#and that's also why dazai 'admires' him lol
etrevil · 1 year
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I'm telling you, Chuuya coming into his life did more than just give Dazai the temporary will to live when they were fifteen.
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kunikinnie · 1 month
a/n: the angst writer lives!! this has been in my wips for a long time and just decided to finish it (sorry that Kunikida's is much longer than the others lol)
warnings: some profanity
watching you marry someone else
featuring: Kunikida, Akutagawa, Fukuzawa, Fitzgerald x F!Reader
Kunikida Doppo
a/n: based on my aunt's story + this is sort of a sequel to this short fic
He didn't know why he came here. Was it because the entire Agency attended? Most likely, but he's not quite sure himself.
It might be wrong for him to be here in the first place. It was he who dumped you, after all. But he supposed that your working relationship after that wasn't too strained - if anything, it seemed you were still good friends. Perhaps your romantic history had been superseded by your more recent interactions, so there's nothing for him to be worried about.
The venue of your wedding was an excellent choice. Nothing flashy yet elegant, and the decorations were quite refined. It seemed well-planned as well. He mentally took notes for his own - if he were ever to have one, that is. At the back of his mind old drafts of the wedding you two could've had suddenly reappeared along with old memories that should've long been forgotten.
Fortunately the pain growing in his chest stopped momentarily when you finally appeared at the entrance. His eyes widened, shocked at how beautiful you looked. It was perfect. From the way your dress showed off your figure in all the right places to the way your hair fell lovingly on your shoulders to the way the sunlight emphasized the brightness of your eyes - it was truly perfect.
Somehow he imagined it was him you were walking to. It was as if his greatest dream was suddenly becoming a reality, and the ideal life he had been chasing for so long was finally within his grasp. The millisecond-long glance you showed him felt like you were intently gazing at him for hours.
But the harsh truth came crashing down as you continued to walk past him. The moment your eyes met the grooms', Kunikida saw the invisible link you two had. It was something to admire, really, but also something to be envious about.
The pain in his chest returned with ten times the force it had earlier. As the minutes passed so did his frustration rise, and every thought he had from the moment you two broke up - no, from the very first time you two met each other suddenly overwhelmed him.
Kunikida loved you so much. Nothing has changed and it never will. If he simply never became ambitious, if he simply never lied to himself, if he simply never trusted his stupid brain over his heart then maybe-
"Kunikida-san, there's an emergency at the office."
Tanizaki's whisper caught him off-guard. But within seconds he recomposed himself. Although the wedding was far from over, duty came first.
He discreetly said goodbye to his coworkers and silently left the venue with his junior. Of course, he stole one last glance at you before finally leaving.
Surprisingly Tanizaki took the wheel, but Kunikida paid it no mind as seconds could not be wasted when more urgent matters were at hand.
"What's the situation like? What happened?"
Strangely, the younger detective continued to drive off in silence.
"Oi, Tanizaki. Didn't you hear me?"
The more he hesitated, the more the older detective became suspicious. What the hell was he up to?
"A-actually," Tanizaki finally replied. "Nothing happened. It's just that Dazai-san said-"
"I-I mean we could all feel it, Kunikida-san. We thought you just needed some space to let it all out."
"There's no need." He sighed heavily. "Really, you're all worried for nothing. We should head back."
Still, he did not stir. "They'll be exchanging vows by the time we get back."
It was Kunikida's turn to be silent. Even if the car continued to travel further away from your wedding, it was almost as if he could hear those vows being recited right in front of him.
His eyes remained fixed on the road ahead, focusing on nothing in particular. A single tear fell down his cheek which he promptly wiped off with the back of his hand.
"It's okay, senpai. You can pretend I'm not here."
Kunikida wasn't sure why he broke at those words. It was quite unbecoming of a senior to show his emotions this openly to a coworker, let alone someone much younger than him.
Yet the tears won't stop coming. It was as if the frustration that built up across the years finally let itself free. When was he ever honest about his feelings on the matter? When has he ever shared the truth with anyone, even with himself? The bitterness at each sob was so great that he was sure his voice would be hoarse by the next day.
His ideals should've brought you happiness - that's the most fundamental rule he completely forgot. Yet maybe it was his failure in keeping that that ironically brought you to the one who will truly bring you everlasting joy. He'd have to learn to accept this fact, even if it meant forgetting the what-ifs, even if it meant letting you go, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
The whole place was so... bright. Everything was white and fluffy, from the flowers on the aisle to the lights hanging on the trees. It was strange. It felt like he was in a children's book.
How unfitting for someone like him whose very being was, in essence, black. From his hair to his shoes, his coat, and perhaps even his soul.
But it's not like the guests noticed a shadow silently standing between other shadows. If anything, his whole outfit made him blend into the background perfectly as he intended. After all, Akutagawa wasn't in the strictest sense (or perhaps even loosest sense).
In fact, he could barely see what was happening. People in light colored formal garb, both male and female, the groom sporting something that stood out even more from the guests - he felt dizzy just looking at the scene.
But the moment you stepped in, all the color and light seemed to dim. Your white dress dazzled in the sunlight and your face shone brighter than he remembered. Has it really been so long since you last met?
All he could do was stare at you from the shadows. Your light was so blinding to his darkness, yet his eyes refused to shift their focus. How could he, when he knew that this would probably be the last time he'd ever see you?
You were better off without him. If you stayed with him, your smile would never be like the one you wore now. It's not like he could ever force himself upon you, either, even if it seemed that you cared for him more than anyone should have-
His chest began to throb painfully. The searing pain was much greater than most attacks he's had, rendering him almost completely helpless. Shit. If someone were to attack now, he'd be dead. Or if he were to give himself away and you spot him - ugh. He'd rather die.
Akutagawa struggled to walk away slowly, deciding to forget everything he saw there. It didn't do anything good for him. Why did he even decide to come here? Was he such a masochist to remember everything "good" you ever brought into his life? Wasn't it enough that he'd dream of you more often than he'd like, only to wake up in total darkness?
Each step he took triggered a memory for him. Each smile, each laugh, each embrace that you so cruelly bestowed upon him felt more real than the scene he just witnessed. Your... love had not yet disappeared, at least not in his mind, and how dearly he wished he could've relished in it a little bit more before it truly faded away.
Still, he was somewhat thankful he didn't. If it were granted, he would've craved your love more and left him with more pain in the end.
He still had that stupid sunflower keychain you gave him. It was a small crocheted piece, tattered but still quite vibrant in its colors. He never understood why you gave him that specifically in the first place. He only knew that you wanted it to make him happy.
Well, it still somewhat accomplishes that goal. It's the only physical remembrance of you he still has left, after all.
But like the sunflower that dies without the warmth of sunlight, he promised to let his feelings wither along with the memory of your smile.
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Unspoken words last longer. Deny it as much as he'd like, the truth is Fukuzawa's feelings for you had only grown deeper as the years passed by and only now did he wholeheartedly regret not telling you sooner.
He'd convinced himself that being friends - no, best friends was the best thing that could've happened between the two of you. No matter how much time was spent away from the other, each moment you two had together was only made more precious; it was as if you had never been separated in the first place.
All your dreams, all your hurts, all your pains - everything, he knew. And it was mostly true vice versa, except for that one very fact that stubbornly kept secret all this time.
He wasn't sure if he was truly glad to have been invited to your wedding. Sure, it was an intimate friends-and-family-only occasion that he was honored to be part of, yet the meant having to face the ultimate reality that he had for so long ignored.
He was present at your side of the wedding preparations. While others were scurrying along to bring you things you needed, he stood idly as clueless as ever. Maybe he should've just headed directly to the venue instead...
Suddenly, you requested him to enter your room. Well, if he could finally be useful then what was he to-
Astonished isn't even enough to describe his reaction. His hand froze on the doorknob the moment his eyes landed on you. Were you always this beautiful? Because it felt almost wrong to look at you, especially when his heart was holding things it shouldn't be.
"Hi Yu-kun," you spoke as usual. "I hope I'm not bothering you." Of course you're not a bother. You could never be a bother. "Just wanted a little chat to ease the anxiety, you know? My mind's been all over the place since last night."
You began spilling out of some of your true feelings - or perhaps intrusive thoughts is the better term. Worries about how you looked, how the guests were feeling, but most importantly worries about the future occupied your headspace.
He did his best to comfort you in his own way. Pre-marriage jitters are completely normal, and there was nothing he'd do to ease your nerves, wedding at hand or not.
"Actually... there's something I want to ask you. Before everything, you know, gets set in place..."
From that it was his turn to get nervous. He had an inkling as to what you were going to ask, and he wasn't sure if was ready to handle where this was going. He held his breath as each syllable escaped your lips.
"D-did you really... did you really never-"
"It seems they're looking for you, Y/N."
No, he was not ready. He couldn't be honest to you right now. How could you ask him now of all times? But at least he did not lie with his 'excuse' - you did have to leave soon and head to the wedding.
Without a hitch, everything went as planned. You walked down the aisle with all your loveliness, took the hand of the love of your life, and exchanged vows with him. Everything went so smoothly Fukuzawa nearly forgot about your earlier conversation.
It was during your dance with your now husband that he remembered everything. He silently watched the way your skirt flowed with every gentle step you took. Would he ever have been lucky to have danced with you like this had he been honest earlier?
Perhaps. But at this point, should he even think about that? He wished for nothing more than a peaceful married life for you, and disturbing that with a belated confession would do no good. That's why he dodged your question - not that he was worried your relationship with him would strain somehow.
Well, it's not like you actually asked him the question about that. He just assumed that's where it would go. And he's just assuming that you too had feelings for him that never went anywhere because of his own cowardice.
Agh. Maybe he should have waited for you to finish speaking. That way he'd never be left with unanswered questions and that he could have the closure he needed.
The night ended with neither of you bringing up what happened in the dressing room. You'd never bring it up in the future either, and in a way spared Fukuzawa half the pain. Seeing you happy, albeit with another man, was more than enough to satisfy his aching heart.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
You two were quite young when he fell madly in love with you. But unlike youth, Francis was convinced his love for you would never go away. You didn't seem to agree, however.
Time can be cruel. He'd been working his ass off just to make a future with you possible - not just so that he could live another day, but also so that he could provide the future you wanted. So why? Why didn't you wait for him to come back?
In a way, he blames you for it. You could've been at least a little more patient. He never lied to you when he said he's been spending most of his waking time at work, or that not for a second did he forget why he was working so hard to begin with: to be with you and only you.
Yet for the most part, he blames himself. Had he been more efficient, he would've earned more and been able to return to your arms. Perhaps he could have gone down a different route that would've made him financially secure faster. Maybe you also felt unloved as he had little time for you - had he addressed your emotional needs better perhaps this story would have a different ending.
No. The story had yet to end. You loved him the way he loved you, right? You didn't lie to him, did you? So he still had a chance before you finally tied the knot - all he had to do was make it in time.
He'd raise an objection at the marriage. You'd suddenly snap your head to the source of the voice and meet his eyes, then you'd run into his arms and envelope him in your loving embrace, asking him why he only came back for you now. "I missed you so much," you'd say as he'd sweetly kiss your forehead like he did so many times in the past.
But he didn't make it in time. As he ran to the entrance the ceremony had already finished, and lavishly dressed guests were leaving to make it to the reception. That's alright, he said to himself, maybe he could still convince you if only he could meet you during the reception somehow.
The opportunity never came, however. He followed the trail of guests to the banquet your now husband without doubt had prepared for you. Francis recognized some of your favorite dishes among those being served, and it slowly broke his heart seeing how this new man of yours took good care of you.
He finally saw you seated beside your husband, dolled up perfectly to the role of a rich businessman's wife. He would've wanted to enter the hall and try to approach you, but the guards wouldn't let him take a single step inside.
There was still the end of the reception, right? Just one moment with you was all he needed. Good Lord, please just grant him this one opportunity to talk to you, even if there was no chance of getting back together with you. Francis just had to know - he just needed to talk to you one last time.
You finally left the venue, but there was no opening for him. You couldn't even spare him a glance. It was already hard for him to take one last proper look at you, so imagine how much harder would it be to talk to you again.
He couldn't sleep properly that night. The tears silently flowed down as he gently clutched a picture of yours, pretending that you were right beside him caressing his hand.
Why did everything go wrong? Why did nothing go his way? Was he truly a nobody, even to you, the love of his life?
From then on he vowed to make himself a man worthy enough to stand on your level. Someday he'd be able to speak to you once more, and the time will come when he'd provide you a better life than what even your filthy rich husband could. Someday, you'd learn to love him again.
taglist: @stygianoir, @requiem626k , @irethepotato, @kisara-16reblogs, @thatdazaikin, @dazaee, @menshusband, @celestair, @bloobewy, @renaxnnas, @kunikida-simp, @fyodorisbbg
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the-17th-element · 1 year
A lot of people are going to hate me for this, but
Analysis on why Mori treats Yosano and Dazai differently. So, both Dazai and Yosano are implied in the narrative to represent Mori's "children" figures, but for very different reasons. Yosano was a rebel and carefree child with a strong personality, and Mori says that "her fortitude was amazing". We can notice that he was really friendly with her at first. He really admired her, and in particular the way she spoke back and fought against authority, a thing that Mori never really had but wished to have. In short, young Yosano represented what Mori aspired to be. That is why Elise was modeled after her, because abilities in bsd's world are tied with the user's soul. I think that many people misinterpreted Vita Sexualis, it has never been said that ot represents what Mori is attracted sexually too, but it represents what Mori desires. Elise is also a symbol of Mori's guilt, for traumatizing Yosano in that way during the war. He never intended to hurt Yosano in any way because he cared about her, but he felt obligated to do it for the "greater good". Now, let's talk about Dazai. We can see that even from the start, Mori doesn't treat Dazai the way you would normally treat a 14 yrs old, but he treats him like an adult, sort of like he was one of the people working with him. Then plan strategies together, they talk about cruel acts without any bother, and Dazai becomes his right-hand man. This is because Mori knew that Dazai was a really smart, intelligent and dark soul. Mori treated young Dazai so differently because he said multiple times that he reminded him of himself. I think that no one would want to see the darkness that they had in themselves everyday, like a reminder of all those terrible things. Dazai was Mori's reality, the cold truth that he is supposed to serve the city and commit terrible acts for the greater good, while Yosano was his dream of becoming careless.
(This is just my very very personal interpretation ofc!! Everyone has their own opinions which I totally respect. Also, sorry if I wrote anything wrong, I am so sorry lol.)
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musicalmoritz · 12 days
Whose your favorite tbhk character?
Ahhhhhhh I’m so glad you asked this!! It’s easily Teru, no competition. I decided he was going to be my favorite before I even read the manga and I have stood by that decision, everything I read about him only makes me love him more. Since this is a primarily ship account, a femslash account at that, I don’t get to talk about him as much as I would like to but I absolutely LOVE Teru he is my son
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It’s so refreshing to see an older sibling in anime that isn’t abusive, I’m so used to seeing ones that absolutely suck ass. Don’t get me wrong, I love a lot of those characters too, but it’s nice to see an older sibling character that actually acts like an oldest sibling. Everything he does is for Kou and Tiara, he adores both of them. He always looks at and talks to them so fondly but we still catch scenes of him teasing them like siblings do (the donut scene with Kou). He acts very parental with both of them which is sweet, Minamoto dad who?? I only know Teru
I also like that he falls into the Gandalf archetype of “strong character that everyone else relies on to save the day”. Part of me hopes he dies just so we can see what the characters would do without him lol, but there are other ways to write him out for that development. Put him in a box like Gojo, or have him get arrested like Dazai. Tbh anything would be more interesting than him ending the series staring sadly at Akane and Aoi as they walk into the sunset without him. Best case scenario, let him quit his job!! Let him be somebody’s malewife, I don’t care who just give that boy a break. Let him pull a Maki Zenin on the Minamoto Clan
And yeah speaking of the clan, Teru’s angst is obviously a large part of why I like him. He didn’t get a childhood, and he’s forced to continue with a job he hates so that his siblings don’t have to. I love those type of characters tbh, they make me so sad. He’s morally gray and I love that but I also find his reasons for doing what he does to be very admirable, I would do the same if I were in his shoes. He sacrifices all his free time to protect the city from supernaturals, bro is just casually the Batman of the TBHK universe. And he does it mainly for his siblings, which circles back to the “good big brother” thing. It’s not a reach to assume he has trauma from fighting supernaturals at such a young age (and for so long), so I understand why he has a hard time seeing the good in them. That makes it extra interesting when he decides Akane is an exception
I love his personality, he’s the embodiment of the word “silly.” I like his sadistic side, sadist characters are so fun to me (Minamoto Typical Sadism mention). I like that he’s charming to his classmates and generally kind to all humans, despite all the cruel things he’s been through. He doesn’t want any other humans to suffer like he has so he treats them with kindness and vows to protect them. And most of all I like the way he acts around his friends and siblings, particularly Akane!! He acts like a normal teenager around him and we get to see just how socially awkward he actually is when he’s being himself. But he also doesn’t hold back with Akane, he doesn’t feel the need to show him the same respect he shows others so his sadist side really comes out when they’re together. Many fans seem to assume that Teru ONLY acts his age around Akane but that’s not true, he acts that way around Nene and Aoi too!! And with Aoi he shows a bit of his darker side, though he’s not mean to her the way he is with Akane
I love his atrocious sense of fashion, I love his terrible cooking skills, I love how scheming and shady he can be, I love how caring he is towards others, I love his speech patterns. It’s the exact opposite of Kendrick and Drake, I love everything about this man. He’s my silly little guy, my gay best friend, my skrunkly dude. He’s clearly under a lot of pressure and he’s still super young so I cut him way more slack than most fans do, my little sister is also 17 and she’s a baby in my eyes so Teru is too
Oh, what are my favorite scenes of his? I like when he agreed to help Kou catch bugs without knowing the context, I like when he randomly started venting to Akane, him taking out the roof of that train, what he did with the pepperonis, the entire sequence of his first day off, the zombie chapter…ugh I love this guy. I love writing him. I need to write Teru again
Thank you so much for this ask, I love whenever I have an excuse to infodump about my favorite characters lol. And for those of you that were wondering, my second favorite is Kou. Ty ty
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truly-a-snitch · 9 months
helloo just found this blog and love ur work <3
it says requests r open but I don't trust myself and so if they are, can I request pegging w dazai and chuuya (separate ofc) w a dom reader (idk why I'm specifying is it even possible to make a sub reader peg 💀💀)
im just a woman w simple needs ik it's boring 😔👊
never fear anon i too need to peg dazai and chuuya this is not boring at all. youre gonna ravish these losers
also yes it is possible for a sub to be doing the pegging !! dom/sub is just about whos in charge/who has power in any given encounter, not whos topping/bottoming. (see: succubus reader/dazai drabble i did, dazai was on top but subbing) thank you for specifying because i probably wouldve made this dom chuuya if u hadnt lol
warnings/tags: gn reader !!, can be read as strap or dick, praise w both, hair pulling w dazai, body worship sorta w dazai, brat!chuuya, youre a lil mean to chuuya (sexual style), overstim w chuuya, pet names used: darling, dearest, thing (for dazai); hon, toy (for chuuya)
He was so easy to please when you actually managed to get him bent over something- usually a counter in your kitchen, though this time you had actually made it to the bedroom before bending him over. All it took was a few nice words and well-placed kisses, and he unraveled underneath you. Today seemed to be no exception.
"Ah, fuck," Osamu whined when you thrusted into him particularly harshly, melting into the sheets.
"Shh, I know, darling," you teased, admiring the way he squirmed under you, barely able to hold himself up anymore. You had covered him with hickies so dark you wondered for a moment how long they would take to fade. (A week? Two?) "Such a good little thing for me, taking me so well. There we go, dearest."
He was shaking already. As was expected. The poor darling was incredibly touchstarved, it only made sense he'd be so sensitive.
"Aw, you gonna cum? Poor thing," you said, fingers finding his hair and carding gently through, then yanking his head back harshly and earning a whimper at the movement. His mouth opened to try and formulate a reply, but he fell into moans again instead at a harsh thrust on your part. His arms gave out under him, and he melted into the sheets all over again.
"Fuck," he hissed. If you didn't know him better you'd assume you had hurt him. "Fuck, 'm close."
You cooed gently when he let out a moan that hitched up into a whimper, somehow falling even more pliant under you. You leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his neck, and he shivered.
"Go ahead and cum whenever, darling," you said, and only a moment later he let out a broken groan as he came. You gently worked him through it, only pulling out when he was twitching from the aftershocks of orgasm and his fingers scrambled for hold in the sheets, as if he wanted to anchor himself to something. As if he feared you'd overstimulate him.
(You weren't above that, so he was definitely right to be worried, but you would just save that for next time.)
Chuuya talks a lot of shit for a man who so easily melts under you. He likes to tease you, get you all riled up while he's protected by the veil of being out in public. Always keeps it up until you get back to your shared apartment where- if he's teased you enough- he usually gets dragged to the bedroom by the collar of his shirt. (Or, on days you feel like meticulously unwinding him and teasing him right back, a palm pressed firmly to his lower back.)
Like right now.
Because, as usual, he had gone and teased you all day. It had worsened during dinner, with him purposely using phrases and pet names and the like, ones that he knew got your mind wandering. Ones he knew he'd deal with the consequences of the moment you got home.
And he was pinned beneath you right now, one arm twisted almost painfully behind his back and the other struggling to hold himself up.
He let out a whine as he tried to rock his hips back into yours.
"Hm? What's that, hon?" you asked, gripping his arm a bit tighter, twisting it a bit farther- and his hips stilled again. He breathed in pointedly, and a shiver visibly ran up his spine. "Feels good, I take it?"
"You are so mean," he muttered, voice shaky. Almost breaking. It was as if his resolve was about to give in on itself, about to collapse under its own weight.
"I know, how dare I give my darling toy what he's been begging for all night," you teased. "Don't think I didn't see what you were doing at dinner, hon. Those bedroom eyes are going to be the death of me one of these days."
He shivered again, and the tension began to melt out of his frame. You recognized this. He was close.
"Aw, hon, you gonna cum?" you teased, pace relentless. He nodded and let out a low moan. "Already? I've hardly had my fun yet."
Chuuya shivered again, let out a sharp whine, and a moment later he was spilling over. The tension in his body completely evaporated, and a moment later he was biting back an overstimulated sob as you kept going.
"Fuck, wait, it hurts," he said, voice shakily. "Slow down."
"Hm?" you hummed, then pretended to contemplate. "No, hon, I don't think so. You wanted me so badly earlier, whispering the dirtiest things in my ear on the train. You could hardly contain yourself. It'd be downright cruel of me to stop now."
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random-guy888 · 4 months
Spoilers for chapter 115 of the BSD manga
Do I ever actually post on this blog? No. Am I going to start? YES because someone will have to endure my rants about my current obsession even if it’s a bunch of internet strangers.
First off the whole thing with Aya and Fyodor was devastating. Sure I’m happy she’s not dead and yes I’m glad nothing bad (hopefully fingers crossed) will happen to her. But after fighting so hard to save Bram only for it to be ripped away and basically thrown back in her face like that- crazy.
Second not something I noticed at first but later realized was that Ranpo? No where to be seen. I doubt such a major character would be killed or even seriously injured off screen (off page?) but am I worried? Yes. ALSO! This ENTIRE THING would have been avoided if the ADA just listened to him! Like yeah guys let’s ignore the literal genius who hasn’t been wrong once (to my knowledge at least)
Third I have no idea what kind of plot armor Dazai or Atsushi or literally anyone but Fyodor have that can save them. They are cooked! The entire world’s population (minus Aya) COOKED! He has the one order and BASICALLY FUCKING GOD UNDER HIS CONTROL- Fukuchi was already near impossible to defeat with the one time space sword and now this singularity form is killing Hunting Dogs like NOTHING!
Fourth this is me getting a bit off track and into a theory of mine but oh well- I think that Sigma will play a key role once he wakes up at least I see that as one of the few plausible ways to defeat Fyodor because as we saw his brain was overloaded with information which caused him to faint and what if some of that information leads him to figuring out a key flaw in the plan and if not him possibly Dazai and Chuuya
Fifth OMG POOR TERUKO— like she deserves so much better her death was DEVASTATING she wasn’t my favorite of the Hunting Dogs but I still found her character and her loyalty admirable and interesting and THATS BASICALLY WHY SHE DIED- like yeah I’m sure the singularity would have killed her anyway but the way she stopped her attack because she assumed she saw Fukuchi a man she holds in such high regard makes it 10x worse
Sixth and finally dear god the ending where Fyodors like “Oh the war? Made it up lol can’t believe you’d believe that” BRO IS THE MASTER OF DECEPTION- how HOW does he do it? It’s crazy!
Will I probably do this more often now? Yeah so be prepared for my monthly rants in between my dumbass reposts- (side not my spelling sucks I’m well aware but I’m too lazy to re-read this)
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luffyvace · 8 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
No I don’t mind at all!! I’ve never been asked this question before and it’s really interesting so of course I’ll answer! <3
Btw this is anime only bc I only watch anime/read manga :)
1: Feitan
I love Feitan honestly bc he’s cool, hot, strong and just generally awesome. I love his personality and how fearless he is. He’s number one even though they’re were many before him because I’m crazy about him and he’s just generally my all time fav. He isn’t a “phase” I love him all the time think about him all the time..FOR YEARS.
2: Aizawa
I found out about him way before Feitan and was the original number one..BUT I don’t love him any less. He’s honestly just so cool and I thought he was as soon as I saw him. He has such a calm yet self assured and strong demeanor to him. I admire him in a sense, he has morals and sticks to them. He’s also once again, strong. He cares for his loved ones and manages to be cool and a green flag- not something all anime guys can do.
3: Izuku
Izuku is under Aizawa bc I literally started loving him directly after lol. I love him with all my heart. He’s just so determined and realistic/relatable in a sense. He strives for his goals and doesn’t give up. It’s admirable. He has such a kind heart and is a green flag. Tsu should honestly be up here bc she’s the first ever anime character I found out a about but I love izuku more- osusndkjnsjd-
4: Luffy
If I knew him for longer he would be higher. I got into one piece just recently but I still love him very much. He’s such a cool and silly guy he does no harm and is selfishly selfless. What an odd balance of getting what you want and bringing happiness. Essentially what he wants is for people (specifically his loved ones) to be happy and will stop at nothing to bring that to them. Truly only has good intent. Also who doesn’t like freedom and liberation?? This guy literally stands for that!! He stand for those who don’t have a voice and that’s so cool to me! I’m so proud of him in that sense. I also love his silly goofy vibe despite the worlds cruel ways. It’s refreshing and makes one piece a less depressing place since in a sense we’re pretty much seeing one piece from his prospective. If we saw things how zoro or law sees it, it may be a lot more realistic, a bit more drab and plain in sight. That’s my take on it anyway.
5: Katsuki
katsuki’s character development is top tier. (Spoiler) I’m not talking about him dying. I’m talking about how he went from telling Izuku to ky$ and mistreating him and others to viewing people as equals/something more than competition, apologizing and atoning for his mistakes. He did something even most grown men/women can’t do these days..smh. He even did it better than endeavor. 😂 I also like how strong he is and how much he believes in himself. It’s only a problem because of the way he expresses that but if he was simply confident I feel he’d have less haters.
6: Fyodor
honestly he just freakin cool dude! Like he’s a genius, he’s attractive and he’s got a cool/mysterious power. I like when anime characters are a different race in Japan, it just makes things more fun. I love him for his imperfections too. I saw someone talk about how (spoiler) Fyodor wouldn’t have died if he just trusted his friends/allies more. I like that about him too. It makes space for character development and realization if he lives.
7: Atsushi
I first started watch bsd a long time ago. I remember loving the first ep so much. I really like how atsushi met dazai- lol. It was all really unique and there was no overused troupes. New, fresh, stuff you wouldn’t expect. I mean unless it’s mc hating on themselves..but I didn’t dislike atsushi for it or anything. Idk why I just didn’t, I’ve loved him since he first appeared on screen. I’ve always thought he deserved better. He’s such a kind hearted character and his mental and physical strength developed well. He doesn’t have any love interests either! It makes me happy when it’s straight plot and no canon romance in anime. Honestly I just love how sincere and genuine Atsushi is.
8: Nikolai
At first I both liked and disliked him at the same time. But then again I kinda simped for him so I did research (fandom, and when he got animated) and now i love em. I really love silly characters with inner problems that they project onto different things (emotions; for Niko). It gives they’re character deeper meaning than just being a silly guy. Yeah that’s fun but it gives you more to think about this way. I think his design is very cute and fun! At first I did expect to have a higher pitched voice but as time went on I realized two things. One: his voice actually fit him and I only didn’t like it at first because it didn’t meet my imaginary standard. Two: he’s a grown man, and while it’s possible, especially with anime logic, it’s more realistic this way and I’m glad his voice isn’t high pitched now.
9: Portgas D Ace
now I absolutely love Ace and while I he’s my number 2 in one piece, over all anime’s he ranks a little lower but he’s def still up there. Again I’m still in the impel down arc so his backstory n stuff is coming up for me, so when I say he needs more screen time I mean besides that. He’s an attractive man who worked on himself from a young age to be polite and respectful, he’s very friendly as well. I love and respect all that about him. He’s another silly guy but in a different way. Idk I honestly just like him, idk how to explain it this time. He’s just cool!!
10: Saiki k
I didn’t know whether to put brook or tokito here. I would’ve gone with tokito because I’ve been watching kny longer but I feel I like him more? Saiki k is a really interesting anime. It’s a comedy anime in a regular and relatable setting but with a spin; superpowers. This gives the anime more chances for funny moments and comedy. With saiki’s attitude of wanting to be normal as well? Perfect! Saiki is honestly still relatable even with powers and is not a simp. Which I really like about him, He probably wouldn’t be on this list if he got with someone. In fact he avoids what could be love interests and that makes it even more funny. I’m glad he doesn’t give in and give us the traditional wife, babies and sunset ending. 🤦‍♀️
brook isn’t on the list but top 10 is NOT easy to choose..I also wanted to add tokito but again top ten is so limiting </3😔
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lotus-pear · 8 months
Hi! (Sorry this is long. I wasn’t sure how to shorten it)
I saw your most recent post involving your social experiment with your friend and I figured I can (maybe) contribute data to your social experiment!
Context: I started watching BSD somewhere around 2019 (I think I watched season 3 as it aired or it had just finished and it seemed like the anime ended). I accidentally found it, the description seemed interesting and the names looked familiar (i.e., I recognised some of them as authors right away)
So, I looked up the characters and while trying to minimise spoilers (and somehow mostly succeeded in that?) and was exposed and was exposed almost exclusively to knkdz (I didn’t realise Chuuya existed until I got to episode 9 and wasn’t aware of any other ships). It’s also worth noting that I didn’t really interact with fandoms that much back then (the most— for all the things I was a fan of/consumed— was accidentally discovering and seeing knkdz fan content. It seemed like an interesting ship)
Anyway, then I watched the show (and started the manga). The result? For me personally, I found knkdz to be the least interesting ship (romantic or queerplatonic)— don’t get me wrong/that being said, I *love* their canon relationship and whatnot
(We’ll see if that changes after I read the light novels since stuff like new manga scenes/arcs, Beast and Dazai, Chuuya, Age 15 have affected my opinions on characters, relationships and etc)
Most of the relationships I like to see when consuming content is actually platonic, with the few ships I do like being mostly queerplatonic (off the top of my head, I think the only actual romantic ship I have is Fitzgerald and his wife?), and all relationships being treated as roughly equally important
(And, if asked to list my favourite ships by order, it would have more to do with my favourite characters than actual ships lol)
Note: I’m on the romance-repulsed area/spectrum (for lack of a better word that I can think of at the moment) of AroAce so, like, that probably affects things lol
(That being said, it’s nice to see that BSD treats all relationships fairly equally and contributed me to liking the show so much!)
a response that i’ll make sure to factor in! i will say however that i have to disagree w you bc even as just friends or even going lower as just work acquaintances kunikida and dazai are written to have a lot deeper relationship than they actually let on. none of this is elaborated on in the anime or manga bc the series’s main focus is atsushi for the beginning but if you read dazai’s entrance exam you get kunikidas entire inner monologue abt dazai and it’s very interesting how quickly they latch onto each other. dazai’s reasons are more tragic than he lets on i believe, but until we get that directly from him we can only assume he gets so close to the ada and kunikida especially bc kuni reminds him of odasaku. that’s a whole tangent i can go on separately but suffice to say it’s the reason why he fell hard and followed him like a motherless duckling everywhere in the beginning, bc he saw oda’s unwavering resolve and firm ideals in that man. despite being in a conscienceless world that weighs survival against humanity, both oda and kunikida fight to ensure their personal beliefs are still held up. dazai finds that admirable in both men
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
thungo thursday: oh god bones please don't fuck this up
manga spoilers for this one boys
gotta love how teruko was FULLY ready to murder atsushi no issue but now she's like 'gimmie a piggyback SLAVE'
also atsushi always going like 'im a tiger not a cat' does he??? not know?? that tigers????? are just big cats????
atsushi is incompatible with gay sadists (including but not limited to yosano, akutagawa, kouyou, teruko)
nevermind lol
okay i love tecchou, he's a great character, and so is jouno. but seeing kenji get hurt in any capacity fills me with a mighty rage and now i think tecchou deserves at least one passionate backhand from yours truly
YESSSS GET FUCKED TECCHOU (i love you but like if i really had to choose between you and kenji...it's a no brainer babe)
also i'm legit like kenji fr. i couldn't give a shit if people like try to hurt me or whatever im like ok, but if anyone tries to hurt my friends i get unbelievably pissed about it and genuinely will throw hands
FUCK yeah they actually did kenji right. i was so worried about how they would animate this lmao but they actually did it properly good job bones
omg tecchou it literally doesn't matter if jouno would have wanted you to save him. the fact is that you tried to do it anyway and that speaks volumes (YOU'RE GAY YOU'RE A FUCKING QUEER)
you have to wonder if kenji admires chuuya in part due to the fact that he understands the difficulty behind CHOOSING to be nice when you're actually hated by the world and full of rage because of it. fuck maybe i kin kenji more than i thought. i also am one of those people who doesn't care if someone hurts me but if they hurt my loved ones i get fully pissed and will throw hands
KENJI AND TECCHOU'S FRIENDSHIP IS SO WHOLESOME OMGGGGG also did tecchou really not know the names of the detective agency? maybe that information was withheld from the hunting dogs in order to get them to subconsciously dehumanise the agency, so they wouldn't be swayed by the agency's efforts to prove their own innocence as easily...then again jouno recognised kunikida immediately so mayb not...
i love how sigma was called a three year old by dazai and he just...didn't react. no 'i'm not three years old' or 'technically i'm an adult', just -_-
LMAOOOOOOO SIGMA BBY HE'S SO EASILY SWAYED (me too bub.) BABY YOU'RE ALREADY WAY SUPERIOR TO FYODOR. also dazai saying 'he's the atsushi kun type' bro i know. they're two of my top three bsd kins. I'M the atsushi kun type. also sigma looks so cute when he's thinking so hard i wanna boopdesnoot
why the fuck did they animate fyodor to be like 'chuuya san!' in the most babygirl voice ever, they even gave him emotions and everything wtf
'the walls are anti-gifted' ARE THEY ANTI ARAHABAKI THOUGH (don't come for me i havent fully read 15 or stormbringer i dont know if arahabaki is an ability or not im maKING A JOKE GUYS ITS A FUCKING JOKE!!!)
not the cutesy wink dazai oh my fucking god stop trying to rizz up sigma real quick and JUST KILL FYODOR
oh yeah are they ever gonna fucking explain timestopper catgirl?? she was there for like two seconds and then she was offed by fyodor once he escaped the water. like???? huh???? WHAT WAS EVEN THE POINT BESIDES THE VERY LAZY PLOT DEVICE?????? also she looks like a mha character i think people have already said this but she doesn't belong here she belongs in mha
how do mersault prisoners go peepee and poopoo
aya is smarter than i'll ever be how on earth does she think of this stuff. you go girl i cant wait for you to save the world
she doesn't take ANY of bram's bullshit she's just amazing
how did bram grow back his eye
bram when aya normally: aya you foolish peasant smh ur dumb bram when aya is in danger: 😰😰😰😱😱💥💥💥 😠😠😠😠😠
well that was a ride! im stuffed. i might need to pull a bram and take a nap. i feel bad for the anime onlys who now think chuuya's dead yikes yall
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illogicallyx · 1 year
Ok ok ok so I’ll just talk jjk rn because heh why not. So like, Satoru and Suguru are the main main guys- and even b/w these, Suguru stands undefeated lmao. The rest like idk I can think of issues so I just stick to one guy— (ok I imagine a poly between us ok?)
So yes, suguru: we have the academic rival trope for sure—with the “smart ass x dumb ass” thing going except we switch the tags every few few minutes<3 loook suguru def did not like me initially, and vice versa because I found him too stoic and he found me obnoxious BUT the mutual admiration? Yes. Also like between the two of us, he is more mature emotionally so it’s mainly him opening up first—and all that and I’m more friendly to people so I help him socialise and whatever lmao—you can call it golden retriever x black cat energy lmao. Also hcs:- we spend nights where I ramble to him about space and maths until either of us falls asleep or he tells me history facts or psychology facts in the lazy mid-afternoon cuddle sessions until we’re all warm and cozy.
Ok I tried my best of writing someone here but I have nobody💀 so honourable mentions to Megumi and Nanami here lmao. Hand obviously Satoru. I just myself very platonic with everyone else yk?
So I’ll just say Chuuya because lolz: now idk if there is any trope that goes “boss x secretary” frfr but yes. I don’t see it working out anyway else because Chuuya is too hot headed to listen to my bs otherwise. Also also we’re just like two bastards who become bigger jerks when together<3 and I’m taller than Chuuya so<3333 he loves his tall gf fr. And like Chuuya and I support each other no matter what. Like even if the other is in wrong? Shut up, they’re right because I said so. We both help each other maintain stability towards each other tbh and like, a sense of routine and familiarity— and love buying each other gifts. Just like thrive off of that and yes. Small hc again because lol: he loves when I bake for him or better teach him, lke just gets that feel—and so to make up for it he teaches me how to ride his bike
I was gonna do hawks but I’ll keep it short and sweet lmao
please i love the way you have a whole ass backstoriesss <33 if i try to imagine a backstory i will be forced to write a fanfic out of it i have no self control.
also bae should i get into bsd 😭😭im traumatised is it like jjk???? i recently saw that dazai is dead GOJO DEAD DAZAI DEAD what is there left to live for 😞😞
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Hellooo!! Could I get a matchup for Bungou stray dogs and Genshin please?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: straight
Zodiac/MBTI: Scorpio, ENTP
Appearance: 5'5, fluffy dark brown hair, pale skin, people tell me i'm really androgynous but prob just because i have a very deep voice and thick eyebrows 🤓
Persoality: I'm a huge extrovert, I love talking and connecting with people and i'm a people pleaser tbh. I love making people laugh and i think people telling me i'm funny is one of the coolest compliments ever hehe
Likes and dislikes: I looove music (especially old rock bands), true crime (currently in uni studying criminology:))), animals, sports (i practice equestrian and it's my favorite ever)
Hobbies: Reading and drawing a lot, watching history classes on yt lmao i love history, going out and finding new places in my city, playing video games, cosplaying 🤓🤓
Other info: it's really hard for me to open up but i find myself listening to a lot of friends venting and i wish i could do that too lol, i get distracted really easily and my love languages are acts of service, physical touch and gift giving
Hello! Thank you for the request! Sorry it took a little while, university has been a bit stressful lately. Hope you like your matchup!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Another extrovert! Poor Kunikida. Poor Atsushi. They have another one to deal with now.
Dazai would love spending lazy afternoons with you, skipping work and laying on the couch, listening to your favourite old rock bands.
He's a naturally touchy person, so physical touch is something you won't feel is lacking in your relationship.
He's almost always touching you somehow. Sitting close enough that his legs touch yours. A hand on your back as he walks past you. Intertwining fingers when walking.
He just wants reassurance that you're still with him. He doesn't want to wake up and find out you were a dream; too good to be true.
Loves your cosplays but will tease you relentlessly about it. It's his way of showing affection. In all honesty though, he finds it very admirable that you have something that you're so passionate about.
Dazai would also enjoy exploring the city with you. He already knows quite a few hidden places from his time as part of the darker side of the city but he'll just nudge you towards those places, letting you discover them yourself.
He enjoys watching your face light up when you find a new place.
All in all, Dazai enjoys spending time with you. He finds you a calming presence in his life.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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This was actually a close call between Cyno and Zhongli so if you'd like me to write a matchup for Zhongli, just let me know.
Cyno is the standoffish almost-introvert to your extrovert. People who see you together never know if either of you are willingly spending time with the other.
Of course, Cyno loves spending time with you. Even if he doesn't show it very often, he cares deeply for those he allows to get close. And that certainly includes you.
He'll never understand why people always laugh at your jokes and never his. Tighnari both loves and hates hanging out with you two. There really is no escape from the jokes.
Cyno's love language is definitely acts of service (with quality time a close second) so you can count on him to do things for you if you're too busy or have other things to do.
He doesn't cook a whole lot but he'll be happy to make his signature dish (Duel Soul) for you. Hope you like rice!
If you play Genius Invocation TCG (or any other similar card game like Yu-Gi-Oh in a modern au), Cyno would love to play against you. If you beat him, he may propose to you right then and there.
You and Cyno balance each other out. All in all, a pretty good relationship.
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vanilladove · 7 months
⁀➷⊹ ࣪ ˖ valentines with the bsd men!
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divider creds plutism
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: various bsd men x gn!reader [dazai, atsushi, ranpo, fukuzawa, nikolai, fyodor, sigma, bram, chuuya, akutagawa, oda, ango, jouno, tecchou]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: fluffy headcanons (some crack hehe)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none! i also imagine all of them wearing suits🙈
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⁠❥ 武装���偵社 armed detective agency
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ osamu dazai
planned out your valentines day date at work (got yelled at by kunikida)
buys you a nice outfit to match his suit and styles his hair like how it was in the dead apple movie o////o
after dinner, you both go on a moonlit walk around yokohama and stop by the bridge overlooking the river dazai asks you to commit a double suicide
you mostly enjoy each other's company in silence, and dazai just admires you (secretly taking pictures of you under the moonlight)
he whispers sweet nothings into your ear and you find yourselves at the Lupin bar
you both drink too much and show too much pda, giggling through the taxi ride home
you're awaited by a bed covered in rose petals, lingerie/boxers and more sake...🤭
⊹ ࣪ ˖ atsushi nakajima
definitely didn't sleep at all the night before bc he was nervous about preparations (i'd like to think you're his first partner :3)
called akutagawa for help but he's also just as single...
ends up making you glitter roses (there's glitter all over his dorm now) and a valentines box filled with your favorite things ♡
he definitely has a cute speech for you about why he fell in love with you and how much he cares for you (one/both of you ends up in tears lol)
you guys end the night with a movie + lots of cuddles!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ranpo edogawa
valentines day is his second favorite holiday after halloween bc of all the candy + sweet treats associated with it
buys enough chocolate and snacks to feed yokohama (most of it is just for his secret snack collection...)
organizes a small at-home date where you both make chocolate-covered strawberries + heart-shaped treats
tried to prepare a romantic speech but it ended up being a 'why you're lucky to have me' speech...
gives you those cheesy 'i love you' candies + candy necklaces
you both get insane sugar crashes and don't even make it to dinner or the special valentines book scene he made poe write for you😔
⊹ ࣪ ˖ yukichi fukuzawa
secretly very romantic
he takes you on a private picnic in a sakura tree field (it's literally perfect); you have bentos, plum sake, and daifuku. the cherry blossoms fall peacefully over you two ♡
would write a sweet poem/haiku for you and gift you a lavish yukata
you reminisce about the cute moments in your relationship and stay until sunset
you surprise him by taking him to a cat cafe on the way home hehe
⁠❥ 天人五衰 decay of angels
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ nikolai gogol
thinks the traditional valentines day norms (chocolate, roses, and dinner) are boring
takes you to an amusement park (bonus if it's valentines-themed) instead
drags you with him on every ride--hopefully, you don't have motion sickness or a fear of heights
you eat so much fair food, and he never misses the chance to lick powdered sugar or cotton candy off your lips
takes you to the games section and laughs at your failed attempts. once you're frustrated enough, he wins even though the games are rigged and gets you a giant stuffed animal
you get matching face tattoos and braided hairstyles (he ends up doing it himself bc he's better than the employees lol)
on the ferris wheel, you both share an intimate kiss and he pulls out some roses (they end up being the clown ones though and splashing water all over your face :0)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ fyodor dostoevsky
asked you to be his valentine with one of those cheesy coding things (iykyk)
plans a romantic tea date for you both with lots of russian treats
composes a piece for you and plays it on his cello (forces nikolai and sigma to provide instrumental support in the background)
spends most of his time talking with you, since he's usually always busy
buys a matching ushanka for you, along with european chocolates, and your favorite flowers
you end up falling asleep in his arms reading together
⊹ ࣪ ˖ sigma
this is probably his first valentines day ever so he spent a lot of time on social media to find out what people usually get for their partners
definitely uses the sky casino's amenities to put on an extravagant display for you--dancers/live music, a fancy bubble bath with rose petals + candles, couple's massage
has an intimate dinner with you in his office with the sunset in the background
he gifts you lego flowers that you end up building together and gets flustered if you gave him a gift, too♡
⊹ ࣪ ˖ bram stoker
takes you to his castle and prepares a fancy royal dinner for you
plays instrumental music from his radio but he didn't pay for spotify premium so you awkwardly listen to ads every few songs...😔
gives you pretty jewelry and black roses encased in glass (beauty in the beast style!)
takes you to the balcony and you both have an intimate night chat, which draws some rare smiles and chuckles from him
softly hugs and kisses you, grateful for your warmth and company will suck your blood if you let him
⁠❥ ポートマフィアport mafia
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ chuuya nakahara
the definition of a romantic bf...pls
first of all, you wake up with those gigantic boxes of roses that celebs always get, accompanied by a sweet handwritten letter and a custom outfit for the day
he then picks you up in his helicopter and flies you to a vineyard where you make your own wine and drink one he secretly made for you when you both started dating
at the vineyard, a PRIVATE CHEF cooks a fancy 5-course meal for you both to enjoy, and chuuya insists on feeding you the first bite
expect a lot of heartfelt, drunken speeches and passionate french kisses out of nowhere...
on the ride home, chuuya almost crashes the helicopter bc he's so drunk, but his ability saves you both hehe
he ballroom dances with you until you both fall asleep in each other's arms🥹
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ryunosuke akutagawa
like atsushi and sigma, this is his first valentines. he asks chuuya for advice but thinks all his suggestions are corny
he ends up settling on making you some red baked goods with gin's help and dark chocolate candies
writes you love letters since he's secretly embarrassed to tell you outright how he feels
takes you on a beach date and lends you his coat if you're cold (he's secretly colder than you after he dips his feet in the water)
you hold hands and talk for a bit under the moonlight until he musters up the confidence to give you his letters and gifts
your happy reaction is worth it and makes him blush ^o^ he hugs you for a long time after you point it out, partly in embarrassment and partly because he loves you so much
chuuya and gin interrogate him about the date after he comes back lol
⊹ ࣪ ˖ oda sakunosuke
picks you up from work with flowers, handmade chocolates, and a cute teddy bear
car makeout sesh before going home while you still have some time alone to yourselves
cooks your favorite meal for you and buys you your favorite alcohol
he and the kids bake + decorate a romantic cake for you (it's lowkey ugly but it's the thought that counts!!!) and decorate the house with heart balloons, cute drawings, and candles
you both eat with all the kiddos and sleep together on the same bed ♡
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ango sakaguchi
almost forgot it was valentines day bc he was too absorbed in his work...his assistant had to remind him lol
takes you to a classic fancy dinner & buys you your favorite flowers
gifts you your favorite books and some sexy lingerie/boxers (his assistant probably snuck in some toys
your little date helps him relax for once and takes his stress away
gets clingy the next day and keeps trying to call/text you because he misses your presence (dazai and his coworkers tease him nonstop about it)
⁠❥ 猟犬 hunting dogs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ jouno saigiku
guys why are there no valentines day cards for these mfs does no one like them or what
takes you to a secluded place away from his annoying coworkers the noisy city
cooks you dinner and gifts you gold jewelry (likely a matching rope bell earring) and some soft sweaters :)
you try to play some board and card games together, but he wins everytime because he can guess your next move based on your heartbeat and movements
after you give up, you both just end up cuddling, and he rambles about his recent missions and office stories
showers you with kisses and caresses; purposely teases your pulse points to get a reaction from you
although you give him gifts (i think he would really like noise-cancelling headphones), his favorite one is your praise. he can't stop blushing when you list off all the reasons you love him hehe
⊹ ࣪ ˖ tecchou suehiro
tecchou would take you on a romantic cabin getaway!
you go on a cute couple's hike (it's supposed to be along a heart shaped trail)
he's kind of directionally challenged and gets lost along the way...
as an apology, he gives you the chocolates he bought for you (they melted from the heat though)
he eventually finds his way through the surrounding landscape and you find a secret waterfall connected to a beautiful lake
you both go swimming to cool off and end up laughing off the whole situation
when you get back to the cabin, you order takeout (do not let this man cook) and look through the pictures you took on your hike
he gifts you some plum blossoms he picked on the hike ♡
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bethiewhimsy · 2 years
oh!! hello, old friend!!
#old friend = bsd brainrot rants#yeah u read that right lol#im surprised these do so well????? like ppl actually like them and that blows my mind#but im so glad y’all find them entertaining because aaaaaaAAAAA#anyway uhm#the first three episodes of season 3 lets gooo#my admiration for chuuya 📈📈#he is such a cool dude and i’m constantly just *star eyes* whenever he does anything#i would also like to argue that he’s one of the most morally good but that’s a whole different topic#I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO ARGUE THAT HE IS NOT HUMAN idk y’all either he’s a clone or a spirit or a demigod#there’s no way he’s a human being like??????? he literally only remembers being created that’s SUS#i would fight 15yo dazai and i would do my damndest to BEAT HIM#he’s so infuriating to me jqodkwkana like i understand why he is the way he is but i still hate it ugh#i love that ability users can just go FUSIONNNN yk what i mean#no wonder chuuya despises dazai so much honestly i would to#the fight scenes never ever fail they’re always so amazing ✨✨✨#i don’t trust ango at all#my hatred for mori also grows and i didn’t know it could#OMG WAIT I KNOW I WAS JUST SHITTING ON DAZAI BUT#his life and death monologue in e3 had me SHOOK#such beautiful insight omg????? *incorperates those ideals into my own life*#anyway it was a great arc i love some good backstory#I KNOW IM STUPID BUT WHILE MORI WAS EXPLAINING HOW THEY PASS DOWN AN ARTICLE OF CLOTHING TO THEIR SUBORDINATE YK#i just realized that akutagawa’s coat was dazai’s AND FRANKLY I CRYYY#this is getting so so long so i better stop here#thanks for reading yall are the freaking best#making me feel all important and shit <3#bsd miiight be the death of me with how obsessed i am with it but idk we’ll see#i need merch tbh any merch at all#but alas i am poor and my parents do not approve
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whorefordazai · 3 years
wiping off their kiss
pairing; atsushi | aku | dazai | chuuya x gn!reader
genre; fluff | wc; 1.6k
warnings; cussing, mentions of making out ? that’s pretty sfw right
notes; requested by @atsushiscocksucker thanks bae for the sexy request 😏 hope you don’t mind i added in dazai and chuuya ;D also these became more of scenarios rather than hcs so sorry abt that 🤔 but enjoyaaa <3 most of this is crack AHAHJS this is what happens when i write at 4am
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well shit.
why would you do that? you should know he already has trouble simply touching you, much less going in for a whole kiss !! he’s struggling to form the right words to say what he wants to say (he’s actually speechless, so no, frankly there are no audible words coming out his mouth)
the kiss wasn’t even planned, he actually just did it in the spur of the moment. it’s the end of the day; you and atsushi are walking home. hand in hand, he steals glances at your face every once in a while.
this is the perfect time, he thinks. i can shoot my shot now. finally. i’m finally growing some balls!
and so he calls out your name, making you trail your eyes up. very gently, he takes your face between his hands and brushes his thumb across your cheeks, admiring your looks for a moment. without thinking another thought—he kisses you smack dab on the lips 🤭
he smiles a bit against your mouth when he feels you kissing him back. slowly pulling away, there’s an evident flush on his face when he nervously breathes out. “s-sorry. i couldn’t help myself. that was alright…right?”
shooting him your biggest smile, you nod. only a second goes by before you use the back of your hand to wipe away at your lips. “yup! it’s all good !!”
and then you turn around and walk away like a little five year old kid who just stole some candy 🍬 all while he’s standing just—completely dumbfounded.
he chases after you. “did you…did you…” he’s blushing like real crazy right now. fiddling with his suspenders, he pulls on the two straps trying to come up with a way to say this without actually saying it 💔
“did you wipe off my kiss?! i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have done it in the first place! but don’t worry—i’ll never try anything like that ever….hmph!!”
yes, his words are definitely interrupted when you clamp his mouth shut with you hand. “AAJSBIS ?!&$! i’m sorry it was prank 😔”
mf now he’s embarrassed cuz he didn’t get the joke hELP but it’s okay cuz you gotta make sure to give him extra head pats and rewards later on !! he forgives you
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PFFFTT do you have a death wish 😊
his brain is already head empty not a single thought when it comes to relationships, so this prank just messes with him in great amounts of massive gigantic confusion.
he doesn’t kiss you in public, so instead he sometimes very rarely initiates it in the comfort of privacy. by initiating, i mean he quite literally grabs you with rashomon and rips away the food you got for dinner that night. yes. i suppose that’s his love language 🤔
his lips are kinda cold. you once suggested kissing the burning hot wood in the fireplace as a joke. um well lol he definitely did not appreciate that lolslols…when he saw how salty you were about him not being able to take a joke, he was all like “well forgive mE for not unDerstaNding your superior sense of hUmor”
but he felt a bit embarrassed cuz he literally did not get the joke and as we know, aku loves proving dominance so he took a chance at this foreign concept called flirting. or kissing. or whatever the fuck it’s called.
see, in his head, he had this totally well thought out plan. ‘after kissing them, i’ll simply say it was a means to warming up my lips. they’ll get embarrassed and i’ll win. yeah yeah. good plan 🤔 very good plan 🤔’
and so he swiftly grabs your chin, making you look up at his face with wide eyes. he kisses you—and not even a few seconds later he pulls back. about to say the words he planned on saying, he’s interrupted by you.
“wow…damn…” you marvel out. just like that, you wipe off his kiss. he stares at you in shock, not expecting his plan to fail so miserably 🤥
once you explain that it’s a prank, he just begins contemplating his whole life. just sits there on the sofa with a blank look on his face. basically he looks like his wan counterpart whenever his head is empty 0_0 🤔
“it’s okay, aku.” you pat his head, handing him the cup of tea. he doesn’t answer, but takes the tea. he has known defeat. he has known humiliation. but none quite like this. he WILL get payback.
his payback is just ripping apart more of the meals you bring home btw 🤝
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he is !! a big drama queen !! almost too big help !!
it’s just an ordinary day. the both of you are working at the agency. he kisses, hugs, and drags his tall lanky body on top of you all the time, right? right. so he’s not expecting you to wipe off his fucKing sMooch.
he gently tilts your head to the side, making you face him. when you’re unaware of what he’s about to do, that’s when he attacks and smushes his lips onto yours! 😣 they’re soft. he smells nice for once. and you definitely don’t want to stop kissing him but unfortunately pranksters cannot backdown from pranks.
so when he pulls back with that dreamy look in his eyes, so full of flushed adoration and love, you can’t help but accidentally wipe off the kiss from your mouth <3 oops i guess!
he covers his own mouth in shock. first off, a million questions are swirling around in that stinky beautiful head of his. why did you do that? did i forget to use chapstick? should i have eaten a mint before? why do you look so unbothered? should i make scene? no…i should definitely not make a scene.
he makes a scene, of course.
cue dramatic, earth shattering gasp. “huUHAH?! why did you just do that?!”
he pretends to be distraught (—to ignore the fact that he’s overthinking this and it’s probably just nothing except his head being a bitch and not shutting up ughsjsj—)
“do what?” you act innocent. he definitely doesn’t like how you’re playing tricks with him, but he prods on anyway. pretending to sulk a bit, he flops his head on your shoulder. he makes sure to let his hair brush against your cheek (because he knows how much you have a weakness for that).
“did i do something wrong? why did you wipe off my kiss 😔?”
godDAMMIT his floofy HAIR and soft voiCE fucking fucKER ?!$&! you have no choice but to surrender !!
“jeez i’m sorry, it was joke. calm down.” you gently pat his head in an attempt to get him back to his usual mood. and it works, of course. faster than you can blink, he’s up again with a cheerful smile on his face.
“i knew it! thanks for clarifying 😊!”
thanks for…thanks for clarifying ?!$&!! dude. think back immediately. why are you with this man again? pspsp look over here. i’m breaking the fourth fucking wall to get you a ride OUT!
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he’s dumb of ass and emotionally constipated number two. number one is dazai.
he’s had to deal with a lot of pranks while working with dazai during their double black days. but dazai has never tried to wipe his kiss off. wait does that imply there was kissing going on in the first place help 🤔
when someone pranks him, his usual facial expressions before he realizes the joke are 🤨🤬 but then after he finally understands, they’re more like 🤔😟😧😐
he doesn’t like being pranked. he’s menace #2 but it’s more like “i can prank the hell out of you but if you do it back to me, i’ll beat the shit out of you” kinda type of menace.
it’s morning, right before he leaves to go off to another one of his missions. just like an everyday routine, his gloved hands grasp the side of your face to pull you into a kiss. it’s supposed to be easy, quick, and over within a few seconds. is it? well yes, but you have something planned.
just as he’s about to turn away, the corner or his eye catches you wiping off his kiss. his body immediately does a 180. scoff leaving his mouth, he cocks an eyebrow. “excuse me? wow, bitch. what did i ever do to you…”
“hm? what?” you try playing the innocent card. chuuya furrows his brows, trying to remember if what he saw was a hallucination of some sort. he tips his hat lower to hide the growing blush on his face. “nothing, except you maybe wiped off my fucking kiss. that’s all.” he adds in a bitter smile at the end, mocking your tone.
you choke on a laugh, playing it off cool. but he knows something is up from the way you’re covering you’re mouth, masking giggles and the tears springing from your eyes. wow. you’re so good at keeping a secret. omg go bestie 🎉
“what’s so funny?” he taps his foot on the ground like an expectant parent trying to discipline his kid. he’s obviously not laughing or understanding shit, so you let out the laugh you were holding in.
“it was a prank. chill.” you dab the corners of your eyes and pat him on the back. he jerks back in shock. “hah?! what kinda—”
you shut him up with a kiss. because knowing chuuya, he’ll simply take his time to uncover the root of the prank and end up ruining the joke. butttt since you’ve kissed him, he’s all fine and dandy to go to work 😉
“wait wait, we still need to discuss this joke—”
“unfortunately, sweetheart, you’re running late for work so nah 💯”
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tag list; @viintom-exe @starglow-xx @griefgender @pickleisrandom @its-chuuya-bitch @ijustwantfreenetflix @atsushisgf @the-wholesome-ranpo @missshrek @todorokichills @astreankitsune @spoopy-fish-writes @fyodamn @missrown @trashykawahq @scul-pted @gogolyouwhat @jessbeinme15 @bakajinko @shinys-bsd-world-2 @n1kolaiz @greenshirtimagines @mushroomplantasia @internetkilledtheroxstar @fashionablyfailing12 @chuuyasboots @bsdparadise @alittlesimp @requiem626k @smadhuman-animebitch @bsdwhore @3-am-depression @diary-of-a-poltergeist @mars-w0rld @rirk-ke @mellosrosary @kyoks @kiyokoxd @coveringthebiconissue @hanazou @hazel0723 @mysticstrawberryballoon @colourless-cora @bbytamaki @nameless-shrimp
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kunikinnie · 3 years
(some) Port Mafia as cats
a/n: because I already made the ADA and Guild versions, might as well finish it off with the PM
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
"will fight u™" cat
It's hard to get any affection from him because it's a guaranteed scratch or bite whenever you touch him
You can only admire him from afar as a result - which is not that bad because he does embarrassing cat things only when he thinks no one is around
Has a favorite plushie: Rashomon. Bites it and sleeps with it all. the. time.
May or may not scratch/destroy your furniture. He'll only do it when he's in the mood for destruction (aka when he'd mad at you)
Has a lung condition so you often hear him wheezing. Take good care of him please
Higuchi Ichiyo
stalker cat
Doesn't even try to hide the fact that she's following you (or Akutagawa cat) around at all. Not subtle in the slightest
Sometimes she's just hungry. Sometimes she's just curious. Sometimes you have no idea, but she does it all the time
As I mentioned she loves being around Akutagawa cat (not that the other feels the same way) and even the other Akutagawa cat
A Tachihara bully. Smacks him in the face whenever he's around
She gets curious with a lot of things, so this cat never ever gets bored. Likes to play around sometimes, but usually gets hissed at by her senpai cat
Mori Ougai
boss cat
He's pretty chill most of the time. Sleeping or lounging about wherever he feels comfy
Secretly plotting all the time. Of course you never know that - you always assume your cats are up to something anyway. He's the mastermind behind all the premium cat food "disappearing" so quickly.
Prefers the company of kittens. Female kittens. You'd rather not think about it
Favorite toy: Elise doll
There's a man by the name of Fukuzawa who you know loves cats and feeds/pets all the neighborhood cats. The only one he doesn't like is this one. He doesn't even approach it lol
Motojiro Kajii
constantly high cat
Likes exploring and playing with anything he sees. Chews on the faucet head, chews on your lamp shade, chews on toilet drain cleaner
Is the noisiest out of all of them. His meow is very loud and very shrill
Favorite toy: lemon-shaped things, not actual lemons. He bit into one once and it left his tongue scarred for life
Sleeps only for minutes at a time. He always wakes up with some new idea in his head and will stop at nothing to satisfy it
Is the one who executes Mori's plan for other cats to steal (cat) food
Nakahara Chuuya
fancy cat
Only eats the finest of wet cat food or actual premium cut fish that humans can eat. That's probably why his fur is the softest, most velvety thing you've ever touched
Small for his age, but that's okay. He's a really good fighter. Really good
He fits and sleeps in a lot of oddly shaped places - tho ofc his favorite place to stay is his expensive cat bed (thank God he loves it)
You once tried to put a small hat on him just for fun. Ever since then, he adores it and rarely parts with it
If he's more fussy than usual, you know Dazai cat came recently just to make fun of him
Oda Sakunosuke
mysterious cat
He's usually alone. Used to hang out/play with Dazai cat when he was still a kitten and Ango cat when he was still in your house
From the time you picked him up right up to his death, you've never heard him meow. He just stares at you whenever he wants something
Favorite place is by the windowsill. He likes watching the birds and whatever is moving outside
You used to wonder where he'd be sometimes. Turns out he's trying to find food for some small stray kittens near your place. Bless his soul he's so cute
You also had to be extra careful whenever you cooked/ate curry. He always managed to steal your food, somehow.
Ozaki Kouyou
fancy mom cat
Well-respected by the other cats. She likes staying alone or somewhere near Mori cat
Is also a fancy cat, but she's not as picky as Chuuya cat when it comes to food
Lowkey prima donna cat. She's so elegant looking you could take pictures of her then upload them on social media = boom large following
Sometimes stares out the window, looking at nothing in particular. It's during those times you know she misses Kyouka cat
Tachihara Michizou
hyperactive cat
Runs around your house like it's some playground. May or may not be doing the same thing at 3 am
Favorite toy: pencils. Wooden kind. Chews on them more than he chews his food
If you have a garden, especially one with flowers, he'll be laying there for a looooong period. He especially likes hyacinths
Wrestles with Gin cat often. Sometimes he wins, sometimes he doesn't. Either way Hirotsu cat always stops the two from actually fighting lol
May or may not have a secret group of cat friends and/or house aside from yours
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alittlesimp · 3 years
Dazai with a younger coworker who has a similar ability - headcanons
request by @missrown: I got another idea!! A 14 year old reader who is a co-worker to ADA!Dazai (Platonic ofc, a Siblings dynamic pls)
The reader is a member of Agency and has an ability similar to Dazai, While Dazai needs to touch someone to nullify other's, the reader needs to only look at the user whose ability is active! (It works one at a time only tho, I need to give some limitations) the reader also admires (idolizes) him greatly! + ADA's reaction too!
a/n: okay im gonna try again, see if it shows up in the tags now 😭
warnings: none
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· When you first joined the Agency you were put under Dazai’s care so you could gain some strategic insight on how to use your ability
· Why do they keep making the mistake of entrusting this man with young people to mentor (/j)
· Kunikida thought this was a horrible idea
· He feared you would adopt his … mannerisms and ‘work ethic’
· Dazai himself was a bit conflicted
· On one hand, he didn’t really want more responsibility, and he didn’t really see himself as a great mentor because of his past experiences
· But on the other hand, he could trick you into doing his work for him
· And oh boy, he did. A lot.
· Somehow he got you to do all the hard and annoying tasks
· He says it’s to ‘gain experience’ and while there may be some truth to that, everyone else still thought it was a bit suspicious
· He also makes you do chores for him sometimes (‘Ah, please clean the cafeteria/go get me some food/throw these empty bottles out… training purposes’)
· He’ll also give you the most random and slightly questionable lifehacks, completely unprompted
· “If you ever need flowers, just go to a cemetery.” … WHAT
· Teaches you exactly how to get on everyone’s nerves
· Despite all … this, he definitely made sure you were trained well
· He thought it was super funny you had a similar ability, but apart from a few jokes and special training he wouldn’t really pay it much mind
· Once he notices you’ve started admiring him he’d definitely freak out
· He doesn’t see himself as a good role model and he’s a bit afraid of that kind of attachment to someone
· Tries to make it very clear he’s not a perfect person
· He’ll act lazy, complain, annoy Kunikida, arrive at work hours late, actually just all his normal behavior, he just makes sure you are there to see it
· He doesn’t understand (or maybe doesn't want to) that you look up to him despite his flaws
· You’re not blind or stupid and you know he’s a bit of work sometimes, but like Atsushi and others, you can see that he also genuinely cares about others and puts in the work when necessary
· “I want to be like you when I grow up!” “Lol no you don’t”
· Just make a little unofficial Dazai fanclub with Atsushi and Kyouka
· You two really are an iconic duo
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please comment/reblog if you enjoyed! i’d love to hear what y'all think <3
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