#and since this series is so underrated i don't expect to get more than 10 notes for this :P
apparently-artless · 4 months
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♡ 14 Days to Fall in Love ♡
with: @mokacheer
↪ Day 5: Only for you ✦ Iris Zero
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cakegatedisaster · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
I hope you understand how exceptionally difficult this question is. But alas, I will try my best.
Ten characters are a lot and I have no way of rating them, so I'm going to talk about my favorite 9 characters, then my favorite of all time.
10. Magnus Bane, from the Shadowhunters series and TV show. I love this man. SO MUCH. He is an immortal warlock with a soft spot for black hair and blue eyes. Those books were some of the first YA I ever read, and Magnus and Alec, his husband, we're the first queer relationship I became obsessed with.
9. Percy Jackson, my king. This man. God how I love this man. Percy was my first favorite character in any media. When I first read PJO, I aped through those books in a week, then the next series, then the next. Today, I've read all those books and own each physical copy. When the TV show comes out, I do NOT apologize for the person I will become.
8. Bryan Stark, from the DRAMA series by Paul Ruditiz. I have never seen someone online talk about these books, and it's a damn shame. Read the first two when I was in 6th grade, and since then I've reread the series more times than I can count. Bryan is just such an entertaining character. The author managed to make him gay without making that all his character is. Such an underrated book.
7. Kaz Brekker. Sigh. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a thing for traumatized men, and this boy fits the bill. He's just. I don't have the words. He is so smart, which automatically makes a person a great character for me, but he's also so mean, which makes me love him more. He cares so much about his love, but has no clue how to display that. Which is my type. I have issues. And of course Six of Crows is one of my all time favorite books.
6. Draco Malfoy. Okay, I know there's some major controversy with anything dealing with Harry Potter stuff, which I get, but that will not stop me from enjoying content about the characters. Now, it's not so much canon Draco that I enjoy as much as it is FANON Draco. His character got smugged horribly in the original material, and I love seeing people's interpretations of him as a character outside of what he was written as. I ship him with Harry, and the amount of fanfiction that I have consumed is ridiculous at this point.
5. Klaus Mikaelson, from the Originals. I watched Vampire Diaries, liked it, but my favorite character from that show was Klaus. There's just something about a man who's willing to rip out the hearts of hundreds of people for his family, for his child, that just hits right in my brain. Love this man with all my heart.
4. Andrew FUCKING Minyard, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone knows he was going to be up here somewhere. Many are likely shocked he's not at number one. A year ago, he would've been. When I read All for the Game, I really was not expecting so much to come out of it. I formed my entire Tumblr personality around it, read millions of words of fanfiction, and wrote MY first fanfiction for the series. I've daydreamed hours and hours of content that will never actually see the light of day, used it in school assignments. And the entire time, I loved one Andrew Minyard. Again, big thing for the traumatized boys, and my God does this poor thing take the cake. He's one of the most interesting, compelling, and agonizing characters I've seen in any fictional media.
3. Laurent De Vere, from the Captive Prince trilogy. Oooof, finally in the top three's. Debating between him and Andrew for this spot was so hard, but ultimately, I feel like the author fleshed Laurent's character out more. This man is so goddamn smart. And I would jump in front of a train for pretty petty bitchy smart sad characters. This series had the misfortune of being read a month before aftg, so it was sadly swept up in the storm that came after it. But now, looking back and remembering the experience of reading those books for the first time, I just keep thinking about how often I had to put my book down, or risk throwing it across the room, that's how insane those books are. I love this sad boy and all his trauma.
2. Bruce Wayne, or Batman. GOD this is hard. But I've been a Batman lover since I was a little girl. This man has some major issues, and a dependency on a fur suit and children decorated in circus colors. He has a weird queer-coded relationship with a killer clown. His character shifts so much that between one comic issue and the next I can go from wanting to strangle him to wanting to hug him tight and never let go. I don't think I could fix him, and I don't think there's much making him worse, but maybe I could get him into therapy???
1. Jason. Todd. The Red Hood. My baby, my child, the love of my life. Sigh. First place was never a question for me; even growing up with Batman, Jason was a more recent discovery and one I'm thankful for every day. This boy was sold to a mass murderer clown by his mother, beaten near death with a crowbar, and blown to bits. He was brought back, only to find out that his adopted dad not only didn't avenge him but changed absolutely nothing, putting another kid in the exact same spot he was in. Oh yeah, and being brought back required a trip into a nasty green pit that screwed up his head. And now, video games are making him look 40, comic writers KEEP killing him, no one can decide what his whole thing is supposed to be, and they gave him a FUCKING CROWBAR TO PATROL GOTHAM WITH. WHAT THE FUCK. So yeah, Jason needs some love.
And that's ten of my favorite characters in no particular order. As I'm finishing this, I'm thinking of like 20 other characters who could've gone on this list, but I'm happy with this for now.
Thank for the ask!
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fairymint · 1 year
10 thru 15!
Are there any fandom(s) you avoid roleplaying in?
not overtly? this question to me implies a 'rotten egg' fandom, but I avoid muns more than series; bullies that lash out consistently, bigots, and apologists all share the 'don't step on my eggshells!!!!' hypocrisy when met with criticism- it doesn't matter how well behaved I am when explaining.
Antisemitism is the biggest No, however. My tastes have honestly outgrown anything written by an antisemite, and come to think of it, sexist/transphobic tropes. There's media I won't engage with of course, no more no less.
What made you start wanting to roleplay?
Last go around an RP group caught the attention of my favourite deviantartist...or maybe a member invited me? That was back in 2010, and pkmn-crossing was all anthros in a chatroom.
This time around I found the RP community through a friend (that wrote cheren), and just kinda....started messing with lysandres. The popular demand and attention was high, so my personal got remade into an RP blog after I got overwhelmed, aha. So, making people laugh? I've never intended for Felix or I to improve or develop, actually, but I'm glad that i have.
RPing is the most time-friendly hobby that I have- I can get satisfied or something 'done' in mere minutes where I often avoid doing tasks before work; compared to flipping on a video game where i need hours. So, it's addictive in that sense where the commitment isn't high-stakes; if i get distracted for 5 minutes it's fine!
Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as? 
hmmm as a general rule, I desire to play whoever the community needs, I'd love to play sb underrated- but largely speaking muses Come to Me- It's been years since I RPed a character On Purpose, and it was Colress for a lil while- before i ever played BW2 and apparently nailed his portrayal from wiki alone!
The other day I did express some mild interest in RPing as N. i think the plan for now is maybe trying to develop the new muses I already have; Rex, Cynthia, and Arven are big ones.
But, knowing me, I'm gonna end up with some new random-ass muse before i get anything new done. Cutting icons for Adaman is probably something I should consider committing to since his muse is kinda quiet, as well. some other asshole's gonna pop up though, I just know it.
Are you interested in creating an oc and roleplaying as them?
oh always; I have several OCs in line for making pokemon verses of, need to get their bios done. Rex, Cassi, and Amadeus are big players here; and Magnus has finally translated well to pokemon. I may make a grunt or admin/leader for my Alpha Wolves team; although being based on literal bigotry it might just be played for laughs w/ the grunt.
And of course, Felix's kids're kinda half-baked by default- specifying their lineage for threads always sounds fun.
What are your thoughts on duplicates?
Oh please, I adore duplicates completely! My ADHD brain craves not just the variety in general between headcanons, but the individual familiar vibes of each alt! I feel pretty much zero amount threatened; to tell the truth my own muses don't always behave in the way I'd 'expect' the character to, so it's entirely possible for a duplicate to have the headcanons closest to what I have- or something similar! And that type of metacognition makes me feel safer anyways; I'll read a line or see a canon detail and go 'oh people are definitely gonna interpret this as A or B' so the 'result' doesn't seem so scary, if that makes sense.
I barely can decide on headcanons to begin with anyways- I'm extremely openminded so long as things aren't too legitimately gross.
What’s your impression on blogs who are selective/private?
Well, generally speaking I just assume the person is shy, or has crippling social anxiety. my rejection sensitive dysphoria is really, really bad- I don't often seek out these kinds of blogs with high hopes and get flattered when i do get their attention!
but, and I hate to say it, that I do watch my mutuals like a hawk- before we ever had a checker, I would check. Breaking mutuals with me noticably is an unfollow, and if followbacks never happen, it's on borrowed time (usually a month or few.) This is really just because I don't have much brainspace in me for being a 'fan' for the time being; nobody is obligated to do anything for me, but I try to do my best to nurture and encourage my own wants and needs too so that I don't get frustrated and sink too far down with my mental health. I'm happy to help people, but the risk of making somebody uncomfortable is a worry, too. I rarely keep nonmutuals- and when I do it tends to be just to read their writing with little intent to send things in or like posts.
But, of course there's blogs here and there whose rules might piss me off (especially if it's oxymoronic to my own blog.), I roll my eyes and move on without following. I try not to dwell on it, figure that they'll learn in their own time, and also try to keep quiet as far as they're concerned and off their radar while simultaneously having fun as usual and making general presence for myself- I don't provide dash commentary for non-mutuals to avoid confusion and/or 'butting in' to conversations that aren't 'mine.' It's not my job to try to convince em. and if it happens, my work will show them and I needn't engage and make it a Thing.
I have points of selectivity myself, so in a general sense I do get it. though mine are generally exhaustion, fairness, and attitude based; I try to avoid situations where:
somebody is dependent on me for their mental health (this includes entertainment/boredom) especially in a time-sensitive way.
somebody will fight with me, because I don't hold back
somebody will hurt me or others and can't be talked down- either because they want to hurt, or don't want to listen/change.
but I've pretty much only blocked regular partners for barging angrily into my DMs without warning, harassing me for threads/voice calls (by asking excessively if i was in the mood for them at inappropriate times), and trying to justify calling Felix a 'trap' when politely asked not to (my transition was fresh and scary- was not in the mind for slurs at the time.) otherwise I try to be chill overall, aaaa.
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punderfulowl · 3 years
Top 10 Anime (That I've Seen) in 2020
Well now, it has certainly been awhile. I'm currently sitting at eight months too late for posting this, but, y'know, something something life happens. More accurately, I already made this list, but wanted to try out what response I'd get from Reddit. Turns out, they're not as cool as you guys!
Anyways, as the title states, this is not a list of my favorite anime that came out during 2020, but instead my favorite anime that I just so happen to see during that year. While it's fun to have an end of the year retrospective, I find that having a list in this format not only adds variety, but also helps bring attention to anime that might have been lost in the shuffle in previous years (I also don't have enough time to stay caught up in seasonal releases).
Honorable mentions:
Aggretsuko S3, My Hero Academia S4, Today's Menu For the Emiya Family, Interspecies Reviewers (yes, really), and I Couldn't Become a Hero So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job
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10. Maid-Sama (2010)
In hindsight, I find it a bit funny that I wanted to watch something wholesome to kick off 2020. Anyway, Maid-Sama is about a high school girl that is also a no nonsense Class President and she kind of has to be at a school where, until recently, was an all boys school. While she kills it in academics and is good at shutting down any shenanigans from the male student body, her financial situation isn't the greatest and has to balance a job at a maid cafe along with her school-related responsibilities. She does her best to hide her employment there to keep up appearances, but is one day found out by one of the boys who happens to be a big flirt and, yeah, hijinks ensue. While this anime doesn't have too many surprises, our main leads bounce off each other well enough to keep me entertained. Nothing I haven't seen already in other anime Rom-Coms, but I think it has more than earned its place at the start of this list.
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9. Haganai NEXT (2013)
It's a personal rule of mine when making these lists that I don't include sequels of shows that were in previous lists. While I DID see the first season of Haganai a couple of years ago, it didn't quite make it into the top ten at that time. Because of that, it meets the criteria for this year's list. While I found the characters were just as charming here as I did during the first season, the development of their relationships really took off. It's a shame that it will most likely not get a third season, but I'm happy with what ride this show gave me. But hey! At least I can read the light novels/manga to continue the story! Wait, nevermind, the Haganai fans on Reddit are saying that's a bad idea.
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8. Engaged to the Unidentified (2014)
Based off of a Four Panel joke manga, Engaged to the Unidentified tells the story of a girl in high school suddenly getting some life changing news. As it turns out, her grandfather made an arranged engagement with her and the son of a family he knew. Next thing she knows, the boy in question, as well as his little sister, moves into her family's house! While the boy is unassuming at first, there may be more to him and his family than he lets on. Plain and simple, this anime has charmed me. There's a decent amount of drama and mystery despite the source material and I applaud it! Even though this also doesn't have much new to offer, even to the point where I would compare this to Maid-Sama, what made me pick this at the 8th spot were the color choices and animation quality. Give this a shot if you can!
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7. Grimoire of Zero (2017)
It's a fantasy/adventure story starring a loli sorcerer and a huge, anthropomorphic white tiger man. I honestly can't say anything else. I won't be able to do it justice. That first sentence should intrigue you a lease a little bit. Read it, again. Please check it out. It's an underrated gem that no one is talking about.
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6. ID: Invaded (2020)
Hey, here's something recent! Unfortunately, this is also not something I can say much about. There may not be too many deep characters and the secret bad guy isn't hard to figure out, but BOY is this anime cool! The best way to describe this series is that it's like the movie Inception, but instead of brain heists, it's brain murder mysteries.
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5. Carole and Tuesday (2019)
A runaway rich girl has a fated meeting with an orphan and they decide to make music together...oh, this also takes place Mars. Joking aside, this show was something special with its music (a new song almost every episode no less), interesting setting (freaking Mars, dude), and endearing main cast. Shoot, the music itself would be top 3, maybe number 1, but what bogs it down is the show's second half. I can easily see myself watching this again someday, and maybe my opinion will lighten up, but for now, 5 is a dang good spot.
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4. Fate/Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front - Babylonia (2019)
Part of me hesitates placing this high up on list due to this show being animated, fan service spectacle for Fate fans. However, that hesitation is overshadowed by the fact that I am a Fate fan myself and I can do whatever I want with this list. Even if you're not a Fate fan or play FGO, if you enjoy some solid fight animation, this is worth a look.
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3. K-On S1 (2009)
I'll admit it, I might regret not watching the second season then putting the series on the list as a whole, but this how I've been doing these lists and I'm such a creature of habit. There's not much I can say about K-On that hasn't already been said. By itself it's an anime classic and one of Kyo-ani's biggest properties. It's a sweet and wholesome watch, but be sure to have some insulin within reach.
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2. Princess Principal (2017)
Imagine you're working with a team of programmers trying to make a mobile game then all of a sudden someone asks to make a show out of it. You know, a show with different character motivations, plot, twist and turns and all that? Most might say that's just a shameless, shallow cash grab, but it turns out okay for Princess Principal. Sure, most might summarize this anime as, "cute girls doing espionage things," but with its cast, visuals, and interesting alternative timeline, it works! Apparently there's a new season or movie in the works and I am all for it!
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1. Beastars (2019)
I was not expecting this to be number one, but with much deliberation (with myself obviously) this feels right. It tells a pretty unique story while showing itself to be the exception to the rule when it comes to 3D anime.....it being that it's actually good. While I acknowledge that shows like K-On are classics and deserves to be number one on many different lists, it didn't line up with my personal criteria like Beastars did. My biggest deciding factor is: Now that I've watched this, do I want more? It's true that while I'm excited to start K-On S2, Beastars intrigues me more and ever since season two was announced, I'm looking forward to that more.
Sorry again for this list being so late, but at least the silver lining is that the next end of the year list is about four months away (in theory)!
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MY personal taste in FINAL FANTASY games
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Beautiful and Depressing. My favorite game of all time. ZIDANE is literally the only protagonist in FF history that actually changes people lives. The art syle of this game makes you think the whole story is going to be lighthearted when it really isn't. The music is As good as its art syle. It captures the aesthetics perfectly. Vivi character development is very well done (even if he has a short life span). My favorite part is Zidane depression. When the music starts playing and all his friends want to be there for him as he was for them, and when Steiner seeds you as a comrade/friend the feels start kicking in. The ending is bittersweet and Melodies of Life is a perfect song with beautiful lyrics. 10/10 😘👌
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So many characters in this game. Kefka being the best villain in the series and the music is god tier. The opera scene is literally the best thing in the series. Terra being a cute and Adorable waifu material character as well as Celes. And the fact that they lose when Kefka blows the world to ruins is something that amazes me, because the party members lose, but their is still hope. My only problem is Shadow killing himself and not saying anything to his Daughter. 9/10
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Ok but, seriously why wouldn't I put this on my list. Obviously its overrated. I remember playing this game for the 1st time and it still gets me in tears. The music is ominous and tear jerking. Cloud and Tifa relationship is the best in the series. (Yeah im a CLOTI shipper) And i know that there is a love triangle in this game, (which i hate a lot). Aerith dying is something that hits you when you first play it but imagine it in the remake when she dies🥺. The characters are amazing (especially Vincent and Tifa ☺). The only think i dislike about the remake was those stupid ghost things. It felt like KH shit. But overall its an amazing game. 9/10
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🤧 This one broke me. Yuna and Tidus romance together was so beautiful. It ls hard not to cry in this game, especially since Yuna sweet adorable is a sacrifice for a monster that comes around every 10 years to Spira. Riku being best character in the game. Her personality is basically Yuffie but a little bit shyer. The music is different than i expected. Its not a serious ost like others its a calm atmospheric ost. Captures the "By the Sea" vibes since its basically what the game is actually being. My only problem is its a linear game. 8/10
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I REALLY like this game.😗 Its underrated gem, Lenna,Faris,Bartz,Krile,Galuf, even EXDEATH was interesting. The job system is very fun to use. Favorite moment is when Galuf is fighting EXDEATH on his own, the music playing while fighting him 😩❤, and when he dies, my god it hits me harder than Aerith dying. There not much dialogue in this game but its overall its a mix of FFIX and FFVII in a way of funny and Heartbreaking. 8/10
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Squall is too RELATABLE even as an adult he still the most relatable FF character. His Inner monologue is hilarious and depressing. And for a game with angsty teen romance, its beautiful well done. I actually do like the DRAW system in this game, people complaining about that annoys me to no end. The opening is still great the graphics as well. Eyes on me is another song done well by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu. I just wish they focused more on the side characters as well because Selphie was adorable ASF in this game. 8/10
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I think the only reason why i played this was because of Balthier and Fran. 🥰(AKA Balthier is the real protagonist). This game was kinda Star Wars which i kinda don't mind. The story was pretty good, I was always into the whole social class and poverty thing. (I don't remember much about this game i gotta reply it). If one thing i have to say is the battle system is very mmorpg. Which is something I'm not really into. Balthier and Fran are like the hottest couple in FF along side Cloud and Tifa. Vaan and Penelo kinda suck tbh i find them just a plot device. I would rather have Larsa as a whole party member.As for Ashe and Basch, there roles in the story was amazing. 7/10
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Lightning is hot😍. This game has problems but after playing it in Japanese i think it's 100 times better. VANILLE sounds 10× better in Japanese, in the US version she sounds like she's having an orgasm every time she speaks. The music at the end sounds nicer than the MY HANDS shit that plays at the end. The battle system is alright but its too linear more than FFX. Lightning character development is my favorite in the series. The second game and the third game sucked. I mean i like Noel is a good character better than Snow and Caius is my favorite villain in the series or in any game. He just wanted to protect Yuel.😢 The graphics are amazing specially for a game that came out in 2009 or so. 6/10
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My First Final Fantasy game. It still wholes up as one of the greatest ones. Cecil being the first protagonist to have a tragic story. Kain being a good friend to Cecil even if he is jealous of him for having Rosa. Btw this love triangle is better than FFVII love triangle. I still think Kain should've gotten Rosa instead. The DS version is the best but hardest one out of which ever you play it on. Rydia being my favorite character in the game and her romance with Edge, even if i didnt play the trilogy story. 8/10
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I didn't really like this game tbh. Nomura should've added at least one girl in the party. (I don't think Aranea counts). The entire road trip game is ok and all but it didn't fit the whole FINAL FANTASY feel. At least Noctis wasn't the entire being a dick thing. He was just a spoiled brat until he lost his father thats when he he changes. The romance in this game sucked ass so much. I didn't care if Luna died. Nomura can't really tell stories honestly. 5/10 🙄
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lovelytarou · 3 years
late night rendezvous
— in which suna rintarou invites you to a late night drive
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pairing: suna rintarou x reader
genre: fluff, a lil angst
tags: suna waking you up at midnight to drive, late night driving basically, just you two being goofballs at midnight
a/n: i based this from the suna drabble i wrote a while back and it keeps nagging on my brain to write it. was actually gonna post it for his birthday but it's already the 26th at 2am here ://
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suna didn't expect his party to be wild this year. granted, he should have expected the twins planning one without his knowing. leave it up to them to cause mischief and be the biggest party people he has ever known.
it was crazy, to say the least. he had recognized a few people who were in the party – his teammates, classmates, schoolmates, even past relationships and acquaintances he most certainly isn't aware the twins invited. he even spotted a few volleyball opponents they fought before and wished him a happy birthday.
he was surrounded by all of this people but his mind is looking for another person.
the twins couldn't have forgotten about you, could they? you're just as close to them as he is.
“what’s up, sunarin?” atsumu patted him on the back rather harshly, making him stumble a few steps forward.
he swear to the gods, his strength can be abnormal sometimes.
“have you seen y/n by any chance?” he asked, neck craning to and fro like a giraffe, “you invited them, right?”
“about that...” atsumu winced at suna’s harsh glare.
“we sort of...forgot?”
suna gave him a deadpan look.
“really? of all people, you forgot about them?” atsumu could only whine in return as he profusely apologized to the birthday boy.
deciding to ditch the party, he got out of the crowded house brimming with music and alcohol and got inside his car. he fished his phone from his pocket and immediately messaged you.
what he didn't realize was that it was basically 2am in the morning, and it's a weekday. you're probably asleep by now, suna thought. but will that ever stop him? nope.
cursing under his breath, he pocketed his phone and drove away.
the series of knocks stirred you from your peaceful slumber. after doing a shit ton of tasks, you immediately headed straight to bed, completely forgetting about giving your gift to your boyfriend – who forgot to invite you for his party. you slept with a slight ache in your chest upon seeing the posts the twins have on their socials and can't help but feel a little jealous.
the knocks ranged from gentle to hurried bangs on your window. huffing through your nose in irritation, you rolled over to the other side and peeked an eye. you almost had a heart attack when you saw who was looking through the glass.
“for fuck's sake, rin, you scared the shit out of me! some of us need to sleep for 8-10 hours, you know,” you scolded him, keeping your voice down as to not wake the people in your house, a bewildered look in your face as you take him in.
he's dressed handsomely and you guessed the twins forced him to because he doesn't really like to put much effort into his clothes, but he looks great in them always.
“i missed you,” he blurted, eyes searching your sleep-laced ones as he reached for your hand.
“we didn't see each other all day, i figured we can catch up now?” he offered, biting on his lower lip. he knows you might say no considering how late it is but he was also hoping you would say yes.
he wanted to end his day with a memorable moment with you.
“at 2 in the morning, rintarou?” you gave him an exasperated look but the thump in your heart and the voice inside your head convincing you that you've got nothing to lose is louder than any logical reasoning right now.
“alright, i'll get ready in five minutes.” you pecked him on the cheek, pushing his chest slightly as suna mouthed a yes before climbing off your window.
honestly, you don't know how he does that.
you sneaked to your door after getting ready and made sure you locked it again before joining suna in his car.
once you sat down on the passenger's seat, suna did not hesitate to capture your lips with his. the kiss seemed to stretched on for hours, his lips tasting like the alcohol he consumed in the party and faint smell of smoke. you giggled against his lips before pulling away.
“go eat some mint, your breath stinks!” you teased, nose wrinkling in mock disgust.
suna rolled his eyes, “says the one who has morning breath,”
the insulted look in your face made him cackle loudly inside the car as he pulled out of the driveway, his hand supporting your seat behind your head.
you fumbled with your seatbelt for a moment and suna seemed to have noticed it as his hands replaced yours and slid it down gently with a click. his hair tickled your neck as his face was so close to you, you can smell his perfume and him.
“if you keep looking at me that, we won't be going anywhere, baby.” he smirked, catching your eyes staring at his exposed chest that's been revealed by his shirt.
gulping down your saliva, you just smacked his arm in retaliation, earning another laugh from your boyfriend.
“just shut up and drive, rintarou.”
and so he did. suna connected his phone to his car and turned up the music. your eyes widened in realization as you recognized the song, or specifically the playlist. it was something the two of you made one boring afternoon. you were just playing around and adding iconic songs and some underrated ones to a playlist named after the two of you. you didn't know he would keep it and play it now.
suna had a faint smile on his face once the first few notes of the song played. he hummed to the music, fingers drumming on the stirring wheel. you yourself is tapping yours on your lap, but later, suna interlaced his free hand with yours and squeezing it lightly.
you enjoyed this moment more than anything. maybe it's because you just woke up and it's literally in the early morning and suna dragged you out of bed and you're still a little drowsy, but this all feels like a dream. something you don't wanna wake up from. it might be the city lights cascading down the road, the empty streets you passed, or the fact that the world is most likely asleep at the moment and getting to share it with him of all people is truly something magical.
as you were crossing a bridge, you felt the urge to turn down the window on your side, letting the wind hit your face as you closed your eyes. you danced to the music, albeit stupidly, but you didn't care. you sang loudly to your heart's content but you might be singing the words wrong, yet in suna's eyes, as you scream into the night, with your hair being ruffled by the wind and the city lights flickering behind you – he can't help the laugh bubbling out of him, because god, how did he get so lucky to have you?
you urged him to dance with you to the song and he did so although you made fun of him and his robotic moves. you spent the whole ride just singing and goofing off in the night.
after a while, you guys stopped at a restaurant to get some food before going home. by the time suna drove to your house, it was almost 6am. he forgot he still had practice later, but when he's with you, you're the only thing that mattered to him.
in the end, suna ended up showing you how he was able to climb up your window and even tagged you along with it. you almost fell and broke a leg but good thing your troublemaker of a boyfriend was there.
“so, i guess this is goodnight?” suna sighed forlornly as he sat at your windowsill.
“more like good morning to me,” you chuckled, staring down at your linked hands that are both refusing to let go. “i had fun tonight, rin –oh wait! i almost forgot!”
he was left confused when you suddenly ran around your room looking for something until you emerged with a small neatly wrapped box in your hands.
“for me? y/n, you really didn't have to,” he scratched his neck as he stared at the gift.
“just open it, rin!”
you bounced in place as you watch his face closely while opening the gift.
“is this real? how did you–” he got the camera out of the box, you had gifted him a polaroid since you saw how he loves to ‘document’ things so much and you figured he might want to make a lot of memories, hopefully with you in them as well.
“y/n, i love it. i love you,” he then wrapped you in his arms, his chest feeling warm and fuzzy with overwhelming love for you.
“i love you too, and i'm glad you did or else all the money i've saved up for will be useless.” you teased, smiling fondly at him as he examined the polaroid camera.
“this is the best birthday ever,” he leaned for a kiss, tilting his head to deepen it. you soon have to pull yourselves away before it got any late.
“now go home, rin!” you practically shoved him out of your window, he went in for one last kiss before hopping off.
he walked towards his car but before he get inside he looked back to you.
“i'll take to you to lunch later!”
you rolled your eyes, knowing full well suna's going to be sleeping in til the afternoon.
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magneticflower · 3 years
Ooo, I'm gonna go crazy a bit with the TV asks (sorry not sorry) but: 2, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 19, 35, 41, 50 & 51!
TV Show Game Asks
This took me a good minute to finally answer so I apologize for that and I also apologize because I got super long-winded as usual. I'll put like everything after the first two questions under readmore so I don't clutter the dash sjsjs. Thank you so much for sending so many! They were fun to think about and answer. Hopefully, my answers are coherent sjsj
2. if you could have saved one TV show from cancellation, which one would it be?
This is by far the easiest because Anne With An E deserved it's five seasons and I will forever hate netflix and CBC for robbing us of it
6. which shows do you think are underrated and need more love?
Hmmmmm, well recently I've been rewatching Baby Daddy which was a show on ABC that had the iconic Melissa Peterman on it and it's just sitcom gold. It's super ridiculous and all the characters are messy in their own beautiful ways. It's super fun whilst also having some SERIOUS pining going on that just works. I'm really enjoying rewatching since it has been so long and I forgot everything. I forgot how good it was.
For a newer show, I think Only Murders in the Building is pretty underrated for how good it is--- like I know it's got a fair amount of people watching it but definitely feels like it hasn't quite hit on tumblr like some other shows have even though it is just SO good. I never expected the trio of Steve, Martin, and Selena to be so good but they work together flawlessly and it's such a fun murder mystery comedy that has a really unique tone to it.
8. do you prefer week-to-week content, or just binging all in one go?
For new series, I think I actually prefer the week-to-week content because the experience last longer and there's more time to digest episodes and to engage in creating and discussing content. When it's all released at once, it feels like you have to race to finish it otherwise you're gonna get spoilers or you're gonna miss the chance to discuss it if you want and I've realized that that actually is just not a fun experience and ruins the journey of consuming the series. I much prefer getting a week to process an episode rather than having to binge it all at once just so you get to see it all before it is spoiled for you.
For old series, I love to go on a good old binge of it just relive it.
10. what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate?
I was excited to get new a/tla verse content way back in the day when Iegend of k*rra was released but it absolutely was a letdown and ruined a lot of the original lore and characters and I rue the day it ever showed up
15. do you feel like there are any overrated TV show formats?
(This kinda goes hand-in-hand with the previous question) After numerous letdowns, I have decided that spinoff/sequel series with an entirely new generation or with the former generation as just background stand-ins for when they're deemed plot-worthy enough to make an appearance should just be stopped. The original characters are always disrespected or disregarded in some fashion too and it sucks.
I have yet to see one really do any justice to the source material and more often than not it ends up contradicting it in such an egregious way that it sours a lot of what made the original series special because people start waving around the new contradictory materials as something you MUST agree with even if it is a terrible new take or it ruins old characters/concepts.
I hate that I can't go into tags for the original series of shows that have sequels without having to see the nonsense the new show has thrown into the mix that totally ruins the original canon content or characters and I wish they'd would just stop making them in general. They're never as good as the original.
16. do you feel like there are any underrated TV show formats?
I don't know if this counts as like a format or whatever but I think that kdramas have it right by having the stories of their shows already figured out in its entirety before it's released. Sure, you usually only get one season of the show and it's usually only around 16 to 20 episodes but I'd rather have a show know where it is going than end up like a show that has to keep constantly find new ways to drag out the story because they want to get renewed for another season even if the series doesn't need it. Like, even with Moira, she said she had already decided on 5 seasons for AWAE and knew what she wanted to do with it and I actually like that so much. I would rather a story know where it is going than getting ruined because the creators never had a set idea on how they wanted to end it or were too money hunger to know when to do so.
19. are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now?
oh, so many but I've started a new chapter in my life and I have absolutely no time for myself so I've just been watching familiar content to de-stress rather than attempt any new stuff. I need to finish several kdramas (Devil J/udge and D/oom At Your Service in particular) and eventually, I'll try an episode of s/quid game just to see if it my type of thing. There's definitely more I probably have on my list but those are the ones I can think of right now.
35. who are your top 5 TV characters right now?
hMM, I haven't been watching a lot of tv so I'll just list 1 fave character from five of some of my faves series
Toph Bei Fong from ATLA
Ino Yamanaka from Naruto
Marilla Cuthbert from Anne With An E
Chuck Bartowski from Chuck
Oliver Putnam from Only Murders in the Building
41. if you could change 1 detail about any show, what would you change and why?
There are so many shows I would have just 1 thing I needed to change but my mind is on awae right now so I'm just gonna stick with Mary didn't need to die and I wish they didn't do that to her even if that episode was heartbreakingly beautiful.
50. what’s one TV cliche you love?
Always love me a good found family cliche especially if they bicker and tease each other all the time but would absolutely die for each in a heartbeat if need be.
51. what’s one TV cliche you despise?
I don't know if it counts as a cliche or not but I'm gonna say it anyways---- I absolutely hate whenever a certain character (especially a main) never seems to actually get consequences for their actions even when they treat the people around them like dirt and on top of that they always seem to somehow end up the victim of the situation even though they are the one that is the root of the problems. That ish irks me to no end and will easily turn a character I enjoyed into someone I no longer like anymore because they've been completely stunted in their character growth since they never actually have to own up to what they do.
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mintypineapple · 3 years
dw ask game 1-36 and 38-100 DON'T ANSWER NUMBER 37 I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT CRYING
DaThanks, anon who is probably @truestoriesaboutme!
1. Did you like DW as a child?
Depends. What do you consider a child? I saw Doctor Who for the first time when I was 16 or 17. Does that count? Let’s say that it does. I did enjoy it.
2. Your age at the time of the revival?
3. First DW episode you ever saw?
An Unearthly Child. I wanted to watch it all in order! Still do! My first New Who episode was “Blink,” as forced upon me by @raisegrate. I did enjoy it.
4. Did you have any of the toys?
I didn’t at the time, but I do now. I have a couple of screwdrivers, a Fourth Doctor, an Ice Warrior, and not-quite-Legos of Doctors 1-11. (-WD)
5. Which DW character did you play on the playground?
6. Monster(s) that scared you most as a child?
N/A. Nothing scares me.
7. Joke/story you didn’t get as a kid?
N/A. I get all jokes/stories.
8. DW opinion that has changed since you were a kid?
That the only way to watch it was from the very beginning. I eventually gave in and watched New Who before finishing Classic Who.
9. Who introduced you to DW?
Pretty sure I heard about it initially on a forum I went to called The Douglas Adams Continuum. That’s when I started watching the First Doctor. Again, @raisegrate showed me my first New Who. Eventually, I started watching New Who in its entirety with @catastrofries and they started watching Classic Who with me for @rassilonwatchathon.
10. Did you like Sarah Jane Adventures as a child?
Didn’t even know it existed as a child. But I liked it as an adult.
Read more under the cut. There’s a lot!
11. Who is your Doctor?
One. He’s the first I saw and I’ve went through some of his more than once, due to the podcast, so he has a special place in my heart.
12. Your favourite Doctor?
It varies depending on the day. I quite like Two, Eleven, and Twelve, though.
13. Least favourite Doctor?
Possibly 5 or 13? More because they don’t get a whole lot to do, than them being bad.
14. Best regeneration?
Technically speaking, there’s something about that first one that is still so good. Emotionally speaking, Two’s regeneration is terrifying and I quite like Twelve’s speech before regenerating.
15. Do you like “Doctor-Lite” episodes?
Yeah! They’re all pretty good! Even “Love and Monsters!” Yeah, I said it! (The end is bad, but the rest is good.)
16. Who is the most human Doctor?
One calls himself human a handful of times. Does that count? If not, definitely Five. He seems the most like a regular guy in a weird situation out of all of them.
17. Best multi-Doctor story?
The Day of the Doctor, for sure.
18. Best Doctor monologue?
Eleven’s speech to young Amy in “The Big Bang.” That episode is just solid all around.
19. What do you think TenToo/MetaCrisis Doctor is doing now?
He’s definitely fucked off somewhere and abandoned Rose. He runs a cat cafe that is definitely a front for something, but no one can quite figure out what.
20. Best Doctor/companion pairing?
One/Barbara, Two/Jamie, Three/Jo, Four/Leela, Five/Tegan, (haven’t seen enough of Six, any of Seven, and I honestly don’t remember the companion for Eight), Nine/Rose (that’s the only option!), Ten/Donna, Eleven/Amy-Rory, Twelve/Clara, Ruth/Thirteen.
21. Favourite companion?
Classic Who: This is hard. Jamie? Sarah Jane? Leela? New Who: Donna Noble.
22. Favourite secondary companion?
Not sure what this means exactly... My second favorite? If so, I gave three for favorite Classic Who, so one of them. New Who: Rory.
23. Least favourite companion?
Classic: Ben Jackson or Peri. New: Ryan.
24. Best TARDIS Team?
Classic: Two, Jamie, and Zoe. New: Eleven, Amy, and Rory.
25. Most underrated companion?
I love Steven Taylor. I feel like he doesn’t get mentioned enough.
26. Most overrated companion?
Probably gonna get some hate for this, but Romana II. She’s good and I like her, but I was expecting a lot more. I honestly prefer Romana I.
27. Favourite companion’s family?
I love Rory’s dad.
28. Who should have been a companion but wasn’t?
Kamelion. AM I RIGHT? But seriously, Amelia Rumford from “The Stones of Blood.”
29. Favourite (canon or non-canon) DW universe relationship?
30. Who did you not used to like, but really like now?
I hated Tegan when she first came on, but now I love her.
31. Favourite episode ever?
“Heaven Sent.”
32. Least favourite episode?
“Time-Flight” gave me a literal headache.
33. Which episodes do you skip?
NONE. Of course, I’ve not done any rewatches. YET.
34. Best two-parter?
“The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” are the first New Who episodes that fully sold me on the show.
35. Historical, present day or futuristic episodes?
Give me the future and make it weird!
36. Episode that will always make you smile?
“The Myth Makers.”
38. Best run of episodes?
“Vincent and the Doctor” through “Day of the Moon” is pretty solid.
39. Best cliffhanger?
“Vengeance on Varos.” Hands fucking down.
40. Favourite Christmas special?
The answer to question 37. “A Christmas Carol.”
41. Classic Who or New Who?
Yes please! (Though New Who will take this a little just because the pace is generally a lot better.)
42. Favourite series?
I’m not sure about Classic (I have a harder time thinking of them as different series), but New is definitely 5.
43. Least favourite series?
44. Which series do you skip?
See 33.
45. Favourite series opening?
“The Eleventh Hour.” It’s just a lot of fun.
46. Favourite series finale?
“The Big Bang.” IT’S A GOOD SERIES.
47. Best series arc?
So I don’t sound repetitive and say Series 5 again, Clara’s arc in her last season is great.
48. Thoughts on series 11/12?
I find it largely boring and not well-written. Though there are some things I like! I love Ruth a bunch.
49. How much of Classic Who have you seen?
I’ve seen from “An Unearthly Child” to “The Two Doctors.” And the movie.
50. Who should have had another series?
Doctor: Nine. Or Eight. Or Ruth. Companion: Kamelion, but done better.
51. Favourite monster/villain?
I love them Fuzzy Chicken Nuggets. (The Yeti.)
52. Most creative monster?
The Silence are an interesting concept.
53. Monster(s) that scares you most?
OAK AND QUILL from “Fury From the Deep.” Fuck those guys.
54. Monster you think is too easy to defeat?
I hate power level questions. Next.
55. Least favourite monster/villain?
I get really tired of the Daleks sometimes, y’all.
56. Monster you want to return?
Chumblies or quarks.
57. In your opinion, what makes a monster good?
The writing. You can do great things with most of them. Even the ones you dislike. Like, I hate the farting aliens, but they are occasionally used well.
58. Daleks, Cybermen or Weeping Angels?
If I had to pick, I’d say... Cybermen. Daleks are very samey and loud. Weeping Angels get less interesting every time they are used. But there’s a human element to the Cybermen that, when utilized, can be very effective and unsettling.
59. Best Dalek story?
The one where Two rides around on ones he made nice.
60. Best one time villain/monster?
I don’t know what it is, but whatever it is in “Midnight.”
61. Torchwood or Sarah Jane Adventures?
SJA is more consistent, but the highs of Torchwood are higher.
62. Favourite Torchwood Team member?
Owen. But like... not season one Owen.
63. Which Torchwood death made you saddest?
See 62.
64. Do you rewatch COE or MD?
I haven’t rewatched anything yet. But I would rewatch COE before MD.
65. Favourite SJA Team member?
66. Mr Smith or K-9?
Mr. Smith is way more interesting. He had a villain arc!
67. Maria or Rani?
68. Do you read the comics/novels or listen to Big Finish?
Some. I’m doing them as Patreon bonus episodes for @rassilonwatchathon​. I haven’t done much though.
69. If you do, your favourite additional stories?
“The Chimes of Midnight.” I’ve listened to it twice.
70. Do you like DW analysis (video essays, fan theories, etc)?
I do DW analysis for @rassilonwatchathon AND The Dipp. So yes. My fave is TARDIS Eruditorum, though.
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lifeofnickripley · 5 years
Favorite Manga/Anime
Kay, so If I'm gonna start posting stuff onto here, guess I gotta do some journaling kinda stuff.(It is a blog after all) Alrightly then, guess I'll start off with something relevant to the original content I will frequently post, Manga/Anime. There will be a lot that I love that aren't on here, but these are my personal favorites.(LONG BLOG I AM SORRY)
Top Anime:
Honorable mention - Amon - The Apocalypse of Devilman OVA - Kay so I'll be the first to admit, I'm a total edgelord.(one of my bands is a death metal band) and this one is GORY!! It's depressing, messed up, dark. It deviates from the Manga storyline but I always go back to it, plus that ending OST is amazing.
10.)Monster Musume - I probably should be extremely embarrassed about liking this one...but I'm not, it's amazing. Perverted? Yes. Weird? very. So much weird T&A action goin on that it's nauseating at times? oh my god yes. That being said, IT'S HILARIOUS!!!
9.) Pop Team Epic - Ever wondered what it's like in hell? This show. This show is literally meme hell, to the point where you lose brain cells if you watch it too long. It's great. I recommend it, after watching a decent chunk I wanted to scoop out my eyeballs and play tennis with them. That may sound like a bad thing, but trust me, it's an amazing feeling.
8.) My Hero Academia - Kay, so I'm not caught up on this one, buuuuut it's motivational as hell. I don't think I've ever rooted for a protagonist to win at something more than I've rooted for Deku. The popularity of the show speaks for itself but, damn, what an awesome underdog show.
7.) Jojo's Bizzare Adventure - SONO CHI NO SADAME!!! JOOOOOOOOOJOOOO!!! I still need to catch up on this one too but I love this wacky, music reference filled, insane show. I doubt I can really say much that hasn't been said already bout it. So on that note ORAORAORAORAORAORAORARARA
6.) Noir - Highly underrated anime. Bout two female assassins, one played by Monica Rial. Refreshingly dark and realistic, this awesome tale is set in France and is haunting, to the point of where I still come back to it after years and years of watching it. Quality anime that has slipped under most people's radar.
5.) Mirai Nikki - I said I was an Edgelord, right? Think this one cements that status. Home of the best Yandere in all of anime, I doubt I need to sing it's praises. Yuno Gasai is a well known character for a reason. Love this insane series.
4.) My Bride is a Mermaid - I'll admit, when I first saw this on Netflix and began watching it out of boredom, I didn't think I would like it. Matter of fact, I was sure I would hate it. I don't typically like cutesy things, edgelord here, I despise things that are cute and cuddly (Cept for cats). But HOOOOLY HELL this one was funny. Best part is? It doesn't rely on pervy imagery to be hilarious, it is humor at its purest. Comedy anime at its finest.
3.) Samurai Champloo - Sa-sa-sa-samurai champloo! Woooo where do I begin? Three misfits, Edo period Japan, Hip-hop related adventures, and badass fight secenes? Count me in! Made by the same people who made Cowboy Bebop, even has Steve Blum voicing Mugen, so you know it's good.
2.) Saikano - Kay so don't judge an anime by its art style. I repeat: NEVER judge an anime by its art style. This one is cheesy, yes, and the English Dub is horrible. THAT BEING SAID, it really does not go where you would expect it to go and one scene in particular had me shedding...manly...tears-It's sad, ok?! That character didn't deserve that death scene!!!
1.) Neon Genesis Evangelion - Ahhhhh yes. The creme de la creme of #toodeepforyou. Highly intellectual and artistic, this DIY amalgamation of a series hits many notes for me and came to me at a time where I needed it most. It's slow but if you allow yourself to be patient and analyze what is at first appearance a confusing, psychedelic nightmare, you'll find yourself in for a treat. Best part of the series for me? The movie End of Evangelion. You watch the series, you have to watch the movie. End of discussion.
Top Manga:
3.)Inuyasha - The original Manga that got me into anime/manga. Rumiko Takahashi's work is very near and dear to my heart. I just remember the feeling of reading these for the first time in Middle School, I don't think I knew manga could be this cool when I firt started. The demons were legit terrifying, you couldn't help but root for Inuyasha and Kagome. Mindblowing stuff for an 11 year old.
2.)Berserk - Probably the one manga I still retroactively read. Dear god, it's excellent. The story, the fantastic art, superb writing and character development. There is a reason I want to get the Brand of the Sacrifice Tattooed on my neck. Guts is arguably one of the most sympathetic anti-heroes ever written. This is another series that really entered my life at the right time. No matter what terrible things happen to Guts. He lives on, he fights through his literal demons everyday. Above anything else, he carries on. Will forewarn anybody hoping to check it out though, extreme depictions of violence and sexual violence. Series is not for the faint of heart AT ALL.
1.)Ranma 1/2 - Ahhhh Ranma 1/2. My absolute favorite. Every time I sit down and read this manga, I find myself genuinely laughing from one of the panels. In my opinion, Rumiko Takahashi's best work. It is an absolute comedy masterpiece. Pure craziness and absurdity. 10/10.
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