what is allegedly the OPPOSITE of their jobs. I'm trying to get the lifesavers to actively not kill me through their own negligence and ignorance.
Doctors are lifesavers like the police are here to fucking protect and serve. If I ever hear another person refer to a medical professional as an "angel" I'll assume they mean "angel of death".
This isn't just one doctor, either. Every primary care provider I've ever seen, every specialist... I had my latest pcp FLIPPANTLY tell me "oh western medicine isn't really good at dealing with chronic issues. If you have strep or a perfed bowel, we know how to fix that, but otherwise you're basically SOL."
I'm only paraphrasing the last fucking acronym. The rest of it is word for word, I just can't remember the exact phrasing for that last acronym but it was the exact same meaning in slightly more "professional" wording.
On a related note, I fought doctors to get a wheelchair for my POTS until I gave up and only happened to luck into a charity that provided me one I could at least be pushed in, though I can't self-propel it. They kept trying to send me to physical therapy - which with how sensitive I am MCAS-wise to ANY exercise, could very well have made me worse.
Actually scratch that it would have bc just getting to the car and back two blocks away (city living) without doing anything else is enough to flare me for days. Doctors are apparently allergic to taking accessibility into account when treating disabled people. /bitter
I just... truly want to burn doctors as a profession and as people to the ground. It's a profession so deeply hostile to disabled and chronically ill people as the standard while purporting and being celebrated and being paid big bucks for at best doing jack shit and at worst actively killing us. I'd say "I could avoid crawling under the bar which is fucking UNDERGROUND if I were a doctor" but the fucked up thing is the system is literally set up to not just disincentivize doing so, but to actively prevent it and weed it out.
There are no good doctors like there are no good cops, because the good ones are either forced to quit or leave.
This is why I call myself anti-phys. Because I'm so pro-ACTUAL MEDICINE like you wouldn't believe. With human bias as removed as possible from the actual science, with disabled and chronically ill people being the first and foremost priority of every aspect of every medical and medical-adjacent profession - yeah, I ADORE good, accurate medical science. I want to fucking do medical research as a fucking career! I'm not against (consensual) treatment methods involving anything from medication to physical therapy to any other methodologies we know!
It's doctors serving only to gatekeep care and medical knowledge as a profession, who have absolute life and death power over disabled people and wield diagnoses like weapons as tools to discredit us and cover up their own neglect and abuse of us. It's the way the science is so incredibly biased and that this is in part because medical professions are designed to be inaccessible and hostile to disabled people as an integral part of the whole system. It's that the medical profession serves to uphold structural ableism and is built with that rot at its very core.
I have these fucking hellish chronic illnesses that continue to be fucking degenerative as a result of information purposely being kept from being disseminated and treatment being withheld, and if doctors were what their image portrays, I would have them minimally well-managed, if not some of them in remission.
These diseases are stealing years of my life away from me that I will NEVER get back, and doctors are in all actuality basically aiding and abetting them in doing so more effectively. It's beyond the cruelest of satire. It's beyond inhumane. It's eugenicist and more than borderline genocidal.
How much do I have to say: I'm terrified. I can't do this. I can't keep returning to people essentially mass-produced on a fucked up assembly line to oppress and harm people like me to beg them to this time not try to kill me and to instead do what is supposed to be their jobs. I don't have any fight left in me to do so.
I can't keep returning to the people responsible for upholding a system which strips me of my single most fundamental rights - to life and health - along with every right needed to guarantee those; and prostrating myself before them to the point my nose and forehead leaves a gouge in the floor, just to desperately plead for my life and find it weighed unworthy against their egos.
I can't advocate for myself against my very literal abusers anymore. I've been beaten down one too many times. At least this way, it's only lack of treatment that's making me sicker, and not active abuse and trauma which is retriggered and all those lovely things (/sarcasm on the word lovely). At least this way, I'm not getting my hopes up like a damn fool that maybe this time they won't hurt me, maybe this time they'll treat me the way they promised, maybe this time the same exact mass-produced abuser wearing a hundred thousand faces will treat me right.
(And don't even get me started on how the very literal definitional gaslighting of traumatized people and especially people traumatized by oppression and marginalization, the assigning of the labels of "crazy" and "irrational" and not reliable narrators on the harm and abuse they've experienced factors into all of this.
If you decide that trauma means people aren't actually capable of reliably determining an actual threat and that they're all jumping at shadows you can ironically use the label of traumatized to argue that victims are never experiencing any actual further trauma, and even honestly in a bizarre contradictory twist of logic that they never experienced any in the first place and it's ALL just a nebulous abstract sickness of the mind.)
I mean this purely in a metaphorical sense, but it feels easier to just lay down and let these illnesses take the rest of my life from me slowly. It doesn't hurt as much to bleed to death from a million tiny papercuts as it does to be repeatedly STABBED and then the worst of the wounds cauterized so I only bleed as much as a papercut from most of them, all while the papercuts continue and some of the stabs are left a leaking faucet to both drag me to death quicker and to steal my time by driving me out of my mind with sickness and agony.
I feel hopeless. I'm in a constant state of re-grieving, and being helplessly angry and impotent in part by virtue of both the physical illness and the trauma, and being triggered and retriggered and retriggered, and feeling hopelessness and despair, and holding on to a thinning thread of hope that is little more than fading light slipping through my fingers, and you know?
Of it all, the hope hurts worst. It keeps driving me to dash myself against the same fucking rocks as if anything will change. Chronically ill people are so often labeled insane, but isn't the definition of insanity doing the same visits to a god complex with a stethoscope over and over again and expecting different results?
Then I remember the entire communities of medical professionals fakeclaiming people with specifically my illnesses and calling us attention-seekers and drug-seekers and making fun of us for "thinking" we might have anything other than a "psychiatric" ailment (read: "crazy") while our bodies crumble around us. I remember that this is normal and even encouraged. And I think that it really is easier just to take comfort in despair, and stop torturing myself with this imaginary ideal of my illnesses actually being treated by doctors.
I think it's probably not possible to ever be healthy, because it's doctors job to stand at the gates of health and not let anyone in from our side.
Can't have us challenging what it means to be healthy, after all.
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exeggcute · 11 months
I've been seeing some of my doctors for so long and have a pretty good rapport with most of them to the point where I'll occasionally ask about the bureaucratic side of how they work at and/or run their practices and it's honestly pretty crazy how the american healthcare system (by which I mostly but not exclusively mean insurance shit) is fucking everyone over on both sides because doctors are also not having a good time, apparently. one told me that she had to stop accepting [xyz] insurance because they were offering her insultingly low reimbursement rates—thirty bucks per patient, which doesn't translate to a fabulous hourly rate for a credentialed professional even if she did get to pocket all of that, but she doesn't, because she also has to pay her staff and her rent and buy equipment and who knows what else! another told me that he has some dogshit high-deductible insurance plan because the huge practice he works for doesn't offer anything better, and he's an old pro who's been seeing patients for forty or fifty years by now. one told me that she could effectively triple her salary by moving to another state because insurance reimbursement rates are so shitty here but she feels obligated to stay for her patients.
idk. it kinda blows my mind. it's easy to assume that individual physicians are somehow benefitting from all the profit-siphoning because they're the people we interact with immediately before getting slapped with a fat bill, but your rank-and-file MDs are totally getting juiced by the billing companies too. obviously the labor discrepancies are far worse for nurses and other healthcare professionals but I just think about like, man. imagine going through ten years of school to be on your feet all day doing (potentially) life-or-death work and you still have to fight for each paycheck. something something need to instill class consciousness in my allergist
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mommalosthermind · 5 months
I’ve been being told, since the tender age of 18, that my family history means I need to see a breast specialist immediately. That I should get genetic testing to better pinpoint my odds.
I’ve been referred to the specialists three times. 20, 25, and now.
The first time, I was told my family history was irrelevant, I was too young and wasting their time.
The second time, I was told no. That I should bully my fourth-grade-drop-out, Tylenol is an Unnatural Evil believing idiot of a mother into getting tested because it would be less expensive for them to do a single test on her, and then use those results for her children, than to do a test for me, for me to use on my children.
The fact that she laughed at me apparently just meant that I hadn’t explained it to her properly. A good mother, you see, would come in to get tested. You know. Like I was trying to do.
I’m mid-thirties. Every Gyno I’ve ever seen has expressed concern about breast cancer purely based off family history.
Gyno sent me over again, armed with yet more family history, yet more cancer found in the last few years.
Specialist finally let me in the building. Specialist took one look at my history and went, why didn’t you start seeing us at 25? OR before! You should have been getting this done for ten years at least! Don’t you know your odds, as of this paperwork alone, are double the average American woman? You should be getting a professional breast exam every six months!
Because You Would Not Let Me. YOUR people looked at that same paperwork and decided it wasn’t worth their time. I wasn’t worth the money.
Had my first mammogram today.
It took nearly 16 years, though.
And what kills me, I think, other than the fact that the mammogram itself took like ten minutes? What kills me is—
My partner suddenly realizing that all those times I’ve brought up cancer it was a lot more of a concern than he realized. What do you mean she said your risk on paper is probably above 30? That’s so high? Why didn’t the specialist see you earlier?
Because when he goes to the doctor, they just nod.
When he goes, they make all the phone calls. He gets to see the allergist. The nutritionist I was told no for, he’s already made an appointment for.
I get gentle hedging about how maybe I should lose a few pounds. I get laughed out of the office. I get baffled looks when I ask about early onset arthritis due to the Lyme disease and then nothing.
It took me 16 years of pointing at six different family members with four different types of cancer—two of them more than one! At the same time!— to get what should be basic care.
My partner is speed-running all those years of my quiet worry. All the things that could have gone wrong. All the things that can still go wrong, but now with the safety net of being cared for. All the worry I’ve been carrying about what I may have passed onto my kids.
And it took ten minutes in a pretty pink room.
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sotc · 8 months
So i realized I forgot to make an update about my doctor situation/sick struggles. I was recommended after my antibiotics not working to try an ooc medicine with a diff antihistamine than what I was using because she believed this was allergic response than anything more serious (especially to warrant an x-ray on my chest). The ooc was working but only relieving my symptoms and she ended up saying to go see an allergist basically. So. That's the next step.
But Yayyyy for suddenly developing an allergy? 🤔😕
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accidentalmistress · 11 months
I had my allergist appointment today, and, good news, I don't seem to have asthma. They suspect that it's something called "silent reflux", which is basically acid reflux without the burning. That can make the esophagus spasm, which can result in chest tightness, plus my anxiety makes it worse when I have an episode because I'm freaking out thinking I have asthma. They can't rule asthma out 100%, but my spirometer numbers were really good and my lungs sound "excellent".
Then we did allergy testing. Now, I have said before that I am not a naturally sneezy person and can go months without sneezing if I don't crack and use chhinkni in that time. So I wasn't sure what to expect. Um, apparently I am super allergic to ragweed??? Like, the doctor said she was "impressed" by how much my skin reacted to the prick test. And also that she was baffled that I don't present any obvious symptoms.
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The ragweed one is about halfway up my arm on the right side. For reference, that swollen spot was at least five times bigger than the control spot of pure histamine they stuck in my other arm. A little further up on that side near that mole is the spot for cats, which I had a moderate reaction to. I also had minor reactions to dogs, and several types of trees and grasses.
Y'all. I then had to sit there with a straight face while we had this long discussion about pollen and allergens and how to avoid them. I had to keep it together when she looked inside my nose and said it "looks allergic" 😭 Because I had such a strong reaction to ragweed, she said that I could potentially develop allergic symptoms to it, and I had to pretend that I wasn't excited.
Doctor: You have the potential to develop symptoms during ragweed season.
Me outwardly: Oh 😞
Me inwardly: Oh? 😏
I was pretty happy when it was all over, though, especially because it took an hour and a half to get through everything. But at least I probably don't have asthma, and I guess I could possibly have sneezy allergies one day? I guess we'll see what happens in September 🤷
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nubs-mbee · 8 months
I also have chronic hives and trouble swallowing like you said and I just assume I have hives like inside my throat. Idk though, I haven't asked my doctor about it bc I want to go see an allergist about the hives. I saw one years ago and she diagnosed them but she's no longer practicing and I hate having to go to a new doctor. Anyway I might bring it up to your doctor but honestly the only thing my allergist recommend for the hives was like 4 zertec a day plus a Benadryl at night.
That seems like a lot of allergy meds every day! Granted I’m no doctor so maybe that’s fine. Honestly mine are so easy to ignore I don’t really see a point in talking to doctors about it, cause they’d either send me to an allergist or dermatologist and my insurance doesn’t really cover much
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cakesexuality · 26 days
Weight gain/loss (no specific numbers) discussion, vague mention of caloric intake, medication discussion, eating disorder discussion
I've been gaining weight and I know I'm not imagining it bc the scale reads higher
The only 2 other times I've been this weight have been when my ED was at its worst so my metabolism slowed down to conserve energy, and then again when I was at too high a dose of the wrong antipsychotic (and at first I thought I had PCOS which was causing weight gain -- turns out I don't have PCOS and it was just the Seroquel), so this is a sign to me that something is wrong
I was only able to lose the weight from those times bc I went into recovery so my body knew it would be getting consistent fuel and then bc I suddenly cut back on my dose one night, causing an episode that lasted for most of 2022
Even though I've been saying positive things about the medication, I think this weight gain from the last few months might be caused by Abilify, which is the AP least likely to cause these issues
My weight gain may also be from Alysena, which I've been saying good things about as well, and it's hard to tell bc I wasn't regularly weighing myself until very recently so it's hard to pinpoint when the weight gain began and I started Abilify not too long before starting Alysena so it's hard to say which drug is the problem
You guys were there when Latuda didn't pan out (despite being really good for my mood) bc I was getting tingling, burning, cramping, twitching, and hallucinations from it, so that's 3 for 3 APs I've tried that I'm not happy with
Someone in a mental health Discord told me to consider not taking APs anymore after reading what I had to say about this, bc they had a similar story, and I know lithium was a suggestion from the 2nd CAMH doctor and we haven't explored anticonvulsants very far (which weren't a suggestion from the CAMH doctor but I've tried Lyrica which caused an episode of some kind and I haven't tried any others) although idk how I would fare without an AP since I've been on them consistently since February of 2017 when I was having my big psychotic episode and any attempt to lower my dose beyond a certain threshold results in the resurfacing of symptoms like irritability, anxiety, and hallucinations
But there comes a few problems with asking a doctor about changing my medications to avoid weight gain
First problem is, when I gained all that weight from Seroquel and went to my nurse practitioner at the time, she insisted I was in relapse bc I said I was eating fewer than 2000 calories a day (which, at my height and activity level, is warranted even to just maintain weight... a bitch is 5'5" and sedentary), thought that I was lying about the scale reading higher (when she could have weighed me herself or asked a nurse to weigh me to make sure I was telling the truth), and said I needed a psychiatrist instead of any examination or labs to see if I had a physical ailment (bc again, I thought I had PCOS), so I'm afraid of that happening again -- although, this NP was really shitty at her job bc she wasn't willing to make sure I wouldn't go into anaphylaxis until I yelled and swore at her (something to the effect of "What the FUCK do Wellbutrin and depression have to do with my eyes being itchy and my nose being stuffy?!" and she jumped and gave a sort of "Oh, I guess youre right 😶" response and referred me to an allergist on the condition I also saw a psychiatrist, who I didn't go to see bc nobody can make me), and she had to leave the room to get out an entire book to flip through to DESPERATELY come up with the excuse of "your acne might get worse" when I pushed her to put me on Depo-Provera bc that was the only downside she could apparently find (news flash: my acne stayed the same the entire time I was on Depo)
Second problem is, like I said, it's hard to tell which medication this is from, so idk if I should ask the psychiatrist or the gynecologist or both
Third problem is, as I think I've said before, my GP is currently reluctantly in charge of my psych meds so she may not want to take me off Abilify herself and may make me wait until I see the psychiatrist, and I know she especially won't want to try me on lithium right before I'm handed off to the psychiatrist
Fourth problem is that I'm not seeing the GP until June, the psychiatrist until July, or the gynecologist until August, so it'll be a lot of simply waiting to be able to have this conversation with any prescribers
And I wouldn't be so concerned about gaining weight if it wasn't so physically uncomfortable for me to be this size
So that's where I'm at with my body and my medications 🤷‍♀️
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liecastillo · 2 years
K so I’m dying to get pulls thoughts on how’d they do this Chris and reader meet and fall for each other the reader doesn’t think it’ll go anywhere when he initially asks her out and he’s so sweet but she has allergies to some animals and she freaks what if she’s allergic to dodger what does she do? What would Chris do is he’s in love with her how does it unfold..
• when the reader tells Chris about this, he is sad ofc, because he's really grown to like her, but since he doesn't want to just give up, he decides to try something
• he very carefully asks the reader WHEN and WHERE she experienced those allergic reactions to see if they didn't happen only with certain animals and only in certain conditions.
• and after he gets all the information he needs, he goes to see a friend who is a specialist to discuss everything possible
• he didn't tell you about it, because he didn't want you to feel pressured or anything, but he felt like he had to at least try
• after his meeting was done and he learnt a TON of new stuff, he goes to see the reader and tell her he wants to try something
• he brings her to a park that's not very crowded and gets his brother to bring Dodger to them; he wanted her to try and meet him outside to see if she would get any form of an allergic reaction
• and luckily it all went well, she didn't get any allergic reaction and Dodger instantly fell in love with her and so she finally started spending some time at Chris' house
• yes, when the shedding season starts, her throat and sneezing act up a little bit, but otherwise she is perfect cuddling and playing with Dodger all she wants (and with Chris as well ofc)
I hope you liked this and once again, I am so sorry for the late reply. 🥺
And just so you know, according to my allergist (?? do you even use that term in English? lmao) and the tests she ran on me, I am allergic to dogs. Well, I have had a german shepherd for almost a year now and so far nothing, so from now on I don't trust anything lol.
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talkethtothehandeth · 3 months
I am hungry and that is so cruel when I know my body will not accept anything, even safe foods are not safe again. Everything hurts to eat and drink.
I’m so exhausted all the time, my headaches have gotten worse, my pots is FLARING and I just want to eat again. I missed food and appreciated every bite I was able to have and now I don’t even get that anymore. I was barely getting better but now I’m not. I gained back some of the weight I lost, but now I am not that far away from being lower than what it was before. It dropped so significantly and then my primary doctor gave up. She suggested HIV testing and that was so annoying because she didn’t even try anything else that could’ve been a gi issue. I wasn’t upset she suggested the test (because so many people can get HIV, I don’t see it as an insult) , I was upset she didn’t listen to me.
My allergist suggested a medication for my allergies that might make me gain weight and she said that would probably be a good thing to at least stabilize it. (Which my insurance doesn’t pay for so guess who doesn’t get that) But the problem isn’t just weight loss, it’s not being able to absorb nutrients which causes much more severe symptoms than “just” starving. I think I know what is going on, but my (fired) gi doctor said “I don’t think you have that” within ten minutes of meeting me. I have never ever been tested for it, and he stayed quiet when I said you see it best through an ultrasound or MRI, neither of which I have had for this particular problem. I don’t know what else to do, and my mom was talking about me dying again.
I don’t want to die because of doctors not doing their job. If I’m wrong about this diagnosis then I am wrong, and I will keep trying. However, I have yet to be wrong with the tests I had to fight to get. And I have yet to be wrong about other diagnoses.
I am not a doctor I am nowhere near a medical provider. I’m just another patient who the medical system is trying to kill.
I just want to eat. I miss food so much. I miss everything about it, my favorite foods I can’t eat. I miss feeling less pain.
It’s been years and I am trying so hard to keep fighting but it’s so exhausting.
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mammameesh · 1 year
Ooh number 5 with David/Patrick please 🩵
You're an animal lover, right? <3
“You’re just the cutest.” “You’re the only one who is allowed to say that.”
Patrick was digging out their garden. Apparently if you live with a Rose in a place called Rosehill you need well…roses. "Aren't you just the cutest." He heard his husband preen. "Thank you?" Patrick voice cracked. His husband could be eccentric, but he had never quite heard that compliment before. "Hi. Hi there. Aren't you the sweetest thing?" David's voice went high, which was a bit confusing. Patrick turned and looked, and there was his husband squatted down next to a pure black cat. "I should have known." Patrick laughed, and shook his head fondly. "Patrick, look, aren't they just the sweetest thing?" David twirled his hand, and at that moment the cat rolled over, but come on, that had to be a coincidence. "She does appear to be very sweet. Is her ear tipped?" Patrick kept his distance, he was allergic, after all. "How can you tell it's a girl?" David wondered, bent over to look at the cat. "Her ear is tipped! Poor thing!" David pouted a bit. "Um…to be frank, she has no balls, so it's likely she's a girl. Ted told me that if a cat's ear is tipped, then they have been fixed. She's likely feral." "You mean she has no home?" David pouted more. "No." Patrick tried to put his foot down. "I know you're allergic but couldn't we like foster her or something? We could put up flyers in the store or something? She's so sweet." Patrick took a big breath out. "David Rose, you are going to be the death of me." David looked up at Patrick with big, imploring eyes. "Please?" "You're lucky you're cute." Patrick huffed out. "I guess we have a cat. I'll see if I can get an appointment with my allergist…" "Thank you, honey. She is just the cutest, isn't she?" Patrick chuckled fondly. "David Rose, you are the cutest." David scrunched up his nose. "Only you are allowed to say that."
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
I wish healthcare, and specifically healthcare insurance, was set up better. I have possible food allergies and an elimination diet was inconclusive, so my primary wants me to see an allergist.
How the process should go:
Primary refers me to an allergist
I call the allergist to set up an appointment
I go see the allergist.
That's it. That's literally how simple it should be.
How the process is actually going:
Primary refers me to an allergist
I call the allergist to set up an appointment
The lovely lady on the phone says that unfortunately that office doesn't take my insurance
I say no problem, I'll pay out of pocket
She informs me that it will be $200-350 for just the appointment, with the testing that is almost certain to happen costing another $11 per stick for skin testing. (I have 7 allergens needing testing, and I think they do multiple strengths to see just how much is needed for you to react)
I say yikes, thank you for informing me of that, I don't want to make an appointment at this time
I go back to my primary and say hi that allergist wasn't covered by my insurance could you please refer me to one that is
My doctor's staff informs me that it's my job to find which doctors are covered by my insurance and that they can't do that, and I should contact them again when I had names of local allergists that my insurance will cover
I boggle at that for a while and then go fuck it I think I just won't see an allergist, I'm not having any kind of change on this elimination diet anyway so I probably don't have allergies so what's the point
I end the elimination diet and celebrate the end of it by eating plenty of gluten and dairy, two of the things I was restricted from.
I get abdominal pain.
The abdominal pain is still here the next day.
I think yeah maybe I should actually see an allergist about this, at least skin testing will give more definitive answers and I can ask what the heck kind of symptoms even happen with this because I'm Confused and my primary didn't go into a ton of detail.
That's where I'm at. I still need to 1) look up who's covered by my insurance, and 2) contact my doc to get a referral to someone covered by my insurance, and then 3) actually make that appointment.
Screw all of this. I'm torn between wanting this to actually be something because then it's a concrete answer for some of my problems, and wanting this not to be anything because I desperately do not want to give up dairy and gluten. My diet is weird enough as it is, but I've been relatively stable on it, and now I'm messing with it and it's just. Complicated.
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