#and the car has fricken rolled down the street
My car tried to fuckin kill
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Soulmate au: Jacob Frye 3/3
Soulmate au Chibi clone: basically when you've cross paths with with your soulmate a small chibi of them appears to you, it's about the size of a guinea pig and won't leave your side the longer you're in denial of your feelings or until you've met your soulmate again, after which they disappear. 
Jacob was so fricken ecstatic! they'd done it! they'd killed Starrick! he was over the bloody moon! this meant he didn't have to hide or stay away from Y/n! he could finally meet her! not that he wasn't happy getting to know her through her fairy, It just wasn't the same! He explained it to his sister and Henry it was like writing a letter you get to know each other just little more each time you receive one, but you don't truly know that person until after you've met, if that makes sense? 
He was brought out of his thoughts by something wet hitting his hand, water? was it raining? Jacob looked up at the sky curiously it was clear and blue for once...Then why was there water? more wet drops kept dripping onto his hand the ground confusing the assassin even farther when his sister noticed he stopped following her. "Jacob are you alright?" Evie asked looking at her brother alarmed.
"I'm fine why?" He asked bemused as his sister looked more worried. "Jacob your crying!" She said shocked that he hadn't noticed Jacob blinked seemingly not believing her, he brought his hand up and wiped his face with his coat sleeve, His sister was right he was crying...Why? why was he crying?! he kept trying to dry his eyes. but the tears wouldn't stop! a torrent of emotion sudden wash over him Jacob's chest felt so tight he couldn't breathe! It was scaring him! Evie was telling him to calm down!
Henry caught up to them looking just as worried for the male twin as his older sister, Then a chilling thought suddenly occurred to the Indian assassin. "We need to check on his soulmate's Fairy, right now!" He said alarmed confusing the twins as Henry explained that in his country they were more knowledgeable about soulmates and understand Fairies to a larger degree, they are an extension of one's soul you feel what they feel and vice versa, meaning something horrible has happened to have cause such a reaction from Jacob!
Jacob stomach suddenly it was full of ice. "Something like what?" he croaked Henry didn't answer him, he just looked ahead forlornly causing the hazel eyed assassin's heart to twist in despair, something happened to Y/n and he wasn't there to save her... Then they got the hideout the three assassin's were alarmed by a few of the Rook's from Whitechapel being treated for burns and cuts.
 Evie started asking what happened the said a Glass smith exploded three people were dead and several were injured, then Bob called Jacob to come to his car, his fae something was wrong with her! Jacob wasted no time going to his room and felt sick at the sight that greeted him. 
Y/n sitting in his cap not moving... her chest was covered in bandages her right arm was missing...and the left side of her face was bandaged and her visible eye was empty as it stared out the window. "Y/n?" he croaked she didn't respond just kept staring, Jacob sat down on his bed. "Y/n, can you hear me?" he asked again more firmly as a small a tear fell from his cheek hitting her hand.
she briefly glanced at her hand then despondently looked back out the window. "She's telling you where she is right now." Henry's voice cut in causing Jacob looked at him wildly, the Indian assassin explained that the fae naturally know where their true selves are... and Y/n was telling him to find her before slipping into unconsciousness, and Jacob intended to ...But first he needed to stop somewhere.
A few hours later..
Jacob's destination was Whitechapel; it wasn't hard to find which street Y/n lived on, what with the Glass-smith building being blown halfway to hell, and fenced off by police barricade was hard to miss! Jacob made a mental note to thank Freddy for calling the Bobby off for a couple hours, as he and the rooks exited their carriage, the hazel eyed assassin's held Y/n's fae close when he saw the, he told his rooks to spread out and keep a look out as he focused on a trail of phantom foot prints.
he followed them a short ways to this dingy building that were obviously workers lodgings, Entering through the back entrance the assassin silently made his way upstairs when he heard someone yelling up ahead, Jacob hid out of sight and watched as an old man held a Blighter at cane point while two more were knocked out  at his feet the man's lips were curled into a snarl as the blighter was terrified and on his knees.
"I told you before, He said his sister made him do it!" 
"I didn't ask you why he did it, I asked where he is..."
"I don't know! him and his sister took off, we haven't seen them since!"
"Wrong answer."
The Blighter begged him to wait, But the old man slammed his cane into the younger man stomach causing him to double over before bringing the cane done on the Blighter's head knocking him out cold, The old man cussed them out in Irish then glanced behind him and sighed.
 "I may be old but my senses are still sharp as ever... Get out here lad." He said gruffly as Jacob came out of hiding with Y/n's fae cradled in his left arm, his right had was up showing he meant no harm causing the old man to roll his eyes.
"Put yer arm down boy! I know You wouldn't harm one of your own." he huffed as pulling his sleeve down showed the assassin the symbol of the creed tattooed to his arm, he pulled it back down as he gave the younger assassin a once over and snorted. "This is what passes for an Assassin these days?" he then noticed what Jacob was holding and winced.
"Take it you've come for the wee one, eh?. " The younger assassin just nodded and old man led him to the door at the end of the hall it was lock no surprise the old had the key, but the door still wouldn't opened. "Damn bolts jammed again, step back boy..." He growled bring his leg up and kicking the door full force it swung open! 
Stunning Jacob as the old man let out a wheezy breath then handed Jacob the key. "Lock it up when you've gone." He walked off leaving Jacob wondering just who the older assassin was and why hadn't they known he was here?
He looked down a Mini-Y/n who was still sleeping before stepping inside the actual Y/n's flat there Jacob was greet by a small scale disaster! the bed and pillows were shredded and books pulled from the shelf had their pages torn and he could see scratch marks on the door and walls, meaning his fae double had tried to get to Y/n, but couldn't escape the room.
Jacob felt himself crying again, soon his ears picked up on tiny whimpers he looked around the small space and saw a shoe box on the bed flipped over, Jacob cautiously lifted it to see... well, a tiny him curled into a ball crying his eyes out, M.J. hazel's eyes looked up to see the real Jacob gawking at him before either knew how to process this; the fae had gotten up and hugged his larger half if he was apologizing for not be able to to do anything!
Jacob frowned and calmly gathered his smaller half up, letting him see Y/n's fae he watched his doubles eyes go wide and the sight of his soulmates condition and cautiously brought a tiny hand to her cheek he cooed and look up at his double sadly. "You and me both..." Jacob muttered before standing and leaving Y/n's flat. 
It was a another few days before Y/n's fae finally woke up. 
Jacob had a vague idea where Y/n was, no doubt his sister had already informed miss Nightingale of the situation and had the injured y/nat woman transferred into her care. 
During their carriage ride Mini-Y/n was more alert the closer they got to the hospital, much to the Jacob's relief she seemed confused at where she was before noticing the male fae holding her good hand, A small smile tugged on Jacob's seeing her fluster at his tiny double, the two seemed to be in their own little world. 
The brown haired assassin could only hope the for the same, when he meets Y/n... Hopefully she doesn't try push him away because of her injuries. No, if she try to distance herself Jacob will just keep following until she understands that he doesn't care just so long as she's with him, He'll help her through this if she'll let him.
Jacob was so engrossed watching the two fairies get acquainted he hadn't noticed they were already at the hospital, Florence led him down the hall where he heard a commotion! the nurse grumbled "that girl I swear..." she and the assassin rushed in to see. 
A very delirious Y/n fighting Evie who was trying to put her back to bed, The y/ht woman was bubbling incoherently about needing to go home "I promised him..." She whimpered to the female Frye who looked at her empathetically, as Miss Nightingale snapped at her. 
"Miss L/n, I will not tell you again! Get back in that bed and stay there, or I will have you strap you to it!" Y/'s good eye landed on the nurse then drifted over to the top hat wearing man next to her who was gawking at her, She stared back then looked down at what he was cradling it was M.J. and a tiny her... 
"w-What..." She stammered looking at the man then back at the fairies still too out of it to understand what was happening right now, Jacob stood up a bit straighter and tried to look confident as took his hat off and introduced himself. 
 "Hello... Um, Y/n I'm Frcob Jaye...." His cue an awkward silence as his face turned red when he realized what he had just said! "I-I mean J-Jacob! Jacob Frye" The y/ht woman hummed at him bemused while his sister gave him a 'what the hell?' look watching him blush and hearing him stutter over his words, very out of character for her cocky brother!
She then noticed how he kept silently glancing as her and kind of nodding his head towards the door, like he was trying to say something without... Oh. Evie realized her brother wanted her to leave and handle this himself, considering Y/n seemed more docile in his immediate presence, the female twin gladly complied! Evie had grabbed miss Nightingale saying something about checking on some of the Rooks and the soulmates were left alone.
Jacob's ears carefully listened to their fading footsteps and was satisfied, the last thing he wanted was his sister seeing him get all sappy! He then carefully examined Y/n... still very but seemed to be coming around, His jaw tightened God! her injuries looked worse in person, if Jacob ever finds the ones responsible for this? well let's just say he can make things look like an accident...
He swallowed those thoughts and turned his attention at the y/ht woman who's knees buckled under as the adrenaline pumping through her system were off, Jacob caught her by the waist and held her up as he walked her to the bed. "Lay down love before you hurt yourself farther." He said calmly setting her down then set the two fairies down on the end table next to the bed, which he noted they looked very happy!, but... Something was off, it almost looked like they were fading away?
"Jacob?" Y/n croaked unsure the hazel eyed assassin and his fae counterpart looked at her along with her fae, her uninjured eye gave him a once over then scrutinized her fae then looked almost disappointed. "What? Am I that bad looking?" Jacob joked trying to lighten the mood he saw her lips twitch and a spark of mirth in her eye, so his humor wasn't in vain.
"No! It... Just I wanted to meet, but I look like this and..." the hazel eyed assassin frowned any priss or vain person would of walked the second they laid eyes on the the y/nat woman's injuries... Not Jacob he was too bullheaded to give up! especially on how much he wants something, and right now? he wants Y/n.
Jacob used brought his hand under her chin and had made her look at him. "Hey, look at at those two.." he nods a their fairies who were cuddling and chattering to each other. "Little me obviously doesn't care how you look, So obviously I don't care... Your the most gorgeous girl in my eyes." He cooed running his thumb along her cheek Y/n blushed not used to hearing that sort of thing, well at least from a man anyways...
Jacob could see he was getting through to her the two just sort of lost themselves in their own little world like they've known each other for years! they were even oblivious to their fairies disappearing until the sound of something dropping on the ground caused the soulmates to jump, Jacob looked over to see what it was and smirked.
 "What is it?" Y/n asked trying to looked over his shoulder the hazel eyed assassin showed her a necklace with a two wooden bead and the black Rook bead she made at the. "A parting gift from our fairies." Jacob commented that he was wondering what little Y/n wanted with that dark green twine and the two wooden beads she took out of his trinket box  and few weeks ago...
 "Maybe she was picking up on my thoughts? M.J. loved that bead..." She said eyeing the necklace M.J. must've finished it for her fae while she was passed out. without a word Jacob removed the coin around his neck and replaced it with the necklace Fairies made, then gave his coin to Y/n he smirked watch it rest just above the valley of her breasts. "It Looks good on you..." Y/n blushed before realizing his eyes were focus on her chest causing Y/n to playfully punched his arm, The two pretty talked and joked until Miss Nightingale kicked Jacob out. 
As they were heading back to the hideout Evie noticed her brother's accessory change. "That's nice where'd you get it?" she hummed eyes narrowed suspiciously, Jacob's ears turned pink. "From Y/n." He coughed his sister ooh'd and started teasing him while Jacob fired back at her about Henry the was awkward between the twins before bursting out laughing returning to the train.
a three weeks later Y/n was released from the hospital luckily she didn't hurt her eye like everyone thought, it was just a deep gash on her forehead. The y/nat will have a scar there for the rest of her life, her four of ribs were broken from blow out of the building and was shown how to sleep and to hold a pillow or something to her chest when she had to cough, and she will likely have episodes of tinnitus from being in close proximity from the blast. Is what miss Nightingale said when she was being discharged 
Then came a pressing matter Y/n didn't have any clothes with her, so Evie got her her this beige skirt and white button up shirt and wore one of Jacob's flat caps and one of his spare jackets was draped over her shoulders, Y/n couldn't go back to work now it would be hard working a forge with one arm and her prosthetic arm was made of wood! That and everyone sort of knew she was woman now.
So she decided to move back into her mother's house, She inherited it and still owned it, but no one was living there until now... Occasionally she would make wellness checks, make sure the doors and windows were secure, the gutters were clear the roof had no leaks, etc.  that’s why the Y/hc woman was in a hurry to get to work the day Jacob saved her from being road kill.
She fell asleep cleaning and was running half way across London! Jacob was talking about moving in with her... when they decided to stop at a cafe for lunch and to take a break, Jacob went inside to place their orders while Y/n sat quietly watching the crowds go by.
"Y-Ym/n?" a small voice called Y/n felt a chill go down her spine she knew that voice... "Emily." she hissed as the blond woman and a large man slowly approached the table making the y/hc woman's nerves skyrocket. "You're alrigh-" Before she could finished that sentence Y/n sprung up from her seat marched over the blond and slapped her across the face as hard as she could. the y/ht woman snapped loud enough for people to stop and stare. 
"Do I fucking look alright you bitch?!" the former sales woman flinched at the venomous tone. "You ruined my life and killed three innocent people over a goddamn crush! I hope it was worth it!" The y/nat snarled Emily could only stare at Y/n in shock as her brother made a move like he was going to lunge at Y/n only for a black blur to suddenly rush in and knock him on his ass.
Y/n didn't even register she was in Jacob's arms before she felt him growl against her back. "So, I finally get to meet the ones who did this to Y/n? Gotta say I impressed you show yourselves in public after what you done..." Jacob said a low voice he was pissed. 
Y/n felt a shiver go down her back and so did Emily and her brother who then noticed the y/ec woman was wearing a skirt his eyes widened. "A woman? You said it was a man who used you!" Y/n's nose scrunched up at the audacity of this woman. "Used? I never gave her the bloody time of day?!" the y/ht woman huffed. 
Emily face blanched while stammering there was no way her handsome YM/n was a woman! all while her brother looked even more confused. "Don't you get it ya thick headed sod? Your sister played you like fiddle!?" Jacob barked at the man's slow reaction. 
"So... you made me hurt all those people for nothing?" He said finally getting that his been manipulating him, Emily started panicking as her brother started piecing together all of his sister's false claims, while Jacob started noticed the police slowly approaching, one had a poster of Emily and her brother she noticed them too and tried to get her brother up so they could leave! but he recoiled from her reach and started demanding what else she's lied about?
Jacob took this as a cue to leave and practically carried into the cafe where they watched the whole arrest go down Emily was hysterically crying as she was put in the police carriage while screaming for her brother who refused to even look at her. "Those bobbies are probably gonna come in here for your statement." Jacob's voice snapped Y/n out of her trance she looked at him as he kept his eyes on the street.
"I'm going to have stay out of sight when they do, are you alright that?" he asked locking his sights on her the y/nat nodded reluctantly but sure she could handle it, he noticed her hand was shaking Jacob gently covered it with his used his thumb to rub small circles around her knuckles, before seeing the police walking up to the cafe he gave her quick peck on the cheek before getting up and disappeared somewhere in the sea of costumers.
Y/n could still feel his eyes on her so, she knew Jacob wasn't to far... Once she said who she was the police finally understood why she lashed out at Emily and her brother they questioned where gentleman who was seen with the Y/nat woman went? 
She made up a story of him making sure she out of harms way and then wandered off with his friends, luckily the cops bought that story and her terrified survivor act. They told Y/n to take care of herself until the trial and go home get some rest. Jacob listened to the cops talk.
Bobby 1: "Poor thing must be beside herself."
Bobby 2: "Wouldn't you? Coming face to face with the lunatics who tried to murder you."
Bobby 1:"Y'know she wasn't half bad lookin' Kind of reminds me of that actress M/n!"
Bobby 2:"Eh, don't get any ideas yer wife will have your head on pike mate..."     
Jacob resisted to urge to smack to smack the first cop upside the head before going to rejoining Y/n who relaxed when he finally sat back down across from her just as their food had arrived the two went to their earlier discussion about Jacob moving in with her, Y/n agreed but they're going to need help sorting and cleaning up her mother memorabilia, Jacob brows furrowed bemused "memorabilia?"
[cut to Y/n’s living room]
Jacob was very horrified at the girly screams that came Freddie and Henry and two of the Rooks when they set foot in Y/n's house and realized who her mom was, "Good lord! It's M/n!! This M/n's house!" The inspector said with glee almost jumping the Frye twins just stared at them blankly. 
"Are we supposed to know who that is?" Evie asked bemused at her fiancee's excitability who just gawked at her appalled. "You don't know who M/n was? She was one of the top actresses in London!" the Indian assassin exclaimed as Freddie butted in.
"And one hell of a singer! The Queen invited her in person to sing at her birthday!" Both Henry and Freddie were both confused when they looked at Y/n "I never about her having a daughter though..." Y/n sighed bitterly.
"Yes, well the glitter of show business didn't exactly give her time to raise or acknowledge a daughter." she explained curtly obviously not wanting to unload that sort of baggage at the moment. The five of them got to work packing up and clearing out her mother's old room Y/n let Henry and Freddie take a couple posters of her mother's plays. 
while Jacob stopped cleaning when he found M/n journal and frowned as he read through it. It essentially told him what Y/n already knew; her mother loved her daughter, but she just couldn't stand the sight of her, She looked way too much like the father who abandoned them... 
So she would take every act and party out there to avoid coming home, eventually the guilt started manifesting into anger she would often yell or verbally abuse Y/n to the point of causing her daughter to become timid and dispassionate, a far cry the Y/n he's come to love.
When M/n started getting sick she hoped her daughter would be happier with her gone, and that she was sorry for every burden she put on the girl's shoulders it wasn't fair and that she hopes Y/n will forgive her... 
"And I did forgive her." Jacob jumped when Y/n's voice cut in He looked at her wide eyed, as she sighed tiredly "But it still hurts that I had to learn about this in a goddamn book, instead of from my mother." The hazel was surprised when Y/n brought her hand to his face and used her thumb the wipe the tears he hadn't noticed were falling down his face.
He cleared his throat and took a breath. "Wh-what do you want to do with this?" he asked handing Y/n the journal she scrutinized it for a few moments then without a word tossed it in the fire. "Does that answer your question?" Jacob gave her this stunned look and the y/ht woman shrugged "She wanted me destroy it after I read it, just never got around to it" the hazel eyed assassin brows furrowed bemused. 
"The last thing she wanted was that journal getting into the hands of the press, It'd make quite the scandal! her reputation would be tatters and I'd be eaten alive!" Y/n stated knowing exactly what the society does to single mothers and their "bastard" children both of them would've ostracized! And her mother would've never been able to act again!..well in London anyways.
They'd finally finished cleaning out M/n's room at around seven everything was either in the attic or set for donation in the morning. "Boy I feel bad you all did most of the work I could do was carry couple baskets and a small rug!" she mumbled while hugging a pillow to her chest her ribs were acting up from bending down after she dropped the rug she was carrying. 
" We're not the one's who are injured here." Evie quipped from the kitchen she and Henry were cooking, Freddie was checking his pocket watch to make sure the time was accurate, and the Rooks played cards at his feet while Jacob sat next to Y/n with his arm around her shoulder, He rather like this whole situation surrounded by family and friends next to the girl he loves.  
It felt like the puzzle in his life finally found the missing piece! Well almost he wouldn't mind a few little Frye's running around...But let's not rush that shall we? He and Y/n still had a long way to go and things to discover.
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bts5sosempire · 6 years
BTS Reaction: friends + accident kissing = a couple (Hyung Ver.)
A/n: so myself deadass thought of something at like 3am and I'm like why don't I just write it down and work on it tomorrow morning. When I woke up and check my draft I write something along the line "just kiss him" as the headline and was like wtf before I try to remember what I am really aiming. Long results too.
Kim Seokjin:
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Jin had invited you over to celebrate Hoseok birthday and now you guys were playing an Uno game, by drinking shots. You watch as Jungkook skip Taehyung and you were next to Taehyung and it was you who had to drink a shot.
You were getting so tipsy and drunk as you only had one more card in the game and you look at Jungkook who had a smudged look on his face. “Jeon, I hate you so much right now, after all these years I protected you from the rest of Bangtan and this is how you repay me?” Slurring out the words, you slammed down a card. “I'm done!”
You lay on the ground and roll away to go outside, to get fresh air.
It took another hour or so for the game to finished and everyone is shit face drunk, besides Jin, who come to check up on you who was hunching over the railing as you were making a long whining sound.
Jin came over to pull you back in case you fell over. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked and you look up at him. Your face was flushed red from the alcohol and you were hiccupping. Shaking your head, you try to push Jin aside, but got caught with his feet and tangle them up. The both of you fall on the ground together and you end up kissing him.
Jin was rather surprised and he hastily pushed you back. His face became flustered he was about to stutter out an apology, but you went to besa him first. “Jin you know I like you right? Not as a friend, but more than that. Maknae Jungkook has been encouraging me to confess to you but I really can't do it, b-but- wait forget about what I just say.” Your words sent his heart flying. You stand up but stumble, so Jin decides to carry bridal style.
“I-I like you too!” He declared looking away. You tap his face and force him to look at you.
“Why are you looking away? Are you being honest? Do you like to play with my feelings?” With your questions attacking at him at all angles, Jin feels his brain went dead. Your eyes squinted at him. Jin blush at your intensity.
“Stop looking at me like that or I'll have to kiss you again!” He hurriedly carries you inside and ran to his bedroom with the members eyes lingering at him and you in his arms.
“I told you he likes her!” Jungkook shouted before knocking himself out as he plopped back onto the hard ground.
Min Yoongi:
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Yoongi somehow convinces you to do a fake date with him to throw off some girl who has been chasing after him for about three months now and she had been bothering and distracting him also.
You were worried as this isn't something you would just randomly do, but if Yoongi needed help, you would help him. After all, you do like him as a crush even if he doesn't like you that way. And even if this isn't like a real date, this would be the closest thing you would ever get with him.
Yoongi came to find you while wearing all black with a leather black jacket and cap. He entered a secluded shop to where he knows that people won't be there. You wore an opposite outfit from him, soft pastel colors to bring out your warmth.
“Um hi,” you awkwardly wave at him and he comes to sit down across from you. “So how are we going to plan this out? Did she follow you?” Asking with a discreet look, you look out the window at the corner of your eyes and see the lunatic woman right across the street who was looking here and there for Yoongi.
“What do you think?” Yoongi retort back at you, and you smack your lips together and mouth out an ‘Okay’ before looking back at him.
“So the original plan as it is.” Sliding over a cup of coffee at him, you both walk out of the shop. Yoongi hand slides into yours and you look at his hand in surprise. You try to tug it away with a blush on your face.
“Act natural.” He whispers into your ear, before tugging on your hand and tightens his hold. The woman saw Yoongi and ran across the street as multiple cars were honking at her.
The woman grips on Yoongi's arm and tore him to look at her. “I've been following you, and why aren't you answering your phone?” The woman then looks at you before sneering then her eyes went lower and saw the both of your hands interlock with each other. “Let go of my Yoongi's hand you wretched witch!” The lunatic woman tries to tear both you and Yoongi apart, but the man got in front of you.
“I appreciate if you don't harass either me or my girlfriend or I'll have to take action against you,” Yoongi warns her before walking away with you.
“Girlfriend?” The woman mutter before she let out a screech and tries to attack Yoongi. You look behind you and saw her charging at Yoongi with a weapon. Pulling the man aside, you both stumble as coffees fly into the air and lips happened to lip-lock with each other. The both of you were both wide eyes.
“Did that crazy woman try to stabbed the Min Yoongi and his girlfriend?!” A bystander shouted and two men were restraining the crazy woman down as she was shouting and kicking like hell while trying to bite their hands. “Someone called the police and inform BigHit!”
You shove Yoongi aside whisper a shy sorry, “I-I didn't mean too, u-uh she was charging at you and I didn't want you to get hurt or anything...” Your words trail off and your face gets redder and redder.
“I like you too (Name),” Yoongi told you and you look at him with your mouth agape as words left your mouth. “I like you for a long time actually.” He stands up and dusted himself off before pulling you up from the ground, “Why don't we go on a real date this time?”
Jung Hoseok:
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You were friends with Hoseok and the rest of the boys for a long time. You were one of their unofficial dance teachers and their little cheerleader, according to the rest of bts. Jin had like you more than Hoseok when it comes to teaching them how to dance and everyone runs to you for help whenever Hoseok gave them a glare when they forgot a step in the choreography.
Everyone calls you ‘Mrs. Jung’ teasingly since you are very caring and very affectionate with Hoseok even though the both of you are friends. But everyone knows how you both really feel for each other. Hoseok often gives you gifts and stuff whenever you come over and you always run to help Hoseok when he's in trouble.
And today is just one of those days. You and Hoseok were leading the dance routine for the boys since everyone had literally begged and ask Hoseok to call you for help. No one likes it when he gets stern, but when you came over its like Hoseok is a different person. He became softer, but with your head turn behind him he glares at them.
“Alright let's relax!” You shouted as the music stops, everyone dropped to the ground in exhaustion and you went over to Hoseok and swing a tried arm at him. He playfully uses a finger to cup your chin before pinching your cheeks and you move away from him. Hoseok comfortably slings an arm over your shoulders and let you drag him away to a couch.
Hoseok lay his sweaty head on your shoulder before poking your cheeks, “Have you lost some face fat?” He pokes them again, “They are not pudgy anymore.” You patted your own face a few times and look up at the ceiling in wonder, before looking down at him in confirmation to which Hoseok just poke them. “Have you been eating well?”
“Yeah I did, it's just that I recently had been hitting the gym so I guess it's normal for me to...lose them?”
“(Name) noona you go to the gym too?” A Jungshook ask before he comes sprinting at you at full speed and sat next to you. Hoseok tries to shoo the younger one away from you. “Do you mind going with me next week, I want to see your workout regime.”
“Jungkook you had Jimin to help you with that and you still want my little (Name) to go with you? Aren't you a little selfish?” Hoseok latches his arms around you tighter. He made a little sound effect which sounds like he was offended, and pull you close to him.
“Hyung you always talk with her and you never let us have her phone number too and I'm not about to let go of this opportunity to go away. Plus we all know how you feel-” A shriek left Hoseok's mouth as he lung over with you in his arm and cover Jungkook whiny and big mouth.
“You shush about that!” He warns and the boy's eyes crinkle in amusement to which his eyes are smiling for him. He wiggle his brows.
“Hoseok what is he saying?” Your heart is pounding and you don't want to believe it, but your face is heating up. You loosen the man's arm and sat in front of him with your back turn against the younger boy.
“It's nothing!” Hoseok shout before the younger boy pull Hoseok hand away and was about to say it, but Taehyung came flying forward and crash into Jungkook from behind and Jungkook lurches forward and push you into Hoseok with such force that you fall so fast forward and kiss your friend/ crush.
Everything went quiet as Taehyung mutter an ‘oh shit’ and you pull back from Hoseok so quick that you didn't look at him and you fled the scene with a worried Hoseok right behind you. “Wait (Name)!”
Your face burns with embarrassment. You just kissed Hoseok! Jung fricken' Hoseok, aka your long-time crush!
Running away down the hall, you didn't think Hoseok would catch up so fast. He grabs your arm to stop you and tug you forward to him. “Look I'm sorry, I'm sorry about their action and what just happened.”
“Don't mention about it please,” you didn't look up at him.
“Do you hate me now?” He asks you and you suddenly look up at him. Hoseok was worried you won't see him the same ever again as that accident just happened. He doesn't want to lose you.
“Hate you? It's quite the opposite of hate, to be honest.” You breathe out a sigh of nervousness, and you were going to tell him. It's all or nothing now, “I like you for quite some time now.”
“Oh God, I do too!” He brings you to a sudden embrace. “Let's go out tomorrow as a real couple!” And what just happened was forgiven and forget.
Kim Namjoon:
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You had just confessed and kissed your friend Namjoon and you had run away from him without saying goodbye or anything. You want to die, you want to be buried alive, and you want to be killed. You just want to forget what you had done. Now Namjoon won't ever look at you the same again.
Laying in your bed, you had been avoiding any kind of outside contact and communication. You don't like confrontation and that sucks too, but you have to face it somehow if that is going to make you move on. Dreading in bed you roll over to the other side of the bed and pick up your phone that you had it on silent.
Checking the notification, you saw the messages from the boys and Namjoon stood out to you the most since you put him as ‘Crush’ so you just scream into your pillow and toss your phone aside. Letting out those pent up embarrassment, you went to read all the messages before reading Namjoon and everyone was worried about you. “I'm such a horrible person...”
After reading Jin's message you hesitate on clicking on Namjoon's messages. Sucking in a breath you click on it and see about 5 messages but one stood out from all. But this one just happens to be right now.
‘Are you home?’
You send him a quick ‘yeah’ before the doorbell of your apartment was being rung and it resonates inside your entire apartment. You got scared for a second and cautiously get out of bed to check the peephole and saw Namjoon there with his secret blending in attire.
Opening the door, Namjoon walks in. “Um, we need to talk.” You nervously nodded at him before telling to go sit down on the couch as you prep food and drink.
You walk in moments later and set down the snacks and sit across from and as far as possible. “So where do we begin...?”
“Let's start with the day you left.” Namjoon went direct to the point and he didn't want to beat around the bush. Your face went a silent ‘Oh’ and anticipation was building up in your throat. “I never get the chance to tell you how I feel and you did your part, so I thought it was fair for you if you know how I feel too.”
“Uh, you don't have too! I already know you don't feel the same way! It's better if you forget any of my words and action...” You awkwardly laugh and look away from him in an uncomfortable manner-- scratching behind your ear. “I-It's fine really...”
“What if I tell you that I return your feelings?”
“That's not possible-” stopping what you were doing, you look at the serious man across from you, “-wait, what?”
“I had like you more than a friend (Name).” Namjoon stood up from the other side of the couch and walk over to you who slowly try to move away from the towering man. Namjoon grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him and your face burns from the sudden closeness.
“Well...then, I guess I'm not going single this year.”
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supernaturaloneshot · 5 years
Flash/Arrow/Supernatural Crossover
**I thought this would be a great idea, so I thought I would write it. This will include spoilers from season 13 of supernatural, sooo if you are not caught up, or don't want it spoiled, you may want to wait and read this. -Jamie **
It had been weeks since Mary Winchester had been missing along with Jack in the other dimension. Sam and Dean had been trying everything they could to figure out how to get to them. From what they could find, it took a spell that they found in the demon tablet. Cas was working on trying to get all the ingredients together and ready to do the spell.
"Dean, what if the spell doesn't work. What are we going to do then," Sam said as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed the scruff on his face.
"It's going to work, Sammy. Have a little faith," Dean said as he rolled his eyes and got up.
Dean went to go towards his room, when everything started shaking. He gripped on the table that was near him, and looked around. "Sam!"
Sam started walking to where Dean was. He gripping on the door frame. "Dean! Is this-"
"An earthquake? We don't get earthquakes! We get fricken' tornados!"
When the shaking finally stopped, Sam and Dean stood up straight and looked at each other, before walking outside of the bunker. When they opened the door, there was a light blue light that seemed to be surrounded by water.
Dean looked at Sam and shrugged his shoulders. "Lets check it out." Dean said as he jumped into it.
"Dean!" Sam said as he hesitated to follow his brother, but did so anyways. When Sam's feet landed on the ground, he looked over to Dean, "Dean! You can't just jump into strange things like that!"
Dean stood there looking around, not familiar to where he was. "What is this? Is this like another dimension?"
"I think it is," Sam said as he turned around and the portal had closed. Behind it was a sign to Starling City.
The night sky was lit up with the lights of the city. Dean went over to one of the cars that was parked on the side of the street. He wasn't so happy Baby wasn't here, but he had to do something. Dean unlocked the car, and got inside and started hot wiring the car. Sam came around the other side and got in the passenger seat. They headed into the city, looking for anything they could see. Suddenly there was a red blur that went by the car, causing it to shake.
"What the hell?" Dean questioned as he tried to follow the light, but it had disappeared.
"Dean, I don't know what is going on here, but something doesn't feel right about all of this."
"Look, we will find a hotel to stay in tonight, then tomorrow we will do some digging." Dean said as he glanced at Sam, then back on the road.
When they found a hotel, Dean parked at the end of the lot, and went to get a room. When they got to the room, they both just sat at the ends of the bed, and looked at each other.
"So, what, we just stay here?"
"Just for the night, Sammy. Or until we figure out what the hell is going on." Dean said as he leaned back against the headboard.
Suddenly, the door busted open, and a woman walked in, with long brown hair, in a black suit. Sam and Dean stood up suddenly, with guns in hand. The woman moved her hand in a swift motion, and suddenly their guns were across the room.
"What the hell?" Dean said.
"Traveler's from a different universe. How cute," she said as she slung Sam and Dean to the side of the room. When they hit the floor, the both of them groaned.
"Look lady, I don't know what your problem is, but we just want to go home," Dean said as he stood back up.
"To bad you won't be alive long enough to go back," she said as she raised her hand up and clutched her fist, making Sam and Dean's heart, feel as if they were being crushed.
Suddenly, an arrow came through, and struck the woman in the shoulder. Her hold on Sam and Dean was released, and she took off running. They fell back down on the floor, taking a breath.
A man in a dark green leather suit, came walking into the hotel room, with a bow in hand. "All y'all alright," he yelled out with a husky voice and extended his hand out.
Sam took his hand and stood, as Dean stood on his own. "Yeah, yeah we are fine. What the hell was that?"
"That sure as hell won't like any demon we've ever faced," Dean said as he looked at Sam.
"Demon? Where the hell are you from? That was a meta," the guy in the hood said.
"What is a meta," Sam questioned.
"You're obviously not from here. Come with me, and we will figure this out."
When they got to the bunker, the elevator doors opened up into a large room, with green lighting, and a center stage area, where Felicity sat at her desk of computers.
"Okay great, you're back. Now, there is a-" Felicity paused as she stood in front of Oliver, and the two new comers. "Uh, Hi." Felicity looked at Oliver, "Are we just bringing home new people now?"
"Felicity, this is Sam and Dean Winchester. They are not from our earth," Oliver said as he went over to the stand that his bow sat on, and placed it down.
"Hi, I'm Dean. Felicity, thats a beautiful name," Dean said as he took Felicity's hand
Oliver cleared his throat and leaned on the table. "Yes, it is. Thats why I married her."
Sam chuckled as Dean raised his arms up. "Sorry about him, he, uh, he is immature sometimes."
"Anyways, I should call Barry. This is more of his thing anyways," Oliver said as he started pulling out his phone.
There was a sudden red blur once again, and a man appeared in the middle of the room, "No need, I was already in town." Sam and Dean, in shock, pulled their guns out and aimed at the guy that flashed by them. "Whoa, I'm a good guy," Barry said as he raised his hands up and took his mask off.
"How, how did you.." Sam stuttered.
"I'm a speedster. Was hit by lightening, got super fast speed, fastest man alive. You two never heard of me," Barry said as he crossed his arms.
"Barry, don't get offended. They aren't from this Earth."
"Hold on Robin Hood, what do you mean this Earth," Dean questioned.
"Okay so let me guess. That big blue swirling thing of water, was a portal to another earth," Sam said as Barry and Oliver nodded. Sam looked over at Dean. "Maybe one of those portals can get us to mom."
"Where's your mom," Felicity asked as she looked at both the brothers.
"Well, we were fighting Lucifer, and there was a portal to an apocalyptic world. Our plan was to trap Lucifer in this other place. But when we did so, he grabbed our mom and dragged her over there," Sam explained.
"Now we are just trying to find her."
"Lucifer?" Felicity chuckled, then realized they weren't laughing. "Wait, seriously? The king of hell?"
"Well, no. Technically a demon named Crowley was the king of hell."
"Now it's some other douche bag. Lucifer is just like a lost puppy. A lost, stupid, evil, asshole-ish puppy," Dean continued.
"Okay," Barry paused as he crossed his arms. "So you're trying to get to that earth where your mom and Luci the evil puppy are?"
"Exactly. Along with Jack, who is a nephilim," Sam said.
"A what?" Oliver, Barry, and Felicity all said in unison.
"Oh right, y'all don't know what anything about that. A nephilim is a human slash angel. Which happens to be Lucifer," Sam explained.
"Oh, Lucifer has a son. That's fantastic," Oliver said sarcastically.
"Well, he is actually a good guy," Dean said with a shrug. "Now, enough about that. What's up with the chick trying to kill us?"
"Some worlds have strict rules about crossing dimensions. She is a collector. She is going to want you dead now," Barry explained. "But we dealt with her before. We can talk to her, and convince her not to kill you."
"That's fantastic," Dean said frustrated.
"We need to get to Star Labs, and talk with the team."
Sam and Dean nodded, right before Barry grabbed on to them and started running towards Central City.
When they got to Star Labs, Barry stopped in the middle of the main room, and Sam and Dean stumbled to find their footing. Dean ran over to the nearest trash can and started throwing up.
"Next time, we can just drive," Dean yelled out before throwing up again.
Barry chuckled and looked at Caitlin and Cisco, who were sitting at the desk. "Sam, Dean, this is Caitlin, and Cisco. This is part of my team."
"Nice to meet you," Sam said as he shook their hands.
"Uh, Hi. Barry, didn't we just have a talk about letting strangers know your secret," Cisco asked as he raised his arms a bit.
"Cisco, they are not from our world. Somehow they came into our world and now Cynthia is after them."
"Oh yay. You're girlfriend is back," Caitlin said sarcastically as she sat back down.
"Okay, she is not my girlfriend. I wish, but not my girlfriend," Cisco said as he rolled his eyes.
"You can't blame him. She was hot," Dean said with a laugh and Sam hit him. "Dude!"
"Dude she tried to kill us! All because we came here!"
"Still hot," Dean shrugged.
Barry chucked and crossed his arms. "Well we gotta figure out how to get you guys back to your world before Cynthia comes back."
"Yeah she may be hot, but damn she is strong."
"Now, y'all said she is a meta? What is that," Sam questioned.
"Well, a couple years ago there was an explosion here that effected a lot of people in it's that," Cisco started.
"Like myself. That's why I have super fast speed. Because of the explosion and the lightening, i became fast as, you know, lightening," Barry smirked. "so where you come from, there's no metas, but there are demons? and Lucifer?"
"Yeah. It's literally hell," Dean sighed.
"We actually hunt any and every monster than goes bump in the night. Demons, shapeshifters, vampires, werewolves, angels, you name it."
"Thats cool," Cisco said excitingly.
"No. Thats not possible. All those things are just fairy tails," Caitlin said doubly.
"Yeah well, its real princess," Dean said.
Suddenly the ground started shaking again.
"What the hell is this," Barry yelled out.
"Are we having an earthquake," Cisco questioned, gripping on to the table.
"This is exactly what happened when the portal came to take us here. Maybe it's the one to take us back," Sam said as he started looking around.
Suddenly the portal began to appear on the security footage on Cisco's computer. "Well, it was nice meeting y'all but looks like that's our ride!" Dean said as he grabbed Sam and started running outside, with Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin behind them.
"Maybe we will meet again one day," Barry said when he caught up to Sam and Dean.
"Maybe," Sam said with a short smile as Dean and himself jumped into the portal. The portal closed shortly after.
"Monsters? Yeah right," Caitlin huffed and walked back inside with Cisco and Barry behind her.
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130lb of Ukrainian Courage (pt 18) ‘Fuckin’ Milkovichs/Bachelor Party pt.1′
Ian wanted to go down to the court house and get married immediately. Mickey wanted to save up for a few months and try to have a proper do. They compromised and set themselves a target of four weeks. It isn’t long enough to save but it’s long enough to plan a party, get a couple of things together and let Mickey feel like he is doing right by them.
Due to the time scale it it’s going to be a ‘cost-effective’ wedding which is Ian’s delicate way of saying that what with the time he had off to recover, the new house and putting food on the table for Mandy, they are (as Mickey put it less delicately) ‘poor as fuck’.
With that in mind Ian lets go of the fleeting idea of matching suits, matching gold bands and a mini-tux for Yev. Despite Mickey being the one who insisted on having an actual wedding, predictably it is Ian who takes over the wedding planning. However, Mickey takes more interest than anyone, including himself, expected him to and offers opinions on most things including the rings Ian is looking at on his battered old laptop. Side by side on the sofa, Ian is half focussed on browsing and half concentrating on fingering the in-seam of Mickey’s pants, enjoying the small noises of appreciation each movement earns him.
They’re on an online Gothic themed jewellery store that sells silver bands when Ian turns the screen round and doubtfully shows it to Mickey, he is instantly taken with a medium width band called ‘Blood and Bone’.
“Fuckin’ sweet name, man.”
“It’s part of their … eternally enslaved collection.”
Ian wrinkles his nose but Mickey just grins and grips the back of Ian’s neck tightly, leaning in to kiss him hard.
“Kinky. I like it. Get two of those.”
“You sure? I mean I like the style but the name ...”
“It’s a kick-ass name. Better than ‘Happily ever after’ or some shit.”
Ian shrugs, happy that Mickey is happy and orders two rings for less than half the price of one traditional gold band.
“You sure you don’t mind it being silver? If you want gold ...”
Mickey rubs the back of Ian’s neck lightly, his brows knitted
“Nah. Silver’s good. Gold doesn’t really suit your whole ‘Ice King’ look.”
“Excuse me?”
“You know: black hair, pale skin, blue eyes, black clothes...”
Ian breaks off realising that he is getting The Annoyed Tongue as Mickey’s eyebrows raise and a bulge forms in his left cheek.
“It’s sexy, Mick.”
“Sounds fuckin’ weird. I got different colour clothes.”
“Yes you do.”
Ian agrees. He knows from experience that agreeing is the way to end this discussion swiftly and that a swift resolution is for the best. Mickey lights a smoke and eyes him suspiciously but lets it drop as Mandy wanders in, yawning.
“What’s up?”
“Ordering rings.”
Ian grins and sits back to let Mandy have a look at them on screen as she leans over the back of the sofa.
“Sweet name!”
She exclaims happily and Mickey gives Ian a smug look which earns him a cheerful middle finger.
“Oh hey, I gotta ask you something”
Mickey says, craning his neck to look up at his sister who is eyeing his cigarette wistfully
“Yeah? What?”
“Don’t sound so fuckin’ suspicious.”
Mickey scowls and Mandy rolls her eyes, walking round and dropping herself dramatically into his lap and breathing in the heady smell of tobacco.
“What the f...”
Mickey leans back in his seat, scowl deepening as Mandy grins up at him and flicks his chin.
“Can’t shove me, I’m pregnant.”
“Wanna fuckin’ bet? Move your ass!”
Mandy stands up and ruffles her big brothers hair affectionately
“Okay dicksplash, what did you want to ask?”
“No forget it.”
Mickey grouches, smoothing his hair back down but Ian gives him a swift kick and opens his eyes wide, prompting him.
Mandy’s interest is piqued and she glances between the two of them impatiently
“I was gonna ask if you … if you wanna be my best man.”
Mickey looks up from under shyly lowered brows and Mandy’s face softens into a sweet little smile
“Really? You’d really pick me?”
“Well apparently I can’t pick Ian,”
Mickey shrugs, shooting his fiancé a slightly dirty look, still not over Ian’s rebuff of that particular request.  
“So yeah. I guess I pick you.”
“Awww Mickey...”
Mandy wraps her arms tightly around him from behind and Mickey suffers the squeeze as well as he can, awkwardly patting the forearm locked around his throat.
“You wanna do it or not?”
“Of course I do! This is gonna be so great!”
Mandy releases her death grip and kisses the top of his head.
“I’m going to start planning your bachelor party right now!”
She kisses him again, and then looks at Ian
“Who is your best man?”
He looks almost apologetic but Mandy just shrugs, chin held high.
“Great. Mick, who do you want at your party?”
“I don’t know … you and Iggy? Maybe Svet?”
Mickey gives her his usual impatient glance and Mandy nods. To be honest, she really isn’t sure who else she would invite. Her brother has never really had friends and the only person he really likes hanging out with is Ian. So it’s going to be small, fine, that doesn’t mean it won’t be wild. Mandy grins at him and does a double thumbs up
“It’s going to be awesome. I’m on it!”
“Can’t wait.”
Mickey drawls but both Ian and Mandy see the little excited twinkle in his eye and share a knowing glance. Fuckin’ Milkovichs.
Lip draws on his cigarette and eyes his little brother frankly. They’re in a booth at the Alibi although neither of them is drinking anything stronger than soda. They could go somewhere else, Lip almost definitely should but it’s familiar and they’re both comfortable so they stay.
“I’m not inviting Mickey.”
“I know.”
Ian nods but Lip holds up a stern finge
“I mean it, Ian. He’s not coming.”
“Jesus! Okay … wait, why?”
“Because I want to get some seven foot Adonis to wiggle his balls in your face without having to cough up bail money for your fiance.”
Ian rolls his eyes and grins, sipping his cola and running the cool glass between his fingers ignoring his brother’s lewd grin.
“A stripper? Really?”
“Yes. A stripper. At a Gay club and the only reason I’m telling you this is because I need to know which ones you worked at so I can avoid them.”
“Uh … I never worked at Heavy Load or Jack Hammer.”
Ian blushes slightly realising that those are two of the only clubs he hasn’t pulled a shift or two at. Lip taps the names into his phone and nods.
“Cool. So now, are you sure you want to join the ranks of the indoctrinated married folks of this fair land?”
“I am. It’ll be good for us.”
Ian fiddles with the label on his jacket sleeve and it is Lip’s turn to roll his eyes
“You’ve loved him for your whole fucking life. How does a piece of paper...”
“You’re being a shitty best man, I just want you to know that.”
Lip grins his usual sardonic little grin and shrugs.
“So are you becoming a Mil...”
He bites the question off and clears his throat guiltily
“Sorry, man. Stupid question.”
“No it’s not stupid.”
Ian frowns. He has no intention of taking Terry’s family name but isn’t sure how to bring it up with Mickey.
“We haven’t actually talked about it.”
He admits finally.
“Mickey Gallagher works fine. Sounds about as Irish as it gets.”
Lip jokes and Ian’s frown clears at the thought of Mickey being a Gallagher.
“I guess I could ask him, see what he says.”
“Yeah you should. We got a an ex-con landlord, an alcoholic genius, a bipolar queer, a teen mom, an juvie kid turned military, and a black kid with two white parents. We got room for a ...”
“Whatever you’re about to call my fiancé, massively fuck you, Lip.”
Ian dips his finger in his cola and flicks it at his big brother.
“Seriously though, I’m really happy. I want this, man.”
Ian is radiating so much happiness that Lip wants to tell him he’s a fricken’ beacon and there really isn’t any need to tell anyone but what he says instead is simply:
“I know.”
“And I want you to be better with Mickey.”
“We do fine together. We had a coffee that time...”
Lip grimaces at how feeble that sounds. One coffee in ten years of knowing the guy. Ouch.
“You pick on him and you press his buttons ...”
“Dude! Come on. Mickey is like a human fucking calculator! He’s 99% buttons.”
“And he’s good at math too.”
Ian smiles smugly as Lip sighs impatiently and taps his finger on the vaguely sticky table top.
“I guess I could tease him a little less.”
“And I want you to say something nice about him in your speech.”
Ian finishes his mental list of demands and sits back contentedly. Lip raises his eyebrows at his little brother and sits back in his chair.
“You’re turning into a proper groomzilla.”
“I know. But do it anyway.”
It’s going to be far too much effort to bicker so instead they clink glasses and Lip wonders if his imminent brother in law has had a similar talk. From Ian’s moony-eyed expression, he kind of doubts it. Fuckin’ Milkovichs.
The bachelor parties are scheduled for a week before the wedding to allow sufficient time for hangovers to clear up, bruises to heal and any other shenanigans to blow over. Mickey had not really known what to expect, and thus gone with his life time habit of not expecting much.  
However, now as he is stumbling along the street from where the taxi dropped them off, Mickey realises he’s had a fucking excellent day. Mandy took him and Iggy to a new shooting range with the fancy moving targets and he finally got to try firing a Kriss Vector, something he’s wanted to do for years. After that he and Iggy smoked a whole bunch of pot, out the car window and got Taco Bell drive through, something Ian never lets him do, and then they just started drinking and catching up back at the house.
It’s been years since he spent so much time with his siblings and truth be told Mickey was a little nervous about it but it’s been more than just alright. They shot shit, ate shit, smoked shit and talked shit. It’s been one of the best days he has had in quite a while and the night is only just getting started.
He is already a little wasted. Ian and his posse came to the house for a few drinks before both parties headed off in their separate directions. Mickey likes the Gallagher’s a lot more once he’s had a few drinks and actually had a pretty decent time.
The topper was when Ian had dragged him off to the bedroom before they left for the night. Ian had called it marking his territory in that breathy, deep voice that always gets Mickey going and yanked Mickey’s pants down hard enough to chafe his thighs.
The slightly possessive jealousy that inspired the action pleased Mickey almost more than the actual blowjob. Ian doesn’t normally get jealous ... probably because Mickey doesn’t let anyone else so much as look at him without confrontation but whatever! It was fucking great!  
As he lurches from one side of the street to the other, Mickey loops his arms around each of his siblings.
“You guys are fuckin’ awesome, you know that?”
“Oh shit! Mick, you look trashed!”
Mandy laughs with a grimace and stops to try and smooth her brother’s hair a bit
“Yeh, I think I am.”
Mickey’s grin is wide and a little goofy as Iggy peers round to look at him.
“Ha! Little brother, you’re gonna pass out soon if you don’t slow down.”
Iggy hasn’t called Mickey ‘little brother’ for over fifteen years, not since they were kids and Mickey drunkenly grips the back of the thickly muscled neck in his hand, pressing a fierce kiss to Iggy’s cheek.
“You got anything to sober me up a little?”
“Until we get where we’re goin’ all I got is time, bro.”
For some reason, in Iggy’s slow South Side drawl, this little bit of accidental pseudo philosophy cracks Mickey up and he laughs until his legs won’t hold him and he has to sit down on the curb. Mandy is cackling too but Svet, is trying to hold herself together. Throughout their marriage, if Mickey found something funny, Svetlana did her best not to, and he supposes old habits die hard. Mickey glances at his gang of revellers and is about to tell them something about being glad they came out for his party when the laughter jiggles him a bit too much and with a convulsive shudder, he throws up.
The spray of beer, Jack Daniels, and home-brew vodka that Svet made erupts in a surprisingly neat arc straight into the gutter. Mickey looks down at his shirt to check and wipes the back of his hand over his mouth with a shaky laugh
“Shit. That was lucky!”
Svetlana tuts and steps forward, squatting in front of him in her stiletto heeled boots and producing a little packet of wet wipes and a bottle of water from her purse.
“Swill and spit. The you take a mint.”
She rattles a tiny metal tin at him and proceeds to wipe his free hand with a towelette.
“What the fuck, Svet? Why do you even have this shit?”
Mickey surrenders his other hand and accepts the tongue cluck his limp digits earn him as Svetlana cleans him up.
“Because your son is as messy as you are. I always thought it was bad parenting, turns out it is genetic. This is good news for me.”
“Nah, he’s a great kid. Nothin’ bad about him at all.”
Mickey shakes his head with a proud, one sided smile that creates a dimple in is left cheek.
“I’ll remind you of that when you’re sober.”
Svetlana smiles and offers him a hand up.
“Where are we goin’ anyway?”
Mickey asks and Mandy gives him a sly look from beneath heavily mascaraed eyelashes.
“A gay bar.”
Mickey’s eyes flare wide and flick toward Iggy, his shoulders tensing involuntarily
“Yep, Mandy picked the place so if it’s not your scene, that’s on her!”
Iggy swigs out of his beer can and offers the rest to Mickey who takes it, still not fully processing what is going on.
“You’re comin’ to an actual gay club? You know you can’t fag bash in those, man.”
“Don’t be retarded, I haven’t done that shit in years. Didn’t feel right what with you being a queer and all.”
Iggy shrugs and grins mischievously at his little brother
“Besides, I looked this shit up online. I’m either a ‘Slim-Bear’ or a ‘cub’ and either way they’re two of the good types of gay to be. I might get laid.”
Mickey looks around to make sure the others have just heard what he has but before he can question Iggy further, his brother is continuing, warming to his theme
“Ian’s a Jock now. He used to be a Twink but ...”
“Hey! Don’t fuckin’ call him that!”
Mickey snaps, but Svetlana interjects with a shrug
“No it is true, he would have been classed as a Twink before but now, definitely Jock.”
“I don’t … what that fuck are you talkin’ about?”
Mickey sips his beer and rubs a hand over his forehead in confusion.
“Types of Gay men, Mick.”
Mandy smiles, and links her arm through his.
“It’s bullshit really. Kind of like horoscopes of something.”
Mickey chews on his lip and glances at Iggy
“So … like … everyone has one, huh?”
“Pretty much. You wanna know yours?”
“No… Yeah … Okay...”
Mickey pauses in his stride and stands up to his full height, puffing his chest out and lifting his chin as if he is about to pass or fail a crucial life test. Iggy considers with a squinting scowl that earns him a ‘what the fuck’ sneer from his brother.
“You’re a Cub, but a specific type, you’re Discreet Cub”
“No! He’s a Wolf!”
Svetlana shakes her head at Iggy who frowns and tips his head, considering Mickey again
“No … not hairy enough.”
“But he is too aggressive to be a Cub.”
“Well he’s clearly a Power Bottom. They sit more in with Cubs. Mick, you’re bossy in bed, right?”
“Excuse me? What the fuck did you just ...”
Mickey begins but Svetlana waves him off and speaks over him
“Oh, most definitely a PB. But a Cub? No.”
Mickey is doing his best not to act in anyway that might mean he gets bumped to something less than satisfactory but the assessment is taking a bit too long and he can feel his patience slipping.
“Which one’s better?”
He asks irritably and then noticing that he is posing in the street, shakes himself off and keeps walking.
Svet smiles triumphantly and gestures to Mickey’s slightly wide-legged stance
“See! He even walks aggressive. Like cowboy. Like Wolf!”
“Yeah, yeah that is true. Okay, Wolf.”
Iggy nods as Mickey looks to Mandy for confirmation and she nods sagely with a reassuring wink
“You want to be a Wolf, they’re badass.”
Mickey smiles a little and rubs the edge of his nose. The whole conversation was weird as fuck and he’s not entirely sure why he let it happen but it turns out he is the badass kind of Gay dude so that’s something. He glances round at the them all again and grins to himself. Fuckin’ Milkovichs.
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flyinghetfield · 7 years
Chapter 3 is done! Enjoy!
You stare at the red light of your bedside clock as it glares right back and rub your eyes. Tossing to your back you groan loudly, grabbing your pillow and attempt to smother yourself. GO. TO. SLEEP. Your mind is humming with thoughts of what was going to happen tomorrow. The first practice session with Metallica was finally here and you felt like you were 7 with tomorrow being your birthday. Sitting up with a whine, you know you weren’t going to fall back asleep any time soon so you shuffle out to the kitchen. Clicking the coffee grinder on you stretch out your muscles and feel a familiar sensation around your legs. ”I know, I know.” Bending down you pick up the ball of fluff named Zorro and slowly sway him in your arms. Two years ago, you had gone through a phase when watching The Mask of Zorro and had a slight crush on Antonio Banderas which you couldn’t kick. So when your mother had recommended finding a pet when moving into the city so you wouldn’t be lonely, you were immediately attracted to the Black and white cat at the shelter with the oddly shaped Z on top of its butt. Sighing, you let Zorro wander off to his own interest as you silently pray to whoever that in the next life to come back as a cat and pour yourself a coffee. Adding way too much sugar, you avoid all the mess laying about in your lounge and plop yourself into your favourite chair, sitting right next to the window where you could watch the night life of San Francisco. Eric had told you that you were crazy for living so close to the heart of San Francisco with all the noise and the blinding lights outside but you didn’t mind, you had gotten use to the rattle of the tram as it went past and the hollering and hooting of drunkards as they came home from a night out. Zorro once again making his presence known, jumps up onto the window ledge and in a moment of peaceful silence you both watch out the window before he decides to walk off again. It wasn’t until 5 seconds later that you realise he had let of a silent but deadly fart. ”Aw come on man!” Grunting you tug up the window to get some air and grab your favourite blanket from beside you to protect you from the chilly April night. “Fricken cats.” Waiting a moment for the smell to pass, you squint at the clock in the lounge. 2:40. Rubbing your face you reach over and grab the home phone, hitting 1 and wait patiently as the dial hums through the receiver. “Mmm?” Eric’s sleepy voice comes through. ”I can’t sleep.” You hear a deep sigh and for a moment you think he’s hung up on you before his voice comes back through. “Do you want me to come around?” ”No…no you don’t have to come around. I just..” ”Y/N. You wouldn’t ring me up at-” You hear a low growl “-3 in the morning. For nothing. What’s on your mind?” ”…Tomorrow.” You heard a slight sigh. ”Mmm yes the Metallicats.” You roll your eyes and lean your head back, looking at the ceiling. “Freaking out about meeting them?” ”Mhm.” You nod, mindlessly. ”Nothing to worry about, already won over drummer boy, rest will be easy.” ”I don’t know..” ”Look.” His voice is suddenly stronger. “Your going to do fine, You always freak out before something big happens and then nothing overly dramatic does happen plus these guys deal with crazy fans all the time. You will charm the pants off the guys and they will all fall helplessly in love with you alright?” ”I know..I know.. Hey, did you suddenly become my 16 year old self?” You mused, smiling at the idea of Metallica’s pants randomly flying off to your violin skills. ”Mhm and my what dirty thoughts 16 year old you had.” You chuckle at that and then yawn. ”Now close the window.” You begin to ask how he knew but he quickly cuts in “I know its open cause I can hear all the damn noise through the phone.” You shake your head and close the window with a slight bang so he can hear. “Good. Now go to bed, sleeping beauty. We both need it.” ”Ok Prince Eric.” ”Wrong movie, Ariel.” You chuckle and say goodbye. Pouring out the rest of your drink you wander back into your room and cocoon yourself under the covers finally succumbing to sleep.
 ERRR ERRR ERRR Slamming your hand down on the clock you spring out of bed, even with only 6 hours of sleep the excitement running through your body made it feel like you had 8. Jumping in the shower, you quickly dress making sure to make your make-up was perfect and that your hair didn’t look like a birds nest. Feeding Zorro, you double check you have grabbed everything and head down to your car. Travelling to the venue you can’t help nervously tapping the steering wheel as the butterflies felt like they are going to explode through your stomach. As you turn on to the street where the building is, you notice the giant Semi trucks parked around the campus and the overwhelming amount of people walking around and carrying in equipment into the theatre. Slowing down you prepare yourself to turn into your usual parking spot but see its taken by a sleek black motorbike. Motherfu- You sigh and park in one of the spots furtherest away, getting out and curse the person who took the spot. Walking inside the flurry of people hadn’t slowed and there was multiple times you had to quickly jump out of the way from people. Feeling like a lost lamb you quickly head down to the kitchen for a breather and hope Eric was already here. As you round the corner to the kitchen door you slam straight into something hard. ”Ow” Rubbing your nose you look up at the man standing in the door and feel your legs wobble slightly. ”Oh shit sorry. Are you alright?” His worried blue eyes look down on you. ”Jason are you hurting people already?” Lars walks over to the door and his eyebrows lift when he sees you. “Y/N! Nice one Jace, hurting the talent before we have even started performing with them yet. You alright?.” You nod, feeling overwhelmed as you can feel both males staring at you. ”Nice to see as well Lars and yeah.. I should be ok.” Jason steps to the side and lets you pass into the kitchen as you go to a small mirror on the wall and check your nose. ”Nothing broken?” Jason appears behind you and you glance at him in the mirror with a small smile. ”Sore and a little red but it should be ok.” Turning around, he smiles and extends his hand out. ”I’m Jason, the bassist for Metallica.” Accepting his handshake, your smile grows. ”I know.” ’You know? You a fan?” Lars leans against the fridge, biting down on a apple. ”You could say that.” ”I’m surprised. I expected a bunch of old people with their noses stuck high in the air but it’s nice to see people our age and also fans in the orchestra.” Jason smiles then sits down at the table in the middle of the room. ”Don’t forget, good looking as well.” Lars winks at you and joins Jason. knowing that your nose wasn’t the only red thing on your face you walk over and grab a bottle of water from the fridge and take a sip. Listening as Jason and Lars ramble on about some of the changes in the songs and can’t help but stare at both of them. You always had extra love for Jason, since all the stories and interviews came out about how the band had put him through some tough love but as you watched both men chat you could see Lars had a soft spot for the guy. I just wish he would grow his hair out again. Hearing you sigh, Lars turns and looks at you. ”We aren’t bothering you are we?” You shake your head. ”No, just thinking.” ’Mm what about?” A sly smile appears on his face and you quickly look down. ”Stop teasing the poor girl Lars.” You throw your head up to see Kirk walking into the room with a smile on his face. Wow. You can’t help but stare as the dark skinned beauty as he comes closer to were you are standing and makes a little motion. “Can I?” ”Oh..s..sorry.” Jumping out the way you two are now standing next to each other, your eyes glued to his face then you they wander down to watch his lean hands as he washes them. He’s perfect! No imperfections anywhere! ”I don’t have something on me do I?” He glances at you then over at the mirror. ’Yeah you got a giant booger up your nose.” Lars laughs when walks over and double checks his nose, turning and flips him off. Hearing a sigh you notice Jason starting to move. ”Where’s the big guy at?” He stands grabbing some of the sheets of paper in front of him ”Out on the stage with Kamen.” Kirk stretchers his fingers and then yawns. ”Alright cool. I’ll see you out there Y/N” Jason smiles and proceeds out of the room. ”Y/N?… Oh yeah Lars mentioned you, he wouldn’t shut up about you when he came back from the recording a few weeks ago.” You blankly blink a few times at kirk. Wait what? Lars snorts getting up and throws his apple core in the bin. ”Hey, I see a young pretty and talented woman, I’m going to mention her once or twice.” You suddenly start to laugh at the idea of Lars talking about you and quickly cover your mouth when both men stare at you. Lars smile grows bigger at the noise. “And such a charming laugh.” Seeing kirk shake his head he mouths to you “Sorry” and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself grinning. ”Come on you, lets get out on the stage. Kamen was asking for you anyway.” Lars runs his hand through his hair and winks at you before walking out with Kirk trailing behind him. Holy shit. You sit down at the table and put your head in your hands. How am I going to survive this ordeal? ”There she is!” Eric bustles into the kitchen with his cello in tow. Taking one glance at you his face becomes serious. “What happened?” ”Hmm?” ”You look all flustered and your head is in your hands.” Sighing you grab a pencil sitting on the table and start to draw circles on a paper in front of you. ”Where do I start? Ran - literally - into Jason” ”The bassist? Wait literally?” You nod and touch your nose. ”He has a hard back.” Eric starts to laugh as you pout back at him “Also met Kirk and oh my he’s so pretty, Eric.” He raises up his eyebrow. “And had lars winked at me, not once but twice.” ”Wow and all of this just happened?” Nodding he whistles. “Should of came in earlier.” ”Tell me about it, Oh and some biker asshole took my carspot as well!” You burst out in frustration. ”Tch. Asshole. I think we have a bike lock somewhere around here that the Uni kids use, want to lock it to a pole?” Loving the idea, you decline. “Yeah, probably don’t want some big mean dude chasing us down and beating us up for our lunch money.” Raising a eyebrow you stare at Eric. “Too specific?” ”Just a little.” He smiles then looks out the door, seeing more people walking off towards the front. “Come on you, Kamen is probably waiting for all of us on the stage.” You whine. ”Do I have to?” ”Just move your cute butt.” You stand, silently swearing at Eric's back at as you two follow the crowd. Walking out on to the stage you first notice the gleam of the silver drum kit sitting proudly in the middle of the stage and notice Lars standing talking to Kamen. Looking towards the bass area you notice Jason getting acquainted with some of the younger guys and can see kirk scaling up and down on his guitar. Trying not to trip over anything you head over towards the strings section and stop behind a tall man, chatting with the, Greg, the harp player. ”Hey can I get past please?” They continue to chat. Annoyed you say it a little louder. ”HEY CAN YOU MOVE PLEASE?” The man turns and suddenly its like the wind is knocked out of you. ”Oh sorry.” James steps to the side and waits for you to pass. You feel a slight shove behind you as Eric pushes you forward. Oh my god. Finding your seat your eyes are glued to the man as he continues to talk with Greg, his shoulder length hair bobbing around ever so often when he laughs or nods. He’s wearing a short white T-Shirt, its sleeves rolled up and you appreciated the dark fitting jeans as they glue to all the correct places on the lower half of his body.
”I’m taking from the way you haven’t stopped staring at the tall guy, that is James?” You nod at Eric’s comment. “Hmm… He’s not too bad looking for the lead singer in a Metal band.” You snort. 
Understatement of the year buddy.
You still can’t believe that your in the same room as Metallica, seeing them smile or laugh at something someone has said or watching their concentration appear on their face while wrapping around the music that was before them made you want to pinch yourself so you could check you weren’t dreaming. Eric walks off to his spot in the Cellos and you grab your violin, trying to put the distractions of the guys standing around out of your mind and start to play some of Call of Ktulu. It only takes a few seconds but everything and everyone else drains away as you feel the vibrations of the violin hum next to you and the sweet noise echo through your ears, it was the only true way to make yourself feel calm and it was desperately needed for the moment. After playing for a few minutes, you have the sensation that your being watched and open your eyes to notice out of the corner James staring at you, watching your hand as it moved over the correct notes on the violin. Suddenly feeling brave, you gaze in his direction and feel electric when his blue eyes meet yours. You both hold what seems to be a staring contest for the next few moments before you notice a smirk appear on his lips. Casually, he breaks the gaze and walks over to his chair, grabbing his guitar and starts to strum the opening to Call of Ktulu, playing the exact part you were just playing.
Hoo boy. What a next few days this is going to be.
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notjustbacon · 7 years
Auckland and Birkenhead
Now comes the phase of this blog where I post tons of pics, short stories and answer a few questions... Our first stop from PDX to Auckland, NZ was Los Angelos. You will see pics from a couple fellow travelers who charge phones, chat, rest and stretch before boarding flights to the rest of their lives.
Longly after our flight from PDX to LAX, we landed in Auckland, NZ where we needed to hail a cab to get to our hotel (only about 45 minutes away). Among several readily available cab companies to chose from there was also a helpful chart showing rates - upfront rates, how helpful! My husband intuitively felt called to a certain cab (for the cheap rates), we loaded our bags in the back, and we're on our way. Vicky, our cab guy, was a pretty friendly guy. He answered our questions about driving on the other side of the road and didn't banter us with any questions of his own. In fact, he was very quiet... but not intimidatingly scary or anything. To make a long story short, Vicky really left us with a memory when he decided to make a u-turn in the middle of an intersection, during a red light, then proceeded to drop us off at the side of a non-parking zone. I didn't really know anything was that weird about this - I just thought cab drivers do weird things. Alex paid him and I started to unload the cab when a construction worker started to yell out at me, "Ma'am! You can't get out of the car there. Back in you go, back in you go." I was not frightened by this, but rather embarrassed as I did not realize I had been led into this faux pas. There were some words exchanged via Vicky and the construction worker, but all in all, it went over with no problem. No tickets, no tears, and we made it safely to our hotel.
Tip: Make sure to tell your cab driver that you are going to the CBD (Central Business District) rather than your hotel address to ensure that you get the flat rate versus a timed rate - you'll save some cash!
We made it to our hotel at 9:30am. Unfortunately, check-in was not until 3pm. Fortunately, the hotel clerk was very accommodating. He let us know that we could check our bags in and call the front desk at noon to see if our room was ready. He then gave us a cafe recommendation and took our bags. Sunflower cafe (his rec) was everything and more than we had expected: fresh food, delicious smells, and free wi-fi. After breakfast, we started walking around town and toward the Sky Tower. We splurged for a $40 for a day pass and made our way up 50 floors to the Sky Lounge. It was phenomenal! We saw lots of families, photographers and even spotted a couple people ready to bungy jump from the tower itself!
Note: The Sky Tower is 1,076 ft tall - making it the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere and the 25th tallest tower in the world! I'm slowly building myself up for a major overcoming in fear of heights... I will have video when that day comes.
I could see all of Auckland from the top and really enjoyed taking a few portraits as well. Birkenhead is in the first picture (just over da bridge). That's Rangitoto Island out there in the second picture (Auckland's most iconic natural landmark - it's a VOLCANO). You can get a pretty rad view of the (pink) Nelson Street Cycleway in the third pic. It is just over 1 years old - Happy belated birthday NSC!
TBH, that pretty much sums up our first day in Auckland, because I mostly slept on and off once we got to the hotel. The next day, Thursday, we headed off to Birkenhead to see our new hosts Catherine and Greig via Ferry. We had no idea the amazing week in store for us. Here are a few photos from the ferry through their beautiful home!
We arrived, Greig picked us up from the ferry, drove us around Birkenhead, gave us the layout of the house (and town), then made us a feast for lunch. After a couple hours, Greig and Catherine were off for the weekend - leaving Alex and me to get settled in. Yep, that meant they let us have the whole house to ourselves as a welcoming present - WOW! It really allowed us to explore the town, catch up on some more sleep, and get ready with ease. That Monday morning, we were ready to hit the soil hard and get onto it - Our first WorkAway job!
Day 1 work: Mediterranean garden - consisting of digging out a garden bed, placing the soil on a tarp, wheelbarrowing up some clay, sculpting the clay into 8 foundation pieces for 8 cement stepping stones to lay on top (making sure the stones would not move if stepped on), mixing the soil with compost and pumice gravel, and finishing everything off with shoveling the mix into the rest of the garden bed. It was a lot of work, but we got a coffee (and cake) break, and after 4 and a half hours we did it - we are freakin' artists of the soil land my friends! Alex even got some awesome tunes hooked up. Check it out:
Day 2 Work: Photos - The rain started to make it's way over from Cyclone Debbie (in Australia). So we had an inside workday of taking apart old frames, putting what they held aside, sanding the frames, and then painting the frames black. We listened to Bob Ross Remixed and Rolling Stones Paint it Black along with a little Coffee Table Jazz.
Day 3 Work: Weeding the front garden beds, placing compost on them, and finishing up the picture frames. Woot.
Day 4 Work: Weeding around the bee hive box and installing the copper chain. Thank god Alex is a physics mastermind... working with copper in artsy ways can prove challenging. Also, I was overcoming fear and becoming one with nature by weeding around the bee hive box. I wasn't going to let allergies get in my way - I just kept whispering, "I love you bees... and I think you'll like me too!"
Day 5 Work: Weeding the back garden, putting on the copper tops, fixing the hammock hook, hanging the pictures, and taking pictures of the room. AND CHECK OUT that awesome Kaka bird! The Kaka bird is beautiful, but the Tui bird make the best noises. It sounds like R2D2 among other things... very chatty.
For fun we've been to many places around Auckland and Birkenhead. We plan to make several other stops during our stay as well. Here are a few of the places I've photographed:
Le Roy Bush Trail(s):
Le Roy Bush Trails are like a Forest Park trail of wonder. One entrance to the trails starts just at the end of our host's driveway. You can see a waterfall, jungle fauna, glow worms and even sea eels! The trails are very well maintained because the community pulls together to take care of it: spraying the bottoms of their shoes to ward off weeds and brushes to scrape off any preexisting soil or any soil that tries to hitch a ride out of the area. The trail connects you with different parts of the town. One minute you're in the bush and the next your in the city! Crazy cool man.
Also check out Alex's pics here
Auckland War Memorial Museum: 
When Alex told me he wanted to go to a war museum, I was a little less than cheerful. I walked in with a tude and was quickly surprised to find some pretty spectacular finds. When they say war museum, there is of course war stuff, but they mean to show the history of how New Zealand has become and who it has become with in all of the people in Oceana History. Pretty wonderous.
(Oh yeah, they had a Volume: Making Music in Aotearoa music special exhibitions hall)
Maori Ancestoral Houses... hand carved, hand woven... WOW!
Rad boats
Dinosaurs, Birds and a Frog - Oh MY!
(The frog is for you grandma)
The Winter House, Fernz Fernery, and The Cool House:
We almost passed this by! We were walking down the hill away from the museum and happened to cross the Winter House on our way to catch the bus. I sort of just wandered in and found this secret garden place. It was really magical.
Ponsonby Street:
Birkenhead has some pretty tasty eats, but Ponsonby Street gets the name for it in the Auckland area. We took a bus over to check it out and let our tastebuds decide. It was a really cool spot with sights of the Sky Tower and cityscape in the background. The food was also pretty decent and places started to really come alive after 7pm. Alex got some of the best drunken noodles ever!! They were willing to make them vegeterian style and did not skimp on any vegetables.
Western Park:
This park was really incredible. The place was hilly, relaxing and then thrilling when we found the playground. The playground has a zipline, dueling ~30 feet slides, a ~50 foot slide, a ground level merry-go-round, and so much more. We could not resist playing here for a little bit... Oh and I won the race... just for reference.
So, that's almost it as far as places we've been and visited... except, we went to the grocery store and learned that you cannot buy adult bevvies unless you have your passport on you... and you can find hummus in the "cold dips" section of the store. I'm entirely jealous that they have a "cold dips" section with SO many types of dips!! Anywho, that is what we have been up to!!! It is that time. I need to end this for now. I've spent several hours editing and preparing this... and we need to go to bed for our big day tomorrow. Alex is giving me the big loud sighs every two minutes now trying to get me to stop typing and just be done... But, I do promise to post again next week when we are in Queenstown.
P.S. Our hosts are fricken amazing! I cannot believe that the food they make does not just come straight from a 5 star $100 per a plate restaurant and that it is cooked for us every night with the only expense being that we clean dishes. I cannot believe how generous and at home we have been made to feel by both Greig and Catherine. They are unbelievable and will always have a place in our hearts and a place to sleep (should we ever have a place of our own).
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