#and the pit gave him an instant upgrade
ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Uncertain if u know this but it's one of my favorite facts to share. Jason was 86 lbs and 4'6" when he died. I feel like the writers should have kept him as a short king bc can you imagine ppl going, "that's a child" to, "oh I'm going to die" upon seeing him.
Omg he was SMOL!!!!!
And yes I knew he was relatively short but I didn’t know he was THAT short. That’s—- okay, I’m not tearing up. My eyes are just sweating. (Pls sir that’s a BABY joker murdered a veritable BABY I’m not ok I’ll never be ok—)
But actually it isn’t even very surprising. From what we know of Jason’s childhood it’s safe to assume he rarely (if ever) had the amount of food children require to be healthy available to him. And I’m not sure if we have an exact time frame for the time he spent living on the streets, but food then must have been even scarcer, and most likely did not focus on nutritional intake. And we know he was 11/12 when Bruce found him, the time when boys that age usually go through growth spurts (10-15). Assuming he was on the streets for over a year at least, the lack of food may have very well stunted his growth permanently.
So basically what I’m trying to say is that it wouldn’t be far fetched to think that the Lazarus pit also cured him of the malnutrition he suffered during a critical stage of growth, and that the Jason we see now is what he could have grown into if he’d had a kinder childhood.
But honestly small people that look cute and shit but are able to absolutely DEMOLISH you are a special brand of badass and I love it. Jason could totally pull it off ✨
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nikibogwater · 3 years
The Norse Chaos Chronicles: Chapter Four--In which by some Easter miracle, the Incompetent Vikings defeat the Elder
Been a few days since my last update in regards to Team Bogwater’s exploits in the world of Valheim. This is mostly because we actually had a couple of play sessions that were relatively calm.
We actually did manage to expand to the Black Forest across the sea and set up a functioning base there, where we lived in somewhat cramped quarters for a while until we had gathered enough minerals to enter the Bronze Age (and by cramped, I mean all three of us were crammed into what was basically a single king-sized bed because we failed to make the house big enough to accommodate a reasonable amount of space between each of our beds--clearly some home renovations are in order).
I, being a very kind and responsible sister, spent some time on the server by myself making our base more secure with Stake Walls, setting up a sufficient space for storage, and gathering food, all tasks that the others didn’t seem too excited to take care of. I was expecting the boys to notice and at least tell me that my additions were helpful.
I know for a fact that they at least noticed, because when I joined them for this most recent play session, Gustav had decided that what our base needed now was a spike pit around the front gate, which I know wouldn’t have occurred to him if I hadn’t put up the spiky walls. I was never told that my additions were helpful or appreciated, but considering that there were far fewer deaths happening close to our base, I suspect they were nonetheless. 
Niki: ...Is....Do we really need the spike trap? Like, is it necessary? Gustav: How could you even ask something like that?! I have never been more upset in my life.  Niki: It’s just...like, there’s a bridge that goes right over it. Gustav: Yeah. So we can get across it. Niki: Right but so could the Greydwarves. Gustav: Greydwarves aren’t that smart. (20 minutes later) Gustav, trying and failing to shove a Greydwarf into the pit: You guys, I may have overestimated how unintelligent Greydwarves are.
Gustav got exactly one (1) Greydwarf to fall into the pit and die. The only other thing he caught was Tripe. 
Okay, well, he did manage to get a Troll to walk into the spikes, but then it just smashed them all to pieces. It was at this point that Gustav finally accepted the reality of the fact that a spike pit was completely useless to us in this particular area.
Gustav, filling in the pit with rocks: Man, why didn’t one of you guys warn me that the spike trap was a dumb idea? Niki and Tripe: Yeah, that was our bad. 🙄 (10 minutes later) Niki, just peacefully mining copper in the forest: Wait, so where did the Troll go- *gets slammed by the Troll before I can even finish voicing the question* GUSTAV, WHY DIDN’T YOU KILL IT?!
Tripe and Gustav upgraded to Bronze Gear and Troll Hide (I brought mine over from my single player world to save time and resources). I was still trying to gather up enough Bronze to make a Cultivator so we could eat something other than Cooked Meat and Queen’s Jam, when suddenly I was informed that we were getting into a boat (we upgraded from the raft, finally) and going to kill the Elder.
Tripe: Get in losers, we’re going to kill the next boss. Gustav: *jumps in without any hesitation* Niki: Wait what?! That’s a terrible idea! (5 minutes later) Niki, sulking in the front of the boat: Did I mention this is a really bad idea? Gustav and Tripe: It’s fine. How bad can it possibly be?
Horrible. Absolutely horrible. That’s how bad it was. 
We had rather unlucky RNG with our world generation, and the Elder’s altar was a good 1,000 miles away from us. Which meant a significant portion of this play session was actually just sitting in the boat and watching the scenery pass. 
It sounds like a pleasant time, but I was absolutely terrified the whole way there. 
Gustav: ...Oh hey, we discovered the ocean. Niki, who has seen videos of Sea Serpents absolutely wrecking well-equipped players: BACK TO THE SHORE. GO BACK. DO NOT MOVE INTO OPEN WATERS. GUSTAV, FOR THE LOVE, GO BACK TO THE SHORELINE! (Passing a Plains biome) Niki: ...Did you guys know there are one-hit death bugs in the Plains Gustav and Tripe: Will you please calm down
We happened to run across Haldur the merchant shortly before reaching our destination. Since Valheim doesn’t tie your inventory to individual worlds, I went ahead and bought a few things to bring back to my single-player world (namely the fishing gear). I hopped off the server for a minute to transfer the items, and while I was in my world, I grabbed some extra food (the boys are terrible about keeping food in their inventories) and, since I figured we’d need all the help we could get, grabbed a few jugs of mead without really paying attention to what effects they gave.
When I came back into the server, Tripe and Gustav were setting up our temporary base so we could reset our spawn points. Right. Smack. Dab. Next to the altar. As in, when the Elder spawned, he was going to basically be standing directly on top of it. 
Niki: ...You guys that seems like a poorly-conceived plan. Gustav and Tripe: No, it’s fine. Stop worrying. 
At this point, I was pretty resigned to the disaster that was inevitably going to unfold, so I just grabbed some wood and set up my own shack a decent ways away without making any further attempts to convince the other two. 
Gustav: Niki, where are you? We’re all ready. Niki: I just...I’ll be there in a minute, hold on. Tripe: What are you doing? Niki: ...I’m building a house. Gustav: YOU ARE BUILDING YOUR OWN HOUSE WHEN WE HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD ONE RIGHT HERE?! RUDE! Niki: I DON’T WANNA RESPAWN AND THEN JUST IMMEDIATELY BE SQUISHED AGAIN, ALRIGHT?!
Houses built and weapons readied, we all gathered at the altar. I chucked the Ancient Seeds into the flame and immediately booked it out of the vicinity as fast as my meaty Vikings legs could carry me, frantically downing a jug of mead as I went. The Elder spawned in and within seconds, absolute carnage reigned supreme.
Gustav died within the first two minutes and spent the next ten trying to make it back to his grave. Which he couldn’t really do because his respawn point was right next to the Elder, and emerging from the house naked of all armor and gear was basically an instant death sentence.
Gustav: I’ve died six times trying to get my gear back. We really shouldn’t have built the house this close to the altar. Niki, why didn’t you warn us? Niki, fleeing from the massive thorny vines that the Elder is trying to impale her on: I hate you guys so much right now.
I was hanging back as much as I could, dealing damage with my Finewood Bow, but the Elder has a huge range of attack, and it had me down to single digits in health within less than a minute. And it was at this point that I realized I had majorly screwed up.
The mead that I had been frantically chugging in hopes of gaining better health regen? It was actually slowing my health regen and only increasing my stamina.
Niki: YOU GUYS THE MEAD WAS A MISTAKE. OH MY GOSH, IT’S MINUS FIFTY HEALTH REGEN, NOT PLUS! OH CRAP CRAP CRAP--I’M LITERALLY SLOSHED OVER HERE! Gustav: WAIT, NIKI CAME INTO THIS FIGHT DRUNK?! Niki: I DIDN’T NOTICE THE MINUS SIGN!!!! *yeets the rest of the mead into the ocean before meeting my first demise at the hands of the Elder*
Miraculously, I only died twice during the fight (again, mostly because my respawn point was away from the altar, meaning I had a clearer path back to my graves when I respawned). I have no idea how many times the other two died. Towards the end we were also being bombarded by hoards of Greydwarves, which only made things ten times worse.
Gustav: Have either of you seen my corpse? I mean, I have several lying around here at this point. 
I don’t even know how we managed it, but we did finally take out the Elder and received our Swamp Keys. We all stood around the scene of destruction for a minute, just kind of collecting ourselves. 
Tripe: ...I feel like that could’ve gone better. Gustav: Yeah.  It’s just, Niki goes and does all this research and watches videos and then she doesn’t bother to tell us not to put our house so close to the- Niki: *punches him*
The trip home was blessedly uneventful. Tripe did decide to cut across the ocean instead of following the shoreline in order to save time. I was 90% certain we were all going to be eaten by a Serpent, but we were fine. 
We made it back to our camp only to find a Greydwarf Shaman mucking around in our front yard.
Gustav: What is he--is he barfing on our house...? NO, HE’S SMASHING THE CART! OH YOU SON OF A-- *takes a flying leap out of the boat and tears through the shallows, furiously waving his spear*
The Shaman poisoned Tripe, who had a mild panic attack because his respawn point was still back at the Elder’s Altar, and if he died now he would have to walk all the way back here. 
Tripe, with 1 HP left: NO I’M NOT DYING LIKE THIS! *dives headfirst into the nearest bed*
So yes. That is what I was doing this weekend, in case any of you were wondering where I disappeared to. I am hoping to spend some time working on ToA stuff today, but I again, I think it is important to record these events for posterity...and perhaps as a cautionary tale for others.
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A Story of Origins (Sam: SFW) Pt.1
Revisiting my first post/first monster I ever wrote about... Sam the demon, we’ll be exploring his backstory a little more in this series! To read the first post about Sam, click here. If you like this work and want to read more, check out my Masterlist!
The bookshop was usually quiet this time of night, the only thing I really had to do yet was to reshelve the books that customers no longer wanted. I sighed softly after finishing up the last transaction of the night, there was little to do until the store officially closed for the night. Glancing outside, I took note of the raindrops that raced along the windows from the storm earlier and I could only hope that it had stopped raining as I had forgotten my umbrella at home. 
The owner of the bookshop, a sweet old lady who went by June, had made the final announcements over the intercom that the store was closing in five minutes at 8 ‘o’ clock. It took a moment before she had appeared beside the register, the mix of brown and gray hair giving her hair the coloring of rust. For as old as what she was, she didn’t seem to have aged past the age of fifty. She sighed softly before glancing up at me, patting my arm she moved towards the door. 
“I’m going to go check the air. Chase the remaining people in here out. I’d like to leave a little early tonight. Let’s hope that café has their shit together tonight and gets done on time at least.” She grumbled, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her shirt pocket and her lighter. She walked towards the door and pushed through it while I giggled quietly at her antics. 
I waited a few more moments, hearing the blender going at the café. When it stopped and a couple walked out the front doors, only then did I begin to make my rounds around the store. Hearing a couple of girls giggling, I walked back towards the board games section. Spotting the group sitting crossed-legged on the floor around one of the games we had, I walked over to them and gave them a look that got most customers out of the store. 
“The store is closed, please leave.” I said in as best of a firm voice as I could manage, the girls merely scoffed in response. 
“It’s not even eight yet!” One responded while the others nodded in agreement. “We’re not leaving until it’s actually closing time.” 
“Alright listen, this can go one of two ways, you can get up with your friends here and leave peacefully. Or I can get the cops across the street and have them escort you out while writing you up for theft considering I saw little miss art theft earlier taking one of our artist pencil packs.” I crossed my arms while the girls grumbled in response. 
“Fine.” The leader of the group spat at me, making a very big dramatics show with the rest of her group getting up and leaving. I paused the one and held out my hand expectantly, the girl rolled her eyes and placed the pencil pack in my open palm. I merely nodded in thanks and watched as they left before checking the other areas of the store before even acknowledging the mess they had made. 
Luckily there were no other customers, I poked my head out the doors and informed June that the store was empty. Watching as the smoke rose from the burning end of her cigarette. She sighed, breathing out a cloud of smoke and nodded in acknowledgement. 
“Just do the reshelves, Lorenzo wasn’t feeling well today so I wanna get done as soon as possible. I’ll have Rose deal with straightening up tomorrow. Besides, you’ve done well tonight.” June said simply, I could see the worry etched into her features. Lorenzo was her husband, a sweet old Italian man that oftentimes still struggled with speaking English. 
“Sure thing, there’s only one area I’m going to straighten. Those girls were messing with the board games and I’d really hate to have a big mess like that lying around.” I responded as I ducked back into the shop. 
As I walked back to the board games again, I paused at the café to see how they were doing and if they were going to need any help tonight. Haley, the café barista, had told me they didn’t so I left them be. I sighed softly as I noticed several other messes in the store that I had wanted to pick up, but knew that if I messed around for too long June wouldn’t be too happy with me. 
Spotting the game that they had left on the floor, I quickly made my way over to it but then froze. Of course a bunch of teenage girls had to mess with a Ouija board… I sighed, kneeling down to gather the contents, but just as I was about to clean it up, the planchette had begun to move on its own. The small heart shaped piece of wood dragging across the board from where it had been resting in the corner. I watched in a strange sense of fear and interest as it had dragged itself over to the ‘M’ on the board. The piece then moved to ‘O’, and then right over to the ‘R’ before I had finally decided to do anything about it. 
“Not today demons, not today.” I whispered as I snatched the piece of the board and put everything back into the box before placing it back on the shelf. “I don’t even know why we sell these things.” I huffed quietly, though it was probably because most people didn’t consider them dangerous. 
After having put the Ouija back into the box and on the shelf with the other ones, I finally got to reshelving the pile of books left on our customer service desk. While the store was a small business, it flourished enough for us to give the store occasional upgrades like our own search system while retaining that locally-run charm. Besides, being the only bookstore in town tended to draw people when they needed something in a pinch. 
I caught sight of movement out of the corner of my eye and sighed in irritation, thinking that it must’ve been a customer that had managed to avoid me until now. But when I looked around the corner of the bookcase, there was no one there. Chills had run along my spine and caused goosebumps to rise the length of my arms. A feeling of unexplained fear had begun to bubble in the pit of my stomach. 
I finished reshelving the unwanted books as quick as possible before informing June, the café was still working so she had to stay longer but she had let me go for the night. After I had grabbed my bag from the break room, I left the building with the sense of fear still raging on in the back of my mind. The only saving grace I had from it was when I spotted the police car pulled up in front of the building, a smile spread across my face as I spotted the orc leaning against the side of it. 
“Ya’ need a ride?” Nash asked, his long black hair that reached his knees was braided back so it only reached the middle of his back now. His smile welcoming as he eyed me from the tops of his glasses. 
“Yes please. I don’t feel comfortable walking home alone tonight. There’s something going on.” I responded as he opened the passenger side door, sliding into the car I placed my bag on my lap. 
Nash had slid into the driver’s seat and started the car up before slowly driving along the roads. I had met him when I had first started working at the library several years ago, and we had become fast friends. He worked in the neighborhood and made sure to check on all the local businesses at their closing times, offering rides to employees who needed them. His hazel gaze met mine as he glanced over at me. 
“What made ya’ uncomfortable?” His voice was deep, deeper than what was considered the norm for his kind paired with a heart of gold he could have anyone falling for him in an instant. 
“Ouija board, some girls were messing with it and then when I had gone to clean it up, the piece that spelled out the words began to move on its own. I didn’t let it spell anything coherent but there was just… I don’t know, it was just weird.” I sighed, half expecting him to laugh at me for being ridiculous. 
“I’m surprised they still sell those things.” He grumbled to himself before sighing. “Well, it’s done now, if anything happens that you can’t handle just let me know? I’ll put you in contact with an old friend of mine.” He said as he pulled into the driveway of my house.
“Of course, thanks for the lift Nash. I appreciate it.” I said as I leaned over to give the orc an awkward hug. “Tell the missus I said hi!” I called out after climbing out of the car and onto my porch. 
“Sure thing!” He responded as he backed out of the driveway and drove back down the street, I watched him leave for a moment before turning to unlock the door to my house. 
Once inside, I tossed my bag onto the couch before making my way into my bedroom. I grabbed a pair of fuzzy pants and a plain t-shirt out of my pajamas drawer and slipped into them. I sighed in content as I climbed underneath the weighted blanket I owned, once my head hit the pillow it didn’t take too long for me to fall asleep. 
It was well after midnight when I blinked awake, a looming sense of fear clutching me and making it hard to fight off the feeling of dread that was beginning to boil. I glanced around my room before my gaze landed on a figure hunched over in the corner, there were no distinct features on it’s paper white skin. The veins that ran along its body were midnight black, its hands were elongated and its fingers were more like claws as they were so long. It’s skin turned to an ash grey color right as each finger started. There was nothing on its face, no eyes, no mouth or anything. It was simply just a vague humanoid shape. I tucked myself back under the covers, pinching my arms in hope that it was all a dream. 
When the covers were ripped away from me and one of its clawed hands placed over my mouth to keep me from screaming, only then did I realize it definitely was not a dream. The terror taking hold of me as I stared up at it. 
“Morsel.” It spoke in several octaves at once, darkness finally creeping into my vision before the world around me went black.
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meaningofmotorsport · 3 years
Austrian Grand Prix Review
It wasn’t an instant classic, yet this race gave us plenty of battles through the pack, including for the podium positions! It’s just a shame that there wasn’t really a fight for the win, as Verstappen and Red Bull are starting to dominate this season, although there is a long way to go!
The weekend did turn out to be as easy as we thought it would be for Max, as he simply drove away from the others, to comfortably take his 3rd win in a row, and maximise this tripleheader! Not much more to say about the race for him, so looking ahead to Silverstone, it is a good track for them, yet we may also see a resurgence of Mercedes, with Lewis’ home advantage, as well as some upgrades! I think it could have been a 1-2 for Red Bull, as Perez was all over Norris in the first few laps, however he made two risky moves, by trying to go around the outside at Turns 1 and 4, which didn’t end well. If he had instead set Lando up on the exit, it could have been an easy pass, and allowed him to runaway from the Mercedes! As it was though, that mistake dropped him well back, where traffic hampered him, and his anger meant he was rather aggressive with Leclerc, which gave him some penalties in the end! If he can calm down in battles, he has the pace now to really aid the team and Verstappen!
It was not a good day for Mercedes, their race pace was pretty average, which meant they were under pressure from a McLaren the whole race. Then damage for Lewis cost him a podium, and more importantly a 14 point loss in the championship! On the other hand, they got lucky, as if Checo had passed Lando cleanly, and Hamilton had still got the same damage, it could have been 4th and 5th for them, as I doubt Bottas could have passed Norris on track! It has been a humbling few weeks for the team, but they will come back strong, these next two tracks are great ones for Hamilton, so we mustn’t count him out yet!
What a drive by Norris! No one thought he could keep up with the Mercedes today, as he was so far behind them a week ago! We know that this is a better track for them, so don’t expect this for the rest of the year, however, it could crop up every once in a while! The incident with Perez was quite aggressive, yet that is simply hard racing, I have seen so many drivers say that they learn from karting onwards that when you go on the outside, unless you are comfortably ahead, you risk being pushed off track! Therefore, it was a bit of a harsh penalty, but I can see where they are coming from, comparisons to Hamilton’s penalty last year at the same corner can’t really be made, as at the point of contact, Albon was half a car ahead of him! It was still a superb day for him and the team, and gives them confidence going to their home race! Ricciardo was able to salvage a result from the weekend, and get near to where he should be, the fact that he was battling the Ferrari’s should give him hope moving forwards!
Ferrari splitting the strategies worked rather well, as Leclerc stormed through the field early on, although he got stuck behind Ricciardo for most of the race, and without the tussles with Perez could have got passed him, although we will never know! Then with Sainz on the inverse strategy, going long and making great pace in clear air, he could jump straight into the fight with fresh tyres, get past Daniel, and stay within 10 seconds of Perez, to bag 5th, which was the best they could do today! They have lost some more points to McLaren, but the gap is not massive, and if they can get over their qualifying woes at this track, they should still be in the mix to top the mid field!
It was the softs that really hurt Alpha Tauri’s day, although I think that in clear air, Ferrari was faster than them in the race! At least Gasly did all he could, making moves through the field, to get 2 points! Tsunoda continues to make little mistakes every weekend, this time he somehow went outside of the white line twice on pit entry, costing him a shot at the points! If the team can sort out his issues, they can really start to pull away from Alpine and Aston Martin in the championship!
Talking of Alpine, it was Alonso, once again doing all he can, and being rewarded with a point for it. He felt bad for taking that point from Russell, but Fernando is doing a stellar performance in a car which is not where it should be! Ocon wasn’t able to show what he could do yesterday, however I highly doubt it would have been anything to save face for him, after 3 terrible weekends for him!
I cannot believe how close George was to points, a poor first lap hurt his chances, although with the speed of the cars around him, it may not have changed much in the end! Last weekend was the better hope for them it seems to get points, due to the issues for Ricciardo and Gasly! The good thing is that they have pace when the car works, which it hopefully will do again this year, so there is still a chance of points for Williams!
Aston Martin, like Alpha Tauri, were hurt with the soft tyres, and as they were behind Gasly, couldn’t quite reach the top 10 like he did! Vettel was very close, batting for 11th on the last lap, however a clumsy crash by Kimi, sent them both into the gravel, not that it affected them much overall!
I was surprised that the softer tyres didn’t cause as many issues as we thought they would, yes, the softs were a problem, but Mercedes found the medium’s and hard’s a struggle last race, but were fine now it seems, unless it wasn’t damage that caused Hamilton’s tyre wear! Also, the FIA were dishing out penalties everywhere, some more understandable than others, although at least they were consistent!
The F1 circus has a well earnt break now, before 2 standalone races at Silverstone and the Hungaroring, where Mercedes need to win at least 1 of them, to stop the momentum of Red Bull right now!
Thank you very much for reading this article! To keep up to date with when they go out, and to see my reactions to races and other news, follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/MeaningofMotor1
Also, if you want to support me, I have a Patreon Page at: https://www.patreon.com/meaningofmotorsport
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dreamlover31 · 4 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 21
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For the next several weeks, Rafael and Alexa settled into their new brownstone, every box was unpacked and every piece of furniture were arranged in the appropriate setting. At the same time, they resumed their daily functions with Rafael prosecuting difficult albeit worthy cases, and Alexa doing her part in ensuring that abused women and children were safe from imminent threats.
Ever since the incident involving Nicole’s abusive boyfriend, security at the shelter had been significantly upgraded, aside from metal detectors, a key card system was put into place along with a security booth encased in bullet proof glass. In addition, despite numerous budget cuts, a patrol car is parked outside the building, the new measures have given the staff members as well as their occupants a worry-free state of mind.
Alexa sat in her office looking over case files for incoming residents, word had gotten around about her pregnancy, whenever she walked in, she found small trinkets and gift baskets that congratulated her or had humorous sayings about motherhood.
Her focus shifted from the manila folder in her hand towards a figurine that Gladys bought for her, it was of a woman who was cradling her swollen belly as she looked downward, a few words were scribbled underneath the small cobblestone walkway that it stood on. The scripture read ‘You are about to receive the most precious gift anyone could give you.’
She smiled as she stroked her clothed belly, slowly, her mind wandered with thoughts of what this baby…this precious gift would look like, if he/she would inherit its father’s sassy attitude, what he/she would grow up to be but while these happy imaginings were flowing through, a terrible fear over casted them, I don’t know anything about becoming a parent, what if I screw up somewhere down the line and it ends up being so screwed up that it’s going to need therapy for the rest of its life. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door.
“Come in”
The door opened slowly, Alexa remained seated while she waited for the person to come into full view, her face lit up when she saw that it was Rafael holding a brown paper bag in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. She lifted herself off the chair and stepped to him, her arms slinked around his neck, in the same moment, the two shared a peck on the lips then nuzzled at each other’s noses.
“What are doing here? I thought you were in court”
“And hello to you too. The judge granted a continuance”
Alexa nodded as her gaze drifted to the paper bag in his hand.
“You brought me lunch?”
“Thought you might want to eat something before our appointment”
Alexa blinked a few times in the instant her facial expression changed into one of confusion, appointment? That’s funny, I don’t remember scheduling an appointment with anyone…but then again, I’ve been so busy with moving into the new house and catching up on my paperwork. Rafael observed her trying to recover the memory that had faded, ultimately, he decided to relieve her of her struggle.
“It’s ok, I know you’ve been busy…there have been times where I’ve forgotten a few things”
“You mean like the time you forgot that we were supposed to have dinner at that new Brazilian restaurant that opened up and ended up ordering in”
Rafael let out a small laugh while he simultaneously nodded.
“Not exactly my finest hour…but back to our present situation. We have an ultrasound scheduled today”
Alexa’s eyes widened, at the same time, she covered her mouth with both hands in a display of shock.
“Oh, my god…I totally forgot, I’m so sorry”
“It’s ok carino, here, why don’t you just sit down and have some lunch and we’ll head over to the doctor’s office”
She took the bag from his hand and opened it to see its contents, the aroma of fresh vegetables and salad dressing enveloped her nostrils, as a small moan vibrated along the inside of her lips. Her hand slipped inside the bag and removed a small plastic container and a black plastic fork, she passed Rafael the empty bag while he handed her the bottled water.
She made her way back to her desk placing the contents of her meal on top, Rafael spotted the loveseat on the left side of the room, before he lowered himself on it, he made a pit stop to the wastebasket at her desk and threw away the empty bag. They sat in a comfortable silence as Alexa dined on the fresh Caesar salad and sipped the cool crisp water, once she had her fill, she used a napkin to wipe any excess dressing from her mouth and then disposed of the remnants of her lunch.
“Alright then, you ready to go?”
“Yeah, I just have to let Gladys know that she needs to cover for me”
“I’ll be waiting out front”
Alexa reached for her purse then proceeded towards the door, she held it open as she gestured him to leave first, he thanked her as he headed out. The door closed behind her when she saw Gladys walking by, she signaled for her to come over, when they were in speaking distance, Alexa informed her that she’d be gone for the rest of the day due to a doctor’s appointment and that she had to hold down the fort so to speak, to which Gladys graciously accepted.
They embraced before Alexa followed Rafael to the front of the shelter, when she came outside, he had pulled up in the black SUV they recently purchased, since a little bundle of joy was on the way, they would need the extra space. After she climbed into the passenger seat and strapped on her seat belt, he put the car in gear and drove off.
As soon as he found a suitable parking space, they exited the vehicle and entered through the front lobby of the building, at the reception desk, Rafael announced their scheduled visit with the ultrasound technician. The receptionist concurred with his statement and directed them to the waiting area, she relayed that the tech would be with them shortly, the two of them spotted a couple of empty chairs and sat down.
As the minutes ticked by, Rafael twiddled his thumbs and nervously tapped his foot on the shagged carpeting of the waiting room, meanwhile, Alexa took a moment to survey the room, she observed some of the people but took an interest in the young couple that sat across from them. From the rings of that encircled their fingers, she surmised that they were married, the man’s head was curled up against his wife’s neck and shoulder; his hand was placed on top of her round belly gently rubbing it.
Alexa couldn’t help but feel touched by the show of affection he was giving not only his wife but their unborn child, at that moment, she pictured her and Rafael in that same position and inwardly chuckled. She turned towards Rafael and saw his current state, one of stress and nervousness, her hand intertwined inside his own, at that point he faced her.
“Hey, are you ok?”
“Yeah…I’m just a little nervous”
“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be fine”
Both turned and saw a young blonde woman in scrubs, she introduced herself as the ultrasound technician they were scheduled to meet with, Alexa and Rafael stood up then shook hands with the young woman and followed her lead into the examination room.
After engaging in small talk, Alexa laid flat on the examination table, she lifted her shirt until it bordered along her chest area; Rafael pulled up a chair alongside the table. The technician applied the ultrasound gel on her stomach, with her back turned she turned on and calibrated the machine, then she proceeded to place the wand in the middle of Alexa’s abdomen and glided it along the designated area where the gel sat.
While she was making her movements along her stomach, Rafael’s and Alexa’s attention went towards the monitor of the machine, they waited anxiously for a clear picture of their little one, just as she’d done for him, Rafael took her hand into his and then pressed small kisses on her knuckles. The technician was at work pressing buttons to focus the image on display before them, after a few moments, something came on the monitor.
“Ok…I think I’m getting something here…there we go, say hello to your baby mom and dad”
Pure, unadulterated bliss spread across their faces as they took in the sight of the small human being, who was about the size of a pea pod, that was their child, as they continued to look on, tears began to form in Alexa’s eyes. I can’t believe that this is my baby, this beautiful little miracle…this is the most exhilarating moment of my life and I am ecstatic that the man I love is here to witness it with me and be a part of it.
“Would you like to know the sex of your baby?”
“Are you sure it’s developed enough yet?”
“You’re at 13 weeks, that’s the appropriate time for the baby’s gender to form”
Alexa looked up at Rafael as if to obtain permission from him, but he responded with a nod and permitted the technician to reveal their child’s identity. She looked back to the screen and continued to slide the wand along Alexa’s belly, then after a few minutes, she could make out the baby’s private area.
“Alright, I don’t see any testicles or a penis, so I think it’s safe to say that you guys are having a baby girl”
“Oh, my God…” Alexa gasped as she covered her eyes to attempt to shield her oncoming tears of joy, Rafael was equally overjoyed as he leaned over and placed small kisses on her forehead, Alexa wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck while streams of tears ran on to his jacket.
“I love you Alexa”
“I love you too Rafi”
“You guys want to listen to her heartbeat?”
“Of course”
With the click of a button, the rhythmic beating of their daughter’s tiny heart echoed throughout the room, Alexa’s tears continued to roll down her face, and at that moment, it was Rafael’s turn to show his emotions. Tears began to prick from his eyes, despite his efforts to remain strong, Alexa turned to him and gave him a reassuring stroke of his arm.
“It’s ok to cry Rafi, this is a very special moment for us”
“I know carino”
He gave her another peck on her forehead as tears began to fall from his eyes, a few minutes passed by as they regained their composure, the technician handed them their own copy of the sonogram picture of their daughter. She handed Alexa a paper towel to wipe the gel from her stomach, when they exited the room, they showed their appreciation with Rafael shaking her hand and Alexa enthusiastically hugging her.
Before they returned to their parking spot, they waved good bye to the technician and the receptionist, once they were inside and securely fastened, Rafael put the car in gear and made the turn around back to their home, during the drive, the expectant parents held hands while still feeling the sense of joy and overall wonder two parents experience after getting a peek of their child until the delivery day. Later that evening, Rafael and Alexa laid on their king-sized bed, her shirt was hiked up enough to where her stomach was exposed; as they laid side by side, Rafael traced small patterns across her stomach while she looked upon his face lovingly.
“It all seems so surreal”
“I know”
“Guess we need to get started on the nursery”
“I’m sure you have some ideas on how to decorate it”
“Hmph…well I’ve already decided on the name”
“Really…when were you going to tell me?”
Rafael rolled his eyes as he scoffed while Alexa let out a small giggle.
“Alright, what’s the name?”
“Nadia…Nadia Jasmine Barba”
“I love it, it’s perfect”
She leaned forward and kissed him softly upon his lips, he returned her kiss as his hand perched itself on top of her hip, they continued to engage in a waltz of small tender kisses for a few moments while a medley of soft sighs and little bits of laughter joined in; they paused for a second to catch their breath.
In that instant, Alexa gazed upwards towards the skylight; tiny dots of light cascaded along the darkened sky, the natural beauty of this rare occurrence captivated her to the point where her heart clenched, Rafael shared in the experience as he draped an arm over her then held her close. Suddenly, there was a sliver of light that darted across the night sky, she pointed at it and exclaimed:
“Oh, Rafi look, a shooting star, quick make a wish”
“It came true already”
Once again, their eyes locked on to each other, she smiled at him then gave him another sweet and loving kiss, from there, he pulled the covers from under and placed them over their bodies. Alexa snuggled up against him with her arms splayed across his chest, Rafael in turn placed his hand on top the small of her back, within a few seconds; their minds drifted off into that of a deep sleep.
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @southern-magnolia @tropes-and-tales @teamsladsandgents @karens-imagined-world @itsjustmyfantasyroom @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @youreverycolor
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epitaph-of-twilight · 7 years
Once upon a dream [Outlaw Queen OS]
Sleepless nights and tiring days is all Regina known since her daughter was born. An upgrade from morning sickness, feeling like an oven and craving things she would have never eat in a million years. Motherhood had been such a fulfilling thing in her life ever since Henry first came into it and now, with her newborn daughter Regina’s purpose grew even wider, just like her capacity of love grew even bigger. Little Kiki (Lark, the girl’s name is Lark but Regina had taken a liking on calling her Kiki and little birdie) was a dream, a perfect little being mixed between her and Robin. Blonde hair, fair skin and probably blue eyes just like her father. She was all Regina ever dreamed off and so much more.
Regina had found a rhythm with little Kiki, though nighttime was the most difficult part of all. Putting the girl to sleep was always a task but Regina had discovered that tiny tyke had a thing for music, so every night Regina sang her to sleep. After all, music is the greatest way to express one’s feelings and if it helps the little girl to find Mr. Sandman and make friends with him until falling asleep, well that was a big bonus.
“When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you
If your heart is in your dreams, nothing else is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
(Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing)
Like a boat out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.”
Growing up, that was her favorite song. She remembers how her father used to sit around the grand piano in their living room and sing to her. It was one of the greatest memories of all. Regina had tried it with Henry, but the boy was more interested in super heroes instead of fairy tales. There was a time where he did take an interest in it, but one look at Hulk and Wolverine, the boy’s attention shifted completely. Regina does hope Kiki likes it.
Once the girl was fast asleep, Regina released a short sigh, still gently rocking in her rocking chair. Regina waited for a very long time before finally deciding to put the girl on her crib. When the girl was settled down, Regina’s eyes lingered on the sleeping girl. “I love you.” Was the first thing she muttered, her heart swelling. It was amazing how much love she could feel, how much love that grew more every day, for such a tiny little being. “I hope you always know that. I hope you know you can always count on me and your father for everything. Your happiness is all that matters to us.” The brunette grinned before lowering to kiss the girl’s forehead. She didn’t feel like moving, didn’t want to miss a single second of her perfect little angel dreaming her tiredness away. If she was a good artist like Robin she would have gotten her things and painted a portrait to forever immortalized this perfect little girl. Her memory will have to do.
“I’m sure your love is felt.” Regina tensed before standing straight. The brunette gave a ninety degree turned to the door where Robin stood arms crossed, leaning against the door frame.
“How long have you been standing there?” She questioned walking towards the door. Regina placed a kiss on his cheek and grin a tad nervously.
“Well, I heard you singing.” He replied back, pushing a hair strand behind her ear. “I’ll never get tired of listening to you singing.”
Her face felt warm and her cheeks were most likely a different shade of crimson. Not a lot of people have heard her singing. Usually, she just sings to her kids but a while back Robin had asked her to sing something and she actually oblige and ever since he had been asking her to sing once more and every time Regina said no. Don’t get her wrong, she likes to sing but at the same time it is embarrassing for her. Her voice isn’t particularly the best even though Robin just loves to argue the contrary. Still, it was endearing to see him so hooked on her voice, it was almost like a siren call to him.
Regina wrapped an arms around his waist while his went around her shoulders. For a long moment they just watched their daughter sleep. So peaceful, so angelic that made Regina’s heart ache a little. Pretty soon she’ll grow up and moment like this are going to be scarce. Bittersweetness, that was the feeling coursing through her veins in that very moment and Regina took a very deep, sharp breath to prevent herself from crying.
Oh God her hormones are still going crazy.
Robin must have known how she was feeling. His arm around her tighten and he placed a kiss on her temple. “She has a beautiful mother you know.” He said and Regina was left confused for a moment, her eyes glazing over the crib and onto his handsome face. His beard has grown a bit too much but that didn’t hide the kindness in his face. His eyes still shone brightly even in he dimmed room, his smile still made her heart skip a beat or two and those deep dimples were still there. She really opens Kiki get those two. “She’ll grow up to be an outstanding human being, just like Henry. You did a good job with him, you’ll be brilliant with Kiki as well.” There were times that she had her doubts about being a mother. After all, her mother wasn’t a very good role model. Regina always thought it was normal, they way she was treated as a child by Cora, but looking at other mother’s from all the kids in school and she knew that her normal was wrong. With time Regina had come to resent her mother but in a pivotal hour of her life, she had let go of that, the moment Henry was born she knew that parents will do crazy thing in order to secure a good future for their kids and even though Cora did everything wrong, Regina had forgiven her though she made a vow to never become like her mother.
Regina is proud to admit that she had kept that promise to herself.
“Mr. Locksley you are full of shit.” But she smiled, the words filled with a teasing energy that made the man grin back.
“Only being truthful.” He shot back, grin turning into a smirk and Regina felt a heat bloom in the pit of her stomach. Oh that mouth, the way it quirk easily from joking to teasing and… No, no time to think about the other uses his mouth has because that was how she ended up pregnant in the first place.
“Don’t you have things to do like…” She leaned to his neck, smelling it. “Like taking a shower? You reek.” Robin wanted to laugh, she could see in his eyes but the moment he did there was a possibility that Kiki might wake up so he just pulled her out of the room, pressing her back to the wall in the hallway before kissing her with fierceness.
“Only if you take a shower with me.” Robin’s mouth found the space where her neck met shoulder and sucked at olive skin there. Regina’s eyes fluttered close, enjoying the sweet sensation of his mouth on her skin and the previous thought about his mouth came back with full force and shit… She was going to agree to a shower without even thinking about it.
“Okay…” It was only a whisper but he took her consent and began undressing her right there. Henry wasn’t home, it was his weekend his father, Daniel and she was glad because it that wasn’t the case this wouldn’t be happening. His mouth kissed every new uncovered patch of skin. It left a pathom like kiss whenever he move to a new place, even his hand left traces of electricity in its wake. Being with Robin always felt like turning into a livewire. All her senses picked up, and an unnatural heat began simmering below the surface of her being. Sometimes she is afraid of instant combustion (yes stupid) but can you blame her? He had an effect no other man ever had on her. Maybe it was because he actually took the time to discover her body, like and dislikes. He connected every birthmark, every pulse point to maximize her pleasure.
It was totally unfair but she was greedy and allowed him to just let lose.
Once he reached the waistband of her sweatpants (She hates them, really does but she spent her entire day at home and she needs to be comfortable.) Robin looked up with a tiny smirk. “You don’t mind if we take a little bit more time before hitting the shower.” It wasn’t a question she knew this much. His eyes turned darker with hunger as his hand finally began pulling down her sweatpants with her cotton panties. The heat that was there but not really there skyrocketed through her entire body and Regina found herself only nodding. With a triumphant smirk, Robin’s mouth was pressed to her navel, down, down until reaching just above her clit. He pressed a kiss there. He lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and began running his tongue over her sensitive skin of her thighs. Regina bite her lower lip, head dropping back against the wall. He planned on teasing her, he always did and most of the time it irked her but today she finds the teasing strangely relaxing. Regina placed a hand on top of his head, flexing her fingers against his hair every time he got close to her core but went elsewhere…
Maybe the teasing still irks her after all…
“Robin…” She whispered in a tone of warning, her fingers tugged at his hair a bit roughly that only made him laugh. The vibration of his laugh against her skin making a soft mewl leave her lips.
“Ever heard patience is a virtue?” He looked at her over hooded eyes and…
“I need you to disrespect my virtue, like right now.” Robin chuckled at that and shit if his mouth didn’t get where it needed to be she’ll get really pissed and oh…
Robin sucked on her clit and her head was, once more, thrown back with a soft thud and a moan.
Much better.
One of Robin’s arms wrapped around her thigh, pressing her tight against the wall while his other rose, fingers playing with her entrance. For a while all that was heard down the hall was her soft moans (after all she couldn’t be more vocal, Kiki was sleeping and the door to her room was opened and they were right across from it) and the soft sounds coming from Robin. It heighten her more, his sounds, he got pleasure from pleasuring her and it always did the trick. Made knots tighten in her stomach, warm spread and the rising tide become more powerful. It wouldn’t be long now, not with the way his mouth is expertly moving, and sucking and how he allowed two finger slide right in because she was super wet and in need of more stimulation which he already knew probably thanks to her hand yanking at his hair. Toes curled as the bristles of his beard caressed her thighs and his finger play become more acute. His hitting the right spot and it has her moaning to the point where her hand splayed over her mouth to muffle the sounds that are coming from her wanton and needy and she needs to come. It is there, rising above everything in a white wave of pleasure. But she needed a final push, something to her right over the edge.
“Touch yourself.” Robin takes a split second to uttered those words before dropping his mouth again to her core and she didn’t know if it was the commanding tone of his voice, or the new angle he adjusted but she was lowering her hand over her mouth, teeth sinking onto her lips to stop her from moaning too loudly and her hands was on her breast. First one, a tugged of her nipple —a hard one at that — and then the other until there was a rhythm — an unconscious one — and boy that worked. She needed that to the point that a sharp moan left her lips and her orgasm washed over. Her eyes closed, as her hands stilled but Robin kept on, allowing her to ride her orgasm to the fullest. The tension on her body disappeared and she was left boneless against the wall, hands holding to Robin while he placed her leg down. The man kissed his way to her body, until reaching her mouth where she tasted herself. Robin tugged at her lower lip, before pulling back with a smirk. “Now about that shower…”
And yes a shower she can definitely take a shower and continue this. Regina was about to say just that when crying came from the other room. The brunette laughed a little, dropping her forehead on Robin’s shoulder shaking from the laughter. Regina pull back with an apologetic smile. “Rain check?” She said and he nodded kissing her forehead.
“You go and take a shower and head to bed. I’ll take care of Kiki.”
She could kiss him.
“You sure?” She asked even though she already knew the answer to that.
“Yes, go. I’ll be right with you when I’m done.”
This time she did kiss him and grinned. “I love you.”
“And I you. Now go…” He crouched, picked up her clothes and passed them to her. When Regina turned to walk towards the bedroom, Robin spanked her softly to which she turned with a raised brow but he laughed and ushered her to the bedroom before he walked to Kiki’s room to take care of his little birdie.
[Feel free to review on FF ❤️]
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philanddanxreader · 8 years
43. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me”  Dan.
Hello, Love bugs! 
Dan X Reader
Warnings- Smut. Also this is a really long one.
Saying you hate crowds would be considered an understatement.You could never put it into words. It's so much more than just people forgetting what personal space is. It's even more than the thought of everyone looking at you thinking you're strange. It’s an immense feeling in the pit of your stomach that tightens. It's the way you feel your breathing changing to a more shallow breath. Dan understood how you feel in crowds and has always tried his hardest to help you through any emotions you were feeling. Today was an extra stressful day as you were not only in a crowd of strangers but it was a crowd of Dan’s family. 
“They will love you just as much as I love you.” That was easy for Dan to say. He wasn't the one who was meeting a bunch of new people who were for sure judging you to see if you were right for there Dan.
 "What if they don't. What if your aunt thinks I'm wrong for you and tells your mum and your mum tells your grandma and then she will hate me and then I will never be able to be with you because I can't make you choose between myself and your family." Dan kisses you softly to try and get you to shut up for even just a second.
 "My mum loves you. No matter what one of my aunts say. My grandmother literally asks how you are doing before she asks me about myself when she calls. Don't worry love." You nodded as you took his hand into yours. 
"I'm just. Nervous." Dan smirked his usual killer smile as he kissed your knuckles.
"Good if you weren't I would be concerned." Dan placed one more quick kiss to your lips before leading you from the rented car up the driveway towards his parents home. The both of you reached the door and you were positive that you could puke right then and there.
 "Hello, my loves. Daniel, I have missed you, dear." Dan's mum was so sweet. She could make anyone feel loved in an instant. Just as his mum finished hugging Dan she turned to you for your turn. " y/n! Everyone is so excited to meet you. Not to make you worry but Dan's grandmother has been bragging about how amazing you are to the whole family." You let out a nervous laugh before following her into the house. With Dan in tow as you felt that if you let go of his hand you would go into a straight panic. The moment you walked into the kitchen you felt a little less worried seeing Dan’s grandma’s face light up seeing you. 
“Finally! I thought the two of you had gotten lost. You know Dan was never a very strong driver. Let alone never driving since he moved to London.” You were wrapped in a giant hug before you knew it. Dan was flushing pick at his grandma. Their relationship was so sweet. 
“I drive fine. Besides Y/N drove here.” She pulled away after crushing you to move towards Dan.
“I insisted as I value my life.” She smiled as she took Dan into the same tight hug.
“Smart girl. See everyone I told you she was perfect!” It was your turn to blush as you now noticed all of the new faces that were watching this exchange. Dan noticed and quickly reached for your hand rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. The two of you were never that heavy into PDA but holding his hand always seemed to help calm you down. 
After introductions to the whole family, you started to come out of your shell a bit more. Everyone was generally pretty nice. They would ask you questions like did you have a normal job, unlike Dan. You felt bad for him that most of his family didn't understand his job or really care to learn more. You explained that you did have a normal person's job and that you loved what Dan did. At one point one of his aunts called his job weird and that he wasn't going to get far after the fad dies. You were just about to defend Dan and how his job really makes his creative side shine but Dan thankfully interrupted.
“We should go get our things from the car love.” You nodded as you followed Dan out of the kitchen and back to the front entrance.
“I was about to set your aunt straight.” You put on your shoes as you continued your way to the car.
“I know and I appreciate it love but she is a lost cause. My own grandparents understand it better than she does. Anyways. They were taking up to much of your attention.” Dan had a little smirk on his face as he pulled you by the hips closer to him.
“What has gotten into you? Someone is going to see us snogging in the road.” You couldn't help but laugh at your own words.
“I love it when you talk dirty.” You tried to push away from him but didn't really succeed as Dan pulled you in for a quick kiss.  
“Your family is going to be judging us from the windows.” Dan finally let you go as he opened the car to get the bags. 
“Fine, you win this time.”
Later that evening you found yourself surrounded by a bunch of strangers all trying to include you in conversations about more strangers. It was all a bit overwhelming. Luckily you had Dan to your left holding your hand under the table. Just as you were wrapping up a conversation with Dan’s mum you started to overhear Dan’s conversation with his uncle. It quickly dawned on you that he was talking to Dan about hat he could have been if he stuck to school. You desperately wanted to say something but you knew Dan had come to the conclusion long ago that he could never explain his job enough to some people.Just as you were getting lost in pushing your desert around your plate you felt Dan’s breath close to your ear. The room had become quite loud from all of the mini conversations so you had to listen closely to Dan. 
“Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.” You gave his right hand a tight squeeze before leaning in closer to Dan. “After this desert is finally over do you want to go to the car to get some fresh air? I could take you downtown to see the only existing thing this town has. Spoiler it’s a fountain.” You smiled as you nodded your head in excitement. It was time to get away from so many people and have some alone time with Dan. The two of you were definitely used to having Phil be the only other person in the apartment. 
Here it is. The most magic place in the town. Actually, this is the place I had asked my first girlfriend to date me. Now, look at me. Still dorky, with a hot lady. The big difference is I have a lot more money and the girl was a big upgrade.” Dan took you over to the bench by the fountain.
“I have never kissed by a fountain.” Dan took your face in his hand as he pulled you closer to him.
“How about I change that.” Dan was only a centimetre away from your lips. You could feel his warm breath on your lips as he finally closed the last gap away from you. It was a sweet kiss as your noses brush against each other. It was almost a battle to see who could last longer without pulling away first. Unfortunately, it was you to pull away first. Dan smiled against your lips as he laughed a little at you.
“How is it after all of this time you haven't figured out to breath through your nose.” you hit Dan square in his chest as to make sure knew you were grumpy with him.
“It's things I haven't learned yet. Kinda like how I don't know how to open my eyes under water. Or How I don't know how to fold a fitted sheet. I have actually had lots of practice with that too. Yet here we are.” Dan placed another kiss to your lips as you sighed into the kiss.
“Should we get out of here so we don't look like teens in the park who have nowhere else to go.”
“We don't really have anywhere else to go. As we are staying at your parent's house in your old bedroom. Plus we are making out like teens in a park. What or where do you have in mind?” Dan took your hand to drag you back to the car. The two of you drove back to his parent's house singing your hearts out. After a few minutes, Dan pulled up back in front of his parent's house. The both of you sat in the silence for a little bit as the both of you were thinking the same thing of wanting to avoid more conversations with family members.
“We have two options one we fuck in the car and kill like three hours. Or we go into the house, wait for my family to leave. Go up to my childhood room and quietly try to fuck?” You rolled your eyes at him before bursting his bubble.
“First I do have to question your three hours? Are we also going to solve Rubix cubes for two hours and forty-five minutes.” You paused to look at Dan’s face because that was too sweet of a burn not to enjoy his hurt. After your sweet moment, you continued to list why his plan was terrible. “Second as fun as it would be to fuck in your bed I will not try and be quiet as to not disturb your parents. It would be fun to fuck like teens in your bed but as a grown woman I will not suck your dick while having anxiety about getting caught.” Dan nodded at your valid points but it wasn't like you fully ruled out sex in the car.
“So could we spend those fifteen minutes doing something before going back in?  I can pull the car around the corner.” How could you say no to his stupid little face? Plus thinking about humping like bunnies was actually peaking your interest
“Fuck it.” Dan had a little cheer before starting up the car so you could pull around the corner to have a bit more privacy. Once around the corner you quickly realised how dark the night was as there wasn't a single street light on the block making your eyes try and adjust to the blackness. You could hear the car being turned off as you looked down to find the lock button on the doors.
“Scared pet? Haven't you ever seen porn with people fucking in cars? It always seems to work out for them just fine.” Rolling your eyes you started to take off your shoes before crawling your way to the back seat of the car. 
“The last thing we need is someone coming up to the car to steal it while were getting it on back here.” Dan laughed as he ungracefully crawled into the small back seat where you were sitting.
“Now that would be a good reason why Dan’s a fail.”You were about to make a snarky remark but were quickly cut off from Dan’s lips crashing into yours. Just as Dan was pushing you up to lean on the door you made an uncomfortable squeak. Dan pulled you back instantly looking over your face trying to read it in the dark car.
“Seat belt thing was digging into my hip. Hold on.” Quickly tucking the seatbelt parts into the back of the seat you grabbed Dan by his collar to continue what was so rudely interrupted. The fight for dominance was given easily to Dan with your current position in the car. You head and part of your back was against the door as your one leg was on the seat and the other awkwardly on the floor. Dan pulled away for a second to resituate himself between your legs to try and get a bit more leverage. 
“Now I know why older people don't fuck in the car. It’s incredibly uncomfortable so if it's possible to fuck anywhere else you take it.” Dan laughed into your lips as he continued to pepper kisses to the already slightly swollen skin.
“I never had a car when I was younger and my girlfriend took the bus everywhere. I guess you’re taking my car sex virginity. How exciting.” He was always in a teasing mood even when he was trying to get with you. 
“I have never fucked in a car. I have done other things but never fucked. If we're being honest I'm already hot and not in a fun way. Would it be possible to give you a little road head and maybe continue the other play another time?Like tomorrow when we go back home.” Dan weighed his options as the both of you sat in the already steamy car.
“I would feel bad to get some sort of release and leave you hanging.” You patted Dan’s face sweetly as you tilted your head to the side to look at him.
“Don’t worry about me, baby. I know you will make it up to me in some way tomorrow. Plus I know how bad you have wanted this since we had to cut our morning short because we had to leave.” Dan was feeling rather needy from the lack of play this morning.
“Ok, I'm desperate. Love would you please suck my cock. Nothing would make me happier right now. It may release some stress.” You couldn't help crack a smile at his desperate need. 
“Fine. Only because I love you and your pretty cock.” You felt a little blush rush to your cheeks even though you were usually this straightforward with Dan. Thankfully he wouldn't be able to see the pink on your cheeks from the darkness so you continued you way over to Dan as you knelt on your knees so you were mere inches from his already hardening member. You didn't pause for very long before reaching to undo Dan’s jeans that were somehow even tighter with his member pushing against his pants. Managing to undo the button and zipper Dan’s cock sprang free from his jeans giving you a bit of a shock. 
“Where are your underwear?” You had pulled back a bit so you could try and read the expression on his face.
“Well to be honest I knew at some point today we were going to be fooling around and I wanted to make it as easy as possible.” 
“Cocky. Aren't we?” Quickly realising the accidental pun the both of you shared a quick laugh before both of your focuses were turned to a more pressing matter, Dan’s hand had snuck its way up to pull your face closer to his making you vulnerable to his lips over yours. As much fun as it was to kiss Dan you did want to please him so as you broke the kiss you moved your hand over the tip of his cock brushing the precum over his shaft down to the base. You continued to do these long strokes as Dan let his guard down by releasing a low moan from the lips you were kissing mere seconds ago.
“Please.” That was it all took for you to continue your way to kitten licking him from his base upwards to the tip. Wrapping your lips around him you make sure to hollow your cheeks as to try and get as much of him in your mouth as possible. You were going slow as to try and not hit your gag reflex but in taking the time you were accidently causing Dan to be teased to the point where his hips bucked on their own causing you to gag slightly. You pulled off of dan giving him a smirk as he looked down at you apologetically. It was a silent conversation as you rolled your eyes before setting back to the duty ahead. Regaining your composure you started again mostly focusing on the sensitive tip sucking and pressing your tongue on him as you pop him in and out of your warm mouth. Just as you were about to try and really suck on Dan again you felt his hand in your hair tugging slightly letting you know not to stop what you were doing. You took the hint as you continued on. Pumping the rest of him with one of your hands as the other played with his balls just a little. Dan was still letting out little whimpers in pleasure before finding his voice.
“What a pretty girl sucking my cock. Do you like my big cock in your mouth?” You decided to answer him with a slight squeeze oh his balls a little harder. It took Dan everything not to buck into your mouth again. “Oh, you dirty little girl. D you want my cum in your mouth?” You replied with a moan making the vibrations flow through Dan. The car was filled with the sounds of Dans moans and the sound of you sucking on Dan begging for his release. You loved when you could pleasure Dan making him orgasm for and because of you.
“I'm going to cum love.Do you want me to cum in this pretty little mouth?” You didn't have much time to respond as you felt Dan’s cock throb in your mouth before letting his orgasm rush over him. After a few thrusts, you pulled away from Dan as you swallowed all oh his hot cum.
“That’s my girl/ You look so pretty with my cum on your chin.” Dan took his finger wiping the cum from your face before brushing it off on his pants that were still only around his thighs.
“Did I do good?” Dan laughed as he pulled you into a kiss. 
“You did fantastically well.”
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diary4 · 6 years
04/06/2018 - night
  Well I mean technically it’s the early morning of the fifth by now but anyway.
  I just had to do another one of those horrible goodnight goodbyes. Every night it gets even harder to convince myself that it isn’t the last goodbye, that she’ll still be here in the morning. I don’t know how much longer I can go on with them because the truth is that one night very soon it really will be the last one. Maybe tonight really was the last one. I lay with my head on her chest and her hand on my face. I drew her face like she always used to draw mine - sparse eyebrows because you pluck them naughty, little nose, big brown eyes, red cheekies, thin little lips, foodie in your teeth and lovely chocolate brown hair. I can still feel her beneath my fingers, and I hope I always will. 
  No more morbidity, here’s something interesting. Something that gave me instant, instinctual reassurance that she would still be here tomorrow was Dad saying casually ‘I’ll ask her in the morning if she’s in pain’. It’s utterly remarkable how even the most throw away remark made by a parent is instantly comforting to a child. I know perfectly well that Dad has no more control over what happens to Mum that I do, and no more ability to predict the future. But it’s a hangover from childhood, from asking your parents ‘whats happening’ and them reassuring you ‘don’t worry, it will all be okay’ - and you just instinctively trusting them for no reason other than in the adult child bind there is always implicit that the adult knows something that the child does not. Back when she could still talk (over two weeks ago now) I used to make Mum say it out loud - “it will all be okay, I’ll be okay”. I remember towards the end when we were curled up in her bed together when I asked “how though? how will you be okay?”. By this point modern medicine had deserted us, gone scampering back to the hole whence it came like rats from a sinking ship. “I’ll pray to God” she said. I’ll never forget how she said that. She was really desperate. I don’t think she’s ever been more of a believer than me, that is, she believes helplessly and hopelessly on her knees grovelling to the lord. I think maybe why its so memorable is because it reminded me of a time months ago when she cried and hugged me and said “Don’t take me away from them, God, I won’t let you!”. There we go. Character arch, heavy defeat. When once defiant, she was left begging for mercy. And that’s the saddest fucking thing. My Mum, the original may I speak to the manager, who got into rows with orthodontists and fought tooth and nail, muma bear style, to get us everything and anything we might want. Who wouldn’t think twice about confronting any number of high level official to get her way, be it a cheap cinema ticket or a first class upgrade or the money back off a coupon that expired before we were born. She was fearless, she was ‘that bitch’, and she never took the answer ‘no’. And yet there they were, all the great bastions of modern medicine slamming their church doors in her face. And there she was, kicked out by all but the final incumbent of Harley Street, the door they only ever came knocking on when all the others had proved no good, and which out of bitterness for being left till last would fain never open except in ancient myth or rumor. There she was, begging to God to drop some miracle vial out an upstairs window into her outstretched fingers and with barely an effortless twitch of his omnipotent pinkie grant her another half decade chortling on the sofa to our old antics.
I wish it was anyone but her. I wish it was Dad or Uncle Tony or Auntie Angie. I wish it was anyone elses Mum. I’ve given it serious thought and come to the conclusion that in this, I would be totally selfish. I would, as Dad said that one night, ‘murder someone’ - ‘if I had to kill someone to make you better I’d go out and do it tomorrow’. Better still, I’d kill a baby. I would kick in the head of ten innocent babies playing in a sand pit, if it meant I could make you better, even for a year or two. That’s right. And Mr Wright and his ethics of ‘results don’t justify actions’ can literally, go fuck themselves, because do you know what he’s a forty year old married man with children and a full set of parents swaddled up in a bungalow somewhere, and I’m twenty watching my Mum died on the front room sofa and my Dad twist his face in an effort not to cry. So fuck you normality. 
  And yes, I have given it serious thought, and I think I would rather it was Dad. because Mum’s the missing link, because with Mum we would still be ‘the girls’, because Mum still has more of a life with her friends and her parents, and because Mum would find it easier to get over him and find someone new. I don’t want to get vehement about this because I’ll probably wind up hating my one remaining parent; but there you go. 
  I think the only person I really wouldn’t swap is Eliana. And perhaps myself - though I’m not entirely convince on that one yet. 
  I don’t even remember why I wanted to write this entry now. Oh yeah - Death: A Prequel. 
Before I do forget though, here’s something else I also wanted to say - and that is that I wish I knew Mum better. I know her pretty damn well, but I wish I knew the ins and outs, the thought train. I think I’ll leave my diaries to my children so that, if they wish, they can take a ride on my thought train any time of day. Won’t matter when I’m gone if they lose some respect for me - and besides, I’m not a totally disrespectable person, and thanks to the big old ego I come off pretty well in the diaries anyway. 
But: Death: A Prequel, and it’s sequel, Death: A Sequel. Potential title ideas for that novel about the circus act that gather around dying people, the death of Stalin esque thing, but for an everyman. It’s got a blockbustery feel which is nice. However, while Death: A Prequel nicely alludes to the act of Dying, Death: A Prequel implies the afterlife a little to much. Maybe ‘afterlife’ = a state of mourning - post life, even if it is someone elses life. Does mourning parallel the after life - well yes in that we just don’t know whats coming, we dread it, but we also perversely anticipate the release. What’s the further implication - that by making a prequel and a sequel of death we’re actually skipping the main event, the death itself, which is exactly what we are doing. It’s not about the dying person, it’s about those around them, and the gap where they are (glaringly) not - in the titular film that should connect the two. The sense of absence and missing. It’s a horribly morbid title though, and it could definitely be sexier, so maybe I’ll scrap it completely, or just have it as a subtitle or work it into the prose. 
PS. Quick side thought from glancing through this - that stuff about kicking in babies skulls could make a great bit of speech. Samuel L. Jackson voice; “I, wearing steel toe capped motherfuckin leather boots, would kick a baby in the head as hard as if it were a football I wanted to back corner in the bloody goal of the world cup final (final minutes).” etc. ‘melon’? English accent, not SLJ - needs be for ‘bloody goal’ and ‘world cup’
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chinad · 7 years
timed killing as sanctum precaution.

Sep 6, 2017
dreamt of bring my son traveling to my hometown. in suburb of our current town, passing a hotel we met many witches and wizards. some ambushed us. some cursed us. some stealed us. some transfered our appearance. in first attack, my son lost his outdoor baggage in a blink. second attack turned my son a disabled kid with damaged arms, lost his 2 mobiles I prepared 2 years ago. my son later told me he hide them in a place intact. we were heading to a bus stop where we will travel to Tianjin, north China where I graduated and broke my heart for a girl collegian. in Tianjin we will switch a bus then reach its railway station and head to our hometown in central China. in homeless and changing fake idol, we held each other firm against misleading exerted by those dark power. sometimes I want blamed my son according his performance but I later gave up, for they were forged and fake. some witch attempted to trade or threat, and attacked after our refusal. its a frightening dream. my neck turns more stiff and painful after nap. last night I ate too much, esp snack from street vendor near dorm gate and got sore water in throat midnight after woke up abrupt. I so gave up breakfast in canteen, and just napped. there were so many hatred in area of QRRS that I really felt. for example, the day before yesterday, a pile of dog shit or feces laid exactly front entrance of the dorm gate which using fence to narrow route. I after dinner and routine dusk jog started and in a blink stepped onto it through the limited gate. the night a middle size rain cleanse the dirty road. then in last dusk another small plastic bag in which likely bloods and dirts held laid there, pits the road block. a stubborn freak in his 60 or 70 constantly challenges me on my way jogging in dusk. twice the sin copied and according my changed route around the QRRS square just to facing me and deface my innocence. God grants my killing over the rubbish, the enemies of zhone Royal China. its a sunny noon now. I sunburn after lunch in the dorm minigarden, till nearby Senior middle school students came canteen for lunch. its very brilliant during recent clouds and rains. God dad, you guide me so far I didn't make any change around me. you tells me my security intact so far for future more widespread slaughter. yes dad God, I remember and trying remember the betray and profanation of my Royal China. grant me lighter heart for enjoying my daily bread and social times. bring me my Japanese Crown Queen, Asoh Yukiko, for better future of felling PRC, failing Chinese on mainland. guarantee our spiritual uprising on Christian way. thx dad God.
Sep 5, 2017
dreamt with a Russian scholar visited Bill Gates' futuristic house. Bill at first introduce his encyclopedia. then his wife treated us dinner. his daughter also appeared. while lingering I studied my subjects. yesterday I in my life first time received dental health care: teeth cleaning. it's a small local clinic, which charged me ¥80, dearer than most web q/a. but the girl likely a deputy doctor worked diligently and careful. the second half operative did by another woman likely a doctor and a bit harsher. uncomfortable in the procedure ignorable but time spent endures matters. I spent near 1 hour, even when I left I felt relived. its my 1st step adopting western lifestyle in grace and managed. last Sunday afternoon I arranged woz monthly cinema. I waited him from his music class half hour in Qiqihar supermarket. the nearby guard of the market even doubting my task while I using my mobile to read there but no communication in air. after my son gloriously appeared, I presented him ice drink, movie "Dunkirk", and hotpot before taxied home. its wonderfully planned and executed in a pack. but the night I slept so deep that next morning I felt clueless and unclear when I visited my son for shower in public spa. his computer locked him out after too many logon failure due to the problematic mouse. so I spent another half day to reinstall windows. his mom, the small bitch, tentatively brought him out and lingered somewhere lately after 7pm when I left the house after settle all issues fixed. I wanted to report to my son my achievement and confidential but unable. my son also forgot bringing his mobile in usual hurry with his domineer mom. returned to dorm, I doubt if I carried frustration and tasteless after my son under expectation so many times putting me in despicable. but I decided to care my son full heart. so I buzzed him online and introduce my finished work and blamed him for dispensable mobile, which blocked my access instant and let me felt inferior to his mom hijacking him with superficial educational purposed activities. PRC government like a cheap teacher monopolies education and all time pretending orthodox draining otherwise creative initiatives. God dad, break through the fake idol, free my Chinese society from lifeless stagnant. bring me my Royal China, and my Crown Queen Asoh Yukiko from Japan, for humanizing social flesh and architecture. grant me sustaining my adorable domains with meaningful future world mapping.
Sep 1, 2017
first dreamt a veteran politician intended to make me a mayor. I then follows a group municipal bureaucracy to a mine field in city hall. we each hunted for diamond, golds, etc. then dreamt I was an entrepreneur. our product is astronomical components. then dreamt a group tourists visiting my elder brother's house. they likely helped my brother for his celebration of event with their colorful performance show. after they all left marching I left to blog in dream but delayed and unable settle. my youngest elder sister and my 3nd nephew accompanied me at home. when the guests came back, we and friends of my elder brother grouped into 2 delegations to compete with dart or shooting. my son attracted many audiences with his adorable when the party went hot. its a sunny morning while I napped most of mornings in the week. last night is strange: I recklessly tried to protect the dorm canteen after noticed likely mafia threatened and extracted custody fee. recently in at least 3 occasions I saw hooligans lingering in dorm canteen, superficially peacefully occupied seats with fewer orders but just wasted time unusually late. that's threat of troubles. last dusk I brought the canteen another water melon from street vendor and let canteen workers prepared some for me to eat. there were only another guy in the dorm there for dinner, and a 3 middle aged men group there detaining with few orders. I felt glad with my melon and soon left. in my room I reviewed the scenario and perceived the canteen operating family's under bully. so I re-visit there and saw only their kid and their father left accompanied the lingering pests. I loudly talked with the old father and angers left me left abrupt. in half hour I visited the canteen 3rd time. the 3 hooligans left in dark dusk with heavy bags each. I urged the father if they had problem they should contact QRRS authority but he shown skepticism. in the night I review my situation with rotten PRC society under shadow of world largest mafia, CCP, dogs tyranny. God, sooner or later your faith holder will be attested against sins and swan song of warlord, world communism esp inflated PRC. instil us with strength of faithful. shift us from dangers of brutal accusation. bring me sooner my Royal China, and Asoh Yukiko, my Crown Queen from Japan, to enhance my life span. bring me stable investment reward for constant growth in business. thx dad, for the peace and hope.
Aug 25, 2017
napped since morning and dropped lunch. dreamt in earlier era with my elder brother vivid and his pals trading & discussing startup a company. I with my son interested in accounting and attempted to work for them in its early phrase and brought some innovative ideas. then dreamt in marching army. when the army at rest during raining, we tried to cross some units seeking for shower. in a jammed barrack girl and boy Scouts trade their items. I offered a sd card to trade, likely with my son's companion, at least 5 or more items from different traders gathered in front for exchange, including cards and other gadgets. most of the pals so friendly that we glad there for a drifting living. I woke up at noon when sunny outside. last night my son told me his Junior school life started with army training camp as prewarm. that explained why the night before yesterday he slept before 8 pm when I buzzed in. on his face some appear some hard thorns, as on his arm, that aroused my notice during our video chat online. he might frustrated. I also soon to search web for what it is. God, dad, we trust your mercy. then I regretted my unease would cause my son's overreaction with burden. I watched some embarrassing human bodies videos on youtube, and fragile of healthy body taught me lessons. I long time afraid of virus and that worsened when I napped. I unease with my pillow, one of them cheap quality and some dirty spots appeared even disgusting blackened. I felt my neck itching but I know mostly it's fake response. dad God, in siege of zhone's enemies, we naturally alert upon poisons, insanities and profanations. God, last dusk I saw separating us from common wealth of Zhong society attempts, threaten me of baseless includes my current comparable stable life with economic income. God dad, my ancestor left me resourceful and basic supportive standard allowing my innovative upgrade to breakthrough stagnant smothers Chinese society in hundred decades in failing sanity. that's my mission in this era. grant us freedom of starvation, brutal labor, motionless, and shoulder me on resilient of Zhong in relations. dad God, promise me the value of my workload.
via Blogger http://ift.tt/2gLYsM0
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be21zh · 7 years

Sep 6, 2017
dreamt of bring my son traveling to my hometown. in suburb of our current town, passing a hotel we met many witches and wizards. some ambushed us. some cursed us. some stealed us. some transfered our appearance. in first attack, my son lost his outdoor baggage in a blink. second attack turned my son a disabled kid with damaged arms, lost his 2 mobiles I prepared 2 years ago. my son later told me he hide them in a place intact. we were heading to a bus stop where we will travel to Tianjin, north China where I graduated and broke my heart for a girl collegian. in Tianjin we will switch a bus then reach its railway station and head to our hometown in central China. in homeless and changing fake idol, we held each other firm against misleading exerted by those dark power. sometimes I want blamed my son according his performance but I later gave up, for they were forged and fake. some witch attempted to trade or threat, and attacked after our refusal. its a frightening dream. my neck turns more stiff and painful after nap. last night I ate too much, esp snack from street vendor near dorm gate and got sore water in throat midnight after woke up abrupt. I so gave up breakfast in canteen, and just napped. there were so many hatred in area of QRRS that I really felt. for example, the day before yesterday, a pile of dog shit or feces laid exactly front entrance of the dorm gate which using fence to narrow route. I after dinner and routine dusk jog started and in a blink stepped onto it through the limited gate. the night a middle size rain cleanse the dirty road. then in last dusk another small plastic bag in which likely bloods and dirts held laid there, pits the road block. a stubborn freak in his 60 or 70 constantly challenges me on my way jogging in dusk. twice the sin copied and according my changed route around the QRRS square just to facing me and deface my innocence. God grants my killing over the rubbish, the enemies of zhone Royal China. its a sunny noon now. I sunburn after lunch in the dorm minigarden, till nearby Senior middle school students came canteen for lunch. its very brilliant during recent clouds and rains. God dad, you guide me so far I didn't make any change around me. you tells me my security intact so far for future more widespread slaughter. yes dad God, I remember and trying remember the betray and profanation of my Royal China. grant me lighter heart for enjoying my daily bread and social times. bring me my Japanese Crown Queen, Asoh Yukiko, for better future of felling PRC, failing Chinese on mainland. guarantee our spiritual uprising on Christian way. thx dad God.
Sep 5, 2017
dreamt with a Russian scholar visited Bill Gates' futuristic house. Bill at first introduce his encyclopedia. then his wife treated us dinner. his daughter also appeared. while lingering I studied my subjects. yesterday I in my life first time received dental health care: teeth cleaning. it's a small local clinic, which charged me ¥80, dearer than most web q/a. but the girl likely a deputy doctor worked diligently and careful. the second half operative did by another woman likely a doctor and a bit harsher. uncomfortable in the procedure ignorable but time spent endures matters. I spent near 1 hour, even when I left I felt relived. its my 1st step adopting western lifestyle in grace and managed. last Sunday afternoon I arranged woz monthly cinema. I waited him from his music class half hour in Qiqihar supermarket. the nearby guard of the market even doubting my task while I using my mobile to read there but no communication in air. after my son gloriously appeared, I presented him ice drink, movie "Dunkirk", and hotpot before taxied home. its wonderfully planned and executed in a pack. but the night I slept so deep that next morning I felt clueless and unclear when I visited my son for shower in public spa. his computer locked him out after too many logon failure due to the problematic mouse. so I spent another half day to reinstall windows. his mom, the small bitch, tentatively brought him out and lingered somewhere lately after 7pm when I left the house after settle all issues fixed. I wanted to report to my son my achievement and confidential but unable. my son also forgot bringing his mobile in usual hurry with his domineer mom. returned to dorm, I doubt if I carried frustration and tasteless after my son under expectation so many times putting me in despicable. but I decided to care my son full heart. so I buzzed him online and introduce my finished work and blamed him for dispensable mobile, which blocked my access instant and let me felt inferior to his mom hijacking him with superficial educational purposed activities. PRC government like a cheap teacher monopolies education and all time pretending orthodox draining otherwise creative initiatives. God dad, break through the fake idol, free my Chinese society from lifeless stagnant. bring me my Royal China, and my Crown Queen Asoh Yukiko from Japan, for humanizing social flesh and architecture. grant me sustaining my adorable domains with meaningful future world mapping.
Sep 1, 2017
first dreamt a veteran politician intended to make me a mayor. I then follows a group municipal bureaucracy to a mine field in city hall. we each hunted for diamond, golds, etc. then dreamt I was an entrepreneur. our product is astronomical components. then dreamt a group tourists visiting my elder brother's house. they likely helped my brother for his celebration of event with their colorful performance show. after they all left marching I left to blog in dream but delayed and unable settle. my youngest elder sister and my 3nd nephew accompanied me at home. when the guests came back, we and friends of my elder brother grouped into 2 delegations to compete with dart or shooting. my son attracted many audiences with his adorable when the party went hot. its a sunny morning while I napped most of mornings in the week. last night is strange: I recklessly tried to protect the dorm canteen after noticed likely mafia threatened and extracted custody fee. recently in at least 3 occasions I saw hooligans lingering in dorm canteen, superficially peacefully occupied seats with fewer orders but just wasted time unusually late. that's threat of troubles. last dusk I brought the canteen another water melon from street vendor and let canteen workers prepared some for me to eat. there were only another guy in the dorm there for dinner, and a 3 middle aged men group there detaining with few orders. I felt glad with my melon and soon left. in my room I reviewed the scenario and perceived the canteen operating family's under bully. so I re-visit there and saw only their kid and their father left accompanied the lingering pests. I loudly talked with the old father and angers left me left abrupt. in half hour I visited the canteen 3rd time. the 3 hooligans left in dark dusk with heavy bags each. I urged the father if they had problem they should contact QRRS authority but he shown skepticism. in the night I review my situation with rotten PRC society under shadow of world largest mafia, CCP, dogs tyranny. God, sooner or later your faith holder will be attested against sins and swan song of warlord, world communism esp inflated PRC. instil us with strength of faithful. shift us from dangers of brutal accusation. bring me sooner my Royal China, and Asoh Yukiko, my Crown Queen from Japan, to enhance my life span. bring me stable investment reward for constant growth in business. thx dad, for the peace and hope.
Aug 25, 2017
napped since morning and dropped lunch. dreamt in earlier era with my elder brother vivid and his pals trading & discussing startup a company. I with my son interested in accounting and attempted to work for them in its early phrase and brought some innovative ideas. then dreamt in marching army. when the army at rest during raining, we tried to cross some units seeking for shower. in a jammed barrack girl and boy Scouts trade their items. I offered a sd card to trade, likely with my son's companion, at least 5 or more items from different traders gathered in front for exchange, including cards and other gadgets. most of the pals so friendly that we glad there for a drifting living. I woke up at noon when sunny outside. last night my son told me his Junior school life started with army training camp as prewarm. that explained why the night before yesterday he slept before 8 pm when I buzzed in. on his face some appear some hard thorns, as on his arm, that aroused my notice during our video chat online. he might frustrated. I also soon to search web for what it is. God, dad, we trust your mercy. then I regretted my unease would cause my son's overreaction with burden. I watched some embarrassing human bodies videos on youtube, and fragile of healthy body taught me lessons. I long time afraid of virus and that worsened when I napped. I unease with my pillow, one of them cheap quality and some dirty spots appeared even disgusting blackened. I felt my neck itching but I know mostly it's fake response. dad God, in siege of zhone's enemies, we naturally alert upon poisons, insanities and profanations. God, last dusk I saw separating us from common wealth of Zhong society attempts, threaten me of baseless includes my current comparable stable life with economic income. God dad, my ancestor left me resourceful and basic supportive standard allowing my innovative upgrade to breakthrough stagnant smothers Chinese society in hundred decades in failing sanity. that's my mission in this era. grant us freedom of starvation, brutal labor, motionless, and shoulder me on resilient of Zhong in relations. dad God, promise me the value of my workload.
0 notes