#and stop trying to will him into getting killed off!
amsznn · 3 days
Please I’m begging u could you write Chris x reader when reader gets wisdom teeth out. Pet names only baby
WISDOM TEETH - c.sturniolo
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“todays video is gonna be a bit different guys.” chris spoke into the camera before turning it to you, revealing you leaning on the kitchen counter. “y/n’s gonna get her wisdom teeth out!” your head quickly shifted towards the mention of ‘wisdom teeth’, unfortunately being reminded of what will be your reality in a matter of moments.
“chris stop, she’s literally fearing for her life right now.” nick said while laughing. “don’t worry y/n, its not that bad.” he said while patting your shoulder.
“i dont think i wanna go anymore.” you said quickly as you remembered how much pain nick was in while he was recovering.
“it’s gonna be alright baby, we’ll be right there.” chris reassures as he wrapped his shoulder around you, still holding the camera.
it took some convincing, and maybe some bribery from your boyfriend to get you food after the procedure, to finally convince you to get in the car and go through with getting your teeth pulled out. you had been in pain for a long time, complaining about the pain the teeth were causing you.
chris knew this and knew the best thing for you was to get them out. now you all were packed in the car with matt and chris in the front, while you and nick were in the back.
occasionally chris would reach behind his chair and allow you to hold his hand for some time. he knew as you were trying to appear calm and collected, your mind was actually racing.
but that feeling would only intensify as matt pulled into the parking lot of the dentist office. you did all the regulations upon entering the building, signing in, and waiting.
before you knew it you were in the chair, about to get those teeth pulled out.
“promise, you’ll stay?” you turned over to chris, watching him with pleading eyes as he grasped your hand in his.
a couple of hours passed and you were finally off of the operating table. drowsy and unaware of where you were.
“where..where am i?” you spoke. you realized there was a strange feeling in your mouth. “waths in my mouf?!” you quickly tried to take out whatever it was from your mouth before chris stopped you.
“y/n, you need those in there baby.”
confusion took over for the rest of the day as your boyfriend completed the rest of the paper work and walked you out to the car where matt and nick were waiting.
“sooo..how’d it go?” nick asked amused as he saw your state. “nick, sit in the front i wanna sit with y/n.” chris said as he opened your side of the car door. you almost face planted as you got in but nick was quick to balance you before moving to the front seat.
chris didn’t feel like filming on the way back home since he’s sure you would kill him if he ever uploaded a video of you in this state. blabbering on and on about nothing that made sense while also questioning everything and anything.
“chrissy…why are there three of you.” you pouted before poking your boyfriend’s face, the reaching to poke matt and nick’s face as well. matt swatted your hand away and scolded you since he’s driving.
“why are you yelling at me?” you frowned at matt who you thought was chris before saying, “im breaking up with you!”
chris could only laugh at your antics causing his brothers to join in as well.
“y/n that’s matt.” he softly said while caressing your shoulder.
you made an ‘o’ shape with your mouth in realization, and muttered and apology to matt for threatening him.
you all made it back home, with chris carrying you to your shared room. as soon as he set you down on the bed it was lights out for you. immediately falling asleep in your boyfriend’s bed. he smiled as he moved his face in front of yours, softly giving you a kiss on the forehead, trying not to wake you up.
“i love you, y/n.” chris whispered, to which he got a snore in response. but thats all he needed. he knew you loved him just as much.
a/n: sorry i didnt know how to end it but i hope you enjoyed!
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mssainz · 2 days
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x Reader
Summary: Carlos Sainz finally met his son he had with her ex-wife, Y/N.
Warning: None
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"Mama, I miss Papa. When can we see him again?" Cael asked you. You two flew back to your home after the small gathering with the other drivers. Your DM is swarming with messages of happiness and hatred from Carlos’ fans. It's been a while since you've been active on your public account, and it makes you want to close it now.
"I don't know, baby, I'm sorry. Papa is probably busy with his race. But, do you want to call him, my love?" You asked.
"Yes, Mama! Yes!" Cael excitedly requested. Although Carlos tries to call or text you regarding your son, Cael just can't help but be attached to his father.
After a few rings, Carlos finally picked up his phone. "Hello, who's this?" the voice of a woman answered his phone.
What the heck?
You immediately ended the call and put down your phone. Pain and betrayal start filling your mind the moment you drop the call. Cold sweats gush out of your skin that makes your world stop for a moment. "Mama, what's wrong?" Cael curiously asked, looking at you with worried eyes.
"Nothing, baby. It's just…. Papa can't be reached right now. Maybe he's busy at the moment. Let's try again another time. Is that fine with you?"
"Okay, Mama. That's alright, maybe Papa is busy with his stuff," Cael replied while pouting. You can feel the longing in his eyes. He was excited to call his father but almost ended up talking to his father's mistress.
What the heck was that, Carlos? You said you wanted to try, but you're still messing around with another woman. God, I almost fell for it.
“Hey, stop killing that chicken that's already dead,” Elle said when she sat next to you at the hospital’s cafeteria. You are just immensely shredding the chicken breast on your plate.
“What's wrong? You're so grumpy today. Red days?” your best friend asks. She has been sensing your frustration even in the ER this morning.
“Grumpy? What are you talking about? I'm not grumpy,” You replied, as you dig into your food and stuff it into your mouth.
“Dude, you keep slamming things since this morning. You make me dizzy from all the roaming and hoarding of patients. You only do that when you're frustrated and want to keep your mind occupied. What's the deal?” Elle said. You paused for a moment and hesitated to talk about it.
“Well, I have this friend, his ex-boyfriend wants to get back to her and she almost believed him. It turns out that he is still messing around with other women,” YN explained.
“You mean, Carlos?”
“Yes, I mean no! This is not about me, okay. It's about my friend, a friend,” YN denied.
“Okay, okay, chill. I have never seen you so frustrated for a friend. So what did Carlitos do? He wants to get back to you?,” Elle said, teasing YN. She knows she's talking about Carlos. YN doesn't have many friends and it's so unlikely for her to be furious about someone else's problem. The least thing she will do is be bothered with someone else's life when she already has too much on her plate.
YN rolled her eyes. “You know what, whatever,” YN finished her food and went back to the ER, leaving Elle laughing her ass off.
You kept yourself busy the entire day, had duty at the hospital, and bonded with your son. But, you were low-key waiting for Carlos to return your call. "Mama, I miss Papa. Do you miss him too?" Cael asked as you tucked him into bed.
Cael, you and your questions. I don't miss him. Why would I? He is just handsome and irresistible but he's still a cheater and a liar. So why would I?
"Uhm, probably not as much as you do," YN said, playing it safe.
"Yeah, is he still busy, Mama?"
"I think so, my love," but you actually don't know if he is really busy with work or with her.
The next morning was your day off. You slept an hour more than your usual wake-up time and then got up to prepare breakfast for yourself and Cael. It's rare for you to do this because you have your mom, who always gets up earlier than anyone else in this house. But, now that she is on vacation with her siblings, you are the one to do it.
You were enjoying your iced coffee when someone knocked on your door, almost banging it down. "Who the heck is banging someone else's door so early?" YN hissed and walked towards the door.
The door revealed your ex-husband panting, almost fainting. "Carlos? What are yo.."
"It was the new PR staff," Carlos blurted out while catching his breath.
"Ha? What are you talking about?"
"We were filming something yesterday, and.. and I.. forgot my phone. That's when you called, and she… happened.. to answer it. So.. I came here to assure you that I'm not.. I'm not cheating on you and Cael," Carlos explained, still panting. You stand frozen in front of him, not knowing what to say.
"Can I enter? I badly need water," He continued. You walked him to the kitchen and handed him a glass of water. "Ugh, thank you," he replied after gulping every single drop from the glass.
"You could have told me over the phone. You don't have to fly over here just to tell me about that. As if I care who the heck you are dating," YN said.
"But, I do care about what you're thinking. And do you think you’ll believe that she was just a staff if I just told you over the phone? I don't think so," Carlos replied.
He's right about that. Point taken.
"Whatever. Why the heck are you panting anyway?" YN said, changing the topic.
"Because the crazy godfather of our child gave me the wrong address. I knocked on someone’s door only to know that your house is still a few miles away. So I had to walk here, almost run,” Carlos explained, exaggerating the distance he had to walk. And you just laughed at him.
“Is this crazy godfather's name, Daniel Ric?,” YN asked, still laughing at him. Carlos gave her a nod. “I bet he was already sleepy when you texted him.”
“Yeah, probably. But, I still hate him, he made me walk so far,” Carlos replied.
“Papa?” Cael walked into the kitchen with his hair messy from sleeping.
“Good morning, bud,” Carlos said and approached his son. “You're here,” Cael said, resting his head on his father's shoulders.
“Yes, baby, Papa’s here. You're not dreaming,” Carlos chuckled while rubbing Cael's back. “You're not busy anymore?” Cael asked.
“I’m still busy, but I just wanted to see you and Mama,” Carlos said, looking at you. It made you choke on your coffee.
Why are you looking at me like that? Bastard, I almost swallowed an ice cube.
You hadn't finished your coffee when your phone rang. It was a call from the hospital.
“Bitch!” Doc Elle from the other line said.
“Whoa, where's the hi and hello,”
“Well, hello, bitch, I know you're on your day off right now. But there's a vehicular accident involving a bus, and five SUVs. They're bringing them all here. And I kinda need a hand here. If you're still frustrated, now's your time to hoard some patients” You could hear the scream for help from your best friend.
“Why does it always happen on my day off?” YN whispered in annoyance.
“Just come, please. I need your help,” Elle requested. You could hear chaos from the other line. It seemed like the patients were beginning to arrive.
“Okay, I'll be there in a minute,” You replied before ending the call.
Wait, mom’s not here. Who's going to take care of Cael?
Your eyes moved towards Carlos. “What?” Carlos said, confused why you were looking at him without saying anything.
“I need to go to the hospital,” You replied.
“Okay?” Carlos replied, waiting for you to continue. “Can you take care of Cael for today? Here's his routine. I listed everything here that you must know. Please?” You gave him Cael's schedule and routine throughout the day. You had written it for your mom whenever you're not around.
“You don’t need to ask for it. Don’t worry, I’ll take over today,” Carlos said.
You immediately put on your scrubs and grabbed the keys to your car. “I'm sorry, baby. There's an accident, and Mama is needed at the hospital. Papa will take care of you today. So behave, okay? I'll be back later. I love you,” You said, before kissing your son goodbye.
“Take good care of him, okay?” You reminded Carlos. “Don't worry, I'll take care of him. Drive safely,” Carlos said, in return.
“Yeah, I will. Thanks,” You said before finally leaving the house. You went to the actual location of the accident to attend to patients who were still there.
Carlos read what was on Cael's schedule. “Breakfast, vitamins, shower…” Carlos was amused by how organized it was. “Your mom really wrote them in detail,” Carlos whispered.
“Bud, let's take a shower,” Carlos said to his son who was now playing with his toys. “No, Papa, I still want to play plus the water is cold. I don't wanna,” Cael replied.
“You can play after you take a shower, my love,” Carlos said, trying to persuade his son.
“No, Papa. No,” Cael resisted, pouting at his father and hiding in the corner of his room. After a few negotiations and a little bit of running around the house, Carlos finally got Cael to shower.
God, I only fed Cael and took him to shower. It is already exhausting. This is more strenuous than working out. - Carlos
Carlos let him choose what to wear and put it on him. “I badly need a shower too,” Carlos whispered. “What did you say, Papa?” Cael said.
“Nothing, bud. Uhm, let's go to the mall. Papa just flew here, so I didn't pack any clothes with me,” Carlos explained.
“That's fun. Let's go to the mall, Papa!” Cael excitedly agreed.
Carlos bought a few pairs of clothes. He had to fly back for the race weekend and other promotion schedules. “Bud, stay with Papa, okay? Don’t let go of my hand. I can’t lose you here, your mom will kill me, understand?” Carlos said, reminding his fully-charged son. Cael nodded at him with a smile on his face.
He did not only buy clothes for himself but also for Cael. “Papa, look! Sunflowers. Shall we buy some for Mama? She loves them,” Cael said, stopping in front of a flower shop.
“Yeah, sunflowers. How do you know she loves sunflowers?” Carlos curiously asked his son. Carlos used to buy them for YN when they're still together. “She buys them for herself. Mama said they brighten her mood whenever she looks at them.” Carlos smiled in return for what his son said. “Okay, let’s buy and arrange them at home, okay?”
Cael and Carlos arranged the sunflowers and placed them in a vase in the dining area and the living room. He then took care of Cael, bathed him, and changed his clothes for bedtime.
Carlos lay beside Cael’s bed. “Papa, I had fun today. Thank you for the clothes and toys you got me. I love them,” Cael said.
“I’m glad you like them, bud,” Carlos said. A loud silence then followed. After a few minutes, Carlos thought that Cael was already asleep but when he looked at him, his eyes were still wide awake. Cael just giggled at the way his father peeked at him. “I can’t believe you still have the energy to laugh at me, Cael.” Carlos said making Cael giggle.
“Stop giggling, little man. Close your eyes,” Carlos said, before closing his eyes too.
“Papa, I don't know who to marry,” Cael blurted out of nowhere.
“Hmm? You don't know who to marry? Why are you thinking about that too early?” Carlos said and leaned closer to his son.
“I don't know, Papa. I just wonder who I'm gonna marry someday.” Cael replied, eliciting a laugh from Carlos.
“Don't worry, bud, when you get older and wiser, you'll know who to marry. You'll meet her maybe not now but in the future. I'm sure you'll find her, the right person for you to marry,” Carlos tried to explain it to him.
“But how? How would I know if I already found her?” Cael replied.
“How? Hmm, your heart will tell you, bud,”
“My heart will tell me? But my heart can't speak,” Carlos laughed at his child's innocence and purity.
“Yeah, but you'll just know it, bud. If she makes you happy, if she makes you feel safe, if she loves you, despite your strengths and weaknesses. If she loves everything about you. If she takes care of you and you take care of her,”
“Like Mama, Papa?” Cael replied that made Carlos taken aback.
“Yeah, like Mama, bud,”
“I want to marry someone like Mama, Papa,”
“Me too, bud. Me too ,”
Little did the boys know, YN had just got back from work and was listening to their conversation the whole time at the other side of the door.
Me too Carlos. Me too.
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AN: Sorry for late updates I have lots of things to do. But here's another update, I hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts and id you wanna be added to the taglist. Thank you!
@seasonswinter @charizznorizz @itsjustkhaos @celesteablack @timmychalametsstuff @viennakarma @i-love-ptv @evie-119 @somepeoplemaybe @amberpanda99 @gotthatname @karlossainz @khaylin27 @hc-dutch @avengers-assemble123456 @likedbygaslyy @yukiotadako @barcelonaloverf1life @heyheyheyggg @sunny44 @mxdi0 @casperlikej @ironmaiden1313 @biitch-with-wifi @elia-the-bibliophile @nataliazzzz @bernelflo @lillunna @loloekie @jinimon-tr @glai1023-blog @not-nyasa @jolixtreesunn @changetyre @thatsusbitch @distancedss @miarabanana @voidsfics @jasminesacademia @glow-ish @ccallistata @carpediem241108 @thearchieves @kenzeyeballs @formula1simp @dessxoxsworld @hoeforsirius @norwayxo
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unitedhamilton · 20 hours
Five and One
Summary: five times you were Lewis' comments and the one time he was in yours.
A/N: this is my first time doing a smau! I had so much fun making this. Enjoy lovelies 💜
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Liked by ynusername, trentarnold66, and 808,211 others
lewishamilton Next stop, Imola 🚀
View all 4,595 comments
user1 nice pic 🔥
user2 nice 😍😍😍
user3 champion
user4 8 time user5 SAY IT LOUDER
ynusername put me in the trunk and drive away with me PLEASE 🙏🤤
ynbestfriend this is your public account girlfriend ynusername and? I hope Lewis sees my comment user6 he doesn't want you ynusername he always wants me
masonmount shoe game goes hard
user9 give me a pair of your boots 🤲🏻
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Liked by pierregasly, ynusername, and 815,441 others
lewishamilton Our time here on this planet is so short.
View all 6,133 comments
ynusername our time is so short so spend it with me please
user10 you beautiful man! 💜
ynusername SHOW THE FULL PIC
ynusername 💦💦🌊🌊
ynbestfriend what are these supposed to represent? ynusername water...obviously
user15 Ur literal job is burning fuel and rubber. Hy. po. crite
user16 shut up
roscoelovescoco go dads! you rocks!
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Like by ynusername, marcusrashford, and 922,836 others
lewishamilton Thankful for this time I've had off but now it's go time!
View all 6,367 comments
user1 this this this 🙌
ynusername i could climb you
ynbestfriend GIRL GET OUT OF HIS COMMENTS. TALK TO HIM user17 what do you mean by this? 🤨🎤
ynusername let me sit in your lap 🧎‍♀️
ynusername begging to be that soda can 🙏
user18 aren't we all 🙄 user19 get in line
user3 Ginger Ale...? ....RIGHT 😎
wroetoshaw common Lewis W
user39 bro came out of retirement to comment on a Lewis post
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Liked by mercedesamgf1, ynusername, and 1,278,754 others
lewishamilton It's a dream.
View all 12,569 comments
ynusername UNBUTTON IT user5 did you just reply to yourself? ynusername maybe? don't judge me
user7 I totally dig your style!! Hawt! ❤️‍🔥
ynbestfriend i don't think @ ynusername is alive. it was nice knowing you
ynusername i've died but come back but i'm dying again user25 literally me
user17 are you grey?
fencer my bestie
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Liked by ynusername, pierregasly, and 466,308 others
lewishamilton New week, new possibilities 🙌🏾
View all 3,280 comments
ynusername i'm literally speechless
user16 wow
user8 nice 👌👌👌
ynusername i have no words
ynbestfriend for once?!?!?!? he's killed you
user4 daddy
ynusername simple, but effective
user15 i need that shirt
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Liked by lewishamilton, serenawilliams, and 2,387,102 others
ynusername i may be in his comments but he's forever in my heart 💜
tagged lewishamilton
View all 102,409 comments
lewishamilton my love ❤️
serenawilliams congrats 🎉
user13 we need the timeline asap 🤲🏻 user2 her besties comment had me 🤨 one day
kingjames my brother! congrats!
marcusrashford champ on and off the track @ lewishamilton
user4 why can't it have been me 🫠
user1 grow up user4 IT WAS A JOKE
mercedesamgf1 much love to Roscoe's new mom! 🐶💜
ynbestfriend so... when is project hamilton happening with a baby?
ynusername RELAX lewishamilton soon ynusername BRO????
322 notes · View notes
case of the day | s.r. x liaison!fem reader
everyone was tired. it’s been a week long case out of state with a time zone difference of four hours, everyone was thrown off. but the bad guy was caught, the lives of those taken will sit somewhere in those dark corners of your mind, always giving you reason to try and work just a second faster.
“hey,” a soft voice spoke beside you. it pulled you from your heavy thoughts, you blinked and turned to see that spencer’s joined you on the jet couch. your word search book and highlighters sitting in your lap while spencer held a thick book on string theory, he probably already knows everything about that theory though.
“hi,” greeting him back as you bring yourself back to the present. no one on your team was hurt, everyone is going back to their lives and loved ones. “do you want to get something to eat when we land?”
it’ll be about four in the afternoon when the jet lands, your breakfast and inflight snacks long gone. spencer’s mouth twisted to the side in thought, it was cute. “there’s this indian place if you’d like.” his eyes were alight at the mention of the restaurant, probably a favorite of his.
you smiled small, “i haven’t had much of the flavor, but i’d like to try.” always happy to spend time with spencer outside of the office. you took him to this coffee shop that housed a book nook, he showed you were he has his weekly chess meeting at the park. you’ll have to think of another place to bring him after this.
“you doing okay?” his soft question caused you to keep your eyes on your lap. you weren’t sure why it was this case that’s caused your mind to think the most of, maybe it’s one of those things were after a certain amount it’s your way of reminding you about the severity of your job.
his hand set atop yours, his thumb bringing a comforting motion to your skin. you’ve noticed how spencer’s more okay with touch when it comes to you, elle teases you about it, but you’re happy to know he’s the most comfortable with you.
your eyes focused on spencer’s chin, “do you ever have a case that reminds you how many disturbed people there are? that it’s our job to stop these people before more are killed at their actions.” now bringing your head up a little higher, lids heavy and eyes sorrowful.
you sighed deeply, “i know it’s different between us since you’re in the field and have a gun. and i’m just a liaison dealing with the media, but- anyway.” shrugging off your sentence.
spencer rolled his lips, brows pinching in the middle as he analyzed over your words. his palm was still warming your knuckles, “there was this one case. a guy who was kidnapping then killing families after a week, he took three families before we were called in. and we got him before the fourth family met the same fate, and when he was taken into custody for questioning he said “the fathers are a disgrace. mothers the whore. and a child the mistake.””
you saw his adam’s apple bob when he took a deep swallow. you moved your pinky to graze the side of his hand. “and i just thought, he’s heard and or seen these things to just think that about every family that resembles his. his upbringing was that torn up he only saw one thing, even if the family he was stalking were happily safe and loving to each other.”
spencer leaned his head against the backrest, his eyes a bit glossed over. you just made him relive that case, clear as day for him. with your free hand you let your fingers card through the hair on the side of his head, sweeping over his ear and stopping at his jaw. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to make you relive that,” thumb giving a flick beside a freckle.
his fingers circled your wrist, “it’s okay. but also just because our jobs are a little different they’re both still very important to this department. you’re an important member of this team.” raising his brows for extra emphasis.
“thank you,” you whispered. “why don’t you get some rest? here,” having to move your book and highlighters to the side and getting yourself a bit more comfortable. “use my lap.”
“you sure?” “of course.”
spencer shuffled around then set his head to your lap, his long legs stretched and bent to the end of the couch. he stared up at you while you looked down, “is it okay if i touch your hair?” he smiled, “of course.”
with soft, soothing repetition you saw how spencer’s muscles loosened. “tell me about string theory,” just wanting to hear his voice uninterrupted.
“well, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings…”
both of you didn’t notice how gideon and hotch were eyeing the both of you near the front of the jet. a tiny smile cracking that stone facade of hotch. “they’re good for each other.”
“it’s always nice to have someone or something important to take comfort in with this line of work. keeps use sane and human.” gideon spoke before returning to his paperwork.
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spencerreiddddd · 2 days
Cabin Trouble
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Content: slight angst, happy ending, cheating? Emotionally?
Gist: When the BAU team decides to plan a weekend trip you agree, until you realize everyone is taking their significant other. You on the other hand are the only single person on this trip, and in love with your best friend Spencer. What happens when Maeve attends and you have to pack away your feelings?
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You wanted to kill yourself, how did you even get into this situation in the first place?
The team had always talked about asking for a weekend off and having a vacation all together and now it had finally happened. However you now sat in the back seat of Spencer’s car as he drove and Maeve sat shotgun. How did you end up in this position?
Well Hotch ended up making this a team plus your family trip in order to bring Hailey which in turn Rossi brought Krystall, JJ brought Will, Morgan brought Savannah, Spencer brought Maeve, your beloved Penelope brought Kevin. However unfortunately for you the only other single person on your team which is Emily had to go to Paris for a family emergency.
Leaving you distastefully the only person without a partner, and sitting in Spencer’s car as y’all drove 6 hours to a cabin everyone had rented out to spend a weekend away from civilization.
“Did you get much sleep?” Spencer asked breaking you out of your thoughts. You head snapped up to see Spencer looking at you through the rear view mirror. “I didn’t sleep much since you told me you’d pick me up at 3am” you responded yawning a little.
Spencer chuckled at you as he turned his attention back to the road, causing you to smile then feel extremely guilty. You had known and been best friends with Spencer since everyone started at the BAU, you had been friends for so long you eventually grew to love him. However you were a coward and never did anything about your feelings always pushing them down and your excuse was always “not wanting to ruin a perfectly amazing friendship” however when Spencer started seeing Maeve you pushed your feelings down further. The realization the Spencer didn’t see you the same way was the push you needed to lock them away in a box and encourage Spencer to go after Maeve.
Once they got together you distanced yourself from him little by little to be respectful to Maeve and him. You hated the idea of being “the girl best friend” but most of all you didn’t want to hurt yourself further.
You were originally going to drive your car but Spencer had been noticing your distancing and was always looking for ways to have your attention and favor thats why he practically forced you to let him drive you to the cabin. Something Maeve clearly didn’t like, well she really didn’t like you in general.
“Spence I gotta use the bathroom, do you think we can stop at a gas station?” Maeve’s voice sounded out through the car as she placed her hand on Spencer’s shoulder.
“Yeah of course.” He said as he searched up the nearest gas station on google maps.
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When Spencer pulled into the gas station Maeve was the first one out as she practically ran to the bathroom, causing you to giggle and her cute run. You knew Maeve was pretty and you were happy Spencer found someone attractive to be with.
“She’s cute.” You said halfheartedly looking at Spencer as you stood outside with him as he pumped gas. He turned his attention toward Maeve’s running figure and back to you with a look in his eyes that you didn’t understand. “She is.” He said in a weird tone causing you to raise an eyebrow, but you stayed quiet.
You had been talking with Spencer as he had finished pumping gas and you realized how much you had missed talking to him like this 24/7 and listening to every thought that came into his head because he had no filter. So much so you didn’t realize Maeve came back and was holding a bag full of sweets. “I’m back and brought sweets.” She said linking her arms around Spencer’s and lifting the bag up in the air.
“Oh what did you get?” Spencer asked trying to look into the bag, you giggled remembering the sweet tooth Spencer had. “You shouldn’t have brought this much candy Mr. Hollywoods gonna have a sugar crash.” You said jokingly causing Spencer to laugh and try to defend his sweet addictions.
“Mr. Hollywood?” Was all Maeve said and she looked at you and Spencer confused.
“Oh it’s a nickname Y/N gave me after one of our beginning cases at the BAU, I had to protect this actor Lila, and it’s a long story.” Was all Spencer said as he opened the door for you to get in the car and then walked around to open Maeve’s so she could also get in.
“Oh okay.” Was all Maeve said as she opened the bag and handed you a Swedish fish candy bag. “I didn’t know what candy you liked so I got you this.” Maeve said flashing you a awkward smile. “Thank you so much.” You said feeling grateful she at least thought about you even when she didn’t need to bring you anything.
“Oh Y/N doesn’t like Swedish fish, she’ll throw up if she eats them.” Spencer said turning his body to take away the candy from you and in turn hand you his which was Sour patch kids…. Your favorite.
“Oh no Spence it’s alright, she didn’t know and I can eat them there’s no problem.” You hurriedly said feeling embarrassed for Maeve, as you tried to grab the candy back from him.
“It’s fine just have mine.” Spencer said gently pushing your hand back. You stayed quiet the air thickening in the car, but it seemed as if Spencer was the only one immune to it as he drove out the gas station as you had three hours left on the road.
It was 6am and the glare Maeve threw at you made you uncomfortable so you decided to sleep the remainder of the drive to avoid anymore awkward situations.
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And sleep you did, you were woken up by Morgan violently shaking you. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,Y/N.” He repeated like a toddler trying to wake their parents up in the morning. “Morgan I swear if you shake me one more time I’ll pour acid on your head and you’ll be bald forever.” You said snapping your head at him annoyed. “The princess has awoken.” Is all he said as he laughed at your threat, Savannah shoved him away and came up to you.
“Ignore this bald man he has no manners.” Savannah said as you unbuckled yourself and hopped out the car grabbing your luggage.
“I don’t know how you survive, I would be behind bars for his murder already.” You say smiling at Savannah and pulling her into a tight hug. “Trust me girl it’s hard.” She says as you both bring your luggage’s into the front of the two story cabin.
“You know I can hear you both bad mouthing me.” Was all Derek said as he placed his hands on his waist causing you and Sav to laugh.
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Hotch was the last to arrive and the one with the key, it was around 3pm and everyone was sitting on the cabin porch talking.
“Finally your here!” Penelope said as Hotch walked up the steps to the porch and carried his and Hailey’s luggage.
“I apologize we ended up having to bring Jack along because he didn’t want to stay at his aunts, I hope you guys don’t mind.” He said as jack approached with Hailey.
“Absolutely not!” You were the first to say as you got up and practically ran up to Jack and picked him up in your arms as he laughed. You had known jack since hailey was pregnant and you had babysat him more times than you could count when Hotch and Hailey wanted a night out or in…. If you know what I mean.
“Y/N I missed you!” Jack said hugging your neck.
“I missed you more buddy!” You said closing your eyes as you swayed him around missing the way Spencer’s eyes were on you the entire interaction with Jack and the way he smiled.
“You won’t be the only single one here now.” Hailey said coming up to you and giggling as she placed a kiss on your cheek. “Don’t remind me.” You groaned and walked into the house as Hotch unlocked the door.
“There was a miscommunication with the AirB&B person and instead of 6 rooms there’s 5.” Hotch said looking at you.
Everyone’s eyes looking at you too now. “How wonderful.” You said sarcastically placing Jack back down on the floor. “ I can take the couch, it’s fine.” You said turning your attention to the wooden couches with pillow tied cushions. Great you were gonna have back problems and sleepless nights this weekend.
“Actually, there’s a pullout couch in Spencer’s and Maeve’s room if you’d like to use that one.” Hotch added causing Maeve’s head to snap up to look at you a look of disgust and horror flashed across her face. You didn’t blame her, all of the sudden the couch seemed way more comfortable than before. But before you could deny the offer Spencer grabbed your luggage and headed upstairs “That’s perfect that way you won’t have to stay downstairs all by yourself and on that uncomfortable couch.” He said as he reached the top of the stairs, everyone nodded and began walking upstairs to their assigned rooms as well.
Meave flashed you a glare as she walked upstairs to find Spencer, making you cringe. You absolutely hated the idea of how these next three nights were going to go.
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So this was an idea that popped into my mind while I was day dreaming (as one does) but it turned into a longer story as I began writing. So I’m going to have to do a part two! Lemme know if y’all like it.😁
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rcmclachlan · 13 hours
Thin Red Line (bucktommy, 6x11 missing scene)
Me: I'm rewatching "In Another Life" and had a thought. What if Buck met Tommy during his coma dream?
@dadvans: RC I’m going to kill you
Between leaving Christopher to wander the hospital hallways like a ghost in search of Eddie for all eternity and doing absolutely nothing to stop Bobby from popping pills like they’re Flintstones vitamins, Buck’s going to single-handedly bankroll every renovation project Dr. Copeland has over the next ten years. 
He wonders what she’ll say when he tells her about this during their next session. She’ll probably just sit back thoughtfully and muse, "You say you were trapped in a world where your biological family loved you but your chosen family had no idea who you were. Tell me more about that, Evan."
It's a moot point unless he manages to get out of here, so he swings the axe up, throws a sneer in his evil doppelgänger's direction, and is about to bring it down as hard as he can when his right arm is suddenly jerked behind him like someone’s trying to pull it out of the socket. 
Startled, he whirls around, but there’s no one there. Even Bizarro Buck is gone. 
An odd pressure tugs at his fingers. For a second, he thinks there’s something wrapped around them. He looks down but he can’t see anything. He can feel it, though. He tests the tensile strength of it by bouncing his hand back and forth, and whatever it is pulls taut when his hand gets close to his body. 
It reminds him of playing tug-o-war on the playground as a kid, except instead of deliberately allowing himself to be yanked off balance so his parents could later fuss over the bloody state of his knees, he begins gathering the palpable nothing in his palm and, with a last look at the tableau of the real him lying in the hospital bed waiting to die, follows it out of the room and back down the hall. 
He comes to a stop in front of a door that looks like all the others. He must’ve missed this one, although he can’t feel dumb about it, because there’s no way in hell he would’ve guessed this was the exit. 
"Take me home," Buck murmurs, opens the door, and walks out—
—onto an outdoor patio. 
He drops his head back with a groan. "Oh, come on."
With the wicker chairs and mind-numbingly navy umbrellas, it looks like every cafe’s outdoor seating situation in the state of California, right down to the almost oppressive number of ferns in beige planters shoved in between the tables. The only difference is that the place is completely empty. 
Correction: almost empty. 
Through the crush of the basic bitch jungle, he sees a solitary man seated at one of the tables, idly running sliding a to-go cup from side to side with his big hands. As he draws a little closer, he’s able to clock the guy’s deep blue flight suit and what looks like the LAFD insignia on his arm.
Everyone who’s made an appearance in this coma dream has been someone he’s known. Even Daniel, who died before Evan ever met him, still made something stir with some kind of primordial recognition in Buck’s marrow the second he woke up and clapped eyes on him. He took in the gray hair at high temples, at his and Maddie’s nose, at the confident smile, and knew they were brothers.
Buck has no idea who this guy is. He’s pretty sure he’d remember someone who looked like he bench presses actual benches in the morning and rushes off to be photographed for Men’s Health by lunch. 
As Buck comes up to the edge of the table, the man looks up at him, and the light of the sun catches his eyes. For a second, Buck’s back on the pier, gazing out into a cloudless sky stretched over the sea, but there’s no inhale of the earth, no oncoming wave. Just deep, Pacific blue. A slow smile spreads across the guy’s face, which takes him from unfairly handsome to utterly striking. 
A shiver starts from the very bottom tip of Buck’s spine and travels upwards like ripples on the surface of a lake, spreading out into all of his limbs until he can feel the eddies lapping at even the smallest arteries. For no cogent reason he can think of, his resting heart rate picks up until he’s flirting with full-on tachycardia. Maybe he’s about to code in the real world.
"H-Hey," Buck stutters, feeling caught out. "I—sorry, I’m—I’m a little turned around here."
The man gives him a look that’s both amused and commiserating, then picks up the drink cup he’d been playing table hockey with and holds it out. There's something thin and red tied around his ring finger, but Buck can't concentrate on it for some reason. It fades completely out of view every time he tries. "Want a sip? It’s the worst thing you’ll ever taste."
It's said around what is clearly a laugh, but Buck doesn't feel like it's at his expense, plus it's so infectious that he can’t help but crack a grin. The muscles in his back, which feel like they've been locked for days, are finally starting to relax.
“If it’s so gross, why’d you get it?” Buck asks, genuinely curious.
The guy shrugs. "I didn't."
Nodding as if that makes any kind of sense, Buck looks around to see if the ferns are hiding anyone else, but it really does seem like there's no one else here. He turns back to the man, who's watching him with that deep, placid gaze. 
It's so strange. He'd been so desperate to find a way out of here, psyching himself up for a battle he was prepared to fight to the death in, but all he wants to do right now is grab the chair across from this stranger and just… let the clock run out.
He reaches for the back of the chair closest to him, but it jerks away with a screech. 
The guy unhooks his foot from the chair leg and, staring straight into Buck's eyes, shakes his head gently. 
Buck swallows around a suddenly dry throat. Under his feet, the patio stones tremble. "D-Do I know you?"
When the man smiles this time, the corners of his eyes crinkle, digging lines that run down his cheeks. Buck thinks of the picture Jee-Yun gave him last week of a beaming sun. She'd drawn deep yellow lines coming off it. Sun rays. 
"No," the man says, his voice as warm as a crayon drawing made with unconditional love. "Not yet."
He lifts his hand and this time Buck can see the little red string tied around his finger, and the long tail of the other end of it draped over the table top, which Buck follows the trail of, heart pounding, until it comes to a stop. He looks down to find the other end is tangled around the fingers of his right hand. 
When he looks up, shaking and exhilarated, there's a door in the middle of the patio that swings open in obvious invitation. 
The man is no longer at the table, but there are suddenly lips at his ear. "See you soon, Evan."
Before he can close his eyes and sink into the hot wash of breath over his cheek, a large hand slides up to the middle of his back and shoves—
Buck knows he's being an absolute creep and Eddie won't stop giving him weird looks about it, but he can't help it. The pilot who's about to steal a helicopter for them has been nothing but friendly and confident, and he's currently wiring Buck up to his headset with brisk, competent hands, and all Buck can do is stare at him like he's got tonight's winning lottery numbers. 
Tom Kinard—"Tommy, please. Tom is my father, who I hate."—looks up from where he's bent a little at the knees, trying to get the microphone adapter to hook into Buck's belt, and shoots Buck an awkward grin. 
"Is there a spider in my hair or something?"
He hadn't realized how much tension he was putting into the air until Tommy cut through it with that. Buck ducks his head and laughs, feeling like a dumbass. "Sorry, man. It's just—do I know you from somewhere? You look so familiar."
"Maybe I just have one of those faces," Tommy says, all good humor.
For Men's Health, maybe, Buck almost replies, then has to clench his teeth so it doesn't slip out by accident. What a weird thought to have. With his luck, Tommy would've taken it the wrong way and then abandoned the mission altogether. But even thinking it feels like a lie. Buck's known the guy for all of five minutes but he's oddly sure Tommy wouldn't leave them in the lurch because Buck feels the need to share every weird thought that crosses his mind. 
"All right." Tommy stands up straight and steps back, but not before he gives Buck a friendly pat on the arm. "You're good to go."
Feeling oddly bereft, Buck says nothing as Tommy steps around him to where Chimney's been not so patiently waiting for his turn. 
"Sorry about him," Chim says, jerking a head in Buck's direction. "He was struck by lightning last year and hasn't been the same since. I mean, he was always annoying, but now he's just weird."
Buck deserves an Oscar for the fake outrage in his voice when he shoots back, "The view must be great from your glass house, Mr. I'm Dressing My Kid Up As A Ceiling Fan For Halloween," because the rest of him feels like he's in a tailspin. Every atom in his body is positively screaming for some reason. It's probably because they're all going to die. That makes the most sense.
When Tommy laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkle. 
Sun rays, Buck thinks nonsensically, and tangles the headset wire around the fingers of his right hand. 
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r0-boat · 3 days
Do you have the nsfw ver for Whb Kings as Monsters too 👀 If you do, i'm gonna have to wait patiently though 😚
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Thank you for waiting
This is the NSFW version!
Whb monsterAU!Kings (5) NSFW rut headcanons
This is part 2 of the SFW monster AU
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Horny Satan is not the same thing as Satan in Rut. When he is horny, and he is not ashamed. He will let you know. "Hey, let's fuck." When he holds you, his hands will be trying to slide under your clothes to touch you. Humping against her leg, looking up at you, with a smirk showing you how hard he is.
Other than Levi, he is the most violent during his rut. So violence that you have to separate the snake and the cat so they don't kill each other. In his rage, he will transform, pick you up by the neck of your clothing, and run off with you to the wilderness to God knows where to have his way with you. He doesn't like transforming when You're underneath them, He gets thoughts about taking you hard and rough leaving deep bites and deeper scratches licking up your blood as he breeds you full. So he always tries to leave when it gets really bad.
There is only two ways to take him: tie him up and watch him struggle, whimper, growl hiss, and beg for you to release him. Or become his personal fuck toy until he is satisfied. Who once you're done, you're going to be covered in bite marks and scratches, maybe even bruises of how hard he's holding you. He will throw your legs over his shoulders and pound into you like his only job is fuck you deep.
During ruts as well as getting more violent, He gets more protective, always hanging off your shoulder glaring it whoever you're talking to, waiting for them to touch you.
Like a certain tiger, he is no animal. He is not sure how humans Court, But he does know how dragons do it. Showering you and his prized possessions, gold, and jewels, and then take you right there on his treasures.
When his rut nears His golden scales begin to show on his body, something he tries to hide since he's trying to be among the humans. But for you, he will proudly show his body. Not only that, but his tail, fangs, and horns will begin to show before he cannot control himself. His greediness also heightens, begins to monopolize your time.
Unlike a certain snake, he does not like taking you by force. He wants you to choose him, but that doesn't mean he'll play fair... He will tease you, But he won't give you what you want just yet, not until he is for sure that You will give yourself to him. He will talk in great lengths about how he will pleasure you and that he will not stop till the sun rises, only for him to take you once again.
He gets the urge to build a nest. Moving as much of his gold and jewels as he can into his room. He fills his large room with his treasure, with a large bed filled with pillows, blankets, and sheets, anything soft and comfortable for you to lay on. He even has something you can wear—white and lacy with nothing else underneath for easy access.
Naga's are very protective of their mates, and Levi is no exception in fact he is extremely possessive as well. When he claims something in your room he will fight it to the better end. And it becomes a consistent problem when he claims your bed or your closet.
And it gets worse Oh dear, does it get worse during his rut? He is clingy like Satan but ten times worse, practically holding on to you like velcro. You wake up with him wrapped around you, and if you move, he squeezes. If you pass out That's no skin off his nose that means you can't leave him until you wake up.
DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT TOUCH OR SMELL LIKE ANY OTHER HYBRID THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW. His self-control is already hanging on by a thin little strand. And that will be the final cut. He is not soft when it comes to mating either. He will bend you down his clawed hands digging into your throats, and he will fuck you till you cannot walk for weeks.
Murmuring about how he's going to break you. His jealousy, possessiveness, and even possessiveness are at full force. However he does see you as his mate and he becomes gentler. His hateful facade fades almost completely. He cuddles you, he kisses you, calls you mate. One of these rare moments when he's gentle and expresses his love for you.
His rut is whenever he wants it to be. All jokes aside; how he found you is by scent alone. It was just a coincidence that a lot of other people he knows also found you. Your scent was irresistible something he had never sensed before. And before he knew it he was there.
He does have ruts. Where he gets the urge to show his body and his wings off to you, maybe even hum a tune when you're leaning against him. Come to think of it, when the two of you dance together, all he wants to do is pin you right there and have his way with you. He wasn't aware of that these were just mating rituals. Maybe he just forgot because it's already something he does.(except for the humming that's new)
He has never fallen for anyone before, sure he's had sex but you are different. Is it safe to say that he is nervous? He wants to really romance you, not just take you and leave you breathless on his cock. Well, that too, but he wants to make sure you have fun. It's just hard to do that when your body is making him feel hungrier than usual.
But you are worth it. He wants to feel the rush of adrenaline when he finally gets to have you after hours of staring, and sexual tension. And he hopes you feel that too with him. And that's when he'll take you raw and primal.
"Vampires don't get ruts"well, that's what he thought until his body started feeling rather hot. Shit... It all started when he took you out on a date. And he enjoyed it, and he really liked you. Now, every now and then, his body would feel uncomfortably hot. His pants would feel unimaginably tight, and he can't stop thinking about you.
Vampires are prideful and elegant beings. Now here he was, disheveled because of a Human. He is frustrated at his lack of a control over his own body but also curious that you could do this to him. And when he takes you in an attempt to take back his control, You will submit yourself fully to him.
During this time, he sees you like prey. He looks at you as if a tiger eyeing its meal. Even the slightest touch screams how much he wants you. He will make you lose control like you do to him. The urge to sink his teeth into your neck is annoying; he's never had the desire to taste blood from the source, not for a long time. But he could smell how sweet and rich your blood is from here, and it's driving him up the wall.
He will make you cry on his cock. He will make sure you know that you are screwed once you're in the bedroom alone with him. He will make you feel small and submissive under his touch, under his gaze. And that's when he'll take you. Like an animal.
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Bad Idea
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Billy Butcher x Reader
Sleeping with Butcher was a bad idea. You acknowledged it every time but that didn't stop you.
NSFW happenings
It was a bad idea. You knew it. This damn stakeout was MMs idea and while you'd initially agreed that was before you knew you would be teamed with Butcher. Now you sat across from him trying to avoid his eyes as you strained to listen to the com in your ear hoping MM would give the code to everyone to pull out.
"What's wrong luv?" He asked, reaching across the table to let his hand brush against yours. You stiffened and pulled your hand back "just a little tense" you hated the game of playing dress up, of being under different names. You were wearing a sundress and a camisole for God's sake as part of this. Of course Billy was unfairly good looking in his suit, the few buttons he'd left undone and his chain peeking out making you fight the urge to taste the skin there.
He grinned "I know a few ways we could ease that tension" the two of you were playing a married couple, possible contributors but you knew he was very much talking as Butcher not as Anthony Martin, his alias. You shook your head "I bet you do"
As if the very gods above heard your prayers MMs voice rang through your ear "Pull out. Take the scenic route. Everyone meet at the safehouse in two hours, not a minute sooner" you groaned at the idea of being stuck in this getup for two hours but at least the pretenses were gone.
Billy stood and offered his hand which you took hesitantly. It didn't take the two of you long to make it to the parking lot.
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You practically fell into his old car and closed your eyes in relief when you felt him pull out onto the road. The safehouse was a forty minute drive meaning you still had over an hour before you could go back.
You kept your eyes closed as you listened to Butcher fidget with the radio and curse traffic. You slowly opened your eyes to look over at him and he was already looking at you considering the two of you were at a red light "How did I get stuck with you on this?" He smirked "Come on now, you like being stuck with me most of the time" you rolled your eyes and waved a hand towards the light "It's green"
You watched Butcher as he drove and again that urge to taste the skin peeking out of his shirt hit you. As if he could read your mind his hand reached for your thigh closest to him and when you moved into his touch a devilish grin split his face "What was that about not wanting to be stuck with me?"
His hand slipped higher, teasing your thigh before you felt his fingertips brush against your clothed core "Butcher" you warned and he cut his eyes at you before looking back at the road "Say the word" you sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth, gnawing roughly on it in an attempt to not moan when his fingers finally slipped under your panties.
He slipped one finger into your pussy and when you let your legs fall further apart in response he chuckled before adding another finger, curling them both up to find that spot inside of you. The moment his fingers brushed against it your hips bucked up slightly as a whimper escaped your lips.
Your head fell back against the seat, as he worked you closer to that edge. A whimper escaped you when used the heel of his hand to apply pressure to your clit. When your orgasm washed over you your hips shook slightly as he worked you through the aftershocks before slipping his fingers free.
He glanced at you before sucking his fingers into his mouth, licking them clean. You swallowed hard before finding your voice "Fuck this, pull over Butcher" "That's my girl" he growled before pulling behind the mall the two of you were driving past.
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The moment Butcher killed the engine your shoes were off in the floorboard and you were straddling him. His hands moved to snatch the camisole off of you giving him access to the flesh the low cut dress exposed "Who picked this damn thing for ya anyways?" He growled before attacking the soft flesh of your neck.
Your hands went to his hair, tugging the short locks harshly as he sucked and bit whatever flesh he could reach. You rolled your hips down against his and felt him harden under you "I hate you at times you know that?" You cursed and he simply laughed against your skin, cutting hazel eyes up to bore into yours "Really seems like it"
You leaned back to catch his mouth in a kiss that was all tongue and teeth, fingers unbuttoning his shirt further to give you access to his chest. When your fingers smoothed across the skin, nails digging in lightly he groaned "Yeah you hate me"
One of his hands gripped your hair, snatching your head back. Your eyes fluttered shut, the pain mixing with pleasure "Eyes open sweetheart. You know you gotta say what ya want" you forced your eyes open "Fuck me Butch, please" he released your hair and pressed another hard kiss to your lips before lifting you off his lap just far enough to release his hard cock from his pants "I got ya" he murmured against your lips as he notched the head of his cock at your core, strong hands holding you in place "Please Butch" you whispered against his lips, too turned on to worry about how pathetic you sounded at the moment.
He pulled you down then, burying himself to the point your hips were flush with his. He swallowed the loud moan that left you at the movement. He smoothed his hands up your back, rubbing circles on the tense muscles through the thin material of your dress "So fuckin pretty with my cock buried in that tight little cunt of yours"
When the pain of him stretching you faded to pleasure you rolled your hips and he groaned "Gonna fuck yourself on my cock eh luv?" You left a open mouthed kiss against his collarbone as you started to move, hips straining at the angle but you could've cared less. He filled you perfectly and you were chasing that high, pleasure coursing through you as mixtures of praises and curses left his lips.
"Good girl" he cooed, lifting his hips to meet yours with every thrust. "Gonna come for me? Let me feel that cunt squeezing me?" You moaned in response, feeling your orgasm start to build.
He dipped his head down to your chest, freeing your breasts from the dress to let his tongue flick across the nipple of one while his hand teased the other. He started to guide your hips, lazily dragging you up his cock before slamming you back down "Gonna fill ya up, leave ya drippin. Yer gonna have to sit through talkin with the boys feelin my cum dripping down yer thighs"
You whimpered against his neck and when he slipped a hand between your bodies to rub tight circles onto your clit the whimper turned into a moan of his name as you gripped his hair with one hand and shoudler with the other. He fucked you through your orgasm and you could feel his hips start to stutter. Your muscles were gone, pleasure turning them soft. You braced your head against his shoulder "Harder Butcher. I know what you need. Take it"
"Yer damn near perfect" he growled, gripping your hips hard as he started to fuck up into you,chasing his own high. You knew if he kept up this pace and angle when he did cum he'd drag you with him. "You fuck me so good Billy. Feels so damn good" you moaned and his thrusts got harder in response.
You felt another orgasm building and buried your face into his neck, biting down on the flesh there. "Want to feel ye" he murmured, fingers finding your clit once again. You let your pleasure wash over you as the orgasm slammed into you and when you clenched around him you felt his hips stutter right before he buried himself inside of you, the feeling of his release coating the walls of your pussy.
You sat like that for a few moments, both of you working to get your breathing back to normal. Butcher moved first, easing your breasts back into your dress and straightening it back into place. His fingertips grazed a few marks his mouth left on your skin "I marked ye this time"
You traced the mark you'd left against his neck "Don't worry I marked you too" you forced yourself back to sit up despite his cock still being buried in your pussy. You smiled at the cocky smirk on his face "I still hate you at times" he laughed "I know luv" he pressed another hard kiss to your lips then looked down where the two of you were still connected "Need help?" You nodded so he gently lifted you off his lap and sat you down in the seat next to him "Lets get cleaned up and we'll head back"
His eyes trailed over you, no doubt taking in your wild hair and swollen lips along with that just fucked glow. "I kinda like ya like this. Fuckin gorgeous" you rolled your eyes as you started attempting to smooth down your hair "This was a bad idea" he nodded "You say that every time, but still keep coming back dont cha?"
You shook your head "Put your cock away Butcher. We gotta get a move on"
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poppy-metal · 1 day
dbf pat beating the fuck out of your cheating asshole douchebag boyfriend. im talking so bad it's like that scene from jennifer's body where they say the guy jen killed looked like "lasagna with teeth"
my tip will get sticky stop.... protective older patrick..... nevermind the guy is pretty much in the same vein he used to be in college - he needs to be a heartless sack of shit to someone other girl. not you. putting a bag of iced peas on his knuckles for him later, patrick thought you'd be smiling ear to ear. these days - any proof that patrick cared about you, you took in stride. when he gave an inch - you took it as a mile, and all that.
but your bottom lip is jutted out and you look sad and you have tears teetering on your lashes like raindrops and he fucking hates it when you cry. "fuck that guy." because thats what you're upset about. "dont cry over him."
but you shake your head - dart your eyes up to his face and sniffle. you lift the frozen peas to look at the red, inflamed flesh of his knuckles. frown at it and press the pack back down. "you got hurt over me." you tell him. you wont look at him now, even though he ducks his head to try and catch your eyes. "m'always causing you trouble." you sound like you're about to cry over it.
and well. "sure fucking do." but he hooks the stool you're sitting on and jerks it closer to him when you blink and make to stand up. you fall back on your ass when you're brought in, letting out a squeak. this time when patrick hooks his chin down, you meet his gaze with yours. "but I'm an adult - "
"so am i -"
"- barely. dont interrupt me. I mean. im the responsible party here. i could make you fuck off. but I don't."
you look at his lips. wet and pink and you wonder what the scruff of his stubble would feel like against your jaw. so different from the baby soft chin of her ex she's used to. a mans mouth. a mans lips on hers. a mans tongue inside her mouth.
"but you dont." you echo, leaning closer to him. he smells so good. like something intensely.... male. sweat but good sweat. something minty. cologne? it made your mouth water. his hand in your lap with the frozen peas flexes as you draw nearer. "you should just give in -"
a hand comes up, his finger halting your mouth from getting closer. he keeps it there for a second, before his palm skates down your throat - and his hand wraps around your neck.
"you really want me to fuck you?" he says, almost to himself. he sounds like hes really just realizing that for the first time, even though you've made that obvious for awhile now. so you dont answer, you just look at him. like, duh, dude. he exhales. his thumb presses into a pulse point on your throat. "you'd let me do whatever the fuck i wanted to you."
thats not a question. you swallow. he feels the motion under his palm. feels the spit travel down your throat.
"it turned me on so much to see you beat my boyfriend up." you breathe, honest. "im still wet over it."
"hes not your boyfriend." his hand tightens momentarily around you. his eyes are hard on yours. he's serious about that. no fucking around. "you go back to him and I'll beat your ass instead of his next time for being fucking stupid."
your lashes flutter. you inhale. he probably knew what threatening you like that did to you. he probably knew your little cunt just flooded with slick at the tone of his voice - at the mere threat of his hands on your ass.
you lick your lips, "yes sir."
he breathes out a quiet, 'shit.' dropping his hand from your throat. he pulls his injured hand from your lap. it'd stopped hurting ages ago. it'd just felt nauseatingly good to be doted on. he was fucking sick.
you watched him as he stood up, ran a hand through his hair.
you asked, "when are you gonna give me what i want?"
and he looked at you. jaw working side to side. you sounded so goddamn sure of yourself. like it was only a matter of time. like it was inevitable that he'd fuck you.
he needed a fucking cigarette.
"go to bed, you fucking brat."
he brushed by you - because you'd managed to needle your way into spending the night at his again. he was already fishing a pack out of his pocket, tapping a cigarette free when you called out behind him, "you have a really great ass!"
he knew he did. he threw a glare at you over his shoulder, cigarette dangling between his lips. you giggled.
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gaymurdersalad · 2 days
Jack! You should try talking it out with Dave. Tell him how you feel, how from your perspective how tiring and agonising this whole situation is.
Dave cares about you a lot. I'm sure he'll understand you.
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> Fuck you! Quit giving me those puppy dog eyes! It’s not gonna work this time, no, you’re not gonna ruin my life and waltz back in like we’re still friends. I only liked you when I hated myself. Get it through that fucking lobotomized skull, you purple leech.
> … Do you even realize what you’re sayin’ to me, Sportsy?
> I know exactly what I’m saying! You deaf too, you bastard?
> I didn’t ask for your help! Y’know, Sportsy, I coulda been perfectly fine rotting in that alleyway! You didn’t HAVE to drag me back to your home just to fuckin’ chew me out you goddamn hypocrite! What the fuck is wrong with you?!
> It was a moment of weakness. Never in my right mind would I ever let you back in here!
> Sportsy, I know that ain’t really what you think, so can you stop bein’ so goddamn difficult and just tell me what the hell is pissin’ you off today?
> Today? Today?! You’ve been making my life fucking miserable since the moment I met you! You saw I was struggling, you noticed that I hated the company, and instead of leaving me well enough alone, you took advantage of me and made me do your fucking dirty work! I was prepared to do good, I was prepared to save whatever kid was stupid enough to let your cryptid ass lure them into the backroom, but god, when offered with the opportunity to burn it all down, I took it! I couldn’t have met a worse person, someone who fed into that fucking hate and malice and made me worse!
> You’re— You’re blaming me? Sportsy, You’re grown! You are a grown man, you made your own goddamn decision! How are you being so childish right now?! Stop tryin’ to escape the parts you don’t like about yourself, just deal with ‘em like every other adult!
> Deal with it?
> I killed children! Little kids!
> And that’s somehow my fault?
> If you’d have never been there, I never would have done it.
> But you did, you stupid motherfucker, you did! So grow up!
> If you weren’t so fucking obsessed with the legacy of a man that doesn’t even love you, I would never be here! I’d still be living my shitty existence with my shitty family in a shitty house that I couldn’t afford in a shitty world with a shitty job! Your bullfuckery cost me a life, it costed dozens of kids their futures, it destroyed families! Telling me to grow up?? You can only do whatever the fuck your daddy tells you to do!
> Do you know what the hell this means to me? Do you even understand why I’m doin’ this at all? It’s ‘cause I trust him, Sportsy, I trust him with my life ‘cause he’s saved it over and over again! You don’t know what’s happened to me, you don’t know what the hell I’ve seen, what Henry’s dragged me out of! You’ll never fuckin’ understand what he means to me!
> You’re right. I don’t know. Although what I do know, as any other sane, rational person would, is that whatever he’s done for you, it does not justify snuffing out the lives of little kids as some twisted form of gratitude.
> You’re bein’ really unfair!
> Unfair?? I didn’t realize murder was unfair! Okay, you should have every right to take someone else’s life! It’s only fair! It’s only right ‘cause it’s Henry!
> You’re just sayin’ that ‘cause you ain’t never had a dad, you don’t know what the fuck I’d lose if I didn’t satisfy him!
> …
> Yeah, turns out I ain’t brain dead, you soulless bastard. I remember everything you’ve ever told me. Everything you spilled outta those rotten guts in Vegas. You wanna know why, you sick fuck? ‘Cause I liked you. I liked how you treated me, like a person. Lookin’ at me wit’ them doe eyes, so fuckin’ receptive and so goddamn… affectionate.
> Look, Sportsy, I know you whether you want me to or not. I know you don’t hate me, I know you never did. I don’t hate you neither. It’s not a question of if you’re ashamed of what you’ve done or whether it’s my fault or not— you like me. You are so fuckin’ violated to know that I can see through you. Sometimes that’s what I like about you, but right now it’s pissin’ me off. Lay down the goddamn charades and tell me what you want without usin’ any of that goddamn language you were dishin’ out earlier.
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> Stop living for Henry.
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> …
> Stop making it impossible for me to like you.
> … I can be close with Henry and still be your friend, Sportsy—
> No, you can’t! My entire reason for existence is to right Henry’s wrongs! My best friend cannot be his fucking protégé! Dave, you don’t understand what this is doing to me! I want you more than I want to do good in the world! Do you realize how sincerely fucked up that is?!
> … You’re not the only one who feels this way, Sportsy. This is puttin’ me in a uncomfortable position too. You’re askin’ me for a lot.
> I didn’t realize not murdering anyone required serious introspection.
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> Gah, it’s not just about the murder, get over it! That’s all you ever wanna fuckin’ talk about! The very fuckin’ notion that I should lay all my loyalties down for the likes of you is downright insulting— the one who abandoned me after givin’ me a taste of humanity! Yer a joke and a conman and I cannot fuckin’ stand you!
> Yet I care about what you think of me, which is the wildest part of it all! I want you to like me again, but as you’ve so clearly forced down my throat, you won’t do it again unless I betray my own father! Unless I submit to YOUR goddamn ideology! Is it just that you’re usin’ me? Do you just want another pair of hands just like I asked for yours all those years ago? Trynna worm your way into a heartless vessel, are ya? All I got left is my brain, Sportsy, and you and that pink fuck are rippin’ it apart at the seams! Gah!
> You ain’t blameless yourself, anyhow! What, you had one good trip on ether and decided you were a saint? You’ve killed same as me, don’t you dare try and look down on me like you’re any better! So easily persuaded to kill, so easily persuaded to spare— can you ever make up your goddamn mind, or are you just gonna let people boss you around your entire afterlife? Yer like a fuckin’ sheep, like goddamn livestock for people that wanna use you! Turns out we ain’t so different after all, huh?!
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> … You… You wish you what…?
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> …!
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odiesdayoff · 1 day
Fly Boy
Pair: Neil Lewis x Fem!Reader
Summary: Frustrated with Neil's rule about the employees being required to cosplay, you decide to mess with him.
Warnings: SMUT; 18+; Neil is a bit pathetic and mean at points; he can't find the clit but has a big dick lol
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“Surely, you’ve seen something by Milos Foreman.” Neil held a stack of VHS that needed to be reset. It was mostly older stuff, you saw the worn copy of Persona in the middle. He and Jonathan had a heated argument (or discussion, as they referred to it) about why the customer would stop watching in the middle, but you understood. Only the men deeply involved in film could possibly enjoy something so bad. Too trained to think black and white meant that it was a good movie automatically. 
You shrugged, continuing to put the tapes on the shelf. “Never heard of him.” Paisa slid in right next to the edge of the shelf and The Red and The White. Only this place would have a section dedicated to foreign language war films. Like it would kill him to buy a copy of Shrek 2.
He nearly dropped the tapes on the counter and looked at you as if you just admitted to a horrible crime. “How have you never heard of him? One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? The Fireman’s Ball? ” Just because you heard of the movie didn’t mean you knew every production assistant’s name. You watched movies for fun. They just weren’t your taste.
“More like The Fireman’s Balls.” You stifled a laugh at your own joke, though Neil was far from impressed or amused at all.
He put a tape into the rewinder and shook his head. “We’re gonna fix that. This Saturday.”
“Can’t do this Saturday.” He continued his quite bewildered stare at you. Of course, he forgot. “It’s your little Star Wars marathon night.”
He nodded with realization. “Right.”
His slight frown made you feel guilty, as it always did. Somehow, the grown man always managed to use puppy eyes on you successfully. “We’ll watch them. Soon.” He continued to rewind the tapes with a smile.
Star Wars wasn’t exactly your cup of tea. Boring was the descriptive term that rested on the tip of your tongue whenever the topic was brought up in the store. Not that you would ever admit that out loud. All three of them gave you a college-level lecture when you suggested that the Chanel boots-wearing Luke might have been into men. God forbid you had fun.
The costumes for women were slim, at least they were on Amazon. Your options were Padme, Leia, Rey, or some random obscure character from a show or cartoon you’d never heard of. A part of you wanted to make felt ears and be Jar Jar Binks just to piss them off.
There was still a way to mess with them, Neil especially. Hopefully, the extra you paid for overnight shipping was worth it and actually pulled through. 
By Saturday, you walked into Gumshoe with a large coat covering your costume. You braided your hair to the best of your abilities, trying to get as accurate as possible. The fabric of the costume was uncomfortable, digging into your skin and surely leaving marks you’d feel for days after.
Nerds crowded the small store, much more than usual. It was events like this one that made you reconsider your employment and how much you were a fan of movies in general. A Darth Vader brushed by you with a red solo cup of beer. Not many women were there, other than a few of the regulars dressed as Padme and Ahsoka. 
Neil, in Han Solo’s iconic white shirt with the navy blue vest (the version from Return of the Jedi ), waved you over to join the couch with him, Jonathan, and Lucian. A New Hope was in the VHS player and ready to start, the original cut before George Lucas made revisions of course. He was so proud of winning the Etsy bid for the original set of VHS tapes. 
You dropped the coat as you walked over and draped it on the front counter, locking eyes with the group as the costume was finally revealed: The bikini Leia wears at the beginning of Return of the Jedi. A part of you was anxious about the amount of skin you were showing and the people who were staring daggers into you. All you cared about was Neil’s reaction.
None of them said a word as you sat down on the couch next to them. “So, when’s this movie going to start?” Three pairs of eyes just looked back at you, more specifically, how your breasts bounced when you sat down and the thin straps that held the cloth that covered your panties. All you wore to work were t-shirts and jeans, along with the occasional tank top that left much to the imagination. You leaned over to the table and took the can of beer that Neil had been drinking, bringing it to your lips.
Neil cleared his throat. “Um, right now, actually.” He called everyone to the couches and rug, made a quick introduction to the night and thanked everyone for coming, then started the movie. You couldn’t help but notice the way his hands were clasped in front of his crotch and the bulge he was trying to hide.
Another person, dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi in the third film, sat next to you. Only fifteen minutes in, he did the classic “fake yawn” in order to wrap his arm around your shoulders. He wasn’t slick, but as much as you noticed the attempt at flirting, Neil did as well. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, turning his attention back to the movie and trying not to make his glances towards you too obvious.
The can of beer didn’t last you too long, only until they were in the trash compactor. There was no way that you would get through the rest of these movies sober and a half-can of beer wasn’t going to get you there.
You got up and walked to the storage closet, where you knew that a full case of beer was hidden. Finally alone, you pulled out a can and opened it, allowing the lukewarm liquid to coat your throat. The beer was still a bit disgusting, but it got the job done. “What the fuck are you wearing, Princess?”
Neil stood in the doorway, closing the door behind him. You shrugged, even though you knew that he knew you were getting to him on purpose. “I’m participating. You never let me live down the Lord of the Rings night when I wore my regular clothes.”
He sighed and shook his head. “I didn’t mean to whore yourself out and wear practically nothing.”
“It’s accurate, not whoring out. Are you mad that I’m wearing it or that people are looking at me in it? What is it, Fly-boy?” You crossed your arms, unknowingly pushing your breasts together and creating more cleavage than there already was.
He ran a hand through his hair. “Christ, Y/n.” His hands cupped your cheeks and he pulled you in, crashing his lips against yours. It was a side of him you’d never seen before, his eyes were dark and only focused on you. Your back hit the wall and Neil’s hands traveled lower, pulling the string that held the bra together and ripping fabric until it fell to the floor.
“Now, beg me to fuck you like the whore that you’ve been parading yourself as all night. I know that’s what you want.” His hot breath burned your neck as he trailed his lips from your mouth to your collarbone. His words cut deeply, like nothing you’d expect to come from his mouth. Who knew sweet Neil could turn into this?
You nodded. “Please, Neil. I need you to fuck me. I’ve wanted you for so long.” He moaned against your skin as you spoke and hastily unbuckled his belt, freeing his aching cock. You untied the bottom of your costume and dropped your panties with it.
His chest pressed against yours and you winced as the cold wall came in contact with your bare skin. He wasted no time in lining his tip with your entrance and pushing in, softly moaning into your neck. “You’re so warm. You’re not a whore, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. Fuck.”
So, he really was all talk. Once he felt the touch of a woman, he became a needy mess. “It’s okay, Neil. Just, ah!” It was now that you finally understood the saying about nerdy boys and the size of their cocks, feeling him hit spots you didn’t know existed. You only hoped that the ongoing battle within whatever galaxy or solar system was louder than both of your unholy gasps and moans.
You would never hear the end of it if Jonathan or Lucian heard. They gave you enough shit for Neil’s unbelievably obvious crush on you that you chose to avoid on behalf of keeping peace in the store. Clearly, you had failed miserably in that aspect. Look at Neil’s cute face.
Not to mention his cock. The same cock currently driving into you and knocking the wind from your lungs. Neil fucked into you like he was on a time limit, chasing his climax and nearly sinking his teeth into your bare shoulder. “Your tits are mesmerizing.” You held back a laugh at his comment, reaching down to your clit before he slapped your hand away. “No, let me do it.”
A part of you wanted to deny it, but you let him. He blindly reached down and rubbed your labia, thinking he was on the money. You squeezed your eyes shut and gently guided his fingers to your clit, jolting when he found the right spot. “Oh, Neil…so good.”
His pace slowed and became less controlled. “I’m so close, sweetheart.”
“You’ll pull out, right?” He bit his lip and nodded. By the way he held tightly onto your hips and breathed in your scent, you knew that he barely heard your request.
The suspicion turned into fact when he stilled, pushing himself further into you as he came. “I’m sorry, baby. I’ll pay for the pill. You’re just…so warm.”
You nodded along with him, not caring as you crossed the finish line as well. As you both came down from the high, the realization kicked in. He tucked himself in his boxers and buttoned his pants. You picked up your shirt, well, bra. The straps were broken. “Shit, Neil. I can’t wear this.”
He furrowed his brows, then rummaged through one of the boxes in the corner of the room. A large, baby blue t-shirt with the Gumshoe logo on it was in his hands. “Put this on. Say you got too cold.”
You caught the shirt and put it on, watching the fabric fall to your knees. “Great.”
“You still look sexy.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked you up and down.
You rolled your eyes. “What does Leia say to Han Solo? Nerf-Herder? You’re that."
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i-eat-dynamites · 1 day
` > incest, 3some, spit, mentions of pregnancy, nasty, nasty, NASTY┆pt.1
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"... Fuck did'ya say..?" Katsuki growled, his fingers dug on the fat of your thighs, awaiting his best friends reply. "It broke man, the condom." Eijiro mumbled, he looked at the stretched hole on the tip of his dick where the plastic uncomfortably constricted before ripping it off.
"C'mon, Kats, just this once." He positioned himself in between your legs again, using both his thumbs to spread your cunt open, poking and prodding it using his dick. "Tch... fuckin' bastard.....do it quick, greedy asshole." Katsuki sneered.
"W-what? You're g'nna... let 'im cum in me─?!" Your head still hazy and dizzy from your previous orgasm. "Finally came down from ya' high princess~?" Eijiro caressed your cheeks before planting a gentle kiss on it. "She still up for another load hm? Think she s right" He pried, rubbing the tip of his raw meat on your cunt.
'Y-you're seriously gunna cum n' me...?" "Yeah... but blastys head is itchin' t'xplode so... I'll make it quick 'kay..? don't worry though... I'll make sure t' fill ya up a shitton so there won't be anymore space left in your cunt for your bros seed~" Eijiro chuckled before plunging himself into you once more.
His muscles tensed at the hot and squishy feeling of your cervix around him. "Oh my god, oh go─d! fuck! s-soo deep-!!" Your arms fly around, trying to grab on something, anything, even reaching for your brother, grabbing onto his shoulders before digging your nails into them.
"Oh shiiit... y'feel me baby~? Wa-wanna be filled with... ba-babies~?" His hips began moving, but this time, no more gentle thrusts. His pace was animalistic and brutal to begin with, sending the headboard back and hitting the wall.
"Oh shit.. shit shit shit shit shiiiiit... mhfuck-! ohh fu─ck!" Eijiro moaned loudly, his hips messily pounding into you. Your arms fly around, trying to grab on something, anything. Your head was on Katsuki's chest while your legs were over Eijiro's shoulders.
"Fuck'n take it.. ugh go─d! take it, take it take it take i─t!!" His entire body shook while trying to press himself into you as hard as he can to ensure you take all of his cum. Eijiro panted, as if he was a pent up and desperate dog, humping and rutting into your cunt.
His muscles tensed, placing all his body weight on you. "Tch, ya tryna crush 'er idiot-?! Fuck off." Katsuki sneered before pushing his friend off of you. "F'she ends up havin' black 'aired babies, ma'fuckin' kill you." Katsuki gently flipped you around, now having you on your tummy while he placed a pillow just beneath your hips.
"Mnnh...'suki...yer turn.." You wiggled your ass a bit, spreading open your soft cheeks and giving him an eye full of your pink lil butt. "What, want my kids too sis? Heh..mom raised a bitch didn't she? raised a slutty fuckin daughter, always kissin' 'er big bros dick every night and havin' his friends take turns fuckin' this needy n' greedy little cunt yeah?"
He massaging your cheeks, groping and spreading them open. "Y.. you ass... stop teasin' jeez..." You mumble before spreading your legs open for him, the mixture of you and Eijiro's cum making your inner thighs sticky and shiny. Katsuki spat on your ass, watching it slowly slide down your ass as it dribbles down onto the mattress.
"Shut up.. ya already got his cum seeping outta your cunt. M'gonna be fuckin' that cute butt, high time she gets some love and cum deep in 'er~" He slips his dick in between your ass cheeks, slapping your ass and teasing the tight entrance with his cocktip.
"Mnn....Kats please.." "Tsk.. shut that mouth and be fuckin' good yeah? else I'll fuck your sorry ass all night." He growled into your ear, both his arms wrapped tightly around you when he dropped all of him into your ass. "Oh fuck... so.. fuckin' tight.. shit.."
"Y'stupid-! stupid.. f'ckn... 'itch..." "Yeeah, that's what ma'make f'ya if ya keep runnin' that mouth." "Katsuk──i.... fuck my pussy idiot.... not m'butt..." You bury your head onto the plush pillows, embarrassed. "That desperate for bros cum huh? Ya want t'make our damn fam tree a fuckin' circle huh? Fine then... t'was just father's day a few days ago right? might as well fuckin' be one!"
He quickly pulled out of your ass then lifted your hips before slammed himself into your used cunt, his pace wasn't fast but wasn't too slow either, each thrust would have his dick all the way in then all the way out. "Oh fuck.. fuck fuck yesss... ~!! Give it t'me 'sukiiiiii oh my go-d..."
"Tch, yer damn loose here sweets.. so fucking warm too..." Katsuki griped, his movements slowly becoming more and more erratic. You're completely blist out, eyes rolling to the back of your head while your arms are bound by his strong and bigger ones.
"Wanna fuck'n get pregnant right? Want those tits full of milk huh? Wanna give our parents a grandkid already? ya nasty fuckin' bitch.." Katsuki groaned, beads of his sweat covering your back and making them glisten.
"Mnfuck yes! Please yes... I want that... want that sooo bad please, please, please 'Sukiii~!" Pretty face of yours tear stained and flushed, lips swole and body numb. Katsuki chuckled them scanned your expression, glad to have fucked his sister dumber than his friend did.
"Damn you bitch... always sending blood t'my dick whenever ya flaunt that ass 'round the dorms.. y' wanna be a free use whore eh~?" Thrusts become stronger, his balls slapping your soppy cunt while he's beating you with his cock.
"Gonna cum.. ya excited sis? Wanna feel bros hot n' sticky fucking cum in ya huh─?" You mindlessly nod, all fucked out and stupid. You clench around him, wanting to milk him and have your insides pumped full of big brother seed. "FUCK! Gimme~! gimme, gimme, gimme please Katsuki~! want it s'ba──d please! please breed me- breed me breed me breed meeee.."
You whined, pushing your ass back into him. Every thrust of his makes your pussy gush out and spray all over the sheets. "Oh shit..." "Nyes! Please inside me! inside me please-!" "I know sis, shut it." Katsuki grunted, feeling his balls stick up and squishing you underneath him while he paints your insides white, his cum spurting deep inside.
Making sure you take every single drop, and not one is wasted. He lays on you, cock getting soft inside. "Ohhh fuck... fuck.. fuuuck..." Katsuki whispered, kissing your nape and nibbling on your reddened ears.
"Y'okay?" "..." "Sis?" He leaned over, looking at your cute little face, all passed out and moaning very softly. "...Damn whore fell asleep... heh. Got yer brains fucked out and you're just gonna pass out on me princess? How cruel... ya were wide awake when Kiri had his turn too... and not even a kiss goodnight huh? You break my heart sis...s'all fine though... I'll make sure ya wake up with a sore body.. "
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I think I’ve unintentionally gotten myself stuck on a slippery slope as one of my Black characters is a demon and to make it worse he gets hunted down after escaping a lab originally this had absolutely nothing to do with race but I’ve realized that it’s kinda yikes, but I can’t change this part without completely altering the story I wanna write, I figure working in a plot line about deconstructing internalized racism would help some since the story is heavily about religion and questioning things that people say/do but idk
I don't think you worked yourself into anything, tbh. I would have already seen and related to this as an allegory for being a Black person hunted down by a violent source that wants to use and profit off of his body while dehumanizing (even though he's a demon) him and putting his worth down to what he can provide, else kill him instead. That's just a part of the Black experience. Especially if you're working in religion (though that's a whole different conversation I may or may not be able to have with you).
Now, did you intend that when you wrote it? No! BUT! You do not have to turn around and shoehorn in a lesson on racism. Now that you know what you've written, go back through and see where you could strengthen what you've already got. Recognize what certain things will end up symbolizing, now that you're seeing it from this new perspective. That might accomplish what you want without "adding a plot line about deconstructing internalized racism"- because you could do that, but that means you're gonna have to research- there is no half assing it! (Not that I think you would)
I've discussed this before, but if he's Black, his race is going to have an effect on how people understand his story and character, whether you intended it or not. That's not a bad thing; just move forward with more intent with his character.
It's actually funny, you did what many nonblack authors legitimately refuse to do, and one of many lessons I'm trying to teach y'all- good on you for stopping and catching what you wrote!
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holylulusworld · 2 days
The assistant (10) - Apologies
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Summary: You are invisible most of the time.
Pairing: Former!Boss!Steve Rogers x Former!Assistant(plussized)!Reader
Possible pairing: Jake Jensen x Reader, Lloyd Hansen x Reader, Curtis Everett x Reader, Ari Levinson x Reader, Andy Barber x Reader, Mike Weiss x Reader, Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Warnings: angst, flirty CEvans characters, language, plus-sized/chubby reader, protective brothers, Lloyd being Lloyd, arguments, fighting, violence, brothers being brothers, choking (non-sexual), injuries
A/N: We are back to business and bam, did I just add another brother? Yes. No. Maybe.
The assistant masterlist
The assistant (9) - Revenge for champions
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Lloyd reluctantly opens the gate for Steve. He eyes the captain warily, and huffs. “Captain Asshole.” He grunts.
“Kidnapper,” Steve bites back. Like promised, he came in civilian clothes, and without his shield. He’s carrying a duffle bag while surveilling the property on his way toward the mansion.
“I see Captain Asshat came,” Ari sneers at Steve. He looks the captain up and down, wondering what everything sees in the blonde.
“Play nice, Ari,” Andy warns. He doesn’t like having Steve on their property either, but this way, the brothers have control over the situation. And he made a few calls. Things will go according to his plan, not Steve’s. “No killing Captain America.”
Lloyd snorts. “Speak for yourself, not me. If he only breathes wrong, he’ll bite a bullet.”
“Ah, we already reached the status of threatening,” Curtis steps out of the mansion, his muscular arms crossed over his chest. “Jake checks on the cameras, and Mike is doing Pilates or crap with Y/N.”
“If he touched her,” Steve wants to jump at Curtis. “I’ll break his neck.”
“Whoa…whoa,” Lloyd points his index finger at Steve. “If anyone breaks our little chaos’s neck, it’s me. He’s my brother, not yours.”
Andy coughs and looks away. He doesn’t know how to tell his brothers whom he called to join forces with them. If they must fight Captain America and the Avengers, they’ll need every help they can get.
“So, uh—” he loosens his tie. “We should talk about something before we let him inside. I made a few calls and asked for a favor.”
“You asked for a favor?” Curtis turns his head to look at his brother. “Andy, what did you do? I hope you don’t try to bullshit us with your lawyer crap again.”
“I wish it was only about lawyer crap…” Andy looks at the still-open gate. He huffs and removes his tie. “I called someone to join us today.”
“Another guest?” Lloyd rolls his eyes. “Andy, we’ve got our hands full with Captain Turd over there. I don’t have the nerves to handle our little chaos, Cappy and another guest.”
“Here we go…” Ari sighs when a car drives through the open gate. He shakes his head before punching Andy’s arm. “He’s an outcast, brother. How dare you call him?”
“He’s still our brother,” Andy argues. “I mean…yeah…he chose another family over us, and his love for money is making me sick but…”
“Andrew Barber, there is no but!” Lloyd lunges at his brother. He has his hand around Andy’s throat to slam him into the wall.
“Whoa, stop it!” Ari struggles to drag Lloyd off his brother. “We don’t kill each other, Lloyd. Save your energy for our real enemies.”
“He invited Ransom fucking Drysdale, Ari! How could he? That bastard said we are not brothers,” Curtis yells as said man gets out of his brand-new car. “You! Get off our property!”
Curtis storms toward Ransom to punch his face. “You fucker!” Ransom dodges the next punch. He likes the finer things in life but didn’t forget how to fight. “Andy called me!”
“What is this all about—” Jake and Mike stop in their tracks. While Ari tries to keep Lloyd from strangling Andy, Curtis and Ransom throw punches at each other. “Guys! What’s going on here?”
“So, this is how you keep Y/N safe?” Steve huffs. He drops his duffle bag to the ground to storm past Jake and Mike. “I’ll get her out of this madhouse!”
“Buddy, you better stay out,” Jake puts his hand on Steve’s chest to stop him and make things worse. He doesn’t stand a chance against Captain America, but right now, he gives a shit.
“GUYS!” you stomp your foot. “What is going on here?” You storm toward Lloyd to slap his shoulder. “Lloyd, let go of Andy. Ari same goes for you. Stop hitting your brother’s back.”
“But—” Lloyd pouts. “He…and then…and he invited the gold-digger!”
“I don’t care, Lloyd Hansen,” you poke his arm. “We do not hurt the people we love. I want you to apologize to your brother.” You harrumph and tap your foot. “Lloyd, apologize to your brother or there will be no dessert for you.”
Lloyd’s eyes darken. He looks at your crotch and hums. “I love me some dessert, Cupcake. What do you have to offer?”
“Not that, you little pervert,” you slap the back of his head. “Now play nice, Lloyd.”
“Fine,” he pouts. “I’m sorry for choking you.” He looks at Andy, not sorry at all.
“Ari, your turn,” you point at Ari. “I’m waiting. There will be no head massage and hair pulling for you if you do not apologize for slapping your brother.”
“Is it just me, or is this kind of hot?” Lloyd grins. He’s happy that he isn't the only one who got in trouble this time.
“Lloyd, I’m sorry for slapping your back. Even though you deserved it and I only tried to keep you from choking Andy to death.”
“Very well,” you clap your hands and turn your attention toward Mike. “Are you okay? Did one of them hurt you too?”
“No, I’m good but—” He points at Curtis and Ransom. They are tangled in each other, fighting for control. “Uh-we should stop them too…”
“Christ on a cracker!” You throw your hands up. “You…” you point at Steve. “Hands off Jake.” You look at Jake. “Jakie, no violence. How about you and Mike talk some sense into your brothers.”
“Sure, Sweetie,” Jake relaxes when you press a soft kiss on his cheek. “But if he blinks, I’ll smash him with my laptop.”
“Fair,” you nod and walk toward Curtis and Ransom. Curtis tries to wrestle Ransom to the ground while Ransom tries to kick Curtis’s shin. “Guys, what’s your problem?”
“Hey,  Sunshine,” Curtis pants. He pushes Ransom to the ground, grabs his arm, and twists it. “We are good, Y/N. Just give me a minute to convince my brother to leave our property.”
“Another brother,” you crouch down to get a better look at the man on the ground. “You really are the seven dwarfs.” You smirk at the man staring up at you. He grins and licks his lips.
“Oh, that’s a nice new addition,” Ransom purrs. “Tell me, Sugar. Whom do you belong to?”
“She’s our friend, stop hitting on her,” Curtis puts his foot onto Ransom’s chest. “You are not welcome here.”
Ransom sucks his lower lip in. “She belongs to all of you.” He whistles. “You’re a sweet thing. Hmm…I can think of a thing or two to make you happy.”
“Ransom!” Jake grunts. “Don’t talk like that to Y/N!”
“Curtis, let his arm go,” you place your hand on Curtis’s shoulder to calm him. “People are watching.” You whisper. “We don’t want to draw too much attention toward us. Remember?”
“You’re lucky she stopped me,” Curtis drops Ransom’s arm and steps away. “If not I’d rip your arm out to slap you to death with it.”
“Curtis!” You tut. “Why are you so angry at him?”
“He left us when we needed him the most,” Lloyd wraps his arm protectively around your shoulders. “We were barely fifteen, and that bastard talked some rich people into adopting him. They wanted an heir, and he wanted to get away from us.”
“Can you blame me for not wanting to end up being a mobster and get shot dead? I wanted more from life than that. Just like Andy. But he’s here, parading around the mansion!” Ransom growls. “You forgave him for leaving, but not me. I was a kid looking for hope.”
“You’re a gold-digging whore wanting shiny things, nothing else,” Lloyd spits on the ground next to Ransom. “I suggest you stay far away from me, and Y/N.”
“Lloyd…” Andy sighs. “Please stop this shit. You can’t expect all of us to want the same things you want from life. We tried a different life, okay. The moment you called I was there. Just like Ransom came here after I asked him for help.”
“He won’t get one of the good bedrooms,” Lloyd pecks your cheek before he turns to walk inside the mansion to calm down. “We should head inside and…” he looks at the still-open gate. “Can someone close the fucking gate?”
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“So…” you press a cool pack to Curtis’s cheek, “Ransom is the last brother or are there more of you?”
“You can’t get enough of us, huh?” Ari smirks. He bandages his hand while glaring at Lloyd sitting across from him. “You didn’t have to choke Andy.”
“You didn’t have to…” Lloyd mimics Ari. “I do whatever the fuck I want to do.”
Jake and Mike keep out of their fight. They busy themselves watching Steve. The captain sulks in a corner while you play nurse for the brothers.
After offering a cool pack to Ransom and taping his split eyebrow, you took care of Curtis. “Press the cool pack to your cheek. It will help.”
“Thank you, Sunshine,” Curtis sighs when you run your hand over his head. “You’re the best.”
“Andy, no. We need to put something on that too,” you sniffle looking at Andy’s bruised neck. You carefully touch his skin. “Lloyd, you should be ashamed of hurting your brother like that. This is not okay.”
“I said I’m sorry,” Lloyd grumbles under his breath. “He had it coming. What’s a good choking among brothers, right?” He flashes you a smile. “Come on, that one was funny.”
“Not if anyone gets hurt, Lloyd,” you tut. “I thought we wanted to prove to Captain Rogers that I’m safe with all of you. The moment he set foot onto your ground you started fighting each other.”
Steve crosses his arms over his chest. He watches you and listens closely. This is his chance. If he can convince you that the brothers are dangerous, you’ll follow him.
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dabislittlemouse · 14 hours
Hi gorgeous.
So can I get a fiction in which y/n finds him/her self catching dabi while he had a nightmare ?!
-thanks 🌙🌇
Nightmares of the past | (Dabi x Reader)
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Contains: angst, comfort, fluff. Reblogs are appreciated!
A/N: we’re getting Touya’s past animated so why not make a short angsty fic about it to get in the mood :’)
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It was one of these nights again, where the ghosts from the past would haunt him and torture him even in his dreams. He’d gotten used to them, paying them no attention but this time, it was bad. As usual, utter darkness surrounded him while he ran towards nowhere, and behind him, a trail of scorching flames creeping after, the heat of it all could be felt from miles away as little Touya ran for his life. Vivid human shaped shadows surrounded him, while he screamed for help, unable to stop the fire that was about to swallow him whole, but none of them helped. Nobody heard him. He was vulnerable, the small helpless Touya that couldn’t control his fire, who was thrown away and left behind, buried in the past forever. In his dreams he could cry, the tears rolling down his cheeks felt too real as he looked up at the huge shadow in front of him, those familiar sharp cerulean eyes full of rage looking down on him, no sign of warmth and mercy in his eyes.
“You’re a failure” the harsh voice echoed in Touya’s ears. “Look at what you’ve done. A failure like you is nothing but embarrassment. Stop trying to run from yourself, accept what you really are”
Touya tried to scream but no sound came out of his mouth, while the flames reached him and burned him agonisingly slow, the heat melting his skin off while he screamed at his father for help. And suddenly, something flashed before his eyes, it was his memorial, his grave, and there kneeling down was his own mother, praying for him. Touya called her, hoping she could hear him, letting her know he is alive, he will survive. The woman turned her head slowly, still in the praying position, and instead of his mother’s two beautiful greyish eyes full of love and worry, he was met with two empty eyesacks, and a face half burned so bad that most of the skin had fallen off. A corpse. His mother’s corpse, dad killed her.
Dad killed her just like he killed me. Mom is dead. Dead!! Mom!!!
Dabi woke up with a jolt. His body was emitting a lot of heat, whilst droplets of sweat rolled down his forehead. It took him a few seconds to come back to reality, looking around his surroundings, as he took in a deep breath. The bedsheets had gotten wet, his clothes sticking on his body uncomfortably.
“Fuck” he whispered, running a hand through his hair in frustration. Then he noticed; a small hand on top of his shoulder, and next to him, you. With a worried expression in your face, your hair disheveled, having awoken so suddenly as you’d noticed him being restless earlier.
“Dabi..” you sweetly whispered, patting his back and reaching closer. “Are you okay?? You having nightmares again?”
He didn’t answer, still breathing heavily while he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. Gently, you pulled him closer to you, not caring how warm and sweaty he was. His head rested on top of your chest, while your fingers slowly ran through his dark locks. Your touch already had him swooning, you could feel his body relax and his breathing got normal. The both of you sat there in silence, him leaning on you while you continued playing with his hair. You began humming softly, a certain melody you always did when doing your daily things. One that Dabi really loved, so you’d do it from time to time while cuddling together.
“You’re safe with me..” you mumbled, kissing his forehead. Dabi hummed in response, grabbing your hand and kissing it softly.
“I know” he said.
“I’m so sorry you’re having these nightmares again” you said, clearly concerned for him. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Nothing to worry about, princess” Dabi shrugged it off, nuzzling himself more into your chest. Your presence brought him comfort beyond words, waking up next to you was something he anticipated, he longed for you and would gladly face any nightmare if that meant he’d wake up at your pretty face. “M’going out for a smoke” he said, leaving your warmth and standing up from the bed. You stood up after him, following him to the balcony as he grabbed a pack of cigarettes.
The calmness of the night brought him a certain peace of mind, clearing his head from whatever fucked up scenarios he saw in his dreams. But he hated the feeling it left him, his mother, he missed her terribly, all the pain she went through, all the trauma. He didn’t notice the bloody tears coming out of his scars, right under his eyes. And there you were again, wiping the blood off with a finger. Dabi looked at you softly, you and him didn’t need to speak much in order to find comfort in one another, you could understand just with a simple look. And you understood how vulnerable he was in that moment, despite him trying to act like his unbothered nonchalant self. His eyes always betrayed him, and he knew it too. He hated it, but he felt like with you he could let his facade off, even for just a few minutes, so you could hug his damaged soul.
“I love you” you whispered, and he responded with a hug, so tight as if you’d run away at any moment, his warmth enveloped your body as you took in his scent, letting out a soft sigh. He loved you too.
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🏷️ tags: @dabihawksluva @brielle043 @ko-konutty @syrenkitsune @awalkingshame @trickster-kat @babygirltouya @cyberdazetragedy @zukowantshishonourback @arinexeisnotworking
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lexisecretaccx · 17 hours
I miss the man you were - M.S
(Femreader x Matt Sturniolo, angst, sad, arguing and hateful words, toxic relationship, I know Matt wouldn’t be like this irl just a story, emotional. )
Summary: after Matt and y/n’s one year anniversary, his behaviour changes and he becomes ignorant and cold..
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The flowers, the jewellery, the little love notes, the cute dates and every single kind gesture.. was for nothing?
I wish I knew what I did wrong, at first he was having a “bad week” then a bad week turned into a bad month, and now it’s a been 5 months and he’s still in a bad mood. It’s not just a bad mood anymore, he’s taking it out on me, the hugs have turned into a pat on the shoulder, the loving kisses into an emotionless peck on the cheek, etc.
“I love you” is three words I’ve heard about 10 times in the past 5 months, from my boyfriend. It used to seem like he meant it but now it feels like he’s doing it just because he has to. I wish he’d talk with me instead of leaving me with sleepless nights wondering what the fuck is going on. Every time I try to talk to him I get fobbed off with an “I’m busy right now”.
That brings us to now.
“Matt please.” I practically beg him for an ounce of attention, attention I should be getting as his girlfriend. “Matthew please baby.” My eyes tear up and I choke on a cry.
“Give me a minute won’t you?” He coldly replies, texting on his phone. “No I won’t give you a fucking minute!” I yell, his eyes snap up to me. My eyes cloudy from tears that are fighting to fall from my eyes.
“What then!” He yells back, “what is so important that I can’t get a fucking minute to reply to a text from my brother?!” He stands up and walks to me. “Hm??” He gets close to me.
“Do you hate me?” I look up at him as the tears spill from my eyes. He scoffs, “what?” crossing his arms, “you fucking heard me Matt.” I wipe my eyes, only spreading the salty tears across my cheek as they continue to fall.
“I don’t hate you, don’t be paranoid.” He huffs and turns around, I grab his arm lightly. “Then why do you make me feel like shit?” I speak quietly. He turns quickly, shaking my hand off of him. He shrugs, “If I make you feel like shit then leave.” He swallows harshly. “I can’t.” I sob. He rolls his eyes, “why?”
Not one part of him wants to comfort me right now, I’m a mess infront of him. “I love you Matt! But right now I wish I fucking didn’t.” I raise my voice. “Then stop loving me y/n!” He hisses, his eyebrows knitting together, “I can’t Matt and I’m sorry if my love is such a burden to you.” I push past him and go to walk to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” He shouts, following me. “To kill myself.” I lie, I just want him to fucking care. “You wouldn’t do that y/n, you care about me too much.” He scoffs, I turn around quickly and walk right up to him, “Not. Every. Thing. Is. About. You.” I grit my teeth, poking him in the chest with every word.
He looks offended, “Y/n.” He sighs, “No! I just can’t deal with this bullshit.” My voice cracks and I turn back to walk to the bathroom, “You know why? You know why you can’t deal with this shit?” He asks me, “Oh fucking enlighten me!” I command, “Because you’re a sensitive, whiny, pathetic little girl.” He spits.
I stop walking for a minute to process the words that just left his fucking mouth, I shake my head and walk up to the bathroom door, slamming and locking it behind me.
He pounds on the door, “open the door.” I ignore him and just sit on the floor my back on the door. “You’re just proving my point.” He gets more aggressive. I stay silent. “Y/n?” His tone softens, “Open the door.. please?” He speaks with a sense of worry.
“Y/n, open the door.” He has a slight growl in his voice. I stay silent again, pretending I can’t hear him, “y/n?” He whispers against the door. I hear him slide down the door and sit in front of it.
If the door wasn’t in the way we’d be back to back. I hear a light cry or something from the other side, “Who’s sensitive now?” I chuckle but deep down I’m breaking inside.
“Fuck you. You were begging me to care and when I did you make a snarky remark? Fuck you.” He yells. “Just fucking leave me alone!” I scream, as tears pour down my cheeks and drip onto my legs. “If you wanted my attention you fucking have it now.” He elbows the door.
“Why are you like this?” I lighten my tone, my voice wobbling. “I’m just me y/n.” He replies, “No you aren’t Matt, I miss you.” I bury my head in my hands, “how can you miss me? I’m right here?” He scoffs, “I miss the man you were.. not you now.” I trembled.
No answer, “what did I do? Please tell me.” I ask him, and I hear a loud sigh from the other side of the door. “Come out, please.” That’s all he says, but I want an answer so if this is how then I’ll do it.
I stand up and open the door, he’s getting up off the floor and he turns around to me, tears stained his cheeks. He.. cried?
My face softens at his sad expression, I tilt my head, expecting him to explain. He swallows gently just staring at me, my puffy face, red eyes and smudges makeup. “Fuck.” He whispers.
Before I can reply he pulls me in for a hug, the force knocking us to the ground but he doesn’t notice, wrapping his arms around me as if he never wanted to let go, burying his head in my shoulder and sighing deeply, after a few seconds I hug him back. I could swear I heard him cry.
As we sit on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor his arms still tightly around me, I stroke his head as his cries get louder. Even after everything that went on just now I still love him, he’s a broken soul.
Something must’ve happened to cause him to withdraw from me, “I fucking hate myself y/n.” His voice muffled because of my shoulder, I sigh, “I wish I could hate you right now baby but I can’t.” My voice is brittle.
“I’ll get help, I’ll go to therapy, I’ll make it all up to you I’m such a horrible person I should’ve never treated you like that.” He pleads, “it’s already happened, let’s just focus on now.” I comfort him, even though it still hurts from his words I can tell he’s hating himself right now.
“Don’t excuse my actions, I’m fucking awful.” He lifts his head from my shoulder and lets go of me, so now we’re sitting inches apart on the cold floor.
“It’ll be okay.”
“Will it?”
A/n: I’m crying bro, I just wanted to make a really sad and angst fanfic and I guess I did that. This is just a one shot so don’t be expecting any more parts sorry y’all😭😭 I listened to a sad playlist while writing this✌️😘 sigh. Also two fics in one day 😚
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