#and the fact its only may too aa
chronicschmonic · 19 days
why is summer like actually the worst T_T my sensory issues cannot w the heat rn
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suffarustuffaru · 10 months
I love your otto brainrot. He's favorite person to gush about in this series. I also love your analysis about one of the latest chapters and regarding Otto! ust, chef's kiss.
Anyhow, I would also like to add a crack theory about why otto never talked about his dp allowing him to talk to infants too. In this moment, it very much be because, as you said, he wants Spica to be eliminated. But! We're thinking small here. My question morphs into a more general perspective; why would Otto, and tappei to an extent, keep such information about his dp under wraps for this long, way before these Spica shenanigans? And I feel like the author may want to expand on that regard. Because as far as the rest of the crew knows (and as far as I remember), they know he can only talk to animals. But that chapter states he can talk to any living being (?), which I think may hint to it being a bigger fucking deal than we may realize. Like outside the Louis development, as well as Otto's frustration development, this power in of itself can cause a ripple of what Otto's capabilities are, and to not underestimate it.
So, now I wonder, would tappei utilize this tidbit for more development about Otto's power? What do you think?
aa thank you for liking my otto stuff!! i adore him a lot and arc 8 has me even more fixated on him bc his development is so Fascinating.... and also my fictional character type has always been the weird fucked up ones with terrible morals HAH.
OK ALSO LIKE i love your crack theory to bits. i think like the idea of his capabilities being A Little More Massive than they already are hasnt really occurred to me if only bc 1. i have like one braincell at a time and 2. ottos unhinged anger and various ugly habits (ie: doing things behind his friends backs HAH) were smth i was distracted by (positive) bc its so fascinating and now Finally everyone reading rezero knows hes crazy For Sure and 3. i think like. idk ive always kind of thought that his power is like super crazy like once you think about it. like iirc theres the canonical fact that other people in the fantasy world whove had ottos dp have gone like insane from it, so hes Basically the outlier here. and also hes insane anyway but his dp absolutely has partly to do with it. not only bc it like affects so much of his life with the constant overstimulation he experienced for a big chunk of his childhood along with the other effects it had with how he was behind his peers for a while and it made him socially awkward and anxious - but also like.
animals Are insane. a lot. genuinely. and then you have a power that allows you to understand them and hear their voices all the time. (more under read more bc its Long.)
theres so many fucked up animal facts out there HAH so i suppose that could just take like a couple google searches (god.... if oceans were in the fantasy world otto might go a little insane with all those sea creatures if he ever came close...) but i always feel like ottos learned at least a bit of his ruthlessness from that. and hes Definitely seen and heard shit (dont forget stuff like livestock ahah T^TT or bug infestations or something aljsdfls or the fact that otto would probably be seeing animal friends eat other animal friends or before he even knew he had his dp he could be eating some cattle he had a convo with like twenty minutes ago and ALSO garf and fred have their meat pie recipe that they adore and its like. that meat came from an animal and otto has most likely seen them make their meat pie before). but like nature is nature. its not always. Nice. survival of the fittest and things just die sometimes (ottos made various animal friends throughout his life and Many animals have smaller lifespans than him as well + some, such as bugs, are more fragile than him) and animals take actions according to their Nature (even if its. Bad, by human moral standards.) and all that - so i think the double whammy of ottos dp and him taking on merchant ideals is very much partly why hes so insane fr HAH.
I WENT A LITTLE OFF TOPIC BUT no yeah i agree. and i just think his dp has always been such a huge factor in what makes him so dangerous - its not only helped mold him into who he is as a person (especially when you remember that the rest of his family are Normal People and he Very Much Is Not Normal) but also like you said. his dp makes him extremely dangerous especially with the new information that he understands babies. iirc otto didnt Necessarily keep that bit of info under wraps - at least not before he met the emilia camp, bc the text said something about how hed take on side jobs where he babysat infants and hed be good at it bc he can understand the intent behind their wordless "words". and i definitely think otto - and tappei - havent really said anything on his ability to talk to infants before this bc it just hasnt come up in much relevant context until now. BUT I ALSO THINK YOU HAVE A POINT bc this does open like. a bit of a can of worms. theres these 2019 tappei qnas where he talks a bit about otto understanding "intent" -
Q: Is Otto's Blessing of the Spirit of Words limited to sounds that the speaker understands? Can he translate something Subaru wrote down in Japanese, or something that someone reads out loud phonetically without understanding it's meaning?
A: He can't. It's a blessing that conveys the intent of the other person's words, so if you said something like "Honbaradaratodetta", it wouldn't mean anything. It's just that, if Subaru had been saying "Honbaradaratodetta" for years to mean "What's for dinner?", it would convey that.
Q: About the "Blessing of the Spirit of Words" that Otto has, in cases where the same word can contain different meanings, can he discern the difference? (The English word 'servant' and a servant from Fate, etc.)
A: It's not the letters, but the speaker's intent that he picks up, so he could tell the difference.
but no yeah like........ ottos dp is specifically about Animals and well. humans and demihumans ARE animals. so it makes sense that it carries into humans and demihumans a bit so the whole catching someones intent thing is super fascinating and i feel like he could Definitely utilize it for more of his schemes?? esp when you combine that with the usual ways he uses his dp with animals - his power is Perfect for spying on others and gathering info in general. from my understanding of his power though, animals have to agree to help him, but given he can communicate with them and hes. well hes a good talker and also a bit of a manipulative bitch (affectionate) so like getting animals to help him doesnt seem like too much of an issue usually for him. so no but yeah his power is like. Off the Charts. and now we got big confirmation in the main story that he can UNDERSTAND PEOPLES INTENT BEHIND THEIR WORDS....? no yeah i think tappei will at least utilize it for the louis-spica plot things (ie otto wants her dead so hes just not gonna say anything about how he knows her true intent isnt to actually hurt anyone).
but i feel like otto could possibly use it for plans... or accidentally catch tidbits of info he shouldnt. im not entirely sure how, but. well. roswaal still hasnt delivered on his promise to kill everyone if even one person subaru cares about dies and Now roswaal knows that 1. otto plans to continue opposing subaru and emilia and keep pulling strings and 2. subaru wants louis to stay alive because he cares about her. it seems like massive emilia camp inner conflict is bound to happen at some point hah... the current situation is a ticking time bomb T^T and thats ON TOP of otto still working on restoring the book of wisdom... it all makes me wonder if otto will overhear a convo he shouldnt and catch the true underlying intent to otherwise innocent dialogue. or something like that.... or if louis's intent fluctuates in some way which otto will be Very aware of. if that happens. or if someone else somehow figures out ottos hiding the fact that he knows louis is innocent via his dp alsdjflsjdf. or maybe roswaal hints at his genocide plan and otto figures out the intent???? everyone is at a stalemate atm fr and im fascinated to see what comes next.
though. ok given otto went insane hearing the white whale..... well you could just fling mabeasts at him and maybe he'll shut up lajsdlfj bc using his dp (especially when overusing it gives him nosebleeds and headaches and pain and etc etc) against him is a Viable strategy to stop him among many others but like. the problem with otto is that hes persistent and Will hold a grudge against you if you wrong him. like i really do feel like he will hunt you down if you do which is the big Thing with otto. T^T hes unpredictable!!! especially now with arc 8 where hes been dragged through all these dangerous situations he did not sign up for and he just wants him and his friends to be safe but said friends want to save a whole country and NOW a sin archbishop alsdjflsjd.
like i really feel that hes so tired of things happening throughout his life out of control (remember his bad luck T^T and the way his dp used to fuck him over in his childhood? yeah T^T) that hes been trying to exert more and more control over his camp. bc like. vincent asking the emilia camp for help was nudged into that direction by otto. ottos also stepped a bit out of line by being hostile to julius and anastasia bc. otto that shit was unncessary aljsdlfjd theyre your camps allies!!!! and now ottos letting his camp be sus of louis by keeping quiet about her true intent. like otto is straight up like. hes kind of possessive of his camp isnt he? bc hes so fixated on making things go the way he wants (not that he wanted to help vollachia, but he wanted to help subaru and emilia which is why he pushed things in that direction, and now he wants to kill louis). it all makes me wonder if he'll ever have to use his dp against his camp given hes. kind of already doing that by lying to them - though itd probably be difficult to use his dp more actively against them if only bc they all already know what his dp is. theres no element of surprise there, but i think with the right circumstances he could possibly use it to figure out Something at least. bc like while he Does feel guilty, there is next to nothing stopping him from doing more shit on top of the shit hes been doing so far in arc 8 HAH. his moral compass is just literally broken and pointing straight down to hell. that mixed with his stubbornness and intellect and anger is like. well anyone going against otto is pretty fucked.
like. what is stopping him from sending a little bug to spy on subaru at all times. probably the fact that subaru and co. have a high chance of maybe noticing it and noticing that ottos keeping. too close of an eye on them. which would stop otto and his new declared "i walk in darkness" goal but all of this keeps making me wonder what lines otto WONT cross. and how far hes willing to go to do what he thinks is necessary to save his camp. and also what the consequences of his decisions will be.
but also like............................................... ok time for a crack theory of my own are you ready. anyway. can you imagine if ottos dp extended into fucking mind reading or something............ HAH.
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sixosix · 2 months
Finally have a chance to throw my thoughts together! And boy do I have them!!
Just ahshshs- lyney you’re so smart and cunning but also pretty dense my guy. I’m so glad you have moral standards but the fact your first thought when thawed!reader wants to kiss you is that ‘oh she is just drunk, :(‘ as opposed to ‘Ah! I may actually have a slight chance’ says something. I know you’re basing your thoughts on imperfect information and past experiences but please- I’m begging you- I know you have a big brain please use it-
But honestly, my heart goes out to him. In his half of the pov his pinning is so clear to see. I’m willing to bet money that Lyney would just happily accept the fact that he can interact with t!reader on some sort of positive level again, no matter if he is just a friend forever because she’s back! She’s real again, not just rose-tinted memories and this silent secret between the twins and Freminet. He is going through these extra and at times inconvenient steps just to keep her safe, even going against his own desires (letting Childe keep an eye on her while he goes to father) and even against his own loyalties to an extent ( i mean, the sensible loyal fauti thing to do would be to immediately report that the previously awol/MIA solider was found, wouldn’t it? )
ALSO THE ‘MON LAPIN’ NICKNAME!?! So many thoughts AND feelings on that!! *insert the cork board meme*
It fits so well!! I looked up some rabbit information just to see and rabbits are so skittish! I checked it out and so many things can set them off- bad experiences, new lotion smell, smelling like a different animal like a cat!! Like they not recommended to be children pets cause you gotta be gentle. But they’re so active! Not to mention herbivores!! Lyney may not know the truth but I’m sure he knows where his gift was delivered too! Thawed reader is a rabbit confirmed.
Looking outside of lyney and t!reader’s interactions though, it’s always so interesting to see t!reader’s other interactions. The obvious joy she has when she realizes Lynette showed up, and Lynette’s instant care in asking if t!reader has anywhere safe to go to. The tense somewhat friendship forming between aether and her, where a slight misstep could mean destruction of her life but there’s enough going on for minor banter and to try and help recover from a hangover (the water, and my current guess is that is the reason why her drink is different at the end) and now the beginnings of co-conspirators between Childe and her; the former laughing and seems to be almost excited while the latter is even more tense and nervous because it’s about to get a whole lot more complicated
ALSO CHILDE! SMART MAN, SO GLAD YOU’RE IN THE KNOW! Welcome to the peanut gallery of lyney and t!reader’s relationship! Hope you enjoy the show! But now that childe is officially an active player in the story, it’s making me think about the current time line and how different it’s gonna go from the canon game. As of right now, the only confirmed event from the Fontaine archon/various other quests is Lyney and Lynette’s trial since Childe has yet to be accused of anything (so we can assume that the missing people case is still ongoing) and aether is specifically doing this to see if he can trust the twins (something you can argue about him realizing via/during Lyney’s story quest). Especially know with the knaves early arrival to push things along
I should stop myself at this point so imma just leave off with the fact Lyney is starting to feel something as wrong when faced with Childe at the party AND the fact that t!reader remembering a fair bit of what happened, but the key point being that’s it’s very blurry has me kicking and freaking out. It’s gonna get much more messy real soon.
-deadman aether anon
i didnt really think too much about the bunny nickname even i was so shocked by that info!! i just heard from my friend that its one of the common french nicknames—and i thought it fit because of lyneys whole magician thing,,, like magicians and rabbits…. BUT THATS SO COOL!!!! makes the nickname so deeper than whatbi initially thought 🙏🙏
AND YEAAHHH its definitely overwhelming for our mc to be exposed so suddenly to so many people who seem to be willing to be friends w her! its been rosalie and its only been Father before 😢
the canon game event is gonna be veeeerrryyy detached from the game bc im going to be ignoring it for the sake of not copying it and just inserting MC in. if i did that, THAWED woukd just be a longer version of my other fic, Sleight of Hand HAHAHA. either way, since im writing this before arlecchino’s official release, i think i might end up mischaracterizing her…..so im a bit nervous about that. i think in THAWED shes definitely going to be a bit more evil than what she might be in-game
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hsrmtbrm · 4 months
Hashirama doesn't attend meetings as the heir. As such, Tobirama is his substitute. His father says its better this way, as he'll be Hashirama's heir one day. He says he may as well learn how to now.
Tobirama doesn't mind the extra responsibility. In fact, he finds it fun. He gets insight into how the clan is run, and he is able to help it run smoothly.
His father catches him up late at night, scrolls laid out across his desk. He sets a hand on his head and urges him to bed. "Even Yosan-no-Mikoto* needs his rest."
Tobirama preens at the smile in his voice, and the bubbling amusement in his chakra. He fights off his own grin and obeys.
He likes filling in as heir, right by his father's side.
He does not like being alone.
His father steps out for a moment, just a moment, to see what the head mednin is summoning him for.
The elders lunge at the opportunity, though only their chakra shows it. They all know how vulnerable he is without guidance.
"Is something the matter, Tobirama-sama?," Elder Kyo questions, his eyes relaxed and posture betraying nothing.
Tobirama keeps his eyes down, focused on the scroll in his hands. "Not at all, Kyo-sama."
"You seem rather tense. Have you been training too hard?"
Inhaling slowly through his nose, he prepares himself. "Of course. As the future heir, I must push myself beyond my limits. If I am to serve the clan-"
"We all know you could care less about the clan, Oni," Kyo interrupts, linking his fingers together. "Come now, you can be honest. It's all for him, isn't it?"
Ah. This again. He sighs and shuts his eyes.
"I live to serve the clan, which includes my father-"
"Your wielder, you mean."
"Oh leave him be, Kyo." Elder Sota comes to his rescue, though likely just to spare him the embarrassment rather than out of any respect for him.
"Of course he's going to value Butsuma-sama over the clan, he's his consort on everything but paper."
Tobirama jolts, eyes widening at the statement. He presses his tongue to the back of his teeth, trying to keep his hands still and his mouth shut.
After a beat, the elders chuckle at the 'joke'.
"Perhaps that's why he's so tense today," Elder Takahiko surmises, a wry grin on his face. "Wasn't it the anniversary of something yesterday?"
Tobirama lowers his head slowly, shoulders hunching. The ink on the scroll blurs in his vision, the symbols swimming.
"Aa, of his marriage with That Woman. Knowing him, he probably drank himself half to death and took it out on his poor son," Elder Fuguraka contributes, "The head medic is right outside, perhaps you should ask him for a healing, hm, Tobirama-sama?"
Tobirama's lips part. He forces himself to speak. "N.. No, I'll be.. fine. I'm.."
"What was that, Tobirama-sama? You'll have to speak up. You see, our ears have gone bad in our old age."
Tobirama's face begins to feel hot. He balls his fists in the fabric of his hakama pants. He can feel tears welling up in his eyes.
He bows his head to the table, squeezing his eyes shut. "I-I..! I am well!", he insists, louder. "I-I must t-thank your ven-venerable selves for your concern..!"
"Oh, so polite. What did Butsuma do to ingrain that lesson into your head? You're on your knees so often, thanking everyone around you. Do you do that for your Tou-chan, too?"
Tobirama chokes on his breath, pursing his lips and shaking his head. "Y-You're mistaken, K-Kyo-sama! Chichi-ue is a v-very respectable man, h-he would not stoop to-"
"You don't have to lie. We've all seen you walk in here with bruises beneath your collar. Is he rough with you? Do you like it?"
Tobirama grits his teeth, shame burning through his entire body.
"I think we're done here."
Tobirama's head whips up and around to face the door. He can't make out much other than his silhouette, but he can sense who it is.
"B-Butsuma-sama!," Elder Takahiko laughs, "You're back, so soon!"
Tobirama lets out a noise that must sound like a dying kitten.
"Yes.", his father intones lowly, gathering the scrolls on the table and rolling them up. "And I will be taking my leave with my son. We will discuss these.. accusations of yours at a later date. Alone."
"I assure you, it was all in jest," Kyo attempts. "We-"
"I've heard enough. To insult my name behind my back is one thing, but to bring my son into it? I'm disappointed in all of you." His jaw is set and his gaze is firm.
"I leave for one moment to attend to what could have been an urgent matter, and your first reaction is to make my son out to be a whore. I believe we have some boundaries we need to discuss."
His father sets a hand on his shoulder. "Up. We're going home."
Relieved to be out of this situation, he scrambles to his feet, tailing his father's heels.
They walk in silence for a long time.
"Do not let them talk to you that way," his father says quietly after a while.
"..Hai, Chichi-ue," he agrees easily, his mind swimming with their words.
He nearly runs straight into his back with how quickly his father stops. He turns to face him.
A hand grasps his chin.
"You don't seem to understand. Do not let them talk to you that way," he growls, his chakra swimming with anger.
Tobirama's breath catches in his throat and he focuses his vision on his chin, tense.
"You are my second son, the next heir. You are a higher ranking as you are now than they will ever be. They must fear you. You are mine, and they cannot speak to you in such a derogatory manner."
He tries not to let out any sort of pathetic noise, but with his father's chakra so close to him radiating so intensely, he can hardly focus. He catches that he is his father's, and not much else. He clings to that knowledge.
After he does not respond for too long, his father softens. His hand moves from his chin to his cheek. His chakra retracts.
"You're too overwhelmed to hear me much right now. I'll tell you again later. Let's go home."
Tobirama nods quickly, trying not to lean into his touch. He tells himself he doesn't miss his chakra spreading out so harshly, and that he didn't enjoy how intense it felt.
He follows his father home, and when he's dismissed, collapses onto his bed.
Every time the memories of what the elders said resurface, he pushes them down by smothering them with the lingering sensation of his father's chakra.
Chestnuts and persimmons.
Is he rough with you?
Do you like it?
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jareaulover · 1 month
Rejection (Hotchreid)
A/N: I really liked this prompt, I've been wanting to write something with unrequited feelings for a while and I thought this was a good chance. Thank you to @nico5580 for the prompt!! <3 It's pretty short, but that's alright.
Full story below cut, or read on AO3
Word count: 865
“Reid, when you finish your case report Hotch wants to see you in his office.” JJ said as she passed his desk on the way back to her office. Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed. What could Hotch want to talk to him about? His performance had been perfect as of late, and he’d completely kicked his dilaudid habit, and he’d been regularly attending AA meetings. So what else was there?
Spencer finished writing his case report fairly quickly and made his way to his supervisor’s office. He felt his heartbeat speed up as he approached the door, his palms started sweating and he had to remind himself to breathe normally. This wasn’t too atypical, though. He’d developed feelings for the older man quite some time ago. And he liked to think that he hid it pretty well. Growing up in an emotionally unstable environment with no one to really confide in had made it easy for him to keep things in.
But, of course, that was to the untrained eye. And Spencer spent most of his time around extremely well trained eyes…
He knocked on the wooden door twice, and then waited. It only took a moment for Hotch’s voice to come through the door, “Come in.” He said, and Spencer obeyed. He opened the door and entered the man’s office. He quickly took a seat in one of the chairs across from Aaron’s desk. He rested one hand on each knee and looked at Hotch expectantly.
Aaron looked at him for a few seconds, almost like he was studying him. His eyes were narrowed, as they usually were, and trained on Spencer. The younger man felt himself begin to sweat under the gaze of his boss.
“What, um,” Spencer’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, “What did you want to talk about?” He asked, carefully. He inwardly celebrated the fact that he had kept his voice so even. This was Hotch, there was no need for Spencer to be so nervous.
“Recently it has come to my attention that you may be harboring certain feelings for a member of this team.” Hotch started, speaking in that overly professional voice of his. Spencer took in a sharp breath, averting his eyes from the man in front of him. His heartbeat was speeding up again, and he was starting to feel like he couldn’t breathe.
“Oh…” He said, lamely. He wasn’t sure how to respond. What had Hotch said again? ‘A certain member of this team’ so maybe… Maybe he didn’t know that it was him. Hotchner continued talking.
“I’ve known for a while, though, Spencer. Even before Derek mentioned it…” His boss admitted, “I’d had my suspicions, but he confirmed it.” Spencer was mentally cursing his coworker/friend. It wasn’t like he had told Derek, but the man was a great profiler and had known Spencer for a long time.
“I-I don’t know what to say…” Spencer said, quietly. He kept his eyes trained down on the carpet, studying the dark material like it would give him all of the answers that he would need.
Things were quiet for a minute, neither man was sure what to say. Aaron broke the silence with a sigh.
“Reid, listen…” He started. Spencer’s heart stung from the rejection that he knew was coming, “I think that its relatively normal to develop certain feelings for someone in a place of authority over you. But it’s just… It’s not something that can work out. Do you understand?” He asked. Spencer bit his lip.
“Um, yes. I-I understand.” Spencer said, barely above a whisper. He didn’t trust his voice, if he spoke any louder he was afraid that he would cry.
“I’m really sorry, Spencer. Is there anything I can do…?” He started to offer, but Spencer shot up from his seat and headed for the door, “Reid-”
“It’s alright, Hotch. Good talk. Um, I’m fine, I’m-” He pursed his lips and pushed through the door, walking out into the bullpen. He quickly gathered his things and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder. It was late, anyway, and he needed to be getting home.
“Reid!” He heard Aaron call from the doorway of his office, but he was already halfway to the elevator by then. He pressed the down button, 5 times in quick succession before the doors finally opened and he stepped in. He could hear Aaron’s footsteps approaching the elevator, but the doors close before he go there. Spencer breathed a sigh of relief as the machine began moving down.
The commute home was normal, and once he was in his apartment, he finally let the tears fall. He had known it was stupid as soon as he realized that the feelings he held for Hotch were more than what he held for the other members of his team. Spencer only wished he had been better at hiding the feelings…
He finally got to sleep around 3 am, but at 3:45 his phone went off.
Spencer lifted the device and stared at the text on his screen.
Hotchner: We’ve got a case.
Spencer sighed and got out of bed. This was going to be a long one…
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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You keep your enormous BICYCLOPS chained to the roof of your COMMUNAL HIVE STEM. It is the only place there is room for him.
We’re finally starting to get meteors. Pick up the pace, kids!
The bicyclops is another ‘mythical creature’ lusus - and a pretty rare one too, judging by the fact that none of these other apartments have custodians that don’t fit in their houses. Maybe this guy has trouble coordinating his two heads, leading Sollux to conclude that he’s an ‘idiot’. 
Sollux lives in a pretty crowded neighborhood, and his place doesn’t even have enough room for his assigned guardian. This guy definitely ain’t a blueblood. 
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AA - or, more accurately, her Voices - don’t want Sollux to Enter just yet, so they need to distract him.
Sollux is a powerful psychic, so maybe he’d just be too effective as a Player. The Voices want the troll session to fail, after all. 
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You are now one of the five other girls.
A fucking chainsawkind wielder? I expected nothing less from GA.
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Virgo’s lusus is... an insect? I was wondering what animal could represent a ‘maiden’, and I don’t really see the connection yet. 
It’s notable, I think, that this lusus has the same horns as GA. Sollux’s lusus matches his red-blue scheme, so I think lusi adopt trolls that resemble themselves. That, or trolls grow to mirror the traits of their lusus. 
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Just like Jade, GA lives in a dream bedroom. 
This tower is virtually identical to Jade’s, actually, which makes me think Grandpa didn’t build it. It’s probably another Sburb building, which every session spawns on its seed planet. 
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And there’s the second Temple. 
I have a theory about these two Temples, actually. I’ve speculated that Alternia was Exile-seeded, so maybe one of these Temples is from a previous session, which destroyed the previous civilization on this planet.
Anyway, GA is living in a dream bedroom next to a Frog Temple, and I think I even see the top of a volcano. This girl’s Title may as well be the Jade of Harley. 
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Couple of things here...
"You're being unfair to Jensen by talking his show down like that, do you realize that a bunch of the things you are criticizing here were done 100% on purpose? Yes everything and everyone feels a lot like Dean, duh because this is the John and Mary winchester story as told by Dean"
So you're admitting this is a show made by Jensen for Jensen because he couldn't let go of Dean?? Cool. Also, YOU anon, are being unfair to the actual stars of the show by making it all about Dean/Jensen. They already got sidelined so the EP's could steal the spotlight during promo and now fans like you are doing it while the show is airing as well. You are sidelining the mains (and the poc sidekicks who are already getting done dirty by the show itself) in favor of Jensen/Dean. Do you not see an issue with this???? Oh and people are free to criticize if they want to, Jensen has been in the industry for more than half his life and if he can't handle it by now he's in the wrong line of work.
"Yes the romantic scenes feel way too cheesy like a soap opera, down to the music, and yes, John's infatuation with Mary feels odd and unjustified. But that's the freaking point! They are being forced together by divine intervention! How do you know this entire thing isn't a play put on by the Angels, just to manipulate them into falling in love."
Ok, well the problem with this is that you are making assumptions based on og spn canon which TW is clearly not following. Yea, the people who actually watched spn know that the angels forced John and Mary together, but at this point I'm not convinced Jensen or Robbie are those people. And we certainly know Danneel didn't watch. Plus why do they push the fact that its a "love story" at every turn if what they mean is "well, its not actually a love story because the angels are going to force them together but we're going to call it that anyways!!" That's not a love story, that lack of consent and free will which is NOT love. But again, this is all based on assumptions that YOU anon aer making. We know how it happened in the original show but TW doesn't seem to care about that so I wouldn't necessarily assume that's going to happen here too.
"just relax and give Jensen a chance."
Ya know what? No. No thanks. I gave him more than enough chances over the past year to listen to fans and course correct. Or hell, even take a modicum of responsibility for the whole debacle. He did neither. When the prequel announcement was made, before prequel-gate happened, the overwhelming response by most fans (including many who are now claiming they love the show simply because they have deluded themselves into thinking its somehow a "gotcha" to Jared) was "what? why? no one wants that!" It was only AFTER it was revealed that Jared was left out that some hellers and AA's got on board purely out of spite. It was a bad idea from the jump and fans were very vocal about that. And not just saying they didn't want it, they were very clear, concise, and detailed about WHY they didn't want it and what the inherent problems were. So it was all out there for the Ackles' & Co to source and see where they could maybe make some changes so the idea would be more accepted by fandom. Instead of doing that they doubled down on their bad idea. So if Jensen doesn't want to give the fans a chance and listen to their feedback (we've seen how he handles that... "hate watch", "if you don't like the prequel were you ever really fans of spn", etc) then I am done giving him chances. He's had wayyyy too may over the years and my goodwill towards him has run out.
Thank you for expressing this beautifully and candidly. I resonate deeply with what you wrote.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
If you are old enough to remember your local low-wave TV stations programming circa 1996-2004, that's about what you can expect as phase one of the Nexstar packaging transition.
The Safe List remains the same: AA, AAH, TW, and again flip a coin on Kung Fu right now depending on a variety of weird conditions I don't want to get into in this post. Skull and crossbones any other scripted originals and wait for post-holiday to grab the other top ones, likely GK, S&L. Skull and crossbones most others. Then watch upfronts for pilots.
Just to give a refresher, at that point most weekday slots were a healthy blend of sitcoms, largely but not exclusively black. White sitcoms were on networks like ABC (home improvement), whereas your local WB or UPN or both was a broader rainbow of entertainment you could say.
Some white dramas and even scifi shows were meddled with in the era, but only a few truly standout performers started popping out, like Smallville, and eventually in model, Supernatural. Buffy. ORIGINAL Charmed. These are the kind of shows that survived *into* the CW merger, while the other entertainment evaporated. And, unfortunately due to a variety of cultural, corporate, location and other things, TV became white, and the corporation that kidnapped the airspace had a very white lens by which they declared representation fair, broken off like bread heels and portioned rations rather than dominating.
But still. Before that became *all* there was, it was a really nice mix, a lot of you may remember. And those (often black) sitcoms cost even less to make than those nice dramas. Give Tyler Perry a million dollars an episode, SEE what he does with it while Walker has that slip through its fingers like crumbs to not even hit the same numbers.
That's why GK moved to Atlanta, really. I mean, it also helps Misha juggle filming for both, but then simply look at the fact that there's a Both. New Orleans works off an Atlanta engine and even shares a stretch of IATSE crew (it's the strip that hit my Alabama area too). But also per my reblogs, most of WB's current development space is in Assembly Atlanta right now, and this is their only remaining airspace to cling to. CBS can still bail to, well, CBS.
So I mean, basically WB is in house for Gray and using all local services so i mean. do whatever. But these are the shows that get to call keepsies and then enjoy them sitcoms rolling in, mostly from these Atlanta studios.
NBC has a similar pipeline but on less hostile conditions, because NBC realized they were sleeping on the black demo holding up television while white people flee to play in streaming, mostly due to lack of social equity, which causes different community and fiscal/entertainment behaviors. Read as: they still turn on real TV with friends and family while you guys flip through amazon boredly.
That's why AA just shit on everything else, and didn't collapse when the SPN demo got betrayed and boycotted. They didn't care. It used to be their fuckin airspace so they held for their show and guess who's coming back name by name to run this shit here name dropping who or working from where. kekekekekekekekek
It's. TBS. In. A. CW. Jar.
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potatopossums · 2 years
i always wonder so much about posting my long, rambly, this-is-me-thinking-aloud pieces about my experiences. i worry they're too long or not compelling enough for anyone to read and that they just clog up people's dashboards.
i mean, for sure, i post these things because they help me journal and process what I'm thinking. i do it because it's good for me. i feel like I'm actually talking to someone real instead of just journaling in a notebook no one ever sees, and the best part is, nobody has to read it if they don't feel like it. the effect is just better for me.
but i do wonder if these posts are ever as useful or meaningful for anyone other than me.
and then, on posts like this, i get tags like this in reblogs:
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image description: tags on a reblog that read as follows:
this is me with people about friendship and romance. it's so hard to articulate and that's why i think this post is so important. sometimes i just find people nice. it happens way too rarely i dint even know i could feel it. and i don't even know if its attraction and if yes what kind. maybe some far off tertiary attraction that's not even very actionable or compelling. i dont even want to be insinuating any committed platonic stuff. cause i don't know what it'll lead up to. maybe after a long time we may become friends. maybe not at all. eitherways it'll only happen slowly. at my pace. over the course of a long time of seeing and knowing each other. that said even insinuating a real platonic or god forbid romantic approach triggers me too much. i cant really explain it to anyone cause i know for a fact they're not going to understand. and only think there's something wrong with me. getting excited about people is hard cause i don't know how to warrant for it. it makes school and the getting to know people very weird for me. reblog. aa mine
end of image description.
my posts might not be useful for everyone but maybe they're useful for someone.
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laserp · 10 months
Hate how AAA games industry is focusing on pushing graphics fidelity but do NOTHING to improve anti-aliasing and visibility. In fact, with most games using shaders and deferred rendering pipelines, anti-aliasing has taken a step backwards since most games use post processing AA like TAA (blurry dogshit) and the only "real" "AA" in these games is if it allows you to increase the internal render resolution through super-sampling, which is the most resource intensive kind of AA, and the pipeline doesn't allow the user to force real AA like MSAA through something like nvidia inspector. Despite SMAA 2x and higher being *probably* the best post processing AA, almost no game uses it. Higher resolutions make jagged edges better, but 62% of users who participated in the Steam hardware survey use 1080p as their primary resolution, which ABSOLUTELY needs REAL AA to be able to get a clear image, especially for more modern games.
I love playing older games, as they allow me to crank my resolution using nvidia's DSR to double my native res and apply 8x MSAA to get a nice and clean image for the entirety of the game with a good framerate.
Nowadays, not only do games rely on upscalers like DLSS and FSR to maintain a "higher" framerate as a bandaid solution, which also apply its own kind of TAA and dynamic resolution, they don't even give you proper AA options.
I found a way to get a cleaner image on newer games by forcing the resolution higher using DSR and then enabling DLSS quality mode to smooth out the framerate, which looks better than if i only used one of those methods individually, as a higher res without DLSS would tank the framerate too much and DLSS does not increase the res on its own. I shouldn't have to do this to be able to see the game I'm playing clearly, though, I'm doing this in spite. This method doesn't work on linux, as DSR is not usable on linux, and when i tried doing something similar using Gamescope, i got a bunch of screen tearing, input latency, and the framerate was terrible in comparison to this method on windows, although Gamescope doesn't seem to work well on nvidia gpus, so it may work better on amd gpus, but i can't test that.
Fuck Unreal Engine 4 and 5 and any developers who do this to their work of art that they spent thousands of hours creating just to destroy it in such a stupid way.
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
a fun thing is that, while in the little tower with the stormcloaks as alduin attacks, there’s a gravely wounded man on the floor while you’re listening to ulfric and ralof talk about dragons. Anders, of course, wouldn’t be able to stand by and would go to help-- clarifying that he’s a healer. Sure his magic isn’t working--that he doesn’t comment on--but he does know how to handle wounds in a more hands on way as well.
So i imagine he demands Ralof’s sash, the blue cloth off his uniform, so he can wrap up the wound ASAP and while Ralof is pulling it off Anders tries to surrepticiously use magic and only gets the smallest flare of healing. Too small to help, but big enough that Ulfric makes A Face about it. Not that he’s going to complain about the immediate effect of a man helping his men as its happening, he’s not a terribly stupid man. But getting the wounded soldier on his feet is probably why Ralof doesn’t bat an eye at the magic later.
As far as they all know, Anders is a Nord that knows some magic, is shit with a sword, can beat the shit out of someone if he has a staff to hit things with, and knows how to use a knife. And his Redguard friend, Kain, she’s the real powerhouse of fighting, so they ignore that she’s not a nord.
So i imagine Ralof pauses at the standing stones and makes yet another Face because Anders is personally rather curious about all of them, but spends just a second too long looking at the mage stone. Kain, believing 0% in all that but not trying to be rude, pats at the warrior stone. Ralof v quickly assumes Anders got taken in by a redguard woman who pitied him and here he is. Once they settle in at Riverwood, i can see Ralof taking Anders aside and saying something about it-- not necessarily badly, but blunt as most skyrims people tend to be.
“My friend, a moment outside.” Said as Ralof stood and walked out, giving very little room to argue. Kain opts to follow and stand a ways off, pretending to inspect the wood piles for suitable arrow shaft material. “Something the matter?” Anders asks, a little warily. Fatigue is getting to him for not the first time, and without Justice at the edges driving for action its easier to feel. Ralof casts a wary eye to Kain and leans in, his expression shifting to something more sympathetic. “She know you’re a mage?” “Why?” Not a confirmation, though there is room to hedge if necessary. The fact Ralof simply frowns in response doesn’t help. “Is that a problem?” “Look, mage or not, you helped save my hide and the life of a brother in arms. The old ways may not reach this Lothering you come from, but know this: not so many of the people here will feel the same. Magic is... dangerous and i’m telling you as a friend--folks won’t take kindly to mages, let be ones that don’t have a handle on themselves.” “Normally,” Anders deadpanned. “It works.” His words were shaken off with a jerk of Ralof’s head. “Point is, me and my kin will have no problem with you. You’re a friend, now. But others won’t let it go. As one nord to another, a word of advice: get your girl to teach you how to fight like a man.“ Pausing a moment, he seemed to read Anders astonished expression as offended. “Not saying your knife work was bad, mind! Just saw her sword arm and yours. Hers is better, is all.” Anders, really and truly, had no real response to that.
Kain meanwhile is dreading making her own arrows after years of just buying them in Kirkwall
aa i just like this au
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systemtek · 3 months
UK Tech leaders to make latest fuel prices available on top apps
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Leaders from top comparison sites, RAC and The AA will be among those meeting the Energy Affordability Minister today (11 March), to help share new fuel price data and keep costs down for motorists.  Price comparison sites and map apps will have access to this new data as part of the government’s PumpWatch initiative, which aims to drive down prices at the pumps. The scheme will look to make fuel prices, updated within 30 minutes of changes, available to the public by the end of this year. The move will further drive competition and place even more power back into hands of consumers and motorists to get the cheapest fuel available in their area. The latest step follows the government’s plans and support for motorists in the Spring Budget 2024, as fuel duty is frozen for a further 12 months, extending the 5p fuel duty cut and cancelling any increase with inflation. This has saved the average car driver around £250 over the past 3 years and is worth £13 billion. Minister for Energy Affordability and Skills Amanda Solloway said: The government is already working to bring down fuel prices and we will all see the difference of the 5p fuel duty cut extension at the pumps.  We want fuel prices at your fingertips, refreshed within 30 minutes of changing, so everyone can save when filling up their tank – even when visiting an area they don’t know.   The government and tech firms are working together to make sure PumpWatch is a success, so we can put hard-earned pounds back in families’ pockets. PumpWatch will increase transparency to give consumers better information to shop around for cheaper fuel and reignite competition in the market to drive prices lower. Working with The AA, Confused.com, Go.Compare, PetrolPrices.com and RAC, the government is making sure the freely available data will be simple and easy to understand. The data could be used by journey planning sites and in-car devices too, to help over 41 million drivers to help save money wherever they live in the UK.  The government presses on with work to keep bringing down costs for hardworking families. The fuel duty cut extension, alongside maintaining fuel duty rates at their current levels for another year, will save families 7p a litre for petrol and diesel compared to previous plans. Head of Roads Policy at The AA, Jack Cousens, said: What the government and the CMA is achieving with its pump-price transparency scheme is fast on the road to what the AA has called for and envisaged for more than a decade. For years, European countries have provided their motorists with the ability to check pump prices wherever they go and thus spur competition. The UK is now getting there. Bringing tech firms into the picture will help that process and lead to innovative use of the price data. An example of innovation is the Fuel Price Checker in Northern Ireland that allows drivers to see the towns offering the cheapest fuel. However, there is so much more that can be done with the data and bringing in the digital experts will hopefully unlock that. CEO of Confused.com, Steve Dukes, said: Fuel has become one of the biggest expenses for drivers as prices have remained high for the past few years. This, paired with rising insurance and maintenance costs, along with the general cost of living increasing has made it harder for many drivers to run their car. In fact, recent Confused.com research shows that 1 in 5 (19%) UK drivers are using their car less due to the cost of living. Encouraging fuel retailers to share up-to-date pricing information through the PumpWatch initiative will make a huge difference to drivers who are trying to manage costs. Naturally they may be tempted to go to their closest station. But being able to research cheaper pumps nearby could save a considerable amount of money when filling up. We hope that drivers having this transparency will only encourage retailers to be more competitive with their prices where they can. Managing Director of PetrolPrices.com, Andrew Watson, said: We welcome the news earlier in the week to continue the 5p cut in fuel duty rates for a further 12 months supporting UK drivers with rising prices. The upcoming Pumpwatch legislation scheme, coupled with this fuel duty support is much needed for motorists up and down the country. We’ve been helping drivers save money at the pumps since 2005. I know our 2 million users will welcome the changes PumpWatch will bring in making fuel prices more up to date, allowing consumers to make the best decision for themselves. The meeting comes as the public have their last chance to provide their views on new rules that would mean fuel retailers must share fuel prices within 30-minutes of changes. The consultation closes at 11.59pm on 12 March 2024.  Read the full article
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minmin-pal · 10 months
ahh aighto, so following the guide list and watching part 1 n 2 in close succession, 3 then 4 then rohan ova, then 5 and 6. on the liveaction one, ngl i wouldn't really have much complaints about the fact it's not art, always fun to experience a fandom in its entirety like all the cool different mediums and stuff like that, especially for how long jjba's been going on for, there's so much to explore :D
okay not gonna lie, i may have desperately needed that warning about no characters being safe lol i get way too invested and attached to them so the head's up is appreciated ;; (/gen) i don't know why i'm kind of very curious about that though now, i haven't seen any author ever just straight up kill of characters (well i have but ya know?) especially main ones? got me on the edge of my seat now ngl. i'm also wondering whether i should just stave off the manga for now till after i finish the anime and that jazz, dunno to be able to binge the manga and feel it properly tbh
and ohh alright, i was reading another guide just now and it linked the "Stone Ocean OP / Opening" from yt and i see what you mean by cgi, i dunno how they do that so i'll assume it's like 3d models, the way the 3d bits fit the 2d animation style looked so cool and aaa the expressions are just so uniquely styled and all from what i've seen of a 1 minute clip lol but glad u were still able to enjoy the season tho tbh (/pos)
and oh!! there's tarot connections? aa i'm so excited to see how they do that, it's always super fun to see those small little references and u can giggle since your like "yay i got that ref :D" (/lh/hj) might have to grab some kind of bingo to see how many refs i catch haha (/j) but alrighty, noted, no research on kira will be committed, i mean aside from me searching for his design yesterday lol (/lh)
i don't know if it classifies as spoilers much but from the guide i read it said that around part 3 they switched to entities called strands with random powers? that was basically the gist of what i got before i stopped reading so is that one of the differences that separate part 1/2? but oh wait what? why would they say to skip :(? isn't it just more fun in general to start from the very, very start? and oh! joseph! i believe you've mentioned him before but i never heard of jonathan before, his hair looks super cool tho omg and no cause fr :( the uniqueness is part of the appeal isn't it? jjba already has the reputation of being: funky, unique and just being so alive, i don't get how someone would start watching an anime with a rep like that and not watch the first 2 seasons just cause ;; (/lh) awh help i'm getting attached to joseph now, he sounds so sweet tbh (/pos)
and yooo i get why you said "they really did that just cause they could" now" tbh that's a tad more impressive as opposed to just doing the special effects to big scenes, kinda feels like a flex about the artistic control they got over the season tbh (ya know, since like- creators don't really often get that much artistic autonomy with their shows anymore?) i really like that bit now actually ill be honest (/gen) 
and yes rohan is for real representing all side-characters doomed to only appearing for like 5 minutes or having no voice lines lol (/joke/lh) but ahh i'm actually interested in his character development now, the sillyness of him being the only one that could publish manwha properly whilst everyone else couldn't has piqued my interest xD (/lh) oh wait no, your point does actually make a lot of sense though if people demand utter copies from canon then it wouldn't really be as fun tho i dunno, creative liberties are very cool and ngl i could see it somewhat bombing if they did make it irl anime type ya know? idk but seems like the kind of thing twt would poke fun at :') (/lh) i'm glad about how it seemed to turn out though, poster looks super cool too 
and oHH you like aot? yay :D! i haven't watched in a while but unfortunately, i may have spoiled myself- kind of? i've seen the designs and new art style but the lore lost me even before i last watched a couple of years ago, have you caught up with the manga? what's your thoughts on the story and just general stuff like that if you don't mind me asking? feel free to not censor spoilers for this one, my brain's already pieced together bits of lore whenever aot would go trending on social media lol (/lh/nf) but yay hope you had fun with your brother while you watched it! (/gen)
i dunno why i always imagined that motion to be like a croak-type 'laugh' lol, but yeah denji's character definitely seems very funny haha tho course there's the serious story bits, not sure why but he actually somewhat reminds me of mineta? albeit of course denji's a lot more fleshed out and established (i'm not really caught up with the bnha manga so i dunno how mineta is currently, though tbh the similarities kind of end with their primary motivations centering women? (i dunno if i phrased that right, i hope the idea got thru tho ;; /lh)
wait oh noo, i've seen the anime already but this clip compilation is actually so sweet omg ;; i love yor but for some reason the first few episodes of loid being practically a single dad has my heart in a vice grip lol, they really did do the family dynamic between them so well (/gen) and ohh what are your thoughts on uhm- what's his name? yuri briar? yeah that's his name, the uncle and niece dynamic between him and anya was adorable to see lol
i finally found an proper working site with the english trans for the comic lol, i myt finish it in abt a day so i can ask some indepth questions about that when i do :D (if you don't mind ofc!) ngl being able to relate to a character however flawed really shows how well the writing was done (/pos) and wait that frame actually looks so pretty omg?? the artstyle is to be adored tbf, there's so many details and you can almost tell the emotions even without the text woah. and ohh! wait his been your layouts? i saw the holding knife banner but i didn't recognize the artstyle till you pointed it out (/lh) 
help naur,  disliking sm that you don't remember his name is very cool lmao(/hj/lh) but oof, i already don't like him from this one frame i see,  ah- i'm kind of excited to see this dude that comes before him now lol. and yeah the 'brown haired boy' archetype is definitely a hit or miss, have you ever watched 'a silent voice' by any chance? i can see your fond of found family/slice of life and genres like 'killer in love' (assuming you read from the genre /lh, eng is failing me rn im srry) what are your feelings or thoughts on other genres? maybe like- time travel/romance/reincarntion (is that just isekai actually?)/comedy/action maybe? i heard shield hero was pretty popular, do you like that? 
honestly, i get how you feel about one piece ngl:') i've watched a ton of analysis videos on that but it's always a whiplash to see the diversity in the male characters then see the female characters, coming from a vid i watched they said "It's like there's no middle ground, your either made into the standard body type (the girls in the images:') ya attached ) or your made 'grotesque' (the video cues a photo of big mama)" tbf i don't actually know big mama's character and there isn't really anything wrong with being that weight but i do get the gist of the idea the vid was talking about (artstyle side ofc), 
and oh, i''m gonna be honest i've never actually understood the whole highlight thing, i always assumed they were all sweating when i saw the shine if that makes sense (/hj/lh) but yeah, i can get how it's p much  a redflag or at least can makes someone uncomfy (/gen) 
and yay, ty for clarifying on that, i don't realize how much the text piles up till i send the ask ngl, and oh wait- i never really noticed the ideas might have felt disconnected tbh, flowed p fine for me though i may just not have noticed it /lh)
and oh, i don't really mind it lmao, feel free to call me mikey or custard (it actually sounds silly in a /lh way lmao haha /pos/lh) feel free to choose whichever, i don't really mind tbh
last bit- omg min (r you alright with me calling u that btw?/nf) did jjba s1 outro make the "we'll be right back" meme sound?? i'm questioning everything i know rn (/j/lh)
happy morning (very long response)
(also poorly formatted. every line break is answering its corresponding one in ur ask) (in most cases im so sorry :sob:) mhm!! theres a whole lot of extra stuff to read aswell-- like after part 4 araki didnt just make the rohan ova, he also made "dead man's questions" which you probably should also read (not watch as theres no anime version) after part 4-- it follows a character who dies in part 4 which is why i wont say ANYTHING about it. i heeaaavily advise you to not even search it up- like at all its mc is a MAJOR character spoiler like not until youve finished part 4 okay
also, despite no character being safe, i wholeheartedly push you to still love and care about every character your heart Will. shatter atleast once, but thats the fun in it really? i started jjba after watching the original naruto, so the first time a main character, like a *main* died i was just shellshocked the entire time i was waiting for them to bring the person back cause it was like You can't be serious? i REALLY dont wanna gas it up but the ending to part 1 was genuinely wild aswell W series
for the stone ocean cgi i didnt really mean the into but in animation itself for some scenes they used like 3d models and such for the powers and effects, and it sometimes might not be noticable, but when you see it. you see it and its like theyre really doing that and its genuinely so cool
the tarot connections are mainly part 3's thing- the way they names most abilities at least my favorite being death (13) mainly because the episode had me SO intrigued- honestly my favorite jojo episode other than this episode in part 4 (will not disclose [spoilers] but its the "bites the dust" episode- youll know it when you get there) hearing the ability names; it was always great to go "hey i know that band!" but i must say if youre watching the anime with subtitles, or in dub, what you read is not the stands name (or hear if dub) the stand name in most cases, will not be the same as it was originally, as well, copyright purposes really, so in western versions the name the person says (for sub) will not line up with the subtitles man in the mirror for example in the subtitles is reffered to as "mirror man" , so if you get to the part with stands, just know you might not be able to like get some references unless you listen to the japanese name not that it matters it just popped into head lol
and yes thats the big change really, the reason people say to fully skip part 1 and 2 the lack of stands which is so childish.. like really? you dont like the main fundamental parts of the series cuz they dont have big punchy monster powers? i assume youve met johnathan by now, judging byyour comment on the ending music YOU WILL (PROBABLY) LOVE HIM hes just a sweetheart like a mary sue mc but in a not mary sue way
yayaya :DD the team behind jojo REALLY can take the liberties they want and thats probably because the manga/araki is weird as hell like think. uh. spy family you just couldnt do the stuff you do in jojo there, not even story wise but art wise everything is so "polished" and set? like i dont wanna say polished, because jojo is *very* sleek looking but like you get what i mean
where was i.... honestly, jojo side characters (unless theyre like minor antags that get beat in one episode) are really prevalent as the seasons go on and one thing i can REALLY applaud araki (as if i havent been applauding him for EVERYTHING) is that he doesnt forget characters if you meet a side character that isnt evil, you Will. meet them again at least once something i like in part 4 (can you tell its my favorite part?) is that all the characters sort of have their own episode (even the sidest of side characters) when you watch it itll make more sense, but like the side characters arent just plot devices i guess youll see them roaming the street and the characters'll walk past the same bg characters multiple times, and that bg character genuinely wont matter i think it goes hand in hand with the whole everyone knows everyone small town theme but it's still super cool and yes!!! i get so dissapointed when i see irl anime reboots and they are literally just cosplaying the characters nooooo!! the point is that its in real life!!! make the story your own!!! yeah i loved aot :D its not a favorite of mine but its top on my lest i should do like a tier list or something of all the mangas/animes i can remember ive watched ive watched a whole lot actually theres not a lot else to do when youre a shut-in :sob: im all caught up with the aot manga the ending. had me shellshocked genuinely had me blinking like.. thats not okay where was my happy ending??? my overall overall thoughts are is that.. well.. i really love when mangakas just through your expectations out the window and thenh grabs them back and spits on them and throws them out another window just to mess with you so i loved aot; the lore behind the titans and everything? confusing but once i got it they had me rolling over in my bed sorry if ive been getting off topic alot by the way . _ .
croak type laugh is what i meant thanks for giving me a solid term :pray: and !! what i like about csm is actually something i saw in a rant on reddit and i have this issue where i repeat what ive read or heard verbatim solike. what im saying next is not only my thoughts but csm isnt really.... about the lore it isnt about the backgrounds and the world building its about denji and his personal growth and!! the growth of the people around him too https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/103xnqk/rant_i_hate_how_people_misunderstand_the_point_of/ ^says it much better than i ever can also... i think the biggest difference between mineta and denji is that denji knows what consent is also that denji is a person, whilst mineta is sorta just his character trait (one was made to be disliked, one made to be liked aswell) i am So glad youve seen sxf its just so charming honestly like,... i love happy slice of lifes sm nichijou, lucky star, shows like that and spy is just such a good show, its heartwarming whilst also definitely being about a spy trying to safe the country by adopting a kid and getting married the family dynamic is just c: -- i dont really love or hate yuri him and anya are cute together but... ive never really liked the obsessive brother trope and that Is yuri's entire character mainly so idrk how to feel about him hes not a bad character though i will say
and yES!! when u finish it i'd love to hear your thoughts and questions :pray: and!! being able to like characters that r super bad people is such a major sign of good writing and having bad characters that causes your reader physical pain is also a sign of good writing
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i genuinely love this artstyle it feels full of color. and is in black and white :kneel:
nameless white haired guy is just really insufferable from what i remember hes just gassed up too much by the people that surround him so his ego is the size of the lotte world tower the dude that comes before him comes into the manga EARLY like EARLY- chapter three i think theres another person just like him, more like him than the guy i was referencing, "arata" hes bad too but not.. as bad. the guy i was referencing assuming youve read to atleast chap 3 is the hooded weird guy with black hair I can't remember his name either. :grin: i love him though his name is just not said other than one time i think; (sorry this is so..... discombobulated- m reading ur ask then directly responding here. i need to start using transitional phrases) i have watched + read a silence voice, i loved it but i watched and read it in like the same 2 days so i cant tell you small stuff i liked its like cramming studies before a test. you absorb it for a day but afterwards youre only left with how you felt- in this case i remember crying at the end- and the ending but i dont remember specifics or like the traits i loved minus.. nijimiya? i think? was a sweetheart. genuinely adorable i loved her and her little sister as well as shoto (i think is his names) character development. kids are assholes; he was an asshole kid and he grew up and was Not an asshole kid whats not to love for other types of genres... i like horror but i dont like horror mangas/animes that are 'scare' horror idk how to describe scare horror but like.. if stuff r creepy just to be creepy its just not enthralling i love psychological horrors though things like oyasumi punpun or junji ito's stuff (notably uzumaki) i like dramas aswell but like. neon genesis type i think you could sum up my taste as things that are depressing at their core... minus slice of lifes. and like every other romance
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i think those would fall into the isekai category for comedy and action though i dont mind it honestly all depends on the thing itself-- i dont like sports mangas but i watched blue lock since it looked cool to me and i didnt hate it not a favorite, but its not under like c tier i havent heard of shield hero honestly-- but i did check it out the designs are nice but i dont think ill watch it
the ONE reason i wont watch one piece is the femals character designs i know its like a 1000+ chapter manga, made by a male mangaka which is a bad sign because to make manga, you must like manga people who like manga enough to write it probably do not see people of the preferred sex at all, so like yeah hes never met a woman other than his mother so he cant draw them but come one you mentioned her so i have to bring her up
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come on man. is this really it? just like you said, its either they fit the mangakas beauty standard for women or they are grotesque theres no in between at all and the men designs are so different and unique and vibrant!! he could make more unique female designs he just doesnt :sob:
for the highlights on skin type thing. i have exactly one example in mind- now as a preface peni parker (the girl) is fifteen miles morales (boy) is seventeen im not insinuating anything being illegal here, and if you think that it wouldnt be my point, so ihave to make a point here that that is not what my problem is as a second preface, miles morales looks like this
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i sound silly as hell right now. "of course miles looks like that- whats your point? arent we talking about art highlights??" (art is not mine. of course it isnt its.,... look at it...)
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I'm not going to comment on the bulge. I won't comment on his lips. I won't even comment on the fact that this is ship fanart, for a ship that... if you've watched itsv or atsv just feels wrong the one thing i immediately picked up on was how they highlighted that line on peni's thighs theres alot of stuff you can just tell by an artstyle the person who drew that i can honestly say is not a good person even if they didnt draw miles like... that... i wouldnt trust them around children highlights alone my point originally wasnt that i didnt like how they look, it was more that you can tell alot about people by the way thy draw just like how you can tell a bit about someone based of their vocabulary the person who drew that Is a pedophile i can just feel it things like that
I DONT MIND THE TEXT PILING UP :pray: IT MAKESME RLLY HAPPY TOI RECIEVE THESE I AM DELIGHTED THE FLOW IS ALSO FINE!! :thumbsup: u can call me whatever (min, minjae, minmin, minpal, 8, 8pal, palpal... i dont think theres any other names associated with this acc)
and last but not least the end IS the meme i had the same realization youre not alone
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twinhood-2dot0 · 1 year
Awesome Science Finds
What. An. Awesome. Post, Alia.
Inspired, I wanted to do a sciencey one as well, although I'd planned a, uhm, somwhat mushy (and handwritten) one, but I'm a teensy tinsy bit short on time and sanity so here we are.
Monkeys Choke When Stressed?
We all know what we feel like when we’re in a super stressful situation, whether someone or you is in danger, or you’re in an exam hall, or you’re in the locker room, with the weight of expectations and the desire to win making you wanna freak out, or whether you’re up on the stage, with several eyes on you.
There has, however, been little research regarding animals in high-pressure situations, but a study on monkeys had found some fascinating similarities.
These results from psychologists at Georgia State University in Atlanta are the first evidence that other animals are also affected by stress from pressure to perform.
Basically, monkeys too “choke under pressure”.
Science Daily had also written a great article explaining how the researchers got these results.
Here's a quote from their abstract about their fascinating methodology
"...we trained capuchin monkeys on a computer game that had clearly denoted high- and low-pressure trials, then tested them on trials with the same signals of high pressure, but no difference in task difficulty. Monkeys significantly varied in whether they performed worse or better on high-pressure testing trials and performance improved as monkeys gained experience with performing under pressure. Baseline levels of cortisol were significantly negatively related to performance on high-pressure trials as compared to low-pressure trials. Taken together, this indicates that less experience with pressure may interact with long-term stress to produce choking behavior in early sessions of a task. Our results suggest that performance deficits (or improvements) under pressure are not solely due to human specific factors but are rooted in evolutionarily conserved biological factors."
Espresso isn't just the name of a way of consuming coffee, and you can use it to find new planets
ESPRESSO is also Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectroscopic Observations. You know how space research centers love their acronyms.
Using ESPRESSO, we have even discovered a new planet, almost for sure!
Last year, scientists found evidence suggesting that there’s a planet we didn’t know of till now, orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest star to us apart from our ­Sun. Proxima D.
So far, we had only found two other planets around Proxima Centauri and the coolest thing about this new one is that it’s super lightweight; in fact, one of the lighest planets we’ve found outside our solar system.
It’s like, a quarter of the mass of earth.
A team of astronomers had found this evidence using the, and I’m not making this up, the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope or ESO's VLT, located in Chile and using our old friend ESPRESSO, with one of its really precise instruments for confirmation of the observations.
This discovery could give us key insight on finding other places that might host life, because it showed that the method they used for finding Proxima D, known as radial velocity technique, can recognize light planets, like the Earth, that our galaxy might very likely be teeming with.
The radial velocity technique basically picks up minute wobbles of stars caused by gravitation pull of planets orbiting it. And since F=ma and our Proxima D is super lightweight, the wobbles were particularly teeny.
Bravo, astronomers! Good job detecting those signals and interpreting them!
I'll have more next week!
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feb 5 23
alright here's another dump:
Today was weird in the sense that I not only had standing social plans but also answered an impromptu call to hang out with someone else beforehand. This may not sound impressive to anyone else but I genuinely cannot remember the last time I made plans with people from two different circles in one day. Furthermore I have vague plans tomorrow with K****** (member of an entirely separate THIRD circle) to help hang up her curtains--this one almost feels the most impressive, as an informal arrangement that developed naturally through casual conversation at work on Saturday.
To be clear I am not actually as woefully socially inept as the last paragraph is implying. I have made and maintained many friendships in my twentysfanlg years, and even successfully attended many social gatherings and rendezvous! Really it's still just the comparison to 2022, how the difference is still honestly unbelievable from my life now and a few months ago.
On one hand this process of societal reintegration is a bit astonishing (what do you mean I can just--go and get coffee with a friend? What do you mean I can sit in the sunlight with people who are nice to me and talk about nothing?) and on the other I am finding myself totally forgetting to remember it was ever anything different.
This is dangerous of me, forgetting to remember. Need to remember. Need to be grateful. Need to reschedule my last therapy appointment and go to AA and be cognizant of who I am and how bad it can get.
The impromptu plans were with J***, whose 8 am text asking if I wanted to get breakfast I only saw at 10 am when I woke up. I replied while still in bed sans contact lenses that I'd be down for lunch or an equivalent instead. He picked me up within a half an hour or so to tag along on his next errand, which was watering the plants in the apartment he was housesitting.
It was a 1br in the P***** building (belonging to his friends, long-time partners and start-up work-from-homers the way everyone is these days) and satisfied the mild curiosity I'd had surrounding those apartments since they opened 6ish years ago. (Smaller than I'd thought. White walls, tall ceilings. No windows in the bedroom, I don't think. Same exact oven and dishwasher as our own house.)
It was probably a mistake to bring me considering my penchant for monumentally fucking up any and all house-/plant-/housesitting gigs, and I told him as much after I had spilled the coffee he made us across the counter and stood witness to his tangling of a vined plant when he took it out of its macrame plant holder.
(We stood by the sink with me holding the top of the macrame rope and him unsuccessfully attempting to detangle the thin wispy vines from the fabric. It registered as a pleasant exercise in whatever passes for intimacy for me these days. Standing close and working together, not touching, talking about nothing without really being heard nor needing to.)
We went to the building's roof where it was too bright and too windy. He talked excitedly about how he'd figured out how to make his body throat-sing and played a few clips of his favorite throat-singing songs. I (more concerned with blocking the sun from my eyes and wind from my hair) couldn't tell if he was wanting me to ask him to demonstrate so I didn't. I told him about H teaching herself to whistle and the first clear note she managed after a year of enduring her flat and wet attempts. Something nice in realizing you can still teach your body how to do something, we agreed.
Back inside he told me he'd thought he'd finally cracked religion, or at least his definition of it. Could not pretend to record it as coherent as he said it, but the gist: Start with the fact that there is a God, and that God manifests as the underlying principles that guide the universe's machinations. The transitive property is god. Chemical formulas are God. The closest we will get to seeing God (maybe my own insertion here) is witnessing these rules in practice, and trusting their permanence.
And then---there was a second part, and I'm sure probably more he didn't say, but I can't remember it. I think a bit of all-religions-are-true, even if most have been manipulated as institutions to preserve wealth and power. The intent behind them is still valuable. Etc.
I told him it sounded interesting but felt very logos-heavy, where's the ethos? And he said yeah, it was definitely more attuned to reasoning than revelations, which was funny because historically religions tended to utilize revelations more heavily. And I said yeah, I feel like in terms of amassing followers that's your best bet, tapping into that emotional core, and he said but I'm not trying to amass followers, and I said I know, I just meant in the historical sense.
Part of me does wonder about his attempts to figure this out without plans to preach it, however informally. Part of me wonders if he is trying to convert me, however informally. I don't know how I feel about God. I feel like I should be more interested in an academic sort of way after such a formative childhood exposure to the church and my clumsy attempts to discern my own value system separate from it.
Maybe I am scared to actually decide what I think a good person is, because then I will be forced to admit I am not one?
? Hard to say. Much to think about.
The longstanding plans for today were with B*** et al, a candle-making soiree we had planned the last time we all hung out in January. I had a mild to medium time I think, although H was too sick/overwhelmed with homework to come and there was no one there I was completely comfortable with. B had outdone herself as a hostess, turned it into an early Galentine's thing with endless charcuterie boards and personalized chocolate boxes for each of us.
I feel weird around other women. This is a slightly dishonest presentation of the true feeling, which is probably: I often feel weird in moderately sized groups of people, especially in a setting like this in which we are not all perfectly compatible nor meant to be. Classmates and roommates and classmates of roommates and ex-roommates of classmates of roommates. And that this sort of gathering tends to be with primarily other women.
My social anxiety has matured enough to realize it is not a moral failing if I don't always have the right thing to say to some of these people but I do still resent the obligatory embarrassment when I don't. I'm never going to know what to say to K****e's sex jokes or A*****'s stilted attempts at polite conversation, sorry!
What should have been a comfort but actually just made things more tense: the fact that there were two other girls there also experiencing the slow burn of not fitting in:
L****, one of B's older friends, seemed downright miserable as she stood awkwardly in different corners and seemed to glare when anyone laughed. She left before we even made the candles, although I think she had other plans to get to. Again, my own social anxiety has matured enough to recognize when others' anxiety manifests in off-putting ways (God knows I do this enough), but--the resulting tension is hard to ignore.
And ******?, whose name I have unfortunately entirely forgotten, despite her staying for longer than I did. Was in B & E & K's cohort. Seemed a bit on the spectrum (aren't we all!) and prone to saying the wrong thing. Made a bit more sense when she mentioned she'd been very sheltered in Catholic school. Felt bad when I realized she was not entirely liked by the rest of the group.
But what can you do? Sometimes people simply do not click with each other! This is fine!
I don't know. I am a bit exhausted with meeting new people and having to identify then temper all their little idiosyncrasies. I miss being young and people seeming perfect. Intentionally written characters from a franchised series whose characteristics were recognized tropes, and whose dialogue was always sharp and plot-driving, and whose motivations always made sense.
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alldrinkingaside · 2 years
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WARNING: Graphic Language of Drug Use: DO NOT READ If Easily Triggered
MY TRIGGERS are EVERYWHERE: on television, in magazine ads, unavoidable on billboards and on the many menus of restaurants that serve liquor, to name a few. So, what's the big deal?
I've seen the icy stares of social drinkers and confronted my own fragility.
"Go ahead. Have a drink. One won't kill you" they used to say or words to that effect when I first got sober. I have faced the fact that addiction is addiction is addiction, whatever the substance, its social acceptance or its legality. "One is one too many" is my thought, but a simple "No thanks. Not today," usually suffices.
My perspective has moved outwards since then. Social drinkers, some of them anyway, may never understand the power alcohol once had over me and how my risk-assessment laughs in the face of the mere suggestion of a drink.
A little over-the-top, perhaps, but here's how I once expressed my addiction to alcohol being like heroin to a heroin addict:
"Slow the injection of truth. Insert the needle of truth into my vein, into my brain, slowly. First, hold the needle upright. Squeeze out any air. Leave only the clear, the liquid, the truth. Inject me slowly. I want to watch that crystal clarity enter my vein. The truth, too fast, could only scare me. Inject me slowly, or quickly watch me die."
Well, there you have it. Right or wrong, that fairly captures how I once felt. I had to confront the absolute fact that I am an alcoholic and that abstention, for me, is "the easier, softer way."
Confront. Confront. Confront.
My addiction to alcohol was a brutal truth, separate from the glamorization of alcohol in our culture. I was an addict, addicted to alcohol. Stopping drinking, staying stopped, learning to deal with it, was truly an internal confrontation. Complete acceptance accrued over time.
Calling myself an alcoholic felt like a deadly admission that rattled me to the core for a long time. "Poor me." Self-pity, doubt, fear, a volatile mix of emotions.
Today, after more than 18 years of continuous sobriety, it is still necessary to reflect upon feelings even after they have evolved and are long passed. Odd perhaps, but memories sometimes help me stay grounded and focused on the future.
Dead or alive, people of all ages are garnering another day sober somewhere, in AA, NA, Group & Individual Therapy, Smart Recovery and more. My hat is off to anyone anywhere who finds another day clean and sober. We, the men and women in recovery, strive daily to right our rudders on our clean and sober ships.
I hope everyone reading this is TRIGGERED to remain on the path of recovery and not revert to their old behaviors.
Chill. Strive on.
Socially distanced, close, close to acceptance of whatever comes my way.
Passages in quotes are excerpted from my Autobiographical Fiction, ALL DRINKING ASIDE: The Destruction, Deconstruction & Reconstruction of an Alcoholic Animal
Find it on Amazon. Book it here: http://amzn.to/1bX6JyO
Find 7,500+ Recovery Tweets here: twitter.com/jimanders4
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