#Jason was still his smol self
ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Uncertain if u know this but it's one of my favorite facts to share. Jason was 86 lbs and 4'6" when he died. I feel like the writers should have kept him as a short king bc can you imagine ppl going, "that's a child" to, "oh I'm going to die" upon seeing him.
Omg he was SMOL!!!!!
And yes I knew he was relatively short but I didn’t know he was THAT short. That’s—- okay, I’m not tearing up. My eyes are just sweating. (Pls sir that’s a BABY joker murdered a veritable BABY I’m not ok I’ll never be ok—)
But actually it isn’t even very surprising. From what we know of Jason’s childhood it’s safe to assume he rarely (if ever) had the amount of food children require to be healthy available to him. And I’m not sure if we have an exact time frame for the time he spent living on the streets, but food then must have been even scarcer, and most likely did not focus on nutritional intake. And we know he was 11/12 when Bruce found him, the time when boys that age usually go through growth spurts (10-15). Assuming he was on the streets for over a year at least, the lack of food may have very well stunted his growth permanently.
So basically what I’m trying to say is that it wouldn’t be far fetched to think that the Lazarus pit also cured him of the malnutrition he suffered during a critical stage of growth, and that the Jason we see now is what he could have grown into if he’d had a kinder childhood.
But honestly small people that look cute and shit but are able to absolutely DEMOLISH you are a special brand of badass and I love it. Jason could totally pull it off ✨
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flashiefloo · 1 year
DP x DC prompt
so this guy has been rattling around in my brain, yet again. So I decided to get it down here.
Anyhow, Dan. It's been a few hundred years and whatnot since everything happened in show and he's had a while to cool down and think about everything. And while he's not 100% a good person he usually leans more that way with his moral greyness.
Not sure what prompts this, tho Clockwork is most likely to blame for one reason or another. But Dan ends up sent way far back in time to not long before The Ultimate Enemy and everything that happens there. He still makes sure everyone is ok, and gives his alternate alternate self a what for as they deserve. But after he decides to leave. It's on good terms, and maybe he lets Jazz, Sam and Tucker know what's up, but he leaves regardless. He's not their Danny anymore, he stopped being their Danny in his original original timeline all those years ago.
Anyhow, he ends up in Gotham, per usual, not long before or after Jason's back after coming back to life and being dipped in the Evil Mountain Dew. Dan takes one look at Jay and decides:
That kid needs so much help. Given his signature feels all kinds of messed up, courtesy of said Evil Mountain Dew
He's gonna parent the hell out of this kid
Lotta things do still happen the same, like RH taking over Crime Alley. But things aren't as explosive when the Batfam finds Jay again and Dan makes sure Jason doesn't go after Tim. Bruce does try and adopt Dan, but he's not allowed to.
But ya. Just the image of Dan trying to parent Jason, who keeps insisting he doesn't need someone to parent him, while he looks to be 14 is really funny to me. The height difference doesn't help, Dan's body is smol and Jay is built like a tank and over 6 ft
Jason does totally need a parent. But it takes him a while to admit that, after everything he's been through.
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methoughtsphantom · 2 months
plot bunnies about an idea i don’t have enough motivation juice to write. red hood identity reveal variety
smol jason
So, Red Hood reclutantly working alongside the Bat to take down a child trafficking ring when he is hit with a de-aging spell. It even isn’t the first time Batman encountered the end of this particular spell so he already knows the victim would have no recollection of their memories, so he protects the now child (he guessing 11 estimate age) and guides him through the panic of not being able to take off the Red Hood helmet. the one that canonically has a bomb in it (cause older Jason is a dramatic bitchTM) so like, Batman catches the child’s prying fingers and takes them away from the latches because Hood has implied the existence of a bomb and that’s enough for dread to set in his gut. Bruce gently coaxes the child to let him confirm this with a device he takes out of his belt and raises it eye level to the kid’s head. It beeps. And B feels the ground sweep out under him. Because indeed this child has a bomb to his head. (and he’s suddenly hearing another bomb go off in the distance and a warehouse and —)
anyways, B ends up taking (read kidnapping) this twelve year old to the Batcave so they can pry off the helmet and I can only picture the ANGST because this is Jason and Bruce each unaware of who the other is. Jason still lives in the streets in his mind according to him and well, according to B, he’s dead. So they start bonding, kinda awkwardly at first cuz of the helmet’s voice modulator, but Jay at that age (at any rlly) was a spitfire and like he genuinely makes B forget this is a crime lord for a second (kinda difficult to that when the kid is stuck in the helmet) but whatever. I can only see Jason being his cautious self but kinda being at ends here because he kinda does need Batman’s help to get this thing off him, so he can only, just like narrow his eyes when the Bat approaches him for a blood sample. (“Need to check for magic residue, lad.”)
(Jason’s only allows this because he has a knife he found in the clothes he’d was drowning in earlier)
As u can guess, Bruce was obviously lying and wanted to run the blood sample to see if it matched any from his database (as the Red Hood has also implied that they have met before)
Anyways Bruce just gets the alert that the blood reading was finished almost at the same time they can pry the helmet off, and because he got a little attached, he just wants to see the face of this lively if wary teenager that has the same name as his (dead) son. (he managed to pry it from him earlier, how, i dunno) It’s literally Bruce’s martyr and huge guilt-complex that goes like ‘ah yes let me see the face of a child that was failed so throughly by the people who should’ve taken care of him’. So they pry off the helmet and then Bruce feels like he’s been doused by cold water. it’s like he’s staring at the ghost of his dead son again, the image completed with ruffled hair, slightly upturned lips and blue guarded eyes that look up to him with recognition but not recognition.
Bruce immediately hardens, shuts down any hope he can feel rushing in and desperately tries to close the dam and let his confusion and rage turn into anguish. “Who are you?”
The boy—the imposter quickly tracks the 180 demeanor change and immediately goes defensive. A painfully familiar scowl appears in his face.
“I’m Jason, I already told you that, what, your old age catching up to you?”
Batman stalks closer and then the boy’s taking two steps back for every one the Bat takes. He tracks the loose outline of a hand closing in tightly around the hilt of a knife in the boy wearing his son’s face and he can only think how dare he.
“Lies! You’re not my son! Who are you?”
Heart in throat, Jason struggles to keep distance between him and the towering black shadow that’s so angry he can sense it in his very bones. He doesn’t understand.
He doesn’t.
“I-I my name’s Jason. Jason Todd. My father is Willis Todd, not—not, Batman.”
And there’s that for the little snippet. Sorry this is so disjointed😭. After that’s just the mental image of Dick cutting in with Zatanna trailing closely behind him and being all “Hey I got your message about a de-aging spell and—“ and just stopping at the scene.
Because that’s Batman towering over a clearly scared kid. Said kid using the distraction to try and stab Batman. The action clearly enraging Batman—that doesn’t make any sense?! B would never— Dick immediately sprints into action and steps in between the two.
like Dick just giving his back to the kid and not seeing. Batman clearly shaking his head in denial and snarling, treating the kid like his crime lord self and Dick not understanding. Having to receive help from Zatanna to get the kid the hell out of here (but like where would they even take him? The manor??)
Zatanna just takes them to the other side of the cave and takes note of the teenager. How he has a dead grip on a red helmet and his gaze is stuck upon it.
Meanwhile Dick has to physically restrain Batman from going after the kid and he raises his voice just enough to demand what the hell is happening?? Why is there a kid in the Batcave? …Batman??? Report. As he is demanding answers Dick had slowly loosen his grip on his dad only to now found him staring at his gauntlet’s data hologram.
The information displayed? 99.98% Match confirmed to Jason Peter Todd.
So as this is clearly pure angst, I want Jason to lash out, sticking only to Zatanna only to realize she’s the magic user that’ll quote on quote will return him back to normal.
Jason is just like on really uneven ground here, even though he doesn’t think he’s ready to retur. But then Batman is just like “Jaylad” … “Jay…” and taking off his cowl and reaching up to him and looking at him like he knows him, like he’s something fragile and precious. Which is sooo fucking jarring you can understand. Jason internally is all what the fuck
Jason just wants them to back off. Jason is an overwhelmed bean. He looks up to Nightwing for help but the man is also mirroring the Bat, domino off and eyes suspiciously bright.
Zatanna is literally the only person in the room not emotionally compromised. She’s with Jay in the ??? train.
Suddenly she looks down and there’s the little boy whose eyes are pleading in helpless confusion. Eyes practically conveying the question you can return me back to normal right?? he pointedly doesn’t rip his eyes from hers as Zatanna puts a hand on his shoulder, pretending she doesn’t notice how he trembles and wordlessly asks if he’s sure.
cut scene
Bruce interrupts because information overload and he can’t compartmentalize this is too important and he and Dick stop Zatanna to which she too is ?? because that was literally what she was called for here. Dick is no help.
Dick is torn.
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slasherwife · 3 years
Can i have Bo,Tommy,Jason and Loki with an gem s/o who has body image issues?
Please and thank you
Have a good day or night
And please try me if you do this.
I made these separate from Loki since he’s in a diff fandom! 😊💖
Bo, Tommy, and Jason with a low self esteem! s/o
Bo Sinclair
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- Bo would be the type of lover to make you feel very comfortable with your body. (He’s very handsy, sex will be very common, and he’s very vocal about how good you make him feel) so if you were still feeling low, he’d honestly think you were just playing around.
- When it become obvious you’re not, he’s utterly astonished. You have literally nothing to be insecure about. It makes him angry that you would think so lowly of yourself. Externally he scoffs and tells you not to think that way. But it’s so much deeper than that to him.
- When he realizes you have low self esteem, he honestly doesn’t know how to address it. He’s not the comforting reassuring type. I mean have you met him?
- But to say he won’t try and comfort you is simply not true. He’s the type to comfort you through actions. He’d be more praising in bed. He’d caress you more often and tell you how much you drive him crazy. He’s like that 🥺💓
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- You have officially broken this pure man’s heart. He is devastated that you would have low self esteem. He’s actually coming apart at the seams and it’s not even funny 😭💖 And you’re so perfect in his eyes, more than perfect.
- He’s the type to catch on quickly, and as soon as it clicks, he is over to you in an instant, hovering over you, looking deeply within your eyes, your cute face in his giant hands.
- He questions you oh so gently, speaking sweet words to you and asking if this is how you feel in sign language. Once you nod sheepishly, eyes becoming wet and slightly teary, he lets out a broken whine, and pulls you into his chest 😭💖
- He ignores everyone but you for the entire day and more (if you need it), spending every second by your side, you tucked into his chest making you smol, and his hands running over and praising every inch of your body. He’s worshipping you and he loves it. He loves you. Let him love you 🥺💓
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- He’s definitely akin to low self esteem. He knows exactly how it feels. He’s one of the more understanding slashers and he’s not as emotionally dramatic as Tommy and definitely not as detached as Bo. Jason is very wise and he would certainly sit you down and urge you to express your feelings to him 🥺💕
- He sees himself as your confidant, your other half. He’s definitely not upset that you didn’t tell him sooner, he’s very gentle, but he wants you to tell him everything else going forward.
- Jason isn’t one to really focus on outward appearance, but he isn’t blind to your obvious beauty. He admires your physicality just as much as your soul, and he’s taken. Every time he looks into your eyes he’s overcome 😤💗
- And to think that you were in great pain over low self esteem, brings him great anger and sadness. He doesn’t necessarily outwardly express this, but trust me when I say he is in great pain too 🥺💖 So he gently takes your hand in his, and guides you to the couch where he talks to you about what you’re feeling. (Side note: f*ck therapy this guy shames every therapist out there) He then initiates cuddles after you two talked it out calmly and he works every day harder to make you feel special 😊🌷💓
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jmoriarty-221b · 3 years
Ok so this idea was inspired by AUs where Tim Drake is a member of the Addams family and thus this cute idea was born
Ok so, Tim’s parents still travel a lot but instead of leaving him alone in a big empty manor they leave him with his aunt and uncle Morticia and Gomez Addams
And Tim is a weird little kid who grows up without fear of the dark figures at night because the boogeyman is actually a pretty nice fellow who was very touched when Tiny Tim gave them a drawing of themselves, the monster in the closet actually gives great fashion advice as well as providing the perfect clothes for playing dress up, and the monsters under his bed are great storytellers and the shadow man gives Tim great advice on how to hide and use shadows to his advantage, etc.
The point is that Timmy grows up under the care of the Addams when his parents have to leave on long business trips or excavation sites and as such, is exposed to Gomez’s great appreciation of swordsmanship and fencing, and the haunted suits of armors are always great at comparing which kind of swords are the best in which kind of combat as well as the the importance of craftsmanship when in relation to having a reliable sword
And then one day Timmy watches the movie ‘The Legend of Zorro’ and becomes absolutely obsessed with learning how to use a sword and fight with it in the way only little kids can become obsessed with something they find completely cool, and Gomez is so excited to be teaching Tim everything he knows and they work together to craft Timmy his very own mini rapier for learning how to fence (swords are heavier so Tim learns those from Gomez when he’s older and can parry more weight)
And Tim becomes very Focused and Serious on learning how to fence and he’s very excited when he manages to finally best his uncle in a fencing duel (not as excited as Gomez tho, “MY CHILD SHALL BECOME THE BEST SWORDSMAN YET MY LOVE, DID YOU SEE HIS TECHNIQUE, HAD I BEEN SLOWER HE WOULD’VE RIPPED OPEN MY THROAT IN ONE SWIPE, I’M SO PROUD” “Our child dear”)
And then the movie ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ comes out and both Tim and Gomez are super fans (as a whole the family’s favorite movies are this one as well as the Legend of Zorro because 1. Revenge is achieved to the improvement of the main character’s well being and 2. The Aesthetic) and Tim just focuses on getting the hang of swords now with Gomez being more than happy to help his darling nephew
So years pass and Tim’s parents have finished one of their most taxing excavation digs so they return to Gotham and Tim has to return too (for the purposes of this AU Janet and Jack actually do give a fuck about their son so they would call him every other night when they’re away and if they can’t then at the very least they would call Tim once a week; they also call Morticia and Gomez at least once a week to check on how Tim is doing and they were also very happy to know that Tim has taken a liking to swords so they try to bring new types of weapons or literature related to weapons from the culture of their latest excavation so Tim can learn how different types of swords are wielded all around the world)
But anyway, Tim is going back to Gotham so he and Gomez work on creating a new sword for him with the family motto carved on the blade “Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc” which translates to “We Gladly Feast on Those Who Would Subdue Us” which is metal as fuck so yeah, and this sword is super durable and strong, inspired by a katana’s durability and a rapier’s gracefulness with a blade that is such a dark purple that it looks black like obsidian and the inscription of the family motto is carved in letters that are ruby red with a black hilt where an image of a drake is engraved in the same ruby red as the family motto (basically it is a Very Deadly Sword that is also Very Pretty with a dark aesthetic)
So Tim gets back to Gotham and one day he’s watching the news and sees The Batman saving the day and what not and sees Robin do a quadruple back flip and figures out their identities and decides that he wants to meet them at some point while on his nightly photography sessions of Gotham architecture; and if he manages to snap a couple of shots of Gotham’s heroes sometimes then that’s a bonus but Tim is mostly focused on capturing the essence of Gotham city (at this point in time when Tim moves back to Gotham he physically looks like 10-12 year old; he did meet Dick at the circus when he looked like he was 4 years old but for the purposes of the timeline Tim, as an Addams, can choose to remain at any age he desires for as long as he wants so while he did appear to be 4 years old at the circus, he had been alive for a couple of years more at this point, this also explains how he can master swords and fencing while physically looking like a 10 year old because he has been practicing for years as well as why he remembers Dick from that night at the circus)
So the timeline continues with Tim figuring out that the Bats are actually his neighbors but instead of staying away from the Waynes, he decides to go ask his parents if he can stay with the neighbors whenever they have to stay later than usual at the company or have to take a short business travel and they talk with Bruce about it and he agrees to take care of Tim, so now Tim has an in to befriend the Waynes and helps smooth out the edges of Dick and Bruce’s relationship so Bruce doesn’t fire Dick from Robin, but rather they talk about their feelings for once and Dick decides he wants to create his own superhero identity and Bruce supports his decision (Tim may or may not have had to talk about how his family happened to be very open about their feelings and worry for one another and how much closer they are due to talking to each other and resolving conflict; Alfred may or may not have been 100% behind Tim every time he made such a conversation) also, Tim is basically a trial run for Dick on becoming a big brother for when Jason arrives
One time Tim asks Dick if he knows how to fence which Dick can’t really answer because technically he knows how to fight with a sword but that’s for vigilante purposes which his civilian self isn’t supposed to know so Dick says that he doesn’t and asks Tim why he wanted to know, Tim proceeds to talk about how his favorite masked hero uses a sword to fight injustice and he has a black cape and a black horse and Bruce comes into the living room they’re in in the middle of Tim’s rambling about his favorite hero using a sword and is Concerned for a hot minute until Tim finishes the rant by saying “. . . and that’s why I like his movie so much, have you seen the Legend of Zorro?” (Cue relief for both Dick and Bruce because for all that they scrambled to put a name to the hero Tim was describing they couldn’t come up with one and were considering the possibility of a new player in the vigilante scene) so then Tim asks Mr. Bruce if he knows how to fence and Bruce says yes and asks if Tim would like to learn cue the “Oh, my uncle taught me how to fence a few years ago and when I lived with them we had a duel at least once a week, it was very fun so I was just wondering if you knew so we could practice if you want to Mr. Bruce”
Dick is 100% on board with this because the idea of Tiny Tim and 6’1” Bruce fencing is hilarious in his mind, Alfred is there to supervise and both Tim and Bruce are provided with the appropriate fencing equipment and protection; Bruce starts off slow and is surprised when Tim manages to beat him before starting to enjoy fencing with someone who can surprisingly keep up with him (Dick is taking pictures because the height difference is just too cute to be ignored and Tiny Tim is adorable in his own mini fencing equipment)
Whenever his parents do have to leave for extended periods of time (any company trip that takes more than 3-5 days qualifies as this) Tim stays with his aunt and uncle, thus starting a fun tradition of having spontaneous fencing duels with his uncle Gomez, basically if one of them is in the library then the other will shout ‘En-garde’ while throwing a sabre towards the other person and engaging in a quick duel; basically, if Tim is reading about the latest poisonous plants produced by Poison Ivy and annotating his research in order to get an idea of what would be a nice gift for his aunt Morticia and Gomez walks into the library then Gomez will grab two of the sabres they have on the wall for this exact purpose while shouting ‘en-garde’ before throwing a sabre at Tim and engaging in a duel, same goes for Tim, it’s almost instinct to the point that Tim has to hold himself back from doing exactly this whenever he sees Bruce in the library of Wayne Manor
Later on, when Jason is already adopted into the Wayne family, Tim still comes over and makes it his sacred mission to teach Jason the art of swords so he has another fencing buddy because “Mr. Bruce isn’t always here and I have decided that we will be friends and you’re pretty cool but knowing how to fight with a sword just ups your coolness level ya know?” So now Jason has smol Tim teaching him how to fence and it’s pretty fun to be able to do a taxing physical activity outside of being Robin with a friend, when Jason gets the hang of fencing Tim decides that he must now advance to the next level: sword fighting (Alfred is always there to supervise and give tips and pointers because he also knows how to fence but chooses to stay in the sidelines and let the young masters have their fun)
The problem with this is that, while the Waynes do have sabres for fencing, they don’t have swords, at least not in their civilian selves, so Tim decides to bring his own swords to teach Jason how to sword fight, Alfred is the first to see Tim’s very own special sword and is both impressed at the craftsmanship and concerned as to why a child has a sword, Jason thinks Tim’s sword is the coolest he has ever seen and Tim is happy to talk about how he made it himself with his uncle’s help when he finally learned all about sword fighting and promises Jason that they can make him his own cool sword when he learns how to sword fight too, Dick also thinks that the sword is a little concerning for a kid to have but he also wants his own cool sword and so now he insists Bruce has to teach him how to sword fight because Tim said he’s not allowed to have his own sword until he learns how to sword fight, Bruce is baffled as to why Tim has a sword, impressed at Tim’s skills in craftsmanship, and a little Concerned as to why Tim’s sword has that Latin inscription on the blade (no Tim, knowing that “we feast in those who would subdue us” is your family motto doesn’t calm me down yet it explains a lot about your mother)
By the time Damian comes along to the family he is very interested in where Jason and Dick got their Very Cool swords from, his father also has one and he wants to have his own Very Cool Sword too, thank you very much, and Tim visits them when Damian is still settling in and asks his customary question of if he knows how to use fence and gets an affirmative answer he asks Bruce if it would be ok for him and Damian to have a fencing duel, Bruce explains the rules to Damian and makes sure that Alfred, Dick, Jason and him are present in order to keep Damian from maiming/killing Tim
The duel does get a little out of hand as Damian gauges that Tim is more skilled than he previously thought so he stops holding back, Tim is positively grinning at this since he always has to hold back with the Waynes in a way that he doesn’t with Uncle Gomez because while an Addams won’t die from a stab to the heart, the same can’t be said for anyone else; the duel ends with Tim winning because he has more experience than Damian but he is positive beaming at how awesome Damian was and how these duels could become a weekly thing before they transition to swords and once Dames graduates from swords he can design his very own sword with Tim’s help as a sort of graduation present for learning how to sword fight and he’s sure that it won’t take too long for Damian to master swordsmanship because he’s basically a natural already and very skilled and this duel was so much fun Damian we have to do this again sometime oh my gosh I want to teach you everything I know it’s gonna be so much fun
And Damian, a poor baby, was mad at having lost to Tim but then Tim hits him with all this excitement and smiles and it’s the promise of getting his own Very Cool Sword is what gets him to agree to learn from Tim, it’s not that he feels warm at getting compliments from someone who also likes swords and knows what he’s doing in a fight, he definitely doesn’t find Tim cool at all, he’s just making use of a resource and he will learn everything Tim has to offer and become better than both Grayson and Todd, that’s all (that’s not all because it turns out that Damian is the younger brother Tim never had and he takes Dami under his wing and helps him adjust to a life outside the League of Assassins and how to find hobbies to enjoy; Damian won’t admit it but he is also Very Attached in to Timothy and feels like he won’t be judged for his past with him and he is also a fellow sword enthusiast so yeah)
Tim decides to do the same thing to Damian and initiating a quick fencing duel whenever he sees that Damian is in the gardens (no fencing inside the Manor on pain of Alfred’s eyebrow of disappointment); this helps Damian with the transition of learning to have fun and also learn to realize that not everybody is an enemy, it also helps keep up his training and burn some energy whenever he gets restless and helps him bond with Tim more
The idea was that Tim and Uncle Gomez would surprise each other with spontaneous fencing duels by shouting ‘en-garde’ at the other person whenever they find one another in the library, and now it turned into a fluff AU where Tim isn’t Robin but he’s still a family friend to the Waynes and an Addams and helps bring the family closer through his love of swords because yes
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winterwolf0916 · 4 years
Batboys with a Short S/O
Such a cheeky bastard when it comes to your height
“Dick help me with this!” And you’re just bouncing to get the object from the top of the fridge.
“Nah I prefer to enjoy the view.”
He’s not the only one who enjoys the view. 
Before the two of you were dating, you would sometimes stare at his bubble butt which he’ll feel like someone was staring, turn around, and then you would just avert your eyes.
You never get caught.
He’s punny too
When people mention your height he just gasps and...
“She’s not short! She’s just fun-sized.” 
Don’t get me started with stores.
If he’s paying for the groceries and you’re next to him, he’ll just look down into his wallet and be like-
“I believe we’re $3 short.”
Oh how much you wanted to smack him for embarrassing you like that
Forehead Kisses
He also loves to pick you up.
Throws you over his shoulder, places you on his shoulders in crowds, and places you on his lap at home.
At the end of the day, unlike his brothers, he’ll help you up the shelf.
But on patrol, he would check up on you to see if you’re safe on your nightly trip to the store.
If someone is going to try something, he tends to handle the situation by snatching the offender in silence so you don’t have to worry about anything.
Type level 1 asshole
When you’re struggling for something on the shelf
-remember Jason is the tallest out of his brothers-
He would take that object...
“Aw thanks Jay-”
And place it a shelf higher.
“-Oh Screw you!”
He likes to see you mad
Oh I’m sorry
He likes to see you...
Like Dick, he throws you over his shoulder
Cuddling and fitting in one bed is never a problem
You and Jason winning against his brothers in the game Chicken Fight
Make fun of him when he’s hitting his head against the door frame when he’s entering a room.
Him adoring you when you’re in his jackets or hoodies.
His clothes + your tiny physique = absolute perfection to him.
Best ways to mess around with you is by smacking your ass then run off as you chase after him with your short legs. 
Like Dick, he checks on you during his patrol.
But if he isn’t there, he knows you can handle the situation.
I mean, he trained you so hard that you could actually flip him and catch him off guard when he’s not going easy on you.
But if something bad happens, like a villain decides to kidnap you and you can’t take them, then you click an alert on your phone that’ll not only notify Jason but also the Batfamily that you’re in deep doo doo.
Let’s just say, you’re in for a show. 
You being more worried about the villain’s well being than your own because knowing your boyfriend…it’s not going to end pretty.
Jason will get very, I mean very angry and he won’t hold back to the smartass who decides to take his loved ones. 
He might as well leave a message for the other villains....
Aw you’re so adorable
but he’s SUCH
Like when you both were ordering some food
“And what would the lady like?” The cashier asked.
“A small fry.” You facepalmed.
“Ok what about dessert-”
“-Strawberry shortcake.”
When you’re helping Alfred cook meals, Timbo just pops in, takes a cookie, and stare at you.
“Do you want a stool hon?”
You throwing your wooden stick at the laughing boy
EVEN when you’re giving him a kiss he had the AUDACITY to even- 
“Do you need a ladder?”
You pushing him and walking away all angry while he rushes to your side to apologize while chuckling.
He sometimes leans on you and make you an arm rest but you just elbow his dumbass to stop.
Gives you piggyback rides
Stays close to you in crowds. 
When he loses you, he’ll always find you since he’s one hell of a detective.
But if you’re ever kidnapped, he’ll get a slight panic attack but always find you.
The funny thing is that he doesn’t give a shit when cornering the crook that decides to lay a finger on your hair.
He also trains you and gives you amazing spy gadgets for self defense. 
You used to have peppers pray but now you got a penny in your pocket that you take out, click, and ta-dah! A bo-staff that comes with optional electricity currents.
When you both were younger, you were taller than him by a mere 3 inches.
But believe me when I say this
When he is at the age of when his growth spurt ignites
He starts to make fun of your height.
“Oh I didn’t see you there L/n.”
“I was right in front of you, you troll.”
“Oh is this the last Caprisun you were trying to get from the self?”
“Yeah, can you give it to me, ple-”
“Finder’s keepers.” 
But once he becomes 19 or so...he’s huge.
Taller than Jason and his dad.
Someone help your poor soul that you only grew a couple more inches while your significant other is tall as a mf mountain. 
For arguments, even when you're right, you would shiver a little from him hoovering over you. 
But don’t worry, he backs down when you’re right...sometimes...
Does he still make fun of your height? 
It runs in the family, he’ll say something about your height here and there. but not as often as he did in the past. 
“I didn’t know you could stoop so low for pickpocketing that dwarf back there.”
“What? I didn’t pickpocket-Ooooh...You think you’re so funny.”
He really loves you but he doesn’t like to do PDA.
The sole reason why doesn’t do it often is because you pull him down to your level. 
If that ever happens he would glare at everyone around the perimeter to mind their own business.
When you hug him you can hear his heartbeat.
People are so confused of how you, a bright smol bean, is dating a tall, cold-hearted, and stoic man.
But if they are very curious for the answer, they prefer to ask you.
When you and Dami are both are outside on a sunny day, his shadow is your shade. You would tease him about that and he just walks faster so that you would suffer with him.
Like his brothers, he trained you to self defend and gave you emergency devices that you can activate if ever in tough situation. 
But he still worries about you, he checks up on you from time to time.
If anyone dares to bring harm to you, he’s going to pull a Batman move. 
Like if you’re walking back to your car and someone decides to hurt you or make a wrong move then Damian will legit dive down, grab the person in silence, and pull them back up to the roof for a “friendly” interrogation or leave them to hang upside down while the police finds them. 
You getting kidnapped is pretty rare. 
Considering the fact that he scares the hell out of Gotham(more than his dad),he hides any tracks of you interacting with him as batman, and most of the time you’re in the Manor.
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redjaybathood · 3 years
Batman: Urban Legends
Things that are there:
smol Jason;
continuity: Jason being bad at naming stuff, including his own superhero name, since the start;
Jason's early life exposure to guns starting, ironically, from Bruce;
Jason's seriously low self-esteem...
... His comparison with the 'last Robin' who 'was perfected', Jason's I never mastered fear. I need to be more direct attitude towards differences in Bruce's and his own styles: like he honestly believes that he is worse than Bruce becuase he uses guns. His "You were never the best... detective". Like, the pause and page break??? Obviously it's not only about his detective abilities;
Jason encountering just the thing he went through, himself: a kid and his mom, alone, mom overdoses, the kid finds her. Kid doesn't have anyone. There's a dad somewhere but it's better if not. The threat of the kid being thrown into Gotham's system which is as far from protecting kids as Neptune. Like, this is literally Jason's childhood trauma played out right before his eyes;
Jason's working with Oracle. If we try to imagine this is in continuity with everything else, and judging by his suit, it's post the notorious RHATO 25, where Bruce beats Jason into half-dead state that needs at least a few months recovery with cutting-edge alien medical tech (!) for stepping over the line (I AM FOREVER HOLDING IT AGAINST BRUCE), by mistakenly believing Jason killed someone or at least made a serious attempt to. In here in this story, I've read spoilers, it's also about Jason's presence in Gotham being conditional on his using rubber bullets (i.e. not killing anyone) - and he will again break this condition. I mean, kinda repetative but never explored to the full satisfaction of Jason's fans? Mainly becuase the narrative always will be on Bruce's side, always;
but backtracking to Jason's futile attempt to find the drug labaratory by - actually using fear, like, he literally beats up people or uses a threat of violence to find out information. This is more direct than Batman, who - okay, also uses violence or threats of violence, but not in this issue. Like, check out how they juxtaposed: we see Jason's first act of harming someone (whatever his goal is). We see Bruce non-violently saving someone. And it continues, with Jason using violence to get information; while Bruce gets violence used against him (or at least an attempt was made to do so) which places him in subtly more deserving of sympthy position + his next step in the investigation is to go to his fancy Bat lab and analyze the shit out of the samples he got from the guy he saved with his fancy bat gadgets that allow him to kinda cosplay spiderman by swinging around town (i forgot the word for the gadget in any language that I know and can't even look it up so sorry for word vomit when describing what I mean).
You get where this is going? Basically, Batman good, Red Hood bad. But also, it highlights the disparity in resoures they have. Red Hood doesn't carry gadgets fancier than a smartphone. He doesn't have a lab. I doubt he has a home, actually. And! You will never see Jason having anything to do with anything high-tech here. Even outside of here, it's either his friends' stuff (Roy's creations, Biz-on-synthK's creations, Kory's alien tech), or nothing. The only thing, in my opinion, that Jason is worse than Bruce in, is in having dead parents who were rich. Yeah, he failed at that one. It's kinda snowballed from here. And - it's actually pretty textual, yet, the story still will treat Jason as a bad seed actually;
Barbara putting her head into her hand when she hears that Bruce investigates the same case as Jason. Bruce's immediate: HE'S A KILLER BARBARA. Like, okay, Bruce. He's probably are not on the same page as Jason who is "rubber bullets are my conditions on working in Gotham". I mean, Jason will end up killing someone in this story, but is Bruce's attitude warranted? I am not being ironic here. Bruce - and the story - insists that it is inevitable that Jason will kill. But it was not, actually. He had only rubber bullets. It was an accident that when Andy, the victim, confessed to drugging his five or six years old kid with highly lethal experimental drug based on Scarecrow's formula (Scarecrow), Jason had Andy's revolver in his hand instead of his own handgun with rubber bullets. I mean, you could argue that Jason is trigger happy and Bruce knows it - and in this particular instance you are right. Only here, though, with a lot of extenuating circumstances. Jason's not a trigger-happy person anywhere else, even when he commits acts of mass murder, it almost always calculated to a T; forget murder, even violence, I've yet to read anything to indicate he loves violence or uses it to vent (unlike Bruce! who actually does that! canonically!). But he has a few trigger points and Andy just hit one of them. Otherwise? He would have gone home free. Bruce didn't know what was going to happen, Jason killing is not him being right, it is him being a broken clock telling the correct time once a day;
Oh, UtRH Alfred retcon! If I remember it right, Alfred was not on Jason's side. I mean, he's not really here on Jason's side - always with "Jason was the angry Robin" when he was not. But at least here he tries to go like, wtf Bruce, he's your son. Where in UtRH as far as I remember, he was down with Bruce taking Jason down;
And it has to be pointed out separately: "We both know Jason, his anger..." - that's before they actually saw any of Jason's anger. That's before him beating up Tim, before him shooting Damian, beating up Damian, fighting with Dick (I am not sure though it was ever Jason's initiative to fight with Dick and not Dick going after him). It's barely after severed heads in a duffle bag - they just found out it's Jason's handiwork, they don't have time to go "oh, that's Jason as I remember him".. I am not saying Jason wasn't angry ever - he has two or three canonical episodes from his Robin's days before painting him up as a deffective, angry, unworthy Robin was the latest fad. It's only... who wasn't angry ever? Batman? Pfff.
I mean, Alfred is right that Jason had total adoration of Bruce, and Bruce let him down - they let him down. However, I don't think that putting him in harm's way is the biggest left down. Because the same goes for Dick, and Tim, and Damian (who is the only one who was not an orphan but was put in harm's way - or rather was not kept out of harm's way). You could argue that Alfred focuses on this in relation to Jason because Jason died, and the others didn't (at least in the current continuity). I would say, it's rather shitty of Alfred then to deny the harm they did to other kids; and even shittier not to realise that the worst thing they did to Jason was not that they allowed him to be Robin and fight crime, but that they allowed him to be Robin and fight crime ignoring his age and trauma and the rare cases when he acted out was used against him. Like: they, adults, put him, a minor, in a harmful situation with high risk of re-traumatization, he acted out because of the influence of the situation they put him in, they blame him and punish him and continue to blame him even after he is dead both as a method of controlling other kids they put into the same harmful situations or allow to continue to be even if they have means and authority to get them out (Tim, Stephanie, Cass) and as a tool of making themselves feel better.
But however shitty Alfred is, Bruce is always shittier. Alfred is: Jason needs Bruce Wayne's help instead of Batman's stopping him. Bruce: true but I don't care, I am Batman and I'm stopping him.
On the more positive note: Jason's new kid inherited his unability to name stuff. Blue Hood, come on! It's worse than Bat Boy.
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deanwanddamons · 4 years
My 2K Celebration Masterlist
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This is the Masterlist for all the wonderful entries I have received for my 2K followers celebration. Thank you to everyone who submitted. I still have some more to come in, so I will be adding them as I receive them. Dean also loved reading them, and he hopes you enjoyed his comments! He was hard to control, but I think I reigned him in! 
Entries under the cut. 
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Don’t Tell The Elf - @little-diable - Summary: Dean always gets rather distracted as he’d watch lotr with the reader, turning it into a metaphor of their own. Warnings: smut, 18+, unprotected sex, oral (male receiving)
Miracle on 34th Street - @jawritter - Summary: Time doesn’t heal all wounds, sometimes it just drives them into our bones and festers there, until forgiveness is a four letter word, and it’s to late for second chances. Warnings: Language, fluff, mentions of past heartbreak, multiple viewpoints, I think that’s about everything for this one. It’s pretty much flooff lol
Way Down We Go - @smol-and-grumpy - Summary: Watching an online concert with Jensen. Naked. I don’t know how to summarize. Warnings: NSFW, oral, fluff
No Place Like Home - @missjenniferb
Always Remember Us This Way - @deangirl93 - Summary: Maintaining the facade of a normal life while hunting was harder than Dean had imagined. Warnings: Swearing, Some fluff, Smut: Brief dry humping, Dirty talk, Unprotected sex (wrap it up before you tap it, people), ANGST, Tears, Sadness, Dean’s self deprication rears it ugly head.
Perfect - @thinkinghardhardlythinking - Summary: After a hunt Dean and Y/N are forced to have a conversation about their relationship. Warnings: Angst. Flangst. There are allusions to abuse and bad relationships/domestic violence in the Reader’s past. I’d say it’s not really explored but consider this a potential TW anyway. Show level violence. Anger.
Composure - @katelynw93 - Summary: Dean and (Y/N) take their shot at a normal life and settle down. Over the years, they have a few kids. Things are good. Until they’re not. What will Dean do when his past comes back to put an end to his happily ever after? Warnings: ANGST! Descriptions of blood. Mentions of breaking and entering. Kidnaping. Show level violence/outbursts of anger. 
Work Perks - @wonder-cole - Summary: None. Rating: M for Mature
Constellations - @there-must-be-a-lock - Summary: None. Warnings: Smut. Incredibly fluffy smut. 
Lie To Me - @jensenswinchester - Summary: The classic truth spell trope with a wicked twist. Warnings: Dean’s an asshole. Angst makes the world go ‘round. Insecurities briefly mentioned. Did I mention Dean’s an asshole? Fluff if you squint.
I’m Done Being Scared - @waywardbaby - Summary: You tried many times talking to him about how you felt and failed. Will your final attempt pay off? Warnings : Angst, second guessing choices to be made, a surge of self confidence towards the end along with a fluff-ish conclusion and an adorable Dean bean.
Remember My Name - @anaelsbrunette - Summary: Y/N can never move past that night, constantly feeling nothing but the need to avenge the poor soul lost, but with a new person running lose in Gotham, she may just get the chance to take a new plan into effect. Warnings: BATMAN/SPN CROSSOVER! Dean is Jason Todd!, murder, angst, death, grief, arguments, light fluff, cussing, violence, plotting murder, implied smut, making out
Eight Years - @440mxs-wife - Summary: Reader goes to Kansas City for a ‘Girls Weekend’ with her friends, while the guys decide to have a weekend of their own in the bunker. But, the guys get bored and decide to join the girls, which has everyone paired up except for Dean and the Reader. Will true feelings finally come out, or will it be Friend-Zone City? Warnings: Mutual Pining, a smidgen of angst, mostly fluffy though.
Home In A Motel Pool - @herstarburststories - Summary: Dean and you have some fun in the motel's pool. Warnings: sex in the pool, p in v, dirty talk
Racing Hearts - @waywardnerd67 - Summary: In between saving people and hunting things, Dean Winchester races his Baby down the streets of whatever town he may be in. After catching a case in Oklahoma, the Winchesters run into a familiar face who shares the same needs as Dean for speed. Warnings: Fluff/Street Racing
A Losing Game - @tvdspngirl314 - Summary: When the girl he always loved confesses her feelings for Dean, unfortunately he can't show his true emotions for her. Warnings : angst (a lots of it), unrequited feelings (maybe), broken reader, broken dean
Irresistibly Yours - Chapter 1 - @msmarvelouswinchester - Summary : Y/N Y/L/N moves to NYC in hopes for a fresh start after a nasty breakup. There she meets her neighbor, the cynical lawyer, Dean Winchester. A love-hate relationship starts evolving between them ever since they met in the elevator one morning but a desperate situation and a string of lies forces the two friendly rivals to go on a date or rather a fake date. Will sparks fly between them when Dean gets to know Y/N real and up close? Will Y/N finally find her Prince Charming in the grumpy, workaholic, divorce lawyer? Warnings: None for this chapter.
Choices - @themrsdeanwinchester - Summary: None. Warnings: spoiler-is for season 15, violence, hurt, demon, major character death, language
Ride - @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad - Summary: Dean and you go on a sleigh ride date. Warnings: Almost Christmas, Dean being a softie romantic kind of boyfriend, unestablished relationship, fluff, flirting, romantic sleigh ride.
Drug of Choice - @calaofnoldor​ - Summary: A night of drunken rambling leads to an unexpected change in your relationship status the next day. Warnings: angst, language, alcohol, feelings of inadequacy, very slight allusions of alcoholism/talk of drug addiction,   reader likes the sound of their voice a bit too much when drunk,   fluff, implied smut
Leather and Heels - @downanddirtydean​ - Summary: It’s Dean’s birthday, and you decide to gift him one of his bedroom fantasies. Warnings: fluff and smut, light bondage, use of handcuffs, blind fold, riding crop, and ball gag, oral sex (male receiving), rough-ish sex 
The Librarian - @winchest09​ - Summary: Y/N had been The Bunker’s own librarian ever since the Winchesters had found her one fateful night. Weighed down by her books and knowledge, fed up with the same routine day in and day out, she strived for something new. But there was one man standing in her way. The same man who had stolen her heart. Dean Winchester. Warnings: Swearing, angst, drinking, smidge of blood, arguments, confessions, fluff, kissing.
Up On The Rooftop - @justagirlinafandomworld​ - Summary: It’s one week to Christmas and something is amiss! Santa’s sitting on the rooftop, lost in his thoughts. Maybe a secret you’ve been carrying will cheer him up! Warnings: Whimsical. Rhyming. Fluff. I’m working through some serious writer’s block, so that’s also a warning.
A Game - @chocolateheart​ - Summary: Apparently, you like to play with food not only in the kitchen. Warnings: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (please, wrap it before you tap it), oral sex (female and male receiving), FOOD PLAY, Dean's lips, Dean's jaw, Dean's tongue, Dean's teeth, Dean's fingers, DEAN in general, biting, teasing. I don't know, eating? Friends to lovers.
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nymph1e · 4 years
Riordanverse characters: Fanon vs Canon:
Percy Fanon: Dumb boy, Bro.
Canon: Book dumb, street smart, Never Told Anything, seasoned warrior, most powerful demigod of the generation, world weary and done with the gods Bullshit, Bro
Anmabeth fanon: Cool, calm and collected genius with everything together, always sensible. Knows Everything, badass. Hates spiders
Canon: Chaotic, impulsive, often overreacting, still genius, knows a LOT about the Greek myth world because she's been in it a long time. Badass. Hates spiders.
Grover Fanon: Whiney, hanger-on goat dude
Canon: Lord of the Wild, Pan's chosen, leading a impossible war to save the world he loves so much without too much help from his demigod friends. Has an empathy link with Percy and is his best friend.
Nico fanon: Softboi, emo, smol gay bean, "warn me if I do something straight"
Canon: feral boy, raised by ghosts, one of the most powerful demigods of their generation, killed a dude, took down six demigods in one go, gives off death aura, antisocial, hated and hid his sexuality until recently, self isolating before it was cool, and yeah, a bit of an emo
Bianca Nico vision fanon: angel. Best big sister
Canon: good kid who cares about her brother but can't handle looking after Nico and abandons him multiple times
Jason: white bread, Generic Hero Archetype, always depicted in camp Jupiter tee because he absolutely belongs there
Canon: tragic hero archetype, others expectations vs own desires, was basically brainwashed into being Hera's perfect Hero from 2 years old and fought hard to figure out who he was, preferred camp half blood.
Piper: Either Perfect, Amazing, Badass or whiny bitch obsessed with romance
Canon: Unabashed thief, tomboy, romance is important to her character arc as she is a) a child of Aphrodite, and b) a teenager, identity issues
Leo: Hyper, engineer, smarttalker, obsessed with girls
Canon: yeah ok all those things PLUS inferiority issues, looks at all his friends partnered up and feels loney, smarttalker to hide pain
Hazel: Nico's Cool Sister
Canon: cares deeply about other people, learns not to take bullshit, caught in a new world and doing well, came back from the dead like a boss, powerful mist manipulator on top of everything else
Frank: soft boy, couldn't hurt a fly, emotional support character
Canon: hardcore badass, slew a CITY of freaking monsters by himself, had to deal with the voices of war gods in his head for weeks, decisive leader, big self sacrificial streak that he needs to deal with, managed to get rid of a curse from the gods without trying.
Reyna: Lesbian fantasy, sexy awesome girl who stomps on men for breakfast, Nico's new older sister
Canon: Done with everything, including romance, just wants a break, awesome girl who stomps on her enemies for breakfast, doesn't need romance to be complete.
Apollo: Either annoying, unlikable MC to those who haven't read or haven't read far in the series, or good guy who needs a break.
Canon: probably the most complicated character in the series. Has done terrible, unforgivable acts of cruelty and neglect. Is realizing his flaws and struggling to overcome them when it really is too late to ever have a clean conscience. At the same time, he's clearly been abused by his father, and has never had a home or people who cared about him other than his sister and mother. Because of this, you can see that his initial overinflated sense of self worth was a form of self preservation and now that it's been taken (rightfully) away, has turned into depression and self hate bordering on suicidal.
Meg: feral child
Canon: feral child
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iphoenixrising · 4 years
Hi Babe, Sorry to bother you. I recently downloaded twitter and have been exposed to a lot more of the fandom than I have in the past with just using A03. I just gotta know, why do so many people hate Tim Drake? Like he is my favorite Robin (you definately helped me fall in love with him) but I enjoy and love all of the others. But you have Damian Stans who think that Tim is the antichrist and I just dont understand?? Also what is your view on the upcoming GK game? Tim is in it!
Babe, it’s so nice to hear from you <3
You know, I’m a lurker on Twitter because I am very not good with the UI. I just suck at it, lol! But, tbh I know there’s some real dislike for my precious boi. I try to avoid it and not get super pissy or mean because I also don’t like bashing things, you know? Let people like what they like and don’t shame them. 
Live and let live.
I’ve followed some blogs that aren’t into shipping the Batboys, but it’s cool. I can still read their fics for the family feels and don’t need to shame them for not including everything everyone ever liked. I mean, c’mon now.
However, I do have a theory of why so many people out there don’t really care for Tim Drake, and based on so many things I’ve seen of Tim in the New 52 is just pretty fricking awful. 
So, anyone not into comics before that time really have no idea how the original Tim Drake was characterised in his own series, in Nightwing, in Detective Comics, in the first run of Young Justice (1998-2003), and etc., etc. So, they don’t have such crucial history of how kick ass he was before the New 52 gave him a completely different backstory and behaviors. 
He did have his redeeming points, like going with the group to bring Damian back to life and whatnot, but the progression from smol stalker Detective that pretty much made his damn self Robin, to the Red Robin going on the crusade to find Batman with no one at his back, a whole lot of assassins in front of him, and Tam Fox pulled in beside him. 
They don’t know about that coming of age story. 
As usual, I blame bad storytelling. 
Why is Dami loved over Tim by some of the fandom. I think pretty much Dami had several kinds of redemption arcs in the New 52. He has more of a brotherly connection with Dick than Tim, is more connected with Gotham, B, and even Jason. 
The multiple attempt to kill our boi is kind of left at the wayside. So, as much as I can understand it, I still think it sucks because I really dislike cannon Damian. Sorrynotsorry. Then again, I dislike New 52 Tim *shrugs*
But for real, I was chatting with a very nice babe recently about the game, and from what we understand this is a “Batman’s disappeared, Dami hasn’t hit the scene yet, Tim’s still Robin,” kind of thing. And you know what? I’m here for this. If there’s cute brotherly moments (like fucking train surfing. I have that issue and it gives me feels to this day), then I can die happy.
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If you’d like to, I’d love a fic rec. I like all the fandoms in your bio so I’d be interested in whatever you want to talk about. Thanks!!
Someone actually sent me the ask I’ve been waiting for oh my god. Anon. You are an incredible person and I love you. Okay so. If we were doing spn recs, this list would be over 300 fics long. If we did Marvel, I’d have to explain my stance on the current comics, and say why I like some parts of the MCU and why I dislike others. For Shadowhunters, and I say this sheepishly, I just posted a fic on my ao3. If you’re interested, please check it out! And I have been on a DC binge lately...so let’s do DC!
Now keep in mind I have so so many fics, so these are just my top favourites. They’re also pretty general and all over the place, so if you want a rec list for a specific ship or gen relationship or fandom, just let me know! I’d be more than happy to write one.
1. Yesterday’s Voices by @lemonadegarden
While trying to take down a drug cartel that deals with memory altering drugs, things go awry, and Batman wakes up with no recollection of the last five years. As a result, his family must now race against time to find the antidote, while also having to deal with a Bruce who still thinks Jason is Robin. A Bruce who doesn't recognise most of them. A Bruce far less jaded and cynical than the one they're used to. A Bruce who still cares.
Gen. 49,000 words. This fic was incredibly sweet with just the right touch of angst. Featuring a lot of Bruce being a dad, Jason and the rest of the batfam making amends. The author has impeccable dialogue and conveys the emotions of the characters beautifully. The pacing is a bit off, though, and the beginning seems rushed while the heavy emotional parts seem long and drawn out. Overall, a pretty satisfying read with a happy ending.
2. The Mystery of the Superboy Shirts by Aviatricks
The thing is, Tim is a detective, first and foremost. And like most detectives, sometimes he just can’t let things go. (Or, how Tim acquires several hundred Superboy t-shirts)
Tim/Kon. 4,000 words. I’m sure this fic has been recced a thousand times in a thousand different lists, but there is no way I can leave it out. Good old fashioned fluff and humor. It’s light and happy and leaves you with a laugh at the end. If you’re in the mood for a oneshot full of smiles and core four fluff (and really, who isnt?) then this fic is a go-to!
3. Every Fiber of My Being by @lanestreets (I am so sorry if this is the wrong url. The one on ao3 didn’t work so I had to do some digging.)
As much as Dick and his siblings have argued, Bruce has never budged on his "Keeping Secrets Policy". There's not a person alive outside of the family that knows the secret identity of any of the Bats. Not even Dick's boyfriend. Dick understands the need for some secrets, knows that keeping their identities safe keeps them and their loved ones safe, but when he takes up the cowl, team dynamics aren't the only things that begin to change.
Birdflash. 21,000 words. This has got to be my most favourite birdflash fic of all time. Partly because it’s based off Dick and Wally from the comics (their personalities are particularly Titans-esque, but I’m not 100% sure) rather than from Young Justice. It’s mainly Dick-centered, showcasing his relationships with Wally but also with the rest of his family. If you’re not sure of what exactly happened with Bruce being lost in time and Dick becoming Batman, I would brush up on that first, because this fic won’t make much sense without it. It takes you on a whirlwind of feels, and the frantic, gradually quickening pace of the prose matches the plot of the fic, and I just - ah! I would definitely give this fic a read!
4. Declensions by @dustorange
“My father,” Dick says, “worked the rope. It cut him. His hands were never clean.”
Gen. 13,500 words. Dick-centric. This fic is absolutely gorgeous and it needs more love. The reason I think it’s so incredible is because it takes a deep dive into Dick’s Romani heritage which is something that I adore DC did but hate the way the executed it. But still, representation is representation, and when you have fics like these to show what Dick being Romani would actually reflect, it’s hard to complain. Beautifully written, and the overt racism and difficulty fitting in really hits home, even for someone who’s experienced it firsthand. A little bit of the prose is jumbled and hard to follow, but that may be an artistic choice reflecting Dick’s state of mind during the fic. Read this if you want to realize some things you’ve never thought of before.
5. Those Who Wait by @last01standing
The best way to socialize an angry assassin boy: Set up a playdate with someone functionally invulnerable. [Jon and Damian through the years. Reverse!Robins universe. Stands alone.]
Damijon. 11,000 words. I’m not usually a fan of reverse robins, but I liked this one because it focused on the way Damian and Jon’s relationship grew through the years. It also doesn’t just switch Damian and Dick’s names while keeping their personalities the same, or have Damian become a harsh, uncaring person who can barely be classified as an older brother, both of which I’ve seen in these types of fics and I hate. Damian’s character development is extremely well done and actually realistic, so kudos for that. Jon is written as an actual character with feelings and motivation, rather than a “smol little bean” whose entire personality is “uwu.” While it can be funny in incorrect quotes and humor, it doesn’t do well for depth, and I like how this fic explored Jon’s human side. All in all, an interesting read, almost to the point of a character study. Also the shipping stuff with the eventual happy ending is cute too.
6. In The Game by WithTheKeyIsKing
Everyone knows that if you want Don Bruce Wayne to hear you out, there are a few people you have to talk to first. (And frankly, his sons can be just as terrifying.)
Gen. 4,000 words. Part 1 of a series. Once again, I love this for the way the characters are explored. Each member of the family’s individual personalities are examined, then taken and twisted just slightly to the left, leaving you breathless reading a fic that actually seems 100% plausible. The second person in the first fic is a bit off-putting at first, until you reach the end and realize what the author was setting up for. While not a fic I like to read as an alternate way of imagining canon, this is a cool idea worth a visit.
7. Safe and Sound by @kingburu
Post-Endgame, Nightwing finds Kid Flash at Mount Justice.
Birdflash. 12,000 words. I have literally created a moodboard for this fic, that’s how much I loved it. Now, I’ll be the first person to say I’m not a fan of Young Justice. While it set up a good premise, the characters are introduced and gone too fast for us to actually care, and the show is just different enough from canon comics to seriously bother me. But, if there’s one thing I truly loved, it was Dick and Wally’s easy friendship in Season 1. It was like the ultimate best friends to lovers. However, apparently DC can’t ever let me or Wally be happy because Endgame happens and I die a little inside. This fic is a self indulgent little oneshot of Wally accidentally time travelling to the future, after he died, and coming to terms with the fact that he loves his best friend and he left him all alone. Heartbreakingly sad, this takes you on a journey through Wally’s emotional mindset. It does not have a happy ending, and leaves you feeling bittersweet in all the right ways.
All right, those are seven of the best DC fics there are, at least in my book. Once again, these are just general. If you want a specific pairing or fandom, just let me know. Ask and ye shall receive. Also, if you want to scream one of the fics from the list you read, or any other fic or headcanon, just message me. I’m literally always down to talk.
Hope you like the list, anon. Happy reading!
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flamencodiva · 4 years
Getting Back To You 9 - Those Who Hunt Together
Description: Amaya Campos and Dean Winchester had a playful rivalry. what happens when Dean is no longer her Dean. Will this change make one of them realize what they really desire, or will they continue to keep secrets?
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Amaya Campos (Original Female Character) , AU Dean Winchester x AU Amaya Campos
Warnings: Language, Violence, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Word Count For Series: 100K+ words
Beta: @superfanficnatural​ and @emoryhemsworth​​​ and @jensengirl83​​
Book Cover by @talesmaniac89​
A/N: Special thanks to - @crashdevlin​ @atc74​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @winchest09​ @waywardbeanie​ @deanwanddamons​ @malfoysqueen14​  @emoryhemsworth​ @janicho88​ @jensengirl83​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @katehuntington​ @anathewierdo​  and to all my friends who listen to me ramble about my writing. your words of encouragement mean the world to me! Without you I don’t think I could have found the courage to come back and share what I love most to do, WRITE.
Getting Back To You Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Sam and Dean entered the bar just in time to see Amaya already downing a few shots. Dean took in her demeanor. He could see the pain she was in. The way she tried to make herself forget all about his counterpart. Jason had returned to her side and was whispering in her ear. Dean felt his blood boil at the thought of another man talking to Amaya. But he closed his eyes and shook the thought out of his head. This wasn’t his world. He reminded himself. That wasn’t his Amaya. 
Sam’s voice interrupted his thoughts. 
“Sorry,” Dean cleared his throat. “Let’s get something to drink.” 
They made their way to the counter and stood next to Amaya. 
“What do you see in Jason, anyways?” Dean whispered in her ear, making her jump. 
“Jason is a good hunting partner,” Amaya shrugged. “Besides, he’s been asking me out for years, and I put it off. So, I figured now would be a good time to just go with the flow.” 
“He’s asked you out before?” Sam asked. This was clearly the first time he had heard of it. 
Amaya let out an exasperated sigh, “Yes, Sam, he has. I’m sorry if I’m not as good looking as the girls you and your brother fuck. Clearly, I’m just a one night stand material, right?” Amaya sank back her shot of whiskey and slammed the glass down. “Excuse me, I’m going to find Jason,” she growled. 
“Amaya, I didn’t mean--” Sam had begun, but it was too late. Amaya walked off, leaving Dean and Sam alone at the bar. 
“Really, Sam? Did you have to just pour salt on her open wound like that?” Dean glared at him. 
“I--  I didn’t… It’s not my fault that Dean is a coward who can't man up to confess his feelings!” Sam sighed as he placed his head on the countertop. 
Dean rubbed at his temples and sighed, “Yeah, your brother seems to be a real peach.” He looked around and smiled when he found a jukebox. “Does Amaya like to dance?” 
“Yeah, my brother says he doesn't, but he will when she drags him.” Sam let out a laugh. “He is always soft when it comes to her. And I hate that he pushes her away.” 
“Well, I’m going to be right back.” Dean walked over to the jukebox and filtered through the songs until he found the perfect one. 
Once the melody began, he scoped around the room for Amaya. He frowned when he saw Jason taking her to the middle of the dance floor and leading her in a dance. 
 Every time we have to say goodbye
I'm counting down until we say hello
Every touch is like the strongest drug
I don't know how much longer I can go
I never had something that I can't walk away from
But, girl, my self-control's so paralyzed
When it comes to you, no, I ain't got no patience
There's something 'bout you girl I just can't fight
Dean frowned as Jason held on to Amaya’s waist. He had to keep reminding himself that this wasn’t his Amaya. But his brain couldn’t seem to tell the difference. The way her hair flowed down her shoulders, the sparkle in her eyes, the way she laughed. It all sent a shockwave to his heart. He reminded himself that whatever the witches had planned, it had to do with keeping Dean and Amaya apart. Well, he knew he wasn’t going to let that happen. 
Amaya could feel eyes on her as she and Jason danced. One small glance and her heart seemed to stop as the pair of green eyes looked at her. Her breath caught in her throat at how the dim lighting in the bar just made him look handsome. Not that he wasn't before, but there was something about Dean that always seemed to pull her back in. 
She had to remind herself that no matter how much he looked like Dean, he wasn’t HER Dean. Her Dean can’t speak a lick of Spanish to save his life unless he’s watching a telenovela. Her Dean didn’t look at her with love in his eyes, well, at least she never saw him do it often. Her Dean always fought back against her sass and always tried to get the last word in. In fact, her Dean didn’t listen to country music. And her Dean would definitely not be walking towards her like this other Dean was right now.   
You're like that cigarette
That shot of 100 proof
No matter how much I get
I'm always craving
That feeling when we kiss
The way your body moves
No matter how much I get
I'm always craving you
Craving you
Dean tapped on Jason’s shoulder and cleared his throat. “Mind if I cut in?” 
“You dance, Winchester?” Jason teased. “Never knew you to move around the floor.” 
“I try not to outshine the guys that can’t get a date,” Dean said as he gave him a devilish smirk. “I mean, look at me,” Dean put on an arrogant facade. “I’m adorable.” 
“As a porcupine,” Amaya snorted. 
“Aw, come on, sweetheart,” Dean took her from Jason and pulled her close to him. “You scared I’m going to step on your toes?” 
“More like drop me on my head,” Amaya breathed, giving him a glare. “What do you think you’re doing?” she hissed as she leaned into his ear. 
“Playing the part,” Dean said cooly as he took her around the small dance floor. 
All the in-between is killing me
You know I come unglued from missing you
Sunset eyes, no, I don't have to try
Because you know exactly what to do
I never had something that I can't walk away from (walk away from)
But, girl, my self-control's so paralyzed
When it comes to you, no, I ain't got no patience (I ain't got no patience)
There's something 'bout you I just can't fight
Amaya huffed in annoyance, “Playing the part, is sitting at the bar with Sam drinking about three to four glasses of whiskey before switching to beer and looking for a one night stand.” 
“Well, this Dean,” Dean said as he looked into her brown eyes. “Is trying to make sure you and the other Dean don’t do anything stupid.” He smiled. “I can tell you are conflicted with your feelings for him, Amaya. Si sigues negando tus sentimientos, terminarás con un corazón roto.” ( If you keep denying your feelings, you are going to end up with a broken heart.) 
“¿Y si mi corazón ya está roto? ¿y entonces que? ¿Espero que el se saque la cabeza del culo? " (And what if my heart is already broken? and then what? I wait for him to take his head out of his ass?) She whispered. 
“Then you make him see what he’s missing out,” Dean spun her around as they two-stepped along the dance floor. “Don’t give up on him. Be angry with him. Call him out on his bullshit. If you are anything like my Amaya, knock him on his ass and show him who’s boss.”
You're like that cigarette
That shot of 100 proof
No matter how much I get
I'm always craving
That feeling when we kiss
The way your body moves
No matter how much I get
I'm always craving you
Craving you
Craving you
Craving you
Amaya let his words sink in as he led her around the room with the other couples. He could feel her relax in his arms and smiled. He was breaking the ice she had started to encase around her heart. Dean and Amaya stayed silent, the music surrounding them as it continued to play. 
Every time we have to say goodbye
I'm counting down until we say hello
Every touch is like the strongest drug
I don't know how much longer I can go
“I didn't realize Dean had a thing for her,” Jason said as he slid next to Sam and took a sip of his beer. 
“You know, Dean,” Sam chuckled. “Usually waits till he realizes he’s going to lose someone to react.” 
“See, now that’s a damn shame,” Jason chuckled. “Because I love competition. And I have been looking at Amaya for a few years now.” 
“Really?” Sam asked as he raised an eyebrow at Jason. “You want to what? Make this a competition?” 
“I’m sure Dean would say he’s in,” Jason shrugged. 
You're like that cigarette
That shot of 100 proof
No matter how much I get
I'm always craving
That feeling when we kiss
The way your body moves
No matter how much I get
I'm always craving you, yeah
Craving you
Sam turned to Jason, as there was something that didn’t sit right with him. “Do you really like Amaya? Or are you trying to one up Dean?” Sam scoffed. 
“What if I am? Dean can’t get all the hot girls to himself.” Jason shrugged. “Besides, she is a very hot piece of hunter ass. She knows the risks and can lay anyone flat. I’d love to see how she’d do in the bedroom, you know?” 
“So, you just want her as a prize?” Sam reiterated. 
“Huh? No! Not like that. I mean, she is a prize but,” Jason sighed. “Dean doesn’t know what he is missing. And he really is ready to cut her loose.” 
Craving you (I'm craving you baby)
I'm craving you
I'm craving you babe
As the last notes of the song faded, Dean and Amaya stood still. Her brown eyes were staring into his green ones. The familiar green ones that haunted her dreams whenever she was on a hunt alone. But there was something else. They were missing the experience that she knew Dean had. The harshness of what the Universe had dealt him. There was a warmth in his eyes, a warmth she knew her Dean would hide away deep in the recesses of his mind. She had only seen it after they had finished fucking. No matter how rough it was, there was always that moment of tenderness where she could see it peek through before he shut it away. 
Amaya cleared her throat before pulling away from Dean, “Thanks for the dance.” 
“Amaya,” Dean held on to her hand, his voice a whisper to her ears. “No tengas miedo de hacerle saber cómo te sientes acerca de él. Y si tienes que dejarlo para que se dé cuenta. Dale un pequeño susto. Debería ponerlo en marcha.” (Don't be scared to let him know how you feel about him. And if you have to leave him for him to realize it. Give him a small scare. It should get him going.)
“I’m going to call it a night,” She whispered. “It’s not as easy as you think it is. And unfortunately…” she took in a deep breath. “If I leave, I don’t think I’ll come back.” 
Dean let go of her hand and watched her walk up to Jason and Sam. He thought back to his Amaya and what happened. How she had kicked him out and how he is stuck in another world, with a woman who looks exactly like the woman he loves. 
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At the large table inside the restaurant, Dean shifted in his seat. Millie Winchester took it upon herself to sit Dean right next to Sam with Amaya sitting to his right. 
“So Dean,” Samuel spoke up as he cut into his steak. “What’s this nonsense I hear about the wedding being off?”  he gave Dean a pointed look. 
“I--” Dean had begun. 
“It is,” Amaya spoke up. “This will be the last family dinner I join as I will no longer be family.” 
 “Amaya--” Dean started again but was cut off. 
“I think that’s ridiculous,” Deana spoke up as she cut into her own meal. “You will always be family, Amaya. Even if Dean is suffering from an aneurysm.”
“Hey, I--” Dean tried again. 
“Nana,” Sam sighed. “I think Dean and Amaya just have to talk and work out what has happened. Lisa has come forward and has said she was under a spell.”   
Amaya let out a snort, “That didn’t stop Dean from continuing the kiss.” She turned to Sam. “You and I both know that if he wanted to really marry me, he would have done it years ago.” 
“Can I--” Dean tried to interject. 
“Shut up!” Sam and Amaya echoed as they glared at him. 
Dean grabbed his glass of whiskey, sighed, and sat back. His mind was working on a way to get out of the situation. His jaw clenched as he heard Sam and Amaya bicker back and forth. The words they were spewing just made him feel worse about how he treated his Amaya back home. 
“I think Dean was just getting cold feet,” John tried to interject. “Right, son?” 
Dean stayed silent as he stared at the food on his plate. Everything he had gone through in his world replaying in his head. Finishing his drink, he placed the glass on the table. Closing his eyes, he clenched his fist and slammed it on the table. 
“Will you both stop acting like I am not here!” He bellowed. “Sorry, I came to this stupid dinner anyways.” Dean ripped off his tie and stormed out to the terrace.   
“What the fuck was that?” 
Dean could tell it was Amaya. Even his Amaya’s voice went slightly higher than normal when she was pissed and cursed. 
“It’s called ‘I wasn’t going to sit there while you berated someone who isn’t here to defend himself’.” Dean let out a scoff. “I already know I’m a goddamn mother fucking screw up. Trust me, I know.” He huffed. “I sold my soul to save my brother, and I broke open the first of the 66 seals to Lucifer’s cage when I was being tortured in hell.” 
“You wha--” Amaya froze when he glared at her. 
“Trust me, I’ve beaten myself up enough times as it is, and I don’t need a reminder.” He growled. “I’ve fought my own brother, leviathans, went through my own hell in purgatory, watched my brother try and sacrifice himself to close the gates to hell. Fuck, I’ve taken on the mark of Cain and was even a demon for a while. So trust me, lady, I know I’m a fuck up.” He let out a snort. “And worst of all,” -- he licked his lips -- “You stand there and judge me when all you’re doing is running away. You’re pushing. Well, I know better than anyone how to push people away. So you want to run off to London? Fine!” 
Amaya stood there in silence, swallowing the lump in her throat. She could tell from looking into his eyes that he had been through a lot. But to hear it from him only made her feel guilty for treating him badly. Whatever world he came from, she wondered how her Dean was doing? From what little this Dean had said, she could only imagine the hell hole her Dean was going through. 
Without another word, Dean walked back into the restaurant and cleared his throat. 
“So, this is what’s going to happen.” He clapped his hands together before unbuttoning his shirt. “I’m going to go out solo hunting. Amaya is going to move to London, and that’s that.” 
“What?!” Samuel and John said at the same time. 
“Gentlemen, please,” Henry raised his hand. “Ketch from the London office called. But Amaya won’t be leaving for a few months. The school year needs to be finished out.” 
John looked at his father, “You knew about this?” 
“Ketch called me earlier this evening about the paperwork,” Henry said, cleaning his mouth with his napkin. “Now, Dean,” He turned to his grandson. “I think everything that has happened has taken a small toll on you. I know being the eldest has its hardships. I do expect you to take over after your father when I pass him the reigns.” 
“Look, Gramps,” Dean ran a hand across his face. “I don’t--” 
“Dean Winchester,” Henry’s voice was low and methodical. “You are going to listen to me very, very carefully.” 
Dean swallowed the lump in his throat. There was something about the way Henry spoke to him that made him wonder if his life could have been like this. Dean watched Henry intently as he stood up and looked between himself and Amaya. 
“You are going to hunt together,” Henry announced. “Amaya, I’m sure that Lady Beville will be able to take over your classes. Dean, I’m sure that Mick Davies wouldn’t mind covering for you until you have cleared your mind.” 
Dean rolled his eyes, “Seriously?!” His voice dripped with annoyance. “She doesn’t want to be around me, and right now, I don’t think I want to be around her.” He spat. 
“Dean!” Mary’s voice brought Dean’s eyes to look at her. “You don’t mean that.” 
“I’m as serious as a heart attack, Ma,” Dean scoffed. “Maybe some time apart would be best.” He shot Amaya a snarl before grabbing what little he brought and walked out of the restaurant. 
He ignored the calls for his name to turn around and come back. Pushing his way out of the doors, the cool crisp night air hit his face. Looking around, he kicked at the ground and let out a primal yell. 
“You know,” the familiar voice caught his attention. “I can take my bike, and you can take the Impala. We don’t have to hunt together, you know. I’m sure you’re more than capable.” 
Dean turned to see Amaya standing behind him. Her arms crossed as her hair flowed with the wind. The lump in his throat grew as she stood there. She looked so much like his Amaya that it started to hurt. Shaking the thought away, he gave a soft snort and shook his head. 
“Whatever,” he grumbled. 
“Come on,” She sighed as she stalked towards him and grabbed his arm. “I’ll take you to the bunker, and you can pack some of his things and grab the Impala.” 
Dean broke away from her grip, “Why? Why are you doing this now?” 
Amaya licked her lips as she looked for the words to say. “Look, you just helped get me out of something I think is a dead end.” She admitted. She brushed a stray tear before giving Dean a quick laugh. “Dean, my Dean, deserves so much more than someone broken like me.” 
Dean nodded as her words sunk in. “So, you, me, and the open road?” 
“Seems so,” Amaya said as she crossed her arms. “You game?” 
“I’m always game, sweetheart,” Dean huffed as he followed her to her car. 
Amaya drove them towards the apartment, first giving her time to grab her things as Dean waited in the car. All the while he thought about home, his home. Were they okay? Were Sam and Amaya looking for a way to bring him back home? His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Amaya entering the car. 
“Let’s get you what you need,” she muttered. 
“What about the dog?” Dean muttered.
“Zep will be fine,” Amaya sighed as she began driving towards the bunker. “Sam is going to take care of him. He’ll probably take Zep to live in the bunker while we’re gone.” 
“Alright then,” Dean said as she made the turn towards the bunker. 
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Amaya sighed as she reached the bunker. The whole scene with Dean was creepy. It wasn’t even really Dean. She kept telling herself that. But he knew how to speak Spanish and dance, and he talked about what he was feeling. I mean, this was the kind of man she hoped Dean would be behind closed doors. She had given her Dean every opportunity to show her the side of him he kept hidden. But she knew he was too well guarded. And now, in comes his alternate self giving her what she always wanted, even if it was just for a small while. The universe was cruel. And she knew it would be. Loving Dean was like a curse. But it was a curse she was willing to risk. 
Changing into a pair of sweats and a black crop top, she made her way back to the library to raid Dean’s whiskey. Grabbing one of the glass tumblers, she filled it about two fingers full. Taking a sip, she closed her eyes at the feel of the liquid, giving her the slight burn down her throat. She huffed when she heard the sound of the bunker door opening. 
“Amaya?” Sam’s voice called out. 
“Drinking my troubles away, Sam,” She called out. 
Sam looked over at Dean, who stopped him from going any further. 
“You know that’s not good if you want to go out on a hunt.” 
 She let out a scoff, "that never stopped Dean." Before she could continue, her phone made a small notification sound. 
Pulling it out of her pocket, she glanced at it and finished her whiskey. Without another word, she made her way to her room and packed a bag. 
“Maya?” Sam called out. “Everything okay?” 
“Got wind of a hunt,” was all Amaya let out as she packed her saddle bags for her bike. “Going to be gone for a few days.” 
“Where?” Sam wondered. 
“Not telling you. You are not family.” she spat. 
She regretted it the moment it left her mouth. She saw the pain in Sam’s eyes when she said it. But there was no turning back now. If she couldn’t fight with Dean, her Dean, then Sam would have to do. Making sure she had everything, she walked past Sam and out to the garage. 
“That was a bitch thing to say,” the familiar voice that sent shivers down her spine called out. 
“Not your problem,” she sighed. “The faster you two figure out how to get you home, the better.” 
“Are you really going out on a hunt on your own?” Dean crossed his arms. He was studying her next move. 
“What of it?” She began preparing her bike. 
“Well,” Dean walked over towards her. “What if I went with you?” 
Amaya let out a snort, “I don’t think so.” 
“What? Why not? I can hunt,” Dean defended. 
“Not our way,” Amaya countered. “You are used to your way, not our way. Things are different here, and you will just mess it up.” 
“You don’t know that,” Dean said as he stood in front of her bike.  
“Tell me,” Amaya leaned on the handlebars of her bike. “In your world, how do you start a case?” 
“Well,” Dean cleared his throat. “We have a team that--” he paused when he noticed the look Amaya gave him. “What?” 
“We don't have teams here,” Amaya sassed. “We use the internet, newspapers, our network of friends.” she counted off. “We don’t have any official way of getting our cases. We look for them, or they find us.” 
“That’s not so different,” Dean scoffed. “We just have more organization. But a little hard work never hurt anyone.” 
“Do you have different IDs for different scenarios?” Amaya asked as she finished packing her bike. 
“Well…” Dean hesitated. 
“I’ll take that as a no,” Amaya sighed. “I’m going. You stay here with Sam and learn the ropes, so you don’t get caught with your pants down.” 
Dean stayed silent as he watched her. It made Amaya’s heart clench. She half expected a witty remark. 
‘But I’m adorable with my pant’s down. Get’s all the ladies a good view of my package.’ 
She could imagine Dean saying it. But watching this Dean in front of her stay silent only frustrated her more. With a roll of her eyes, she climbed on the bike and turned on the ignition. Except, the bike seemed to stall. Raising an eyebrow, she tried to start it again but to no avail. 
“What the fuck?” she muttered as she tried again. 
When the bike didn’t roar to life, she climbed off and looked at the engine. She noticed something missing. 
“Missing something?” Dean asked as he gave her a smug smile. 
“What the fucking hell did you do to my bike, you dick?” She demanded. 
“I mean,” Dean gave a small shrug. “It’s easy to take out spark plugs.” 
Amaya let out a low growl as she walked towards Dean’s workbench, where he kept the spark plugs, only to find the box missing. She made a sharp turn and glared at Dean. 
“Where are they?” she growled. 
“Not telling,” Dean dismissed. “But…” he crossed over to her. “If you let me go with you.” 
“No way in hell!” Amaya scoffed. “I can just use one of the other--” she froze when she noticed all the keys were gone. “You asshole.” 
“I get what I want,” Dean shrugged. 
“What you’re going to get is my foot up your ass,” Amaya challenged. 
“That’s the fire I was waiting for,” Dean chuckled. “I knew that was in you.” 
“Only because you are getting on my nerves,” Amaya grumbled. 
“Come on,” Dean reasoned. “What do you have to lose?” 
“You could die,” Amaya drawled. 
“I’m not going to die,” Dean glanced behind Amaya at Sam, who was watching the conversation. “I know how to hunt. It might not be to the same caliber as you, but I know how to hunt.” 
Amaya bit her lip. She was apprehensive, to say the least. But she could see that he was going to stop at nothing to go with her. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. 
“Fine,” she relented, looking at Dean. “But you get hurt because you don’t listen to me… that’s all on you.” 
“Sounds fair.” 
Amaya grabbed her bags and walked to the impala, ignoring the look Sam was giving her. Dean, on the other hand, walked over to Sam and smiled. 
“I’ll talk to her,” He reassured Sam. “We can bond and hopefully find a solution to what’s going on.” 
“I hope so,” Sam sighed. “I think since Dean isn’t here to be well… Dean, she’s feeling a bit out of place. I think she misses him but doesn’t want to admit how much.”
“I’ll get it out of her,” Dean assured him. “I’ll check in with you every chance I get.” 
“Just…” Sam cleared his throat and glanced at the car. “Be careful with her.” He motioned to the car. “When we aren’t here in the bunker, it’s home.” 
“I’ll treat her like a queen,” Dean said as he took the keys from Sam. 
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In the other universe, Dean ran his fingers along the hood of the sleek black car. He smiled at the feel of the cold metal on his fingertips. He was happy to see something familiar in this world. But when he climbed in, his breath caught in his throat. Baby’s dash was different. It looked to be upgraded with knobs and dials, all of which seemed to do something different. 
“What the--” he let the rest of it hang as he tried to figure out what they did to Baby. “Baby, what did they do to you?” 
“She is a fighting machine,” Amaya said as she slid in. ��Do not touch any of the buttons unless I tell you to.” 
“What did you guys do? Turn her into a spy car?” Dean sighed as he leaned back. “I mean, I know my baby is a badass, but… but… she’s supposed to be a classic.” 
“And she is,” Amaya countered. “She’s a bad ass that can fight monsters.” 
Dean couldn’t argue with that. He turned to Amaya and tilted his head. 
“So…” he breathed. “How do you guys usually hunt here?” 
“What do you mean?” Amaya sat back, waiting for him to start the car. 
“I mean,” Dean ran a hand across his face. “How do you guys know what ‘missions’ to go on?” He asked. “Sam, Amaya, and I… we usually just search the internet for any deaths that are out of the ordinary or strange.” 
“We do the same thing,” Amaya nodded. “But, we have a special team that does that. Once they pinpoint that it’s the real deal, they dispatch people like myself, Sam, and Dean to deal with the threat.” 
“Okay,” Dean turned the ignition and glanced at Amaya. “How do you want to do this?” 
“Well,” Amaya pulled out a case file. “I already got us one.” 
“What do we got?” Dean asked as he began to pull out of the garage. 
“Awesome,” Dean grumbled. “That’s just awesome.”
Chapter 10 
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If you want to be on my tag list please send me an ASK. If I find that I can’t tag you please fix it so you don’t miss a chapter as I post it!
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@crashdevlin​ @waywardbeanie​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @impala-1979​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​ @malfoysqueen14​ @divadinag​ @deanwanddamons​ @jensengirl83​ @erins-culinary-service​ @anathewierdo​ @superfanficnatural​ @emoryhemsworth​ @janicho88​ @talesmaniac89​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @atc74​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @holylulusworld​ @ellewritesfix05​ @akshi8278​ @donnaintx​ @vicmc624​ @chocolateheart​ @deangirl93​ @winchest09​ @katehuntington​ @teresa-67​ @miss-nerd95​ @jawritter​ @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms​ @supernatural-love14​ @foxyjwls007​ @lunarmoon8​ @wonder-cole​ 
24 notes · View notes
5, 10, and 15 for either Atsushi or Jason for the domestic f/o ask game! I’m feeling extra generous today. You’re welcome. 😉💕💓💖💞💝
(@rose-wine-selfships 🌹🍷✨)
🥺💖🥺 Bless you @rose-wine-selfships 🥺💖🥺 honestly do excuse me I didn’t see this till like this afternoon ;;w;;
Ah, my beaus 🥺🥰 Imma go ahead and speak on both of them because I am in dear need to just speak on both of them 🥺♥️ my heart beats with amore UwU do hope you bare through my rambles ✨😚 I also don’t do the asks as often as I should and really just want to speak about my f/os when I have the chance!
—💖—💖 —💖—💖 —💖—💖—
5.) Who’s more spontaneous? Would your f/o randomly want to go on a midnight drive out in town or would they be the one to complain that they’re tired?
I feel like Atsushi is definitely more spontaneous in AtsuDany relationship, he is the one to kind of abruptly ask without thinking about it. Such as suggesting to go for a walk in the middle of the night or maybe go to the pier to watch the sunset. He kind of asks simply, especially when I am the most stressed and feeling bad anxiety 🥲 I have taken notice how often it happens when a simple moment to break away from the area causing me stress, especially with a friend or loved one, definitely helps a lot. Atsushi is definitely more spontaneous in the relationship, especially when it comes to de-stressing Dany. I think it also works vice versa, Danielle often encouraging him to take a run with her at night or star gazing, maybe even going to a cat cafe! Cats always are a sweet furry friend, especially with a tiger mans! 🥰
In DanyJay relationship, I think Danielle is more spontaneous, especially in Digimon Au. Considering Darkwolfmon’s presence, Dany is more free and willing to take a chance that I otherwise would hesitate in. While Jason can spontaneous in his own way, he isn’t one to outwardly suggest something, unless Dany is severely taking a heavy toll mentally. He isn’t really one to complain and just kind of goes along with what other suggests are fun. Such as when Dany suggests to take a fly with her on Cyberwolfmon, Jason is nervous but all for it and honestly becomes a sweet romantic thing~ I have claimed this moment as the first, official moment he and Dany get together and also first kiss ☺️💖
10.) What’s their contact name and assigned picture? What do they have for you?
💖🥺 ohh I wish I had a perfect image draw for this but heck knows it would take me forever UwU”
What Dany would have for Atsushi in the beginning of their friendship would probably be “Atsushi-kun🐯” then “Atsu-Kun 🐯💕” when she is growing feelings before finalizing with “Mi Tigre 💖🐯”. Her assigned photo of him would probably be a cute picture of his tiger self in the start. In relationship, she changed it to one she snuck a picture of him when out on a date. It’s one of him handsomely looking at the sunset, before he began to snicker laughing. 🥰
With Jason, at the beginning of friendship was “Jason 🐺⚡️” then “Jay 🐺⚡️”. It took the two of them in Digimon Au forever to really get together, but once Dany had true and real feelings for him and they got together, she changed it to “My dearest Jay 💕”. His picture at the start was one she took of him with Raiwolfmon, and current one, relationship wise, is a picture of him gazing at the camera lovingly and softly. Looking beyond it to Dany UwU 💖.
Ohhhhh 🥺💖 and their name and image for little ol me?
Atsushi would put me under “Dany-chan ✨” in the beginning of friendship, slowly changing it to “Dany 💖✨” when his feelings for her grow. In relationship, he changes it to “Darling 💜✨”. His first picture of Dany is one he cropped from a whole picture taken of her during her small welcome party. In relationship, is one he took of her while she slept, cuddling a tiger plush she gifted him for his birthday.🥺💖
Jason would definitely have Dany as “Danielle 🐺💕”, adding the hearts for his first affections for her. Having a crush on her since they meet, which did dwindle a little when her attention was towards someone else, changing to “Dany 🐺✨”. Once in a relationship, he changed her contact to “My Always 🐺💖”. His picture of her is one of her and Darkwolfmon at the start, and changes to one of her during their wedding party in the Digital World. It was actually taken by one of their friends during their Union Dance, her smiling widely and in pure love and affection for him. 🥰
15.) What’s an inside joke between the two of you?
Hmm 🤔 an inside joke Eh? Am not good at what is funny to some but I think that is the point of an inside joke ^^’ it makes the party in question laugh and giggle in fondness or joke.
AtsuDany: I think an inside joke between them is the whole concept of wolves and tigers not really getting along together. Considering their abilities, many think they wouldn’t be a good pair or couldn’t be close friends. To which everyone is wrong in honestly 😤 it makes the both of them giggle with laughter at the assumption people have when they really are fond of each other; they have much in common and have a peacefulness with their abilities. If anything his tiger and her wolf are playful together and find each other appealing, in friendship and as mates later. 💕
I think it’s most definitely funny when someone who doesn’t know of their abilities says it, they kind of just start snorting with laughter and looking like silly idiots when the person looks at them confused.
DanyJay: An inside joke between them is essentially explaining how they met to anyone who wants to know~ Dany came in saving his life when a Digimon manifested and attacked him and his friends in an outing. She came swooping in on Cyberwolfmon, kind of slipping off as she wasn’t anticipating his weight and height (tiny stubborn lass is ambitious). They were caught just fine soon after by Cyberwolfmon! But essentially that whole ordeal was kind of hilarious considering how smol Dany is and how tol Jason is. While it was also terrifying if her Digimon didn’t come swooping in, it is still something they laugh about and is a sweet moment looking back on how they meet and gradually sparked a flame between them that lead to their forever. 💖 Some people are like “aww” others are like “👀 yall wild”
—💖—💖 —💖—💖 —💖—💖—
Ahh these are so good and had a joyous and fun time writing 🥺💖 thank you so so much again for this Rose 🌹 I truly appreciate it! 🥰🥰 a chance to just talk about the two loves of my life and heart UwU
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slashhack · 6 years
Headcanons: Michael Myers with a small S/O
anonymous asked: Hi I’m new to your blog but I love everything I’ve seen so far!❤️ would I be possible to see the main slashers (Jason, Michael, leatherface) x an s/o who is smol and loves how much bigger the slashers are compared to her? 
Michael is definitely going to be sort of restrictive with a small S/O
Unlike Jason, he absolutely has doubts about whether you’re capable of protecting yourself
He’s also 100% the kind of tall person who unintentionally flaunts their tallness
He put things on high shelves for organisational purposes and makes them impossible for you to get to
He’s almost accidentally elbowed you in the head so many times you’ve lost count
The point is, he’s gonna get on your nerves. (A lot.)
Instead of, say, punching him, try to see things from his perspective
He’s a serial killer who has interacted with some pretty capable people, and still managed to kill them without a problem 
Of course he’s gonna see you, a small, untrained civilian with rudimentary self-defence skills at best, and immediately decide you’re never going anywhere alone again
Plus, it’s not like he doesn’t show that he cares in other ways
He lets you mother him without complaint, for example, even though he could easily get out of it if he wanted to
He’ll also, on occasion, actively cuddle you
(This happens more frequently in the winter when you complain about being cold, because you both know he has heat to spare. Michael is a human furnace)
Most of the time when it comes to affection, he’s pretty malleable
By which I mean you can literally grab him by the collar and pull him down to kiss him on the cheek if he’s in a good mood, and he won’t mind
Otherwise, he makes it clear that he’s not in the mood for it by just. Not budging
Remember when I said he’d be restrictive? That’s not quite the right word for it
He lets you do pretty much whatever you want, but he doesn’t really like you going out on your own
When he’s not out, y’know, doing what he does best, he probably follows you around at a distance to make sure that nothing happens to you
At first it’s kind of annoying, as you might imagine
Yet another person who thinks you can’t handle yourself just because you’re short? Yikes
Then you come to view it more as proof that he cares, and after that it’s sorta sweet
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Helloooooo! I have recently discovered your talented self. Very sad it wasn’t sooner. Saw your post about requests and decided to check out your work. AND I AM IN LOVE 😍. I was wondering if I could request a Jason Todd x reader because Jason is bae. The reader is a famous singer and named a song after him (like Ariana grandes Pete Davidson). Hopefully you can work with that. Love you babe❤️
Hello!  Aw, this was so sweet of you!!  Honestly, I haven’t been on for long at all!  Maybe a year at most lol.  Even then, I don’t think any of my fanfics really started until back in January!  But still, thank you so much for the sweet message!  I could definitely work with your request and I hope you like it!
Chosen Song (I thought it worked for Jason, but you can always just replace it with a different song.  It won’t matter): Unconditionally by Katy Perry
Fun fact: Unconditionally was one of my favorite songs when it first came out and as a smol child I was super annoyed that it never went as big as Dark Horse or Roar.
Words: 1762
"Are you sure it's alright?" Your boyfriend, Jason asked as you waved him off.
"I'm perfectly fine with it, Jason.  You have a job.  You have to go get Sionis before he hurts someone again.  You've been to every other concert I've had in Gotham this year.  Work on your own job.  It'll be okay," You reassured him.  
You, Y/N L/N, were considered the Queen of Pop to the world.  You took the world by storm, performing in front of millions after starting your career in only a year.  You conveyed your emotions so well in your songs that everyone could relate to them or understand what you were feeling.  Well, they could understand everything except one thing.
You lived in Gotham City of all places.  It's considered the country's most crime-ridden city.  Every other singer you've talked to from Camila Cabello to Ariana Grande preferred the romantic cities in France and Italy to find inspiration for their songs.  Not you though.  Gotham City was home to not only the Dark Knight but your boyfriend, Jason Todd.  Who coincidentally worked for the Dark Knight.
Your jobs conflicted with each other constantly.  Sometimes you wouldn't see each other for months because of how busy you'd be.  You didn't mind, and you trusted him just like how he trusted you.  You were grateful for the few moments you could share with your boyfriend.  
Every once in awhile though, Jason couldn't come to see you in concert.  Unfortunately, one of those times was now.  You were disappointed by it, but you weren't mad.  He had his own job and it mattered more than a single concert.  Maybe Bruce and the others could come along.  
"I'll try to make it if I can, even if it's only for a few minutes," Jason replied as he wrapped his arms around your waist.  You smiled up at him.
"Let me know if you're there then.  I have a little surprise if you're able to show up.  I've been working on a little song with Perrie.  She was able to help me with the music, but the lyrics are all mine."  
"I'll text Ryan if I can make it.  If I can make it at any point it'd probably be in the first half-hour, so you can expect me around then." Ryan, your manager, always made sure to tell you if Jason made it to your show after you finished a song.  He was practically an older brother at this point.
"Sounds like a deal."
"You guys are so energetic tonight, I love it!" You yelled into the microphone as thousands of fans cheered you on.  From young teens to their middle-aged parents you could see people cheering you on while they had their phones in hand.  Some of the lights were almost blinding because they were close, but they didn't compare to the ones that were constantly shining in front of you for the shows.  You could feel the adrenaline rush as you always did during a show as you scanned the crowd for Jason quickly.
Ryan told you that he was here by some miracle, but he could only be there for a few minutes.  It was just enough time to perform the song.  You spotted Jason right in front, smiling up at you.  You grinned at him and winked as you looked up to the crowd that roared in delight.  
"Alright everyone, I have a little surprise for you," You paused for a moment as everyone cheered.  "I'm currently working on another album, but I have a song ready for you guys to hear first."
Their screams and yells would make you deaf if you didn't have earbuds in.  You didn't care though.  You loved the high that came from it all.  It was exhilarating.
"This one is dedicated to my lovely boyfriend who is currently here. He's helped me through everything and I can't thank him more for all that he's done," You smiled at him. The crowd cheered when you smiled at him.
As they started to quiet down the music began.  It was much softer than the other songs you've already done.  The crowd listened in quietly as Jason watched with intrigue.  
Oh no, did I get too close oh?Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?All your insecuritiesAll the dirty laundryNever made me blink one time
He didn't expect you to go so in-depth especially so quickly into a song.  Jason didn't mind it a single bit though.  You weren't hiding anything in the song.  He wasn't surprised.  You tended to write about anything that went through your head.
You started writing this song when you were up at 3 AM waiting for him to get back.  You had inspiration for no reason at all in the middle of the night when you were looking at a few old photos on your phone.  They reminded you of the days when he'd push you away early on in your relationship.  He was worried back then that you'd leave because of his past.  After his parents, Bruce, the Joker, he didn't want to keep himself vulnerable to anyone.  You kept going though.  You wouldn't let him become a hermit crab.
Unconditional, unconditionallyI will love you unconditionallyThere is no fear nowLet go and just be freeI will love you unconditionally
You could almost see Jason's eyes light up slightly as you were singing.  You could barely hear yourself from the awes that were going through the crowd.  The phone lights were blinding now, so you could only see a few people in the first row for the most part.  
Come just as you are to meDon't need apologiesKnow that you are all worthyI'll take your bad days with your goodWalk through this storm I wouldI'd do it all because I love you, I love you
Jason couldn't even think about what he had to do later that night.  He was enchanted by your song and your voice.  He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket, no doubt it was Roy asking if he'd be there soon.  
Unconditional, unconditionallyI will love you unconditionallyThere is no fear nowLet go and just be freeI will love you unconditionally
So open up your heart and just let it beginOpen up your heart, and just let it beginOpen up your heart, and just let it beginOpen up your heart
The lights started to dim as the music slowed and quieted for a moment.  You were working with Ryan all afternoon to have the performance perfect if you could do it.  The one thing you've learned from your shows is that the lighting changes everything.  You trusted the technicians with it almost every time, but you asked for this specifically.  
Acceptance is the key to beTo be truly freeWill you do the same for me?
Unconditional, unconditionallyI will love you unconditionallyAnd there is no fear nowLet go and just be free'Cause I will love you unconditionally (oh yeah)
The music faded away into nothing as the people started screaming for more.  You smiled at them, but your eyes were focused on Jason's reaction.  
Jason looked up at you like you were the only thing that mattered.  You were beautiful, standing up on stage, doing what made you happy.  You were panting slightly from the performance, but that's not what mattered.  What mattered was that he knew at that point that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
Later that night Jason made his way into your shared apartment.  He placed his keys in the basket next to the door and headed towards the bedroom, planning to be quiet so you could sleep.  Instead, he found you wide awake on the bed, checking your phone.  You were under the covers and it looked like you had tried to sleep several times, but it was impossible.  
"How did it go with Sionis?"  You asked him as he went to go change.  
"It went well, actually," You could detect the sarcasm quickly.  "I referred to him a nice place to stay at for the night since his place was destroyed by some freak accident.  He's not too happy with it since it has metal bars on the windows, but he doesn't have much of a choice."  He turned to sit on the bed next to you.  You smiled. "How did the concert go?"
"Well, the crowd practically lost it shortly after you left.  They were really sweet about it all, but I think nothing else mattered after that to them," You laughed while he chuckled.
"Nothing else mattered for me either.  That song was beautiful.  I'm glad I was able to see it," He complimented you.  You blushed slightly.
"I wrote it while we were in Paris.  Do you remember that time you called and you had a heart attack because you realized it was three in the morning for me?"
"Of course.  I got an earful from Ryan the day after.  Not to mention Dick found out about it and decided to be a himself about it," He said, using Dick's name as a play on words.  
You laughed slightly at the memory, remembering when Jason ranted to you about it shortly after you were home.  "I couldn't sleep after that, so I started writing.  I wrote about anything that came to mind which meant I wrote about our memories.  I figured you'd rather not let the whole world know about it all, so I decided to stick with that song."
"Then I should tell you exactly what I thought of it." He wrapped his arms around your waist to bring you close as he laid down.
"And what did you think of it?"
"I thought it was absolutely beautiful, and I don't know what I did to deserve you.  I don't think I could thank you in words alone.  However, with your permission, I could thank you in another way," He winked.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking then?" You asked him, grinning slyly.
"I must be," He replied, almost visibly showing that he was getting excited for what would be next.
"Then a delicious breakfast would be the perfect way to start the morning tomorrow, thank you."  You kissed him on the tip of his nose before turning around to your side, facing away from him.
You could feel his shoulders slump before he chuckled.  He spooned you and kissed the top of your head lightly.  "I love you," You heard him say as he drifted off to sleep.
"I love you too."
~I will love youI will love youI will love you unconditionally~
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Hiii, is your Batmom stuff in order like where do I start, like I read some here and there and they're amazing so I was wondering if there's a chronological order?
Hey ! …Hum…there could be a chronological order…Ok well, I’m gonna spend my next hour giving you said order eh. On my masterlist blog, the stories are basically in the order I posted them, but I believe I can make a chronological order and a sort of timeline. Here it goes : 
So there’s two kind of Batmom stories. The ones that are connected, the ones that have the same “main” Batmom, and stories unrelated with those, usually one shots. And here we go, let’s start with my “main” Batmom (also a good way to do a list of all the connected stories haha) and a somewhat chronological order : 
There used to be a story where my main Batmom and Bruce met at a charity Batmom was having (she’s a writer that was starting to be famous and had a charity to give easier access to books to disadvantages population in Gotham) but hum…it got accidentally erased. I still remember the story though, so maybe one day, I’ll re-write it. Anyway. This is where it’s suppose to begin. 
The first time he saw you
Making him work for it
“You’re not hard to love, Bruce”
“You made me hide under the desk” (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
“My last happy birthday was my eighth one…”  
Insecurities shmunsecurities
The Break-Up part ¼
The Break-Up part 2/4
The Break-Up part 2.5/4
The Break-Up part ¾
The Break-Up part 4/4
“The art of taking care of the woman you love” (TW : periods)
Making Bruce Wayne blush
“Can the Batman get flustered ?” 
Smol Dickie and Jaybird
Wedding and pop-corns
“My biggest mistake” by Jason P. Todd 
The Batmom Glare
Ma Broosh !
Silly Bat’
The first time they called you mom
“You have kids ?? And…A WIFE ?”
“Hey Mrs. Wayne !”
Behind closed door (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
“Just play the damn game with me !” 
Period drama with mama 
“Self-care is important you IDIOT !”
Fun Fair with the family
The Batkids watching “The Omen”
The Batkids watching “The Lion King”
How terrible it is to love something that death can touch
“Admit it, Bruce” (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
“Your wife is hot”
“Your wife is hot” part 2
“You’re…you’re Bruce’s father !”
“Mother, it’s your day”
Anonymous Hate
Never piss off a magician
“Mother has been poisoned”
Valentine’s day is a stupid holiday
Burrito Blanket Batmom
How to tame a Wayne
Wild Child
“Jigsaw is coming for me”
In which the batboys fight to know which Hogwarts’ house is the best 
Oh shit, it’s father’s day !
The Last Pit (part ½)
The Last Pit (part 2/2)
My mom is better than yours 
Each tattoo is a story
Short bonus convo : Bruce and Batmom gross out the Batboys
“Did this miscreant hurt you mother ?”
“Are we not gonna talk about the elephant in the room ?” 
“You’re mister J’s new obsession, Sugar” (part 1/3)
“You’re mister J’s new obsession, Sugar” (part 2/3)
“You’re mister J’s new obsession, Sugar” (part 3/3)
“That’s not how you negociate !”
Death, Amnesia, and 4 coffee please
“You’re cute when you’re jealous”
“My parents are gross…ly in love" 
“Where did the coffee table go ?”
“She’ll always be our mom”
“Mom, are you a drug dealer ?!”
It’s Alfred Day !
“Vacations are rare for the Waynes”
Beach Bod’
I’m not drunk, you are
The Batkids watching “The Omen” 
The many times Alfred Pennyworth walked in on his master and his wife making love, and that one time his young masters wished they were blind (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
“It’s her, but it’s not her !” (part ½)
“It’s them, but it’s not them !” (part 2/2)
“Talk to my son like that again, and I will end you” 
When you’re your husband’s biggest simp
Buttslap ?/Batslap !
Can you be friend with your husband’s ex-girlfriend ?
Early Mornings with the Bat
“Is Father…drunk ?”
A Mother’s love : Burst of Affection
Sick Day
Mama’s boys/girl
Jason Todd(ler)
Operation : retrieving the sex tape
Slice of life : cooking lessons
“I’m done with you, Mr. Wayne”
“I can be myself around you”
“I want a divorce !”
Alive (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
How to remove a Wayne safely
The comfort of Loving arms 
“Hopefully, no one will notice” (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
“She should cut her nails” (part ½ of the League teasing the “batlovers”)
“Bruce…sucks !” (part 2/2 of the League teasing the “batlovers”).
The Talk
“You slept with Superman ?”
The List (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
The wrath of a short woman
Random convo between Batmom and Broosh
I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore… 1/3 (Marvel Crossover)
“I don’t like cats”
Odd socks
Halloween in…December ?!
I’ll always be here for you
Tickles and loss
Happy Holidays
“My last happy birthday was my eighth one…” 
Short bonus convo : Batboys want a sibling
Batman doesn’t eat pie
Good Night Rituals
Baby Wayne
“I’m lost without you…”
“You’re not even my mom !”
The Great Mall adventure
“Please don’t freak out, but my water just broke”
Master of Diaper
Shaky steps and bad teaching
“Go away, you’re confusing my baby”
Wild Child 2, “We want them back”
How do you make babies ?
The day he understood what Death means
“Mom got lost again” 
Don’t wanna go
And when I’m gone… 
My Mother’s apple orchard
After Batmom’s death
And then all the unrelated stories, and obvs those are not in any particular orders : 
“Bruce, my heart, I think Alfred likes my mom !”
Catching the Bat’s heart 
Sneaky Bastard (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
A chance to say goodbye
Fate is a bitch part 1/?
Fate is a bitch part 2/?
Relationship headcanons part 1/?
“You could have anyone you want !”
“I don’t wanna get married”
There is nothing left of him
“Let me get one thing straight…I’m not !”
Three parts of a whole (Batman x Reader x Superman) (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
Professor Wayne ¼ (Teacher!AU)
Professor Wayne 2/4
Professor Wayne 2.5/4 (NSFW, 18+, minors don’t interact)
Professor Wayne 3/ 4
Professor Wayne 4/4
The single rider line
“Can you be my dad’s girlfriend, please ?” 
“My fake boyfriend is a billionaire ?!”
From enemies to lovers 
“Life is worth it, I’ll prove it” (Battinson)
Never Again (Battinson)
Yeah wow. Most of my stories are the “main” Batmom eh…
PS : I TOTALLY meant to do it by the way, to have a timeline. It was my plan all along to create a sort of universe, with a timeline that makes sense and such. I totally knew what I was doing, definitely didn’t make that timeline up on the spot…Nop’ nop’ nop’. Always meant it. Since day one. Ahem. #whenyourealizethatyoucreatedatimelinethatmadesenseanddidn’tdoitonpurpose
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