#and some praline chocolates
galaxyedging · 10 months
I feel like I really should have started counting how many times I've thought 'I can't do this anymore' and still carried on with life.
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canisalbus · 11 months
Rebuttal: your art tastes like a seashell praline that has been sat on a bed of velvet...incense burning around it to battle for control against the strong chocolate-hazelnut cream within the spiral milk and white shell. In the distance...distant chimes and soft prayers mix with heavy breathing and salacious whispers. It is sultry. . .reverent. . .decadent. . .and ominous. . .AKA it's good stuff.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Grab Some Nuts Day
National  Grab Some Nuts Day on August 3 is the ultimate nutty day. Nuts,  legumes, seeds drupes, either way – they’re all considered nuts and are  all in some way a part of our daily diet. Nuts are rich in nutrients and  minerals, and if eaten in the correct quantities, are great for  improving our health.  This day promotes the consumption of all nuts,  the health benefits, and their tastiness. You won’t be surprised to hear  that it’s a very nutty occasion.  
History of National Grab Some Nuts Day
Although  the origin of National Grab Some Nuts Day is unknown, we do know that  when this day first started being observed there was some confusion to  its purpose. Some were celebrating the nuts we eat, whereas others  thought it was all about the metal nuts that go with bolts. Whilst these  metal nuts obviously serve their purpose, we’d rather be celebrating  food, which is pretty much our stance on most matters.
There is also ample discussion on what is defined as  a nut and what is a legume.  A legume  is generally recognized as a pod containing multiple seeds that begins  to open on its own when the season for harvesting approaches. For the purposes of National Grab Some Nuts Day, we suggest celebrating the day by grabbing a handful and savoring the taste!
Whatever  it may be, either botanical or non botanical nuts, nuts have an  impressive amount of protein, vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron and so  on. They say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but even nuts are also capable of this! Consider consuming nuts on a daily basis for snacking to absorb those important nutrients.  
Other  nutty days do occur throughout the year. These include National Almond  Day and National Pecan Day. There’s also a day for cashews, walnuts,  peanuts, macadamia nuts, pistachios, and chestnuts. This day is a day for celebrating all these days bundled up in one and grabbing handfuls of as many different kinds as you like. Raw or roasted. Salted, seasoned or plain.
National Grab Some Nuts Day timeline
10,0000 BC Tree Food
Walnuts are the first nuts to be consumed.
1890 Pea-not brushing
Peanut butter is developed by a doctor in St Louis who prescribed it to patients with bad teeth.
1919 Nut Rep
Texas adopts the pecan tree as its state tree.
April 2019 Original Health
“Nuts: A Global History,” is released on Amazon.
How To Celebrate National Grab Some Nuts Day
Grab some nuts
Add nuts to your food
Share on social media
Make  sure to grab a handful of your favorite nuts to snack on. If done  sensibly, this is a great way to stay healthy. It’s worth reading up on  the health benefits of including nuts in your daily diet.
Try  adding some nuts to a meal. Nuts add texture to baked goods and savory  dishes. Options include adding nuts to your salads, stir fry, or the  crust of  a pie. Check out some nutty recipes on YouTube.
Post  about it online and share a photo or two of eating a handful of nuts.   Use the hashtag #NationalGrabSomeNutsDay on Instagram, Facebook, and  Twitter.
5 Amazing Facts About Nuts
Nut Shell
You’re not nuts!
Nut- Roast
Lotta snackin’
A nut is a fruit composed of an inedible shell and an edible seed.
Walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds, and pecans are technically not nuts, they’re seeds.
Roasting nuts can strip significant fat, so it’s better to eat nuts raw.
Nuts have been eaten for 1000 years in the US.
Almonds are enriched with antioxidants and vitamin E.
Why We Love National Grab Some Nuts Day
They’re good for you
They help us
They taste fab!
Nuts  are a great way to stay healthy and fit and  are healthiest when eaten  raw. People who eat nuts regularly generally have lower levels of heart  attacks, coronary heart disease, strokes and cancer.
Nuts  are high in calories but they are a great way to lose weight. They  contain fibre which helps to improve gut health and decrease calorie  absorption, thus making you feel full. They also have anti-inflammatory  properties which can help with ageing.
Nuts  have a unique taste – they’re nutty! From almonds, pistachios, cashews,  peanuts, walnuts, pecans, brazil nuts and more, we love their unique  flavour and crunch when added to meals that we just die for.
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now I can relax!! finally :’)
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Happy valentines day! 😘💕🍫 Have a wonderful day my lovely friend 💐🧸
Ohhh chocolate👀 That's just what I need today. Aww and flowers thank you anon🥰
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 2 months
Aphrodite sends her regards 💋
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This is absolutely filthy. 'Tis blasphemous, even.
The order is here -> 🎂
NSFW. proceed with caution. Aphrodisiacs, dry humping, nipple sucking, cunnilingus (from the back 🗣), unprotected PiV, creampie, LOTS OF AFTERCARE <3
When you come home, you find John staring at a gift he got from Johnny. After some shared thoughts, you decide to try the aphrodisiacs. You're not prepared for what comes next (you).
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When you walked in, your gaze landed on John, and your face scrunched up in confusion. His shoulders were squared, arms crossed over his broad chest, and his brows furrowed while he stared sharply at something on the counter. A small, sleek box sat on the granite.
Were those chocolates?
You unfroze from your position.
"John, honey, why are you intimidating the pralines?" You asked, raising your brows at him.
He didn't move but his gaze shifted toward you and a deep sigh escaped his lips.
"A gift from Johnny." He replied gruffly, averting his eyes back to the chocolates.
Your brows furrowed and you grimaced as you stepped closer.
"He does know it's August, right? He's both too late and too early for Valentine's." You murmured, sliding the box over to you and inspecting it further.
John let out an amused scoff.
"You think Johnny'd get me somethin' for Valentine's?" He mused, an almost offended chuckle falling from him his lips
. You shrugged, running your fingertips over the golden writing on the box.
"I don't know what you guys do on Base."
"Definitely not get each other chocolates for Valentine's." John grumbled.
"Aphrodite's Ambrosia..." You read, your brows scrunching together once more.
His lips formed a tight line before he spoke.
"They're aphrodisiacs." He stated, scratching his beard.
Your head snapped towards him and your jaw slacked.
"Excuse me?"
He only motioned to the tiny subtext with his hand. Your eyes turned into saucers the more you read.
"Why the fuck would Johnny gift you aphrodisiacs?!" You shrieked bewildered.
John sniffed, leaning back against the counter and supporting his weight with his hands.
"Apparently," he began, putting emphasis on the word, "I've been a tight arse that, quote, needs to get laid."
If your jaw wasn't on the floor already, it sure as hell was now. You snapped your mouth shut and looked back at the pralines, staring you mockingly in the face.
"I.... suppose we've both been busy lately, but I didn't think it was this bad." You mumbled under your breath.
John sighed.
"I mean... I felt fine." He said softly, scratching his head before smoothing a hand over his beard.
There was a beat of silence.
"How do we even know they work?" You asked, opening the box.
"Johnny said he's... used 'em himself." He forced out, clearing his throat.
Your nose scrunched up as you removed the thin paper covering the sweets.
"I did not need to know that."
You revealed the smooth chocolates in the shape of hearts. You wanted to scoffed at the cliché. John peered at them over your shoulder.
"They don't look... terrible." He hummed.
You chewed on your lower lip as you weighed your options.
"Do... do you want to try them?" You asked quietly, glancing at him.
John's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He was stunned into silence for a moment.
"Well... can't hurt, can it?" He chuckled, unsure.
"The worst that can happen is we both have to call in sick tomorrow, right? Maybe they don't even do anything." You argued.
John hummed.
"They do look pretty tasty.." you trailed off. John sighed and dragged a hand down his face.
"... How d'you wanna do this?"
You thought for a moment, eyeing the pralines.
"I'd say we get settled on the sofa, have a phone nearby just in case. Maybe some water." You proposed, tapping your fingers on the counter.
"Yeah, alright. We can do that." He let out another sigh and grumbled something under his breath that sounded suspiciously like fuck's sake, Johnny.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You were now both comfortably on the sofa, water and a phone in reach. The little box of chocolates sat in front of you tauntingly, your eyes never leaving the coffee table it was situated on.
"Well, here goes nothing." You said, picking up one of the sweets up.
"Cheers." You tapped it against John's praline before popping it into your mouth, him doing the same.
The chocolate was sweet and tart, melting on your tongue. The filling must've been a mix of raspberry, vanilla, and truffle. It almost felt too luxurious to be eaten unceremoniously on your shared sofa.
"Oh wow. these are good." You marveled, chewing still.
John hummed in agreement, a pleasantly surprised expression on his face. The chocolate went down smooth with a slight kick to it.
You sat in awkward silence, waiting. John cleared his throat and sunk back into the sofa, fiddling with his fingers.
Maybe you shouldn't have skipped the instructions. You didn't know how long it took until they kicked in if they did anything at all.
"Feel anything yet?" You asked, studying his expression.
"Uh, no. Nothin'." He replied with a tight-lipped smile.
You sat in awkward silence for a while, staring holes into your living room wall while the air felt like an unbreathable fog the more time went by. As you waited, it felt like the temperature in the room turned from comfortably warm to swimming lava in the pits of hell.
"It's gettin' a bit hot, though, ain't it?" John asked, wiping away the thin layer of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.
"Yeah, I feel like my blood is boiling." You replied, fanning yourself in attempt to cool down.
"I'll open a window." You mumbled, getting up from your spot to let some air in.
Meanwhile, John's gaze was glued to your ass and he could almost feel his mouth water at the sight. When you leaned forward out of the window with a content sigh at the gentle breeze, John let out a disgruntled groan when the action made your rear look even nicer.
You turned to him with a worried look.
"Everything okay?" You asked softly.
He gave you a forced smile.
"Yep, never been better."
Your brows furrowed and you looked him up and down before your eyes landed on the prominent bulge in his pants.
"Huh, so they do work." You said with a little smirk, amused.
"And you don't feel anythin'? Not even a little bit?" John asked, almost a little pained as he tried to adjust himself so the zipper wouldn't press down on his boner.
"No, not really." You shrugged, plopping back down next to him.
You eyed the chocolates for a moment.
"I think I'll have another one."
His eyes widened a little, his brows rasing.
"... are you sure that's a good idea?" He questioned hesitantly.
When he glanced over to you, you were already munching on another praline. You stopped your chewing, feeling like a deer in headlights.
".. what?"
"Oh, nothin', nothin'." He waved it off but kept his eyes trained on you.
"It's criminal how delicious these are." You moaned at the taste, licking the chocolate of your fingers.
"Fuckin' hell. You're killing me over here." He groaned, palming his aching cock.
You giggled, a little mischief in your tone, before you spoke.
"I mean, if you want another taste.." you trailed off, a teasing smirk on your face.
John swallowed thickly, his gaze falling to your lips before he quickly reached out and all but yanked you into his lap, making a startled noise rip from your throat.
your protest was cut off when he smashed his lips on yours and sat you right on his throbbing bulge. It was like the moment he touched you, there was a roaring fire being lit inside of your veins.
A broiling cauldron in your lower belly that would bubble over any second. You groaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around him while not being able to resist the urge to grind your pulsating cunt over his clothed dick.
His hand was tightly wound in your hair, the other on your lower back moving you forward in steady movements. His beard tickled your face as he devoured your mouth, shoving his tongue past the seam of your lips.
There was clashing of teeth and spit smearing over his mustache, grunts ripping from his throat. You continued to drag your hips over his cock and you swear you've never been this wet in your life.
It felt like every single nerve in your body was lit on fire, and your only salvation from burning alive was John's touch.
Your heaving chests were pressed together all while you were rutting against each other like desperate teenagers. Your hands found their way into his short hair and tugged, pulling the prettiest moans from him.
John pulled away for air, admiring your puffy and glistening lips while you looked at him with half-lidded eyes.
"Fuck... my pretty fuckin' girl.." he growled, using a harsh tug on your hair to turn your head so he could attach his lips to your neck.
You whined at the addicting feeling of his beard scratching your throat while he sucked pink and purple marks on your skin.
Your hands found their way under his shirt, raking your fingers through the thick blanket of hair that littered his stomach all the way up to his chest. John groaned against your skin, only pulling away to quickly discard his top.
The sight only made your mouth water more. His sculpted torso covered with a layer of soft fat that made you want to dig your teeth into his flesh. Your shirt soon joined his, thrown somewhere behind the sofa, while he fiddled with the clasp of your bra until your pretty tits were freed.
John didn't waste any time, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking while his hands dug into the pudge of your waist to hold you steady.
Your head was thrown back in pleasure, the swipe of his tongue over your sensitive bud making goosebumps rise on your skin. His beard was only adding to the sensation with its prickly texture.
He switched to your other breast, giving it the same worshipping treatment while you tugged at his belt. He hummed against your skin, making your moans louder at the vibration.
"Fuck- John, I need you.. now, please.." You begged, your breath catching in your throat every so often. John's lips glistened with spit when he detached himself from you.
"On your hands and knees, sweet thing.." he heaved, bringing his hand down on your ass.
The impact made you jump, but the whimper that left your throat made him smirk. You both shimmied out of your remaining clothes, although it was more a desperate clawing at the fabric.
You situated yourself on the sofa like he instructed and arched your back to nicely present yourself for him.
Throwing a look at him over your shoulder, you waited in anticipation when he came up behind you. His large hands took handfuls of your ass, kneading the flesh. When he pulled the globes apart he moaned at the sight of your dripping cunt.
He leaned down and kissed from your thighs all the way back to your rear before sinking his teeth into the fat, making you squeak. He chuckled, the sound vibrating against your skin before running his tongue over the spot to soothe it.
You were getting desperate, whining at him just to do something. He was still crouched behind you, marking your thighs just as he had your neck.
Before he could come back up, you gripped his hair and pushed his face right into your pussy. He groaned into your folds at your boldness but went right to licking up all the divine nectar that had spilled from you. You let out a filthy string of moans, feeling his tongue circle and tease your clit.
"Couldn't be patient, could ya?" He teased, swiping his tongue through your slit.
Your grip on his hair loosened as you began to lose your composure. His beard scratching your thighs, his hands groping and spanking at your ass and just the way his face fit so perfectly between your legs made you mewl. The slurping noises were obscene, only adding to your arousal.
His tongue dipped past your entrance, and a shudder ran through. You knew he was enjoying this as much as you were, doing his best to push you to the edge. John was groaning into your cunt like a starved man being blessed with his first meal in years. The vibrations made you cry out as you began to grind your hips back against his face.
"Jus' like that, take what you need." His words were muffled, but even if they weren't, you doubted much would register in your mushy brain right now.
He dragged his tongue back to your clit and took the little bundle of nerves between his lips before sucking on it.
A scream, almost, a noise you'd never heard leave your throat tumbled from your lips, and your eyes squeezed shut while the string of pleasure in your belly was awfully close to snapping.
"F-Fuck, John- I'm... gonna-" You choked out, cries of his name leaving you while he pushed you over the edge.
The string that was holding you together snapped, your hips bucking as he helped you ride out your high. Your thighs were shaking, and your breaths were rapid. John moaned at the taste of you and eagerly licked up everything you were willing to give him.
You only had little time to recover as John leaned his weight on you and turned your head to catch your lips in a kiss while his hard cock pressed against your soaked pussy.
You hummed when you tasted yourself on his lips.
"Fuckin' divine." He mumbled into your mouth.
You managed to crack a smile, and the pad of his thumb gently brushed over your cheekbone.
John helped you lay on your back, making sure to put a pillow under your head for support. No matter how desperate and sex drugged he was, he still made sure to take care of you.
Your face was hot with a thin layer of sweat on your forehead. He laid your thighs over his and let his dick rest on your cunt, only slightly rocking his hips.
"Are you ready?" despite him trying to keep his voice in check, his dilated pupils and heavy breathing were a dead giveaway that he needed you more than anything.
"Please fuck me... I need you so badly... and I know you do too.." the last part of your sentence was accompanied by a small mischievous grin on your end and John chuckled, the grip he had on your wide hips tightening ever so slightly.
He pushed inside of you a second later, stretching your thoroughly soaked walls. Your breath caught in your throat and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
John didn't look much better, shaky moans falling from his lips until he fully bottomed out. His core tightened and he let out a strained grunt at the feeling of you wrapped around him.
"You're gonna be the fuckin' death o'me, dove."
He withdrew his hips, pushing back inside of you.
"Oh, shit.." You moaned at the feeling and grasped his hands that were keeping their bruising grip on your hips.
John set a steady pace, dragging his cock against all the spots that made you see stars. You practically sunk into the sofa, letting the euphoria take over you while John took what he needed from you.
"You're perfect, fuckin' made for me, weren't ya, honey?" He said through heavy breaths, his hips and balls slapping against your ass.
All you could manage was a weak nod and some moans that were music to his ears. The way all of you rippled with every thrust, your face scrunched up in pleasure and your hands gripping his so tightly.
It was so endearing, how he could fuck the breath out of you and your first urge was to hold his hand. He sped up his pace, feeling ecstasy crawling up his spine, gnawing on his bones.
"You feel so good- Fuck!" You babbled, mewling when the tip of his cock nudged that one spot inside of you.
He continued to fuck into you with sharp breaths, intertwining your fingers to ground himself. His other hand wandered between your legs, circling his calloused thumb over your slippery clit.
The sensation made your clench around him, knocking the air from his lungs. His eyes closed and his thrusts became deeper and harder while he tried to bite back his moans.
"Fuckin' hell.." he groaned. You were all moans and no thoughts at this point.
The only thing on your mind was how the peak of your second orgasm was at least twice as high as your first. You wouldn't be surprised if you were drooling, too. John's hips bucked, and he slightly shifted his weight forward, his movements becoming sloppy as he came closer to his climax.
His grasp on your hand tightened and with a strangled string of moans he spilled inside of you just as you came yourself, shuddering at the feeling of his thumb on your clit.
"H-Holy shit.." you moaned, your voice shaking. John worked the both of you through your high with a heaving chest.
"For the love of Christ.. feel like my cock's gonna fall off." He chuckled breathlessly, drawing a fucked-out giggle from your lips.
"Do you feel better?" You asked softly, stroking his knuckles.
"Yeah, I do. But we don't know how long that stuff's gonna stay in our system." He replied, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.
"Hopefully not too long, because I don't think I can do that again." You laughed breathlessly, making him smile, his eyes crinkling.
"C'mere." John leaned over you and gently caressed your cheek while pressing a kiss to your lips.
You hummed fondly, smoothing a hand over his beard. He slowly pulled out of you with grunt, making you whimper at the feeling. His cum dripped out of you, leaving milky streaks on your ass.
"We should get cleaned up." You mumbled, trying to keep your eyes falling shut.
"Stay with me, love. We still have to get some supper in your belly, hm?" He cooed, tapping your cheek.
John pulled his underwear back on and went to get some paper towels to wipe away the mess of your combined juices before you would completely ruin the sofa.
A note for next time; definitely lay out a towel.
He helped you sit up and handed you the glass of water you'd put out previously before chugging a bottle himself. John handed you your shirt, which you promptly pulled over your head to keep you nice and cozy.
"Any dizziness today?" You asked him, setting down the glass.
Sometimes, the blood would rush to his head during sex and leave him dizzy and nauseous.
"No. No dizziness today." He answered with a smile, gently taking you by the back of your neck to pull you closer so he could press a kiss to your cheek.
You hummed and let yourself fall against his side.
"A shower and then some leftovers?" He asked, glancing down at you snuggled into his side. You nodded and let out a sigh, making him chuckle.
"But first-" he began before you cut him off.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll go pee." You grumbled, getting up from the sofa.
"Good girl." John praised, pulling you down for another quick peck on the lips before letting you go.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The water was a comfortable temperature as it washed away all the sweat and stickiness of sex. It was nothing major, only a quick rinse so you could go to bed later feeling nice and refreshed.
John helped you get rid of the mess between your thighs while you made sure to throughly scratch his scalp while washing his hair.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
After that nice shower, John settled down on the sofa, any remaining messes already taken care of by him.
"I'll go heat up dinner." You said softly, watching as his head turned to you and he made an effort to get up.
"Let me-"
"It's alright. I need to take care of you too, no?" You smiled, taking his face in your hands.
He sunk back into his spot with an adoring smile. You pressed a kiss to his forehead, the tip of his nose, and finally, his lips. He hummed softly into the kiss and gently held your hips before letting you go get the much needed supper.
You clearly labeled the box of chocolates to avoid any future mishaps and put them away in a cabinet before heating up some leftover lasagna in the microwave.
"There you go, for my bear." You smiled, handing John his plate.
"Thank you, love." He replied softly, opening his arms for you.
While you were busy with dinner, he picked out something to watch. It didn't really matter, though, because the moment you'd finished dinner, you fully crawled into his embrace, cuddled close, to let your sore body rest.
"I love you so much." You slurred, letting your cheek squish against his shoulder.
You couldn't see the soft smile that graced his face, but you could feel the kiss to your temple and the shapes he traced on your back.
"I love you more, my little dove." He said quietly, the sound a soft rumble in his chest.
You relaxed in his arms, letting sleep take you to your destined dream, listening as his breaths evened out when he, too, found the very deserved rest.
Whether you'd wake up on the sofa or your shared bed, as long as he was right beside you, that was all you needed.
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Phew 😵‍💫 probably one of the filthiest things I've ever written lol
I hope you liked it!!
More of my CoD works -> 💫
I don't have a CoD taglist yet, but let me know if I should make one!! <33 🩷✨️
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pitchsidestories · 25 days
Swiss chocolate for breakfast II Lia Wälti x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 790
inspired by this sweet request here.<3
Milk, eggs, oats, almond butter, paper towels…
It was all right there on the grocery list that Lia was studying while she absentmindedly pushed the cart.
You knew exactly what it said on there. After all, you were the one who wrote it all down in the morning.
It was all stuff that had to be stocked up before you two would leave with Arsenal for the US tour.
Boring. Something absolutely essential was missing that wasn’t on the list.
With a dull thud you dropped a few packages into the cart.
Lia looked up from her shopping list.
Her gaze drifted from the cartons to you: “Wait, what’s that?“
You innocently blinked at her: “We travel to America therefore I need my English tea, Lia.“
“You don’t need your tea. I’m sure they will have tea there.“, your girlfriend laughed while removing the tea from the cart.
You took the cartons from her and dropped them back inside: “But not as good as this one. It’s simply the best.“
“It’s just tea.“, Lia complained but this time didn’t touch the packages.
You shook your head in disbelief. You had this conversation way too many times. “Lia, it’s not just any tea!“
Lia pointed at the three packages: “You don’t even need that much tea.“
“Yes, I do!“
“You won’t drink it there anyway.“
“Maybe the other English girls and I want some tea in the afternoon or evening…“, you explained but stopped yourself suddenly.
You looked around. How did you two end up in the chocolate section all of a sudden?
You watched as Lia gently placed something into the cart. You immediately recognized the metallic packaging of her favourite chocolate.
“Hold on. Is that Swiss chocolate in the basket? We certainly don’t need that either.“, you decided, giving her deprecating stare and trying to bite back a smile.
Your girlfriend pretended to be offended: “Of course we need chocolate! The flight is super long!“
“Pretty sure they give away chocolate on the plane?“, you playfully rolled your eyes.
“What if they don’t? And what if it isn’t real Swiss chocolate? Also that’s never enough for a ten hour flight.“
“You’re a professional football player my love you should know better.”, you teased her lovingly.  
“If you can’t appreciate my Swiss chocolate then I won’t appreciate your English tea!”, Lia decided pouting, trying hard not to laugh about your little unserious argument.
“You didn’t appreciate my tea to begin with!”, you countered, your lips twitching, wanting to turn into a grin, but you didn’t want to give in already.  Luckily this was London and not the English and Swiss countryside where you both grew up, so no one was turning their heads during the discussion.
“Okay, listen, here’s a deal, we get both, okay? And everyone’s happy.”, the midfielder sighed loudly.
“Deal.”, you nodded satisfied while the two of you continued your way through the supermarket peacefully.  
“I’m sure the new teammates will feel better and more welcomed to our team with that chocolate.”, she declared happily.
Fondly, Lia reminisced the times she joined a new football team in Potsdam or Arsenal and always brought some Swiss chocolate at the beginning which turned out to be a great way to her new teammate’s hearts.
Even your romance started with a little praline which turned up at your seat in the changing room at every home game with a little message until one read, will you go on a date with me? Marking the day where you turned into lovers.  
“And with some tea.”, you added smirking.
“Which tastes like nothing.”, Lia commented chuckling.
“Love, I’m telling you, you’re doing your tea wrong.”, you replied.
“This reminds me we need to get coffee too; we ran out of beans.”, your girlfriend remembered.
After the coffee beans were secured, she looked at her phone before glancing back to you.
“Oh, Steph texted and asked if we want to join making pizzas at Kim’s place tonight and if we’re still in the supermarket.”
“I hate when they do this. They always make us get groceries for them. Okay, text her we’ll bring everything.”, you groaned dramatically.
“I’ll. She immediately replied with a lot of kiss emojis.”, the brunette noted amused.
“Come on, we’ve to hurry up.”, you told her, while simultaneously grabbing the things needed for pizza.
“Please I’m starting to get hungry too.”, Lia said. Both of you couldn’t wait until you meet the other women as evenings at Kim were always a lot of fun which you didn’t want to miss out on.
And maybe but only maybe there would be a bit of chocolate for breakfast in the morning before you took on the long flight on the plane.
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mj0702 · 3 months
For the mean woman. ...
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“Bubs…. What are you doing at 3AM in the kitchen?” Lucy asked sleeping as she stumbled into the kitchen
“Couldn’t sleep” you mumbled concentrating on your task at hand measuring some sugar and flower
“Bubs come on” your sister tried to coax you out of the kitchen back to bed
“I need to finish this” you push Lucy to the side grabbing some Lemons and eggs
“It’s 3 in the morning Bubs… you can finish it later” Lucy tried again taking the eggs from your hands
“Gimme that” you snapped at her trying to get back said eggs “I’m in a flow”
“Flow back to bed” your sister said trying to push you out of the kitchen
“Why don’t you go back to bed and stop annoying me” you rolled your eyes
“Don’t come crying to me if you’re tired later… you have gym time with Alexia” Lucy held her hands up in surrender retreating back into her bedroom
“Why doesn’t she get it?” you mumbled to yourself starting to mix ingredients
“What on earth happened in here??” Ona exclaimed shocked seeing the state of her kitchen Lucy looking around the corner smirking
“Bubs couldn’t sleep” your sister said smirking
“And she decided to… wait… is this Coca de San Juan??” the spaniard pointed at a cake that was placed on the kitchen island
“Coca what?” your sister asked confused
“Coca de San Juan… it’s a Catalonian pastry… you had it ah one of our first dates in Barcelona… wait… are these.. Catànies?? What is going on? Where’s y/n??” Ona looked at all the pastry dishes scattered throughout the kitchen between dirty cups, mugs and bowls.
“Dunno… I tried to get her into bed at three…. Wouldn’t come with me” your sister said as she popped one of the small chocolate ball into her mouth “Shit these are good”
“Let me try” your sisters girlfriend said eagerly grabbed one of the small deserts “Ay dios… these are so good…. I can’t believe it”
“She tries to fish for brownie points… be aware… she might want something” Lucy pointed out chewing another Catànie.
“We need to find…” Ona said as you stumbled into the kitchen “… Bebita… bon dia”
You grumbled something inaudible and went straight for the coffee machine groaning even louder when it didn’t do what you wanted. You even went as far as slapping the metal container a few times before Lucy stepped in guiding your whining self away from it while Ona took the task of making coffee for you. When the blonde spaniard came into the living room a few minutes later a steaming cup of coffee in her hand you already where asleep again sitting in your sisters lap koala hugging her.
“What’s up with her?” Ona asked a little confused holding out the Mug to her girlfriend who took it gladly taking a sip before answering
“Don’t really know… but I THINK she’s still working on the aftermath of what happened in Munich” Lucy said lowly not wanting to wake you up
“That was nearly four weeks ago” the blonde spaniard said as she sat down on next to Lucy and you carefully tracing your face with her finger
“And it was nearly four YEARS of bottled up hurt and pain… Izzy on Grey’s Anatomy always baked when she was struggling… maybe Bubs is a real life Izzy” Lucy answered as you sagged even more against her a content sigh leaving your lips
“True… but honestly Luce… what she made is even better than what you get in Cafés here… I wonder where she got the recipes from” Ona mused
“Probably Google” your sister shrugged as she carefully peeled you off her laying you down on the couch so she could get ready for the day
“I swear Alexia… her Catànies are sooooo good” Ona raved and Lucy nodded along for good measure
“I believe you Ona… question is… where is she? We had an appointment in the gym” Alexia said
“Here… taste one” Ona said shoving a container under her captains nose
“Ona…” Alexia said carefully pushing the blondes hand back a little “… we’re in the middle of trai…”
“Uh… Catànies!!!” Mapí exclaimed excited grabbing a handful of the small pralines
“María León” Alexia scolded “Don’t you dare eat them in the middle of training”
“Ay dios… these are GOOD… where did you get then?” Mapí moaned happily after she shoved the whole hand into her mouth ignoring Alexia completely
“Bebita made them” Ona said happily a wide proud smile on her face
“NO WAAAAAY” the tattooed spaniard exclaimed
“WHERE IS THE CARIÑO?!!!” Alexia boomed interrupting the chit chat of her teammates
“On the couch” Lucy said as she walked passed playing upsies with a stray ball
“Why?!” the blonde captain asked
“I tried to get her into bed at 3 but she didn’t want to… so I let her be and this morning she was so dead we left her at home” your sister explained passing the ball to Keira who was on the other side of the field
“We had a gym appointment” Alexia said raising her eyebrow while she aggressively ripped the container with the Catànies out of Onas hands much to Maps disappointment
“Hey” the tattooed spaniard exclaimed trying to get the sweets back
“No… you were eating the whole time…. You’re going to be sick and then you’ll whine how bad you’re feeling and whine even more when I tell you it’s your own fault “ Alexia snapped at her friend
“Because you never have any sympathy for anyone” Mapí huffed but decided to go and find her girlfriend so she could complain about how mean Alexia was
“She was dead on her feet Ale…” Lucy said softly “… she’s still a kid who’s hurting a lot… a day off won’t change anything”
“I’m worried she’ll do something stupid if we don’t keep her occupied “ Alexia said
“I know… and I feel the same Ale… but we can’t keep an eye on her 24/7… she’s a wild one” your sister said smiling a little
“Oh I noticed” Alexia smiled back “… she yelled “Stranger Danger” at Olga the first time they met”
“Yeah… sounds like Bubs” Lucy laughed as she spotted you stumbling through the tunnel “… your date is here Capi”
Alexia turned around to see you stumbling out of the tunnel trying to get your cleat over your foot while hooping on your Jersey inside out a big Bayern Munich logo printed on the shorts you were wearing
“I’m sorry I’m late… they left me behind” you said panting hard as you reached Alexia “As soon as I get my stupid cleat on I’ll run me laps”
“Calm down Cariño…” the blonde answered grabbing your shoulders to ground you “Breath for me… good… again”
You took a few deep breaths before Alexia released her grip on you
“There we are… everything is good okay… no laps… you can go warm up and stretch – properly I might add since you like to keep that task as short as possible and then you can come in for a little kick around okay” Alexia said softly seeing how much it actually stressed you out
“I… I… I… okay” you said a little defeated walking away thinking you disappointed Alexia
“Cariño…” the blonde spaniard called after you “… back”
You immediately turned on your heels slowly walking back to her
“Yeah?” you asked carefully
“I’m not disappointed… I’m not mad… nor am I punishing you… I want you to warm up properly and then come join us at training… if you feel the need for a little gym session afterwards we can do that” Alexia said soft but firm immediately knowing where your head went
“And we’ll get you some different shorts… supporting the enemy…” she winked at you and you looked down noticing the logo
“Yeah well… I was way behind the enemy lines… had to take a trophy piece” you smirked as Alexia lightly slapped your ass signaling you to go warm up
“Come on Lucy” you yelled laughing “Even blind Grandma T would’ve made that goal… Carata Kid was WAY off her line”
“Excuse me??!!!!” your sister exclaimed shocked but everyone heard she was just playing along
“You’re shit… I don’t know why they pay you so much money” you laughed but then squealed as you saw your sister running at you
“Come here you semen demon” Lucy yelled as she was chasing after you
You where cutting through the players and staff laughing loudly even going so far playing catch around Aitana who stood there frozen in place. Everyone was laughing until Jona whistled loudly putting a halt on your little game.
“So Bebita… where did you get the recipe for the Catànies from?” Ona asked you in the locker room where you currently were changing for gym time with Alexia
“Which what where?” you looked at her confused
“The Catànies” the blonde spaniard answered
“Huh?!” you asked even more confused by the second
“The chocolate thingies you made last night” Lucy clarified huffing
“Oh… no recipe… Luce brought them Home one night and I just tried to recreate the flavor and texture” you shrugged nonchalantly pulling on your shoes before standing up and leaving
“What did she mean “no recipe”??” Ona looked at Lucy confused
“Don’t ask me… I don’t know what she’s talking about half the time” your sister shrugged
“Keira?” the blonde spaniard turned to her friend
“Bitsy is good like that… just accept it” Keira waved off
“But these are SO good… how can she make them without a recipe???” Ona tried to understand how you made something this tasty without any help
“Don’t question it Ona… Bitsy does a lot of things nobody understands” Keira said
“Buenos Aitanas!!!” you yelled happily pushing open the gym doors
“Didn’t I tell you over and over and OVER again to not call it “Buenos Aitanas also…” Alexia rolled her eyes “… inside voice”
“Someone is short of an orgasm” you mumbled to yourself pulling a face at Alexia
“Mind to repeat that so I understand it as well??” the spanish captain asked raising an eyebrow
“I said let’s get started… I have a pool and a nice bottle of red waiting for me” you smiled sweetly
“I know you haven’t said that… I also know you won’t touch a bottle of red until you’re 18 at least… I’ll make sure of it” Alexia said but pointed to the pull up bar
“Yeah well Lucy wanted me to die a virgin… didn’t work out…” you said before jumping a little bit to get to the bar
“I’m not interested in your virginity… now come on… concentrate on your breathing…. 3 sets of 10… take your time… I want you to at least take 2 seconds between each pull up… 3 minutes between every set” Alexia said firmly and saw how your energy changed immediately as you started to focus on your task
“Good Cariño… that was very good” Alexia said proudly crouching next to your head “… you want to continue?”
“Give me a minute” you panted out hard sweat covering your body “I can do more”
“Okay and we’re going to stop right here” Alexia said immediately recognizing your competitiveness
“What why??” you sat up your breathing still fast and Alexia pushed you back into a laying position
“Because your statement is acted on competitiveness and not on your health… we’re here to stabilize and strengthen your knee… not to set you back” the blonde captain said firmly her hand on your chest and with the little pressure she provided you immediately felt calmer
“Gracias mamá” you closed your eyes while your breathing calmed down – you knew Alexia was right
“I’m too young to be your mother… also… you’re an impossible task … that wouldn’t happen if you were mi niña… you would be so well behaved” Alexia chuckled
“Lucy tried her best… like with that own goal at… wherever you guys were” you waved off your eyes still closed and Alexia started laughing
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justanothersanjilover · 4 months
I feel like Zoro would have way too much fun, if he got turned into a woman 😂 Like come on!
He wants booze?
Zoro: “Sanji! Can I get some booze?”
Sanji: “No!”
Zoro: “Look over here” *lifts shirt and shows his boobs*
Sanji: *handing over booze* “Please…just…cover up…!”
He wants more food?
Zoro: “Cook! Give me more!”
Sanji: “You just ate a whole plate of…”
Zoro: *shows cleavage*
Sanji: “For the love of…fuck…here” *shoves a whole plate of food in his face*
He wants a snack?
Zoro: “Cook! Snacks!?”
Sanji: “Shut it, Marimo! I’m not falling for that again!”
Zoro: *bats his eye* “Pleeeeeease! Cook-san!”
Sanji: “Shit…” *gives him all the snacks he wants*
The snacks are too sweet?
Zoro: “Can you make some salty snacks? Or better with wine filling?”
Sanji: “I’m gonna fill you with wine!”
Zoro: “Promise?” *shy smile with red cheeks*
Sanji: “You…what…? Stop that!” *stands an hour in the kitchen to make some wine-filled dark chocolate pralines*
Zoro: *casually training on deck - shirtless like always*
Sanji: *walks by, realizes it, dies of bloodloss*
Sanji: *standing at the railing, watching the sea*
Zoro: Can I join? *stands beside him*
Sanji: What do you want this time? * purposefully not looking over*
Zoro: *standing on his tiptoes and pressing a kiss to Sanji’s cheek - breast pressing to his arm* “Sorry for annoying you, Curly.”
Sanji: “It's…it’s…it’s fine! Marimo…Just fine…”
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
Night Routine
request: large Warm Milk with Honey to go for Tendou || fluffy-spicy night routine with boyfriend Tendou
warnings: spoilers, mdni, suggestive
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One of the things you loved the most about your boyfriend was that he was never stingy with showing affection. As soon as you opened the door, Tendou was upon you with hugs and kisses, commenting on how gorgeous you looked - even if you only wore sweats and a shirt that had seen better days.
Coming straight from work, he always brought you something. You were the first (and quite frankly only) opinion he wanted whenever experimenting with something new and who were you to turn down handmade chocolate! So it wasn’t unusual for him to feed you something before you two got started on dinner. Having you sit on the kitchen counter, he would stand between your legs and make you close your eyes to get the full experience of the flavor. As the chocolate melted on your tongue, you’d feel his hands run up your plush thighs and give them a few sensuous squeezes, making you giggle.
“What do you think?”, he’d ask.
“Hm…”, you pondered, locking your hands behind his neck, “I love the twist of lemon you added.”
And your boyfriend’s face would light up that you caught his newest ingredient. He would kiss you, humming at how the chocolate added to your own sweet taste and then lift you off the counter so you could go on with dinner preparations.
When it was time to do the dishes, Tendou supplied a fresh playlist every week. You’d rock paper scissors to find out who would wash and who would do the drying and putting away and then begin the chore while dancing to his latest song choices. It always ended with you two loudly singing along to whatever was playing, let that be a disney song, an anime opening or like tonight Britney Spears “One More Time”.
“Oh baby baby, the reason I breathe is you”, he sang into your ear, his hands beginning a rather inappropriate journey over your hips down to your ass as you tried to focus on the sponge in your hand.
“Oh you got me blinded, oh pretty baby” and he ran his lips along your neck as he continued, “there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do” - and as quickly as his teasing began, it would stop. Next thing you knew he used the wooden cooking spoon as a microphone, holding it out to you whenever an adlib came up.
These silly games made the chore go by much faster and had you double over with laughter at his ridiculous performances, that got more over the top the longer the dish washing went on (to keep up morale).
When everything was tidied again, he’d put his arms around your waist and grin mischievously, “So, my delicious little praline. You wanna continue where we left off with our anime or…”, he put a finger under your chin, pulling you closer and said with a wink, “go straight to bed for some forbidden delights?”
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a/n: ahhhh, the birthday boy! He is so silly and perfect ^^ I hope you enjoyed it 🫶🏻🌟 @ranscutedoll
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takadokii · 1 year
✴ sucker for (my) sweetheart !! ‧₊.࿐
summary After the Valentine's shift at work, you surprise Gojo with some sweets you've received to share. Despite his jealousy, he could never resist something as sweet as you! pairing high school!gojo satoru x f!reader tags pining, fluff, down bad & kinda jealous! satoru warnings implications of explicit thoughts/dreams about the reader word count 1k links collection ; taglist
this is an additional chapter of my series "caught in the middle", if you enjoyed this, consider checking it out! <3
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Satoru was already thinking about you when you suddenly entered the classroom. Initially, his shoulders tensed at the sound of the door slamming open but relaxed as soon as he saw your figure leaning against it. With an exhausted groan, you drag your body into your chair, leaning your head back as you let the many bags you were holding drop from your hands to the floor.
Satoru’s eyes were having a hard time when the inevitable desire to look at your face and the curiosity to take a peek into the bags overcame him.
“What’s all this?”
“Gifts from work,” you sighed, sitting up again as you rested your head on your arms, mumbling the rest of your words with closed eyes as the tension and stress were finally exiting your body.
“Valentine’s shift, y’know,” you rummaged through one of the pink gift bags you had received, mindlessly pulling out a box of chocolates.
“I wanted to share them with you.”
A noise left Satoru, one that he attempted (but terribly failed at) to hide by clearing his throat.
“Oh? Is that so?” he deflected, trying to distract from the blush on his face and the sudden sweating of his hands with some overly flirtatious comments. (As usual.)
“You sure this isn’t just some excuse you made up to get me some Valentine's candy?”
You roll your eyes at him, finally sitting up properly, turning yourself to face him as you place the box in your lap and carefully open it.
“Don’t be ridiculous, I already asked Suguru and Haibara if they wanted some as well, but there were just too many. I have a bunch of them left.”
“I’m the third?!” Satoru gasped, earning him another eye roll and a small kick against his shin.
“Stop pretending to be offended and open your mouth.”
The comment about how he wasn’t just pretending to be offended dies down quickly at the sight in front of him. A small heart-shaped praline, topped with some pink strawberry-flavoured flakes, stretched out to him in between your fingers.
After fully processing this view, he leaned forward, making sure to let his lips touch the tips of your fingers just delicately enough to be seen as accidental.
Unlike the usual “slightly annoyed to neutral at best”-looks you’d have on your face when talking to him, he was now met with a soft smile as you watched him chew. With the same hand, you put one into your own mouth, he wasn’t sure if his mind was playing tricks on him, but it seemed that your fingers lingering on your lips.
Satoru swallowed both the lump in his throat and the candy.
He was definitely having dreams about this later.
“So you’re getting candy from other guys now?” 
“Other guys? Can’t recall you getting me any Valentine's candy.”
Satoru pouted, “Well, yeah but I buy you candy like every other day, if anything that’s even more heartfelt. I buy them for you because I truly care about you. Not just because of some capitalist made-up holiday.” 
You chuckled a little, holding out another chocolate for him to eat. “Correction. You drag me to go candy shopping with you and let me ask for samples for you because you’re a scared baby.”
“I am not scared to ask for samples, I’m just scared they’re poisoned or something!” He murmurs while chewing.
“So you let me get poisoned!?” You pull the piece you were holding out to him back, offended but satisfied as you watch the devastation on his face when he ultimately bites down on nothing.
“Of course not!” He smiles sheepishly, reaching for your wrist to fulfil both his craving for sweets and physical contact with you. 
“I just trust your taste ‘s all,” he speaks lowly, his sunglasses covered eyes gazing up at yours as his mouth is still so close to your hand you can basically feel his breath on the tips of your fingers.
But before the blush could fully form, the shift in his tone hits you like a brick to the face as he leans back and speaks in his annoyingly overly flirtatious tone again.
“I mean you must have good taste if you choose to spend your Valentine's evening with me.” 
“Need I remind you that I went to two other guys first?” You tease.
It happens all at once, the screeching of his chair moving, the thump of his hand against your desk. He’s leaning in close, between his pushed down glasses and the white tips of his hair his eyes meet yours.
Without breaking the intense stare, his hand reaches for the box in your lap, effortlessly picking up a piece of chocolate before holding it to your lips.
“Yeah but in the end you’re with me, aren’t you?”
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i wanted to start this off with something light and cute, but im honestly so excited to expand this universe and share the ideas i've been working on with all of you
thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy! If you're interested in more of this dynamic then please check out "Tales of the Cursed!"
Love, jae 🩵
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lxvvie · 7 months
I firmly believe that Simon thinks Valentines Day is just a scam to make more money. If he wants to buy his girlfriend flowers and chocolates he doesn’t need a special day for that. However, if his girlfriend were to tell him she loved Valentines Day he would go all out (for his standards) to make the day special for her. If she didn’t care for it just as much as he does he’d be more fine than anything. They can splurge on all the pralines that are on sale after it.
I can see this.
I can also see Simon saying/believing Valentine's Day is a scam while also using it as an excuse to purchase more pralines than he usually does because he fuckin' LOVES sweets.
And then he gets pissy in Ghost if someone else got the same idea to buy hella pralines and now he's out a couple boxes because how dare some bloody knobhead have the same idea as him.
You'll clown him about it, too lmao.
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Steven Grant (+ some NSFW) headcanons
Steven is always there for you, all you have to do is snap your fingers and he will get you anything you want.
He's the more romatic one of the three, will get your favorite chocolate or pralines on dates and a fresh bouguet of flowers. :)
If you have the time once in a month he will cling to you(literally). While Jake and Marc know to give you your needed space so you won't get grumpy on them for literally breathing, Steven on the other hand will stay with you. He thinks it's cute how you get grumpy over nothing while on that time. And if you want it, he can be your personal heating pad (He will literally beam with joy if you ask him that.)
Steven loves it when he comes back home to find you dozed off on the couch or his bed. Steven could watch you peacefully sleeping all day or night. :)
In the bedroom, Steven is mostly a sub, it's kind of a turn on for him knowing you use him however you want. His favorite deed is his face buried between your legs after you had a bad day. Though, if you ask him, he can be a dom too, but he will be a soft dom, enjoying how his teasing will turn you into a walking puddle.
If you get a partner for Gus, Steven will be all over the moon. <3
Steven has no problem waking up early and preparing breakfast for you, he wants you to have a perfect start in your day after all.
He is a cuddler, he loves how soft and squishy you are for him. Oh, he's also quite touchy, loves running his hands through your hair, he just loves touching you in general. :)
While having sex he sometimes gets vocal, he can't help it with you. Markings? The most of markings you will have from him are his handprints on your ass or waist.
He loves it when you have to rely on him rather the other two, makes him feel special. :)
Steven can get pretty charming, especially when doing some French dirty talk, hehe.
If you have trouble studying, he will happily turn into your Professor Grant, he gives you the best advices and will try his best to help you. And if you have to do something for Ancient Egypt? Be prepared to get the best results. An A+ is guaranteed with him as your teacher!
Steven knows you absolutely love his curls, so he let's you play with them however you want. Especially when he's down on you.
I don't think you can get this man mad. He's so innocent that he will forgive you in a matter of seconds.
If you somehow manage to get him mad, the hardest punishment will be him giving you a cold shoulder or simply not talking to you for at last one hour before he softens and apologizes and makes it up to you with an expensive dinner at your favorite Restaurant.
A major turn on for Steven is when you get all needy and clingly on him, telling him how much you need him, so he often gets greedy and teases you until you both get what you want.
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castielsprostate · 7 months
hannibal decides to try out making chocolate some day.. hazelnut praline filled with caramel blood.. white chocolate pecan glaze with nougat... blood. chocolate with eyeball inside
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rainybubbles · 2 years
How did the Haikyuu boys confess to you ? part 1
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Part 1- Akaashi, Osamu, Bokuto, Kenma
A K A A S H I :
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-A poem.
-But not in a cringe way in front of everyone like you did during the mother's day with your mother trying to encourage you because "The sky is blue, i love you" is not the maximum of the literature.
-(Sorry buddy)
-So you were colleagues and during one reunion you talked about your tastes in books and you found out it was similar.
-One day you decided to lend him a book he wanted to read and which you had at home.
-He thanked you and...your exchanges had started.
-But there was a strange thing.
-When you're lending something to someone.
-Like your grandma, or some book.
-You expect them to give it back to you.
(sorry granny)
-But not Akaashi.
-You tried giving him back the books he lent to you but he always had an excuse or telling you, you could him them until the next time you made an exchange and...
-And you have thirty of his books at your home.
-You didn't question why.
-But today.
-And alone.
-The question was here.
-Why ?
-So you decided to reread some of the books.
-Maybe he didn't like them ?
-But again one of them was his favorite with many his own notes on the pages.
-All those books had a common point.
-They had pinky words in it.
-It didn't make sense the first time you saw it because there was no annotation, it was like random word like a "a" that was highlight in pink.
-You decided to search them and wrote them in the order of when he lent you the books.
-Slowly you found a phrase.
-"A university degree, four books, and hundreds of articles and I still make mistakes when reading,
You write to me "good morning" and I read it as, "I love you"."
Mahmoud Darwish.
-You stared the quotation.
-And slowly smiled.
-Because you knew it was not a coincidence and you're the only one he lent his books.
-He did this for you.
-You took your phone and texted.
-"Good Morning Akaashi."
-And he replied.
O S A M U :
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-Classic he told you he hates you.
-Maybe you need more context.
-So it was Valentine's Day.
-As the good chef he is, he decided to give you the most delicious handmade chocolates with a little note confessing his feelings.
-But Osamu forgot something in his equation.
-His twin.
-Twin who was happy to have a chocolate from Osamu this year, because usually he didn't make anything for him.
-Usually, Osamu only gave chocolates to their mother.
-So yes, when he saw three bags of chocolate, he took the prettiest because he only deserves the best.
-In fact Osamu did bake chocolates for Atsumu.
-With liquor in it.
-To burn his throat.
-And with the inscriptions "I hate you" on it because he burnt his kitchen last month.
-So imagine the surprise when you opened the chocolates Osamu gave you and you found this.
-Osamu waited all the day.
-To have your answer.
-When he saw his brother with a big smile.
-"Ya know, your chocolates were cool 'Samu. Kinda like the praline one."
-And maybe disown his brother.
-Was what he was thinking at this moment.
-Because the praline was your chocolate.
-So he understood you received the most horrendous chocolates while his brother had yours.
-And now...you're thinking he hates you.
-He ignored the fake blond and called you quickly.
-But when your answer, he couldn't talk.
-"I'M SO SORRY OSAMU ! I mean, I... I should have apologized before. And I'm sorry I make you feel so uneasy with my act. I...I shouldn't look so intensely at your pectorals during all the match, but I- You...you're pretty and I had a crush and it's absolutely not an excuse to stare at someone. I'm so sorry I'm making you uncomfortable." you said quickly.
-Osamu froze up.
-"...wait- you...gaze at my pectorals?", he asked.
-"Yeah...is...is that not why you hate me ?", you stammered.
-"I- No, oh my god." He laughed."The chocolates you had were meant for Atsumu but he exchanged the bags and stole yours."
-"So you like my pecs ?"
-"Osamu, can we forget about-"
-"I like you too."
-"So stare at them next time we go on a date, is okay for you?"
-"I rather stare at your face honestly."
-"And I rather stare at your lips." he said, smirking.
-"Bye Y/N" He hung up with a smile.
B O K U T O :
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-His grandma did it.
-So we know Bokuto can be clumsy.
-After a meeting with you, he had to share with someone how amazing you are, how he loves you and...
-It was for Kuroo.
-But he sent it to his grandma.
-And it could end here.
-Like the grandma answered "Bo, darling you sent it to the wrong person."
-Yes but it was not the case.
-Because his grandma, Jacqueline, knew a Y/N, who was her neighbor.
-And Jacqueline was bored.
-Her zumba classes was cancelled and she had an argument with her best friend and sadly after this her bestie had a heart attack so she didn't have any best friend now to distract her.
-So guess what could entertain her?
-The love life of his grandson.
-So she baked some cookies and suddenly "realized" she didn't have any sugar.
-Guess who she could ask help?
-She waited for you going back to your home.
-And knocked at your door with her innocent face.
-You answered that of course you have sugar.
-She thanked you and asked if you wanted to bake with her because her poor hands were too weak to mix up some ingredients.
(She was not weak at all, she went to the gym every day and could lift up your dad AND mom together just with her arms)
-You said yes, because you're a kind person.
-Or maybe you can't say no when someone asks you something.
(go see a therapist Y/N, you need to say no sometimes)
-You ended up at her house.
-And when you asked how many eggs you needed, she told you to look on her phone.
-Guess what was on the phone.
-The text of Bokuto.
-You ended up blushing.
-You apologized and said you had some emergency and...
-And you called Bokuto to confess and told him the story.
-...he thought it was coincidence.
-But Jacqueline knew the truth.
-She was a perfect match maker.
-Maybe she could open a business with her fake meetings cookies.
K E N M A :
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-You almost killed his cat accidentally.
-Here you can ask "where is the confession."
-Let me explain.
-You let a post-it on his streaming set-up with a "I like you more than a friend, do you want to go on a date together?"
-Because you knew you were not brave enough to tell him directly.
-And the only place he checked often was his set-up and his phone.
-But you find more romantic to write it on a note.
-Except that your note didn't stick to the screen.
-It flew to the ground.
-And guess who took this paper for something edible?
-Kenma's cat.
-The problem was when he ate the note; he started suffocating.
-Kenma whe he heard his cat's cough, ran towards him and tried to help him.
-But he failed.
-He searched for the nearest vet's clinic and called you because he didn't have any car. And he needed to be as quick as possible to the vet.
-Of course you drove him and kept him company.
-But when he told you the events.
-Culpability went done to your stomach.
-You stared at the floor.
-"Kenma, I'm so sorry I- I think it's my fault."
-"Why ?"
-"I let a note to you on your PC, and...and I think Pudding ate it."
-"You...why did you let a note ?" he asked confused
-"It, I...I didn't want to tell that out loud. But it doesn't matter. Fuck, I kill your cat." you said horrified.
-"He's not dead." Kenma tried to reassure you.
-"Yeah but he...it's my fault."
-"Well it's not." a voice said.
-You looked up to see the vet.
-"Pudding had an allergic reaction to his new dry food which provoked the angioedema. Your note was not responsible. He was already suffocating."
-You felt relieved but stressed.
-"Is he okay now ?" Kenma asked.
-"Yes, but he needs rest and new foods. We have more tests to do, to identify exactly what is the component that provoked him this allergy."
-"Thanks sir." Kenma said.
-"That's my job. By the way, here's your note. We didn't know if you wanted it or not. "
-He gave you a plastic bag with your note in it.
-There was drool on it and it was kinda gross, but you could still read the message on it.
-So does Kenma.
-He stared at you, while you tried to look everywhere else like suddenly the yellow wall was interesting.
-"Yes." he said.
-"What ?"
-"Your question, the answer is yes."
-You opened your mouth and shut it before you felt something warm in your hand.
-You looked down.
-His fingers were intertwined with yours.
-It was a small gesture.
-But it told you everything.
Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language !Don't hesitate to correct me if I made any mistakes by the way !!!
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 7 months
PALentines day 💋
Bale!Bruce Wayne x reader drabble <3
A/N: we all know about Valentines day, we've beard about Galentines day, now get ready for Palentines day!! A day to celebrate the most platonic of friendships... most of the time.
(I'm sorry that this is so short, I've been trying to write some shorter stuff lately <3)
~Fi 🐝
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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Friends. That's what you were. The friendliest, most platonic tier of friends. Okay, you were good friends. You did hang out a lot, and it was always fun. Maybe best friends is a better term. You went to each other for advice and whatever was on your mind, always having someone to confide in.
Bruce was the best best friend, which is why he stood in front of your door with a overly dramatic bouquet of flowers and a disgustingly expensive box of chocolates.
Because, if your friend doesn't have a valentine, you step up and make them a little surprise to brighten their day! ... right? This isn't weird. No, he's just being a good friend, that's all.
At least that's what he told himself when his brows furrowed and a subtle feeling of regret started to seep into his bones. He hated how much this felt like he was actually taking you out and not like a thoughtful gesture you'd get from a friend.
And it didn't help his case of being madly in love with you, either. He hated himself for how much he liked this, being able to pretend that you were more than just friends for even a split second. That he was able to do what he's been wanting to do for years; show you just how much you truly mean to him.
Bruce has had a gray, dull and gloomy life. Everything seemed to go wrong for him, throwing him deeper and deeper into emotional ruin. But then you came along and made everything just that little bit more bearable. You were like his little ray of sunshine that broke through the heavy clouds and make him see the beautiful colors of the world again.
And he knows that he can never give you back just how much you've given him, but some flowers and a box of pralines are the steps in the right direction... right? Jesus Christ, what was he doing? He's just your best friend. God, this IS weird.
And for a beat, he'd actually thought about turning straight on his heel and sinking into a pit of shame once he was back in the privacy of his own home. Bruce huffed in frustration at himself. He'd been standing in front of your door like this, like an idiot, for the past 10 minutes and still hadn't found the courage to knock.
The crease between his brows softened. What if... you appreciated his gesture? What if, this was exactly what you needed after a rough week. Just someone thinking of you. And, what if... you felt the same? A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, along with a pinch in his heart.
Bruce wanted nothing more than for it to be true, to know that you've been loving him just as he's been loving you. He was never a fan of hope, but that's all his lovesick heart was filled with now. Overflowing with the desperate hope that he has the chance to make you his and treat you like the treasure you are.
He had the urge to fall to his knees before you and just let everything spill out, how you made his life better in every way, and that he was but a man who couldn't help but fall for his guardian angel.
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《Tag list》: @allysunny @certifiedredhoodlover @hellonheels-x @gaozorous-rex-blog
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