#and still the littlest things i do wrong feel so so big
catboyr · 1 year
love this cycle of does my roommate hate me nah we're okay does my roommate hate me nah we're okay does my roommate hate me nah we're okay its so funny i am having so much fun
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ratsummer · 3 months
So my bestie was telling me the other day about Phantom wanting to practice kissing and I am running away with it!!
It doesn't take long after he's summoned for Phantom to want to kiss his pack mates. Unfortunately, he is a very anxious and not-yet-well-adjusted ghoul, so he agonizes over who to go to for a long, long time. They're all so beautiful, and everyone has been happy to help him, but the thought of kissing them... of being vulnerable in that way... He agonizes over everything that could go wrong for hours on end. After much sleeplessness and pacing around his room with a notebook (Cirrus taught him about decision trees) he finally decides Mountain is the safest bet.
First of all, he sees Mountain kissing literally everyone, all of the time, everywhere. Anyone can see he's good at it. Anyone can see he likes it! Also, both Swiss and Rain have independently confessed to Phantom that Mountain is the best kisser. Mountain has never laughed at him for not knowing how to do something, so he at least almost certainly won't be mean if he thinks it's weird that Phantom hasn't ever kissed anyone. Really, Phantom feels pretty safe that he can walk away from the situation unscathed, no matter which way things go.
So. It's gonna be Mountain. Phantom works up all the courage in his little heart and goes to Mountain's door. When Mountain greets him, he sees a skinny little ghoul (the littlest quint he's ever seen, that might never wear off) clutching his weighted bat stuffy close and barely able to stammer out a hello.
The one thing that Phantom had unfortunately left out of consideration was Mountain's height. Even glamored, the guy towers over him. He's also generally quiet, so he really just has a very consistenly... looming quality to him. Which is fine! So fine! But Phantom is already embarrassed and nervous and this big beautiful ghoul is just looking down at him with his big pretty soft gentle eyes and his sweet lovely smile and it's all so disarming and Phantom is just shrinking in on himself more and more and he can't even say hello to Mountain and he's such an idiot and he shouldn't have come and-
"Hey, snuggle bug, come here. Come back to me."
And, oh. Mountain is kneeling in front of him. He's shorter than Phantom now, but only just barely, and... wow, okay, Phantom can breathe again. And Mountain is just holding his hips and gently squeezing, and his big heavy tail is gently thumping on the ground, and he's still smiling that beautiful soft smile.
It's such a relief to have Mountain holding him that Phantom doesn't realize he's crying until Mountain reaches up to softly wipe his cheeks. And then Phantom is giggling, and his face is so hot, and then he starts crying for real, and he feels so stupid but also so safe. And he apologizes to Mountain over and over, sorry, he doesn't know why he's crying.
And around his gasps and half-stuttered apologies, he finally manages to confess. "I don't even know why I'm crying. I just wanted to kiss with you."
And Mountain is grinning so big and pulling him close, and even though he's on his knees he's somehow still making Phantom feel safe and small. And Mountain nuzzles up under his jaw, and presses a sweet, tiny kiss there. He cups Phantom's cheeks, and tilts his head down so he can press a lingering kiss between his horns.
"I would love to kiss with you, snuggle bug. Should we get in my nest?"
And Phantom can only whine and nod, knuckles white as he clings desperately to Mountain's shirt. He refuses to let go, even as Mountain stands and towers over him once more, stretching Phantom's arms out over his head. Mountain just laughs softly, not mean at all, and grabs Phantom's thighs to pick him up and wrap them around his waist.
Phantom squishes himself as close to Mountain as he can, snuggled up against his chest like a baby bat. He tucks his face into Mountain's neck to breathe in his warm, familiar smell, and wraps his tail tight around Mountain's hips. Mountain is rubbing his back, a deep, rumbling purr rolling through his chest as he closes the bedroom door and turns to his nest.
"Alright, snuggle bug. You're alright. Mounty's got you."
And maybe Phantom's entire body is finally relaxing from being so tense for hours, stressing over whether he should or shouldn't approach Mountain. Maybe his eyes are heavy from crying. Maybe he's finally warm and calm and maybe a big, cozy ghoul is kissing his hair and wrapping a big, cozy blanket around him.
Maybe he can get kisses tomorrow.
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danikamariewrites · 2 months
First wanted to say I love your stories they are amazing! If possible, I have a request for a xaden x reader that’s preferably fluff. The reader is in the same quadrant as xaden but they aren’t super close. The reader gets hurt and Xaden takes them to the infirmary but the reader starts to freak out because of fears of needles/blood (maybe an anxiety attack?) reader tries to hide it because they are embarrassed but Xaden notices anyway and tries to comfort them. :)
Squeeze My Hand
Xaden x reader
Notes: thank you for requesting this anon bc I’ve been struggling for weeks to write and this gave me my spark back. this was the first thing I’ve finished (happily) in weeks💕
Warnings: blood, stitches, injury, and needles
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You couldn’t look down. You’d pass out which would make everything worse. It’s bad enough you can feel the blood seeping down your thigh. The last thing you needed was to see the liquid along with the gash.
Taking deep breaths you laid at the bottom of the Gauntlet, thinking about where you misstepped.
A pair of strong arms scooped you up, helping you to stand. Looking up you see Xaden Riorson’s dark eyes roaming your face. Worry set in on his features, wondering how you’re staying so calm in a situation that would have anyone else writhing on the ground.
“I’ll take her!” Xaden calls out to the Leader. You hadn’t heard a word anyone said in the last five minutes with the adrenaline and blood rushing in your ears.
“Can you walk?” He asked softly, taking you by surprise. “Kind of,” you mutter as you study the color of his eyes. The darkness of them holds the littlest flecks of hazel and gold, making them look kinder up close.
Getting to the stone stairs leading up to school you let out a huff. Without hesitation Xaden picked you up bridal style, careful of the still bleeding gash on your thigh. You suck in a harsh breath at the stinging sensation running up your limb.
“Sorry,” Xaden murmured.
He slowed his pace to not jostle you around as much. Even when you got to the top of the stairs Xaden kept you in his arms. He was warm and gentle with you. The initial shock of your injury had you too occupied to wonder why Xaden was helping you.
Even though you’re in the same Quadrant you rarely talk with Xaden. Like every other girl with eyes at Basgiath, you found Xaden attractive.
As he gets closer to the infirmary you subconsciously grip Xaden’s shirt. Your fist begins to shake, knuckles turning white.
Xaden looks down at you, noticing how bad you’re trembling. The color drained from your face as he pushed through the infirmary doors. Your eyes watch the move of every healer as Xaden places you on an empty bed.
You keep your gaze from the wound, knowing the sight of blood makes you nauseous.
One of the senior Healers comes to inspect your cut, gently moving your leathers to get the full scope of your injury. “You are going to need stitches. I’m going to cut your pants and then clean you up.”
You nod wordlessly at her, your eyes screwed shut. You had hoped that you would not need stitches. Needles are a big fear of yours. You never wanted one near you whether it was to help or harm you. A wild fear to have as a dragon rider, honestly.
Xaden’s hand covers yours, now fisting the sheets. You jump as he softly squeezes your fingers. “What’s wrong?” You open your eyes for the first time since the healer looked at you.
Taking a deep breath you give Xaden a reluctant look. Your cheeks flush bright red in embarrassment. Good Gods, how do you confess your stupid fear of needles to one of the toughest people you know. “Y/n, it’s ok. You can tell me.” Xaden reassures.
“Promise you won’t make fun of me.” You say sternly. Xaden holds out his pinky, “I swear I won’t.”
You give him a small nod. “I don’t like needles. I’ve never had stitches before and I’m terrified.” You hold Xaden’s stare for a long moment. Xaden gives your hand another reassuring squeeze, folding between both of his hands. The roughness of his palms rubbing against the smoothness of the back of your hand felt comforting.
“The Healer will put some numbing salve on your skin. It takes a few minutes for it to work, then you’ll barely feel it. And if you can, squeeze my hand if it hurts.” You blink at Xaden, surprised he is being supportive.
“Thank you,” you murmur, looking down at your lap. The Healer comes back with the supplies and starts applying the salve, just like Xaden said. When you saw the needle you tensed up, your eyes as wide as saucers.
“Relax,” Xaden whispers. Your eyes water as you look at him again. Xaden sits next to you, wrapping his arm around you, letting your head rest on his shoulder. The needle pricks your skin, the Healer working quickly.
You feel the needle every few passes. You squeeze Xaden’s hand, praying this ends soon.
“All done.” The Healer says, covering the stitches with a bandage.
Xaden gently kisses the top of your head. “Good job, y/n/n.” He whispers sweetly. A furious blush rising to your cheeks.
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Male Yandere Oc x Reader
Woooo, second post in a row!! It seems like a lot of people liked my first ever posted one-shot thingy, so I got inspiration to edit something I had written awhile ago for an oc of mine. Adjusted the writing a lil, added some stuff, all of that. Again, I do not support irl 'yandere behaviour', and if you have anyone who acts this way in your life please distance yourself from them 🙏🙏 Hope you enjoy the one-shot! This one's a lil shorter.
WARNINGS!!: Yandere behaviour, arguing/yelling, (physical) abuse, manipulation, mentions of bruises
“Where the hell were you!? Do you know how fucking worried I was? Do you even CARE?”
He exclaimed right as you stepped into the apartment; not even getting to remove your shoes or put your bag and keys aside. He was standing right there from the very second you opened the door; patiently waiting for you to enter and make the mistake of locking the entrance behind you. His arms were crossed firmly, fingers near digging into his own skin. His dark brown, usually relaxed eyes appeared wide open and red. Almost as if he had been crying. You wanted to comment on it; but you knew better than that.
You should probably be more concerned for your big baby of a boyfriend; but this wasn't the first time he had freaked out like this. Tristan had....a bit of a temper problem. He was the kind of person who'd start a fight over the littlest of things; blowing up and sulking like a little kid when something wouldn't go his way. You were aware that this side of him was brought out from his own insecurities, even if he wouldn't admit it. So, most of the time you'd cut him some slack. After all, you loved him. And he loved you.
“I just went to the store across the street. It's not a big deal.” You argued, feeling your forehead already starting to sweat. It wasn't a hot day today- Hell, it was December. Why were you sweating?
“It is a big deal for me. What if something happened to you? And how do I know that you really went to the store!? How do I know you didn't go to your friend's house again, huh? You sure spend a lot of time with him.” He argued back; the anger and jealousy dripping like poison in his shaky voice . He sounded like a ticking time bomb, no matter how much he tried to conceal it. You could only roll your eyes and sigh before letting down the bag of groceries that was the ultimate proof of your 'alibi', aka the proof that you had actually went to the store and he was, as always, overreacting. “Tristan,” you sighed once again, heavily this time, “Look. at. the. floor!”
With that; you pointed towards the already established store bag filled with a variety of snacks. His eyes followed the movement of your hand. He stared at it for a few seconds in silence; and you knew what that silence meant. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to admit he was wrong; or he just didn't want to. So, you took the liberty of speaking up: “You always do this-” “My point stands anyway.” He clicked his tongue, cutting you off and taking a step towards you. When you took a step back out of reflex, he only got closer. “You still went and didn't tell me! I always do this? You always do this!” “Tristan, you're just-” “NO! You don't get to tell me how I feel.” You were cut off yet again. Your eyes nervously glanced around the room, avoiding his gaze; but him? He was staring at you straight in the eyes, not daring to look away for even a split second. Eventually, he had you backed against the door and himself, and when your hand instinctively found its way to the door handle, he was quick to grab your wrist and lean into you.
You shouldn't be scared right now, you tell yourself. This was a daily occurrence at this point. He'd get upset, be a little aggressive and maybe loud, leave you alone for a bit and then come back. This was just the way he was; temperamental and intense. You loved every part of him; just like he loved every part of you. You chose this. It felt like you didn't have the right to complain about it, when you couldn't force yourself to push him away, grab your stuff and leave. What was meant to be a relaxing night watching movies at your boyfriend's place had turned into yet another draining argument; and all that just because he fell asleep mid movie and you decided to go grab some snacks from the dollar store before he'd wake up.
“You hate me, don't you?” He whispered, “You know that I'm a terrible person, and you just want to leave and never look back. You hate being with me! I know it! I know you do!”
“That's not true, Tristan, please-”
His grip on your wrist got even tighter. So tight that it almost felt like it'd snap in half any second now. The worst part was; most of the time he didn't know his own strength. Especially when he was lost in anger. But this was Tristan, he wouldn't hurt you. Even if your own self was currently shouting otherwise in the back of your head. You liked to think that you knew him; and that you could predict what would be coming next. He'd sprout some more nonsense and scoff; and then he'd let go and shut himself in his room until you caved in and ran after him.
But your hand was really, really staring to hurt.
“You may hate me but I fucking love you,” And the grip got slightly tighter. “I NEED you, and I don't know what I have to do to make sure you stay, but I'll do it! Tell me, what do I need to do!?” “Tristan-”
And tighter.
“Do I HAVE to yell!? Is that the only way you'll listen!? Do I have to tie you down to make sure you won't leave me or something!? To be the bad guy?“
And tighter. “Tristan!” and tighter, “IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT!?”
And tighter.
The sudden yell you let out caused him to stop dead in his tracks; a little shocked as you had never really raised your voice like this before, with this much fear and panic behind it, at least. Even you were a little taken aback by yourself. You never really did well in stressful situations, to be truthful. Your heart would beat fast and your head would start pounding; as if it was warning you that if whatever was going on didn't stop in approximately two minutes, things would go south. You didn't even realise how hard you were trying to pull your hand away from his, but the stinging pain made sure to remind you. He didn't seem to notice. He was far stronger.
Your survival instincts kicked in; and you cracked.
“I'll stay, I never said I wouldn't, I love you. Okay? I'm sorry, I really am-”
Part of you felt ashamed for taking this route, instead of cursing him out and fighting tooth and nail to get him to stop. However, at your state, all you wanted to be was safe; and you were terribly scared that if one of you didn't stop yelling, you'd only add more fuel to the fire.
“You're right, you're so right-” you half sobbed, having half the mind to remember what he was 'right' about, “But please let go, you're hurting me.”
Only when your tears started running down your face and your fake nervous smile began to falter did he realise how sore your wrist had become under his hold. His eyebrows furrowed in worry and he immediately let go; face shifting into an expression of surprise when he saw the redness and bruising forming around it. “B-Baby, I'm sorry-” he stammered, pulling you in an embrace, “I didn't mean to hurt you, you know that, right? I just get so frustrated sometimes and....fuck. Just...just don't ever go anywhere without telling me again, got that? Or better yet, don't go anywhere without me.”
You could only continue crying silently in his chest and nod; hoping that would be enough of an answer for him. You had a feeling that if you dared open your mouth, you wouldn't be able to keep yourself composed and you'd say something you'd later regret. “Good.” He replied, pressing a kiss on your forehead, “Now, I'll go get the first aid kit so I can treat that bruise. Don't move.”
Watching him walk to the bathroom, you realised that the front door keys were no longer in your hand. He'd taken them from you when he embraced you, you figured. Your eyes shifted to the floor; and as you stood there in silence, tears still pouring from your eyes, you couldn't help but wonder.....what was the point of treating a wound if it was inevitably going to be re-opened?
Thank you reading, hope you enjoyed my writing!! This was a smaller story but I enjoyed re-writing it. It was originally meant to be a character introduction thingy. I've got a lot of ocs, and Tristan is one of them. Idk if I'm ever going to make any other scenarios with him; maybe if people actually wanna see more of him lol. I also have art of him, if y'all ever wanna know what he looks like!! Oh and for clarification, Tristan isn't the same guy from my other one-shot. They're both assholes but not the same person. <3
If anyone has any questions about Tristan, feel free to ask! I love QnAs. (As long as it's not anything inappropriate.)
Word Count: Around 1,440 (I think!!)
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zombflesh · 4 months
how do you think ak!jay likes to be hugged (i miss him)
I'm about to yap a lot for this one so strap in. I personally think that Jason wouldn't exactly be used to hugs even before he was tortured. Physical attention wasn't something he was given that much as a child, and he's way used to touch being a negative instead of a positive. His short time with Bruce probably helped him accept that touch wasn't a negative thing until the Joker ruined it all. After Arkham Knight, Jason would not be able to properly stomach any kind of physical contact. He's been tortured, beaten, and is at his lowest point. Jason doesn't even feel human at this point because after everything he can only see himself as a shell of who he once was. The littlest things are a trigger to him. Something as simple as a pat on the shoulder makes him want to claw at his own skin. Jason's S/O would need to be very patient at first. Physical affection is a concept that has been tainted for him. He's trying hard to get used to your gentle touches because he wants to be with you. Jason doesn't want you to be with someone that can barely take care of themselves. Jason wants you to be with a person instead of the ghost that he perceives himself as. Jason heals and slowly but surely, he leans into your hugs. Now to actually answer the question sorry for going on that long ass tangent
At first, Jason's hugs would feel like hugging a statue. Very stiff and he barely moves a muscle. That stiffness slowly melts away the more he heals. And when this man hugs believe me, he HUGS. Jason is starved of affection, and he feels safe in your around. When he hugs you it's always firm but gentle. Jason wants to make you feel safe in his arms like how your presence makes him feel safe. Snuggling with him would feel like hugging a giant teddy bear. Jason would hold you to his chest while his fingers would either rub your back or play with your hair. Of course, there are always those hugs where he picks you up and spins you around. Jason's hugs would be so tight and so warm.
Jason is a forehead kisser and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. After every hug he's give you a big smooch on the forehead. Hear me out on this next part. Little spoon Jason. HEAR ME OUT PLEASE!! Yeah, he prefers to be big spoon. But Jason would melt whenever you hold him. Just imagine the realization that Jason is being held hitting him and he just leans into the hug. He would bury his face into your shoulder and let out the most content sigh. Love, security, and warmth are all things he can find in your arms. Jason would love it if you held him before he fell asleep. His face would be pressed against your chest as he listens to your heartbeat. The rhythm of your heartbeat would help him fall asleep because it's just comforting to know that your still there. He relaxes as soon as you brush your fingers through his hair. Or even hearing you talk is enough to make him unwind.
There's something so sweet about Jason letting himself be held idk what it is
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crying-fantasies · 8 months
Love fantasy
It all started as a normal cycle, he swears on his spark that it was an innocent and normal cycle.
"I interfaced with one of the humans".
Until it wasn't.
No bot can verify the fact but all are equally flabbergasted at the statement, humans are still a novelty aboard, it has been only a few earth years since they arrived to the starship and while friendships and primitive market of products are normal to see nowadays it still doesn't stop one or two glass cubes from shattering against the floor of Swerve's or the high grade that has gone down the wrong pipe by the mere words formed by Fizzle's vox.
No bot asked, no one even knew, no one really noticed him gone from the ship or when he came back but now they all have their attention at him even when he simply said it to the bot next to him, but gossiping, no matter species, is a big deal among sentient beings.
"You're lying"
"No!", almost sensing the others receptor audials over him he can only try to cover his EMF as close to his frame as possible, spoiler coiled near to his armor in a display of nervousness, "it was- it was out of this world, okay? And- and then she was-"
"It was a human femme?!"
Again, some were at their seats end, some again chocking on their drinks, others feeling their fans activate, everybot has seen for themselves how soft humans are, and even heard from the same humans that some are most soft than others.
Human femmes- er, woman and alike, were supposed to be the peak of softness, even human primitive communication devices (porn and magazines) said so!
"Primus dammit- do you want everybot to hear about it?", oh yes, please say more was something resonating among the processors of the most curious in the theme and the most deviant of them that had also thought of some organic colleagues in such a way, of course, Fizzle didn't had to know, and in some way it was his fault to talk about such a thing like a sparkling sharing secrets in a public area when the Lost Light was so big.
"Okay, okay, go on, what did she do?", there was silence, one that preceded the proton storm while Fizzle's spoiler raised back again in excitement to remember the exchange.
"...she played with my wires and with my spark"
If the two bots didn't know they were being eavesdropped before now they knew after a few bots cracked their glasses full of energon at the mere mention of the interface related activity, making they almost scape even when some bots wanted to keep hearing and asked them to come back, because it was the discovery of the century, well, almost, but it was still of great interest nonetheless for most of them!
"Wow, that was crazy, huh, Roddy?", Drift tries to ignore the other bots still remaining in the bar and their obnoxiously loud fans, hardly covering the growing charge on their EMF and now heated frames trying to seem as undisturbed as possible.
Even Rodimus, who stops as hard as he can his cooling fans, servos being negated of the littlest possibility to even shake at how hard his spark is pulsing, "Uhum".
First of the questions running around his processor is who was it? Fizzle doesn't even have any game going on or perceived by his optics to be able to drag along another mech on his habsuit, let alone a human that knows nothing about interfacing, which get to the next question running wild in circles around his processor: can a human do sparkplay? The idea is impossible but it doesn't stop his imagination where, in fact, it seems more than possible with those little hands and fingers running wild on a bot's spark chamber, he remembers the humans being taught cybetronian medic techniques, how they were so focused in healing illness and it isn't so hard to change the purposes of the delicate and sometimes rough way those little hands made their way around a spark and all the sensitive wiring around.
He ask to himself if the human Fizzle was talking about were to be, by any chance, you.
And he negates it, scratches it, deletes as far as he can any trace of the mere idea of it because it will break his spark in million pieces would be improper in everyway.
It is also improper to remember it when he is next to you while you read a datapad about once living creatures of Cybertron, little finger moving the page once in a while in your hunger for more information that gets his optics focused on the way your eyes move along the light and the glyphs on the screen.
Will your curiosity also extent to other possibilities? He has seen you go "woah" and "ahh" over simple things like the subtle communication between frames with wings and spoilers or the fair quantity of differences of one frame to the other, the image of your face looking with interest whatever you're reading and how you take notes on your personal datapad, little fingers moving along and pressing different places in the sensible screen while showing your obvious interest, your possible awe over his bared spark in front of you.
It's almost too easy, he only needs to change a few things, his open spark chamber is now the source of light reflecting on your eyes, a perfect miniature mirror of your actions as your fingers touch the sensible glass cover of his spark, he can almost feel the electricity driving away to your body to his waiting spark that welcomes it with a tremor as hard as lightning that spreads to his whole frame in electric pleasure, wires tensing at the movement around and all the pressure, trying to make give accomodations to every little electric pulses your body can send to his most sensible component.
It's way too real, way too hard, and it gets worse when your fingers get replaced with your soft looking lips and tongue, lapping above the connections before sliding to his tensed wires, making a wet trail to his spark while he debates internally in his own fantasy, he is supposed to concentrate, to not come undone or look because he is sure it would be JUST. SO. HOT.
It doesn't even end there, he can hear your voice along it, processor and cooling fans working overtime while he can only focus on the possibility, on the maybe that lingers above, it only takes so little to have you kiss with tongue his spark and he can't take it-
"Rodimus!" Oh, now, that's his designation, the fantasy is shattered in pieces and he soon realizes one of his digits is above his spark chamber, you are looking at him, maybe confused, obviously worried, it's enough to make him let go of the digit between his dentae and feeling his spike depressurize- "why are you so hot?", nevermind.
"... I'm hot?...", a wicked grin blended with happiness is forming on his faceplate as his words trail on slowly, almost as he is tasting it.
"I mean", you correct yourself, you really didn't need to, "heat is coming from your body, are you going flames on again? Are we under attack again?"
"What? Nah, just...", daydreaming about impossibilities, about a weak porn, like humans call it, without basis, heated romance and passion he isn't even sure you share with him, impossibilities that drag his bleeding spark over every movement and word of yours that he clings on with greedy servos, it's so embarrassing and he is sure he'll offline by pure mortification if you ever get a word about his attraction to you just to be faced by any degree of disgust coming from you, "it's getting cold in here, wouldn't want you to freeze those little fingers to dead", he doesn't even offer his servo but it is almost a natural response when he sees you approaching him with fear on your steps by any possibility of being another normal day aboard the Lost Light, he doesn't even stop and let's you settle on his lap like the security protocols indicated.
Fear washes away quickly when you register his words, there is curiosity on your eyes, looking between him and your hands, before finally look at him in the optics again, "Oh, didn't know you heard about the effects of excessive cold on the most distant phalanges, I mean, it's something that only happens while in extreme freezing conditions in harsh environments or controlled ones in closed lab experiments-"
Rodimus really didn't get what you were talking or the whole deal you were explaining to him, but seeing you feel secure next to him, taking seat above him showing the full confidence and trust you put on him while your hands move to explain your point, putting the warm palm against his armor from time to time.
"Everything you touch is bound to fail anyway", harsh words pang among his memory archives while he touches a side of yours to prevent a fall, but he silenced it, preferring the sound of your voice that now was about something called homeostasis.
He wouldn't trade this moment for anything, not when he offers you a digit and you hold it immediately, well, maybe a kiss if you could be generous enough, but he will get there soon, he hopes so.
I totally offer this one to @archie-sunshine and @pinkanonwrites by their glorious work of overheating and teasing Rodimus, I love it to the moon and back to hear about one of my faves even when he is mentally unstable and runs hot most of the time, it's his own charm, specially their newest works that relate to Roddy so much.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 5 months
I saw you hc L as autistic so maybe him with an autistic reader who's not the quiet type? (flappy hands, vocal stims, loud music instead of noise cancelling headphones; idk how to explain it)
Summary: Headcanons for L Lawliet x reader. Both are autistic, but polar opposites in how they do things/handle their autism.
Credits: L Lawliet- Death Note, Divider- Benkeibear, Cover picture- Pinterest
A/n: Grrr I love getting to write for L! He's such a goober and I love getting to elaborate on my general headcanons for characters <3 ALSO 🦇 anon left a little bit ago, but I am still fulfilling this request they left for me so if you want the anon name, feel free to take it
Thank you so much for requesting!
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Autistic!L Lawliet x Autistic!Reader who are polar opposites
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L has always been rather quiet, even as a child
He didn't start talking until about 6, and even then he only began talking because it communicated his needs more efficiently
He prefers quiet spaces and being alone, because it allows him to focus more
He also hates chaos or unplanned things. If he has time to plan something out to a T, he can make sure nothing will go wrong, therefore insuring the safety of everyone
This being said, he never thought you were someone he'd remotely like being around, let alone dating you
No offense, but you are literally everything he hates
And when he comes into contacts with the things that make him uncomfortable (such as chaos, loudness, etc) he can get panicky
He will quickly become overwhelmed and irritable, meaning the littlest things can make him snap
If he can't focus how can he save the world? If the world isn't saved by him than who will do it? Panicking isn't helping though, it's making things worse. Oh god, he can't stop! He can't think straight long enough to calm down!
And then kaboom, he basically just shuts down
The second he met you he was on his guard, knowing this likely wouldn't end well
He prefers to not work with people, but he can handle them as long as they're quiet
This is entirely out of the question
As you can guess, your first meeting is almost a disaster
Well, everyone else didn't know it was a disaster of course. They actually thought it went pretty well!
But in actuality, L was completely overwhelmed by you
Not even you actually, just the idea that you might overwhelm him
TLDR: He became overwhelmed thinking about how overwhelmed you might make him, so you essentially did nothing wrong lol
After this, he keeps his distance
Of course though, this makes for a bad work environment
So he nervously invites you into his hotel room and explains things to you
How he feels around you, explaining his autism (which he refuses to do under normal circumstances), and asking you to explain yours as well so he can formulate an arrangement for you to be around each other without causing him to panic
After this communication is had, working together is a lot smoother
He considers you a better acquaintance than the rest of his employees
Meaning he feels closer to you
However, when you begin dating your differences are just another quirk to him that he finds endearing
He loves to see you get excited and flap your hands, he loves to see you dance to your loud music, he loves all of it
If he isn't in the headspace for loudness though, he will of course inform you before going off to be alone
If you want to try to accommodate his preferences into your behaviors is up to you, but he is perfectly happy either way
He finds himself feeling safe around you because of your loudness
Like, you are a German Shepard and he is a hurt bird
He'll hide behind you with his big ol' eyes staring at his surroundings while you fight off anyone that might be too much for him
And being exposed to you all the time helps him expose himself little by little to things that would previously make him very uncomfortable
For example, he can now go out in public without panicking over how many people there are and how many things could go wrong for short bursts of time
And he is now fine with soft music playing in the background while he works rather than just total silence the entire time
He also likes that having you around means you can do the talking for both of you and he doesn't have to actually break his focus for anything
the goobies <33
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dreaming-tonite · 1 year
Pairing: Eldrich monster!Jason Todd x f!reader
Warning: monster fucking, non-con, major size diff, unprotected penetrative sex, biologically unrealistic everything (if the warning for monster fucking isn’t enough of a red light already), don't come at me talking about how it doesn't align with canon I don't care—
Word count: 1.8k
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Jason Todd died and came back, that one bit we all know.
But what if instead of coming back the way we know it, he came back wrong, so so wrong.
Whatever it was in that green, endless pit, it did not do for him what it was supposed to do. Instead, the fluorescent seeped into the pores, the lungs of his lifeless body and found all the fear, the bitterness, and the anger that its owner felt right before his last breath.
And it reached down, and it reached down until all that venom transformed Jason Todd's body into something else entirely.
The pit brought him back but without a soul, and a creature without a soul was no man.
Anger gave it glaring fangs and nails that were pointy and curled like fangs, bitterness warped its face, and fear made it grow and grow until it was as big as the shadows that lurked in nightmares haunting the empty hallway of the quiet manor where they mourn the lost of a son.
There were no traces of the boy it once was left in the eldritch horror it had become, nor did any of its vessel's memories, only an aching void in its chest, which it did not have a word for.
The only thing it remembered, was that it must return to this faraway dot on the map called Gotham, where it could taste the heartache on its inhuman tongue just to think about despite not having a heart.
The way back to Gotham was long but it managed to get there by travelling in the shadows no one knew to look at.
There must be something that called for it, but the more it tried to think about it the more it hurt.
Until night came and the light came on.
Somehow, even though there was only very little of it left, the littlest bit of soul left inside the creature still knew to respond to the bat signal that illuminated the Gotham sky.
And it was all sort of confusing emotions mixed into one, and the creature felt a sharp pain in its pitch-black eyes the longer it stared.
So it ran, through quiet alleyways and under broken lamps where no one would pass by, without knowing where it could run to.
And it felt fear, and rage, and grief over something they could not remember despite how hard it tried.
It stopped after running for god knows how long, in front of a window that emulates a warm, yellow glow.
The creature usually avoided light, after trying several times and realised that light irritated it to no end. But something about the white curtains flowing behind the window still beckoned for it to go closer like fire calling to the moths.
Something in it erupted when you appeared in the room, the sickeningly sweet scent filling its nostrils and tugging at something deep inside.
There was a strange sense of familiarity, and despite there being nothing about you in its empty brain, it just knew that you belonged to it one way or another.
It must have you.
Like the moths, the creature would stop at nothing just to feel warmth again.
You were too afraid to scream when the large, shadowy monster lurched from the corner of your room, and everything else was a blur from there.
You were stunned, completely, and it took you many seconds of your ears ringing to register the situation you were in. The fabrics that once covered your body were torn to shreds under its monstrous claws, the dull ache it left on your skin making soundless shrieks left your throat when it dug its fingers into your supple flesh. The back of your head hurt from when it knocked you onto the floor, the saliva from its glaring teeth dripping onto your face as its hot breath fanned your face, the puffs of air coming from behind its snarling mouth and long, long tongue.
Your heart was pounding inside your ribcage, fear and shock pulsing through your veins when you realised that you could not escape. It was massive, back hunched as it perched on top of you and caged you in without even trying. With each breath it took, the shadow on your walls grew bigger.
And its face, you could not bring up the courage to look at its face.
But when you fought back your primal instinct to shut your eyes tight and look, something in you clicked.
There was nothing alike between the person who appeared in your head and the monster in front of you. But something in its eyes, behind the darkness, reminded you of someone who you tried your hardest not to think about when the nights were late and you felt weak.
No, it could not be. Every single fibre of your being told you that it was impossible, but something in your heart, something that echoed through your brain past logic and reason, told you that it was him.
Blood receded from your face at the thought, hoping you were wrong more than anything else.
And to your dread, it let out a chest-ripping whale at the name that was so familiar yet so strange on your tongue like a dagger was stabbed through its ears just from hearing it.
You wanted to cry, not from knowing your own fate, but from thinking about what your dead lover had gone through to become this.
Seeing tears run down your face did something to it and it— he, paused for a brief second as something that resembled panic rose within.
But the roaring desire to mark you, to take you surpassed the budding humanity that was starting to appear, which it strongly disliked.
You bit back at the taste of acid in your mouth when it shoved its tongue inside your cavity, almost gagging at how far it managed to reach as it greedily took in your scent. It was near explosive in its head, and the more it got, the more it wanted. Large hands groped and dragged along your now naked torso, rough and merciless as it felt you all over.
Drool was leaking from the corner of your lips as you gasped for air, lightheaded and coughing when it finally pulled away from your mouth to lick a long strip up your vulnerable, exposed neck. If it bite down, it could break you in an instant, you were sure of it, yet the possibility of death was not even the scariest thing you could think of at this point.
The heat left your face when it grabbed you by the back of your thighs, pushing both of them up with just one hand until your knees were pressing against your chest.
You could not even see through your tear-stained vision, but the hardness pressed up against your cunt was unmistakable, and you could feel the angry vein as it rocked against your hips. You gulped, dreading the wetness you felt as it pushed your folds apart with its terrifying girth, the leaking head brushing at the inside of your thighs as it growled in animalistic fever.
You finally screamed when it pushed itself inside of you, your eyes seeing white as you were stretched behind your humanly limits by its massive, bulging cock.
Your back arched involuntarily, hitting the cold floor under you as it pushed, and pushed deeper and deeper inside. It hurt, and tears gushed out when it was still going deeper even though you thought it was not possible until it was resting deep inside your belly. Your stomach must be bulging from just his cock snuggling deep inside your womb, the shape prominent against your walls as you winced and sniffled.
It let out a beastly grunt at the tightness, with nothing but the sole thought to breed and fill up the tiny body under it. A loud smack followed with each thrust it took, heavy balls slapping against your ass every time it hilted deep against your cervix. The burning in your walls became numb after a few hard strokes, your insides accumulating it slowly to your surprise and against your wishes.
You tried to shut your eyes tight so you could imagine that it was him instead, but the monster left you no room to escape with each piston jolting your eyes open to acknowledge reality.
You had prayed for him to come back many times, but this was nothing but a sick joke fate had played on you if this was how they decided to answer your wishes.
It filled you with dread when it stopped being unbearable halfway through and you felt the heat pooling up in the pit of your stomach. "No, no—," you plead, not to the creature but to yourself, "I'm gonna... I'm— please... please!"
Your face flared up in shame at the unmistakable signs of your own climax, wetness gushing out and the sloppy noise filling your ears. To think that your body even reacted to this in the slightest was worst than the reality that you were having your brains fucked out by something so ghastly.
How would he have felt? To know that he was trapped being something so disgusting you could barely look at and yet, you still cum from its cock like some broken slut?
It howled when the sweet scent of your orgasm filled its head, panting and grumbling as thick strings of white filled up your spasming walls. It kept cumming and cumming, yet it did not stop. With each thrust into your abused hole, you could feel its length pushing out the cum from your cunt and pooling onto the floor.
Still sensitive from your high, the soundless moans stuck at the back of your throat while it kept fucking your overstimulated hole. At this point, you could only lay there lifelessly as it forced its way back in again and again, your stomach so full of its release that you might just finally break.
Your vision had turned black by the time it was done, head lolled to the side while your limbs twitched. Pulling out its half-limp cock, cum gushed out from your puffed-up cunt that fluttered around nothing, still so full the second before.
The creature stared at your fucked up body as it took in the salty scent lingering in the air. It felt warm in the chest for a brief second as it watched you, feeling something tugged at what was deep within.
It did not know what it was when it felt something wet running down its void-like eyes.
Only that hollowness that followed each heave of its chest hurt beyond measure.
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buckgasms · 1 year
So I’ve been craving your content lately! So I was thinking princess and Bucky where princess is very sensitive, like she cries over the littlest things, is always scared to break a rule, she’s basically walking on egg shells trying to make sure she does everything right. I love your work!🎀
Omg bestiiiiiiiie!! This is princess to a T!!!
Most of the time she is ok because her Daddy takes it upon himself to make her feel happy and safe and perfect, but obviously some days it can't be like that.
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Like imagine Daddy has had a really busy week so even though he has still been taking care of his best girl, he's just too tired to keep his eyes open after sex and he gets up mega early the next morning without giving you as many kisses as usual.
So you lay in bed for a little while after leaves and even though you shouldn't you can't help but cry at the thought of him being mad at you.
And maybe he didn't leave his usual note of to do lists, so you cry again because even though you know he loves you and he's very busy..... It's just very upsetting.
You try and pull yourself together. What is normally on the list? Shower, tidy up, eat... Um... Pick an outfit.... Your mind goes blank. No idea what to do with yourself.
Maybe you should call him? You held your phone in your hand, staring at the picture of him on your lock screen. Your eyes welled up again because what if he was disappointed with you? What if you disturbed him and he got cross? You'd have to make do by yourself.
Tears tracked down your cheeks as you pulled on a pretty dress and it made you feel a bit better. You realised it's taken you over an hour to have this meltdown so you traipse out of the bedroom and try to find some food. You try toast to settle your nerves, but you burn the bread and set off the alarm.
It's all just too much, so you run into the bedroom and climb into Bucky's big wardrobe in the hope that you can just disappear.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky has an alert that goes off if anything goes wrong with the apartment, so of course he sends a message to someone to check out the fire alarm, figuring it's nothing important, maybe you just burnt the toast again?
After 10 minutes he gets a call. The smoke alarm is off, but.... You aren't there. Bucky's stomach drops and he rushes up from his seat and heads down in the lift. The security guard says you haven't left, but the worry in his mind sends his imagination reeling.
He storms through each room in a panic, calling for you. Finally he heads into the bedroom and sees the sliding wardrobe door slightly open, a little bit of pink fabric sticking out.
Relief washes over him as he kneels down and slides the door open a little wider. His heart melts as he sees you curled up on the floor, wrapped in one of his jackets, your eyes puffy and face sore from rubbing your tears.
"Babygirl, what's wrong?" He coos leaning in a little and offering you his hand. Your eyes go wide, then fill with tears again as your sobs wrack your body.
"No... No I didn't want to bother you.... I'm sorry Daddy....please don't be mad..." You retreated to the back of the wardrobe and pulled his jacket tighter around you.
"What are you talking about Princess?" He asks softly, shuffling closer to you but still giving you plenty of space. Every instinct in his body screaming out to take you in his arms, but knowing you probably need some space for the moment.
"I was bad wasn't I? Made you cross? I didn't have my list... Tried to be good but then the alarm went off...." You descended into more tears and he couldn't help but smile at how fucking sweet and soft you were.
"Oh princess..." He scooches in a little closer and you can't help but crave his touch, even if you think he might be mad. He just smells so good, and feels so good. You lean against him and he wraps his arms around you, soft hand gently stroking your hair as you cry.
"Babygirl, I'm not mad at you at all... I'm so sorry I made you think that. I've always got time for my Princess..." He rubs circles in your arms and presses a kiss to your temple.
"m'sorry Daddy. I just got worried I made you mad and then I didn't know what to do. Then the alarm went off and it was so loud and I thought I'd be in more trouble...."
He pulls you into his lap and kisses your forehead before kissing down your cheeks, then to your pretty lips. "The only person who's been bad here sweetheart is me..." You pull away and look at him with wide eyes.
"You've been bad?" You whisper, biting your finger as he nods solemnly. "I didn't take care of my best girl, and now she's upset and worried. I figure that's pretty terrible don't you?"
You let out a giggle as he pinches your chin and pulls you in for a soft kiss. "Let's get out of this wardrobe and we can discuss my punishment hey baby?"
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cherry1sblog · 1 year
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PAIRING:Lee heeseung x fem!reader
GENRES:smut,fluff,bullying,alcohol,party,unprotected sex (rember to wrap your Willy so the out come won’t be silly🌝)
WARNINGS there is bullying in this heeseung is basically a dick to y/n and nothing in this story is real!!! This is fan fiction and the way I write about heeseung is not the way I portray him as he’s a person himself this is simply for entertainment only !!
SUMMARY:heeseung had always bullied you through your 3 years of Highschool but never let anyone touch you other then him and if he found out someone did that was the end of it you were basically marked as his toy that’s until the summer of your junior year you had enough you were done with him always making fun of you and you hated the fact that after all he did I to you you still adored him and liked him but it dosent matter cause you wanted to leave your senior year with a banger so you were no longer your nerdy self still smart asf obvi but appearance wise different you got contacts new clothes thank god you guys didn’t have a dress code and most importantly you spent all summer learning how to do your makeup……
(Word count :………)
You woke up that day at 4 in the morning all tho school didn’t start till 7:40 you had 3 hours to get ready for you first last day of senior year you showers blow dried your hair styled it put in your contacts and lastly did you makeup you were ready to go feeling a bit scared slightly pulling your skirt up more revealing more of your thighs but you didn’t care you were going to do this no matter what and no one can stop you not even Lee heeseung
Walking into school heads turning new faces old faces appearing but everyone seemed to stair at you looking some took out there phones and took photos asking if they knew who you were that upset you a little you went to this school for 3 years and people only saw yourself really only when you became “pretty” but still u were now super nervous now but your rember your main target Lee heeseung you clutched your purse and went straight to your classroom people Turing around seeing who entered you sat in a random seat next to a girl you’ve never seen she seemed super bubbly she was quiet a talker to “hello!!”you were shocked by her sudden loudness “oh…sorry…that must’ve been to loud “she lowers her voice you giggled “it’s okay why do you seem so excited tho”she turend to you with a big smile “well it’s my last year of Highschool and I get to meet new people so I’m really exited I Gusse “you just nodded an okay “oh I’m chu btw!” Ofc a cute girl with a cute name made sense “I’m y/n” you smiled at her “I’m guessing that this isn’t your first year “”nope I’ve gon sense freshman year here so I can tell you a lot about here if u want “she smiled brightly and hugged you you’ve never had a freind before so this was all knew “tysm!! Oh sorry is hugging now your thing”she looked at you but you didn’t know if the only freind you were sorta making would leave you if she found out but you trusted her “ah sorry I’m just not really used to having freinds or talking to people “she looked at you confused “your littlest drop dead gorgeous and no one can take there eyes off you” you giggled awkwardly “okay I’ll tell you I a secret up until my junior year I was a big nerd and I wanted a change so here’s the knew and improved me “you smiled happily until ofc someone had to walk in and ruin your fun lee heeseung
Your smile went down and chu noticed “what’s wrong y/n”he heard her say your name and wiped his head that way looking confused cause he didn’t notice you until chu said your name again “y/nnn can you hear me are you okay “ you let out a little cough rember not to break “yeah I’m okay sorry “and just as you were minding your busses heeseung came up to you “wow I really can believe it they park y/n dosent look like a nerd anymore “u just rolled your eyes at him “what do you want lee I’m not playing games with you anymore “he came close to your ear “just cause you changed dosent mean you aren’t my toy still isn’t that right doll”you didn’t know what to say he always caught your tongue “now go get me some snacks from the lunch room I’m hungry “he put 20 dollars on the desk expecting you to pick it up and run over there like always “no”you looked up at him and stood up took the money and threw it at him chu also seemingly upset “you know what heeseung if you want a stupid snack go get it your damn self “he seemed shocked a your response but started to smirk “right I’m sorry I wouldn’t want you running in that skirt you might wanna pull it down “chu getting ready to defend you but you didn’t need her to cause this is what you prepared for all summer “no I think it’s fine actually it’s ment to be like this but if you done being a dick you can go “everyone in the class stunned now not at the fact that you just told off they lee heeseung but at the fact that your the girl who used to do everyone’s homework that you were heeseung toy but just cause your not a nerd anymore dosent mean your not still off limits
//lunch time\\
By lunch time you already had 9 boys come to ask you for your insta and 12 girls ask what different makeup products you use or what you skin care was but those were the good things there were people saying you had gotten plastic surgery you did certain things just to get the money for your stuff people even said there was no way you were lee heeseungs little toy and if you wondering why they call you Lee heeseungs toy it’s cause he could pick at every part of you body and you did what he wanted he could slap you pull your hair push you and you still always did what he wanted you to do but he had made it every clear that you were only his to fuck with and no one eleses
You had saten down with chu to eat lunch her happily taking a bite of food made you happy you finally had a friend well let’s say a couple freinds you had met this boy really shy but nice named soobin and another boy who was more outgoing beomgyu they were also new and just transferred so your guises group was prefect but anyways you all were sitting down and enjoyed your food you were happy for once out of your Highschool life you finally had people you could go to the mall with have sleepovers go to party’s with but ofc like always you were knocked out of you thoughts by yet again heeseung he had just pushed a kid to the floor for getting him the wrong dumplings him jake and sunghoon walking away from the boy they had just scared heeseung walked passed you but Sunghoon said something and walked back to where you were “hey y/n” you looked up seeing as Sunghoon and Jake never really participated in heeseungs stupidness but they did have there fare share of “fun “with it “hey sunghoon”you said coldly”huh “he stuck his tongue threw his cheek “it really is you then HOWD you get so much hotter over summer I mean you were a cute girl but now your really js something eles “as he was about to start going closer heeseung pushed him away not to hard but just enough to make him stumble “what the hell do you think your doing “ “not like your ever gonna do anything plus she wouldn’t dare you even if you wanted we all know she’s your toy but she can speak for herself “ you saw heeseung clenching his fist but it made you angry how he thought he could control you “I told you everyone knows y/n is off limits “ “off limits to bully I’m not bullying her I’m simpling asking if she wants to go out sometime “ as heeseung was about to open his mouth you answerd “y-yes “they both looked stunned beomgyu soobin and chu having there mouths open wide “I would like to go out with you sometime “ “doll chose very wisely here “ “you don’t get to control me heeseung I’m done with your bull shit you can’t just walk all over me agian “ heeseung Just loooked at you with an expression you couldn’t understand “you heard her anyways y/n uh I’ll pick you up Saturday and 4:30 “you nodded your head smiling heesung had stormed off at that point.
//the next day\\
“Y/NN THERE YOU ARE “chu comes rushing to you sitting pulling out the chair and sitting in it she seemed to exited “yk chu sometimes I wonder if you on something “she just laughs “we’re not talking about that rn LOOK THO” she hands you her phone and it was a party ofc the boys were having as a welcome back to school like they did every year but you had never gone but this year you were definitely going no matter what even if you had to sneak out “holy shit the back to school party “”yeah it’s gonna be at jakes house tonight so we better go shopping after school “you both looked at eachother cause obviously you guys had no idea what to wear to a back to school party
//at the mall\\
“Ughhhhh y/n we’ve been to three dress shops already and you’ve liked non of them “she said dragging her feet with bags in her hands “look chu my dress it has to be different then something I would normally wear if I was the old me remember we’re gonna go out with a banger and If I were you I would go return the dress cause this dress shop is they best”as soon as you guys step into the dress shop chus mouth drops and gose to pick up a dress “Y/N YOU WERE SO RIGHT OMG “ you start to look for dresses to seeing witch one you like it came down to three dresses a white one simple and short but cute a blue one the had sparkles and a slimy black one with a diamond straps as soon as you came out in the blue one chu loved it it fit your body perfectly glitter on is and everything you would be shining with the lights they would have and you knew this was gonna be the one you got some simple black heels to for the dress witch you loved as you guys were leaving the store ofc you had to see heeseung and 6 of his guy freinds you were fucked “yooo hold up “Jake stops you and everyone is looking at you and chu”see what I tell you heeseung it was her and uh what’s your name”he looks at chu confused “o-oh I’m chu”he looked at her up and down “cute” your a bit nervous cause everyone still had there eyes on you normally you would just hide away but no you weren’t going to go down “my god can you fucking pervs look at something eles “heeseung grabed your had and took you into a hallway where others weren’t at “h-HEY let go of me “he released your arm and put u up agains the wall making you a bit flustered “doll see your starting to piss me off just cause you where this stupid shit only makes you look like a slut and you going out with Sunghoon lemme just tell you this if you wake up the next day and he’s gone don’t ever expect to hear from him again and this big mouth of yours needs to learn how to shut the fuck up “he let you go as you feel to the floor being in this position triggered something and you remembered
-flash back-
The three girls you were so afraid of had gotten done beating you leaving you on the rooftop heeseung had come out of the corner he was watching everything happen in coming up to you you looked up at him and your eyes got watery he grabed your face and looked at you “don’t cry it only makes you look pathetic”and he let go of your face and walked away later that day you found a bandage on you desk but didn’t know who put it there
-end of flash back-
“OMG Y/n”chu ran up to you finding you on the floor holding your chest “are you okay what happend did he hurt you are you crying “”I’m im fine chu ty “she helped you up and you guys left the mall you didn’t have time to cry and be sad you were going to this party no matter what like you said
//arriving at party\\
Soobin had picked you guys up all four of you guys going to the party as u guys got off people do what they do gossiping like there’s no tmrw anyways you walk thru the door being greeted by Sunoo even tho he was friends with the boys he wasn’t a complete jack ass “omg so glad you guys could make it” hugging u and chu and giving the boys a side hug “well um if u guys want drinks there in the kitchen and yeah pretty much just enjoy but go greet the boys if u want “ u guys nodded beomgyu chu and soobin going to say hi to there friends as you went alone to go get a drink “hey you guys want a drink “they all nodded saying a beer was good u walked into the kitchen seeing people make out drinking laughing and partying as this was your first party you didn’t imagine it to be exactly like the tv Highschool shows but hey you couldn’t complain walking up to the alcohol section seeing jay and sunghoon he waved at you as u came up to him “damn y/n you look amazing “Sunghoon said “thank you I didn’t exactly know if this was a good fit but now that I know you like it I’m guessing it was “sunghoon and jay scanning you from top to bottom “so uh y/n you want a drink “jay had asked “yeah just give me four beers “he nodded sunghoon pulling you by your waist and bending down to your ear a little “hey I just wanted to make sure you were okay yk after what happened”you felt an Aw because he actually cared you wispers back into his ear “yeah I’m fine I wasn’t gonne let him get to me “he smirked looking at you and gave u a kiss witch you were not prepared for but ofc someone was watching you the entire time and pushed him off you “what the fuck sunghoon”you could tell heeseung was mad but why what reasons did he have to be upset “oh hey heeseung”sunghoon smirked at him like as if he knew he wasn’t supposed to be doing what he just did “don’t fucking hey heeseung me what the fuck do you think your doing “ “I mean I thought it was pretty clear I was kissing her “hey you guys cmon don’t fight “jay stood beetween the boys “yeah cmon heeseung don’t sweat it we’re just having some fun “ those words hurt you you thought sunghoon liked you or were you really just there for his entertainment now?
You put your head down a bit upset and you saw heeseung smirking “what’s wrong doll I told you aren’t I right “ you were annoyed at heeseung at the fact he was right again but you felt embarrassed “shut the fuck up heeseung “ “dont be mad doll you guys were just having fun right “ in that moment it clicked to sunghoon the way he had said it and he felt bad “wait y/n that’s not how I mean it” u we’re gonna take this as your opportunity to get back at heeseung “you smiled at Sunghoon going up to him whispering in his ear leaving heeseung and jay curious “don’t worry I know we’re having fun but heeseung just ruined it so can you take me where we can have fun” you left sunghoon speechless the girl who always had to run errands for his bsf and who would always get picked on was now so bold and a bit flustered “u-uh yeah sure “ he grabed your arm guiding you to what you assumed was jakes guest room but as you looked back you could see a very annoyed heeseung
//15 min after entering the room\\
As you and sunghoon were making out his shirt already off and your dress guliding up to your hips sunghoon s hands placed on your thighs massaging them you were nervous but just as he was about to go under you stopped him “hoon wait um it’s my first time so I’m kinda scared”he just smiled at you “hey we don’t have to do it if you don’t want we can take things slow” maybe heeseung was wrong maybe he really did like you and you were gonna shove it in his face that you and his bsf were gonna be together “well do u js wanna watch a movie and cuddle” by this time you were ready to sleep so u agreed “yeah but um do you know if Jake has any clothes to borrow or I could js sleep in this I don’t wanna bother” he got you and went to a drawer in the room “scince we stay at jakes a lot we basically all have are own room heres my shirt “ he throws you a plain white tee but no pants so you look confused at him a bit “oh did you want like shorts or somthing sorry” he was about to go back but you stopped him “no like this is fine I actually prefer to sleep like this “ he just nodded and he went to change into something more comfortable but you didn’t expect him to come back with no shirt so you gasped seeing his pretty toned body “what?” He asks you just blush and shake your head as he smirks the rest of the night was fun but you fell asleep that night not thinking anything of it
//the next morning \\
Your eyes fluttered as you heard a knock on the door and seeing Jake come in the room made you panic and in that moment you wanted to die sunghoon still sleep until “YO WHAT THE FUCK SUNGHOON” and in that moment sunghoon woke up “nah dude I feel so betrayed you promised to help me clean but instead you got to fuck y/n “ and cause ofc everyone had heard jake yell Niki sunoo and heeseung came to the room and your eyes met heeseungs and you could see clearly he was upset “ Jake we didn’t fuck she just slept over “ “yk that’s hard to BELIEVE when she’s wearing your shirt and you have no shirt “ Jake had a point but it was the truth you guys really had not done anything “actually it wouldn’t be hard to believe sense y/n s a slut” you got up from the bed and threw the pillow at heeseung “you know heeseung just cause your a fucking whore dosent mean I am and I just borrowed his clothes you idiot so fuck off “ scince you had no shorts and just a shirt the boys just looked at you niki and sunoo deciding it was better to leave but heeseung was about to say something but sunghoon had cut him off “ hyung can you please just let this go “ and with that sunghoon just closed the door on them and locked it and in that moment you both realized you had school “ughhh we have school “ “we can always skip “ you quickly refused never once missing a day not wanting to hurt your perfect attendance “ cmon y/n don’t be such a nerd or are you still the old y/n?” You knew he was only saying that to persuade you but it did work “ I mean n-no I just um wouldn’t know what we would do “ sunghoon just shook his head at you “ we could just chill go to the mall do anything are you really that boring ?” Offended at his hitting him on his bicep “let’s just chill then “
//after schoo\\
After school normally the boys would all go to jakes house tk study play games shit like that witch they all did thinking that y/n would be gone by then but they were very wrong when they see y/n and sunghoon on the couch asleep “holy shit heeseung hyung is not gonna be happy” jungwon picked you up and ran with you on his back you being confused when jungwon locked his door and threw you on the bed “WHAT TH-“ jungwon covers your mouth muffling your yelling until you stoped “shut the fuck up unless you want to make heeseung hyung and sunghoon hyung hate eachother more right now “ honestly you couldn’t give a fuck less and if this made heeseung miserable then you had every reason not to care “ why should I care on fact I actually don’t mind going back ou-“ jungwon grabed your hand pinning you on the wall wtf is it with everyone pinning you on the wall “ look I know heeseung hyung did fucked up shit and I know it’s fucked up we didn’t do anything but we all grow from our mistakes and plus now your like hot so please just shut the fuck up and well stay in here”.
Okay well I’m im just gonna leave this here I feel like I had y’all eating for too long I honestly thought I would be done with this by now but I went on a family vacation recently so I had no time but I’ll try to make the next part as quick as possible ty all sm for being patient
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 28 days
Who am I without you ?
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A/N: Writing for Elias is a little difficult in the fact I'm trying not offended anyone considering his character but I also have more ideas for him I just wanted to get my feet wet
Elias Voit X Reader 
“You didn’t know” “how could you not know something like that” “What’s wrong with you” is all the questions you were constantly being asked after Elias got arrested.
Like you were supposed to know you were in love with a serial killer. 
It’s not like on the first date he flat out told you and promised not to kill you if you didn’t tell anyone.
They didn’t know him like you did. Or at least you thought. But that’s the thing that you couldn’t seem to let go. 
Was he really like that could he really be a nice carrying person. Who always went out of his way to show you how much he loved you. He brought you your favorite snack when you were feeling sad. 
He loved watching movies with you and he always remembered when it was a special event.'
He always made such a big deal about the littlest thing that always made you feel so much more special. 
That’s who he was the person who loved you more than anyone else has your entire life. And now what ?
You were supposed to just move past that ? Just throw it all away like it didn’t mean anything to you. 
Putting together Sycarus and Elias as the same person was something that you couldn’t do. I mean despite everyone telling you what he did and how many lives he took and how many people he hurt. You thought you could just turn it all off. 
Just cut it off and turn it off but you couldn’t. Do you wanna know the real twisted part about all this.
Was you still found yourself attracted to him. In a weird way you wanted to know more about Sycarus. 
What was he like ? Was that the real him ?  All you wanted was to take a look at the other side,
It felt like something was pulling you there and you couldn’t explain it. Was it because it was unknown to you ?
Elias had been writing and calling you from prison non stop asking you to come down and visit.
You knew he could never publicly admit to being a killer or his deal would be off. But you just wanted to be let in for just a brief moment. 
This whole time you just ignored him. You wanted to gather your feelings before you reached out to him. If went so confused you knew you would just get to wrapped up and not have a chance to get out your own feelings before he twisted them up for you. 
But now, it was your time to go. You were ready to finally look him in the eyes and get the answers you were so clearly desperate for. 
It was a little bit of a drive up to the prison and you were kind of glad for that to be honest. You wanted time to clear your head and mentally prepare yourself. 
You couldn’t tell how you were feeling. Would you judge me if most all you were excited ?
Like you were having these butterfly feelings and you took a while to pick out a outfit. Was it wrong that you picked out the leather jacket that he brought you. 
With the nice shoes he brought. Omg its so bad that you even sprayed the fanciest perfume you owned with out even thinking. 
Was this to make him realize what he’s been missing ? Or to make him want you ? to be honest you weren’t sure and to be even more honest you still kind of wanted him to want you. 
Your mind wandered so much that you didn’t even realize you made it to the prison. It was more complicated getting in because he wasn’t just a regular prisoner he had to be more complicated. 
The prison was loud and people were yelling and there was so much commotion going on at the same time.
You felt the need to constantly look over your shoulder as you were walking down the hall even though everyone was already locked up. 
Your hands were sweaty and it felt like each step you were taking was a giant heavy one where you were carrying an extra 500 pounds. 
Your heart was beating so fast you thought for sure it was going to fly out of your chest.
The other rational part of you thought to just run away. You know this was not a good idea and every sane person could tell you that. 
But finally you were standing at the door to be let in. Only a door stood between you and him. This was what you wanted you kept telling yourself over and over again. 
The officer opened up the door and it felt like it took 2 years for that thing to open. Your eyes were suddenly glued to the floor as the officers had kind of push you in there. 
“Well Helloo there look who finally stopped on by” Elias’s voice rang out in the cell. Suddenly your blood went cold and you didn’t know what to feel. 
“You know you can leave us alone I promise I don’t bite” Elias said laughing. 
You felt so cocky before and know it was real it was different. In a way you couldn’t explain. You finally worked up the courage to take your eyes off the floor and walk up to him. 
He was just standing there with his head tilted towards the side a little and it his eyes meant yours. Those big beautiful eyes that you fell in love were just staring right at you. 
It was like he was just reading you like he was trying to give you the reaction that you wanted ? Or are we overthinking it just because you know what he is now. Your mind was racing you didn’t know exactly what to say. 
“MM I like that Jacket your wearing did you wear it for me. And what about that perfume” Elias said in a playful manner. 
I mean you did wear it for him but did you want him to know? You weren’t sure yet because your feelings had suddenly changed so fast just by being in here. 
So you decided to play him and test the waters and see where it goes. 
“Nah I like this Jacket and it’s cold outside you know” You said smiling at him. 
“Ah i see it’s like this now is it” Elias said. 
“Well you know me what’s the point if you can’t have any fun” You said, you also took a little step closer which he noticed right away. 
Like nothing was getting past him in this moment. His radar was like at thousand if you even blinked a little more than usual he was going to notice. 
“So what did you wanna tell me” You asked trying to pry him open. 
“Maybe I just wanted to see my best girl” He said quickly back like you guys were on a match and throwing punches back to each other. 
“Please don’t do me like that you have an agenda you always have an agenda” You said quickly. 
“There’s something you want I know it that’s why now you came to visit me I know hell the guards over there know even that shithole of a BAU knows it” He said. 
“Fine if your gonna be like that I’m just going to leave” You said 
Taking a step back and there it was you felt like you had checkmate because when he saw you take that step back something in him changed. It looked like he was sad and worried 
“Come on wait I’m sorry okay I genuinely did miss you I missed this our back and forths.” He said in a lower tone
It felt like he was being truthful; you just felt like you knew it in your heart. He had lowered you back in and you didn’t want to leave. 
And after pausing for a second you stepped back in and walked up closer than you have been.
His hands were gripping the bars and you just wanted to reach and and feel his skin on yours one more time. 
But you knew you weren’t allowed to touch him and you didn’t wanna ruin the risk of cutting the already short visit you were allotted even shorter. 
“Answer me this please” You said in a soft voice. 
“Was it real any of it” You asked in the same vulnerable voice. 
Elias just kind of stood there looking at you and his hands on the bars loosened up and he kind of softened up his body a little. 
“Yea yeah it did” Was all he said. 
You couldn’t help the feeling but you felt a tear run down your face.  It was hard i mean it really did feel like he was being sincere and you wanted him more than anything. Right now looking at him it didn’t even matter what he did you missed him. 
What the hell was wrong with you, you knew it was wrong but you couldn’t deny that there was still an undeniable chemistry between the two of you.
Like you wanted to just be close to him. 
All those feelings that you were so worried about before that you weren’t sure about you suddenly knew, it was for him the real him. 
I think he knew that to he was reading you like a damn paper. It was like he was analyzing you trying to match with you. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing you couldn’t tell at the moment. 
“You wanna know don’t you” He asked meeting your eyes again. 
“Look i just can’t help but wonder” You trailed off mid sentence
He gave you one of those famous half smiles that he does and he knew what the hell he was doing. 
‘Come on baby there isn’t anything wrong with that I like it actually” He said smiling. 
“One minute left” The guard yelled out 
“You know I hope your doing okay out there back at home without anyone there. Must be scary all alone but it’s a good thing we got good neighbors who watch out for us” Elias said. 
“I’m grateful for that” You said. 
‘I love you”” Elias said 
“I love you to” You said back 
“Let’s go” The guard yelled out. 
You and Elias just kind of looked at each for a moment before you turned around and left.
You made it through the sea of yelling people who scared the shit out of you. 
When you made it outside you breathed the fresh air not realizing how nice it felt.
You got into your car and you knew what the hell Elias was talking about with that website. 
But if you knew if you looked there would be no going back and it would change everything for you. 
On the other hand things have already changed for you, it was safe to say you weren’t the same person as before so did it really matter. 
Maybe it was time to embrace the new you and just stop fighting what ever the hell you were pushing down.
Because you wanted to be close to him. In any way and fashion and you knew deep down he wanted that with you to.
You just hoped in the end he wouldn't end up being the end of you when he was supposed to be the future of you
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itzleafy · 2 months
Rottmnt turtles are fans of Lou jitsu because it was all splinter would watch in tv.
He was so depressed that all he did was look his older self in tv over and over again to remember those times, the tots always wondered what or why he was watching those movies so one day they joined him, and they absolutely adored the movies. Seeing his own kids so exited and happy about what he used to be, inspired splinter and little by little he was able to interact more with them and eventually taught them the ninja-ing.
Sometimes splinter regrets taking that my time to be a present father, he regrets having heard the tots cry in the night and not doing anything, and regretted every time the small raph brought him food, he regrets not having the strength to make more effort to take care of them, he regrets only bringing pizza for them and left, he regrets not celebrating their birthdays, he regrets not teaching them how to walk, or talk, he regrets having his older son taking care of them.
But eventually in all those regrets he found the hope of making it better from now on. Even if he’s not strong anymore, even if years have passed by.
He looked at the sweet 4 children around his couch watching the tv with such an excited look, that he felt his heart warming. They were older, he didn’t even notice when, he looked at Leo and Donnie, always fighting since kids but they loved each other Deeply, he looked at raph, getting bigger than the rest, splinter couldn’t help but smile every time he remembered how raph used to always bite him…but he stoped taking care of them once raph was old enough to walk, how much they’ve changed. He looked at the littlest one, now a little more big, he barely could walk but he was very energetic; when did time passed by so fast? How could I missed that much?
From now on… he promised, I’ll do my best.
And he did.
Sure, sometimes he messed up, and his energy was drown too fast, but he wanted to be there until it was too late.
He remembers their names, he knows who they were, but he wants to know who their are now and who will they become. Because that’s what a father does.
He discovered how smart Donnie can be, how strong can Leo be, how sensitive can raph be and how creative can Mikey be. They were more every time.
He pulled them together. A lemonade stand for his children to cooperate, with the most responsible and the most lively of the brothers
Teach the smartest of them all that it’s okay to show feelings.
Support the creativity of the youngest and to help him be confident about himself.
Sure…some days were tough, and all he wanted to do was lie in the couch all day.
But eventually he could find peace, knowing that he managed to be part of those boys life. And that they still look up to him even after all the things he did wrong. They still love him, just like he is.
So seeing them. In this final moment, in this final breath, knowing that at least a small part of him lies in every single one of this boy’s heart. Makes him feel relieved.
Somewhat, he wishes he could be there more time, which is funny, because all he wanted to do before was to die. But now that he’s dying all that he wants is to live. But if this is really it, then he’s glad to have been part of it, even if it was too late.
Please smile my boys.
For I’m a lucky rat, because I’m granted with the honor of being your father.
Thanks for being the last faces I see.
Those thoughts being the last he could think of.
Such a happy ending in his heart, the 4 children r couldn’t help but cry through the smile; knowing exactly what their father was thinking, even if he never got to say it.
The Rottmnt are fans of Lou jitsu because he’s their father.
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crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: There's a few characters I wasn't expecting to write for but it's hilarious and I couldn't think of any other villains with a heart other than the icons (Kai, Katherine, and Enzo). There were a few I debated on adding and then decided not to. I feel like there might be slight yandere vibes in here but I'm also like ... *crickets chirping*
If anyone wants a villain they like and want it written, be sure to send in a request and I'll see what magic I can work
He always thought Maggie was his girl, never gave any other woman a thought (before and after his time being locked up at Whitemore). Then he found Damon and the rag tag crew who are always in trouble, which is when he met you (after trying to kill Damon, of course). And after coming back from supernatural purgatory one time too many times, he stopped acting like a jackass and decided it was time to live his life. He felt something in his undead beating heart for the first time and had no idea what to do. Finding out you two are mates was even better than he could have thought, more so after you sacrificed yourself to stay with him during that fire to show him that you weren't going to leave him, whether he had his humanity on or not, really sold him
With him having no emotions, merging with his younger brother, and then getting them was terrifying but he'd never admit that out loud. Being told that the reason his heart beats faster around you are because of the feelings for you and is fated to you, he nearly pissed his pants. Then he approaches the Salvatore's for dating advice, and they nearly die because Kai is asking the two guys who have been nothing but mean and are actively trying to keep you two apart for help (the way his mind works is fascinating). When they couldn't offer too much help and nothing was working, he decided it was time to talk to you, confusing you when he had no real motive behind it. It worked though, you two would not be where you are without him chickening out/ manning up
With her being on the run for most of her life, she never planned on tying herself down somewhere, more specifically to anyone. Honestly, after her family took away her little girl, she didn't want to be tied down; she was afraid they'd be taken from her. But then you fell into her life, literally. She was almost taken to Klaus (for the billionth time and you fell in front of her). If she were to find herself truly in love, and not what she feels she had with Stefan, a clumsy person like yourself does not make it onto her roster but you've changed her life for the better. Even when she runs back to Mystic Falls to terrorize everyone, she makes sure your safety is her top priority first and foremost
He always thought Amara was his special someone but then his ex got in the way and messed all that up (big rip for him). Anyway, when he decided to play the role of Saint Stefan, he found himself fascinated by you. The littlest things you did drove him wild, and it took him a while before he realized why he felt this way. He was always told to believe that mates didn't exist, but people still liked to pretend as if they did. You proved him and everyone from his youth wrong because here you two are. Don't forget that he will try and kidnap you to ensure you don't get hurt when everyone tries to gang up on him and to make sure he can "help" you because you are his most favorite thing person
She always thought her true love was Silas and always would be, but then he decided she wasn't enough and only used her. The bitterness in her heart grew after that and ruined her thoughts on romance and love. Then she kidnaps Stefan and fries his brain while also finding you amongst his friend group. She knew she had to meet you. Her being in the same places as you, not a coincidence. She slowly found her way into your life and started off as a friend. Then she figured out why she was so invested in your life and slowly backed away until you decided to do something about it. There's no way in hell you're losing someone else in your life especially when you know she means more to you than any of your friends could ever know
The heretics
This was an interesting development for everyone, not just you. But in this case, you could choose whether you wanted a romantic relationship or more of a friendship with the group. Lily and Julain weren't so much involved in the fated bonds thing which annoyed the man from time to time. The Salvatore's mother was just happy her family found someone special (reminding her of her Julian). This whole bond made things harder at times, but they were all happy to have someone else to care for and you’re the one who stopped any arguments from happening and/ or things from getting worse. None of your friends were happy to hear about you deciding to leave with them but if it meant you could save their lives, you're going to take the chance whether they like it or not
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yourlocalmoon · 6 months
could u do caregiver blitzo (from helluva boss) headcannons? ^^
Caregiver Blitzo Hcs
Warnings: Mentions of swearing and implied swearing, by that I mean I censor the two swears in here.
Notes: .... :3 HOPE YOU ENJOY❗❗I'm still sick rip, but tried to make these as good as possible <3
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- Blitzo is a dad caregiver, so he ofcourse makes loona your big sister <3 So yes, family nights do happen. and he will burst into happy tears if you call him or loona any abbreviation of family- (Call him dada, papa, or just dad and he'll actually explode.)
- Blitzo is an overprotective caregiver, he takes his role as your caregiver very seriously and practically starts barking at people who look at you the wrong way. He's not afraid to get in a fist fight if anyone says anything against your regression.
- When he hugs you, his tail wraps around you to make you two feel closer <3 His tail will either wrap around your waist/tummy or it'll wrap around your wrist, on that note when you two are going out he usually has his tail wrapped around your wrist to keep track of you (Basically his own version of a child leash-)
- Probably gives you a nickname where he just takes your name and adds a y to the end, also calls you his baby 24/7 !!
- Does hold onto everything incase you regress suddenly, Blitzo isn't embarrassed by carrying around your stuff animal or your paci if you want it !! You regress and he's pulling items out of his jacket like a magician. "okay take your paci and your stuffie and your bottle- wait no, fu*k, I need the bottle to feed you, take your other stuffie-"
- Gets jealous easily, will never leave you to be babysat and will actually explode if someone takes care of you for more then two seconds. They picked you up? Blitzo is tweaking out, he's the only one allowed to pick you up! "PUT MY BABY DOWN YOU MOTHERFUC-"
- Constantly praising you for being the cutest and littlest baby ever, practically is a grandma with how much he squeezes and pinches your cheeks. If anyone wants to know where he is, he's probably cooing at you.
- Blitzo will watch kid movies with you, like Disney movies, however will criticize them. Has a thing against Cinderella for some reason??- but he loves it, especially when you sit on his lap as you two are on the couch together. Totally lets you play with his tail absentmindedly
- I don't think Blitzo is absolutely amazing at cooking as he never really bothered to learn, but he can make simple things. Usually just buys you dino nuggets and some other stuff and calls it a day, but he does make cute little scenes with the food- Like a dino on the beach using mashed potatoes. Probably somehow gets really mushy with it, I mean like makes ketchup hearts.
- When you're younger however, he's the absolute gentlest. Has a gentle grip on your bottle and your head as he tilts it back to feed you, probably even spoils you with strawberry milk sometimes. Also when he buys you baby food, he does infact try some- he swears it was to encourage you! (Also he was curious but- hey don't giggle at him!)
- If you can't tell, Blitzo takes every chance to tell you he loves you and he always, always means it. He loves taking care of you, and has no shame in your regression like mentioned before. He will brag about you being the cutest baby though, gives children dirty looks still. "..Not as cute as my baby."
- This also means you have him wrapped around your finger, You want that thing?? He's bought two and they are in your favorite colors. You can get away with breaking rules- although Blitzo isn't a strict caregiver so there's not alot of rules to break, minus bedtime.. But he won't punish you, he'll probably just make you sleepy by cuddling or warm milk- or sleepy time music as he calls it.
- Blitzo doesn't stop swearing around you, however he doesn't make any lewd jokes and he will fight anyone who does around you. Gets all dramatic and everything, covers your ears and looks at them with an absolute shocked look. A hypocrite when he comes to you.. "How dare you say that around my baby! They are too young for this-"
- Will not let you ignore your regression. Oh you are too busy? With what? Oh with your work- he's finished it. Oh you are stressing- all the more reason to regress! And yes he will gently trick you into regressing if absolutely necessary. Although he isn't the best at doing it secretly, especially when he tries to half-baby you but.. Ohmygoodnessyouaresoadorable so he ends up just babying you-
- Totally the type of caregiver to sit on the edge of your bed and read you a story, probably even gets you those lights that spin around the room and show cool shapes to help you sleep. However if you can't sleep, he'll totally stay up and cuddle with you <3 Snuggles right into your bed, pulls the blankets over you two and gently rubs your back as he waits for you to fall asleep.
But he ends up falling asleep with you, he feels so much more better knowing his baby is in his arms and safe.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
This might turn out like rambling but I've been thinking something around the mama Neytiri AU.
In humans there is a vocabulary "coincidence" in which many of the words for mother and father in various languages sound around the same by using the same syllables (ma, pa, da, ba, etc) because this are the first things a baby can pronounce and we started to use these sounds as a way to refer to a child's caretaker, it doesn't happen in every language but it's still enough to maybe think that the same might be true for the Na'vi.
The words Sa'nok and Sempul might be an indication that Na'vi children might be able to pronounce the sound "S" really early in life, maybe even when babbling (also there's an insane amount of words in Na'vi starting with s), so when her children grow up they have almost no trouble calling her Sa'nu.
All except for Spider.
Because humans are only able to pronounce "S" at around four or five years old.
Neytiri and Jake notice and they go and ask Mo'at for help (because speech delay is something that also happens to the Na'vi so she should know what to do), and when she can't find anything wrong, they check with Norm and Max, who tell them there's nothing wrong, it just will take more time for him to speak like his siblings.
They are both glad that there's nothing wrong with Spider but Neytiri still feels something is missing, she comes to love being referred to as Spider's "mama" by Jake and cries the when he calls her that for the first time like she would have done if he had spoken in Na'vi, but she still hopes that he is able to call her Sa'nu soon, which she will never confess to anyone.
And when it happens there's nothing anyone can do to separate her and her boy for the rest of the day.
so, I've answered this once, but I'm actually kinda excited to add onto this, cause the first time around was when I first started writing this AU, and I'm much more confident in my characterization of neytiri now. so for my long time regulars, this is gonna mostly be a repeat post.
I think neytiri has a super unique take on this, cause like any variation of the word 'mom' means the same general thing; someone who cares for you, who protects and loves you, teaches you and guides you through life. on some level, you are a part of her, physically or emotionally, even spiritually, a mother and child are bound by the bond between them at their cores. so while, yes, she would love to hear "sa'nu" would fill her heart with the upmost joy, it doesn't hinder the joy she feels hearing spider call her mama, knowing what he saw in her, what he felt about her. spider was her son and she was his mama and for a long while that was all that mattered to her. he saw her as his mama, he was one with her spirit, he looked at her with his big round eyes and saw a protector, a guide, a caretaker, someone to love him with no limit and no conditions. so she could wait as long as it took, because this was enough for her.
it does raise concerns though. would spider fall behind? should they prioritize english, would his "speech impediment" hold him back too much, how much would he struggle? neytiri still worries the most, norm and max assure her that it will all be fine, jake does as well, even mo'at, but she still worries for her littlest child. but even upon her worrying, her fauning, her mothering, spider excels; sure, he makes an odd noise when he attempts to speak words with S's in them or leaves them out all together, he takes up both na'vi and english in leaps and bounds, not even acknowledging his setbacks.
he attempts it many times before he actually gets it, adjusts to calling her that even before he gets his S's when he was 3 or so, when he realized he called her something different then his siblings, ignoring any and all coaching from jake or norm or max to call her mama (not that they don't want him to call her sa'nu, they just worry that if he's unable to pronouns it he'll either form bad habits or his frustration will stunt his willingness to learn, but like with many peoples opinions and judgements of him, spider doesn't give a single fuck). but the day he gets it right, she damn near cries all over again, like she had the first time she knew what he meant when he called her mama, when he starts calling her -a'nu. this time though, the tiny gap in her chest that had always irked her, small enough that she could pretend she didn't notice, was finally filled. she held her boy, the boy she had waited to hear call her sa'nu for the last 5 years, finally looking up at her with his sweet chocolate brown eyes and his whispy blonde hair dangling in his face, the word falling out of his mouth with a yawn as she went about her day with him bound to her chest (tell me she wouldn't baby wear that boy well into his early childhood, first off, speed demon, spider child. second off, clingy mama with an excuse to hold her baby constantly; "he's fragile jake") she immediately rushes to jake so they can both hear it, spider very proud with his new word.
I think the kids would have coached spider day in and day out till he got his S's down just for their mum. jake knew and didn't say a word, just so he could see the look on neytiri's face when she heard it.
speaking of jake, he is much less affected by spiders hinderence to say sem'pu, as when spider was still little, he was still very human in nature, so he had no qualms with being called "dad" and "dada", but he will admit, the more he hears spider attempt to say sem'pu, the more he begins to fall in love with the title. between him and the other kids, jake embraces every title they're willing to give him. he cries a little for the first couple months spder calls him dad, then -em'pu, then sem'pu (jake is the emotional parent in the, he's a blubbering idiot at all the simple things type of way, which is super sweet don't get me wrong, I just like making fun of him, cause I can. norm and max too, they totally make fun of him, but its all in good fun).
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minjiarchive · 1 year
stay after class | jiu x fem!reader
the minji fic that everyone has been waiting for 🏋️‍♀️
warning / smut, spanking, (professor jiu)
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“Bend over the desk, pretty girl.”
Her words fell right onto your lips as you had her pinned right between your legs. Her body fit perfectly around you – it felt nice too, but she's your professor.
Anyone could agree that it's inherently wrong to be doing this and if anyone found out then you'd both end up in big trouble. It's just the way she shows up to class in such a simple yet stunning suit. Or maybe when she speaks to you so softly, praising you for the littlest things.
Everything she did you admired so you couldn't help but try finding excuses to spend time with her.
...And here you are.
You obediently followed her words and tapped the side of her thigh to let her know to stop, even though you still wanted to kiss her sweet lips. She broke away with a smile on her face as you happily obeyed to her.
You cushioned yourself comfortably with your forearm, shuddering slightly from the cold air that radiated in the room. You start trembling more as you feel her body brush against you from behind.
“Oh you have such a pretty ass don't you?” She compliments while teasing your soft skin. You feel her core rub against you a couple of times, leaving you to whimper quietly against your arm. The palm of her hand drew small circles before coming up to smack your ass.
“Fuck, Minji, please...” You clenched your fists together, taking in the sting that almost brought tears to your eyes.
“Getting more informal with me, hm?”
With each smack, the more rough she was but Minji made sure to hold back on the last two slaps before getting too carried away. To her surprise, you managed to stay decently quiet during that.
She leaned right on top of you while kissing along your shoulder blades, leaving some marks that would be easily hidden from anyone else but not so easy to get rid of. With hands holding your waist firmly, she flips you over in one move, immediately taking the chance to kiss you again.
You melted right into her, bringing one arm around her neck to pull her closer to you. Minji's fingers stroked through your hair gently before stopping to tug at it slightly. You whined against her lips, still aching for more as her knee starts massaging you in slow patterns.
“Touch me, Minji, please.” You moaned, now feeling her fingers now replace the movements of her knee. It's like she could read your mind about what you wanted.
She cocked an eyebrow at you, taken aback by your boldness. She loved it though and she merely blamed your bold behavior on herself – no one else but her has gotten you this wet.
But, she wanted to see for herself how worked up she really got you. A single finger easily ran up your slit, spreading your slick all across your folds. You clung onto her tighter as her fingers start circling your clit.
“Yeah? You want me to touch you?” Minji said, testing to see how far you could handle her teasing. Nodding eagerly at her question, you even started rocking your hips to gain some type of stimulation, but that soon became unnecessary. She finally dipped two digits inside your entrance smoothly, moaning at your walls that pulsed desperately around her.
Your back started arching off the desk as she stretched your tight pussy out. With each broken cry and a choked out curse word, she went at you harder and deeper.
Every curl of her fingers were ruining you and bringing you closer to your high. Minji just knew you were going to fall apart for her in seconds.
“Maybe after this you can come over to my house,”
“so I can taste you in so many different ways.”
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