#and she's my friend. she's my friend. She hangs out with me. voluntarily.
tirednapentity · 7 months
keep thinking about the time I just got absolutely lost in my friend's eyes. just completely gone, thinking about how much I adored her and gosh, the privilege of being Abel to sit next to this wonderful person, to be able to look into those gorgeous eyes-
and then she turned around and asked if I needed something because I was just sitting there, making really intense wordless eye contact for at least a solid minute.
0 notes
crljhnn · 2 years
The older Jefferson
Pairing: Rodrick Heffley x fem!Reader
Summary: After Rowley announces that his older (half-)sister, who lives quite far away and has never met the Heffleys, is going to visit him over the break Susan invites his family over for dinner. Her not being what Rodrick expects, he starts crushing, which results in him trying to impress her - failing horribly.
No physical description; No use of y/n
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: None
A/N: Hi, just a quick warning that English isn’t my first language and that this is also the first time I’ve ever written a longer text in English that isn’t a school assignment. I also don’t fully understand Tumblr yet, which makes me honestly a bit anxious to post.
[This and a gender-neutral version are also posted on AO3]
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“Why haven't you ever mentioned that you have an older Sister?” Rowley and Greg were sitting on the Heffleys living room floor - Rodrick occupying the whole space on the couch - playing a video game. Well, Greg was. It was a single-player. He promised they would take turns, but by now Rowley had been over for about two and a half hours and hadn’t even had the chance to touch the controller yet. He gave up on asking and settled on just watching about 45 minutes in.
“I talked about her before. Multiple times actually.” That is true. Rowley looks up to his sister a lot “Also, she is technically my Half-Sister. She’s been living with her Dad for longer than I remember. Normally we are the ones flying over to visit during summer break, but she hasn’t visited since she was a little Kid, and after her school schedule finally allowed it, we thought it would be a good idea if she, for a change, came here instead.”
“It sounds like you two get along great!” Mrs. Heffley walked in, holding a laundry basket under one arm while carrying Manny with the other.
“We do! I can’t wait to show her my room and have her around for the entire break! I have so much planned out already, it's gonna be so much fun! Best summer ever!”
“That sounds lovely Rowley, I wish Greg was so excited to hang out with Rodrick, but they just won't get along.” Susan sighed, throwing a pitiful glance at her two oldest, who simultaneously let out a laugh hearing this.”
“Yeah, never gonna happen.” Greg says, “I would rather spend the whole summer in school than voluntarily hang out with this idiot.”
“My Sister is actually around the same age as Rodrick.” Rowley buts in. Greg doesn’t understand how this is relevant, but it probably adds to his mother's yearning for her two oldest sons to get along. Rodrick lets out a laugh hearing that.
“I can’t wait to meet them. Just imagine an older, female version of Rowley. That’s actually fucking hilarious!”.
“Watch your language! Also, I'm sure she is wonderful.” Gregs Mom loosens her lecturing stance, turns around, and smiles at Rowley “I would love to have you and your family over for dinner sometime. It has been a while since I’ve seen your parents and I would love to meet your sister.”
“That sounds great Mrs. Heffley. I will ask my parents as soon as I get home!”
That brings us to about a week later, when the Jefferson family, including their oldest daughter, is standing in front of the Heffleys House, ringing their doorbell.
Rowley has been telling you all about his best friend Greg for years, which made you somewhat excited about finally meeting him. However, you can’t say that the picture your brother painted is entirely positive, finding him rather irritating in many of the stories you were told over time. You aren't too mad though, assuming it is normal for young, teenage boys to act like jerks every once in a while. Not everyone can be such a sweetheart as Rowley. Overall you're glad your brother managed to maintain such a long-lasting friendship.
And then there was Rodrick. You've heard rather interesting stories about him as well. In the beginning, you found those quite amusing, that was until you realized that Rowley was genuinely terrified of him. Not the best first impression someone could make on you. Influenced by seeing your younger sibling grow up to be such a sweet and genuine person you tend to be a bit protective from time to time.
You hear some hushed voices from inside, and you can identify one of them as female, reminding someone to behave. Then the door opens and a woman, who you assume to be Mrs. Heffley, kindly smiles at you. Your suspicion is confirmed a second later when she introduces herself and shoos you into the house, before continuing to greet the rest of your family.
Crossing the threshold you can now see a man standing slightly behind Greg's mother. He introduces himself as Frank, making quite a kind impression on you. Then he leads you into the living room to meet his sons.
The two older ones hardly even notice you at first, too occupied with arguing and rowing with each other.
“Boys!”, their father speaks up, successfully catching their attention. Rather comically their gazes fall from their father to you, their eyes widening and their mouths dropping open. You were not what they expected. While Greg looks just shocked, you would describe Rodricks state as mesmerized.
He recovers fast, pushes Greg off of him, stands up, and puts on what he hopes is a charming smile. Extending his hand he starts to introduce himself.
“Hi, I’m-”
At least he tries to.
“Rodrick. I know. My brother has told me one or two rather interesting stories about you”, your smile is sharp. He gulps, his confident smile turning sheepish, cursing Rowley in his head. You are not what he expected and you are definitely not anywhere close to being a female carbon copy of your, in his eyes, embarrassing younger brother.
He normally wouldn’t consider himself the kind of person who has a type, but from now on, if someone asked, he would probably revert to describing you. You were just ethereal, everything about you was attractive to him. The way you walked, talked, and carried yourself, but also your clothing and hairstyle. Your pretty face just rounds up your whole appearance, making you all the more alluring.
He had to get on your good side. While a family dinner, especially with Greg present, may not be the best opportunity, he could ask Rowley to put in a few good words for him. That kid was easily influenced (or intimidated). Still, making the best possible impression over dinner wouldn’t cause any harm either.
You turn to the other boy who has been silently watching the exchange. Now that your attention is on him he starts feeling nervous as well. Your expression, however, turns a bit more friendly.
“And you must be Greg.” he nods. You introduce yourself and lastly say hello to Manny who is sitting on the floor playing with some figurines. By now the others have entered the room, causing Susan to start leading you all to the dining table.
You’re seated between Rowley and Greg, across from Rodrick, which results in quite frequent eye contact. On one side you really want to intimidate him a bit. This could maybe make your brother's life a bit easier, at least for the time being. On the other side, you do want to make some conversation, maybe throw in a bit of (family dinner appropriate) flirting or at least find out if he’s single.
It’s really hard to hold a grudge against someone who is entirely your type.
While you’re conflicted, Rodrick, on the other hand, is sweating. Nervously fidgeting in his seat. You didn’t seem as irritated with him anymore, if the eye contact was anything to go by. Was this his chance to redeem his shitty first impression? He cursed his brain for failing to come up with something cool to say.
Since when is it so hard to talk to girls? Is it getting hotter in here? What impresses girls? What does he normally brag about? His band! That’s it. Now he just has to bring it up somehow. Maybe he can bribe Greg to ask him about it. No, that’s too risky, he can’t count on Greg to not fuck this up. He is just going to casually bring it up ‘I’m in a band by the way, pretty sick huh?’ ‘Do you like music? Cause I’m in a band’ No that’s stupid everyone likes music… ‘Which kind of music do you listen to?’ That’s good, he should bring up the topic of music first, that’s a normal conversation topic. After that step two is to bring up the band. That’s easy, he got this.
Now he just needs to wait till your attention is on him again and then he can smoothly lead the conversation in the desired direction. He has to calm down, he can do it.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Your eyes meet again.
“I’m in a band!” He speaks way louder than intended, his voice is squeaky, and in the middle of the sentence he has the most embarrassing voice crack imaginable.
The sole attention is now on him. All he hears is Greg's snickering which causes him to kick him under the table.
“Ow!” That was not Greg's leg. He looks up to see you looking at him with a questioning expression.
That’s it. He fucked up. His chances were already low, but he still managed to shrink them even more, making them most likely completely vanish. Great. His ears were ringing, all he can hear is Greg's quiet laughter in the background.
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean to kick you, I-” he starts his apology but loses track of what he is trying to say when he sees your expression change. You're clearly trying to suppress a smile, but it's not working at all.
“You’re adorable.” Rowley chokes on his food, and Greg's laughter abruptly stops
“Rodrick? Adorable?” That’s it. Greg gives up on ever trying to understand girls. How can his stupid older brother embarrass himself like that, then kick the poor girl under the table and still be perceived as adorable by her, especially since she is so much out of his league?
Rodrick however, was still not functioning properly.
“So that band, is its name by any chance Löded Diaper?”
“Yeah.” He is proud of himself for speaking at an appropriate volume without stuttering. “How do yo-”
“I saw your creepy white Van in front of the house. What’s up with that, kidnapping little kids as a side hustle?” You are still smiling, and with your stupid joke you somehow manage to relax the atmosphere a bit, the adults going back to their conversation.
Rodrick too is now smiling, looking at you with an expression you could only describe as lovestruck, even though you just insulted him.
He is contemplating making a joke about how the space in the back could be quite useful for more than just trapping kids but decides against it, fearing to make it awkward again. Getting nervous about taking too much time to come up with an answer he instead lands on “No only kidnapping pretty girls like you.”. As soon as the words leave his mouth he regrets it, realizing it's in fact not a funny and flirty thing to say, but honestly rather creepy.
At the end of the evening, Rodrick has messed up flirting with you multiple times, however, it’s his luck that you find his desperate attempts to look cool to impress you weirdly endearing. Not that he realizes that. Calling Rodrick confused, questioning why you were still talking to him, would be an understatement.
He certainly doesn’t know how he can have messed up so many times and still end up finding a little note with your number on it in his pullover hood after you left.
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flemingsfreckles · 4 months
Grandkids Pt 2
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Jessie Fleming (parent fic)
Synopsis: you and Jessie ask your daughter about her rumored boyfriend, it’s doesn’t go as well as you had hoped. Also based off this request! Follow up fic to this previous fic.
Warnings: mentions of sex, birds and the bees talk again, nothing too explicit, some angst
WC: 2.6k
A/N: this will probably have a part 3 :)
“Ame?” You knock on your daughter's bedroom door, calling her the nickname she got as a little girl from Jessie.
“It's open.” She replies.
You give your wife a smile and a quick squeeze to her hand before you open the door. You and Jessie both walk in, closing the door behind you your daughter spins around in her chair.
“What?” You watch the expression on her face change looking nervous. “Who died?”
“No one died.” You reassure her.
Your daughter looks between you and Jessie. “Then what’s going on?”
“We just wanted to talk to you…” you pause, giving Jessie the chance to talk, she’s been silent since you left the office, you look over at her and she’s looking at the ground.
“Then talk.” your daughter spins back around, turning her head back into the textbook on her desk. She had gotten Jessie’s knack for school, always working her hardest, trying her best. Your son had gotten your interest in school, or more lack of interest in school.
“We need your attention for this.” Your daughter throws her head back and lets out a huff before turning around again. She crosses her arms and looks between you and Jessie. You sit on her bed, across from her. You look at Jessie who’s standing still just by the door. You pat the side of the bed and she snaps out of her stare and moves to sit next to you.
“We overheard some things Riley was saying when you two got home today.” You pause, hoping your daughter wouldn’t make you drag this out and would jump in confirming or denying the boyfriend. She doesn’t. “He mentioned a boyfriend.”
You watch your daughter break eye contact with you, her eyes finding her hands fidgeting, just like Jessie did when she was nervous. You also notice the redness starting to form on her cheeks.
“Amelia?” You don’t want to force her to tell you, you want her to do it on her own, but it didn’t seem like she was going to offer that information voluntarily. She doesn’t look up from her hands. “Do you have a boyfriend?”
“I guess.” She mumbles. You practically feel Jessie tense up next to you at your daughter's mention of the boy.
“Okay.” Now you were racking your brain for what to say next. “That’s fine we’re not upset, you can have a boyfriend. What’s his name?”
“Nick, how do you know Nick?” You question.
She glances over to you. “School. He’s in my advanced calculus class.”
“How long have you been dating?”
“Couple weeks.” She shrugs as if she’s unsure.
“Have you gone on dates?” You realize it’s starting to feel like you’re interrogating your daughter, but you had questions and wanted to know.
“Yeah. We hang out at lunch, we’ve gotten dinner with a group of friends, we study after school together sometimes.”
“Alone?” Jessie finally chips in.
“I mean, we’re at school, but yes, it’s usually just us,”
“You will not be allowed to be alone with him anymore, you will not make us grandparents for at least another 10 years.” Before your daughter finishes, Jessie cuts her off.
Your daughter's jaw drops. “Oh my god, is that what this is? You’re trying to give me the sex talk again?”
“Amelia we just want to check in with you, you’ve never had a boyfriend, we just wanted to kind of cover our expectations.” You try to explain to her that this is more than just a sex talk.
She just looks at you.
“We’d like to meet him, especially if you’re going to continue seeing him.” She nods at you. “He won’t be a distraction, if there’s a negative change in your school, your behavior, your attitude, that we think is due to him, that’ll be a problem.”
“He won’t be a problem.”
“He’s welcome to come over, but you two won’t be alone in the house together. No behind closed doors activities, especially not now while this is new and we don’t necessarily trust him.”
“Ughh” your daughter covers her face, obviously not enjoying the conversation being had, she knew where it was going and what you were implying.
“Look, Amelia, none of us are comfortable having this conversation, but,” you let out a sigh, looking at Jessie and then back to your daughter. “If you have any questions or I don’t know concerns, confusion, regarding the physical intimacy that comes with,”
“Oh my god.” Your daughter plugs her ears with her fingers. “I know how sex works, I don't need to be taught.”
“Amelia, act like an adult.” You give her a stern look and she drops her hands.
“If you’re dating, that part of your relationship is going to come up. Your mom and I just want to establish this open line of communication regarding anything you may have questions about. We’d rather you come to us than consult the internet.” You glance at Jessie, trying to give her the option to jump in and talk but she stays silent. “We get that you’re nearly an adult, sex is a natural thing, we just want you to be safe and smart about it. We’re not going to tell you what you can and can’t do with your body, you’re legally a consenting adult. We just, if it’s something that’s going to happen or you think might happen, you can talk to us.”
“Can I talk to both of you? Or is just Mom okay with this?” Your daughter is now looking at Jessie but pointing at you.
You look at your wife, her jaw is clenched, as if she’s been holding back snarky comments the whole time you’ve been talking.
“Ma?” Your daughter tries again to get Jessie to speak. The two of them stare at each other, no words being exchanged. You take the moment to realize how alike your daughter and wife are. Their freckled faces, both sporting an embarrassed blush on their cheeks, their hair, your daughter’s much longer than Jessie’s but similar in color and texture. In this moment their stubbornness, them both sitting, not speaking at each other. You daughter had always been Jessie’s little girl, your son clinging more to you, you knew your daughter would want Jessie’s approval, she’d want confirmation that she could go to Jessie if she needed something.
Jessie pushes herself off the bed, not uttering a single word shaking her head as she walks out of the room. Youre stuck for a moment. Completely stunned by what just had occurred. Stunned by your wife’s lack of regard for your child who just wanted some reassurance. Once you snap out of your stunned state you look over to your daughter. She's blinking rapidly, her lower lip is being held tightly between her teeth but the way it was quivering still noticeable.
“Ame.” You stand up and go to wrap your arms around your daughter. You were ready to rip into your wife for her immaturity but first you had to comfort your daughter. “It’s alright.”
“Does she hate me?” You can hear your daughter sniffle slightly as she speaks.
“Oh honey! No, she doesn’t hate you.” You squeeze her tighter.
“Then why won't she talk to me?” Her voice breaks as she asks you, breaking your heart. You feel a tear from your daughter's face hit your forearm.
You give her a kiss on the top of her head. “She doesn’t hate you honey. She just, she’s having a hard time, I think shes just realizing that her little girl isn’t so little anymore. It’s hard, you used to be so small. But that’s still not fair for her to behave like that.” You feel your daughter nod into your chest. “I’m going to go talk to her.”
“Okay.” You release your daughter from your grasp, looking at her teary face. “Amelia, we both love you, she’ll come around.” She nods again and you turn to leave her room.
“Thank you.” Your daughter says right before you leave her room. “For treating me like an adult, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you both sooner about him, it just never felt like the right time and I wanted to make sure it stuck and I was worried I’d just be scolded and told I wasn’t allowed to date, except that’s what it seems she wants.”
“She’ll come around, I promise.” You give her a smile as you close the door behind you. The smile immediately dropping when you see Jessie standing in the living room.
“Bedroom, now!” You say through your teeth as you glare at your wife when you step out of your daughter's room. You grab her arm and pull her behind you across the house and into your room, shutting the door hard behind you.
“What the fuck was that?” You try to keep your voice quiet, Amelia already being upset you didn’t want her to overhear your fight and blame herself. Jessie says nothing, cowering away from you.
“Seriously Jessie, she asked me if you hated her! Our daughter thinks you hate her, do you realize how fucked up it was to walk out? All she wanted was something from you, you said nothing to her! She wanted to know she could come to you, that she could trust you with questions and you failed to show her that she could!”
“I, I didn’t know what to say.” Keeping her eyes on the floor Jessie quietly mutters.
“Anything, anything would’ve been better than what you did! She’s in her room crying, she thinks you’re disappointed in her, she’s done nothing wrong!” You raise your voice accidentally.
“I know.”
“You better fix this, tonight.” You give her a hard look before you walk out of the room, not caring how hard you closed the door behind you.
You wander out to the living room, slumping down on the couch. You couldn’t believe what had just happened. You had felt confident going into your daughter’s room, you and Jessie had just talked, she had agreed that you’d talk to her as an adult, give her the opportunity to ask questions, and Jessie had completely abandoned that plan.
Part of you understood how Jessie felt, it was hard realizing your kids weren’t kids anymore. It was hard, but you knew it was coming. You had 17 years to prepare and it definitely didn’t feel like enough time. You accepted Amelia was an adult now, you had given her more freedom, asked less questions about where she was going, you expected her to behave like an adult, and she had. She had proven to both you and Jessie that she was more than capable of being her own person. She had a job, she did well in school, she was home on time, she was a good kid who turned into an equally good young adult.
The longer you sit on the couch the more uncomfortable you become. It was as if you could feel the tension between the two sides of your house, your daughter's bedroom off to your left and your shared bedroom with Jessie off to the right of where you sat. No noises or signs of movement coming from behind either door.
It takes time but finally your bedroom door cracks open and your wife steps out. She makes the move toward your eldest child’s bedroom stopping in front of where you sat. “Can you come with me?” You push up from where you sat and follow her to the doorway.
You stand behind Jessie, she was going to have to make the move, you weren’t here to help her. She knocks, Amelia answers the door without a word she gives you both a glance and then turns back toward her desk.
“Amelia,” Jessie starts as she walks into the room, she sits back on the bed as you two had before, this time you stay by the door. Jessie pats her hand on the comforter, inviting your daughter to come sit next to her. Amelia sends you a pointed look before slowly making her way to sit.
Jessie holds out her hands to your daughter, Amelia places her own into Jessie’s. “Amelia, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for walking out before, that was not the right choice, I just needed to take a moment, I’m sorry I made you think I was upset with you.”
“It’s alright.” Your daughter shrugs.
“No, it’s not. That was a bad example of how to deal with my emotions. I shouldn’t have walked out. I’m sorry, I love you, I’m not upset with you, and I certainly don’t hate you. I could never hate you. I just needed to process a little bit more.”
“You told her?” Your daughter now looks at you, annoyance on her face.
“She did.” Jessie steps in to defend you to your daughter. “I was being selfish, your Mom called me out on it, she told me I hurt you because I was too caught up in my own feelings. Don’t be mad at her.”
Amelia looks between the two of you. “Okay.”
“Okay.” Jessie takes a deep breath, letting the air out of her lungs before she starts. “I don’t want you sleeping with him.” Jessie is able to get out before your daughter interrupts.
“I’m not Ma, we haven’t, we won’t-” Jessie gently shakes Amelia’s hands, giving them a squeeze.
“First off I want to meet him, before you two continue on dating, I need to see if he’s a good person. If we don’t think he’s a good person, that’ll be a different conversation, but I trust your judgment so I’d like to think he’s a good person. He will be respectful of you, and respectful to us, he’ll be respectful to your brother, he’ll respect your time, he’ll respect your friends. He will understand that while, yes, he’s your boyfriend and you’re his girlfriend, you are not his, you’re your own person.”
Your own eyes widen at the speech your wife is suddenly giving your daughter. It wasn’t the first time Jessie had been stern with your kids, she had been before when it came to them being disrespectful or doing something potentially dangerous. This was different, she wasn’t necessarily being stern, but firm in her expectations and you couldn’t help but feel proud of her for first owning that she messed up with your daughter earlier, and now giving her the fair and adult conversation that she had previously feared.
“You two will not be allowed to sleep over at each other's houses, you will not be out extra late with him. I know you say you haven’t slept together and you won’t, but I’ve also been a teenager so I know how quickly that can change. And I’m not an idiot, so don’t try any of that sneaky shit missy. Your Mom and I played that game, we did all the sneaking around when we first dated, we know all the tricks and all the places you can hide.”
“Gross.” Amelia mutters under her breath.
It’s now your turn to feel the embarrassment as Jessie brings up how the two of you used to sneak around as teenagers, being only able to see each other on National Team duty, you made good use of hotel rooms, training rooms, closets, bathrooms, all while hiding your relationship for the first two years.
“I’m also not ignorant enough to realize you don’t need to have a sleepover to have sex. I don’t know why parents think it’s only at night. Regardless, the door stays open when he’s over and in your room. And, I can’t believe I’m saying this, if you’re going to have sex with him, just please be smart about it. You can come to me or your Mom, I promise. I’d rather you tell us it might be on your mind, than sneak off and do it in his car in a dirty alley with no protection and then we have grandkids, we can discuss birth control if it comes to that. But no sex in a sketchy alley. And don’t rush into it, don’t you dare let him rush you or pressure you in anyway into it! Am I clear?”
“Yes.” Amelia says, nodding while still avoiding eye contact with you and Jessie, choosing to stare across at her desk chair.
“Any questions?”
Your daughter shakes her head and Jessie reaches for your daughter's phone on the nightstand and hands it to her. “Now, invite him for dinner on Friday.”
“Ma, no!” She snatches the phone from Jessie’s hand but doesn’t make a move to text Nick.
“Invite him Amelia, if he’s a decent person, you have nothing to be worried about.
“I’m not worried about him, I’m worried about you two, you’re both going to interrogate him and scare him off!”
“No we won’t.” You reassure your daughter, you didn’t want to scare the boy, you just wanted to get to know him. Dinner seemed like a safe way to do that.
“You might not, but she will.” Your daughter cranes her neck to look at you, her arm pointing at Jessie in front of her.
“I’m your mother, I'm allowed to interrogate him. Invite him Amelia, if Friday doesn’t work we’ll do a different day but I’m meeting this boy.”
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allthelovenina · 3 months
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Random headcanons of Levi Ackerman x reader
Warnings: none, afab reader
-How you two got closer?
When Farlan and Isabel passed away, he stood by their graves for a very long time in the rain. However, he wasn't alone there all the time but rather had someone by his side after a while. A soldier whose name he didn't clearly remember. He had met this person and had seen them a few times during the training and in the mess hall but never had a real interaction with her, however, he had already noticed her because she was just so clean. Her boots were always polished, and her clothes never had a stain on them, her hair was clean, and on top of all of that, she was the only one who dedicated time and energy to cleaning the place voluntarily. She put the flowers on their graves and stood in silence next to Levi as the raindrops were falling on her hair and her clothes were getting drenched.
She stood next to him in silence until he decided he had to go. He faced her. "You didn't have to." It was his way of thanking her, she assumed. "I want to give my comrades a proper goodbye. Plus, I...didn't want to leave you alone." She continued."Don't get it the wrong way, I know what it's like to...lose your loved ones. I assume you only had them, but...just so you know, you're not left alone in this world." Levi remained silent. In truth, he did appreciate her kindness. However, he was deep in thought about how scared he was from being left alone. He didn't mind being alone, but being left alone was a whole different story, and now it felt like she was bringing him out of that pit of agony. However, he was too overwhelmed to process anything. The next thing he knew was that he landed himself a few "friends" and perhaps a family, his squad and comrades.
How did he find out he had feelings for you?
As the days turned into weeks and weeks were poured into months, he found her presence warming. Despite the December leaves falling and the chill creeping into every corner of the HQ, he felt a little flare, warming up his heart every time he saw her smile. However, these feelings were so strange to him that he never acknowledged them.
It was December, the new year was just around the corner and the training was cancelled though to the harsh weather. Levi found it ridiculous. 'Soldiers must know how to survive in such weather.' Though the temperature was nothing new to him, since the underground was either too hot or too cold, the snow covering the field was something he had never seen. He sipped the hot tea as he watched the snow covered land.
"Levi!" It was her. He turned to the voice, somehow curious. "What is it?" She smiled, same flare warmed his chest up. "I wanna show you something. Come on now!" She grabbed his arm. "Hey! Let me finish my tea first." It was too late, he was already dragged to another room.
"Happy birthday!" Everyone screamed as she opened the door. "Happy birthday, Levi!" He stood there speechless for a moment or two, overwhelmed with everything he was processing, before he knew it a cake was brought close to his face with candles on it. "Make a wish!" Hange said loudly. He looked at you and he wished he hadn't. Cause that damn flare was now a burning fire in his chest. Did she always look like a painting by a famous artist, hanging on the walls of a museum in Wall Sina?
Damn it. This was not normal.
"Come on, Levi! Close your eyes and make a wish. Blow the candle once you made your wish." She instructed him and he followed. Once he blew his candle Hange asked him "What did you wish for?" His expression remained stoic "For this place to be clean one day." He lied, but it was believable enough. What he actually wished was for her to be happy and healthy all the time. He had one wish and spent it on her. "By the way..." he said "Thank you all. You didn't have to."
-How does he show his affection?
He doesn't. Or at least he desperately tries not to. But he can't have his new expensive tea which he bought from Trost District without her. She just has to try it. It gets on his nerves, but the tea doesn't feel right when he isn't having it with her.
His gaze softens when he speaks to her. His expression is less intense and if you listen really closely you can hear the small, tiny hint of joy and softness, the kind of tone which you hear when someone is talking to a baby. Of course, it's not obvious to anyone, even himself.
In the early days of confronting his feelings, he tried to distance himself from her. Perhaps it was a matter of attachment. If he escaped from her, maybe her presence wouldn't haunt him. Despite being successful at avoiding her physically, he could never escape from her. She lived in his mind rent-free.
One night, he tossed his legs as he tried to get some sleep, tonight, like the nights before, she was in his thoughts. He decided to get some fresh air. As he left the room, he saw her in the common kitchen, and he gasped. Not too loudly. She smirked "Did I scare you?" He frowned "No. What the hell are you doing at this hour in the kitchen?" She pouted, and his heart melted once again. "I couldn't sleep, duh."
He glanced for a moment and sighed. "Want some tea?" She smiled. "Yes please." As he started preparing the tea, she started speaking hesitantly. "Uhm...I wanna talk to you." He faces her with confusion. "Are you mad at me? Did I do anythig wrong?" Levi swore he heard her voice trembling "I mean...you've been really avoiding. I...just wanna apologize."
Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.
He never meant to upset her, but there she was pouting and just so soft for him. His heart dropped, it came to him at that moment how selfish he had been. Never ever was he going to avoid her or do anything to make her look like this. Of course, she wasn't crying or anything but there was just something broken in her voice, a hint of sadness. Levi would've rather have his head rubbed in mod than seeing her like this.
"No, you did nothing wrong...I was just...didn't want to talk to anyone that's all, nothing personal." He grabbed the cups and poured some tea into them. "Here." He put the cup on the table.
Suffer, instead of seeing her suffer, cause that would be less painful.
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jnnul · 2 months
nouvelle vague
a/n: i've been in a fever dream writing this fic, honestly. i kinda just needed to write it. it means so much to me that i did though because it's something that i wish that i had learned earlier and i just love this fic so much please love her like i have. and a huge HUGE thank you to xixi and soph for beta reading! couldn't have made this fic possible without you <3 quick note: feedback, comments, etc. GREATLY encourage writers! if you felt any sort of way (in a good or bad way!) about this fic, pls leave feedback!
word count: 13.3k
tags: college au!, confusing love, y/n who can't get her life together, self-destructive mc x perfect donghyun with a sprinkle of best boy dongmin, so many good friends and so many lessons to be learned
warnings: explicit detail of sex (oral, foreplay, angry sex, unprotected sex...) underage drinking, and general college shenanigans! also heavy detailing of unhealthy relationships with stress, and academic pressures :(
playlist: nouvelle vague - wave to earth, fairy of shampoo - dosii, she - jannabi, 0310 - yerin baek
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don't leave the gas on, don't let sanghyeok lee cook anything, and don't get into pointless arguments with dongmin han that he gets overly competitive about winning.
"...which is why you've got to trust me when i say that mbti is a science that you can actually trust!"
"i don't know, min, i just think mbti is stupid. it's a pseudoscience at best, and that too is a complete overstatement," you say off-handedly, more preoccupied with finding the book you needed to write your essay on. dongmin scoffs, pressing a steepled hand to his chest in offense as he pulls down the book you were look for with the other.
"that sounds like something an intj would say," he counters, withholding the book from you. you stare at him unimpressed, arms folded over your chest.
"it sounds like something a logical person would say," you retort, waiting for him to relent and return your book. this behavior (much to your dismay) was nothing new and you knew your best friend well enough to just wait out his tantrums for you to be able to move on with your life.
dongmin looks at you expectantly and you sigh, hanging your head. "alright, alright, i'm not a logical person; i've just got a stick up my ass. are you happy now?"
your best friend harrumphs proudly and touches the book to both of your shoulders, as though he were knighting you. you roll your eyes and snatch the book from him, hugging it close to your chest for fear that he might steal it from you again.
"maybe if you actually had a stick up your ass once in a while, you wouldn't be such a killjoy all the time," dongmin snorts, narrowly dodging you when you wind up to smack him with the book (read: weapon) in your hand.
"alright so now since i haven't had sex in a while, i'm a killjoy?" you say as the both of you make your way back to the study room that you'd reserved in hopes that you'd actually get some work done today. although, you should've been wise enough to give up on such nonsensical ideas the moment dongmin texted/warned you that he would be gracing you with his presence.
"i still can't believe you won't tell me who you had sex with last. and besides, i don't think you're a killjoy," dongmin clarifies, opening the door for you to walk through. "but everyone else does."
"because i'm voluntarily celibate?"
"because you never go out anymore! you used to be so much fun, y/n. you used to be the girl that would have crazy stories from when she would party until five in the morning. the one who'd have boy after boy lining up in front of her door just to see if they would get a chance with you. not to mention the fact that you used be able to drink us all to shame. i still think you're an awesome and fun person without doing any of those things but i miss you sometimes, you know? i just can't help but wonder where that girl went and that's why everyone else can't understand why a person like you and i can be best friends when they see us now. because they don't know what you used to be like."
you sigh, tucking your hood over your shoulder as you begin to analyze the work in front of you.
"i didn't go anywhere, min and you know that. i don't care what other people think as long as my best friend knows the truth. and besides, that lifestyle was never going to be a sustainable one. i just decided that i wanted more out of life than just parties and bad grades," you explain patiently, eyes never leaving the neatly organized papers in front of you.
dongmin huffs and leans backwards into the booth, but he knows it's the truth. while he'd become friends with you because of your rambunctious and adventurous spirit back in freshman year, he'd chosen to remain best friends with you even later on because you were a good person - an ambitious person who wanted to make something out of their life.
"you can have both, you know," he mumbles and you smile gently at him before looking back down at your book.
"i know. you can have both because you were smart and made sure your grades never slipped. i didn't do that and now i'm paying the price," you remind him, and you can sense dongmin's protest about your self-deprecating statement bubbling up but he's interrupted when the study room door opens and a series of people begin to file in.
"hey, so sorry to have to kick you out but we have the room reser - wait. dongmin? what are you doing in a study room, man?" one of the men who'd walked in says.
you don't pay attention to the people walking in as you begin to gather your materials, leaving the socializing to your much more extroverted best friend. you check your watch, cursing under your breath when you realize that you'd spent too much time looking for the book and dongmin’s antics. you were supposed to switch from this study room to the one next door, because that one was available for a long period of time but only opened up right as the current one was going to be occupied.
"eh, i just came to bother y/n," dongmin says with a bored tone that everyone in the room knows is a front. "what are you guys doing here? don't you have a musty basement to throw a rager in?"
this leads all of the men and women who walked in to snicker, pointing at the poor soul who'd decided to take it up with dongmin today.
"you're basically in the frat too," the man protests and you finally register him to be jeongwoo park, one of dongmin's heaps of friends in the tsr frat.
"yeah but you have to pay to drink your own alcohol with your own dues," dongmin points out, snickering at jeongwoo. "i drink your alcohol for free."
"i say we ban this kid from our parties," another voice, hyunwoo kim pipes up, and a chorus of 'yeah's' and 'shut up jeongwoo' rise up simultaneously from both sides of the conversation. you fail to keep in your giggle as you watch dongmin get banned from the tsr frat in realtime (that you know he's going to charm his way out of somehow anyway), causing some of the people to turn their attention to you.
"y/n! how are you babe? it feels like it's been a century since we've last seen you!" one of the girls, jihyo han, says warmly and you give her a shy smile.
"i'm doing alright. swamped with projects," you say, lifting your arms up to showcase the number of books and papers you were balancing and doyeon coos sympathetically.
"that's what double majoring in english literature and architecture does to you but the woman doesn't listen to me," dongmin says, jostling you jestfully. you turn to chide him for pushing you when you accidentally lose grip of all of your work, causing it to tumble to the ground in what feels like slow-motion into heaps of unorganized messes.
"dongmin!" you hear hyunwoo scold as you swoop down to gather everything into your arms once more. another figure joins you on the ground, scooping papers into a neat stack with nimble fingers and strong arms. you look up to make eye contact with donghyun kim, immediately averting your eyes when you do, afraid of what he might find in them if he kept looking at you for too long.
"thanks," you mumble when donghyun hands you the papers he's collected and he just offers you a soft smile.
"it does feel like it's been a while since we've seen you around, y/n. even sanghyeok complains that he hasn't seen you at their place lately," donghyun says gently and you're left to shrug helplessly as you adjust to grasp at the stray pages more carefully.
"ah. yeah. i haven't really gone over to dongmin and sanghyeok's place lately because i've been in the library most of the time," you say and donghyun nods, silent as he watches you with that knowing gaze that sets your every nerve on fire.
sometimes, you wonder if donghyun knows how much of an impact he has on those around him just by the way he looks at them.
you don't have feelings for donghyun - at least no feelings worth discussing with anyone and none that you were ever willing to recall - but you're sure that pretty any one with a pair of eyes and a functioning heart could acknowledge just how attractive he was.
you were almost 99.99% sure that even if what had happened between you and donghyun hadn't happened, anyone's heart would skip at least once when they talked to him.
"i'm gonna go to the other study room," you announce hurriedly to no one in particular and dongmin takes it as his cue to bid his friends farewell as the two of you make your way to the study room.
"feel free to come to our room if it gets too loud or crowded in here!" dongmin yells over his shoulder, much to your dismay and to the chagrin of the librarian sitting at her desk a few yards away.
"sorry!" he exclaims, equally as loud, and the librarian just rolls her eyes with a forgiving smirk tugging at her lips. of course dongmin had managed to charm her too. you'd be surprised if your best friend left anyone with two legs and a heartbeat on this campus without at least an attempt to get into their pants.
or vice versa. mostly vice versa.
"oh that reminds me. sanghyeok asked me if you wanted to come to movie night this friday. you've skipped out on the last three because of work and exams but you're finally gonna be submitting all the big ones by this thursday so i don't want to hear any excuses on why you can't come to movie night. alright? alright. besides, all of the guys from our - your freshman year are gonna be there. and also, sanghyeok is gonna bring his girlfriend too so you won't be the only girl," dongmin says, his words firing out of his mouth in rapid succession.
you just nod in understanding, knowing that this shouldn't be the hill that you died on when it came to dongmin's antics.
"and i also may or may not have promised that you'd come to jaehyun's party on saturday," dongmin adds sheepishly and this finally catches your attention.
"movie night is one thing but a party is another thing, dongmin! is it a frat party or a clubbing type event? how long is the event? do you need me to send a present for him or something? isn't it his birthday soon?" you interrogate and dongmin just throws a pencil at you and puts his index finger to his lips to shush you.
"woman, do you ever shut up?" he sasses, immediately raising his hands in surrender when your eyebrows lift so high, they disappear into your hairline. "what i mean is, jaehyun said that he would give me the number of that cute girl from your structural design class that you won't give me if you come to his party."
"how does he know her? and what does that have to do with my attendance at his party?" you ask and dongmin shrugs, leaning over the table.
"it's jaehyun. he knows everything about everyone," dongmin reminds you and you have to concede to that. "and i'm not kidding when i say that people miss you y/n. you're still that fun person when you're away from your work and people haven't seen that side of you in so long. you've gotta oblige jaehyun on his birthday, don't you think?"
"...i'll think about it," you say with a sigh after a few beats of contemplation. "as long it's not a 'rager in a musty basement' like jeongwoo's parties."
dongmin lifts three fingers solemnly. "scout's honor. it's not going to be a rager in a musty basement. now please. finish your work! i'm hungry and sanghyeok promised ramen from the ramen bar."
to dongmin's credit, the movie night was actually a breath of fresh air from your constant cycle of work, school, and stress. sanghyeok's girlfriend, jayoon sim, was the sweetest girl you'd ever met in your life, back when you'd met her at the beginning of the year. she was very similar to sanghyeok in the fact that she was outgoing and on the louder side but it was heartwarming to see sanghyeok start to mellow out to balance her spark.
it wasn't as though sanghyeok was toning down his personality for her - if anything, the two of them were even more chaotic together - but he seemed to like riding the backseat of the conversation more often as jayoon went on some tangent or another of the plot of the movie.
which led to lots of moments where the movie was paused by one of the five boys present at movie night (more often than not, it was sungho park, who was more intrigued by jayoon's tangents than the movie itself) and lots of popcorn being eaten in those breaks.
and that was how you found yourself standing in sanghyeok's kitchen, popping another bag of popcorn - the fourth bag in the past hour. sanghyeok had offered but you knew from personal experience that sanghyeok plus any form of cooking equals fire.
you personally thought it was a talent to be that talentless at cooking but dongmin, sanghyeok's roommate and the unfortunate soul who had to put out said fires, was not nearly as amused as you were.
"do you need any help?" you hear a voice ask behind you. you turn to make eye contact with donghyun, standing in the space that separated the kitchen from the foyer where you could faintly hear jaehyun myung and dongmin get into yet another argument about the logistics of whether or not batman could feasibly buy the mona lisa.
"it's just popping a bag of popcorn," you answer. donghyun laughs, taking another step forward into the kitchen.
"and yet sanghyeok manages to destroy the bag and the popcorn every single time," donghyun reminds you and you shrug, slipping your phone into your pocket.
"it's hard to do. you have to give him that," you admit and he laughs again, shaking his head.
there's a blanket of silence that falls over the conversation, the argument in the other room providing background noise so it doesn't grow awkward.
you knew donghyun wasn't much of a talker but at this point, you just didn't know what to say to him anymore. he wasn't a stranger to you - he was close to dongmin, and prior to that, you had been pretty close to the five boys. they'd been the boys that you'd gone out with most of the time during the second half of freshman year and the beginning of sophomore year.
donghyun had seen you in a number of embarrassing situations; granted, most of them were while you were blackout drunk, but the number of times that you were in asaid state during the first half of your college education was embarrassing enough.
and he'd seen you...he'd seen all of you. he'd seen too much of yourself and it made you want to stuff yourself deep underground so you could escape his knowing gaze.
so while donghyun kim was no stranger to you, this new version of you was a stranger to him.
it was an odd feeling: having the knowledge of a shared past that neither of you could fully relate to any longer, and having mentalities that extended in distinctly different directions in the present.
donghyun was the prime example of being able to have it all. from what you knew about him from the past three years of tentatively close friendship, you knew that he was a strong academic who would skip out on a party here and there to make sure he could study the next morning but could be convinced into having a good time pretty much anywhere.
you've heard of a good many adventures from dongmin just this year about how the five of them had found themselves in abandoned malls or parties at the college neighboring yours, which was infamous for its ability to throw a rager for pretty much any reason.
if anything, the strongest feeling that you felt towards donghyun kim was sheer, unadulterated, pure jealousy. how could one person be so well-balanced while it felt like you were fighting an uphill battle everyday just to get everything done?
that jealousy was what had landed you in the situation you were in now: filled to the brim with stress and ready to pop at any moment. it was also that envy which had led to that mistake at the beginning of sophomore year between you and donghyun.
"y/n? are you okay?" donghyun asks, waving a hand in front of your face. you blink, turning belatedly to open the microwave door, only to see that donghyun had already done it for you.
"sorry. i spaced out for a second," you mumble, and busy yourself by searching for a new bowl, seeing as the one in the foyer was still somewhat filled with popcorn.
"you really need to take breaks more often, y/n. i feel like the stress of constantly being on the go is getting you," donghyun echoes from behind you and for some reason, the concern in his voice makes you ashamed and angry more than anything else.
easy for you to say donghyun, you want to say. everything comes easy to you. you didn't fuck up like i did. you don't have to fight everyday to make sure that you actually have a future worth living for because you weren't young and stupid.
but all you actually say is, "yeah, you're definitely right."
you avoid donghyun's heavy gaze as you pour the popcorn into the bowl, silently willing him to go back to the foyer so you could simmer in your embarrassment in peace but to your dismay, he doesn't leave.
"you're incredibly intelligent and hard-working. but if you don't give yourself a break sometimes, you're just going to burn out. i wish you'd come back to us sometimes. you can't ruin your present for your future," he says softly, and suddenly everything is just too much.
his words strike a chord in your mind somewhere and you can feel your strong front start to crumble.
you want to yell at him, scream that he had no right to tell you how to live your life and that you were going to lay in the pile of sins that you'd committed. but for some reason, all you can do is try and fight back tears.
it makes you feel so incredibly embarrassed that you'd worked so hard for the past two years to ensure that you'd never slip up. that your mistakes from freshman year and the first half of sophomore year wouldn't catch up to you.
you'd worked on yourself, working on controlling your lust for going out and having fun. on not getting affected by when people would ask you to come out with them, only to reject them for fear of what would happen to your academics. you'd worked on not showing any signs of being tired or scared of your future.
just to cry. just to cry here in front of donghyun in sanghyeok's kitchen. not in the privacy of your home where no one could see you. but the exact place in front of the exact person that you didn't want to see you cry at all.
you hastily wipe at your tears, willing them to stay in the confinement of your eyes before you could let them fall in a place that would deliver such a blow to your ego or your social standing.
donghyun is taken aback, you can tell by the way that his usually impassive face has a hint of worry written into the lines of his forehead that crinkle as he watches you try to put yourself together.
"can you give this popcorn to the others? i just need to use the restroom really quickly," you whisper hoarsely, not daring to look at donghyun in the eyes as you rush out of the kitchen, trying your best to look alright and conceal the fact that you were crying in front of the five other people in the foyer.
you know you're unsuccessful though when you hear footsteps growing louder and louder as they approached the bathroom and it takes every ounce of your strength to keep from crying harder.
"y/n? you okay? you looked kinda hurried going into the bathroom." it's dongmin, and you contemplate for a moment before slowly opening the bathroom door, pulling him in and he immediately wraps you into a hug as soon as he sees your tear-streaked face.
"i'm okay. i just really need a hug right now," you manage to warble out, and dongmin's arms just get tighter around your shoulders. you try to come down, steadying your breathing as you try to keep fresh tears from falling down your cheeks when a knock sounds at the door.
"it's me," donghyun says and you want to curse him out. you want to tell him to leave you alone. that you didn't want to talk to him and that you wanted him to stop judging you and your choices. instead, you lean over, breaking away from dongmin, to click open the bathroom door.
"i'm so sorry," he says softly and you shake your head, giving him a mirthless smile.
"i've just been super high-tension for the past couple of days with all of the submissions and i just - i just kinda fell apart. sorry you had to see that."
donghyun steps forward, and dongmin steps back, letting go of where his arm was resting on your shoulder.
"i didn't mean to make you feel bad, y/n. i was just worried about you. i know what it's like to feel that kind of pressure and i just hated to see one of my...friends in that level of stress," he continues, glancing at dongmin when he says the word friend, and dongmin steps around you in the tiny bathroom to reach the door.
"i'm gonna leave you two alone. don't do anything i would do," he warns with a stupid grin and despite the situation, you find yourself laughing, threatening to throw the toothpaste at him.
"he's so dumb," you say under your breath and donghyun watches you carefully.
"he's a good friend," he remarks and you nod, pulling at the toilet paper to wipe your tears away.
"he's the best friend i could ever ask for," you agree and donghyun's expression doesn't change but his demeanor grows a little more hesitant.
"we all thought you guys were gonna start dating, you know. i mean, he's the one person who stuck by you through everything," he confesses and you immediately shake your head, the very thought of it making you want to gag.
"dongmin and i? no way. he's my best friend but i could never see him as my boyfriend. we're more like siblings than any sort of romantic relation; i'd fax his soul directly to satan if he asked me for my fries but i'd give my kidney to him," you explain and donghyun relaxes a bit, leaning against the wall behind him as he watches you clean yourself up.
"he hasn't talked to you about how much stress you're putting on yourself?"
"i'm doing fine, donghyun. i really do appreciate that you have my best interests in mind but dongmin's the one who's been there for every single step i've made. if he doesn't think that there's an extreme cause for concern, no offense, but i really don't see why you do."
donghyun has nothing to say to that, and although he probably should, he doesn't feel hurt at all. you were right. donghyun knew you as an outsider, compared to dongmin and even sanghyeok, and didn't know how much stress (or lack thereof) there really was in your life.
but he couldn't explain why he was so worried or why he missed your old troublemaking tendencies so much. or why he missed your strange ideas of a good time or unnecessary dialogues during movie nights. he couldn't explain why he missed the heat of your body on cold nights or why he replayed that fateful night in his mind over and over again.
this was the first movie night that you'd been to in a while from donghyun's knowledge but what did he know? he was only at this movie night because dongmin invited the old freshman/sophomore year gang to start their friday movie nights tradition once more instead of them just being sanghyeok, you, and dongmin.
so when you slip past him, not only does donghyun find himself at a loss for words, but he also finds himself more confused than he had been before your conversation.
at least he could figure it (whatever it was) at jaehyun's party tomorrow.
the one redeeming factor of your attendance of jaehyun's party in exchange for dongmin's sexcapades, in your opinion, was that it was not in fact hosted in a musty basement.
jaehyun had taken it upon himself to host his party in the penthouse of his apartment (rich people had the strangest ways of spending their money), which was definitely a step up from what you were expected.
unfortunately, the sheer number of people in that party who were present, on top of the number of people who were surprised at your presence was more than a little bit overwhelming.
you'd forgotten just how loud these parties got, and if you weren't already over the legal drinking age, you'd be extremely worried about being caught dead near this many drunk people.
not that you hadn't done your fair share of illegal consumption of ethanol but that was something you chose not to dwell upon.
"Y/N! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH SINCE YESTERDAY!" you hear someone scream over the obnoxiously loud music, and immediately, your vision goes black as jaehyun bearhugs you, clearly too drunk to be fully present in the situation at hand.
"jaehyun! happy birthday!" you manage to squeak out, hitting dongmin in the arm to pry jaehyun off of you. you'd convinced dongmin to stick with you the whole time during the party in exchange for you actually showing up and he'd declared that he'd serve as your bodyguard during jaehyun's party for times like these.
"alright bud, i don't think she's ever gonna come back to a party if you squeeze her to death," dongmin warns jaehyun, peeling the energetic boy off of you. jaehyun pouts, not looking unlike his dog (the cutest golden retriever named juno) as he shakes his head stubbornly.
"no! she has to come back! she's so much fun! she's the life of the party!" he exclaims, searching through the throng of people for a cup of whatever nasty concoction you were sure sungho had come up with.
you should've known better than to come to this party, you lament. any of jaehyun's parties always turned into ragers from the absolutely insane number of people that he knew.
but soon enough, jaehyun is shoving a cup into your hand, the suspicious liquid in it sloshing around dangerously as he teeters backward into a tall figure.
"careful, dude. you don't want to end up in the emergency room on your birthday again," the figure says, catching jaehyun's body in his arm.
you internally groan. donghyun.
"ugh no. i hated going to the emergency room last year for my birthday," jaehyun whines with a strong tone of sheer pout staining his words.
"that's what i thought. where's sungho?" donghyun asks, and you figure that sungho must've been put on jaehyun duty for the night, as the man was a total lightweight and was known for endangering himself more than anyone else whenever he had a single drop of alcohol in his system.
"sungho! OH MY GOD SUNGHO!" jaehyun yells, slipping out of donghyun's grasp in search of his more than likely tired friend.
"that guy needs a girlfriend," dongmin sighs and you roll your eyes.
"why? so some poor girl can get tasked with dealing with jaehyun's mess every time he gets drunk?"
"nah. every time jaehyun gets a girlfriend, he turns into such a clean drunk it's crazy. i think he subconsciously feels bad that his girlfriend has to take care of him so he does it on purpose," donghyun explains and you hum, examining the substance in your cup with a critical eye.
you never knew that jaehyun had had a girlfriend. or more than one girlfriend at that. you were pretty close with jaehyun once upon a time. why hadn't he told you when he started dating someone? had you really become that out of touch with your friends?
all because you decided that you didn't want to party anymore?
no. that wasn't it. your friends weren't people like that. it was probably because you declined every single invitation that they'd extended to you to hang out with them.
a guilty weight settles in your chest as you start thinking about just how many times your friends had invited you to do things with them over the past year and a half. in the moment, you'd always had something that you needed to do. something to submit, something to do for extra credit, something to do to get better grades.
but now that you looked back on the past year and a half, you could only remember the events they'd invited you to, and just a handful of truly important assignments you'd needed to submit.
"you don't need to drink that," donghyun says, extending his hand for you to deposit the drink into. dongmin looks between you and donghyun, confused by the sudden offer. donghyun never went black knight for anyone else - much less women he wasn't all that close to.
even when you were a well integrated member of their friend group, you had never been particularly close to donghyun, from what dongmin remembered. the two of you were close enough to embark on drunken adventures separate from the group maybe once or twice but definitely not close enough to mention those adventures to dongmin in explicit detail.
not close enough for donghyun to drink a drink for you.
it's clear that you think the same thing (for different reason, however) when you lift the cup to your lips, staring at donghyun straight in the eyes as you tip your head back, drinking all of the contents of the cup in one straight go.
donghyun smirks, watching you drink the whole cup, aware that you were proving a point to him.
you don't need to keep trying to worry for me. i can handle myself.
the message is clear in your eyes as you lock eyes with him, wiping the excess liquid on your lips with the back of your hand, the challenge explicit in the way you look at him.
"too much pride is no good for you," donghyun quips and you roll your eyes.
"it's not pride. i just know that i can handle my alcohol. i don't need you to worry about me or worry about whether i can or not," you retort. "you worry about me when i study too much. you worry about me when i party. when are you not worried about me donghyun? why are you even so worried in the first place?"
"because we used to be good friends," donghyun counters but his argument isn't all that strong, by the way his voice wavers when you step a step too close to him - so close that he can smell the cinnamon of your perfume.
"were we? we were friends, sure. but were we good friends, donghyun? we just went out together. we hung out with the group but we weren't all that close. not...not until... not close enough for you to be suddenly popping back into my life with advice that i don't need and i didn't ask for!" you can't help but raise your voice, searching blindly for dongmin's arm and dragging him with you, chest heaving in anger as you storm away from donghyun.
"what the hell?" dongmin is left to ponder. "has the alcohol already kicked in?"
"don't talk to me right now," you seethed, pushing at donghyun's chest as you walked faster towards the rest of your friends, somewhere further up the street, laughing and shoving each other.
"i don't even know what i did!" donghyun exclaimed, using those stupidly long legs so that he was walking backwards, face to face with you. "why are you so fucking mad at me?"
"you seriously don't know?" you yelled, and you saw dongmin turn around to see what was taking the two of you so long, unaware of the bomb he'd dropped, but he's turned back around just as fast by sungho, who had an extremely drunk jaehyun on his back and clearly needed dongmin's help carrying their lightweight friend who was a heavyweight in body weight when drunk.
"i seriously don't know!" donghyun repeated, his arms flying up to show you how frustrated he was. of course he didn't know. there was no way that he could know just how upset you were with his perfection. of course dongmin had to mention that donghyun had a 4.0 gpa. of course he could come out every night with you and your friends and still maintain that gpa.
of course he didn't have to worry about whether he would even get a job in the future because he'd failed a class or two. of course he could go out every night. of course he could drink his weight in alcohol and still function the next day. of course he could get any girl he wanted just by looking at them for a second too long.
"i hate you," you whispered, almost as if the words had escaped the dark recesses of your mind against your own will.
"what?" donghyun asked incredulously, swooping down to catch the noxious words falling from your painted lips.
"i said, i hate you." your eyes were fierce, shining with a dangerous light that donghyun had never expected from you and had never seen before. you looked like the picture of peril, a knife poised at his throat, threatening to draw blood.
it was an emotion that was so raw that donghyun found himself leaning even closer, absolutely intoxicated by the reckless way that you refuse to hide the challenge in your eyes.
"are you guys coming or what?" sanghyeok call out from where the rest of your friends were, some ten yards ahead of you. donghyun waved him off, his stare never leaving yours.
"we're going back to my place. i've gotta show y/n something," donghyun yelled back and you can't help the sneer that draws upon your lips and if donghyun weren't beyond turned on, he was sure that he would find it a little concerning.
it wasn't everyday, after all, that one of your good friends mentions that she despises you. especially not a good friend that you found incredibly attractive.
the rest of them turned back around, leaving you and donghyun to simmer in this strange energy. competition, charged with something else much more primal - anger and lust.
the entire walk to donghyun's place is silent. it was just a five minute walk from where you'd split from your friends but those five minutes feel excruciating as you feel a dark sense of excitement sit deep in your core, making you feel split in two directions.
the first direction was much more logical: you were jealous of donghyun's ability to handle it all and you wanted to just yell at him and scream until your throat went hoarse.
the second direction was stronger and much less logical: you were incredibly drawn to donghyun and you wanted him to fuck your throat until it went hoarse.
same end goal, but different ways of pursuit.
the second direction ends up winning out when you found yourself pressed up against donghyun's door the second you step out of the elevator and into his studio apartment, donghyun walking you backwards so that you shut the door with the movement.
his lips stayed tantalizingly close to yours as he reached up to lock the door, his hand falling down so that it was cupping your cheek and his eyes search yours, looking for any sign of discomfort.
"look, are you going to fuck me or not?" you whispered harshly and he barks out a laugh, his other hand moving from where it was resting by his side to caress your waist.
"you've got so much anger in you, y/n. what did i do for you to hate me so much?"
"does it matter? i'm telling you to fuck me. either i leave without a heart to heart and you can jerk yourself off or i leave without a heart to heart but you cum inside a pussy tonight instead of your hand," you bit back.
donghyun's breath was shallow as he assessed you, making sure that you were in the right mind and could make decisions for yourself. if you really knew what you were asking for.
the thought of it pissed you off.
"i just don't know if this is a good idea," he admitted and you straightened up, hand reaching next to you to turn the doorknob. you didn't need someone who was going to be so apprehensive. so now you weren't even good enough to fuck?
"i'm leaving then," you said donghyun's hand immediately covered your own, pulling it back and over his shoulder so that one of your hands was resting at the nape of his neck.
you circled the other one to link your arms around his neck, forcing him to bend even further so that he was eye level with you now, lips so close that he can practically taste the flavor of your lip gloss.
"do you want me to leave donghyun? do you think this a bad idea?" you asked, purposefully letting the venom of all of your emotions drip into your voice. you're being unfair, you knew that, but it doesn't matter. it doesn't matter when he was so close and yet so far from you and you couldn't even think straight.
"fuck you." his voice ghosted over your lips, and the two of you stayed like that for a moment, equally proud and unwilling to be the one to give in and kiss in the other.
but donghyun's patience clearly wasn’t as strong as your ego when his lips pressed against yours, too gentle for your taste. you wrapped your arms a little tighter around him, letting him rest his hands low on your back, still too careful.
"i said i hated you and this is the best retaliation you've got?" you whispered, and it's like a switch turns on in donghyun's brain. his hands leave their position on your back to cup your cheeks harshly, tilting your head up so he could kiss you deeper.
you sigh against his lips, a smirk tugging at your own as you finally achieve the level of animosity you were looking for. you didn't want to have sex with donghyun. you didn't want to make love with him.
you wanted to be fucked. ruined. unable to think straight.
which was why you let him kiss you stupid, your lips swollen from the force of his own. it was as though the two of you were inseparable; his hands roamed your body freely, claiming every square inch of it for himself.
he tugged you forward harshly, lips never detaching from yours, hands reaching lower and lower until they finally settled on your ass, and you couldn't help the shallow gasp that left your mouth when he squeezed experimentally, a cocky grin melting into your kiss when he hears the soft noise.
he turned the two of you so that you were walking backwards as donghyun walked you into his bedroom, finally pulling away when your knees buckled as they hit the bed, making you fall backwards onto it.
he didn't even give you a moment to think as his lips descended on you once more, even more insistent and rough than before as he let you slip his leather jacket off his body.
his lips left yours, descending further down your body until they reached the hem of your strapless top, leaving wet kisses and blooming bruises in a heady rush.
"y/n, you have to tell me if you want me to stop." donghyun's voice came out strained and you knew that he was exercising every bit of self control to keep from fucking you stupid.
unfortunately, that was exactly what you wanted from him.
"donghyun. i'm not going to say it again. fuck me stupid."
that was all he needed before he was practically ripping at your top, pulling it off of you harshly before diving in to suck hickeys down your chest, unbuttoning your jeans at the same time.
he tugged them off in one motion, leaving you in nothing but a bandeau bra and your underwear.
"thought you were gonna get lucky tonight?" he asked with an eyebrow raised as he looked at your panties - which were fortunately, and unfortunately, the sexiest ones that you owned. lacy and thin and everything.
"yeah. thought i was gonna finally fuck sunghoon park again. that man knows how to fuck a girl into the headboard," you retorted and you could tell that you'd gotten under your skin by the way that he reached forward to pull at the strap of your panties, letting the elastic snap against your waist with a painful sting.
"you're such a little brat. you need someone to fuck that attitude out of you. didn't know you had such a fucking dirty mouth on you," donghyun growls, and you would've come up with some equally as brutal response when donghyun pulled his shirt over his head with one hand.
you'd seen donghyun shirtless before. multiple times, honestly, with the number of times dongmin tries to pull you guys into random bodies of water whenever he got drunk. but seeing him in that moment felt like your blood was made of lava that was coursing through your body, rushing to settle in your core.
"you're so pretty but you're so bitchy sometimes, you know that?" donghyun taunted, hovering over you so that his gold necklace hit the bridge of his nose as he leaned over, pushing you up the bed so that your head hit the pillows.
"heard someone was gonna fuck the attitude out of me?"
donghyun smiled a wolfish smile, and pulled your underwear down, almost painfully slow as he watched you squirm, clearly unhappy with his pace.
he threw them behind him somewhere that you knew you were going to have to search for in the morning but it didn't matter in that moment.
no. all that mattered was that donghyun's lips were on your core, licking an experimental stripe, grinning proudly when he saw you shiver. he dove back in, enthused by the groans leaving your lips.
his lips were unrelenting, his tongue darting out to dip into your pussy, leaving you at his mercy. your hands reached out to tug on donghyun's hair insistently, incredibly overwhelmed by just how good he was making you feel.
"fuck. pull harder," he groaned, his hot breath fanning over your pussy, causing goosebumps to run up your spine.
you giggle, a sound that sounds out of place in such a situation, but you didn't care and obliged, pulling on his hair even harder. he groaned, leaning in to eat you out with even more vigor, his hands on your clit and rubbing at it in just the right motion. you'd laugh at his conflict if you weren't otherwise preoccupied with the hot ball of pleasure growing in your core.
donghyun watched you carefully as he pulled away, instead replacing his tongue with just one finger, waiting to see if you'd show any signs of discomfort. when you didn't, he moved his finger in and out slowly, adding another when he noticed you started to get impatient with his ministrations.
"trust me, there's nothing i want to do more than to fuck you dumb. but i can't do that if i can't be convinced that i'm not to break you in half with my cock," he whispered.
"i don't think you're big enough for that," you snarked back and donghyun just offered you a shit-eating grin and added another finger, watching for any sign that you might tap out. holy fuck. was he actually that fucking big?
he picked up the pace, fucking you faster and rougher, his fingers slipping out for just a moment as he adjusted himself so that he was laying next to you before continuing again at an even more brutal pace.
"fuck!" you can't help but yelp, one of your hands finding one of donghyun's, as his fingers move at almost mind-numbing speeds.
"i told you someone needed to fuck the attitude out of you. now look what you've done to yourself," he crowed almost condescendingly. if you weren't so blinded by the sheer pleasure of his fingers, you'd probably cuss him out.
"fuck, fuck, fuck! fuck donghyun i think i'm gonna cum!" you cried out.donghyun simply nodded at you, and you took that as a sign to cum. but just as you start to feel yourself topple over the edge of the cliff you were standing on into the pit of pleasure, donghyun rips your pleasure away from you.
he pulled his fingers out of your pussy, watching you squirm and convulse as your hips bucked pathetically, searching for some way to taste the pleasure you were so close to attaining.
"baby doll, you should've known better than to assume that i'd let you cum for the first time on my fingers rather than my cock," donghyun preened mockingly, kicking his own jeans off in the same motion as his briefs.
"fuck you, donghyun." it was all you managed to conjure up through your tears as you tried to catch your breath, only to have to wind knocked out of you once more when you caught sight of donghyun's cock.
"oh hell no, that's not going inside my pussy," you gasped, and donghyun smiled despite himself, and ran his fingers over your hair gently.
"it's big but that's why i prepped you so much, isn't it?" his tone makes it clear that there's no real question in his words. you were the one who'd said you wanted to be fucked stupid. donghyun was the one to make good on that wish.
"just go slow," you grumbled and donghyun nodded, lining up at your entrance carefully.
"can't promise that i'll go slow for too long - fuck!" donghyun cut himself off as he slipped the tip of his dick into your hot core and immediately, both of you let out a groan.
if just his tip was enough to make you feel a stretch after he ate you out and fingered you, you had no idea how you were going to fit the rest of him inside you.
if just the entrance of your pussy was enough to have donghyun's head spinning, he had no idea how he was going to fit the rest of him inside you without immediately coming.
he slid in slowly, forearms resting on either side of your face for stability, that stupid gold chain smacking you in the face with his every slight movement.
it would feel degrading if you weren't turned on beyond belief, you were pretty sure.
"god," you let out softly and donghyun couldn't help but agree as he sheathed himself completely inside you. if donghyun would be allowed to see the pearly gates of heaven, he was vaguely sure that it would feel a lot like this.
"tell me when i can move," he grit out, exercising his self-control to the fullest he's ever had to.
"you can move," you whimpered, equally close to losing your mind.
he pulled out so that just the tip was in your pussy before snapping his hips forward, knocking the breath out of you with the motion. he continued that agonizingly slow  until both of you got fed up, and finally picked up the pace.
"your pussy is perfect, you know that?" he growled, fucking into you with fluid and quick motions that make you feel as though you've established permanent residence on cloud nine.
"you're not too bad yourself," you huffed out and a short breath leaves donghyun as his movements grow harsher.
"clearly i'm not doing a good job of fucking you stupid if you can respond to me," he said.
he made good on his promise that night, fucking into you deep and rough until you both came in a symphony of moans, chests heaving as he collapsed next to you, utterly spent.
maybe if you'd said something other than what you did in that moment, things wouldn't have turned out this way. but the reality was that it was those words that ultimately dug you into your grave.
you finally spoke some ten minutes later, when your brain wasn't so fuzzy you didn't know where to pick words from.
"i wish you weren't so fucking perfect, donghyun. i just can't...just forget this happened. please. it's not like we're going to get into a relationship because of this. and i don't want to face our friends right now. so just forget any of this happened."
you'd gathered your clothes and dashed out of his apartment, the buzz from earlier in the night completely gone, along with any chance of donghyun ever figuring out why from that day onwards, you'd started completely avoiding your friends and your past, running towards a future you so desperately wanted to grasp, even if you didn't know how to.
and as he fell back against his sheets, facing the ceiling, donghyun realized just one thing: something in you had changed. but was it for the better or for the worse?
dongmin lets out a low whistle, followed by a crinkle of his nose.
"you could've let out the explicit details, you know," he bemoans, pressing his hands over his ears, as though he could reverse time and delete the story you'd revealed to him from his mind by doing so.
"you said you wanted to the whole truth on why i was being so bitchy to dongmin," you point out and dongmin inclines his head towards you, pulling his knees a little closer to his chest.
"you were kinda unnecessarily bitchy, though, you have to admit. but what i really asked was why donghyun decided to go all black knight on you, to which i still haven't received a proper explanation.," dongmin corrects and you shrug, accepting the packet of gummy bears that dongmin had produced from his back pocket.
in freshman year, you'd become infamous for chasing your shots of vodka (the only alcohol you chose to drink, other than whiskey) with candy and ever since then, at least one of your friends would always carry a packet of some sort of sweet candy on them for you.
"you brought gummy bears for me?" you ask, touched as you rip the packet open, the perfect level of fuzziness buzzing through your head.
"sungho brought gummy bears for you," dongmin says softly and you look at him surprisedly. "when i told him you were coming to jaehyun's party, he told me that he needed to be prepared. they all miss hanging out with you and going out with you, you know."
"they miss hanging out with who i used to be. i don't think that they'd want to hang out with me now," you snort and dongmin immediately slaps your knee, shaking his head.
"you've gotta stop doing that."
"doing what?"
"doing the whole 'woe is me' act when you just grew up. we all grew up, y/n. maybe you haven't seen it because you've been so busy in your own world, trying to make up for the past but we've all grown up right besides you," dongmin rants, getting up from where he was sitting on your balcony, starting to pace back and forth.
"when you pulled away from us, you know how confused we all were? it was like one day, you were laughing and making jokes with us and the next day, you suddenly hated us. you stopped coming to our hangouts, stopped initiating plans, fuck, you didn't even come to sungho's birthday last year!
"we thought that we did something to piss you off. we interrogated donghyun for weeks but he was just as confused as the rest of us. and then i realized just how lonely you were by yourself. you think i didn't notice how you'd watch us hangout in the library without you? about how you left that stupid neck pillow for sanghyeok when you saw him staying up late studying? or when you paid for jaehyun's coffee when you knew he was having a bad day?
"i was the only one who saw all that. so when everyone asked me when i didn't drop you like you dropped us, i didn't know how to explain that you didn't drop us, but you were just going the wrong way about chasing after your future. i didn't want to out you and make you feel as though you needed to stop taking care of everyone behind their backs because i still wanted you to be with us.
"we all cared about you so much. that's why i've been here the whole time. i've been the only one in front of you but the same way that you've been taking care of everyone else, everyone has been taking care of you. who do you think lends me his car whenever i need to come to your place because you're having a bad day and need a shoulder to cry on? sanghyeok. who always keeps the pantry stocked with your favorite snacks in case you might come around one day? sungho.
"who always points out clothing whenever we go shopping and says 'y/n would love this shirt!', just to get upset when he realized you weren't there to respond? jaehyun. who would always nudge me to go and check on you because he was worried that you were putting too much stress on yourself? donghyun. even jihyo and jayoon ask about you and keep asking us if maybe you'd come over more often since there were more girls hanging out with us now.
"i'm not telling you all this because i want you to feel bad. i just needed to tell you because we've all been caring about you this whole time but you've just never let us in, when we've been knocking at the door, just waiting for you to finally open the door. and you just won't because you're so scared of coming back to us!" his chest is heaving at the end of his rant and you can't help it, leaping to your feet as you let your voice grow louder and louder, scratchy with emotion.
"i am scared dongmin! i'm so fucking scared, i can't even think straight! i miss all of you so much and i'm so scared that i'll fall into the trap of loving you all so much that that's all i spend my time doing and i'll neglect all of the hard work i've been putting in for so long to reverse the mistakes of my past!" you scream and dongmin steps even closer, clearly not backing down from this fight.
"and what kind of future are you going to have when you turn around and see that we've all moved on without you? i can't fucking move on without you because you're like my sister; i can't imagine a life without you but what about everyone else? how long do you think everyone's gonna be waiting for you?"
"i didn't ask them to wait for me!" you shout and dongmin runs his hand through his hair frustratedly, turning so that you wouldn't see the anger on his face.
"BUT THEY DID! THEY ALL DID! they all waited for you because they - we all love you, you stubborn piece of shit! all you had to do was tell us you were feeling this way! all you had to fucking do was talk to us and ask for help. but you pushed us away when you needed us most and now look!" dongmin points at the empty space around you, forcing himself to overlook your watery eyes. "look at who's here besides me? you know jaehyun would've wrapped you in a hug, that sungho would've immediately offered to study with you. that sanghyeok would've stayed up with you, even if he didn't need to. that i would sneak food into the library with you! that donghyun would literally sit down and tutor you if you needed him to."
he swallows when you finally break down, sobs wracking your body as your fists clench into balls at your sides, stubbornly refusing to take the one step you would need to for dongmin to wrap you into a safe hug, like the ones that jaehyun always gave you.
but it's okay, because dongmin takes that step for you, wrapping you in a tight hug that makes you finally feel like you can take a breath through the tears that feel like are choking you from inside out.
"i just wanted to be good enough for all of you. i wanted to come back when i was good enough and i thought i could be someone everyone wanted to be around if i was good enough," you sob and dongmin can feel his heart break as his embrace grows tighter.
"you're good enough the way that you are, y/n. you know how much you've inspired everyone? i've even started studying for tests the day before the test, instead of the hour before!" dongmin exclaims, feeling a little more relaxed when he hears you laugh through your sobs.
"that's not much better," you warble and dongmin just shrugs, never letting go of you.
"it's better than the hour before the test."
"dongmin? for the record, i don't think that i'm the only one who grew up. i know that everyone grew up. i just..."
"i know."
"i wish you were my actual brother."
"if i was your actual brother, i probably would've spit on you by now."
"what the hell."
you wait nervously in dongmin's room as you hear people begin to file into the apartment, a jumble of familiar voices as jihyo and jaehyun begin bickering once again about something or another.
it was just a matter of time before the two of them started dating, you figured.
dongmin was betting on three weeks and you were betting on three months. something about the slow-burn of it all was appealing to you. dongmin insisted that fanfiction was just rotting your brain.
you let out a breath of air and dongmin flicks you on the side of your head, and you fix him with a mean glare as you rub the spot that he'd hit.
"they're just your friends, y/n. you don't need to be that nervous. you've been looking forward to this all week," he reminds you and you just nod, still rubbing the spot.
after the emotional conversation/argument with dongmin last week, you'd asked to come to the next movie night, wanting to start spending more time with your friends. and although you knew that it wouldn't be the exact same as it once was, it would never be and that was a good thing.
balance was a good thing.
"dongmin? where are you, motherfucker? i can't believe you made me buy you three different types of sour gummies, fatass!" you hear sanghyeok yell from the other room and dongmin takes this as his cue to drag you into the room with him.
"i only wanted one type. y/n wanted the other two. still wanna call me a fatass?"
dongmin doesn't get an answer to his question because no sooner has he said the words do jihyo and jaehyun bound over to you (not looking too much unlike juno) and wrapping you into nearly bone-crushing hugs.
"dongmin told us that you were going to be more available to hang out with us more and more and these two - " sungho cuts himself off to grab jaehyun by the scruff and jihyo by the collar of her shirt. " - have been a little too excited since he said so."
"we've missed you so much!" jihyo exclaims.
"you saw her last week," jaehyun mutters, groaning when jihyo smacks him upside the head.
"so did you but that didn't stop you either, now did it?"
"you're such a little bi - "
"alright. let's stop while we're ahead and just be happy that y/n's back with us, how about that?" dongmin proposes, the voice of reason for once in his life. jihyo and jaehyun exchange a dirty look (albeit, a very childish one) before the two of them sit down, leaving just you and dongmin standing awkwardly, as though you were about to give a presentation.
"uh. thanks for having me back guys. i kinda don't know what to say other than the fact that i'm sorry for leaving so abruptly. i struggled with hanging out with you guys and balancing a good gpa on top of that so i made some really stupid choices but i promise that i won't hide those stupid choices from you guys anymore. i just - i've just really missed you guys." your little speech clearly moves more than one person to tears but before jaehyun can try to deliver death by hug once more, sanghyeok claps his hands, pulling up some streaming platform or another on the television.
"thanks for that touching speech, y/n. now if you could get the fuck out of the way, we need to vote on a movie. your vote only counts as half a vote since you've missed more than two movie nights but you're welcome to rally for full membership after attendance of two more movie nights," sanghyeok announces and you roll your eyes, before looking for a spot.
dongmin's caught up in some conversation about that girl from your class with jayoon (undoubtedly doing some background research; as if he could find out anything that would make him actually keep it in his pants) and everyone else's spot is taken, leaving just an empty space next to donghyun.
i'm a big girl. i don't need to sit next to dongmin for everything. donghyun is still your friend at the end of the day. that you fucked. and was the last time that you had sex. and was also the best sex you'd ever had. but just a friend! haha. just a friend.
not the best dialogue to be running through one's mind during their re-debut into civil society (read: friend group) but you manage to divert your mind before it delves into dangerous territory.
"we're still friends," donghyun murmurs from beside you and you turn, despite your common sense telling you otherwise, to see him looking at you with the most genuine and twinkly eyes that you have to swallow and force yourself to turn once more to face the television set.
"yeah. friends," you repeat, softer than he'd said it and you can feel his stupidly sweet gaze on the side of your face.
spending more time with your friends was nothing like how you thought it would be. for starters, it turned out that your friends themselves didn't have too much time to use as expendable time to just fuck around, like you used to in freshman year.
as juniors and seniors, most of your friends were occupied with their classes and their work, as opposed to the lighter coursework in earlier years. on top of that, many of them were either in relationships or were pursuing someone (or many someones, in dongmin's case) so there was more time eaten up by that as well.
but the time that all of you did spend together was much more domestic. equally as chaotic, as you'd discovered when you'd gone grocery shopping with just jaehyun and jihyo and no adult supervision from sungho (who'd trusted you to be the adult supervision), but less shenanigans than before.
instead of finding street signs to steal off the road to stash in dorm rooms, the friendship that had developed between your friends had gotten much more real, and there were more nights that you can count where at least one of you was staying up late to finish something so the rest of you were stuck helping them.
even staying up late to finish projects was more comforting with the presence of your friends, though, and you were so grateful that you'd come back to them. that they'd accepted you with open arms.
you'd had conversations with each of them one on one at some point or another, detailing why you'd left them so abruptly and asking for forgiveness but more often than not, you'd just gotten scolded for ever thinking that they wouldn't give you a chance to explain yourself.
"you were such a good friend to us for so long," sanghyeok had said. "you don't think we would just drop you when you're going through a rough patch, right?"
of course, that had led to another round of tears (which jayoon witnessed and went ham on sanghyeok for making you cry, which made you cry even harder because god, what country had sanghyeok saved for such an amazing girlfriend) but that was besides the point.
in fact, you'd made amends with pretty much everyone except for donghyun. you could see him waiting for you - waiting for you to reach out to him and explain yourself like you'd done so with everyone else, but for some reason, you just couldn't.
partly out of guilt, but also partly out of shame. you just couldn't help but avoid him.
it was easy to do so when it was all of you, since you could always rely on dongmin and sanghyeok to keep your attention otherwise occupied. but when it was just the two of you, after everyone has left the library to do things other than study for their innumerable tests, you can always feel the apology bubbling in your chest, threatening to break free.
but it never does. it never does and you know you're going to regret it.
you didn't have romantic feelings for donghyun, no. but he was someone that you could develop romantic feelings for and someone like that didn't deserve to think that you just hated him for no reason. because just going off of what had happened last year, donghyun really had no reason to think that you felt any emotion towards him other than hatred. and your actions prior to making amends with your friends didn't do much to dissuade that thought either.
which is why you didn't understand why he was still treating you with so much kindness. you were fairly sure that he wasn't head over heels in love with you or anything (especially since he's also had a good many girlfriends ever since your encounter) but you also couldn't come up with any other reason for his understanding.
he'd been the first one out of everyone to come and actually talk to you, four months ago in that study room, even at the risk of you pushing him away once more. he was the one that was most likely to be pushed away and he still looked after you, cared for you, and worried for you.
"you don't have feelings for me, do you?" you blurt out, immediately slapping a palm over your own mouth. donghyun looks up from the tablet his taking notes on with furrowed eyebrows.
"what?" he asks incredulously and you furiously shake your head, looking rather comical with your hand still covering your mouth.
"nothing. forget i said anything." you wince as you look back down at your book, ensuring that the references lined up with direct quotations as you mentally bash yourself. stupid, stupid, stupid. so you won't say that you're sorry but you'll do this? just be grateful no one else is here to see this catastrophe.
"i don't have feelings for you," he clarifies and you nod, unable to meet his eyes. of course he didn't have feelings for you. that would be so dumb. when you didn't have feelings for him, why should he have feelings for you? right?
so why did your heart just feel the tiniest bit tight in your chest?
"i don't have feelings for you but i used to search for you in every single party. even before we...we did whatever we did that night. i used to always look for you first. and i always used feel so happy just looking at you smile," he says. you look up, confused by his statement now. donghyun's looking right at you with those horribly confusing, glittery eyes and you feel your breath catch in your throat for a split second.
"i said i don't have feelings for you. but when you pulled away from all of us, i just couldn't help but think if i did something wrong. if i did something to push you away. and i realized that i would rather have you hate me, i would rather have you push me away every time i come close, or even use me to vent your stress however you need rather than have you walk away once and for all," he continues and you feel that same tightness in your chest as he speaks, heat rising up your spine as it sits uncomfortably in your cheeks.
"i just wish you'd stayed that night. i could've convinced you to tell me all your fears and all your worries and i could've just gotten rid of them for you instead of you holding onto them for so long in your own mind," he finishes and you sit there in silence, unable to piece together any thoughts.
"so, uh, you don't have any feelings for me?" you confirm and donghyun rolls his eyes, and for just a split-second you see the dangerous glint that you remember from that night.
"you're an english lit major and you can't tell that i'm telling you that i have feelings for you?" donghyun teases and you just stare at him dumbly.
"i thought you said that you didn't have feelings?"
"and you said that you hated me."
"i don't hate you."
"i know."
and that's all the confirmation you need to spring forward from your seat, pressing a kiss to donghyun's lips. just as soft and as perfect as you'd remembered.
he reaches forward to cup your cheek, molding his lips against yours gently as you try to pour every single emotion you can into a single kiss.
"i don't hate you," you whisper, leaning your forehead against his, still standing up somewhat awkwardly due to the desk in between the two of you.
"i know," he repeats. "and i know that you don't feel the same way as i do. not as strongly as i do, at least. and i just want you to know that i'll wait."
"you'll wait for me?" you assure and donghyun nods, his hand reaching up to pat your head gently.
"i'll wait for you to take me back as a friend first and then we can figure out the rest."
"what if i'm never ready to put a label on our relationship?"
"then i'll just be here with you. i don't need a label for my feelings."
it's not perfect. for all his perfection, donghyun kim had heaps of flaws. he was surprisingly 'needy' and felt anxious when you weren't with him for extended periods of time.
and when jaehyun, sanghyeok, and sungho graduated, you realized that it extended to far more than just you. for someone so stoic and poised, it turned out that donghyun was extremely soft-hearted and could care for nothing more than to have his loved ones around him for as long as he could hold onto them for.
it proved to be a little difficult, given that after your departure from your friend group, you'd gotten used to a certain level of independence and affinity for your own personal space that donghyun just didn't understand sometimes. but the two of you worked on it, because you loved each other even as just friends too much to not work on it.
there'd been points where you were sure that the two of you would just have to be friends and move on with life because of how hard it all was. you could never let go of donghyun fully; all of you were just too great of friends to ever be able to keep out of each other's lives completely.
but all's well that ends well, and you and donghyun learned to work through those issues. your affinity for running away when things got rough and donghyun's tendency to latch on harder every time you guys faced an issue was something that took months of serious discussion and communication to get through.
dongmin was the mediator more than once whenever the two of you got into arguments (you exploding at donghyun and donghyun just sitting quietly, making you even more upset before the two of you calmed down and worked things out) and it helped to have him around.
the one good thing was that your relationship, however imperfect it was, spurred dongmin to start to settle down and look for a girlfriend himself.
much to your happiness, and dongmin's chagrin, there weren't many girls on campus willing to date someone with such a reputation but that just meant that dongmin put in more effort to convince them that he was a changed man.
it was a good look on him, you'd told donghyun one day. dongmin suited having someone in his life that he had to work to please and someone who liked him regardless of his clumsy attempts at love and cared for him fully.
the three (four, when dongmin met his girlfriend) of you stuck together throughout the rest of college. there were still uncountable numbers of allnighters trying to make sure that you were maintaining your grades but it turns out, you could balance both having fun and being academically strong.
you could spend time with your friends and your boyfriend without having to worry about whether you'd be able to secure a job after college because of your gpa. it was nice, not feeling like there was a huge demon breathing down your neck every time you needed to sit down and study.
it'd taken you a long time to get there, but like all good things, with the help of your loved ones and with some self-work, you developed a healthy relationship with studying and a work-life balance.
oh! and you did end up getting a job. your dream job. right out of college. everyone had been so proud, just like you knew they'd be.
and just like that, years had passed by in the blink of an eye.
the five of you made it a point to reunite at least twice a year, since most of you were in the same country (other than sanghyeok and jayoon, who'd relocated back to south korea to take care of their parents after they got married). even five to six years later, when all of you were reaching the end of your twenties and entering the next phase of life, nothing changed.
"JAEHYUN MYUNG, IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME BACK THE TV REMOTE!" jihyo screams from downstairs, and you hear loud footsteps as jaehyun undoubtedly keeps the remote withheld from her.
"i can't believe they're the parents to two children," you snort, blowing on your nails to dry them quicker.
"i can. all that fighting energy has to go somewhere," donghyun retorts and you roll your eyes. he had a point.
"you've got a point. we've been on vacation for three days and they're already in their fourth argument. well. i guess it's just flirting to them," you contemplate, extending your hand to examine your handiwork.
"you thought that fighting was flirting back in college too," donghyun reminds you and you shake your head, looking at donghyun. and just like usual, he's already looking at you, head tucked into his fist as he lies on the bed that the two of you had slept in together for the past five years (vacation was hosted by your family this year).
"it clearly worked on you," you fire back and donghyun smiles a giddy smile.
"you're my weakness. anything you give me works on me," he says in a lovestruck voice and the laugh that escapes you is a real, full-bellied one.
"god. you're such a dork; i love you so much," you sigh, getting up and walking over to where he's lying, climbing onto the bed to wrap your arms around him.
"yeah? wanna channel our energy into making a few babies?" he teases with a greasy tone of voice and squiggly eyebrows.
"you're incorrigible."
"you love it."
"i love it," you agree, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to his lips. you'd liked the darker sides of donghyun and there would always be a side of you that got giddy whenever you saw that side of him.
but you'd always love this more. soft, reassuring, and unconditional love. from him to you and you to him. neither of you needed perfection. you just needed each other. husband and wife. you didn't need those labels, and you'd believed donghyun when he said that he didn't need them for his love either. but it was nice, having everyone know that you had each other for life.
"ARE YOU WHORES COMING OR NOT? WE'RE GONNA START WATCHING WITHOUT YOU!" dongmin yells from downstairs, and you can vaguely hear his fiancée slapping him on the chest and knowing her, she was definitely telling him to shut up and let the two of you make her a niece or nephew.
you laugh, grabbing your husband's hand and leading him downstairs to plop down next to your friends. someone shoves a bucket of popcorn into your arms and you realize how grateful you were for all of the people in your life.
and how glad you were that you'd decided to forge a new path for yourself with your loved ones and with your newfound confidence in yourself.
love and life are always easier with friends and family, after all.
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it's finally here! one month late, and a couple thousand words more than i thought it'd be! happy leap yeap!
Here's my entry for Lex's (@thefreakandthehair) Spicy Six Winter Fanworks Challenge! I had dialogue prompt #22 "Guess we’re the only two without dates, huh?”
pairing: steddie | word count: 10,446 | rated: E | on AO3: hey you really turn me on
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Why in the hell did he agree to this? It’s 20 fuckin’ degrees out and he’s outside?? In the snow?? Voluntarily?
If the boys could see him now.. “Who are you and what’ve you done with Eddie?”, “Since when do you do shit outside?”, “All this for Steve fuckin’ Harrington…”.
And that’s the rub, it is because of Steve. Hopeless crush aside, Steve is the reason he’s there. Why they’re all there in the first place.
When Steve got the call, Eddie and the other older teens of their world-saving group were just hanging out; movies, beer, snacks, a little weed, music playing low…all in all, a great kick-back. 
Then the phone rang.
It was relatively late too, 10 maybe?
Steve went to answer it of course, the conversation muffled through the living room and kitchen walls, but after a minute or so he came back. The long phone line stretched across the hall back to the hook in the kitchen.
“When is this again?” Steve says into the receiver, waving towards the sound system. Robin had scrambled up immediately, nearly falling back on her face to turn the volume down.
“Uh huh. And you and Dad won’t be there? Mm hmm.” he nods.
Eddie looked over to Robin first, eyebrow raised. She only shrugged, as does Nancy when he turned the look to her.
“And how many rooms?” Whatever the answer is causes Steve’s brows to shoot up. “Wow, okay, yeah we–” 
Eddie was closest to him, previously starfished out on the carpet, but had sat up and leaned back on his palms when Steve returned, so he could just barely hear the sound of another voice on the other end of the line.
“Yeah of course, that’d be great, we definitely will. Thanks Mom.”
Steve had sounded actually…happy to be talking to his mom. And here Eddie thought the Harringtons were objectively the worst.
“No, they’re going to love it, Mom, I promise.” another pause, “Nope. They’ll all be on their best behavior.” Steve glances down at Eddie, “We all will be.”
He scoffs up at Steve from his spot on the floor. Rude.
Steve only waves him off with a smile, “Yeah, the usual.” he says, “Rob, Nance, Jon, Jon’s friend Argyle–yeah, he’s the one from California, and Eddie.” Steve’s eyes flash down to Eddie again and his stomach twists sharply. Aw fuck, here it comes; the scolding, the yelling, the berating about how Eddie’s no good for him to be associating with, why are you stooping to his level, he’s a murderer, yadda yadda yadda.
“Yeah, he and Wayne are doin’ much better now, I’ll have to tell you about it next time, okay?” 
“Yeah, that’d be great if you don’t mind! Yep, Wheeler, Henderson, Sinclair,” He looks again at the other people in the room, they’re still just as puzzled as he is. What do the kids have to do with this? “I’ll talk to Hopper and Joyce, and I’m sure Ms. Mayfield would let Max go. Oh absolutely,”
Steve starts back into the kitchen, and Eddie can hear him all the way back to the hook. “No–Nope, it’s fine, I actually have a couple people over right now so I want to–yeah. Yep. Okay, love you too. Bye mom.”
Eddie looks around at the others; Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, even Argyle, though he’s not looking around wide-eyed at what all just occurred like the others are.
Steve comes back into the living room. “So…” he lets out a long breath, “How do you all feel about skiing?”
So yeah. Here they all are, at some ski resort up in Michigan. Boyd Mountain…or Bowie? Something with a ‘B’.
Turns out, Steve’s parents had a four-room cabin rental set aside as a perk for some deal they were trying to barter. It fell through though, and they wouldn’t be back from Colorado themselves until after the reservation would’ve expired so they offered it to Steve and whoever he’d like to invite.
They took care of everything too; got lift passes, boot and ski rentals set aside for each of them, even sent a whole ass passenger van to be dropped off in the Harrington driveway for them to make the drive; A huge 15 passenger one that even with the three extra seats, still barely held all their crap for the long weekend.
All of them piled into the van in the dark on a Friday morning, sleepy-faced and crusty-eyed; Robin as Steve’s co-pilot, and each of the rest of the older teens and the party piling in wherever they could (they’d fight about their seats when they woke up more, Eddie was sure of it).
The first rest stop on the way up went by without incident, but by time they stopped for late breakfast/early lunch at another, everyone was stir crazy. Sandwiches were passed out, gas was gotten, bathroom breaks were taken, and almost as soon as they got back in the van, Robin was snoring.
“Damnit, if I knew she was gonna tank like that I would’ve had someone else sit up here.” Steve had groused. 
“I’ve gotcha big guy, I won’t let you fall asleep.” Eddie said, now seated next to Dustin and El on the first bench behind the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, me either.” Dustin agreed.
He was snoring an hour later, El leaning into him for her own nap.
“That’s cute.” Was the first thing Robin said after waking back up.
All in all, not a bad drive. The worst part was tramping through the snow to the cabin after they’d arrived.
“Goddammit Steve, How am I supposed to get through this week in only my jeans?”
Steve sighs, “Eddie, you have made the same argument ever since my mom called; and every time you did, I told you everything would be here for you.”
He finally gets the door open, shoving it wide for them all and gesturing them in, “Get comfy guys, I’m going to grab the cooler with our groceries.”
“I’ll give you a hand,” Jonathan says, following Steve back out to the van.
The large open main floor has a full kitchen with a raised bar counter and four stools, tall peaked ceilings, a fireplace on one wall with two couches and a rocking chair situated around it, and a sliding glass door to a balcony off the back side of the building overlooking the trees below.
There’s stairs too, a set going up and a set going down, and at least one bathroom here on this floor, off the kitchen.
Eddie wanders into the living room, picks out some pieces of kindling from the bucket on the stone beside the fireplace and a couple logs from the stack nearby, and busies himself with starting the fire while the party pokes around the place.
He glances over his shoulder when he hears the fake leather of the couch cushions squeak together, only to see Argyle has perched himself on the backrest, squashing a cushion beneath his feet.
The fire takes less than no time at all, and once it’s going and he’s re-situated the trifold metal screen back in front of the fire, he sits down beside Argyle’s shins and is immediately entranced by the flames.
Steve and Jonathan return not long after, lugging their things with the cooler hanging between them.
“So how do y’guys want to split up the rooms?” Robin asks aloud, ignoring the yelling the other teens are already doing about the same thing.
“I’m not picky.” Eddie shrugs, standing up to stretch again, deciding he really did not want to be sitting anymore.
“Me either sister, whatever you decide is cool with me.” Argyle agrees. “What’re the rooms like?”
“There’s a master up here!” Max calls from above them, looming over the log railing at the top of the stairs with El.
“We walked right past it, but there’s a room with a queen off the front hall there,” Jonathan says, shuffling his bag against the kitchen bar.
“Hey! Assholes!” Steve yells down the steps, the boys must’ve gone down there. “Go get your shit out of the van and we’ll head over to the main lodge!”
The four thunder up the steps, how any of them can understand any other over the other is beyond him.
“Will,” Nancy calls as he rounds the stairs last, “There are bedrooms down there?”
“Yep!” he grins, “Two rooms with queen beds, and a bathroom.”
“I don’t mind taking one of the queens,” Nancy says, “Robin, wanna share with me?”
Robin starts to splutter, still somehow not convinced that Nancy’s got a thing for her. It’s obvious to him, but he and Steve have both tried to tell her this. To no avail. Even after Jonathan and her had confirmed they’d split and that he was moving back to California with Argyle come spring.
Steve rescues Robin from her spluttering. “It’s only fair that Argyle gets next dibs, since he’s the one that’s offered to cook for us.” he says, lugging the cooler over to the kitchen to unload it.
He’d insisted on picking up groceries for their stay, saying “There’s a restaurant, sure, but that’d get expensive quick and we’ll have a full kitchen so why not?”
“Appreciated my man; y’wanna bunk with me, Jonny?”
Eddie follows Steve, leaning on the bar across from the fridge from him, “So where’s all my snow gear, Stevie?” he asks the back of Steve’s head.
“Eddie, I swear to God.” Steve huffs in return, bending down into the cooler at his feet to fish out a couple of cartons of eggs.
Eddie does not watch how the denim of Steve’s jeans pulls tighter over any part of him, thank you very much.
“Mom called ahead and has everything we might need set aside in the main lodge, we’ll go there first before we hit the slopes.”
“Oh my god, did you really just say that?” Eddie asks as Steve stashes away two jars of jelly, one strawberry, one grape.
“Say what?” Bacon and some packs of lunch meat are next.
“Like, that’s an actual thing that people say? It’s not just in the movies?”
Steve sighs, finishing off the groceries with a couple 12 packs of pop stashed on the bottom shelf. “What is just like the movies?”
“‘Hit the slopes.’? Really?”
“You’re super annoying, you know that, right?” he says, closing the fridge and pushing the lid back onto their cooler.
“Awe, c’mon baby, you don’t mean that.” Eddie coos, slipping around the counter to cup Steve’s face in his hands, “What happened to the man who loves me for my antics, huh?”
“Get off me, dude,” Steve laughs, batting Eddie’s hands away, his cheeks tinged pink.
‘Yes! Success!’ When did he decide he was trying to fluster Steve? Eh, whatever. No harm, right?
 “So, did you guys figure out the sleeping situation?” Steve asks the rest of the group, walking back around the bar.
Eddie follows, leaning back on the counter in his previously vacated spot.
Nancy nods, “Jon and Argyle will take the room on the main floor, us girls will take the two downstairs, you can take the master, and the boys will take the couches.”
The boys return with their bags then, and Mike immediately starts complaining about being relegated to the fold-outs. Eddie also hears Dustin and Lucas trying to talk him down, saying things like “Dude, that means we’ll be close to the fire!”, “We can throw things in it!,” and “We can make s’mores!”.
Steve doesn’t seem to hear them though, otherwise he’d be shutting that shit down. Instead, his face only scrunches in confusion, “What about Eddie?”
Nancy looks surprised for a blink, then disgruntled, like she’s pissed she forgot someone.
“I’ll just crash out here on the floor with these losers, no worries.” he shrugs.
Steve turns toward his voice, a deep crease between his brows. “That’s not fair.”
“I promise I’ll survive Stevie,” Eddie chuckles. At least he’ll be the warmest out here in front of the fireplace. “I’ve slept on worse, believe it or not, I’ll be sleeping like a king compared to then.”
Steve’s brows scrunch almost all the way together, then spring apart and settle into determined lines. “You’ll sleep with me.” he says with a nod, his arms folding across his chest.
A beat passes.
Eddie can’t resist.
He leans close to Steve’s side, “A bit presumptuous, Stevie darling,”
Steve’s face practically glows with the flush that appears in the next beat, mumbling something to himself as he walks to the door and starts to pull on his coat and boots.
Eddie pushes off the counter and follows, obnoxiously holding a hand up to one ear. “What’s that, sweetheart?” he teases, walking to his own tossed-aside boots, “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“We going to the lodge now?” he hears Lucas ask as he passes.
“Finally.” Mike adds, unhelpfully.
Steve huffs, standing up again and leaning close to Eddie’s cupped hand, “As if you hadn’t thought about it, darling.”
Four of the other ten are in their coats and boots and out the door after Steve before Eddie comes back online.
So here he is: outside. In the snow. With skis strapped to his feet. All because of Steve and his surprisingly generous parents.
He watches, amused, as Robin stands as still as she possibly can, arms spread wide, while Nancy helps strap her into her skis. As soon as the skis had gotten remotely close to being attached to her, it was discovered that no matter what section of ground they may be standing on, Robin would start to drift away. Sliding down some sort of unseen incline backwards, frontwards, and/or sideways.
Jon and Argyle are already almost to the closest lift, and Eddie watches as they do a weird half-jump onto the bench as it comes up behind them.
The gremlins had scattered after Steve’s ‘be careful’ lecture, telling them all when to be back to the van by, or back to the cabin if they will be coming off the slopes near there, telling them all to be safe and to keep to pairs or more so they can be radioed.
They’d all brought their walkies with them, and Eddie can see where the boys are still huddled together, swapping out their batteries.
He watches them split off soon after, Dustin and Lucas pushing off to where Max and El are waiting at the standing lift to the top of the training hill.
Mike and Will scoot off together in the opposite direction, toward the centermost lift a few dozen yards away.
“Guess we’re the only two without dates, huh?” He says as Steve slides to a stop on his own skis beside him.
He’d meant it jokingly, was probably going to follow it up with some jabs about being Steve’s wingman if he needed (there were already a few ladies he’d seen giving Steve some looks while they waited for their gear in the main lodge), but Steve shrugs and says: “I’ll be your date this weekend, Eds. Wouldn’t want you to feel left out or anything.” 
Eddie whips his head around to look at him, “That’s not–” he starts, but cuts himself off at the look Steve is giving him. His goggles have been haphazardly pushed up his face, trapping a few loose locks of Steve’s hair between them and the roll of his beanie, his cheeks are already bitten red with the cold, and he’s smiling so painfully sincerely under that damn teasing smirk that all Eddie can do is acquiesce.
“You better be the best date here then, Stevie,” Eddie chides, starting off toward the lift Jonathan and Argyle had disappeared up, “I won’t settle for anyone other than the bes–” he pitches forward suddenly, one of his skis sticking to the snow under it more than it should’ve.
Steve catches him, of course, and says “Will I get points taken off as ‘Best Date Ever’ if I make you go on the training hill?”
They do go to the training hill, lovingly called the Bunny Hopper, but he and Robin are thankfully saved from the embarrassment of actually being taught by the volunteers there; Steve and Nancy taking them to the slightly taller ‘big kid’ hill and teaching them there.
Surprising even himself, Eddie picks up on the motions and the feeling of being on skis easily. The whole ‘pizza’ thing about stopping was still iffy but the rest is no problem. Fun, actually.
“That was great, man! You’re a natural!” Steve beams at him, his grin lopsided from the meat of his cheeks being squashed under his goggles.
“I just had a great teacher,” he brushes off the compliment, elbowing Steve playfully.
Steve somehow grins even bigger, and Eddie’s heart stammers.
“You ready to go to the real hill now?” “This isn’t a real hill?”
He’s positive Steve just rolled his eyes under his goggles. “C’mon smartass, let's get in line for the lift.”
Eddie bows him forward, “After you, sweetheart.” 
He follows Steve to the end of the line; thankfully it’s not too long, now that it’s late afternoon and will be getting dark soon. 
Steve seems to notice this as well, lifting his goggles off his face again. “We’ll have to call the gremlins back sooner than I thought. It’ll be dark soon.”
“Stop reading my mind, Stevie.”
Steve looks over at him, squinting hard and pursing his lips (Eddie’s stupid lizard brain has a split second thought of those lips pursed around something). “Ugh! Ew, gross Eddie, what would make you think about that?!”
He feels his face blanche and scrambles to recover. “I was only thinking about our good friend Robin, Steve-o, you saying Robin is gross?” He pitches his voice higher and glances down the line to where he can see Robin and Nancy.
Robin flips her mitten up at him, and he can infer the gesture just fine, thanks.
“Shut up, asshole.” Steve laughs, pushing him out of the line on his skis.
They’re the next to hop up on the moving bench, and Steve’s…everything…seems to seize up as soon as they’re seated and on their way.
“Could you imagine?”
“Hm?” He’s still looking down anxiously, so Eddie scoots just a bit closer, pressing what he hopes is comfortingly into Steve’s side.
“If we could read each other's minds? If the bats biting us both somehow linked us together?”
It works a little; Steve tears his eyes away from the ground as it drops away from them, huffing out a short laugh, “I don’t think I would survive inside your head, it’d be even more chaotic than you already are.”
“As if your head would be any better.”
“Hey, my head is great!”
Eddie grins wickedly, “You get told that a lot, Stevie?”
Steve seems unphased, smirking slowly. “I do, actually. Why? You tryin’ t’see if it’s true?”
His cheeks start to prickle, “You offering, big boy?”
“Maybe I am,” Steve shrugs then leans closer, “Now the real question is if you’re gonna take me up on it.”
Eddie’s head reels in the couple seconds he takes to respond.
Where in the hell is all this coming from? Is it just part of the ‘date’ thing? There’s no fuckin’ way Steve is actually into him, is there? He’s always been flirty, just like Eddie is himself, but there’s no way there are any actual feelings behind it… So there’s no harm in playing along.
“I’m gonna have to now, aren’t I?” he grins back, “Gotta see if it lives up to the hype.”
Steve smirks, his eyes hooded. He’s good at pretending, he’ll give him that.
His eyes glance away, then back to Eddie’s face. The sultry look he’d been hamming up for his sake is gone, just an easy smile remains. At least this sudden flirting Steve’s decided to do isn’t going to ruin their surprisingly solid post-apocalyptic friendship.
“It’s almost time to get off, ready?”
Eddie looks ahead to where the couple on the bench before them are hopping off. They stand up off the lift easily and don’t end up in a heap, but he is starting to feel the anxiety Steve was feeling only minutes ago. How’s he supposed to get out of the way fast enough, isn’t there a drop? That looked way too easy.
“As I’ll ever be,” he gulps.
“Give me your hand.” Steve says, not waiting for a response and snatching up Eddie’s hand in his, “Okay, when I say so, you just gotta stand up. Ready?”
“Stand up, what do you mea—” he feels his legs lift a bit as the ground rises to coast under his skis, and it makes sense.
Wait, no! He wasn’t ready!
He stands just a breath after Steve, but isn’t fast enough, the lift continues up on its path and catches him again, forcing his butt back into the seat.
“Eddie, you gotta–”
He tries again at the same time Steve pulls him forward and he pitches forward, landing with an “Oof–” on top of Steve and forcing the breath from the other man’s lungs.
“Aw fuck, sorry Stevie!” He rolls off of him and out of the path of the upcoming lift chairs. “That went exactly as well as I thought it would.”
Steve wheezes out a breathless laugh, standing back up on his skis with no problem at all. Wait, how did he do that? How’s he supposed to get up with these things on his feet?
“Here,” Steve arranges his skis for him, putting one long side of each onto the snow, “Give me your poles, and push yourself up with your hands. You want to get your feet under you.”
He does as he’s told and walks his weight around on his hands to the fronts of his skis until he’s bent forward at his hips, standing straight out of the bend.
“Good job, man!” Steve grins, handing him back his poles, “Getting up on skis can be a bitch and a half; way to catch on quick.”
Eddie grins mischievously, deciding to be a little shit. “I dunno, you’d think my date would like seeing me bent over for him, huh Stevie?”
Steve just rolls his eyes, snapping his goggles back down with a smile, “C’mon, asshole, let’s get out of the way; the run to the right of the lift looked shorter on the map.”
Thankfully, the chair behind them had been empty, but the next one had a full four people on it and it was coming up fast.
“‘Sides,” He says, pushing off toward the top of the run, waiting for Eddie to scoot in next to him at the crest before leaning in and murmuring low into his ear, “I’d rather wait ‘till we’re alone to bend you over properly.”
Steve’s a good 20 feet away by time Eddie comes back to himself enough to follow.
They get about an hour and a half in on the hills, a grand total of six wipeouts under Eddie’s belt, and a couple others under Steve’s, with one successful landing off one of the jumps on the main drag to finish off the day.
“Didja see that?!” Steve yells, pulling down the balaclava he’d unceremoniously added to his getup about an hour ago.
“Hell yes Stevie!” Eddie calls, breathless, still coasting to the bottom of the slope after him. “You landed it!”
“I landed it!” 
Steve holds his arms open as Eddie once again fails to slow himself down properly, and catches him at the bottom in a crushing hug. His cheeks are flushed with adrenaline, bitten with the cold, his eyes bright in the setting sun and smile nearly as beautiful.
Damn he’s pretty.
Courteous as ever, Steve waits until Eddie’s arranged his feet the right way again before letting him go to spin the pack off his back for their assigned walkie.
Steve radios the party, and everyone is packed away in their van a scant ten minutes later. The older teens had already made it back to the cabin, letting themselves in off a run near there, so it was only the similarly flushed and excitement-filled younger teens babbling away in the back seats.
There’s overlapping stories of their own wipeouts (including one Robin took that Max swears was hilarious), Dustin insisting he saw a brown bear through the trees at one point, and all six debating whether or not they’d want to go to the main lodge for the waterpark tomorrow instead of back onto the hills.
They are still debating amongst themselves when they pull into the driveway. “Alright dorks,” Steve calls over the bickering, “Go inside and hang up your shit next to the fireplace so it can dry out.”
Eddie follows the troop into the living room and watches them pile all their outerwear together on the two hooks closest to the stone fireplace, then tear off downstairs where he heard there may have been a Nintendo stashed in one of the bedroom dressers.
Jonathan and Robin start methodically re-arranging the coats and snow pants on the hooks so they’ll dry easier, while Argyle pushes up off one of the couches to start on dinner. 
“C’mon Eds, get comfy,” Steve says, coming up beside him and gesturing to the loveseat directly across from the roaring fire. Eddie can already feel the burn of it across his frigid skin, “I gotta make sure I get you unthawed before I get you into my bed.” Steve murmurs into Eddie’s ear.
And isn’t that a whole new type of torment. They will actually be sleeping in the same bed tonight…the next three nights!
Steve turns back to the kitchen when Eddie drops cross-legged onto the sofa, and the tingling feeling in his cheeks has nothing to do with the fire.
It’s half from Steve’s scarily earnest-sounding flirting, but also about half from the look Robin is giving him while she takes the spot next to Nancy on the other couch.
“What? What’s the look for?”
Robin shrugs, picking up what must’ve been her discarded book from the end table between them (which she’s got the already read half curled backward around its spine, like a heathen), “Nothin’ at all, Eds.”
His face is burning hotter than the fire by the time Steve returns.
He passes them each a mug of cocoa, then flops down on the floor in front of Eddie’s knees. 
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” Eddie asks, surprised at the nonchalance he was able to muster up. He reaches forward and tugs on a lock of Steve’s hair without even thinking about it (and ignoring the muffled giggle coming from somewhere to Robin’s left. Oh great, Nancy’s in on his torment too?).
Steve lets out a contented hum, dropping his head back to lie heavily in Eddie’s lap, “Argyle’s whipping up some burgers.”
Eddie leaves his fingers in Steve’s hair, absentmindedly pulling them through a few tangles left behind by his hat.
Steve’s head lolls around in Eddie’s lap with the motions of his fingers for a whole thirty seconds before he snaps it back up, “Oh–ugh–wait, don’t do that,” Eddie pulls his hand away immediately, an apology on his tongue, but Steve continues, standing up and saying, “I’m all gross and sweaty, man, at least let me take a shower first. Be right back.” Steve grins, and heads upstairs to the master bedroom.
Eddie blinks into the space left behind by Steve’s departure, then Nancy is standing as well; “That’s a good idea,” she says, unfolding from her spot at Robin’s side and walking around the back of the couch, “I’ll be back up soon.” She gives Robin’s shoulder a squeeze, and heads downstairs.
Not a full five seconds pass before Robin says, “So...Steve’s super into you.”
Eddie balks at her, his eyes darting around the room automatically. Jon’s helping Argyle chop up toppings for their burgers, the two of them paying less than zero attention to him or Robin, there’s a yell from downstairs followed by laughter, the sound of a shower starting from the open balcony to the upstairs bedroom..
“You can’t just say shit like that, Birdie.” he whispers, his tone harried.
“What, the truth?”
“He is not into me.”
She nods in sarcastic understanding, “Ah, so you’re into him.”
“No I’m—” she levels him with a look. He sighs, glancing around at the no one around them, “Okay fine, yes, I am super into him. But he is not into me.”
Robin shrugs, going back to her book. “You don’t have to believe me, but I think he is. And I think you should make a move.”
“Make a mo—He’s straight as fuck, Robin!”
She gives him a glance, her brow furrowing for a split second then smoothing out. “Did he tell you that?”
“He didn’t have to.” he says, sinking back against the cushions.
She doesn’t say anything else, and he goes back to staring at the fire.
“If you make a move on Steve, I’ll finally make a move on Nancy.” she says a handful of minutes later.
He processes that slowly, takes a deep breath, then shoves his hand towards her without looking over.
She takes it, giving it one hard shake.
As soon as he takes his hand back, Argyle lopes into view with a plate in his hand, “Food’s ready my dudes.” He says, sinking into the armchair closest to the glass balcony door.
Robin snaps her book shut and sets it down on the little end table between them (the cover curls back up immediately, the poor thing), standing up and heading into the kitchen. 
Eddie has just let his feet fall to the floor and has scooted to the edge of his seat to stand up himself, when Argyle yells out “Nice tits!”
“Whose tits are out?” Eddie asks, following his gaze automatically. 
Argyle goes back to his plate. “Steve’s.” 
Uh…Yeah…He can see that for himself now.
Steve is standing at the railing of the upper floor in nothing but a towel. One hand is flipping Argyle off, and the other is preoccupied with scrubbing a second towel over his damp hair.
The towel wrapped around him is slung low on his hips, and Eddie’s eyes start to roam on their own.
Steve’s stomach is solid yet soft-looking with all its faded pink scars, and it and his chest are still as hairy as Eddie remembers; strong shoulders, solid jaw, dusty lips that pull up into a smirk, all of him is so fucking perfect.
“Hurry it up, dingus, food’s ready!” Robin calls, startling Eddie out of his gawking.
His face goes hot with embarrassment, chancing another glance up to Steve and hoping he didn’t get caught…
Steve winks at him, then turns out of sight, disappearing just as his hand comes down to grab the towel twisted around him.
His face burns, and doesn’t stop burning until long after Steve returns from upstairs.
He makes up a burger for himself, and once each of them have theirs, they call the rest of the hoard upstairs. The six teens all but destroy the remaining burgers, two whole bags of chips, and would have gulped down at least one whole 12 pack of Coke if Nancy hadn’t relegated them to one can each.
Steve’s about to herd them back downstairs when El pipes up and says that they’ve decided they want to go to the waterpark in the main lodge tonight instead of tomorrow. Surprisingly, Steve agrees to drive them over there on the condition “you shitheads are careful, and are ready to go as soon as the pools close at midnight. Got it?”
“Agreed.” they say in unison, splitting off in all directions to grab their swim stuff.
“I’m surprised at you, Stevie, letting them go off on their own.”
He just shrugs, “There’s lifeguards.”
The troops are back in the living room within ten minutes, and in their boots and out the door in 12. 
Once they’re out the door, Robin goes back to her book, Jon and Argyle step out onto the balcony to smoke, and Eddie follows Nancy into the kitchen without even thinking about it, grabbing up the hand towel hanging from the oven door and placing himself to her right.
“Thanks,” she says, handing him the first wet plate from the mess of suds in the sink.
They work in silence for a few minutes, listening to the crackling of the fire, the clanging of silverware in the sink, the muffled voices of the two on the porch.
“Yeah, Eddie?”
“If I–If Ste–” he wasn’t sure how to ask this, how to even approach the topic, “Robin said—”
“He’d be lucky to have you Eddie, and you him.” She says, not looking up from the sink.
“How’d you–?”
“Robin tends to ramble when she's nervous, have you noticed?”
He stares down at her, dumbfounded. Her lips quirk into a smile. “She’s like that around me a lot, actually.”
“I’ve noticed.”
They fall back into silence again; on the last plate, she says, “Robin’s already had this conversation with Steve about me, so I only assume it’s fair that you have it with me about him.” She passes the last plate to him and pulls the drain from the water. 
“Just remember Eddie,” She pauses and turns to face him, one hip cocked over to lean on the edge of the counter. “If you’re gonna go for it..Steve loves with all of him at once. Don’t take it for granted.”
He sets the dried plate onto the rack beside the sink as she passes behind him, patting him on the shoulder as she does.
He wants to take a moment to process all that, but just his luck, Steve returns then, passing in behind him where Nancy just left to grab up a six-pack.
Steve hands one to Eddie as he leaves, “You okay, Eds?”
“I’m good, thanks Stevie.” he says, fixing his face into an easy smile.
The six of them lounge around the rest of the evening, slowly sipping on their drinks while they play cards in front of the fire, but there’s a catch: Eddie’s going absolutely insane.
Steve’s touching him everywhere. His thigh and foot are sitting comfortably under Eddie’s own thigh where it’s crossed above it, his arm is draped across the back of the couch behind Eddie’s shoulders and methodically twirling long lengths of dark hair between his fingers.
Eddie’s been doing his damndest to ignore it, and succeeds, actually, for short periods of time while they are playing Uno, but every time Steve leans back from dropping his next card on the coffee table, he casually puts his arm back where it was, and grabs up a new lock of Eddie’s hair to torture him with.
And each time he does, Robin gives him the same knowing look.
It’s. Agony.
He wants to relax, wants to scream, he wants to swing his leg over Steve’s lap and press him into the cushions with heated kisses, he wants to haul the other man upstairs and throw him onto the bed…be thrown onto the bed.
Finally, Nancy calls it, breaking their little bubble to stand into a long stretch around nine. Steve hops up off the couch after Robin to gather up all the rest of the cans, and Eddie helps Jon and Argyle pull apart the couches enough to fold out the beds for when the goblins come back.
He escapes upstairs after a short goodnight to the two, Robin and Steve are still bickering in hushed tones about something in the kitchen, and pulls out his bag. He’s fishing out a new pair of boxers when Steve finally gets upstairs, shutting the room’s double doors behind him and heading into the ensuite.
He left the door open in his wake, so Eddie grabs up the rest of his things and follows. He drops his pile of stuff onto the closed lid of the toilet and shucks his shirt unceremoniously, tossing it to the floor.
The glass door of the huge half-walled stone shower squeaks softly on its hinges when he opens it to start the water, squeaking again when it swings closed. He reaches up to a shelf above the toilet to pull down one of the provided towels, turning to hang it on the hook beside the shower.
It’s while he’s turning back to the hook that he chances a look at Steve.
Steve, frozen at the sink with his toothbrush hanging listlessly in the air and a glob of foamy toothpaste slowly drooping off his lip, is staring. 
At Eddie’s bare torso.
Eddie caught and cataloged this in the split second it took Steve to realize Eddie was staring back, but it was enough. 
The flirting had been one thing, a natural, goofy continuation of their friendship that led to their ‘date’ today, the soft touches and hair-playing had been another, something Eddie could explain away just as easily. Steve is a touchy guy once you get close to him, and had been with Eddie since they’d gotten closer after spring break.
But this?
He’s looking at him with the same wide-eyed look Eddie’d given him earlier: gobsmacked and slightly hungry.
Steve turns away quickly, spitting into the sink and mumbling something under his breath while he finishes rinsing out his mouth. 
Eddie snorts, shaking his head and finally hanging up his towel.
“Oh, what, now you’re gonna be all shy?” he grouses, twisting around to scowl at the back of Steve’s head. Steve looks over his shoulder to glare at him in return, his cheeks glowing red. “Really? The guy who was joking about bending me over only a couple hours ago? The same guy who was winking at me in nothing but a towel earlier?”
Steve flushes darker, and it irritates him to no end. “Honestly Steve?” Eddie starts, turning back to the shower and pretending to fix how his towel is hanging, “If you’re into me, just do something about it. Otherwise, just…back off, okay? I’m super into you but I can be a big boy about it because honestly, I’d rather keep you around as a friend if nothing else and—”
His rambling is cut off by the click of the bathroom door closing.
Eddie lets out a long breath, “Yeah.. that’s about what I expected.” Robin was wrong.
He takes a moment to collect himself, but just as he pops open the button on his jeans, Steve’s voice breaks through the sound of rushing water.
“Were you being serious?”
“Jesus H. Christ!” Eddie yelps, spinning around to face the man who’s still very much in the bathroom with him. “What the fuck, Steve?”
“Were you?” he asks, pushing off from where he’d been leaning back on the door.
“...About what?”
“About how you’re ‘super into’ me?” he grins.
Eddie crosses his arms across his chest defensively, “You don’t get to be an ass about it, Steve.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Steve says softly, reaching out to unfold Eddie’s arms. His fingers follow the length of them and grasp Eddie’s in his, “I wasn’t trying to be, promise; I’m just surprised is all.”
“Well yeah,” he shrugs, “The super hot metalhead you’ve been mooning after since March confesses he thinks you’re also super hot? That’s kinda hard to believe.”
He can feel Steve’s shirt brushing faintly against his stomach now. “I never said you were super hot.” he manages to say.
Steve catches his eyes, smirking at him with an obnoxious head tilt, “Didja have to?”
“Shut up..” Eddie snorts out a laugh and pushes lightly at Steve’s chest; he’s laughing too. “Okay, okay, now leave me alone so I can shower.” he says, pushing a bit harder this time. “I’ll be out soon and you can do with me what you wish.”
Steve’s leaning his weight against him, fighting going back to the bedroom, “Or…”
“Or?” Damn, he’s heavy what the fuck!
“I could, maybe, if you want..Icouldgetinwithyou.”
Eddie stops pushing.
Steve scratches at the back of his head in embarrassment, “I mean, I’ve been wanting to get you naked for months now and there’s a perfectly good reason right there, and I think it’d be nice to shower, y’know…together.. and wow, I am being super awkward, actually..so I’m just gonna…yeah.”
Steve gestures over his shoulder toward the bedroom but he doesn’t even move to turn before Eddie is pulling him back the other way.
He lets him go a couple steps away from the glass shower door, “Better get t’stripping big boy, can’t shower very well with clothes on, can you?” he winks, then faces away from Steve to finally shed his jeans (and for his own sanity).
Eddie can hear the split second it takes for Steve to start pulling off his clothes, taking another second for himself before pushing his jeans and boxers off his hips.
He had been trying to be in the shower under the spray before Steve was even out of his clothes, but one of his legs got caught, then he had to pause further to pull off the stubborn sock that decided not to come off with his jeans.
Which of course led to him nearly toppling over.
He caught himself on the wall, but not before Steve’s hands caught him around the waist too. “Careful, Eds.”
Oh fuck. Steve’s hands should not feel that good against his skin..also, dammit! He was trying to be all suave and cool by getting in under the water before Steve could see him fully, and now his bare fuckin’ ass is out for all to see…
Eddie laughs to himself.
“Nothin’, I just thought I’d be…better? At this?”
“At what?”
“Stupid fuckin’—” Eddie finally gets his sock off, then sighs, “I dunno, being sexy, or mysterious I guess? Coy maybe?” 
“Why would you need to be any of that?”
Eddie shrugs, stepping out of Steve’s hold and into the shower and under the spray, staying faced away from the door while Steve follows.
“Are you gonna look at me?” he asks, voice devoid of anything but concern.
Taking a breath, Eddie steels himself and turns to face Steve in the large shower.
Steve’s expression is calm, open, but skews slightly into concern under Eddie’s gaze.
The long lean lines of his torso are just the same as the other two times he’s seen them, but they’re close now, and in good lighting too; Eddie can see a few other scars other than the ones from the bats, others he’s gotten over the years protecting the heard of goblins they’ve been co-parenting since last September.
He watches rogue droplets of water slough down the now-damp hairs on his arms, his legs, his chest, the ones that follow the path of darkening hairs down his stomach to his—
Steve steps closer, sharing the warm, wide spray of the shower with him.
He lifts his hand and brushes the damp hair back from the scar that marrs Eddie’s face and neck, stepping forward fully and cupping the puckered flesh in his palm when the hair settles wetly behind his shoulder
Eddie feels time stop for a brief moment. 
All of Steve is pressed into him and they line up perfectly, like they were made to share the same space. Steve’s other hand slides onto Eddie’s hip and it tugs him closer. Steve's half-hard length slots into place beside Eddie’s own, into the crevice where his crotch meets thigh.
Eddie shudders a breath at the feeling, opening his eyes to study the planes of Steve’s face and the way he is seemingly drooping forward into Eddie’s orbit. 
Steve’s smiling softly at him, the soft spray of water reflecting off their chests is misting up onto his cheek and lashes. His eyes are so much more green than he’d thought before, besides how little of the color he can see around the much larger pupil.
“Gorgeous.” Steve says, his voice is breathy and low, full of admiration, of longing…and it takes Eddie out of his reverie.
“Wha?” He says, eloquent as ever.
“You’re gorgeous, Eddie.”
Then, Steve’s lips are on his, tentative and sweet; soft, but becoming heady fast. 
The next time their lips meet, it’s punctuated with a short huff of air from Steve’s lungs when Eddie spins them, pressing Steve into the stone wall beside the shower knobs. He parts his lips to mumble out an apology, but Steve’s tongue decides to fill the space instead.
The hand Steve had on Eddie’s jaw snakes down to grab hold of his other hip and pulls him even closer, using the both of them to roll Eddie’s hips into his.
Their tongues slide languidly against the other, the fast pace they’d been building into falling off in exchange for slow, sanguine kisses instead.
Eddie lets out a shaky breath when they do part, blinking across the short distance between them at Steve’s kiss-bitten lips for only a second before letting his eyes fall shut with the exhale.
“Steve…is this—Is this real?”
Steve breathes out a shaky laugh of his own, “Why wouldn’t it be real, Eddie?” He asks, gently tracing the length of Eddie’s nose with his.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve had this exact dream before; are you sure I didn’t snap my neck during one of those falls earlier?”
The younger man laughs fully this time, and Eddie relishes in the slippery feeling of the wet skin of Steve’s stomach rippling against his own. He can’t help but grin in response to both the laughter and the funny feeling, his eyes opening without a second thought.
Steve looks like he’s floating, his face soft and dripping with a bright beaming smile..
“Do you need me to pinch you?” Steve asks, finally coming down from his brief fit of laughter.
“I don’t know if I want to find out this isn’t real.” Eddie grins in return.
One of Steve’s large hands leaves his hip then, snaking around to pinch the underside of Eddie’s asscheek.
He sucks in a short hiss of pain and lets out a soft whimper of something else (holy shit, when did that become a thing??) in the same breath.
“Okay…” he gulps down a mouthful of nothing, “Not a dream.”
“Not a dream..” Steve repeats. 
There’s a beat, two full breaths of more nothing before Steve spins them around and pushes Eddie back into the cold stone instead, his arm wrapped around him and up to cup the back of his skull protectively against the tile.
He presses a thick thigh between Eddie’s and does three things almost simultaneously.
The first, a second before the other two: He locks his heavy-lidded gaze on Eddie’s; two and three: presses the thigh between Eddie’s legs up, and pulls the hand at the back of his skull down along with a fistful of dark curls.
“Aahhh—ohhh fuck, Steve…” The sting from his scalp pulls a moan from his exposed throat, and Eddie scrambles to grab hold of something.
His nails dig into the slick skin of Steve’s back automatically, and he opens his mouth to apologize the same moment Steve latches onto his neck with a low groan of his own.
The hand not tangled in Eddie’s hair is starting to pull him down in waves against Steve’s thigh and hips, both of them hissing in pleasure with each pass of the other’s length against theirs.
“Mmmm, Eddie..” Steve moans, unlatching from the bruise he’s sure to have left on Eddie’s throat to lave his tongue and lips against his jaw instead. “Baby, you feel so good against me.”
“Ooh, and you sound so sweet..” His lips trail down from his jaw back to the definitely sore spot on his neck, one that he prods lightly with the tip of his tongue before continuing on to nip at the taught skin of his collarbone, kiss lightly over the skin of his scarred pec, finally landing tongue first onto Eddie’s remaining nipple. 
The reaction to this is immediate; Eddie arches his chest further into Steve’s mouth. Steve, the sonofabitch he is, suctions his lips away from Eddie’s flushed skin in response.
“Hhnng—what the actual fuck, Steve?” Eddie glares best he can though the panting, “Get that mouth back over here.”
Miraculously, Steve obliges, sliding forward into a saccharine kiss and pulling Eddie away from
the wall and back under the spray of water.
“C’mon Eds, tilt your head back before the hot water runs out.”
Eddie just gapes at him, at his dick, both their dicks, still standing at attention, back up to his face.
Steve just purses his lips together as if holding back a grin and tugs Eddie’s head back by his hair again, soaking the strands through under the water.
He lets Steve turn him this way and that, reveling in the feeling of the other man’s hands in his hair, slick with soap on his skin, the gentle nudges and pulls relaxing him further into this weird world where Steve’s totally into him and also they’re naked in the shower together.
Finally, when Steve tilts his head back for the final time to rinse the conditioner out of his hair, Eddie decides to be a little shit, pushing his hips forward to clash their (still half-hard) dicks together.
“What are you—really? A sword fight?”
Eddie lets out a long cackle, “What? You knew what you were getting into with me, didn’t’cha Stevie?”
Doubt crashes into Eddie’s chest the instant the words escape his mouth.
He did, didn’t he? He likes him for his antics right? Oh fuck…How long would it take for Steve to get sick of his shit?
Despite Eddie’s near-crushing doubts, Steve smiles and says, “That I did.” easy as breathing, then pulls Eddie flush against him in another heated kiss.
Steve walks him backward after a moment, and Eddie drops his hands behind him to feel for the inevitable press of cold stone on his back, shuddering when it finally makes contact.
His gasp from the cold tile only seems to egg the other man on, hunching down to grip him around the backs of his thighs.
Eddie’s legs lock around Steve’s waist in panic, but pleasure shoots through him with the motion too, the horny thrill of being picked up so effortlessly along with the pressure of Steve’s stomach against the underside of his dick.
“Mmph—Steve holy shit,” he’s only just managed to thread the fingers on one hand into those sleek brown locks when he has to stifle down a long groan with a bite to his knuckle. “Hnngh–Steve, Steve, you gotta—oh fuck..”
The muscles of Steve’s stomach bunch under him as he grinds up in slow, torturous rolls..
“Oh, fuck—” the words spill out of his mouth, loud and long; his palm snaps up to hold them in as Steve pushes his shoulders into the tile behind him and leans back, leaving Eddie’s body balanced between strong thighs and shower wall.
The tile hits hard on the back of his skull when Steve wraps one of those hands of his around both their lengths. Eddie manages to look down, only to knock his head back again at the sight. 
Even with the added height of being on top of Steve’s thighs, their heads are exactly level, disappearing over and over again into the water-warmed skin of Steve’s fist.
Steve hunches forward again, pressing kisses into Eddie’s sternum. “Gorgeous.” 
“Steve...” he whispers in return, grinding as much as he can against the length slotted along his.
Again, too soon, Steve is pulling away, releasing his grip on them both.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, already moving to drop his legs back to the floor. 
Steve stops him, hoisting his legs back around him and lifting him off the wall. “I’m taking you up on your offer.” He says, twisting off the now-cold stream of water and carefully stepping over the lip of the doorway through the glass door.
“My offer?”
“You said that after your shower, you’d come back out here to the bedroom and I could have my way with you.”
A half whine, half moan curls out of Eddie’s throat to his utter embarrassment.
“D’ya like that idea, sweetheart?” Steve says, grinning mischievously. 
Eddie manages to scowl at him as they leave the steamy bathroom, and is dropped down onto the mattress soon after. 
“Aw shit!”
“What? What happened?”
It’s cold as shit, that’s what.” The air-cooled temperature of the covers against his skin has him breaking out in goosebumps.
Steve winces, “Sorry, I didn’t think about that.”
What was calm and collected confidence flickers off his face, and Eddie can’t have that. “Jus’ come over here and warm me up, big bo–wait,” He sits up and stops Steve when only one of his knees has made it onto the bed. “Lemme look at you.” 
He looks down at Steve, and yep. Big Boy is very accurate. He’d felt it against him already, Steve’s too-gorgeous-to-be-real dick; he’s longer for sure, cut and curved up like something out of a wet dream. 
“Oh, definitely big boy,” Eddie grins, looking up at Steve’s somewhat embarrassed expression.
“It’s nothing special.” he shrugs, his cheeks heating up as he climbs up Eddie’s damp body. He lowers himself down lay between his legs, his dick slotting itself beside Eddie’s once again.
He hunches over to kiss lightly up the scars on Eddie’s left side, lips brushing along the healed edge of the biggest one. It tickles, then it doesn’t, then does, then doesn’t, his lips pressing halfway onto skin and halfway onto puckered pink flesh.
“Yeah baby?” he responds after a few more kisses.
“You’re giving me more goosebumps.” Eddie says, somewhat breathless.
Another kiss, “Mmmm.. You’re welcome.”
That shocks a laugh out of him, “You’re such a dork.”
Steve takes one of Eddie’s hands where it lays on the mattress, lacing their fingers together and pressing them back into the mattress beside his head.
“Says you.” he affirms, locking those ridiculous hazel eyes on his.
Eddie’s about to crack off another one liner, say something to…all that, but it’s completely erased from his mind when Steve ducks his head down to find his nipple again.
“Oh fuckin–nnng..” his hips buck up hard into Steve’s, who presses down into him in return.
He can feel it when Steve grins against his skin. “Shut up, asshole, that fee–ee–els so good.”
“Hmm, tell me about it, baby.” He’s grinding down slowly now, adding to the exponentially increasing Steve-addled brain fog he’s currently experiencing.
“Ahhh—I want to but–”
“But what?” Steve’s breath over the spit-slick spot on his chest sends a chill through him. 
“Oh fuck–If any of them hear us, we’re never going to hear the end of it.” he tries to warn around another stifled moan.
The Menace is undeterred, swirling his tongue around the little nub open-mouthed and hot once more before moving upwards, trailing his lips up Eddie’s breastbone until he’s sucking kisses into his throat once again. He continues up along the length of his neck until he reaches his ear, “Then you’d better keep it down, huh?”
Well that didn’t help. He lets out a long moan in response, clamping a hand over his mouth way too late.
“You sound so good though,” Steve says, continuing his slow grinding, “I can’t wait to get you alone so I can fuck you properly.”
That pulls another moan from behind Eddie’s palm. “Jesus H. Christ,” Eddie bucks his hips up as much as he can, but Steve's palms move down to hold him in place.
“Can’t have that now, can we?” Steve chides, trailing his lips down his stomach as he slides back to the edge of the bed, his eyes locked on Eddie’s.
“Wh–Why not?”
“Because I’d prefer,” a kiss above his belly button, “to choke,” a kiss below, “on my own accord.”, then swallows Eddie down in one go.
“Oh fffuuck—”
Steve hums in agreement around Eddie’s dick and the vibrations course up his spine to rattle around in his brain.
“Oh shit, Stevie, that feels so fuckin’ good.” He breathes, twisting his fingers into Steve’s hair.
In response, Steve starts to bob his head, swirling his tongue around Eddie’s on the upstroke, and sucking with fervor on the down.
“Steve, sweetheart–fuck–if you keep going I’m gonna—haah—”
“And what if I want you to?”
“And what if I want to to-together?”
Steve releases him with a wet pop, kissing his way back up to Eddie’s lips, humming in satisfaction when he reaches them, like kissing Eddie is the best part of all this.
And doesn’t that make his head spin.
“All you’d have to do is ask.”
Eddie pulls Steve back to his lips and bucks up into him again. “That’s me asking.”
Steve grins down at him and re-starts his slow, tortuous pace.
He’s rock hard against Eddie’s thigh, and this is getting fuckin’ ridiculous.
“Alright, you know what,” Eddie pushes his hips up hard and flips them over, straddling Steve’s thighs in no time at all.
“Holy shit—“ Steve blinks up at him in astonishment, like he’s surprised that he’s been flipped so easily.
 Eddie grinds down onto Steve, “You don’t get to tease me like that, big boy.”
“Is that so?” He chuckles, then groans when Eddie wraps his hand around their lengths. His hands grip onto Eddie’s thighs, squeezing tight to match the hold on them.
Eddie fucks forward into his fist, pulling his hand down to meet each thrust and watching as Steve’s head drops back onto the mattress.
He lets out a long groan. “Eddie…”
“Yeah, Stevie?”
Eddie runs his fingers over both their heads, adding to the slight slip of pre with a well aimed glob of spit that makes Steve hum out a short breathy moan as it makes contact with his head.
More noises of appreciation are pulled from the man under him as he rubs the pad of his thumb through the mess and under the head of Steve’s cock in small circles.
“Mmhm oh fuck..”
“You like that?”
“Mmhmm,” he nods dazedly “Keep moving though, feels so good, Eds.”
“You got it, sweetheart.” Eddie grins, wrapping his palm around them again and pushes forward into his fist.
Steve’s head drops back onto the pillow beneath him, “Just like that Eddie, fuck.” 
He gives them a few more strokes, then Steve’s hands start to move; his warm palms skirt along the wiry hair on his legs, one traveling around to grab onto Eddie’s horribly non-existent ass, and the other comes up to his remaining nipple, pinching it between two digits.
That did it. The hot coil of pleasure already broiling in his stomach twists even tighter. “Ahh—Stevie..I’m so close, Jesus Christ…”
“Me too..”
“Yeah? Well c’mon sweetheart, give it to me.”
A scant two passes of his hand later, Steve shoots hot across his stomach, and Eddie follows a half stroke later. 
He sinks down to the bed against Steve’s heaving ribs, tucking his shoulder under the other man’s arm.
After a few more breaths, Steve pulls Eddie into him and presses his lips to Eddie’s still-damp forehead.
“Ew gross, don’t do that, I’m all sweaty.”
“Don't care.” Steve mumbles softly into his hairline.
In return, Eddie wipes his soiled hand off on Steve’s stomach.
“Ew! Gross!” Steve laughs, shoving Eddie away with no actual intent behind it.
A few minutes later, Steve breaks the comfortable silence. “So,”
The word sinks heavily into Eddie’s gut. “So?”
When Steve doesn’t continue, Eddie turns his head to find Steve gazing at him with soft eyes, and even softer smile.
It morphs into a teasing smirk. “Did it live up to the hype?”
One snooze and another heated shower later, Eddie crawls back into their bed and gets comfy while he listens to Steve pull his clothes back on to go down to the main lodge for the hellions.
He hears a short shuf when Steve’s leg skirts around the end of the bed. “I’ll be back in 15,” he says, kissing the damp hairs on Eddie’s temple. “Go to sleep, Eds.”
“Hmmm…” he hums in return, cozy as ever, and is out as soon as the door clicks shut.
Too soon, the sounds of the shitheads scrambling into the house interrupts his dozing, the door to the bedroom squeaking open not long after.
“Eds? You awake?”
Instead of answering, Eddie simply opens his arms.
He listens to Steve strip off his clothes, beckoning the man forward again when he feels the end of the mattress sink under the other man’s weight. 
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’, hold your horses.”
“My horses have been patient enough.” Eddie grumbles as Steve finally shuffles between the sheets and into his waiting arms.
“Dude! What the hell happened to your neck?! Did you get attacked by a vampire?”
“Henderson, you are way too loud for how early it is.”
“It’s 10 am, Eddie.”
“Exactly.” the barstool creaks as he climbs onto it, gratefully accepting the plate of eggs and bacon Argyle passes him.
“Leave him alone, guys.” Steve says, coming up behind Eddie on his stool and kissing his cheek as he passes into the kitchen with his empty plate.
There’s three whole seconds of silence before the younger teens burst out into a cacophony of various outbursts.
“Aw, what? Eddie! Steve’s way too lame for you to be dating!”
“Steve, did you fuck my DM?!”
“I fuckin’ knew it. I told you they’d get together, didn’t I? Dustin, you owe me 10 bucks.”
“I don’t owe you shit, Maxine.”
“Holy shit, congrats guys.” Lucas is his new favorite… Will and El too, nodding along to Sinclair’s assessment.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough; All those heading back to the waterpark better be ready to go in T-minus three minutes otherwise I’m leavin’ without you.” Steve calls out over the noise.
The complaints follow him out of the kitchen and into the tiny laundry room off the entryway.
“Why don’t you guys get yelled at?” Eddie grumbles, poking up a forkful of egg.
Robin snorts a laugh, “Because none of us are sleeping with the babysitter.”
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okay, some notes:
steve's mom is a lawyer in this canon and she's the one who paid for eddie's legal counsel/helped with clearing his name after s4
wha?? steve harrington has good parents?? insanity
"canon" hawkins is about an hour outside of indianapolis so i used shelbyville, indiana as my base and from there to boyne mountain is about a 7 hour drive. if they left at 6 am from hawkins, they'd get to the resort around 1 or 2 and have a good couple hours to ski before it gets dark again at 6 (daylight hours in the midwest during winter are a bitch.)
i did way too much research into the ski resort i based this at, only to realize that neither the cabin itself OR the waterpark were there in the 80s. so...let's all just pretend, okay?
the map above is a trail map of the resort from 1985
when i asked my husband what i should add to 'my most recent blorbos' he said 'nice tits!' so that's why that line lmao
who'da thought this'd go from skiing to shower sex? cause i didn't
i got stuck on the smut part of this for way too long and i am so glad i am a) done with it and b) that it actually turned out relatively coherent.
on that note though, i have been looking at this damn fic for so so long that i don't know if it's actually good or what. 'cause to me, it's complete garbled garbage
the title of this is from 'Object of My Desire' by Starpoint
lex i am so sorry this is late ilysm 🫶
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olenvasynyt · 7 months
Why I don't like Vassien
People always say that Lucien blushing when he mentions Vassa is proof that he is in love with her.  He is also relaxed around her, laughs with her and listens to her with a smile on his face.
Chapter 80 of ACOWAR: Vassa still remained inside, chatting with Lucien animatedly…Lucien, surprisingly, was chuckling, his shoulders loose and his head angled while he listened.
Chapter 18 of ACOFAS: “I think he'd have been crowned king by now if it weren't for Vassa." A twitch of his lips, a spark in that russet eye.
The second quote can immediately be dismissed because the spark is not hinting at love or a mating bond like some people imply, it’s used to describe a character knowing something. Because a spark is seen in Amarantha’s eye when Rhys kisses Feyre and Rhys later explains that that is when Amarantha knew he liked Feyre.  
Chapter 42 of ACOTAR: Rhys casually released me with a flick of his tongue over my bottom lip as a crowd of High Fae appeared behind Amarantha…but something sparked in the queen’s eyes as she looked at Rhysand.  Amarantha’s whore, they’d called him.
Chapter 54 of ACOMAF: Amarantha saw that jealousy.  She saw me kissing you to hide the evidence, but she saw why.  For the first time, she saw why.  So that night after I left you, I had to…service her.
In SJMs works, a spark in a person’s eyes is a spark of recognition, not a spark of love, imo.
Lucien does like Vassa.  As a friend.  And as a leader he wants to follow.  Because with the blushing: he was blushing in ACOFAS because he was talking about another female around Elain and he didn't want her to think he has feelings for someone else.  
Feyre acknowledges how loyal he is to his mate:
Chapter 5 of ACOWAR: I asked Lucien to escort me, and he’d been more than happy to do so, given his own status as a mated male made him uninterested in any sort of female company these days.
And Lucien asks Feyre not to tell Elain about him completing the Rite with Ianthe. 
Chapter 3 of ACOWAR: “I went in his stead, and I did my duty to the court.  I went of my own free will.  And we completed the Rite.” “Please don’t tell Elain,” he said.  “When we—when we find her again,” he amended.
The dude was fucking SAed and his first thought is Elain.
Chapter 9 of ACOWAR: “I was obligated to preform the Rite,” Lucien snapped.  “That night wasn’t the product of desire, believe me.” “We had fun, you and I.” “I’m a mated male now.”
 He is "a mated male now". He is oyal to his mate, and his mate only.  
Lucien is loyal and the idea that he and Vassa are / could be a thing is dismissing that, and it also dismisses who Vassa is.  Because Lucien is not only loyal to his mate, but also to people he believes are good rulers.  
Mor and Cassian talk about  Lucien having some biases because he hangs out in the Human Lands in the band of exiles.
Chapter 4 of ACOSF: “Lucien can’t entirely be trusted anymore…Even with Elain, he’s become close with Jurian and Vassa.  He’s voluntarily living with them these days, and not just as an emissary.  As their friend.” He’s spent months helping them sort out the politics of who rules Prythian’s slice of the human lands,” Cassian said slowly, “So Lucien can’t be unbiased in reporting to us on Vassa.”
I think Lucien talks highly of Vassa, not only because he’s her friend, but because he admires her as a ruler.  If we are going to apply that logic of a person thinking highly of someone as proof they are attracted to them, then Cassian is also attracted to Rhys because he thinks and talks about him highly and he is also very biased.
And Vassa is a leader / co-member of the Band of Exiles so they are friends.  Him laughing with her and enjoying her company was something we see between him and Feyre in ACOTAR.
"But Lucien laughs so that means he loves her!" No, it means he finally has true friends, people he relates to and enjoys the company of.
Another reason why I do not like the idea of Vassien being a thing is people say that Vassien will be Lucien's HEA and he deserves to be with someone who loves him, but the huge thing here is: Vassa is human, he is Fae.  She will die centuries before him, and Lucien will be back to living alone, knowing that his mate is still out there.  How is that a happy ending?
And the solution people make is Vassa will be turned into Fae, but this is taking away some key points of Vassa's character.  
Chapter 18 of ACOFAS: I had not forgotten her plea to me that night after the last battle with Hybern.  To break the curse that kept her human by night, firebird by day.  A once-proud queen—still proud, yes, but desperate to reclaim her freedom.  Her human body.  Her kingdom.
Those last two points: human body and kingdom.
Her becoming Fae would ruin her being a human queen, especially when we think about the fact that Lucien being the heir to the Day Court will be a big part of his character.  If Vassa is turned into a Fae, would she go be with them and abandon her role as queen of the human lands?  Or would she and Lucien be separated, and she would be Fae queen of the human lands and Lucien High Lord of the Day Court?  
Vassien has absolutely no appeal for me.  And if I'm being honest, it's a ship because people want Lucien out of the way and this is the happiest story they can come up with for him, despite it going against his character, Vassa's character, and SJM's writing.
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beesmygod · 3 months
i had so much fun writing it, thank you reading!!
trying to think about, sincerely, what purpose this type of story serves and how that would translate into kui's world was really interesting to me. because i do think dateline is providing a "service" more than say, two women making jokes about someone's death who don't know anyone involved. like, just because some people consume them in the same way, doesn't mean they're made equal, right?
people mostly go to dateline voluntarily, all unpaid, even guilty people, because they recognize the team as journalists and believe their story will be told for the viewers. even if they later say they made them look bad or feel otherwise misrepresented, they still consented to interviews because of the sense that this will be *it* for the narrative and they have to have a part of it.
doesn't mean it's not exploitative, that people don't sometimes regret being part of it, that it doesn't retraumatize everyone closely involved, and that the people who refuse to be paraded out get their voices erased, but it certainly has a function and purpose beyond JUST gossip. i wanted to get all the exploitative inhumane painful bits at least touched on but also show why someone WOULD sign up for it anyway... even cithis agreed, when she didn't have to, to try to control a bit of the narrative.
Anyway, glad the idea of a Greek chorus pop-up show was compelling enough to carry it all and thank you for reading about my little elf OCs
sorry i left you hanging my friend, this was one of those asks that required more thought than usual to respond to so i had to let it marinate in my brain and stew for a while. i need a way to signal to people that i got their asks and im not ignoring them, im just Thinkin. then it turned out i had less to say than i thought except "what a cool idea".
i think is a fascinating bit of information from behind the curtain, regarding the thought process behind the work. trying to adapt the societal "purpose" of an ostensibly modern phenomenon like dateline into a lower tech setting while maintaining its structure is something i will be chewing on.
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jeanboyjean · 8 months
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PART 3: jean has friends
a/n: teehee! guys im on a roll rn weekly updates? who is she wc: 5.8k MASTERLIST | AO3 taglist: @honeybleed @cptnleviackerman @plutoccult @milky-aeons
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“So Jean, what do you do in your spare time?”
Leaning back in your chair, you stretch out your arms behind you and roll out your neck. It’s another week into semester and you and Jean are back at it again, in the same room as the week prior, trying to get ahead on the report for the day’s lab. The two of you have been sitting here for the past half hour in a mostly comfortable silence but you've just finished most of your part and it’s time for a little break. The comforting scent of earl grey lingers in the air, wafting from your travel mug while the sound of Jean tapping away on his laptop fills the silence. His jaw ticks when he hears your voice and his hands pause, hovering over the keyboard. 
“I'm sure there's more to you than gym and study. What are your hobbies?” You try again, rolling your head towards him. 
Jean sighs. To your delight he bites, pushing his laptop away and crossing his arms over his chest. The motion flexes the muscles in his arms, drawing your eyes to the corded slopes of his forearms. You try not to let your eyes linger, instead flicking them up to catch his mildly annoyed expression. 
“I hang out with my friends. I listen to music. Why do you ask?” 
“Oh, no reason. I was just curious,” comes your cheery response. This week, you’ve decided to take a new approach to Jean - this being that you’re going to be as unbothered as possible. Truthfully, you really couldn’t care less about him, so unfazed are you by his character. His rude nature towards you may grind your gears but at the end of the day, you don't know this guy. His presence means almost nothing to you. It’s so insignificant in your life that you don’t even know why you’re bothering asking him these questions or why you’re grasping at straws to ask him more. As long as he pulls his weight, you're perfectly fine to not get along - in fact it’s the most ideal outcome.
You cup your head in your hands as you peer up at him with mild curiosity. “What kind of music?” 
“None of your business.” He huffs. His eyes flit to you and then away, refusing to meet your scrutinising gaze. “Why are you interrogating me?” 
“I'm not interrogating you.” You wave a hand dismissively. “Just wondering.”
“You’re very nosy.”
“These are normal questions to ask someone when you’re trying to get to know them.”
He scoffs in response. There’s a small lull as you study him, taking in the slope of his tall nose and the hollows underneath his cheekbones. He glances at you from the side, shaking the hair out of his eyes. “I’m surprised you even want to get to know me now.” 
You snort. Well, at least he’s self aware. “Huh, well I’m surprised you have friends.” 
“I have friends.” 
“Sure you do,” you taunt with only a little malice in your tone. Honestly, you’re not entirely convinced. It’s hard to believe that anyone would voluntarily spend time with someone as dry and unappealing as Jean.  
Jean narrows his eyes at you. You smirk, picking up a pen and twirling it in your fingers. He follows the movement carefully, eyes tracking the flicking of your fingers. Despite the front he’s putting on, you’re almost certain he’s not as prickly as he was last week. You could have sworn today in your lab that you had seen just the slightest hint of a smile when you had slipped on the linoleum floor. Granted, he had probably been laughing at you, but you’ll take what little you can get. You decide to play into it, trying to wear him down to see how long it’ll take you to get him to crack. If anything, you’re starting to enjoy getting a reaction out of him.
“Well, what about you then?” he asks. 
Your head tilts in thought. “Hmm, I guess the same. Hang out with friends … we like to watch movies and stuff.”
Speaking of friends, you perk up when you remember the party Historia had invited you to for Friday night. You’re not much of a drinker but you’re looking forward to the night, definitely ready to let your hair down and get a little loose. It makes you wonder about Jean - you don’t think you’ve seen him at many of the parties you’ve gone to, even ones hosted by your mutual classmates. The question forms in your brain and you blurt it out without thinking.  “Do you drink?” 
There's a pause as something flashes over Jean's face, his eyes darkening and his jaw clenching. All the muscles in his body seem to tense as a flush creeps up his neck and tinges his ears pink. His eyes dart away from you and he clears his throat as he shrugs. “Now and then,” he says, attempting to seem indifferent but the words come out stilted. 
You peer at him curiously. His reaction surprises you. There’s clearly something he’s not letting on. “Hmm, I think you’re lying,” you say with a teasing lilt to your tone. “You’re acting weirder than usual. I bet you’re a huge partier.” 
He scoffs and rolls his eyes. It’s a familiar and welcome sight. You wouldn’t be surprised if a tally revealed he had rolled his eyes every ten minutes whenever in your presence. 
“I’m too busy to party much,” he finally admits through gritted teeth. His chin tucks down and his hair falls to cast a shadow over his eyes. 
Oh? You’re like a squirrel pouncing on every little nugget of information he drops. “What are you so busy with then?” 
Interesting. You lean forward. Your elbows sneak closer to him, brushing against the side of his laptop. He narrows his eyes and nudges you back with the tip of his finger. The touch triggers a tiny current of electricity, running up your arm and tingling your nerves. A small laugh bubbles out of you and you ease up, sliding back a little. 
“And where do you work?”
“That’s for me to know,” he replies shortly. His brown eyes are almost slits now, annoyance clear as day on his expression and he gestures toward your laptop. “Come on, let’s just finish this.” 
You snort in response, finally letting off. He’s clearly uncomfortable and you decide to take mercy and stop torturing him. Your shoulders heave as you let out a deep sigh, reluctant to get back into it. “You know,” you start again, glancing over at him. “We barely even talk when we write this. We could probably just work on it separately and discuss things over text.”
He lets out a low grunt, his hand pausing over his keyboard. He glances back at you and his expression is hard to read. “Nah, I would prefer to just meet up and get it over with. Wouldn’t want to have to wait on you to reply and everything.”
You shrug. “Okay, suit yourself. Works for me. I’m a fast replier though.”
Jean doesn’t say anything, just lets out a low uh huh with a disbelieving look on his face, shaking his head. You swing your legs under your chair, pursing your lips. The desire to retaliate burns within you but you hold back and chew the inside of your mouth, watching him deliberately ignore you. 
“Alright then, let’s get this done,” you say eventually, tilting your screen back to your face.
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Friday at 18:32
queenstoria!: sent a link queenstoria!: can’t wait to see you tonight!! here's my address on maps You: so excited!! we’ll be there around 8 🙂 queenstoria!: oh also! guess who i ran into  You: who?? queenstoria!: ur lab partner jean. i saw him at the library and we chatted for a bit. i invited him to come tonight 🙂  You: you what??? i told u that guy hates me queenstoria!: well he doesn't hate me so he said he’s gonna come
With a scoff you put down your phone. Eren looks up from where he’s sitting on the couch next to you. Exasperation boils your veins as you reread the text, her words taunting you with her indifference. Your face screws up in irritation, scrunching up your nose and furrowing your brows. Eren raises an eyebrow at you in question, steam rising from the pizza slice in his hand as he lifts it to his mouth. Two open pizza boxes sit in front of you on the coffee table, your dinner to pad your stomach before you absolutely obliterate it tonight. 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” He asks, dipping his open mouth to catch a bit of melted cheese about to fall off.
“Historia invited my stupid lab partner Jean tonight.”
“Well, it is her party. She can invite whoever she wants.”
“No you don’t understand,” you groan, running a hand over your face. You slump back into the couch, chin tucking down to rest on top of your chest. Your next words come out slightly muffled as a result. “He’s actually so weird. I don’t think I’ve had a single normal conversation with him.”
Eren snorts. He reaches forward to flick your forehead and you hiss, swatting his hand away. “He’s clearly not that weird if she invited him. I’m sure he’s a nice guy. You’re just judgy.”
You suck your teeth and stick out your tongue at him. He doesn’t get it. His dismissal adds fuel to the fire of indignation burning in your brain. Why is everyone so ready to discount how much of a struggle you’ve had for the past two weeks dealing with Jean.
Your heads raise when Mikasa walks in from the kitchen with Armin in tow, two drinks in hand. Bright red liquid sloshes in the glasses, the ice inside clinking when she hands one to you and you raise it to your nose, taking a sniff. You inhale a classic fruitiness masking the telltale scent of vodka and hum in approval. Vodka cran, your favouite. She settles down on am armchair next to the couch and tucks her feet under her legs while Armin sits on the floor next to the coffee table, leaning back to rest against the couch. He fiddles with his phone and a moment later, music plays from the speakers. 
“Oi,” Eren says, nudging your side with his elbow. “What do you think of her?” He shoves his phone under your eyes and you blink, pushing his hand back to focus on the screen. It's open to an instagram photo of a girl with blonde hair and sharp features, staring up at the camera with a blank expression. You take his phone, scrolling through her profile as you take a sip of your drink. 
“She looks nice. Pretty. Maybe a bit intimidating,” you pass the phone back to him. “Why?”
“We matched on Hinge. We've been talking a bit over the past couple days and she said she knows Historia.”
“Oh, is she coming tonight?”
He nods, smacking his lips. “Yeah, we're gonna meet up there.”
It’s no surprise. Eren's been on a bit of a dating spree lately, chatting up someone new every other day. Unfortunately, none of his pursuits have been particularly successful, flings that come and go so you don't really pay this too much attention. Chances are it’s just going to be another failed attempt and there's no point in getting too invested. He's been trying to get you on as well, something about “putting yourself out there” and “it would be good for you!” but in all honesty it's really not for you. The one time you had relented, you had deleted the app in horror in about an hour after coming across one of your lecturers. It had been a little too close for comfort if you say so yourself. 
“You should get back on the apps again,” he starts, trying to sound as convincing as possible. He continues hurriedly when he sees your sceptical expression. “It's literally been years since you last went on a date. I'm starting to worry about you.”
“Firstly, it's only been one year,” you sass, holding up a finger in count, then putting up another. “Secondly, neither have Armin and Mikasa. Why are you always on my ass about this.” 
Mikasa looks up when she hears her name and cocks her head at you. You pull a face at her, making a thumbs down gesture with your hand while you pull a face at Eren. 
He sighs, shaking his head. An arm comes around your shoulders to pull you into his side and he pats your head as if to soothe you. “Those two are fine. Me and you though? We're the kind of people that need a little extra, a warm body to sleep next to… you know. Who knows, maybe you'll even find someone tonight!” 
You huff, rolling your eyes and shoving him off you. “Speak for yourself. I'm not a horny gremlin like you.” 
He smirks, his green eyes dancing in delight. His lives to tease you, the two of you naturally bickering all the time like a pair of school girls. It’s been the nature of your relationship from the moment you had first been introduced to each other as five year olds on your first day of school. Sometimes you wonder how you've still managed to remain friends after all this time.  
A blessed distraction comes when Armin taps Eren’s leg to get his attention and he turns to him, looking at something on his phone. You sigh in relief and reach forward to grab a slice of pizza, setting your glass down carefully on the table. As you take a bite, you meet Mikasa’s eyes and she beckons you in closer. 
“What were you guys talking about?” She asks with a low voice, resting her weight on her elbows as she leans over the armrest.  
“Just Eren talking about his hinge dates again. One’s coming tonight apparently.”
Mikasa nods slowly, lips thinning into a line. She sinks back into the seat cushions, her eyes unfocusing slightly as she lifts her glass to her lips. “Oh.” 
“Yeah and then he was just being dumb, trying to get me to download it again.”
She shakes her head, chuckling softly at your misery. This is nothing new for her either, she’s used to hearing you complain about Eren pestering you. It’s how it’s always been - you and him, the troublemakers, with Mikasa and Armin, the peacekeepers. It’s how you always hope it’ll be, you think, when you’re old and grey and living in neighbouring retirement homes.
A hush falls over the room when the song trails off and you hear the two boys murmuring together. You follow her gaze to watch them and warmth glows from your chest, a sense of fondness for your friends overwhelming you in an instant. No matter how much they may get on your nerves, these are your ride or dies, your home away from home. Something about it triggers the memory of your earlier conversation with Jean and honestly it's still hard to imagine him spending time with anyone except his own shadow. A thought crosses your mind, something petty and probably untrue but it rests there and you allow it to fester.
Bet Jean doesn’t have any friendships as strong as this. 
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The party is definitely underway by the time the four of you clamber out of your uber. Historia and Ymir’s place is a nice two bedroom house a little out of the way from campus down a quiet street and you almost feel a little bad for her neighbours with the way you can hear bass thumping from outside. It’s absolutely all Historia’s doing. She’s one of the most popular people you know, befriending everyone she meets, and it makes you wonder how she and Ymir could have possibly ended up together. Street lights illuminate your path as you make your way up to her door, passing a small lawn out front with potted plants lining the steps of the entranceway. You press a worn bell and a moment later the door swings open. 
“Come in!” Historia exclaims with a wide grin, flapping her hands and pulling you into a warm hug. It’s only been a few hours since you last saw her in one of your lectures but she’s still as welcoming as ever. “It’s good to see you guys!” 
She exchanges greetings and hugs with the others, ushering you all in before disappearing. Inside, the living room is buzzing with people, dance music blasting from speakers. You and your friends quickly make your way in, waving at the faces you recognise. After a minute, Eren and Armin split off when they see a few of their friends from outside your circle, telling you to meet them later. Mikasa also murmurs an apology when she sees someone she recognises and squeezes past you. You're left alone for a moment before Historia appears beside you with a couple drinks in her hands and shoves one into your hands which you receive gratefully. 
“Here, have this! And look who I found!” She raises her voice to be heard over the background noise. She grins at you, eyes lighting up when she focuses on something behind you. Her hand waves excitedly, beckoning someone forward. “Ymir! Come here.”
You turn and see her partner Ymir, a scowl on her face as always. In all honesty, you don’t really know her that well, having only met her a couple times when she’s with Historia. Her standoffish nature seems natural though, not really rude, just more reserved, especially when compared to her girlfriend’s perpetual sunny persona. She stalks towards you and stops next to Historia, putting an arm around her shoulders. “What’s up?”
“Hey Ymir, how are you? The place looks great!” You say enthusiastically. 
A small smile lights up her face as she looks around at the surroundings. “Yeah, Historia did a good job, didn’t she?” Your heart swells at the warm look on her face when she gazes down at Historia’s face. “Too bad, it’s gonna be a mess after tonight.” 
“I’ll help you guys clean up,” you offer with a laugh. 
Historia shakes her head, playfully rolling her eyes. “Don’t worry about it. Ymir’s just being dramatic."
"I'm not being dramatic. I just saw some dumb guy drop his entire drink on the carpet. I had to give him a cloth and some carpet cleaner so it doesn't stain."
“Oops,” you wince in sympathy. “I'm sure it'll be fine. 
Historia nods. “Yeah, Ymir don't worry.” She glances over at you and catches your eyes. The two of you try to smother your laughter as Ymir scowls, stewing in irritation. Historia pats her shoulder reassuringly and she shakes her head, heaving a resigned sigh. 
“Okay come on, let me introduce you to some people," Historia announces, grabbing your hand. She squeezes tight, waving goodbye to Ymir as you let her pull you through the crowd, introducing you to her friends. The two of you make your rounds and you're surprised by just how many people she knows - some familiar from class, others are new from the various clubs she takes part in.
“Oh!” She gasps, looking over your shoulder when you’re standing talking with one of your classmates. “Look who’s here.”
You glance over your shoulder and your blood drains from your face, eyes widening in surprise. You hadn’t really expected to see him today but there he is. You watch as Jean makes his way towards the kitchen with two people in tow, one male and one female. They’re engrossed in conversation, laughing merrily. You realise you’ve never seen him laugh before and it shakes you to your core. His brown eyes are scrunched up in delight, the skin of his eyelids crinkling as his lips stretch into a wide grin. It makes him almost unrecognisable, so different from the perpetual grimace he wears around you. He slaps a hand across the back of the guy, who’s a little shorter with short cropped hair. The girl holds her stomach as she watches him stumble over his feet, almost doubled over in laughter. 
Historia pulls your arm, catching your attention. “Come on, let’s go say hi.”
You shake your head furiously. You twist out of her grasp and cross your hands in an X in front of your face. “No, no no. I’m good, thanks. I want to actually have a good time.” 
“Suit yourself. I’ll go by myself then.” With that, she shrugs and disappears from your side. 
You turn back to your conversation. In the corner of your eye, you see Historia intercepting Jean at the kitchen island, letting him pour her a drink. You try not to stare at the way he smiles at her, body language loose and open. He’s never looked at you like that. His friends disappear from his side as the two of them chat and he says something which makes her laugh, a hand flying up to hide her mouth. Jean's shoulders heave as he laughs with her, lifting a hand to run it through his hair. His body shifts to the side slightly and he raises his head to look around the room and you stiffen, quickly looking away with wide eyes before you can be caught watching. 
Mikasa finds you a moment later, stumbling up to you and grabbing your arm. Her cheeks are tinged pink from drinking as she sways to a stop in front of you. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” She exclaims, her words coming out louder than they need to.
You giggle at her. “I’ve been here the whole time. Where were you?”
“Eren and Armin are playing beer pong and it’s getting good. Come.” She grabs your hand and starts tugging you forward. You mouth an apology to your classmate as you turn and Mikasa drags you along, weaving past the people standing as obstacles in your way. You dodge them carefully as you follow her, almost tripping over your own feet. 
The two of you find yourself next to the kitchen, stopping in front of the dining table where you see cups set up in formation, more than half missing already. You nudge your way through the small crowd that’s gathered to stand in the front to get a clear view of the spectacle. Eren and Armin are in the middle of playing against another pair - one girl, one guy, and you realise it’s the two people Jean came in with. They’re going back and forth, cheers erupting from all around as they play, downing drinks along the way. Laughter bubbles out of you when Eren misses his shot and groans dramatically, punching the air. There are only two cups left now, one on each side. The guy with the buzzcut carefully takes aim and then roars triumphantly when the ball plops deftly into the cup left on your boys' side. Eren’s hands press into the sides of his head as he sulks, lips pulled down in a disbelieving pout. Armin takes one for the team, grabbing the drink and sinking the liquid, making a face when he sets it back down on the table. 
“GG!” The guy calls across the table. “Too bad we’re just too good.”
You snort. Oh god. You already know that’s going to rub Eren the wrong way with his competitive nature. Right on cue, Eren straightens up, pulling his shoulders back, mustering up all the bravado he can manage. 
“Let’s go again. Round two.” 
“I mean, if you want to lose again then I’m all for it,” Buzzcut taunts. 
Eren scans the crowd around the table, lighting up when he sees you. He beckons his hand and you step forward, shaking your head in laughter. 
“Nah, I’m not losing this time. I have my lucky charm here now.” He slings an arm around you and turns to Armin who puts his hands up in knowing defeat. “Sorry Armin. I’m gonna have to sub you out.” 
“Fair, fair,” Armin replies unfazed, happily taking your place where you were standing next to Mikasa. 
Buzzcut looks around himself. “Okay well if you’re swapping then I will too.” He points at someone in the crowd. “Jean get over here.” 
Your blood turns cold, your hands stopping in motion where you were setting up the cups. Your head snaps up and you see Jean striding towards his friend. His eyes dart towards you then back at his friend’s face.
“I don’t really want to play, Connie.” You hear him say.   
Buzzcut, or Connie, makes a face and punches his arm lightly. “What do you mean? You love beer pong we play all the time.”
All the time? Your ears perk up and you study Jean. He grimaces, before finally shrugging, accepting his fate. Eren pours alcohol from a bottle someone passes him into the cups and you grab the ball, tossing it to Connie. 
“Winner starts.” 
He crouches, sticking out his tongue in concentration as he lines up. His aim is accurate, falling into his target right in the centre. You exchange a glance with Eren - he’s clearly had a lot more to drink than you. Playfully, you roll your eyes, snatching up the cup and swallowing down the liquid. It's bitter and burns as it goes down your throat and you stick out your tongue, shaking your head in disgust. Whatever it is, it's definitely not just beer. In a rare moment of generosity, Eren lets you take the first go and you toss carefully, watching the ball travel in a smooth arc. You jump up, clapping in satisfaction when it sloshes into a cup right in front of Jean, who stands with his hands in his pockets. His eyes narrow at you in response and you smile sheepishly, innocently blinking up at him. Without a word, he snakes out a hand out to grab the cup, fingers wrapping tight around the plastic.
When he takes aim, his eyes flicker up to you for a brief second. The air is charged with tension, a competitive edge forming around the game as he shifts to the centre of his side, rolling the ball in his fingertips. His eyes glint with fire as he looks back down at the table and you shouldn’t be surprised when the liquid in the cup in front of you splashes, the ball falling in with ease. You seethe quietly as Jean stands back tall with a pleased smirk on his face. He meets your eyes and raises an eyebrow as if in challenge. Oh, it’s on. 
The game continues in a tense back and forth, neither side willing to let the win slip through their fingertips. Somehow, it’s become centred around you and Jean with Eren and Connie as your personal cheerleaders, hooting and hollering beside you. You’re both well underway and you don’t know how many drinks you’ve had to swallow but suddenly, it’s your turn and you’ve got your eyes set on the single remaining cup on Jean’s side of the table. You crouch down, leaning over your side of the table, surveying your opponent. Eren taps your shoulder, cutting your concentration. 
“Want me to take this one?”
You shake your head, arm paused ready to take aim. “No, I’ve got this. I’m gonna make sure we win.”
He nods, patting your back in encouragement. Your vision tunnels in to focus on your target, everything slowing down to this one moment. You take a deep breath.Three, two, one.
You let go and satisfaction blooms from your chest when you manage to sink the ball right where you want it. A cheer bellows around you and you join in, jumping up and down and waving your arms in the air. On the other side of the table Jean huffs, shoulders slumping as he reluctantly accepts his defeat. Victory has never tasted sweeter. 
“Yes! That’s what I’m talking about.” Eren yells next to you, slapping a hand on the table. He takes you in his arms and lifts you off your feet. You giggle, letting him swing you around in a circle and the room spins, all the faces around you blurring together. When he sets you down, you look across the table, ready to throw it in Jean’s face but he’s nowhere to be seen. You clap your hands, relishing in the victory all the same as Mikasa races forward to highfive the two of you. Across from you, Connie yells out for another round but he’s shushed by his friend who tells him not to be a sore loser. As your shoulder heave in laughter, a heavy weight in your bladder comes as a reminder that you’ve just drank more than it can handle. You excuse yourself regretfully, announcing you need to go to the toilet.  
Once again, you’re threading yourself through the crowd as you take yourself down the hallway to the bathroom. The music quiets the further you walk and the groups of people thin out to just a few leaning against the walls, seeking solace from the hubbub. You’re almost at the bathroom, identified by a cutesy sign with a doodle of a toilet hanging from the door, when you stop short. Jean steps out from the open doorway, looking down at his phone. His head lifts when he notices your presence and he pauses, a small frown on his face already. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” you sing-song cheerily, your tongue a little loose from the alcohol running through your veins. “I totally beat your ass.” 
He scoffs, putting his phone in his pocket. He crosses his arms against his chest and tilts his chin up to look down his nose at you. “I went easy on you.” 
“Sure you did, superstar,” you smirk, eyebrows raised and eyes gleaming with satisfaction. You sniff, rocking back on your heels. “No need to lie.” 
“I don’t lie,” Jean says, clearly lying through his teeth.
“Well, I mean I guess you weren’t lying about one thing … you do have friends.”
He narrows his eyes at you. “What made you think I didn't? I’m actually very popular.”
“That’s exactly what someone who’s not popular would say. Now I’m starting to think these are paid actors.”
“Whatever,” he dismisses, raking a hand through his hair. “I don’t give a shit what you think.”
“Pfft, okayyyy,” you say unbothered, drawing out the vowels and letting his words roll off you. Maybe it's the alcohol but his words no longer have the sting they used to. You let your reply hang in the air and there’s an awkward silence as you look down at your shoes, neither of you sure of what to say now. The music is muffled this distance from the speakers, and you can hear the hitch as Jean takes in breath before speaking.
“You have interesting friends too. That Eren guy seems like … a lot.” 
“Oh, I guess so.” Your lips split in a smile and you beam at him. “He’s definitely a lot but that’s why we love him.” 
Jean nods slowly. His throat bobs as he puts his hands in his pockets, shifting on his feet. All of a sudden, everything you’ve had to drink is starting to hit you now - your vision blurring, the floor wobbling underneath you as your knees buckle and you lurch forward slightly. Jean catches your arm to steady you. His hand is burning hot against your skin and goosebumps run up your arm radiating from his touch. “Woah,” you hear him say, his voice sounds a little distant like you’re hearing him through a fog. “You okay?”
You let out a groan. Unintentionally, you reach out a hand to rest against his chest in a desperate attempt to steady yourself. A wave of nausea passes over you and you screw your eyes shut but the darkness doesn’t help much to ground you as you teeter on your feet. Somewhere in your subconscious, you're aware of his heartbeat thrumming under your fingertips and the faint scent of something woody and fresh.
You don’t know how long it takes before a squeeze on your arm brings you back to reality and you slowly open your eyes, taking in a deep breath. The sight of your fingers clenched tight to grip his shirt hits you like a freight train. You jump back as if burned, pulling your hand away and wrenching yourself from his grasp in an instant. His hand lingers for a moment in the space between you before dropping back to his side. Concern is etched in his gaze, his brows furrowing low over his eyes as he watches you cautiously. You clear your throat, wrapping your shaky hands around yourself. 
“Sorry,” you squeak, blood rushing to your face in embarrassment. You wrestle to take control of your mind and body as you sway on your feet again. “I think I drank too much and it hit me all at once. You know how it is” 
Jean studies your face, eyes hard in disapproval. “Maybe you shouldn’t drink so much,” he says, voice low and gravelly.
You clear your throat and brush him off. “Whatever, it’s none of your business.” You try not to slur your words as you side step past him and gesture towards the open bathroom door. “If you don’t mind, I need to pee.” 
He lets you go and you stumble into the bathroom. Hesitantly, you peek behind the door to watch him stalk away with his hands in his pockets. As if aware of your eyes on him, he pauses, his head turning back in your direction. It's the last thing you see before you slam the door shut so he doesn't catch you. A shaky sigh escapes your lips as you sink back to lean against it, pressing your hands into your racing chest. Jean may be a dick but you can’t lie he’s attractive and at this very moment your body is betraying you. It’s just the alcohol, you tell yourself but when you raise your hands in front of your face, they tingle, reliving the feeling of his solid chest and steady heartbeat. 
A shiver washes over you and all of a sudden the room is spinning again. “Oh god,” you mumble as you race to drop in front of the toilet and retch, releasing everything you’ve consumed in the past few hours. Tears sting your eyes as wave after wave of nausea overcomes you while you crouch over the toilet seat. You slump against it, spitting bile from your mouth feeling the acrid burn in your throat. Using the small ounce of mental clarity you have, you grab your phone and type out a shaky text. 
Today 21:49
You: pls helppopp im in bsthrom rn throwinh up mama mika: o god mama mika: stay there im omw 
the girl on eren’s phone was annie and i think it’s hilarious imagining them going on a date LMAO
songs i listened to writing this/songs i WILL play on repeat at a party: give me everything (pitbull), hotel room service (pitbull), time of our lives (pitbull)
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emilyssky · 2 years
War Of Hearts // JJ Maybank
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PAIRING: JJ Maybank! x fem!reader
GENRE(S): smut, angst, fluff, fuck buddies to lovers
WARNINGS: smut [ praise, degradation, fingering, dirty talk, oral sex, choking, slapping, spanking] , mentions of violence, mentions of blood, swearing, mentions of alcohol, smoking. Jealous and protective JJ !
Author's note:Wrote this last night after finishing season 3, hope you’ll like it :)
You and JJ have been messing around for a few months now until you try to cut it off because of your growing feelings for him that you think are one sided. A series of unfortunate events bring you face to face with unexpected fear and your relationship with JJ when you get caught up in their treasure hunt. 
I've always loved summer. Something about the warm weather, the sun, the ocean, and the salt on my skin made me feel alive. For the most part, I loved my life in ΟΒΧ. Some would say that I was born blessed, that I got both sides of the coin with my mom being a pogue and my dad being a kook but it feels mostly like a curse to me. My whole life I've never been fully accepted by either side. I wasn't t rich and snobby enough for the Kooks and never wild and spontaneous enough for the Pogues. It's not like I was on bad terms with anyone, everyone was friendly enough but ever since I could remember I felt left out, never having real friends. And if I'm being honest, it wasn't the kooks that I was jealous of, something about the pogue life pull me in. It seemed exciting and freeing in a way. When my mom married my dad and had me she knew that she wanted me to grow up knowing both sides. She wanted to offer me the chance to be the one to choose where I belong. She's big on following your heart and dreams and always told me growing up that I'll find my way and that if I follow my gut, the choice is gonna be pretty easy. We lived in Figure 8 but my mom opened a cafe on the south side, wanting to keep in touch with that side of her life. My life is a series of the same things over and over again. I like spending time alone, if I'm not at school or working my shift at the cafe, I'll probably be by the beach, reading or surfing. Sometimes I will go on boat rides with my dad or steal the keys and go by myself. It's not often that I will hang out with the Kooks, in fact, Sarah Cameron is probably the only person that I would voluntarily hang out with and actually enjoy it. And when it comes to the Pogues, everyone knows that it's just Kie and her boys. I'm friendly with all of them, occasionally have chat with or enjoy the waves together but that's about it.
Today is a day exactly like any other; I finished school and came straight to the cafe. It was not too crowded, with only a few regular customers enjoying their usual cup of coffee. I was behind the counter, cleaning the coffee machines, making sure everything was full and ready until I heard them. It's the group of kids that you hear before you see. John B enters first, pushing his long brown hair back as he laughs at something Pope is saying. I like John B, we share a lot in common and have nice conversations from time to time. He's a really fun and social person but this year was a rough one for him. His dad went missing almost a year ago, many people consider him dead by now but John B will not accept it, he still thinks he's alive, somewhere lost at sea. My mom and his dad were close back in the day before she met my dad and moved to figure 8. We used to play together when we were young up until he met his current best friends. My dad offered him a few jobs involving our boat and at the cafe, after Big John disappeared so I've been seeing him around more lately. Pope and Kiara follow right behind him. Me and Kie used to be close, but now our relationship has changed into a few talks here and there, I still consider her one of my closest friends though. Pope is fun. He's one of the few people that talks to me normally and always makes me feel comfortable at social events or parties. And lastly, my favourite pogue follows. JJ Maybank. Me and JJ have an interesting relationship. Teasing, flirting, bickering, that's his speciality with every girl in the Outer Banks, kook or pogue but sometimes I like to think that he actually enjoys my company. He was always the one I was looking forward to see but today he's the one I'm trying to avoid and have been trying for the past 2 weeks. His blue eyes find mine the minute he walks through the door, and a smirk spreads across his face.
"Hey, Y/n" John B greets me, reaching the counter.
"I'm not serving you free coffee." I immediately shake my head, knowing exactly what they want.
"Oh, come on." He frowns his thick brows, fake pouting.
I let a small chuckle at his attempt. "How many times do you think it will take for my mum to notice?"
"One more?" He offers, lifting his shoulders.
I scoff, shaking my head again.
"Come on, your mum loves me anyway." He presses.
"Yeah, but my dad not so much."
JJ places his elbows on the counter, right next to John B, and I immediately look down, continuing cleaning the coffee machine like I was doing before they came in.
"What if I'm the one asking?" He says, leaning in with that playful smile of his that I know all too well.
"Then it's defiantly a no." I fake a tight smile.
"Why so grumpy today princess?" He places a hand over his heart.
I roll my eyes and turn back to John B. He brings his palms together, begging me silently.
I sigh. "This is the last time." I point my finger at both of them.
"Yes!" They high-five each other.
"I'll bring it over." I wave them off.
I lift my eyes to his only for a second, catching the wink he sends my way as he follows John B to their usual table where Kie and Pope are seated.
I quickly fix up 4 iced coffees and walk over to them.
"Here you go."
"You're the best." John B touches my side lightly.
"You're coming next Saturday right?" Kie asks reaching for her coffee.
"What's next Saturday?" I question placing the last coffee on the table.
"We're throwing a party on the beach. It's gonna be fun." Pope explains.
"You're coming." JJ states without looking my way.
"I'll see." I nod at Kie with a small smile before leaving them to it. I walk back to the safety of my counter feeling his eyes burning on my back. The parties here at obx were always good. It's the one time that Kooks and Pogues can coexist in one place without jumping on each other's throats. Well, sometimes at least. It's fun nevertheless, all of us drinking and dancing by the beach forgetting our responsibilities and problems for a little while. I stay behind the counter, doing any task possible to distract myself but anytime I let my gaze fall his way, he's already looking.
"Thanks for the coffee Y/n." John B waves at me as they leave about an hour later.
"See you at the party cupcake." He brings two fingers to his forehead.
"Maybe." I shrug, walking to their table to clean up.
"You know I'll be miserable without you." He yells already out the door.
.  .  .  .
I don't usually work on Fridays, so after school, you'll probably find me at the beach if I'm not locked in my room. I enjoy my alone time. Riding the waves, sitting under the sun with a good book, or drawing in my sketchbook. Today my mind felt a little heavier, so I took my time, and before I knew it the sun began setting. I quickly throw my bag over my shoulder and begin to make my way back, realising that it's almost dinner time. I silently curse at myself for not riding my bike to the beach cause the walk back to Figure 8 seems dreadful. My ears perk up catching the sound of a motorcycle approaching with speed and I close my eyes hoping that it's not him but when I hear the motorcycle slowing down I know that my hope is not coming true. He stops beside me and I stop walking, turning to look at him. His hair is pushed back by the wind, he's wearing a simple white t-shirt with grey cargo pants, and his face is as pretty as always. My eyes narrow a little as I spot a bruise over his right cheekbone and it doesn't take long before I spot all the different marks and scars across his face.
He still forces a smug smile on his lips, ignoring my staring. "Having an afternoon surfing session princess?"
"What happened?" My eyes can't stop studying his face.
"Oh, you know the Kooks had it coming." He shrugs, masking his face perfectly like he always does but I know better.
"JJ." I trail off, my stomach tightening knowing exactly where he got these injuries from.
His jaw tightens. "It's nothing' Y/n. Same old, same old." I shake my head, in disgust. I can't even stand the thought that his dad walks around the OBX freely. He's such a piece of shit. "Get on the bike." He nods behind him.
"It's fine, I'll walk." I tilt my chin.
He scoffs with a smirk. "When will you stop with this whole act you’re putting on?" He waves his hand around.
I change the weight from my right to my left leg, crossing my arms. "I don't know what you're talking about." I keep my face expressionless, ignoring the way his beaten face cause my heart to tighten.
His eyebrows come together and his gaze shifts, dropping the playful act. "You're ignoring me." He states.
I'm trying.
I avoided his eyes cause I know that the more I look at them the weaker I get. It happens every time, I say that I'm gonna stand my ground and then I find myself beside him regardless.
"Look," He clears his throat, eyes moving everywhere. A weird expression takes over his features and I immediately know that he feels uncomfortable. "I don't care why you're pushing me away but can you stop ignoring me for a few hours?" He struggles to speak the words and that makes me a little warm inside. I glance at his bruised face once more, remembering all the times he came to me after his fights with his father. All the long talks we would have in order to get his mind off of it or the times I would sneak him through my window to treat his injuries.
I sigh and silently climb behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I feel him chuckle. "Just so you know, we're just talking."
"Sure." I can't see his face but I bet he's grinning.
He took his time, driving aimlessly around the streets of OBX. I don't mind though, I know him enough to know that it helps him clear his head, so I stay silent resting my head against his back and enjoying the ride. The sun has set and the night breeze tingles my skin in the best way. I notice that he takes the familiar route to my house.
"Are your parents home?" He yells, looking behind his shoulder.
"Yeah, I think."
"We'll have to be quiet then." He clicks his tongue.
"Like that has stopped you before." I smile against his shoulder.
"True." He glances at me again, the corners of his mouth lifting.
He parks his bike a block down from my house and he walks quietly around the back while I go from the front door.
"Hey, honey." My mom yells from the kitchen at the sound of the door opening.
"Hey, mom." I enter the kitchen, sneaking my arms around her waist while she chops some cucumbers, preparing a salad for dinner.
"Dinner will be ready soon." She smiles.
"Oh, I'm not hungry, I already ate." I brush her off, walking to the fridge.
"It smells amazing dear." My dad enters the kitchen, dropping his keys on the kitchen table.
My mom flashes a smile at my dad before turning back to me. "When did you eat?"
"I hung out with Kie by the beach and we had some sandwiches."  I quickly make up an excuse, grabbing a water bottle and closing the fridge.
"Just Kiara?" My dad lifts an eyebrow.
"Yes dad," I sigh.
"Honey." My mom scolds him.
"What?" He lifts his shoulders. "I'm sorry that I don't want my daughter hanging around boys that smoke weed, get drunk, and steal shit on the daily."
"Mark." She glares at him.
"They're not stealing anything, dad." I narrow my eyes, sick of him attacking them all the time. "They're not like that, you don't know them."
"Well, some of them are." He continues and I know exactly who he's referring to.
"You're wrong" I shake my head, lifting my hands. " and you're not gonna tell me who I can and can't hang out with." I walk past him shooting him a glare and head up the stairs.
"Y/n." I hear my mom yell but I ignore her and hurry into my room, slamming the door shut and locking it.
JJ's shoulder is rest against the open window, arms crossed in front of him with an unreadable expression. I drop my gaze to the floor, walking to sit on my bed and placing the bottle on my nightstand, feeling a little ashamed for the way my dad spoke about him and his friends.
"I'm sorry for my dad." I feel the need to say.
He moves to sit next to me, forcing a tight smile on his lips. "It's fine, we all know his opinion about the south side."
I move my head, trying to get a better look at him. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah princess you don't have to worry about me." The nickname tugs at my heart almost as much as his smile.
I reach to touch his hair, pushing them back and toying with the short hair at the nape of his neck. "You know you can talk to me."
His eyes twitch with suppressed emotion, his jaw set with eyebrows frowned. "I know."  I offer him a small smile, not moving my hand. "Can you, like, talk to me?" He asks. His eyes are screaming even though he manages to keep his expression under control. "I want you to take my mind off things, just talk to me about anything." His tone is almost begging.
I bring my knees to my chest, wrap my arms around them and turn to face him. 'What do you wanna know about this time? My weird obsession with serial killer documentaries, my views on feminism, or if I put the milk or cereal first?"
His face breaks into the first real smile today and I feel a little proud. He shakes his head lightly, his eyes not leaving mine before he pulls me by the neck, smashing his lips to mine. It's like all the pain he carries and all the words he desperately wants to say are spoken by the way he moves his lips hungrily against mine. The softness of his mouth contrasts his rough breathing as his hands hold my face, pulling me closer to him. His small groan that echoes through the room and the feeling of his tongue brushing over mine snaps me back to reality.
"Jay," I whimper, pushing at his chest lightly.
His lips leave mine but our foreheads stay together. "I'm sorry." He mumbles, inhaling short, sharp breaths.
My fingers trace his bruises and my stomach twists even at the thought of how his dad created them. I hate how he grew up having to hide all this pain and I hate how he's being treated. "I don't want you to go back to him tonight." I whisper and his eyes snap to mine. "Stay with me."
His face finally breaks, and the emotion in his eyes overtakes his whole expression.
"But we're just sleeping," I lean back, pointing my finger at him. "and you'll have to leave before my parents wake up."
His eyes water a bit but a grin paints his lips as he wraps his arms around me, pushing me back to the bed.
A giggle escapes me. Damn him.
. . . . . . . .
"I'm going with Topper." Sarah touches up her already perfect makeup.
"Ugh." I groan. "What do you even see in him?" I scrunch up my nose. Sarah is the only kook that I can stand to hang out with. And the only Cameron I actually like.
"He's nice." She rolls her eyes at me, holding up two dresses, one yellow and one blue. "Stop being a bitch to him. Which one?"
I tilt my head." The yellow one obviously."
"What are you wearing?" She questions while peeling off her clothes and changing into the short yellow dress.
"I don't know if I want to go." I lay back down on her king-size bed.
"Come on, you love parties. Is it that you don't wanna go or that you don't wanna see a certain someone?" She wiggles her brows at me.
"I'm just not in the mood." I shrug, looking away but she sees right through me.
"Yeah right." She chuckles. "Cut the shit and get dressed." She throws a black shirt on me.
. . . . . 
The beach is full of people, kooks, and pogues dancing, drinking, and having fun. Big barrels of beer everywhere, stands with bottles of alcohol and hundreds of red cups here and there. It's not even midnight and everyone is already wasted. Most of the girls are in their bikinis by now, dancing like there's no tomorrow on top of giant rocks. The minute we enter the party, I go straight for the beer, pouring myself a cup. My eyes silently search the crowd for any sight of his fluffy, blonde hair, or of any of his friends. I spot Kie and Pope taking shots with a few other people and John B just a few meters again, flirting with a blonde girl but he's nowhere to be found.
"Looking for someone?" Rafe says close to my ear, catching me off guard and making me flinch away. He smiles at my reaction.
"What are you doing here?" He's one of the people that rarely joins things like this. He and his friends really don't get along with the pogues, unlike me and Sarah. I try my best to limit my contact with Rafe, Topper, and the rest of their little group but somehow they find a way to be right in my face.
"Enjoying the free alcohol." He lifts the cup to his lips, hiding his smile. "What are you doing here?"
I take a sip of my beer. "I came with Sarah."
He nods, eyeing me up and down. "You look gorgeous as always."
I roll my eyes at his compliment. "Thanks."
"You know," He leans in closer. "you're always cold towards us but when it comes to these pogues you're a fucking angel. Why is that?"
I sigh out loud, not really in the mood to deal with his whining. "Cause I can. " I offer him a smile before walking away, blending in with the dancing crowd.
It didn't take more than 4 cups of alcohol, to find myself dancing between a few half-naked girls, that are probably as drunk as I am. My body has a mind of its own as I swing my hips to the beat of some '00 song. I lost sight of Sarah half an hour ago when she disappeared with Topper, and I joined Kie and Pope and took a few shots before throwing myself between the sweaty bodies, pretending that the fact that JJ is still nowhere to be found does not affect me at all. He's a known player around the Obx, sleeping around, flirting his way through, breaking hearts left and right and I've had my fair share of it. But the game he's playing is a dangerous one, and I'm trying to protect myself the best way I can.
"Shots!." John B yells, throwing his hands in the air, holding a bottle of tequila in his right one. A few girls extend their cups for him to pour them some but I've probably dropped mine while dancing cause it's not between my fingers anymore.
I tap on his shoulder to get his attention. "Hit me!" I yell over the music and open my mouth wide.
"Let's go!" He yells pouring a shot straight into my mouth. The alcohol drips down my chin as I try to swallow, my eyes watering at the process.
"Another one." John B says and taps my chin waiting for me to open my mouth again and I do. All eyes are suddenly on us, everyone is cheering and yelling as I shallow my fourth shot in a row and I feel two hands grabbing me by the legs and lifting me higher. I throw my hands in the air, laughing as the people around me scream louder. My mind is somewhere else, and I let the carefree feeling and numbness that comes with alcohol overtake me. Until I open my eyes. I sober up in a second when my eyes find his. His on top of a rock, smoking with a few other people. A girl leans in towards him, her hand wrapping around him as she laughs at something Pope said but he stays unbothered, his eyes still on me as he lifts his cup my way with a nod and a smile. I nod back not knowing what to do before turning back to the girls I was dancing with. I continue moving to the music but my mind isn't letting me shake him off. Suddenly, the alcohol feels heavy in my stomach and the sound of my heartbeat is louder than the music in my ears. My hand flies to my mouth as I run out of the dancing crowd and as far away as I can from the people before dropping to my knees and vomiting in a bag full of used cups. I feel two hands reaching for my hair as all the alcohol that I consumed leaves my system.
"It's okay, I got you." I hear Rafe's voice over the music that has faded a bit due to the distance. "Here" He hands me a napkin.
"Thank you." I cough out, taking the napkin, and bringing it to my lips.
"Hold on, let me bring you some water."
I wipe my mouth and drop the napkin inside the trash bag.
"Here." He pushes a cup of water into my hand, tugging my hair behind my ear as I take a few sips of the water slowly. "Stop drinking so much Y/n, Jesus."
"I'm okay." I rise to my feet.
"Come on," His hand wraps around my waist. "let's take you home yeah?" He starts pulling me towards the other side of the beach.
"I don't think she's going anywhere with you Cameron." My head snaps to the right, hearing Rafe scoff at the sight of JJ. JJ's eyes twitch when they fall on me, his eyebrows coming together.
"I don't think you have a saying in what she does pogue." Rafe's hands drop from my body as he takes a step forward.
JJ's expression shifts in a second when he moves his eyes from me to Rafe, a smile spreading over his lips. "Oh I think I do," He takes a step forward as well. "And she's not going anywhere with you." His voice drops a little.
"I suggest you take a step back." Rafe doesn't back down.
JJ's eyes darken. "Or what?" He takes yet another step. "Last time I checked you're still nipping at her heels and following her around in case she pities you and gives you a chance."
Rafe lets out a growl, pushing JJ backwards but he just laughs mockingly, knowing he hit a nerve but that angers Rafe more.
I step between them before Rafe can make another move. "Stop acting like five-year-olds." I look at both of them, but they ignore me, not taking their eyes off each other.
"Hey," My hand touches Rafe's chest, forcing his eyes away from JJ. "go back to the party, I'll let you know when I'm ready to leave." I lie, knowing that it's the only way to make him walk away without creating a scene cause trying to make JJ drop this would be even harder. Rafe's eyes narrow, flickering back to JJ. I reach for his hand, softening my tone. "I'll find you." I nod, trying to reassure him.
He nods back, letting out a sigh. "Turn him down kindly babe." He says, knocking JJ's shoulder with his as he walks out.
JJ's eyes are fixated on me. "You'll let him know when you're ready to leave huh?" He says when Rafe's far enough.
"Maybe." I play along, shrugging my shoulders.
His tongue comes out to wet his pink lips, hands resting on his hips as he takes a step towards me. "Is that so?"
"Last time I checked I can go home with anyone I want." I cross my arms, trying not to let my gaze drop to his lips.
"We both know that I would never let that happen." His voice drops, his tone raspier.
"Why JJ?" I tilt my head upwards due to our height difference but that doesn't stop me from taking a step forward as well, only leaving a few inches between us.
His fingers wrap around my neck, catching me off guard. "Come on now princess, let's not play dumb." He smirks.
"I'm not playing dumb. Actually, I'm done playing." I wrap my hand around his wrist, pulling it away from my neck.
Something flashes over his eyes but doesn't stay for long. "Trust me, I'm done playing as well." He mumbles before cupping my jaw with both hands, not letting me escape and in a split second his lips crush into mine. My breath hitches as the taste of weed and beer coats my tongue but I'd be lying if I say that I haven't missed it. It's been a week since the last time I kissed him and since then I've tried to keep myself at a distance, knowing that the more I let this go on the more invested I become, and knowing JJ, it will not end up well If I do. He lets out a low moan as his tongue enters my mouth, colliding passionately with mine. My fingers grab his shirt for support, my body suddenly overwhelmed by the familiar knot in my stomach that begins to build.
"Fuck, I missed you baby." He breaks the kiss, allowing me to take a much-needed breath. I dare to lift my eyes, looking up at him through my eyelashes, only to find him looking hungrily down at me. His hands travel from my jaw, down to the curve of my waist and he pulls my body to his. "You kept me waiting for so long." He breathes out, resting his forehead on mine.
"JJ" My tone begging and warning at the same time. "We shouldn't be doing this."
"You can not name a single good reason for us not to." He says, running his thumb over my bottom lip.
"I can name a few."
His hands drop to my ass and in a swift move, he lifts me off the ground forcing my legs to wrap around his waist. "I'd rather hear other sound out of that pretty mouth of yours." He starts walking away from the party, keeping his hands secure under my thighs and crashing his lips to mine once again. He makes sure we're far enough from the crowd and behind plenty of trees and bushes before stopping and dropping me carefully on the sand. He breaks the kiss, straightening his body and reaching to peel off his white long-sleeve shirt.
"You look fucking amazing tonight." He doesn't break eye contact. "I was hard from the minute I saw you walk in." He leans back down, his eyes roaming over my body as if he hasn't seen it in ages.
My hands reach for the ends of my shirt, pulling it over my head. "Fuck." He dives hungrily into my naked chest. Sucking, nibbling, and biting. He squeezes my boobs between his palms, rolling his tongue over my nipples, making them harder by the second. His wet lips slide down my stomach teasingly as his fingers toy with the button of my shorts before finally unbuttoning it. He drags it down my legs, leaving me in my black panties, exposed and ready for him. Somehow I always find myself in this position as much as I'm trying to avoid it but the sight of him desperately fumbling with his belt as his eyes devour my body is one that I'll never get enough of.
I lift myself onto my knees, lowering my body so I'm facing his crotch. I pull down his shorts along with his boxers freeing his already hard member. A small moan escapes my lips at the sight, my mouth watering. His thumb and index finger reach for my jaw, tilting my head to meet his dark gaze.
"I want your eyes on me as you choke on my dick, okay princess?" He says and I'm aflame from head to toe. He takes his dick in his other hand, pumping it a few times before dragging the tip across my lips, coating them with his leaking precum. I keep my eyes locked on his wild blue ones as I take him in my mouth.
"Fuck" He curses under his breath as I twirl my tongue around the tip. I replace his hand with mine, taking him deeper, the size of him weighing on my tongue. I relax my jaw, allowing almost his whole member to enter my mouth. His hands fist my hair while his hips begin to thrust forward, lightly fucking himself in my mouth.
"You're so fucking good at this baby." He praises me. "Look at you choking on it, that's it." I force myself to breathe through my nose while saliva starts dripping from my mouth down to my chin. He fastens his pace only for a few seconds before, pulling my head sharply back by my hair, his dick dropping from my mouth as I gasp for air.
He groans out loud. "I missed this."
His words sink in as much as I try not to let them. It's always 'I missed this' and never 'I missed you.'
He connects our lips again, tasting himself while he pushes me down on my back. His fingers run over my clothed pussy, and that's enough to make my back arch, silently begging him for more. My body responds to him in ways that I can't explain or control. Just a touch and he has me already panting. He pulls my underwear to the side opening my folds with his middle finger.
"Ugh." I gasp.
"Shit baby, you're already dripping." He whispers satisfied against my lips. His mouth falls to the curve of my neck, sucking on my skin as his fingers begin to rub circles over my clit making tiny moans escape me. Unexpectedly, he slides two fingers inside me, quickly building a fast pace.
"Oh, my god." I shut my eyes, pleasure creeping into my lower belly.
"You respond to me so well princess." He kisses me, capturing my bottom lip between his teeth. His fingers pump in and out of me, making my breath shorter as the pleasure builds.
"God Jay, I'm gonna-" The words die in my throat and the flicker of his thumb on my clit sends me unexpectedly over the edge. My orgasm rushes over me like a wave, my body going numb for a few seconds, gasps and moans leaving my lips.
"That's it baby, ride it out." His pace slows down a bit before pulling his fingers out. He leaves wet kisses along my jaw, making my eyes fly open.
"I want more. " My tone begging with no embarrassment.
A grin overtakes his lips, his eyes shining under the dim light of the moon. "I want you on your hands and knees. " He demands.
My body moves on its own, and before my mind can catch up I'm on all four, my ass on display in front of him. He runs his palms over the skin before slapping sharply my right ass-cheek.
I gasp, flinching forward. "That's for flirting with Rafe."
"I wasn't flirting with-" 
Another slap.
"And that's for ignoring me for a week." He growls. I stay silent as he pulls my underwear to the side again. He strokes my pussy with the head of his dick, dragging it up and down my slit, teasing me.
"JJ please," I whine desperately.
He leans down bringing his lips beside my ear. "Say you're sorry for ignoring me."
I swallow the last bit of pride that's left in me, understanding that my need for him is too big, and knowing that his ego is hurt, I do as he says. "I'm sorry for ignoring, I'm sorry."
"You want me?" He presses, his tone dripping with enjoyment.
"Yes, I want you so bad, please." I push my ass backwards.
He lets out a low chuckle and I hear him rip open a condom, seconds later his head presses against my entrance and slides in slowly. We both let out a groan at the feeling. God, I missed this too.
"Ready?" He asks breathlessly after a few seconds.
I nod my head, allowing him to move his hips. He grabs a full fist of my hair while his other hand stays on the curve of my ass before he pulls out and slams back in.
I immediately gasp when he begins to thrust inside me building a fast and steady rhythm.
"God, you're so fucking tight." He groans. The sound of skin on skin fills the air and my breaths begin to come out short as I arch my back. His dick feels too good inside me, almost heavenly. The way he moves, the sounds he makes, I've missed everything.
"Fuck it's so good." I brokenly moan. His balls begin to hit perfectly at my clit, pushing me closer and closer to my second orgasm. His grip on my hair tightens and pants of air mixed with low growls leave his mouth. I'm struggling to keep my body up as a fucks me harder than ever before and the fire in my belly grows.
"I'm not gonna last long." He mumbles in my ear but the pleasure between my legs is too much, my muscles burn and I squeeze my eyes shut as I let my second orgasm wash over me, euphoria spreading at every inch of my body. My legs begin to shake the sensation too intense as he fucks me through the last of it. His thrusts become sloppier, his nails digging into the flesh of my ass.
He falls forward and I feel his heartbeat on my back. "Fuck, Y/n." He lets an animistic growl in my ear, his body stilling completely as he empties himself inside the condom. Drops of sweat fall from the tips of his blonde hair on my shoulder, while both he and I catch out breaths. After almost a minute he plants a kiss on my back before pulling out slowly. The feeling of emptiness creeps in, alongside with the embarrassment and the realisation of what just happened. I hear him pulling the condom out and throwing it somewhere, while I stay almost frozen. Now that everything is done, I can't find the strength to face him. I lift myself to my feet, my legs still a little weak but I ignore it reaching for my shorts and putting them back on. I keep my back to him and my head low as reach for my top. The sound of his belt lets me know that he doing the same. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. He holds up my shirt between his fingers.
"Thanks." My voice falters. I pull the shirt over my head and run my fingers through my tangled hair. I feel his eyes on me, burning at the side of my head. I build up all the courage that I can master and turn my gaze to him and it takes one second to regrade it. He stands there, fully dressed, his blonde hair a mess, looking at me with those eyes. Those big, blue eyes that I've grown so used to over the last few months, staring at me with so much softness, analysing. Suddenly, my body is fighting a wave of emotions.
"What?" I ask, my tone almost a whisper.
He clenches and unclenches his jaw, his eyes saying so much but his mouth, not a single word. "I'm taking you home." He states before turning around and walking away back towards the party. I don't fight him, I simply follow him to his bike. Both of us know exactly what's going on, I know he understands what I'm trying to do but he doesn't seem to understand why and I don't bother explaining. I know him. I know how he is, I know how he reacts. I know who he is and who I am. I keep my hands tight around his waist as we make the short way towards my house on his bike. I try to enjoy these last few moments with him. It's always stolen moments like these. On his bike, on the beach, hidden in John B's van, silently in my room, or in my dad's boat. And that's not enough.
It's been days since I last saw him. He left me home, with a small nod and a goodnight and I haven't seen him since then. Truth be told, I haven't worked at the cafe at all, claiming to my mother that I have a lot of homework, which is partly true. I've been distracting myself as much as I can with school and studying. Tonight is no different, I'm sitting comfortably in my bed working on my homework for Monday.
"That's it, I'm done with this boy." My dad's yelling interrupts me, catching my attention.
"Honey please, he's going through a rough time." My mom tries to calm him down. "Let me talk to Y/n, maybe she knows something."
"She better not, she shouldn't be hanging out with these boys in the first place." I hear a door slam. I have heard my dad this angry in a long time, but usually, it is always about the same things; either me sneaking around and breaking his house rules or something to do with the pogues. My dad loves my mom and accepts her for who she is but he doesn't get why she still wants to have ties with the south side and most importantly why she wants me to grow up knowing both sides. But what are they fighting about now? What boy?
A soft knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts. "Come in."
My mom opens the door slowly., entering my room. "Hey, honey." She closes the door behind her.
"What's going on mom? Why is dad yelling?" I ask her right away.
She lets out a sigh and approaches my bed, taking a seat. "Y/n have you talked to John B at all?"
My eyebrows twitch. "Um, no not really, why?"
She doesn't appear mad unlike the way my dad sounded a few seconds ago, instead, her face falls at my answer.  "Are you sure? Have you talked to Kiara or the other boys?"
I shake my head, her questions confusing me more. "No mum, why?"
"Apparently the keys to the boat are nowhere to be found." She finally explains.
"And you think Jonh B stole them?" I lift both my brows. "Mom, come on, I mean I would expect something like this from dad but not from you."
"No, no" My mom shakes her head, reaching for my hand. "No, honey. You know what I think of him, I care about John B, I've known him since he was a child. I wouldn't mind if he took the key and had fun on the boat with his friends for a few days but you know how your dad gets."
"It's always the pogues' fault." I roll my eyes.
"Please talk to him, " She nods. "I would hate for him to lose his job because of something like this. Just ask if he took them."
I nod back. "Fine, I will."
"Thanks, honey." She places a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight mom." I hold my smile until she closes the door. Why would John B take the keys to our boat? He knows that if he simply asked me or my mom we would let him borrow it. This doesn't seem like something he would do but then again, the only people that have access to the boat are me, my parents, and him. I reach for my phone and call John B but the phone rings and rings with no answer. I try a few more times, before trying Kie and Pope, but no luck. I stare at his number for a few seconds before pressing call, mentally preparing myself to listen to his voice after so long but just like the rest of them, he doesn't pick up.
"What the hell? Why is none answering?" .
I decided to go by the chateau after my morning shift at the cafe. I prepare myself and go over the things I'll say if by chance JJ's there as well but I stop in my tracks when an unfamiliar van comes into view packed outside the house. Sounds of glass breaking, things being thrown around, and doors slamming can be heard as I move closer to the house. I push myself behind a big tree, narrowing my eyes, trying to peer through the open window, when 2 men come into view. Big, muscular, and scary looking. Fear begins to spread through my body.
"You better not be in there boy!" One of them yells as they both throw themselves to a closed door, trying to open it. They kick and punch at the old wooden door as it slowly begins to crumble. Suddenly I see the window on the side of the house opening, and a body quickly forcing its way out of it. He turns around and I immediately recognise Pope's face. Kie follows shortly after with John B right behind them. They begin to run my way as I stay frozen, completely shocked by what's happening right in front of me. Pope's eyes lock with mine, his face taken over by a scared expression probably mirroring mine.
"Guys." He yells in a whispering tone and everyone's heads snap my way. JJ is the last to jump out the window, running behind his friends.
His eyes fall on me, eyes widening. "No, no, no." He mumbles as they all reach me. "No, not now." He grabs my arm just when a gunshot echoes through the area. I gasp, my body numbing with fear as JJ drags me along with them, my eyes not leaving the house as the 2 guys open the door and burst into the room that they guys came out of. JJ pulls me inside the small chicken coop closing the small door behind us. I bring my hand to cover my mouth, my fingers trembling. I look around taking in all of their scared faces. "W-what-" I try to say.
"What are you doing here?" JJ angrily whispers, pulling me by the arm to face him but I don't react.
"JJ now is not the time." Kie snaps at him, fear written all over her face as well. The chickens begin to make noise, yet nothing reaches me. "Do something. " She nods towards the chickens.
"Like what? Pet them?" Pope jokes while trying not to panic.
JJ reaches over taking the chicken in his hands and squeezing his little neck until it eventually stops breathing. I try to take deep breaths but my eyes stay locked on the house as the men get inside the car and drive off. Kiara takes my hand in her, tears wetting her cheeks.
"I think it's clear." John B says. "Come on." He steps out of the coop, Pope and Kiara following him.
JJ moves in front of me, stepping out as well. He extends his hand for me to take. My trembling fingers wrap around it, allowing him to pull me out. 
"What are you here?" He repeats. His eyes look at me still panicked, moving around my face almost fanatically. His hands come up to my face, pushing hair away.
"I.." I try to form a sentence but my mouth is dry. "I was looking f-for John B."
"God." He runs his fingers through his hair, moving around.
"I thought we were going to die." Kie breathes out, holding her hand over her chest. Pope moves to her side and pulls her into a side hug.
"What just happened?" I say still trying to catch my own breath. "Who are they? What did they want?"
John B looks at his friends, and I know that he's silently asking them if he can tell me. He walks towards me. "Hey, I'm sorry you had to see that." He pulls me to his chest.
"Are you in trouble?" I look up at him. "you know that my mom will help you with anything. Just tell me."
"You don't have to know everything." JJ says, his hands crossed in front of him, his face suddenly cold.
I move my eyes to him, confused by his tone and sudden energy shift.
"JJ.." Kiara sends him a careful glare.
"Why were you looking for me?"
"Um," I mumble, my eyes still fixated on JJ. "did you take the keys to our boat?"
He closes his eyes, cursing under his breath. "Yeah," he looks at his friends again, all of them looking at me apologetically. What the hell is going on? I'm used to not being involved in pretty much anything when it comes to them, but this is not a joke.
I narrow my eyes at all of them, shaking my head. "Can anyone please explain to me what the fuck just happened?"
"Look Y/n-" Pope takes a step forward but JJ cuts him off, placing a hand on his chest.
"No, she doesn't need to know."
"What's wrong with you?" Anger overtakes my tone. He's acting like an asshole right now. "Do you realise what just happened JJ? Those guys had a gun."
"I know that Y/n." He clenches his jaw, walking back towards me. "but it doesn't involve you, so just go back to figure 8 cause last time I checked that's where you belong." He gets closer to my face and I feel my whole body stiffens at his cruel words. "Stop trying to be a pogue." 
I tighten the muscles on my face, not wanting to let the tears leave my eyes but the unexpected anger overtakes my body and my hand moves across his face, slapping him hard. His face freezes, staying to the right. He has never spoken to me like that. He has never acted this way towards me and I hate it.
"Fuck you dude." I spit, shaking my head. I turn to John B. "Give me the keys." I don't care why they took them and I don't wanna know what happened anymore, I just wanna go home.
"Y/n.." He gives an apologetic look.
"Give. me. the. keys." My tone is sharp as I open my palm in front of him.
He lets out a sigh before dropping them in my palm. I put them in my pocket, not saying a word to him, and turn around.
"Y/n, let me come with you." Kie offers.
"I'd rather not." I say getting inside my car and slamming the door shut. I pull out without waiting for any of them to try and stop me and drive off, letting the tears finally fall. Tears of fear, tears of anger, and tears of hurt. He was right; I desperately wanted to be one of them my whole life but that wasn't the reason why I asked. I don't give a shit what they were doing and how they ended up in a situation like that, but it was serious. It wasn't fun and games, those guys weren't joking around and I care about them. All of them. If they're in trouble I want to help them as much as I can. My mom would understand them and she would do anything to help cause she's a pogue. But I'm not. I'm not and they'll never see me as one. They'll never trust me enough. He'll never let me get close. I know how it is and I thought that I had accepted it but clearly I was wrong cause it hurts.
. . . .
It's been 2 days and yet I'm still on edge. I still look over my shoulder every 5 seconds, and I still flinch over any slightly loud noise. I've been zoning out constantly, my mind travelling back to that day and his words. It still hurts, the way he talked to me but it was the reality check that I needed. Maybe it's time to actually stop and move on.
I wipe the last of the tables getting ready to close the cafe. The sun is setting and I can't wait to go home and relax after a long day. I move to the counter, grabbing my stuff and making sure everything is closed and in order when I hear the 'ding' the door makes when it opens.
"I'm sorry we're closed-" I turn around coming face to face with the 2 men that broke into John B's house.
Their faces hold the same smug expression, satisfied with the clear shock that overtakes my whole body. "We're not here for coffee." One of them says, his voice raspy and low.
My feet move backwards until my back hits the front of the counter. "I-I can't help you then." I shutter.
"Oh but you can," He smirks. "you can deliver a message to John B for us."  I shake my head repeatedly, my chest heavy as I try to breathe. He grabs me by the arm, his fingertips digging painfully into my skin while the other finds my neck, choking me.
"And since words won't do it for them, maybe this will. "The other one says, nodding to his partner with a smirk. The guy releases me and before I have time to catch my breath, his hand slaps me across the face so hard that it sends me to the ground.
"Ugh." It takes me a few seconds for my sense to return, my head heavy with pain and my skin burning. He grabs me by the shirt, forcing me upwards only to bring his hand across my face again. I yell in pain, tears streaming down my face as the taste of blood fills my mouth. My eyes struggle to focus.
He stands straight, looking down at me. "P-Please stop." I beg but he stays unphased, kicking me right in the stomach. Pain spreads through my body, my knees coming to my chest as I cough violently. He kicks me again, and again, his boot finding my face at some point and I scream until there's no strength in me to make noise anymore. The tears won't stop and breathing gets harder by the second.
"Tell your friend that he better give us the compass or else he's next. "He pulls my head up by my hair causing me to whine in pain. He gives me one last evil smirk before slamming it back on the wooden floor and walking away without a second glance at my aching body, his partner following.
I sob violently at this point, trying to keep my head focused and my eyes open but they're getting heavier and heavier, the world starting to spin. I don't know how long I stayed on the floor in and out of consciousness but when I heard my name being yelled my eyes snapped open.
John B kneels by my side. "Oh my god Y/n, what happened?" He says, his voice full of panic. His hands' ghost over my body not knowing where to touch me as he scans the injuries.
I don't reply but a broken sob escapes me.
"It's okay, it's gonna be okay." He slides his hands carefully under my body, my face twitching with pain. He takes me in his arms and walks out of the cafe. "It's okay, you're safe, I got you." he murmurs against my head. He lays me down on the back seat of the twinkie before hopping in on the driver's seat. His hands move fast, his eyes wild, looking back at me every 2 seconds as he drives.
"What happened?" He whispers. "W-who did this?"
I keep my eyes close and try to control my breathing but the pain is too much. "T-those men" The words that leave my mouth are barely audible but he catches them.
His hands tighten around the wheel, before punching it. He looks back at me anger written all over his face, his eyes almost watering. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Y/n. It's all my fault."
"The compass.." I drag out, causing him to look back at me with wide eyes but everything fades again.
I feel his hands on me again. He takes me in his arms. "We're here." He whispers and I bury my face in his neck. I recognise his house immediately. He takes big steps almost running trying to hold me without causing me pain.
He reaches the house. "Guys!." he yells. "Help!"
"Oh my god, Y/n," Kie cries out rushing to us.
"What happened?" Pope tries to help John B carry me to the couch.
"Y/n." It's his voice that makes my eyes finally open and it's the look on his face when he sees me that hurts more that the pain in my body. A single sharp breath leaves his mouth before he's by my side as John B places me on the couch. I let out a small whine.
"What happened?" He whispers, dropping to his knees beside me. "What happened?!" He yells turning to John B who has his hands buried in his hair, pacing around the room. Kie appears back in the room with a first aid kit.
"Those men, the 2 men that broke in, jumped on her. " He answers.
"What?" Pope says. "Why would they do that to her? How do they even know her?"
"It's the boat, idiots." Kie angrily says passing some ice to JJ. "They saw us jumping inside it to escape them."
"Baby," JJ presses the ice to my cheek, with trembling hands. I can already feel different parts of my body brushing. His other hand comes to my head, brushing my hair back. "Baby, I'm sorry." He places his lips against my forehead. His lips tremble, and he shakes his head, eyes wide full of fear and anger. "You're gonna be okay, I'm here yeah? I'm not leaving you again." He whispers, his voice breaking.
Kie appears next to us. "Jay, let me take care of her." She touches his shoulder. "She needs help and rest."
JJ leaves one last kiss on the side of my face before getting up. "I'm gonna fucking kill them."I hear him growl before he and the boys move further into the house. Kie cleans up all my wounds and takes care of the cuts that I had on my face.
"Get some rest okay?" She smiles a sad smile at me.
"Thanks, Kie." I mumbled before drifting off.
. . . . . .
I shiver, the sudden cold air that hits my exposed skin forces my eyes open, waking me up from my slumber. The living room is dark, not a single person is here except me. I try to lift my body into a seating position, and a sharp but lighter pain spreads around my stomach and back causing me to whine.
I hear a groan from my left and I turn to find JJ's sleeping body laying on the floor. His closed eyes twitch before opening. It takes a few seconds for him to react but when he sees me awake his body shoots up, hands stretching towards my body.
"Y/n," He breathes. "hey."
I rub my eyes with the back of my hands. "What time is it?"
"Um," His hands fumble with his phone. "It's almost 3 am. You fell asleep"
"Hmm," I hum, lifting myself into a seating position. "My parents-"
"Kiara texted them from your phone that you're gonna stay at hers tonight." He says. "Take it easy." He touches my back softly. A sad expression overtakes his face when he sees me struggling to straighten my back.
"Y/n.." He shakes his head and I know exactly what he's going to say.
"It's okay, it's fine." I reassure him. JJ tends to hold a lot of guilt inside. He thinks that he's responsible for anything that happens. It seems like he holds the weight of the world on his shoulders when there's really no need.
"No, it's not." He shakes his hand repeatedly. "It's not. I can't stand seeing you hurt because of me. You did nothing wrong, it shouldn't have happened like this." His eyes drop to his hands that are resting on my thighs.
"It's not your fault." I place my hand on top of his.
"But it is. We stole your boat to escape, they saw that. And then I acted like a dick refusing to tell you anything in order to protect you and keep you out of it when in the end it's you who got hurt." His voice is filled with guilt and anger.
"Protect me from what?" I scoff. "What's going on Jay?"
His eyes soften at the nickname but he stays quiet.
"Why don't you trust me?" I mumble, mostly to myself.
"I do trust you." He defends.
"Just not enough right?" I smile a little.
He closes his eyes. "Y/n, you know it's not like that. You know me."
"Apparently I don't JJ." I raise my tone a little. "I mean I thought I did, I wanted to. I was patient and I was understanding. I listened to you and I was there. As much as you would let me at least." I go on, and all the words that I was holding inside come rushing out. "The JJ I know would not talk to me like that, the JJ I know would not disappear for days, the JJ I know would not keep secrets from me."
"Y/n-" He tries to interrupt me.
"No, I get it, I know my place. " I hold a hand up between us. "I know we're not together but I care JJ. " I admit looking at him dead in the eye. His face falls at my words, jaw tightening. "I liked it when you would climb through my window and we would talk for hours about all the things you guys had done that day and I liked it when I would sneak out after midnight and go on bike rides with you. I liked how we would surf together or how we would lay on my rooftop, looking at the stars talking about all the things we want in life. You were the one that was pushing me to join you in all kinds of things, you would always tell me that I was a pogue deep down." Tears threaten to spill but I try to contain them.
"You were the one that pushed me away," He point a finger towards me. "Since day one, since the first day we fucked, you never wanted me."
"JJ," I lift my hands to my hair, struggling to control my anger. "I was trying to protect myself!"
"For what?" He shoots back, his frustration building as well.
"From you!" His shoulders fall. "I wanted you, I've always wanted you but I know you." I sigh, studying his beautiful, blue eyes that are piercing mine. "I know better than to let myself fall and believe that this is more than it is." I say quietly.
He tilts his head, his eyes never leaving mine. "I tried to stay away from you because I couldn't stand to hold you and know that you aren't mine. Every time I would look at your face, I would see nothing but walls. We would have sex and then you would go back to being cold and wanting to be as far away from me as possible and I honestly get it, people like me don't deserve people like you."
I shake my head in disbelief. "How can you say that?"
"Cause it's true." He chuckles sadly. "Look at you and look at me." He motions between us.
"Stop." I close my eyes, unable to stand the way he views himself, I wish he could see how extraordinary he actually is.
"Y/n, I know." His gaze hardens. "But when John B walked through that door with you almost unconscious in his arms. Your body and face brushed and beaten," He twitches his face as if the image brushes through his mind and physically hurts him. "I lost it. My heart dropped. Nothing mattered but making sure that you were okay and holding you in my arms. The thought that something like that had happened to you," He shakes his head, reaching to take my jaw in his hands gently. "I can't fucking stand it. And I swear to you that I will search the whole island for these motherfuckers and I'll fucking kill them for laying a finger on you." He leans forward, his forehead inches away from mine.
A small smile creeps on my lips at his words, my heart warming instantly.
"I'm sorry about what I said the other day, all I wanted was to protect you and I'm sorry for disappearing on you. I'm sorry about all the lying and the secrets and I'm sorry I can't be what you need and deserve." His eyes move all over my face while his thumbs move gently over my cheekbones.
I bite my lip. "JJ, you're all I want. You're more than enough." I say with my whole heart, wanting nothing more than for him to see himself the way I do. "You're the most incredible person I know and it hurts me that don't see it."
"I don't deserve you." He whispers, his lips ghosting over mine. His breath becomes my breath.
"Shut up." I smile crushing my lips to his. It doesn't take more than a second for him to react, moving his mouth against mine, inhaling sharply as if I'm oxygen. I let out a low moan as JJ's lips started nibbling at mine, demanding entrance that I'm all too happy to grant. It's ridiculous how much I've missed him, the taste of his lips is enough to make all the pain disappear. Everything fades away as our tongues collide, teasing and testing each other. My hands travel to his hair, tugging lightly while he holds my waist carefully. I push myself forwards, sucking on his bottom lip before capturing it between my teeth. I can feel him holding back, he digs his fingers into my skin and releases a sharp breath.
"Y/n," He lets out a low groan, breaking the kiss.
My frustration builds more with each second passing, wanting nothing more than to feel his hands on me. I need to feel him. "What?" I breathe out.
"Maybe.." His eyes fall to my swollen lips, his mouth opening. "Maybe we should take it slow, considering what you went through the last few hours."
I shake my head. "No, I want you." I inch forward wanting to taste him again but he doesn't let me.
"Princess, trust me I want nothing more than to throw you on the couch and fuck you senseless while you scream my name for everyone to hear." He tilts his head downwards, his words making my insides hot and causing my thighs to clench together, hoping for some relief. His eyes big and wild, hungrily staring back at mine while I let my hands explore and touch his face, brushing his hair back and down his neck. My burning desire for his touch has overtaken me completely, my stomach tightens just at the thought of all of the things we could do but I know that he's right, my body still feels beaten and heavy.
"You need to rest for tonight." He takes my jaw between his fingers.
"Will you stay with me?" I'm scared that the minute we leave each other, things will go back to how they were, and what I realised after tonight and after what happened is that I don't wanna be without him anymore. I don't want to be scared anymore cause you never know what will happen.
His face breaks into a soft smile. "Lay down."
His arms felt familiar yet foreign. Like I missed the feeling of falling asleep buried in his chest, his scent filling my senses but different like something's changed.
The book that I'm reading has been getting less and less interesting with each minute passing. Maybe it's the fact that it's 10:00 pm and I'm laying in my bed, reading on Saturday night, or the fact that he hasn't called me or even texted the whole day. It's been a few days since the incident at the cafe. After we woke up that day JJ drove me back home and explained pretty much everything, about The Royal Merchant, the compass that they found, and how it lead them to the tape recorder that Big John left for his son. I still can't believe some of the things that happened to them and what they discovered. He made me promise that I won't tell a soul, something I would have done even if he hadn't asked. I haven't seen him since, mostly cause my parents have been babying me none stop. I told them what happened at the cafe, twisted around a little the actual truth, and claimed that the 2 men tried to rob the cafe but JJ and John B showed up. I haven't gone to school or done anything in general for the past few days. I've been laying low and have recovered completely but my mind has been stuck on what JJ told me. Through the days I found myself wondering what they were doing and wishing I was with them.
A knock on my widow breaks me out of my thoughts. JJ sends me a small wave. My head snaps to my door, checking if it's closed before running to open the window. He quickly pushes his tall body through the small opening, stumbling a little in the process.
"Hi" he breathes out, standing up straight.
"Hi," I giggle "what are you doing here?" I scan him with my eyes making sure that he's okay and also taking in the sight of him that I've missed so much.
"I wanted to check up on you." He says, running his hands through his hair.
My hands are itching, wanted to reach in and touch him but I don't know if that is too much. Honestly, I don't know where we stand, all I know is that I've missed him.
His eyes move around my face while he tugs his bottom lip between his teeth. My eyes catch the movement. "Come here." He mutters before reaching forward and wrapping his arms around my waist. I bury my face into the curve of his neck, my eyes closing at the feeling of his embrace.
"I missed you." He speaks so quietly that I almost didn't catch it.
I tighten my arms around his neck, silently responding. I missed him too.
"I was worried about you." I say, pulling away slightly.
"About me?" He lifts his brows playfully. "Come on have a little faith in my survival skills princess."
I slap his shoulder lightly, trying to hide my smile. "What happened? Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, everyone's fine." He brushes me off. "I'll tell you everything but first.." He cups my jaw with his hands and presses his lips to mine. I let out a surprised sound that dies in my throat before moving my lips against his, responding. I feel him smile into the kiss and he opens his mouth slightly, allowing my tongue to slide inside. He hums as our tongues play with each other, letting his hands fall to my waist. He pulls my body closer to his, forcing me to my tiptoes while the kiss gets heavier. The sound of our lips and our heavy breathing fills the room.
"My parents will hear us." I breathe out.
"I don't care." He attacks my lips again, backing me slowly until the back of my knees hit my bed. He breaks the kiss and gives me a light push causing me to fall on the bed. He stares down at me with a smirk slowly dropping his hands to the bottom of his shirt and peeling it off his body. My eyes take him in, his chest and abs on full display. I bite my lip wanting nothing more than to reach out and touch him. He leans down, wrapping his hands around my neck, forcing my head upwards to look at him.
"Don't look at me like that." He drawls out.
I relax my face, staring at him through my lashes. "Like what?"
He pushes me down completely, my back flat against the bed while his legs are spread on each side of my hips.
He gives me a light slap on the cheek but it's enough to make my back arch and my thighs to clench together. "Don't test me, princess, 'cause I don't give a shit about your parents being just across the hall."
My hands find the bottom of my own shirt, pulling it over my head. "I don't give a shit either."
"Fuck." He dives right into my chest, his mouth nibbling and sucking on my exposed skin. My hands go to his hair instantly, guiding him to my breasts. He wastes no time, unclipping my bra and taking one of my nipples in his mouth.
"Mhh," I moan as he circles his tongue around the hardening nub. His hands hold my hips down when I try to find some relief by grinding my hips to his. His lips travel farther down teasingly, dragging his tongue over my stomach and stopping at the top of my pajama pants. His eyes shoot up, the light and hunger in them challenging me. His fingers toy with the fabric, pulling it down slowly, not breaking eye contact while I lift my hips, allowing him to fully take it off. He straightens up, his hands fumbling with his belt with his eyes glued to my panties. His breathing hardens when I open my thighs exposing myself to him.
"You have no idea how I missed you." He groans, pulling his pants down.
I blink at him with a small smile. "How much?"
His eyes darken, looking down at my figure hard. " Let me show you." He pulls me by the thighs to the edge of the bed and kneels down right in front of my core. I inhaled sharply as he wastes no time ripping my panties off of me. His eyes beamed with hunger, taking in the sight of me. He lowers himself just a little, his hot breath fanning my bare pussy causing shivers to spread through my body. He looks up, eyes narrowing playfully using the tip of his tongue to deliver a soft flick over my clit. My legs twitch slightly, which causes him to smile.
"Stay still princess." He pins my hips down again and drags his tongue over my slit. He groans against me, the vibration shooting through me while he wastes no time diving in and moving his tongue at a faster pace. Heat explodes through my veins, my toes curling at the feeling of his wet muscle absolutely devouring me with no hesitation. He sucks and nibbles, drawing and flickering against my sensitive nerves as I whimper shamelessly underneath him. My hand shoots to his hair, head falling back and my back arching when I feel not one but two fingers slotting into my entrance.
"Oh my god, Jay." I rasp out, my palm covering my mouth.
His fingers start moving violently fast inside me, filling the room with pornographic wet sounds as the heat on my lower stomach builds embarrassingly fast. "Fuck baby, you're so wet." He groans against me before moving his thumb to cover my clit, rubbing circles in a fast motion.
His mouth attaches to my neck, taking the soft skin between his lips. "I want you to come on my fingers baby can you do that for me?" He whispers in my ear.
My body lifts off the mattress, feeling myself climbing higher and higher. "I-I'm gonna-" The words die in my throat as a giant wave of unexpected pleasure crashes over me, my eyes roll all the way back to my head, my mind going completely numb as his fingers keep up the pace allowing me to ride it out.
"That's it, baby," He mumbles against my neck. I close my eyes, still feeling the tingling sensation lingering in my belly. He pulls his fingers out, the aftermath of my orgasm dripping to his palm. He wraps his swollen lips around them, testing me while piercing me with his blue eyes.
He moans lightly. "The taste of you is incredible."
"Can I have a taste?" I nod down to his visibly hard member, that's fighting against the fabric of his boxers as he straightens his back, towering over me. My mouth watering at the thought, hands inching to fill the weight of his throbbing cock against them.
A low chuckle escapes him. "I would die to feel those pretty lips around my dick," He takes my jaw between his fingers. "But there's something I want more right now." He captures his bottom lip between his teeth, reaching to pull his boxers down. His dick shoots up free hitting his stomach, my eyes flicker to the tip, red and swollen with drops of precum coating it already. He pulls the drawer of my nightstand open, grabs a condom from the ones that he left a few weeks back, and quickly rolls it over his dick. He takes both of my wrists in his hands before I have any time to touch him and slams me back down on the bed.
He pins my hands over my head. "Your hands stay there."
I nod, trying to stop the grin of excitement that's forming on my lips. The feeling of need and frustration that only he can make me feel and that I've missed so much overtakes me as he lines his dick in my entrance. His tip brushes over my clit, opening my folds before pushing in slowly.  His forehead falls on mine and we both gasp as he fills me up entirely.
"Shit, princess." He hisses when I nod my head and give him the green light to move which he wastes no time doing. He pulls out all the way before slamming back in, filling me up again with such a powerful push that it causes me to gasp out loud. His hips find a rhythm in no time, attacking me with sharp, deep thrusts that make my breasts bounce almost painfully. His forceful movements draw all kinds of sounds out of me while everything begins to fade. My ears fill with the sound of my own heartbeat and his low moans and grunts as he pushes in and out of me, stretching me out with the size of his cock. I fight to keep my eyes open, only being able to focus on his beautiful face, that's overtaken by a mesmerizing fucked out expression. His eyebrows are drawn together, drops of sweat coating his forehead while his mouth hangs slightly open. He looks breathtaking as he fucks me senseless, reminding me with each thrust that in reality, he's all I want. His hands reach for the back of my right thigh, lifting it a little gaining access to a better angle that allows him to thrust deeper. My eyes roll back, unable to contain the pleasure that shoots from my core, my hands fly to his back, nails dining to the soft flesh, earning a deep grunt from him.
"You're doing so well baby, look at you taking my dick like a good girl." He grabs my neck with his free hands, his pace quickening making the knot in my stomach tighten. I dig my nails deeper, hands tugging his hair while both of our bodies dripping with sweat but I don't care about anything except my second orgasm that approaches.
"Are you gonna come for me again princess?" He teases me, feeling my walls tighten against him. "Tell me how good it feels, and maybe I'll let you come." He demands, tilting his head downwards and tightening his grip around my neck.
I can feel my wall throbbing, tightening painfully around his dick trying to keep him inside as heat begins to spread in my belly. "It feels so good Jay, so fucking good please baby don't stop." My dignity dissolves as tears start to form at the corners of my eyes.
"Tell me I'm the only one you want." His thrusts being to get sloppy, signalling that his own high is approaching. His eyes are wild, and everything starts to feel overwhelming.
"Y-you're the only one, I only want you." I confess, my tone desperate and begging.
He connects our foreheads again, hand dropping to my clit and with a single flick of his finger, I'm over the edge. My back arches, black spots fill my vision, and an almost euphoric feeling pulses through my veins. My brain and body are overtaken with pleasure and I keep my eyes shut as JJ's orgasm hits him just as hard.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He buries his face in the curve of my neck, letting his low groans fill my ear. I let him ride it out, ignoring the over-sensitivity that I start to feel. His body freezes for a few seconds as he releases into the condom before collapsing on top of me. I feel his heart drumming in his chest while he tries to control his breathing. I'm still in a state of bliss, ears still ringing and heart still beating fast. We stay like this for a good minute, our sweaty bodies touching and our fast breathing filling the air until he decides to lift himself off me and fall to the side.
Silence overtakes us, letting everything that just happened sink in. He pops himself on his elbow, head resting on his hand as he looks down at me with soft eyes. His hair going in every possible direction, his lips swollen and his neck covered in marks I don't remember making.
I smile at the sight of him.
"What?" His breathing is still uneven.
"You're pretty." I think out loud.
His eyes shift, lips curving upwards. "I love you, Y/n."
The raw emotion is visible as he speaks the words, causing my heart to stop for a split second. The words I desperately wanted to hear and desperately wanted to say for so long. The skin of my cheeks tingled but I say nothing, still processing what he just said.
His face breaks into a smile, unphased by my silence. "Fuck, I wanted to say that for so long." He lets out a breath of relief, pushing his hair back.
I've dreamt about this moment, never actually believing that it'll happen, thinking that just a hookup was all that I would ever be for JJ.
I stare deep into his ocean eyes. "I love you too JJ." I speak the easiest truth I've ever had to say out loud.
His smile grows more, overtaking his whole face and causing his eyes to almost close. I reach over throwing a hand around his neck and kissing him like I've never had before. We both smile into the kiss and giggles fill the air.
"I'm in love with you." He says again, against my lips.
His phone interrupts our moment before I have the chance to say it back again.
He sighs, reaching towards the floor to retrieve it from the pocket of his pants.
"What?" He picks up, keeping his eyes on me. His face drops, eyebrows coming together. "Slow down, slow down." His gaze shifts and I lift myself to a seating position, quickly throwing my shirt on. "Okay, I'm coming got it." His body almost bounces as he paces back and forth, his free hand moving fanatically until he stops right in front of me, ending the call.
His eyes light up and a challenging smile tugs at his lips.
"What?" I ask, completely lost.
"Wanna join me on a treasure hunt princess?" He grins.
"What do you mean?" My face twitches with confusion.
"John B needs me, they found something." He begins to get dressed.
"And what? You want me to join you guys?" I can't help the excitement that spreads over my face. "What do you mean?"
"The guys are waiting for us at Kie's place." He stands up straight, all dressed and ready with his hands resting on his hips. "That's the reason I came here." He bites his bottom lip, trying to contain his smile. "To get you. They guys are okay with it, especially with everything happening with Sarah and John B. " He waves his hands around.
I frown." What's going on with Sara and John B?"
He shakes his head, reaching for my waist. "I'll explain on the way. Are you in or not?"
I look into his eyes, the deepest shade of blue I've ever seen. The eyes that I've fallen so hard for and I would do anything for. The eyes that are now silently inviting me, challenging me, and making my heart beat faster. All my life I wanted nothing more than to be like them, to feel what it's like to live life their way, and even though what happened was the scariest thing I've ever experienced I can't help but give him a small nod.
His teeth make an appearance before he takes my face in his hands, planting a kiss on my lips. "Get dressed then baby, the gold is waiting." He smirks.
I smile against his lips. I guess my mom was right; the choice is pretty easy if you follow your heart.
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tirsynni · 11 months
As someone who was raised in a military family, whose family is from a military-esque town, Veteran's Day always makes me twitch a bit, not just because of the holiday but because of people's responses to it.
My dad's family came from a poor, small town. A high percentage -- especially from my dad's generation -- joined the military because they were poor, the military offered them money, and they thought it was their best choice. One relative joined because he knew it was that or being drafted. At least voluntarily joining gave him choices. Later, people from my generation joined the military for the same exact reason: they were poor, their prospects were few, and the military recruiters were happily knocking at their door, offering them options they didn't otherwise have.
"They willingly joined the military and they willingly bombed/shot innocent people!" I promise you, that never occurred to many of them. They were young. They were in survival mode. They looked at their future and saw very little. Then this military guy knocks on their door and offers them poisoned hope. They usually know it's poisoned, but it gives them some sort of hope for a future, especially when the opportunity for education is tossed in the bucket. Many people only obtained a college degree because of the military.
My mother was a military spouse. She couldn't keep a job. My dad's job was more important. If she got a job, she would lose it when we had to move to a different state. Same for education, fyi. This was before online schools.
My mother had very few friends. All of them were also military spouses. It honestly formed an unhealthy circle after a point. Most adults form friends through their work. Obviously, not an option. Physical activities? Again, probably going to get dropped in the next move. Few opportunities to make friends and fewer opportunities to keep them.
Every couple years, we moved. The military provided housing, but that meant they chose the house. The location. The school district. Our education, friendships, everything were guaranteed to be messed up every several years. I started speech therapy in one state and had to stop it in the next move. I still have problems with my speech. There was no consistency. We were told that it was our problem.
My dad was deployed once overseas. We were left in the States. When he returned, he was absolutely traumatized because he said that I looked at him and didn't recognize him. There was no Zoom or anything then. He swore that he would never accept another deployment. At his 18-year mark, he was given the choice: deploy again or accept an early retirement. He took the early retirement.
There was no aid afterwards. After 18 years in the military, with us kids being born and raised in the military and on military bases, we now had to figure out civilian life. Years later, we're still figuring out the extent of how much that messed us up. Hint: it was a lot.
I'm anti-military, pro-veteran, because the military loves targeting the poor, the young, and the vulnerable, going after specific communities, and then leaving their people to hang after they drained them of everything they could. Yeah, some people are asshats who joyously cuddle their guns and dream of glory and shooting people, but many -- most -- are vulnerable people who were targeted when they were 17 or so, who had few hopes for their future, who weren't old enough to drink but were told they were old enough to die for their country... and hey, if they fulfilled their contracts, Uncle Sam would even give them a degree for it! Isn't that nice!
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and-claudia · 1 year
His Heir pt. 38 (Darth Maul x pregnant! reader)
Word Count 1679 (sorry it's shorter than usual)
Warnings: angst
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Once I was off-world and on my way to the jump point to get to Bavis where Dasar lived the first thing I did was contact him. The moment he answered I was sobbing. I was trying and struggling to tell him what was wrong. 
“Okay, babes, I can’t understand you right now. Look at me,” He waited patiently for me to calm down enough to focus on him, “Good, now deep breath.” 
I mimicked his deep breaths until I was able to speak clearly, tears were still falling and I was sniffling and hiccuping through it all but I was finally able to tell him what was wrong. 
“He’s not coming.” 
“Who, Maul?” 
I nodded. 
“Why, what happened?” 
“He’s just too busy… too busy to come home at night, too busy to spend time with me, too busy to come to my doctor's appointment, and too busy to come to the wedding. I’m sorry.” 
He immediately shook his head, “Sweetheart, this is not your mess to apologize for. He’s being a complete ass. I could care less about him coming to the wedding, to tell you the truth he’s only invited because of who he is and because I couldn’t invite you and not him. But this bull shit of being too busy for you is not acceptable. You are literally carrying his son and he has the audacity to blow you off. You get here and we’ll take care of you, okay babes?” 
I nodded and sighed as the alert to make the jump began going off. 
“Hold on.” I mumbled, leaning forward to hit a few buttons before the blue lights of hyperspace filled the cabin of my ship. 
I sighed as I leaned back in the seat and placed my hands on top of my belly. 
“Is he giving you a hard time?” He asked, trying to get me to focus on something else. 
“Yeah, but it's not really his fault. He went through a growth spurt, his last one supposedly before he was born, so my body is really just trying to catch up.  I knew it was coming but I was hoping it wouldn’t happen until after your wedding.” 
“Well don’t worry about the dress I have yours set aside and already have plans to make some alterations if needed.” He said. 
“Thank you, I really appreciate it.” 
“Of course!” 
“I think I’m going to go lay down for a bit. I have,” I glanced over the dashboard in front of me, “roughly 6 hours before I get there.” 
“Oh, that’s perfect! I wanted to take you out on one of the boats, I know you’ve never seen an ocean so I wanted to show you ours here.” 
I smiled at that, at least I’d have something to look forward to. 
“That sounds fun. I can’t wait. I’ll talk to you later.” 
He said his goodbyes before hanging up. I pushed myself up out of the chair and began making my way to the sleeping quarters on my ship. Before I settled down in the bed I set up all the alarms I would need and made sure they would be loud enough for me to hear if need be. 
“Come on, kih ik'aad, let’s get some rest. It’s just us two again, but I’m sure we’re used to that by now.” 
Dasar PoV 
The moment I hung up with Yn I was calling Maul. He was about to get a piece of my mind. 
“What?!” He yelled answering the phone. 
“Uh Ah, you are not gonna yell at me like that. What you are going to do is tell me what the fuck you did to my best friend.” I snapped back. 
“Need I remind you who you are speaking to?” He all but growled at me. 
“Yeah, I do, actually. And it ain’t Lord Maul of Crimson Dawn. It’s the man who hurt my best friend, made her cry, and is about to get his ass beat if he doesn’t tell me what the fuck happened. She already told me but I want to hear it from your perspective. So start talking.” 
I wasn’t about to let him intimidate me into backing down. I would go to hell and back for Yn, she is my ride or die. 
“I guess I’ve been preoccupied with work lat-” 
“Wrong.” I cut him off, “She is carrying your baby right now. Not only that but you’ve said it yourself this is a difficult pregnancy, especially for a human. She did this voluntarily, she wanted to do this for you. So right now, ruling Crimson Dawn is a said gig, your full-time job is being there for her and supporting her. And you failed her on that.” 
He hung his head at my last sentence. 
“I know.” He sounded so ashamed of himself. 
“She called me sobbing. Not crying Maul, sobbing. I can count on one hand the times I’ve seen her cry. I’ve never seen her hurting that badly.” 
“Is she okay now though?” He asked quietly. 
“If you mean has she stopped crying then yes, but she is not okay Maul. You fucked up big time.” 
He almost winced at that, knowing what he had done wrong. There was a few beats of silence as he took in and truly processed what he had done. 
“How do I fix it?” He pleaded. 
“How soon can you leave Dathomir?” 
“They are preparing my ship but it needed to be refueled before they began the preflight checks. So maybe another hour.” “That would put you nearly 3 hours behind her…” I stayed silent as I thought about what he could do. 
“I know she was really looking forward to watching the sunset on the beach…” 
“Okay, that’s a good start… We’re taking her out tomorrow to see the coral reef just off the island. We will push back when we go, we will get back to the private cove right before sunset and you will be there waiting for her. I will have the kitchens prepare you a picnic dinner. You sit on that beach and tell how fucking stupid you were, how much you love her and you vow to her that this will never happen again. Seriously if you hurt her again, I will end you.” 
Maul nodded, with his head still hung. 
“I need to finish packing.” 
“Good. I’ll make sure she’s okay when she gets here.” I said. 
“Thank you, Dasar.” 
I was taken aback, Maul had never said thank you like that to me before. It was sincere, and I could tell he truly meant it and wasn’t just saying it because it was what needed to be said. 
I nodded before ending the call. 
Yn’s PoV
I was impressed and grateful that I managed to get a solid four hours of sleep before my approach warnings were going off. You weren’t allowed to jump through the Atune System where Bavis was because there was a heavy asteroid belt that surrounded the outside of it and any ships that tried to make the jump through got damaged… or worse. 
“Alright, kih ik'aad, time to get up.” I said before not so gracefully getting out of the bed. 
After a good stretch and pop of my back, I shuffled into the cockpit to fly me to Bavis. Unfortunately for me, Bavis was still a good distance away from the edge of the system and it would still take me a bit to get to the actual planet. But I was able to put in the coordinates and let autopilot take over. As I approached the outer atmosphere I took over flying and contacted their commands room channel to alert them of my approach. 
“This is Lady Yn requisition clearance to land.” I said. 
“Hey, babes, so I moved my ship out of Bay One so you can land there. I didn’t want you to have to walk super far to get to the transport to the palace.” 
I was surprised to hear Dasar’s voice come through the coms. 
“Dasar, you didn’t have to do that. Also, it’s so late please tell me you didn’t stay up this late just for me.” I said as I began to steer the ship in the right direction.
“Okay, I won’t tell you that then.” He joked, “I’ll come meet you in the hangar. Don’t worry about luggage, I’ll have the droids come to get it for you.” 
“Okay.” I said as I landed. 
I looked down at my current attire, I was still in what I had slept in. One of Maul’s old tunics that wasn’t a deep v-neck and a pair of sleep shorts that were hardly appropriate for someone of my ranking to be wearing out and about. 
Once the ship was landed and shut off I got up and went to open the ramp. After it was lowered, Dasar was already climbing it to meet me. 
“Hi, dear.” 
I smiled as he came and gave me a hug. 
“Damn you weren’t kidding, he’s huge.” He teased. 
“Thanks.” I rolled my eyes playfully. 
“Hey, I said he, not you.” He defended himself. 
“Do I need to change? Like is anyone really going to be up right now and see me?” 
“Nope.” He shook his head. 
“Awesome. I really didn’t want to, I’m too comfortable to.” “Well, that’s great because we’re not going back to bed just yet.” 
“We’re not?” I asked as he hooked his arm with mine and walked me down the ramp. 
“Nope… I figured we haven’t had a night to catch up just you and me in a while. And with me getting married and you having the baby soon we probably won’t get a chance to for a good while. So that’s what we’re doing tonight. You, me, a bad holo romcom, snacks, and yes I have chocolate, talking shit, or not, up to you,” He gave me a not-so-subtle wink, “What do you say?” 
“That sounds like it is exactly what I need.” I smiled at him. 
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tobyili · 5 months
Hitman mafia! Dazai x ada! male reader
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TW # ★ yandere dazai!, murder mentioned, splitting apart, angst, death— ;
A/N ᰔ ; This was specifically to made on February 20th but I got lazy lol, and also my dog was in my way and kept licking my phone so pls if any mistakes blame on my dog.
Dazai was a well known killer in the town of Yokohama, well more of a killer for you. He loves you so dearly he couldn’t kill you but if anybody touched you one bit, let’s just say, he’ll have a talk with them. But of course you never know! He could be joking or not let’s hope he is due to so much people talking to you due to your popularity in the town. You were handsome, smart, and mostly sexy and that’s what caught people the most. But for Dazai, it was your voice, your energy, and your personality.
“So I guess I finally get to meet you again… Dazai” you glared at him with a serious stare of madness due the killing and destruction he has done to the people who haven’t even hurt the organization, but you know what they say, he is a Hitman and will hit on people for you, “I missed you darling, why did you leave me?” He asked surprisingly, you guys were in a relationship before. Let’s just say it was “Lovely” in his way. “You beated my friend’s face, and killed her..” you started to point the gun at him voluntarily about to shoot with no hesitation but he stopped you an said “But darling she was touching you and you know I couldn’t allow that? Would I?” He said grinning at you very, he knows you probably can’t shoot him, that would be murder and war would start for murder of a Hitman of PM.
He loved you so much, he couldn’t just let you. Go.
“You’re fucking crazy…” Glaring at him once more about to cry, he looked at you with a soft expression. And walked away, but when he almost left “I love you ( reader )” he says walking away.
You thought to yourself. Did he really love me tho?. You started to walk back to your house and took a shower. You couldn’t keep your mind off Dazai.. and what he said, after your shower you kept thinking about Dazai over over and over again.. You just can’t stop thinking about his face, his body. Wait no what, why you thinking of him anyway..? Gosh just stop being a dumb asshole and go to bed you thought but.. He was in your mind and you couldn’t let him go so. You went to the alleyway yall used to hang in when y’all were a couple, surprisedly he was there.
“Dazai, why you here huh?” You asked.
“Wondering same thing.. what you doing here?”
Dazai glared at you, it wasn’t — a mean glare. It was an insane glare. Its was clear that he was trying to do something, you guys stared at each other for a long time like he wanted to do something but— well didn’t he know you had a gun up and ready to shoot— the matter of time of hesitation you had was at 100%, you didn’t wanna hurt him. You just wanted it over with. Soon as you shot the soon he was gone in mist dark air in midnight quiet like a room empty, you in panic and look around and didn’t look get out of stance.
There he was.
With a knife and a bloody hole in his arm.You hurt him. He falls in the snow near two rocks almost banging his head on them but failed, you ran to him and lifted him up in your arms. “DAZAI PLEASE WAKE UP” you cried, but well known he was dead. In the cold snowy night.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
How They Say "I Love You" for the First Time
Just some thoughts about how each Stranger Things guy would tell you he loves you for the first time :) divider credits: @firefly-graphics
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Steve Harrington: Meeting His Parents
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You come home from work to see Steve sitting at the table, head in his hands, clearly distressed.
"What's wrong, babe?" you ask, rubbing his back gently.
He looks up at you with red-rimmed eyes. "My mom called," he explains, "and she wants me to come over for my dad's birthday."
You frown, knowing about your boyfriend's strained relationship with his parents from your many late-night talks. "What do you wanna do?"
"I don't know," he says finally. "I know I should go, but I can't stand to listen to him talk about what a failure I am for not going to college while my mom just sits there and does nothing."
You consider your response carefully before speaking. "What if I come with you?" you offer, not wanting to cross any bounds. "Only if you want."
"You'd do that for me?" His voice breaks slightly, in awe that someone would voluntarily risk getting caught in the Harrington family crossfires.
You nod, placing a kiss atop his head. "Of course, Steve. I'll be with you the whole time."
Steve stands up and pulls you in for a hug. "Baby, I love you so much."
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Billy Hargrove: Patching His Wounds
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Billy had changed a lot since you two had started dating: he had moved out of his house, away from his awful dad, allowing Max to stay over whenever she needed. He'd be trying to steer clear of fighting, especially now that he could be charged as an adult.
That was until he'd overheard someone talking about you; some prick who took one look at you in your short skirt and said to his buddy, "How much d'you wanna bet that I can get in that slut's panties?" The next thing anyone knew, Billy's fist was connecting with the guy's nose with a sickening crack. He probably would've kept going if you didn't pull him back.
Now you're back at his place, gently applying antiseptic to his bloodied knuckles. He hisses at the sting, instinctively withdrawing, but you pull him closer and keep dabbing.
"You don't have to fight for me," you tell him. "That loser wasn't worth all of this pain."
"Hell no," Billy says through gritted teeth. "Nobody talks that way about the woman I love and gets away with it."
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Eddie Munson: Post-Sex Cuddles
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It's no secret that Eddie Munson is touch-starved; he's constantly all over you. Fingers intertwined with yours when you're walking, an arm slung around your shoulder during a movie date, randomly kissing your forehead while you're hanging out with friends. Tonight, you're laying on the couch after exploring each other's bodies, soaking in the feeling of bringing each other such physical pleasure.
Your legs are lazily draped over his, head against his soft chest, gently rubbing his torso with your thumb. He presses his lips to your scalp.
"Can I tell you a secret?" he murmurs. "This is what I've always wanted."
You glance at him, kissing his jawline. "Mind-blowing sex?" you tease.
"That part's great," he agrees with a laugh, pulling you closer into him. "But the...holding you afterwards, it just feels so right."
"I know what you mean." You snuggle him, taking in the warmth from his body. "It feels especially right being with you."
"I think," Eddie starts, hesitating before hurtling into his true feelings. "I think it's because...because I'm in love with you."
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Jonathan Byers: Taking Your Photo
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One thing you and Jonathan initially bonded over was your love of peace and quiet. Both natural introverts, you could cuddle for hours without saying a word, just listening to the beating of his beautiful heart as you lay on his chest.
Even your hobbies centered around quiet, with Jonathan's love of photography and your penchant for reading novels. Right now, you're sitting under a tree, eyes scanning Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye, one of your favorite books. Jonathan is supposed to be photographing the meadow; instead, he keeps his camera trained on you.
"Jonathan!" you giggle, "I thought you said you wanted to get pictures of the flowers!"
"I do." he pouts, feigning frustration. "You're just so beautiful, y'know? I feel like I have to capture this moment."
You roll your eyes playfully. "You're ridiculous," you say, getting to your feet and pulling him in for a kiss.
He brushes your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. "Maybe," he admits shyly, "but it's only because I love you."
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Argyle: Brushing His Hair
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People might expect Argyle to blurt out his true feelings for you while under the influence of his favorite plant, but he's stone-cold sober when it happens.
You're both in his living room; you're sitting on the couch and he's on the floor beneath you. You've been playing with his hair for the last ten minutes, running your fingers through his long, silky locks.
"'S not fair," you mutter quietly. "How does my boyfriend have better hair than I do?"
He chuckles, shaking his head back and forth so his hair tickles your legs. "I think it's only fair that I have something, considering everything about you is perfect, babe."
You feel yourself blushing, like you always do when he gives you a compliment. It feels like he never runs out of sweet, romantic things to say to you. "Can I brush it?" you ask.
"Of course." He disappears into his bathroom, returning with his hairbrush in hand.
You start at the ends, gently combing out the knots. He closes his eyes and relaxes as you work your way up to the roots.
"I dunno how to say this...might sound weird," he says softly, "but I always feel, like, safe with you. Does that make sense?" He furrows his brows, worried at your response.
"I feel safe with you, too," you confide. "Like nothing can hurt me, because I have you to protect me."
"Exactly!" A smile lights up his face, sending electric shocks through your body. "Man, it's like I totally get it now."
"Get what?" you question, pausing your brushing.
"Get what everyone meant when they said that I'll just know when I'm in love."
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Elucien - The Key to Stopping a Civil War
“Vassa knows that the Queens of the Realm will be a threat until they are dealt with,” I said at last. Another tidbit that Lucien had told us. Well, Az and me at least. “But unless the queens step out of line, it’s not for us to face. If we sweep in, even to stop them from triggering another war, we’ll be seen as conquerors, not heroes. We need the humans in other territories to trust us, if we can ever hope to achieve lasting peace.” “Then perhaps Jurian and Vassa should deal with them. While Vassa is free to do so.” I’d contemplated it. Feyre and I had discussed it long into the night. Several times. “The humans must be given a chance to rule themselves. Decide for themselves. Even our allies.”
Rhys says if they can convince territories in the human lands to trust them, they can achieve lasting piece (in their world).
But the NC hasn't really done anything since the war to earn the humans trust.
It seems like Lucien has though....
Lucien shrugged. “First—here. To help. Then …” Another glance at Elain. “Who knows?” (here to help us referring to the mortal lands)
Lucien had remained behind to help with any of the human wounded still needing Fae healing, but had promised to come here when he finished
“He’s spent months helping them sort out the politics of who rules Prythian’s slice of the human lands,”
“She and Jurian are getting along?” I hadn’t seen them interact, could only imagine what the two of them would be like in the same room together. Both trying to lead the humans who occupied the sliver of land at the southernmost end of Prythian. Left ungoverned for so long. Too long. No king or queen remained in these lands. No memory of their name, their lineage.
He’s voluntarily living with them these days, and not just as an emissary. As their friend.”
But there is also the threat of the fae in other continents:
Indeed, Mor’s eyes shuttered. “They don’t want to sign the new treaty.”
I don’t think Vallahan is interested in peace. Or allying with us.”
“And the humans, despite those queens, are far weaker than we are. Pushing into human lands is low-hanging fruit. Montesere and Rask are likely thinking the same thing.” Cassian groaned skyward. That had been the fear during the recent war: that those three territories across the sea might ally with Hybern. Had they, there would have been no chance at all of survival. Now, even with Hybern’s king dead, its people remained angry. An army might be raised again in Hybern. And if it united with Vallahan, if Montesere and Rask joined with the goal of claiming more territory from the humans …
And those Fae don't seem to be interested in signing the peace treaty the NC put together with help from their allies.
“I’m Lucien. Courtier and emissary.
had always been good at talking to people
a pattern of thinking and feeling that was old, and clever,
Like Rhys, he usually opted for words to win his battles,
There was a reason he had that fox mask, you know.”
“My sister Elain can convince anyone to do anything with a few smiles.”
rather than letting it deign to gift her with power, as it had with Elain.
Elain, who it had gifted with such powers, found her so lovely it had wanted to give her something … It would not harm Elain, even in its hunt to reclaim what had been taken.
and friends: those two half-wraiths who worked in Rhysand’s household. But those things had always come easily to her sister. Had always made Elain special.
Her gaze shifted to the carved wooden rose she’d placed upon the mantel, half-hidden in the shadows beside a figurine of a supple-bodied female, her upraised arms clasping a full moon between them. Some sort of primal goddess—perhaps even the Mother herself. Nesta hadn’t let herself dwell on why she’d felt the need to set the rose there. Why she hadn’t just thrown it in a drawer.
she pulled the small, carved rose from her pocket and set it upon the gravestone. A permanent marker of the beauty and good he’d tried to bring into the world.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea that Elucien will put a stop to the unrest across their lands, just in time to unite their people for whatever threat Prythian will face from outside their world.
It had belonged to a true Fae High King in Prythian, as there had been in Hybern. He had united the lands, its people—and for a while, with that sword, peace had reigned
“Very well then, Rhysand.” Amren also turned from the desk and the blades Rhys’s magic now sheathed and set upon the surface. “But know that the Cauldron’s benevolence will be extended to you only for so long before it is offered to another."
from Lucien’s goodness.
“He is a good male,” I repeated.
Lucien is loyal—fiercely so.”
It doesn't seem coincidental that we learned of the Daglan in ACOSF, the original masters of their land who were banished from their world under the rule of the first High King. And in CC2 are told of the Asteri who have desired finding their way back to the original world they came from but can no longer remember the location of. A world Bryce may have just opened a portal too.
To me, it does make sense that High King would not necessarily be the one with the most power (checks and balances and all that) but one who has the ability to rally humans, the Prythian fae and those on other continents.
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puppywritesthings · 9 months
'tis the damn season (dayasco)
Read on AO3
Merry ficmas @snowflakenali. I hope you enjoy!
Christmas could easily be considered bittersweet for Bosco.
Ever since they officially moved out, life has definitely gotten easier. They went "no-contact" with their family -- or at least one side of them, the ones that would have had a heart attack seeing her take progesterone--, and they could live much more authentically. Money wasn’t too much of an issue: she had a few roommates and was used to supporting herself financially. Sure, she could wish her job paid more and that she didn't have to fake a smile whenever certain regulars came in, but other than that, things were good!
Bosco trudged into the kitchen and made herself a pot of coffee. As a barista, it felt nice to make drinks voluntarily and charge ten dollars for a cup. They weren’t huge on having all of the bells and whistles that come with their line of work, but they were nice sometimes. Sometimes a girl wants a glorified milkshake, and that’s okay. Today, however, was a black coffee day. No cream, no sugar. Just the bitter taste that woke her up in the morning.
Bosco had heard talks about one of the housemates getting an espresso machine; the possibility of it being a Christmas gift, however, was up in the air.
While in the middle of taking her first sip, she felt something shoved into her face. She couldn't quite tell what it was until she looked up, seeing her partner holding the plant with a mischievous, sly look on her face. “Mistletoe… subtle.” Bosco deadpanned before taking another sip. “Are you gonna put that in the doorway, or keep hanging it in front of my face until I kiss you?”
Daya dramatically sighed, nearly flinging the mistletoe onto the floor. “Ugh, fine…” She sauntered towards the door before stopping herself in her tracks, making a small U-turn back to the kitchen table. “Please?” She pleaded, putting on the puppy dog eyes as best as she could.
Bosco stood up, sighing back at her before laughing. "I guess I have to... since you love me and all." The blonde then pulled Daya into a kiss, tasting the peppermint on her tongue and wishing she’d dolled herself up a bit earlier. Camden and Willow wouldn’t have been too surprised seeing Daya covered in kiss marks like she was in a Mickey Mouse cartoon, but it felt too early for all the affection.
In fact, if Bosco could be completely honest with himself, they weren’t feeling the Christmas spirit at all. They pulled out of the kiss and let Daya hang the mistletoe in the doorway. 
“Thanks, babe!” The brunette cheekily stuck her tongue out before heading back to the kitchen, making her own cup of coffee from the still warm pot Bosco made. “Do you know if anyone’s coming over tonight? At least on your side of the family?”
Bosco paused in her tracks then shook her head. Of the people she still talked to, they had their own events going on. Her parents were hosting their own party with work friends, and Irene was spending Christmas in New York with their partner and all of her friends. Strangely enough, Bosco wasn’t asked to join any of them back in Montana or in the Big Apple. Part of it just felt off, and strangely melancholic for the holidays. 
“I guess we’ll have the house to ourselves then.”
“What about Cam –”
“She flew back to London this morning. Willow drove her to the airport while you were asleep. Speaking of, they’re gonna spend the night at Kerri’s and do shrooms. If that isn’t a better way to spend the holidays, then I don’t know what is!”
“I don’t know… maybe being cooped up indoors watching Die Hard and debating the whole time whether or not it’s a real Christmas movie.”
“Come on, Boscy, it’s as real of a Christmas movie as Batman Returns is!”
“I see your point with Batman Returns, but Die Hard? Seriously?” Bosco asked as her red and green acrylic nails poked into the square labeled 24 on the advent calendar on the wall. They took the chocolate from inside and debated popping it into her mouth. It was shaped like a little stocking, decorated with more chocolate embellishing onto the sock. She quickly popped it into her mouth. While she chewed, her eyes widened with a realization. 
The chocolate into her mouth wasn't good per say, but she hadn't fully realized the artifice of it until just now. It was cheaply made, fattening, and she shouldn't have even been hungry. The coffee should have suppressed any appetite she had.
Mass didn't start for another few hours and the Feast of Seven Fishes... why was she even eating? But then the realization hit her: she hadn't been to a midnight mass in years.
"I don't get it," Bosco said as the chocolate stocking melted in her mouth.
“Don’t get what?”
"I cut them off, but I still kind of miss them?"
“Babe babe babe, cut who off?” The realization hit Daya a little bit longer than she should. How could she be this stupid? “Is it because…”
“Partially,” Bosco replied. “It’s mostly from just super dumb things…. Things I shouldn’t be feeling around the holidays. I mean, I know it’s basically illegal to be sad around Christmas, but if that’s the case, arrest me now.”
Daya could only laugh at her girlfriend, even though what she was saying was completely serious. "I wouldn't if I couldn't, babe."
"I mean... I know there's people here, but I can't help feeling alone today. It's stupid but --"
"But you're not alone." Daya got up from the kitchen and pulled Bosco into a hug. "I mean, I know you know that. You don't have to go through all the bells and whistles of a traditional Christmas if you don't want to."
“Can we just order Chinese and call it a day?” Bosco asked.
"Sounds good to me," Daya replied before kissing her girlfriend on the cheek. "How does Die Hard sound?" She joked.
Bosco pretended to consider it for a moment before nodding their head. "Die Hard is fine."
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