#and that’s the difference between dads and lesbians lol
lesbian-space-fish · 2 years
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desire-mona · 2 months
what i think my mutuals look like
u may be in here, u may not, doing as many as i want, if ur not in here then that doesnt mean i dont luv u :3 i hav a lot of mutuals
naut - i actually know what he looks like but in my mind. raggedy anne
harper - a mix between abed and gillian anderson
kiwi - young hugh laurie
my one tomska mutual - youll never guess
kae - meeks but somehow gayer?
kola - that one rsl photo combined with her actual face
ok computer - her pfp LOL
grey (musi) -s1 wilson
eli - i know what they look like actually so just. their face
joan - elvira
ami - abed, funnily enough
joel - straight up a dog
lisa - neil perry but specifically that one photo used as a pfp at one point
shui - also abed
john - phoebe from friends?
tiffany - again, i know what she looks like
marley - also s1 wilson but its different. like younger
sun (both of you) - ethan hawke in Dad specifically
bones - spock
reese - also spock but if spock was cosplaying neil perry
housewifemd - if house and wilson steven universe fused
ghostie - if jesse pinkman cosplayed frank n furter
joon - gender swapped neil perry
clara - gender swapped pitts
sid - richard cameron
tyty - his face!
ania - a vague cross between ginny danburry and gender swapped steven meeks
autumn (nocti) - her pfp
indie - also richard cameron
finn (occams chainsaw) - s1 gregory house
finn (puckspoetry) - neil perry but like. modern au?
bubble - gender swapped todd anderson but pink?
manda - thirteen (specifically thirteen with bangs)
tristan - his face. but also jesus
lovechild - NOT TAYLOR SWIFT. her face actually cuz i got secret access
dream(duality) - house when he went to that one migraine guys lecture thing
aspen - his face if it was more taublike
chandler - HIS face but more houselike
syd - allison cameron in black and white specifically
soph - rose tyler
hunny bun - martha masters
rain - i newly know what she looks like however she does still look like house in my mind
katie - neil perry at the play specifically
pinkie pie - pinkie pie
raph - steven meeks if he was dan howell circa 2009
dewi - charlie dalton
regulus - all 4 beatles combines into one being
jareth - todd anderson with white hair?
gil - his face mixed with rsl circa 2001
lesbians for trobed - trobed combined into one being
elmo - carrie
luke - thirteen (no bangs)
will - helena bonham carter in frankenstein (1994)
cuntstruck - that guy who wrote let it go (not the frozen song)
zeth - zeth
blue - allison cameron
blue - dick grayson
(im sure the blues can tell who is who)
thiam - jschlatt circa 2020 SORRY
valerie - martha masters allison cameron steven universe fusion
ash (crow king) - stretched james wilson
nico - stick dead poets society if he was also tyler joseph
percy - robin williams if he was a teenager
ashy - her face mixed with belle
nick - rsl and winona ryder steven universe fusion
matthew - youll never guess. anyone but barry boys next door
el - richard cameron AGAIN
sammy - their face mixed with neil perry gayface
daisy bell - dana mythic quest
maddie - abed in her artstyle specifically
missy - TROY TIGER!!!!!!!
rubester - daria? idk why
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cowboyjen68 · 9 months
Hi Jen, sorry for dumping a big rant in your askbox but your blog has helped me figure out my identity and I don’t have anyone to talk to about this in real life lol. Feel free to delete if this is too weird.
So I’m a 17 y/o butch, and I have been masculine since I was a little kid. I always felt lucky to have a family that was generally okay with my gender nonconformity. They treated it like a cute quirk of mine, and I never felt like I was being judged or that I should change the way I am around them. My dad got a kick out of it. One summer he let me help him build the deck in our backyard. He always took me to baseball games, he dressed me up in his old clothes, basically treated me like I was his son and I loved it.
I feel like as I get older, my masculinity becomes less acceptable. I went to visit my paternal grandmother for the holidays, hadn’t seen her in a few years, and the first thing she said to me was “I thought you would’ve grown out of all that by now” (in reference to my haircut and outfit, I think.) I just don’t know how to react to the way my extended family treats me now. They used to be totally fine with it, but I spent my entire Christmas feeling like I was being judged for every little thing.
Like, what’s changed? Why is it cute and funny when a little girl wears boy’s clothes and wrestles with her cousins, but disgusting when I grow up and settle into my masculinity?
It’s like I’ve crossed the invisible line between being a tomboy and being a dyke, and now no one wants to entertain it anymore.
Again, sorry for the rant haha, I just feel like I’m going crazy because I tried to talk to my sister about it and she said she didn’t notice them acting any different, but I swear my aunt spent half of our Christmas dinner telling me how pretty I would be if I just wore a bit of makeup lmaoo. I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, because I’m feeling pretty lost right now. Thanks, and happy holidays!
It is not weird at all. I hear that young lesbians, particularly butches, do not have older role models to bounce ideas off of or vent or get any perspective on certain experiences. Moms and Dads and straight sisters and cousins, no matter how well meaning, will just not always "get" what is happening. They say things like "we love you no matter what" and "we don't care if you are a lesbian" and they mean it, mostly. But they often don't see the subtle clues (or blatant ones)they toss around that indicates how uncomfortable they are with you being so visible, but just existing as you naturally are.
AND OH MY GOSH yes I have experienced exactly what you are talking about with the deepening judgement as you move from a cute little Tomboy to an adult butch women. It is almost like they hope to "catch it early" when we are in our teens and redirect us away from the "danger" of being a visible lesbian. And a woman who does not, in very overt ways, conform to their idea of how a woman should be and act.
My dad was relatively consistent in treating me pretty much like he would a son and, to his credit, he did so with my straight sister. We were allowed to do just about anything my older brothers did. In part because my sister was pretty strong willed but also a lot like him. I was less strong willed but she had mowed the path.
Mom was the one who was forever concerned about my looks and behavior, both out of worry I would not fit in, and because she had a certain expectation of how her daughter should grow up. Both normal Mom reactions. She understood bullies and knew that sticking out could be difficult. Her solution was not to strengthen my resilience but to attempt to "tone me down". Her efforts increased as I made the jump from kid to teen and into my late teens. She would discourage me from cutting my hair, becoming almost angry when I brought it up. She would tell me how lovely I was in dresses and skirts and say thing like " a little make up would be nice". It got really old. It lead to us not always getting along even though I loved and respected my mom. She was a great mom. But this one thing made us both crazy. She could not cool it and I could not change who I was.
Friends at school saw hints of my liking girls. I stopped wearing cowboy boots and my favorite horse buckle and it their place went with K Mart Tennis shoes and a generic belt that came with my pants, again, from Kmart. I put away the cowboy fringed shirts and flannel and went with simple jeans and sweatshirts, the acceptable attire for boys and girls in my rural high school. I kept my hair long to disguise my "looking like a boy" traits.
I (barf) agreed to date a boy and spent the better part of that time making excuses to not kiss him or spent time with him. I was starting to listen to mom and do my best to hide ME from the world. Anything (with in reason) to throw the world off the scent, the scent of me being a lesbian. Being butch made that one more step difficult.
It is hard to hide the space we take up naturally.
It might seem hard to see it now by your family is slightly well intentioned, knowing that being "seen" easily as a lesbian can be dangerous. But also, they are uncomfortable with your energy and physical presence because it does not coincide with their ideas of what a woman acts, feels and moves like. This is a THEM problem and I can give you words of comfort based on experience.
The more you begin to be you, and dress in what gives you comfort the more your confidence will grow and be evident. People who are emboldened to try and change you for their own comfort tend to back way off when there is no opening for their opinions. They just sort of realize they are wasting time. AND for those that don't, there are always a few, you don't have to give them any air or acknowledgement. You get to let them waste time and energy while you look great in whatever you wish to wear and however you wish to cut your hair. And in a wonderful turn around, you don't have to spend any effort just being you or trying to defend or correct them.
You are fast approaching adulthood and with that will come even more freedom and independence. Don't rush it but also, work towards that.
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sliipppy · 2 months
Self Indulgent Young Justice/Teen Titans 2003 Relationship and Sexuality Headcanons
Cassie and Kon convince themselves they like each other in Young Justice because they're both gay and closeted. They do love each other, but not romantically. They confuse that for attraction. Plus, I think Cassie is a lesbian stereotype, and Kon is like a gay man stereotype, so it makes sense that the two would go for each other. When they finally get together, they don't kiss because they tell their friends its cause "they both wanna take things slow". Sometimes they'll hold hands (scandalous)
Meanwhile, Cassie is like madly in love with Cissie but doesn't realize it because that's just how best friends are. Plus, she has the whole 'crush on Kon' thing going. I know everyone and their mom loves TimKon, and don't get me wrong, so do I! But in Young Justice, Tim and Kon are constantly butting heads. I don't think Kon starts liking Tim like that until the end of young justice, and he starts to like REALLY like him during Teen Titans.
Cissie and Anita kissed once at a sleepover but never told anyone. Young Justice for Cissie is like a crush fest. She's a bisexual icon, and she's had a crush on every single member of the team at some point (but her most serious ones were Cassie and Anita). She kissed Tim on the cheek in that one panel. She had a crush on Kon in the beginning, and I like to think she had a small crush in Bart but got over it pretty fast, because I've always saw Bart and Cissie as like brother and sister kinda lol (I always think of the panel where she comforts him about Max during the intergalactic baseball arc.)
Cissie can't decide whether she likes Anita or Cassie more and she also can't really come to terms with the fact that she might like girls.
Anita was basically always solid in the fact that she's bisexual. While the kiss with Cissie definitely awakened something in Cissie, Anita was like, "That was nice, but I think we're better as friends." She dates Slobo but doesn't really like him like him, but she thinks he's endearing, so the two are just a generic silly freshman year couple. Yeah, they won't last, but it's cute while it lasts, and they'll be friends when it ends. Anita's dad is super chill and had some "if you're gay I'll till love you the same." talk with her after he saw her concerning obsession with Diana Ross.
Greta hated Stephanie at first because she had a one-sided crush on Tim and was jealous of Stephanie because of it, but she gets over it and develops a crush on Stephanie. (This is canon, trust me. This is my craziest pair, I think, but trust me on one-sided GretaSteph)
Teen Titans era – later teens, Cassie and Kon are on and off dating. Kon and Tim start to get closer. They like eachother. It's so obvious to everyone else. Kory and Donna think it's cute. Cassie meanwhile, still madly in love with Cissie, beings her toxic doomed yuri arc with Rose Wilson. Rose is her official gay awakening. Her and Rose have the most tragic situationship of all time for like a year.
Okay skip forward to the sadness. Kon dies, leaving Cassie and Tim more confused and sad then ever. Cassie loved Kon, really loved Kon, but not in that way, which makes her feel even more guilty about his death because she felt that she was lying to him while he was alive and she still didn't understand her feelings. Tim on the other hand is going FUCKING crazy. He just lost Steph, then his dad, and now Kon and he's not understand ANYTHINGGG!!! Bro tries to clone Kon and when Cassies like "bro what the hell are you doing?!" It causes like this falling out between the two despite the fact that Cassie and Tim were literally bestie because they both loved Kon so much in such different ways and had all this pent up confusion...and then we get to the infamous panel where they make out while crying. In their shared grief and confusion in their own emotions they kiss. It's weird and both of them literally hate it because they literally are like siblings to eachother also she's a lesbian and Tim just lost like 3 of his actual lovers in the span of a year (Steph, Darla, and Kon) so it was weird and fucked up but they were weird and fucked up.
Skip forward, and Kon comes back to life. Everything's happy! Yay! Kon and Cassie have a heart-to-heart and breakup because they're both gay. Cassie asks Cissie out. Tim comes out as bi and dates Bernard. Kon is like, "omg I have a chance," but it is also sad because like Tim has a boyfriend that isn't him. Stephanie is like "no bro he totally likes you" Eventually, they break up. Idk why bro. (I'm not really a Bernard fan, sorry, remember the self-indulgent in the title?) and Steph convinces Kon to ask him out (I love thar after Urban Legends Stephanie and Kon are like, best friends) and BOOM timkon. Everyone is happy. Happily ever after.
And rip Greta and Anita, we haven't seen you in forever miss you queens 🙏🙏🙏
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sweetblinginrose · 5 months
𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲’𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥! ,
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(OS Steve Harrington x fem!reader Kline x Robin Buckley)
summary: you, Steve’s ex-girlfriend, bounce out of town because of your dad’s passing. You decide to swing back during the holidays after your big transformation, only to stumble upon this chick who’s feeding into your sensual cravings.
word count: 11k +
warnings: infidelity, oral sex (receiving, female), homophobia, lesbianism, two-year age difference (both are older), kisses, inexperience, scissoring, no cuddling after sex, caught by a bystander.
a/n: i wrote this bored, so there’s a bit of filler. not recommended for folks craving instant action, there’s some backstory here. can’t promise it’s all good, wrote it while watching a movie lol
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Indeed, your life seemed like a modern fairy tale, but with a touch of irony. Being the daughter of Mayor Laurence ‘Larry’ Kline, your existence was wrapped in an aura of privilege and power. However, not everything that glitters is gold, and behind the facade of perfection, secrets and uncomfortable truths were hidden, but you ignored them.
Since childhood, you were the center of attention, not only for being the mayor’s descendant, but also for your innate charisma. Your room was a sanctuary of toys and luxuries: shelves filled with porcelain dolls with glassy eyes that seemed to follow you around, drawers overflowing with colorful ribbons that adorned your hair, and a vanity covered with imported makeup you hadn’t even fully learned how to use. Your clothes were never repeated. You had a wardrobe that rivaled the most exclusive shops, with designer dresses and shoes that squeaked when you wore them for the first time. The attention you received was constant and sometimes overwhelming. Boys and girls your age looked at you with a mix of admiration and envy, while adults treated you with a deference that bordered on servile. And then there was Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington, the golden boy of Hawkins, your favorite plaything, whose attention seemed to be the most coveted prize. His charming smile and perfectly styled hair were the dream of many, but he only had eyes for you. However, even that perfect relationship had its cracks, its secrets that only you knew, since you had been fortunate enough to snatch his virginity.
With every step you took down the hallway, the murmur of conversations mingled with the sound of your little platforms. Your pastel yellow Chanel skirt was like a ray of sunshine amidst the monotony, drawing looks that oscillated between admiration and envy. You felt as if you were on an impromptu catwalk, with the school hallways transformed into your personal stage.
Your best friend, always by your side, shared your confident and elegant attitude. Although rumors said her financial situation wasn’t as comfortable, her demeanor and style left no doubt that she was up to the challenge. Together, you formed a dynamic duo, two fashion forces in a sea of sportswear and uniformity.
As you passed by Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler, the couple of the moment, you felt a spark of satisfaction. Despite their smiles and the image of happiness they projected, there was an open secret that everyone in the school knew: Steve was with Nancy trying to fill the void you had left, just as he does with all the girls. His presence by her side was only a shadow compared to the memories he shared with you. It was a game of appearances and hidden emotions, a delicate dance of glances and whispers that intertwined in the everyday life of the school day. And in that dance, you held the baton, aware of every movement and the melody that only you could orchestrate.
Every time you approached Steve, your steps were confident and your presence unmistakable. You could see how his world paused for a moment, how his eyes left whatever had captured his attention to meet yours. Even in the most unexpected moments, like when his lips were about to touch Nancy’s, he would pull away, as if an invisible magnet was drawing him towards you.
“Hi, Stevie…” you would say with a warm voice and a tone that resonated with a mixture of respect and genuine affection. It wasn’t just a formality imposed by the long-standing friendship between your father and his, but a gesture you sincerely enjoyed.
His response never changed: a silly smile, one of those that appear without permission from the brain and speak more of feelings than words. It was a smile that didn’t need embellishments or explanations, that said “Glad to see you…” without needing to utter a single syllable. And although he would never admit it out loud, you knew that smile was just for you, a small secret shared in the midst of daily routine.
With a subtle yet meaningful gesture, you ran your tongue over your lower lip, a slow and deliberate movement that didn’t go unnoticed. Your eyebrows arched slightly, an unequivocal signal that only he could decipher. You looked him up and down, a quick but intense scan that confirmed the mutual attention. Then, with a grace that seemed as natural as breathing, you decided to continue on your way, letting the pastel yellow skirt sway gently with each step you took.
To any casual observer, your behavior was nothing more than a mundane greeting, one of those social exchanges that fade into the collective memory of everyday life. However, what they were unaware of was the espionage game hidden behind that facade of normalcy. That “Stevie” pronounced with a particular cadence and that raising of eyebrows were the secret code, the agreed signal that indicated it was time to act.
He, knowing its meaning, didn’t hesitate for a second. Anything he was doing was suspended, abandoned without remorse.
With the mental agility of an experienced spy, he turned to Nancy with an apologetic expression on his face. “Nancy, I’m sorry, but I need to check something on the sound system,” he said, his voice attempting to sound casual but unable to fully hide the underlying urgency. “I think I left something on and I don’t want it to overheat.”
Nancy, accustomed to his sudden technical disappearances, nodded with a understanding smile. “It’s okay, Steve. Go and fix whatever you need,” she replied, releasing him with a gentle pat on the arm.
His steps quickened, driven by the urgency of that silent call, heading towards the stairs hidden behind the locker rooms. It was a ritual they had perfected over time, a dance of glances and gestures that communicated much more than words ever could…
The muffled whisper faded into the dimness, a secret confessed only to the dancing shadows around. Each touch of his tongue was a promise, a silent oath igniting a cascade of sensations, a rushing river flowing through every fiber of your being, and especially through your thighs. You grasped his hair, those rebellious strands privileged only to be tousled by your fingers, while struggling to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to sweep you away. The coolness of the stone against your back was an anchor, the sole reminder that you still belonged to this world, intensifying the clandestine atmosphere of pleasure you both shared.
In the dimness of the old stairs, the world narrowed down to the haze around you and whispers. The flickers of light that seeped through played hide and seek among the forgotten corners, barely revealing Steve’s silhouette. His face, adorned with cute moles forming constellations, was hidden in the depths of your skirt, a mystery, an enigma defying reality with his presence. Despite the faint darkness surrounding you, your eyes had adapted enough to distinguish his, shining with a fierce passion, an uncontrollable flame consuming the air between you, making you tremble even more. Every stroke of his tongue, every suction, was a torment and a pleasure intertwined dragging you towards a forbidden ecstasy.
The echo of your moans intertwined with the gentle murmur of the wind, creating a symphony of desire in the air charged with anticipation. With each movement, each touch, the heat of your bodies intensified, merging into a whirlwind of burning sensations. One of your hands, trembling with excitement, clung firmly to the wrought iron railing, while your legs tensed involuntarily as Steve’s lips explored every nook of your intimacy. “Mhhm, right there, Stevie,” you whispered between gasping breaths, letting out a more intense moan as you felt the pressure of his mouth against your center of pleasure. The strength of your hands unconsciously squeezed his face between your thighs, plunging him even deeper into the vortex of your desire, while the essence of your excitement flooded his senses.
Steve’s grunts resonated in the space between your legs, causing his lips to vibrate slightly against your sensitive skin, sending waves of pleasure coursing through every fiber of your being. Every movement, every sigh, was a dance of shared ecstasy, leading you to the edge of the abyss of pleasure.
Moaning in response to every caress, every suction, you surrendered completely to the frenzy of the moment, feeling as if you were about to unleash heaven in an uncontrollable explosion of ecstasy.
A few seconds later, after a symphony of intense suctions and wet licks, you surrendered to the rush of pleasure and came in Steve’s mouth. He was kneeling in front of you as you leaned over him, your dripping pussy releasing your essence onto his eager lips. Steve welcomed your ecstasy with a smile radiating excitement, his eyes shining with shared passion, and his cock, of course, barely contained in his too-tight pants, scarcely visible but hinting at the unrestrained desire consuming him. Steve’s gaze, filled with satisfaction and lust, locked onto yours as he savored every drop of your essence as if it were the most exquisite nectar.
His lips, wet and eager, continued to explore your intimacy with a devotion that left you breathless, while his skilled tongue continued to provoke waves of pleasure that coursed through every fiber of your being.
You could feel the force of his desire pulsating against your skin, his eager hands seeking contact, craving more of you even in that moment of shared ecstasy. The sexual tension that had built up between you reached its peak, manifesting in the urgency of his movements and the desperate hunger of his lips against yours. But before you let him kiss you, still reeling, you gently pushed him away, looking him up and down with an expression of superiority, as you always did.
“Don’t think I’m gonna kiss you, screw you, or anything like that. I just wanted you to eat me out, nothing more. Don’t feel like doing anything else with you. Let your little girlfriend Nancy suck your dick. I’m out,” you said, adjusting your skirt, forgetting something but leaving as quickly as possible to avoid having to talk to him, as usual.
Little did you know, you had left your delicate lace thong there, forgotten alongside Steve, the masochist who was always lurking. Steve knew that you two no longer had the same connection as before, but that didn’t stop him from trying to get closer to you. This time, he decided to seize the opportunity, knowing he would never have the intimacy with you that he desired as in the old times.
Without wasting a moment, Steve picked up your thong soaked with your fluids and tucked it into the back pocket of his pants. With stealthy movements, he slinked towards the locker room bathrooms, with the sole intention of finding relief for his throbbing cock.
He sat cautiously on the toilet lid, closing the bathroom door with a firm twist of the key, thus ensuring his privacy. With a mix of palpable anxiety and desire, he prepared to indulge in solitary pleasure, with your image ever-present in his mind.
With trembling hands, he retrieved his wallet, a treasure he guarded jealously, and from it, he pulled out a photograph of you. In the image, you looked radiant, modeling one of his T-shirts, your delicate nipples barely outlined in the fabric. With a gaze fixed on your face, his fingers caressed the image with devotion, as if they could touch your skin through the paper.
In addition to the photo, he pulled out the thong you had previously forgotten, a garment that became a tangible symbol of your past encounters, as it had been a gift from you when you had been dating. Carefully, he wrapped his erection with the soft fabric, feeling the familiar texture and the echo of your presence in every fiber. The combination of the no longer so warm creamy fluid and the soft fabric triggered a wave of pleasure that immediately brought him to the brink of ecstasy. A slight moan escaped his lips as he surrendered to the frenzied rhythm of his own hand, immersing himself in a world of fantasies where only you occupied his mind.
“I’m sorry, Nancy…” he murmured with a choked voice, while his fingers explored the soft skin of his erection, sensitive and sore from the accumulated tension. His eyes were fixed on the photograph he held with reverence, your image shining before him.
Every detail of your face captivated him: your rosy, provocative lips; your pronounced eyelashes framing eyes full of mystery and seduction; your beautiful hair gracefully waving around your face. Everything about you delighted him, from the elegance of your gestures to the intensity of your gaze.
But despite his fascination, a feeling of resentment stirred within him. He hated how sometimes you could be so stubborn, so insensitive to his desires and needs. The tension between you grew with each encounter, fueled by your whims and his repressed frustration.
With a sigh laden with mixed emotions, he surrendered to solitary pleasure, each caress a blend of desire and desperation. Though he loved you madly, sometimes he wished you could understand what he felt, what he needed from you beyond appearances.
After reaching climax twice, his still labored breathing echoed in the silent locker room. A thin layer of sweat beaded his forehead, a testament to the intensity of his emotions released in those moments of solitary ecstasy. Small droplets of his essence escaped his body, lightly staining the locker room floor, marking the territory of his unrestrained passion.
With trembling hands, he adjusted his tight pants, still feeling the buzz of pleasure resonating through his body. The air was laden with the scent of desire, permeating the environment with the intensity of their intimate encounter.
With determination in each step, he headed towards his last class before lunch. Although his mind still buzzed with images of your face, his body was now infused with a sense of calm and satisfaction. He had released the accumulated tension, at least for a moment, and was ready to face the rest of the day with renewed energy.
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The rain pounded the pavement with a fury that seemed personal, each drop an accusation against the city asphalt. Amidst this storm, the Family Video store stood like a beacon for movie lovers, its flickering sign battling the darkness imposed by the whims of the weather.
Robin held the umbrella with a steady hand, protecting not only her own hair from the rain but also that of her companion in discussions and confidences, Steve. With his gaze fixed on the trunk of his car, Steve rummaged through forgotten tools and objects, desperately searching for the small lamp that would allow them to continue their work in the video store.
“How could you be into Kline’s chick, dude? She’s just as gross as her daddy, I don’t get it,” he said, his voice barely audible over the constant drumming of the rain. The question was not only a questioning of shared tastes but an echo of a deeper rivalry, one that extended beyond romantic preferences and touched the fiber of their friendship. “I still don’t get why you’re into the same girls as me, man,” he continued, his frustration growing with each word, as if the same drops falling from the sky fueled his discontent.
Robin, with a patience found only in those who have weathered countless storms, both meteorological and emotional, responded with a calm that contrasted with the agitation of the night. “I just have good taste, Steve.”
Finally, Steve’s fingers stumbled upon the object of his search. With a sigh of relief mingling with the dampness of the air, he grabbed the lamp and closed the trunk with a thud that resonated in the stillness of the night. Both were splattered with the treacherous drops that had accumulated their weight on top of the car, a small victory of the storm over their efforts. The dimness of the Family Video store enveloped Steve and Robin like a blanket, darkness interrupted only by the erratic flashes of lightning seeping through the windows. “Good taste? She was straight-up trouble, Rob,” he murmured, his voice echoing in the emptiness of the store. The shelves, normally full of life and color from the movie covers, now seemed threatening shadows in the darkness. “I went out with her, and I can tell you, it wasn’t a great experience, apart from the sex, of course,” he continued, his tone a mix of regret and disdain. As he closed the soaked umbrella, drops of water detached and joined the chorus of rain pounding outside. He placed the umbrella by the door, like a forgotten guardian, and shook his hair, trying to rid himself of the invading moisture. He pulled out a mini mirror, the surface reflecting a face marked by the tumultuous night. He checked his hair. With a sigh, he continued to the counter, where he deposited the small lamp, its light a promise of warmth in the cold that engulfed the place.
“You went out with that hottie?! I might start believing that whole thing about ugly dudes scoring the hottest girls…,” Robin joked, her laughter a flicker of light in the darkness, as ephemeral and bright as the lightning outside. She stepped aside, leaving space for Harrington, in a gesture of camaraderie, unable to give him a friendly punch on the arm.
The tension between Steve and Robin was palpable in the charged air of the Family Video store. “She wouldn’t even look twice at you… she’s super straight. I even think she was homophobic…” Harrington said, his voice tinged with a jealousy that seemed to drag shadows from the past, shadows of a high school era that both had left behind, or so they thought.
“Well, I’ll just turn her from phobic to homo, easy,” Robin retorted, her eyebrows raised in a playful challenge, a joke meant to lighten the mood but only served to bring Steve a flood of memories, flashbacks he’d rather keep buried.
“Ugh, don’t do that!” Steve complained, his patience wearing thin like the tape of an old VHS movie. Robin, feeling the weight of her friend’s irritation, let out an exasperated sigh.
“Well, I won’t breathe either if that bothers you too, for god’s sake…” she said, rolling her eyes in a theatrical expression of frustration before walking towards the back room.
Leaving he alone at the counter, the echo of her footsteps mingled with the buzz of burnt fuses and the murmur of rain against the roof. Steve stood there, in the dimness, his mind navigating the turbulent waters of his adolescence. He remembered you, with your fiery temper and defiant smile, a presence that had marked his youth and, despite the years and distance, still stirred up a whirlwind of emotions within him. It had been approximately four years since you went to Spain on exchange, four years that had done little to cool the memories Steve held of you. He didn’t want to admit it, but he missed your bad temper, and above all, that body of yours…
The days at the Family Video store passed with the slowness of a slow-motion movie, each moment stretching into infinity. Robin, increasingly immersed in Harrington’s past with that girl, couldn’t help but let the details surface in his mind. “Yes, I… did all that…” he confessed with a blush that didn’t need light to be perceived, speaking of secret encounters on the stairs, those moments stolen from time and curious eyes. “But please, I beg you not to tell Nancy! I’m trying to win her back but she doesn’t know anything about what happened when we were together…” he pleaded, his voice a whisper laden with urgency and fear. Robin’s expression, pale as the moon on a starless night, reflected the surprise and horror of realizing the presence looming behind them.
“Not know what?” asked a sweet voice, as familiar as the melody of a forgotten song. Nancy, with her friendly smile and a small wad of money in her hands, appeared like a figure from a dream, or perhaps a nightmare. “What? No, nothing!” he stammered, anxiety building up in his chest like clouds before a storm, desperately seeking Robin’s complicity but finding only the void of a situation slipping out of control.
The door of the store burst open with a bang, like the prelude to a dramatic act in a play. A girl, dressed in clothes where red and black stood out. Her tight leather pants, a torn red top, accompanied by a dark jacket showing signs of being well worn, culminating with the icing on the cake: a flamboyant, teased hair, typical of glam metal enthusiasts. She made her triumphant entrance. In her hands, a movie magazine, her finger marking a page like one points to a destination. “Hey, I changed my mind, I think I’d rather watch Satan’s Mistress, it has…” you began, but your voice trailed off the moment your eyes met Steve’s.
It was a gaze that crossed years of distance, a bridge laid over an abyss of time and memories. Your former partner in sex, passion, and toxic courtship.
The reunion was a whirlwind of emotions, a vortex that swept up the fragments of a past everyone had thought overcome.
Your voice echoed in the confined space of the video store, a reminder of its former sweetness now tinged with the roughness of tobacco. “Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington?” The Viceroy hung on your lips, a stark contrast against the burgundy tone that adorned them. With a careless gesture, you dropped the magazine you held onto a shelf full of horror movie covers, a sanctuary for lovers of fear and tension. Your black heels struck the ground with determination, each step an announcement of your presence that filled the air with an almost musical cadence. You made your way to the counter, your imposing figure leaning against the collection of VHS and DVDs that decorated the place.
“Keith…” Steve’s voice was a murmur, his eyes scanning the woman standing before him. He wasn’t sure what to make of the change; the woman he knew had been replaced by someone new, someone who defied his understanding.
Robin, on the other hand, couldn’t hide her delight. The feminine arrogance that had characterized the girl in the past had pleased her, but this… this was something completely different. It was a transformation that invited both admiration and bewilderment. “Damn…” exclaimed Robin, not trying to conceal the surprise caused by your daring neckline.
The video store had become a stage for unexpected revelations. Steve, still recovering from the initial impact, found his voice to articulate a question that burned inside him. “W-When did you come back to town?!” His voice trembled, a reflection of the nerves that assaulted him as he evoked memories of a seemingly distant past.
“Not long ago,” you responded with a calmness that contrasted with Steve’s agitation. “My father was murdered two years ago, I don’t know if you remember. So now I’m here to spend the holidays at his house, here in Hawkins.” Each word was pronounced with a serenity that belied the tragedy of your story, while the cigarette smoke curled in the air, as if trying to escape the reality of your words. Your clothing, tight and revealing, seemed like a second skin, outlining every contour of your body with exaggerated precision. Robin, from her corner behind the counter, couldn’t look away. To her, you were like a celestial vision, a fallen rocker angel who had returned with stories of distant worlds.
Nancy had become a mere shadow in those moments. Her original intention had been simple: to rent a movie at Steve’s store, a perfect excuse to spend time with you, now that you had returned. But reality had twisted in a way she couldn’t comprehend. She understood nothing.
Harrington, with a nod of acknowledgment, found himself in a sea of uncertainty, the scene before him causing a growing discomfort. “I’m sorry…” he murmured, looking away towards the ground, a gesture revealing his unease.
“Don’t worry about it, these things happen,” you responded with a voice dripping with unwavering calmness, as you flicked the ash from your cigarette into the nearby ashtray. The act led you to approach the blonde girl, whose beauty was as evident as her friendly smile. Returning the smile, you noticed a glint of something undefinable in her eyes, as if you had ignited a spark of emotion within her. “Well, I guess I’ll head back to the car,” you announced, turning with an elegance that defied the gravity of your heels. “Grab whatever movie you want, Nans,” you said with a carefree tone, exiting the store and leaving behind a trail of perfume and mystery. Your steps were confident and graceful, each movement a testament to your ability to walk on those pillars of style as easily as others would walk in sneakers.
Nancy, observing the scene, felt the tension that had taken hold of Steve, his body rigid as if on the verge of breaking. Determined to ease the atmosphere, she approached him with a timid question. “Uh… do you have the movie she mentioned?” Her voice was a whisper, almost drowned out by uncertainty.
He, trapped in his own confusion, couldn’t recall the mentioned title, but Robin, with her ever-sharp attention, jumped to the rescue. “Satan’s Mistress! Yes! A horror movie from a few years back, based on a book, pretty good actually.” Her enthusiasm was palpable, her hands tracing arcs in the air as she spoke and moved with a clear purpose. She found the movie quickly, placed it on the counter, and scanned it, announcing the price to Nancy, who paid with a handful of small bills she held firmly.
Nancy was ready to bid farewell, to leave behind the video store and its memories, but something stopped her. She turned abruptly, as if a sudden idea had crossed her mind, a missing piece in the afternoon’s puzzle that needed to be placed.
Nancy’s proposal resonated in the video store like an invitation to leave the past behind and dive into new adventures. “She’s having a welcome party at her place, so she’ll invite old classmates and all that. Do you want to come?” Her voice was a mixture of enthusiasm and nervousness, aware of the surprise her announcement could cause.
Harrington, still entangled in the threads of the past, was about to decline the offer, his mouth opening to formulate an excuse. But before he could articulate a single word, Robin intervened with an energy that seemed to overflow the confines of the store. “Yes!” she exclaimed, her affirmation so loud and clear it seemed to fill every corner, even suspending the constant buzz of the fluorescent lights.
Surprised by Robin’s vehemence, Nancy gave an awkward smile, her cheeks taking on a rosy hue reflecting her embarrassment. Quickly, she shared the address and time of the party, words that hung in the air before she turned around and walked out of the video store, leaving behind a silence that draped over the place like a blanket.
The silence that had fallen over the video store was so thick it could almost be cut with a knife. The shelves filled with movies seemed to hold their breath, waiting for the next act of this unexpected human comedy.
“Steve?” Robin’s voice pierced the silence, her casual tone breaking the stillness like a stone dropped into a calm pond.
He, still lost in his thoughts, barely uttered a sound resembling an assent. “Mhhm?”
“I think I’ve wet myself,” declared Robin, with a calmness that contrasted with the nature of her announcement.
Steve couldn’t help but react. “Damn, Robin, you’re gross,” he exclaimed, his voice a mix of disgust and humor. It was an accusation spoken with the lightness of camaraderie, an acknowledgment of the peculiarity of their friendship that could withstand even the strangest of revelations.
The screech of Steve’s car brakes blended with the music emanating from the mayor’s old mansion, an echo of youth reverberating within the walls of a building now housing those who, just two years ago, were teenagers but were now venturing into adulthood. The mansion, with its flickering lights and aura of nostalgia, was a beacon for memories of a simpler time.
Robin, with the grace of someone who had shared countless adventures in that passenger seat, lowered the car mirror and examined her reflection. Her eyes lingered on every detail of her face, ensuring her makeup would withstand the night ahead. Her hair, tousled and free as always, framed her face with a naturalness that needed no adornment. The orange T-shirt she wore, snug and adorned with yellow stripes, seemed to capture the last light of dusk. The flared jeans, swaying with each movement, and the borrowed jacket, a temporary gift from her friend, completed her outfit with a harmony of colors that spoke of her carefree and vibrant personality.
Meanwhile, Steve remained motionless, his gaze fixed on the house looming before them. The mansion brought back memories of clandestine nights, shared laughter, and whispered secrets while climbing the ivy that reached to the window of their old room. Those memories enveloped him like a cool breeze, taking him back to a time when everything seemed possible. Dressed with the same nonchalance with which he faced life, he had made no effort to dress up. His clothes, casual yet stylish in their own way, reflected his attitude towards life: simple, straightforward, and uncomplicated.
The music from the mansion grew louder, as if calling the guests to immerse themselves in the celebration. Robin, giving one last glance at the mirror, smiled satisfied and closed the compartment with a click. Steve sighed, a sigh that contained years of stories and lived moments, and with a complicit smile towards Robin, stepped out of the car.
The song filling the air was a lesser-known classic, “Turn Up The Radio” by Autograph. With its energetic and catchy rhythm, the electric guitar resonated with chords that invited leaving troubles behind and plunging into the euphoria of the moment. The singer’s voice, with its raspy and passionate tone, sang about freedom and youthful rebellion, a perfect anthem for those seeking escape in music. In the front yard, the scene was a living collage of the era. Groups of friends gathered around an Ford Mustang, its doors wide open to share the music emanating from the stereo. Laughter and conversations mingled with the sound of beer cans being opened and the sizzle of a nearby grill where burgers and sausages were being cooked.
The blonde, with her eyes wide open, couldn’t take her eyes off those strangers who seemed to have stepped out of a metal music video. Her fascination with glam style had been born just hours before when she saw you enter the store with that star aura. Curiosity had seized her, and now, seeing you at the door of the house, that curiosity turned into admiration.
You and Nancy were immersed in a conversation, but your sixth sense for important arrivals made you look up just in time to see that duo approaching. An eyebrow raised in a gesture that mixed surprise and interest. Your hair, cut in layers with a precision that only the best stylists could achieve, cascaded around your face, each strand contributing to the impressive volume that seemed to defy gravity. Robin was speechless, her mouth slightly open in a mute expression of amazement. The moonlight reflected on your leopard-print pants, making the wild patterns come to life. The corset you wore, snug and enhancing your figure, was the centerpiece of an outfit that screamed confidence and rebellion. The girl was captivated, not only by your physical appearance but also by the energy you exuded, a mix of mystery and magnetism that irresistibly attracted her. Harrington, on the other hand, seemed overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. With a sudden decision, he chose to withdraw from the scene, seeking refuge among familiar faces. He headed towards a group of former basketball teammates, greeting them with back slaps and knowing smiles. Meanwhile, Robin remained paralyzed, watching you with a mixture of admiration and a new awakening of her own style.
You watched as Steve walked away, leaving the girl alone in the midst of the party bustle. With a carefree gesture, you took the Marlboro resting behind your ear, which sported metallic hoops as witnesses to past rebellions. You lit the cigarette with the flame of a Zippo that gleamed under the starlight and began walking along the stone path, a path that evoked childhood memories and that your father had ordered to be built years ago when the mansion was still a home and not a museum of memories.
“How’s it going, blondie? Do I know you?” you asked with a confidence that seemed to emanate from your very essence, a certainty that charged the air with electricity. Robin, with her golden hair reflecting the neon lights, stood paralyzed, feeling a shiver running down her spine and erasing any other thought from her mind. The orange-haired girl who had captured her attention throughout her time in the band vanished from her consciousness, and even her own name seemed like a mystery.
“Uh-uh, I…” Robin stammered, struggling to find the words as a playful smile played on your lips, noticing her nervousness. You raised an eyebrow, a perfect arch that added emphasis to your playful expression at her discomfiture.
“I think we’ve never met…” you interrupted her attempt to reply, cutting through the air with a certainty that left little room for doubt. “I’d never forget a face like yours,” you concluded, your words hanging in the space between the two of you like a promise or a premonition. You looked her up and down, a scan that was not so much an evaluation as it was a recognition of her presence, her uniqueness. You exhaled the cigarette smoke, and it wafted through the air before dissipating in front of her face, an ephemeral veil that seemed to separate and yet unite two worlds.
Buckley blinked, an instinctive reaction to the smoke wafting through the air, and coughed slightly, a momentary interruption that brought her back to the present. A blush spread across her cheeks, a rosy hue that highlighted the concealed freckles and her eyes, which maintained an innate sweetness. “No, we’ve never met, or at least I don’t think so…” she said with a trembling voice, avoiding your gaze because she knew that if her eyes met yours, the words would be lost in the abyss of her nervousness.
You, with a smile that revealed amusement at her discomfiture, furrowed your brow and took another drag of your Marlboro, keeping the conversation going with an ease that contrasted with her uncertainty. “Uh? How’s that?” you asked amidst laughter, scanning the girl with a gaze that seemed to see beyond the surface.
“Well, we went to high school together, but you’re older than me…” Robin explained, her voice gaining a bit more firmness as the words flowed. You raised an eyebrow, a gesture that denoted both surprise and genuine interest.
“You’re still in high school?” you inquired, exhaling a new cloud of smoke that spiraled into the night sky.
Robin nodded, her gesture accompanied by a shadow of embarrassment at the age difference, and a palpable frustration at not being able to hold a normal conversation, to be that normal girl she wished to be at that moment. “Well, you don’t seem like it… you look great,” you said with a sideways smile, an expression that carried a mixture of compliment and challenge. You looked her up and down, not with judgment, but with an appreciation that made her feel seen, truly seen. You crossed your arms, and the corset you wore emitted a soft creak, a sound that seemed to be in tune with the tension and expectation hanging in the air. Robin, still recovering from the effect of the smoke and the surprise of your approach, found herself in a crossroads of emotions, between shyness and the excitement of being in the spotlight of your attention. She responded to the compliment with a charming shyness, her cheeks taking on a rosier hue as she tilted her head, allowing her short hair to brush against her skin. With a gentle and considerate gesture, you lifted her chin, encouraging her to meet your gaze. “You seem down… want a drink, …?” The pause hung in the air, an invitation for her to introduce herself.
With a frantic nod, as if just understanding the hint, she hurried to respond. “Robin. Robin Buckley. And yes, I’d love a drink. I’d love to,” she said with a voice that almost stumbled over itself, clearing her throat slightly to maintain composure. Your smile widened, and with a conspiratorial gesture, you took hold of your ex-boyfriend’s jacket sleeve and led Robin towards the house. As you walked, you shared your name and asked questions about her life, showing genuine interest in her and her story.
You made two strong drinks and led her to your backyard, a quiet and empty space that would soon be filled with your laughter and conversation. As the night wore on, and after several short trips in search of more alcohol, you both found yourselves laughing and teasing with a familiarity of old friends, which had never existed between you. “I would never have thought of that! She really does look like a Muppet,” you exclaimed, unable to contain the emphasis that alcohol liberated, sharing a genuine laugh with Robin.
The blonde’s confession hung in the night air, a revelation as unexpected as it was sincere. ���I still don’t understand how I ended up liking her,” she said, the words escaping her lips before she could catch them and return them to the refuge of her thoughts. It was a moment of vulnerability, a window to her soul that she rarely allowed herself to show. Uncertainty tinged her confession; concern about revealing too much, about crossing an invisible line that could change the dynamics of the night. She didn’t want to talk about her sexuality, not because she was ashamed, but because she didn’t know yours and feared the possibility of making you uncomfortable.
Your response to Robin’s revelation was a hearty laugh, followed by a joke that added lightness to the moment. “I get you, I hooked up with one who looked like Sloth from The Goonies,” you said amidst laughter, referring to the iconic character from the adventure movie, released a year earlier.
Robin, surprised by your comment and the revelation it implied, couldn’t help but burst into explosive laughter, causing her to expel alcohol through her nose. Surprise and hilarity mingled in her reaction; she didn’t expect you to share her inclination, didn’t expect to find someone who resonated with her own experience. Anxiety and nervousness invaded her, a mix of excitement and fear at the possibility of not being alone in her feelings. The night had brought an unexpected chill, and the incident with the drink had left Robin with a wet shirt, making her tremble slightly. Noticing her discomfort, you offered a practical and kind solution. “Come on, I’ll take you to my room to change,” you suggested, guiding her through the party and into the warmth of the house.
Robin entered the room, her gaze roaming over the personal space you now shared. She sits onto the leopard-print quilt, her fingers sliding over the synthetic fur, soft and welcoming to the touch. The music, a constant and rhythmic pulse, filtered through the door, marking the beat of the night.
Meanwhile, you were immersed in the search for the perfect garment in your closet, a collection that spoke of past stories and concerts. You hummed the melody that seeped into the room, the influence of alcohol dissipating enough to allow you to focus on the task. You were looking for something that captured the essence of your new friendship without being overly flashy. Upon returning to the room, you found Robin absorbed in the photographs adorning your walls, images capturing moments of a previous version of yourself, one that contrasted with the person you were now. “What? Surprised? I looked better before, I know,” you said with a playful and ironic tone, depositing a Metallica T-shirt on the quilt and placing a hairdryer next to it, a silent invitation for Robin to dry her wet shirt.
“What?! No!” exclaimed Robin, turning with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment at being caught in her contemplation. “No, not at all… before you were very pretty, but I think… now you are more,” she articulated with difficulty, the words stumbling over each other as she clung to the furniture, seeking physical support for her emotional turmoil. The sincerity of her comment caught you by surprise, raising your eyebrows in astonishment. A smile spread across your lips, and an unfamiliar sensation, akin to butterflies fluttering in your stomach, emerged. It was an emotion you hadn’t experienced in a long time, a recognition that resonated with a part of you that had remained silent.
“Then, do you think I’m pretty, or straight up hot?” you ask, a playful smile dancing on your lips as you take measured steps toward Robin. The distance between you closes with each deliberate move, and though the question hangs lightly in the air, there’s a hint of genuine curiosity in your eyes.
Robin nods slowly, her gaze drifting from your eyes to linger on your lips, as if trying to read every nuance of your expression. “Well, let me tell you, I feel the same about you…” you say, your voice caressing each word, now just inches away from her. The tension between you is palpable, like a spark on the verge of igniting a flame. The air is charged with an electricity only proximity can generate. You can feel the warmth emanating from Robin, and every breath you take is infused with her essence. There’s an unspoken promise hanging in the air, an invitation to cross the invisible line that still separates your worlds.
“The same?” Robin asks, her tone a whisper barely daring to break the silence. Her hand rises, trembling yet determined, and brushes against the fabric of your rough corset as if it were the most delicate thing in the world. “You’re much more than pretty,” she confesses, and there’s weight in her words, a depth that goes beyond mere attraction.
“And how can I be sure you’re not lying to me? What if you’re just saying it to make me feel good?” you tease, puffing your cheeks slightly in a feigned pout that fails to hide the playful sparkle in your eyes. Robin’s hand, which had found its place over the curve of your corset, pauses for a moment, as if your words had planted the seed of doubt. But the smile playing on her lips reveals she’s enjoying the game as much as you are. Through the thick fabric, Robin’s fingers feel the steady rhythm of your breathing, each inhalation and exhalation like a wave crashing against the shore. The closeness between you diminishes even more, and though neither of you mentions it, both can feel the electricity of the moment, as tangible as the fabric between your fingers.
“Lie to you?” Robin replies, her voice low and filled with a warmth that seems to envelop you. “There’s no need for lies when the truth is more enticing.” The confidence in her tone is enough to dispel any shadow of uncertainty, and the way her thumb gently caresses the pattern of the corset is a promise in itself.
Involuntarily, or perhaps not so much, you find yourselves even closer, the distance between you measured not in centimeters, but in heartbeats.
“Why don’t you show me then?” The question leaves your lips with a challenging tone, but your eyes shine with a mix of anticipation and amusement. She, trapped between your body and the furniture, seems to search your gaze for some sign to guide her. The proximity is inevitable, and the tension that had been building now seems on the verge of overflowing.
The space feels charged, each shared breath adding more intensity to the moment. You can feel the slight tremor in Robin’s hands, a vibration that speaks of nervousness and anticipation. The room has been reduced to this small stage where only the two of you exist, and the silence that surrounds you is a silent witness to the connection being forged.
Robin swallows, her gesture almost imperceptible, but you catch it clearly. “Show you, huh?” she says with a voice that tries to sound confident but betrays a trace of vulnerability. “I don’t need words for that.” And with a movement that breaks the last barrier of distance, her lips seek yours in a kiss that promises to be as revealing as the whispered confessions. The contact is soft at first, almost tentative, but soon gains confidence and depth.
Feeling her lips against yours, a spark of excitement ignites within you, and a victorious smile spreads across your face, illuminating the moment with a sense of silent triumph. Each brush of her lips against yours is like a perfectly tuned melody, a symphony of sensations that completely envelops you. With each kiss, you eagerly explore the softness of her lips, savoring the sweetness of the shared moment. As it continues, her hands leave the furniture and find a new refuge on your bare shoulders, conveying a sense of connection and complicity that fills you with joy. This gesture encourages you to deepen the kiss, to fully surrender to the torrent of emotions flowing between you. With instinctive impulse, your hands grip her waist firmly, feeling the firmness of her body beneath your fingers, gently caressing her, lightly scratching with your nails. Determined to explore further, you smoothly slide your hands inside her jacket, where the still damp shirt rests, like a tangible echo of the moments shared that night. The cool, damp texture of the fabric beneath your fingers reminds you of the play of contrasts of the evening, where the warmth of the encounters mingled with the freshness of the unexpected.
As the intensity of the kiss grew, your senses sharpened, capturing every detail of the experience. You could feel the warmth of her breath mingling with yours, creating a dance of sensations that enveloped you completely. When her tongue joined yours in a playful and fiery exchange, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving you only with the rapid pulse of shared passion. The grip on her waist tightened, as if you wanted to merge your bodies in an intimate, fiery embrace. As you pressed your pelvis against hers, you felt the electricity sparking between you, a current of desire flowing freely in the anticipation-filled air. With each touch, each contact, the tension between you reached new heights, leaving Robin trapped between your body and the furniture, with no escape possible. Her soft moans mixed with your own in a symphony of pleasure, every whisper, every sigh fueling the whirlwind of emotions consuming you both. Your hands eagerly explored every inch of her back, every curve, every contour, while their fingers clung to you with an urgency reflecting the unrestrained desire burning within them.
As Robin’s pleasure-filled moans echoed in the room, your own desire intensified, fueled by the sight of them writhing under your control. The need to feel her weight on the furniture consumed you, driving you to lift she and place her where you desired. With determination, you grasped one of her thighs firmly, letting your nails sink slightly into her skin as you lifted her body with one hand, making space on the furniture with the other.
With a swift gesture, you cleared the furniture of all figures and objects adorning its surface, leaving a clear space for Robin. When you finally seated her there, a sigh escaped her parted lips, momentarily interrupting the desire-laden silence enveloping you both. Breaking away from the fierce kiss, a strand of saliva stretched between your lips, a testament to the fervor with which you had surrendered to each other.
As your eyes settled just at the level of her breasts, obscured by the loose fabric of her shirt, your imagination soared, visualizing every curve and contour hidden beneath the cloth. Biting your lower lip eagerly, you seized their buttocks firmly, drawing her body towards yours with an irresistible force. A faint cry escaped Robin’s lips at the unexpected surge of passion, but her hands soon caressed your neck tenderly, desperately seeking your lips.
Playfully, you moved out of her reach, enjoying the seductive game unfolding between you both. Until, finally, you succumbed to the overwhelming desire and united your lips in a kiss even hotter and wetter than before. The taste of her mouth, the sensation of her breath mingling with yours, created a symphony of pleasure that enveloped you completely, making you forget everything but the warmth of the moment shared between you both.
Robin, determined to intensify the moment, decided to encircle you with her slender thighs, drawing your body closer to hers in a gesture filled with desire. You could feel the warmth emanating from her groin, colliding against your corset and eliciting a playful giggle that escaped between your lips, briefly separating you from the kiss. At that moment, Robin noticed the change in your expression and felt momentarily bewildered, thinking she might have done something wrong. She looked at you with a mixture of puzzlement and concern, but before she could articulate a word, you broke the tension with a daring joke.
“I think your shirt isn’t the only thing that got wet…” you said with a mischievous smile, quickly changing Robin’s expression. Without averting your gaze from hers, you slid two of your fingers down her lower thigh with a provocative gentleness, sending a shiver of anticipation through her body. The sexual tension between you intensified, turning the air around you into an electrifying blend of desire and playfulness. “See?” You decided to intensify the game and explore Robin’s groin more deeply, guided by the heat emanating from that area. With bold determination, you slid your fingers downward, finding the place where the heat was most intense. You plunged your fingers into the damp denim fabric, feeling the hot texture and the moisture seeping through it. You were mere millimeters away from her wet pussy, separated only by two thin layers of fabric that heightened the tension and anticipation between you.
For Robin, this experience was almost unfamiliar; she had experienced something similar only once before, so she felt like an inexperienced person in the middle of an ocean of unfamiliar sensations. She didn’t know how to react or what to do, but her breathing became more irregular, and her heart pounded with strength, reflecting the intensity of the moment and her own emerging desire. She opted to tightly close her eyes and squeeze your shoulder, which you found endearing.
Your eyes slid over every nuance of her expression, capturing each change in her features with surgical precision. Every time you increased the pressure of your caresses, you could feel Robin’s body responding with slight tremors, unmistakable signs of her excitement and craving for more. With each calculated touch, your fingers explored the unknown terrain of Robin’s groin, while your lips found refuge on the soft skin of her neck. The atmosphere was charged with palpable tension, as if every sigh were an echo of the passion growing between you.
Meanwhile, your other hand ventured over the smooth contour of her opposite thigh, tracing comforting circles on her sensitive skin. The combination of sensations immersed her in a whirlwind of pleasure and anticipation, caught between the desire to surrender completely and the caution of the unknown.
The slight spasms emanating from her body were like small navigation signals, indicators that you were touching the right places, the access points to her ecstasy. Each brush against that sensitive button was like striking a key on a piano, unleashing a symphony of moans and sighs that resonated in the room like a melody of shared pleasure.
As your lips explored every inch of her neck with devotion, your hands continued their captivating dance over the contours of her thighs, delicately caressing every curve and angle. Robin was completely tense, her body vibrating with anticipation and repressed desire, but her responses were a whispering echo of her longing for more. With a slightly husky voice, you ventured to ask her if she was enjoying it, letting the whisper of your words mingle with the whisper of silk in the air. Her nod was barely perceptible, drowned out by the tension consuming her completely. So, you decided to tempt her even more, offering her the promise of even greater pleasure if she allowed you. Between licks and kisses on her neck, you suggestively slid your words, letting each syllable resonate in the desire-filled air.
With a mischievous smile dancing on your lips, you relished the effect of your words on Robin, observing how her desperation was reflected in every gesture and tremor of her body. You tilted your head slightly, allowing your warm, moist breath to caress her ear, leaving a tantalizing trail of saliva with your hot, eager tongue.
Amidst warm giggles, you ventured to ask a question laden with anticipation and desire, whispering it into her ear with irresistible playfulness. “Have you ever been eaten out?” The tension in the air was palpable, and everything about Robin seemed to bristle at your words. It was evident that this was a new experience for her, an unknown territory that plunged her into a mixture of anxiety and excitement. With a barely perceptible nod of her head, she slowly shook her head, swallowing hard at the prospect of the unknown. In response to her answer, you raised an eyebrow, savoring the anticipation of what was to come. With a suggestive gesture, you licked your lips, fixing your gaze on hers with an intensity that was almost palpable. “Well, then I feel lucky to be the first…” you teased softly, letting out a playful giggle as you lowered your body. You found yourself on your knees in front of her, your face at the level of her crotch still covered by her flared pants. However, the moisture seeped through the denim fabric, revealing the intensity of the desire that consumed her. “Wow… I’ve never seen any girl get this wet for me…” you complimented with a smile, as you began to unbutton the buttons holding her pants, slowly lowering them with your gaze locked on hers.
She slowly raised her hips towards you, making the process easier with a trembling gesture of anticipation and effort.
You tossed Robin’s jeans somewhere in the room, leaving her standing before you in her underwear. She covered herself shyly, lightly squeezing her thighs as she avoided your direct gaze. A silly giggle escaped your lips when you noticed the Care Bears design on her panties, which didn’t go unnoticed by Robin. She felt embarrassed, and you could clearly perceive it in her expression. To reassure her, you emphasized that it was just a joke, trying to lighten the awkward moment and make her feel more comfortable with herself. With a determined yet gentle movement, you carefully parted Robin’s thighs, revealing her panties completely soaked. Every inch of fabric was saturated with moisture, from the waistband to the elastic on the legs. The transparency of the fabric exposed her intimacy, allowing you to see directly her pussy. The inner thighs were damp, and the core of the panties was a mixture of excitement and nervousness, creating an intimate scene charged with anticipation. Although Robin felt vulnerable in that moment, her trust in you was also evident, allowing you to access such a private place of her being. With a soft sigh, you moistened your lips before bringing them closer to her underwear, placing delicate and deep kisses on the soaked fabric. Each kiss elicited louder moans from Robin, whose breathing became irregular as her thighs lightly clenched against your face. You could feel the frantic beat of her heart resonating in the air, as if it were vibrating right down there. With a mischievous smile on your lips, you decided to give a playful lick through her panties, tasting the salty flavor of her excitement on your tongue. You looked up and met Robin’s eyes, whose expression mixed desperation and anticipation. One hand impatiently pushed her hair aside, while the other grasped her right thigh, unsure of what to do with it in that moment of intensity. The tension in the air was palpable, and you could see how her cheeks were slightly flushed with the embarrassment and excitement that engulfed her. With a determined movement, you pushed her panties aside, revealing her wet and eager pussy to your caresses. You began by softly licking her outer lips, enjoying the salty taste of her excitement as you prepared for the task ahead. You could feel the hand resting on her thigh inching closer to your hair, seeking something to hold onto to face the whirlwind of sensations that was about to come. You responded with a smile, ready to give Robin the pleasure she so eagerly craved. When you finally connected your mouth with her pussy, the deep moan that escaped the blonde’s lips resonated in the room. Your first lick was intense, exploring every corner of her sex with a fervor that left no doubt about your desire to satisfy her. Her hand, now gripping your hair, pressed you against her crotch, urging you to continue.
With closed eyes, you surrendered completely to the act, licking fiercely as if you were famished for her. Every encounter of your lips with her pleasure button caused a shiver through her body, accompanied by moans that echoed in the air and fueled your own excitement. You devoted yourself to playing with her, alternating between soft licks and delicate suctions, exploring every fold and crevice of her intimacy with a devotion that knew no bounds.
Robin moaned your name desperately as you devoted yourself to fulfilling each of her desires. With every skillful movement of your tongue, you took her beyond the limits of pleasure, bringing her closer to ecstasy with a mastery that only the deepest desire could bestow. You could feel her on the brink of orgasm, her body trembling with the anticipation of the impending release.
When she finally reached that climax, it was with a burst of pleasure that left her breathless, clinging tightly to your hair and pressing your face against her sex in a desperate embrace. Her confidence grew with each passing second, surrendering completely to pleasure and seeking to satisfy her own needs with a passion that left you breathless.
Your face was soaked with her fluids, every inch of your skin covered by the testimony of her pleasure. The sensation of her essence dripping down your skin added a new level of intensity to the experience, fueling the fire burning within you.
When you pulled away from her pussy after her orgasm, you looked at her with a passion that overflowed all known limits. You were more excited than ever, driven by the desire to satisfy your own needs and to push her to the limit once again.
You wiped your face with your arm and guided her to your bed with an impulse you couldn’t contain. With determination, you positioned yourself on top of her, ready to continue exploring the pleasures that only the encounter between two eager bodies could offer.
As you freed yourself from the garment covering your lower part, you revealed a leopard lace thong that immediately caught Robin’s attention. Her gaze lingered on the revelation of your lingerie, her eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and fascination. The lack of words from Robin was evident, and you could feel the tension in the air as she processed the situation.
For her, this territory was completely new. She had never experienced anything beyond kisses and hugs, and her sexual education was limited to what she had seen and heard through occasional conversations with friends or what she had heard on television. The lack of practical experience and exposure to explicit material, such as magazines or porn videos, left her without a clear frame of reference to understand what was happening in that moment.
Faced with her confusion, you decided to take the lead, gently guiding her with your actions and words, creating a safe space where she could explore and discover new sensations without fear or pressure. Your intention was to make her feel comfortable and secure in this new territory, and your understanding and affectionate attitude reflected that desire.
With a compassionate smile on your lips, you made an effort to explain the situation clearly and calmly, aware of Robin’s inexperience in this unknown area. The conversation flowed naturally, despite the nerves present in the atmosphere.
Upon hearing your proposal, Robin showed curiosity mixed with a hint of disbelief, which made you chuckle. Her innocent questions reflected her unfamiliarity with the intimate world and made you smile at her candor.
With patience, you assured her that what they were about to do was pleasurable for both, despite the lack of a traditional element. The absence of a “cock” was not an obstacle, but rather an advantage in this scenario, as you pointed out with a mischievous smile as you removed the thong, revealing your own intimacy, which, although not as soaked as Robin’s, throbbed with anticipation.
You guided Robin gently, indicating how to position herself to carry out this new experience. Although she was initially bewildered, she trusted you and followed your instructions, letting herself be carried away by curiosity and the excitement of the moment.
When your soaked sexes brushed against each other, sending a shiver through her entire body, Robin experienced a wave of new and exciting sensations. The friction between your bodies caused an involuntary spasm in her hips, and she couldn’t resist the temptation to move in search of more pleasure. With each movement, she satisfied your need for stimulation, creating a symphony of shared pleasure that enveloped both of you in mutual ecstasy.
With a palpable urgency, you surrendered to the ecstasy of the moment, rubbing your sex against Robin’s with unrestrained passion. The need for mutual satisfaction drove your movements as you firmly grasped her thigh to keep her in place, ensuring that she could delight in this experience as much as you. Each strategic brush hit precisely the spot that unleashed waves of pleasure in Robin, bringing her to the brink of ecstasy time and time again. Shared moans and lascivious sounds filled the room, mingling with the shared moisture that flooded the air. The intensity of the moment prompted you to change position, placing yourself on top of Robin with the skill of years of experience. With fluid and precise movements, you moved over her pussy with a mastery that only desire and mutual connection could bestow.
As you shifted, Robin’s shirt gradually rode up, revealing her left breast swaying to the rhythm of your synchronized movements. Every movement was a dance of unbridled passion, as her golden hair cascaded over her face and onto the bed, adding a touch of sensuality to the scene. Together, you created a symphony of ecstasy and shared pleasure that enveloped you both in a bubble of happiness and satisfaction.
With each hip movement, the accumulated tension reached its peak until finally, in an explosion of shared ecstasy, you reached climax together. You might have taken a few seconds longer to reach the peak, but the synchrony of your orgasms was perfect, causing spasms and tremors in your intertwined bodies.
“Mhhmm… yes…” A torrent of overwhelming sensations engulfed you, plunging you into an ocean of pleasure and mutual satisfaction. Every muscle tensed and relaxed in harmony with the other, while moans of pleasure filled the room. It was as if time stood still in that moment of shared ecstasy, leaving only the whisper of your ragged breaths and the frenetic beating of your hearts.
After reaching climax, your bodies slowly relaxed, enveloped in a feeling of peace and fulfillment. The intimate connection you had shared left you with a sense of deep satisfaction, strengthening the bond between you and creating unforgettable memories of that unique and exciting experience.
After the shared climax, a cry of excitement escaped your lips, breaking the ecstasy of the moment and separating you from the mess you had caused. “Fuck!” Turning away from Robin, you lit a cigarette with a careless gesture, while smoke curled in the passion-filled air. “You should go with Steve, I’m off for a beer,” you said with the cigarette between your lips, not bothering to search for your underwear, just covering yourself with a skirt you found lying around.
Robin, exhausted and confused, didn’t know what to do as you walked away. She collapsed onto the bed, her body still vibrating with the intensity of the encounter, but her mind flooded with unanswered questions. Nearly 40 minutes later, Steve’s knocks echoed in the hallway, searching for Robin. “Robin?” his voice echoed from afar, opening and closing doors in his frantic search. Steve feared the worst as he approached the last remaining door: yours. Although he had never entered through that door before, always preferring the window, this time he fervently hoped that Robin wouldn’t be there.
“Robin!” he called out loudly, rousing her from her stupor. Steve opened the door with determination, only to be met with the shocking scene of his friend hastily getting dressed, shouting and closing her eyes with a guilty expression.
“Damn it, Robin, seriously?!” his voice was filled with frustration and concern as he watched the chaos before him, not fully understanding what he had just witnessed.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 23 days
when are people going to start realizing how disrespectful jungkook is to his hyungs? especially jimin? shippers love to say jungkook treats jimin differently than the other members "look he drops honorifics he teases him he pushes him away" when all it is is jungkook having no respect for jimin as his hyung 💀 been that way since before they even debuted funny to see he hasn't changed
- it's interesting in retrospect to see jikookers who used to say that jungkook would never roughhouse jimin or raise his hands at him have to change the narrative again and again to make excuses for jk's behavior and attitude and make it seem like everyone thinks jimin's a damsel in distress for finding jk's behavior kind of gross. oh how the tables turn.
I've had this in drafs for a couple of days, and now the tweet has been deleted. I was honestly enjoying the thousands of qrts calling them siblings.
First of all, I didn't have the same reaction to this as a lot of people. I can understand why people got upset about it, but it's not me.
I was never impressed or moved by the "hyung-dongsaeng" dynamic kinda of thing, I still don't get why people gag over it. I know culture this culture that, but in my culture some people call their mothers whores, and I don't. We're still part of the same culture. If you listened to the way my cousin talks to her mom, and the way I talk to mine, you wouldn't believe we're from the same family.
And I've always thought the same about BTS. Jimin has said that a lot of his friends are older than him. I doubt he's formal to them 24/7??? I assume they bicker and argue and they forget that they're of different ages. I assume Jimin's friends give him permission to be treat them as chingu after so many years.
Jungkook has even talked about his mom in a way that I wouldn't talk about mine, but anyways. I'm pretty sure he's also referred to Taehyung as chingu a couple of times between 2020 and now.
Jimin is respectful but he's not conservative by any means. I've always thought formalities matter only to some point to him. Especially with his loved ones.
As I was saying... I had a good laugh with the siblings comments knowing how much jikookers hate them because it really is siblings behavior. I don't ever call BTS brothers but I honest to god have no other words to describe Jungkook's attitude towards Jimin in that moment.
I've said before that I hate the "this is real because this happened to me". I don't want to know about how your very own personal life experiences tell you a ship is real. I've always rolled my eyes so hard when seeing people go "I've been married for 29048895 years and this is totally what me and my husband do!!" - Kristen, 57 years old, cis straight and married to Rob, 5 children, living somewherereallywhite talking about Jimin and Jungkook.
Well, Kristen. If you were having lunch with me and my family and Rob raised his hand like that to you - somebody's calling the police.
So I thought "maybe I'm thinking about it from a too heteronormative pov, thinking about my mom/dad and aunts/uncles but these guys are both men of the same age and social status." Because that wouldn't happen in my family. I'm not joking, it would be absolutely unnaceptable for a man to do that to his wife in my family, and at least half of the families in the country.
But then I realized none of the gay couples I know would act like that, either lol. I know straight couples and gay couples and none of them would ever do that to their partner, no matter how pissed they are. They might scream and curse at each other, I've seen lesbians do the nastiest scheming, manipulation, mindfucking tricks to get back at their girlfriends; but never something like "I'm going to punch you." And if it ever happened, I know the people who love them are not going to let it slip.
As siblings or friends, however... Especially men, what Jungkook did is completely normal. That's why I laughed about the siblings comments. Because they're right.
I don't do it because I'm not that type of person and I usually don't react strongly to many things, but my cousins do stuff like what Jungkook did all the time with each other and with me, too. And it's okay, it's funny.
I don't think Jungkook is violent because of this, but I'm completely in disagreement with these grown ass women on the internet telling everyone "couples fight like this". They DON'T. Or at least they shouldn't.
So, to sum it up. I don't think he had any real intention to hit or hurt Jimin. I don't believe Jungkook is a violent person, either (though he is impulsive). I don't think his behavior is "gross", as Jimin's friend. Jimin too just joked about it, but probably did think the reaction was uncalled for so he disguised it, and still asked Jungkook to give him an apology.
I'm just genuinely bothered by people saying it's "couple behavior". It's not. It shouldn't be. I think it's unacceptable between romantic partners no matter the gender, nationality, whatever of the people involved.
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chappell-roans · 3 months
What did you think about Challengers? Because i’m having a very unpopular opinion… i didn’t like Zendaya’s acting. I thought it was so forced. I just think she couldn’t deliver the nuance of Tashi as a character and her scenes were so flat… I could see a different actress playing the role but Zendaya really didn’t do much with it. Her delivery was very monotonous and as i said, she didn’t give her the dimensions I feel were needed to understand her as a character. And Zendaya had just one facial expression for Tashi the entire movie too and that threw me off and completely disappointed me too because she had the material to do more and just didn’t.
The real stand out of the movie was Josh O’Connor that was irreconcilable with that role and managed to give Patrick some depth with very easy and smart tone changes and he ate every scene he was in (and dare I say, he was holding Zendaya’s performance together). Faist did well with what he was given and I think this will open a lot of doors for him in the film world.
But for this to be Zendaya’s big “lead role” it felt incredible empty as a performance. And I feel so many reviewers were so afraid to critize her lack of versatility in that performance or afraid to say her co-stars had a better performance and overall chemistry together because she has a massive social media support. But… it is the truth and if there’s anyone in there that will get an Oscar nomination for that will be O’Connor.
(But I don’t think the movie will get any acting nominations except for some technical/script categories).
I finally saw (and am now obsessed with) Challengers so responding after long while lol. Honestly, I loved it. My favorite movie of the year so far (followed by Dune 2 and I Saw the TV Glow). I agree Josh O’Conner was excellent and devious and sexy and just… a scene-stealer. I think that each of their performances worked for the characters as written? I think Tashi is supposed to be more cold and calculating but she’s also funny and biting and sexy, I can definitely totally understand why you feel this way though. I personally think all their personalities and portrayals work. Mike Faist is definitely the most submissive of all three from the get-go, while the other two and are more combative and go after what they want. The interplay between them all and their personalities and going after each other (in every sense of the word) makes the film. So I don’t necessarily fully agree (at least on this watch) but I do totally see where you’re coming from. I honestly often get a coldness from at least characters in Luca’s movies (like everyone except Timmy and his dad in CMBYN, everyone except the young bf and maybe the lesbian daughter in I Am Love) so I was worried this would be the same but this felt really lively and much sexier than most of his movies to me. So I feel like it’s more character than Zendaya and I really liked her here but yeah.
Also since we’re on the topic anyway, here’s a letterboxd review I WISH I could’ve written:
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This isn’t really a request, but what are some headcanons either for COD characters or Far Cry 5 characters that you love? And what’s your favorite piece of lore about your OCs?
Also I love your fics so much, WHERE did you learn to write like that
First of all, OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 💜💜💜💜. The way this ask made my whole week and the compliment on top of it, consider me forever in your debt.
I have been writing stories since I was 4, read books and watched movies voraciously that were way out of my age range and thus my brain chemistry was forever rewired to be a bit strange to answer the last question lol
My headcanons are usually pretty boring in the grand scheme and relate back to my ocs a lot and how they interact with the verse, but here's some general ones:
- Faith and Tracey are lesbian ex-gfs, true in my heart
- Staci Pratt would be the type of guy to have a mirror hanging on the ceiling above his bed
- as far as i'm concerned, God is real in the world of FC5 (but also yes there is A LOT of mental illness and trauma going on)
- the mystery meat served in Jacob's cages is 100% grade A people who failed the trials
cod (or more accurately a few of my Captain Price hcs):
- Price is from Liverpool -- idc if he's not, he is (thank you Mr. Sloane for your wonderful voice and Scouser accent)
- Price grew up working class, single mom, military family, dad died in combat, joins up at 16 to honor his father and grandfather (*this is 100% a personal hc)
-Price is the type of guy to know the difference between scotch, whiskey and whisky and will come down on your ass if you try and pass one off as the other
Favorite OC lore:
Kit - Bliss has the opposite effect on her. Basically results in a bad trip every time if someone isn't guiding her through it (guess she shouldn't have gotten rid of Faith)
Rory - forgot to mention this in the oc name post for her before, but her last name is a direct reference to Sinclair Centre, which is a heritage building in Vancouver, BC (my hometown and hers, she may or may not be my most self insert-y of OCs)
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dragonbugsuperior · 1 year
Miraculous Headcanons: LGBTQ+ edition
Marinette - chaotically bisexual
Marinette is obviously attracted to Adrien and has been mentioned to like other male characters romantically in the show but is seen in moments being flustered with female characters also (at one point I felt like she was queer coded) but she definitely gives me big bisexual energy.
Alya - straight ally
I cant really see Alya any other way, I think shes attracted to guys for the most part, thats not to say she wouldn’t make for a good bisexual or pansexual character but I see her as heterosexual.
Nino - straight ally
I can’t see him any other way either. He loves Alya.
Adrien - straight
Chloe - Sapphic (major comphet)
Chloe is a character I really want to touch on more, despite Thomas and the other writers basically saying, “fuck her” I believe she had potential with character development and progressing in the series but like with any side character in this show the writers decided to ship her off to NY with her abusive mother who rarely acknoweledges her existence. The only person we really see Chloe take romantic interest in is Adrien but it’s really stale as the only downright real reason she does like him is because he’s rich and a model not really anything else (like personality, if he even has one anyways...lol) but her interactions with Sabrina are interesting tho, I’d say while it’d be nice to see her as sapphic struggling to come to terms with that part of her identity, (this would make for good character development & personality shifts) both Audrey & Andre are definitely the type of parents to be homphobic.
Sabrina - straight (possibly bi?)
I simply don’t think Sabrina is into girls, with Chloe being an exception but theres difference between friendship and romantic feelings. She puts up with Chloe more than anybody in the show does and doesn’t show interest in any males (doesn’t automatically mean she’s into girls; alike Clawdeen) but she could still be straight and just really likes Chloe (though it’s not healthy because why would u want to put up with anyone like that? not unless she has really low self esteem issues.
Lila - Unlabeled
Lila’s the type of character that there are endless possibilities of who and what she is. I get the sense that she could fake her sexuality one day and be another the next (literally) her character is highly flexible and can fit whatever situation it calls for.
Kagami - Lesbian/Sapphic (comphet issues)
When Kagami was introduced, I liked her character she was characterized with high confidence, sharp wit, intelligence, grace, straight-forwardness, though socially inept she was ready to make friends and meet people. I could not. for the love of Christ see what she saw in Adrien. Hell, same with Chloe or Marinette. he has zero backbone, no passions other than the ones inflicted on him by his dad, and is described as literally “perfect” depsite not being so. For that reason, I could not see Adrien & Kagami as a couple. While i stopped watching the show a long time ago, I enjoyed the Marigami moments indefinitely.
Luka - Bisexual
Do I need to say anymore.
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miela · 2 months
From a Submission:
"i thought about it too, you know, your recent reply to the anonymous rant
it's a male-centered fandom... simply because all the original canon characters are male, and the only characters we have at least any information on are male, too (i'm talking about rhe marauders) so people kind of knew what fandom they were going to be a part of... no?
i also don't understand why we need to question jegulus when it's basically just another interpretation of how things could be (i also dont agree with jegulus raising harry... BUT i believe that harry is a surrogate baby if we talk about the possibility and lily is a separate character from her canon child, and they've no mother-son relationship, for the purpose of representing jegulus as gay dads, so they can have harry as their kid. lily could have harry too, if we say she raised harry in a lesbian couple or etc... well, if that's so, that's not a problem, it's just a au and a perspective).
I also agree that in most fanfictions, the girls are used as background characters (sometimes very poorly written) for the plot to work out, for conversations to happen, and I would love to read more works with memorable and meaningful storylines. to see a new perspective on lily, mary, marlene. that's another reason why i loved coptp the most, even though it's a muggle AU. the characters have personalities; they exist because they are all tied together, and they have common and separate stories that simply make sense.
i see where choices can be problematic. you haven't read it yet but you already got a spoiler. the work implies polyamory, which means jegulily (kind of), which means a lot of people hate it. i also don't see how pairing james with regulus can be problematic with JUST A FEW canon compliant AUs in the fandom. yes, we have very few works that tried to follow the original idea with a few fancanon additions that doesn't affect pretty much anything overall. wolfstar isn't canon too at this point and we can ask the same question... why do we focus on men and make it all man focused then (it's literally one of the most popular ships in the whole fandom!!!) and won't let remus and sirius be friends instead and then lead remus' storyline to tonks x remus, because like with jegulus, there's not even a hint of wolfstar, except that they were close friends and that iconic hug
it's all about different interpretations and different ships. we can give jegulus a chance simply because some people are curious as to how a relationship between a dark arts hater and a death eater could go. and we know for sure that regulus betrayed Voldemort, it's canon! so it means that it didn't come out of nowhere, but there was (possibly always) something in regulus that made him disagree with his family values and traditions to kind of follow Sirius' steps. why do we forget about that? i love james x lily, like a lot, it's wholesome, we often see a good, healthy, and mature relationship examples but i dont see why if i like them i cannot like jegulus just as much. we don't want to forget whose son mr. harry i-wanna-save-them-all potter is lol. yes, James'... so why, during Hogwarts, don't we think of a possibility that there was a circumstance in which James and Regulus were somehow connected? hello? it's literally james' closest friend's brother. i bet sirius and james talked about regulus like everyone does when they have annoying siblings who lost their true self, he'd rant to james and be angry with regulus and james would be the one getting all this information. there's a possibility for jegulus to exist. we know they didn't, but it's ALL fiction at this point and life can be so so unpredictable that we can't be sure one hundred percent about pretty much anything.
the only thing I agree with is that we need more interesting, deep, well-written female characters, and we don't need to make Lily a certain sexuality just because we want Jegulus to be a thing. lily is brilliant as she is, but still.
every single character deserves a queer representation and not just the same one from one fanfiction to another. the same character can represent a different sexuality in different fanfictions. it's like 'Oh, the description gives me the idea that the character I'm reading about is james potter (there's this common interpretation of his character that most of us can agree with so we kind of have a general idea of who he is as a character, the same i can say about sirius or remus)... in this fanfic he is straight and in love with lily, so canon compliant... but in that one, he somehow had a chance to interact with regulus and they felt a connection and james realized that he is not straight indeed, but maybe bi... or gay or...'. it's that simple, and that's called interpretations, from different people, in different ffs, and that's the point of fanfics. imagine things, try to make them work and nake sense.
it's just that the fandom likes a certain ship more and if people like jegulus, it doesn't necessarily mean they are supposed to hate lily.
if we rant about characters in fanfictions... why don't we talk about Peter then... people are literally not interested in writing him most of the time or talk about his sexuality, to be honest; he is a marauder for god's sake!!! didn't you notice that? it's because in the canon and fanon too, most of the time, '"he's short, fat, and ugly ish compared to his friends" and a Voldemort's most loyal follower in the future, so f*ck him,' so the only interpretations we get are... oh, where they are? there's like one, and uninteresting. you see what i mean?
there's so many things to complain about. so many possibly new interpretations and having jegulus as one is not the biggest problem. the oppression of female characters and the lack of their development isn't on jegulus alone, it on unskilled authors and people who read problematic fanfictions and make them popular.
a lot of things happened to Mary; one triggering event after another in multiple works. there's established tropes in the marauders fandom that a lot of authors feel obliged to follow in their works i believe (like, wolfstar, twink sirius, tall and smart remus, soft in the head peter, james' nice parents who love and accept everyone, etc...) i understand that some people think that what happened to mary in ATYD is her oppression and humiliation... but why dont we remember how many bad and humiliating events other characters were put through (like regulus was literally and constantly harassed by his best friend in one of the fanfictions i read because he was a closeted gay and also manipulated). so you see, it's not about gender, it's not like having more gay ships between the main male characters oppress female ones. it's about why we need to write in a smart thoughtful way and why the events in our works should make sense without blaming other characters for it to happen, why we don't need to oppress ones for the sake of having an interesting plot twist with the others.
I like men, and I like women, i like reading about both too, in any fandom, but i am not ashamed to admit that my favorite characters are male, simply because i relate to them more thus they're more interesting and dimensional to me. but I don't see a problem with a male-focused fandom simply because, in the canon, it is male-focused like i said, and we all started from the same place, and we all liked the said so-called male canon first and then we discovered and made up new female characters which is amazing. i agree we shouldn't write about triggering topics just for the sake of a work being angst and dark and all mysterious... I agree that female characters shouldn't be rebounds for the male characters (but doesn't what happened to Mary in atyd happens in real life? yes, it does. the problem is how it was written and maybe some people thought it was written poorly but that's their opinion which should be heard too).
let me know what you think, mae! sorry for my "little" rant haha i just saw your post and wanted to share so we could discuss it further 🫶"
My response:
Hieeeeee ☺️
No need to apologize! You know i love yapping! Lol!
I do agree that since the marauders era is central to the Marauders members does make it very male-centered. Absolutely! And we absolutely have the most information on them. 
(And omg i never thought about raising harry that way. Imagine being raised by two gay moms AND two gay dads. Give that boy all the love for he deserves it! I need the au immediately.)
I'm excited to read more of coptp and see how they are written as characters! I love the valkyries and skittle girlies so much, and I would love to see them shine more. I would also love fo read/write them as main characters too and see the world from their perspectives!
I think what the other person im my asks were trying to say was (correct me if im wrong) that jegulus is problematic because of how some people treat lily in the process.  
And I can see both sides on how jegulus can work in canon and in fanon. There are good arguments for both honestly! For me, I'm not against them being used in canon-compliant fics. i find it fun and interesting! BUT my view of canon is just so jily-centered that it makes it difficult for me to headcanon jegulus in canon compliant at all. And that's mostly coming from an atyd lense too. But I'm still exploring and reading so my thoughts are subject to change! For all we know Jegulus could have been a moment in canon. Like you said it's all on interpretation. Like I have two different versions of canon in my mind; original canon and fanmade canon, and depending on which version is being talked about depends on my interpretation. 
Let's make it marvel for a second, yeah? It's a multiverse. That's how I see it. Anything can happen. Each of us are the anchors of our own marauders universe. For example, In one universe there's jegulus and marlily and in another universe there's jily and bartylus. I think it's beautiful honestly, but I agree that the fem characters should be uplifted within these universes too! And I agree with you about multiple characters having different types of traumas and that authors (me included) need to write in smart and thoughtful ways, despite obligations. Obligation kills creativity.
And on the subject of Peter, i COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU. I can go on for literally HOURS about Peter getting sidelined as a Marauder. They're the four marauders not the three musketeers. There's SO MUCH to unpack there too. SOOOOO much to unpack. (I have my own version of Peter in my head that I'm excited to share at some point. Literally, anybody ask me about my Peter. I love him. He's my pookie.)
Overall, I understand both views and understand that this fandom has a lot of things to unpack and much to discuss when it comes to different characters and how they're perceived based on how they look or who they are. There's stereotypes and tropes that need to be broken down and internalized misogyny and fatphobia that needs to be dismantled.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! ☺️
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lesbian-duck-art · 2 years
Sorry if this is annoying!
Do you have any specific headcanons about sdmi?
Oh my god you’re not annoying at all!!😭 I love talking to you you’re so good! I have a few here and there so let me put them down here. so sorry a lot of this is E or Angel related!
- E has so many issues in regards to relationships whether it be romantic or otherwise. Pericles’ betrayal and being forced to leave everything and one he’d ever known at 17 did a lot of damage and I don’t think he’s ever fully recovered. It’s the reason he pushes people, including Cassidy, away. Because of his childhood best friend who he cared immensely for could betray him, why couldn’t everyone else? He’s definitely got PTSD and I feel like if he didn’t already, now has a severe anxiety disorder
- We don’t see a whole lot of Ed Machine in the series nor do we know a lot about him but I think he was closer to E and Angel than people tend to assume. Whether that means they were friends or polycule, I take either one lol
- I think Nibiru’s curse has a waaaay harder time affecting people who have someone they love. Whether that be familial, romantic, or even friendship. There is no love within the original Mystery Incorporated and they fall to shreds. MI II on the other hand comes back together through their love for one another. Marcie is able to break free of the curse because of Velma, Mayor Jones temporarily breaks free because despite the lie he does love and care about Fred, E loses both Ed and Angel one after the other and he becomes worse until he realizes Angel is gone.
- That in mind: I do think Jones cared about Fred. I think sans curse, he would’ve been a better dad and I see parts of Post-Nibiru Timeline/Sitting Room Jones peak through in both seasons. There’s a one shot fic on AO3 about him in the episode with that art monster? Highly recommend it and it’s exactly how I view him as a character
- While on the topic of Fred Jones Sr., I feel like his time in jail and away from the Planispheric disk weakened the curse’s hold. Not by a lot certainly, but by a tiny bit. I think the closer you get to the pieces the more corrupt you become
- I truly think that if things were different and E had let his walls down and interacted with the kids the way Angel did, I think the mystery inc gang would’ve gotten along with him the same way they do Angel! (This is part of why I enjoy Purposefully Silent so much lol it gives me exactly what I wish the show had) I still think everything would have gone to shit one way or another but
- We been knew that Fred is autistic but I also raise that like. All of Mystery Inc is somewhere between autistic, ADHD, and AuDHD(I say this as someone who is autistic and possibly AuDHD). With this I also think Ricky is neurodivergent
- Angel is pan, E is Bi, Daphne and Fred are also bi, I think Shaggy is pan and maybe even aro, Marcie and Velma are both lesbians. I also honestly think there’s n o t h i n g about E that screams “cisgender” but I can never decide if my answer is trans man or “he/him/they/them” non-binary
- Jones and Sheriff Stone *abso-fucking-lutely* had something going on there was nothing heterosexual present. Jones is giving gay man who’s over compensating via toxic masculinity and Sheriff Stone just seems to be into Crystal Cove Mayors
- Birds were Ricky’s hyperfixation after he met Professor Pericles. He knew all the different facts and terminology and everything. He still remembers most of it(mostly unwillingly), but it’s never relevant anymore
- I’ve said it once I’ll say it again I just think E gives off dad vibes in a way I can’t explain and this is why the Velma is Ricky and Cassidy’s daughter AU is one of my favorites and one I wanna do a fic for
I don’t want to make this too long so I’ll stop here but you’re not annoying and I’m actually so glad you asked!😭 I am always down to talk about this show and you already know I enjoy talking to you lol I feel I’m very bad at expressing my head canons so I hope this is okay!
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purplesurveys · 2 months
20 random people... Don't look at the questions beforehand! :D
Ok, here we go...
How did you meet #4?: College org. I was an applicant at the time, they were already a member, and they seemed very friendly to all the newbies so I stuck around them. In time we became close and even got in the same friend group, which we're both still part of today.
How much does #9 mean to you?: She's a co-worker so while I wouldn't, like, die for her per se or can say that she's 'everything' to me, I'd look out for her nonetheless.
Describe #14 in 2 words.: Extremely intelligent.
What is your best memory with #5?: I loved when she came over to watch YTC Busan live with us! That was also such a random mix of friends to end up happening, so I was anxious they'd all be opposites – but it got really fun.
Do you know all of #2's secrets?: I know none of them seeing as we're only workmates and I like my boundaries.
When is the next time you're going to see #7?: In an hour or two, I'm guessing. She went out for a bit for errands.
When's the last time you saw #17?: 2 AM, Friday – dropped him off at the airport. From there, I won't be seeing him again until November.
How do you think #13 feels about you?: After trying to teach me one of her party card games last Sunday, I bet she now thinks I can get ditzy as all hell hahaha. But apart from that I don't know what else she thinks of me! We rarely see each other and are always shy when we do, lol.
Are #11 and #12 anything like each other?: Quite the contrary; they're a good example of how two people cannot be any more different.
Describe the relationship between #14 and #19.: They have a nonexistent relationship, but if we're gonna be extremely loose about degrees of separation – Hans went to the same school as Andi (#14); they both also were schoolmates with Gab, who used to date Sam (#19).
Is #10 single?: No. Has been engaged for a while now, too.
If you could tell #8 one thing right now, what would it be?: Let's go out soon and maybe we can try a new hobby together, too.
What is the funniest thing you've ever seen #16 do?: I haven't had many funny encounters with her tbh as she's kind of shy and doesn't really want to put herself out there – that, and we've always worked from home.
Can I name coolest instead? There was a time when my teammates and I each needed to make 10-slider decks about any topic (meant to be an exercise on public speaking); and she had what I thought was the most unique and personally relatable presentation – she covered her favorite lesbian media. Music, movies...and there's a bunch in there that I was able to relate to...just cause of my past, I guess. Haha. It felt pretty bittersweet, and I gave her some of my recs too.
How did you meet #15?: School. I can't remember when we got close, though. Maybe in high school if I had to guess – we stay friends these days, too, as she's with Andi.
What would you do if #4 died?: I'd be shocked to say the least. I'm imagining that'd bring the college friend group back together again.
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen #3 do?: He had a brief stint as a camp...something (guide? counselor? idk terms) in the US a few years ago, so when he came back the first thing he did to me was share a bunch of camp songs he picked up from his time there. After he taught me, he proceeded to sing them all to entire time hahaha.
Are you friends with any of #19's friends?: Not with most of them. We only have a few mutual friends, all linked to Angela/Hans.
Who is #7 to you?: My mom.
What is one thing #13 is really good at?: I'm gonna go with biology and chemistry as she's literally a licensed pharmacist.
What would happen if #1 and #3 hated each other?: That would crush me, tbh. Hans is family at this point, and it'd be sad if he and my sister actively disliked one another.
Is #11 anything like #18?: I guess. Very surface-level similarities, but yeah. They're both leaders, their personalities are both pretty nonchalant...that's what I can think of now.
How much trust do you have in #12?: Lots, in the grand scheme of things. Jo is reliable and trustworthy.
If you fell off a bridge, who would you trust to catch you, #4 or #6? Why?: Angela, 100%. We're exponentially so much closer.
Who do you like the most?: It's a tie between my dad and Angela.
Who do you hate the most?: I didn't put in anyone I dislike.
How did you meet #1?: I would guess she was introduced as my little sister when I was 2.
What would you do if you never met #14?: I probably never would've gotten back into wrestling.
Would you date #20?: Hypothetically, in another universe – sure, why not? She's pretty and so so so SO ridiculously kind and has just such a warm personality.
Have you ever seen #8 cry?: Just once. We cried together at the time, but they were happy tears.
Would #5 and #13 make a good couple?: I've never thought of that. But I don't think so.
Describe #9.: I don't know her much outside of work, but from what I've seen she's hardworking; has a sensitive side in that she doesn't really like getting scolded; and she's a million times friendlier than I am – she gets along with everyone which makes her such an important part of the team. You gotta have an extrovert in PR, and she's that.
Do you like #16?: Yes.
Do you think #4 is attractive?: Personally not my type.
When's the last time you talked to #19?: Around two weeks ago.
Would you date #10?: Hard pass, that's my cousin.
What's the best thing about #15?: She has this innocent and pure aura around her that I adore very much. Like she can never get mad at anything and anyone.
Best thing about #7?: She's very resilient.
Have you ever kissed #11?: Nope.
Have you ever slapped #18?: I've never slapped any one person on the list.
When's the next time you're going to see #12?: I have no idea, our group rarely makes plans to see each other anymore. The last time I saw her was mid-2023 and we didn't even get to meet up after to talk about our Yoongi concert experiences like we planned.
Is #16 pretty?: Yes!
What was your first impression of #4?: Kind, approachable, helpful, reliable, older than me.
Is #13 your BFF?: No.
Have you seen #15 in the last month?: I haven't seen her in years actually lol. Andi and I hang out all the time and I always check in if Leigh will be tagging along...and she just doesn't.
Have you been to #20's house?: I have not. We're not that close.
Last time you saw #14?: April! We watched a wrestling gig. I'll be seeing them again later this month for trivia night – they added me to their team because two of the topics will be Friends and BTS, haha.
Next time you'll see #10?: Tomorrow, I'm guessing! We'll be coming over tomorrow and I think he'll by home.
Are you really close to #1?: Not heart-to-heart talk levels because we're a dysfunctional family and can't bear baring our souls to one another LOL – but it's a close-friend type of close for sure.
Would you give #20 a hug?: Sure. I'm sure I hugged her a few times when we saw each other 2 weeks ago at our surprise engagement party for Angela and Hans.
Tell me a secret about #5.: I don't know her enough to know her secrets.
Describe the relationship between #14 and #3: They were schoolmates in grade school until Andi moved.
What's your relationship with #5?: She's one of the school friendships I've been able to retain all these years. We're not best friends but we check in on one another from time to time.
Have you ever danced with #18?: I have not.
How do you know #13?: She's my closest cousin on my dad's side.
Does #2 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: I don't think so. She had a dating phase early in the year, but I haven't heard much updates from her since.
Have you ever wanted to punch #6 in the face?: Maybe just once, heh.
Has #11 ever met your mother?: Nope.
Have you traveled anywhere with #12?: Nah. We could've, for Yoongi's tour! But I ended up in Thailand, she in Singapore.
If you gave #7 $100, what would they spend it on?: Probably on groceries.
Best memory of #2?: One of our events where we both ended up fairly tipsy.
What is one thing you most want #14 to know?: That I always feel bad for being the occasional terrible replier, but I hope they know that I always love it when they message and send me the most random questions or rants.
What's the last thing you did with #15?: I honestly have no clue. She's the one I've seen the least often.
When did you meet #8?: We first met around six years ago, when Angela brought us together for some drinks. We never talked again until 2021 when it was Angela (again) who put the three of us in the same chat since we all liked BTS. We got super close from there.
What do you wish for #17?: Good health is #1. It's something I find myself thinking about more often now; and for him not to feel lonely and sad when he's away.
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losergendered · 1 year
I saw you're a total drama fan,, do you have any headcanons? I like seeing other folks headcanons ^__^ /nf
oh you KNOW I DO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im probably gonna make a followup post like. actually making the icons but. yes here they are (its just the gen 1 cast cause. theyre the best. and also i havent seen roti or pahkitew or the reboot)
Ezekiel is a genderqueer transmasc bisexual and uses he/they!
Sadie is a biaesthetic lesbian, Katie is a transfem omni lesbian, and they're dating!
Eva is an acespec demiplatonic unlabeled sapphic! She's also Sephardic!(one of my fave random hcs is that all of team escope is jewish but from different disporas :D)
Noah is a Mizrahi gnc gay guy! (ik that sometimes people consider mizrahi to be a subterm of sephardic but im making the distinction lol)
Izzy is an Ashkenazi genderfucked abrosexual aroace demihuman xenogirl who uses any pronouns!
Justin is a flamboric cupiospec arospec gay guy!
Beth is a nonbinary weirdgirlpunk bi lesbian who uses they/she!
Owen is. well i'll be so real with you i dont really care about him (IM SORRY OWEN FANS. I JUST DIDNT LIKE HIS JOKES VERY MUCH. his friendship w noah was cute tho) but like. literally i interpret him as canonically bisexual. like he was literally so in love with justin like that wasnt even subtext that just. was a fact
Geoff i also lowkey dont care about (SORRY) but i also find him bisexual. hes so in love with bridgette and hes so in love with brody. two hands <3
Bridgette doesn't label her sexuality, but has had feelings for multiple genders before!
DJ is questioning his sexuality, but thinks that he's somewhere on the aroace spectrum! He also considers himself a cisgender demiboy!
Leshawna is a bipan girl, and her girlboyfriend, Harold, is a bigender transfem genderqueer genderfluid bisexual boygirl!
Lindsay is a bi straight lesbian, and her partner, Tyler, is a cusper straight lesbian transfem boy who switches between identifying as a cishet man and a trans butch lesbian and uses he/she pronouns! (also this is because i like both headcanons for her lmao)
Trent is an ace bisexual with an aesthetic lean towards girls and a romantic lean towards boys! He leans more towards the cis man side of the gender spectrum, but likes to get a little funky with it u know. like he listens to arctic monkeys. u know.
Gwen is a bi lesbian/shadowlesbian trans girl who defaults to she/her, but doesn't mind neopronouns! Also gwourtney is real to me
Cody is a bisexual trans guy!
Sierra is an intersex trisfem paradoxibinary arospec bordersexual first-quarter/third-quarter neaptide mspec lesbian who prefers she/her, but also likes they/them and neos!
Duncan is a bisexual guy with a preference for girls! also i am still a duncney believer. who else still part of duncney nation in 2023.
Blaineley is an aphrodite bi lesbian and shes dating ME SHES DATING ME SHES MY WIFE ILY MS STACEY ANDREWS OHALLORAN. i actually made a whole oc to ship her with lmao. i guess i can include that um shes dating jules who's a lesbian and is my oc <3
Heather is a bisexual girl with a preference for girls and she's dating Alejandro, who is also bisexual! their romance was cute argue with the wall
Courtney is a bisexual girl and she's also a cit <3
Chris and Chef are both gay men and are married! gay wrongs
uhh random other hcs i have for non gen 1 chcs are bi trans girl kitty, bi straight emma, uh that little swagless kid from rr who competed with his dad uh hes a trans boy, jo is a butch bisexual girlboy & is dating brick, a gnc bisexual man, scott is bisexual and dating courtney, sam is a nonbinary bigender transfem straight lesbian who uses all pronouns & is dating dakota who is a bi trans girl, um that one dude who had the name reveal is ofc trans, svetlana is a transgender bi lesbian, vito is hypersexual and bi, uh my hcs for mal are. long so keep an eye out for a mogai-headcanons post in a few months, shawn (?? is that his name) is a transhet guy and is dating jasmine (??? i do not know these chcs at ALL) who is bisexual.
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I loved JJs reaction to being called Baby Boy, lol and I half expected Jasira to be super smug about it. And I actually wanted to ask you if JJ would want to pack casually and in a non sexual context, so you kinda answered my question lol, but would JJ want to try out he/him pronouns too, after realising how strong she reacts to male honorifics? Or would Jasira try to casually bring up the possibility after seeing JJs reactions?
okay, first things first, thank u for this question. it's a great question.
truth b told, i've always imagined JJ in this universe as more of a male title/honorific/term of endearment type rather than the full social transition to he/him pronouns. so, ya know, she loves "sir". as we all saw, she adored "baby boy" and Jasira is gonna call her other terms like that bcus she knows how much she likes it. and when their relationship is official (n serious), then JJ is her boyfriend or her husband. When they raise their children, JJ is gonna get called Dad. and while i can see Jasira going back and forth between she/her and he/him for JJ, i've always pictured it being more of the combination between masculine/male titles (n such) with she/her pronouns.
now, earlier, i emphasized full social transition part.
i did that bcus while i have always sort of thought of Jasira mixing and matching, so to speak, i have also thought of her family, JJ's eventual in laws, particularly her brothers, being a different story. in the back of my mind, i jus always imagined that they would b more the ones who only used he/him pronouns for JJ.
i've always in the back of my mind imagined that the first people to use he/him pronouns for JJ, period, would b Jasira's brothers (once they get cool w JJ) but it would b more so bcus they don't really get lesbian relationships or jus lesbianism and how intricately one's identity as a lesbian can b soooo wrapped up in their gender identity within n of itself. the complexity of that whole thing, of the butch identity as a gender n not jus as a presentation is lost on them. so, their view of lesbian relationships is v much the exact same way they see heterosexual relationships; there's a guy and then there's a girl n yall jus together; it ain't nothin to give thought to kinda view.
so even before they fully get to know JJ, they jus assume she would b "the guy" bcus they knew their sister would not b that.
now when she's in LA, JJ is her most honest self, her most unrepressed self so as they get to know her, it becomes less them thinkin of her that way bcus that's how the understand lesbian relationship and more of them thinkin of her as one of them bcus they respond to who she is, how she carries herself, her energy and all that. so, i've always imagined that it would b a mix of their ignorance n their response to her that would make them use he/him pronouns when referring to JJ.
i always imagined it would b a slip up thing that would happen in conversation or somethin n that JJ would jus find herself not feeling the urge to correct them or anything like that, and her lack of correction would make the pronouns stick, not jus w them but they'd catch on w the family. So, when in Louisiana, surrounded by family, it would b all she hears.
so, to answer ur question the short way, lol, JJ would try he/him pronouns but it wouldn't b a conscious choice, in the beginning, on hers or Jasira's parts. but even tho he/him pronouns do feel good on and to JJ, she/her pronouns are also not somethin that make her feel dysmorphic.
so, yeah.
again, that's for this question. it was a really good one.
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karouvas · 11 months
emily fields!
Emily Fields
okay the numbering on this looks very weird because I kept having to use extra spaces to get around the words per block of text limit and I’m kind of out of patience to fix it to look better lol so apologies but here is what I wrote for the meme
three facts about them from my personal headcanons: 1. This is going off the canon detail that she really likes horror films but I like to think she developed that interest kind of alongside the A stuff happening (since I think it’s established in the middle seasons). And that she views them kind of in a Dru Blackthorn esque fashion where they’re less scary than her normal life and that makes them comforting in a way.. I don’t have an hc for what her favorite horror movie is because as we know I suck at watching films so I don’t feel like I have enough to go off even though when I do get myself to watch movies I do like horror … I do think she would watch yellowjackets and her favs would be Jackie and Nat and Van <3. And she has a love hate relationship with Shauna. 2. She and Mona made out in 2x19 during their secret rendezvous in the principle’s office to get the blackmail info. Because it pleases me to think that <3. 3. I think she has major abandonment issues between Alison and Maya dying and her dad’s constant absences and then his death post jump and I think it effects the way she approaches relationships throughout the series a lot.
a reason they suck: she can be prideful and stubborn and has commitment issues for days but I adore all those things about her tbh <3. In terms of things that really do bother me though her reaction when learning Maya is bi … really not good you could chalk it up to Pll writers biphobia and that would be true but I also do think there’s something there about ideas Emily’s internalized from growing up with Pam’s views combined with Alison’s behavior to her pre series that’s not an excuse for it just imo a possible explanation that makes sense for the character and her judgements.
a reason they are great: I mean there’s obvious stuff like her being a really kind and loyal and compassionate person and I do love all those things about her but they are pretty obvious so I won’t delve hardcore into explaining them, she’s a really good person. But I see there are being a lot more to her character at least from my perspective. She’s also a character who starts out with a lot of drive and ambition while it’s of a very different type to say Spencer or Aria or Mona’s ambition and she’s characterized as much quieter about it, and who deals with a lot of repressed anger as the series goes on and she experiences a lot of trauma which speaks to me in chars (don’t know what that says about me lol) and can be vmessy in an understated way that I generally enjoy… I love how hateful she gets sometimes lmao like they say she’s the sweet one but she can be fucking savage when a situation calls for it and I love that, there are small petty moments when she’s in a fight with someone that are really fun and then more serious examples with people who absolutely deserve her anger one of the best moments for this being put to use to it’s full potential when she’s the one to go up to Ezra in 4b after the 4x20 reveal to Aria and give him that speech that ends with “and can you make sure a real teacher gets this” I love herrr. Also love that she is a himbo lesbian icon tbh she’s so charming about it <3. She’s so charming in general… I love her
a reason I relate to them: oh I can relate to a fair amount about Emily lol a lot of her feelings about her sexuality in s1 are very real when I think of my teenage self or even my right now self, some things about her family life (in the show not in the books, book! Emily’s family life is… next level terrible omg one thing I am glad the show changed up dramatically). And I have some similar personality traits. I kind of can relate to specific facets of all the main Pll girls except Hanna and Alison in some way but Spencer and Emily the most I’d say
(what I consider to be) the top tier otp/ot3 for that character: ultimately Spencer/Emily has my heart the most although I do ship her with pretty much every woman of the main cast lol. But Spemily rules imo and it’s so my cup of tea dynamically (chars who seem like opposites (how Spencer is seen as uptight and a leader while Emily is seen as mellow and sweet) but are more similar when you look closely (at how they’re both perfectionists to please their family in different ways, leaders, fiercely loyal, stubborn prideful and competitive, that moment where Spencer says that she can see Emily is ambitious enough to want the team captain position as much or more than Paige does is such a great moment to me because of course Spencer would be the one to see that in Emily…), chars who clash intensely because of those traits but are also very tender with each other in moments that really count and have a lot of mutual respect) also ngl a factor is they’re both sooo pretty all the women on this show are gorgeous but they’re just insanely hot … and then for the ot3 a few dynamics have their moments but most consistently fun and interesting to watch for me is Spencer x Emily x Alison <33. I’ve mentioned before that I’m obsessed with the framing of Spencer and Emily clashing over different views of Ali in 4b and also late s1… also have made jokes before about how much Spencer hates all Emily’s girlfriends lmao (hate is an oversimplification because Spalison’s dynamic is very complex but. When it comes to Emily she doesn’t play lol). That’s specifically show-wise though books wise Emaria is my favorite ship for her I adored the way their friendship was depicted and it had shippy vibes a lot of the time, I ship them in the show too and when they get to interact one on one usually enjoy it a lot but it’s clear the writers didn’t care to focus on their individual dynamic as much as others, which is a shame. Tabby&Imogen’s dynamic on pllos actually to me is more similar to book Emaria in some respects…and I was into the Aria x Courtney x Emily stuff in Ali’s Pretty Little Lies and found that compelling.
five things that never happened to that character that I believe should have happened: 1. consistently go to a therapist who isn’t just the liars counselor as much as I like Dr. Sullivan (this one would be the first for every liar) 2. She should have had an actual arc post time jump around grieving her dad… it’s absolutely criminal that we just get that scene of her at Wayne’s grave (which is one of Shay’s best scenes on the show imo) and a little lip service done to it in the first couple of episodes but not even a flashback to his funeral… a million Haleb Spaleb Spoby flashbacks a Jaria flashback but not one to one of your leads losing a parent it’s not an exact comparison because anti-blackness specifically was a different factor with how Bonnie was treated in TVD but since I just got to her dad’s introduction in my rewatch and it’s on my mind could kind of draw a parallel to how her losing a parent was a peripheral plot, we saw her reaction in one scene and then moved on to other magical factors involved with her being stuck on the other side vs Elena’s grief about her parents and Caroline’s arc around losing her mom in s6. Like it is telling that on both shows it’s the WoC who doesn’t get the same space for her storyline (different factors again because anti blackness re: Bonnie and homophobia in Pll but .. you get it). But anyway, post jump sets her up as being a much less put together char than pre jump Emily with the dropping out of school and not telling anyone etc. so delving into how unstablized she feels, the ways she might want to emulate her dad (I do think that shows up but not in a very intentional way) and actually letting us see the flashbacks to how this impacted her relationships instead of being told. I actually have had an idea for a while about a fic I’d like to write about this but haven’t felt like I had the time to actually write it although this is making me think about it/want to go back to it again… 3. I don’t think this is controversial Maya should not have died, and Emily’s love life… well that could have gone in different directions and I would have been happy she and Maya could’ve broken up for a while then gotten back together post time jump, or they could have done Emison but actually committed to exploring what’s interesting about Emison instead of the milquetoast end of series Emison, or both of those, if we’re sticking with her canon li’s. I’m not a huge fan of Paily but I wouldn’t necessarily want it to not exist because I think there is some interesting narrative stuff there about what it means to Emily to be Paige’s Alison, for want of a better word. But I do think a lot of their relationship content isn’t that interesting and would have liked it to not be the big ticket ship/soo prominent just based on personal preference. And I would have gotten rid of.. maybe not every girlfriend of the week because I do like that Emily’s a ladykiller but most of them were flops so I’d have gotten rid of a lot of them and/or made them less prevalent. And if I had full creative control I obviously would have wanted her to date Spencer or Hanna or Mona but that also goes more into things I’d change for the other liars so I didn’t include it here 4) her s3 arc (if Maya still dies) should have actually gotten to be about her grieving Maya and how that coincides with A trauma (especially given how brutal she got it in s2 between the carbon monoxide barn and the ointment-induced ulcer and everything, and Mona didn’t kill Maya/isn’t responsible for that but it happened in the same spiral) and not about the Nate mystery… and if there was going to be a plot about transference in grief (which I could totally be on board for!) it should have been with someone who wasn’t Nate… 5) no egg donation mystery plot that leads to weird rapey Emison baby plot … I realize like 4 of those were very obvious things that didn’t merit much explantation and one I ranted about a lot.
five people that character never fell in love with and why: I’ll go with the assumption that she’s only ever been in love with Maya Ali and Paige (yeah I think she did love Paige even if it was maybe a less intense type of love for her than some others and even if it isn’t my favorite dynamic outside of enjoying it as part of a psuedo triangle with Spencer or Ali at different points) when writing this out 1. Spencer - They do clash a lot, I think it would take the right situation for them to have a more stable approach to their dynamic. Alternately I could also see them in a totally unstable situation and getting together in the worst way possible and I would probably love it xd. 2. Hanna — I feel like they could have easily fallen in love if you removed other factors like their other li’s and separated dramas, even though Spemily is my favorite singular ship dynamic I do think Hanna and Emily are ultimately most compatable. 3. Mona — in another life… but in this one they’re too fixated on their blondes. They do have great chemistry the rare times they interact one on one imo and I do choose to believe they made out in 2x19 and that also contributes (aside from the other totally valid reasons) to Emily’s extreme hostility towards her later lol. 4. Jenna - Emily is consistently the most hostile to Jenna out of all the girls which I find interesting (Aria is consistently the most receptive/compassionate towards her which is interesting to me for different reasons) part of it is because she gets close to Toby before anyone I also think Emily is a prideful person who deeply dislikes feeling guilty (even though she has a guilt complex about a lot of things) so Jenna is a sore spot for her. I did always think their actresses had chemistry though. 5. Sara - I mean… there was very little there for me to dig into tbh but ultimately I think Emily saw Sara as a project to fix and needed that post dollhouse because she prefers to be the caretaker, and that’s how I view the relationship/why Emily was so into her when she’s… quite a blank slate before the reveal she’s evil lol. I also think there was potential for some interesting stuff about transference from Ali to Sara but it’s not really in the text especially since Sara doesn’t act much like Ali despite having a similar backstory.
thank you for asking!
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romanarose · 6 months
I know this is from the example, BUT I NEED ANSWERS. What if Sam met Becca? (thought please 💚) I think they would be beasties? Maybe even....... kiss??????? 👀👀👀
Sam: Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside Becca: Seattle
For the sake of simplicity, since sam is dating Marc and Steven and Becca is dating Marc, lets say in this though experiment, Steven and Marc are separate bodies, Sam is dating Steven and Becca is dating Marc.
They would get on immidietly. Like so fast. Both are characterized highly by empathy, boldness, zest for life. Maybe Sam was the daycare provider for Becca and Marc's kids, or maybe they met going to the same temple. Either way, besties so fast. Marc and Steven, OFC, would become best friends, the four of them hanging out.
Sam and Steven canonically are childfree by choice, but Sam absolutly adores children. She has a lot of younger siblings and now her sister, Teresa, had a son that Sam and Steven help watch some weekends. Between this and Sam's normal family drama, realistically Sam and Steven don't have a shit ton of time, but still Sam loved to take Marc and Sam's twins overnight sometimes to give them a break.
Sam and Becca and Marc all grew up in abuse, so they would all empathize with each other. Steven would be there to support them. Sam and Becca both suffered from sexual violence in different ways and as much as they love their husbands they find sollice in understanding each other. Becca's face is visibly and permantly scared by the burns from her ex-husband, but she doesn't let that get her down. Sam would find her so inspirational. Sam has many visible scars she's ashamed of, and Becca's confidence helps her see her scars with pride. They overcame things.
After Becca's chemical relaxer came out and slowly her hair recovered, the changes she made to her appierence to appease Jack, to make herself look less Jewish, it faded away and soon enough her thick, poofy, brown hair was back. It was cut short, just how she likes it. Sam also went through a change. After Jordan's attack, Sam chopped off her long red hair and dyed it brown. Pretty much right away she started growing it out again lol. Sam and Becca both got very thick hair. I bet they share hair care tips. Becca is def not the kind of girl do to a whole lot with herhair, prefering to hair hats, ponytales, and hankerchiefs; whatever keeps it out of her face. To be clear, Sam doesn't try to change her or make her more "girlie" but sometimes Becca does like to dress up nice and do something with her hair. She still dresses like herself, don't worry.
Maybe Sam does her hair for the wedding.
as for KISSING!
Sam is bi coded most of the series, and by the last chapter I think it's Steven and Marc that are explaining to an oblivious Jake that shes bi. Sam doesn't really connect the dots at this point until her shit-ass dad tells her everyone assumed she was a lesbian until she started dating Steven.
Becca was never really stated one way or another. In fact, her only relationships with Jack and Marc. most of Becca's life was about survival and her intimate friendship with Marc didn't exactly make her look too available. Then she mat Jack and they were married really fast, like within a year. then were married for a few years at least? Then after Marc rescues her, she doesn't date anyone until she's ready to date marc. All that too say, she didn't really have much time to think about it.
But Fen, i will rarely if ever say no to a bisexual head canon in my series. IF YOU WANT SAM AND BECCA TO KISS< SAM AND BECCA WILL KISS!
thank you for the ask fen <3
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