#and thank YOU for the ask my very cool mutual!! 😊
adenthemage · 4 months
03 Bishop, 24?
24) What they wish they could change about themselves.
This is a tough one imo because 03 Bishop is generally very self-assured, like to a fault. He's blind to his own flaws, so what he would see as needing to be changed is probably dead wrong. Plus, to a degree, if he wants to change something about his physical body, he can, and we can assume he already has (enhanced strength, iirc, is outright mentioned as one of his newest body's perks.)
So that being said, there are a couple things I could figure. I think the obvious answer is he wants to be deadlier. More efficient. I think he'd cut out the need to sleep or eat entirely, if he could, just so he never has to stop working. If there were a way for him to guarantee nobody could ever stop him, he'd want that.
But I also think he'd want to be better at persuasion. People skills, if you will. We see some evidence to suggest Bishop kinda sucks at the networking/politics side of his job, and surely higher-ups keeping him from doing what he wants has to be a source of endless frustration for him. I kinda headcanon that he's always had difficulty with social interaction, and generally in the show most people don't come away with a positive impression of him. Where he's at in the 2000s, pure intimidation and results have gotten him pretty far, but surely he must know he'd get a lot more done if the people he answers to actually liked him at all. I mean, I guess there's always faking another invasion and/or assassination attempt, but I think those have limited uses.
(And then he does change that about himself! Thank you Fast Forward for affirming me👍)
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11vr1 · 11 months
Now hear me out here… Miles Earth 42 x F!Reader dancing Bachata🤭 Orrr something like they are at a party and a family friend decides to dance a rather romantic song with us so Miles gets jealous. So many different scenarios with Bachata and dancing I wouldn’t mind fluff either where like they dance in the living room or smth I just love Bachata and romantic dancing ♥️😊
Eres Mía ⭒ Miles Morales
Synopsis › Miles gets jealous and a nearly gets into a fight, so he makes it up to you by teaching you bachata.
Pairing › Earth-42! Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
Inspo › Request.
Includes › ATSV SPOILERS, tooth rotting fluff, swearing, bad Spanish, jealousy, pet names, a tiny bit suggestive
P.S. › Thank you for this ask! I had so much fun. A nice change from the angst. <33
P.S.S. › I am now making a taglist!!! Lemme know if you wanna be on it. I also think I want to find mutuals and get more involved in the community…
When Miles asked Y/n to be his plus one, she almost couldn’t believe it. His delivery was cool and casual as if he didn’t invite her to a party with all of his family and closest family friends in attendance. They had become official a little over a month ago (though Miles swears it’s been longer), so the first family gathering was a big deal, a huge milestone most couples put off until much later. When she tried to explain to her boyfriend the significance of this event, he didn’t understand. “Don’t start stressin’. It’s jus’ my abuela’s birthday party,” she remembered him saying.
If his grandmother was anything like Rio Morales, Y/n would be walking into a lion’s den. Miles did nothing to placate her worries, making her do the exact thing he told her not to do: worry.
The weekend had arrived and so did the much anticipated birthday party. Y/n spent a considerable amount of time getting ready, choosing a tie front top with a cami underneath and satin skirt to combat the sweltering city heat. She double checked every angle in the mirror before leaving her apartment.
The corners of the gift envelope addressed in her elegant script were slightly bent from being clutched in her nervous hands all the way to Harlem. It was easy to find the building. Y/n simply followed the booming sound of music and laughter to the rooftop. The party was already in full swing. Half of New York showed up to celebrate Gloria Morales’ 70th birthday.
Y/n moved through the packed party-goers to the gift table, not seeing a single familiar face amongst them. She felt out of place. Does she introduce herself? Wait? Look for Miles? Certainly he wouldn’t leave her to brave his family alone. A tinge of panic settled in her stomach as she looked again.
“You lost, babygirl?” Y/n nearly jumped out of her skin hearing a strange voice beside her. The boy was taller than her and around her age or a little older. His feather duster of a mustache curved with his smirk as his leering eyes roved her head to toe slowly. Painfully slow.
She prickled, immediately raising her guard. “No, I’m just waiting for someone.” He glanced around, seeing everyone engrossed in their own conversations.
“I ain’ never seen you round here before. What’s your name?” Y/n hesitated to answer, but gave him a curt reply. “Thas cute. Real cute.” This was a party after all, the point was to mingle. And she didn’t want to seem rude. She had no idea who this guy was. He might’ve been a cousin, a family friend, someone who could easily say the wrong thing to the right person about her. “You know how to dance?” The night was starting to look very long.
Where was Miles?
Miles was very late. On his way, but late. His mother has surely noticed his absence by now. Abuela was definitely asking about him. And Y/n…she was probably already there. He cursed himself underneath his mask. That last job was pushing it. There was no time to go home, change, and take the subway like he originally planned. Luckily, he knew a shortcut through the skyscrapers and shadows of New York.
The window of his abuela’s apartment squeaked as it slid open. Miles rushed to shed his Prowler persona in the guest bedroom and stuff the suit in his bag. In a second, he appeared to be a normal teenage boy despite the forming bruises. He prepared himself to face the wrath of his mother, grandmother, and girlfriend. What he was not prepared for was seeing Y/n about to be pulled to the dance floor by another guy. They were close. Too close for his liking.
Something burned inside Miles, one he was reluctant to identify—jealousy. Dare he say doubt? He was new to the boyfriend thing. Sometimes he said the wrong thing, silent at the wrong times. But he tried. Was Y/n already fed up? There was no denying she was gorgeous. She could pull any guy she wanted.
He stalked closer, effortlessly weaving through the crowd. “Oh, come on! I’m not asking you to marry me. Just one song.” The guy tugged at her again. Miles recognized him. Eric and his family were friends, though Miles only endured his presence when they were forced to be in the same place. They’d never gotten along, finding each other to be a nuisance and a relationship beyond neutrality unnecessary. But that little understanding might just end right here, this was not about to fly on his watch.
“I told you I don’t want to dance,” Y/n separated herself out of his grip. The sheer expression of disgust on her amused Miles. She found him as annoying as he did.
Eric made the mistake of reaching towards her again. He had the chance to back off and it sounded like he had been warned more than once. This was not about to fly. Miles decided it was time to interfere. He swiftly placed himself at Y/n’s side, his footsteps soundless, a skill learned from his…side hobby. “La escuchaste, cabrón. Retrocede.” Venom laced his tone, an unspoken threat at the tip of his tongue. The air turned to ice around the three of them. You heard her, cabrón. Back off.
The confidence drained from Eric’s face. He knew good and well Miles was not to be messed with. There were rumors about him and his penchant for beating anyone who pissed him off into the ground. “Ella es tu chica, Morales?” He stepped up to him in a vain attempt to mask how intimidated he really was. Miles moved Y/n behind him. She watched the standoff silently, keeping a hand on Miles’ bicep in case it went south. She’s your girl, Morales?
Miles tilted his head, sneering down at the posturing fool. “Sí, ella es mía. Ahora déjala.” Yeah, she’s mine. Now leave her alone.
“No estaba tratando de hacer nada,” Eric scoffed. He turned his attention back to the pretty girl hidden behind Miles. “If you get tired of this asshole, come find me.” I wasn’t trying to do nothing.
Miles lunged, thankfully, with some supernatural girlfriend sense, Y/n was quicker and held him back. Eric flinched, his fear visible for that split second. Heads turned. “You need to calm down, Miles.” Her hand made its way into his, gently pulling him away. He backed away, never breaking his cold glare from Eric.
Together they left the party. Miles muttered curses in Spanish Y/n couldn’t catch as he stomped down the stairs. “Miles! Miles, baby, slow down!” She called his name again. “You not ‘bout to make me run after you in these shoes!” He stopped. His jaw was tight, eyebrows set low on his face, hands burrowed in his pockets to hide his balled up fists. Damn. Even seething he was gorgeous. “We talked about this. You gotta talk to me.”
He was silent for a few moments, he merely stared down at Y/n as she wrapped her arms around his middle. His heart pounded in his chest. (It was because of her. Miles refused to admit those lustrous eyes and her touch still had such an effect on him) “Ian like seein’ you wit him. Shit pissed me off. For a minute I thought…” She fixed his collar, avoiding his gaze to keep herself from smiling. “Nothin’.” Miles was jealous and willing to protect her by any means necessary.
Y/n heard the words left unspoken. Miles was a fortress locked up tight to keep the outside world out. But behind his many walls he was a boy with feelings and insecurities. “Miles, I’d never do that. I like you too much.”
“Yeah, I know, ma. Sorry for gettin’ all upset.”
“‘S fine. That’s not what I’m mad about.” She eyed the fresh bruises coloring his cheek and temple. “Where were you?” At this point, she was more concerned than angry. Miles wasn’t inclined to long conversations, but he was decent enough to send her a text. Although dry and vague it was something. Y/n would take what she could get.
Miles stiffened in her embrace. “I had to take care of some stuff. Don’t worry ‘bout it. Lemme make it up to you.”
“You owe me a dance.” Prying it out of him would get her nowhere. She decided to let it go. Just this once.
“A dance?” he asked. She grinned, happy to catch him off guard for once.
Y/n nodded. “Mrs. Morales told me you’re a wonderful dancer. Don’t be holdin’ out on me.”
His sigh was long and deep, directed towards the ceiling of the narrow hallway. Miles was in no place to refuse. He took her hand and started walking. “Alright, but we not goin’ to the roof.”
He led her to his grandma’s apartment. It was sizable and definitely decorated by an elderly woman. Y/n admired the photos sitting on the mantle. There was Rio and Jefferson Davis, dressed in white for their wedding day. She paused on a picture of an infant covered in paint, smiling from ear to ear with two teeth. She awed at Miles. He was so cute, so carefree without the shadows of the world dragging behind him.
“Ven aquí, mami.” He stood in the middle of the living room, hands outstretched, a song playing behind him from his phone. She peeked at the song as they joined hands. Come here, mami.
“Eres Mía” by Romeo Santos.
The song was unfamiliar to her. “What? You thought you was gonna to twerk and grind on me?” His low chuckle sent shivers through her. She didn’t answer. “Nah. We gon dance for real. Bachata.”
“Wait, Miles. I don’t how to—”
“Imma teach you. Two steps to the music. Thas all it is,” he showed her. Y/n mimicked him, each step hesitant and unsure, but Miles was encouraging and a surprisingly good teacher. “See? Easy.”
He raised his arms to spin her around and brought her closer. Y/n faltered. “Aye, come on, mami. I know you can move your hips better than that.” He repositioned, hands at her back and waist, his thigh between her legs, ruffling her skirt. Miles guided her across the floor, his fingers wandering to the trim of her cami, drawing a distracting trail of heat on her bare skin. Her own hands found their way to his nape, brushing his twin braids as they swayed to the beat. Soon she found her rhythm.
“There you go,” he praised, rolling his hips into hers. She followed. Her body trusted him. She trusted him wholeheartedly and fell into his lead.
They rocked together in silence, the song having long since ended. Miles nestled in the crook of her neck to breathe in the sweet scent of her perfume. “Thank you for helping me. I should have said so earlier,” Y/n said from above him.
“It’s my job, princesa.” Miles left the softness of her neck. “Eres mía.” You are mine. Y/n blinked while he returned to her warmth. She hoped he didn’t feel the way her temperature rose.
In three short months he made a place for himself in her life. He was the most unexpected surprise. She had a list of the ideal boyfriend and Miles Morales didn’t check off a single one. Yet everything never felt more perfect than in his arms, dancing to the distant sirens and traffic.
His phone buzzed from the end table. “Is that your mom?” He shrugged in response. “We should go.” Y/n suggested, but Miles’ grip only tightened.
“One more minute. They can wait.”
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gyupremacy · 11 months
Kiss It Better | csc.
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↳ Pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader
↳ Genre: fluff, angst
↳ Au(s): exes to lovers, non-idol!au
↳ Rating: PG-15
↳ Word Count: 2.1k
↳ Warning(s): alcohol consumption, cursing (only one word, but just a heads up)
↳ Summary: After four years, you never thought you'd hear the name "Choi Seungcheol" again, let alone see the man until one fateful night at a house party.
↳ a/n: It's been a while! Two full months, and I've finally written! Writer's block sucks, but I hope to slowly but surely get back into the swing of things, but more importantly, take my time when it comes to writing. I want to thank @playmetheclassics for making this great banner and @hobeemin for giving me feedback.
@junniieesbby I didn't forget you either! Hope you like it 😊
"Come on, Y/N! They're doing body shots in the kitchen," your best friend Gyuri called out to you.
"As riveting as that sounds, I think I'll just stick around over here," you responded.
It was the big summer house party her boyfriend Mingyu was hosting. He was very charismatic, and anyone with eyes could see he was an attractive guy.
You introduced the two a few years ago, and they've been going strong ever since. The couple, affectionately called "2Gyu" by close friends, had been anticipating the party for weeks.
As much as you were enjoying yourself, you'd admit you felt a bit out of place. With all the couples making out or going upstairs to do who knows what was making you feel disconnected from reality.
"You sure? There's some very single guys in there you could hang out with," Gyuri winked.
Subtly was not in her vocabulary. It was known you haven't been in a relationship since you broke up with your ex-boyfriend Seungcheol four years ago.
To put it simply, it was between you and a job offer in Japan, and he chose Japan. You supported his decision at the offer of a lifetime, but the lack of communication on the matter put a strain on your relationship.
You've moved on… At least, that's what you try to tell yourself, but the wounds were still fresh.
"I'm not in much of a hanging out with guys mood, Gyu," you explained, taking a sip from the familiar red cup in your hand.
"Well, whenever you feel ready to hang out minus the guys, you know where to find me," Gyuri said, giving you a reassuring shoulder rub before taking off.
You shrugged off the notion. She meant well, but that didn't encourage you to want to mingle with others.
By the looks of it, everyone else had either left the party or passed out on the couches. There was one guy who came from the kitchen and was standing near the bathroom.
He glanced at you here and there, but nothing too out of the ordinary. The unnamed man moved from his spot and walked towards you.
"Hey! Are you friends with the host?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm actually best friends with his girlfriend," you said.
"Gyuri? I don't think I've actually met her," he explained.
"How did you get an invite then?" You laughed.
"Through a mutual friend."
You nodded, looking around the room. There were guests dancing and just hanging out now. It was getting late, so it made sense that people began to unwind.
The guy next to you broke the small silence between you two by introducing himself.
"I'm Matthew, by the way," he smiled.
"Y/N," you greeted.
"Cool name! Are you having a fun time?" Matthew asked.
"Honestly, Matthew, I'm a bit bummed out. It's been a while since I've been at a big gathering like this," you began.
"It reminds me of an ex."
Matthew nodded his head, taking in your words as you spoke.
"It's been so long since the breakup, but certain things reminded you of him," you responded, thinking about your memories with Seungcheol.
For one, he loved big parties like this. You guys first met at a pool party hosted by an old high school friend when he walked up and asked where the swan floatie was.
The conversation flowed easily, and it felt like you both had known each other for so long. After becoming good friends, Seungcheol asked you out on a date to a carnival.
He had eaten so much cotton candy and corn dogs that he could barely make it to the car on the way out. After the late night drive, he walked you back to your apartment and kissed you goodnight.
You droned on, almost forgetting that Matthew was in front of you saying something.
"Y/N, if it means anything, I just got out of a long-term relationship myself, and it's tough. Sometimes I feel like I did something wrong," he said.
"I know I shouldn't still be hung up over it since it was four years ago, but so much was left unsaid," you replied, considering the last conversation you had together.
"It's valid that you still feel emotions about the breakup. That's something you never truly get over," Matthew said.
"It takes time."
You nodded, taking in the way he was looking at you.
"Thank you for the advice," you said.
"No problem! You're a cool girl to talk to," Matthew smiled, looking towards the ground.
You bit your lip, trying to contain the butterflies in your stomach. He ran his fingers through his hair, giggling at your awed expression.
"Thanks! I was thinking maybe we -" You were interrupted by the sound of your voice being called.
You didn't think anything of it until the voice got closer and it registered who it had belonged to.
"Y/N, is that you?"
You turned around and saw Seungcheol with a smile on his face. The kind of smile that was a mix of shock, excitement, and disbelief.
"Hi," you said indifferently.
"It's been so long!" Seungcheol quipped.
"Yeah, it's been a while," you replied, fidgeting with your hands.
Sensing the awkward situation, Seungcheol takes a look at Matthew with a confused look on his face.
"So, who's your friend?" He questioned.
"I'm Matthew. Y/N and I were just talking about how she was having a hard time getting over her ex," the two men were subtly sizing each other up.
"Oh, how rude of me," Seunghceol began, and you knew it was not going to end well.
"I'm Seungcheol or the ex if you will."
The sarcastic remark earned a small groan from you and a glare from the other man next to you.
"Hey Matthew? Could you get me another drink?" You asked, hoping that the awkward exchange wouldn't continue.
"Sure! I'll be back in a minute," he nodded, walking towards the kitchen.
Seungcheol was glaring back at him as he left.
"Cheol, what the fuck was that back there?" You whispered, folding your arms as you stared at him.
"I got weird vibes from that dude. I mean… just the way he was looking at you. I don't trust him," Seungcheol trailed off, but knowing him, you knew there was more to the story.
"You don't know him," you laughed aloud.
"The only thing you don't like about him is that he was talking to me."
The man just stood there avoiding your gaze, letting you know that what you said was the truth.
"You don't hold back, Y/N. Just like old times," Seungcheol blushed, giving you a look that you couldn't pinpoint.
"Just like old times, huh?" You uttered quietly.
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At first, you were not expecting Seungcheol to be here tonight, let alone to be having a conversation with him like you were still together.
Gyuri had made her long-awaited return to her party, making the rounds to party goers before stopping in her tracks to see you with your ex.
"What is he doing here?" She mouthed, not wanting to draw his attention.
"Mingyu," you mouthed in unison with a knowing look.
She gestured at Seungcheol before signaling at the door, indicating if you wanted him to leave. You shook your head, letting her know everything was okay.
Walking back to the kitchen, you began to wonder what happened to Matthew but were left with fleeting thoughts as Seungcheol had captured your attention.
"It's getting pretty hectic. Do you want to get out of here?" He asked.
"Sure, let's go upstairs!" Taking him by the hand, you led him towards your mutual friends' guest bedroom, closing the door behind you.
You both sat near the foot of the bed wondering what the other was thinking. Seungcheol cleared his throat before I spoke.
"As much as I love a 2Gyu party, sometimes it's better to just have one-on-one time with someone," he mused.
The look in his eyes was adoring. The same one you were on the receiving end of years ago.
"Yeah, it was time to get away," you began.
"I think I saw someone fall asleep while dancing."
Seungcheol's infectious laughter made your heart flutter a bit. Despite the lost time, you didn't miss a beat, gradually falling back into a sense of familiarity with him.
"Everyone's going to have a rough morning, that's for sure!" Seungcheol jokes, watching you break out in laughter.
Whenever you laughed, your nose would scrunch up as you smiled, which he used to say was the cutest thing about you. You were a little shy about it, but it grew to be one of your favorite things about yourself.
"I missed making you smile," Seungcheol confessed, a look of longing in his eyes.
"I missed you."
As the words fell from your lips, you were experiencing the internal conflict of wanting him back in your life and wanting to guard your heart from reliving the breakup.
"I missed you too, Y/N. Thinking back, I wish things could have ended differently," he whispered.
His voice wavered a bit, and you could sense the feeling of regret in it. Tears started to form in his eyes, and he began to sob lightly.
"I lost the love of my life because I didn't take your feelings into consideration. Even though we were miles apart, somewhere in the back of my mind, I hoped we'd meet again."
The emotions came over you, and your eyes started watering from his words.
"Cheol, I-I missed you too," you whimpered.
"When I saw you tonight, I was angry. I was still hurt by feeling like I was someone's second choice. My pride didn't want me to admit that."
You took a deep breath to regain your composure. Seungcheol looked down at his hands until his eyes met yours again, bringing his hand to give you a comforting graze on your back. A small "Is this okay?" from him reminded you of how caring he was and why you fell in love with him the first time.
"Seeing you again after these years felt like fate to me in a strange way. It may be cliche, but love is patient, and somehow, part of me was holding out for you," Seungcheol placed his hands on top of yours and continued.
“I would love to come back to you again and again. Despite everything that happened, I loved you then, and I love you now.”
The pure dedication and devotion in his voice lamented how the time spent apart allowed him to reflect upon decisions made towards the end of your relationship. He wanted a chance to love you again and love you right.
"I love you too, Seungcheol. To think about it, I never stopped loving you either," you squeezed his hand, a faint smile appearing on your face.
The biggest smile crept onto his face. He brought his hand up to your cheek, grazing his thumb along it.
"I was hoping you would say that," Seungcheol beamed.
His eyes managed to glow under the rather intense yellow light in your friends' guest bedroom. He looked at your lips, quickly glancing back at you for silent permission to lean in closer. Instinct took over as you leaned in and kissed him.
The kiss was passionate, almost like a spark that was setting off something new, which in a poetic way was. It felt like you were kissing him for the first time all over again, except this one lingered on for a bit until you both let up.
"Y/N, I love you, and I really meant it when I said I wanted to get back together," Seungcheol began.
"I'll understand if you don't want to start anything immediately, but whether it begins with that kiss or not, I'd be happy to have you in my life in any capacity."
"I would like to see where this goes, Cheol. I think we have to make up for lost time. How about we get coffee sometime?" You asked, hopeful of what's to come.
"I would love to!" Seungcheol quipped.
You looked at the time and realized it was after midnight, and you both went downstairs to say your goodbyes to Mingyu and Gyuri before going outside to your car.
"Tonight was… unforgettable, to say the least," you joked.
"It really was, but I'm glad that we got to spend time with each other. Goodbye, Y/N!" Seungcheol beamed.
"Goodbye, Seungcheol!"
You reached out to hug him and went to unlock your car as you watched him go further into the distance. A smile appeared before you started up the engine and drove off.
© gyupremacy, 2023. All rights reserved. 
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nnnneeev · 1 month
Psst, guess what, Ven… I’m a Barbatos lover now, hehe.
I thought it was just gonna be a phase, but for like the past few weeks he’s been…changing me… So now he’s been promoted to second fave (everyone congratulate him for moving ranks 🥳 jk)
Anyways, in lieu of recent developments, tell me some of your favorite things/facts about him (if you don’t mind and have time 💚) I know you’re a Barbie lover too 😊
Jooo!!! :DD welcome to the barbatos fan club 💚
It did kinda surprise me when i came across one of your recent reblogs and saw your tags. my mind when reading it was like, '...solomon AND barbatos??? 👀 are you.....?!!' and then few minutes after that you sent me this ask 😆
Congrats to him for being promoted!! I also feel like im being drawn into him more than usual. I think it's because of my mutuals lol
My brain still feels a lil fuzzy but here are some of my favorite things/moments/facts about him hehe
He looks so cute when he blushes!!!
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i love the irony of him being selfless and having the greed attribute
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These lines
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In the 'New Year's With You' devilgram where he wrote 100 fortunes for mc, it was revealed in the unlockable chat that he wrote 'excellent luck' in all of them because he 'wanted to see smile no matter what'
I think some of the things that made me attracted to him is his cool demeanor and mysterious aura. Y'know when a character doesnt reveal much about themselves and you just can't help but want to know more about them? <- 'That' feeling.
He's also very talented and perceptive
A HUGE TEASE. probably on par with solomon
He's a funny guy
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It's incredibly entertaining when he does things that he normally wouldn't do
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I love how he takes care of others (including mc) and its super satisfying when the favor is returned to him (royal butlers need to be pampered, too 😌)
His music taste
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Anyway, that's it.... for now. Thank you for this ask!!! 😊
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mandm-cringe · 6 days
For the asks! ♡
3, 16, 21, 27, 28, 35, 37, 41!
☆ Thank you for the ask friend!! I hope you've had a good day!! 💛
3 What was the last song you listened to? 
16 Want any tattoos? What of? 
My sister and I are planing on getting matching tattoos at some point, maybe dress up fairy wings? And I'd like to get other tattoos later I just don't know what.
21 How was your day today? 
It was ok, I'm sick right now so I've been eating frozen grapes, watching Poto Miniseries and making bracelets!!
27 What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? 
My favorite book is childish, lol but it's Katie Comes Next by Laura Bannon. The book is from 1959 and it has such warm vintage illustrations in it, idk I just love it even it's a kid's book. I think it's so charming.
28 How are you, really? 
Really terrible for the most part, being sick makes everything awful and now I'm more anxious and in pain :(
35 Do you currently have a squish? 
Yes a good 2 or 3 of my mutual, y'all are just so cool, I wanna be your friend 💛
37 Do you prefer dogs or cats? 
Cats!! I have many even though I'm very allergic, they just have the cutest little faces!!
41 What’s your favorite cartoon? 
My favorite cartoon is Gravity Falls as a long time SpIn :)
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spiraledfaun · 2 years
I'm a Deerboy Toy!
Welcome to my blog, everyone, I'm Faun, your friendly neighborhood deerboy ^^
🦌Facts About Me🦌
I'm 30
Grayromantic Demi-Bisexual
Trans Man (1 year on T!!! :D)
Exclusively a Submissive Bottom (though I will occasionally switch for other subs)
Dumb Slutty Hypnokinkster
Obsessed with Spirals
I write Hypnosmut
Erotica and Play Menu [Here]
I follow from another blog, so if you're a fellow kink blog assessing if we're mutuals for safety reasons, shoot me a message!
✅️Please Use These Terms✅️
Boy, man, guy, dude
Slut, toy, pet
Chest 👍🏻 (Paid good money to not have tits so this is the only word I'm good with rn)
Cock, dick, tdick, cocklet
Front hole, pussy, boypussy, cunt, boycunt -- I am a boy with a nice, wet hole. You can only use these terms with the "boy" part in mind :) Abuse these privileges, and I block you.
Dumb (not stupid), needy, desperate, slutty
Basically all degradation/humiliation through at least a mild praise kink lens
❌️Please Don't Do These❌️
Do not interact if you are under 18/a minor. I know different countries have different age thresholds, but this is my choice regardless. (Ageless blogs will be blocked)
Don't ask me for pictures. If I want to give you pictures, I will offer.
Don't assume I want to enter a dynamic with you! I am open to finding someone, but it does not consume me. I'm also grayromantic demisexual, which means, for me, I'm not interested in getting romantic with anyone new.
No misgendering/detrans/sissification/forcedfem kinks in my inbox or on my posts! I am a believer in kink and let kink, but those ones are going to stay far away from me, thank you.
Don't call me anything not in the lists! If you're unsure or think it's pretty close (like if I'm cool with slut, then Spiral Slut is fine) but isn't there, please ask, I'd so much rather answer a respectful question than have to block you for being a dick.
I love chatting with others, and my inbox is always open, and anon is always on, so feel free to chat or play~ I will always talk with any trans person, big T4T Vibes, so don't be shy and say hi! I'm open to playing or talking to anyone so long as you're respectful, but I will be more cautious if you're a cishet man.
😈Main Kinks😈
Hypnosis(/Brainwashing/Mind Control): The Big One. I love going down and feeling nice and fuzzy. Mmm. Yes please.
Spirals: This is not usually listed as a kink, but I love spirals, especially flashy ones that fill my mind 🤤
Corruption: Mostly sexual in nature, but I don't *not* enjoy religious corruption.
Tentacles: I am a big sucker (👀) for tentacles, especially in combination with other listed kinks.
Aphrodisiacs/Drugging: This mostly means weed (and fantasy drugs/pollen/nectar), but someday I want to (safely) try other things for this kink ^^
Toy/Pet Play/Free Use: Combined because they check a lot of the same boxes for me. I've never quite indulged in pet play before, but I am a deerboy and I love being petted 🥺
Exhibitionism: This is pretty much exclusively offline, but I do like being shown off, even online, and I like thinking about people watching me get off or get used and enjoying themselves 😊
Mommy/Lactation Kink: Very very specific, I want to be made to drink someone's milk from their breasts and have it corrupt/hypnotize/drug me 😅
CNC: emphasis on the Consent, but holy shit please it's so hot. I'm not into super violent stuff but more in line with my other kinks, for reference.
I am totally into one-offs, anons, new friends that I haven't met yet, and mutuals dropping in to drop me, so come play! I'm just a dumb, slutty little toy and I need to be used. 🥺
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Gilgamesh for ask meme!
Hi!!! Thank you for messaging me ☺ I really appreciate it! It's been a long time since I did askmeme on gilgablog so thank you for requesting him (i keep most fate thoughts private)! Sorry I will probably write a whole massive paragraph about him XD
My Gilgamesh opinions are very subjective here so they may not all be accurate, which is why I enjoy this ask a lot ^^
Sexuality Headcanon: I headcanon him as bi/pan, like yeah there's no denying he is also attracted to women, but his devotional relationship with Enkidu and kinky pleasure yuetsu time with Kirei is every bit as canon in my opinion!!!
Even his creepy obsession with Saber really hints to me personally that Gilgamesh may not discern his initial sense of attraction primarily by gender- I believe he may be attracted to people based off intangible traits that link to his personal sense of values as well; which cannot be as simply measured as gender.
Gender Headcanon: Though he is masc, man he/him I also feel as if Gilgamesh's gender is also just 'GILGAMESH'. Sometimes I wonder if Gilgamesh would see himself as beyond the convention of gender.
Also I heard from someone that gender can be very diverse in Ancient Mesopotamia so it would be really cool to see where Gilgamesh would slot his gender identity there... also can his pronouns be king of heroes/ king as well! I feel like he really defines himself by his role more than gender per se, and in one fate hanafuda game he says gender doesn't matter ☺👍
An OTP: ohh I love Gilgamesh ships so much 😊😊 Gilkidu is just so amazing in many ways I cannot even describe, Kotogil is incredible in their twisted dynamic .. and GilHaku is just so beautiful! And I love Gilgamesh x Merlin for the shenanigans... to be honest most Gilgamesh ships are my otp. I even really like Gilgamesh x reader/ oc fics and Ritsuka/ Guda ones depending on what the ocs are like! Oh I also like Gilgamesh x Cu as they can clash head on and go wild, as well as Gilgamesh x Ozymandias!
And a mutual introduced me to Achilles x Gilgamesh. I think it is a beautiful pairing as they have so much grief, love, power and arrogance in common.
A NOTP: I'm sorry Gilgamesh x Saber fans. I respect those who ship it but Gilgamesh is such a creep to Saber in my opinion, I like it when she doms him to smithereens and stomps on his pride though ☺🥳🥳🥳
BROTP: This is a hard one as I feel like his otps can be good otps, but seeing him hang out with Iskandar is always hilarious. Love how he actually listens to Taiga in the spin off games as well, so they could maybe enjoy a few drinks together. And Gilgamesh/Solomon/Merlin makes for great chaos.
Gilgamesh/Siduri/Enkidu is a powerful alliance and err what else... I feel like as long as they can entertain one another then Gilgamesh has the potential for many BROTPS.
Random Headcanon: He has golden nipple tassels that he unleashes whenever he has an urge to go full sexy, also I feel like though yes he does love pleasure and decadent desires the way he so tightly constrains and punishes himself sometimes makes me wonder if some of his hedonism is also used as a way to appear as an overwhelming figure to others.
I feel like Gilgamesh is definitely tyrannical and extremely powerful and charismatic... yet also has a side to him that is insecure as hell, his larger than life and genuine powerful and wise sides overcompensating for a side of him that is plagued with all sorts of self loathing and grief.
General opinion: I love this asshole!!!!!!!! Endless joy can be created from researching his character and reading, watching his materials, he is entertaining in such a wide variety of ways, and every side of him is a marvel to witness (though i wanna punch him sometimes too cuz holy crap is he horrendous at times).
He's a very complex and nuanced character that can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways so I am really irritated by how some people try to gatekeep Gilgamesh's character and throw him into a box, when Gilgamesh is such a versatile character! I hope that there will continue to be a space where people can enjoy Gilgamesh in as many different ways as possible, without there having to be some sort of 'fandom consensus' on which Gilgamesh opinions are most valid.
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againstthegrainphoto · 7 months
Hockey tag thing. Thanks @jules-of-the-deep and @youneedtolookatthis
rules: list your...
✨️ no°1 team?
Seattle kraken….clearly.💙🦑 if you go back far enough on this godforsaken site, you can see me debating if I want to be a hockey fan completely based on proximity…despite knowing zero (0) about the sport. Kci is very close to where I am and now here we are….i roll out of bed and pop in to practice whenever I need that serotonin boost.
You didn’t ask about two and three teams…but they’re the leafs and the penguins if you were wondering. 😊🍁🐧
💌 your favorite goalie?
Gru. 127% Philipp grubauer. I think he is just great. Never got attached to dreiger or jones.🤷🏻‍♀️ and I swear to god Joey is going to give me an aneurysm before the end of the season. Would love to see a goalie goal for him tho. I know he’s absolutely capable.
Also fond of Sammy from the leafs. And jarry from the penguins. I think mostly because I see so much negativity towards them from their own fans and I feel like I need to off set it by liking them. Also fond of bobrovsky(the only thing I like about that team). Also have some residual adin hill support from last year remaining….dunno what I’m doing with that.
Oh and flower. But if you ✨don’t✨ like flower, you’re the problem, not him.
🔟what would be your jersey number?
40 or 44…those were the only two numbers I wore in all the sports I played in high school.
👯🏻‍♂️what team would you love to play for?
Play? For a team? Listen. I’m just happy I have the ability to somewhat skate in a circle when they play the kraken game on the big wall.
❤️‍🔥who is your favorite player currently?
Vince Dunn. The Favorite Squid™️…..I dunno how it happened. But my fren knew he would be my fav before I knew he would be my fav, she kept telling me about him and sending me videos….and yeah…….he is absolutely favorite.🤩🥰
I also unfortunately developed an Auston Matthews thing. I think it happened when I went and photoed their open practice at kci…..I was just like “that one. That’s the one. I like that one”and it hasn’t gone away. 😑🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m not proud of it.
👀a trade that hurt you emotionally?
I’m still upset about sprong.🧽🥺💔
…wasn’t happy about losing Donato either….but I am glad he is there to support and protect the bedard child…
🌈 what is your experience on hockeyblr so far?
It’s good for like 99.9%. Which for the internet is really really good. So much better than Twitter. Made some new frens. So that’s cool. Some of it isn’t for me, but I generally just stay in my own lane and post the content I want to see. Did have one anon ✨super✨ pissed and condescending at me because I didn’t sensor a particular (piece of shit) players name once. aside from that tho…..it’s great here….maybe because I’ve always seen tumblr as me shouting into a void where nothing matters and whatever you want to post about goes, because it’s more for you than anyone else. And tbh there are some days when I’m stuck at work during a game where I live for the “#kraken lb” it’s actually a pretty great community….especially for those who don’t connect with in person people extremely well.
and then tag some mutuals you'd like to know these about ☺️🏒🖤
I feel like all the hockey people I follow have already done this. So I’m tagging @dontforgetoctober3rd 😄 and if you’ve read all of this?? First: I’m sorry, second: now you have to do it.
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fishedeyelenz · 7 months
HIHIHIHI!!! Thank you so much, this ask made me smile 🥹 <3 I'm glad Tumblr is letting me answer this , I got an ask some time ago and couldn't answer it for whatever reason </3 but oh well
Hehe, I haven't had the time to really make fanart or write, but I'm glad you're sticking around for my other posts!!! Would love to get to know you, if you want to 🥺 I like talking to people on here. Might not reply for a while cause I'm busy or sleeping, but otherwise I like to chat!! No pressure though, if ya wanna stay anonymous!!
I hope you have a good day too!! 😊
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lilac-vode · 2 years
If you ever do end up making one I'd love to see it! I could list the consonants I have too if you wanted to see them. Love your idea for the voiceless n. I was wondering what you thought about a chiss space sprachbund? I was thinking about the other languages we know are spoken around or in chiss space like taarja, tybroic and minninsiat and thought it would be cool if they had areal features. Tybroic might be part of the same language family as Cheunh, would you prefer it in the same family or not? For taarja we know Thalias describes it as "angular" which my brain interpreted as "guttural" so maybe it has /x χ ʁ ɣ/ and Cheunh doesn't? Minninsiat from the name alone makes me think of an Algonquin language so I guess it's in a different family from Cheunh. 1 of 2 part
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hi!! first off thanks for these asks hehe, it gives my brain something to chew on
i. phonemic inventory chart – i’ll absolutely post it when i make one!! i’d love to see yours too but i’m nervous about seeing other people’s before i post mine because i don’t want it to look like i’ve copied things lol
ii. sprachbund – yessss ok so taarja and minnisiat are trade languages and i’m sure they, like sy bisti, have also been influenced somewhat by cheunh so i wouldn’t be surprised if they share some features! as for tybroic, since all we know is that it’s “an ancient chiss language” i think you could go either way re: it being in the same family as cheunh and both options are really cool. i LOVE the idea of all the different families having historic languages which are distantly related to each other and i think it’s absolutely feasible that a blend of those might have given rise to cheunh itself! on the other hand it would be super interesting if cheunh WAS one of the families’ historic languages, probably the most societally powerful family, and just passed down more or less unchanged until it became the foremost chiss language. that said, i’m sure there are populations of chiss very far removed from csilla who don’t speak cheunh at all so that’s also cool to think about 👀
re: taarja being “angular”! i think that’s a fun descriptor even though – or maybe because – it seems arbitrary and subjective, for example you interpreted it as “guttural” while my first reaction was to think of voiceless stops – but voiceless stops occur ALL THE TIME in chiss names so i don’t think my idea is what thalias meant lol!! i like your idea of guttural phonemes in taarja!
iii. sy bisti parent languages – ok so it’s implied in the 2017-2019 thrawn books that sy bisti and basic are not mutually intelligible, so i don’t think basic really had a hand in its creation. my guess is that apart from cheunh, it has contributions from one of more languages that are specific to a smallish area in wild space (it’s commonly used on lysatra so maybe it originated on or around there)!
iv. areal features again – phonemic aspirated consonants were definitely a feature of cheunh in legends and i’d love to see that brought back into canon because it’s super cool!! and yes, wouldn’t it be neat if cheunh had three distinct vowel lengths, like coatlan mixe? as for clicks, clicks my BELOVED, i think it would be really interesting if there was one click phoneme that had different placement allophones/variation depending on either surrounding sounds or geographical region!! i had a vso order in mind for cheunh that i thought was fun but i gotta remember what it was LOL. it would be really neat if it was a comparatively unusual one that was then shared by trade languages in the region!
v. apostrophe in cheunh orthography my BELOVED – tz said in Alliances that it represents a glottal stop (even if he doesn’t pronounce it himself lmaooo) so that’s absolutely what i go with! my one variation on that is that i’m convinced there are dialects of cheunh where the glottal stop is replaced by a click just because i think that’s very very cool 😊
vi. vowel system – oh boy i don’t have them all figured out yet but in addition to the /aieou/, here is a list of some of the less standard vowels i’ve assigned to various chiss names: æ, œ, ɘ, ʊ, y!
vii. cheunh grammar – this is where i get tripped up a lot of the time, as soon as i try to go past phonology at all 😂 i agree with them having no grammatical gender but i don’t have any bright ideas otherwise yet!!
viii. orthography – ok first off. i will advertise this every chance i get: my friend made a really cool cheunh script for transliterating stuff 1:1 from latin script and i think it looks really cool!! now let me delve into my headcanons and stuff for that. i think there are at least 2 writing systems for cheunh
-in legends, cheunh has an ideographic script, so i’m guessing that that’s probably still the case in new canon
-i think that much like japanese orthography, cheunh orthography also has a separate script for loanwords, which is where i would propose a phonetic alphabet or syllabary for sure
-as for how it looks, i’ve pictured cheunh characters as looking something like the Georgian script! i really like your idea too, the tsalagi syllabary has many characters that definitely have features i imagine written cheunh to have (:
-i have a headcanon that the middle part of chiss names is always 1 ideograph for a word that plays into their “name meaning” (:
ix. csilla – csilla is actually an existing name of hungarian origin! it’s pronounced [ˈt͡ʃillɒ], so that’s how i go about it for the planet name too. i extrapolate from this that the cs digraph in ‘csap’, for example, is also pronounced as [t͡ʃ].
as for ipa transliterations: i’ll write out a few of my favorite sounding ones as i say them myself. for me, i keep the stress and pronunciation the same in core names as they’re said in the full, just like they were taken right out of the full name! (with the exception that the core names don’t have glottal stops) i’ll admit that right now i’m a bit wishy-washy on whether i attach the glottal stop to the end of the preceding syllable or the beginning of the following one. i think both are cool options!
evroes’ky’mormi (oeskym) – [ɛvrˈœsʔkyʔˌmormi], [ˈœskym]
ufsa’mak’ro (samakro) – [ˈʊfsəʔˌmækʔɹo], [səˈmækʔɹo] (or swap ɹ for r)
che’ri – perhaps [ʃeʔ’ri] or [ʃeʔˈʀi], i have so many conflicting ideas for this girl’s name lol
mitth’ali’astov (thalias) – [mɪtθʔˈaliʔˌastov], [t͡θˈaliˌas] (when pronouncing mitth core names i’m guilty of starting them with more of an interdental affricate rather than a pure fricative, even though there’s only one T at the beginning of their core names 😅)
x. parting addition just for fun – i also think it would be super cool to have triplicate consonants as well as geminate. i know neither of these ideas is supported by the cheunh names and words we’ve seen so far, but a guy can dream, right?
thanks so much for letting me ramble about technical stuff!! it got me in the mood to really start gathering my ideas together and actually tightening it all up. it’s really a delight to hear when someone enjoys reading what i put out into the world!
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scienceoftheidiot · 10 months
Tell us about horses! What is your favourite breed?
Ooohh hard question. There are many I love so I'll just make a list, shall I ?
First, this is not my fave breed but my own horse is a french trotter, and while they are primarily race horses they are actually very sturdy, calm and friendly horses you can do whatever you want with and I would not exchange him for anything else even if he's an opinionated bastard lol
Here he is yesterday IN PRISON (separated him to give him food and treat some minor wounds and he was NOT HAPPY)
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Then. Other breeds. I have a very soft spot for rustic breeds, the ones who live outside all year and can face anything and are just sturdy little bastards so like. All my kid years I just wanted a mustang, you know (damn now my phone is capitalising the word automatically I wonder why 🙃). They're just awesome! And wild! They have the perfect build and all these cool colours and for someone like me who's more than primarily an outside/trail rider they'd be perfect! But I don't live in the USA so uuuh
(I stop you right here I was too old and already obsessed about horses for too long for the Spirit movie to have had any impact on this. I was born this way lol)
Soooo if I'm french, what do I have ?
The Camargue is a fun little one
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They live in the Camargue swamps among the flamingos. Can forget the cool colours though they're all grey. I've ridden a few of them and they're really nice horses. A little on the small side for me but eh. Oh and they're a work breed. They're used to farm the local cows.
I've also ridden a couple of merens, another french breed, which were reaaaaally nice. Very chill horses.
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Yeah. They're all black. That's the constant in rustic breeds usually. (Incidentally why I love mustangs so much because they have all I love PLUS the fancy colours I mean YES).
I also have a soft spot for haflingers because I learnt to ride on them (galloping freely in my local mountains. You bet I don't know how to ride in an arena.) You guessed it, they all look like that. This is not a french breed, they are from Tyrol, in Austria. They're also considered ponies sometimes.
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Finally and if I'm talking about cool looking sturdy rustic horses... I love an Arab or an Arab-Barb.
Yeah I know. But like. Actual real Arabians can be so chill? They can live outside all year too, they have the sturdiest feet, they have the brains. I've ridden an Arabian stallion that was SO CHILL and nice. I also know a friend whose Arabian mare would scare itself to death when it farted - those are not mutually exclusive lol. Mind you I hate American style Arabs or Egyptian Arabs - they way their head is shaped is way too extreme for me and I do think it's probably not especially good for them.
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Bonus :
I've never seen one IRL but I LOVE the Marwari (Indian breed). I don't know about their temperament but they have a great built, cool colours AND THOSE EARS !!! 🥰 Cuties
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Thank you for asking !!!! 😊❤️
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reinbouxsworld · 2 years
About the character headcanons asks
Please 💕 and 🎻 for all your OCs! I want to ship everyone and make a playlist for them!
💕ˀˀ. . . ₎ Hopeless romantic, but she tries not to. Yuno is a very delicate balance between constantly daydreaming and being aware that life is not a Disney movie, but nothing sounds better than that little scenario in her head about hugging her crush before falling asleep that just 😔🤌.  She's by far the most open about her feelings in general, so it is pretty obvious when she likes someone too. Her main way to show affection is physical touch, so even if she plays cool and not bothered at all while being afraid of being clingy, you can see her staring at your hand like 👁👄👁. 
🎻ˀˀ. . . ₎ A loud bad singer. Grim hates it, but can’t bring it to tell her to shut up because she only sings out loud when she's really happy or really sad, the poor thing. Also, her upbringing made her really into classical music, like Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi and she listens to it almost everyday, but overall pretty eclectic out of it.
 Yuno is into a lot of indie and kpop on a daily basis too. Also the type of person that always listens to people's recommendations, or learns her friends' favorites to vibe with them. 
💕ˀˀ. . . ₎ His love language is words of affirmation, so it would be nothing weird to him to come and "you know I love you" or very soft whisper out a "my evening star". Even in platonic, it is not weird for him to say out of nowhere a "bro, you're my favorite person”. but Facile doesn't have any priority in romantic love at all. He's seventeen, it isn't like he's going to meet the love of his life just now, right? right?
🎻ˀˀ. . . ₎ He tried to play piano like Sam when he was younger but what really made him passionate was saxophone. He plays on the afternoons in the Pomefiore lounge for Vil, or after his shift in Mr.S Shop, when he can. He’s also a fan of Jazz and Blues, mostly because of Sam and their homeland. 
💕ˀˀ. . . ₎ Against what people tend to think about them, they’re not a fuckboy or anything like it, for sure, Agonia is sure into some mutual flirt and rarely get involvelved, but once they do, they love deeply. They're main languages are through acts of service and physical touch, so they like to demonstrate that yes, they are into you. No, they don't do it for anybody. They don't mind making a point out of it. If they chooses you, then it's you.
🎻ˀˀ. . . ₎ Unlike his brother and Idia that are always with headphones, Agonia only listens to music in their room, usually some heavy metal or punk rock, but anything that makes some success on Ignihyde walls is a go to for them. Also a really good singer, but they don't bother to show it since they like to poke Pannik nerves telling he's the gifted kid from their family.
💕ˀˀ. . . ₎ He's born to friends to lovers trope. Pannik is too shy for any kind of relationship that he doesn't know deeply. His main way to show affection is through words of affirmation but in his own way: with music; you can expect a ton shit of Playlist made for or thinking about you on his phone, and for sure he will be writing songs about you too, but you will have to take it from his dead cold hands 😊
🎻ˀˀ. . . ₎ Pannik loves music more than himself, but he can easily follow the sad boy aesthetic with the amounts of indie and grunge he listens to. Believe it or not he's pretty much into everything (please listen to his recommendations).
Pannik is always with his headphones for when he needs to calm down, if he loses or it breaks things get really bad.
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onewingedsparrow · 1 year
8, 10, 12, 17, and 19 for the ask game!
(They’re all amazing; it was hard to narrow it down. 😂)
Thanks for the ask, Nova! <3 Lol yeah I loved all the questions too :D
From this ask game!
8. Which tf character has the most different personality from you? Uhhhhh that’s a good question. Maybe RiD’15 Drift? He’s very rigid and not likely to have fun for the sake of having fun. Also most iterations of Shockwave are far more logical than I like to be. Sure, logic is important, but Shockwave seems to go overboard in my book. 10. Which tf character do you think you’d get along with really badly? Probably Starscream, any continuity. He's such a backstabber and I value loyalty; he's super narcissistic and people like that are quite annoying to me. Plus he's generally not very fond of humans and talks down to them, and I'm very feisty so our interactions would probably go much like Miko's and his in TFP. Many insults, mutual disgust. I can appreciate his character in a show but I know I could not stand him in real life haha. 12. List a piece of art not from transformers that you think fits a tf character! Hmm this took me a bit of digging...there wasn't one that came to mind instantly, but it was interesting to consider! Reposting is BAD kids(TM) so here's direct links to artists’ works instead! ;)
First off: this beautiful ocean art by Kazami is really inspiring to me. Most people probably don’t think of the ocean when they think Transformers, but...put simply, it reminds me of the ’Waves ;) I have AU versions of Shockwave and Soundwave occupying my mind, their designs inspired by the sea. And the depth in this particular piece is absolutely gorgeous. The brighter colors are reminiscent of neon, which also makes me think Wavebros, and the darker colors add to the ominous, frightening feel of the deep ocean, ever fitting for those two Decepticons.  Oh! You’d probably like this as well! There’s a Fire Emblem character whose design I am absolutely in love with. He’s so spooky!!! His name is Líf and I haven’t reached his chapter in the story yet, but I’m so looking forward to that day because his design alone intrigues me. 💜 What does this have to do with Transformers? Well, he reminds me of Soundwave the most, but his “lightning antennae,” lol, remind me of both Soundwave and Optimus, which is a very interesting combination. Líf’s design gets me thinking about the uncanny ways Soundwave and Optimus are similar, something I hadn’t really considered in depth before. It’s quite fun. Here are some cool Líf fanarts so you can see his vibe! - By Lynarc (my absolute favorite that I’ve found so far) - By Bhai Kun - By Kalkkopf - Screenshots from a trailer (?)
- Bonus: Official art from the wiki because they’re all just so cool
I really like this dude in case it wasn’t obvious by how many of these I’m sharing 17. Which piece of music from a tf media is your favorite? I'm so glad you asked this question!!! I was hoping someone would 😊 This would have to be, hands down, "Did You Forget Who I Am" from The Last Knight. The Bayverse is full of terrible, terrible elements, but Steve Jablonsky’s score is not one of those. All the soundtracks are incredible. And this scene from TLK is so iconic that, every time I listen to the music, I can hear Optimus' voice fill in that beat of silence with the mighty, chilling line that Peter Cullen delivered so well. 💙 It also has a special place in my heart because...I can’t help but see a connection to my faith :) This scene and therefore this song are good reminders for me when I’m having a bad day. Side note: The fact that this song surpassed the TFP theme to become my favorite Transformers piece of music really says a lot about its impact. 19. Which depiction of cybertron in a tf media do you most want to live in? Does the answer vary depending on if you’re human or cybertronian? Lol okay so gut reaction would say "G1 Cybertron" because 1) humans can apparently breathe up there without issue (and not be harmed by acid rain, so that's a huge plus), and 2) while the Autobots and Decepticons were bickering on earth I could just go hang out with Shockwave, who's all alone just chilling 😂 But if oxygen wasn't an issue? Definitely post-Predacons-Rising Cybertron. I would love to rebuild the planet along with Team Prime and listen to their stories as they began to heal emotionally from the long conflict. I would also love to see what elements of the planet they repaired true to the original design, and which elements they rebuilt completely to start off on a blank slate, and the implications of each decision. It would be cool to live in a revitalized Cybertron and watch refugees return and new sparks be forged gradually over time until the planet was bustling again. And if I could show up a bit earlier and be present for Bumblebee's Warrior knighting ceremony that would be pretty cool too. 💛
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asimplearchivist · 12 days
saw that you rt'd the latest ask game thingy from me, figured i may as well say what i wanted.
honestly? you're one of the coolest people i didnt expect to be mutuals with. your artstyle, your writing, it's so neat that i can't truly put it in simpler words without going on tags that take up a whole page (which is something im gonna do soon enough with my thoughts about a comic of yours that i absolutely liked). besides that? you're cool.
Ohhh, thank you so much!!!😭😭😭This gave me all the warm fuzzies. I love your tags so very much, and they always make me feel like the art and writing I make is worth all the effort it takes to wrangle my brain! You’re so cool, too!😊
And I am absolutely looking forward to that!👀
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Hey! I just sent you a normal ask, I'm so sorry. I read the instructions properly, please ignore the previous ask and consider this one instead.
I'm RA, a taurus sun, Scorpio moon and libra rising in tropical astrology. I'm 22, and my pronouns are she/her. I'm into he/him.
To my best belief, I have followed all the pre-requisites to request for grant of a free reading, however, if I have missed out on anything, please bring it to my notice.
I want to request for a personal kinky reading about myself. Some things about myself are that I love the color blue, I am terrified of physical intimacy, I love fantasizing about love, my venus is in the 8th house and my idea of love has transformed over the past few years. I'm a foodie, I love desserts, especially waffles and pancakes with a huge scoop of ice cream. I love blueberry cheesecake too.
If there's anymore information you require, please let me know. And Thank you so much for offering free readings, I'm grateful to claim one ✨
Also, I don't desire a private reading, you can post my ask on your feed and I'll drop a feedback :)
Thanks once again! Good day/night 💕💖
Dear! You have followed the rules perfectly and you gave me so much information! I'm so grateful because I think it truly helped me so much with this reading. I must say that the words just flow in this one, there was no struggle for me to pick what the cards were trying to tell me. Whether it's accurate, that's a different question 😂 You'll be the judge of that. But I want to let you know that I truly enjoyed doing this reading as my intuition really felt easy flowing this time. I mean... with some people (regular and celebrities, too) I struggle to properly word the meanings I see in the cards but with you... It was so smooth. And while most readings take energy away from me, yours actually kinda cheered me up and energized me. There must be something special about your vibe so thank you for allowing me to bask in it through this reading. 😁💝
Anyway! Enough of pre-talk! See the cards bellow and your full reading when you expand the post.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to cool my excitement down with critical feedback. 😊 It's very appreciated no matter how negative it is. I'm the person who likes to receive critics because I can learn from them and grow in future. So don't worry if the reading sounds nothing like you. Just tell me. 😂 And if by any chance it does resonate, I'm happy to receive praises as well. Surprising, I know. 😂
Thank you for your request and I hope to hear from you in future!
P.S. There are special offers in the paid readings post and many are now for free! So you can use this opportunity to ask for another reading! Book a Tarot Reading (Paid) Instructions
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Spread / Question: Kinky Reading
Deck(s): Everyday Witch Tarot + Everyday Witch Oracle
Position - 9 of Pentacles
Lol! This card just screams a contented loner. You’re not very likely to play some games when it comes to relationships. You’re not really into sub/dom dynamics as you are not willing to boss others around or to be bossed by somebody else. You are happy the way you are. You are you, you are your own boss. You don’t even actually need to be in a romantic relationship to be happy. You are able to truly appreciate and cherish your own company. That doesn’t mean, you will never date anyone. But if you do, you are likely to maintain your healthy boundaries with the person and just make sure that the relationship is in no way toxic or abusive on either side. You know how to get along with people in a healthy and respectful way and you also know how to be alone and just cozy in your own company. Some people are terribly dull when they are not in a relationship, like they don’t know what to do if they don’t have a partner to do things with… You’re not one of those people. You have your interests and your hobbies. If you can find your mutual, great! You will happily share your days with them. If there’s no one to follow your requirements at the moment, you’re perfectly happy on your own and you can wait. You’re not very likely to just start dating someone for the mere sake of dating. You have your standards.
Libido - 2 of Cups
You mentioned it yourself that you’re not into physical intimacy and the cards confirm it. You’re likely a romantic person deep down, you said it yourself you like to imagine romance but the cards suggest you might prefer the emotional and spiritual connection to come first, before any physical contact. Honestly, I’m even getting the vibe of like a spiritual marriage in a sense you might meet someone you feel mentally, emotionally and spiritually close with, deep bond, but you might never actually get physical. I know it sounds a bit weird but I assume it can happen. If this is ringing no bell for you, just ignore it, I simply had to tell you what I’m sensing from the cards. On the other hand, if you meet your super special person, you might start to feel physical attraction to them and if you do, you’re likely to be more soft and vanilla about it. This card doesn’t really give a dominatrix vibe, lol. You’re likely to enjoy long sessions with your lover when you cook, eat, walk and talk together, holding hands and some soft kissing. You’re likely to take it slow in the relationship, really getting to know each other through and through emotionally and spiritually before you get physically intimate with each other.
Turn On - 7 of Cups
Lol! So many options and you just can’t pick one! It looks like you don’t really have your specific type yet. Either there’s no one who would come as physically attractive to you in a sense you would actually risk it and get physical with them, or… There are like many potentially attractive people but you only find some aspects attractive in them and none of those people tick all the boxes for you so you’re not really interested in dating any of them for real. Each of them has characteristics you dislike to the level you can’t imagine sharing your life with them. This card can also mean you are in love with someone (or many) who is not real or accessible. Typically those can be fictional characters or celebrities. You might be in love with Mr. Darcy (sorry, I’m old, Mr. Darcy is the ultimate perfect man for my generation, you can have a different idol) but you know he’s not real. And you can have a crush on a celebrity knowing you will never be able to date them but it’s still nice to imagine.
Kink - 2 of Pentacles + Follow your Dreams
With all that was said, it’s not a big surprise that you don’t really have settled for a kink of yours yet. You probably juggle with several ideas that appeal to you, you probably have looked into the options but… I can’t really see you being enthusiastic about trying one of the kinks in real life. Maybe with the right person you will one day. The cards really hold that potential. Just like the young wizard getting ready to jump out of the window and fly on the broom, you’re currently looking into options and getting ready, still safely in your own headspace. And just like the two of pentacles card, you’re balancing and judging the options. It’s only up to you if you will shift to one option or not. It’s up to you whether you will actually ride the broom or stay in the room and sweep instead. Lol… That’s both a metaphor and an actual suggestion. I mean… the floor can never be too clean, right? Anyway! I wanted to mention at least some of the kinks coming into consideration but I seriously can’t pick here. I mean, both cards depict a solitary person, in one card it’s a day time, in the other it’s a night time, so you probably don’t have a preference on when to make love. The Two of Pentacles is outdoors, the oracle card is indoors… Seriously, I can’t pick a kink up from these. I’m sorry.
Dirty Secret - Ace of Swords + Prayers and Wishes
Your cards are so incredibly clear with their messages, it’s insane! Do you often catch yourself daydreaming and imagining romantic scenarios? Do you play dialogues with your imaginary sweethearts in your head? Do you sometimes know you’re going to stay home but still dress up pretty and make yourself look nice just in case a rain drenched hunk in see through wet white shirt knocks on the door and asks you for help? Okay… this one is maybe my fantasy but you get where I’m going. Your dirty secret is that you’re probably a very pure and decent person in real life, all the dirt and spice are happening in your imagination and fantasy. You’re likely to imagine, dream and wish for someone really special to come into your life so you can fall in love with them because you’re a romantic soul. While you really crave this to happen one day (or maybe it already did happen recently), you’re still sensible enough to keep your standards. The Ace of Swords suggests not only a superior imagination (do you perhaps write stories or fanfics?) but also a clear mind. Once again, the people are alone on the cards which suggests you are an individualist. You have a strong persona. You don’t need to lower your expectations and you will know when your prince in shining armour arrives.
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myopicmeerkat · 2 years
285 Followers Celebration
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Speechless. I've been left speechless. I have no idea what I should say or do, now.
No! Wait! I suppose I do have an idea - two ideas, to be precise.
Well, the 1st idea is to shout a very big "THANK YOU!!" to all of you. No, like, seriously - thank you so much besties for everything you've done for me and my blog. I consider myself to be very very lucky to have wonderful persons such as yourselves as my friends. And I love all of you sooo much - I swear if we ever meet IRL, I'll be sure to give you a tight hug, or, in case you are not fond of hugs, I'll give you a treat at my favourite restaurants. Okay, besties? 😊
And, the 2nd idea is to hold a CELEBRATION!! 🥳🥳 (Kinda obvious, isn't it?) Anyways, I hope all of you will enjoy this Pirates' Vocabulary-themed celebrations of mine!! 😁😁
Ahoy (meaning: Hello): Give me three words and I will make either a moodboard or a playlist based on them. (the choice is yours)
Avast Ye (meaning: Pay attention): Send me a headcanon/joke/meme (the latter two can be general or concerning a particular fandom) and I will rate it out of 10.
Aye, Aye (meaning: Yes, I understand): Give me a word/phrase/sentence and I will give you a picture it reminded me of.
Briny Deep (meaning: The ocean): Give me a book/movie/song rec and I will give you one belonging to the same genre as the former.
Davy Jones' Locker (meaning: Graveyard at the bottom of the sea for those killed or drowned): Classic Tumblr Games (excluding KMK and FMK).
Dead Men Tell No Tales (meaning: Standard pirate excuse for leaving no survivors): Talk to me about anything - the book you are reading, the movie you are watching, your life in general or your deepest, darkest secrets - literally anything - on or off anon - and I'll lend you an ear.
Give No Quarter (meaning: Refuse to spare the lives of opponents): I'll tell you which fictional character you remind me of. (mutuals only)
Jolly Roger (meaning: The iconic black pirate flag featuring a white skull and crossbones): I will give you an outfit based on the vibes your blog gives off. (mutuals only)
Savvy (meaning: Do you understand?): Tell me 'your 1st impression of me' vs 'your current impression of me' and I will tell you mine. [Be brutally honest. I won't mind. 😊] (mutuals only)
Walk the Plank (meaning: Punishment for captives who were forced to jump off the ship with hands tied behind their backs): Ask me anything you wish to ask and I will be able to answer only in "Yes" or "No" or "Maybe, IDK". (mutuals only)
Tagging my super-amazing besties below the cut: 😄
@silver-de-vonne, @emikadreams, @mrs-tomato-head, @very-chaotic-cleo, @the-nightingales-world, @nymphadorathebubba, @helloliriels, @koushiki-das, @justtryingtosurviveinthepresent, @your-favourite-skittles, @cosmicdreams1111, @nakaharaswife, @fierreth-who, @fxbvlously-weird, @kill-the-liiights, @tfischaitea, @sethclearwatermybeloved, @celestialsmessy1, @magnus-babe, @itsveebiatch, @i-do-random-things-do-not-ask, @gayteensupreme, @magik-knives, @cool-way-to-die, @thelastfunctioningbraincell, @immortal-iddiot, @ad15124, @wholesome-dragon-lady, @anonymouse-the-asian, @ialmostdonothingnew, @yonkitybonkity, @moony-likes-hot-choc, @the-happy-fujoshi, @nirmaanazakti, @andrewisdoingbetter, @breadbutitsactuallyarock and all my other amazing mutuals and followers whose URLs I cannot remember ATM. (I am so sorry for the same. 😔)
Once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH BESTIES!!!! 💛💛💛💛
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