#and speaking of the weather i might as well say that today’s Weather Report is uhhhhh
giuliettagaltieri · 8 months
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Break the Bondage
Pairing: Presidential Candidate!Coriolanus Snow x Strategist!Reader
Chapter Synopsis: The Paramour
Warning: elitism, vulnerability, mentions of death
Word Count: 3083
4 of 6
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Having to deal with the Capitol politicians and businessmen was something that Coriolanus Snow had come to tolerate as they were his people.  They were of the same kind and same background.
Interacting with the District politicians was something else.  They are too desperate to please, quick to take offense, and they had to introduce their entire family line to Coriolanus and you.  A lot of them claimed that their great great great grandfather’s cousin was born in the Capitol, or something of the same narrative.  
It gets worse and worse as you reach the Districts farthest from the Capitol.  The mayor’s mother in District 9 even insisted that you look so much like her late husband’s sister.  She claims them to be old money.  Coriolanus and you had to humor her of course.
You are just glad that your tour is coming to an end.
“You look tense.”  You spoke flatly as you read the success of your tour in the papers.
Coriolanus looks away from the dim passing scenery of the train window to study you.  “I do not.”  To make it look believable that he was indeed, not tense, he walks over to the refreshment table to pour you both a cup of tea.
“Thank you.”  You say silently as he gently places the cup on your table.  He sits himself next to you.  You grin at this as you continue to scan the article.  Try as he might to act aloof, he is an openbook to you.  Coriolanus sips his tea in silence.  He opted to sit shoulder to shoulder with you, well…shoulder to head, as he is less likely to have his face read by you, that is what he tells himself.
“Listen to this.”  You giggle and he hums in response.  “Coriolanus Snow and Y/N Swansworth stuns Panem with their reinvention of modern campaigning by touring the Districts, reshaping the silhouette of a typical Capitol couple in such a way that has the people breaking into rapturous applause.  They really are the faces of our future leaders.”  You inhale deeply, eyes closing and Coriolanus breaks into a smile,
“A triumph.”  He comments.
“Future leaders, Coriolanus.”  You squeeze his arm in your excitement.  “Future leaders.”
He places his hand on your thigh as he reads the spare newspaper.  You eye his hand, heart pounding.  You have felt for him once, those feelings remain until today, well kept and incheck but still there.  You wonder what he is planning but you choose to drop it when he does not speak again.
For some time, you just keep each other company until a rap on your compartment door steals your attention.
“Mister Snow, sir.  Miss Swansworth.  We are approaching District 12.”  The peacekeeper stationed outside informs you.
You let out a sigh, folding the paper as you finish what is left of your tea.
“Are you ready for this, Mister Snow?”  You ask coyly.
A grim expression crosses his face but he nods.
The weather is not as welcoming compared to the other districts.  It was raining very hard, with thunderbolts startling you every now and then.
It was very muddy, you hesitated if you should step out of the train.  Reporters were already waiting for you, suited with heavy coats to protect their tools of trade.  It is a shame you cannot hear their questions over the rain.
Coriolanus stood tall next to you, smiling at them and you wave, the both of you looking like every regal Capitol couple would. 
The mayor comes, chased by a skinny boy with an enormous umbrella.  He looks like he could be swept by the winds any second.
“Apologies, Mister Snow, Miss!”  He yells, his face dripping with the rain.  “The weather is apparently not on our side today!”
Coriolanus’ hardened eyes look at the man for a moment before he leans closer to the door, his hair swayed by the strong wind.  “No matter!  We are glad to be here in your District!”
The mayor steps back and the reporters click their cameras at you.
“Coriolanus.”  You groaned quietly.  “My shoes.”
He hides a quick mocking laugh and looks you up and down.  He noses your cheek and you almost stop him with all the cameras in front of you. 
“We can’t stay here, they’re waiting.”  He whispers.
Coriolanus cuts you off by stepping out of the train and into the mud, dirtying his socks and pristine shoes.  A large umbrella carried by another kid is placed over him, but his crimson suit was already dampened, making it look closer to a maroon.
You smile at the camera to hide your uneasiness.  You have been doing so well, you are in the final District, you cannot ruin this now.  You no longer have an injured foot to use as an excuse.  With a deep breath, you step closer to the door.  You look Coriolanus in the eyes.  He’s waiting, closely watching you.  And of course, you do not want to disappoint him.
Gently, you put your foot out and you shiver at the droplets that wet your skin.  Before your shoes can land on the mud, Coriolanus scoops you in his arms, making you yelp in surprise.
He adjusts you in his chest, pulling you closer and you shrink to yourself, eyes wide as you look at him in surprise and confusion.
“Ohh!”  The mayor claps his hands at Coriolanus’ chivalry and the reporters follow suit.
You wanted to wipe that smirk playing in Coriolanus’ lips.  He’s always so unpredictable, you hate it.
But you hate yourself even more when a hiccup escapes you, your hands cover your lips but with you in his arms, it was hard for Coriolanus to miss and a rumble of chuckles from his chest had your face erupting to a flush.
The mayors lead you to his home, the peacekeepers close behind you as the reporters follow suit.
You clear your throat, jolting every now and then as you hiccup, it was most embarrassing.  Especially when the people of District 12 were lining up in the streets.  Most of them did not have anything to protect them from the harsh rain. 
“Coriolanus, the people.”  You say sadly and he only hums, a charismatic smile plastered to his lips.
“Smile for them, sweetheart.”  He tells you.  “Or if that is too much, smile for me.”  He glances at you quickly but his eyes are set forward before you can respond.
And you do your best to smile.  You meet their anxious gazes with your warm ones.  Yours hold an unspoken promise, something that you will probably not fulfill, but boosting their morale is what matters most.  A little girl was clinging to her mother and she waves at you.  So young, her dress was patched and she was shivering.
“Coriolanus, stop.”
The man pauses and your entourage follows suit.
“Is something the matter, my dear?”  He asks, a perfect blonde brow raised at you.
You ignore how your heart jumps at the endearment.
“Uhm.”  You hesitate now but you look at the little girl again.  “You can put me down.” 
His frown deepens.  “The mud.”
You look down and shake your head.  “It is not as bad as I thought.  And you can always just buy me new ones.”  You smile at him as you stroke his bicep to coax him into agreeing with you.
Coriolanus looks at you, as if a battle is happening behind those blue eyes but you did not back down.  He sighs and gently places you on the ground.  There was a soft squelch and you tried your hardest not to grimace.
“Shall we get going then?”  He asks but you place a hand on his chest.
“Wait.”  You smile at him and you start to unbutton your coat and drape it on your arm.
The frown in his face gets more and more deeper that you had to place a gentle kiss in his jaw to calm him. 
You know that he does not feel for you the same way you do for him but there is this possessiveness in him that makes you want to fool yourself into believing that he has affection for you.
When you try to get closer to the people, his firm hand was quick to grip your forearm, but you give him a pleading look, one you know he will not refuse.
Coriolanus nods at the peacekeepers who keep their ground as he accompanies you closer to the little girl.
“Hello.  I saw you waving.”  You smile and the little girl returns your smile shyly.  “What’s your name?”
She looks at her mother and you frown slightly.
“Uhm…I am so sorry, Miss Swansworth.  She-she cannot hear.  Her name is Lily.”
“Oh.”  Your face drops and Coriolanus places a hand on your back, as if to provide a form of comfort to you.  “Well.”  You drape your coat around Lily’s shoulders, she gives you the brightest smile and her hands make these gestures that you do not understand.
“She says ‘thank you’.” The mother sniffles.  “And that it’s warm.”
You return their smiles.
Coriolanus plucks a pristine white rose from his boutonnière to slip behind Lily’s hair.
The little girl looks at her mother with uncontained excitement.
You wave at Lily one last time, smiling at her and the people around before letting Coriolanus guide you back in the safety of your entourage.
After that endearing encounter, the visit was proving itself more and more disappointing.
The reporters asked the same questions as every other reporter did in the other Districts. 
How you find their District.
How fared your travels.
It was getting difficult to paraphrase your answers.
Despite the exaggerated generosity of the mayor and his family, Coriolanus just could not relax around him.  He is being diplomatic by entertaining the man but you cannot miss the ticks of his jaw, or the absence of willingness in his words.  As if he was trying to bring every conversation to a deadend.  Not that the man or his family notices, they were just happy to have someone from the Capitol in their home.
With all the jabbering of the mayor about his small achievements, the food turned cold and Coriolanus’ temper did not seem to ease.
“Darling.”  You spoke to Coriolanus, head leaning to his shoulder when the mayor busies himself with pouring more wine.  “It is getting awfully late.”
Coriolanus looks you in the eye and quickly recognizes the boredom in them.  “Indeed.”  You straighten up and a satisfied smile spreads on your lips.  “Mister mayor.”  Coriolanus begins formally and the man looks up, his face red from all the drinking.  “Miss Swansworth and I.  We had a long journey.  We would love to accept your family’s hospitality and rest in the room you have prepared for us.”
The mayor starts speaking to you about the house as he leads the way, how it is made of the finest wood, and the number of people who built it.  You chose not to speak so as to not embarrass the man after he felt so proud of this…well, he calls it a house.  He would be a laughing stock if anyone else in the Capitol heard it.
Coriolanus’ answers became shorter and shorter and he even cannot hide the frown on his brows by the time he closes the door to the mayor’s face.
Unlike in the other Districts, Coriolanus and you had to share a room here in 12.  They just assumed that it is acceptable to share a bed despite being unwedded.  Most couples practice here at 12, apparently.
“It’s freezing.”  You rub your arms as you look around the place.  “And it smells like…like mothballs.”
Coriolanus collapses on the bed, his posture stooped for once as his arms rests on his thighs.
“I’m sorry.”
You stop in examining the aged walls upon hearing him say it.  You purse your lips before turning to look at him, trying to look impassive.
“I’m sorry.”  He repeats.  “You did not have to suffer this kind of discomfort with me.”
Without a word, you walk over to Coriolanus and sit on the bed next to him.
“I dragged you here.  Made you live like the Districts.  You…you almost-”  He shakes his head, hand massaging his brows.  He is a mess and he is breaking apart.
You sigh and lie on your back on the bed, your feet still dangling on the edge of the bed.
“You did not drag me here.”  You chuckle softly.  “I volunteered to come.”
“Listen to me, Coriolanus-”
“Corio.”  He corrects you, making you smile.
“Corio.”  You say playfully.  “I made my own decision to come here with you.  Please do not forget that you can never make me do something that I do not want to do.”
He laughs breathily and copies your position.  You both stare at the wooden ceiling in silence.
“The truth is.  I enjoyed this tour.”  You started fiddling with your fingers.  “I got to spend time with you, saw parts of you that you refused to show anybody, this trip helped me get to know you better.”
A scoff from him surprises you.  “You don’t know anything about me.”  He sits up and before you can reach for him, he sits on the floor instead.  He leans his head on the bed and you watch him curiously.
“This place kills people.”  He says.
You sit up slowly, just observing, trying to understand where this behavior is coming from.
“It was the games that messed with my head.  Opened my eyes.”  He continues.  “But this place.  This place makes you do things that would haunt you forever.”  He props a knee and rests an arm there.  “The hanging tree, the poverty, the fucking mud.  And the people.”  He cups his jaw as if trying to calm himself.
Gently, you slide down next to him, watching the dull walls as you feel his warmth next to you.
“The tribute.  I thought we loved each other.  I truly believed we did.”
Your eyes dart to your skirt, chest tightening with every passing moment of him talking about her.  You wanted to get out of there.
“But it wasn’t really love, was it?”  He sneers.
Coriolanus receives only silence as you are afraid your voice might break if you uttered a word.
“Love is not selfish.”  He places a hand atop yours that was resting on the floor.  “It is about sacrifices but never about giving up who you are or what you could be.”  His grip tightens on your hand.  “I don’t have to choose between the life I was preparing myself for and love.”  He raises your hand and presses a kiss to it.
“Corio.”  You say gently but he shakes his head.
“I don’t deserve you.”  He spoke against your skin and your heart breaks, listening to him talk so vulnerably.  “You are too good.  And I am wicked.”
You are silent as you watch him cradle your hand against his face.  He is crying.  The sobs were contained but the wetness of his cheek against your hand was unmistakable.
“I am not a saint.”  You say quietly. 
“You are not a murderer either.”  He challenges.  “Your tribute from the games was just a kid.  The Mayor’s daughter had her back turned when I pulled the trigger.  Sejanus cried for his mother when he hanged from the gallows.  My hands are stained.”
A ringing silence follows after he shares to you a secret he worked very hard to bury, taking care of loose ends that cost him his peace of slumber for years.
You would hate him now.  He is certain of it.
Just like Lucy Gray and Tigris, you would run away.  Away from him.
“That may be true.”  You agree as your other hand cups his cheek.  “But if I am still to offer my heart for those sinful bloodstained hands to hold, I am no better, am I?”
His crystal orbs rise to meet your glassy ones.
“Even after all I have done?”
You smile painfully, heart clenching with irrevocable affections.  “You can burn this world to the ground and I would still want you.”
He stares at you in confusion, as if wanting to pick your mind apart, to understand why and how you can feel for him so immensely when he has done nothing but cause you pain.
“I told you, I am not a saint.”  You pull him by the nape to look at him closely, your noses now brushing.  “You seem to forget easily.  I am a Swansworth.”  You flash him a haughty smile.  “And I do not scare easily.”
It felt utterly liberating to be free of such burden and be wrapped up in you now.  He laughs in disbelief, pausing to look you in the eye before his gaze drops to your inviting lips. 
Coriolanus believes that if he does not kiss you right then, it would be a crime.  Cruelest yet from all he has committed.
You smile at him from underneath those lashes of yours and Coriolanus Snow does not really have the control to pull away now.
His hooded eyes meet yours and he reveled in how yours flutter close as he inches closer.  Your lips brush the slightest bit and a surge of electricity burns your lips that made him pull you close to a bruising kiss.
That kiss ended the push and pull between you.
You are his woman, not only for show this time.
When you returned to the Capitol, Coriolanus might as well have brought you with him straight to the presidential palace.  Even president Ravenstil welcomed your return.  It made the two of you feel like you are heroes of some sorts.
In some way, perhaps you were.  Any talks of rebellion from the outskirts of Panem went silent as your successful tour brought great happiness and a false sense of belongingness to the public. 
Poor Hilarius Heavensbee, nothing he did after your tour made it to the headlines.
You and Coriolanus will get what is yours.  You swear it by your fathers’ grave.
The day of the election finally came.  Neither Coriolanus nor you slept that night.  Your hand was trapped in his hold the entire night and you did not complain as his warmth, despite being clammy from his nerves, soothes your anxieties.
The results came on the break of dawn.
Snow landed on top.
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Hunt for Glory
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lilpotatjj · 7 months
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Congratulation... Captain?
AN: Chapter 2 from my long story about Andy and you. No warnings...just a little kiss
Andy x Fem!Reader
Chapter 2
She needs to look up to look into deep brown eyes. "Sullivan… What do you want?"
"Good morning to you too Captain?" his typical questioning look examines her. “Can I come in and talk to you for a moment?”
Andy opens the door so he can come in. “Something important, Lieutenant?” Robert immediately notices her subtly annoyed manner, which is why he folds his arms as he leans against the wall. “You still seem a little confused, is it because of the call 2 Days ago?
"Um…probably? Listen Robert…I still have..-" Andy is scurrying through some protocols but Sullivan suddenly puts his hand on them to stop Andy.
"It's been over a year since the divorce, I hope you're looking forward. I plan on marrying Chief Ross." Andy unconsciously looks up at him in annoyance and surprise.
"Todas las cosas buenas vienen de tres en tres….huh…" (All good things come in threes), Andy speaks clearly unimpressed.
"Hablas en serio, Andy?" (Are you serious?), Sullivan looks at her blankly. "You have to say that…" Sullivan huffs.
Now Andy looks at him pretty pissed. "Qué!? ok enought…go! Out of my office!"
"Andy I..-"..
"you are dismissed, now Lieutenant Sullivan!"
With a disappointed face he leaves the office, slamming the door.
"uuurgh" she growls to herself and puts her face in her hand, the other on her hip. The Team who finished breakfast, including you, heard almost the entire discussion.
“Is there something going on between the two of them?” you look at the Team questioningly.
"It was more like…they were married and have been divorced for over a year," Travis says, shaking his head.
"But…wasn't Captain Herrera still a lieutenant and subordinate to Sullivan, who was captain?"
"I still don't understand why they got married so quickly." Vic shrugs her shoulders.
"They were happy, it just didn't worked anymore." Warren speaks in a calm voice to mediate and change the subject. "come with probie, the hoses need to be cleaned"
Your gaze wanders to Andy in the office, but when she suddenly looks at you and stares directly into your eyes, you jump and quickly follow Warren, while Andy looks after you in confusion.
When you get to the barn, you clean the hoses, completely lost in thought. //well…despite her low rank, the captain now was dating the captain at the past…even married.// The rest of the day was pretty quiet, only a few calls were received and so everyone was able to get some rest.
At least 8 weeks passed and you have slowly but surely settled into the station. Everyone on the team genuinely supports you and Andy is slowly but surely coming to terms with her position as captain. Winter has arrived and things are also rather quiet between Andy and Sullivan. Both are focused on their work.
In the last few weeks it's just been staring. Andy knows the rules. In order not to risk anything, she tries to avoid anything conspicuous towards you and nothing more than a sweet smile happens between you.
-Aid Car19, L19, EMS19-
"Ok guys! Montgomery and Warren Aid Car, Hughes and Bishop L19! Y/N, you're coming with me! According to the interim situation report, there are several hikers who got separated and some drivers who can't get out of the snow. Act quickly and precisely. In this cold weather you all need every single bit of energy you can save!
"Always go in a team of two, never alone! If you get lost here, any rescue might come too late…". Everyone gets into their vehicles, including you and me into the EMS of the 19.
"This is my first time in the snow" you drive along the snow path in the city, it's difficult to see anything.
"Then pay attention and learn today. It will take all of your concentration." Andy looks at you and changes her gaze to the white snowy world outside.
"Captain, we were able to save the first drivers, now we'll keep looking!" Travis said.
"copy", Andy looks out the window more and more worried. "Stop here, we'll continue here on foot. Make sure we stay together and one step at a time!" Andy looks at you seriously
"understood!" You walk together along a narrow path for almost 2 hours.
"They must have passed here. They set up flags to mark them." Andy points to the small flags and the moment she approaches one flag she steps on loose ice that is hidden under the snow which breaks off and Andy literally falls backwards in slow motion before your eyes and slides down a high cliff. "Captain!!" you immediately look carefully and think about what to do. "Help…I have to get help!". You pick up the walkie talkie.
"Y/N at station 19, I need support immediately! The captain has fal-en o-f a c-i-f! I repe-d! Ca-t-in---fa---c--"
You look at your walkie talkie and shake it. "do you copy!?" Without an answer, you slowly look down in despair and see Andy lying quietly in the snow. "Come on…" You collect all the flags at the edge of the abyss to mark the spot. You also look for gasoline in one of the abandoned cars, which luckily one of the vehicles had in the trunk. "Ok…Captain!" However, you call without an answer and try to climb down the slope without any climbing gear.
You slowly come down a few steps, slide down the last few meters and immediately run to Andy.
"Captain! hey do you hear me!? wake up!" When you turn around, you see a small bloody head injury. Covered by a hidden stone under all the snow. With a hand on her neck you feel her pulse, which is there, but Andy is slowly cooling down from the cold. "Captain Herrera…please…wake up!" you pull her closer to you to warm her. "Andy…wake up…please…" She slowly wakes up and looks at you confused. "what…what happened!?" Andy slowly sits up and holds her injured head.
"You fell down a cliff and because that wasn't enough you hurt your head, you have to stay awake otherwise you might not wake up again." Andy looks at your gas and is now shaking more than noticeably.
"We have to build a fire. We need firewood." Andy stands up slowly, but immediately falls over again.
"I'm going to collect something, there's enough lying around here. The petrol will make it burn faster" you get up and collect a good amount of wood as quickly as possible and then put it together to form a fire pit. "Use just a little gas…we have to be economical in case we're stuck here for a long time." The words shock you more than they should and you look at Andy in surprise. "I tried to reach our people via radio…but I don't know if it reached our station.
Andy's whole body is shaking like never before. "w…we will die he..-"- "Nobody dies here today!" Despair spreads through you, but Andy looks at you demandingly. "We'll be saved here…we just have to hold on for a while…" Andy can hardly speak anymore because of the cold. "Come here…we should cuddle as close to each other as possible to warm each other up." Andy looks at you completely cold and you don't hesitate and sit down next to Andy, who puts her arms around you.
It's like you can hear her heartbeat, it only makes your cheeks blush even more, just like Andy's. "Feeling better?" Andy tries to smile. "my first snow call and I almost die…what a day…"
"I told you that no one would die here today…say that again and I'll stop your mouth." Andy looks at you half present. "If you die I-" you can't get any further because of Andy's lips resting on yours. It's a gentle kiss, making the blush shoot completely from your fingers to your face. "A…Andy…you hit your head" You look at her softly, whispering quietly.
"Wait…." you get up and hear a helicopter nearby. "the gasoline!" You grab the gasoline and pour almost all of it onto the wood, causing a large amount of black smoke to rise.
"I told you we wouldn't die here today!" Andy gets up and suddenly vomits. "Captain! Your head…" You can just catch her as she collapses again.The helicopter recognizes the signal and the team from Station 19 finally reaches you. Andy is taken to the hospital as quickly as possible and treated there, just like you.
After 3 days of absence, Andy finally wakes up. "hey…oh god finally! Doctor Shepperd! She's awake!" Amelia comes in immediately and looks at the values, checks her eyes and smiles. "Very good, you're out of the woods for now." Andy looks at you. "What exactly happened?" You exchange worried looks with Amelia.
"Memory loss can occur, but it shouldn't be very serious." Amelia checks some more data and then leaves the room.
"Captain…get well again quickly" You look at her with a gentle smile but Andy ignores your look. “Of course” you go off to work, not noticing Andy watching you go, completely lost in thought and touching her lips.
next chapter will comming <3
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unironicallycringe · 2 years
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they are gay
UPDATE: I fixed it, apologies, today is filled with a lot of pain meds. Anyways. I wrote the oneshot finally. Ghirabeck crackfic, written as seriously as possible to produce silly fluff, in...
The Real Treasure Was The Unlikely Romantic Bond We Developed Along The Way
Rated:T Word count: 2,024 Pairing: Ghirahim/Linebeck No content warnings
If there were an onlooker to observe, they might have thought that the Famed Adventurer Captain Linebeck had gone entirely mad.
The man was prowling through the old wreckage of a capsized ship run aground. The broken vessel bridged the rocky intertidal, its stern having lodged itself in a sandy berm where the shore blended from sea to land. He balanced across half-submerged masts and algae-slick rocks as the tide came in, speaking aloud as though having a full conversation with no one in sight.
The captain's presence lent a colorful splash to an otherwise dull shore. He was obviously a man of fame and wealth, and one who took great care to look the part. He wore his signature blue mariner's coat, its brass buckles gleaming under a recent shine job, while his bright red neckerchief adorned the space under his chin. Right above, a trimmed goatee and mustache gave him just the right dash of roguishly-handsome flair. The style was intentional, portraying a proper gentleman while still entrancing the imagination with hints of adventure. Of curious note, however, was the large sword strapped to his back. A man like Linebeck was more suited to a thin rapier, perhaps a scimitar at the very most; an obsidian, spiked greatsword was not his style, nor should he have even been capable of lifting it. The weapon's incongruity was more than a little noticeable.
"First Mate, a report please! Where did you say you got that treasure map from, exactly?" Linebeck asked aloud.
There was the slightest shimmering sound in response, quiet enough to make the captain seem as if he answered his own question moments later.
"The merchant from the shop ship? Ohh, I don't trust that, not one bit, you know!"
He paused, and in the silence came another breezy shimmer before he continued.
"It's not to be rude, I just don't think that he can verify the integrity of a ware like that. He doesn't have the treasure-hunting know-how, the hands-on experience, the keen-eyed passion! Not like us! I don't think he ever even leaves his ship. For all we know, he could have been sold a fake, and then we look like fools for buying it…"
There was a titter like the rustle of leaves. Linebeck rubbed at tired eyes with the heel of his palm.
"Oh, darling, won't you just come out and help me, then?"
In a flash of golden diamonds, another man suddenly appeared from inside the sword. This newcomer was gray-skinned and white-haired, and he was tall enough to tower over the captain. His garb was just as meticulously coordinated as the captain's. He wore a billowy, crimson blouse with ruffled cuffs, and a single, diamond-shaped earring dangled from his right ear. When he spoke, his voice was lilting and haughty.
"As you wish, Captain," this new entity chuckled. "Though, I had hoped a simple hunt like this would be no match for such a man of the sea as yourself…"
"Alright, alright, no need for that now, Ghirahim! Besides, I'm only having trouble searching because…well, because…" Linebeck quietly glanced around for an easy excuse. He frowned up at the sky through holes in the ruined ship's overturned hull. "Why, it's because the weather is just so dour! It's giving me a headache. Barometric pressure and all that, you know."
"Current barometric pressure shows no indication of a coming storm," Ghirahim remarked, casually cleaning his nails. "Nary a cloud in the sky, too."
Linebeck simply fell back on stubborn confidence, his pretense of choice.
"Right, well, I just know these things by instinct even before a storm blows in. You see, I'd been out sailing while you were stuck in your sword in that temple after all. I have fresher experience with these seas and her stormy temperaments."
"Oh. He just knows these things, he says," the sword spirit scoffed melodramatically. "I suppose that makes me mistaken then, and you don't need any of my other wisdom. I'll just have to pack my little rucksack and take my leave from this scavenger hunt then, for Captain Linebeck just knows these things far better than a sword spirit..."
"Now, now, I didn't mean it like that! No need to be like that!" the captain backtracked. Ghirahim's threat had no teeth whatsoever, and it was obvious he just wanted to be paid his fee of compliments. "Let's just forget about it and focus, darling? Why, I think you're quite wonderful at, uh…forecasting the weather! And countless other things! Really, you're perfect in so many ways."
That resulted in an approving hum from the playful demon. "Hmmm…fine, it's all water under the bridge. I just think you're funny when you put your foot in your mouth."
Ghirahim twirled his hair in a finger with a long, thoughtful look. Then, he turned on his heel, moving towards the upside-down cabin towards the stern.
"Why don't we check over here again?" he said abruptly.
"Certainly, I was just thinking that."
"Great minds think alike, then."
Linebeck eagerly trailed behind him. His eyes darted over the area with renewed vigor now that he had his exploring buddy fully present.
"Do you imagine it could've been buried in the sand during the wreck?" he suggested. "I was wondering, but I've no shovels on hand."
"Perhaps! Orrr… maybe it was stowed securely enough as to stay aboard while the wreck drifted," Ghirahim returned. He offered a knowing smirk before directing Linebeck to the ceiling - or rather, the ceiling that used to be the deck floor. The sand here sloped steeply upwards, bringing them within such easy reach of it that Ghirahim had to crouch to avoid bumping his head. "Did you know that pirates often use secret compartments to hide their stolen goods and jewels? Now that's a good start."
Linebeck's eyes lit up with excitement.
"Oh, yes, you're quite right!" he smacked a hand to his forehead and laughed a little, then proceeded to check each of the planks above their heads. "Of course! There could be a secret trapdoor on the floor of this very cabin! I'm sure I would have thought of that, had it not been for this dreadful headache…"
With his morale boosted, Linebeck analyzed the old floorboards attentively. He didn't notice Ghirahim wasn't actually looking very hard, instead only smugly observing. Eventually, the demon subtly shepherded them to a space where Linebeck pointed out a hidden, rusty lock that caught his eye.
"A-ha!! Ghirahim, look there! I think I've found something promising!" he sang.
"I'm looking! Good eye, Captain, well done."
"Let's hope the reward will be well worth the splinters…"
Linebeck produced a lockpick and fiddled with the old mechanism briefly. It clunked and scraped in protest before it yielded, allowing the trapdoor to fall open with a creaking groan. He stepped handily out of the way just as a large chest tumbled free from above. But instead of landing still like well-behaved loot, it bounced and rolled down the sandy slope in a bid for escape, headed towards the rising tide.
"Gah! An escape artist, eh?" Linebeck called, scrambling after it through loose sand. "Come back here, you slippery eel!"
Linebeck slid and sprang forward, catching the rogue chest just as it leapt from a rock towards the waves. Far from his earlier frustration, he laughed aloud in the triumph and fun of it all. The chest was surprisingly lightweight, but it didn't dampen the success. Regardless, treasure was treasure. He dragged it safely back to dry land and waved up to Ghirahim.
"Got it!" he cheered.
"A stunning display of dexterity, Captain," the demon yelled back. "Now what's inside?"
Linebeck's fingers searched for the chest's latch. With no lock in sight, he wrenched the lid open and peered inside…
…only to tilt his head in bewildered confusion.
"Huh? What's this?" he blurted. "Did some ruffian get to most of it first? There's just this paper hat and note left...oh, hold on, Ghirahim come look. There's some jewelry that looks exactly like your earring…"
Ghirahim appeared beside him suddenly in another shower of diamonds. The demon tapped his chin, trying very hard to look puzzled.
"How curious! 'Tis almost like … a matching piece to mine," he said innocently. "That's a paper crown, by the way."
Linebeck narrowed his eyes at Ghirahim in suspicion.
"Curious indeed," he said. A smile began to tug at the whiskered corners of his lips as understanding quickly dawned on him.
"Well? What other plunder is there? Does the note share any fanciful tales, Captain?"
Captain Linebeck did his best to fight off that growing smile and look serious.
"Ahem. Let's not get too hasty! We'll do this properly, shall we?" He began pulling each item out to appraise it, standard practice for the record-keeping of his hauls. Ghirahim summoned up quill and parchment to complete the scene.
"First Mate, if you'd please log Item #1 as Suspiciously Familiar Earring Which Certainly Wasn't Left By Anyone I Know." He hooked it into his left ear, opposite the one worn by the demon.
"Mhm, yes, counted and logged. What luck! Blue is definitely your color."
"Item #2: Paper Crown Belonging To A… " –Linebeck stifled a snicker as he read the cursive script across it– "...To A 'King Sexyman'. A historic find and a valuable artifact, I'd say."
"Logged with amendment: Well-Folded Paper Crown. Fine craftsmanship."
"Where did you even get this?"
"Who, me?" Ghirahim feigned ignorance poorly. "Why, I've never seen this treasure before, Captain, on my honor, cross my gem."
"You're not very good at lying…"
"That makes two of us. What's next?"
"Other than the note, there's more jewelry." Linebeck showed off a few other gifted trinkets one by one. Then, he came to two additional golden rings inlaid with sapphires. "You're giving me quite a few earrings, darling."
"Those aren't for ears. But worry about that later, handsome." Ghirahim shot him a wink. "Anyways, I'm simply dying to know what that note could possibly say, aren't you?"
Linebeck sighed, having already given up his play in favor of flushed cheeks and his persistent grin. He unfurled the parchment scroll to read aloud. Its writing was calligraphy of gaudy flourishes typical to a certain sword spirit.
"To My Dearest Captain Linebeck:
I hope you don't find the contents of this chest disappointing, for it was already empty when I got here. It seems our friend Beedle sold us a useless map. But fear not: I procured some other baubles to place inside for your enrichment and amusement! Besides, should you choose to look again, you may find that the real treasure was in front of you all along..."
Linebeck snorted. "Did you draw a winking face at the bottom here–?"
He turned to look at his companion, but the demon wasn't by his side anymore. So expectedly, he returned his attention to the emptied and open chest.
Ghirahim was now sat inside it, fluttering his eyelashes prettily with a hand under his chin.
Seemingly at a loss for words, the captain buried his reddened face in his hands.
"This is…wow…" His shoulders shook with muffled laughter. "Oh, how in the world did I end up finding someone who is so … well, so …"
"So clever? Beautiful? Creative? Excellent at designing surprise bonding activities? Please, take your time."
Bending forward, Linebeck merely captured the demon's lips with his own. His companion's mischief briefly melted into something softer, quieter. When he pulled away, he found that his had, too.
"...so perfect, actually," he finished. "Quite wonderful at many things, really, including surprise bonding activities."
Ghirahim grinned widely, but his voice was only a whisper. His fingers found Linebeck's to intertwine in.
"Speak for yourself. I dare say, you're the one with a new crown to boast of your perfection." He snapped the silly craft into existence and placed it atop Linebeck's wispy olive hair. That earned another shared snicker and the captain nuzzled his nose into the sword spirit's cheek.
"You know, in truth," Linebeck admitted. "I do believe you're my favorite treasure to have found."
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thenon-fictiondays · 1 year
Hirano to Kagiura light novel translation 4-3
Chapter 4: Fall.
Part 3
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The cultural festival is 10 days away.
The deadline for ordering materials and ingredients has passed, and they have finally reached the peak of making sign boards and interior decorations.
At this time of year alone, many students come to school on the weekends. They should hope to finish preparing by today or tomorrow after school, but they can’t take time away from club activities.
Cultural clubs also have opportunities to present their club activities, and athletic clubs have long practices throughout the year. Making the most of one’s time in the midst of all this is in line with the school’s culture of valuing independence—or so one might think, but this tight schedule is the reason why each and every one of the executive committee members’ grades are allegedly dropping.
Midterm exams themself are next month, but they’re going to cover a lot of material. The contrast with the first semester, which had two rounds of exams in a short cycle, has even Hirano letting out a sigh.
At any rate, high school is much more challenging as a whole compared to middle school. Their teachers tell them to go visit their dream schools’ open campus days and school fairs, and in the same breath warn them that their comprehension level here will reflect in their scores on the national practice exam.
Autumn tends to be a hectic time, for second years and first years alike.
“Hirano-san, apparently there’s gonna be another typhoon in our area the day after tomorrow.”
His kouhai had come home looking restless; lately his mood has been going from sunny to rainy and back again in perfect tandem with the weather report.
Even Kagiura, who has been in a rush of busyness come second semester, has taken on a certain air of dignity in Hirano’s eyes, but right now it’s like he’s a child again. It’s as if every day is just before a field trip.
“That figures, at this time of year.”
“I wonder if next weekend will be okay…” His sigh is punctuated with a dry cough, and he fishes a lozenge out of his pocket. Maybe his throat is bothering him.
“Who knows? Well, there’s a backup day in case the festival day gets rained out.”
“Was last year okay?”
A clacking sound comes from Kagiura’s mouth, as if the lozenge knocked against his teeth.
“Hmm, how was it…I don’t remember, so prob’ly nothing happened.”
“The teacher did say it’ll only be canceled in case of heavy rain, so it seems like we’ll use the space below the gym or something, but I feel like we all might not fit…”
“Oh, right. So that’s what the courtyard booths are gonna do, huh? Sorry, I dunno.”
“I gotcha. Thanks anyway!”
“Speaking of which, have you guys worked out the schedule for your shifts yet? If I’m gonna go, I might as well go when you’re gonna be there.”
“We have, but…if we’re gonna coordinate, then I want to go around the festival with you.”
“I know this is last-minute, so if you already have someone else to go with, I’m cool with it.”
Yeah, that’s definitely the face of someone who’d be cool with it.
His kouhai’s expression has immediately gotten pouty, and Hirano isn’t sure if he’s going to give up quickly or dig his heels in.
“Maybe in the morning, then. All the stalls that have food are gonna be pretty crowded around noon, so I wanna get something to tide me over before then. Scout out where you wanna go ahead of time. I’ll keep an eye out, too.”
Hirano opens a question packet so he doesn’t disturb Kagiura, who’d sat at his desk after declaring then I’m gonna do homework until dinnertime! The pauses between the sounds of the mechanical pencil scratching haltingly over the paper are punctuated with the occasional cough.
Like raindrops dripping on a rainy day, the slow moment stretches on, until he’s almost in a trance.
When Hirano, who’s gotten a bit worried, strains to listen, it seems like Kagiura’s drinking a lot more water than normal.
That’s understandable, he thinks.
The summer heat is still going strong; this kind of weather makes you want to jump in a pool during the daytime, while the days that turn into chilly nights are growing more frequent. 
Kagiura may be physically fit, but this can’t be an easy time for him, what with him bustling around for the festival executive committee and working up a sweat at morning and evening practices.
At the moment, it might just be a sore throat, but he’s the type that doesn’t know his own limits, so he needs to take care of himself before it turns into a full-on cold.
He’s probably stupidly resilient, though.
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As always, huge thank you to reading list members @jeizet, @jujupanic, @massyworld, @umbreonwolfy, @acidsuzanne-blog, @neoday, @lary-the-lizard, @tsmginc 💖 you guys rock also sorry for tagging you in a post I immediately deleted lmao
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piratesgiftexchange · 2 years
Log of the Morgan
For @wurderer by @everythingispirates
PROMPT: Calypso is a goddess, and stories of gods tend to be truly terrifying. I’d love to see her living up to how terrifying the sea can be WORD COUNT: 3898
October 20, 1731
We have been at sea for nearly three months now, and are still faring well. Crew are anxious as we near the Cape of Good Hope, but stay in line and do as ordered. Master Clancy is perhaps the closest to causing trouble, but has done nothing as of yet. I shall keep an eye on him and punish where necessary. Tully says he has seen a gull circle the ship, despite seabirds being a rare sight this far from land. He says it is a sign from God, that He is watching us and shall guide us ashore. I do have my doubts, our Lord would certainly have things of far greater import to see to than this meagre ship, but Tully insists. Suppose it is better that the crew believe our voyage to be protected by the Lord than they have any ideas of mutineering. Clear skies today, and strong northern winds. I believe we shall be at Capetown within the month.
October 21, 1731 
Three months at sea exactly, today. Crew are celebrating belowdecks, thinks I do not notice. I will leave them at it for another hour or so - they are keeping fairly calm still - then have the quartermaster send them to bed, or to work should they not cooperate. Have heard nothing of Mastermaster Clancy today, nor of Tully’s gull. Skies are still clear, but wind is shifting.
Later - crew have been dispersed, without any commotion. Clancy was the one who started the celebration. He is popular with the crew, which could prove worrisome. Master Lynham has sworn to report should he start organising the men. He is a trustworthy boy, if a bit dim. As long as he actually notices any whispers of treachery, he shall surely come to me, that much I am sure of.
October 22, 1731
Crew are tired today, at least those who joined in master Clancy’s celebrations. This comes at a most unfortunate time - winds have picked up further, and I see rain clouds on the horizon. If winds do not change, I expect they shall be upon us by early morning tomorrow. I expressed my concerns to Tully and he reassured me that God is still looking out for us, pointing to his gull as he did. I am starting to find this behaviour less humorous - it was certainly never befitting of a first mate, but in better conditions I could overlook it. Tomorrow, I shall talk to him.
October 23, 1731
Woke from a most peculiar dream today, to terrible commotion on board. Rain hit us during the early hours, as expected, but the cause of the uproar was not the weather, rather one master Patten. He had woken screaming, reportedly, and taken to Doctordoctor Shanley when crew found he was spitting up blood. When I woke, Shanley was still tending to the man, but has since given me his report. It seems that during the night, for reasons undeterminable, all his teeth somehow fell out. Not a single one remains in his mouth, and he either refuses to speak or is unable to. Shanley is on high alert, suspecting an illness has befallen the ship. Teeth were not found.
Later - master Patten still does not speak. Shanley offered to him of the ship’s rhum, but he refused, likely for fear of the pain. He is a dreadful sight, his jaw hangs slack and there is dried blood on his lips still. I have asked him many times what happened but he only shakes his head. Not even master Clancy could get a word out of him, when I relented to letting him talk in my stead. Shanley is speaking to the rest of the crew, searching for anyone who might also carry this unknown disease. Winds are picking up.
Later - master Patten’s condition has worsened. Tully took me aside to point to the gull, and I finally got to lay eyes on the creature. It is an odd animal, its feathers are a dark colour I have never seen on a gull, and it does circle the ship just as Tully has said, without ever landing.
October 24, 1731
Master Patten passed away just past midnight. Shanley was there to see it all, and recounted the events to me. Patten - whose condition appeared to have stabilised during the evening - suddenly cried out, and began to vomit, first his food from the days before, then nothing but bile and - after some time of this - blood. Finally, after close to twenty minutes of regurgitating, a set of loose teeth came out, thirty-two by Shanley’s count, and he could be declared quite dead. It is assumed the teeth are Patten’s own. Shanley has no explanation for the phenomena, and insisted we keep Patten’s body. Before I woke, he had already sealed it in some special crate, filled with herbs to keep the smell from reaching the rest of the ship and stashed it far belowdecks, with the help of some of the men.
Later - I had the same dream tonight, forgot to mention it amidst the chaos. Spoke to Shanley about his taking action without my orders, and he assured me it had been the right call by his judgement. I suppose he is the doctor, and not I. The men are worried, but we have seen no sign of the same sickness that claimed master Patten yet. If it is as Tully says, and the Lord does indeed watch us, I pray that He will spare us of another sick.
October 25, 1731
Same dream tonight. Crew are still on edge and disorderly, and winds continue to pick up. The rain falls heavier, and we have seen little of the sun throughout the day. Tully’s gull still follows us, though, circling the main mast even as it tosses in the wind. I have started to hate the thing, disproportionately, perhaps. It reminds me of a vulture, and I have seen it in my dreams, too. Or dream, rather. The same one that has plagued me three nights straight now. In it, I am alone on deck in the midst of a great fog, when the gull lands before me and before my eyes begins to twist and bend into the shape of a woman. She smiles at me, then stretches out her arms and I can hear the bones in her hands creak as they once again begin to change their form, stretching into an approximation of what a bird’s wings look like underneath their feathers. Once the transformation is complete, the woman flaps her arms, and like some strange perversion of an angel, flies off into the fog. I can swear it has been the same gull each night, even before Tully showed the one he has been seeing to me.
Later - two more have fallen ill, supposedly during dinnertime. Master Clancy - when he was bringing me my dinner - reported that the two men were in an argument over something of little import, when suddenly their voices began to be drowned out by a cracking sound, and it could be seen that they were spitting blood in each others’ faces. Even so, they did not cease their arguing, not until they could no longer form words, as all their teeth were missing, just as Patten’s. The two were taken to the infirmary, but Shanley does not seem to have high hopes. He is preparing two crates already.
October 26, 1731
Weather has been dismal today, the rain is heavy enough that we might as well be underwater already. Moran and Kelly passed away around mid-day, and joined Patten in crates in the hold. Shanley is adamant that this is the best course of action, even as crew are starting to complain. Clancy is especially vocal in his complaining - says that the dead should be thrown in the sea to avoid further spread of the disease. Apparently he has seen diseases infect men through only close proximity to those already sick, or dead from the disease, but Shanley says he is not to be trusted. He has never received an education in medicine, unlike Shanley, so I am more want to trust our doctor over a lowly sailor. Still, I cannot help but be unsettled by having the bodies on board, knowing that just below my feet, the dead are rotting even as I write.
October 27, 1731
Could hardly sleep tonight, the waves are relentless and the screams of the crew even moreso. From my cabin it is impossible to tell if they scream in illness or fear of the weather - either is equally possible. I have not left my cabin since this morning. Shanley left me a report with my meal around midday - many more have fallen ill and he is handling them as best as he can, with the assistance of some younger men. He says he still handles the bodies with great care, but I cannot help but think I smell them, something sweet and rotten coming from below. Tully too left a report, shorter than Shanley’s. “I know you fear, captain, but you must not despair. The eye of God is still upon us. Trust that She is behind all that happens on this ship.” I asked him - in a sudden fit of rage - how he dare name our Lord a woman, and he said nothing in response, just gave me an odd look and left. It is quite concerning, and I would tell a lie if I said I were not frightened. This sort of talk is what I would expect of an old sea-dog, a man who has seen more of the ocean than he has land, but Tully is younger than I, and has only seen a handful more voyages. He looks almost boyish, when he tells me of his supposed meetings with God, much like my nephew on the occasions he has recounted to me his Sunday services.
Later - my eyes hurt from lack of sleep, and each time they fall shut I see her.
October 28, 1731
I am not going out today. More are sick, Shanley says - it seems - every time he brings me to eat. I have tried to read, but every sentence seems to lull me closer to sleep, and that I cannot let happen. I cannot stand to see her again, not a single glimpse of her. Writing keeps me alert. Forgive the quality of the writing - my fingers are numb with weariness and cold, and the ship rocks violently in the storm. It is fully upon us now. I cannot help but wish that in our sharp movements, we will finally be able to shake that infernal bird.
Later - master Lynham came to speak to me. Apparently, Clancy has begun to converse with the men in earnest, talks of taking the ship. He has spoken to me too, a few times, begged me to listen and to let him throw the dead into the sea, but I refuse. It is not his place to make such demands, nor to think himself higher than a doctor. He could not read what I write of him here, so how would he know how to look after the ship?
Later - I have seen her. Dear Lord, I have seen her. My hands still tremble as I write this. I was sat at my table, when a powerful gust of wind hit my window, crushing the glass and sending a cascade of rain in. I screamed, then, in surprise, and as I did I heard a terrible laugh, carried by the winds into my cabin. Before my eyes, a hand gripped the windowsill, hard enough that I thought the knuckles might pierce through the skin. The broken glass cut through it but no blood came out, and I could see that inside was the same white flesh as a fish. Another wave hit, and where it would have broken the bones of any man against the side of the ship, it was as though she used it to push herself further up, hauling her torso over the sill. Her hair hung like seaweed around her face, obscuring her eyes from view, and I cannot help but think that I am better for it. She laughed again, cackled louder than the winds and the thunder and the roaring waves and then - in just a moment - a new wave pulled her back and she was gone. I sit here now, in the same spot I did when I saw her. It is freezing cold, and I know I should move to some more comfortable place or at least have someone come board up the broken window, but I cannot bring myself to move.
Later - Clancy came to me again. Apparently master Lynham revealed to him that he had told me about the mutinous plans and he wished to negotiate. I refused him. I will not hear more of his insolence.
October 29, 1731
I can see Capetown now, if only faintly in the distance, yet I know that we will not be able to get close in this weather. Clancy was whipped last night, by my orders. Quartermaster is dead, but Shanley was happy to stand in. The crew, or what is left of them, did not like it, that much was evident in the way they looked at me. I can see hatred and treachery in their eyes. Perhaps it is not wise to let the cat upon one of the few men we have left in these conditions, but master Clancy is to blame for that, not I. It is he who has turned the crew against their captain at such a perilous time, and to let it go on further would have been to doom us all. I was scared to leave my cabin for the punishment, and dared not look up even a moment, for fear of seeing that bird circling us still. Tully has not spoken to me for some time, perhaps preoccupied with his duties.
Later - Shanley has brought me dinner as usual, tells me that the crew are unruly, as I suspected. More have grown ill and the sickness makes them aggressive, as is expected.. These are men who have grown up in the chaotic barbary of workhouses and back-alleys, in times of crisis it is in their nature to turn on one another, and on me. I thank the Lord that I have Shanley by my side, now that Tully is nowhere to be found.
October 30, 1731
The sight of Capetown seems to mock me - I can see it well now and yet I am starting to lose hope that I will ever actually set foot there again. I have resolved that today, I will find Tully and demand he double his efforts to bring us to shore, though I fear it is a fruitless endeavour. There is still hope, perhaps, that he has just been too busy with his duties to report to me, but it seems a childish hope the more time passes. All I have left to cling to is the thought that if he had died, Shanley would surely have told me immediately, but even that is not set in stone - there is chaos on board and Shanley has many duties to see to, even he might lose track of who is dead with how many have gotten sick. I am stalling, I know it well, but the thought of what might lay outside my doors, how much conditions might have worsened in only a day, chills me more than the storm.
Later - have still not gone out. Shanley has brought me lunch, the warmth almost manages to comfort me. With how few men there are left to share rations between, he tells me, he can afford to not be stingy with the meat. It will replenish my strengths, not that I can see where I might need them. Shanley does not like me saying such things, he insists that we only have to wait out the storm, as though the illness won’t have claimed us by then!
October 31, 1731
I feel ill. Have not been able to bring myself to write until now, too disturbed by what I have seen in the bowles of this accursed ship. Shanley is dead, by my hand. Had I not washed my hands of the blood the rain would have done it for me, but I feel as though the smell of iron is on me still. My hands shake. Will write later.
Later - I have calmed myself somewhat, perhaps ready to retell the events of yesterday. It was late, near midnight, and Shanley had not yet brought me my dinner. I spent hours weighing my options - hungry enough that it felt as though my stomach had started eating itself, but deathly afraid of going out on my own. Call me a coward. I cannot bring myself to care anymore. None the matter - I eventually gathered my courage and stepped outside, finding the deck empty. The winds - toying with the unattended sails and tossing us back and forth like a piece of driftwood - nearly threw me into the sea, but I managed to make my way belowdecks, to relative safety. There too, I found no one, and I dared not call Shanley’s name for fear of my men. I snuck downwards - peeking into the kitchen but seeing no one - until I was in the darkest depths of the ship. Here, the waves against the wood produced a sound so unnatural I found myself stopping for a moment to try to make sense of it. It truly could not be compared to anything I have heard on any other ship - too hollow, too melodic, as though the very sea was speaking to me. It was only when the water covering the floor started seeping into my shoes - chilling me something terribly - that I could bring myself to move on. I had only my lantern, and it scarcely lit up an arm’s length ahead of me, and so it was some time before I saw the boxes. They were lined up neatly - wooden boxes that had once been used for cargo but which now, I realised with some disgust, must be housing the dead. And it was here that I found Shanley. I could barely see him at first, just a shadowy shape against the darkness, but as I moved closer, terror weighing my steps down, he came better into view. He stood hunched over one of the boxes, and I heard a strange noise, just barely above the waves. At first I did not recognise it - I have not spent time in a kitchen for as long as I can remember - and it was only once I could actually see what Shanley was doing that it came to me. The sound of cutting flesh. Shanley saw me, then, and he raised himself up and turned to me. Before I could even say anything, he began talking to me softly, saying that I had to trust him and that it was the only way of protecting us against the disease. Then, with a smile that made my stomach turn, he gestured to his bloody work and said that it tasted better, too. That is when I drew my sword. I ran him through, then and there. Lord, I can still hear the noise he made - a gurgled laugh, as though he were drowning.
Later - I had to take a break. Hands were shaking again. Left Shanley like that, perhaps I shall have someone tidy up. Though perhaps not. May be best that the crew do not learn we are without a doctor.
Later - Not much time. If anyone ever comes across this let it be known that I was mutineered upon, whatever my men say. They are outside the door. Sh
Date unknown, recounting the continued events of oct 31, 1731
How many days have passed? Today was the first time I have seen the sun since before the storm. I walked out on deck, empty and quiet, save for the calm waves, and perhaps I was just seeing things - I do not know how long it has been since I last ate or drank - but I could have sworn I saw that infernal gull circling the main mast still.
The crew are all dead, I am sure of it. I have heard their screams, I hear them still, and if they are not dead I am sure what life they have is worse terror than any underworld.
They dragged me from my chambers - they were going to throw me in the sea, if memory serves me. Even fighting against them, I could see Her in my window, staring at me and laughing. I heard her laugh even as they took me out on deck, the rain hitting my face so sharp it broke the skin. Halfway across the deck, the ship lurched something fiercely, a wave washed over her and I was torn from their grasp. I hit the railing hard - my back still aches and every breath is a dagger in my chest - but I managed to crawl away. Now, I cannot imagine what my plan was. There was nowhere to go on the ship where they - or worse Her - wouldn’t eventually find me, but some indescribable force commanded me. Whether love of life or fear of death I do not know, but it drove me below deck again. Down, down, until I found some corner to curl up in and hide. The men were not far behind. They cried out in desperation, for my blood, I can only presume, and as they drew near, I felt the stench of illness on them. Of blood and vomit and rot. Their cries were wordless, tongues slipping across bleeding gums, and I found myself praying. Then, I felt Her fingers soft around my neck. She whispered to me - her voice both soothing and so filled with malice that I thought she might bite me - words I did not recognise, the sounds of them so alien, nothing a human would be able to replicate. Even as the men’s screams grew louder, I could still hear Her voice, her breath freezing cold against my ear.
I remained in the corner for many hours, until I could not stand the pain anymore and the men had long since all silenced. They were nowhere to be seen, when I crawled out, and I did not search for them. I made my way slowly upwards, dragging myself up the many stairs. When I reached the door to the deck, it was still raining and so I huddled close to the wall - just out of reach of the worst of the rain - and slept.
I remained in the corner for many hours, until I could not stand the pain anymore and the men had long since all silenced. They were nowhere to be seen, when I crawled out, and I did not search for them. I made my way slowly upwards, dragging myself up the many stairs. When I reached the door to the deck, it was still raining and so I huddled close to the wall - just out of reach of the worst of the rain - and slept.
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40sandfabulousaf · 11 months
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大家好! Here's my second pair of Anta tights - I pretty much live in tights on weekends, public holidays and when I'm on leave, especially as the weather cools. Like the first pair, the fabric is thick and durable, yet extremely stretchy and comfortable. I'll be buying 1 more pair of tights and a pair of joggers and I'm done for the time being for cool weather bottoms. I might get 1 of their jackets just to try them out.
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Pa and I visited the popular mi xian (rice noodle) bar again; this time, we had sliced pork, shrimp wonton, fu pi (tofu skin), enoki mushrooms, chives, Napa cabbage and bean sprouts to go with our mi xian soup. That was red meat for the week. What I loved: the pork was still quite tender even though it wasn't very fatty and we had enough veggies to keep us satisfied. In order to lower our salt intake, we didn't finish the soup. The next time Pa and I revisit this mi xian bar - and we intend to - I'll try the chicken!
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Since a queue kept forming at a fish soup stall whenever I lunch outside on WFH days, I grew curious and tried it. Aaahhh, no wonder - they give decent portions of fish (fried or blanched), tofu, bittergourd, cabbage, tomato and dan si (egg floss) to accompany ultra-slurpable thick bee hoon (rice vermicelli). I chose blanched fish as well as clear broth (no added milk) because it's healthier and left most of the soup behind to lower my salt intake. I also didn't dip anything in soya sauce so as to keep my meal as qing dan (less oil and sodium) as possible. This was a very tasty bowl of fish bee hoon soup and I'll be back to have it again.
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I hadn't visited the mala stall for some time as it is located at an open-air coffee shop and the weather had been too hot. Today was cloudy and cool enough to enjoy their healthy clear broth with fish and plenty of fresh veggies. I've read reports about plummeting living standards but frankly, it's hard to sympathise when this is happening globally. Compared to the civilians in Gaza who're being killed by the thousands, as well as those who struggle to put food on the table in many countries, those who can afford shelter and nutritious meals are very blessed. I'm also heartened to read about my country's humanitarian aid efforts to Gaza.
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I may post more often during this period since what is happening in Gaza is extremely painful to read about. So many lives have been lost, especially children, babies and women, very defenceless, innocent individuals. Do they not have human rights? I wish I had the answers. 下次见!
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
A Dream About An End To Loneliness 
The new pyramid wasn’t so much discovered or unearthed as it appeared overnight, although it looked as ancient and weathered as all the others.  And so the people I work for were called in instead of a normal archaeological team.  It is not the first time we have dealt with objects of otherworldly origin. 
In the old days we might have simply blown the tomb door open or hooked cables to the stone slab and yanked it loose with a truck.  Today we gently slide it open a fraction of an inch at a time over the course of days while researchers and machines take constant measurements and readings. 
We have stopped for the night and I am in bed in my room alone, nearly asleep, when I feel light footsteps pressing into the blankets and mattress, stepping over me and settling down on the other side of me.  I roll over and open my eyes to find myself staring into twin glowing red pinpricks illuminating empty dried out sockets.  There is a mummified, bandaged, and animated corpse lying atop the bedsheets, resting its head on the pillow next to mine. 
I do not cry out.  I do not flee.  Perhaps I am just frozen.  Fear is not quite the right word for what’s thrumming through my veins.  Trepidation maybe?
She begins to speak softly.  Gently.  By her voice alone one might think her still alive and whole.  It does not occur to me until the next morning to question how she knows my language.  She is not angry at us for disturbing her rest, but grateful for being set free.  
We lie there whispering to one another into the small hours of the night, telling each other of our lives and worlds.  And, against all good sense, falling for one another.  We are both terribly lonely.  
When she reaches out to touch me I flinch back, mind flooding with stories, games, and movies about curses and rotting touches.  I apologize and explain.  She shifts from being hurt to laughing about this world’s strange superstitions.  
We try again, both of us reaching a hand out at once and meeting in the middle.  Her hand is dry and brittle in mine.  Hardly more than a skeleton.  Room temperature.  But it is touch and we are both so deeply starved for that. 
We lie there in silence for a time, holding hands.  She speaks up, fantasizing about a life we could have together and the great house filled with riches, wonders, and knowledge we would live in.  I realize she is alluding to making me into a mummy as well and being displayed together in one of the museums I told her about where we would have the place to ourselves to awake and wander the halls every night.  
She is surprised I caught on so quickly to such an outlandish idea.  It is my turn to laugh and say that it was obvious.   She tells me I have a strange idea of obvious.  
I tell her it comes from my line of work.  And more seriously I add that the people I work for would never let it happen.  At best we would be locked away indefinitely in cells - most likely separated - and studied as they tried to figure out how we moved despite being dead.   If we were very lucky they might put us in a testing chamber together from time to time to see how we interact.  
She sighs and says she will have to figure out another way then. 
We spend the rest of the night in one another’s arms, holding and being held in return, until sleep finally takes me. 
In the morning she is gone and I am lonely, wondering if it was all a dream.  But even if it was a dream, I know a potential cognitohazard when I encounter one and report the incident.  My coworkers find it all the more alarming when the tomb door is found to be cracked open with footprints leading from deep inside out into the desert. 
I am given a full exam - psychiatric and physical - and although nothing is found wrong with me I am put on mandatory leave for recovery from the suspected incident.
I am visiting my brothers and lying on the couch in the older one’s home, writing in my journal, the first time I become her. 
She picks up the writing where I left off, explaining what just happened, not yet aware that I remain hazily conscious while she is in control.  Her handwriting is clearly different, as in her style of prose and choice of vocabulary.  And then she collapses face-down on the couch.  Being the one in the driver’s seat for this body is exhausting for her, but she doesn’t have any more control than I do when it starts and stops. 
My older brother walks by and asks “me” what’s up with the way I’m lying there.  She mumbles something into the couch cushion and holds out the journal, thumb on the most recent entry, without looking up.  My brother has some vague idea of what I do and is less skeptical than he might otherwise be.  Instead he is understandably concerned, even with her journal entry stating that I’ll be back in control soon.  Probably.  
She lies there on the couch unmoving and silent until that happens.  
Once I’m back in control I know I should go back to work and report this.  But I don’t.  I want to see where this goes and I don’t want to be locked up in a research and containment cell.  I try to justify my reckless decision by taking copious notes on our experience and calling it “first-hand field research.”
She is not conscious when I’m in control like I am for her turns, not at first anyway, and her turns consist of initial bursts of activity followed by long periods of lying still, often just on the floor wherever she happens to be when she feels her energy flagging.  She doesn’t shift or adjust her position when she’s like that; barely even breathes.  Only sometimes does she close her eyes.   The rest of the time she just stares glassy and unblinking, uncannily like she’s dead. 
There’s an irony to our difference in resting poses that amuses me.  She always sprawls face down in a splayed tangle of limbs as if she were trying to hold onto whatever surface she landed on whereas I have always preferred to fall asleep with straight legs pressed together and hands folded over my chest; the archetypical funerary pose.
But as time goes on, the periods of activity grow longer and the time spent lying down utterly exhausted grows shorter.  And then she begins to become aware when I’m in control the same way I am when she is. 
When my body starts changing during her turns I’m not as alarmed as I ought to be, even though I recognize it as something I should absolutely be reporting.  If anything, I’m disappointed that it changes back when I regain control.  After all, it’s the sort of changes I’ve spent the past few years trying to bring about through mundane medical means and dreamed about for even longer.  So what if it’s more like what she looked like when she was alive than what I would look like if I was born the way I wished?
I know I can’t put off going back to work and everything that comes with that forever, but for now, we’re happy together like this. 
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pooma-bible · 1 year
Savita Manwani: Praise the Lord!
It’s time to share the word of God. So stay tuned and be blessed.
Let us Pray
Heavenly Father, I thank you for this day and this hour you gave us to hear from your word. Lord, bless everyone on this platform, teach us and direct us to live according to your word and overcome every situation in Jesus’ name. Amen
Today’s Topic: Storms in our lives
Scripture Text: Mark 6:45-52
We often face trials and troubles in our lives. When we are in a troubled state or disturbed state, we often say that we are facing a “stormy weather” or “storms in our lives”.
There were a couple of times when the disciples of Jesus faced storms on the Sea of Galilee. One such incident we can read in Mark 6:45-52.
The disciples were just back after the 5 loaves and 2 fish miracle. They just had their first lesson of faith. Now the Sea of Galilee was terrible and unbelievable. When the storm came, they saw Jesus walking on the sea. When Jesus came, he calmed the sea.
Many a times we look at the problem, we see our problem greater than Jesus and then we begin to think negative. But it is only our faith in Jesus that helps us to overcome the stormy situation.
Today, we may be born again Christians, following Jesus in obedience. But being obedient to God and following Jesus’ leadership in our lives is the right thing to do. That does not mean that it will be an easy life.
In fact, we will have storms in our lives. The storms that Jesus leads us through will make us strong and mature. The obedient as well as the disobedient face storms in their lives.
Storms of life may be too dangerous like tsunami and hurricanes. Sometimes we will be in physical danger because of persecution, accidents or illness. Other times we are in emotional danger with our “storms” threatening to overwhelm us with fear and/or depression. Other times we are in spiritual danger with Satan’s attacks challenging us to give up or to sin.
When storms come, we tend to fear and sometimes we will go into a panic. The situation seems to be absolutely hopeless. We tend to fear and worry about what might happen about our future, our children, our parents, our spouses, etc.
Yes, fear may come but we can overcome such storms and rise up like eagles even in the midst of stormy situations.
Life can bring along stormy weather, but if Jesus is the captain over our lives, we can trust that He will work for good in our lives in absolutely every circumstance.
But, there are certain principles we need to follow in order to survive during the stor
Six Principles are drawn from this troubled sea
1. Focus not on what is happening to you but focus on what is happening in you.
Sometimes the weather report speaks of facts but faith says you can go beyond. We believers have the 7th sense and we survive because of the divine power.
After calming the sea, Jesus said “Be calm”, to his disciples. Probably it was difficult for Jesus to calm the disciples unless they co-operate. The disciples were disturbed because they were focusing on what was happening to them.
3 things happen when you focus on what is happening to you
a) It leads to failure syndrome – it is a feeling that you will fail in everything you do. It leads you to withdrawal mechanism. Never harbor this syndrome or else you will be losing opportunities.
b) Hyper-reactions – We over react to situations which lead to health related problems and we land up with high stress, increased blood pressure, leading to heart attack and death. Our relationships within the family and friends circle may also get affected because we try to take out the stress on others
c) Wrong strategies – We begin to follow wrong strategies in our lives making us more hateful and revengeful. So, in order to avoid the above things, we need to focus on what is happening in us rather than on what is happening to us.
Focus on what is happening in you…
Are you being fearful like the disciples? We know that their faith was overtaken by fear they literally saw Jesus as Ghost. They became more fearful probably because of the thought of death. We need to check what is happening in us and pray accordingly.
2. Don’t talk about the mountain/ your problem
Many a times we talk more about the problem we are facing because it seems very big to us. We tend to forget that Jesus who is with us, is bigger than our mountain or our problem The disciples faced a sudden windstorm that caused extremely high waves which were quiet frightening. This was perhaps their biggest problem. They might have also talked about what will happen to them if the storm is not calmed. It was almost a near death experience for them. They might have talked about the strong wind, the waves, the dark night, the water getting inside the boat, the lives of all on the boat, etc. making their problem seem bigger. But little did they know that Jesus would come to help them at this hour.
Remember, the more we talk about the mountain, the more bigger and bigger it grows.
We should stop talking about the mountain. Rather we should start talking to the mountain. Only when we talk to the mountain, it will start to move.
You may be praying for a miracle from months and years but nothing seems to happen. My dear friends, never give up praying. For one day, God will cause a miracle to happen. There may be a delay but there is no denial. So just hang on!
Have a miracle in your mouth and not a mountain in your life.
3. There is a devil at each level
Fight becomes tougher with the devil but victories become easier and easier.
Remember there is always an angel waiting for you. Today, we need to recognize who is our angel. For some, their pastor may be an angel, for some the associate pastor may be their angel, still for others a cell member may be an angel. We have somebody as an angel in our life.
For the disciples at that time when they were frightened and least expected any help from anywhere or anyone, Jesus came to their rescue as an angel. And the presence of Jesus was the antidote for fear.
In times of fear and uncertainty, it is calming to know that Christ is always with you (Mathew 28:20).
If there is a devil at each level, there is also an angel at each level.
Today, find out the angel in your life. God has kept one angel to console and counsel you during the stormy situation.
4. If God closes one door, He will open another one – much wider, brighter and better
When one door closes, do not worry. God has a better plan for you.
Isaiah 55:8 - “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
The Lord’s thoughts are greater, so don’t worry. It is not God’s desire to see you locked up in problem but He will make a way of escape. He will open doors of opportunities and bless you.
The disciples did not remain locked up with their problem. Jesus made a way of escape for them. Little did they know that this Messiah would choose them to be his followers who would later turn the world upside down.
Therefore, willfully and whole heartedly trust in Christ’s ability to help. Know that He is there for you.
5. Every stumbling block is a stepping stone.
If someone curses you, God takes those curses and changes it into blessings. If someone throws a stone at you, take it and use it to build your church. If someone is hitting you think it is for your benefit.
Jesus’ disciples faced lots of trials, tribulations, temptations, oppression, persecution, imprisonment and every such thing that could have easily turned them away from Christ. But every such obstacle was an opportunity for them to shine for the glory of God. They overcame every situation in their life.
Therefore, do not retaliate and fight back.
Nothing should cause an obstacle in receiving your blessing.
Never see the block and turn back. Never leave God’s way and follow Satan’s ways.
It is God who enables us to overcome the obstacles and gives us victory.
Therefore, step up every block and be victorious.
6. It is not what you are going through that matters but where you are going to that matters
What we are going through will not last forever. The storms in our lives will not remain forever.
The situation will change.
Your destiny…. Where you are going is important.
We are all destined for a purpose and our goal is to fulfill that purpose in our life. After the purpose is fulfilled God will not keep us alive.
We must say, if I am alive, I will be with God and if I die, God will be with me.
Heaven is our destiny. Going to heaven where God resides, where Jesus is, where angels are praising and worshipping.
Where there are no sorrows, no pains, no worries, no problems, no death and no Satan.
We are going to such a place of heavenly bliss so our focus must be on where we are going and where we are going is eternal.
So my dear friends, do not fear troubles. Do not waiver in your faith. Be bold and be strong for the Lord is with thee.
We need to follow these six principles when we face storms in our lives.
Remember, if you have Jesus as the captain of your life boat, then believe that He will calm the storm and will give you peace.
Do not fear the storm but face it boldness.
To maintain your faith when situations are difficult, focus on Jesus’ power rather than on your inadequacies. Having Jesus on your side you can overcome any and every storm in your life.
With every storm in your life you will not be the same. After the storm you will be stronger.
So be in a state of gratitude for everything that shows up in our lives. Be thankful for the storms as well as the smooth sailing….Amen
Let us pray
Lord, we thank you for speaking to us this day. We thank you for the storms in our lives. We know Lord that the storms in our lives are not going to last forever. We trust in you O Lord believing that you will navigate us through the storms of life. And in situations when the oceans rise and thunders roar, you will enable us to soar above the storm and Be still and know you are the God who is in control of every situation. We entrust ourselves into your hands and under your mighty wings we take refuge. In Jesus’ name… Amen.
Let us pray
Lord, we thank you for speaking to us this day. We thank you for the storms in our lives. We know Lord that the storms in our lives are not going to last forever. We trust in you O Lord believing that you will navigate us through the storms of life. And in situations when the oceans rise and thunders roar, you will enable us to soar above the storm and Be still and know you are the God who is in control of every situation. We entrust ourselves into your hands and under your mighty wings we take refuge. In Jesus’ name… Amen.
May God bless you all.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
for the handholding prompts: does 11 (not wanting to lose each other in a big crowd) fit with trick/trouble?
It fits so well they started talking to me immediately :D ----
The streets of the Market Quarter were more crowded today and Trick tried to puzzle out why as she and Trouble wove their way through on patrol. There was no holiday imminent. No important visitor folk might wanna gawp at, least as far as she knew, and the weather was decent but not amazing, the first bite of autumn chill creeping into the air.
She finally gave up and turned to Trouble. “Did I miss somethin’ that would explain everybody wantin’ fresh air this morning?”
He shook his head, hands shoved in his pockets as they walked. “I ain’t got a clue either. Maybe the butcher’s havin’ a sale,” he joked. “He’s tight-fisted enough that’d be a miracle to drag people out in droves.”
Trick laughed and kicked a pebble, then winced as its bobbling path took it right into the side of someone’s shoe. They didn’t seem to notice, fortunately. “I feel like we wouldn’t be seein’ the effects of that way over here.”
Trouble shrugged. “'Least busier streets means less chance we see any Endarkened.”
“Shhh, don’t say that!” She gave his shoulder a playful whack. “With my luck a revenant’ll go tearin’ through the market after a comment like that.”
He grinned. “Don’t think we can handle a revenant, oh, Hero of Haven?” 
“Oh, I know we can, Deadeye.” She didn’t figure he needed a reminder she took two solo before even joining the Shepherds. “It’s them I’m worried about.” She swiveled one hand in a gesture at the citizenry around them.
“Eh, good point,” Trouble said, running one hand through his hair.
The crowd thinned briefly, then swelled as they drew closer to the larger open middle of the Quarter, and Trick craned her neck to see if she could find the cause. She stumbled when someone elbowed past in their hurry, followed by a few more equally focused individuals who didn’t seem to notice--or care--who they were shoving past.
Trouble grumbled a curse under his breath and grabbed her hand to haul her back close. “Some people...”
“Must be somethin’ mighty exciting going on,” she muttered, free hand rubbing her shoulder where someone had plowed into her.
He squeezed her hand and grinned. “I’ll keep us together an’ on course if you wanna look for whatever’s so special.”
Trick laughed and interlaced her fingers with his. She hadn’t realized how chilly her hands were until one was enveloped in the warmth of his. Any excuse not to let go was a good one. “Sounds like a plan.”
They continued along their patrol path as best they could, hands tightly clasped so they wouldn’t get separated by the increasing crowds. Trouble kept eyes out for Endarkened and a clear path--shoving a little when he needed to--and Trick still trying to find the source of the excitement.
“See anything?” Trouble asked, shouldering between people as they neared the main road.
“Some kinda performer, but I can’t tell what he’s doing,” Trick reported. “Must be impressive to draw this size crowd.” She gave up trying to see over the varying-height individuals and focused on weaving through the throngs behind Trouble. They passed just close enough to the performer she could make out his voice raised in cadence somewhere between speaking and singing.
Prob’ly a bard, then, she mused. She’d seen several during her travels prior to Haven, they tended to spin their tales in such a rhythm to keep audience attention. It made them sound more dramatic and mysterious or something.  This particular one wasn’t telling a story she recognized, but he did seem to have a good voice.
“Bet you could do better,” Trouble commented, his pace slowed enough she almost walked into the back of him.
“You sing. Bet you’d draw at least this much of a crowd.” He said it so casually, an easy smile framing the compliment and his hand squeezing hers.
Trick’s neck went hot even as she bumped her shoulder to his in silent thanks. “Which is why I don’t,” she said lightly. “Havin’ lotsa eyes on me makes me nervous. ‘Sides that particular talent’s just for people I like and trust.”
“I’m honored, then,” Trouble said with a wink. He picked up his pace again, much as he could, and started maneuvering through the crowd. “I think I see an edge where we can get through...”
“Good.” With her curiosity sated and no longer a distraction, her discomfort in crowds was starting to creep back in, and the faster they got away, the better.
Trouble flashed her a reassuring smile and held her hand tight as he managed to move a little faster. As if he’d picked up on her anxiety from that single word. They both breathed a sigh of relief when the press of bodies started to thin out.
“Here’s hopin’ Smoketown ain’t that bad,” Trouble said wryly.
“Seconded,” Trick laughed.
Their hands stayed clasped as they started down the steps, neither even thinking to let go. 
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚 ~
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𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝; SMUT!!! a smidge of angst and a lil fluff, felix x fem!reader. enemies to fwb, bullying!!!, highschool!au, blowjob, pierced!felix, mentions of complicated family relationships/bad economy, felix being rude lmao, PIV, unprotected sex (use protections ffs, this is a bad example), orgasm (m/f), cum, nicknames, shy reader, fingering. 
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝; 6.6 k 
𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚎; Consent is like tea or my personal favorite,,, tea slut HSAHSHA PLEASE im- anyways enjoy both tea and consent, both very very sexy and good for you
also,,, my first kinda long fic?? 
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𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺; Lee Felix. The class bully. Also the son of a wealthy business man. You didn’t have the same privileges, living alone at such a young age. After an arrangement Felix invites you to work at his fathers old tea shop but this relationship turns into something unexpected.
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The cold wind blew on your exposed calfs, the skirt of the school uniform fluttering as your backpack was lazily thrown across your shoulder, your head turned to the direction the bus comes from. You were not the only one on that bus stop. Other students standing at least a feet apart from each other, all eagerly waiting to hurry back to their comfortable homes, eat dinner and start on their assignments.
You on the other hand had other plans. 
What was on your computer screen wasn’t the typical essay or sheet of physics questions. It was job applications. And lots of them.
A notification arrived, your phone vibrating in your coat pocket and as the screen lit up you saw a message. 
[ Rent due today y/n, have it in by 8 ]
Living by yourself in a dusty apartment that contained nothing more than a bed, a desk and a tiny kitchen overfilled with noodle packets was nothing to be proud of. You could barely afford that type of lifestyle since you were a student so how on earth were you gonna get rent in to the old lady that served as your landlord? 
You sighed, the packed bus rolling slowly on the way and stopping, there barely being place to stand in the crowded vehicle. 
Your apartment was right above an old tea shop, the owner being a wealthy man that owned several shops on the block. His busy lifestyle including buying and selling properties kept him away from his true passion in life; tea. What scared you was his resemblance to a person you knew. A person you knew too well. 
Lee Felix
His only purpose in life was to have fun. To ruin others. And he had every opporunity to do so. His report card was nothing but lies and money, his fathers wealth being able to buy him decent grades without lifting a finger. There was one, only one, instance where the young boy would try his best and that’s when intimidating others. His best skill. Those piercing dark eyes and knife-sharp jaw could leave anyone shaken for days. 
But do you know who his favorite person to bully was?
All the hurtful memories eventually started to merge together but one stood out clearly to you. It happened a year ago. You walked into the sunlit classroom, your other classmates sitting around their desks, chatting and showing each other photos, laughing happily. Friends was not something you had, more like acquaintance. The students you would greet and exchange a couple of words with but nothing more. Your assigned seat was in the third row, the one sitting right behind you being Felix himself. With a quick glance at the clock you looked underneath your desk, searching for the book you needed for english class, your eyebrows furrowing as you searched desperatly, turning every book over and ripping open your backpack, did you forget it at home?
“Looking for this?”
The cold voice sent a shiver down your spine, you slowly turning back, afraid of what evil gaze awaited you. You gulped as you saw his angular facial structure, his cheekbones pertruding as he held your english book in his hand, the arms of the white school uniform shirt being rolled up just enough to show off his blinged out watch, veins softly trailing upwards on his flexed arms. 
You nodded to which Felix scoffed. Sighing you stood up, standing at the side of his desk and all of a sudden throwing yourself over it in a quest of snatching it from his grasp but failing epically, you falling down onto the floor, scraping your knees on the rough wooden flooring of the classroom. You try to stand up but was quickly stopped by Felix grabbing your face with his other hand, his wrists decked out with multiple delicate chains, all jingling with his movements. 
Meeting his gaze made your skin crawl, his eyes almost animalistic as he looked deep into your innocent doe-eyes, smirking. His blonde hair falling on each side of his face, framing it like a renaissance painting since his stoic features was art in itself. Your eyes lingered a bit too long on Felix’s making the boy annoyed, before you knew it a clear liquid was spilling down your cheek, that not being tears but instead Felix’s spit. You flinch back as he waves the book infront of your face, tears jerking in the corner of your glossy eyes due to the humiliation, your other classmates forming a circle around the two of you, unable to do anything since that could mean the end of them. 
“You want this, you want it so bad? What’s that angel? You’re gonna cry?”
He crouches as your gaze lowers to the floor, hair hanging infront of your face as a shield from his degrading words as the tears started pouring out of you like water, mixing with Felix’s saliva. He laughs psychotically, the cold laughter echoing in the classroom, tiny specs of dusty floating around like bubbles in a fizzy drink. The bold boy puts down the book on the floor behind him before he raises his hand, you shutting your eyes tightly, expecting the worst but being surprised as his hand laces in your disheveled locks. He pushes a strand of hair behind your flushed ear, leaning in close enough for you to feel his breath hit the shell of your ear. 
“I’m gonna give it to you,,, but I want something in return”
You snap your head up to look at him, your eyes wide open, eyebrows hightened. 
“W-what do you want?” you say, only for him to hear.
Felix hums, running his tongue in the inside on his cheek before speaking in a low voice.
You choked on your own spit, coughing as you turned away from him. You could hear his laugh ringing in your ears and after your coughing fit you turned back hastily, eyes as big as saucers. This couldn’t be true, this couldn’t be what you though it was. In sheer panic you once again tried to snatch the book, crawling on the floor like a bug in order to snake around his back to have a chance to grab the corner of plastic outside of the textbook but being met with disappointment when Felix slammed his foot on it, you retracting your hand after being mere inches away from his shoe. The boy tsked. 
“I expect you at the school gate by the end of the day and if you don’t show up you’re gonna pay for it, understood angel?”
You nod, just nod. No words or mimicks. Simply a nod. His intimidation wiping the entire alphabet from your mind. 
He stands up, grabbing the book and throwing it at you before exiting the classroom, a evil smirk plastered on his face. The sharp gazes of other students around you made you want to escape but you couldn’t, class was starting in 2 minutes. 
The sun shone it’s rays on your face, students exiting through the wide white metal gates. You ran your hand through your hair, pulling the straps of your backpack impatiently at you looked left to right, seeing the flowers blossom out in the rather windy weather. Suddenly your wrist was grabbed by a hand wider than yours.
It was Felix.
His closeness made you gulp loudly, a lump nestling into your stomach as you felt your anxiety rise, scared of what he might do to you even if you did find him strangely attractive even though he was a complete asshole. But who didn’t? The entire school was ready to give up their life in order to even be this close to the boy, girls and boys alike. You shook your head, wanting to get rid of the silly thoughts that clouded your mind. Only after minutes did you realise that your legs moved on their own, you being dragged by Felix, his hand still on your wrist. 
“W-where are we going?” you inquired, the wind blowing on the blonde pierced boy, his angelic hair bouncing with every step. 
“Don’t worry about it” he said, not speaking a single more word during the entire time he held your wrist and walked with you in the spring weather. 
All of a sudden the two of you were standing infront of the tea shop, you lifting your head to glance upwards at your dusty window that was right above the tiny wooden sign that said “Tea Shop”, swinging rustily back and forward. Felix retrieves a key, unlocking the corrodated wooden door, the color matching the sign above. 
“Wh- how do you know-” 
Felix hushes you, closing the door behind you before throwing the keys on the counter. 
“I don’t care about what you have to say. My father owns this place and I usually hang around here whenever it’s closed.” 
“Do you work here?” you asked with a voice filled with curiosity. 
Felix starts laughing his signature laugh, it being laced with nothing but iniquity. 
“Work? Do you think I need to work? I’m the only child of a wealthy family, I’m pretty much settled for life”
You nervously look down at the floor, only being in the tea shop a couple of times before it was closed for business.
“Well,,, I know that your father owns this place, I live in the apartment just above so-”
You were quickly cut of by Felix slamming his hand on the table, standing behind the checkout counter and leaning over it with his two arms as pedestals. 
You looked at him confused before your eyes gazed across the wall of glas cabinets displaying their finest china. Teapots with squiggly handles, painted with the utmost attention to detail, the colors of the scenes painted contrasting nicely with the eggshell white background. Small lamps were installed above each teapot, illuminating the work of art even more. 
“Why what?” you said back, still in trance from the beauty of the teapots.
“Why do you live alone?” His eyebrows raised.
“I never said that!” 
“y/n, that apartment is barely enough for a fucking mouse, there’s no way you could live there with someone else”
Damn, how did he know that? You had no other choice but to nod timidly, curling your hand into a fist.
“Don’t have the best relationship with my parents and since they aren’t wealthy like yours I have to do my best to find a way to support myself” you spat out at him, annoyed at his many questions. 
“Touché” Felix said shortly, shrugging his shoulders.
After a long moment of silence the blonde boy spoke again;
“Let’s make a deal, I’ll get you a job here and I’ll join you but only because you’re stupid and need my help, not because I want to be here”
Your eyes light up, like an excited child you dash toward the counter and place your hands near Felix’s, looking at him with twinkling eyes. 
“Really? You would do that?”
Felix nods.
“But don’t get too excited, you haven’t paid your end of the deal yet”
“Tell me! I’ll do anything, I promise!” you says quickly, smiling widely at Felix’s deadpan face.
“Suck me off”
Your previously bright smile faded in a matter of seconds, now turning into pure confusion. 
“Wh-what? I can’t do that! Are you crazy?!”
Felix scoffs, walking towards the door in a cocky manner with his black backpack over his shoulder, wearing black ripped jeans that were strictly banned in school but no longer warned to Felix by the teachers. The schools logo embroidered on the white flowy shirt that was unbuttoned, exposing his brand name t-shirt. 
Just in time you managed to block the door, his lips inches from yours as he sighed, smirking down at you. 
“I’ll do it! I will do it!” 
You blurted out, you had no other choice but to do it. Seeking other jobs had been impossible since you were only a student without any work experience, not having many other skills other than procrastinating and sleeping. You needed this in order to survive. You needed him. 
The boy pushed you against the entrance door, placing his forehead against yours. 
“Of course you will” Felix whispered in a voice deeper than the ocean, causing you to helplessly gulp and drop down on your knees, them hitting the floor with a thump. His small but veiny hands reached for his belt, unbuckling it in a swift motion, metal hitting each other. You were lost deep in thoughts, simply staring at his crotch whilst rethinking your every life decision. Wondering how on earth you got to this point, soon having your mouth stuffed with your bully’s dick. 
Thank god that he was at least hot. 
Felix popped his dick over the band of his underwear and as if you hadn’t had enough surprises today one last one awaited you. A silver metal barbell lodged right beneath his pretty red tip, his dick already hard as he gave it a couple of pumps. Your mouth fell agape, cheeks heating up as you struggled to keep a straight face. Felix being the tease he is had to comment;
“What? Bigger than you thought?”
You scoffed from his boldness, not believing your ears. 
“N-no! Get over yourself you ass”
“Enough talking princess” Felix said in a deep voice, rubbing the tip of his leaking cock on your plushy lips, them being coated with a layer of saliva from you repeatedly lickning them out of nervousness. 
There was a moment of awkwardness, you not being sure where to place your hands before you grabbed the base of his girthy dick, pursing your lips and latching them onto the tip, sinking down gradually in order to not choke immedietly, not wanting to embarrass yourself even more than you already had. 
Felix let out a strained groan at the sensation, you feeling the cold metal as you flattened your tongue, licking a fat strap on the underside of his cock earning yet another groan. The blonde laced his fingers in your hair, tugging on it slightly in order to control the sinful sounds dripping out of his mouth. You whimpered against his dick, there barely being any room to breath as your nose was hovering just above his abdomen, impressed by your own gag reflex but that didn’t last long, Felix now shoving your head down his length, making you choke. 
“Wow, is there anything you can do right? Can’t even suck me off properly”
You can only hum in response, sending shivers down Felix’s spine from the vibrations, the boy feeling the knot in his stomach tightening. The hair flies in front of you face as you bob your head down his cock that was equally as veiny as his decked out arms, feeling the metal hitting your bottom teeth a couple of times. Tears teased the corners of your eyes as you were throat deep on Felix’s member, your hands slightly sweaty from the butterflies in your stomach. Eventually Felix started to weaken in your grasp, small grunts escaping him as you hollowed your cheeks, mascara staining your heated cheeks. 
“f-fuck,,,yes just like that,,ah-”
Luckily for the both of you the shop was located in a rather desolate area of town therefore no bypassers saw the scandalous view through the door that was decorated with a small foggged window. But did Felix care? Not really, the boy was bold enough to get sucked off in public if the opportunity presented itself. 
You looked up at him with the most innocent eyes you could muster, spit starting to dribble down your chin and landing on your skirt, forming slightly saturated patches on the fabric from the wetness. The blonde boys useless comments didn’t make it any easier to withstand this agonizing process. 
“Ah,,, never thought I would be seeing you like this, thought I had degraded you enough but this is just another level of humiliation, isn’t it y/n?”
The hand that was previously tangled in your hair was now moved to your stained cheek, him carefully swiping his thumb across the warm skin but you furrowed your eyebrows, swatting his hand away causing him to scoff before being interupted by his own loud moan, you pulling off and kitten licking his tip, coaxing his impending orgasm. 
It didn’t take long before the boy was shutting his eyes tightly, his jaw slacking as a last low vibrational growl ringed in your ears, his eyes still piercing yours while the thick white liquid spilled out of him, coating the metal bar and seeped into your mouth, your dry lips now getting a coat of clear gloss, the rest dripping down onto the floor and your dark colored skirt. 
You shook your head as you looked around the shop, not wanting to spit out his salty seed right on the floor but Felix simply shook his head back at you, grabbing your face gently. 
Goosebumps erupted on your skin from his intimidating voice, as if you’d been cast under a spell you nod, swallowing the droplets of cum harshly, the sound of your loud gulp causing Felix to hum and with a smile, ruffle your hair before zipping himself up and running a hand through his own hair, exposing his forehead for just a bit. You stand up on your own, legs wobbling as you don’t even expect the rude boy to help. 
“You start tomorrow after school, my father will only be happy to know that someone actually want’s to work in this shithole. I’ll join you but once again, not because I want to but because your stupid head will mess everything up.”
You nod, only now noticing how scruffy the rest of the teashop looked, moving boxes piling up like the dust in the windowsills. You jerked your head to the side, eyes wandering all over the place, everywhere from the wittering plants to the miscellaneous stacks of files. 
The both of you step out of the dusty shop, the cool air hitting your cheek, now remembering the makeup that was running down it. Without saying a word Felix tries to escape but you stop him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He doesn’t turn around, staring at the road ahead of him. 
“Thank you”
You whisper out, your hair fluttering in the wind, feeling yourself getting emotional from his seemingly sweet gesture. Felix starts walking, the sound of his footsteps getting fainter as the disappears down the sunny asphalt road, leaving you standing infront of the shop before you go behind the shop, entering your burrow of an apartment.
You walk to the teashop in the floral spring weather, wondering where Felix had been all day since he wasn’t in school this wednesday where lectures went in half speed. Arriving at the shop everything was surprisingly closed. You peeked into the window, standing on your toes as if that would improve your vision but gave up quickly after, only seeing the scene from yesterday, the same old piles of rubbish. 
A light tap threw you off guard, you yelping and jerking away before noticing the blonde hair, Felix greeting you with a jingle of keys in his hand.
“Wanna have the honors? I mean, it is your first day after all” 
You respond with a small “yes” before grabbing the keys from his hand and unlocking the entrance to the stuffy teashop, coughing as you step in from the dust that twirled all around the two of you. You walked over to the sad plants that were placed haphazardly in the windowsill, swiping your finger over the leafs and closely examining the dust that rubbed off, blowing it away softly before turning to Felix that was nearing the pile of random files. 
“Looks like we have a bunch of work to do before we can actually brew tea” 
He didn’t smile, visibly annoyed. Felix went into the back, behind the beaded curtain he retrieved a bucket of cleaning supplies. 
“You mop the floors, I’ll clean some of the heavy stuff away” 
Felix said, his voice still in that notorious deep tone. 
“Not fair? There’s not even a mop which means I’ll have to do it by hand?” 
Felix scoffed, throwing a old rag at you before turning around and grabbing a moving box filled with god knows what. You sigh, grabbing the bucket and emptying the contents, the brushes and strangly colored bottles of cleaning solution spreading across the counter before you went behind the beaded curtain, being met by a murky kitchen that hadn’t been cleaned in what seemed like forever. You sighed, looking around and opening cabinets only to be met with half broken porcelain and cobwebs, the shelf at the top displaying a multitude of metal cans filled with loose tea that had probably gone tasteless. With a disgusted face you close the cabinet, instead filling up the bucket with water and adding dishsoap in lack of other cleaning substance. 
Hours ticked by, Felix sighing and huffing out of annoyance when carrying out and sorting through countless boxes while you cleaned the floor and dusted every corner, the shop transforming right before your eyes. The two of you eventually ended up in the kitchen, you observing every cup for cracks and disposing of those that showed just that as Felix was washing those that you thought looked presentable. Felix tried his best to not drop the cups despite his slippery fingers in a pathetic attempt at trying to do the dishes, it was clear that he had never in his life had to do this which made you roll your eyes, thinking about the boiling anger you had at this pompous and spoiled boy. 
“Do you like living alone y/n? ” 
The question was rather unexpected, making you choke on your own saliva. Never in your life had you thought that he cared about you. You shrugged your shoulders, wanting to appear unbothered.
“y-yeah, I wanted to be more responsible, I mean we are adults soon and nothing is served on a silver platter but I wouldn’t expect you to know.”
Felix smirked, seeing right through your lie but choosing to not taunt you. You felt vulnerable from the question but instead of continuing the awkward silence you wanted to get to know him better, maybe he wasn’t such a dick after all, maybe his tough guy personality was only a facade?
“What’s with that piercing?” you said, pointing at his groin with your chin making Felix laugh, getting shy from your question but snapping back to his cold outer self. 
“It was a bet and as you can see I lost” he scoffed before continuing, “wanna see?”
Your eyes widened, cheeks heating up before stammering out;
“N-no, Felix you’re disgusting!” you say in desperation for an answer but Felix only laughs even more, almost annoying you. 
“Well it wasn’t so disgusting when you were sucking me off, have you forgotten babygirl? Maybe I should teach you your place again.”
You gulped, not answering but instead just staring at him, a cup frozen in your hand as Felix locks his eyes with your, tilting his head in a cocky manner. You harshly place the cup down, storming out into the area where racks upon racks displayed the many tea sorts that were stashed away somewhere in the shop, Felix retrieving them earlier in the day. You start sorting through them, seeing a paper with orders on a clipboard and deciding to check the different kinds. Everything from oolong to pu’er to herbal was lined up in both teabags or loose tea leafs and surprisingly Felix did a good job, everything displayed in pretty and uniform lines. Before you could put a dash for a variety of tea that was missing. Felix sticks his head in between the beaded strings of the curtain, his eyes twinkling. 
“Want some tea?”
For the first time he seemed cute. Not scary or intimidating, just cute. By the way his blonde locks fell infront of his face to the way his earrings were jingling, fading out to his angular facial structure. 
You nod shyly, placing the clipboard on a random shelf before scooting over to the kitchen, seeing that Felix had placed out a white teapot with cobalt blue details, a floral pattern that contradicted to the eggshell white base. On the counter stood a small brown paperbag with black tea and right next to it a small tray of white sugarcubes. 
“This seems awfully complicated for making tea” you say, looking at the red kettle boiling on the stove, there not being an electric kettle in this old establishment. 
“What you expect? That I’ll be satisfied with you serving some watered down tea from a teabag? There’s a process you know.”
“Wow, and this is coming from Lee Felix? The son of a rich man and also the schools scumbag?”
Felix snaps his towards you, previously looking at the piping hot kettle. He licked the inside of his cheek, exhaling sharply through his nose, turning his cheek towards his shoulder, a momentary pop being heard before he looked at you with his dark eyes.
“I’m being nice, take that to your advantage and I’ll break your kneecaps”
You nodded and he smiled, astonished by the duality of this man. 
“Are you just gonna stand there? Come closer”
You stepped closer to the counter, your breath hitching when you felt Felix’s chest again your back, his hands leaning against the counter and trapping you between the two. You swallowed harshly, eyes darting over the various equipment needed to make a simple cup of tea. 
“Open the tea pot maybe?”
Felix said, sighing. You feeling his warm breath against the outer shell of your ear, his voice sounding even more dangerous when it was right beside you. You grabbed the blue detailed teapot and opened it, only to see a metal strainer already a part of the pot. Doubtfully you grabbed the little packet of loose leaf tea, removing and placing down the clip that was hindering it’s aroma from escaping the luxurious leafs. The fragrence of the tea hit your senses, the smell almost addictive. 
“What tea is this?” 
You said, turning the bag in you hand, looking for any type of lettering that would bring you closer to an answer.
“Russian earl grey. It contains bergamot orange making it more pungent”
You hummed, being to scared to turn around and face him, you now zoning out whilst your eyes were stuck on the awfully colored tiles on the kitchen wall. 
“You’re supposed to drink it y/n, not smell it”
Felix stated causing you to snap out and notice that you’ve been holding the bag to your nose, scrunching your nose ever so often. 
“Oh yeah,,, right,,, sorry. How much should I put in?”
You say, tilting the bag and slowly watching dark colored particles spill into the metal strainer. Felix slowly put his hand on yours, tilting the bag even more. You could feel your heart in your throat, your hands starting to sweat from his close proximity. His hand was warm for such a cold person. 
“It’s supposed to fill up one third of the strainer, remember that”
You mewled out a quiet “yes” as he put the bag down, removing his hand from yours. The next step was obvious, filling up the tea pot with hot water. Just as you were about to grab the black handle of the shiny red kettle Felix smacked your hand away, him grabbing it instead.
“It’s hot and I can’t trust someone as stupid as you with it”
“I can grab a kettle you know? I’m not that weak-”
“Shut it”
You pressed your lips shut as Felix pressed himself against your back, carefully reaching and pouring in the steaming water and seeing the water droplets diffuse up into the atmosphere. He carefully put the lid back on the pot and backed away as he put the kettle back on the stove, turning it off. 
“What do we do now?” 
You asked, turning around and leaning your butt against the cold counter.
“We wait for 5 minutes, the steeping time is different for different teas, you’ll have to learn them when working here.”
You nod attentively, staring down at your shoes and turning your heels against the dark wooden floorboards. 
“I wanna change the deal y/n”
Your head shot up to the blonde boy, him standing close by in all his glory, not wearing his school uniform but instead a black t-shirt, of course having a obnoxiously loud designer logo in the front just like the belt that was resting on top of his black slacks. His bracelets jingled everytime he moved his hands, this time wearing dainty silver rings to match with his wristwatch and shining piercings. 
“W-what why? Are you gonna fire me?”
Blood was boiling in your veins, not knowing his intentions yet but knowing that they were just as sinister as the boy himself. Before you knew it his lips were attached on yours.
Your heart skipped a beat, knuckles whitening as you held onto the counter from sheer panic. His lips were softer than expected, pressing gently as he tilted his head, his eyelashes feathering over his closed lids. His hands traveled up your clothed body, exploring every inch of you. The soft sound of lips smacking against each other ignited a feeling deep in your core. You were pushed closer to the edge of the counter, his body so close, leaving you with no choice but to jump up on the metal surface. The coldness radiated through the thin fabric of your pleated skirt, hitting your aching cunt that was already dripping from Felix’s simple actions, his daunting aura clouding your mind with sinful thoughts. 
“I’ll raise your pay if you fuck me, please y/n”
He whispers against your plush lips. You hummed, hesitating before slowly nodding, not being able to think clear with your heart beating like it’s about to protrude from your chest. He smiles slyly before reattaching his lips onto yours, his wet and sharp tongue running over your swollen bottom lip, desperatly wanting to taste your tongue. Your lips parted as you moaned into the kiss, giving him the perfect opportunity to pry himself into your mouth, the kiss getting sloppier, Felix growing needier as the seconds on the large clock on top of the door frame ticked. The blonde boy placed himself inbetween your legs, his veiny hands placed on your knees, seperating your already shivering legs. Without knowing what you were doing you cupped Felix’s cheeks, feeling the sharpness of his jaw against your soft hands.
Why did you pull him closer? He’d hurt you so bad in the past, everyday was living hell because of him and his deeds. A lightheadedness hit you as memories scrolled past your consciousness. Memories still painful, tender as open wounds. But for him you could forgive anything. Forget, just to see him smile at you.
His cologne was strangely addictive, the musky smell mixed with the scent of his soft sunkissed skin. You moaned softly against his lips as his fingers traced lightly over your exposed panties, the skirt already folded up your thighs. He hummed in delight, feeling the soaked fabric sticking against your pulsating cunt. 
“I’ve waited for this for so long y/n”
You looked at him with confusion in your glossy eyes. Waited, for you?
Within a matter of seconds his fingers pushed aside the wet patch of fabric shielding you from the cold air, only to insert a finger inside of your desperate hole causing you to gasp. A second finger joined close by and Felix groaned, feeling your tight walls around his glistening digits. You had so many questions but not enough power to say them without stuttering.
“W-waited for,,, m-me?”
His fingers curled upwards as you finished your sentence causing you to grip his wrist, the squelching sound of your pussy pleasing the blonde boy as he pumped his fingers into you relentlessly.
“That’s how I get attention. You aren’t impressed by materialistic things so I did what I had to”
You couldn’t believe your ears. All that to get your attention? He succeeded but he would never understand the emotions you went through because of him. The hatered you thought would never melt away suddenly did, you becoming nothing more but a whimpering mess from his touch. 
A thump was heard from your head hitting the cupboard, the pleasure firing through your body as your small cries echoed throughout the small kitchen. A sudden feeling of emptiness caused you to sigh in both relief and frustration. Your previously shut eyes slowly drifted open, panicked when you see Felix unbuckling his belt, letting both the fabric of his pants and underwear fall to the dim floor. 
Somehow his leaking cock looked prettier this time around, the shiny piercing distracting to the eye. Your mouth watered embarrassingly enough, turning your gaze to the ticking clock until Felix cleared his throat, his adams apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed his spit. He looked nervous which was unfamilliar, the boy always being persistant with his cocky mannerisms. Felix pulled you closer to the edge of the counter, your face heating up as your legs were spread wide open for him. There was nowhere you could hide your flushed face and Felix took this to his advantage.
“Huh? Shy, babygirl?” 
You gulped as you watched him stroke himself, the crimson colored tip disappearing only to reappear seconds later. Your eyes shut tightly as he moved the slick-stained panties to the side, anticipating to be filled to the brim from his impressive size. Mouth agape, Felix pushed into your wet hole, your hands gripping his broad shoulder in order to hinder a loud moan. 
“fuck y/n,,, you’re so tight, s-shit”
You couldn’t answer, still adjusting your velvety walls around him. As the pain subsided your core ached for friction, needing to feel him deep inside of you. Your arms wrapped around the boy, pulling him closer to your heated body making him smirk slyly before carefully pulling away, only his tip resting inside of you. Just as you were about to sigh due to emptiness he slammed inside of you, your entire body shaking from the impact. Panting, you begged for more, begging for him to go faster.
“F-felix! faster,,, please”
Your warm face was buried deep in his shoulder, his slightly cold hands gripping your hips tightly, starting to roll against your throbbing cunt earning small mewls from between your swollen lips. The counter creaked with each thrust that grew louder as his pace got faster, feeling your delicate walls clench around his veiny length, his silver earrings dangling from his lobes. Felix explored parts of your body even you hadn’t felt, his dick prodding you deep enough to make your eyes roll back into your skull, biting down on his shirt. 
The sound of skin slapping echoed in the room, your weakening legs wrapping around his figure, trapping him inside of you but the blonde boy had no plans of stopping. Sweat beaded around his temples, his previously serious expressing turning into a grin as he adored your moans, words falling out in incomprehensible syllables. You were close and so was Felix. 
The pit of fire grew violent deep in your core, holding the young boy tighter to your body, clawing his clothed back. Every thrust had it’s impact, shaking you up and forcing shameless moans out from your throat that were being muffled by the fabric between your lips. The two of you moaned in unison, Felix’s deep mutters getting louder, his vicious thrusts becoming sloppier and uneven, desperate for his sweet release. You clenched around him involuntarily, trying to hold back from screaming, glad that your warm face was between his shoulder and neck so that he couldn’t see your fucked out expression. His name rolled off your tongue like a mantra, mind blank as your eyes were squeezed shut.
“Felix, i-im gonna c-cum! im-m cumming!”
The wall seperating you from your orgasm collapsed, leaving you with a powerful sensation washing over you. Your legs shook, struggling to keep your legs wrapped around him but soon enough you wouldn’t have to. Felix thrusted into you one final time, sending a shiver down your spine and overstimulating you before pulling out, his dick glistening with your erotic juices as he fucked his hand, hot spurts of cum leaking out. He growled, scrunching his forehead as he released on your shaking thighs, one last droplet of cum descending down his shaft and coating the shiny piercing that decorated his pretty cock. 
You panted, still processing what just happened, looking at Felix that unwrapped his hand from around his member, dick turning flaccid. You lifted yourself off the counter, only then realising how weak your legs were, not letting go of the surface you just fucked on. 
“Is this a one time thing or,,,” 
You start, not really knowing what to say afterwards. Felix cleared his throat, putting on his pants as you fixed your dark skirt, back against the boy.
“Let’s be friends”
You turned around, gazing at Felix as he looked down at the grimy floor.
“I’ll stop,,, bothering you, now we’re friends,,, with benefits but it’s a secret, understand?”
Every sentence this man spoke sounded serious with his deep voice but this was serious, for real. 
“Why should I? Why should I agree, Felix? So that you can play around with me even more, make me your little shy puppet? I’m not having it!!”
You yelled at the boy, his expression deadpan as you hit him in the abdomen, instantly regretting it as your knuckles hit his rock hard abs. Frustration clouded your mind, wanting to break every single piece of porcelain in the narrow kitchen. Instead you broke yourself apart. Crying in front of Felix like you’d done so many times before, dropping to the floor and feeling the cold material against your bare thigh. This feeling, so familiar. Felix gazing down on you like you we’re worth nothing more than the ground. 
Only this time he didn’t only stand and stare. 
His arms wrapped around your quivering figure, his embrace warmer than his face. 
“I’m sorry, y/n”
His voice shook as the silence overtook the both of you, the quiet ticking of the clock interupting. 
“Hm? Look at me, y/n”
Felix pulled away from you, sitting on the floor next to you, watching your head hang low as he gently put a hand on your jaw, lifting your gaze up to meet his. 
“I’m fucking stupid, I know. I shouldn’t have hurt you like that but,,, I didn’t know how- how to get closer to you.”
He swiped the rough pad of his thumb across your cheek, wiping your tears. 
“I will never hurt you ever again, y/n. We- we can work here and just,,, do stuff.”
You knew exactly what he meant by “stuff” but somehow you trusted him. You trusted him because you had no one else to trust. 
“But one rule” he said.
You tilted your head, wondering what his rule was.
“No falling in love”
You hummed, nodding as you wiped your tearstained cheeks with the sleeves of your shirt, cracking a smile at your own vulnerability. Felix stood up and you looked up at him, feeling small but not afraid. 
“So what do you say, y/n?”
He offered you his hand, you couldn’t stop looking into his secretive eyes that slowly turned mellow. 
You grabbed his hand, passing it as a yes to his question. 
But the both of you knew that the rule would be broken soon, like the brittle edge of a teacup. 
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ehbeeseedih · 3 years
Lost a bet - positions
So you lost a bet and posted that you wanted to try out some sex positions and were looking for volunteers. As soon as you were allowed, you were going to go delete it, but then you looked at the replies. Who said they wanted to do each one with you?
How it works:
Go to “Random.org”.
Click on “Lists & More” and then “Lists Randomised”.
Enter the names of 18+ people/characters.
Use the first 10 to find out who volunteered for each one.
PS: This is my first time posting on tumblr so the sizes of things, font and all those kinda things might be a little wacky, but I’ll try to fix it afterwards. 
You can check out my other stories at AFF.  Now, enjoy reading 10 bad smuts to fulfill your daily bad smuts quota.  
Oh yeah nearly forgot, thanks to @existslikepristin​ for the tag.
Rosé - Missionary
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“Everything I need is on the ground.” 
The music ends, the ending pose done, everyone claps. Today is the last day of practice before Rosé’s solo debut tomorrow afternoon. 
You went to the showers in the dance studio after debriefing. A cold shower does wonders for relieving body ache after intense practice sessions. 
As you prepared to leave the studio, you saw Rosé still practicing by herself, wearing the tight short skirt outfit she’s about to perform in tomorrow. 
Rosé bent forward as the music reached the chorus, her safety shorts failed to adequately cover up her butt cheeks as they came into your view. Your pants abruptly got tight at the sight. 
You desperately try to divert your attention as Rosé caught you staring at her. Instead of calling  you out about it, she began twerking harder, letting her plump butt freely bounce in front of you. 
“Like what you’re seeing?”
“Yes…..” You shyly replied
“Well I could use some releasing, haven’t had a cock for a while.” 
She lowered her skirt and panties in a single stroke, “How you like that?” 
“I mean how would you like to fuck me?” 
“Missionary please, I’d like to see your face.” 
She lays down on the floor and spreads her legs wide, “Vanilla huh, I like it. I’m already on the ground, what are you waiting for?” 
You’ve finally realised the true meaning of “Everything I need is on the ground”. Let’s just hope that both of you won’t be too tired to perform tomorrow. 
Doggy - IU
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Having a bubbly and needy girlfriend like Jieun can be both a blessing and a curse. 
The blessing, a very fulfilling sex life, anytime and anywhere. 
The curse, it’s hard to reject her when she wants them but you don’t. Her aegyos and delicate moans were like cheat codes that made you do whatever she told you to. 
In the present, you’re faced with two very major problems you had to deal with. On one hand, you had a report and 2 proposal you needed to turn in by tomorrow
On the other hand, you had a needy girlfriend who’s willing to do anything to get you to fuck her. 
Jieun had been doing everything she could to get you off work and pay attention to her. She started with strip tease, lap dance, progressing to slowly jerking you off and giving you a messy blowjob. 
You had nearly given up, a few moans escaped your mouth, but in the end you were still working, and Jieun was also still working. She released your cock from her mouth and went to the bed.
Immediately, you heard sounds of wet flesh and Jieun’s soft moans. 
“Ahhhh, why are you still working? You could be here balls deep in me. Ahhhhh, it would be better if it’s your giant cock inside me instead of my slim finger.” 
That nearly tempted you off. Your cock was growing hard again, your hand slowly stroking it along to the beat of Jieun’s moans. 
“Look at me!” She shouted. In hindsight, you shouldn’t have looked. The moment you turn your head, there is no going back.
Jieun was on all fours, her fingers in her pussy slowly pumping off. 
“Come fuck your little slut. Look at how wet I am for you.” 
Magnetized by her pussy, you gave up work and went over and grabbed her hips.
“You nasty little slut, distracting me from doing actual work. Now let me punish you.” 
“Oh yeah, punish your little slut. Fill her with your cum and send her to heaven.”
Suffice to say your bosses were not impressed when you said you had to take care of your pet yesterday and couldn’t finish your work.  
Cow girl - Jessica
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Why are you in a 5 star hotel again? Oh yeah, you were at a family gathering with your wife Jessica. 
But why does she look so mad? Did you piss her off doing something stupid again? 
“Do you know why I’m mad right now?”
“No……” A ringing slap on your left cheek. 
“Please explain why were you fucking my sister during the family gathering?” 
Oh yeah, now you remember. Krystal was seducing you during dinner, which ended up with you getting caught by Jessica while cumming inside Krystal in their family house bathroom. 
“Well……. Krystal was seducing me, and you did say it’s ok to touch your sister right?” A ringing slap on your right cheek. 
“I said only when I’m not available. I was prepared to give you a surprise but you decided to be a bad boy.” 
Jessica took off her bathrobe and revealed the red lacy lingerie underneath it. 
Red - the ultimate colour of seduction. Jessica certainly knew how to get you fired up. Luckily for you, you too knew how to get her fired up. 
Hug her hips, hand on her butt, face in front of her pussy “I’m sorry mommy, I have been a bad boy, please forgive me.” 
“Ahhhh” Jessica moaned and pushed you down onto the bed hard. “You’ve been a really bad boy. Now let me ride you.” 
“Yes. Please mommy.” 
69 - Miyeon
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“Hey Miyeon, look at me! I’m sliding down the slide upside down.” 
She ignored you. 
Miyeon had been acting all weird today. Like she was pretty weird normally but today even more so. 
She told you she wanted to do something fun today, and then she brought you out to a playground in the middle of nowhere. 
Was she going through nostalgia and wanted to relive her childhood? That doesn’t seem like it. She had been looking around scanning the area ever since you got here. What was she looking for, there’s nothing and no one in the vicinity. 
“Hey baby, what are you doing?” 
She approaches you with a smirk and grabs your crotch, gently rubbing it. 
“Baby, I told you I want to do something fun right. Let’s fuck right here. Nobody is watching.”
“What…….” Before you could speak, Miyeon had unzipped your pants and started sucking your already hard cock.
“Can you at least let me sit upright first?” 
“No, 69 is part of the fun. Now shut up and eat my pussy.” 
“You’re one kinky girl Miyeon.” 
Downward dog - Shuhua
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You loved your job as a yoga instructor, and having your classes famous among idols is a huge reason for it.
It started out with Yerin and your extra sessions. Apparently she liked it so much that she introduced Joy to join your extra sessions too.
Since then, idols had been coming so frequently that you’ve had to space out the appointments as your body couldn’t keep up with the number of sessions. 
Last week it was Yves and Chuu and this week it will be Shuhua.
“Hi Shuhua, how are you feeling today?”
“Great, just a bit stiff. I’ll need some help with stretching later, maybe your pole can be handy.”
“Alright, do you want to start off slow or go straight to the extra sessions.” 
“Be fast please, I’m impatient.” 
“Alright then, let’s start off with the downward dog pose. Put your hand on the floor and raise your hips up.” 
“Good, looks like you have been following my advice and putting in extra work. Your thighs look very meaty.” 
“I’ve been doing a lot of leg work recently.” 
“I’ll message your butt and help you relax your muscles.” 
“It feels great, please don’t stop.” 
“What is this Shuhua, why is there a wet spot in between your thighs?” 
“Ahhh, don’t tease me please.” 
“Oh no, no panties. You’re a naughty student. Let me punish you.”
“Yes please, use your cock to help me stretch out my thigh pussy.” 
Side saddle - Yuju
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Some come to the beach for the relieving feeling, some for the tan, some for the sea breeze. But you’re here for the bikinis and tiddies. 
Sitting under your beach umbrella, you can usually see a whole beach of beauties enjoying themselves. But not today. 
The beach is desolate today, not much to see. Just the occasional family with nothing impressive, not the usual group of eye candies. 
The weather is beginning to turn and you prepare to abort. Just as you’re about to leave, you spot a lady sporting a red bikini slowly approaching from afar, heading towards your direction.
As she nears, you observe her fit body, her abs and her beautiful appearance. 
“Hey, why are you here at the beach?”
“I came here for a walk. But it seems like the weather today is not cooperative.” 
“That’s unfortunate, maybe we can do something together to create some memories and remedy that.”
She scans your body. Instinctively, you flex up your abs.
“Alright, but we do it my way.”
She sits on top of your crotch which starts pumping up with blood. You scan around for one more time to ensure no one is watching.
While you scout, Yuju is busy relieving your cock from your pants and inserting it through her bikini bottom. 
She begins bouncing on you slowly. The cold winds contrasted with the interior warmth of her pussy, heightening the experience. 
Some come to the beach for the relieving feeling, some for the bikini and tiddies. But you’re here for the fuck. 
Throat Swab - Jiho
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A rich heiress by the name of Jiho has recently come under your radar. Her mansion was outside of the town and she lives really lowkey. 
Made a rough survey of her mansion, it seems relatively lightly guarded given her wealth. No one except her servants went in and out of the mansion, not even Jiho herself had left the mansion throughout the few days. 
Clock struck 12, sneaked into the mansion from the back door without anyone noticing
Circling around the mansion, surprised by how empty it is inside given the luxurious exterior. The heiress living inside must be pretty lonely. 
Made your way to the master bedroom. Jiho sleeping elegantly in her princess themed bed. 
Tied her up on her bed with ropes
Ransacked her mansion, took away many valuables. Heard a loud scream from the master bedroom 
With lightning speed, headed to the source of the sound. Found Jiho struggling with her hands tied up
“What are you doing, let me go.” 
“Shut up you nasty bi*** “ Placed your palm on her face to quiet her.
Instead of resisting, Jiho surprisingly licked your palm in a circular motion, her eyes telling you of her desire
Stuck your fingers into her mouth and she dutifully sucked it with vigour.
“You’re a needy little slut I see. You’re being kidnapped and yet you’re sucking my fingers” 
“It has been a long time since I've seen a man. It’s natural to be needy.” 
Released her, knowing she won’t run away. Brought her to the edge of the bed with her head hanging from the bed. 
“I still need to keep you quiet, maybe I should stuff your mouth with my cock”
“Please fuck my mouth, please.” 
Pearly Gates - Arin
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You’ve always thought Arin was the good girl type. The type that would be shy about sex. 
However, after a date started off with her sucking you off in the car, feet playing with your cock under the restaurant table, ass grinding on your crotch in an elevator and her hand guiding yours while touching her pussy in the cinema, you threw away all your dumb assumptions. 
After a libidinous date, you came home utterly exhausted and immediately fell into your bed. 
As you slowly dozed off to dreamland, Arin crashes on top of you, waking you up. 
Instinctively you moved your hand to embrace her whilst both of you gradually drifted into slumber. 
Your legs suddenly felt numb and a need to move them. Finding your legs trapped under Arin’s legs, the only way to move them was to spread out her legs.
Your legs slowly spreaded Arin’s legs out and you heard a barely audible moan from her. 
Arin turned around with a soft smile and raspy voice “You still got juice to try out a new position?” and began grinding her posterior on you to get you in the mood again.
You quickly moved to remove the bottoms for the both of you “What’s this new position you’re talking about?” 
“It’s called pearly gates, I learned it from reading a smut challenge.” 
She impaled herself on your cock from above as you felt her being more tight in this position 
The sex was great, and lucky for you Arin did not eat much for dinner.
Stand and Carry - Minju
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“Ha, you suck at Mario Kart.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you won. What do you want?” 
“Carry me to the ice cream shop.” 
“Can’t you walk yourself? You’re heavy, you know.” Despite bickering, you willingly bent down and told Minju to get on your back. 
However, she refused and insisted on being carried on the front. 
Minju wrapped her legs around your waist and you felt her moist core pushed up against your crotch. 
“No panties?” 
“Shut up, just go.” 
You’re sure she already felt it but your cock was rock hard and bulging out after knowing your girlfriend’s kinky behavior. 
As you carried her towards the store, every little movement and vibration of a step caused your clothed bulge to rub against Minju’s bare pussy. 
Minju tried her best to hold back her moans but occasionally some slipped out which attracted the attention of people nearby. 
Not only do you have to deal with the weird glances from the passersby, but also your internal desire to fuck Minju then and there.  
At the last 100 meters, Minju’s soft moans suddenly became a deep groan, her whole body gripped on yours as she orgasms. A gush of fluid wettens your pants on the crotch area. 
Just as Minju recovered from her bliss, you spotted an empty alley and headed there. 
Making quick work of your pants with Minju still hanging on you, you swiftly inserted your cock into her drenched pussy. 
Guess she won’t have a clean skirt to go home with. 
Spooning - Taeyeon
*This one is a little long
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After watching Aladdin at the cinema, you headed home alone. 
Windy, starry night, with roads empty due to the cold weather. You enjoyed this lonely feeling, it was what you’re used to after all. It brought peace to your mind, away from the loneliness in your shack, away from the judging eyes of society. 
All was good until a shady looking fella approached from the opposite direction. He was carrying a big gunny bag behind him, panting. It must’ve been heavy. 
At first glance, you would’ve assumed him to be a murderer, carrying a fresh corpse behind him. 
He approaches you and tells you hastily “Do you want a body pillow? It has a really beautiful lady on it.”
Totally weirded out. “No thanks, I have no use for it.”
“Just take it, bye.” He dumped the bag onto you, the weight of the bag bringing you down to the ground. He’s nowhere to be seen after you stood back up, disappeared into the wind. 
Not wanting to be fined for random disposal of garbage, you carried the gunny bag home. The road home was an ascend, filled with potholes and untamed bushes, fitting for the blighted part of town you live in. Those combined with your fat figure made you pant the whole way home. 
You carried the gunny bag home and opened the thing inside. Well at least he wasn’t lying when he said it had a beautiful lady on it at least. 
Beauty is relative, but the woman on the pillow was undoubtedly a good view for the eye, especially when compared to your face which only your mum could love.
The day was a long one for you. You were prepared to go to bed by then. Instead of throwing it away, you just hugged the body pillow and went to sleep. 
Sleeping naked, you wanted to rub the magic lamp before sleeping, but ultimately decided against it. Whilst falling asleep, you subconsciously rubbed the body pillow a few times, its material comfy enough to not become trash. 
Suddenly a weird smoke came out from the body pillow followed by a bright glow of light. 
You were temporarily blinded but when you regained vision you saw a fine lady in front of you. 
“Hi, my name is Taeyeon. I’m genie for you boy. Tell me your wish”
“Damn, I must’ve been way too absorbed in the movie to be dreaming like this.” You thought. 
“You’re not dreaming sir, I will fulfill 3 wishes of yours” 
Remembering how your life had been a family friendly film without any adult action scenes, more Spongebob than Fifty Shades of Grey, you’re not going to miss the dance to rectify that. 
“Well you do look quite hot, it won’t hurt to have a wet dream. I wish to fuck you while hugging you.” 
“Your wish is granted, Sir” 
Taeyeon slowly removed her clothes, her perky breasts bouncing out of her bra, her removal of panties unveiled her cleanly shaven pussy, all illuminated by moonlight shining on her fair skin. 
She snuck into your embrace, which wasn’t the most comfortable position due to your bloated size, but it still worked. Grabbing your adorably sized cock, she impaled herself onto your cock and started moving. 
Your sexual awakening felt incredible, Taeyeon’s pussy was tightly squeezing your cock. You couldn’t go very deep, and you felt sad about it. 
“I wish for you to praise me.” 
“Your wish is granted, Sir” 
Taeyeon’s moans went from soft squeaks to loud groans, her movement increasing in pace.
“Yes Sir, you fill me up so good.” Even though you knew she was just fulfilling your wish, you couldn’t help but feel proud of yourself for the first time in your life. 
With the encouragement boost, you began to thrust your dormant hips into her, in unison with her thrusting down. 
“Sir, why are you growing bigger. Ahhh” 
You’re growing bigger, that’s good to know. Your banging grows in strength to the point of moving the bed with you. 
Your neighbours would look down on you even more but you didn’t care. For the first time in forever, you’re doing something you like and you won’t let others disturb you. 
“Hghhhh, I’m cumming Sir.”
“Me too. AHhhh, let’s cum together.” 
Together, something you weren’t particularly familiar with. The orgasm was great, the sex was great, but even better was doing it with someone who enjoyed and appreciated you. 
“One more round?” 
“Sorry but I’m too tired sir, you fucked me too good.”
“Thanks for saying that but you don’t need to flatter me.”
“No I mean it sir, you’re the best one I’ve had.” 
Warmth filled your insides, not only did your first sex didn’t go down the drain, she even praised you for being good. Your vision was becoming blurry, but you’re sure it was sweat flowing from your forehead. 
“Alright then, good night Taeyeon.”
“Good night Sir”
As you awaken the next morning, Taeyeon’s morning visuals stunned you. You haven’t had the chance to properly see how she looked but now that you did, she was gorgeous. 
At the same time, Taeyeon also woke up from her sleep. 
“Last night was incredible Sir. You were so good.” Her compliment made you replay the scene from yesterday. It had been a long time since anyone had said you’re good at anything. 
“That reminds me, you have one more wish Sir, please make the most out of it.”
“What will happen to you once I make my last wish? Will you just disappear? Will last night just be another sweet memory that I’ll forever replay in my mind?” Tears were beginning to form as you’re about to go back to the lonely dark self after experiencing how good things could’ve been. 
“Unfortunately. Yes Sir.” 
An idea suddenly struck you,  “What if I wish for you to stay with me forever?” 
“Your wish will always be fulfilled Sir.” 
“I wish for you to stay with me forever.” 
“Your wish is granted, Sir” 
With that, another burst of light blinded you and you’re left alone in your room again, back to square one. Why did you think that you could escape this lonely life destined for you?
One day as you’re going back home from another movie, you saw someone carrying a gunny bag.
The scene felt awfully familiar. You approached the person and realised it was a girl this time around.
“Hi, my name is Taeyeon. I’m from the Girls Generation Genie Team. We work to grant the wishes of all lonely kids in the area. Could you help me with this bag of supplies?” 
“Yes! Yes!” 
Maybe being a lonely kid wasn’t so bad afterall. 
A/N: Thanks for reading. Hope you’ve enjoyed it. Feel free to tell me anything wrong or where I still need to improve. 
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bakugohoex · 4 years
CONGRATS ON 1K!!! For the event, could you do Bakugo with Fluff #4??? It just seems so much like him
“because i’m fucking in love with you”
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pairing: katsuki bakugo x female reader
cw: language, fluff, kissing
word count: 2500+
a/n: i have to write a levi oneshot now, bruh i might just go sleep, who knows what i’m going to do
summary: in which bakugo watches you get too close with another man and can’t help but let his anger take over seeing you with anybody other him
1k event masterlist
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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Bakugo had many reasons to get angry on a warm summer day at the office. Being a pro hero had its ups and downs, the down being what was occurring today. Paperwork, he hated it with a passion, he loved the idea of fighting and defeating villains but the idea of writing it all up made his skin itch in disgust. Of course he had his sidekicks to help him, but they would never know the true extent of having to re-read over fights that occurred and signing it all off.
Bakugo still had other reasons that annoyed him, the weather had become broiling, his sidekicks were pissing him off and then there was you. You with your hero costume that looked tighter every time he saw it, you with the way you’d walk into a room and have everybody on your feet. You who had whipped him like a servant boy, he hated having to work alongside you. You had your own agency a couple blocks away from him, but ever since you both found out you took the same route. You’d come and annoyingly meet him throughout the day.
He hated it, and as he signed off on another report, his V neck not helping him at all, he heard the sounds of chatting from outside his office, that's when he saw it through the glass. The way you flaunted past the desks with your skimpy hero costume which he understood was for the best possible use of your quirk. But even then, it always cupped your body in just the right places. 
You seemed to have been waving at one of the new sidekicks Bakugo had recruited. He hated it, pen almost breaking from his anger, he watched as you didn't bother to knock only cascade inside with the looks of others following your pristine body. “What?”
“How rude, Bakugo! Is that any way to greet your favourite pro hero.” You mocked falling onto the chair with a hefty sign, he watched at how you were clearly out of breath with the way your chest heaved harshly. 
“Shut it, extra. What do you want?” He repeated.
You began playing with the stuff on his desk, he’d noticed how you always needed something in your hands and since he had always left a small jelly like plushie just for these moments. You happily put it in your hand pulling and stretching at it before looking up at him, “are you not coming for the patrol?”
“I got paperwork.” He signed as you saw the almost boxful of papers. 
“No fair, I'll just go on my own then.” You were about to stand up when he stopped you. 
“Get one of your sidekicks to go, idiot, help me with this.” He gestured to the paperwork that he knew wasn't the full extent as you both had decided to split it.
You gave another huff at him, “just because I’m organised doesn't mean i want to spend my Monday morning doing dreary paperwork.”
“I know you split it 70:30 so fucking help me.” He growled loudly making a shiver run down your spine. 
“So needy, Bakugo, let me just call them.” You gesture to your phone as you walked outside his office. You leant against the glass door, Bakugo’s eyes fixed to the way your ass and thighs had been pushed against the wall. He licked his lips as he stared longley at your body before hearing your sign. 
That's when he saw his new sidekick come up to you, of course he knew that the sidekick was only a couple years younger than the two of you. But he had a crush, the way his eyes lingered across your body, the way he passed you the coffee which you hadn’t even asked for. The way you laughed at his shitty joke, were you really flirting back with a man like that, Bakugo scowled before directing his eyes back to the paperwork. 
“I’ll make sure to come for you when I need some coffee.” You laughed at the boy as you opened the glass door. 
Bakugo heard the boy give a chuckle touching your arm as he let you go through the door. “Here do you want some?” You gestured to the coffee you had, noticing the empty coffee mug on the side of his desk. 
“No.” Bakugo muttered but nevertheless took the coffee and drank a large gulp of it. “Why don’t you get your little coffee boy to bring more?”
He was pissed not only had you let his stupid sidekick touch you, but you’d made him feel special as if he had your attention. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” You chucked the cup in the bin, going over to the box where you grabbed some files out. 
Bakugo didn’t make a remark instead letting you read over what had occurred and sign it off. “Bakugo.” You whispered halfway through your first file and already bored. “Bakugo.”
“What?” He questioned after he had seen you become more concentrated in the pen you held than the paperwork itself.
You stared at him with a bright smile, “we should get some lunch.”
“Y/n, it’s only half 10, it's a bit early for lunch.” He scowled, chucking the finished file into the complete pile.
“But I’m hungry.” You whined leaning against the cold desktop, it was white and probably made from marble, but it was the best bet of comfort you’d get from Bakugo’s office. 
“Go get some food then.” He muttered as you stood up all giddy. “Get me something as well.”
“Now who’s the hungry one.” You mocked as you happily skipped out of his office, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and give a slight smile to you. But that’s when he saw his stupid sidekick come up to you. His face faulted, his smile turning downwards as he watched you both converse and leave to the elevator.
“You really don’t have to come.” You spoke stepping into the elevator, you hated how vulnerable you felt with Bakugo, how easily he could stare at you and make you go weak at the knees. He was perfect, an amazing pro hero who was ahead of you in the charts by the couple of numbers. You were almost grateful that your paths had crossed and that you spent patrols together, but his sidekicks were a whole other thing. 
You knew the coffee boy had a crush; the whole department knew that. But how could you let a sweet boy down after all he did was such good things, how could you tell him you’d rather have his asshole of a boss than a sweetheart like him. “No, it’s fine, I was going that way anyway.”
“Oh why?” You questioned through the long elevator ride down.
“I had to buy some stuff for my sister's birthday and I'm on my break.” You nodded happily, not asking anymore through the uncomfortable silence as soon as the door dinged open, you both walked out, he had walked you to the bakery as you were craving a sandwich, he waited as you picked one you liked and one that Bakugo definitely likes. He didn't say a word until you spoke. 
“What are you thinking of getting your sister?” You asked walking with him into the store selling gifts. 
“What do you like, I mean girls like?” A heavy blush formed on his face as you began looking through the gifts. 
“I’d probably go for that drinks set, it’s cute if she of course drinks that is.”
He quickly spoke to ease your gaze, “she does.” He instantly grabs it going to pay, you didn't question his rash decision and you both walked back to the building. 
“I’m sure she’ll love it.” You smile out as you both step through the office again, Bakugo in an instant saw the two of you, bags in hand. 
“I hope so, thank you Y/n.” He smiles putting his hand on your shoulder, he goes in for a hug which you happily give, he was clearly nervous for his sister's birthday. Bakugo watched intensively, surprised at the hug as he stormed out of the doors of his office on a mission to grab you and take you with him. 
“Y/n.” He bellowed out. 
You both retreated from the hug, staring at the angry blond, “Bakugo, i bought sandwiches.” You happily smile out, rummaging through the bag to show him it, “and cupcakes.”
His face fell, a smile erupting that he didn't know he was even capable of, you looked so happy showing him the cupcakes with the pink frosting on them. “Come on.” He whispered watching you come beside him, his arm on your back guiding you inside. 
Bakugo guided you inside, watching you happily pull out the food, he saw how you moved the chair for visitors beside him making him move up. You were closer than he had expected, leaning across to grab the cupcakes and stuff one in your face. “You looked angry before?”
“I wasn't.” He muttered while taking a bite of the sandwich. 
“Don’t lie to me, what’s up?” You began to play with his other hand, he hadn't expected it but the way your hands had just met his own, the way you skimmed his veins and the rings that embodied his fingers. It felt like heaven, but your eyes gave a sense of doubt and resistance. 
“I...I just don’t like you spending time with that guy.” He spoke staring at you, your eyesight was on his hand still, the way you continued to play with his fingers before moving to the back of his hand. 
You took a sharp breath before speaking to yourself, “is it because of his crush on me?”
“You know about that?” 
“Of course I know Bakugo, I think everybody knows about it.” You whispered out softly.
“Is he your type?” Bakugo had gone against his words of jealousy, maybe if you admitted you liked coffee boy then he could move on more easily. 
You finally looked up at the blond, his piercing red eyes giving a look of caution, “he should be.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Bakugo moved his hand away from you, your unclear answer had made him a lot more pissed at the idea of you stringing both the men along. 
“I...I just mean that he’s nice y’know and he should be my type, but he’s not.” Bakugo’s anger seemed to calm down as he gave you a softer look. 
“Who is then?” Bakugo went to grab the cupcake you had bought for him ,taking a soft bite as the sweet frosting enchanted his mouth.
“You have frosting on your lips.” Bakugo went to lick it as you avoided his question entirely. 
“Y/n, who’s your type?” Bakugo repeated staring at you, in an instant you stood up not wanting to confess anything else. 
“I’m going to go see how my guys are doing.” You left him with no other word, he couldn't even stop you at how you almost ran away from the situation. Even if he had found out you didn't like the coffee boy you were now avoiding him which felt a lot worse.
Bakugo tried calling you but it went to miss call, he ended up finishing the rest of the paperwork and by the end of the day he knew you’d probably be hung up in your office, pushing yourself to do something other than talk to him. He began walking the short distance in the humid air, the sun was just about to set as he arrived at your agency. He always liked the vibe you had going on, even your sidekicks were okay, a lot better than his own. He was able to get inside with ease, walking the steps towards your office, he could see your shadow through the frosted glass. 
You seemed to be pacing on the phone to someone, but he couldn’t tell who until he was just in ear shot. “I can’t tell him that, he’s going to think these months have just been me being selfish.”
Bakugo couldn’t hear the other line but it raised more questions in the boys mind instead. He was careful about being unseen until he heard you continue. “He’s a fucking idiot, how could someone like him ever love me, I’m nothing special.”
He heard another long sign from you at the response from the other side before hearing you say your farewells and begin to pace about the room. Bakugo softly knocked against the door, hearing a come in as he walked inside, your office being as pristine as ever. You were no longer wearing your hero costume, assuming you had been on a patrol yourself at the tiredness that set in your eyes.
He saw you as a normal civilian at this moment, so sweet and innocent but you gave a glare. “How long were you listening in for?”
“I...I wasn't.” He stuttered out. 
“Bullshit, why the fuck were you listening into my private conversation?” You scowled again leaning against your desk.
Bakugo knew he was caught but in his idiocrasy decided to make the situation worse, “who’s the guy you’re talking about?”
“Why do you care?” You spoke stubbornly.
“Y/n, who’s the guy?” He repeated himself.
You faced the blond scowl on your face at his relentless pushing of an answer. “It’s nobody okay, I don’t even understand why you care so much?”
Bakugo’s anger rose at you hiding even more from him, how could he work alongside you if you were just going to keep him in the dark about some stupid guy that probably meant fuck all in the big picture. He knew this wasn't the true reason behind his anger though, he was jealous, some man you loved didn't love you back, and he was here with all his love to give.
“Because I’m fucking in love with you.” Bakugo shouted, the words spewing out without even realising. Bakugo’s eyes widened and so did your own, he looked at how your eyes had almost softened at the confession.
“You...You love me?” You questioned standing up to come closer to him. 
“I’m not repeatin…”
You quickly interrupt him, your bodies almost touching as your hand moves to his face making him stare right back at you. “I love you too.” You softly whispered before closing the gap between the two of you. His hand moved to your face guiding the kiss as he had to bend down to even meet you.
It was filled with passion and drive from the countless nights you both spent together in each other's office, the morning patrols together and even the galas you attended together as friends. Everything you both had wanted from each other had come down from a singular kiss in a small office in the middle of Japan.
A small moan escaped your lips, his tongue gliding in with such ease as he toyed with your own, almost sucking the spit and saliva that was across your own tongue. He let go taking a harsh breath and he brought your face closer to his, foreheads touching as he gave the softest look he possibly could. You stayed in his arms, just staring at each other with such love and passion, both knowing nothing could break you both now.
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strawwritesfic · 3 years
Steve Rogers x Reader: Fireplace
Summary: There are worse conditions to find yourself in during a blizzard
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (foul language; SHIELD Agent!Reader; Steve & Reader friendship; mutual crush; artist!Steve; implied PTSD)
Challenge:  "25 days of Christmas" Challenge by Sweet-n-Chaotic on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire
It wasn’t often that your cozy apartment found itself occupied on an early weekday afternoon. You had no pets to speak of and no way to get off work that early. A quick dusting of snow in the wee hours of the morning normally wouldn’t have caused your employer to shutdown either. With the weather stations all declaring a need to bunker down, however, even your boss had to remove the stick up his butt long enough to admit requiring his employees to traverse the streets just to get into a helicarrier likely to be grounded soon wasn’t worth it. So there you were, enjoying the quiet at about 2:00…until you made the mistake of looking out your apartment window.
“Holy crap! It’s really coming down out there!”
Your voice sounded way too loud after all that time without speaking. Though you clamped your mouth shut at once, you could still feel your eardrums throbbing over the unnecessary shouting. Even the wind moaning against the glass couldn’t seem to match the noise. Embarrassed by your outburst, you slowly dropped the curtain and turned back in your chair to face the rest of your living room.
“Sorry,” you whispered to its only other occupant: the handsome man on the opposite sofa.
“Hm?” Steve Rogers looked up from his sketchpad with a familiar dazed look in his bright blue eyes. He clearly had been too involved in his drawing to have noticed your interruption at all. “Did you say something?”
“Just remarking on how bad the weather is getting.”
Much of his art-induced haze disappeared upon that remark. His newly returned focus shifted at once to your window, where a gap in between the curtains showed a simple scene of white on white on white.
“Oh. Yeah, the weather report this morning did say something about a blizzard,” he said.
“You might want to head home soon. Wouldn’t want you to get stuck here overnight.”
A slight frown puckered the corners of his lips. “Think it might be too late for that. That’s a lot of snow.”
“Too much snow for Captain America?” you joked.
“If I hit an ice patch, I might survive. The people I run into might not. Besides, I drove my bike here.”
“You took your motorcycle on a day you knew there’d be a blizzard?”
“I didn’t know for sure.” He ducked his head for a moment and fiddled with a corner of his pad before looking back up at you. “If it would be too awkward for me to stay—”
“It wouldn’t!”
Was the same color rising in Steve’s cheeks blooming on your own? Hopefully not. Of course you wanted him to stay. He was your best friend, and you’d have been lying if you said you weren’t madly in love with him—but he didn’t know that. Blushing would ruin all your months of hiding your crush. If he had any inkling of just how badly you wanted him stay, he’d leave and probably never come back.
He was the one to break the silence, shutting his sketchpad with a jarring snap. “You’re right. I should get going. I can make it to the bus stop before it gets too bad. I should never have invited myself over when the weather was getting so bad. Sorry, [Name].”
That was right. He had invited himself over. Despite his apology, you noticed he didn’t seem overly eager to leave either.
“Steve—” you began, then broke off. No, you were being stupid. His knitted brow said as much.Nervous, you fidgeted with your hair. “You’re welcome to stay. Really. It’s just…are you okay? You’ve been acting weird today.”
“Is it that obvious?” he asked with a weak smile.
“Only because I know you so well. Come on. What’s wrong? You can tell me.”
“I just…I don’t like to be alone. When it’s snowing like this. After my plane went down in the Arctic, I…” He shrugged. “You probably think I’m being stupid.”
You let out a long breath that loosened your rib cage a little. Obviously Steve wasn’t using the blizzard as an excuse to be close to you. He’d still come to you during the storm instead of Sam or Natasha. That had to count for something, right?
“Not stupid at all. You’re free to ride out the rest of the blizzard here,” you said.
“Yeah. I’ll make the couch up for you tonight. Until then, how about I make us some hot cocoa and we get a good fire going?”
Steve offered you a rare grin. “You’re the best, [Name].”
“Don’t thank me yet. You’re the one on fire duty.”
“I’ll get right on it.”
You both hopped up from your seats at the exact same time and nearly bumped straight into each other. Before you could scurry into the kitchen to avoid embarrassing yourself farther, Steve gently took your elbow. He looked down at you through his long, fine eyelashes, and you felt your heart give a painful thump.
“Do you think…” His face had gone pink again. “Do you think, once we’re ready, we could sit under a blanket in front of the fireplace? Together?”
Was it your imagination, or did you hear an undercurrent of hope in his tone? It took all your self-control to nod at him instead of squealing. The nod was enough to get him to let you go—not that you really wanted him to. You peeked at him one last time before leaving the room to get the drinks. Maybe, just maybe, you thought as you darted away, Steve was using the blizzard to get close to you after all.
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xiaomoxu · 3 years
Lucien - Mind’s Quest: Arriving With The Crowd
A date from CN server which hasn’t been released on EN server yet. Might contains some spoiler.
Please beware of roller-coaster emotions from this. A sweet moment yet has a deep meaning between them, is ready to serve you~
*) I put [...] on my thought about some scene.
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Translations under the cut~
Part 1
??: Lucien, MC, we met again.
On the way when Lucien and I get off from work, suddenly a familiar voice came from behind us.
We spontaneously turned around and saw our neighbor, Mr. Zhang, carrying a supermarket bag and beckoning to us with a smile.
Mr. Zhang: Recently, I saw you two commuting to and from get off from work together every day. It's a really good relationship.
MC: Mr. Zhang also helps your wife buy vegetables every day.
Mr. Zhang: My wife’s legs are not good, so I will run more errands. It’s not the same as when you are young.
Mr. Zhang: I remember MC said last time that you were going on a business trip, when would you leave?
MC: I will leave tomorrow.
Mr. Zhang: Oh my, it's no wonder! Then I won't bother you, so I'll leave you two.
Lucien: Okay, I understand, please be careful Mr. Zhang.
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Mr. Zhang smiled and looked at us again, then strode away.
I received an outdoor reality show a while ago. I planned to go to the countryside of a neighboring province to shoot for three months. I heard that the signal over there is not very good and it is inconvenient to communicate.
In order to make up for the time when the two places were about to be separated, Lucien and I made an appointment to spare some time every day before departure.
Almost all the spare time was used by us when commuting to and from get off work, visiting the supermarket, and buying breakfast.
Even if it is somewhat "inseparable" in the eyes of others, I still feel that this time is far from enough.
When I was thinking about it, Lucien gently squeezed my hand, recalling my thoughts.
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Lucien: How do you plan to spend the last night at home?
MC: Speaking of it, it might be a bit boring...
MC: In fact, my luggage hasn't been packed yet, so I'm always worried about what's left.
Lucien: Let me check it with you later.
Lucien: There is a distance between the shooting location and the urban area, so you still need to prepare well.
MC: Okay.
I looked up at the bright evening sky, and couldn't help but move closer to Lucien, entangled his arm.
MC: But the weather is so good today, let's go slowly.
Lucien: Alright.
As he said that, Lucien slowed down, we dragged a long shadow and walked slowly towards home.
Early the next morning, Lucien escorted me to the station.
After taking the luggage out of the trunk, I stood still and did not move.
Standing at the gate of the station, the dismay of parting suddenly surged up.
Lucien turned around with a sense and helped me stroke the messy hair in my ear.
Lucien: This time it's my turn to help you take care of the green plants. Don't worry, I will take care of them.
Lucien: And for you, if you need my help over there, remember to tell me.
MC: Okay.
I opened my mouth, but couldn't say anything more. Lucien sighed lightly and pulled me into his arms.
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Lucien: It's ok, the words you want to say, I understand.
Lucien patted my back lightly, as if he wanted me to feel at ease.
I gradually calmed down, feeling the breath in his arms a little greedily, wanting to save a strength for myself.
None of us spoke, just let time pass quietly.
A radio alert sounded vaguely in the station, and the restraint on my waist was loosened. I also let go of my hand and raised a smile to Lucien.
MC: Phew... Recharge completed.
Lucien: It seems that the big producer is ready.
MC: Um! I will work hard, strive to go and return early.
Lucien: Okay, I'll wait for you to come back.
I waved to Lucien, pulled up the luggage and walked into the station.
After passing the security check and walking far away, I couldn't help but look back.
At the entrance of the station people were coming and going. I don't know who they are going to go to or who they have just said goodbye.
Lucien still stood on the spot, looking at me from a distance.
A train came into the station, and the crowd quickly engulfed him.
But knowing that someone is watching, has filled me with confidence.
Exclusive Radio
Lucien: The question just now is almost like this.
Lucien: After you go back, you can adjust your opening report based on today's discussion.
Lucien: Do you have any other questions?
Student A&B: There's none.
Lucien: Okay, that's all for today.
Student A: Huh? There is another hot search on the news.
Student A: "The villagers broke the news that the film crew was polluting the environment...This film crew seems to belong to the company "Miracle Finders", right?
Student B: Yes, I saw their propaganda a few days ago, saying that they are going to the neighboring province to shoot a reality show.
Student A: Local villagers said that they dumped sewage into the river and also posted photos.
Student B: This is too unqualified, right? Do you want to destroy people's environment in the name of local customs?
Lucien: ....
Student A: Wait a minute, Professor Lucien is the consultant of "Miracle Finders" .....
Student B: It's, Professor Lucien, we didn't have other meaning...
Lucien: It doesn't matter. It's a matter of fact. If the film crew really makes a mistake, it is normal to be criticized.
Lucien: But I want to know, did the photos on the hot search actually capture the scene where the show crew dumped sewage?
Student A: Not really, only pictures of the river.
Lucien: Then we better not draw conclusions so quickly.
Lucien: There is no objective fact of "the program group dumped sewage" in this photo, only the result of "the river water was polluted."
Lucien: People can stand from different angles and use this result to infer many different stories.
Lucien: There is only one true fact.
Lucien: How do you prove it, are the stories you heard were the facts?
Student A: I.....
Student B: Look, the program group issued a statement to refute the rumors!
Student B: They also did a picture comparison. It turns out that the picture on the hot search is a picture several years ago.
Student A: Huh? Then someone maliciously spread the rumors.
Student A: ... Sorry Professor Lucien, we were a little impulsive just now.
Lucien: There is no need to apologize to me, it is essentially the fault of the rumors.
Lucien: However, since the thesis is about to start the topic, you can use this matter to remind everyone.
Lucien: Whether you are doing research or encountering social events, don't be too impatient. Set your mind down and analyze the logic carefully.
Lucien: I will also look at your logic loopholes during the defense. So, I hope you will prepare it well.
Student A: Good professor, we must prepare carefully!
Lucien: Well, let's go back.
(Lucien left the room and close the door behind)
Lucien: Huh? No phone, no news...
Lucien: Forget it.
Part 2 - Main Story
I settled down at the shooting location and confirmed some shooting-related matters. It was too late when I got back to my senses.
--The whole day's hard work hits my body, but the unfamiliar environment makes me sleepless.
I unlocked the phone and saw that the conversation with Lucien was still staying in the report after arriving.
Suddenly I wanted to talk to him, so I raised my arm to find the signal direction and knocked on what I saw today.
MC: "Today, I was dealing with emergencies, the network was unstable, and the scene was very chaotic..."
MC: "But fortunately, I saw a very interesting book on the way, specially introduce words with special meaning."
MC: "For example, this one."
I posted a photo of a page in the book with the Greek word "pathos" on it.
T/N: The Greek word pathos means "suffering," "experience," or "emotion." It was borrowed into English in the 16th century, and for English speakers, the term usually refers to the emotions produced by tragedy or a depiction of tragedy. "Pathos" has quite a few kin in English. A "pathetic" sight moves us to pity.
It means the sense of yearning and longing for those who are absent.
I waited for a while, but Lucien didn't reply, he should have fallen asleep.
I confidently continued to type on the keyboard and talked out all kinds of experiences in one mind.
MC: "The villagers are very kind and hospitable and helped us a lot."
MC: "The air is also very fresh, and a faint fragrance of green grass can be smelled everywhere."
MC: "But there are so many bugs! Thanks to you reminding me to wear long pants yesterday."
I told everything from morning to night, and when I was about to say something, my phone suddenly shook.
A video call invitation appears on the screen.
I sat up, scratching my hair twice before press the answer button.
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MC: You haven't slept yet...
Lucien: Well, just after finishing the report, I received your self-thinking message.
Lucien: I thought I couldn't wait for your good night today, but I didn't expect to receive a "big gift before going to bed".
MC: I don't know if you're still awake, is it bothering you?
Lucien: How come, I didn't feel disturbed.
Lucien: It should be said that I am very happy to see you share these experiences, in every detail.
Lucien: It seems that I am also experiencing these with you.
Lucien picked up the phone on the side and swiped, and smiled in a good mood.
Lucien: The book you took is also very interesting. The author has developed such a rich interpretation just around the word "pathos".
Lucien: This is the first time I know what this word means in Greek.
MC: Does this word exist in other languages?
Lucien: Well, I remember that this word is often used in English to convey the appeal of artistic works. It also means "sympathy" and "suffering".
MC: When you say this, you feel that there is a subtle connection between these two interpretations.
MC: Missing or longing for someone you care about can be considered "suffering", right?
Lucien: Maybe it is true.
Lucien: When the person you care about is not around, everything about her becomes more conspicuous, which makes people more aware of the fact that she is not around.
Lucien: Just like today.
Seeing that I was a little confused, Lucien pointed to his mobile phone.
Lucien: I saw some people on the Internet saying that the villagers at the filming location are somewhat dissatisfied with you.
Lucien: Is this the emergency you dealt with?
MC: ....I thought my actions for solving the problem were fast enough to keep you from discovering it.
Lucien: I thought you would talk to me about this sooner, so I have been waiting for your news.
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I was stunned for a moment, and then quickly smiled at Lucien.
MC: Don't worry, those on the Internet are all rumors, I’ve already solved it.
MC: In fact, we get along very well, and we promised to let the guests help a family draw portraits tomorrow.
Lucien: Well, then I won't worry about it.
Lucien paused, and suddenly moved closer to the camera, seeming to want to see something clearly.
Lucien: Why you keep supporting your arm like that, is it not comfortable?
MC: No, because the signal at this spot is better...
MC: The accommodation conditions here are actually pretty good, and the rooms are clean and tidy.
MC: Except for the occasional signal, you have to looking for the angle yourself.
Lucien: I can imagine how you would look for a signal while holding your phone.
MC: You're teasing me again!
Lucien: Alright, I won't teasing you. It seems that you can sleep well tonight.
I lay down again holding my phone and patted the hard bed underneath.
MC: Newcomers may still have to get used to the bed for a few days.
Lucien: In this case, I will lie down with you.
Lucien turned off the top light and walked to the bed to lie down. I followed and turned off the ceiling lamp, leaving only the small lamp beside the bed.
The screen went dark, and Lucien's face also looked a little fuzzy.
We lie on each other's sides, looking at the screen, as if we were lying face to face.
Lucien kept looking at me. I was a little embarrassed by him, and my eyes began to drift around.
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Lucien: Where are you looking at?
MC: ... I can't sleep, I want to divert my attention.
Lucien: It's better to close your eyes first, and I'll help you.
Seeing Lucien's encouraging gaze, I closed my eyes, and his low voice quickly came from my ears.
Lucien: Next, can you tell me what sound you can hear over there?
I pricked my ears and listened carefully, perhaps because my vision was blocked, my hearing became extremely sensitive.
MC: There is the barking of puppies and the roar of the machine.
MC: The alarm bell of a car rang...It was a bit noisy.
I subconsciously covered my head with a quilt, remembering that Lucien was still watching, and then secretly revealed half of my face.
Lucien: I seem to forget to remind you to bring earplugs.
Lucien: If you bear with it, the owner should wake up soon.
As soon as Lucien's voice fell, the noise outside the window stopped, and the world returned to silence.
Lucien: Is it quiet?
MC: Well, it feels quieter now than before...
We were silent in unison. Maybe the night is getting darker, and there is no other sound in my ears for a long time.
I don't know how long it took before I vaguely caught a tiny movement.
There are small ups and downs in the steady, it is Lucien's breathing.
I brought the phone closer, and subconsciously let my breathing keep up with his rhythm, as if we were in the same space.
My mind slowly calmed down, and my consciousness gradually drifted away in this sudden connection.
MC: Lucien...
Lucien: Hm?
MC: Good-
Did I say "good night"? It was too late to confirm, and my mind was gradually empty.
I do seem to be a little sleepy.
I don't know how long it took, Lucien's breathing gradually became even longer.
The girl on the screen is asleep, but she seems to have not released the phone yet.
Lucien sighed almost inaudibly, then curled the corners of his mouth again.
She was right, "The yearning and longing for those who are not around" does make people suffer.
Lucien gently stroked the sleeping face on the screen with his fingers, and spoke softly.
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Lucien: Good night.
Part 2 - Memory Silhouette
Half a month has passed since the shooting. On weekend mornings, I was putting on makeup while chatting with Lucien.
MC: Professor Lucien has worked hard, and accompany me to get up early on weekends.
Lucien: It's okay, I just came back from buying breakfast.
MC: Huh? You finally remember to have breakfast on time!
Lucien: I heard that the spring limited soup dumplings from the Huxin Road store will be off the market in a few days.
Lucien: Thinking you might like it, I bought it.
Lucien: However, I forgot that you were not at home and accidentally bought two portions.
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Lucien fiddled with the bag on the table and sighed softly.
I touched my flat stomach and sighed.
MC: I knew I should have eaten it again before I left, now I have to wait until next year...
Lucien: Then wait until next spring, we will buy it the first day it goes on sale.
MC: Okay! Then if you want to eat more today, just eat one for me.
Seeing Lucien nodded with a smile, I just patted the sunscreen on my face and closed my makeup bag.
Lucien: How do you feel that your dressing time has become shorter today?
Lucien: It usually takes at least half an hour before you come knock on my door.
I hummed twice, leaned close to the phone and tapped on the screen.
MC: Professor Lucien may not be aware of it. Make-up takes time and it takes time to remove makeup.
MC: At days, moving bricks are precious as moving gold, and I’m sleepy at night, so I don’t want to bother to remove my makeup.
MC: And now, it’s more important to be able to concentrate on talking with you for a while.
Lucien looked at me, smiling at the corners of his eyes and eyebrows.
Lucien: It seems that I was too accustomed to this intention before, and I will cooperate more with your time in the future.
Lucien: Speaking of this, I found a lipstick at home yesterday, which should have been dropped by you.
Lucien got up and disappeared from the screen for a while, and when he returned, he had the lipstick in his hand.
He opened the lid and showed it to me. I recognized that this was the one I carried with me before. The paste had already bottomed out.
MC: Actually this one is about to run out, just throw it away for me.
Lucien: Do you like this color very much?
MC: Yes, it's very versatile.
Lucien thoughtfully twirled out the remaining lipstick. I looked at him with a curious expression and couldn't help but smile.
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MC: Lucien, in your eyes, are the various lipstick look similar?
Lucien: Just looking at it, it's a bit difficult to tell.
Lucien: But after you apply it, I can see the difference.
[Not me crying over this conversation ㅠㅠ]
MC: Unexpectedly, Professor Lucien is also have a talent for such things...
Lucien: This is not my talent.
Lucien: You make these colors look clearer and more beautiful.
It sounds like a joke, but his tone is very sincere.
I was a little embarrassed to look away, and my heart was filled with sweetness because of his attention.
MC: Do you have any favorite color?
Lucien: I have. What I see now is the one I like the most.
My cheeks were slightly hot, and I was about to say something when the phone alarm rang suddenly, interrupting my thoughts.
Lucien: Is it time for assembly?
MC: Mmhm, how can time pass so fast...
MC: Then I'll go out first.
Lucien: Be careful on the road and take a break.
Lucien waved his hand as I did, and the sunlight shining in the room reflected his smile more clearly.
After finishing the call, I also subconsciously glanced out the window.
Although we can't spend this weekend together, but fortunately, we still enjoy the same sunshine.
Part 3 - Main Story
It has been a month since the shooting started, and the daytime sunshine gradually warmed up.
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Three poles on this day, we set up the machine under the sun, but a guest did not wait.
Perhaps because of the sweltering weather, the guests were not very enthusiastic about their work, and even began to find all kinds of excuses to try "ask for leave".
Physical discomfort, temporary travel, family affairs... all sorts of things like
The reasons for yes and no are endless, which makes us very embarrassed.
I communicated privately a few times, hoping that they would cooperate with the work, but within a few days, the old drama will repeat itself.
Today was another morning without anyone. My colleagues took turns to the residence to persuade. I also made a few calls to the guests’ agents.
Fortunately, after some coordination, the guests finally came forward, and we started the machine in the afternoon.
But in this state, the shooting process becomes a bit difficult. The venue is not cool enough, there are too many retakes caused by the wear, and I don't like interactive sessions...
Little things that did not constitute a problem have become problems. I tried my best to explain from them, so that my colleagues and guests did not quarrel.
In order to ensure the quality, I temporarily decided to stop work ahead of schedule after the key parts were taken.
I took advantage of the break time and prepared to go to the nearby supermarket to buy some supplies to comfort everyone.
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Along the way, the villagers who came home passed by, and the sound of conversation and the roar of tricycles filled the evening breeze.
Although they looked tired, everyone was happy on the way home.
I suddenly remembered the days when I left work with Lucien before I left. At that time, I also had the same happiness as them. It was expectation and stability.
I don't know what Lucien is doing now. Did he leave work on time? Did he eat well? I took out my cell phone, but found that there was no signal.
I turned off the screen, walked silently to the entrance of the village, and suddenly a bright light shrouded my head.
The street light was on, and the warm light spread on the road outside the village. In front of the platform not far away, a bus full of passengers was pitting in.
Looking at the scene in front of me, I seemed to be gently pushed by a force and changed the direction of advancement.
I got on that bus.
Clerk: Welcome!
MC: ....
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Originally, I just wanted to take the bus to relax, but I didn't expect to sit at the terminal --- the railway station accidentally.
The power that clamored in my heart drove me to buy a ticket for the fastest return to Loveland City.
When I walked out of the Loveland City Railway Station, it was raining heavily outside.
I watched the pedestrians passing by in the rain, and the reason for escaping gradually returned to my brain.
I walked into a nearby 24-hour store and sat down. I was looking at the night view outside the window and combing my thoughts. My phone suddenly vibrated, and Lucien's messages popped out.
Lucien: "Are you done?"
MC: "Well, it's finished."
I thought about it and added another sentence.
MC: "it's raining outside."
Lucien: "It's a coincidence, it's raining in Loveland City."
Listening to the patter of rain, I calmed down a bit and dialed the video call.
Lucien quickly picked it up. With the light on, I saw the familiar room behind him at a glance, which seemed to be my living room.
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MC: Lucien, are you at my house?
Lucien: Mmhm, the rain is a bit heavy, let me move the green plants on your balcony.
Lucien: Are you still outside?
MC: I'll go out to buy something for everyone, and I'll go back when the rain drops a bit.
Lucien: It's already a bit late, so be careful when you go back.
MC: Don't worry, I am fully equipped.
As I talked, I nodded vigorously, as if to prove something, and as if I just wanted to convince myself.
Under the bright light, Lucien's dark circles were obvious, and his face looked a little pale.
There was a bit of sourness in my heart, I subconsciously moved closer to the screen.
MC: Lucien, what have you been up to lately?
Lucien: There is a study at the end, and the things at hand are a bit trivial.
MC: Is it very hard? You look a little haggard.
Lucien: In order to avoid blemishes as much as possible, it is indeed a bit harder.
Lucien: But it will be over soon, don't worry about me.
Lucien: But you seem to be very busy lately. Have you encountered any difficulties?
MC: There is a little problem...but fortunately, it is not difficult to solve.
I hesitated for a moment, thinking that I secretly ran back to Loveland City like this, I always felt a little embarrassed, so I changed the subject.
I glanced at the room behind him, and suddenly caught a bright color near the window sill.
MC: Lucien, what's on the windowsill...?
Lucien: Recently, a new flower shop opened near the research institute. There are many type of flowers and they are very beautiful.
Lucien: So I bought some privately and put them in your house.
MC: Well, I want to see it too.
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Lucien switched the camera to the rear, and I saw a row of flowers on the windowsill, almost in full bloom.
It can be seen that these flowers are taken care of by Lucien very well, but the colors are all gorgeous, and they are inevitably dazzling when they are placed together.
always feel that this is not in line with Lucien's style, so I spoke with some doubts.
MC: Lucien, did you choose this all?
Lucien: I just chose the type of flowers, and the clerk helped to match the others.
Lucien: What's the matter?
MC: Nothing... they are bloomed very well.
MC: Is it time-consuming to raise so much?
Lucien: It does take time to change the water and pruning, but once in a while, it can be regarded as a kind of rest.
Lucien: Sometimes it is a little more comfortable to do things according to your own will, right?
I vaguely think that he meant something. Did he find out what he sneaked back into? It shouldn't be so obvious....
Just as I was thinking about how to respond to him, Lucien turned back to the camera and met my gaze.
Lucien: What about you, is there anything you really want to do now?
MC: Yes, I really want to go home, and immediately sleep for three days and three nights, and then go to eat hot pot and soup dumplings.
MC: I also want to watch movies and dramas instead of the ones I made myself.
Lucien: I thought that at least one of these wishes was related to me.
MC: Of course it is related to you. These are all things I want to do with you.
MC: It’s just that sometimes I don’t dare to think too much. It would be a little sad if I remember that you are not around.
I lowered my eyes, on the opposite side, Lucien did not speak for a while. Only after a while, I heard his voice again.
Lucien: In fact, every time the flowers bloom and wither, I also get annoyed.
Lucien: It would be nice if I could see it with you. If I raise it with you, it might be able to bloom longer.
Lucien: I am used to witnessing these moments with you. When you are not around, it is really uncomfortable.
I looked at his slightly bent eyes, and the bottom of my heart loosened for a moment, like a seed coming out of the soil.
MC: Then next time there are flowers blooming, please send me a picture.
MC: Although the network on my side may be delayed, it can be considered as a witness with you.
The smile on Lucien's lips deepened, and he nodded gently.
Customers opened the door one after another, and I glanced out the window. The rain had stopped.
Worried about revealing my position, I hurriedly moved closer to my phone.
MC: Lucien, the rain stopped on my side, I'm going to catch the last bus first.
MC: Let's continue tomorrow, go to bed early. Good night!
Lucien: ... Alright, pay attention to safety. Good night.
As soon as Lucien's voice fell, I hung up the phone in a hurry, and quickly bought a ticket to the neighboring province.
The sky was still gloomy, but my mood faintly became lighter.
One-sided thoughts may be troubles, but if this trouble gets a response, it turns into some kind of power.
The feeling of wanting to escape disappears. Between parting and reunion, I will run as soon as possible.
Because I know he is waiting for me.
Part 4 - Main Story
The filming work has been going on for two months, and the sense of summer has gradually become clearer.
It wasn't until the evening when the heat subsided. Colleagues walked to the restaurant one after another. I took out my mobile phone and walked to a place where there was a signal, and left a message to Lucien.
MC: "I have finished work, is Professor Lucien still busy?"
The words "The other party is typing" appeared at the top of the dialog box, but soon stopped and changed to a video call invitation.
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I hurriedly picked it up and Lucien's figure appeared on the screen. He was wearing a white coat and seemed to be still in the laboratory.
Lucien: Sorry, I may have to work overtime today.
Lucien: When checking the data, we found some problems, and we need to "rescue" them.
MC: Is it serious?
Lucien: Fortunately, it's just a bit time-consuming to process.
Lucien rubbed his eyebrows, and my heart tightened suddenly as I looked at his tired face.
MC: I remember that you were finishing up last month, is it almost to the deadline?
Lucien: It's less than a week.
Lucien: This time I brought a newcomer, and there are a lot of things that need to be run-in in the details.
MC: They might feel a little nervous, it's the first time they take on an important job.
MC: But with Professor Lucien, everyone will be able to find the way out smoothly.
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Lucien smiled and moved a little closer to the screen.
Lucien: I find that in your eyes, "Professor Lucien" always seems to be very powerful.
MC: Not only "Professor Lucien", in my eyes, Lucien is omnipotent.
MC: As the saying goes, those who can do more work, but you can't force yourself too much.
MC: Maybe you can’t rest assured now, but I have a tip to make you feel better.
Lucien: Oh? I really need it. Please tell me your advice, teacher MC.
MC: When it's really difficult, just give yourself a wish.
MC: In this way, every day we are moving towards that final wish and we have overcome many difficulties without realizing it.
MC: For example, arrange a vacation or travel, as long as it is something you like to do!
Lucien looked at me for a while and suddenly laughed.
Lucien: Thank you, teacher MC. I understand.
Lucien: In fact, this wish has always existed, maybe I'm just too impatient.
MC: What is Professor Lucien's wish?
Lucien blinked at me and skipped the question.
Lucien: If I remember correctly, your filming is also coming to an end.
MC: Well, the part of the reality show has basically been filmed, and I will go to the neighboring city next week to make up some empty shots.
MC: It is estimated that I will be able to go home soon to appreciate the flowers and plants that Professor Lucien has taken care of!
Lucien stretched his brows, and the smile in his eyes became deeper.
Lucien: Well, they are also looking forward to seeing you.
The neighboring city’s framing plan is based on the theme of "going home from work", for which the on-site director summoned a group of extras.
However, it rained suddenly before the filming started, so we had to buy an umbrella temporarily and distribute it to everyone.
I looked at the monitor and thinking about the moving line. I saw the light of the traffic light blurred in the rain, like a wet oil painting.
Considering that the theme of this reality show happened to be related to painting, my heart moved and decided to change the shooting plan.
MC: Please use an artistic way to express the theme, we will do slow-motion processing.
Think of this block as the background of the painting. You can use the props to simulate the people in the painting.
The actors seemed to be very interested in this suggestion and tried them.
MC: Let's try it first.
The camera moved slowly on the slide, the light slid between the transparent umbrellas, and the crowd moved closer to the camera and dispersed.
I seemed to catch a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure in an instant, but in a daze, the figure disappeared again.
...How could Lucien be here? I must have saw it wrong
I blinked vigorously, forcing myself to concentrate.
Some of the people in this "painting" singing, some strode across the puddle, and some pulled out a stack of papers from their bags and threw them into the sky.
The night scene oscillated in these chaotic lines, and seemed to be lit by the warm atmosphere.
A piece of A4 paper flicked in front of the camera. After a brief loss of focus, the familiar figure suddenly appeared in the line of sight.
MC: ....?
I refocused, but found that the scene in front of me was not an illusion.
A narrow gap was opened between the crowds, and I saw Lucien holding the umbrella, walking towards me.
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He didn't make any movements, but just followed the crowd forward.
The light-colored coat was stained with some rain, which did not weaken his refined temperament at all.
This is the "Professor Lucien" I am most familiar with. He walks in the crowd calmly, as if he just got off work.
The splendor in front of me instantly lost its sound, and my eyes could only follow him closely.
But why is he here, why did he join the group acting team?
Doubts and surprises are intertwined in my heart at the same time, I really want to run to him immediately. However, at present, the only thing I can do is to look up from behind the camera.
It seemed that I had been waiting for a long time, and the moment I looked at him, I looked into his full of emotions-eyes.
In the next second, he took out a familiar lipstick from his pocket, twisted his fingers apart, and slowly started writing on the inside of the umbrella.
Perhaps it was because the people around him were acting in an exaggerated manner, and his movements did not appear abrupt.
I subconsciously stared at his umbrella and slowly pieced together what he had written.
P-A-T-H-O-S, is the word we talked about.
The continuous rain water glides along the umbrella surface as if soaking it.
There is a faint bitterness in my heart, it is the smell of yearning and longing.
After a brief gaze, Lucien passed the equipment and stopped beside me, as if accidentally covering the umbrella over my head.
I came back to my senses and refocused my attention on the shooting until the group actors had all gone.
MC: Cut!
MC: Xiao Fu, tell the actors, just follow the feeling they just did, and take another shot later.
My colleague walked to the side to greet the actors. Seeing the atmosphere loosen, I breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face the person behind me.
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I took a straight step forward, squeezed his sleeve, and poked his cheek again. Lucien leaned down cooperatively, and let me touch him.
MC: Am I really dreaming...
Lucien: Do you need to check again?
The smiling eyes are so near. As if bewitched by the light, I opened my arms to embrace him.
The faint fragrance of green grass enveloped my breath, and I couldn't help but move closer.
MC: Lucien...
Lucien: Mmhm, It's me.
He was holding an umbrella in one hand, and he held me tightly on my shoulder with the other. I didn't care if there were other people beside me, and buried my face in his arms.
A real touch came from under my palm, and the tips of his hair flicked gently in my ears, itchy.
At this moment, without the barrier of the screen, even if I bury my head in his arms, I can clearly outline his appearance.
Lucien gently patted me on the back. I don't know how long it took before I heard his voice.
Lucien: Is it confirmed now?
MC: Hm.… It is indeed our Professor Lucien who has replaced the actors.
MC: But why are you here?
Lucien: Now I'm here, will it affect your work?
MC: No way, you just provided a super awesome picture.
I remembered the busy work he said before, and subconsciously stroked the back of his hand.
MC: Is your research over?
Lucien: It's just ended today.
MC: Why didn't you take a break first...
MC: It’s a few hours’ drive from Loveland City to here.
Lucien: Compared to the past few months, a few hours is nothing.
Lucien: Besides, someone suggested before that I should give myself a wish to face the problems.
Lucien: Now that the problems have been resolved, I will come to realize this wish.
I looked into his eyes and suddenly understood what his "wish" was that he didn't tell me that day.
MC: But we have to go back to the countryside after the filming today. Is such a short time enough?
Lucien: Not enough.
Lucien: But the moment I saw you, I still thought it was worth it.
Lucien: I just don't know.. Does this suit the "going home" theme required by the big producer?
I looked at his questioning expression, and couldn't help but gently squeezed his face again.
MC: Totally suitable.
MC: Lucien, welcome back.
Part 4 - Memory Silhouette
After a brief reunion, Lucien will return to Loveland City.
After the filming was over, my colleagues took the equipment back first, Lucien and I got on the bus to the station.
There were not many people on the bus at this time. We sat side by side by the window, and the neon lights circling outside the window passed by.
This short reunion still made me a little dazed. I stared at Lucien's reflection on the car window, as if I couldn't see enough.
The bus stopped for one stop, opening and closing the gap between the doors, Lucien turned around, with a helpless smile on the corners of his lips.
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Lucien: Suddenly holding it so tightly, are you afraid that I will run away?
He raised our tangled hands, and I realized that I had just accidentally used some strength.
I let go hastily, and reluctantly hooked his finger again.
MC: It's a bit, after all, "sweet dreams" are always too short.
Lucien: If this is your dream, don't worry, it won't slip away easily.
Lucien gently folded his fingers and clasped my fingers.
Lucien: Speaking of it, I'm very curious, why didn't you choose the Loveland City for your shooting this time?
I paused and thought about the words before I spoke.
MC: Loveland City is a bit far away from us, and suitable shooting sites have not been approved for various reasons.
MC: But there is another reason that I don’t want to shoot in Loveland City.
Lucien: Hm?
I paused and thought about the words before I spoke.
MC: At first, everyone was back at their home. If they were in Loveland City, they might not even want to work.
MC: Especially knowing that I'm in the same city as you, I can't help but feel sorrowful.
Lucien smiled and stroked the back of my hand lightly.
MC: But how do I remember that you seem to have sneaked back once halfway through?
MC: Huh?! How did you know..
I looked up at him in surprise, but Lucien smiled and clenched my hand, pulling me closer.
Lucien: When you called me that day, it was in the store, right?
Lucien: There is an activity label on the shelf behind you, and I saw the words Loveland City.
Lucien: Moreover, the call that day was particularly smooth. Normally, your signal in the village should not be so good.
MC: ... Then why didn't you break through me?
Lucien: You look a little shaken, I have been waiting for you to tell me why.
Lucien: But you didn't, and you comforted me in turn.
Lucien: So I guess, at that time, you didn't really want to escape, you were just pissing off, or wanted to calm down, right?
The stop announcement of the bus intervened in our conversation, and after a short stop, we continued to move forward.
The night scene outside the window quickly receded, and only Lucien's smiling eyes stayed on me.
I secretly sighed in my heart. Maybe it is because he always looks at me like this that he can always guess any of my thoughts.
MC: I should have guessed it a long time ago, nothing can be hidden from you...
MC: But thanks to you chatting with me at that time, I didn't really waver.
MC: Knowing that someone was waiting for me to go home, it instantly became full of energy.
Lucien: Silly, you have worked very hard.
Lucien: Compared with the past, you already become stronger and braver.
Lucien: Instead, I need to get strength from you now.
I looked at his slightly frowning eyebrows, and there was a burst of soreness in my heart, and I leaned over to embrace his waist.
MC: Can this give you a strength?
Lucien: Hmm... But maybe you have to hug a little tighter.
MC: You are shameless.
With that said, I moved my body and moved closer to him.
A muffled chuckle came from the top of his head, and the temperature between his arms soon covered his back. I leaned on his shoulder and suddenly thought of something.
MC: By the way Lucien, who told you about the filming location?
Lucien: If I told you, would you blame that person?
MC: Of course, it's not right to disclose the itinerary privately
MC: But criticism belongs to criticism. Since it was revealed to you, I will still personally thank this person
I reluctantly rubbed his chin and buried my face in his shoulder.
I felt Lucien resting lightly on the top of my head, and a slight vibration followed his voice.
Lucien: I'll tell you when your work is all over.
Lucien: Now there are only two weeks left, and we can enter the countdown to go home.
Lucien: I hope that when you see me again, you can still be as happy as you are today.
MC: I will definitely be happier than today.
The bus kept entering and leaving the station, muting our tail sound in the slightly bumpy carriage.
I counting in my mind, there are three stops, two stops, one stop left. I'm going to say goodbye to him again.
However, the rainy season is about to pass.
I think it will be a clear sky on the day of reunion again.
Part 5 - Main Story
The three-month shooting is finally over.
Before the hottest day came, I quickly packed my luggage and returned to Loveland City.
As soon as I got out of the station, I immediately looked around, looking for Lucien's figure.
The moment I dragged the box in the crowd, a familiar call suddenly came from my ear.
??: MC!
I turned my head and saw Lucien standing outside the security line of the station, his eyes gazed deeply on me.
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MC: Lucien!
MC: Excuse me, please let me-
I dragged my luggage around the crowd, and ran towards him. Seeing Lucien, I rushing towards him, I simply let go of the luggage and jumped into his arms.
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Lucien: .... Be careful.
Lucien warned me like this, but his arm had already hugged me tightly.
Rarely, he didn't lean over to hug me and carried almost all of my weight in his arms. I had to stand on tiptoe so I could barely touch the ground.
There was a slight suffocation in the chest, and none of us willing to let go.
MC: Lucien... I miss you so much.
Lucien: I miss you too.
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A low breathing sound came from my ear, Lucien let go of me a little bit, his fingertips slid from the top of my head to my shoulders, followed by his eyes inch by inch.
Lucien: Our big producer seems to be tanned, tired and thin.
MC: Really?
I also raised my hand and stroked Lucien's cheek, rubbing it with affection.
MC: Our Professor Lucien has also lost a lot.
MC: It seems that I have to eat more delicious supplements these days!
Lucien smiled and nodded, and pulled the two luggage behind me.
Lucien: Then let's go home.
MC: Well, this time I really "go home"!
After returning to my home after a long absence, looking at the familiar furnishings, I finally let go of the tension that had been in the past few days.
Tired from the long journey, I quickly changed my clothes, walked into the room and opened the curtains, and at a glance I saw the flowers that Lucien kept on the windowsill.
It is a new variety that has never been seen before, and it is still in full bloom.
Lucien walked up to me and was slightly taken aback at the scene on the balcony.
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Lucien: ... It seems to be brighter than I imagine.
MC: Imagine?
Lucien's eyes flickered. I thought maybe he didn't know much about flower arrangements, so I volunteered to pick up an empty vase.
MC: It’s okay, just a little adjustment.
I picked a few flowers of similar color from a few bunches of flowers, trimmed them briefly, and put them in the empty vase again.
MC: Look, is this better?
Lucien: It looks a lot better.
Lucien: Before, I just followed the maintenance instructions to raise it, but it turned out that it needed to be adjusted like this.
MC: The most important thing is to keep the flowers well, I just add a little ornamental.
Lucien: In order to make flowers and people happy, it is best for us to raise them together.
Lucien: If you raise it next time, can you please help me arrange the flowers?
MC: Of course, it's on me!
I raised my head confidently, Lucien rubbed my hair with a smile.
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Lucien: In return, I have a small gift for you.
Lucien turned around, picked up a small box from the coffee table and handed it to me, opened the box and there was a lipstick inside. The authentic rose red reminds me of the handwriting printed on the transparent umbrella on that rainy night.
Lucien: Choosing lipstick for the first time, I don't know if you like it.
MC: It looks so beautiful...Why would you think of buying lipstick?
Lucien: I just think this one should suit you well.
Lucien: Want to try it?
MC: Yes!
I picked up the mirror on the table and was about to turn the mouth red, and suddenly met Lucien's gaze from the mirror.
MC: You, why are you looking at me all the time.
Lucien: Can't I watch it?
MC: Not really, just a little embarrassed...
I turned around while I was talking, only to find that he was still looking at me in good time.
MC: .... Lucien!
He was amused by the way I was bulging. He seemed to think a little bit, and came over to take the mirror from my hand.
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Lucien: Sorry, it's been a long time since I looked at you like this, I really don't want to miss any of your expressions.
Lucien: But if you are not used to it, I have a compromise.
Lucien: I'll help you put it on, how about it?
This fresh proposal made my eyes bright, and I quickly turned to face him.
MC: Okay, I won’t miss any of Professor Lucien’s special offer!
MC: But did you even know this...
Lucien: I'm not that good, and I may need you to be a "guinea pig."
Lucien: But I will try to be careful.
MC: It doesn't matter, Professor Lucien's "fault tolerance" here is very high.
Lucien: It seems that this is a special treatment for me.
Lucien: Come, sit by my side.
Lucien took me to sit on the sofa, tucked the hair beside my face behind my ears, and then focused on the lipstick.
He opened the lid skillfully, and squeezed it unnaturally
His gaze rested on my lips for a while, and I opened my mouth slightly in cooperation before he made the first stroke.
The moisturizing paste pushed against the lower lip, Lucien lifted my chin unconsciously, extending the color stroke by stroke.
His movements were very light, I was a little itchy, and was blocked by him, so I couldn't move, so I kept blinking and looking around.
Lucien seemed to have not noticed my struggle, so he put on lipstick slowly and didn't forget to look around, as if admiring his own work.
Lucien: This color really suits you, and looks better than I imagine.
MC: Is it "imagination" again?
Lucien: ,After all, it is a gift for you. Since I bought it, I have been imagining the way you put it on.
Lucien: Now, I can finally see it with my own eyes.
Lucien's fingertips gently rubbed along the edge of my lower lip, as if tracing its shape.
I caught a glimpse of the flowers behind him, and my heart trembled slightly.
I don't know how Lucien faced his longing, maybe it was a short daze interspersed with his busy work, maybe it was a "wish" in my heart...
I didn't deliberately think about it, but I felt that it was like a shadow.
I gently held his face and looked at him seriously.
MC: Lucien, now I am back.
MC: Whatever you think of or what you want me to do, you can tell me directly.
MC: After all, during this time, I have also accumulated a lot of wishes about you...
MC: Just as we "compensate" each other!
Lucien looked at me in silence for a while, and finally raised the corners of his mouth.
Lucien: Since I got my wish just now, now it's your turn.
Lucien: What do you want me to "compensate" for you?
I spread out Lucien's hands, seeing that there was still the lipstick that he had just rubbed off on his fingers.
I suddenly realized that it is precisely because there is no barrier at the moment that we can directly leave marks on each other.
And the long separation that I experienced made me want to be more greedy at this moment, leaving more proof of existence around each other.
I followed my heart to stood up and kissed his lips.
Lucien: ...
The newly applied lipstick rubbed against the corners of his lips, like a small blooming flower, dotted on his fair skin.
This color is really beautiful.
MC: If I want this kind of compensation... is that okay?
Lucien met my gaze, raised his hand and rubbed the corner of his lips, and suddenly laughed.
Lucien: Of course you can.
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He hugged me up and let me sit on his lap.
Sunlight spreads on us through the gauze curtain, adding warmth to the narrow distance.
Lucien: I thought before that you might need to adjust to your original life for a while... Lucien: Now it seems that I am the one who has been worrying too much.
I took the lipstick from his hand and made a few letters out of thin air.
MC: Remember the "pathos" we talked about before?
Lucien: Yes, I remember.
MC: Later, I read the book carefully and found that there are actually two kinds of misses described by this word.
Not only do I miss the other person when we are separated, but even if the other person is right in front of me, I still long for him.
MC: So, although we are not in the same place in the past few months...
MC: But to me, I never felt separated from you.
Lucien raised his head slightly and looked at me, his eyes seemed to be filled with shards of light.
Lucien: So, even if I am a little greedy now, is it okay?
MC: It’s okay.
Lucien: I not only want to see unique colors, but I also want to leave colors related to me in it.
Lucien: Is it okay?
He took my shoulders and seemed to draw something on my shoulders with his fingertips.
I lowered my head and looked over. The little red he rubbed with his fingertips just now was drawing another "flower" on my shoulder.
MC: Of course, after all... this color suits me very well.
Lucien stared at me deeply, his gaze slowly sliding from my eyes to my lips.
In the drenched sunlight, he held my face and dropped a feather-like kiss on my lips. The soft touch feels like a kind of gentle comfort, which makes me fall into it bit by bit.
I closed my eyes and felt him pull my chin slightly. I opened my mouth slightly, and his breath quickly swept through my perception.
The jaw was clamped by him, and a slight pain melted into the hot breath, which made the kiss look a little eager.
I put my arms around the back of his neck and responded carefully, the pain quickly dissipated, and he asked for it even more with burning sensation.
The faint scent of rouge faints between the lips, I don't know if it comes from the lipstick on his lips or mine.
The shoulders were gradually clasped by him, and the cold air from the air conditioner came in through his fingers and was warmed by his palm.
Every skin that touches him is conveying pleasant sensations. I keep my eyes closed, but my eyes are full of brilliance.
The wet and rainy season that I have just spent alone is all illuminated by the snuggle at this time.
I don't know how long it took, the temperature on my lips slowly faded, I opened my eyes and saw a mess of rose red on Lucien's lips.
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MC: Lucien, the lipstick--
Lucien: It's all spent.
We reached out to each other at the same time, trying to wipe off the fainted lipstick. But no matter how you rub it, it will leave a shallow trace.
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We looked at each other in embarrassment and couldn't help laughing together.
MC: What to do.. am I ugly now?
Lucien: No, it's cute.
The eyes of the person in front of me are like water, and the sunlight seems to have washed away the complexities in these eyes, showing a bit of pure satisfaction.
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Lucien embraced me again and stroked my hot cheek patiently.
Lucien: Any other wishes?
MC: There are a lot more, I feel I can't finish it for several days.
Lucien: It doesn't matter, I will be with you for many days.
Lucien: Those missing seasons, let us make up for it together
Notes from me: I can’t helped but giggling and crying over this date. The writer really gave us how Lucien’s feelings towards MC. They will loved each other for sure, with any circumstances ahead them. My wish just, please give them a happy moment like flying kite maybe? Anyway, thanks for visiting my blog and always reading Lucien’s date, and give him love~ xoxo
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five-rivers · 3 years
Danger First
Chapter 5
@pocketramblr :3
The day started off well. Really, it did. Izuku got up on time, still filled with warm fuzziness from the time he spent with his friends (friends!) the afternoon before, had a good breakfast, left early enough to catch an earlier train, saw an interesting hero fight, and then...
He was hit with a wave of nausea as he caught sight of the crowd outside UA's gates. Was it a mob? An attack? Terrorists?
... Reporters?
Yeah, those were cameras and microphones. But why was a crowd of reporters making him feel this way?
Maybe they were terrorists disguised as reporters. Or, maybe Izuku had picked up some paranoia to go with his anxiety. How fun.
If they were real reporters, they were probably here about All Might. Him cutting back on active hero work to teach had been big news.
Ughhhh. What should he do? Whoever they were, they weren't likely to leave. He didn't want to walk through them, though. What if they were dangerous? (And even if they weren't, he didn't want reporters looking at him, asking him questions. What would he say to them?)
He bit his lip and watched the crowd from around his chosen corner. Why did he have to be so wimpy and timid? He was a hero student, now. He should be better. Braver.
Oh! There was Iida!
He scuttled over to his friend.
"Ah! Midoriya! You're early today! Few people arrive at school at the same time I do!"
"Y-yeah! I managed to catch the earlier train today, so..." He looked back at the crowd of reporters. Maybe reporters. Maybe terrorists. "I think, maybe we should wait to go in as a group, though. I mean, it'll be more efficient than trying to fight through those reporters one at a time, right?"
"An excellent idea, Midoriya!" exclaimed Iida, waving his hands enthusiastically. "It's very admirable of you, to always be thinking about how to help others."
"W-well," said Izuku, blushing. It wasn't untrue, but it also wasn't the whole story. "I mean, I don't... It's more that they kind of freak me out a bit? The reporters..."
Iida nodded sagely. "There are heroes like that, too. Are you planning on going underground, then?"
There was a certain amount of appeal to underground heroics, but he was supposed to be All Might's successor. Then again, if One for All never worked properly for him and Mr. Yagi asked for it back... Quirk or not, Izuku was here, now, in UA, in the hero course, and Mr. Yagi had said he could be a hero without a quirk.
"I haven't really decided yet. But UA teaches all hero course students the three main branches of heroics, so we don't really have to choose a specialty until later, and even then there are heroes like Sir Nighteye who blur the lines, right?"
"Yes, it's one of the things that make UA such a superior institution!" chortled Monoma.
"Ah, Monoma! I agree! It is important for all heroes to be aware of the work their colleagues do, and to be well-rounded individuals!"
"Um," said Izuku. "When did you get here?"
"Just a minute ago," said Monoma. "I was looking for a way around these savages when I overheard your conversation. Really, it's a shame that UA allows such rabble to prevent students from entering. If only there was something they could do..."
"I'm afraid I must disagree," said Iida. "Freedom of the press is exceedingly important for the function of society!"
Monoma looked slightly alarmed. "I don't mean to say it isn't, it's just-" he gestured at the gates, "-we can't get in. The other entrances are like this, too. It's aggravating."
"There... might be another way in," said Iida, after a moment.
"Yes, my brother told me about a hidden entrance that was here when he attended UA. I suppose... I suppose these would be the right circumstances to use it."
"Lead the way, then, Iida," said Monoma.
Iida nodded stiffly. "We should wait and see if any of our classmates would like to come with us."
Several of their classmates did want to come with them, including Uraraka, Asui (who was still a little under the weather), Tokoyami (Dark Shadow was not a fan of flashing lights), and Hagakure. They were also joined by a couple of 1-B students, a cadre of business course kids, and a pink haired support course girl who seemed very interested in Iida's legs, much to his flustered confusion.
Kacchan did not join them, much to Izuku's dismay, instead choosing to bulldoze his way through the ranks of reporters, nearly giving Izuku a heart attack when he body-checked a man with blue-white hair.
At this point, their group was becoming rather large and noticeable, and Iida was getting antsy about the time, so off they went.
Iida led them to what appeared to be an entirely unnoteworthy piece of wall and knocked. There was a pause just long enough to make Iida start to sweat, and then the wall opened, revealing Midnight- Ms. Kayama!
"Oh?" she said, clearly delighted. "Chibiida using the top secret teacher's entrance? Has high school done what we couldn't? Are you finally loosening up?"
First: how? Why? Iida was over ten centimeters taller than Izuku! Secondly: Iida was never going to recover from this.
"That- that's not it! At all! I am simply attempting to help my fellow students enter the school without being harassed by reporters, Ms. Kayama!"
"You can still call me big sis Nemuri, you know."
"I refuse! It would be inappropriate of me as a student!"
Ms. Kayama sighed. "Well, you aren't wrong about those reporters. They can be a pain. So, just this once, let me welcome you kids to the forbidden environs of the staff area!" She made a grandiose gesture with her arm. "And it's all thanks to Chibiida here."
Iida started muttering about propriety and rules.
Izuku had the feeling it would be a long day.
"All right, Hikage, in your professional opinion-"
"What does building inspecting have to do with anything?"
"What?" said Nana. "I didn't say anything about building inspecting."
"You asked for my professional opinion."
"Yes?" said Nana, already dreading where this would go.
"I was a vigilante. For the purposes of money, I was a professional, licensed building inspector."
"I thought you were a professional hermit," said En.
"I was an amateur hermit. You don't get paid for that."
En blinked. "I can't believe people let you into their buildings."
"There were a few times-"
Nana decided to table the question of how neither she nor En had known Hikage was a building inspector. "Okay, fine. Forget the professional part. In your opinion, what was going on with that one reporter guy?"
"Oh," said Hikage. "He's definitely planning a murder."
"A murder!" exclaimed Yoichi.
"Yes, and probably of someone close to Ninth."
"Why didn't you say something?" demanded Yoichi, attempting to lift the taller man up by the front of his shirt and failing.
"Because there's not much we can do about it?"
"Just because you're right doesn't mean I have to like it!" He spun on his heel and stalked up to the silent and incomplete ghost of Toshinori. "It had better not be you, do you hear me? Don't you dare pull an Obi-Wan on poor, sweet Izuku!"
"Does anyone know what he's talking about?" asked Nana.
"Not really," admitted Banjo.
"Today," said Mr. Aizawa, after he finished passing out feedback from the battle trial, "you'll pick a class president."
All around Izuku, his classmates threw their hands into the air, eager for the chance to show off their leadership skills.
Izuku kept his hand down. It wasn't that he didn't want to stand out or do the work! It was just... between training after school with Mr. Yagi and Aizawa and trying to get his anxiety under control, he didn't think he'd do a very good job.
Yoichi started disappearing his "Izuku for President" banners.
Iida, though... Iida would do well, Izuku thought. Look at him, organizing everyone into a vote.
"You're not running, Midori?" asked Hagakure.
"N-no, haha, I have too many other commitments to do a good job, I think."
"That's too bad! I would have voted for you."
There was a smattering of agreement, mostly from Iida and Uraraka. Izuku started blushing.
"R-really? Why?"
("Strawberry," someone whispered.)
"Well, you helped me out during the entrance exam, and you were pretty cool during training yesterday." More agreement. "But if you're not running, I guess I'll pick Monoma. He did get rid of the purple creep."
"Ahahaha, yes, I am clearly the superior candidate!" crowed Monoma, standing up and putting his foot on his chair to pose.
"But his personality's really weird, which is why you would have been my first choice, Midoriya."
"I think Iida would be a good choice!" said Uraraka, raising her hand. "He's super organized and he helped a bunch of us get past the reporters this morning."
More general agreement. Then Todoroki cleared his throat. Everyone looked at him.
"Yaoyorozu," he said.
That was it.
"Good point," agreed Jirou.
"A TIE?!"
As the only one who hadn't voted for one of the three in the tie, Aoyama was forced to be the tiebreaker. This was done as dramatically as humanly possible.
Yaoyorozu was now president of class 1-A.
This led to a ferocious battle between Monoma and Iida that Iida won by a single vote. Monoma was promptly chosen as class treasurer. Just in time for their other classes.
"Those who possess forbidden knowledge should stay together," said Tokoyami gravely as he sat down with Uraraka, Iida, and Izuku.
"Are you talking about the staff area?" asked Asui, who slid in after him.
"Indeed," intoned Tokoyami gravely. "The dark path we have all walked-"
"Fumi is just bad at asking people to be his friends!"
"Dark Shadow!"
Izuku almost started crying into his rice. Having friends was so great.
"I'll be your friend!" said Izuku.
"Me, too!" said Uraraka, pumping a fist.
"Ah," said Tokoyami, coughing into a fist. "I am sure we will be great companions in the darkness of the coming days."
Speaking of darkness... Izuku couldn't help but feel uneasy about... something. He had been ever since seeing those reporters.
"So, Midori, is your hair full of secrets?"
"Don't listen to her! She's just being silly! Like a little sister."
"It's what you always say about that actor you like! His hair is fluffy because it's full of secrets!"
"So, you and Dark Shadow are like brother and sister?" asked Midoriya, changing the subject.
The conversation segued into discussion of their families, and just when Iida was extolling the virtues of his older brother, Izuku's unease spiked. He dropped his chopsticks.
"Is something wrong?" asked Uraraka.
"I... don't know? It just feels like something bad is going to-"
The school alarm promptly went off.
"Wow!" said Kirishima. "Iida can do entrances and exits! Manly!"
"Wow," said Banjo, "I guess they picked the right guy for the job, after all. He can find entrances and exits! More than my class vice president ever did..."
"Are you copying the small red child?" asked Hikage.
"Never mind."
"Today's heroics class will be focused on how to fall safely and other basic combat techniques. Before we begin, although you may practice these techniques on your own, outside of class, if you want to spar with others, you need adult supervision until you reach a level where I'm satisfied you won't seriously injure yourself or others by mistake. Now, firstly..."
"Mr. Aizawa? Is- um. Was it really just the press breaking in earlier?"
It was time for his first special quirk training with Aizawa, and he should be asking what they were doing today (especially since Aizawa had him change out of his gym uniform and back to his regular uniform), but he couldn't stop thinking about the break-in.
"What makes you think otherwise?"
"I'm, well, I'm not sure? I just, this morning, when I saw them, I got a really bad feeling? Like something bad was going to happen. And it doesn't seem, um, logical, that normal reporters would be able to do that to UA's gate. I mean, anyone can have any quirk- no such thing as a villainous quirk. But someone with a quirk like that, they'd put a lot of effort into controlling it and stuff so stuff like this wouldn't happen by mistake. I guess a reporter could have done it on purpose, though, but then it'd be really easy for UA to find out it was them, wouldn't it? Or the police. Since heroes and police have access to the national quirk registry, so you just have to cross-reference reporters with the registry to find quirks that could fit. But would they know that? Anyway, it seems more logical for a third party to have used the press as cover to infiltrate the school. But why? If nothing is missing and no one is hurt, which would be grounds for school being canceled, the next conclusion would be information gathering. But that still leaves the question of the ultimate ends- Mr. Aizawa? Are you okay?"
His teacher had been glaring at a camera mounted in the corner of the classroom and mouthing things at it.
"I'm fine," said Aizawa. He sighed. "You are right that we haven't located the person who destroyed the gates, but please be assured that we are investigating the incident throughly. Especially Principal Nezu." He shot another glare at the camera, as if to say he'd better be.
"Regardless, it isn't something you need to worry about as a student. We're adding more safety protocols to make sure it doesn't happen again."
"Oh, okay. S-so, what are we doing today? Sensory deprivation? Electric shocks? Stress positions? Bean bag barrage for dodging? High stakes hell exam?" He was ready for anything and very excited.
Aizawa stared at him flatly. "We're... doing quirk counseling."
"Kid... except for maybe the last one... what exactly gave you the idea that any of those things had anything to do with quirk counseling?"
Izuku started to get the feeling he'd seriously messed up. Except he didn't feel particularly anxious about it.
"Oh, uh, Mom used to get brochures like that in the mail, after I was diagnosed? She didn't ever answer any, but... Apparently, some people originally thought to be quirkless got quirks after being in a high stress situation."
"But no one actually did any of those things to you."
"Not really?"
Izuku looked away. He shouldn't have said anything. He didn't like the quirk counselor at Eisley Elementary, but he didn't want to get her in trouble, either. After all, he was the only one she had to do that stuff with, since his quirk hadn't shown up...
Aizawa sighed with the air of someone exercising a lot of self-control. "Except for that last one," said Aizawa, "and that's debatable, all of those are torture techniques."
Ah. Well. That maybe explained a few things.
"They are not a normal part of quirk counseling. At some point, we may incorporate some combat into this, but that will be to help you become more familiar with your quirk. Not just for the sake of making you stressed."
"But if we aren't doing combat, what are we doing?"
"Well, first we're going to try to figure out what your quirk is. Why don't you sit down." He took out some papers as Izuku made his way to his desk. "Alright. I'm going to go through these questions and write down your answers... then we're going to go through them again while I'm canceling your quirk." He paused. "Actually, first. What did you mean when you said you had a bad feeling about the reporters?"
"If I were alive," said Yoichi, "I would be committing so much murder right now."
"I thought we left this behind when Ninth graduated," said Nana. "I thought you said you were going to forgive them because they were stupid kids and Ninth forgave them."
"Well, first off, I lied. Secondly, teachers aren't kids. If we ever get hit by a quirk that brings us back to life, the quirk counselor at his old school will be my first victim."
Nana sighed. "That isn't going to happen."
"Who's going to stop me?"
"Less a who, and more the fact that there has never been a quirk that could revive the dead."
"Meaningless!" exclaimed Yoichi. "Death cannot stop me!"
"Think he's finally lost it after all this time?" asked En, leaning towards Nana.
"No, I think he's just messing with us," hoped Nana.
"Alright, kid," said Aizawa exhaustion evident in his tone. "Between your answers, your exam results, the battle trial results, how you react when I use my quirk on you, and Monoma's assessment... Your quirk is at least partially sensory.",
Izuku tried not to feel disappointed, but that seemed rather incomplete as a conclusion. Even though he knew about Danger Sense and this probably was Danger Sense.
"Yeah, I know, it's underwhelming, but remember this is the first session. Whatever your quirk actually does, though, you seem to be using it to detect threats."
Okay, that was more in line with expectations.
"I mean... maybe? I think so. That feels right."
"We also need to figure out what it's stockpiling. Have you ever felt any particular draw to certain situations? More than your peers?"
"Um. I watch a lot of hero fights?"
"You're a fight chaser?"
"A little bit?" admitted Izuku, squirming a little.
Aizawa sighed heavily. "I seriously hope your quirk doesn't stockpile danger- don't test that."
He wasn't going to!
Speaking of, though, what did One for All actually stockpile? Power was a very vague description... He'd just went along with it because a) quirk and b) All Might, but it would probably be good to know.
"Next time we meet, I'll be running you through the basic quirk assessment battery- that's a series of tests usually given to five-year-olds to help their pediatric quirk doctors and quirk counselors identify difficult or stubborn quirks. You should have gone through it when you were younger."
Izuku shook his head. "All I remember is the x-ray."
"Why would you get an x-ray?"
"For the toe joint? To tell whether or not I was quirkless?" Why was he saying this? He was going to blow his cover and his secret out of the water! This was so dumb.
But he did say it. Maybe it was his guilty conscience from lying to and misleading Mr. Aizawa so much.
"That's a myth," said Aizawa.
"It isn't true." Aizawa began to slump down in his seat. "It's an old wives' tale. Everyone quirkless has the double joint, but not everyone with the double joint is quirkless. I have the double joint, as do about twenty-five percent of people with meta quirks." By the time he finished, only the top half of his face was visible.
"Oh," said Izuku. He wasn't sure what else to say. At least the secret of One for All was completely intact.
"I hate to say this, kid, but it sounds like everyone involved in your early quirk education was incredibly incompetent. You shouldn't have had to deal with that, even if you were truly quirkless. It takes just as much counseling to deal with that in today's day and age as something like, say, Ashido's quirk."
Izuku had never heard it put like that before. "Okay."
"Now, before I send you off for today, do you have any questions about anything we'll be doing? Any of the tests we'll be running, normal quirk counseling procedures, anything. It's important for you to feel comfortable about this."
Izuku's eyes teared up. This had already been a very emotional day, and he wasn't sure a teacher had ever asked him that and meant it. "Mr. Aizawa," he said, earnestly, "you're the best teacher I've ever had."
"Is that a joke?" asked Aizawa, flatly.
Izuku shook his head, centrifugal force flinging his teardrops away.
"That's messed up, kid. I'm terrible."
"You're the best," protested Izuku.
"I just need you to know how incredibly low that bar is. Your other teachers must have gotten shovels to dig tunnels under it. They must be dancing limbo in hell."
Izuku blinked. He had no idea what that meant. "I think they're all still alive..."
"Not for long," muttered Aizawa.
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dennou-translations · 4 years
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Violet Evergarden Ever After: Chapter 3
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No one would imagine that a single drop could be the start of something so big. However, it would earn itself great meaning after a while passed. Should it continue pouring, it could also summon boundless blessings and curses.
Love was almost like rain.
   The Journey and the Auto-Memories Doll
   That one was a rain of betrayal.
It started with a calm morning, the sky unfolding without any hints of being enshrouded in dark clouds. Regardless, it did not take too long for the capricious rain brought by the heavens to turn into a downpour rarely seen in recent years.
There was no longer any sign of the rain that had started to fall like gentle kisses from paradise on the black hats of gentlemen walking around town, over the backs of cats dozing under the sun or onto the cheeks of children who opened their mouths and burst into laughter. The current season was the end of summer, and it was raining for the first in a long while in Leidenschaftlich, where the skies were constantly clear in summer, but had the god that controlled weather gone crazy? With time, as if a bucket had turned over, the city was hit by a flood.
This story is about an uneventful day, which did nothing but pass, in the lives of people who worked at a certain postal company.
   The rain and wind struck the entire building as if attacking it. The doorbell rang loudly because of this, a man standing in place and staring at it with unease.
Creak-creak, the door moved. Ring-ring, the bell resounded. Since it was ringing despite there being no customers, he had become concerned and found himself coming down from his residence in the top floor.
In the previous year, the building had been shot with rocket artillery, and not only had it earned an enormous hole but a fire had also occurred – however, thanks to the quick skills of workmen, the hole was now closed and the walls had been neatly rebuilt.
The man was a stylish redhead. He was the president of this company, which he had named after himself.
Claudia Hodgins had been left all alone in the empty postal office. Still, it was normal for him to be there, as it was both his home and workplace. However, since he was by himself at a time that would usually still be within business hours, no matter what, he looked like he had been abandoned.
The postal office had been in great turmoil because of the storm. Surely, so had its peers. With the deliveries stagnated, complaints were coming from the clients. Nevertheless, the transportation was not carried out by machines devoid of feelings. It was something done by humans, who had been given birth to by someone and who had families waiting for them when they returned home. In lieu of the unpreceded disaster, as the president, he had notified all employees that business would be closed for today.
To begin with, the customers had stopped coming in the middle of the day. If he had to say so himself, this might be the expected. Deliberately going outside amidst such strong wind and torrential rain was an act of sheer madness.
Curious about what was going on outside, Hodgins had approached the entrance from the side. He felt like attempting to open the large doors just a little. He wanted to see how inundated the ground was. Just when he slow and carefully reached a hand towards it, the door opened with force despite him not doing anything.
“Oh, my bad. More importantly, we’re screwed; it’s just impossible, Old Man!”
Hodgins was teary-eyed as his precious nose took a hit. He was lightheaded for an instant due to the pain, but soon regained consciousness. After all, one of his employees had come back dripping-wet. Hodgins pulled him – whole body wrapped in rain gear – by the arm, bringing him inside and closing the door. Although it was only open for a few seconds, the entrance was already drenched.
The visitor took off the hood over his head, allowing his face to be seen. He was a splendidly handsome and fine man of sky-blue eyes and sandy-blond hair.
Benedict Blue. One of the postal company’s postmen, who had been working in it ever since its founding.
“It’s impossible – actually, it’s absurd! Working under this rain is absurd! I look like I’m in the bath already. I wouldn’t have come here if I weren’t soaked... Making the staff pull out was the right choice,” Benedict said as if angry-yelling, shaking his head in the same way that a dog or cat would and splattering water splashes at Hodgins.
This wetted most of Hodgins’s shirt and face, but he was unable to reprimand his employee, who had been doing strenuous effort. He accepted it in resignation, wiping Benedict’s face with the sleeve of his shirt. “Okay, stay put.”
“Uoh, what’s with you? Stop.”
“Welcome home. I was worried. Good thing you’re all right.”
“O-Oh. What, hum... I’m back... You were worried about me?”
“Of course,” Hodgins said, to which Benedict turned away with an obviously embarrassed attitude after a moment of bewilderment.
Outside, vases and planters that may have been at the eaves of people’s houses, as well as shop signs, had been turning into weapons for a while now, dancing around the city along with the wind. Managing to come back unharmed and safely amidst this weather, where one could not know what would come flying their way, was something to be happy about.
“I’m just fine. This job’s easier than running around shooting guns. Anyway, I was left with the letters and packages of a guy who fell from his motorcycle and came back by myself. Was best to do that, right?”
“Aah, so someone got hurt?”
“That newbie, Clark. But he only scrapped his knees. He fell lots of times when he was learning how to ride, but for real, it’s surprisingly depressing when you fall off other than during practice. He was crying, y’see.”
Knowing who the person in question was, Hodgins pitied him. He was the youngest postman to join the company as of late. It was difficult to find human resources for postmen as they were quick to quit.
“He’s young, after all...”
“You call him young but... he’s already a grown man. I wonder if he ain’t lying to us about his age... I thought he was a baby or something.”
“You can’t compare him to a city boy fresh from the battlefield like yourself. I’m gonna get you a towel and a change of clothes now, so don’t move from there.”
“You’d wet the floor. Don’t tell me to go around cleaning up where you walked.”
“Clean it up,” he said while laughing, to which Hodgins’s shoulders slumped. He was a reliable companion, but also a young man who knew not how to show respect for his elders.
——Well, guess I’m a so-called doting parent for thinking that’s cute – no, doting boss.
Anyhow, they needed towels, Hodgins thought as he went back to his room. He grabbed a few large towels and held a pair of trousers and shirt that Benedict would apparently fit into under his arm. Then returned to the ground floor. By the time he did so, the number of people had increased.
“Uwah... Amazing, it’s like squeezing a rag.”
There were three more other than Benedict. If they were to be separated by types, one of them had evacuated after receiving a report of work, one had evacuated after finishing work, and one had been ordered to clock out, but all had come back halfway through, as their bodies were about to be blown off by the overwhelming storm.
“Please stop.” There was Violet Evergarden, whose golden hair was in Benedict’s grasp.
“Why? You said your hair was wet.”
“You just want to touch Violet’s hair, Benedict. Isn’t that right?” Lux Sibyl, who had given up on wiping her glasses and was glaring at the empty space.
“That’s not it. Don’t say weird stuff, Lux.”
“You knooow, my hair’s just as long as Violet’s.” And Cattleya Baudelaire, who scowled at Benedict with her arms crossed.
The members who had been there ever since the founding were Violet, Cattleya and Benedict, but Lux, having joined midway, was now a skillful secretary who covered up the schedule of the employees and president and moved them around like chess pieces. As the four people whose ages were close to each other’s came together, the conversation naturally livened up.
“You—You’re that kinda thing. If I touch you in a place like this, it’d be that kinda thing. This is our workplace, so there’s all that kinda thing. Morally speaking, it’s that kinda thing.”
“What do you mean ‘morally speaking’?!”
“I wish you wouldn’t say those things even if you think about them. Right, Violet?”
“‘Public morals’...? Benedict, what am I from your point of view?”
“V, you’re like a little sister to me... Aah, Old Man, gimme another towel.”
It was a terribly joyful thing that the company’s young aces had returned to it safe and sound.
“Everyone, don’t move from that spot no matter what. Hey, Cattleya! Don’t move!”
However, wiping all the water off the bodies of those four turned out to be a bone-breaking work.
   Out of kindness, Hodgins invited the four people who had gathered up at the postal company to his residence in the top floor.
The whole floor was his apartment, thus it was quite large. A family of five could live comfortably in it. The furnishings were arranged in wooden items and serene shades of dark brown and green. It was a relaxed, adult atmosphere, where was nothing particularly funny. It had a faint scent of the perfume that Hodgins always wore.
The invited four let out sighs of relief. The biggest reason for it, although there was also the fact that this was Hodgins’s apartment, was that they were able to escape the horrible situation outdoors. With the exception of Lux, three of them were tough enough to take part in the act of physically crushing other postal companies, but human beings could not win against natural disasters.
“Hey, what do we do? We can’t go home anymore, can we?”
“There’s nothing we can do. We got no choice but stay in Old Man’s place.”
“First time something like this happens, huh. But we’re all together, so... might be imprudent of me to say this, but... it’s a bit fun. Violet, are you worried about your home?”
“Yes, about the flowerbeds.”
“You should say ‘about the people back home’, V.”
“The two went on a trip, so they are away. I promised that I would take care of the flowers in their absence, which is why... I am worried about the flowerbeds. Besides, if that house were to be destroyed by this storm, this place would meet its end much sooner... We have little time left to live.”
“Don’t go from talking about your family to destroying the company, Little Violet. Hey, hey, everyone, you’ll catch a cold so get changed first. Put the towels in the laundry basket. Benedict, don’t throw the towels wherever!”
As told by Hodgins, the employees firstly decided to change their clothes.
Violet and Cattleya had just returned from a work trip of two days and one night, thus they had a change of nightclothes in their bags, but Benedict and Lux did not. Although there was a height difference between them, Hodgins had no issues with lending clothes to Benedict, who was also a man, but there was a need for careful selection when it came to Lux.
“Shirt... shirt, shirt; all I have is shirts.”
“Hum, President, I’m fine with anything.”
“Eeh... that okay?”
As a result, the boy and girl came into the scene wearing baggy clothes. Benedict looked almost the same as when he and Hodgins first met. When he was left to chance completely naked in a desert, he had borrowed a shirt and trousers just as he was doing now. He seemed pleased with it, however...
“Feels kinda naughty...”
...the problem was Lux.
“Benedict’s fine, but maybe it won’t do for Little Lux? Is this okay?” Hodgins asked everyone with a meek face.
They all had at last settled down, each seated in a place of their preference while sipping tea. The employees were relaxing as if they were in their own homes. Contrary to the peaceful state of the situation inside, there was still a sound of rain hitting the windows and a troubled noise of something colliding against the building outside.
“What is ‘okay’ supposed to mean?” Sitting on the sofa, Violet tilted her head. Being comfortably dressed in a dusty-pink nightwear gave her usually disciplined self a slightly soft and gentle air.
“Little Violet.”
“Your nightgown is cute, huh.”
“The people from the household bought it for me. Well, what is ‘okay’ supposed to mean? Was there any problem?”
“Little Lux’s clothes.”
For whatever reason, they had the person in question standing in the center of the room. With everyone’s eyes on her, she seemed uneasy.
“Hum... why do I have to stand in the middle?”
“Little Lux, stay like that and don’t move.”
“All right.”
“What is wrong with Lux’s look? You mean to say it lacks adornment?”
“Why would that be the case, Little Violet?”
“You are the one who chooses attires for us Dolls and you have particularities regarding the clothing and accessories, so I concluded that you might deem the plain shirt as not enough.”
“No, no.” Hodgins flailed both hands. The things he was saying had a moral value to them, out of fear that her outfit was perhaps vulgar.
Benedict had dealt with it by securing her trousers with a belt, but as Lux had too thin a waist, the outcome was the belt falling off. In short, she was not wearing pants. Inevitably, she was dressed in nothing but a shirt. However, her short stature fortunately made it look like a shirt-dress.
As Hodgins explained his concern, everyone said, “I see.”
Showered with their stares more and more, Lux began to blush.
“It gives off a dangerous feeling when you think she ain’t wearing any, but on second thought, isn’t that the same for skirts? There’s actually an open hole in them, but it’s not visible, so they’re classified as clothes. No big deal, is it?” Benedict had been standing with his back against the wall just a moment ago, yet had suddenly drawn close to her and started examining her fixatedly.
“Don’t say ‘not wearing any’!”
“Well, I mean, you really ain’t wearing any... but that’s okay. No biggie. You’re probably not an option for Old Man, so no worries. Right?”
“That’s rude!”
“I’m saying you don’t need to worry about that kinda thing... Should I take mine off, then? I see; I’m fine with it. I’ll be the same as you. That all right? I’m gonna take it off.”
“Stop, stop, stop!” As Benedict put a hand to his belt while laughing, Lux repeatedly hit his chest with her fists to stop him. Lux was red up to her ears. “I can’t take this anymore! Violet! Take Benedict to over there!”
“Owowowow, V, ouch, that’s not it; it was the Old Man who said weird stuff first. We’re friends, so I was showing that she doesn’t have to get hung up over something like...”
Caught in Violet’s arms, Benedict obediently sat on the sofa. Perhaps in order not to allow him to escape, she gripped his hands and sat next to him.
Cattleya cut through the silence, “The tea is delicious.” She was scattered over the bed. She must have been tired from returning from the Doll business trip. Her eyes were downcast. She might be sleepy.
“Cattleya, do you not have any comments to make? I want to hear lots of opinions.”
“Eeeh, me?” Cattleya joined the needless debate as if it were a bother. “Hmmm... if someone were making her wear this because it’s their taste, it’d be gross indeed, but there’s no other clothes for her... It’d also be horrible to leave her with just a towel wrap, so I think it’s valid. Speaking of which, President...”
“You’re saying that even though you pick open-chested clothes for my Doll outfits? And the times you were choosing Doll attires for me, y’knooow, you were never so considerate to say ‘not this, not this either’ when discussing it with the people from the made-to-order store...”
Her manner of speech was somewhat thorny, but Hodgins did not make much out of it. “That’s because they look good on you.” Rather, he said decisively, with an earnest gaze and excessive confidence, “Because they look good on you. Is my judgement wrong?”
“E-Eh?” Being replied to so unapologetically, Cattleya’s reasoning jumbled up, to the point she found herself wondering if she was the one in the wrong.
The Doll outfit that Cattleya usually wore was composed mainly of a crimson dress-coat, so there was no mistaking that one could not wear it unless the person was remarkably stylish. In addition, there was also no doubt that it was lascivious. Whoever looked at her would find their line of sight momentarily going to her chest. Still, whoever looked at her would remember the woman named Cattleya Baudelaire at once.
“No... it’s not like your choices are wrong... but I only forgive you because you’re the boss. I was shocked when you first showed me that outfit! I didn’t use to wear something like that before.”
“Well, but y’see, an hourglass-shaped person looks more slender when the area around their collarbone is exposed, and it’s pretty.”
An evident question mark floated above Violet’s head at the unfamiliar word. Benedict pointed a finger at the tea set arranged on the nearby table. An hourglass used to measure the time it took to steam the tealeaves was lying there. Perhaps finding the similarity between it and a plump chest and dainty hips, Violet nodded as if convinced.
“You’ve got an hourglass-shaped figure with that slim waist, so I gave you a coat-dress that puts this on display. You can adjust it with the ribbon, so it’s not a pain, right? It has a wonderful line in mathematical terms, y’know? Plus, you also have a cheerful character, so it doesn’t look vulgar. That’s important. It means that outfit takes into consideration even the personality of the one wearing it. And the owner of that made-to-order store is famous not just in this country but abroad. The outfits of our Dolls are on a whole different level in comparison to other companies, aren’t they?”
“I don’t want to bring this up, but they’re very expensive.”
“Eh, I’m sorry. S-Should I pay you back? Either that or you can dock my salary...”
“No, you’re my Doll, after all. Nobody waters a flower to get money off it, right? It’s fine, Cattleya. Just stay pretty. It’s exactly because I have obsessions over clothes that I don’t want to make a girl look vulgar. And it’s exactly because I like girls that I want to have them shine wonderfully. That’s also why I have a few complaints about Little Lux’s usual plain clothes, though...”
“I don’t know why you decided to run a mail service, President, but I accept that passion of yours. I’ll wear those clothes with care. But, President, I’m doing my best, so I want a new outfit. A cute one.”
Listening to the conversation of the two in silence, perhaps tired of going along with her superior, Lux looked at Violet and Benedict’s direction with a gaze that quietly asked for help. There was a gap on the sofa that seemed enough for one person to sit. Having locked eyes with her, Violet told Benedict to scoot over after a brief moment and patted the open spot. Lux sat next to them, looking happy.
“Violet, what’re you drinking?” Lux peeked at the teacup that Violet was holding.
“I wonder. I took the tealeaves that were in the kitchen. I do not know what type of tea it is.”
“Benedict, how did you know?”
“‘Cause that guy likes Darjeeling. All the tea cans he has are nothing but that.”
“Guess I’m gonna drink that too; my body got cold from the long time under the rain.”
“Heeey, the three of you who ended the talk before we noticed! Listen to what I have to say.” Hodgins put his hands on his hips, pretending to be angry.
“We were deviating from the main subject. We deemed that it was not a necessary conversation and took action prioritizing Lux’s rest,” Violet expressed with a clear voice tone.
“Besides, this talk’s about bedroom wear, ain’t it?” Benedict added a two-fold retort. The blond, blue-eyed duo that looked like siblings stared at Hodgins with questioning eyes.
“Ugh, I comply with you two no matter what you say when you both look at me at the same time, so cut it out. But I’m not giving up. I think she needs one more article of clothing.”
“Hum... President, I’m okay with this. I’m already thankful that I could borrow your clothes. Besides, when you make such a big fuss about it, things that weren’t lewd in the first place start to seem lewd, so to say,” Lux said, wanting to end this topic as fast as possible.
“The solution has come to me. Wouldn’t it be best if I took the shirt and trousers and had Lux wear this nightgown?”
However, Violet wound up rewinding it.
Lux hit Violet repeatedly in her mind.
“Ah~, that’s right. If that’s the case, I can do it too. But maybe my nightgown is too big? It’s a negligee just like Violet’s. The shoulder length might be the problem for this one...”
“Old Man, you gonna die if you don’t obsess over the stuff we wear? You ain’t. Give up.”
“No way. Days like this one don’t come by. All five of us are trapped in the company and we can’t get out. You’ve got no choice but stay here in my house, right? We’re having the best of parties, a pajama party. I want it to be a good one. But I can’t enjoy it when I’m worrying over Little Lux’s clothes.”
Benedict contemplated a reply to Hodgins’s words for a few seconds, but soon stopped. He was probably tired. He looked Violet’s way and asked, “Hey, you not hungry? I’m gonna take a look at the kitchen.
“Hey, don’t ignore me.” As Benedict stood up, Hodgins chased after him.
“Benedict’s gonna make something? Yay! You guys probably don’t know this, but he’s good at cooking.” Cattleya lined up behind them.
“I didn’t say I was gonna make anything, though... Well, if you’re hungry, I can do it.”
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“I shall assist you.” Violet raised her arms, rolling up her sleeves. Her prosthetics made a creaking noise.
“V, you can cook?”
“To some extent. In the military, I used to make preparations for the cooking. Mrs. Evergarden... Lady Tiffany also trained me on it.
“M-Me too... I can peel the potatoes, and stuff.” Lux hastily went after everyone. In a trail, a big move to the kitchen began to take place.
“Lux. You don’t usually cook, do you? I can already tell by just that statement. I’ll teach you.”
“Most things get solved just by peeling the potatoes... Benedict, you’re making fun of me, aren’t you?”
“Am not, Potato Demigod.”
“Violet, Benedict insulted me!”
“Owowow! V—! Don’t poke my sides! A hit from those crazy-ass prosthetics of yours ain’t no cutesy way to poke anyone! It just hurts like it normally would!”
In the end, Hodgins was able to find a light feather-print sweater in his closet and gave it to Lux. As she put it on, with her short stature, its length became the same as that of a long cardigan, which Hodgins was awfully pleased with for how adorable it was.
   The madder-red sky was not visible at dusk, the outside morphing into evening with no changes in the rainy weather.
Benedict made a soup at random with the vegetables available in Hodgins’s kitchen, which had seasonings in abundance, while Violet and Cattleya supplied it with cookies that they had brought back as souvenirs from their ghostwriting business trip. Lux brought over small candy marbles that she kept stored in her desk at the company, and Benedict, instructed by Hodgins, reluctantly took an expensive bottle hidden on the liquor shelf of the latter’s room.
“Hey, let’s rummage through the desks of everyone in the company. There are probably gonna be other ingredients in them.”
“If it’s Mr. Anthony’s desk, I think there’s definitely something in it. Mr. Anthony always gives me sweets... We’re in a state of emergency so I’m sure he’ll forgive us for it.”
“There were sweets in the reception guys’ desks. Would they get mad if we took them?”
“Definitely seem like they would. But this sweet... is one of the tasty ones... I wanna eat it.”
Lux, who was still growing, and Benedict, who had missed lunch and did not have enough with just the vegetable soup, procured more food. The sweets that the hungry thieves sneaked from the company employees’ desks turned out as what could be considered a big catch, and so, the five people trapped inside during a day of usual rain commenced a night party.
The five of different ages, genders and positions were already at a state where they could be deemed as a single family through the many incidents they had overcome and the time they had spent together. They laughed a lot, talked a lot.
“You remember when Violet brought Lux over? She went to negotiate it directly with Old Man with so much might, like, ‘I have picked up a puppy. Please give me permission to raise it here. Now, hurry’. They were holding hands and she wouldn’t let go of Lux, explaining the situation all at length as if to say she wasn’t gonna move until he gave the permission. The way Old Man acted so suspicious back then was a real blast.”
“I remember~! He was like, ‘Eh, “demigod”? Eh, “abduction and confinement”? Have you told the military police about that?’... President was so troubled, walking in circles around the two. It was the funniest thing of that year.”
“Hum... I’m sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologize, Little Lux. You’re our main player now, so you did what you could to get where you are. You really exerted yourself in this unfamiliar land. Work for us forever, ‘kay? Rather, for me. Little Violet does some unbelievable stuff sometimes, but she generally doesn’t do anything wrong, so back then, her first-time deed shook up even someone like me, with plenty of life experience. Saying no didn’t even cross my mind.”
“I knew that President Hodgins would give you a generous treatment. If I had not concluded so, I would not have done such a thing. Thank you very much for that time, President.”
“Little Violet... Little Violet’s all grown up too, huh; you’ve become a wonderful lady...”
“Well, she’s got you as her example of guardian figure, after all.”
“I was raised by both Benedict and President Hodgins. You are my examples.”
“Eh, so I’m Old Man’s son...? Gimme the whole company.”
“No way! Actually, you’re taking a part of the company in the future, so that much should be fine, right?”
“You were serious about that? If you split the company...”
“Yeah, I’ll be the vice-president. V, call me Vice-President Benedict.”
“Benedict will be... the vice-president?”
“Violet, you haven’t been to the company too often because of work, right? I’ll stay as President Hodgins’s secretary, but some of the employees will go to Benedict’s side. That’s gonna be pretty lonely... Still, the company will be built inside the country, so it’ll be close in terms of distance. But it won’t be the same building anymore.”
“Other people... will also be gone.”
“Did I tell you that my role’s gonna change too?”
“I have not heard about that.”
“I’ll be transferred to training the newcomers. Violet, you’ll stay as you are. Well, between you and me, if we were to debate on which one should be the instructor, it’d have to be me. I’m good at looking after others.”
“Cattleya will be... an instructor...”
“I’ll be here like always. The Doll department that Little Violet and the others are in will stay in the main office and you’re largely in charge of the numbers in our Doll department, so your role won’t change.”
“Sounds like I don’t make money when you put it like that.”
“No, it’s not like that... I’ve been keeping the right people in the right places since long ago, right? I asked you to do this because I thought you could be everyone’s big sis. Besides, wasn’t it you, Cattleya, who immediately replied that you’d to it when I said your pay would increase if you became an instructor?”
“Well, that’s because I don’t know how long I could keep on being a Doll. It’s a job you can do even when you get older, but walking up mountains has been hard lately. Probably because of my high heels.”
They truly laughed a lot and talked a lot.
In their feel-at-home looks, they played card games, discussed memories of their trips and laughed holding their stomachs at silly stories. The night went on and on and the heavy rain outside gradually subsided, but no one said, “Let’s go home, then”. Days like these were a rarity. They all knew this much.
“I’m having lots of fun today. It’d be great if it were always like this.” The words that Cattleya muttered with a big smile spoke for everyone’s feelings.
Whenever a fun feast reached its climax, the loneliness towards the fact that it was going to end would cross the corners of people’s heads. That applied not only to this day that God had granted them but also to matters in the long run.
Perhaps the company named CH Postal Company itself could also be considered a feast to the people gathered in it. “May this dream, this fun time go on forever,” they wished.
The dream had begun with Claudia Hodgins. He then picked up Cattleya Baudelaire, Benedict Blue and Violet Evergarden.
“Make sure to just lick it. So, how’s that?”
They had built the company office building in Leidenschaftlich and started it together. As the postal business was a privatized one and the competitors were many, nobody could predict at first for how long this company would continue to exist.
“This stings.”
A local customer then came, earning them a large-scale contract in the delivery business.
“Eh~, you okay, Violet? You’re better off as someone who can’t drink...”
Their Auto-Memories Doll activities began to stand out.
“But everyone is changing.”
“Doesn’t that have nothing to do with drinking alcohol? I drink ‘cause I like it. If you don’t, then stop.”
“That’s right, Violet.”
“No... Major has a taste for drinking during meals, so I had been thinking of learning to do it one day as well. You are all changing one after another whenever I blink. I have started eating with other people quite often at work as well. I, too, shall adapt...”
Along the way, a girl who would later become a brilliant secretary joined them.
“I see... Then I want to try drinking too. I’m a secretary, after all. I have to eat out with other people. What kind of taste is it, if you had to compare?”
Despite the major changes in the personal life of each, all of them had contributed to the development of the company, to the point that they spent every single day being busy.
“Close to that of a perfume. In that it is hard to swallow.”
There would surely be many, many more changes.
“Hey, I can’t approve that opinion. Big Sis here will introduce you to delicious drinks. Rather than being taught by a man, you should learn from me. Lux, you can’t yet.”
Surely, their fates would twist further.
“Benedict, bring another one. And something to crack it open with.”
For people to gather up, an encounter had to have happened. That was what it meant.
“Aight, aight...” Benedict stood up from the sofa. He had been dragged into Cattleya’s scheme, in which she had planned the conspiracy of attempting to make Violet Evergarden consume alcohol, because he himself had complied with it.
“O-Owah. Old Man. You were here?”
“‘Were here,’ you ask... this is my house.”
As they came across each other in the kitchen, Benedict had let out a brash voice without thinking. The reason might be that he perhaps was seen grinning as he walked in. Despite his nihilistic attitude, he was happy to spend time with his friends.
“I-I know. I was thinking you were taking too long in the toilet...”
With the kitchen’s small window open, Hodgins was smoking a cigar. All of the women despised the smell, so he rarely ever let them see him smoking. Just when Benedict was thinking about how he had suddenly stood up and disappeared, there he was, smoking in secret.
——He only smokes when he can’t calm down, though.
There was no better day to relax with their companions, and yet.
“Hey, take a look outside. It’s so quiet after the storm... like the wind. Even though it was so loud before.” Perhaps due to him being a little drunk, Hodgins’s face was red.
“True... Hey, need more booze. Ain’t there anything easier to drink?”
“Eh, why? You can’t give it to Little Lux.”
“Cattleya wants to make V drink some. Well, ain’t it okay? I think it’s about time she learns the ropes. Dunno when we’ll get to drink with her again... and it’s better to have people you get along with teaching you this kinda thing, right?”
“Eeh... it’s still too soon. If you insist, isn’t it enough to drip a drop of rum into her tea?”
“Can you even call that a drink? Make it a degree higher.”
Hodgins gave a strained smile. “Hey, hey, her big brother figure shouldn’t be saying this...”
“I say it because I’m her big brother figure. I mean, we’re getting more rookies. She’s the highlight of our Doll department. Eating with people is part of having a big job. Before she gets involved with someone who wants to make her drink...”
“Does this have anything to do with me telling you to be the branch manager?”
Hearing a slightly icy voice coming from the president, Benedict blinked. “No... sorta.”
“She’s still a child, and I’ll definitely always be with her in those kinds of places, so it’s okay. It’s still early to teach her how to drink. Nope, nope.”
“A ‘child’, you say... well, she’s got a childish side, but she ain’t one anymore.”
“She is – you, Cattleya and Little Lux, too, are all kids to me. Because you’re quick to do this kind of thing if I don’t keep an eye on you... My, my,” Hodgins said, blowing out the tobacco smoke. Mismatched as it was for someone with such a mature appearance, Benedict could get a glimpse of childishness in him.
“You’ll keep trying to do that from now on too? That’s impossible; face the reality,” Benedict bit out incidentally.
Benedict’s words were not wrong. The CH Postal Company was growing rapidly as a business. The fact that the postal company led by Salvatore Rinaudo had withdrawn from the postal industry in the previous year had a major influence in this. They now reigned at a pivotal position in Leidenschaftlich’s postal service. The CH Postal Company would soon account for nearly all of the commissions from the people living in Leidenschaftlich. Other than being busy with work affairs, there were even discussions about relocating the head office because of problems with waiting areas and break rooms due to securing new employees.
“Like, you and I are gonna get damn busy. The Auto-Memories Doll department is gonna be the main organ of the head office and my place will be ordinary mail, right? We’ll be teaching people how things go, and I’ll be doing deliveries too. You’re the one with the busiest role. Anything and everything’s gonna be relayed to you. Getting to be close to your employees like until now while doing all that is just...”
It was natural for a company that had become bigger to do a corporative split-off and for one of their employees to manage the branch office. Benedict was still young but had the power to bring people together. The task would not be an impossible one if they put a veteran of the head office in charge of taking over it. They could do this, Hodgins had decided, thus he came up with the proposal.
“The regular meetings and other stuff that I take part in happen in the head office... It’s not like we won’t get to see each other.”
“Everyone will have a different post and position. We won’t get to see each other. Same for you, Old Man.”
“If it’s work, I can adjust it. I’ll do my best to administrate everyone so that the employees can get a time every now and then to relax like this...”
“Old Man, even if you do your best, V’s dating that nasty-ass military officer, so won’t they get married someday? Dunno ‘bout it, but... that’s why it’s impossible to always watch over us in the first place...”
“Hey, don’t clam up.”
What was being thrust at Hodgins now was something that he did not want to look straight at, despite thinking about and readying himself for it. That was what he was being told.
“Hodgins – hey, Old Man.”
It was something that Benedict Blue had the right to say, exactly because they had been doing everything together from the start.
“Hey, don’t take it in a weird way. I ain’t saying this to be malicious. You left the Auto-Memories Doll department in the head office ‘cause your wish to watch over V is a big deal, right? I get it. She’s special to you.”
“That’s not it; I—”
“But she won’t be a kid forever. She’s different from back when she started working, with you teaching her everything. She’s someone who’s gonna let go of your hand one day. She ain’t your real daughter or your girlfriend. Then, if you had to say what she is, at the end of the day, she’s your employee. You’ll part ways one day. If you don’t get ready for that now, will you manage to get over it if she marries into that bastard’s family and he makes her leave the company?”
“Will you manage to get over it?” The question ruminated in Hodgins’s heart.
Benedict had shot him where it hurt without mercy. He was a gun expert. His aim was precise and the bleeding made Hodgins want to hold his own chest down.
——Will I recover if I ever have to be separated from Violet Evergarden? Hodgins pondered earnestly over the question. ——I don’t know.
He truly did not know.
Bonds were things that could not easily break off once they had connected, yet reality, time and busyness unpityingly caused the existence of “friends” to grow far apart.
——To the point that I don’t know, I...
Surely, a day like this would not happen five years from now. Their place to return to amidst the rain would be somewhere else.
——It’s not just her, but also you and everyone else.
To begin with, they might not even be working in the company itself anymore until then. More of them would fall for someone, nurture their love and move their places to be in life to their “homes”.
Twenty, thirty years from now, it might be hard for them to even work. Or they would not be alive – there was also that possibility.
The one who was more aware of this than anybody else was Hodgins, the oldest of them all.
——I’m the one who’s farthest apart in age.
That was exactly why he did not know.
“I have no idea.”
He did not want to see it. Did not want to think about it.
“I have too many things that matter to me, so I can’t make a move anymore. Y’know, you... you might aught at this, but... rather than when you’re young, getting hurt becomes scarier when you grow older. You start losing the energy to do your best and heal. It’s tiring. Still...”
Hodgins had thought that the youth in front of him, who referred to him as “Old Man” on a daily basis, was probably going to laugh, yet Benedict was expressionless.
He did nothing but listen. His posture of properly listening at times like these somewhat...
——...looks like Little Violet.
“Still, I know I’m the one who has to get moving the most. I’m getting everyone involved in the things I wanna do. That’s why I do what I have to. I also counted on you, because I trust you. I left it in your care. But... that and my feelings for her and you guys...”
“I get it.”
“...are different things, right? Y’know, you’re... mean. I’m like a foster parent to you, and yet... Even if you understand my loneliness...”
While Hodgins spoke as if bursting out, Benedict put a hand to his mouth as though to stop him. “I get it.”
Time halted completely.
Was he supporting the flustered figure of the one who was like a parent to him?
“My bad.”
Before he had noticed, he was carrying a load of things he must protect. Was he doing this due to realizing that he had left Hodgins to chance, thinking, “That’s because it’s him”?
“My bad. That just now was on me.”
“I didn’t have to pick today to say this. Isn’t that right?”
“You think I’m being lame right now, don’t you?”
“Nah, you ain’t all that cool in the first place.”
“That’s a lie; I’m a generally-acknowledged beautiful young man... no, beautiful middle-aged man.”
“You might not be cool, but well, that’s what’s good about you. Right?”
“The cool thing about my Claudia Hodgins is his uncool side.”
Since Benedict was speaking as if to comfort a child, Hodgins told him to “shut up”, slightly annoyed, yet burst into laughter nevertheless.
   The rain caused all sorts of things to pour. The way that people were drowned by the drops trickling down from the sky inevitably made them think about something.
As dawn broke, Claudia Hodgins sat up, body heavy from not getting much sleep. When he peeked at his room’s bed, Violet and Cattleya were sleeping wrapped in the same blanket. On the sofa, Benedict was scattered about, snoring in a way that made him want to laugh.
Hodgins looked for where Lux Sibyl might be. He went down from the third to the second floor, and then from the second to the first floor. She was nowhere to be found.
While thinking it could not be possible, Hodgins opened the front door, and sure enough, he could see the figure of a girl walking down the street towards him.
The clothes she had put to dry yesterday were surely half-wet. What was it that she wanted to do outside so badly to the point of going this far? He understood when he saw what she had in her arms.
“Ah, President.”
Lux was holding a paper bag with a lot of bread in it. The amount was enough that the small girl’s face could not be seen.
“Little Lux... could it be you went to buy us breakfast?”
Thinking back, this young woman was the kind of person who was always quick to act when she was trying to do something for someone. That was all it took to be a considerate person, but without kindness in their heart, they would not turn out this way. The reason why Hodgins had nominated her his secretary was not just that she could do any sort of work.
“That’s so nice.”
“Yes, the bakery owner is very nice. I woke up a bit too early, and when I went on a walk to see how things were outside, the bakery was just about to open and they were getting ready... I went to take a look ‘cause it seemed so delicious and they told me to come in.”
“Ah, hm...”
“I was so touched when they said they baked bread for people who were hungry early in the morning, so I told them many thanks for selling them and bought lots of it. It’s the bakery from that street around the corner.”
“As expected of my secretary. Did you properly get the receipt?”
At those words, Lux showed him a smile that resembled a blooming flower. “Huhu, of course.”
For Hodgins, who had spent the night deep in thought about all sorts of things, that smile was a soothing one. It was like the water of a lake for someone who was feeling thirsty.
Hodgins wordlessly took the bag from Lux. “Little Lux, I’m seriously glad you came to us.”
“Only in this kind of situation, right?”
“All the time. Always. Little Lux, you’re still young, will probably keep working with us... and you’re such a good secretary... I’m the happiest CEO in Leidenschaftlich.”
“Are you going to hire me for life?”
“Is that a no?”
“No, I could. But that’d mean working with me for life, y’know?”
“Is that bad? I have nowhere else to go.”
When asked with such an innocent look, Hodgins faltered.
“I won’t say the stuff Benedict does, like wanting the company for me.”
“Well, I might... end up giving it to you if you say that, so don’t ever. Hahah... Of course, keep working for us forever and always at my place. Huh, this is kinda like a marriage vow... Wanna take this opportunity and marry me in the future? Just kidding...” Upon thinking that the jest that came out incidentally was an unsavory one right after saying it, Hodgins looked at Lux’s reaction, only to find her staring back at him blankly. He had made himself into a caricature of an old man bothering a girl. “No, it was a prank! But hey. Little Lux, you might be the only one who can go along with me, so having this kind of small talk is... I-I’m not looking at you with dirty eyes, really! We’re too far apart in age, after all! We’re c-close enough that we can crack this kind of joke to each other, right?”
Lux pretended to think for just a few seconds. “Huhu, I can tell. That it’s a joke, at least. But not happening. We’re not getting married.”
And then, she flat-out rejected him.
“Ah, yes.” Although Hodgins would have been at loss if she had accepted it, his shoulders dropped somewhat.
“But President, I’m prepared to nurse you if you ever become unable to work.”
“Don’t... suddenly thrust such a cruel reality at me.”
“Eh, is it? From my point of view... this is quite a deep form of love. President, you’re the first decent adult who accepted me. I’ll devote my whole life to you.”
“Little Lux, you sure like me a lot. Gonna marry me after all?”
This time, Lux actually grinned and replied, “I’ll take that one home and consider it.”
“Amazing; that answer’s like the business talk at the company.”
“Because you’re teasing me... even though you’re well-aware that I don’t even know love yet.”
“Don’t know love yet”. The destructive power of those words caused Hodgins to regret his lighthearted proposal a little.
“Then, I’ll ask again in about five years. I should be at a nice middle age by then.”
“You say that, President, but you’re going on a trip with some hottie next week. I know it.”
The duo, who somehow seemed like they would or other be hanging together for a long time, returned to the office with bouncing chatter.
   In order to make breakfast for everyone together, Hodgins and Lux stood in the kitchen by themselves.
Besides the already-baked bread, they would need drinks and vegetables. Those were merely simple preliminary preparations, but Hodgins felt that just this was somehow enjoyable, unlike doing the work on his own.
“President, you have yours with one sugar cube and a slice of lemon, right?”
“And for Little Lux, it’s two sugar cubes with milk, yeah? I know it.”
While arranging the bread on a plate, they also poured water over the tealeaves and left them to steam. Perhaps due to the scenery that could be seen from the kitchen’s small window being a blue sky with not a single cloud in it, it was awfully dazzling.
“Good morning.”
The next person who appeared amidst the morning sunlight was Violet. Her soft golden hair was just a bit disheveled. Hodgins’s hand naturally reached out to it.
“Morning... You’ve got a bedhead, Little Violet.”
“Excuse me...” Violet looked back at Hodgins as he caressed her head, seeming a little embarrassed. Her eyes were just slightly red. She might have not been able to sleep very well.
“Morning, Violet. Are Cattleya and Benedict also up?”
“Benedict was awake until a while ago, but when I got up from the bed, he began sleeping again by Cattleya’s side.”
“Morally speaking, it’s that kinda thing. I’ll go give him a warning.”
Hodgins laughed a little, seeing Lux off as she walked away while rotating her tiny shoulders. He then turned his gaze back to Violet. Her bedhead, which he had supposedly fixed with the caressing, had returned. For some reason, both of them being alone like this in a kitchen bathed in morning sunlight struck him as extremely peculiar.
Just the two of them, having such a tender time. How many more opportunities would they have for that?
They were already at it. He should talk about something. That was what Hodgins thought, but the words did not come out of him. Not because he had no topic to discuss. He could come up with as many things to talk about as he wanted, such wanting flowers to decorate the table or that they would surely have many customers today who were unable to come yesterday.
But he did not want to spoil this morning. He felt that it might crumble if he spoke even one sentence.
Violet was there. She had her blue eyes directed his way, looking at him. It was no longer awkward for the two of them to stay silent. That was their relationship.
Perhaps still sleepy, she was in a haze. He wanted to watch her standing amidst this gentle time for a little longer.
As she would usually always seem wide-awake, Hodgins believed that she was laidback to this extent due to being in the presence of people with whom she could be at ease from the bottom of her heart. That he had played a part in this feeling of security of hers.
——Will you forget one day?
One day, the position that Claudia Hodgins occupied in the life of Violet Evergarden would become smaller.
——She only gets bigger on my end, though.
Going to the hospital numerous times. Pushing her wheelchair. Giving her a notebook and teaching her how to write.
——I for sure can’t forget. These moments, days, everything like this with you.
The fact that he had not stopped her from fighting in the war. That he had thought they could use her.
——I can’t forget.
Delivering to Violet an outfit that could hide her prosthetic arms, yet that would also make her look her most beautiful.
——I’m sure I won’t forget about this morning either.
About that quiet morning, which was much like the one from before everyone was caught in the great storm and barged in.
Hodgins touched Violet’s hair again. Although she had told Benedict not to touch it, with Hodgins, she all but slightly left a strand in his hand’s care and let him take it, almost like how a cat would do.
——Aah, I want to hug you.
He was not in love with her. That would never be the case.
However, if she were his real daughter, on days like these, mornings like these, he would have easily said, “Good morning, precious” and embraced her.
“I had a dream, President Hodgins,” Violet whispered out of the blue with a freshly awake, faintly hoarse voice.
The stunning young woman, who was no longer a girl, talked about her dream like a child, “Yes; in the dream... you owned a clothing store.”
“Huhu, that so?”
“I cannot make clothes. You told me that you did not need me, President Hodgins, if I could not make clothes...”
“That’s horrible of me, huh.”
“Even when I said I could polish the shoes, clean up or do anything, you did not listen...”
Unlike the real one, the dream version of Hodgins had apparently chosen to part ways with Violet.
“Little Violet, what did you do about that?”
“I asked countless times. However, you rejected it countless times. I thought about standing in front of the shop until you allowed me in, but it started raining like yesterday.”
“Hm. And then?”
“Major Gilbert came to pick me up and told me to come home with him, but...”
“I waited for President to come out of the store even as the lights went out.”
“Despite waiting and waiting, President Hodgins did not come out, and at some point, a passerby told me, ‘This shop has moved’.”
“Even though it was open until just a moment ago?”
“It was a dream, after all... And then – and then, I asked where it was and went after it. Benedict and Cattleya also appeared in-between, but they seemed to have other things to do, saying they would come after me later... As for Lux, she was the only one who had been hired by you from the very beginning, so she also asked you to hire me again, but in the end, you said no could do.”
“Hm...” Suddenly, Hodgins felt so pained about everything that it was hard to breathe. “And then, Little Violet, what did you do...?” His hand reached out to Violet.
“I kept looking at the interior of the store beyond the shop window from outside.”
Not towards her head, but towards her eyes, where her golden lashes fluttered like the wings of a fairy.
“Inside it, many people – people that I know and do not know – came and left... showing how lively the shop was.”
A sea had silently formed in them, which dissolved and disappeared once Hodgins’s index finger touched it.
“Major came to pick me up for the nth time and said you had told him that my standing there was causing him problems. But, for whatever reason, I at the very least knew that if I stepped away from there even for a moment, you would never let me in... therefore, I could not comply. But I did not want to trouble you, President, so I was unable to make a decision... I attempted to ask Major for instructions, but he was also gone before I realized.”
The sea – the teardrop – turned into a pearl and slipped down her cheek.
“I... I... ended up crying.” Violet stared at the sky, the look in her eyes seeming almost as if the scene from her dream was there at this very moment. “To think I would cry like that...”
“That was why President Hodgins would not hire me, I thought... And also why Major had grown tired and left.”
“Then, without my notice, you came outside. You looked the same as that post-war day when you went to visit me at the hospital. You were very surprised with my appearance, as I was soaked with mud and rain. And so, you said this: ‘Guess we’ll start with how to hold a needle’. You told me that you had not invited me for the new job because it would surely be difficult with these hands of mine, so I was extremely relieved... Then, then...” Violet’s words cut off at once.
Unable to hold himself back, Hodgins pulled her into an embrace as if shoving her little head into his chest.
While being embraced, Violet said with eyes that looked as though she was still dreaming, “...with some effort, I could still be helpful. I was able to confirm this, after all.”
Hearing her let out a relieved sigh in his arms, Hodgins forgot about both his and Violet’s positions, clasping her to his chest very, very firmly. “You sure are helpful... Was there anything about me that made you feel uncertain?” Upon realizing that his voice sounded tearful, Hodgins allowed the tears to overflow at the truth.
——Aah, I’m such an idiot. Got caught up in it and ended up crying too.
As the girl whom he thought of as his own daughter, despite her being an actual adult, had shed tears, he found himself crying along with her. Almost like a child. Even though he was supposed to conduct himself as an elder in this situation.
“I do not know.”
“But, has anything like that ever happened until now...? You had that dream because you were uneasy.”
“‘Uneasy’... That might have been the case. Yesterday night, I came to know that many things were progressing while I was away, so I have the feeling that I was quite agitated.”
“Sorry; we were doing things on our own accord. Even though we’ve been together since the founding.”
“No, I am often absent, and it is only natural for some things to be decided in the meantime. I am an employee. I feel that your judgement is correct. Employees must correspond to the changes of a company. My surroundings are about to change significantly. I am grateful to you, President, for letting me be here like always. However...”
“However, I do not know if I can cope with it. With the matters regarding Major, the ones regarding the company... with the fact that Benedict will be going to a different office building. When I think about these things...”
“It’s okay.”
“When I think about them, I realize that the number of things I should prioritize has increased too much.”
“Little Violet.”
“The order of priorities...”
“It’s all right.”
“I have to deal with situations of every kind as I live, and yet...”
——Surely, Violet Evergarden wouldn’t be alive if she didn’t do that.
Always, at all times.
She had been living through corresponding to her surroundings despite being at loss regarding its circumstances, putting everything she could do to use while looking for a place to belong and an adult who would take care of her. She was not allowed to waver. For beasts, hesitation was death.
Violet did not know unconditional love. She now had at last earned herself this warm place through her efforts, but it was about to suffer a rapid change with the course of time.
After running, running and running, Violet – previously one such beast – was watching the nest she had finally found crumble down. Even when people knew they had to prepare to start running again, there would come a time when they would be short of breath and unable to move.
Violet had gone from wild animal to person.
Her human parts and animal parts co-existed, occasionally revealing themselves. When she was the animal, she simply did not mind how much a place changed as long as she could live in it. However, it was difficult to live while holding something better, more important.
Now that she had become a person through the increasing of her emotions...
“I shall fight. I can always be of use. President Hodgins, please forget this aspect of me that I just showed you.”
...she had turned into just a girl who was a little bit scared of the future.
“Please... forget about it.”
Who had made her this way? Gilbert was likely the first, but the ones who had done the finishing touches were definitely all the people in this place.
“No way, I’m not forgetting.”
At Hodgins’s words, Violet lowered her eyebrows, looking troubled.
“Don’t make a face like that; I’m not teasing. I meant to say that you don’t need to worry about it. You indeed might’ve gotten weak. But is that a bad thing? You had nothing when you met me for the first time. Not even your brooch, right...? But now you have lots of things. You went on a journey for a long time and got more stuff to shoulder while you were at it, so it’s no wonder that you’d end up in a dilemma.” Albeit knowing that Cattleya, Benedict and Lux were looking at them in shock from the shadows at the doorway, Hodgins went on, “You know... life is a journey. Little Violet, you’ll go on this journey, won’t you?”
He had already forgotten about his anxiety. The feeling of frustration at such things and the overwhelming wish to cling to someone were now gone.
“You started your journey with a little less luggage than other people, so you’re staring at your bag now that it’s gotten a bit heavy, wondering what happened to it. You don’t know what to throw away anymore.”
He was able to think, from the depths of his heart, that he had returned to his usual self. While embracing her, who was indeed still young and confused in the middle of her journey, he was finally able to think so.
“You need clothes and money, of course, and good shoes are vital. Right, and an umbrella too. When you look into your bag and realize that you actually have nothing that you can get rid of, it’s indeed a problem. Even though it’s a hassle because it’s so heavy. What do you think you should do?”
He could still be useful.
“Train... my physical strength... No, calibrate my prosthetics...”
He was still needed.
“You’re such a fool... Either leave it in someone’s care and continue the journey or have someone take half of it.”
Even if it were only for a short while.
“Gilbert will probably take half of the luggage. I can take care of the rest that you can’t carry over here. I’ll be in Leidenschaftlich forever, after all. Little Violet, no matter where you go, I’ll stay here and wait for you to come back, and no matter when you come over, I’ll welcome you. I’ll take care of the contents of your bag with pleasure.”
——Even if you only remember me a few times a year someday...
“Listen up: whenever you’re troubled, remember that I’m here. And then you’ll be able to go on a journey again anytime.”
——...I’ll ready myself to welcome you at any time of the year.
“Am I really supposed to leave my luggage here?”
——I’m the kind of man who can do that, and you need it for sure.
“Hm-hm, that’s not it. Y’see, this is about memories. All you have to do is to know. That I’m here. This is the way to make your luggage lighter. Whenever you’re having problems, bam, remember me. If you do that, the worries you have now will definitely decrease a little. Y’know, at the end of the day... people’s place to come home to aren’t places, they’re ‘somebody’. You should know that much. You’d have gone to any battlefield if Gilbert was there, right? Someday, yes, you might quit being an Auto-Memories Doll. You might not come back to Leidenschaftlich.”
——It’ll be great if this “someday” never comes, though.
“But your current memories are with me. I’ll be a representation of them. So that you, my dear... will be able to open your memories anytime. When this moment right now becomes nostalgic to you, come see me. I’ll always be here. Waiting for you. You’re feeling ‘lonely’ right now. But... Little Violet. You have me. You’re not alone.”
——I want you to remember.
“I do not understand very well... However...”
——I’m always protecting you.
“...you have always guided me.”
——Waiting for your return.
“I never doubt your word.”
——I’ll be waiting here.
“But, President Hodgins, I have only one wish.”
——I want you to show up when your journey ends.
Deciding to deal with the sobbing coming from behind the door later, Hodgins opted for staying like this for just a bit longer. Her lover might get angry if he saw it, but he had the right to do it, at least to some extent. After all, she was Claudia Hodgins’s dear employee.
Hodgins asked with a particularly gentle tone, “What would it be, Little Violet?”
Violet blinked and looked up at Hodgins. The last drop spilled from her eyes.
“If, only if... there comes a time when you will quit the postal company and start doing something else...”
“...please call me. No matter where you are, I will rush to you.”
“I will definitely be of help... Even if not, should your luggage become too much, please call me when you need someone to carry it for you. I shall hasten to visit you.”
“For real?”
“Yes. I, too, will carry President’s luggage. You should know it. I am strong.”
“Huhu, yep, definitely. One day, you’ll understand what I mean by ‘luggage’. Hey...”
No one would imagine that a single drop could be the start of something so big. However, it would earn itself great meaning after a while passed. Should it continue pouring, it could also summon boundless blessings and curses.
   “Hiya, I’m Hodgins. What’s your name?”
“This kid’s such a taciturn.”
“She... doesn’t have a name yet. She’s an orphan with no education. Can’t talk either.”
“That’s so terrible of you. She’s such a beauty. Just give a name worthy of her.”
   “Little Violet, thanks for meeting me.”
Love was almost like rain.
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